#Henna Tint
pmubyronel · 12 days
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aurianneor · 2 months
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Mi receta personal con henna
Si tienes el pelo teñido químicamente, utiliza un acondicionador detox.
Para el acondicionador detox, véase: https://centifoliabio.fr/fr/blog/a-quoi-sert-un-masque-detoxinant-pour-cheveux-n33
Si tu cabello es natural o después de un acondicionador detox:
1. Prepara la mezcla sin utilizar utensilios metálicos - eliges lo que quieres poner: 1 huevo (para nutrir el cabello) 1 cerveza negra (para dar volumen) 60g de henna neutra (para cubrir el cabello) (no henna natural = lawsonia inermis que tiñe de rojo) 70 g de tinte de nuez (para teñir de castaño) 30 g de rhapontic (= raíz de ruibarbo, para reflejos rubios venecianos) 40 g de cúrcuma (para un efecto dorado, sobre todo en cabellos blancos. Cómprela como pigmento, ya que la cúrcuma comestible da reflejos anaranjados) 25 g de polvo de alma (para teñir de castaño y prevenir la caída del cabello. Rica en vitamina C) 1 cucharada colmada de miel (para aclarar) 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva (para evitar la sequedad del cabello) 1 cucharada de zumo de limón o 2 cucharadas de vinagre de sidra (por sus propiedades antical y aclarantes y para ayudar a la pigmentación) 1 yogur natural o Petit Suisse (para una preparación suave) 1 cucharadita de jengibre (para favorecer el crecimiento del cabello) 1 cucharadita de nuez moscada (para favorecer la circulación) 1 pequeña infusión caliente de manzanilla (para el rubio y para que el calor fije los pigmentos) / Otra opción es utilizar té negro si te gusta un color más oscuro. 10 gotas de aceite esencial de manzanilla (para el rubio)
2. La mezcla debe tener la consistencia de una crema. Si es demasiado líquida, añade arcilla (verde, rosa o blanco) o henna neutra. Si es demasiado espesa, añada infusión de manzanilla o té negro o agua.
3. Opcional: Dejar la mezcla durante 2 horas o toda la noche.
4. Ponte ropa vieja y guantes. Aplica mechón a mechón, concentrándote en las raíces.
Realiza la operación en la bañera o la ducha y aclara inmediatamente con agua los azulejos, la cortina de la ducha y la habitación antes de que los pigmentos manchen lo que han tocado (si es necesario, utiliza lejía o detergente). Ponte una redecilla y una toalla vieja. Retira cualquier resto de mezcla que toque la piel. En esta fase, mi hijo me pide que me quite el gorro porque dice: "Mamá, no estás guapa". Es la única vez que me lo dice, ¡lo que significa que el aspecto no puede ser tan bueno!
5. Dejar actuar en el cabello durante 3 horas. (si tienes el pelo blanco, si no, puedes dejarlo de 1 a 3 horas dependiendo de la intensidad del color que desees). No abrir la puerta a extraños por miedo a asustarlos!
6. Retire la mayor parte de la mezcla con agua tibia y las manos enguantadas, luego frote bien con una base limpiadora orgánica neutra y, a continuación, aplique una mezcla de 1/3 de vinagre de sidra (que fija el tinte) y 2/3 de agua, espesada con goma guar para que la mezcla tenga la consistencia de un acondicionador (véase "Healthy Hair"). Déjalo actuar y aclara con agua fría para cerrar las escamas. Hazlo en la bañera o en la ducha, después aclara bien con agua los azulejos, la cortina de la ducha y la habitación antes de que los pigmentos manchen lo que han tocado. Lava inmediatamente la ropa, la redecilla, las toallas y todo lo que hayas utilizado para limpiar la henna.
7. Seca con secador y después al aire (excepto en el caso de la henna, donde el calor fija los pigmentos; si no, seca al aire o en un turbante de bambú). Si quieres el pelo ondulado, trenza el pelo mojado después del champú. A continuación, sécalo con secador.
