#High Fae OC
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laroserie · 1 year ago
high noble fae lord that take pity on you, a poor little fragile human servant and plan to make you their play toy but they end up falling a bit too hard for you so you end up becoming his number one priority
they try to hide it by telling you 'they could never fall in love with some measly stupid human' but they will rip the eyes out of anyone that end up staring at you a little too long. they aren't the type to be coy with their pseudo-rivals.
they tell you you are nothing to them but they will take you shopping every few weeks because they need to dress you up all pretty for them ! but don't let it go to your head, it's only because they don't want you to be a stain next to them, nothings more, nothings less obviously.
they like to play on the power imbalance to keep you obedient, you are only a servant, their personal servant, so your entire life is in their hands, - oh and of course the lives of your friends and family.
they could probably end up trapping you into marrying them, because they genuinely want to be forever bind with you until death do you part (quite literally, fae marriage are something) but also because they desperately want to get away from what is the milieu of the fae nobility and its culture of arranged (forced) marriage, from which they want to get away from as much as they can
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misspepeshi · 28 days ago
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Predestined, written in stone I feel it coming in, I feel it in my bones Heavily protected, never alone Tapped in, I'm connected to the unknown
The first of their kind.
Thank you all CC creators. ♡
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elguritch-art · 4 months ago
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more post session brainworms of the cowboy, things have not in fact gotten better and he's in fact more tired then he's ever been every single week <3 now with added trauma triggering!
Virgil Lawrence | He/Him | 212 Years Old | Ex-Sabbat Brujah Vampire
Session/Image Context below:
finally got his coterie mate's crazy tremere ex dead and gone, and then had to listen to a baby sabbat brujah's entire life and family collapse around her. also he got a new knife for free (by being stabbed)!
PoV you're the Boston Prince (who totally deserved this) and have been in office 100 years after your predecessor was also killed by being thrown off a building by the same cowboy.
PoV you're a coterie member who pissed off the already EXTREMELY on edge and furious brujah by rebuking his attempts to suicide bait you and he just drew his 10+ pool revolver.
damn hard to stay keeping it together when you see and hear the ghosts of your kindred loved ones all around you all the time and in the words spoken by those around you, without anyone meaning to do it
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salty-rey · 6 months ago
God PLEASE more Yasuho speaking Valerian with Malleus, This interaction is so funny 🤣 Yuu speaking an "alien" language that only Malleus understands strangely obeys🤣
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Aaay, you know whenever Leona walks into the same space, they switch it up just to mess with him. Chill, Kingscholar. They're only talking about ice cream.
Just two besties having some fun!
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marilynsweet · 6 months ago
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Lucine - The Exiled Queen of the Moon
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ominous-faechild · 1 month ago
CHARACTERS: ✦ Nova “Me” Fae (pov) ✦ Scamall “Cloud” Fae ✦ Spéir “Sky” Fae
story intro table of contents chapter one < last chapter next chapter >
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Nova: [tense, but continues chewing the taffy-like ambrosia as she focuses her essence to watch Sky and Cloud even with her back to them]
Siblings: [looking at each other, faces twisted and fae-ears lowered stressfully—]
Cloud: [guilty, but…]
Sky: [furious]
Sky: (hisses under his breath) "Cloud! This is exactly why I—"
Cloud: [letting out a slow breath, shakes her head and gently pushes him to the side with just a wave of her essence and air. Moves to stop beside Nova and try to meet their eyes]
Nova: [hesitantly obliges her, chomping off a piece of their third ambrosia square]
Cloud: (voice gentle, but serious) "you have a plan? Do you need more ambrosia?"
Nova: [shocked she'd offer to help when doing so got her into this mess to begin with, but…]
Nova: [ears low, forces themself to just look away, nod curtly, and swallow their bite. Then, with their face turned away, immediately rips off another chunk of ambrosia]
Cloud: [as Nova works on chewing, smoothly sits down next to them and reaches with her essence to copy Nova's earlier theft—]
Sky: [grabs her shoulder, hissing) "Cloud, what are you doing!? You're going to—"
Cloud: [turning a sharp glare onto him in return, evenly) "they escaped from another archfaerie. They know what they're doing, too. We should help them."
Sky: [stunned silent—]
Nova: 'too'...
Nova: [also stunned, but struggling not to be hopeful, instead forcing herself to focus on her still-formulating escape plan. As she does, starts on her fourth and last piece of ambrosia]
Ambrosia: [as a treat made of pure magic—and most often mixed in with sweets for additional taste—contained lots of energy for needy fae]
Ambrosia: [is most often used as compact, easy-to-serve rations from archfae to their thralls, meant to give them the essence they need to survive… while any and all other food mostly just tasted good and didn't do much for them. Not unless it matched their domain.]
