#Henry: oh you weren’t born yet
caterpillarinacave · 7 months
since i saw your reblog of my reblog, what kind of earrings do you think henry would wear, if he wore them?
Mini hoop earrings! You know, something like these:
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Probably in more neutral colors, think gold, brown, silver and black, but he’d be open to brighter or bejeweled pieces. He’s the type to get them pierced years ago and never really mention it. Matthew will bring up ear piercing when his sisters are about the age to get theirs done and he’s all “maybe I’ll get mine pierced to be a supportive brother” and Henry hits him with “oh, you mean like these?” And Matthew has a little crisis
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beanxiv · 1 year
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i'll always be here ; leviathan
summary: when levi succumbs to his sin, there's only one person who can successfully reassure him
word count: 0.9k
note: something other than bnha finally surfacing on my blog!! it's an old piece which is the only reason i'm actually able to post this rn
warnings: none!
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“i want to say i can’t believe he’s locked himself in his room again, but i would be lying.” lucifer sighed.
”we didn’t even say anything to him this time! he just got up and ran to his room,” asmo knocked on leviathan’s door for the fifth time.
”he’s probably just playing video games or something.” mammon shrugged, “i mean, he does this almost every single day. what’s different this time?”
beel frowned, ”he looked sad this time... if he was playing video games wouldn’t he be happy?”
belphie nodded, ”and it’s not like we can ask him, he won’t answer any of us.”  
“i tried texting him, but he won’t even answer his D.D.D.” satan gestured to the device in his hand.
”maybe mc can get him out? he normally listens to them, right?” asmo offered. “they might be able to figure out what’s wrong.”
satan nodded, ”good idea. i’ll text them to come over.” 
in barely five minutes you reached the third-born’s room and didn’t hesitate to question the boys, “did you guys say anything to him?”
mammon shook his head, ”no! we were all in the living room hangin’ out, you were there! and then when ya left to use the bathroom, levi just got up and stormed off into his room!” 
you thought for a moment, “alright, you guys go back to the living room, i’ll figure out what’s wrong, okay?”
lucifer sighed, “do your best.”
you nodded, and the brothers all left to the living room. once they were far enough you knocked on the otaku’s door.
”levi? it’s mc, can i come in?”
he was silent for a moment, but finally he asked, ”what’s the password?”
“the second lord...” you started.
after finishing the line, your heard shuffling from inside the room and the doorknob clicked and twisted, leviathan opened the door a crack to make sure you weren’t there with his brothers. when he was sure you were the only one, he opened the door wider to let you in.
”thank you.” you followed behind him and sat down on the floor in one of the beanbags. the tv was on and one if levi’s rpg games was loading on the screen.
levaithan silently sat next to you, handing you the second controller. you assumed something was going on, but levi just didn’t want to talk about it yet. so you decided to play with him until he was comfortable.
after a few minutes leviathan set his controller down, “m-mc, do you like my brothers more than me? i understand if you do, they’re all cool and stuff... and i’m just a gross, jealous otaku shut-in.”
oh. so that's what this was about.
you frowned, “of course not, levi. what gave you that impression?”
“you always hang with them more than me.”
you smiled softly, ”first of all, you’re not gross, levi. but being an otaku is amazing, are you saying that it’s a bad thing?”
the demon shook his head frantically, “n-no!! of course not! being an otaku is cool!”
you giggled at his response, “see? and, as for being a shut in? that’s fine, levi. so what if you don’t like being around other people? who cares?”
leviathan looked down, picking at a loose thread from the beanbag with a frown. ”but whenever we hang out, it’s always in either your room or mine, wouldn’t you want to go out more often rather than stay inside all the time?”
you shook your head, ”i don’t hang out with you because i want to be outside, levi. i hang with you because i want to be with you. if you’re more comfortable indoors, then that’s where we’ll hang out. it doesn’t matter to me where we stay as long as you’re comfortable.”
leviathan just nodded, his lips quirking into a small smile. “i knew i had the best henry a demon could ask for.” he turned to the fish tank, “no offense to you, henry 2.0.”
“are you feeling better now?” you asked.
leviathan nodded, “thank you, mc.”
you laughed, “of course, i’ll always be here to talk— or play games— anytime you need me, okay levi?” 
“okay, mc.”
you laid your head on his shoulder, he tensed up at first, but slowly relaxed.
“maybe you’re not as much of a normie as i thought.” levi said softly.
”me? a normie? levi don’t make me cringe.” you gasped, feigning disgust.
underneath your head, his shoulder rose and fell with his lighthearted laugh, “sorry i won’t make that mistake again, henry.”
”good to hear, my lord of shadows.” 
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© beanxiv — all rights reserved. copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform or by any means is not allowed.
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notsocheezy · 5 months
Brain Curd #36 - Rerun Monday #2
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction, posted daily. Since I want to start writing new chapters of Dominic of the Darkness as Brain Curds, here is the never-before-released second chapter. Please enjoy.
Dominic entered the throne room. He was used to seeing disturbing things in here, but this one took the cake. It was a BDSM session between a Jewish dominatrix and a Nazi, and it was clearly not done out of affection.
He waited by the side of the room, hoping it might end any minute, but the violence continued to escalate alongside the Prince of Darkness’ laughter. It went on for hours, maybe days (time was funky in Hell) until finally the dominatrix got bored and apparated back to Heaven. At least, Dominic figured that was where she was going.
The Nazi was removed from the room by four demons with five shovels, who exited in single file with their piles of undulating flesh. The man would have to reform in The Pit - as if today hadn’t already been bad enough for him.
Now, contrary to popular understanding, the Prince of Darkness did not go by the name ‘Satan’. It was a typographical error, caused by an ancient monk with dyslexia. No, the source of all evil was not known as ‘Satan’ down in the bowels of Hell, all the demons knew him by another name: Stan.
If you were wondering why he’s called the ‘Prince’ rather than the ‘King’, the answer to that is simple: he thought it made him sound younger.
Dominic approached his post in the throne room, as he did every day, on the high chair next to his father.
“Ah, my boy!” Stan said. “I didn’t see you there!”
“That was on purpose,” Dominic muttered, knowing his father was barely paying any attention.
“Take a seat! Another show is about to begin!” He turned his voice to the sycophants around him. “Get my son a plate, you jagoffs! He’s gotta be hungry by now!”
The demons scrambled to find a plate, but they were all dirty - not a problem for the average resident of Hell, but Dominic had higher standards. Most of Hell’s catering staff referred to him as “Princess Boy” as a sign of disrespect. He didn’t like it, but couldn’t come up with an adequate punishment. Eternal hellfire was too harsh, but probation felt like it would probably just encourage them.
A short, pinkish demon resentfully handed him a still-dripping plate. “Here you go, Princess Boy.”
Dominic pretended not to notice. In front of him and his father was a table covered in an absurdly massive spread that would have made Henry VIII blush - in fact, at times it had (his time in Hell made him much less plump). Despite Stan’s insistence, Dominic was not actually particularly hungry, and he couldn’t come up with a technique for getting the last scraps from the goat carcass anyway.
“Dad, about my birthday…”
“Birthday? Oh, for Pete’s sake! How old are you now?”
“Six-hundred and sixty-six.”
“There’s no way you’re that old, son, I remember the night I knocked up your mother like it was last Tuesday.”
“Technically, it was, since you declared Tuesdays illegal that weekend.”
“Now how would you know that if you weren’t born yet?”
“I read books, Dad.”
“Whatever. What do you want?”
“I want my overnight pass for Earth.”
“What the heck do you need that for?”
“It’s tradition, isn’t it? For me to go live on the surface and see what life is like?”
“You’ve been up there before. What’s so special about it? Anything you can get up there, I can get for you down here. The demons can make anything!”
“I’ll even ask them not to spit in it! They’ll still spit in it a little, but you won’t even taste it!”
“I need to spread my fallen angel wings,” Dominic replied, standing his ground (metaphorically, because as you may recall, he sat down just a moment ago). “Don’t make this difficult.”
“Alright, well… if you’re going up there, you should probably know something. Your mother was a living human…”
“Right, yeah, I know.”
“… And she’s still alive.”
Dominic was in shock. “You said she was in a better place!”
“Every living person is, Dominic, we’re in Hell. Plus, I’m a liar.”
“What exactly am I supposed to do with this information?”
“I don’t know, what am I, a librarian? Go find her, or don’t, or whatever. It’s your age to come-of. Now let’s eat already.”
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TW: blood, starvation, bone breaking, juno does a little munch on clifford
There was only so much gnawing someone could take before they tried to kill. The average human could survive nearly a month without eating under ideal circumstances. Longer than a week in bad ones. But an Undead - a creature born to eat and consume - well it was shorter for them. Five days was about as long as her dad could figure given the studying he’d been on her. Not that he ever studied too much. Respect your privacy, he had said. She repeated as many of those words from Dr. Henry Jones as she could, over and over again, like a record that could only loop, in hopes of keeping herself grounded.
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It wasn’t working so well anymore.
After her and Lilith had put up a fight together, a futile one, but a fight heavy enough to break one of their captor’s noses, they’d split them into two different cages. Small. Too fucking small and too fucking cramped and too fucking hungry. The small things they were being tossed weren’t enough for an Undead’s appetite. They probably weren’t even enough for a humans all things considered. Mice were not rats were not pigs were not meals. She could feel the starvation starting to eat at her mind.
Lilith had warned her in pretty vivid detail what might happen during this time period, her personal hell, her very unraveling. She was jealous, honestly, that the older woman was managing to holder herself together better but maybe...maybe she’d been hungry once. Maybe she hadn’t been pampered by a doctor for a father. No, Juno knows she wasn’t.
It’s embarrassing that when the cage rattled, she practically jumped up and moved towards the door, praying that they’d drop even a small morsel to satisfy this pain. Or it would probably be embarrassing if she had the capacity to be embarrassed anymore. But now? Now it was only scent. Only hunger.
Dog? They’d brought her a dog? That’s what it had smelt like. She’d never wanted to eat one before but if it was something then it was something and she would take it greedily.
Sound. Sound. So much sound and so much loud and someone was talking and Juno couldn’t make out the words, she couldn’t make out anything but the hunger and son enough she had reached out, grabbed what she hoped was her food. It hit the ground with a hard smack and a grunt. Food was so close. It was big and heavy and she knew that if she could just get her teeth around it she would stop being so fucking hungry.
When she bit down, the dog screamed out in pain, but as she tried to rip flesh from bone, the voice cut through like a crackle in her mind.
“Juno. June, please. Fucking Christ your teeth are sharp. And here I thought the vampire bite I got in college was going to be the hardest thing to explain to my parents. Let go. Can you let go? Don’t bite down! Unlatch like...like a cat or something.”
Juno pulled back, doing as he’d asked, the blood still staining her mouth, like a bitter iron as it dawned on her what she had nearly done. She could taste bites of bone and spit them out. Tears mixed with blood as her vision unblurred and she saw him, ankle practically split in two from the weight of her bite. Thankfully the wolf strength of his bones had kept it from snapping completely, but even then she could tell, she knew enough from the hospital, that this wound was going to be terrible.
“Austin? Oh my God,” she cried, gripping his face between her hands. “Oh my God I am so fucking sorry, A. I could have...I almost...”
“But you didn’t,” he whispered softly. A hand came to tangle in her matted brown hair as he pulled her into a kiss. Never in a million years could she have dreamed of kissing fucking Clifford Talbot, let alone in a cage where she was being starved to death, but she had nearly killed him, nearly lost herself, and he had grounded her.
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“But you didn’t,” he said again, softer now. The pain was rather obvious in the way his voice folded in on itself and yet Juno clung to him and pressed her ear against his chest to hear the heavy pound of a wolf heart. 
They stayed like that for a moment, his hand in her hair, but there was only so much longer she was going to be able to stomach the smell of blood, the promise of flesh and food. “We need to get you out of here. Figure out a way to get them to move your cell, alright? I can’t...I can’t not eat you but Lilith probably could. And I know you could kill Mordecai if you needed to. God this is so...it’s so...”
“Whack?” Clifford supplied with a half smile.
Juno laughed, wiping her eyes with the back of her dirty sleeve. “Yeah. Whack. God I’m going to kick your ass when we get out of here. Are you ready to cause a problem?”
“J, you know my specialty is causing a fucking problem. I was born to be a problem.”
It didn’t take long until they can be enough of a problem together that someone came in to get Clifford. His leg was oozing blood, the Wolf kind that smells like iron and rust and could burn a human. It wasn’t hard to take him away with the pain and even as he was drug to his feet he howled in pain. The Hunter laughed. Of course he laughed. She reached out, squeezing his hand once, before he was gone and she was left to well and truly rot.
Austin was being dragged somewhere else. It was hard to tell where he was going when the pain in his ankle was so intense, so extreme and so fucking hard to ignore. But the cage opened and he was tossed inside, his bitten ankle cracking under the strain. He cursed out in agony and clutched his leg, blurry eyes adjusting to his new surroundings.
It wasn’t very often you saw your never aging grandma trapped in a cage and was happy about it. He supposed it had to be different given they were both trapped but now, at least, they weren’t alone. Clifford sat up, reaching for her and grabbing her hand. How he’d managed to keep it together for Juno was anyone’s guess but the second he saw the woman who had helped to raise him, all bets were off.
“Lilies...” he hadn’t used it in awhile, not since Cathy had really gotten in his head about the whole thing. But before then, when he couldn’t make the th sound right, he’d called her that. It felt better to say that now instead of anything else - a silent and profound apology for every horrible thing he had done. “Lilies...please don’t hate me. I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.”
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bad-at-names-and-faces · 10 months
chapter index
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It was nearly October, and the mornings were getting chilly. Inga grabbed a shawl before she left her room.  She was going to be meeting with her mother for festival planning later in the morning, but she wasn’t ready for that, and she wasn’t hungry. She walked the halls of the castle aimlessly, eventually coming upon the empty ballroom.  Frederick sometimes played when he had too much on his mind, perhaps she could do the same. It had been a long time since she had tried playing, but Henry had said she should try again, anyway.  She looked through the sheet music, settling on a simple piece she remembered playing as a child, and after a few false starts, the fingerings and the melody came back to her, and she began to play, only pausing occasionally to check the music. Perhaps Frederick had the right idea.
She finished the piece and sat silently. Suddenly, she heard a noise from the doorway.
“I don’t think I’ve heard you play in years.” her mother said. “I was expecting to find Frederick here when I heard the piano.
“Oh! You weren’t waiting for me, were you?” Inga asked.
“Of course not, but the sound does travel from this room, you know.” Her mother was smiling. “You can play a bit more if you like.”
“That’s the only piece I remember how to play,” Inga admitted. “If you’re ready, I’m happy to get started.”
There was a fire already blazing in the fireplace when they got to the study, and Inga took off her shawl as she sat down across from her mother.
“Have you eaten yet?” her mother asked as she sat down. “I’m having some breakfast sent up here, and I’d be happy to share.”
“I’m not hungry, but thank you.”
“I suppose you have a lot on your mind right now,” her mother said. “I’ve started to realize Frederick likes to play most when he has something on his mind.”
Inga nodded.
“We still haven’t really had time to talk…  it’s still a few weeks until the Harvest Festival, so we don’t need to do anything this morning, nothing official, I mean.”
“Oh, are you sure?” Inga asked.
“Unless you have some idea to change things up from how we’ve done them every year, I don’t think there’s that much to plan, anyway.”  Her mother laughed a little.  “But I’ve been meaning to find some time to talk with you for a while… I’m sorry we haven’t had time.”
“What do you want to talk about?” Inga asked, a bit more bluntly than she had intended.
Her mother stopped smiling.  “Look, I know that- I know you and I have avoided certain topics for a while now.”
Inga swallowed.  Ever since she had learned about Lars the year before, they had found ways to pretend that nothing had happened.  “Yes, I know.”
“I just-  I want you to- if you’re planning to get married, and especially if you really want to get married sooner rather than waiting, I want you to feel like you can ask me anything.  It’s important.  We’re alone here.”
Inga looked back down at the desk, intently studying the lines of the wood, avoiding her mother’s eye.  “Look,” Inga began, swallowing again before looking up directly at her mother, “are you going to give me one of those speeches about what happens in a marriage?”
“That’s not exactly what I meant… Though I suppose if you want?”
“I mean…” Inga hemmed, “there are a lot of books in the library, you know.”
“Well, I have to admit, the librarian keeps track of which books you’ve been reading, you know. I know you’ve read all of those.”
“Oh,” Inga said, flushing a little.  The books hadn’t really explained that much, but at least it would save having to discuss it with her mother.  “That… wait, the librarian tells you what I’ve been reading?”
“Don’t worry about it, she felt the need to tell me, and I told her to go ahead and let you.”
“Um, fine.  Then what did you want to talk to me about?”
Her mother sighed.  “I don’t know. You could ask me questions, I suppose?”
Inga thought about it a bit.  “In that case, I- I’ve been thinking- I’ve been thinking about when Anton and Peder were born.  I’ve never talked to you about that.” 
Her mother blinked.  “That wasn’t what I was expecting you to ask about.”
“We don’t have to talk about that, though,” Inga quickly added. 
“No, no, I don’t mind, I just… I guess I never realized that it was something we hadn’t talked about.”
Inga sat silently for a moment.  “With Isabel and all, I’ve just… I’ve been thinking about that.  And then, Edith was telling me… she was actually in the room when her own mother died. I hadn’t known that. I guess I knew it, but, you know, it was just kind of… there?”
Her mother nodded, looking pensive. “I have to admit, I didn’t know that, either.  Halima was a friend of Kate and Edith’s mother, you know.  I remember when she died, and we were discussing how to help out, but then the twins were born… General Mattias was helping, of course, since he would have been acting as regent if anything had happened, but it was several months later before it even came up that they had taken in the two girls. Mattias was only ever discussing official business with me right then.”
“Why was Father never in line to be the regent?” Inga asked without even thinking about it. “I mean, General Mattias knows what he’s doing, of course, I just- I know in a lot of other places, it would have been different.”
“He was originally going to be, but he turned it down. At this point, I don’t think it matters any more.  Not really.”
“I hope not. Please.”
Her mother gave a deep sigh. “No, I don’t think it should be an issue.  And I suppose the Council will finally come to a decision between you and Frederick now that the marriage is on the table.”
“Are they even still discussing that? I haven’t heard anything about it in ages.”
“It occasionally will come up, and nobody can agree on anything, same as before, but of course, now if I try to withdraw the change in succession motion, they won’t agree to that, either.”
“Even now with the, what did they call it, the foreign marriage proposal?” Inga asked.  “Frederick and I were talking about it a while ago, and we didn’t think they would want, well, someone in line for the throne of Corona…”
“You probably don’t want to know most of the things the council has said about these things. But, as far as Henry-”
There was a knock at the door, and the breakfast that her mother had asked for was brought in.
Her mother got up to sit at the nearby table where the food was set. 
“Let’s not talk about succession politics right now?” she said, waving Inga to join her.
“Fine,” Inga sighed as she sat down. She had hoped the discussion would continue, since it was a distraction from the food, and she really did want to know what the council had been saying about her.
“Inga, are you sure you’re not hungry?” her mother asked after a few moments.
“I suppose some toast would be good,” Inga said, taking a piece.  “Thank you.”
As Inga nibbled at the toast, her mother sat across the desk thoughtfully buttering her own slice, and putting a small amount of raspberry jam on it. 
“You look tired, Inga,” her mother commented after a few moments. “It’s wonderful that you’ve been helping so much with Isabel, and I do value your help with the harvest festival, but I hope you're taking care of yourself.”
“I’m fine,” Inga insisted. “Really I am.  And you’re probably right about waiting until next summer for the wedding. I’ve been thinking about a lot of things, of course, and... I don’t want to disappoint anyone.”
“No. That’s good…” her mother paused.  “You’re not going to disappoint anyone.”
“I hope I won’t.”
The young Princess Anna of Arendelle had been in Corona for nearly a month, and Queen Elsa and the Crown Princess Rapunzel of Corona had been quietly discussing how much longer she could continue being around in public without raising suspicion. There had been a ball that evening, and after everyone else had left, Elsa knocked on Rapunzel’s door.  
“Yes, Elsa?” Rapunzel had gotten to know the young queen well over the last few months.
“Are you alone?” Elsa asked.
“I was going to call for the lady’s maid in a minute, but yes, I’m alone.  Eugene’s still in Arendelle, remember?”
“Yes, of course,” Elsa acknowledged as Rapunzel waved her in.  
“So, what is it?”  Rapunzel asked.
“I’m thinking, maybe, we should go ahead and travel to that cottage you were telling us about, but I’m not sure if Anna feels ready.  That said, if you have an excuse to travel for another month or two, perhaps…”
“Should I go back to Arendelle?” Rapunzel suggested.
“We should get him, except… no, someone needs to be here with Anna, and I’d rather I did, but if you go back to Arendelle without me, that would be odd. Plus, I’ve told you about the woman who will be coming here.  I should be the one to bring her.  At any rate, it’s already questionable that I’ve been gone for so long.  I’ll need to stay at least long enough that nobody gets too suspicious.  Especially after, you know-”
“Last summer?” Rapunzel replied. 
Elsa nodded.
“Of course. So perhaps I should stay with Anna while you go back to Arendelle.  I’ve wanted to get to know her better, anyway.”
“I hope you’re right,” Elsa said. “I wish I could say for sure she’s not like herself, but I’m really not quite sure what normal is for her these days.”
“That’s understandable.”
Just then there was another knock on the door. 
“I-” Rapunzel hesitated, “I didn’t call the maid yet.  Hello?”
“Hello?” Anna called back.
Elsa ran to the door and opened it before Rapunzel had a chance to so much as take a step from where she stood.
"Elsa?" Anna said, obviously surprised to see her sister here in Rapunzel's room. 
"What's the matter, Anna?" Elsa asked. 
"I… I came here to ask Rapunzel something, but I guess I was going to tell you a little later, anyway…"
"What is it, Anna?" Rapunzel prodded.
"I've had enough of pretending.  Wherever it is you have in mind for us to go when the time comes, tonight made me realize… I'm ready to go."
"We were just talking about that, actually," Rapunzel began. 
"Wait, what?" Anna exclaimed. "I didn’t think anyone heard my conversation with the crown prince of Maldonia…”
“Um, what?” Elsa asked. "What did he say? What did you say?"
“I know you danced with a lot of young men tonight, was there something in particular about him?” Rapunzel asked curiously, hoping she didn’t sound like she was prying too much.
"Oh, um… nothing really. I mean, it's just- he was very direct. I guess he wants to get married and have an heir as soon as possible, and it was just- a bit much. He was asking me, and I had to excuse myself."
Elsa looked over at Rapunzel, and she knew that they probably should have left the palace and city earlier. Anna had appeared to be enjoying herself despite everything, but perhaps it had been a façade all along.
"Are you feeling… did you-" Elsa seemed to be at a loss for what to say. "Anna… yes, of course we can go."
“Oh, good, yes, thank you," Anna said. "Please believe me, I know I can ramble on sometimes, but I didn't say anything about… this… to him.  Or anyone."
“Oh, that’s not what I was saying, Anna!” Elsa insisted, looking for a moment like she was going to give Anna a hug, but hesitating and grabbing her hand.
Rapunzel held back for a moment, then decided to speak.  “We can leave in the morning, if you think you’ll be ready, Anna.”
“Yes, yes, I think I will be. I feel like I’ve been living out of my trunk for the last two months, anyway.  Getting everything packed will be quick enough.”
“It’s settled then,” Elsa said with a certain finality.
Rapunzel climbed into bed.  They had been up late discussing more details of Henry’s marriage proposal.  They weren’t going to forbid him from getting married, of course. He was eighteen- nineteen now, she had to remind herself. They had met Inga already, and they knew her parents and her aunt. The timing was what they were questioning.  He had it in his head that they would be getting married right away. 
“So, Henry has permission to get married now…” Eugene said.
“It doesn’t seem like there’s any good reason to stop him.  It would be nice if he could be convinced to wait, of course, but I suppose if she says she’s ready, there’s nothing to do but wait for everything to be official.  It sounds like Arendelle’s royal council has their own doubts.”
“He said the letter from your father should fix that.”
“Oh, well, I don’t see why they would insist on more than that.”
“Hilde mentioned that Henry told her he’s planning to go back in a few weeks. As much as I’m glad those two get along, I wish he’d just tell us directly.”
“I don’t think it’s that he doesn’t want to tell us, but that she knows how to get him to talk.”
“You make it sound like his sister is torturing him,” Eugene laughed.
“You know what I mean, though.”
“Right, well, we can just send him back with the formal approval.  It’ll make it less like an old style royal marriage by proxy.”
“I’m pretty sure that neither of them wants to get married by proxy,” Rapunzel added.
“Do people still do that?” Eugene asked after a moment.
“I’m not sure,” Rapunzel admitted, “but Hilde was saying that the wedding she went to last month was the first one there in a few generations where both the bride and groom showed up.  Not that it matters as long as they send a representative.”
“That sounds romantic,” Eugene snorted. “Now then, did Hilde tell you anything about meeting anyone on her trip?”
“No, she didn’t,” Rapunzel laughed. “I can’t imagine that she would put up with anyone forgetting details like this, though.”
“Hilde has probably already thought through every detail, of course.”
“She hasn’t mentioned anything.”
“I didn’t say I think she has anyone in mind, I said I think she’s thought through all the details already. There’s a difference.”
Rapunzel thought about it.  “Perhaps I should ask her more directly. I don’t want to be taken by surprise again.”
“I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t do that.  But, now, we should get to bed.”
The autumn sun shone across the palace terrace overlooking the kingdom of Corona. Rapunzel walked out to join Hilde for breakfast. 
“Good morning, Hilde. Do you think Henry will be joining us soon?”
“Good morning, Mother,” Hilde replied.  “Henry already had breakfast and left, if you can believe it.”
“Really?  Did he say where he was going?” Rapunzel asked, sitting down at the table across from her daughter. 
“Maybe he wants to write another letter to her,” Hilde mused.  “I swear, I’m not sure how he sent all the letters he wrote while we were on our tour, but one of the letters from his trip just seemed to appear on my desk when they weren’t bringing around the mail.”
Rapunzel looked at her daughter quizzically. “You say that Henry has been sending a lot of letters?” 
“He was spending almost every spare minute on the ship.”
“And did she write back?”  
“I’m pretty sure she did.  He wouldn’t show me any of her letters, or, really, he tried to hide them.  It was pretty obvious she sent a lot, too.  If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was still getting letters from her while we were at sea.”
“I see,” Rapunzel mused, realizing that she should probably ask Elsa if other members of the family were in the habit of writing letters the way she wrote to her.  She had told her about it the previous fall, promising to start writing again. Rapunzel hadn’t been expecting a serious letter quite so soon, but one of the first letters from this wind spirit was Elsa writing to let her know that Anna had become aware of the real identity of Lars Nilsen. She hated that the solution was to send him so far away, but it looked like a prestigious step up for him, at least.  Lars and Karl had been such dear boys, and they had treated them almost like family, and Mrs. Nilsen was such a good woman.  But what else could be done?  
Now, as then, Rapunzel had reluctantly agreed that it would be prudent to keep the truth of this situation quiet.
“Mother?” Hilde asked. 
“Yes?” Rapunzel said, startled.
“Would you like some cream?” 
“Oh! Yes, thank you.”
Hilde passed the cream, and then stared contemplatively over her cup across the terrace.
“So, when do you think they’ll actually have the wedding?” she asked.
Rapunzel thought about this.  Hilde and Henry had only just turned nineteen, and even this seemed too young now.  Inga was barely eighteen.  Even though they could get married now, since there were no real legal barriers, surely it made sense for them to wait a little while. True, they didn’t need to worry about money or things that some young couples needed to be concerned with, but there were so many things, surely they would want a little time to spend together and not simply through letters.  
They could invite Inga to come to Corona, perhaps during the winter.  Hadn’t Henry mentioned that Inga’s favorite brother, the one who had visited with her the year before, would be coming to attend Corona’s naval academy?  That would be a nice opportunity for her to get to know the kingdom better.
Anna and Rapunzel sat by the fireplace of the cottage where they were staying.  It was in an isolated valley near the edge of the Kingdom of Corona, a perfect spot to hide away from prying eyes.  A midwife had been stopping by once a week to see how things were going, and she was paid well to make sure that she didn’t voice any of her suspicions about her latest clients, and also to make it worth her while not to take on any other clients. 
“Do you think Elsa will be back soon?” Anna asked.  “We stopped at so many places on our way here, I really don’t know how long it takes to sail from Corona to Arendelle.  And besides, I was seasick most of the time, so it was hard to know how many days had passed.  I do wish I knew how long it’s supposed to take, though. Should I worry?”
Rapunzel remembered a few weeks after her wedding, hearing about the King and Queen who had been lost at sea on their way to Corona for the royal wedding. It was a strange business, since nobody could remember any storms on the way, and the ship had never been found, but strange things that couldn’t be explained often happened at sea. She and Eugene had decided to attend Queen Elsa’s Coronation three years later upon her coming of age partly as a diplomatic gesture, partly as a personal gesture, and entirely without any hint of what was to come.  
