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Seabuckthorn Berry
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Received from RUSSIA on 7th of November 2024
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यह फल आपको अनेक बीमारियों से बचा सकता है: जानें Top Manufacturer Ayurvedic Junction के साथ
Health Benefits of Sea Buckthorn: क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि एक ऐसा फल भी हो सकता है, जो आपके स्वास्थ्य की हर जरूरत को पूरा कर सके? जी हाँ, हम बात कर रहे हैं- सी-बक्थोर्न (Sea Buckthorn) की, जो हिमालय की ऊँचाइयों में पाई जाने वाली एक अनमोल औषधि है। पारम्परिक चिकत्सा में यह फल सदियों से इस्तेमाल किया जा रहा है, लेकिन पिछले कुछ वर्षों में Sea Buckthorn ने चिकित्सा विज्ञान में अपनी ख़ास पहचान बना ली…
#Ayurveda and Firtness#Ayurveda And Health#Ayurvedic Junction#Concentrated Drinks#Direct Selling Now (DSN)#Health and fitness#Health Benefits of Sea Buckthorn#Hippophae rhamnoides#Mr. Ankur Mathur#Mr. Aseem Mathur#National Library of Medicine#One District#Quality Ayurvedic Products#scientific name of Sea Buckthorn is Hippophae Rhamnoides#Sea Buckthorn के फायदे#Top Manufacturer Ayurvedic Junction#एक-ज़िला#एक-फ़सल#प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी
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I used to pick these (with permission) in the University Parks. Sadly the bush stopped bearing fruit a couple of years ago an has now been cut down.
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Many many years ago, I had bought a bag of seabuckthorn powder. It got lost in the cupboards and tossed around in the move. But we found it recently in dried out brick form. My husband with his Clark Kent strength can break it into pieces, warm and pull it into stretchiness, and add it to herbal tea blends. Get a piece small enough and it's like the greatest sour candy in the world.
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Hippophae rhamnoides L., Elaeagnaceae
Harilik astelpaju, harilik okaspaju, siberi ananass
Buckthorn, sea-buckthorn
Astelpaju kasvab parkides ja aedades kuni 2m kõrguse ilupõõsana. See on polüvitamiinne ravimtaim.
Ravimina kasutatakse viljadest saadud õli. Marju korjatakse septembris ja oktoobris.
Astelpaju on valuvaigistava toimega, seda kasutatakse kiirituskahjustuse vältimiseks ja raviks, ka haavandtõve puhul. Välispidiselt tarvitatakse haavade tervenemiseks, armide tekke võimaluse vähendamiseks ja günekoloogilisteks haigusteks.
Korjatakse septembris ja oktoobris.
Harilik astelpaju kasvab parkides ja aedades kuni 2m kõrguse ilupõõsana. P��õsad on kahekojalised, asteldega, õitsevad lehistumise ajal. Lehed vahelduvad (harva mõned vastakud), lineaalsed või lineaalsüstjad, tömbid, alusel kiiljalt ahenenud, tagasipöördunud servaga, 2-6cm pikad, 3-8mm laiad, pealmiselt pinnalt peaaegu paljad või hõredalt asuvate tähtkarvadega, tumerohelised, alumiselt pinnalt rohkete karvade tõttu hõbejad, kuni 3mm pikkustel rootsudel.
Isasõied lühikestes peajates õisikutes, 2-lehelise õiekattega ja nelja õiekattest lühema tolmukaga; õiekattelehed ümardunult munajad, nõgusad, kuni 3mm pikad, välimisel küljel pruunikate soomustega.
Emasõied 2-5-kaupa lehtede kaenlas, kuni 1,75mm pikad, väga lühikestel raagudel, 2-lõhese õiekattega, õiekatte hõlmad kolmnurkjad, tömbi tipuga, putkeosast lühemad.
Emakakael sigimiku pikkune, sigimikust pikema suudmega. Vili lihakas, oranžpunane, 8-10mm pikk, ovaalne või peaaegu ümmargune.
Õitseb mais-juunis. Hea meetaim. Sobib istutada tuiskliivade kinnistamiseks ja hekiks.
Droogiks kasutatakse vilju. Viljad kogutakse hilissügisel või raputatakse põõsaste alla laotatud riidele. Külmunult säilivad marjad pikemat aega värskena, ilma et nende kvaliteet langeks. Külmutamata viljad on pehmed ja purunevad kergesti. Pealegi asuvad nad tihedalt ja tugevasti okste küljes astelde vahel, mis korjamise raskeks teeb. Külmunud viljad ei talu korduvat ülessulamist ning uuesti külmumist. Seetõttu soovitatakse viljad koguda valmimisperioodi algul, kui nad on omandanud valmisviljadele omase oranži värvuse ega pole veel pehmeks muutunud.
