#Hereditary Cancer Test Company
nevesmose · 6 months
Syndroma Holmiensis
Things are different now. That was the last advice Mikulin's father had given him. The Imperium is the biggest gang on the whole planet. The Night Haunter's gang. Stick with them and you'll do fine, son.
His father had lost an eye in a streetfight years ago and the bribe to fit an augmetic was far beyond their means. Mikulin tried to focus twice as much on the other eye instead, solid depthless black like those of every other Nostraman, as it gleamed with something like desperation combined with raw avarice.
Was it hope, he wondered? Something so rare on the Sunless World that they'd had to steal the Gothic word to describe it exactly. Whatever sibiliant kennings and poetic phrases his ancestors had used to subtly imply the possibility of a better future were gone now. Inefficient in comparison to the language of their new overlords.
Most of the time Mikulin found it hard to care overmuch. His ancestors had mined adamantium and murdered one another in the dark for century upon century and achieved nothing. Built nothing. Created nothing but further generations of void-eyed killers.
Until the Night Haunter came. He who flayed and freed Nostramo, pinned the planet down and eviscerated it inch by inch, block by block, heart by heart and corpse by corpse until nothing was left but order and a full stomach.
Mikulin loved the Night Haunter. Mikulin feared the Night Haunter.
It was natural for him to hold both thoughts simultaneously. He loved and feared his father too, didn't he? A strong provider, working shifts in the mine when the work was there and doing what he had to when it wasn't. But also a monster when he'd been paid and given the money straight back to the company bar.
When he was old enough to work they moved to the nearest great city, Nostramo Secundus. Dear Grey Place, the Adamantite City, a hive built into a vast outcropping of ore-bearing rock that jutted out into the roiling black ocean.
His father had called it a promotion, but the truth came out eventually. The mine bosses were scared that his drunken actions, his too-public offences against the new rules of society, would bring the Night Haunter to them. And the Night Haunter rarely found just one criminal worthy of punishment when paying a visit.
Far safer, therefore, to send the problem away into the teeming masses of the nearest hive city. Losing the work had destroyed his father but Secundus gave Mikulin a new razorgang to run with and all the freedom he was brave enough to steal. And he had the Night Haunter to thank for it.
Mikulin loved the Night Haunter. Mikulin feared the Night Haunter.
Mikulin cared little and knew less of the other demigods who had come later, surrounded by an inferno of blinding light and guarding their father the Emperor. Such events, occurring so far away in the capital, were of little importance to remote grey Secundus. Only the Night Haunter mattered because time and distance meant nothing to him. He could be anywhere on Nostramo, seeing and hearing all in his domain and dispensing punishment to the high and the low alike.
Mikulin loved the Night Haunter. Mikulin feared the Night Haunter.
Then the news reached Secundus that the Night Haunter had left to join his father and brothers in conquering the galaxy for humanity. Mikulin had looked up at the coldly glinting stars and felt a twist of envious fury in his gut. They had taken Nostramo's king from his people and wouldn't even use his name.
Konrad Curze, the Emperor had called him. An alien name from an alien being. Mikulin knew it was the Night Haunter who Nostramo's first Astartes followed into the void, him and no other.
They had tested Mikulin once for suitability. Just put your hand in the box on the servitor's chest. A brief sting and a few moments later the verdict was given - negative. Elevated hereditary cancer risk and other minor genetic flaws not meeting the threshold of mutation, the magos biologis announced before moving on to the next prospective recruit.
Stick with the Night Haunter's gang, his father had said. So Mikulin had apprenticed himself to the Administratum, serving the new Planetary Governor appointed in the Night Haunter's place. One of the first natives to join, they said.
Natives grated in his mind like two ends of a broken bone. We weren't natives before you came, before you took him away. We were ourselves. But things are different now.
The first time he really saw offworlders up close he'd just about managed not to stare, or grimace in the closed-off Nostraman way which, to the initiated, was just as expressive as a scream. Someone has put coins in your eyes, he'd thought irrationally, or broken glass in different colours. It happened sometimes as punishment for people who sold out their gangmates or saw things they shouldn't have.
It took him a long while to accept that it was just how they were, the same way they walked the street wrong, slowly, looking at the sights around them like prey. Behaving like that would get a Nostraman killed but, collectively, there seemed to be an indulgence for offworlders.
They didn't know what the people said or thought about them and they didn't have to care. Often Mikulin found himself hating them, hating their accents and their language at the same time as he learned to mimic both to rise up in their organisation.
The outsiders planned great things for Nostramo in the Imperium. We can make this world so much better, someone with eyes the colour of ice melting into slush told him. Mikulin said nothing.
They built Nostramo Secundus a botanical garden to rival any city in the Imperium. A vast adamantium-ribbed dome of glass filled with a kaleidoscope of verdant colour and shape tended by specialised horticultural servitors, the whole edifice illuminated by numberless ultraviolet and visible-spectrum lamps to allow the plantlife to thrive even on the Sunless World.
On the wall surrounding their creation, where Mikulin had to pass every day to reach the Administratum complex, the offworlders had commissioned some famed remembrancer to paint a mural of a lush, rolling Terran landscape lit by a rising sun and bearing the title LET NOSTRAMO FLOURISH.
The people of Nostramo Secundus hated it and the building it adorned. The cost of entry was high enough to exclude all but the wealthiest and every Nostraman visitor had to wear thick eyeshades or else suffer hours of headache and near-blindness, all just to look at plants. Mystifying.
Mikulin had access to the records of just how much power, water and heat the gardens drew away from the rest of the city. How many hab-tenements could the same resources support instead? He had calculated it once on a scrap of parchment and the answer sickened him.
The Night Haunter would have judged the creation in an instant, razed it to the ground and impaled the builders among the wreckage. Eventually Mikulin came to realise that the gardens were never really intended for him or any other native, only to improve the lot of the offworlders condemned to serve the Imperium on dark forbidding Nostramo.
Once, without thinking, he'd saluted an Administratum superior in the Nostraman way, hand clawed over his heart to say may it be torn out if I am untrue. The condescension and pity in their eyes had struck him like a physical blow.
Damn you all, he thought, eyes stinging with a shame he couldn't begin to process. Take your costume-jewellery eyes and your costume-jewellery Imperium and leave us alone like we always should have been. Our world was already better. We were already better.
Mikulin loved the Night Haunter. Mikulin feared the Night Haunter.
Mikulin grew old slowly, the decay held back by juvenats and technology for as long as the Administratum had the budgetary headroom to provide. Nostramo seemed to rot quickly in comparison. The nobility and oligarchs reappeared with new names and faces but the same blood in their veins, the same corruption in their hearts, and no Night Haunter any more to excise them like a chirurgeon.
He didn't remember exactly when it happened, but one work cycle he realised that the Imperium was no longer the biggest gang on the planet. Work orders, requisitions, suicide statistics, every item of paperwork that used to filter upwards to the Administratum had slowed to a trickle and eventually just stopped.
Mikulin continued to attend the office and the Administratum continued to pay him, but in reality the alternative government of the gangs and nobles had slipped into place like a knife between ribs to quietly usurp both their functions.
Eventually the last offworlders left Secundus. No one would say whether it was voluntary. Their replacements were black-eyed and loyal only to the shifting politics of the warlords they followed. They funnelled the city's sparse resources to pay debts and shore up alliances before the newer, hungrier gangs overthrew them and were consumed in turn by their own children in the incestuous reproductive cycle that was as irredeemably Nostraman as the smog filling up their lungs.
Through it all, Mikulin of the Administratum was present, observed and said nothing. They treated him with something like respect - that rarest of things, an elderly Nostraman.
In the end it was Mikulin who finally closed down the botanical gardens. Let the plants rot and the gangs split the proceeds however they pleased. He left and went back to his tenement, hobbling slowly the same way he did everything else now, and went past that accursed mural once again.
It had been smashed and defaced countless times, the people of Nostramo Secundus giving vent to their fury at the image of an idyllic fantasy they would never possess. The rising sun was blotted out by an arterial splash of black paint and, above it all, someone had scrawled new blood-red lettering to change the painting's title.