8. Espera 3 días para ver el resultado (antes, el color no es permanente; ¡que no cunda el pánico!). Si tienes la piel coloreada en la frente, la nuca o alrededor de las orejas, frótala con zumo de limón.
Si el color no queda bien al cabo de 3 días, los champús y acondicionadores químicos comerciales son bastante eficaces para eliminar el color. Repite la henna una semana después, corrigiendo la receta a tu gusto.
Para cabellos rubios: Añada manzanilla, rhapontic, casia, cúrcuma y/o hierba de San Juan a la henna neutra. Para el castaño: Añada tintura de nuez y/o polvo de Alma a la henna. Para el rojo cobrizo : Haga una mezcla de mitad de casia neutra y mitad de henna natural o neutra. Para el rojo: Añada rubia, zumo de remolacha o cáscaras de cebolla a la henna neutra o natural.
El jengibre favorece el crecimiento del cabello. La nuez moscada favorece la circulación. La canela intensifica las rojeces y tiene propiedades antibacterianas. El clavo tiene propiedades antisépticas. La henna neutra cubre sin colorear. La henna natural cubre y tiñe el cabello de rojo. El zumo de limón y/o el vinagre de sidra son antisarro y aclaran. La cúrcuma tiñe el cabello de dorado (sobre todo los cabellos blancos).
Como medida preventiva, la henna tiene propiedades antipiojos. Si quieres reforzar esta acción repelente, puedes añadir unas gotas de aceite esencial de lavanda a la preparación anterior o añadir unas gotas a tu acondicionador. Lo mismo ocurre con el aceite esencial de manzanilla para el efecto rubio o con el té negro para oscurecer los cabellos blancos (efecto visible al cabo de 3 semanas).
Si estás contenta con tu color, te recomiendo que utilices productos sencillos y ecológicos, como los que recomiendo en "Healthy Hair". Depende de ti adaptar los productos que utilices según el tipo de cabello que tengas y la dureza de tu agua.
La henna no aclara el color, pero crea reflejo. Crea tus propias recetas.
También puedes utilizar henna ya preparada para cubrir el pelo blanco. Por ejemplo : https://www.aroma-zone.com/info/fiche-technique/coloration-vegetale-henne-blond-dore-bio
Para más consejos sobre los cuidados: https://centifoliabio.fr/fr/?fc=module&module=prestablog&controller=blog&id=292
Para más información sobre la coloración:
Traducido con DeepL.com (versión gratuita)
Healthy Hair, Les conseils d’une Wookie, pour cheveux et barbes: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-hair-les-conseils-dune-wookie-pour/
Se coiffer: https://www.aurianneor.org/se-coiffer-pour-aller-plus-loin-jaime-mes/
Healthy Skin: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-skin-wikipedia-savon-dalep/
Healthy Bronzage: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-bronzage-aller-progressivement-au-soleil/
Inviting friends for dinner: https://www.aurianneor.org/inviting-friends-for-dinner/
Ma recette personnelle de henné: https://www.aurianneor.org/ma-recette-personnelle-de-henne-si-vous-avez-les/
My personal Henna recipe: https://www.aurianneor.org/my-personal-henna-recipe-if-your-hair-is-tinted/
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connorhunter · 1 year
The Heena brows tinting is the natural tinting that can help to make the eyebrows better. You can apply Heena with the help of your fingers and brush on your eyebrow. There are several shades of Heena.
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beautybydollysblog · 2 years
Achieve Flawless Brows Instantly with Beauty by Dolly's Brow Henna
Brow Henna is an innovative beauty treatment that is quickly gaining popularity due to its ability to give a natural tint and shape to the eyebrows. It is a natural, semi-permanent dye that works by staining the skin beneath the brow hairs, which results in fuller, more defined brows. Furthermore, Brow Henna can last up to 6 weeks, and its ingredients are safe and non-toxic. As such, it is a great alternative to traditional eyebrow tinting and other more permanent treatments. Additionally, Brow Henna is easy to use and can be applied quickly, making it an ideal choice for those who are looking for a fast and efficient way to enhance their brows.
