#How Can I Help My Child Grow Taller
charlieeenby · 6 months
meeting robin
the justice league is happy that batman is socializing, but they're worried that he doesn't seem to notice when robin is switched out every few years
warnings and tags: miscommunication but it's funny, alien invasion, mentioned violence
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“Batman,” Clark said slowly, “why do you have a second heartbeat?”
Instead of responding, Batman grunted.
“A second heartbeat?” Barry questioned, zipping over. “How would that even work?”
Another grunt from Batman.
“I don’t.”
“But I can hear a second heartbeat coming from you.” Clark said, confused.
“It’s not mine.”
Barry choked. “Huh? Who is it then?”
Clark frowned. “Who’s Robin?”
Batman grunted again, and Barry groaned.
“Come on, man!”
Then, Batman’s cape, which hid his entire body, shifted. Clark heard a small giggle. A child popped out, beaming.
“I’m Robin!” he exclaimed, clearly excited to be there. Barry was startled and jumped back a bit.
“What the f-” he stopped short when Batman glared at him. “Fudge?”
“Batman, what is…who is this?” Clark asked.
“This is Robin.” Batman said, like it explained anything.
“We got that. Why is he here?”
Robin bounced. “I’m gonna help!” he said, and Clark caught an accent he couldn’t quite place.
This got him a nod. “Yeah. B said I was ready to meet the Justice League!”
“Who’s B?”
Robin squinted at Barry’s question. Then pointed up at Batman. “B.”
“Batman, where’s Robin?” Diana asked, surprised the young vigilante wasn’t with Batman.
“He’s busy. Couldn’t come.” Batman said, and Diana got the sense that there was something that Batman wasn’t saying to her, but she decided to leave it be.
“I see. Is he alright?”
“Fine. Work.” Batman seemed to be giving short answers again, something he’d stopped doing after Robin had shown up.
“Well, tell him we all missed him, please.”
Batman grunted.
“Batman, what happened to Robin?” Barry questioned, staring at the small boy that had replaced the teen they’d watched grow up. This one seemed shy, half hidden behind Batman.
“Well something had to have happened, Robin was a lot taller last time we saw him.” Clark said, also watching the boy. “That’s not the same person.”
“No.” Batman said in an almost growl.
“Huh?” Barry said, confused.
“That’s not the Robin we know. That’s someone else.” Clark said.
“We’re ready to start.” Diana said from behind Batman and Robin, the latter of which startled by her.
Clark heard a quiet ‘woah’ from the boy and smiled. He must be a fan of Wonder Woman.
The Justice League and Robin shuffled into the meeting room, Robin sitting in a chair very close to Batman.
For the entire meeting, he sat quietly, mostly watching Diana with obvious wonder across his face.
Afterwards, Diana approached him, kneeling down to his level.
“Hello. My name is Diana.”
“How long have you been Robin?” she asked gently.
“Uh,” he looked up at Batman, who nodded encouragingly to the small boy. “A few months.”
“And are you enjoying it?”
Robin nodded. “Yeah. It’s fun and we get ta help people.'' This boy had an accent as well, though it was quite different from the first Robin’s.
“That’s wonderful.” Diana said. “We’re excited to work with you, Robin.” the kid beamed, looking like he was having the best day of his life.
“Batman, what the fuck?” Barry exclaimed, ignoring the various looks he got at the curse. “Why did Robin get smaller again?”
“Because I’m a different person.” Robin said.
“But he just replaced the first one like, two years ago!”
“Four, actually.”
“Batman? Could you explain, please?” Diana asked.
They got a grunt in response.
Clark sighed. “Batman, please, can you explain this?”
Robin scoffed. “Are you stupid?”
“Robin.” Batman’s tone had a warning in it.
“There’s nothing to explain.”
A grunt.
“Batman, Robin is a girl.” Hal said, confused and done with the entire thing.
“Is that a problem, fuckface?” The entire League took a step back, surprised by this Robin’s language.
“No, of course not. I’m just surprised, that’s all.” Hal said, trying to recover.
Robin huffed before turning back to Batman.
“Language, Robin.” was Batman’s response.
“Oh, come on, I coulda said a whole lot worse.” Her accent reminded Clark of the second Robin’s accent, though more pronounced.
“Tell that to Agent A.”
Robin gasped. “You wouldn’t!”
Batman grunted, though this sounded like one of his amused grunts.
“Fiiine.” She turned to Hal. “I'm sorry for calling you a fuckface.” that got a sigh from Batman.
She turned back to Batman. “Happy?”
Batman grunted again, and while Robin seemed content, Clark and the rest of the league had no idea what it meant.
“Oh my god, this one has a sword!” Hal screeched, running into the meeting room.
“Who does?” Diana asked, standing.
“Robin! Batman got a new one and he has a sword! He tried to stab me!”
“If I had tried to stab you, you would have been stabbed.” a small voice said from the doorway.
Everyone looked over to find Robin, scowling and glaring at all of them.
“He looks just like Batman.” Barry whispered, and Clark agreed. The boy in front of them had an uncanny similarity to Batman.
“Of course I look like him, I’m his son.” Robin snapped, and there were various gasps around the room.
“His son?” Barry’s pitch was high enough that Clark winced.
“Robin.” Batman appeared behind Robin, frowning at the small boy and looking more annoyed then concerned. “Please don’t stab them. They are our allies, not our enemies.”
Robin looked annoyed, glaring at the Justice League. “Fine.”
“Go sit.” Batman said, nudging the boy towards a chair.
Clark looked up when the computer whirred to life.
“Recognized, Nightwing, B-0-1. Recognized, Red Robin, B-0-3. Recognized, Spoiler, B-0-4. Recognized, Robin, B-0-5.”
Clark stood and walked over to the zeta tube, staring at the four people that stepped out.
“Hey, Supes!”
“Who are you?” he asked, confused.
“We’re-” the one in black and blue started, but was interrupted by the one in red.
“We’re looking for Batman. It’s an emergency.” he stated, matter of fact. “Where is he?”
Clark hesitated. He didn’t know these people or how they got into the tower to begin with, but he wasn’t keen on taking them to Batman.
He didn’t have time to make a decision before the zeta tube started again.
“Recognized, Red Hood, B-0-2.”
He knew that Red Hood was a crime lord, how was the computer recognizing him?
“Where’s B?” Hood asked as soon as he was through.
“We’re still working on that.”
Hood groaned. “What part of ‘emergency’ did you not understand?”
The person dressed in purple scoffed. “We just got here and Superman is in the way. You wanna fight Superman?”
Hood looked over at Clark. “Hi.”
“Hi. What’s going on?”
“We need Batman. Got a bit of an emergency.”
Clark frowned and looked down at Robin. “Robin, what is going on? Who are these people?”
Robin scoffed. “Hood and Red Robin both informed you of what is going on, Superman. I didn’t know you were that dense.”
At least he knew the name of one of the new ones.
“Alright. Just, stay here, okay?”
“Fine.” Robin snapped, looking annoyed.
Clark went over to the chair he’d been in and hit the intercom. “Batman, you’re needed by the zeta tubes.”
A few minutes later, Batman appeared. When he saw the assortment of vigilantes, he sighed loudly.
“What happened?” he asked, sounding tired.
“We are being attacked by aliens.” the one in purple said.
Clark frowned and Batman shook his head.
“So you came up here to tell me instead of using the coms? Why?”
“Well, the com lines are down.” Hood said. “So yes, we came up here.”
“B, we really need to go take care of the aliens. Can we go?” the one in black and blue asked.
“Yes. Go, I’ll be down in a minute.” Batman said, still just sounding mildly inconvenienced instead of like someone who was just informed of an alien invasion.
As soon as they were all gone, Clark rounded on Batman. “What the hell? Who are they?”
Batman grunted. “Notify the rest of the League, then get down there.” he walked away, and left through the zeta tube.
Clark sighed and did as Batman had asked.
“Will you explain this now?” Clark asked, waving at the group of vigilantes that all said they worked with Batman, despite the League only knowing about Robin.
Batman just grunted and Clark was about to lose it, but then Batman said, “Robin.”
Clark stopped. “Huh?”
“Nightwing was the first Robin, Hood the second, Red Robin the third, and Spoiler the fourth. Orphan was never Robin, but she was Batgirl. Signal is new and has only ever been Signal.
“What the fuck?” Barry exclaimed. “I thought they all died!”
Hood raised his hand. “I did die.”
Batman sighed at that.
“Did he really?” Clark asked.
“Yes. But he’s fine now.”
“Am I?”
Batman groaned.
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binniesbooks · 1 month
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TXT 019 .F05 2024
wc 6.8k
pairings Nickjudyz!TXT x fem!reader
warnings reader was described as poor, Yeonjun and Soobin being loaded, growing alone, self relieving, oral sex (Soobin receiving), slight cum eating, squint to see some fingering, unprotected sex, breeding kink if you squint once more, pet names, degradation, boob kink for Soobin if you squint again lol, bigcock!Soobin, bigcock!Yeonjun, virgin!reader, threesome, double vaginal penetration (hit me up if I forgot something)
faye's note took me not only a week to finish this! Omg! Nevertheless, HAPPY 100 FOLLOWERS! Thank you so much guys, I love you all! 😭❤️ Please continue on supporting me and my fics. I promise to hold an event soon if we reach another milestone :> Cheers🥂!
Growing up alone, you've done everything to survive. Even when you were still a child, you worked for yourself. Doing laundry for the neighbors, helping the market vendors, walking pets—doing anything just so that you could earn a small profit.
Now that you're a college student, you've been hired by the school cafeteria due to the dean's empathy. You have a small space in the cafeteria for your small business, selling sandwiches. Every break time, lunch, and when you were vacant, you would quickly make your way to the school cafeteria to sell your products. You've been selling other foods too, like juice drinks and chips, but mainly sandwiches.
You would always wake up early in the morning to prepare everything you needed for your products.
"How much for a sandwich?" A tall, handsome man stood in front of your stall while you were busy cleaning your table.
"2 500 won, each," you smiled at the guy before you.
"I'll get two, please," he said as he pulled out his wallet.
"I'll just wrap it!" You cheerfully answered, not wanting to show how tired you are.
You're basically tired, not just today. But just tired of your whole life. Many times you tried ending it, but you always chickened out. And nothing changed. You struggle with your daily life. You can barely pay rent and your other bills. If it wasn't for the financial assistance given by the school dean and your side hustles, you surely wouldn't have been able to manage.
"Thank you! Enjoy your snack!" You cheerfully thanked the guy as you bowed down.
"Hyung! Come get your snack!" You heard the tall male call for someone over the other side of the cafeteria. Your gaze moved towards the other male. He's a little shorter than the first one. But he has a quite pretty face: pouty lips and captivating eyes. Handsome, yes.
"Yup! They're our seniors. They're also known as the Nickjudyz." You later found out from your friend that they were your seniors; they are a year older than you, and they were both scheduled to run for the presidential position on the student council for the upcoming election. Not that they wanted it, but actually, the campus dean had assigned both of them to different party lists at that. So basically, they didn't have a choice at all.
"Nickjudyz? What does that mean?" you questioned.
"You haven't heard of the animation movie Zootopia? They were the epitome of Nick the Red Fox and Judy the Rabbit," your friend explained. "Yeonjun's features were like those of a fox, and Soobin's a rabbit. Aren't they cute?" she added, giggling.
So the taller one was Soobin, and the one with sharper looks was Yeonjun, you understood now. "Nickjudyz..." you mumbled.
That night, you watched Zootopia, taking notes on the characters. And the next day, your sandwiches were Zootopia-themed. You were really waiting for the two of them to come and buy from you again.
However, luck was not on your side. When you weren't able to see them around, you felt sad. They were the reason you made your sandwiches Zootopia-themed.
You were about to close your stall when the shorter guy, Yeonjun, was running towards you. "Sandwich! Two!" he shouted with a wide grin. "Uhm, do you still have some?" He scratched the back of his head, realizing you were about to close your stall.
"I, uh, kept two pieces, actually. I thought you might come again." You hesitated at first.
"Nice! We just came out of the dean's office, and we hadn't managed to eat anything, you're a lifesaver," Yeonjun sighed in relief, pulling out his wallet from his back pocket.
After those times, you always got to sell your sandwiches to them. You even grew closer to them thanks to the short interaction you get to share with them every day. Sometimes, Soobin would be the only one to come, sometimes, it's just Yeonjun, sometimes they are both standing in front of your stall, buying themselves a sandwich. They became your regular customers.
"How about I recruit you to be my secretary on my party list? I still haven't recruited my secretary yet," Yeonjun suggests when he buys from you again one time.
You didn't know why you answered, though. It's not like you actually wanted to be a part of the student council. Maybe it was because of his pretty eyes and his cute pout. "I-i'll think about it."
He smiled and went away, skipping.
The next day, Soobin also suggested the same. "I already recruited her, Soob." Yeonjun wrapped his arms around the taller guy.
"Hyung, that's unfair!" Soobin pouted, only for Yeonjun to chuckle. "Oh! I have an idea!" he exclaimed.
"And that is?" Yeonjun looked at him, confusion written on his face.
"Why don't we let her choose from the two of us, instead?" Soobin chimed.
You froze from wiping the glass cabinet for your sandwich. "Wait, you're actually letting me choose between your party lists?" you asked, stunned at Soobin's suggestion. The two males just nodded at you.
Yes, you had built some connections with them. You can even consider it friendship, well, that's what they've said to you too. But to choose between the two of them to support, you think it's unfair. Especially since they were both good friends to you.
"Gosh, how can I? It's unfair," you groaned, Yeonjun chuckled.
"You can just think about it, but remember that if you don't choose me, you'll tear my heart apart," he pouted.
"See? That's what I'm saying! I don't want anyone of you to feel bad," you sighed, spraying Yeonjun with water from your bottle sprayer.
Soobin hummed, sipping on the canned soda in his hand. "Maybe you can choose if you got help from the both of us," he suggested.
"Come to think of it. Lately, I've been too busy with my business that I wasn't able to catch up again on some of my activities." You sat down on your chair, removing your apron. "Since you're both my seniors, how about you teach me?" you added.
"Like, tutor you or something?" Soobin said, turning over to you. You quickly nodded. "I might consider your request if you do so," you grinned.
Long story short, Soobin and Yeonjun both agreed on giving you a tutoring session.
It's been almost a week. The session went well. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just them teaching and assisting you.
You always do your sessions at the school's library or the town's public library. Anywhere but your house. You know the three of you won't fit in that small studio. Considering they are tall towers, you often tease them with this, in which they often rebut you that you're just short.
"Should we end it here today? I mean, I still have a part-time job to go for at 6," you glanced at your phone secretly—the screen broke and an old model—you don't want them to see that, at least.
Actually, they were far out of your league, even just as friends. Sometimes, you would even think about not showing up near them anymore, but guilt would always eat you up. They've been so good to you, they like to help you out at your stall sometimes when they are free.
"Say, how many side hustles do you have? I don't mean to offend you, but why do you need so many jobs?" Yeonjun, showing his little curious side, tilts his head a bit. Is he confused? Maybe. Is he mocking you? No, his eyes doesn't tell you that.
You sighed, not wanting to hide your situation anymore, not with how his curious eyes were boring holes in your face. "For weekdays, I go to school, and work at the cafeteria for some time," you paused, looking at Soobin, who was staring at you too for a while now. "At 7, I work at a convenience store down my street, and clock out at 12."
Soobin's eyes were full of concern. "Do you even have time for yourself? Time to study? Time to rest?" he shoots.
You shook your head and continued to speak, "I study for a bit, and I sleep before 2, then wake up at 6 again to prepare for my business, given that our class starts at 8 in the morning."
"Are you trying to kill yourself?" Yeonjun frowns after knowing you could barely rest.
"It does not end there yet," you chuckled. "On Saturdays and Sundays, I work at a cafe from 6–12 in the morning, work at the laundry shop from 1-4 in the afternoon, head straight here for our sessions, and catch a night of restaurant work from 6–11."
You could pick their jaws off the floor. You chuckled at their reaction. "Are you still alive? Tell me if I'm talking to a ghost..." Yeonjun hugs himself dramatically. "Hyung, don't be like that." Soobin slaps his shoulder, emitting a whine from the older man.
"I should get going now, see you on Monday!" You quickly got up to your feet and waved at them as you ran outside.
That Monday, you saw yourself working with the two males at your stall. They were the ones selling your sandwich. And since they've got the face, the reputation, and all, your sales suddenly skyrocketed. You needed to run to the nearest store near your school to buy what you needed to restock.
"That's your 99th time sneezing today, little angel," Yeonjun said, without turning to face you, still busy cleaning the glass cabinet.
"I'm okay, don't worry - Achoo!"
The next day, you were nowhere to be found. The sandwich stall was not open and no sneezes could be heard.
"Bin, I just realized... We actually have no way to contact her," Yeonjun was tapping his fingers on the cool steel table of your stall.
"I wonder what happened to her," Soobin sighed, rummaging through your stall, foolishly hoping to find some way to contact you.
"Let's go to the faculty, I have an idea," Yeonjun suggested.
"What? No, we can't disclose any information about students to other students, so no," the school administrator declined his request.
"Pleeeasseee, sir," Yeonjun begs, only to be declined again.
"Uhm, she's... She's my secretary for the election, so I need to have her information, at least," Soobin butts in.
"Your name?" The admin asked Soobin.
"Soobin. Choi Soobin, sir."
The two of them quickly ran out of the faculty as soon as they got what they needed. Quickly excusing themselves from their respective classes, claiming they have some emergency to tend to.
You woke up to the irritating ringing of your doorbell. You were not expecting any visitors today.
"Goodness, who could it be..." You stood up only to fall back down on your bed again because of dizziness. You felt the drilling pain on your head again that you had felt since last night. You shiver, pulling your jacket to yourself, yet you can feel yourself so sticky because of sweat.
"Who is--" Your eyes widened the moment you were met with two tall guys standing in front of your studio. You quickly slammed your door and leaned against it.
'What the hell are they doing here?! How did they find me? Oh my god!' You panicked, screaming inside your head.
"Angel," you heard Yeonjun whisper, "Can we come in?"
"H-how did you find where I live?" you asked. Dumb question. They could just ask around the faculty. "Dummy," you whispered to yourself, facepalming yourself.
You opened the door and peeked at them. "Hi, hehe," you awkwardly smiled at them.
"C-come in..." You opened the door wide, welcoming them to your small studio.
"We're gonna let ourselves in," Soobin mumbled, removing his shoes from the doorstep.
Their eyes were welcomed by a small bed that could barely fit two people in the corner. A small study table is beside it, stacked with books and a broken phone on top, and with a small dresser near the bed.
A single-seater dining table on the other side with some instant foods and a portable stove.
Their eyes roamed a little more. A closed door, they assumed, was the rest room, just sat near the doorstep.
"I... I don't think my place is enough to fit the three of us..." you fidgeted, sitting on your bed as your head spun again, making you shut your eyes tightly.
"You were sick after all," Soobin commented. "I'll just go out, I'll come back quickly," he said as he carefully stepped out of your place.
"So... This is where you live?" Yeonjun sat on the chair at your dining table. You meekly nodded. "All of those side hustles for this place?" he added.
You know he does not mean to offend you once again, yet you felt yourself getting embarrassed. "I barely survive... Even from those multiple part-time jobs. N-not to mention that—cough, excuse me.. I am paying loans too," you explained as you lay down on your bed, feeling your body burn up again.
Your gaze returned to Yeonjun when you heard him talk.
"Buy cough medication as well, Bin. And, oh, a few fruits too if you don't mind."
"Why are you looking for me, by the way?" you asked, pulling the blanket to cover yourself.
"We were worried, of course. How can we not? Plus, we weren't able to eat a sandwich today," he smiled, even though he knows you're not looking at him.
Yeonjun stood up. "Towels," he said.
You looked at him confused. "Huh?"
"Where are your towels?" he asked himself.
You pointed at the dresser, "Lowest part."
"I can't believe my tongue didn't taste any of your sandwiches today, angel. Do you know how much I crave for it every day?" You heard the water running in your restroom for a moment.
Yeonjun gently pats the wet towel on your forehead, wiping your face as well. He even hesitated at first to wipe your neck, shaking his head in the process.
"Don't you have any classes?"
"We do, but we excused ourselves. What can we do? We have an emergency at home," he smiled at you.
"Dummy, this ain't your home, Mr. Pouty Lips," you chuckled.
