#Hibiki is a dork
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recklessfatess · 4 months ago
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Happy Halloween!!
2nd year of drawing Ranma/Ryoga for Halloween!
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mo-ok · 4 months ago
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🎸 + 🥁 + 🎺
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christine-ye · 1 year ago
This scene keeps making me laugh every time I watch it, especially Hibiki's reaction
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cosmosrebellion · 8 months ago
This is completely apropos of nothing and I probably just thought about because I'm watching they're shows at the same time, but MAWS Clark and Hibiki would be friends. Two good nature dorks who are maybe a bit too altruistic and constantly worry their girlfriends because of it.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 months ago
Has Nikei already dressed up?
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*As then Nikei comes out...*
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Okay, I'm all set now; do you think this will work?
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Heh, wooow you look like a dork - seriously, what's with the glasses?
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Because we need disguises? I think this works pretty well and I at least don't look like a homeless person...
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Anyway Mikado. I got the intel on Yoruko Kabuya as requested, seems after she graduated - she went to college for counseling and psychology. It appears she was a guidance counselor at an elementary school for a couple years before the tragedy, she's single as well but she did go to some matchmaking parties at the request of her mother.
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I couldn't find much about the elementary school she work at except that school had some kid that push a girl down the stairs which he began to attend counseling sessions due to his anger issues but that's all I got and I don't know the names either.
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And if asking, no I couldn't find the addresses for Yuri, Shinji, Hibiki, Kanade or Yoruko for that matter, but at least we got a general idea for all of them.
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Hmm, well I suppose that was going to happen but at least now we have a good idea for all of them and I'm sure Miss. Magorobi will go into their HQ and get that information and now we have to wait until Mother has check the email...
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Oh right, she was gonna tell us about the Neo World Program, yeah?
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Yeah... all that technical stuff confuses me... hope she doesn't take too long...
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iunctura-arch · 1 year ago
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This is a kind of cute, and slightly rambly, headcanon because I start on one subject, go to another, and then back to the original subject... like a dork. Due to length and attached image, I put it under a cut.
Given that I've basically shipped my Hibiki with Tatsuki, I came up with a cute little sleeping headcanon for them.
In the beginning, Tatsuki and Hibiki slept in separate beds. This is because they were just friends in the beginning, and Hibiki had just gotten out of a very toxic friendship thanks to Tatsuki. So, there was a very big barrier and boundary because Hibiki would be very not okay with sharing a bed with someone for a while.
The two start dating after the events of Symphogear G, in which Hibiki starts becoming 80% of the reason Tatsuki transforms into Dark. 10% is because of the fact that Love is a high component in a wielder's Sync Rate with their Gear and thus, whenever singing Gungnir's Holy Chant, Tatsuki will first transform into Dark before donning Gungnir and actually loses her sync rate, requiring LiNKER if Dark is ever missing or gone, because he is actually extremely vital to her being able to use Gungnir in the first place.
The other 10% is from Tatsuki transforming at random with little to no explanation.
Well, with that happening, it's obvious that dating Hibiki comes with the fact that they still sleep in separate beds. So, Tatsuki does ask Hibiki one day if she'd like to sleep together just once. You know, just cuddle each other until they fall asleep sort of deal. Hibiki's very apprehensive, but agrees.
Tatsuki does end up transforming before going to bed, but mostly because she's so freaking flustered that she's going to be cuddling her girlfriend that night for the first time. After a few moments, the two of them are just trying to figure out the best way to cuddle because-- again, first time for Tatsuki and Hibiki is very apprehensive after her last friendship.
And they end up like this in the end.
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And they both sleep well and deeply. Enough that they kind of miss school because they both slept the whole day away and wake up the day after next. To be fair, the two of them were exhausted when that happened but...
They felt so comfortable with one another that it was easy to fall asleep and stay asleep. And it's something they do a lot now. Cuddle up together and sleep, wake up in each other's arms and greet each other with a sleepy good morning. It's now normal for Tatsuki to fall asleep and wake up in Dark's form for them (even though it takes a half hour for her to change back to her own form, because it's hard to get the dokis when you're half asleep), and neither of them can really sleep well without the other anymore.
