#Holly Jolly T-Shirt
customizedstore · 1 year
Holly Jolly T-Shirt, Xmas T-Shirt, Merry Christmas T-Shirt, Holiday T-Shirt, O Holy Night T-shirt
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deannagrey · 9 months
A Mendell Christmas: Part One
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A little Christmas short for the holiday season! This occurs toward the end of Team Players, before Aderyn (spoiler alert for Team Players ending!) reveals she's leaving Mendell. (please excuse any errors, I'm not the best editor lol)
“Naomi?” A soft, rhythmic knock at the door called for my attention. “It’s me.”
I tugged off my headphones and glanced at the clock. I’d been so knee-deep into online Christmas shopping I didn’t realize the time. 
"You ready?" Lincoln was out of breath — undoubtedly from taking the stairs two by two because he couldn’t stand the time it took to climb them. 
I smiled at him. His eyes were bright and full of infectious excitement. He bounced on the balls of his feet like he was ready to take action at a moment’s notice. 
“For what?” I couldn't help but tease.
“Naomi.” His shoulders sagged and his smile tapered off into near non-existence. “They’re all downstairs right now and in the worst mood ever. We have a job to do and you’re going to tell me you forgot?” 
I laughed and got up from my desk to reveal the bottom half of my outfit. Relief smoothed Lincoln’s brow. He chuckled at the spin I did to make my green, tree skirt light up. His bouncing was back. 
“You really thought I forgot?” I tugged off my sweatshirt to reveal the ugliest Christmas t-shirt I could find at the local thrift shop. It had reindeer patches, a multitude of Santa Clauses, and enough colorful candy cane to make one feel cross-eyed.
“You’re just so good at bluffing, Sunshine,” Lincoln said and pulled out two Santa hats from his bag. Both were green and trimmed with gold fabric. My name was embroidered in black thread on one. 
I gasped and stood still as he placed it on my head carefully as if it were a crown.
“There, now you’re all set,” he said. 
“This is so cute! Where did you get it? Wait…do you know how to sew?” 
“No, I wish. I just know people who know people who know how to sew.” He nodded in approval at how the hat looked on me and then, placed his own on. “I got one made for all of us. I wanted it to be perfect. A holiday to remember despite…well, you know.” 
Lincoln had been planning this for weeks. And as his partner in crime (or elf in crime depending on the level of Christmas spirit), I was committed to helping him. 
“It will be perfect,” I promised while adjusting my hat. “They’re going to cheer up and we’re going to make this a time to remember. They’ll be so holly and jolly we’ll probably get sick of them.”
Lincoln laughed. “God, imagine.” 
“Anything is possible this time of year,” I said even though seeing Sam, Henrik, and especially Finn more excited than Lincoln and I would be a sight to behold. 
“Are we all set?” I grabbed my phone, ready to record reactions for the eventual short film Lincoln wanted to put together. He was going to call it “Our First Christmas.” When I asked if they’d spent holidays together before he said, of course. 
“Why first then?” I’d wondered. 
“Because you’re here and now, our family’s bigger. It’s our first Christmas together,” he’d said so casually like it was simple and my inclusion vital. I’d cried that day and Finn almost got into it with Lincoln until he realized it was good tears. 
“Almost set,” Lincoln answered me. “Just one more thing…”
He tossed a garland around my neck. I snorted but didn’t protest. 
“Now you’re perfect!” He grinned. “Remember your cues?” 
I rolled my eyes, good-naturedly. “Of course I remember my cues. I’m a professional.”  
“That’s what I like to hear.” He started out the room and I followed with an equal amount of pep in my step. 
Lincoln had big plans for his Secret Santa event – something of which I didn't originally think needed much of any planning. But in any event Lincoln put together, he committed ten times the necessary energy and focus. And I was lucky enough to also be his second. We wreaked havoc on our household with our combined forces. The guys feigned fear of our events, pretending they hated being roped into the fun. It was a farce they kept up even now as I marched into the living room. 
"Uh oh," Henrik teased from his spot on the couch. He closed the book he was reading, using his index finger as a temporary bookmark. 
Sam was lying on the loveseat with his legs hanging over the edge of the armrest and a glassed gaze on the ceiling. My heart tugged at the small smile he flashed in my direction. He'd been in a dark place after his relationship with Aderyn had been left in a state of limbo. I couldn't get much out of him but Finn relayed some of his fear. Sam was a large chunk of the reason why Lincoln wanted to go so hard this holiday season. The guys didn't usually exchange gifts but retail therapy was something Lincoln thought could cheer everyone up. 
"What's this?" Finn was in the kitchen, loading the last bit of dishes into the dishwasher. He smiled when I twirled once for him to admire the lights on my skirt. I’d been sworn to secrecy about Lincoln’s plans but that didn’t keep me from at least showing my boyfriend the outfit earlier. 
Finn loved a lot of things about my skirt…mainly how it clung to my waist and provided easy access for him to do what he wanted. My cheeks burned when I remembered how long we’d spent in our room this morning. How long he insisted on being underneath me. 
Finn flashed me a knowing smile before finishing up the dishes. 
“Uh…” I cleared my throat, trying to get back on track. 
“The lights,” Lincoln whispered from the staircase. He tried to keep out of view, readying for his big entrance. “If I may have your attention and then, the lights.”
Sam laughed at Lincoln’s obvious coaching. Score. It wasn’t his carefree laugh but it was better than his forlorn staring. 
Henrik was polite enough to pretend like he didn’t hear Lincoln. He made a noise of wonder when I clapped and the lights went out. 
“Since when did we have that?” Sam sat up, completely intrigued. 
“Irrelevant,” Lincoln said and then whispered to me, “Tell them it’s irrelevant.” 
“I installed them last weekend,” Finn explained. 
“You rewired our living room in a weekend?” Sam asked, impressed. 
“It didn’t require rewiring,” Finn said. 
“Nowadays, sound-sensitive lights are pretty common and simple to install,” Henrik added. 
“Irrelevant,” Lincoln repeated, this time it was a plea. 
“Right!” I called in a voice louder than usual. The guys jumped and turned their attention back to me. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is our main event.” 
“What?” Sam glanced at his friends, searching for explanations. There was enough light from the sun setting outside to bleed into the living room and flood the floor with a warm red. The red painted their faces, revealing similar expressions of curiosity. 
“All I know is that she needed sound-sensitive lights.” Finn shrugged and joined Henrik on the couch. “What she needs, I get.” 
“Simple and straightforward,” Henrik said when Sam looked at him in exasperation. “Did you expect he’d be anything else?” 
Sam chuckled and sighed. “No, I guess not.” 
“Gentlemen,” I said and unlocked my phone to start the music. An instrumental version of A Holly Jolly Christmas played. “Tonight is our first annual Mystery Secret Santa.” 
“Mystery Secret Santa?” Sam asked. “That feels repetitive. Isn’t Secret Santa already a mystery?’ 
I frowned. “Okay, are you going to let me finish my introduction or not? We have a dance to get through.” 
“Oh, there’s a dance?” Sam’s face lit up. He pulled out his phone, ready to record. “Say less.” 
Henrik and Finn tried to hold in their laughter, succeeding only when I shot them silencing glares. 
“I would like to present to you this night's host,” I announced with a dramatic gesture of my arm. “Lincoln Hill.” 
Henrik set his book to the side and clapped at his friend’s entrance. His smile grew wider when he saw Lincoln’s dramatic fur-lined, red cape and the oversized carpet bag he toted.
“Good evening,” Lincoln started in a deeper voice than usual. He bowed to our audience. That was my cue to turn on the multi-colored, twinkling Christmas lights I’d lined around the living room’s entrance. 
Henrik’s clapping got louder and Finn joined in. Even Sam looked impressed, whistling at the light show as he directed his camera to them briefly. 
“Taught her that,” Finn said quietly with pride. 
I smiled at him and continued, “Mr. Hill will tell you all how our mystery will unfold.” 
“Okay, Mr. Hill,” Sam teased. “Let’s see what you got for us.” 
“In the two-story house, right off Highbury Lane, lived five very studious university students.” Lincoln walked around the living room as he spoke. With each sentence he said, I lit a candle. Warm light slowly brought life back into the house. 
“We live off of a street,” Finn mumbled. “Right?”
“We do,” Sam assured.
“Ssh.” Henrik patted Finn’s shoulder. “It’s fine.” 
“All of which,” Lincoln continued, choosing to ignore the interruption. “Had a bloody, red secret.” 
“The best kind,” I said. 
