#Hellsing forgotten
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hf-makube-ask · 1 day ago
What do u think about Maxwell?
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alucardsathomewife · 10 months ago
Mom's of hellsing
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Sketch post bc I'm going to be gone for some time
⬇️ dw
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loadinghellsing · 2 years ago
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he caught his bird
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theloveandthedead · 1 year ago
Chapter 63 Snippet
“Ridiculous,” Walter shook his head, turning back towards the stovetop.
Only to come face-to-face with Olivia’s half-decayed face. 
“What’s ‘ridiculous’, Walter?” Her maggot ridden hand curled around his neck, her sole eye burning into his soul. “Why is your pulse racing? Could it be…that the great Angel of Death is afraid? But why? It is me, Walter, the woman you love.” Olivia cupped his face, jagged bone tearing in his skin. “Let me return the favor–a kiss for a kiss.”
And Walter found himself frozen in place, the only hints of life being his heart pounding in his ears as Olivia drew closer until–.
‘Mr. Dornez?” A cadet stepped into his line of sight, shattering the illusion and animating Walter’s body once more. “Are you alright? You’ve been staring at the kettle for the past five minutes.”
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cocolacola · 2 years ago
i would like to apologize for the sheer amount of your hellsing posts i'm reblogging but i just got into it and my god you get like. the UTTER JOYS of this show so well. ty for ur service o7
hey sorry im late to responding to my inbox, ive been a bit awol from the hellsing fandom but getting asks like this brightens my day!
if you ever want to hit up my inbox again i always have thoughts on it and i always enjoy a good hellsing discussion :) it's still my special interest for sure, perhaps i will draw/write something for it soon (shameless plug that i write fic lol)
thanks so much for the ask! <3
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schrodingers-void · 4 months ago
It should also be noted that Anderson was not the one to directly kill Maxwell, but he did leave Maxwell to be torn apart by ghouls, though it seems Vlad's ghouls were somewhat merciful and appear to have only impaled Maxwell instead of outright tearing him apart. A small mercy, but his last moments were certain to be filled with fear. No father wants that for his child, and this is once more a parrel to Vlad, because Hellsing peeps tend to forget this but in hellsing Vlad was a father and had children. Vlad too had to learn that his child, though likely still quite young, was murdered just as his wife, that his child died in fear and that Vlad wasn't there to protect them. Anderson similarly could not protect Maxwell, and damned him to be executed by what might as well have been his own hand. Anderson is also shown to hold a deep love for the orphans he raises, and it's notably after Maxwell's death that Anderson seems to lose all zealotry, similar again to Vlad.
The Monster of God
or Hellsing: Self Determination/Despair
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Okay, so there's this idea I've seen recently that Alucard is somehow responsible for Anderson becoming a monster of God and not "stopping him." This really rustled my jimmies, so let's talk about it! I'm dyslexic so please bear with me here as typos are bound to be a thing.
First of all, no, Alucard is not responsible for the choice Anderson chose to make. Agency of all sorts is a huge theme in Hellsing; ie, personal autonomy, the ability to make important choices for yourself, and the decision to become a monster. Along with the consequences of that choice. All of the characters that became monsters in the narrative chose to do it of their own will, and it is something that can be rejected like with Major and the blood. Seras chose to become a vampire, even if she didn't know what she was agreeing to at first, she still consented to it, and I'm 100% certain that Alucard would have never turned her if she didn't agree. "she was given a choice: to die as a human or become a vampire. She chose to live and Alucard turned her into a vampire." Alucard chose to become a monster when he lost everything, from his home, his people, and even his faith in God. The depths of his despair is what motivated this change-- he became something less than human because he no longer wanted to experience the grief of his life ending in ruin when he wasted all of it being devoted to something that didn't help him. He was a religious zealot and this is the very same zealotry that inspired Anderson.
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Hellsing: chapter 70 (Castlevania) He put his whole existence into his fervent worship of God, throwing himself in to battle was to pray and he was a devotee of the highest order. He gave everything in the hopes that God would descend, that he would finally be granted "Jerusalem" and victory for his efforts-- not praying for anything with the idea in mind that for your desires to be granted, you must fight hard enough and prove yourself worthy. But when that sacrifice amounted to nothing, he crumbled to the weight of his own despair, everything he worked for, everything he gave to make a better world for his people-- gone in an instant. His men all dead, his land burning, his hope dashed in the wake of his defeat. God didn't descend and didn't grant him that deliverance.
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Hellsing: chapter 70 (Castlevania) So, instead of clinging to his faith to comfort him, he reaches for something real and tangible; The blood of his fallen soldiers in front of him. In a sense, this moment is when Vlad the Voivode, Vlad the human, gave in.
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Hellsing: chapter 70 (Castlevania) In my opinion, with the themes in Hellsing, becoming a vampire/monster correlates to giving up and throwing away everything you ever stood for. It means becoming something less than human because you could not bear the weight of what it means to be human. And with Alucard, it's numbing your hurt by perpetuating your own pain and grief upon others. He couldn't handle his failure, so what he did was the equivalent of flipping the table and saying "fuck it." He is still dealing with the consequences of that choice hundreds of years later, unable to die, and bound to the service of a family that defeated him as Dracula. In a way, this could be considered a punishment? But I'm not gonna get into that right now. So, how does this relate to Anderson? Actually, this has a lot to do with Anderson. Because In Alucard's own words to Anderson. "You are me."
