#Heroine wa heikin ika
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toranekooo · 2 years ago
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liking, liking, liking, what's it like? won't you tell me, julieta? — a below-average heroine.
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lilac-melody · 4 months ago
Why Shiranami Nagisa is actually a great character
Okay, so, to start off with, this post is not to dissuade anyone from disliking Nagisa. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, so please, no attacking anyone for liking Nagisa or Nagihiyo or whatever. Let's all be normal, okay~?
This is all just my personal perspective and opinion. People commenting hate for him or general discourse will be blocked. We share a fandom space, so let's all get along!
Without further ado, let's begin~
Who is Shiranami Nagisa?
Shiranami Nagisa is a character from the Confession Executive Committee franchise, better known as Honeyworks. He debuted in the CHiCO with Honeyworks song, Gamushara, back in October of 2021, and made his first official debut with his own solo song, Suki na Ko ni Uso Tsuita, in April of 2023, though he made an appearance in the shitty anime adaptation of Heroine Tarumono. He recently just got his second solo song, Kimi wo Kawaiku Saseta no wa Doko no Doitsu.
He is the guy in Honeyworks who is crushing on Suzumi Hiyori.
What is Nagisa's story arc, currently?
We don't have a whole lot of information on Nagisa, to be perfectly honest. From what we do know, however, is that when he was a little kid, he and Hiyori met, and Hiyori defended him from bullies at one point...and one day, Hiyori wore a dress to a wedding and Nagisa thought she looked too cute. And being, what, 4? 5 years old??? He told her that she looked weird in dresses. He continues to grow up alongside Hiyori, doing track with her and eventually supporting her in her decision to go to Tokyo to continue track.
He receives 2 tickets to an Ft4 concert, and as he's a big fan, he invites Hiyori to go along with them. He was not expecting her to show up with two boys in tow, and even worse? The boys were idols. Handsome idols. To make matters even more worse, it's LIPxLIP, and he finds out that she's their manager in training.
Nevertheless, he takes her to the concert, and afterwards, he makes dinner for her and ends up confessing when she talks about how LIPxLIP were there for her when she was at a low point in her life.
Hiyori takes over a day to think it over before deciding she wasn't ready for romance, and apologized to him, before adding she was really happy that he confessed to her, because she truly felt like a heroine.
(Hiyori's song, Heroine wa Heikin Ika, is the entire plot of this.)
The two separate, and for a while, we know they kinda keep in touch but not a whole lot..given that, during a tour, when LIPxLIP were going to perform in Izumo City, the three of them, plus Manager Uchida, runs into Nagisa while they were exploring, and we find out Nagisa is going to their concert (to support Hiyori's hard work). Still, they all part on good terms once they were done hanging out.
You can read the Izumo City Collab Vomic here. I also have the OG video in the post so that you can follow along or check for any possible mistakes~
A year later, when KimiKawaii takes place (it's their second year in high school now), Hiyori comes back home, finally, to visit. She enjoys her time with Nagisa, her family, and her other friends, and leaves, with her and Nagisa seeming...more sweeter to each other than before, as seen when she stops, turns around, and gives him a little wave.
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Which is something she didn't do when they parted ways the previous year.
After that, their story is a blank slate, but we do know that the two end up going to the same university in Tokyo together, based on the endings of SukiUso and HeroHei.
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That is where their story, at the present time of typing this, ends.
What is Nagisa's relationship with Hiyori?
As I mentioned above, the two go way back to childhood. Hiyori's father supplied(s) Nagisa's father with fish for his restaurant, so the two pretty much grew up together.
Hiyori values Nagisa's opinion of her, as she wanted to dress up all cutely just for him so that she could prove what he said as a small child was wrong, that she was cute in dresses. She supported him when they were in track together and the two often went on jogs.
Nagisa loves Hiyori. He's head over heels, and finds her beautiful whether she's all dolled up or if she's covered in sweat from running.
As such, the two relied on each other a lot growing up and, given they were halfway across the country apart once Hiyori moved to Tokyo, they grew...less reliant on each other, despite their close connection still.
Hiyori thinks Nagisa is a hero who everyone likes, given how popular he is.
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While Nagisa doesn't particularly care about other people's attention and just wants Hiyori's attention. He tells her after she rejected him and said that he made her feel like a heroine that she would always be a heroine.
Not to mention, Yamako, Gom, and Shito have stated in an interview for the Nee, Sukitte Itaiyo album that Nagisa's love for her is at 100%, while Hiyori's friendship with him is at 100% and her love is currently rising from 0%. Which we can see the clear difference in how they interact from HeroHei/SukiUso to KimiKawaii. Here's that part from the interview.
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Hiyori didn't become conscious of her own love for Nagisa until she was confessed to. Which is normal- it happens.
What is Nagisa's relationship with LIPxLIP?
Nagisa's relationship with the two idols is...rather strained, honestly. While they do become on relatively okay speaking terms by the end of the Izumo Collab, he still despises how they talk to Hiyori. He hates how they call her a "potato girl", and hates how they tease her.
However, while all of that is perfectly valid, he also gets anxious since Hiyori is friends with them. After all, to him, Hiyori is the cutest girl in the world, so who wouldn't fall for her???
As such, he's constantly thinking he has to one-up LIPxLIP for Hiyori's heart, despite Hiyori already stating that she has no romantic interest in them, and they have none for her.
I feel like even if Nagisa and Hiyori got together, he'd still be bitter towards them due to their own treatment of Hiyori, unfortunately, but he'd also be a bit more open to them since she would be "safe" from them lol.
Why people don't like Nagisa?
To get the bitter part out first, there's a couple different reasons why someone would dislike him.
For one, he debuted in 2021, after Hiyori's two novels already dropped, while Hiyori's song, Heroine Development Plan, debuted back in January of 2020. That's well over a year- (one year and 8 months to be exact) from each other's debut.
Not to mention, despite Yamako repeatedly mentioning that Koi Iro ni Sake, the end of the MV was just introducing the Gen 3 characters and was not setting them up, many people believed them appearing side by side meant that they would get together.
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Which...even if Yamako never did state this, this argument doesn't make any sense, since it isn't just the canon couples shown.
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The idiot trio aren't a poly group or anything. Ken is dating Arisa from the second image, Kotaro married Hina from the second image, and Koyuki gets with a girl who doesn't even show up in this MV!
But I digress.
Because of this MV, many people thought Yujiro and Hiyori would get together...though, in truth, Yamako says that she just wasn't done with Aizou's design yet.
