#Hottie from Mexico
sweetsoulmusic · 1 year
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A Little Too "Daddy"
It was a typical summer day after work for Joseph in his aparment. He typed away on his computer talking to his boyfriend, Carl.
Carl: Saw a really hot guy today while walkin' home today babe
Joseph: Oh yea? What body type
Carl: A total Daddy!!! Like damn... wish he was my boyfriend. Not to say you're bad but like... you know. Joseph: Haha... I see.
Carl: It's whatever anyway lol he was with his kids and clearly banged a woman.
Joseph: You can't say that for sure-
Carl: He was every stereotypical dad trope in the book bro. I know my stuff!!!
Joseph: If you say so... but like are you trying to say I should try and bulk up?
Carl: Maybe...
Joseph: Aw Carl, You know that's difficult.
Carl: Yea but imagine me calling you daddy haha
Joseph: You're lucky I love you.
Carl: Yea i know! Anyways Gotta go now. My favorite telenovela is about to start. Love you babe!
Joseph: Bye. Love you!
Joseph closed the messaging app with a sigh. He did a "bicep" flex and yup still skinny.
"Ugh. This sucks! Why can't I be what he wants?" Joseph slammed his face on his keyboard in despair.
"I should really talk to someone about this- oh wait! Joseph recalled the therapist hotline stapled onto the breakroom pinboard at his work.
"I guess I'll text it right now..." Joseph was quick to turn on his phone and with a bit of help he eventually texted the codeword to activate the automatic transfer.
Thank you so much for being here we'll get you to one of our members immediately!
"Oh great... this'll take a while hu-"
???: Hi my name is G3NI3 how can I help you, today?
Joseph: G3NI3? Did your parents hate you?
G3NI3: Nah dude it's a CODENAME. Gotta keep some sort of confidentiality
Joseph: Ah right fair enough
G3NI3: Alright so what's your name and why did you text us today?
Joseph: Joseph, and I'm here because of my boyfriend...
G3NI3: Aww did you break up?
Joseph: No... it's more... he saw a hot dad today and said "i wish he was my boyfriend"
G3NI3: Oh i see... was the dude straight?
Joseph: Yea why do you ask?
G3NI3: Just wondering... Anyways so I'm guessing the dude was like super buff and stuff? Joseph: Yea... meanwhile I'm a scrawny man in my 20's...
G3NI3: I see I see... so what you're saying is that if you were an older "daddy" you'd be happier?
Joseph: Yea. Atleast it'd appease my boyfriend...
G3NI3: Alright then, say Joseph why don't you tell me about your life and how you met your boyfriend maybe this'll help
Joseph: Uh... sure. Okay so like... we met in highschool and we REALLY hit it off so we started dating pretty soon after and now we're here.
G3NI3: Makes sense. Though... based on your talks I feel like you'd be more bros than boyfriends
Joseph: Huh? what makes you say that?
G3NI3: Idk just got the vibe.
Joseph: How WOULD you say that you only know him as my boyfriend.
G3NI3: Yea but like for people your age, not sure i'd go randomly say "hey this man my age should be friends with me!"
Joseph: What are you talking about? My boyfriend is like 24 and the dude seemed 40.
G3NI3: Nah man, didn't you say you were both in your 40's?
Joseph: No... I said 20's
G3NI3: Pretty sure I saw 40's
Joseph: Yea well!! I can just scroll up and see!!
G3NI3: Suit yourself.
Joseph was getting furious at this "G3NIE". He 100% told them he was in his... 40's? Joseph read the text again.
"Joseph: Yea... meanwhile I'm a scrawny man in my 40's..." Joseph couldn't believe it, but then it dawned on him oh wait... he IS in his 40's haha imagine actually being in my 20's again that would be WILD.
Joseph: Sorry about that. You're right me and my boyfriend are in our 40's.
G3NI3: Told ya. Though you never told me your boyfie's name.
Joseph: Oh it's Carl. Pretty normal name.
G3NI3: Weird... I feel like he would be more a Carlito.
Joseph: Uh... What makes you say that?
G3NI3: Isn't he from Mexico?
Joseph: Uh... yea? But how did you know that?
G3NI3: Lucky guess. I mean... imagine having a mexican hottie like him as your bro.
Joseph: Not sure what you mean. We're DATING and he's skinny like me. Even though we're both in our 40's...
Joseph paused for a second. Wasn't Carlit- Carl in his 20's and skinny? but then he "remembered" the last pic his boyfriend sent him.
"Get ready to some farm work for my bonita~ What do you think?"
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Wait... Bonita? Carl- No... Carlito would never call Joseph that. Not to mention his boyfriend never looked like that! Or... did he? Joseph scrambled through his memories and every memory he had of Carlito was him as jacked af Mexican man. Guess he forgot how lucky he was. The bonita bothered him but he just ignored it for now.
Joseph: Sorry nvm yea he is all that. We're dating though so we're not just "bros".
G3NI3: nah man, you seem like bros to me. Don't you remember he married Maria and got like 2 kids.
Maria??? who is- Oh right. Maria is Carlito's "Bonita" He rants about her all the time to you at your weekly bar hangouts. Joseph remembers how his two kids Mateo and Juanita would call him Uncle Joseph! Ah he loves those little rascals. Wait.. something felt off to Joseph.
Joseph: How do you know all this? Isn't this our first session?
G3NI3: What are you talking about dude? This is like our 20th one together
"W-What???" Joseph could not believe what G3NI3 was saying. This was definitely his first using the hotline. Joseph could prove it he just has to scroll up a bit and- Huh?
To Joseph's amazement, G3NI3 was right they've been talking for months. And what do you know they bring up everything about Carlito too. Guess that's that mystery solved.
Joseph: Oh man, you're right guess my age is starting to show...
G3NI3: Don't count yourself out yet old man. You have a kid to care for!
Joseph: Kid??? You must be joking I'm single and could never get a kid! I'm gay!
G3NI3: Oh come on don't be like that just cause you had a divorce with Kate doesn't mean you gotta deny being straight as an arrow or deny that kid you helped make! Joseph: Okay now you're crazy! No way I got married to a LADY. I was never into them!!
G3NI3: No need to get worked up big guy. Your son is following in your footsteps as a bodybuilder! Bodybuilder???? What kind of insanity is G3NI3 spewing now! Joseph was skinny as stick. Always has been.
Joseph: You must think I'm crazy if you want to believe I'm anything but a stick! It's a miracle Carlito even wants to hang out with a single skinny guy like me!
G3NI3: Oh don't be so shy! I know you love flexing in front of Carlito to show how you can attract the ladies! Your libido is off the charts bro.
Joseph had enough of this. He'd crush his phone with his big strong hands if he didn't have the money to replace it.
Joseph: Now listen here! I know I love a good flexing or two but I wouldn't say I have a high libido! Besides... I'm not manly enough I don't got a beard or any cool tattoos...
G3NI3: Come on, Josef! You're the manliest they come! With a luscious ginger beard and a tattoo of a cross between your tits AND one on your left arm you're peak masculinity! And you even married a WOMAN. Sure it didn't last but it's something!
Josef: You really think so? Aw shucks. Maybe if I was a faggot we could've dated... as if! The only thing I love more than muscles is a good looking women to take home and fuck silly.
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G3NI3: Focus Josef. Use that bald head of yours for once and think! You came here because you didn't think Carlito doesn't want to hang out with you right?
Josef: Yes... we might've been bros since middle school but idk ever since me and the divorce with Kate it just doesn't feel like the same...
G3NI3: Puh-lease. You guys are two peas in a bro-pod. Do you really think Carlito would send you this if you weren't bros for life?
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Josef: Ah I remember that! Carlito made those fags think they had a chance with him when he and Maria been fuckin' for years! Got a good laugh out of that!
Carlito: Exactly! Who would send that to a straight friend otherwise!
Josef: You're right... What did I have to worry about? Me and Carlito? We're buds for life!
Just then a knock came at the door.
"Dad! Carlito's here!" "Coming, Son!"
Josef: Welp, looks like Carlito's here. Thanks for the talk G3NI3. Always appreciate ya!
G3NI3: No problem! and remember... you asked for this
Josef: W-Wha?
G3NI3: Nothing! Bye
"And to think that's my therapist... Anyways gotta get ready for my bro!" Josef got up from his seat and left his bedroom stationed at the 2nd floor of his house. Gotta thank Kate for that child support money. But before he could enter the hallway...
"Son! I told you no underwear and caps in the house! Put some damn clothes on!"
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Sorry pa, I just loveee my muscles. Do you mind if a girl comes over tonight? I think it'll work this time!"
"'Course Son. The Women will love ya! You get it from your old man!" Josef flexes to make his point clear.
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"Thanks dad!" Josef's son flexes back before getting ready for his date.
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"How did I get lucky enough to get a son like that?" Josef chuckled. He might not got much but at least he has son and his bro Carlito.
"Oh right! Carlito!" Josef almost forgot to get ready so he grabbed a fresh set of clothes and went to go change in the bathroom.
Before he changed Josef did one quick flex in the mirror.
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"G3NI3 wasn't kidding. That libido of mine is ready to go!" Josef was proud of his physique. But now's not the time for that he has to go meet his bro.
Josef adorned his massive figure with a tank top saying "BEAST" and some killer designer shades he was ready to finally answer that door. With a strong force Josef opened the door to find the man himself, Carlito.
"Hola amigo. Have you seen that faggot Josef anywhere? Haha!"
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"Oh come on Carlito, you know I'm as straight as an arrow!" Josef said back in a playful tone.
"Would you change your mind if I were to... do this?" Carlito took his shirt and removed his shades and did a flex right in front of Josef.
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"..." "GAHAHAHA" The two large man laughed in unison.
"Nah bro, you're my bro forever and always." Josef smiled.
"As always mi amigo, now let's rapido we're gonna be late for our gym sess!" Carlito put his shirt and shades back on and headed for his luxury car.
As for Josef he didn't have a car as cool as Carlito but had a car from the 2000's and it was like his second child but don't tell Josef's son that. But before he got in his car Josef took a moment to feel his masculinity in the car window's reflection.
"I look damn fine."
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And So Josef and Carlito went to have grand old brotime together. Working out together like true bros, hanging out at the bar like true bros, and of course trying to get Josef with a woman for the 30th time this month. You'd think they were a couple but nah they're both straight as arrows no doubt about that. Josef lived a happy life despite his circumstances and that meant more time to flex flex FLEX!
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Safe to say he was a real... daddy. He's even got the kid to show for it.
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umadosedepascal · 6 months
NEW MEXICO | Pedro Pascal X f!reader | PART IX
Written by Santa Trindade
Banner by @missyorkswhore
Made in Brazil
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Summary: Pedro asks you to spend his birthday together with you. You just go.
wc: 3.3k
rating/warnings: [pure smut no plot][unprotected PIV][oral sex m/f] [alcohol comsuption][Spitting] [Overstimulation][Pedro’s POV on the first part]
a/n: The new look needed a fic. Simple like that he just wants to devasted you haha
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The alarm rings, I get up from the bed reluctantly, regretting the night before with those tequila shots.
_Pedro, why did you forget to shave yesterday?
I look at myself looking in the hotel mirror, dying to go back to bed.
_Can I shave without any cuts? It's been so long…
I take off my PJs and my phone vibrates with countless messages, it was her.
*Hi P. When will you be free? I want to see you. It's been a while...*
Even though I'm in another state... fuck it.
*Hi my love, I'm in New Mexico for work... what are your plans? *
While I let the steam of the hot water invade the bathroom, I wrap a towel around my waist and take a pic in the mirror and then send it.
*6 a.m., recording is what I have for today...*
I know her so well.
*Wow! What a hottie, I’m craving you now...*
I'm already late and need to shave it off, so I hold my phone on top of the sink and call her.
I can see that she's on the couch.