“Very,” Lincoln agreed and winked at me. “Each secret was written down and hidden to quell their guilt. Due to sacred law, that secret was to be revealed once a year. And during that time, they were cursed to read a fellow housemate's secret. Once the secret was shared, they would temporarily be free of guilt during the holidays. Free to be merry and bright.”  
“That’s kind of sad when you think about it,” Finn mused. 
“It is.” Henrik hummed in agreement. 
“Okay, guys, it’s not supposed to be sad,” Lincoln quickly abandoned his spooky deep voice for his normal tone. “It’s supposed to be fun lore.” 
“But we’re cursed,” Henrik teased. “How is that fun?” 
“Yeah, since when are curses fun?” Sam wondered. 
“I can’t.” Lincoln turned to me with a groan. “They’re so…them.” 
I laughed and hurried to his side to unzip the carpet bag. “It’s fine. We’ll just move on to the picking.” 
Lincoln sighed, shook out his shoulders, and resumed his narrator's voice. “One sheet for each housemate. One chance to end their guilt by confessing to their murder.” 
“You’re first.” I took the bag and hurried over to Sam. 
“The broody leader with a heart more tender and kind than he lets on,” Lincoln said. 
“Alright, cool it with the titles,” Sam grumbled and dug his hand into the bag. 
“Well?” I asked when he opened the sheet. 
“Um…I can read it aloud?” he asked. 
“Yes, it’s a mere riddle. Something only you and the murderer will connect on,” Lincoln said.
“That makes no sense,” Sam said and shrugged. “But whatever. It says, I murdered in secret. My feet made no sound. I can construct the coffin easily. My hands are skillful enough to handle the ground…What the hell?”
“Next,” I sang and moved to Finn. 
He reached into the bag with one hand and snuck his free hand to the back of my knee. I breathed easily under his warm touch as he read his riddle. 
“I murdered between jokes. Made a sound like no other. I’m an easy catch. Just remember I’m nobody's brother.”
“Can we trade?” Sam asked. “I think I know that one.” 
“No trades!” Lincoln demanded. “The bag has chosen.” 
“Your turn.” I smiled at Henrik and he returned it before retrieving his confession. 
“I murdered in daylight. I was drowning in yellow. My fingers typed fast. I felt nothing but mellow.” Henrik chuckled. “Cute. I like this one.” 
“And you.” I skipped to Lincoln and shook the bag a little. He used a hand to cover his eyes before picking. 
“I murdered with a spoon. Or maybe it was a fork? Whatever it was, it happened under the moon. Whatever it was, I didn’t do it for sport.” Lincoln breathed a sigh of relief. 
“And me,” I claimed the final sheet. “I murdered determined. I did it first. As a leader, I wasn’t afraid. As a person, I don’t fear any curse.” 
I smiled, pleased. 
“Well, there you have it,” Lincoln said. 
“No, I really don’t.” Finn frowned down at his paper. 
“You can get the help of one murderer,” I said. “But only one so choose wisely.” 
Lincoln nodded in agreement. 
“I got you,” Sam said and Finn sighed with relief. Sam whispered a name into his best friend’s ear and the guy lit up. 
“Ah, that makes a lot more sense," Finn said. 
“Are we good then?” Lincoln bounced on his feet again, already geared to start his Christmas shopping. 
“No, not yet,” Sam said and pulled his camera back up. “We’re going to need that dance you two promised us.” 
“Oh right.” I started toward the Bluetooth speaker. Lincoln caught my elbow before I could leave. 
“Nope, they don’t deserve our dance.” Lincoln shook his head. “Not unless they stop laughing and appreciate our efforts.” 
“No one’s laughing,” Sam said while…well, laughing. 
“You're such an asshole,” Lincoln said with a smile. “No dance this time. We will reveal our talents when we know they’ll be appreciated. Right, Naomi?” 
“Right, exactly.” I nodded. Finn caught my eye and something in his gaze told me I could be convinced to do a private show later. 
“That’s all we have for now, folks,” Lincoln announced. “It’s up to you to do the rest. To figure out your fellow murderer and make sure your present is the best.”
“I do love it when he rhymes,” Henrik noted. 
“And I don’t,” Sam joked. “But this is entertaining so I’ll allow it.” 
“Come on,” Lincoln said. “Get off your butts and start looking for gifts. You’ve got twenty days until Christmas Eve. Let’s make every one of them count.” 
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hippiegoth97 · 10 months
Last Christmas: An Eddie Munson x Reader Holiday Story Pt. 2
Description: You and the gang play White Elephant, opening and stealing one another's gifts. You end up with a present you least expect, and share a dance with friends. When you and Eddie take a turn on the dance floor, things get a little too close for comfort. Can you and Eddie salvage your relationship, or are you too far gone?
Warnings: swearing, female reader, drug use, alcohol use, angst, heartbreak, crying, light smut mention, fluff
Last Christmas Pt. 2
A crowded room, friends with tired eyes...
Eddie's POV
You watch silently as Y/N walks towards the rear of Harrington's humble home with Robin and Argyle to have a little smoke session. Usually you'd join them, since you're quite the stoner yourself. But you can see you're far from welcome, she wants absolutely nothing to do with you. Her words earlier, no feelings at all, ring in your head over and over. "You good, Munson?" Steve asks once the trio slide the glass door shut behind them.
"Not really. But that doesn't really matter, does it?" You say bitterly, taking a swig of your eggnog. Usually you hate the stuff, but you've been steadily consuming it to keep yourself in one piece. Seeing Y/N again feels just as awful as the day she left and never came back.
"Don't say that, man. Of course it does." Jonathan pipes up, flashing you an apologetic look. You just shrug in response, unsure of what else to say. You really wish you weren't having this conversation at all. Clearly you have no chance of getting Y/N back, so what's the point of rehashing the same old shit?
"Even so, do you guys really wanna hear about my extinct love life for the millionth time? It's Christmas, there's supposed to be music and presents and all that holly jolly crap. Maybe I should go, I don't wanna bring you guys down all night." You start getting up to leave, but everyone quickly protests. You sigh, plopping back down into your chair. You know for a fact they'd sooner tie you down than let you walk out that door. There's more of them than there are of you, and Steve is ridiculously strong. "Fine! I'll stay! But can we drop it? Please? I'm hangin' on by a thread as it is." You sniffle, exhaling sharply as tears prick your tired eyes.
"Eddie, we really think you need to have a talk with Y/N." Dustin says, looking away from the claymation elves singing about making toys to speak to you seriously.
You just shake your head, the thought of that alone makes you want to off yourself. "Nah, man. She wants nothin' to do with me. And I don't blame her." Your voice trembles slightly. Goddammit, here come the waterworks.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that, dude. Robin told me Y/N still sleeps in your old t-shirt. She used to sniff it for the scent of you when she thought Robin wasn't looking. She cried for hours when it didn't smell like you anymore. And she hums your guys' song all the time without realizing it, "Beast of Burden", right?" Your eyes widen at Steve telling you this. The possibility that Y/N doesn't completely hate you blows your mind. Since the day she walked out the door, she's never contacted you again. She had Robin pick up any of her stuff still at your place, exchanging it for the things you left with her. The only thing missing was that beat-up Mötley Crüe t-shirt, you figured you'd lost it while you were drunk or something.
"Either way, I don't think she's in the mood to talk. I don't wanna hurt her again." You really don't get why everyone seems to have planned this ambush tonight. No doubt Robin and Argyle are working their mojo on Y/N to convince her to speak with you. You'd love it if she did, but you can see it now. She's letting them have an earful, telling them to mind their own fucking business. She's so damn stubborn, it's one of the million things you love about her. Loved, you mentally correct yourself.
"But you're both sitting here like goddamn ticking time bombs. Any minute, you're bound to explode. Unless you resolve this. We're not saying you'd necessarily get back together, but it would be good for both of you to work towards being able to tolerate sitting in the same room." Nancy takes her turn now, and you just roll your eyes.
"You guys really can't let this go, can you? Why do you care so much about mine and Y/N's relationship anyways?" You finish the rest of your drink, setting the empty glass on the floor. You cross your arms in frustration, waiting for this stupid talk to be over.
"No, we can't let it go. Because you and Y/N are our friends, and we love you. And we've had to sit and watch you both be in pain for months. And none of us can make that hurt go away, only you guys can do that." Mike says, hoping you understand how hard it's been for everyone to watch you and Y/N suffer.
You sigh, dragging your palms down your face. Partially in aggravation, and partially to wipe your tears away. "Fuck! Fine! But I'm not gonna force it. If she won't talk, I'm gonna let her be. Fair enough?"