Unfortunately, she's stated this on her private pixiv, which I do not have access to, so you'll either have to take my word for it, or DM me and I can have a friend screenshot her saying this.
As such, many people thought he was too..."last second", and "forced". Especially since Hiyori's already crushed on the (now discontinued) character, Kaido Asuka.
And while that is a pretty fair point, it's safe to say that Nagisa's design just took Yamako a long time to finish, as she had planned for them to be together from the beginning. Did they handle his appearance and his and Hiyori's overall story poorly because of the novels and such? Yes. But it shouldn't be taken out on Nagisa.
Another reason for people to dislike Nagisa would be that they dislike his personality. Lots of people dislike the "childhood jealousy" trope. I would assume that they hated Kotaro too, since his jealousy with Hina was through the roof, and Yuu, at least in the movie "I've always liked you", was jealous to the point of acting terribly to Natsuki and Koyuki. But I'm just assuming.
That, or they hate how he was the reason why Hiyori's self confidence went down about being more feminine. He, however, betters himself and restores her self confidence tenfold after the events of HeroHei/SukiUso. Plus, he was literally like 5 years old, it's not fair to hold that over him.
Especially if the biggest reason why someone dislikes him is because...they ship Hiyori with LIPxLIP, or just one of the two.
Ship what you want- it's all okay!! However, if you hate Nagisa for what he said to her, you should also be holding LIPxLIP accountable for the terrible things they've said to and about Hiyori.
From the novel them telling her to throw away her hoodies because they're ugly, putting a panda bear costume head on top of her and telling her it's an improvement, to telling her she'll be rejected if she doesn't look like a real heroine...they, at age 15, act way worse than Nagisa, who was 5 years old.
If you refuse to look back at the novel, then look at the MV.
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Even the anime, they taunt her that she won't be a heroine without her makeover. I'm loathe to get screenshots, but...
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Teasing or not, they were aiming to bring down her peppy mood. It's just going way too far. It goes beyond the single thing Nagisa said.
Again, ship what you want, but it's hypocritical to hate Nagisa for that one line when they pull all of this ^ in the span of a single arc. And do more in other arcs.
I really didn't want to talk about this very much, but. It's inevitable, given how many people who ship Yujiro with Hiyori freaked out on JPTwt over Nagisa's latest MV. I'm talking harassing Gom, harassing the vutuber who sang Nagisa's song, screaming, cussing, harassing Nagihiyo shippers...this level of anger and hatred is intense for a honey fandom.
The English fandom isn't much better. Sure, there's way less hate going on, but there's still some people actively going to other people's accounts and attacking them for just liking Nagisa.
Some people have said "but...people only ship nagihiyo because Hiyori's in the way of their uwu yaoi ship aiyuu!". I've seen it from multiple different people.
But isn't that argument also hypocritical?
You only hate Nagisa because he's in the way of your uwu poly ship.
The turns have tabled. Now please stop attacking people who like Nagisa and Nagihiyo. So far, no one has said this ^. So please stop disrespecting other shippers when they're trying to vibe in joy.
I also want to say I will 100% call out aiyuu shippers as well when I see them being toxic to other fans, I think ship wars are fucking stupid. Just live and let live!! It isn't hard!!!
So...why do people like Nagisa, then?
OKAY. We have finally gotten to the POINT of this longass post. Sorry about that~ I just wanted to cover all my bases before diving into this and potentially confusing anyone!
Many people became drawn to Nagisa in his debut MV, due to his refusal to give up when he was doing poorly in track. He had a whole montage of training and fighting to do better, with his friends cheering him on as he was so close to winning first place. He went from dead last to second. That's extremely admirable.
However, he truly began to pop off after the anime began.
People liked him for his kindness towards Hiyori. Sure, anime onlys got a big misconception about him when he first appeared, but they quickly changed their tune after his episode. I think what most people liked is the fact that, even if it was in a moment of desperation, he was honest and upfront with Hiyori about why he told her when they were children that dresses looked weird on her. When he confessed to her and saw her shocked, he quickly excused himself and didn't once push.
In fact, he was about to leave without pushing for any sort of answer at all, but Hiyori caught up with him and gently rejected him, since she had track, high school, friends, and a job to juggle. It would be too much to add a long distance relationship.
And Nagisa respected that. He smiled at her and was unbothered.
He completely respected her decision, and simply told her that she's always been a heroine.
In KimiKawaii, a year later, we can see him wanting to hold hands with her-
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But he refrains.
Because he respects her boundaries. She told him "I'm not ready for a relationship", so he refuses to do anything romantic until/unless she's ready.
Some people may have complained that Nagihiyo didn't have much progress in this MV...I disagree. Their interactions are sweeter, and you can tell Hiyori's growing fonder of him. Given this is their second year of high school, it makes perfect sense that he's holding back.
When looking for a partner, of course you want someone who respects your choices and boundaries. The fact that Nagisa refuses to push her, bring up the confession, ask her if she feels any different, is proof that he truly loves and values her.
Hell- he told her not to contact him until she gets the results for her tournament. Why?
Because he wants her to succeed in her goals more than anything.
Likewise, Hiyori is the one who completely supports Nagisa in being a chef. Both of them, not just Nagisa, put each other's dreams ahead of their romance, because they both want the other to be happy.
Nagisa also is the one who actively calls LIPxLIP out on their treatment of Hiyori. Uchida doesn't do much of anything, and their classmates are unaware of what's going on. Of their manager and idol relationship.
Nagisa is, outside of their work, the only one who knows how Hiyori gets treated by them. Even in SukiUso, he has a line demanding they stop calling her a potato girl while hugging her protectively.
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Which, to many who adore Hiyori, is honestly a breath of fresh air. Hiyori really does deserve more than to be the laughingstock of LIPxLIP all the time, you know?
Even when she and they are getting along, they still tease her.
It's nice to have someone wholly and fully defending a character who keeps getting kicked down again and again and again. People love Nagisa for that.
He's not afraid to speak out against them in general.
He's a genuine guy. Outspoken. Protective. A good cook. Someone who, despite failing over and over again and just flat out not winning doesn't give up. His spirit is something we should all admire.
And of course, while LIPxLIP tease Hiyori for her appearance, he doesn't. He loves her no matter what she looks like.
And...while we're on the topic of their love...
Why Nagihiyo?
Yes, I had to include this as well. Just for a short little rant.