"Weren't you at home?" I ask raising an eyebrow and fixing the phone on the countertop
"I told you babe, I went out with friends, we went to a bar, but I'm already here and wanting you" she smiles and lowers the camera showing me the dress she wears.
_Does she need to be that hot?
"I would love to be there now, I have wonderful ideas of what I would do with you on this couch…"
I just look at her and move away, giving her a view of my shape, I take off the towel and open the shower door and enter, letting the hot water reach my body, giving me goosebumps for the temperature and for knowing that she is watching me.
"If I can't be with you on this couch, I thought you deserved a little show"
She squirms on the couch, biting her lip and just nodding her head without saying a word. I like the effect I have on her.
"Does that makes you horny, love? To see me like this?" I ask and squeeze my cock, my hand sliding slightly up and down
"Pedro, don't play with me like that!"
"Patience mama, patience" I say smiling.
An idea comes up, but I don't tell her, I just smile and as soon as I finish I pick up my phone
"Honey, I need to run, soon they'll be here calling for me, I can't be late"
"I know P, it's okay, call me back tonite." she smiles and we say goodbye, even if my cock protests wanting to feel that pussy, that mouth, I don't have time now.
As soon as I turn it off, I take the razor, the foam, moving the wet hair away from the forehead I face my reflex and start spreading the foam around my face.
It's been so long since I've taken my beard off that it takes me longer than necessary, taking care not to cut myself. As soon as I finish I feel different, a new Pedro maybe, the new look of the next few weeks, maybe months.
I take a pic and send her.
*This is Ted Garcia, nice to meet you. Please come and stay until Tues to spend my birthday with me? *
*JAVIER? Is that you?*
You fall asleep and wake up at 3pm
Was it a dream? _
No, you get your phone and see that it was real.
Without thinking too much, you buy a ticket for the end of the day and get any hotel in the same city as Pedro.
*I’m getting there at the end of the night, where can I meet you?*
Hours go by and no message from him.
You are already at the hotel so to wait for an answer from Pedro, you get dressed and go down to the hotel bar and order a drink, it's already late at night and no sign of him.
1 AM
*Mama, oh you already here? Exhausting day. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Dream of me*
Yes, it's frustrating but you understand his side and try to sleep without thinking too much about the day to come.
Waking up early the next day you have your breakfast with mimosa and lots of good food.
*Good morning, Javier. I mean... Ted...oops Pedro! Can I be your informant today? 😏*
A few minutes a very direct message appears on the screen.
*Second trailer, in the corner my name is at the door😉.*
Arriving in the scenographic city that is not that scenic, until then no one prevents you from walking around there, despite being temporarily restricted. Maybe everyone thinks you're part of the cast, since you're wearing bootcut jeans, a white T-shirt and leather boots. Would you be an impostor? As soon as you approach the trailer, a security guard will block you.
"No, I just..." you stutter thinking about how to explain until Pedro opens the door of the trailer and smiles
"She is with me!”
Pedro extend his arm to you, helping you climb the steps, he pulls you into the trailer and locks the door behind you. You can barely say hi to him and you are pushed to the door.
He presses his body against yours, his left hand going up your thigh to your waist, where he pulls you closer.
You can feel his cock hardening against his jeans.
"Pedro..." You say softly as he lowers his mouth down your neck, it's a new feeling, still feeling the mustache pinch the skin, but also feeling the softness of his face. The smell of perfume, aftershave lotion. The smell of his skin.
"I know." Pedro holds your face, looking and smiling at you, so you observe how he looks younger without a beard, how beautiful he is, his hair a little messy, his dark eyes full of lust, his breath panting.
"Hi," he says laughing, sticking his forehead to yours.
You pull him by his shirt, his lips hitting yours, his hands climbing up the back of your neck scratching slightly. His hands going up under your blouse, his thumbs drawing circles on the skin, leaving you goosebumps.
You turn around and sit on the couch and look at Pedro.
“You said you had wonderful ideas of what to do with me on a couch, well...show me"
"Motherfucker..." Pedro comes pushing you to lie on the couch, spreading kisses down your neck, pulling the strap off of your shirt to suck on the skin where he knows it will be marked.
He puts his hand under your shirt, going up until he reaches your breast, squeezing over your bra, teasing your nipples while he keeps kissing your neck.
You say panting between kisses and bites "Go show me... what would you do to me on the couch, huh?"
"I have 15 minutes before go shooting, but I promise I'll show everything tonite"
He is on top of you on the couch, taking off your shirt, spreading kisses around your breasts then you hold the waistband of his pants running your fingers through the button and open it urgently. "Leave it like this..." pulling his cock out of his underwear.
He moves away a little by pulling his jeans at the height of his thighs and moving your panties to the side, sliding two fingers inside your wet pussy.
"Yeah, like that..” you say in the midst of moans.
Now he presses his thumb on your clit. He looks at you with a smile on his face.
You slide your hands through his hair, messing up even more, your hands going down his face, the skin so soft.
"Why you so hot...hm"
Pedro speed up the movements of his finger saying
He helps you remove your pants and you intertwine your legs around his waist holding him to you.
You look down, his cock is drooling precum, pink head and burning with horniness.
You take it at the base of his cock and guide it to your entrance in a hurry. A moan that he releases in your ear is enough to make you even wetter.
“You're going to fuck me like this on the couch... I want to see it in the hotel bed, Javier...”
"Are you really going to call me Javier?" Pedro laughs against your neck, his thrusts are slow and firm.
"I will, you haven't changed anything, so I can cal-- oh my God! Pedro!" You can't even finish the sentence the moment Pedro fucks you harder, he holds your legs raising almost the height of his chest. His cock hitting your G.
"More, I need more, please…"
Pedro runs his tongue through your collarbone going up until he finds your lips, biting his lower lip he looks you in the eyes and says..
"Ask me, beg for my dick, but say my name when you moan…"
You beg, you are so horny that you would do whatever he wanted, I would say what he said. You would just obey.
He moves far enough away to open his shirt, he is sweaty, red. You stretch your hand to touch him but he is faster and holds you by the hip making you get on all fours, your arms resting on the sofa, your nails scratching the fabric in search of relief.
Pedro holds your hip and you hear the sound of him spitting, hot saliva running down your pussy, he slide in his cock and holds your hair, pulling you to glue your back to his chest.
"Come on love, give it to me, I'm dying to feel this pussy squeezing me, cumming on my cock…"
He runs his right hand through your body, skillful fingers circling your clit. It only takes a few seconds for you to cum moaning his name, Pedro covering your mouth with his left hand in a failed attempt to muffle the sounds.
"That, one more, one more and I promise you won't regret waiting until tonite."
Pedro fingers you again, your orgasm burning in your stomach, making your body tremble against his.
"That's it, mama, just like that…"
He holds you by squeezing your breasts and punching harder Pedro cums inside you, moaning in your ear talking about how he fucking missed you and won't stop until you can't take it anymore.
You fall on the couch, panting, sweaty and satisfied, for now.
"I’ve missed you…" he pulls you and kisses you while caressing your nipple.
"Me too, and I can't wait for more. Dinner and party?"
He smirks and nods, agreeing, kissing you again.
Pedro gets up and helps you get dressed, and then gets dressed.
"Okay, Mr Hollywood, go to work. You're not going to fool anyone with the face of someone who just came inside me."
"I'm a great actor love, I won a SAG Awards, remember?" You laugh at the way he pretends to hold a trophy.
You say goodbye and you decide to walk around the city before going back to the hotel and waiting for it.
Pedro sends you a message saying that he is in the lobby, but you are not ready yet and ask him to come up and wait for you in the room for a moment.
_What stupid idea was that? _
You don't even worry about dressing up straight anymore.
The moment he enters your room he already pulls you by the back of your neck with one hand and climbs with the other by your right thigh leading you towards the bed.
You can't resist, you already knew this would happen. "Was that your plan?" You question.
Throwing you on the bed and unbuttoning your pants and pulling you by your legs, Pedro licks alternating on your inner thighs until he reaches your pussy pulling your panties aside. Licking lightly, with wet kisses over your clit.
It's an exciting torture to see him rubbing himself on the mattress while sucking your pussy, the vision is surreal.
Between a moan and another that the two release, you say
"Pedro, I don't know what's better, seeing you sucking me or you rubbing yourself on the mattress"
With no answer, he looks you in the eyes and spits in your pussy and sticks his tongue deeper.
And with a deep voice he orders
"Cum for me.”
You take his hand guide to your breast so that he squeezes your nipple. It's not enough for him. Pedro reachs out his other hand and has both of your nipples being squeezed and pinched while fucking you with his tongue.
You cum, so intensely sinking your fingers into his hair that are already wet with sweat.
He looks at you with wet lips and chin…
"That's priceless…." you say moaning lazily.
Pedro gets on his knees in bed, running his hand through his lips, cleaning the remnants of your arousal.
He pulls his shirt over his head, throwing it in a corner on the floor.
You support your elbows on the bed looking at his body. The smooth skin, broad shoulders, the freckles on his wide chest and the small stripe of hair going down the waistband of the pants where you can clearly see his bulge pressing against the jeans.
Without taking his eyes off you, Pedro opens his belt, slowly opening the two buttons and pulling the zipper down.
"Pedro... I want to…"
Pedro looks into your eyes and holds your ankles, caressing your skin and smiling at you, he says
"What, cariño? What do you want? Tell me and I'll give to you…"
You don't say anything, you just smile and get on your knees on the bed, pushing Pedro to bed, you hold the waistband of his jeans, your fingers playing with the edge of his underwear, feeling his skin shiver when your nails touch him.
You pull out your pants and throw them in the corner where his shirt is.
You settle in between his legs, your nails stroking through his thighs, up and down, you feel how his body is tense, impossible to ignore the perfect vision of Pedro lying down, his hands behind his head. As relaxed as he tries to look, you know he's anxious, his cock outline in his white boxer underwear, the small pre-cum stain.
You slide your hands until you almost touch his balls, Pedro sighs, his cock twitches against the fabric of his underwear, you smile and bring your face closer to his cock, slowly pulling his underwear making his cock jump on your face.
His hard cock, the pink tip dripping pre cum, the side vein pulsing non-stop, begging for touch.
You hold his cock by the base, raising your hand until your thumb spreads the pre cum at the tip, Pedro moans and reaches his hand to caress your face.
"Please don't make me wait any longer" Pedro begs softly
You hold his cock and first lick it, taking it all wet from the tip, sucking the tip of the cock feeling Pedro tangle his hands in your hair, you swallow his cock until you feel it in your throat. Pedro moans loudly and squeezes your hair
"Oh baby, like that, swallow all my dick like that, fuck!"
You jerk him off while sucking him, with your free hand you caress his balls, Pedro moans, the sounds that come out of his mouth are pornographic, making your pussy get even more wet. You think you could make fun just seeing him like this, destroyed.
You stop and look at him with desire.
"What?" He asks as he caresses your face.
"Can you dim the light? You're making me lose my mind..."
He dims the lights on the side of the bed and goes to the mini bar taking a bottle of champagne and opens it, taking a long sip.
_He walking hard in the middle of room is too much for me I can’t even speak_
He goes back to bed and leaves the bottle on the bedside table, he kneels between your legs and holds his cock by the base and slides up and down over your pussy, pushing against your clit. He moans seeing the way your pussy wets his cock.
"Do you want more?"
"How much more?"
So he bends down and kiss you distributing licks on your jaw and neck.
"Slow down?"
Pedro slides his cock with a low moan, his hands holding your hip firmly, he fucks you with short and firm movements.
"Faster?" He asks smiling
You just nod your head taking your arms around the back of his neck pulling him down.
He wraps his arms around your waist making you arch your back and thrust in it deep once, twice.
You moan with pain and pleasure at the same time trying to get used to his cock and his movements.
Wiping one hand across his forehead hand with his other on your ass he fucks you harder, the sound that echoes in the room of skin with skin is exciting along with your moans.
"Come to me, mama.."
