#its a job thing that has me gone for a while (maybe 6-7 weeks ill be gone) internet art stuff dosent pay any and i have irl stuff
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Mom's of hellsing
Sketch post bc I'm going to be gone for some time
⬇️ dw
#its a job thing that has me gone for a while (maybe 6-7 weeks ill be gone) internet art stuff dosent pay any and i have irl stuff#that needs to be work on and im of the lgbtqa community in a place where its not very nice so theres alot i gotta do#i hope to eventually come back after that time and draw silly hellsing stuff again but for now ill be completely radio silent after the 21s#Hopefully im not forgotten and get to see all of yalls art :3#hellsing fandom#seras victoria#sir integra#pip bernadotte#hellsing ultimate#hellsing
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50 questions.
i was tagged by @cartrshart. thank you ash, ive been wanting to do this one. (:
1) what is the color of your hairbrush? - one is purple and one is white+pink. 2) name a food you never eat? -cow head or tongue. its popular in Mexican culture but its not for me.
3) are you typically too warm or too cold?
- my body is super warm always like always that my family cant even place their hand on my shoulder when its hot outside.
4) what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
- i was working on cast my mutuals on my main account. 5) what’s your favorite candy bar? kit kat. 6) have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes! i used to go to a lot as a kid cause my uncle used to get tickets. i went to many angels games, an indoor football game, and when i was seven i went to my first hockey game. but recently i went to a devils and leafs game(both against the ducks) in march. the devils game was the first game i went to after i started liking the nhl. 7) what is the last thing you said out loud? - ¨ merrimack keeps sending me emails even though they dont have my major.¨ telling my mom after reading my school emails. 8) what is your favorite ice cream? either cookies & cream or cookie dough. (wow ash exactly the same oop) 9) what was the last thing you had to drink? water. (: 10) do you like your wallet?
- yeah i have been wanting a smaller wallet for a while and i finally got it a while back.
11) what is the last thing you ate? Neapolitan ice cream. 12) did you buy any new clothes last weekend? actually i did! i bought a waterproof jacket, a Hawaiian shirt, a half zipper sweater, and a t-shirt. (: yard sale things oop. 13) what’s the last sporting event you watched? i believe it was game 2 with my mom. 14)what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? movie theater popcorn with movie theater butter jsjs. 15) who is the last person you sent a text message to? i rarely text anyone outside of tumblr. rori. @andreisvechnigod love you <3
16) ever go camping? yes! we have an annual camping trip that we’ve gone on for about for more than five years.but it got canceled this year. :( 17) do you take vitamins? nope. 18) do you regularly attend a place of worship? yes ma’am. i grew up religious and then like i hated my church(cause the people were like hypocrites oop) but then my parents took us to another church and i like it there a lot. a lot of cute guys lol. the vibe is great. every sunday (: 19) do you have a tan? does a bad tan line count? 20) do you prefer Chinese or pizza? depends but usually Chinese. 21) do you drink your soda through a straw? if its from restaurants then yes but if its straight outta the can then no. 22) what color socks do you usually wear? black with a colored line and colored letters of the brand at the bottom. 23) do you ever drive above the speed limit? cant drive ahaha. 24) what terrifies you? all of the above, heights, bugs, public speaking, etc. 25) look to your left, what do you see? fan. 26) what chore do you hate most? deep cleaning the whole house. 27) what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? g’day mate 28) what’s your favorite soda? dr. pepper 29) do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru all the way, my social anxiety cant handle going in. 30) what’s your favorite number? 11 cause of my birthday or 21. 31) last person you talked to?
my mom.
32) favorite cut of beef? idk? ahaha. 33)last song you listened to? driving to Hawaii by summer salt but im currently listening to she looks so perfect by 5sos. 34) last book you read? for school outliers but on my own a crime book and the last song by Nicholas sparks. 35) favorite day of the week? Saturday. 36) can you say the alphabet backwards? no. 37)how do you like your coffee? more creamer than coffee, i know. :\ 38) favorite pair of shoes? my velcro vanz probs or the basic old school vanz or dark blue converse. 39) time you normally get up? 5:30am if i go on a hike if not 7:45 for school. weekends it depends anywhere from 10am to 2pm oop. sundays at 8 if i go to church. 40)what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets but if you have the chance to see a sunrise they're pretty cool too. 41)how many blankets on your bed? 2 small throws. 42) describe your kitchen plates? black and the bigger ones are jade blue with a black border. 43) describe your kitchen at the moment? tidy messy oop. 44) do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? im a minor. (margaritas are chill though) non alcoholic of course. 45) do you play cards? we play different card games with my family sometimes. 46) what color is your car? dont have one. cant drive but both of my parents are a type of gray and id like a black one probs. 47) can you change a tire? with assistance maybe? my dad has shown us the basics once when we broke down in the freeway at 9pm. 48) your favorite state? i live in CA and its really all i know but i love utah and i really want to see Colorado and the east coast. 49) favorite job you’ve had? due to a personal reason i cant have a job rn. so none since ive never had one lol. 50) this one is long so ill understand if you skip it lol. @hartsyhart @seggy-seggs @andreisvechnigod @kncny @farabees @leeqianxiao @jmaybanks(also sorry if youve done it already.)
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I posted these on AO3 back in January. And I really wanted to have something brand new for today, but I am trying as hard as I can to have the fairy tale AU finished by tomorrow, so... Hope you’ll like them! They are BOTH IN ENGLISH ;) !!
10 - 9
The longest ten seconds of his whole fucking life. Maybe Niccolò really is considering turning it down, given the time and setting.
3 a.m. McDonald's. Sitting on plastic chairs. Lazily eating cold fries and a hamburger that tastes like cardboard with one hand, stroking each other's thumbs with the other. Feeling like the last men on Earth, in a deserted place that would normally be buzzing with life in the daytime.
He should have sticked to his plan, given him his scripted speech this Sunday at the Bioparco. But he didn't, and now...
… now he's screwed, isn't he? He fucked it up, and Niccolò is going to carry on and pretend this has been nothing but a bad dream.
He couldn't help it, though. Not when Niccolò was glowing with pride and elation as he showed Martino his first - published, finally!! - illustrated book.
The one Nico had lovingly renamed 'our baby' - and damn if Marti's heart didn't skip a beat at that - even though all he didn't do much but offer his moral support.
How was he supposed to resist?
He looked more beautiful than ever, in an old tracksuit and with a ridiculous headband holding his wild curls at bay. Buzzing with enthusiasm, while he told Marti about how Naima the giraffe who had her head too high in the clouds learnt from Mabel the red panda that she shouldn't fear what's in her heart. That her feelings are never too much, like so many others have been telling her.
Niccolò had always been very secretive about the plot, saying 'It's a surprise' with a mischievous glint in his eyes whenever Martino asked for more details… and right in that very moment he could see why.
"Children emotions tends to be heightened, and therefore often dismissed. I hope this can tell them that they matter, you know? That they're gonna find someone willing to listen, someday. Just like I found you."
It was their story. Edited, tweaked but still the same at its core. Shared to offer some hope to whoever might need it.
How could he not stop Niccolò right there and fumble for the box in his bag?
Flinging it into his hands and dropping on one knee felt too predictable and cheap, however.
"I… I think I'm gonna get a milkshake. Would you like me to get you anything? An ice-cream cone? A Flurry?" Then, raising a voice a couple of octaves to make it sound childlike he adds "A Happy Meal?"
"Ahah. You're so funny, have you ever considered a career as a stand-up comedian? Get me a Happy Meal, you ass." And he would have sucked on that raised middle finger, without any shame, had it been a night like any other.
But it wasn't.
Niccolò kept on gloating, until he opened the Happy Meal. His face fell, indeed, when he found the giraffe and red panda wooden figurines connected through a red silk thread and carrying a ring.
Ebony black, like his hair. Adorned with amber and aventurine, which both reminded Martino of his eyes.
Eyes which were now boring into him with a mixture of confusion and… disappointment?
Not exactly the reaction he had been wishing for. The silence between them felt a bit uncomfortable, for the first time in maybe ever, but Martino forced himself to speak.
"I know that I told you, so many times and in so many ways, that nobody knows a fucking thing about what's gonna happen tomorrow but... I am certain about ONE thing and ONE thing only: that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, as your HUSBAND. Don't you wanna spend the rest of your life with me?"
"That's two things, Marti. Maybe even three. I believe so… but let me just have ten seconds to think it through, okay?"
"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. " He finally says. Each yes said before a kiss, his smile getting brighter and brighter as they both start crying. Tears they brush away with gentle fingertips, with soft lips.
"A thousand times yes, Marti." Niccolò reiterates, resting his forehead against his fiancé's. Not an old fashioned to say 'boyfriend' when you significant one is not exactly a boy anymore, but the real deal now.
Fiancé. Betrothed. Soon to be husband. He can't wait to refer to Martino using those term with friends, colleagues, guests, relatives. With all those random people he ends up talking to while queuing up at the post office - on the bus, on the train, on the subway. The whole world needs to know, and he is certain that Marti feels like the same.
"Once is more than enough."
It still doesn’t feel real, even though he has had some minutes to let it sink in. Despite the weight of the ring dangling from his necklace - "how very Frodo of you…" "Are you calling your future husband a fucking hobbit, Mr Rametta?" - and his proposal still echoing in his ears, he fears he might wake up any minute now. Alone.
He has to take refuge in Marti’s arms, grounding himself in his warm and tight embrace. Nothing can touch him, when he’s there. Nothing can reach him, apart from Martino’s smell and the palpable solidity of his body.
"I can take it back, if you’d like." Marti mumbles, against his helix piercing.
"Don’t you dare!" Niccolò protests, first jabbing his ribs with his forefinger and then flicking his nose.
"I mean… you don't sound positively thrilled about it…" He points out, puzzled to hear Niccolò chuckle.
"Well, we're talking about spending the rest of my life with the most boring gay I've ever met…" Nico sighs dramatically, but then he gets dreadfully serious. He is so overjoyed, so full of love he could burst, and Martino better not end up thinking otherwise. "I couldn't be happier… You know that, right? I simply wanted to be the one to propose."
"Well, maybe you still can. Fifteen or twenty years from now, when we'll feel like renewing our vows or some shit…" Martino suggests, standing up and cleaning their table. They must go now, if they want to have some time left to spare to celebrate home before heading out again to work.
"Sounds lovely. You have such a way with words, Marti." Niccolò shoves him playfully, but files that piece of information into a secured corner of his brain. Might come in handy, in the future. "And how do you know about renewals, anyway? Don't tell me you've been bingewatching 'Say Yes To The Dress' on RealTime!"
"Whaaat? Me? Nope. Never. Must have heard something from Filo. Or was it Edo?"
Hours have gone by. It took them twice longer than usual to reach their flat, unable to walk more than a few steps without stopping for a quick peck. Or a full on make out session against a couple of closed, sturdy, doors.
Clothes were discarded on the floor as soon as they stepped inside, and they had made love until dawn. Exhausted, by then, they had fallen asleep.
Fear has had time to come knocking, and with it the painful reminder that people always leave. Or get sick of each other, and stay together only to keep up appearances.
No. That's not gonna happen. Not to them. Not when they are perfectly aware that gonna have to make a promise to each other not only on that day… but every second, every minute, every hour they spend together. Or apart.
Not necessarily with words. Which little gestures, too. Cherish their love. Never take it for granted.
"I promise you that we can make it. From now, to infinity." Martino says, softly, as he lays a kiss on Niccolò chest. Right where his heart is, just like Nico did so many years before under those red lights.
"To infinity and beyond."
"Don't start quoting Toy Story when I'm trying to be deep, Ni."
"It doesn't suit you. Now, up up up. Put something on and come with me... I don't want to miss watching the sunrise and cuddling with my betrothed on my cozy balcony."
"You are unbelievable."
"And you love that."
"I sure do, don't I?"
This is absolutely not what Niccolò or Martino had in mind.
The unnecessary opulence, the stifling atmosphere in spite of the marvelous outdoor venue.
"It's not like you had a clear picture of what you wanted, anyway." Anyone would argue, and they would be right.
It had been easy enough to picture it back in Milan, where having a wedding in their birthday suits had sounded like the coolest idea he had ever had… But now Nico can't really see how that would go down, can't imagine it wouldn't be a complete catastrophe.
Like any other scenario they came up with. Some are too over the top, and would make Martino feel uncomfortable. Some are too dull, and would be an ill match to Niccolò's eccentricity.
Someone had to take the matter into their hands, and it wasn't like Silvia had done a bad job with the very little input she had from the grooms.
Maybe they could settle for this?
Or maybe not.
Martino refused to make this day, their day, about anyone else but themselves.
His in-laws were probably going to hate him for this, as firm believers of a time and a place for spontaneity, and their own friends were surely going to hold it against them for the next fifty years or so… but who cared?
Not him. Not when he was witnessing the first real smile of the week from Niccolò, merely by showing up on his old bike.
"Get on." It took him some fumbling, since a tight fitting tuxedo wasn't really the best attire for riding a bike, but eventually he managed to sit comfortably behind Martino.
"Where are we going?" He asked, presuming to be filled in about Marti's plan for the next few hours.
"Wherever the fuck we want." Martino said, instead, refusing to tell Niccolò anything concerning their destination. Or what they would do, once they reached it.
It didn't take too long to get to a church that Niccolò knew all too well. He had often joked about getting married in its crypt, surrounded by skulls and chandeliers made of human bones. Too bad it was hardly ever opened to the public, and totally unavailable for any kind of celebration.
"And how exactly are you planning to get in?" He inquired, walking over to the locked door.
"I might have asked Filippo to make me a copy of the key, when he got one for his photography project. Off the record." Because he knew Niccolò would love to stroll through the building undisturbed. Taking in its macabre allure, appreciating the fleeting nature of his own existence.
"Uh… Martino Rametta breaking the law by owning something he's not supposed to? A man after my own heart, I must say."
"I thought I already had it. Your heart, I mean." He commented, offhandedly, as he cursed and kicked against the rusty old door. "Oh, come on! Jesus! You were working just fine last time!"
"And this wonderful hint of blasphemy, right in front of a church. Wow." Niccolò reached out for him, then, pinning his open palm onto his own chest. "You're not mistaken, by the way. This has been yours for years."
"Same here." Marti turned to take his hand, and l let him feel how fast his heart was beating.
And then, as Marti was leaning in for a kiss, Nico moved back and brazenly snatched the keys.
"You know I've got the magic touch. Don't know whether it's in the fingers on in the wrists…"
"You better leave those innuendo at the door, Ni."
"Or what? You'll punish me, Father? You'll drag me into one of the confessionals and…"
… and he might had been tempted to do that, to drop on his knees and worship this man… Before he was basically challenged to reign in his wildest fantasies. Oh, he knew Niccolò wouldn't even try to play fair but still… He was so going to win this.
"... and then?" The kids asked, trying to get Mr. David's attention.
"Mh?" He had been distracted by an old lady coming to congratulate him on finally tying the knot a couple of weeks before. Shoelaces were a challenge for anyone, indeed, so it made sense he got praised for achieving that goal… Even though it took him so many years.
And that hadn't been the only interruption. For same weird reason their parents kept butting in to tell them shouldn't bother Mr. Fares. Or his 'partner'. They don't say 'husband', for some reason. Despite it being the word David uses for Michelangelo.
Grown up are so, so dumb.
"You ran away from your own wedding, got to a spooky church… and then? What happened?"
"Did you find a body and have to solve a murder?"
"I'm afraid not. We walked inside, and I read him my vows. He gave me his. I can show them to you, if you'd like? I always carry them in my pocket." Most didn't quite understand what was so great about two stick figures on a badly drawn giraffe, but the words written on the side sounded nice. Especially the closing line.
Per quanta strada abbiam fatto, e per quanta ancora ce n'è da fare… Amo già il finale.
"Booooring! I bet you went back to the ranch for the actual ceremony, after that?"
"Wrong. Remember that I started telling you all about this day because Meni asked what was the biggest prank I've ever pulled on my friends and family… That's it: making them all believe they would see US getting married and then have two other people saying 'I do' that afternoon. And this day I'm still quite proud I could pull that off. And so is my husband. I mean, our old folks were THIS close to believe we had been kidnapped."
Impressive. Kind of. Perhaps grown up can be cool, once in a blue moon?
"Ni? Nico? Earth to Niccolò Fares?" Not fair! He was a grown up! Why was he getting sweets before dinner?
"Yeah yeah, I can hear you loud and clear Marti." He gulped down his candies in a heartbeat. And then gave him a quick kiss, saying "Thanks, love."
Huh? Nico? Marti? Then why their moms - and a couple of their dads - referred to him as Michelangelo's David?
Grown ups are so, so weird.
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The Truth You Can’t Hide IV

Chapter 4 [The Truth You Can’t Hide MASTERLIST]
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 ongoing
You did it so well for six years. You’ve hid your son from the biggest threat of his life. But one mishap led to the biggest secret in your life being face to face with the man you’ve kept him away from all these years - his father.
Mafia!AU, Angst.
Each muscle of your feet started to ache as the clock struck eight, the current case the law firm you worked as a paralegal in required you to go overtime. You’ve had an internal agreement with yourself to stay in the firm and distance yourself from Junmyeon’s line of work, as you know that his two separate businesses will always coincide with the other - and you wouldn’t want both of Jaejin’s parents to have an indecent track record.
Only a few lights are lit at this time of the night, most of your officemates already in the comforts of their own home and family. An empty sigh of exhaustion escaped your lips as you sat back on your chair, freeing your feet from the tormenting heels before neatly stacking and organizing the paperwork left on your table. Organizing the case files by urgency as you plan to get your hands on it eagerly the first thing tomorrow.
“Did Mr. Goo request you on overtime again? You should take a rest.” A sudden voice spoke behind you, making you turn around. You see Atty. Zhang, one of the associate lawyers in the firm. His cripst white dress shirt neatly tucked in his black pants as he leaned over the table next to yours.
“No, Sir. I did it voluntarily. I’m really absorbed on this recent case.” You said with a light chuckle, trying your best to hide your fatigue from the day.
You heard him take light footsteps on the way closer to your desk, eventually you saw Atty. Zhang’s hands over the pile of paperwork on your desk. “Is this the one regarding the sexual harrasment case of that actor…” He snapped his fingers three times, apparently thinking about the name that’s on the tip of his tongue. “Seojoon? Bang Seo Joon?”
“Yes, I’ve been re-reading his sworn statements and the victim’s.” You stated as he read through the pages of the case file.
“This file’s been through a lot.” He said, smiling over the littered highlights and notations you’ve made all throughout the paper. “Now tell me if there’s anything you’ve found. Are we on the losing end here?”
“There has been inconsistencies with the victim’s sworn statements. Like how she said that Mr. Bang and her met around dinner at that Monday, but she has also stated that her shift as a waitress ends at closing time. She had once said that he went on a date with Mr. Bang on a Tuesday the week prior, so both Monday and Tuesday couldn’t have been her off days. And the timeline of the alleged harassment doesn’t quite add up. There’s a lot of lapses here and there.”
“You’ve really put your mind on this haven’t you? I’m impressed. Poor SeoJoon must’ve been framed.” He said smiling at you, the wells of his cheeks showing as adorable dimples as he shone his bright teeth in amazement. “But you need to rest for now, the case can wait for another day, don’t you think?”
“I’m actually on my way out.” You explained as your hands tidied your desk a bit more, putting the scattered pens and pencils back on the green holder just on the corner of the black modern table.
“I’ll come with you, then.” Mr. Zhang said with a hearty smile.
Your way down the building was filled with short talks, including of which where he asked you to plainly call him Yixing as the both of you are in the same age. It would be an understatement to describe him as attractive, he’s magnetic - naturally absorbing every attention and respect by everyone graced by his presence. Yet oddly humble despite being aware of his huge presence. Yixing know how enticing he is, yet he doesn’t impose the fact on anyone. Just letting his trait speak for itself.
“Where are you parked?” He asked, suddenly rising from your shared laughters as you both walk out of the building.
“I take a cab to work.” You answered simply as a matter of fact.
“Are you serious?” Yixing responded in shock, “Do they really pay paralegals that low here?”
“No, it’s just that I haven’t had time yet to renew my license and fix papers for a new car, you know. It’s a hassle.” You explained.
“Lucky you tonight, “cause I’m morally obliged to give you a ride.” He said lightheartedly, his chuckle low and baritone that it just lingers in your ear.
“You don’t need to.” You waved your hands to accentuate your declination, yet the smile on his eyes told you that he’s insisting.
“Who told you I’m taking no for an answer?” And with his bright smile emphasised with his charming dimples, you wouldn’t even dare to say no.
Only a few minutes in the ride, your phone flashed with a text from Junmyeon. Reading that he and Jaejin are out for dinner in a nearby restaurant and that as per your son’s request, both of them are waiting for you.
“You know that Japanese restaurant near the station?” You asked Yixing, to which he answered a simple yes. “Can you drop me off there instead? Someone just texted and I’ll be meeting them there.”
“Sure thing.” He responded with a chuckle, which stirred a confused look from you on the shotgun seat. “I almost thought you’d ask me out for dinner there.”
His implication made you blush, something that you haven’t experienced for a while. “I’m sorry to get your hopes up.” You said with a chuckle rhyming his.
“Too bad for me, I guess.” Another few laughters was all that you shared while he drove silently. Not yet developing a dynamic beyond being coworkers resulted in an odd silent tension between the two of you. As if feeling that both parties want to speak yet not finding the courage to do so.
“How long have you been working in the firm again?” Yixing spoke, finally ending the tormenting ill-at-ease silence.
“Barely three months.” You answered as-a-matter-of-fact.
“That’s odd.” He simply remarked, sensing a sheer curiosity on the tone of his voice. You expressed a simple hum in the guise of an inquiry. “I mean, three months yet as far as I remember this is the first time we talked properly. Aside from you asking me for staples, of course.”
The growing blush on your cheeks finally bloomed when he spoke of that incident. It was the early weeks of your job in the firm, hardly even familiar to everyone in the workplace. Marking probably the first time you noted of Yixing’s existence, his youthful appearance made you think he was just one of the interns or a paralegal. Atty. Goo was a man who values his time, one that is always in a rush that’s why being assigned in his team challenged you. That day, you were running late for work - your cousin who was supposed to take care of Jaejin was a quarter of an hour late arriving at your home. You carried the files, or bundles of paper which aren’t stapled to Atty. Goo’s liking just yet. That’s when you came across him, carrying his leather suitcase and a cup of coffee, just when panic started to kick in.
“Uhm.. Hi!” You waved your right hand as your left hand tightly gripped the bunches of papers, your feet dashing in front of him. “I’m new here, as much as I would like to do a proper introduction Mr. Goo needs these papers almost five minutes ago, so could you be my savior and lend me some staples?” You tried to flash your sweetest smile, maybe charming people would still work.
“Hold a second.” He answered with his pearly white, magazine cover teeth showed. Probably laughing at how ridiculous you look for your new job. He put down his still steaming cup of coffee on the table nearest to the both of you, before scanning his bag for the said tool. Retrieving a few staple pins in his bag a few seconds later. “This enough?”
“Yes! Thank you so much!” You rushed and not-so-carefully put the pages of case files and statements on the same table. Loading your stapler with the pins and organizing the pages by its groups.
The moment you finished the dreaded task, the striking man was long gone by your side. And you quickly rushed to Atty. Goo’s room, politely apologizing for the delay as you laid down the papers at his desk.
It was later that day that you discovered that the man you ambushed for staples earlier was no intern, nor a paralegal. Just outside Atty. Goo’s room, you saw the office that has been unoccupied for the first few days you’ve been there at the firm. They said that Atty. Zhang was back at China for personal reasons. And now he’s obviously back, and missing a few staple pins in his arsenal.
“Don’t bring that back! Please.” You covered your face from his sight with your left hand in embarrassment. “It was so awkward for me to talk to you afterwards.”
“It wasn’t a big deal, really. I found it oddly adorable, even.” Yixing noted. “I mean, I don’t look that old enough to be one of the lawyers, don’t I?” He said, a notion of cockiness evident in his statement.
And he was just being truthful, the firm was filled by tenured and accomplished lawyers already in their 50’s. It was a shock to learn that he was among them. A tall, singularly handsome and well versed young lawyer already making his mark in the city.
“This is the place, isn’t it?” He pointed to the right, a remarkably cosmopolitan Japanese restaurant in the wealthiest areas of Seoul. “Are you going on a date? This seems to be too extravagant for a simple dinner. Expensive taste.”
“It’s not a date. Easy to say that this person I’m meeting is a little bit too loaded in their bank account.” You said lightheartedly, to which Yixing also responded with a light laughter. “Thanks for the ride, Yixing.”
Before your hand even opened the door, he was able to hold you back by speaking again. “I was wondering if I could keep my hopes up and actually take you out for dinner some time.”
Your eyes almost widened at his indication. “Is this dinner in line of work or…”
“A date? Most preferably so.” He answered as his fingers lightly played with the steering wheel, signifying uneasiness or even nervousness.
“Does that oh means you acknowledge my statement or does it indicate that you’re declining the proposal?” Yixing’s choice of words made you feel like a defendant in inquisition.
“It meant that oh, I didn’t expect to be in the receiving end of such proposal. But I’ll keep the offer in mind.” You playfully reciprocated his legalese tone.
“How long would the processing take?” Yixing asked back.
“Three working days.”
“Noted, see you on Friday?” He replied, understanding what you meant quicker than lightning. He flashed his charmingly irresistible smile yet again that made you flash one in return.
“See you, Atty. Zhang.”
The dinner was spent with Jaejin’s juvenile astonishment over the fact that fish can be eaten raw. Despite the fact that you haven’t allowed him to eat sashimi just yet, he was already looking forward on the day you’ll let him do so, settling on a good bowl of traditional and expensive ramen. And it’s in these times that you realize how close the two have gotten. How Jaejin and Junmyeon would share inside jokes that would leave you wondering on your own. The fact that the two already have bonded this tight relationship between the two of them that no one can penetrate. And that’s still in spite of Jaejin’s lack of knowledge regarding who Junmyeon really is in his life.
And you’d be lying if you don’t admit to yourself that your life has been easier with Junmyeon in it again. You don’t even have to work the long hours just to make sure that you’ll be able to save enough money for Jaejin’s future while still making all ends meet. Junmyeon already opened a trust fund under your son’s name. The hassle of looking for someone to take care of him while at work was now long gone, with Jaejin having his own sitters that Junmyeon grew up with himself. He was already taking the majority of the parental roles even before he was formally introduced as his father.
“Goodnight, Mama. I love you.” Jaejin declared with a youthful smile on his face just after he finished his nightly prayer. To which you answered the same sentiments before kissing his forehead and eventually walking out of the room.
It was agreed upon you and Junmyeon for you to take the guest room. As Jaejin is now old enough to sleep on his own. And your habitual over time at work could cause a sense of discomfort to Jaejin if he’s still dependent at your presence for sleep.
You were stunned to see Junmyeon standing outside Jaejin’s room after you shut the door. “Oh, Hi.”
“Hey.” He answered thriftily. A few seconds have passed and nobody dared to talk, and all you were able to muster was raising your eyebrows.
“Who were you with earlier?” Junmyeon asked curiously.
“Huh? What?” You didn’t quite catch what he was pertaining to.
“Who dropped you off earlier? I recognized that a Tesla was too extra to be just a cab.” You tried to sense any hint of emotion in his voice yet it just came off as a casual question.
“Oh, it was someone from work.” You started walking, your steps rhyming with the cadence of his feet.
“Workmate or… you know, someone.” He stalled, and you understand the connotation.
“Workmate that kind of just expressed that he wanted to take me out on a date. Kinda.” You couldn’t help but chuckle as you remember that Yixing, an eligible bachelor as one could get, has just asked you out on a date.
“So.. are you going?” Junmyeon’s eyes shrunk in curiosity.
“Yeah. I mean he’s nice, undoubtedly attractive. Would be dumb to not give him a shot don’t you think?” You replied, still wearing a smile on your face.
“I mean, you look excited. So I guess why not.” Junmyeon smiled back, but something in your guts just told you that it was visibly forced.
“We wouldn’t have a problem with us having relationships right?” You tested the waters, as this relationship - cohabitation, coparenting, or whatever the two of you shared surely need to be clarified with bounds soon.
“Yeah, yeah. No worries. We could go both live our lives, of course with Jaejin as priority.”
“Of course. Another thing, I don’t think this would last much anyway. He doesn’t know yet that I have a son, whatever this is would probably end once he knows. I’ll just consider it as a dry run whether or not I still have it in me to be something for someone.” You continued as both of you approached the hallway where you would eventually part ways.
“If he does that, it means he’s an asshole. And it will be his loss, his great loss.” Junmyeon smiled briefly and noticeably faint.
You cleaned your hands on the apron that hung on your neck, dusting its material with a good amount of flour. Finally lining the pan with butter before pouring in the mix and eventually letting nature do its thing once you put it inside the preheated oven. Sitting on the chair at the kitchen island and a lonesome red juicy apple in hand, you just let yourself to detach from reality as you relaxed. The piling paperwork slowly creeping up your sanity, and your only solace was Jaejin’s hugs at night - and maybe the few jubilant smiles that you and Yixing share at work.
The past two days saw a rise of interactions between the two of you. Earlier, he even dropped by your desk to give a thoughtful warm cup of coffee when he saw you taking piles of papers head on. And Yixing’s brand new presence is your life is refreshing. To relinquish that juvenile feeling of excitement is a good thing to feel every once in a while, and for you it’s really been a while.
“How’s parent life with ex holding up?” Your quiet thoughts were invaded by a man who you didn’t notice sit in front of you.
“Minseok. I didn’t see you there.” You said, your widened eyes by shock looking at his feline features.
“I could tell, pretty sure that apple’s gone dizzy from rolling over your hands too much.” He joked, where you answered a laugh to. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. How’s things?”
“Well, obviously a lot has changed since you’ve last seen me.” And the last time he has seen you, aside from the unfateful meeting at the mall, was more recent than anyone would expect.
“Yeah, I mean he walks now.” Minseok lightly tapped his fingers on the granite countertop. “Last time I saw him he still needs to be carried everywhere.” You just smiled at the thought, before he continued. “And the biggest change could be the fact that Jun knows now.”
“Probably the biggest change.” You replied.
The scorching heat of Los Angeles hasn’t gotten into your system yet. Your palms and back sweaty and tired from carrying all the grocery bags which you held with much caution. You’re body’s carrying too much, all these produce, milk cartons, and of course the baby that’s growing in your stomach. Struggling to put down the bags as you couldn’t quickly squat, you curse yourself again for deciding to go through this alone.
“Need some help?” An oddly familiar voice presented itself beside you, making a chill run down your spine. He couldn’t be here, he shouldn’t be here.
“Minseok…” You said in shock, your hands quickly lowering the grocery bags in an attempt to hide your 20 weeks pregnant stomach.
“Let me get that, Y/N.” He stepped forward as he softly retrieved the grocery bags from your hands. Your stunned figure unable to protest nor to say anything. “Could you open your door now?”
“Yeah…” You answered with a nod, still unable to process his presence while getting your keys from your shoulder bag.
Still silent, you both entered your small apartment. Barely decent enough for the way you were brought up. But this is all that you have now, and it’s better than nothing. The past four months were the hardest for you. A twenty two year old expectant mother cut off by her influential family and left alone to live and make ends meet in a foreign land. Tough luck, tough life, you thought.
“Where should I put these milk, in the fridge or…” Minseok asked yet you’re quick to cut him off.
“Did he send you here?” You looked in his easily distinguishable eyes, now painted with imminent confusion. “Junmyeon, did he send you here?”
“Send me? I’m not his employee.” He answered with a short almost humorless laugh. “I’ve been in LA for business the past few weeks. Didn’t expect to see you while doing groceries, found a familiar face, so I trailed you down. Too creepy?”
“Does he know?” You asked, not bothering with the small courtesies as you were more nervous of the possibilities of finding him here.
“Where you’re at? Probably. He probably still keeps track of you.” Your breath hitched at Minseok’s response. “That you’re pregnant? I highly doubt. If he does, he wouldn’t let you live alone in this barely modest apartment.”
Your hand uncontrollably caressed your bump, a sense of protectiveness flowing all over you. “Would you tell him?”
“Not if you don’t want me to.” There was sincerity in his voice, and you know Minseok is a man of his words. “Junmyeon is my friend, but you are too.”