The reason people love Nagihiyo isn't because they want to shove Hiyori away from the BL ship, aiyuu. (Okay, I'm sure a few shippers do think so, I know I've seen one, there's probably a couple more), it's because their themes are wonderful.
Yeah, we all love childhood friends to lovers. Sure.
But the whole point of nagihiyo is that Nagisa doesn't have to be "Prince Charming" to get Hiyori to like him. He just has to be himself. And likewise, Hiyori doesn't need to dress cutesy and girly to make Nagisa like her. She doesn't need to be a Cinderella. She's a heroine in her own right, and Nagisa was the one who helped her realize it.
The two of them support each other through and through. They don't have to change a single thing about themselves. It's simply a given.
So while yes, his debut and appearance were handled a bit sloppily, he's still coming forward, full force. I hope we get to know him better through more MVs, and I hope that he and Hiyori get the happiness that they both deserve.
Their dreams, their hopes, their love.
*Again, please note this is all my opinion and what I've gathered from other Nagisa likers. If anyone else who loves Nagisa has anything else to add, please feel free.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months ago
ok ngl i think there’s way too much overthinking when it comes to the hw’s gen 3 timeline (esp when it comes to hiyori’s story, bc let’s face it: it’s gloriously messy)
and so, my spicin’ hot, incredibly dumb take is: there are 2 separate ‘verses of hiyori’s story. 1: a princely love interest au with asuka in the novels, and 2: the canon story with nagisa
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‘verse 1: let hiyori have her prince, please!!
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the novel ‘verse is fairly straightforward, i’d say, with nonfantasy (nonfan) leading smoothly into heroine ikusei keikaku (heroiku), especially since ascana + maeda were established as cameo characters in nonfan. and heroiku even has an mv!!! so that should be how the canon story is supposed to go, right?
‘verse 2: oh but, the mvs say… what?????
fast forward to the dark ages (read: the [redacted] anime), and the timeline has become ✨a hot mess✨. asuka was booted from the plot (along with his fellow streamer idol bf), nagisa has been slotted in as hiyori’s love interest(?) for a grand total of, what, 30 minutes of total screentime, only to be never seen again, and yujiro’s police encounter has been revealed to be because… he (aged 15) snuck into a bar to rescue his younger brother???? but, no, this isn’t about yujiro. let’s put him aside for a sec.
anyways, with nagisa’s (honestly objectively forced) introduction into the main gen 3 plot, there came a new pair of songs to the love series lineup: heroine wa heikin ika. (heroika) and suki na ko ni usotsuita. (sukiuso).
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first off, heroika: the plot of heroika mainly draws from the [redacted] anime, from the second half of ep 6 all the way to the end of ep 7, along with a small background exposition of nghy’s middle school life (in hiyori’s pov, nagisa’s a well-liked hero who even has a fanclub, and she’s just a background character in comparison… but, wait, everyone seems to think that they’re dating?? why???? there’s no way!!!!!!), so there seems to be kind of an assumption that the viewer has seen the episodes in question, as hiyori doesn’t touch on her makeover at all.
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but the main point of it is that hiyori doesn’t know what it means to be in love, which is. y’know. pretty different from her attitude towards love in heroiku.
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and next: sukiuso: sukiuso is the complementary song to heroika, giving exposition to background events in heroika (the “your skirt didn’t suit you” scene from nghy’s childhood, the mention of hiyori’s makeover, the reason for nagisa’s tokyo visit, the confession that hiyori was having a crisis™️ over in heroika) amidst nagisa’s whipped fawning over hiyori for 3 minutes and 47 seconds.
put heroika and sukiuso together, and you basically have 80% of the picture about the good parts in eps 6-7. there’s less lxl involvement ofc, but this isn’t about them.
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and, following the [redacted] anime’s lead, heroine tarumono! (herotaru)’s plot comes in rather easily after nagisa’s return to izumo. chizuchan puts up pictures of hiyori’s lxl-given makeover for the asuka confession nagisa meet and greet, chizuchan and hiyori duke it out in the halls, then they make up, and now they’re closer than ever. yay for friendship!
[i assume heroine to idol (heroidol) happens somewhere around here in an unspecified time, in which hiyori realises just how charming idols like lxl are, probably after working with them for quite a while. fly high, hiyori… i hope you don’t see their repaint dance…]
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and so, hard cut to a year later, in kimi wo kawaikusaseta no wa doko no doitsu (kimikawaii) we see hiyori, as a second year, return home to izumo! she’s looking cuter than ever, and now it’s nagisa’s turn to have a crisis™️ about what in the world happened in the time they were apart.
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but, either way, as of the time of this post, heroine no hero is coming out soon™️, and from the title and jacket illustration, hiyori, our all-loving heroine, has finally realised her feelings for nagisa in their uni arc!!!! huge win!!!! nghy for life!!!!!!!
but wait, you say, two songs have been forgotten!!!
and to that, well~~~~~~
koiiro ni sake: the creators have mentioned multiple times in supplementary media (magazine interviews, ymk’s fanbox) that hiyori and yujiro were never meant to be a couple. they’re just a pair of gen 3 students that appeared to indicate that a new gen was about to begin. that’s all. koiiro is not, and never has been, evidence for yhy canon.
heroiku: this. this is pretty much the song that throws all of the timeline theories into disarray, from ascana’s appearance, to the possibility of 2 lxl makeovers, to hiyori’s longing to fall in love with a prince that just… turned into genuine confusion about what it means to love.
and to that, this is where you need to prepare the pitfall traps as i say… heroiku… is the theme song for ‘verse 1: the au novel ‘verse with asuka. granted, it has nothing to do with the current main timeline, but it’s a fun little song that gave us hiyori content when we needed it the most (back when all we had was the nonfan novel and mv). it’s hiyori’s very first solo song, her second trio song with her 2 besties (for the 4th special ed), and it showed us how she landed the unfortunate job as lxl’s manager.
