#Horse Riding Classes Near Me
horseridinghub · 2 years
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zippyequestrain · 2 days
Top Skills You’ll Learn in a Professional Horse Training School
Enrolling in a professional horse training school offers students the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills essential for becoming a confident and effective horse trainer. Whether you’re preparing for a career in equine training or seeking to deepen your understanding of horses, a structured program will equip you with practical knowledge, hands-on experience, and the ability to work with various horses. This education encompasses everything from horse training equipment to riding techniques. Here are the top skills you’ll gain in a professional horse training school.
1. Groundwork and Horse Behavior Understanding One of the first skills learned in a professional horse training school is effective groundwork. Groundwork refers to the exercises performed while working with a horse from the ground, which is critical for building trust and communication between the horse and trainer. In horse riding schools, students focus on reading and understanding a horse’s body language, behavior, and instincts.
This aspect of training teaches students how to use horse training equipment like halters, lead ropes, and long lines to establish control and clear communication. Mastering groundwork helps trainers build a solid foundation before moving on to riding and more complex exercises. You’ll also learn how to observe a horse’s movements and cues, which is crucial for anticipating its reactions and creating effective training plans.
2.Riding and Advanced Riding Techniques Once students develop confidence in groundwork, horse riding classes move on to riding skills. While many people may know basic riding techniques, professional horse training schools offer more advanced riding instruction that prepares students to work with a variety of horses, including those that are untrained or difficult to manage.
In these horse riding classes, students will learn proper posture, balance, and seat position, which are vital for effective communication with the horse while riding. Riding skills are not just about staying on the horse, but also about controlling speed, direction, and the horse’s overall movement. You will also learn how to use horse training equipment like saddles, reins, and bits to enhance control during riding sessions.
3.Horse Training Equipment Mastery Another critical component of horse training schools is gaining proficiency in the use of specialized horse training equipment. From simple tools like halters and lead ropes to more advanced gear like surcingles, long lines, and riding whips, knowing when and how to use the right equipment can make a huge difference in how effectively a horse is trained.
Students will learn how to fit saddles properly, adjust bridles, and select the best tack for the type of training they are conducting. They will also learn how to use training aids such as lunging systems and side reins to teach horses proper posture, balance, and collection. Understanding the correct use of equipment is essential not only for effective training but also for ensuring the horse’s comfort and safety.
4. Communication and Problem-Solving Skills Training a horse requires excellent communication, and that’s not limited to verbal commands. Horses respond to physical signals, body language, and even emotional cues from their handlers. In horse riding schools, students are taught how to communicate clearly with the horse through subtle shifts in their weight, leg pressure, and hand movements while riding.
Additionally, problem-solving skills are honed as students encounter different challenges during training. Whether working with a stubborn horse or dealing with a horse that has developed bad habits, professional horse training schools teach students how to diagnose the root of the problem and implement effective solutions.
5. Health and Welfare Management One of the less obvious but equally important skills taught in horse training schools is the ability to care for a horse’s health and welfare. Students learn the fundamentals of equine nutrition, how to recognize signs of illness or injury, and the basics of horse care, such as grooming, hoof care, and first aid.
Understanding the physical and emotional needs of a horse is vital for any successful trainer. If a horse is uncomfortable, in pain, or malnourished, it won’t perform at its best, regardless of the quality of the training. Ensuring that horses are healthy, fit, and happy is an integral part of any horse training curriculum.
Conclusion A professional horse training school provides students with a comprehensive skill set, from mastering horse training equipment to gaining proficiency in horse riding classes and understanding horse behavior. These skills are essential for building a strong foundation in equine training and will prepare students to work confidently with a range of horses in various settings. Whether the goal is personal growth or a professional career in the equine industry, these skills ensure a well-rounded and effective education.
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thecavalryranch · 1 year
Essential Horse Riding Equipment for Riders of All Levels
Horse riding is a thrilling and rewarding activity that allows riders to connect with these majestic animals while enjoying the outdoors. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced equestrian, having the right horseback riding equipment is crucial for your safety and comfort. In this blog post, we will explore some essential horse riding equipment that riders of all levels should have.
Riding Helmet
Safety should always be the top priority when it comes to horse riding. A well-fitted riding helmet is a must-have item to protect your head in case of a fall or collision. Look for helmets that meet safety standards and ensure a proper fit to provide maximum protection.
Riding Boots
Proper footwear is essential for maintaining stability and control while riding. Invest in a pair of sturdy riding boots with a low heel to prevent your foot from slipping through the stirrup. Riding boots should be comfortable and provide ankle support for a secure riding experience.
Breeches or Jodhpurs
Riding breeches or jodhpurs are specialized pants that are designed to provide comfort and flexibility while riding. They typically have a reinforced knee patch or full-seat grip for better grip and durability. Look for breeches made of breathable materials that allow freedom of movement.
Riding Gloves
Riding gloves not only provide a better grip on the reins but also protect your hands from blisters and friction. Choose gloves made of lightweight and breathable materials that allow for proper airflow while providing a secure grip on the reins.
Riding Whip or Crop
A riding whip or crop can be a useful aid for communicating with your horse. It is important to use it responsibly and only when necessary. Choose a whip or crop of appropriate length and flexibility for your riding discipline.
Riding Saddle and Bridle
The saddle and bridle are essential pieces of equipment that allow you to control and communicate with your horse effectively. Invest in a well-fitted saddle that suits your riding style and a bridle with a bit that suits your horse’s comfort and needs.
Body Protector
Especially for beginners or riders participating in high-risk activities such as jumping or eventing, a body protector can provide an extra layer of protection. Body protectors are designed to absorb impact and protect your vital organs in case of a fall.
Reflective Gear
If you plan to ride during low-light conditions or on the road, it is essential to have reflective gear. Reflective vests or bands can make you more visible to motorists and reduce the risk of accidents.
Remember, horseback riding equipment should always be well-maintained and regularly checked for any signs of wear and tear. Additionally, it is important to seek professional guidance and advice when purchasing equipment to ensure the right fit and suitability for your specific needs.
In conclusion, having the right horseback riding equipment is crucial for the safety, comfort, and overall enjoyment of riders at all levels.
In this regard, Cavalry Ranch provides the best horseback riding classes in Panchkula. We will take care of your safety while training you. So you do not have to worry about your safety while you are at Cavalry Ranch.
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attapullman · 7 months
Bob From Stats | Robert "Bob" Floyd
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Summary: College is a wild time, but absolutely nothing could prepare you for the quiet guy from Stats riding around campus as a cowboy. Or what a good kisser he is.
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: f!reader, smut, 18+ ONLY as always, dry humping, alcohol, drunken party games, mentions of studying because that gives me PTSD, semi-exaggerated Greek life for theatrical reasons
A Note From Mo: Somehow my frat!Bob, drunk Bob is Rhett, and 7 minutes in heaven ideas all rolled into one fic - wild! Massive shoutout to everyone who listened to me talk about Stats Bob (who is now officially my #2 Bob, I love him) and for supporting this here lil blog. May you find a hobby-horse-wielding future WSO to sweep you off your feet too!
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“I hate this. I’m going to quit school and become a stripper.”
Anna gives you a wry look. “That joke was only funny the first time you said it.”
“So you admit I’m funny!”
The two of you have been spread out in the library the majority of the evening. Textbooks, snacks, and highlighters littering the glossy dark wood. You’re on hour five of assignments and your brain is pounding against the front of your skull. Your other classes aren’t too bad, a bit time consuming, but Statistics is a foreign language. Thinking in probable numbers? It was one thing when the nice guy who sat behind you helped explain concepts, but Anna does not have quite the same analytical mind.
The sky outside is an inky black and the library is quiet except for your frustrated huffs. It’s Saturday night. The rest of campus is indulging in cheap beers at Barney’s, slinking along Greek Row, or enjoying tonight’s episode of Saturday Night Live. It’s time to get out of here and crawl into your soft bed. Torturing yourself with Stats homework will be just as painful on Sunday.
“If I buy us a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough, can we blow this off and hang out back at the dorms?” Anna is nodding before you’ve even finished. Stuffing notebooks into backpacks and capping pens low on ink, you’re strolling down the library stairs not even five minutes later.
As the balmy evening campus air hits your face, you already feel fresher. Campus is quiet, late enough that most people are settled into their Saturday night plans. As the two of you near Greek Row, there’s a comfortable silence as you appreciate the breeze through the trees and the warm glow of campus housing windows.
That is, until a low whoop rings out. An undercurrent of boisterous cheering and what sounds like stomping feet. You exchange eyes with your roommate. What is that?
As if summoned, a group comes galloping through the neatly trimmed cypress trees around the corner. They’re stomping their feet in a rhythm, hands held mid-air to imitate holding reigns. Drunken laughs ring out between cries of “Whoa!” and “Steady there, Lucky!” To round it off, the leader of their horse play (literally) is full-on cosplaying as a cowboy, his jeans tucked into boots and a Stetson perched atop his head. 
Wait, is he holding a hobby horse? It’s been decades since you’ve seen those horse heads stuck on a stick. The stuffed felt Appaloosa head is reigned in the cowboy’s hands, where he pretends to spur it back into action. 
Just when you think you’ve seen it all.
The group continues its way toward you and you’re equally secondhand embarrassed and amused. As they grow closer you recognize a few guys from the Pi Kapp house and wave. But it’s Anna who makes the most shocking discovery when Mr. Cowboy tilts his brim up.
"Is that Bob from Stats?" 
It takes a second to look past the brown felt hat and the hobby horse he's taking for a spin, but that's definitely the same pink-cheeked Bob Floyd who has lent you a pencil all semester. 
“Howdy, ladies.” He tips his hat to you, all toothy grin and droopy drunk eyes. "Can I offer you a ride?"
You stare open-mouthed. Shocked. That slow rancher drawl is new. The unbridled confidence is new. Actually, the entire getup is new. For nine weeks you’ve seen him in the same trucker hat and sweatshirt combo while going over homework answers together. What is going on?
He’s clearly in the middle of his house party crawl, bright blue eyes half open behind his metal frames. Just as gorgeous as ever as a tendril of sandy hair curls against his forehead. Normally your reaction to him is tender, a puppy dog crush. But this wild, inebriated version of him? You’re hot under the collar.
“You think there’s room on your horse?” Ever since that first Stats class he’s made your brain feel like it’s on RedBull. The way he noticed you missing a writing utensil and offering you his extra. His kind smile when you get a homework answer completely wrong. Anna hasn’t noticed your crush, but it feels obvious with the way you can barely keep eye contact with him yet are unable to look away. Especially with that stupid cowboy hat on.
He bites his lip, considering your response, and his buddies all razz him as he drawls out, “There will be if we squeeze in.”
The wink makes your mouth dry.
Someone from the back of the group complains of the cold and the group prepares their steeds to head back to Pi Kapp. Anna explains you’re headed back to the dorms, tone deaf to the sexual tension, and Bob nods with his brow furrowed. 
“Another time then.” His white tshirt practically glows in the moonlight. “Have a good night, chickadees. Get home safe!”
With another tip of his Stetson to you, Bob Floyd gallops away toward another keg. 
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You’re sprinting across campus, cursing how late your meeting with your advisor went. There was ten minutes to get across campus and he had spent four of those questioning whether you really needed another semester of French. You make it into the lecture hall with a minute to spare, finding your preferred spot in the lower rows where you can actually see the board. Right in front of Bob.
“What? No cowboy hat for class?” His cheeks flame red, the hope you’ve forgotten about his Saturday antics lost. He looks like himself today, his signature trucker cap keeping the hair off his face. Those friendly ultramarine eyes shyly focusing on his notebook because god forbid he makes eye contact after you’ve seen him gallop across campus on a fake horse. 
He rubs the back of his neck over his soft-looking crewneck, an awkward smile playing on his lips. “It’s at the cleaners.”
You give him an amused grin before settling yourself into one of the classically uncomfortable lecture seats. Anna waves to you from where she’s rushing in, historically always late. The professor is shuffling notes at the podium as she collapses into the seat next to you, nodding her head in greeting to you and to Bob. She raises her eyebrows to you, a “remember when Bob was dressed as a cowboy” gesture, and your lips twist happily. 
“Alright, class, who’s ready to talk probability?” The collective groans and hollers mark the start of lecture. You flip open your notebook and start digging around for a writing instrument in your bag. Like usual, you seem to be missing a pen or pencil when you need one most.
A tap on your shoulder. You turn and lock eyes with the frat boy-turned-cowboy with the shy smile. He holds out a pencil to you. Taking it sheepishly, you mouth a thank you and turn back to lecture. After nine weeks it shouldn’t be this embarrassing, but every week he’s given you a pencil since you whispered shoot! a little too loud on Week 1.
Risking a quick glance back at him, engrossed in the Empirical Law of Averages while he twirls his pencil, you’re not sure you can survive the rest of the semester.
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By the end of the Stats lecture on Thursday, you have one brain cell to your name and seven pages of notes. What a brutal class. Midterms were quickly approaching and not a single professor had any mercy. As you pack up your stuff - including the borrowed pencil that would promptly disappear before next class - you make a study plan with Anna for that evening. She brings the chips, you’ll supply the vodka.
“Are you two not hitting the houses tonight?” He looks uncomfortable having interrupted the two of you.
Bob shifts his backpack to his other shoulder, adjusting the collar of his navy blue sweatshirt. Other than when he’s kindly exchanged homework answers before class - or been drunkenly galloping across campus - the two of you don’t speak much. The odd quip here and there, but overall the two of you exist in pencil-sharing quiet. “Everyone’s having pre-midterm parties before buckling down to study.”
“Oh, that sounds fun!” You look at Anna encouragingly. As needed as a vodka-infused study session was, one night out couldn’t hurt. And it was Thursday. No classes tomorrow meant you had three days to buckle down and attempt to understand anything you’ve learned this semester. 
She eyes you warily, but agrees that Greek Row sounds like a better option than highlighting textbooks. Bob flashes you his timid smile beneath the brim of his cap. “It’ll be a fun night. Maybe I’ll see you? If not, have a good weekend!” 
As he starts to walk out, a feeling takes over you. “Bob?” You watch him slow down and turn, wide blue eyes watching you from behind those unconventionally cute glasses. “You’ll be at the Pi Kapp house, yeah?” He nods. “Cool. See you around!”
Despite standing next to it the entire conversation, neither of you notice the pencil sitting on the desk, left behind as you head out for your respective weekends.
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“What did you say?” You’re practically yelling to be heard over the EDM that Sigma Chi is blaring. They’ve turned their house into a rave with glow sticks, body paint, and music so loud your eardrums must be burst. The beer is warm, your arm has supernaturally purple paint smeared across it, and Anna has been unsuccessfully telling you a story for ten minutes.
Huffing, she grabs your arm and drags you toward the entrance, tossing your cups onto a random hallway table where a heated makeout session is taking place. They move out of the way just enough so the two of you can slip out of the old colonial house and out into the cool night. The ringing in your ears subsides slowly as you lean against the columns of the front porch. 
“House number three? Also sucked. Three strikes and you’re out? Can we go home?” Anna grabs your wrist and pouts. She wanted movie night with vodka and a pizza from Pietro’s. You wanted to blow off steam.
But Alpha Sig had mostly been freshman and Phi Delt, while not a terrible party, had the most smarmy men on campus. The bleeding eardrums of Sigma Chi was preferable to pushing off men in polos just to grab another drink. You just wanted a semi-decently flavored alcoholic beverage - maybe three - while chatting with some friends. You weren’t asking for much.
Allowing Anna to drag you in the direction of the dorms, ready to admit defeat, you slow to a stop seeing the bricked entrance to Pi Kappa Phi. Bob’s fraternity. A few minutes wouldn’t hurt, right?
It takes a little convincing, but soon you’re in the warmly lit foyer of the Pi Kapp house. The vibe is more relaxed than Sigma Chi, with a keg in the corner, an array of liquor bottles in the kitchen, and hip-hop softly filling the house. You’re impressed they’ve even gone the extra mile with multi-colored string lights across every surface to brighten up the otherwise dark house. 
“Yooooo, how’s it going?” A drunken loaf of snapback and Deep Eddy envelopes you in a hug. It’s Tyler, one of your freshman seminar PK friends. Exchanging pleasantries - the best you can with someone that far gone - he drags you further into the house. Miscellaneous groups of Greek and geed litter the hallways. Anna sees her friends from Delta Gamma and ditches you, promising to get home safe. Tyler continues on his mission to god knows where.
At least he’s considerate enough to stop in the kitchen so you can grab a whiskey lemonade to sip.
Eventually you’re spat into a sitting room of sorts, groups crowding the ring of sofas while drunkenly jeering at the game. You set yourself on the arm of one, trying to make sense of the theatrics. The latest victim laughs out a “Truth!” before everyone giggles wickedly. Are they playing truth or dare? 
Your eyes gloss over the group, trying to figure out who else you know. A few PK’s you recognize, a girl who smiles but looks unfamiliar, and…a cowboy hat that is a dead giveaway.
Standing up and walking around the group, you tap him on the shoulder. The biggest blue eyes meet yours, a surprised smile splitting his face. 
“You made it!” That deep drawl is back and that tingle reappears on your spine. Bob jumps up from the couch, beer bottle dwarfed in his hand, and comes to stand with you. “You having a good night?”
Ironically, your night is much better now that you’ve found him. He’s back in his cowboy gear, a worn denim shirt tucked into his jeans and those same cowboy boots scuff against the hardwood. You’re tempted to steal the felt hat from his head just so he looks a little bit more like Bob from Stats. 
Squeezing your eyes shut, letting the alcohol be an excuse, you succumb to the obvious question. “I need to know - what’s with the…cowboy?” You gesture up and down, drawing a chuckle from him.
He blushes under the felt brim. “You know I have a slight accent, yeah?” You attempt to stifle your laugh as he incidentally talks in a thicker accent. “When I was a pledge they started calling me cowboy. Saw the hat while I was in town one week, ended up leaning into the joke.”
“And the hobby horse?”
He beckons you closer, bringing his lips to your ear. “Stolen from my little sister over summer break.”
There’s that wink again making your knees weak. He pushes his glasses back up his nose and takes another sip from his beer. Despite the party raging around you, nothing else seems to exist past him asking about your night and if you want another drink. You’re wrapped in the warmth of his words, itching to snuggle into his broad chest. 
The spell is broken when “Cowboy Bob!” rings out from the crowd. The entire room is turned to you two. “Truth or dare, man?”
In the background of your intimate conversation with Bob, the truths and dares have reached full raunchiness. People have been stripped of clothes and dirty secrets. A bead of sweat gathers at Bob’s collar, aware that neither option is safe. 
His worried gaze flits to you, as if you hold the correct answer, before tipping his hat back and exhaling, “Dare?” 
It’s gutsy, but if there’s one thing you’re learning about the quiet guy from Stats, he’s full of surprises. The crowd bubbles with excitement, anticipating what dare will be dealt out. Next to you, the wannabe cowboy looks more annoyed than anything. He was enjoying talking to you not in a classroom and with a little liquid courage.
An evil smile crosses the dare-dealer’s face. He knows Bob and isn’t blind to what’s going on. He’s gonna help his buddy out on this one.
His arm stretches out and he points (with the red plastic cup in his hand) to the coat closet at the end of the hall. “Hmmmmm, I dare you to, hmm, play Seven Minutes in Heaven with…” It’s no surprise when the cup-turned-pointer lands on you.
Ice water down your back wouldn’t be as panic inducing. It’s hard to tell who swallows harder, you or Cowboy Bob. Every instinct is telling you to run, but that little voice in the back of your head wins out. As Bob starts to tell you it’s okay, they’re joking, you don’t have to, you grab his thick wrist and give him a nervous smile. You don’t even care what the punishment is for not completing a dare, this stupid drunken game has given you an opportunity.
The dealer of the dare follows the two of you down the hallway, leading the whoops and wolf whistles. Bob’s cheeks flame scarlet in the low light. You keep your chin high and eyes forward. He can definitely feel the way you’re trembling around his wrist.
Whether in anxiety or excitement it’s hard to tell.
The inside of the closet is dark, the faint light under the door casting only the faintest of shadows. Your heart is pounding, blood pulsing through your ears. Bob rubs his lips together nervously. It’s all you can do to not run your tongue along them. 
“We don’t have to do anything, we can just talk.” The way he prioritizes your comfort makes heat pool between your legs. The brim of his hat is as far back as it can go, his eyes tracing the lines of your face as he gauges your emotions. He’s welcome to figure them out, you’re unsure of them yourself. 