So yeah, there you go. A headcanon about how Hibiki and Tatsuki cuddle each other every night because they feel safe and comfortable together.
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divineluckfuckoff · 2 years ago
Okay yeah that is a severe case of confused simping, happened to me with *pats Levi and Hibiki (brave dr)* these two lovable dorks and now I'm dating them so-
There's no need to be guilty or be afraid JayJay! I'm gonna be here!
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daily-rubbersoul-redux · 11 months ago
Hijacking this post to talk about my own members of the Kitsuen family (well, the grandkids at least)-
Susume is a straight laced, no nonsense girl who kind of... Isn't really on board with the whole kudagitsune familiar thing. She's Daishirou's younger sister, but doesn't really share his love of folklore (she still gets dragged along on his expeditions though). Her main priorities are getting into a good college, and getting a good job at a successful company. She feels very trapped currently, wanting nothing more than to move to a bigger city and have her own independence, but she also feels like she can't express these desires without making her family upset or disappointed, and that just leads her to be more frustrated. Her fox, Sōta, lives in a test tube, though he usually takes on a human form so he can go to school and such alongside her. She kind of finds him irritating, but he supports her with all he has.
Tomomi is an absolute cryptid of a guy who just. Showed up one day as a kid and was taken in as an adopted kid. By who exactly? Good question.
...No one is really sure what school he goes to either. He's in clubs at both.
He prefers to be silent, only speaking when necessary, and comes off as kinda terrifying, but he's a nice guy, really. He especially enjoys spending time with the younger kids. He has a cardboard poster tube that... MIGHT have a fox in it, but. Is it even a kudagitsune?? Jury's still out on that one.
Katsumi is an incredibly skilled and perceptive swordswoman, with a less than stellar academic record. She's Kanna's older sister, and often tries to help her sister learn how to stick up for herself (it's... not very successful). Academically, she tries, she REALLY does, but... stuff like 'algebra' doesn't really click with her the way swordplay does. If she could, she would go back in time so that being a samurai was a valid career choice. However she can't and is thus stuck being grateful that she does indeed come from a rich family, and can afford to just roleplay as a samurai for a living. Her fox, Ikasuki, lives in a katana scabbard, though she usually can be found in her human form trying her best to help Katsumi get passing grades. They both got held back and are being forced to repeat their 3rd year of highschool; Katsumi for failing and Ikasuki for getting caught helping Katsumi cheat. Despite this, Ikasuki still does all she can to help Katsumi, and the two are good friends. ...Even if Ikasuki often has to play the straight-man to Katsumi's nonsense.
Chiaki is a slightly timid yet determined office worker who is just trying to make it in life on her own (financially, at least). She's Enari's older sister, and loves her (as well as their step brother Takatsu) a whole lot. She lives in a small apartment closer to her workplace during the week, but always comes back home for weekends and holidays. She often has a hard time expressing her desires due to her timid nature, but her foxes, Emi and Fuku, are more than happy to do it for her (often to her dismay). It works out fine, usually. Both of the foxes live in fountain pens, but usually stay in their human forms because they find it more fun. They both work with Chiaki, and often like to mess with people (though Emi does this more often than Fuku), and no one can really consistently tell them apart except Himegami and, most of the time, Chiaki.
Hibiki is a cool-guy-delinquent wannabe who more often than not just comes off as kinda pathetic. He idolizes his older sister Tamae, and wants to be like her more than anything. ...However he is just kinda lame. The extreme nervousness he's developed as a result of Recent Events (aka trans-ing his gender between the last school year and this one) haven't really helped with this either, making him come off more as a jumpy dork than anything else. His fox lives in a kaleidoscope toy, and, though a bit of a sarcastic bitch at times, is trying to help him get his confidence up.