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Hellsing: Chapter 72 (Heart Of Dream)
Like Vlad, Anderson is also a religious extremist. He may not have the same exact beliefs as Vlad, but the basis is the same-- the fervent worship of God to the point of committing immoral acts in his name. Along with that, Anderson became a monster in the same exact way as Alucard did when he was still a man. But Alucard actually pleads with him to not give up on his humanity. This could come from the fact that he's basically witnessing the darkest moment of his existence reflected back on him in Anderson. Watching the same pain, the same failure that he experienced all those years ago but in someone other than himself and he feels helpless to stop it. Because, once again, becoming a monster is a decision someone must make for themself and Anderson has very clearly made up his mind.
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Hellsing: Chapter 67 (Might and Magic)
This is something that must be kept in mind, Anderson is a grown man who can make his own choices. He is very likely a man in his late fifties to early sixties and he can face the consequences for his actions. If anything, the reason why Alucard didn't "stop" Anderson is because of the fact that he may have not wanted to rob Anderson of his agency and the right to take his own life into his hands? This is especially evident with the fact that Alucard is canonically the equivalent of a slave, and is mostly not allowed to make his own choices. So it would be unfair and cruel for him to do that to someone who he deems worthy of beating him.
In the end, he lets Anderson utilize his agency and make his decision. That decision just so happened to be becoming a monster of God. Which, in Alucard's mind, is no better than becoming a vampire, and is still an act of cowardice all the same. The reasoning behind this seems to be wanting to be a vessel of holy wrath, to let something else take over so he doesn't have to experience emotions like pain or grief, considering he had just lost Maxwell, that was basically like his son by his own hand.
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Hellsing: Chapter 62 (Wizardry)
Anyway, that's my rant over with. The point is, it's extremely reductive and just plain wrong to say that Alucard is responsible for the actions of another grown man. Along with that, it ignores most of the themes and parallels between their characters, considering that Anderson is basically a direct reflection of Vlad.
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bunniisms · 2 months ago
Blame this headcanon dump on the tremendous support from my friends and my unending obsession with this Old Fart and throwing him down the metaphoric staircases in my brain!
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THE C IN HIS NAME ISN'T A MIDDLE NAME. Remind me to talk about it at length later, because it's an entire bullshit that would make this post far, far longer that I've already made it. Instead, the C in Walter's name stands for COURTENAY, the name of the old, old noble family he draws descendants from. Who had historical connections to the art of Vampire Hunting & the Hellsing Family via their connection to the Vatican and support of the late Abraham Van Hellsing.
Walter was the son of a daughter who didn't have the name (or any claim) to pass down beyond her and her late husband's friendship with Arthur Hellsing. As an adult, Walter's reclaimed the title and hyphenated his last name (i.e. Courtenay-Dornez)
TLDR: Walter C. Dornez but the C in his name is a desperate clinging symbol and claim to historic (and almost forgotten) notoriety and a connection to the business he’s attached his whole identity to but never found direct happiness from
This is sort of canon, but WALTER HAS DEEPLY STAKED HIS SENSE OF IDENTITY AND PERSON-HOOD INTO VAMPIRE-HUNTING and the concept of both his body deteriorating with age, and his gradual sense of being rendered obsolete behind New Operatives and Alucard is the heartbeat in the floorboard driving him to madness. FOR WALTER TO BE BENCHED OR TO BE RETIRED, HE SEES THAT AS THE DEATH OF HIMSELF IN A FAR MORE VISCERAL SENSE
WALTER IS AN OXYMORON OF ARROGANCE AND INSECURITY. Walter struggles with his sense of identity and his place in the world. It's not that he feels useless, but he feels like he has been doomed and damned to forever be third best - unable to move forward - unable to be better, to be wanted by existence (and himself), always envious and wanting for any claim of his own that he can truly sink his teeth into and use as a salve to cover the infected wounds of insecurity that have been with him since he was a child.
HOWEVER, the funny thing with Walter? As much as he feels this way, he is a haughty, arrogant, catty bastard. He views the vast majority of people, human and otherwise, as far, far beneath him, even with his insecurity being what it is. Walter knows he could be MORE, but these other people? It would be a miracle if they even got to his weakest position. Their words have precisely as much weight as the clucking of chickens.
WALTER HIDES THESE TRAITS WITH A JEEVES-LIKE FACADE AND PERSONA OF WARMTH AND HUMILITY. A lot of the time, the Walter seen smiling and bowing, offering his hand and advice, greeting the guests and answering the household's calls with a polite warmth is as superficial as a cardboard mockup - it's an act - the Walter we see walk out and make pot shots to scare Jan and quote his speech back at him. THAT'S THE REAL WALTER. Walter hasn't so much changed that part of him that we saw so much of in Dawn, as much as he's learned to hide it.
