#Honestly I blame TikTok and Twitter at this point tbh
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myfandomrealitea · 3 months ago
i need to know... why do you proship? this isn't a hate ask, or anything meant to belittle you. i genuinely need to know. im curious and it's eating away at me. for context, i don't proship. not at all. i need to know. i'm so scared that i might be one of you
"I'm scared I might be one of you."
My god. Anon, I'm so sorry for whatever hate and misinformation you've been exposed to that has left you thinking this way.
Firstly, to summarize—pro-shipping is merely the belief in the freedom of fictional creation. That's it. While it does broadly encompass subjects like rape, incest, ect, it is both more complex and more simple than that.
You do not have to engage with, enjoy or be involved with any content you do not enjoy or agree with as a proshipper. You simply need to recognise it has a right to exist regardless of your personal feelings, and that the author has a right to create it.
E.g; you may not agree with incest, but you're also not going to go around harassing the people who write it and campaigning to get them to remove it. You just block it and pretend it doesn't exist. If content makes you uncomfortable, you just don't get involved with it or the people who create it.
I always say that 'proship' should actually just fully adopt the label 'profiction' because it now encompasses far more than just shipping.
It doesn't specifically have to relate to sexualised things, either. There are people who disagree with depictions of domestic abuse in media, power imbalance relationships, drug use, alcohol use, ect. Proshippers, even if they're not interested in that content, recognise it has values and existential rights.
You can be a proshipper and never even write or engage with smut. I know plenty of proshippers who exclusively create non-sexual content. I know plenty of proshippers who do but also don't create content with topics like rape, pedophilia, monsterfucking, ect.
As a personal example; genderbending gay ships into heterosexual ships always grinds my gears. I hate it. If I could, I'd wipe it from the face of the earth.
People have the creative freedom and right to do it. Its not my business. I just block every tag imaginable, block creators who focus on it, and scroll the fuck on whenever it does happen to slip through the cracks like an unplugged load. Its not my place, my right or ethical to harass anyone over it. I don't have any authority to tell them to stop. I make what I like in my little corner, they make what they like in their's.
And that's the gist of it. It can go into a lot of depth when you bring things like censorship, art history and copyright into it, but we can skip that for now.
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skyevie · 3 years ago
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I posted 365 times in 2021
155 posts created (42%)
210 posts reblogged (58%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.4 posts.
I added 221 tags in 2021
#mcl - 72 posts
#mclll - 58 posts
#my candy love - 58 posts
#mcl love life - 10 posts
#amor doce - 8 posts
#eldarya - 7 posts
#amour sucre - 3 posts
#genshin impact - 2 posts
#personal - 2 posts
#honestly they could put him in uni and ll just because his arc was so rushed - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 81 characters
#please can we get some edgy emo clothes beemov i beg u we didnt get any since hsl
My Top Posts in 2021
im sorry but thise ouftis are so ugly... beemov i beg you WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS
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42 notes • Posted 2021-02-11 10:12:10 GMT
at this point i have predictions that if we cheated Candy might move from the city with Eric. If cosy bear goes bankrupt and all of our friends will hate us there’s nit much to do there.
hehe alexy drop your brother’s address i will gladly moge with him
44 notes • Posted 2021-03-03 14:12:12 GMT
- armin and castiel have better friendship then it was showed in the game. i think they bonded about emo bands (my chemical romance, falling in reverse, black veil brides, pierce the veil and more), since its kinda obvious that castiel listens to this type of music and as a „weird gamer kid” i can assure you armin does as well
- on the topic of armins music taste he probably had a weird obsession with a kpop gg. since hsl lasted for like 8 years in our time but for the characters it was 1,5 years idk which gg i could give him. so i would say it would be girls’ generation, blackpink or loona, depends on when do we want to place hsl in our time.