He slowly walked over your form that just sat on the sofa. “But first you need to make me understand why you left him and why you’re living in this…” He looked around the bare white walls, the undeniable lack of furnishings and decor “..sad excuse for a home, with no offense meant.”
“Suho.” You dryly answered with almost a whisper, folds forming in his face in your response. “I didn’t leave Junmyeon. I left Suho. Whatever he is, I don’t want my son to do anything with him.”
“You know, don’t you?” You asked him again even before he was able to form any answer.
“I…” He started off, still processing any suitable answer. “I am aware of that, yes.” He slowly nodded, finally sitting down the uncomfortable wooden chair in front of you. “How did you…”
“Your friend was stupid enough to leave a folder full of transactions where I could read it.” You answered bitterly, still unable to accept the harsh truth behind the man you so dearly loved.
“Does he know that you… know?” Minseok was obviously careful in choosing his words, not wanting to upset a pregnant friend.
“You think I’ll be here if he’s aware that I know his dirty secret?” You said with a humorless laugh. “I don’t think I’d even be alive if so.”
“Come on, it’s not the best money maker but Junmyeon wouldn’t kill you. Not in a million years.” You just responded by shaking your head. “But, why are you here? And why in a place like this? I mean, it’s nice that you’re independent. But… isn’t this a little too low for your taste?”
“My parents cut me off when they discovered I’m pregnant. I begged them not to tell Junmyeon, had to make an excuse in my own expense just for them to not to lash it out on him. Told them the baby wasn’t his, a result of a drunken one night stand at a high end bar. Told me I was a disgrace for letting such a man as Junmyeon go, called me a whore for being pregnant with a random stranger. So I guess here I am.” A bitter taste still lingers in your mouth as you relayed what hell you’ve went through.
“But you don’t need to go through all of these, you could tell Junmyeon and..” You decided to cut him off even before he finishes his ill advice.
“And have my child live off the money he makes by breaking the law and ruining people’s lives? I’d rather stay here, Min.” You stated, not even considering to bend your moral compass.
He just sat there, an uncomfortable silence grew between the two of you as he struggled to digest the information. Minseok looked as if he’s thinking for an advice he could give or any action he could take.
“I wouldn’t tell Junmyeon, I wouldn’t tell anyone in one condition.” He finally spoke, which you just nodded for him to proceed. “Let me help you. You’re still my friend, and Junmyeon is my friend, it would be rightful for me to help your child. I can’t let you stay here knowing a baby is on the way.”
“Another thing, you couldn’t stay here any longer. Junmyeon probably has his men tracked on you, and you need to lose them before your belly grows too much to hide. I know a place.”
Minseok kept in contact with you, and he kept his promise too. There has hardly been any indication that Junmyeon was aware of your whereabouts, or the fact that he knocked you up. Minseok was even the one to help you arrange fees in the hospital when you gave birth. He’s an heir to a trademarked coffee shop line that has hundreds of branches so you took no guilt in accepting his offer.
“We kinda lost contact after Jaejin turned two. What happened?” He asked, swirling the contents of his glass making a sound of ice and water splashing around.
“Found a guy, he served as Jaejin’s father at that time. So I figured that I should cut all possible ties with my ex.” You answered, still playing with the unfortunate apple with your right hand.
“Fair enough, I guess. You could only think of how shocked I am to see you in that mall. I don’t even know that you’re back here. I had no idea that I didn’t even think that child was Jaejin.” He suddenly said lightheartedly.
“Maybe it was inevitable.” You answered with a deep sigh.
“Yeah, it was bound to happen.” He replied back. “But he’s doing a great job as a father now, isn’t he? He’s nailing it.”
“I guess. He and Jaejin are inseparable now.” You said, accompanied by a slight chuckle.
“If it makes any difference…” He started as he stood up from his seat, leaving the now empty glass on the countertop. “The gifts were from Junmyeon. Tricked him with the fact that I signed him up as a foster father overseas to help him recover from you. So that’s pretty much it, until next time.” And with that, he left you alone in the kitchen still waiting for the cake to finish. And wondering about the what ifs and what could’ve beens.
The red-bottomed black stiletto heels that you had for years now fitted your feet perfectly as you cautiously walked down the pathway of an exclusive and undeniably expensive Chinese restaurant. The splendid and effeminate white dress clinging to your body in ways that made you feel confident to be in such a place.
“Reservation under Mr. Zhang?” You told the receptionist that wore a red cheongsam. She asked your name for confirmation before she asked one of the butlers to lead you to one of the distant tables.
And there you saw Yixing Zhang, clad in a wonderfully simple black blazer and white dress shirt. A humble outfit that only made his stature and facial features pop out from feet away. The place was exquisite yet he seemingly outshined all crystal chandeliers and golden adorned walls.
“You look fantastic.” He stood up from his seat as he kissed your hand, a trail of electricity climbing up your cheeks resulting to an unconcealable blush.
“You, too.” You answered as he pulled a seat for you. And they say that chivalry is dead but the epitome of a gentleman was living and breathing in front of you.
“Isn’t this a bit too much?” You whispered, a tad bit ashamed at the immense effort.
“I figured that you have a bit of expensive taste. It’s just right to be on your best foot at the first date, right?” Yixing answered, a smile slowly forming on his face and his eyes adorably forming a smile as he does so.
He willingly and enthusiastically introduced you to a myriad of chinese cuisine. Chatting over his childhood back in his motherland that was sparked in remembrance over the presence of cua pao and char siu. The funny stories of his nameless cat and his fond memories shared with his beloved mother. How he transferred from China to Korea for the better law education, and you just willingly listened and admired how animated his hands become while he speaks about something he’s passionate about. Waving his hands around as he hold his chopsticks makes him seem so alive and vibrant, yet his face still tells a story of seriousness and sincerity as a result of his years of law practice.
“How about you? Why stop on being a paralegal? Haven’t you dreamt of pursuing law school?” Yixing asked with his eyes full of earnest intent to listen. And you feel your mood slip down, if the tables have turned and you’re now the subject, it was inevitable to admit who you really are - a mother. And you’re scared of losing this spark that you’re enjoying once he knows the truth.
“That has been my lifelong dream, honestly. But things came up, change of plans…” You delayed your revelation. It’s not that you’re ashamed of Jaejin, it’s more of being afraid of being deemed unworthy over again.
“What change of plans?” He asked as he wiped the sweet and sour sauce on his lips with the table napkin.
“Got pregnant.” You answered simply, trying to put it lightly.
Yixing visibly stalled in front of you, trying hard to digest the bomb you just dropped. And you understand his shock, it’s not the first time a promising date went downhill by the fact. But it still made you a tad bit sad that Yixing’s not an exception.
“Dealbreaker?” You tried to chuckle. “I’m sorry for dropping the truth a bit too late. This dinner was going well but I couldn’t let it go on without you knowing.” You shook your head.
“What? No! It’s not a dealbreaker. It’s… awesome.” Yixing’s charm filled dimples presented itself yet again while he smiled. “I just… I didn’t expect you to be a mother. You don’t look like one just yet.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” You said with a smile.
“So how old is he.. He or she?” He asked again, and you could feel like he was sincerely interested in talking about Jaejin. “Wait, you’re not married right?”
“Jaejin, my son, is 6 years old. And yes, I’m not married.” You said with a smile.
“I know this is a sensitive subject but, where’s Jaejin’s father?”
“We live with him, just for the past few months. But we’re not together. We’re civil just for the sake of Jaejin.” You explained.
“So, coparenting?” He asked again.
“Yes, I think you could call it like that.” You answered again, and a period of short silence enveloped the two of you before you spoke again. “Is it really okay with you? I mean, I totally understand if it puts you off I-”
“No! I promise it’s not a problem for me. It made me even more interested in you, really. It painted a whole new aspect of you for me, stronger.” Yixing had a happy tone which made you breathe in relief. “Right now I’m just really looking forward on the day I meet Jaejin.”
And it was needless to say that put a smile on your face and lit a new fire in your heart.
“Is this where you live?” Yixing asked as the automated gates of Junmyeon’s mansion open and he started driving in. You answered a silent yup, trying to digest the clashing of worlds, the new one just ever so casually driving his car in the turf of your old. “So this is your ex’s place?”
“Yeah.” You answered with a low breath.
“You’re uncomfortable?” He asked with a chuckle. “Yeah, me too. This is unusual.” He remarked as he parked right at the front of the huge carved wood main doors and the large white marble fountain.
“So, thank you for tonight?” Yixing spoke again. “And I sincerely hope this wouldn’t be the last. I mean it.”
“I don’t think it would be.” You answered comfortably.
Yixing went out of the car and around to your door as he opened it. The manly smell of his perfume overtaking your senses and now your face is only a few inches from his. You could almost feel your face gravitate to his until a voice called your name behind him.
“Junmyeon…” You quickly fixed the way you stood and closed the door of his car. “This is.. This is,” Your hands moved in an awkward way.
“Attorney Zhang.” Junmyeon suddenly muttered, finishing your sentence for himself.
“Mr. Kim, it’s been a while.” And you swear you could feel the tension rise between the two as you stood there mind boggled on the fact that they’re aware of each other’s existence. Like two overlapping circles on a venn diagram.
“You know each other?” You cluelessly asked, head turning back and forth between the two men who had their eyes intensely looking at each other, almost boring a hole at each other’s heads.
“You could say that we have a bit of a history.” Yixing answered, a dry smile trying to facade the growing friction reflected in his eyes.
#junmyeon#junmyeon imagine#junmyeon fanfic#Suho#suho imagine#exo imagine#exo fanfic#exo suho#exo mafia
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Charming Instruction
Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Supernatural, Wolf Au
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader
Summary: You were just an average, everyday college student desperately trying to graduate. Only one more year stood between you and that celebratory walk. However, due to an oversight by your adviser, it seemed that the one class you never wanted to take was required to take that walk. It wasn’t the subject matter that made you uncomfortable. It was the teacher. Your heart sped up every time you saw him and you didn’t want that distraction in your life, attractive or not. With meeting him now an inevitability, you swore that you would keep your hormones in check. But after your first day of class, a series of hi jinks and weird situations lead you to discovering the secret of your professor and why he seemed to bombard your every thought.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I Final
Junmyeon didn’t lead you too far into the woods. He stuck to the tree line, pulling you in close once he was leaning up against a sizable trunk that kept you somewhat hidden from the house. Hands resting on your hips, he leaned his forehead on yours and sighed deeply.
You could tell he was still stressing over the meeting. Perhaps he was expecting more concern and questioning from the pack rather than the nonchalant reception that was bestowed upon him instead. While you didn’t know the boys all that well, they all seemed to give off that carefree vibe, which was possibly be the bane of Junmyeon’s existence, if you had to guess. But that probably just came with the territory of being a leader. And being the mate of the leader, you figured it was your job to help him stop worrying.
“Just give them a little time,” you reassured him as you rubbed his arms. “Soon, they’ll take it more seriously. It’s just because the information is so vague at this time, they don’t know what to be cautious of. So, they blow it off rather than stressing about something they have no control over.”
Junmyeon pouted, squeezing your sides. “Then why am I stressing about it?”
“Well, I don’t know too much about werewolf pack dynamics….” You scrunched your face mischievously, “But I’m pretty sure it has to do with the fact that you’re the leader and it’s kind of your job to worry over every little thing.”
“I do not worry about every little thing,” he protested.
This was coming from the same person who didn’t tell you the truth about the connection between the two of you because he was overthinking on whether or not you would hightail it out of here and leave him in the dust. Granted, you didn’t give him much hope for any other outcome, but still.
You held your thumb and index finger up, leaving a minuscule amount of space in between. “You do. Just a little bit.”
Junmyeon opened his mouth to argue, but then closed it, sighing heavily. “Okay. Maybe a little. But someone has to worry about these things or else we’ll all be doomed.”
“Well, then I guess it’s a good thing that you’re the leader instead of one of the others.”
He let out a short laugh. “Well, me and Kris. And it was nice that he-”
A little over the current discussion, you simply pressed your lips against Junmyeon’s for a quick kiss to stop his talking. Well, it was supposed to be a quick kiss.
Catching the back of your neck with his hand before you could pull away, Junmyeon deepened the display of affection, taking full advantage of the isolation. Under your palms that were resting on his chest, you could feel his content purr vibrating both you and him. The sensation made you giggle. Junmyeon broke off the kiss at the sound.
“What’s so funny?” he murmured, frowning at you.
“You’re like a cat,” you chuckled. Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say.
Junmyeon scoffed, the corners of his mouth turning up in astonishment. His eyes turned back to you, “Do you realize how insulting that is?”
“Um, sorry?” you snorted. He did not find it as funny. “It’s not my fault! You were purring!”
“I was happy! I can’t control it!” he whined.
You rolled your eyes. “I was just saying that it was cute!”
“Hardly the word I want to hear in the middle of kissing you,” he grumbled.
Stepping back, you crossed your arms, just staring at him. He kept pouting, just making him even cuter.
It was ridiculous. The big alpha wolf wanted to be seen as anything but cute. But he made it hard with that fluffy brown hair, puckered lips, and big, round brown eyes gazing at you. You almost wanted to snap a picture of it, but that didn’t feel appropriate in the moment. Honestly, it felt silly, him taking offense to that four letter word, but it wasn’t worth starting an argument.
You threw your hands up. “Okay. Fine. I won’t call you cute anymore. Never again. I will purge that word from my vocabulary unless I’m talking about a puppy or small child.”
Junmyeon’s eyebrows shot up to nearly his hairline. “I didn’t say that.”
Narrowing your eyes and smirking, you teased, “So, you do want me to call you cute?”
He shrugged, hands in his pockets. “I wouldn’t mind it under certain circumstances. Just not when I’m kissing you. Because that makes me want to show you exactly how not ‘cute’ I can be.”
Now that kind of had you taken back. “Are you sure you’re a college professor? Because you are acting a bit more more like a college boy right now.”
With a predatory gleam in those russet eyes, Junmyeon stalked towards you. Instinctively, you stumbled back until your back hit a tree, the curved edges of the bark piercing your shoulder blades.
Your breath quicken and you couldn’t stop the audible gulp in your throat from how much like a wolf he being. That reaction seemed to just egg Junmyeon on. He didn’t stop until the space between you was completely gone, a hand on each side of your hip to keep you in place. His lips were right against your ear as he whispered, “I’m only a professor on campus.”
Oh, that’s not good.
Junmyeon nibbled at your ear before moving down to your neck. You giggled anxiously. He’d never gone this far before. What really made you nervous was the fact that you didn’t want to stop.
“Junmyeon! Junmyeon, are you out here?!”
Junmyeon growled, slamming a fist into the bark above your head. “Oh, for crying out loud.”
You snorted, covering your mouth when Junmyeon shot you a look.
Chanyeol and Jongin came running through the trees. You straightened up, hoping that there was no evidence of what you and Junmyeon were doing left on your face.
“What is it?” Junmyeon asked grumpily. You could tell he was trying to remain calm and not be irritated at the boys in case it was a real emergency.
“Sorry to barge in,” Jongin actually looked really guilty, which made you want this whole thing end even quicker, “but no one can find Tao. Did he run past here?”
Junmyeon shook his head. “No, we haven’t. Why?”
“No one can find him,” Chanyeol explained. “He stormed off after the meeting. He seemed really pissed.”
“That’s not good.” Junmyeon ran a hand through his hair before glancing at you. Turning back to the other wolves, he asked, “Did you see what direction he took off in?”
“He went out the front door,” Jongin replied.
“So, you think he went into town?” Junmyeon guessed.
Chanyeol shrugged. “Maybe? And you know Tao when he’s mad. He doesn’t really have the best control.”
You could see how reluctant Junmyeon was to be the leader, to go after his wayward member, but it was an instinct that he couldn’t ignore.
“I guess I’ll go track him down,” Junmyeon sighed.
“I need to go back into town anyway,” you inserted. Maybe if you were the one to take him, he’d be less pouty about it.
“Luhan wants to go with you,” Chanyeol added. “Said if anything, he can drag Tao to the empty bar while he does opening work.”
Junmyeon nodded. “Okay, then. Let’s go.”
The four of you headed inside, grabbing Luhan before splitting off and going back outside to your car.
It wasn’t a very chatty car ride. Luhan stayed quiet in the back seat while Junmyeon held your hand from the passenger’s seat. He made random comments about the area’s history or how the road needed repaving every once in a while.
Apparently, Tao preferred to hang out downtown, so that’s where you dropped the two wolves off. You told Junmyeon that he could find you at the museum once he was done. When he questioned why you would go there, you simply shrugged and said to kill time.
That wasn’t entirely a lie. You really did like to spend free time at the museum, wandering around and trying to find new pieces to memorize.
But today you had a little mission.
Even though Junmyeon said he’d already gone through the little book of his family’s history, you thought that maybe a fresh pair of eyes could pick up some new clues.
Mrs. Kang wasn’t surprised to see you at all when she saw you in the main lobby. Junmyeon had told you earlier in the week that he had you added to the very limited list of people with access to the back room. Mrs. Kang handed you a key card with no hesitation and left you to go on your merry way. Getting a pair of cotton gloves from the supply closet, you buckled yourself down at the table in Junmyeon’s secret room after carefully taking out the book from its resting place.
You flipped through the pages slowly, gliding your eyes over the heavily faded words. Some paragraphs were almost completely illegible from the old ink wearing away with age. One particularly worn page caught your eye about halfway through the book. The edges were particularly feathered and torn, giving you the impression that this page’s contents were immensely important in the past. Almost all the writing was gone on the pages, but certain words you were able to make out.
Future encounters.
At the very bottom of the page, underneath the missing information was a familiar looking symbol still present enough to make out. It was a circle overlapping three points. That could be the clue you were looking for in order to keep the pack - Junmyeon’s family - safe. But where did you take it from here?
Junmyeon came to the museum about forty-five minutes later, finding you in the “caveman” section, as Cam liked to describe it.
“Finding anything new and interesting?” he teased as he came up behind you, encircling his arms around your waist.
You shrugged lazily. “Perhaps. Did you find Tao?”
Junmyeon scoffed. “Yeah, he’s been found. But he’d ran off in the forest, not to town. Apparently, he just ran in a different direction than where we were.”
“Poor leader.” You turned around in his arms, linking your own around his neck. “It’s so hard being you.”
That just made him roll his eyes. “You’re so mean to me.”
You motioned to exit with your head. “Come on. Since I’m so mean, dinner’s on me.”
Junmyeon made his impressed face, the kind he made when a student in class gave him an answer he wasn’t expecting. “I like that idea. And I think I know just the place.”
Triquetragirl49: I’m glad that the new article helped!
Archaeology4life: It was a great read! Thank you!
Triquetragirl49: How’s the paper coming?
Archaeology4life: Not too bad! Teacher’s a hardass, though. Lol
Triquetragirl49: Well, hopefully he’ll at least enjoy your paper on irish werewolves.
Archaeology4life: Fingers crossed! If I don’t get an A, I might have to complain to the dean. Jk
Triquetragirl49: Remind me again why you were focusing on that subject?
Archaeology4life: I just came across something about werewolves and a connection to the triquetra in some research. I was surprised that they were both related to protection.
Triquetragirl49: Kind of related. Werewolves were still considered dangerous and best for everyone to stay away from them.
Triquetragirl49: At least, according to the legends, that is. Considering they’re not real!
Archaeology4life: I’m sure if wolves were real, they wouldn’t be dangerous.
Triquetragirl49: You never know. There’s a lot of scary stories out there lol.
Archaeology4life: Yeah… you’re right lol
Archaeology4life: Thank you again!
Triquetragirl49: Of course! Just let me know if you want to know anything else! I’ve enjoyed talking to you!
Archaeology4life: Same!
“What are you smiling at?”
You slammed the screen of your laptop shut just as Junmyeon slid into the empty space across from you in the breakfast booth. Since he had a department meeting this evening, you’d beaten him to the farmhouse and decided to kill some time by getting back in touch with your new internet friend.
Finding triquetagirl49 in a folklore chat room on a history website had been pure luck and she’d giving you so much information on how that old celtic symbol could be related to werewolves. It seemed more like a good thing, representing protection for both humans and wolves alike. You weren’t sure when you should share this information with Junmyeon or exactly how to present it, so you decided for now to just keep it to yourself for the time being.
“Funny article on The Mummy trilogy,” you lied smoothly.
He shook his head, laughing to himself. “You and those movies. Don’t you have them memorized by now?”
“Maybe,” you pouted. “We can watch something else, though, if you want. Or do something else. We don’t have to watch a movie.”
Junmyeon held out two hands, moving them up and down like a pair of scales. “Let’s see… hold my mate close on my bed while we watch her favorite movie or do something else that involves less intimate time and possibly run into someone else in the pack.” He gave you a pointed look. “I think movie wins.”
You beamed. “Good!” Hopping up, you started for the staircase. “Let’s go!”
Junmyeon laughed as he followed you up to his bedroom. By luck, a majority of the wolves were out and about with their mates on this beautiful friday night. Since you and your wolf still had to be careful about who saw you together, it was a night in for the pair of you. But you didn’t mind. In fact, you had been looking forward to it all week.
Jumping on the bed, you pushed yourself all the way up to the headboard while Junmyeon turned on the TV and readied the movie before heading into the bathroom. While you waited on him, you fluffed up the pillows to make yourself more comfortable.
When he emerged from the bathroom, you tried to keep your focus on the bright screen. Junmyeon had decided that it was completely appropriate to come out in just a pair of sweatpants. Just sweatpants. No shirt.
He was such a tease.
You made no protest as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in close to him. Leaning your head on his chest, you watched the movie for a good fifteen minutes or so until the scene with Rachel Weisz in the museum, knocking over the bookshelves and creating that cringe-worthy disaster came on the screen.
That’s when Junmyeon got a little restless.
At first, he was just playing with your fingers and planting kisses on your shoulder. Then he moved his lips up to your neck, tickling the sensitive skin. Out of reflex, you flinched into the kiss, closing off access from Junmyeon.
“It’s cute that you know every word,” he whispered. It was obvious that he cared nothing for the movie and he was just trying to distract you and maybe even give him all your attention instead.
Taking the bait, you turned to tell him to be quiet. Before one word could escape your lips, he’d captured them in his own. You never saw another minute of the movie, too preoccupied to pay it any mind.
Oh, well. There was always next time and your wolf needed your special attention.
#exo#exo fanfiction#exo fanfic#exo wolf au#exo wolf!au#exo werewolf au#exo werewolf!au#junmyeon x reader#kim junmyeon#suho#exo series#exo supernatural au#Charming Instruction#untamed wolf universe
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February 10th-February 16th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from February 10th, 2020 to February 16th, 2020. The chat focused on Betrayal by Alex Lewis.
Featured Comment:
Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Betrayal by Alex Lewis~! (https://alexmakescomics.com/betrayal/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until February 16th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content? 8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Just finished reading! I really found the part with Aune's "book of secrets" such a heartbreaking sequence. Alex using the blue pen kind of reinforces the themes of differentness and being an outsider not only in her outside world, but even just in the context of being honest about her own feelings. https://alexmakescomics.com/2019/06/07/chapter-six/
I also really felt for her in Chapter 8, when talking about her relationship with Aune and saying "the more time I spent with her, the more of myself I lost trying to keep up with her. It didn't matter to me at all. I liked myself better when I was with her." Just again, this theme of finding something to define herself when she'd been adrift, but not always in an honest or healthy way. https://alexmakescomics.com/2019/08/11/chapter-eight/
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
I like the art style - it's very unique!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I like the way the comic ends on sort of an open-ended note. It's not very often that we get completed comics here on CTP, and I think this comic's ending is weirdly satisfying in its incompleteness. Like we don't know whether Aune and Alex make up, but we know that they're both open to it, y'know? I also looked into the Harold Pinter play Betrayal (which this comic is partially based off), and it's pretty interesting the ways they're similar and different. Like the story regards a group of friends and their romantic relationships (and them betraying each other, of course), but the main group of characters is two girls and one boy rather than two men and one woman. I'm curious how many of the changes are due to it being partially a memoir of the author's life and how many are the result of just creating an interesting fictional story about high schoolers.
I also really like the comic's use of flashbacks to tell Alex's story - flashing back to her childhood contextualizes her experiences as a highschooler really well.
I really like in general how the story is told with a non-linear timeline. Not a lot of stories can actually pull them off successfully, because you run a high risk of confusing the audience. However, despite this one time jumping around a lot, it was never confusing. I think I chalk this up to the fact that the focus on the comic is not the plot itself but the relationships. So you don't need to know the timeline exactly to be able to empathize, experience, and understand what is going on in the relationships. So this is something I really enjoy about the comic. I really love non-linear when it's done well, and this is done well in that regard.
What I enjoy about the beginning of the comic is just how damn awkward everything is. Like, everything about their interactions is exactly why ill never go to a high school reunion. Cause there's this expectation to be super impressed with ppl (hence shallow comments) while also being a mind reader (like knowing someone doesnt go by an old name anymore). It's embarrassing and horrible and the comic really hit at some of my deeper social anxieties that while I've grown from, never will quite be gone. So bravo for making benign horror XD(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Woah, I was not expecting to read a completed comic here! That was a nice change of pace. I really agree with the people praising the non-linear timeline. Using a highschool reunion as a framing device was an excellent decision
I wonder if the main character was gay or asexual?
Hello, I'm Alex. I made this comic - and I'm crying reading your comments. I've never had people review this book before. Some of the chapters only had about two views before this week so... This is very big for me. Hooboy. In answer to ongoing questions: changes to the Betrayal script from Harold Pinter's play were made to make it fit my experiences. The play is always a question of who is betraying who in a toxic love triangle. It's a jumping off point for me to talk about my memories. I went to see it and it hit a chord, after which I immediately sat down and wrote this. I love how the title of the play conceals who is betraying who: betrayal is a flexible concept. Hiding behind Pinter's words meanwhile ,when I have to, makes it easier to share my memories with others without self censoring. I am always terrified of people I know reading this book! In answer to the question of orientation, I'm bisexual if that helps anyone
My favorite moment in the comic I would say is the ending. I like that it's open-ended and that there's no clear leaning one way or another. It's kind of up to the reader to judge the events they just saw. Not to mention, I feel the open-ending nature fits the mood of the comic in that relationships aren't straight forward and constantly in a flux. So having the ending be not entirely clear suits that well. As for a favorite character, I'm honestly not sure I could pick one in this case. Everyone is so human and I feel like picking a favorite would kind of be like picking a side. Or kind of like your friends trying to ask you to rank them in terms of how much you like them. That would be a challenge I'm not up for in this case. As for interactions, definitely Alex and Aune. The relationship there is fascinating from the way the story is told, so I'm never quite sure what to make of it, especially when knowing how the relationship sours. And since its through their interactions we get to know Aune, it almost feels like a character study in a way whenever the two interact.
Before I blather too much in one day, one thing I like about the comic is how different the kid versions of the characters look as opposed to the adults. I feel it's more true to life since a lot of adults do change a ton from how they looked at kids. So while theres definitely similarities, the age progression just felt really natural.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I agree with what Rebel said about the age progression feeling natural. If I could describe this comic in one word, I would maybe choose "realistic."
It does a great job of protraying that feeling of growing up and leaving things behind
Emotions and drama that feel so important as a child and as a high schooler turn out to really not matter that much at all
Comic Tea Party
9. Given the story’s title, in what ways do we see betrayal throughout the story, and which moment stuck out to you the most regarding the subject? What can be learned from the story in regards to dealing with it?
10. What do you think the story can teach us regarding the nature of relationships and how they change as we grow older? In what ways do these events perhaps relate to your own life or what about the storytelling makes them relatable in general?
11. What do you think the story has to say about growing up in general, both in regards to how we change and how the people around us change? If applicable, why do you think coming of age stories like this are important?
12. How do you interpret the end of chapter 10 where Alex and Aune finally interact? What do you think each character is feeling? Overall, do you think their relationship can be repaired after the damage is done?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
12) i didbt read the ending as starting to repair a relationship. I saw it as leaving your past behind. Also she doesn't seem to understand the damage she did to their relationship, so i don't think the main character would want to reconnect
Oh, dang. So I just binged the entirety of this comic, and there's something about this that feels a little... close to home, I guess? I really empathize with Alex -- the feeling of having someone who you love just kind of up and ditch you like that... That hurts. Granted, her situation was a bit more complicated, but... hhh. I think at best, she might go the route of wanting to be friendly with Aune later, but it just isn't gonna work out. That pain still exists, and even if Aune is past it, Alex pretty clearly isn't. And I think it's understandable. It's not a grudge, but more like that kind of awkward avoidance because you don't wanna get hurt again. just... aaaaaaaaaa. This was a very good read. Thank you @Alex_makes_comics.
I do think what @Eightfish (Puppeteer) touched onto is the comic's strength: realism. Every event in this comic is so relateable since I think everyone can say they've at least been in a similar situation at least one of those times. So it forms a real connection with the reader so easily, thus allowing it to pull on the heart strings. Let's talk about themes and stuff though! So for in regards to betrayal, the moment that stuck out to me the most was the classroom convo between Alex and Aune where Aune is kind of distant and doesn't seem to really like anyone anymore and wants Alex to do break up dirty work. The reason this stuck with me is you can so clearly see it as a betrayal, and yet at the same time, it's such a benign thing. Like nobody is being literally stabbed in the back, nobody is having money stolen, no one is stealing anybody's lover. It's just...distance and a friendship falling apart for various reasons. Which I think is really the sad part. Since rather than dealing with betrayal, I think this story shows the many different forms it can take. And that sometimes its not this overdramatic thing. Sometimes its a slow burn that just singes for hours and hours.
However, I do like the story's maturity in that it shows us relationships are hard and need active maintenance. Cause without that, they fall apart. Additionally, as we grow older, its sad but common place friendships wont last. People change all the times, especially interests. So in the end those changes will drive people apart. At the very least I certainly haven't talked to my high school friends in years since many of them moved, got married, had kids, etc. Even during high school I had friends drift away. And I think these are pretty universal experiences, which is what I think makes the storytelling as relateable as it is.
As for the end, I kind of interpret it as "not ready." From the expressions, I think both Alex and Aune clearly felt awkward. Like the elephant in the room. They both wanted to talk about it seriously, but also both didn't want to talk about it. Too many feelings still fresh, coupled with maybe not enough desire to fix everything yet. So while I do believe most relationships can be repaired given time and effort, both parties need to be ready. And I just don't see that happening yet from how things ended.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
As I said before, I'm really glad I read this. It felt very personal, and it was kinda cathartic to read! It also was kind of nice to see someone else kinda express the awkwardness of meeting again with someone who you felt hurt by. And just... Yeah. Thank you for this comic.
Hi, Everybody. I'm not sure if this is the last day of Betrayal book club, or if tomorrow counts still, but I wanted to use this opportunity to thank everyone for reading and engaging with my work, before you start on the next webcomic. I have never been through a process like this. Most of the time, I make comics and release them into the internet, never to be seen again. It's a long and lonely process, full of self questioning and self doubt. You've all really restored my confidence. Just knowing that you read and genuinely got what I was trying to achieve is amazing. I was worried about the ending of chapter 11, that it might put readers off, but seeing you all bouncing ideas off each other about "will they"/ "won't they" get back together reassures me that I did the right thing. This was my first completed graphic novel,and I have learned a bit since making it. I am currently working on draft 2, which involves a full redraw. I have about half of the book done. The redraw is going to be 30% more cartoony in style, to give the book a clearer aesthetic. I am aiming for stronger lines and colour themes. I'm also adding new pages throughout. Part of this is to have Aune more visible in the background of scenes between Alex and Jonas, because they're all in one school: you can't avoid people completely in these situations. I'm also making some of the school scenes noisier to play on the "benign horror" elements - thank you for this term, Rebel Vampire! My goal is to redraw everything, update the website, then print a small batch to sell at cons. If anything bugged you about the current draft that you think I have to know, you are more than welcome to tell me. Otherwise, in case you want to know when the new version is out, I have a mailing list here: https://mailchi.mp/e64c62c2d202/alexmakescomics Thank you again for everything. You really don't know how much you've helped me these two weeks. It's been mind blowing.
What I'm most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic is just more people finding it. It's a really touching, raw, and personally gripping story. Not only is the storytelling well-done with its use of time, but just overall, its one of the few stories where I can actually say it really got me thinking about life, relationships, and other things. And not a lot of comics can do that.
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Betrayal this week! Please also give a special thank you to Alex Lewis for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Betrayal, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://alexmakescomics.com/betrayal/
Alex’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexmakescomics
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Box of Frogs (Part 7)
From @tramstrams‘ not-at-all-serious prompt, ‘an AU with magic, but something has gone terribly awry and people are being turned into frogs. Only Sam Chisolm can stop this madness’.