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spaceyderg · 1 year
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An Intro sheet of the Venom movie AU Miguel! Whom I'm gonna refer to as Miguel Skirth from this point forward (for clarity sake this universe is 688-B a similar one to the movie)
Originally from New York, he moved to join the Life foundation in San Francisco to research hereditary cancer after the passing of his mother. His goal is finding a cure so that his kids do not share the same fate as his mother did. However he becomes disillusioned as he's constantly pulled away from his work to deal with Carlton Drake's plans to ensure humanity's survival in space. Horrified after the first death of a test subject, Miguel decides he needs to expose the company's wrongdoings before it's too late.
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renee00124 · 29 days
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*Mind Reading, Fearmongering and Official High-Tech, COVERT Assassinations* *
As a Human Rights Advocate and Author of seven book on this program, the setup around me search for subjugative fear on a daily basis and have stated, "If you don't stop, we will kill you". This morning I again wake to PsyOps compliments from the AA Urban Cops, who repeatedly state if I date one of them they will leave me alone. Over my dead body I might add! Then, in some type herd high-school boy's club, while talking with the electric company, narcissisist federal agents, the leadership, can be heard in the background with insincere compliments. Apparently they think all women, want compliments from men trying to covertly assassinate them.
Meanwhile, military personnel, and all document a mind read thought about the slow beam cooking of my breast and cancer. After it registers, on their system, that you are thinking how the microwave beamed slow cooking tissue has enlarged the size and abnormal for me, apparently it is a green light for escalation.
"Break her" was stated about a month ago. How I wondered after this announcement? As previously stated, they had a distant relative, using anyone they contact looking for discrediting information, phone me saying she had breast cancer and beat it. I told her I have had mammograms every year for 20 years with no issues and now in the safety zone have stopped confirmed by my doctor. These human monsters obviously feel that she could be used to redirect focus aways from what they are strategically doing by saying it hereditary. However, in reality, the enlargement may come back to bite them along with my early documentation everywhere of what they are doing.
Trust me when I say this program is DIABOLICAL, well thought out, and those involved appear to be barely human.
Mind reading technology has been in research, TESTING, and development programs for many, many years as shown in the Mind Control Patent link on my website.
Silence is not an option!
Website: http://bigbrotherwatchingus.com
Blog: https://youarenotmybigbrother.blog Note: See also the "Strategic Slow Kill" blog on this site
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Exploring the Impact of Animal Genetics Testing: Revolutionizing Animal Breeding and Health
In recent years, animal genetics testing has emerged as a game-changer in the field of veterinary science and animal breeding. By unlocking the genetic makeup of animals, this innovative technology allows for a deeper understanding of their traits, health, and lineage. The implications of these insights are profound, offering significant benefits for breeders, farmers, veterinarians, and pet owners alike.
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Understanding Animal Genetics Testing
Animal genetics testing involves analyzing an animal's DNA to identify specific genetic markers associated with various traits and conditions. These tests can be used to determine parentage, predict the likelihood of certain diseases, and even select for desirable traits in breeding programs. The technology behind these tests has advanced rapidly, making them more accessible and affordable than ever before.
Applications in Breeding
One of the most significant applications of animal genetics testing is in selective breeding programs. By identifying animals with desirable genetic traits, breeders can make more informed decisions, leading to healthier and more productive offspring. For example, in livestock farming, genetics testing can help select animals that are more resistant to diseases, have better growth rates, or produce higher-quality meat or milk. In the world of companion animals, genetics testing allows breeders to reduce the likelihood of hereditary conditions, ensuring healthier pets.
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Enhancing Animal Health
Beyond breeding, animal genetics testing plays a crucial role in veterinary care. By identifying genetic predispositions to certain diseases, veterinarians can offer more personalized care and early intervention strategies. This proactive approach can significantly improve the quality of life for animals, particularly those at risk for conditions like hip dysplasia, heart disease, or certain types of cancer.
The Future of Animal Genetics Testing
As technology continues to evolve, the future of animal genetics testing looks promising. Advances in genomics and bioinformatics are paving the way for more comprehensive tests that can analyze an animal's entire genome. This will provide even more detailed information about an animal's genetic makeup, leading to further advancements in breeding, health care, and conservation efforts.
Animal genetics testing is revolutionizing the way we understand and care for animals. Whether it's improving breeding outcomes, enhancing animal health, or contributing to conservation efforts, the potential of this technology is vast. As we continue to explore the genetic codes of animals, we unlock new possibilities for a healthier and more sustainable future in animal husbandry and veterinary care.
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prerna-razobyte · 5 months
Impact of Environmental Factors on Genetic and Cytogenetic Integrity
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The impact of environmental factors on genetic and cytogenetic integrity is a complex and multifaceted subject with profound implications for both individuals and populations. Cytogenetics is the field of genetics that involves the study of the structure and function of chromosomes.
Environmental factors encompass a broad range of influences, including chemical pollutants, radiation, dietary factors, lifestyle choices, and even social and psychological stressors. Genetics is the scientific study of genes, heredity, and genetic variation in living organisms.
These factors can exert various effects on genetic material, ranging from subtle changes in gene expression to more overt damage to DNA and chromosomes. It encompasses the study of DNA, genes, and their functions, as well as how traits are passed from one generation to the next.
1. Chemical Pollutants: Exposure to chemical pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and air pollutants can induce genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities. These substances can directly damage DNA, interfere with DNA repair mechanisms, or disrupt cellular processes essential for maintaining genomic stability.
2. Radiation: Ionizing radiation, whether from natural sources like cosmic rays or artificial sources like medical imaging procedures and nuclear accidents, poses a significant risk to genetic integrity. Radiation can cause DNA breaks, chromosomal rearrangements, and mutations, leading to hereditary disorders and an increased risk of cancer.
3. Dietary Factors: Nutritional deficiencies or excesses can impact genetic and cytogenetic integrity. For example, inadequate intake of essential nutrients like folate can impair DNA synthesis and repair, increasing susceptibility to mutations. Conversely, excessive consumption of certain dietary components, such as saturated fats or processed sugars, may promote oxidative stress and inflammation, contributing to DNA damage.
4. Lifestyle Choices: Lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise can adversely affect genetic stability. Tobacco smoke contains numerous carcinogens that can directly damage DNA, while chronic alcohol abuse can impair DNA repair mechanisms. Sedentary behavior and obesity are associated with chronic inflammation, which can promote DNA damage and genomic instability.
5. Social and Psychological Stressors: Chronic stress has been linked to alterations in gene expression and telomere length, suggesting a potential impact on genetic integrity. Additionally, social determinants of health, such as socioeconomic status and access to healthcare, can influence exposure to environmental hazards and contribute to disparities in genetic health outcomes.
Cytogenetic techniques are used to detect chromosomal abnormalities, including deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations, which can be associated with various genetic disorders and diseases.
Advances in genetic research have led to the discovery and characterization of genes associated with specific diseases, the development of genetic testing and personalized medicine, and the application of genetic engineering in agriculture and biotechnology.
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bhushans · 5 months
Unlocking Potential: How Technology is Transforming the Global Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Market
The global direct-to-consumer genetic testing market growth. As per Future Market Insights, the market is anticipated to expand at a wonderful Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.4% from its projected value of US$1,645.5 million in 2023 to an astounding US$4,843.4 million by 2033.
The way people obtain genetic information about their ancestry, physical traits, and possible health risks has been completely transformed by direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing. Through commercial genetic testing firms, consumers can acquire genetic information directly without going through a healthcare professional intermediary. These tests usually use saliva or cheek swabs to analyze a person’s DNA and reveal details on their genetic makeup, ancestry,
Deepen Understanding With Your Sample Report: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-15137
The anticipated growth of the global direct-to-consumer genetic testing market has several causes. Thanks to advancements in data analytics and DNA sequencing technology, as well as the rising price of genetic testing kits, genetic testing is becoming more accessible and user-friendly. The increasing consumer knowledge of the benefits of proactive health management and individualized treatment is also driving the need for genetic information to inform lifestyle choices, illness prevention strategies, and healthcare decisions.
Competitive Landscape:
Some of the prominent players in the global market are-
Ancestry DNA
Color Genomics, Inc.