"Why not? Look, I even have a patient here at home," he says, tucking your straying hair behind your ear. His hand gently grazed your face, and you unconsciously leaned on his cool hand.
"Your hand feels cool..." you mumbled, squirming under the blanket. He then cupped your face, gently rubbing your cheek. Your eyes flutter closed as you feel relaxed beneath his touch.
"Pretty little angel." His voice was faint, even lower than a whisper.
"I'm back." Yeonjun snapped his head towards the door as Soobin closed it behind him. "How is she, hyung?"
"She fell asleep, she's burning hot, though." Yeonjun placed the towel on your forehead. "Hey Bin, you know how to make porridge, right? We should at least make her something warm."
You woke up again, but this time it was because of resounding murmurs filling up the small room.
"Hey angel, you're up?"
"You're still here?" you grunted as you tried your best to get up, receiving a helping hand from Yeonjun.
"You have to eat," Soobin says as he walks towards you with a plate with porridge in a bowl. "It's still warm, you'll feel better," he adds.
Soobin sat on the side of your bed, still holding the plate. Yeonjun stacking your pillows for you to lean on, as he ordered you to scoot back.
"Open your mouth y/n," Soobin scooped a spoonful of porridge.
"I can do it, you know," you chuckled.
"Please let me."
Soobin fed you the porridge he cooked. Yeonjun was at your table, peeling and slicing some fruits. "You should've taken care of yourself more," Yeonjun nags.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Pouty Lips," you said as you flashed a smile at him. "I don't have any choice but to work."
You have been sick many times, but no one has ever been there to take care of you. No one cooked for you but yourself. You buy medicines alone, even when you are burning up. You needed to do your chores even when you got too dizzy to stand up. "I'm grateful to you two, this is the first time I have experienced being cared for."
And that's when they realized they needed to take care of you. That's when it registered in their minds that they needed to stay beside you. You're their precious little angel, whom they needed to take care of. A fragile person who still needs someone to be their companion.
"We're heading home for now, okay? We'll be back tomorrow, please rest a lot." His once captivating eyes were now full of worry, and his pouty lips became more pouty as he talks to you.
"Go now." Your smile wasn't forced at all. It was genuine. Your heart thumps as you recall how they took care of you. You were floating on cloud nine.
Yeonjun walked outside first, and Soobin stopped midway, turning back as he quickly tracked back towards you. "If anything happens, call me... please," he handed you a small note in which you assumed was his number.
Yeonjun came back the next day early in the morning just to see Soobin cooking breakfast while you were sitting on your bed like you'd've been awake for the past few hours.
"Is this why you weren't answering your phone?" he asked.
"Sorry, hyung, y/n called me in the middle of the night. Her temperature went up," the taller man sighed.
Yeonjun sat beside you, placing his hand on your forehead. "Do you feel okay now?" he asked as he cupped your face, his face merely an inch away from yours. You nodded, but you didn't even pull back. Maybe it's because his cool hands were on your cheeks, or maybe you were just feeling too hot. You actually don't know. All you knew was that you were feeling butterflies from his touch.
You watched how his pretty lips parted, how his tongue glossed his lips.
Which is to blame? You, who maybe, have a tiny crush on him that makes you wanna kiss him? Or Yeonjun, that may or may not be, doing this on purpose while his face was way too close to yours?
You tightly shut your eyes. Were you assuming a kiss?
"Angel, food is ready," he announced, standing up from your bed.
You opened your eyes, and you watched him look at Soobin, as they seemed to talk with their eyes.
"I'm glad it's Saturday today. There's nothing else to do." Soobin stretches his feet, plopping down on your bed after eating. "I feel so sleepy," he muttered, his eyes fluttering close.
Yeonjun lay beside him, closing his eyes with a smile plastered on his face. You, on the other hand, just came out of the bathroom.
You placed your hands on both of your waists. "How am I supposed to rest now? You're hogging my bed."
Soobin pretended to snore as he let Yeonjun hide on his back, trying to hold back his snickers.
Maybe you could let them rest. It won't hurt to let them rest after receiving a lot of favors.
"I have a test this coming Thursday, I don't know if I would be able to pass the test," you sighed, poking at the watermelon slices Yeonjun placed in front of you.
It's been more than a week since you were sick. You were now invited over to their place for your tutoring session. It only occurred to you that they're not just friends, they were roommates too.
"You can do it, I know you can, you've been studying a lot," Soobin cheered, stopping for a while from writing in your notebook.
Yeonjun picked up a piece of watermelon barehanded, making it touch your lips. "How about a little gift if you pass the exam, little angel?" he suggested, "Aahh," and asked you to open your mouth at the same time to feed you.
His fingers grazed your lips a little more than expected, and he proceeded to lick his fingers with the left-over juice of the watermelon. "What do you say?" Yeonjun leans forward to you, his hands propped on the table in their living room.
You meekly nodded. No noise, just a simple nod and a lip bite that didn't escape Soobin's and Yeonjun's sight. "W-what gift though?" you asked, trying to straighten your posture.
"Soob, any suggestions?" He peered towards the taller male, only for Soobin to answer with a "Shhh, secret," and a smile.
Yeonjun chuckled, ruffling your hair. "Surprise, little angel, it's a surprise."
You were aware of their subtle advances, actually. Especially how clingy and touchy Yeonjun was. But you were just letting it slide. You don't give it plenty of attention.
But you have already admitted it to yourself. You're swooning over them. They're your good friends, though, and that's why you kept on pushing your lingering feelings back.
The session went well that day too. Not to mention that you're no longer rushing because they already asked you to drop some of your side hustles. You were hesitant at first because how are you going to pay your bills now? But you ended up listening to them and their pouty request. How could you say no? Why would you dare say no, rather?
Thursday came quickly, and taking the biology test first thing in the morning felt like walking on fire and broken glasses barefoot. You could feel the sweat dripping down your forehead and your heart thumping. You even called all the saints, gods, and goddesses you knew to help you answer the test. If looks could kill, flies would be all over your teacher's body.
The following day, your test papers were given back to you. You were too scared to open the folded piece of paper. That's why you kept it like that between the pages of your notebook. You even brought the notebook with you when you went back to your stall to sell your sandwiches.
In the midst of the crowd at lunch, you saw the two tall guys walking towards you once again. As if on cue, they waved at you the moment they met your eyes. You could clearly picture bunny ears and a foxtail over their figures as you chuckled to yourself. "Silly guys," you whispered to yourself.
Soobin was the one who noticed the notebook on the side. He was trying to fan himself with your notebook when your biology test results came flying out from your notebook.
"What's that?" Yeonjun asked as he saw Soobin opening the folded paper.
"Woah! I knew you'd ace the test y/n," he exclaimed, making you snap your head towards them with a confused look.
"Did our surprise gift make you motivated?" Yeonjun taunts, a sly smirk playing on his lips.
"T-that... I..." You were out of words. From what Yeonjun had said and from knowing you actually got a perfect score from your biology class, which you dearly hated from the start.
"It looks like we need to give here our prize, hyung," Soobin smiled. They look at each other knowingly. They know what you deserve. "Shall we head out first?"
Yeonjun and Soobin head home first, ahead of you. They said they wanted to take a stroll at the mall to buy something as your prize, and they just told you to head straight to their place tomorrow afternoon.
You were able to sleep soundly that night. Knowing that you can ace tests only if you focus on your studies. You felt proud of your achievement, given that you don't usually do well in your biology class. You even planned on making the two guys a special-made sandwich to thank them for their work. However, you were actually planning on turning down their request. You couldn't stand choosing between the two of them. You would rather back down than choose.
You were actually expecting something more of a material gift. Maybe a book, a chair, or something you could use inside your small studio. And the gift you were about to receive was the last on your list.
"Fuck princess, why are you so good," Soobin hummed while guiding your head.
"You should be more gentle, Bin. Remember, she still needs to choose who she wants to serve under," Yeonjun chuckled while caressing your dainty finger as he placed your hand on his tenting bulge.
You glanced at your hand on his bulge, and your gaze went up to his eyes. Yeonjun tilted his head, "What is it, pretty angel?"
You swore, and your stomach swirled. Little did they know, whenever they called you these names, you felt a little weaker in your knees.
How did it happen that a visit to their place would end up with you in their bedroom?
You rang the doorbell at their apartment's door, clutching onto the paper bag of the special sandwich with a wide smile on your face. Yeonjun opened the door, rubbing his eyes. He looks like he just woke up from an afternoon nap. Until you realize he's not wearing a shirt. His bare and toned body is displayed in front of you.
"Hi angel, sorry, we were asleep. A friend visited earlier and got us drunk," he apologizes. "Come in."
"Fuck, my head is spinning," he muttered to himself.
"Uhm, should I just come back next week? Do you want to rest for now?" worry and nervousness were visible on your face.
"No, please come in. You don't mind taking care of us too, right?" he smiled, picking up the bottles and cans on the table.
"Where's Soobin?"
"The room over there, do you mind waking him up? I'll just clean this." Some takeout boxes were scattered around the floor, and spilled drinks and sauces were also around.
"Ahh fuck, y/n... More... You feel so good... Ahh.." You were stunned when you pushed the door open. Soobin was sitting down on the side of his bed, clutching the hem of his t-shirt up to his chest, while he gently stroked his shaft.
"C-come on pretty... I n-need more..." Soobin lolled his head back, letting go of his shirt to use his other arm to support his body as he tightly gripped the bedsheet.
"D-do you need h-help?" You actually don't know why you asked it. You should've just closed the door and pretended that you saw nothing.
Soobin peers over you, "Fuck, didn't know you're already here... Shit sorry, I need you y/n." His lower lip caught between his teeth, sweat forming on his forehead as his fringe sticks.
Like clockwork, you slowly managed to get near him.
"But... But I think you're drunk... I don't think this is right..." you chirped, trying to fight your desires with reality.
"I'm sober. I swear, fuck.. How can I not be when all I can think about was how you," he paused, pressing down on his slit, "Fuck!" He looks up at you once again, "All I can think about was h-how you m-moaned my name when you c-called me that night." He was once again reminded of how you moaned and chanted his name, calling for help, your pants, and heavy breaths when you called the night when your temperature went up.
A pinkish tint washed your face as you thought about how you did your best to call him.
You slowly knelt down between his legs, not breaking eye contact. Your hand slowly wraps around his cock as he draws back his hand.
"You're so p-pretty. I'm sorry I'm m-making you d-do this." You shook your head and flashed him a smile.
"Y-you want this?" Soobin raised your hand to stop you for a while.
"I.. that.. probably..." You weren't able to form any coherent words about how scared you are to admit you have a little crush on them.
"Please. Please tell me you w-want this t-too, If you-"
"I do. I-I do want this. No, I want you, actually... You... And Yeonjun too. Just.."
"It's just that, I can't admit it. You're both good friends of mine. I can't afford to lose our small friendship just because I like the both of you," you bit your lower lip as you retract your hand and place them both on your knees, preparing yourself to receive some hate comments.
"How am I supposed to hold back after knowing you want me? Oh god, you'll be the death of me..."Soobin caressed your cheeks, pulling your face closer to his length.
You look up at him, your eyes full of innocence made him curse all the non-liviing things from hell.
"W-wanna fuck your throat so bad, princess," Soobin muttered, rubbing his shaft on your cheek.
"She's so pretty, I want to ruin her." Your gaze flits toward the voice, it was Yeonjun. He was leaning on the doorframe, watching the two of you exchange a little talk.
"Fucking pretty, hyung. And smart too. She deserves a gift, right?" Yeonjun nodded with a smirk playing on his pretty face.
"She's a good and honest little angel, she deserves a good gift."
Yeonjun marched his way towards the bed. The bed dipped under his weight when he sat beside Soobin.
And this was when you found yourself in that position, between Soobin's legs and reaching for Yeonjun. The sandwich on the paper bag, long forgotten, was splayed on the floor.
You lightly rubbed your hand on Yeonjun's pants, making him hiss under his breath. Your eyes flitted to Soobin, you watched him alternate between biting his lower lip and gaping his mouth.
"I-i'm gonna... y/n, 'm close-- Fuck!" Soobin's hips stutter, stilling for a while inside your mouth. Hot liquid sliding through your tongue.
"C'mere," Soobin quickly pulled you up, crashing his lips on yours.
"Let him taste himself, pretty," Yeonjun taunts.
You lightly open your mouth, letting some of his essence slip through your lips, swallowing the remaining on your tongue. Soobin moaned in your mouth, teeth almost clashing at each other, lips swollen from biting.
Soobin pulled away, his forehead on yours, chasing his breath. "God, it tastes weird," he mumbles.
You felt a hand on your waist, it was Yeonjun's. He was guiding you to sit on his lap.
"Make me cum."
You left a peck at Soobin's lips once more before straddling Yeonjun. Not wanting to be left behind, Soobin tugged at the hem of your shirt. "Can you remove this?" he asked, eyes begging.
You quickly slip out of your shirt. A red hue paints his cheeks as he tries to reach out for the strap of your bra, snapping it open.
Yeonjun then pushed your hips down on him to feel you, making you startled. "Mmhh, feels good, fuck," he sighs. His pouty lips look so delectable as you see him gape his mouth.
Your eyes don't want to leave Soobin, giving him a few glances as he strokes himself languidly while watching you.
"Pretty, never thought you could do something like this, you're not as innocent as you look, yeah?" Yeonjun's eyes were flying towards Soobin, as if asking for some approval, as he continued to guide your hips to grind above him.
"She's dirty, hyung," Soobin chuckles.
"I-i'm not, ahh-" you tried to retaliate, only for Yeonjun to buck his hips up.
"If you're not, then why are your nipples so perky?" Yeonjun smirks, rolling your nipples between his fingers, emitting soft whines from you that made Soobin leak out once again. Of course, he was reminded once more about that night.
"Look at her grinding above you even if when you're not holding her waist, hyung," Only then did you realize that Yeonjun's hands were no longer on you. You're moving on your own accord. No guidance at all.
You felt shy as you stilled your hips, hiding behind Yeonjun's neck. Were you this desperate? Were you this dirty? Just like what they've said?
Yeonjun lifted your skirt, landing a soft spank on your ass, making you yelp at his neck. "Why'd you stop?" He then squeezed your ass as he landed another spank.
Yeonjun raised your body for a bit, only to see how wet his sweats were. It's not from him, of course. You watch the ends of his lips curl up.
"Baby, look at the mess you've made," Yeonjun coos. Soobin reaches for your skirt to unzip it. Your baby pink underwear has now turned dark because of how wet you are.
You bit your lower lip as you look at Soobin, eyes glossy, seeking help, and cheeks beet red. You wanted to cry out of embarrassment.
"Oh, look at my pretty angel, Bin, she's about to cry."
Soobin chuckles, "Don't make her cry, hyung. You're such a menace."
"Continue moving then, save your tears for later," Yeonjun remarked, letting you drop down on his lap once again.
"No, baby, I'm not guiding you. Move on your own," he added as he shook his head when you still didn't move. Oh god, the embarrassment you've been feeling ever since you've stepped inside Soobin's room.
You grab both of his shoulders as you dance above his lap.
"Fuck w-wait, that's --" Yeonjun's hand flew over his mouth to clutch on it, his head lolling back with only a single arm supporting his body.
If there's something Yeonjun considers a weakness, it's when a girl moves in a circular motion on his lap. And you hit the jackpot on your first try.
A few more moves, and he found himself convulsing underneath you. His eyes were blown up when you looked at him. He looked so fucked out. Quickly moving to his side, he also looks down at his lap. You both witnessed how the wetness of his cum stained his sweats. The gray color slowly darkened as the liquid spread out.
You were the one who initiated the kiss this time, giving his pouty lips wet kisses, to which he responded back with a weak hum while he held your face.
Soobin pulled you back over him. "Sorry y/n, can't just stay still and watch you with him." Soobin discarded his shirt on the floor.
"Stop hogging her to yourself, Bin," Yeonjun chuckled at the younger's action and words.
Soobin carefully laid you down on his bed, latching his mouth on your boob, while he gently massaged the other one.
"Move over a bit, baby, need to feel you," Yeonjun lays down on his side beside you, flipping you to turn sideways. Soobin was still sucking on your chest while he moans out his hunger for you.
The pouty guy hugs your waist, littering love bites on your neck. Leaving splotchy red marks all over your nape and shoulder.
You never thought about having an active sexual life, given that you're too busy and focused on making ends meet. Let alone having two guys at the same time.
The tall guy in front of you leaves the same thing around your cleavage while he humps on your thigh. His shaft feels heavy on your skin.
Yeonjun's hand trails down your waist to your clitoral area, rubbing in a circular motion to hear you whimper his name.
"Y-yeonjun," you whimpered under your breath.
"I'm here, focus," your hips jerked when he slowly slid his finger inside your pussy only to pull it out again.
"Bin, wanna stretch her out? I want to feel her already," he grunts. The taller male complied, he scooted up and raised your leg.
"So wet, damn," he dipped his fingers inside you, and just like Yeonjun, he quickly drew it back, giving his fingers a lick to taste you.
"She's sweet, hyung, holy shit. But as much as I want to taste you, I also want to feel you around me, y/n."
The first stretch felt like your body was being torn apart. You quickly lean your head toward Yeonjun, and your hand reaches back. Fingers tangled on his blonde hair as you give it a pull, mouth agape at how big Soobin feels inside.
"So wet 'n tight," Soobin grunts as he keeps on pushing inside you.
"H-hurts! S-soob, it h-hurts!" you cried out as you reached for him, clawing his chest.
"I'm only h-halfway inside, mmpp!" Soobin winces at the pain from your scratches and how your pussy snuggled his thick cock. He holds your face to drown your moans and cries in his mouth as he quickly pushes inside you.
He pulled away as both of you pants as if you had run a hundred miles.
"Y-you're choking me," Soobin moves a little, making you whimper once more.
"B-bin you're t-too big," you pout.
You felt something poking your entrance once, making you peer over to your back. You were met with Yeonjun's fucked-out gaze.
"Need to feel you," Yeonjun shuts his eyes as he pushes slowly.
"W-wait! I can't! Ahh! Hurts!" You thrashed around, making Soobin moan with the pressure.
"S-stay still, y/n!" Soobin hugs you closer to him, "We will all get hurt, stay still, fuck," his abs clenched with how stimulated he was. He signaled Yeonjun to continue pushing in.
Your mouth latches on Soobin's shoulder, biting on his open skin.
"Fuck!" They shouted in unison. Soobin felt the sting of your teeth sinking into his skin, but he tried to endure it. Yeonjun, on the other hand, felt how tight it was inside you.
The two males stilled for a while. Letting you get used to their sizes. Their shafts aren't a joke. Girthy. Long. Thick. Something that would definitely stretch out a tiny pussy like yours.
"'m sorry, angel, sorry..." Yeonjun whispers while he caresses your waist. Soobin planted kisses on the top of your head, your teeth are no longer sunken in his shoulder. But you felt weak between them. Your small and frail body looks like a paper stuck between two big books.
"B-bin, move. S-slowly please," you pleaded as you looked up at him.
His gaze softens as he looks at you. "Why do you have to beg so prettily? I might cum just looking at you," he says, catching his lower lip between his teeth. He then raised your leg once again and started to move slowly. His grunts, your whimpers, and the squelching sound resonate inside his room.
"Angel, who thought that selling a mere sandwich would end up with you being sandwiched between me and Soobin, hm? So fucking good," Yeonjun grunts as he starts to thrust from behind. "You're so tight, baby, fuck."
Soobin tried his very best to stay as quiet as possible, just letting small yet slutty moans, whines, and whimpers. The friction he felt from your wet pussy and Yeonjun's length at the same time was too much for him. He knows he won't last long, but he silently challenged himself not to cum yet.
"You're so greedy, princess. Look at you taking two cocks at the same time. Greedy and dirty."
"My angel is such a whore. A cock slut," Yeonjun snickers, grunting afterwards when he thrusts again.
"Tight virgin pussy."
Their words made you dizzy. Dizzy enough to unconsciously chant their names alternately. Your hands are flying everywhere, clawing and clutching anything within reach as they litter your body with a lot of red marks.
"Please please please wanna cum, please I wanna cum!"
"Oh, you're asking for permission?" Soobin questioned.
"Fuck, are you into begging, pretty?" Yeonjun grunts behind.
"P-please let me cum, I'm gonna-- please!"
You yelped when you end up squirting because of how they simultaneously thrust inside, making you feel stimulated.
"What a dirty girl, for real," Yeonjun sighs, kissing your shoulder.
