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Call for Abstracts!!! Track 25: Vaccines and immunization Submit your paper/abstract/research at the CME/CPD accredited At the CME/CPD accredited 15th American Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, and Patient Safety Summit, CME/CPD recognized, from May 14-16, 2025 in San Francisco, USA. Submit your abstract here: https://health.universeconferences.com/vaccines-and-immunization/ WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text= Publish your paper here: https://health.universeconferences.com/nhpsucg-journals/ #Vaccines #Immunization #Vaxxed #GetVaccinated #VaccineSafety #PublicHealth #ProtectYourself #HerdImmunity #VaccineAwareness #StayHealthy #healthcare #healthcarenursing #Hospitalmanagement
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Understanding Vaccinations: Benefits, Risks, and Global Health Implications
Vaccinations are a critical tool in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and have been credited with saving countless lives over the years. However, there is often confusion and misinformation surrounding the benefits and risks of vaccinations. Here, we will discuss the importance of vaccinations and the potential risks associated with them.
The primary benefit of vaccinations is the prevention of infectious diseases. By introducing a small, harmless amount of a disease-causing agent into the body, vaccines stimulate the immune system to develop antibodies that can fight off the actual disease. This helps to build immunity and prevent the spread of infectious diseases in communities.
Vaccinations are also important for individuals who cannot be vaccinated due to medical conditions, such as allergies or immune system disorders. By achieving herd immunity through widespread vaccination, the risk of these individuals contracting the disease is greatly reduced.
However, like any medical intervention, there are potential risks associated with vaccinations. The most common side effects include mild fever, soreness at the injection site, and muscle aches. More serious side effects, such as severe allergic reactions, are rare.
Despite the rare occurrence of serious side effects, there is a vocal anti-vaccination movement that has gained momentum in recent years. Some individuals and groups claim that vaccinations are linked to autism or other serious health conditions, although these claims have been thoroughly debunked by scientific research.
It is important for individuals to make informed decisions about vaccinations based on accurate information and advice from healthcare professionals. While there are risks associated with any medical intervention, the benefits of vaccinations in preventing the spread of infectious diseases far outweigh the potential risks.
In conclusion, vaccinations are a critical tool in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and have been credited with saving countless lives. While there are potential risks associated with vaccinations, these are rare and are far outweighed by the benefits of preventing infectious diseases. It is important for individuals to make informed decisions about vaccinations based on accurate information and advice from healthcare professionals.
In addition to the benefits of vaccinations in preventing the spread of infectious diseases, they also play a crucial role in global health. Vaccination campaigns have helped to eradicate smallpox and have brought many other diseases, such as polio and measles, under control.
However, despite these successes, there are still many challenges in ensuring that vaccinations reach all those who need them. Access to vaccines can be limited in certain regions or populations, and misinformation or mistrust of vaccines can also hinder vaccination efforts.
To address these challenges, there are ongoing efforts to improve vaccine access and education around the world. These efforts include increasing vaccine production and distribution, strengthening healthcare infrastructure, and promoting accurate information about the benefits and risks of vaccinations.
In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of vaccinations in global health. Vaccines have played a critical role in reducing the spread of the virus and preventing severe illness and death. However, the pandemic has also highlighted the challenges in vaccine distribution and hesitancy.
As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic and other infectious diseases, it is crucial to maintain a focus on the importance of vaccinations. By ensuring widespread access to vaccines and promoting accurate information, we can continue to reap the benefits of vaccinations in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and promoting global health.
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Will Unvaccinated Kids Put My Vaccinated Children at Risk? #VaccinationConcerns #Parenting #HealthyKids #HerdImmunity Hey e... Link: https://mymetric360.com/question/will-unvaccinated-kids-put-my-vaccinated-children-at-risk/?feed_id=310612&_unique_id=673fb655e4a6e
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"Understanding the Mumps Vaccine: Benefits and Efficacy"
The mumps vaccine, an essential component of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) immunization, plays a critical role in safeguarding public health by preventing the spread of the highly contagious mumps virus. Introduced in the late 1960s, the mumps vaccine has drastically reduced the incidence of mumps-related complications such as orchitis, meningitis, and hearing loss, which were once common.
