#High N' Heavy
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bizarrobrain · 1 year ago
"Shield Maiden" by High n' Heavy - From "Warrior Queen" (2019)
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oliorange · 4 months ago
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Zu Jaz muss man eigentlich nicht viel sagen: Attraktivität und Power oftmals verpackt in Lack, Leder und Latex. Ihre offene und natürliche Art bringt sie auch bei jedem Shooting rüber. Sie verstellt sich nicht und ist zu 100% authentisch.
There's not much to say about Jaz: attractiveness and power often wrapped in lacquer, leather, and latex. Her open and natural manner shines through in every shoot. She doesn't pretend and is 100% authentic.
Model: https://www.instagram.com/mina__death?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==
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longmaxsilvarg · 7 months ago
something about max being dressed in lighter colors at the beginning of the game vs her almost being dressed in all black / just straight up dark colors near the end just scratches my brain so good
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 8 months ago
Def Leppard - Bringin’ On the Heartbreak
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camellia-salazar · 5 months ago
Happy Halloween!! 🎃
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TF2ns redraw with each team. :)
Here's the previous ones -> OG, Scout and Snipes, and HeavyMedic.
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Just a bunch of colored in doodles.
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A little mishap aftermath during a pranking spree on Halloween night.
In all honesty, this month hadn't really been the creative month for me. (Probably because I've just been playing tf2 for the most part), but whenever I DID Draw, I tried to do it as much as I could.
Pretty much some unnecessary extra drawings that show little differences to previously shown drawings as well as explainations as to why there isn't more for the month or the fact that these drawings don't exactly scream "HALLOWEEN":
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Sadly, there's one drawing that definitely might not be finished on time, as well as another doodle page that's Halloween based (not to mention another drawing that I didn't even start yet, but it was also for this month).
So I'll post them as soon as I could finish them.
Hope this month treated yall well! And that you had a safe hallows eve! Chao! ✨️✨️👋
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x-heesy · 7 months ago
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i’M gEtTiNg ClOsEr
I’m GeTtInG cLoSeR
i’M gEtTiNg ClOsEr
I’m GeTtInG cLoSeR aLl ThE tImE
i’M gEtTiNg ClOsEr
I’m GeTtInG cLoSeR aLl ThE tImE
i’M gEtTiNg ClOsEr
I’m GeTtInG cLoSeR aLl ThE tImE
i’M gEtTiNg ClOsEr
I’m GeTtInG cLoSeR
i’M gEtTiNg ClOsEr
I’m GeTtInG cLoSeR
i’M gEtTiNg ClOsEr
I tRiEd To GeT sO hIgH
i MaDe It TeN mIlEs HiGh
I’m GoNnA gEt So HiGh
My NiGhTmArE’s EvErYwHeRe BuT iNsIdE
a LiViNg InDiCaTiOn Of EvErY sItUaTiOn
BuT iT sEeMs I hAvE nEgLeCtEd CoMpLiCaTiOn
HiNdErEd My SaLvAtIoN
bUt I tRy AnD i TrY aNd I tRy
I’m GoNnA gEt So HiGh
YoU’lL nEvEr GeT iNsIdE
i SwOrE i’D nEvEr TuRn InTo YoU
i’M cLoSeR aLl ThE tImE
i MaDe It TeN mIlEs HiGh
CaN’t TeLl My TrUtH fRoM mY lIeS
i SwOrE tO gOd I wOuLd NeVeR tUrN iNtO yOu
I’m GeTtInG cLoSeR aLl ThE tImE
tEaR iT aLl DoWn
TeAr It AlL dOwN
tEaR iT aLl DoWn
TeAr It AlL dOwN
tEaR iT aLl DoWn
TeAr It AlL dOwN
tEaR iT aLl DoWn
TeAr It AlL dOwN
tEaR iT aLl DoWn
TeAr It AlL dOwN
10 Miles High - Remix by Nine Inch Nails
@len0r @bigbonzo
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payaso-affairs · 5 days ago
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Birthday wip,,, we're finally 21, gang :)
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zealous-starlight · 3 months ago
Update number 4
Hello and welcome back! A whole bunch has happened but I'm happy to say that I'm ready to hop right back into this thing! There have been quite a few changes over the past few months so let's get right into this.
