#Her Guardian Angel | Aeon!Makoto AU
fatexbound · 8 days
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"Perhaps enhancing my human disguise would be more effective when encountering other alternatives of myself as humans..." They wanted to fight him, something that he did not wish to do. His only duty was ensuring Aigis' safety, and nothing more. "I should purchase new clothes... or improve my speech pattern."
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fatexbound · 23 days
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"Please remember to keep yourselves hydrated. Do not skip meals either as sustaining oneself with food is very important. Have a good day." He bowed deeply.
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fatexbound · 22 days
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@galaxofmuses said: Koro approaches to Makoto, but it's strange.....he can't smell their scent. "Awwro?" He yips softly and whimpers if something has happened to them.
Unprompted | Always accepting
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"Hmm?" The android bent over to look at the canine at his height, hands on his mechanical knees. "What do you mean, 'what happened', Koromaru-san? I am functioning perfectly at 100%, as intended. Oil changes may be required at a later time... are you alright? It is unlike you to be so... distraught over me. Have I done something wrong?" He inquired, head tilting to the side much like he did when he was curious about anything that captured his interest.
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fatexbound · 22 days
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Anon said: Oh nice! Another useless robot who can’t save the person they’re supposed to protect
Can't save...? No, that's impossible.
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"I can inform you that I am equipped with an advanced arsenal capable of eliminating any and every threat known to myself and the one I wish to protect. My directive and mission is to protect her." His arm was raised in the air to reveal that his fingers were, in fact, firearms. "If you stand in my way, I will have no choice but to destroy you. I hope my answer is satisfactory."
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fatexbound · 22 days
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@epitomees said: “Makoto…” Aigis sounded tired. “…there is no need for you to…mmmm…” She yawned, quite loudly. “…ahhh…wake me so early…before my alarm goes off…” (throws Fool Aigis at Aeon boy)
Unprompted | Always accepting
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The robot boy remained still, towering over the human girl while analyzing the state of her body and mind. Fatigue, excessive yawning, and a lack of physical or mental activity indicated that she was tired. His hands were on her blanket, threatening to take it away from her any second now.
"Your alarm is set to go off in exactly five minutes. It is important to be punctual on a school day. Do things five minutes early, as the paper on the door instructs. Kirijo-san will be displeased if you are late, would you not agree? Now, please..." In a swift movement, she was stripped of the safety and comfort of her blanket. "Wake up and get yourself dressed. Breakfast awaits you downstairs as well." Anything she could obtain was enough for one day, he surmised.
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fatexbound · 23 days
@squidsavior replied: Sorry! She can't hear you she almost skipped lunch!
That was concerning.
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He tapped on her shoulder. "Excuse me. I am detecting an empty stomach. Have you eaten lunch today? It is imperative that you consume three meals per day for a healthy lifestyle."
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fatexbound · 26 days
Bonjour, it's time to get this stuff outta my head fr.
Design: based on this which works perfectly tbh.
Weapon: Firearms
Persona: Achilles -> Patroclus
Weakness: Still electricity
The last Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon was activated on a summer day in a lab in Yakushima upon realizing that something was wrong. Reuniting with Aigis on the beach, Makoto joins SEES after his introduction by the Chairman. He doesn't know why, but Aigis, whom she hugged when he ran off, is very important to him.
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fatexbound · 8 days
@epitomees replied to your post “"Perhaps enhancing my human disguise would be more...”:
“What if I put little bows in your hair? That could make you appear less intimidating to them!” And he’d look cute too! - Fool Aigis
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"Bows... are they not more suitable for females? I do not have an assigned gender, however..." A pause of contemplation. The theory might have not sounded optimal at first, but if she suggested it, it had some merit, surely. "If you deem it optimal, then... I would prefer a blue color. Thank you, Aigis-san. We must make haste and purchase them today."