Moe is a very excitable teenage girl who hates nothing more than being called short (she is very short). She's Fujio and Asagi's little sister, and she looks up to both of them a whole lot. Despite their family already having a whole fox-deity thing going on, she is kinda obsessed with Inari Ōkami, and collects various kitsune-themed trinkets and plushies (mainly ones with a white and red color scheme). This is in no small part due to her fox, who claims to be a reincarnated kitsune who served the Kami. He isn't lying, his ass got isekai'd, and he lives in an omamori (what is a omamori but a closed silk tube. it counts, trust me it's not the stupidest one i've done).
...and technically i have another guy but. he's in the early concept phases so uh. him later (or maybe never, by the time i design him this blog might be dead again lol)
anyways yeah that's it cjhvcjv sorry for the long ass post but i love talking about my funny little guys :]
The Kitsuens are a long line of people who have been brought fortune by kudagitsune familiars. The majority of the comically large family lives in a huge house in order to remain close to the family guardian, the massive smoky fox that lives in the chimney.
Daishirou is a folklorist who is very enthusiastic in his studies. Since his family lives alongside a type of yokai, he is eager to explore, scour old records and find out what else out there is really true, and how they compare to the legends. His fox lives in the bamboo tube that is traditional to keep a kudagitsune in, because every group needs a control.
Fujio is in a position where he doesn’t really need to work, but has a job as a bartender anyway, because it’s something to do and a way to see interesting things happen. He likes to consider himself a cool beauty, but he’s actually pretty easy to irritate and make lose that cool. Especially if you’re Tamae. His fox lives in a water bottle.
Tamae believes that there’s no point in having money if you aren’t using it to have a good time, so she does. She spends most of her time drinking, smoking, partying, and tussling with her friends/whatever other rabble rousers may show up. All of that said, she’s fairly friendly (if intense) by default, and doesn’t aim to cause trouble, it just kind of happens when she and her equally rowdy friends go overboard. Her fox lives in her metal pipe.
Asagi is an artist who works with a lot of mediums, and mixes them together to results that a lot of people don’t “get”, which frustrates her. She comes across as pretentious sometimes, but has a lot of respect for anyone with a passion for their craft. She’s siblings with Fujio, and her fox lives in a paint tube, though sometimes switches tubes to change color.
Ganji is, as you could probably guess, a massive otaku. He’s a happy, friendly guy who fuckin loves anime, and he loves to express this through cosplay. He’s *really good at cosplay.* Like, he often becomes unrecognizable, and he makes a lot of his costumes and props himself. (Though sometimes Asagi helps with the props, he is one of the cousins she gets along with best). His fox lives in a mascara tube.
Kanna is in the unfortunate position of having a particularly disagreeable fox with a drive to prove herself better than others, and of course, she can’t feel superior without a perfect human partner, so she pushes Kanna to be better than others as well- Or at least act the part of a rich ice princess. Kanna is a massive pushover, and goes along with what the fox wants because it’s easier… But she’s also just. Really bad at being mean and condescending, so it isn’t terribly effective. The fox lives in a flute.
Roi has the disease called Being a Teenager, and is taking all the wrong lessons from being related to Tamae. He’s got a lot of aggression about pretty much nothing and likes to feel tough. Unfortunately for him, and probably fortunately for everyone else, he’s not very strong and kind of a coward. His fox lives in a Pringles can.
Kinuka is Ganji’s sister, and just as big an anime fan. In fact, it inspired her to try to become an idol, and lucky for her, she lives in a setting where we don’t have to address the horrors of the industry, so she acts as the Dog idol in a Momotaro-themed idol group. She isn’t often recognized outside of it. She and Ganji get along really well. Her fox lives in a chapstick tube.
Takatsu is not a blood relative, and has no fox. His mom married Enari’s mom a couple years back. Enari and her mom have been presences in his life since he was a child, and he loves them both a lot… But he’s really just some guy who is now embroiled in the weirder parts of this family of wealthy, magic eccentrics, and it’s a little much for him sometimes. Still, he wants to try and get along with them the best he can.
