#Honestly why am I ever surprised this is just what these writers do
2x03 and 4x03
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Mei: “If I know the Monkie King, which I don’t, his lesson isn’t going to be as simple as just hearing, it’s some sort of twist. Maaaayybbee, it’s about listening good! You know?”
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MK: “Isn’t that the same thing?”
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(2x03 Pig Pong Panic)
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Azure Lion: “If your bonds of friendship are as strong as you say, then you will always find your way back to one another.”
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MK: “Alright! Find our friends, beat the curse, and get back to the good old fashioned story of the week!”
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MK: “But where to start...”
Mei: “You’re a big brained boy when it comes to the legend stuff, got any idea of what chapter the JourNeY to the WeeSt we’re in?”
MK: “Uhhh I kinda just skip to the parts with Monkie King in them, but it’s fine, everything will be fine!”
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Guard: “Did ya hear?”
(4x03 The Great Tang Man)
Not gonna lie gamers. I don’t exactly know what this one is trying to say. Like, it has to do with MK’s lovely ‘smartie kid’ arc (which tbh starts all the way in 1x10, I need to write a meta for it some time), BUT LISTENING?? HEARING??? AN “IF” STATEMENT??? MK’s “hand out” position and “finger on chin” position are swapped chronologically, not to mention they’re mirrored, and we all know how I feel about that.
I’ll put the scene (and lowkey a mini-meta) under a readmore, but during Pigsy and MK’s climatic ping pong fight this happens:
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Mei: “You have to truly learn to listen”
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Tang: “His hunger for the win! It’s insatiable.”
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Pigsy: “I won’t stop.
“I can’t stop.”
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MK: *Gasp!*
“That’s what Monkie King meant!
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MK: “Not just super hearing, but actually listening to what people are saying! I have to listen!”
Originally, I had assumed that this scene was for the shonen anime joke—this ping pong game is already so over the top, and having the hero make a climatic realization during it works super well. I think it’s hilarious every time I watch 2x03.
However, referencing 2x03 in 4x03 has made me totally reconsider the validity of this scene for like, character progression.
MK is of course terrible at listening. He assumes double meanings and doesn’t truly “listen” to what people say, just what he chooses to hear. I think 3x03 “Smartie Kid” has a great example of this:
MK: “Meeiiii, Monkie King needs to recharge after his fight with Ne Zha! He’s in no state to waste his time on mere mortals—especially now that I don’t have my powers.”
Pigsy: “Woah. He told you that?”
Obviously, Sun Wukong didn’t actually tell MK that. MK has seriously low self-esteem, and that seeps into how he interacts with others.
So, when MK hears “If your bonds of friendship are as strong as you say, then you will always find your way back to one another”, he assumes that means getting back to his “monster of the week” adventures, but it doesn’t. He’s permanently changed (4x07 hahahahahaha), and as we all know, part of the Hero’s Journey is the hero never returning home (*cough cough* 4x01 “But maybe this is the point in our hero’s journey where things get a little bit, darker. *cough cough*).
It’s definitely all tied together, but I’m not sure I grasp it entirely yet.
And then there’s the scenes from 1x09 and 1x10, which sure do imply...something. Currently I’m thinking the line “Ah, ya did it bud, you remembered what I told you” has everything to do with it, and everyone’s little speech about being MK’s team. They’re both scenes where MK truly listened to the people around him, which is a rarity around these parts.
And, you know what was another instance where MK truly listened?
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mythicmanuscripts · 2 months
PLEASE more aemond PLS i am on my knees begging for scraps. ur one of the only writers who actually GETS him
Thank you so much!! One of the main reasons why I started this blog is because I couldn’t find much content of Aemond and how I picture him so this means a lot!! I have a few little ideas that aren’t really long enough for full imagines that I’m just gonna babble on about here for more sub!Aemond content :)) also, you guys are more than welcome to send more requests and to send more specific requests!! Anyway, here’s some random disjointed sub!Aemond babble
I didn’t intend for this to all be SFW thoughts it kinda just happened?? Honestly I have no idea how but yeah this is all SFW, I am happy to write more NSFW though! So if you have any ideas for NSFW sub!aemond then let me know :))
The first time you ever give Aemond anything resembling an order is at your first dinner after your wedding. Aemond is stiff and formal, barely entertaining conversation, you get the impression that he wishes he were anywhere else.
There’s a pitcher of wine next to Aemond, and you ask to have more wine. You say this out loud, and as expected a servant immediately takes the wine pitcher and fills your glass. You thank them, but then to your surprise when you look back at Aemond he looks angry, and maybe even tells the servant to get lost?
So now obviously you’re beyond confused and you ask him what’s wrong. Which leads him to blush. BLUSH?? And he softly mumbles something that sounds an awful lot like “you asked me to do it and they did”
You press him and eventually realise that for whatever reason, Aemond thought you were asking him to refill your glass and he’s upset that a servant did it before he could. Which… you’ve never been so confused in your life because you what?? He’s barely even speaking to you and then he’s upset he couldn’t fill your glass?? He’s upset he couldn’t do that has always been the servants job?
So without thinking you get up, put your now full wine glass on the cabinet and grab an empty one. You sit back down and ask Aemond to fill your wine glass. You expect him to roll his eyes but he immediately takes the wine pitcher and fills your glass and then gets up and carries the glass to your side of the table, putting it down for you.
You thank him, and to your shock he… smiles?? So then you decide to lay it on thick and say “thank you very much Aemond, I appreciate it” and then he just… actually starts a proper conversation with you and seems very pleased with himself??
So after that you start experimenting, asking Aemond to do things for you, thanking him when he does and praising him and well, he now follows you around everywhere you go and will fire any servants who dare to try and do whatever you’ve asked him to do.
When Allicent first met you, she was beyond relieved because she very quickly realised how much influence you have over Aemond. She thinks that she’s finally found a way she can control Aemond and ensure he behaves and does what she wants.
Unfortunately she very quickly realises how wrong she was when she tries to form some sort of pact with you and you shoot her down immediately. You tell her that you have absolutely no interest in being a tool for her to use to control Aemond.
And well, now allicent is in even worse a position because before Aemond would at least mostly listen to her and now? Now Aemond doesn’t even look at her, nevermind speak or listen to her.
Aemond gets all the love and affection and guidance he could ever need from you. Allicent could be on fire next to him and he wouldn’t even notice.
The first time you suggest kneeling for Aemond, he’s mildly offended. He thought you understood how much he needed to be cared for and loved and never degraded and now you want him to kneel for you?
But, Aemond trusts you and he knows you always know what’s best for him so he agrees to try it once. You put a pillow down on the floor in front of a chair by the fire in his chambers. You sit down on the chair with a book, and have Aemond kneel on the pillow. You let him rest his head on his inner thigh.
Within 2 minutes Aemond is obsessed. He just…. He feels so safe?? You’ve got your hand in his hair, the fire is providing warmth, and it’s just the two of you. Very quickly he closes his eyes and just lets himself drift, the sounds of the fire and of you turning pages lulls him into this calm, almost half asleep state.
So obviously from there kneeling for you becomes common place. And maybe he even starts to tell you things while he kneels? It’s like once he’s there, his head on your thigh, all nice and safe, he’s able to just vent and complain and tell you everything that’s been on his mind.
As much as Aemond loves hearing your counsel and always asks what you think of things, you don’t give him any advice while he kneels for you. That’s not the time, he only wants to be allowed to vent and feel safe when he kneels.
And then maybe you also start reading to him? And god Aemond is just in heaven, not a single one thought in his head. He vents to you, gets all his frustrations out and then gets to just close his eyes and listen to your voice until he’s about to fall asleep right there. Then you help him up and crawl into bed with him, he’s asleep before you can even blow out the candles.
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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With an s/o who is a writer
notes: so we have this now
contains: character x gn!reader, established relationship
characters included: leona kingscholar, rook hunt, idia shroud, malleus draconia
warnings: none
dark content creators & consumers do not interact
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Okay so Leona is like, the last person in the cast who'd be into creative writing if it wasn't for the fact that he was dating a writer but he's supportive. He's got the spirit. Even if he has different priorities.
Literally comes into your room, sees you sitting at your laptop and working on a story and he's like: "Are ya winning?" He pulls a chair next to yours and rests his head on your shoulder, looking at your draft with you. "Tf am I supposed to be winning?", you chuckle and ruffle his hair, gently scratching his ear in the process. "I don't know, the recognition of the internet people or something. You were the one who said 'Spite can be a great writing motivation' if I recall correctly", he shrugs and presses a kiss to your cheek. "It's not a competition, you know?", you laugh and get up, shoving your chair to the side to sit on Leona's lap instead.
He doesn't mind just wrapping his arms around your waist and letting you sit on his lap while you write. He'll read along and rest his head on your shoulder from behind, wrapping his tail around you as well. Now you have a clingy oversized cat attached to you while you work on your latest project. Congrats. He probably falls asleep halfway through, not that you'd mind.
It took a while for you to feel comfortable to show Leona your writing, because the second prince of Sunset Savannah could be quite the judgemental person. Leona would never mock anything you cared about as soon as he started dating you but seeing his demeanor towards other people still made you hesitate. But Leona has been supportive of you ever since you talked to him about your passion, even if he doesn't quite get it. Honestly be glad Leona isn't someone who'd ever start writing because he's inspired by you, he would turn this into a competition.
If you post your works online, Leona makes an account on whatever platform you post them on solely to follow you and support you. If you work on something for several hours and get less notes than someone with two paragraphs Leona is more frustrated than you.
He originally just wanted to support you but he finds himself surprised at how the plot of your stories actually intrigues him and he's curious what happens next.
If you write poetry, he's less involved. He just doesn't get poetry. He's like "why don't they just say what they mean?"
If you ever get Leona to write anything it'd be literate roleplay. Only joins because you asked him but gets really into it halfway through. Wants to make his character cool and wants him to fight the other characters. He's like "this is my character, he's a king and he can do whatever he wants-"
Leona's stylistic device is using poetic descriptions in the same sentence with words like "bastard" and "shitfaced" and he somehow manages to actually pull this off
You took him to tabletop night with Idia and Azul once and he got himself perma-banned from Board Game Club because he fucked with their nerves so much that they never wanted to see him there again.
He's worried you might be mad at him at first. "Nah it was kinda funny", you reassure him, "though if we ever do this again it should probably just be the two of us..." Leona chuckles and pulls you close, pressing a kiss to your temple.
Rook writes poetry himself and he loves the arts so he's so on board with this.
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But, listen. Rook is that one reader every writer wants but few of us actually get. He reads literally anything you write ever and he responds by sending you like a whole essay of his thoughts on the characters and the plot in depth and how it made him feel.
"Beauté", Rook tears up and pulls you into a hug, kissing your forehead enthusiastically, "I must thank you, mon chéri / ma chérie, by sharing the work you put your heart into with me and presenting me with the result of your creativity and passion; you have made my heart feel a little more complete and my mind more enlightened. Because you have chosen to let me view the beauty that is your prose and poetry, every day I get one step closer to truly call myself le chasseur d'amour! Truly extraordinary!" He takes your hands into his and looks deeply into your eyes as he tells you this; like he's confessing the full extent of his love to you. He cups your cheeks and kisses your lips softly, trying to convey all the feelings that overwhelm his heart and that words would never do justice to you.
He will gush about your works to Vil and Epel so much that they are tired of hearing about it.
He’d be happy if you tell him your thoughts about his poetry too. He writes a lot of it but he doesn’t really have anyone to talk about it with because most people just don’t get his poetry. But if you keep an open mind and give him some appreciation for what he wrote, Rook is so thankful and excited.
He’s so excited for anything new you write. “Feel free to notify me immediately once you’re finished with your newest chef-d'œuvre, even if it’s the middle of the night and I am asleep”, he smiles at you and kisses your hand. 