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astraystayyh · 5 months
this is a brainrot induced by the lovely @lino-nyangi saying that hyunjin would draw your henna for you ;-;-; this is also for all my homesick people because hyunjin would SO make efforts to understand ur culture and love u better. enjoy reading and happy eid again hehe <3
homesickness is a ruthless guest.
it comes at announced times, suddenly barging into your house and tearing away the warmth you’ve painstakingly guarded, worn hands and battered palms— bleeding wounds that can only be healed at home.
it leaves you dazed in its wake, surrounded by barren walls and a bed that doesn’t feel like your own, adrift in an endless sea, with no shore in sight.
its presence looms heavier during holidays, when visions of what could have been dance tantalizingly before your eyes—you amidst laughter and chatter that speaks to your inner child. but instead, you are consumed by a terrible ache, bones longing for an unattainable home and its traditions.
these are the thoughts hyunjin finds you drowning in, head buried deep into your pillow in a futile attempt to disappear completely— you hope the universe would mistake you for an inanimate object and pass your sadness to an unsuspecting soul.
your boyfriend just got out of his shower, late into the night, droplets of water running down his neck, tracing the contours of his bluish veins. a cloud of vanilla and wood follows him around as he walks over to your bed, clad in a plain white shirt and a pair of black shorts. your favorite.
“hi,” he grins and the weight in your heart dissolves a bit before the sun.
“hey baby—” your words are cut off as he slides his arms underneath your legs, effortlessly picking you up bridal style.
“what are you doing?” you giggle, entwining your hands behind his neck, a gesture as natural as a waterfall current.
“carrying my princess.”
“and where to?”
“you’ll see,” he smiles secretly as he pushes open the door to his art studio. his body shields your view of the inside, not that you dare look anywhere but his angelic face— you are but a captive to the softening of his eyes, filled with unspoken adoration, for you.
he brushes the faintest kiss against your forehead, before lowering you to the ground, stepping aside quietly.
“what’s this?” you ask bewildered, as your eyes take in the new addition to his studio— a small white table with two tiny chairs on opposite sides of it, and on its surface, cinnamon candles and rose petals. but your eyes remain elsewhere, drawn to the sight of a syringe and near it, a very familiar henna paste.
“i knew you were bummed because you wouldn’t be able to put on henna,” he inches closer to you, placing his chin on the small of your shoulder. “so, i practiced.”
the breath refuses to escape your lungs, your response materializing into ropes wrapping around your throat. your next question is tinted with a child-like curiosity, but you must hear the answer stumbling from his lips.
“for me?” you say. you made time, for me? he hears.
“of course, i’d do anything for you,” he says earnestly, simply, placing a small kiss on your erratic pulse, the one that’s right beneath your jaw. your heart stops then resumes its course— it does not wish to part from your body and leave hyunjin behind.
“so,” he clears his throat, pulling you gently to your seat. “i had to do extensive research. i kept looking up designs but everything looked so cute so i asked your mom which one you’d love best.”
he lights up the candles one by one. their warmth finds a singular home within your cold soul.
“and i couldn’t let you know i was doing this, so i kept going to chan’s dorm to practice,” he fills up the syringe naturally, squeezing a bit of henna into a napkin to test it out.
“but then i needed a real life model,” he grabs your hand gently, placing it atop his warm, large palm. “so, i convinced changbin to model for me. and i had to give up terrible terrible things to get him to agree,” he whispers in horror, and you giggle, your laughter winning before your tears.