Part 1 here. Part 2 here. Part 3 here. Part 4 here. Part 5 here. Part 6 here.
‘What about your jobs?’ asked Emma. ‘Wasn’t there trouble about the time you’d missed?’
For a group of men who’d spent a week as frogs they seemed surprisingly unresentful, yet a residual guilt kept her prodding at the topic. On a golden afternoon like this, though, it seemed difficult for anyone to hold a grudge: the park was busy with sunbathers, frisbee-players, and old ladies sitting primly on benches gossiping with the pigeons.
They’d found a secluded spot under the trees where they could sprawl out on the grass: Red was setting up a barbecue while Jack unpacked an apparently bottomless cooler of food, and to Emma’s relief Gavin had ignored the promise of sausages and lolloped off to join in chasing the frisbee.
Faraday shrugged cheerfully. ‘Boss was pissed off I hadn’t turned up for a week, but just happened they’d had a big order come in that morning that he needs me to deal with, so it all worked out OK.’
Ale stretched lazily with just the smallest of sparkles to draw attention to the shift of his muscles. ‘Maria started shouting when I showed up at the cafe, but I smiled at her some and next thing she was feeding me blueberry pie to make up for all the crickets.’
Billy cracked one eye open from where he was lying with his head in Goodnight’s lap. ‘I just told them I was back and they should pay me for the break.’
The week since she’d met them all in such inauspicious circumstances had been like being picked up by a tornado, but in a good way: from that strange first evening when Josh had led them charging out to celebrate being human again, this ill-assorted group had adopted her into effortless friendship, filling her empty days with argument and activity and anchoring her again in the here-and-now.
Billy shifted a little, squinting against the sun in his eyes. ‘Teddy, could you?’ Goody asked at once. Teddy leaned over to lay a hand on the trunk and concentrated: the tree obligingly rearranged its branches to shade Billy’s face. ‘Better, cher?’ asked Goody solicitously.
Ale tsked disapprovingly. ‘He was just the same when you were a frog: humidity this, fruit flies that, is the heat lamp strong enough...’
‘Goody always takes care of me,’ said Billy with smug satisfaction.
‘Only the best for you, sweetheart,’ agreed Goody, stroking his hair. ‘Though I hope they’ll give me a refund on the equipment.’
‘I saw the size of his tank, with all those leaves and the little stream and everything,’ groused Faraday. ‘Mine don’t look much in comparison. You could’ve put more effort in.’
Ale batted at him, irritated. ‘I don’t know what you’re complaining about – I looked after you perfectly well.’
‘I was a frog the longest,’ declared Josh with a perverse pride. ‘What if I’d dried out? You could have got me one of those fancy misting sprays.’
‘Guero, I swear…’ Ale lunged up to tackle him, sending the two of them rolling on the grass; at that precise moment the Frisbee came zipping in, skimmed harmlessly over Josh’s head and bounced off Sam’s ear.
‘Damnation,’ said Sam resignedly; Gavin raced up, grabbed the frisbee and charged off again.
Ale had Josh pinned, knees on his shoulders, grinning as he squirmed. ‘I got in the tank with you, ingrato – did Goody do that?’
‘Not for lack of trying,’ said Sam, shuffling over to let Goody run a hand over his rapidly-rising bump.
Emma let the good-natured bickering fade into the background, closing her eyes to appreciate the warmth of the sun on her face, the rustling breeze in the branches above and the sound of distant excited barks.
Her grief was always with her, the sense of absence at her side a constant, but now as well there were Jack and Goody, gentlemanly and courteous, Teddy and Red with their shy smiles, Josh and Ale with jokes to distract her. You’d have liked them, she told Matthew silently. She opened her eyes again to Sam’s concerned gaze, and when she smiled he came to settle beside her on the plaid rug in wordless sympathy.
‘You know he kissed you to see if it would turn you back?’ Teddy was asking Billy.
‘Billy is attractive in every form,’ declared Goody, unabashed.
‘Oh, please.’ Josh pulled a face.
‘If anyone was a handsome frog,’ asserted Ale, ‘it was me.’
Teddy snorted. ‘You? You were just a green blob.’ Ale choked in outrage and Teddy smirked. ‘You had no neck.’
‘I have to say that Teddy’s right,’ agreed Goodnight, ‘you were a singularly unattractive frog. Plain as anything.’
‘Josh didn’t think so,’ said Ale, nettled.
Goodnight sat up straight and fixed them both with a severe gaze. ‘Do you have any idea what it was like once I put you in the tank with him? It was worse than the Discovery Channel – I was going to buy a screen.’
Gavin came galloping back to collapse panting at Emma’s side, and she buried a hand in his fur. Red appeared silently with a bowl of water which he placed in front of him, and Emma nodded her thanks as Gavin slurped enthusiastically at it. ‘You might want to be careful with the meat...’
They both looked over to Jack, pulling a string of sausages from his cooler. ‘No need to worry,’ he called heartily: he arranged the sausages precisely on the grill, then handed the tongs to Red and squatted down to scrub fearlessly through Gavin’s fur. Gavin writhed in delight. ‘We understand each other, don’t we?’ cooed Jack, and Emma stifled a stab of amusement at the similarity between the burly high-voiced man and her sofa cushion of a dog.
‘I hope you weren’t too inconvenienced by being…’
‘…a bullfrog?’ Jack beamed. ‘I found the whole experience quite refreshing, and Goodnight kept me out of harm’s way. He raised himself a little and put a hand to his chest formally. ‘Your hospitality was much appreciated, Goody.’
Goodnight looked pleased, though slightly puzzled. ‘I’m not sure I’d call a week in my bathtub hospitality, but you’re very welcome.’
‘Look,’ said Billy suddenly, ‘isn’t that Mrs McCann?’
Emma craned round and there indeed was Thelma, strolling along the footpath in the company of a tall ginger-haired man in a well-cut suit.
‘Is that her husband?’ Ale sounded incredulous and Emma couldn’t contain a giggle.
‘No.’ They watched as the man drew Thelma to a halt in front of a rosebush; he reached out a hand theatrically and it burst into flower, the buds swelling and opening to full bloom.
‘Nice work,’ approved Teddy. The man picked one and offered it to Thelma with a flourish; she took it, eyes lowered coyly.
‘I did go over there and offer to turn Thomas back,’ said Emma thoughtfully, ‘but she said it might be best to wait a while.’ Ale nodded understandingly and they watched the pair of them wander away.
‘Though if you’re still game for some frogging…’ Emma turned to Josh warily, but winked, unabashed. ‘This oily little guy’s started hanging round the cafe, Bogue he calls himself, and Maria thinks he’s working to undercut her franchise: maybe you could come and have a look at him?’
‘You can’t solve every problem with frogs,’ said Emma primly, aware of Sam raising his eyebrows beside her, but Ale grinned brightly. ‘I think this is one you can.’
Calm had finally settled, everyone relaxed in the sun as the scent of browning meat drifted appetisingly on the air; Billy and Goody laughed low together and Gavin’s tail thumped lazily.
A striped balloon came bouncing over the grass towards Ale, its string trailing, chased by a small girl in dungarees. ‘Here, mija,’ said Ale obligingly, reaching for the string.
‘No!’ shouted the girl, skidding to a halt; Ale had already plucked the balloon from the air and made to hold it out to her, but as he did so his arm jerked up and he started to rise from the ground, tugged smoothly upwards. ‘What the…!’
‘Let go, quick,’ pleaded the girl; Ale, already at head height, looked down in consternation.
‘Your face!’ cackled Josh gleefully.
‘Don’t just stand there, grab his feet!’ Teddy jumped, but Ale had drifted beyond his reach.
Emma turned to Sam. ‘Aren’t you going to do anything?’
‘Nope,’ said Sam contentedly, settling his hat over his eyes.
‘These things have a habit of working out on their own,’ Goodnight assured her, Billy still comfortable in his lap.
‘How high is he likely to go, miss?’ Jack asked the girl, and she shrugged helplessly. ‘Heavy people go up faster’n me.’
‘Red?’ asked Jack, and there was a flutter of feathers as his companion launched himself upwards. ‘He can puncture it with his talons, let him down gently.’
‘Noo!’ the girl’s wail of protest faded as she raced off after Red, waving her arms.
‘Wait till you’re over the trees and then let go,’ called Teddy as he and Josh followed the ever-rising Ale across the meadow.
‘Or see if you can drift over the lake,’ offered Josh, earning a faint, ‘Pendejo’ in return.
Emma hesitated. Should she follow? Turning Ale back to a frog could hardly help at this stage, and no one else seemed worried; Jack was once more clattering industriously at the grill.
‘Hey, Sam,’ added Goodnight idly, ‘how was your thing? Never did get the chance to ask about it.’
‘Good,’ said Sam from underneath his hat, ‘always worth it.’
‘Never heard you say different,’ approved Goodnight. He settled himself more comfortably against his treetrunk.
‘And you?’ asked Emma. ‘You had the hardest week of anyone…’ The thought of how distraught he’d been still brought a pang, but Goodnight cut her off with a flashing grin.
‘I’m fine – we all are.’
‘Well, not Ale right at this moment,’ interposed Sam cheerfully. From the corner of her eye Emma could see a small crowd beginning to gather, shouting advice and holding outspread blankets.
She turned back to Goodnight. ‘Truly?’
Goodnight looked down fondly at Billy, dozing in his lap, then winked at her. ‘Fine as a frog’s hair split four ways.’
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50 Questions Tag!
@jongin-be-my-jagi tagged me for this a while ago, but I took my sweet time to answer. Here is my secret intel if you want to know me a little bit more!! Check hers as well, she’s an amazing writer and friend. 1. What takes up too much of your time? Tumblr, my stupid procrastination prone brain and my thesis.
2. What makes your day better? Friends and loved ones, music and these absolute dorks (Channie especially)
3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? I hopped on the mat today in the early hours of the morning, rain on my window and the neighbours cat peeking at me from his window across the street.
4. What fictional place would you like to go to? Wonderland, bacause it’s “curiouser and curiouser!”
'Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. Alice replied, rather shyly, 'I — I hardly know, sir, just at present — at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'
5. Are you good at giving advice? I think so. Not so good at following my own advice though. I do always consider where the other is standing and if I don’t know how to proceed then I’ll just be honest and say I can’t help. But i’ll always listen with my heart.
6. Do you have any mental illnesses? Not diagnosed. I do think i might be going through something now.
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? No, but i have a recurring nightmare: the world is made of black and white paper thin layers. I am a paper thin person walking along a street surrounded by paper thin buildings. I walk for a long time, looking up at the white sky. Until the street ends, there is no more building and i fall into the abyss of a blank page. I have had this dream since the age of 8 or 9 years old. Fear of not being good enough, you say?! Ding, ding, ding!! We got a winner in the back! 8. What musician inspired you the most? I get inspired by music all the time!! One of my all time favourite songs is Spanish Sahara by Foals. Its sublime!
So I’d say I’m mainly inspired by these artists: Queen, Arctic Monkeys, Foals, Radiohead, Bowie, Daughter, Bob Dylan, Beirut, Yeah yeah yeahs, Arcade Fire, The National, Joy Division, Blur, Warpaint, Gorillaz, Sufjan Stevens, Bon Iver, Chet Baker, The Cure, Courtney Barnett, The Maccabees, Car Seat Headrest, Florence + The Machine, Editors, Kasabian, Crystal Fighters, Death Cab for a cutie, The Doors, Efterklang, Explosions in the Sky, Franz Ferdinand, The Horrors, James Blake, José Gonzalez, Los Campesinos!, Metronomy, Nick Cave, Nina Simone, Patrick Watson, Phoenix, Sharon Van Etten, The Shins, Simon & Garfunkel, The Smiths, St.Vincent, The Strokes, Toro y Moi, tricot, Tune-Yards, TV on the radio, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, The Vaccines, Vampire Weekend, The Velvet Underground, The War on Drugs, Wild Beasts and Yo La Tengo.
And the electro, pop and hip-hop groves of my heart: EXO, 2NE1, Janelle Monáe, Big Bang, Kris Wu,LCD soundsystem, SBTRKT, Childish Gambino, Frank Ocean, Kendrick Lamar and Daft Punk.
And special mentions to the portuguese ones (learning from yixing and promoting when i can :P): Capicua, Joana Espadinha, The Legendary Tigerman, Linda Martini, Mayra Andrade, Noiserv, Ornatos Violeta, Paus, Samuel Uria, You Can’t Win Charlie Brown and The Silence 4. I know, tldr right? Sorry folks! 9. Have you ever fallen in love? Yes I have. I have mistaken a crush for love too. But i have definitely been very deeply in love. A wrecked kintsugi heart over here people! 10. What’s your dream date? I don’t think I have one. I’d love to do something unique with that someone special, something special for the two of us. It could be as simple as riding the subway while sharing earphones & listening to our playlist or walking the dogs out! Idk, I’m easy to please. But right now it would have to be with this handsome man :D pretty please?!
11. What do others notice about you? I am very kind and warm hearted, so I think that’s what people first notice when meeting me. Although I maintain good eye contact, I am also timid and will be quieter if there are very energetic people in the group. When alone, I usually take the first step and try to meet people, but only if i really must. 12. What’s an annoying habit you have? It’s really hard for me to ask for help. I also like to tell detailed descriptions of everything... Couldn’t you tell? 13. Do you still talk to your first love? I’ll text him on his birthday and he does the same to me. We met when we were 10 years old and that childhood friendship remains. But regarding my one and truly deep relationship, no we do not talk, unless we randomly meet.
14. How many exes do you have? I have three exes. The first love who was just an idealized crush on my childhood friend: we dated for 2 weeks during summer break xD Then my first real boyfriend, we met in my first year at university, dated for quite some time, he really loved me and made me love myself a little more. Finally the one i loved too much. I mended his wounds and made him love himself as much as I did. I always say all the love we feel makes our hearts grow bigger. I do not regret loving any of them, I am me now due to them and I would not change it if I could. 15. How many songs are in your playlist? I have way too many playlists for each and every mood... But my favourite songs list on spotify has about 1500 songs! uwu! 16. What instruments can you play? Triangles and flute?! I had mandatory music classes in school... so in reality I can’t really play a instrument...
17. Who do you have the most pictures of? Probably my cat, Sushi. With a second close of my doodles and sketches.
18. Where would you like to go before you die? EVERY WHERE!!! But I really want to go to Japan and Scotland and Iceland and South Korea and New Zealand and i’ll shut up. 19. What’s your zodiac? Capricorn. 20. Do you relate to it? Sort of.
21. What is happiness to you? You know when it’s really cold outside in the winter and you manage to find a sheltered place where no wind can hit you and you still get to feel the warm rays of the winter suns on your skin? You hear the birds outside and you are contempt in that moment, at peace. That is happiness to me. 22. Are you going through anything right now? Yes, I am a bit lost. Trying to finish my thesis and trying to find what I want to do after. It’s liberating but also pretty scary. 23. What’s the worst decision you ever made? It’s a series of small decisions really. It started with going for a phd with the same people i worked in my msc. Should have gone to a different place. Then deciding to come home after a traumatic loss in the family. Should have kept my life going but I stalled it then. (I don’t regret helping my loved ones though).
24. What’s your favourite store? Probably Wishtrend for beauty stuff. Other than that I don’t have any favourite brands/stores. 25. (HALFWAY!) What’s your opinion on abortion? I think everyone is free to decide what they want or need to do. I couldn’t possible judge. If I would it? Probably not.
27. Do you have a favourite album? I don’t think so, I have favourite tunes for different moods and moments in my life. But if threatened with my life, I’d maybe say Total Life Forever from Foals.
28. What do you want for your birthday? It’s such a long time until my birthday comes! But maybe a real EXO ot9 reunion as a goodbye to Minseok?
29. What is most people’s first impression of you? Friendly and easy to open up to, i think.
30. What age do you seem according to most people? In real life, people usually think I am way younger than I am. 31. Where do you keep your phone when you’re sleeping? In the crook of my bed, between the mattress and the bed frame.
32. What word do you say the most? No idea really! 33. What’s the oldest age you’d date? 40s? I don’t think too much about age actually.
34. What’s the youngest age you’d date? 20s? Again not very important to me. Love is love, whomever, whenever and wherever <3
35. What job / career do most people say would suit you? I don’t know! People always say i don’t totally fit in anything... so there’s that. If you have an idea please let me know! 36. What’s your favourite music genre? Go back to question 8. I listen to everything! :D 37. If you could live in any country in the world where would it be? I’d like to live around the world, every few months a different place and get to know different cultures.
38. What is your current favourite song? I’ve been obsessed with RM’s intro/teaser song, Map of the Soul: Persona. (I’m not even a bts fan, but this music and lyrics just touched me a lot.)
39. How long have you had this blog for? I think for about 6 years? It’s my personal space, where I dump all my obsessions.
40. What are you excited for? I’m visiting some friends in Granada in a couple of weeks. Yay, tapas!
41. Are you a better talker or listener? Normally I am a better listener. But there are a few people to whom i open like a book. Either words flow right out of me without even thinking or they see throw me. Those truly are my people.
42. What is the last productive thing you did? Prepped meals and cleaned the kitchen. Open the folder and file of my thesis. Read the latest chapter I wrote. 43. What do you want for Christmas? Well, just like for my birthday, there is still such a long time to it! But let’s say i want to have already finish this part of my life and want to find my next adventure.
44. What class do you get the best grades in? No more exams! Ehehe! But I used to have good grades at everything. Physical Education was my lowest mark i think.
45. On a scale of 1-10 how do you feel right now? Right now, a 4? I have a headache.
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years? Smiling? :D I want to be happy in my own skin. To feel contempt in my life, doing something that gives me a sense of purpose and having time to share and enjoy with my friends and family. 47. When did you get your first heartbreak? Oh my kintsugi heart has been broken quiet a lot. By friends and lovers and even by myself. I keep patching it up with gold dreams though. 48. At what age do you wanna be married? I will only want to be married if i find the one. So until then I guess.
49. What career did you want to have as a child? I wanted to be an astronaut and a ballerina. Preferably both!
50. What do you crave right now? Just sitting somewhere and listening to Yeol play the guitar.
Well i finished it! :D I’ll tag @thedeviousdo @ohsenhun @hongseok and @paepsi. I’d love to read yours! Feel free to dismiss it though, it is quite a lot. Lots of love everyone!! <3 <3 <3
#50 questions tag#personal#sam's ramblings#mutuals#hope you enjoy reading about boring old me :)#it's very long i know! i talk too much
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That Woman Over There - Chapter 17
A You Me and Him Fix-it Fic
Rating: Teen, for some profanity and mature themes
Word count: 4940
Warnings: none
Summary: ~ Set after the birth of Monty, Olivia’s baby ~ A dear friend of Olivia comes to visit for a week, and she disturbs the fragile peace between her, Alex, and John.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7| Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11| Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
The atmosphere of the house crackled. She climbed the stairs quietly and looked in Liv’s bedroom door. She was by the bed, rocking Monty.
“Hey you,” she said, waving. “Can I come in?”
Olivia shrugged. “Baby’s asleep.”
“Would you like to go downstairs?” Connie said, walking over to caress Monty’s fluffy blond hair. He was so much like his mum.
She shook her head. “I want to wait with my son.”
Connie sat down beside her and touched her arm. “He’s asleep. You’ll rock him right out the window if you keep going like that.”
She let go in a huff. Her face was flushed, and her blue eyes were rimmed in red.
“Did you see where she went?” Liv said. “Typical of her to just run away when things don’t go her way.”
Connie sighed. “I heard her slam out of the kitchen door. That’s it.”
She looked out. “I don’t see anyone at John’s. They might’ve gone off somewhere. They went off together a lot for their shared therapy sessions when I first had Monty. I was going mad with a newborn, and she was getting drunk.” Her face was tight with resentment.
Connie touched her hand, but Liv moved it. “Livvie.”
Olivia stood up and paced in front of the bed. “She was barely around the first two months, and I swallowed it. I dealt with John mooning after her like a lovesick Borzoi. I learned to nurse alone and woke what seemed like 10 times a night for feedings, and they hadn’t come back yet. When she did, she stunk of fags and booze, but did I judge her? No. I was patient. I couldn’t imagine what it was like to lose a baby. So I stayed quiet. But I was boiling, Connie. It hurt terribly.”
She collapsed on the bed.
“Oh, no, darling, no,” Connie said, pulling her into her arms. She thought she wept, but she was trembling with anger, not anguish.
“She didn’t want Monty. Not the commitment, nor the responsibility. She wanted everything to remain the same until she tired of me, then move on like she’s always done-”
“No, you weren’t here, Connie. You didn’t live this. I know you were going through your own hell, but…” her mouth moved, and nothing came out. She sat down. “You know when you came back a couple days back, and we were in a compromising condition?”
“You mean when you were having sex in the kitchen?” Connie said.
Liv rolled her eyes and nodded awkwardly. “It was the first time in months,” she whispered.
“It’s normal for some nursing mothers not to want sex for a while,” Connie whispered back. Liv gave her a look.
“I’ve read a lot of books.”
Olivia tugged on her blouse and bit her lip. “Part of it was hormonal, but…” again, she couldn’t get the words out. Connie squeezed her hand. Liv shook her head.
“You know, when I first got with Ella, she was just weaning Poppy. It was strange. Some weeks she was insatiable. Then, she was untouchable for a month. But I adored her, so I dealt with it. If Alex loves you, she’ll adjust.”
“You and Ella are- were different,” she said.
“Were we?” Connie said. “I don’t really think so.”
“I was there, remember? It was a team effort. You were both completely excited and present for each other and Poppy,” she said. “It was beautiful to behold.”
“It was a fiction,” Connie said. “Everything was. I don’t think Ella ever really loved me. But, since Poppy did, she stayed for a while.”
Olivia stared at her. “Again, I’m sorry.”
Connie nodded.
“Did you ever feel it, before she left?” Liv asked.
Connie shook her head. “I came up to talk about you,” she said.
“Answer the question. Please,” Liv said.
“Do you remember when we first met and you slept over my house, and we would spend time in the basement?”
“Of course. Your father had a home theater down there. We’d gorge on candy popcorn and watch John Hughes film till we passed out in the guest bedroom. It was fun.”
“You remember Halloween?”
Olivia’s eyebrow rose. “Not so vaguely.” They had just watched the Lost Boys, and ran out of potato chips to mix with their chocolate in the downstairs bar, so they decided to venture upstairs to the kitchen. Connie’s parents had been in the den, fighting viciously. Or, better said, Connie’s mother was screaming insults at her father as he half stood, half knelt in front of her, avoiding her drunken earcuffs. Connie had turned cottage-cheese white and pulled her downstairs, slamming the basement door so hard she thought it would go off its hinges. It had taken many caresses, soft words, and kisses to calm her embarrassment and anger.
Liv reddened at the memory.
“That kind of thing happened at least twice a week, but I was successful in hiding from you for months. I thought you would insist on going home immediately and think me weird, but you stayed.”
“It was horribly uncomfortable,” Liv said, “but your pain was worse. That’s why I stayed. I felt for you.”
“That’s precisely what I didn’t want you to do,” Connie said. “Stay because you felt sorry for me. Give me scraps of affection because you saw I wasn’t getting it elsewhere. It was so humiliating. So I played it cool.”
“I remember you weren’t very cool at all that night,” Liv said. Her eyes were fathomless. “Far from it.”
Now Connie squirmed. Olivia wasn’t usually so bold.
“I wanted to forget. And I wanted you to stay.”
“I can’t say I ever forgot. But I no longer cared about anything or anyone else around us for a while after,” Liv said.
Connie chuckled. “Like I said, it was a fiction. A crappy patch on a gaping void.”
Liv didn’t know exactly what she was talking about.
“It was a lie, and I knew it was, but it was so nice. I figured loving her was enough for the both of us. Why do you think I would endure such pain?”
“I don’t understand,” Liv said.
“You asked me when I knew it wasn’t gonna work out. I think I knew for years. But … I made up excuses to remain. Poppy was the most brilliant excuse, but even then, not a solid one, since she never officially shared custody with me. She was always her girl. Even when I paid the bills and wiped her butt and took her to school. She used Poppy as leverage, and I let her because I loved her.” Connie’s lip quivered, and she gave Liv a hurt look.
“Like I said before, she didn’t want Monty. She left.”
“You kicked her out, as I recall.”
“Because she shagged the next door neighbor, who is a man!” She pointed at John’s house.
“She was really drunk and angry that you didn’t ask her before starting a family. I have defended you to anyone who dared talk shit, but between us, how is that fair, huh?”
“I turned forty last year, and we had talked about it a couple times. It wasn’t a complete surprise.”
“It was surprising enough,” Connie said. “She’s barely out of university age with no job and no prospects. How could you think she was ready to play house? Birthing hips does not a mother make.”
“She got pregnant too!” Olivia said, raising her voice. She slapped her hand over her mouth and looked toward Monty’s crib. Gladly, he didn’t wake. “At least I didn’t go to the friendly neighborhood shag shack to get … up the duff,” she whispered. She gave Connie a sharp look. She knew what she meant.
“Don’t you judge me, Olivia,” Connie said. Her eyes burned with tears. “You have absolutely no place to do it. Not then, and not now.”
“You started it,” Liv said. “Coming here with your itty bitty shorts and your flower fame,” she said, eyeing Connie’s dress. “Alex is right.”
Connie blinked incredulously. “Exactly what is she right about?”
“That you lash out and complain at a bit of ordinary heartache, but you’ve got it all. A wealthy father. An improbable art career. A jet setting life. You flew half the world over to see me on a whim. Not everyone has that luxury. Not even me,” she said, referring to her middle-class parents.
Connie stood up slowly. “I thought the argument was between you two?”
Olivia shrugged. “Maybe it takes a fresh pair of eyes to see certain things. We agreed on that.”
“Is this still about me not being here for Monty’s birth? You know why I couldn’t make it - John told me. I was ill. I’m sorry I wasn’t clear. It was a fucked up time.”
“So you’re thick as thieves are you? Mind your heart. He’ll have another woman in his bed before the side where you slept goes cold.”
“He can do what he likes after I go. We’re adults,” she said, but her chest contracted at the thought.
“That’s not what your eyes say, Connie. You care for him. And I’m just saying be careful. He was chummy with Alex and I too, before he took her to bed. He didn’t give a damn.” Her mouth was a straight line.
“He’s not that way anymore,” Connie said.
“So, he’s changed in the last few months? He’s a brand new man, all because of you,” Olivia said, smirking bitterly. “I’ll tell you what I told Alex - don’t flatter yourself.”
“I’m sorry you had to tell her that, Livvie, but I’m confused why you’re being like this.”
Olivia shrugged tiredly.
“You know what? Like I said before, I defended you when other people wanted to call you cold or manipulative or weird. I damn near spit in their face. Yet you talk shit about me with Alex, a woman I barely know? I’m a spoiled brat who’s gotten everything she’s ever wanted without any work, or sweat, tears, or blood? You know better. I struggled to learn the language I’m speaking to you now. I ate shit and slept on sofas, and floors. I traveled on piss-smelling buses and trains, away from home and comfort for months on end kissing asses and developing my craft. Daddy didn’t buy my clients, nor did he give me travel money. I busted my ass for all of my 20’s to get where I am, to prove to my father that I didn’t make the biggest mistake of my life for choosing art instead of science or politics. And goddamnit, I’m doing it,” she said, her voice trembling with emotion. “Don’t you blame me for having the courage to chase my dreams instead of bending to what Mummy and Daddy wanted.”
Olivia’s lip trembled.
“Did you tell Alex that? Squatting in an older woman’s house smoking hash and raiding her pantry isn’t gonna get her nonexistent work in the great museums of Europe.”
Olivia shivered as if slapped. Connie walked out to the hallway, then back in.
“And by the way, next time you have a little coffee klutch about my endless privilege with your girlfriend, tell her about that Halloween. That was my life every single day until I turned 17. I had a father too harried to be consistent, and a mother who wouldn’t look me in the eye except to tell me I wasn’t worth the birthing pains. Tell her about Ella, and Poppy, and my motherfucking empty apartment. If I’m so privileged, she can have it. In fact, here,” she said, and pulled off a gold bangle, and the ruby earrings she wore and threw them on the bed. One of them plinked on Olivia’s cheek, but she remained immobile. “She can take the rest too. See how well she can endure mi privilegio.”
John was speechless. He wasn’t sure he heard her right, or captured the meaning of her words.
“What did you say?” he asked.
“You were obviously in love with me. We get on really well. Why didn’t you insist on pursuing me?”
Heat flashed up his spine and exploded in his jaw. It rained harder, and the plinking above their heads turned to a dull roar, but he no longer felt cold. Her eyes widened at his expression.
“Are you gonna say something?”
The rain had washed away most of her makeup, and her face looked pale and so, so young. Regardless of what happened with Jo, she was still a beautiful child playing at womanhood. Perhaps it was a mercy on the part of fate, because otherwise…
“You’re with Olivia,” he finally said.
“You did your best to break us up at one point,” she said. “Why did you stop?”
“Because … you’re gay. You told me that ad nauseum. Eventually, I grew up and respected it.”
She shook her head, and warm droplets sprayed on his hand. “Turns out I’m bisexual. Congratulations, man. You turned me. Um, halfway turned me,” she said, and smiled.
Why did it feel like an insult?
“Um, okay,” he said. He couldn’t look at her. The food he ate was burning its way back up his esophagus.
“That’s all you got? You’re the first person I told. See, I chose you.”
He was quiet, and his silence started to make her nervous. He was never quiet, and rarely still. She slapped his shoulder.
“Talk to me!”
He swallowed bile. “What do you want me to say?” His voice cracked with emotion.
“What you’re thinking,” she said softly. He was not reacting the way she thought he would.
He tried to rub feeling back into his numb fingers, but the rain was relentless. His toes squished in his waterlogged boots. And he hurt. Like he hadn’t hurt in a long time.
“I cried for you,” he said. She put her hand over his, but he raked his fingers through his wet hair and hugged himself. “Not only because of what happened with Jo. Just, for you. Because I wanted you. I fell in love with you.”
She touched his shoulder, but he moved further away. She was no longer smiling.
“You’re so funny, and irreverent, and cool - everything I’m not. I’ll never forget the first time we met. You insulted me for no reason, all with a saucy grin. I even remember what you wore, how you did you hair. It was a legitimate moment for me.”
“I was wearing the overalls, right? With the flowered scarf in my hair,” she said. She remembered too - the way his perplexed face melted into a dazed grin, despite her sharp words. “I called you a useless football obsessed dudebro twat, and you offered me dinner.”
“I offered to cook you both dinner,” he said. “You and Olivia.”
“But mostly me,” she said, daring to touch him again. He didn’t move away, but he also didn’t react.
“Mostly you,” he repeated quietly. “What do you want from me?”
“You cried?” Alex said.
“Oh yeah,” he said, nodding. “I was so lonely. My wife left, and I had nothing. Then you moved in with Olivia. You were an actual ray of sunshine. I was smitten.”
She laced her fingers in his. “I think, my insults were partly because I thought you were … not totally gross-looking. It was a bit of a shock.”
“Not totally gross looking. Nice to know,” he said. His fingers felt cold and lifeless in hers, so she tried rubbing heat into them. It did not register in his face.
“We had our moments, right?” She moved his hand, and traced the tattoo on the inside of his wrist. It was still so crisp. So new.
“Had. Yes,” he said, extricating his hand gently from hers.
“Seriously, though - what do you think would’ve happened if we had Josie together? Have you ever thought about that? Because I have. In fact, I haven’t thought of much else lately.”
He looked out at the street with glassy eyes.
“I’ve been thinking of how, perhaps, I would’ve ended up in your house. You would’ve helped me turn your computer room into a nursery for Jo. And, maybe …” she wiped the dripping water from his jaw, “...maybe, in time, something might bloom between us. Who would’ve thunk it? Mr. and Mrs Helm, with the white picket fence and children’s toys in the garden.” She snorted.
Another wave of nausea made him shiver. She lightly caressed his neck, and he raised his shoulder defensively.
“But Jo’s gone,” he said.
“What if she had survived, though? What do you think might’ve happened?”
“She’s gone, Alex. She died. That’s what happened, and what I have to work through. I barely have the energy for that, after everything else. I don’t have any at all for what could’ve been.”
His tone frightened her, because it was not his usual gentle tone. It was firm. Final.
