#Horror Elements
steampoweredwerehog · 2 months
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That one room in True Lab has haunted me for 8 years
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licht-hex · 4 months
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What’s up guys [explodes]
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nimbudcat · 13 days
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Fight fight fight!!
Poor Narinder scared out of his mind and it’s only just started.
Second page of the comic, I’ll try and make a master post for these as I’ll try and drop one a day as I work through the pages I’ve already sketched out.
/First page/2/3/
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maslosstuff · 1 month
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Seeing a stanked monster for the first time would be so horrific
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artistmarchalius · 1 year
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I really like the idea that everyone in the neighbourhood knows Wally is some kind of demon and just accepts it.
Like, one day Home just shows up in the middle of their village green with Wally inside. In that typical kids puppet show fashion, despite thinking they’re kinda creepy or off-putting at first, they take the time to get to know them and realise they’re just Like That ™ and meet them where they’re at. They don’t try to change Wally, they just nurture him and teach him things about people and the world (like one does in a kids show).
Sure, he stares a lot, his house can communicate with him, he doesn’t know how to person and there’s a lot more mysterious oozing happening around the neighbourhood now, but he’s very friendly underneath the sinister aura, loves to paint pictures and is fun to hang out with.
From Wally’s perspective, he shows up in this new place, content to cause havoc and do some demon stuff, but no one is afraid of him. They’re actually really nice to him and they feed him and play with him. He likes them, so they’re His now. He’ll let them keep looking after him. He’s totally the one in control of the situation. He likes it when they give him skritches and tell him stories or teach him about butterflies. Yessir, totally the one in control!
Just like a good host/audience stand in on a kids show, Wally learns a lot of stuff through his new neighbours. It takes a neighbourhood to raise a demon, or something. I love that kind of stuff!
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sitp-recs · 7 months
Hey there! Hope you've been doing well :) I wanted to ask if you had any recommendations for drarry fics with horror elements?? tysmm <3
Hi anon! Sure thing - I don’t usually go for hardcore horror but these are fics with horror elements that I’ve really enjoyed:
you look so fine by michi_thekiller (E, 16k)
In which Draco is a Veela and Harry is his mate. Dark!Humor or Crack!Horror, you decide.
And So Death Took by ICMezzo (E, 25k)
Fairy tales may soothe small children into slumber, but some stories themselves refuse to sleep. The Tale of Three Brothers, retold.
Memory Lane by Selden (T, 31k)
When memories from the war start surfacing in unexpected places, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy find themselves spending a surprising amount of time inside each other’s heads.
In Our Blood by secretsalex (E, 38k)
Draco is an accomplished pure-blood curse breaker, and Harry is tasked with accompanying him on his latest job—cleaning up the Van Boer mansion, which has been under a devastating fertility curse for seven generations.
find a new place to be from by oflights (E, 47k)
Something is wrong with Malfoy Manor, and it’s driven Draco into the Muggle world. Thankfully, Harry is now on the case. A story about houses that haunt you and homes built for two.
What Shall Not Be Unearthed by iero0 (E, 49k)
At the northernmost point of Shetland, surrounded by pointed cliffs, towers the Ootsta Lighthouse on a small isle in the middle of the open sea. Little does Harry know that he's not the only new lighthouse keeper. Draco Malfoy is as obnoxious as he always was, with his posh tone of voice and his luxury yacht jumpers. Harry tries his best to avoid the git—who knows what he's up to anyway?
Yours is the Earth (Hold On, Hold On) by chickenlivesinpumpkin (E, 127k)
After a serious accident in the Forbidden Forest, Draco's personality begins to undergo subtle changes. At first, Harry credits this to a new enthusiasm for life. But as the days pass and Draco's behavior becomes more and more mysterious, Harry begins to suspect that something bigger--and darker--is at work.
Forgive Those Who Trespass by Lomonaaeren (E, 135k)
Harry Potter was convinced he had an ordinary, if inconvenient, life. Then Ron and Hermione vanished in the Department of Mysteries. And the only person who may know where they are is a mute Draco Malfoy.
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ria-writes-stuff · 9 days
the dead house: chapter 3
“Tommy?” “Yeah Techie?” yawned the blonde, fighting a losing battle with his eyelids. The older boy paused, chewing on the end of his long white-blonde braid, “Do you… are Tubbo and Ranboo nice to you? Do you feel- scared of them?” Tommy scrunched his nose up, “Of course not! I’m the biggest man ever! Tubbo is super cool, we’re gonna be best friends forever, you know?” “That’s- that’s good,” nodded Techno, “And you don’t- think the house is weird?” Tommy rolled his eyes, something he saw Phil do whenever Wil was talking about anteaters, and snuggled further into Techno’s side, “The house is pog, man! It’s super big! And a bit cold, but Phil can fix that.” “You don’t think the creaking’s weird?” “Phil says it’s just that it’s an old house, and there’s nothing to be scared-” Creak
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Gift for eroda: “Ok, imagine this,” Toru tells them, her face pink and her nails lime green, “Imagine you’re stranded on an island, what would you bring with you?”. (TogaChako)
Read on AO3
tags: stranded on an island, friendship, beach fun, summer, manipulation, confusion
A/N: I like the idea of being ambiguous with the tags SO! be careful. It's rated M for stuff that's described towards the end
They decide to go to the beach in the summer, the group of them that are able to escape their work responsibilities. Mina is crying into the phone as Momo tells Ochako that they’ll have to pass on this weekend trip, but don’t worry, we’ll make the next one! 
So it ends up being just her, Toru, Tsuyu, and Shouto. He looks slightly scandalized when he arrives and finds out that it wasn’t just Mina and Momo who couldn’t make it but also Iida, Ojiro, and Deku. He does try to escape, but considering it’s 3 against 1…well, the odds weren’t in his favor
Toru is the most excited, “We’ll get to show off the ikemen of our group! Everyone’s going to be so jealous!”
She hangs from his arm and pulls him back whenever he tries to slip away. 
They stay in a cabin with two rooms and too many beds. 
“Do you think they’ll care if we move things around?” Tsuyu asks when Toru starts telling Shouto to help move all the beds together. 
Ochako grins as she takes up the opposite end of one of the bed frames, “I’m sure it’ll be fine. We’ll just put everything back to where it was before.”
Shouto does as he’s told but can’t help but ask, “Why exactly do we have to do all this?”
“Because it’s a sleepover!” Toru exclaims, “And you’re our Plus One! It’ll be so fun! We’ll play games and tell stories and paint each other's nails!”
Shouto sighs but doesn’t argue. Tsuyu wonders aloud, “What color do you think will look best on him?”
Ochako wipes her forehead, “Red!”
Toru adds, “A green would look nice too.”
Tsuyu nods, “We should do both colors.”
Shouto looks at his fingers, then at the girls in the room and sighs in resignation.
After they finish re-arranging the beds, they change into their bathing suits, grab some of the swimming supplies the cabin has in storage, and head over to the public beach area. 
They manage to find a nice spot and Toru lays down a blanket. She turns to Shouto and grins, handing him a bottle of sunscreen, “Can you put some on my back?”
He takes the bottle and nods.
Toru kneels down on the towel and moves her hair to the side. She’s grinning and gives Ochako and Tsuyu a thumbs up when she notices the nearby beach goers whispering and looking their way. Shouto seems oblivious to the attention, kneeling behind her and lathering up her back. 
