ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
Orthopedic Sports Injuries: Prevention and Safety - Dr.Shailendra Patil Mulund,Thane,Vashi,Vikhroli
If you have an athlete in your family, orthopedic sports injuries are likely a part of life. Whether playing football, soccer, track and field or hockey, most athletes will endure some type of sports injury in their career. Many of these injuries will be minor but some can be career ending.
Orthopedic sports injuries are common among children as well as adults. Even the most seasoned athletes will face a variety of injuries over time. Prevention of these injuries is key in order to get the most out of your body and to have success in whatever sport you prefer.
Check out these tips for preventing some of the most common orthopedic sports injuries:
Wear the right protective gear: Before you hit the field, ice, track or courts, take simple steps to ensure you are arming your body with the best defense. Protective pads and helmets are required in many sports. But don’t have a false sense of security when you suit up. Be sure that your equipment fits properly and in good working condition. Gear that is damaged, too big or too small is not going to offer adequate protection.
Hydrate: Drinking fluids including water and electrolyte rich drinks is important before, during and after your practices and events. Proper hydration helps your body perform at its best, decreasing the likelihood of cramping up and exhibiting poor form which can lead to injury.
Good nutrition: Heading out for a practice or game without fueling up is not a wise choice. Feeding your body with the right balance of lean protein and carbohydrates will enhance stamina. Maintaining a healthy diet is important on a consistent basis, not just on days you will be participating in your favorite sport. Working vegetables, fruits and the right amount of calcium into your diet consistently will promote overall health.
Know when to seek treatment: As a competitive athlete, it seems to go against nature to take a step back. But if you have an injury, the best thing you can do is take a break and allow yourself to heal fully before returning to the game. Meeting with an orthopedic surgeon, especially one that is fellowship trained in sports medicine, is a wise way to determine how long you need to sit out. Exercising with an injury can have more severe long term effects.Dr.Shailendra Patil Mulund
Know your limits: In addition to taking a break when you are injured, it is equally important to know when to push it and when to hold back. As your body fatigues, you are more prone to injury. Pushing your body to the limit is a part of training to be your best but it is a fine line. Always listen to your body and consult with your trainer or coach. Pushing too hard can be the difference between peaking and risking an injury.
Stretching and warming up: Most professional trainers and coaches will emphasize the importance of warming up your joints and muscles before a rigorous workout. This is key for injury preventing.
Conditioning and strength training: No matter what sport is your favorite, you can benefit from strength training exercises to enhance performance and prevent injury. Always consult with a certified trainer or coach about which conditioning exercises are best for you.
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If you are an athlete, orthopedic sports injuries can be life changing. Whether you are new to the sport or a veteran, you are never immune to suffering from an injury. Even with the best steps to prevent injury, you still might find yourself needing treatment. Be sure to consult a surgeon if you do sustain an orthopedic sports injury.
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
3 Critical Signs that you need a Knee Replacement Surgery
People generally have the tendency of ignoring joint pain unless the pain adversely prevent them from carrying out their day to day activity. We often see patients who come to us when their knee has been damaged to a great extent and should have opted for a knee replacement early on. Hence, with this article we would like to highlight the 3 key signs that should not be ignored and might validate the need to consult a knee replacement surgeon. 1. Recurrent Severe Knee Pain: This might sound obvious. However, one needs to know that not all knee pain validates the need for a knee surgery. If the knee pain becomes sever even by doing basic activities like
standing up after sitting for a long time
standing for more than 10-15 minutes,
climbing up/down even a few stairs
pain due to movements in bed while sleeping
Stepping in/out of a car or bus or the Mumbai local
If the pain does not go away for good even after taking pain killers and icing. It is very much possible that your knee joint bone’s have suffered irreparable damage and might requires surgical intervention. An x-ray might show the extent of damage, based on which a knee surgeon can suggest the treatment protocol watch out secretes for finding minimally invasive versus traditional replacement procedures quickly.
2. Stiffness or Limited range of Motion: Stiffness in joints is a normal as human body ages. As the body ages the ligaments and cartilages tend to wear out. They keep the joints lubricate and avoid friction between the bones. As they deteriorate the friction between joints increase slowly reducing the range of motion and increasing stiffness. If this increased stuffiness is preventing a person from walking, sitting cross legged, accompanied by aggravating pain, chances are you might need to consult an orthopedic surgeon.