ONE OF WALTER'S LOVE LANGUAGES IS TRANSPARENCY. Walter has developed such a false crust of subservience and humility and comically stereotypical butler-like deference. You know you've sunk deeper into his person when he begins lifting the act in more intimate settings. Walter might seem to get sharper and cattier, a little more mean-girl-esc with his judgement and quips, but that's Walter! If you took him for a sweet old man, you bought the charade, hook, and sinker. THIS is the real Walter, THIS is what goes on inside his mind's palace. Either embrace it or take the check and go! Haha
UNLIKE THE HOUSE OF COURTENAY'S CATHOLIC ORIGINS, WALTER IS ANGLICAN and sparsely practicing, making sure to attend major Church Functions alongside the Household (such as Integra) but not making much of a habit of attending the small chapel inside the Hellsing Estate
WALTER HAS FOURTH NERVE PALSY, caused during The Dawn Arc after he sustained a massive skull fracture and very nearly died
YES, HE DOES BLAME ALUCARD FOR THE INCIDENT THAT CAUSED THIS, they were assigned to a mission together, flushing out operatives in Warsaw together, and yet, they became separated. Alucard's bloodlust or showboating slowed him down, and Walter was left alone to fend on his own. While successful for a while, Walter was a child, a lone child, and his enemies had no mercy. By the time Alucard dragged his carcass back to Hellsing, there was little to be done. But, despite rescuing him after, Walter never forgave Alucard for the part he feels Alucard played. His blame is partially misplaced, but it still burns hot, and the paranoia festering in the back of his mind forever wonders whether it was delayed by accident or if he orchestrated it all to stunt his abilities and prevent him from surpassing Alucard? (it's absolutely NOT that Walter, I can promise you)
RE: THE MONOCLE, it's not there for the aesthetics of a Victorian nobleman, though that's not to say Walter doesn't carefully cultivate his image. Walter's monocle is a prescription medical device; it helps correct issues with his depth perception and acquired short-sightedness caused by his palsy (especially with reading). Additionally, it's been a wonder how ptosis symptoms in his right eye that've stemmed from the palsy have been eased with the monocle supporting that side of his face.
WALTER ALSO HAS PERIPHERAL HYPER-MOBILITY SPECTRUM DISORDER most notably impacting his hands, wrists and fingers, but more broadly affecting his ankles and feet too. In recent years, Walter's found that the symptoms have been worsening and spread to his knees, too, but he's never spoken openly about this and resents it greatly. The records from Hellsing-pocket Doctors making note of the degeneration of his condition have always been burned, almost as though destroying them could silence the truth in some way.
THE PURPOSE OF THE GLOVES, while Butlers wearing gloves is a tale as old as time, Walter wears them not to uphold old traditions of cleanliness and not smudging things - but rather to hide the slight but noticeable gaps at the center of each of his fingertips where he ejects the monofilament from, which is unfortunately essential when facing the public. He removes them the second he gets behind closed doors and happily does that.
WALTER RE: THE WIRES AND THEIR IMPACT ON HIS BODY, the designs of the Late Hellsing and Seward, while innovative, were... imperfect. Flawed even. Walter REFUSES to come to terms with it, but the wires, despite their impeccable qualities, have been degrading his body MORE than gradually. They are the single leading reason for his Hyper-Mobility Spectrum Disorder; they have been EATING at the cartilage and connective tissue in his limbs and making his gradual decline far quicker than had ever been previously believed.
WALTER GOT HIS WIRES IN AN OPERATION AT TEN. It was a deeply invasive affair that left Walter bedridden for months. Directed by Seward and Hellsing loyalists and conducted by the last design of the Late Abraham Van Hellsing and his mentee Seward. WALTER CONSENTED AT THE TIME, IN FACT, HE WAS EAGER ABOUT IT AND THE PROMISE. Walter wanted the prestige, the power, to feel purpose and drive and to have something that was his, that defined him, and the miserable life he'd been gifted that was always at the mouth of the river, leaving him looking up at the source and the promise he had been born outside of and dreaming. HOWEVER, IT WAS STILL SKETCHY AF AFFAIR, AND AS THE WORD OF GOD, IT WAS, WITHOUT A DOUBT, AN INCIDENT OF ADULTS EXPLOITING THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE, INNOCENCE AND EAGERNESS OF A CHILD FOR PERSONAL BENEFIT.
WALTER'S LOVE LANGUAGE IS QUALITY TIME. Walter, while a womanizer, is no adept man in the art of romance - some would call him a tad clumsy, but that's not it, nor would it be right to call him cold or unromantic. Walter is simply... atypical. He doesn't enjoy grand gestures of romance or constant touch - Walter is a man of boundary, and his ideal form of love is the quiet, cat-like sort of co-existing in joy. Can he perform his duties and passions and look over to see someone he is fond of simply existing - caught in their natural environment and at peace WITH him? That's ideal for him.
WALTER IS A SOMMELIER. Read as Wine Snob, not only for his job, but he just really enjoys wine!
WALTER AND BEING A BACHELOR IS A DELIBERATE CHOICE. He's had proposals passed onto him, and thrice, he's declined. He's had his girls and boys, but never committed even to the point of being considered lovers. Walter is simply most at ease on his lonesome, and though it might seem lonesome at the surface, it's ideal for his line of work and his love style.
WALTER DOES A LOT OF WORK AND TAKES A LOT OF PRIDE IN KEEPING HIS APPEARANCE. Sorry, I KNOW this man wears expensive colognes that he has organized for the seasons, has all his suits and tail coats properly fitted and has a skincare routine. He IS the type, and I love that for him. His toiletry cabinet is more stuffed with product than either Integra or Seras' COMBINED! He will not leave his room until his hair is slicked back and he smells like sandalwood ON GOD.
THOUGH THAT BEING SAID, HE IS LONELY IN THE SENSE THAT HE FEELS DEEPLY ALONE WITHOUT PEERS; he simply doesn't see most other people, most other creatures, as on his level. In that, and his arrogance, he is deeply alone, but it's a cage of his own creation.