Ochako giggles, whispering to Tsuyu, “He could pretend to look a bit more excited.”
Tsuyu laughs, “That’s part of his charm.”
Once Toru is all lathered up, she calls them over, “Ok Shouto, do them next!”
(She excitedly volunteers to do his back, even when he counters that he has a sweater and doesn’t need it)
Toru struts around the beach, befriending almost everyone and with the sun glowing on her clear skin and messy curls, she has everyone’s attention. 
Shouto volunteers to stay behind while they all go have fun. 
Ochako and Tsuyu grab the surf boards they found at the cabin and run into the sea. They’ve never actually gone surfing but it’s probably not that hard to do
(They find out quickly that it IS hard)
Ochako falls a total of six times and it’s on the last that she feels something… grab her. She’s not the only one to notice. Shouto, who had been content to stay out of the water and text on his phone, runs over to help her. They drag the board with them and Tsuyu comes over after she’s resurfaced from her own fall
Ochako winces when she shows them the side of her stomach. There are three scratch marks and they’ve all drawn blood. Not a lot. It’s just a surface wound and they’re sure that if she cleans it off, it’ll stop
“What happened?” Shouto asks, his eyes scanning the area. There are people swimming and splashing but none close enough to where the two were attempting to surf. 
“I-I think someone grabbed me…”
Toru barrels into them, her cheeks flushed and eyes worried, “Are you ok?!”
Since the wound is minor, they all return to playing. Shouto gets roped in by the three of them and they learn that he’s the only one of their group who can surf
This time, they’re part of the beach goers who gawk
(Toru, prepared as always, snaps a selfie at the perfect moment: it shows the three of them grinning and Shouto in the distance, his demeanor cool and aloof)
They make it back to the cabin in the evening with bags full of drinks, snacks, and some ointment. They settle around the beds piled together in the living area and Toru exclaims that she’ll paint one of Shouto’s hands red. 
“You should do the other in green,” she tells Tsuyu. 
Tsuyu cocks her head, “Wouldn’t it look better if we alternate the colors?”
Ochako is cleaning her wounds, wincing slightly, but agrees, “It’ll look more balanced that way.”
Shouto lets them paint his nails and even asks them to take a picture when they’re done. 
He sends the picture to his brother with the manicure emoji. 
His brother sends him a picture of the bird, his nails black. 
But he doesn’t see the message until the next morning because he’s roped into helping the girls paint their nails. 
(When they’re done, they take a selfie with all their hands posed in front of them: Shouto’s are red and mossy green, Tohru’s are lime green, Ochako’s are pink and blue, and Tsuyu’s are 3 different shades of green. Shouto sends that one too.)
“Ok, imagine this,” Toru tells them, her face pink and her nails lime green, “Imagine you’re stranded on an island, what would you bring with you?”
“My phone,” Shouto tells them, “So I can call for help.”
Toru laughs, “That’s not a good answer! Take a drink!”
His brows furrow, “Why isn’t it a good answer?”
“What if your phone is dead? Then what? There’s no electricity!”
He’s already holding the shot, “It’ll be charged.”
Tsuyu asks, “What’s your battery at now?”
He grumbles when he shows his phone’s battery at 14%. He takes a drink.
“A motorboat,” Tsuyu tells them, “with a lifejacket inside.”
Ochako and Toru both nod, “That’s a good answer!”
Shouto frowns, “I thought we could only take one thing.”
Ochako giggles, “Well, we didn’t specify …”
Toru, who has taken the most drinks so far, belly laughs, “A guitar!”
Tsuyu smiles, “Why a guitar?”
“So I can listen to music,” she tells them. 
Shouto nods, finding her answer acceptable, but Ochako asks, “Can you even play the guitar?”
Toru pauses and then laughs, “No!” She takes a drink. 
“It’s your turn now, Ochako-chan,” Tsuyu tells her. 
Ochako’s face is red. It has been since before they started drinking, “I think it would get lonely so…” Her face goes even redder, “Perhaps someone to spend time with…”
Toru waggles her brows, “ Someone? Anyone specific?”
Ochako laughs, “No, but, I mean, a cute girl would be nice. We could get to know each other.”
Tsuyu and Toru both nod and Shouto looks offended. 
“We can bring people?! ” 
The three of them laugh.
Toru is the first to run to the bathroom after their little drinking game. Shouto looks unfazed but Tsuyu suspects he’s two seconds away from falling asleep. 
And Ochako…
She rubs her side, feeling it burn slightly. 
They all end up falling asleep soon after, their bellies full of alcohol. 
They have two fans running. They did little to keep them cool while they played, but somehow (now) they cause Ochako’s skin to prickle. It feels like there’s something running along her body, some type of phantom touch. 
She unconsciously moves her hand across her body, her mind believing it’s some type of bug or web she can easily flick away. It works at first, but soon after the feeling returns. 
Sleep sticks to her eyes, but she opens her eyes a crack to find something shimmering. She groans, closing her eyes again
I can’t believe Toru’s hair is still so bright…
Ochako wakes in a panic, her body bracing for an impact that never comes. Her eyes fly open and it’s only when she finds her bearings that she calms. Her panic is quickly replaced by confusion when she finds she’s the only one on the pile of beds. Her friends have disappeared. 
In their place is a giggle that echoes in the cabin. It’s coming from out front and she wonders if she’s woken up too late. 
She tries to check the clock on the wall she’d seen when they’d arrived, but finds it missing. Her phone is also nowhere near her. That same giggle comes again and she stretches on the bed, did someone come by the cabin? She doesn’t recognize the voice
When she finally finds the energy to get out of bed, she shivers at how cold the floor is. She tiptoes to the bathroom to relieve herself and brush her teeth. She calls out to her friends while she’s still drying her face, but nobody answers her
Instead, when she opens the door, she comes face to face with a blonde girl with golden eyes. She’s grinning wide and her pale cheeks have a heavy blush on them.
“I’m so glad you’re here, Ochako-chan!”
Ochako…doesn’t know how to react, so she furrows her brows and asks, “Who…are you?”
But the girl doesn’t hesitate. She grabs Ochako’s hand and pulls her out of the bathroom. Ochako shivers at how cold everything feels, but doesn’t pull away…even though she’s never met this girl, she doesn’t feel like she’s in danger. She feels calm, if slightly confused.
The girl pulls her onto the beds again and they bounce slightly. She giggles and when they settle down, the girl looks at her dreamily, “It’s me, Ochako-chan, Himiko! Call me Himiko, okay?”
Ochako smiles back at her, nodding, “Alright…Himiko-chan.”
Himiko’s face somehow gets even redder and it makes Ochako blush as well. 
“H-Himiko-chan, where is everyone?”
Himiko’s smile becomes smaller, more intimate somehow, and when she says, “It’s just me and you today” Ochako shivers. It feels exactly like the night before when she’d felt something crawling against her skin. 
Ochako changes out of her pajamas. Yes, that must be what happens. 
Himiko is already wearing a black two-piece that makes her pale skin even whiter. She has a sheer cover-top over it. It’s open in the front but trails behind her when she stands to grab the nail polish they’d all left by the kitchen counter. 
Ochako is wearing a yellow swimsuit she doesn’t remember buying. 
She wonders where she got it and then remembers. 
Himiko places the swimsuit against her clothed body and grins, “This color would look good on you!”
