ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
Why a Skin Disease treatment lead this girl to have a Hip Replacement Surgery in Mulund will shock you ..!
Meet Hafsa Pawaskar a 24 year old regular Mumbai working girl who had to was literally bedridden due to a side affect from a skin infection treatment but was eventually back on her feet due to a new advancement in hip replacement surgery. Like every normal Mumbaikar Hafsa was going about her daily life, until one day she suffered from a severe skin infection. Needless to say she consulted a local skin specialist. The doctor recommended her to take certain medications. But when the medications did not show any results the skin specialist switched to a more aggressive approach using a course of injections for treating the skin infection. After the completing the skin treatment course her skin infection was completely cured. However, little did she know that this aggressive treatment would change her life for the worse.
Having cured her skin infection she was going about her daily life. However, after about 3 months she started feeling a slight radiating pain in her leg, string at the hip and running down the leg. Like most people she ignored the pain assuming that it was due to a miss step or over excretion in the regular Mumbai grind. In about a couple of months the pain Dr. Shailendra patil Mulund only grew more persistent and more excruciating. She tried a few painkillers but they only provided temporary relief. The pain in the leg specifically the hip Joint becomes unbearable and eventually she had trouble even walking. As she was not able to walk and having no relief from hip pain, she had to eventually quit her job.Alarmed by this situation her family took her to ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, Haji Ali.
The orthopaedic doctors at AIIMPR conducted various diagnostic tests to identify the root cause of her Hip joint pain. A detailed MRI of the hip joint revealed that she was suffering from Avascular Necrosis of the Hip Joint. A detailed history taking revealed that the hip pain was due to the steroids in the injection she had taken for her skin infection treatment.Excessive steroid use had triggered avascular necrosis of the femoral head of the Hip joint. Avascular necrosis (AVN), also called osteonecrosis or bone infarction, is death of bone tissue due to interruption of the blood supply https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/osteonecrosis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2784583/ Eventhough early  stage AVN can be treated with physiotherapy and rehabilitation; unfortunately for Hafsa, her situation was a bit worse where the femoral head was severely damaged. Nonethless, as Hip replacement surgery cannot be suggest for such young patients the orthopaedics at AIIPMR suggested her to undergo Physiotherapy and Medication.This course of treatment helped her get some relief but after a few more month’s her condition deteriorated further and she was literally bed ridden.  Being a very young patient, surgeons ruled out Hip Replacement surgery in mulund
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This was because; most conventional hip implants do not provide the desired surgical outcomes in young patients. Hafsa and her family consulted many other orthopaedic surgeons when they eventually came to know about Anatomical hip replacement introduced by Dr. Shailendra patil Mulund. It was then that they consulted Dr. Shailendra Patil who confirmed that she was an ideal candidate for AHR. He assured that after the AHR she will be able to go back to her normal life.On the very next day of surgery Hafsa was able to walk with a walker in a couple of weeks she was able to walk on her own. While in a month’s times she was back to her normal life. She was no longer bedridden and today she is back to her old life.There is a growing incidence of steroid induced AVN in young people both male and female. Hence, if anyone is going for any injectable skin disease treatment one should confirm with their doctors the amount of steroids that will be administered and if it will have any long term consequence. While, men who take steroids for body building should first consult a physician before using them to prevent suffering from AVN in the future.Finally, if you know any young person who is in a similar situation that Hafsa once was, help us reach out to them or share this article with them so they too can overcome AVN of the hip joint and lead a normal life.
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
The Secret of Successful HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY IN Mulund
The hip is one of the body's biggest joints. It is a ball-and-attachment joint. The attachment is framed by the hip bone socket, which is a piece of the substantial pelvis bone. The ball is the femoral head, which is the upper end of the femur (thighbone).
Common Causes of Hip Pain
The most widely recognized reason for incessant hip torment and inability is joint pain. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,ankylosing spondylitis and horrible joint pain are the most well-known types of this illness.
Osteoarthritis. This is an age-related "mileage" sort of joint inflammation.
Post-awful joint pain.
Youth hip illness.
Avascular rot.
Rheumatoid joint inflammation/ankylosing joint pain.
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Hip Replacement surgery in Mulund
In an absolute hip substitution medical procedure (additionally called all out hip arthroplasty), the harmed bone and ligament is evacuated and supplanted with prosthetic parts.
The harmed femoral head is expelled and supplanted with a metal stem that is set into the empty focal point of the femur. The femoral stem might be either established or "press fit" into the bone.
A metal or fired ball is put on the upper piece of the stem. This ball replaces the harmed femoral head that was expelled.
Hip Replacement in mulund
The harmed ligament surface of the attachment (hip bone socket) is evacuated and supplanted with a metal attachment. Screws or bond are now and then used to hold the attachment set up.
A plastic, clay, or metal spacer is embedded between the new ball and the attachment to take into account a smooth floating surface.
Dr. Shailendra patil Mulund(Left) The individual segments of an all out anatomical hip substitution. (Focus) The segments converged into an embed. (Right) The embed as it fits into the hip.
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