He’s not kidding, btw
He wakes up in the morning to see you snuggled up against him and he gives you a kiss on the forehead, waking you up softly. “Ugh…just 10 more minutes”, you groan and bury your face in his chest. Rook chuckles and runs his fingertips up and down your back. “You seem very tired, mon cœur”, he whispers and presses a kiss to your lips. You kiss back gently and wrap your arms around him. “Were you working on your newest oeuvre d'art until late at night again?”, he asks and shakes his head. He loves everything you make but he’d rather have you well-rested and comfortable. You confirm his suspicions with a tired nod. “Well, did you finish it?”, he asks. “Yes”, you mumble and try to hide from the rising sun by burying your face in his neck. “Didn’t I tell you to wake me up, so I can read it?”, he gets up and turns on your laptop, carrying it over to the bed so you can enter the password. “I thought you were exaggerating”, you shrugged and opened your finished project. “When have I ever exaggerated?”, Rook asks and wraps an arm around you while his eyes wandered across the document, “you should know best that all I express towards you is nothing but raw, unfiltered honesty.” You sigh. “Right, you have a point.”
Getting to read your newest work literally makes his day. Rook is your biggest fan definitely.
Okay you can't tell me Idia doesn't write fanfiction or at least read it. That man has been through every genre of fanworks.
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You write? He admires that. You write fanfiction? Even better.
Send him soul-crushing angst of his favorite characters please, his reactions are so funny. He's like "why would you do this to my poor otaku heart HEFHHSJEHFHSBFDBSNFXNNENNSNR 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"
He will literally commission you or request from you to write his ideas and surprise him with something he'd love.
He'd be like, kicking his legs and text you his live-reaction.
Idia is one of those people who request from you and make it so hyper-specific that you need to read into the lore of an entirely new game or anime just to even understand what exactly he wants. He'd send you "Can you write angst with this character if his love interest had the blood curse from the hit-game 'Below the 2nd Temple' but if the blood curse made you seek out the 5 goblets of wisdom and then drop dead. What would be their reaction to the one they love dearly leading such a pitiful existence? Oh and can you make the dragon from the sequel 'Below the 3rd Temple' appear at the end when the love interest runs out of horvathian gemstones?" and you sit there like what the fuck did he just say????
He's like "oh it's all on the official forum lore section" as if you're going to read in-depth lore for a game you never played just to write his angsty crossover AU.
"Why don't you write it yourself at this point?", you look at him and sigh. "But I love your works", Idia wraps his arms around you from behind and kisses your cheek repeatedly, pulling you into his lap.
He will absolutely try to bribe you into writing it. He'll offer you kisses and a nice, warm bath and a massage....whether you fall for it is up to you.
But he's so happy when he gets the final result. He geeks out about it to Azul who understands even less about the request than you when you first started working on it.
Idia would also do semi-literate and literate roleplay with you online.
Overall loves that you're a writer and will support you whenever you need it. Idia can actually be pretty creative himself so when you struggle to continue and lack an idea, he might just deliver exactly what you need.
Malleus has read many books throughout his lifetime. Be it biographies, fiction or textbooks about all kinds of topics. Most of them were outdated and the writing style of the novels he’s read has long since gone out of fashion. 
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Malleus is mostly unfamiliar with the modern way of writing stories. Hell, many of the things he’s read have been written with a magical pen and ink. The Briar Valley castle libraries contain many books that are unique and don’t have any other copies in the whole world. The newer ones were written on a typewriter. 
He’s super interested when you tell him you write as a hobby for the first time. He’s seen many printed books since coming to Night Raven College but watching you just pull out your laptop and write a whole story in just a couple of hours is fascinating to him. He lets you sit on his lap and wraps his arms around you. He rests his head on your shoulder or against your head and watches as the words just seem to spill onto the pages. He reads along and asks you a couple of questions in the meantime, still being careful not to distract you though. 
“Why did the king say this to his daughter?”, Malleus asks with a surprised expression, “is he hiding something?” You chuckle. “You’ll find that out in about five chapters”, you turn around a bit to be able to press a sweet kiss to his lips. Malleus smiles and puts his hands on his hips. “And when do I get to read those?”, he asks and you let out a sigh. “Only god knows”, you bury your head in your hands, “if the heavens decide to randomly inject me with whatever writer steroids I was on when I wrote the first three chapters, it might be tomorrow after an all-nighter and an unholy amount of coffee. If things don’t go well it could be next New Year’s Day.” “But it’s January…”, Malleus sighs.
He’s always the first to witness all the frustrations that come with being a writer. He finds it amusing but he also hopes you always find the motivation and productivity you want. 
If you write poetry, Malleus always reads it with great interest, trying to search for messages within the lines. Before the two of you got together, this was how he’s been trying to look for hints of your feelings for him.
He’s so unfamiliar with the modern world that sometimes he finds out way later that something you mentioned in your works is in fact not a fictional thing you made up. He’ll smile at you and tell you how creative you are for coming up with all this fantastic and wondrous stuff and then you rent an apartment with him to stay at during your fourth year internships. “Wait, you’re telling me roombas are real???”, he just stares at the little apparatus cleaning your living room floor in awe. You raise an eyebrow: “You thought they were fake?” He just stares at you with a slightly confused expression.
Malleus is actually pretty easily motivated to write something himself. And he’s good at it too, given his eloquent way of speaking and writing that has been taught to him at a young age due to him being a prince. He has so many in-depth thoughts, it’s pretty easy for him to make detailed descriptions of something and bring a story to life. He projects a lot too. Like, you know him too well and you just know exactly where the lines in the story about the lonely gargoyle just wishing for a friend or for anyone to care about his feelings come from. But that’s a conversation for another day. 
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works-of-heart · 6 days
The fandom is so lucky to have you! We appreciate having you here and all that you contribute to it ❤️❤️
1. What brought you into the fandom?
2. What character(s) do you feel the most connected to and why?
3. Out of all of SJM’s books, which one means the most to you and why?
4. Out of all of the SJM couples (fanon, canon, endgame, etc) which one means the most to you and why?
Keep doing you ❤️
Awww!! Thank you so much! This really warms my heart!
1. I got into ACOTAR in 2020, I am not sure why I delayed so long, I was eyeing the series since 2018, and decided to dive straight in. Since the first book I was hooked and immediately picked up the rest of the series! I loved it so much but there wasn't anyone else I knew to talk about it with. So I found reddit and wanted to share my feelings.
I found some parts of the fandom so polarizing, and many of my thoughts and likes were the unpopular ones, so I retreated for a while. I recently stumbled back into Tumblr when I found that there were quite a lot of people here who enjoyed the books as I did and art and fics to share. I wanted to add to that, to be in this space and contribute my own works that I've been dying to share and geek out with others.
I've met so many incredible people in this fandom, many who are super talented and skilled artists and writers, others who contribute in their own ways, and I have been glad to be here ever since!
2. Honestly? Lucien and Elain.
Lucien because he doesn't ever really fit in. He's made a home for himself in spring yes, but then thar fell apart. He lost everything and is with two others who have been his companions and made their own way. He doesn't think a whole lot of himself, he doesn't believe he's needed, as he said "a whole lot of nothing." I resonate with this so much. I've had friends whole dumped me and left me for their own group, I've known what it's like to be invited into gatherings but feel so utterly alone and unwanted, those moments really sat with me when reading his parts of the story, and so I'm excited to see him find himself and grow into truly valuing who he is, realizing he isn't just some seventh son of a lord.
With Elain, the way she's seen by her family is something infeel all too well. She's the people pleaser, the one who tries to balance out the bad with good. She's the one people think is just simple, plain, and 'pleasant'. People think she's uninteresting because she isn't causing waves, that she just enjoys her hobbies and that's it. No one thinks she's capable of more and generally deny her of trying anything else. This really spoke to me on a personal level.
I resonate a lot with Elain who tries to make the best of every situation, but also has a side of her that many have yet to see.
3. I don't think I particularly have one that means the "most" to me persay. At least not yet. I would say the CC books hold a special place in my heart. My husband bought HOEAB on audio book and during a long road trip we listened to it and he was so into it, that it made me smile. He enjoys the series and eagerly bought HOSAB audio book so we took a long drive to listen to it.
4. This will come as no surprise to anyone that it's Elucien for me! The moment Lucien lunged for Elain to try and stop her from being thrown into the cauldron, I was already shipping them, and him whispering with shock "you're my mate" I was sold!
I don't know what it is about them, but the potential they have, the slow burn, the thought of Lucien having given up on true love after Jesminda, only to be given a mate in Elain??! I want it all! I want to see Elain and Lucien having the most tsundere romance, the kind where she's denying her feelings aloud as if it would assure her that she's totally not falling in love with him. The way we can see how their powers will sync, and find home in each other. Their relationship reminds me so much of my own journey with my husband that I can't wait to see it unfold.
I could go on and on as to why I personally love these two together, but at the end of the day, they bring me so much joy and have been the inspiration to so much of my artwork. ❤️
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taurusmoon2008 · 23 days
I just stumbled across this blog page, and I'm gonna say it, you're cringe as hell. Why the heck would you rant about your things and problems and issues here on a social platform? Seriously? You call this place your safe place?Dude(sigh), you're so delusional.
I wish I would never meet people like you in real life because you're weird. Like, c'mon, what's with all those cringy romantic posts? Ewww.
And your hands are so ugly. They have hair; you could have at least shaved or waxed them. I mean even if you had done so, they are still ugly. I, as a guy, shave my hands, and honestly, my hands are better than yours. I bet no one is ever gonna kiss those ugly-hairy-fat hands.
Now I guess all your feminist friends gonna spam this post. Well, women. ☕
And I get it, you're one of those pick-me girls. Seriously. Just keep your fantasies to yourself. Ewwwww. 🤮🤮 (Nevermind I'll come back to see if you replied or not, and I suppose people like you won't reply to this without cursing, it would be quite a surprise if you didn't swear. Let's see.)
Hello sir , how free you must be to actually type all this , I mean kudos
Also please I don't cuss , when I didn't cuss to those weird anons I got then this is somewhat only a cringe anon
Alsoooo you noticed my hands ? Wow to say the least I have quite ok-ish hands you don't need to worry though cause my husband will embrace me the way I am
Delusional ? Khayalon ki duniya me rehti hun sir ji of course i am delusional (I am a writer duh)
Cringe romantic posts ? I hope your wife wouldn't be a hopeless romantic
My feminist friends ? They are the best thing ever happened to me but men with fragile egoes like you can't stand brave women like them (Mard jaat ugh ☕)
And maybe I am a pick me , maybe I am not a pick me but that should be least of your concern, this is my blog I'll post whatever I want , you keep your opinion to yourself
Block me or if you have the guts then come from your real id , I will do the honours of blocking you myself
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rius-cave · 2 months
The reason why I think killing off Adam permanently is a huge mistake is the fact that he deserves redemption the most. Out of all Hazbin characters, he's the one who deserves to be redeemed, both literally and figuratively in the viewers' eyes.
He's been introduced as an utterly obnoxious, narcissistic and egoistic asshole, with literally zero obviously positive qualities expect maybe him being a funny guy?? Although his humor was built around vulgar and sexist jokes so it's debatable. He was clearly meant to be an antagonist and that only, kinda like the Vees (although that has room to develop yet, and certainly gonna in s2). No concrete reason was stated as the motivation of his behavior, we can only assume things but it's clear there wasn't much thought, he just wasn't destined to be explained and redeemed. He's just like that.