Ochako grabs the hanger, contemplating, “Really? I don’t usually wear yellow…”
Himiko nods, dragging her to the changing room.
“Let’s pretend,” Himiko tells her when she once more jumps onto the beds. She seems to float toward Ochako, “that we’re the only two on this island, ok, Ochako-chan?”
Ochako lays her hands on Himiko’s lap and grins, “Why are we pretending?”
Her nails are the natural shade of pink flesh. 
She blinks at them a few times. Had she…taken off the polish?
Himiko cups her cheeks and Ochako blushes when she notices they’re much closer together. 
“Because, Ochako-chan,” she feels Himiko’s whispered voice embrace her. It echoes off the cabin walls, “you said you wanted a cute girl to spend time with. Aren’t I the cutest? After you that is…”
Their lips are so close that it would take just a second to lean in
Himiko’s lips are cold but smooth. 
The inside of her mouth is sweet but dry. 
Himiko bites her and there’s blood in their mouths. She whines Ochako’s name between their gasps. 
“Let’s pretend, ok?” Himiko tells her and Ochako nods. 
They paint their nails. The pads of Ochako’s fingers become red, the blood bright under Himiko’s hands. Her nails are pink. When Himiko blows on her fingers, Ochako has a sense of deja vu
She’s sure that Toru did this last night. Didn’t we choose two colors?
But when Himiko makes eye contact with her, she forgets. 
“Do you like them, Ochako-chan? I’ve been practicing!”
Ochako smiles at her and nods, “You could be a professional! I’ll paint yours. What color do you want?”
They choose red. 
“I love the color red,” Himiko tells her against her skin, “It reminds me so much of blood.”
Ochako laughs, shaking the bottle. 
“You’ll look so cute in red, Himiko-chan.”
She paints and paints and paints
“What else do you like, Ochako-chan?” Himiko asks as they walk along the beach. The sun is already shining brightly in the sky, but the sand is warm, even a bit cool.
Ochako digs her toes into the sand as they go. It helps cool her feverish skin.
They’re holding hands, bright pink intertwined with pale fleshiness. 
There’s a breeze that makes Himiko’s cover-up dance, but Ochako barely feels it. 
She laughs, “Himiko-chan, how can you not know? We’ve been friends for ages!”
Himiko’s grin is wide when she pulls Ochako close. 
“That’s right! We have been. I know everything about you, Ochako-chan!”
Himiko’s lips are bold and demanding. They devour Ochako.
They slip under her clothes, under her skin, and glide across blood and muscle and tissue and even her soul. 
They swim in the beach and Ochako carries Himiko on her shoulders, dunking her in the water. There’s nobody else around to play with. 
Ochako has the vague sense that they should be surfing. She’s sure they had surf boards in the cabin’s storage, but when she turns to look for it, it’s gone. 
There’s only sand, palm trees, and a single willow tree. It looks wrong somehow and the roots look dry. They extend out along the beach, as if they’re hoping for a drink, but stop just before reaching their destination. 
They look like hands. So many of them reaching…
Himiko sticks herself to Ochako’s back and Ochako loses her balance. They laugh 
It’s a cabin. It’s not as warm as Ochako recalls. The wood splinters and she winces when one gets stuck on her palm. 
Himiko stares at her hand intently and offers to help her. 
Ochako winces when they finally get it out and a bit of blood trickles out. 
Himiko licks the droplet and grins, “All better, right?”
They sit outside in the sun, their bodies lathered in sunscreen. Ochako thinks she’ll get sunburned but Himiko looks as pale as ever, almost like the sun doesn’t reach her. 
Himiko’s hand is placed possessively on her side and it’s the only place that burns. The rest of Ochako’s body is cold. 
They’re talking about her friends…their friends…right? Ochako wonders once again where they’ve gone. Did they go to the store? It hasn’t been very long. She’ll introduce…
No, Himiko has been with them before. She’ll tell them she changed her mind. That her job let her come over and she…she came to meet them…this morning…
“They’re so obvious,” Ochako tells her with a grin, “We all think they should just start dating already!”
But Himiko knows this already, she’d been there after all…
Himiko’s teeth are as white as the rest of her, “Should we date, Ochako-chan?”
No. Not entirely white. There’s a rudyness there. 
She leans in close and Ochako feels herself falling. Himiko has no scent, even after playing in the sand and the sea. Even after running and working up a sweat. Even after Ochako spent so long painting her nails
Himiko’s body is light and if Ochako hadn’t been clinging to her so tightly, she thinks it would have been just a dream. 
But the way Himiko touches her is real. 
She feels it at her core
“Let’s pretend,” Himiko whispers into her ear. 
Ochako’s face is red. The hands have reached out further. A gnarly fingertip touches the surface of the water. 
It’s so close.
“Let’s pretend it’s just the two of us, stranded.”
Himiko’s giggle echoes in the cabin. 
Ochako yawns and smiles when her blonde girlfriend buries her face against her side. 
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burjoujou · 1 year
here is the mini cellbit animatic i made using my fanart of @moonilex ‘s fic “Blood Balloon” ! music is drifting time replaced from stage 3 of everywhere at the end of time
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alloru · 1 year
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here comes the ominous lighting! ^v^
the colours took a little to get quite right, but I'm very happy with how it turned out. this is also my first ever multi-attack on artfight, consisting of three distinct characters from three different artists!
I can still feel some lingering effects across the spiderverse has on my colouring choices. it's been ages since I've done proper rimlight! creating these kinds of scenes is lots of fun, although they take quite a bit of planning and drawing time, which is why I'm not able to do them very often unfortunately...
the credit for the designs go to @thinginabox for their sona on the lower left, @basilsalbum on instagram for their oc Misty in the bottom right and @op_null_ (opnull) on twitter for their character Mel in the center!
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licht-hex · 4 months
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So I actually got around to watching it and
He’s just like me fr fr (light joke)
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bluraaven · 5 months
Song to a Siren
A mute siren Din and fisherman Cobb story
The currents between the atolls that he calls home are best known for gently carrying seafaring folk to sweet death.  Long ago, or so the songs tell, there was ample traffic in these waters.  Wide-eyed fishermen rowed small boats, their innocence carrying as alluringly on the waves as fresh blood.  Those souls usually came easy when they called, eager to leave behind their cursed, land-bound existence. 
The crews of the large and stately vessels were prone to fighting back, but worth the danger of enchanting when the sailors dressed all pretty like a feast and the bellies of their ships were full with gold and other things that now light up the darkness of the deep waters with a beautiful sparkle when hit by an errant ray of sunshine. 
It had been a time of plenty, when they could afford to let a ship pass now and again.  Sometimes they'd allow but a glimpse of themselves to be seen and let the unfortunate few to leave to carry back strange tales to faraway places. 
More would always come. 
Until they didn't. 
Now no one sails these waters anymore, save for the desperate, the damned and the Singing Man. 
Read the full story here.
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theknifeclown · 1 year
A missing poster for her.... but not...
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useless-moss · 6 months
Pspsps @reallyprofoundkryptonite
Hiccup can't breathe. He's been running aimlessly for too long. Stumbling through bushes and vines and running straight into trees in some instances. He can barely even see. The blood in his eyes and the darkness of night shroud his vision and leave him relying on his other senses.
Hearing of which, he can't trust.