She had quickly offered her help to the young Queen and her sister once the thaw had happened, which they had gratefully accepted, since they didn’t feel they could fully trust many of the other advisors, and they felt a certain affinity because of their respective upbringings, even if the topic wasn’t discussed very much.
She had gained their trust, so she was the one they turned to with this secret. It was the sort of secret that could bring down kingdoms. It had been an open secret for several years how close Arendelle had been to having a succession crisis, and then at the Queen’s own coronation, for a brief time, it seemed that both the Queen and her sister were dead, and the next in line was some duke, a very distant cousin, who hadn’t even bothered to show up to the coronation. 
Unless the princess was married. 
And after the fact, the evidence that no marriage had happened rested not only on having no witnesses, which was legal, but that they had not consummated the relationship. 
As much as Prince Hans was not popular in his own family, that same family would love to have control over Arendelle.  They could not learn about this child.
Rapunzel knew this also meant that the child could never be more than a favored family friend.  She and Eugene had been married for several years, and they had no children to show for it. The temptation of taking this of Princess Anna’s as her own was strong, but people would talk, and people would see.  
Anna pulled the shawl a little tighter around her shoulders.
“Are you comfortable, Anna?  I don’t think there’s any need to worry about your sister. We’ll hear back soon, I’m sure.”
Anna nodded.  “Have you heard from your husband?” 
“As a matter of fact, a letter arrived just this evening. It takes a little longer, of course, because we can’t simply have the post delivered here.”
“What did he tell you?” Anna asked. 
Rapunzel knew she wanted to hear about the friend they had to leave behind, who couldn’t be told any of this.
“He told me about the ice harvest he got to see. He wanted to help, but nobody let him, and he was disappointed about that.” 
“I’ve been told it’s difficult work,” Anna said.  “If you write back, you can tell him I’m well, but I miss my friends. Please?” 
“Of course,” Rapunzel promised.
Inga had begun regularly visiting Isabel at lunchtime. Isabel was doing much better, and even getting up and about and eating proper meals again. Now that Frederick’s friends from the Navy were home visiting their own families, he had been coming with her on her visits to Isabel’s house. Inga laughed silently to herself thinking about how much more often Meibel seemed to show up at the same time, though Inga tried to encourage her sister Sofia to come along occasionally just in case.
Today Meibel had been playing with Sofia the entire day, and Captain Olsen had the day off, so it was just Isabel and her husband, along with Inga and Frederick at lunch, and it was quite nice and relaxing, though Inga had trouble following everything Frederick said, and simply agreed when he asked her a question. Inga was still feeling too preoccupied with everything going on to eat very much.  It had to be nerves, she was quite certain of that.  Stress and nerves.  Her mother was right; she probably needed to get more sleep. She would do that as soon as the Harvest Festival was over.
Inga sighed as she walked along the market square. She wasn’t feeling very well, but she only had a few more shops to visit to make sure that everyone in the area that would be used for the Harvest Festival was aware of which day it would happen and how long the streets would be closed off to regular business.  It was mostly a formality, but every year there were a few new people who were happy to learn about things. Inga was surprised at how many had never heard of the Harvest Festival before she spoke with them, but of course, perhaps it wasn’t what Arendelle was famous for.
“Your Highness!” one of the shopkeepers called as she stepped out.
“Oh! Mrs. Jensen, I was going to visit you next!  Are you busy?”
“No, of course not!” the woman replied.  “What is it?”
“Nothing in particular, I’ve just been going around making sure everyone around the market square knows when the Harvest Festival is happening.  You wouldn’t believe how many people have never heard of it before.”
Mrs. Jensen chuckled. “Oh, I believe it. I see quite a few foreign visitors in this shop, you know.”
“Indeed,” Inga smiled.  “Is there anything in particular you would like to do this year for the Harvest Festival?”
“I think I’ll be doing the same as always, but I’ll let you know if I think of anything.  Now, I need to get going for some errands.  Nils is inside minding the shop.  Have a nice day, Your Highness.”
“You too,” Inga said, walking on to the next shop. The shop was dark inside and there was a sign that they would return in two days, so she left one of the cards the castle had made under the door.
The last few shops were more people who were familiar with the festival, and excited, but with no real questions or other concerns, and Inga was able to muddle through, despite feeling increasingly eager to get back to the castle and rest.  As she returned to the castle, she made a point of walking around to the side entrance, away from the crowds, hoping that nobody would see her, and it worked.  She made it back to her room without even seeing a servant in one of the hallways.  Her lunch must have had something she shouldn’t have eaten. She hoped that the others weren’t feeling bad, but she would need to skip dinner tonight.
Before returning to her room, Inga sat down by a window in the upstairs hallway. She had the list of the shops that she had visited, and looked over it to make sure she had visited them all. Now that it was October, the weather was starting to feel ready for the festival.  As she double-checked the list, she felt a little tired and wanted to rest her eyes. She leaned her head in the palm of her hand, and closed her eyes, just for a moment.
“Inga?” Frederick poked her, startling her.  She looked around in a daze for a moment, trying to remember how she had fallen asleep.  
“What?  What time is it?” she asked.
“It’s just three, but at lunch you said you’d come riding with me later.  What happened?” 
“Did I? Sorry, I fell asleep after I got back from visiting the shops. How did you get in here, anyway?” 
“We’re in the hallway,” Frederick pointed out. “And you agreed when I asked you at lunch. There’s still a bit of time before dinner, if you’d like a short ride.”
“I suppose it’s best that I don’t go riding with you.  Wouldn’t want me falling off a horse again, would you?”
Frederick frowned, looking at the papers scattered next to her on the window bench.  “I don’t think you need to put that much work into the Harvest Festival.  Anyhow, if you need sleep, maybe just go back to your room and do it properly.”
“Good point,” she sighed, getting up from the seat, “and as far as the planning goes, I’m not doing anything more difficult than speaking to the shopkeepers in town.”
Inga stacked the papers, slipping them into the folder.  
“When is Henry coming?”  
“Who told you?”
“It’s obvious, I think.”
“Well, of course it is, I guess,” Inga sighed. 
“Besides, I think he said as much in one of the letters.”
“You’re not reading my letters, are you?” Inga asked.
“Not really,” Frederick insisted. “But the ones that come in the official post, you’ve started leaving those out, you know.”
Inga sighed and stood up, feeling a bit lightheaded.
“Wait,” Frederick stopped her, “have you had lunch? I’m hungry.”
“No thanks, I think I’ll go take a proper nap. I’ll see you at dinner?”
As she walked back to her room, she wondered if she was fine.  She wasn’t entirely certain she should be sleeping this much, but if she slept, it was that much less time until she could see Henry again. 
She closed the door to her room, and wrote a quick note to Henry before laying down for a nap.
October 2nd, 1865
Dear Henry,
The planning for the Harvest Festival is going well. Let me know when you think you’ll arrive.  I’m excited to see you again. I know it’s only been two months, and perhaps I’m being overly dramatic, I don’t know.  Frederick knows you’re coming, and I suppose everyone else does, too.  I’ve taken to leaving your official letters out where they can be seen.  
Now, I’m going to send this to you and dream about you.  
“Gale?” she whispered out the open window, letting the letter go.  
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littlefreya · 4 years
Vanilla Milkshake
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Summer: Henry and a long time friend hangout at their usual spot when things turn chaotic because of an innocent misunderstanding...
Prompted by:  
 Oooh Freyaaaa I just *need* some scene featuring Henry and ofc drinking milkshake. 
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Unamed OFC (no description of ethnicity or body type).
Word count: 1.7K
Warnings: RPF, major fluff, friends to lovers, sexual innuendo, mild seduction, sex talk, an unwanted boner, Henry being a boomer, Henry having a meltdown. 
*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it, ideas or parts it and claiming it as your own.*
A/N: So, first thing first, thanks @agniavateira for quickly beta’ing my work! And of course thanks @the-soot-sprite for bouncing ideas with me and being an emotional support. Decided to go with friends for lovers because I live for that stuff. Also, I am aware that “Milkshake” can be interpreted in several ways but for the sake of the story I went with that particular reference. Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics
Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed.  🖤
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Title: Vanilla Milkshake
“I swear, this diner looks like Barbie had an orgasm all over the place.” A whimsical grin sliced between Henry’s marble cheeks. Eyeing the pastel-esque surroundings, he huffed scornfully and adjusted the cap over his nest of unruly curls. 
“Remind me again why we always meet here, young lady?”
Staring at the beastly man who barely managed to squeeze into the plastic-pink faux leather booth, she couldn’t help but chuckle. Henry carried himself with something that was both eloquent yet unmistakably feral, reminding her of a burly forest creature. Sturdy tree trunks stood for limbs, torso, and shoulders—the widths of icy mountains and a blanket of thick fur coated the entirety of his body, deeming him a dangerous bear. 
No wonder he preferred himself clean-shaven. The sharpened edge of a razor kept him a cut away from becoming ‘Henry the Barbarian’. 
Seeing him surrounded by pastel and sparkly fairy dust brought far more joy than she could ever imagine. The utter look of contempt gleamed on the surface of his shifty eyes. 
Oh, by God, how much he hated glitter!
“And what would you know about Barbie’s orgasms?” she teased with a crooked eyebrow and a comical suspicious glare. 
Readjusting his cap over the messy mane of chocolate curls, Henry offered a terrible wink and shrugged, “a gentleman never tells.”
Her fingers rapped on her thigh while she contemplated whether to allow this naughty joke slide, but then the urge to provoke him was far too great. After briefly chewing on the inside of her cheek, she broke into a wicked grin.
“Is that… like a role play you have with the missus? She’s Barbie, and you’re G.I.Joe? Because I kinda don’t want to hear about it, but then I kinda do.”
Henry’s smile gradually faded along with the playful glee in his eyes, his melancholic gaze dropping to the sparkly table. He slumped into a heavy sigh, “If by missus, you mean ‘Miss Hand’, then no… not really.”
Dumbfounded, she frowned at Henry with confusion when then it struck her; a sense of incredible embarrassment drained the blood from her head to her gut.
“Yep.” Henry blurted and grabbed the menu, pretending to be incredibly interested in the kids’ meal options. 
Just in time to rescue them from a prolonged awkward silence, the waitress arrived with their order, serving Henry a hot cup of double espresso while she received a tall glass of a luscious vanilla milkshake. 
“Enjoy your drinks, guys!” the waitress smiled sweetly and kept her eyes glued to Henry as she walked away. But the gloss of the waitress’ flirtatious excitement was lost on him; drenched with greed, Henry’s blue sapphires were fixated on the generous scoops of ice cream and the dark chocolate swirls that decorated his companion’s dessert. 
“Henry, my eyes are up here!” she provoked and grabbed the straw between two fingers while throwing an amused glance at his simple cup of coffee. Henry followed her gaze and scoffed before raising the cup to his mouth and blowing to cool his drink.
The way his lips pursed together and his finger stroked the ceramic surface did not escape her observation. A sudden tingle swam down the length of her spine once it resonated in her mind that kind, charming, and beastly Henry was now single. Here they were, long time buddies, but now sitting together felt less comfortable than before. Her limbs felt like pins and needles while staring directly at his eyes was as risky as staring at the sun.  
“Cheers,” Henry mumbled and took a sip from his cup. 
Almost jolting in her seat, she stiffened and then grabbed her straw.
Giggles came from the other side of the diner. Among the retro gumball machines and rounded plastic bar stools, the waitress and a colleague leaned against the counter and stared at Henry, who turned his head for a brief moment and tipped his head.
Their giggles turned even louder.
She frowned. 
“So, have you been single for a while?” she heard herself asking with a rather urgent tone. Right away, a look of contrition crept on her face as she regretted her verbal onslaught and lack of sensitivity. 
Henry directed his gaze back to her and watched as she slowly sipped from the milkshake and then suckled the cream off her mouth. 
Absentmindedly, he licked his lips. “Since May. How about you, weren’t you with…?”
“No, ended, dodged a bullet.” she spat and pumped the straw up and down the thick beverage. “My milkshake brings all the boys… except it doesn't.” she sighed.
Henry frowned and shook his head with confusion. “What? You never told me you make your own milkshake. How come I never had some?” 
Her face abruptly froze, her eyes rounded with surprise before she snorted so loudly the waitresses stopped their whispering.
“Umm… Hen?” she called out, trying to hold herself from bursting into chuckles as her friend accidentally asked for a very sexual favour, “you honestly don’t know what ‘milkshake’ is slang for...?”
“Omg, you’re such a boomer.” 
“No, I was born in ‘83! I’m a millennial. But please, indulge me.” he begged and crossed his arms together.
Clearing her throat loudly, she did her best to fight the wicked grin that stretched on her already painful cheeks and wrapped her fist around the straw. “So you know... how… certain male bodily fluids are sometimes white and creamy...? And when you perform a certain motion it’s like you’re shaking it…?”
Henry blinked and became silent. An unbidden rush of blood pooled at his groin as he watched her thumb graze over the tip of the straw and her fist pumping it into the smooth liquid in a slow, gentle motion. Wickedness glazed her eyes, but he tried to dismiss it as nothing but their usual playful banter; yet his adam’s apple bobbed up and down while his shoulder tensed at the oddly arousing sight of her performing a sinful act on a milkshake. 
There was an unmistakable stir in his cock and for once, he was thankful for narrow spaces as it hid his predicament.
Leaning forward, she opened her mouth and swirled her tongue around the straw. She went deliberately slow, making him watch while she playfully licked and suckled the tip until finally wrapping her lips around it and taking a generous sip.
Henry gawked utterly smitten, unaware that his jaw was nearly at the floor.
And to make things worse, she moaned—not too loud—but definitely enough to make his shaft harden more.
She wasn’t sure what stirred this whimsical boost of confidence, only that seeing the large, handsome man pale at her provocations made her feel like the most powerful woman on earth. She also gathered she’d regret it forever and a day once they’ll part ways, but it was too late for that now.
Gingerly she pulled back, though not before allowing a single drop of cream to trickle down the corner of her lips.
“Oops,” she smirked casually, wiping the cream with her fingertip and sucking it clean. 
“Please stop…” 
It was then when she noticed that Henry’s playful mien was all but gone. Far from amused, he glowered with a clenched jaw. “If you’re going to keep doing that, I’ll have to leave,” he stated matter-of-factly. 
A rush of panic made her freeze in her spot, the same needles that pricked her skin were now setting jolts of electric bursts. “I’m so sorry, I crossed the line,” she said and covered her mouth with shame, “did I offend you? Do you want me to leave?”
“What? No, no, not at all.” Henry’s voice softened right away, and he reached a hand in the air, as if trying to stop her from leaving. The last thing he wanted now is for her to think he is angry with her. If anything, he wished they could spend more time together, not because of his obvious arousal, but because for the first time in a long while, he was having fun.
Still, she looked at him so utterly distraught.  
Henry scanned the diner as if trying to make sure no one was staring or taking any photo and then shifted in his seat uncomfortably. His eyes altered between his spread thighs and her several times, trying to signal toward his… trouble.
“Oh...” she gaped. 
An odd sense of pride began to permeate her chest, battling over the burning embarrassment that flamed up her neck and cheeks. At this point, she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to feel, only that it was definitely the most awkward hangout they had to date. 
Problem was, she never knew when to shut up. 
“Is little Henry hungry?”
Hearing those words, his brows dropped to an irritated sulk. “There is nothing little about it.”
“Ha! Prove it!”
It was as if the entire diner and perhaps the world fell into silence. Had the clatter of the dishes being washed in the back kitchen not rung their ears, she would have thought she grew suddenly deaf. 
“I didn’t mean it… sorry, I’ll stop,” she mumbled slowly and pressed her fingers to her mouth while shaking her head at her stupid behaviour. That was it, this was to be the last afternoon she would ever hang out with Henry and right now, she couldn’t even bring herself to look at him.
Henry chewed onto the inside of his cheeks, trying to stop the words that came faster than his thoughts.
“You didn’t?... Because I’ll definitely be up for proving...”
She blinked at his words and tilted her head, hoping that he won’t notice the wild tremors that shook her limbs, “What was that?” 
“I... yes? No?...I… fuck!” 
Henry lowered his head and slapped his palms across his face, rubbing back and forth with an utter meltdown while mumbling, “Forgive me,” a couple of times. He couldn’t care less of what the waitresses or whoever was watching would think of him; all he cared about was to make her feel comfortable around him again and maybe… even make her like him?
Soft and warm her voice called to him, slowly pulling him from his anguish like a sailor being rescued from a sunken ship. His blue sapphires shone, an ocean of confusion and anxiety still pooling within while he peered back at her face that was now smiling at him a mixture of comfort and exhilaration. 
“Would you like some of my milkshake?”
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Nyx
Nyx is a primordial goddess and the Greek personification of Night - the mother of Hypnos, Thanatos, Nemesis, and many more. She's a mysterious figure in their mythos as there's little surviving info about her cult. What is known, however, is that she was portrayed as beautiful, powerful, and feared by Zeus himself.
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon, Ares, Hestia, Nyx
What happens when you take a being born from the darkness and place them in a realm of eternal night…?
The answer came when the MC first stepped out of the portal. Everyone in the room was wholly expecting a normal-looking, confused human they could get up to speed, however…
The MC's skin suddenly darkened until it was as black as a shadow, their clothes levitated around them as if they were defying gravity, and glimmering speckles dotted their skin like twinkling stars.
Even their eyes turned a pure, glowing white without irises or pupils… Like two crowning stars locked into a body made from the shimmering night sky...
They weren't human. At the time, Lucifer wasn't even sure he could say what they were... Breathtaking, certainly, but there was something else about them that he couldn't place… something… foreboding...
Diavolo must have had the same unease because Barbatos was put in charge of monitoring them. The butler would send reports to them both and the results would range from benign to nerve-racking...
They kept their distance from his brothers and most people, but their power seemed immense... Barbs would report seeing them making small items float or summoning a meteor shower from their fingertips!
Lucifer ended up actually tasting their powers only once. When they stepped in to protect Beel and Luke and he went to attack them…
The whole House began to shake and the candles of the tomb started going out one by one as the air grew intolerably heavy... He could have sworn he saw a vortex of… something... swirling at their feet...
He backed off immediately and Beel and Luke got off with a warning, mostly because he was trying not to look utterly petrified...
He's never met a more beautiful and dangerous creature in his life… Pact mark or no, this is probably the only person the firstborn will admit he never wants to have to fight because he'd lose, big time.
He was expecting to find a human when he walked into the Student Council room, not an alien!!
Mammon was seriously scared of the MC when they first met because he legitimately believed they were an extraterrestrial sent to probe him!!... Or whatever else those scary movies say aliens do, lay eggs in his stomach?
He straight up avoided them like the plague until the Goldie incident more or less bound them together. But even then there was a distance between them he just couldn't place…
Naturally, it bothers a demon a bit if their master doesn't seem to like them, so he eventually cornered them one day to force them to tell him why they'd been running off!
As it turned out, the MC actually knew as little about their new form everybody else! They had been perfectly normal in the human world, but for some reason the Devildom supercharged them! They could tell that they were powerful, but had no idea how to control themselves yet and it scared them...
So Mammon became their first unofficial "coach." Not that he knew how to train them or anything, but he was the first person supportive enough to even try to help them learn their new powers.
It led to some… interesting misadventures. Like when the MC unexpectedly burst every water pipe in the House or when they got a little too frustrated and ripped the kitchen apart with an accidental twister, but hey, Mammon was always there for them at least.
Of course, because he's who he is, he's not above asking the MC to help him with his schemes for "training purposes…" Infiltration is more fun if you're weightless, after all!
Speaking of weightless… His favorite way to float is when the MC gets excited and hugs him. They can't help but levitate them both off the ground when they're that happy and it makes the whole hug that much sweeter.
It's… it's like he's in his very own Magical Girl anime!!! Uh, "I'm a Demon and this is My New Life with a Magic Starchild!!"-or something like that. 🤷‍♀️
He didn't even think their transformation was real when he first saw it! He really thought it was an elaborate body art cosplay but then their "freckles" rearranged themselves when he frightened them, so it had to be real!!
He'll declare that they're probably (literally) the coolest thing on the planet. They have the looks of an epic fantasy character plus insane powers to boot! 
…though uh… they may need a training arc or two to learn how to control them… 😅
Since their powers are apparently tied to their emotions, Levi's seen them do a whole bunch of stuff that's not entirely on purpose... Like, they can make things float when they're happy and push everything down when they're sad. 
So once he showed them one of those "tragic ending" animes for fun, but they cried so hard that they increased gravity and accidentally sent his bathtub crashing into the basement…
The worst of it is when they're mad, though. He made the mistake of making them play a rage game once and they ended up shattering all the glass in his room! His aquarium wall and Henry's fishtank included!!
They were able to make a zero G sphere of water in order to save Henry's life, but the cleanup was brutal… They were super sorry, but Levi took most of the blame himself anyway.
Honestly, he'd have been more mad but their body is clearly not something they can control just yet. Plus, it's so cool that he can put up with a little destruction anyway, you know?
Well, isn't that an interesting phenomenon?
Meeting a demigod is exciting enough, but one who reacted to the Devildom like that? It was pretty much unheard of!
Though he'd hate to admit it, Satan stalked the MC just as closely as Barbatos for a little while... But only because he was a little unsure of how to approach them…
They kept to themselves and their powers seemed "a little" unpredictable (see Levi's orphaned bathtub). Thankfully, Mammon ended up recommending the MC to him since Satan's one of the smartest guys around.
Satan made a better coach than Mammon, anyway. He was far more knowledgeable and actually able to hypothesize the strength their powers, which came in handy because uh… well…
Look. The whole realm 'ooohs' and 'ahhhs' over their appearance but they're all fools - no morons - for not noticing what potential the MC actually has. Satan was positive that the MC is the most powerful being in the Devildom, without question.
They had a complete control over gravity, atmospheric pressure, and even astronomical bodies… If they wanted to, they could literally pluck a planet out of orbit and send it careening into who knows what!
Want more terrifying? They could create near-matterless vacuums at the palms of their hands with the potential to suffocate, crush, or rip apart basically anything they wanted with implosive force….
Does he even need to spell out why that's utterly horrifying??
At least the MC seemed to be a genuinely nice person who wanted to control their powers better… Their emotions often got in the way but they tried their best.
He likes the MC a lot, but he'd be lying if he said that they didn’t also terrify him… They may have been pretty normal in the human world, but give them endless night and they may as well be a god...
Oh… My… Father!!! They're GORGEOUS!!!!
From the moment their transformation completed, Asmo had never seen anything like them! He said that they were like a living droplet of the night sky!
They were magnificent!! They were radiant!!! He was posting pictures of them before they had even said their first sentence!!
So Asmo was pretty much patient zero for any and all rumors and hype about the MC after that... Apparently someone like them only visits the Devildom every one, maybe two, centuries so everybody was bound to get talking.
Thankfully, the MC's habit of ducking out of the House kept them from becoming a full on sideshow. Unfortunately, however, Asmodeus was relentless!
He'd beg them to try modeling or make videos with him because of their unique look! He'd lay on the praises, but it was a little... much. It wasn't until Mammon finally stepped that he backed off a bit.
Asmo sometimes forgets that not everyone puts as much emphasis on looks as he does... Though he meant well, he hadn't realized that the MC maybe wouldn't appreciate him making such a big deal out of their appearance change. Pretty as it was, it was still involuntary to them...
Of course, after they told him this he cooled off and stopped putting them out there so publicly but even still he could hardly keep his eyes off of them... unless he was looking in a mirror, of course. 😘
A fun fact about the MC: when they blush, their skin makes a pink nebula. And thanks to his antics, Asmo has seen their lively pink cheeks many, many times… 🤭
Belphie would like them, wouldn't he...?
Beel's first reaction upon seeing the MC was genuine sadness, as seeing the stars with his twin brother still gone often brought him… 
The sadness didn't last too long at least because Beel tried his best to see the MC more like a person than a work of art or an oddity. Sure, they looked different - like really different - but they still laughed, cried, and ate like everybody else so they couldn't be that different.
Though then again, most people don't end up floating in midair when they laugh… Eh, oh well. It's not like those little details bother him. 🤷‍♀️
He always remained certain that Belphie would like the MC so he told them a lot about him. Since his twin loved stargazing, it'd only be natural that he'd like someone who looked like the stars, right?
Aside from the occasional tangent about his brother, Beel would also help the MC with their training by letting them help him with his training!
Controlling gravity can be pretty nifty for strength/resistance exercises, so there would be days where Beel would just pull a Dragon Ball and walk around at 1.5 or 2 times Earth's gravity thanks to having the MC on his back!
Sure, lifting a glass of milk becane so difficult that he literally broke a sweat from trying, but he felt like he can juggle motorcycles afterwards so who's complaining? Not him!
Was it some kind of joke?
The MC was not human. There was no way in heaven or hell that whatever he lured to the attic was supposed to be a human!!
Really, everything about the MC and their situation seemed directly designed to throw a monkey wrench into his plans...
One: They weren't human so how was he supposed to ruin Diavolo's dream? Two: They were clearly some kind of magical being so they could likely defend themselves…
But third ans most embarrassing of all... he honestly, genuinely, has never seen a more amazing person in his life. Blame it on his soft spot for the stars, but the moment the MC step up to his prison bars, he was smitten...
And. He. HATED IT!
Look, as much as he loved the night sky, he wasn't about to let some random non-human derail his anger! He was stronger than that!
He managed to hold onto his bitterness just long enough to make a halfhearted attempt on their life after they got the door open, but uh…
His brothers found Belphie when he fell through a newly-made hole in the ceiling... Said hole was made when his body slammed to the ground hard enough to crash through the attic floor... 😣
If the damage they caused wasn't enough to change his mind (which it was), then their distress when they thought they might have hurt him certainly did. Even their tears looked like stardust...
After far too long, Belphie got over his denial and began to properly love MC. If he liked stargazing before, he adored it now because he never even has to get out of bed! He can just roll over and follow the "stars" on the MC's body!
Unfortunately, that same love means it also takes a lot to ditch him if they get sick of being his personal night's sky… The brothers have found him floated up and sleeping on the ceiling on numerous occasions so the mortal can get some fresh air (clever MC)...
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jadegrey711 · 4 years
Achey Thighs
Henry Cavill x Fem!Reader
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A/N: For some reason i randomly find myself writing about Henry Cavill yet again. This guy really needs to be in more movies specifically romance movies lol. So this little story is based solely on true events, the true events being that i recently tired to workout and fucking killed my legs with lunges lol. Also the source for this gif can be found in the tags
*NOT MY GIF. Source is in the Tags*
Summary: Reader decides to workout with Henry and whilst doing some lunges she overexcerts herself and her muscles ache like crazy the next day. She assures Henry that she’s fine but he sees her limping and tells her the best thing to do is to rub it out.
If you like my stories you can check out my sideblog @jadegreywriting​ to see all of them and my masterlist without filtering through my main blog.
I own all rights to this story and do not give permission for my stories to be published, translated or reposted anywhere else. The only places I have published my stories is here on Tumblr and on my AO3 account (LadyAuthor711) 
This story is for 18+ ONLY. It contains sexual themes that are not suited for younger audiences so if you’re under 18 my blog and this story is not for you. Please make sure to read at your own discretion and remember that you are solely responsible for your content intake. 
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It was a new year so that meant it was time for a new you. You had to admit that during quarantine you had gotten extremely lazy; Henry did too for a bit at the very beginning. And you had to admit that having him home all the time to cook for the both of you, along with lying about and messing around anytime you wanted was pure bliss. However, as soon as production was able to ramp up again;  he was right back to his early morning routines. So, you decided that you weren’t going to be a lazy lout anymore and decided to join him in his routine one day. 
You heard the alarm buzz and gasped awake, feeling a hint of drool on the pillow. “I’m awake. I’m awake.” You muttered and twisted in bed to find Henry already sitting up and smiling down at you. 
“Babe. Are you sure you want to do this with me? I mean it’s four in the morning, this is not your usual prowling hours.” he chuckled. 
“No.” you said sitting up in bed. “I said I wanted to do this with you and I meant it.” You stated before, gruffly getting out of bed, hearing Henry’s chuckles behind you. 
“Alright then. I’ll see you downstairs in ten to fifteen minutes yeah? Make sure you bundle up. It's cold out there.”
You let out an involuntary shiver at the thought of going outside this early in the morning. 
Well that wasn’t too bad of a way to spend the morning. 
You knew that Henry purposely went easy on you this morning, knowing full well that his training and morning routines don’t consist of power walking, but it made you smile to think that he did it for you. Plus, even though it was freezing outside the walk itself was wonderful; being able to take in the early morning before the world was awake, with you and Henry chatting as you walked. Towards the end of the walk and as you neared closer back to the house, Henry noticed you were starting to shiver and wrapped a strong arm around you and brought you close to him. 