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fatexbound · 11 days
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@epitomees said: She couldn’t wait much longer. The building excitement was too much to contain at this point in the day. As soon as the last bell sounded for the day, Aigis quickly ran out of her seat to meet up with Makoto by the gate. They promised to walk home together, but she wouldn’t be taking him on their usual route home. She had plans, unexpected at best and hopefully ones he found intriguing. “Makoto-saaaaaaan!! I’m here!!” She approached him with a cheery smile and bright laughter. “Sorry! I had to grab something out of my locker!! And it’s for you, too!!” Her hand held a wrapped, rectangular-shaped box decorated with a navy blue bow. “I heard from Mitsuru-senpai it’s your activation day today, and well…I wanted to get you something for it, since it’s like your birthday for us.” She hoped he’d enjoy it. A black, starry-patterned bow tie would look nice on him. “Aaaaand I figured we could do something fun before going back! Maybe a walk near the beach, or we can check out Paulownia Mall. Whatever you want to do!! You just tell me!” So long as they spent time together, the destination didn’t matter. (From Fool Aigis!)
Aeon Makoto's birthday | Accepting
Makoto was waiting quietly by the school gates, as instructed. No one else interested him other than Aigis, despite waving at any classmates who knew him from their class. Hands clasped together, the minutes counted down and her voice entered his eardrums, so to speak, making him turn around and smile at her. She was so elated over... his activation day as she stated, and he hadn't completely forgotten it either. It didn't seem relevant since this was a normal weekday for everyone else.
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"My... birthday? I see. In that case, thank you, Aigis-san. May I open it?" How curious. His hand moved to open the box by unwrapping the bow and looking at its contents. A peculiar and quite beautiful bow tie, much like the one he was wearing, was in his field of vision. Scanning it, he found that it was made with the best materials given to a human tailor. "It is very flattering... do you think it will improve my human attire?" She must have reached that conclusion. She was smart, after all.
Without further ado, he took it out and replaced it with the one he was wearing. "I will cherish it always." His smile widened as a light red color appeared on his cheeks. "This route you have suggested is rather unusual, however... I will go anywhere with you, Aigis-san. The beach is ideal for this perfect sunny weather. I predict that it will last until the evening. No signs of clouds can be detected in the sky or a chance of rain. Let's go, shall we?"
He offered his hand to her after closing the box shut with his old tie inside. This was a far more pleasant day than he had predicted... with her.
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fatexbound · 11 days
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Anon said: it's a certain android's birth- uh, activation day today! She'd find a plush that looked practically identical to Makoto waiting for her.
Aeon! Makoto's birthday | Accepting
Returning to the dorm and his room after his school duties were over, the android was, indeed, surprised to find something different on his chair where he resided for most of the day. Taking it into his hands, he squished it curiously in order to examine it from all angles. It was a plushie of himself, he recalled seeing one of a peculiar animal at the arcade where Aigis took him one day.
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"It is nearly identical to me. Lacking in the abilities that I can provide... but perhaps it's alright to be different." He wasn't human, after all, as much as he wished to be. "I will cherish it."
What a kind present.
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fatexbound · 17 days
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@epitomees said: Fool Aigis goes in to boop Aeon Makoto on the nose!
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His nose was booped, as she demonstrated, but the android was left puzzled. It provided no reaction to this apart from her finger bending against his metallic feature, blinking slowly. "Ah. ...I do not understand. Was there a meaning behind this?" He tilted his head, then slowly pieced it together.
Ah, she wanted to be 'booped' as well. Proud of himself for reaching that conclusion, he was quick to return the gesture-- metal touching... air with a smile on his face.
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"...." A smile that slowly faded into a deadpan expression, hand dropping on his lap in slow motion. He could still see the bright smile on her face as well.
"... I got you."
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fatexbound · 22 days
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Anon said: Well you may be an advanced weapon capable of killing Shadows, but you can’t keep death away from the one you want to protect
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"Your phrasing... is similar to a threat, anonymous person. Even if death is a possibility, she will not die if I remain by her side at all times. I will ensure that she lives a fulfilling life until I, too, have accomplished my mission of keeping her safe." Death was more complex than his own systems and algorithms. The emotions and trauma it caused were... too much for him-- somehow.
He had to prevent it by any means necessary.
In a split second, his firearms were aimed straight at his target. "If your intention is to harm her, I am afraid that you will not make it out of here alive. I will not fail my mission."
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