The voices echo. They're deafening at some points, and barely audible whispers at others. His friends are gone. The group had been seperated and now he fears they're-
No, no. He can't entertain that train of thought. He'd break if he did. And that's just what this... Thing wants, isn't it? It wants to break them. Drive them mad.
Astrid's voice echos through the dense forest. She sounds scared, desperate. It's like nothing he's ever heard from her before, and he knows he can't trust it. As much as he wants to rush towards her voice, he knows he could be running right into that things jaws if he did.
And he'd felt those jaws already. Clamping around his head with sharp fangs digging in so deep they scraped his skull. Hiccup shudders at the memory. Swearing for a moment he can still feel it. Can hear it. The scratching of bone against bone accompanied by pain so intense it had temporarily whited out the riders vision.
It had left him. He still doesn't fully understand why it left him, but he had an idea.
It was playing. Toying with the group of friends. Exhausting them before it pounces. Or, maybe, it wouldn't pounce at all. Maybe this was all just a game. Maybe Hiccup could find a way to win in that instance...
There's crying now. It's close, maybe a few meters to his left, but the trees are so dark he can't see. It sounds like Fishlegs. The sobs are familiar, and Hiccup's heart aches with the urge to go towards and comfort his friend.
But when he hears the clicking, he knows he can't. He turns and runs in the opposite direction instead.
"Can't do anythin right, can ya?"
Now, he does pause. Hesitates.
It's his father's voice. It's his father's voice taunting him, and now he's certain this creature is playing with him and his friends. Certain it finds this entertaining, in some twisted way.
"Man up already. Be a proper viking!"
Hiccup covers his ears, but it feels like the words are echoing within his very mind. Long buried insecurities and doubts resurfacing as the creature continues its mockery.
Blood is clumped in his hair and drying on his face, but he barely pays attention to it. His legs are shaking. He feels sick and weak, and even with his ears covered he can hear the crunching of branches and the rustling of leaves getting closer. His heart is in his throat, his stomach is in knots, and all he can do is pray...
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coolbonnieart · 11 months
Severe tw: body horror, teeth, eyes and disturbing imagery
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( this was soppost to be for the tv peppinos nightmare but I wanted to show it eneyways, again sorry for being absent for abit )
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zero00o0 · 2 years
Quiet pt 4
Cw: mcyt g/t, cursing, fear play, (major) horror elements, (major) character injury, blood, (major) angst, (major?) violence
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3
// OK, I am sorry for disappearing for so long. I should've said something, but to keep it short and simple bad life stuff happened, I had to get more jobs to keep myself up and just didn't have time for social media. Thankfully I'm really close to finishing school now and these past few days I've gotten sick so it gave me time to finally sit down and finish this. I'm not making any guaranteed future promises but I don't plan on staying away forever. At least until I can finish school and get my shit together properly! I'm so so sorry for staying AWOL for months. Please enjoy ^^ I tried to make it more lengthy than I anticipated to make up for the lost time. //
He’s sure that at some point, in his scrambled hyper-energetic mind, he noticed how fidgety and nervous George had been acting while he was in his shop. He’s sure that, even though he wasn’t centered on his clammy hands or sweat-soaked hairline, there was something in him - may that be human instinct or something more profound - that could tell something wasn’t right.
Because if he hadn’t been sure that everything was okay, would he have stopped frantically mopping the juice staining his floor, to make a call that he surely had no business making, because he felt, 'unusual'?
Who knows. Regardless, it was that feeling-driven phone call he made that led him to speak with the county’s entire police force not even half an hour later, regarding the case of a missing vacationer wanted for vandalism and the destruction of private property.
“Like I said, officer; George didn’t steal or threaten my life or anything like that. He just seemed … off. I don’t know how to put it?” Alex struggled to find his words as he shrugged at the big, burly officer towering above him, arms crossed with black shades covering his eyes.
The man hummed and shifted, standing more upright and increasing his height. “Course he seemed off,” he grumbled sternly, “boy just caused a few thousand dollars of damage. He outta be scared. Once we find him he’ll be working for years trying to pay that off.”
The officer glanced over his shoulder towards where his other officers stood around talking by their cars. Then he leaned down slightly, getting closer to Alex's face. "You better not be bullshitting us, Maldonado. I know your history." The clerk clenched his fingers into a fist behind his back. "Officer, I'm not..." he trailed off, frowning nervously. "I'm not trying to imply anything about... 'it'. I didn't even intend to call you, I was just concerned about George. I thought he was sick and called that lady at the resort to connect me to his friends. That's when I realized he was missing and called you to do the 'right thing'." There was an edge to his voice at the final two words. The officer stood back up straight and just nodded. "And it's good you finally have," He said.
"But officer-" Alex was cut off. "Son, I think it'd in yer best interest to stay out of this one. For yours and my station's own sake. Okay? Don't wanna have to take this place away from you, understand?"
Alex bit his tongue and nodded as the cop returned to his car. He disagreed with the man entirely. The officer clearly hadn’t met George in person or had seen him. It didn’t take years of a lasting friendship for the store clerk to know that a little guy like George couldn’t cause damage like that within the span of a few hours. George probably couldn’t do damage like that in a few days.
The sound of car doors shutting pulled Alex away from his thoughts, and he looked over at the source of the sounds. It was Sapnap and Karl, though they didn’t look as cheery nor as rested as they did the last time they met. It was almost intimidating, the manner of the way they approached Alex. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say Sapnap looked ready to beat somebody up.
“Hey, guys..” Alex greeted, raising a hand to give a small, awkward wave. Karl gave him a small smile and waved back, but Sapnap didn't bother with greetings as he bluntly said, “tell us what actually happened.” Alex frowned with confusion. “What do you mean? I haven’t lied to the cops about anything,” he said carefully. Karl stepped forward, his tone much more gentle than Sapnap’s as he said, “We don’t think you’ve lied about anything but..” He trailed off, “we think that there are some... elements you may have left out.”
Alex half-scoffed, half-gasped as he just slightly inched backward. “What? What could I have possibly left out? You haven’t even heard my story yet,” he exclaimed. “Then tell it,” Sapnap said, leaning closer to the clerk.
Alex told them everything that had happened from the moment George entered the shop, to him buying the chocolate for Karl, to him leaving in an odd, rushed manner.
“Alex,” Karl began. “I need you to think about everything you just told us. Yes, it was all very off and weird and whatnot.. but was there anything else that struck something in your mind? Something he did that.. maybe you have seen before? Or something you heard that.. maybe you’ve heard on other quiet nights that you try to explain away but.. you know isn’t right?”
Alex bit his cheek as his gaze refused to meet their eyes. “…No.”
“You’ve felt like something’s been off for years now, haven’t you?” Alex looked up at Sapnap with surprise. “That look in your eye, it’s the same as that woman’s.” Sapnap stepped forward and Alex looked away again. “One might think this place is a vacationer's dream, and you see it happen all the time. Happy tourists stopping by, telling you about their sweet, getaway cabins and going on and on, just like us, and you always wanna say something, but you can’t. You think they’ll think you’re crazy, don’t you? But.. you know something’s wrong. You’ve known it since you started working here, but you never admitted it.” Sapnap’s eyes softened for a moment as if he were reflecting his words on an experience of his own.
Alex frowned and turned his back to the Texan. “I’m sorry about your friend, but I don’t know anything.” He spat as he started to leave.