HE LOVES INTEGRA LIKE A DAUGHTER, AND I REFUSE TO SEE IT ANY OTHER WAY; he helped raise that girl - a constant, familiar face in the background of her youngest years. He watched her be born in the house, he was one of the first that held her - she was one of few she gave a big smile to as a baby (she was one of few things that ever made him reconsider his decision to never want children), she watched her walk, then run and grow into a girl and then a confident young woman. And when it comes to the betrayal :,)
I could make an ENTIRE post detailing my thoughts about it and how I portray it, but Walter had been turned into a Freak a long, long time ago, and by the time he met Integra (as in, she was born), he was too far gone to be saved, and he knew it. There was a gun to the back of his head - he had the chip, and he could be toast at any moment; he... well, he selfishly did what he needed to do to survive. Sometimes, the awful truth is that both things can co-exist, and a person can be caught between love and survival and still choose survival, even after everything.
I'm 10000% on copium with this. Still, I feel his whole Ebony Darkness Dementia speech to Integra was to VILLAINIZE HIM AND HIS MEMORY IN HER MIND - he spent DECADES selfishly loving her and raising her, and he knows she returned those feelings. They never spoke about it, but he KNEW. She'd ask him his opinions (even when he, as a servant, wasn't entitled to those against the word of his lord), request him to have dinner upstairs with her and attend church functions alongside him, even when she was a grown woman. He was one of the most consistent fatherly figures she had. He became that for her, but he doesn't want her to spend any years agonizing or grieving over another dead father. Telling her he's a mustache-twirling evil that has always plotted her downfall is another selfish lie. Still, he hopes and needs to believe that maybe, maybe, that'll make it easier on her heart to cope with the rug-pull, his defection (and death) and losing yet another dad.
WALTER IS INTEGRA'S MOST ADAMENT APOLOGIST AND DEFENDER; this is another truth of mine I will take to the grave, and Hirano can fight me. It's not Walter's place as a servant to feel that level of protection over his master - even given his place, having watched her grow. Still, something alien takes over his sensibilities when he hears people speak against her brazenly, and he'll stamp it out in his own petty way. He's her dad, your honour!
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sp00kygoddessxx · 1 year ago
<No Privacy>
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In the depths of the Hellsing Organization's imposing headquarters, where the atmosphere was perpetually steeped in shadows and secrets, the infamous vampire Alucard reigned as an enigmatic and malevolent force. His insatiable appetite for chaos and destruction had long become his calling card, yet there was one individual within the organization who had managed to capture his attention in a different, more intriguing way—Y/N, a dedicated agent and a trusted comrade.
On one fateful night, the moon cast its pallid glow through the small window of Y/N's quarters, illuminating the modest space. Dressed in their Hellsing uniform, Y/N had just finished a particularly grueling training session and decided to take a moment to freshen up. The room was dimly lit, and the air was heavy with the mingling scents of candles and old leather.
In their haste, Y/N had forgotten to lock the door, an oversight that would prove to be a significant one. As they slipped out of their sweat-soaked uniform, their focus was entirely on the task at hand. The crisp fabric fell to the ground, revealing their lithe form. Y/N was well aware that privacy was a rare luxury in the world they inhabited, but they assumed, as any person might, that their room was a haven of solitude.
Unknown to Y/N, the malevolent presence of Alucard was always lurking, his crimson eyes watching over the organization and its agents. His hunger for chaos was undeniable, but an equally undeniable desire had taken root—a fascination with Y/N, who had managed to pierce through the layers of his dark, twisted soul.
As Y/N stood before the mirror, oblivious to the world beyond their room, they took a moment to appreciate the reflection of the scars and bruises they had acquired during their training. It was a ritual of self-inspection, a reminder of the sacrifices they had made in the name of duty. Their focus was solely on themselves, unaware of the lurking danger.
The sound of a creaking door caught Y/N's attention, and they froze, their heart pounding in their chest. Before they could react, Alucard, cloaked in his blood-red coat, had stepped into the room. His presence was as sudden as it was imposing, and the air seemed to grow dense with a mixture of astonishment and fear.
Y/N's eyes widened, and a rush of adrenaline coursed through their veins as they realized the impossible situation they had found themselves in. Alucard's gaze, which had been filled with curiosity, had now transformed into something more sinister—a predatory glint that sent shivers down Y/N's spine.
In a moment of panic, Y/N hastily attempted to cover themselves with a nearby towel, their cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Alucard! What the hell are you doing here?!"
The vampire's lips curled into a wicked smile, his eyes locked onto Y/N's form with undeniable interest. "Oh, my dear pet, it seems I have stumbled upon quite the feast for the eyes," he purred, his voice dripping with unbridled sensuality.
Y/N's heart raced, torn between embarrassment and frustration. They had seen Alucard at his most malevolent, but this was a side of him they had not expected. "Get out! This is my room, and you have no business being here!"
Alucard's grin only widened, his movements predatory as he slowly circled Y/N. "I have every right to be wherever I please, my dear. And it just so happens that I please to be here."
Y/N, now fully aware of the danger Alucard presented, let out a growl of frustration. They swiftly moved to the other side of the room, away from the persistent vampire. "This is a breach of privacy, Alucard. I demand you leave at once!"