You immediately let out a low moan of appreciation as you felt his heat radiate into your cold skin. “God, you’re still so warm, even after being out here for an hour!” You smiled, snuggling closer into him. 
He let out a small chuckle, tugging you tighter to him. “Don’t worry this next part won’t be nearly as cold.” he smiled. 
“What are we doing?” You asked tentatively. 
“I thought we could work on some strength training together. I know you said you wanted to get in better shape.” he paused, a smile coming to his lips. “Although I personally think you are perfect as you are.” He smiled again before placing a quick kiss to your lips, causing your cheeks to heat. “However, I thought that strength training would be a good place to start and of course it won’t be something insane.” 
“Okay, that sounds like fun. Then after that are you going to bench me?” You chuckled as he opened the door. 
“Oh hell yes. That’s the only reason for me to stay in shape. So I can pick you up and throw you over my shoulders any time I please.” He said before his hands shot out to your hips and you let out a squeal of delight; as he stole you away into the house to begin your first day of strength training.
“Fuck.” You groaned as you slowly got up from the couch, trying not to wince too loud as you made your way upstairs for another ibuprofen. You knew those lunges were a bad idea, you’d never been able to do them right and in consequence you’d always gotten hurt. 
However, this time you didn’t think you’d actually hurt yourself you were just this out of shape.
As you grabbed the bottle of ibuprofen, you heard Henry coming up the stairs. 
“Babe? Are you still sore?” 
“Yeah!” You shouted back from the bathroom, and a moment later Henry was standing there leaning on the bathroom door frame. 
“How bad does it hurt?” He asked, concern etching his face. He came up behind you and began rubbing your shoulders. 
You smiled. “My thighs don’t necessarily hurt, their just sore like fucking crazy.” 
Henry nodded and thought for a moment. “You’re not used to this kind of training but I’ll get you there.” He smiled. “But, I have an idea that I’m sure will help you out. Go lay down baby and I’ll be there in a second.” He said kissing your head. 
“Okay.” you nodded and tried so hard not to limp away but it was useless. You let out a loud groan as you sat on the bed, your legs outstretched in front of you as you waited for Henry to come out of the bathroom.
When he came out of the bathroom and into the bedroom he had your bottle of Aveeno lotion. You cocked an eyebrow at him. 
“What do you think you’re going to be doing with that?” 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” He smirked. “I know you’re sore, and it doesn’t matter how much ibuprofen you take right now the only way to really help with that soreness is to rub it out.” 
“Alright.” You said, and bit your bottom lip. “I’m liking this much better already. So you’re going to massage me? And it’s not even our anniversary!” You giggled and Henry let out a loud laugh. 
“Are you going to let me help you or are you gonna give me shit the entire time?” 
“Giving you shit is my born prerogative.” You chuckled, then got up onto your knees and reached out for him and pulled him into your embrace so you could kiss him. 
Henry slowly pulled away. “Alright, you’ve had your fun, now lay down and take off your pants.” He smirked.
“Oh! Now we’re cooking with fire!” you giggled.  
“Y/N.” He said, his face showing that he means business now. 
“Alright!” You giggled and started to take off your leggings, until you were laying on the bed in only Henry’s oversized shirt. 
“Good. Now tell me where is it sore the most? On the back of your thighs? The front? Does your calves hurt at all?” he asked his face filled with seriousness. 
“It’s the front of my thighs that hurt the most.” You said as you positioned yourself so you were laying completely flat on the bed the only thing that was elevated was your head. 
“Alright. Henry said simply, and then proceeded to climb on the bed and position himself so he was between your legs. He guided your legs so they were wrapped behind his back, and you laid open to him. 
“Henry. What are you doing?” You asked confused but intrigued just the same.
He lightly shushed you and grabbed the lotion bottle and rubbed some into his hands before he brought those strong hands down on your aching thighs.
You let out a soft hiss. But his hands didn’t waver as they continued to softly rub your thighs. He started out by using the tips of his fingers, so his touch was soft at first. Then as he continued working on your sore muscles he started using the palm of his hands. So he could work the deeper knots in the muscle. 
You let out a small sigh, as you felt your aching muscles ease under his touch, but you also felt something else as his strong hands worked you. You felt your arousal growing, watching him there between your thighs, his hands alleviating your pain but also bringing you pleasure as you watch them glide up and down your skin. His face a mask of shere concentration as he massaged you, only to look up at your face every now and again and each time he did, you could see his own arousal growing in his eyes. 
His hands moved a bit lower than they needed to, grinding them into your hips before coming back up your thighs and stopping at your knees; repeating the same motions. 
“How does this feel?” He asked, and it came out breathy. This had to be affecting him as much as it was affecting you. 
“It feels really good baby.” You purred, knowing now that you were a puddle in his hands now. 
“How good?” He licked his lips, then you felt his hands trace the inside of your thighs and before he could touch you where you needed him to, his hands went back up again. 
“Henry.” You gasped, feeling just how drenched you were for him and those hands of his right now. 
“Tell me how good it feels, Y/N.” He said, his voice holding a tone of command. His hands went back down to where they almost brushed your mound. 
“It feels so good, baby.” You purred and arched your hips up to him, letting him know exactly what you want. 
“Oh yeah?” he teased. 
“Yes.” You hissed. “Henry please, touch me.” You pleaded and to your sweet relief felt his fingers brush your pussy lips, separating them as he traced down your folds. 
“You’re so wet for me Y/N.”
You couldn’t think coherently with Henry’s fingers tracing your folds with him in between your thighs so you just nodded, feeling like you were going to explode if he didn’t properly touch you soon. 
“Such a good girl.” He purred as he put down your legs so he could lean over you and kiss you deeply. You let out a low moan as you finally got what you wanted and you felt Henry’s finger slide into, and started crooking it in a come hither motion. Adding gas to the already roaring fire inside you. 
“You know how much I love you Y/N.” he said against your neck, sucking your skin knowing that it’ll leave a mark there. 
You moaned and grabbed onto his curly locks as he pushed another finger inside of you, and you could feel that familiar climb in your lower belly as you knew you were about to reach your climax. 
“So good.” he purred in your ear and you felt yourself go over the edge and grip tightly onto his fingers as your climax raked over you. 
“God, I love you so much Henry.” You moaned somewhat unintelligently. Henry didn’t seem to mind at all as he slipped his fingers out of you and fell to the bed next to you. 
“Well that’s not at all where i intended that to go.” He laughed and you laughed with him. 
“You started it! Telling me to take off my pants then putting yourself between my legs!” you laughed. 
“Okay, maybe I did mean for it to go there.” he laughed. “So, does this mean that we’re doing this every time we work out?
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
A/N: LOVES, I HAD NO IDEA ANON ASKS WEREN��T AUTOMATICALLY TURNED ON IM SO SORRY. they’re on now so please feel free to send or ask me anything, on or off anon!!! thank you @mercy-burning for telling me how to do it!
Chapter 29
“You’re going to have to roll me out of bed, Spence,” you groaned.
“Don’t you want to find out the sex of the baby?” Spencer asked.
“Gender is just a social construct anyways,” you put your pillow over your head to shield yourself from the morning light.
“Yes it is but we still need to go to at least check if little one is healthy,” Spencer countered.
“Fine,” you mumbled, “But you’re doing all the work, Dr. Reid.”
Spencer grabbed one of your hands and then wrapped his other arm around your waist to help you out of bed.
“What do you want to wear today?” he asked, opening your closet door.
“Ooh, that new sundress you bought me!” you exclaimed.
Spencer smiled as he pulled out a light blue sundress with daisies all over it. He helped you take off your PJs and put on clean underwear because bending over was such a chore for you now. Then, he slipped the dress over your head.
You let out an excited squeal when looking in the mirror, “I love it and I love you.”
Spencer knelt down to lace your converse up and then pressed a kiss to the big belly bump directly in front of him.
“I thought you would look adorable in it and I’m never wrong,” he gave you a quick kiss before walking over to his closet to get dressed for the day.
“I can wake Jo up,” you told him as you exited the room.
Jo was already on the floor, dressed and playing with her toys, when you walked into her room.
“Oh my gosh, someone is up early today,” you smiled.
“I get to see brother or sister today,” Jo beamed.
“Yes, you do, Baby J. You will also get an answer to that question because ‘brother or sister’ is kind of a mouthful,” you replied, “Let’s go have some breakfast. Daddy will be down in a minute.”
You were in the big chair with your dress up as the nurse squirted the cool gel on your exposed belly. Luckily, you remembered last minute to have Spencer put some shorts on underneath your dress.
Jo was sitting in Spencer’s lap right next to you, fascinated by all the medical equipment surrounding her.
“Okay, I’m going to take a quick look first,” the nurse stated.
As she moved the wand across your belly, her brow furrowed as she looked at the screen and her eyes widened slightly.
“I’m going to get Dr. Collins,” she grabbed her clipboard and rushed out of the room.
“What’s wrong?” you worriedly called after her.
You turned to Spencer, “Spence, what’s wrong?”
He looked just as panicked as you, “I don’t know, the monitor was facing away from me.”
Dr. Collins came into the room before your concerns could continue to exponentially expand, “Hello Reid Family!”
She picked up the wand and quickly scanned it across your belly, observing the screen.
“Yep, she was right. You guys are having twins,” Dr. Collins turned the monitor so you all could see.
“Oh my god, Spence!” your worried expression instantly morphed into one of pure joy as you turned to face him.
His smile was just as wide as yours, if not, wider. You could barely see his eyes because they were crinkled from smiling as much as humanly possible.
“Are you ready for two more?” you whispered after giving him a kiss.
“I’ll take as many as you’ll give me. Maybe they’ll find a third in there,” he joked back.
“I do apologize. Twins usually can be detected earlier but there are cases where one twin sort of hides out in your uterus and can’t be seen on the first ultrasound,” Dr. Collins stated.
“It’s no problem but you may want to tell your nurse to control her microexpressions a bit more. We almost had a heart attack in here,” Spencer chuckled.
“I’m sorry about that. I am able to tell you the sex of each baby if you would like,” Dr. Collins said.
You looked at Spencer and he nodded in confirmation, grabbing your hand.
“The one that was originally spotted on the first ultrasound is...a girl! And the shy one that decided they didn’t want to be seen just yet is...a boy!” Dr. Collins smiled, “Congratulations! You guys are free to go. You can schedule your next appointment at the front desk.”
“Thank you!” you beamed as she left the room, turning your attention to Jo and Spencer.
“Brother AND sister!” Jo exclaimed.
“I thought it was weird my belly seemed to be much bigger than it was with Jo,” you smiled.
“I can have one of those baby carriers with one on the front and one on the back!” Spencer excitedly rambled, “We’re going to need a bigger house with a yard! Oh and a swing set! Maybe I can build a treehouse!”
“I love the enthusiasm, babe,” you laughed, giving him a kiss.
“Jo, are you ready to be a big sister to two?” you asked.
Jo nodded enthusiastically, “We are all going to play together.”
“The babies may need a little time to get used to the world when they are born before they can play with you, Princess, but I promise Mommy and Daddy will still play with you all you want,” Spencer kissed the top of the little girl’s head.
You had all taken a family nap when you got home from the doctor’s office. You awoke about an hour later with Spencer’s arms still wrapped around. Jo was using your bump as her pillow. Spencer was speaking softly into his phone, he hadn’t noticed you were up yet.
“Yes, Mom. Twins!” he excitedly whispered.
“Twins, indeed,” you giggled.
Spencer looked down at you adoringly, “Sorry, did I wake you?”
“It’s fine, love. I shouldn’t sleep all day. I should probably wake Jo up too,” you assured him and began to nudge Jo softly.
“She wants to talk to you,” Spencer handed the phone to you.
“Hi, Diana,” you smiled.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N! You are giving me two more grandbabies?! I wish I could just give you a million hugs right now. Is Spencer treating you well?”
“Yes, very,” you cuddled further into Spencer’s chest as he stroked your hair, “The twins won the lottery by getting the best dad in the world.”
“And mom!” Spencer added,“...besides you of course, Mom.”
“I think your one grandchild that isn’t in my belly wants to talk to you,” you laughed at Jo’s grabby hands towards the phone.
“Hi Grammy!” she beamed.
You knocked on the LaMontagne’s front door.
“Hi!” JJ greeted, dressed as Cinderella.
“Ooh, very enchanting,” you giggled, “I went for a more comfortable look.”
You gestured to your kangaroo onesie.
“Aw cause the baby is in the pouch, very clever!” Penelope grinned.
You glanced at Spencer with a knowing smirk at the singular ‘baby’ because you hadn’t announced the news to them yet.
“Yeah about that,” Spencer set Jo down to go play with Henry.
Spencer was dressed in a green dinosaur onesie with scales running down his back and Jo was dressed as an archaeologist with a tan vest and bucket hat.
“Do you want to tell them?” he asked.
“No, you can tell them.”
“I told them you were pregnant so you should get to say this,” Spencer insisted.
“How about I tell them the first thing and you tell them the second?” you countered.
“We are having twins!” you exclaimed.
“A healthy girl and boy!” Spencer added, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
The room erupted into a cheer and a mad dash for your belly.
“Can I touch, please?” Penelope politely asked.
“Of course. You are all welcome to feel the twins.”
Everyone took a turn, rubbing your belly and saying hi to the babies.
“Jeez, I can’t even imagine two newborns at once. Props to you guys,” Will raised his drink up in the air before taking a sip.
“Oh, I think this one is more than ready for the challenge,” you leaned your head on Spencer’s shoulder, “He’s already started buying everything we need in double.”
A/N: i was on the fence between a girl or a boy or twins but then an ao3 commenter suggested twins and that helped my decision! please feel free to leave comments because i absolutely ADORE reading them!
taglist: (just ask to be added or removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs
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lesbianlotties · 3 years
What if when Deena kills Goode and the Shadyside curse is broken, all of the victims finally get to rest in peace, and they are all reunited?
Starting with Sarah, waking up to meet Hannah again. All the killers waking up, reunited with their loved ones. Everyone from 1666, 1978, 1994, waking up in some perfect place and then meeting each other and...
okay i wrote it
At first, there was only darkness, calling out her name.
The darkness started to bleed. Black gave way into powerful red. It was a familiar voice calling out her name.
“Sarah, dearest, wake up.”
Light started breaking through the red. A blue sky above was revealed, and then, the loveliest of faces. The woman she’d loved and died for.
“There you are,” Hannah smiled, as she continued to lovingly brush away the red moss covering all of Sarah’s body.
Sarah gasped for air, and jumped to a seated position. She took a deep breath. It felt like being born again. Soon, it registered there wasn’t an ounce of pain in her entire being. In fact, all she could feel was the warmth of the sun, the softness of the moss around her, and the tenderness of Hannah’s eyes.
“You’re finally here,” Hannah whispered in awe, placing a gentle hand in her bewildered lover’s cheek.
“Oh, Hannah, my love,” Sarah returned the gesture.
Then before wondering at all about explanations or reason or logic, Hannah pulled her in for a kiss. It felt exactly as Sarah remembered, and even better. Better than life itself, Hannah Miller’s kiss. When they had to pull away, due to Hannah’s growing smile and Sarah’s overwhelmed tremble of her entire body, they continued to rest their foreheads against each other until their breathing calmed down. “Hannah,” Sarah said, pulling back a little more to look around them, “What is this place?”
“Peace,” Hannah replied.
“What?” Sarah frowned. She stared at the ground, covered in that recognizable red shade as far as she could look. The trees, the large rock beside them, it was all familiar. “Where are we? Is this Union?”
Hannah shook her head softly. “It’s just… peace,” she insisted. There was no other way to explain it.
It appeared Sarah didn’t need to hear more. She exhaled a sigh of relief. Then her eyes met the love of her life again. “I’m so sorry it took me so long,” she apologized.
For the first time since their reunion, Hannah looked slightly less than blissfully happy. “It was nothing, Sarah. Time was meaningless without you,” Hannah stated with loving fierceness, “Eternity begins right now, with you, and only with you.”
Simultaneously they moved in for another kiss. Sarah’s instincts told her to keep kissing her lover. Danger could be around the corner. Threats. Neighbors. Evil. They had to make the most of whatever time they had. But… hadn’t they left all of that behind? Didn’t they win? That victorious feeling blossomed inside her chest and soothed her fervor. As the kisses slowed down, they found the strength to pull away from each other.
“Who did it?” Hannah wondered as her hands caressed Sarah’s hair. “Finally, who managed to break the curse?”
Immediately, Sarah grinned. “Two girls. Two wonderful, wonderful girls. I am sure you would have loved them. And their marvelous friends. And I pray we won’t see them around here for a long, long time.”
The two girls shared a blissful chuckle. “Good,” Hannah nodded.
There was a brief moment of silence then. Hannah studied Sarah. How terribly she had missed her all this time. How long had she waited for her lover to achieve her well-earned peace. And Sarah Fier wouldn’t have let herself rest until her entire land had also reached equal freedom. Sitting beside her, Sarah took a moment to look around them again.
“This is pretty,” Sarah commented about the red moss that covered the entire ground. She ran her hand over it and marveled at the lovely, perfect softness of it.
“You’re welcome,” Hannah replied with lips pursed into a playful smirk. It was true she had been the one to place the crown of red moss on her fallen savior’s head.
“The afterlife has made you even more playful, love,” Sarah lovingly accused her.
Hannah looked nothing but proud to hear that. It wouldn’t be paradise if they weren’t there laughing together. Suddenly, Hannah’s visible joy increased, and she turned eager to be on the move. “Follow me,” she said, standing up and offering her hand to the other girl.
“Where, my darling?” Sarah asked, despite the fact that was already standing up and willing to follow Hannah anywhere, to the ends of heaven and hell if necessary.
“There’s a lot I want to show you,” Hannah smiled. “They’re all coming here.”
Sarah was being led by the hand. Hannah looked over her shoulder at her with a brilliant smile that had been the light to inspire Sarah’s fight and therefore became the miraculous force behind the ultimate liberation from the curse. Hannah was all light, and hope, and love, and good news, for eternity.
“Everyone,” she replied.
Sarah and Hannah knelt behind a rock and looked on at the most wonderful sight.
“Henry?” Sarah exclaimed in a breathless whisper.
Hannah was holding her hand, and Sarah’s grip was so strong it nearly hurt, if they could hurt in that place. “And my dad,” Hannah added, “and everyone else.”
It was true. Not everyone had made it, but a group from Union was right there, happily wandering around the woods, stepping on the soft moss, exchanging fresh, delicious fruits, and talking to each other. Henry looked perfectly healthy and happy. He was talking with Lizzie and Isaac, the pair of friends were smiling brighter than ever. Pastor Miller looked as happy as a man could be, surrounded by children that looked all healed, that couldn’t feel nor remember any pain. The Berman sisters were there too. Abigail cried in relief and Constance made fun of her for it, while eagerly returning the embrace. A few feet behind them, the widow Mary was dancing with her husband and child.
“Look at them!” Sarah sighed, there were tears shimmering in her eyes. Joyful tears.
“You made this possible, you know?” Hannah told her.
Overwhelmed by her emotions, Sarah wrapped her arms around Hannah’s waist, and held tightly, perfectly safe and comforted by her lover’s arms wrapped over her shoulders, holding her close.
“What did you do?” Sarah wondered after a while of the two of them simply holding each other. “After… what happened with you?”
“I left,” Hannah replied simply. “I left, and Union separated in two. I was a widow, I decided, and our friends weren’t many, but eventually, we made a place for ourselves.”
“Shadyside,” Sarah smiled.
“Oh, have you heard about it?”
Sarah laughed at Hannah’s playfulness once more. “I have seen glimpses of it.”
“Then you will love what’s next.”
Hannah hadn’t been wrong. The more they walked around the woods, the more Sarah’s heart overflowed with joy. Everywhere around them were victims of the curse coming home, families reunited, lovers embracing, kids being kids.
A tall man taking off his mask, breathing freely for the first time in too long. A little boy being picked up by his loving parents. A man throwing his arms around his friends. No weapons on sight. Nobody a killer. They were who they always had been. Their loved ones remembered them as such. Forgiveness filled the air. They were free, and loved, and at peace. And there were more of them.
“Ruby!” Sarah exclaimed. It was her turn to drag Hannah by the hand as she rushed to take a closer look at the young girl. “She was so strong,” Sarah praised her, her voice trembling with emotion. The young Ruby Lane was running into the arms of her friends. There was no need to forgive. There was only forgetting the bad things that happened, things that weren’t the killer’s fault, for they weren’t killers but the first victims each time.
“Where’s her mother?” Hannah wondered.
“Not here yet,” Sarah replied, “By now she has probably heard the good news, I am sure. Last thing I heard, she has a good friend.”
“She will be welcomed by her daughter when her time comes,” Hannah added. “They will be eternally happy.” After thinking about it for a long moment, she looked at the love of her life with a proud smile. “You were looking after them, weren’t you?”
“I did my best,” Sarah looked down bashfully. “I’m not as strong as the curse. But I could nudge certain things to go the right way here and there.”
“You’re mistaken, my heart,” Hannah fondly shook her head. “If anything, you have proved you are stronger than even the Devil.”
Silently, Sarah lifted their joined hands to leave a kiss on the back of Hannah’s hand. She faintly wondered if this entire experience would consist of always being overcome by emotion. Her angel. Their friends, their people, the Shadysiders.
“This is... incredible,” Sarah sighed.
“It’s all thanks to you, Sarah Fier,” Hannah said.
“Yes, of course it was you,” Hannah looked at her earnestly. “You kept your promise. You haunted the Goodes until you found someone that could help you break the curse. They couldn’t have done it without you.”
“And I couldn’t have done it without you,” Sarah replied with a trembling voice.
Hannah wouldn’t let her remain wistful too long though. “There’s more,” Hannah said, lighting up smiles in both their faces, as they resumed their journey across the woods.
“Oh! Hannah, look!” Sarah exclaimed, hurrying her pace as the couple neared the next clearing in the woods.
“Calm down, Sarah,” Hannah laughed fondly. When they were close enough, she stopped her, and wrapped her arms around her to keep her still. “We can’t meet them yet.”
“Why not?” Sarah wondered. She turned her face slightly to look at her lover, and seeing her face so close over her shoulder, she couldn’t help but place a sweet kiss on that inviting pair of lips.
Hannah blinked slowly. Life, death, and beyond, she would never be unaffected by Sarah’s affection. Finally, she smiled. “You will be famous, dear,” she said, “And I am not ready to share you yet.”
The two of them shared a laugh. Sarah seemed to accept that answer, and relaxed in Hannah’s arms. They rested their foreheads together and basked in the silence for a moment. It didn’t last long though. A loud yelp of surprise coming from somewhere nearby startled them.
“Oh, I’m happy to see her,” Hannah chuckled as the two of them moved closer and hid behind a tree to watch the scene in front of them unfold.
Cindy Berman stood up from the ground with a gasp, staring at her somehow not pristine polo shirt. “There’s still moss?!” she nearly yelled.
“Seriously, Berman? Even here?” teased a voice from behind her.
“Alice!” Cindy really yelled then. She jumped in the arms of the other girl and started peppering her face with kisses while Alice laughed loudly and happily, holding her close.
Observing them from a safe distance away, Sarah and Hannah shared an amused look. “They are a lovely pair,” Sarah whispered.
The blonde girl nodded, then asked Sarah, “How is her sister? The younger one?”
“Older now,” Sarah replied with an affectionate smile. “She is fine, and she will be doing better.”
“I hope she won’t be here any time soon. But that will be a reunion I will love to see,” Hannah added. They were watching as the realization dawned on Cindy Berman’s face. Her younger sister wasn’t there. Ziggy was alive. It was the best part of this entire moment for her.
A few steps behind Cindy and Alice, Arnie affectionately slapped Tommy Slater’s back. “Don’t worry man, you’ll get a hug too,” he said.
The blonde guy chuckled. He glanced at his hands, as if expecting an axe to still be there. Seeing himself free, he took a look around. They were surrounded by a group of children in their blue t-shirts. At first, they looked confused, dazed, but they quickly gained their footing. They started running around, openly laughing while a couple of teenagers almost chased after them to protect them, carrying the instinct of old camp counselors with them. They weren’t in danger though. There was nothing to fear. Everyone greeted each other with smiles, and Tommy smiled the brightest.
“Oh…” Sarah breathed out. She was delighted to see so many people reunited, but it didn’t come without a heavy weight on top of it. “So many children…”
“I know,” Hannah agreed. She kept a hand on Sarah’s shoulder, offering silent support. Noticing this, Sarah placed one of her hands atop Hannah’s. They’d missed each other. She felt she needed to be touching the other girl at all times.
“Why… How was so much cruelty possible? So much horror,” she wondered out loud.
“It was the devil’s work, Sarah,” Hannah did her best to reply. “It wasn’t human. Nobody here was ever cruel. And the horror is all over now.”
“It is?”
“It is,” Hannah promised. Her hand had moved to Sarah’s face, and with the back of her fingers, she tenderly caressed the girl’s cheek.
Sarah took her time breathing in and out. Staring at the love of her life, as alive as she ever knew her. Breathing in and out. The ethereal world around them, perfectly real. Breathing in and out. Her racing heart had barely calmed down enough when she was startled by a sound of rustling leaves coming from behind her. “What was that?” She asked in a tense whisper.
“Do not be scared, Sarah,” Hannah replied quickly. “There is no evil here. nothing to hunt us anymore.”
“No threats?” Sarah wondered, staring at Hannah with a small frown on her face.
“No fear,” Hannah reassured her.
“No hate?” Sarah inquired, though this time a small smile was growing on her lips.
“Nothing but peace.”
“And joy?”
“And love,” Hannah grinned. Then, seeing as she couldn’t find a reason not to, she leaned in forward quickly to steal a small kiss. “And friendship,” she playfully added. She took Sarah’s hand in hers once more to lead her to a new spot. “Take a look.”
There, with his hands behind his back as if afraid of himself, Ryan Torres was repeatedly apologizing to his friend. Heather was tearing up, shaking her head and dismissing his apologies. Her hands had been on his shoulders, but she soon pulled him into a warm hug. Nervously at first, he eventually reciprocated the embrace, carefully holding her close as she whispered soothing words to him. A few steps away from them, staff from the mall, and the hospital, and the police station were sharing awe-struck conversations. The heavenly spectacle of watching old friends come together, victims open their eyes again, friendship being born in the afterlife… it was all a mesmerizing sight. Sarah believed she could have spent a good portion of eternity simply staring at the people around her.
That’s when Sarah and Hannah were startled by a pair of voices coming from nearby. They simply had to move closer to get a better look at them.
“How does my hair look?”
“Aren’t you dead?”
“Yes, idiot. But how’s my hair?”
“It’s fine!” Simon laughed, accepting the hand Kate was offering him to pull him up from the ground.
He didn’t waste a single second wrapping his arms around her and holding her as closely as possible. Kate pressed her face to his chest, closed her eyes tightly, and didn’t even try to hide her smile. The two best friends enjoyed the embrace for a while, and eventually pulled away slowly. They brushed away the red moss that lingered on their clothes and slowly started taking a look around them.
“Where are we?” Simon wondered.
Kate didn’t really hear him, though. She’d seen something that stopped her in her tracks. “Deena?” Kate blurted out.
“Sam?” Simon exclaimed, equally as surprised.
Realizing they’d been caught, Sarah and Hannah hid behind a tree. They shared a look, wide eyes, and guilty smiles. A second later, they were running away, hand in hand, to avoid causing a confusion, for the time being. When they were safely away from most curious eyes, right in the middle of their gorgeous, red-tinted forest, they stopped. They had been laughing the entire time. They came together at once for a new kiss, familiar and exhilarating at once. Their hands lovingly cradling each other’s faces. A perfect embrace. A love that resisted life and death and three hundred years in between. They could kiss forever, until the end of times, and even then, with souls intertwined, their love would last longer than time itself.
All around them, love continued to blossom. There was the red moss, spreading further and further away from the spot where they stood, welcoming more and more souls. The freed victims were starting to leave the spots where they woke up, they were starting to explore. All over there were stories intertwining, timeliness melting into one, friendships being born. People were confused, and shocked, and fascinated by everything around them. Cindy Berman met Abigail and Constance. Tommy Slater shared a hug with Ruby Lane. Heather started a conversation with Alice. Pastor Cyrus Miller carried Billy Barker on his shoulders. Ryan Torres shook hands with Harry Rooker. Isaac met Simon, and Kate met Lizzie. Ruby Lane’s friends joined the Camp Nightwing’s counselors. Parents found their children, friends were reunited, lovers found each other, everyone searched and found new friends and people they had lost, and some of them patiently waited for the distant future where they’ll meet again the ones they left behind. Tales from the seventeenth century met myths from the eighteenth, legends from the nineteenth, and songs from the twentieth century. Every now and then, somebody made a joke about a certain family that wasn’t present, and would never be. Even the trees, the leaves, and moss at their feet seemed to laugh and rejoice in the Goode’s absence.