Faeries: [each had control over a certain 'domain', depending on what they emerged from]
Cloud: [was clearly air-aligned, but, true to her name, seemed to have a domain specifically centered on clouds]
Tavernkeeper: [would seem earth-aligned at first glance, thanks to their earthen skin and the trail of dirt they left behind as they moved. But… their exact domain was harder to tell, considering the plants they'd had for hair. It could've meant they were life-aligned, or nature-aligned—]
Nova: [except, didn't just have to judge off of faeries' appearances]
Nova: [had a special talent in being able to 'feel out' for others' alignments, just by sensing their essence… or magical power]
Nova: [and, similarly, was much more adept at sensing and distinguishing between essence in general…]
Nova: [which was exactly why she could tell that the tavernkeeper, the earthen faerie, finally reached Kilrey.]
Nova: [quickly hops out of her chair, wiping the back of her hand against her mouth and looking at the siblings]
Sky: [has his jaw clenched and arms crossed tight as he's turned away from them, glaring at the other inhabitants of the tavern… to help discourage them from staring, and catching Cloud's theft]
Cloud: [of course, still stealing ambrosia squares, slipping them between the loose folds of her airy clothes as soon as she's grabbed them]
Both: [as Nova hopped out of the chair, stop what they're doing to look at Nova with tense expressions and lowered ears]
Nova: [meets Sky's eyes, then Cloud's, and quickly turns to march toward the door]
Nova: (voice commanding, sounding far more confident than she felt) "we head out now. I can collect more essence on the way. Hurry!"
Air Siblings: [meet eyes once again behind her back]
Cloud: [immediately follows close behind Nova!]
Sky: [half-groans, half-growls, but quickly trails after]
Sky: [… though his eyes dart from faerie to faerie as he wonders why nobody's reacting to their departure]
Nova: [almost as though she's reading his mind but more reading between the lines, and figuring it's better to say anyway) "I blocked them from seeing us. Come on!"
Sky: [bites his tongue, unsure of a lot of things… but also not sure if it was a good time to ask questions]
Nova: [pushes the door open and speedwalks outside, ignoring the frostbite-cold of the now-winter that hits her]
Seasons, time, and weather: [could change constantly, depending on where they were in the Faewildes and the strength of the raw, unclaimed magic in the area…]
Raw Faewilde magic: [was incredibly dangerous even to faeries, able to take over their minds, make them lose their sense of selves, and turn them into what the humans called demons]
Demons: [creatures with seemingly no sapience, wanting nothing more than violence… and Nova couldn't blame them]
Nova: [wishes she had the strength—the bravery—to fight back against archfae she wasn't cornered by]
Nova: [wishes she could pay them back for their crimes.]
Nova: [fae-ears low and eyes scanning the streets around them, paces forward to lead the group through the quickest way out of town]
Sky: [from behind, voice tense) "what's your plan, fae. Who are you?"
Nova: [tenses, but… keeps pacing, eyeing the ever-fluctuating buildings once of wood, then of stone, then of ice… as everything rapidly changes from the cloud of raw magic unfurling throughout the town]
Nova: (tension leaking into their voice) "we leave Kil—the Archfae's dominion, so he's weaker. From there, he either gives up, or—"
Sky: (voice sharp) "he'll catch up before we can!"
Nova: [twists her form, turning her torso so—while her legs continue forward on her decided path—she's able to face Sky while walking]
Siblings: [faces visibly twist in disgust at her grotesque display—]
Nova: (harshly) "we have a head start and this—" [points up, then twists his finger in a circular gesture, alluding to the magic storm] "—is going to keep him from teleporting to us."
Sky: [visibly stunned… though also looks paler]
Sky: [actually, has changed a lot in appearance. His night-sky skin has quickly turned pale white, matching his hair and the snow around them]
Sky: [now, almost completely blends with the environment as he scans the area, the tips of his fae-ears dropping lower and lower]
Nova: (to himself) ah… that's why he feels a bit different from 'sky'.
Sky: [returning his eyes to Nova, hesitantly) "is… that you?"
Nova: [fighting a wave of panic, barks out a laugh and turns his torso back into place to increase his pace. Still, his anxiety is betrayed by his angled ears, poorly-faked laugh, and the breathlessnes of his otherwise-incredulous voice) "no??? You think I'd be like this if I had that kinda power? I just sensed it coming, and we're taking advantage of it. Now hurry up, Kil—he, the Archfae, just left!"