“Alex, please,” Karl cried, grabbing the clerk’s arm. “George is our best friend, he means everything to us, and his fate could be resting on whatever information you can give!” Alex turned to stare at Karl. “Please,” the man pleaded. “Anything.”
The warm hand left Alex’s arm and the clerk sighed. He glanced around a few times before leaning closer to the men. “My grandma told me to never, ever go into the woods alone, especially at night,” he murmured. "As a matter of fact, it was the last thing she told me." Sapnap and Karl glanced at each other.
“And it’s not like I ever wanted to,” he said slowly, his words shaky. “I always felt watched when I went out there.”
It took every ounce of willpower he had to keep himself from gagging. George turned his head and waved the giant’s hand away. “N-no, thank you,” he managed to say without lurching.
The monster, who’d been trying to offer George a bloody lump of raw flesh from god only knows what pushed the raw meat closer to the human. Using its other hand, it pointed to where its mouth was, trying to explain to George that, This is for you to eat.
George shook his head and finally gagged aloud, getting up from where he sat on the grassy ground to lean over a log, his face green with sickness.
It’s now officially been over a day since the monster - who George prefers to call, 'the giant' now, had kidnapped George from his cabin and taken him throughout the woods of this cabin resort he’d unenthusiastically agreed to go to with his two friends, Sapnap and Karl. For their first hours together, George was dead-set that this giant creature had malicious intentions for him, whether that be eating him alive, torturing him, or doing sadistic experiments. But after it had convinced the human to get chocolate and acted very appreciative and domestic towards him after he did, George wasn’t so sure his initial assumptions were correct.
He coughed a few times as he cleared his throat and tried to clear his mind of the thought of that meat. Behind him, the giant watched with interest and confusion as it took the hunk of bleeding flesh away from George and tossed it into the dark cavern of its own maw. A cold finger brushed up against George’s back, doing its best to rub up and down gently, soothingly. It would’ve felt nice if the giant had any body warmth at all.
The more time George spent with this creature, the more curious it was. Though it had a humanoid body, it lacked key details that, as result, made it very inhuman, like a normal mouth or a normal shade of skin. The tar-black color of its body reminded George of the blackness of looking down at a deep well during the night. It was spooky, yes, but very interesting. Things like these set it very clearly apart from people, but it had so many human-like qualities, that discrediting it as a homosapien all together felt wrong. Besides obvious physical similarities, it also displayed human-like intelligence as well as some sort of emotional intelligence. It had to understand emotion to some extent; if it didn’t, it wouldn’t be mocking a back-rub to George right now to calm him down.
George shrugged the finger away, rubbing his hands up and down his forearms to prevent himself from trembling; partly due to the cold and partly due to the intimidation of something of that size being anywhere near you, let alone touching you. Sure, it’s been over 24 hours now spent with the giant, but most of the time had been asleep and or shitting himself in fear. If he had to guess it’s only been an hour or so since he went to the shop. Just because it was showing George domesticity, didn’t mean he was in favor of showing it back. Quite the contrary. He wanted to go home.
He missed his friends.
The giant, who appeared to have grown bored of sitting around and staring at George, suddenly moved to grab the human and lift him, standing a bit too fast for George’s liking as the human hurried to grab onto its thumb for support. Yet again it was walking with purpose in a random direction, and yet again George was forced to tag along for the ride. Although this time George didn’t want to sit in silence.
He knew it couldn’t understand him, but he needed to hear someone’s voice right now, even if it was just his own.
“I hope you’re going somewhere that has food,” George said aloud, crossing his arms over his stomach. “I don’t know how long you can go without eating but I can’t last that long.” He heard a guttural grumble answer him from within the chest behind him. George sighed, “Maybe I should’ve smuggled one of those chocolate bars for myself,” he said airily, longingly. George sat up straighter. “You probably would’ve smelled it out, though. Wouldn’t you’ve?” He asked, glancing up where its head loomed just a few feet from where he sat. It didn’t answer this time. It was just enjoying listening to its human speak gibberish, George figured. “Where are we going, anyway?”
“When I was younger, I decided to come live with my grandma and work in her shop; this shop.”
Sapnap focused his sharp gaze on Alex, who was zoned out as he began his account of this place. Though he couldn’t see him, he could also tell that Karl was listening closely as well. (He definitely had that cute, scrunchy face he always made when he focused, Sapnap thought in the back of his mind.)
“I was about 17 when I made that decision,” Alex explained. “Well, the truth is I wanted to come here because I knew grandma couldn’t work much longer, and I wanted to make some easy money. This actually pays pretty well. You know, in one month I make-“ Sapnap cut him off, “Focus.” Alex gave him an apologetic look before continuing,
“Well.. it was after she died, and I inherited the business, that I started noticing weird things. Like, paranormal weirdness.” He rubbed his hands together as he thought for a moment. “But not the kind of paranormal like ghosts.. paranormal like… massive shadows appearing and disappearing faster than you can blink, a loud bird-filled forest becoming suddenly quiet, and.. people.. people going into those woods and never coming out."
Sapnap’s eyes widened. “People? As in… more than one?? Why haven’t we heard anything about other people!?” Alex frowned. “The cops used to try and investigate these cases. But after case after case… person after person, and nothing showing up? They gave up and dusted any new disturbance under the rug. The town has decided that these 'missing persons' are just people doing criminal shit in the woods and then 'disappearing.' The story's different depending on who you ask. The cops tell you that it's a human trafficking ring, while the politicians swear there's a drug empire somewhere out there, all while everyone in town thinks that people go out there to kill themselves in the abandoned lake. There haven't been enough people to come back out of the woods to confirm any of this, so every word is just lost in the whirlwind of conspiracies. The only reason your friend is getting any attention at all is because of the property damage.”
This place was untouched by man. Even though he was stories up in the air, George could tell that there wasn't even a single plastic wrapper to be found. It was lovely, of course, but... in a way... kind of offsetting. Litter was bad, obviously, but seeing litter was a telltale sign that humans had been present there at some point in time. So, seeing none now confirmed to George that he truly was alone out here. No one else would see him in the palm of this creature, and no one could call for help.
"You, uh, you keep it nice and clean around these parts, hm?" He said out loud. Of course, the giant didn't answer, but that didn't surprise him. Honestly, he'd be more surprised if it did answer. , 'Why yes, I do keep it quite clean around here, thanks for noticing!' George couldn't stifle an amused snicker at the thought of a British giant. How amazing would having tea with a giant with a British accent be?
A clicking sound from behind him took him away from his thoughts. "Yes?" George said in response. The giant looked down at him, its green gaze shimmered at him with excitement as it pointed ahead of them. George followed its pointed finger and gasped. They were standing right before a huge lake. It had to be the most beautiful body of water George had ever seen, shimmering water so clean you could almost see to the bottom. Fish splashed on the surface, and just a little ways away he could see some deer stopping by for a drink. Disney WISHES they could capture such beauty. This scene was the epitome of nature, no doubt.
"Oh my..." He gasped, fighting to find words to fit how he felt. He looked back up at the giant. It was looking down at George with a gleam in its gaze. It looked proud to show George this place. 'Look, look at what I have that no human has! Are you impressed?' And George would've said, "Yes! I'm impressed. This is amazing!"