Genetic Technology (EasyDNA)
Full Genomes Corporation, Inc.
Helix OpCo LLC
IDENTIGENE, LLC/ DNA Diagnostics Center
Living DNA Ltd
MyHeritage Ltd
Prenetics Limited
Family Tree DNA
Interleukin Genetics/orig3n
Counsyl/Myriad Genetics, Inc.
Veritas Genetics
Fulgent Genomics
Some of the recent industry developments in the global direct-to-consumer genetic testing market are:
In January 2022, 23andMe Holding Co., a leading consumer genetics and research company, received FDA clearance for a genetic health risk report on a hereditary prostate cancer marker.
In August 2021, Ancestry, a global leader in family history, announced that it has agreed to acquire Geneanet, a renowned French genealogy company. With over 30 billion records from more than 80 countries, Ancestry helps customers discover new details about their family stories and ancestors.
In June 2023, Prenetics Global Limited, a leading genomics and precision oncology company, announced financial results for the first quarter ending March 31, 2023, along with recent business updates.
Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Market Outlook by Category
By Product:
Pharmacogenetics Tests
Carrier Screening Tests
Genetic Health Risk (GHR) Tests
Cancer Predisposition Tests
Low-Risk General Wellness Tests
Ancestry Tests
By Technology:
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Chip
Whole Genome Sequencing
By Sample:
By Sales Channel:
Institutional Sales
Specialty Clinics
Diagnostic Laboratories
Retail Sales
Retail Pharmacies
Online Sales
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
South Asia & Pacific
East Asia
Middle East and Africa
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lalsingh228-blog · 6 months
Antibody Discovery Market: Ready To Fly on high Growth Trends
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A Latest intelligence report published by AMA Research with title "Global Antibody Discovery Market Outlook to 2028. A detailed study accumulated to offer Latest insights about acute features of the Antibody Discovery market. This report provides a detailed overview of key factors in the Global Antibody Discovery Market and factors such as driver, restraint, past and current trends, regulatory scenarios and technology development.
Definition: Antibody Discovery and development is the process of discovering new therapeutic antibodies to combat diseases such as cancer, HIV, autoimmune, hereditary, and others. The technologies used to discover these antibody-based drug candidates have revolutionised science in both industrial and academic labs. The new therapeutic antibody drug enters the clinical phase after the discovery and development process, where it is manufactured for clinical testing and tested in clinical trials. Clinical trials are divided into three phases: Phase 1 tests the drug's safety, Phase II tests the drug's efficacy, and Phase III tests the drug's efficacy and how it compares to current treatment options. A drug candidate is approved for patient distribution after passing all three phases of clinical trials. These ground-breaking antibody therapeutics can be designed in a variety of formats, including full-length antibodies, bispecific antibodies, antibody fragments, and others. Major Players in This Report Include, Twist Bioscience Corporation (United States), Croda International Plc. (United Kingdom), BASF SE. (Germany), Bruker Corporation (United States), Alcami Corporation, Inc. (United States), BioDuro-Sundia. (China), PharmaCircle LLC. (United States), Frontage Laboratories, Inc. (United States), Eurofins DiscoverX Products, LLC. (French), Cambrex Corporation (United States) Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @ : https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/197896-global-antibody-discovery-market Market Insights On 2nd June 2022, Sanyou Biopharmaceuticals has officially launched STAL, a super-trillion dollar innovative antibody drug discovery platform owned by Sanyou. Sanyou STAL, the result of Sanyou's continuous innovation and independent R & D, represents a significant advancement over the previous generation of sub-trillion innovative antibody discovery platforms. The STAL discovery platform combines nine categories of super-trillion innovative antibody libraries with a total library capacity of up to ten trillion. The screening validations with dozens of targets revealed that the STAL platform can discover thousands of novel lead antibodies, which is dozens or even hundreds of times more than canonical methods. Merger Acquisition On 24th March 2022, Ligand Pharmaceuticals was about to spin off its antibody discovery division into a new company when Avista Public Acquisition Corp. came knocking. Ligand announced plans to spin off the unit into a new company focused on producing human antibodies using transgenic animals. The original plan was for OmniAB to go public on its own, but the company ultimately decided on a direct spin-off so that the separation could take place sooner. Global Antibody Discovery the manufacturing cost structure analysis of the market is based on the core chain structure, engineering process, raw materials and suppliers. The manufacturing plant has been developed for market needs and new technology development. In addition, Global Antibody Discovery Market attractiveness according to country, end-user, and other measures is also provided, permitting the reader to gauge the most useful or commercial areas for investments. The study also provides special chapter designed (qualitative) to highlights issues faced by industry players in their production cycle and supply chain. The Global Antibody Discovery Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below: by Type (Monoclonal Antibodies, Polyclonal Antibodies, Other Antibodies), Nature (Humanized, Human, Chimeric, Murine), Methods (Phage Display, Hybridoma, Transgenic Animal, Yeast Display, Single Cell), End User (Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies, Research Laboratories, Others) Market Drivers Proteomics and Genomics Research is on the Rise
Expanding Industry-Academia Collaboration Market Trend Increase in the Funding for Research Activities Opportunities Rising Investment in Research & Development Activity with New Product Innovations Challenges Traditional Molecular Display Technologies Have Drawbacks and Limitations Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/197896-global-antibody-discovery-market
Geographically World Global Antibody Discovery markets can be classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa and Latin America. North America has gained a leading position in the global market and is expected to remain in place for years to come. The growing demand for Global Antibody Discovery markets will drive growth in the North American market over the next few years.
In the last section of the report, the companies responsible for increasing the sales in the Global Antibody Discovery Market have been presented. These companies have been analyzed in terms of their manufacturing base, basic information, and competitors. In addition, the application and product type introduced by each of these companies also form a key part of this section of the report. The recent enhancements that took place in the global market and their influence on the future growth of the market have also been presented through this study. Report Highlights:
Comprehensive overview of parent market & substitute market
In-depth market segmentation (Trends, Growth with Historical & Forecast Analysis)
Recent industry trends and development activity
Competitive landscape (Heat Map Analysis for Emerging Players & Market Share Analysis for Major Players along with detailed Profiles)  
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Antibody Discovery Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Antibody Discovery market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Antibody Discovery Market.
Chapter 3: Changing Impact on Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the Antibody Discovery;
Chapter 4: Presenting the Antibody Discovery Market Factor Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2017-2022
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Antibody Discovery market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2023-2028)
……………. Buy this research @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=197896 Key questions answered
Who are the Leading key players and what are their Key Business plans in the Global Antibody Discovery market?
What are the key concerns of the five forces analysis of the Global Antibody Discovery market?
What are different prospects and threats faced by the dealers in the Global Antibody Discovery market?
What possible measures players are taking to overcome and stabilize the situation?
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe or LATAM, Asia. Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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indiamedicaltourism · 10 months
Prostate Cancer Surgery and Treatment in India
Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the prostate gland, which is an important part of male reproductive health. This cancer develops when cells in the prostate grow abnormally, resulting in tumors. This condition is more common in men and necessitates early detection for the best possible treatment.
Urinary changes and discomfort are indications of prostate cancer in advanced cases. Surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and immunotherapy are all options for treatment. India has emerged as a hub for advanced prostate cancer treatment, offering a wide range of new treatments.
Causes of Prostate Cancer
Although the exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown, certain risk factors may raise the possibility of its development. Age is a crucial indicator, with the risk increasing with age in men. A hereditary component has been identified by family history and genetic factors. Moreover, African-American males are more prone than other ethnic groups to develop prostate cancer.
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer normally develops slowly, and there may be no symptoms in the early stages. However, as the condition advances, the following symptoms may appear:
Urinary Changes: Difficulty initiating or stopping urine flow, frequent urinating (particularly at night), and weak or interrupted urine flow are all symptoms of urinary changes.
Erectile Dysfunction: In advanced cases, difficulty getting or maintaining an erection may occur.
Pain & Discomfort: Hip, pelvic, or lower back pain could indicate that the cancer has spread to nearby tissues.
These symptoms can also be caused by non-cancerous diseases like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer in India
Proper early detection is important for successful prostate cancer treatment. The following are some of the common diagnostic methods for prostate cancer in India:
PSA Test: A blood test that evaluates PSA levels, which is a protein generated by the prostate. PSA values that are elevated might indicate the existence of prostate cancer.