Cloud: [from behind her; voice gentle, but subtly tense) "so… what happens when he catches up to us?"
Nova: [drops his eyes to the ground, falling silent as a cold hand of dread wraps itself tight around his heart]
Nova: (voice thick) "as long as we're outside of his dominion, I can take care of him by myself."
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Aaaaaanyhow, how truthful do you think all of this is? What's with all of their fear of archfaeries? And how in the world would Nova "take care of" one by themself???
story intro table of contents chapter one < last chapter next chapter >
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Faerie's Dawn taglist:
@honeybewrites @the-golden-comet @illarian-rambling @ashirisu @urnumber1star
@the-letterbox-archives @48lexr @aalinaaaaaa @thecomfywriter @an-indecisive-nerd
@seastarblue @rae-butter @teamarine777 @caffeinated-starsailor @oliolioxenfreewrites
@corinneglass @thebookishkiwi @storyteller-kara @themongosianhorse @theburningeyeofdawn
@notyourlocalworm @write-with-will @mildlybizarrecorvid @forgottenvalor @huewrite
@vesanal @differentnighttale @plip-plap-plop @olliedoesthings @pupculture
@princessuncertain @mythicalmagical-monkeyman @i-do-anything-but-write @a-zendrial
@real-fragments @lunauphternal @sullymarlowe @aalinaaaaaa (ask and ye shall be added)
dividers by @thyming and @saradika
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seihdacalling · 7 months ago
Draped in the first stars of night…
Finally finished the piece I had in mind for @jules-writes-stories ‘s Night court fae Mithras! Sure we’ve seen him in Spring colors, but a night fae is made for the night ✨ (oc is included in Just Enough Light to Cast Shadows on ao3)
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mego2d · 1 year ago
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luna-kipp-themothauthor · 3 months ago
My editor and I spend sooooo much time working on encorporating consequential feasibility into the worldbuilding of the novel, because both of us have such a strong biological science background that it feels too flat when the answer to anything is just "magic" without supporting lore or research, or characters having monster-like fantasy features without it being truly part of their existsnce. So, we want to showcase strengths and limitations routed in real biology to create a more unique worldbuilding and magic system.
This has led to so many really cool aspects of the characters and worldbuilding that I am creating, so I wanted to share some snippets of this with you guys:
The moth-type fae species:
Moths don't have bones, but humans do. So to create a humanoid moth fae species, I drew a fuck-ton of anatomy sketches and really thought through the movement and practicality. To be humanoid with wings, four arms, and actually able to fly, it would require some unique evolutionary adaptations that should be part of the characters.
Hollow and light bones similar to birds
Expansion of muscle groups on the shoulders and back, which would also mean muscle groups that would wrap forward around the ribs and down the spine, resulting in a more broad upper body than lower body.
Significantly more tendon attachments and small muscle groups to allow quick movement, including on the wing arches that would make them thicker than an average moths.
Wingspan of at least twice the height of the character in question
They couldn't be super hairy, because that would create too much drag. Fairies and elves are often depicted as hairless on their bodies, but since the moth aspect of them is important to keep the theme for, the fur would be heavy on the neck and shoulders and down the back between the wings to cushion the wing-beat friction against the skin, and on other parts of the body it would be more decorative and varied (like dense fuzzy diamond shaped patches on the chest, happy trail, top of feet, and back of hands) and since the fur on moths isn't sexually dimorphic, both sexes would have the same fuzzy features.
Even with all biological adaptations, this would not result in successful flying without the use of magic, so the species in question would have to utilize a form of air magic to support flight, or it would be extremely strenuous to do.
Now, let's look at that under a lens of limitations and differences in the world that a character of this species would encounter:
The wings are fucking HUGE. It would mean they would have to be very careful to avoid breaking things. Things in their homes and environment would have to be significantly bigger to support comfortable movement. No clutter, very large beds, furniture made larger and with no sharp corners, chairs that would need armrest cutouts or low backs, objects that would need to be weighted heavily to avoid getting knocked over.
Clothing would have to be backless, resulting in design choices being different to allow functionality while keeping high fashion. corsets would have to be lower-waist only, pants would sit lower on the waistline below the bottom of the wing attachments, since there are back cutouts or backless tops the front of the outfit would often feature high collars to offset the overall look and hold the clothing in place properly during movement and dancing.
Due to the large wings, it would be customary to fold in their wings when in crowded places to avoid being rude and hiting others.
The wings and body fur would face weaknesses like being difficult to move when soaked with water, and would be highly susceptible to fire as a weakness.
Not being able to use fire without risking getting burned badly from any accidents would mean the society would have to utilize other methods of cooking without open flame, or their entire diet would change.