His large, warm hand rubs your forearm comfortingly, your skin too cold without his touch. You’re suffocating under his sweat-and-bergamot scent, citrusy and warm.
You bite the bullet. “What if I want to?”
His breath stops. Fingers find yours in the dark, interlocking on either side of your hips. Eyes you know are the deepest blue lock onto your gaze, a million emotions passing behind his irises. Face descending upon the space between you, tentatively showing his intentions. You meet him in the middle, caution out the window.
The kiss is gentle, puzzle pieces slotting together for the first time. He tastes like malt sugar and peppermint. Mouth warm and soft, enveloping you fully in his comfort. It’s even better than what you’ve imagined for the past nine weeks.
Bob begins to pull away, ever the gentleman. Your hand finds his collar, holding him in place. “Not yet, we still have, like, five and a half minutes.”
Despite the low light, his smile lights up the closet.
His lips return to yours in a rush, swallowing your mouth in a passionate heat. The press of his body to yours is delicious. Hands previously at your side meet your hips, lightly squeezing as you moan into his mouth. You reach up and hold the back of his neck, bringing him even closer as your lips toy with the tiniest bit of stubble along his jaw.
“You know,” he starts, holding the moan in the back of his throat. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since September.”
You pull back momentarily, a crinkle upon your brow. “Bob, we didn’t start Stats until January.”
He kisses the confusion from your face, his hands wrapping further around your body. “And you looked very pretty in that green dress at the homecoming barbecue.”
Bless your love of school spirit and free food. “Why didn’t you? Kiss me?”
“I don’t normally make a habit of kissing girls I don’t know. And clearly it takes an entire fraternity for me to get you alone.” The way his chuckle bounces against your skin has you squirming. Your schoolgirl crush on him wasn’t one-sided, and suddenly you’re hot for teacher. 
You capture him in another kiss, tongue searching the seam of his lips for entrance. He obliges immediately, groaning as you explore his taste. Four hands roam skin, finding purchase in anything and everything. Your body has a mind of its own as you press against him, chest heaving with your passion. The right shift of fabric on fabric reveals that he’s equally as affected by the chemistry.
Reluctantly, he pulls away once more, threading his fingers across the back of your neck. Takes a moment to capture his breath as he sees the lust in your eyes. A deep breath. “As much as I like you, I don’t want to do anything if you’re drunk.”
Soft fingers follow the line of his arm to where it wraps around your waist. How is he this impossibly sweet? Thoughtful, respectful, and looking hot as sin with swollen lips. It’s unfair.
“I promise I’m not.” You stroke the back of his hand. “Please kiss me?”
His large hands unwrap from your waist and travel down, shifting behind your legs and pulling you up, resting your back against the wall. You tangle your legs around his waist as best you can in the small space, relishing his firm body pressed deliciously close, warm and solid. Kisses smeared across lips and jaws as noises crescendo. You’re panting as you trail down to his impossibly long neck, desperate to cover it in affection.
You’ve barely explored the expanse of skin when the door flies open, the boisterous party sounds flooding in. Reality strikes like a slap across the face. The truth-or-dare ringleader takes you in - legs wrapped around Bob and hands creeping toward your ass - and whoops in delight. Who knew Cowboy Bob had it in him!
“Time’s up, lovebirds!” He crows and reaches forward to slug Bob lightly on the shoulder. 
Not skipping a beat, Bob shoves his friend back and throws up his middle finger. “Fuck off, Milburn.” 
The closet door slams shut, blanketing you again in the intimacy of the moment. You’re looking at him with unsure eyes and he’s praying the moment hasn’t been ruined. He’s waited seven calendar months for this opportunity and his fingers are so close to enjoying the plump squeeze of your ass.
“We can go back to the party if you want?” Your voice is so small, nervous outside of those bold seven minutes. Tentative breaths exist between you. 
In lieu of an answer, he bows his head to give you a searing yet gentle kiss.
That cramped coat closet suddenly is an inferno, his tongue slipping inside your mouth and groaning at the burning sweetness of your taste. Your hands grip his shoulders as you fight for dominance, fingers tangling in denim. Hips brushing together, still clinging to the idea of this being innocent. 
An innocence immediately lost when Bob strikes up the courage and palms your ass. Soft and pliable and perfect to squeeze in his palms. He remembers the exact day you came to class in the tightest jeans known to man (laundry day) and the way he had dug his pencil in his palm to avoid a semi as your curved ass met the lecture seat. Something unavoidable now as you squirm against him, moaning your pleasure against the pulse in his neck.
Nothing has ever felt as good as rubbing against Bob Floyd’s clothed bulge. One glance down and you’re dizzy with arousal. Rutting yourself against him as best you can with your limited mobility, sloppy kisses exchanged as the two of you can barely keep your mouths closed. It feels so good, too good. 
Lost in the moment, one hand slips below the hem of your skirt, warm skin on skin. Any noise from outside the closet dims to a hum. Two hearts beating rapidly as desire fully consumes, directing lips to too hot exposed skin. You murmur your need in his ear. You don’t care where you are, you need him.
Bob tucks a finger under your thong, feeling the slick coating your folds. The whine that leaves him is desperate and gruff. He groans against your throat. “Shit, I don’t have a condom.”
Undeterred, your lip catches between your teeth, core muscles contracting as you grind your hips forward. “Doesn’t mean I can’t go for a ride.”
He’s immediately on board, teasing you briefly before extricating his hand to support you better against the wall. His hands practically swallow your ass, flooding you with lust. You thrust your chest against him, desperate to touch every spot on his handsome body as your hips begin to grind. 
His hands are sweltering as they trail down, effortlessly clutching the back of your thighs to give you leverage. Your clit finds friction against his jeans and your mouth hangs open as you buck frantically into him.
“Look at you move, cowgirl,” he breathes out, infatuated. The nickname spurrs you on, whimpering against his lips.
One hand clutching his bicep, holding on for desperate life, while the other snakes its way atop the damned cowboy hat that’s stayed on the entire encounter. Gripping the top of it and holding fast as you ride his clothed bulge with everything you’ve got. Denim and lace against your clit, rubbing deliciously as your brain fuzzes. His hot mouth focused at the hinge of your jaw, sucking soft bruises into the skin; moaning when you brush him just right. 
“I’m close,” you whisper against his cheek. Time has stood still, but it’s embarrassing how close he’s gotten you to orgasm with just his clothed cock and strong hands. 
He ruts his hips forward, meeting your thrusts in heavenly synchronization. You’re panting as the pressure on your clit catapults you, so close to the ultimate prize. Whispers of you can do it, cowgirl, cum for me, doing so good riding me, just a bit more, cowgirl fizzle your senses. 
It’s intense, the blinding pleasure coursing through your body. Prolonged by the thick bulge still rutting against you, ready to burst itself. Lips tickling your ear as he praises you. You want to live in this perfect moment of bliss. A moment only perfected when Bob’s fingers grip too hard and his hips stutter up into yours. His all-consuming orgasm only muffled by the skin of your shoulder as he rides it out. 
The rhythmic slowing of your breaths is all you can focus on. You breathe in, he breathes out. Small smiles and a blush barely visible in the low light. 
Delicately, like he knows you might break, he releases you back to the ground; taking his time to smooth down your skirt and straight out your top. Your own hands reach up to his chest, fixing the fabric that had bunched up in your passion. Adjusting his fogged glasses to look into his beautiful eyes.
It doesn’t matter how much you clean up, one look at you two and anyone would comment you’ve been ridden hard and put away wet.
With one final kiss to your lips, you feel something land on your head. The brown cowboy hat with the rip along the edge. Cowboy Bob showing off his cowgirl.
You tentatively open the closet door, eyes adjusting to the normal light. Painfully aware of the wet splotch on the obvious front of his jeans, Bob holds your body against him as a human shield. The party is still going strong - your antics have not interrupted anything - and you slip toward the front door without notice. Well…mostly, as a few wolf whistles reach your ears.
“It’s not that late, you want to go back to mine? I’m just off Thornton. It’s quiet since everyone is here.” His eyes are so hopeful in the dark night. So desperate for you to say yes. For you to be his cowgirl beyond tonight.
You wrap your arms around him and pull him close, careful to avoid the spot where your bodily fluids have drenched his jeans. “I’m in.” Your smile is blinding. “We have about nine weeks of Stats to make up.”
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The brick is uncomfortable behind your back, but it’s hard to care when his lips feel so good. Broad shoulders shielding you from the hallway, trucker hat turned around and glasses in his pocket so there’s not an inch between your faces. Agreeing to meet outside before lecture was such a good idea.
Despite spending most of the time between Thursday night and Tuesday afternoon in Bob’s apartment trying every position in the book (with teasing hollers from his Pi Kapp roommates adding to the soundtrack) you can’t help but steal these five minutes. He looks so cute, to not kiss him would be a crime.
Bob squeezes your hips, lips trailing down your jaw. “What’s on your mind, cowgirl?”
“I’m trying very hard to convince myself that we pay a lot of money to attend this school and should go learn about statistics. Even though I really only want to head back to my dorm and see how sturdy that loft bed is.”
From where his nose traces your ear, a guttural whine leaves him. “You can’t say something like that and expect me to go to class.”
You pull back to look at him, fingers tickling the close cropped hair at his neck. God, he makes it so hard to want to be responsible.
“Let’s make a deal, okay? We’ll go to class, learn, and tonight you come over and for every study guide question you get right I’ll take off a piece of clothing. Sound good?” He’s practically panting as he smothers your mouth in another kiss. He’s really good at Stats. A steady stream of students files past Bob’s back, a sign that class is about to start.
You press another kiss to his lips. “Let’s go or we’ll miss out on seats. Plus I need to dig through my bag for a pencil.”
“Do you think you actually have one today?” He smirks, amused. The eighteen pencils he’s lent you say otherwise.
Your cheeks are hot under where he kisses them. “Uh…if I don’t can I borrow one? If you have one, that is.”
He lets out a soft chuckle and holds you closer, rubbing your noses softly.
“You do realize I’ve been buying pencils all semester just to give to you, right?”
Turning his cap around - insides fully melted - you know you’re in this rodeo for the long run.
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darkbluekies · 8 months
This is going to be interesting fr, like how much differently do your ocs treat the reader if they were childhood friends. I’m super excited! Also can’t wait to see Jerry again ❤️
Warnings: violence, murder, unstable home life, bullying
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Being Silas's childhood friend guarantees you a bodyguard. He doesn't let anyone get close to you. You don't ever have to worry about the fact that anyone will bully you, because Silas will obliviate them. He's the type to let you lean on his shoulder in class whenever you feel tired. He will ditch school with you and go to the zoo if you want to.
People around you will try to separate the two of you. “Silas isn't a good influence”, they say, and doesn't want his behavioral problems to rub off on you, or for you to get in danger. There are speculations that Silas is involved in criminal gangs — and if someone asks you, you won't deny it. But Silas won't let anyone take you from him, won't let anyone touch you. You always have his arm wrapped around your waist or shoulders, always claimed by him.
“I'm going to bash that kid's skull in, I'm not fucking joking. If they dare to to touch you — no — if he as much as breathe near you, I'll send them to the nurses office. Lean your head on me, Y/N, its okay. Does your hand still hurt? I cant believe that he fucking stepped on it. It doesn't matter if it was a mistake. I'll cut his off.”
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Dr Kry:
There is something off about him, and everyone can see that. He sits back straight, hands together, and always in clean, ironed clothes. His hair is always brushed and fixed, he hates germs and people. And he hates it all, he really does. The only friend he has, is you. The only one he doesn't think is dirty, is you. You know that the reason he sits and talks like a robot is because of how strict his parents are. There has been multiple times where he has dirtied his clothes while playing with you, and has panicked. You help him clean them before going home, and when touching him you make sure to wipe your hands with a cloth — even if you know that he doesn't mind your germs. You know how he doesn't like to be touched, so you never hug him or linger on too long, which is just why Kry likes you so much.
You are the only one who knows about his author's dreams. His parents want him to become a doctor, or a lawyer, and you know he's interested in medicine, but he wants to be able to write. He wants to write sci-fi stories, and you are the only one that knows it.
You get teased by others for being with the “clean freak” but it doesn't bother you. However, it does bother Kry. After someone has been mean to you, they always end up in the hospital, one way or another. You can't help but wonder if it's your shy, sweet friend who's behind it.
“I like having picnics with you. Oh, you forgot the other fork? No, don't apologize, I understand that it was a mistake. We can share a fork, I'm okay. Yes, it's fine, I don't mind … you're so nice, wiping the fork for me, you don't have to do that ...”
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King Edmund:
If you are Edmund’s friend while he's the crown prince, you need a lot of patience. He is spoiled rotten, entitled and unpleasant to be around. Everything is on his terms. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't value you. He is locked in his room day in and day out with a private tutor, completely isolated from everyone else. He will throw fits and threaten not to do his classes, unless he is allowed to play with you. So, they bring you to the castle where you get to live from now on.
Edmund absolutely loves to spend time with you. You ride horses together, torment the staff, play pranks and read. When he can't sleep, he walks into your room and crawls under the sheets.
You're with him when his parents are murdered. Edmund's first instinct when the castle is attacked is to run to your room, wake you up and hide the two of you. He is equipped with a sword and will protect you to the last moments.
Although the two of you are isolated, there are people in the staff making fun of you, or talking bad. Edmund doesn't even hide the fact that he orders for their deaths.
“I fucking hate classes, and I hate that tutor. It's so boring. I wish you could take the classes with me, it'd be so much more fun. After class, can't we do something? Can't we go down to the fountain and read? I want you to read for me. You're the only one that reads the story right, that does them justice. Everyone else sounds like fucking donkeys.”
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Jerry goes to an all girls school in South Korea. You don't go to the same school — which is probably for the best. Jerry is the leader of her little gang, and they are notorious for their bullying. She is a bully for fun, but won't allow any of her friends to make fun of you. If they do, she will ruin their lives. You do know about her life outside the school though, you have been with her when she steals from stores (often makeup stores). You often meet her after school and go to the mall or amusement parks together. She's a very sweet person to be around when it's just the two of you.
You're friends with her before she starts to call herself ‘Jerry’ — when she's still ‘Yubin’. She had seen the name in a TV series and liked the character. She says that she is going to move to the US, and then she wanted an english name.
You're often with Jerry's friend group on weekend nights, often strolling around the town with alcohol and cigarettes, sometimes breaking stuff. Jerry makes sure that if they're ever caught, her and you slip away. She finds it all extremely exciting.
Jerry escapes to you when she gets to know that her parents (and perhaps sister if i want to give her one) have been murdered by a rival, when she has involved herself in criminal activities for real. It's the first time you get to see Jerry break down. She's in your arms, crying heavily, admitting how scared she is and how much she misses her parents. She loves her family, and now there is nothing left of it. She says that she died that day, and that whoever is inhabiting her body now is a fraction of who she once was.
“You're such a fresh wind from that fucking girl school. Why do I have to go there? Why am I not allowed to join a coed school? What? Why my nails have blood under them? No, I didn't get into a fight again. I didn't. I promise. Get up, let's go get sushi, I'm starving.”
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If you're a childhood friend of Hedwig, you're basically a family member. You go on her family's expensive vacations, just because Hedwig doesn't want to be alone.
You play every day and go through all stages of life together. Hedwig has always been the sweetest human you've ever known, and it surprises you when you see her angry. The many, many years you've been friends, you've only seen her angry a handful of times. You go to summer camps together, share beds, share everything. Teachers ask for the other when one is gone (which is rare).
Being childhood friends with Hedwig would most likely end in romance at one time, so she would win without having to do anything harsh. But if you started developing crushes other than Hedwig before, she would ruin their reputation until you wouldn't want to look at them anymore, but no one would know that it was Hedwig.
Hedwig has always been very popular, both for her money and looks, and by default, you've been too because you're her best friend. Hedwig likes to see how nice everyone is to you, because they know better than to upset you. No one wants to get out of the magical bubble that is Hedwig’s popularity.
“We will be friends forever, won't we? I don't think I could live without you, Y/N. You're the other half of my soul. If I don't have you nearby, I can't breathe.”
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Middle Class Lady Who has the Gang Sneak in Her Window
"The gang falling for a woman of a higher class and a father that doesn't approve of them so they usually sneak through their window to be together" @livingdeadgirly​
Genre: Fluff - some angst if you squint (Fem Reader uses she/her pronouns) Featuring: Arthur, John, Dutch, Javier, Charles, Sean, and Sadie Warnings: Mentions of guns, outlaw type of stuff
AN: I'm so sorry these took me forever to write! if some of them seem a little out of character please ignore it and pretend they aren't :D ---> Requests are open! Check out my guidelines if you have any questions
Arthur Morgan:
Your father owned his own saloon which gave him an incredible insight into the type of men who frequented his establishment. He thought of this as a blessing once you started growing older and wishing to be courted, he could keep an ear out for anyone that he deemed unworthy for you.
Unsurprisingly, anyone who frequented the bar was not someone your father wanted anywhere near you. Especially when it came to an outlaw by the name of Arthur Morgan. The two of them had a long-standing feud (actually it was your father who hated Arthur and Arthur was too busy being infatuated with you to notice).
The first time Arthur was seen speaking to you in front of the saloon, your father came barreling through the doors to usher you inside. He instructed you to never speak to him again. Of course you didn’t listen.
Months go by and Arthur has made an extreme effort to get as close to you as he can without your father’s knowledge. The two of you will just so happen to go to the same general store at the same time every Friday by ‘accident’, you just so happen to run into him when you take your horse for a little trail ride to exercise, and every once in a while you both somehow end up behind the theater at on show nights by some strange chance of fate.
After a while, you’re so sick of having to keep your interactions short and sweet and secret in the public eye (lest anyone witness it and run off to tattle to your father). You write a quick letter to Arthur one day asking him to meet you at the side of your house at midnight.
When he gets there and you’re nowhere to be found he’s beyond confused; it’s not until he hears a sharp whistle and looks up to see you waving at him from your second story window that he understands your plan.
“The things I do for you, woman.” He grumbles with a smile and begins hoisting himself up the tree conveniently located right by the window.
You’ve already got the window open as he reaches the top and you begin helping him crawl inside. Now Arthur is a large, bulky man he isn’t exactly as nimble as he might have been once upon a time. You can barely contain your giggles as he lumbers into the room ungracefully and nearly face-plants into the rug on your floor.
“I ain’t had to do this since I was a boy,” He smiles down at you once he steadies himself as you grin up at him widely.
“You’re still young enough to climb through a lady’s window yet, Mr. Morgan.” You tease.
It’s the first time the two of you have ever truly been alone since you met and the tension in the air is palpable. Arthur looks between you and your carefully cleaned and decorated bedroom, then down at his dirty boots on your rug and worn denim pants. He was the complete opposite of you - he didn’t deserve to ruin your space with his grimy life and clothes.
“What you thinking about, Cowboy?” You place a hand on his cheek and turn his head to make him look back at you. He’d confess a few of his doubts, not trusting himself to tell you that he doesn’t deserve you flatout, and you’d shake your head and lead him over to your bed and have him sit down.
You’d kiss him and quiet his thoughts, allowing your actions to say more than words ever could and from that moment on he’d find himself climbing up a tree every other night.
Your father didn’t figure it out ever, even though Arthur and you were hardly ever quiet.
John Marston:
You were the most beautiful person that John had ever seen in his entire life. You were walking in the middle of town with some man nearly twice your age and John figured you were married to him - some lady victim to a man with money and a ring.
John fantasized about swooping you into his arms and saving you from a life of excruciating monotony. He’d tell the old man to kick the bucket, maybe rob him of whatever cash and valuables he had on him, and let you live your life free with him.
When he overheard you refer to the man as your father John felt absolutely giddy. He took his hat off and tried to smooth his hair down as he moved to approach you and introduce himself.
Your father watched the outlaw walk up to the two of you with a skeptical eye. He was hoping the cowboy would walk past you, but he stopped right before you and held out his hand to you. “John Marston, Miss….?” He prompted.
Your father shut it down immediately. He was so incredibly unamused that he stepped between you and John and shoved his arm down. He told John to basically get lost, but John ignored him and kept his eyes on you.
It was like love at first sight.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from his and couldn’t hide the growing blush that heated your cheeks as he ever-so-slightly smiled at you. A small smile that disappeared as your father demanded his attention.
“Now son you get out of here before I get angry. I don’t want you anywhere near my daughter, you got that?”
John wanted to laugh at his vague threat. Who did this guy think he was? John put both hands up to show he meant no harm and took a few steps back.
“Didn’t mean nothing by it, sir,” He shrugged, “Was just being friendly.”