Digital rectal examination (DRE): It is a physical test in which the doctor examines the prostate for abnormalities or irregularities by inserting a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum.
Biopsy: A biopsy may be performed if PSA levels are elevated or abnormalities are seen during a DRE. To confirm the existence of cancer, a tiny tissue sample is removed from the prostate and examined under a microscope.
Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer in India
The stage of the cancer, the patient's overall health, and their preferences all influence treatment options for prostate cancer. Some commonly used treatment options include:
Active Surveillance: Monitoring the progression of cancer without immediate intervention is an ideal option for slow-growing tumors.
Surgery: Prostatectomy (removal of the prostate gland) may be proposed for localized or early-stage prostate cancer.
Radiation Therapy: It is the use of high-energy rays to target and destroy cancer cells.
Hormone therapy: It involves lowering levels of male hormones (androgens) to reduce or stop cancer growth.
Chemotherapy: It uses medications that either kill or delay the growth of cancer cells.
Immunotherapy: It is the process of boosting the body's immune system to attack cancer cells.
Prostate cancer is an urgent health issue worldwide and it is one of the top 10 cancers. The 6-year survival rate of 64% highlights the significance of early detection as well as accessibility to appropriate treatment. The cost of prostate cancer treatment in India ranges from $5000 to $9000, making it a reasonably priced choice for those seeking high-quality treatments of prostate cancer.
There are many best Prostate Cancer hospitals in India with advanced technology that offer treatment at affordable cost.
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Source: https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2023/12/prostate-cancer-surgery-and-treatment.html
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123567-9qaaq9 · 10 months
Unlocking the Future of Cancer Diagnosis: Genomic Cancer Panel and Profiling Market Insights
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ntroduction: Cancer, a complex and multifaceted group of diseases, continues to challenge the healthcare industry. However, advancements in genomics have opened new doors for personalized and targeted cancer treatments. One of the groundbreaking tools in this field is the Genomic Cancer Panel and Profiling market. In this blog, we'll delve into the key aspects of this market and explore how it is revolutionizing cancer diagnosis and treatment strategies.
Understanding Genomic Cancer Panel and Profiling:
Genomic cancer panel and profiling involve the comprehensive analysis of a patient's DNA, RNA, and other molecular markers to understand the genetic alterations driving cancer growth. This approach provides a detailed molecular profile of the tumor, allowing healthcare professionals to tailor treatment plans based on the unique genetic makeup of each patient's cancer.
Market Value observed in 2022 was $ 9.90 Billion, and the CAGR in 2023-2032 was found out to be 9.43%. 
Market Growth and Trends:
The genomic cancer panel and profiling market have witnessed significant growth in recent years, driven by increasing cancer incidence, technological advancements, and a growing understanding of the role of genetics in cancer development. The market is characterized by a surge in collaborations between biotechnology companies, academic institutions, and healthcare providers to enhance research capabilities and develop innovative solutions.
Key Players and Technologies:
Several key players dominate the genomic cancer panel and profiling market, offering cutting-edge technologies and solutions. Illumina, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and QIAGEN are among the prominent companies leading the way in developing sequencing platforms and analysis tools. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies play a pivotal role, enabling high-throughput and cost-effective analysis of large genomic datasets.
Clinical Applications:
The clinical applications of genomic cancer panel and profiling are diverse and impactful. These include identifying potential therapeutic targets, predicting treatment response, and uncovering resistance mechanisms. Additionally, this approach aids in the early detection of hereditary cancer syndromes, facilitating preventive measures for at-risk individuals.
Challenges and Opportunities:
While the genomic cancer panel and profiling market hold immense promise, it is not without challenges. Data interpretation, standardization of testing protocols, and the integration of genomic information into clinical practice pose ongoing hurdles. However, these challenges also present opportunities for further research, technological innovation, and collaboration to overcome barriers and improve patient outcomes.
Future Prospects:
The future of genomic cancer panels and profiling looks promising, with ongoing advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics enhancing our ability to extract meaningful insights from vast genomic datasets. Integrating these technologies into routine clinical practice could streamline decision-making processes, optimize treatment strategies, and contribute to the broader field of precision medicine.
The Genomic Cancer Panel and Profiling market are at the forefront of transforming cancer care by providing personalized and targeted approaches to diagnosis and treatment. As we continue to unlock the mysteries of the human genome, the synergy between technology, research, and clinical application holds the key to a future where cancer is not just treated but understood at its genetic core, paving the way for more effective and tailored therapies.
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market-insider · 1 year
Hemato Oncology Testing Market: Technological Advancements and Competitive Landscape
Hematological oncology testing, also known as hemato-oncology testing, refers to a range of diagnostic tests and techniques used in the field of oncology to assess and monitor blood cancers and related hematological disorders. These tests are essential for accurate diagnosis, disease monitoring, treatment selection, and predicting patient outcomes. The applications of hemato-oncology testing encompass various aspects of patient care. One primary application is the detection and classification of hematological malignancies, such as leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. These tests help identify specific genetic and molecular alterations in cancer cells, which play a crucial role in disease diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment decision-making. Hemato-oncology testing also aids in distinguishing between different subtypes of blood cancers, guiding targeted therapies and personalized treatment approaches.
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Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: Hemato Oncology Testing Market Report
Furthermore, these tests are vital for disease monitoring and assessing treatment response. Regular monitoring of specific genetic markers and biomarkers associated with hematological malignancies allows healthcare providers to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy, adjust treatment plans, and detect minimal residual disease (MRD). MRD testing is especially important in assessing the presence of small numbers of cancer cells that may remain after treatment and help determine the risk of relapse. In addition to diagnosis and monitoring, hemato-oncology testing plays a crucial role in identifying potential genetic predispositions to blood cancers. Genetic testing can uncover hereditary mutations or alterations that increase an individual's susceptibility to developing hematological malignancies, aiding in proactive screening, risk assessment, and counseling for patients and their families. The end-users of hemato-oncology testing include hospitals, diagnostic laboratories, research institutions, and pharmaceutical companies. These entities rely on these tests to provide accurate diagnoses, guide treatment decisions, support clinical trials, and drive research advancements in the field of hematological oncology. Hemato-oncology testing is an integral part of comprehensive cancer care, facilitating precision medicine approaches and improving patient outcomes in the management of blood cancers.
Liquid biopsy has emerged as a promising non-invasive diagnostic tool in hemato-oncology testing. It involves analyzing circulating tumor cells (CTCs), cell-free DNA (cfDNA), or exosomes in a patient's blood sample to detect genetic mutations, chromosomal abnormalities, or other biomarkers associated with blood cancers. Liquid biopsy has the potential to provide real-time monitoring of disease progression and treatment response, as well as aid in early detection of minimal residual disease (MRD). Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies have advanced significantly in recent years, enabling comprehensive genomic profiling of hematological malignancies. NGS-based panels can simultaneously analyze multiple genes or regions of interest, allowing for the identification of genetic alterations, gene fusions, and mutations associated with specific blood cancers. NGS platforms are increasingly being adopted in clinical settings to guide treatment decisions, monitor disease evolution, and detect potential drug resistance.
Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) Monitoring testing has gained importance in hemato-oncology to assess the presence of residual cancer cells after treatment. Traditional methods, such as flow cytometry and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), have been enhanced with more sensitive techniques like next-generation flow cytometry (NGF) and digital PCR (dPCR). These approaches provide greater accuracy in detecting low levels of residual disease, aiding in treatment decisions, prognostication, and early intervention to prevent relapse. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) techniques have been extensively used in the diagnosis and classification of hematological malignancies. Recent advancements in these technologies, including the development of new antibodies and probes, have improved their sensitivity and specificity. IHC and FISH play a vital role in identifying specific proteins or genetic alterations in cancer cells, assisting in accurate diagnosis and targeted therapy selection. The integration of AI and ML algorithms into hemato-oncology testing has the potential to enhance data analysis, improve accuracy, and facilitate personalized treatment decisions. These technologies can assist in identifying complex genetic patterns, predicting patient outcomes, and optimizing treatment strategies based on large-scale genomic data and clinical information.