And that's the big issue. He's kinda portrayed as he's always been like that (why Lilith left him etc). But there's the fact that he's in Heaven. How could he be in Heaven if he's a guy full of negative traits, shitty behavior and issues like narcissism (or even a potential god-complex)?? I don't think it would be possible for such problematic people to pass divine judgement and become winners, not even if said person is the literal first man and hasn't eaten the apple. Yes, we see how lenient Sera is with him about the whole extermination and his behavior, I wouldn't be surprised if Heaven has always been just as lenient, but I don't think they could've determined if he got to Heaven (especially since even Sera doesn't know how people get there).
So what's the point of saying all this? That he HAD to be better at some point. He had to be as "pure" and good as it leads one to become a winner. And that automatically means something had to change that later on. Be it the treatment Heaven gave him, how he's been praised as the first soul to get there, the perfect man, or some kind of untreated trauma from earlier (being abandoned, betrayed, etc) or even just seeing what humanity became (disappointment). I absolutely believe this would be reason enough to give the guy some development and redemption. He was caused to become what he is now by other people and circumstances in some sense, and he, unlike any actual sinners!!!, was actually "good enough" for Heaven. He made mistakes, he had flaws, but he wasn't all bad despite being portrayed like that, he wasn't hopeless, and him being an angel was the proof of that.
But even if he didn't get redeemed, he would've absolutely deserved atleast some character depth and an explanation of why he is like that. Sadly, that obviously wasn't Vivzie's goal, and probably won't ever be. (I still do have a slight hope that Adam will come back in some way once, though that's mostly just desperation on my part and me being delusional lol)
Wow anon, you really went off here. I understand. I also have Thoughts™
See, I am in a bit of a difficult position, because I see most things as, well, as they are. On one hand, yes of course I believe that Adam absolutely deserves a redemption story, or if not that, at least more story, ya know? On the other hand, I understand Adam's narrative purpose for the show and what the big picture is. I also understand the writing flaws of the show and how maybe one explanation is just that, the writers don't have that big of a scope in mind lol.
But also there are limitations that are outside of their control. Adam could honestly easily have a complete season to himself with how much potential as a character he has, but Hazbin Hotel is not about him. Yes, it's about redemption, but it's not about his redemption, you know?
And let's be honest, most of the potential that fanon usually attributes to him is mostly based on the real biblical character that he's "based" on. If he was just a shitty angel with a shitty motive with some shitty beef with Lucifer and hell, I don't think as many people would've cared this much about him. But I also feel like Adam being THE Adam from the bible was more like.... An adendum. Like they knew they wanted a main angel antagonist, and then just went "oh wouldn't it be cool if it was Lilith's ex husband too lol" and then rolled with that.
As for Adam being a good person once, trust me, that is also my headcanon, it's one of my favorite headcanons in fact, but... I wouldn't be surprised at all if it wasn't like that.
I think Adam was a good person once because of all the reasons you listed, but one of the reasons why they made Adam such a shithead is, yeah so he can work as a fun villain, but it's also to shed light on Heaven's hypocrisy and the fundamental problems of the system. It also serves to highlight how ridiculous Heaven is for allowing someone like Adam in for being privileged from the start, but not allowing the people in Hell who are arguably not worse than Adam. Adam isn't only a villain, he's also showcasing the issues of Heaven and their double standards.
And on the subject of the writing process, sometimes for shows like these, it's completely possible that the writing team is aware of how good of a character Adam is, it's highly likely that they've seen the sinner Adam AUs and all the love he's gotten since the show ended, and some of them probably agree that it would be an awesome story! .... But they still had to choose not to do it.
Again, at the end of the day, Adam is not a core part of Hazbin or its themes. Sure, he could represent redemption, but we're also kinda doing that with Angel and Pentious and maybe with other characters. They can't tell EVERY character's story because that just goes outside of the scope of the show. So, they need to prioritize Angel, or Husk, or maybe even Alastor if he gets some sort of redemption too. The show has a set of main characters and it has to put them before the villains, specially when they didn't even know if they'd get a season 2 (or how many more seasons they're going to get). The main cast is already a bit underdeveloped and I can't imagine them cutting even more of that for the vulgar, genocidal villain.
It's hard being an Adam fan that also has a vague idea of how shows and writing work lol
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Chamomile Daisies
{TW: Curs1ing, Lasko's rants- um.. candle wax.. uh- Lasko gets called airhead like quite a few times honestly- he also gets called airboi huxley and Damien being too cute- ( voice mails ) A tiny bit of yelling (the word murdered) Guy, an unhealthy amount of knowledge about pizza I'm not kidding... and finally I'm not a great writer.. but I'm trying and learning lmfao- Gavin doing freelancers voice mail(do what you want with that information )- I threw in some guy and honey- the blue is Lasko's rambles }
this got very long for some reason
WC: 2022
This is one of the dumbest things you could think of Lasko. And I mean dumb- like it isn’t even scientifically proven to help you with your rambling.. Well, you can’t say that because every person is different... So what affects you could also not affect the rest of the population.. And empowered and unempowered are different entirely so could DNA have anything to do with it? And I'm doing it again..all fuck it I’ll get to 2 of them. 
  Lasko makes his way over to the cashier, maybe this could work. God, he’d hoped it’d work. The first date was already fucked up..he didn’t want to mess up the second one. He pays and walks out of the store. His place was right around the corner.. Maybe the candles weren’t necessary... But Lasko wanted to make sure nothing went wrong this time. 
               Just thinking about what happened at Max’s made him drop his keys. Damnnit bending down to pick them up. He groaned at the thought of a repeat because of anxiety.. Lasko pushed the thought aside and placed the candles on the tabletop. Where did he put his clothes for the night? The airhead sighed and walked into his room. Going through the mess on the floor. Was that it? No, that’s not dark enough to cover stains.. That's not it.. No.. no.. no..no.. YES, that's it!  Lasko smiled as he pulled up a light turquoise heavy shirt! Unbuttoning his grey work shirt, with the same small smile on his face.. Maybe with the help of these candles, he could stop being so nervous and have a nice date with his dear.
Wait what would be the most effective way to burn the candles? Maybe he could melt them down in a pan well.. Rather a heatproof container… let's be real here he’s not gonna wanna clean that... Like you, how annoying would it be? Scraping the sides.. just sounds like too much work. It could stop with burning you know? Perhaps.. What would be the other method.. I could try a microwave.. Of course, I’d have to cut them in half… they're pretty long candles after all… I was thinking to myself.. Did I ever think about what scent I bought..? What if it smells bad?? Dear god, what am I gonna do fuck.. shit .. mother fuc-.. 
Lasko began buttoning his shirt over his white t-shirt. He walked out of his room, walking to the dryer. Now that he was actually in the kitchen and laundry room. He could try on his pants or well put them on he already knew they could fit. Now that he was dressed ( a few hours in advance ). He grabbed a pan, and a heat-proof container (a small one), and he finally opened the bag and looked at the candle. 
Chamomile Daisies that seem like a nice smell.
Didn’t dear say how much they loved the smell of flowers? Or was it the morning dew smell on the flowers? Was that just a them thing or it is because they a water elemental? I mean they never really said anything about liking flowers.. Did I miss something? Wait have they ever dropped any information about liking flowers..? Should I get some flowers? Just in case.. Maybe I should text them.. ? NO surprises are better.. Right? Actually no. The last time I did that I was completely soaked in water… alright.. Pants on.. Stove on..now.. Should I put some Oil in there? No.. I don’t want to clean the pot more than I already have to. 
As the airhead watched and waited for the candles to melt. His phone rang. It was dear.. Why were they calling? What was going on..? WERE THEY CALLING TO STAY THEY CANCELED?  No silly Lasko. LASKO PICK UP THE PHONE DAMMIT! Right. Right, answer the phone! 
‘’ Hey Dearie! I was just checking up on you! ‘’
D-d-dearie?! That’s new!? 
‘’ H..Hey Dear-r! I'm doing fine! ‘’ 
‘’That's great to hear! I can’t wait to see you, I just wanted to make sure you’re not overworrying… you’re not right? ‘’ Dear asked waiting to hear his response 
‘’ y..y-y-..yea! I'm o-..okay! N-..not worry-ying! A-at all! ‘’ his voice was a dead giveaway. Dear sighed on the other end of the phone. ‘’
'' Dearie..no..Lasko please don’t worry yourself too much.. Alright?’’ 
‘’ right.. I..-I’ll try..my dearest..’’ Lasko looked at the boiling pot on the stove.. The wax was red with light blue accents.
‘’ Lasko? You there?.. Lasko…?? LASKO!! ‘’
Dear’s yell caught poor Lasko off guard. He dropped his phone and in that moment our dearest Lasko forgot that he was an air elemental or at least for the right objects. See he used his magic to catch his phone just before it hit the stove? Wait, where was the candle wax? As Lasko looked up. Dear still on the phone trying to get his attention he saw the pot of wax fly in the air. And practically in slow motion watched it fall landing on the counter, wall, and the floor it also landed on his shirt…His shirt!?. Wait.. his.. His.. his what..HIS FUCKING SHIRT! SHIT..SHIT..SHIT.. THAT’S NOT GOOD
‘’ HEY DEAR I..-ILL C-..C-CALL YOU B-BACK! ‘’ as much as the poor airhead wanted to answer his Dear’s questions. He hit the red button faster than normal. 
Good job Lasko.. Now Dear is more than likely upset with me. And now I have to deal with all this wax. I knew I shouldn't have brought those damn candles! But No.. Lasko wanted to be calm..But NOOO Lasko wanted to do this and that!.. Goddamnit.. I’m like this because I wanted our second date to be better than the first one.. Fuck.. maybe…perhaps freelancer.. Would have any idea of removing wax..from he looks around everything.. 
I'm.. Afraid my deviant..~ can’t make it to the phone right now~~ They’re busy at the moment.~~ But please.. Leave a message..~ make it worthwhile..~~ 
‘’ hey Freelancer.. When you get the chance.. Could you um.. Call me back.. i .. m-..may or m-..m-may not have gotten.. W-wax on my c-clothes.. ..f-f..or my date.. Please ca-call back! ‘’ 
Sorry Dames! Huxley Just record the voicemail, please!.. Right, right! Sorry Dames and I can’t come to the phone- Leave a message and Dames and will get back to you! HUXLEY IT'S YOUR PHONE!! An-  
‘’ Hey Huxley.. Um- whenever you g-g…get the chance.. Could you um.. Call me back..I need some help..I may have or hav..have n-..not gotten wax.. everywhere..? ‘’ 
It’s Daimen. I'm afraid I can’t answer the phone.. Leave a message.. Not a long one.
‘’ o-oh.. Straightforward.. U-uh… um. I- I need some h-help with a.. Waxy situation.. ‘’ 
Well as another hour passed, no one seemed to get back with him, well Damien sent him a text about wondering what he meant by straightforward. Lasko tried to explain it.. But Damien didn’t understand how it happened.. But tried his best, to help.. Thanks to his help he got the dried wax off. But the shirt itself was stained.. The red on the shirt made him wanna cry. Red is already a hard color to get out of clothes, and his shirt being blue did not help.. Honestly, it looked like he murdered someone- not the point! He frowned and picked up his phone again. Dialed a number and sighed..it rang once.. Then twice and then eventually someone picked up. 
‘’ Lasko what happened earlier!? You hung up so fast..I thought I did something- ‘’  Dear sounded sorrowful and it hurt Lasko a little. ‘’ No dear, you do anything.. I.. may..have messed something up.. ‘’ that last part left the Airbois mouth almost inaudibly.
‘’ messed what up Lasko? ‘’ it was dear’s turn to be concerned
‘’ Well..I wanted today’s date to go smoothly and not a repeat of what happened at Max’s..’’ dear cringed at the thought.