He takes his dick off of you with a grunt.
Feeling that sudden emptiness Pedro puts you on all fours grabbing your ass, he slides inside you again.
Your already soaked pussy is an easy target.
He holds you with one hand by the hair and another hand rubbing your clit while licking your neck saying words in your ear that you already can't understand.
He stops moving and you see that he stretches his hand, wait, is he picking up the bottle?
You turn your head to the right and look at the mirror in the closet, your pussy throbs with the vision
Pedro holding your hip with his left hand, slowly putting his cock in you while his right hand holds the bottle, taking several sips. You moan when you see him sweaty, his hair sticking to his forehead, your eyes go down to his chest, his belly and your eyes stop where he is in you, his cock going in and out, the sounds that your bodies make.
He takes the bottle out of his mouth and looks at you in the mirror…
"Happy Birthday to me mama" he smiles and drops the bottle on the floor, not caring about the mess, Pedro holds your hips with both hands, and goes hard and faster.
"Oh Pedro, please please don't stop!"
He turns you around, pulling your legs and putting it on his broad shoulders, then shove into you again deep and fast.
"So, baby? That's how you like my dick? Opening you all up? Soaking all my dick? Tell me"
His voice is low, hoarse and horny, he's a mess.
You can't say anything but moans and supplications that he doesn't stop, you're so close, your legs start to shake.
Pedro suck on his thumb and rub it on your clit, making circular and torturous movements.
"Fuck! Please, Pedro fuck me..”
"Damn, I love it when you beg for my cock, beautiful! Cum for me, babe"
He keeps circling your clit, his strong and fast thrusts lead you to orgasm, shouting his name as he bends down and holds your neck kissing you, he says between moans
"Look at me, I want to cum looking at you"
Pedro's moans are as high as yours, you feel the hot jets of cum flood your pussy, the way his cock throbs inside you. The way he looks at you as he cums, his lips half open, eyes fixed on you, his hand on your neck making the grip stronger.
He falls on you, your legs circle him, holding him as close as possible, you kiss his face, feeling him give a little kiss on your shoulder.
"For a 49 yr old man you can tire me" you laugh and Pedro bites your shoulder and comes out of you, a moan escaping from his lips. He lies next to you, pulling you to lay your head on his chest.
"I think this is one of the best birthdays I've ever had" he smiles and kiss you.
"Come babe, let’s take a shower and order food, I won't leave here anytime soon."
Thanks for being here and read our delusional fics, likes are appreciate, comments even more. If you want to ask anything, blast it!
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Muffin! It's ASP Inc, the conglomerate made up of the companies formerly known as Apple, Sony, and Pepsi-Co. Based on your credentials with prior projects, you've been conscripted again for another big budget Twilight media project! Probably the CEO is on drugs, but congrats on your $500m dollar budget.
Your task is to design a big-budget Twilight video game. "But I don't really play that many video games," you maybe say? Idk, the CEO doesn't seem to care and is maybe using this project for tax evasion, so your instructions are "Just make us a Twilight game with gameplay stolen from a popular thing like a Minecraft, Fortnight, Among Us, whatever the kids nowadays are playing. Maybe a Mario? Are Marios still a thing?? I played Oregon Trail on my mac once. Stick some story in it. Give it the Muffin treatment, kids like Muffins!"
Your project brief must include:
1) What non-story-based gameplay mechanic you're stealing ("It's like a Mario!") 2) What story set in the Twilight Universe (tm) you've decided is most game-able. 3) Where you're spending the big bucks.
Thank you and good luck! (I hope this is fun and not, you know, annoying)
That would be a very silly thing for them to do.
Twilight already is a video game: it's a visual novel. You are Bella Swan, first person point of view, checking out hottie mchottie across the hall. You don't know it, but the wrong action you take, even if it's arriving in the parking lot late: you die.
It's up to you to find Bella's golden path to survival which is in fact the Twilight novels we know and love.
Ordinarily, I'm a big skeptic of medium jumps without much thought, especially to and from video games as they usually don't transition well. However, in this case, we're already there.
You don't even have to change that much of the narrative structure since it's all in first person and we have the visuals as we know exactly what everyone looks like down to what exact shade of red their hair is.
There's not much for me to do.
But That Will Never Fly/Isn't What You Asked For
It sounds like this merger corporation doesn't really understand Twilight or video games which is not surprising. So, I have to make a real person video game which is just like that thing the kiddos are playing.
And since I'm going to hell anyway: I'm making a Twilight game that's RDR/GTA styled and we're going wild.
You're Bella Swan going to high school but you can wander around the town of Forks/the world at large and do whatever the fuck you want. This often gets you killed horribly. You go to Mexico: you're eaten by vampires. You go to Alaska: you get fucked by vampires and have a wild time in their sauna. You go to Egypt: some guy named Amun locks you in a tomb where you hang out with Benjamin, Tia, and Amun's angry wife. You can take missions for the Volturi, which they never asked you to do, and every time you collect a bounty a Volturi member will give you a weird look and ask "what the fuck is wrong with you/why are you here?" but you'll earn in game rewards as they publicly shame you.
You can also get into affairs with your human friends and ruin Jessica's love life, go to Prom with five people, and so on and so forth.
You can also get involved in the La Push community where they stare at you for being this person who clearly doesn't belong and try to seduce Leah into a lesbian love affair with you. (This is a very difficult quest, Leah's not impressed and very confused and going through it with Sam right now). You get to hear all of people's drama that's going on in the side lines.
The actual plot is dating Edward, and somehow, he doesn't notice all your wild adventures because he can't read your mind and while he's been stalking you every time you leave the state he loses your scent.
Your missions are surprisingly difficult as you have to avoid death by Edward by saying the right things and avoid death by everything else in the universe by navigating Port Angeles correctly (shockingly hard as the rapists somehow corner you at every turn). You also get missions during the Hallucination Edward arc as you have to do increasingly difficult and dangerous things to get Hallucination Edward to appear at which point your player character gets sweet sweet endorphins.
In the online player mode, where you've probably become a vampire, you can engage in vampire warfare where the losing condition is you killed too many humans so the Volturi come to kill all of you.
And yes, of course, there is an honor system but you blow it yourself as Bella's honor plummets during New Moon when she has to endanger herself and others to see Edward.
The money's going into a) graphics b) the sheer open worldness allowed in the number of quests, the random events, and all that good points.
I imagine they ask me how I will market this game to Twilight's audience, who are presumably the only ones who will play this game, and I claim, "Young women love grand theft auto!"
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askaceattorney · 7 months
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Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Hee-ho! Hee-ho! Hee-ho! Hee-ha! Hee-ha!
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Co-Mod: Heeheeheehohohohohahahahahahaha!!! Is this a Luke Atmey impression contest or something?
Chief Mod Edgeworth: .....
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have you never seen Persona 5 Strikers?
Co-Mod: Ah! No, I haven't. Thanks for the clarification.
Mod Zieks: What the hell is a persona, and why are they on strike?
Mod Gregson: Strikers is better than base Persona 5, I will not budge on this.
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(Referenced Link)
Co-Mod: Looks interesting. A friend of mine got me into Power Rangers, which I found to be a lot more interesting than I expected for a kid's show, so I can imagine the same being true for this show. That being said, I probably won't have the time to watch it for a while, so that's all the feedback I can give for now.
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Miraz van Nohrr,
Chief Mod Edgeworth:
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Have you tried commenting through your computer or safari? See if those work. You will find it right here:
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Dear Dawsongfg,
Co-Mod: Congratulations! Meanwhile, I have a cat (or rather, my parents do) that likes to drool on me and everything I own. As much as I love cats, nothing in this world will ever convince me to own one. Not one that drools, anyway.
Mod Gregson: I've got two cats! One is approaching 15 years and is still healthy and playful, one is 6 years old and is a grumpy old lady who refuses to let the older cat befriend her. Mod Zieks: I do as well! We all have our own little gremlins in our life. Mine is also a cat, a little tortie named Charlie. I love her, and she is just the silliest little thing.
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Dear Jeffrey,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Congratulations on the new puppy.
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Sorry about the loss of Dylan. I also lost my pet while she was getting spayed. I hope things go well for your new pet.
Co-Mod: Wait... You're saying that's not a real-life Scooby-Doo?
Just kidding. I'm glad he's been a help to you. My family went through a similar experience when our cat died by falling out of a tree during a storm. We missed having a cat in the house so much that we had to get a new one, so we did. Much like Dylan, she's not the same as our previous cat, but still a great source of joy for us.
Mod Gregson: I'm sorry for the loss of your puppy; I know that can be pretty tough. But I'm glad you've found a new friend and family member to help fill the void!
Mod Zieks: Congratulations on the puppy, and I'm sincerely sorry for your loss.
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Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth:
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Who knows? Though, that would be weird in my opinion.
Mod Gregson: Am I the only one who finds this a lot funnier than it should be? Imagining Turnabout Trump or Turnabout Succession but the only change is "Kristopher Gavin" is cracking me up. Yes, this is my sense of humor.
Mod Zieks: Based, but not my kind of based. Then again, mixing dreams and ace attorney brought us 'Country Gavin' (@doctorsiren)
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Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Miles Edgeworth and Kazuma Asogi! What do you mean Mia or Klavier have better boobs?
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Mod Gregson: Neither, I'm more of a legs gal!
Mod Zieks: It's a tie between Max Galactica from the circus cases and Miles Edgeworth.
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Chief Mod Edgeworth: Uh-huh and you didn't send me a few previous anonymous letters under different names with the same fakemail.com or the oh so obvious Hotti letters with the same style of writing as you under different emails after sending this mod letter.
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Mod Gregson: Oh, I have special words for you later. :)
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Dear Miraz van Nohrr,
Chief Mod Edgeworth:
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I've visited other states, but not countries. If I did, I'd likely go to Mexico, since my grandparents live at the border. Too bad I need a Passport.
Co-Mod: I visited Matamoros, Mexico once. From what I remember, it was just like being in the U.S., but with everyone speaking Spanish, everything being written in Spanish, and Mexican food tasting like Mexican food (not the Americanized version). Overall, it was pretty enjoyable.
Mod Gregson: I was born in Costa Rica, actually! Moved to the States when I was a young'un. I've gone back there a few times, and... I didn't really like it, but I apparently went to one of the worse parts of it, so maybe I can't judge? Mod Zieks: I've actually never gone out of my home state, and I'd like to change that someday. Preferably, moving from the States and going to the UK. Since their gender-affirming care is paid for by their universal healthcare, and their firearms laws aren't as loose.
- The Mods
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abirdie · 3 months
Gael Garcia Bernal: The Dear Heart Of 'Diaries'
Article from the Washington Post, 25 September 2004 (x)
By Hank Stuever
Gael Garcia Bernal: the Mexican actor, who is so very right now and here in town for, you know, just a day -- the whole thing with the big hotel suite and the half-eaten plate of fruit and dos publicistas tappa-tapping en los BlackBerrys over there. (Mujeres! Silencio!) He's promoting his new Che Guevara movie, The Motorcycle Diaries, and everyone who has seen it is going on and on about how saintly his portrayal of young Ernesto Guevara de la Serna is and how sumptuously the movie's 8,000-mile trek across South America unfurls onscreen and oh, btw, critics agree: Bernal's got Che's iconic, serious stare down pretty good.
Green eyes, we write in the notebook. (Big duh.)
Also can testify that Bernal is about 5 feet 7, though it long ago ceased to be news that the hotties of film are pocket-size. More notes: He turns 26 in November. He has a proud, long nose that sometimes blushes red when he laughs. He's wearing one of those Salvation Army-seeming plaid western-cut shirts that often turn out to be designer-label, a pair of deep blue vintagesque jeans and some scuffed lace-up boots the color of old asphalt. His hair is cut bubblegum-mishap short.