Enari probably makes the first impression of a rich braggart who’ll probably turn out to be a total brat, but really, her bragging is less out of pride in her family’s money and more out of love for the members of the family… It can still get annoying sometimes, though. Her fox is an unusually large, doughy, barely sapient thing that lives in a tube sock, and she loves him So Much. She will not tolerate anyone being mean to him.
Seimei… Is a strange case. Daishiro just showed up with a baby one day, and it turned out that his hopeless romantic humanfucker fox took human form and got with a rando who helped her out of a jam, then felt like she had to run away when it came to light that she wasn’t human. Seimei is her kid.
Seimei is a quiet, enigmatic, concerningly powerful child who is only getting more so while hanging around Daishiro and sometimes following him on his expeditions. She seems to be able to speak to animals, know where things are that she shouldn’t, see things most people can’t, and often brings creatures into the house. Though I guess that last one is more of a general little kid thing.
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drakor127 · 2 years ago
Kanabiki headcanons (Put down your pitchforks, everyone, it won't involve Kanade killing people close to Hibiki)
They have those matching lock chokers where the other has the key but they thought it would be even more romantic to put the keys in a box where you need two keys to open it, the keys to that box are small and kinda hard to find if they go missing, so they made them into matching charm bracelets
Hibiki CAN remember what happens when she dissociates, she probably told Kanade bc she's 100x more cuddly, even when she knows her sister's disassociating
Kanade still kills people, but mostly homeless people or criminals who deserve it. Hibiki rewards her with snuggles and pats on the head.
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cantusecho-archive · 5 years ago
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“I’m not sure why people think as if I’m good with...r-romantic things like that...”
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akumanoken · 5 years ago
Post concert and Hibiki is nursing his scratched throat with cold water. He side glances at Souji and feels his heart race. What had gotten into him that night? Souji had only done something natural and Hibiki took it as a challenge against the entire audience! He probably made Souji feel bad. Hibiki hesitantly reaches out and holds Souji's hand, giving a gentle squeeze. "...I'm sorry..."
He was honestly still reeling from the whole episode.  The whisper in front of everyone, the way they all screamed, his slip.. He was bright red still, looking at his hands in the silence and the ringing after the concert.  He was most definitely off in his own world, replaying it in his head when he felt the hand on his, the squeeze.
“Ah!! N-no Hibiki it’s okay you didn’t do anything wrong I just...”  He sighed.  “I couldn't help it.... you were so sexy then I just...forgot myself...”
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fooltrick-a-blog · 6 years ago
“We’re gonna rack up some serious Nintendogs trainer points together!” from sakuya!
“oh, is that koro-chan… er, koromaru?” 
   you couldn’t help looking over your fellow wildcard’s shoulder at the game. it’s making you wonder where your own copy of nintendogs is, back home. somewhere in your dresser, probably… ( god, you’re a terrible virtual dog owner. you’ve abandoned your good boys. ) in any case, it’s… nice, seeing arisato relax even just a little. heck, you’re pretty sure he’s almost smiling. it’s refreshing to see!
   the slip of the dog’s nickname causes your cheeks to tint some; way to ruin your cool image and make yourself look like a nerd… but you can’t help it; koromaru’s so cute! at least arisato won’t say anything about it… speaking of koromaru, the dog’s heard his name and trotted over curiously. you chuckle, leaning down to scratch behind his ears. god, he’s such a good boy…
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“what other dogs do you have? i’m pretty sure i had the daschund version when i was younger…”
@valortried | meme.
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ahogedetective · 2 years ago
@fxzzcrcllxandfrxcnds replied to: ""romance stats"" remembers all hibiki and Sei's interactions fff
BGCHGHV OMG YE S, SAME!!!!! The way Hibiki was always so for real about his flirting and flustering the shIT out of Seiichi HVHGHH it was great!!! But Seii cares for that crazy dork, I love them.... we gotta write some more with them sometime~!