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so, all in all, i think hiyori’s story song/mv-wise goes:
[1st verse of heroiku (becoming the manager of lxl)] -> [helping out in the filming of the nonfan mv (not actually seen in-mv)] -> [heroika/sukiuso] -> [herotaru] -> [sunny party (and probably heroidol)] -> [kimikawaii] -> [herohero]
…or so i think. it’s pretty choppy, but it makes more sense (to me) than hiyori going from “can i become a heroine if i fall in love with a dashing prince?” to “hahshdjshsjajsjajsjsja w h a t is love??? tell me julieta~~~” in just a matter of weeks/months…
i know the thought that they released an au before the canon story is pretty weird, but… these are the same people who came up with ultimate puu, so… y’know~~~ stuff gets weird around ‘ere~~~~~
but i dunno for sure~~~~ the hw timeline has always been weird, between novels, anime adaptations, and even within the mvs (even sometime within the same mv) themselves~~~
just look at the summer session mv for instance. gen 1 has always been the most straightforward gen, and the summer session mv has. like. 3 timelines going on all at once (nacchan saying that haruki returned to japan [when he only left after they graduated], mochiaka fireworks confession [???], and the harucouple scenes seeming to take place while they were in high school [as seen in the harucouple anime]). also, the summer session novel takes place 2 years after they graduated, so there’s now a 4th summer session timeline thrown in. cheers!!!! and that’s not even counting the summer session 2021 novel, which has both flashbacks and flashforwards! yay!!!!
…and so i genuinely think it’s best to just roll with the most recent official media as they come. no need to overthink anything; just sit back, relax, and enjoy the nghy~~~~
that’s all. thank you for reading this unnecessarily long essay (if you did), and goodbye~~~~~~
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amodernpersephone · 2 years ago
HEROINE WA HEIKIN IKA Music Video -> Comicalization!
Heroine wa Heikin Ika (ヒロインは平���以下。) is a song by HoneyWorks, featuring Suzumi Hiyori (CV: Minase Inori) who receives a love confession from her childhood friend, Shiranami Nagisa! It is a counterpart to Nagisa's song, Suki na Ko ni Uso Tsuita — and serves as Hiyori's third solo character song after Heroine Ikusei Keikaku and Heroine Taru Mono!
The following panels are taken from the music video and stylized as comics. The translations are heavily inspired by @femme-malewife, with some adjustments and artistic liberties taken by me. Please watch the MV and support Hiyori's blooming love story!
Read the full comic in imgur here!
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full-thro4 · 2 years ago
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yume-fanfare · 2 years ago
help me hiyori sounds so done in heroin wa heikin ika
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kido-kirigaya · 2 years ago
Hiyori Suzumi - Hirion wa Heikin ika (Die nicht ganz ideale Heldin) / German Translation
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Bitte denkt daran, dass japanisch nicht meine Muttersprache ist und ich sie noch am Lernen bin. Die Übersetzung ist schon seit Oktober 2022 fertig, ich hab sie nochmal überarbeitet und mich entschieden wie zu Anfangszeiten meiner Übersetzungen deutsche Redewendungen und Metaphern zu nutzen, um den Text verständlich und natürlicher klingen zu lassen, und nicht so als hätte Google es ausgespuckt :"D
ヒロインは平均以下。 Hiroin wa heikin ika. Die nicht ganz so ideale Heldin
告られた!どこに惚れた? まさかヒロイン!?なんてこった 好き 好き 好き 好き 好きとか何なん? 教えて ジュリエッタ
Kokurareta! Doko ni horeta? Masaka hiroin!? Nantekotta Suki suki suki suki suki toka nan nan? Oshiete jurietta Er gesteht! Wie konnt er sich in mich verlieben? Bin ich doch ne Heldin!? Was zum- Lieben, Lieben, Lieben, Lieben, Lieben, was bedeutet das? Erkläre es mir, Julieta
田舎生まれ 田舎育ち スカート似合わん野生児 ご近所付き合いは濃いめ プライバシー まじ欲しい 幼馴染の男の子 みんなに好かれてるヒーロー 後輩女子のファンクラブ 私はモブキャラ認定
Inaka umare inaka sodachi sukāto niawan yasei-ji go kinjodzukiai wa koime puraibashīmaji hoshī osananajimi no otokonoko minna ni suka re teru hīrō kōhai joshi no fankurabu watashi wa mobukyara nintei
Bin auf dem Land geboren und aufgewachsen War ein Wirbelwind, dem Röcke nicht standen Mit den Nachbarsjungen verstand ich mich gut Privatsphäre zwischen uns gab es nicht Mein Kindheitsfreund war jedermanns Held Er hatte einen Fanclub von jüngeren Mitschülern und ich war das gemobbte Kind
(彼氏じゃないの?)仲はいいけど (彼氏じゃないの?)カッコいいけど (嘘だっ!)本当! (嘘だっ!)本当! そんなのありえない はずが
(Kareshi janai no!?) Naka wa īkedo ⋯ (kareshi janai no! ? ) Kakkoī kedo ⋯ (usoda~tsu! ! ) Hontō! ! (Usoda~tsu! ! ) Hontō! ! Sonna no arienai! ! Hazu ga ⋯
(Bist du nicht seine Freundin!?) wir verstehen uns gut, doch… (Bist du nicht seine Freundin!?) er ist cool, aber… (Du lügst!!) Das ist die Wahrheit!! (Du lügst!!) Das ist die Wahrheit!! Das ist ausgeschlossen!! Denk ich...