- armin and castiel are bisexual, lysander just labels himself as queer and demisexual, kentin is straight and nath also straight but he had his bicurious moment
- on the bi curious nath topic, when he started to get along with armin, he thought he developed a crush on him. but turns out it wasn’t the case he was just never this close with someone so poor guy got confused (i dont blame him tbh)
- armin would say „this one is for u shawty” and the miss the basketball shot
- if we would place hsl in 2020/2021 i think that armin would get all the guys to pkay genshin and they would be totally obsessed about it for a few good months
- i feel like armin and kentin would vape and castiel would make fun of them and call them pussies for not smoking cigarettes (it would be playfully tho)
- kentin is insecure about his height so he would buy doc martens with platforms or would wear those weird platform insoles (im sorry i saw them on tiktok ad last week and i haven’t stopped thinking about them)
- lysander got the „three cheers for sweet revenge” cover on his notebook cover
- also i think lysander would cry to helena by mcr
- i kinda hate to say it but kentin would record and post thirst traps on tiktok
- armin used to have an obsession with mbti
- lysander forgets to reply to the messages and either replies in the middle of the night because he wokes up in cold sweat remembering the unread message or he forgets what he wanted to reply so he just sends monkey gifs
47 notes • Posted 2021-11-17 20:44:51 GMT
i made . i made a meme that represents me
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54 notes • Posted 2021-06-07 08:52:30 GMT
i saw this meme on my tl on twitter and decided its a good opportunity to use it so 🔥
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157 notes • Posted 2021-07-02 20:51:31 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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strawberiitea · 4 years ago
I have a question, for you being a veteran of mcytblr community... Which is the most controversial thing to happened here? Like a big ass drama, I'm trying to prove a point to someone, but unfourtunatly I have no information about early days... Have a nice day!!
oh, i'm a veteran?
ive been in the fandom since june but mcytblr??? honestly its been a whiiiiiile.
tbh, nothing controversial has really happened,,,, at all? (to my knowledge.)
this isn't twitter or tiktok, its very chill here.
the worst it gets is like,,,, c!dream apologism. or bad takes (like really bad takes. ex. ableism towards spiralbur, romanticising tommy's s/icidal arc, victim blaming, cc hate crossing over c! hate-) but that's the WORSE it gets to my knowledge
this all recent from the past couple months, so nothing early
i mean,,,,,, theres probably something im missing/dont know
sorry :(! hope this helped at least a bit.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years ago
ranking my predictions on a scale from 1-5 based on how well I did predicting them
- Liz dies (3/5 this one was pretty obvious. unfortunately she wasn't already dead in 2021 and they just refused to announce it.)
- Mario movie flop (1/5 it was delayed. and unfortunately, apart from chrisp rat, it looks decent)
- Bezos rocket explosion (1/5 I'm crying right now)
- meta gets hacked (2/5 while it didn't get hacked, it did completely flop and literally no one uses it. the only one who wasted billions was zuckerberg)
- crypto/nft/vr crash (3/5 I feel like the general public has realized that nfts suck ass. but they took all their love for nfts and put it into love for ai art. which is arguably just as shit)
- Lego star wars (2/5 I played it for two weeks when it came out, had a good time, and didn't touch it again. I don't even know if the quanatic dream game even came out. I haven't heard about it at all this year)
- Joe Biden senior moment (1/5 unfortunately. it would have been funny though.)
- Texas power outage (2/5 while we are in the middle of a massive country wide winter storm, barely anyone is protesting or even admitting that climate change and poor infrastructure is to blame for this)
- stupid super bowl commercial (?/5 I didn't watch the super bowl. I don't give a shit about sports. I'm assume no, since I didn't hear anything noteworthy about it.)
- suez canal blocked again (5/5 I fucking predicted it! the affinity v got stuck in the suez canal on August 31st. it was only there for like a day. but still, this is the closest one I predicted to actually being accurate)
- covid variants (1/5 I don't think any new covid variants were widespread enough to be infectious or dangerous. this prediction was mostly a commentary on how the us would ban travel to countries with good covid protection, but not to countries with terrible covid protection, because the us is racist. but honestly, it seems like travel and shit has dramatically increased.)
- China gold is communist propaganda (1/5 I literally forget everything that happened at the Olympics. I do know that a lot of right wing people were angry that the us didn't win a billion gold medals in every event. the Olympics aren't important. what's really important is Argentina kicking Frances ass in the world cup baby!)
- gavle yule goat burning broke curse (1/5. no.)
- tesla stock drops after elon musk twitter moment (4/5. I was pretty close with this. I thought it would be something small and stupid like retweeting furry porn. not something so idiotic and expensive like making himself god king emperor of twitter and doing absolutely everything in his power to make the site unusable)
- gameboy switch games (1/5. no. I doubt they ever will. Nintendo doesn't give a shit about their fans and never will.)