“he actually really liked it,” he smiles softly, his eyes never parting from your hand, “so i kept trying other designs on all the boys. they just wiped them quickly after so it wouldn’t stain,” he explains and you feel the knot in your throat tighten even more— it twists and twists and with it so does your heart.
it’s quiet after that, as hyunjin’s eyebrows knit together in utter concentration, as though tasked with protecting a fragile vase amidst a terrible earthquake.
he’s a vision of love as he draws delicate flower patterns on the canvas of your hand. as his tongue peeks out to press against his cheek in concentration, making sure every petal is perfectly crafted.
he’s a vision of home as his brows furrow into that distinctive expression of disdain he reserves for everything that falls short of his standards. his eyes are apologetic as they flee to yours before he quickly wipes away the design, starting over yet again.
hyunjin did not intuitively fit into your culture. he wasn’t a pair of gloves perfectly stitched after your fingers and everything they carried from back home.
but he has always tried to understand— when he scoured the city to find the best restaurant serving your native cuisine, when he spoke sentences in your language that he learned in secret. and although his tongue breaks, he tries, again and again, to understand, to get closer to you, to bridge gaps created by a past he did not exist in, so he’d know you better in a future he chose to love.
“do you like it?” he asks, and it is the nervous look on his face that breaks you— the way he fiddles with his lower lip, cheeks coated in pink, head tilting slightly to press against his shoulder blade.
your tears fall like a torrent as your free hand cradles his face, the kiss is salty as you move your lips against his own. “thank you, my angel. you are my home.”
he’d ask you again if you liked it, when he’s done drying your tears, skillfully mending the fractures in your heart. you’d say yes as your eyes take in the intricate flowers, the sheer artistry that can only spill from a soul as talented as his own.
you’ll like it more the next morning when you’ll wake up to a disheveled hyunjin, eyes puffy chasing away a clinging sleep to inspect your henna and see if it remained intact. you’ll love it when his lips will brush delicately against your palm, imprinting kisses across every inch of your tatted skin.
you’ll love it even more when he’ll draw your henna the night of your wedding, skillfully hiding his initials within the scattered petals, the very way you carry his name eternally within the chambers of your heart.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Just did a deep dive on your selfie tag bc I’ve been following you for years and never known what you looked like lol. I saw one post saying you missed your old hair color but are allergic to dyes.
Have you ever looked into henna for hair dyeing? As far as I know it’s all natural and has been used for centuries to add red tint to hair
If you have, please disregard, and enjoy this pic of my puppies
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Aww, cute puppies!
And yeah, I used to use henna fairly often back when my MCAS first started kicking off. I stopped because the last few times I used it, it made me break out in hives, but that was also when my body was reacting to everything, so I've been thinking about trying it again, just to see.
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Off Limits
Ok so there was a rlly cute ask in my inbox that was about introducing Gavi to Ramadan or taking him to iftar but it's gone now!!! I literally cannot see it anymore. But dear anon who requested a Ramadan-inspired Gavi fic, this is for you!!! So reader is Arab/ Desi/ North African/ a similar culture.
"Pablo, as God is my witness, I will break up with you if you don't get away from me."
Was it harsh? A little. But it was the only way you could get your clingy partner to leave you alone. For the past hour, he continuously tried to hold your hands or cuddle you, and you had to push him away in a panic every time. Ramadan was finally upon you, and you could not be more excited. It was a month of great food and company, and jut general peace. It was a time for you to really embrace your culture: long dresses and dangly jewelry, coffee cups painted in gold calligraphy, and lanterns decorating every possible surface.
There were several traditions in your family that took place every Ramadan, a main one being that you and your female relatives would all go and get henna done on your arms and legs, your skin remaining tinted with elaborate patterns all month long. However, since moving to Barcelona (and moving in with your long-term boyfriend), this tradition has become harder and harder for you to maintain. This led to an Amazon overtight order of about 20 henna cones, and two hours of you bent over yourself trying to pipe out the tiniest of designs onto your hands and feet. It was unfortunately during this time that Gavi came home from training, plopping onto your couch as he tried to grab your hand, smudging one of the flowers you had gone cross-eyed drawing. After letting out a yell that probably scared the dogs in Madrid, you calmed enough to explain what you were doing and why he couldn't touch it.
