adamsarette · 9 months
February 8, 2024 Rosh Chodes:The end ofMaster Adam.
 No one will Help me. But I have set Feb 8, 2024 Rosh Chodesh Adar 1 I will either go to Gai Hinon for purification or my soul will be reborn for another life. 
I am smothered and drowning without Dylan. He is my life and my love but for him I am insignificant and pathetic. 
Dylan said I made him feel unworthy. Dylan you are the most worthy person I have ever met. You are so worthy that without you my life is worthless. I would rather end my life rather then life one second with out you. 
As the New Moon rises I will end my life for you. because without you I am pathetic and insignificant. 
I am in love with you Dylan! I love you Dylan.
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autumnmobile12 · 8 months
Felt like sharing some speculation today:
All right, so we know My Hero Academia has the something of the same premise as X-Men in the sense that select a group of humans were suddenly born with powers, the whole 'evolution leaps forward’ deal.
We see in My Hero how the First Generation of people with Quirks, especially the ones who appeared non-human or semi non-human, were originally ostracized like the mutants of X-Men are, but then more people were born with powers and then more people had powers until it became a widespread phenomenon and ‘normal’ people became the minority and society had to restructure itself to accommodate the new normal.
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But have you read The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black?
The plot is a 19th century doctor who theorizes that mythical creatures like the minotaur, harpies, sirens, and the like all existed millions of years ago but slowly interbred with humanity and eventually died out altogether.  So he believed that when someone was born with extra fingers, limbs, a tail or otherwise didn’t have the typical human shape, it wasn’t so much a mistake in genetic coding as it was the extremely recessive genetics of those ancient creatures trying to reoccur in the modern day.
Definitely an interesting premise, so now I’m wondering if the My Hero world has a cult, conspiracy theorists, or even some scientists/historians that have similar views regarding mythology.
If this whole Quirk thing happened back in the Stone Age where no one had the benefit of science or awareness of DNA, anyone born with an otherworldly power would have been worshipped as a deity. Or the ones born with a non-human appearance would have been reviled as monsters.
So following the idea of The Resurrectionist, maybe the sudden appearance of superpowers did lead people to take a closer look at the old myths and consider the stories of the gods/goddesses of old were originally stories of people with 'Quirks' who rose to power.  Humans with meta-powers ruled the world for a few centuries, then those powers inexplicably died off. For a variety of reasons or maybe unknown reasons, humanity lost that history but remembered the old stories and chalked them up to just myth until the powers that made it possible began to reappear full force several millennia later.
Some myths began as historical events but in being handed down hundreds of generations, the multiple tellings and retellings exaggerated them into the realm of impossibility.
Lightning/electricity powers:  Zeus, Thor, Hinon
Fire powers:  Hephaistos, Surtr, Hestia, the phoenix
Foresight:  Any seer, prophet, or oracle that appears in any myth ever
Ice powers:  Yuki-onna, Skadi, Morana
Water powers:  Poseidon, Chalchiuhtlicue, Anuket, Tlaloc
Plant-related Quirks:  Demeter
Gigantification Quirks: Giants, titans, nephilim
Ryukyu:  Is a dragon.  ‘nuff said.
All Might:  Herakles
Tokoyami having a bird head but otherwise appearing human is pretty reminiscent of the old Egyptian gods.
Hawks:  Any winged creature; take your pick.  Personally, the one that comes to mind for me is Hermes.  He only had wings on his sandals, sure, but the trickster archetype resonates.
Tsuyu: Naiads, nymphs, rusalki, any kind of water fae
Momo: Sedna (created sea life from her finger bones), Ukemochi no Kami (produces food from her own body)
Best Jeanist: This one's a bit of a reach, but the fabric thread thing coupled with the long, spider-like limbs kinda brings to mind the story of Arachne the weaver.
We do get a nod to Ancient Greek mythology with the prison Tartarus.  What better place to lock away beings with god-like powers than the prison of the Titans itself?
Obviously an incomplete list, but you see my point.
Personally, I'm leaning toward cultist ideology with this one as I find it hard to believe every civilization would have forgotten about a previous appearance of Quirks. But civilizations die off, civilizations are overrun by others and their histories are suppressed, maybe this hypothetical 'previous Quirk phenomenon' wasn't as widespread as the current one and so fewer people were affected and therefore fewer people were alive to verify the truth of facts, maybe this hypothetical time was from an age of oral history and nothing was documented properly, so not impossible just really, really improbable.
Still, I love mythology and I find it an interesting headcanon to think about.