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3. Instability: The weakening of ligaments and stiffness in joints generally leads to instability of the knee. It’s a bit difficult to identify & explain. However, if you get the feeling that your knee might give away and you might fall when trying to do basic activities (explained in the knee pain section). If untreated the feeling can turn into actual fall. This can not only affect the knee but cause other problems like fracture of other bones as well.
WHAT IF! one continues to live with these Signs: The beauty of the human body is that it tries to adapt itself based on changes in body. If the signs highlighted above are only present in one leg and if its is left untreated. The body will try to shift the weight to the better of the two legs. Needless to say, this will make matter worse for the second leg and the problem which could have been treated by a unilateral TKR (single leg) might now need a bi-lateral TKR.
Why consult for Knee replacement at Dr. Shailendra Patil’s Bone and Joint Care Clinic– Not all patients need to undergo Total Knee Replacement Surgery. If the knee damage is caught early on, only the damaged part of the knee can be replaced, and the person can have a more comfortable life. Dr. Patil is one of the few who does Partial Knee Replacement. Patial knee replacement surgery gives freedom to patient to perform all activities which he was doing earlier.. There is absolutely no restrictions of movements after partial knee replacement surgery.Feeling of natural knee and movement is an advantage of partial over total replacement. He has over 3000 successful joint surgeries to his name. You can contact us for more details on 093 2062 0978.
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
The Secret of Successful TKR WITH ROBONAVIGATION
At Dr. Shailendra Patil's Bone and Joint Care Center we are satisfied to present the Precision of Robo-Navigation with the benefits of MIS and Golden Knee Surgery which currently enables patients to
Have less distress amid and after medical procedure
Offers Much Faster recuperation post-medical procedure
Truth be told patients begin strolling inside hours of the medical procedure
In a couple of day's patient can approach their day by day life like previously – Painfree
Better adjusted Implant offers much better solace and life to the patient while strolling.
By utilizing Golden Knee Implant with this medical procedure can expand the embed's life by many overlay!
This at a small amount of the expense of a Robotic Surgery.
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Knee replacement with robonavigation
The sensors utilized in an automated knee substitution is like what we use in a Robo-Nav TKR. These gyro sensors help with adjusting the knee embed of the life systems of the individual patient. The knee joints arrangement is one of a kind to every single human.
Knee Replacement in mulund
The better the arrangement of the embed with the patient's characteristic life structures the better will be careful result and future solace to the patient.
The procedure of arrangement starts by putting the gyro sensors on Femur (THIGH BONE) and Tibia (LEG BONE). At that point the patient's leg is climbed and down (at the knee). In light of the development the sensors and a PC program dissect the deformation of the knee joint on a 3-hub plane. In this way,
Dr. Shailendra patil Mulund
adjusting the ideal situating of the knee embed required. Presently, as the knee specialist replaces the knee the Robo-nav always manages the specialist until the embed is put at ideal holy messenger and tendency regarding the patient's leg.
In prior days the specialists needed to utilize their experience and judgment to adjust the knee embed. In any case, with Robo-Nav that mystery is never again required and specialists can put the embed with high exactness.
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
Why a Skin Disease treatment lead this girl to have a Hip Replacement Surgery in Mulund will shock you ..!
Meet Hafsa Pawaskar a 24 year old regular Mumbai working girl who had to was literally bedridden due to a side affect from a skin infection treatment but was eventually back on her feet due to a new advancement in hip replacement surgery. Like every normal Mumbaikar Hafsa was going about her daily life, until one day she suffered from a severe skin infection. Needless to say she consulted a local skin specialist. The doctor recommended her to take certain medications. But when the medications did not show any results the skin specialist switched to a more aggressive approach using a course of injections for treating the skin infection. After the completing the skin treatment course her skin infection was completely cured. However, little did she know that this aggressive treatment would change her life for the worse.