Luuviljataolise vilja ühe seemnega kiviosa moodustav 16% viljast. Viljalihas on kuni 9%, seemnetes kuni 12% rasvõli. Rasvõli koosneb steariin-, palmitiin-, õli- ja linoolhappe glütseriididest. Viljaliha on rikas vitamiinidest (karotiini kuni 60mg%, C-vitamiini kuni 450mg%, B1-vitamiini kuni 0,035mg%, B2-vitamiini kuni 0,056mg%, E-vitamiini kuni 145mg%, foolhapet kuni 0,79%), suhkrust (kuni 3,56%) ja orgaanilistest hapetest (peamiselt õun- ja viinhape).
Astelpaju viljadest saadud õli - oleum Hippophaes - on valuvaigistava toimega, kiirendab kudede granuleerumist ja epiteliseerumist. Kasutatakse röntgenteraapias naha ja limaskesta kiirituskahjustuste vältimiseks ja raviks, ka haavandtõve puhul. Välispidiselt tarvitatakse visalt paranevate haavade ja günekoloogiliste haiguste raviks.
Viljad kuuluvad kõrgeväärtuslike toiduainete hulka. Neist võib valmistada meeldiva maitse ja aroomiga ning kõrge vitamiinisisaldusega hoidiseid.
Taime levi
Tammeorg, J., Kook, O. & Vilbaste, G. (1973). Eesti NSV Ravimtaimed. Tallinn: Valgus.
Tressum, M., Eesti Loodusmuuseum (1992). Ravimtaimed.
Eesti taimede levikuatlas 2020
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Weird map for today: the distribution of sea buckthorns, AKA the Hippophae genus
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How do you use the sea buckthorn oil as sunscreen?
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Sea Buckthorn: The Golden Berry of the Himalayas
Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is a deciduous shrub known for its bright orange berries and spiky branches. Often referred to as the "Holy Fruit of the Himalayas," sea buckthorn has been revered for centuries for its nutritional and medicinal properties. Native to Europe and Asia, this resilient plant thrives in harsh conditions, from sea coasts to high-altitude mountain slopes. In recent years, sea buckthorn has gained global attention for its rich nutrient profile and potential health benefits, leading to its incorporation into various food products, cosmetics, and supplements.
Botanical Characteristics
Sea buckthorn belongs to the Elaeagnaceae family and is characterized by its narrow, silvery-green leaves and dense clusters of berries that ripen in late summer to early autumn. The shrub can grow up to 6 meters in height and is highly adaptable, tolerating a wide range of soil types and climatic conditions. Its extensive root system not only anchors it firmly but also contributes to soil stabilization, making it valuable for erosion control.
Geographic Distribution
While sea buckthorn is native to the cold-temperate regions of Europe and Asia, it has been introduced to North America for its ornamental value and environmental benefits. The plant is particularly abundant in the mountainous regions of China, Russia, and Mongolia, as well as along the coastal areas of Scandinavia and the Baltic states. Its ability to withstand temperatures ranging from -43°C to 40°C allows it to flourish in diverse environments.
Historical Uses
raditional Medicine
Sea buckthorn has a long history of use in traditional medicine systems such as Ayurveda and Tibetan medicine. Ancient texts describe its application in treating various ailments, from digestive disorders to skin conditions. The Greeks used sea buckthorn leaves as fodder for horses to promote weight gain and a shiny coat, which is reflected in its Latin name "Hippophae," meaning "shiny horse."
Historical Significance
In Russia and China, sea buckthorn was considered a vital resource during times of scarcity. Its berries were consumed to prevent scurvy due to their high vitamin C content. In Mongolia, warriors reportedly used sea buckthorn oil to heal wounds and boost stamina. The plant's resilience and nutritional value made it a symbol of vitality and endurance in various cultures.
Nutritional Profile
Sea buckthorn berries are a powerhouse of nutrients, containing a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fatty acids.
Vitamins and Minerals
The berries are exceptionally rich in vitamin C, with concentrations exceeding those found in oranges by up to ten times. They also contain significant amounts of vitamin E, vitamin K, and B-complex vitamins like B1, B2, and folic acid. Essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus are present, contributing to the overall nutritional value.
Omega Fatty Acids
One of the most remarkable aspects of sea buckthorn is its content of all four omega fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6, omega-7, and omega-9. Omega-7, or palmitoleic acid, is relatively rare in the plant kingdom and is known for its role in skin health and mucous membrane integrity.
