#Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Dome
summary-trivia-jp · 9 months
日本のトリビアまとめ #0010
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trivia-jp · 9 months
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広島原爆ドーム 中国地方の名所
広島原爆ドーム(ひろしまげんばくドーム)は、広島市中心部の平和記念公園内にある建造物で、第二次世界大戦中に原爆投下を受けた際の爆心地に近い場所に位置しています。この建物は、原爆投下の被害を象徴し、平和と核兵器廃絶への願いを伝える象徴的な存在となっています。 かつては広島県産業奨励館として使用されていた建物で、原爆投下の際に建物の一部が破壊された後、そのままの姿で残され、現在は被爆直後の様子を伝える貴重な遺構として世界遺産にも登録されています。 原爆ドームは、爆心地からわずか160メートルほどの場所に建っており、爆風や放射線を直接受けたために壁や柱が崩壊し、屋根も損傷しました。しかし、建物の中心部分が一部残り、その姿を今もなお留めています。 広島原爆ドームは、戦争と核兵器の惨禍を後世に伝え、平和への願いを訴える記念碑的建造物として、多くの人々に訪れられています。平和記念公園内には他にも原爆資料館や平和の像など、平���を願う様々な施設があり、訪れる人々に歴史的な教訓と平和への思いを伝えています。
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Dome Famous places in the Chugoku region
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Dome (Hiroshima Genbaku Dome) is a structure located in the Peace Memorial Park in the center of Hiroshima city, close to the epicenter of the atomic bombing during World War II. . This building symbolizes the damage caused by the atomic bombing and has become a symbol that conveys the hope for peace and the abolition of nuclear weapons. This building was once used as the Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall, and after part of the building was destroyed when the atomic bomb was dropped, it was left in its original state, and is now known around the world as a valuable relic that shows what it was like right after the atomic bombing. It is also registered as a heritage site. The Atomic Bomb Dome was located only 160 meters from the hypocenter, and was directly exposed to the blast waves and radiation, causing its walls and columns to collapse and its roof to be damaged. However, part of the central part of the building remains and its appearance is still preserved today. The Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Dome is visited by many people as a monumental building that conveys the devastation of war and nuclear weapons to future generations and appeals to the hope for peace. There are various other facilities in Peace Memorial Park that pray for peace, such as the Atomic Bomb Museum and the Peace Statue, which convey historical lessons and a desire for peace to visitors.
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davetada · 8 months
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Atomic bomb dome
Hiroshima, Japan
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sonimage1965 · 1 year
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Atomic Bomb Dome
Hiroshima Peace Memorial
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photonsug · 2 months
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2023 / 01 / 08 原爆ドーム atomic bomb dome , hiroshima / japan
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ikana-ko · 5 months
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Hiroshima stole my heart ❤️
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chernobog13 · 1 year
There’s been a lot of talk recently about the atomic bomb and its creation, spurred by the release of Oppenheimer (2023).
One thing that everyone has to keep in mind is the actual toll that the use of the bomb had on people.  Films dramatizing it is one thing.  It’s quite another thing to see it in real life.
On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.
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This is the Genbaku (Atomic Bomb) Dome, part of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial in Hiroshima.  This building is famous the only structure left standing near the epicenter of the explosion.
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This is the memorial Centograph, which aligns with the Genbaku Dome.  The Centograph lists the names of the 200,000 victims of the bombing.
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The Memorial Museum at the park includes numerous displays.  This one illustrates the detonation of the atomic bomb 1,968 feet above the city, and the devastation that it unleashed.
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This is one of the most famous, or perhaps infamous, displays in the museum: a human shadow etched into stone steps from the bomb blast.  I’m not a good enough photographer to properly capture the shadow; it’s the darker portion in the middle of the steps.
Three days after Hiroshima was destroyed, a second atom bomb was detonated over Nagasaki, Japan.  An estimated 74,000 people were killed.
These are the only two times atomic weapons were used during wartime, and their stories are fairly well known.
I’m not here to debate whether use of the atomic bombs on Japan was justified or not, nor am I interested in doing so.  The fact is that the bombs were used, which had - and still have - terrible consequences.
There are still those today who cavalierly suggest the use of nuclear weapons.  We had an ex-president who wanted to use them to stop hurricanes, while Russia keeps threatening to unleash its atomic arsenal to keep the West at bay.   Heck, one of its military officers just suggested setting off a nuke at the North Pole, just to let the rest of the world know that Russia means business.
These idiots don’t give a single thought to the consequences if such actions were taken.  Or perhaps they don’t even care, which is even more chilling.
all photos by me
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toujiya · 2 months
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sayruq · 4 months
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Close to four months since the conflict between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas began on Oct. 7, 2023, participants in the demonstration in Hiroshima's Naka Ward called to "free Palestine." More than 50 people, including members of a citizens' group that stands daily in front of the Atomic Bomb Dome demanding an end to bloodshed and attacks, walked down Hondori street shouting "Stop the massacre" and "Ceasefire now" among other slogans. They then held a rally in front of the A-bomb Dome.
A farmer in his 30s from the Hiroshima Prefecture city of Shobara commented, "No matter how hard a day I have (here in Japan), it would probably seem like paradise to the people of Gaza. We must take action beyond calling for a cease-fire, to bring the occupation to an end." A woman from Algeria, which was under French colonial rule for 132 years from 1830, said she came to the event because she felt that Palestine was suffering the same fate as her country. Participants also voiced anger and questions about the Japanese government's decision to suspend funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the Hiroshima City Council's lack of resolutions regarding a cease-fire and other issues.