"So it's like a tattoo? I don't really like tattoos ya know." He said, rolling over onto his side and pouting, touch starved and desperate to touch you. You continued drawing as you responded.
"Yeah but they're temporary. And they're brown instead of black. And tattoos are hot. You would look hot with tattoos Pablo."
This elicited a laugh from the boy, his eyes creasing and his teeth dazzling. He loved watching you focused on your sketches. Your teeth was between your lips, tension evident in your features. There was nothing that you did that wasn't entertaining to him. Gavi loved looking at you, studying you, catching every minor change in your expressions or body language and storing them deep in his memory.
Eyebrows scrunched in concentration, he tried to imagine what he would look like with a tattoo.
"Maybe Spanish men aren't meant to have tattoos, amor. We just don't look good in them."
"Pablo how can you say this when Ramos literally exists?"
"Your answer to everything cannot be 'It's hot because Sergio Ramos does it'!"
"Why not? Long hair? Hot on Ramos. Tattoos? Hot on Ramos. Being a father-"
"Please stop. I am begging."
You broke out into fits of giggles, the banter flowing naturally between the two of you. When you finally finished your hands, you beckoned Gavi over. Instructing him to place his arm in your lap, you began drawing on his tanned skin.
"Ay, what are you doing?"
"Proving you would look good with a tattoo. Sit still!! You're gonna make me mess up."
"No buts. I had to redo half my hand because of you. And besides, you're always in long shirts, no one will see."
This silenced the whines from the boy looming over you as you bent closer to his arm. Despite a flinch every so often from the cool sensation on his skin, Pablo stayed perfectly still. He brought his free hand up to move the hair from your eyes, giving him a better view of your face.
"There. All done."
A loud laugh resonated throughout the room. On Gavi's forearm sat a small angry face with bushy eyebrows.
"Is that supposed to be me?"
"Yeah. I think it's pretty accurate."
Trying to pull you in, he reached for your arm and you pulled away in a hurry.
"Pablo my hands are still wet!! No touching!"
"Are your feet still wet, too?" You nodded, afraid of why he wanted this piece of information. He moved closer to you on the couch, clean arm wrapping around you, his head resting on your shoulder.
"That means you can't run away from me." He smiled, and placed a gentle kiss to your forehead. Cheeks heating up, you snuggled into his chest, hiding your embarrassment at the affection. You two stayed like this for a while, just watching TV and enjoying the shared body heat. Once your hands had dried, you went to peel off the top layer, revealing the stained pattern beneath it. After some lotion, you returned to Gavi, peeling off his design as well, the two of you once again in fits of laughter at the angry face on his arm. You settled back into him, and he looked down at you.
"Can I hold your hand now? Or are you off-limits until the end of Ramadan?"
You interlocked your hand with his, rubbing your thumb in soothing circles. Bringing your entwined hands up to his face, he admired your hard work.
"It looks gorgeous, mi amor. You did so well." He kissed the back of your hand, straight over the delicate patterns.
"Want to see something cool?" You asked. "Look in the center there. See if you can read anything."
He brought your hands up once again, refusing to release you from his grip for even a second. He looked through the swirls, until the found a dainty "PG6" hidden in the design. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, pulling you into his chest, and nuzzling against your neck.
"I can't believe you're all mine."
A/N - I literally was writing this as my henna was drying and then I tried to open a Barbican with wet henna and I stopped for a minute and was like wow this is the most Arab experience I'll ever have. Anyways, short and sweet, hope y'all enjoy.
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alicole-sideblog · 11 months
Canon-compliant Green family vacation
Daeron is going to Oldtown to be fostered there. Alicent insists on escorting him there herself, and makes a family vacation out of it. Sickly Viserys isn’t up to such travel, so they get to leave him behind.
Here’s the list of events I’ve got so far. I’m looking for more, so if you have ideas, chime in! I want this to be a collaboration post! Please collaborate with me! In particular, the going-there journey is a bit sparse and I could use some help. I also need Daeron anecdotes.