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Central Lab Market to Grow by a CAGR of ~6% During 2022 – 2031; Market to Grow on Account of Increasing Advancement of Novel Drugs and Devices to Treat Genetic Disorders
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Research Nester published a report titled “Central Lab Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2031” which delivers detailed overview of the global central lab market in terms of market segmentation by service type, end-user, and by region.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth indicators, restraints, supply and demand risk, along with detailed discussion on current and future market trends that are associated with the growth of the market.
The global central lab market is estimated to grow with a CAGR of ~6% over the forecast period, i.e., 2022 - 2031. The market is segmented by end-user into biotechnology companies, pharmaceutical companies, and research institutes. Amongst these, pharmaceutical companies segment projected to grow at the highest rate during the forecast period backed by the rising occurrences of several genetic disorders, and the continuous clinical trials for new drugs formulation.
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The global central lab market is estimated to garner a revenue of ~USD 4 Billion by the end of 2031 by growing at a CAGR of ~6% over the forecast period, i.e., 2022 – 2031. Further, the market generated a revenue of ~USD 2 Billion in the year 2021.
The global central lab market is projected to significantly expand owing to the growing occurrences of several genetic illnesses, followed by the increasing number of genetic testing to detect the suspected genetic condition. Besides this, rise in cancer cases and increasing investment in research and development are some of the major factors anticipated to drive the growth of the market in the forecast period.
Geographically, the global central lab market is segmented into five major regions comprising of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. The market in the North America region is estimated to witness significant growth over the forecast period on the back of increasing awareness in patients regarding the importance of clinical tests, escalating occurrences of chronic and infectious illnesses, and a noteworthy ratio of research and development in the region.
The research is global in nature and covers detailed analysis on the market in North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg, NORDIC [Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark], Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC [Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman], North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa). In addition, analysis comprising market size, Y-O-Y growth & opportunity analysis, market players’ competitive study, investment opportunities, demand for future outlook etc. has also been covered and displayed in the research report.
Worldwide Increasing Surge in Numerous Genetic Disorders to Drive the Market Growth
Over 6,010 clinically defined rare diseases exist, and 72% of these disorders are genetic.
Typically, a genetic disorder occurs by one or more deformities in the genome. Such disorders include a wide range of chronic diseases and birth defects hereditary from one or both parents. Genetic disorders are a major cause of impairment, death, and desolation in humans. Thousands of distinct genetic disorders with characterized clinical symptoms have been identified up to now, still we need more exploration to understand and to formulate a significant treatment to get relieve from such syndromes. Therefore, numerous clinical studies and trials have been running throughout the world to set a benchmark in the clinical research and this factor is fueling up the growth of global central lab market.
However, rigorous government guidelines, contamination issue of samples, and prerequisite of extreme investments are expected to operate as key restraint to the growth of the global central lab market over the forecast period.
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global central lab market which includes company profiling of Clinical Reference Laboratory, Inc., Lambda Therapeutic Research Limited, Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings, Medpace, Inc., InVitro International (IVRO), LabConnect, Eurofins Scientific (Ireland) Limited, Cerba Research NV, and others. The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the global central lab market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.   
Do You Have Any Query Or Specific Requirement? Ask to Our Expert: https://www.researchnester.com/ask-the-analyst/rep-id-4233 
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Research Nester is a leading service provider for strategic market research and consulting. We aim to provide unbiased, unparalleled market insights and industry analysis to help industries, conglomerates and executives to take wise decisions for their future marketing strategy, expansion and investment etc. We believe every business can expand to its new horizon, provided a right guidance at a right time is available through strategic minds. Our out of box thinking helps our clients to take wise decision in order to avoid future uncertainties.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Is Pet Insurance Worth It In 2022? – Forbes Advisor
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-insurance-news/is-pet-insurance-worth-it-in-2022-forbes-advisor/
Is Pet Insurance Worth It In 2022? – Forbes Advisor
Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. Commissions do not affect our editors’ opinions or evaluations.
If your pet gets injured or sick, pet insurance helps cover medical expenses. What was once an obscure insurance product has been gaining steam. There are nearly 4 million cats and dogs insured in the U.S., according to the “State of the Industry 2022” report published by the North American Pet Health Insurance Association (NAPHIA). That’s more than double the total number of cats and dogs that were insured in the U.S. in 2017.
Pet insurance might be more affordable than you think. It costs an average of $35 a month for dogs and $28 a month for cat insurance in 2022, according to a Forbes Advisor analysis of pet insurance rates. If you’re wondering if pet insurance is worth it, here are some things to consider.
Featured Partners
Maximum annual coverage
$5,000 or Unlimited
Reimbursement choices
70%, 80%, 90%
Deductible choices
$50, $100, $200, $250, $500, $1,000
Maximum annual coverage
$5,000, $8,000, $10,000, $15,000, $30,000
Reimbursement choices
70%, 80%, 90%
Deductible choices
$200, $300, $500, $750, $1,000
Maximum annual coverage
$5,000, $10,000, $20,000, $50,000, $100,000
Reimbursement choices
70%, 80%, 90%
Deductible choices
$100, $250, $500
Average Treatment Costs for Pets
To determine if pet insurance is worthwhile, it’s good to know what kind of vet bills you could be looking at. Here are examples of average treatment costs, courtesy of Pets Best.
In addition, pet treatment costs are steadily rising. Data from Pets Best shows that the cost of treating a broken bone is up 16% year-over-year for dogs and up 6% YoY year-over-year for cats.
It’s also worth mentioning that some pets are prone to hereditary conditions that could increase their cost of care. For example, large dogs like border collies, Labrador retrievers, Great Danes and German shepherds are more likely to have hip dysplasia, which could cost between $3,500 and $7,000 to treat, sometimes even more, depending on the situation.
What Does Pet Insurance Cover?
Now that you’ve taken a crash course in the cost of caring for a pet, you’ll want to identify what pet insurance covers. A per insurance policy will state the amount the insurance company will pay for medical expenses.
Accident and illness plans typically cover:
Broken bones
Toxic ingestion
Dental illnesses like gingivitis
Chronic conditions like diabetes
Breed-specific conditions like hip dysplasia
Emergency care
Disnitic testing
Hospitalization and surgery
Prescription medications
An accident-only pet insurance plan will cover veterinary expenses related to an accident, like a torn ligament or a pet swallowing something poisonous. But an accident-only plan will not cover veterinary expenses related to an illness, like ear infections or cancer.
Some pet insurance insurance plans have the option to add wellness or routine care coverage. This add-on covers expenses like routine check-ups, microchipping, vaccinations and flea/tick prevention.
What Does Pet Insurance Not Cover?
Here are some common pet insurance exclusions:
Experimental treatment. This includes treatments that are considered experimental, investigational and not within the standard of care accepted by the veterinary medical board in your state.
Food, dietary and nutritional supplements. Your pet’s dietary expenses are usually not covered by pet insurance, but some plans cover prescription food and supplements.
Grooming. Services such as baths, dips, nail trims and shampoos are typically not covered by pet insurance.
Non-veterinary expenses. This includes expenses such as any license or certification, compliance with a government rule or regulation (such as a dog license), record access or copying, and waste disposal services.
Pre-existing conditions. This includes illnesses and injuries that your pet had before your coverage started. Some plans do not permanently exclude pre-existing conditions. For example, ASPCA pet insurance covers “curable” pre-existing conditions if your pet has not shown signs or symptoms of certain conditions for 180 days. If the condition recurs after 180 days, it is covered like a new problem.
Related: Pet insurance for pre-existing conditions
Pet Insurance Deductibles, Reimbursement and Coverage Caps
When you choose a pet insurance policy, you will choose a deductible amount, which is the amount you pay before pet insurance starts to pay. Common per insurance deductible amounts range from $50 to $1,000. Generally, there are two different types of pet insurance deductibles:
Annual deductible: You’ll be responsible for paying the deductible each policy term. Once your deductible is met during the policy term, you won’t have to pay it again until the next year.