At the center of it all, Sarah Fier and Hannah Miller remained. They kissed, they laughed, they danced, they held each other, and their love continued to shine strong enough to sustain a land of pure and absolute peace that would last forever.
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realcatalina · 2 years
Everything wrong with Spanish Princess-1x07
The fictional Rosa leaves. Lady Pole attempts to steal.
Mary Rose only turned 12 (the age lady Margaret was when wed), in 1508. Not in 1506. Not checking timelines, again! I mean using wiki, you’d know. 
There are even online apps, where you put the date of birth, date something is happening and it calculates it for you!
Catherine is denied entrance into court. When she actually lives in it!
(Ok on and off, and she changed residences to her discretion, as Henry VII was being nice to her! So this is ridiculous.)
Eleanor and Harry’s bethrohal has never actually happened. And she was born in 1498. She’d be 11 when his father dies. She was not already fertile in scenes they talk to her as so, certainly not in entire season 1. This is set before Catherine is made ambassador in 1507, so Eleanor should be less than 9! Certainly too young to be wed, to be considered as fertile already.
(Especially by lady Margaret, who herself was 12 when she was wed! And strongly advocating for her granddaughter to not be wed so young!)
And why would prince Harry go to Spain to wed her, she would go to him! To England, and from Netherlands! Lady Margaret lies to Catherine about wedding of her grandson.
And true by this time, Harry repudiated the match in secret in 1505. (another thing they missed). 
Henry VII didn’t ignore Catherine, but he didn’t considered her as bride either. They tried to wed him to Joana of Naples, but he wasn’t really into it. And he appeared to be for strongly for the match to Margaret of Austria, but she was against it.
Even if ships in London didn’t sail to Spain, England had way many ports, prince could sail from. Lazy writing!
Harry being so much in love?! Yes, he wished to rescue Catherine from her misery, however love-boy they present is wrong.
By the way, Catherine should be complaining to her father about her debts, increasingly desperate to pay them off. in 1506 already.
Lady Margaret would not leave it be if she found Ovietto is muslim. They weren’t as religiously tolerant, as they make it so(neither English nor Spanish Princess). They’re setting up lady Margaret to be villain again. Though seemingly she is being tolerant, she is in fact making him take item she then will claim he stole, not being genuine. Ovietto is spying for her. Lady Margaret Pole is sending her children to her relatives(as was common practise at those days), and walks into lair of traitors. Why do people think only when people were desperate they sent their children to become monks and nuns? Its such false narrative.Many sent their children to monasteries because they simply were pious.
Boleyn’s daughters at court? Before 1507? Anne was born in 1507(and I will die on that hill). Mary also was too young for court! 
8 pounds a month rent for Durham house, when she didn’t actually live in it by this point? So false! So no way, Catherine would shelter lady Pole.
Supposedly they live penilless and in penury, and yet we see them using wax candles instead of rash lights(you can tell because vax candles don’t make smoke and they were expensive, and they use plenty of them!)
Catherine dreams of Henry abandoning her for crown, prefering crown over love.She sees her niece Eleanor(who was 9 by this point, she looks way older), he burns her letters she is on boat obove waterfall, about to die.We didn’t need that dream to understand Catherine’s fear and uncertain future.
Catherine is made ambassador of Aragon, after Philip dies. While Ferdinand says they all loved Philip and that Juana is falsely accusing him of poisoning Philip, he was actually not fond of Philip at all. He remarried to keep him away from crown of Aragon. So are they setting him up as liar?
(Oh by this point Ferdinand and Germaine of Foix would be long married, actually prior to visit of Juana and Philip to England. )
Seems so to me because Juana acts sane and was imo in real life not half as mad as people around her made to be. She was also pregnant when Philip died.
But yes, Ferdinand regained control of Spain. However Catherine would still consider her sister a Queen. De la pole by that point was handed over to English, Charles V was 7 when Catherine was made ambassador, not eight. (why do they keep having these stupid timeline mistakes?!)
And Ferdinand II of Aragon only had one of his grandchildren in his care-Ferdinand, who was born in Spain. Rest of them were in Netherlands, and were closer to hands of Emperor than Ferdinand’s. King Ferdinand couldn’t boycot match between Eleanor of Austria and prince Harry. This is big lie!
As is England needing Spain to be saved from France. (It was other way around. Ferdinand needed England to keep French at bay from his italian holdings.) 
Catherine was in no position to make demands as ambassador and actually, and i hate to say it, but she wasn’t able to validly argument her case, because of circumstances created by her father and by ambassadors, and offiicals in Andalusia. 
Hence all of this-oh bitches, you’re going to jump to my tune now-is total crap. (although during Catherine’s dowagers years there were several of very rude conversations between Henry VII and spanish ambassadors. But they completely skipped over all of those interesting stories!)
Catherine might have been treated bit more nicely upon becoming ambassador(actually way prior too), however she still wasn’t allowed to do as she pleased, still didn’t have access to prince. Like how more can you lie about what has happened? 
Especially since the ceiling fell on the prince, his father once again became too overprotective-did we get that scene in TSP? No!
Lady Pole is pledging to become traitor-not supported by any records. 
Also de la pole by this point was in English prison! Rest of his plotlines and his supporters’ is false! 
Catherine’s new chambers are this bad?! No improvement whatsoever.
Catherine saiyng lady Margaret would be Queen if she wasn’t woman, is so crazy! Wouldn’t happen in real life, neither of them would think that way. 
Mary Rose Tudor was born in 1496, she’d be 11 when bethrohal to Charles V was made official, she’d understand what was proxy marriage. 
Ovietto gives lady Margaret names of traitors-who actually couldn’t be commiting treason because de la Pole was in prison and they knew cause was lost. 
I especially don’t get how William Courteney is on that list, since he was in prison since 1504! And by the way, no way soldiers would break sancturary so easily! Get it to your skull, people still thought that breaking of sanctuary was wrong and people got reprimanded severly, sometimes dismissed from positions, if they did so. 
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toontails · 4 years
Toon Quest|| Reader Insert
Chapter 1: Like an Open Book
Ah...yes. A quiet, quiet neighborhood--oh, hello! I didn't see you all there. Haha, hello. I am your narrator, yes. I know, every convenient film or novel needs one, am I annoying you? Sorry, just getting into the groove, because I have a story for you all today. 
The birds chirped, singing a melody that could repeat in anyone's head hours on end, the warmth of the sun on a summer morning, the dew on the grass waiting to greet people from their sleep, the crisp air that gave that comforting chill to start everyone's morning off. 
A blue bird--a toon bird at that. It's simple look would seem out of place for anyone that doesn't live in this world. You would find it odd to see a dainty blue bird with its blue eyes standing out from any other ordinary bird. Simply--because it's a cartoon, or a Toon as we like to call these guys. 
The bluebird delicately flapped its wings, its eyes closed with a calm expression on its face, soaring over to a house. Where it slowly yet softly placed its talons on a sill of a window, which was closed. The blue bird peered into the window, it could see a girl laying in her bed, asleep. Her back turned from the window and her breathing ever so softly inhaling and exhaling. Sound asleep. 
Ah, it seems little blue birds want to sing a song to wake up our friend. Go ahead little birdie, give us a song.
The bluebird gave an excited expression. Taking in a big inhale, it's chest becoming larger before it lets out a nice melodic loud;
Y/n flinched quickly and shot up, snorting abruptly from her sleep she was so deep into. Her eyes wide open and heart beating in her chest, the sudden noise scared the poor soul!
The bluebird lifted a wing to its beak to hide its from and muffle and snickered mischievously at the reaction. 
Oh, you sneaky little rascal. Well. Now that she's up. Let's get this show on the rode shall we?
"Okay. We have 3 tickets for 2PM. But I want to go and get gas first, your dad drained the gas yesterday--" 
Y/n sat in the passenger seat of the car, her mother talking on and on of the 103 things she had accomplished in the day, a busy woman, but she got things done. Music blared through the speakers as she spoke, but Y/n busy scrolling through her phone to pay the woman any mind, which her mother noticed. Glancing at her daughter,  the lady gently jabbed Y/n's ribs, causing Y/n to tense up at the sudden jab and made a small noise at the sudden feeling. 
"Hey-Hey, are you even listening to me?" Her mother smiled at Y/n. Y/n turned her phone off and nodded. "Yes, You were ranting about errands. And your lottery tickets." She said. Her mother had her focus on the road, but the smile was still glued to her face, being able to drag her daughter with her, was a way to spend time with Y/n. The highschool graduate had been busy in the house for most of the time...well...basically relaxing, of course she did things around the house, but the mother wanted to take her daughter to her to work, to experience mother and daughter time. 
"So. What exactly are we going to do today?" Y/n asked. Sitting up in her seat as she watched the builds pass by. 
"Well. I was thinking, maybe a movie? Walk in the park maybe? But, before anything. I have to drop off some paperwork at the studio."
Ah, yes. Y/n's mother worked as a secretary at a studio, not such a big role, nevertheless, it was a job with the big leagues...in a way!
In this particular area, she worked for a company named JoeyDrew, years ago it was formerly known as MeatlyStudios, the company had history, Joey Drew, who was originally the owner, but with many cases on his back for various reasons, that was not classified to the public, but within his arrest the company was given to better hands and care, a man named Henry Stein. 
Y/n had never really stepped foot into the building her mother worked at, of course she knew what shows were produced there as she saw some of them play on television countless times as any other film out there. Living with a world of toons, you were born into a world with Toons and humans and things are normal, so, heating about going to her job didn't raise too much excitement. 
But, it didn't hurt to get a glimpse at the workplace her mother works in. 
"Well, would  look at that--she looks just like you!" 
Starting at the middle aged woman that circled from around the counter with a joyful smile. Y/n's mother gives a welcoming smile to her co-worker and she grabs Y/n's hands and shakes it. The silver name tag, which had the woman's name engraved in the silver with a cartoon horns coming from the bottom read; 'Annie'
"Hey, Annie, I'm just stopping by to drop off these files." Y/n's mother placed a beige portfolio on the counter as Annie gently grabbed Y/n's hand, giving her a firm welcoming shake. Y/n gave a close lipped smile to Annie as the woman mostly had her focus on her. 
"Hi, nice to meet you." Y/n spoke, the lady smiled and nodded. Her hand slipping from Y/n's grasp before placing her hands behind her back, looking at the simplistic formal uniform, Y/n took in the attire, a black blouse and dress pants, but Y/n wasn't paying too much attention to that, she looked at the white pearls that formed a necklace. Annie had turned to look at Y/n's mother as she then started to speak, not paying much attention to their conversation. Instead, she observed her surroundings in the lobby of the studio. Beige carpet, and clear windows to show the parking lot that was being filled by the minute for many interns, animators and other people that work for the industry. 
On the walls were some posters of the many shorts and animated films of Bendy the devil. The main protagonists of the many shorts, and from what Y/n could remember, one of the first characters introduced by Joey Drew and Henry Stein. The fluorescent light made the posters look more alive and exciting. Her optics danced around the studio, before landing on a cardboard cut out--she assumed it was a cardboard cutout. Of Bendy. Not finding much interest in the cutout, she decided to look back over to her mother to see if she was about ready to leave, but seeing Annie and her mother speaking, going over the paperwork in the portfolio. A sudden moment from the corner of her eye caused her to look back over, her eyes landing on the Bendy cutout. The black and white demon only stood there with its famous grin and pie cut black eyes. 
"..." Y/n's slowly looked back at her mother, yet again, and once again. She saw movement. Looking back over to the cut out again, she was astonished to see it was gone. With much confusion, she would have suspected someone for moving it, though, no one seemed to be paying attention to her general direction as it was the early morning and people were too busy doing work. 
A white gloved hand rose from behind Y/n's back and tapped her shoulder twice. Causing her to whip around in the direction to see the person, only to find nothing. 
"What?" She finally spoke up in utter confusion, once again, a white glove rose and tapped her shoulder yet again, repeating the action by turning around, she was once again met with nothing. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She suddenly heard a tsk, glancing to her right. A few inches away from her, stood the all knowing black and white demon, Bendy. Though, living in a world with Toons where obviously Humans and Toons Co-exists. On any other day, or any other everyday toon, seeing one wouldn't be such a surprise, but seeing the star of the company, in the building, as Bendy and the the rest of the cast  weren't exactly in the studio as often as anyone would think, more so being out for the most part--well. Doing their job. Starring as a cartoon in films. 
"Whoa--how did..?" Y/n felt a smile form on her face. She never met Bendy. Or, any of the cast, yes, her mother worked for the studio, but that didn't mean she had the free will and access to meeting anyone she desired that worked with JoeyDree Studios. 
Bendy rose a finger to shush Y/n, his grin expanding her so slightly. 
"Well! I don't see why you're surprised, you're M/n daughter, huh?" He asked. Y/n was still busy looking at the toon, her reply was delayed for a moment, but she replied. Nodding she gave him a toothy smile. 
"Yes. I am."
Bendy gasped, placing his gloved fingers on his mouth. "Well--why I outta--c'mere you!" Bendy extended his arms and pulled Y/n in a hug. Y/n lets out a short laugh before wrapping her arms around the room, feeling him pat her back. After a moment he pulled away, still with the smile on his face. 
"Now, I can say I've met everyone's family." He said. Y/n took a moment to understand what he meant. Putting things together, she assumed he met everyone who worked in the studio building children or other relatives. 
"I'm assuming you were going around to try and meet everyone's family members?" Y/n asked. Motioning towards the people in the lobby--but still motioning forward every one that worked in the studio. Bendy nods. 
"Yes! You see I've met Jacob's 4 sons, Alex, Zachary, Matthew, Isaac, I've met Bethany's 6 nieces, such cute little dolls. I must say so myself, Amy, Sam, Debbie and Anna--" He ranted and went on and on about the many family members he had met, counting on his fingers, so many people he had met that were family members of the workers in the studios, so many, in fact, he already counted his 4 cartoonish fingers and grew a 7th one countings on them!
"--And then there was Mary, her uncle's fathers 3rd cousin who owned a diner down the street. Which he soon gave to her, and there I met her two sons and 2 daughters. Crazy thing is--they're quadruplets!" He tugged at his horns out of excitement that he couldn't seem to contain. Y/n held a smile on her face, listening to him rant, one thing about toons was that some acted exactly how they did on screen. Happy, go lucky, enthusiastic. Of course Bendy more was a mischievous character. But regardless, toons were very animated people--no pun intended. But they were very lively, really, they could bring a smile to anyone's face. 
"And then, I met you. I believe. Is it?" He took a moment to think, tapping his chin in thought as he tapped his foot on the ground. But he quickly regained his original posture. "Yes! The last of it." He answered for himself. 
"Well, it's nice to meet you too." Y/n said. Walking through the double glass door, which got Bendy's attention as he looked over, as well as Y/n. A middle aged man, formally dressed, speaking on a phone walks through the doors. He seemed to be in a busy call as he spoke in a low voice. It was Henry. Who also wasn't exactly seen around the studio as often as he was a busy many running a company, and a studio isn't the only place a businessman needs to be. Usually being in tons of board meetings for different ideas, financial things and much more that was needed for the company to work smoothly. Henry noticed Annie and Y/n's mother. He smiled and waved at them as he pressed a button on the elevator, the two waved back with graceful smiles and went back to their small meeting for...whatever it was they were talking about for the portfolio. 
"Who's that?" Y/n asked. Bendy looked away from the elevator and to Y/n. "Well, Henry of course. He runs this place." Bendy answered. Nodding, Y/n knew of Henry, but never really met him--well she never met him, only heard about him occasionally in her mother's conversation about work. 
"Don't tell him--but I actually run this place." Bendy said, cupping a hand over his mouth as if he were telling the most classified secret ever. But it did cause Y/n to snicker. Suddenly, with the sudden voice of the news lady on the TV that hung from the ceiling stole the two attention. Looking over, the screen showed a lady sitting in the news studio, giving a report. 
"This just in. The book of vida has been reportedly stolen from a storage facility down in Manhattan, this ancient book was supposedly attended to be sent off overseas to the France Museum of Natural History, but unfortunately has been stolen, 2 security guards were guarding the building last night. When at approximately 3AM, a broken glass was heard in the North side of the building, upon investigation, the glass box was broken into and the book of vida was gone. An investigator, Detective Droopy, is now on charge and at the scene."
The screen soon switched to a Toon, which was Droopy the Detective, many interviews where there taking photos, the clicking of the cameras and the bright flashes didn't seem to faze him. Droopy was a notorious detective around town, being one of the first toons to have such an important role as a--'human' job, which would be working in the officer department--a detective. But, he was good at his job regardless...maybe because he was a dog?
He was standing in front of the building that allegedly was robbed, as in any other invertivew, he held a nonchalant expression. 
"Yes, we all know how important this is, the good news is that we have a lead, and I feel that this can quickly give us all our answers on who, what, when and where." He said. From behind him, he pulled out one singular red feather, the auburn frigid plume, the color of the feather similar to the reddish hues of an Autumn season. 
"I can say that this will help us out tremendously, and that's detective talk."
The interview went on in the background as Y/n lost interest in it, recently cases have been occurring around time, with homicides and robberies, for example, the arrest of Joey Drew was one case out of plethora of them. It seemed for the most part, Toons were the ones making these sudden flux of incidents, and lately some people didn't take good eye on how the Toons were portraying themselves. And some still stood beside toons regardless. Bendy had looked away from the TV screen as well, holding his arms behind his back. 
"Well, I didn't expect things like this to go too far." He said. 
"What's a book of Vida?" Y/n asked him, she rarely paid attention to any...politics? Well shouldn't really say the book had anything to do with politics, just simply not really paying too much attention with all the news had been going around specifically case wise, of course she knew the sudden rise and tension that was growing between Toons and humans. It was like a brick wall. 
"It's a book. Or as people that are archeologists would look at is, as a book of prophecy. What's in it? I don't know, it's mostly been transported from different museums. I have heard that it has information about life--which--" he paused for a moment. Tapping his shoe on the floor in thought. 
"It is about life in fact. It's called The Book of Life. Basically I've heard that it holds a prophecy, hero's or whatever, I dunno. I think that's really far fetched if you ask me." He said. Waving a gloved hand as if dismissing the idea. Y/n could understand him. A book speaking about future heros? Yes, far fetched. And...very fantasy like. 
"Alright, that should be all for now." Y/n's mother spoke as she walked over. Looking in her purse for her car keys, obviously making it known it was time to leave. When she looked up and noticed Bendy standing next to Y/n, she smiled. 
"Oh hey, I didn't know you were here too, did you tag along with Henry?" She asked. Bendy once again smiled brightly and nodded at her question. 
"Yes, he's upstairs in a meeting and I decided to stop by with him, glad I did, because I was finally able to meet Y/n!" He motioned towards Y/n. 
"Oh yes, I've tried getting her in here plenty of times, but I'm so busy, I can barely remember anything." 
The two shared a laugh, obviously it wasn't the first time the two met, which would be understandable as Y/n's mother worked in the study and was bound to run into anyone major, like Bendy himself at times.
"Well, I'll leave you two be now!" Bendy smiled and waved goodbye. 
Walking out of the studio, and once again feeling the heat of the sun spreading its welcoming warmth to the world after being in the AC for some time. Y/n and her mother walked to the car that was parked, the clouds were making themselves known, making it vaguely obvious that later it might rain. 
"Alright, I'm hungry. Are you?" M/n said, unlocking the car doors with a click of a button, Y/n opened the door to the passenger side and slid in the car. 
"I've been hungry since I woke up." Y/n said. Causing a chuckle to come from her mother. 
"Don't worry, I'll find us something to eat." 
The chattering of people in the restaurant was incoherent, plates clattering together, it wasn't as busy seeing it was still in the early morning. Staring down at the menu, as if Y/n didn't know what she was going to order, when really she did. Her mother spoke up. 
"I would bring your dad something to eat when we get back, but I'll let him suffer since he didn't do the Landry last week." M/n said, staring at the menu with squinted eyes. Y/n cracked a small smile. 
"Not even an appetizer?" she asked. 
"Nope, he's good. There's food at home for him."
Y/n could practically hear the crying of her father with no food when they got back home with take out boxes. But she knew she wasn't going to change her mothers mind. 
For a brief second she heard the people in the booth in front of her and her mother, talk about the news segment from this morning--which was barely even an hour ago. 
"I can't believe that a toon went out of their way to steal a book"
"I know right, it's like there are more cases of toons committing crimes than humans."
"Hey mom." Y/n abruptly looked over to her mom and away from the two people talking. Her mother looked away from the menu and to Y/n. Raising an eyebrow. 
"What's the Book of Vida? I've seen it on TV today." She said. Her mother set her menu down before speaking. 
"It's a history book basically, a book of toons and humans, some people around the world see it as a prophecy book, it depends on who you ask." She replied. 
"Why is it so important for someone to steal it?"
She was only replied with a shrug. 
It seemed not many people knew the exact reason for the book, other than it being some sort of history book. 
"There's a woman at work, she used to be a history teacher in High Schools, she told me that the reason why it's important is because it only opens when--I believe she said, a time comes, and when the right person that is part of the prophecy can open it."
Y/n quickly stopped fiddling with the straw for her drink. Perking up slightly in interest. 
"Whoa, so it..only opens for people that are a part of the book?" she asked. Her mother took a moment to think, before she nodded. 
"Yes. But, some people don't believe it. I can't give you too much detail in the book, I don't know much of it myself."  The woman chuckled slightly at the smile on Y/n's face. 
"Bendy told me he heard from someone that the book was about heros."
"Hell, maybe it might be." 
Placing the straw back into the cup, Y/n took a moment to think, information on that book was nice to hear, but, with the sudden tension of Toons and Non-Toons. It was evident now. 
"How do you feel about the toons and some cases revolving around them?" Y/n asked her mother. Her mother gave her an expression, well. More of a dissatisfied one. 
"Y/n. I work with Toons. Anyone that starts going against a toon for making a crime when humans did it for years on end are just dumb as hell, even toons have breaking points." She chuckled. Y/n smiled at her and looked at her drink. 
Her mother went back to looking at the menu for the 5th time they spent that time in the restaurant. 
After hours being out, Which needed with M/n having to take a visit to the bank, the two made it home, the sun on the verge of setting, the clouds overtaking the sky, with its various shades of gray, walking into the house, Y/n's mother was on the phone, more likely for it being something that had to deal with work, so she walked off upstairs to her room, to have the call in there. 
Y/n placed the take out bags on the counter, her father was upstairs most likely asleep. Walking over to the couch in the living room, Y/n sat down on the couch and sighed in relief to finally sit down. Feeling the tension in her leg be put at ease from standing and walking around with her mother for hours. Removing her phone from her pocket, and not even a second later, both of her parents came down stairs. Her mother was still dressed in her clothes, and her father was lazily slipping on a shirt. 
"Um--where are you guys going?" Y/n asked. Her father motioned towards her mother. "She's going to work, they just called her in. I'm tagging along, because your mom says so."
"I sure did." Her mother said as she dug through her purse. Taking out another set of keys she placed them on the kitchen counter. "If you're going out to get anything. Here's the keys to your dad's car. Be careful though, it's going to start raining soon--"
"Oh man! What the hell, you guys didn't bring any food for me?!" Y/n's father was searching through the bags, but to avail. Only finding two take out boxes for Y/n and M/n. 
"You'll be fine. Get to the car." M/n ushered her husband out the door in a hurry, who groaned heavily. Y/n only smiled and shook her head slowly. 
"Oh, and take the trash out. We'll be back soon!"
And with the closing of the door, the two left out. Y/n leaned back into the couch, letting the silence engulf her. Too silent.
Her parents were always busy, working that is. For the most part it was only Y/n at home for half the time, filling most of her days with just herself, her neighborhood was small, and mostly filled with kids, as Y/n was 18, and didn't exactly want to spend half her day with 8 and 15 year olds. Not that she had anything against them. 
Slipping off her shoes, Y/n decided to take out the trash later, instead, feeling a familiar fatigue start to rush through her. Taking her shoes, she stood up and walked upstairs towards her room. Once opening her door and closing it. She tossed her shoes to the side and sat down on her bed where she placed her phone on the nightstand. Crawling onto the bed, she finally laid down and pulled the blankets over her to sleep. 
Or. Try to sleep. The sudden shuffle from the side of her room caused her to open her eyes. Sitting up, she looked over to her shoes to see if they had maybe fallen over. But they were still in the same tossed position. One upside down and the other upright. 
Shuffle shuffle
This caused Y/n to quickly hop from the bed with a gasp. Standing next to her night stand where she quickly grabbed a dictionary she used in English back in high school. Holding it tightly to use it as some sort of weapon, she looked around the room, and finally over to her window, where she found the little blue bird from this morning trying to get out of the room. But the window pane was too low for him to escape. 
"Oh...it's just you.." Y/n muttered. The blue bird looked at her with its big eyes before looking back at the window. Obviously signalling her for help, which Y/n took heed of. She walked over to the window, and slid it open for the bird. It was already raining outside. The bird must have gotten in a while ago out of curiosity. The bird chirped in happiness before flying through the window, turning back to Y/n to look at her through the window. It waved one wing at her before flying off. Y/n waved back as well. Closing the window to not let the now cool air in. Y/n turned around to return the book back to her nightstand. But she came nose to beak with a toon. 
Y/n quickly tossed the dictionary onto the intruder, causing it to fall on the toon's face. Who fell backwards and onto the floor. Y/n quickly back into the wall. Glueing her back to the corner as she watches the person. The toon had its hands on its beak. 
"AH-ow-ow--Ah! ¡¿Qué te pasa mujer?!" He spoke...spanish. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, her heart beating in her chest. What?? What was going on? 
"Who are you?! Why are you in my room?!" Y/n shouts. But the toon didn't answer. Instead, stayed still on the ground. Hands covering its beak, which was mostly its face. 
Taking a longer look, Y/n took note of it's auburn feathers, its beige sombrero was large, it resembled a rooster, a mexican rooster. He wore a red barlo jacket, with golden lining, and red charlo pants with spurs. He had on a belt, and what took Y/n by surprise were the gun holsters on his sides , packed with two 8 caliber pistols. This caused Y/n to gasp lightly and further take a step back. Taking caution of the Toon. The rooster removed his hand from his beak. Leaning back on his elbows as he looked around the room and soon his eyes landed on Y/n. 
"I know this s-"
"Why are you in my house? Who are you?!" Y/n watched as the rooster slowly heaved himself off the floor, he took off his sombrero and dusted it off before placing it back on his head. He raised his hands to show he didn't have anything dangerous on him, though he didn't seem to notice the pistols in his holster. 
"Mi señora, I mean no harm. You see my name is Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero González IIl." He then raised a finger. 
"But, you can just call me Panchito, or Francisco! Either is fine, but I am here because this--" he pulled off the red book bag that Y/n didn't know he was wearing until then. Opening the bag. He pulled out a book. Black leather book. With golden lining. With words engraved on it in gold. 
'Libro de la vida'
Under it, it was small, it was embralled into the book, in white. 
'Book of Life'
Wait...it made sense. Y/n looked back at Panchito, the color of his feathers. Red. He stole the book. 
"You're the one who stole it?" Y/n said quietly. But enough for him to hear. He slightly lowered the book. 
"Yo no diría robar...I simply took something that will save mankind." He defends. 
"You see. Libro De La Vida, is a book of the present. It picks who will make a right change! Ah,No puedo explicarlo, excuse my English, I am not very good at it, but. This Book--" he lifts it up once again. 
"Is powerful. It has the answers for all sorts of bad things that people want to get their hands on. Genocide!"
"I-what? Genocide?" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. And Panchito took that as a bad sign that he used the wrong term. 
"AH, lo siento, I think I have used the wrong term, what is the term you use for when someone wants to wipe out an entire species?" He asks. Y/n blinked slowly. 
"That's...that's genocide."
"Well then yes! Genocide!" He snapped his fingers with a smile. 
"Wait-wait-wait. So you're meaning to tell me. You stole a book--broke into my house, to tell me about a fantasy book--"
"It is no fantasy book. This book leads us to people--people that are..chosen to help us, mi amigo! No other person can open this book. But me, and you, and whoever else says it is worth opening it. I know it sounds fantical--but you have to believe me, see. Look." He opened the book quickly, and almost immediately, it shot out of his hands and flew towards Y/n's direction, jabbing her in the torso. Knocking the wind from her. 
 "Ow!" Y/n wheezed and held onto her torso, now seated on the ground from the impact. The book was now on the ground as well. It flipped through the pages as if wind was circling in the room. It landed on a page. It's blank yellowish paper soon filmed with a name in cursive. 
'Y/n L/n'
Y/n stared at the page. In..awe. Astonished. Confused. Excited? Mixed emotions turning into inner turmoil, this was real. The page gave a faint glow. Soon. Panchito slowly walked over. Cautious of Y/n not to scare her. He soon sat down beside her. 
"Look." He said. He grabbed her wrist and pressed her palm into the page. Removing her hand, her hand print was seen in ink.
"You are the only human that has access to the book of Vida."
"Why the only? There aren't other people?" She asked. 