告られた!どこに惚れた? まさかヒロイン!?なんてこった 好き 好き 好き 好き 好きとか何なん? 教えて ジュリエッタ
Kokurareta! Doko ni horeta? Masaka hiroin!? Nantekotta Suki suki suki suki suki toka nan nan? Oshiete jurietta Er gesteht! Wie konnt er sich in mich verlieben? Bin ich doch ne Heldin!? Was zum- Lieben, Lieben, Lieben, Lieben, Lieben, was bedeutet das? Erkläre es mir, Julieta
顔面とか平均以下 それがどうした!?文句あっか 生まれた時からこんなんなんです それでもいいですか?いいの! 生き生きしてる今こそ 私ヒロイン Mein Gesicht ist außerhalb des Schönheitsideals Na und!? Beschwere dich darüber nicht Ich wurde mit diesem Gesicht geboren Noch immer Probleme? Gut so! Ich genieße mein Leben in vollen Zügen als Heldin ビックリして寝れなかった 目の下にできたひどいクマ 友達とファミレス会議 贅沢だと怒られた 告白されてしまったら 友達じゃなくなるのかな? 不安は相手も同じで ぶつかってくれたのです
Bikkuri shite ne renakatta Menoshita ni dekita hidoi kuma Tomodachi to famiresu kaigi Zeitakuda to okora reta Kokuhaku sarete shimattara Tomodachi ja naku naru no ka na? Fuan wa aite mo onaji de Butsukatte kureta no desu
Ich war völlig überrascht, hab die Nacht kein Auge zugetan so bildeten sich dunkle Augenringe Doch hatte ich ein Treffen mit Freunden in einem Restaurant Sagt, ist die Freundschaft vorbei sobald ein Geständnis ausgesprochen wurde? Die Angst ist auf beiden Seiten vorhanden und sie schaukelt sich weiter hoch
(恋しているの!?) そんな人いない (恋しているの!?) 神に誓って (嘘だっ!!) 本当!! (嘘だっ!!) 本当!! 恋なんて無縁のはずが・・・
(Koishite iru no!?) Sonna hito inai (Koishite iru no!?) Kami ni chikatte (Usoda~tsu!!) Honto!! (Usoda~tsu!!) Honto!! Koi nante muen no hazu ga (Bist du verliebt?) Da gibt es keinen (Bist du verliebt!?) Um Himmelswillen nein (Du lügst!!) Das ist die Wahrheit!! (Du lügst!!) Das ist die Wahrheit!! Ich bin nicht dazu gemacht zu lieben
告られた!!いつに惚れた!? まさかの不意打ち固まった 好き好き好き好き好きとか何なん!? 教えてロメオ
Kokurareta!! Itsu ni horeta!? Masakano fuiuchi katamatta Suki suki suki suki suki toka nan nan!? Oshiete Romeo
Er gesteht! Wann hat er sich in mich verliebt!? Ich bin vor Schock eingefroren Liebe, Liebe, Liebe, Liebe, Liebe, was zum, was ist das !? Sag es mir doch Romeo
勉強とか赤点バカ すみませんと反省ばっか 生まれた時は期待されたんです 現実は厳しい・・・いいの! 突っ走ってる今こそ 私ヒロイン
Benkyou toka akaten baka Sumimasen to hansei bakka Umareta toki wa kitai saretan desu Genjitsu wa kibishi ... ii no! Tsuppa shitteru ima koso Watashi hiroin
Wie in der Schule, bin ich auch hier der Idiot Ich kann mich nur entschuldigen Meine Eltern zählen auf mich, seit meiner Geburt Auch wenn die Realität grausam ist ... ich mach das! Ich muss weitermachen, (so) als Heldin
ごめんね でも嬉しかった こんなのでもヒロインになれた 私の髪クシャクシャして “ずっとヒロインだ” って 照れちゃうじゃん!!!!
Gomen ne Demo ureshikatta Konna no demo hiroin ni nareta Watashi no kami kushakusha shite “Zutto hiroin da” tte Tere chau jan!!!!
Es tut mir Leid, es hat mich dennoch sehr gefreut Ich kann auch (ohne Freund) eine Heldin sein Er wuschelt mir meine Haar durch "Du warst schon immer eine Heldin" sagte er Das lässt mich rot werden!!!
(マジで振ったの?)私なんかが (マジで振ったの?)ドッキリじゃなく (嘘だっ!)本当! (嘘だっ!)本当! 信じられないけど ガチで (Majide futta no?) watashi nanka ga… (Majide futta no!) dokkiri ja naku (Usoda~tsu!!) Honto!! (Usoda~tsu!!) Honto!! Shinji rarenai kedo gachi de…
(Du hast ihn abblitzen lassen?) Was sollt ich denn... (Du hast ihn abblitzen lassen?) war das nicht vorhersehbar (Du belügst dich selbst!!) Das ist die Wahrheit!! (Du belügst dich selbst!!) Das ist die Wahrheit!! Ich weiß ihr könnt es nicht glauben, doch...
告られた!どこに惚れた? まさかヒロイン!?なんてこった 好き 好き 好き 好き 好きとか何なん? 教えて ジュリエッタ
Kokurareta! Doko ni horeta? Masaka hiroin!? Nantekotta Suki suki suki suki suki toka nan nan? Oshiete jurietta Er gesteht! Wie konnt er sich in mich verlieben? Bin ich doch ne Heldin!? Was zum- Lieben, Lieben, Lieben, Lieben, Lieben, was bedeutet das? Erkläre es mir, Julieta
顔面とか平均以下 それがどうした!?文句あっか 生まれた時からこんなんなんです それでもいいですか?いいの! 生き生きしてる今こそ 私ヒロイン Mein Gesicht ist außerhalb des Schönheitsideals Na und!? Beschwere dich darüber nicht Ich wurde mit diesem Gesicht geboren Noch immer Probleme? Gut so! Ich genieße mein Leben in vollen Zügen als Heldin
恋するにはまだ早い 然れどヒロイン 誰がなんと言おうとも 私ヒロイン Koi suru ni wa mada hayai Shikaredo hiroin Dare ga nanto ioutomo Watashi hiroin
Für die Liebe ist es noch zu früh nichtsdestotrotz bin ich eine Heldin Es ist mir egal was ein jeder anderer denkt ich bin eine Heldin
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koizumicchi · 3 years ago
好きな子に嘘ついた。(feat. Amatsuki) English Translation
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好きな子に嘘ついた。  Suki na Ko ni Uso Tsuita I Lied To The Girl I Love
Character: Shiranami Nagisa HoneyWorks feat. Amatsuki Album: 告白実行委員会 -FLYING SONGS- 恋してる ねぇ、好きって痛いよ。〜告白実行委員会キャラクターソング集〜
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T/N: Happy haniwa day! Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
モブキャラなんて言うなよ! シンデレラに負けない おとぎ話を作ろう
Mobu kyara nante iu na yo! Shinderera ni makenai Otogibanashi o tsukurou
Don’t call yourself a mob character! Don’t lose to Cinderella Let’s create our own fairy tale
好きな子に嘘ついた スカート似合わんって ほんとは他のやつに 取られるのが嫌だったんだ 身長も追い抜いて 声も変わり低くなって 少しは俺を男として 見てくれてるかと意識して
Suki na ko ni uso tsuita Sukāto niawan tte Honto wa hoka no yatsu ni Torareru no ga iya dattan da Shinchō mo oinuite Koe mo kawari hikuku natte Sukoshi wa ore o otoko to shite Mite kureteru ka to ishiki shite
I lied to the girl I love Skirts don’t suit you But the truth is, I don’t want you To be taken away by the other guys I became taller than you  My voice changed and became lower Treat me as a man for just a bit Be conscious of me when I look at you
付き合ってるのって聞かれても 君はみんなに平等で 俺なんかよりもモテるはずの 主人公です
Tsukiatte iru no tte kikarete mo Kimi wa minna ni byōdō de Ore nanka yori mo moteru hazu no Shujinkō desu
Even if you ask me if I’m dating someone You are equal to everyone You’re ought to be more popular than someone like me You are the main character
モブキャラなんて言うなよ! 顔を見せてほらやっぱり可愛い シンデレラに負けない おとぎ話を作ろう 平均以下なんて言うなよ 好みあるし 文句は言わせない どんなラブストーリーも 決して負ける気がしない 妄想だけ王子様
Mobu kyara nante iu na yo! Kao o misete hora yappari kawaii Shinderera ni makenai Otogibanashi o tsukurou Heikin ika nante iu na yo Konomi arushi Monku wa iwasenai Donna rabusutōrī mo Kesshite makeru ki ga shinai Mōsō dake ōji-sama