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day 77 of the dreamlands
sorry I've been MIA, seasickness got to me. I just read the letter from @arthur-lesters-tits (not sure how we received mail while on a ship but that's the dreamlands for you...). your writing was purple, if you can believe, hope you get colours back soon!
@arthur-lesters-ribcage and I are finally at the island, Hinon! i'll see if i can find us a quicker way back because 2 weeks was a long trip -surely someone here has a speedboat- and i don't fancy going through the zone of forgetfullness again, if it can be helped (unlikely). i suddenly have a journal in my possession that i don't remember purchasing or writing in, but it looks like my handwriting, with entries saying i did terrible things when we docked for a break at Nus. it doesn't mention what ribcage did, and they seem normal, so i assume they don't remember and didn't keep a record what happened, or what they did. ah, the bliss of ignorance...
i still have a job to do: deliver a "package" to one of the residents on the island, whose house i have a hand drawn map to. it's very quiet here, reminds me of the lighthouse island with all the fog. it's a small village, 89 residents, according to the captain. only three shops: a post office, a grocery shop with an arts/crafts section, and one for second hand goods. the landscape consists of long stretches of field and forests (hopefully these ones don't move as much as the ones on the mainland).
would you like to see the shops and write back to the limbs, ribcage, or go straight to the house and shop later?
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sirenhub · 2 days
Hii siren! Sorry to bother, but do you happen to have a mutual who had a cinnamoroll blog theme? I think her name was Ama??? And another blog who has a Sexyy Red theme??? IDK I FOLLOW SO MANY PEOPLE THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO IS WHO AND WHICH ONE IS WHICH, I'VE BEEN OFF OF TUMBLR FOR TOO LONG 😭😭😭
Sorry I had to ask you, cause I think you knew them? Maybe on the Ama's blog, when she replies to ask or stuffs, I think I saw you sent something to her and she replied??? That’s why you're the first person I'm asking about 😞 (also sorry if all the yapping I'm doing is making zero sense)
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candacehughes · 9 months
junkle jik jeweled amazon droneroneti kijii hinone must return to candace marie hughes. on. paid.
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zoutilevanjil · 1 year
Lanfè reyèl li pa yon jwèt - Fason yon moun ka evite antre nan dife sa
KOMAN YON MOUN KA EPANYE LANFÈ. Lanfè se yon mo ki pa ekri dirèkteman nan Bib lan (Francais) Lanfè se yon mo kouran yo itilize ki dekri chatiman etènèl enkonvèti yo pral jwenn kòm konsekans. JEYÈNN (Gehenne) se yon mo ki soti nan langaj ebri yo ki se JEENA (geena) ki sinifi “Vale de Inon” . Hinon an se yon lye kote Izrayelit yo te konn fè sakrifis ak ti moun yo tou vivan nan dife (Boule Vif) 2…
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just-art5 · 6 years
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The Valley of Hinon, Jerusalem by Frank Armington - 1937
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bestiarium · 2 years
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The Angont [Huron myths; Native American mythology]
The Huron (or Wendat) people in Canada tell tales of the Angont (also Oniare, Onyare or Oniont, among other names), a monstrous colossal snake that brought diseases to the people. It did so by spewing a cloud of poisonous breath, which made people ill. The creature was known to other Iroquois tribes as well, often with a different name. It was also said to have horns.
The Angont usually made its home in large lakes, as it is heavily associated with water. Sometimes, however, this creature would leave its home in the lakes to travel across the land. It had a tendency to curl up and rest at crossroads or on important roads while doing so, interrupting trade and communication between tribes or settlements. Usually residing in water, this creature capsized canoes to eat the people within. But you could placate it by gifting offerings. If the creature accepted them, you would be spared.
Another way to protect yourself against the wrath of the Angont is to invoke the Iroquois thunder deity, Hinon or Heno, as he is the monster’s mortal enemy.
Sources: http://www.native-languages.org/morelegends/oniare.htm Gatschet, A. S., 1899, Water-Monsters of American Aborigines, The Journal of American Folklore, 12(47), pp. 255-260. (Image source: Zul Fadhli Kamarrudin, drawn for outlandentertainment.com, a tabletop gaming site. This version has limbs, but those are just artistic freedom. It depicts a monster based on the Angont, rather than the Angont itself)
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the-elusive-libbin · 2 years
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In latest news, Shinon is a twat and deserves more humiliation than this! XD I feel like he needs to be stuffed to the point where he can’t move. I love me some drunk hunger humiliation ~
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bm-european-art · 3 years
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A Corner in the Valley of Hinnom (Un coin de la vallée de Hinon), James Tissot, 1886-1887 or 1889, Brooklyn Museum: European Art
Size: Sheet: 4 11/16 x 7 1/4 in. (11.9 x 18.4 cm) Mount: 4 15/16 x 7 1/2 in. (12.5 x 19.1 cm) Medium: Pen and ink on paper mounted on board
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Greil Merc Gay Levels
Ike: A baby gay
Titania: An experienced gay
Mist: Entry level bisexual
Boyd: Middle tier bisexual
Oscar: Licensed bisexual
Rolf: The babiest of baby gays
Soren: Deputy gay
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day 80 of the dreamlands
@arthur-lesters-ribcage and I did a bit of exploring! as much as you can explore 3 shops, really.