"The book is a story, of history, of the past, present and future. It spoke about 8 hero's, or warriors, one of these 8 hero's, was a human. And in this--"
He motioned around the two.
"Generation. You. Are that human."
Eight, heros in total. That includes Panchito and Y/n. 
"So...if it opens for you and me..where are the other 6?" She asked. Panchito hummed before tapping his finger to his beak. 
"No tengo ni idea, I do not know. The book has led me to you, I will think that as time passes, it will collect energy to track down the rest." He says. Y/n was thinking of 101 things, questioning everything. Staying silent for a moment she found the most reasonable question. 
"How did you know you were a part of the book?" She asked him. Panchito perked up slightly. 
"A dream, more of a vision, but It was a reoccurring vision I've had for years, I've always dreamed of various people, but they were.." He tried to think of a best term for his analogy. 
"Shadows! And, the book. Right here.  When I found out it sailed here to America, I traveled here." He seemed to pride in his short adventure safely to America, Panchito felt that he never really had done anything as important as to seek out a book that could have not given him answers all along. His adventure was purely based on a vision that he had, he didn't seem to see the problem, but Y/n did. A vision? Making an entire trip to another country, just because of a vision. If the book was just a fib and nothing more than an actual history book. The trip would have been for nothing. 
She was about to open her mouth to speak, but Panchito quickly stood up and took a hold of her hand to shake. 
"But! It's a pleasure to meet the first person in this group mi amigo! Tú y yo formaremos un buen equipo cuando trabajemos juntos para encontrar a los demás!" Y/n let's put a small laugh that sounds wobbly from the hasty hand shake. Panchito soon pulled her off the floor to stand her up next to him. Both around the same height, the toon only inches taller than her. 
Y/n picked up the book and opened it once again. Flipping through the pages, some were blank and others were filled with different languages, and odd pictures, that Y/n  was pretty sure could explain something. 
"You were on the news this morning Panchito." Y/n closed the book and looked over at the rooster. He looked at her for a moment in confusion, before understanding what she said. 
"Oh yes! Ah. My poor feather." He turned his lower part to the side slightly to show her two of his auburn feathers. "One of the guards almost grabbed onto me. And they pulled my feather." He said. But he didn't seem too worried about the fact that he..indeed committed a crime. Or he probably did and he didn't seem to really care. 
"No. This is serious. They are looking for this book, for whatever reason." Y/n paced the room. Staring down at the leather black book. Panchito watched her with his arms by his side. 
"This doesn't make any sense. What is it that's in danger, and why does the government want this book so badly. It can't be just to put up in a museum." 
"We should find the others!" Panchito said, more of an announcement. Y/n turned back to him, he picked up the book once again, and grabbed Y/n's wrist before he started over to her room door to exit. But Y/n tugged her arm away. "Whoa--no."
He turned around with a puzzled expression as he looked at her. 
"If you came from a different country, entirely different from where I am. What makes you think any other person would be in the same area here?" She asked. 
"Aha! Mi señora, I've sailed here. You can come with me, surely it's better than sitting here all day." He said. Y/n ignored the fact he assumed she slouched around all day, but she shook her head. 
"I can't just up and leave. Not out of state or the country-"
"Well maybe around town?"
"At 7PM? It's raining."
"Ah...you are very good with excuses!"
"I'm not m--no. We can't go anywhere. You're a fugitive now."
"But they don't know my face!"
"They have your feather. They can easily track you down with that simple thing of evidence called DNA. Or whatever they'll use to know who you are. But whatever it is. You're wanted. A wanted bird--"
"Oooh. I wonder if a bounty hunter will put money on my name. Son of a gun! I've always wanted that to happen to me, it'll be a brawl till we see gore!"
Y/n placed a hand on her face and rubbed her temple. 
"We. Can't. go--"
"Oh please. The rest are Toons! The rest of the team should be fairly simple to find. You were the hardest to track down, my friend."
"I'm the only person you tracked d-"
The book abruptly flew from Panchito's grips. Causing him to look down at his hands in surprisement. The book flew past Y/n. She quickly turned around and saw the book shot straight through the window. Shards of glass broke, the sound of glass breaking echoed. Cutting the two from their back and forth of bickering on what they should do next.
the book floated in the dark of night. A golden glow illuminated from the book. Panchito and Y/n stared at the book in awe and utter disbelief. What? What is it doing?
Soon. The book quickly dashed off, the only thing being seen was the erradecents of the glow, trailing down the street. It was a trail. 
"It's a trail…"  Y/n muttered slowly. 
"A trail! It's leading us somewhere!" Y/n grabbed her shoes and ran past Panchito. 
"Let's go!"
She stomped down the stairs, jogging over to the kitchen counter, she took the car keys her mother gave her, Y/n unlocked the front door and ran outside. Panchito followed in suit--obviously not forgetting to close the door behind him. 
The rain pelted at the two, but Y/n slipped in the car as well as Panchito--who took the passenger side. 
"See, things are working well in our favor." Panchito said with a smile. 
"Let's hope it actually leads us somewhere." Y/n said. Turning the keys in the ignition. And backing out of the driveway, before safely driving down the road. 
Unbeknownst of the two. A silhouette watched the car descent down the street. It's gaze looking over and landing on the window that was broken that the book had caused. 
The black double doors opened up to reveal Henry, who walked in the lobby, Annie was still on Duty, she gave a small nod to Henry with a smile, M/n was standing at the desk filling out paperwork. Too busy to really pay much attention to Henry. 
Over up on the 3rd floor. Was Bendy. He was still waiting for Henry to finish his work. Much to his luck. He was nowhere near finished. Sitting in one of the smaller meeting rooms to look out the window, he was sitting in a chair when he noticed. A glowing spark in the distance. He assumed it was a bright star despite the clouds covering up the majority of the stars in the sky. But, nevertheless. He opened up the window to take in the view of the odd star. But it got closer and closer. But the devil didn't seem to take much heed on it. 
He picked up noise at the bottom of the building. Causing him to gaze down and see figures hopping out of the car and into the building. But due to the lack of light because of the nightfall and being 2 stories up. He pushed that aside. 
But, almost immediately, something slammed into his face. He flew off the seat and onto the floor, rolling over in a few summersaults before landing on his back. A book pressed into his face. 
His tail twitched as he let out a painful wheeze from the harsh impact. He slowly raised a wobbly hand. And took the book off of his face. His dark eyes squinted at the leatherback book. 
Meanwhile, Panchito and Y/n were about to barge into the building. But Y/n skidded to a stop. Placing a hand out in front of Panchito, thankfully he stopped as well. He took a moment to examine the 5 storey building. The glass, the gray and black color scale, he was pulling from his examination by looking back at Y/n when she started to speak. 
"We can't just barge in. My mom works here. Plus. That'll give away we have the book." She said. Before quickly adding. "We also can't have you out in the opening, cops knowing your face now or not, we can't risk any thing.." Y/n stared at the glass door once moving over to the side where they wouldn't be seen. Panchito and Y/n stood under a lamp post. 
"We sneak." He gave out the idea with a grin slowly forming on his beak. Y/n stared at him for a moment. "Sneak in? There's at least 10 or so people in the lobby, this is a studio. We can't just walk in whenever we want." Y/n tried to dismiss the idea, she was rarely ever in the studio. Today was her first day, she didn't know the layout nor the where any room was located, it would be noticeably harder to navigate around the building to find the book. 
"Ah, every building has an emergency exit, chica."  He moved his eyebrows up and down, as if sending a hint towards the idea, even though basically stated it. 
She looked back at him. Well...of course! The backdoor!
"Oh. I forgot about the emergency exit."
"Thank me later, now, ¡Adelante!"
The exit sound that illuminated the dim area glistened and glamored, basically calling out the two to its glow. Panchito lifted a foot and shook his talon. The water from the puddle he stepped in. Flickered everywhere. Causing some of the water droplets to land on Y/n. She shielded her face and a small laugh came from her. 
"Now." He walked over to the door, and with swift motion, pushed it open, he walked in the building and held the door open for Y/n, who walked in. 
"Thank you." She said. Slowly trailing off, Y/n looked at their surroundings. Panchito did as well. The door slowly closed behind the two, it echoed down the hallway. A black carpet under their feet, soaking up the water and white walls. Though Panchito wasn't facing the direction Y/n was. He placed his hands on his hips. 
"Hm, odd. Muy extraño…" he muttered under his breath, looking at the emergency exit door. Y/n looked over her shoulder to Panchito before turning around to face the door as well. 
"What?" She asks him. 
"Correct me if I'm wrong. But--Is this door not supposed to work as an emergency system? Should it not have an alarm system?" He asks. Y/n stared at the door for a mere moment. 
"Now that you said something about it y-"
The two jumped at the sudden sound of the alarm going off. Three beeps would omit before going silent for a split second, before the 3 beeps would occur once again. 
"God-lee! I thought I fixed this damn thing!" A voice echoed from the hallway and set of footsteps. Y/n quickly turned around towards the stairwell where she saw a shadow of someone ascending down. 
"Here--" Panchito grabbed Y/n's wrist and quickly ushered her and himself over behind the staircase. Y/n quickly pressed her back towards the corner. Behind the stairwell, as Panchito stood in front of her. Though, curiously. He peeked from behind the staircase. Y/n didn't notice as she was busy dusting away her shirt from the dust invading the air. Obviously the emergency stairwell was neglected for cleaning. When she spotted Panchito peeking to look at the man. Y/n shuffled over as well. Peering under Panchito to look at the man. His back was turned. But he wore a gray button down, a few ink spots painted on the shirt. Jeans and boots. In his free hand, he held a mop. He obviously was the janitor. A head of brown slick hair, it only took a couple of smacks to the panel that operated the fire alarm for the emergency exit to stop abruptly with its beeping. 
Once the hallway went silent. He turned around, the two ducking back behind thr stairwell before they could be seen. Y/n couldn't get a glimpse of the man's name tag. Not that she really cared too. 
"I swear if that thing goes off one more time this week, I'm outta here.." He muttered back up to floor level. Listening to his footsteps ascend further away, and soon another door closing, echoing throughout the hall. The sound of water droplets hitting the concrete floor in the distance wherever in the hallway. As well as the AC that filled the odd ambience of the hallway. 
Soon Panchito and Y/n exited from behind the stairwell. 
"So much for a discreet plan." Y/n said before giving Panchito a sarcastic expression. But nevertheless, he only smiled. 
"We've made it inside the building, have we not?" He gave her a smile, which. He was right. At the end of the day, the two still made it in the building without getting caught. 
Y/n turned and started walking up the stairwell, Panchito following behind her. 
"Now we need to locate the book. It could be anywhere in this place. I saw it fly through a window but I couldn't catch what floor it was." Y/n went on, reaching the 3rd floor. Hearing Panchito's footsteps near her as she peered through the small window into the hallway, seeing a few doors were closed on the other side of the hallway, a few people walked down the hall to wherever they were going. The sound of muffled music emitted from down the hall, a tune that was vaguely from the early 40's. The room must have not been too far if the two could hear the cheers and singing. 
"Ooh--I love parties." Panchito pushed up the door, and immediately walked out of. Y/n quickly grabbed his tail feather and tugged on it to pull him back. 
"No! You'll get us caught!" She whispered to him hastily, Panchito cringed in pain at the tug, he whipped around and grabbed at her wrist. 
"¡Ah, cuidado con las plumas de la cola, chica!" Y/n couldn't understand what Panchito said, but she was glad it stopped him from wandering off. The two stood in the doorway of the now opened door in the empty hallway. 
"We can't just wander everywhere." She said. Panchito shuffled on his feet, he wanted to explore where the cheering was coming from,  but he stayed glued next to Y/n.
"Can we at least take a peek at the gathering?" He asks. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. "That's not giving us any answers--"
Just as she was about to more than likely prove Panchito wrong. A voice from the room a few doors down spoke up. 
"Hey! Henry, you finally made it. Where's Bendy?"
"He's in one of the meeting rooms, last I checked on him, he was reading. Oddly. He should be down soon."
Y/n and Panchito stared at each other, both seemingly trying to put two and two together. 
"Are you..?"
"I think we may be on the same page." Y/n finished, turning in the opposite direction to peer down the hall. "I'm taking a safe guess Bendy found the book, we just need to find him." Y/n said. Panchito hummed in thought. Placing a hand on his hip. 
"Bendy...you mean the--" he lifted his hands to the side of his head, lifting his index fingers to form two horns on the side of his head. Y/n looked at him, and the silly interpretation of the cartoon demon.  With a smile. She nods.
"Yes, him. Though, I don't know how many rooms are on this floor. So he'll be a bit tough to fi-"
The door from across from them opened. Revealing the demon, his eyebrows stitched together in a more perplexed and irritated expression. In his hand he held a book, the book! That was their book! Bendy was muttering under his breath, but abruptly stopped in his tracks and when he spotted Y/n and Panchito in the emergency exit. His slanted black pie cut eyes that were one resembling an angry and irritated expression. Immediately widened in surprise when he saw the two. Mostly towards Panchito as he had never seen him before. 
Y/n didn't expect to be seen so quick--which...wasn't much of a surprise as she wasn't an expert in sneaking in areas she wasn't supposed to be in. 
"Oh...Hey...Bendy.." Y/n smiled and lifted a waved. Panchito looked between the two.  
"Ah. A demon? I was thinking he was more of a bull." Panchito said. 
"I didn't know you were here today, I thought you went home." Bendy walked over to the two, but Y/n didn't want anyone to walk out and spot the two--mostly for Panchito's sake. 
"It's a long story, but. We need that--" Y/n pointed towards the book in his gloved hands. Bendy looked down at it. "Oh! This? I was just about to toss this away, it hit me in the face and--"
"Ah! It hit you? Well that--" Panchito was cut off when Y/n grabbed Panchito's jacket, pulling him back into the emergency stairwell. And closing the door quickly. Bendy looked at the two through the door in confusion. 
"Y/n! Can you believe it? We found the other, a bit less intimidating if you ask me, but nevertheless, he is a part of our equipo." Panchito hopped from one foot to the other, a small cheer. Y/n ran a hand through her hair and sighed. Bendy? Out of all people the book could have chosen. It chose the one person that worked in the same facility as her mother. What if he didn't take it well? What if he destroyed the book? What if he tells the cops about who had the book, which would not only get Panchito in trouble but also herself as she was literally helping the rooster out! 
Things she should have thought over, biting off more than what she could chew. 
Panchito noticed Y/n's distressed expression. He took a few steps towards her and placed a hand on her arm. 
"Ah, cariño, don't be stressed, all will work out fine, okay? Things are a bit sudden and bumpy,  but look! Two in one day!" He extended his arms and smiled. Y/n felt the corner of her lips stretch in a smile. Calming down and melting away the problems...for now. 
Looking over. Bendy was still standing outside the door. 
"Alright. We need a meeting then."
The three stared down at the leather book that was laying on the meeting table, it seemed now lifeless after flying through the neighborhood. 
“So…” Bendy removed his gaze from the book and to Y/n and Panchito. 
“Explain to me, what’s going on?” 
“I mean...I thought it would be self explanatory, a book just hit you in the face and you’re coming to me for answers?” Y/n muttered under her breath. Bendy only looked at her, at first with a blank expression, until he seemingly furrowed his ‘eyebrows’ 
Deciding on to stop fooling around and actually try to get to the bottom of the raising questions, Y/n glanced over at Panchito. Who was looking at Bendy, more curiously than anything else. 
“This book, we talked about it this morning.” Y/n said, turning to look back at Bendy. Bendy’s expression softened before a look of realization appeared on his face, his black pie-cut shaped eyes looked over at Panchito, who noticed the demon looking at him, Panchtio smiled and waved. 
“He had the book--or--stole it.” Y/n said, motionion towards Panchito, he only frowned, turning to face towards Y/n and crossing his arms. 
“No! Why must you say I steal? I never steal, I simply took something that didn’t belong where it was.” Panchito dropped the last sentence to a mumble, almost as if sleepily saying it. Y/n only turned her gaze back to Bendy. 
“Either way, that’s the book, it flew away, because it’s looking for people that revolve around the book, or the..prophecy. I know this sounds far fetched and crazy, and...illegal? Bu-”
“I’ve been hit in the face by a flying book, I don’t think anything we’re about to discuss is too out of this world.” Bendy said. He picked the book up and once again examined it. His gloved fingers feeling the texture of the leather book against his fingers. 
“Well, apparently...the book only opens up to people that are a part of the book, it opened for me and Panchito, and I’m assuming that if it flew to you and tracked you down, you’re the next member to...whatever..this is.” She motions towards the three of them. Panchito then nods, raising a hand to interject. 
“Indeed! Y/n, is the only human that can access the book, as it says in the wordings of the book, the rest are toons. In all. There are eight of us.”
“8?” Bendy repeats, he seemed surprised by the number, his tail slowly lifting up. Panchito nods once again. 
“Sí, señor--”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Bendy interrupts Panchito. Waving a hand slightly, Bendy closes his eyes to think for a mere moment. He raises a pointer finger before looking between Y/n and Panchito. 
“Why..exactly is the book looking for people, how would we find the rest of the team? I would ask why exactly us specifically are involved around this, but I can tell, I won’t get a good answer from that, but that’s besides the point,  but why is Y/n the only human involved in this, and what exactly is it that’s...bad for this thing to try and suddenly wake up and choose heroes for whatever reason?” Bendy lifts up the book slightly. Y/n listened to him, but she had no answer on her because...well she didn’t know, for the most part, those were the same questions she was internally asking herself! 
So, she turned her head to look over at Panchito. Who with no problem, took the lead in asking. 
“The book leads us to the people it is looking for, why and what it is that it’s warning us about, I do not know! Why us specifically? I also can not tell you, because I don’t know.” He said. Bendy looked back at the book. Y/n motioned towards it, having a small hunch of one of the questions.
“When I touched the book...I guess in a way, signed it, as if taking my signature, which I guess signaled it that I was found, maybe if you touch the book as well it’ll do the same for you.” Y/n said. Bendy opened the book, the golden light that was one seen before escaped from the crevices of the book, The debri sparkles floating from the pages. Bendy’s eyes widen in bewilderment and surprisement. The three stared down at the book, the golden glow illuminating from their faces. 
Bendy had opened up on a blank paper, soon, his eyebrows furrowed yet again.
“It’s blank. I don’t---I don’t think it works for me.” He said before deadpanning. Looking between the two as if they were pulling his leg. Y/n could only shrug slowly. Panchito waved his hand and spoke. “Nonsense. As said, the book only opens for people that are chosen, it’s like a safe, and only the chosen people are the code to it, my friend, if it opened up for you, you are with us.” Panchito then rose his gloved hand, showing his palm. 
“Ahora, place your hand on the page.” He told Bendy, Bendy did as told, holding the book with his left hand, and placing his right palm on the blank paper, soon, the golden light traced around his hand, similar to what it did for Y/n’s. Bendy soon lifted a hand up, seeing his hand printed labeled the paper in ink. The same ink soon scrawled a name above the hand print. 
“Dear me…” Bendy whispered slowly, flipped a page quickly to the next, One that Y/n had yet to discover, though it was written all in a language she couldn’t understand, but pictures were drawn in what seemed to be red and black pigment paint on the beige paintings. Similar to how cave paintings were drawn. Panchito and Y/n moved closer to get a better look at the pictures, Bendy tilting the book so the three of them could examine it. 
On the first page was a picture of 12 people in all, they all seemed to be jumping towards the 8 black figures, the black figures had white thin slanted angles, as if resembling resentful and angry eyes.  Looking over to the next page, it showed the 8 black figures once again, One stood out from the 8, standing in front of the group, a lanky figure, but...really considering the fact that it was in all black, the features weren’t exactly too noticeable. But the picture had a lot going on, the 8 figures were hovering above what seemed to be a city, with figures of red pigment running away  in fear, it seemed the 8 black figures were terrorizing the people, Bendy turned to yet another page, on the page the 12 blue figures were standing next to each other, one vaguely similar to a human and the rest had the exaggerated details of toons. 
“I think you two have the wrong idea.” Bendy said, it took Y/n a moment to look away from the book. Glancing at Bendy who looked between Panchito and Y/n.  
“There aren’t 8 of us, there’s 12 of us.” He said. Y/n scoffed. 
“Twelve?! That will take years to find twelve different people. He--” She jabbed a thumb over to Panchito, pointing at him.
“Came from Mexico to find us, god knows wherever the others are located, we’re basically split apart. Eight people? Yeah, that seemed like a reasonable number, but twelve? No. I’m out.” Y/n crossed her arms, a scavenger hunt for now, 9 other people? Who were the even up against, it pretty much seemed like a suicicde job already, a stolen book, a wanted rooster, a telltale book that’s some sort of warning for some odd future armageddon. Red flags were everywhere! 
Bendy closed the book and straightened his posture. 
“Whoa, whoa. What do ya’ mean you’re out? This--” He lifts up the book slightly.
“This is our guide, our time to do right and-gosh. I assume it will stop something from happening that will be a problem to--oh, I don’t know. All of mankind! You’re a part of this as much as Panchito and I.” Bendy says. Panchito nods firmly in agreement, taking a step forward and standing next to the demon.
 “¡Sí! He is right, chica! We all have to stick together.” 
Y/n looked between the two, her eyebrow twitched slightly before furrowing. 
“Are you serious? Do we look like the Justice League or something?” 
Panchito actually took a moment to think.
“I was thinking more along the lines of--” 
Y/n shook her head, dismissing Panchito’s thought to her rhetorical question. “It doesn't matter. But think about the danger we could be in, Bendy, you have shows to star in, you can’t just go missing to play superhero for...lord knows how long, and Panchito--”
“Actually.” Bendy cut her off, taking a few steps towards her before standing next to her.
“I’ve been meaning to take a vacation off, toots. Thanks for that advice though,  real sweet of ya. But, we have things to do, now I don’t mind dragging you around if need be.” He smiled sweetly at her. Y/n deadpanned. 
“That’s not funny.” 
“This is serious talk Y/n, the world as we know it might be at stake.” Bendy motions around their area. 
“Might be. It’s more than likely not a serious call, this stupid old book is probably broken.” Y/n flicks the book with the tip of her fingers in Bendy’s hand. Panchito suddenly appeared behind the two, wrapping an arm around Bendy’s and Y/n’s shoulders. Pulling them flushed against his sides.
“My friends! Think of this this way, endless possibilities and adventures, don’t you all want to feel the rush of the wind as we take off to go solve this mystery?” He looks between the two, letting the two go. A bright yet determined smile on his beak, he seemed to run from adrenaline, a wild hearted toon that yearned for wild things, to him this was exciting, brand new. Exhilarating! 
Bendy looks at Panchito and then to Y/n. “See? He’s in, and I am too.” Bendy placed his gloved hand in the middle, his palm facing downward. Panchito hopped up and down quickly.
“Ay caramba! ¡Yo también quiero participar! I am certainly in!” He placed a hand on top of Bendy’s, Bendy’s smile widened before both he and Panchito looked at Y/n, who had her arms crossed, a sour expression written on her face, although it was much of a facade, she did...want to join. Not only was it a chance to finally do something productive--if she would even call it that. But she would break down the mystery of all that’s going on. As detective Droopy would say. The why, the when, and the where? She thinks it...it..wouldn’t hurt, they technically aren't breaking the law by wielding a book that is being searched for, not when it was for a good reason? Right? 
“Come on...you know you want to.” Bendy mischievous tone interrupts her. Y/n sighed slowly. Placing a hand on top of Panchito’s who once again excitedly smiled at her. 
“Fine. I’m in too. If one of us is wanted, then we all are.” She said. Bendy smiled and let out a boisterous. 
“And if one of us dies, we all die together! Oath!” 
“Oa-wait no--” 
But the three already tossed their hands up, taking the oath that Y/n was too late to decline for. Bendy could tell she was about to say something, but he only smiled and walked back over to the meeting table. 
“Now, let’s see where the next one is!” 
Annie was back at the front desk, seated in the chair scrolling through her phone to pass the time as the studio would be running late since Henry was back in the building. Soon, a figure walked through the door. Wearing a heavy black trench coat, the finest coat in town it seemed, the water droplets from the rain stuck to the trench coat, the black boots tapping yet squeaking on the linoleum floor, A black fedora tilted down, covering the face of the man, who stopped directly in front of the receptionist desk. Annie took notice, and she gazed up, turning off her phone and placing it on the desk, she stood up and smiled. 
“Hello, what may I do for you today?” She asks. The man was silent for a moment.
“It’s me you dingus, I just sent you in here.” The voice was a husky yet deep voice. The blue eyes piercing at the lady.  Soon Annie lost her posture, slouching slightly. Her voice changed, turning several octaves, a shrill and jagged voice emitted from her. 
“Oh right, I don’t see why ya’  didn’t just walk in, the broad wasn’t even around, no one woulda’ suspect a thing.” Annie’s body morphed in and quickly dropped to the ground, only leaving a shadow that quickly zipped out of the receptionist desk, stopping right next to the man. Soon a short figure morphed into what could assemble a toon shadow. Only standing around half the height of the man. 
“Go find the book. And take it.” The man ordered the shadow. The shadow stood stiff as a board before quickly saluting the man.
“Yes sir!” And soon, it zipped away, only seeming like a shadow on the floor zipping across the room. The man looked forward, only to look back over to his side when he saw the shadow zipped right back to him. The shadow sheepishly nudging the tip of its foot to the ground.
“Ah, who has the book again?” 
“The girl and those two other idiots you fool!” 
“Ah! On it!” 
And once again the shadow zipped away. The man muttered under his breath shaking his head in annoyance,
“I don’t even know why I even deal with those two idiots…” He muttered. Soon, lifting a hand and pressing a hidden black button on the color of his trench coat jacket. 
“Zot, come in. Zip just left to find the book. Is the toon still with you?” The man spoke into the two way radio. 
From outside the two way radio reached to a black van, from inside thumping was heard, as if someone was hitting the inside of the van. Sitting in the driver seat was another stout shadow like toon, it’s blank eyes were closed, feet propped up on the steering wheel, he was asleep. Snoring ever so slightly, until he heard his commander speak on the radio. The static picking up the man in the trench coats voice. 
“Zot, come in. Zip just left to find the book. Is the toon still with you?”
Zot--as he was referred to. Flinched quickly got up once hearing the voice. Quickly taking the walkie talkie, as it almost slipped from his hands multiple times. Zot soon spoke. 
“Yes sir! The lil’ guy is still back there.”  Zot stood up in his seat, placing a hand on the metal peephole slider, sliding it over and revealing a black abyss that was the back of the van. 
“Hey...where’d he go…?” Zot muttered. Clenching the eye he wasn’t using as his blank white optic stare hardened to try and find the toon. 
The droplets of saliva fell in his eye, causing Zot to flinch back and his head to hit the steering wheel. 
The air horn went off at the touch of the shadow toons head on the wheel. Zot quickly got up. Lifting a hand and flicking a button on the roof of the van. The lights came on in the back of the vam, where the hostage toon was located. 
“Nice try, bunny.” Zot scoffed. 
From the other side of the van. Sat a black and white rabbit, with blue trousers. His pie cut shaped eyes slanted, his arms crossed tighty. 
“I’m a rabbit! For your information.” 
“Same thing.” 
This rabbit was known as Oswald the Lucky rabbit. A peculiar and mischievous character. Zot laughed and then sat back down in his seat. 
“What’s the matter rabbit boy? Your luck is not much of a help? Seems like you’re runnin’ out of it.” Zot placed his feet back onto the steering wheel. Oswald got up. His ears slowly rose as he stared at the peephole. 
“My luck is very much accurate, and good. Thank you very much..” He said. Zot only hummed in acknowledgment. 
“Whatever you say. Boss’ll get that book, and the next thing you know, his plan will be in full action.”
“Where’s the book?” Oswald asks, leaning near the peephole. Zot motioned towards the building, that Oswald couldn’t see.
“The building. Don’t get your tail in a twist, you’ll see it soon.” 
“Okay, let’s see what this bad boy will do…” Bendy places the book on the table. And opened it yet again. The book once again opened, the golden glow escaping from the pages, illuminating the room with its warm glow. Soon, the pages started to flip quickly, turning towards the middle of the book, a world map was located on the page. 
“A map?” Y/n squints at the paper. 
“Well, amigos. It is a map, perhaps it will help lead us to our next destination.” Panchito said, reaching over and flipping the page. At first the next page was blank, until an ink sketch of the U.S. was drawn. The ink splitting up to draw down the states in the country. 
One state was completely covered in blank, as it marked. Or, targeted. 
“Oregon?” Y/n whispered. Bendy looked closer to the paper with squinted eyes. Near the coast of Oregon, a red down bled through, as if marked by a dot. Bendy could mesmerize exactly where exactly to go.
“Duckburg.” He said. Y/n and Panchito looked at him. Though, Y/n hadn’t said anything yet. A quick look of realization quickly took over his face.