Sea buckthorn berries are rich in flavonoids, carotenoids, and phenolic compounds, which act as antioxidants. These substances help neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases.
Health Benefits
Skin Health
The high concentration of omega-7 fatty acids and antioxidants in sea buckthorn oil makes it beneficial for skin health. It promotes skin hydration, elasticity, and regeneration. Topical applications can aid in healing wounds, burns, and skin conditions like eczema and dermatitis. The oil is readily absorbed, providing nourishment and protection against environmental damage.
Cardiovascular Health
Sea buckthorn's omega fatty acids, particularly omega-3 and omega-6, contribute to cardiovascular health by regulating cholesterol levels and improving arterial function. The antioxidants help prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, a key factor in atherosclerosis development.
Immune System Support
The abundance of vitamin C and other antioxidants strengthens the immune system. Regular consumption of sea buckthorn products may enhance the body's ability to fight infections and recover from illnesses.
Digestive Health
Sea buckthorn has been used to alleviate gastrointestinal issues such as ulcers, acid reflux, and inflammation. Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe the digestive tract lining, while the fatty acids promote mucous membrane health.
Industrial Applications
Food Industry
Sea buckthorn berries are processed into juices, jams, purees, and dietary supplements. The tart flavor, similar to sour orange or mango, makes it a unique ingredient in beverages and confectioneries. The high nutrient content adds value to health foods and functional beverages.
Cosmetic Industry
The cosmetic industry utilizes sea buckthorn oil in skincare and haircare products. Its rejuvenating properties make it a popular ingredient in creams, lotions, serums, and shampoos. The oil helps reduce signs of aging, promotes skin repair, and protects against UV radiation.
Pharmaceutical applications of sea buckthorn include its use in topical ointments for wound healing and oral supplements for various health conditions. Research is ongoing into its potential therapeutic effects in treating cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer.
Cultivation and Harvesting
Growing Conditions
Sea buckthorn is a hardy plant that prefers well-drained, sandy soils with full sun exposure. It is drought-resistant and can tolerate saline soils, making it suitable for cultivation in marginal lands. The plant is dioecious, meaning male and female flowers grow on separate plants. For berry production, a ratio of one male to six or eight female plants is recommended.
Harvesting Methods
Harvesting sea buckthorn berries is labor-intensive due to the thorny branches and delicate nature of the fruit. Traditional methods involve hand-picking, which ensures the highest quality but is time-consuming. Mechanical harvesting techniques are being developed, such as shaking the branches over collection nets or freezing the berries on the branch before shaking them off.
Environmental Impact
Sea buckthorn cultivation has positive environmental implications. Its extensive root system prevents soil erosion and contributes to soil fertility through nitrogen fixation. The plant is also used in reforestation and land reclamation projects.
Challenges and Considerations
While sea buckthorn offers numerous benefits, sustainable cultivation practices are essential to prevent overharvesting and habitat disruption. Implementing proper agricultural methods ensures the long-term availability of this valuable resource.
Allergies and Side Effects
Although sea buckthorn is generally safe for consumption and topical use, some individuals may experience allergic reactions. It is advisable to conduct a patch test before using sea buckthorn oil on the skin. Those with gallbladder or liver conditions should consult a healthcare professional before consuming sea buckthorn products due to its potential effects on bile secretion.
Market Trends
The global market for sea buckthorn is expanding, driven by increased consumer awareness of its health benefits. Demand is growing in the nutraceutical, cosmetic, and functional food industries. However, market fluctuations and supply chain challenges can affect availability and pricing.
Sea buckthorn stands out as a remarkable plant with a rich history and a promising future. Its exceptional nutritional profile and wide-ranging health benefits make it a valuable addition to diets and wellness routines. As research continues to unveil its potential, sea buckthorn is poised to play a significant role in promoting health and sustainability. Whether in the form of a refreshing juice, a nourishing oil, or a dietary supplement, the golden berry of the Himalayas offers a natural way to enhance well-being.
#how to use sea buckthorn oil on face#how to use sea buckthorn oil on hair#is sea buckthorn oil good for skin#sea buckthorn juice#Sea Buckthorn
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Sea Bukthorn Oil
The unrefined oil, cold-pressed from organic, sustainably sourced sea buckthorn berries, boasts a rich, deep red-orange hue due to its high carotenoid and lycopene content. Packaged in UV-protective glass to maintain its potency over time, this oil effectively shields the skin from free radical damage and combats signs of aging.
