#Hospice Center
sapphic-bats · 8 months
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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this-doesnt-endd · 6 months
I used to have a really giant family like tons of tias and tios and cousins and i say used to cause like it seems like after my grandparents died on both sides both families seemed to never speak again and i had no chance to even try and keep hold of those ties i was in elementary school watching my parents marriage crash and burn in real time dealing with major death in the family and then subsequent family abandoning me at the tender age of 11. Hell my brothers were older and jumped ship it was just me and the horrors
#my moms dad and my dads mom were like the heads of their families and they both died really close to each other#but my grandma and a tio on my moms side died within 3 days of each other after being in hospice literally 3 doors away from each other#for months and my parents both took the roles of like taking care of everything and being the descision makers cause no one else would#which im sure was super traumatizing in everyway possible but their siblings both seemed to resent them in ways#when they didnt want to be those people but had to be and they arent even the oldest siblings they are both like 3rd youngest#but like it just ruined the families and me and mom and my dad were all at the hospital or hospice center for months#we were there every day and night i remember it so much i can get anywhere in any hospital in my town using the stairwells#like i knew them that well#it also likely ruined my parents marriage which was bumpy before the intense major tragedy#which like yaknow what fair it was a lot to deal with ontop of like trying to crawl ur way out of the recession#but after all was said and done i talk to no one on my dads side i bearly talk to my older brother#and i talk to like my nina and two tias on my moms side and occassionally a few cousins#when theyre arent being fucking insane and unhinged#idk i loved having a huge family the like going to 5 houses on christmas type#going to birthdays or weddings and seeing everyone taking at least 45 mins to say bye to everyone#and now its gone and i wont ever get it back#and its by no fault of my own cause i was literally 11 and every adult decided i was gonna pay the price too#like i think abt when i get married its not gonna be what i thought itd be or when i get my first movie in theatres#im not gonna have the major family celebration ill have all my friends which im so greafull for#but its not the same yaknow#and id love to have that relatiomship with my family again but like where do u start when its been over 10+ years#like they remember 11 year old me if they remember me#and thats part of the problem#like on my moms side specifically i have some family who acts like theyve never met me before when i used to see them every weekend#and it was a major failing on my part as an 11 year old for not keeping in touch even tho we did my mom calls everyone and she tried#but people didnt want to return it#and as for my dads side its the same and if it was a moral failing for me as an 11 yr old to not reach out and they didnt like my mom much#my grandma fucking loved her but the rest of the family didnt and like i lived w my mom and was fucking 11 i couldnt go anhwhere by myself#and i didnt like not being places without a parent and i hated sleepovers i refused and they took it so personal#and they stopped talking to my dad and bad mouthed him and still do nd ill never allow that around me my dad isnt perfect but hes a good man
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Former President Jimmy Carter, who at 98 years old is the longest-lived American president, has entered home hospice care in Plains, Georgia, a statement from The Carter Center confirmed Saturday.
After a series of short hospital stays, the statement said, Carter “decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention.”
The statement said the 39th president has the full support of his medical team and family, which “asks for privacy at this time and is grateful for the concern shown by his many admirers.”
Carter was a little-known Georgia Governor when he began his bid for the presidency ahead of the 1976 election. He went on to defeat then-President Gerald R. Ford, capitalizing as a Washington outsider in the wake of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal that drove Richard Nixon from office in 1974.
Carter served a single, tumultuous term and was defeated by Republican Ronald Reagan in 1980, a landslide loss that ultimately paved the way for his decades of global advocacy for democracy, public health and human rights via The Carter Center.
The former president and his wife, Rosalynn, 95, opened the center in 1982. His work there garnered a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.
Jason Carter, the couple’s grandson who now chairs The Carter Center governing board, said Saturday in a tweet that he “saw both of my grandparents yesterday. They are at peace and — as always — their home is full of love.”
Carter, who has lived most of his life in Plains, traveled extensively into his 80s and early 90s, including annual trips to build homes with Habitat for Humanity and frequent trips abroad as part of the Carter Center’s election monitoring and its effort to eradicate the Guinea worm parasite in developing countries. But the former president’s health has declined over his 10th decade of life, especially as the coronavirus pandemic limited his public appearances, including at his beloved Maranatha Baptist Church where he taught Sunday School lessons for decades before standing-room-only crowds of visitors.