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1009ryos · 9 months
Hiroshima short trip with camera 📸
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japanicus-nerdus · 9 months
Photo of the Day: Hiroshima
Taken near the Atomic Bomb Dome. This bowl was actually on the steps leading down to the river that ran next to the Dome. The characters say Hiroshima. The bowl appears to be carved from stone and was just placed there for no reason I could discern. This is one of the astounding things I find about Japan. Things like this are left out and nobody messes with them. Someone could have easily…
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myjapan-me · 1 year
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Atomic Bomb Dome, Hiroshima
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pandainthecar · 1 year
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eowyntheavenger · 1 year
If we’re talking about nuclear justice, please don’t forget the Marshall Islands.
Many people have already pointed out how the Oppenheimer film glosses over the effects of nuclear testing on Indigenous communities in the United States, and it’s undeniable that more people need to know about this. More attention also needs to be paid to the Marshall Islands, where the legacy of US nuclear testing still affects the Marshallese people to this day. Most Americans don’t even know where the Marshall Islands is—let alone what the US government did there during the Cold War.
Between 1946 and 1958, the United States detonated 67 nuclear weapons on the Marshall Islands, which was then a US trust territory. The tests yielded the same level of radiation as 7,000 Hiroshima-sized atomic bombs, or 1.6 Hiroshima bombs every day for 12 years. The US government didn’t even evacuate some islanders from close proximity to the testing grounds. The fallout—which spread across the islands and beyond—caused deaths, miscarriages, stillbirths, radiation sickness, cancer, and many other health problems, with high cancer rates persisting to this day. Whole islands remain uninhabitable, and generations have been displaced.
It gets even worse. The US government knew that certain islands were too dangerous for human habitation and resettled the Marshallese there anyway; then US scientists studied the effects of radiation on them without their knowledge or consent in a secret program called Project 4.1. The US government secretly brought radioactive waste from Nevada and buried it in a concrete dome on Enewetak Atoll that is now vulnerable to erosion from the rising seas. And the US military also used the Marshall Islands for at least a dozen biological weapons tests. The US government did all of this to the Marshall Islands while it was a trust territory under US protection.
But in the decades since nuclear testing ended—even since the Marshall Islands’ independence in 1986—it has never received full compensation from the United States. Never.
There is a lot more that everyone should know about this history, and I recommend starting here to learn more:
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heyimboredtalktome · 10 months
in front of hiroshima atomic bomb dome
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some facts about palestine
done w the help of @kourtgreene
the death toll has surpassed 10000 now, a majority of which are women and children
there are also 25000 people injured and estimated thousands are missing
1.5 million are currently displaced in gaza
at least 47 mosques and 3 churches have been destroyed, including the third oldest church in the world
11 bakeries have also been destroyed
47 families (with a total of 500 people in them) have been wiped from the civil registry in gaza
more children have died in gaza since october seventh than from conflicts around the world in each of the last four years
the usa provides $3.8 billion for israel every year
71% of the gazan population screens positive for depression
20000 people are in need of specialised mental health services
there have been 105 attacks on hospitals in gaza since october seventh
in the west bank, WHERE HAMAS HAS NO CONTROL, there are 128 fatalities and ~2270 injuries
there are at least 28 journalists who have been murdered in gaza by israeli attacks
at least 97 schools have been damaged (war crime)
among healthcare staff there have been at least 60 deaths and 111 injuries
107 healthcare facilities have been targeted (which is a war crime) including 19 hospitals, 49 clinics, and 39 ambulances
46% of hospitals arent working
because of electricity being cut off from hospitals, there are thousands of people in need
this includes 130 babies in incubators, 50000 pregnant women, 1000 kidney dialysis patients, and 35000 non-contagious disease patients (e.g. heart failure, diabetes)
there are 183 births per day and the mothers struggle to find a proper place to give birth with proper medical aid
18000 tons of bombs have been dropped on gaza, which is 1.5x the explosive force of the atomic bomb on hiroshima
the number of palestinian prisoners / hostages israel has kidnapped in the west bank have doubled since october 7th (again, hamas is not in the west bank)
thousands of workers from gaza were released from the jails and have reported being beaten, tortured, stripped, bruised, pissed on, denied basic sanitation, denied food, denied water, and have been tagged as numbers
meanwhile, israeli people who have been taken hostage by hamas have reported that they are treated surprisingly well, even eating the same food as the hamas soldiers and having their toilets cleaned regularly
families in the west bank are reporting that their men are vanishing, leading to the idea that israelis are kidnapping them
subhi has an excellent video detailing more about the above point, also you should follow him on instagram he breaks things down incredibly well
israels iron dome has malfunctioned and one of their rockets has hit a hospital in tel aviv
it is important to remember the above point lest they (very likely) come out and somehow blame hamas/hezbollah/iran
theyre dropping lots of white phosphorus
chemical warfare has been a crime since the end of the first world war
theyve bombed the south dozens of times now despite claiming that theyll only target the north (anyone still saying that the south is safe is either clueless or a liar)
theyve hit the rafah border and it’s passage, killing dozens
a ceasefire is for the people of gaza to breathe. a ceasefire is NOT the end of OUR fight for palestine
these numbers increase every single day
this specific attack has been going on for a month
the isolation of gaza is 15 years old
israeli hands have been covered in palestinian blood for 75 years
most governments are failing to do anything that actually stops the massacre
the palestinians in gaza need our help.
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