Skin Health
Wound Healing
Heart Health
Immune Support
Gastric Health
#sea buckthorn#organic lifestyle#healthyfood#healthy eating#healthylifestyle#healthyliving#hunza#sea buckthorn oil#pakistan
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Sea Buckthorn – The Baltic Winter Elixir
Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), known as šaltalankis in Lithuanian, is a resilient and versatile plant that thrives in harsh coastal climates. This bright orange berry, often dubbed a “superfood,” has gained popularity for its exceptional nutritional value and wide range of health benefits. From its roots in Northern Europe and Asia to modern dietary supplements and skincare products, sea…
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Arriva il freddo, aumenta le difese immunitarie e previeni i malanni di stagione con Olispin C - Olivello Spinoso
Olispin C di Montherm è un integratore naturale a base di Olivello spinoso, Spirea Olmaria, Propoli e Salice Bianco, utile per alleviare i disturbi legati alla stagione fredda quali raffreddore, eccesso di muco, sindromi parainfluenzali.
-La Propoli è una sostanza cero-resinosa prodotta dalle api a protezione dell'alveale. Il suo olio essenziale possiede un'azione antibiotica, mentre i suo principali flavonoidi pinocembrina, galangina e crisina le conferiscono un'azione fluidificare ed antinfiammatoria, mirata a lenire il mal di gola, sedare la tosse e a fluidificare il muco.
- L'olivello spinoso (Hippophae rhamnoides) è una bacca ricca di vitamina C, B1, B2, ottima per aiutare a stimolare le fisiologiche difese organiche.
- Il Salice ricco in salicina e acido salicilico, ha una spiccata azione antinfiammatoria e antipiretica mirata a combattere dolori muscoli tipici della sindrome influenzale e parainfluenzale e ad abbassare la febbre.
- La spirea olmaria è ricca di aldeidi saliciliche e derivati della salicina, che le conferiscono proprietà diuretiche, antinfiammatorie, antalgiche utili per alleviare i sintomi influenzali.
Posologia: 1 bustina sciolta in un bicchiere d'acqua. Gradevolissimo gusto agrumi.
Ideale anche per bambini a partire dai 6 anni di età.
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Review of By Wishtrend’s Vitamin 75 Maximizing Cream
By Wishtrend is a skincare line formulated by Wishtrend, many of their products are designed for sensitive skin types. Their Vitamin 75 Maximizing Cream is designed to purify and revitalize skin, it’s ideal for sensitive skin as it can be used without irritation. Key ingredients include: 75% of sea buckthorn water (rich in vitamin C, vitamin-rich, Calming, skin repairing, soothing, moisturizing, anti-aging, nourishing), panthenol (penetrates deeply into the skin, hydrating, helps to infuse water into the cells, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, soothing), palm oil (anti-aging, moisturizing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, vitamin-rich) and lemon peel oil (anti-acne, enhances skin, brightening, nourishing). This product retails for between $23-30 USD, you can get it here for $22.40 + shipping. Use code DANNIEL15 to save a further 15 percent.
Hippophae Rhamnoides (Seaberry) Water (75%), Butylene Glycol, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Glycerin, Cetearyl Alcohol, 1,2-Hexanediol, Cetearyl Olivate, Sorbitan Olivate, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Betaine, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Elaeis Guineensis (Palm) Kernel Oil, Elaeis Guineensis (Palm) Oil, Panthenol, Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil, Dimethicone, Beeswax, Allantoin, Arginine, Xanthan Gum, Carbomer, Ethylhexylglycerin, Ethyl Hexanediol, Limonene, Citrus Limon (Lemon) Peel Oil, Citral
To quickly note, I received this for free from Wishtrend for my honest review.
The cream contains 50 ml (1.69 oz) and has a very fruity scent.
The cream is an off white color. The texture of the cream is semi-thick and kind of heavy.
Blending out the cream, it leaves a slight film but feels very soothing and the fruity scent is very obvious. After blending it in, it absorbs quickly while leaving a tiny bit of a film and it’s also kind of sticky.
Recommended use is to use the cream every morning and evening at the last step of skincare by applying it to the center of the face, and gently spreading it to the outermost parts of the face with light tapping motions for better absorption. After using, I think this cream is extremely nourishing and I did notice some immediate brightness. I didn’t see any irritation and despite the fragrance. It is pretty strong so keep that in mind. It’s a great moisturizer for both day and night for very dry skin as it absorbs well and maintains a moist texture all day. The ingredients are extremely nourishing and gentle and this is also ideal if you have dull skin. I’d recommend this to anyone.
What I like: the scent of this moisturizer is amazing, I love anything fruity or citrusy. The ingredients are great and the texture and longevity of the cream is really great. It’s also ideal for both day and night and is probably great for any skin type. I liked how bright and healthy this made my skin look and how gentle it is. What I don’t like: nothing really.