The group nods in agreement, murmuring various 'yes's and 'okay's as they finally drop the subject. "I'm gonna go get the others from outside. I'd say now's as good a time as ever to start the game." Max says, standing up from her cozying up to Lucas. She walks to the door, sliding it open before shouting into the cold. "Hey, potheads! Hurry up, it's time for presents!"
"Alright, who wants to pick the first gift?" Jonathan asks, taking on the task of supervising this little game. Nobody volunteers, when Robin speaks up.
"How about we have Y/N go first?" She smiles at you, trying to get you in the spirit of things. You roll your eyes, she's incorrigible sometimes.
"Uh, sure. Step on up, Y/N." Jonathan says awkwardly. You take a deep breath, standing up slowly as the weed has finally decided to kick in. You walk over to the tree, looking over the plentiful pile of presents wrapped in shiny paper. You pick up a smaller one, leaving the larger gifts for the others. You return to your seat to open it, tearing the paper to reveal a jar of soaking salts.
"Ooh! These'll make bathtime very relaxing!" You say cheerily, showing everyone what you got. You actually really like this present, long hot baths are one of your favorite ways to relieve stress. Everyone murmurs in agreement, and Robin goes next. She gets a matching hat and glove set, which looks very cozy. Next is Argyle, who opens up a box of fancy chocolates.
"Sweet! I've got major munchies, man!" Argyle says, opening the box and taking one of the sweets out of its wrapper before popping it into his mouth.
"Well, safe to say that gift is out of play now." Jonathan shakes his head, his poor friend clearly doesn't understand the rules. Nobody seems to mind though, it's just chocolate. Next to pick a present is Nancy, who decides to steal your bath salts. You stand up to open another present, which turns out to be a Magic 8 Ball. You're less enthused about this item, but you figure one of the kiddos will take it off your hands at some point.
"Okay, my turn!" Steve says while rubbing his hands together. He picks up a gift bag, pulling a pack of warm socks from under the tissue paper. "Wow, just what I wanted." He says sarcastically, wondering if his parents secretly put a gift of their own in the bunch before leaving town.
"I will happily take those off your hands, Stevie." Eddie says, holding out his hands for Steve to toss him the socks. He catches them with ease, placing them in his lap. Your eyes meet again, and he instinctively gives you a small smile. You return it out of reflex, before realizing who you're looking at. You quickly frown instead, turning away to see what Steve reveals this time. It's a D&D starter set.
"Dammit." Steve mutters, cursing his inability to pick one of the better presents. Next up is Will, taking a chance with a larger box. He tears the paper away, revealing a portable radio.
"Nice!" Will says, very pleased with this find. Jonathan and the rest of the kids take their turns, most opting to open a brand new gift as opposed to stealing someone else's. The next six gifts are a Stephen King novel, the Star Wars trilogy on VHS, a Santa Claus mug with hot cocoa mix, a sketchbook, a knitted blanket, and a Walkman. Max steals the D&D set from Steve, deciding to give the game a try since the boys love it so much. Steve gets to pick for a third time, and he ends up with a thick, cozy scarf.
"Now this I can live with." Steve says, smirking as he’s got something he actually wants. Erica is last, taking your 8 Ball for herself. She claims she'll use it to make any and all further decisions for the foreseeable future. This leaves you empty handed once again, and there's only one gift left beneath the tree. Jonathan hands it to you, and everyone watches in anticipation to see what's inside.
You tear open the paper, pulling the lid off the flimsy box beneath. And inside, is a Santa hat. With devil horns glued onto it. Just like Eddie's. Leave it to you to end up with the gift that your ex-boyfriend brought. The room goes completely silent, and you don't know what to say. Your eyes dart across the room to him again, and he tries his hardest to silently apologize. You can feel the others watching you two, waiting to see what happens next. You look away, inspecting the hat for a moment. You rub your fingers over the fuzzy material, smiling slightly at the hand-stitched letters that spell 'SATAN' on the white brim. "You can trade with me if you want, Y/N." Robin offers, extending her gift to you.
"No, it's fine! It's a cute hat, cheeky." You giggle genuinely, it really plays into the sense of humor you and Eddie used to share. You wanna be a good sport, and not hurt his feelings. You pick up the hat, settling it on top of your head with a big smile on your face. It's very warm, but comfortable. You imagine you look a little silly, but you don't mind it one bit.
"Alright then, looks like the game is over. Anyone need a refill?" Jonathan asks, and every adult's hand goes up into the air. You may have graciously accepted your present, but the tension in the room has only gotten worse. You and Eddie keep looking at each other curiously, but avert your gaze when either of you get caught staring. "Yeah, sounds about right." Jonathan sighs, gathering everyone's glasses to head into the kitchen.
"You really don't mind it?" Eddie asks as the others move on to other activities. The kiddos open Max's D&D box, showing her how to build a character and how the game works. Nancy gets up to put on some music, picking out a Rolling Stones album from Steve's extensive collection. Some Girls, to be exact.
"Not at all, Eds. You know I love shit like this." You reply, realizing you just used his nickname. Maybe you don't need that refill after all. His eyes widen when he realizes what you said, hoping this means you'll talk to him...and maybe take him back. "Don't get any ideas, Munson. I'll get back together with you when hell freezes over." You quip, not meaning it in a hurtful way whatsoever.
"Well, we are in Hawkins in the middle of winter. I'd say that's pretty close." He retorts, making you laugh. It's been so long since he's done that, and you can't help missing it. Jonathan returns with the drinks, and you decide to throw caution to the wind and keep drinking. You're feeling warm and fuzzy inside, despite the perfect storm brewing between you and Eddie. You put it aside for the time being, focusing on enjoying the night with your friends. All your friends.
For the first time in what feels like forever, the group as a whole is able to fall back into the familiar groove you used to share. There's no more worried glances, awkward silences, or talks about your past relationship. Everyone's joking, laughing, and having a great fuckin' time. You have a dance with a few members of your little band of misfits. Steve, Robin, even Dustin. You can't stop smiling, downing a steady stream of eggnog the whole way to keep yourself merry and bright.
You're having a rather uncoordinated turn with Argyle, when the record begins to play a tune you haven't heard in an eternity. "Beast of Burden", the song you and Eddie once claimed as yours. You stop moving, noticing him walking over to you. He's taking his shot, hoping this is enough. "Mind if I cut in?" You look at him, finding his impossibly large brown eyes gazing at you expectantly. He gives you a kind smile, holding out his ringed hand.
"Fuck it! I'm pretty wasted. And everyone else has had a turn. Why not?" You reply with a hiccuping giggle. You take his hand, letting him pull you into his space. He clasps your fingers together, his other hand going to the small of your back. You put yours on his shoulder, sharing an awkward look as Mick Jagger begins to sing.
I'll never be your beast of burden. My back is broad, but it's a-hurtin'. All I want is for you to make love to me. The opening lines remind you of the first time you heard this song with Eddie. It was late one night, in the fall if you recall it correctly. You'd gone on a long drive all over town, not caring about the final destination as there wasn't really one in mind. The radio played real low, and you smoked cigarette after cigarette while staring out the window at the full moon while Eddie drove. Conversation was light, the two of you in comfortable bliss. And then the opening riff spilled forth from the worn stereo speakers in his van, prompting him to turn the volume up. "Shit, this is one of my favorites." You remember him saying, smiling at you to see if you also recognized it. You hadn't heard it before, but you listened closely to the words.
I'll never be your beast of burden. I've walked for miles, my feet are hurtin'. All I want is for you to make love to me. Eddie sang along with Mick, in perfect key at that. It was far from the first time you'd heard his deep, sultry tone. He is in a metal band, after all. But nevertheless, he enchanted you time and time again. And this particular evening from the recesses of your memory was no different. You watched his lips open and close in various shapes to form the lyrics, his face dimly lit by every passing street lamp. This dashboard performance in particular felt different from the others. He was tenderly asking you for something. To love him forever, to have him as yours the same as he wanted to keep you for his own.
You gladly granted the request, your heart soaring across the universe at the thought of never letting Eddie go. When the song was reaching its end, you had ended up at the edge of Lover's Lake. The maddening man in the sky reflected upon the still, black waters. Stars twinkled overhead, it was the most beautiful night. Eddie killed the ignition, inviting you to the back of the van like he'd done so many times before. You followed him like a moth to a flame, letting him lay you down on the mismatched blankets splayed about the floor. You made the sweetest love you'd ever had, sealing your promise that you thought would never be broken.
The two of you sway to the music, slowly rotating in a cautious waltz. You do your best to loosen up, bringing yourself a bit closer. Eddie's had a considerable amount to drink too, playfully crooning the lyrics of the song to you. Just like the old days. "Am I hard enough? Am I rough enough? Am I rich enough? I'm not too blind to see." Your smile grows wider at him singing for you, you used to love it when he did this. His voice is gorgeous, and he made you feel like the most special person in the world when he'd serenade you with your favorite songs.