Awright, already, he's de-lish. Did we need to bring that dogeared copy of 501 Spanish Verbs with us? Of course not: Dude went to drama school for a while in London when he was a teenager; not long after he starred for six months in a Mexican soap opera called El Abuelo y Yo (Grandfather and Me), and this particular fact has dogged him in every interview. ("People think I did all these soap operas," he shrugs. "I did only that one. And it taught me a lot — it taught me I never wanted to do another soap opera.") When it comes to Spanish, he can bend it to his will, the way Nicole Kidman can do in English, with whatever accent directors like Walter Salles and Pedro Almodovar need him to speak in — Mexican, Argentine, Castilian.
During our interview, he spends an hour dissecting, in English, the current state of Pan-American politics, extolling his sensible, leftist-tinged childhood, and at one point he quotes from foreign-policy magazines.
We hold up our end of the conversation with such questions as:
"So, um, like, what do you do when you're not working?"
"When I'm not doing this?" Bernal asks, motioning around at the movie-star-with-movie-to-sell air particles of feature story nonsense. "I like to do all the things I cannot do as much. My common days are very different now. I would, if I could, I would be home" — Cuernavaca, just south of Mexico City — "and I would sleep until whatever time. Swim, play futbol. Read and go to lunches and the lunches become dinners. Visit family, organize a party for that night."
Halfway through the image of Bernal swaddled in high-thread-count sheets until whatever time, a half-theory privately knocks around in our pea brain:
Gael Garcia Bernal, or someone very much like him, is exactly why so many of us faithful, independent-minded filmgoers still cram ourselves into the creaky seats of dumpy art house cinemas, even as the years tick by and things like Netflix, the Sundance Channel and the nicer stadium-seating art houses came along to replace them. No, you want to see Bernal's movie surrounded by drabness, because you get a better transport to the happy, imaginative place that way. The stale popcorn, the Fandango.com ads, the bathroom with only two toilets. (Cineplex Odeon Dupont Circle 5, we mean you.)
We do it because we're always waiting for that next small-time heartthrob — male, female, or sometimes just the foreign scenery itself. It's the subtitles and the eyes. It's whatever we can't get from those American goofballs who do those blech movies that tend to be about guys who go on canoe trips where a horny bear in the woods tries to hump them. Or whatever.
Bernal would never do that to us.
Hollywood beckons and he rolls his eyes because it offers him roles like, uh, okay, here's the pitch: He's an undocumented leaf-blower yardman caught up in a caper that only Jackie Chan can make right, if only they could understand each other's Engrish, ha ha.
"I'm open," he says. "I am, I am. But so far in the U.S. what they have offered doesn't even get close to the kind of things that excite me. Nothing is quite right, so I think I'll just stick with what I'm doing. I have to stay … hmmm … congruent to myself."
And so that's why certain filmgoers are inclined to sneak off to his "small little movies" (as he calls them) in the middle of the afternoon, get the large Diet Coke and consider the combustion in contemporary Spanish-language cinema that the rare actor like Bernal can harness. You feel like you've just gone somewhere, talked fast, smoked cigarettes. They call him the Marcello Mastroianni of Latino film when they're not busy calling him the Marlon Brando of it.
All that smoldering, the aching of youth! One, please, for the 2:50 showing of Y Tu Mama, Tambien. (That hormonal breakout hit, a coming-of-age road trip from 2001 starring Bernal and his childhood friend Diego Luna — people mix them up, still.) Or the 4:45 showing of Amores Perros (from 2000, translating as wordplay for "Love Is a Bitch," a chronologically scattered tale of how one car wreck in Mexico City changes three lives). Or the 3:10 showing of El Crimen del Padre Amaro, from 2002, about the sinful lapse of a young priest (Bernal, natch) caught up in a small-town mess of church corruption. Its release in Mexico naturally put hard-line Catholics there in a state of non compos mentis, which both baffled and delighted Bernal.
Some of his key appearances have been as himself. Fresh from Y Tu Mama, he and Luna graced the Oscar ceremony last year, cleaned up in their tuxes, to present a small award, and Hollywood swooned. He was seen dancing all night at parties at Cannes. For a while he dated Natalie Portman (well, that's what the tabs reported) and you almost can't stand the fleeting idea of how gorgeous their children would have been. (Cancel that. They broke up.)
His movies are always in exotic, crumbly locations, and we are there, because Bernal is there: the back roads of the Mexican interior, or ascending to Machu Picchu as a soul-searching Guevara or click-clacking around the cobblestone streets of Spanish villas in transvestite stilettos seeking revenge against priestly pedophilia at a boarding school, as he does expertly in Pedro Almodovar's next surrealistic offering, Bad Education, which will open this year in New York. (It's scheduled to open in Washington in January. Sorry, kids. Delayed for possible Oscar-sensitive reasons of timeliness, and to not get in the way of Diaries. He's one of those stars: Two big projects colliding in the art houses of the world.)
If Salles' Motorcycle Diaries, which opens Friday, doesn't make you feel like an earnest college sophomore with a crush on the Marxist professor who teaches your Latin American history class, then we don't know what will. Predating the muss and fuss of the Cuban revolution, the film is an epic, richly hued journey into the formative years of Che, back in 1952 when he was Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, an Argentinean med student in his early twenties.
Ernesto takes a year off school to travel on a 1939 Norton 500 motorcycle with his best pal, Alberto Granado (played by Rodrigo de la Serna), across and up the South American continent.
Guevara, a devoted diarist as a young man, took notes about the people and places he saw, and the gulf between rich and poor (it helps to open his eyes when his rich girlfriend dumps him). The further Guevara and Granado go, the more Che becomes Che, seeing native people and their lives transcending the bourgeois notions of government and ownership and greed. By the time Che's working with lepers in the Amazon, Salles' movie (and Bernal) have reached a subtly beatific realm. In case you're not quite feeling it, Salles ups the noble-people quotient with black-and-white still portraits of the working-class people the young men encounter along the way.
"We prepared for four months," Bernal says of the research phase, and the crew shot the film more or less chronologically, following Guevara and Granado's original itinerary. "I read 1,001 books about the land and biographies [of Guevara]. We traveled. We practiced on the motorcycle three times a week. We asked permission from the gods, and also the local political and cultural centers…. When finally we started shooting, I wondered if we were prepared enough for this daunting task. We got on the bike and the road started to appear and things started to happen the right way, without you even noticing."
Bernal was born in Guadalajara and raised in Mexico City. Both his parents are stage actors. He has been thinking about Che Guevara for half his life — and even played the revolutionary in a two-part miniseries on Showtime about Fidel Castro, which he would appreciate it if everyone forgot. It goes back, for him, like most kids, to middle-school social studies class.
"It happens when you are about 12 or 13," he says. "When you grow up in Mexico you have a very strong connection to Cuba. As a kid you listen to this story, it's incredibly, incredibly exciting to hear. [The revolutionaries] changed Latin America forever and they changed the world. So you start early, identifying with where [Guevara] comes from, and identifying with his ideas in a way, and identifying with the struggle, and therefore you're able to agree with it or criticize it. Leftist ideas redefine themselves constantly. I think my generation is much more critical of what works in Latin American socialist movements and what didn't. There used to be a stigma that any leftist revolution had to come with violence. I don't think we believe that anymore," he says, mentioning Zapatistas in jungles who carry wood carvings of rifles instead of actual guns, just for the symbolism.
You think this sounds a little pinko coming from the mouth of a movie star? Well, you try embodying Che Guevara and see what you feel like talking about when it's over. When Bernal speaks of politics and the world, it's not with fire. He leans back. He almost whispers. It's seductive, in a way.
Early in the shooting, Alberto Granado, now 82, was visiting the set, Bernal says. And he offered this advice to the actor: "He told me, don't try to copy Ernesto's voice, or his mannerisms. He said, 'Use your own voice. All Ernesto was was a 23-year-old Latin American like you. Traveling around. Seeing things.' And I realized that what the movie needs is that universal experience. Granado was right. I have a right as does any person to tell the story of Che."
When it was over, months later, having lost weight to play the asthmatic Guevara as the trip takes its toll, Bernal found himself still wanting to travel.
When the film was finished, "I felt serenely confused, like in a serene state of almost understanding something bigger, and then not quite understanding it. All the time I felt like that," he says. "It redefined my priorities. I have moments where I understand what has happened to me, and then moments where I don't. I wanted to just get back on the road and travel to anywhere." (He sort of does that now, subletting apartments in New York and London, spending four months in Spain working with Almodovar on Bad Education, spending a little time back home in Mexico. He recently spent a month in Austin, shooting an independent film called The King in which he plays a character named Elvis — "the bastard child of an evangelist preacher," he says.)
He says he can't believe how hamstrung American actors arewhen it comes to saying anything political. He wonders if the United States has forgotten how to hold a real election, with real debates. He shows up in gossip columns lamenting the lumbering, impervious quality of American imperialism.
"The U.S. is a great nation that's becoming a war machine. But it is a great people, which can save it," he says. "Some of us fall into traps where we can't say what we think. But it shouldn't be this way. Actors are free. That's the nature of being an actor, to do anything you want to do, to say anything. It's why we're here. And if I were an American, I could be pigeonholed for what I just said."
He'd go on, but our lecture has to end here, for it is time to throw us out and escort in another reporter. It happens to be a student journalist from American University, and she seems excited to meet the Mexican Marcello Mastroianni, but trying to keep it all in check, remain cool.
She shakes his hand, ready and willing for her revolutionary inculcation in the hotel suite of Gael Garcia Bernal. She's exactly the age where a young woman's thoughts turn to putting that Che poster on the wall, and we envy her.
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tvctionary · 11 years
The Silver Storyline
I began watching Silver in 2008, almost from the beginning of 90210. What initially drew me to her was the fact that she was a television character created for another series, redeveloped, many years later, as a teenager in a spin-off, apparently in the hope that she would help the ratings of the series. 
Being one of the main stars, she was in for a hard time as all the favorable conditions for a dramatic development of her life were there (she was a child from a broken home with a substance-abusing mother and a manic-depressive brother) and possibilities abounded. In the first season of the series, she decides to present a film of her and her boyfriend having sex as a school project. The explanation for this is that she suffers from manic depression. In season two, having gained total awareness about her situation and set to make a new start, she learns that her estranged mother is dying from cancer. As a reward, she gets the series’ hottie, breaking up with him in season three because he’s gay. Shortly after, she develops romantic feelings for a childhood friend, who also happens to be the boyfriend of her best friend, and, despite the fact that it was wrong, has a secret affair with him (the Kelly Taylor gene apparently plays a part here). Naturally, her best friend finds out, and a vicious cycle of revenge begins, which involves a nude picture of Silver that is emailed to the entire school, a tap water poisoning in Mexico, and, as a coup de grace of sorts, a switching of Silver’s bipolar medication with unknown pills. Silver, however, survives and even manages to get the upper hand (after all, the whole pill switching thing was a bit too much). 
In season four, the now adult Silver, having been rejected from her dream college (manic episode during her interview with the guy from NYU), decides to stay in Los Angeles so that she can be close to her friends and move in with her boyfriend (the one she stole from her friend), who happens to have serious family and legal troubles. Unsurprisingly, her relationship with her fiancé enters a downward spiral when his mobster uncle threatens her life.      
Still, she doesn’t stay single for long. Totally out of the blue, she meets a wonderful guy who makes her feel that she can have a life far from all this drama. But only for a brief spell, because a few episodes later we find out that her new beau happens to have adopted the daughter of her ex-best friend (the girl that tried to do her in), and so she ditches him. 
Towards the end of the season, Silver finds out that she has the BRCA gene – that is, a genetic tendency towards developing breast or ovarian cancer. Before undergoing a preventive cancer treatment, she asks her gay best friend to donate his sperm so that she can become a mother. He accepts, but then things get complicated again because he wants joint custody. In the end, they only speak through lawyers and hire a surrogate mother, who unfortunately miscarries later on. 