Per-condition deductible: You will pay a deductible for each condition or incident. For example, if your pet has chronic allergies, you would pay a deductible for medical expenses related to that treatment. Once your deductible is met, you won’t have to pay it again for vet expenses related to that condition. However, you will have to pay another deductible if your pet develops a new condition or incident.
You will select a reimbursement level, which is the portion of vet expenses your insurer will pay (after the deductible). Common reimbursement levels are usually 70%, 80% or 90%. However, some insurance companies like Figo will reimburse 100% of your vet expenses.
Your pet insurance company may also let you choose an annual coverage cap, such as $5,000. Some companies like Pets Best, TrustedPals and Spot have unlimited coverage.
What Does Pet Insurance Cost?
Our analysis found the average yearly cost is about $420 for dogs and $336 for cats, based on $5,000 in annual coverage with a $250 deductible and 90% reimbursement level. 
Average pet insurance costs
Your costs will vary depending on factors such as:
Pet’s breed. Some pets are more susceptible to certain conditions than others. For this reason, it may cost more to insure certain pets. For example, larger dogs usually cost more to insure.
Pet’s age. As pets age they are more susceptible to accidents and illnesses.
Pet’s gender. Female pets may be considered a lower risk, which can result in lower pet insurance premiums.
Location. Vet costs vary by location. If the vet costs are higher in your area, you may pay more for coverage.
Related: How much does pet insurance cost?
So, Is Pet Insurance Worth It?
Insurance companies aren’t in the business of paying more out in claims than what they take in in premiums. But that doesn’t mean the odds are always against you. If you get socked with a large, unexpected vet bill, what you’ve paid in premiums can be far less than what you receive in reimbursement. And that’s the main point of insurance: To have financial protection against large disasters.
Here’s one scenario:
Premiums: Suppose you’ve been paying for pet insurance for your dog for three years at about $684 a year. That’s $2,052 so far in pet insurance premiums.
A big vet bill: Then your dog ingests one of your toddler’s toys, which ends up costing $4,000 in vet bills. If you have a $500 deductible and a 90% reimbursement level, your out-of-pocket cost for the incident would be $850 ($500 deductible + 10% of 3,500 = $850).
The result: Adding up premiums for three years and the toy incident, you’ve paid $2,902. Without pet insurance, you would have paid $4,000 for the vet. You’ve avoided paying about $1,100 by having pet insurance.
“What’s important to know is that four out of five pets will have an unexpected emergency. You don’t know if that’s going to come three months or three years after you get your pet,” says Walter Haugland, vice president of marketing of Pets Best. “It’s almost impossible to plan for the unexpected. So, that’s where pet insurance comes in.”
When deciding if pet insurance is worth it, ask yourself:
What are you willing to pay out-of-pocket for vet bills?
How would you pay for costly vet expenses if something did come up, like an accident or an illness such as cancer?
You might have an idea right now of how much you’d be willing to pay in vet bills for an emergency. But if your pet is actually faced with a life or death situation, “you might be willing to stretch the budget further than you ever imagined,” says Haugland.
“Overall, buying pet insurance can give pet owners peace of mind and options so they can make the best care decision possible for a pet, without the financial risk,” Haugland says.
Find The Best Pet Insurance Companies Of 2022
Are Pet Owners Buying Pet Insurance?
Pet insurance has been growing in popularity. There was a 28% increase in total insured pets in the U.S. from 2020 to 2021, according to NAPHIA. Dogs overwhelmingly represent the majority of insured pets (82%) compared to cats (18%).
The rise in pet insurance might be partially attributed to the pandemic. More than three-quarters (78%) of pet owners said they acquired a pet during the pandemic, according to a Forbes Advisor survey. Of the survey respondents, half (50%) said they already had pet insurance while 21% said they plan to buy pet insurance this year.
Alternatives to Pet Insurance
If you’re not interested in purchasing pet insurance, here are some alternatives to pay for your pet’s veterinary care:
Savings account. You can set aside money in a savings account for your pet’s vet bills. The advantage of this strategy is that you won’t pay an annual pet insurance premium. The disadvantage is that you could take a considerable bite out of your savings if your pet suffers a major accident or illness, such as a torn ACL or cancer.
Credit card. You could pay your pet’s vet bill with a credit card. The downside to this approach is that the average credit card interest rate is 16.45%.
Financing. You could borrow money from a bank or lending institution to help pay for your pet’s vet bill. Personal loan rates currently range between 4% to 36%, depending on your lender, creditworthiness and other factors.
Payment plan. You may be able to negotiate a weekly or monthly payment plan with your veterinarian.
Fundraising. You can look into crowdfunding your pet’s vet bills with fundraising platforms such as GoFundMe or Waggle, a pet-dedicated crowdfunding site that sends funds directed to verified veterinarians.
Other alternatives. If you have trouble paying for your pet’s veterinarian bills, ask if your vet accepts Care Credit, a credit card designed for health care expenses, or look into other pet financial aid options. Here is a list of resources from the Humane Society of the United States.
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See How Much Pet Insurance Costs From Top Insurers
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your-dietician · 2 years
Can 23andMe Detect the BRCA Gene? What To Know Before Testing
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/can-23andme-detect-the-brca-gene-what-to-know-before-testing/
Can 23andMe Detect the BRCA Gene? What To Know Before Testing
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Not only do home genetic test kits, like 23andMe, provide information about your ancestry, but they can also give you some insights into your inherited health risks, particularly mutations on the BRCA genes that can increase your chances of getting breast cancer down the line.
While most cases of breast and ovarian cancer aren’t hereditary, having certain BRCA mutations can significantly increase your risk for these cancers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explain. In the general population, about seven in 100 women will develop breast cancer by the time they turn 70 compared to 50 out of 100 women who have BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, the CDC says.
One in every 500 women has a mutation on one of their BRCA genes. If either of a person’s parents have a BRCA mutation, then the person has a 50% chance of having the same one, per the CDC.
In 2018, 23andMe became the first company to get authorization from the Food and Drug Administration to provide BRCA genetic testing at home without a doctor’s referral ahead of time.
The test, which costs $199 and just requires a sample of your saliva, is an easy way to get a window into your potential health risks. But experts told TODAY that not everyone needs to follow their curiosity down this path — and it’s probably worth having a conversation with your doctor about your genetic health questions first.
If you’re thinking about using 23andMe to detect BRCA mutations, here’s what you should know.
What are BRCA gene mutations?
BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that typically help your body suppress cancerous tumors, the CDC explains. If you have certain changes — called variants or mutations — in your BRCA genes, that may affect your health risks. But not all genetic variants are inherently harmful.
“We all have little changes in our genes,” Dr. Alicia Latham, medical geneticist and family medicine physician at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, told TODAY.
On one end of the spectrum, there are totally benign variants that are neither good nor bad and “may just create or contribute to our uniqueness,” Latham said. At the other end of the spectrum, there are true, pathogenic mutations that increase the risk for certain health conditions, like breast cancer.
In between, there are many variants of uncertain significance, which indicates that experts don’t know exactly what effect that mutation might have on your health risks, Dr. Banu Arun, professor of breast medical oncology and co-director of the Clinical Cancer Genetics Program at MD Anderson Cancer Center, told TODAY.
In fact, there are more than 1,000 possible mutations in just BRCA1 and BRCA2 that could affect cancer risk, Arun explained. Three of those mutations — known as founder mutations — significantly increase the risk for breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute. And people with Ashkenazi Jewish heritage are particularly likely to carry these mutations, the CDC says.
These are the three mutations that 23andMe tests for, Ruth Tennen, Ph.D., senior product scientist at 23andMe, told TODAY. The company chose to focus on these because they are some of the most well-studied variants, she said.
But because there are many more possible BRCA variants out there that 23andMe does not detect, “we’re really just testing for a very small subset of those variants that are of particular importance for people of Ashkenazi Jewish descent,” Tennen explained.
Can 23andMe detect breast cancer?
Genetic tests like 23andMe can’t tell you whether or not you actively have cancer. Instead, 23andMe tests for specific BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations that put you at a higher risk for developing certain types of cancer, including breast cancer.