‘’ yes..what happened..? ‘’ 
‘’ a-and.. we..ll I heard- ab-about.. the-these..ca-calming c-candles..an..d ki-kinda.. Spilled.. The w-wax.. Ev-everywhere.. in-.. Including the-..the shirt.. F-for t-tonight..’’ Lasko managed to stutter out. 
‘’ Lasko.. Dear.. y-you did…wh-at..? ‘’ dear said holding in snickering
‘’ Are you laughing right now!? ‘’ Lasko seemed more shocked than surprised. 
‘’ AHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAHAHA Lasko im sorry! I-..Just.. I ‘’ Dear could barely hold in their laughs. And Lasko entirely lost his nerve and decided to join in the laughing. 
‘’Lasko.. Listen I’ll cancel the plans and you can just come over here.. ‘’ Dear says small giggles in their sentence. 
‘’ Dear! I couldn’t just, didn’t that.. Like I already messed up the first date and now I'm ruining another one! And I just don’t think it’s fair.. That you have to cancel our plans- ‘’ Lasko attempted to ramble on but dear interrupted him. 
‘’ Lasko Dearie.. I love.. That you don't want to quote on quote to ruin another date.. But I just want to spend my time with you.. So come over and bring the shirt.. ‘’ though Lasko couldn’t see his dear’s face he knew they were smiling.. And smiling hard. 
‘’ fine.. I’ll be over in a few ‘’ Lasko responded.. Giving in. Perhaps this is better than embarrassing himself at another restaurant.  
And I know I feel so bad because I ruined our first and now the second date! I just don’t know how I let this happen. Dear, I feel so bad.. Like really bad.. Maybe I shouldn’t have come over.. Look Dear, I'll just put the shirt in the wash and I..i- Lakso stops mid-sentence losing his train of thought.. His dear looked so nice.. They always looked nice whether it was nice clothes or just a plain T-shirt and shorts. Like what they were wearing now, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. 
‘’ well, Dearie! Your shirt is in the wash! I used a little magic to make sure the bleach didn’t ruin the whole shirt. ‘’ his dear smiled pulling out their phone. 
Lasko rubs the back of his neck, chucking ‘’ well I could leave once it's washed.. ‘’ Dear glared back at Lasko.. Scarying the power airboi- ‘’ w..w-w.well..i-i..cou-could..j–just s-stay! ‘’ Lasko stuttered out.
‘’ well good! I'm ordering some pizza for the night.. Lasko was a little nervous, but for once his poker face held. Theirs no way it could be the same waiter from before right?
‘’ hey the pizzas here! Do you wanna go get it? ''Dear looked at Lasko with puppy dog eyes. As if begging him to get the pizza. Lasko wondered who taught them that as he went to open the door. 
{ Lasko is about ramble about the preparation of pizza feel free to skip- }
It. Was. The. Same. Guy.         
‘’ um.. Order for a D- oh.. It’s you- ‘’ guy started with a faint laugh
‘’ Y-Yea.. Haha me woo! ‘’ Lasko was losing him as he grabbed the box of pizzas. 
Did you know pizza could be sold fresh? HAh.. it’s a really funny process actually.. You can even get it whole or portion slices. Though the methods vary. That and have been developed to overcome challenges! Like preventing the sauce from combining with the dough! Because who the hell wants soggy pizza am I right?? HAhah, dealing with eh crust is another hard thing to deal with! Like the methods had to change often because the crust… could become rigid and who wants that? Not me and I'm sure not you! H-h-ha that’s even if you like pizza- l-..like a lot of people who work at their job d-d..-don’t like what they do..l-l-l..like there are a lot of things i..-I don’t like about my job but..but it’s a job you-..you know.. Haha?  
Dear taking notice of the situation.. Giggling a little and going to interrupt Lasko and the pizza guy. 
‘’Lasko go put the pizza on the counter please. ‘’ lasko sighed in relief before disappearing into the other room. 
‘’ sorry bout that- here take this for your troubles..’’
‘’ HONEY GUESS WHAT I GOT TODAY!!!! ‘’ Honey turned around to greet their very happy lover tonight.. ‘’ Yes Guy ‘’ 
‘’ I GOT A 150$ DOLLAR TIP ‘’ honey nearly spit out their drink
(@laskosprettygirl this is the Fic.. I hope it was worth the wait- )
once again my Adhd brain made this take harder than it needed to- I hope this lives up to expectations! and have a good day or night!
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starstruckodysseys · 3 months
20 questions for 20 writers !!
thank u to @localdisasterisk for tagging me in this! i honestly do not know how many writers i follow so um. ill tag my pibe fic besties @wheelsupin-azarathmetrionzinthos @angelwiththeblue-box @fatestitcherr @incorrect-play-it-by-ear and the rest of u can fight amongst yourselves
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
48. i don’t know if its more concerning that almost half of them are from the past five months or that almost half are play it by ear. its the same almost half but still
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
143,389. woof
3. what fandoms do you write for?
obviously play it by ear. everyone knows that. also d20 occasionally and project sekai. unfortunately
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
toya and mizuki’s step by step guide to romancing a shinonome — i will be so real with you guys i specifically crafted this one to be popular. and then i fell in love with it along the way. but it did start as a science experiment
let me take you with me (just like this) — WHY. this is my second pjsekai fic and my fourth fic ever posted. it’s not at all reflective of my current style. help
kiss it better — yeah. same issue as the other one. this one’s better though lmao
say you miss me (say you want to kiss me) — honestly? just impressed a honakana fic made it up this high. love my girlies
the moon is crumbling (but that’s okay) — yeah everyone pretend to be surprised the ruikasa fic got this high up. it was a new concept for me, though, so i’m pretty proud of that
5. do you respond to comments?
i used to, but not really anymore unfortunately. to be fair, i will point you all to the fact that most of my recent fics are pibe, and then to the discord where we all scream about them together
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don’t usually. write sad endings. bc i don’t like them. okay that’s not true i just usually don’t. i guess the moon is crumbling?? if i had to choose?? it’s more bittersweet than anything, but people did say they cried, so…
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
99.9% of my fics are getting together fics. it’s just the same ending a million different ways. you tell me
8. do you get hate on your fics?
not publicly!
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i would simply be too powerful if i could. this is for your safety actually
10. do you write crossovers?
in the sense of characters across universes/media interacting? no. in the sense of “i am going to put my blorbos in every single other setting i slightly enjoy”? absolutely. putting them under a microscope. researching and recording how they react to their surroundings
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i simply do not think there is a demand for my fics in other languages. not in like a depressing way, it’s just that i’m writing for like five people including myself, so. yknow
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but if someone wanted to… 👀
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
i’ve never written for them (yet, at least), but by sheer volume and span of time i have to say souyo persona4. my silly boys. i’ve never scoured the entire tag for a ship multiple times on ao3 like i have for them. i have so many thoughts about them that have never seen the light of day but they exist!!
15. what’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
stares awkwardly at feed your anger like fire… i’ve tried!! but it turns out that sometimes you get stuck on clothing designs and stop writing and then lose passion for the project and then stop updating for three years because you were too ambitious and also you hate your old writing style. not that i would know anything about that
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i’m really good at dialogue, or at least banter. unfortunately this makes me very judgmental but that’s not important. also i can create a vibe well i’ve been told
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
in general? i SUCK at character description, or at least knowing where and when to place it. i also always worry about characterization and if my characters sound too similar
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i used to read so many fics that centered around using another language (shoutout bmc fandom when i was. in that. a dark period of my life, but alas) and honestly if it’s done well i think it’s cool!! i’m not going to get into the intricacies of bilingualism on account of being an english only speaker but it is rad to me
19. first fandom you wrote for?
wrote for? probably warriors. yes the cats. i had a whole fanfic for my oc. shoutout to… honestly i don’t remember her name but she was a real one! wrote for and posted is another story, by which i mean i don’t remember At All. probably bandori tbh, bc i don’t remember if i posted fanfic on my wattpad
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
either the venn diagram of curses and crushes (which is still my favorite fic title ever) or soaking in the glory. one of them is a 3k word expedition into the play it by ear canon space and the other is a 7k word fever dream i went into a fugue state to write in two days. honorable mention to the like the sweetest cup of chai series which i hold so close to my heart. silliest besties of all time
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steddieunderdogfics · 7 months
Tumblr media
This week’s writer spotlight feature is: @estrellami-1! Most of their works are on tumblr, but they have three on Archive of Our Own in the Stranger Things fandom. You can find all of their tumblr works here.
@finntheehumaneater recommends the following works by @estrellami-1:
If I Should Stay
(Push Away the) Lonely Times
Soft Touch Baby
I’m nominating them because they are just a delight to talk to, and such a creative writer. Honestly, the way they describe things is beautiful and I can see it so clearly in my head. Any character they write is written to PERFECTION. They’re one of my favorite tumblr mutuals…ever :) - finnthehumaneater
Below the cut, @estrellami-1 answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
Short, funny answer? Hyperfixation. Longer answer… it just works in a way I don’t see many pairings work. Maybe I’ve just got blinders on, I don’t know, but nothing about their canonical personalities have to change in order for them to be together.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
This is like asking who my favorite kid is… I like SO many, it honestly might be easier to ask what I don’t like! I tend to like the softer things, though; hurt/comfort (emphasis on the comfort), found family, fluff, things like that. I’m a sucker for anything soft and slow, which @ghosttotheparty does an AMAZING job at.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Again, anything soft and sweet! I tend to read what I write and vice versa… though I’m also an avid smut reader, and I’ve only felt brave enough to try writing it more recently. I think writing smut isn’t really my thing, but I am glad to have tried, just to say I’ve done it. But hey, never say never; it could happen one day!
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
I can’t possibly pick just one!! @pukner has some AMAZING things, specifically the two series off-script and always burning, world keeps turning. I’m also obsessed with anything by @ghosttotheparty, as stated earlier, and anything by the amazing @steddieas-shegoes.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Honestly, probably 70% of what I write never sees the light of day. Not for lack of want, but because I lose inspiration halfway through. So with that being said, I think I’ve written all the tropes I’d like to; I just haven’t published all of them. Fingers crossed, though; I still have all those docs, and I do go back to them sometimes, so hopefully inspiration will strike again!
What is your writing process like?
In all honesty, I don’t really have one. I tend to start at the beginning and let the characters take over, which means even I am surprised by some of the things I write! One such example is the relationship between Steve and El in If I Should Stay. I never thought they’d get that close, but here we are!
Do you have any writing quirks?
Unless it’s considered a quirk to write alone in my room at night, in complete darkness, with only my phone screen for light… then no. I don’t think so. Although I have definitely noticed I make the faces the characters do, to make sure I’m describing the right thing! 😂
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Since most things I write never get posted… I honestly don’t know! Probably on a schedule, considering I’m not finished writing If I Should Stay yet, but I’m not super picky; nothing else I post is on any sort of schedule, though that may be just because I mainly post one-shots.
Which fic are you most proud of?
Honestly, it’s a tie between If I Should Stay and Falling. If I Should Stay because I never expected to stick with it this long—I’m working on part 61 right now—and I’m exploring a lot of things I haven’t before. Falling because to this day, nothing I’ve done has come out like that. It was effortless in a way I never expected it to be, in a way I’ve never experienced before, and I think the results speak for themselves; it’s one of my most-liked fics, clocking in at just over 4k notes on Tumblr and 6.6k hits on ao3, most of which happened in the first week of it being posted!
How did you get the idea for (Push Away The) Lonely Times?
In all honesty… I don’t remember. Probably a combination of “what if Steve had Good Parents” and “what if Steve and Eddie were childhood friends” Tumblr posts!
When writing If I Should Stay, what was something you didn’t expect?
Like I said earlier, Steve and El’s relationship was a surprise. As was Alli, actually; I had no plans for a sister, but then I saw a “Steve has younger-brother-to-a-sister-energy” Tumblr post, said, “you right,” and proceeded to write her into that very next part.