Alucard's laughter echoed through the room, the sound tinged with amusement. "You forget, Y/N, that in my eyes, there is no privacy, no boundary that I am not free to cross. You are mine, and I will always be wherever you are."
Y/N clenched their fists, the frustration and humiliation of the situation mounting. "That's not the point, Alucard. Even you should have some respect for personal boundaries."
The vampire's grin began to fade, replaced by a more contemplative expression. "Very well, my dear pet, if you wish for privacy, I shall grant it, though it pains me to do so."
Y/N watched with suspicion as Alucard turned to leave, his cloak swirling dramatically as he moved towards the door. However, just as he was about to exit, he paused and looked back at Y/N over his shoulder. His crimson eyes held a hint of amusement.
"Though," he added, his voice dripping with suggestive intent, "I cannot promise that I won't return for another unexpected visit. After all, you are quite the temptation."
With those parting words, Alucard vanished into the shadows, leaving Y/N with a mixture of frustration, embarrassment, and a lingering sense of unease. They knew that, with Alucard, nothing was ever as it seemed, and the boundaries between them had been irrevocably blurred in a way that neither of them could fully comprehend.
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hf-zorinbliz-ask · 18 days ago
We are a humble ask project "Hellsing Forgotten", our goal is to develop more about characters that were forgotten(by their own creater lol, we look at you Kouta Hirano lol), or just adding more depth to the characters that didn't receive enough love or recognition.
Project is made for fansies and trying out our hand in art ask blogs!
I am lieutenant Zorin Blitz, give me your questions, sweet humans!
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pushthequorumbutton · 1 month ago
tried reading the (translated) manga and just. idk the music and line delivery of the anime was what made it feel so impactful and reading it just isn't the same so i gave up, i rlly hope there's a s2
finished frieren s1, i'm not okay about it. thought the mage test arc was the weakest bit and then the last ep killed me instantly. help me i'm lying on the floor with tears in my eyes.
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dont-need-one-of-these-do-i · 2 months ago
Hellsing Anti-Whumptober Prompt 2
(what is this? look here!)
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In all of his nearly 5 centuries of existence, somehow Alucard had forgotten how incredibly moody teenagers can be. Well, that’s not entirely accurate—vampires, try as they might, can never really forget anything. It’s more like a fact that had drifted to the back of his mind a long time ago and had no real reason to come forward.
The fact is at the forefront of his mind right now alright, fifteen-year-old Integra is making sure of that. 
“Master, if you could just—”
“Don’t touch me, Alucard!”
“It’s really not that big of an issue, if you—”
“I said I don’t want your fucking help!”
It had seemed like a good idea, ten minutes ago when Alucard made the decision to coax his young master onto the Ferris wheel while passing by on the way back from a successful mission. Now, as they slowly rise over the pop-up carnival, Alucard is coming to rethink his choices. 
“Look, I’m going to shut my mouth, but know that even if something were to happen—which it will not—I won’t allow any harm to come to you.”
Integra doesn’t give him a reply, instead opting to stare resolutely at the complicated metal hinge above their heads. Her hands, which would usually be crossed across her chest, are white-knuckled in their grip on the safety bar lying on Alucard and her lap. 
The bench lurches slightly with the movement of the wheel, and Integra sucks in a sharp breath, her grip growing impossibly tighter on the safety bar. Alucard’s crimson eyes flick toward her, but, as promised, he doesn’t say a word. Instead, he leans back lazily, draping one arm behind his head, as though daring her to admit she’s nervous—her stubborn silence is a battle of wills he’s happy to watch unfold.
Cheery carnival music drifts upwards from the colorful tents below them, dissipating into the clear, starry night above them. The lights strung around the structure of the ride twinkle. A part of Alucard is constantly amazed at the dichotomy of humans. That they could build a creation like this—a mechanical marvel that takes people high into the air safely and brings them back to the earth just as gently—merely for trivial enjoyment is a marvel to the vampire. And then, at the same time, for those same humans to be afraid…it’s fascinating. 
Integra blows out a long, low breath through her gritted teeth, and slowly, ever so slowly, drags her eyes away from her bloodless knuckles. Alucard keeps his gaze trained on the horizon, not looking at her, and a second later Integra does too, watching the way that the few sparse clouds drift across the sky. 
It takes her a  few minutes, but eventually, Integra’s grip loosens and her posture relaxes. Alucard is content to wait, allowing her to digest her fear on her own, for as long as she needs. 
Once Integra seems to have lost the majority of the tension in her limbs, Alucard speaks. “Look there. What does that cloud look like to you?”
Integra scoffs, but follows the line of the vampire’s finger “I’m not four, Alucard.”
He ignores her. “To me it looks like a dragon.”
“That’s ridiculous. It’s obviously a swan.”
“Now you’re just making things up. See there, how the flames are coming out of the mouth?”
“That’s a swan’s ass, you fool.”
Alucard’s lips curl into a smirk, his gaze still fixed on the drifting cloud. “A swan’s ass, is it? How poetic, master. Perhaps you’ve missed your calling as a naturalist.”
Integra’s hands, no longer gripping the safety bar with such fervor, cross over her chest. “Better a naturalist than a delusional fool who sees dragons in clouds.”
“Delusional? I’ll have you know, master, I’ve met dragons. If they heard your comparison to a swan’s rear, they might just take offense.”
“I’m sure my comparison would be a delight, given that they had to spend any length of time in your company.”