1st leg of the trip: King’s Landing to Tumbleton
They travel by land to Tumbleton, the highest navigable point on the Mander. Horses, carriages, a whole royal procession. They’re traveling on the Roseroad at first, and then take a dirt road that cuts across to Tumbleton.
Aemond, having no dragon yet, is going through a horse girl phase. Until he can get a dragon, he’s going to be the best horse rider anyone’s ever seen.
Alicent isn’t the best rider, but she does have a real fondness for horses. She identifies with them — their big dark gentle eyes; when they sigh and go “brbrbr” and sound so exhausted and put upon.
Alicent rides in a carriage at the start of the trip. The kids are like, “Come out and ride with us!” Criston’s on their side too. Eventually she does.
2nd leg of the trip: Tumbleton to Oldtown:
They travel downriver by boat, and then through the Sunset Sea to Oldtown.
Aegon falls overboard into the river and has to get rescued. This provides an opportunity to make fun of him, and also an opportunity to fuss over him, cuddle him, say, “We’re so glad we didn’t loose you.”
Stopping at every castle along the Mander — Bitterbridge, Longtable, Cider Hall, Highgarden — to spend a night or two and do diplomacy.
When the river turns into the sea, Helaena gets seasick. Alicent and Criston trade off sitting with her at the prow of the ship, and keeping an eye on the other kids.
Alicent pulling Daeron into her lap for cuddles at every opportunity.
They arrange for baby nerds Helaena and Aemond to get a tour of the Citadel. They love it. Helaena is gifted a bug in amber.
Some Hightower kin shows Aemond the fused stone base of the Hightower and tells him about the competing theories of its history. Aemond is enthralled.
Alicent takes Criston to the Starry Sept. Maybe they redo their vows there?
Otto and Criston meet formally for the first time. Lean into all the meet-the-in-laws tropes for this scene, Otto really grills him. But later in private, Otto tells Alicent that he likes and approves of Criston — he’s been a fan of his since the day he beat Daemon.
Otto meeting Helaena for the first time since infancy, and her becoming his favorite grandchild.
Trip to the Arbor
They make a trip from Oldtown to the Arbor to visit Alicent’s maternal Redwyne kin.
The red tint in Alicent’s hair comes from the Redwyne side. Maybe she hennas her hair before they go to really bring it out? Her Redwyne family like seeing her mother’s traits in her.
Grandma Redwyne is still living. She fusses over Alicent and does the whole, “Oh, you look so much like your mother!” thing and Otto’s like, “I know, doesn’t she?”
Helaena is indirectly named after Alicent’s mother, who was named Elaine (Helene?)
Otto and Grandma Redwyne are mostly on good terms, but Alicent does overhear, once, Grandma Redwyne crying and berating Otto, “Why did you have to take your family with you to the capital? Why couldn’t you have left Elaine and the kids here with me? I would’ve taken care of them, and Elaine wouldn’t have caught the summer fever from that fetid city and she’d still be alive!”
Grandma Redwyne: Where in Dorne is your family from? Criston: *getting really uncomfortable* My mother was born on the coast of the Sea of Dorne. Grandma Redwyne: Ah. I don't know much about the northern coast, only the southern coast. My grandfather was a sailor out of Planky Town. He ran Arbor Gold all over, from Bear Island to Volantis. He never went to the north coast of Dorne, though, never went through the Stepstones. The pirates and all. Grandpa used to say that braving pirates' waters was for men without families waiting for them back home. Criston: *relaxes, smiles*
Return journy: Oldtown to King’s Landing
They travel by ship along the Dornish coast, through the Stepstones, and back to King’s Landing.
If the previous first two segments were the "let's talk about Alicent's family" section, this is "let's talk about Criston's family."