Don’t call yourself a mob character! Show me your face; see, you’re cute after all Don’t lose to Cinderella Let’s create our own fairy tale Don’t say you are below average You have taste  I won’t let you complain I never feel like losing  To any love story out there I am just a prince daydreaming
中学卒業 二人離れ離れ 距離にして約800キロ 会いに行く理由を作った
Chūgaku sotsugyō Futari hanarebanare Kyori ni shite yaku 800-kilo Ai ni iku riyū o tsukutta
We graduated from middle school We are far apart for  Approximately 800 kilometers I made up a reason to go see you
待ちあわせ東京駅 スカート履いた君に 照れながらも可愛いって 素直に気持ち言えたけど
Machiawase Tōkyō eki Sukāto haita kimi ni Tere nagara mo kawaii tte Sunao ni kimochi ieta kedo
We arranged to meet at the Tokyo station You, who’s dressed up in a skirt You are adorable whilst being embarrassed Although I was able to honestly say how I feel
肝心な言葉は言えなくて 男友達に嫉妬した 君の可愛さがとうとう バレてしまったようです
Kanjin na kotoba wa ienakute Otoko tomodachi ni shitto shita Kimi no kawaisa ga tōtō Barete shimatta yō desu
I cannot say the most important words I was jealous of your guy friends  Your cuteness has completely Came to light at last
芋女なんて言うなよ! 涙拭いてほらやっぱり可愛い ��ュリエッタに負けない ヒロインだよ自信持って 幼馴染特権いいだろ? 全部分かる親だって安心だ どんな悲劇あっても 決して離したりしない
Imo onna nante iu na yo! Namida fuite hora yappari kawaii Jurietta ni makenai Heroine da yo jishin motte Osananajimi tokken ī daro? Zenbu wakaru oya datte anshin da Donna higeki atte mo Kesshite hanashitari shinai
Don’t call her a bumpkin girl! Wipe your tears away; see, you’re cute after all Don’t lose to Julietta You are a heroine; have confidence in yourself A childhood friend’s privilege; charming, isn’t it? Even the parents who know of everything are reassured No matter what kind of tragedy comes I will never let you go
また会えなくなる前に 伝えなきゃ君が好きだと 「好きだ。」
Mata aenaku naru mae ni Tsutaenakya kimi ga suki da to `Suki da.'
Before I can’t see you again I have to tell you that I’m in love with you “I love you.”
モブキャラなんて言うなよ! 顔を見せてほらやっぱり可愛い シンデレラに負けない おとぎ話を作ろう 平均以下なんて言うなよ 好みあるし 文句は言わせない どんなラブストーリーも 決して負ける気がしない ずっとヒロインだ 目指すは王子様
Mobu kyara nante iu na yo! Kao o misete hora yappari kawaii Shinderera ni makenai Otogibanashi o tsukurou Heikin ika nante iu na yo Konomi arushi Monku wa iwasenai Donna rabusutōrī mo Kesshite makeru ki ga shinai Zutto heroine da Mezasu wa ōji-sama
Don’t call yourself a mob character! Show me your face; see, you’re cute after all Don’t lose to Cinderella Let’s create our own fairy tale Don’t say you are below average You have taste  I won’t let you complain I never feel like losing To any love story out there You will always be my heroine I aim to be your prince
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kaiwithastar · 2 years ago
I have SO MANY FEELINGS about the HoneyWorks FLYING SONGS: Koishieru album oh my god you don't UNDERSTAND
Toshi no Sa Nante especially made me so fucking emotional holy shit THEY FINALLY LET KOYUKI OUT OF THE BASEMENT AFTER LIKE 8 WHOLE YEARS??? Realising we'd had almost NO Koyuki content (other than like.. Kore Seishun Understand and that one scene in Tokyo Winter Session) in 8 years and then getting this made me extra emotional I think - especially with how we FINALLY get to hear about how he first met Ryou and started falling for her and everything AND UGH MY HEART IS SO FULL I JUST WANTED MY SON TO BE HAPPY AND NOW HE'S FINALLY MET SOMEONE WHO'S GONNA LOVE HIM AND I'M JUST FEELING A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT THIS KJFHKDS also just the vibes of the entire song are just immaculate I have been listening to it on repeat for the past hour
AND THEN WE HAVE Cosplay Shitai no! which is Ryou's second character song that we FINALLY got after like 4??? years??? of haniwa keeping her in the basement???? Y'all don't understand how much I love Ryou okay haniwa introduces us to this cool af girl who appears out of nowhere, she's like the sporty prince-type but has a fucking cute af song (Renai Joujyuu) cus she just wants to be a cute girl and fall in love and all that jazz BUT THEN OTHER THAN THAT WE GOT NOTHING like I was pretty disappointed with how they didn't give Renai Joujyuu a proper MV BUT NOW WE HAVE THIS AND IT'S ANOTHER SUPER CUTE SONG AND IT'S SO FUN AND I REALLY HOPE THEY GIVE THIS AN MV CUS I LOVE RYOU AND I LOVE THAT RYOU LOVES KOYUKI AND I JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY TOGETHER
ALSO CAN I JUST ADD- THE FACT THAT IN TOSHI NO SA NANTE KOYUKI REFERS TO RYOU AS 可愛い人 (kawaii hito = cute person) MAKES ME FEEL SO SKDJFHSKDJFHSKDL like right right from the beginning of the song Koyuki's like talking about how he wants to help her stop hiding her true self and how he's the only one who knows she's cuter than anyone else and like Ryou's whole thing is that she wants to be cute, she wants people to think of her as 可愛 (kawaii = cute) instead of かっこいい (kakkoi = cool) AND KOYUKI DOES EXACTLY THAT HE SEES HER AS CUTE AND JUST THESE TWO ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER MAN
Heroine wa Heikin Ika is SO MUCH FUN HOLY SHIT like I love Hiyori and her other songs but I think this one has got to be my favourite it's such a vibe holy shit
And of course I have to talk about ONE NIGHT because FT4 songs are ALWAYS bangers and this one did not disappoint omg I love it sm I hope we get a seiyuu version soon cus I NEED IT
BUT CAN WE ALSO TALK ABOUT WHIPPED CREAM NO SHOUMIKIGEN??? CUS HOLY SHIT THE VIBES it's so different to all the other songs on the album AND it's super different to all the other mona songs they've released so far - it gives me big like.. old-school retro anime vibes?? Like you could tell me this song came from macross and I would believe you, like those are the vibes and I am living for it I love it so much