This story had massive development potential, and could have continued in season six, but the network decided to cancel the show before the end of season five. In the last episode to be filmed, Silver is single (in contrast to the other cast members who are in relationships) and, having lost her chance of becoming a mother, has just found out that she has cancer.  
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sweetsoulmusic · 1 year
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fineredmist · 2 years
G’day my name is Mick Sni’per Mentalsickness Kangaroo Mundy and I have short dirt brown hair (that’s not how I got my name) in a mullet that reaches my neck and dark blue eyes like hot springs and people tell me I look like Mick Dundee (AN: if you don’t know who he is get da hell out of there!) I’m not related to Saxton Hale but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a professional but I have standards. I have pale tan skin. I’m also an assassin, and I work at a remote base called 2fort in New Mexico where it’s the seventh year of the gravel war (I’m thirty-seven). I’m a marksman (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly red. I love Mann Co. and I get all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a brown vest with a matching glove and a red shirt, dark tan pants and brown cowboy boots. I was wearing orange sunglasses, a brown watch, a teeth necklace, and a brown hat. I was walking outside 2fort. It was hot and dry so there was a lot of sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of civilians stared at me. I put my middle finger up at them. 
“Hey Sniper!” shouted a voice. I looked up. It was… Spy!
“What’s up Spy?” I asked.
“Nothing.” he said shyly. 
But then, I heard the timer counting down to the match and I had to go away. 
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2-fast-2-curious · 3 years
Guess This is Winter // Our Bodies Are Young and Blue
Summary: Peter 1 and 2 are calling in a favour from everyone’s favourite dysfunctional couple to help Peter 3. Venom and Eddie are certainly creative in their approach.
Words: 2.2K
Pairing: TASM!Peter Parker x Female Silk!Reader, I mean there’s a bit of Symbrock
Warnings: Sexual frustration. Terrible science talk that I can’t even reread because it’s so cringe. Maybe there’s a swear, Venom and Eddie being mean to each other, TASM!Peter Parker is bisexual which is just facts, Peter 1 and Peter 2 not being aware that Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock is a hottie. Also Venom wanting to eat people’s heads. Also I have no idea how to refer to groups of Spider-men.
Author’s Note: Never intended to expand this beyond a one shot but this is the fourth thing I’ve written for this series. Honestly it would be hilarious if Peter and Silk!Reader are cured and sent back to their universe only to be dusted with sex pollen.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Random Drabble
Masterlist for Peter Parker | Here’s more of my Venom writing
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  The other Peters were relieved when you and Peter 3 came clean about what was going on between the two of you. They thought he had developed a sex addiction from the trauma of not being able to save Gwen and were debating having an intervention for him. After describing some of the symptoms and patterns you and Peter had observed the other Peters seemed to have come to the hypothesis that whatever was in your system reached it’s maximum potency in about 15 minutes at which point you and Peter would need orgasms in order to revert to your normal, less-sexually charged states.
“Whatever serum we develop will need to be administered at that peak potency to be most effective.” Peter 2 said pointing to some scribbles on the white board. “Ideally maybe even later.”
“That means we’d have to keep them from…um being intimate until the serum is ready.” Peter 1 said. “But that would be like a full time job, we can’t be doing lab work while also trying to keep two super strong Spider-people away from each other.”
“We’re going to need some help and I know just who can.”
Eddie had been waiting for his Doordash order from the Cheesecake Factory so he wasn’t expecting to find a quartet of Spider-people on the other side of his door. “Eddie, look the Spiderlings came back.”
When Eddie and Venom were transported across universes they used the intel they gathered from the bartender in Mexico to get on the first flight to New York, looking for Spider-man. Peter 2 was surprised that this universe’s Venom was less of a villain and more of anti-hero even if he was just as chaotic. Since Venom and Eddie didn’t seem hellbent on killing Spider-Man or taking over the world, the Peters decided to just let them chill in their own apartment with a steady supply of chocolate and regular check ups until they can figure out how to fix this.
“They have a new one.” Venom took note of the newest member, she had snow in her eyelashes and was shivering a bit from being underdressed for the cold New York weather. “She’s adorable”
Eddie coughed awkwardly even though Venom was right and could read all of Eddie’s thoughts. Eddie erroneously thought Venom’s lack of social skills meant he wasn’t able to pick up on the sexual tension between you and the tallest member of the group. By sifting through Venom’s memories they figured that Spider-man was also from Venom and Eddie’s universe. “So did you figure out a way to get us back?”
Venom scoffed. “Eddie, you really are an idiot. Why do I even let you speak?”
“Why are we even paying for couple’s counselling if you don’t do what we discussed-”
“Um guys...” You trailed off trying to come up with a reason why you and Peter couldn’t be kept apart by Eddie and Venom. Peter 1 and 2 seemed completely obvious to how unassumingly sexy Eddie and Venom were. Instead of one guy you were extremely attracted to, you would be sharing a small space with two of them and a symbiote. While you and your Peter couldn’t read each other’s minds your shared intuition told you that he also found Eddie hot. You didn’t know how open he had been with the Peters about his sexuality so you decided it was probably better if you kept your mouth shut about that part.
“Um… no” “Actually we need to work on something else right now.” Peter 1 said, he looked into the messy, unkept apartment and it’s occupant and symbiote could be described similarly. This would be the perfect. As far as Peter 1 was concerned there was nothing less romantic than Eddie’s apartment, a mouthy symbiote, and an unhinged former journalist who looked like he slept in a dumpster.
“It’s the pheromones, Eddie.” Venom said licking his tongue against the side of your face. He proceed to lick the side of Peter 3’s face and you swore you saw him blush. “Yup pheromones.” The first time Venom met the three Peter Parkers he had tasted the air around them and he could definitely tell there was something different with Peter 3.
Peter 1 was a bit skeptical. “How did you know?”
“80 billion lightyears of hive knowledge across universes-”
Eddie groaned. “Trust me guys, you don’t want to hear this. Venom just knows things okay.”
“Pheromones, okay that’s something to start with.” Peter 2 said. “What we need your help with is to keep them apart and stop them from getting intimate so our cure can work.”
“Yeah, I think we can do that.” Eddie always wished he could do more to help them but he wasn’t much of a scientist and Venom’s form was always breaking things and knocking over chemicals in the lab.
Venom agreed. “Yes, Eddie is an expert at foiling sexual encounters and turning people off. He hasn’t had a date in like five years.”
Eddie huffed in annoyance. “Its almost like something happened to me five years ago that might make having normal-”
Peter 1 and 2 decided it was probably time to leave. “Anyway, we’re going to start working on the cure. Call us if you need anything.”
Venom and Eddie led you and Peter 2 into the apartment which is basically as much of a pigsty as the one in San Francisco since Venom has decided that he loves to feed pigeons. Eddie cleared the couch of his dirty clothes and hid them in the oven. Eddie motioned for you and Peter to sit on the couch while he answered the door, now that was probably his DoorDash order not that he was really in the mood for cheesecake anymore. You and Peter had started off on opposite ends of the couch but with Eddie out of view you two were slowly inching closer together.
Venom was nothing if not mission oriented and jumped into action, wedging his giant body between you and Peter on the couch squishing the two of you to the sides of the sofa and using some of his tendrils to keep the two of you secure. Eddie also starts playing those annoying kids videos on Youtube that Venom loves to watch for some reason. 
It’s been half an hour and you and Peter have listened to many grating, upbeat children's songs about the solar system, the sounds animals make, the alphabet, and emotions. You were pretty sure this was how they tortured people to get confessions.
“I have a question” Venom says absent-mindedly as he queues up more unboxing videos on the iPad. 
“Yes Vee?” Eddie had given up and helped himself a slice of Oreo cheesecake from the take out container.
“Why are the other Spider-men working on a cure? Have what they been inflicted with really that bad?” He asked studying the looks of embarrassment and frustration on both you and Peter’s beautiful faces. Venom was a hedonist, he didn’t understand why humans were always trying to control the natural urges of others. Mostly because he was hoping he could spin this into support for why Eddie should allow him to eat brains. “They are both young, attractive, and have superpowers. It is only natural that the universe would want them to mate.”
“Well Venom…it just distracts us from a lot of other we should be doing.” You explained shying away from the symbiote’s intense gaze on you. “We should be out here trying to help people and we can’t do that if we have uncontrollable carnal urges that make us unable to focus for more than ten minutes.”
Venom was intrigued. “Are there a lot of bad guys in New York?”
Peter ran through all the petty crime and supervillains he’s seen through the years and skeptical about why he was asking. Venom’s slimy appendages and shapeshifting nature did make him sound like a certain alien goo monster that had been mentioned. “Um yeah there’s quite a bit.”
“Eddie, we should let the Spiderlings focus on procreating and move to New York. There will be lots of bad guys for us to eat the heads of.”
Eddie frowned, maybe in a past life he would’ve liked New York but he must preferred the mind climate of San Francisco, especially with the brutal winter he was experiencing right now. It wasn’t as fun riding a motorcycle in New York with how crowded it was. Plus there were no shortage of annoying tech bros he could let Venom eat the heads of if Venom really put his foot down. “Dude, do you really want to leave San Francisco? That’s where Anne, Dan, and Mrs. Cheng are. Plus Sonny and Cher might still be at the Museum of Fine Art.”
Venom considers this remembering the week Mr Belvedere stayed with Eddie and Venom while Anne and Dan were on their honeymoon. The cat was very fluffy and affectionate and Venom couldn’t wait to visit him when he got back to their universe. “Maybe not.”
The terrible kids videos go on for a while with the only sound coming from Venom laughing at the terrible humourless jokes. Eddie thought you and Peter might have fallen asleep but instead he the two of you were just eye fucking each other from the opposite sides of the couch. Eye fucking was fine, Eddie just wasn’t supposed to let any actual fucking to happen.
Suddenly, the power goes out cutting off the lights and annoying voice acting out a tea party which various sized dolls from incongruent media properties. Eddie has most of Venom remain on the couch to keep the peace while Eddie navigates through the darkness to grab some candles for light.
He hears moaning and what sounds to be sloppy kisses and groans at the fact that Venom had one job. “We’re supposed to keep them apart.”
“Eddie, what do you want from me? They’re so strong even though they’re little. How can I focus on watching the Spiderlings while making sure you don’t trip.”
“You don’t need to-ow” Eddie says accidentally bumping into the stack of dumbbells. Eddie gets back to the couch with the candles and Venom finally regains the strength to pull you and Peter off of each other.
“Um I’m actually pretty tall for a human.” Peter says awkwardly. “We can’t all be almost 8 feet tall and five hundred pounds.”
You had to stifle a full on guffaw of laughter, damn Peter was adorable when he had a crush and possibly a size kink.
A chime from Eddie’s phone interrupted your thoughts of Venom’s tendrils restraining you and Peter in a different context, at the mercy of his giant form and tongue.
“Your friends said they have a cure ready. They’ll be here in about ten minutes.” Peter noticed a flash of sadness across your features and wished he could hold your hand and tell you things would be alright.
You decided to distract yourself from the anxiety you felt about not knowing what was happening next by talking with Eddie and Venom. You didn’t know about Peter but you didn’t have any immediate plans to go to San Francisco so who knows when you might see them again? Plus it would probably be more productive to help out Peter than to have your mind consumed with unanswerable questions. “Eddie, has it really been five years?”
“What?” Your question caught Eddie off-guard, he was on this phone checking when the power might come back. 
“Well Venom said earlier that it-”
“Oh…um yeah it’s been a while.” Eddie wasn’t exactly sure where you were going with this. Maybe you and Peter had come up with some sort of plan where Eddie becomes mortified to death and the two of you run away. He can’t believe he’s talking about love life or lack therefore with two young people are currently experiencing their longest break in sexual activity in the past 12 hours.
You gave Peter a knowing but mischievous smile and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to kill you or kiss you. “Well I just find it hard to believe that a ruggedly handsome man like yourself-” 
“Should you really be saying that in front of him?” Eddie looked between you and Peter in confusion. The last thing he wanted to do was get into a fight with Spider-man over a pretty lady when two others were on their way.