Aemond is sad about loosing his favorite brother. Criston assures him that Daeron will always be his brother. As he’s saying it, Criston realizes that while Aemond’s not loosing Daeron, he is. Daeron will always be their son and brother because blood, but Criston doesn’t have that to fall back on. Being the man that raised them is the only claim he has to these kids. If he’s not that to Daeron, then that’s it — Daeron won’t be his in the future. Criston has just lost him. He calls Alicent over, pushes Aemond off onto her, and then goes and cries in private.
Aegon learns sea shanties from the sailors, and sings them as loudly as he can. Aemond is super annoyed. Helaena surprises the parents by singing to.
Criston spends a lot of time looking at the Dornish coast, off the port side of the ship. At night he has a dream that they’re caught in a storm and shipwrecked on the shore. When people arrive on the beach to help them, he presents himself as a Dornishman and Alicent as his wife.
Sentimentality about Criston’s family as they pass by the Sea of Dorne. “My mother was born somewhere along there. A little village on the northern coast of Dorne.” “Blackhaven is somewhere that way. That’s where my family are.” Getting emotional and praying for his family, who he can only hope are still living since they’re illiterate smallfolk so he can’t write letters to them. The kids saying, “Let’s go to Blackhaven!” and Criston sadly having to explain that it’s an arduous trek through the mountains to get there, it’s not a coastal place they can easily tack onto their trip, people are expecting them back in King’s Landing, etc. Aemond saying, “Ok, fine, we’ll do that trip when Aegon’s king then.”
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android-and-ale · 8 months
If Vulcans had an equivalent of henna hand/body art, would the designs look brownish against their skin or would it end up a greenish basil or sage tint?
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ibrowhennatint · 2 years
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beautybydollysblog · 2 years
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If you're looking for a natural and temporary way to darken your eyebrows, henna eyebrow tint is a great option. Henna is a plant-based dye that can safely be used on the skin, and it will last for several weeks. It's important to note that henna can stain clothing and surfaces, so be careful when applying it. To apply henna, use a small brush to fill in your eyebrows. You can also use a cotton swab or your finger. Let the henna dry for a few minutes before wiping it off.
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orospu-kalamar · 1 year
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what if: ink tinted claws but: henna patterns
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eclecticnaileducation · 10 months
The History of Nails
The exact origin of nail treatments is unclear as it seems to have been started in many parts of the world namely Egypt and China.
Ancient Egypt 
In ancient Egypt 5000 to 3000 BC women would dye their nails with henna to indicate social status and seductiveness. In those times nail colours indicated one's status:-
Lower class women: pastel/neutral shades.
Upper class women: deep/bright shades.
Noblemen: black
Common men: green 
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Henna stained nails
Ancient China
Around 3000 BC in China the first nail polish was made from beeswax, egg whites, gelatine, vegetable dyes and gum arabic, with colours ranging from pink to red depending on ingredient mixture. However, during the Zhou Dynasty in 600 BC, royalty used nail polish with gold and silver dust to show their social status.
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Qing Chinese Nail Guards
Development of the Manicure
The modern manicure was developed with the intention of the orange wood stick by European podiatrist Dr. Sitts in 1830. Before this people used acid, a metal rod and scissors to shape and trim nails as well as during this time women had short, almond-shaped nails and often used oils for additional shine or tint.
Another development came about during 1892 when Dr. Sitts niece invented a nail-care line for women of all social status which eventually reached United States salons. In 1907 the first liquid nail polish was invented though it was colourless. Soon after a variety of different colours were available. 
With that, the first Eclectic Nail Education post entitled 'The History of Nails' is concluded. 
Come back next time for the post entitled 'The Evolution of the Nail Industry'.
Thank you for reading!
Have a Fantastic Day everyone!!
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
Mirrors, shoes and the bride’s veil: wedding customs in Jewish Algeria
In this, the  season for Jewish weddings, Caroline Elisheva Rebouh recalls how engagements and weddings were celebrated by the Jews of Algeria.
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At the engagement, the fiancée dresses in pink and parades  in front of her womenfolk. On the table are displayed all sorts of  almond and honey-based pastries, representing the sweet life which the future couple should enjoy.