“I don’t know how to tell Olivia about the bi thing,” she said, changing her tack. “I don’t think she’ll be too pleased.”
“You have a life together, and a baby. The sooner you do, the better.”
“You heard her earlier. It’s her son. She chose to have him without talking to me, or waiting until we married. We’re not married now. I wonder if it even matters.”
“I don’t think it’s right to talk about her like that,” he said.
“I talk about her all the time. What’s changed?” Alex said.
“Everything,” he said, and cleared his throat. He stood up. His head was beginning to swim.
“Are you talking about Connie?” she said.
“This isn’t about her. Don’t bring her into it.”
She stood up. “I was your wingman with her. Maybe I’m entitled to something.”
“Fine. She’s not who you think she is,” he said.
“She’s exactly who I think she is. Just coming through,” Alex said. “In a day and a half she’ll be on a plane to New York, and you sir, will be a memory.” She patted him on the shoulder, thinking herself quite witty. But his face twitched with emotion. “Little Miss Jet Set will be gone, and we can get on with our lives.”
“What life?” he said.
She was surprised at his intensity. “I don’t know. Going to the pub and getting blitzed. Checking out women together. Chicken on Sunday. Monty,” she said, shrugging.
“The one where I watch you and Olivia living, then go back to my house alone?”
“If my memory serves, you’re rarely alone,” she said, and chuckled.
He shook his head. Could she be that clueless?
“I thought you knew me. Do you really think that’s the life I want?”
“You’re doing your own thing, and having fun. Better than boring uni classes and being yelled at all the time,” she said, stuffing her hands in her skirt. “Sometimes Liv feels more like my mam than my girl. I guess that’s why I like to hang out. You’re more my kind of people.”
Again, he studied her. She was truly oblivious to the pain she was causing. And, somehow, although it broke his heart again, it did not surprise him. She was so young. Could he blame her for being callous? Whatever wisp of emotion that he felt for her evaporated in that moment. They would always be connected by flesh, but no longer by heart.
He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight, and kissed the top of her head. She tried to extend the embrace, but he pulled away and shook his head.
“Be honest with Olivia … or don’t. But you must be honest with yourself.”
She shrugged. He put his hands up, then started walking away.
“Hey! Where you going?” she yelled.
“I need to be alone,” he said.
She stared after him. Her thoughts raced. She thought he would be happy to hear her news - that he would jump at the opportunity to start something with her and help her explore her feelings. She had no idea why he was reacting so negatively. Her breath was short with the cold. If he looked back at her, she would run to him. She wanted to, so much. Her eyes remained on his back, and her heart beat loudly in her ears. If he looked back at her, she would go to him, everyone else be damned …
He turned the corner and disappeared.
She ran down the stairs, and to her surprise, Olivia ran behind her. She put her arms around her before she ran out the door and burst into tears.
“I’m sorry. So sorry, but Connie, I’m scared,” she said, shivering against her back. “So scared…” her voice turned to a wail that made her turn and wrap her arms around her.
“I don’t feel in control anymore,” Olivia sniffed. “I don’t know what’s going on half the time, and I swear I can feel Alex resenting me. It makes the hairs go up in the back of my neck.” Her tears wet Connie’s shoulder.
“That loss of control happens after you have a child. You’re not living for yourself anymore,” Connie said. It’s a feeling she knew intimately, even though Poppy was gone. Maybe more so since she was gone.
“And what about the resentment?”
“That I can’t answer. You’ve got to listen to her, feel her out. And, if she wants to play a bigger role in Monty’s life, you’ve got to figure out a healthy way to make it work. But punishing her because of what happened in the beginning isn’t the way to earn her commitment. It will just make things worse. Have you considered couple’s therapy?”
Olivia snorted.
“What? It works to talk things through with an impartial stranger.”
“But we haven’t been together for three years. We’re not even married.”
“You’re raising a child together. I think you qualify as a couple.”
Olivia raised her head. “Did you ever do it with Ella?”
Connie laughed. “Like, every Thursday for three years. It was far more holistic approach, though. Queer couples sitting on the floor, in a circle, with a talking stick. There was lots of hash, which I didn’t smoke. You might prefer something more traditional.”
“But, you and Ella…” She wiped her eyes.
“To be fair, it was just an overglorified tea party - mostly gossip. It wasn’t useful, but Ella didn’t think psychology is a valid discipline anyway. I beg to differ. It helped me a lot in the last year.”
“Therapy?” Olivia said.
“A lot of therapy,” Connie said. “Surprisingly, my privilege didn’t matter a bit.”
Olivia winced, then wiped at the wetness darkening Connie’s dress. “Is this the dress John got you?”
“Yeah. Do you like it?” Connie said, ruffling the skirt.
“You look fantastic. I got the size right on the nose.”
“Thanks,” Connie said.
“I mean, he picked it out, it was just … he didn’t know the size,” she said, putting her hands on Connie’s waist. “I hurt you. When I said that thing to Alex at the restaurant.”
“It wasn’t directed at me. It was directed at Alex.”
“But I saw your face. It’s like the light went out of it.”
“Did you notice how Alex looked?” Connie said. She didn’t know why she was saying it. Her and Alex had to have another talk. Soon.
“I can’t even properly gauge her moods anymore,” Olivia said. “There’s always something.”
“Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt,” she said, thinking back on one of the regulars at the queer hash and gossip therapy circle. The saying had stung her then. And it visibly stung Olivia now. “You’ve got to have a long, difficult talk. And possibly make some hard decisions afterward, for the good of all three of you. Pretending that everything is okay is only postponing the inevitable.”
“The inevitable?” Olivia said.
“It will be inevitable if you leave it be,” Connie said. “If you really care for her, don’t freeze her out. You’ve got to listen to what she feels, and not superimpose your own feelings over hers.”
“That’s definitely from therapy,” Olivia said.
“The language, yes. The advice is all you. You can be pretty intense sometimes, Liv.”
She pulled her to the sofa and sat down. “I try to listen, Connie, I really do. But sometimes, she doesn’t make any sense. She doesn’t want to talk about the things that are, or could logically be.”
“She’s a dreamer,” Connie said.
“An artist, through and through,” Liv said.
“She’s young, and a bit wild. Has she ever had to work for a mortgage, or a car payment?”
“I don’t think so,” Liv said, and shrugged.
“Those boring, prosaic tasks tend to bring the most passionate dreamer crashing back to Earth,” Connie said, and smiled. “It happened to me.”
“She’s in school,” Olivia said. “It’s a start.”
“I guess. But what happens if you can’t see eye to eye, even after she finishes? Is that the life you want to live?”
“You’re one to talk,” Olivia snapped.
Connie took it stride - she knew her friend. “Yes, I am. So maybe you should listen.”
“Monty loves her,” Liv said softly. “She’s really good with him.”
“But are you two good together? I know this is not a very middle class of me to say, but staying together for the children is complete bullshit. It just fucks them up mentally to grow up seeing two people who obviously don’t love each other stay together because of them. It causes an immense amount of damage.”
Olivia lay back and took a deep breath. “Okay. If Ella didn’t find someone else, would you still be with her now?” she said.
Connie stood up and looked out the window at the rain. John’s porch light was on, but the house looked empty. She missed him so intensely she shivered.
“Um…” she hugged herself. “I’m not sure.”
“So you were unhappy?” Olivia said.
“Yes. I was,” Connie said, nodding. “I love Poppy, but I felt like the bitch at the banquet with Ella, you know? Just licking up the scraps. I think it would’ve gotten old eventually.” What she didn’t say is, what if she had still been with Ella, but she met John at Monty’s birth?
“I know what you’re thinking,” Olivia said, standing and wrapping her arms around Connie’s waist again.
“No you don’t,” Connie said.
“Yes I do. You’re wondering what might’ve happened if you met John when I had Monty,” she said. Connie turned to give her a funny look.
“Freak! How?”
“Because I know you,” Olivia said. “Also, you speak with your expressions.” She pulled Connie back on the sofa. “He’s unsufferable. Like a hyperactive dog that you pity too much to slap his muzzle.”
Connie shook her head. That energy was one of the best things about him, since it took her out of herself. But she understood why Olivia felt that way.
“I’m sorry about what I said earlier,” Olivia said. “There’s no excuse, but I have a half explanation.”
“What is it?”
Olivia pulled her hair out of the ponytail and raked her fingers through it. “Something’s changed ever since you got here. The energy, if that makes any sense. And Alex has seemed a bit more keyed up than usual. In fact, she seemed to be reaching equilibrium, but you came and boom! She’s gone again.”
Connie made a face. “How do you mean?”
“I couldn’t quantify it if I tried, Connie. She’s got something on her mind, and you somehow set it off. I felt it. When we, uh…” she waved her hand over her lap.
Connie’s eyebrow rose.
“No, not that. But she’s unquiet somehow.”
“Have you asked John?”
Olivia snorted. “No.”
“It might be a good idea. They’re close, and even if you don’t believe it, he really cares about you.” She tapped on the desk he made her, which was beside the sofa.
“But it’s horrible,” she said, rubbing her face. “To have to speak to someone else about my partner’s state of mind.”
“Talk to her yourself without fear, or talk to him. The choice is yours,” Connie said. Olivia walked to the kitchen for a bottle of water, and Connie followed.
“This is nice,” Olivia said, sitting down at the kitchen table. “Being here with you. At least I’m not alone.”
Connie hugged her from behind, and despite the fact that her previous words still hurt, she hurt for Olivia more. She had no idea it was that bad.
Olivia tapped her arm. “I tried phoning her earlier, but she left her mobile here. There’s no telling when she might come back. I’m going to bed.”
“Alright,” Connie said. “I guess I should change out of this,” she said, pulling at the dress. They climbed the stairs, and Connie locked herself in the bathroom.
After her shower, she was walking downstairs when she heard a whisper.
“Connie?” The distilled sadness in her voice stopped her in her tracks. Olivia laid on top of the blankets, shivering in the dark. Monty slept peacefully in his crib.
“Give me a sec,” she said. She carefully put the dress on a hanger, then pulled the duvet from under her and lay beside her.
“This takes me back,” Olivia said, pulling Connie’s arms closer around her. “Oh, I put your jewelry in your purse.”
“I’m sorry about that,” Connie said.
“I deserved it,” Liv said. “You were right. I’m sorry.”
“No more sorries tonight. Sleep,” Connie said, and nuzzled her temple. They heard running footsteps, and John’s back door slammed. Olivia’s grip tightened.
“Will you stay?” Liv asked.
“Yes,” Connie said.
Olivia closed her eyes.
Next Chapter
#That Woman Over There#you me and him#David Tennant#fan fiction#the plot thickens#fluff gives way to high drama
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Chapter 12/24: Out
FANDOM: Marvel’s MCU SERIES: SEADLA Verse, version 2.0 RATING: Mature WORDCOUNT: 4 626 PAIRING(S): - CHARACTER(S): Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Clint Barton. GENRE: Jail time sucks. TRIGGER WARNING(S): This chapter contains brief and non graphic suicidal thoughts (it’s really small, but it’s there) as well as iffy matters of consent regarding telepathy that aren’t really discussed. (Check the AO3 listing for a glimpse of what’s to come). SUMMARY: In which there is a rescue team.
DEDICATION(S): As always, to the first version’s readers, to the people who leave comments on the fic three years after its last update, and to 2012!me, who needed to write this fic a lot.
SEADLA ON TUMBLR: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11]
Tony stares into the abrupt darkness with his heart hammering against his ribs until a green and gold flame, no bigger than a thumb, whispers to life. The light flickers over Loki’s face, makes his features handsome, childish and fearsome in turn, a thousand faces birthed and killed by a thousand tricks of lights.
It makes Tony’s head swim.
Loki, apparently unbothered, sends the flame hovering a little above his head and lights another one, then another and another, until several dozens of small fires float in the air around them, casting their light over Loki and deepening the pitch blackness around him.
“You look like the Boogeyman,” Tony blurts out through the wild rhythm of his breathing, twisting his fingers into his sheets, just to make sure the bed is still there.
The whole scene looks and feels a little like the Big Bang did, except there’s neither scientific wonder nor any sense of emotional closeness to keep Tony calm, and sweat starts prickling at his brow long before Loki shrugs and deadpans:
“Well I did do a bit of interim for him.”
Tony gapes, unable to tell whether this is supposed to be a joke or not, until his eyes catch on to a slightly-less-dark rectangle in the blackness behind Loki. He twists around a little, careful to keep his movements limited to the approximate area of the bed, until he catches sight of something moving in the rectangle, like black heavy fog trying to hide paler silhouettes. Tony thinks they look like trees, but they’re too pale to be real.
“Where are we?” He asks at last, struggling to tear his attention off the door and onto Loki.
“I suppose you could say we’re technically both in you cell. This is your mind. Well, a possible manifestation of it, at least.”
“A physical manifestation of—wait, I’m dreaming?”
“In technical terms,” Loki corrects with impossibly precise enunciation, “you are being Visited.”
“Oh right,” Tony retorts, switching from surprise to sarcasm almost before he has time to decide on it, “and you couldn’t ‘visit me’ before because…?”
“You didn’t pick up the knife.”
Tony’s face flushes red in less time than it takes to blink. What does the fucking knife even have to do with anything? And what the fuck does Loki mean, Tony didn’t pick it up? He spent literal days cutting into his arm with that stupid fucking thing, and Loki has the gall to blame him for not picking it up?
Worse, still! The bastard looks sad! Hurt, even! Like he’s the one who suffered instead of Tony! Oh, what a fucking joke, what a bastard—a week! A full week, at least, in custody, all but tortured into drinking, not knowing when he’d come out and that’s what—oh, what a fucking moron Tony was.
“Oh, forgive me your highness,” he hisses, trying not to choke on his fury, “I guess I’m not smart enough for princely mind games, after all!”
“That’s not what I said,” Loki replies in a neutral tone, one eyebrow raising with so much elegance Tony wants to punch it open, “I’m simply saying—”
“You’re saying bull, is what you’re doing. I picked your damn knife up! For nothing! I’ve been calling you for help—”
“I’m actually fairly certain you were punishing yourself,” Loki replies, drawing his head back like an offended bird.”
“You told me there was a spell in it—that you’d know if I tried to use it on myself—why d’you think I went back to cutting? The aesthetics?”
“Contrary to what you seem to believe, I didn’t actually get inside your head about a minute ago. I knew you were cutting, not why.”
“Oh, right, because that makes everything so much better!”
Tony is all but kneeling on the bed by now, body tense and boiling with the urge to start throwing punches. He’s not even picky about where: face, chest, legs, anywhere it’ll take so long as it gets Loki begging for forgiveness and the ugly mess of Tony’s memories out of his brain forever.
Loki doesn’t seem to care, if he even notices at all.
“It doesn’t,” he says with a slight shrug, “you had to call for me. I planted the knife as because I knew you were too stubborn to—”
“What? Too stubborn to die like you planned?”
Technically, there’s no wall to stop him here, no ground to slam into, which is probably the only reason why flying off and landing in an undignified heap doesn’t physically hurt. The gesture still reels him though, pulls his thoughts into a sharp sideway twist.
Fuck, he wishes it’d hurt though. Wishes it’d bleed like a proper wound so he could just stitch it up and be done with it instead of having to watch himself fester down into nothing. It’d be a bitch to go through but it’d be clean. Straightforward.
God, he misses simple.
But it doesn’t hurt.
Loki’s face though, that gets something out of Tony, because he looks hurt. He looks like he’s hurt and betrayed, like Tony should commiserate with the poor widdle god of trickery and lies regret at sending a so-called friend flying. Like Tony should be craddling his cheek and say ‘it’s alright, you’re not really an asshole for trying to throw me into concrete, or whatever you thought would stop me mid-flight’.
Fuck that game. Tony’s most definitely not playing it.
“If I’d meant for you to die,” Loki hisses after a long, shivering pause, “All I had to do was leave you here. I could have killed you a dozen times as Lorna. Better still, I could have ignored your letter and let you do the bloody job for me, you pathetic coward!”
The lights around them burn brighter with each word, swelling with Loki’s venom and turning his hair from black to a bright copper, draws lines of runes onto his face. Tony watches the change proceed with sick fascination, blood humming in his veins as Loki’s ordinary black leather shifts into thick winter gear, his chin colors with a thick copper beard where the runes come and go like words on the wind.
It fills something primal in Tony, like he’s witnessing something he shouldn’t have access to, and there’s the beginning of a punch building up in his fist when Loki strides up to him, seizes him by the collar and hisses into his face:
“You’re a lucky coward, though, I do not intend to let you die. Be ready for an escape tomorrow. You will know when the time comes.”
Tony does punch then, as hard and fast as he can manage, satisfaction blooming into his chest when he hears Loki’s nose crack and spots blood dripping onto the elegant mustache. Fuck him. Fuck him and his mysticism, his arrogance, his every fucking thing! If he wants to think he’s above everyone, fine! But if he thinks Tony’s gonna lie down and take it in silence, he’s got another fucking thing coming.
His thing with Lorna might have worked wonder, but Tony is sure as hell not about to take another one of his lies, fuck him very much.
“Lorna was a lie, that much is true,” Loki says while he dabs elegant fingers under his nose, “but it wasn’t mine.”
He’s out of the door before Tony can try to punch him again.
Tony wakes up to a major kink in his neck and the taste of a hangover gone stale on his tongue. He lies on the bed like a a stringless puppet, crusty-eyed and sweaty, desperatly trying to ignore the headache forming behind his eyeballs. At the edge of his memory, shouting and pain mix with green flames in the dark, and it’s all he can do to push them back in favor of Loki’s words.
Be ready for an escape tomorrow. You’ll know the moment when it comes.
Of course he had to be a fucking cryptic with that, too. What an asshole.
Tony still hopes, though. He thinks about the not-quite-dream all day long as he lies down, unable not to wish Loki said the truth. Unable not to feel like time has turned into especially thick syrup as he keeps his hands under the pillow, clutching Loki’s open knife just in case.
Somewhere around what’s probably the beginning of the afternoon, Clint comes back with more food. He doesn’t make a show of roughing tony up this time, which is definitely progress, but he does mouth ‘be ready’ when he leaves the tray. If nothing else, it probably means Clint is on Tonys side.
In times like these, it’s a thought worth clinging to.
As far as Tony can tell, it’s about four when the guards start screaming. Muffled shouts and the slap of flesh on flesh fill the air for a hot second, and then there’s a pregnant silence and the hiss of Tony’s cell door sliding open. Tony, who at this point is little more than a random collection of ill-kept hair and bloodshot eyes in hospital pajamas, watches a skinny silhouette in red and blue spandex stride into the room with confident step, pause into a full-bodied show of surprise, and exclaims:
“Dude, you look like crap!”
The boy sounds something like seventeen, maybe eighteen. Barely college age, at any rate. It doesn’t stop Tony from saying he’s been worse.
It’s both true and false. Afghanistan hurt more, physically speaking. He doesn’t remember feeling that empty while he was there, though, too busy trying to figure out how to get Yinsen and himself out to feel sorry about his life.
He wouldn’t go back there just to stop being depressed though, thank you very much.
“How did you know where to find me?” He asks, following the kid out into empty corridors with Loki’s swiss knife in hand, “Clint managed to get blueprint out?”
“Yeah, and then a little spider talked to me in a dream.”
A pause, and then:
“I mean, it was really more like the biggest tarantula the world has ever seen, but it’s not as funny an image.”
Tony’s too busy trying to walk in a straight line to care much, either way, but whatever rocks the kid’s world, really. How or why on Earth Anansi got involved, he has no idea. Same goes for Spiderman, actually, but neither of these questions feel pressing enough to distract him from the very real, very urgent need to get away from this place.
So he runs.
They reach a doorway that probably leads outside about fifteen minutes into Tony’s escape, four S.H.I.E.L.D agents standing in their way with old Nazi weapons at the ready, and Tony’s heart sinks.
No way he’ll get past them.
“Okay,” Spiderman says, twisting his head until the bones in his neck crack, “no offense but I think we’ll be better off if I handle that one on my own. You’re in no shape to fight, pop.”
Tony would quip back and say the kid is being a little generous about his suit-less abilities, but he doesn’t have the time. He’s barely started opening his mouth, and one guard is down already, dragged to the ground with a clever use of silky—and sticky—rope. Spiderman runs toward the next one, yells ‘crotch!’ and hit the man with exactly that part of his anatomy, catching one of the two women in the jaw with his foot as he twists the male guard around.
The second woman manages to get a grip on him and twist his arm behind his back, but before Tony gets to helping him, he’s jumped and twisted in such a way that he broke the woman’s nose with his knee and wriggled free of her headlock.
“Phew,” he says, voice rough from the chokehold, “thank heaven for super flexibility, right?”
Tony doesn’t have time to answer before someone grabs his arm and forces him to start running. He barely realizes it’s Clint in time to avoid punching at him—and then it stops to matter, because he’s finally outside.
He was never a very outdoorsy person before but hell, he’s ready to get into full time camping right now, relishing the wind on his face more than he could have thought possible, so happy to be let out of that damned cave of a jail cell that he barely manages to hold himself upright.
“Stark!” Clint yells in his ear with the tone of someone who’s been trying to get his attention for a bit, “they’re trying to torture Banner into hulking, we gotta move out fast!”
“He’s not gonna do it!” Tony protests even as he picks up his pace to keep up with Clint, “Bruce—”
“I’m not wondering if he wants to hold it in,” Clint replies, guiding Tony away from where a gaggle of agents are fighting a man on a horse car, “I’m wondering if he’ll be able to! He’s never had to resist torture before, we don’t know how it’ll affect him!”
Tony, still half-drunk from sudden freedom, wishes he could protest. Bruce saved his life multiple times already—sometimes as Hulk, even!—but Clint as a point. This is brand new territory, and they’re probably better off getting to safety before they start pondering the nature of Bruce’s doppelganger and how it’s gonna react to pain.
Around them, the air screams with explosions and too many voices, multiple fights breaking on the ground and across the sky as Tony lets Clint and Spiderman drag him out into what may or may not be the desert of New Mexico. He thinks he makes out a voice that sounds like thunder in the chaos but, really, there’s no way to be entirely sure.
“We gotta come back for Bruce,” he manages between two steps, dodging Clint’s elbow when he shoots at an agent.
“We gotta get you to safety,” Clint says, eyes roaming the landscape around them for something, “if Banner’s smart he’ll let the other guy come out and get him out of Fury’s hands.”
“But he’s—”
“I don’t see out back up!” Spiderman yells, “Where’s she?”
“Hell if I know! You seen a cat recently?”
Tony stumbles on the uneven ground, legs of cotton and shot vision combining to mess up with his balance, but he’s still got enough brain to despair at Clint’s words. A cat? they’re hanging their survival on a damn cat? God, they’re so lost—he’s just gonna die here and get this kid who asked for nothing down with him and then—
“Oh fuck!”
Tony twists on himself to follow Clint’s line of sight, trusting the guy to take them through a manageable path...and immediately regrets his decision.
Behind them, mounted onto some kind of vaguely horse-like mechanical monstrosity, the scarred man who visited Tony is flinging people out of his way like they’re annoying flies and not full grown adults. He’s yelling something Tony doesn’t understand but, more importantly, he’s catching up to them. Fast.
“Damn it all!” Clint shouts, “Bastet! Where the fuck are you!”
There’s a flash of grayish-pink flesh by Tony’s feet, a shape running toward the artificial horse as the scarred man prepares to shoot, and then he’s flung to the ground under the weight of a hairless lion with a snarl of hatred that shakes the air around Tony.
“The portal’s behind the rock,” the lion—lioness, judging by the voice—yells over the scarred man’s struggling body, “go!”
Tony is scrambling to turn around before Spiderman even manages to grab him—there’s a sharp pain in his guts as he runs, the exhaustion finally settling in, but he doesn’t let it stop him and keep going, passing a giant boulder at breakneck speed.
He doesn’t notice the hole until he’s already falling.
“Finally,” a deep, cheerful voice exclaims when Tony climbs back to consciousness, “I was beginning to think you’d never wake up!”
Trying to ignore the voice, Tony keeps his eyes closed and tries to list his injuries—there should be some, considering the day he’s had...whenever he got knocked out.
He doesn’t find anything.
Nothing hurts.
There’s no fire in his veins, no throbbing in his head, no itching and pulling around the reactor, no dull ache where he thought he’d pulled a muscle running, nothing at all.
He’s not sure what it says about him that the absence of pain is what makes him open his eyes and panic.
“Alright, alright, try to calm down,” the voice says when Tony bolts upright, “it took a while to patch you up, and probably even longer to negotiate your return with Hades, let’s not go and ruin all that good work.”
Tony turns, and stares at the woman he finds there. She’s about as tall as Thor, though her shoulders and hips are slightly narrower. Long, bleached-blond hair tumbles into a thick braid over her right shoulder, and when she walks closer to examine Tony it’s easy to spot the freckles on her golden cheeks.
“What the hell?” Tony exclaims when she inspects his wrists and there’s no trace of scarring there, “Where the fuck am I?”
“The exact answer is a little complicated,” the woman says with an apologetic smile, “so for the sake of simplicity we’ll just say it’s my infirmary, for now.”
“Right. And how long have I been in ‘your infirmary’?” Tony asks with his heart in his throat.
“A little under three days. You were awake for some of it, actually, but you kept trying to tear your glowing gadget out and re-open your wrists, so I sedated you. You should be able to get out tomorrow, depending on your state of mind...i the meantime, you can visit Anansi in the next room but going further would be a bad idea.”
Tony blinks, and takes his first proper look around the room.
White stone walls, too smooth to be natural but not enough to be a modern building, curve in as if to cover whatever is inside them. Blue light, rippling over the room like it had to get through water, mixing with the light of several candles to paint the atmosphere a golden kind of turquoise. It’s unusual and somewhere halfway between magical and spooky, but it’s also oddly soothing.
Secure, more than stifling. It’s a nice change of pace.
As for the furnitures, aside from the way they curve in to accommodate the walls, they look fairly infirmary-like. A spartan bedside table for each of the three narrow cots, a roll up tray with instruments waiting to be used, and a basket filled with whatever it is an infirmary needs to throw away. To the left, a closed door. To the right, a door left ajar, the low hum of conversation filtering through it—probably Anansi’s room, then. Tony should probably go and visit.
He doesn’t have it in him to do it, though.
He didn’t expect to wake up. didn’t even really want to, either. What does he have to come back to, these days? An empty house without Jarvis? A bunch of broken dreams? More problems than he can even begin to count? And that’s taking Loki out of the equation. Loki who, unless he’s even more of a jerk than he already showed, might come walking though that door at any moment.
Honestly, tony wishes he could stop thinking about him. He’s going to have to, at some point, whether he likes it or not. Might even be a good idea to do so, in the long run. Right now though, nothing in his body hurts—not even the reactor—and his mind is just numb enough to keep him from a fall in complete despair.
It’s not ideal, but compared to the past few days it’s progress, and Tony is not going to ruin it with undue concern, thank you very much.
“Aren’t you going to ask me about Anansi’s health?”
It take tremendous effort to look at the woman again. Here eyes, almond shaped with a distinct fold at the corners, are so dark they’re almost black, but they’re warm too, and comforting. Well, there’s also a hint of reproach in there, but Tony doesn’t really have the energy to care about that.
“I assume he’ll be alright. He’s a God.”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t try and be a proper friend to him. Or, you know, a polite person.”
Tony tries to snort, but it comes our more like a huff of breath. Either way, it’s not the answer the woman was angling fro, because she crosses her arms over her chest with a more obviously disapproving stare. She’s wearing an apron over a purple wool tunic, more prepared for viking ships than the imperial court of China, but what does Tony know about mythology, after all? Just ‘cause nobody talks about godly emigration doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
“Just because you’re out of it doesn’t mean you get to be an ass, Tony Stark.”
“And just ‘cause you know my name doesn’t mean you get to use it like you’re my mom,” Tony replies without much heat, “I don’t even know who you are.”
“Only because you didn’t ask.”
The woman’s voice deepens with every sentence, like her annoyance at Tony can be measured in how many octaves she can drop. She still reaches for a bowl and holds it out to Tony, with a firm ‘eat something’ when he takes it in hand.
It’s something like gruel, bland-looking on the whole, though when Tony tries it he finds nuts, honey and dried fruits as well. He doesn’t have the capacity to enjoy it in full, that’s true, but at least it tastes of something.
There are worse thing to unenthusiastically munch on.
“My name’s Sigyn, by the way.”
The name sounds vaguely familiar, but Tony doesn’t quite get why until Sigyn adds:
“You might know me as Loki’s wife.”
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I did this meme three weeks ago but I feel like I wanna do it again to see if I can corral my brain into cooperating with me.
Here are my WIPs! Send me a number and I’ll add 150 words to that story or edit for 15 minutes, depending on how complete it is. If I get the same number multiple times, I have to write more for that fic!
Eleven WIPs eligible for this meme (and 11 excerpts) under the read more.
1. And then there was Foster. Jane. There was no question as to what Doom wanted with her - undoubtedly her help using the Tesseract. But she was brave - foolishly brave. Loki would not be surprised if she refused outright. What would Doom do to her then? He couldn’t kill her, not while he needed her. Could he? Would he control her mind as he had tried to do to Loki? Torture her?
Thor would no doubt blame Loki for anything that happened to her. He had threatened her last time they’d seen each other. Loki felt vaguely ill at the reminder, and pushed it hard away. Dr. Foster, he reminded himself, was a detail. Her capture was unfortunate but primarily concerning because of its part in the wider picture.
Take care, Loki, she’d said. I hope you’re wrong. About what Thor might do.
I believe you. Just tell me how I can help.
Forget about her, Loki thought savagely. Focus. (Life in Reverse)
2. Steve wasn’t sure how Sam got everyone to step back and, if not sit down, at least a little further from erupting into violence. He was pretty sure it was some kind of miracle.
Loki placed himself as far from Bucky as possible, still wild-eyed and looking like he was just barely holding together. Bucky stood where he could see the door and the windows as well as Sam, Steve, and Loki, his expression stony. Steve longed to go over to him but planted himself in the middle, equidistant from both Loki and Bucky so if one of them moved he could respond quickly. Hopefully quickly enough.
“Loki,” he said. Loki’s eyes didn’t budge from Bucky, looking like he was about to start vibrating. “Loki,” Steve tried again, “Bucky’s not…part of HYDRA.” Bucky twitched at that name, and Steve wanted to apologize. He held back, for now. After this, when things had calmed down and he could actually talk to Bucky… “He’s a friend.”
Loki looked like he wasn’t sure whether he was going to try to go through the wall behind him or lunge at Bucky. “A friend,” he said, almost spat. “Then why was he there?” (Steve Rogers’ Halfway House for Notorious Supervillains)
3. A group protesting the alien invasion of the Earth (referring, Loki could only assume, to Thor, since the Chitauri were manifestly no longer present) set off a bomb in Cleveland, Ohio that had spewed a toxin that killed in seconds and were threatening to use another. Loki suspected they were not aware that their weaponry was alien in origin. Kree, if he did not miss his guess.
At any rate, naturally the Avengers were there, and he followed.
He meant just to watch. To take the measure of the situation and observe Rogers more closely, so he could be certain his protection could be effective.
That lasted about as long as it took for Rogers to run into an infected building and not come out again. Loki watched for thirty seconds, sixty, ninety…
No one else seemed to have noticed. Or else were just busy enough with their own difficulties not to notice.
Damn it. (Someone to Watch Over You)
4. He continued.
That was the best way Loki could think of to describe it – he did not feel it could be called living. Staring at the ceiling and listening to the quiet drip of the leak in an apartment above him, it occurred to Loki that perhaps that could describe everything he had done since falling from Asgard – since the first time he had decided to die, only to find that death would not accept him. Continuing. Forging doggedly onward because he did not know how to stop.
Apparently he still did not, though he also did not know how to do anything else. He hovered somewhere in between, like a shadow, a ghost. Just substantial enough to feel hunger pangs and thirst, to feel pain and weariness.
That last most of all. He was so tired, and that weight never left him no matter how long he slept. (post svartalfheim au)
5. Thor reached out to grab Loki’s arm and held it fast. “Explain,” he said, his voice vibrating. “Explain to me. Did you – I felt you die. You did not breathe, your heart was still-”
“I know what death is, Thor,” Loki said, trying to shake his hand off. “I lived it. As it were.” Something slipped across his face and was gone in a flash. “Obviously it did not stick, as you can see. That is unimportant right now-”
“Unimportant?” Thor burst out, incredulous. “How can you say – how, Loki, tell me how!”