In August 2015, Carter had a small cancerous mass removed from his liver. The following year, Carter announced that he needed no further treatment, as an experimental drug had eliminated any sign of cancer.
Carter celebrated his most recent birthday in October with family and friends in Plains, the tiny town where he and his wife, Rosalynn, were born in the years between World War I and The Great Depression.
The Carter Center last year marked 40 years of promoting its human rights agenda. The Center has been a pioneer of election observation, monitoring at least 113 elections in Africa, Latin America, and Asia since 1989.
In perhaps its most widely hailed public health effort, the organization recently announced that only 14 human cases of Guinea worm disease were reported in all of 2021, the result of years of public health campaigns to improve access to safe drinking water in Africa. That’s a staggering drop from when The Carter Center began leading the global eradication effort in 1986, when the parasitic disease infected 3.5 million people. Carter once said he hoped to live longer than the last Guinea worm parasite.
Carter was born Oct. 1, 1924, to a prominent family in rural south Georgia. He went on to the U.S. Naval Academy during World War II and pursued a career as a Cold War Naval officer before returning to Plains, Georgia, with Rosalynn and their young family to take over the family peanut business after Earl Carter’s death in the 1950s.
A moderate Democrat, the younger Carter rapidly climbed from the local school board to the state Senate and then the Georgia Governor’s office. He began his White House bid as an underdog with outspoken Baptist mores and technocratic plans reflecting his education as an engineer. He connected with many Americans because of his promise not to deceive the American people after Nixon’s disgrace and U.S. defeat in southeast Asia.
“If I ever lie to you, if I ever make a misleading statement, don’t vote for me. I would not deserve to be your President,” Carter said often as he campaigned.
Carter, who came of age politically during the civil rights movement, was the last Democratic presidential nominee to sweep the Deep South, before the region shifted quickly to Reagan and the Republicans in subsequent elections. He governed amid Cold War pressures, turbulent oil markets and social upheaval over racism, women’s rights and America’s global role.
Carter’s foreign policy wins included brokering Mideast peace by keeping Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin at the bargaining table for 13 days in 1978. That Camp David experience inspired the post-presidential center where Carter would establish so much of his legacy. Carter also built on Nixon’s opening with China, and though he tolerated autocrats in Asia, pushed Latin America from dictatorships to democracy.
At home, Carter partially deregulated the airline, railroad and trucking industries and established the departments of Education and Energy, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He designated millions of acres in Alaska as national parks or wildlife refuges. He appointed a then-record number of women and non-whites to federal posts. He never had a Supreme Court nomination, but he elevated civil rights attorney Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the nation’s second-highest court, positioning her for a promotion in 1993.
Yet Carter’s electoral coalition splintered under double-digit inflation, gasoline lines and the 444-day hostage crisis in Iran. His bleakest hour came when eight Americans died in a failed hostage rescue in April 1980, helping to ensure his landslide defeat.
For years after his loss, Carter largely receded from electoral politics. Democrats were hesitant to embrace him. Republicans made him a punchline, caricaturing him as a hapless liberal. In reality, Carter governed more as a technocrat, more progressive on race and gender equality than he had campaigned but a budget hawk who often angered more liberal Democrats, including Ted Kennedy, the Massachusetts Senator who waged a damaging primary battle against the sitting President in 1980.
Carter said after leaving office that he had underestimated the importance of dealing with Washington power brokers, including the media and lobbying forces anchored in the nation’s capital. But he insisted his overall approach was sound and that he achieved his primary objectives — to “protect our nation’s security and interests peacefully” and “enhance human rights here and abroad” — even if he fell spectacularly short of a second term.
And years later, upon his cancer diagnosis as a nonagenarian, he expressed satisfaction with his long life.
“I’m perfectly at ease with whatever comes,” he said in 2015. “I’ve had an exciting, adventurous and gratifying existence.”
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protoslacker · 2 years
ATLANTA (Feb. 18, 2023) — After a series of short hospital stays, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention. He has the full support of his family and his medical team. The Carter family asks for privacy during this time and is grateful for the concern shown by his many admirers.