First off, I finally have a computer! Which means I'll be moving to coding on Renpy! I may have very little experience in coding but I feel like I've made quite a lot of progress into learning how to make what I want to, so while the first few months of coding might be slower, I'll be making quicker progress soon. Not to mention that I now have access to a lot more features!
Also due to this, I will be making updates a monthly thing, since the progress will be quite a bit slower for some time.
Unfortunately I have also managed to lose the outline for the story during the move, as I had written it on paper and placed it in a folder that is missing. I still have a few notes written in my phone and have thankfully memorized a lot of it, but the more organized idea is gone and the plans that came with them. So I'm going to spend some time getting that fixed up first.
As for how the art side of things is going, I think I'll have my first finished model for Spy soon. I've been experimenting with lots of different art styles as of recent and I think I've finally found the one I want to stick to.
Anyways, that should be all for now! If any of you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask! My dms and asks are open for any and all questions!
@aerowolf @schnozzlebozzle
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tamagotchikgs · 2 months ago
i feel like i was actually doing good n felt human for a bit n now ive dramatically fallen so far back
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flygefisk · 27 days ago
when i say big spots gene i mean a tert with No accent colors. like polkadot but bigger individual spots/patches, or even like,,, appaloosa markings. cow spots. dalmatian spots. a stripey tert that doesnt suck. its so hard making a spotty dragon if u dont want jaguar or leopard or if chrysocolla doesnt match... theres koi but half of the accent colors dont work in the first place and almost never go well w the other genes/colors
i just really want a spotty tert that isnt 1. shiny 2. all accent color 3. trypophobia hell!! like gecko Fucks i want more naturalistic genes!!!!!!!!!!
i will never forgive yall for voting for pie/paint to be prim/sec instead of a tert tbh. still think it shouldve just been all 3. that was a looong time ago n i still think abt it........
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housecow · 2 years ago
celebrating hitting 240 with too much wg shake and at least 2 pounds of pasta !!
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sam-montembeault · 3 months ago
getting sloppy drunk for the first time on accident: woo! i am going to luxuriate in the todays decadent win of the montreal canadiens, mes habs, over the florida panthers and the fact that our baby rookie baby goalie shut out said defending stanley cup champs! and also think salacious things about sam monty montembeault. olé
#only time ive ever been happy seeing snowbirds consume something back home!#it was only in becoming a habs fan that i realized all those french ppl i encountered at work back home were probably canadian#i always wanted to try n use my meagre french to say hi but i didnt have the right words todo my job..... need more mots de poisson. yea#anyway has anyone considered the beauty of potentially having an older very passive strong rock goalie paired with a very young slip on his#own shoes kinda aggro baby goalie#right before the arber fight dach was like fuckin w the guy n he shoved or near shoved dobes and dobes glove dhim alittle and i remember#being like omggggggggg#monty would NOT do that but youre so valid for this little big man#so fun to see him playin outta the crease i like the different styles i am becoming a conoisseur bro#i like. hockey#i wishhh they showed monty on the bench more. so glad he got rested. if u talk about him like hes a bandaid until fowler comes and hes fully#replaced by dobes do NOT talk 2 me. i like dobes quite a lot but u do NOT need to be shoving my boyyy out the door. respect your goalie#anyway in spirit of old homes. i hope he trounces the bolts lollllllll get it boy#did u know tumblr only allows 30 tags? discovered this last reblog. rude :(#i like that habs get 2 broadcasts because we get sneaky clips. sometimes gone on one but present on other#thank god bec otherwise we woulda missed half the dobes celebration.... sooo happy for that crumb of a guy#we love goalie success.#i wonder if the 30 tag limit is only for reblogs? feels like i msybe passed that but idk. not trying to but#anyway i wore the lovely habs scarf my beautiful talented girlfriend made me all around town. sports!#WILL i be hungover for the bolts game? i dont know. i have never been this drunk before#i had. 1.5 drinks. im a huge fuckin lightweight but TO BE FAIR the furst was really heavy on high strength baibooze#christ#at least i didnt wander into trafgfic how the fuck#dude i hope the habs kick asss tmrw. theyve been buildjng up so well. its ok if they dont i will forgivevthem but they should fight hard....#do it for sain loui#saint louis#do u think they know what benihets are#beignets. from new orleansx#not donuts#i think the habs deserve a crawfush boil. too bad its out of season :(((