Specifically, 23andMe looks for these three BRCA variants:
BRCA1 185delAG
BRCA1 5382insC
BRCA2 6174delT
Remember that there are other BRCA variants that 23andMe does not test for that might also impact your breast cancer risk. “And, importantly, there are other genes out there that can increase the risk of hereditary breast cancer,” Arun said, such as mutations in PALB2, ATM, CHEK2, CDH1 and p53 genes.
Who should consider BRCA genetic testing?
If you’re interested in learning more about your BRCA status or your genetic risks for any health conditions, start by talking to your doctor or a genetic counselor, the National Cancer Institute says, which should include a discussion of your family’s health history.
In doing so, you may learn that you actually meet the eligibility requirements for comprehensive genetic testing ordered via a counselor or your doctor. For instance, Ashkenazi Jewish women who have a first-degree relative who was diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer are likely to be eligible, the CDC says.
Another reason to meet with a counselor first is that at-home genetic testing may tell you about many more genetic results than just those related to BRCA, Latham said. “You may think, ‘Well, I want to know my BRCA status and that’s what I’m doing this for,’ but you may find a surprise that makes absolutely no sense based off of your family history and has very serious implications for you.”
If you test a lot of people for a lot of different genetic variants that they don’t necessarily need to be tested for, “we are increasing the risk of receiving results that we do not know what to do with,” Arun explained. “That increases anxiety amongst the patient and the healthcare provider.”
With a genetic counselor, you will only be tested for the genetic risks that make sense for you to investigate, Arun said. And you’ll have someone to help you sort through the results.
Related: At-home genetic testing for cancer and other disease risk is booming: Should you try it?
What should you do with your results?
Whether your BRCA results are positive or negative, you should go over them with your doctor. If your results are negative, that doesn’t mean you don’t have any of the many other BRCA mutations that can affect your cancer risk. And if your results are positive, you will likely need confirmatory testing to be sure.
Latham recommended consulting the National Society of Genetic Counselors database to find someone who specializes in the issues you’re particularly interested in.
Because 23andMe is only looking for a few BRCA variants, “if you get a negative result in these three specific mutations, you are not ruling anything out,” Arun said. “So you’re not done yet.”
Latham agreed, adding that, even if you get a positive result, a genetic counselor would likely recommend another round of testing to confirm. 
“We really think about ourselves as a kind of screening test,” Tennen said, noting that 23andMe may reach people who don’t qualify for or can’t otherwise access clinical genetic testing.
The company provides comprehensive education about BRCA variants on its website, she noted. And consumers need to opt in multiple times throughout the process after being made aware of the limitations of 23andMe testing.
Once a consumer has their results, “we really try to emphasize that a negative result doesn’t mean you’re in the clear, and then if you have a positive result, you need to get confirmatory testing because we are not a diagnostic test,” Tennen said. Additionally, 23andMe recently acquired telehealth company Lemonaid Health, so the company can also provide genetic report consultations.
Still, Arun and Latham said they would encourage those who are interested in learning more about genetic testing to start with their doctor — not an at-home test.
“People are curious, that’s in our nature,” Latham said. But before going through genetic testing on their own, it’s important “to understand what the implications may be,” she continued. “And it’s not just implications for yourself — it’s implications for your family, too.”
Read full article here
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Hereditary Cancer Test Company | MyRisk Testing Kit | Best Prevention Approach
Are you looking for hereditary cancer test company in India? Positive Bioscience provides MyRisk testing kit to diagnose hereditary cancer at an early stage. Know your increased genetic risks of cancer through Hereditary cancer test. Get a free consultation from experts and know the best prevention approach to cure cancer. 
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palmtreepalmtree · 3 years
Further to my last post about surprise medical billing, I just wanted to share my experience in case it helps anyone in the meanwhile.
In the fall of 2020, my sister was diagnosed with something pre-cancerous that needed to be removed. Her doctor informed her that this was hereditary and has a high incidence, and I should be checked immediately.
I found a doctor who was in-network for a consultation, and he agreed that even though I was a little younger than is usually necessary for screenings, I should get a colonoscopy. I share these details for later relevance.
Before my procedure I checked to make sure that the out-patient facility my doctor used was also in-network. The facility also called my insurer for pre-approval.
The day of the procedure, I did the usual intake. The first time I met the anesthesiologist was when I was already in a gown, post-pregnancy test (ladies amirite?), on a gurney, with an IV in my arm.
Fast forward to a month later. I get the bill from the doctor who performed the colonoscopy -- like a $25 co-pay if I recall correctly. And then I get the bill from the anesthesiologist -- $700 because apparently he's out-of-network.
I call my insurer. At first, the billing person tries to explain to me that the anesthesiologist was out-of-network. Which was just *crazy* to me. Was I also supposed to check who was going to be the anesthesiologist on duty that day? The doctor was in-network, the surgical center was in-network, but not the anesthesiologist they have on staff?
Then the billing person changes their mind and says the reason the anesthesiologist wasn't covered was because my exam was "diagnostic" and not "preventative." Because I needed to be checked based on what my sister had, the procedure wasn't covered in the same way. So the doctor was covered, but not the anesthesiology. For a procedure which, as I understand it, typically requires anesthesiology. So like, again, WTF!?
The billing person reassures me that she will change the characterization of the procedure to "preventative," and the anesthesiologist will be covered. Great. Whatever bullshit box-ticking y'all need to do, I don't care, just get this bill off my desk.
Fast forward another few months and I get a re-issued bill from the anesthesiologist's office. $700. Insurer declined to cover.
I call my insurer again. They see the record of my appeal of the decision and they don't know why it was declined. I again, recount the scenario for the billing person about how there was no way for me to know I was supposed to clear the anesthesiologist for being in-network separately from the surgical center which was in-network.
This time, suddenly, the billing person says that the anesthesiologist is in-network. The anesthesiologist was in-network the whole time!? This new billing person again reassures me that the $700 will be covered.
I spent the last two months, regularly calling the anesthesiologist's billing company asking them not to put the bill in collections while my insurer took its sweet time figuring its shit out, and trying to assure the collections people that my insurer said it will be paid. Yesterday, after receiving a threatening letter from the medical biller, I was finally told that the account had been zeroed out -- which I guess is medical billing for 'paid' or otherwise accounted for.
I'm still waiting on my mailed confirmation. And I still don't know why the initial bill was declined by my insurance. Was the anesthesiologist out-of-network? Was anesthesiology only approved for this exam if it's "preventative" but not if it's "diagnostic"? Did I need to get pre-approved separately for the anesthesiology? I don't fucking know.
A $700 bill wasn't going to break me. But considering how much I pay for insurance each month, it would have been absolutely bullshit to owe that full amount for one doctor on top of it. And if my finances were tighter, that bill could have been a pretty serious problem.
I don't know if anyone finds this helpful, but fucking hell, if you get a bullshit bill, fight it. Fight it forever.
In the end all of this was a fucking waste of my time, and I'm glad to hear that this practice will no longer be allowed.
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starwarsnonsense · 5 years
Top 10 films of 2019
Here’s my very belated top 10 films of 2019! Note that this is a list of films that were released in the UK theatrically in 2019, meaning it includes certain releases that would be considered to belong to 2018 by others.
Honourable mentions: Joker, Hustlers, Booksmart, A Private War, Fighting With My Family
(And don’t worry - Little Women, 1917 and Uncut Gems are all already on my list for 2020.)
Look out for my most anticipated films of 2020 list, coming soon!
With that out of the way, here’s my list (in ascending order)! Do share your picks in the comments!
10. The Irishman (dir. Martin Scorsese)
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This is clearly the work of a master filmmaker with much on his mind. In telling the story of Frank Sheeran, Scorsese is telling the story of a man who makes his trade in violence. Instead of elevating Frank as a hero or a figure of glamour, he’s consistently shown to be rather pathetic. He stumbles into the role of hitman for various factions of the criminal underworld, and sticks to it seemingly because it’s what comes most easily to him. The violence enacted by Sheeran is inane and routine, with no thought given to the personal cost until it is far too late. The final 15 minutes of this film show a life petering out with a whimper, laying bare the indignities of old age and the cold, empty horror of enduring it with no company besides your own regrets. The Irishman is a portrait of a life lived badly, and in the hands of anyone besides Scorsese it could have been dry and tedious. Instead, the filmmaking is incredibly assured and the editing is whip-sharp (in Thelma Schoonmaker we trust), making it a pleasure to watch even with the lengthy runtime. 