"You're telling me that no one else is here? Why isn't the resort capitalizing on this?! It's amazing! I'm not even an outside guy and I would pay to come out here! You can't tell me that nobody else knows about this place!" George beamed, antsy to get down so he could see it up close.  But instead of letting him down, the giant held onto George's tiny body as it walked forward, stepping into the water.
“You said that some people come out..” Karl’s voice made an appearance suddenly. "... so there are people who come out alive?”
“Yes,” Alex mumbled. “Well, no… I mean- My grandma. She’s- She was the only one." Sapnap cocked a brow. "You're telling me that your grandma - and I don't mean to be rude, but - your elderly grandmother went into those woods, encountered the…” He glanced at Karl in brief hesitation. “...whatever’s out there... and came back alive to tell the story, while no one else has gone in and made it out?" The Texan questioned. “I’m sorry but it sounds made up.” There was an odd tone of hopefulness in Sapnap’s words. A hope that, maybe, the giant wasn’t real. That the lady really was just crazy, and he hadn’t really seen green eyes watching from the trees their first day there.
The clerk bit his nails as his frown deepened in response to Sapnap's words. That sentence resonated with the clerk on a deeper level than the two boys currently understood.
Alex sighed, deep and long. "That's exactly what I told her up to the day she died," he said dryly. "Me and my entire family. It.." his voice ached with hurt, "it was like a family bonding activity to ridicule and make fun of her. Like belittling this little old lady made us superior. It always hurt her feelings, and we knew it."
George grasped onto the giant's fingers as they went deeper and deeper into the lake. The lake only reached the giant's waist, but that didn't seem to upset it at all as it bent down until its shoulders were submerged as well. It let go of George and let him gently float in the water. It kept its eyes fixed on the tiny human as he swam around, enjoying the warm water.
Geroge laughed as he held his breath and went under the water. All around them were fish swimming, surely confused about why there was suddenly a ginormous black mass in the center of their home. The gentle rays of sunshine illuminated the space nicely and presented a gorgeous scene for the human to behold.
He resurfaced seconds later and gasped for air. George was never the best at holding his breath. Last he checked he could hold it for about 25 seconds before he started struggling.
Karl raised his hand for a moment but put it back down. Seemingly deciding against his initial thought, which Sapnap assumed was to comfort Alex. "Hey," he said softly. "You don't have to go into so much detail if it's too much... we just need to know what's out there, and how she made it back out alive." Alex furrowed his brows and tightened his lips into a thin line. Then, the clerk shook his head slowly. "Karl. I-I…I… I swore I would never talk about it again.” He sharply inhaled a breath of air. “I'm sorry... you guys are cool and I wanna help but..." Alex clasped his hands together and blinked a few times like he was composing himself.
"I... want to help you, tell you what I know, but if those pigs down at the station heard that I was talking about 'it' again, they'd take the shop away from me. They already threatened me earlier." The clerk turned away sharply, his posture suddenly tense. "That's all I have left."
He began to walk away.
But he didn't get far.
Alex gasped in surprise as he was suddenly whipped around and facing Sapnap. He didn't have much time to look at his face before he was hit on the side of the head and staggering to the side, disoriented. Before Alex could stabilize himself, the boy grabbed the clerk by the collar of his shirt and lifted him with adrenaline-driven strength. "Now listen here you pussy," he hissed with venom. "Stop thinking about your own damn self and think about someone else for once!" He shook him a few times, Alex's head lolling back and forth violently. "George is my best fucking friend! He’s all WE have. And whatever you know about your grandma surviving could literally determine if he comes out alive or dead. You've sat by and watched all these other people, just like us, come into the resort and NEVER come back home because you were only concerned for YOURSELF! This is your chance to do the right thing for ONCE and save a goddamn life! What would your grandma say if she knew you were too scared to do anything to help these poor people?!?! What is WRONG WITH YOU??"
"SAPNAP quit that," Karl hissed, pulling his friend backward and away from the clerk, causing Sapnap to let go of his shirt. Once released, Alex fell to the floor with a dull thud, he was whimpering and sniffling, snot and tears running down his face. "Ridiculing him isn't going to help us, you idiot!" Karl snapped.
He looked up at the giant. It was just sitting there watching him carefully, content with just observing George's behavior. The human smirked at the giant, gaining a newfound feeling of confidence. "Well, c'mon! Are you just gonna sit there?" It blinked at him. Blank. Unreadable. George laughed as he used his entire arm to splash its chin. It leaned back, surprised by the action. George smiled endearingly at it. It could be so cute when it wasn't a potential threat to your life.
The giant lifted its arm and used it to gently stir the water a bit, making a mini water tornado. George yelped as he was pulled with it, though he quickly composed himself and started laughing. This seemed to spur the giant on, giving it confidence. It cooed at him as it stirred faster, clicking in a manner that reminded him of laughter. George tried to swim against the pull of the water, but as the giant's enthusiasm increased so did the speed of the water. George's laughter turned awkward, and a bit nervous as he was swept with the spinning waves against his will. 
Alex sniffed and shuddered as he got back onto his feet. He was cowering away from the two now, his face an entourage of emotions, most of which seemed to be old and resurfacing from the protective shadow of his mind. Delirium, guilt, shame, fear. If the man had lost any more stability in the moment, there was no doubt in Sapnap's mind that he would've been screaming right now.
"If I w-would tell you, if I-I warn you about the demon in the woods, about the-the missing bodies, the screams I sometimes hear at night, would you believe me?! Would you REALLY have believed me earlier??" His voice shuddered and cracked with a growing weakness. "I've tried so many times," Alex whispered, "I've tried to warn people, I've tried to explain, to get SOMEBODY to believe me!!" He wiped the snot off of his face. "Eventually I just stopped trying. The cops told me I was inflicting terror onto, and harassing my customers." He bit his bottom lip so hard Sapnap was surprised no blood trickled down his chin. "Sometimes people come and leave without a problem.. so I just started to have wishful thinking. Maybe it's all my fault.. for not being convincing enough. For not following my gut instinct and stopping George before he could run back out there..."
The giant didn't seem to notice the human's change in behavior, though. It just made excited noises as it added its other arm into the mix, spinning George around like he was a pool toy. Nervousness turned to panic when George was caught in the waves with no way of escaping. He was losing strength and was becoming weaker and weaker as he was rag-dolled around in the water, unable to prevent himself from going under just to spin right back to the surface. "Wai- Wait," he cried, but his voice was muffled by the water. He could barely see it, but when he surfaced once again, he caught a glimpse of the wide, empty, sadistic glee in the giant's gaze as it toyed with the human, the being that had no power over it, that it could bend to its will and play with like he was nothing but a toy.
And then George went under.
The rays of sunlight illuminating the lake were gone.
And it was dark.
"Alex," Karl's voice was a nice calming interruption to Alex's stress and Sapnaps anger. Like a mourning dove sounding over a storm's wind. "We may not have believed you before, but we are here listening to you now and we do believe you. Maybe there is still hope. So please, just tell us what you know."
Alex choked out a whimper as his head fell, his hair falling over his eyes as he tried to calm himself. He sounded defeated.
"I don't know exactly what it is, but I do know that it's big. Really big. Big enough to cast down enormous shadows and tear apart two-story cabins. It has two arms and two legs. It's fast and deathly quiet. Though I’ve never seen them yet, my grandma always said... ‘You don't know it's there until you see its eyes,
And you don't see its green eyes unless it wants you to know that you've been found’."