Having cured her skin infection she was going about her daily life. However, after about 3 months she started feeling a slight radiating pain in her leg, string at the hip and running down the leg. Like most people she ignored the pain assuming that it was due to a miss step or over excretion in the regular Mumbai grind. In about a couple of months the pain Dr. Shailendra patil Mulund only grew more persistent and more excruciating. She tried a few painkillers but they only provided temporary relief. The pain in the leg specifically the hip Joint becomes unbearable and eventually she had trouble even walking. As she was not able to walk and having no relief from hip pain, she had to eventually quit her job.Alarmed by this situation her family took her to ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, Haji Ali.
The orthopaedic doctors at AIIMPR conducted various diagnostic tests to identify the root cause of her Hip joint pain. A detailed MRI of the hip joint revealed that she was suffering from Avascular Necrosis of the Hip Joint. A detailed history taking revealed that the hip pain was due to the steroids in the injection she had taken for her skin infection treatment.Excessive steroid use had triggered avascular necrosis of the femoral head of the Hip joint. Avascular necrosis (AVN), also called osteonecrosis or bone infarction, is death of bone tissue due to interruption of the blood supply https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/osteonecrosis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2784583/ Eventhough early  stage AVN can be treated with physiotherapy and rehabilitation; unfortunately for Hafsa, her situation was a bit worse where the femoral head was severely damaged. Nonethless, as Hip replacement surgery cannot be suggest for such young patients the orthopaedics at AIIPMR suggested her to undergo Physiotherapy and Medication.This course of treatment helped her get some relief but after a few more month’s her condition deteriorated further and she was literally bed ridden.  Being a very young patient, surgeons ruled out Hip Replacement surgery in mulund
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This was because; most conventional hip implants do not provide the desired surgical outcomes in young patients. Hafsa and her family consulted many other orthopaedic surgeons when they eventually came to know about Anatomical hip replacement introduced by Dr. Shailendra patil Mulund. It was then that they consulted Dr. Shailendra Patil who confirmed that she was an ideal candidate for AHR. He assured that after the AHR she will be able to go back to her normal life.On the very next day of surgery Hafsa was able to walk with a walker in a couple of weeks she was able to walk on her own. While in a month’s times she was back to her normal life. She was no longer bedridden and today she is back to her old life.There is a growing incidence of steroid induced AVN in young people both male and female. Hence, if anyone is going for any injectable skin disease treatment one should confirm with their doctors the amount of steroids that will be administered and if it will have any long term consequence. While, men who take steroids for body building should first consult a physician before using them to prevent suffering from AVN in the future.Finally, if you know any young person who is in a similar situation that Hafsa once was, help us reach out to them or share this article with them so they too can overcome AVN of the hip joint and lead a normal life.
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
The Secret of Successful HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY IN Mulund
The hip is one of the body's biggest joints. It is a ball-and-attachment joint. The attachment is framed by the hip bone socket, which is a piece of the substantial pelvis bone. The ball is the femoral head, which is the upper end of the femur (thighbone).
Common Causes of Hip Pain
The most widely recognized reason for incessant hip torment and inability is joint pain. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,ankylosing spondylitis and horrible joint pain are the most well-known types of this illness.
Osteoarthritis. This is an age-related "mileage" sort of joint inflammation.
Post-awful joint pain.
Youth hip illness.
Avascular rot.
Rheumatoid joint inflammation/ankylosing joint pain.
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Hip Replacement surgery in Mulund
In an absolute hip substitution medical procedure (additionally called all out hip arthroplasty), the harmed bone and ligament is evacuated and supplanted with prosthetic parts.
The harmed femoral head is expelled and supplanted with a metal stem that is set into the empty focal point of the femur. The femoral stem might be either established or "press fit" into the bone.
A metal or fired ball is put on the upper piece of the stem. This ball replaces the harmed femoral head that was expelled.
Hip Replacement in mulund
The harmed ligament surface of the attachment (hip bone socket) is evacuated and supplanted with a metal attachment. Screws or bond are now and then used to hold the attachment set up.
A plastic, clay, or metal spacer is embedded between the new ball and the attachment to take into account a smooth floating surface.
Dr. Shailendra patil Mulund(Left) The individual segments of an all out anatomical hip substitution. (Focus) The segments converged into an embed. (Right) The embed as it fits into the hip.