The Ferris wheel turns on, the night air clear and perfect, and, for just a moment, Integra forgets her position, forgets her name and legacy, forgets the responsibilities of her world, and is a teenage girl, afraid of heights.
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canmom · 4 months ago
Animation Night 193 - Harpier cries: 'tis time! 'tis time!
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PREVIOUSLY, in the dark halls of ANIMATION NIGHT, you have born witness to such horrors as these...
Animation Night 25: HORROR, featuring Kakurenbo, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Birdboy: The Forgotten Children, and many episodes of Yamishibai
Animation Night 77: Once More, Halloween, featuring Blood: The Last Vampire, Seoul Station, The Wolf House, and Shoujo Tsubaki - and more Yamishibai...
Animation Night 129: Thrice the brinded cat hath mewed..., featuring Hellsing Ultimate, The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb, Mad God, Ujicha's Violence Voyager, and guess what? Yamishibai...
Animation Night 176: The Hedge-Pigge Whin'd, a rather scuffed production which, contra the writeup, ended up just showing the Darkstalkers OVA from 1997. And some Yamishibai of course.
And now, my friends, and now... the witching hour is soon to be upon us once more, and it is time we revelled in the darkness and terror, for tonight is hallow'een, easily the best festival in the western calendar.
Many thanks go to @glitch-critter and @muzothecat, who provided me some excellent suggestions for animated horror that I have yet to see. Not that reruns would be the end of the world, there's some excellent shit on the list above I would be immensely glad to see again.
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To begin with, we have the recently-released The Birth of Kitarō: The Mystery of GeGeGe (幾多郎誕生:ゲゲゲの謎). Which provides an excellent excuse to get into the subject of Kitarou. So let's begin our dark and sordid tale... well, it's actually a pretty positive tale, but that's not really in the spirit of things.
GeGeGe no Kitarō is a truly classic manga series dating back to the 60s, created by Shigeru Mizuki. But it's actually older still: the earliest incarnation of Kitarō is in a kamishibai performance written/illus. by Masami Itō and Keiyō Tatsumi back in 1933, called Hakaba Kitarō (Kitarō of the Graveyard). It tells the story of a ghost boy called Kitarō who lives in a graveyard; like many kamishibai it was aiming at straight up horror. Here's a board from the original (photo by translator Zack Davisson, thanks wikipedia):
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So, you know yōkai? You're reading this blog, so probably, but just in case, they are the various freaky spirits of Japanese folklore, from kappa and tengu to nekomata and chōchin-oiwa. And the reason why they are such a popular feature of modern popular culture (you all know what a kappa is, right?) is in large part due to this manga.
Shigeru Mizuki, born 1922, had a pretty wild life. He was drafted into the army in 1943 at age 21, and lost his left arm in a bombing the next year; during his recovery he made friends among the Tolai people of New Guinea. He came home after the war, and found work renting out an apartment building and drawing kamishibai on the side; gradually the kamishibai work took over. In 1953, his brother Sōhei moved in after being tried for war crimes (the timeline does not mention the outcome of the trial); in 1957 at age 35 he moved to drawing manga, debuting in rental manga with Rocketman.
Starting in 1960 at the behest of Mizuki's publisher, the Hakaba Kitarō manga adapted the story of the yamishibai, introducing a wider audience to ghost boy Kitarō with his floofy hair and little third eye on a stalk. It proved explosively popular (despite being at first deemed too scary for children), telling the stories of Kitarō's encounters with all kinds of yōkai. The state of English translations is a bit scattershot; some of it is available on mangadex.
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In 1964, at age 42, Mizuki debuted in serialised manga in Garo magazine - a name you might find familiar, the avant-garde magazine which also published authors like Suehiro Maruo (ero-guro mangaka, the author of Shoujo Tsubaki) and Hiroshi Masamura (the guy who made the cat manga we looked into on AN188). There, he rebooted the Kitarō manga, starting once again with the story of the birth of Kitarō. Before long he jumped over to the much larger Monthly Shonen Magazine, and retooled Kitarō to be more kid-oriented. From then on it's Kitarō city - and the immense success of the manga gave him the chance to regularly return to the newly combined state of Papua New Guinea.
In 1968, Kitarō arrived in animation land, one of Toei's early projects. It quickly became one of those classic famous Toei anime, you know the type, the kind of thing that every Japanese person of a certain age would have seen on TV. Mizuki himself composed the OP, and it continued to get sequels throughout the ensuing fifty years, with the most recent being in 2018. This is an old and widely beloved anime so there is a lot of it: the 1968 series accumulated 65 episodes, the third series in 1985-88 is the longest at 115, but the others are no slouch either; even the 2018 series pulled out a mighty 97.
As such, it's... perhaps a little daunting! But...
The Birth of Kitarō is a prequel to the 2018 series... and rather than being a spooky-fun kids anime, it's intended as a genuine horror story aimed at adults, presumably adults who grew up watching Kitarō, returning to the earliest Garo-era tone of the manga. Set in the 50s, the story sees salaryman Mizuki arrive in a village in pursuit of a mysterious medicine, where he finds the village ruled by an old superstitious family. Naturally, before long, murders start happening. And a mysterious white-haired man is somehow involved...
Seems like the perfect way to get into Kitarō. I missed the chance to see this film at Annecy this year, but it's already out on nyaa, so let's jump on it.
So that's our first act. What of our second?