The others pretend not to stare as they make their own pairings to dance. You ignore their approving glances and nods. It's like everyone else disappears, leaving only you and Eddie in the room anymore. Your movements are more fluid now, facilitated by the weed and alcohol. You let Eddie lean down to softly sing the repeating 'pretty, pretty girl' part of the song in your ear. His chest is flush against yours, and it's almost as if you've never been apart. You want so badly to just smash the walls down, and let him back in. Nostalgia and longing wash over you, tempting you to take what you've been wanting since the day you walked away.
He pulls back a moment, meeting your hazy eyes. You can see loud and clear that he still loves you, and he can tell you're mirroring the sentiment back at him. You can feel his heart pounding in his chest, the pace staying in sync with yours. Your mouths are dangerously close together, and your breath fans in each other's faces. The sickly sweet scent of rum and sugar cookies wafts between you. He tries to make a move to kiss you, and you almost lean into it. But when you really look at him, you can't help remembering how you two ended in the first place.
You drop his hand and push him away, a single tear falling from your eye. "I-I can't." You choke out the words, frantically looking at everyone staring at you.
"Y/N-" Eddie takes a step forward, reaching for your arm.
"Don't!" You back up again while shaking your head, turning away to leave the room. You push past Nancy and Jonathan, and you begin to sob uncontrollably. You make a break for the stairs, your heels thumping as you bound up each step.
"Go after her, you idiot!" Steve yells to Eddie, and you try to find a place to hide. It's too much, you can't just pretend he didn't break your heart into a million pieces. You can't act like everything's okay now, because it isn't. You hear another set of shoes coming up from the ground floor, just as you run into Steve's parents' room. You slam the door and click the lock, leaning against the wood while your chest heaves.
"Y/N?" You hear Eddie's voice from the other side. Why can't he just leave you alone?
"Go away, Eddie. I can't do this." You say through your tears, pulling the Santa hat from your head. You don't want to wear it anymore. You toss it across the room, refusing to look at it again. You slide down to the floor, your knees tented in front of you. Your head falls in your hands, tears and saliva soaking through your dress.
"Y/N, please? I just wanna talk." You can hear the pain in his voice, and you fucking hate it. You hear him shuffling to sit on the other side of the door, his own stifled cries spilling out. His hand brushes the finished wood, wishing he could feel you through it. "Baby, please. I-" He begs.
"Don't call me that! You lost the right to use that name a long time ago." You shout, turning around to face the solid barrier between you.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Just...I don't wanna be like this anymore." His voice trembles, he's just as shaken to the core as you are.
"I don't either, Eddie. But what else is there? You ended us, when I thought you'd never do that."
"I know. And I'm a fucking idiot." Eddie replies through clenched teeth, he's so frustrated with himself for making such a dumb decision.
"Well, at least you admit it." You can't help cracking this small joke, making both of you laugh on either side of the door. Even though you can't see each other, you know exactly how the other's face and body language looks with every passing word.
"Steve said you still sleep in my shirt. Is that true?" He asks, unable to rein in his curiosity. You gasp at the question, Robin must've said something to him.
"Yes." You say softly, not wanting to admit it. "But only because it's comfortable." You try to make up an excuse, but you already know he doesn't believe you. "Robin said you were really messed up after I left. Is that true too?" You figure you might as well get some confirmation of your own while you're trapped in here.
"Shit, yeah. I don't think I had a sober moment for at least two weeks after you left. It was awful. But I couldn't stand to keep being reminded of you at every turn." Eddie recalls how those drunken, drug-addled days played out. He woke up late, head pounding from the night before. He'd crack open another beer, and smoke a blunt or two before breakfast. All he could manage to eat during that time was Honeycomb cereal and Poptarts. Not to say those stayed in his stomach long, far from it.
By lunchtime he'd be face-first in the porcelain throne, rejecting every last bit of sugary snacks and booze. And the cycle would continue. More alcohol, toss some cocaine in the mix, another joint, or a few. Reefer Rick even threatened to cut off his supply if he didn't stop consuming all the product. He had to work twice as hard to recoup the cost of the illicit substances. And all that did was further remind him of how he lost you.
"Jesus, Eddie. I'm sorry." You can't help feeling bad when you hear the words from his own lips. A secondhand story doesn't have nearly the same impact.
"Not your fault. I did this, remember?" This is absolutely killing you, you can't stand the sullen tone in his voice. It makes you want to unlock the door, to allow him back where he clearly belongs. But that's not enough. You can't put the past behind you and give it a second try so easily. Especially when he could just as easily break your heart again, deeming himself unworthy of you. Just like last time.
"Why did you? We had a good thing, didn't we?" You really want to understand why he made that decision all those months ago. He technically gave you a reason, but was that really enough to end a relationship?
"Of course we did, Y/N. It was the best thing I've ever had in my entire life." Eddie says, complete and total regret working its way through his body. It cuts like a knife, deep and jagged. More tears spring from his eyes, tapping wetly as they land on the hardwood floor below him. His heart aches for you more than he ever thought possible. You're so close, and yet you're a million miles away. If he wanted to act selfishly, he'd smash this damn door to pieces and scoop you into his arms. But he won't, because it's not what you want. And that's the only thing that has ever mattered to him.
"Then why?" You hoarsely croak out the words. You're fighting to swallow a wedge in your throat, it's grating and bitter. Like a lump of coal scraping your esophagus. You press your hand against the door, laying your head beside it. You want to be closer to him in this silly, small way.
"Well, it's like I said before. I didn't feel like I was enough for you. You were starting college soon, and I know you're gonna be something great." Eddie smiles slightly at that thought. You have big dreams of saving the world, changing it for the better. He'd listen to you talk for hours about cleaning up the oceans or regulating big corporations that over-pollute. Seeing your eyes light up when you cared about something made him even more helplessly in love with you. "Whereas, I'm gonna be stuck flipping burgers or fixing cars my whole life. Would you really wanna spend your days with someone like that?"
"I told you before, I didn't care about that. I just wanted to be with you. What you did for a job or how much money you had was always a non-factor for me. People do those things their whole lives, and there's nothing wrong with that." You reassure him, speaking sincerely. Just because others may look down upon those who work in 'unskilled' jobs, that doesn't make them worthless.
"But how could I provide for you when I make shit pay like that? You deserve someone who can take care of you, Y/N." You really have no idea why Eddie insists on this idea that he has to be the big spender in the relationship. It's oddly old-fashioned for someone like him.
"Eddie, did I ever say I wanted you to be the 'provider' in our relationship? You know better than anyone I don't subscribe to medieval ideals like that." You don't mean to come off so harsh, but it's a bit annoying that he seems to ignore this rather fundamental thing about you. "Plus, you provided plenty. You were kind, sweet, and loving. You comforted me in my weakest moments, and we made so many meaningful memories together."
"I know, you're right. The more I say it out loud, the stupider it sounds." He chuckles dryly, shaking his head. But there's something else, something he's kept close to the chest this whole time. You can sense the hesitation in his voice, the little hitch in his breath when he forces his tongue to hold back.
"What is it, Eddie? Please, tell me." You ask quietly, wanting to know what he's been hiding.
"I was afraid you'd outgrow me. You'd slowly earn your degree, make new friends. Then you'd no doubt go wherever the planet needs you, and where would that leave me? You'd see how big and beautiful the world is, and being with me would pale in comparison. And then you'd leave, finding a foxy marine biologist instead or something. Then you'd win some kinda Nobel Prize or some shit, and I'd still be here in Hawkins. With nothing to show for it." He realizes how silly he sounds now, how he's spent so long fantasizing about you leaving him behind.
"Thought about that a lot, did you?" You ask, unable to hide the smirk in your voice. You understand his fears, you'd probably have them too if the roles were reversed.
"Every goddamn day, Y/N." He chuckles again, but he sounds far from happy about it. Your face falls, there must be a way for him to see that his anxieties held no water.
"You do realize I would've taken you with me, right? If your hypotheticals ever came to be, I mean." You speak matter-of-factly.
"Really?" Eddie still doesn't understand, does he? Just as he claims to love you to the ends of the earth and back, you feel just as strongly. If not moreso.
"Yes, you big idiot!" You exclaim, grabbing his attention. "I would've had you by my side every step of the way. We would've moved in together while I went to school. Then after graduation you'd come with me to wherever I was interning at, until I’d eventually lead the charge in some world-saving research. And then you'd be right there in the audience while I accept my 'Nobel Prize or some shit', dressed in a cute tux and everything. And then we'd go home to our house, and our pets or plants or whatever." Eddie's eyes widen at your words, he never imagined that you would actually want to spend the rest of your life with him. Him, the metalhead, freak, loser, asshole that deals drugs.