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
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Dr. Shailendra Patil, a main Joint Replacement Surgeon in Mumbai who is devoted to bring incredibly famous Hip, Knee and other joint substitution methods to Mumbai, India.
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ishitapbanerjee · 6 years
Knee pain is one in all the foremost common health complications among corpulent individuals. If such individuals keep’s ignoring their knee pain take preventive steps they will find yourself with arthritis. In extreme cases a complete knee replacement could be the sole treatment choice for knee pain. If you're beneath the impression that there aren’t that several corpulent individuals in our country, well we've news for you. Bharat has the third highest no of corpulent individuals within the world, affirmative you detected that right! Overweight individuals have a better likelihood of Knee pain and injury within the long-term, that in extreme cases would possibly even want knee replacement. Hence, below we've listed many straightforward initiatives that overweight individuals will undertake to avoid damaging their knee joints.
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Lose Weight: OK! that may sound obvious however here’s why losing weight is very important. A recent study instructed that for each one kilo of weight loss, there's roughly 4‐kg reduction in knee‐joint load per step. which suggests that the lesser the load on your knee’s the longer they're expected to last and fewer likelihood of pain anon in life. this can be even additional vital for individuals do no exercise what thus ever or United Nations agency have weak muscles. There square measure ample ways that to reduces weight, simply follow the one that works and obtain started .Knee Replacement in mulund Strengthen Leg Muscles: knee pain usually occur once the supporting muscle’s aren't robust enough bear the weight. This weaking in muscles causes the load to be shared by the bones and their joint structure. The operate of the cartilages between the joints is to own a friction-less movement between the joints. they're not meant to manage any load. thus after they square measure burdened with sharing the additional load they have a tendency to urge broken. This will increase the friction between the joints and therefore the pain begins. thus If you're not within the mood to cut back your weight that’s fine simply do some knee strengthening exercises couple a times per week and you ought to be fine. Of-course you'll contact North American country we are able to advise you on the way to start.Knee Replacement surgery in mulund.
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Walk NOT Jog/Run: corpulent individuals in their haste to turn usually tend begin cardiopulmonary exercise immediately with the hope of burning additional calories. This dramatically will increase the load on their knees and within the long-term find yourself with weaker knees. It’s vital to start out slow sort of a brisk walk… then step by step level up to gentle cardiopulmonary exercise. This helps build your leg muscle that support & save the knee from taking all the load.knee replacment surgery in thane Do low impact exercises: For Overweight individuals the most effective thanks to begin losing weight while not damaging their knees is to start out with low impact exercises. Low-impact exercises embrace swimming, cycling, walking, etc… These exercises square measure the most effective thanks to improve build-up leg muscle, that successively facilitate cut back load and strain on the knee joints. Use a brace: If Associate in Nursing corpulent person may be already full of continual knee pain the most effective support one will offer to his knees is a Knee Brace. A brace unloads the strain from the affected Knee joints and refers the pressure to the thigh, making higher quality within the knee. to not mention alleviate pain to a precise extent. If the pain still persists its vital to consult Associate in Nursing medical science.
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ishitapbanerjee · 6 years
Living with Knee torment is gradually turning into a lifestyle for the vast majority of the general population in Mumbai. The greater part of us are excessively occupied in the everyday routine to considerably consider knee torment as an issue which approves our consideration.
Why torment executioners won't Cure knee torment:
Much of the time, when knee torment become very difficult individuals for the most part pop a painkiller; with the expectation with that this will prevent my knee torment from reoccurring. In any case, what individuals overlook is that painkiller pills will just numb the agony sensation. It won't fix the main driver of the knee torment. This is the motivation behind why patients who hand-off exclusively on painkillers witness a progressive increment in torment over a range of a year. Tragically, most would prefer to take a larger number of painkillers and purchase additional time than visit a knee expert for expert treatment. Take the instance of our patients Meher Jahan Qazi , Chaya Udamle and a lot more who took painkillers for a considerable length of time together but their knee torment just expanded until one day they experienced difficulty strolling.