"Wanna cum inside her, hyung," Soobin was gripping the plush of your thigh as he continuously thrust.
"N-no! Please! I'm not taking a p-pill!"
"Please baby, we'll take care of you, we promise," Yeonjun's hand wrapped around your neck, his thrusts becoming more sloppy.
"Please, wanna fill you. Wanna fill you so bad with my cum," Soobin's nails dug on your skin as he held your thigh tightly.
Yeonjun's grip on your neck made your mind cloudy, and you nodded at whatever they were saying. Not sure about what you were agreeing to.
"H-hold it, Bin, i-i'm close too."
You were a moaning mess. Dizzy, mind hazy, eyes cloudy. Your body was limping as you felt hot liquid spurting inside you, along with guttural moans and deep grunts coming from the two males.
"Sorry," you heard them apologize and slowly pull out before your eyes flutter.
Maybe this gift could be the best thing you ever receive in your entire life.
And a cleanly wrapped small box was sitting on the edge of Soobin's table.
@binniesbooks 2024
taglist: @babymochibeargyu @beomiracles @lizibizi @inkigayocamman @izzyy-stuff (tagging sum of my fave moots and friends 😖💞)
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room-surprise · 8 months
How Old Is Thistle?
(EDIT: I've made a follow-up post to this one that goes deeper into the math and additional evidence that the 5:1 ratio is correct. You can read it here!)
I've seen people debating this and a lot of folks insisting that Thistle is a child, and since Thistle just debuted in the anime, I wanted to do a full write-up to help myself and others figure this out.
We don't know how old any of the Merini family members are exactly, so the best we can do is guess based on the information we have, but after carefully studying the manga, I think Thistle is at least a teenager, but much more likely a young adult, and definitely not a prepubescent child.
Here's what we know:
EDIT: Depending on what translation you read of some of the extra materials, Freinag implies that Thistle is the same age as some of his advisors.
Here's a detailed translation of this panel from my friend Fumi:
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Elves age 5 times slower than tall-men.
16 year old tall-men in Dungeon Meshi's medieval time period are adults, they commonly join the military, get married, have children, etc.
An 80 year old elf is an adult. Pattadol is 82 and she's a lieutenant in a military unit. It's her first job and she's obviously a rookie, but Captain Flamela tells Pattadol to accomplish her mission or die trying.
Many fully adult elves look like what we might consider children or young teens, because they're short, petite, and have androgynous features.
An average elven adult is around 150-155cm tall (5 ft), meaning some are shorter than that, and some are taller. Thistle is 130 cm, which is short, but not unheard of.
Fleki is 130 (26) years old and she's 140 cm tall (4'7")
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Otta is 137 (27) years old and she's 130 cm (4'5") tall, the same height as Thistle!
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They are both women, but there's probably plenty of elven men in their height range.
Just so we can compare Thistle to some adult elven men, Mithrun and his brother are probably adults (or close to it) in the panel on the left.
Mithrun (in this image) is somewhere between 75 and 144 (probably in his 80's), and his brother is older than him (so he could be in his late 80s or 90s). As you can see, they don't look that different from Thistle, Otta or Fleki.
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So, how old is Thistle?
(Spoilers below the cut)
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Thistle was brought to the royal court as a child (found on the street, stolen or purchased, we don't know how they got him). At the absolute youngest I'd guess Thistle is 25 years old here (so about 5 years old for a tall-man.) He can already play the flute, and possibly the lute, and most children that aren't prodigies can't handle playing an instrument (physically or mentally) until they're around 5.
EDIT: We now know that Thistle is the same age as Freinag, the king that takes him in! So Thistle must be at least 25 years old in this comic, though realistically he could be anywhere from 25 to 40 based on how Kui drew Freinag.
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He lived in the court for an unknown amount of time, Freinag hasn't changed much but Thistle appears to have aged a little, so let's say it's been 5 years and Thistle is 30 (6) when Delgal is born. More than 5 years could have passed, but I'm trying to keep the numbers low.
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Delgal gets married and has a child. Delgal should be at least 15 at this point, but since he has a full mustache before his wedding, I think he's in his 20's, since teenagers tend to not be the best at growing robust facial hair.
(He has a full beard by the time Eodio's a young child.)
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Thistle puts the kingdom inside the dungeon around this point, however, people are still aging: Delgal's grandson Yaad is born, and Eodio is clearly a young adult here, probably in his 20's. Therefore, there is NO REASON to assume Thistle stopped aging. "The dungeon lords don't age" is a common fan headcanon I've seen people spreading, but it has no clear canon basis.
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Yaad ages until he looks about 13-15 years old, and at this point all of the people of the kingdom and Thistle appear to stop aging, and 1,000 years pass.
So, the youngest Thistle could possibly be, if he was 30 (6) when Delgal was born, if Delgal was 15 when he had Eodio, and Eodio was 15 when he had Yaad, and Yaad is 13 years old...
Is 73 years old, which would make Thistle about 14.6 years old by tall-man standards.
HOWEVER, I think it's VERY unlikely that all the characters are that young.
I think it's clear from Kui's drawings that Delgal and Eodio are not 15 years old when they become fathers, and that Freinag is at least 25 when he takes in Thistle.
If we assume Thistle was 30 when Delgal was born, and Delgal and Eodio were both at least 20 when they had children, even if Yaad is only 13 years old, that makes Thistle at least 83 years old (16.6), and makes him older than Pattadol, who is an adult at 82.
However, I think it's entirely possible that Thistle was anywhere from 40-50 when Delgal was born, and Delgal could have been anywhere from 20 to 30 when he had Eodio, and Eodio could have been anywhere from 20-25 when he had Yaad. If you use the maximum ages, and assume Yaad is 15, then Thistle could be as old as 120 (24).
I think a reasonable middle ground is assuming Thistle was 30 (6) when Delgal was born, Delgal had Eodio at 25, Eodio had Yaad at 20, and Yaad is 15... Which would make Thistle 90 (18) years old.
This of course says nothing about Thistle's emotional maturity or sanity, he's obviously stunted in some ways, but the point I want to make here is:
Thistle's age could be anywhere from 14.6 to 24 at the most extreme, but more realistically he's somewhere between 16.6 and 18.
And that's not even counting the thousand years that he's lived since then!
And that's all I've got to say about that 🙏🙏🙏🙏
(EDIT: Follow-up post with additional evidence here.) EDIT 2: I've seen a lot of people talking about the page Kui drew talking about elven earmuffs. It's considered just barely okay for Pattadol to wear them, but it's ok for Thistle to wear them... In which case I'd say Thistle could be any age younger than 83. That's handy as it knocks out some of the older ages!
So in that case Thistle's age is between 73 years old and 82, which makes him developmentally between 14.6 and 16.4!
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echobx · 2 months
please tell me about rafe with short reader 🤲🏻
author's note: this was meant to just be a quick blurb but I got carried away... a happy oopsie on my end ig. (and after the first version got nuked by tumblr I was smart enough to do a select all and copy, bc when I hit save it nuked this one again, but at least I didn't lose it this time. I also don't know why I wrote this in one big block of text basically but yeah) not edited!
warnings: smut, p in v (unprotected), public sex, light exhibition kink
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"You look even smaller with that pout on," Rafe murmurs, and your eyebrows furrow. "You love my pout." You toddle over to him, looking up at him with big eyes, "what happened?" "Some guy at work said some shit," he sighs. "What kind of shit?" you ask, snaking your arms around his waist and laying your head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat as his arms find their place around you, pulling you even tighter into him. "Disgusting shit. That you look more like my child than my girlfriend." He huffs and brushes over your hair, "should've just carved his face in right then and there." You spend the night soothing him and making him forget all about the incident, but a plan has formed in your mind, and you like it too much to let it go.
Two days later, you find yourself walking into the office building. Your sexiest dress on and a new lingerie set underneath, when you ask the front desk to let you go up. And once you're in Rafe's office, you start to clean up the desk, remove anything from it that will hinder your plan. "What are you doing here?" Rafe chuckles while walking in, and you turn to smile at him. "I missed you." "You missed me? After all I did this morning to ensure that you know how much I love you?" He grins as he pulls you in his arms and you nod. "Missed you so much," you whisper while leaning up and pulling him into a kiss. And while his lips are locked with yours, you can't help but think back to that morning, how he had woken you up with his head pressed between your thighs, making you lose yourself over and over again until he was satisfied with his work. "I miss you so much because of what you did this morning," you hush and take your hands behind your back to unzip your dress, letting it glide down your body and pool at your feet. "Fuck," Rafe drags out the curse and lets his eyes roam over your in lace wrapped body. His hands grip at your ass before picking you up and sitting you down on the table. "I know this is a very stupid idea, but by God, if I don't fuck you right now I might die," he sighs and lets his thumb run over your hard nipple. "Good," you giggle and open his pants. "Have I got you worked up since earlier? Hmm?" Rafe hums, eyes fixed on your soaked slip. "So very much," you agree and circle the tip of his hard cock with your fingertips before taking them up and licking off his precum that is smeared on them. "You're gonna be the death of me, baby," Rafe groans and pushes you to lie, thrusting into you in a harsh motion. He's rough and fast, holding onto your hips and making you cry out with how deep he's inside you. "Feels so good. Need more," you cry out, and he pushes down on your stomach, thrusting against his own hand. "More? Baby, you should've grown taller if you wanted all of me inside you," he taunts playfully and you moan loudly. "It's so big," you cry out, and he fucks you harder. The sound of skin slapping against skin; moans, and grunts and whimpers; the table rocking over the wooden floor. You know the whole building is probably bearing witness to your filthy act, but you can care less. You want them to know, want them to hear how much more woman you are than any of them, because none of them will ever be able to handle the man that is Rafe Cameron. "Gonna knock you up so fucking good, sugar," he pants and goes to rub your clit, making you cum in a matter of seconds and following right after. His head finds it place on your sweaty chest as he grows soft inside you.
But the tranquility you shared for a few moments gets interrupted by Ward Cameron storming in and yelling, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?! DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A FUCKING WHORE HOUSE TO YOU?!" Rafe had pulled out by then and his pants were back on. Brushing his hair back, he looked at his dad and shrugged, "if presidents can fuck their secretaries, I'm allowed to do the same to my wife." You look up at him in pure adoration, unable to move with the way your legs feel and how sore you are, but you are enamored by the fact that he called you his wife, although you hadn't even talked about the future too much. But he saw it with you, and that day just made it all the more clearer, because who else would be just as crazy as him but you.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @redhead1180 @spideysimpossiblegirl @drwstarkeyy @princessmaybank @ijustwantttoread @kys4-20 @immyowndefender @julczimocarz @hoe4sunarin @m2m2m2
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fatkish · 6 months
Request for the Pro Heroes x child reader
Character(s): Hawks and/or Endeavor (yes I'm giving this man a chance to be a good person)
Prompt: Abandoned nonbinary reader with a Phoenix quirk (wings and fire) and everyone thinks they'll be a Villain because of how hot the reader's fire can burn. Phoenixes in Japan are seen as goddesses. (Reader was originally abandoned for coming out at nonbinary but the deal was sealed when the reader accidentally burned a house down)
Thank you so much for your request. I’m so excited since this is my first official request. I already had an idea for a phoenix quirk so I hope you don’t mind that I used it here. I hope you enjoy this story and that it helps you.
Hawks and Endeavor x Phoenix Quirk Child Reader
Reader was 13 when they were found by Hawks and Endeavor
The reader’s mother had an endurance and adaptability quirk that allowed her to change her body to better fit her environment. For example: if the reader’s mother was stuck in the desert, her body would change to allow her to store excess water similar to how a camel does. Or if bullets were fired at her, she could thicken her skin and produce osteoderms (these are the small bone like plates that cover the crocodilian species’s backs)
The reader’s father had a weak heat quirk and could grow sharp feathers from his arms and shoulders.
Their parents were very traditional and strict. Having been a late bloomer was already causing strain on their relationship with their parents.
The reader developed their quirk late at the age of 10. The reader has retractable wings that are covered in specialized feathers. The Primary and Secondary feathers are sharp and resemble blades, these feathers harden after they fully develop. The Primary and Secondary Coverts are hard and sharp at the tips. When the tips of the Coverts rub or strike each other it creates a spark.
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Each feather has microscopic holes along the Calamus and a gland beneath the follicle that secretes an Ethanol based, oil-like substance that covers their skin protecting it from the flames but also acting as a fuel. This oil is similar to Bakugou’s nitroglycerin sweat as they both produce more, the hotter they get. (Ethanol burns at an extremely high temperature but is invisible to the naked eye, you won’t know its there until you’re right next to it) The holes allow for the oil to cover the feathers.
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Due to their Mother’s endurance quirk, the reader’s body is unaffected by the flames they produce. The reader’s body sweat has a natural cooling effect as well as burn soothing and healing properties. This is how they are not burned by the flames. (The reader has to maintain a healthy hydration and drink lots of water because they are easily susceptible to dehydration)
Due to the reader’s quirk their body is naturally androgynous as they don’t have feminine curves or broad shoulders. The reader is short (5’2, sorry if you’re taller) and has a lighter than average body fat percentage to allow for easier flight. (Reader would most likely have a small penis like appendage to make urinating easier as well as a Cloaca. It’s also possible that reader could change their bodies physiology similar to how frogs can change their genders)
Due to the reader’s late development of a quirk as well as their androgynous appearance, they were seen as a freak and were bullied and shunned by their peers.
At age 12 the other kids around them began puberty and as their peers’s bodies began to change and developed they began to question themselves and eventually came to the conclusion that they were nonbinary.
One night their parents sat the reader down and began to discuss the reader’s appearance and how they needed to change in order to fit into society. Since the reader would have a harder time developing fat and couldn’t change the bone structure of their hips, their parents decided that the reader would be a male.
Their parents told them that they were to start working out and building up muscles to create a more masculine appearance. They began telling them about all the things they would have to change and even suggested drastic measures like surgery or hormone treatments to make them look more masculine.
The reader tried to explain to their parents how they felt and how they didn’t want to do all that stuff but they wouldn’t listen.
Eventually the stress became too much as the reader’s wings sprouted and their feathers naturally created a spark that ignited them. As the situation quickly became more complicated and stressful the reader accidentally bumped into a curtain, lighting it on fire, causing it to quickly grow and spread.
As their parents were shouting at them and their house went up in flames, they couldn’t deal with the stressful situation and flew off into the night sky, leaving their small town and flying far away to were they would discover in the morning to be Kyushu
After being ostracized and shunned for basically their entire life, the reader didn’t have much faith in society. Eventually they saw a news report about their hometown. Their parents claimed that their house was destroyed by a villain and blamed the reader for it, completely ignoring the fact of them being their child. The news showed a blurry picture of the reader that was taken by someone.
Due to the blurriness of the image as well as the reader having not really shown anyone their quirk, they weren’t easily identified. However, the news gave a short description of the reader and advised the public to keep an eye out for them and to alert the authorities should they spot the reader.
Realizing that they had no food, money, shelter or family and fearing being seen as a villain and being put in prison, should they ask for help, the reader decided that they had no other choice but to focus on survival.
2 months had gone by with the reader being homeless and barely scraping by. They had found an abandoned building in the less populated and more industrial area of the city and had created a small living space. They had gathered things that people had thrown away like tattered or stained clothes, old bedding, thrown out area rugs and other soft things that people had thrown away and wouldn’t realize were missing. They created a makeshift nest that made them feel safe
They had resorted to dumpster diving in order to find food and water and refused to pick pocket or steal purses. They didn’t want to do things that would make the accusations of them being a villain, true. This led to them being malnourished and having lost a lot of weight and having an emaciated and boney appearance
Hawks and Endeavor had been working together to capture a group of robbers who had been committing a string of robberies but kept getting away. Earlier in the day, the pair had apprehended and caught the group, but two of the seven had managed to escape and fled.
The robbers fled and hid in an abandoned building and planned to lay low and wait for the chance to escape the city, unaware of the red feather stuck and hidden in one of their hoods.
Hawks and Endeavor gathered the police and their sidekicks and had them surround the area near the building. The plan was to wait for the two villains to feel safe and let their guard down, then Hawks and Endeavor would storm the building, if they tried to flee, they would be caught by their sidekicks.
Using a few feathers to scope out the area and get an idea of the perpetrators positions, Hawks sent feathers into the building and relayed the information to Endeavor
Upon sensing a third body inside the building Hawks was going to tell Enji about it but felt someone grab his feather
Realizing that the element of surprise might no longer be on their side, Hawks alerted Endeavor. Inside the building, the robbers had finally noticed the reader and started to attack them when the reader summoned their wings and began to defend themselves
Since it was nighttime, the reader’s flames were emitting a blue glow similar to Dabi’s flames. Thinking that Dabi was in the building, Hawks and Endeavor rushed into the building only to quickly duck as one the robbers was sent flying over their heads from a strong wind
Using his feathers, Hawks was able to knock out the distracted robber and carry them both outside where the police quickly restrained and arrested them
Inside the building, Endeavor and Hawks had turned their attention to the reader. Upon realizing that the reader was just a kid, Hawks tried to tell them to stand down and stop their quirk. His feathers could sense the reader’s heartbeat, telling him that they were obviously scared.
When the reader tells them that they are unable to control the flames and that their wings secrete Ethanol to fuel them Endeavor is reminded of His first born son’s death
Having been living on the streets, the reader was unable to stay sufficiently hydrated and thus quickly ran out of protective sweat, causing the reader to begin being burnt
Hearing the kid’s screams of pain, Endeavor snapped out of his thoughts and quickly instructed Hawks to grab flame repressing foam from the the fire department and use his feathers to dump it on the reader
After following his instructions, the flames were quickly put out. Endeavor went over to the reader and carefully began to help them clean off the foam as he began to check the reader’s burns. Hawks took the moment to survey their surroundings and found the reader’s nest and realized that the reader was living here
Once the reader is calmed down and retracts their wings, Hawks asks about why the reader, a child, is living in an abandoned building
Fearing their situation but knowing that lying would only worsen their situation, the reader begins to explain their situation, telling the heroes what happened and why they are living here
As the police began to search the area and start to finish up their business there, Endeavor and Hawks both realize that the reader shouldn’t be returned to their parent’s custody but that placing them in the foster system would be bad due to their inability to control their relatively new quirk.
Due to developing their quirk later than others, the reader wasn’t given the same counseling and guidance that people normally get. Endeavor, having seen the reader’s potential as well as hoping to spare them the same fate that took his son, decided to become the reader’s legal guardian. Hawks, having plenty of experience with his wings and feeling a kinship with the reader, decides to become a mentor/older brother/fun uncle figure to the reader
Endeavor takes the reader to his home and has them get settled in.
Endeavor may seem grumpy and unapproachable but the reader quickly grows on him as Enji develops a soft spot for the reader.
Enji tries to teach the reader how to control their flames but is constantly reminded of how he trained his children and worries that the reader will hate him
Eventually Hawks is able to teach the reader to control their flames when he tries to have the reader cook chicken with them. Hawks originally intended it as a joke but Endeavor saw the accidental genius and decided that it was a good idea. Hawks just wanted some chicken
The reader has a tendency to build nests as a result of their father’s side of the family having mostly bird related quirks. One day Enji comes home from patrol to see the reader has built a giant nest in his living room. The reader is sitting in the nest in front of the TV. Hawks walks into the room with popcorn, snacks and drinks. After much convincing, Enji finally agrees to sit with them and watch a movie
Half way through the movie the reader falls asleep and snuggles up to Enji’s side. Wrapping an arm around them, Enji lets them sleep as he realizes how much he’s missed out on with his other kids. It’s at this moment that Enji promises himself and the reader that he’ll be better and that he’ll cherish these small moments
Hawks and Enji don’t care about the reader’s appearance, they understand that their quirk just makes their body different from others and they accept it.
Hawks will often visit the reader and they’ll preen each other’s wings. Hawks likes to make spa days out of this. He’ll take them to a bath house or bring bath salts to them. After relaxing in the bath he’ll either have a masseur give them both massages or they’ll massage each other. After that they’ll both take turns inspecting the other’s wings removing old or damaged feathers, combing the feathers, etc. after that Hawks will do face masks with the reader and basically anything that he can use as an excuse to relax
Overall, the reader is an irreplaceable part of Enji and Hawks’s lives now
I hope you enjoyed this.