Your father scoffed saying he didn’t want any of John’s kindness and neither would you. You caught John’s eye while your father was speaking and mouthed ‘sorry’ with a sweet smile.
John was smitten immediately. He may seem like a big tough outlaw, but the guy is secretly a huge soft romantic. He was already envisioning your wedding and the type of house you two would build together in the middle of the prairie where no one would bother you and you could leave your respective lives.
He may have been getting ahead of himself.
Your father dragged you away and into the general store, John went off to finish a few more errands. He didn’t think he’d actually ever see you again until the moment he went back to his horse to ride back to camp.
He felt a quick tap on his shoulder and there you were looking at him with a mischievous glint in your eye.
From that moment on the two of you had to meet in secret - away from the watchful eye of your father. John took to sneaking in your bedroom anytime he got the inclination to see you (which was a daily occurrence tbh).
He’d take a stroll around the house to make sure your father’s room lights were off and see if yours were on and you were still awake. Due to his frequent visits, you were always up late waiting for him to call on you.
It was all fun and games until he’s waking up at the ass-crack of dawn to climb back out of your window before your father woke up to find him lounging in your bed. That would be a messy scene.
Dutch Van Der Linde:
Dutch thought he was too old to have to worry about meeting parents and getting the approval to see the lady he fancied. He was an old dog; he liked younger women of course but never the type who were of a higher social standing than him and needed that.
Then he met you.
You swooped into his life with your pretty dresses and sweet words and you didn’t want him at all at first. It made him want you even more.
It’s no secret that rich men are corrupt and willing to meet with anyone to make a quick buck. Your father met with Dutch to provide some intel about a train full of valuables and treasures that were interesting to both parties involved. Your dad wanted a cut of what was on that train provided the Van Der Linde gang robbed it.
Your father wasn’t a good man. He enjoyed money a little too much, and saw you as property more than his daughter. He was overprotective of you - to the point that he refused to ever let you out of his sight for even a second.
You went to every meeting between the two men and at first didn’t give a damn about Dutch. You thought he was handsome, but not the type of man you’d ever be interested in. Not until your father warned you to stay away from men like that.
He even went so far as to comment that he didn’t like the way Dutch looked at you. It fueled something inside of you. The idea of rebelling in such a way. Dutch was attractive, he had money, an exciting life, and most of all it would piss your father off if you courted the gang leader.
The next time there was a meeting between the three of you, you bat your eyelashes and laughed at Dutch’s jokes a little too hard.
Dutch bid you farewell by kissing the knuckles on your hand, and you loved the way your father basically had smoke coming out his ears at the action.
Your father didn’t bring you with him the next time he went to a meeting with Dutch. He locked you in your room, and only unlocked the door to check on you before bed that night.
You were pouting and writing a long sob-story in your diary when you heard a soft tap on the glass of your window.
You pulled back your blinds to see Dutch crouching in the dirt by your window with a wicked grin on his face.
“Can I come in, Darlin’?” He cooed with a sweet voice. You opened your window immediately and he ducked through the frame.
“You didn’t come with your father today, he said you didn’t want to attend the meetings anymore.”
You explain that you’ve basically been kept a prisoner in your room all day since your dad was convinced Dutch was trying to steal you away from him. You grumble out a few curse words after you explain and roll your eyes.
“What if I am tryin’ to steal you away?” Dutch whispered, his eyes dark and sparkling in the lamp light. You didn’t realize how pretty he was.
You bite your lip and smile, trying to keep on a tough act at his words. It’s no use, though. He’s charming, it’s why he is who he is.
“Maybe I’d let you,” You reply in a sultry low tone.
That’s all Dutch needed to hear. He helped you pack a small bag of items to bring with you and he brought you back to the camp where the gang was staying.
On your bed, you left a note telling your father you were running off with a man. Shortly after that Dutch mailed out a post saying he didn’t want to do business with your father anymore. It was all settled.
He stole you away to join him at camp, and that’s where you stayed.
Javier Escuella:
You met Javier by chance one night when you were being harassed by a local lawman after a night out at the theater. Javier rushed to the alley when he heard your shouts ordering the man to stay away from you.
Javier saw red and let his instincts take over him. He grabbed the man by the collar of his very nice shirt and used it to throw him to the mud.
“The lady asked you nicely to leave her alone. Now, I won’t be so nice if I have to ask. So, tell me, do I have to be the one to request you leave her alone?”
The man scrambled in the mud, splattering it on his dress pants and coat, as he picked himself up and ran away.
Javier introduced himself and offered to walk you home. You were a little wary of him at first, what with the guns at his belt and the knife at his thigh, but he assured you that he was not a threat. He just didn’t want you risking getting harassed again on your journey to your house.
You took him up on his offer and as he dropped you off at your front door you gave him a quick, shy peck on the cheek and asked if he wouldn’t mind coming to visit again in the future.
Javier is a blushing bumbling mess but somehow finds the words to agree and see you again later on in the week.
From that point on, this man spoils you in every possible way. He brings you flowers, fine pelts, jewelry (don’t ask where he got it), and little poems he writes or likes just so that you have a little piece of his heart.
Does your father care about all of that? No. He just cares about Javier’s status as an outlaw, a killer. He’s heard the rumors about the Van Der Linde Gang and he refuses to allow one of the members anywhere near you.
Javier is willing to do anything to see you, though.
You started leaving your windows perched open during the warm summer nights, and a low whistle alerted you to a person sitting right outside the glass. Your curtains were fluttering slightly with the wind and so all you saw was the shadow of a figure causing your mind to think of the worst scenarios possible.
You drew a knife from your vanity and clasped it in your hand ready to call for your father, but you heard a familiar voice lowly call out.
“Mi amor?”
You let out a sigh of relief and pulled the curtains back fully to see Javier smiling at you with a bouquet of wild flowers in his hands. “I wanted to see you and I couldn’t wait any longer.”
You asked him to wait outside while you barricaded your bedroom door with a stool, then opened the window wider for him to duck inside.
At first he didn’t really know what to do with himself, he planned to give you the flowers and have a quick kiss before needing to leave -  he did not expect you to usher him inside.
You took the flowers from his hands and placed them on your dresser next to the box of trinkets and gifts Javier has given you before.
You sit on your bed and make a spot for him to sit beside you. He isn’t really sure what the gentlemanly thing to do is in that situation, but just to be safe he sits on the floor by your feet. He’s gazing up at you as if you were the moon itself and doesn’t even try to hide the way his breathing quickens every time your eyes meet.
It becomes routine for him to visit you nearly every night and wait for you to barricade your door before allowing him in. Eventually he gets more comfortable and feels better about sitting next to you on your bed - though he knows it was not the proper thing to do.
He really wanted to court you the proper way, but with your father being so hesitant to know him outside of his status he had to be a little lenient on conventional courting methods.
Charles Smith:
Charles has been sneaking into your room for years.
You were childhood sweethearts, but your father had hated the relationship from the moment you expressed any sort of soft feelings for the boy.
When he first started sneaking in, it was just because your father didn’t want you to be friends. You and Charles were inseparable, so he’d sneak in when he could to read your books and play with your toys while your father was at work.
As you grew older, your feelings grew too.
You developed a strong crush on Charles and he was completely oblivious to it. At first, since you didn’t know how to express your feelings, you pushed him away and told him to stop visiting you.
Charles was crushed when you essentially told him to get lost. He couldn’t understand what caused your change of heart - he figured maybe your father had finally gotten to you and you realized you were too rich, too pretty to be his friend.
Charles stopped climbing through your bedroom windows and started only seeing you in public spaces or whenever you took your horse out for a ride.
Eventually, though, even those interactions dwindled and Charles stopped seeing you altogether.
It broke you when you didn’t speak with Charles anymore. You thought it better that way. He couldn’t find out your feelings for him - especially since you were certain he didn’t feel the same way.
Years go by, you stop seeing Charles even in fleeting moments. You heard he ran off and was living alone in the wilderness.
It was your fault, you thought. You pushed him away during his time of need and now there was no way of knowing what became of him. Whether he was alive or dead.
You grow older, your heart growing cold and calloused, and you never really recovered from the hurt you put yourself through.
One night, you’re a passenger on a train taking you deeper into the west of America when there was a loud commotion at one end of the passenger car you were in.
You put down your novel and see a group of masked men with weapons demanding valuables from every patron they pass by. They were slowly moving down the aisle, approaching where you were sitting at an alarmingly fast pace. You couldn’t think of a way out of the situation without giving away every last bit of money you had on you.
That is, until one of the masked men gets to you and instead of the harsh demands and pointed threats you expected to hear, you hear your name being whispered softly.
You look up, skin ablaze with fear and eyes watering. Through your tears you can see a familiar set of dark brown eyes peering down at you as if you were a ghost.
“Ch…Charles?” You squint. You questioned if it was just a mirage, a trick of your brain due to fear, but there was no doubting it. Those were Charles’ eyes.
He softly grabbed you by the arm and helped you out of your seat.
“Come with me,” He whispered as he pushed you through the aisle towards the exit. “I promise nothing will happen to you.”
It was stupid, but you blindly agreed as he led you out of the train and onto the dusty earth.
Charles and you caught up as the rest of his posse finished robbing the passengers of the train. You learned that he had been taken in by the Van Der Linde gang and was making a living as an outlaw. After seeing what you did on the train, that part of his story checked out.
You caught up with him as well, you informed him of your father’s fate and how his will left everything to you. How you regretted pushing him away as a teenager and how you wished he could forgive you.
“I never even hated you for it,” He said softly, “There is nothing to forgive, it’s how the world is sometimes. Cruel.”
You tried to explain your feelings at the time, but the embarrassment of it never let you fully explain.
Charles offered to take you home, but you wanted nothing more than to continue catching up with him and learning about his new life, his new family. Charles took you back to camp, and you ended up staying there with him for a few weeks. (For a fee of course, as Dutch had so cleverly thought up)
Your feelings for Charles rose to the surface once again, and you weren’t sure when or if there would ever be a time to explain how madly in love with him you were.
Sean MacGuire:
The first time y’all met was when he was sneaking through your window late one night.
Dutch had given Sean a vague plan about robbing a local lawmaker’s house while the man was scheduled to be two towns over for some political business. Dutch figured it would be a quiet, simple mission to grab some extra loot and not worry about being caught.
Sean paced around your house a few times after midnight the day your father left, and when he didn’t see any lights on or movements he figured it was safe to go in.
He checked a few key points of entry, but the windows on the ground-floor were locked and he didn’t want to risk leaving any evidence of there being a break-in for when the lawmaker came back.
Sean noticed that a window on the second floor was open the tiniest sliver, he’d be able to use a dagger to wedge it open wide enough to slip his hand in and open it fully.
He climbed up some vines growing on the side of the wood paneling and pulled his dagger to wedge it open. Once he got himself inside, he turned towards the window to close it.
His entire body stiffened when he heard the metallic click of a pistol being cocked from behind him.
“Now I’ll only say this one time, Mister, you need to get outta here before I blow a hole in you and make a mess all over these clean floors.” The threat was serious, Sean knew that, but he couldn’t help but perk up at the sweet sound of your voice as you told him you were going to shoot him if he didn’t leave.
He put his hands up, dropping the dagger he had, and turned to face you slowly. The house was dark. Shadows danced across your face and shielded your eyes making you look lethal with the gun pointed at his chest. Sean thought you were beautiful.
“I mean no harm, Miss. Just business ‘s all,” Sean gave you a toothy smile which only made you narrow your eyes.
You told him you were going to give him one chance to leave and he’d only stay if he had a death wish.
Sean wanted nothing more than to stay with you and use whatever methods he could to woo you, but he was familiar with the look in your eyes and the tone of your voice. He was scheduled to meet the gods above if he didn’t slip back out that window and into the night.
After he left, he was already planning the ways he could meet you again - under more favorable circumstances of course. He decided to visit you the next day with a peace offering and a smile.
Once dawn broke over the horizon, painting the world in a golden orange light, Sean was already up and out of camp heading to your large house on the hill.
He knocked on the door and you answered after a few minutes. Your hair was messy from sleep and your nightgown was covered by a long robe that was hastily thrown on to save your modesty.
“What the hell?” You grumbled and looked at Sean as if he had grown three heads. “Either you are the stupidest man on the planet for comin’ back here, or you truly do have a death wish. If it’s the latter give me a second to grab the gun.”
Sean was in love immediately.
“I wanted to apologize for last night. I never woulda thought ‘bout stealing from a man with such a pretty woman living under his roof.” He handed you a small box saying that it was a piece offering. Inside was a large silver coin and a note that said ‘thanks for not shooting me’.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed, but pocketed the coin and note nonetheless. You invited him in, but warned him any funny business would not end favorably for him. He only shot you a coy smile and promised that he was only coming as a gentleman, not an outlaw.
The two of you grew as friends at first but once things seemed to grow more romantic, you had to start sneaking around and avoiding your father finding out about the relationship and how it started.
Sean was glad he got the practice sneaking in your window that first night, though, because it was common practice while the two of you had to keep your romantic relations a secret.
Sadie Adler:
Sadie was a shell of herself when you met her.
She was still mourning the loss of her husband and trying to become accustomed to her new life as a member of the Van Der Linde Gang when you stumbled into her one day.
She was just starting to get back on her feet and was at the tailors in town when you strolled in with your fancy clothes and styled hair.
She wasn’t intimidated per say, but she felt a little inadequate in comparison. What with her ragged hand-me-downs from Miss Grimshaw and her few coins that she saved to buy a new linen shirt - you were like royalty compared to her.
You approached her first at the tailors. You asked if she had been in town long as you didn’t recognize her, where she came from, where her husband was (assuming she was married). Sadie didn’t know how to answer all the questions you threw in her direction.
You broke down her walls, though. You bought the shirt that she wanted and even invited her to tea with you at your house to talk about what had been plaguing her the last few weeks.
She didn’t want it to help, but Sadie could physically feel the relief flood her chest as she stopped holding on to her emotions and let them flow freely. A friendship between the two of you grew quickly and rapidly.
Then, it grew to be a little more.
Sadie had been working on jobs with Arthur and gaining her confidence back. In doing so, she finally got the nerve to kiss you goodbye one night when she was getting ready to go back to camp.
She gazed at you nervously after she did it. She couldn’t figure out what your expression meant - whether she went too far, or if you even liked her back in that way.
Tears slipped from your eyes as you looked up at her and grabbed her cheeks, shoving your lips against hers. Her kiss was sweet and gentle, but yours was aggressive and needy. You didn’t realize she felt the same way about you, and knowing that she did created a swell in your heart that never went away.
After your first kiss, you had to keep your relationship on the downlow. Your father knew that the two of you were friends (he hardly liked even that), if he found out that y’all were girlfriends he would separate you for good.
Sadie came up with the plan to visit you during the day as a good honest lady of society, but at night she would climb up through your window to enjoy spending time with you as a partner instead.
Friend by day, girlfriend by night.
Sadie slipped through your window every other night, quieter than a shadow when she came in. Sometimes you’d turn around and she would just be getting in and it would make you squeak a little as it startled you.
She kissed you to keep you quiet when that happened, though (teehee)
Sadie would spend hours with you at night. You’d help her brush her hair when there were missions she was on that took days and she wasn’t able to care for her locks. You’d let her borrow your nightgowns if she ever wanted to stay and relax in your bed until dawn.
The two of you would hold each other and talk until the mourning doves sang their melancholy songs in the early hours of the morning.
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tencrushesperday · 5 months
Country Girl (Shake it for me)
matt rempe x reader
warnings : mentions of alcohol, sexual innuendoes, 454 word
no idea where i even got the idea, but let’s not forget our boy is a hockey player from calgary (he would probably laugh in my face for mentioning luke bryan out of all the country artists possible)
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It was finally summer and you had Matt all to yourself. Now that your classes were over and he was done for the season, he had asked you to tag along to Michigan to meet with some of his hockey buddies at a country festival.
You had turned over the whole city looking for a specific pair of red cowboy boots. Your suitcase was packed with jean shorts, cute tops and sundresses. You planned on stealing Matt’s flannels and hoodies in case it was cold in Michigan (and his cowboy hat too obviously).
The camping site was set near the festival fields. You were the furthest thing from a country girl, born and raised in New York, with a lawyer mother and a father working in finance. So you had thought about offering Matt to pay for a hotel a bit further from the festival but he was so happy to be camping with his friends you couldn’t get on your high horses and sound like a prick.
You were already on your what? sixth? seventh? beer of the day and it was barely 5pm. If you couldn’t sing along to the lyrics, you were giving it your all in your moves.
Matt took you on his shoulders at some point and you were sure people behind you hated you both but you’re too buzzed to care.
You couldn’t believe your ears when Luke Bryan came on the stage. You felt ridiculous for only knowing this guy. You were jumping around as soon as Country Girl started playing.
You took Matt’s hands and made him jump in a circle with you, then he spun you around on the lyrics “spin me around this big ole barn” and you threw your head back in a laugh. Your white sundress was fly around you at the movements.
Your hips were swaying around on the guitar riffs and then you beckoned him closer with your finger till you could grab his white t-shirt.
He was so hot with his cowboy hat.
You knew your boyfriend was hot but he was looking particularly delicious in his country boy attire.
His shirt still in your hand, you pulled him even closer with a drunk smile on your face. He was mirroring a just as enamoured expression. You couldn’t help but take the hat off of his head and put it on yours while looking up at him through your lashes.
One eyebrow raised, he was giving you that “Are you sure?” look. So you got on your tippy toes and whispered in his ear “Don’t worry cowboy you’ll get a ride later”, the smirk audible in your words.
Later that night, you both disappeared from the party and went to “take a walk” by the lake as Matt had so expertly put when his friends asked.
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agenttommykinard · 2 months
I wanted to spread some good vibes in the fandom, so what are five cute headcanons you have about BuckTommy or Tommy? 🥰 And if you want to, send an ask like this to someone else.
OH THIS IS CUTE ty for sending this to me
so obviously he has one in the future but I'm imaging a much smaller, younger Tommy who would sneak out and feed the stray cat in his yard
who coaxed the cat to trusting him and who found the cat a home when his father wouldn't allow it
for a little while he had something soft in his life who loved him just for him
2. Tommy is the kind of guy who is aware that he's a big guy you know? he helps people get things off of the top shelf in grocery stores and volunteers to help pick up heavy things - he's the friend who actually means it when he says he would help someone move
3. one time when Tommy was really low and was just so tired about hiding things, he came across a food tuck that had a pride flag pinned proudly to its's side - all of the food was puns and it was run by three college aged kids and the owner - Tommy sat outside on a picnic table near the truck for the longest time and when he finally ordered - something sweet, this man has a sweet tooth - it was met with a smile, something bright when things were hard, and he followed this truck on instagram and when he was finally out he would bring people to the truck and he is one of their best customers and the owner has a picture of Tommy with the truck on their socials and they make food up for him on the spot - and when he brings Buck there for a date they all know who he is "THE FAMOUS EVAN" and Tommy blushes so hard
4. Tommy's clothes are comfortable and practical, he has a few "good shirts" for the occasional dates but otherwise he just picks what fits - at some point he picked up a jacket from a thriftshop and didn't even know it was designer until someone pointed it out - when Buck buys him a soft cashemere sweater for the colder weather, Tommy wears it and kisses Buck softly and he starts adding a little more color in his wardrobe, but he never feels pressure to, he just likes Buck's smile when he wears them
5. Tommy "avoid lonlieness through various hobbies" Kinard has made candles, he's taken chocolate making classes, he rock climbs when he cans and has had several ball room lessons, at some point he even tried horse back riding, he's done a little bit of everything and later he shares these various hobbies with the family he finally finds
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Pairings: Stableboy!Eddie x Princess!Fem Summary: you suddenly feel the urge to go for a horse ride one day, and every day after that, you don't only go visit the horses, but the cute stableboy there too.. Warnings: none i don't think
A/N - this is going to be a mini series of fics, and blurbs and HCs of Princess!fem x stableboy!Eddie and events of what happens with them.
FEEL FREE to send ideas or requests for something you think or want to happen to them!
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looking at all of the horses, you smiled
you hadn't gone for a ride in years but all of a sudden, when you had woke up in the early morning, you had the feeling that you wanted to go.
so here you were, wandering the stable as the clock struck noon.
you stroked the horses when they leaned into your touch.
you giggled as you spoke to them, greeting them with little hellos before a loud thud interrupted your thoughts, making you slightly jump and let out a squeal of surprise.
you turned around to see the noise and frowned when a boy- young man stood in front of you sheepishly blushing
"I apologise, your Highness, I didn't know you were here" he gulped, looking over at you with wide eyes as he bowed down.