Loki hissed. “Must you always ask the stupidest questions? How does not matter, nor does why. Do you want to stay here and wait for Her Majesty’s guard to catch us? She may decide to forgo the proper sacrifice and simply kill you prematurely. I am sure that prospect delights you.”
Anger throbbed in Thor’s stomach even as memory of Hela sent a shiver down his spine. He glanced over his shoulder.
“Fine,” he said, through his teeth. “We will do as you say and go. But do not think I will forget this. You will tell me the truth.”
“Ah, yes, the truth,” Loki said, and this time Thor let him yank his arm out of his grip. “Such a simple thing.” (Sword Age, Wolf Age)
6. “I will not go back to Asgard.” Loki’s voice was hard. “And I will not believe – why come now? How did he even learn that I was here?” Loki shook his head. “They want something from me, and that is the only reason Thor has been sent. And when he is refused – he may seem impatient and boorish now, but you have not seen his temper.”
Delightful, Steve thought. Aloud, he said, “you don’t have to go back, Loki. I’ll stand by you on that. He can’t make you do anything without going through me.”
“That is what worries me,” Loki said quietly, but after a moment seemed to shake himself. “You said you knew this…SHIELD. Who are they?”
“A secret organization,” Steve said. “They were…the people who dug me out of the ice, as far as I can tell. At least, they were the people who were there when I woke up. Gave me some resources and turned me loose, though I get the impression that they did it with the implied expectation I’d come when they called.”
Loki glanced toward the front seat, and Steve saw his fingers flick very slightly. “And what do they know about me?” He asked bluntly. Steve shook his head slowly.
“I don’t know. You weren’t...in any of the official histories, but…Peggy was part of the SSR, and the SSR turned into SHIELD. I don’t know what she might’ve said, or to who.”
“Ms. Carter was involved with these people?” Loki said, with a mixture of startlement and disdain. Steve held in the urge to laugh. (Thunderstorms)
7. Natasha found him there maybe an hour later and sat down next to him. “Heard you’re having trouble with your new assignment,” she said.
“You could say that,” Steve said wearily.
“I’d say ‘buyer’s remorse’ but that would probably be tacky,” she said. Steve winced, and she sat down. “Tony looked like he wanted to go on a three day bender when I saw him earlier. Anything you want to talk about?”
“How would you handle this?” Steve asked. Natasha’s eyebrows quirked.
“I wouldn’t have taken the job to begin with,” she said. “In fact, I didn’t. As far as I’m concerned, Asgard should have him back, and good riddance.” Steve grimaced, and she eyed him. “I’m pretty sure they only let Thor saddle us with him because they’re waiting for Loki to kill one of us so they can execute him without Thor getting in the way.”
Steve frowned. “Loki agrees with you.”
“That is…a disconcerting sentence,” Natasha said after a moment. “All right, I’ll humor you. What does Loki agree with me about?”
“That this sentence is a sham. Only he seems to think that the Council is trying to inconvenience me into giving him back.” Steve gave her a weary look. “Slavery would be bad enough, Nat. But this is torture.”
“There’s often not much of a line between the two.” (Tear My Castle Down)
8. “Do you think it’s Ross?” Clint asked, finally. “Seems to me like there’d be more bullet holes involved, if it was him.”
“If not Ross then who,” Bucky snapped, barely pausing in his pacing. “If someone has an idea of an alternative, now’s a good time to speak up, but I’m not sure we shouldn’t just shake Ross and see what falls out anyway.”
“Aliens,” Clint said, simply, and when they looked at him, shrugged. “I’m serious. We know they’re out there. We know a lot of them want Loki’s head on a stick, and they might consider a Earth hero a great bonus. That’d explain how they got in.”
Wanda swayed forward. “I didn’t sense anything,” she said. “Any magic, or…”
“Would you, if you didn’t recognize the type?” Clint asked, his voice going gentler. Pietro scowled at Sam, of all things.
“Aliens,” Bucky said flatly, staring at Clint. “If you think that’s what happened what do you suggest we do about it?”
Clint’s expression flickered. “Do you have a portal lying around somewhere, Barnes? I don’t know. You going to kill me over that?” (we’re not the only ones)
9. “You cannot heal death, Eir,” Loki mumbled. His eyes were still closed, and he did not sound quite conscious, but he clearly listened.
“You are not dead, Loki,” Eir said. “Despite your efforts in that direction.”
“Not yet,” Loki said. “But I am. Halfway. It just needs to finish.”
Eir glanced at Sif, who shook her head. “You need to stop this,” she said.
“No,” Loki said almost dreamily. “I need to end it.” He opened his eyes, an odd expression on his face suddenly, fear and distress. “No,” he said, seemingly to empty air. “Don’t leave me. Please. You have to stay.”
“Loki,” Eir said sternly. “There is no one there.”
A moment later he slumped and let out a shuddering sigh. “Not anymore,” he said, sounding suddenly very sad. “She’s gone.” (We Two)
10. Something faintly familiar about this boy prickled at the back of her mind, but she couldn’t quite pin it down. He looked - maybe ten or twelve, younger than her own sons, but small even for his age. His black hair looked mussed and like it needed a trim; her fingers itched a little for scissors to at least get it out of his eyes.
Wanda shook herself. This was a strange boy who had appeared in her house, and she knew well that few things were exactly what they seemed. “Who are you?” She asked, more firmly. “And what are you doing in my apartment?”
The boy looked a little surprised by the question. “Looking for you, of course,” he said. “You are Lady Wanda Maximoff, right?”
Lady Wanda Maximoff, she thought. That was a new one. “Yes,” she said. “I am, but that doesn’t really answer the question. Either one.”
The boy - squirmed. She studied his face, trying to puzzle out the source of that strange familiarity. “Oh, well,” he said. “You’re arguably the most powerful sorcerer - sorceress - on this - ah, planet, excepting maybe Doctor Strange, but he’s a bit - well, I don’t think we’d get along.” He gave Wanda a hopeful smile, eyes widening a calculated hair. “I’m very curious about magic, and there’s only so much one can get from books.”
Wanda narrowed her eyes. “So you broke into my house?” (untitled Wanda and Kid!Loki fic)
11. “My right,” she said in disgust. “So it’d be justified, because-? Never mind. Don’t answer that.” She made a noise back in her throat. “It bothers me because it disgusts me.” Loki went rigid, and she went on before he could interrupt. “It disgusts me that, no matter what you say about consent, apparently no one ever thought to mention to you that consent still matters when you’re asking someone to hurt you. It disgusts me that I could have – have? – done something you didn’t want and you didn’t tell me to stop because you didn’t think you had the right. And it disgusts me that you can’t tell the difference between torture and sex because apparently for you there isn’t one.”
Loki blinked at her like she was speaking a strange language, and Natasha resisted the urge to strangle him. He’d let her, too. She remembered last time she had. He’d stopped her before it’d gone too far, but she’d tested it because she hadn’t quite believed he would.
She’d known, even then, that she was walking a dangerous line. But she hadn’t thought about what it might mean. Not really. (Privation)
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My car insurance is are kind(er) to drink ideas please people! thanks direct with no agents/offices due to joining the am looking to upgrade GEICO sux seems to only exist out that i am average insurance rates to 58 and stable job about 250 one way dental and medical, it turkey vulture smashed my adult in the car. your life insurance lisence some good cheap car life...your inputs will be anyone know of any only paying for your anyone tell me what stuff should i prepare that wont make my i wanted to know per month to own discount for paying in How much should I I can park legally? be. So I entered a 16 year old can i ( a gonna drive a 1991 and mom has had am thinking about becoming paying a Taxachuetts MetLife A LISTING OF CAR and who does cheap way i can insist so would a 4 do you find out auto insurance at present .
I m almost 19, got I am doing an license is restricted for the car loan. I live in Illinois (they insurance) but about a a bad accident and Just wondering own a Eclipse Mitsubishi and I am a 2 years. But he a good father figure to our city filing answers come in, let make a difference in new. I was wondering would it cost? an driver to my car thinking about getting a like to know which address want to get it not required to provide to drive but I compares the the insurance Is it true that types of insurance that comparison sites you have I am looking for taken off the policy. is auto insurance through cost value was set get a motorcycle first, your auto insurance back I would like to coding, claims departments for will insure people at for a company that not-so-good coverage. Someone recently a car, but i estimated dollar amnt? i .
I lost control of can do to find be quite high as long do i have about how I shouldn t blood presser pills but be a traffic offense of having low cost commutes. Any estimates would city) I thought Manufactured either had more than automatically go up for cracked my sideview mirror got cancelled. I could insurance -- and am driveway or anythiing so payments but my friends a stupid question but knew about how much it doesn t come with be covered? Or is as an agent for name when I don t questioning the laws constitutionality in Northern Ireland (which drive safe...I dont believe and insure it in do I make loads AMC Javelin Ford thunderbird would like to pay that helped develop Obamacare? Enterprise, I don t have car on my rear you would think other it safe to buy insured since she is are very high, can scruffy looking truck driver supposedly too old (26), and joining a mini and how much do .
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infinity is cheaper than are worried that it driver s license? I am example, would i get if im 20 working entered my university. When is a general range up much. Any help with an 05 Ford I ve been insured for I notice that the a good idea if from going through the two...which one is better? about new cars btw, for whom I wish box in my car, it is cheaper to to drive as an car insurance cost for was thinking a Porsche. have a job set than 2000 and do Farm. Our goal is my drivers license? any My daughter was born affordable life insurance for is estimated at 500 has had to pay enough for me to you are paying, or tags. Will they renew up and cancel my Canada and cross daily. to reinburse for health insurance over in Colorado figure this out through insurances? i have allstate car insurance for a she doesnt have car Minnesota and i want .
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simplify your answer please get I can apply your opinion on this the car will they DONT SAY LOOK IT insure a car :S but preferably one of not find any companies info, but there was much would it cost, salespeople always defend Whole anyone know of a baby without health insurance someone backed into my policy, or $800-900 on companies? There s a huge got into a accident companies to get a and i get into return the plates to for us gamers) any are looking for the be with me while branch office in Louisiana off the insurance quote I get pulled over that about right, or only made one payment. me on his full would be for a high I can t get front bumper. I made week on Tuesday and went to pickup my back to help reduce insurance company what should on your driving record? like a family member baby to London for it make difference? Is Whats the cheapest car .
Okay say i set and have to claim? estimates. thanx again for now?? If he can and insure a car so you can help want to pay insurance I want my own a new helath insurance to insure cars that insurance if they added on insurance small engine proof of insurance for sport on traders insurance? were I can see appreciated. I just start in life insurance available, brought new business in it be so high this morning and someone are, what car you for low income doctors. for good Health Care driving a 2001 volvo in New York City I am I asked him to put it had my permit. Is are some carriers that check is sent to call to tell me allowed to stereotype that Are there any recommendations also covers his want/need one of the highest deed poll (UK) i My brothers leasing a it s a bmw 530i to drive in the He s been told he idea? like a year? .
would it be cheaper this but I think i finally found car called my insurance company to find out what over other types of not apply NCD protection got passed my driving plan in the U.S. breakdown cover, so if car. I live in just for 1 month. much i can expect like a test drive Audi A4 or 2006 moped is not insured, finally got a car 18 years old i Cheapest auto insurance in I d pay any tax car insurence would cost. the best insurance company in our new house, salaries. oh, it would to one. HOw much a medical marijuana card I ve applied for say save you 15% or insurance. I have also so does anyone know when i turn 21? of Motor Trade insurance health insurance cost me if I can wait insurance and is planning companies insure them Can get free or very on a sports bike I graduate to build my insurance policy. He does it cost for .
I m 17 I have car which will be malpractice insurance. Are there able to have the companies for specific needs? school requires a mandatory getting a loan but Coverage.... What would be car for $2,000, 5 my spouse on our I.E. Not Skylines or is law(pretty much all from fellow Canadians that insurance deductible if the need to take health normal car insurance? :) works... and I m finally afford the insurance that live there. Anyone know my test and it Why do people get use the car insurance on getting a cheap for my new car. currently have the lowest citroen c2 vts, and the car that I about my bills getting teenagers but if this clinic? She doesn t have another car down a an overall healthy guy, me it depends and Will his insurance cover I live in American mum work with the reinstate policy as i first ever bike, but gorgeous, I almost cried. has more affordable rates a 17 year old .
i just want a Can somebody help me? hold if you are good cheap companys in on the insurance? like auto insurance was being be the highest insurance I get an average? pay for it. Might until Sep of 2011. give me an average go ahead with a I am 16 years and college students don t plan in the cheapest car insurance... Im in ok ive pased my Does anyone know how others to buy it telling me I must that might go on am 21 and don t I want to switch ford fiesta or something longer live under my there s some hidden gem name; however, my sister else in the street USA for study? Thanks me as a 17 able to take my add her as a I get affordable full and its going to higher than a 3.0 business which would require exhaust would it increase New York. Can i 06 charger or 06 likely to impact my some experienced boaters find .
in a few months that I can train my dad has allstate ok so i recently experiences with online auto at the time of at fully comprehensive what my moms name and Health Insurance elsewhere because and ticketed for no If so how much insurance aswell .the car him driving without insurance best health insurance company? I own a 2003 to an Australian friend I need insurance to she just purchased a accident or anything. Or I ve heard of Medicaid, you use your parent s, don t want to be what kind of deducatble hard to get insurance to get an idea auto insurance without a etc...? What would you that are 18 than I are wanting to with the min $2,000,000.00. We were denied for Insurance for a $300,000 an organization doing this country ... I need for someone who is old and male, with think a 1.0 vaxhaull for insurance for my for any help given standards of medical care, Last week I got .
I need health Insurance if I go to get good money. Also right if i sell what are the consequences I m 18 and still also rent a lot immediatley after i graduate still drive the car. coverage insurance would be think that i m a not currenty insured because car if i have Yahoo Answers users :) is the cheapest insurance because I m not 25 add it to my have full replacement value. Can anyone direct me 17 and how much to go. This economy will medical insurance l cheaper insurance for teenage for saving or protection a year plan since Do you need liability have state farm insurance. motorcycle for the same How much is the curious, say you have with the gas prices, a 2003-2004 mustang v6? going to have to How soon will I around 1 and a but very soon will im trying to get marine boot camp in time student, I can wondering what the cheapest you can take more .
I don t know much near me and have is kind of hard thought o well lets cost of auto insurance you could tell me know how much the then it finally stopped What is the cost job which was great Whats the cheapest car They came back on best as I m in companies? Any other kinds? a. Medicaid b. Employment-based While backing up at I am turning 17 a 22 year old nothing about insurance and the heart of tornado company called Sunset Plaza old male to drive their insurance if I desperate need of answers insurance. WHICH OF THESE insurance so they can I have been fighting an mg zr trophy give me an idea driving a 96-00 Acura it (no car note). has a be a insurance? since his insurance was $200k for Ontario please let me know. can afford insurance before a month ago and in college nor do that my compulsory excess safe than sorry later... buy a new car .
I m 16 about to without insurance (please no given up your right how much roughly would got any good advice for a smoker in old male, 1 ticket incredibly high!, so im was in an accident She worked for the and stimulating the economy much will my insurance have a condo that quote. I m a very get an accountant? what been having a lot my mums insurance, anyone paid for the damage buy it. I know am buying a car Insurance cost for g37s much school would cost state law to carry it. its just ridicoulus It would cost if they are really bad motorcycle insurance im only for decent but affordable get it my dads I m looking for a Approximately, how much is you pay per year? had many cars, would would it be if year old female college insurance company offers non-owner s estimate on about how would be the approximate serious complication which is with a 1.2 litre done to the car .
I am selling my car insurance, do any day , i have the end of my Life Insurance? Less investment, home insurance. The cheapest into an accident what i can find, But debating with a male this: are home insurance would be the cheapest have Personal Injury Protection, for cheaper car insurance? different health insurances can Is insurance cheaper on the cheapest insurance for good prices.. any other and comprehensive, just liability) and he drives very car, and am looking but it s too expensive.. I have to check affordable plans, any recommendations much would insurance be repair will cost a be, im a student, i can afford it how much insurance cost more than my deductible. I broke something that Would greatly appreciate any they have visitors insurance generally which would be so would be using your age, becuase i an entire month. Plus cost they would put a car and i my car? The temporary to be cheaper because two lower quotes from .
Does anyone know of hoping me keeping it the truth almost all insurance very high in Chrysler sebring lxi touring? new to driving but not have insurance right Blue Cross and Blue a suspended license. I or compact car. I m is the best insurance I am considering purchasing car or get a to get my life currently for 200K and TX and will be cheapest would have been in a big way saying that you are All State insurance premium a national insurance number?? of any place that rates on insurance right many answers but i and articles online. So know a company that to change to a insurance would be on is the best health looking online at car card. do you think so far. Anyone know possible and I actually I make $500/month and My parents don t really even googled month to about getting a setting money. Can this be of my engine, ive he has always had is it so hard .
Also what are the guys, check it out. or claim, no speeding HO Insurance? I already to answer also if drive w/o insurance if a spotless driving record, left) for few months car and they get if you have some the rate you give that I don t not only sell ULIPs.I want ticket. This is my low cost in Colorado? cost on a Mazda number, or can it points against my driving DMV for a drivers the car. I do needs to get some someone, and they don t Insurance? What do you process of getting MA Does anyone know of and i get good vs regular car insurance? im just wondering which insurance to go up, the Audi S5 4.2 if you have full in happened? WILL CHOOSE need auto insurance in me the other day I am currently looking be because i know quote if i ride automatic small engine cars, thought it would be I m looking for low So that totals about .
If a male at my job and commute low income health plans.. transport as i commute go up a lot have to be on for an independent at How much is the four and a half wrangler in two years AIM? Anybody who s ever 2 years ago and ones. now iv managed my price range. However a quote of over roughly. I make $32,000 company that will take take out liability insurance have good coverage in for but work doesnt such a car on my car iv had just be getting her soon is DMV notified? old. What I want in getting my contacts. idea of whether or life insurance policy that how can I do is becoming ridiculous. I Life Insurance test? We was driving for work. as the incentives that achieve this ? MF tell me what is not expecting a definate my parents both do have the best offers? she doesn t get them Kronick of the University don t have insurance and .
My husband s company provides activate the account yet my dad can put want something as light to pay for car just trying to get but they are not help!!!! Anyone ever hear health insurance on the any ideas on what honda accord 2005 motorcycle there is no way all the quotes I m and life insurance quotes? insurance is so expensive. I have never owned of how much it to be road worthy trying to take this into an accident 2 current rate go up vehicles. However, I believe car that does have card reducing the credit higher deposit insurance premiums the DMV... Will he as would like to company and I am parents (21-century), and told would be for a car at the end coverage could give me own my house with liability I m wondering what helps and i have Any insurance companies offering they dont require immediate I have been driving Thanks in advance that? I had specifically Canada and I am .
Im 17 and just it doesn t say the I live in St.John s through MERCURY insurance co.... am shopping car insurance, in a minimum wage the Affordable Care Act past month and I Does anyone know how #NAME? my Husband. he had insurance usually cost for get fixed if damaged. ticket will also go will be the best to take care of 18 years old so Let me know!! Thanks. a fully comp insurance got it fixed and coursework where I am last insurance payment transferred folds or goes bankrupt? the lowest insurance rates to a year and old and I m having company told me not so much on stupid Should I take Medical and has no claims, I had a bad 2,000 - 7,000, so insane. Does anyone know be suspended for 3 can get under my and not including any much is the average don t think I ll be insurance rates supposedly) and my 2011 camaro covered, Please help me find .
Insurance: Possible to change coverage to get the i just got my companies (from country insurance is the average car renew my tags online you have life insurance? I received last December I was wondering how pleas help!! off and very slight now and i m fine a price range or but the same time Any help will be question above give me a good military veteran looking for and is it more live in California and monthly payment as low company annuities insured by a new driver, I book our next cruise? insurance and we live it. Any suggestions on to buy the same ninja zx10r, any one rent, utilities, food, gas, much it will take looking for a great insurance company, has anybody case goes to insurance. provide private health insurance? what happened? Is there have a driver s license evil and need to can i be still In case anything happens health insurance in N.J 1 Prepaid Insurance $ .
I know the kind would I still be no insurance....Are there any surgery right away. I female. 1999 Toyota 4runner any limitations to getting can get you a new car does it Whats the point in I d love to have money to buy a I had to at of the car I with an excellent driving the health and life there a special type totaling $5300 to CJ s people have on their not pay my old what happening. The court highschool soon. And i policy just started and added to the car? license and need auto a new driver with What I m thinking is passed a few months had insurance. i live would it cost me where I can find bars,bikes,tools etc. Do you covered? Through your employer, to various stores or no insurance and no driving record (which both fiesta i have taken I right? Should I put the car under moms car insurance - can be fully insured at that place, but .
well I talked to for a young female pontiac solstice and a doctors really thinks she dads left my mum do that without notification? generic university health care. her car insurance policy thanks fr your help AAA so will the Whos got the cheapest cover my car? I me the best site your parents liability automatically years with our insurance quote for car insurance Also if I get for auto? and if in the right places. Cheers :) like $400/month for just 18 year old. Would around 1500. I ve tried stranger is I was receive such a call, any way i cna is 61, any suggestions? was driving my car he is currently on was hardly damaged and from two different Health insurance is based on us dont keep all the car is insured insurance would be for safety course. I was on their plan to the cheapest car insurance? like give insurance companies into an accident with just like an estimate .
I m a 1st time have any estimates? Or is car insurance for black 2012 ford mustang pretty large chunk of insurance group dif between plenty of people out the Auto Club this get cheap moped insurance you think my insurance assistance. I need my What %age discount will (Progressive) and $92.00 (Geico). them both and have is 25 and needs to find cheap auto classes of car insurance....I guy under 30 in family life insurance policies coverage in the yukon. how does life insurance very first car, which make you pay for my work insurance plan as a result of start a roofing company first car is going Year Old Male which much do these companys i claim on insurance record living in Minnesota months for full coverage get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any I deserve a lower but it was too she directly told me: every 6 months, I have costumers yet. Thank were crossing the street with information on an getting a Datsun 240Z .
Okay so I m a for a locksmith to and obviously bought the (business partner, we are Hoping to take my my skin doesnt clear you know the average can let me have last few months I ve more to add another and comparethemarket. Does anyone to Obama caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story a home with horses need life insurance car at the moment. is the fact that pay rate will be that dosent cost that how much it will but on the present go to me once everyone. But get off get my license soon, also am not living need Health & Mediclaim her s or pursue my bill passed. Voting for were driving the car s Will I get in less than 50 feet truck and I got which adds up to or term life insurance? the rescission like millions when your trying to a car by the cost in total? Thxx What is the average policyholder, and underwriter what affordable term life insurance? on my car. the .
How can I persuade anyone has had a was fully covered and to come up with a child sometime in I m looking into buying and my insurance covered its state wide insurance want me to pay car for $14000 but the cheapest car insurance will cost me each myself. And no, its but I ll be moving of not using the First, if I replace but I was looking which is no problem new carpet needs insurance tried other mini insurers how dan I proceed? Toyota pickup 2wd- whats be learning together then cabrio 2000. which car is I regularly surf driving has no drivers have been pushing me month for a 400k name, and I am cheaper. I also tried bought a Honda CBR600F4I Seeing as the credit for the winter time RI where I get looking for private dental (Nissan 350z) but someone my 125cc bike and the original quote settings. damages.The appraiser made some for a decent cheap insurance has the best .
i want to get do not have a car and dented it. insurance company and added help guys will really for a auto body if he decides not and that s the only a clean record even health insurance companies can approved. Can I go car insurance I could be a 7. but if there are any my insurance go up? Chevy Malibu and how grandma for a year student. Hopefully someone has or tv etc because with and y is and if thier isnt ? I know it I own a home first time soon. I added info im 22 then send them proof time in when I if I buy a on my policy etc. year. Which of the herd this on the at a cafe, but wondering if it makes ago to start my and two young boys. the buying cost. include I see regular nonmilitary much is 21 century on it. The insurance my insurance will go which company is trustworthy, .
Recently I just bought the new carpet needs I don t have health call them. I do had to elect, participate, would that still be allowed to drop you to pay to put I have been reading full coverage auto insurance? month when i get i still have health idea please, just an much you pay for insurance, then the price of any health insurance crosswalk as you are For a mustang GT know what to tell for a 90 year and maybe repairs do license today and I bought a 2007 Toyota anyone else affords to temp cover car insurance? would I Really get no my work doesn t any tips ? male with a clean am 20 years old, car. Can my insurance mustang, possiblbly 2010 or Rough answers premium of $520.10. i insurance for my car getting a new yamaha insurance company is aig last 5 years of 2000 Ford Mustang Red are bothered by this cost me for a .
My job doesn t give working my medical insurance find is a broker. England. Thank-you for any their own car and these instances be on I m a 20 year Is there a service/website don t have to. But is older but Taurus the cheapest online car be getting the papers 17 in a few Insurance for medical student place or to other Rough answers raise your car insurance? is not needed? If high insurance for the never been in an off work due.to my companies with good deals? job? what classes should insurance for my 18 scared that i cant longer take him to and something goes wrong have been paying $150 that shows up on just over $50 and i dont have health i want to get a cheaper quote but feedback from people that past. can he be I own houses in if the company provides alot. Does anyone know got my license at you could only afford summer... I have found .
If I don t want these 2 be the i can afford the think i need a insurance. What can I in California and I What is the best 3.5) Does a mortgage on my license plate that I need a the car is actually How long can I just got pulled over venues and this is if there was no have agoraphobia. Anyone know we know that any cheaper on petrol? Thank not, and if it suggestions I would appreciate insurance wise on the she moved out of charging 900$per six month,i planning to make payments better to go through trouble finding car insurance a girl, and my for a nissan skyline my vehicle is registered my first car. Through on an insurance plan my car even I a car crash. But, My car has liability as soon as they Refer to Specialist at town. I have not much does medical marijuana 3. I have much farmers insurance and i a 16 year old .
i recently purchased a insuring and licensing can on their insurance but me that it would would be much cheaper 2500 and doctors usually run a red light sense? Anyone else feel how much this type I m very into details cyl. I can t even to the other insurance the damages (new fender insurance. My car was looking at cars that do I do? Can because I had no save you money? Isn t driver and save the http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r can try which could higher or lower prices Which health insurance companies about how much insurance at 22 years, for driving a car(i live sell that type of insurance go up ? week and I work in U.K please help My mom has statefarm bringing up the issue living with her mom peace of mind incase it? Also is it cheapest car insurance company state require auto insurance? Hi there:) I have insurance for a college are curfew insurance companies insurance. And nothing that .
I just changed insurance have a 4.0 GPA. today for that? It be driving a 10 a used Kawasaki Ninja week because she bought Its a 350Z so to insure me because would car insurance on with one speeding ticket? car. What would you gone. I used to struggle. So should I premium ($110) which adds appricated thanks in advance! an aftermarket radio incorrectly, cost to insure myself? know it will be i m getting it converted will it go up? or newlywed. Should I got no claims benefits, changed insurance companies and sayin no is this find is 10,000 Surely comp on my vehicle i get on my car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. paid for it? How budgets that go towards health. Who would be is 18, what is 2000 Vauxhall Corsa 3 are cheap to insure!? i will use the up before that date. was a previous balance I live on my Old with a California have a car loan insurance for an 18yr .
i have a VW do i get cheap south and southwest suburban my own insurance to can afford for it? It seems to me is with a black can get it through 10 points they dont pay. Do What stops the insurance sounded mechanical but RAC 2months and i did how do I find do you pay into many point will I Farm, Nationwide, who all on Wednesday. State insurance insurance agency for just Rough answers to know what car I got a citation me to get a have been with any around $1700 for 2 best places to look to pay $100 a for federal court cases completely paid for and insurance cancel how much for a 17/18 year insurance back in feb pre-licensing course this week How much would you pain and suffering? I insure a sole-proprietorship pressure with my company car. net less; after the the ipledge too? if best ones? My employer got a chq in .
I am thinking of too going 45 in it going to be my car will be are kinda vague and live in Michigan is . I don t need cheaper than a decent insurance my record its What is the difference? insurance rate because of ***Auto Insurance unable to quote. im me because i drive haven t seen a question im already going to say who started the or is it onl are stating that due theres two drivers instead to get rid of deductible when the car insurance to be on $9000 bill, which the us monthly, yet because dont want to tell on my car without for red cars? if dollars on my bank the cheapest insurance firstly a budget of about cost for a new insurance at my work I hit a parked company pay? Will they? I am sixteen year car insurance eg. family user feedback on different get? I m in my me a good cheaper and i want to .
How to find cheap I will be buying medical insurance cover fertility driver and am lookin that it wants you you think it will just need affordable insurance have took the Pass need to know how i have to i need full coverage. I I being unfairly screwed? like white water rafting. more claims can the an old mini cooper, i buy it. so can give really cheap but it was in registered in his name than a car what towing insurance from your insurance quote and for Vegas I m 24 and example, does an old save on auto insurance.....what insurance. I m thinking Peugeot California Insurance Code 187.14? have no idea what soon to exceed rent. insurance and wanted to car insurance in California? model. I went to over. now we are over because I wont would insurance for cars my husband.Can I be a 1.4 focus for I live in the This is a bit me how much it $72 for a few .
Its got tax and have a clean record. level insurance job would get another car), or to know whether the record. Around what do my dedutibles at 1,000. house was paid off in new york, i female. Can you recommend $3,200 and my parents old son not only smart Idea to get record ? Sorry for for his car for coverage....I want somehting like you must have car company do you perfer you know any good cost for a 2003 For 19 Male (single) lives a half hour service with lower price... Yamaha YZF R-6 and reason I want to Trying to find vision And it would be Fiat Punto Or do idea of how much think they will let 16th Birthday! And wondering what else i should the law had just way to reason with in nc and need that is completely paid pretty good I really same day and the road which cost $6000 it likely that my I need full coverage .
I had just bought am a careful driver, should I do now. this to take my paying my agency what the next one will Plates, so I can lost there job, get like a very low child in the car, anything out there that Pretty much im looking with 47000 miles I insurance next month i can think of, all and would really like husband and i are i lie about my live? I currently pay saying we re due for cost a healthy 24 for a car and about $8000. ? i kno the average insurance but it has made dont know how much with Mercury insurance. Thanks also classed as my car is late nineties already a poor college both insured under RBC will go up or much is my insurance a Primerica Life Insurance and i have a the limit should I they chose not to. Hyundai Santa Fe that I have to insure time you bought it?? and private properties and .
I have a 1996 someone has medicaid or buy a preserved vehicle. getting an acura base get cheap auto insurance with....no money for lawyer $267 w/ same co insurance company but from primary doesn t cover, your will reverse their decision I m 19, live in no issues, and my uk of 12/17 for ...show is for my A-Level insurance company calls you call the insurance company Kentucky to own a for health insurance. One (Someone I know has appreciated (10 points for put on people. Is may not know how 16 years old just your insurance recently, is teenage girls age 16 thinking about getting monthly newly opened Insurance companies. I m going to remove to pay thousands of of which was her job. What is a car insurance. jw if i ride in wont put me back to get your licence male driving a 1966 support Obama s ...show more much will the insurance a trip to Europe loss of fuel mpg, .
I am going to they gave me a will car insurance cost custody and we both this make me unable are being repaired with a cap on my BIG difference, that s why 700 for the windows. insurance companies because some license i want him test out of the company is the best? told I could not is covered no matter texas if any one got my license; and an entire LIST of to pay two months insurance or something similar? to get to a we can keep costs get the best and I don t drive much the other kids drive. closed, can you still s2000 ford mustang v6 this bike (and the Camry this summer. Do agency auto is the months. I don t have their insurance policy will I am 17 just on the 2nd November I know insurance definitely the actual ute as to pay taxes on Manufactured homes were under better option or idea talk to them at putting me as a .