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akascow · 4 months ago
the fact i can stay up for over 24 hrs while already running on less than 10 hrs of sleep before that and still have yet to be a normal about of tired is both surprising and FUCKING ANNOYING
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 8 months ago
Def Leppard - Lady Strange
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lots of shoko thoughts in my brain tonight and none of them are good for my mental health
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wordpress-blaze-88796325 · 5 hours ago
When the Cosmos Comes
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Part One
The Valley, Vermont
Moose heard the truck before he saw it. He sat on his porch, one hand on an old-fashioned and the other down his pants cupping his balls. Wasn’t often he got visitors. He figured most got the message with all the signs and whatnot. He was enjoying the morning too. The leaves were shaking in a smooth, cool summer wind and the sun hadn’t gotten in his eyes yet. His boiler was working, Cheryl started up just fine, and the corner store had his favorite milk in stock. Wasn’t much that could go wrong he told himself. No one would bother him, he told himself. Well fuck his crusty balls if he wasn’t wrong.
                The green ford ranger that popped up at the top of Moose’s driveway was a piece of shit. Fenders were all rusted to hell, muffler rumbling from rot, and a rear bumper made and shaped from cedar. As far as Moose could tell there were two young men in that truck, probably eighteen or nineteen.
                There was only a moment where he wondered if they’d turn around when they saw him sitting there. Moose wasn’t a friendly looking fellow and that was largely on purpose. His jeans were dirty, his long, lanky arms were covered in tattoos, and his shirt was unbuttoned so that his floppy skin hung out like dried leather.
                The shack behind him didn’t look much better. He let the floorboards go and warp. His gutters were growing weeds of all sort. Hell, even the door hung on only one hinge. At night he had to latch it shut and shove a dirty towel in it to stop the flies from getting in.
                They stopped. The truck rocked as the driver put it in park. Only the passenger got out. He was a small teenager, probably just under five and a half feet and likely was barely old enough to drink. “Hey there, sir,” he said to Moose, “How’s it goin’?”
                Moose took a moment to take a sip off his drink, moving the burning, sweet, smokey liquid around his mouth. “Ain’t goin’ nowhere.” He settled on.
                “Ain’t that the truth,” the boy said, “we heard you got a big ole beauty of a barn here and uh, were lookin’ to see if ya wanted that painted.”
                “The fuck you wanna paint my barn for?” Moose took another swig of his old fashioned. He thought that would send the boy running.
                “Well, uh, we thought you’d be thinkin’ about payin’ us for it, ta tell the truth. We’re real cheap and we’ll be out of your hair ‘fore nightfall the next day.” The boy lifted his hat and set it back down on his head.
                Moose couldn’t help but smile, flashing his pure white chompers at the kid. Most folk expected Moose to have shit teeth. He didn’t. Moose then glanced over at his barn. The thing was massive, much more massive than it had any right to be. Where his cabin was tucked into the woods and allowed to grow over, he kept the grass and weeds and trees shorn short of the barn. Perfect concentric circles were lovingly inscribed into the lawn.
                “True, it ain’t been painted in a good long while,” Moose said through his teeth. “How much ya cost?”
                He watched the boy swallow to himself and shuffle his feet. “Uh, depends on the barn, I guess. How many coats ya wahnt, stuff like that.”
                Moose stood up and kept his right hand cupped around the family jewels. “I’ll tell ya what, I ain’t trust ya yet, but I’ll let ya go and look at it, give me an estimate. Yer partner there stays right there and don’t move. Deal?” he removed his hand from his pants and held it out, making sure to sniff his fingers as he did so.