"Thought about that a lot, did you?" He parrots your previous statement at you, drawing light laughs from both of your mouths.
"Every goddamn day, Eds." Another copied comment, and another slip of his nickname. You're headed for trouble if you don't knock it off.
"Fuck, I wish more than anything I could take it back, Y/N." Eddie says, desperately wanting this conversation to end in reconciliation. He wants you, no, needs you in his life. You're like the sun in the sky, the air in his lungs, the ground beneath his feet, the blood in his veins. You are everything to him.
"So do I." You reply simply, the tears have been steadily pouring from your eyes this whole time. As is the case with Eddie, you suspect.
"Would it be so terrible to try again? I miss you so much, it's killing me." There it is. That oh, so dangerous question. You've been simultaneously dreading it and wishing for it all night. How easy it would be to accept him back into your heart, to reignite the burning flame of love you used to share.
"I miss you too, more than you know. But I don't want to get hurt again. I can't go through the hell you put me in a second time." You sniffle, unable to stop yourself from remembering the endless sob-fest you had at Robin's for the first few days after your breakup.
"I promise, I will never let you go again. I'll never be so fucking stupid." He pleads, yanking at your heartstrings.
"But how do I know for sure, Eddie? I was under the impression that the first time would never come, and it did. Who's to say you won't break us to pieces again when things get tough?" As much as you'd love to be together again, you have valid reservations about the prospect.
He doesn't say anything else for a minute, carefully considering what you've said. He feels so fucking awful for hurting you, and he wants to prove himself worthy of a second chance. "What if we move in together?" He blurts out, as it's the first step in your little fantasy about the future.
You scoff, he can't be serious. "Eddie, you don't have to jump the gun like that."
"I'm serious. I wanna be with you, commit to a life with you. What better way to do that than to get a place together? We could look after New Year's if you want. I think there's a place by-" His tone is frantic now, eager to sell you on the idea.
"Eddie, slow down!" You shout, interrupting his babbling. He shuts his trap, his teeth clacking at the force. "Look, it's really sweet of you to offer. But I think we would need time to get reacquainted first, to see if this would even work again." He perks up at your words, hoping this means you're saying yes to him.
"I'm sorry, you're right. But, does that mean we can give this another shot?" He asks expectantly, crossing his fingers and praying to whatever God is up there that you'll take him back.
You sigh, shaking your head as you giggle at the thought. "I can't believe I'm actually saying this. But yes, we can try again, Eds." You say as you stand up, clicking the lock to open the door. Eddie falls forward into the room, almost smacking his head on the floor. You shriek in surprise, and he bounces back up in no time. He scrambles to his feet, his eyes meeting yours for the first time in what feels like hours. He laughs awkwardly, blushing hard as he rubs the back of his neck. You giggle in reply, rolling your eyes at his clumsiness.
You move closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck while his go around your waist. You're standing in the threshold of the room, looking up to see some mistletoe hanging right above your heads. "Well, would ya look at that? Seems like the Harringtons have the right idea." Eddie says, returning his gaze to yours. The air between you is different now. It's no longer somber and heartbroken, but filled with unbridled joy and a dash of booze-fueled lust.
"That they do." You reply, just barely above a whisper. You can't stop staring at each other's lips, the familiar scent of Christmas treats dizzying your heads in your proximity. Eddie's just about to bring his lips to yours, when-
To be continued...
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weeklyreadings · 2 years
Week 51
Romp and Circumstance by @wolfpants
Rated E. 36k. Drarry
Since the war, Harry Potter has gone from Saviour to Scoundrel—not that he’s complaining. With a schedule full of gorgeous men, alcohol, and late nights, why would he want to change? Enter Draco Malfoy: beautiful, sharp, and completely untouchable. When Draco comes to Harry with a proposition to help him attract an engagement, Harry’s up for it—after all, how hard can it be not falling for his former nemesis?
Very hard, apparently.
I'll never be your chosen one by @andithiel
Rated E. 15k. Drarry
Draco doesn't know what exactly he’s doing with Potter, he doesn't know how their unspoken agreement even started, and doesn't know where it will end. The only thing he knows is: he's not in love.
Chasing Dragons by @the-sinking-ship
Rated E. 99k. Drarry
Draco can think of only one way to outclass his pleat-front-khaki-wearing politician ex, and that’s by making headlines with an obvious upgrade. And who better to upstage the cheating bastard than the Saviour of the World, Harry Potter himself? Sure, Potter is a little rough around the edges in ripped jeans, a rumpled tartan shirt, and a permanent scowl. Draco reckons a haircut and a shave wouldn’t hurt, either. But Potter is also in need of a Healer willing to keep his secrets, and Draco is just the man for the job. It’s a perfectly reasonable exchange. They need only attend a couple parties arm-in-arm, smile nicely for the paparazzi, and tolerate each other long enough to convince everyone they’re smitten. In return, Draco will keep Potter alive and in one piece.
A Good League Hence by @eyra
Rated T. 15k. Wolfstar
Remus has always believed that December is the Hall's very best month. It's like the place was built to have boughs of holly and fir strung from every wall sconce and picture rail; like its architect, all those hundreds of years ago, designed it specifically to bear the big, fat garlands he and Lily wind around its balustrades and bannisters, and the jolly wreaths that they hoist into place on every door, and the towering, beribboned tree that stands proudly in the hotel reception and takes four of them a whole afternoon to decorate.
A country hotel in the wintertime. Plenty of snow, plenty of mulled wine, and a feeling that this Christmas might be different.
Thine Enemy is Sweet by @xx-thedarklord-xx
Rated E. 53k. Drarry
"The ex-boyfriend of my ex-fiance is my partner in crime."
A story featuring a ragtag team of morons, bickering enemies that can't agree on anything, a heist that surely won't end well and a connection that neither Harry or Draco can deny.
Fire Meet Gasoline
Rated E. 63k. Drarry
When Draco’s anger management issues land him in St Mungo’s, he thinks his Quidditch career is over. But Harry, A&E Healer and notorious workaholic, is faced with a similar predicament. To save their jobs, the two of them decide to fake a relationship. All they have to do is convince their friends and employers… and not fall in love in the process. Simple, right?
To All a Good Night by @msalexwp
Rated E. 36k. Wolfstar
Sirius Black was supposed to spend Christmas in a luxury Airbnb in Vermont with his best friends. Instead, there's a record-breaking snowstorm, a tiny cabin with no electricity, a viral video, a mysterious last-minute breakup, and sharing a bed with Remus Lupin.
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House Heisenberg: Karl Heisenberg- Christmas Tree
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Pairing: Karl Heisenberg x Fem!Reader
Pov: Reader
Warnings: Cute banter, fluff, Christmas time, contest, ego tested, workshop area, cheating the rules.
Summary: A contest between Y/n and Karl to build a Christmas tree out of the supplies around the shop. Whoever wins gets to have their tree used during Christmas.
A/n- Firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 951
Resident Evil 8 Master List // House Heisenberg Master List
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“I just thought that it would be cool if the two of us celebrated Christmas.” Y/n said. She always talked about Christmas. The entire time she had been here in the valley. She rambled on about practically everything that had to deal with Christmas. It had been a long time since I had even thought about Christmas. 
During my time in the war, I heard the holly jolly terms being thrown around and the songs that were supposed to bring on joy being sung as we marched into battle. But when those guns came ablaze the tunes and terms stopped.
That was truly the last time I had heard anyone talk about it. Mother Miranda was too stuck in her ideals of getting what she wanted to talk about some stupid holiday or the terms of endearment it had around the rest of the world. 
Everyone here knew what Christmas was, we just didn’t celebrate it. Unless they were forced to get together, Mother Miranda wanted to make Alcina host. Not that that was very Christmas themed anyways. Regardless of that Y/n wanted to celebrate and that would involve getting a tree to start off the holiday with. 
She had caught me in the workshop. “We have to Karl.” Y/n said with a slight pout on her face before she looked up through thick lashes. I rolled my eyes and a heavy sigh left my lips. I turned in my seat, looking at her for the first time. There was a glint in her eyes, like she knew that the minute I saw her I was going to say yes. 
It wasn’t like I never said no to her, but she always had a way of getting what she wanted out of me. She was wearing a loose fitting t-shirt and one of my flannels over her frame. Jeans that she had restored well over twenty times already. When I looked at her I saw a mini version of myself, and I was rather beautiful as a woman. 