What inspired Soft Touch Baby?
I swear I’ve got the worst memory… I honestly don’t remember. It was one of my firsts, and at that point in time I hadn’t even seen the show yet, so I wasn’t super confident in the fic, but damn if I didn’t have the balls! Looking back on it now, it isn’t my favorite, but I think it’s important to know where you came from, if only to see that it’s not all in vain, that even I can see how much better I’ve gotten.
What was your favorite part to write from (Push Away The) Lonely Times?
Probably the entirety of parts 3 and 4. I love Jim and Hopper’s banter, and I love Jim’s internal monologue in 4 as he’s taking care of Steve. I love exploring characterizations like this!!
How do/did you feel writing Soft Touch Baby?
As I said earlier, I don’t love it now, but I do like it for the starting block it is. I do remember, though, while I was writing it, I was feeling so smug; I thought I was writing the equivalent of the goddamn Mona Lisa. Laughable, really, which is another reason I don’t delete/orphan it. It helps keep me humble, to an extent.
What was the most difficult part of writing If I Should Stay?
Honestly? Posting the first part. I thought it was a throwaway thing, something that came a dime a dozen, something that everyone and their mother had already written. I posted it far too late at night (or was it far too early in the morning?) because I decided I didn’t give a shit, and woke up to an overwhelmingly positive response. To this day, I’m blown away by the attention it got! My taglists hit 100 people in just 4 days!
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
Honestly, pretty much the entirely of Falling, and to a lesser extent, Because of You. In the former, it’s the whole Apollo/Dionysus banter, the way Eddie says Steve’s eyes are hazel and his hair has gold, the way he calls Steve sunshine boy, and the not to me, not if it’s you line. In the latter, it’s Steve saying, “…Because I trust you. I feel safe with you. I believe you’ll take care of me, because you’ve already proven you will.” I imagined him almost upset when saying this; louder than normal, very emotional, just trying to get Eddie to understand. It’s a very raw line, Steve’s being very open, and in the context of the fic, it’s kinda groundbreaking for him, and Eddie knows it.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I think I’ve shared something about most of the ones I’m excited about… all of this will be after I finish writing If I Should Stay, but I have a fae!Steve fic that I’m working on, one where Steve goes deaf (very heartbreaking and emotional and real and so, so much love and family), and I’ve got a lavender prom idea I’m working on, in which Steve and Robin are Platonic soulmates, Steve has an unfortunate crush on Eddie, and Robin’s got an equally unfortunate crush on Vickie. It’s a No Upside-Down AU in which Steve decides to host the first(?) lavender prom at his house. It’s not called a lavender prom, obviously, but I do have something of an idea for a nod to the name. Here’s a snippet, if you want, because I actually am really excited about this one:
  Robin dramatically drapes herself over the foot of Steve’s bed and sighs. Dramatically. He quirks a brow, but otherwise doesn’t react, just keeps trying to focus on the same page he’s been trying to read for what feels like the past ten minutes.      She sighs dramatically again. Somehow it’s even louder than before.      He drops the book and looks heavenward for a moment. “What’s wrong?”      “Prom’s coming up.”      Steve’s nose wrinkles. It’s all anyone’s been talking about. “I know.”      “I’ll have to dance with a guy.”      “You don’t have to.”      “There are rumors, Steven. Rumors,” she hisses, rolling over to stare at him.      “Okay, so dance with a guy.”      “And what happens if he tries to make a move?”       “You reject him? Politely?”      “Steve.” She says his name like he’s an idiot. He’s used to it. “The entire reason for a girl to dance with a guy is because she likes him. I’ll be back at square one.”      Steve sighs, thinking. Truthfully, he isn’t really looking forward to prom, either. After his fall from the social totem pole, he puts a lot less stock in what people think of him, but even he has some societal norms to adhere to still. Societal norms like dancing with a girl when there’s a certain guy who’s been circling his mind instead.      “Okay,” he says, thinking. “Do you know anyone else who has the same problem?”      “Besides you? I can think of a couple of people.” The way she looks at him makes him think they’re thinking of the same person, and he’s suddenly struck once again with gratitude that she’s his friend.      “If you talk to him, I’ll talk to Vickie.”      “I will kiss you. Very platonically. On the forehead.”      He laughs. “Okay. I’m thinking, what if I host something here, the same night as prom?”      “I’m thinking there are a few people who would be really grateful.”      They share a smile with each other before Robin grabs the book. “Okay, where are you, I’ll read, you listen.”      “I love you,” he tells her seriously, moving to lay next to her and look at the page she’s looking at. He points to a section and she nods, tracing her finger down the lines as she reads.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
A VERY big thank you to whoever nominated me!! And a great big thank-you-I-love-you to anyone who’s stuck with me and my writing thus far. I appreciate each and every one of you! ❤️ And, if you’re someone who’s waiting on me to answer an ask, I swear I haven’t forgotten! I’ll get to them all… eventually!
Thank you to our author, @estrellami-1, and our nominator, @finntheehumaneater! See more of @finntheehumaneater’s works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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gt-ridel · 6 months
writer truth and dare game: 🍬🦋 and 🎨
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character As much as I love Uncle Ingo as a concept, If we're going directly off of the game, I don't think he really cares about us any more than the average hisuian rando. ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ) 🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately I've been in a pretty poor state lately, so there's nothing from my heart I'd especially like to express just now. It's mostly gloomy. ╮(╯∀╰)╭ But one thing that I have been rotating in my noggin lately is starting a Patrion, since my teaching work has dropped off dramatically and I could seriously use the money. Unfortunately, I don't think that I have anything of value to offer. (:,з」∠) 🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it LITERALLY impossible to choose. What a demented question! But here are a few artists whos work I admire! NOTE: I'm pretty sure none of these people fall into this category? But just in case, I shall reiterate. I do not care about fictional drama, or if someone creates art of kinks or whatever that I don't personally like/approve of. That is literally none of my business. As long as they are not drawing child porn or something, I don't want to see your callout post. BE TOLD. In no particular order: #1 @cloudy-dreams has such a soft and appealing art style. I could look at it for hours! Her art tastes like marshmallows, and you can't change my mind. She's one hundred percent of the reason I got into Welcome Home, even though I usually like to wait until projects like this are finished before investing my time into them. #2 @nosnexus has been consistently creating INCREDIBLE Dimension 20 fan art, which is what first drew me to their account. with vibrant colors and lots of attention to small detail, both in character and background, they are WELL worth checking out! #3 @grassyneptune draws THE most beautiful Half-life character portraits I've ever seen. I wish I could do line and color work like them. *dreamy sigh* #4 @critterbitter gives every character SO much expression in their movements, they even made a gosh darn lamp instantly recognizable as a sassy mean girl. I am forever surprised and terrified by the sheer volume of quality art they manage to create in such a seemingly short amount of time. Honorable Mentions: @fronomeeps has a deceptively simple style, but once again captures a lot of character in seemingly few lines. @choochooboss is not afraid to take on complex pieces with dynamic angles and detailed backgrounds. @waywardstation moves away from the traditional anime look in their PLA art, and instead injects a style completely their own. Are they a professional illustrator? I'm not sure. But they sure could be. There are SO many others. Honestly, I could go on and on and on. But I should probably wrap the post up. Hope these were more or less satisfactory answers!
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uniquexusposts · 5 months
Her || Charles Leclerc
Main characters: Charles Leclerc x OC Genre: fan fiction, fluff  Story type: novel  Part: 4/? Word count: 2379 Co writer: @mistrose23
Story summary: Matilde Jørgensen, the new Scuderia Ferrari team principal, faced the nerve-wracking challenge of reviving the team's fortunes and aiming for a championship. Leading a historic team as a 'newbie' and separating her work and personal opinions posed a significant challenge. The big question: is she capable to do so?
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Previous chapter
Chapter 2: From Friends to Rivals
Matilde found herself in unfamiliar territory as she sat on a relaxing stool in the airport lounge of the airline she was flying with today. It was the first time she sat in an airport lounge - a lounge for business class, because usually she flew economy as that was all she could pay for. And since she wasn't a 'Head' of a department, or someone that important, she flew economy with her team. And now as team principal, she sat in a lounge, between people with money and probably a status. Nevertheless, her flight was delayed. Whether you sit in a lounge or at the gate, the impatience level feels the same.
A teasing remark snapped her out of her contemplation. "You won't make friends with that look on your face, ey."
The new team principal looked up and she was greeted by her best friend and ex-colleague. With a playful response, Matilde countered: "It's a good thing that I am not waiting to make any new friends," Matilde replied and sat up. "Hello, darling."
Gemma sat down on the stool in front of her. "Finally," she breathed, the weight of the past three weeks hearable in her words. "What a week, well, three weeks; testing, racing, everything." She looked next to her and saw two people joining them by sitting down at the two seats next to them.
"Hello," GP smiled, Max Verstappen's race engineer.
"Hey, hey," Hannah chimed in and sat down, she was the Head of Strategy.
Matilde looked at her former colleagues, now rivals. A smile grew on her face. "Now I finally get to experience how it feels to be important," she teased. "You get fancy shit."
"Do you know how extremely hard we work?" Gemma replied with a mock-offended expression on her face.
GP smirked. "All you get to do is listen to Max during interviews," he said to Gemma.
A collective laughter enveloped them. As the amusement settled, Matilde added her own remark. "Oh, right, and the husband has the toughest job ever here." She looked at GP.
They all laughed.
"But Matt, let's debrief. Tell me about your week." Hannah's tone shifted, steering the conversation toward a more serious topic.
Matilde's expression took on a thoughtful cast, the weight of her new role evident in her gaze. "It has been a rollercoaster," she began, a note of exhaustion and determination in her voice. "And I am still on it." She looked at them one by one, figuring out if she could speak out loud about her thoughts. These three people were close to her during her time at Red Bull. Matilde joined Red Bull at the same time as GP, she was Hannah's right hand and Gemma became a really close friend. "Honestly, I have more respect for Christian now. It's only been a week, but I have no idea what I'm doing or what has happened."
"Why?" Gemma asked.
"I still have to process everything." Matilde took a deep breath. "I got here and I became Kim Kardashian."
"Yeah, of course. Binotto gets sacked and a day later you're here," Hannah remarked with a hint of playful scepticism.
"What's up with that?" GP curiously asked.
Matilde pressed the corners of her mouth down and threw her hands up in the air. "I don't know. Honestly, I'm just as surprised as you are. I mean, the deal was as good as done, but I was expected to start after the summer break. That's why I stepped down last year after Zandvoort, because I was already talking with Ferrari. But it's quite a red flag, isn't it? The fact that they let him do testing..."
"What do you expect from Ferrari?" Gemma said, adding a note of realism in her tone. "The team's as red as their livery."
GP looked disapproving at Gemma. "Don't let her regret making this decision, Gemma," he said.
"A new clown entered the circus. I hope I can keep up the act," Matilde blurted. "And stay for longer, make some changes, understand the deeper issues of this team and their philosophy, perhaps win some races. No, but I can't really say what I think of it yet, I still have to process everything, but so far, it's overwhelming and busy and nice."
GP took a sip of his cappuccino. "Woman is still in shock. And the team?"
"Tough crowd," she answered. "Exactly how I expected them to be. Stubborn, old-fashioned, but they're kind so far. It's different from Red Bull, with different people and team spirit."
"And Leclerc and Sainz?" Hannah asked.
"Can't really tell yet, honestly. They were both quite distant, Leclerc more than Sainz. But it's the first week, I don't know. I can't make assumptions already." Matilde took a deep breath. "But I don't have the same vibes, yet, as I had with Max and Checo - I can't really compare them with each other, but it feels like I have to earn Leclerc and Sainz's respect first."