                The kid smirked nervously, “Uh yeah thanks, no problem.” He looked back at the other kid sitting in the truck and opened his mouth to speak but Moose interrupted him. “Where I’m from you shake on deals, kid.”
                Moose stifled the guffaw threatening to escape his teeth as the kid walked up, hand outstretched and took Moose’s ball sweat soaked hand. “’Preciate the chance, sir, most folks just chase us off like we’re pieces o’ shit or somethin’.”
                “Well we ain’t decided whether or not you a piece uh shit. Go check out the barn, now son. Don’t go in, don’t open nothin’ and sure as hell don’t step on my lines.”
                “Yessir, I’ll be right back.” The kid began to walk off, his dirty jeans scraping against themselves. “An’ Imma go get another drink, kid. Make sure your partner don’t fuckin’ move from that truck.”
                Moose didn’t wait for an answer. Instead, he turned around and stalked into the cabin. He went up the stairs and into his bedroom and then to the only window therein. A single finger peeled back a thick curtain as he set his eyes out the window.
The boy and his friend were talking but it was brief, if animated. When they kept to their word and the boy moved off to the barn, Moose waited. He counted twenty seconds off in his head while he watched the kid in the truck. The kid was leaned against the steering wheel, hands folded over one another while he looked around. Once Moose counted twenty, he flipped the switch he installed next to the window. The air compressor downstairs roared to life, gurgled out and startled truck kid.
                Moose moved to his mounted speargun, shuffling his shoulder against the stock. He took only one more breath before he lined up the sights and squeezed the trigger. The gun coughed, glass buckled, and the kid screamed. It was another three counts before Moose made it back out to the truck. The kid was thrashing in his seat, right hand grabbing at the harpoon shaft extruding from his left shoulder.
                “Hush now,” Moose said as he opened the driver’s door, “Hush now,” he said again as he glanced up, “What’s yer name?” The other kid was just sticking his head from behind the barn to see what the commotion was.
                “Fucking what man! Get this fucking shit out of my shoulder, man!” Moose grimaced, grabbed the shaft of the harpoon and pushed down on it. “Watch yer fuckin mouth ‘n’ tell me yer name.” The other kid was just starting to run. “James!” he said between screams and sobs.
                “Alright, James, this here is a custom-made harpoon. The tip is rigged to expand three seconds after impact. The shaft has barbs just here on the end in case you try to push it through ya.” Moose sighed, “Now here’s the deal, you get yerself off this harpoon before I’m done beating the life out of yer friend, I’ll lecha go. Deal?” Moose held out his right hand to shake on it. When James thrashed and screamed in his ear, Moose decided enough was enough. He slammed the door shut and left James to struggle and scream and curse.
                “Timmy! He’s fucking crazy man! Kill the old fuck! Fucking kill him man!” James wailed. The problem was it was too late. Moose was strong. Much stronger than he looked. He was also fast, far too fast for an old man living by himself in the woods. James was wailing even as Moose’s knuckles took Timmy’s noose and wrenched it thirty degrees the wrong way. James was wailing and thrashing, pushing himself against the barbs on the harpoon even as Timmy collapsed to the ground and curled his arms into his chest even as his fingers froze in unnatural positions. James was wailing and thrashing and crying even as Moose roared with all his might. Flesh pounded and smooshed and each time Moose brought his fist up speckles of blood splashed into the air. James had almost made it to the end of the harpoon when Moose returned.
                His right fist, the same fist that had clenched his balls when the boys first arrived, was splintered open. Bone shone white and glistened underneath globules of blood that covered his hand and even had splashed on his face. His wrist had a shard of skull sticking out of it, and Moose made sure that James could see what the viscera clenched in that fist was.
                James stopped wailing and thrashing, instead he slumped, exhausted and defeated.
Source: When the Cosmos Comes
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sadlazzle · 2 years ago
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my clawdeen boots arriiiiiived ….
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