Why Physiotherapy may not Cure Knee Pain:
The chosen few patients who have had an episode of extraordinary knee torment would in the long run visit a physiotherapist. In beginning time knee torment, where the knee torment is because of debilitating of leg muscles (seen generally in more youthful patients)
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Knee Replacement in mulund
early beginning of osteo-joint inflammation (found in seniors and now a days in individuals of 35+ years) physiotherapy can assume a fundamentally job in forestalling knee torment later on.
   In any case, In later situations where osteoarthritis has seriously harmed one of the parts of the knee joint, physiotherapy can just help with muscle control to help the harmed structure. In specific cases, physio can to a surviving control the advancement of osteoarthritis to other knee segments. [image life systems of knee joint]
Why allied medication or Ayurveda may not prevent your Knee Pain:
Osteoarthritis causes aggravation of knee joints which subsequently triggers knee torment. United drug like Ayurveda, oil knead. and so forth work to decrease aggravation of the knee joints. We are no specialists in Ayurveda however we can expect that these united prescriptions chips away at muscle and tendons to diminish the aggravation brought about by osteo-joint inflammation. One can accept that they may help lessen the movement of osteoarthritis and in the end knee torment. In any case, if the torment is as yet reoccurring it may be a sign that one of the joint structures is seriously harmed. Sadly, there is no medicine in Ayurveda or allopathy which can regrow bone (Atleast starting today). Take the instance of patient Neela Pusalkar who took ayurvedic prescriptions for more than 6 years yet her knee torment just expanded.
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Knee Replacement surgery in thane
.        Main concern, Painkillers, Physiotherapy or Ayurveda May NOT avert knee torment in all around beginning time knee torment because of osteoarthritis. Notwithstanding, mix of fractional knee substitution to just supplant the harmed part of the knee alongside physiotherapy or other united prescription can enable patients to carry on with a vastly improved life one that isn't hampered by knee torment 
knee surgery cost in  Thane
To find out about incomplete knee substitution, you can visit us at Dr. Shailendra Patils Bone and joint consideration focus or call: 083 6902 6337
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
Painless knee replacement surgery! Is it possible..? | Dr.Shailendra Patil
A. Surgery using Minimally Invasive Technique:  
Mini Invasive Surgery is when the muscles around the joint are NOT CUT. This approach doesn’t incite the inflammation as much as the conventional technique. Hence the surgery is painless, recovery is quick and most patients begin walking within 3 to 6 hours after surgery, start stairs climbing on the next day.
B. Unique techniques: surgery is done WITHOUT use of
Benefits: • Less blood loss. • Less local tissue trauma to nerves and muscles. • Less post-operative pain. • Less risk of complications like deep vein thrombosis, infection or blood clots, etc. • Easier & early rehabilitation. • Less post operative stiffness.
Pain after Knee / Hip Replacement Surgery can be a worrisome factor that deters the determination to undergo surgery.Dr.Shailendra Patil Mulund . With recent advances it is possible to replace a joint via Minimally Invasive Techniques, wherein patients enjoy painless postoperative period. With this technique your new knee will feel as comfortable as you feel at home. Our idea is to comfort patients and help them eliminate the fear of Knee and Hip replacement.
Surgical Advantages of Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery .
Fast Recovery
Walking after 4-5 hrs of surgery and staircase climbing from next day of surgery.
Short hospital stay 2 to 4 days.
Minimal blood loss during the surgery
No blood Transfusion.
Less Physiotherapy.
Less Antibiotic.
Stitch less Surgery.
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
15 minutes of walk everyday can change your life - Dr.Shailendra Patil Thane/Mulund/Navi Mumbai
There are various physical activities which are commonly used by people in order to stay fit and keep their bones and muscles strong. Walking is the most common of them all and the easiest exercise a person can do.
“It is a simple exercise with which anyone can get a healthy life but it’s often ignored. People concentrate on harder things and exercise to keep their muscles strong whereas only simple walking for just 15 minutes can change your life” said by Dr.Shailendra patil, Knee Replacement Surgeon thane. It can reduce the risk of various diseases. It improves the activity of body as well as brain as it benefits in increase in the blood circulation. It also helps in stimulating the heart and to pump additional oxygen to the muscles. Walking daily increases the bone and muscle strength hence can help to live a better life. People now-a-days often use treadmill at home to walk but walking outdoors has a positive effect on mental state too. It improves the mood, decreases the stress, and most importantly it helps you to get away from the depression.