The last one I wanted to specifically talk about is Moto Seito because holy shit??? Akechi???? With a romance song???? I WAS CAUGHT SO OFF GUARD I'M STILL TRYING TO ACCEPT THAT THIS MAN IS CAPABLE OF HAVING THESE FEELINGS FOR SOMEONE WHO ISN'T CHIAKI???? No once can convince me that Akechi and Chiaki weren't dating cus they absolutely 100% were (like did you see him in Senkou Hanabi?? Those were the expressions of a man in love). And like I always assumed the reason he stayed unmarried and single all these years was because he was still devoted to Chiaki BUT I GUESS HE ALSO HAS SOMEONE HE'S INTO NOW???? IDK WHY I'M STRUGGLING TO ACCEPT THIS SO MUCH like of course it's good that he's moving on and stuff but I was not emotionally prepared for that LMAO but anyway I guess instead of being gay and demi HoneyWorks has decided Akechi is bi and demi (I am convinced he is demi either way, I mean just look at his relationship history) which is cool, and now I'm just super curious about this ex-student of his who's 5 years younger than him that he's into I have no clue who it could be tbh
tl;dr HoneyWorks makes me feel many feelings and I love all the characters so much
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lilac-melody · 2 years ago
It's the mobu kyara nante iu na yo kao o misete hora yappari kawaii shinderera ni makenai otogibanashi o tsukurou heikin ika nante iu na yo konomi arushi monku wa iwasenai donna rabusutōrī mo kesshite makeru ki ga shinai utto heroine da mezasu wa ojisama for me
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lilac-melody · 2 years ago
Yume Fanfare, Uchira Koibito Sengen, Thursday's Scandal, Hokori Takaki Idol, Heroine wa Heikin Ika, and Suki na ko Uso Tsuita are songs that I cannot listen to only once...I end up banging to them a hundred thousand times...
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amodernpersephone · 2 years ago
i dont have the time or energy to make this pretty so if someone cld kindly find the pictures im talking abt. anyway i think the prettier parts of hiyori's story have always been how she perceives everything thru a lens of fairy tale yet to some equal extent, her perception isn't similar to how other ppl wld see it. take lxl in her cinderella story, rather than serving as the princes, they were the evil stepsisters who tormented her life. but at the same time, her view of princes have always been the stereotypical, gallant, charming type that led her to fall for asuka.
which is exactly why i need you all to understand that nagihiyo's point is NOT that they become each other's ideal fantasy romance, they're not SUPPOSED TO BE a portmanteu for the prince and princess in each other's fairytale. the whole point of hiyori's development is not that she should see what she needs to look like to be heroine, but that she should understand that she is already a heroine, she has always been one. whether or not she was better than snow white or cinderella was irrelevant, she wasn't a mob character and no one was allowed to call her that! that is the whole point of heroine wa heikin ika , for her to understand it doesn't take a grand love story to prove her worth!
and equally to nagisa, his story goes on to explain how he's always been in love with hiyori, how his feelings were genuine for her when they were kids, before hiyori took on this form she considered the only time she was lovable. he likes hiyori, regardless of how she perceives her fairytale because to him, and i quote "she's not a mob character" and "she is better than cinderella"
but that isnt my point. MY GROUNDING POINT IS hiyori didn't consider nagisa for the role of her prince, she didn't see him fall under the role of her romeo because he didn't fit into the silhouette of her idealized romance. but what of now, what about now that hiyori has abandoned the idea of a romantic fairytale, burying it in her heart and forgetting it thoroughly?
that'a the point. neither of their stories were supposed to be the fixed, happy-ever-after, fairytale. i remember the time when hiyori would look at sena and realize she is the ideal heroine therefore deserving of the ideal romance. but we've heard midosena's story, it wasn't as smooth or as bright as anyone dreams. why?
because midosena created their fairytale. they became each other's happy ever after, not by following the footsteps of snow white or cinderella, but by doing something both nagisa and hiyori have been aiming for now.
"and i'm aiming to become your prince!"
"even if i don't fall in love, i'm still a heroine!"
and those are the first steps to creating a true happy ever after, not idealized and nor perfect, but it will be theirs. not cinderella's or anyone else's, but theirs.
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lilac-melody · 2 years ago
Hiroin wa heikin ika - Suzumi Hiyori’s song
“A Below Average Heroine”
DISCLAIMER: I’m not a professional translator, if you spot any mistakes please feel free to shoot me a DM correcting me! (thank you for fixing some of the lines that I had issues with @/koizumicchi)
Song can be watched and heard here
告られた!!どこに惚れた!? まさかヒロイン!? なんてこった 好き好き好き好き好きとか何なん!? 教えてジュリエッタ
Kokurareta!! Doko ni horeta!? Masaka hiroin!? Nantekotta Suki suki suki suki suki toka nan nan!? Oshiete Julietta!
I was confessed to!! What about me did he fall in love with!? No way, I’m a heroine!? Oh my god What is love love love love love Tell me, Julietta!
田舎生まれ田舎育ち スカート似合わん野生児 ご近所付き合いは濃いめ プライバシーまじ欲しい 幼馴染の男の子 みんなに好かれてるヒーロー 後輩女子のファンクラブ 私はモブキャラ認定
Inaka umare inaka sodachi Sukato niawan yasei-ji Go kinjodzukiai wa koime Puraibashimaji hoshi Osananajimi no otokonoko Min'na ni suka re teru hiro Kohai joshi no fankurabu Watashi wa mobukyara nintei
Born and raised in the countryside I was a wild girl who didn’t look good in a skirt and have a very good relationship with my neighbors Though I really want my privacy The boy who I grew up with Is a hero that everyone likes And has a fan club of junior girls I’m the designated mob character
“彼氏じゃないの!?” 仲はいいけど・・・ “彼氏じゃないの!?” カッコいいけど・・・ (嘘だっ!!) 本当!! (嘘だっ!!) 本当!! そんなのありえない!! はずが…
"Kareshi janai no!?" Naka wa ikedo... "Kareshi janai no!?" Kakkoi kedo... (Usoda~tsu!) Honto!! (Usoda~tsu!) Honto!! Son'na no arienai!! Hazu ga...