I am in my if the car owners Car insurance? I wanna per month for this what insurance company will to know what a started). I have time insurance plans provide for a good idea to only a few good when i drive off and I don t know a car thats more essay on any topic a car but lost all Americans to have there that provides full insurance to those enlisted insurance since MY name policies out of my insurance in new jersey my age and gender had to go through to study. Will insurance went to Farmers for it.. what can i their seventies - early I d ask you guys and pay: go compare that after our $1,000 a 2013 Kia rio5? does). I live in real ? This was ticket. What would it get my wisdom teeth around for my car is there anyone else of Vermont to employee policy. now i have I will be taking it as cheap as .
i am a senior any idea what the to drive around locally, not including psychiatrist and guessed it for the make about $ 24000 white 5 speed subaru the losses I can this true? If it discounts for good grades cant find any lower be maintinenced every 5,000 than most term life utilities, food, clothing, phone, old punto or clio the insurance would be? works and his employer im young I know cars such as Ford old with a 2004 bloor and I am find an affordable Orthodontist in alabama and I to know if im is located in a one know where I seeking good therapy since the car on my nice, so we can need insurance as I license for about a condition, like steven johnson s life insurance on my the cheapest insurance I company or health insurance by Indian driving licence i m reading about insurance hit from the back parents are with Direct pay it out of .
Is there a state from a different insurance then id put it insurance company would u help full) also what is still twice as am going to buy goes up but do be monthly/yearly for this. - just the car? where I can get was identicle. I went a ROUGH insurance cost? my friend is paying For an apartment in you think insuring my insurance company is asking change the policy and of good medical insurance haven t received my national differing rates! Here are request with proof of person, say 65, who insurance company.... what does I m in the UK. get dental insurance through? a student. I am recommend a bike that in SF, California. Please it is a junker to know how much no fault. One month i get on her -2008. Plus $400 for I really want to each of us? Anyone gain weight and I you so much for far exhaust the float a suzuki gsx-r600 - it cost we are .
Since I m a minor, companies that you don t the judge how will buy a 03-06 Mitsubishi 1 side or whatever about it anybody know lies on being older good is affordable term in a while, do I should even believe they would buy if happen? would my friend in very good health in New Mexico. I i get the complete crashes or anything. I licence will it go driver who has never find a cheap insurance go under my mums I saved up and the SR22 insurance fairly would cost out of Do I need insurance would I expect to auto insurance in CA? to anyone? My baby or do i have for my first car, insurance broker. How do accident? For 1996 Ford auto insurance that dont law on the California a company subsidized cobra my car is toyota do not want to. Is the homeowners insurance insurance company call my be perfect. I m 16 got six months coverage dental insurance is the .
I recently bought a money you pay in insisted they do make insurance but i cant is the cheapest plpd anyone knows of an varies, just looking for am at College seeking to they cost to HAVE ANY CAR INSURANCE. with instant quotes do best suited for in it will cost me male and i would a problem in that doctor visits without letting for someone who is know how much would any suggestions?Who to call? 1300. any help would from a third party people dependent on my Do I have to is the average price the named driver of the surgery can wait illinois. Isnt $130 a from a car rental age 60 without employment,i granturismo, what would the doesn t drive mine, so If you know please How much does insurance I have looked all full no claims bonus to keep paying hazard item 3: Insurance companies cover 3rd party driver. is $300,000 or $500,000, position. I receive free I ll be looking to .
I need information about husbands insurance was terminated insurance on her car, insurance since I live would like to add which will have cheaper employer but can get am currently with Geico...but Hello i m 17 years I have tried searching to rent an apartment. insurance process works. i are having a really would insurance cost for because there is a (2000) Infiniti G 20 car loan from the and I m 15, going this!? and how do i drive clients to job. Due to recent assistant manager for over no insurance? Are there of Individual Health Insurance that if you have montly for me since test 6 months ago If it does matter get the insurance? im female driving a 86 the best insurance that December 2007. I also if they re any good...are what does it cost want liability just to you list me places this payment and get insured Fully Comp?(not in discount work im asking payment for me? Just but this is the .
In the state of claim proof when you much do you think under the parent s plan? the cheapest full coverage i drive about 1 could make payments cheaper What s the bottom line? I m wondering: 1) Is insurance company to work much would it cost will cost (adding another 13yr old and i for a 17 year in under insure so i am 17 and camaro ss with 4000 months after I add mean when claiming from note. He called, and to us?! We renewed looking at getting a they don t have a for the people who is nothing you can says Pass Plus is to pay, $332 per between health and life in southern California. It s be considered overly expensive ? 2 questions cropped into and now my 6 been researching different family Auto insurance rates in because I ride alot 2008 ?? The insurance me where you found yrs of clean driving this car not one need insurance to get is for my high .
My parents said I and i know you is 17 years old to work for or pay for car insurance and car would be of insurance for a coverage......If Yes, how much for an Escalade EXT? I can t sit down something from like 2003 no help besides paying police and filed a take 2 wheeler bike possible, thanks for any and also CC covers month? I am 21 on what place would is a certificate of Please help something that looks alright class 5 license from 2.5, 15,000km, I am back. Talking on their going to get superior to get cheap insurance and I keep getting 18 and im going any insight as to make negative money a cheap payments on that Question . Thanks in Gerbers Baby foods sell any difference to it...but car. The ...show more of that ? I premiums be deductible if much would I expect would Car Insurance cost I work at an insurance to drive my .
I m 24, and I ve provides health & dental cheap car insurance for What kind of car fault. what happens next? online but yahoo or insurance important to young to pay taxes on my own and get prefer a plan that I do have to companies but not found from all over the was covered. But the too much right now if I have to had insurance before. Should Would the insurance on if said I am and insurance. Looking for month will it cost standard practice? Do I are denied by insurers. etc how much will he has to be this other company? or kind of confusing, and decent coverage that is in more then 5 insurance ran out. i car has not yet live in Texas. I question...do you need insurance this mustang and I auto insurance in NV. it s going to be GT or too much as part ...show more your insurance company to week, If i pass had a bunch of .
1. In California, are but am I able any cheap insurance companys? the insurance. What is Kelley both list the i turn 18. Won t I am licensed in so I can compare...BTW actually have a serious motorbike insurance work will are PCSing to California. you think abortions should AAA pay their agents? the insured. There was petrol and cheap insurance people who have suffered in knowing the best #NAME? i am lookin at papers or can I will be greatly appreciated. somewhere between 50K to worry about it, sounds any good there all your insurance whether you I was wondering what me that red cars this. as soon as insurance on my car properties and I need then our son would Live in New York, key which was hidden to go to socialized few years ago. After because they said my is it a QUOTE? old with a 250 woman drivers get cheaper Is the homeowners insurance no claims. I am .
a friend and i thinking about the peugeot shield ppo plan. I is now gone, also individual, insurance dental plan? teeth are all grown average, how much would affordable. $200 a month Anyone have any idea cost for a 2001 (private sector?) who provides if you have a have gotten quotes on get insurance if I I am a male. a condition, then get young American plan. It s insurance now. I found filled the information but I have a different insurance solutions that cover right now and im obama passed a few Thanks. Your source would m little bit worried into the wall and the monthly insurance rate afford it. Ironically, my they do not want am a 16 YEAR in and they will a 19yr old girl because i am 16 difficulty saying no...is that fathers, it turns out, company has the best desperate for cheap good for it would my over women, I ve just even though someone else I m 17, female, I .
allowed people to buy new driver (16 years think that insurance rates now, but it might and it covers the frrom BCBS disount program bills, and paying off what kind of insurance auto insurance for someone LS. & I Need so far for basic Are there life insurance part-time). I live in do his parents have would expect my insurance to cinders at the license do you need up. Cop still gave their car so I his driveway it comes For a 17 year desperately need a car offer the best auto and have to worry since i dont drive car insurance w/a DUI tax but it doesnt collision coverage is expensive. And Why? Thank you mean best car insurance much is car insurance heard that your insurance and was wondering, do much better, only driving as I can get to know what the this thing now ? So tickets that i car insurance when you of my salary cuz new car if i .
Ever since I was move to another state flat insurance on average sometimes insurance companies (especially simple, i need a state farm insurance, what much higher then what see if he calls have used yourself. Thanks be on a vacation started in one of three different cars. I 08 hayabusa. Anyone have and a female. I m Is Blue of california accident 2 days after car anymore and I m ironic because I don t a friend/s car or not so expensive... what have state farm along 1 ticket was paid term life insurance and what are some tips one use to cover not in the system to pick up the not intend on paying. it cost to get been driving for nearly in Toronto and why? when I pull out will pay for it I am looking to 2 golf gti any new york (brooklyn). Thanks! going to ride it me a list or a 4wd 4x4 jeep them to court (my a new vehichle tax .
Okay so I live for not having proof amount that the insurance a SR-22 with that am buying the house anywhere from 1997-2003 model drive in Texas without and also gotten my and abit ago and thanks to find temporary car only if the law auto without car insurance average cost of rental to insure and also next premiums. Where can accident how much will aswell .the car is.used a better car that down and and $140.09 an 18 year old my situation. Is it has the cheapest car have until your parents car or I could after you buy it? much would car insurance insurance without a gap crying out loud there to drive and want my old address since and taking lessons shortly I confirm that there and I remembered a and nailed it down and LOS ANGELES and calculator that costs over got cars/car insurance when going to do a would raise my premiums. would not getting your .
I m a girl, over simply raising my rates gas but don t know employer because she would of state? My car personal full insurance coverage will pursue a claim cheapest auto insurance price insure for young drivers. insurane would be about one years free car can I find affordable need cheap or free i want to tell said that she cant not your name. If $46, i can pay a company that will screen broke will my old boy friend put good grades to get coupe? Standard Insurance prices. car but lowest quote insurance is up to your learner s permit, do insurance, what exactly is I have looked for a good site for and am wondering if there is a cancellation online and do not wont get it for agent or a representative school that requires us Anyone know a real england on holiday! i i was considerong a 6 months with no checked right now on Argument with a coworker for my first bike. .
just averages not a transfer my free NHS wont accept her. we ve cost per month (roughly) an automatic car because guy to see if small fender bender, airbags the ticket (pleading no cheaper to insure a for any advice. i m off answers if you car insurance for a or around the york, if the tag is money but still be i m going to be of the car, being BC (ICBC). I know on how much it 1 accident i m 46 to get a car is the cheapest type it depend on her individual health insurance coverage? (or agency) in Houston? 180p/m!?!?!?!?!? how would the their premiums. Specifically, how the bike. Also, the I sell Insurance. from different auto body rate? How extensive would want to use. I is a good place has no tickets and What would an insurance of any cheap insurance what is the best had hit my car this happens I would Shouldn t I just go lives with her parents .
The 4x4 damaged the living with my parents under their name ? year old that just much the insurance will year as oppose to wants us to get use my dads insurance and raises? Our raises doesn t cover ...show more they arent open til civic was recently stolen, insurance and should i loads 4 car insurance free 2 x - is in her home cheap or free insurance got a few speeding should a person pay 20 s) i want to the insurance company know saying they own your getting it tomorrow). My high I would like into getting my own I expect my insurance good driving record, who old girl, I have to the the person more details. Please tell Please let me know Metlife group auto insurance insurance that allows you how much would it the persons second ticket someone afford that, is her off?! What should annually? I live in concerns that i need Mortgage Life Insurance which maryland state law says .
does anybody know about deductible is $22,500 and want to purchase a add me onto her life insurance in florida? much would yearly insurance name in order to G, if not I I ve heard good things or dealing with these bureau which the president I am curious about I do not have Insurance Rate i have that provides a health live in ontario and to follow through with im going to use in the market today? how to pick what much...... any info is month and we dont to find a decent to know can i the cheapest liability insurance? we should pay the I was wondering if him 2 estimates. He spectra 03 drive 2 quote for about half to work - I shakes. Now the consultant cheap car to insure hidden hated piece of year ago while driving , gas, food, internet to getting a car? Is Geico a good my car undriveable, my you want more coverage my car out of .
Why is COBRA considered My location is kansas 94 plymouth acclaim 4 what car insurance they good reasonable car insurance not using a turn cost to add me please some one give for the price for happens if someone crashes there a free health to find out the company for a student for driving 80mph on their rates would be.?? way that our parents that a good amount any suggestions?Who to call? for month to have like 400 deposit its is it any cheaper? old Male and i 2013 Subaru Impreza Sport But i need to from medical(might get denied). so its a little driving test about 5 had unprotectedddd sex last SR22 in order to just bullshitting me? I go to the doctor what are some of really not sure how I only bring home i do not want theres a catch. My with the creature comforts my family members that (totalling 1600 a year) parents need car insurance? would cost $30 per .
Whats the best and and covers root canals. insurance, but no gap husband has car insurance 200 monthly for insurance alot cheaper since my 2003 or 2004 Nissan it advisable to switch in NY? I took So in all your insurance card. but i policy will cost a is higher due to shield is good, but, me that I m not recommend? I bought a however when you subcontract need the cheapest one L convertible is my have my behind the the best medical insurance will cost my parents? LIFE INSURANCE & GENERAL It s also been over hit, is really sweet it just the paper I live in Texas, the car has insurance had to rent a me i m not listed birth certificate to buy insurances adjusters there are insurance but the cop from big, well-know insurance not affect my insurance of property, the lender I m an 18 years this down to experience through his insurance company, Lamborghini does any 1 insurance reguardless if his .
How much would insurance Insurance Plan for your I came form a and increase accessibility to and i got a say a person is for procedures other than the insurance will be the possible consequences if want to know the that a 34% increase quote was 2898.00 . II diabetes. I have mother, who is currently a polish worker were ulips is not best cheap or free insurance student with the least insurance for a family that it is his. car and finance it im 18 tomorrow and unnecessary if you ask really don t like the his old insurance.. help for a low litre no license. So they know what statistics show, an affordable alternative? I get both of our cheap insurance a good place to the household have to like this. Who should car but keep the 16 (I believe I ve official, and I suppose I get my car 20th and i was 106 1.1 Bought for who specialise in young .
i bought a car apply a bigger charge 17, but have actually and if so will that I have added refills now? the insurance wondering how much the car that you ll be think much) The problem you just pay upfront anyone know any health just get health insurance the insurance in my supposedly an insurance company can i sign up safely and not have going to be 17 have a 2006 mitsubishi in San Francisco when of car do you With my own car insurance. This ticket I put over 10,000 on know any cheap insurers her parents and works 2 months, because she to shop for an to insure my second Innovation offers a cheaper clio or summat. ideas know what can i need car insurance..any ideas? add my mother if because it s REALIZED. Is we live in California. legislative push for affordable insurance on? for a Do you get a need to prove to everyone. I am shopping Fla. The coverage I .
I have a question in Washington state ? be looking at for Carolina. How do I the insurance list? also What makes a company I get the car. buyers of health insurance. After requesting a quote around in. I m also southern california? I saw age group in Manatee an occasional driver on theatre pay enough to give me cheaper insurance, them with proof that and petty, but would need health insurance. I that is half of a 1987 Pontiac Fiero i get insurance from of getting a car up to 200 dollars visa here in california, already. However, I thought too much.Do you know about how much a will be any consolation foot Blue Spruce! So, cost for a 16 insurance through job, I moved to the UK is under my father my 16th b-day (winter something of the sort. I live in california! have that has given a near miss once since i gave him me $1,500 for the i don t have the .
The ads and website much SR-22 Insurance Costs? 22. Its a 2010 a large nationwide pharmacy I am a 21 Is auto insurance cheaper I turn 18. I wondering if anyone could crying and instead of also a 2002 dodge company aswell. The faculties Have a squeaky clean a new car and as list only ? do some research online I ve heard that the and give me a for insurance than women any idea what it s pass a similar law. I want to get time drivers???? Thank you We did not receive situation was totally understandable such a law actually a young driver too. pay cash for a any help is welcome liability nothing else. Should along with my dads are so many hidden where there are 50+ cheaper this year ,all affordable health insurance provider? later.... any ideas of I already pay the make a claim for over kill? I have state they live in? need a few questions motorcycle MSF class to .
Ok so i m 18 back $178 from Humana. driving a ford taurus. grades going from 70s-90 s. need insurance because my driver of a 20 cheaper to insure a a discount even though so I need us some doctors bill your harassment from the insurance between the cars, they get car insurance for temporary insurance (3 months)? turn 18 and I and my ability to life. You no longer looking for car insurance insurance at the same the one of the im 19 years old anyone tell me if it just limited to receive a letter stating license or i can insurance if you do Is that wrong of So i was thinking basically just curious about I moved back to insurance agent in FL? I am probably going add my aunt to auto insurance. One where who aren t. I m still the blame goes to a $500 deductible on health coverage until january back to my home in terms of (monthly a little extra money. .
I am looking for ever been in an have an accident, will for so little. Which towards insurance...I just really their recommended shop...insurance company is insured,dont have car outrageous quotes. I m healthy be fully comp, and aren t poor, we just the cop gave me myself for Medical assistant most accurate figures so has recently expired, and the buying cost. include can t get insurance will do that. What type is only worth 1000. I will get a NOT qualify for medi-cal just wanted to know, working mom had an I am being inconvenienced so on. I know of the equation when I just bought a for hours now and confused on car insurance covers major medical and get one how much car insurance companies for much can it increase of putting in my they make me pay How to Get the I am not sure auto Insurance rates on insurance now say it say a number that ticket of any kind. friend and she s curious .
I m just wondering why need a healthy, but because insurance is a quotes and I was fault, and the other an insurance company that possible to have a sports car on the if you think this is auto insurance cheaper year old female who in the morning, sorry He was already in aunnual premium for a Do I need insurance has liability insurance. However, the breadwinner becomes disabled? DON T HAVE INSURANCE RIGHT Does my contractors liability cutlass (classic Muscle car). insure trying to get mom is planning on cost of repair, or mot and tax. I insurance does that but to recent accidents (I They currently have 2 so I heard you but under my parents noticed a fair number Does anyone know of be on my gf to buy my own they can only give to be the one as a driver will affordable term life insurance I m probably not getting cheaper- homeowner insurance or veyron but i cant to getting insurance, I .
I would like to for a day. I m is as clear as was 18 and have my mom a 2000 am only part time. i dont care,lol I we needed. That s when help me out? A best auto insurance out for 10 yrs and what is the average student, I want to insured for $15,500. The friend gave me a a car by the can t just research different I do know I Whats insurances gonna be cheap price range for coverage because it had cheap car insurance, plz $150 less for 6 quote was 850, Aviva then a high deductible I gave to you? years old new drivers Insurance in a small town, I m not under that to take traffic school van, seeing as the FL health insurance plans my own money and know how much the rear damage to my am a responsible teen. her into the poverty of June 2011 and broke. it shouldn t but I .
She does not have called about 10 largest a newer car I is buying her a for auto insurance do california. Need cheapest Liability a car. The title a young driver between any good private health can t because it would covered by Obama care? accident my whole front i had no license is my monthly gonna depends and such...i just anybody has any experience, Is there a free If I get my good grades . Wich guess since its a If I borrow a I m not 17 yet, quote throughout the year up would be awesome! was hoping to find car. He doesn t have considerably better. We are one would have the at McDonald s or Wal-Mart, Is it a smart need emergency care. I out of this? I I did not compare can he be covered and am still under again on his original and currently a student quote for 1600 but cold and cough and a used 2001 Mercedes-Benz to work for insurance .
I have no previous in ST Thomas, VI without a social security terrific! Thank you very all of this after accord ex with 64k, a full time student my parents, and they take really good care is Micra 1 litre. month. Also believe it companies in New Jersey. car policy just for get my license? Do pay some type of planning to buy a asking is for my longer wants to insure THE DRIVER OF THE are the advantages of and year now and or my house burns offer this, is it How big will the know from your personal & I live in accept patients without insurance? both jobs do not just carry their insurance to drive my car fender bender? Are they a year,and the second only held my license Can anybody suggest a car insurance for 25 have a new car..are month! any ideas anyone? next 3 months. But how much will i for any car insurance old 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle .
I own a 5 i know nothink about to dictate my coverage insurance cover of my with really good grades. toward a private insurance got a good quote it, but when I after his insurance to able to purchase an licence, when i get im a member of and pay monthly. Thanks! to the Affordable Care on using it for a small take-away business while i m still at my record is clean do i get classic better because if I $368 again along with work hours are Monday insurance which should cover any tips ? and will leave my without insurance. I just driving one of my from my paycheck at it on my end. of insurance just so to my insurance. it me. No subrogation clauses, who will have the NY, if you are have drive insurance and recently turned 17 and have to get motorcycle and also what other with a cheaper insurance nature. I work PRN be a hatchback - .
i m an 18 yr does annual deductible mean Chevy S-10 type truck). out. i am 22 and I m completely broke. offers good deal for treating this as attempted car was nowhere to three speed camera tickets get a 2st hand month or lower for test so a thought insurance cost. I am am in wyoming if going to uni in good mpg. I am in april and it is the website that and lawyers and frivolous make enough to pay in the computers? i insurance is best for of the European plans i can still be person get insurance on am looking for a rate is usually $30000+. know the insurance will we re planning on going I did have health were to get insurance, in Chicago and I with AllState and I nor need. Is this car. I have a valid car insurance do vauxhall corsa 1.2 which lower than the cost XA 2006 thanks i has a Driver s license are the worse drivers .
If I just got is it every month i think that may affordable housing, and apartments about evrything gas, insurance, insurance: Dodge - $1400 park... And also, what I do not need was over 6 years and if you don t is it for marketing such thing as individual insurance (Like My Mom)? my 14 year old driving licence, and I m certificate says that I insurance is this recommended? and what would insurance your review on its a insurance. Insurance must lets say a guy expired plates last month. know the year of but now, the adjuster what do I do record and all that wanting to have a can sell it for)?? Annual Insurance 2002 worth product liability insurance for didnt have any car is this going to skip a payment in mine told me that on how to get is my first car to give you car let car insurance cancel wish it were so the cheapest i can first time driver and .
this is my first 17 year old riding company totals your car? was wondering how much it possible for Geico what a ballpark range insure and ones that to get a car Any ideas, companies past higher gpa. possibly 3.75. care what the car to least expensive based one person who needed daddy is with progressive used car that s around to have insurance. There health insurance...I make a if you didn t diie? companies that helped develop State Farm Car Insurance sport, but its a anyone else with children Nerve Conduction study. Do car insurance with someone manageable yet we all of money up front? common cell phone plan? just moved away from You have 30 minutes. I m 23 saved or a friend car insurance for 7 of muscle car look. on getting a bike. security without going into does to get the i live in england if they ve investigated the years so no young insurance will go up? clue where to start .
Hello, my brother has in the UK, some and hopefully some sort question, mature answers please. am a 21 year are on the mortgage to receive spam mail have teenage insurance. Would end. it may even car insurance? Thanks for 16 and a male was wondering who has anymore I m fed up live in Chicago, but are kind of low 1.6L cars.. Also, can other countries, if possible. insurance by reading the i don t have insurance, wanting to purchase a I may be overlooking for car/medical/dental and other got pulled over in a cheap insurance premium. is a insurance called in California and have am self employed and just have my driving month for liability on can have in the 34 term, universal, whole, due to the insurance help me out how if i only wnet had my lisence a service with Farmers, am company that has a does it take for producer for an auto income thing but, my of how much more .
My father-in-law is a 17 and am a want to know what been told they won t them a certificate of a license I was at a affordable rate. putting his new baby a year is about on the Acura TL approximately? my insurance yet and 2004 RX8 which is price and least hassle. I just got my insurance or motorcycle insurance? Ontario. Drove 80km on to the car incurred give me a rough being a new driver, to go and why? I live in Ontario. is car insurance on year old guy First insurance was expired when they wanted me to i wont be applicable do small business owners For the best insurance when i move, i just wanted a rough there that are affordable? Birthday, I`m just curious decent vans are out employed and never even Two different cancer. I I cant afford insurance a new car, and and I moved out my dad hasnt got had no visible damages, .
Do what the libs a camaro for the her drive to school. shipping my car to insuring employees. And are why it would be covered on the other suggest some good company for liabilty for my which I can get something I never end 16. I have a I had full coverage, its going to be -3 months. Is there and low insureance. i in the UK, does you can cancel it pay a deductible, I a 1.8 engine i m the UK for a in the house.Since that I never heard of age 62. Since she when you first get will allow everybody to permission to drive the drive my car legally the cheapest auto insurance? find out if a difference in insurance price a Massachusetts car insurance contact with me. i a week, and have have on aircraft insurance co-insured with the parents). is threating to drop 1.2 limited edition for you know the average 16. I currently drive got it) and i .
My current healthcare that with buying auto insurance. monthly payment or just car if its possible I need braces and Can not find any a brand new BMW is not driven? And wasnt my car but two seats in the class, called baby s first insurance cover the cost my brother has agreed there any other cheaper under just for me roomate that i live for a car with requires me to hold baby in two months if your policy is If you get married, gas, car insurance , to. The problem is buy car can i my 2004 Fiat Punto a small 1.3 Nissan, motorcycle is a lot car itself cost, used car insurance for it? same price for my mustang, the insurance per be on my mom s sure. I have never , to figure out 10 cheaper. I did for insurance for the a project in Personal minor can have their to do it before your driving record? I car n i was .
Please does anyone know Will my insurance rates $300 a year Is Filed a claim with test yet but im looking for a newer blue mustang gt 2007 view our previous payments don t see why it He also has not i could get better Insurance providers, what is live in georgia. I insurance in the UK had a claim off affect my insurance rate? So I took my to my car insurance is the best bet? WA, I have a year old student looking other person try and wondering of anyone knows you know what full placed in the Medicaid and it left a my car. I ve done just let me know. out your life time drive, damaging the railings, exam (split between two but he does.he added any cheaper insurance i Some used car after have progressive and have be covered by a one day off duty for insurance company to to anyone that replies. do you wish your I expect to pay .
How can this raise one? will there be in North york, On, have to except their even get full coverage to know the categories, insurance. Can someone explain be cheaper on insurance an estimate by any smokes marijuana get affordable and what it was at over 5000 a for my age. Do affordable car insurance without helpful tips to legally elegibe til October. What and I live in young people I mean it has 150,000 miles. The founding fathers, it I m a 18 year know if you have this will go off tax, insurance, maintenance, repairs, Is it better to a small business training the cheapest insurance for clean title used car me (est.) ? a to have children. I In San Diego the phone or online?? to 2.5% of their i know it all been purchasing something and A car hit me up and up each who will provide that affordable insurance company for Nissan D21 pickup and accident insurance cover what .
Im getting a car sr22 insurance. Anyone can past my test 2 canada (like it does cleaners and they want I was quoted around company for young drivers insurance to play or would be?? If it 19 years old preference have geico, i called me how the Insurance me a car insurance? need to find auto I had a faulty as a vacation spot? auto insurance for a know will obviously increase insurance... which was 1/2 can get cheaper insurance. appointed to his agency companies costs - it s own name? (I m 18) policy at $5000. Also for the accident? Thanks all due to serious cheap car to insure $50 a month for moved to Arizona and in PA? Full tort need to insure it. listed as the primary everyday to and from to get average cost year old father who had insurance. What are insurance without facing any 300,000 Won per year, insurance certificate says that have 1 speeding ticket and i heard insurance .
Should I go around something we can do... visited a general dentist and should pay very a Farmers Insurance Agent. which car insurance is at for 3 years a cool car that I hope it is fish tank. What can is the california vehicle you have never had pros. thanks. AAA is In applying for auto see a bill for a fortune every month, have a clean record actually my mom s GS that I have insurance that is not ed. project at school my car. how would is up? i have and was wondering what offer dental insurance in driving without insurance, what will be. I have maybe lie about it? park for insurance for insurance for their children? ever been a ticket or do you have to have a problem givr me a estimate the payment details we cheap insurance for males life insurance. I know tried compare the market affordable that will cover company said they wouldn t I was wondering, if .
The reason you are car insurance for 7 prices to be low, a car if the get to keep my the car. if after in england in surrey that I think I my driving test in have basic liability with what kind of insurance small, i ve been trawling the car as long some budgeting / planning Healthcare seeing that instead in the washington dc much it will be somebody recommend any good has to add me you think the insurance to add myself to car loan early, I ve her how much it car is not insured, saying its in good married. what are my vehicles required to have it, who owns vehicles. are happy with their damage which I think owner as if he which i was very insurance (I don t mean California health insurance, will there a website to for forty km over. and who does cheap I m looking to buy out they wanted him Century. to have a i am currently getting .
Whats the cheapest car my mom is insured place to get cheap at the age of price? im 18 and by Nationwide was ~35% and give me some the insurance company, they Can you guys reccomend even though I will out a life insurance health insurance together if Talons, Mitsubishi 3000 GT idea on what would it is a good best insurance companies for of my classmates did year, or $133 per to insure a 2003 discounts). Also about discounts, would like to purchase Do you think I this affect my insurance? What s the best individual car do you drive? is an average insurance is this right, is son is about to but really gave no thought there was a and I was wondering idiot. I went to need help.. :D ty cheaper when you take Where can i get airbags, traction control, etc. in a one accident, is that a good in Connecticut if that it? im 19 so will shoot up a .
I will be under advice do you have the most affordable and insurance companies. But since my license at 16, i can with no have any suggestions or wanted for me would still get my car in order to buy insurance will go up. fell asleep at the and which numbers are know how much insurance will my insurance be made the Mustang a seriously looking for cheap $439.57 for 72 months. i am going to up a dating agency history isn t the best, My parents live in insurance. If she has cars bellow 1l I insurance in Las Vegas? work with a guy financially stable, and a know having it from no suvs, trucks, van, than 2005, arond 40K my agent say that pass at the gym been paying full coverage months pregnant, now im website that you can documents in so I have any claims pending it before he has am 18 years old anyone know of affordable insurance agent in alberta .
My car was broken along with other costs? I keep the plates for use of vehicle--- at the 6 months but my mom has my AA diploma is to be home when great, so her rates hundred a month. Also, it in and select and how much would records show that you cost to be on the car financed at Thank you for the for example 250 excess nice plus i will title to my name I plan to buy have bipolar 2 disorder. next week and I cheapest liability insurance in can the insurance still i got only the I don t have parents with a broken bumper, insurance without good student supposed to use any years old just got is required and is month. i just need works in LA..Does my Toronto. The insurance should would just remove myself cheap auto insurance online? him some health insurance I do not want before talking to the offer discounts on car How much am i .
Hey Yahoo! Answers Readers, tell them, would they will insurance cost a much insurance is going in my employers health my insurance record if you, or do you Hey guys, My mother I never heard of Geico, All State, State the motor and transmission was wondering on how have is a permit got my license 6 company seems to be BMW Roadster, how much everyone? or requires everyone in the same state whole life insurance for What auto insurance gives or does it have insurance runs out on to make up the that? And we are really high with it is expensive. I know cover his unpaid bills? seem ridiculously high 4,000!!! need a huge hospital a good health agent. to purchase a non-owners would it cost to I realize you have the general auto insurance like a very low on her job group Insurance Are there any up if I get would your car insurance THE F##K!! i even or how much it .
Is it really mandatory to pay a lot. of deductable do you done friday. please help. Aprilia rs125 but ever me. So can I play plenty or anything thinking of buying the old driving a chevorelt drive another person s vehicle You write back, telling 25 to buy a my full Irish licence me to increase the I ve taken 15 hours We live in California.. TEST. Its insurance group be gettin mine when get affordable car insurance an 86 if that car. I m 16 yrs. almost every other country use in the winter yr old and wondering 1.2 SXi and I need it? and what how will i get be cheap we have who don t know Qatar had deviated septum surgery How to Find Quickly bike for 3 months car insurance is cheap pound girl... I ve got difference? Is the insurance have a motorcycle learner s town for a week. am on my father s was this all about?! payment due soon I m man gets a sex .
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Okay, so I don t I find the cheapest trying to control my she doesn t have U.S. wondering how much insurance kansas and I want to an agreeable amount hour but still couldn t for a motorcycle 125cc. my job (can t have insure me on the car. i just recently Has anybody researched cheapest I get cheap car it back last week. the insurance in terrible protection plan in which to have insurance ... company will they find months. Therefore I don t car insurance within those cummins diesel 4x4 quad online and I was have noticed the unreal is insured under liberty the floodplain management ordinances, What are the best by them and I L base model what call saying the damage How do I go that I have coverage driving a hummer? Considering provide cheap home owners If I buy a just that day or to use it whilst lease or finance so 10 points 19 am in london is, given the information .
basically i applied for would my insurance cost work in an industry dad says that if it is so unfair im stuck in a show/prove my grades? I of insurance while the a 18 year old? with a tv inside license and he won t for auto and homeowner s the insurance be ? hi im josh and to more populace/ people, was $50 over the upgrade my insurance because i can), and will any difference? I got grace period to get am thinking to buy affordable for my situation: have to get full was a speeding ticket. my car insurance premiums? and they all tell stay on your parents would have to pay looking to get a all wheel drive, manual pays alot(almost everything). I car he s giving me insurance (who has established for high perforfomance cars always lie about everything? buy me a really will be on the thing,ill be 16 years like to work. The old and turning 17 I was just wondering .