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Junk Head is a stop-motion scifi film pretty much enitrely solo animated by Takehide Hori who, at age 40, heard about Makoto Shinkai's solo-animated film Voices of a Distant Star (AN44), and was inspired to spend the next seven years working on a stop-motion scifi epic of his own. It tells of a cyborg from a future where humans have lost the ability to reproduce, venturing into a strange underground realm full of freaky creatures that, I'm told, invite comparisons to the art of Giger, Bosch, Escher and Gorey, and the films of Švankmajer (whose Alice we watched on AN50), Gilliam, and the Quay Brothers. del Toro lauded it as a 'work of deranged brilliance'.
Which is to say this is exactly the kind of thing we like to show here on Animation Night. I can't believe I didn't hear of this film before. Sources are not exactly abundant, but I was able to find a hardsubbed 720p version with a few seeds on it, so that's what we'll be watching tonight.
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Speaking of the Brothers Quay, who enjoy a remarkably in-depth and thorough wiki page, they have yet to appear on Animation Night, and it's about time we remedied that! A pair of identical twins from the Pennsylvania who moved to the UK in 1969 to study at the RCA, they got their start in illustration before making a turn to stop motion film using bits of dolls and various other materials in the vein of Švankmajer.
They are incredibly prolific as a pair, making shorts in nearly every year from 1979 to 2021 (bar a couple of hiatuses). Most of their films are without dialogue, set instead to the music of Leszek Jankowski and a great many other other composers. They are huge book nerds too, adapting authors from Lem and Kafka to Emma Hauck; honestly there's a ton to dive into here and I will for sure be returning to these guys on a future Animation Night. Tonight, however, our pick will be Street of Crocodiles (2021), a musical piece in which a puppet walks through a desolate realm of "mechanical realities and manufactured pleasures", widely celebrated as one of their best films.
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Stop motion seems to be a theme tonight, huh? Somehow, stop motion is just spookier than traditional animation. That theme continues with The House, an anthology piece for Netflix depicting three different stories taking place in the same house. Animated in London, each piece brings in a different director, respectively Emme de Swaef and Marc James Roels co-directing the first, Swedish director Niki Lindroth von Bahr the second and Mexican-British actress turned director Paloma Baeza for the third.
The stories span a few hundred years, from the 1800s to a flooded post climate change future. In each case, the house is the stage for tales of obsession and misguided ambition leading to disaster, whether it should befall anthro rats, humans or anthro cats. Widely praised for its animation and general weirdness, I'm quite excited to see what this mix has in store.
And returning of course will be Yamishibai, the wonderful long-running series of ridiculous cutout-animated creepypasta horror in the vein of old-school kamishibai boards. You know we gotta. And hey, if we're feeling in a really good mood at the end of the evening, I might bring Shoujo Tsubaki out of the vaults too. We shall see.
Animation Night 193 shall begin, with its gruesome course of animated horrors, at seventh hour.... which is to say 7pm UK time, just over four hours from the writing of this post. Be there, or be forever haunted by the ghosts of frames unseen (unless you gotta go trick or treat or something, we understand). The place? Upon the heath... of twitch.tv/canmom!
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kastanik · 2 months ago
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Guess it's that time of year again!
Mostly Soul Calibur stuff again, but also mixing it up with DnD and SWTOR.
Gonna provide links this time 'round for visibility sakes, and cos they're across my multiple blogs.
January: "You dare defy me, Dexter Purpure?!" February: A Devil in Messiah's Clothing March: *insert kids movie villain musical number here* April: Viola - F5 - Caramelldansen May: Daydreaming of You June: The Spirit of the Sword July: My First Good Dream August: The Haunted One (I may have forgotten to upload it to Tumblr, but I'll shamelessly plug my Bluesky here) September: "omg, they were exes..." October: Thorn and Wasp as Alucard and Integra from Hellsing (Happy Halloween) November: "Put on a happy face!" December: Lounging Around
Happy New Years, folks! See you in 2025!
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mitskisfirstborndaughter · 2 months ago
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after so long i'm finally doing an intro post!!!
this is probably going to look so ugly on dark mode .. sorry...
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☆ My name is Emi (em, emilita)
★ 18 (26/01)
☆ I don't give a shit about gender, I'm a girl but sometimes I'll call myself a boy or whatever depending on what's funnier on said circumstances
★ same thing with pronouns, I'll use she/her or he/him for myself but you can literally use anything to refer to me, I don't care
☆ asexual + biromantic !
★ I'm argentinian (i will make sure everyone knows I am) (I'm annoying).
☆ I speak spanish (native) and english !
★ INFP ♡ (im aware these things dont mean anything, i just like doing personality tests)
☆ I mostly reblog shit abt mcr but will ocassionally post art or just whatever comes to mind. Be prepared for a million text posts that make absolutely zero sense. If you follow me for anything other than MCR and constant nonsense rambling you'll be greatly dissapointed.
★ you can totally send asks, messages, tag me in stuff or whatever to me if you want, I like interacting with people !!
☆ ^ also I'm very socially awkward, and I reblog a LOT of shit, and I yap a lot on the tags; If I follow you, I'm sorry in advance.