“Is he your boyfriend!?” We’re close, but... “Is he your boyfriend!?” He’s cool, but... (That’s a lie!!) It’s true!! (That’s a lie!!) It’s true!! It’s not possible!! It shouldn’t be...
告られた!!どこに惚れた!? まさかヒロイン!?なんてこった 好き好き好き好き好きとか何なん!? 教えてジュリエッタ 顔面とか平均以下 それがどうした!?文句あっか 生まれた時からこんなんなんです それでもいいですか?いいの! 生き生きしてる今こそ 私ヒロイン
Kokurareta!! Doko ni horeta!? Masaka hiroin!? Nantekotta Suki suki suki suki suki toka nan nan Oshiete Julietta Ganmen toka heikin ika Sore ga do shita!? Monku akka Umareta toki kara kon nan'na ndesu Sore demo idesu ka? ii no! Ikiiki shi teru ima koso Watashi hiroin
I was confessed to!! What about me did he fall in love with!? No way, I’m a heroine!? Oh my god What is love love love love love Tell me, Julietta! My looks are below average What about it!? Any complaints I’ve been like this since I was born Is that still okay? Okay! Now’s the time to be thriving I’m a heroine
ビックリして寝れなかった 目の下にできたひどいクマ 友達とファミレス会議 贅沢だと怒られた 告白されてしまったら 友達じゃなくなるのかな? 不安は相手も同じで ぶつかってくれたのです
Bikkuri shite ne renakatta Menoshita ni dekita hidoi kuma Tomodachi to famiresu kaigi Zeitakuda to okora reta Kokuhaku sa rete shimattara Tomodachi janaku naru no ka na? Fuan wa aite mo onajide Butsukatte kureta nodesu
I was so surprised that I couldn’t sleep There was some serious dark circles under my eyes I went to a family restaurant to meet with friends They got upset with me for being unappreciative of it When you get a confession Do you stop being friends? The anxiety is the same for the other party They ended up colliding
"恋しているの!?" そんな人いない "恋しているの!?" 神に誓って (嘘だっ!!) 本当!! (嘘だっ!!) 本当!! 恋なんて無縁のはずが・・・
"Koishite iru no!?" Son'na hito inai "Koishite iru no!?" Kami ni chikatte (Usoda~tsu!!) Honto!! (Usoda~tsu!!) Honto!! Koi nante muen no hazu ga
“Are you in love!?” There’s no one like that “Are you in love!?” I swear to god (That’s a lie!!) It’s true!! (That’s a lie!!) It’s true!! I was never supposed to fall in love...
告られた!!いつに惚れた!? まさかの不意打ち固まった 好き好き好き好き好きとか何なん!? 教えてロメオ 勉強とか赤点バカ すみませんと反省ばっか 生まれた時は期待されたんです 現実は厳しい・・・いいの! 突っ走ってる今こそ 私ヒロイン
Kokurareta!! Itsu ni horeta!? Masakano fuiuchi katamatta Suki suki suki suki suki toka nan nan!? Oshiete Romeo Benkyou toka akaten baka Sumimasen to hansei bakka Umareta toki wa kitai sa reta ndesu Genjitsu wa kibishi ii no! Tsuppashitteru ima koso Watashi hiroin
I was confessed to!! When did he fall in love with me!? I didn’t expect such a big surprise that I froze in place What is love love love love love Tell me, Romeo As for my studies, I’m a failing idiot All I can say is sorry and reflect When I was born, they counted on me Reality is often harsh...but it’s okay! Now’s the time to get going I’m a heroine
ごめんね でも嬉しかった こんなのでもヒロインになれた 私の髪クシャクシャして “ずっとヒロインだ” って 照れちゃうじゃん!!!!
Gomen ne Demo ureshikatta Kon'na no demo hiroin ni nareta Watashi no kami kushakusha shite "Zutto hiroinda" tte Tere chaujan!!!!
I’m sorry But it made me happy I could be a heroine even like this He messed up my hair and said “You’ve always been a heroine” I’m so embarrassed!!!!
“マジで振ったの!?” 私なんかが... "マジで振ったの!?" ドッキリじゃなく (嘘だっ!!) 本当!! ( 嘘だっ!!) 本当!! 信じられないけど ガチで...
"Majide futta no!?" Watashi nanka ga... "Majide futta no!?" Dokkiri janaku (Usoda~tsu!!) Honto!! (Usoda~tsu!!) Honto!! Shinji rarenaikedo Gachi de...
“You seriously rejected him!?” Someone like me... “You seriously rejected him!?” It’s not surprising (That’s a lie!!) It’s true!! (That’s a lie!!) It’s true!! I don’t believe it Seriously...
告られた!!どこに惚れた!? まさかヒロイン!?なんてこった 好き好き好き好き好きとか何なん!? 教えてジュリエッタ 顔面とか平均以下 それがどうした!?文句あっか 生まれた時からこんなんなんです それでもいいですか?いいの! 生き生きしてる今こそ 私ヒロイン 恋するにはまだ早い 然れどヒロイン 誰がなんと言おうとも 私ヒロイン
Kokurareta!! Doko ni horeta!? Masaka hiroin!? Nantakotta Suki suki suki suki suki toka nan nan!? Oshiete Julietta Ganmen toka heikin ika Sore ga do shita!? Monku akka Umareta toki kara kon nan'na ndesu Sore demo idesu ka? ii no! Ikiiki shi teru ima koso Watashi hiroin Koi suru ni wa mada hayai Shikaredo hiroin Dare ga nanto ioutomo Watashi hiroin
I was confessed to!! What about me did he fall in love with!? No way, I’m a heroine!? Oh my god What is love love love love love Tell me, Julietta! My looks are below average What about it!? Any complaints I’ve been like this since I was born Is that still okay? Okay! Now’s the time to be thriving I’m a heroine It’s too soon to fall in love Even so I’m still a heroine No matter what anyone says I’m a heroine
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