Vaccination induces a robust immune response, offering long-lasting protection against the virus and contributing to herd immunity, which is crucial for protecting individuals who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons. Despite the vaccine's success, recent years have seen sporadic outbreaks, often attributed to declining vaccination rates and waning immunity, emphasizing the need for booster doses and continuous public health education. Ensuring high vaccination coverage remains vital in preventing these outbreaks and maintaining community health. The mumps vaccine, usually administered in childhood, continues to be a cornerstone of infectious disease prevention, highlighting the importance of immunization programs in controlling vaccine-preventable diseases and promoting a healthier future for all. #MumpsVaccine #MMR #Vaccination #PublicHealth #HerdImmunity #PreventMumps #HealthProtection #Immunization #InfectiousDisease #VaccineAwareness #ChildhoodVaccines #CommunityHealth #VaccineEducation #HealthyFuture #DiseasePrevention #ImmunizeNow #VaccineSafety #StopMumps #VaccineBenefits #HealthForAll
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From Swelling to Safety: Understanding the Mumps Vaccine
The mumps vaccine stands as a cornerstone of preventive medicine, offering robust protection against the contagious viral infection caused by the mumps virus. Administered as part of routine childhood immunization schedules, the mumps vaccine has significantly reduced the incidence of mumps outbreaks and their associated complications, such as swelling of the salivary glands, fever, headache, and in severe cases, meningitis or deafness. By stimulating the body's immune response to produce antibodies against the mumps virus, the vaccine not only prevents individuals from contracting the disease but also contributes to the broader community immunity, reducing the overall transmission of the virus. The mumps vaccine is typically administered in combination with vaccines against measles and rubella (MMR vaccine) or measles, rubella, and varicella (MMRV vaccine), providing comprehensive protection against multiple infectious diseases. As with all vaccines, widespread vaccination against mumps is essential for maintaining herd immunity and preventing outbreaks, particularly in settings such as schools, colleges, and communities where individuals are in close contact. Continuous research and monitoring ensure the safety and efficacy of the mumps vaccine, with periodic booster doses recommended to maintain immunity throughout life. With its proven track record in preventing mumps and its complications, the mumps vaccine remains a critical tool in safeguarding public health and promoting well-being for individuals of all ages.#MumpsVaccine #Vaccination #PublicHealth #HerdImmunity #PreventiveMedicine #Immunization #ChildhoodImmunization #InfectiousDisease #ViralInfections #Healthcare #Wellness #CommunityHealth #HearstImmunity #VaccineSafety #HealthPromotion
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#herdimmunity #vaccines https://www.instagram.com/p/CXNLRRJrf6Q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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And Covid vaccine dose two is done! #herdimmunity #vaccinated #vaccinationdone✔️ #ɢᴇᴛᴠᴀᴄᴄɪɴᴀᴛᴇᴅ https://www.instagram.com/p/CO8sEJyho-f/?igshid=1c7p3e2zd1zss
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Ignore the CDC?
I’M GAME A professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine says that almost half the country has natural immunity from COVID-19. “Please, ignore the CDC guidance. Live a normal life, unless you are unvaccinated and did not have the infection, in which case you need to be careful.” Being dismissive of natural immunity is “one of the biggest failures of our current medical leadership.” He thinks the United States has already achieved herd immunity. However, “the most slow, reactionary, political CDC in American history” has been ignoring the facts. This reinforces what I already knew and what I have already been doing. Screw Fauci and the CDC.
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Redneck Dentist - 2021-05-08 - Episode 11 - Predator & Nuisance Control, Dental Dream, Herd Immunity
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The sheep are the most dangerous. The real police. They are the ones that will shuffle us all to the corner’ for their lack of judgment and awareness. People who still have respect for their body and their natural universal’ rights will be forced into getting the vaccine to reach the herd immunity, and to be able to be free........ That is the problem. We are already free. They are the problem. Keep following along dummies and your going to get everyone fucked.
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First dose down #modernmedicine #science #grateful #herdimmunity #forthosewhocant #doyourpart #love https://www.instagram.com/p/CNYJBBeByOr/?igshid=wxpepmrdefe5
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"Stay Strong, Stay Vaccinated: Defending Against Mumps Outbreaks"
The mumps vaccine stands as a vital tool in modern medicine, offering effective protection against the contagious viral infection caused by the mumps virus.
Administered as part of routine childhood immunization schedules, the vaccine has significantly reduced the incidence of mumps worldwide, preventing outbreaks and potential complications associated with the disease, such as meningitis, encephalitis, and deafness. Typically given in combination with the measles and rubella vaccines (MMR), the mumps vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine that stimulates the body's immune response to produce antibodies against the virus, providing long-lasting immunity. Vaccination not only protects vaccinated individuals but also contributes to herd immunity, reducing the overall transmission of the virus within communities and safeguarding those who may be unable to receive the vaccine due to medical reasons. Despite its effectiveness, occasional mumps outbreaks still occur, emphasizing the importance of high vaccination coverage rates to maintain population immunity. Ongoing research and surveillance efforts continue to monitor vaccine efficacy and safety, ensuring that the mumps vaccine remains a cornerstone of public health initiatives aimed at preventing infectious diseases.