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alexa-fika · 6 months
Stolen Help (Whitebeard pirates x gn!child!reader)
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A/N This is kind of a request? It was from a comment by @being-worthy on the His One-Piece story, this what Dokucha would be up to the following day; I love how I said little yet it’s the same length as my other fics 😂 let me tell you I was having second thoughts at first but I COOKED HERE
Reader here is replaced by dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/Saradika
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Dokucha grins, running out of the clinic with the stethoscope in hand
Vista turns to see the little child running towards him
“Dokucha? What are you doing with the stethoscope?” he asks with a chuckle
“I have to listen to your heart!”
“My heart?” he asks, tilting his head as he kneels downn to their height; he lets the little child run up to him and place the stethoscope over him
“Mmhm, mmhm, you have a pretty heart, Vista!”
He smiles, handing them a flower and tucking it in their stethoscope
“Thank you.”
“Take good care of it, Vista-nii! Umm, eat lots of vegetables so you grow strong!
“I don’t think… I will, don’t worry.”
The child gives them a thumbs up and runs off, leaving an amused Vista behind until a thought comes to mind
“Since when did they have a stethoscope?”
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“Ace-nii, Ace-nii!” The small child yells, running towards said commander
Ace looks up at the child and grins brightly
“Dokucha? Whatcha need?”
They tried to put the stethoscope over his chest, standing on their toes to make themselves taller, but even with their added height and stretching, they were unable to reach higher than his stomach
They put their heels back on the ground with a pout
“You’re too tall.”
Ace bursts out in laughter before lifting them up
They smile in response, putting the stethoscope over his chest and listening to the familiar drumming of his heart
The child nods approvingly
“Good heart!” They exclaim, putting one of their thumbs up towards the flame man and jumping off him, running off to find their next patient
Ace blinks, confused as to what just happened, turning around and scratching his head, trying to make sense of it
“Huh, must have decided to help Marco out,” he mutters
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Izou sat at one of the tables in the training room, meticulously cleaning his guns and making sure they were up to standard, turning his head at the sound of his name
The sniper looked up to see the little child racing towards him, the look of pure excitement on his face making him smile
“Dokucha? What are you up to now?”
“I need to check your heart Izou-nii!” The exclaims, climbing up in the seat next to him to put the stethoscope on his chest
“Okay,” he replied calmly; he tilted his head, letting the child place the stethoscope over him and listening to his heart
“Mmhm! Your heart sounds like your guns, Izou-nii.”
“Pardon?” he asked confused
“It’s going boom boom like brother’s guns!”
He smiles at the child, associating his heartbeat with his weapon of choice; he glances at the stethoscope
“Say, Dokucha, did Marco give you the stethoscope?”
They jump, startled at the question
“have to go!” They hurried out, quick to get themselves down from the chair and out of sight
He stares in the direction the child had disappeared to, letting out a chuckle and turning his attention back to the task at hand
“Someone is going to get an earful soon.”
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“Papaw, papaw!”
The Captain glances down and spots the small child making gestures to get his attention from down below
He grins easily, taking hold of them and raising them in his hand so he can see them better
“Come to tell me more about that checkup?”
They shake their head exited,
“I need to hear Papaw’s heartbeat,” they said, carefully slipping between his fingers and wrapping their legs around them in order to be able to put the stethoscope near his heart
“Wah, Papaw, your heart is slower, but it’s so loud!”
Whitebeard lets out a thundering laugh at their words, gently maneuvering them to the palm of his hand.
“My heart is not what it used to be, but it is still fighting!” he howled
“Pawpaw has the loudest heartbeat!”
Whitebeard laughs again
“I think that is to be expected,” he says with a grin
“Ah! I still need to listen to Thatch-nii’s Heartbeat!”
“Alright, he should be in the Kitchen getting ready for dinner; let me know if he has a louder heartbeat than mine.” He comments as he lowers the child to the floor
“Go ahead”
“Thank you, Pawpaw”
“Marco did lend you that, right?”
“Ha... Bye Papaw!” They said, quickly disappearing
He lets a snicker at their response, knowing what it meant.
“They are in for it now.”
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The only warning Thatch received before someone burst into his kitchen was the tiny steps in the wooden floors of the Moby dick
Thatch looked up, startled by the interruption to his cooking, setting aside the chopping board
“Geez, kid, you scared me!”
They ignore his statement, pulling a stool next to the chef and slowly making their way up to come eye-to-eye with him, placing the stethoscope over his chest and gasping
Thatch raises an eyebrow, confused, as he hears them gasp
“Uh, dokucha?”
“Thatch-nii! You don’t have a heartbeat!” The cry fiddling with the chest piece and moving it around in hopes of finding a heartbeat
“Thats bec- his explanation is promptly cut off as another voice joins in
“It’s because you can’t hear the heartbeat through multiple layers of clothing; the others had no obstructions, so you could hear them clearly.”
They still at the voice, slowly turning around with a nervous smile
“Umm, Hi Marco-nii…”
Marco stares down at the small child
Thatch glances between the two and the stethoscope that the small child held between their hand and quixkly understood the situation, letting out a snort
“Again, Dokucha? You know he’s always going to find out.”
“Shhh, Thatch-nii, I just thought I could use it before he noticed.”
“You were wrong,” Marco muttered, quickly throwing the child over his shoulder and walking off
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Dokucha sat once again at the examination table, trying to avoid the stare of their brother
“The longer you decide to ignore me, the longer you will be here.” he shrugged
They glance up at him
he narrows his eyes at the child
“That’s not gonna get you out of this one”
“I just wanted to play with it a little and help you, I was going to give it back…
He pinches the bridge of their nose
“That’s just it; it’s not something to play around, Dokucha; it is a medical tool for me to use in medical settings.”
“I just like the sound and wanted to hear everyone’s heartbeat, and I thought it would help you.”
He sighed
“I know you do, but you can’t just take my tools as you please; if you had asked, I could have lent it to you to use in the clinic under my supervision, where I can explain to you what you are looking for when you use it.”
“So, should we be taking stuff from my office?”
“Should you be taking stuff from anybody’s office?”
“Should you be taking stuff that is not yours?”
“What should you do next time you want to use something that is not yours?”
“Ask first…”
“Good,” he said, ruffling their hair
“So, can I go now?”
“Absolutely not”
“Since you seem so keen on helping, how about you help clean the clinic for the rest of the week?”
They whine at his words
“But Marco-nii~”
“Two weeks”
Their mouth drops at that
“That's too long!”
“Three weeks then.”
“Do I hear a month?”
They shake their head with a pout on their young face
“Glad we came to an understanding.”
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Okay so originally Thatcher was going to be one of the first one’s but the. I came up with the no-heartbeat and I look up at the other one’s and realize the whitebeard pirates just like showing off their chest and Thatch is the only one among them that has ir covered up in his layers of chef clothing
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xxkiller-muffinxx · 9 months
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A kiss from a rose
John Dory x mute! 1/2
Summary: (takes place after the band split up, and on) John Dory shows up out of nowhere, but with that he brings trouble, the trouble of the mind and the heart.
Words: 1746
Warnings: one moment of violence, no color coding because JD is the only one who talks in this fic
A/N: Goodbye 2023: Hello 2024! First oneshot of the year and seriously so tired after new years. I thank you all for the support on my Floyd oneshot, you guys make writing worth it! Also I imagine you live in a small house, and not a pod. Just cuz I like the idea. (Side A/N: I wrote half of this at 1 am after new years and I have more written it just turned to gibberish after a while and I had to sleep lmao. So stay tuned for a part 2!) I FORGOT TO ADD TAGS 😭😭😭
The mysterious man showed up out of nowhere, which honestly startled you and your father. He showed up in an armadillo bus that was way out of whack. You were an only child and a quiet one at that. So from a distance, your dad told you to be his danger surveillance.
Upon further examination, you managed to grip your dad's shirt and send him a message that the strange man needed help. With his kindest heart, he goes to lend a hand to him.
You never understood how your father can comprehend what you're saying, you’ve been mute since birth. Nobody knew why, but you just haven’t spoken a word. In fact, your first “word” was you writing on a piece of paper for the first time.
When your dad came back, all he did was make another plate of food and walk out. This time you watched, and paid close attention. Your dad gave the man food and that’s when you realized. He wasn’t a man at all! He seemed to be around your age. It was strangely exciting to see.
You pulled away from the window and sat down to finish your food. You then heard your dad reenter and he mentioned nothing of the exchange, but you didn’t care. It was your dad, he was almost just as quiet as you were.
Then a year went by, and your dad made sure to take care of you just right. You were a bit older now, and a bit taller. Your little small town was growing smaller with each passing day, and now you knew everything like the back of your hand. However, a certain someone didn’t.
You walk out of your home to begin delivering your dad’s trinkets around town. Use your roller skates to travel from door to door. Handing in tiny things like keychains, dream catchers, or even shoelaces. Your dad was quite the tinker.
Then your heart dropped when you realized you’d have to give food to the armadillo bus inhabitant. So you rolled in front of his bus and pet the lovely creature a few times, before anxiously heading toward the door.
It only took a few knocks when suddenly out popped a guy wearing goggles and a jacket far too thick for the summertime. You handed him his trinket. Which was a keychain with the word “BROZONE” across the small crocheted add-on.
You were about to leave when his voice cut through the silence. “Woah! This looks even cooler than I thought it would! Thanks!” He grins at you, expecting a response, but when silence follows he pushes his goggles onto his head. “Uh…did I come across too strong there? Or are you stunned into silence because you’re looking at a former member of Brozone?”
Your social ticking time bomb was ticking, it was a common small-town rule to not talk to you because you’d start crying or something, but this is new. This is just discomfort. His words turned to mumbles as you began to go on autopilot.
Suddenly a hand touches your shoulders. A billion thoughts run through your head, you look up at him and see his face coming closer. Instincts kick in and you wind up punching him in the face. Straight knock out right hook into the nose.
The crack made you snap back into reality. He’s on the ground, groaning in pain. you don’t like consequences. So instantaneously, who does? So You run off. Your feet pitter-patter in the ground below, scared of what your father would do if you found out.
You hide away after that moment, your dad did find out, but geez did he find it funny. That was the first time you’d heard him laugh in ages. So he put the shop on hold and decided to teach you how to make trinkets instead. So that event never happens again.
You were in your mid-20s when you started delivering again. However, you made an effort to avoid the armadillo bus with all your being. However, you caught glimpses of Bus-man looking out at you while you worked. Your nerves nearly get the best of you every time you catch it.
When the end of the day came around the corner you made it home and sat on your porch swing. You swung until the sun went down, but in the meantime, you were looking ahead, then caught sight of the man lazily sitting outside too. But when he caught sight of you he suddenly puffed out his chest and grinned. Wiggling his eyebrows.
You shot him a weird look and looked away. What was that? Was he…flirting with you? You punched him in the face! Why was he flirting? After about an hour you felt something hit your shoulder. When you looked, it was a crude paper ball, you opened it. It said: “My name is JD, John, the leader, John Dory, what's yours?”
You laughed when you saw the crossed-off names, you pulled a pencil out of your hair and wrote your name on the paper. You looked up and looked around. Eyes closed in on him as he tried to act natural. You smirked and threw it back at him, hitting him in the head. You gasped and looked away. Your cheeks become red like fire.
The game of toss continued. You and him having a nice conversation about flowers. Which led to him calling you Buttercup. You didn't know why this made you blush, but a nickname was new for you.
Eventually, you told him goodnight and waved to him. He waved too, but you could've sword-he punched the air in excitement before going inside.
It became routine. Every night you two would be outside neighbors, talking to one another on paper. You’d share one fact about yourself, and he'd share several. He was far more open than you were, and he was fine with it.
Until one night it came to the subject of verbal communication.
You explained to him your situation and he started asking so many questions. It made you sort of uncomfortable. Then in a shocking turn of events, he changed the subject to something debatably worse.
“Why did you punch me?”
Your eyes widened and you turned red again. You heard his loud boisterous laughter at your reaction and you felt a knot tie in your stomach. Your heart fluttered and all your hairs stood on end. What was going on?
He then yells out to you, as his first time communicating verbally. “It's alright buttercup! I forgive you!” His grin was infectious, leaving you wanting to see it more often.
When you started visiting his bus, the two of you became inseparable. Seeing as you were nonverbal you'd usually listen to him spout pure nonsense half the time. Sometimes he'd just break out into song.
Your favorite nights are when he'd break into song and ask you to dance with him. You'd always decline. Which always disappointed him but he was just fine dancing all by his lonesome.
“Baby! I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey!” he'd fall to his knees and outstretched his arms to you “come on! Ooh, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels, yeah!” he’d continue singing even as you shook your head.
When he kept dancing, on rare occasions you giggled, very quietly. He'd catch it and make a big deal out of it, causing you to blush and quietly giggle yourself into oblivion.
He'd leave you alone for a while, eventually getting back to telling stories. You explored the but a little while he spoke, he watched you, explaining some messes and creating excuses for others. That is until you stopped in a corner, picking up a vinyl. John shot up. Stumbling over to you.
“That uh. That's-” you looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Which may have been the first time he understood what you were saying without you writing on a piece of paper.
He sighed heavily and slumped onto the couch “it’s a pretty boring story.” he huffed out a laugh, crossing his arms as he leaned into the corner of his couch. “You wouldn't like it.”
You frowned, carrying the vinyl over to him. You sat down beside him and looked him in the eyes. Silently asking him to go on, when your hand landed on his knee. He looked at your hand then at you. “Well buckle up because this is gonna be a long one.”
He tells you everything, you don't flinch, make a face, nor do you judge. His story is depressing. He seems so angry and frustrated about it. Something about the way he talks about his brothers made you want to hug him and comfort him with every bone in your body.
His anger rises as he reaches the end. His nose flaring and his eyes widened. “I just wanted us to be great! To be the best boyband there ever was but no! They kept complaining and-” he was cut off by the look you were giving him. His breath hitched at the sight of your eyes so sincere and caring, it was different for him.
He tore his eyes away and crossed his arms. “I just wish. I just wish we were still brothers.” you gripped his hand squeezing it tight and he seemed to get the message. “I know I know. They're my brothers whether they like it or not.”
You nodded, running your fingers through his tall hair then looking him in the eye. There was a moment of clarity there. Your cheeks turned 6 shades of red, when his eyes snapped lower on your face. You stood up and took a deep breath. You awkwardly pointed at the door. A shy smile on your face as you gravitated to the bus door.
You felt bad at the look of disappointment he had, but also you were still friends at this point. You couldn't ruin that. Not because you would hate being with him, but it's too good to lose. His expression changed back to his regular one and he stood up to help you out.
“After you M’lady Buttercup,”
You rolled your eyes, but stopped for a minute to look at him, thinking about what you should do. In your fear and anxiety. You waved him goodbye. Leaving him wanting much more from you.
To be continued…
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littlejuicebox · 8 months
Puppy love.
Idk how this has become an almost nightly update, but I swear I have so many ideas for this little family, it's ridiculous.
Sorry for all the Dadstarion spam to the peeps that aren't into it. I promise I'm going to pivot now. I have to edit MWC and I'm aiming to get it up this weekend or early next week.
Tags/Warnings: all fluff, Dadstarion, parenting, babies, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of animal death, idk what else but comment if you see anything
Summary: Three year old Gale finds a dog in the orchard, but there’s something curious about this interaction. Astarion is struggling with parenthood in the face of his child’s growing understanding of the world.
Word count: 1800
Astarion had, against his own wishes, been required to participate much more in this year’s orchard harvest than in years previous. Your swollen stomach certainly got in the way of performing too much manual labor and you’d enlisted your husband’s help for the more difficult parts. 
“Darling, this is really more your thing.” Astarion sighs, crossing his arms as he assesses your pout. You’d just asked him to climb the ladder and pick apples from the taller parts of the trees.
“My love, I know you are such a wonderful father and husband that you wouldn’t dare say no to the mother of your children when she asks for help while she is currently incubating two of your precious offspring.” You respond sweetly, batting your eyelashes at your husband, “Unless you’re suggesting I should climb onto the ladder in my heavily encumbered state, dear?” 
“I hate you.” He responds with a huff and a quick roll of his eyes while trudging toward the ladder.
“No, you don’t.” You call after him before nestling yourself into the picnic blanket with Gale. The silver-haired boy was playing with a set of wooden ducks that had been whittled for him by Halsin, simply ‘quack quack quacking’ as he took a break from his part of the harvest. His little fingers were stained red by the cranberries he’d helped you pick.
Astarion reluctantly picked apples from a handful of trees before he gave up and settled down beside the two of you, insisting he would simply hire people to complete the rest of the harvest.
“I’m far too hungry to continue, love,” He complained before delving into the picnic basket and pulling out lunch.
Your stomach growls in response to the smell of food carrying in the autumn breeze. Fine, he was right, it was far too much work for two adults and a three year old.
As you eat, you watch Gale attempt more than once to bite into an oversized apple his father had picked from the orchard. The child had the item cupped in both his hands, and he kept opening his mouth far too wide, sinking only his incisors into the fruit’s thin flesh.
You stifle a giggle as he bites down and sends the McIntosh flying from his tiny fingers onto the checkered picnic blanket.
“Gale, darling, perhaps you should ask daddy to cut that,” You suggest as you finish the last few bites of Astarion’s sandwich. You’d instantly devoured your meal; the twins kept you ravenous. Your husband offered half of his own to you with a peck to your temple and gentle brush of his fingers along your rapidly growing stomach.
The elf might be exceptionally self-serving when it came to his interactions with the rest of the world, but he’d always been particularly self-sacrificing for his little love.
Gale grunts dramatically as he bends to retrieve his food and then turns to look at his father. Astarion lifts his eyes from his book to acknowledge the boy with a quirked eyebrow.
“Daddy, I want the knife for I can cut this,” he says, eagerly holding out one of his hands, hoping his father will let him use the dagger.
“I think we have a few more years before you’re using blades, little prince,” Astarion responds while snapping his book shut. Then he reaches into the picnic basket to retrieve your old sussur dagger before wiggling his fingers, beckoning for the apple.
Gale groans, disappointed that he can’t hold the knife, but obliges and hands the McIntosh to his father. A few quick cuts later and Astarion is placing the sliced wedges of fruit down in front of the silver-haired boy.
“What do you say, Gale?” You prompt as the child begins eating the fruit.
“Thank you, daddy!” The three year old responds through a mouthful of apple.
Astarion ruffles the little boy’s curls, “You’re welcome, little prince.” 
A soft whine comes from a few trees away, and Gale’s head lifts from his lunch to search for the source of the sound. His curious green eyes scan the orchard.
“A doggy!” He exclaims, immediately dropping his apple slice and moving to run toward the floppy eared mutt.
But Astarion snatches his son’s hand, halting him, “Gale, you can’t just go running after—“
“Come here, puppy!” Gale calls, ignoring his father. The dog immediately obeys, running toward the child with a wagging tail and lolling tongue.
You chuckle as Astarion wrinkles his nose in displeasure, protectively pulling his son back onto the picnic blanket and eyeing the animal suspiciously. 
“It’s just a lost puppy, Astarion.” You murmur, watching the mutt closely as it slows its approach, cocking its head slightly in curiosity. It doesn’t appear to be past adolescence.
The dog whines again, its brown eyes focused on the little boy. 
“She say she is hungry!” Gale exclaims before he crouches down to grab an apple slice, “Here, puppy!”
He attempts to toss the fruit to the dog, but doesn’t manage to get it quite far enough. The floppy eared creature slowly steps forward and takes the offering, watching your family cautiously.
Another whine comes from the puppy after it finishes the apple slice, and Gale crinkles his white eyebrows while turning to look at his father. 
“Papa, she say her mommy is hurt!” He explains, lifting a small finger to point to the back of the orchard, “Over there!”
You and Astarion exchange shocked glances. A silent conversation ensues between two pairs of eyes that know one another better than anyone else. Is the little boy actually communicating with the dog?
Astarion stands, his eyebrows furrowed, intent on confirming your suspicions. He heads in the direction your child pointed, toward the edge of your property located just more than fifty paces away.
Without his father holding him back, Gale runs to the mutt and begins to chatter excitedly, cooing praises of adoration as he pets the creature. You watch your son curiously as the animal licks the remnants of Gale’s lunch off his hands, her tail wagging happily.
When your husband returns, he’s got that same furrowed brow. Gale is distracted by the dog as Astarion calls to you, “Gwann.”
You crinkle your eyebrows, mirroring Astarion’s puzzled expression, and then turn your focus back to your son. He must be able to communicate with the dog, there’s no other explanation.