"It's alright, you just gave me a little fright is all" you smiled politely "I was just coming here to see if i could take a ride today?"
he stood up straight and stared at you, not knowing what to say.
his hair was messy as it flowed down just above his shoulders, seeming to be unkept and slightly...dirty, his cheek smudged with a mark of dirt as he raised his eyebrows
"there's no need for permission, your highness" he shook his head
"right, well, would you mind..." you blinked, motioning to the horse that you situated yourself in front of.
you didn't know entirely what you were asking from him, but the way he was looking at you made you want more.
he raised his eyebrows and nodded vigorously before walking past you, opening the gate and setting the horse up, putting the saddle on its back and looking over at you with a small shy smile before leading it out of the stable.
you walked over to his side and stared at him, his figure slightly slouched as he pat the horse.
he was dressed in a plain, cream linen button-up shirt, with a few stains. black pants with suspenders, and brown boots with scratches and small holes, clearly worn out.
you put your foot on the saddle and grabbed onto it to as you got ready to jump on.
as you hopped on with a little struggle, but just as you were about to fall, the boy caught you, holding you by your hips, helping you to situate yourself on the horse properly
"thank you" you nodded to him with a smile as you looked down at him
he beamed up at you before walking you and the horse out before you stopped him
"would you... would you like to accompany me?" you asked
he stared at you wide eyed, the deep pools of dark chocolate piercing into yours.
"excuse me, your highness?" he raised his eyebrows, surprised by your question
"would you like to come along" you rephrased
"a- am i allowed to?" he stuttered
"even if you're not, who are you to refuse?" you tilted your head with a smirk, watching him as he looked down nervously
"I feel like a fool for only asking you this now but.. what should I call you?" you wondered as you rode the horse calmly around the garden, you had been riding in silence for what seems like forever now, but the urge to speak to the young man increases as he seems to get more nervous.
you don't want him to be, he shouldn't have to be.
"my name's Eddie..." he responded as he rode next to you, avoiding eye contact with you
being the princess in such a Kingdom didn't really allow you to have friends, there wasn't many options when it came to friends, as most people in the Kingdom weren't in the right class to even go near you unless coming for monthly requests held at the hall.
and the people that could be your friends, used you or didn't even dare.
you were alone most of the time, finding comfort in the ladies and maids that you had grown up with. but when they weren't an choice, you opted for books.
"how old are you..if you don't mind me asking?" you said curiously, wanting to get to know him a little bit. just to know you could have somebody to talk to.
"17.." he replied softly, looking down at the rose bushes planted on the garden floor.
"and you work in the stables?"
he nodded his head "yeah..."
as you look back to the castle, you notice how far away you are.
"would you like to maybe take a break? we could sit over by that tree?" you pointed by the large Willow tree coming up
"if that's what you would like, your highness" he nodded
"thank you for coming along with me.." you mumbled as you sat under the tree.
you let your fingers run through the blades of grass, feeling the dirt against your hand.
you're not really allowed to experience stuff like this having been told by your parents, the King and Queen "it's not princess nor lady like"
but sometimes all you wanted was to experience something that felt natural, something freeing from all the tiring duties and strict rules on how you need to act and behave.
"there's no need to thank me, your Highness" he shook his head with a slight breathy chuckle.
"you don't have to say 'your highness' after everything" you giggled, tucking a stray hair behind your ear as you let go of the grass, now playing with the hem of your dress
"sorry" he muttered, leaning against the trunk of the tree
You ooked over at him and watched as he played with his fingers, pulling at them and bending them.
"Eddie..could we maybe be.. well could we possibly be..Friends?" you sighed, feeling foolish for having to ask
"are we allowed to be?" he wondered, a frown falling onto his face as he finally looking over at you
"no one said we can't" you shrugged, looking at him, probably looking desperate
he looked as though he was in thought for a moment before you spoke again
"you do not have to be my friend if you don't want to be" you huffed impatiently, feeling the rejection coming
"N-no, I- I would love to be friends with you, Your Highness"
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fiddles-ifs · 3 months
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Hi from Maine! Happy (late. so late.) Pride!! And happy (LATE.) update day! I bequeath to you these widdle guys, which I spent a lot of time on in between other projects. They're also to apologize for delayed Greenwarden story update, because:
I've been writing a book! And I finished the first draft literally yesterday! I'm going to shit my pants!! Now that the first draft is done, I have some editing to do, which is going to eat up my time, but now I have some wiggle room to work on Greenwarden again. Check out this (raw, unedited) snippet from The House Loves You as thanks for your patience:
Next period’s bell is a shrill reminder I still haven’t touched my food. I put whatever I was reading away and dump my tray unceremoniously on the way out. The cafeteria is already empty — I don’t think I’ve ever been in a less busy school. Barely a week in, and I already know everyone by name and the general area where they live. It's more information than I want. Eventually, it'll be a new school in a new town with new people, then another, then graduation, and I'll get into a mediocre college in a different town and never look back. I'll figure it out from there.
They seem like small dreams — but they're what I've got.
I float through the rest of my classes in the back of the room. The bus ride home is unremarkable; my one saving grace is my license, but Mom has the car and we can't afford another bill, so the bus it is. Again -- the open wound is smoothed over knowing I'm not alone. I languish in the relative silence with a pair of earbuds in.
I'm the last stop in the evening. The bus rolls along, slowly shedding children like scabs, until it creeps nervously to the mailbox and gravel road that marks the mouth of the holler. It sputters like an anxious horse, shudders to a stop, and hisses open. The doors close too fast behind me, and the bus peels away in a cloud of grit. Finally, I'm well and truly alone.
The trees are tall and wild here, untouched by human hands. Branches knit together in dense braids and then part again, each gap in the canopy scorched by yellow mountain sunlight. The gravel road bends left and disappears into the deep shadows. Rocks crunch near-silently underfoot. Like they're afraid to wake something sleeping in the dark recesses of the holler. Even the birds speak in whispers.
I grab a few overdue bills from the mailbox and shuffle up the road. Mom's not home, so I get some peace and quiet for a couple hours.
The winding gut of the holler rips open in an abrupt hole, and beyond the hole is a clearing. In the clearing, circled by trees with dark trunks and tight branches, are a few rusted, dead tires, an abandoned swing set, some overgrown grass, and a house. My back hurts and my legs are sore, but I still pause at the threshold.
The house is an ugly sore made of cracked, peeling white siding and a sagging porch. Just enough timber has been cleared away to make a front and back yard. The roof seems to bow under the weight of the sky, all dark windows and missing shingles. It's a quiet house. It doesn't talk much. Not usually.
I drag my feet across the hidden flagstones in the grass, and listen to the sound of the screen door squeal open. Once I step inside, the house greets me, as it usually does.
Welcome home, Cash.
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duskier · 2 months
I am a big family Soap truther but I feel like Gaz would have one too - SoapGaz fluff I just barfed out - 1.8k words!!!
One of the first things that bonds the two together- beyond being brothers in arms of the same rank, and living through actual hell on earth together saving each other's lives again and again- is that they are the only ones who will listen to each other yap about their families.
When Soap tries to boast about his twin nieces winning double horse riding awards to Ghost, Ghost politely stands still like he's listening. Soap knows Ghost well enough to see that he's mentally checked out, can see that his eyes are fixed somewhere far off. Soap knows how touchy of a subject family is for Ghost, so he learns quickly to give up any mention of it.
When Gaz tries to show Price a video of his oldest sister finding out she's gotten a full ride to her choice of grad school, his captain is a bit more blunt but still evasive. Just tells Gaz that he's busy, that he should show him later. But Soap hears delighted squeals and joyful yelling coming from Gaz's phone and suddenly he's beelining over.
"She graduated super high in her class, did a bunch of extra curricula, applied everywhere like mad but this- this one has been her dream since we were little."
Soap looms over Gaz's shoulder, a smile blooming on his face as Gaz restarts the video. It feels amazing to be listened to, but it makes Gaz's heart soar seeing Soap near in tears, misty eyed while he’s sharing in the joy. His eyes are... really pretty. Weird that Gaz was only noticing it then.
"She deserves it, I bet yer so proud... we ought to celebrate!"
And they do. Soap buys Gaz and himself a few rounds at their usual bar just off base that very night, and over the next few hours they detail everything about their families to each other. Soap pulled out his sketchbook and drew a little family tree then passed it over so Gaz could do the same thing, too. 
“Your sister sounds just like my uncle-”
“She looks just like my cousin’s ex girlfriend-”
“D’you think your mom would be able to stand my mom?”
“My sister is taller than your brother.”
“How many kids does that one have? …Five!?”
Pouring over instagram pages, pulling up texts, Gaz even messaged his mom to send him a specific photo of him and his siblings at his 6th birthday party. He can hardly get through telling Soap the story behind the photo without laughing so hard his ribs hurt, and Soap is suddenly feeling breathless when he realizes how lovely a sound it is to hear Gaz laugh. 
…Then when Gaz needs a date to his cousin’s wedding- he can’t just not go, he’s part of the groomsmen- he asks Soap to come. 
“Don’t make me go alone mate, besides there will be plenty of dancing and-and drinking and that pretty cousin of mine you liked! You already know all their names, so it makes sense I’d bring you over anyone else.” He’s serving the biggest, shiniest brown-eyed-puppy dog look of the century, and it works immediately. 
That’s how they end up on a flight together to a gorgeous beach resort. Soap doesn’t have a chance with that pretty cousin Gaz mentioned (unbeknownst to either of them it's because just about everyone in Gaz’s family is convinced the two Sergeants are dating.)
Gaz’s four sisters nearly knocking him on his ass as they all tackle him when he’s spotted in the hotel lobby, fighting to be the one to hug Gaz first. It is clear how much they all love each other, warm embraces and laughter ringing out in the lobby without a care. 
Them all welcoming Soap immediately with open arms, now fighting to be the first one to share the most embarrassing story about Gaz. (“Did he tell you about the time when he--” “I HAVE A LICENSE TO KILL, ZIP IT!!”) He’s immediately treated like a bonus-sibling, the youngest one (only 7 years old) wrinkling her nose at Soap’s mohawk from her spot in Gaz’s arms. His other two sisters grilling Soap on their brother’s job, hoping Soap had embarrassing stories about Gaz to tell them in turn. 
(Later the sisters gather together in their own hotel room to debrief- it was painfully obvious the two guys were crushing on each other- they knew what Gaz looked like when he was like that. They made a deal with one another to be nice to Gaz about it. Despite how easy it’d be. They then praised themselves for being such kind sisters to their brother, and shared sparkling apple cider over a Barbie movie.)
Soap watching Gaz walk down the sandy beach aisle as a groomsman, looking handsome as ever in the tux and silk pink bowtie the bride had chosen for the party. Gaz with a bridesmaid on his arm, pretty in pink, but the second they part his eyes find Soap sitting in the crowd. In a pretty deep blue suit that compliments his eyes, top two buttons of his white shirt undone. Gold chain to his cross glittering in the sunlight. 
The two admiring each other, and Gaz watches his grandmother sit down next to Soap. The Scot says something charming, undoubtedly a direct flirt, knowing that was the way to her heart. Her wrinkled hand clutching at her pearls jokingly, admonishing him as they fall naturally into conversation. 
Gaz passively wonders why it suddenly meant so much to him for his family to like Soap, how it sent a bolt through his heart to see him get on so easy with his grandmother especially. (He was always a grandma’s boy, even if he’d never admit it. He was her favorite grandson, though she’d never admit that, either.)
During the reception, when Gaz and Soap are smiling big dopey smiles at each other in the multicolored lights, dancing with their arms slung around each other in messy, drunken circles, Gaz’s parents watch on with satisfied smiles. 
“Our son has never looked happier, love. Just look at him, he’s glowing!” Gaz’s mother offers her champagne glass as a toast.
His father’s face wrinkles handsomely when he smiles back at his gorgeous wife. He clinks his glass with hers.
“Looks like he’s found himself a nice young man, darling. You did a good job.” 
“We did, love. We did.”
(Gaz and Soap end up going back to their hotel room and making out a little bit, but they don’t discuss it for a long while. They write it off as them being drunk and stumbling back to their room together, that they got confused or wires got crossed somehow.) 
Soap and Gaz realize their mistake of introducing their mothers to one another much too late. They become fast friends, video calling each other once a week over drinks to gossip about their families, talk about books they are reading, and boast about new recipes cooked. As much as the two men complain about it, they know the friendship is much deeper- the two women comfort each other when their kids are on mission. Finally, they each had another mom who could understand what they were going through.
When Soap’s grandpa gets sick and it's all hands on deck, every sibling and cousin and family friend coming home, Soap doesn’t even have to ask Gaz. He’s already got his bag packed and both of their paperwork filed for the time off. A warm supporting hand giving his shoulder a squeeze, offering the first bit of relief Soap has felt in weeks. 
By this point, Gaz was already known by half of Soap’s family online. They were able to just arrive at the MacTavish family home, roll up their sleeves, and get to work. No one knew that Grandpa Mactavish had been on such a rapid decline, the family home and property in general disrepair. 
Soap’s eldest sister was a carpenter. His middle sister was a homemaker. His youngest sister was a moody teenager. Together the three women pulled the most weight, directing the family into teams. Within a day, the house had been cleaned, the overgrown grass mowed, the dry rot on the outside of the home repaired, each dead lightbulb on the property replaced. 
Soap and Gaz filled the family home with the scent of spices and herbs as they cooked tirelessly. Enough to feed every hand that leant help, and then some so Grandpa Mactavish had plenty leftover. While they chopped and simmered and seasoned, Gaz listened to Soap reminisce about his memories in this home. Every Christmas when the family of nearly 30 all packed in together, every birthday or life milestone that was celebrated there. The wall of carved height trackers- from his great-grandfather to his littlest cousin. When Soap eventually breaks down crying, Gaz doesn’t think twice to pull him into a hug. 
He doesn’t move when Soap’s mother comes in and hugs Soap from behind- Gaz and Soap’s mother worked as a team to hold Soap together. 
Years later, when Soap finally blurts out the big question, eyes wide with fear as if Gaz would ever dream of saying no to his proposal, Gaz tackles his boyfriend- now fiancé- with such vigor they both get bruises from the tumble. They are laughing, blushing, ragging on each other for being so sappy even as they have happy tears forming in their eyes. 
The Garrick-Mactavish wedding is no small event. It's damn near the wedding of the century. 
Laswell and the rest of their 141 family runs the event like it's a military op. The Vaqueros join in too, friends from KorTac throwing in their hand as well. (Nicolai's main job is just keeping Price's blood pressure down.)
The reception itself was gorgeous, Gaz dressed in a warm white suit, looking like a dream with gold accents. Soap opposite him in a formal wear kilt fashion, his usually messy mohawk tamed back. The 141 made up the wedding party, plus each groom's own assortment of childhood friends or siblings. (The joint bachelor party the month prior was legendary, but the aftermath gave Laswell a headache. Something about a building getting blown up and/or burnt down. If asked, she wouldn't talk about it but excuse herself to get another drink.) When they kiss, confirming their lifetime bond now confirmed and witnessed by all of their loved ones, Soap dips Gaz, making the beautiful man laugh and hold onto his shoulders as cheers erupt around them. 
The reception and party and after party in total lasted three days. The two families now and forever intertwined‐ once separately large on their own- made a tree so huge they couldn't fit it on one page of Soap’s sketchbook anymore. (They just make a huge painting of it in their home- the home that houses the entire extended Garrick-Mactavish family every holiday until the happy, long-lived end of their days.)
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buzzyb33 · 11 months
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Prompt: while planning the new sidemen video, Ethan makes sure you get the best time by taking you to Poland, may be the cheap team but make sure you got the greatest time.
Warnings: spoilers for sideman Sunday on 29/10/23, mentions of hair colour and length,
Got you into all of the great bookings.
Really giddy from airports both in GREAT moods as you hop around the airport
Taking photos of you in your sideman hoodie, hair down, glasses identical to his, your AirPod Max’s while sipping on Starbucks, going straight to his insta story
Sleeping on his chest in first class 🤭
Booked loads stupid activities for you as it’s your first time in Poland!!
Filling your insta story with site seeings and pictures of josh (being a dad), JJ frowning and Tobi enjoying himself.
Let you sleep with some jet lag while he surprised the other 3 members, left you with a sweet text.
In the morning had you by his side, not on camera just next to the camera men as JJ excitedly spent his (and some of Tobi’s) money on a horse ride.
“Why are you tea bagging a pigeon?..” I say mostly to myself and josh turns to me shaking his head, Ethan doesn’t seem to hear me as JJ approaches, I stay at Ethan’s side as Tobi shakes his head.
“He lead them too us..” I smile and pull my hood down, in a matter of minutes- the boys are surrounded by people and I step away, sure I make content but no where near as big as my boyfriend as I made more gaming videos.
I wait and I see a teenage girl looking at me with a hesitant look, I smile and she approaches me.
She gulps. “Y/-N, right- yeah- I know you can- I have a photo?” She asks and pulls out her lilac iPhone 11 I nod and take a photo with her.
I smile, feeling proud of myself.
Most of the time I stood next to Steve (the bodyguard) holding onto Ethan’s glasses.
“We’re going to a bunny café? That’s fucking sick- though I did think Poland was more famous for their ducks and boars.” I say as I sit next to JJ as Ethan leans over and puts the bunny ears on his head.
grinning a lot and enjoy the free trip
Ethan holding your hand as you two trail behind
Enjoying the food and drinks
When you two get back to the room just falling asleep holding each other the second you get into your room.
Ethan and JJ getting calls from the other boys and all 8 if you talking on the phone in a random restaurant.
Though, if you didn’t eat with the boys Ethan definitely payed for your whole day out consisting of feeding ducks, spas, hair done, polish massages, and making sure you enjoy yourself.
Ahem, thanked him
Calling him halfway through the day thanking him and giggling about feeding the ducks.
“I’ll see you later- I have to Uhm, what’s it called? Oh yeah I’m going to this restaurant where they have.. cucumber soup? I dunno, love you though, have fun.” I grin into the phone.
“Alright- love you too have fun, see you later, love.” He clears his throat as he hangs up, trying to contain his smirk utterly from his girlfriends excitement.
“You just use these videos for Y/ns benefit- and you for Freya.” Tobi says as they roam the wax shop, looking at all the poorly made celebrities.
“Mhm..” Ethan dismisses.
Ethan leaves the boys to get on their Ryan air as he comes back to hotel room, you packed for him as you headed to the airport, you thanked him and hugged him- swaying side to side.
When you got on the plane he proceeded to take photos of you sleeping on his chest, nuzzling into him.
The fans got FED. Absolutely FED.
A/n: 😵‍💫😵‍💫 Love little head cannons, nope you do too, REQUEST anything on my character list, I will get to it ASAP.
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zippyequestrain · 3 days
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Horseback riding in Bangalore | Horse riding schools - Zippyequestrian
Zippy Equestrian, a horse riding school in Bangalore is inclined towards providing horse riding for beginner training to everyone irrespective of their age and abilities. This horse riding academy exclusively offers horse training for beginner classes in South Bangalore.
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thecavalryranch · 1 year
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Cavalry Ranch offers top-notch horse riding training programs for all levels of riders. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced rider seeking to enhance your skills, our expert instructors provide personalized coaching in a safe and supportive environment. Discover the joy of horseback riding at Cavalry Ranch and embark on a transformative journey with these magnificent creatures. Experience the thrill, connection, and artistry of equestrianism with our exceptional training programs. visit : https://cavalryranch.in/horse-riding/
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Mɪᴛᴄʜᴇʟʟ Esᴛᴀᴛᴇs (2) "Bɪᴛᴛᴇʀ"
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EwanMitchell Verse x F!Reader & Will x Reader
A/N: Dedicated to the anon who sent me some kind words! Hopefully this isnt horrible 😭 //Dividers by@firefly-graphics
Summary: You settle into you new home pretty well. After a week you've seen all the tenants and eve learned some of their weird habits. After a late night walk you happen to come accross someone in a moment of vulnerability.
TW: 18+, smut, masturbation, protected sex (wrap it before you tap it...sometimes), p in v, rough, soft to rough sex, dry humping, alcohol consumption
Word Count: 4k
Masterlist • ← Previous Chapter • Next Chapter → (WIP)
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A week has gone by since you moved in.
Surprisingly it was a pretty calm week. Your friends dropped off the furniture that they found for your apartment. Since you didn't have any classes you painted the walls, giving the place more color and personality.
You hadn't gotten the chance to talk to anyone in the building really but you spent a good amount of time peering out your window and seeing all the different tenants and their habits.