at the post office the customer assistant had a fright at the sight of us limbs, and his hysterics put everyone else into a panic, apprently they are not all that mentally equipped to handle our appearance, so I used a card from my deck, and they all visibly calmed down. i wonder if it cast a disguise on us? but uh, when i looked at the card again it said "beware" so. that sounds promising.
we sent a postcard with a picture of the harbour to @arthur-lesters-tits @arthur-lesters-slutty-waist @arthur-lesters-trachea "The boat journey was long and agonizing but worth it! It's beautiful on Hinon, the weather is on our side, and the whole place is picturesque. it almost feels like a vacation more than a job being here! Back soon, love Tummy and Ribcage xoxo" I think I saw Ribcage writing their own postcard, wonder if they want to share or if it's... private ;)
the grocery/crafts shop were holding a workshop so ribcage and I made some wonderful looking paper frogs, theirs was the best one! it hurt my eyes to look at all the colours they used... they got on quite well with the teacher, a dreamy spiritual person with a thousand yard stare and a penchant for coming up with odd phrases.
in the second hand goods shop, there were, as you would expect, many antiques, but also modern items like a statue of a weird creature playing the saxophone, a dress with images of pallid masks on it, and a framed painting of a cat wearing robes like the king in yellow's. there was also a box of old photographs - so weird to think about how this place has a history, has existed as long as sleep has - and I asked the owner about them who explained the timeline of this world is incomprehensible, about the wars, rebellions, and inventions.
a friend of his owns a helicopter... an eccentric rich person who apparently has a pile of cash that never runs out.
once we're done with the delivery, which we'll get it done tomorrow as it's not far at all, we'll have to pay them a visit!!
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jeremystrele · 3 years
Get The Look: Dark + Moody Bathrooms And Kitchens
Get The Look: Dark + Moody Bathrooms And Kitchens
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
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Oliveri Florence Kitchen Sink and Vilo Pull Out Mixer, in a contemporary dark and moody interior. Photo – courtesy of Oliveri.
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1. Coco Flip – Jolly Single Rod Pendant
2. Oliveri – Vilo Pull Out Mixer
3. David Jones – Alessi Kettle
4. Designstuff – Krof Cutlery in Matte Black
Right image: Cloud Parade by Atlus Design Studio. Photo – Nic Gossage.
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The incredible black kitchen at Slow Beam by Hearth Studio. Photo – Lauren Bamford.
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Left image: Stylish black Santorini sink and Vilo Pull Out Mixer from Oliveri.
5. Marimekko – Unikko Tea Towel
6. Linear Standard – Cabinetry Hardware 
7. Makers’ Mrkt – Ella Reweti Vase
8. Artedomus – Inax Hinone Tiles
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Hawthorn House by Edition Office. Photo – Ben Hosking. Styling – Marina Breit.
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Hawthorn House by Edition Office. Photo – Ben Hosking. Styling – Marina Breit.
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9. Baina – Josephine Hand Towel
10. Artedomus –Artesserae Polardur Brick 
11. Oliveri – Milan Basin
12. Country Road –  Kye Mirror & Bathroom Accessories
Highbury Grove Bathroom by Ritz & Ghougassian. Photo – Tom Blachford
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13. Volker Haug – Anton Ceramic Colour
14. Country Road – Luma Bath Sheet
15. Makers Mrkt – Wave Soap Dish
16.  Tiles of Ezra – EZTZ1221
Left image:  Oliveri Naples Basin. Photo courtesy of Oliveri. Right image: Cloud Parade by Atlus Design Studio. Photo – Nic Gossage.
In recent years, we’ve seen real move away from all-white home interiors, towards darker material palettes.
These rich and moody schemes are particularly conducive to working spaces such as bathrooms and kitchens, where they add a sense of warmth and interest, while also hiding mess and clutter – a major bonus!
Bathrooms and kitchens offer multiple surfaces where this trend can be showcased, whether it be a statement kitchen sink, or a comprehensive scheme including luxe tiles, dark hardware, and sleek, stylish accessories.