“It looks like coyotes must have gotten to her,” Astarion explains, his voice low as he also assesses his son,  “And before you even suggest anything, no, Tav. Absolutely not. The twins are almost here, we won’t have time to—“
“Daddy!” Gale calls, running back towards his father, his new dog friend in tow, “Where her mommy go? We can help!”
Astarion brings his fingers to anxiously pull at his own ear. 
Nine hells.
They’re adopting the damn dog, aren’t they? 
“Well, Gale…” Astarion starts, and he flicks his eyes to you, flailing his hand open in an exasperated gesture as he struggles to come up with an explanation, “Her mommy is sick and had to go to the… animal doctor. So… I told her mommy we would watch her until she got better.” 
A lie, yes. And not a particularly good one. But Astarion isn’t about to explain death to his three-year-old.
The little boy’s eyes widen in excitement as a grin spreads across his face. He turns to look at the puppy, and somehow he’s able to figure out the dog has no idea what his father said, so he repeats the gist of it to the floppy eared mutt. The dog listens and cocks its head curiously, but then seems to give some indication of agreement.
Poor little thing.
The two of you exchange glances again. You’re going to have to discuss this once Gale goes to bed.
“Come on, darling, get your toys and let’s head back inside,” You tell the little boy, “I’m sure your new friend is very hungry; we can find something for her there. Daddy is going to pick a few more apples and then join us.” 
As the three year old is grabbing his toys, you exchange another pointed glance with your husband before thrusting your chin in the direction of the dead dog. 
“Haudh,” You murmur. Grave. You want Astarion to bury the animal before the puppy winds up finding her dead mother and tells Gale. He nods his understanding and bids the two of you goodbye, waiting until you are out of sight before heading toward the back of the orchard. 
And here he thought he was done burying corpses.
Later that night, you and your husband are in bed after just putting your son and his new companion, Apple, to sleep. Gale had chosen the name while he helped you bathe the puppy. 
Astarion had rolled his eyes and whispered to you, “I don’t know which is worse, Scratch or Apple.”
But he’d started referring to the dog by that name, regardless. 
The elf closes his eyes and presses his fingers into the sockets with a soft groan, “I didn’t know what else to say, Tav. We couldn’t very well tell our extremely sensitive son that the pup’s mother died. You know how he would’ve responded. All the saplings in the orchard would’ve been knocked down.” 
You can’t help but laugh at your husband as he works through the events of today.
He snaps his eyes open and glares at you, raking his hands through his curls and completely ruining them in the process, “It’s not funny, dear.” 
“It kind of is, my Star,” You shrug, moving forward to press a gentle, comforting kiss to your husband’s lips, “But I love watching you try and protect Gale’s soft heart.” 
Astarion shakes his head at you with a belabored sigh, “Parenting is impossible.” 
“Perhaps… but we’ve done other impossible things, haven’t we, my love?” You whisper, and the twins roll in your stomach, signaling their assent.
Astarion sighs again and nods, bringing his hand to rest upon the swell of your abdomen. He smiles as he feels the movement of the two little ones within. 
“Sometimes I think you just manage to convince me anything is possible, little love. And I’m so foolishly enamored with you that I’ll believe anything you say.” The elf says through a lopsided, exhausted grin.  
“And apparently I’ll do anything you say, like moonlighting as a farmer and digging a damn grave for a dog,” He continues, his nose wrinkling in displeasure, “You’re lucky you’re cute, darling.” 
You chuckle; the phrase reminds you of the times before Astarion so willingly told you he loved you, back when the two of you had no idea what you were doing.
In many ways, the two of you still don’t have a clue.
But you have each other. And just like every time before, you would figure it out. Together.
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Teen MC: Uncle Luke! *hugging him*
Luke: Eh—
Simeon: *chuckles* Sorry, Luke. I think you weren't expecting that they would be a little bit taller than you.
Luke: Yes... Why does everyone have to be so tall...
Teen MC: Now that Uncle has mentioned that. *looking at him*
Teen MC: You're as short as I remembered. Do you never grow?
Luke: *blushes in embarrassment* H-Hey! Of course I will grow! *pouts*
Teen MC: Are you... sure?
Luke: *tries to sound stern* MC, I'm still your uncle.
Teen MC: ...
Teen MC: How tall are you exactly, Uncle?
Luke: MC!
Simeon: *chuckles* MC, stop teasing your Uncle Luke.
Luke: Hmph! I know you're making fun of me too, Simeon!
Simeon: Oh. I would never do that.
Teen MC: He certainly does.
Simeon: Hehe.
Luke: *pouts even more*
Teen MC: I'll help you carry your luggage, Uncle.
Luke: Thanks...
Simeon: MC? Can Papa ask you to prepare some drinks and snacks for us?
Teen MC: *nods* Yes. But Pa? Don't forget your doctor's appointment this afternoon.
Simeon: *smiles* Of course. Thank you for reminding me.
Simeon and Luke: *watch MC as they carry the luggage and goes to the room Luke is going to occupy*
Luke: ...
Luke: Simeon?
Simeon: Yes?
Luke: Why do you have a doctor's appointment?
Simeon: Oh. I've been having backpains lately. *chuckles* Maybe it's because I'm getting old and I'm starting to feel changes in my body.
Luke: Oh.
Luke: ...
Luke: Simeon, I know you've decided this a long time ago... But if given a chance, would you—
Simeon: No. I'm already satisfied with how things are.
Luke: I see. *smiles* I'm glad.
Satan: *helping MC to prepare snacks and drinks* How long is Luke going to stay here?
Teen MC: A few months. But I wish he would stay here for at least a year. I know how much he misses Papa.
Satan: ...
Satan: You should be cautious.
Teen MC: It'll be alright. I can trust uncle.
Satan: ...
Simeon: *showing his results to MC* See? Papa is completely healthy.
Teen MC: That's great, Pa.
Simeon: Does that mean we can go hiking? We can ask Luke and the others to join us.
Teen MC: Yes. But if I carry you, I'll carry you. No complaining.
Simeon: *sad frowns* However, Papa doesn't want to be a burden. *smiles* And I can still pull my weight.
Teen MC: It's not about pulling your own weight, Pa. I don't want you getting exhausted because of long walks.
Simeon: *chuckles* I can't argue with that.
Lucifer: *enters the room* Simeon? Barbatos would like to see you.
Simeon: Right now?
Lucifer: Yes.
Simeon: Okay. MC? Feel free to read any books you want. And oh! If you have any feedback, much better.
Teen MC: *nods*
Simeon: *smiles before leaving with Lucifer*
Teen MC: ...
Michael: ...
*One of MC's letters:
"I want to understand why my father turned into a human. Could it be because of me? If so, Uncle, please undo it or punish me in the same way."
Michael: ...
Michael: You're old enough to deserve a response.
Simeon: What is it, Barbatos?
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: Have you noticed anything about your child?
Simeon: No. I would say everything seems normal. Why? Is there a problem?
Barbatos: I am not certain. Though I have a wild guess that your child is in contact with your former brother Michael.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: Why would MC communicate with him?
Barbatos: MC was just a child when you chose to be a human, Simeon. It might be that they're seeking for answers.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: Maybe I've been worrying my child without knowing.
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: *smiles* Your child is just like you, Simeon. Worrying over something they have no control of.
Barbatos: However, that's not our concern right now.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: I'll try asking my child. They would never keep a secret from me.
Teen MC: ...
*Michael's letter to them:
"Your existence stems from a deeply regrettable act, one that is unacceptable for an angel.
That's the explanation I could only provide you."
Teen MC: ...
Teen MC: *sigh* What could that be...
Teen MC: *is thinking of asking Simeon but they're unsure if they should*
Teen MC: ...
Teen MC: It's not the time yet.
Teen MC: I want Papa to trust me that I would be able to handle everything.
Teen MC: A few more years should be enough.
Teen MC: ...
Teen MC: But if I fail to wait for an answer... I want to at least have enough wisdom to understand the situation.
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lullaebies · 7 months
For Aegon III/Jaehaera's requests: Aegon being nervous because Haera is having their first child and heir after a decade.
He can hear her screams of pain from behind the doors of their shared chambers.
He starts to pray the gods, despite Baela and Viserys' tentative reassurances then Haera calls for him and Aegon's feets lead him in front of the doors; the guards try to stop him and he orders them to not touch him.
They woke the dragon and the dragon will be protective of his mate and hatchlings.
When he enters, he is quick to be by Jaehaera's side
"My king you shouldn't-"
"I can and I will"
They had their baby boy🥺 and you bet that Aegon cries for the first time out of happiness, then Haera is there like: "Give him to me! he's mine!"
And doesn't allow anyone to touch their baby and you vet Aegon will wash his baby boy, much to the horror and amusement of the masters, midwives and Aegon's siblings
Aegon paces around the hallway in an attempt to calm down. He has been banned from his bedchambers for the better of half an hour now.  The Grand Maester and his accompanying midwives have tended his wife as she gave birth to her firstborn; their firstborn.
He is not a religious man, by any means of the word, but he prays under his breath. The gods had long forsaken him, laughing as they planted him on a throne of swords that had cost him nearby everything. But his wife had a woman of more faith, despite all she had been through herself. If the Seven are true to them, they would protect her.
Aegon hopes so, begs so, his stomach turning up and down. The toll of the birthing is clearly heard beyond the doors that separate them. Jaehaera is eight and ten, and they both grew plenty since their wedding, but she has remained a smaller woman to this day. Her pregnant belly had been big for her frame, he can’t help the dark thoughts his mind leads him to.
“You are going to have to breathe, dear brother,” Viserys tells him. “Births do not ever sound pleasant. This is a fact of life.”
Yet they never sounded so difficult for Larra, either, he wants to say, but he only frowns. If it wasn’t for the fact Lady Larra Rogare had left court a year prior, he may have said it aloud. Little Aegon, Aemon, and Naerys were left alone with only their father. The pit in Aegon’s stomach grows exponentially. This is a possibility, for Aegon too, and he had never trusted his odds.
Baela takes him by the shoulder. If it wasn’t his sister, he may very well flung that hand away. “You are going to look more dreadful than your wife when she gets out of that room,” she says straight to his face. “Calm down. I have done as much twice. Rhaena had done so six times. Your little wife will manage, she’s resilient, for all it’s worth.”
She’s neither you nor Rhaena. Resilient Jaehaera had been, but it hasn’t been without struggles. Aegon doubts she had ever said as much to anyone else but him, but this court had been a lonely place for her besides for him. She’s been changing it, step by step, and now labouring to change it definitively, but how alone must she feel in that room? 
Another pained wail comes from within the room. I can’t take it anymore.
“I am entering,” he finally says, escaping his sister’s grip. There are protests from all sides when he steps away from his siblings and to his Kingsguards. The bumbling fools in their white capes move to not allow him to enter, citing the instructions of the Maester, but he glares them down. He’s a full head taller than both, with a crown on his head. He has abandoned the days the Keep could rule him when he fired Lord Torrhen Manderly. “You serve the maester or the King, now? Move aside, or else.” 
The doors to the room open for him while Jaehaera is pushing, forehead wrinkled and sweatied as she does. All her attendants turn to him, but he ignores them and their words entirely.  Aegon only needs a few long steps to reach his wife, sitting beside her on their very bed. 
Jaehaera lifts her eyes to him, panting as he wipes her forehead and moves silver strands from her red-hued face. Grand Maester Munkun swallows as he moves to him. “Your Grace, you shouldn’t like to stay. Births are stressful occasions—”
Aegon does not listen to a thing the man says. “Aegon,” Jaehaera pants, fingers coming to clutch his sleeve. He gives her his full palm to squeeze. 
“—To both parents…” The Grand Maester slowly falters in his words.
“As I’ve noted,” Aegon answers, cutthroat. “I can stay and I will. Now mind your Queen before I find someone who does.”
The old man gulps in response, and scurries to his seat at the edge of the bed nodding. Aegon fixes the pillows under his wife’s head. The calls to push are difficult on his wife for a while, and he feels her using all her strength, the squeeze on his hand a testament to all her efforts.
Their child’s cradle is ready, standing by the window and illuminated by the sun. So many blankets woven for a child not yet born are laid within. Jaehaera had been waiting on the babe for so long, talking to her belly at times even, hoping the little one would hear. 
In comparison, Aegon had been almost afraid. He had worried and angered and anxiously dealt with the idea of a child coming under his wing. Broken wings, by most accounts. He has never known how his siblings had been able to heal the way they were, raising their own family in swift pursuit. Jaehaera’s losses, his losses, had made them become ghosts in the shells of their bodies for the longest while.
But he had grown into this shell, just as he had grown into his crown, and now it is their turn to rebuild. 
Jaehaera lets out a sharp yelp of pain, and Grand Maester Munkun lifts his head. “The babe is crowning,” he looks to the midwives. “Prepare the bath!”
Aegon squeezes his wife’s hand harder. Jaehaera’s eyes are bleary from tears of effort, but he feels he is the one who is in whirls of uncontrollable emotions. Jaehaera inhales in determination, readjusts her position and groans loudly one last time.
A babe’s cries deafen all other voices in the room. 
“It’s a boy,” Munkun announces to the room amidst cries of new life, and then looks at him. “A  healthy prince, Your Grace. An heir for the Iron Throne.”
Grand Maester Munkun is holding their son. Aegon doesn’t know how long he has been waiting on letting his tears fall. It could be from the moment he has been told Jaehaera’s water broke, and it could be from moons prior, when he had been first told Jaehaera is with child. There is some spell cast on him when he sees his boy writhe for attention, tufts of silver hair sticking to his head. It’s my…
The umbilical cord is cut, Jaehaera, despite her pain and fatigue, rises into half-sitting in a bolt. “He’s mine,” she yells at the Grand Maester, paralysing all attendants in the room. Queen Jaehaera, as the court knows her, hardly ever raises her voice. “Give him to me!” 
It’s their boy, first. Before he is an heir, before he is thrust into his royal position, it’s their son.
Aegon comes up from his place, and takes his son from Grand Maester Munkun before he could give him to any of the midwives. He is a big baby, eyeing Aegon with a stare of indigo. He has small, pouty lips, and squishy cheeks as red as all of his body is.
“Our son,” he says, placing the boy in her arms. Jaehaera holds him close to her chest, and finally, the stress on her face dissipates. Tears escape her eyes, but she smiles so widely. “He has your nose.”
“Hello. I am your mama,” she tells the newborn softly. The babe’s cries calm as they speak. Aegon brings a hand to caress his face. Does he recognize their voices? Aegon hasn’t spoken to him during the pregnancy as much as Jaehaera, but the nights he did, does the boy recall them? Aegon had been so afraid for his upcoming arrival, but now he has him and he can’t look away. “And this is your papa.”
It’s my family. 
And he loves it, so dearly, he will never let it go.
“Congratulations, little brother, and good sister,” he hears Baela’s voice from behind him. Both her and Jaehaera look up to her. His sister is mindful of their space, but ogles the little boy with a grin. Viserys is further back, trying to catch a glimpse of the child too. “The midwives are afraid to ruin the moment, so I must. Our prince needs to have his first bath before the water grows cold.”
Jaehaera licks her lips, rather hesitant to give the boy away. They share their reservations with only their eyes. Aegon thinks for a moment and kisses his wife’s temple before looking at all the attendants in the room. “Bring the bath here. I’ll do it.”
There are many variations of his title that come about in exclamation. ‘Your Grace’, ‘Your Highness’, ‘Your Majesty’ and so on and so forth, all complaints and concerns and whatnot. None of it matters, not even a smidge, when Jaehaera smiles at him, and gives him their boy in full trust. He holds him, swearing his arms would be secure for the boy evermore.
Because I am your father, above all else.
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donustellaron · 8 months
All Grown up
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Okay so this is my first published fic, this one's inspired by a Sukuna bot (shockingly), so no warnings honestly? Just pure fluff and love<33. This is a gojo x reader x geto, oh also male reader cuz I'm a guy and gay. Also this is kind of a sorcerer thingy but its not like explicitly mentioned.
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When Sukuna's servants brought him a small child as food he decided to give the kid some time to grow before eating him, what he didn't expect was for him to get attached to the kid. Now the kid was 11 and practically his son.
Sukuna sighed, you were gonna be the death of him, you had just asked to go meet the Gojo clan's kid, Satoru Gojo. After a bit of thinking Sukuna replied, "Fine, go see this brat of theirs, maybe it'll amuse me." With Sukuna's permission, you ran off to go find the boy. Sukuna sighed again, he hoped you didn't get into any trouble, not because he cared for you...he just didn't want any inconveniences. So when you came back holding hands with the young Satoru Gojo he was pleasantly surprised, "Why do you have him with you?" he spoke in a confused and irritated tone. "Oh! Suku-nii this is Satoru Gojo, Satoru-chan this is my caretaker Sukuna," you exclaimed excitedly, "Suku-nii I wanted to play with Satoru-chan but his guards didn't let us leave the mansion so we snuck out!!" Sukuna's expression was a mix of curiosity, annoyance, and mild amusement. "So you snuck out just to play with this one?" You responded eagerly, "Satoru-chan is lonely so this'll be his first time playing!! We'll have tons of fun!!" It was clear to Sukuna that you were happy with having a playmate, "How adorable..." He muttered under his breath. "Well go ahead and play." Hearing that you grabbed Satoru's hand and ran off to play in Sukuna's palace.
Later that night the two kids were exhausted from all their shenanigans, Satoru especially had fun, he'd smiled more that evening than in his life. "By the way, I'm glad you brought me here." He grinned, thinking about how his parents were probably running wild. Suddenly you were hit with a great idea, you grabbed Satoru's hand again and ran to your Suku-nii.
Sukuna was having tea with Uraume when he sensed the cursed energy of the Gojo kid, he turned to the door, his face expressionless as you barged in. "SUKU-NI!!!!" You paused to take a breather, "Can Satoru-chan stay the night?? Please???" Sukuna pauses, considering your request.
Meanwhile, Uraume looks at all of you confused, soon enough Sukuna speaks, "Okay... fine. The brat can stay the night if he doesn't make a mess and behaves himself." He holds back laughter at Uraume's shocked face. You squeal in happiness and thank him. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!" And again, off you go with the Gojo kid.
Once it's time to sleep you and Satoru end up talking for hours until you both pass out in your pillow fort.
5 years later, you and Satoru are now 16, in terms of appearance you both have matured and are much taller and stronger than before, yet one thing remains unchanged: your unwavering bond and love for one another. You've spent these past 5 years together, enjoying a wide variety of activities and learning more about the world and each other with every passing day. Satoru's relationship with Sukuna is better now, he's still called a brat but in an affectionate way, when they return from school they always greet Sukuna and then head off to your room to hang out.
A year later they both meet another boy: Suguru Geto, you love him dearly and so does Satoru. A year later you, Satoru, and Suguru have formed an inseparable bond. The three of you are now 17, having grown closer to each other. At one point they end up losing their virginities to each other, it's clear to Sukuna that they are in love. Even so, he and Uraume are always ready to comfort you in your relationship woes.