9. The Farewell (dir. Lulu Wang)
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The Farewell is a personal story about a young Asian-American woman (Awkwafina) struggling to reconcile her heritage with her current situation and values - specifically, she is tested when her grandmother is diagnosed with cancer and the wider family make the decision to hide the truth from her. The Farewell does a fantastic job of generating empathy for all the different perspectives and positions in play, but it’s truly anchored by Awkwafina’s amazingly nuanced and tender performance - basically, anyone who’s ever loved a grandparent should leave this feeling incredibly moved and inspired. The themes of The Farewell are both specific to the Asian-American experience and general to anyone who has struggled with maintaining bonds over a vast distance, whether physical or cultural. Lulu Wang is an exciting new voice in cinema, and I will watch her career with great interest.           
8. Pain & Glory (dir. Pedro Almodóvar)
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Almodóvar is one of my favourite filmmakers, and one of the reasons I love his work so much is its wild diversity. My favourite from him is The Skin I Live In, a film that could not be more different than Pain & Glory. This is a small, very personal film telling the story of a middle-aged director (Banderas, clearly playing a version of  Almodóvar himself) who’s struggling with his legacy as a filmmaker and the increasing privations attached to middle age. Suffering in the present, Salvador finds himself retreating into memories of his childhood - particularly of his mother (Penelope Cruz) and his first crush. The childhood sequences were where the film really sung for me, perfectly capturing the sun-dappled glow of reminiscences of childhood. And the ending, where  Almodóvar truly shows his hand, is delightfully mischievous and the perfect cap on this very personal picture.
7. Once Upon a Time in ... Hollywood (dir. Quentin Tarantino)
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This is a slice of life movie, but while that might call to mind ‘kitchen sink’ dramas, this is unabashedly a ‘slice of life’ movie about Hollywood and the mythology that has developed around it. It’s meandering and feels rather aimless for the bulk of its runtime, but that’s kind of the point. It’s exactly what the title promises in that it recaptures what life was like in a very specific time and in a very specific place - it’s an idealised, loving depiction of the Hollywood of the time, with the movie stars, flawed and fading as they are, cast as heroes menaced by the drugged-up hippies poised to dismantle the status quo. It ends in the fashion you’d expect from Tarantino, but here I found his revisionist approach to history remarkably poignant and effective. Film is a magic medium, with Hollywood serving as the ultimate dream factory - it feels completely right that Tarantino would attempt to use celluloid to right one of the great tragedies of Hollywood history.
6. One Cut of the Dead (dir. Shinichirou Ueda)
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I went into this with no expectations whatsoever - and what a treat it was! One Cut of the Dead is easily one of the funniest movies I’ve seen in years, taking what initially seems like a trite concept (a crew is filming a zombie movie at a desolate location ... only to discover that the zombies are real!) and twisting it in a truly ingenious way. The comedy is very broad, but it is consistently delightful and always manages to avoid becoming crass - the movie even has some really sweet family dynamics at the centre of it, which gives it some real emotional heft. The success of this film is heavily reliant on a major twist that occurs part-way through, so the best advice I can give you is to stay as far away from spoilers for this one as possible - go in blind, and you will be amply rewarded for your faith.
5. Midsommar (dir. Ari Aster)
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I went into this film with reservations, since I wasn’t a huge fan of Hereditary (by the same director), which I found to have extraordinary moments but iffy execution overall. This movie, however, wowed me. While marketed as a freaky/arty horror film, the director has described it as a fairy tale, which is the level on which is spoke to me. Midsommar follows Dani (an incredible Florence Pugh), a young woman who has suffered a terrible loss, as she travels with her boyfriend and his friends to a pagan festival in the Swedish countryside. Dani is painfully isolated, and her grief is hers to shoulder alone since her boyfriend is un-receptive and entirely unprepared to help her. Over the course of the film, destruction and creation are conflated in ways that are both beautiful and horrific - this film spoke to me on a profound level, and the way it ended gave me an incredible sense of catharsis. This won’t be for everyone, for I found it to be a deeply special film. Let’s all raise a toast to the imminent, and much welcome, reign of Florence Pugh.
4. Parasite (dir. Bong Joon-Ho)
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Parasite is that rare film that more than lives up to the massive hype surrounding it (you don’t get more hyped than winning Best Picture at the Academy Awards!). It’s hard to write about this film without spoilers, since so much of the joy of Parasite lies in discovering what the hell is going on. This is an ‘upstairs downstairs’ movie for the 21st century, where the downstairs people have fierce designs on the lives and pleasures enjoyed by their social superiors. The rich people here are not vilified, though they are depicted as vapid and shallow, perpetually searching for new ways to fill their lives with meaning. Their struggling counterparts from the rough side of the city are struggling only to get by - their lives too hard to allow time for such indulgences. This is a film about the fantasy of social advancement, and the power that dreams have to hold us in thrall to hopeless ambitions. It’s masterfully directed, acted and designed, and it has been extremely gratifying to see it receive such widespread recognition.
3. Marriage Story (dir. Noah Baumbach)
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I was always going to see this (hey Adam Driver!) but I was entirely unprepared for how great Marriage Story was. Easily Baumbach’s best film, Marriage Story is a masterclass in acting and character writing - it’s fiercely intelligent in how it constantly forces you to reassess what you’re seeing and where your sympathies lie. Does Charlie seem like an oblivious, navel-gazing asshole? Sure, but he’s also confused and vulnerable and thrown entirely off balance by his awakening consciousness of his wife’s dreams and ambitions. Nicole is self-effacing and self-denying, as so many women are, which makes her emerging confidence and newfound sense of direction incredibly satisfying to witness. In the second half of Marriage Story, Driver’s Charlie undoubtedly takes the spotlight - it’s clear to me that he becomes the focus largely because he continues to flounder as Nicole finds her footing. Baumbach, wisely I feel, is most interested in his characters when they’re lost, struggling to be better but barely understanding what that means. Even if you don’t sympathise with Charlie by the end of Marriage Story, I can promise you will come away with a thorough understanding of him thanks to Driver’s extraordinary performance. Superlative work, all round. (It’s also, just for the record, the only film of 2019 to make me cry.)
2. Portrait of a Lady on Fire (dir. Céline Sciamma)
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This is the 2019 film I am most excited to see again (it’s coming out in a week in the UK - I’m so excited!). Sciamma’s film is an incredibly moving and deeply beautiful love story, depicting how a female artist in 18th century France falls in love with the woman she has been covertly employed to paint. Portrait is very much a film about the act of looking, and in many ways it’s the ultimate female gaze film - it’s all about women looking at women, as depicted by a female filmmaker. Gazes are political as much as they’re romantic - here, our two heroines drink each other, aware of exactly how dangerous and forbidden their mutual intoxication is. The woozy thrall of their relationship is exquisitely conveyed through the cinematography and direction, and the final shot - which I won’t spoil - is an all-timer that serves as an exquisite coda to the entire film. This is a truly superb film, and I’m still incensed that it received no substantial awards recognition. Let’s hope it goes down in film history as the masterpiece it is, yet another omission proving the limitations of the Oscars as a metric for great art.
1. The Favourite (dir.  Yorgos Lanthimos)
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This completely wowed me, and against all the odds it stuck with me as the best film I saw in 2019 - it features a trio of magnificently compelling female characters (played by Olivia Colman, Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone) operating at the court of Queen Anne (Colman is Anne, Weisz and Stone are courtiers), and is laser-focused on the shifting sands of the power dynamics between them. The script is savage without sacrificing poignancy, witty without ceasing to be emotionally honest. And while I’ve seen some react to this film as a comedy (and it certainly has laughs, most of which are tightly packaged with shock), for me it was very clearly a drama about the inscrutable and complicated relationships that exist between women. Specifically, it is about how those relationships run the gamut from sincere affinity to ruthless manipulation. This is a spectacular movie, visually and thematically rich in every frame, and it also has the best use of an Elton John song in 2019 (sorry, Rocketman!).
Fly away, skyline pigeon fly, towards the things you’ve left so very, so very far, behind.
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