#MumpsVaccine #Vaccination #PublicHealth #MMRVaccine #HerdImmunity #InfectiousDisease #PreventiveMedicine #Immunization #HealthProtection #ChildhoodVaccines #Healthcare #CommunityImmunity #VaccineSafety #GlobalHealth #HealthPromotion
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Living with Covid-19 : A solution that might work !

For better or worse life on Mother Earth has changed, forever ! There is no going back . This is not a doomsday declaration .
Let’s understand that Covid-19 may be here to stay .No one knows exactly how this virus will behave .But based on current evidence and on previous influenza pandemics ,it looks like it will last for 18 to 24 months .It will stay,lurking in some person or another ,hopefully unknown to most of us ,until we acquire the herd immunity we need to .
With global race for vaccine intensifying ,the course of pandemic could be influenced , but it will likely not be available until atleast sometime in 2021 and there is little knowledge of what challenge could arise during the development of vaccine which could delay timelines .Even after a vaccine is developed, it will still take a long time to administer it to all and get everyone protected .So let’s be prepared to live with Covid-19.Lets focus on healthy lifestyle like eating a balanced diet,regular exercise,avoid group gatherings as much as possible and practising personal hygiene measures.
The way forward is graded opening up and not an indefinite lockdown. While we open up we have to protect the vulnerable and accept that a large number of young will get infected .That will provide herd immunity.But most importantly this should be a lesson for the time to come — to build our public health facilities,our intensive care facilities and develop our research and development in public and tertiary health care .And it is a solution that might work !
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Para Pekerja Gudang (1)
Saya sedang mengenakan sarung tangan ketika seseorang mendekat, lalu berhenti di belakang saya. Sepertinya saya menghalangi dia untuk mengambil sepeda.
Kami berada di parkiran luar sebuah gudang toko serba ada di Ede, Belanda. Jelang dini hari. Hawa tidak terlalu dingin sebenarnya. Kisaran 15–17° Celsius. Tapi saya ingin jari-jari tangan terbungkus sarung tangan Peru yang baru saya beli. Hangatnya pas, meski membuat seorang pemuda menunda langkahnya.
“Kamu tinggal di Wageningen?” tanya saya, menengok jaket biru gelap yang dikenakan bertuliskan nama kampus di sana.
“Ya,” jawabnya. Kami bersepakat pulang bersama, menempuh rute paling cepat, tapi gelap. Banyak potongan jalan yang dibiarkan tanpa penerangan. Dan sepi.
“Ini minggu keempat saya bekerja. Setiap pulang malam, entah mengapa, saya jarang berpapasan dengan orang. Saya tahu beberapa orang yang bekerja di gudang tinggal di Wageningen. Mereka pulang-pergi naik sepeda. Mungkin mereka ditelan kegelapan,” begitu pengakuan Ninad, teman baru saya. Asalnya dari India. Suka sekali bicara.
Dia lulus S-2 dari kampus yang sama dengan saya, akhir tahun lalu. Pada Januari, dia sempat balik ke kampung halaman. Februari sudah berada lagi di Belanda, sebelum virus korona merangsek ke seantero Eropa. “Kamu beruntung,” celetuk saya.
“Tidak juga,” balasnya. “Saya heran mengapa orang-orang, terutama orang-orang sini, tampak beraktivitas sebagaimana biasa. Dari jendela kamar, setiap hari saya menyaksikan ada saja orang yang berkeliaran di luar. Inilah gambaran dari kebijakan ketahanan bersama (herd immunity) yang diterapkan Pemerintah Belanda. Saya sulit memahaminya. Ini terlalu berisiko. Kita menghadapi virus baru. Kita belum tahu sepenuhnya bagaimana tubuh manusia meresponsnya.”
Sepanjang perjalanan, ternyata saya lebih banyak mendengar pemuda Mumbai tersebut mengumbar cerita. Tugas saya hanya melempar pertanyaan supaya percakapan tak putus dan suasana berubah hening. Tentu saja, ini memudahkan saya sebagai teman perjalanan.