★ DNI!!: proshippers, ed/pro ana accounts, racists, homophobes, transphobes, misogynists, TERFs, conservatives, if you support Javier Milei, Trump, Musk, Kanye or any of the weird rich evil men that everyone hates // I know that DNIs don't do much, and also I might've forgotten some stuff in there so if i don't like you i'll block you either way..♡
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★ I'm really REALLY annoying about my interests if you allow me to talk abt them, but I mainly post about MCR on this blog
☆ MOVIES/SHOWS: arcane, howl's moving castle, death note, madoka magica, gokinjo monogatari, hellsing ultimate, hxh, fruits basket, kamisama kiss, perfect blue, lovely complex, OHSHC, kaiba (2008), wonder egg priority
★ BOOKS/MANGA (mostly manga): JSHK, uzumaki, tomie, black paradox, sensor, kitchen princess, nana, paradise kiss, the stranger (Albert Camus), No longer human (Dazai Osamu)
☆ GAMES: resident evil 4 (2005), silent hill (1, 2, 3 and 4), fran bow, alice madness returns, I have no mouth and I must scream, infinity nikki, roblox (i literally only play dress to impress), yume nikki, sally face
★ OTHER INTERESTS: art (painting, drawing), poetry, i LOOOOVEEEEEEEE fashion SO much, fashion design + graphic design, psychology, collecting odd little trinkets and thingies, music (this one gets a whole separate section) (I also like singing. I used to post covers online when i was younger but i'll be DAMNED if I give anybody any clues to find them. Absolutely not.)
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☆ FAVORITE ARTISTS/BANDS: mitski, my chemical romance, pierce the veil, korn, hole, jack off jill, mindless self indulgence, aespa, miranda!, solya, rob zombie
★ OTHER ARTISTS I LIKE: babes in toyland, björk, enon, sir chloe, red velvet, tommy february⁶/heavenly⁶, jazmin bean, allie x, SHINee, POiSON GiRL FRiEND, chappell roan, yves, newjeans, dazey and the scouts, ARTMS, lady gaga, pinkpantheress
☆ SEEN LIVE: Mitski (2022), Miranda! (2023, 2024), PTV (2024), Limp Bizkit (2024)
★ FAVORITE ALBUMS: three cheers for sweet revenge (MCR), lush (mitski), selfish machines (PTV), live through this (hole), puberty 2 (mitski), hellbilly deluxe (rob zombie), follow the leader (korn), clear hearts grey flowers (JoJ), the fame (lady gaga), girl with no face (allie x), danger days: the true lives of the fabulous killjoys (MCR), a flair for the dramatic (PTV)
^ (all of these are in no particular order)
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☆ spotify
★ pinterest
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thanks for taking the time to read, have a beautiful day!!!
last updated: 17 feb. 2025
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bunniisms · 2 months ago
Chat…. I cannot hold back my OCxCanon.
Chat, I need a weirdly tense atmosphere couple trust bonding with Amity and Walter where Walter’s let her shave him with a straight razor, and they’re talking about what he always imagined the reward for vampire hunting to be
Chat, I NEED Amity gliding that blade close to his bobbing Adam’s apple when he responds frankly to her quip about him wanting them to give him a castle and title for his service to the crown.
I need these weird old fucks having weird old fuck intimate times, that are seen consistently five seconds away from being the start of a whodunit cold open murder in a noir film.
Chat, I need you to hear me out here: Amity and Walter are in this dimly lit, windowless room; the walls are lined with old wallpaper, patterned in a style that was outdated in the 50s, and the air is thick with the scent of perfume and cigarette smoke.
You'd expect it to be in the back of a bar or seedy underbelly, but instead of being in a back alley, it's Amity's office hidden away in Hellsing's dungeons, but there's no mistake. Hidden as it is, Amity's office is no less dangerous than any back alley, thanks all to its titular inhabitant.
Yet, the danger promised within does nothing to dissuade Walter from wandering down in the late evening, his formal frock forgotten and long since shed away for a more dishevelled appearance that's as uncharacteristic as his purpose down in the depths.
He's there to ask for help, Walter wouldn't ask for such a thing usually, but bad days are what they are - he can hardly keep himself stable, but he is ever the man of appearances. Knowing this and sensing his discomfort and pain, offered to take on the routine and shave for him. And- from anyone else, an offer like this would make Walter laugh. But Amity is serious, and after a moment of consideration- he takes her up on it.
AND, AND I just think - she gently wipes away all the shaving foam from his wrinkled cheeks, and she's just so taken. There's something about him in this light as he wipes away at the last bits of cream stubbornly sticking to his sideburns. Maybe it's the way the low light of the accent lamps bathes his face in warmth. Or the way the shadows pull at his smile as he analyzes her cut beneath the pads of his fingers. Or maybe... it's a realization of something.
Either way, Amity puts all the shaving things off to the side on a beaten silver platter. And, rather than walking back to her desk or some other perch, ready to reaffix the emotional mask now that she was done with her daily act of charity and fondness. She saunters back over, back to where she had previously been standing at Walter's side, gliding the razor carefully down his lined cheeks, and takes a seat on his lap - taking Walter off guard, as he'd taking off the towel from his neck, but not in a bad way as he wraps his hand around the small of her back and pulls her closer
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brandyanime · 1 year ago
General Update
I've been working on some things. Messing around with ideas mainly but I haven't forgotten about doing an Undead Unluck Fanart. I have plans for it but I have two pieces already in progress so I'll just be gathering the references for it in the mean time.
One of the pieces taking a good bit of my focus is still a work in progress but it's getting there. I'm experimenting with books based on shows/characters and its promising so far. I had to base the first design on Hellsing cause Alucard is sort of a comfort character for me.
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