“Ah!  ¡Oh, sí! ¡Oh, sí! ¡Oh, sí! ¡Qué buen trato! ¡Estoy muy emocionado! ¡Mi amigo, mi honorable amigo! Donal'” He screamed and yelled in passion of excitement. Hopping up and down, his arms wrapping around Y/n, causing her to hop around with him. But she placed her arms on his forearms.
“Wait! Wait! Panchito, calm down!” She said. Which he listened to her, coming to a halt, he removed himself from her. His tail feathers frantically frizzing up.  
Bendy turned away from the book and turned to look at Panchito.
“I’m assuming you know someone from down there?” He asks. Panchito quickly nods.
“Yes! My blood! My friend! A true gentleman he is! His name is Donal’ A bit of a stubborn bull, but--by god, isn’t he one adventurous duck!” Panchito said. He spoke with such passion about his friend. Bendy pie cut shape eyes were slanted slightly, he was thinking who Panchito could be referring to by the name of...Donal’. Until Panchito finished his sentence with ‘duck’
Bendy quickly perked up.
“Duck? As in, Donald Duck? Sailor wearing, Donald Duck?” Bendy asks. Panchito nods quickly with a smile. Y/n heard of the duck. Obviously. He wouldn’t. But oddly enough, he didn’t live in the city of Hollywood L.A. like most notorious toons did, such as Bendy. And hearing Panchito knew and was friends with Donald Duck, made her curious. 
“You know Donald Duck?” Y/n asks Panchito--who once again nods.
“Yes! We are very close friends, we have been friends for years! I also have another friend, that sly malandro he is! His name is José Carioca! A-”
“Perfect! This is perfect!” Bendy extended his arms and looked at the two. 
“A much easier way to get to the toon, all we need is to leave for Oregon, Duckburg, and that’ll be 4 of us when we get Donald.” He says. Panchito tails quickly ruffled as he shuffled on his feet in excitement. 
“I can’t just leave home and tell my mom, ‘hey, I’m leaving to a state that’s 10 hours away, to save the world.’ Plus, how will we get there?” She asks. Bendy chuckles, pointing a thumb to his bow tie. 
“Leave it to Bendy, I got a plan that’ll let you go, plus. You have a car don’t you? How’d you get here? Or did you walk all the way in the rain?” 
“I drove my dad's car, and no. We’re not using his car to drive.” She then looked over at Panchito, who still was a bit excited with the mention of his friend.  
“And we can’t ride a plane. Not with him and knowing he’ll be on the lookout for, we need to be as inconspicuous as possible. We can’t risk getting caught in a way.” Y/n said. 
“I hear ya’ loud and clear sweetheart, We’ll just take Henry’s car, he rarely uses it anyway, and usually hands it to me and Boris whenever we need places to go.” He said. Y/n nods with a small smile.
“Well we have that, I need to find a way to influence my mom to let me go..”
“Like I said. I got it, I gots the talks, looks and…” Bendy tried to think of another attribute before Panchito butted in.
“Style.” He said. Bendy smiled in gratitude at Panchito. 
“Indeed, Thank you.”
“Ahahaha! Yeah! But you don’t have the brains!” A shrilly voice cackled. Y/n, Bendy, and Panchito looked at eachother, puzzled expressions etched on their faces. Soon, the voice spoke up yet again.
“Over here you idiots!” The three quickly looked over to the opened window that Bendy left open when the book collided into his face. Zip--the shadow was standing in the frame, holding the book above his head as if showcasing a trophy. 
“Oh mamá..” Panchito muttered. Bendy quickly patted himself down and looked around to see if the book they had was still present, making sure that the book wasn’t actually taken. Once seeing it was indeed the book the shadow had in its hand, his tail dropped to the ground. 
“Well, I think I can confess where I went wrong--” 
“Hey! Give it back!” Y/n ran towards the window, once getting closed she outretcted her arms in an attempt to grab at the book, but the shadow quickly ducked down and zipped down the building, with the book in town, down straight to the first level. 
“Who was that?!” Bendy looked at Panchito, to see if he had any answers, but the mexican rooster only shrugged frantically. “¡No lo sé!” Panchito said. Bendy quickly ran over to the door and opened it, revealing Henry standing at the doorway, but he was busy looking towards the side--talking someone pass by to notice, Y/n and Panchito in the room. Bendy’s tail stiffened, he quickly slammed the door with a loud.
Henry flinched at the sudden door slamming, the wind from the door slamming slightly moved his hair. He gave the door a questioning look. 
“Bendy? Are you okay in there? We all heard you shouting.” 
Henry’s worried muffled voice emitted from the door. Bendy pushed Panchito into a nearby filing cabinet storage, slamming the door in his face and quickly locking it with the spare key that was in the room. Hiding the key in his glove before he turned over to Y/n who was quickly trying to find a place to hide, but there weren't many places to hide in a meeting room that only had a table and chairs. With the adrenaline rushing from the fact someone stole the book and getting caught to Henry Stein himself only made her overwhelmed. She peeked out the window once again, and noticed a black van. The shadow that took the book was standing next to two others, a man in a trench coat was opening the back of the van. 
“Yeah! I am completely fine, you know, I’ve been losing my voice lately, so--I was doing voice exercise and whatever--”  Bendy said, grinning at the door.
“I smell a lie, maybe he’s destroying stuff again.” Stated a new voice from behind the door, another worker from in the studio. Bendy seemed offended by the accusation--which was partially true, but still! 
“Shut up, Sammy.” a female voice piped up. Ah, Alice Angel. From what it seemed, most of the main coworkers were in front of the door. 
Y/n was still peering through the window. Watching. Soon, the man in the trenchcoat pulled out a toon from the van, a rabbit--gripping him by his ears. The rabbit flailed his feet in anger and irritation, distant shouts  from the rabbit, clearly showed distress. 
“Hey! Let me go! Hey--watch the ears!” Oswald shouts, flailing his feet. The man in the trench coat ignored Oswald, before looking over at Zip, Zip lifted up the book to Oswald’s heights due to the man having a grip on the rabbits ears. 
“Open the book.” The man ordered. Oswald crossed his arms. 
“Open it. Now.” 
“Do it, yourself.”
“We can’t, duh. That’s why we have you.” Zot said. Oswald only swung and his foot hit Zot square in his face. Sending the shadow toon back and hitting the ground, falling into a puddle. Luckily, the rain had subsided. 
The man in the trench coat, slowly looked up, over towards the building. Locking eyes with Y/n. 
“Get that girl.” He ordered. Zip looked up once again towards Y/n, who was still looking, not breaking down...or what they thought. Zip dropped the book on Zot, causing the shadow toon to groan yet again. 
Zip soon zipped off yet again towards the building. 
“Are you going to join the party with us?” Henry asks through the door. Standing beside him was, Sammy Lawrewnce, the well kept yet stubborn and easily aggravated music composer, head director in the studio, next to him was M/n, Alice Angel. Everyone’s favorite sweet angel, and Boris, Bendy’s loving best friend, standing next to Bendy, was Normon Polk the southern worker in the studio. Normon chuckled and nudged Sammy. 
“He’s hidin’ somethin’.” Norman said. Sammy rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, I bet. Bendy, stop joking. Come on, we breaked our ass putting this party together, let’s go or I’m busting in.” He said.
On the other side of the door, Bendy only laughed through his teeth. 
“Oh, Sammy you tease! You get me everytime, would you hide already?” Bendy turned to Y/n, muttering the last part to her, Y/n quickly turned around towards Bendy.
“There’s a person, with a coat--and-he-and--he had a toon, th-”
“Surprise!” Zip suddenly appeared in the frame of the window yet again, grabbing the hood of Y/n’s jacket, snatching her out of the room, the girl didn’t have enough time to react, as she was suddenly dragged out the window. Feeling the floor below her disappear. She could see Bendy quickly try to grab onto her foot, but by an inch he missed.
“Y/n!” He shouts. 
“Y/n?” M/n said from the other side of the door. Bendy realized his error and quickly slammed the door closed, cursing under his breath before and rushed over to the door.
“I mean! I-Yes! Y/n, oh--I miss her so much, our meeting today was just so wonderful--you know, M/n, I miss her so much, I believe both me and Y/n should go on a trip--” He started, he took the key back out of his glove, frantically crawling over the meeting table, sliding papers out of the way and almost falling onto the floor, but, he made it back over to the filing cabinet, where he quickly pulled Panchito back out. 
“A trip?” M/n said. Sammy nudged her. 
“Don’t even buy into it.” Sammy said. Annie suddenly appeared once hearing the conversation about a trip. “I love trips, the young lady should get out of the house more.” Annie said. This actually made M/n think for a moment. Well..yes, Y/n was 18, able to do what she pleased. 
Back on the other side of the door, Bendy turned Panchito around and grabbed the lasso that was hidden behind his feathers that he almost hadn’t noticed--luckily earlier he did. As doing so, he reached into the filing cabinet and took another set of rope---that oddly was in the cabinet, but he took it and lifted it to his horn, cutting off a small amount to make the lasso longer. He spoke as he did so; “Yes, I was thinking Oregon, you know. Tomorrow, me and her. I promise that nothing bad will happen, you know I myself needed a break too, and Y/n is such a great person! Though M/n I think maybe I should talk to you first about it.”  
“You know, Y/n does need some time out away from home! I’ll tell her when I get home!” M/n smiled. Sammy scoffed. “What? Are you serious?” 
“Who’s Y/n?” Alice muttered to Boris. Boris only shrugged in response. 
“Well, we’ll be in the next room where the party is, join us whenever--come on guys.” Henry ushered everyone away from the door. Sammy scolded M/n, as Annie was defending why Y/n should leave the house. Once Bendy knew they were away, he quickly rushed over to the window window and flung it open. Panchito looked around frantically. 
“Where is Y/n?”
“That thing took her.” Bendy said, he soon heard a shout, looking off across the parking lot--which was empty--it was an old parking lot, that was never used, and he could see the van that Y/n was talking about, Y/n was dangling in the air, the shadow toon held her by her hood. 
Panchito noticed, and was the first to speak up.
“Hey! Put her down you scoundrel!” He shouts. 
Oswald looked up and saw Zip had a hold of the girl he saw peeking from the window.  The man in the trenchcoat growled.
“Zip! Take the girl away and get rid of her!” He shouts. Zip looked down at the man, Zot looked up at Zip, they were distracted. Oswald quickly swung his body, and flipped, his feet ramming right in the man's face, the man in the trench coat lost grip of the rabbit's ears. Causing Oswald to land on his feet perfectly. Zot quickie looked over at Oswald, his white eyes widening at the fact the rabbit got loose from his boss. Oswald quickly rammed into Zot, causing the shadow to fall to the ground back into the puddle. Oswald grabbed the book and with all his strength tossed it towards Zip, the book hit the flying shadow toon, causing him to drop Y/n, who yelped and felt her body freefall towards the concrete. Oswald quickly ran over towards where he suspected she would fall. 
“I gotcha sweetheart!” Soon, Y/n landed in his arms. Oswald smiled at Y/n, who was shivering from almost thinking she was about to die. 
“Thank you.” Y/n quickly said. Oswald smiled in return and nodded before placing her on the ground. The book started to fall towards the ground once again, in the building. Panchito grabbed the lasso and hopped onto the frame of the window. 
“¡Sube, amigo!” Pancito said. He swung a loop of the lasso and tossed it out the window where it wrapped around a nearby lamppost.Tightening his grip, Bendy hopped on the window as well, grabbing to the rope as well, and without hesitation Panchito pushed off the building, sending the two swinging across the parking lot, growing closer to the book, Panchtio spoke to Bendy, shouting above the wind.
“The book! Grab the book!” He shouts. Bendy took notice of the book that was nearing the ground, and just with the nick of time, he grabbed the book. 
“Get them!” The man in the trench coat shouts in anger.
“Y/n!” Panchito extends an arm for Y/n to grab onto. Y/n looked at Oswald and quickly took his arm. 
“Grab on.” She told the rabbit. Once the two grew closer, Oswald jumped up and grabbed onto the rope near Bendy, and Y/n hopped up, Panchito grabbed onto Y/n, wrapping an arm around her waist, as Y/n tightly held onto the rope, the wind traveling and hitting the 4 of them, Y/n couldn’t help but smile, feeling the bits of rain hit her face and the wind made her feel as if she were on a coaster, the rope was so long, and they had so much momentum that they made it out of the parking lot, the many lights of the cars driving down the street of L.A. caused Y/n to watch in awe. 
“Wow! You’re good at this!” Bendy shouts to Panchito over the wind. Panchito only smiles. 
“Oh no, this is my first time! I lasso bulls and horses.”
“Wait what?” 
Soon, the four were abruptly jerked back, the rope ran out and Panchito lost his grip on the rope, seeing he was the main support, everyone abruptly fell, luckily they were above a building that was across the street.
“Oof!” Y/n fell onto her side, her hip hitting the ground harshly. Bendy had fallen on top of a vent, the cage breaking and he soon fell into the vent.
“Aah!” The bumping and the echoing of his sudden scream trailed down the vent wherever he was heading. 
“Bendy!” Y/n groaned, she quickly got up the stinging pain of her side itched in irritation. Panchito fell somewhere near her. But he quickly shot up, looking around for his sombrero, once he found it behind him, he dusted it off and placed it back on his head. 
“Ahaha! Ay caramba! That was amazing, chica,  mi amor, you might be better at adventuring than Donal’, not many people can perfect hopping onto an ongoing rope!” 
Soon, a scream was heard and then a loud; THUD! CRASH!
The two quickly turned around and saw Oswald, who quickly stood up in a hurry to take buket off from his face. Angry slurs emitted from the bucket, but they were incoherent. Oswald finally took off the buck and almost immediately hurled it off the roof. Another crash was heard and then the sound of a car alarm going off.
“I have had enough! This can’t be!” He shouts at the top of his lungs. His ears flattening against his head. 
“My luck! It’s gone! It’s gone! It’s gone! IT’S GONE!” He hurled a foot back and kicked another bucket away. 
Y/n and Panchito stared at Oswald. Panchito looked at Y/n and with his index finger, twirled a finger around the side of his head. 
“Loco.”  He whispered to her. Y/n didn’t utter a word to the rabbit...maybe..there was a reason he was in that van. No, that’s crazy. Those...shadow toons, the man in the trench coat, they wanted to book, they had to be some sort of bad guy to them, but why did they want the rabbit? 
Oswald had his clinched closed, suddenly, his hostile demeanor diminished rather quickly before he turned around and looked at the two with a smile.
“I’m sorry, I’ve-You see I’ve been held hostage for about...four. Five days now.”  He said, walking over to the two and then standing in front of them.  
“Why?” Y/n asked.
“Trench Coat, fella’ wants to use me as a key to open the book for him for..whatever plan he has, I was his key basically after he figured that I was--as he claimed--one of the chosen people for the book that will only open for select people.” He said. He...he was the 4th one. 
“We...have the book because it opens for us.” Y/n said, pointing to herself and Panchito. Oswald's eyes widened.
“Wh-I’ve been searching for at least one person high and low for years and you two found each other how long ago?” 
“Oh, we all met each other today! Ah, and we met you, the new addition,” Panchito said. Oswald seemed astonished. Panchito smiled.
“I know, crazy, I guess you don’t have much luck huh?” He blindly said...but it seemed to Y/n, Panchito purposely said it. Nudging him, Y/n spoke up. 
“Yes, there’s actually 3 of us a---oh fu---Bendy fell in the building, I forgot!” Y/n looked at the two.
“He has the book, we have to get in there.”
“Oh-wait wait, My name is Oswald, I was thinking since we’ll be working together from now on I would introduce myself.” He said, reaching a hand out. Panchito was the first to grab onto the rabbits hand and shake quickly.
“Hello, friend! My name is Panchito.” Panchtio then looked over at Y/n. 
“And my name is Y/n.” 
“Very well, now. Let’s go.”
Pushing open the double doors opened, two black boots stepped into the room that was filled with the smell of cigarettes, booze, the sound of biker rock music echoing through the establishment of the bar, the dim golden lights brought a warm glow. The people in the bar paid no mind to the newcomer. The man in the trenchcoat walked passed the table of the two men arm wrestling the man on the left lost, his hand hitting the table, the bear glass cups fell to the floor and shattered due to the sudden impact, the man who won laughed and cheered in victory. The man in the trench coat clicked his tongue and shook his head. 
Bendy hid behind a wooden pillar that the man walked by, gripping the book close to his chest. 
“Hello sir, what can I get for ya.” The bartender said. The man in the trench coat sat down on a stool Placing his forearms on the table. 
“Whisky on rocks.” He replied. The man nodded before turning away to make the drink. Bendy had peered from around the pillar, seeing the man was seemingly distracted. He turned around slowly and with all his might, tried to sneakily sneak through the front door.  But the man with the trench coat quickly, with the speed of lightning, tossed something to his side without batting Bendy an eye. 
The sound of a knife wedging into wood caused Bendy to immediately stop walking. Above him, between his horns, a pocket knife was embedded in the wood of the pillar. Bendy’s tail immediately dropped to the floor, before he turned around to face the man. A strained smile pulled onto his face. 
Soon, the two doors burst open, Panchito rolled through the doors somersaulting, landing on his right knee as he supported himself with his left foot. He pulled out the two pistols from his holster and aimed them towards no one in particular.
“Alright, hands in the air, now!” He shouts. Bendy noticed a red bandanna wrapped around Panchito’s face. The people in the bar immediately stopped speaking and looked over towards the door towards Panchito. Bendy looked at Panchito as well. Oswald walked through the door as well, and soon, Y/n entered as well. Mostly hesitantly. 
It was a part of the plan, creating a distraction. Soon, the man with the trenchcoat only squinted his eyes at the odd group. And soon, he snapped his fingers, and the two shadow toons jolted from a shadow of another person from the bar, creating two lanky and stout toon, Zip and Zot that the four saw several minutes ago. 
Panchito finally got a good glimpse of the two components, and stood up straight.
“Ah, what short fellows! So cute.”
“Cute!?” Zip exclaims, he soon shot towards Oswald quickly and tackled him to the ground. Scratching at the rabbits face like a rabid dog.
“Ow! Oh my--why me! Ow! Get it off!!!” Oswald screams. Y/n cupped her face from anyone, as if not wanting to seem like she was associated with the three toons. Soon, Oswald yelps to Panchito.
“Get on with the plan already! Oh dear!!” 
“Right! Hey you!” Panchito looked over at the two arm wrestlers. One man placed a hand on his chest as if saying; ‘Who me?’
“Yes, you. Your friend hates the way you compete with him, he said you smell like a bag of rotten onions.” Panchito said. The man gasped and looked at his arm wrestling component.
“Oh yeah?! Well how about this!” The man hurled a punch towards the man, the man fell to the ground, blood spraying from his nose, he lifted a hand up to feel the blood on his fingers, before looking at the man that hit him. 
“AAAAAH!” Soon the bar started fighting, tossing glass, chairs, tables, and all. A bar fight! Immediately Oswald pushed Zip off of him, the rabbit got up quickly, Bendy rushed over, holding the book in his hands. 
“What’s up with the guns?”
“Dramatic effect.” Panchito says. 
“Let’s get out of here, guys.” Y/n said, turning around to open the door, but the door was immediately opened up, standing in the doorway, were three toons, the three wore the same shirt, cap and pants.
“Beagle Boys..” Oswald hissed as he held his eye closed that was scratched. 
“Oh please. No need to worry about them,  excuse us sirs, we will be on our way.” Panchito stood in front of the group protectively.
But, they didn’t listen to him. Instead they pushed Oswald and Panchito over slightly. Looking over at Bendy, who was holding the book. One of the beagle boys rose a buff arm, Y/n almost a; ‘cl clink’ as if they were cocking a gun, and with all their might, sent a punch to Bendy, hitting him in the face, and like in any other cartoon and the toon he was, sent him flying across the room, loud crashes and shouts echoed, Y/n yelped and turned around and saw Bendy’s feet hanging out of a wall that he broke through from the strong impact. 
Steam emitted from the beagle toons fist, and all it took was one blow, to blow away the steam as if it were a gun. 
“Bendy!” Y/n shouts. She watched him shakily and slowly remove himself from the wall, she saw stars and birds flying around his head as he stumbled back and forth, a dazed look on his face as he held a finger up as if he were about to speak, but he soon fell to the ground. 
Panchito, Oswald and Y/n looked back at the beagle boys, Panchito’s narrowed his eyes and immediately got into a stance to fight. 
“¡¿Pusiste tus manos sobre mi amigo?!” He shouts. 
“Let’s get 'em all.” Said one beagle boy. But a new voice piped in. 
“Leave the girl to me, boys.” a female sultry voice emits, the beagle boys stepped to the side to reveal...a duck toon. Short silky black hair, a black blouse and black pants. Her dark eyes pierced into Y/n’s e/c eyes. 
“Eliminate them. We have what we need.” The man in the trench coat stood behind them all, holding the book. 
“And don’t kill the rabbit, we still need him. Bring him to me when you all finish them off.” He said as he turned and walked off, waving a hand the emergency door opened before he left the building with the book! No one in the bar cared for the fact off the man in the coat, but much rather they were still fighting. 
“No, the book!” Oswald tugged his ears in stress. Soon, the female duck walked closer to the group. Panchito moved his gaze to her. 
“Magica..” Oswald said yet another name. Y/n was...who was that? Who were the beagle boys?! Were they working for that odd man in the trench coat?! 
“Sorry, not hear to talk, have to do my job.”  
Immediately, one of the beagle boys launched at Panchito, Panchito was quick to back away, grabbing onto broken wooden plank and swinging it, hitting the beagle’s face, Oswald did the same, instead he picked up a beer bottle hitting the beagle boy with the glass, which broke into shards from the compact.
Y/n had her focus on the Magica women. 
“Alright, show me what you got.” Magica said. Y/n quickly found a stance, her gaze focusing on the duck. Magica threw a punch towards Y/n, with surprising good speed, Y/n moved away from the fist, in an attempt to throw a punch as well, Magica quickly raised a hand and Y/n’s hand froze in midair. 
“Wha-” Y/n tried to throw another punch with the other arm, but Magica did the same with that arm, Y/n finally took notice, the duck was more than likely wielding some sort of powers...hinting towards her name..
Magica lifted a foot, and immediately kicked Y/n in her torso, the girl fell down, hitting the wood floor, falling on top of glass shards and other debris. Groaning at the impact, Y/n made a painful expression, feeling the sore on her torso, the wind knocked from her. Magica took a knife from the counter, she grabbed Y/n by the collar of her shirt, lifting her up with ease.
“You know, it’s nice to see one of the few heros, didn’t expect to kill you guys off so quick,” She said. Y/n reached behind her as Magica examined Y/n’s expression, Y/n felt the beer bottle on the counter. Grabbing the neck of the beer bottle, she felt the adrenaline pump through her, no, she was not going to let some random person hit and beat on her, they needed that book, the burning feeling of determination was firing up, and with quick speed, Y/n swung her arm, and smashed the glass bottle across Magica’s head, the duck gasped in surprise, along with a small yelp, she dropped Y/n, and Y/n quickly.  Threw yet another punch, Magica fell to the ground, holding her beak with closed eyes and a pained yet furious expression, Y/n spotted Panchitio striking a punch to one of the beagle boys, Oswald did the same to the last two of them, Panchito whistled across the room to Oswald, tossing the rope to him, Oswald grabbed the end of the rope that was tossed, and the two ran, Panchito running around clockwise, as Oswald did the same, counter clockwise. The rose wrapping the beagle boys up. 
“Ahah!” Panchito laughed as the beagle boys fell to the ground as the rope tightened. Y/n didn’t notice Magica get back up. The sudden feeling of someone on her caused Y/n to fall and roll across the ground, it was Oswald. Soon, a chair was seen falling in the position that Y/n was in, Magica must have thrown it. 
Oswald got off Y/n with a smile and helped her up. 
“Thanks I didn--watch out!” Y/n noticed the array of knives and forks flying towards the  two, both Oswald and Y/n  split and ran towards different directions. Y/n hopped over a table, landing on the dishes that were still there, the feeling of foot plastering on her clothes, she rolled off the table and onto the floor. The knives hit the table as if it were raining. She quickly scattered across the floor, pushing past people that were still fighting, like any other bar fight. 
Y/n grabbed a ceramic plate and quickly tossed it as if it were a frisbee, but it didn’t hit Magica, instead she hopped from out of the way, Y/n ran past Panchito, who pulled out another rode from behind it--turns out he had to lassos. 
“Y/n, here!” He calls out. Y/n ran back over, almost falling as she dodged a flying cup that Magica tossed. Y/n ran over and took the rope, and as Oswald and Panchito did, Y/n and Panchito did the same, circling the rope around Magica, the duck tried to keep track of the two speedy enemies--in her eyes--she couldn’t keep a good track. But--the rope wrapped around her, and Y/n tossed the other rope to Panchito, who took it and tied a knot to the rope. 
“Let go of me!” Magica shouts. 
“Hey! Watch out!” Oswald shouted from across the room, Y/n and Panchito looked over and saw Zip zipping passed, under Y/n’s feet, causing her to lose balance and fall on to the floor yet again.  The shadow ran around the room quickly, speedily, so quickly that Y/n could feel the wind and cool air circulating in the room, Panchito tried to keep track of where the shadow went, but Zip was like a speedy mouse. Y/n quickly stood up, and spotted Zot, who had  charged for Oswald, the rabbit was busy trying to track down Zip he didn’t know they fell for the trap, Zip was the distraction as--
“Hey! Let me go!” Zot took ahold of Oswald, holding onto his ears, Oswald lifted a foot to kick the shadow, but soon, from the wall, a dark bubbling rip of black ink like liquid, formed on the wall, and soon, Bendy shot from the ink, arms outstretched, he rammed right into Zot, the two somersaulting and rolling onto the ground until he hit a table. The table fell over, stopping Zip from running around the building, and slamming into the table. Bendy quickly got up, Oswald held the door open and shouted at the three.
“Let’s go! Let’s go!” He shouts. And, Oswald, Y/n, Bendy, and Panchito ran out of the establishment, back out into the moist air, Y/n’s shoes slapping the wet pavement. 
“There!” Y/n pointed at the van leaving the abandon parking lot, another figure that wasn’t the man in the trench coat, it was a woman with black hair, pale skin, she laughed and got into the driver's seat of the car, in her hand was the book, she tossed it in the van, and hopped in the car and with no need to even heeding the traffic laws she drove out of the parking lot and down the street. 
“Where did the man go with the trenchcoat?” Oswald asked. Panchito rose an eyebrow.
“Was that him---or her?”
“I don’t think so, that doesn't matter, but we need to get to the car, come on!” 
Y/n drove down the street quickly, but not enough to get pulled over, and that was where the problem was. 
“You need to drive faster! We’ll lose the book if we stay at this speed!” Bendy shouts, moving Y/n over so he could stick a foot down to touch the pedal, but Y/n pushed him away quickly, glaring at him.
“No! If I get pulled over, that’ll put my name in jeopardy!”
“No, it won’t! Pick up the speed, or let me drive!” 
“Fine! Drive then!” 
Quickly, Y/n and Bendy, switched seats, as the car was in motion, crawling over each other frantically, but once Bendy was in the driver's seat, he slammed the pedal to the floor, the engine roaring, and Y/n immediately felt her back get glued to the seat.  The car moved through lanes and cars, to get to the can that was a few meters away.
“Someone is going to have to jump out to get the book.” Panchito said. Oswald and Y/n looked  at Panchito, he looked between the two before smiling. “I’ll happily do it!” 
“I’ll go with.” Oswald said, Oswald then looked at Y/n, she scoffed. 
“No. I’ll stay in the car and make sure he doesn't crash into anything.”  Y/n said. Bendy was too busy nearing the van to listen, but once he reached the van, he rolled down the window and honked the horn causing the van to roll its windows down, revealing the woman that that saw, though they all couldn’t get a good glimpse of her, but the man in the trenchcoat saw the four, his eyes squinted.
“Hey, You should try and get better guards!” Bendy yelled to them. Panchito rolled down the window, and immediately crawled onto the roof of the car. Oswald followed suit. 
“You’re too late, turn back before we kill you all!” The man shouts over, not noticing Panchito and Oswald, until when they hopped over and the heavy thump on the car caught their attention.
“You gotta be kiddin’ me.” The woman whispers. Y/n watched As Oswald slid down the front of the vans car, sticking his tongue out to get their attention. Which it did for the lad, she cursed loudly and tried to swerve the car slightly to get the toon off. But, Oswald didn’t budge. Panchito dove into the car landing in front of the woman, she shrieked in surprise.
“Ah! Hello, ma’am. Excuse me, i am here for something.” Panchito then moved his gaze over to the man in the trench coat, hurling a punch to the man, the man grunted in pain, and Panchito quickly took the book, he was about to exit until the woman took ahold of his talon, Panchito looked at her questionable, she dragged him back and Panchito yelped in surprise, but he kept ahold of the book. Before she could do anything to Panchito, Oswald hung from outside of the window peeking into the car.