Light bones and bodies mean more fragile bodies, and lighter weapons would be necessary for quick movements and to support a different fighting style.
Utilization of air magic would be critical to normal function. Not having magic would mean unable to move effectively when wings become a massive heavy disadvantage if you can't use them. It wouldn't just be a "hehe wow wind powers to fight with!" type of thing, it would be so ingrained in their lives for daily function.
Moths can't regrow their wings, so a loss of wings would be permanent. They would have to be thicker and highly vascularized to avoid constant damage, but even small injuries to wings would bleed A LOT.
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laroserie · 1 year ago
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— characters : my oc's - separate ! ( yandere!incubus - yandere!omega - yandere!high noble fae - yandere!piercer )
— content : x gender neutral reader - spending christmas with them, typical holiday fluff, the yandere-ness isn't really here ( expect for yan!omega )
— authors note : ... i haven't posted the introduction post for my yandere piercer but ! it's okay :) also ! this was supposed to be a lil bonus but writers block is kicking my ass so you get this
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• yandere! incubus
Before you he wasn't exactly big on doing christmas at home - he used to go out in bars and picked people up to go have 'fun' in the bathroom of the said bars.
After you came into his life, and he kidnapped you, he obviously stopped doing that and finally saw the perspective that christmas was a holiday to spent with thoses that are dear to you. And well, you were more than dear to him.
He will set up and decorate the christmas tree with you - he prefer for it to be neat so he may fix up what you put up when you aren't in the room.
In term of christmas eve, unless you are a good cook - you both are eating a regular take out for it, but he will purchase a yule log though !
And for christmas in itself, he will buy you a gift - you most likely will know what it is in advance because he isn't exactly discrete when asking what 'you could eventually want but it's only hypothetical and totally not for christmas'.
On the 25th of december, he will wake you up very early, like 6am. He will act surprised and happy whatever you gift him. Will jump into your arms and kiss you. And you better act surprised and happy at this gift too if you don't want him to be all grumpy.
• yandere! omega
Asper most likely forces you two to spent christmas like a 'regular' couple - except for the all hanging out outside and looking at the decorations or going to a christmas market. It maybe a holiday season but he cannot afford any risks or you leaving him.
He will try his best though. He will decorate the entire house to be christmas themed - in the hope that he may win a few points with you, after all yes. He may be holding you captive but hey, at least he made the house cute, he deserves something for that right ?
He'll try to make you forget for a moment your current situation - he is delusional enough to think that him trying to give you a sense of normalcy ( which he do mostly for himself ) may make you like him more - or forgive him a bit for kidnapping you.
He's the type to cook an entire christmas dinner and force feed you it - he will buy oysters force them down your throat, he will cook scallops and cut them in smalls bits and make you eat them while you are tied up to a chair, with red ropes, obviously.
• yandere! high noble fae
Christmas is not really a thing for faes, they have somewhat similar holiday, mostly focused around gift giving and spending time with your family but it happen during the summer and is quite underwhelming compared to christmas.
Realistically they already knew about christmas but they couldn't bring it first, they could wait for you to bring it up. But they already have prepared a few things like a gift for you and a small tree, it's in one of their closet which they forbade you from cleaning since you started working as a servant.
Once you bring up christmas, they laugh at your face and tell you something along the line of 'Do you really think, I could celebrate a silly human holiday ? How do you take me for ?' but it will be quickly followed by a 'Well, if you beg well enough I may indulge you.". Even if you don't beg, they will be very much in on celebrating christmas.
With only the two of you of course ! They refuses to get anyone else involved - with the exceptions of their family cook which they will give the tasks of cooking.
They use this as an occasions to make a ginger bread house, they saw various things about it while reading human literature and they always wanted to try so they will act as if they only did it for you. ( The house ended up breaking after 30 seconds and the kitchen they borrowed was such a mess, cleaning up was awful and they regret their idea - they still check it out of their list of thing to do. )
• yandere! piercer
Thomas was never big on christmas and it doesn't change with you - if you really insist in it he will try his best to be enthusiastic about it but don't expect too much from him.
He won't even help you decorate or anything - at most he will get you a gift for christmas that he won't brother wrapping up and will accompany you at a christmas market solely for the food, and because he does find it cute and romantic to walk around with you in the snow.
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misspepeshi · 18 days ago
And before Valentine's is over...
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Here's my little contribution... ♡
(I was going to share all my couples today, but I am still under the weather. 😷 So I am sharing one that I keep very close to my heart.)