You noticed that there was this boy about your age who spent most of his time hanging around the mailbox. You thought it was odd at first but then on a different day, you saw him sneakily stop and examine someone else's package. He only ran off and didn't take it because that tenant opened their door.
You also saw him further in town the other day. He was dressed up as a monk and holding a red-painted pail. He was "collecting" money for children for the holidays. It was only later on when you saw him come home did you see him return with that same pail of money.
Mental note. There is a thief here.
Ettore was still cold and rarely talked to you. When you dropped off the rental agreement, he quickly kicked you out of his office and closed the blinds. You thought maybe he just wasn't good with people but he started giving you a weird creepy vibe when you saw him watch the other tenants.
He would stand around the building looking as if he was just checking on things but he was observing and watching. You once caught him watching you as you were talking the trash out and there was that one time when you were doing laundry and you swear you saw him up near your unit.
Your next-door neighbour, the horse tattoo guy, never left his apartment. You start to think he's dead in there but then you hear the occasional TV sounds and shower running. You did see him leave once but that was only to go get beer and then come back home. You've also heard him arguing on the phone with someone though you can never make out what the conversation is about and who he is talking to.
But. The strangest tenant out of all of them. He is a long white-haired guy who has a long scar over one of his eyes. He only comes about twice a week. He comes, walks his dog, stays for one night then leaves the next day and is gone. Three days later he comes back and repeats the same cycle. You were sitting in the neat park when his dog came up to you one day. She was the most friendly thing ever and wanted to play. He didn't say anything but let you play with her until you had to leave. When you tried to say goodbye he answered with "mmm" and that was it.
Everyone else seems to be normal except those guys. There was a boy with glasses and khaki shorts. He looked like he was going to school every day so you only assumed he was attending the university nearby, same as you. The boy with the kid, you did find out that was his brother when you helped the kid after he tripped while riding a scooter. The kid was Liam and he lived with his older brother Jack.
You hadn't gotten to interact much with others but it felt nice that you had met at least one person who lived here.
Your phone alarm went off letting you know it was time to get up. It was the last thing you wanted to do but if you didn't know you never would.
After a shower and getting dressed you grabbed your stuff and headed out the door. You looked around and saw Liam heading for school, he waved at you and you waved back.
You struggled to lock your door but kept trying. The key wouldn't turn.
"It's jammed." You looked over and saw the horse guy standing there with a beer in his hand.
"How do I get it fixed?" He eyes you up and down before taking another swig.
"Jack. Lives in A1. He's maintenance." He spits off the rail and then heads back inside his apartment.
You groan and start heading towards the apartment. You had hoped to avoid any interactions with your neighbors today but it doesn't seem like that will be happening.
You knock on the door but no one answers. You knock again and a minute later the door opens.
"Yeah?" He rubs his eyes and leans against the doorframe and now you feel like shit cause you woke him up.
"Sorry...the lock is jammed. Just wondering if I could get some help." He yawned as he nodded his head.
"Yeah, hold on." He closed the door and you stood outside it awkwardly waiting for him to return. As you stand outside his door waiting, the person next door comes out of their unit and locks the door.
You try not to stare but you kind of do...and you're not good at hiding it. He stops and pulls out a cigarette box putting one in between his lips before offering you one.
"No thanks. Don't smoke." He shrugs his shoulders, putting the box back in his pocket before lighting the one in his mouth.
"Suit yourself, princess." He winks then walks away. You stand there for another minute before Jack opens back up his door now properly dressed and carrying a toolbox.
He follows you in silence towards your door. You drop your bag on the ground and stand off to the side as he tries to open it himself.
"...Your brother's a nice kid." He smiles as you mention his brother.
"You've met him?"
"Yeah. Was out for a walk when he tripped on his scooter. Helped him out." He turns his head and looks at you.
"Oh! You're the girl he was talking about." He turns back to the door and pulls out the key and stares at it before frowning.
"What's wrong?" You step over to him to look. You see the key with something pink and sticky on it.
"Gum. Someone put gum in your lock." He shakes his head and opens up the toolbox. "I'll just replace the lock. Might take a while."
"I have a class to get to...could I come to get the key later?" You pick up your bag.
“Yeah all good.” You turn and leave heading back down the stairs and walking out of the complex. 
After a boring couple of hours of listening to professors and taking notes, you and your classmates decide to head to the library. Planning to study but realistically you are all going to end up talking for hours and doing no work. 
As you all gossip about some campus drama going on you notice someone walking around looking at books. You try to get a better look from your spot and then you recognize him. His name was Osferth and lived on the other side of you in B4. He was super sweet and had helped you with your groceries one time. 
As he grabs a book and walks out the aisle he spots you and gives you a warm smile and a wave. You smile and wave back and can see him blush slightly before he heads towards the front desk. 
“Who was that?” Boyse bumps your shoulder while wiggling her eyebrows. 
“My neighbour.” She hums in response. 
“Cute.” You give her that look that only she tends to ever bring out. Boyse had been trying to convince you for some time now to get back into the dating scene but you couldn’t not after…last time. 
Just like you predicted you all spent the next hour showing each other funny Tik Tok and talking. Being the friend with the car you drove everyone to their homes before heading to yours. 
You stopped at Jack’s to get the key. He was on the phone and quickly handed it to you with a smile before closing the door. You could hear him arguing on the phone. You turn and head towards the stairs to get up to your unit. You look over to the office building and can see Ettore there watching you before he closes the blinds.
Why the fuck he so weird?
You spend the rest of the day making up for the work you didn’t do in the library and attempting to tune out the horse guy arguing again on the phone. 
After spending hours working on essays and group projects you were tired, you had tried going to sleep but for some reason, you just couldn’t. The sheets felt too rough, the bed too lumpy, the room was too hot and it was just too quiet. Everything was bothering you. And above all your brain just wouldn’t shut up. 
You rip the sheets off of you in anger and stand up grabbing your keys off your dresser before leaving your room.
You used to go one walk a lot back home since there was a nice park just behind your old apartment. It was always calming whenever you had a stressful day or...an argument with him.
You pull on your shoes and grab the sweater you threw on the couch to take with you in case it was cold outside.
Locking the door behind you while looking around you spot the white-haired man walking back into his apartment with his dog. You can see the light in the office on but the blinds are closed.
Your brain now full of thoughts of your ex
You walk down the stairs while zipping up your sweater and walk towards the liquor store nearby. You start drinking the second you step out of the store then you head towards the twenty-four-hour convenience store just down the street from your apartment complex.
You purchase your favourite chocolate bar and a drink before walking around your neighbourhood. It was surprisingly empty, nobody was walking around, and barely any cars driving around. The most noise you can hear are dogs barking or the occasional voices or tv noise from houses you pass by. By the end of the walk, you've finished your snacks and alcohol and it's even starting to set in.
The colours from the houses are the tiniest brighter. Your thoughts clear of your asshole of an ex and the whole reason you had to move in the first place. The noises of crickets are louder and whatever lamp lights are almost blinding.
You circle back to the building using the path that leads out from the neighbourhood to the back near the recycling bins. You come around the corner, the area is only covered by a small lamp thats on the wall.
As you turn around you hear a sound. You stop walking and look towards the noise. It's coming around from the recycling bins.
You at first think it's an animal inside looking for something to eat. Something is panting. Your brain under the influence tells you to walk closer and look rather than just turn and walk the other way around the building.
You walk over to the recycling and slowly peer around.
It's not until you turn and look do you hear the moan come from someone's lips. When you finally get a proper look you scream slightly and quickly cover your eyes before turning around.
"Shit." you hear him mumble before he turns and faces the wall.
You try to get the image out of your head but it's engraved in there. Whoever it was had been leaning against the wall, his head angled up and eyes closed as he was lazily stroking himself. Though most of his penis had been inside of his pants you still saw some of it.
"Y'alright?" He finally turns back around after he tucked himself back in his pants. You keep your face covered as you simply nod your head. "It's away now. You can look."
You waringly uncover your eyes and look at him.
"Ever thought of doing that in your own apartment." You cross your arms slightly annoyed. Your eyes wander to the ground and see the empty bottles of alcohol.
"Wasn't expecting someone to be up and about at this hour." He shrugs and leans down shakingly as he grabs one of the cans and brings it to his lips. "What are ya doin' up anyways?"
"Clearing my head." Your words were slurred the tiniest bit as you spoke. He looks you up and down as you throw the garbage into the bins next to him.
He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly as you both kind of just stand there in silence.
ant a cuppa?" He picks up his trash almost falling over as he bends down.
"Cup of what?" you hear him laugh as he throws the empty bottles away.
"A cuppa..." He looks over to you, he can still see the confused look on your face as you simply stare at him. "Cup of tea."
"Ohhh" You stare at him for a while gauging if you should say yes or not. He looks normal enough. But most serial killers looked like normal people then turned out to be psychos behind closed doors. For all you knew he was luring you into his apartment to steal your kidney and sell it on the black market.
"You don't have to say yes. I just feel bad about...what you had to see" You stare at him for a while longer.
"Why not." You shrug then follow him back around the building towards his unit. The second you're back inside you look around the space. You could tell this was one of the old motel rooms that hadn't been renovated yet. "How long you been living here?"
He walks over to the kitchen area and fills up the kettle.
"About 4 months." You walk over to the couch stumbling a bit. You notice the lack of any decorations on the walls. "Do you normally just walk around at night drinking?" You look over at him. He was watching you stumble around with a smirk on his face.
You struggle to take off your sweater, your arm getting caught on absolutely nothing.
"It's a great past time." He laughs and then turns back to getting cups from the cupboards. "Do you normally jerk off next to recycling bins in public?" You can see the smile on his face grow wider and his cheeks flush red.
He turns back around.
"So what made you move here of all places? There had to have been better options." He leans against the counter crossing his arms.
"Other places would have taken longer. More checks are needed. This place was quick and easy." You shrug.
"Quick and easy? Why the rush?" He puts the tea bags in the cups. You watch him for a moment thinking if you should say. You hadn't even really come clean to your friends about why you had to move so quickly. You weren't in the mood to hear their "I told you so's.".
"My ex was a piece of shit. He lived with me in my apartment and I knew he wouldn't go so I did." You pull your legs on the couch. "Left in the middle of the day while he was at work." He nods his head in understanding.
You hear the kettle whistle and watch as he pours the water in the mugs.
"What about you?" He walks over and sits down on the couch handing you one mug and placing the other down on the coffee table.
"Not running from anything...just preventing the inevitable for a while longer. Enjoying what I can." You try to understand what he could mean by that. He notices the confusion on your face. "There was this girl, a school friend. I really liked her but she was dating my best friend."
Though you yourself had never dealt with anything like that some of your friends had. It's never easy to watch someone love another but know they can't be with them.
He blows on his tea before taking a sip.
"I knew I shouldn't like her and that it was possible nothing would come from it but...I just couldn't help but not like her."
You watch as his gaze fixes somewhere random the memory taking over. You grab your tea and take a sip burning your tongue but playing it off.
"We hooked up one, while she was still with him. Afterwards, she said it wouldn't happen again." He leans back into the couch. "The worst part is that not too long before I left I found out she was pregnant. Didn't get the chance to ask her if it was mine or not."
He takes another sip before looking into his cup.
"I'm gonna need something stronger than tea." He stands up and puts the cup on the counter before grabbing two shot glasses and a bottle of vodka and walking back over to the couch.
"Why did you leave?" He sits down and pours the shots.
"I only ever really stayed 'cause I was caring for my nan. She passed...made plans to leave but those plans went south. Now im just...waiting I guess."
He took a shot then poured himself another and took it. You reached forward picked up the other one and downed it, the sting and bitter taste made your face scrunch.
You both sat there and drank for almost an hour. At this point, you both had managed to finish the rest of the vodka. Your conversations bounced around from different topics. At one point you were talking about your favourite colours and then the best place to get pizza in town. You talked about fun stuff then talked a bit about depressing stuff before cracking more jokes.
You were lying on the couch while Will was lying on the floor.
"Ok, but you have to admit apple juice is better than orange juice." You both had been going back and forth about white was better. He was adamant that orange juice was the best of the two. (Apple juice is better don't argue with me 🤣)
"You can get orange juice faster than apple juice. Not to mention it tastes fresher." You rolled your eyes.
"Yeah, but...pulp. And that nasty taste when you brush your teeth and then drink orange juice." Will sits up with a smile, you turn your head to look at him.
"I like that taste." A look of disgust spreads on your face before you both start dying of laughter. Once you both have calmed down Will rests his head against the couch looking at you.
You both narrow your eyes at each other just staring before he reaches upwards and brushes a piece of hair out of your face. His hand lingers as he gently brushes over your cheek.
Before you can do anything he sits up more and leans over to you kissing you deeply. It's messy considering your broth is drunk out of your minds.
He moves up onto the couch getting on top of you. His hands slide down to your waist as he lifts and spreads your legs slightly so he nestles in between them. You wrap your legs around his waist.
He lets you breathe for a moment lowering his head in the crook of your neck planting soft kisses.
Considering you had gotten out of bed to go for a walk you were only wearing a tank top with no bra.
His hands slid up as gently massaged your nipples in between his fingers. You could feel his hard-on pressing right against your clit.
He could clearly feel the friction to as he began rolling his hips chasing some sort of friction.
He starts pulling your tank up slowly kissing his way up your stomach. You lean up so you can slip over your head as you lay back down he takes one of your nipples into his mouth gently sucking on it. He runs his thumb over the other watching it harden under the soft pressure. He lets go of your nipple with a pop and moves over to the other giving it the same attention.
He sits up, you help him take off his shirt before you both shuffle off your pants. You lean over to where you had earlier discarded your sweater reach for your wallet and take your "emergency" condom out. You unwrap it and slowly slide it on him.
Will lays you back down and kisses your cheek.
"Lift your hips." You do as he says and almost moan at the feeling of his tip grazing your clit ever so softly. Will slowly sheathes himself inside of you while peppering kisses all over your chest.
When he finally bottoms out you both moan. His movements are soft and slow at first, dragging himself in and out of you so you can feel every ridge and pulse.
Will sits up and holds on to your hips as he slams into you at a rough and relentless pace. He dips down taking your mouth in his. As he hits that soft spot inside you harshly you moan into the kiss, your moans get louder as he continues to bully the same spot.
He reaches down and brings your legs up as far as they can go trying to get as deep as possible. You reach down circling your clit trying to relieve some of the aches. Your pussy spasms around him pulling him in deeper.
"Fuck- just like that." Will watches as you lean your head back, mouth agape as you moan and whimper.
It all becomes too much as you cum around his cock. Will holds you down as you shake slightly kissing your cheek as he doesn't slow down the pace chasing his own high. Your nails dig into his sides as he his movements begin stuttering, losing rhythm.
Will moans as he continues pounding into you before he lets go of your legs and holds himself up as he cums into the condom.
"Fuck Leah" You almost miss him saying it. But you shrug it off it's not as if he's yours. Will slowly slides out of you with a soft moan before laying down beside you on the couch and pulling you back into him.
He nuzzles into your neck as you both slowly fall asleep.
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You hear the annoying honking of the garbage truck and slowly sit up grabbing your head in pain. You clearly drank more than you could handle.
You look around and notice that this is in fact not your apartment.
Hearing the soft snoring behind you, you turn around and see who it is. As you see Will still sleeping soundly you gently unwrap his arm from your waist and grab your clothes. You get dressed as quietly as possible before grabbing and leaving his apartment and doing the walk of shame back to yours.
The second you're back home you head to the shower feeling relaxed under the warm water. You change into fresh clothes and take an Advil for your pounding headache.
You grab your wallet from your sweater and look through it. You notice the missing condom.
"At least I wasn't dumb enough to go raw." You crash onto your bed planning to just skip all your classes and get some well-deserved rest.
You don't notice the stuff in your apartment that's misplaced. How your closet is open when you know you closed it before you left. One thing is for sure between your headache and the sound of the garbage truck still near by you don't hear the sound of footsteps leaving your apartment and silently closing the door behind them.
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A/N: This took WAAAAYYY longer than it should have. I had it all typed up but then I also had two draft tabs opened...when I saved one and closed it the other was still open and since it does auto saves it got rid of all the new stuff i wrote 😭😭
But it still got done!! Hopefully, this isn't as bad as I feel like it is.
General Taglist: @thought--bubble @valeskafics Mitchell Apartments: @slytherincursebreaker, @watercolorskyy, @dixie-elocin, @venmondiese, @briefcollectivepersona,@fan-goddess, @australia-made-1997
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Male Yuu! Reader (Platonic Yandere) Part 1
@asillylitteseabunnyay More ideas! Warning: Really OOC characters (Even for yandere standards. This is a major reason as to why I write headcanons before writing a separate piece for them), I really did try to make this into one post but I really wanted to post something. Sorry for taking so long to post something.
For those who want a word count: 14,203 words. Once again, sorry for being really slow.
"(Y/N)! Wait up!"
I turned around to see Ace running up to me with Deuce trailing after him. A grin broke on my face at the sight of them. Those two always bring trouble with them and while it can be tiring, I could never imagine a different life that I could lead. Or at least, my life in Twisted Wonderland.
"Heya, guys! What's going on? Riddle chasing after you for breaking another rule or Azul wanting to capture you in a contract again?"
"Do you really think that whenever we want to see you we're in trouble? I'm kind of wounded."
Ace put on a fake pout before pulling a mock hurt pose.
"Because whenever you ARE in trouble, you come find me to get you out of it."
Deuce walked around Ace before greeting me.
"Good morning, (Y/N)!"
"Good morning, Deucey! How's your morning been so far?"
"It was quite uneventful which is a nice change of pace from how mornings normally are for us."
Deuce was pushed by Ace, who started laughing at Deuce who lost his footing.
Ace and Deuce started a stare off before I just lightly tapped both of their foreheads to snap them out of it.
"Yo, troublemakers! If you keep fighting like this, we're gonna have trouble coming our way. Let's move!"
Ace and Deuce nodded at me before we all started to sprint to get to P.E. Vargas was no joke when it came to being late. I would prefer not having to do twenty extra laps around the field, thank you very much.
Thankfully, we made it with only a minute left to spare. Jack and Epel were there ahead of us and claimed brooms for Ace and Deuce.
"If you three keep sleeping in, you're going to end up missing class."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's get this class done and over with."
Jack tossed the brooms to Ace and Deuce who caught them before turning towards me.
"(Y/N), do you want to ride with me on my broom today?"
I thought about the offer before another student butted into the conversation.
"I already offered the Human a ride on my broom last class!"
Sebek appeared out of nowhere, being loud like always. Although his words did remind me of yesterday. I was riding on Floyd's broom for class (Mainly because he wouldn't let me ride on anyone else's broom) and I nearly fell off many times. Sebek came to me after class and offered his broom instead. This did surprise me considering that Sebek has been a recent friend that I've made but I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Anything to not ride with Floyd again.
"Yep, he's right, Jack. I promised Sebek that I would join him for this flight class. Although if you're offering for tomorrow, I wouldn't be opposed to that."
Jack gave me a nod before getting himself ready for flight. Looks like I have my flight partner for tomorrow! I walked with Sebek to the spot that he picked which was quite a bit away from the other first years but I didn't care that much about it. This class is a mix between all of the years so I wouldn't be surprised if Lilia or Silver was in this class as well.
"Child of Man."
Or I should have guessed that Malleus would be in this class.
"Hello, Hornton. I hope that this morning is treating you nicely."
I still can't really wrap my head around the fact that my night friend is really the Malleus Draconia. It's still something that I must get used to.
"Young Master!"
Sebek's face lit up with the biggest smile that I think I've ever seen which made a smile appear on my face. Even thought the half fae carries a huge amount of aggression towards humans, whenever he's happy, it's near impossible to not be happy along with him.
"ALRIGHT! Let's start working out those muscles!"
Coach Vargas appeared out of nowhere like he normally does and got everybody into line. Sebek positioned his broom safely between his legs while I tried to position myself carefully as well. The take off is always the hardest for whoever I'm flying with considering that we have to time the launch perfectly with each other.
Sebek was staring at me to make sure that I was ready and I gave him a quick nod to signal that I was ready for take off. We did a short run before jumping and taking off. I held onto Sebek for dear life when we started to get some serious altitude. I've learned that if I grab the broom while in flight, that I accidently cause some mild steering interference.
"Khee hee hee. Careful, (Y/N). You might end up causing a tear into Sebek's uniform."
I turned my head to my right to see Lilia flying there. Him being there made me recount all of the people in this class. Everyone was in this class today! I'm particularly amazed that Azul was able to get his broom up this high and the fact that Idia was riding the broom correctly. That might be because we're actually going for a flight around the island for class today.