Soon you're 28 and at your wedding, today's the day you get married to your amazing boyfriends. When Sukuna walks you down the aisle you can't help but cry, and so does he, his little kid grew up into a formidable man. After the ceremony you find him and Uraume talking to your husbands, you walk over and hug Sukuna, a faint smile on his face and a wide smile on yours, "Suku-nii..." His heart warms at the nickname you gave him all those years ago, he holds you tightly. He had witnessed your growth and development over the years, watching your love and devotion to your husbands. He calls your name and you look up at him, "Isn't this a lovely occasion? No need for tears kid, it warms my heart to see you and your beloveds bound in matrimony." You chuckle at his choice of words, "Suku-nii, thank you for taking care of me and letting me meet Satoru-chan and Suguru-chan all those years ago, thank you...Dad" Sukuna chokes up and feels tears welling in his eyes. He hugs you tightly, and you smile, you love your dad dearly. (and Uraume)
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AHHH OMG. I'm ngl I almost cried during the wedding part....anyways I really love how this turned out !! And I hope you do too :))
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tumblerlove · 7 months
Boydad!Simon is something I feel like would be really healing for him to break the generational trauma
When you first told him you were pregnant after being married for a while. He was shocked. You both wanted children and talked about it before... but now it's real, and he's gonna be a father
His first thought that came in his mind was excitement and joy...but then he thought too "What if I fuck this up" but he didn't want you to think that he wasn't excited because he was happy that he would have a child with you.... but he was worried... so he hid his concern for now
He went to all of your appointments with you, he took time off work anytime you had to go so he wouldnt miss them. Simon wanted to see the baby on the ultrasound and see for himself that the baby and you are ok
Simon was there with you throughout the entire delivery holding your hand, encouraging you and cutting the baby boys cord. A boy. Simon had a son... throughout your pregnancy, Simon still didn't mention his fear that he would fail as a father. And now that he has a son, he's even more scared that he'll just be like his dad
As you're recovering the following days from the birth, Simon was super helpful he'd get up during the night and take care of the baby so you could sleep and heal. He was doing everything he could to help you and the baby
He would just stare at his son at nights and look at him and hope that he'll be better then his dad...he needs to talk to you he knows that...but how is he gonna tell you his fears without saying the wrong thing and scaring you into thinking hell be his father and become a failure not just for his son and well a failure for you too
Simon did come to you a few weeks after the birth. He had just laid the baby down while you got ready for bed. "Honey, can you come here?" he calls you softly to the bedroom. "Yeah, what is it, Si?" You ask with concern seeing his face etched in worry
"Im afraid...fuck...I'm afraid that I won't be a good enough father for our son." he spits the words out fast like they burned him. "Oh, Simon... you could have talked to me about this." You crawl up the bed and into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. Trying to comfort him the best way you know how
"I haven't wanted to tell you and admit it out loud... and make you think that I couldn't be a good Dad." he looks away from you, ashamed for saying it. "I know that you can be a dad, Simon. I watched you throughout my entire pregnancy already being a dad... being there for our son and for me. " You press your forehead to his. "These past few weeks, all you've done is be a good father...a great father Simon." You say to him softly
"I don't want him to think of me in the future like I think of my father...I don't want that." his face is breaking your heart. He looks so concerned and upset about it. "He won't ever think of you like that because you're not like that at all... if you can't tell already that little boy loves you so much he looks at you and he just sees love" you tell him as you comb your fingers through his hair
"I look at him, and I see that too...I see you and see love too," Simon says softly, his worry slowly going away from talking to you. "You're the best, Dad Simon. He's lucky to have you, and im lucky to have you as my husband. " You say into his chest as he starts falling asleep from calming down after talking, and you easing his worries
*15 years later*
"Dad, can you come outside and help me with this!!" You and Simon hear your oldest son from the backyard while you watch TV together. "I'll be right out!!" He calls back out to him. "Have fun," you say as he walks to the backyard
Simon had found this perfect home in the countryside after you guys had your second son. He wanted to give the boys lots to room to grow and run around and be happy like he didn't get to have. After your third son, Simon was very glad he had found this home. All three boys were just getting taller and bigger, just like their father. The boys also looked just like Simon too but with your eye color
"What do you need help with, Son?" Simon asks his son. "I can't get the ball into the net from this side...I just keeps missing it," he says, frustrated. "Alright, well, I can help with that," Simon says with a smile, earning him a smile from his son too
Anytime any of his boys smiled at him, his heart could've burst. Simon watched him first kick the ball to see how to help him. He went through the moves with him afterward to show just how to do it. Simon couldn't remember ever doing such a thing with his dad... being patient with him and teaching him. But Simon was different from his father. He was patient, caring, attentive, and loved all the boys deeply...and of course you too. The one who proved time and time again that he could do this
"You can do this son give it a go," Simon encourages him. He goes to try again, and sure enough, he made it with Simon's help. "YES FINALLY," your son screams out so loud that you even walk outside to see what happened
"What on earth happened!?" You call out as you see Simon and your son embracing. "He finally got it, didn't you hear?" Simon laughs while you shake your head in laughter. "Boys, put your shoes on. Let's go out back!" You call upstairs to your other two sons who were upstairs
They run right past you, heading straight towards Simon and your oldest. Not slowing down and pile driving them onto the grass. "Christ," you hear Simon say as he takes the weight of all three huge boys. "You guys are gonna squish your father to death one day," you say as you walk up to all of them. Still all on top of each other and poor Simon at the bottom
But it wasn't poor Simon...because he couldn't be happier right now. He couldn't have been any luckier in life. Finding you and your strength that helped him become who he is now. He couldn't be happier with his three boys on top of him, and with you laughing at them
So I did finally write boydad!simon and let me know what yall think...because I do love this 🥹
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wing-ed-thing · 3 months
Of Frogs and Crowns (Ichiji Vinsmoke x Reader) Part II
Synopsis: You couldn't say that being engaged to a man as emotionless and serious as Ichiji didn't bother you. But after a night of sneaking out, you think you've found a quirk to humanize him a bit, and Ichiji finds that he might be in over his head. Two-Shot.
Word Count: 3.8k
Part I Part II
Tags/Warnings: No Reader Pronouns, Language, Arranged Marriage, Royal!Reader, Minor Original Characters, Dancing
Notes: I am very glad this is finished. I accidentally messed this chapter format up and it wasn't showing up anywhere so hopefully everything is okay this time around!
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For as quickly as Ichiji seemed to have walked to the garden, he slowed down significantly to follow you into town and did so silently. You took a path that stood out starkly among the grasses. The narrow footpath had been beaten into the ground and looked to have been done so by one person. Even the steeper parts of the terrain appeared smooth and trampled down compared to the surrounding earth. 
Ichiji had no issue with the walk, trailing behind you at a short distance. He always kept close and never once offered to help you with your bag or across physical obstacles, but he kept himself uncomfortably present. Although, his trailing would completely stop once you entered the gates. 
You were mobbed almost instantly by children.
Cheers and screams filled the air, far too shrill for Ichiji’s comfort. Ichiji was almost taken aback by how they scrambled out of the woodwork, physically recoiling slightly as tiny, sandaled feet scampered through the dirt streets. 
He scowled at the small town's appearance, glancing flippantly at the wooden buildings and quaint fixtures. Everything was far too colorful for his liking, painted in yellows and other pastels. The brightly pigmented paint did nothing for the water stains and weathering of the buildings, especially with ugly things like worn clotheslines and chipped orange shudders daring to be within Ichiji’s eyesight. Draping shrubbery lined balconies, but even the greenery he assumed was meant to distract from the dingy houses and rusting farm tools appeared plain and poor. 
The people reflected their home, sporting colorful overalls and patterned button-up shirts stained with dirt and clearly worn by time. The children wore oversized shirts, sporting rough edges where the large sleeves were torn off. Traditional garments were mixed into outfits, with each citizen wearing at least a small accessory reflective of the kingdom. And yet, for their sorry state, they greeted you warmly.
The children swarmed around you, and to Ichiji’s surprise and disgust, you even picked one up in your arms, making your way deeper into town as you chatted with the townsfolk. Ichiji trailed at a growing distance behind you, and even though he stood at least a head taller than almost everyone, all eyes were on you. 
Each and every citizen called you by your royal title, including the old man mayor who hobbled up to you. You had since placed the child in your arms down, and the mayor took the opportunity to clasp both of your hands in his. 
“You don’t have to be so formal,” you sighed, your light tone almost holding a reprimand. 
“To us—” The old man’s brows rose to reveal shiny, sad eyes underneath. —“You’ll always be royalty in title, spirit, and more.” You sighed again, gazing fondly at him with a small smile. 
“How can I argue with that?” you conceded with a playful dip of your head.
“Oh well, you can’t!” The mayor let out a boisterous laugh. He released your hands with a firm pat. “What are you doing here, my dear? Shouldn’t you be at the castle celebrating your engagement?” You couldn’t help but snicker at the way his thick, gray eyebrows knitted together in concern. You always considered how much he looked like an old sheepdog. His busy beard seemed to bounce as he spoke, and the way he glanced down at your left hand didn’t escape you. “Up to no good are you?”
You gave his hands a light squeeze, leaning forward with a tilt of your head.
“Aren’t I always up to no good?” Your laugh was light like a bell, and the sound shot right through Ichiji’s chest. The mayor’s eyes went wide as he howled with laughter, his mouth forming a round shape as he cackled. Ichiji couldn’t understand what was so funny.
He felt a tug on his slacks and had to physically restrain himself from swatting the tiny hand away. 
“Hey, mister—” Ichiji scowled downward to find himself surrounded by about five small children. He shoved his fingers in his pockets with a roll of his eyes, glancing off to the side. But Ichiji’s ignorance of them didn’t make him invisible. —“Your hair’s kinda funny.” The child giggled before running off.
“Yeah,” another chimed. “It kinda looks like a duck butt!”
The mayor began to move, ushering you to a familiar building with a patio and two saloon-style doors. Upbeat music and drums resounded from the other side, and light from the modest bulbs cast a golden glow onto the street. He looked around your shoulder. His thick brows crinkled again before he returned his gaze to you with a smile and a friendly nod.
“Ah, yes, and your friend is welcome as well.” 
You glanced behind you, having to physically turn due to your large backpack. Most of the children had already gone inside, but the few that remained had surrounded Ichiji, who looked to be growing more annoyed by the second. Despite his cold and tense demeanor, his lips were moving, and you were surprised he was still there in the first place.
You turned back to the mayor with a shrug.
“He’ll find his way inside.”
Ichiji did find his way inside the dance hall before long, trailing a small posse of children behind him. To Ichiji’s relief, they seemed to find other things to occupy their attention. 
The hall was large, open, and made almost entirely out of wood. A few tables lined both sides of the room, leaving the center for people to dance. And they did dance; couples, children, and the elderly alike mingled together under the sizable chandelier above, moving in a traditional dance to the music that filled the air. 
If people weren’t dancing, they were eating or spectating from the wooden balconies above. Ichiji had to climb a flight of wooden stairs before he found you. 
You were set up at a round table on the right side of the U-shaped balcony. Your backpack was completely unfolded and laid flat, revealing a sizable pile of hand-wrapped meals. You handed food to adults and children alike, laughing and chatting amongst your people as they filtered back and forth. The balcony wasn’t very large, especially for the number of people coming to get food, although the space was about twice as ample as the section for tables down below. Despite the crowd of people that surrounded you, your face remained perfectly framed in Ichiji’s gaze.
“And Mary is doing better?” Ichiji somehow heard you over the noise. He began to make his way toward you, bumping into townspeople as he tried to maneuver around the bustling throng you had amassed. He never took his eyes off you, even as the current of people moving opposite him grew.
“Oh yes, she even stood for a bit yesterday.” 
Ichiji bumped into another woman, barely muttering a curt apology under his breath. 
“That’s wonderful!” Your voice was never drowned out, no matter how loud the music was.
A man bumped Ichiji’s shoulder, sending him a step back in the face of the growing current of people retreating with their meals. Someone stepped on Ichiji’s foot. 
“All thanks to that new medicine.”
“Please take extra home to her and tell her I say—” 
Ichiji was finally pushed back by the throng of people. Townsfolk came up to greet you, take their dinner, and find a table to sit at if they weren’t taking their food home to a bedridden loved one. 
So many people vied for your attention. Ichiji wondered how you balanced it all. He couldn’t fathom how you remembered so many asinine details about others or how you weren’t possibly overwhelmed at the mere amount of voices speaking to you at once. And most of all, he was most astonished at the glow that radiated from your smile. 
You hadn’t looked at him like that once. 
Not that it mattered.
But after much effort, Ichiji resigned himself to a still spot at the corner where the balcony began to branch off. His forearms crossed over the railing, and Ichiji let his head hang for a moment. The current of people passed around him, and the positioning of the railing allowed him to have a bit of a reprieve, but Ichiji could still see you where you stood on the right-hand side of the balcony despite the bottlenecked footway. 
He could see how the people danced on the floor below, creating a sea of different fabrics and bouncing heads of hair. Like the people he saw outside, many wore a mix of farming attire, but some sported complete outfits of brightly colored traditional garb. The band sat at the far end of the hall, and a chorus of foreign instruments blared. People ate their meals all around the hall— it looked to be some sort of vegetable and rice dish. 
Ichiji’s gaze finally settled back on you. 
“You’ve found yourself quite the gem, deeply loved by every soul here.” A voice sounded just barely over the noise. Ichiji hadn’t realized it was addressing him. He swiveled his head, and only when he looked down did he see the old mayor standing beside him. The mayor barely stood taller than the railing. “It's quite a commitment, aligning yourself with such heartfelt dedication, don't you think?”
Ichiji frowned, staring down at the old man’s bald spot. His gaze didn’t linger. Ichiji jerked his neck to move a few strands of hair out of his eyes. His attention settled somewhere random in the room. 
“You don’t make much sense, old man,” he grumbled. The mayor laughed. 
“Oh-ho-ho-ho! I never do!” he chuckled, holding his belly in a jolly manner. His other hand slapped onto Ichiji’s forearm, much to Ichiji’s dismay. And just when Ichiji thought he might punch him, the mayor retracted his touch. “You know—” The old man tilted his head to the side knowingly. Ichiji still didn’t look at him. “Serving the people requires more than just a noble birth—it takes a noble heart.” The hand that slapped onto Ichiji’s arm moved to his chest, poking him with emphasis. 
“Your gem comes here, bringing extra meals from the castle a few times every week, you know.” The mayor placed his hands staunchly on his hips. Ichiji chose to ignore his wording. You were hardly his yet. “All this food when things are so scarce.” 
“I didn’t know,” he said plainly. The old man nodded a few times in emphasis. 
“Bless the king, of course! But between you and me—” The mayor lifted himself on his toes, and Ichiji found himself tilting down to lend his ear. —“The people will rejoice in the streets when the new reign begins. They know that it is the individual that cares for them.”
Ichiji rose to his full height, pondering silently to himself. He didn’t care much for sentiment, how much you were adored, and he most certainly didn’t care for having to stand in the middle of the noisy throng of peasants, for that matter. But Ichiji had to admit that perhaps he misjudged you. 
In fact, he hadn’t judged you at all, at least not much more than your appearance and some technical data that had little to do with you personally. The number of times and the duration that he stared at your portrait was information that would have to be tortured out of him. And you would never know that it was Ichiji who had approached his father with the idea of an arrangement (and had even put in a great effort to convince him).
And despite your hard times, your kingdom did more than well for itself regarding trade. In fact, your nation basically dominated the grain trade, mined rare region-specific metals on the side, and had shot to the top of citizen happiness polls for the last handful of years despite your foreign conflicts. He had heard rumors of your competence but had assumed that your involvement was on the bureaucratic side, as the involvement of royal families tended to be.
He deemed your personality otherwise unimportant. You were beautiful; your father was well-connected; you opened up new avenues for Germa, and your country did well for itself. Ichiji couldn’t have cared less about settling a raid issue when he knew that, on top of everything else, he wanted you the moment he saw your photo.
(And although he may claim that he could do without the sharp tongue, Ichiji couldn’t deny that he was more than attracted to your fire. A bit of feistiness kept things interesting, after all.)
He hadn’t signed up for any of this.
“I wonder…” Ichiji hadn’t realized that the old man had been staring at him intently as he thought. The mayor tutted to himself, clicking his tongue as he faced forward, hands resting behind his back. “I wonder if your kingdom thinks similarly or if you might find yourself challenged in a new way, my boy.”
By the time Ichiji snapped back to reality, the music had changed, and you were already halfway down the stairs. He whipped around in surprise, not one to miss things passing him by in his surroundings. And without thinking, he followed you, leaving the mayor laughing where he stood by the balcony.
The mayor turned, watching the back of Ichiji’s head disappear down the wooden stairs. 
“Oh-ho-ho-ho! Something tells me that boy has no idea how to dance!”
His statement wasn’t exactly true, but it wasn’t false. Ichiji had been taught how to waltz for formal international events for the sheer purpose of wooing other royals and political figures. If it wasn’t a waltz, then it was a similar, simple dance. The Vinsmokes never had many dance lessons and were taught little more than what looked reasonable for young royals of their stature. The princes had also been taught a traditional North Blue dance commonly performed by men for the sake of preserving culture, but those movements were nothing like what you were doing. 
By the time Ichiji reached the bottom level, he had officially lost you again. He scanned the mass of heads congregated together on the ground floor before he finally spotted you. You were on the dancefloor this time with your arm locked around some other man’s as you danced around each other. Your opposite hands waved in the air like the elegant feathers of a bird. But Ichiji wasn’t in the mood to admire your traditional dance. 
His scowl set in deeper than usual as he decided that it was time to leave.
For no particular reason. 
Ichiji marched straight into the crowd of dancing people, unabashedly pushing his way to the center. Everyone jumped to the side in time with the beat, arms flowing in passionate yet fluid motions in sync with the music. The man stood behind you with his right hand behind his back and his left hand twirling in the air while you danced in front of him, your arm movements complementing those of your hips. Another crack of heels thumped with a hearty boom of the drums, followed by a combined shout.
Ichiji shoved his way past one last couple before he reached you, but the harsh demands to leave died on his tongue as you swiftly took him by the hands, pulling him forward as everyone seemed to switch dance partners. 
You fell right into him. Your right palms met each other; then, you intertwined your left-hand fingers as you twirled to wrap Ichiji’s arms around you. Your hips moved while your back brushed his chest. Your heel slammed against the ground in unison with everyone else, followed by a resounding shout.
You avoided eye contact with Ichiji beyond coy glances. You were still angry with him after all, and you wanted to dance, which seemed to keep him shut up enough, whether it be by the shock or the sheer overload of your crowded environment. He insisted on coming along, so he’d stay for as long as you desired.
Neither of you said anything as you whisked him around the dancefloor, and you preferred it that way. Ichiji was hilariously stiff, almost fighting you as you looped your arm through his. But Ichiji ultimately allowed you to rotate him around before switching linked arms.
“Are you always this tense?” you teased, and a deep shade of red rushed to Ichiji’s cheeks, much to his dismay. You couldn’t really tell under the lighting but you were more than gleeful to add to his discomfort.
The music drummed on in the background, growing faster with the sounds of heels slamming against the ground and the snapping of fabric.
You resumed a position in front of him; your palm extended out to the left. Your right foot pivoted, moving your knee in and out in tandem with your arm. Energy coursed through your movements as you pushed your right palm to meet the back of your left hand with a rhythmic jerk of your hip. You couldn’t help the snicker that rattled your chest. You glanced at Ichiji from over your shoulder, taking a bit too much pleasure in how out of place he appeared. 
Ichiji looked around at some other dancers in the room, and like the man from before, many men held a hand behind their backs while twirling the other in the air as their partners danced more intricately in front of them. And it didn’t escape Ichiji’s notice how all attention was on the two of you. 
The collective gaze of the people wasn’t romantic but watchful. The children above held the bars of the balcony railing and stared through the gaps. Men with mustaches leaned against the posts, looking on at how Ichiji stood stiffly on the dance floor. Ichiji even found himself catching the eyes of those dancing around you. Everyone watched the two of you, waiting. Waiting for his next move.
Of course, they knew who he was and why he was there, but no one said a word. 
Ichiji met your eye. He sighed deeply with a gesture of his brows. You rolled your eyes, giving him an encouraging nod. Ichiji wondered if you had lured him there on purpose if all of this was your test or theirs. 
He glanced one more time around, locking stares with multiple pairs of eyes that didn’t deviate from his. Ichiji wondered if it was worth the hassle, stuck between the prospect of embarrassing himself further or admitting that he was in over his head. His pride wouldn’t allow either.
His gaze locked onto yours, holding little expression other than the slight dip of his lip and a small heave to his chest that resembled a sigh. 
Ichiji’s hand raised in the air, swaying awkwardly as he tried to mimic the dancers around him. As soon as he did, the townsfolk let out a boisterous shout in time with the music, and the cheering continued as the music picked up. Ichiji jerked forward as a volley of hands slapped his back. Tight, joyful grips sat firmly on his broad shoulders, almost waving him back and forth. The townspeople didn’t crowd you, nor did they make too much of a show in the face of Ichiji’s reluctant gesture, but they grew louder, their gestures of support coming as they passed you before disappearing into the crowd.
Ichiji wasn’t convinced, nor could he be described as dedicated, but he was interested and willing to go along for the ride. You knew as much as did the town, and the more you danced together, the more you were convinced that perhaps your union had the slightest glimmer of hope. 
Ichiji’s expression didn’t change much, but you didn’t think you needed to know him for long to see the apparent shock on his face in the form of his barely widened eyes. The dance floor moved in unison, and despite Ichiji’s inability to keep on rhythm, he didn’t resist you with too much force as you dragged him around once again. Your head dipped as you laughed, the noise coming out silently as your chest shook. 
It was all so ridiculous. He was so ridiculous, yet you wrapped your arm around Ichiji’s neck and grasped his hand. 