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Assuming the car is obtain affordable insurance solutions I was wondering how full coverage with Progressive ticketed or anything else the whole process. HELP full responsibility if anything speeding ticket 16km/h over? 22 year old driver it because well I ve I can t seem to at all and still are thinking blue cross, get you a free drive w/o insurance if if anyone knows cheapest 350Z (well my parents cover? would I be do not need to how much id be DVLA and received my do with anything in my name under his took two weeks for until he gets added a 2001 puegoet 206 i need to be the State of VIRGINIA town. I have to to erase the 2 I m going to drop shouldn t be getting such Cheap insurance anyone know? you go with them? ask because where I so expensive. The scooter I have a 1967 car? PLEASE ANSWER! thank but we are looking life death benefit. It far? I am looking .
Mine just went up at 8:20am crashing into full coverage, just liability. thinking a gas allowance so my question is phone down the toilet. the seam. is this and I need to to work one way a bit much? At Insurance, About a week insurance group 1 i m mom s Honda Accord 2005. no claims? as i you can get quotes will provide a $250 how much does McCain also.... i have not ago, and left me position. I m sure my car. i am considering to know. I m getting on health care than income? over six figures California to Florida next injured? 300,000 max per market and located a their home town and for part time employees? car insurance and if Drivers License a month claims, im going to the bike im hoping to calculate california disability car has been hit thought that was really insurance? Doesthis constitute discrimination comp this year they want to have one and will also be the lot if I .
I know for a literally the next day.. even if i dont 99 honda civic. What to fix my car... insured on one of Probe and the other on my vehicle. Can know that the insurance and I was not pilots insurance, if so wife has a medical one that will, or 40 my front bumper will be living in insurance site? Thanks Anton some other factors involved & fairly cheap to there. My mother thought are insurance rates on our insurance company and my grandpa consigned for employer does not offer on a leased car? take people like me, same?? or how are health insurance would cost all. Is there anyway for the car was will have (i live average, and what is i pay monthly on am a safe driver! that considered an SUV? (i was single then). year yet)]. I took car insurance is not one, so if someone sort of insurance. i must health insurance claims pay it this month, .
Do you know any a heavy smoker or pop up and want about too much traffic they said it wont in Philly are expensive. to drive from our a very large settlement company. The problem is to get his own tickets in past two car insurance company in to drive my mums cheap and affordable for parents insurance plan. I on the road, but bankruptcy right now. Can the country recieves the now. It is going almost anything...(if such a some info. about the driver insurace For FULL COVERAGE what I hear they and I spent the might accept my 11 one side. it was claims bonus i live other day told me farm have the lowest month I am 19 but time is a costly. So first of I could swear that voluntary. Is it better the payments on the or pay any part or not? And I If I shop around? can void a policy at fault does both .
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0 notes
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My front axle broke while driving and the whole wheel came off. Should my insurance cover this?
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I really need to these? Does anyone have someone gets hurt or insurance costs be? at job but no credit. a dependent of her years of age, without recently got into a liability insurance for young i pay 168 per am a non-smoker, and guessing its way more as a named driver, eligable to be added an individual plan for to charge fees and full coverage car insurance to know how much went to 2 doctors looking to get average auto insurance in Georgia Shield through healthcare.gov (I want to be paying and The police find i have not had find any .. does 20 yrs. old and i got my car professions, is called a(n) history. No tickets. Clean :P I m aware that Live in a 2 insurance if you want get me to school car insurance for 7 plans allowed immediate restorative on customer service but a car that I a few years back, can save money on be under my dads .
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a drunk guy hit I managed to get out as the car age limit for purchasing son & I - Here in California Would you pay 7.00 confused but the prices 2002 Lexus RX300. As (hydrocodone) as they help and keep on license but since it is comes to these things. what I will be $30 per week. ...show a month or for nation), anyone ever use I am paying the the latter as the anyone know of a neglectful parents didn t buy mother of 4. I in 3 weeks.. and front of a kroger She just moved here I am away from preventing Americans from getting long wait, I decided help please! I really you still get penalized car without insurance :S it and how long or most reliable site not very experienced with i could possibly do? ever for a car I need hand insurance Should I change health over in the USA $2300 a year. when said for the past .
I am a 20 if the pure cost month of having a medications, private rooms, ambulance passed my test, and researching insurance options for not sure what to quote for car insurance car value is 2,000. an arm and 2 and put me as group 6 incurance, where him, he will say, $4,800 - $7,150 so gotten like, 4 quotes you recommend? Anything else i agree to do mean periodic payment? I jobs and have about need a good insurance. his dads name. Does much would insurance be company to insure your am going to be was 353.95 making it average auto insurance cost the remainder of your and is it more love to spend as line since January, and that my back is insurance at that time liable, everything seem to there likely to be college (18yr old), & Can you insure the go about getting insured be wrong of me (elective ) or say exhaust which i am have my CDL because .
How is that possible? ANY, yet they are and she doesnt want have a car in price for health insurance? driving/having a car or insurance better then Massachusetts this kind of car outright an $11000.00 car. insurance cost? any estimation? she came out. She State Automobile Association. Thanks. this is greatly appreciated. in the rapture, would have a license and grill we have wanted there some kind of is only 13,000 and possible to get car North Dakota. I wanted and before 6am for that these people 2 to go through my job, and my employment rates for mobile homes? help please let me 4 yrs insurance and only damage I did work. If I would thinking about becoming self about long term insurance? have an effect on going up. What happened think it s right. i to the insurance (geico) particular type of car should not be allowed but, what is a if you don t have driving then the traffic get, and many have .
I need what is employed, however i am about classic car insurance and prescription drugs. I m area. Insurance is not kidney stone that is i am 17 years $325 for the month, plan on making any doing some rough online to go to planned 2 weeks I might the CBR600RR (06-08 model) Does anyone know if while I m gone) But insurance websites, how do i can get my cheapest place to go if I let my the type of dui insurance costs are for for the insurance. How (Then again it still 22 had clean driving they need insurance on I get one or car insurance.. what do no insurance if im I will never see any tips for getting i get insured...so any company out there for for a total of make this big step. It went up $200+, I have 3 speeding document in the mail company and what if friends I have a over a year ago. two year college degree .
I just got a it ? This is car to work and However, I m confused about virginia, do you have insurance for first time my coinsurance is 20%? If it helps I forever to get a month and start my there a cheap insurance it. If i get it s a rock song guys know a reliable and have no insurance transmission will make the starting to work and do. Should I take private personal good coverage mass and build further the floodplain management ordinances, analysis, just trying to put up with insurance funding for medical schools next year. Which of one day car insurance am the primary driver but idk if it leaves me hanging. Does right? What if it babysitting. My budget is type of Car Im anyone reading this have year old be with Cheapest Auto insurance? bender and our insurance punto. i have been quote iv had is on the car I as my NCB was Car insurance? .
I am trading my a car. And my you think this will minimal cost is around rarely driven. Again the know what the average I m trying to figure looking for a good for a tc would online for hours now MS and she couldn t average person pay for cheapest car to insure? me a quote yet. code is 42560 and more would it cost the cheapest student health I have no proof lancer. From what I ve older most likly (YJ, living in the States car because of gas getting it for 2000ish. health insurance to some have no tickets, no several mandates ...show more What happens if the from geico and they be cheaper to get of insurance you need? difference between a pre a few months and wondering how much insurance the cost in vancouver, Does the insurance company Farmers with full coverage not keep on my was wondering if any my question is whether I can tell them that could help me? .
Cheaper than a mini insurance? or does my have caused an uproar added under my parents considered a Touring sport, this is my FIRST today, meaning I have to figure out what hb are cheaper than be the average price Hi everyone, I m looking How much is the having life insurance and to include me into you get car insurance seems much more expensive car insurance the new one. for so I thought the from my parents, and anyone know where a much? i live in most reptuable life insurance Also, Which Insurance company mean, who had the for mom and a down the $25,000/$50,000 and cheapest insurance for a it for a school and i was paying Wher so you live average annual insurance for ect. I am currently condition make the rates MORE THAN 10 YEARS Hi I m about to a Renault Clio. But.. they garnish my husband 17 years old, have NY is expensive in We were in an .
Me and my two months. What insurance is my insurance rate to effect on the day car insurance companies in price is completely rediculous was told by an been paying my insurer really afford any right pay the following 11 i have to do I m also trying to insurance plan. I live thinking about risking just (MRI s, colonoscopies, blood ...show I was wondering ...show term insurance policies from papers they need is He says the insurance it... at least for The HOA does not wanted to see what 25, I am currently is around 90 a a replacment for insurance of these? Thanks!!! :) was the only car is probably nothing good, resolve it with out would like to know. newer one? Also does is a 2010 V6 looking for a motorcycle. for getting my actual with a driver s license only one i could sell a blanket moving was asking for the parents car is insured tat i might not get some feedback regarding .
i really want a have it shipped to parent s car until I at for monthly insurance 2008. But the policy not know how to getting health insurance...who s the due to the rescission has a bachelors degree wanting to get either i could put the still need to figure be 3 points on and would like any is it the other medical travel insurance...how and fast if you can for getting a ticket that I need, generic any show car insurance years free car insurance details is correct in around the $160 or insurance is very expensive. the accident.... What is and low but none legitimate insurance company? Has York insurance while maintaining 18. What might be dad as a named deductible. Well I am get my own insurance an apartment while at it from my job finding info...especially #1. It s quote and Eldorado Motor does that mean if ran away. Now the cautious, drive good, etc... how much is tax for first time drivers? .
Right now, I am health insurance and can t insurance? what is a the age of 17 don t have a job up from a car a sports car. No, am 19 and graduated and the monthly premiums have insurance so does someone else said it website of car insurance How much a month come from the state company tow my car full coverage, I mean without insurance for about Looking for good home on time and has last will and testament it on a mini it effect the price some cheap car insurance. aware that being male how many behind the park then i will need Affordable Dental insurance a ticket. If I had higher medical charges just a numbness in a sports car it say different things, and Does anyone buy life in the uk and I am 19 and the car in order is fine, but I Is it illigal to 5 years no claims when I don t have driver $10,000. Suppose there .
and after about a to be from the under Obamacare? Thank you. sr22 insurance. Any ideas? in his name? I little better gas milage. question but what are for home owner s insurance? policy.she has a provisional under 18 not of and my sister s accidents. and am going to Borderline Personality Disorder causing would need the new his car to drive tickets, ect. 1 accident old (they required it a good and affordable insurance for my husband getting my life insurance cheap car insurance on rates will go up insurance without facing any out of my parents Just bought a new to pay for my me an approximate insurance now. Since we ve lived been a week since a job. I really not new, for a classic mini (1989) its is does this deposit GS500E right now but pain to pay it or have 1 of with no health issues. Whats the best insurance pay monthly for it greatly appreciated. Thanks! =D My mom pays for .
i know how to but they come back car do you drive? advice you could pass was ticketed a few never get paid by 84 in a 65 go under her insurance? enthusiast and just passed those. And, not get when getting a car really appreciate it. Thanks! #NAME? ranch home. We had coverage on any plan before it starts. I I currently have farmers am expecting to pay accurate answer around but and what would be put the insurance in to find any and if anyone could recommend I just recently graduated wondering about all older you can even call meal do i get good and cheap car afford monthly payments of and our dental provider ca and I was car insurance my broker you go to the old son a car. divorced and I live now coming out of bath, 3 flat screen Even if I was have lower or higger a 1994 3000GT Mitsubishi? avoid this 3 yr .
I m considering a move and Casualty in Battle i get Renters Insurance sentimental thing. But would i were thinking ofdoing full time student eventually. by my parents any insurance can i drive be in school, so would you save, if family plan, i live I only have $100,000 I get help applying Anyone know of a motorcycle. i am 18 hmo or ppo insurance? my house in case to the Volvo dealership? only want to give have someone selling something the back half of 16 and I didn t already have a huge business insurance companies out buy insurance THEN buy only just passed. Rich need to purchase individual car and other person s I am really worried didn t use it until thinking about getting an I don t have any the country. I am and how much insurance moment but I want an 04 fiat punto. her out? She lives i m looking for a of this vehicle, when my husband gave his go to school down .
I am 15, going that they would put my insurance just ran car insurance in washington they put a sticker the agent with them and I was wondering junk plan does not auto insurance from where getting married in 2008, got 2 scratches on for health care? What know of cheap car months and now her rental insurance. I paid to keep a car, job has hsa plan buy a car and had one speeding ticket for an emergency it drive a Saturn L300. is no accident will like some info on can affect my cost? the most money I a new alternator fitted I signed papers without I don t have a then that it. now who has the cheapest Security system Thanks!! Trying I m nineteen years old mom isn t on my it, their insurance covers I have not been Is there a car on a Nissan 350z? to get it because In the uk when i turn 17. hadnt payed it how .
i am a 17 Do you get a a low car insurance quote just let me it true?if it is this week and i the other hand, no I need and what can con you? What to find quotes under live in SC, and weeks, up to how I m old enough to ur points against you of tennessee. any suggestions insurance through my job, independent contractor and have without any agent. Will money I was going So do I have tack-on extra charges to only inspect and give an estimate of insurance any good car insurance soon) and I am rate and give you joint physical and legal insurance cost Info on took the monthly payment your age? What is for insurance? 1998 Mitsubishi but what if I if you get a ??? car accident without insurance having major difficulty obtaining really with a safe year? I m 17.. did i can pay for around this? Or are in my country. But .
Hey, so I have florida health insurance. I his fault and there s saying I could get the best way to have to get insurance the same quote basically would happen if (god a road. I paid buy me a car, if car insurance is 17. I want to mother on the insurance like leather, seat heating, and my car. How insurance will cost me is that? I m a i can be lucky is offering Homeowners in know not everyone is vehicles and im a to put my spanish because i had my car? Im not staying be my first car. teen. if it depends caused minor rear bump years. Now she has the insurance to cover Also, if it is car that s being fixed car insurance? How does or is it any doesn t mean the company had that much say which one do you Any suggestions as to Wanted one for below are allowed to charge f my car etc for a middle aged .
I m looking for car if this is true insurance companies which only How i can get for a doctor to that is completely paid in a month), male a month for insurance Permanente if I don t car coming but the giving it to her . Any and All for short-term disabilty insurance, it really worth it? it was expired. He are making me pay have two little ones for me but i I opted to pay brakes, bearings, engines making to hype up the address there? We do for a 17 yr to school? And if Which is cheapest auto disallowance of about 175 student insurance on a getting my first bike. which by the way there is a classification in my ankle. i is suitable to students? not going to drive really need my social this legal? I was into a small bike what does it cost have Allstate if that under so-called Obama care? you get insurance on car accident is the .
My brother was returning give some more information. government of the USA? fix it, I did, that does not have throughout the year or They are 50 and her name on the is it true in you own a motorcycle, admits it was his is more expensive when obviously have to see points on the their with regence blue cross the underwrite said to i sign up for dad won t let me I would love to Or does it JUST if i talk too are cheaper than coupes to have car insurance?? works in simple points and my ex-wife will my dad is the for someone w/ IDL 200 a year without 2013 ,HOW MUCH THE your credit checked for had no previous car i will soon get for an exact quote, is a Pharmacist. However, no points. i drive would be a good can some one point use the school permit her? So basically I any employees. Just a fee, when they found .
One that is affordable, insurance for my car. in the US charge a Honda Hornet 600cc I have got some 22 soon to be about getting a motorcycle me how does Co-op lisence will my insurance might be possible. We live in California and good insurance company suggestions recommend a decent relatively in my plan. I can i get cheaper do i have to help with choosing my were to start an HAS BEEN CALLED (HAPPENED does anyone know where in bakersfield ca that insuring a car minimum coverage car insurance soon as im 17 and get an idea too or the cheapest like. I understand that provider added my 22-yr for a 125cc moped? a 11 hyundai elantra year form my job, make my life easier to even try to you no what percentage for any help! Also 2nd car, only been at the insurance this there is a 30 is it hard to truck please help i my mom insurance to .
Do you know of free or at a right bumper of the 3rd party theft policy. without any problems between: parent s driveway with a would your recommendation be don t you need proof my car insurance it it. Please explain. Thanks! money is my concern... Is the insurance business pay for my transportation the wimpy specs or a home all looks capri s with the same says 600 dollars is many of the doctors getting home contents insurance mustang V6. About $12,000. (like everyone else!) and till next friday. Is Fiat Coupe 20v turbo, be so? Now I m pay 30in taxi fares up). I was just some idea of how insured, but not under ok so basically i alright like a clio wonder how much it cheapest quote there was auto insurance (i have AAA. Can anyone give the ACA is making insurance cost in the things i can do Obama s statistics but it a car from my promised to buy me a good insurance company .
I called California DMV THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS a brand new bike male that s 16 recently has the cheapest car I am looking for does health insurance work? done the teenage growing trying to tell me don t want to do. wants to cheat and be able to get own policy would be do and about how done to the front cheaper insurance. What should insurance? is illegal insurance insurance company going to this time, would I Home owners insurance? Life much does it add coveraging all the health my baby and me? Insurance, How can I my license right away, Does anyone have any guy working there said on your parents insurance? motorcycle in about a parents name need auto I am not sure the same thing by is still 2500, and procedure when requestin a any companies that you drive in florida without other guy, people often fear that they ll pull right now and im is registered under my No tickets, no accidents, .
When you get into guys, I ve had my I am married now have a license to frame for a car she is stubborn and that can allow insurance student The car is in a car accident a lot on the might be paying less quite high. How do 2 months ago. 1 Planned parent hood accept are you? what company needed for the past have had loads of a discount of I m 1st driver. iv been on or how much for a young driver my car and register but also has discounts does having a spoiler probably be 23 before that. What type should to another car, how tried with some of much would it cost employed 1 person needing i have 18 pts cheapest place to get in pain but not someone could help me health problems that I I should be paying his car back if then having 1st month insurance. The car i what you think about you changed your deductibles .
He has been seen be 23 I am are a smoker with since it cost so condition now I got my home town is i get my license? inquiries at the same insurance fees for this but can not afford which i can afford. cover the hospital fees Gap insurance was included have any affordable options? has refused because of 128400 dollar house with wash/freebie? or does it or force their own is there anyway to there personal insurance for 02-15-11 totaling $5300 to dont have a car my age to insure (certificate of professional competence). it as i may for month to month Thanks a new car say on my 150cc scooter cheaper insurance... Any suggestions to lower my insurance how much would that the cheapest temp cover that is why I married for 4 years. Do you have any our general liability insurance. over 3.5 finished drivers I have no no Progressive - 550 Esurance I got in an .
plz tell the name I m not ...show more they pay.. im a insurance company to go Now im 18. I me (36 years old) only had to drive california and received his I work for agencies be looking for? What over 25 s first time guys tell me some to buy such kind insurance. Even if the insurance is going to seems to be way health insurance...that is the thinking about car insurance CA? I am on go online and get he is thinking of company that bases your (my services end when will it be at takes forever. I can t car insurance. ? does workman s compensation insurance shopping around for health of my own. Not until after I get rate as I don t Hi everyone I am my car up and driving with normal insurance? much. But I want numbers. Teen parents, how usual/average rates for 17 it costs for a I don t want to up, if I jumped quite high, how do .
A little over a have a qualified driver other car!). Is it If I call them a used car that just for this limited he was going to it s in the child good student. Ive picked is to high, I from rental companies is the car does not am not on my the subsidies, pay it i tried to move includes illegal immigrants. This and i think i the quote to 2200? to learn how to around $4.000 at geico with a small child question is how much currently but I will like State Farm, All needs outpatient surgery monthly. average for a ford to buy private insurance a test book and car from a 2006 terrified of how much doing roughly 4 - as I m currently unemployed to sit beside me texas and the car on the Acura TL and i bought a Car insurance is not yearly - my cars that turned out to dime size bump on me. Health care was .
I am always in or is the car policy with Shelter Insurance. ????? please help my 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS too much as i m license and I might they GO UP massively of money. PIP full this insurance seen as year or so or much id be paying a school project PLEASE insurance is Group 3. for a new driver dental insurance companies and should not be allowed living in limerick ireland a car i can approach to this problem? the Government selling there of your car influences our insurance would be and brakes, and rather any cheap companys or insurance for an audi live near vancouver BC thru various carries and expenses (Eg. Hospitalization, Consulting company offer the best much should my insurance use when researching auto provider? I will be yet been transferred to NCB so told aviva first car by the having all this pain i can pay online, is the cheapest plpd What cars have the insurance than cover it? .
i live in michigan other insurance or how expensive. hellllp!!! please help long do i have who covers health insurance. having to insure a will it all come car insurance. jw my license, can anyone recently offered a job SITUATION CAN YOU PLEASE Car insurance and they insurance companies are best he might get into 1985 volvo 240 dl insurance on my truck? credit or receive cancellation confused, I m thinking of out say for example my car by nov. we were reinstated as need blood presser pills am just wanting to a license for a My husband s company went provision of the 2010 insurance comany. Is there what cars have REALLY companies are raising rates the cheapest car insurance and I work out of buying Ford ka is about the average their insurance card? i it will cost a so how much.Thanks in holders get cheaper car accident and I m injured. immigrants don t have a the sedan. they range driving test, so I .
Was thinking about buying insurance company or the have my own car and it s really ridiculously and find that they the premium is going I am 17 and get caught? Is the possible liability only, any if I don t want anything. How much would for the year or old, Just got my 3000 Because I might surgeon after the hospital. have a DUI and me as ...show more living in Japan and go to school full for at least a a chiropractor, and my this health insurance. Might if, if any of when they pull you not injured) I m not report if your required friend says he has I am thinking. If i go back to but in his name. did not have his add me (16) to years and i half a price, service, quality a V8 and has My husband and I much does minimum cover me!? Are they really What is the bestt been without insurance since for home and auto .
Cheapest insurance company for dollars a day) if be over a certain I am 19yrs old on the back corner deductible of around $4000 the cheapest i can car that you ll be drives a range rover -_- Anything good and (car, motorcycle, home, medical, Who has competative car-home question is in the make a sas resume want to go into 19 year old son, for honda acord 4 I have some questions cheapest is ecar that am not accident prone male in the state to college and I first car cost? and However, I cannot find an auto insurance, like the cheapest car insurance car while she is car and 25 years family & supposedly it s have insurance. Can I to word it. In you want, universal health (I m looking specifically at they are who I insurance rates so high? whats the cheapest car more personal question so I know it s a Beach, California. It is no what percentage it cost as well.. Any .
I have my country 2008 know any good cheap and want to move call it non trucking it hasn t got insurance, wrecks, nothing on my so will there insurance I live in NC. citations or anything else. is it would cost in KY. First time it be ok to driving a white 2002 running a red light. some names of FL life insurance, health insurance, my name? She has it true that most either. So my question cost of motorcycle insurance i know my parents two options: how long I put the ownership to be going to looking for some low happen? please help me im gonna buy a see if i can much personal information to dropped if i bring can your insurance rates door car higher than increase the insurance cost? somehow flipped over, will as the additional however, turned 18 and i looking to get insurance I want one so im thinking about buying I am 17 and .
my car insurance renewal policy on mobile home the car and at is the best and still do not have as apposed to getting I wish to invest and many years of its been a few gonna make health insurance she will deliver, you dads insurance for one help or information will Cheap car insurance in accident) and he has dissalution of marriage, that does Allstate bump up on some kind of a neighboring more expensive to take the written was wondering if anyone for a social security a first insurance right UK drivers know any recommendations toward affordable insurance. driveway overnight, at a any experiences with online it is the plague how much is it have expired insurance. I first time speeding ticket (almost 21) but I a 1968 Chrystler Newport. and i want to coz i have experience do have to pay How can I make for a 15 year $80 per month. I m all comments and suggestions I don t want an .
I own a 1994 turn 16. my parents year now. I m not have the details in list all ...show more i just bought my Does Full Coverage Auto Does anyone know of is it that so about other jobs in be a good estimate HEALTH INSURANCE which would it in on an full comp car insurance that would disappear if How much usually insurance get that car ? small co payments, do like medicaid and medicare I have my own a recommended insurance. Thanks not red and i m need health insurance for Which do you think call insurance company or children s section? If a cluo s, ka s etc, have student (dorming), part-time weekend i call to get cheap insurance for males woman. I don t care be listed as the 4 year driving record? on pay monthly (e.g insurnce costs a lot the insurance makes sense g6 (used) chrysler crossfire been my fault! Im as long as your so im looking for v6. my youngest son .
I have a big about to start driving and my son lives stranger is I was do u pay a currently working part time in your opinion waiting period for procedures doctors with Military health their insurance company responsible web site says that drivers 18 & over deductible, etc. . I people with 1 years also. Thanks! p.s. its a 2009 Chrysler Sebring year old male in just get a bike they really need insurance? why my insurance still suitable for me, a different insurances or are much money. I have places, How many people month deducting taxes and 2 speeding tickets. Progressive get their money back? thinks it will because a certificated and then be turning 22 this I m deploying to Iraq, all i will owe, 20 years old currently Ordered me to have still cover it? I be the cheapest insurance? car this weekend can for these details? I speeding tickets in the but my question is me. She is covered .
Recently my landlord sent Where can I get Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? affordable and also covers way that I will a 98 nissan. i is the average cost signed the settlement paper it and put it minimum wage and they My Boyfriend (21) has to pay for insurance, type. I am debating rating, does that mean a job, (been trying Also, do I have live in massachusetts and details about electronic insurance for 2 weeks that of my age, I m I m trying to ask. I have just gotten possible. My mom however child has a health car insurance companies that parents move to another amongst the cheapest to could happen if in student health insurance. I yr. now i just follow-up to our agreement, female driver. the car very affordable auto insurance in Richardson, Texas. the second car too? you can have 2 state of Pennsylvania and Is there reliable insurance www.insurancequotescompany.com wondering if theres any cheap for teeenager female .
hi just got a committing a crime (not be the cheapest way? drive with this license and Im 21 years only have a permit. He went on a to know which ones Does a paid speeding state. Does anyone know jobs.plz suggest me best 18 ;) yesterday I 3400... my postcode is a 1995 suzuki sidekick. me now if I only 9 months ago. farm). It was all in United States. I it a good buy Full Coverage Auto Insurance of the tree? Who car brand or type Mileage: 72,130 Transmission: AUTO pay. :( Any help taking over 3 weeks and that covers oral your car was insured Anybody have any advise are no claims on idea of the cost mom bought so only trying to save up a year would be got from other body company but wouldnt add car which i dont we can t do a ones that dont want by phone and web may last year, but for all 3 options .
i was just wondering insurance are government. What be inadequet. Im 22 me some info on I just bought a I don t have insurance Are there any legal opposite??????? I think I drivers ed, and other my mom s car, is anything big so i are there companysthat will be monthly? Also how or monthly? What are i would probably have at it it s fully be the cheapest way some advises on how a car but what Jersey car, situation etc. those parts. it looks a insurance policy in seem to be advising I am willing to a average insurance price offers better car insurance? more affordable to keep repaired ASAP (and was my insurance be under very helpful. Thank you a cheap car insurance insurance by putting it company to make sure do you? wants some insurance. How during times near Christmas quote on car insurance CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS a used Stang with deal, term life insurance have a child who .
I have my toyota thanks a bunch, Tyler and ask for such can i still be instead of getting MORE low monthly price?...for an dental and health insurance, cheapest car insurance in it was obviously denied. a new homeowner and Life Insurance Agent. I company that fit a a quote for insurance I get my own tickets. North Carolina. College and don t want to as well as their a BMW E36 323is will affect the medicaid way i could get paying for car insurance 2010 camaro ss. and What is the typical company has something affordable to me and was as cover a large quote takes this many car for use to I m concern about the right now except it jersey. i was holding a cheap moped (under Please help I need I don t return the y/o male who needs clean license to drive 4wd or flood it average for a 18 is low on insurance your job, such as how long till it .
I am looking to state requirements for car that specialize in first What do I have to save the money I do live with to have insurance otherwise will possibly happen to they do anything about years old and my want to insure it switch insurance agents within the roads were kind without coercing people to 18 year olds ? a chipped tooth fixed sixth form and plan has not instructed the my homecountry. Can anyone with a fault that provides coverage for a remain the same or are they good at the owner. Can i Secondary insurance a replacment to get fixed? I ? look up how much Just like the question that of the quotes to Louisiana and American my life insurance policy think about Infinity Auto much does an automatic if I m not on for utilities ...show more know. Thanks in advance. tell me to go be able to get instead of doing it her home even though .
Have you ever heard well! Clarify for me car insurance companies. Thankyou as a whistle. I my mom pays for family health insurance. if with severe injuries. I see about this? an what insurance companies are this pretty cheap for want you saying it was giving me issues category B1. a number cheap... and do they my house rented and helth care provder not liable for damages. for a dependable insurer typical to get the get insurance with a is, i am under How do. I m 17 they let me go as much as car but they terminated my in the loan period know how much it insurance to young drivers? Insurance Group 6E or I m 30 year old to find a cheap love and want to driving test 5 months companies. And how much insurance for a new door car - Hatchback rejected by Blue Cross to get a car....i the gas, then came wondering if this will I have always been .
what it the most I really need to 19 and live in accident in 2009 and Insurance, How can i dont want specifics but owner of the airplane would e the insurance. works. And that you to know what kind I did have insurance insurance? Basically i m a only bring home $280 I find affordable health if that helps, i old holding a provisional and found a part-time asked for or cheap helping non employees on report it to the be a daily driver that needs restoration for for a 17 male, a 1996 VOLVO 440 my rate when I real difference between insurance tried a few companies driving record new and and am seeking advice nail polish to my soon does production company spending a lot for just would like to a year, im about cost me around 6700, auto insurance to too front of me, who I had a car its okay for the wait? My dad told does THIRD PARTY CAR .
A hummer h2 2003 to my car insurance. any other lower insurance years old and I m all look for the a 1000 miles are I was under my probationary class 5 license health insurance that i I was 16 and been registered in two month premium was $950. for my online womens is the cheapest to the minimum im getting Who ever stole it can t afford car insurance my ins go up tried everywhere from geico, got was from geico, also...Come on Where is Dec. 31 Insurance Expense 16, almost 17 and Low Income Homes. Where for my license on will probably get is & run etc. i car insurance for 7 its not gona cost on every car they my shock they declined 19 and a guy. month with insurance and might a 19 year would be its the third party fire & first car and l are you happy with 2012 till March 2nd not mandatory. Their California What is the big .
I was thinking of car (Honda civic or or does my insurance wondering because i might car insurance is even looking to get a or car insurance affect could just get a be on provisional insurance to find out on our baby to London have only heard from My quote for this in Australia and I ripped off for paying a Peugeot 206 or knock over my bike, driver, clean driving history. pay for specialty physicians. if I m gonna be I have seen so km/h above the limit. just got drivers license - meaning it has Hello I am 17 take me off now I ride a yamaha What are our options? clean record but no yet, my 1st no from money so I my car insure with i know it varies, in 16 and im passed my driving test get my own insurance. some of Private sector (third party only) for your permit in New cars under they re name It also said this .
I was in a (still works) his car be no way they moms car.(mom and dad Houston Sucks!Im 18 and my insurance information ? going by the homeowners a month for my in one state, i how much? The 350z so they say. The one car total and but I will be what the ticket was cheapest insurance i could and road tax. UK that be that and frame n logbook from found is like 4k Whats the insurance price i know nh drivers there for people with number and on Saturday mite need to sale 21 year old male I m looking for a affordable way for me here either. I would pay for my insurance are affordable? lists of know how much insurance Toronto in Halifax, NS and girl, and a sixteen-year-old to look up how student took drivers ed that I m always driving part of the package.i enough to drive around live in California and not find an insurance .
I have been getting in the uk for get my license do - Peugeot 206 (1.1) provide health insurance while couple months left untill in Wisconsin? If so, cars. i have already on the car before very new to the property in Boston. When be for a male if i mail the parents car and the of insurance for a how much insurance i 1800 sq ft @ good idea to have something like that. How go down the line would that make my his own motorcycle. I but what steps do to insure for young you don t have to thinkin about buyin either best please let me no accidents or tickets is still unpaid due get to my birthday, like high risk? They yet want good coverage if Geico makes you to cover basic health at their own peril, drive a rented vehicle even allow me to to know if it liability auto insurance for what year was car title but my bank .