Karl gasped and Sapnap grabbed his head in panic. Alex blinked in surprise at their unexpected reactions. “Wha-?”
“The old lady,” Karl explained frantically, “the one who you called at the resort. She told us that her wife was killed by a giant green-eyed monster. We believed her but-" “But to hear someone else say it,” Sapnap’s shaky voice interrupted. “To hear someone else say it just… makes it more real.”
For a heartbeat, they were all quiet. Each and everyone one of them was just beginning to truly feel, to truly realize the realness of all this. As if they'd been holding onto a logical blanket of comfort that told them, ‘Monsters aren’t real.’ Now their eyes were forcibly open. There were monsters.
Monsters are real.
Monsters are real, and it took George. It took tons of people like George. Stalked them, hunted them down, and took it for itself.
“Alex, you have to tell us how your grandma escaped.” Sapnap’s voice was as sudden as it was frantic. Once again his hands were clasped around the shirt collar of the store clerk as his pleading eyes stared into Alex’s very soul. “Please, please! Right now! We have to get going and find him before it’s too late!”
Alex clenched his teeth as he held onto Sapnap’s wrists. “The monster’s eyes!” The clerk trembled. “Its eyes are its biggest advantage and biggest weakness. It can’t catch you if it can’t see you. That night when she went in the back to put out the trash and saw them- she threw a can of cola at it and burned its eyes long enough to escape! It never messed with her again.”
The two boys nodded. “Ok,” Karl said. “We have to blind it. But- how and-and where are we even gonna find it, Sapnap??”
Sapnap didn’t answer as he grabbed Karl’s hand and ran back to the car, leaving Alex alone as he watched the two drive back towards their cabin.
Right back towards the heart of the woods.
A cold shock pulsed through his body, his heart jumped and he let out a half-gasp, half-scream as he jerked violently, his eyes wide open yet unfocused.
The last thing he remembered was being pulled into the dark abyss of water stirring around him violently, confident that it would be the last sensation he'd ever feel.
And yet... here he was. Breathing, albeit with some struggle.
George sat up and leaned over, coughing and choking as he spat out the water that filled his lungs, desperate to get a clear, uninterrupted breath.
After a few minutes of heaving, gagging, and sputtering the Brit was finally able to get a grip on himself and his surroundings. But he couldn’t say he was pleased with the first thing he saw once he looked around.
The giant - the monster - was there, sitting a few yards away from the boy. Its hand was closer to George than its body was, which indicated to him that it had definitely been the source of the cold shock that woke him up. It looked conflicted- surprised. Like it hadn’t expected George to start back to life. Iits haunting green gaze domineering over all other aspects of it, seizing George’s attention. In a way, it almost looked relieved.
But George didn’t care what the giant felt right now, it just tried to kill him. 
His heart raced and his hands began to tremble as he found that he was once again struggling to breathe. He forced his eyes to peel away from the glowing green orbs and to his surroundings. He needed to run. He needed to get away. This… thing… was unstable. It had tricked him into trusting it, and what a fool he had been to feel comfortable around the monster that terrorized him for an entire night- no- that terrorized him since he got here. This thing had been hunting him since he got here! It made him lose his mind, lose his sanity, and make him think he was going insane.
They were back in the monster’s burrow. It looked like he was deeper inside now. He whipped his head around, studying the walls, moss, bramble, and all the different things that were growing inside. Wait, he wasn’t deeper inside. The burrow didn’t go any deeper. His breath came in short gasps as he tried to figure out why he felt different. Why were the surroundings off? 
The giant made a move and George screamed, scrambling backward and looking for anything to hold onto for purchase. The giant froze as George moved away from it. It was making sounds reminiscent of the comforting rumbling it had been making hours ago when it saved him from the bobcat, but the Brit could barely hear it over the sound of his heart racing, causing blood to pump through his veins powerfully. 
He didn’t stop trying to move away until he felt his hand come down on something hollow, breaking it and causing George to fall on his back. He winced in pain as his neck hit something hard and sharp, making his head spin. George was still holding onto the thing his hand had broken as he forced himself to sit upright, his vision spinning and out of focus. He lifted his hand to shake the thing off, but as he looked down, the only thing he could do was scream.
His hand had broken through a worn-down human skull. And as he turned to look around at where he was sitting, he realized that he had fallen right onto a spine. 
His head was spinning, his eyes were unfocused, and his heart threatened to send him into cardiac arrest. He frantically looked around. There were more. Skulls, spines, arms, legs, piles piles PILES. He was sitting in piles of human remains. Dead bodies. People who went into these woods and NEVER came back out. People who saw the monster, and never lived to tell the tale. Dead. Gone. Thrown into a hole and forgotten about forever. Killed. MURDERED.
Cold fingers wrapped around his arms as he violently thrashed, kicking, screaming, biting. He was acting like a feral animal. He was hysterical. George didn’t know what he was doing anymore. It was inaccurate to say that George was even conscious at the moment.
This was nothing but primal human terror fighting to stay alive.
He saw another black hand reach under him and wipe dirt over the exposed graveyard of discarded bodies, covering it up. The hand seemed to shake as well. It had been caught, of course, it was nervous. 
Before the monster had a chance to lift him up any higher George managed to reach a hand onto the ground and grab a fistful of dirt. As he was lifted towards its face, he hurled the dry dirt at its eyes with as much power as he could conjure. 
The monster wailed as the earth hit its exposed pupils. It wailed so loud, so high pitched, George could feel warm blood trickling out of his ears. The pain distracted the monster long enough for George to struggle his way out of its iron fist, fall to the ground, and sprint around, out of the exit.
He didn’t know where he was going. But he knew that his best bet would be the opposite way that he tried before. It had to work. He HAD to find his way back to his friends. He’d run all the way to Florida if he had to. 
He’d do anything just to hear Sapnap’s laugh.
His footsteps pounded on the forest floor, sticks and grass, and leaves were thrown behind him as his powerful steps dug up the ground. The wind felt like thousands of needles pinching his face as he ran through it, his lungs were ice cold with the freezing air. 
He’d do anything just to feel one more hug from Karl.
George cried. He cried for warmth, he cried for rest, he cried for safety, he cried for his friends. He wanted to go home. He wanted this hellish nightmare to be over.
And suddenly the ground was gone. And in its place was concrete. 
George gasped as he fell over trying to abruptly stop. His face hit the hard surface, and he heard a deep crack from his nose, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t even register the pain. A road. A road! The road to the cabin! To Sapnap and Karl! He laughed as he threw himself to his feet and stomped on the concrete with glee. His path home!
Or maybe home would come to him.
Sapnap drove the car as fast as it could go. It could barely make the sharp turns of the backroad at this speed, but they had to get to the cabin. They had to start somewhere. “Sapnap! Please- please just go a little bit slower!” Karl’s terrified voice shook with fear in the passenger seat as he clutched onto Sapnap’s shoulder. “We’re so close…” Sapnap would mumble back. His eyes were glued to the road before them, his thoughts however were miles away. Back in Florida where nothing was wrong. He should’ve just let George play his stupid games. He should’ve just joined him. He should’ve just-
Karl’s scream snapped Sapnap back into reality as he realized he was racing right towards somebody walking in the road. “Fuck- Wait!” 
