#Helluva Spoilers
angelshizuka · 3 days
You can FEEL them choosing scenes for the trailer and going "Ah yes, let's give them this crumb, as a little treat, because it'll be the only thing that will keep them going."
And they were so right... The way I'm clinging onto this half a second of footage like a feral child isn't even funny...
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(I won't stop making posts about this shot until the episode drops... and then I'll be making posts about the entire scene.)
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cookiesaddict · 7 days
The fact Blitz moved on from all of his exes so easily after cutting them out when things got serious, not even getting jealous when they found love. But Stolas is actually the only one that has altered his brain chemistry.
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the-irreverend · 10 months
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Y'all had one job...
P.S. Best episode of the season. Fight me.
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imp-imp-im-a-simp · 8 months
I'm not crying, I just got something stuck in my eye
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imomnba-x07 · 10 months
I need to talk about Ozzie repairing Fizz real quick because ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh
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Ozzie just cares about Fizz’s safety and doesn’t want anything to happen to him. And to learn that HES the one who fixes Fizz is just so akshsjsjjdjdjdjfj
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Clearly Fizz is also nervous because hello ptsd, trauma, the works, and is nervous when he sees Ozzie get out his kit
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Who knows how he was treated when he first got blown up and judging by how scared he is at first when he sees Ozzie pull out scissors he most likely has a lot of medical trauma
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And then to see Ozzie handle him with such CARE and take the time to do it in a way where Fizz experiences the least amount of discomfort
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Taking the TIME to do it properly and as gentle as he can.
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blumingtoadstool · 10 months
The fact that two of the seven deadly sins are in relationships with the lowest class demons is so interesting to me.
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Bee being in a relationship with a hellhound, a kind of demon that’s literally sold in shelters to be used (in most cases)as muscle, protection, or as pets.
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And Ozzie being with an imp, who are treated as low as possible in pretty much all of hell. Fizz is even referred to as a purse dog, meaning he’s also just seen as a pet by some people.
I wonder if we do get to meet the 5 other sins in later episodes how they feel about these two’s dating lives. Especially since Tex and Bee don’t seem to be trying to hide it at all and Ozzie and Fizz are literally called ‘the worst kept secret’.
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mrmiserymushroom · 11 months
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it’s been a long time since i last posted here and honestly i didn’t think i would come back to it but here we are! i’ve draw this little fella and it was so fun! i used his sister as a reference and tried to analyse and mimic the show’s character design! I am no professional but i did my best!!
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monkey-network · 1 year
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Talk about everything coming full circle
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skeleion · 1 year
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All hail the arrival of Helluva Boss's new Queen Bee. Ow! Ow! Awwooooo! 🐺🐝
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timkontheunsure · 8 days
The Plants are mad at him
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It's sweet that Blitz still doesn't want to hurt Stolas' pets, just cus they're nomming him.
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angelshizuka · 17 hours
It's honestly kinda funny how they use things like "Fuck Blitzo in the fucking ass." and "That cock sucking motherfucker." as insults, because it's made pretty obvious Blitz is into those kinda things.
Like, don't threaten him with a good time.
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drama-glob · 9 days
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I agree with Stolas that the previous earth Hallows Eve party was not a fun one. XD XD XD I hope he at least got cake, but I doubt it. :/
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cookiesaddict · 1 year
This idiot be thinking he did/will change everyone’s life for the worst. Not realizing he did actually changed everyone’s life for the better.
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They both broke each other's hearts and I'm not blaming either of them
but blitz mockingly throwing out an "I love you" as part of a pretend game he thinks stolas is playing because he can't conceive a reality in which stolas actually loves him
while stolas does love him and how to stolas that'd look like blitz thinking his love, that has been hurting him so much, is something to make fun of
i'm throwinh up
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the-irreverend · 8 months
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There are a lot of great things about this opening scene and one of them is showing how Fizz and Blitz's childhoods ended up affecting them later in their lives.
You see, the relationship that Cash (Blitzo's dad) had with them both is a textbook example of a Golden-Scapegoat dynamic where a toxic parent showers one child with endless praise and the other with endless blame.
Interestingly, the abuse that Blitzo bore the brunt of (being the Scapegoat) gave him the awareness needed to be able to recognize those who employ the kind of abuse and manipulation he endured. That's why he was better able to detect the massive red flags sticking out of Mammon. On the other hand, because Fizz was the golden child, he was vulnerable to the emotional manipulation of those who would exploit him, be it his idols or even his fans.
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