- indie game is goty (2/5 tbh I wasn't expecting elden ring to be as good as it was. although, stray getting nominated is close enough to give myself at least some points on this prediction)
- tears of the kingdom delayed (5/5. but I feel like this one was obvious.)
- reddit sellout (2/5 I don't use reddit, but I do feel like it's slowly becoming more and more unusable. not full on censored to oblivion like tiktok. but still kinda shit. tbf, tumblr and discord are the only usable social media websites anyway.)
- India discovers et life. musk bros mad (1/5. I really doubted it this year, but I do honestly think that some time in the future, smaller space programs will surpass shit like spacex and be far more successful in research.)
- biologically engineered nft monkey (2/5. I'm giving myself a point for the almost unrelated fact that his neurolink has killed almost every single test monkey they used.)
- Disney's 24th first queer character (5/5. again, this was obvious. honestly strange world was pretty good. people are saying it flopped because of the gay mc. no, it flopped because they released it thanksgiving weekend with apsolutely no advertising while wakanda forever was still playing, all so they could say "oh wow I guess people hate movies with gays. fine, no more queers in our films then.")
- star wars shit (1/5. honestly with all the shit star wars has been announcing, I'm surprised this wasn't a thing. whatever. andor was the only good star wars show ever, and probably will be the best star wars media for the next ten years)
- bush dies. (1/5 I'm really sad about this one.)
so in conclusion, the only things I got right were the really obvious shit and the suez canal being blocked again. other than that, most of my predictions were just meh. I was hoping this year overall would be better than 2021. and personally, for me it was. I got a nice job and am well off financially. but other than that, it's been pretty average.
I would say that in the past year, I've definitely grown and matured as a person, artist, teacher, and friend. I hope that 2022 was a good year for you, and I wish you the best in the next year.
predictions for 2022
-queen Liz kicks the bucket (bonus points if she's already dead but they won't officially say she is until February)
-the Mario movie is a box office failure, and Chris Pratt has his legacy ruined.
-Jeff bezos dies in a rocket explosion on his way to his space yatch
-Facebook / meta has its servers hacked and people lose access to their virtual house that they spent thousands on.
-extension to the last one: general public realize that nfts and metaverse and crypto and creating the matrix is stupid as hell. the vr market faces a crash similar to the video game crash of 83.
-Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga is a better game than any other Star Wars game before it. the other Star Wars game by quantic dream flops, and they go bankrupt.
-Joe Biden has a senior moment and Kamala Harris takes over as president for a couple days, rather than just 80 minutes when biden had a camera up his ass
-Texas faces another power outage because literally nothing changed in the last year. people start a riot and protest outside of the mansions of electricity ceos.
-a commercial from the super bowl spikes international outrage after using imagery from the 2020 BLM protests to try and sell Pepsi
-international trade is interrupted by another Evergiven level event.
-three new variants of covid are discovered by scientists in Brazil, but the variants are most common in France. the us bans travel from Brazil, but not from France.
-China wins the most gold at the winter Olympics. some guy on fox claims they had an unfair advantage because they were communist (accidents mixes up his transphobic and anti-communist arguments). a meme is started that communism makes you good at sports
-the year overall turns out better than the past four years combined, and it's joked that burning down the gavle yule goat broke the curse.
-summer heatwave causes damage for infrastructure and some republican politicians houses literally being to melt. they then suddenly begin to care about climate change.
-spacex and tesla lose most of their stock after elon musk retweets traced furry porn. news articles make a bigger deal about the image being stolen then they do about the subject matter of the image, which is the correct response to that situation
-Nintendo adds Gameboy games to the switch online service. it's sold as a separate package like the n64 games, and costs twice as much as the n64. they also release a stupid fucking controller that's just a Gameboy with a non-functioning screen. they charge $50 for it.
-an indie fan game that was part of a weekend game jam wins game of the year, because everything else was shit.
-breath of the wild sequel gets delayed.
-reddit sells out and becomes all "family friendly" or whatever. tumblr and discord are the only places left where you can say the word "kill" without censoring it to "unalive".
-microscopic life is discovered on an asteroid in our solar system by ISRO / India Space Program. racist space bros get mad that spacex didn't discover it first.
-elon musk uses DNA modification or whatever to make the nft monkey real.
-Disney anounces their 24th first LGBT character.
-star wars anounces a live action clone wars show focusing on the clones, staring Temuera Morrison as 80% of the cast.
-George Bush dies of covid. hundreds of millions of people celebrate.
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