For those who haven't done the Meet My Couple challenge, you can still do it. Any time you'd like. I myself will probably do it again, though not sure when. ♡
For those who have done the challenge: Thank you, dearly. I did not expect this challenge to receive as much attention as it did. I am still amazed by all of your beautiful characters and their relationships. It makes me very happy that all of you have enjoyed and continue to enjoy this challenge. This truly has been a memorable and wonderful week. ♡
Happy Valentine's,
Miss Pepeshi
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beefy-the-stronk · 1 year ago
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More Cursed to Charm doobles! Also formally introducing Birdsong Birget, a retired, and childless gnome that is 50 yrs old in gnome-years. Her shtick is that she kinda just, quietly adopts these two dorks as her grandkids. She's rlly chill so nobody really minds lol. She's a great grandma-figure and bestie 🙏
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papagrazza · 1 month ago
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Book cover idea of the main cast for my novel, Firebitten. In order: Solkip, Devour & Lukon.
I am never going to finish this fkn book but man do I love thinking about them
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saltyvg-draws · 5 months ago
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here are some cats i've drawn over the years!
in order from oldest to newest, starting in ~fall 2022 (when i read warrior cats lol) to may 2024!
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ocarinia · 2 years ago
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Portrait of my D&D character, Aine 🧚
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ominous-faechild · 23 days ago
CHARACTERS: ⚜ Aurik Albrecht (POV) ⚜ Ailwyn, God of the Faewildes
(special early release in return for the outlines' official release being pushed back a bit!!!)
navigation: aurik “finds out” part 1 / part 2
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God: (amusedly) "well!"
Aurik: [pulled forward as though by the chin—except, the ground itself folds and bends under his feet, tipping him while an invisible grip lifts his head]
God: "—I knew showing you myself would do the trick!"
God: [pauses, a thought occurring to them—]
Aurik: [all but thrown back, reverted to standing straight on his feet]
God: [at the same time, scoffs]
God: (annoyedly) "and it's not like you can do anything to me while you're here."
Aurik: [although he can't see anything, can sense their sharp, burning glare dig into him]
God: "—that tiny little dagger of yours can't do anything to me. Not Me, at least. My body, maybe… but—"
Aurik: [jerked forward once again as the ground and air cooperate to twist him]
God: "—not Me. I am far too Vast, too Abstract, for anything so pathetic as a measly weapon to do anything to Me."
Aurik: :'DDDDDD
Faewilde: [vibrating from God's rage—]
Aurik: [feels his entire body sweltering, all but literally melting from the intensity of God's rage]
God: (darkly) "and don't think I didn't notice that's what you were thinking earlier. That you wanted to attack me."
Faewilde: [suddenly cools again as—]
Aurik: [simultaneously thrown back, his spine cracking as he's slammed into the trunk of a tree]
Wind: [sighs again, annoyedly]
God: (begrudgingly) "but… I guess I technically did invade your home… so!"
Air: [swirls around Aurik, gliding him back to his feet]
God: (voice turning cheerful and amused again) "consider yourself forgiven!"
God: (hint of a threat underlying their playful voice) "so long as you don't try anything like that again, yes?"
Aurik: (automatically, voice thick) "right. Of course not. I would never."
God: [hums a happy, amused hum—]
Wind: [whirls around him, spinning so fast it tore branches, leaves, dirt, and all sorts of things from the ground and trees—]
God: (slyly) "good." >;D
Wind: [suddenly ceases, dropping all it'd picked up as it scatters outward with another sigh]
God: (tiredly) "alright, so… to business. Aurik, wasn't it?"
Aurik: [a lump in his throat, hesitantly looks around himself and takes in God's heart]
Aurik: [and slowly faces forward again, awkwardly crossing his arms]
Aurik: (voice subtly thick) "… yes, God of the Faewildes. But can I—"
Aurik: [at the same time, gets yanked from the ground as all else falls away to become sky]
God: [—and interrupts) "right. Well, I wanted to talk about—"
Aurik: [terrified, but—]
Aurik: [interrupts, voice desperate) "could you please return me to Manhagen?"
God: [falls silent, stunned]
God: [genuinely caught off-guard by being interrupted—]
Aurik: [and suddenly plunges through the air as—]
Ground: [simultaneously reforms far below, flying toward him—]
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what kinda author would i be to NOT leave you guys off on a cliffhanger? 😉😘
(Also sorry about the wait, life's been a bit rough lately. It's been the most I can to do what little I have, but I promise I've been hard at work! Faerie's Dawn still resumes on Thursday, Feb 13th, at 7PM EST ❤️)
navigation: aurik “finds out” part 1 / part 2
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divider by @thyming
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