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nagirambles · 3 years ago
I think your observation that the Trimens are the most level-headed of the bunch is really interesting, because in retrospect, that's probably why they were picked for the mission: they may not be the most powerful wizards magic-wise, but they're HELLA COMPETENT and obviously know how to handle themselves in a super critical big-scale operation. That's a huge boon, especially if you don't know what exactly you're up against in the first place
Yes, exactly! I wish the canon material actually worked on this part of their character a bit more. Like, I’m not expecting a full-blown arc or anything, but every moment past this arc for the Trimens are just sad! 
They’re always either treated like weak dorks (Hibiki especially) or just as fodder to be defeated, like Eve. In fact, Eve is always the character that gets defeated very cruelly just to hype up one of the antagonists. I really wish there was more of this shown, even in just background panels, where they work in organized effort to get chaos under control. They’re hosts, they are experts at acting and crowd control!
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citadelofmythoughts · 2 years ago
A few pages into my Symohogear fic and my MC is starting to wonder about things. Why is a dork like Hibiki, her girffriend, Miku and the girl that she’s crushing on, Chris pals with the most popular singer in Japan?
How did they rate getting invites to the concert with Maria and with a VIP booth no less? At least they invited her along.
When the noise attack the show and the girls evacuate one of them says that “Tachibanna has never let us down!” What the hell can Hibiki do?
Things are only gonna get weirder when the school festival kicks off.
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monstersandmaw · 4 years ago
Ashridge Pack Ashridge Pack Ashridge Pack Ashridge Pack !!!!!!!
Awww, Anon! Here’s a long-sh, male werewolf x male human snippet for you then. It’s later in the storyline than where we left off on Patreon, but not by that much... Bear in mind it’s an unedited WIP, but I hope you enjoy it all the same.
Ashridge is a background story that I’m working on, but don’t intend to publish on here. It’ll be a self-published novel when it’s done, and my former-Patreon folks in the Discord will get to read it first and beta it for me.
Luke glanced to his left and watched Sol down the remainder of his glass with a grimace. “You pick a shitty one?” he asked and heard Harry’s short inhale of surprise from his left.  
Sol looked at him and for a moment his blank expression was impossible to read. Then, to his (and Harry’s) evident surprise, he cracked a smirk. “No, but I’m not downing a single malt.”
“Don’t tell me you’re a whisky snob?” Luke blurted and earned himself a sharp dig in the ribs from Harry.  
“Name me one decent blended and I’ll forgive you for that,” Sol growled, though Luke thought he could see a playful glint in the wolf’s golden eyes.  
He narrowed his own in thought and chewed on his lower lip. When he glanced up, he found Sol’s eyes locked on the point where his teeth sank into the soft flesh of his lip. The alpha did not look up until Luke stopped doing it. “I’m told Suntory Hibiki is nice, but I’ve never had it.”
If Luke had just told Sol he liked to drink silver nitrate on the weekends, the wolf couldn’t have looked more surprised. It only lasted for a moment, but it was written so clearly on his face that Luke had to laugh. Sol’s shoulder dropped just a little and he twitched his chin at the empty bar stool beside him. Without waiting to see if Luke was going to sit, he turned to the bar tender and said, “Two Hibiki 21’s, please. No ice.”  
The pounding bass of the club behind them was not enough to drown out his deep, rough voice, and neither was it enough to mask Harry’s hiss through clenched teeth. “Luke, what are you doing?”
With a poorly-concealed grin, Luke leaned in close to Harry’s ear and said, “Having a drink with the best looking werewolf I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
“You’re nuts,” Harry mouthed, wide-eyed.  
Luke just grinned, but when he turned back after Harry had slunk off, Sol’s face was back to his usual thunderhead severity. “You know he’s just anxious I’m going to put my foot in my mouth and piss off the pack’s alpha, right?”
“I’m not pack alpha,” he growled, glowering down at his hands on the bar. 