The Carter Center.  Statement on President Carter’s Health
I am not sure it’s as prevelant today, but for a long time a part of the sustained effort to make people think Ronald Reagan was a great president was in saying at every opportunity that Jimmy Carter was a “failed” president.  It’s not so simple of course. It is significant that Carter became President of the United States. 
Jonathan Alter chose five books along with his own book to better understand Carter. It’s a short piece, but provide a nice thumbnail sketch  of the life a of quite remarkable person.  The best books about the life, character, and presidency of Jimmy Carter
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Trusted Hospice Care Provider in Texas | Compassionate End-of-Life Support
Living Waters Hospice, Inc provide a variety of services to suit the patients' physical, emotional, and spiritual requirements as a dependable hospice care provider in Texas. In order to ensure the greatest standard of care and comfort, our skilled healthcare professionals and carers provide expert pain management, symptom control, emotional support, spiritual counselling, and aid with everyday activities. Our team is dedicated to offering patients and their families empathetic support because of this. We work hard to establish a supportive environment where patients can pass away with nobility and respect, surrounded by their loved ones.
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bannumedicalcenterwgl · 4 months
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bommagoni · 5 months
Hospice and Palliative Care Centers Market Size, Report 2030
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End-of-life planning, a comprehensive process involving preparations for the final stages of life, becomes particularly crucial when considering hospice care. This specialized form of care, administered by healthcare professionals, is tailored to assist individuals nearing the end of their life journey, emphasizing comfort and quality of life. So, what does end-of-life planning for hospice care entail?
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autistwizard · 7 months
I want to volunteer at the local lgbt center and I’ve been on their volunteer mailing list for a while now but I am simply too disabled and idk where to start
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meateater-rabbit · 1 year
i do in fact have fucking covid btw
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ahugaway · 1 year
A Hug Away Health Care Inc.: Advanced Hospice Care Center In Katy, Tx
Are you searching for a highly meticulous hospice care center in Katy? Your worries can cease as A Hug Away Health Care Inc. is available in your city to offer exceptional hospice care services near you. There's no need for hesitation if you want to engage their services. Simply pay a visit to their website or reach out to them via phone or in-person visitation.
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whiteorchidhospi · 1 year
When facing serious illnesses or end-of-life stages, finding compassionate and specialized care becomes essential. Hospice Houston is dedicated to providing comprehensive and heartfelt support to individuals and their families during these challenging times.
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sukinohealthcare · 2 years
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livingwell12 · 2 years
Living Well Assisted Living | Assisted Living Facility in Virginia Beach VA
Ours is your go-to Assisted Living Facility in Virginia Beach VA. We know the importance of complete overall health and well-being, and we take every measure to ensure each of our clients is well cared for and encouraged to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. We are the best pick for Memory Care Assisted living in Virginia Beach VA. We ensure our clients’ every need is met, from exercise programs and healthy, organic meals to medication management and memory care support. So, if you need our expert assistance, you should call us today with a single call.
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silvermoon424 · 10 months
wait, the Golden Girls were allies irl? That's awesome!
Yeah, all 4 of them were amazing ladies who championed progressive causes throughout their lives.
Estelle Getty (Sophia): Was a huge advocate and ally during the AIDS crisis. She personally cared for her gay nephew as he was dying of AIDS and later opened up an AIDS hospice in his hometown in his honor. As of 2023, the hospice is still operational. She also just outspokenly supported the gay community in general during a time when it wasn't popular to do so.
Bea Arthur (Dorothy): Another outspoken supporter of queer rights and even left an endowment worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Ali Forney Center (an organization for homeless LGBTQ+ youth in New York City).
Betty White (Rose): She was not only an LGBTQ+ icon and ally, but also an ally to the black community and an animal rights advocate. Like Estelle Getty, she was very active during the AIDS crisis trying to spread awareness. She also told off racists in the 50s when they cried about her having a black dancer on her show (she literally told them to "live with it" which is ICONIC).
Rue McClanahan (Blanche): Another outspoken LGBTQ+ supporter. She advocated for same-sex marriage in the US.
Additionally, a lot of the writers for Golden Girls were young gay men, and there are stories of how open and accepting the actresses were towards them.
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