Walking is the very easy method and the obvious solution to all the mental and body health issues. Walking every day and small knee exercise also give  strength in your knee which avoids / delays the Knee Replacement Surgery in future.
Walk your way to a good health.
Walk Painfree Live Carefree Age Gracefully
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
Golden Knee Replacement - Dr.Shailendra Patil Thane/Mulund/Navi Mumbai
What is Golden Knee Replacement?
The golden knee replacement surgery is a blessing for the people who have metal allergy. These knee implants have enhanced surface coating of Titanium Niobium Nitride (TiNiN). This coating gives the implant a golden colored look & improves the longevity and performance of knee replacement surgery. This coating also makes the implant allergy proof.
Why Golden Knee Replacement Surgery is done?
Gold knee is one of the best implants available today and the most successful too. It not only increases the life of the implant but also prevents any allergic reactions in patient.
Regular knee implants made of chromium cobalt alloy tend to release metal ions in the body. In patients who have metal allergy, these metal ions can cause inflammation in the knee area and eventually cause complications like infection, loosening and persistent knee pain.
Golden Knee implants do not induce allergic reaction with human tissue. Its wear and tear is very low. Hence a Golden Knee replacement Surgery is generally suggested for such patients. Due to its improved longevity of up to 40 years, this implant is preferred for knee replacements in patients younger than 60 years.
Who should undergo Golden Knee Replacement?
Any patient can undergo Golden knee Replacement surgery. However it is preferably advisable for patients who have metal allergy. (allergy to artificial jewelleries, metallic watch strap or metallic spectacle frames, etc).Dr.Shailendra Patil Mulund
Patients younger than 60 years are advised to undergo Golden Knee Replacement.
What are the benefits of Golden Knee Replacement?
• Allergy proof. • Improved longevity of up to 40 years. • Improved durability of implant. • Better Biocompatibility. • Better surgical results.
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
What to expect from a Knee Replacement Treatment..?
Deciding whether to undergo a knee replacement surgery or not is a very difficult decision to make. It is not easy because patients need to understand the risks as well as benefits associated with this procedure. Here is all you need to know about a knee replacement surgery.
What is Knee Replacement?
Knee replacement is a modern surgical procedure to replace the weight-bearing surfaces of the knee joint to relieve pain and disability. It is performed through the implant of an orthopedic metal and plastic component shaped as a joint so that the knee can move properly. It can also be described as knee resurfacing.
What leads to Knee Replacement?
Although there are several conditions which may lead to the need for knee replacement, arthritis (whether it be osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or traumatic arthritis) is the most common reason. A number of other factors contribute to joint disease including genetics, developmental abnormalities, repetitive injuries and obesity.
When is Knee Replacement required?
Knee replacement is required people with severe knee damage. Doctors recommend it when no other treatment or medicines are helping anymore. It is most commonly performed for osteoarthritis and also for other knee diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Knee replacement can relieve pain and allow you to be more active.
Total Knee Replacement vs. Partial
In Total Knee Replacement
A surgeon repairs your knee joint by covering the thighbone with a metal covering and encasing the shinbone in plastic. The prosthesis replaces the rough and irregular surfaces with a smooth surface. The procedure involves removal of some bone and cartilage. Most patients conclude rehabilitation within eight weeks—at which point you should be able to move around without assistance and resume of your daily activities.
A patient will have to spend at least 3-5 days at a hospital. The patient might also undergo a combination of physical and occupational therapy in a hospital. The knee is most likely cradled in a passive motion while the medical staff will monitor the limits of your knee. The doctor will most likely suggest physical therapy for further rehabilitation.
For Partial Knee Replacement
Your surgeon will replace only the part of your knee that is damaged or arthritic. The perks of this approach is a smaller incision, less bone and blood loss, which eventually reduces the pain.Dr.Shailendra Patil Thane Patients undergoing a partial knee replacement experience a faster recovery time than those who taking a TKR (Total Knee Replacement). The only flaw is that you will have to eventually undergo further surgery, if arthritis occurs in the parts of the knee that are not replaced.