“You are a very attractive man. You and Venom make quite a pair.” It felt good for Peter to finally get it off his chest. You made it so easy to fall for you. He hadn’t been able to let anyone close to him in the longest time and here you were making Peter feel understood and accepted. The spider bite might have been the thing to bring you and Peter together but he it was your deep understanding of who he was at his core, that’s what made Peter believe you were someone he wouldn’t be able to be without.
“When we’re back in our universe and you and Venom are still lonely for companionship. You could always visit Peter and I in New York. I think we could have some fun.” You offered with a wink.
Before Eddie or Venom could respond, you could see Peter 1 and 2 opening one of the windows near the kitchen and coming into the room ready to administer your cure. 
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mpregjamesdiamond · 2 years
Hi my name is Tony Álvaro Luis Bernat Dalton and I have short ebony black hair with white streaks that reaches my mid-neck and deep brown eyes like a baby cow and a lot of people tell me I look like Lalo Salamanca (AN: if u don't know who he is get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Mark Dalton but I wish I was because he's a major fucking hottie. I'm a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also an actor, and I'm in a show called Better Call Saul in New Mexico where I play some old bad guy (I'm fourty-seven). I'm a goth (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside the Better Call Saul set. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. Michael Mando and Patrick Fabian stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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hlvrfreakyfriday · 4 years
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Okay, so. Evidently, Benrey decided it would be a fantastic idea to just, fucking, tell a bunch of random strangers on the internet not only that he’s an alien, not ONLY about some of the shit that went down in Black Mesa (which I signed an NDA about so do not ask me), but also about our current problem- that I’m stuck in his body and he’s stuck in mine. And apparently you people wanted to ask us, both of us, about this. bro don’t just call them ‘you people,’ they’re our adoring public. they love us. especially me. I don’t know how you inserted that into this post while I’m actively writing it but whatever. Sure. Fine! You want an ask blog? You got an ask blog. But I’m setting up some rules for this:
No asking me, Gordon, about the accident at my old workplace, Black Mesa. Like I said, I signed an NDA, so I legally cannot talk about it.
No intrusive questions. I understand how fascinating this situation can be, trust me, but you still gotta respect our privacy, okay?
If either of us ask you to drop a subject, drop it.
Please don’t make me regret going along with this.
I guess that’s about it. I’ll probably think of more rules if you all give me reason to make some. But please don’t. We’ll be sure to label who’s talking in the ask answers, to lessen confusion over who’s saying what. ASK AWAAAAAAY!!! ---------- ((OOC: to help y’all know what you can ask without breaking the fourth wall, here’s a list of all the things Benrey’s supposedly talked about on the internet:
He’s an eldritch being from beyond the veil, disguised as a human.
Being non-human, he has a ton of sick powers.
He loves video games and is really really good at them, and because he himself knows just how killer at video games he is, he feels no shame in playing on easier difficulties, y’know as a way to just chillax. He doesn’t have to prove anything to anybody else. Shut up.
He lives with his ‘best friend’ Gordon Freeman who is very very handsome. Major hottie. 10/10 would kiss again.
Gordon has a son named Joshua that Gordon’s ex wife brings over every now and then.
Both him and Gordon worked at the Black Mesa research facility in New Mexico, were there when the ‘big accident’ that wrecked it happened, and were stuck in the facility together for a whole week due to said accident.
He also mentioned that him, Gordon, and four of their other friends/co-workers were the only ones who survived the accident and made it out of the facility alive. In the immortal words of his good friend Bubby, “Shit went wrong.”
Black Mesa is now paying them all (except Benrey ‘cause he was assumed dead at the time because Reasons) a hefty amount of hush money. Which Gordon actually gives him some of to spend every now and then, woooo!!! No more having to mooch a PS+ sub off somebody else!!!
One of his sick powers is he can jump into people’s heads while they’re asleep. But uh, the last time he did that with Gordon, something happened and oops they’re stuck piloting each other’s bodies now!! Ha ha, whoops. This sucks. Being human sucks. Boooooo.
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Second entry of @kururu418's Tales of Mewni: God Arc Contest. The demigod son of Hottie and Ho from Pucca, Ignacio of the Mexican Pantheon.
Name: Ignacio
Age: 30 years old
Birthday: April 7th (Aries)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Pantheon: Mexican (Primarily in the subgroup of the Mexican Pantheon, Aztec, but can be also to appears in another subgroup of the Mexican Pantheon, Mayan too)
Appearance: Igancio is a muscular and tall figure. Igancio have a mixture of his father and mother's skin tone and his mother's feminine eye shape. The color of his eyes are black just like both parents. Despite his eyes are black, his left eye is partically blind from an incident between him and a titan. He have black hair and red streaks that looks as if it were fire styled in either a ponytail, a braid, or just letting his hair down. He used to have two red colored circular blush on each cheek, however he only have one now because a dark red scar over his left eye that extend over his cheek inflicted by a flaming titan. Ignacio wear a black smith gear similar to from this link here and that link. In Sooga Village, Ignacio wear a hanbok which comprised of gray baji, white jeogori (basic upper garment), blue baeja (traditional vest), and maroon goreum. His casual attire when he is in Mexico are a brown sombrero tied in a orange ribbon, brown sandals, a pantalòn, a poncho, and a camisa underneath it. His casual appearance make people assume he is a llama shepherd not knowing he is a demigod. In his god mode, he look exactly like a Mayan Warrior with metal armor legs and gaulets he made through his blacksmith skills. In his alternative god mode, Ignacio appear as an Aztec Eagle Warrior: His eagle helmet is coiled in purple, green, and yellow feathers, an amulet of a jaguar, wristbands with red feathers tied around his wrists, a blue-and-green loincloth, and steel armor plated legs that he forged. The reason why I made two god forms for him is to represents the two of the subgroups in the Mexican Pantheon, the Mayans and the Aztec Panatheons (whose shared custody over him) he is in. Therefore he switch form depending on the people are the descendants of the Aztec or Mayan.
Before he got two cuts, a burnt scar, and one partically blind left eye, he wore a full body armor whose design is similar to Muji.
Background: Ignacio —born with the name Hwa-Jae— is the demigod son between the goddess of the fire swamp and protector of the lava peppers, Hottie and a human, Ho. Ignacio was born and raised in Sooga Village and then the Fire Swamp when Igancio's god powers peaked at age ten and his mother began co-training him with her husband to hones his fire based abilities. Hwa-Jae was taught Korean martial arts from his dad to defends him while his mom taught him agriculture of the Fire Swamp. She hope that one day, Hwa-Jae will be ready to take up the duty as the protector of the Fire Swamp and it's Lava Peppers alongside her when the time have come. Young Hwa-Jae always thought he and his mother were from the Chinese Pantheon because they lived in China surrounded by Chinese culture and people worshiping the gods of this very Pantheon in form of statues and temples to worship them. He even met deities who were mostly from the Chinese Pantheon came to get a monthly supply of lava peppers (some deities want to eat spicy foods and lava peppers are a popular ingredients in heaven). That is until he was 13 years old, when he learn from his mother that she is a minor fire goddess from the Mexican Pantheon and the reason why she reside in China. To prevents the lava peppers from extinction by the hands of foreigners coming to Mexico in the Spanish Conquest (February 1519 - August 13, 1521). Ignacio, been focus on his father's roots and does not know his mom's roots, spark his interest in his mom's heritage and Mexican Culture. He ask his mom to teach him her culture, such as Xilam and learning how to speak Spanish. At the age of 18, he legally change his name to Ignacio. On that same age and that very day, one of the panthaeons were hunting down a fiery titan in the heaven, the fiery titan escaped and ended up in the Fire Swamp and destroyed almost all the fire peppers and attacked his mom, the more damages would have occurred if it weren't for Hwa-Jae fought the titan with martial arts, his pyrokinesis and the dangpa he smithed. The titan and the demigod fought for hours, he got a cut on his nose and lips. When Hottie watch as the monster burnt-scarred her son and made him partically blind on one eye, Hottie threw him a weapon he never knew of. That weapon is his macuahuitl. Ignacio decapitated the titan monster. After defeating the monster, he was bed-ridden for three weeks and prior to the three weeks, he got an invitation from the Mexican Pantheon to come to Mexico for a chance in meeting him alone, after words of him slaining the titan, they want to see if it's true. His mother does not want him to leave his home because she is her child and there is a chance she and Ho will not see him again if the Mexican Pantheon take him away (fearing he be punish for being half human). After a few long talking and convinces, Ho and Hottie agreed to let him goes alone to Mexico.
Ignacio hops on a plane with his luggage and went to Mexico and travelled to the location according to the invitation, a hidden temple. Ignacio meet the members of the Mexican Panthaeon and showing them the head of the titan. Impressed and astonguised by how Ignacio defeated the titan monster, the gods select him to be the protector of the natives in Mexico from being forgotten despite the knowledge of their existence is preserve yet vague. Why? The era is now belongs to the new generations and rules change making some impossibles possible. Things change leads to the Mexican Pantheon gods being slowly forgotten and receiving less worships (and people mostly favor listening to popular Greek-Roman and Egyptian mythologies). They decided to have Ignacio stay in the Mexican Panthaeon to teach him their skills (like speaking Zaptec, Mixtec, and Nahuatl) to be worship as one of their own and assigning him tasks to goes down to Mexico, Earth to be a protector to fight for the natives in order for the Pantheon be remebers. By having him sent down to Earth can show people that the gods and goddesses (both major and minor) are still here or/and return to help them and bring back more people to worships them (and increase new followers by his presence). Whether Ignacio is sent down to Earth, he's disguised himself as a travelling llama shepherd who came from a small community of farmers. He traveled from communities to communites, with herd of llamas, (and carrying his weapons and over time a falcon companion) or be in his god form when something disastrous happened. Meeting his people for a few years now gains good words for him and the Panthaeon and experiences, he also discovered that the Mayans and the Aztec people are unfortunately have been pushed off and don't have great living conditions because of colonialism, deforestation, other environmental issues, and other issues.
Angered by how they were treated and no one didn't do anything to prevents this, Ignacio spent most of his time taking care of them and be under his protection for years. And he fight to have them properly recognized. People consider Ignacio and his deeds a blessings sent by Xiuhtecuhtli or actually Ignacio is Xiuhtecuhtli himself (which Ignacio say he is not).
Ignacio (now 30 years old) met one of the Ixazalvoh's oracles and tell him a divine message foretold to him that the Pantheon is becoming forgotten by the extinction of his people in the future that the Pantheon are unable to stop unless Ignacio accept the Greek God of Lightning, Zeus' deal and bring divine protection and land with prosperity. Unable to accept this, he decide to hunts down Astro after hearing from the oracle about Zeus’ decree of putting a target on Astro’s head. This is a once and a lifetime opportunity for the Mayans and the Aztec Natives to live a bettter life, a better home where they are not push off to have non-natives living in Mexico, no deforestation, rainfall to prosper crops instead of drought. If he get his head, he can request Oberon to give the Mayan and the Aztec natives so much land with unlimited fresh clean water supply to live on without worrying about being push away by people cutting down trees to make New building or gaining resources in Mexico and never have to worry of drought by having rain season, and finally gains more power to protect them. He is determined to win the deal or die trying by trading a monster hybrid's life exchange for millions of human lives to live.
Ignacio is short-tempered, would rather work alone or solely with his panthaeon, and can be somewhat disrespectful to the gods from different panthaeons who are power tripping by treating their servants trash, ruining the lives of humans, and humiliating others whether if they are other gods/deities, humans, and their servants. Despite this, he has a lot of faith in himself and in his pantheon. He concern himself with any part of Mexico and birthplace, Sooga Village.
Ignacio is an honest man, though sometimes honest to the point where he is rude to others.
