bestiarium · 2 years
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The Angont [Huron myths; Native American mythology]
The Huron (or Wendat) people in Canada tell tales of the Angont (also Oniare, Onyare or Oniont, among other names), a monstrous colossal snake that brought diseases to the people. It did so by spewing a cloud of poisonous breath, which made people ill. The creature was known to other Iroquois tribes as well, often with a different name. It was also said to have horns.
The Angont usually made its home in large lakes, as it is heavily associated with water. Sometimes, however, this creature would leave its home in the lakes to travel across the land. It had a tendency to curl up and rest at crossroads or on important roads while doing so, interrupting trade and communication between tribes or settlements. Usually residing in water, this creature capsized canoes to eat the people within. But you could placate it by gifting offerings. If the creature accepted them, you would be spared.
Another way to protect yourself against the wrath of the Angont is to invoke the Iroquois thunder deity, Hinon or Heno, as he is the monster’s mortal enemy.
Sources: http://www.native-languages.org/morelegends/oniare.htm Gatschet, A. S., 1899, Water-Monsters of American Aborigines, The Journal of American Folklore, 12(47), pp. 255-260. (Image source: Zul Fadhli Kamarrudin, drawn for outlandentertainment.com, a tabletop gaming site. This version has limbs, but those are just artistic freedom. It depicts a monster based on the Angont, rather than the Angont itself)
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Greil Merc Gay Levels
Ike: A baby gay
Titania: An experienced gay
Mist: Entry level bisexual
Boyd: Middle tier bisexual
Oscar: Licensed bisexual
Rolf: The babiest of baby gays
Soren: Deputy gay
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the-elusive-libbin · 2 years
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In latest news, Shinon is a twat and deserves more humiliation than this! XD I feel like he needs to be stuffed to the point where he can’t move. I love me some drunk hunger humiliation ~
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Finally got Ranulf, and I love that in his C support with Ike, Ike laughs at his fish joke. I just love the fact that Ike’s sense of humor includes cat puns honestly
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Don't get the wrong idea, please, my dislike of S/oren started before R/anulf was even introduced (hell R/anulf didn't become my fave until mid-way through P/oR and I didn't ship I/keR/anulf 'til then either). They're mutually exclusive, don't think I let a ship make me hate a character
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God I hate S/hinon
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I sort of stopped liveblogging in favor of playing but I have beaten PoR for the first time! I might start a more leisurely playthrough soon, less focused on just beating it. As it stands:
Ike, Mist, and Elincia are my children I am proud of them
S/oren and S/hinon remained my least fave character throughout the whole game
Rolf, Boyd, and Marcia cARRIED MY ASS
Titania and Ranulf are my spouses
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So I’ve I’ve stopped playing for the evening. My thoughts:
I love Titania with all my heart she has saved my stupid ass so many times
I don’t understand why S/oren and S/hinon are so popular  (well I DO but I don’t AGREE)
I love Ike already he’s definitely my 3rd favorite lord so far
I cried when Mist started crying
Boyd was my first love and that has not changed
I love Oscar but he needs to get a good level up soon p l e a s e
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If you like S/oren or S/hinon I don’t recommend you follow me because you will find out I’m not the right blog for you really quick
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You’d have to kill me to get me to use S/oren or S/hinon
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S/hinon and M/akalov are th first units I’ve ever considered letting die
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