"I'll loosen my grip in a bit. I'm still not a big fan of heights."
A shudder went up my spine when I looked down. I don't understand how people are able to fly this high up without being terrified.
I tilted my head up to see Cater riding his broom like a skateboard and doing tricks on it. I wish that I had a fraction of his courage to do something like that.
"Don't worry, Human! I will not be doing ridiculous stunts like that with you on the broom with me."
"Thanks, Sebek. I greatly appreciate it."
The class continued like normal. Many people were flying by Sebek and I to have a pleasant conversation. Riddle and the rest of Heartslabyul were checking in with me to make sure I didn't need a quick emergency landing. Sebek took mild offense to that saying 'If the Human needed to go down, I would be more than capable to take him down myself!'
"Are you sure that you would be taking the utmost of care that he is protected when flying down?"
"Of course, I would!"
"I don't know, Sebek. You don't always seem to be the perfect fit for protecting (Y/N)."
"Why you-!"
Ace and Sebek started a screaming match mid air, making me roll my eyes. Those two are like oil and water. Never to be mixed.
"Good morning, Prefect."
"Good morning, Dorm Leader Rosehearts!"
I let out a laugh at Riddle's warning tone. I love to tease him about his proper title.
"Sorry, sorry. Has your morning been calm?"
"Not in the slightest! There were nearly five rule breakers this morning! I don't know what they were thinking about having strawberry tea on a Thursday!"
"The lunacy!"
"I know!"
"Hehe, it did make for a magicamable morning though!"
Cater flew next to us, still in skateboard position.
"I bet it did!"
"I'll send you all of the pics after class! Kay-kay?"
I like indulging in his vocabulary from time to time. It's interesting and different from my own!
"Ace. Stop fighting with Sebek before Riddle decides that it's off with your head."
Trey was ahead of all of us, flying backwards which was pretty impressive, mediating the fight between Sebek and Ace.
Don't fight Sebek, it isn't pretty.
Ace let out a scoff before flying towards Deuce. Riddle and Trey followed quickly after them to make sure that those two would stay out of trouble for the morning while Cater saw Idia and wanted a picture of him before he hid away for the rest of the day.
"*Yawn* Doesn't it get exhausting with all of those other noisy herbivores chatting your ear off?"
Leona and Ruggie came on the left and the right of us.
"I don't see it as tiring. In fact, it's actually quite fun to talk with your friends in the morning!"
Leona gave a smirk at me with a glint in his eyes. Oh no.
"That's just like you, Herbivore. Taking pity on other herbivores, especially those who follow that Lizard."
I felt Sebek tense at Leona's words. He turned his head to glare at Leona.
"How dare you insult the YOUNG MASTER?! YOU LAZY LION!"
Leona and Sebek started to have a shouting match over my head. Why does Sebek feel the need to fight with so many people this morning? Where does this energy come from?
"Psst, (Y/N)!"
I turned my head to see Ruggie. He gave me a slight wave before holding out an apple for me.
"Here! I decided to be kind today and got you an apple!"
"Thank you, Ruggie! Now. What do you want?"
Ruggie's kind smile turned into a slight smirk.
"Glad you asked! I have to do laundry later today and considering I did something nice for you, you could do something nice for me?"
"Sure, I'll come by noon to help you out."
"Thank you, (Y/N)! Shye hee hee!"
"Alright, leave (Y/N) and Sebek alone you guys."
Jack and Epel came out of nowhere and separated Leona and Ruggie from our broom.
"Hmph, self righteous fresh babies."
Leona flew off and motioned for Ruggie to follow him. Ruggie gave me a nod before flying after Leona. Sebek looked at Jack with anger.
"Your yelling was giving (Y/N) a headache. Besides, you should be paying attention to flying and not crashing."
Epel then flew closer to me and took the apple from me.
"Ya don't wanna ta eat this one. There's mealworms in it. Make yer stomach upset."
I looked at the apple with disgust. I can't believe that Ruggie would try to feed me something that like.
"Thanks, Epel. It looked like such a good apple too."
"It takes a trained eye ta tell. Seems like Ruggie needs a better eye."
Jack and Epel flew away after making sure that Sebek and I would be safe with flying.
"These useless creatures. Thinking that I'm incapable of taking care of a singular magicless human."
"Calm down, Sebek. I'm certain that they are just worried about me being up this high. It's not everyday that a magicless human goes off the ground. If it makes you feel better, I feel completely safe with you flying the broom."
Sebek gave a proud smirk before straightening his back and picking up the pace to continue flying with the group. I started to scan the sky for other people that I knew.
Azul didn't really come near us or anybody for that matter. I think that he was a tad scared of accidentally crashing into anybody which I think is a valid fear. I quickly shouted some encouragement to him. Jade and Floyd on the other hand had no problem with coming up to us. Jade mostly left us alone, saying that he was there to keep an eye on his brother. Floyd though...
"Awwww, Shrimpyyyy. Why are you flying with Crocodile instead of me todayyyy? Are you trying to get squeeeezed?"
"No Floyd. I'm riding Sebek because he offered."
"Hmph. That's no fun. Come here on my broom."
Floyd grabbed my arm and started trying to pull me onto his broom. Because of my near death grip on Sebek, it started to also mess with Sebek's flying as well.
"Floyd! Stop that! This isn't funny!"
"Hehehehe~ I think that it's pretty funny. Come on, Shrimpy. It'll be safe."
"Floyd. That's enough. You're causing (Y/N) to be uncomfortable."
Jade intervened by prying Floyd's hand off of my arm. Sebek was able to stabilize the broom and we were flying smoothly again.
"Booooo, you're no fun, Jade."
Jade let out a chuckle.
"Sorry, Floyd. Normally, I'd let you have your fun but there is a tad too much risk here."
My breathing normalized just in time for Kalim and Jamil to visit us on the left side.
"Hiya, (Y/N)! Good morning, Sebek!"
"Morning, Kalim! How's today treating you so far?"
"Today has been the best so far! Jamil made a delicious breakfast for the whole dorm! We also discussed planning a party for later this evening! Would you two like to join us?"
I noticed Jamil tense a bit at the mention of more people coming to the party. That man was under so much pressure that it's not even funny.
"Sorry! But I must keep watch over the Young Master at all times! I don't have time to partake in silly human activities!"
"Yeah, I have to decline as well, Kalim. Ramshackle has been in need of a clean up and I'll most likely have a bunch of homework to do tonight anyway. I hope that you have a pleasant party though!"
Kalim had a slight pout on his face before his normal smile reappeared.
"That's quite fine! Although the party won't be the same without you, (Y/N)!"
Kalim then flew ahead of us. Jamil looked at me and I gave him a wink and a smile. I wasn't really too busy tonight but I decided to do him a solid. Jamil gave a small quirk of his lips before flying after Kalim.
"First Potato."
I turned my head to the right to stare at Vil. Boy, was he as intimidating as ever?
"Sit up straight. If you keep curling into Cucumber here, your posture will be horrendous."
I nodded at Vil before trying to sit up straight. The wind decided to pick up then and there, wobbling the broom. I immediately curled back into Sebek.
"Thanks for the advice Vil but I think that I'm going to stay curled until the end of the flight."
Vil narrowed his eyes slightly before directing his attention to the front.
"Oh, le pauvre escroc! Although, I must admit that the sight of your fear brings out a completely new side of your beauty to light!"
I saw Rook upside down which made me jolt a bit. Sebek let out a grunt.
"Human! Be careful!"
"Sorry, Sebek!"
Rook only let out a laugh before going to Vil to fawn over him. The duo flew off which made me let out a sigh of relief. I'm glad that I was able to befriend those two at VDC but I won't lie that I'm terrified of what those two can do together.
Ortho's voice traveled into my ears which made me look behind myself to see him there.
"Ortho! It's nice to see you and your brother this morning!"
"Yes! Niisan prefers to skip this class but he was more than willing to go when he heard about it being a mixed class. I'm still not too certain as to why though."
"Maybe he misheard. I have no idea either though."
"Oh yeah! Niisan wanted me to ask you if you were down for playing with him tonight over voice chat! He has recently been really involved with a new MMORPG that he wants to play with you."
I thought about it before realizing that Kalim was still nearby. I couldn't just brush off one friend and not the other. Sorry, Idia.
"Sorry, Ortho but I have to clean up Ramshackle tonight. With Grim being trapped inside all day, he's sure to make a mess. Or more of a mess."
I wasn't lying about Grim being stuck inside all day. Two days ago, a freak accident happened in the cafeteria which ended up with Grim's tail being broken. I prescribed him bed rest and plenty of bandages for healing. He made a mild fit about it before realizing that I wasn't about to forfeit my ground.
Ortho looked a bit disheartened but I had to stay strong. It doesn't help that I see Ortho as a brother. I want the robo kid happy!
"Yeah, really sorry, Ortho. Maybe tomorrow, I can play games with Idia."
Ortho seemed to perk up at that before zooming past us to talk with Idia. Sebek was quick to fix his course with the new air ripples.
"Calm down, Sebek, he's just a kid."
"Ah, youth. I hope that you young ones won't mind me joining your flight?"
Lilia made his reappearance and started to fly with us.
"Master Lilia!"
"Welcome back, Lilia! Where did you come from?"
"Khee hee hee. I was just trying to arrange something. Don't worry too much about it."
Two more people came up to fly next to us. It was Malleus and Silver! I gave both of them a wave which they returned.
"See! I thought that it would be nice for our dorm to fly together! Even if you're not part of our dorm, you're still quite a treasured friend to us all!"
"I'm honored that you won't kick me out of your dorm flying session."
We all just flew in peace for a bit but that peace didn't last for long.
"Freak wind!"
A huge gust of wind came out of nowhere causing me to lose my grip on Sebek and fall off the broom.
Sebek tried to grab me but sadly, he was much too slow. I kept falling before I finally hit the ground. It was so painful. A huge pain seared through my leg, back, head and arm. Oh, the times when you wish that you had magic to make all of your problems go away. Sadly, my wishes won't be answered anytime soon.
I heard a bunch of calls of my name. I tried to keep my eyes open but the pain in my head was making it insanely hard.
"(Y/N)! I found him!"
Deuce came into my line of sight and I tried to give him a smile but the look on his face made me think that my smile wasn't exactly a smile.
"Don't worry, (Y/N). You'll be fine. I know that you'll be fine. You have to be fine!"
I tried to get some words of comfort out for Deuce but the pain got too much for my brain to handle. I let out a groan and passed out. My dreams were really weird. There were a bunch of different clouds who were talking over each other. It was near impossible to make out what they were trying to say. It started to hurt my head mildly.
I was thankful when I started to wake from the dream. The voices of the clouds went quiet, giving my head the needed break from noise that it wanted. I started to open my eyes but they were really sensitive to light and there was plenty of it in the room.
"Urrrr, that's really bright."
"He's up!"
"Now that was loud."
My eyes adjusted to the light and I saw Sebek kneeling next to me. I started to look around the room more and everybody was there watching me, concern and relief were reflective in their eyes.
"Ugh, what's going on, guys?"
I tried to sit up from my lying down position but I let out a scream. It was much too painful to even sit up. Next thing that I knew everybody was surrounding me and trying to make sure that I was okay.
"Don't strain yourself."
"Stay down, Shrimpy!"
Everyone's face held such amounts of concern. Even Leona! I didn't even really think that he even tolerated me in the slightest! The more that the situation processed in my brain, the more funny that I found it. I even started laughing which shocked everyone around me.
"This is no laughing matter, (Y/N)! You were severely injured!"
"Sorry, Riddle, but you must admit the way that you all are acting is quite bizarre!"
Everyone looked at each other confused before returning their gazes back to me as if they wanted a further explanation.
"I mean, c'mon guys! You're treating me as if I'm a fragile glass doll that will break if someone so much as breathed on me! You've seen me fight at least five different overblots! I think that I'm strong enough to handle a bad crash."
Everyone stayed silent at what I said. Apparently, they have forgotten how much that I've been through ever since I arrived at Twisted Wonderland.
My stomach interrupted the silence with a warning that I was hungry. Leona was actually the first to react.
"Ruggie, take this and go get (Y/N) something good to eat. Don't skimp out."
"You got it."
Ruggie rushed out of the room, most likely going to the cafeteria. He really doesn't have to get me food, more importantly expensive food. I would just be happy with a bag of chips and a bottle of water to tide me over for now.
"You really didn't have to send Ruggie out to do that. I think that I could have just gotten a ghost from Ramshackle to get me the leftovers from last night."
Vil snapped his head towards me when I mentioned leftovers.
"Do you mean those unhealthy, instant foods that I've heard from Epel that you order from Sam so much?"
A mild blush appeared on my face. It's true that I haven't really gotten the chance to really have a decent meal in a few months but hey! Life on a budget was never easy!
"Yes, those foods. I didn't finish the oven pizza that I got yesterday. There should be more than enough food unless Grim ate most of it today."
Vil then turned his head to Leona.
"Tell Ruggie to order two of whatever he is getting for the prefect. He obviously needs better food choices than what he is supplying himself with."
Leona only nodded his head before pulling out his phone to text Ruggie his new order.
"At least, I'm keeping Sam in business."
Crowley then entered the nurse's office, making me slightly jump and hurt myself more.
"GOODNESS GRACIOUS! Broken bones are no joke!"
"(Y/N)! I've heard about your condition!"
Crowley also looked around at all of the students who were already there.
"Appears that the rest of our student body has enough concern for our dear magicless student."
Crowley then made his way to the bedside and looked down at me.
"Now then, we must figure out a way to make sure that you can heal quickly and safely! I am not able to handle all of your needs everyday.
Hmmmm, I'm wondering if you would be fine if a ghost just brought you meals and Grim could give you your homework that you've missed."
"Grim is out of school on injury as well, Headmage."
"Hmmm, maybe your professors would be kind enough to bring your homework to you."
Crowley and I turned our heads to look at Riddle. He had a straight face but I could tell that he had a plan.
"We Heartslabyul students will be more than willing to take care of (Y/N). He has helped us out more than times than we can count, either with overblots or if someone was going to break one of our rules."
"Yeah! Besides, (Y/N) and I are like, best friends! I'd be more than happy to try and teach him the lessons that he missed! Also I'd be cursed if I didn't help him out when he really needs it."
"Since I'm also one of (Y/N)'s close friends, I can help keep him company between classes! So that he isn't too lonely during the day!"
"I can help him during meal times and create a small dessert for him everyday. It wouldn't be too much a hassle."
"And I can keep him updated on current events! #KeepingThePrefectInTheLoop!"
Ace, Deuce, Trey and Cater all seemed super excited to help me with my recovery. Although a scoff from Leona and Vil resounded in the room.
Riddle was immediately on the defense and sent one of his strongest glares their way.
"Do you two have a problem with our plan?"
Leona gave an eye roll before saying his part.
"You're really going to entrust that idiotic herbivore to catch the prefect up on the lessons that he missed? Even if you taught that herbivore by himself, I'm still certain that he still would fail his classes."
Ace got visibly angry at Leona words but was held back by Deuce. Probably because the Headmage was still in the room.
Vil put in his thoughts next.
"None of you will actually take care of the prefect in the way that he deserves. I doubt anybody would be willing to make sure the prefect stays presentable even in casts."
Trey and Cater looked between themselves before returning Vil's glare. But soon enough, something else caused an uproar amongst the group.
"But I want to help (Y/N) to get better as well!"
Kalim looked very determined to be useful to me before looking over to Jamil with pleading eyes.
"Right, Jamil? We want to make sure that (Y/N) gets the utmost of care!"
"Kalim's right. I doubt that any of you had to take care of someone who was sick. I've been in the caretaker role so I think that we are most likely the best to assure (Y/N)'s quick recovery. Kalim has also had experience with taking care of his younger siblings as well."
A loud thud was heard from behind Jamil which got everyone's attention drawn to Sebek.
Soon enough, there was a whole yelling match between all of the dorms on who would be able to take care of me. Soon enough, Crowley had enough of the fighting and silenced them all.
While I'm moved to tears by seeing all of my students work together for a common goal, we still must come up with a schedule to make sure that Mr. (Y/N) gets the care that he needs.
Thankfully, my quick thinking has come up with the perfect solution!
Mr. (Y/N) will stay here in the nurse's office and each day a different dorm will take care of him. Heartslabyul on Monday, Savanaclaw on Tuesday, etc, etc."
Everyone reluctantly nodded to the plan. It sounded like a good plan considering that everybody would get what they want in the end. There was some mild awkward silence before Ruggie kicked open the doors with his hands full of food.
"Okay, so I bought twenty meals because that was all that I could have afforded with Leona's money plus haggling."
Leona facepalmed before letting out a groan.
"You useless hyena, I wanted you to get at least fifty meals with that money."
Thus started the crazy recovery scheme between all of the dorms.
Heartslabyul's day was probably one of the most relaxing days that a person like me could have. At the start of every day, Trey would come in and bring me a homemade breakfast. It always was some sort of pastry like pancakes, waffles or croissants. For the first two weeks, mainly because of the pain that I would acquire if I moved too much, Trey spoon fed me my breakfasts. I promised him that I would pay him back for meals but he always told me that it wouldn't be necessary.
"There's no reason to repay me, (Y/N). I'm used to taking care of my younger siblings."
Then throughout the day, Cater and Deuce would visit at random times. I'm ninety percent certain that Cater skipped a good portion of his classes and clubs to hang out with me. He would stay late into the night as well, taking pictures or showing me random memes that he found funny. Though per my demand, he would put his phone away and ignore it while we played a board game that he 'borrowed' from the board game club.
"Time for a new pic for the cam! I'm going to title this one 'Brothers Night In!'"
Deuce would come during the breaks between our classes to either lightly talk about what happened during class or tell me how much that he missed me during classes.
"I've never truly realized how boring classes are without you there."
Lunch is always spent with Riddle. He brings personally brewed tea for both of us to enjoy! He also makes sure that I'm properly taken care of and that none of his dorm members were slacking on their jobs.
"You're happy with how my dorm members are doing? Good. I'm glad that they are upholding your expectations. If they ever let you down, let me know. I'll make sure that they know better than to disappoint my family."
Finally, Ace is probably the person that I see the least of but considering what I know about him, it's quite believable that he wouldn't be there as often as the others. He does get me my homework and brings me dinner though.
"Yo, little bro! Sorry for being late with your stuff today! Basketball club started straight after school today. Let's eat before we start getting work done!"
Savanaclaw is next. To be honest, with only three of them throughout the day, it is quite hectic. Especially with Leona as one of the caretakers. Since Leona normally skips classes, he now sleeps in the nurse's office with me all day. Sometimes, if he doesn't fall asleep, we end up having a pleasant talk. He also makes sure that I'm comfortable with extra blankets if I'm cold or more pillows if the bed isn't soft enough. He does get mad if I try to situate the blankets myself.
"Stop squirming. Let your pride watch over you for a while."
Ruggie was the most hardworking out of the three. He had to get meals for me and Leona. Not to mention that a good majority of time he was trying to convince Leona to go at least to one of his classes on Tuesday. I told him that if he was too busy with Leona, he doesn't have to take care of me.
"Don't worry about me, (Y/N)! I always take care of the younger ones at home, you're no different!"
Jack was quite useful with teaching me all that I missed. He takes everything slowly which I appreciate! Alchemy has been really hard for me ever since I've arrived in Twisted Wonderland. It's like chemistry and I nearly failed when I took that.
"Did you understand that? Good. The last time that I had to teach like this was with my younger siblings when they wanted to learn how to snowboard."
Wednesday is one of those days that I can't wait for it to end. Floyd doesn't care what hurts me exactly. He sometimes just picks me up from my bed and carries me around campus.
"Why are you crying, Shrimpy? Elvers like you need all of the fresh air that they can get~!"
Normally after many tears and a majority of my day, Jade arrives and relieves Floyd of his job. Floyd always puts up a fight telling Jade that he isn't done playing with me but Jade reminds him of whatever Azul needed him to do now. Floyd becomes quiet before trudging off, a scowl on his face. Jade then normally takes me back to the nurse's office with an apology.
"I must apologize for my brother. He doesn't understand that you need your rest, (Y/N). He called you an 'elver'? Well, I won't disagree with him but don't worry. It's not an insult."
All of the meals on Wednesday are supplied by the Mostro Lounge per demand of Azul. Floyd packed breakfast and lunch for us to prevent me having to be stuck in the office all day. Dinner is the only meal that I can enjoy in a comfortable position. Azul personally delivers it to me and provides a small bit of entertainment for me.
"I do hope that the food is to your liking! I would hate for a fry to go hungry during the time that they need to heal!"