Apply the following tips for each of these key areas, then shop the look above!
Tiles & surfaces
Any interior scheme relies fundamentally on the materials and paint colours selected. If black feels a little too intense, you can still add plenty of atmosphere to a space using lighter shades such as charcoal or mid-greys, burgundy, browns, dark blues, and deep greens.
Think about whether you want your surfaces (such as splashbacks, benchtops, cabinetry and flooring) to stand out, or sit as part of a cohesive scheme. If it’s the former, choose one ‘hero’ surface in a deep colour, then design the remainder of your space with contrasting, lighter shades to accentuate it. For example, all black cabinetry might be styled with metallic hardware, or a lighter coloured splashback, for contrast. Alternatively, if you’re feeling brave, all black everything makes a pretty impressive statement – consider the incredible kitchen at Slow Beam, Tasmania designed by Hearth Studio – case in point!
The mix of textures and finishes is also important. Aim for at least one surface in your bathrooms and kitchen that features texture, such as richly veined marble, weathered timber, terrazzo, or concrete.
Basins & tapware
The easiest way to integrate a dark and moody look in your kitchen or bathroom is with a black basin or sink. This could be a statement above-sink model, or a sleek, integrated style.
Oliveri offers multiple black sink, basin and tapware styles. Their vast range and superior design is synonymous with style, quality, and longevity! Our favourite bathroom styles are their stainless steel Milan basin for a contemporary look, or the more classic feel of the porcelain Naples basin.
In the kitchen, Oliveri’s moulded granite Florence and Santorini sinks styles are failsafe options, being scratch, impact, and heat resistant. A matte finish provides a timeless look that’s both sophisticated and durable. Complete the look with the convenient yet highly stylish Vilo Pull Out Mixer, available in a range of dark finishes.
Accessories alone can make a huge impact towards creating a moody kitchen or bathroom interior, and there’s no end of products available!
In the kitchen, we’re seeing a move away from white or stainless steel appliances and kitchen accessories, with many black and deeper coloured options now available. We particularly love the Pleated Plisse Electric Kettle By Alessi, Krof Matte Black Cutlery, and Marimekko Unikko Kitchen Towel Set (proving dark products can also be uplifting!)
Bathrooms offer just as many options – from door hardware to storage canisters, towels, mirrors, soap dishes, hooks and artwork.
Finally, a dark interior doesn’t mean one devoid of nature – in fact, leafy foliage works beautifully alongside a dark colour palette, so don’t be afraid to soften the space with indoor plants.
Founded in 1947, Oliveri is a proud Australian manufacturer, and importer of quality products. View their quality kitchen, bathroom and laundry project ranges, stocked at stores nationwide at oliveri.com.au
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olo-mag · 4 years
hinone最新研發「手持的花火」 一個人都可放煙花
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即使受疫情影響,日本眾多大型春夏慶典及花火會均告取消,暫時難再有昔日的熱鬧盛景,可是他們不改對花火的熱情。像日本設計團隊 hinone 就研發了一款全新的、被譽為更具質感的手持式花火,好讓民眾於日常中也能享受。
團隊還專門為「手持的花火」設計了說明小海報及影片,仔細介紹 12 種類共 26 支的組合(3,850日元)以及 12 種類 19 支的兩人組(售價 2,750 日元)的使用方式、點燃順序及拍照小貼士,例如怎樣同時燃放兩三款,運用火花形態的差異,構成更獨特的畫面,非常貼心! 
示範影片:https://bit.ly/3sdDMg7 *只在日本發售,不設海外售賣
撰文:K.C. 圖片來源:hinoe官網
___________________ 活過不白過 Follow us on IG:https://bit.ly/2yjkquY ___________________
#OnlyLiveOnce #建築設計 #花火 #日本
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syntheticturfpitch · 4 years
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Moss Algae Synthetic Turf Treatment in Tan Hinon | Chemical Sports Pitch Perimeter Weed Prevention #Moss #and #Algae #Surface #Treatment #Tan #Hinon https://t.co/Zn2SY7HMEo
Moss Algae Synthetic Turf Treatment in Tan Hinon | Chemical Sports Pitch Perimeter Weed Prevention #Moss #and #Algae #Surface #Treatment #Tan #Hinon https://t.co/Zn2SY7HMEo
— Synthetic Turf Pitch (@turfpitch) July 22, 2020
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xjustbeingmex · 5 years
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I love my two men ;) #hino #hinonation #selfie #fiance #christmastreeshopping https://www.instagram.com/p/B59uLlvgo-e/?igshid=1tngjokogy5js
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