“Ah!” The woman screamed at the sudden toon appearing, Oswald grabbed Panchito’s arm, and dragged him out of the car, and grabbed him onto the hood of the car.  Oswald bent down and clicked the latch for the hood of the van's hood, and almost immediately when the hood opened, it sent the two springing into the air. Unfortunately the can had crashed by a stop sign. And the car Bendy and Y/n sped up, Y/n quickly pressed a button to open the moonroof of the car, it slid open, and Oswald and Panchito landed into the car with a heavy thud with the book in hand.
“YES!” Y/n cheered as she hopped around in her seat. But, the sudden car crash behind them got the best of them, a car pile up was created, and a semi truck was rolling in from behind. Oswald noticed and quickly hopped to the front of the car, he placed his hands on the steering wheel, and jerked the steering wheel, causing the car to swerve and turn in 180 degrees, the tires screeching on the street, everyone in the car screamed, looking out the window of the car to see the semi truck rolling their way, but Oswald muttered under his breath, the car speed up, wheels screeching and it drove towards the truck, Y/n grabbed the wheel as well.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”  She shouts, Oswald didn’t reply, instead, reaching a foot down next to Bendy’s and the car sped up, he turned the wheel yet again, the car screeching and turning down a street, and car knocked over a empty car that was parked on the side, that car served bump for the oncoming semi truck, what semi truck only slightly lifted off the ground when it rolled over the car and above the car the toons and Y/n were in, it were as if she were looking at it in slow motion, the semi truck tossed over the car, untouched, and landline on the side, away from other people and cars, where it wouldn’t cause damage to the town or people. The car zoomed off down the street before the end of the semi truck could hit the car, and in the nick of time, the car revved down the street. 
“YES!” Oswald cheered, he lets go of the steering wheel, and then lets out a boisterous laugh. 
“My luck! Ah! It put us in good hands this time!” He shouts with glee. The car slowed down, reaching a neighborhood, Y/n’s neighborhood. Her house a few blocks away. When the car came to a complete stop, everyone took  a moment of silence to take in the air they would get to breathe, breathing in and out.
“Oh...my...gosh.” Y/n laughed and ran her sore hands through her hand, that was….fun. Exhilarating.
“We doggone, surely do make a team, huh?” Oswald smiled at the three, Bendy turned and looked at everyone. 
“I didn’t expect the two of you to plunge yourselves into the air by the hood of a car!” He laughs, Panchito and Oswald smile. 
“Did you see the way Panchito handled those beagle boys?! And how Y/n fought Magica?!” Oswald wrapped an arm around Y/n’s shoulders, Y/n smiled brightly. 
“No, did you see Bendy come through the wall and stopped that fast running shadow thing?!”
“Or when we all, literally swung from one roof to another with Panchito’s lasso?!”
The four all shared a memorable laugh, the night was chaotic, and they still managed to kick butt and take back what was theirs?!
“Next up, Oregon.” Bendy said. He then looked at Y/n. 
“Don’t worry, I influenced her...under pressure, yes. But hey, I did what I had to do.” 
Y/n was astonished..her mother would let her go? This was new!
“This is a new beginning, wherever any of us go, we all go.” Oswald said, looking between everyone. Y/n took the book from Panchito, she opened it, and showed it to Oswald. 
“We’re all a team, and we stick together.” 
Oswald smiled at her.
“Through--” He placed a hand on the page, the ink printing his hand print and then signing his signature.
“And through.” He finishes. 
“Let’s get you home, we all have a big day tomorrow, a long one at that.” 
The man in the trench coat stood by the crashed car, the jammed hood pouring with steam, the lady next to him had her arms crossed as she looked at the car. 
“What now..? They have the book.” She says. The man thought for a moment.
“We’ll work harder...they aren’t a bunch of idiots as I assumed. We work harder.” He said. The woman hummed in acknowledgment. 
“And smarter?”
“Get the rest. We plan.”
Y/n groaned as she sat on the floor in her room, cleaned herself off, through her clothes in the washer, and placed the book in a book bag for safe keepings. Oswald wandered around her room, looking at the various posters, books and other decorations, Panchito sat next to Y/n for once enjoying the silence and Bendy was rubbing his eye that he was so gracefully socked in.
“That guy did a number on you.” Y/n told Bendy. Bendy grumbled. Oswald looked over at Bendy and his ears perked up.
“Yeaj, they really did, straight through a wall, tell me. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much pain did you feel.”
“Oh shut up.” 
Y/n heard the keys jingling of the front door,  immediately, Y/n and Panchito stood up, Bendy opened the window up, as Oswald, and Panchito walked over. 
“Well, I’ll take them with me, you get sleep, I’ll more than likely be here with Henry tomorrow to come and get you, so we all can leave.” Bendy explains. Y/n nods at the plan, but she was exhausted and needed rest from todays events, mostly what happened tonight...she was so glad no one was injured during the small pile up car crash. 
“Bye, Y/n.”
Oswald and Bendy crawled out the window and hopped out, Panchito quickly scurried over to her, pulling her deep into a warm hug. Y/n couldn’t help but smile, and wrap her arms around him as well, rocking back and forth for a moment as Panchito pats and gently runs her back. Soon, then pulled away and Panchito smiled at her.
“Adiós, cariño, te veré cuando salga el sol.” He said, though Y/n could only understand when he said goodbye, she smiled and waved her hands goodbye.
“Bye, Panchito, I’ll see you tomorrow, I had fun with you all.” She said, Panchito smiles and walked backwards for a moment, he seemed to not want to leave yet, he made many friends...Donald and his friend Jose, and he missed them every day as the years pass, Panchito never like being away from his friends, and now Y/n was apart of that. Sitting in the window he waved goodbye once again. Y/n laughed softly and waved goodbye yet again.
Soon, he dropped down from the window, leaving nothing but the tree to look at and the moon that was clouded slightly by the clouds. Soon, her door opens revealing her mother, and her tired husband walking down the hall to his room to sleep.
“By the way, Bendy wants to take you on a road trip tomorrow, and you should go, you don’t have to, but I really want you to go, because I love you and I want you to go out more.” Her mother smiles after that quick statement, and Y/n already had her answer.
“Yes, I would love to go.” Her mother was surprised. But nevertheless, smiled.
“Good, make sure you bags are packed tomorrow, you’re going to Oregon, Bendy should be here tomorrow, but it's late, I’m tired. I’m hittin’ the hay, Night!” Her mother closed the door and Y/n heard her footsteps descend off to her room. Well...adventure truly awaits tomorrow, a new beginning. A reason, a step further in their quest to find out the meaning of whatever is going on. Y/n flicked her light off, and crawled into bed.
Next up, Duckberg, Oregon, to find Donald Duck himself.  This will be an adventure indeed. 
A/n : You made it to the end?! Don’t worry, there is more to come! 
But, I do really hope people will like the plot of this story and the characters, I’m not a fan of crossovers, but this will be a fun and crazy adventure, everyone from each of these fandoms will have alot in common. But anyway! I’ll catch you all in the next chapter, go ahead and comment, I run off of comments, I love reading them and interacting with you all, but I hope you all join and stick around for this adventure, catch you in the next chapter! 
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fandomvariousness · 4 years
Parallel Universe II
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Sequel to -> x
Pairing: undefined
Warnings: none
Request: “can you do a part two of parallel universe? thanksss! ps i love your work”
Word count: 403
You weren’t sure if it’s the scorching sun, or it’s the fact that you’re on the deck of a ship with a bunch of fictional characters, who didn’t seem so fictional.
You squeezed your eyes shut and pinched yourself, emitting a silent yelp. “Wake up!”
Yet when you opened your eyes, the pirates were looking at you just as bamboozled as you were.
“Oh no…” you breathed out, your eyebrows knitting in worry. “Okay, uh, w-which movie is this??”
They stared at you as if you were speaking some unknown African tribal language.
“O-Okay, you’re obviously distraught.” Henry began. “Why don’t you tell us how did you end up here? Were you hiding below the deck all this time?”
You put your hands on your hips out of desperation, common sense completely leaving you. “Yeah. Yeah, I did.”
You were planning to say you fell from the sky, but then they’d definitely think you’re a witch.
“Right, so, why are you here? Were you looking for someone?”
You stretched your lips into a thin line, staring and nothing in particular, still trying to cope with the unbelievable reality of the situation, and then it hit you – why don’t you use your knowledge for your own benefit? You might just get out of this.
“Yeah, it’s – it’s you, guys.”
“Us?” Jack yelped.
“Yes!” you were getting enthusiastic. “I’ve heard all about your adventures, how Jack came back from the world’s end, how you guys defeated Calypso and Davy Jones, and Henry, your parents… now that’s a dynamic duo.”
Silence ensued.
“How do you know all this?” Jack was, of course, flattered, but it was just all too confusing. “Were you even born then?”
“How do you know my name?” Henry muttered.
Oh, dear, now that you haven’t thought trough. They might still think you’re a witch after all.
“Lass, you had a heat stroke, didn’t you?” Jack quizzed, raising his eyebrow.
You sighed. “Could be. It’s pretty hot.”
“Okay, wait, I’ll bring you water.” Henry said before going away and coming back with a ladleful of water, hovering his palm below it to catch any escaping drops.
You drank it greedily and looked around the puzzled men again. Okay, say you stay here till the events when the movie’s supposed to end. What then? Will you go back to your own reality, the one you were born into?
Only one way to find out.
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
pairing - bau team x teen!reader
summary - you intern for garcia at the bau
warnings - mentions of case
word count - ?
note - takes place during season 7 around 2011
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you knew penelope from the minute you were born.
both of your parents were extremely close, living just a few short blocks away in san francisco. penelope was only 17 when you were born, you instantly becoming her new favorite person. her mom was even named as your godmother.
when penelope’s parents had died, yours had looked after her even though she did go underground as a hacker. despite how much penelope had changed, she was always there to check up on you and your parents.
and then she had gotten caught by the fbi of all people.
you were far to young to even comprehend what was happening. all you could remember was penelope hugging you tightly before she left. the two of you kept in contact by letters ever since that day.
now 17, you were an expert with computers. penelope was your guide, helping you learn to hack everything and anything as well as your way with all technology.
adding on to that, you were incredibly smart, taking all advanced placement courses at school. one of your classes was an internship, you had to find a local company to spend a certain number of hours a week in order to earn credit.
when penelope hears the news, mostly since she had access to your course schedule, she pulled a couple strings.
before you knew it, you were booked to have an internship with the behavioral analysis unit in washington d.c. under penelope garcia. aaron hotchner would be your ‘boss’ as he was the unit chief.
your parents were incredibly supportive, working out the details for you to stay with penelope for the semester and possibly part of the summer.
with multiple bags packed and a plane ticket booked, you were set to leave for washington d.c. in just a few short days.
arriving at quantico, you were more than nervous.
a car was arranged to pick you up from the airport, an agent named anderson picked you up to bring you to the bau. from there, you would be able to see penelope, meet with hotch, and get your proper paperwork and badge.
you could tell from the second you stepped in that your presence was out of place. a teenager was rarely in the bau, nonetheless one few people could connect to someone on the team.
“alright this is the floor you will be working on. garcia’s office is down the hall but through those doors over there is what we call the bullpen. that’s where the main teams desks are as well as where they do briefings,” anderson spoke, giving you a mini-tour.
“and the staring?” you asked. “that will stop soon. once they see you with agent hotchner they’ll back off. as much as i want to defend your case, i can’t say i wouldn’t act the same. this is the first teenager working at the fbi ever,” anderson informed you. “oh wow, didn’t know i was making history.”
“yeah you are, and I'm sure-” he was cut off.
“penny!” you exclaimed, rushing forward to hug the tech analyst, your luggage remaining behind you.
anderson smiled to himself, waving towards garcia before heading back to work.
“i’ve missed you so much sweetie,” penelope grinned, matching your enthusiasm. you hugged her for a little longer, overjoyed to see her after months.
morgan was next in the hallway, hugging you once penelope let go. “hey kid, how are you? school okay?” he questioned, ruffling your hair. “everything’s good derek, i’m just stoked to be here,” you grinned.
the rest of the team, to say the least, was extremely confused. there were a ton of questions running through their heads as the scene played out.
“maybe it’s morgan and garcia’s secret love child,” emily snickered, spencer and j.j. laughing too.
“i can take your bags down to my lair and we can bring them to my place after work,” penelope offered. “and i can take you in to meet hotch,” morgan piped in.
you kept your backpack with you, the three of you splitting up. morgan stayed by your side, guiding you into the bullpen.
the two of you couldn’t have been in the main roof for more than a few minutes before who you assumed was hotch was down to greet you.
“welcome y/n y/l/n, it’s nice to finally meet you,” hotch greeted, extending his hand for you to shake. you took it, nodding with a “nice to meet you too sir.”
“please, call me hotch. we can talk up in my office,” with one final smile towards morgan, you were following the into chief up for your meeting.
“so how do you know garcia?” hotch first asked.
“she’s pretty much my godmother, her mom was my official one before she passed. our parents were friends so i’ve known her for most of my life,” you explained, a smile on your face. “she taught me to hack when i was only 10.”
hotch nodded, “and you’re seventeen, correct? have you committed to any colleges?”
you shook your head no. “not yet sir. i’ve been accepted to a few but haven’t made any final decision. pennelope is pushing me to go to school around here though.”
“i’m sure wherever you go will be a good fit. but now, we have to get into some of the more official stuff. how are you managing school with this inteenship?”
“my teachers moved all of my classes online with virtual lessons and work. penelope and i have already worked out a schedule so i can focus on my work here and do schoolwork at night,” you explained.
hotch was obviously satisfied with his answer so he continued, “now with your internship, we don’t expect you to work cases with us right away. it is mostly just learning under garcia. once you feel comfortable enough and get a recommendation, you can move up.”
you nodded along, taking in the information about your job. “i can take you down to get your badge and then you can meet the team,” hotch offered. “sounds perfect.”
photos and paperwork didn’t take more than twenty minutes. you were back up, a crisp new badge clipped on your jacket, soon enough.
“my team,” hotch called. “conference room.”
with his usual ‘unit chief’ tone, no one bother to argue with him. adding on to your interaction with three out of seven members, changes were obviously happening.
you were seated on top of one of the file cabinets, morgan beside you and penelope next to him. your conversation died down once more people entered the room.
both you and morgan quickly got down, wanting to look at least a little bit professional.
“everyone, i would like you to meet our newest team member, y/n y/l/n. she’ll be interning under penelope and helping out on cases,” hotch inteoduced.
you waved to everyone, a slight smile forming on your face. “from left to right is reid, prentiss, rossi, and j.j. and your already know garcia and morgan,” hotch pointed out each individual member.
“wait i’m not following. you know morgan and garcia?” rossi asked.
“my parents knew penelope’s for a long time. i grew up with penelope pretty much as an older sister. and i know morgan since he’s visited home a few times,” you explained.
the team was already eager to get to know you, having a fresh face around, nonetheless one that was only 17, would definitely be nice. so, for your first day, you were pestered with questions. you already fit well with the team, a new member being added to their little family without problem.
your first week was pretty much just learning the basics of how the computers in garcia’s lair actually operated. you had your own little station in one of the corners, a few computers and monitors set up for you to work with.
two weeks in, you had your first real assignment.
it wasn’t by choice, you were supposed to start working with the gory stuff in two weeks, or a month of working there.
you absolutely loved the job with the team. oftentimes, you found yourself hanging out with either emily or j.j. for dinner and time with sergio and or henry. you went on morning runs with morgan, the two of you constantly sending each other new routes to run on. spencer helped you with your homework, planning a schedule for the idea work time like it was no issue. if you ever had a problem with school, he would always help you figure it out.
rossi found a new sense of joy in teaching you to cook. you grew up in san francisco, eating a lot of sea food and not much else. rossi changed that, making you various pasta dishes to try as well as the recipient. and hotch, hotch became an overall mentor and pretty much another dad to you. while spencer helped you with work, hotch would keep you in line with everything.
the latest case was pretty intensive on you and penelope. you did as much work as you could, you still weren’t officially clear to handle crime scene information just yet.
the one time penelope was out of her office getting coffee for the two of you, her office phone had started ringing. you quickly pushed away from your desk, your chair rolling across the floor until you were in front of hers.
“office of the most talented and magical members of the bau here. how may i help you?” you greeted. “man garcia is really rubbing off on you,” you chose to ignore that comment.
“speaking of garcia, where is she?”
you sighed, “getting coffee. what do you need?” hotch was quick to answer, “i need you too look up an unsub. name is roger clark.”
in lightning speed, you clicked away at the computer as you dug up information on the man.
“ah here his is. clark rogers was born to a frank and mary rogers. was a normal child, played sports and graduated with honors. did have a case of aggravated assault in college though he got off free since his dad was a lawyer. oh shoot, his mom died a few weeks ago,” you quickly explained.
something about a possible trigger as barely audible in the background of the call. “we need a location asap,” emily spoke.
“oh i’ve has the location sent from the minute you called,” you leaned back in your chair, most of your work already done.
hotch actually had one of his rare smiles on his face after that. “thanks so much,” he spoke. “stay safe,” you called before hanging up the call.
little did you know, your work was more than helpful. though it was minimal, small details you had provided actually proved to be useful in taking down the unsub. even penelope, who heard news of everything once she returned, was thoroughly impressed. it wasn’t super easy finding out that information as fast as you could.
all you knew is that you were guaranteed a job once you graduated.
☆ ☆ ☆
tags - @tinylumpiaa @sapphicspence @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @change-the-world-someday @ah-blossom @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @kissessforharryyy @garcias-batcave @spenceneedsahug @jjandreidsgirl @zoseph @spencerreidxoxo @marvelxmendes @kissessfordraco @ogmilkis @cm-is-kinda-cool @ssa-morgan @matthewgublerswife @spencerslatte @babyangellee @agentshortstacc
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour, Goodfellas - Chapter 12
Chapter 12: Make You Feel My Love
Dad!Mob!Tom x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader, Rosie Holland x Henry Osterfield
-Warnings: Amnesia, Sadness, Language, Fluff, Dialogue, Typos
-Words: 6.6K
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A/n: Sorry this chapter is long. Heads up, always a lot of dialogue. I get tired of only writing imagery lol. Thanks for reading, I love all your comments so dearly.
Chapter 12: Make You Feel My Love
Words: 6.6K
Everyone’s faces stood emotionless. More than a deer caught in headlights, there was no expression. Tom’s jaw slacked open, standing heartbroken in front of you. How could you not remember him?
After everything he couldn’t even hold you in his arms. No words could describe the room. You had just woken up and said 3 measly words that rewrote history.
“Who are you?” You questioned.
“What?” Tom gasped, his eyes starting to water.
“I don’t know who you are. Where am I?… Who are you people?” You fretted, confused to why you were lying into a hospital bed surrounded by strangers.
“Mom? It’s me. Roo,” Rosie stammered, moving to grab your hand but you just flinched away.
“Harry go get the doctor,” Nikki called out.
“No, I don’t know who you people are. Please get out.”
“Y/N it’s me?” Tom pleaded.
“Who’s Y/N?”
“You, darling,” Tom whispered. Was this all real? It had to be some sick joke.
“No, no! I suggest you all leave. Please, just leave me alone,” you asserted, pressing the nurse call button.
“Mrs. Holland what seems to be the problem?” asked the nurse.
“Who’s Mrs. Holland? I don’t know where I am or why I’m here or who these people are,” you fretted, heart rate starting to spike.
“You don’t recognize anyone here?” Pestered on the nurse.
“No, maybe the young boy and girl, but no,” Tears flooded Rosie and Parker’s eyes.
“Mrs. Holland you’re awake,” called the doctor, Harry brought in.
“Why do people keep calling me that?” You questioned angrily.
“She can’t remember anyone, doctor,” explained the nurse.
“Why don’t we clear out the room and I’ll speak to you all privately outside,” the doctor announced.
“It seems she is suffering retrograde amnesia. It is possibly temporary. You need to talk to her but be careful not overwhelm her. She will feel like her entire life passed her by because she can’t remember it. For now, only a few people in the room. May I suggest her husband and her kids,” explained the doctor.
“What do you mean it might be temporary? She might not ever remember her entire life?” Tom inquired.
“It is uncertain, but yes. Mr. Holland, we are very hopeful that her memory will come back. For now take it slow, showing her photos of you together can help greatly,” concluded the doctor.
“Dad, will mom ever remember me?” Rosie asked teary-eyed.
“I don’t know, baby.”
“Now, come on. We just have to be patient with her.”
“Ok, dad. I’m ready,” said Rosie, trying to hide her tears.
“Parker? Are you with us?” Tom inquired.
“I know she doesn’t remember me but, I don’t want her to see me and not know who I am. If she doesn’t remember me then who am I? I owe my entire life to mom. I don’t understand how she just forgot 16 years of my life,” Parker lamented.
“Hey, we just need to patient. One thing you need to have is faith. That’s all we had waiting to be rescued. Hope, hope that we would see you and your sister again.”
“I’m scared, dad.”
“I know me too. But we have to do this for mom. Ok?” Tom admitted. Parker just nodded in response. They made their way into your room, standing by the foot of your bed.
“Hi, let’s start over. I am Tom. You are Y/N. I am your husband. Your name is Y/N Holland,” Tom began. “This is our son, Parker. He is 16 years old, along with his twin sister. This is our daughter, Rosie….We just want to let you know we will be here for you. Through everything, we want to help you remember if you will let us.”
“Okay,” you whispered. That was the first step, having people to support you.
You were soon discharged a few days later. All set to travel back to London, the home you once knew. Back to the life you shared little to no importance for. All the things you once loved, lost in translation.
The plan ride was painfully long. Tom had yet to hold you in his arms. After watching the life drain out of you, waiting for someone to come, he just wanted to hold you and love you. Let you know you are safe.
He watched as you sat there a few seats away from him. The spark in your eyes non-existent. He didn’t know how to call you over there his when you couldn’t remember him. Almost 20 years of being together, down the drain. He just wanted you back.
Not being able to hug you or hold you or whisper sweet nothings in your ear was killing him. He felt like a recovering drug addict experiencing the process of withdrawal. Everything hurt inside, knowing you forgot him. It was so unfair. How could you survive the helicopter crash but not recognize your own family? You were a shell, a husk of the person you used to be.
Jared, was the one to pick you all up from the airport. The plane ride was nothing compared to the awkwardness of the car ride. You had always been very close with Tom’s staff. William and Jared specifically because you’d see them the most. Jared used to be more your driver but, Tom snatched him up after he saw how close you two were getting. He couldn’t help but be jealous.
You sat next to Tom, almost like a statue. You didn’t know how you were supposed to act. Pulling up to the manor, you were a combination of terrified and astounded. Terrified and astounded at the sheer size and security measures taken.
“Tom, did you pay for the cab?” You asked, hopping out of the car.
“Darling, this is our car. This is our driver, Jared. You two are close,” Tom explained.
“Oh, sorry. Jared it’s nice to meet you,” you waved to him.
“We’ve met before, but it’s nice to see you Y/N,” Jared said, trying to address the elephant in the room.
“Right, sorry.”
“No need to apologize, ma’am.”
“Love, why don’t I make you a cup of tea and you can relax in the living room? The plane ride probably wore you out. However, I know Parker and Rosie have something planned,” Tom interjected.
“Ok, tea would be good,” you responded, walking to the mansion.
“Where’s the living room?” You questioned, afraid you will get lost.
“Oh, it’s ok darling. I’ll take you there,” Tom said, leading the way.
Being here, seemed like an out of body experience. The only thing you knew about yourself was what people told you.
“Here mom. I-I mean Y/N. Please come sit. These are a bunch of photo albums and scrapbooks about our lives. Maybe showing you them will bring something back.”
“Ok… You could call me mom. I don’t mind,” Rosie just nodded in response.
“Look this picture is of your wedding day. It was at this really pretty garden. I wish I could’ve been there,” Rosie reminisced.
“You weren’t?” You asked, confused at her remark.
“No, Parker and I weren’t born yet.”
“Oh, is that you?” You asked, gently raising a finger to a picture captured a perfect moment in time. Parker had just gotten out of a bath and was running naked through the house, he had to be about three or four years old.
“No, that’s Parker,” Rosie remarked.
“Here’s a photo of me. It’s the first day of kindergarten.” Rosie pulled out a photo of her dressed in a blue dress with pink bows in her hair, one on each side hugging her pigtails.
She stood in front of a large gate along with Parker, holding their tin lunch boxes high. Rosie’s lunchbox was a homage to My Little Pony and Parker’s was Transformers. They were all grown up, no longer spending the days with you while Tom worked.
“I’m crying, why?” You questioned, seeing yourself adorned with red puffy eyes in the photo.
“I don’t know, maybe you didn’t want to leave me or Parker,” Rosie explained but was soon cut off by a large clash coming from the kitchen. CRASH, CLANG, THWAP.
“What was that?” You asked, a little startled by the noise.
“I don’t know, I’m going to go check on something. Feel free to keep looking at them.”
You flipped through the countless pages adorned with family photos that documented the milestones. It killed you that you couldn’t remember. You were said to be their mother and if you were anything like your mother, you loved them till it was too much and kissed them and held them. You loved them more than life itself but couldn’t remember why.
About 12 pages in, there was a photo of you in the hospital holding a baby. The caption read “my little Roo.” It was of you and Rosie shortly after she was born. She looked so small, so delicate. Her skin was pale with a hint of rose colored cheeks. The little baby girl in your arms was wrapped in a pink cloth with a pink colored beanie on her head.
She was sleeping so peacefully and you just had the biggest smile imagined on your face. You brought this little girl into the world and couldn’t remember that moment. What own mother can’t remember her baby? Tears pricked at your eyes as you gazed into the picture.
“Dinner is almost ready—Love, what’s wrong why are you crying?” Tom said, coming out of the kitchen.
“I’m sorry. This isn’t fair to any of you,” you cried, letting the tears fall.
“Hey, it’s ok. We are here for you,” Tom whispered, grabbing a hold of your hands.
“I’m still sorry, I don’t remember anything.”
“It’s not your fault. It will come with time,” Tom said, only holding your hands. His main goal was to not overwhelm you and pulling you into a warm embrace may be too much too soon.
“You’re right. I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. What’s for dinner, smells great?” You said, quickly changing the subject.
“Your favorite and specialty so we can’t guarantee it will be as good as you make it but, spaghetti and meatballs,” Tom joked.
“Ok, I’m sure it will be lovely.”
Everyone was dealing with your amnesia differently. Parker would take you on special outings to places you loved and Rosie could barely stand to be in the same room with you. Your sweet and affectionate girl couldn’t as much give a real smile. The only time you spent with her was when she showed you the photo albums. Something clicked in her when you didn’t recognize her in the photo of you holding her a for the first time. Rosie proceeded to cry herself to sleep that night, she couldn’t handle you not recognizing her.
As time progressed it had gotten too hard for Rosie to be around you. Looking at you just reminded her of all the things she had lost. She would stay in her room from dawn till dusk, refusing to see or talk to anyone. Rosie shut everyone out, including Henry. He’d come by quite a lot, begging to see Rosie.
“Hi, can I help you?” You said, answering the door.
“I’m Henry, Harrison’s son and Rosie’s boyfriend,” Henry explained.
“Oh. Sorry I can’t remember anything. Were we close?” You inquired, yet another person you have disappointed by not knowing your own life.
“Yeah, you and Tom were a big part in raising me, aside from my dad. I love you like a son would loved his mother.”
“I’m sorry, I’ll work on it. But I believe Rosie is upstairs, come in,” you responded, inviting the boy in.
“Thanks,” Henry said, quickly making his way upstairs. “Roo, it’s me. I’m coming in,” He said whilst knocking on her door.
“Henry what are you doing here?” Rosie asked, trying to hide her tears.
“You weren’t returning any of my phone calls.”
“There is a reason for that,” Rosie snapped, building a wall that Henry was bound to knock down.
“Hey, I’m here. Talk to me. Talk to me about your mom,” Henry whispered, coming to Rosie’s side.
“What’s there to talk about? She doesn’t remember me. She was my best friend and she doesn’t even know who I am!” Rosie yelled. Needing to let out all her emotions in one single blow.
“Hey, it’s ok. I’m here,” Henry assured.
“Henry, I just want to be alone right now. Could you please leave?” Rosie begged.
“No, I won’t let you push me away. I’m here to help.”
“I want you to go,” Rosie demanded.
“No.” Henry said, holding his ground.
“I’m serious Henry, leave.”
“No, Rosie you need someone to talk to.”
“Can you get out and leave me the fuck alone?” She screamed, this time being pushed over the edge. Flailing her arms back and forth in anger.
“No. I’m not leaving,” Henry knew she needed him, he couldn’t leave anytime soon.
“Really? I’m here screaming at you and you are still here. Why?” All her anger drifted only leaving her sadness. She fell into his arms, breaking from the weight of pain, sobbing.
“Yes, because I love you and I’m staying for you,” Henry reassured. He knew Rosie would need this. Someone who promised to never leave.
“Henry, what do we do if she never remembers? I’m not ready for that. It’s like losing my mom even though she is still alive. All those fun memories of shopping or baking or just talking, gone. I don’t know who I am without her.”