The fiancé sends in a richly decorated copper tray laden with pink sugared almonds. He has placed a ring in the centre.
From this time on, the couple can see and speak to each other. A large plate of couscous is prepared for both families and their close friends to enjoy, watered by  copious amounts of wine.
The mirror ceremony: the fiancé buys a ‘Venice Mirror’ for his intended. It is a large rectangular mirror surrounded by squares of clear and pink tinted glass.
At a ceremony called the Tifour, held a few days before the Henna, the groom buys seven pairs of shoes to be worn by the bride during the seven days following the wedding. He also buys her slippers and slippers for her sisters.
The women in the family process to the Hamam (Turkish  bath). They sing and carry straw baskets of red ribbons and small bowls filled with perfumed soaps. One contains the henna and more ribbons. The mother-in-law presents a gold coin to the bride. Everyone soaps the bride’s back to much ululating and throwing of sugared-almonds. The soap is rinsed off with eau de cologne.
That night, the henna ceremony takes place. The guests drink fragrant teas.
At the wedding itself, the bride cuts up pieces of her veil and gives them to the single women in her family. The rest of the veil is used as a mosquito net for the babies to come.
The post Mirrors, shoes and the bride’s veil: wedding customs in Jewish Algeria appeared first on Point of No Return.
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iii-days-grace · 10 months
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It’s Saturday so that means I have time for herbal hair spa!! 🧖🏼‍♀️
left to right: mortar and pestle, ratan jot (aka dyers alkanet), coconut oil and a small lidded glass jar
This is for making a tinted hair oil to touch up my henna dye, I’m going to let it soak in my hair before I wash
left to right continued: bigger glass jar, shikakai pods, chamomile flowers
This is for the hair wash, shikakai is basically like soap pods, so I’m going to put them in the jar with chamomile and make a soapy “tea” to rinse the oil out 🌸
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anikasenkujo · 2 years
“always and forever”
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“Shona, (Bengali word for sweetheart, beloved) come, the Sun’s about to set,” Anika chirpily cries as she runs to the edge of the water with her hand on the straw beach hat and the camera around her neck. The rings on her left finger glistened in the Sun as it was about to start coming closer to the horizon while they were in Colva Beach in Goa. Jotaro, now her husband, smiled as he walked towards her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his, letting the waves kiss their feet and the salty wind slightly touch their faces. “Anika-chan, this looks beautiful,” Jotaro muttered as he looked everywhere at the crowd, the beach, and at her. She smiled, “I know. I’d been here once with my family, but this was when we were in Mumbai. That was nevertheless, a wonderful time, despite everything that happened…” Jotaro listened to her without uttering a single word, and through his peripheral vision, saw someone standing beside them. He turned to them, and asked, “Excuse me. Can you please take a picture of my wife and I?”
Even as the hat flew away, both of them laughed. They hadn’t done so like this since ages. The man nodded and used the camera around Anika’s neck. As they wrapped their arms around each other, with Anika standing in front of him, they looked into each other’s eyes, with her feeling flustered. “Your wife, huh?” She smiled. “I…I like that very very much.” Jotaro smiled, with a tint of scarlet appearing on his face. “Anika, I’d not have it any other way. Always and forever, right?” As the picture of them was being taken with her henna and conch bangles in display, something appeared at the corner of her eyes. “Always and forever, shona.” She replied, taking in this whole moment. She can’t believe she finally got to marry him after them being apart for years, and would never want to be away from him ever again.
EDDIE EDDIE EDDIE (@amberswords), I’m so so glad that I got to commission you because this is absolutely gorgeous 💕 this is been the image running in my head for the longest of time so thank you for bringing my vision to life 😭
Tagging my friends: @magthemage @jellyluchi @mapesandoval @spookysinner45 @theschneckenhouse @wishful-bear @weeb-coffee @strawberrystepmom @ofallthingswhythis @wakatshi @shaylistic @cinnamonnbonnie @papersirens @jctaro @aeons-domain
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