Her friends exchanged knowing glances, understanding the feelings Matilde was experiencing.
"It's the first impression that counts the most," GP said, adding his perspective. "But like what?"
Matilde paused for a moment. Could she share this? But on the other hand, the race had passed and they had gathered the data already. And they spoke as equals rather than competitors. "I know the strategy is not my job anymore, I have a team for that. I can have an opinion on it and I have to keep it to myself, but..." Matilde let out a groan of frustration.
"Let me guess, you had a strategy in your mind and they didn't want to use it?" Hannah asked.
Matilde pressed her lips into a thin. "The jokes we made about the strategy at Ferrari?" She let out a breath. "Exactly that."
"Oh, boy," Gemma mumbled.
"Let's say there may be a reason why we didn't make it on the podium," Matilde replied and put on a professional smile. "I am not used to leading a team yet, I still have that team player inside me and I want to stir during the briefings, but I have other things to do."
Gemma grinned. "What was your strategy?"
Matilde only looked at her, not saying a word.
"Softs, 15, softs, 35, hards," Hannah filled in. "And what did you do?"
"Sainz had softs, 13, hards, 31, hards. Leclerc had softs, 13, hards, 33, hards," Matilde explained. "The result? Fourth and fifth position. It worked, I'm not denying that. I don't want to say this, but I'm convinced that if we used the strategy I proposed, we would have been in a fight with you. We could have pushed harder." Matilde shrugged. "But fine, first race, new team, new team principal. It's fine for now."
GP nodded in agreement. "But hey, don't be harsh on yourself. You managed to get points. It was almost a podium."
Her response was candid, her aspirations were set high. "It could have been a podium."
GP smiled. 'Look at you, there's that winning mentality.'
Matilde smiled as well and blushed a little bit.
"Your first times are always a bummer, they always suck. You can be satisfied, you didn't get a DNF for one or both cars," Gemma said. "All right, work aside. Are you going to the UK or Italy actually?" She turned the conversation towards her travel plans.
"Italy. My dad and brothers moved everything from Northampton to Modena. So I'm curious to see where I will end up, to see what Ferrari managed to get."
Gemma smirked. "Did you ask them to find you a place? Team principal commands at its finest."
"Gotta make use of my position now," Matilde replied playfully. "No, they offered to help me find a place. I was like: sure, you do you. I haven't seen any of it yet. I only know Italy as a holiday destination, not as a living situation."
The conversation continued, blurring the lines between their professional analyses and friendly banter. Matilde asked about their weekend and they talked about multiple situations within the Red Bull team.
Time, however, was slipping away. Matilde looked at her watch and sighed. "As much as I love spending time with you, my flight won't wait forever."
Gemma raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on her lips. "Well, well, look at her. Our very own high-flying team principal on a tight schedule."
Matilde rolled her eyes with a chuckle.
"Yeah, we wouldn't want the mighty team principal to be late for her flight. Wouldn't want the plane to take off without her," GP chimed in.
"Hilarious, guys."
Hannah smiled. "We're just one garage away. You know where to find us," she amusingly smiled.
With a final exchange of smiles and hugs, Matilde turned and walked toward the exit of the lounge. She made her way to her gate and stepped on the plane, leaving the first weekend behind in Bahrain.
* * *
As the taxi navigated the surroundings of Emilia-Romagna, Matilde gazed out of the window, inspecting and observing the scenery that would now be her daily backdrop. She was tired. The flight from Bahrain was long; the time went slow. Since it was a day flight, she barely slept. She had a stop in Istanbul, but luckily she still made it to the planned flight to Bologna. It was almost evening, meaning she could jump into her bed once she got to her new place.
Seated comfortably in the backseat, Matilde pulled out her phone. As the taxi continued its journey, she navigated through various news articles and opinion pieces that were written about the Bahrain Grand Prix. She was no stranger to the media within the world, having spent years in the world and she got used to it, but this time it was different. The headlines were about her - Matilde Jørgensen, the new face of Scuderia Ferrari.
She read the articles with a mixture of curiosity and determination. The critics had their say about her, like they had about everyone on the grid, but this time, it was her. And only her. They were curious to see how a relatively young woman would handle the pressure at Ferrari and how she would lead the team without the knowledge of being a team principal. They spoke about her welcome, her decisions so far, the strategy choices and the team management during her first race weekend. Some praised her audacity to step into such a high-pressure role, while others (the most) questioned her lack of experience as a team principal. The highs and lows of the race weekend were analysed in black and white by experts and wannabes.
Matilde's lips pressed into a thin line as she read through the critics. She finally understood why famous people never read things about themselves, and she was only a team principal. Each word was a reminder of the immense responsibilities she had undertaken. She might be new to this role, but she was ready to learn, fail, adapt and prove herself.
Her attention alternated between the articles and the passing scenery. She had entered the city, her new home. With a final glance at her phone, she set it aside. Matilde was ready to take in her new city. But one sentence kept on repeating itself in her mind:
"Jørgensen is too present during the race."
The criticisms would always be there, people always had an opinion on something, no matter what or who you were.
As the taxi finally pulled into Matilde's street, her heart quickened. The taxi slowed and she took a deep breath as the taxi stopped. The driver told her that they arrived. Matilde paid for his services and got out of the car, being welcomed by the Italian air. The driver got her suitcase from the truck and gave it to the woman. Matilde thanked him once again.
She stood before the entrance of her new apartment building. Her gaze traced the building; the building had a timeless charm over it, a blend of classic Italian design and modern functionality. She walked to the front door and pressed on the bell of her apartment: number 6.
"Det er mig: Matilde," she smiled, saying it was her, since her family was already at her new place.
"Oh, Tilly! Kom snart ind," her dad happily said, saying she had to enter the building quickly.
With a smile on her face, she entered the building. The entrance was roomy and just beautiful. She was welcomed with the scent of aged wood and fresh flowers. The lobby was a graceful fusion of traditional elements and contemporary aesthetics. It was like she had entered her Pinterest board. She walked up the stairs to her apartment on the third floor.
"Velkommen hjem," her dad welcomed Matilde home as she entered her place.
A warm feeling entered her body when she heard the Danish language. "Dad," she happily said and flew into his arms.
The reunion started when Matilde's two brothers appeared in the living room as well. Lars and Jens were happy to see their little sister, especially after this week, they were extremely proud. Viggo was a proud father too, of course. Matilde asked about how they moved her household from the UK to Italy.
"That's a worry for later," Lars smiled. "Go explore your new house."
Jens proudly smiled. "We tried to style it, and you can change it later, obviously, but this is what we thought was cool."
"Oh, it's amazing, guys. You are angels. How can I thank you?" Matilde placed her hands on her cheeks and didn't know where to look.
"By giving us paddock passes," Jens widely smiled.
Lars looked playfully, but disapprovingly at Jens. "Too early, dude."
Matilde hit Jens on his chest and rolled her eyes, shaking her head afterwards.
The apartment exuded a modern, yet classic and cosy ambience. It was weird to see her furniture standing in the space. She walked through her apartment and was surprised in every room she entered. It was a two-bedroom apartment, it wasn't big, but it was just her and she didn't need much space. The living room was small, but cosy; her couch just fitted in the space.
"This is amazing. Thank you so much. Wow." Matilde looked at her family. "It feels like we are on Buying Blind," she laughed, still perplexed on seeing her new apartment. 
Next chapter
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 9 months
In honor of Christmas spirit, I will present you with things I love about my moots and why I appreciate them. Hope this there's you guys up no matter what you're going through right now, you deserve to have something good said about you, I love you guys <333
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A/n: please excuse the few ones because now I've started to drink.. vodka mule.. hope I don't say anything too weird and I know I'm kinda a weak drinker, still building my tolerance and all.
Alright, let's start with my most favorite moot..
🩷 You are so pretty love, how dare you ever say anything otherwise. The curly hair and it's beautiful color, facial features that look like they've been carved by a sculptor and down to your sweet voice. Physically hurts me to know that you're gonna say otherwise :((
🩷 Your writing? Fucking top tier fluff ever, those mean comments about it? Screw them, your writing got you to almost 3k followers and they're just jealous because they don't have that.
🩷 You are such a good friend, always caring for everyone and not asking anything for in return. Also please love, give yourself a break and please rest. Never will forget the first time we interacted because you are by far the sweetest creator who so happens to be well known.
🩵 Christmas is the time of giving right? It's time to give some back to you. I'm gonna get this out of the was, sweetie you are the best kind of reader I have ever come across and there's really only one of you, I wouldn't have it any other way.
🩵 You are the kindest and funniest person ever, your commentary keeps us writers motivated. I mean this genuinely, I find myself always looking forward to what you have to say on my works.
🩵 I'm sure many writers you've reblogged will agree with me, your commentary has honestly been the best, you sure know how to make me feel better about what I write. Also I'mma need some of those memes you use, you're so iconic and funny I can't.
❤️ You don't give yourself enough credit for how much you help people boost their works, saying you haven't done much but commenting, talking to me and just interacting with my work does so much.
❤️ You are literally so nice to me, I don't even know where to begin with the list of things you've done that you refuse to be credited for.
❤️ You're so funny and another great writer, I hope that I see more of your writing along the way.
❤️ First of all, who gave you the right and talent to be such a good writer? Genuinely, what kind of drugs are implemented in your writing.. you got me to like Makarov.. you're that powerful. I know I'm into villains but I wouldn't be surprised if you got me to like shepherd too... Please don't. (This is not a challenge please 😭)
❤️ How can I say this without sounding like a total fangirl? I'm obsessed with your work as you can tell, so much so that you're one of the creators who inspired me to start writing again and still as of now I think of your works while writing my own.
🩵 Love you as the first Filipino person I had interacted with within this app that doesn't happen to be my school friend or relative.
🩵 Mangangaroling po, blue and yellow bills only. Pwede din po through G-cash and ShopeePay, pero no less than 1k pag-ganon AHAHAHA CHAROT, KIMI LANG.
🩵 Mwah <3
🖤 You are so special I can't even, you're my first ever mutual, first request and first person that I can genuinely talk to here before anyone.
🖤 You've made me feel so comfortable in my own skin and I know you're facing difficulties with your own that I am too but you're in so much more difficulty. I really do wish the best for you, love.
🖤 You are so strong, confident and resilient, you've been through so much and gosh you are the definition of a powerful woman who I wanted to be when I was young. Child me would be the happiest knowing that a motherly figure is looking after her.
Past Friends and Relatives <3
💚 Do I even have to say this? You are the best person in my life, my soulmate forevermore, we've been through so much together that I don't know where to start. I wish I was able to express how much I love you.
💚 You have been there for me through thick and thin for the most difficult times of my life, you've saved me countless times and though it doesn't feel like I'm doing enough, I made a promise to myself that I will make it up to you even if it will be the rest of my life.
💚 You are the only person who stood up for me when I needed you the most, I just.. don't know what else to say because what can you give someone who's done so much for you? Who has treated you better than anyone in your life, better than your parents? What can you possibly do to repay someone who saved you from yourself?
❤️ I know we've had conflict and drama in the past and I just wanna say I'm thankful that you contacted me again because we would've missed out on the friendship we were supposed to have.
❤️ A lot has happened and yet you stayed strong and we both learned from our past.
❤️ Happy holidays my dear <3
🧡 What more could I say to my most favorite cousin in the world?
🧡 Thanks for being there for me always, you've made heartwarming promises and we still have a lot of adventures together (we're both drunk right now)
🧡 Honestly I wish my dad would take me here more often because then I'd get to spend more time and gossip with you guys. Thank you for comforting me like you always do when I needed, immediately noticing the change in my voice and that I'm crying.