Tak terasa, kami sudah memasuki kawasan Wageningen. Jalan menyempit. Lebar aspal kurang dari 1,5 meter. Saat cuaca cerah, potongan jalan ini sangat sejuk. Pohon-pohon berbaris di tepian jalan. Penduduk di permukiman sekitar menjadikannya sebagai lokasi favorit untuk jalan-jalan sembari menghirup udara segar. Ketika bersepeda, saya mesti beralih ke jalur berlawanan jika harus menyalip para pejalan kaki seandainya mereka berjalan berpasang-pasangan. Kadang mereka sendiri yang membelah kerapatan.
Saya dipertemukan dengan jalan tersebut oleh seorang kawan. Jalan Dijkgraaf, dia menyebutnya. Saat itu, kami pulang dari gudang dalam keadaan terang. Masih sore. Dia bilang, pemandangan di sepanjang Jalan Dijkgraaf lebih indah daripada melalui jalan besar. Saya bisa melihat rumah-rumah besar khas Belanda yang satu sama lain terpisahkan oleh hamparan ladang rumput nan hijau dan kawasan pertanian yang lapang, laiknya lukisan. Di sejumlah petak, kawanan sapi perah yang gemuk dan malas bisa jadi tontonan. Yang lebih penting, ini rute paling cepat untuk sampai ke tempat kerja. Kira-kira 15 menit lebih cepat daripada menempuh jalan besar.
Namun, saya sempat kebingungan pada malam pertama pulang sendirian. Di salah satu pertigaan, saya tak tahu harus mengambil jalan lurus atau belok ke kanan. Dirundung rasa panik dan lelah di badan, saya tak sanggup bertindak tenang. Tak terpikir lagi bahwa seharusnya ada penanda jalan di setiap persimpangan.
Saya memutuskan berhenti di tengah pertigaan. Menoleh ke kanan dan ke kiri. Kanan, kiri. Kanan, kiri. Kanan, kiri. Dan…. Tidak akan menemukan siapa-siapa kalau mengambil jalan lurus, pikir saya. Menoleh ke kanan, saya melihat sepeda tengah berjalan di kejauhan. Saya mengenalinya dari lampu belakang sepeda yang berkedap-kedip dan tas hijau menyala yang dikenakan si pengendara. Saya buru-buru mengejarnya, sebelum dia benar-benar ditelan oleh kegelapan.
“Apakah ini jalan ke arah Wageningen?” tanya saya begitu berhasil mengiringinya. Suara agak terengah-engah, meski sudah sebisa mungkin saya samarkan.
“Ya,” katanya. “Saya menuju ke sana.”
“Boleh saya mengikutimu sampai ke sana?” Saya yakin tak bakal menerima penolakan.
Lisette, begitu dia kemudian memperkenalkan dirinya. Kala itu, dia sudah bekerja di gudang selama dua pekan. Karena bisa berbahasa Belanda, dia ditempatkan di bagian pemungutan barang. Ini bagian yang keren. Orang-orang bekerja memakai headphone yang dilengkapi dengan mikrofon. Mereka mendengar perintah pesanan dunia luar melalui alat tersebut. Tapi kerja mereka mensyaratkan untuk konstan berjalan, mengitari seisi gudang dengan troli untuk mengumpulkan pesanan dari barang-barang yang letaknya terpencar-pencar.
Perempuan yang berasal tak jauh dari Breda ini masih cukup muda. Dia baru menamatkan studi sarjana. Pada September nanti, dia hendak melanjutkan S-2. Dia memutuskan tetap tinggal di Wageningen ketimbang pulang ke rumah orangtuanya. “Kampung halaman saya agak terpencil. Di sana saya tidak akan menemukan apa-apa untuk bekerja,” terangnya.
Dia mengaku tidak terlalu mengambil pusing dengan wabah korona. Justru dia tak mau jika akhirnya tidak melakukan apa-apa. “Hidup mesti berjalan seperti biasa,” tukasnya. Apalagi, dengan status mahasiswa yang belum lagi melekat padanya, dia mesti membayar sewa kamar dan berbagai keperluan hidup secara mandiri, tanpa pinjaman dari negara.
Kami berpisah jalan ketika saya harus berbelok arah. Dia mengenakan lagi headset pribadi yang sempat dilepasnya. Mungkin percakapan kami membuatnya melewatkan lagu-lagu kesayangan yang hendak didengarnya.
Wageningen, 9 April 2020
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Protecting the herd - look at this cute #holographic bandaid the doctor gave me! #flushot #vaccine #herdimmunity https://www.instagram.com/p/B4QB3QHDbmn/?igshid=1wpuynmarjssq
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