What to expect from knee replacement surgery?
A total knee surgery replacement usually requires 1.5-3 hours of operative time. The patients are taken to the recovery room where their vital organs are monitored. After the stabilization, the patients are returned to their hospital room. Initially, the passage of urine will be difficult for the patient, which can be aggravated by pain medications. Physical therapy becomes crucial as a part of rehabilitation and requires full participation by the patient for optimal outcome. After 48 hours of surgery, the physical therapy can begin. There may be some degree of pain, discomfort and stiffness. You may have to use Knee immobilizers to stabilize the knee while undergoing physical therapy, walking, and sleeping.
A CPM machine (continuous passive motion) is first attached to the operated leg, which then moves knees through various degrees of range of motion for hours while the patient relaxes. Eventually, the patient will start walking up and down stairs using a walker and crutches initially. A number of home exercises are given to strengthen the thigh and calf muscles.
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ishitapbanerjee · 5 years
Pain Free Total Knee Replacement Surgery - Dr.Shailendra Patil Thane/Mulund/Navi Mumbai/Vashi
Imagine a world with no pain and suffering, an ideal, comfortable world and then ask yourselves about the reality of this?
For obvious reasons, a perfect world can’t exist but that doesn’t mean we lose our hopes and accept all the pain and suffering instead of keeping up the fight against them. Every day we hear stories about people suffering from arthritis or joint pain and how it affects their daily activities like walking, climbing stairs or even lying down. Whether it is osteoarthritis, where the breaking down of the protective covering of the tissues causes severe pain or rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder which leaves your joints swollen, arthritis in every form is dangerous.
The so-called newer times have laid several challenges in front of us when it comes to the ailments like arthritis. Earlier elderly people were the only ones suffering from this painful condition but nowadays, even younger people are prone to arthritis, irrespective of their gender. Many surgeons suggest hip or knee replacement surgery to reduce the pain but are these surgeries free from complications? Well, the success rate of orthopaedic surgeries depends on a number of factors. From ascertaining the precise needs of the patient to the right choice of the implants, these high-end surgeries largely depend upon the skill-set of the surgeon. After all, you can’t simply trust anyone with your health.
When a surgeon commences orthopaedic surgery, the safety of the patient should be his major concern. The patient bestows his trust in the skills of the surgeon and hence, it becomes important for him to keep up that trust. A good surgeon not only treats his patient effectively but also indulges in an open conversation telling him about the adeptness of the technology used in his treatment and the possible risks involved, further enhancing the transparency between them. If we look at the statistics, around 70,000 to 80,000 knee replacement surgeries and 20,000 to 30,000 hip replacements surgeries are carried out every year, suggesting that people suffering from arthritis are becoming more aware of their treatment options.
During the early stages, medication and walking support can prove helpful but what are your options when the condition of your arthritis has extensively severed? Well, you don’t have to worry because you certainly have great treatment options like Total Knee Replacement Surgery to look forward to.
What does Total Knee Replacement Surgery encompass?
A lot of people suffering from arthritis lose all their hope when their doctor tells them about the extreme destruction of their knee. But little do they know about their treatment options. Total knee replacement surgery is one of the most effective treatment options available. It is a surgical procedure which cures totally damaged knee which has stopped functioning. By replacing the diseased knee with artificial material, total knee replacement surgery improves the functioning of the knee considerably. It has come as a new hope in the lives of people suffering from arthritis.Dr.Shailendra Patil Thane
Total Knee Replacement Surgery Is Minimally Invasive
The integration of medical science and technology is leaving no stone unturned to relieve patients from their pain. With the intervention of latest techniques like computer navigation, total knee replacement surgery has improved way beyond our imagination. Using these technologies, surgeons are now able to perform pain free surgeries with great precision. Not only this, but patient experience has also improved with shorter hospital stays, lesser rehabilitation time, and most importantly reduced pain. An important point to note here is that not only best surgeons, but also patients are required to be educated about these procedures as it will help them to collaborate better.
So it’s high time you bid farewell to your pain and welcome your new lives, free from pain and suffering.
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