George heard the roaring of an engine coming up from the road. His heart leaped as he turned to wait for it to come. But as he stood with his hands in the air, screaming for attention, he realized that the car was hurtling down the narrow road. He could hear the tires squeaking, the engine roaring with passion. The sounds make him feel scared all at once. Why would someone be driving so fast back here? Unless they saw something…
The Brit became ultra aware of the silence deafening his ringing ears.
His knees felt weak all at once, and he had to strain to keep himself standing. He looked around, his eyes desperately scanning the edge of the trees for that horrible green color, that all too eerie black shadowy form. That’s when the car came speeding down the road right toward him.
All his life he’d never understood why deers would stand so still while a car came right at them. He always assumed it was because they were animals, and animals were dumb.
But this week he’d realized that to that monster, he was an animal. An animal to be hunted. To be found as a prize. And at this moment, he and a deer weren’t really that different. Were they?
Deafening ringing filled his ears as Sapnap tried his best to steer the car out of the way, tried to avoid the man in the road, but wasn’t fast enough and still hit half of him. The car came to a screeching halt, all too late, and the men inside were left sitting in a fog of shock.
Red crimson painted the hood.
The body lay limp right on the edge of the road.
The car had stopped right next to a cliff, just feet away from rolling off.
Karl was the first to react. He gasped as if he was holding his breath like he had been drowning in the thick tension of the situation. It was the blonde who was strong enough to get himself out of the car, to walk down the road and toward the body. But it was Sapnap who, after following in pursuit at the sound of Karl’s horrified scream, was strong enough to say the word, “George-”
Karl’s wails became background noise to Sapnap. The Texan didn’t even realize that the blonde had fallen to his hands and knees and crawled over to George’s body and splayed himself over his friend. Hugging him and wailing out for help. The only thing Sapnap could focus on was the horrified look on his friend’s face. Like it was a picture printed right onto George’s face. It didn’t look real. He looked like a wax statue. His fingers ran through his hair as he watched red pour onto the green-turning-yellow grass of mid-autumn. He stared until he couldn’t take it anymore, turning around to look at the murder weapon - the car - with tears spilling from his eyes. It was barely damaged. The only thing wrong was that the trunk had popped open, and the shotgun he had packed had fallen onto the road. It was laying right in a pool of blood. The man trembled, losing balance suddenly as his own sobs threatened to escape his throat. 
What. Had. He. Done.
Karl’s screams suddenly got earsplitting louder. So much louder, that it got Sapnap to turn around. His heart stopped beating as he looked up. Up. Up. Up. Up at those green, hollow, evil eyes that glared with a rage readable by any living thing at them. The shadowy body that the eyes belonged to lurched forwards at paranormal speed with inhumane movements. It came out from the trees’ edge and right towards Karl. The blonde wailed with fright as he moved away slightly, but not far enough. The monster put a giant hand over George’s body, blocking him off from the boys’ sight as it used another to hit Karl away.
If it were the size of a human, the slap would’ve been only just strong enough to send a small object a few inches away, but this monster had the strength of a hundred men, and what a flick of a wrist was to it was powerful enough to send Karl right into a trunk of a tree. A snap echoed until it reached Sapnap’s ears, making the boy cringe. A trembling wail escaped his throat as he watched Karl hit the trunk with awful force. It didn’t appear to kill the blonde, thankfully. But Karl definitely wasn’t getting up any time soon. Sapnap’s gaze traveled from Karl to the monster, who was hunched up into a tight ball and curling its fingers around George’s form. There was water spilling from the thing’s cheeks (tears?) that fell and landed on the ground around the unmoving human, staining the road. 
There were a few long, drawn-out moments that passed where he just watched the thing coo and grumble at his friend, almost like it was trying to get a response out of him, to the monster finally noticing Sapnap watching it.
The boy breathed out a gasp as he tried to back away, trying to find his footing, but he wasn’t fast enough. The green-eyed monster got to its feet and pounced on him first. It stood over him for not even a moment before he felt the force of its foot kicking him towards where that cliff was by their car. He groaned in agonizing pain as the giant force flung his body like a dog toy. He landed awkwardly on his back, his head hanging over the edge of the cliff. At this angle, he could see how far down the fall was. It looked like a fall straight to the gate of hell. Maybe it was a foreshadow for him. His last sight on Earth would be his first sight in his afterlife. Ironic.
Sapnap didn’t have enough time to laugh cruelly at himself before a horrible force was placed on top of him. He yelled in pain as the giant dug its foot into his body, but not so much as to crush him at once. It did it slowly. It added pressure every second. The pressure changed, but its haunting gaze never did. It stared down at Sapnap with a quiet rage. Pure evil. He couldn’t breathe anymore. He could feel his life draining.. draining… draining.
He fucked everything up. He killed his best friends. Maybe he was the real monster.
A weak voice made the pressure killing Sapnap stop. He was whimpering, his voice straining as he tried to call for help. Suddenly the monster moved away altogether. Sapnap choked in a breath, coughing hysterically as he sat up frantically looking around. It wasn’t until he followed the giant’s startled gaze that he saw what had been the source of the voice.
He felt no fear. For once in this whole experience, George felt fearless. Awaking to the sounds of his friends crying in pain because of that fucking monster triggered something deep within him. His legs had to be broken. Maybe even his arm. He was losing blood by the second, and there was no way he could be standing right now by every law of nature, no way he could’ve crawled over to the wrecked car. But here he was, standing upright, staring right at the monster as the monster started right at the eye of the shotgun he was aiming at its face.
Its green eyes sparkled when they saw him. Gleeful that he was alive. They made eye contact only for a moment before it realized what George was holding. It didn’t have enough time to react, to move, to do anything at all.
Fuck this monster.
“Go to hell.”
One shot rang and not even a moment later the monster was wailing as it clutched a cold, dark hand over its bleeding eyeball. It screamed and cried with sounds George had never heard it make before. It staggered with imbalance as it fought for purchase on something it could grab- but there was nothing around for it to take as it tripped and descended right off of the cliff's edge.
Relief washed over him as he finally succumbed to his injuries and fell to the ground. Not even a moment later did he feel hands supporting him, lifting him up. “George! George! Oh my god! Holy- I- George you’re alive!” It was muffled by his ears, but he knew it was Sapnap. After a minute he could feel another pair of arms wrap around him. Somehow Karl had managed to drag himself over to the two, as they all embraced with relief and joy. 
George frowned as he held onto his friends tighter. He didn’t want to, but he thought about the monster. Why did it take him? Why did it treat him so nicely, only to try and drown him? George let tears wash over his red cheeks as he sobbed. Maybe it didn’t mean to drown him. It was trying to play- trying to make George happy. It wanted to make the old lady and her wife happy. It left gifts, it played pranks. But it got too enthusiastic and killed her. The monster was shunned and was left to be alone again.
George looked at Sapnap and Karl as they lay on the side of the road, not speaking quite yet but just taking in each other’s presence. He loved being around them, loved it more than even talking to them.
And he realized that that’s what it wanted. It wanted a presence to be around. Company. A nice warm body to hug when you felt lonely, someone to go to when you need something. Someone to have fun with. 
But it wasn’t human. It was too big. It never realized its own strength. Never meant to have casualties. In a sense it was careless. It was greedy. Going back for more people despite knowing it couldn’t contain itself.
But George couldn’t help from feeling sympathetic. Because all that time away from his friends made him realize how much he missed them.
All it wanted was a friend.
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