Special mentions:
@azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @trepaika @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @thesnowurzikdjinn @legallymentallyillfuckers @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb
You guys are always there to support my works and I want reciprocate that as much as I can, each and every one of you are so talented. I wish I can write more and do you guys justice but my eyes hurt so much and this is overdue. You guys are such good writers and even more amazing mutuals of mine who I know have been through some tough times. Know that all of you are welcome to talk to me when you need to and that my page is open to comfort as much as I can from a distance <3
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waitmyturtles · 6 months
Rose's Day of Asks
From your 'OGMMTVC Project' what have been the shows that surprised you the most? For whatever reason
Have a great Day💜
HI ROSE, great to hear from you! Oooh, great question! Old GMMTV Challenge shows that I was surprised by....
I think in general, shows that surprised me were ones whose reputations preceded them in various ways. More below:
1) I was surprised by how much I liked Make It Right (season 1 and season 2 thoughts here). It's still seen as a problematic show in many ways, and especially by the way the main ships of TeeFuse and FrameBook began their relationships (and there have been issues since 2016 about how young the actors were in their first BL roles). But I was really struck -- especially in the second season, but also many times in the first season -- by how empathic the show was to the confusion of young men discovering their sexualities. It was a wild and chaotic work by New Siwaj and Cheewin Thanamin (GOD, THEY WORKED TOGETHER ON THIS, crazy to acknowledge this now), and there were manyyyy points of the two seasons that made nonsense, à la Cheewin's modus operandi. But there was true heart in the show, and the last episodes of TeeFuse and FrameBook confirming their relationships just took me out (especially with FrameBook's ending serving as a preview of how King and Uea confirmed their relationship in Cheewin's future show, Bed Friend).
2) I was surprised by how much I LOVED LOVED LOOOOOOVVVEEEEDDDDDD Theory of Love. The word used the most to describe this show when I was crowdsourcing the OGMMTVC list was "controversial." And I watched it and within the first episode, I was like, "OOOOH WE ARE GETTING PLAYYYYYED," and I loved the show for it. I know X Nuttapong has had some non-wins in his drama list (e.g., Vice Versa), but I think X's Theory of Love and Cherry Magic Thailand were seriously so fucking amazing, and he clearly can do wonders with excellent screenwriting. Theory of Love was so subversive and smart, and I think it showcased the start of the real depth of the OffGun ship wonderfully. Those two rose to the occasion. I can't wait to rewatch it.
3) I was surprised by how much I jumped on my bed and was screaming YAAAAASSSS at Lovely Writer. I watched some of Tee Bundit's works out of order. I watched TharnType first and was like, NO. And THEN I fucking watched STEP BY FUCKING STEP after that, and I was like, FUCK this guy. But Lovely Writer has almost universal praise, so I took some time to breattthhhheee, and watched it, and I was like, OH, so that's why everyone was originally hyped on Step By Step. Lovely Writer was fantastic, easily Tee Bundit's best show (in my opinion) on his list (and I say this as a IFYLITA stan), and thank god for this show, because it made me then appreciate his cute cameos in War of Y, lol.
4) I was surprised by how obsessed I got over Until We Meet Again, because fuck series that are 17 episodes long, but I literally still feel like I can't get enough of this series? I LOVE IT SO MUCH.
5) I was super surprised to have enjoyed my recent rewatch of KinnPorsche so much! I thought I'd be all haterade over it, considering my newfound education, but honestly, it was funny in a lot of parts, well acted, obviously well shot -- it was a romp, and I was glad to make myself an excuse to rewatch it as my first-ever Thai BL.
6) Something else that has surprised me recently, not quite show-related: I have recently watched Secret Crush On You, and I'm watching War of Y currently, and: I am not sure that Seng Wichai has gotten enough of his flowers. It's interesting to me that some of the absolute BEST actors in this field -- Seng Wichai, Ohm Pawat, etc. -- have controversial reputations preceding them for life situations that don't comport to easy shipping, god fucking forbid. During both SCOY and Seng's turn on War of Y, I was seriously taken by how good this guy is, and I'm not sure, during my crowdsourcing work, if Seng was boasted about enough. This m'fer can ACT, and I love him for it.
7) Not at all surprising was how much I had to say about Bad Buddy. I loved writing this mini-series!
Thanks for the question, Rose!
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uwu @luvwich tagged me for a writer interview (?!) so let's get to the navel gazing
i tag @wanderingaldecaldo and @medtech-mara
When did you start writing?
Since I was like 8. I'm not joking. When we were selling the condo after I'd moved out my mom and I pruned the "kid art" boxes together because she kept nearly everything creative we ever did. There was this assignment where we had to write our own version of the tortoise and the hare in second or third grade and it was honestly pretty witty. Like, it was still very much in the voice I still write with today.
Then in middle school I wrote vampire rescue stories (girl is mid-assault or nearly assaulted and near death, vampire rescues and has to tun her to save her life, she wakes up in a castle) but it was way more gory. I never finished one. As I got older I dabbled here and there but again, rarely finished something. I've written a variety of short fiction and you can read some of my stuff here.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Nooo. Even with movies I generally stick to horror and sci-fi which is also what I enjoy writing. Although, I do enjoy like literary fiction? Satire? Idk I really love Chuck Palahniuk and Doug Coupland.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I don't think I've ever been compared to anyone, no. I know my style is influenced by Weird Al, John Scieszka, Chuck Palahniuk, Stephen King, Neal Stephenson, William Gibson. Probably some others but I can't think of their names.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
GOD either my phone in bed or at my desk. My desk is messy and there is a cat bed on it so the cats can be close to me without being fucking pests and walking over my keyboard. I bought a new desk in like June of last year when I first moved into me new place and I...still have not put it together.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Watching horror movies. Also just starting to write. I have to remember to trust and just write, just start writing.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I will say I was SO shooketh when I picked up A Streetkid Named Desire again, especially for how much of myself, my past, my experiences, my history I put into Bea and VG. Otherwise, recurring themes are cynical optimism, push and pull love, autism, kinda antiheroes, body horror, and complex characters. Not to toot my own horn on that last one.
What is your reason for writing?
I have to. I have to get this story out of my head. I play in my imagination. It's actually the only way I can really daydream, that's why I call it my imagination playground.
Mostly because it's part of who I am. I write. I'm a writer. That's all there is to it.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I have...so few comments. The best ones are about my characters and emotions. But any comment is motivating. Mostly because I'm just putting all this out there and it would be so nice for other people to read and share in this experience because it's not just a story it's kind of baring my soul.
I want someone to see me through my writing.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Eeeehhhhhsgghasgbdf I don't wanna think about being perceived. I think just a good author.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Snappy dialogue and character dynamics.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I feel very neutral until I re-read it on AO3 and go "damn, I really cooked." I kinda get excited when I am re-reading for the first time and it's actually good.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
Completely and purely for myself. My story and characters are very close to me and I feel just compelled to tell it. I mostly let the characters decide as I write. I write for myself because it's fun and I like seeing the story in my imagination in my head. I want other people to enjoy my writing too but unfortunately I am not likely going to cater to readers lol
This is why I likely will only ever be self-published if I do publish an original story because I could not fathom or tolerate an editor wanting to cut certain things or make it more marketable or something. My writing is all a part of me and part of my soul and not staying true to that, not writing what I want or how I want is crushing.
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newx-menfan · 18 days
Thoughts on Cerebro Podcast:
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Readers paying attention to nothing except X-Men is kind of brutally true 😂🤣 (I do read other comics…but X-Men is the only book I consistently read…)
Apparently one of the writers cats is very vicious! (I think it’s Jackson’s )🙀😾😹
Was kind of apprehensive when the podcaster mentioned not being a fan of NYX or NXM:AX- NYX I at least get…but I kind of am surprised they weren’t a big fan of NXM…honestly this is the same problem with “Xavier Files” for me; they write it off as “gimmicky” or “commercialization” or “a Harry Potter knockoff”, instead of admitting that NXM really was a great predecessor of Gen X and NM and fit really well with what Morrison had developed. I would say NXM was the only x-book that ever fully “felt” like a true blue “school” book and that the characters felt more realistic because they were flawed and more nuanced than a lot of previous teen characters 😒
Don’t agree that all the NXM should necessarily “break bad”- it makes sense more for someone like Hellion, (who went through bodily harm repeatedly, was heavily “shunned” by adults or labeled as a proto-villain, and was already pretty naturally rebellious) than a lot of the other NXM characters. Like I don’t envision Indra or even modern day Elixir turning because of their personalities…MAYBE Pixie because of Limbo influence? Even Surge, for example, as angry as she is…I can’t picture it working narratively as well.
Agree with the Podcaster that in a lot of ways these characters work in a new title because they feel “college age”- they’re not too young that you have to write a YA/highschool book and can feature broader themes…but they’re also still a “hip” and “young” age…
Brought up what I have been saying for years- that the NXM represented cultural crisis like climate change, 9/11, recession, ect… basically general disenfranchisement caused by modernity…and that they still work for that feeling and are basically the “millennials” of X-books
Kamala WAS editorially mandated 
I feel better hearing it described as “older Bendis” kind of book- as negative as I feel about Bendis, I did really enjoy his “street vibe” with Jessica Jones and Miles and miss those kinds of books. I miss books like “X-Factor Investigations” or the original “NYX”…
Really thrilled to hear Hellion is their favorite lol! (Although Hellion is pretty much EVERYONE’S favorite lol😜)
Really agree with the note that Hellion’s BIGGEST flaw isn’t that he’s wrong, but that he’s arrogant and condescending about it (it’s also TOTALLY why I think he’s an ♈️ and not a ♌️ )
Same with the “he’s not a BAD kid, he just comes off as bad”…
Agree that Laurie Collin’s COULD have made a really cool villian…although I really liked that despite her power set, Laurie WASN’T evil….also objectively…I’m more excited about it being Empath, because as everyone KNOWS, I REALLY wanted the Hellion v. Empath smackdown 😂🤣🤣
F***…. Might need to go back and read “Hellions” now 😂🤣🤣
The writers are obviously going to address the Sophie-Prodigy moment and Laura and Kamala (I have said this with Surge/Dust AX storyline…but again…there’s a difference with writing a problematic scene to explore a real problem vs. being racist/sexist/ect…) 
Really sad to hear the Surge hate ☹️, especially since the writers are obviously doing the same “learning moment” with Sophie and David….again, I would ARGUE the whole point of that original story WAS that Surge was wrong…but whatevs
The “shippers” commentary made me laugh 😂🤣
Liked the conversation around the local feel/geography (I was actually really excited when the “Vessel” at Hudson Yards popped up in issue #1)
I actually DIDN’T think about how Sophie MISSED Decimation…which actually makes it even MORE interesting!… Hellion AND Prodigy are definitely going to give Sophie a piece of their minds though lol
Sophie and Kamala being in the same boat (both didn’t experience THE BAD ERA of X-Men) and learning from one another sounds like it will be really interesting! I am actually MORE excited about Sophie than I was previously after listening to this podcast episode!