I laughed, a deep belly laugh. Hand on her hips as she stood her ground about wanting to in her words “do Christmas”. I didn’t argue with her about that fact, that was just improper grammar and English. I instead just let Y/n do what she was going to do. 
I had enough materials around the shop for an idea in my head to work… Hopefully, it will work. “How about we make it a contest?’ I suggested. Y/n cocked her brow up. “What do you mean Karl?” She asked me. “We can have a contest about which one of us has a better tree and whoever wins can use it for the season.” I said explaining my idea. 
Y/n’s eyes beamed with joy. Happiness, “Of course, we can do that silly. We have to get started right now.” She said excitement practically dripping off of her. I went to say something but the look on her face was too strong and I didn’t want to explain why I didn’t want to do it right now. 
Y/n was a rather persuasive person, so of course she grabbed and dragged me toward the center of the workshop. “We have to do it today, well actually right now. Are there any rules?” Y/n asked me, her hand still wrapped around mine as we stood awkwardly in the center of the workshop. 
I hadn’t thought of rules. This idea had come to my head about three seconds after she said something regarding a tree. I looked around the shop. “We can only use the materials around the shop, and we have twenty minutes to make the tree.” I said quickly. Those weren’t really good rules, but it was that or no rules. 
She was jumping in front of me. “So let’s get started then.” She said happily. We sat back to back, I looked around the shop eyeing some heavy metal pieces that I could use to make a rather boring-looking tree. “Three.” I heard Y/n start behind me. “Two.” “One” And with that, I heard y/n start to move around me. Grabbing for tools and metals to create. 
I on the other hand waited nearly ten minutes before I started to reach, or rather flick my wrist to have a few large pieces of metal brought to me. I only needed a few pieces of wood to make a rickety base. Twenty minutes passed by quickly and before I knew it Y/n was yelling and screaming that the time was over. 
“When did you start tracking the time buttercup?” I asked her. She just winked and kept her tree behind her back. “We’ll show our trees at the same time. Okay?” Y/n said her most serious face on. I shook my head and reached around my holding my rather good-looking metal tree in my hand. 
Another count down and then there were in front of us. Y/n’s was smaller than mine, and a few random pieces that she had glued and zip tides together. “You’re is so cute and small.” I commented as I looked down at mine. Y/n eyed it with suspicion. “Did you cheat Karl?” She asked me. “Of course, I didn’t cheat Y/n. I would never do that.” I said. The tree that I had created was obviously better. Stood taller than Y/n’s and was made better. 
“I’ll let it pass since your tree is better than mine,” Y/n said as she stood on the tip of her toes to softly kiss me on my cheek. I tried not to blush at the small interaction.
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Completed on: 01/30/23
Posted On: 01/31/23
House Heisenberg-
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sabbyscreation37 · 2 months
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abigali-ai · 9 months
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"Have a Holly Jolly Christmas" T-shirt
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789-blog · 1 year
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kevinwillpkgd · 2 years
remembrance day. as usual I worked thru the ceremonies and looked up late.
Complaints day. get off my lawn dept. (All diff ff around here, and recent occurrences)
no tofu (again) or radish, sprouts, + sauce.
the staff ate my order(?) (3 shimp)
one item per order ruined, (again. over cooked rolls, triple onions, etc)
pre-paid phone-ins get 20 minute wait, (a couple places)
wrong items at coffee-shop (chain, 3 places), overcharged.
next thing ya know they'll accuse me of being anti-social. Or a bigot.
Bite me. Getting things right is a rarity, not normal. I don't use any of 'em (FF places) much anymore. (manic power-tripping (sons) and low IQ passionates a BIG problem. Vengeance, all that.
midnight parking lot shootings too. Harder for me to say, tho i can see back-of-the-truck sales.
I'm getting deaf, he has an accent, she chirps too high to be heard. Bleah. I'm outta here; this doesn't work for me, no how. not even the web.
on the other hand, maybe the rumors are correct; I am a dirty, drug dealing, child molesting, porn-making, cartoonist, musician and writer.
a retired one. With an attitude.
NOT. I don't smoke but do gift the stuff. If you can read, there are freebies.
oh, i hit Jolly jack with complaints yesterday too. from sequential art at collected curios. 10 in orders, a 30 shipping charge. WHAT!
two things I hope he noticed. VERY difficult to find print, took twenty minutes to score and insane shipping costs.
it's strike three for christmas already.
"I'm fine, this is fine, everything is fine" t-shirts (Big fam here. I bulk buy at hoildays, tho they usally get books not Ts) and Jolly jack for me. ( Love his works, want phone books.)
other things? 2 grand for an electric snow blower? holy fre-holy crapola! we have plow-build banks here to remove.
this is insane bullshit.
the last green plant died, (holly hocks) time to level the garden.
tomorrow? p3 let them eat garbage ( AI products : phone text2vid productions.
kiss social-media goodbye.
#canada #writing #complaints #rememeranceday
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customizedstore · 1 year
Holly Jolly T-Shirt, Christmas T-Shirt, Xmas Shirt, Holiday T-Shirt, Holly Vibes Jolly T-Shirt
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teezbeezsshop · 3 years
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Have A Holly Jolly Christmas Shirt
Discover Now: https://bitly.com.vn/xy9x3s
Please CHECK THE SIZE CHART shown before purchase.
1- Please, Check and Review all Photos.
2- Choose your size from the drop-down menu and add each shirt to your cart one at a time.
3- Select Your Shirt Color from Drop-down 2 which is Shirt Color.
4- Your shipping will automatically combine when ordering multiples.
5- Checkout out all at once when the correct color and qty has been added.
6- Finally, Your Custom Shirt will be ready to ship 2-4 Business Day.
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spooky-drusilla · 3 years
Aaaaand here are my own interpretations of Kit's and Ty’s flower cards feat. Ty wearing the Joshi family ring
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[ID: The first image is a drawing of Kit Herondale sitting on a chair with Mina playing on the ground. He is wearing a denim jacket, a black t-shirt, and jeans. Mina is wearing a pink dress. The background is a garden with white and pink flowers. On the bottom of the picture is written ‘Satin Flower - Am I Forgotten?’. The second image is a drawing of Ty Blackthorn sitting on a wooden box. He is wearing a black jacket, gray pants, an orange sweater, and white headphones. On his right hand, he is wearing the Joshi family ring. A hand is reaching out for him on the top right corner of the drawing, and Irene is sitting right in front of him. The background is plain green, and there’s a plant with orange flowers decorating the entire left side of the drawing. On the bottom of the picture is written ‘Clove - I have loved you & you haven’t known it’. /End ID]
Taglist (tell me if you wanna be added/removed!)
@min-unicorn @alexandergideonslightwood @adrishya @eugeniaslongsword @axoloteca @thomaslightwood @dreamofmysoul-tsc @minaxcarstairs @youngreckless @lunar-mensis @melpcmene @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped @greyoceansgold @the-blackdale @evelynssevenhusbands @arangiajoan @stxr-thxif @ti-bae-rius @fantasylitnet @sayonara-you-weeaboo-shits @tsccreatorsnet @too-many-aspirations @blackstairslxve @cant-think-of-anything @runecarstairs @eutonyinwhisper @fortheloveofthecarstairs @dark-artifices-only @ilikebooks8 @wannabe-warlock @the-swordwielding-carstairs @ohcoolnice @cortanas-star @foxglove-airmid @dontmindmyshadowhunting @am-i-forgotten @lowkeywannakermit​ @have-a-holly-jolly-angstmas​
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sabbyscreation37 · 9 months
0 notes
Title from Gorgeous by Taylor Swift
And I got a boyfriend, he's older than us
He's in the club doing, I don't know what
TW Swearing
TW Implied Affairs
TW Toxic Relationship
TW Implied Grooming
Tagging @have-a-holly-jolly-angstmas @life-through-the-eyes-of @wagnerthedragon @writeordie-4 @littlx-songbxrd
And I Got A Boyfriend; He’s Older Than Us
Alastair shouldn’t have come here tonight and he knew it. But he needed time away.
Away from Charles and their relationship. Away from everything.
Charles and him had had a fight, mainly about their relationship status. Charles wouldn’t consider him his boyfriend because he preferred “no labels”.
No labels was just another way of saying he wanted no strings attached or friends with benefits.
So Alastair, being petty in his anger at Charles, called up his best friends to meet him at the local gay club; the Hell Ruelle.
And if he dressed just a little bit more revealing then he normally did, nobody would question it.
Tight leather trousers, a silk shirt that he left unbuttoned to his navel at Kamala’s suggestion, eyeliner to bring out his eyes. His hair undone and left in loose ringlets around his face.