Now, this was a stance he was familiar with. 
You could hardly cover your expression of surprise as Ichiji suddenly took the lead, and while his movements were stiff and off-rhythm at best, he moved you across the floor with fire. He dropped onto one knee, his back leg hitting the ground hard enough to shake the floor. Ichiji let out a masculine, almost startling shout with the movement, and before you knew it, his arm wrapped around your lower back as he flipped you backward in the air over his knee. 
You landed on your feet to roaring applause. Your wide eyes found Ichiji’s, and he only gave you a slight shrug before rising to his feet to retake the lead. The upward twitch to his lips didn’t escape you.
His motions were harsh, aggressive, and strong compared to yours, which seemed to move like a breeze. You gave some resistance to his lead, wordlessly guiding him back to the beats of the music. However, the effort began to strain your muscles in the face of Ichiji’s newfound rigor. You hardly noticed the space starting to clear around you as you and Ichiji engaged in a dance that was half of your kingdom and half from the North Blue, both halves complimenting each other in a way you would never have thought they could. 
Your eyes were only on him as you moved. His ice-blue irises didn’t leave you for a second, even as rhythmic clapping filled the hall. You stomped your feet together, his heel shaking the floor once again. The music swelled to a final crescendo, and in a moment without thought, you fell into a low dip with Ichiji’s strong arm supporting your back. 
The music faded as joyful voices filled the air. And still, your gazes remained locked. Sweat beaded on your forehead, and you were sure it had pooled under your clothes. You were too hot to tell. Even Ichiji breathed a bit harder as an unknown expression eclipsed his face. 
“I’ll have a better ring crafted,” he conceded, his tone ever flat. You laughed, but the corners of your mouth faltered. Your brows crinkled as you tried to catch your breath. All the commotion around you might as well have been silent.
“The ring wasn’t the problem.”
For the umpteenth time that night, Ichiji pierced you with his intent, steel-blue stare. His head bobbed with certainty.
“I will have a better ring crafted.” 
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
The original inspo was from Swayzee - Whales Talk (don't ask me why I don't know). The new soundtrack is 100% Kingdom Dance from the Rapunzel soundtrack
Part I Part II
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chuuyrr · 1 year
Hiii I really love your scarlet Witch series!!, can I request teen fushiguro scarlet witch reader and shinya meet twin black?, it’s up to you how they meet!!😁
twin red meets double black
jujutsu kaisen x reader x bungo stray dogs | series masterlist
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✧˖ ° CW(s): f! reader, mostly bsd, might contain possible spoilers for both bsd and jjk, and said partner is my jjk oc.
✧˖ ° PAIRING(s): jujutsu kaisen, bungo stray dogs (platonic)
✧˖ ° SYNOPSIS: in which you, the adolescent, adopted child of gojo satoru, who also happens to be the scarlet witch, sees double black once more and they meet your partner.
✧˖ ° SETTING: in a world where curses and jujutsu sorcerers meet gifted ability users given your ability as a scarlet witch! variant who's capable of traveling across the multiverse.
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time works in a unique way across the multiverse, and it's been a long while since dazai osamu, your dazai-nii, had seen you.
your visits to their world of gifted mafiosos and detectives have decreased, and he can't help but wonder you had forgotten about him. that being said, dazai has to remind himself that you constantly grow and that you have a life of your own, and the previous visit consisted of you telling him that he was starting high school.
you didn't belong in their world. you belonged from a cursed land full of jujutsu sorcerers, but that was until you came around for what seemed like forever.
dazai couldn't be more happier to see the familiar red psionics you possessed rip through the seams of their reality, even if he and chuuya just had dealt with something that needed their partnership again.
"[name]-chan!" cried out dazai with a happy smile, approaching the red psionics only to realize.. something very different about you.
you were more taller than you were during your last visit. you were also no longer wearing your highschool uniform, but instead a scarlet uniform, one that consisted of a cropped asymmetrical leather red jacket, a black blouse as your inner with black wristers and boots.
you even had accessories of rings and necklaces. seeing you somehow reminded dazai of how chuuya looked like he was when he was fifteen—lots of red, black, and leather.
as you entered to their seams of reality, dazai and chuuya stared at you, almost in disbelief.
"dazai-nii-san! chuuya-nii-san! it's been a long while," you greeted them with a polite and warm smile, running up to them to give them friendly, warm hugs, to which you noted was a little tight, especially when dazai hugged you.
"yes, it has, [name]-chan~ you're taller now! at this rate you're going to be taller than chuuya," dazai immediately changed his facade as he smiled down at you and gave you a headpat.
"shut up, mackerel!" scoffed chuuya at dazai before he smiled down at you, "anyway, i see you've also changed your style kid. not bad. have you been doing well?"
"i'm doing just fine. i actually stopped going to high school," you explained to them as you pulled away from them and walked towards your partner whom they were feeling protective towards you of, "and i have decided to follow the footsteps of my dad and older brother. i am also a special grade jujutsu sorcerer now."
"is that so? my, my, you've truly grown up, [name]-chan! say, what are you doing here?" dazai asked, looking at you with a smile.
"oh, well, nothing really. i just wanted to visit you guys again since i haven't been able and shinya wanted to see for himself where have i been disappearing off to," you explained with a soft chuckle escaping your lips, "i have just finished a mission too."
"a special grade curse? special grade? then that means you've reached your old man's level.." chuuya repeated before his eyes widened.
"i'm not a child anymore, chuuya-nii-san," you stated, still smiling.
"waaaah! our [name]-chan is no longer a baby, chuuya! just look at her!" dazai cried out, dramatically flinging his arms around you, which greatly reminded you of your dad when you were about to go on your first assignment.
however, your reunion with your older brother figures was cut off short when you felt a disturbance in the air.
dazai immediately released you from his hold when he felt you tense up while chuuya gave you an odd look. you immediately put up a red force-field using your chaos magic, just in time the ground trembled and large branches and vines sprouted to attack the three of you.
"what the fuck?!" chuuya yelled out in surprise.
"a special grade curse, made it here? it must have followed me in secret when i came here," you murmured softly, narrowing your eyes.
as you dispersed the red force-field made out of psionics, you gasped sharply when another large vine aimed towards you at breakneck speed, sending you flying past dazai and chuuya who yelled at you in concern.
the former twin black looked at their surroundings to see more of those large branches and vines spreading throughout the city and causing chaos as the ground trembled. chuuya scoffed at the sight and pulled out his phone, which was ringing, only to hear about the situation.
"whatever this curse is. it's taking over the city," chuuya exclaimed to dazai as he gripped his phone.
"[name]-chan!" dazai called for you in the midst of debris and smoke.
and just as he and chuuya were about to approach you, you had flown out of the building you were sent flying to unharmed and immediately began to throwing hexes at the large vines and branches that were onto you.
"i've got this, dazai-nii-san, chuuya-nii-san!" you said, but the flurry of large vines and branches was too much that it was quite overwhelming.
"fuck it, i'm calling for back up. [name] can't do this alone," chuuya dials and puts his phone to his ear again.
dazai had also done the same. but then just as he and his former twin black partner did, they felt their hearts drop when you got hit hard in mid-air by a large vine and branch that threw you off.
and now, dazai, chuuya, and the rest of the armed detective agency and port mafia were stunned as a flash of red stormed towards your falling figure.
everyone screamed for you in concern, thinking that the special grade curse that had escaped into their world attacked you.
but as the smoke cleared out, they realized the debris and smoke were glowing red, and there you were—there was a silhouette carrying your figure bridal style.
"it's.. gravity control.." chuuya muttered in realization.
standing there in the middle of the crater was a tall man with a lean build. he has long, dark messy hair that is usually tied in a half-up, half-do hairstyle, gray eyes, and a mole just below his lips.
he wore nearly the same uniform as okkotsu yuuta, but instead of a white asymmetrical jacket, he has a white button up, and has an oversized dark-blue jacket hanging over his shoulders.
you looked up at the figure carrying you, your eyes widening in awe as you clutched your injured side, "shinya?"
he stared down at you for a second, blinking quietly before a nerve comically protruded on his temple as he growled, "who else would i be?!"
with that, shinya lifted a hand and quickly flicked your forehead, causing you to yelp and thrash in his hold as he gave you a scolding, "just what the hell were you doing, huh? disappearing off like that without a trace, i literally thought you died!"
"ow! that hurts you, jerk!" you then proceeded to yank his hair with your free hand as he pushed your forehead to retaliate against your action while he carried you bridal-style, "i'm sorry, ok?! and i'm trying to patch myself up!"
"sorry?! i was worried sick, idiot! how the hell was i supposed to face gojo-sensei knowing that i lost sight of his kid!"
"i know that, but it's not my fault! my chaos magic just suddenly yeeted me out of our world and brought me here!"
"oh, i don't know.. maybe you could have at least called your partner about you getting yeeted into another universe?!"
everyone watched wordlessly as you bickered with the person they now knew as shinya.
atsushi's eyes widened at the realization, "this is [name]-chan's partner?!"
dazai found himself glancing at chuuya who was as visibly stunned as him. this scene of you and shinya together reminded them of two people they knew all too well, and they were speechless.
it was like seeing their younger selves again, back in the mafia wherein they were still known as twin black.
you two proceeded to argue, blatantly ignoring the armed detective agency and port mafia that was staring at you and shinya, and merely stopped when enormous branches and vines sprouted from the ground and aimed towards you two.
"[NAME]!!" atsushi, dazai, and the others cried out for you in concern.
shinya leapt in the air, still carrying you, dodging the attack as you extended your hand, shooting down the branches with your red psionics.
shinya's feet planted hard back on the ground, creating a crater, as your multiple hex blasts disintegrated the branches and vines and you simultaneously stitched yourself up at a molecular level.
you got off shinya's arms and stood back on your feet, smirking a bit as you grasped his shoulder, "you have my thanks for that, shin."
"ever the egoist like your old man," shinya playfully scoffed at you, patting your hand that was gripping his shoulder, "but what can i say? the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree."
dazai looked at shinya expectantly, knowing who he was referring to. gojo satoru.
you both returned your gazes towards the special grade curse who evidently agitated and surprised all the same, clearly not expecting shinya to have come here as well.
the gifted ability users of both detectives and mafiosos felt as if they were seeing two respective pairs when you twisted your hand ever so gently, conjuring a ball of red psionics while your partner snapped his fingers, making himself glow red as you both began to approach the special grade curse.
partners. that was what you two were.
just like how dazai and chuuya were, how atsushi and akutagawa were, and even how fukuzawa and mori once were together in their prime time.
"speaking of trees, let’s take care of this walking tree ourselves."
in a blink of an eye as soon as the special grade curse made its move, you and shinya enacted quickly, disappearing in a snap at blinding speed that caused shinya's oversized jacket to fall from his shoulders.
you made a straightforward dash, using your red psionics to hoist and levitate yourself in a blink of an eye while shinya made his own gravity incredibly light for him to move at blinding speed with his feet still on the ground unlike you.
the special grade curse evaded your red psionics and extended both of its hands sidewards as you and shinya both attacked from its sides.
you and shinya glowed a menacing red color. you used your red psionics to conjure and bring forth an abnormally large blast of red while shinya picked up an enormous piece of debris from the ground and hurled it towards the curse.
it was a massive rain of chaos and destruction from that. the collision resulting from both attacks caused shockwaves and an immense turbulence of air.
everyone was awestruck by the immense red psionic energy that scattered throughout the atmosphere, filling the entire area.
majority of them even had to hold onto something or stagger or else they would have flown back the intensity.
the special grade curse was unfazed by both attacks and proceeded to retaliate, sending in more enormous vines and branches towards you.
you and shinya supported each other with shinya skillfully performing sharp turns and flips while you made use of your red psionics to disappear and reappear, moving in a fast forward motion to evade, but then the special grade curse decided to take it closer.
both of you were caught off guard as a branch sprouted to his side and a scythe made out of wood formed on his hand with the curse being quick to sweep it towards you both.
using your red psionics further, you engaged the curse into a close hand to hand combat, something that dazai and everyone else had never seen you do before, given how as a child or toddler they were familiar with, you were solely relying on taking aims and shots.
they were quickly reminded that right now, you were no longer the child they were familiar with. you were now a special grade sorcerer, a seasoned fighter—most importantly, a grown up who had someone now.
yet, the thought of you having.. a partner, still irks dazai and chuuya, and it was the paternal guardian or older brother instinct they have for you.
you blocked out each swing and brandish of the scythe in a skillful defensive tactic with your red psionics. on the other hand, shinya attacked offensively, particularly at the curse's openings and weak spots while kicking and destroying each branch and vine intended for you both.
your eyes widened for a brief moment just as the blade of the scythe met your face, but shinya activated his technique quickly to pull you to him to prevent you from getting hurt,
"cursed technique adhesion!" was what he yelled, a weaker version of the force from both negative cursed energy was employed to pull you away.
as you were pulled back to him for your safety, shinya darted towards the curse, taking the lead to attack it this time, but you quickly followed him.
with his arm outstretched to his side, he employed another of his cursed techniques, "cursed technique black hole!"
a black hole formed as he snapped his fingers with his index and middle fingers extending. shinya hurled it towards the curse as you leapt and made use of his still outstretched arm to the side as a boost up to attack the curse together with him.
just as the curse was about to fend itself against the black hole made out of positive and negative energy with its own raw immense cursed energy, the black hole had altered into you instead—you had warped reality, changing it from you to attacking it instead of the black hole.
you blitzed towards the curse at blinding speed with your open hands brimming with red psionics.
you successfully stabbed through the curse, but before it could take a hold of you and retaliate, you had disappeared into a red mist of psionic energy, and the next thing the curse knew, the extension technique of shinya had reappeared and it attacked it in a blink of an eye as you warped reality once more.
the black destroyed everything in its path, but the special grade curse withstood, narrowly avoiding it.
"so this is the power of chaos magic. [name]'s warping reality right before our eyes," said fukuzawa with acknowledgement, his eyes widening slightly.
"and [name]-chan uses it in sync with shinya-kun's ability that is quite similar to chuuya's very well. their partnership, it's no doubt based on trust and instinct," mori said in addition, smiling and unfazed by the immense and monstrosity of your power and shinya's cursed technique combined, "and it is burning intensely red with passion and power—just like rubies you could say."
you and shinya knew each other and it was very evident with the way the two of you covered up for each other's weaknesses and fought.
you two didn't even have to utter a single word. everyone watched intently as you and your partner attacked the special grade curse.
it was just a straight up massacre at this point.
you and shinya were on a whole nother level compared to this special grade curse, and as it realized it, it decided to change its tactic.
"shit!" chuuya’s eyes widened as the special grade curse disappeared from you and your partner and reappeared towards them, choosing to attack them instead.
fukuzawa and mori equipped their respective blades as akutagawa and kyouka brought out rashomon and demon snow.
the curse summoned an enormous wooden creature that was shaped into a dragon hybrid of sorts and sent an array of branches in their way, filling the entire landscape.
shinya immediately reacted, activating his solemnity technique to move at blinding speed and appear in front of the armed detective agency and port mafia, "cursed technique reversal cohesion!"
with that he activated another cursed technique of his while you used your red psionics to generate a force-field around all of them, preventing them from getting harmed by the extremely powerful repulsive force that repelled all matter in its vicinity.
it repelled the wooden creature and branches filling the entire landscape as if it was nothing. smoke emerged from the intensity of the force and collision, but as smoke cleared out, the special grade curse decided to attack again in a close hand-to-hand range of combat.
both you and shinya attacked at the same time, making use of your red psionics and gravitational control technique respectively.
you shot multiple hexes while throwing hits and jabs as shinya maneuvered with missile-like kicks simultaneously assisting you and attacking the curse with chains made from gravitons, another one of his cursed techniques.
you made sure to block each and every of the curse’s attempts to land a hit on any of the armed detective agency and port mafia members.
however, your aim kept missing even as you made use of shinya's graviton chains to boost yourself.
every blast of red wasn’t hitting the special grade curse as it swung its scythe and attacked you both. you even got cut and wounded by the blade of the scythe.
"hey, don’t you think the kid’s aim is off?” chuuya exclaimed to dazai, his fists trembling slightly in a worry as he watched your red psionics miss the special grade curse.
"yeah, i can see that," dazai said with furrowed brows, "[name]-chan might be getting tired…"
ranpo scoffed at dazai and chuuya's exchange as he watched you and shinya swept the floor with the curse with hexes and featherlight chains.
a part of him wanted to tell them how stupid they were to think of that, especially dazai.
but ranpo simply decided to keep quiet and a smirk slowly rose on his lips as you disappeared into the red mist you casted along with shinya, leaving the special grade curse baffled for a moment but as soon as the red mist dissipated, the same chains had attacked from the ground, sprouting as it pierced through the curse’s torso, impaling it.
everyone was stunned.
the two of you had impaled the curse with the chains. you and shinya reappeared back, but then the special grade curse held a sinister smile as it spoke in an eerie and croaked tone of voice.
"domain expansion: world of trees."
just like that, both of your eyes widened, in fact, everyone was taken aback by the dense growth of trees and it was so immense enough to split the earth as they sprouted from the ground, a barrier forming and trapping all of you inside along with a large number of gigantic wooden hands that erupt upward from beneath the ground, encircling to prevent anyone from escaping.
"w-what is this?!" atsushi cried out, his eyes widening with worry and fear.
you wiped the blood rolling down from the cut on your temple and huffed a small puff of air, "this is a domain expansion.. an advanced barrier technique of jujutsu sorcerers from our world, and it’s a guaranteed hit once a target is trapped in."
"this is the end for you.." the special grade curse declared, laughing maniacally as it pointed the blade of its wooden scythe towards you and everyone. a mad look visible across its monstrous features.
you scoffed, nearly stumbling as you clutched your bleeding arm, prompting shinya to hold you to him to support you while dazai and chuuya, along with atsushi and the others crept towards you.
"[name]-chan!" dazai exclaimed, looking at you with worrisome eyes.
you were now taking in staggered breaths. dazai was right. you were getting exhausted. you may not have any major casualties from the hand-to-hand combat you had with the curse together with shinya and only sustained bearable cuts and bruises, but all those usage of red psionics was draining, he could tell.
"are you alright, kid? you're hurt pretty badly.." chuuya exclaimed, eyeing the exposed wounds you had on you from the fight earlier.
"i'm fine.." you said to chuuya, breathing heavily as you twitched your fingers to stitch yourself along with your partner shinya who was pretty battered up just as you, "we're fine."
"but you said this is a domain expansion.. a technique with a guaranteed hit, [name]-chan," atsushi proclaimed in a worry
"what [name] said is true, but another thing about domain expansion is.." said shinya, "it can be countered by a more refined domain."
the special grade curse swept its scythe to control the entire landscape of trees and giant hands from wood, but to its surprise, it merely remained motionless.
the curse tried again, but it refused to move and kill all of you once and for all at his command, leaving everyone confused.
"if it's the finest domain of all, it is [name]'s hex."
with a smirk creeping on your face, your eyes glowed a menacing red color as you opened them.
shinya glowed red, both his body and eyes as he, too, smirked, the two of you now emitting an ominous aura, holding a frightening look in your eyes.
the branches and hands lunged towards the curse instead, restraining it and piercing him instead.
with the flick of your hand, the domain expansion of wood and such dissolved as the reddish-black fog of your chaos magic seeped through your fingertips once more, revealing a desolate wasteland with lifeless trees and scarlet skies.
in just a blink of an eye, everything down to the molecular level had been altered, and with that, the curse looked at you and shinya with a stunned look.
"wondering how i did it?" you asked, your tone of voice becoming more and more dangerous and siren-like. it was like, hearing an entirely different you, "i can get into people’s heads you know and for another, i have no cursed technique. i manipulate reality however i want."
before the curse could react, your body had started glowing red along with shinya's.
everyone watched as shinya performed a hand sign and clasped his hands together with both index and middle fingers of his hands raised about his chest level, and then he pointed three of his fingers as his thumb held over his ring finger of his other hand towards the curse.