The statement about Empath being “Emma’s greatest failure” because you can’t really humble or nudge that character was an interesting way to look at Manuel and I am interested in seeing more of this play out
Sounds like Anole is going to be the one that gets arrested (1:11.45)
The idea of Emma constantly talking shit about Carol Danvers cracked me up 
Dante, David’s boyfriend will be heavily featured in issue #6; also I really appreciated the discussion around Dante, in general 
It does sound like no one should get super attached to any ship from this podcast ep lol
Not sure I care for “Kamala= Superman, Laura=Batman”….but whatevs
Feel super empathetic to Kelly needing to get off the call for his wife- it was super nice of him to do this podcast interview and congratulations on the new addition to his family!! ❤️
Everyone already knows this by now but QQ was originally meant to be “The Krakoan” in the first pitch…honestly it’s for the best because I am picky about my QQ representation…
Hellion commentary (1:27:15)- because THAT’S the most important lol
Totally agree that QQ was a million times better as an antagonist and they (cough…Aaron…cough) ruined a great Morrison character 
Kind of hope they didn’t JUST choose Julian because he’s a “white male privileged character”- Julian definitely IS that, but there’s also plenty more layers TO Julian…
This whole podcast episode is a love letter to Morrison and I LOVE it 😂🤣🤣🤣
Quentin DID steal Julian’s thunder and I am GLAD someone fucking SAID IT! 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
Calling me out on my Hellion grievances lol - yes, yes I AM that bitter lol
Again- I actually don’t see Surge and Wallflower going evil; Wallflower because she saw how her father’s abuse of his powers affected her mother, and Surge, because I think Noriko is too loyal and dependent on others ultimately…. Julian makes sense because he’s always been a pretty independent thinker/ stood his ground when he thought he was right and always had a “damn the consequences” attitude. Julian IS loyal…but his need to do what he saw as “right” often trumped that loyalty- remember him turning on Emma to defend Laura! (might do a bigger write up on this later!)
Hellion got his hands back…but it sounds like they’re going to tackle THAT story on page possibly
I agree that Hellion TOTALLY would have gone through the Crucible as well- while I LIKED Julian’s prosthetics and what they represented…the truth is Julian more or less SAID he wanted them HEALED in “X-Men: Legacy”…it wouldn’t narratively make sense for him to pull a “Karma” and keep them
Kind of do hope we see Julian MAKING telekinetic floating hands as a fight move…
I agree that Hellion would be angry over the loss of Krakoa…but I actually think, after years of Hellion “wanting fame and glory”…after years and years of trauma and abandonment…receding into the background, having his friends alive and back…might have been a relief to him. While Hellion DEFINITELY IS arrogant…I do think he learned his lesson that there’s a negative to “fame and glory”…
Really pleased to hear Lanzing say he wants Hellion to be a bigger character and kind of push back on the “Hellion is just taking QQ’s original role’s place”- I know I am going to get flack for saying this from QQ fans… but; Hellion is more interesting than just being the ANGRY REBELLIOUS FASCHIST KID. QQ’s original anger didn’t have the layers Hellion does. While there’s definitely some egotism and arrogance there….Hellion WENT through a lot of trauma and isn’t entirely WRONG to be angry at the X-Men….Hellion I would argue ALWAYS had a complexity that QQ never did, because Julian was more emotionally intelligent than QQ (and that WAS kind of the point of Kid Omega…his intellect didn’t match his emotional intelligence! He WAS a more realistic take on the kid who is too smart for his own good!)
Glad to hear him mention Laura specifically!
the 7 train IS objectively terrible lol
This *might* be the book where Kamala’s family finds out she’s a superhero…
I agree with the writers and liked the Aamir moment- I think it does highlight that it IS easy to play into stereotypes and discriminate…especially when there’s propaganda actively reinforcing it…
Kamala is apparently going to get an X-verse version of “the Trumper relative” 😳🤣🤣🤣
G Willow Wilson run shoutout ✊✊
Couldn’t say much about the new “Quiet Council”….but they’re all “failed, used, and taught by Emma Frost”…
“Emma is the educator that matters”- truth!…although this DOESN’T highlight her legacy in a particularly nice way or bode well for the new generation of students 🤣🤣🤣
“Why would we STOP” commentary about Krakoa and the freedom they once had is great!
Calling attention to Hellion AND Esme not having the Empath power effect over them in the art (although the cuckoos powers often show up as pink as well)- won’t confirm or deny Empath controlling them
There isn’t a “Cut and Dry” villain in the book apparently (Ooooohhh! I love that! I really DO hope we get Magneto levels of ambiguity with all these characters!)
Agree that the artist did a great job with Empath’s character design and harkening back to the 80’s! (Technically Empath’s hair color changed depending on the artist- sometimes it was a dirty blonde, sometimes brown…also I could totally see Manuel dyeing his hair to match Emma…so…)
Kind of wonder if Firestar OR Magma will pop up… one of my FAV issues of Uncanny X-Men WAS the one where Empath and Roulette manipulated Warpath’s grief over Thunderbird and Firestar…
The commentary ON Empath and the relationship of psychology to power sets was really excellent!! (1:52:05) [I ADMIT IT NOW- I MIGHT NEED to EAT CROW and read “Hellions” 😂🤣🤣] 
Possibly WILL be in conversation with Eve Ewing’s Emma book… (I really WOULD like to see a dive into Emma constantly trying to “undo” the past with new students, and how it’s NEVER about Emma trying to do “right” by these kids…as much as Emma USES her students as martyrdom…the truth is, much like Xavier, it’s ALWAYS ABOUT her ego…that’s why she does it…) [I KNOW people hated KYOST’s take on Emma back in the day…but I would argue that they weren’t entirely WRONG that Emma’s actions are complex and not ALWAYS altruistic…]
….It KIND OF IS Emma’s fault, people 😂🤣
Not sure I love the idea of the cast growing…but we will see…
Lanzing and Kelly MIGHT be on again! 
Thought about making a Greg land joke with the Spider-Man plug…but I won’t be petty….
Overall- I feel better about this book; it DOES seem like the writers are putting A LOT of thought into this book and aren’t just doing things without thinking about it deeply first! I definitely think this is going to be one of the strongest X-book we’ve gotten in a long time and I am PUMPED! 
(Also I may have to listen to CEREBRO Files more- the commentary was really great 😂🤣🤣)
I know I may regret it…but I am REALLY feeling optimistic about this book!!
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sugar-omi · 1 month
OHHHHHHHHH YOU MADE SUCH A BIG MISTAKE BRINGING UP TSMWEL. THIS ISN'T EVEN A "HEAR ME OUT" SITUATION IT'S A "YOU WILL SIT DOWN AND YOU WILL LISTEN GODDAMMIT" SITUATION. and to that my ass is FIRMLY planted in this seat and i am slamming a comically overstuffed manila folder onto the table as we speak. starting with "they just ghosted you - now you know what it feels like" and how this line was written for baxter alexander ward. in this essay i will
"in fifty years, will all this be declassified? and you'll confess why you did it, and i'll say 'good riddance'." FIFTY YEARS IS FIVE IF YOU SQUINT. IT JUST MATCHES UP TOO PERFECTLY SO IT OFFICIALLY WORKS NOW. THAT'S GIRL MATH. the way baxter eventually tells mc why he did what he did and by then it might be too late for mc to forgive him (cough. 'and i'll forget you but i'll never forgive...')
"you said normal girls were boring, but you were gone by the morning" YOU WERE GONE BY THE MORNING. YOU W. WWWHAHATT THEF UCKKKKK.
you're literally cooking up a fucking FEAST with the prechorus lyric though because was that his goal? it very well could have been - baxter could have stepped out of that cab, taken one look at mc, and decided they would be the one he strung along. because what if he was well aware of just how much it hurt others for him to become a normalcy then a novelty all over again - and he still couldn't stay away from dangling their heartstrings from his fingers like ribbons, if only to at least feel some semblance of control over his life anymore? he was just some hurt kid - barely, if at all, but semantics - but that never gave him the right to hurt those around him in the way that he did. what right does the smallest man who ever lived have to strike a deal with the devil, then act surprised when the blood's on his hands?
COUGHCOGUHGVOCH BUT AHAHAHA ANYWAYS. making those little shoo motions with my hands, go rest up silly!! i'm more than thrilled that you've stuck with me and my brainworms for this long, and you most definitely deserve the best of rests omgomg 🫶🏼🫶🏼
idk about ceo but I'm honestly happy my words are worthy of such a happy reaction 🤭
ALSO "what right does the smallest man who ever lived have to make a deal with the devil, then act surprised when the bloods on his hands?" I WILL LITERALLY JUMP OFF A BRIDGE. STOP. IM IN TEARS??? GENUINELY?????
someone put that on a billboard, I'm so serious.
but omg, to ride off the "you said normal girls were boring, but you were gone by the morning" and everything you said about baxter doing it on purpose...
baxter stepping out and seeing you wait with cove for your new neighbor for the summer, maybe remembering you sneaking into the soiree with derek or sneaking into your soiree and dancing with you charmingly.
either way, regardless of if you snuck across the lawn or shared a dance with pre-teen baxter, he finds you charming. ethereal. captivating.
no one would wait for a random neighbor if they weren't sweeter than pie, and no one should welcome him so warmly, approach him even if shyly, if they weren't special.
you're special. he can see it. he feels it.
and I've said it before, baxter knows your life has been small. confined to this little street in this little town, so small it's hardly a blip on the map.
he knows you're curious, enthralled by this mystery next door to you. but if you had grown up next to him, you wouldn't be so curious.
you'd have known how pompous and arrogant he was. how simple his thinking was.
and he tries to keep his affection with you surface level. tries to keep it to just a summer fling, something to satisfy your curiosity, to get you to stop looking at him like that. to make his heart stop yearning and for his eyes to stop wandering to you...
holds your hand, visits you in the middle of the night to tell you he's home, but too shy to say he misses you. doesn't wanna give you that inch over him, doesn't want to make this more than what it is. because it's just a fling, and you're just temporary warmth for him cold heart.
won't admit you're the only one to make him feel this warm. will never even think to himself that you are full of love and he's willing to step into the ocean of your loving arms, for fear that he'll drown in it.
everything is about money. everyone uses each other. his parents taught him that much.
love is fickle, love is too sensitive, and baxter knows he's a bulldozer. his edges are too sharp for such tenderness.
but in front of you, in the end, he does as he wants as he always does.
he doesn't take it further in the hotel room, doesn't tell you he missed you, doesn't keep his "confession" to himself.
because he's selfish. he knows this could end badly, not all his break ups have been smooth. but he wants to know what it feels like to be loved by someone special. what's to know what it's like for someone special to call out to him, touch him, yearn for him. seek him out and still pull him closer for more...
he just wants it to be like a movie, just for a little while. he wants that coming of age summer love that the movies produce, and he wants to live out fairytales that his baby sitter read to him.
even if it's at the cost of you... maybe that dark part of him hopes he leaves a dent in you so deep that you feel it years later and still remember his name. he wants you to yearn for him like he yearns for normalcy, for human warmth and affection.
but he also hopes that you forget him and that he's the only one who yearns so painfully. that his heart is the only one who aches at the end of the night, and you forget these summer nights.
it's selfish. he's so selfish. he wants too much even though he tries not to want anything at all.
that's why, even though he hopes you'll just let him go easily once summer ends, he wants some nice memories. he wants to be genuinely happy, wants to "love" and be "loved" in return.
and you're right. he striked a deal with the devil and signed away his tiring fate for "control" over his life, even if it meant trading broken hearts and morality, his humanity for it.
but even though he knew the deal he signed, seeing you cry or get angry is much different than imagining it. it hits much harder than he never thought, having chosen to ignore the fate of your summer fling. he couldn't bare to imagine it, but he didn't think about how to bare seeing it.
and even though his heart aches, he feels bad for you. feels bad for himself in many ways, a mix of self hate and guilt and desperation sinks its teeth into his stomach and gnawed on his insides with a gluttonous hunger.
even with those feelings, he glares at you, reminds you cruelly that this was the only fate for this relationship, and it wouldn't end any other way, and that you are the one wasting your energy getting upset over a fate he "predicted."
but even though he says that... even though he slams the door on you... even though he's the one who blocked your phone number... why is he the one who is unable to move on? why is he the one who sees your face and hears your voice and feels your touch in every person that tries to fill your place.
and why is he the one looking at your window, hoping the lights are still on and you're still waiting.
(and why, after all these years, does he cry when he sees they are off.)
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