“Rosie, you have to look on the bright side.”
“What’s the fucking bright side? There is none. We took her to all her favorite places today and she still doesn’t remember. There is no fucking bright side!”
“I lost her. I lost her but she is still here. I’m lucky right? She’s still here living and breathing, but she doesn’t know who I am,” Rosie lamented. “Henry, I love you to pieces but I just need to be alone right now.” Pleading for him to leave, she wished he could stay and comfort her but nothing could do that right now.
“Baby, I don’t want to leave you so upset,” Henry whispered.
“Please. I’m begging you, just go.”
Rosie, didn’t mean to push Henry away. But she couldn’t help it. She needed to release her frustrations out on someone, but there was no one. There was no one to blame for the crash or the loss of your memory. It was all an accident. Henry knew her well enough, where he knew what she needed before she did herself. He already lost Rosie once and promised himself he wouldn’t again.
Parker was the opposite of Rosie, not consumed by his sadness, he was looking for a solution. Anything that could help bring back your memory. He had been taking you to your favorite places around the city. The beach, the library, a coffee shop, and a park you always you took Parker and Rosie to as kids.
To no end, he couldn’t and wouldn’t give up. He couldn’t leave you stuck in that misery. He approached Tom with something that might work.
“Dad, I have an idea. I thought we should create a memory for her.”
“Ok, that might work. Any memory in mind?”
“I was thinking your wedding day,” Parker explained. Tom just nodded in response with a smirk strewn across his face.
Tom was willing to try anything to get you back. It a been a few weeks from the crash and he’s so scared of terrifying you or being too forward. He won’t even lay a hand on your shoulder to comfort you, in case you get scared.
Even though he had yet to hold you once again, Tom refused to leave your side, in case having him around so much would bring your memories back. Have them all come flooding back.
Tom just wanted you by his side. You were sleeping in your bedroom and Tom was in the guest room. Feeling like nothing had changed. It was the same before the accident, you barely acknowledging Tom and Tom sleeping elsewhere. Granted it wasn’t because you were mad at him, it was worse, you couldn’t remember him.
The nights were different, half way through the night you would wake up. Scared wide awake from nightmares that plagued your mind. One night you found Tom taking down a big bottle of scotch by the fireplace.
“What are you doing up?” You asked,
“Drinking,” he said rather harshly, you just brushed it off though.
“Oh, the fireplace is really lovely. I could just read a book out here for hours.”
“You used to. I’d find you asleep in front of the fireplace all the time.” Tom chuckled, reliving those memories.
“Oh, sorry.”
“Y/N! It’s not your god damm fault. STOP FUCKING APOLOGIZING!!!” Tom screamed, chucking his glass at the wall. It shattered into a thousand tiny pieces much how his heart was now.
“Ok, I’m sor—, I just came down for some water. Good night,” you said, trying to mask the tears about to fall. Reverting back to the catatonic emotionless person you’ve been lately.
“Y/N wait!” Tom called after you but you were already gone. This was a side of Tom you’d never met. The old you had and learned to deal with it but it was completely different now.
It was scary, Tom reacting like that. You quickly got your water and made your way back upstairs. If he had that much pent up anger, you were worried he would take it out on you. You didn’t know what to think, everyone were stranger to you and you were a stranger to this life and family.
Coming back to bed, you locked your door and tried to fall back into blissful sleep but it was hard. You stared at the ceiling for quite a while. Begging to go to sleep and wash away this entire night. Tom came to knock on your door about an hour later.
“Y/N. I’m sorry, let me explain myself,” he said, through the thick wooden door.
“I guess you’re asleep by now. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, sweet dreams sweetheart,” Tom whispered, going back to his bed in the guest room. You couldn’t find the will to get up and talk to him.
You came down for some morning coffee, hoping you wouldn’t see Tom. You were scared of the man presumed to be your husband. In truth, you didn’t know anything about him. Only what people had told you. It took you hours to fall asleep after his outburst.
“Oh, you’re up. Y/N could I talk to you?” He asked, coming into view.
“Sure,” you responded. Who are you to say no?
“I’m sorry for my outburst last night. Everything is just so frustrating, nothing you did, ok?” Tom apologized.
“I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m really sorry. I know you don’t know it but I love you so much and at a time, you loved me just the same. I need you to know that I have never physically hurt you or will in the future.”
“Ok. Thank you. I know you don’t like me saying it but I really am sorry. This shouldn’t be happening, you should be able to love your wife.”
“I do love you,” Tom assured.
“Tom, I’m not the same person and you know it. There’s nothing I can do, it’s just the way it is and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m not the person you fell in love with,” you exclaimed.
“You don’t have to be sorry. You are here, trying to remember for all of us. That’s all that matters,” Tom said, made at himself that you even thought those things.
“Thank you….Could you tell me more about me, I mean the person I was before?” You asked.
“Yeah, darling. I’d love that,” Tom agreed.
“Ok, start with how we met.”
“Well..” Tom started and went on to tell the story of how you met.
Tom was set to meet someone new, a future contact possibly. He was supposed to meet with their assistant to take him to them. He was given strict instructions on what to look for, she would be dressed in a gold mini dress, hair down. Unbeknownst to him, you were the person he was meeting. The most feared mob boss, next to who you had a meeting with, the one and only Tom Holland.
“Hey doll face, I’m here to meet with your boss. Someone they call the Ace of Spades,” Tom said, cornering you at the bar. “Oh, really. Do they know what this is concerning?” you said, smirking. “I should hope so. Can you just take me to him?” Tom demanded. “Certainly, right this way.” You were so ready to eat this guy alive. You lead him to a back room with a bar and large round table. “Wait, there’s no one in here. We’ve been set up,” Tom yelled, alerting Harrison behind him. “What do you mean? There’s you and me, also your consigliere I presume. Why don’t you tell him to back off?” “Alright enough with your games. Where is he?” Tom barked, growing more frustrated by the second “I’m right here, doll face,” you said, in a mocking manner. “Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, I’m Y/N Y/L/N or do you know me as the Ace of Spades,” you sneered, holding out your hand for him to shake.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I was misinformed, well they’re dead. Why don’t I buy you a drink after to make it up to you?” Tom said, he has never been caught off guard before. Barely keeping his cool.
“How about we finish our business here and then you and I go get something to eat, just you and me without your puppy dog, then we call it even,” you smirked, referring to Harrison who always stood so close to Tom.
“How could I say no to having dinner with the most gorgeous woman in the room,” Tom grinned.
“Smooth talker I see, but I’m the only woman the room,” you pointed out
“Doesn’t matter, doesn’t change what I said,” Tom chuckled.
He was starstruck just being in your presence. You were a force to be reckoned with. For him and you it was love at first acquaintance. Couldn’t of been sight because he thought you were a completely different person.
But once he formally met you, he was whipped. The rest is history.
You and Tom talked the day away. Living through your life like you were reading a book or watching a play. The night soon fell and you bid good night.
It was a regular night, but ever since Tom exploded you started to have nightmares. Being jolted out of sleep, trying to catch your breath. One night Tom heard you screaming, he rushed in to check on you.
“Y/N? Darling, are you okay?” Tom asked, concerned after being woken up by your screams.
“I keep having these horrible nightmares,” you choked out, shaking with fear.
“What are they about? You can talk to me.”
“One where I was trapped inside a huge room, tied to a chair. There were scary looking men saying they were gonna kill me, however I couldn’t speak. Like it hurt to speak,” you explained. Tom knew about your common theme with nightmares, unable to make any sound.
He just believed it was because you tried to repress thoughts like that. However, this wasn’t a nightmare, it was a memory. He was trying so hard to suppress his smile. Knowing you were starting to remember things even if it was trauma. It made him hopeful.
“Shhh, it’s was just a dream. It’s ok. I’m here now… can hug you?”
“Mmhm,” you nodded having him pull you into his warm embrace. “It felt so real though. Didn’t you say we were in a helicopter crash?”
“Yes, we were. Do you remember that?”
“I don’t know. My nightmares feel more like memories. I remember the feelings I had, like I felt pain and weak.”
“Well, try and go back to sleep. Just remember they are only figments of your imagination,” Tom said, he was torn between wanting you to remember everything and not scarring you.
“Tom, could you sleep with me tonight?” you asked, not wanting to be alone.
“Yes of course, darling.”
Tom climbed into bed and you moved closer to him. Snuggling right into his side and nuzzling your head by his neck. He rubbed soft circles into your arm as you dozed off. Feeling your soft breaths on his neck as he fell into deep sleep. He finally got to hold you.
Just for a moment, everything was right again. You were his and he had no intentions of letting you go. You felt safe with him, like you were home.
You woke up to a blinding light from the crack in the curtains.
“Tommy, the blinds it so bright…. Screw it. I’m up, can I bring you some breakfast?… What?” You asked, confused as to why Tom was gazing at you with a puzzled expression.
“You called me Tommy,” Tom croaked out.
“I did,” you said, confidently.
“Y/N, do you remember me?”
“Is this a weird game? Of course I remember you, you’re my husband,” you chuckled, playing off his antics.
“Quick, what happened last week?”
“Our helicopter crashed, but we were rescued. I don’t really remember how we got home but, here we are. You were right, we made it. I remember the moments leading up to being rescued, you holding me.”
“Kids come quick!” Tom shouted, loud enough to wake up the entire house.
“What’s going on?” Rosie came in, scared something happened.
“Tom, what are you doing?” You queried.
“Ask her,” Tom said.
“Who am I?” Parker asked, hoping you were his mom again.
“You guys are so weird. You’re Parker, my son. And you are Rosie, my daughter.”
“Mom, I’ve missed you so much,” Rosie shouted, throwing herself into your arms and sobbing.
“Oh, honey. I never left,” you signed, caressing the back of her head.
“I know, but the helicopter crash, I was so scared,” Rosie sniffled.
“Tom, why are you looking at me like that?” You questioned, catching a glimpse of pure adoration streaked across his face.
“Oh, nothing. I just love you, more anything.”
“I love you too…. Parker you’ve been awfully quiet.”
“I missed you mom,” Parker chimed in.
“I missed you too. Ok, I’m really confused, did I go somewhere? Someone fill me in,” you proclaimed.
“Well darling, our helicopter crashed on our way back from Barcelona—” Tom began.
“Yeah, and we’re ok,” you nodded.
“You are now. We were both badly injured and didn’t know if we would make it. You lost your memory. You didn’t know who any of us were,” Tom finished, his tone growing softer.
“What? I-I forgot all of you?” You gasped, your voice breathy.
“It’s ok, love. You’re back now, that’s all that matters,” Tom encouraged.
“Parker? Rosie?” You exclaimed.
“You looked at us and didn’t know who we were,” Parker mumbled.
“Oh babies, I’m sorry,” you whispered on the verge of tears.
“Y/N listen to me, it’s not your fault. Love, it’s ok. You are here now,” Tom reassured. “Kids why don’t you go make mom some tea,” Tom said, needing to talk with you alone.
“Alright dad,” Parker agreed, taking Rosie along with him.
“Y/N? Darling, talk to me,” he said, watching you beat yourself up inside. You head hanging lowly in your hands.
“How could I not remember them?” You cried.
“It was just your mind playing tricks on you. It’s ok.”
“It’s not okay. I put you through all of that.”
“Not on purpose darling.”
“Tom, I have something to get off my chest.”
“Yes, love.”
“I really thought I was going to die. But you were there and you saved me. You brought me back to them, thank you,” you recounted.
“Oh, baby. I was never going to just let you die. There was a moment where I looked over a battered body leaning against me after the crash. Your eyes were closed and I had accepted that you were gone. At that moment, I vowed I’d go too,” Tom concluded.
“Tom, they couldn’t lose both of us.”
“I know, I’m just glad they didn’t lose either of us.”
“I’m sorry.”
“For what, darling?”
“For everything. Our fight. Giving in you a hard time in Barcelona. I love you so much, Tom. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you cried, letting yourself be completely vulnerable with him once again.
“Hey, you're not going to lose me. I believe it’s the other way around. I can’t live without you and I don’t want to, ever,” Tom said, smashing his lips on yours. God, how he missed you.
And with that, Tom had got his girl back, you. Your lips entangled with his was exactly what he needed. You were back. The love of his life and mother of his children. You were you again with the same spark in your eyes.
Something flipped in your head like a switch during the night. After falling asleep in his arms you dreamt of your life. Almost like a movie played in your head showcasing all the greatest memories.
Parker and Rosie’s first steps, the kids’ 5th birthday, the day you told Tom you were pregnant with twins, Tom’s proposal and so much more. Your memories are what made you who you were, even the bad ones.
All the fights and near death experiences came flooding back. But it wasn’t a feeling of drowning or being held down by the weight, begging for air. It was a feeling of renewal like the water had washed away all the pain and sins. Leaving faint stains of bad memories to be remembered for another day but never forgotten.
Tom brought you back. He was your anchor to the life you once knew. Resting in Tom’s arms felt like home. You knew you were safe.
“It’s so good to have you back in my arms,” he said, savoring every moment.
“I never want to leave,” you said, coming in for another kiss. Shorter this time but still full of longing and unconditional love. Tom broke away as he remembered something.
“Wait,” remembered Tom.
“Come on, let’s go downstairs.”
“Why the kids are bringing us tea in bed?” You questioned.
“Just trust me,” Tom concluded.
“Okay,” you said, letting your husband lead the way. Descending the stairs and once reaching the bottom he asked for you close your eyes. You hesitant at first but agreed. He pulled you to the backyard for a much needed surprise.
“Ready. Open your eyes.” You just stood there in complete awe, speechless.
“We had a plan to bring back your memory. We set up the backyard to look just like our wedding,” Tom explained.
The backyard was full of the wedding essentials, an archway at the end of the aisle, chairs for the guests, and so many flowers. Flowers that decorated every pillar and fence, blooming with beautiful shades of lavender.
“Oh my god, it’s as beautiful as I remember it…. Tom I have an idea,” you smirked.
“Yes, darling,” Tom acknowledged.
“What would you say to us renewing our vows?” You asked, hoping he’d say yes.
“I love that idea, sweetheart. When would you want to do it?”
“Today?” Tom asked, stunned by your response.
“Yeah, it’s already all set up like our wedding. Why not?”
“Ok, yeah. Yes. I’m going to re-marry you today. I love you so much,” Tom exclaimed.
“And I’m going to re-marry you today. I love you too,” You grinned.
“Alright we need guests, just family,” Tom beamed.
“And I need a bridesmaid. Rosie?” You cheered, excited to share this day with you daughter.
“You serious?” Rosie asked
“Of course, honey. Now come on, I need a dress,” you said, pulling Rosie upstairs. Even though you were already married you wanted it to be as much as a real wedding as possible. So for the next few hours, you couldn’t see Tom.
Tom was tasked with inviting everyone. Sure it was last minute, but all the family would be there. He found it pretty awkward because he had to tell everyone that you got your memories back and getting married again in one phone call. He called Nikki, Dom, Harry, Sam, Paddy, your parents and Harrison and Henry.
“Haz, come quick. I need you at the house.” Tom left a message on Haz’s voicemail.
“Tom? What happened? I came as soon as I got your call,” Haz screamed, running through the mansion.
“Y/N got her memories back,” Tom cheered.
“That’s amazing. You called me all the way down here for that?” Haz asked, slightly annoyed.
“No, you div. I have a favor to ask….Will you be my best man?” Tom asked.
“Ok, I was already you best man at your wedding years ago,” Haz sneered.
“We are going to renew our vows. I wanted to know if would be my best man?”
“Are you serious?”
“No, you’re only my best friend aside from her. Yes, I’m serious,” Tom remarked sarcastically.
“I honored mate, of course. When is it?”
“In 3 hours,” Tom said stone faced.
“In 3 hours?” Haz screeched. It was so soon.
“Yeah, we set up the backyard to look like her and I’s wedding to bring back her memory.”
“Wait.. who’s officiating?” Haz wondered.
“Harry,” Tom said, trying not to burst into laughter.
“Oh, I’m so ready to watch him fuck that up.”
“Me too, mate. Now come we have a wedding to put on.”
The house erupted in wedding central. Tom had tasked his cook with cooking for 15 people for the reception, he had ordered a cake and called his personal tailor for two matching suits preferably black, just like at your first wedding.
Tom made his way upstairs to tell you about Harry officiating but was stopped by the maid of honor, Rosie.
“Why is this door locked?” Tom asked, angrily shaking the door knob.
“Dad what do you think you are doing?” Rosie asked sternly.
“Wow honey, you look beautiful,” Tom admired his daughter dressed in a light blue dress that dragged on the floor.
“Thanks, dad, it’s mom’s dress.”
“I remember, you look just like your mom.”
“Thanks, but I ask again what are you doing here?” Rosie interjected, not letting his endearing comments distract her from the more important matter. Tom wasn’t allowed to see you before the ceremony.
“I need to talk to your mother.”
“You can’t see the bride before her wedding it’s bad luck,” Rosie exclaimed.
“Please, I don’t believe in stuff like that. Plus we’re already married and happily might I add,” Tom interjected.
“Oh really, no bad luck? How do you explain all the bad things that have happened,” Rosie reminded.
“Umm, that’s not important right now. I need to talk to your mother.”
“Too bad, now shoo,” Rosie said, shooing him away with her hands.
“Fine, I guess she’ll never know THAT HARRY IS OFFICIATING,” Tom shouted as he left.
“Rosie, what did dad want?” You asked.
“Umm, nothing. Just to tell you that he found the most amazing officiant on short notice,” Rosie sneered, trying to keep it secret from you.
“Oh, good. Now, come here and let me do you hair,” you said, motioning her to the restroom.
It was now time, to remind everyone of a vow you once made.
You were dressed in a white floor length gown, not as near glamorous as you actual wedding dress but it was still beautiful. Your wedding song played again, Make You Feel My Love by Adele, as you came out from behind the corner.
All eyes turned to bask in your beauty. You could see Tom stop breathing, made you laugh a little. You noticed Harry up at the altar and wondered what had Tom done.
Rosie went up first, slowly gliding through the aisle. You followed behind her. Everything was once right with the world. You were about to re-declare your love for your best friend.
“Friends, family and Sam,” Harry said, taking a jab at his brother only to be returned with Sam sticking his tongue out. “We are gathered here today, to celebrate and re-marry Tom and Y/N Holland. If anyone has any objections please speak now or forever hold your peace,” Harry announced.
“I have problem. They’re already married,” Sam yelled from the audience.
“Sam, sit down you div. It’s a vow renewal,” Tom called out from the altar.
“Harry, they don’t ask that at actual weddings,” you whispered to him.
“Well, fuck,” Harry whispered.
“I’ve just been informed that I’m not supposed to say that, my apologies, I’m basing my entire speech on TV. Now I will continue with the proceedings. Can you believe this div, needing two weddings. Two fucking weddings when I haven’t even had one. Can we skip the vows? You’re probably going to say the exact same like thing you said 17 years ago,” Harry announced.
“Absolutely not, that’s the whole purpose. I’ll go first.” You started, taking a minute to breathe and share your heart with everyone there.
“Tom, these past 17 years being your wife have been a dream come true. You are my best friend and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I know it is fucking cheesy but, I can honestly say I found my soulmate, my better half. You make me be a better person and mother. I owe you everything and promise to give you all my love. What do you say, still want me as your wife? Please say yes, because I’m choosing you for then rest of my life. Couldn’t dream of anyone else. I love you, a thousand times over.”
“Y/N, just thinking about everything our love has survived and I’m amazed you have stuck with me through thick and thin. I want to thank you for the beautiful life you have given me and my two beautiful kids. This a declaration of my love for you but also a promise. I promise you will always be appreciated, that I will make you laugh and cry sometimes, appropriately. Falling in love with my best friend and marrying her has been the best decision of my life, I love you and I promise to always keep you safe and always stand by your side.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep. But that one I know you’ll keep,” you cheered.
“By the power vested in me by a shitty website online, I now pronounce you still husband and wife. You may kiss your wife. Children avert your eyes,” Harry concluded as Tom pulled you into a deep, passionate kiss. Nothing will ever be more perfect in that moment.
“Who else needs a cootie shot? Or some booze?” Harry called out, while you and Tom pulled apart.
“Fuck off, Harry,” Tom said, pulling you back in for another kiss.
“Where are we going on our honeymoon?” Tom whispered to you.
“I vote somewhere, we don’t have to fly,” you remarked.
“I second that. God, I love you.”
“You’re just lucky I said yes, Holland.”
“God damm right, I am.” Tom said, his lips getting caught in his smile.
There are moments where words have lost all their meaning and this was one It wasn’t full of sadness, quite the opposite. Nothing could ruin this perfect day. You were his once again.
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas Masterlist
Taglist: @dummiesshort @thenoddingbunny-blog @adriannauni @bi-lmg @allthisfortommy
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burgundyhaven · 3 years
Send Her to Me: Teen! Kit Walker x Reader
Description: basically high school kit walker is trying to ask y/n out to the dance but everytime he tries to ask her out he keeps on missing her so he asks for his friends to send her to him
Word count: 1,702
Warnings: cursing, fluff? Nothing else that I can think of :)
A/n: I had a lot of fun making this, I’ve been in my 60s/70s phase as of recent so I’ve been listening to a lot of 60s garage rock and this is inspired by “send her to me” by the dark knights which is amazing you should go check the song out expeditiously. This is taking place in November of 1957 btw :)))) enjoy!!! Sorry if this is messy I finished writing this at 3:48 am  which explains lots of the spelling and punctuation errors it’s whatever 
Link to send her to me by the dark knights-https://youtu.be/BJKQks4neiI
It was November of 1957 and it was Kit Walkers final year of high school
He just wanted the stress of all of the work and uncertain future to be over
But there was one thing he would miss, you
He’s had a huge crush on you ever since you were in 9th grade, but only now worked up the courage to ask you out
You were putting your things away in your locker when you saw kit coming towards you
“Hey y/n”
“Oh- hi kit! what class you got next?”
“History. you?”
“Oh- uh… cool”
“Yeah.cool?” you chuckled
“Would you want to-“ he stops for a while
“Would I want to what?”
“Would you want to-“
he gets cut off by a loud bell
“Sorry! I gotta go i can’t be late again that’ll be three days in a row, catch you after this class though?”
“Oh. yeah sure” Kit says almost whispering and looking down at his shoes after waving at you
He went to history, though his attention was on the clock waiting for the next chance to see you
Finally, the bell rang and he went right to your locker, but…you weren’t there
He didn’t know, but you just didn’t need to go to your locker that class, but he knew he’d be able to talk to you in lunch
He went to his friends and asked them if they would send a message for him. He knew at least two of them had that class with you
“Hey- hold on wait, Jimmy tell y/n to meet me at the 6th lunch table, I keep on missing her at hall time”
“What for?”
“Nothing I just wanted to talk to her, if you don’t have her class next ask Henry I know he has the same class as her right now”
“Alright good luck… on whatever crazy shit your doing”
“Yeah thanks” he chuckled and looked down at his shoes
You were in your class when you saw one of Kits friends walking into your class, which was normal. But, he never talked to you in particular
He approached you and spoke quickly and quietly
“Kit wants you to meet him at the sixth table in the cafeteria in lunchtime”
“I don’t know? He didn’t give a reason”
“Alright… thanks”
*45 minutes later*
Finally, it was lunchtime and he spotted you sitting alone in the corner of the cafeteria,where he told you to meet him
He walked over to the table and sat right in front of you
“Hey what’re you doing here all alone again”
you smiled and put a strand of hair behind your ear
“Sorry about forgetting to tell you i wouldn’t be at my locker, i forgot i didn’t need any books for my class after english”
“no don’t worry about it it’s fine”
“So what did you wanna tell me kit?”
“Oh,uh i wanted to actually show you something”
He walked over and dragged his lunch to your side and sat down
He pulled out a photo from his bag
“Here it is”
He slid the photo to your side
“Oh my god Kit! That’s us! God we were so little” you laughed
���But- how’d you find these i thought you lost all your pictures in the move”
“Yeah, but we found a tin inside of the box with my moms clothes and it had all my baby photos and stuff like that”
“You got any more?”
“Yeah, If you wanna come over afterschool and I could look through them with you. I haven’t gotten a chance to see them all yet?”
“Yeah, of course! we’d have to walk though, i can’t go alone”
“yeah that’s no problem,meet me by the front of the school at around 2:00?”
“K, see you then”
He knew this was going to work perfectly, you would be thinking about the past you guys had and then he’d ask you out and you would just have to say yes
2:00 came and you were out in front waiting for about 8 minutes, he was a little late but he came out eventually
“Sorry i kept you waiting so long. That son of a bitch Mr. Wells made me stay after class for not finishing the test in time”
“No don’t worry it’s okay,it’s only 2:08 you didn’t keep me waiting for that long” you said while smiling at him
“Alright,let’s go- wait did you call
your house and tell them you were coming over?”
“ Uh-yeah I told my mom i’d be home a little late and i’d be at your place for school”
“For school?”
“She wouldn’t let me at any guys house if it wasn’t school related,even though she’s known you since you were born”
“Makes sense” he laughs and looks at you
The cold november breeze made you start to shiver and you put your books close to your chest but it was no use
Kit noticed you were getting cold and gave you his jacket, and even though you told him you weren’t cold, he knew you just didn’t want to seem like you needed anything, so he put it on you anyways
you made it to his house and he got his key out
you went in and his parents weren’t home
His dad was at work, and his mom left a note saying she wouldn’t be home until around 8 as she was out running errands
“Well i guess this is my house for the after noon” he said smiling
You laughed and smiled back
You asked if he wanted his jacket back, but he said you could keep it, so you put it on completely
“So,you wanna eat anything?”
“No, thanks though”
“I’ll go get the box then wait here”
You sat on the couch and heard him coming down shortly after you touched down on the seat cushion
“got it!”
you sat on the floor and the both of you looked through the box and uncovered dozens of forgotten memories
“Oh my god that was your 12th birthday”Kit said pointing to a photo from 1952
“Look at this one we were babies here!” you pulled out the photo form the small stack
“Kit is that you?” you pointed to a picture of him in a bathtub as a baby
He grabbed it and slid the photo under the couch
“No uh- thats my cousin. You won’t see him much because he’s- twice removed? Yeah”
“Yeah sure. don’t be embarrassed you were cute”
“Yeah whatever” he rolled his eyes
“It’s so crazy that we’ve known each other literally since we were born” you say still looking at the pictures
“Well technically…i’m older by a month so since you were born” Kit whispers
“You’re only older because you were born premature” you patted him on the back while getting up to go to the couch
He got up to sit next to you and turned on the tv for background noise
He scooted in closer to you and eventually you found that he had his arm wrapped around you and you were falling asleep
“hey it’s only 4:15, wake up” he tapped your shoulder
“Yeah i know- i just went to bed super late last night and i-“
“No it’s fine- do you want me to drive you home i could use the extra one we have”
“no i uh- i like it here it’s quiet, plus i can’t sleep now. I won’t be able to make it to school tomorrow”
“y/n. Its Friday ?”
“Oh.yeah well still”
“Okay nevermind” kit faintly laughed
You got up to get a snack as you hadn’t eaten for quite some time,then went right back to the couch
You sat crossed on the floor, looking right at the pictures on the wall
You observed all of them, specifically just seeing how much he’s changed over the years
He suddenly spoke out of nowhere
“Hey, so you heard about that senior ball the schools havin in a couple weeks”
“Yeah what about It?”
“You uh- planning on going”
“Probably, I just don’t really have anyone to go with”
“If you want, I could take you. I- I mean it doesn’t have to be like as a date or anything we could’ve go as friends if you wa-“
You hugged him and stopped him from saying anything else
“Thank you so much kit,I didn’t wanna have to go alone.And… yes we could go as a date ”
“Really?” He scratched his neck
You nodded and looked at him for a while, contemplating what you were going to do
You kissed him, out of nowhere
Now, you had just had your first kiss, and he had just had his
It was extremely awkward afterwards, you both just stared at each other and didn’t know what to say
“So uh- what’re we gonna wear” you said, still being in front of him as you were after you kissed him
“ Uhhh- i”
“we could match?” You started to get up to leave
“Yeah, we could match “ he spoke breathily
“I- uh, I gotta go my moms probably worried sick about me it’s” 
you look down to check your watch 
“I could drive you and take the spare car? It’s kinda cold out”
“Oh yeah thanks sure “
The short 7 minute drive was quiet but lovely and you couldn’t help but stare at him for the whole car ride
You arrived home and quickly  walked to the door
You rang the doorbell and your mom opened the door, she looked pretty pissed but nothing over the top
You turned around and Kit was still there in the car, and your mom moved away from the door
You walked back a little closer to the where his car was  and he said “ come by my place tommorow … for school”
You laughed quietly and whispered “yeah for school… goodnight kit”
And he drove away into the distance, back to his house
You went to your room, and got ready for bed, and all you could think about was Kit and the wonderful day you had with him. And about the wonderful day you would have with him tomorrow
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