When it comes to Scarabia's turn, it's probably the most organized day. That might be because Jamil is in charge of most of the things when it comes to taking care of me. He always comes with handmade meals, extra pillows in case the ones that I've been laying on have lost their fluff, etc, etc. He always seems to know what I want.
"Here you go. A light novel for you to read to make sure that you aren't bored in bed all day. How did I know that you wanted something to read? Call it 'Caretaker's intuition'."
Kalim didn't really have anything to help me get better but his charismatic personality always made my day! After school, we would just talk about the most random things to pass the time. Kalim's most favorite subject to talk about though is his home. He talks as if I've been there before though.
"And then we all went swimming! Where did we go swimming? (Y/N)! You know that we have a pool back at home!"
Pomefiore's day is quite restless for me. Before the sun is even up, Vil is there, doing a two hour long skincare routine for me. There have been times where I've almost fallen back asleep while he was taking care of my skin. Normally, if that does happen, he flicks my forehead which wakes me up immediately.
"The others may have let you become lazy but I won't let that continue on any longer. I'll make sure that you're properly taken care of. I refuse to let my junior deteriorate anymore."
Rook likes to randomly surprise me during the day and give me plenty of compliments about my strength. His weirdness was fully on display but to be honest, I always loved when Rook was true to himself. It was also fun to look at his Neige scrapbook!
"Magnifique! I'm so overjoyed that my Jeune Chercheur de Beauté is being inspired by my collection! Don't worry mon protégé, Je ferai un album à votre beauté bien assez tôt!"
Epel comes to visit to give me my homework before setting up his own work to do with me. Surprisingly, we don't talk that much during the time that we do hang out, preferring to enjoy each other's presence in silence. When we do decide to talk, it's always short but I enjoy having them.
"Rook and Vil did what? Ah can never understand those two. But I'm glad ya can put up with them."
Saturday is when the Shroud brothers come to visit, it's the only time that Idia will actually leave his room to visit me or maybe another reason gets him out and about. I'm not too certain anymore mainly because I don't know how Idia functions half the time.
"u-u-um! hiya, (Y/N)-San! ugh, this is so embarrassing. i-i-i-i brought my portable gaming set up so that we can beat all of the other normies online! if there were people in classes today, i would totally have dreaded this more."
To balance Idia's nerves, Ortho was nearly sparking with excitement! He was in his alchemy outfit and running constant tests on me. Although he would make sure to cheer Idia and I on whenever we were either having a hard time or won a hard match!
"Niisan and Ani are so awesome! Everyone else will see how cool the two of you are together!"
Then comes Sunday. The second most hectic day of any week. I at least don't get hurt. All that I get is mild deafness in one of my ears. Sebek doesn't leave my side while begging for my forgiveness for letting this happen.
Silver was thankfully calmer than most of the others. Although he did have his own overprotective tendencies but was amazingly more organized than anybody else's! Especially for a sleepy guy.
"Sebek, you should think about getting (Y/N) some food if you want him to forgive you."
Lilia would actually prevent Silver's plan from working by bringing in his own food for me to eat. Fun fact: I can amazingly stomach his food. Considering that I'm ninety five percent certain that I should have food poisoning, his food doesn't even taste all that bad.
"Here you go, my little bat! A nice, warm meal that will fill you up! Don't be shy about engorging yourself! There's more than enough."
Malleus is probably the person who was the most affected by my injuries. He wouldn't really talk with me but just look over my casts with what could best be described as melancholy.
"I'm so sorry, my dear Child of Man. I should have never let this happen to you in the first place. I've failed you as a friend. Trust me, I promise you this as the Prince of Briar Valley, I will never let anything hurt you again."
This cycle continued on for a little over ten weeks. What was supposed to be a seven week recovery was heavily deterred by a reckless Floyd Leech. But I was so excited to be able to move on my own for the first time in a little over two months! When the nurse gave me the okay to move, I tried to stand on my feet right away. I didn't even wait for anybody to appear. I am so relieved that I can take care of myself again and no longer be a burden to everybody.
"Okay, I've got this! One, two, and up we go!"
I got up onto my feet and while I did wobble for a bit, I was pretty sturdy for someone who hasn't used their legs in a while. I didn't try anything risky like jumping or running but I was walking little laps around the nurse's office. The nurse gave me plenty of encouragement to try bigger strides or other things to improve my movement.
It was all fun and games until it was time for my guests to come in. Since it was a Wednesday, Floyd was the person who came in first to see me walking around on my feet.
"SHRIMPY! You're supposed to stay in bed!"
"I don't have to stay in bed anymore, Floyd! The nurse gave me the okay this morning! Besides, even if I was in bed, you would have just picked me up and carried me halfway across campus."
"That's not the point, Shrimpy! Elvers can't really take care of themselves without their swarm protecting them!"
"Floyd, this is a good thing! Besides, what is an elver anyway? You've been calling me one ever since I was injured. And I don't have a swarm!"
"Yes, you do! Jade and I are your swarm! We can't be having our little brother putting himself at risk!"
I went silent at what Floyd said. Little brother? I'm not their little brother. Floyd is known for going off in his own world from time to time but... I'm actually starting to worry that something happened to him.
"Floyd? Are you feeling alright?"
"Of course I am, Shrimpy! Although, you walking around as if you're some stingray, did give me a bit of a fright~"
"I wanted to make sure, Floyd, you do realize that I'm not your little brother right?"
"What are you talking about, Shrimpy? You've always been our little brother! Shrimpy can be soooooo forgetful sometimes~"
"No, Floyd. I'm not your brother."
Floyd's lazed/relaxed facial expression turned into a scowl when I tried to press the fact that we're not related. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a light, warning squeeze.
"Shrimpy, I'm not in the mood to hear lies from you. You ARE my little brother, an elver, and you are not ready to walk around the school by yourself."
If Floyd squeezes me now, there's a good chance that something will break again and I will have to be bed ridden again. I can deal with Floyd acting as if I was a baby eel for a little while. He'll get bored after a short while with this.
"Okay, okay, sorry Floyd. I think hitting my head from my fall must have caused me to forget some things."
"It's okay, Shrimpy~ You can be stupid from time to time but that's because you're still growing~ Soon enough, you're going to be as long as Jade and I! Now back to bed you go!"
Floyd picked me up and plopped me back down on the bed. The nurse tried to explain to Floyd that I was fine to walk on my own. He didn't take it kindly.
"Are you trying to tell me how to take care of my younger brother? Sounds like a nurse shark wants to be squeezed today~"
The nurse backed down after that. I don't blame him though. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of Floyd's aggressions. Floyd didn't look away from the nurse and looked like he was going to attack the nurse anyway. I had to do something before Floyd acted on his impulses.
"So, Floyd, what do you have planned for us today? I really want to bond with my big brother some more!"
I've never seen Floyd's head turn so fast or his expression change more than it did right then. For a second there, Floyd's smile could actually challenge Kalim's smile for the brightest smile in the world.
"Oh, I'm so glad that you asked, Shrimpy~! I originally planned on taking us to the Mostro Lounge so that we can swim for a bit, then we could go find Goldfishie and bother him for a bit and finally, end the day with some basketball! Buuuutttttt I think that we should just take it easy today and just talk. You've already had enough action today with that scary walking stunt that you had this morning. Right, Shrimpy?"
Floyd's expression changed once again. His eyes held a dangerous glint that threatened me to agree with him. I only nodded my head because I don't trust my voice to stay strong.
Floyd and I talked and ate together in the nurse's office for a majority of the day. I was quite shocked by the fact that Floyd fought his mood swings away. He mentioned multiple times how bored he was and how he wanted to go bother someone or go do something but what he said afterwards is the reason why I really need to talk with Jade.
"But... I need to protect Shrimpy~ So many predators here would love to sink their teeth into a yummy elver~"
I don't think I've ever been more happy to see Jade walk into the nurse's office. Nor do I think I've ever seen Jade so shocked before.
"Oh, you were actually telling the truth."
"What~? Why would I lie to you?"
"Apologies but I truly thought that you would have ran off by now."
"Yeeeeeessshhh. Nice to know how much you trust me, Jade. But we need to have a talk."
I raised an eyebrow at Floyd. What did they need to talk about? Probably some Mostro Lounge business that I can't know about.
"Shrimpy here was walking around on his own two legs this morning!"
Jade looked even more shocked at Floyd's words. He was quick to rush to my bedside and pulled out his pen. It started glowing but I was just confused as to what he was doing exactly.
"There's no life threatening damage but that doesn't mean that there is no damage at all. What were you thinking, (Y/N)? You shouldn't be putting your body under strain."
"The nurse said that I was okay to move around again. I'm no longer in pain whenever I move, Jade!"
"Oi, Shrimpy, watch your tone. There's no reason to talk to your older brother like that."
Floyd grabbed my hand and started to squeeze it. It got so harsh that I started to writhe from the pain.
"Easy on him, Floyd. Remember what we've learned about children. When they act up, it's because they don't think that they're getting enough attention. (Y/N) here probably just feels very neglected."
"Riigghhtt! Shrimpy must be acting up because I didn't take him on adventures like I normally do! Shrimpy, if you were feeling suffocated in this room, you could have just told me! I wouldn't be mad~!"
Floyd then let go of my hand and pressed a light kiss to my palm. As if that would take away the pain. Jade only nodded his head before picking me up bridal style.
"Jade?! Put me down now!"
"Now, now, I know that elvers like you want to move on their own but Floyd and I cannot have you risk your health and safety anymore. Come along, Floyd. Let's go see Azul."
"Yippee! Let's go on an adventure!"
Floyd busted the doors down to the ground and made sure that Jade had a clear path of walking. Jade took his time walking with me in his arms. Eventually, we made it to the main area of the school where there were many more students. I swallowed very harshly. One misstep and I was going to be hurt once again. Thankfully, it turns out that the tweels had a plan before I did.
Floyd ran throughout the hallway full force, either scaring or pushing students out of the way, giving Jade a safe pathway to walk and carry me through. I still had a bunch of bandages on me and when Floyd would drag me around normally, students would be in classes. Now, it was passing time for certain classes. Everybody was staring at me and I felt my face burn with embarrassment. I buried my face into Jade's blazer and heard him chuckle.
"Don't laugh at me."
"Sorry, (Y/N). I just wished that I knew how cute my younger brother could be."
"I'm not your younger brother."
"Don't be silly, (Y/N). Of course, you are! If you weren't, why would Floyd and I be taking care of you?"
"Because we're friends?"
"Nonsense. If Azul was in your situation, I assure you..."
Jade shifted my head so that I could see his very sharp teeth.
"He would not be getting the same treatment that you are."
I shut up after that. It's times like these when I question which Leech twin is worse to deal with. Floyd is loud and destructive but Jade is always unassuming which results in me forgetting why I should be wary of him as well. As soon as either Floyd, Jade or Azul is done and bring me back to the nurse's office, I'm heading straight for Ramshackle. Don't care if I have to sit on my butt to go down the stairs, I'm sleeping in Ramshackle tonight.
"Phew! I think I cleared the way enough. See, Shrimpy! Now you're getting plenty of fresh air and we're having a fun adventure like a family! Ahhh~ I can't wait for the day that we can terrify all of these boring guppies together!"
I looked at Floyd and gave him a meek smile. I already tried both of the tweels to get out of this situation to no avail. Last thing that I needed was to upset both of them.
"Good job, Floyd. Would you like to hold our younger elver for a while?"
I was passed to Floyd's arms. He gave me a light squeeze before starting to skip through the hallways. I've never felt so much like a doll before.
"Mr. (Y/N)!"
Professor Trein! My savior!
"Why were you not in class today? The nurse told all of the staff that you were healed enough to go to class this morning!"
"Ehh~ Red Squid sensei, Shrimpy her-"
"I do not care for what you have to say, Mr. Leech. Mr. (Y/N) now must get to class. Put him down and run off to your own classes."
Floyd glared at Trein before, reluctantly putting me down on my feet. I was slightly wobbly but thankfully, Trein let me lean on him. Jade and Floyd just continued to glare at Trein until we both were out of their line of sight.
"Thank you, Professor Trein. I really appreciate you helping me out there."
Trein gave me a perplexed look before pulling me off to the side.
"What do you mean 'helping', Mr. (Y/N)?"
I gave Trein the quick rundown of what happened this morning. He knew that I was injured but he didn't know about the tweels' behavior.
"That about sums it all up."
Trein had a look on his face as if I were a ghost. Or some rare creature considering we see ghosts all of the time.
"This is far more concerning than their normal behaviors. Mr. (Y/N), I recommend staying away from the Leech twins. It would be the best for your own safety."
My heart filled up with unease at Professor Trein's words. I hated the idea of just ghosting Floyd and Jade but I do think that some time away from them would do me some good and vice versa.
I nodded my head before following Trein to Alchemy class. Our entrance was really loud mainly because we had a test in class today. My normal first year crew was there but also a good portion of third years was also there. Turns out it was another mix class. I turned my attention to Professor Crewel, who was writing furiously at his desk.
"Ah. The mutt has finally arrived. Did you already give him detention, Trein?"
Professor Crewel's pen stops mid-motion before Crewel lifted his head, looking at Trein with disbelief.
"How come?"
"He wasn't ditching class on purpose. Floyd and Jade were preventing him from coming to class."
All of the writing pens went still and the room reached new levels of silent. Everybody was now looking at me with concern. All of them knew that if the Leech twins have any interest in you, you are in trouble.
Crewel and Trein seem to have a silent conversation before Crewel stands up.
"All of you puppies, continue your tests! Mutt, take your seat and don't cause a mess. Professor Trein and I have some things to discuss."
I only gave Crewel a quick bow when he was leaving the room with Trein before taking the only seat left in the class. Between a first year that I don't know very well and Trey.
Trey looked over at me. I gave him a quick smile to show that I was alright. He tapped the bandages on my arm, before putting a dramatic frown. I waved my hand before putting my fingers to the corner of my lips and lifted them into a smile.
Crewel walked back in and Trey and I stopped miming to each other. I just sat there staring at my blank desk while waiting for everyone to finish with their tests.
I raised my gaze to meet Crewel's stare. I couldn't stop myself from flinching. It felt like he was staring into my soul slightly.
"Y-yes, Professor?"
"I want to talk with you after class. Don't try to escape with the crowd."
"Yes, Professor."
My voice could barely count as a whisper. I felt the pity radiating off of all the other students for me. First, I was stuck with Floyd and Jade and now, I'm going to be stuck with Professor Crewel. Oh why, oh why did the nurse have to give an okay to leave?! Why couldn't he have waited for tomorrow when Kalim and Jamil were going to visit?!
After about ten more minutes, people started to turn in their tests before leaving the classroom. I watched as Ace and Deuce left. I waved at them while they left. Ace sent me a heart symbol while Deuce gave two thumbs up. Malleus and Lilia were the next of my friends to leave. Lilia put a small bag on my desk while Malleus only stared at me. Soon enough, the only people in the classroom left were Trey, Crewel and myself. Trey already turned in his test but was just standing in front of my seat to talk with me.
"Are you sure that you'll be okay? I can stay behind if you're scared."
"I'll be okay, Trey. I do owe Professor Crewel anyway. I've been only a mutt to him for a while now. Maybe I can make it up to him."
Trey looked displeased when I said mutt but I pushed him slightly in the shoulder.
"Head on out. If you're so worried about me, you're allowed to wait for me outside. I wouldn't mind company for the trip back to Ramshackle."
Trey casted me one more sad look before leaving. After he left, Crewel stood up and took his place at my seat.
"Alright, mutt. Trein explained to me about your... situation with the Leech twins. Floyd and Jade acted highly inappropriate for it to just be written off as a casual misunderstanding. If you wish, as much as I despise taking care of the mutts of the litter, I am willing to make sure that you're safe from being torn apart by the purebreds."
I only shook my head at Crewel's offer. If Crewel did try to intervene like how Trein did, it would just cause more chaos for me. Last thing that anybody needs are angry human eels. Crewel gave me a disgusted look when I started to shake my head.
"I'm a bit offended that a mutt like you refused my services. But! I'm relieved that I don't have to protect filthy, impure mutts like you."
Crewel's words stung me a bit but in all honesty, I was used to them by now. He has always had a weird grudge against me since I first arrived at Twisted Wonderland.
"T-thank you for the offer, Sir. I'll be on my way now."
I got out of my seat and rushed out of the alchemy room with Lilia's tiny bag. Last thing that I need to do is upset Crewel even more and actually get detention for skipping. I let out a sigh of relief.
Deuce's voice flooded my ears before I felt him. He wrapped me in a tight hug. It caused a bit of discomfort but not as bad as Floyd's squeezes could be.
"Ouch. Hiya, Deucey!"
"Ouch? Am I hurting you?!"
"Only a tad but I know that you're doing it by accident."
"I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!"
"Calm down, Deuce. It's not a problem! What are you doing here exactly?"
"I asked them the same thing when I left the classroom."
Trey spoke up with Ace by his side.
"We're here because of the fact that you're our friend! Crewel can be so harsh to you sometimes! Really? MUTT?! At least Deuce and I get called puppies but you just get called a mutt!"
Ace continued to rant in his own world while we all just listened. Trey and Deuce agreed a lot with what Ace was saying, even as it went into dragging others.
"And who do those twins think they are?! The nurse said that you were okay to go back to classes and they prevented you from doing so?! They should be expelled for doing something like that!"
"You should really watch your mouth, Trappola."
"Yeah, Crabby. You never know who might be around to hear it."
Ace's face became paler even more than it normally is when he heard Floyd and Jade's voice come from around the corner. I totally thought that Ace was going to be a goner but amazingly, the tweels let it slide. Unfortunately, it was because their attention was laser focused on me.
"Shrimpy~~~! Let's go to the Mostro Lounge now! Elvers like you need all of the yummy food that they can get! I'm pretty certain that Crabby couldn't feed you the food that you need!"
Floyd grabbed my wrist and started pulling it, trying to drag me away from the Heartslabyul students. I started to put up some resistance against Floyd which surprisingly got his attention.
"Shrimpy, don't fight me! I only want what's best for you~"
A collar appeared around Floyd's neck and a wind spell sent him flying backwards into Jade. Riddle, basically coming out of nowhere and in his dorm uniform, looked really, really mad. His head was reaching new shades of dark red that I don't think that the art majors of my world would be able to identify.
"FLOYD! You're not allowed to bother any of my dorm members for your own entertainment! Trey, Deuce, Ace. Grab (Y/N) and come along. We have important plans to take care of!"
"Yes, Dorm Leader Rosehearts!"
Ace and Deuce linked their arms with one of my own on each side while Trey went behind all of us to prevent either Floyd or Jade grabbing me from behind.
Floyd was screaming and throwing a fit while Jade was silent. I tried to turn my head to see if I could get a glance at either of them but Trey only put his hand on the back of my neck.
"Don't look back at them. I don't want you to be influenced by their terrible behavior."
I gulped when I heard the disdain in Trey's voice. It's so weird to hear such a negative tone from a person who is normally so chill. Ace and Deuce appeared to have agreed with what Trey said.
"It's bad enough that you had to spend every Wednesday with those three. Who knows what damage they did to you?"
"Yeah! We're going to make sure that you're far away from bad influences!"
I thought about what Ace said before I started laughing.
"What are you laughing about?"
"Ace. You are the king of bad influences. Before my fall, you wanted me to join you in putting five bath bombs into each toilet that is in the main building. I had to restrain you from doing that."
"Shhhhhh, we don't need to talk about that."
"Ace, I'll be having a talk with you later."
Riddle turned his head to glare at Ace. Deuce and Trey started snickering at the interaction between Ace and Riddle. They started to bicker about whether or not Ace deserves to be punished.
"Your thoughts will soon become your actions! If (Y/N) wasn't there, you would have done it!"
"okay, that might have some truth BUT I STILL DIDN'T DO IT!"
After about five minutes of walking, we reached the Pop Music Club room. Cater, Kalim and Lilia were rocking out and they appeared to be having a blast. Ace and Deuce let go of my arms and I got closer to their makeshift stage. Sometimes I wish that I was better at playing an instrument so that I could join them but... I think that I would only bring down their performances.
After about two minutes of them not realizing that we were there, Cater took notice and appeared to have gone through a mental pause. Because he stopped singing and playing, Lilia and Kalim stopped playing their instruments as well.
Kalim lunged at me from behind his drums to enwrap me in a hug. I was mildly prepared but it still ended up hurting me.
"Ow, hiya, Kalim!"
Kalim didn't react to me saying ow like how Deuce did before.