He looked good and he knew it.
Tonight was about him.
And he was spending it moping at the bar of the club, with a glass of wine that he won’t drink.
It’s pathetic, really.
Sitting at a bar by yourself, in really uncomfortable clothes, while your friends drink and dance and enjoy themselves.
He was broken out of his thoughts by a voice and a hand on his shoulder. “You’re Alastair Carstairs, right?”
The voice belonged to an extremely tall and muscular man, who was probably the most beautiful man Alastair had ever seen. He seemed familiar, particularly in the eyes, but Alastair couldn’t place his face.
“I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m Thomas Lightwood. We went to junior high together, I was a year below you.”
Oh that’s where he knows him from. Wow.
That’s Thomas Lightwood. Thomas Lightwood that he called pipsqueak.
Well, he certainly isn’t a pipsqueak now, that’s for sure.
“I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you earlier. It’s been awhile.” he said, trying very hard not to look Thomas up and down. Something very hard to do with the simple jeans and t-shirt Thomas was wearing.
Thomas flushed a little bit, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck. “I’ve changed a lot since then, I don’t blame you.”
That you have. Alastair thought to himself. That you have, Thomas.
“So what are you doing now? Are you in university, or working?”
“I’m in the second year of my linguistics major, and I just started a minor in Spanish.”
“Wow. That’s impressive.”
So he’s smart, attractive, and good with languages. Alastair sighs internally.
The tall man’s face flushed even brighter, the redness crawling down his neck. “Not really. Most people think it’s useless.”
Alastair snorted. “Language isn’t useless. It’s the base of all communication. Whoever told you that is useless.”
“Oh shush. What about you? What have you been up to?”
“I’m currently double-majoring in pre-law and business.”
“That sounds fun.” Thomas’s voice was dripping in sarcasm.
Alastair matched his tone. “Very.”
He hadn’t wanted to do either of those majors, instead he’d wanted to take a gap year to figure it out. But Charles had insisted that he go to college, that he double-major in two very demanding subjects.
It shows your dedication, Alastair. Don’t you want people to be impressed with your dedication? He had said to him and Alastair believed him then.
“Are you planning on law school or business school after you graduate?”
Alastair shrugged his shoulders. “Possibly. I might just do a gap year instead. Visit some places I lived when I was younger. Tehran, Paris, the whole nine yards.”
“I did something like that before I started college. A gap year in Madrid, just like my father did. It was the best year of my life.”
Alastair felt a pang of jealousy in his chest. Oh how he wished he could have done something like that.
“That sounds amazing.”
“It was.”
They spent the next two hours just talking. About what they hope to do with their degrees, what classes they hate the most, anything really, until they get to the topic of Alastair’s internship.
“I heard you were doing an internship with Matthew Fairchild’s brother, Charles, the politician.” Thomas asked. It was an innocent enough question, he didn’t know about Alastair’s history with Charles.
Alastair didn’t think his work with Charles really qualifies as an internship. He was practically just Charles’s unpaid secretary.
Charles’s unpaid secretary that he fucked.
No strings attached, remember? But there truly were so many strings attached.
“Oh. I’m sorry. Do you not like working for Charles?”
Thomas’s hazel eyes had widened considerably, giving him an owlish look. It was quite adorable actually.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s just that you made a face when I asked that. I assume that you don’t like working with him.”
That was true, Alastair preferred to not work with Charles.
He would also prefer to be Charles’s boyfriend. Not his fuck-buddy.
“My relationship with Charles is…complicated, to say the least.”
“You mean at work?”
“Yes, you could say that. You could probably say outside of work too.” he deadpanned, playing with his untouched glass of wine.
Alastair didn’t know why he was saying this. Especially to Thomas, who he hasn’t seen in almost ten years.
Wow, talk about diarrhea of the mouth.
“So you and Charles are…involved?” Thomas sounded confused, it would be adorable, if they weren’t talking about Charles.
“You could say that.”
Alastair was very tempted to drink the glass of wine now.
“I don’t like to talk about it much.”
Alastair did, in fact, drink his wine when he saw a familiar head of red hair walk through the club doors.
Charles Fairchild.
He must really be mad at Alastair for him to come here and risk outing himself and ruining his reputation. His words, not Alastair’s.
Alastair caught his eye and did two things that he would definitely come to regret in the morning.
One, he downed his entire glass of wine in a matter of two seconds.
And two, he kissed Thomas Lightwood.
He made sure Charles saw him make out with Thomas Lightwood.
Make him know what it feels like when someone who apparently “loves” you kisses somebody right in front of you.
Make him feel the pain Alastair feels whenever he sees him with his current fiancée during parties or political rallies.
Thomas’s lips had, at one point, moved down to his neck. Alastair maintained eye contact with Charles the whole time.
“What about Charles?” Thomas asked, pulling his lips away from Alastair’s neck.
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
🎶On the fourth day of Angstmas, Riley gives to you🎶
🎶Four song lyrics🎶
🎶Three angsty fics🎶
🎶Two broken hearts🎶
🎶And one Charles dying🎶
I’m making a new song after tomorrow, it’s hard to come up with lyrics that go together
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nightmare-niko · 2 years
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Why Is it always Hawkins
Chapter three: Holly Jolly
A/n: sorry for such a long break :/ more frequent posts soon I promise!!
The slamming of the trailer door startles Nichole awake. She checks the clock on eddies wall and curses. Mom said to be home at ten. She jumps off of Eddie's mattress and slams open his closet door looking for something to wear.
“Jesus Nichole? What's the matter?” Eddie stirs awake.
“My mom said to be home by ten, and it's morning. I don't know if Nancy covered for me but I need to get my car and stop by at home so mom doesn't call the cops.” she grabs one of eddies T-shirts. “So get your ass up cuz’ you need to come with me.”
“Okay okay fine, what time is it?”
“five A.M.”
“Let's go!” Nichole rushes and sprints out of the trailer. Eddie followers her down into the gravel road that leads onto the Kirley road. “Shit your uncle's van isn't here!” she turns to Eddie, and he groans.
“What time does nancy leave for school?”
“Like Seven!” she looks past the trailers and cars, “lets run to steves.”
“We have to run to steves,” she repeats
“Are you crazy?!” eddie yells.
“Do you want rides to school or not? Barb has my car and steve is the only one near us with a car.”
“Shit man, let's go.”
Nichole kicks off down Kirley, sprinting as fast as she can with Eddie on her trail towards steve's house. They pass the train tracks and head into steves neighborhood. They come to a stop at steves driveway, he's making his way to his car.
“Harrington!” she calls to the boy halting to a quick stop with Eddie gasping for air behind her.
“Nichole? What the hell happened?” steve looks worried.
“I fell asleep at eddies and my mom said to be home by ten and I gave Barbara my-” she stops as she spots the familiar light green Camero parked behind steves BMW, “my car? Did barb not leave last night?”
“No she did, when Nancy and I left she was gone, she left your keys.” steve digs in his pocket and throws her keys. “How much trouble are you going to be in?”
“Oh probably none,” she unlocks her car as Eddie jumps in. “I'm not nancy or mike so she most likely doesn't care.” she gets into the driver's seat.
“See you at school Cole,” steve waves and gets in his car.
Nichole starts her car and backs out of steve's driveway quickly. Driving above the limit to get home in ten minutes. Eddie begs her to slow down but she doesn't listen. She pulls into the driveway of her house and turns off her car, she urges Eddie to duck so her mom doesn't spot him as she heads towards her front door, unlocking it.
“Where have you been?” Mom is in the kitchen, starting breakfast.
Nichole cringes, “i know, im sorry! I was with my friend at the assembly and we got something to eat then we went back to his to get something i left with him last week and we… fell asleep.” she rushes out an apology.
Karen sighs, “i know, Nancy told me. Youre not in trouble.” mom reassures, “you're responsible and mature and i trust you- whos shirt is that?”
“My friends,” she looks down at the AC/DC tee shirt.
“Your friend who?” Karen raises her eyebrow.
She smiles sheepishly, “my friend Eddie…”
“Your boyfriend?” Karen asks as she turns back into the kitchen to continue breakfast.
“What! No!”
“Is he cute?” Karen opens the fridge and gets eggs out, “whats he like? Jock? Preppy? Nerdy? Oh, wait no let me guess, hes a punk kid with a heart of gold.”
Nichole stammers, “well i-” she groans, “hes- not my boyfriend!”
Karen laughs, “but you wish he was.”
“Mom! No! I- its not like that.” she runs her fingers through her hair, laughing lightly. “He's just my best friend.”