On a whim, Luke reached out and gently placed his fingers over Sol’s. He felt the wolf twitch, but he didn’t pull back. Instead, he looked up at Luke, and his pupils soared wide the instant he found Luke’s face. Taking that for a good sign, Luke smiled, hopped awkwardly up onto the barstool, and said, “Harry’s a bag of nerves, and he forgets how much time I’ve actually spent with you lot. I think he still expects me to be afraid of you.”
“You’re not?”
“Of you or wolves in general?”
Sol swallowed thickly, his sharp Adam’s apple bobbing as his throat worked. He still looked like he was trying to bore twin holes in the counter top with his eyes as he looked away and mumbled, “Either.”
“Nah. I’ve seen what happens when you lot get a belly scratch. I can’t be afraid of any werewolf after that.” He instantly wondered if he’d pushed it too far with a pseudo-dog-joke, so he added, “Honestly, Harry’s the biggest dork I’ve ever seen when he wolfs out in the evenings in front of Bake-Off with me.”
Something shifted in Sol’s demeanour at that. He took a long, slow inhale and then offered Luke the slowest, sweetest smile he’d ever seen on the man. “You’re good for him,” he said quietly. If Luke hadn’t been watching his mouth — well, more accurately the coarse, black, three-day stubble around it — then he might have missed it altogether.  
“We’re not, like, boyfriends or anything,” Luke added as the guy behind the bar slid his whisky towards him. He took it but didn’t drink yet, holding it by the rim and idly swirling the amber liquid around as he watched the lights of the club reflect in its depths. “I mean, we share a flat and we’ve been best friends since I was about twelve, but I’m pretty sure he’s ace…” He coughed and added, “Besides, he’s not really my type.”
“Because he’s a guy?”
“Because he’s a twink,” Luke snorted and chinked his glass against Sol’s where it still sat on the bar. “I don’t tend to go for guys who are already built like me on the whole. It has been known to happen, but I’m more into…” he looked pointedly over at Sol and raked him up and down with his eyes, and then grinned.  
Sol’s thick eyebrows rose slowly. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Sol nudged his glass against Luke’s and sipped it without speaking, so Luke followed suit. “Mmm,” he hummed as the spicy liquor rolled over his tongue. “I was right.”
“You were,” Sol smirked, still not quite looking at him. The way he leaned against the bar showed his biceps off to incredible advantage though in the tight, wine-red Henley and it made Luke’s mouth go dry if he looked at him too long.  
“You dance?” Luke asked, shooting a glance over his right shoulder at the floor behind him where Max and Laura were quietly grinding against one another and Harry, Onita, and a number of others Luke didn’t really know were laughing and dancing together, heads thrown back, lost to the beat.  
“Not on the whole,” Sol snorted. “I’m not great at it.”
“Who is?” Luke laughed, taking another sip. He only had a few more mouthfuls before it would be all gone.  
“Fair enough.” Sol surprised him then by tipping his glass back and sliding off the stool.  
“Thought you didn’t down nice whiskies?”
“I said I didn’t down single malts,” he said with his eyes flashing alpha red for a moment. “That was still a blended, even if it was a good one. Dance?”
Luke knocked his back and took the hand that Sol extended. His palm was warm and rough, like he spent his spare time in a workshop, and let Sol lead him out onto the floor, winding between people.  
Luke had to duck beneath someone’s arm as they flailed, and Sol tugged him close to avoid it. Laughing, Luke let himself fall against Sol’s solid chest and he spread his fingers appreciatively over the hard plane of muscle. Sol’s breath caught visibly and his eyes flashed again. A moment later, his hands found their way hesitantly to Luke’s hips and he raised one eyebrow.  
In answer, Luke grinned up at him and suggestively swayed his hips in a figure of eight that had Sol literally growling. Delighted, Luke threw back his head and laughed, moving more to the music. For a while, they moved like that, with Sol’s hands on his hips and Luke just moving, but before too long, Sol turned him so that his back was to Sol’s chest and he drew in a short inhale as Sol moved up behind him and nuzzled briefly at his ear and began to kiss down his neck, all the while keeping his hands on Luke’s hips.
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