"You're walking! Oh, that's amazing news! I'll get Jamil to host a huge celebration for the fact that you can move around again! I'm thinking fifty purple peacocks and plenty of golden camels will be a good start for your parade!"
Kalim went off into a planning scheme. I tried to get him to stop for Jamil's sake. There's no telling what Jamil might do if Kalim does something like this.
"I don't need all of that. Promise."
"Dorm leader Rosehearts, what brings you here? Did Ace-chan and Deuce-chan mess things up again?"
Cater's teasing tone triggered Ace and Deuce's need to defend themselves from the teasing.
"Kidding, kidding~!"
"I was tasked by the Headmage to deliver these papers to you. He made it very clear that you need to have these papers filled out by tomorrow morning."
Cater took the papers before turning his attention to me.
"Yo, (Y/N)-chan's out of bed! I need a photo of this!"
Cater was quick to get to my side and put his arm around my shoulders. Kalim and Lilia were quick to get in the picture as well before Cater took many photos.
"Ah, my little bat! Did you like what I made for you~?"
Oh, right! I forgot about the bag that Lilia gave me. I quickly grabbed it from my pocket and opened it. Inside were little black things that I think were supposed to be cookies.
"Correct! I was trying out a healthier recipe that would be able to heal you faster! But it seems that my hard work wasn't needed after all. Makes me a bit sad."
"Don't feel bad! I'm not a hundred percent better yet. Just good enough to walk around by myself."
Lilia's face fell while I grabbed one of the 'cookies'. I popped one into my mouth. The taste exploded in my mouth and I had to shake my head to try and get used to the taste. Lilia's cooking can send your soul into the next five dimensions sometimes.
"He let you walk without a complete bill of health?!"
"No, he did. The fact that he said that I was good enough to walk is a clean bill of health."
"Is that true? Humans have such a lazy way of taking care of the injured."
I only nodded, mainly because trying to convince Lilia that this was the better way for humans to recover would be near impossible. Although I had to admit, even though Lilia's cooking blasted my taste buds to new dimensions, Kalim's tight hug around my waist stopped aching.
"(Y/N). We must be on our way."
Riddle came up to me with Ace, Deuce, Trey and Cater behind him. I guess that Pop Music Club was done for the evening. I start to move forward but Kalim's grip tightened. I couldn't move an inch away.
"Why does he have to go with you? Jamil and I are going to be watching him tomorrow!"
"W-w-wait a-"
"Because he needs someone who can actually watch over him during the last stages of his recovery."
"Jamil and I are plenty responsible!"
Kalim was showing a completely different side of him. He seemed really possessive.
"Are you denying an order from me, Kalim?"
"Maybe I am!"
Everybody then turned their heads to Jamil, who I believe was there to pick up Kalim.
"Yeah, Jamil?"
"We need to get going."
"Got it!"
Jamil started to walk, leaving Kalim still in the club room. Kalim seemed conflicted on whether or not to let go of me before settling on picking me up by my waist before running after Jamil.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow!"
"Wait a minute!!"
Kalim was much too fast for the other guys and caught up to Jamil with no problem.
"Jamil! (Y/N)'s feeling better! He can walk now!"
"I heard."
"He's also spending the night in the dorm!"
Jamil stopped before turning around to see me in Kalim's arms.
"H-hi... Jamil..."
Jamil had a mild wide eyed look while he was staring at me. I saw him take a deep inhale before closing his eyes and exhaling. He schooled his expression before continuing on with walking.
"Hello, (Y/N). Kalim. You know that I don't appreciate it when you bring in random guests without notifying me."
"Huh? But I thought you were the one who wanted (Y/N) to visit once he was feeling better?"
Jamil made a choked noise. That piece of news was interesting to hear from Kalim. I always thought that I was a further burden on Jamil's shoulders, not to mention the fact that I prevented his coup. Why would he want me to visit?
"Kalim. What have I told you about sharing private conversations?"
"It wasn't private! We had it in the kitchen. Many of the other Scarabia students agreed with having him over when you proposed the idea."
Jamil seemed to be getting more and more flustered at what he said. I felt bad.
"Kalim, maybe you shouldn't tease Jamil."
"I'm not teasing him!"
"You... kind of are."
"Oh. Sorry, Jamil!"
Jamil just decided to hide his face in his hoodie. I kept my eye on him. I made the mental note to try and apologize to Jamil later. I knew how Kalim got on his nerves very easily. We eventually made it to Scarabia and I was allowed to use my feet again.
I was surrounded by all different Scarabia students. They all had things in their hands. Apparently, back when I first got hurt, Kalim was very upset and told everybody about the news. I didn't realize how much the Scarabia students liked me because they ended up either making or buying things for me!
"Here! A stuffed parrot! Don't worry! It's only cloth and stuffing!"
"I know that you're almost fully healed but here. This is a cream that I use on injuries to soothe them."
"(Y/N)! As a thanks, I made you one of my mom's recipes! I messed up a lot of times in the kitchen but I think that you'll enjoy the outcome!"
I was mildly overloaded with all of the gifts.
"Thank you so much but you really didn't need to do all of this for me!"
"Nonsense, (Y/N)! You deserve all of this and so much more! Come along! Let's sit down while you continue to get gifts!"
Kalim pulled me along and sat me down on a cushion. I nearly melted in it. Compared to the cushions at Ramshackle or the nurse bed, it felt as if I was sitting on a cloud. I set the few gifts that I was holding down and that's where the other gifts were being put down.
Kalim turned towards me with a shining look in his eyes. I felt so bad.
"I don't feel right accepting all of these. I haven't done anything to deserve all of this! All that I did was get hurt!"
"Shhhhh, (Y/N)! You shouldn't worry about it! You're Scarabia's little brother! We just want to spoil you!"
LITTLE BROTHER?! What is wrong with everyone today?!
"Awww, (Y/N), don't get fussy! I know! Jamil!"
Kalim grabbed me in a hug. My back was against his chest and we were so close that I could feel his heartbeat. I tried to get out of his grip but Lilia's cookies were starting to wear off. The aches and pains were starting to come back. Jamil came from the kitchen, no longer having his hoodie covering his face.
"Yes, Kalim?"
"(Y/N) here is working himself up! Do you think that you can get him to relax?"
"Of course, (Y/N). Just look into my eyes and your worries will melt away."
I closed my eyes so fast. Jamil's unique magic was something that I never wanted to experience again.
"No! Jamil, you promised that you wouldn't do this to me again!"
"Shhhh, I won't hurt you. Just open your eyes. You'll be just fine."
I felt hands on my face and they pried my eyelids open. I was forced to stare straight into Jamil's eyes. I felt my resolve melt in a few seconds.
"There we go. Just relax. You're the little brother of Scarabia and you love being here with us. Scarabia students are the only ones with your safety in mind. The other dorms will hurt you without hesitation."
I felt my head nod. I don't understand why I was trying to fight Kalim. He only wanted to protect me.
"If another dorm member tries to interact with you, run and try to find a Scarabia student. They'll keep you safe."
I nodded my head again. A smile broke out on my face. A feeling of security enveloped me. I was so happy that my big brothers were around me. They just want to keep me safe.
"Are you done, Jamil?"
Kalim spoke in a whisper. I didn't completely understand why.
"Yes. He'll no longer give us trouble."
"Yay! Now! (Y/N)! How about after everyone finishes giving you their presents, we can throw a huge celebration for your return home!"
A giggle left my mouth.
"I love that idea, Big Brother Kalim."
About five days passed by while I was in Scarabia. I raised my concerns about my classes but Kalim or Jamil told me that everything was fine. That I didn't need to go to classes anymore. For some reason, that caused a part of my mind to grow uncomfortable with that thought. Why was I so determined to go to class? The other dorms would be in those classes! They'll hurt me!
"Are you sure that you guys have to go? Won't the other dorms hurt you guys as well?!"
Fear coiled around my heart like a snake for my big brothers. They were all so brave for going out into the school.
"Don't worry about us, (Y/N)! We can handle ourselves!"
"Besides, don't you remember?"
I looked at Jamil straight in the eyes.
"You're too weak to defend yourself."
My mind got muddled but I nodded my head yes.
"Yeah, you're right. I keep forgetting for some reason."
"Hehehehe! Don't worry, (Y/N)! I forget important things too! I wouldn't worry too much about it! Just rest in Scarabia and you'll be just fine!"
"If you say so, big brother!"
I waved everyone off before taking my seat in the lounge room. I took deep breaths to calm my heart before closing my eyes. I don't know why I always feel so worried about them leaving. They're strong unlike me.
I dozed off for a while. My dreams felt so life-like. I could have sworn that I was lifted off the ground by a million butterflies and was flown around the outside of Scarabia to enjoy the sun and scenery. Although I was given the biggest heart attack when I awoke.
I opened my eyes to see, well, nothing! There was just darkness. I haven't seen such darkness in a while. Ramshackle used to be very dark when I pulled the blinds shut but... Wait a minute, what's Ramshackle?
I heard footsteps echoing outside of the room that I was in. Maybe it was Jamil or Kalim? But why would my brothers pull such an awful prank on me? I soon got my answer. It was neither Kalim or Jamil.
The man who looked at me was wearing a deep purple outfit. It was like a dress without it being a dress. His hair was done really fancy and there appeared to be a crown on his head. I was terrified. It wasn't a Scarabia uniform which meant that this was probably someone from a different dorm! He's going to hurt me!
I let out whimpers. If I actually had a shot of taking the guy down, I would have screamed but I'm not strong enough to defend myself from him. The blonde man glared down at me.
"First Potato. Don't whimper. It isn't a good look on you."
The nickname rang bells in my head but I don't recognize him at all.
"Wh-who are you?"
The man appeared shocked by my question.
"What do you mean 'Who are you'? You know me quite well, First Potato!"
I shrunk when he raised his voice. He quickly noticed and tried to remedy his mistake.
"I apologize for scaring you, (Y/N). But I just can't believe that you forgot about me."
I stared at him and my mind was itching. It was most uncomfortable. Why did I feel like I knew him?
"Are you going to hurt me?"
The man looked appalled at the words that I said.
"Hurt you? Why would I hurt you? (Y/N). Nobody here wants to hurt you. It was bad enough that that Cucumber let you fall but I assure you that I will not cause you any harm. I owe you much better."
"Are you sure, Vil?"
"Hm? It appears that you do know me after all. I didn't tell you who I was."
I realized what I said. I do know this man! Vil Schoenheit! The famous model and actor! I helped him during VDC! My memories quickly came back! I had friends in other dorms! They wouldn't hurt me!
"Vil! It's a relief to see you again!"
I grabbed him in a hug and had the biggest smile on my face. A smile broke out on Vil's face as well. I felt his arms wrap around my body.
"It's a joy to see you as well, First Potato."
"But wait. Why am I in Pomefiore in the first place? I was in Scarabia for so long. I didn't think that anybody was searching for me."
"You're in Pomefiore, First Potato, because I heard from Epel that you weren't in class. I instructed Rook to go looking for you. The nurse told me and a few of the other dorm leaders that you should be back in classes last Thursday. It took Rook close to six days. Scarabia had you hidden well but thankfully, Rook overheard something from the potatoes from Heartslabyul. I can't believe what those spuds from Scarabia kept you captive!"
"Yeah, they all were acting really weird! Floyd and Jade were acting in a similar way."
Vil tilted his head slightly.
"How exactly were they acting?"
A sigh escaped my lips.
"They keep acting as if I'm their younger brother and that I can't do a single thing for myself! For crying out loud! I took care of overblots, I fought ghosts and students who decided to pick a fight, I took care of Ramshackle nearly by myself! I'm not a little boy!"
I clenched my hands into fists. What has been happening really has taken a huge toll on my mental state. Tears of frustration started to pool in the corners of my eyes.
"Calm down, First Potato. You're working yourself into dismay. You wouldn't want your eyes puffy, now do you? Follow my actions."
Vil coached me through a breathing exercise. I felt my panic ebb away and the tears no longer forming.
"Thank you again, Vil. I'm just really tired right now."
Vil gave me a pat on my head, which made me smile.
"It's not a problem for me, First Potato. But you shouldn't sleep any more. Naps can be useful in case of a bad night's sleep but I'm certain that you got plenty of sleep in Scarabia."
I nodded my head. Last night was the only night that there wasn't a huge party if my memory is correct. Although, I really wouldn't trust it for the fact that I was under a lot of mind control during that time.
"So, instead of taking a nap, we're going to do some other relaxing activity. You're lacking a certain glow that you normally have."
Vil grabbed one of my hands before pulling me out of the room. He led me through the hallways of Pomefiore before stopping in front of a different room. He knocked on the door pretty loudly.
"Rook! Come out please!"
The door opened swiftly and there was Rook in all of his glory.
"Roi du Poison! Oh, and my Jeune Chercheur de Beauté! It's wonderful to see you awake from your slumber although..."
Rook's smile turned into a scary smirk.
"Your sleeping face gave me the most euphoria that I've ever experienced! There was nothing more that I wanted than to split your head open and crawl inside to see what made you so calm and happy in your dreams."
Rook went on a tangent and I was starting to get uncomfortable. Rook can really go into the smallest details that even a person who spends a whole day in front of a mirror wouldn't notice.
Rook stopped mid sentence before clasping his hands together.
"Right! Forgive me, Roi du Poison! I got lost in my Trickster's beauty. Now, what may I do for you, my Lovely Queen?"
"I want you to take (Y/N) and get him some proper clothing. Those rags that Kalim and Jamil made him wear are quite insulting."
I looked down at my clothes. I didn't even realize that I was wearing a Scarabia uniform! When did I get changed?!
"Oui, oui, Beautiful Vil! I'll make sure that he is put into clothing that compliments your and his beauty perfectly! Now, come with me, Jeune Chercheur de Beauté. Let's get your beauty to shine above all others."
Rook left his room and started to guide me from behind. He kept a tight grip on my shoulders and started to push me towards somewhere else in Pomefiore.
"This way, this way, Trickster."
"Where are we going, Rook?"
"You'll see!"
I let out a light laugh. To be honest, this is probably the most fun that I've had ever since I was released from bed rest. Although Grim is probably freaking out by now.
"Here we are!"
I was jostled out of my thoughts when Rook opened a very large room. I was in awe of all of the clothes there. There were so many beautiful clothes. They all appeared to be of high quality as well.
"Now! Let's find the perfect outfit to compliment your beauty!"
I lost count of how many outfits that I had tried on. Rook complimented all of them but he would always end his compliments with the same ending statement.
"While your beauty is shining bright, I know that you could be shining brighter."
We finally chose a really beautiful outfit. I remember seeing it in a catalogue that Vil had a few months ago. I did want the outfit but there was no way that I could afford it. It compliments my skin and hair perfectly.
"TRÉS BIEN!! OH, MON JEUNE CHERCHEUR DE BEAUTÉ! Je n'ai jamais vu quelqu'un briller autant que toi en ce moment! Pomefiore a tellement de chance que tu fasses partie de notre dortoir comme tous les nôtres juniors! Bien que, je dois l'admettre, si vous êtes toujours proche de moi, j'aurai toute la beauté dont j'ai besoin dans ma vie pour durer éternellement!"
"Thank you?"
"Non, non, thank YOU, Trickster! For blessing me with a wonderful sight!"
I heard a vibration and Rook pulled out his phone. A smile broke out on his face.
"Perfect timing! Come along, Mon Jeune Chercheur! Roi du Poison requires your presence."
Rook grabbed my wrist and started to lead me somewhere else in Pomefiore. I saw Epel during the trip and gave him a wave. He looked shocked before rushing to catch up with Rook and me.
"(Y/N)! Where have you been?! Ace, Deuce, and Jack have been searching for you all over school! Sebek and I have been taking care of Grim and Ramshackle for ya! Even though Grim has been really upset without you recently."
"I was... mildly kidnapped by Scarabia for the past few days."
Epel's eyebrows went up before his face contorted into a scowl.
"Those gluttonous hogs... I'll make sure that they pay!"
"We're here, Roi du Poison!"
Rook opened some other doors and inside was what I would call a full photography studio. Cameras, lights, backdrops, makeup on the side, everything! Vil was there, wearing a beautiful outfit himself and had a full face of makeup on.
"Ah, it's about time, First Potato. Ah, Epel, you've come along as well."
"Well, I really wanted to see (Y/N) again."
I was mildly surprised at how quiet Epel was being. He actually appeared to be bashful.
"Well, if you're quick enough and actually listen to instructions, you can join the photo shoot."
Epel looked shocked before a huge smile appeared on his face.
"Yes, but you have to clean up and get your makeup done!"
Epel ran off into one of the side rooms to most likely get ready. I've never seen him listen to Vil so enthusiastically before.
"Now, come here First Potato."
I returned my attention to Vil who had his arms open to me. I walked up to him, a bit confused on what he wanted me to do. He gestured to the camera and I got the hint. I moved to in front of the camera and stood there.
"Why am I doing this?"
"We're doing this to capture your natural beauty while putting you in a low stress environment. You mentioned how you were tired and creating beautiful works of art is a relaxing activity that we can do together."
"W-w-wait, these photos won't be p-posted anywhere? Right?"
"Of course not, First Potato. I know how much you get nervous about photos of you."
I felt the tension leaving my body. Knowing that I could just have fun pictures that don't need to be one hundred percent perfect was a joy to hear. Vil kept talking to the camera man when Epel came back with an outfit of his own. It was a bit cutesy but he didn't seem too annoyed by it.
"There! I even wore the outfit you picked, Vil!"
There's his annoyance.
"Hmmmm, you rushed your makeup, hair and the outfit looks thrown on. Ugh, maybe I'm feeling more lenient because of my junior being here or I must be going crazy, but go on."
Epel jumped slightly before running to me. He even captured me in a hug.
"(Y/N)! It's a wonder to see ya again! To be honest, the school is kind of falling apart with you out of action for so long."
"Oh! That's... really not good."
NRC falling apart is the nearly last thing that I want. I mean, sure. When I first got it here, I was highly uncomfortable but now. This place is like a second home to me.
"Alright! Roi Du Poison has placed me in charge of making sure everyone is in their correct positions! Alright, Mon Jeune Chercheur! Over here!"
Rook grabbed my hands and led me over to a plain white cube. He first sat on it before positioning me on top of him.
"Um, Rook?"
"It will be fine, Trickster! Now, Epel, please come over here!"
Epel rushed over, put his hands in a crisscross position, lay them in my lap before settling his head on top of them. His head facing the camera while he was kneeling. I stayed as still as possible before Vil came over and stood behind me and Rook. He put his hand on my shoulder. It kind of felt like a family portrait.
"We need at least one formal photo before we can do more. Now, everyone, give the camera your best smile."
I looked at the camera and gave it my best smile. I hope that it's enough to make the picture look well. The photographer took many pictures of us in the position and at different angles. My eyes were mildly blotchy after that.
"There we go. Now, time for other poses."
I don't know how many hours we spent there but I must admit. It was so much fun to just have a photo shoot with my Pomefiore friends. Some of the photos were just me and Epel or me and Rook or me and Vil. Each one had a different feel. Vil's photos were more serious while Epel's photos had a more fun vibe. Rook's photos were light hearted but at the same time, my heart raced because of the look in his eyes.
"Wow, I think that I really needed this. Thanks Vil for coming up with this."
"No problem, First Potato. Although you should probably rest now. It's gotten quite dark."
"Has it?!"
I moved to leave the room and took a look outside. Sure enough, the moon was in the sky at Pomefiore.
"Oh no! I need to get to Ramshackle. Thank you guys so much for hanging out with me but I really do need to leave!"
"Hold on-!"
I didn't wait to hear their protests before running down the hallways.
"I'll return the outfit tomorrow! I promise!"
I didn't have the time to change. I had to get back to Ramshackle. Grim will never forgive me for taking this long to recover and see him again. It took me around six minutes to reach Ramshackle and I bursted through the doors. The ghosts there looked shocked before they became overjoyed.
"Welcome back!"
"We've missed you!"
"Thanks for the warm welcome guys! But where's Grim?"
"Upstairs in bed!"
"Thank you!"
I ran up the stairs and quietly opened the door to see Grim curled up in a ball on the bed. I shut the door before walking to him and gently started to pet his back. He leaned into my touch before opening his eyes.
Grim jumped onto me to smother my face.
"Hello, Grimmy! It's wonderful to see you as well!"
Grim had a big grin on his face before his expression turned into a dark one.
"You need to leave."
Saying that I was confused would have been an understatement.
"Wh-what do you mean? Grim, aren't you glad that I'm back?"
"I am! But all of those other guys are insane! They've been talking about kidnapping you to 'keep you safe'!"
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