#Homestuck for ts
lokh · 10 months
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its finally happened. all because i kept thinking 'bet they would quadrant vacillate'
theyre all a bit younger than canon (the hashira maybe around 16 or equivalent). kind of an alpha kids situation with muzan attempting to take over earth, where muzan is a mutant troll who can use his powers (maybe his blood???) to mutate and control others. muzan came from a null session and in search of the ultimate reward goes around stealing players (ie making demons). his search for a winning session brings him to earth
BUT WHO CARES ABOUT THAT. have black-red vacillating human-troll renkaza
detailed description and notes under the cut
notes and descriptions in first image:
akazas fetch modus is compass: have to face certain direction to fetch. at most basic thats probably four items, but it could go up to 360 for every degree (which he can definitely do) but imagine going smaller....
kyojuros fetch modus is charades: have to act out captchalogued item. if hes not clear enough then he'll fetch the wrong item. i just thought it was a fun nod to his liking plays LMAO
my attempt at their sprites lol. kyojuro bringing that camp counsellor vibe
naturally their strife specibi are fistkind and bladekind
sketch of hakuji as a candy blood troll before becoming akaza
kyojuro as knight of hope. never god tiers in the main timeline =) his planet is land of fate and blaze
akaza as maid of doom. hates the outfit and refuses to wear it. his planet is land of snow and fireworks. as hakuji definitely fits 'bard of life' more (the inverse)
small doodle of kyojuro and akaza sleeping. kyojuro is a prospit dreamer and akaza is a derse dreamer. i feel some argument can be made for prospit dreamer akaza but i like the contrast here lmao
kyojuro and hakuji as ghosts meeting in a dream bubble. i imagine they would be somewhat apprehensive about meeting each other
with akaza being a maid of doom, i imagined muzan might also be a doom player, which would make kagaya a life player! to be opposites =3c
muzan killed and turned hakuji in such a way that he became god tier. so when akaza blows himself up it counts as just and he dies for real
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sunkern-plus · 10 months
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homestuck style poicia
[image description: a drawing with an attempt at foreground perspective of poison and lucia, drawn in the style of homestuck. poison is a woman with spiky hair, lipstick, eyelashes, and is wearing an anarchy shirt and shorts with non detailed shoes. in the foreground is lucia. lucia is a woman with a baseball cap, short hair in a ponytail, sunglasses with jane-from-homestuck style eyes, a t shirt that has a semi realistic pinball machine on it, shorts, and non detailed shoes. they are both smiling. end image description]
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frank do you wanna join a discord server i made (it is a scam that will steal your account)
Oh man, I don't know. I don't know enough about the Homestuck community to know if it would work or if the people in it would be jerks
My impression is that this is sort of a thing that works at one's peril
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fairytalesandfandoms · 10 months
Okay, the sheer enormity of Homestuck is starting to hit me. And maaaybe my plan to read it on a day-by-day basis (a la Dracula Daily, but like, Homestuck Daily) might be a little bit.... well it'll take a long time is what I'm saying. So I don't know if I should speed up and read more per day, or persevere with the current plan (any advice welcome)
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epiceneandroid · 1 year
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sorry for the lateness on this! it’s so hard because there’s so much media i’ve consumed and most of it, aside from homestuck or pokemon, doesn’t really have an established fanbase on tumblr, especially not mogaiblr. anyway, for day 11, we have the unlikely friendship between dave and terezi. now, i know they kinda got along from the beginning when terezi was first introduced as gC in act 3-4ish, but i loooooove their interactions, especially since terezi saw dave and was like “ooh, insecure perceived-to-be-boy with a perceived to be boy same aged friend, i could use him like vriska’s using the other perceived to be boy to win my rivalry with vriska and one up her! hehehehehehehe....” but then their friendship became more genuine. kinda reminds me of power and denji’s dynamic in chainsaw man almost. i can kinda see power as chaotigender as what i almost was gonna headcanon terezi, actually.
anyway, the genders for this headcanon are apagender/gender apathetic for dave, as i think he’d not really care what gender he’s perceived as as he really has no actual internal perceived sense of gender identity aside from (in more insecure states) “cool dude persona”, and i chose equilibriogender for terezi because tbh? i can see her being a perfect balance of multiple genders in perfectly equal parts. i can see that.
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kaltsits · 1 year
ya know I understand why Dave and Dirk turned out like that bc at least 65% of it can be explained by living in Houston
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campbellschunkybear · 2 years
I know H-mestuck cursed and genuinely has/had a bunch of issues both in the comic and in the fanbase and I'm mostly over it other than nostalgia for a simpler time but. BUT. Every time I see Nepeta I get a surge of fondness like. that's my buddy Nepeta I know her.
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hysteriafossil · 3 months
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hiiiiii sanders sides fandom. is this anything original by @punkitt-is-here !!
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beepmeowiskarkat · 6 months
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Convention conundrum
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maretriarch · 5 months
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not sure why the ONLY plushies they made of homestuck characters they made ugly and weird
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geoselenictheomachy · 3 months
mmm phighting art
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temporal-shuffle · 2 months
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Just checked and we hit 25 faves on MSPFA!!! Thank you guys so much, it's crazy how many people are reading this thang.
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dogt3eeth · 3 months
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Homestuck beams the sides. My birthday is a day before Homestuck day it was always going to turn out this way
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who is your least favorite homestuck character
I've asked before, but I'll take this as an opportunity to elaborate:
I do like Rose, but not as much as I like Jade or Kanaya (who are close to my ideal Rose). I do like Dave, but not as much as I do Dirk. I do like Jake, and like a lot of his interactions with the narrative (although this may just be because my impression of him is informed by him in Homestuck). I don't like Equius and I don't really like Vriska. (I really don't like Davebot.)
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rookaroos · 4 months
Things ill draw for:
sanders sides, FNaF, homestuck, mayyyyyybbeee undertale.. pls im bored
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rosemarytrash · 1 year
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an absolutely irresistible twitter trend
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