Ignacio is very calm and nonchalant, even while battling an opponent(s), but when angered, fights recklessly. He also has a hot-blooded side that takes pride in his skills and yearns for opponents to give him a fight worth his time. 
When facing a threat that could threaten the lives in Mexico, he is seen as a hero and benevolent by the citizens. He seems to care about Mexico and the people (Mayans, Aztecs, and the Hispanics) who reside in it, and is upset when an end of someone's life he once knew. Beside Mexico, he care about his parents and his falcon he raised, Santo-Haneul.
He have knowledge for blacksmith thanks to Garu. It is more of a hobby than a skill in his perspective. He have an interest in blacksmithing than cooking (half disappointing his father). He crafted armor parts, tobacco pipes, and swords + other weapons on rare occasion. He does not sell them. Instead he just put them in his collection of craftmanships. He be very angry if someone stole his creation and broke them. He can give his creation to anyone with a burning spirit. He is humble, and believe gods like Hephaestus smith better then him. He wanted to be call the demigod of blacksmith so he sometime call himself as one, but people question him if he is due to seeing him fight combat physically and using his powers causing him doubt.
Ironically, his father, Ho is one of the three best cooks in Sooga Village, Ignacio on the other hand is not like his father. He overburned the foods he cooked. When he didn't overturned the foods, he either miss some ingredient to the recipe, or forgot the salt.
Powers and Abilities:
• Martial Arts: Ignacio use a combination of taekkyeon (traditional Korean martial art) and Xilam, a martial art based on the combat methods by the Aztecs & Mayans.
• Pyrokinesis; Inheirting from both parents and practicing his powers for years, Ignacio's pyrokinetic ability is incredible. With this power, Ignacio can ignite his own flames at will and also control flames from external sources. The sheer power and size of his flames are tremendous, as is his extremely precise and fluid control of said flames. Ignacio also has a talent for replicating other people's flame techniques and abilities immediately upon contact. He can create a four meter barrier around himself that doesn't allow heat to pass through it. He can also creates a sharp blade of flames with his hand in case his dangpa or macuahuitl is broke. Speaking of his dangpa spear, he use his dangpa spear as a pole to fly to long-distance areas, and can control other ignited targets to direct them from great distances away.
• Lava Manipulations; He is an amateur level in lava manipulation. At first he thought he did not inheirt it until one day in Mexico, one of the three activated volcano erupted and he quickly stop an oncoming flow of the heated substance. He is able to turn lava back into earth but slower and more effort, while also being able to create large waves of molten rock. His ability is useful in producing obsidian. He would make a wall around himself, but he is unable to revert the rocky walls he made back into lava when making a wall to defense himself from a single attack, or a walls surrounding him to protect himself from attacks from all direction/around him. It could take an effort to convert the rocky wall back to lava and settles it down, but fail miserably than what he did the first time he used it. It can also drain his energy as well.
• Heat Immunity: Ignacio is immune to heat, being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect effects. However because he is a demigod, Iganacio be vulnerable to the heat in three hours and his internal organs may still be vulnerable. Ignacio is weak against the cold too.
• Mind Link; Ignacio have telepathic connection to his falcon, Santo-Haneul only. They can sense when the other is in danger and read each others mind. They can even shares each other's pains. If Santo-Haneul is killed, he will feel his pain and how he die, and then a wave of saddness be fell on him.
• Falconry; This skills allow Ignacio to tracks down his opponent using his mind link with his falcon. His falcon can swoop down and attack his target for a surprise attacks.
• Blacksmithing; Blacksmithing help Ignacio able to control his powers and vent his anger when cooking is not the best way in training. He created weapons and materials. He use lava manipulation to create obsidians for his macuahuitl. It is more of a hobby than a skill.
• Weaponry; Iganacio is able to proficient wield a macuahuitl (primary weapon) and a dangpa (secondary weapon) and use it against their opponents. The macuahuitl is a wooden club with a sun and flame design that have obsidian (he made them using sand and lava manipulation) embedded on them.
Hottie (Mother): Ignacio's questioning on why his mother choose to stay and protect the Fire Swamp, and it's resources, lava peppers in China lead him to learn more of his roots. He is more of a mommy's boy and genuinly listen to her. Ignacio is afraid of her anger especially when he scold at him. They bonds when the gods give him a chance (free time) to see her and his dad because his mom is a minor goddess while Igancio is a demigod. Since he is part human, he have needs and wants. That is her love and interacting with her. She is also one of the people who try to tell him not to hunts down Astro fearing that fightning a titan for the second time means be will not be lucky to survives. Ignacio is confident that he won't be defeated and tell his mom not to be worry about it. He already fought a titan once.
Ho (Father): Ignacio respect and genuinely listen to his father. Although Ignacio felt bad for dishonoring his father by not cooking any dishes at perfection and doubts that his father would accept him changing his name from Hwa-Jae to Ignacio. On the other hand, Ho doesn’t harbor any hard feelings towards his son and is happy that he is being his true self. The two still talk every now and then. It's wholesome, but it’s usually a bit awkward when Ignacio mispronounced a kanji and embrassed himself.
Pucca (Cousin): He loves his cousin and beside his parents, she is the closest person to him in the whole world. He loves her warm hugs and admires her physical strength and sweet-and-kind personality.
Santo-Hanuel (Companion): Ignacio got himself a Aplomado falcon and named him Santo-Hanuel after seeing him as the sole survivor of his family when he was just a chick with a broken wing after his home was destroyed by foresting. Ignacio took care of him and heals his wing using medicines given to him by Ix Chel, the Mayan goddess of healing and medicine. When he was about going to let him go, Santo-Hanuel have a strong attachment to him consider him as a member of his familia. Ignacio who he too felt attach to him decide to keep him and have Santo-Hanuel be his other eyes (because his left eye is partically blind), thus taught himself falconry. Together, they stop the injustice that is upon the surviving descendants of the Mayan and Aztec People. The Aztec god of the Sun and the war, Huitzilopochtli blessed the eagle and Ignacio the ability, mind link between him and Santo-Hanuel after seeing a strong bind between them as a reward for his efforts in protecting the aboriginals. When they communicate telepathically it sometime look like they are having a staring contest.
Patecatl - The Aztec God of Medicine and Healing and Ix Chel - The Mayan Goddess of Healing and Medicine: Ignacio are the patient to both gods whether he hurt himself for protecting the Maya and the Aztec people, or when he hurted himself while blacksmithing.
Buluc-Chabtan - Mayan God of War, Violence and Death: Ignacio avoids him likes a hawk. He heard story about him setting homes on fire, killing people, and roasting them on skewers over a fire. Ignacio make sure he won't be likes him.
Quetzalcoatl: He is one of the few gods in the Mexican Panthaeon who pleas him not to enter because killing the son of a Titan who anger the god will leads to nothing but destructions. However Ignacio did not believe in the Aztec God of Wisdom when the humans need him the most.
"I am Ignacio, demigod of fire and blacksmith from the Mexican Pantheon! Protector of the Mayas, the Azteces, and the Hispanics."
"If one live must sadly die, in order to get rid of millions of people's poor living conditions that would wipe them out of existence completely.... Then, I will do it."
"The only people who calls me by my birth name are my family."
The bulldozers are pushing down trees in the Lacandon Jungle. One of the construction workers hears a cry of a falcon. He take a glimpse of it and seeing it circling around the sky. He wonders why is there a falcon living in the rainforest. Then see something falling from a sky. His eyes are widen is that a meteorite heading towarding them. The "meteorite" landed is actually Ignacio in his god form on his Dangpa spear. He steps off and glare at the bulldozer passing toward him. "Detener, you are destroying Lacandon Jungle! Home to 700 Lacandon Maya! Leave now or face my wrath!" He jump and landed on the ground hard and lava gush out of the ground.;
"This is another day without rainfall. If the rains did not come as expected for a year or two, the communities could rely on stored water." He frown looking at the sky after touching the crops. "However, how long will they adapt from longer droughts? Long droughts stressed their political hierarchy and complex inter-regional trade networks." He grit his teeth and tighten his fist. His eyes turn from black to yellowish-orange. "I told the construction workers not to cuts down many trees, and this is what happens. They are lucky I did not burn them to death. Only have lava swallows up their bulldozers. I am not Buluc-Chabtan."
"Me siento como en casa.", Ignacio looks around in Pagoda. He miss his home so much, but he need to continue what he needs to do.
"For those of you demand blood, do not ask for a human sacrifrices! I do not care if any of you questions and insult their morals, this will not solve the problem of the Pantheon being forgotten. It's true that human sacrifrices have stop a very long time ago, but at least it is for preservation for their surival. If you all decide to demands human sacrifrices, especially children! This can leads to people worshipping you less. You all choose me for a reason, so don't change your mind by throwing me away to be erase from existence. I am a symbol of you all return. I am here to make your creations, your people that you abadoned after some of them decided to stop worshipping years ago." said Ignacio after hearing suggestions from the members of the Pantheon during his meeting with them to give them up-to-date on his tasks. "But without it, Huitzilopochtli be weaken giving a chance for Coyolxauhqui and her 400 brothers to defeat him." said a random deity. "Thanks you for mentioning it in case I forgot about it. Which I didn't. According to Quetzalcotal, Oberon already solve this by giving him an alternative resource to strengthen Huitzilopochtli without the need of blood very very long time ago."
"The clouds are so beautiful, mother." Said Ignacio. "Indeed son," said Hottie. "I am thankful for the gods for turning Mimixcoa into harmless clouds instead of destroying humanity." Ignacio added. "Indeed....." she said in an anguished tone rembering that and other times they did something terrible.
"Muchas gracias por la comida abeoji."
Even though he is from the Mayan Pantheon, his nationality is South Korean/Mexican. He is Korean from his father side of the family and according to Pucca Wikia, Hottie appears to be Mexican (or of Mexican descent).
Ignacio know Mixtec, Zapotec, Nahuatl, English, Spanish, Chinese, and Korean, but speaks Mixtec, Zapotec, English, Nahuatl, and Spanish all the time because he spends his time in Mexico for a long time that he need to relearn how to speak Chinese and Korean.
He have an allergy to cats and will sneeze when they are near him.
Fire Force character, Shinmon Bennimaru is the inspiration to Ignacio. TLOK, Bolin's Lavabending is the inspiration to Ignacio's ability in lava manipulation.
Ignacio was going to be in the Chinese Pantheon under the name, Bul Ai and participated in capturing and killed Astro so he could replace Master Soo as Sooga Village's village god because his leadership is poor and neglected watching over the village.;
In another previous version of him, he was call Meítàn. He represented the Greek Pantheon and is trained to become the next Ares under the mentorship of Ares, but abandoned him from his injuries from fightning and became the apprentice of Jack Spicer's grandmother, the reincarnated Hephaestus. I was planning on making his an ally for Astro, before the contest is official and the rules are established to have the entries be antagonists.
His old name, Hwa-Jae means "diaster caused by a fire" in Korean and Ignacio meaning "born from the fire" in Spanish. His falcon, Santo-Haneul means Saint (Spanish) and Heaven or Sky (Korean);
Based on his old name, Hwa-Jae, there were fire related incidents in Goh-Rong is caused by Igancio when he was just a school-aged child whose unable to either use his powers correctly and control his powers.
Ignacio's favorite foods are JaJang Noodles, Red Chile Pork Tamales, and Enomoladas.
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dykelaine · 4 years
Hi my name is Benrey Dark'ness Dementia Freeman and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with black streaks and a blue helmet that keeps my head from getting crunched and bright red eyes like a resonance cascade and a lot of people tell me I look like Barney Calhoun (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Gordon Freeman but I wish I was because he's a major fucking hottie. I'm an intergalactic abomination but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale grey skin. I'm also a security guard, and I go to a science lab called Black Mesa in New Mexico where I'm the head guard (I'm 17 thousand). I'm a guard (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly blue. I love the Lambda Lab and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black bullet vest with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, blue fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and blue eye shadow. I was walking outside the testing chambers. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A scientist in an HEV suit stared at me. I asked him for his ID.