“Yeah okay, go get ready for school.”
“Okay, I just have to get something from my car really quick.” Nichole goes to her car and opens the passenger door to a hiding Eddie. “Stay hidden ill be out soon,” she looks around in the console for something to grab, the camera, she reaches over Eddie and takes her camera before leaving the car and going back inside.
She goes up the steps and stops at nancy's door, she's awake and shuffling around. Nichole knocks on the door and opens it slightly, “Hey,” she calls to nancy who smiles a greeting. “Thank you so much for covering for me, I owe you.” she looks around Nancy's room, the pink and grey shirt is discarded on the floor, “you can keep the shirt, it looks better on you.”
She goes into her room to grab her bag and brush her hair. She goes back into the hallway, nancy is leaving her bedroom. Nichole holds her camera up to her eye and snaps a photo of her younger sister. Nancy gasps and laughs a bit before they both go down to the kitchen.
The final bell rings signaling the end of the school, kids disperse into the hallway to get to their cars. Nichole leaves to find eddie so they can go to hellfire.
“Hey, Nicky!” Nancy catches up with Nichole, “Have you seen Barb?”
“No i havent, she left in another car.” she spots eddie in the hallway at his locker, “I have to go, see you in a bit.”
Nichole rushes to catch up with her best friend. She slings her arms around an unsuspecting eddie, “Hey Eds!” she squeals as Eddie picks her up and spins her around. “Ready for DnD? Where ill do absolutly nothing because your halfway through a different campaign?” She holds onto him as they move towards the doors, Eddie smiles warmly.
“Wanna come over again? After Hellfire?” Eddie looks down at her.
She sighs, “no i have to be responsible sometimes. my mom already thinks we're dating.” They turn into the lunchroom.
“Lame as hell,” Eddie huffs.
“Yeah i know.” she watches Nancy use the school phone, she looks concerned. “You know what Eds? Wait by the door for me, i have big sister duties to attend to.” Nichole heads over to her sister, “hey nance is everything okay? No sign of Barb?”
Nancy sighs, “no, i just called her mom and she didnt come home last night.” the sisters walk towards where steve is. They see him and tommy with Jonathan Byers, tossing the boys bag around and going through it.
“I was looking for my brother,” Jonathan defends.
“No, no this is called stalking.” steve points at the photos in carols hands.
“Whats going on?” Nancy interjects.
“Here are the starring ladies!” Tommy teases.
“What?” nichole questions.
“This creep was spying on us last night. Hes probably going to save this one for later.” she hands on of the pictures to Nichole and Nancy to look at. Its a window shot of steves back as hes taking off his shirt. Nichole and Nancy share an uncomfortable look.
Steve clicks his tongue, “see, you can tell that he knoes it was wrong, but… man thats the things about perverts. Its hardwired into em. You know they just cant, help themselves.” he rips the stack of Jonathans photos. “So, you just gotta take away his toy.” steve turns back to the bag.
“Steve…” Nichole warns.
“No, please, not the camera.” Jonathan moves to stop Steve, but tommy pushes him back.
“No, no, no, wait tommy, tommy” steve warns, camera in hand. “Its okay,” he holds out the camera for Jonathan to grab. “Here you go man.” As the younger boy reaches for it steve lets go and the camera shatters on the ground. “Cmon man, lets go the games about to start,” steve and tommy walk away. Carol following shortly after. Nichole rolls her eyes at jonathan and walks away towards her car that eddies in. “Hey Wheeler, wanna watch the game with us?”
“Nah man, shes probably going to hang out with her freak boyfriend.” tommy jokes, steve doesnt laugh.
“Don't listen to him, wanna come?” steves eyes are soft, a stark contrast to how he was looking at Jonathan.
“Uh, i dunno,” she looks back at eddie who is leaning on her car in front of the side doors.
“Cmon it'll be fun!” steve pleads, tommy rolls his eyes.
Carol walks up to the group, “yeah cmon, maybe youll like normal teen things.”
Nichole looks back towards Eddie one more time, “hold on,” she walks up to her best friend. “How mad would you be if i skipped Hellfire tonight…?”
Eddie chuckles, “why? Your jock boyfriend wants to watch the game with you?” he teases, nichole nods. He ruffles Nicholes hair, “fine, but youre driving me home after.”
“Yay! Youre the best!” she squeals and hugs him tightly, he laughs and hugs back before letting go.
“now go your lame friends are waiting for you… well Steve is.”
Nichole turns to see that Carol, tommy and Nancy have left, but steve stayed back for her. “Cmon, the games gonna start in like five minutes.” steve grabs Nicholes hand and leads her to the Gym side entrance. Inside nancy is standing leaned against a locker while tommy any carol sit on a bench in front of her.
“So i told Mr. Mundy… ‘the solution of ten plus Y equals… blow me.” carol brags to the group of teens.
“Bull, if you did that, youd be in detention right now.” steve scoffs.
“I bet Mr. Mundy is still a virgin.” tommy adds
“So a virgin,” carol agrees.
“Maybe you should blow him, carol. Help your grades a bit.”
Nichole cringes, she looks to her sister, she looks concerned. Suddenly she walks off.
“Woah, Nance where you goin?” Nichole calls after her sister.
Nancy stammers, “i totally forgot, i told mom id… uhm, do something with her.”
“Well, what do you mean? the games about ot start,” steve questions, getting up to follow her.
“Im sorry,” she calls out then leaves.
Steve sighs, “what the hell is wrong with her?” he looks at nichole, who just shrugs. Their mom almost never made plans for all three of them.
“Maybe she freaked out when you went all psycho on the psycho.” tommy teases.
“Oh give me a break.”
“What’d you expect dating Miss Perfect?”
“Yeah, if you would have just stuck with Nichole, everything would be fine,” tommy jokes. Nichole rolls her eyes and scoffs.
“What are you talkin about, man?” steve goes to sit back next to Nichole, “we were never together.”
“Yeah hes too much of a dweeb for my liking.” Nichole nudges his shoulder and he laughs lightly.
“Too much of a stereotypical jock?” Carol teases, giving Nichole the look.
“Yeah, him and Nancy are the ideal couple, and i think theres no point if you don't fight a little.”
“Isnt that like… not healthy?” steve looks at nichole.
“Where's the fun if youre not a little toxic?”
Carol chuckles, “damn straight.”
Nichole, Steve, Carol and Tommy follow the crowd as they exit the gym after the game. Chatting playfully about how Nichole was clueless about what was going on the whole game.
“You looked like a deer in headlights, girl,” carol teases, they all laugh.
“Yeah, i havent been to a game since middle school.”
“Yeah cos youre a freak, Wheeler. Always hanging with the other weirdos. Doing your weirdo things.” Tommy jokes, carol laughs but steve and Nichole don't find it funny.
“Don't call her a freak Tommy, she's not a freak,” Steve defends.
“Oh sorry, am I offending your girl?” Tommy teases again, “I guess one Wheeler just isn't enough, ain't that right?”
Nichole groans and looks at steve, “i'm leaving, get home safe, okay?” she gently pats his arm before looking back to tommy and carol, “see you carol,” she walks away without saying anything to Tommy.
Shes never liked Tommy, hes always been known for overly rude jokes and offensive actions. Carol was only slightly mean never rude or overtly offensive, steve was a sweet heart, he always was.
Nichole goes back into the school from a separate door, going into the room where Hellfire is held. The room is dark and empty, with various medieval props and papers scattered across the table. Eddie is sitting on his throne at the head of the table, scribbling notes into his DnD notebook.
“Hey, pretty boy!” her voice is gentle so as to not startle him, “ready to go home?” she asks as she plays with his hair.
Eddie mumbles something before slamming down his pencil and standing up, “are you sure you can't come over?”
“I'll leave my window open and you can't sneak up, I have a feeling Nancy needs me home.”
“You're a better sister than you are best friend…” Eddie jokes, pouting dramatically.
“Nancy doesn't get free rides, and she is not allowed in my room.”
“Oh, I'm the only one allowed in your room?” Eddie winks.
Nichole pulls into the driveway and gets out, she steps into her house and her whole family aside from Mike is in the living room.
“Nichole, baby come here we need to talk to you.” Her mom holds are arms out.
“What’s wrong?”
“They found will,” she holds onto her arm, “they found his body.”
She feels the blood drain from her face and her arms go numb. A choked sob escapes her mouth, Will was like a second brother to Nichole and the thought of him missing was hard enough. But he was dead, her little brothers best friend was gone and she had no idea how Mike was gonna handle it.
“Where’s Mike?” Her voice cracks.
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customizedstore · 1 year
Christmas T-shirt
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