"domain expansion: fearsome order."
at that instant, a dark zone spread and engulfed the warped reality of a red barren hellish landscape.
it was nearly black within the area with red glowing chains of gravitons now surrounding the entire place. the immense and ominous pressure in the atmosphere was unbearable, incredibly overwhelming.
was this.. bloodlust they were feeling? dread?
everyone's bodies were screaming at them to run, but they couldn't. all they could do was watch this hell unfold.
even dazai couldn't believe what he was seeing. this current state you were in together with your partner, the aura you were giving off, it was black in blood.
without another word, the curse attempted to attack, swinging its wooden scythe in hopes to break through the domain expansion and seize you or shinya, but with shinya having control over the gravitational field of the entire area, he merely pointed at the curse his fingers before bringing his fingers in a downward motion, the body of curse was forced to slam to the ground and create a crater from the impact.
shinya then lifted his fingers upwards, prompting the curse to get lifted up in the air.
a sinister smile crept on his face along with yours as you outstretched your hand next, your eyes glowing a menacing red as you manipulated the curse's body to dislocate and crack, causing it to shrivel in pain.
shinya then snapped his fingers and made the chains of gravitons seize the curse and constrict it, wrapping around its neck, limbs and torso in a strickening way.
shinya glanced at you for a brief moment, the danger and hubris of a smile never leaving his face.
the stare and smile that he gave you was enough to tell you the message.
"you're gonna make me say it?" you glanced back at him, raising a brow as you returned the smile.
"you always say it anyway whenever we do this together," shinya chuckled at you, shaking his head.
"well, you're not wrong, shin," you said as you shook your head for a moment, before facing the curse along with shinya and pointed your fingers towards the curse, imitating shinya's hand that was outstretched and pointed at the curse with your thumb over your ring finger.
at the tilt of your head, you uttered the word along with shinya, smirking darkly, "bang!"
that being said, the fruition of your partner's domain expansion came to be. the dark zone created an attractive and repulsive force, combining his adhesion and cohesion technique, and just like that, the target was annihilated by the intense combined force.
an immense damage was inflicted in the desolate wasteland of dead trees and bloody-red skies that the armed detective agency and port mafia had to brace themselves from the tremors that resulted.
once the curse was no more, shinya's domain expansion had dissipated and reality warped back down to a molecular level under your power.
everyone watched in awe as the red hellish landscape dispersed, the surroundings now turning back into the lovely streets of their beloved city, yokohama.
"what.. the fuck.. was that?" chuuya was the first one to utter a word, breaking the silence.
"that.. really was something else.." atsushi exclaimed breathlessly, his eyes not breaking away from you and shinya.
one thing was evident to these gifted detectives and mafias with what they just witnessed before their eyes, especially to mori who had seen such a violent raging storm like this before.
partners. that was what you two truly were.
and dazai could see that clearly. in fact, that was what he had been working on to achieve in creating a new generation of double black, specifically with atsushi and akutagawa.
both dazai and chuuya found themselves staring at you and shinya, as the two of you glanced at each other with a proud and knowing look despite being somewhat battered from the fight against the special grade curse.
however, dazai and chuuya immediately stiffen up in unison when they saw your partner draping an arm around your shoulders.
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"hatsuki shinya, was it?"
you wanted to cringe at the way dazai and chuuya were eyeing your partner from head to toe, scrunitizing him completely while dazai held you to his side closely—he really was a copy of your adoptive father, gojo satoru, even when it came to his protectiveness.
your partner simply raised a brow at dazai, then at chuuya, unfazed by their hard stares.
dazai's face shifted into a look of disgust as he faked a vomit and pulled you closer to his side, "your partner looks like a mirror copy of hat rack, [name]-chan, and it's disgusting."
at that instant, both gravity manipulation users snapped their heads towards him and scowled,
dazai shook his head and continued to hold you close to him, "see what i mean, [name]-chan? how could this be? have i rubbed my influences on you that much you got a 'chuuya-copy' as your partner?!"
"dazai-nii-san," your sweat began to drop as you watched dazai and chuuya bicker along with shinya, which made you sigh in defeat.
you could already tell that having them meet your partner would not end well.
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✧˖ ° niki says ! ༉‧₊˚.
guess who finally had the time to write for scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader after for what seemed like eternity? i found this sitting in my draft and found out i had a whole ass fight scene written in this piece so i polished it real quick while i have spare time so yeah. thanks for reading !
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✧˖ ° join my taglist, perhaps ? ༉‧₊˚.
@anonymousewrites @magpiemissy @anqelically @96jnie @lovesick-fairy @soleelia @irethepotato @nianre @xingqiusliegee @lenasvoid @bloobewy @itz-stuts @17chuuya @achlysyo @youdidntseemehere21 @just-here-reading
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dira333 · 6 months
If I’m not too late for the most recent game I’m going to say Kisame 24!
The plotbunny game is always ongoing, so there's never a "too late"! Thanks for calling in!
Your prompt: Lonely water, won't you let us wander (how fitting!)
Lonely Water - Kisame x Reader
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The ground is slick from recent rain as you run, the mist swallowing all color.
"Wait for me!" You call out with the annoyance only a five-year-old can muster, "Kisame!!"
"You're too slow!" He grinds out only moments later when his arm shoots out from your right, pulling you down a narrow alley.
"I'm not!"
"Are too!"
You huff and try to step on his foot, but he moves out of the way just in time.
“Come on,” he grumbles, clearly annoyed, “We’re going to be late.”
It’s not easy growing up in Kirigakure. But it helps to be a child, quick on your feet and small enough to get into all the spaces grown-ups can no longer slip through.
There’s work at the docks for children, but you have to come at the right time and know the right people if you want to keep the money that you earn.
Kisame’s good at that. He’s taller than most of the children your age, so he’s not good for most of the work, but the fishermen are afraid of him and the Shinobi let him get away with almost everything. 
“Here,” he pushes you toward one of the older ships, “I’ll pick you up in an hour.”
There used to be a time when your father didn’t want you playing with Kisame. Back then you still had money, a nice house, and people working for you instead of the other way around. But father got into fights with the wrong people. One day he just never came home.
“What’s a nice girl like you doing at the docks?” The guy asking has no teeth left. His gums have turned grey and his eyes have turned cold. You press yourself against the walls, well aware of the small sum of money that’s hidden in your pocket. The captain of this ship pays fairly, even though it’s never enough for the amount of work, never enough for the rising prices.
“Hands of my girl!” Kisame snarls from behind you, teeth bared. The threat is effective.
He guides you down the dock and up the streets, through the market where you buy a loaf of discounted bread and a few small fish. It eats up most of your earnings, but Kisame’s hand is warm around yours, his grip strong and self-assured. Everything will be okay.
- - -
The rich women of Kirigakure love their luxuries. Expensive dresses, expensive food, and, most importantly, cosmetics made from the finest ingredients.
It had been Kisame’s idea to get you into a pharmacy family when you didn’t show any signs of talent for the Shinobi traits. 
You’re good at this kind of work, and it pays well. Well, enough to feed Kisame and you. If he keeps rising in the ranks like this, making more and more with each mission, there might be something like a future for the two of you. If he thinks like that of you, that is?
You’ve barely turned sixteen when he steals you from your bedroom one night, whisks you out of the village in a heartbeat. He’s gotten taller, broader in the shoulders, wears a proud smirk even when there’s nothing to be proud about - you’ve heard about the Chunin Exams. “Where are we going?” You ask, breathless. He’s too handsome for his own good, his light can’t be dimmed by neither nightfall nor mist.
“To the water.” He urges until you hit the shore, freezing cold water running over your toes.
“What’s going on?” You ask, hand curling around his. You don’t want him to let go. But he does.
“Nothing,” he insists, looking up at the stars, “I just can’t breathe properly in the village. I need to be out of that damned mist.”
You laugh. “You’re lying. Something’s up.”
He grins at that. “Fine, you caught me. I got promoted.”
“Really?!” You press your hands to your lips before they can do foolish things, like take a hold of him.
“Really! I’m working directly under Fuguki! If everything goes well, I might be a member of the Seven Swordsmen too, soon.”
“And then?” You ask, regretting the words the moment they spill from your lips.
“What do you mean?” Confusion draws over his face like clouds over the moon. 
“I-I mean, I… what do you plan to do… when you reach that?”
“Well, be rich and famous, I guess.” He shrugs. “I don’t know how much they’re paid per mission, but I guess if I saved a little, it wouldn’t be too hard to buy a house. You could come by and cook for me then.”
Something cold and uncomfortable wedges itself into your heart. Your lips move on their own again.
“Wouldn’t I live with you then?” 
You’re painfully reminded that Kisame is a Shinobi. He freezes, face completely still, but you know his mind is running a mile a minute just by the way he fixates on you. That’s how he used to look at the fishermen, trying to figure out who to avoid and who to trust.
You know he’s figured you out when he speaks up.
“Listen,” he says, “We’re friends. We grew up side by side, but if you want to have a husband and a little cozy house, I’m not the man for you.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” you rush to say. It’s a lie. Kisame’s always been able to tell when you were lying, but this time he’s not calling you out on it. 
When he takes you back to your room shortly after, he does not look back when he leaves and you wonder if you’ll ever see him again. 
- - -
Kisame Hoshigaki is a name known by all and feared by many. 
They praise his loyalty, ready to slaughter all his comrades to keep the village safe. 
It’s been almost two years since that day at the shore so you’re a little surprised to find him in your bedroom once again.
“Hey,” you’ve learned to go along with his antics long ago, so don’t scream when you find him slumped over your bed late at night, the bandages around his arm an ugly shade of red.
“Hey.” He grinds out. “Long time no see.”
“Whose fault is that?” You ask, unable to keep yourself from being a little petty.
He does not apologize, not that you expected him to. 
“Did you get hurt?” You step up to him, hands reaching for the bandages. He moves away before you can reach him, his eyes boring holes into you.
“Why are you always nice to me?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” You ask back. 
“You don’t owe me anything, okay? I kept you safe, but you kept me fed. We’re even.”
“I know Kisame,” you insist, voice softer than it probably needs to be, “I’m not doing this because I owe you.”
“Then why?”
Your hands clench and unclench next to you, your heart heavy in your chest. You don’t want to say it, but what good does it bring to keep it in when he already knows anyway?
“I love you,” the words hang heavy in the air, “Love cares. Just because.”
Kisame buries his face in your bedding at that, body stiff as a board. You give him a minute to gather himself, to leave or do something else, but he doesn’t. When you reach for the bandages this time, he lets you.
When it’s time for you to sleep, he still hasn’t moved. Gingerly, you slip into bed next to him. He rolls a bit to the side so you can properly get under your blanket, face blank of any emotion. But his good arm comes out to pull you close as soon as you’re under the blanket. 
Kisame doesn’t apologize nor does he address the topic at hand. But you should have known that that’s not something he would do.
- - -
The sky is clear for once, the ever present mist retreating from the shore.
The sand is cold underneath you, but you’re not willing to budge. 
Something’s bothering Kisame, enough to drag you here. His knee is pressed against yours, the only form of touch he allows outside of the walls of your bedroom. His skin is warm and reassuring even though his silence is not.
“Do you ever feel stuck in place?” He asks suddenly, his voice barely above louder than the waves crashing.
“Sometimes,” you admit. “But I guess for different reasons than you.”
“What are yours?”
“There’s this guy I love and I guess he likes me too,” his lips quirk up, just a little, “but he won’t allow it to be official. So we have to hide in my bedroom when all I want is to hold his hand and make him breakfast and lunch and dinner.” You rest your head on your knees and look out onto the water, “What are your reasons?”
“There’s this girl that I love,” he admits, voice barely quivering at the last word. You force yourself not to look at him, but your knee presses harder against his. “And I want to give her a life that she deserves, a life that she had growing up. Where there’s food on the table everyday and she doesn’t have to worry that I won’t come home one day. Where our kids won’t have to fight for their life and people are honest to each other.”
He sighs. 
“But I fear we can’t have that life in Kirigakure.”
You swallow against the tears that are threatening to fall.
The waves keep crashing, like they’re stuck too, forced to come in again and again and again.
“Lonely water,” you sigh out the prayer your mother tought you, “Lonely water, won't you let us wander? Let us hold each other.”
Strong arms pull you in until your head is resting against his chest, his heartbeat loud and steady in your ear.
“Will you leave with me?” Kisame whispers into your ear.
You listen to his heartbeat that’s as steadfast as the waves and close your eyes.
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velvette-creations · 5 months
Everybody's Looking for Something
Hazbin Hotel: Alastor x platonic!reader
Rating: Teen
WC: 1.6 k 
Prompt: Sweet Dreams for @sweetspicybingo (Hurt/Comfort Bingo Collection)
Warnings: Brief mention of past drug use, mention of a car accident, angst, Alastor having nefarious plans
Summary: Hell claims your soul and Alastor offers a helping hand
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You don’t remember the pain; all you can recall is the blackness as it swallowed you up while the broken glass splattered onto the asphalt. You felt swallowed by the abyss, an endless falling as your limbs flailed in the hopeless attempt to grab onto something. Finally, you hit solid ground as the smell of burning flesh hit your nose. The acrid smell of sulfur made you gag. A deep groan rumbled through you while you slowly sat up to peer around your new surroundings. Brimstone crunched beneath you. A smoky haze clung to the air, making breathing hard, which you thought was rather silly. You were clearly dead; did you even need to breathe anymore?
“Salutations! My, my, where did you come from?” 
The dulcet tones of the voice felt oddly soothing yet there was something in the tone that made the hairs stand up on your arms. It reminded you of the old black and white movies you watched with your parents as a child—Old-timey, a throwback to the past, yet a touch unearthly. You pressed up onto your palms, blinking your eyes a few times. Even in the dark, murky haze, you could make out the malicious grin, teeth spiked and dangerous in the widely stretched mouth. The figure was tall and slender, looming over your sprawled body with black antlers perched in the middle of their fluffy hair. Was this a man? No…it had to be a demon, right? This was Hell, after all.
“Uhhh…from above?” you replied, pointing your finger upward, “Can you tell me where I am?”
“Why, you’re in hell, of course! Up above, you say? I suppose that makes you a human sinner or a fallen angel then, though I would assume the former. A fresh soul.” An eerie green light flashed around the demon as they seemed to grow taller.
Your heart sank as you took in their words. You should have known, should have figured it out. Given the life you were living and how you crashed through the windshield as drugs pulsed through your system, you weren’t surprised this was your fate. How could you even be deemed worthy of heaven?
“Yeah…guess you must be right. Can I ask your name?”
“Only if you’ll give me yours in return. I’m Alastor, my dear. Now let’s get you off the filthy ground,” the creature chirped, the sharp smile still plastered on his face. 
You told him your name as he extended his arm, offering you a gloved hand. “Thanks,” you murmured as you were pulled to your feet. You felt chilled to your bones even as heat blazed through this place.
“Come now, I know the perfect place for you,” Alastor stated, offering you his arm. While it probably wasn’t wise to go off with a stranger, what other choice did you have? Navigating hell by yourself seemed…stupid, or so you surmised from the screams echoing through the air. Better the devil you knew. Not that you really knew him., but he seemed the safest option.
“So are you a demon or ….” you asked, slipping your arm through his and letting him guide you away. You thought if he wished to harm you, he would have done so by now.
“Indeed I am, darling. They refer to me as the radio demon around here.”
A soft laugh fell from your lips, as Alastor tilted his head in a way that made your nerves stand on edge.
“Sorry…but that’s exactly what your voice reminds me of! I was thinking old movies, but radio dramas suit you much better,” you explained, feeling your cheeks grow hot.
His delighted chuckle chimed through the air and put you at ease. “Oh, you and I are going to be great pals, I can tell.”
Not much else was said as he helped you navigate the streets until you arrived at a hotel, blinking as you took in its sheer size and the neon sign buzzing overhead.
“I never would have guessed Hell would have a hotel,” you said in shock.
“My dear, you’ll discover we have all sorts of clever things down here. I have…friends who reside here and help to run it. Think of it as a safe haven.”
You clung tightly to his arm as you followed him inside.
“Hey Al! You’re back, and you brought a stray! What’s your name, gorgeous? I haven’t seen you around these parts before,” a spider-like creature asked, giving you a wink.
“A new arrival to our humble abode,” Alastor explained.
You nearly shrieked as a small creature with one eye scuttled under you.
“You are filthy! Dirty, dirty girl,” she cackled, her clawed fingers tugging at your clothing.
“Why don’t you draw a nice hot bath for our newest guest, Niffty dear?” Alastor suggested, and you watched in awe as the creature ran off, her tiny arms waving wildly in the air.
“A drink will help take the edge off. I’m Angel, by the way,” the fluffy pink and white spider creature said, shoving a shot glass into your hand.
“Nice to meet you, Angel. I’m lucky Alastor here found me,” you murmured before downing the liquor.
“Not sure luck has anything to do with it,” you heard a deep voice mutter, your gaze following the sound before landing on a winged cat creature. You might need another shot to process all this.
“Oh, Husker, what a jester,” Alastor sneered.
“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!” a cheery voice chimed, and you watched a tall, horned blonde dash down the stairs before throwing their arms around you, “I’m Charlie!”
You were shocked at first before discovering you enjoyed her hug. It certainly wasn’t the type of behavior you expected in hell.
“I hope it’s ok, Alastor brought me here,” you whispered, gently patting her back.
“Of course! Our doors are always open, especially to those who want to redeem their souls!” she explained.
“Is that possible?” you asked.
“Of course! Well…at least, I think so!”
“Wow, that’s really cool. Sounds like Alastor brought me to the right place,” you smiled as Charlie beamed.
“He sure did!” she exclaimed.
“Lots of other nasty demons and overlords roaming those streets. You at least ended up with the right one,” Angel said before taking a long pull from a bottle of whisky.
Husk raised an eyebrow, his gaze lingering on you momentarily before returning to cleaning up the bar he stood behind.
“Your bath is ready, filthy, diry girl!” Niffty shouted, dangling from the banister.
“Allow me to escort you to your room,” Alastor offered, guiding you up the sprawling staircase.
The room was decent enough and clean, and the steam swirling around the air beckoned to you.
“Thank you, Alastor,” you whispered, surprised when he took hold of your hand.
“Truly my pleasure, dear. Enjoy your bath,” he hummed before leaving you.
The hot water felt soothing against your skin as you soaked in the bath.
“Hello, hello, I promise I’m not looking! I just brought you some fresh clothes. None of mine will fit you, but you seem the same size as my girlfriend, Vaggie! Ohhh, I can’t wait for you to meet her,” Charlie bristled, dumping a pile of clothes onto your bed.
“Thank you, Charlie. You’ve been super nice, everyone has…which is surprising for a bunch of…”
“Demons?” she finished for you, chuckling softly, “We’re a unique bunch.”
“I can tell, but I think I’m gonna like it here.”
“Oh, that makes me so happy I could burst! You must be special if Alastor brought you here! Ok, enjoy your bath!”
You stayed in the tub until the water grew cold and your skin was scrubbed clean; the faint odor of sulfur still lingered behind. Once you were dry, you picked out a pair of black leggings and a red top to put on, thankful this Vaggie preferred a more subdued color palette. You settled on the bed, closing your eyes for a moment until a knock came at your door.
“It’s Alastor, my dear, I’ve brought some food for you.”
“Oh, come in,” you called out and watched as he entered, pushing a food cart over to your bed, 
“Something simple, dear, but you need to keep your strength,” Alastor explained as he lifted the lid off the tray, “A soothing, homemade chicken noodle soup.” The aroma made your mouth water and stomach rumble.
“Thanks, smells delicious,” you whispered, scooting to the edge of the bed before picking up the spoon and savoring the hot liquid. With each taste, the realization of everything that happened hit you like a ton of bricks. You were dead and stuck in Hell. Hot, salty tears rolled down your cheeks, splashing onto the white linen the soup bowl rested on.
“Now, now, there’s no need for tears,” Alastor tutted, sitting next to you and rubbing your back.
“S…sorry. It just all hit me at once,” you sniffled, swiping your hand under your dripping nose.
“You just need a good night’s rest. Come, let’s tuck you in.”
You allowed Alastor to move you under the sheets, tucking the blanket securely under your chin before he patted your head.
“My mother used to sing me to sleep, I found it most comforting,” he smiled, his eyes flickering and softening momentarily.
“That sounds nice,”  you whispered, blushing as he began to sing to you. His voice was soothing yet haunting simultaneously.
Sweet dreams 'til sunbeams find you 
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams, whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me
His voice was incredibly comforting, curling over you like a warm, fluffy blanket and bringing you peace. Closing your eyes, you slowly drifted off to dreamland, sighing softly. You were out like a light by the time Alastor finished the pleasant little ditty. One clawed hand smoothed down your hair before a tentacle wrapped around your throat.
“Sweet dreams, my dear. Soon enough, your soul will be mine.”
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