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septiembrre · 4 years
tagged by the lovely @mego42
A Bit of a Stretch -- the backstory
1. @pynkhues gave me “accidentally knocking your head into someone’s chin + playfully biting someone” from an OTP/physicality prompt list. 
2. I sat with the idea for a couple days. While, I sat on it, I tackled 2 other prompts that absolutely helped me warm up. My first thought had been some sort of domestic scene by a cabinet? And, it just sounded so boring. I didn’t want to write that. 
3. I think the yoga scene had to have percolated from it being Sophie who sent me the prompt. She had already written a yoga scene a while back: Child’s Pose. And honestly, that one had done it for me for the trope? I had never thought I would want to write a yoga scene. I actually remember thinking the first time I read it, “thank god flashindie wrote this b/c this is the content we deserve to see.” 
4. But, hello! Now we’re in this pandemic and I was feeling nostalgic about my heated yoga studio so, all of a sudden... it spilled forth. I wrote it in a matter of hours and posted it later that day. While I had imposed a 24 hr writing turnaround with this prompt series, now I do wish I could go back and tidy it up a bit. I want to add more details to the yoga studio.
5. From the beginning, I was sure that Rio was going to be the one to get hurt. Muahahahaha. He’s never the one who gets the concussions in our fics and I liked writing him being caught unawares. 
6. Manny has a cute little chin dimple like Christina and I wanted that to spend sometime focusing on that, y’know the important things. 
7. I think I got like one paragraph into the fic describing yoga from Beth’s POV and then I got bored. I had just written a few of her POVS back to back with the other prompts that week and it quickly dawned on me whose voice should be telling Stretch. This is the first and only time I’ve ever done Rio POV but it was really easy. I need to figure out what other stories I want him to tell! 
Additional author’s notes:
1. I think Rio could be like a lit nerd y’know in his own way. When I was in high school, a couple of the boys I was friends with really liked when we went read Edith Hamilton’s Mythology so I gifted him that.
2. I also just found out that Aphrodite was in fact the goddess of war before she was misconstrued into a love goddess. Now I want to write a coda where Rio settles on Aphrodite as Beth’s alter-goddess. 
3. I just really like to think about Rio fantasizing about Beth in her every day life -- not boss Beth, not Beth especially trying to be a hottie -- but domestic Beth. Ever since Manny gave that interview where he described Rio as being fascinated by her world... That just lives rent free in my brain and I like to try to find ways to tug at it and shape it so that it doesn’t just reinforce gender norms, but makes it a little... funny. I think Rio would take a lot of pleasure in living with Beth, and I like him being self-aware about it. 
4. And then if we’re talking about Beth’s world, we do have to talk about her whiteness and general passing privileges. Yoga felt like a fun way to do it. 
5. But, our collective boy crush, is bougie as fuck so you know he’d be into some heated studio nonsense. Like, you know in the sequel he’s going to be a regular at the gong baths. Like, he thinks he’s cool, but lol have y’all heard of Onnit? I can totally see him being into the kettlebells and the mace. So extra. 
6. “Detroit, so far from Mexico and so close to being the fucking North Pole.” This line is inspired by the famous saying, “Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States.” I took pleasure in the power reversal. <3
@joeyjoeylee - Both Sides of The Law
@sothischickshe - do you like drugssss 
@mego42 - swaying evergreens (is it rude to re-tag you?)
rules/q’s/meme backstory:
recently I have become really fascinated with fanfic authors and what exactly was rumbling around in their brain that inspired a fic?
Was it a line of dialogue you couldn’t get out of your head?
A scene you wrote WAY in advance and then crafted the whole story around?
An image in your mind?
Inspiration from another form of media?
Maybe someone suggested something to you and it just TOOK off from there?
What is the cornerstone of this fic -what is it all built around? The idea that started it all?
Tag an author & their fic. Let’s hear about what sparked your story. What exactly got your booty movin’ shakin’ motivated and writin’ ?
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benditlikepress · 4 years
texted you a picture where you looked pretty
@indestinatus @coffeedepablo @ncisjes
all day long I waited for my phone to ring
I counted every glow star on my ceiling
texted you a picture where you looked pretty
and wondered if you saved the ones you had of me…
[illuminati hotties – (you’re better) than ever]
The first time Tony sent Ziva a picture, she’d only been gone a week.
He hadn’t left the apartment for anything other than work since getting back - first because of jetlag, and then out of plain exhaustion. It didn’t help that both work and home were full of things that reminded him of her, of them, so much so that it was beginning to feel like a strange form of self-flagellation to stay cooped up there.
It was easy to convince himself he wasn’t thinking about her, talking himself into thinking about any and every other topic on the planet until he was lying in bed wide awake staring into space wondering where it had all gone wrong. It was then, and only then, that he allowed himself to obsess: to think over things he should’ve said, things he never said, or ways he could try and fix what he knew deep down was unfixable.
This particular night was worse than most – someone at work had stopped him in the elevator and asked him what was happening with Ziva, and if she was coming back – and he’d found himself seeking out reminders of her rather than pretending he wasn’t hyper-fixating on them. His phone was a great source for that: text messages and phone records and her name, over and over and over. His photos and videos, too, were full of her, and his tired fingers paused on one she’d never known he’d taken. The most recent one he’d taken of her - asleep, wrapped in sheets, the Israeli sun hitting the bare skin of her shoulders and back. Her hair was spread out over the pillow and her hand was spread over the vacated side of the bed, as though reaching out for him.
He couldn’t bring himself to scroll past it even when it caused a ball to form in his chest that made it hard to swallow.
It was 2am and he found himself opening a conversation thread and dropping the photograph into it, pressing send quickly.
“I really miss you”
He typed the words with nervous fingers and pressed send even quicker still before throwing his phone in a drawer and turning away from it.
He woke up three hours later and saw she hadn’t opened the message yet. He deleted it, and thanked the gods of modern technology that she never would.
The next time was a month later, and he thought he’d been doing better until he found a stack of old photographs piled at the back of his top desk drawer. They had been collected over the years and though some pre-dated her arrival in the States, she was a prominent feature in most of them.
Though they still hurt, he was finding himself increasingly able to appreciate them for what they were. He found one, near the bottom of the pile, that even had a smile threatening on his lips. A doctor-themed party from a lifetime ago that had to be up there with the more ridiculous ideas of his life.
The picture had been taken not long after Gibbs had left for Mexico and Tony had relented into Abby’s plans for a surprise party for Jimmy’s birthday, still keen to make sure that people didn’t stop seeing him as a friend instead of just a boss. It was him and Ziva, posing, with Jimmy’s drunkenly sleeping head face-down on the table inbetween them.
He remembered everything about that night: how her hand kept brushing his leg under the table, and every time he’d snapped his neck up to look at her but found her looking in a different direction. How they’d shared a cab home and he’d insisted on walking her to her door, in spite of her drunkenly listing a handful of ways she could kill any man who approached her with only the costume on her back. How she’d invited him upstairs and there was no pretence but he’d said no, trying to be diplomatic, though they’d only lasted another week of summer before that had all came tumbling down.
He opened a message again and snapped a photograph, the edge of his fingers visible holding it up to the camera.
“Remember this? Do you still have that picture of me piling stuff on top of him?”
He didn’t get a reply. Then again, he hadn’t really been expecting one.
He flipped the photograph over and placed it back on the pile.
The next time he sent her a photo, it had been over 9 months since he’d last seen her and she’d been on his mind all day.
It wasn’t unusual for him to get wrapped up in thoughts of her but it had been plaguing him in a way it hadn’t in a while – starting with a dream in the middle of the night that woke him up startled and coursing through his brain all morning. When it wasn’t better by night-time he’d gone for a drink with the team to take his mind off it, and when that hadn’t helped he’d found himself scrolling through old messages and photos and videos that he’d sworn he was going to delete (or at least put on a flash drive, out of sight out of mind).
When he still had that feeling that something was missing, that he was categorically in the wrong place right now, he got out of bed and walked into the living room in search of a cure.
He remembered, later, one photograph he’d never been able to take down. He lifted his head upwards to the top of his DVD shelves and grabbed for the card, bringing it down and sitting on the sofa with it in his hands.
A Paris street. Years ago now. She looked like a 50s movie star, frozen in time, and he could remember how enraptured he’d been as he’d approached her - watching her in her own world, flicking through postcards and wrapping her coat tighter around her.
Him capturing it in a photo had been what alerted her to his presence, but instead of asking him to delete it like he’d expected she’d simply rolled her eyes and told him with a smile that he was late.
He thought so fondly of that weekend even now. They’d both been overcompensating in the dust of everything that had happened, nervous and eager and hurting deep down, and Paris had come along at the perfect moment to show them both that the thing they’d been orbiting around for four years wasn’t lost. Could be stronger, even. And it was.
Before he could change his mind he went to grab his phone and snapped a photo of the image, opened the long-gone conversation thread and ignored his previously unanswered message.
“Weird day - you’ve been on my mind. Hope everything’s good. Open invitation: call if you need me.”
Almost two years down, he got a social media reminder of something he tried not to think about.
He didn’t have a photograph of the actual day Ziva became an American citizen. In spite of his promises he’d be there, he’d ended up in another country entirely as she swore her loyalty to his.
He’d felt sick even now that he’d missed her ceremony, knowing how much it had meant to her, even if she tried to play it down when he’d told her. He looked at the photograph that had popped up in his notifications, the two of them smiling with her certificate, and ran his hand over it. Her eyes were so bright and he could barely remember her looking so young.
He remembered how proud she’d been. Wondered if she still was, after how it had ended.
He found himself wondering, selfishly, if he still crossed her mind sometimes too.
“Happy anniversary Miss America”
Part of him was worried it would sound spiteful, but hoped she still knew him well enough to see the good meaning behind it. He pressed send and turned off his phone.
The first time he thought about sending a photo but didn’t, he was holed up in a small Paris apartment wringing his hands.
He’d known he wasn’t going to hear from her often – she’d took great pains to explain that, voice shaking, reminding him over and over that it was for his own safety. But Tali had been asking for her for days and Tony couldn’t stop looking at the photo they’d taken in Cairo, the one he swore he’d destroy soon, where Tali was curled up in Ziva’s lap and Ziva was looking down at her like she’d hung the moon and stars.
It was the same night, as if by magic, that his phone beeped. He scrambled around for it in the dark, heart in his mouth. A  withheld number flashed on screen.
“Checking in. Everything is OK. On my mind tonight and always.”
The first and last time Ziva sent Tony a photo, he hadn’t been able to sleep all night.
When Ziva had been away he’d been non-negotiable on work trips and conferences. Now she was back he’d considered it a miracle he’d managed to get 18 months out of the way before being offered a spot on a 3 day conference that was taking place in London. Two hours in it became clear that nothing being shared was particularly relevant to his role, and any number of other members of staff could’ve been sent in his place. He knew he had no more right to be at home than any of them, but it made being away that much harder.
It was 3:18am in London and he knew it was even later in Paris but he couldn’t help himself as he flicked his screen on.
“Still awake? x”
“You sound like a teenage boy.”
“Take that as a yes”
The photo she responded with was a simple one from her slightly pixelated front-facing camera on the phone she refused to upgrade. She was sat up in bed, hair tipped over one shoulder. Wearing one of his t-shirts.
“How is it possible you’ve got even more beautiful in my absence?”
We missed you today”
“Never leaving again. Can’t wait to be home.”
“Pizza and movie night. Your pick.”
“Marry me?”
“Maybe the gigantic block on my finger in that photo did not give it away, but unfortunately I am already getting married 3 months from now.”
“That’s too bad. Lucky guy.”
“Yes, he is.”
“(Just so you know, it’s a rock. Not block.)”
“Goodnight, Mr DiNozzo. X”
“Night Mrs DiNozzo”
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