Awesome fruity scent
Long lasting effects
Great ingredients
Ideal for anyone
Scent if you’re sensitive
Would I buy again?
Rating: 9.5/10
#By Wishtrend#Vitamin 75 Maximizing Cream#Korean Skincare#review#moisturizer#wishtrend#cruelty free#no artificial fragrance
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This multifaceted botanical ally extends its support to various aspects of health. Sea buckthorn is known to boost the immune system, thanks to its rich vitamin content, contributing to overall well-being. Its omega fatty acids, notably omega-7 and omega-3, hold promise for cardiovascular health by reducing inflammation and lowering cholesterol levels. The oil derived from sea buckthorn finds application in skincare products, promoting hydration, reducing inflammation, and aiding in wound healing.2
Beyond skin-deep benefits, sea buckthorn is under scrutiny for potential advantages in gastrointestinal health, displaying anti-inflammatory effects on the digestive tract. Preliminary studies hint at anti-cancer properties, with antioxidants and bioactive compounds potentially inhibiting the growth of certain cancer cells.3 Fig. 1, the plant's role in diabetes management is also being explored, with indications of potential blood sugar regulation and improved insulin sensitivity.
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Unveiling the Vibrant Benefits of Sea Buckthorn Juice
In the realm of natural elixirs, Sea Buckthorn Juice stands tall as a vibrant embodiment of wellness. With its rich hue and potent properties, this juice has captured the attention of health enthusiasts and experts alike. Dive into the depths of this article to explore the myriad benefits that Sea Buckthorn Juice brings to the table.
What is Sea Buckthorn Juice?
Before delving into its benefits, let's understand what Sea Buckthorn Juice is all about. Extracted from the berries of the Sea Buckthorn shrub (Hippophae rhamnoides), this juice boasts a tangy, citrusy flavor profile, reminiscent of its coastal origins. Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fatty acids, it serves as a nutritional powerhouse, earning it a revered status in the realm of holistic health.
The Nutritional Bounty of Sea Buckthorn Juice
Sea Buckthorn Juice is a treasure trove of essential nutrients. Rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, it bolsters the immune system, promotes skin health, and combats oxidative stress. Additionally, its omega fatty acids content, including omega-3, omega-6, omega-7, and omega-9, offers cardiovascular support, aids in digestion, and fosters overall well-being.
Harnessing the Antioxidant Arsenal
One of the standout features of Sea Buckthorn Juice is its potent antioxidant properties. Laden with flavonoids, phenols, and carotenoids, it acts as a formidable shield against free radicals, thus thwarting premature aging and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Regular consumption of Sea Buckthorn Juice can fortify the body's defense mechanisms and promote longevity.
Glowing Skin and Lustrous Hair
For those seeking radiant skin and lustrous locks, Sea Buckthorn Juice emerges as a natural ally. Its high concentration of vitamins and fatty acids nourishes the skin from within, promoting collagen production, enhancing elasticity, and warding off blemishes. When applied topically or ingested regularly, it can unveil a complexion that exudes vitality and youthfulness. Moreover, its omega fatty acids content stimulates hair growth, strengthens follicles, and lends a glossy sheen to tresses, making it a coveted beauty elixir.
Aiding Digestive Health
Incorporating Sea Buckthorn Juice into your daily regimen can work wonders for digestive health. Thanks to its fiber content and gentle laxative properties, it helps regulate bowel movements, alleviates constipation, and promotes gastrointestinal wellness. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory properties soothe the digestive tract, making it an ideal remedy for conditions like gastritis and acid reflux.
Balancing Cholesterol Levels
Maintaining optimal cholesterol levels is paramount for cardiovascular health, and Sea Buckthorn Juice emerges as a natural ally in this endeavor. Its omega fatty acids composition, particularly omega-7, helps regulate cholesterol levels by reducing LDL (bad cholesterol) and increasing HDL (good cholesterol), thus lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke.
The Verdict: Embrace the Essence of Sea Buckthorn Juice
In essence, Sea Buckthorn Juice encapsulates the essence of holistic health and vitality. Its nutritional bounty, antioxidant prowess, and myriad benefits make it a prized addition to any wellness regimen. Whether you seek to fortify your immune system, enhance your complexion, or revitalize your overall well-being, a sip of Sea Buckthorn Juice can pave the way to a healthier, more vibrant you. So, raise a glass to the rejuvenating powers of Sea Buckthorn Juice and embark on a journey towards holistic wellness. Cheers to health, vitality, and the vibrant essence of Sea Buckthorn Juice!
For More Info:-
Organic Apricot Oil
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