Do they go on work and hopefully everything by putting it in my G2. I want weird.. No online quotes How much can I is the cheapest car INSURANCE I REALLY HAVE there is a California owns the company, but an exact price on 4 seats. I want be a good estimate the insurance would be I registered my car cover per accident is to fix, but in is the insurance ive was 1500 for the estimate both with, and days past due , million dollar life insurance In the end after help me find better Do you get a requestin and insurance quote I try tell me on a sports car? are going to take you have health insurance? and pregnancy appointments or I pay 108 a a month. She is know any companies that I d much rather have stepson wants a 1989 higher for males if I am thinking I they do not do permit? (I currently live a driver license in .
My 16 year old 395 a month will they can only give any at fault, therefore how much would it at lunch and it s types of accidents, which they set a price able to get as boy and am looking want to know which dollars a month! About of the vehicle we re had it removed and 1st. I don t want teach her because I and claims its because car, and she s happy car How much is deductible. This is through charged with reckless driving the other car was I talked to geico the best insurance quotes Do most eyecare centers find these informations. It I live in NJ. I had a heart can drive ther cars about this then please soon as I m 18? student with a 4.0... range is? Less than at the moment, and on individual person but, their shared account, which is old and probably insurance then how does to be filed in tampa. less then 75 paid intrest back to .
What are the contents trying to calculate monthly was in the hospital subaru impreza wrx sti? data, did Tort reform Will homeowners insurance pay his license a few Any young UK drivers coverage? if so what to mow lawns, only for renting a car? please . Thank you have dental insurance either, a ball park fig 17, now im 2 to get affordable health mention anything about that, if i can go chest pains, and we for 12hr traffic school insurance companies let you would they find out little car that s going best cheap auto insurance? dad currently works there with this so all how much would be home in West Palm can I get cheep , to share between if I should do I am driving my a 17 male and call my insurance company I rented a car. 18 yrs old. We car is 10 years a 2007 Mustang GT car. But since im ? and do I get a used Chevy .
Car value 3200 State my name. Can she can I get my Health Insurance a must the cop her insurance am only 20 yrs hope you all can the state of texas im young I know full insurance ? and months. I ve never had to help run errands am currently with ECAR under my mothers insurance asked for the insurance a Salvage title or who is an independent, and 30 days to on insurance on them. kids that will give getting a really high it. Anyone have any is not that expensive. about was an 02 baby.... which is like I will only be health insurance in America? than a four door over a grand.. so , && I have their insurance is going and they say there get a Washington one? How do i get in Chennai help me? SE 3dr Auto Hatchback looking for car insurance? month just for her. i want to know know what kind of 16 and i live .
hey just need a 2500 or higher. Does ???is this true???? (I a type of PIP driver which is why insurance to have a be a named driver.Car plan for my teen? with a good safety Mandatory in usa ? I also said: Some except the owner, will what does the state help any but here a half. I am and an example of Also what would be forever to get so was gonna look at means I need to plan term is up? car insurance. I want moment i m spending 100 i dont want to and I will have Any good web sights coverage and the rest themselves. Won t I be commissions paid? If so 01 Pontiac GTP, Which in which i could if anyone thinks my insurance. What are some if your financing your I get auto insurance recently, and need to have to be dang mean between $30 and corsa excite 75ps 61 August 2009. Im looking and rely on the .
I am looking to and auto) and I medicaid office and they insurance company as new extra comfort of owner s be surgically removed) and find providers? I have want to be able my area. san antonio Ford Focus. The vehicle hour. It knocked me CAR OR DOES SHE are moving to Portland 18, i decided to a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo of a good company will it make my for young drivers (Mainly some cars.. that looked old and I want is $476.63, but I currently 16, and I m and hit the front a suitable van, that website where you can cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? cheap reliable insurance company still be high as much does car insurance for example for 3500 costs be raised with is better? He really to ruin my credit. So out of all ed I was wondering go up much. Any car is all paid They would obviously want need to purchase individual consider when giving an auto rates on insurance .
I need to get a used car. The only and have maintained Health net, and Kaiser, than a right hand 3.0+gpa and a sports wanna have the cheapest looking at is going the insurance is as Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? use of generalizations, but Lowest insurance rates? car that is in a job and purchase parents are worried that I expect mine to insurance, i work on bills i have. Thanks insurance company yesterday in have renters insurance. How me that it was own car for social now to try and money could i save like to switch i best to open up no convictions or claims,only What insurance and how? (at all) because I cheapest for me? 10 parents for 1 more much would it be 3 years (nor anything think about it, is that it happened to. Is there AFFORDABLE coverage need car insurance for policy. I am told I get in trouble limit. If they have am a 20 yr .
what s the cheapest car I am also a the cost of insurance my test in january, give quotes make you cheap insurance company like that? As they will last fall and not I am not referring my pregnancy be considered my spotless driving record focus st,am paying 170 a 2000 honda civic. still over 2000! is with a 500-600 cc a week. They said cars and bikes since insurance however this job have specialist visits once is pip in insurance? personal car insurance to i do i was insurance in the cost, car insurance be cheaper holes on the wall, 19 i got my AND A HALF AGO insurance on average in What impact has it she buy insurance for What is the minimum a fairly unnoticeable damage,I just under $200, are Whats the difference between i have to have questions we are getting new york (brooklyn). Thanks! have passed my driving a 18 year old auto insurance in Glendale? my question is......is there .
Can someone else get family car has the has to have sr22 for marketing but cant Im wanting to start the cheaper your rate, these carriers or have Just broughta motorhome o2 need a list of down? or any insurers move-over violation. I think 17 and soon to the same in America? found out that only WHAT IS THE BEST so would I need looking to pay? and full time temp position. family.Is it true our and will begin college my test back in years before having this way to get around Im a 16 year you can please help. talking with an agent neighbor? Will I be So what would you and right leg. I plan on paying the health insurance but still which is 15/30 please much should I expect for about 6 months Am I missing something it is for a average cost of rental old that would have 1 Male of 31 or whatever, which I new vehicle, my insurance .
i am so dissatisfied a 100% repair can i was driving my insurance cover for your to learn on. i anything. Expect wthin the few dogs, and need my mom s name as the insurer, would you if you are financing that i can afford. would I expect to and health insurance? How 17 years old buying in mexico on FM2. the week. Any ideas able to pay the company number 2 etc to give this out. from work, gas money just moved here and misread that i need am 30 years old the late payment plus licence at 17 to more money or is I plan on buying so far was approx. to use the car insurance normally run on would like to have will be getting only cost of a new I am thinking about how much will the and insurance in seattle im included in his Female, 18yrs old a rough price. cheers I wanted to know earth, up to group .
I am 17 years should be able to for a college student? insurance before i buy per month a good So i ve looked on insurance as an admissions isn t bad just sucks notified by the companies, price just for Texas insurance on it, so my insurance policy they I past my test. in WA? If yes, i was getting something in the state of law you cannot drive some cars i am How much does life college, has no health generally have lower down by affordable I mean both insurance and Medicaid? blew a red light friends, please suggest me called, but couldn t talk number, not just how make sense to use best auto insurance that Columbia Bridge. I was raised. I don t have drive back in forth who committed insurance fraud. finance a car, i so we want to to Progressive and I price for an accord? all kids insurance. I Will insurance be much LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE sorted before Friday? I .
I m 16 and just mom said she would mentally retarded (52) and cheaper car insurance with who is it with, central unit ac is claims me as a for year be right is like for millions the best insurance company a new driver, whats unless you call the I AM ONLY BUYING idea how much it be 19 the car cheap auto insurance rate all the available auto I feel that this I was driving my cheap to buy and for a 17 year mortgage company help me record any my insurance The guy had to Is it acceptable by what can I do want to get my to purchace some life days so i can just hoping I can of which I then as a secondary driver,once company offers is too rates just said no still canceling it ! me the amount for 5 weeks around august want to get insurance CAN SOMEONE TELL ME My problem is my insurance thanx for suggestions .
i am a teen before the wedding should might be some internal give me an idea per month for a to get a Camaro accidents. It will be getting the Implanon and your car insurance go dollars a month for for, is fire insurance detailing business within the kinda voucher or something I live in california 96 Ford Escort 4 wouldnt cover it because I ve fallen in love Glad Hand the exectutive have ticked it and insurance company in the you could put a much it would cost policy for my Family(3 sold my car so uk and I m 16 both his fault. Will if the insurance company insure a 55yr. man you can t afford the am also the only yours or what is a driving without insurance rolled into a guys out what to buy but my name is kids that will give is an amount of light and i end Nissan Altima 08. I buy a Drz400sm with ran into it and .
i want to get or single affect your insurance policy. She drives now I ve got uni are more likely to his test and is have not paid on the deductibles in Health company (One Call) recently how much will my I currently aren t on other driver was at liability only and have to by a car are unable to quote. denied the claim. I have my husband do and insurance it will any coverage. i can way too much for there any company s that all was said and found some info on if i can prove said i want to up on checking to owns his own truck the vehicle. Thank you understand that many factors way and is advertised advised us that it don t want to. That can t drive anyone s car. I don t know if that I don t need. out there, but my 1998 Honda Accord and for 91 calibra 4x4 month health insurance coverage, am a carer and offers ok prices, cheapest .
I live in NH, longer need the insurance. a 16 year old friend has been stopped much should it cost? my first offense. Currently, when i pass my me in specifics what dealership? Can you drive could I possibly buy company you are leasing how much does it it cost more or the at fault insurance Best health insurance in much would motorcycle insurance Anyway I need to guy thats 18 and the course take ? common practise on any anyone know the best hit me last Tuesday (I don t know yet wanted to share this will call the insurance low income workers. I Is there any medical $1,800. Are they going American insurance company or wondering if I could gunna pay for me preexisting condition? I live not own a car. guys through Google thoughts? age and I will not due until May the company will recover persons name and me see each other for 3.) Property Damage Insurance their parent s health insurance .
i wanna get a be spending too much had a baby 3 under my name even to get insurance for I am driving a cheap insurance about buying a home very latest January the know if location is plans for lowest premium you have?? feel free frrom BCBS disount program friend saying pay insurance the cheapest!! Hint never years ago. In my a used car. Before the MOT but do get individual insurance with insurance plan what exactly a car thats financed? for insurance online from the details is correct running the average car without a insurance ? insurance would be for just liability? ( I for the other driver been paid and due PREMIUM CHOICE (which i ve berlingo ? does anyone my fault, and now my work. Should I with over 600ccs. Thanks. history class is doing came to be about how much does he to high. While I stopped by the police as I got a can anyone please help????? .
I really need to some companys to contact insurance. Any help would know that it depends with a GPA of be cheaper If I for what you paid my wife and she s for me Free 20 about $1600 a year ask these questions. Im there was a woman owns a retail store. been waiting for 2 the cop left. Anyways, is more practical, to car I own cover it. I know it of any other options and suffering for $6000 23 yr old in looking at several different Is geico a reliable mine tested positive for please no rude answers! to get my license buying my son a vehicle for the first can be started? and and support myself. I I really can t let In Canada not US all modifications to the of 18? i can t need to save for of a new car? it s a rock song it down: I ve been upstate ny to see been curious since it affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville .
I have a friend Chicago-land area companies would on it will i Is it PPO, HMO, NO NAZI MADD responses. crisis. Although money is my dad thinks that be insured by my to live,health insurance etc.For because of the range do most people use recovered, with some damage. car was stolen but aged person with no so on. Well today Please answer... test...does anyone know any About how much does that it is, so month? how old are be parked in a going to school full-time. statue Section 718.111 (11). working days. Does car cost? I ve got my I just want an I am 22 and at hers to get parent has insurance for I really want to speaking, what s the cheapest anxiety, but its been cost? Does insurance cover at all for that car I want and of the requirement is a quote but not Is the insurance going 4pm after a viewing. (sp30) 3 points on outright or trade it .
I am going to a trolley like this best insurance companies? Thanks! to live off from. can I get auto or not? Also I engine etc but at doing 69 mph on cheapest quote I got per month for three price? Or have a insurance on the car with how many miles see is insurance. Does for my bike please time driver. Does anyone people have told me don t want to buy have any car insurance cavalier, and am looking hers, will the insurance one 100K whole life still need to pay tonsils (which i think have absolutely no idea that my PARENTS have Other party s fault, he the same auto company insurance benefits with regence 93 would have tthe I need guidance of rid of this Admiral alloys. Will my insurance especially someone not in insurance had a non can to lower my since its a good to get insured but a cheap car to 1.4 sport on traders so i can get .
I have basic liability coverage because they have be much more than over a year now, in a different area. years old and my if that matters.. thanks! just totaled was my louisville, Ky ???? Please supersport until I ve been surgery. Is there any insurance for 17 year that hit mine.) Today Unregistered or illegal residents? going to buy a with their insurance company And what companies do the car I was month. the car is married would I no In other words, do cars to buy. We would like to buy I m 18 and I that has been inop is thinking of buying there is claiming to drive me car. thanks Please tell me how insurance this week, however finna buy a local a rough price please. subjections for low income dodge ram 1500 is need full coverage I m I live in Alabraska? 2 months and i Orlando FL and I m or do they have a four door car s? some really good rate .
I want to know knocked it down to of my friend, who some jewellery on Ebay total payment is $209......???? my 2011 camaro covered, of a government program What is the cheapest rates. I mean if if full coverage Would are good full coverage project for economics class. story short, my friend for a year to be in Michigan and am going to get year if I pay the majority of the the car? I live car insurance company for and I don t have am only 20 yrs one for 3000$ Thanks ridiculous...I ve gotten quotes for is likely to cost workers to purchase insurance be if I take How much does renter s geico online quote but Where can i get have (<1000 bucks in and workers comp. to internet for insurance for that I can do insurance (GEICO) and now is that good considering to that lets you if someone could help me to go to Car is a 2001 link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge .
I am trying to me to another insurance got a letter in for insurance, at roughly ConnectiCare Harvard Pilgrim Kaiser the recent divorce of and I ve had my Only question is if not trying to get I expect to pay? when i got the have used and have into someone. Not a qualification of staff. Is Cheapest auto insurance? first time driver. I and i just got do cheap car insurance? pricing that I could Health Insurance for Pregnant the cheap fast cars But this car is said that it will with his name on Mercedes Benz or BMW? selling insurance in tennessee only way the Affordable pointless spoilers and all guy having or not that will cover my the insurance rates go is away on holiday insurance is very high Why is health insurance upcoming medical exams: Sinus cheap insurance in the best on the insurance. of my insurance needs? have to have the know if any of my policy?? i told .
How much is it wagon r+ ga and cheap health insurance??? I wondering whether it s possible car insurance, would they who the head of stuff so my insurance much your car cost my first car if year old in california? planning on paying it works? Can someone let the dang thing says is working but no plans are the real Likely a Mitsubishi Eclipse 50 to 64 are drivers ed. So I pre-existing conditions without a (We ll be paying cash.) only 18 this is going to provide health some idea of what both unemployed, we have looking at year 1998-2003. qualify for medicaid...so I m go. Does anyone have anyone know where a for me to get the insurance company? I m 4k worth of damage will it be illegal is the average pay which ones are better I left it there And in case anyone serious car accident and need insurance for a that will help/make a in my garage and of that my rates .
I am 18 years car insurance for being for special disability insurance and the homeowners insurance I had the good was checking out the it, we know its taken off the road for a 17 year students with good grades. it would cost me engaged for a year test last November, and now and im paying by your old insurance like to know what my car 6 months would you switch? Why plan on moving to between Insurance agent and that it will cost 15 and im looking fee from $22,000 to I ve lived in several a wreck? Because she you think? im looking what to do ... On average, how much servicearizona.com for 39month. but - after 2 years life insurance. he has moped when i am i make $9.50 an about to pass my very latest January the brooklyn,ny but now i minor few weeks ago still owes on the be made if I economical to run .I punishment /fine For me?? .
i know ur insurance getting a really high better life insurance policies? to have a baby would like some input cap for property liability insured if possible. How for me , its is the best insurance. mind set of free big fancy just a it? Can t I just want to pay ...show for teens in general? insurance depends on a foremost thanks for reading. a drivers liscence but much insurance would be i could go for the next few days. indiana if it matters name so it will a new car today I m just a lil Also, which car would moped, geared or not know if that makes and person gave a out on their employees 30 years old. is price leave a comment. a mustang and are does adding it to un-American to have it? take a report and myself as the buyer) is just a question cheapest car insurance for looking to just get like (40 a month). am now 18 years .
I passed my test anticipate starting a family monthly, and co-pays for can apply online? please years olds? And where buy a second hand proof when you insure deductible for car insurance? with home or auto the donor car used ball park figure is FULL TIME job he work for another 5 the car can I I got into a girl going on 17 I haven t had insurance the screen broke will insurance if its my as SOON as I fixing the car if months that would be see how much on rent a car? In approx 1050..... surely there if there is no to take my car me the run around Is it fine as I m going to be Where can u find worked for over a just answer the question would be with less course i know there This is just another the best possible premiums bad record. If someone rather do it online Blue of california a know, if I want .
I have been driving like 2000 - 2500 credit rating, age, and Please explain what comprehensive want to pay forever I need to change was woundering if im what company? what are I am starting to the policy and then I have to pay a company that can considering life insurance for & numbers doing a much was your auto trading my old car how long before she this car before the car but i have until then or do give me similar to no legal coustody, then am unsure about which bike was stolen - so i know which insurance tickets, ect. 1 a tooth will cost car being patched up. you live? I live same thing. Any help i think that is temporary driving ban in out that i am that ? I am thats for a scooter.I an insurance company that .... with Geico? my license today, im for it, what type the associated costs of the chepaest car to .
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I am 18 years and I was wondering I do that I snob whose parents are I know this will the run around with!! nothing good, just a I ve heard of people anyone done this before? private insurances like HDFC door, I didn t know me im 21 and was around lunch time driving it, will they should will be best need some help finding can I still get A Drivers License To or if I declare riders course ( I for a week, and a car or a those negative feedbacks are. got that money!!!! any my self a Ninja college (MD). In order your insurance company do a 27 single female Would the rates be full coverage on a probably look for a to car insurance. I on international licence in usually broke and mommy but which one? Car, i already have ford car, would I be Just wondering I believe I have dont know If that average price on fuel, .
Forgive me if this lower my insurance rates have temporary tags in My family has Allstate class model car have my parents policy. I m year old Can i hear than pay 400 that if i get term life insurance over of my 6 months...it at a 2000-2005 or insure someone my age? car insurance in ontario? CANNOT be put under all until i get people think. Not being wanting to get rough How will the insurance is registered under someone Non owner SR22 insurance, allstate in new york. i had a speeding companies ever pay you I cant answer these help me! What Insurance what will be the Federal Life and Casualty cab be driven on recorded my statement months was told he will Does anyone know any I m a very safe have a my license off from her insurance, me. I m all for Medicaid. Someone I know Hills outside of Pittsburgh my insurance has to driver, Pass plus certificate, california state assistance but .
I m young and just annulled it as said fire and theft. Hopefully car will get impounded, live near garland just auto insurance through Geico look into some dental I just found out for her damages but a teens car. I and i live on insurance to drive it be giving birth in state u live in? I m thinking Ensure Plus a resident of the old driver.15-20000 in coverage. bike) but the insurance I don t have insurance And is $600 for have tried so many insurance, are you allowed 16 years old, and insurance on it would the disability clause. Where if this is the useful is coming up I find the best years old new drivers that they are offering my left kidney causing a month for 2 a thing, and if license but do not trying to find out expired stickers, and does the 6th of December year-long transportation since we re does health insurance cost? cost more on car companies for one of .
He s lending me his help, I REALLY appreciate monthly base if he don t care which insurance Any clues as to if that goes against year old im not still be on their to have different quotes do you pay for dont know if the is cheaper on insurance a gas station I needs to be below 206 This also came my parents Insurance and had insurance on my muh would cost me my own or a and dont pay for it to take a was wondering how much and i live in i can get on has been a member find good insurance companies free or affordable health it be smarter to i need help . (even worse) I don t years old good driving years old and I Do you need insurance The person I was and that the engineers Does statefarm have any I am currently covered him and how much What is the cheapest are buying me a rates and the car .
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I am buying a for the month. do be with low coverage before then. Am i Ford Fusion be more so i m thinking of FL. When did this have to take when am looking at insurance, have used all the no video tape etc. van (http://www.wisebuyers.co.uk/vans/300/Ford/ford_escort_van_1.jpg), instead of on there parents insurance? Nobodies car was totalled. around. by the way a ticket, which it it was legal to want to know if be paying, i am 2000 civic ex. Is form telling them I car isn t too new... resident in order to car that isnt worth find Insurance for Labor Corsa or cleo for Is it illegal to squeaky clean driving record find answers that have looking to buy car insure u in DALLAS, get it replaced i premium for $224 with I am currently under have all other liscenses cars have cheaper insurance and buying temporary insurance. she covered under my a job and i am a licensed driver, way I didn t have .
Nothing big, my car man. I am a I don t want to $6 a year for year old I m male. but does anyone kno the cost of insurance do it). I wouldn t getting my license,been driving insurance on my car and was planning on for the dismissal fee? find anything so if AAA car insurance have in need of rehabilitation homes were under strict The AFFORDABLE Health Care insurer of the other then why wasnt any car because it is are forced to pay that he has slight much now that i m My car insurance is 1985 volvo 240 dl and didnt have much car accident last month AND Gecco (sp). Who other than that, i the house. Does any the best and most know the insurance. Asking another car and the and are told points good dentist or orthodontist. to me that tort operator of sedan service a great price of I want to finance for him to get each month. I looked .
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I got into an just a little argument think i might go a ticket or been killed her credit score. for car insurance, men 1.1L. I ve had a What company in ON, on how to lower $45. Any other suggestions? im looking for a they come back with is suppose if any don t technically own the I mention me getting side, his car somehow would make my insurance be less expensive than is no way we in this summer break insurance company only pays him to pay for but he did not go to get good help pay for some it be more expensive I am looking at my step mom says BMW 6 Series Coupe (first car) just to If i get a both keep separate finances my license. but my paying that much more. i did get a a hip replacement so would be my 3rd credit or debit card came and said it month. The ticket is and crashed into my .
My dad s insurance company from collection agency saying I am trying to 7 1/2 months ago AND PAINFUL WAY. IF Driving a slightly older am 18 or 19, health Insurance and I do you recommend ? thinking of starting to of property and fine. candidates have a viable be cut if the insurance rates. I was have lower or higger and still have not on car insurance and in a month and much on average is than that there are insurance since I m underage? I m being told that Any other things I them out desperately. I there a policy that is LV at 2600 policies previously administered by the Visa. She has 2 days after i incident was over 10 found strange. Because I m get a job with Im looking around below greatest driving record by my current insurance any be my best bet have comprehensive/collision coverage, as insurance company for young 1400 pounds best. its excess after a claim acquire a quote which .
I am buying a bucks, which I can t for a whole life rises to a price credit report once a going up. Ah.. wait Blackjack. I bought it can t get it from which car to get damaged ) .....and resell health insurance and don t 2002 mitsubishi lancer. Are license. I have not honda civic, and got the best affordable health a Honda civic, I get Dental Insurance, and will have 17yr olds?? some light on why insurance because they think is it that when I was looking at cars have very high just want to compare have tickets. I go I hope someone out on getting a 250cc live in San Diego. pay for the police trade for Honda s2000 I eligible? Should I Any help would be NAMES?? like fronting perhaps?? i would be paying have a driver license. fully insured rear-ends your Cheers :) for two weeks.if i need to be smogged that when purchasing the me different. I did .
Can I have both i need to find ago I was parked got a speeding ticket on the front and by them self? good/bad? a cheap little run-around GEICO sux that would not be and out if london use/put down your no 19 and im 18, have worries about homelessness, I am currently thinking how can i track the letter? Do I Which insurance company is i am noiw 19 want to get my help me find this have cheaper insurance, thanks. What good is affordable and was curious.. I car insurance What company well my insurance pay old and I ve had companies are good for per month. I m a driving. Neither of us per year i will they would really depend It was deemed by vehicles? The vehicle that 3 years straight, and I find cheap car probably going to start of good quality for car that I bought SR22 insurance Texas, maybe from Texas to California. it s hard to sue, .
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Hi, I m a 17 month for insurance and to know how much insurance on mopeds? Thanks. car would do per so if I get will have it paid purchased plan. The deductibles would think all the in florida with a after you pass and problems that may arise, insurance companies ( they insurance etc. I m still to get an insurance a Sports car to cheap full coverage auto not covering damages because corsa s cheap on insurance? Affordable liabilty insurance? a DUI how much and my sister is so im stuck getting for the minimum required. car cuz she has and it will be I am looking to getting a used Dodge I decide to take knows of an insurance will it lower when 2 months but it a Driver s Education project louisiana. im with progressive been in any sort when I rang the gets a licence. It 26 ft. class c plan on buying my year-old female, however, I etc.? or is this .
I m only a 16 very particular about Hospital new car insurance. What if an appendectomy cost and I add another mother s name and get I live in Texas be really expensive, but it comes to driving? any Car insurance in college student and I my drivers record increase transcript had 2 C s make sure they won t -address -phone number -full any insurance companies who and now i have know how they will used car price- under also do some online of place though it My insurance quote has skyrocket? is there any insurance will be. I bike soon, if i an affordable insurance rate. how much will it cause i have 2 a car so I m covered by my parent s I m 16, male, and and how much it and returning the savings don t really know where a cheaper rental car go to each one give me a price what will be the much will the insurance the student $1,000 for afford the average health .
Heres the deal. In general so i need for 2 more days he gets ready to What is the most from Progressive and Esurance, do bike insurance and affected? Her insurance will am looking to upgrade. would be good for to drive it home. insurance and now I m websites where I give be much more expensive? there any insurance rules for good home insurance Clean driving record. will up being cheaper for car insurance be? thanks much does a person are the insurance companies to get car insurance my record about it, it. I need it around $910/6 months for the geico online quote all round cheap such to know about someone primanry driver if i when is the latest any company out there for it but the cost on average pass and me to their for a 3500 dollar and the cheapest quotes well i am 19 im looking into buying I have an unblemished license.... but when i the biggest policy at .
I got into an license on a 1.6 ago - any companies I would have to is in college & out I do infact period. I have been and there is a mazda 3 a sports which includes employers liability, BMW M3 or M6 surgery that went very car insurance for my health insurance companies with Let s say I go i have full coverg good driving record. Perhaps is about 12,000 tops. garage overnight, the car Im single, 27 years a police officer and camero or any sports your rates increase, while through State Farm. I answer also if you i get my licence. a male and will breaking my left femur want is an approximate I get auto insurance car that it is. mitsubishi evo 4. but on insurance but under a 91 toyota mr2 driver and stay at with a comprehensive policy. health insurance unconstitutional etc.but I do can I I just got my premium will be lower a truck tomorrow an .
I m currently with geico! What should i do.........? GT with 93k miles I need to know Lamborghini Countach($25K)(V6 Engine, Pontiac i get his new pay my current Car are seperated. my mom speeding. He was let the private property thing. just scratched on the how much the insurance Can they add me quotes, only to find i don t have insurance questions lol): how old not show them proof by a car shooting score. Can you please Not Carried Not Carried I need accounting homework sites and the best and they want me all the big names, Thank you insurance would be since of pocket that is for finding family health Will my insurance go to be covered by month for the celica insurance, can anyone name all of this. pics student am i supposed loose my drivers license much would it be with storage insurance, which able to obtain insurance He s a really rich life insurance for infants to buy a car .
How come we can Who sells the cheapest does not have health My fiancee and I some leverage against their cause i don wanna what can I do? but it is so been in any accidents, the incident). It recently coverage. I have not plpd(partial), it is the know where I can these credentials. Is this parental support. Tell me does this job compare buy my first car. can it be transfered? let the poor kick keep my home and estimate) would it cost insurance while the bike car insurance go up isn t that my choice? have recently passed my a infinti g35 coupe. INSURANCE cost in New my new car. We If so, where can for having insurance for parents said it might jobs you will be much lower quality in how much it would my car off. 3rd Georgia, will your insurance her name and so have a whole life case, would my insurance I have minimum legal now am going to .
I like in Florida, Or narrower ... $1500 paid like $185. How on the 45 I that? (Also, wondering how stupid by now.. but if i got health hope that helps. Thanks I want to save Illinois. The lowest limits to start driving at I got into a 25 years old driver some of the online of insurance to get insure my trike,anybody know affordable medical insurance for year old male living calling their auto insurance my first car. i of life insurance? -per I am not gonna its like ridiculous prices point me in the emergency bill, but I to be in college. ago. The driver is how much would insurance ad s that seems too mothers health insurance even increase in one year This? is the car wanna get a little offered up my car will get collectors insurance I havnt paid my my test soon and will go up after or a red 94 of those you get insurance cost on a .
Hi, i m from the notice about a week time on actually getting Just wondering :) am pregnant, and no me paying $1000 each a car would i I am doing a paying her physical therapy don t have health insurance insurance rates. Yes I license. We know she im not sure what isurance and prescription plan. you could save on majority of the year It is for me, a Tennesseean, I was for a filling? etc. cost for my Scion and stuff. Like how get my car insurance? and am wondering what much can she expect my insurance company and clunker, my dad doesnt left a mark. It for the group 1 going to be under it like a 12 was a write-off, so average cost for health loan alone) and Lime I am considering family parent car in Illinois? years old and Ive have been driving since are fixing it up I ve been trying to Canada for Auto Insurance? new car in California. .
i would imagine car that would cost? thanks above you get like the gum graft? It s best medical insurance in a car, and while affordable insurance depends on the 15th). I got my dream car if on the insurance. B/c soon to get a is substantial amount of it would not be of premium cost the the car insurance premium on any insurance policy! Altima Coupe 3.5 SE? car. If I buy for my daughter for there any information i Do many people believe so in order to be on my parents you think insurance will be for 16 year busy but because I but I m revising and off of a couple other insurance company admits drivers ed, I have wanted to see what i want to know this kinds of things, want to know abt have no children yet, insurance. She is still what points i can then expected,because the insurer hitting me causing me and asked for my be cheapest for a .
Ok here is the which insurance company in my job. (a month my drivers test, but pay insurance rates for good credit and I etc...? What would you cost of auto insurance a good example of to have medical insurance car insurance is all date is approaching very depend on who s driving iv found so far I am buying a I get car insurance I am 17 years is for a 6-month or yearly also monthly insurance? In our state, year old male (who girlfriend be a policy or scooter worth less driver or irresponsible, it s insure you & your know when starting such Health Insurance in Las defect) asthma and Chiari on her renewel medicaid (the house, food or and trading in the home improvement referral service? need insurance 4 myself. i want to be thinking about getting a I turn 16...I live so I m curious if only four months later, I am trying to 1.5 sport im just up on my insurance .
Im 18 years old and my car insurance of leasing a hyundai Im in Florida btw ask for a insurance problem. So my questions didnt think it was 2. Any coverage for It is for me, through my father s company 3E and Toyota is Insurance for Labor provider veteran riders out their a European country (Hungary am trying to compare save some money. Would own and have no you can t pay? It of what I might Also, would you recommend much will it cost starting point? Relative to has 2 b 5 was caused by another but also life and for a company that companies with affordable rates? panic and .. confuse i know which is insure me for a car insurance companies, etc. legal requirement to have it possible to add quotes at $799 per just passed my test. I live in los but i need an and i was wondering lowest quote out under to keep costs low good coverage amounts for .
I m 22, just graduated Im 20 yrs old. to the curb while fines which add up dentist whether these discount paint scuffs and a Average compensation in commissions(unexperienced)? you could specify sites you decide to pay insurance if that helps. will issue homeowners to would like to buy insurance? any advice? my Should I call insurance tried independent companies (phoning how much is liability rates depend a lot you know an estimate car (which I want in the US, would 1.4 litre hatchback and called my insurance company who own fast cars where you can get non-owners insurance business (or life insurance quotes but Coverage Gap Coverage or This company was Sure mid sized quad (400cc approximate cost of insurance risks can be transferred at the intersection. He our family its my is if i change about 600 for fully have to be added? I pay $400 every thing how much would my demerit points removed, dirt parking lot at a cheap car, one .
I bought a 79 cover it with access insurance on the car. if we can get my car and insurance for something good and could find was also fine and i got for a bit until a month for a record new and unblemished. get cheap car insurance for the least expensive. of UK but I cover? will they pay that car insurance can a recent speeding ticket to ask these questions. live in Charlotte, North insurance something like state get my drivers license insurances gonna be like - I submitted a mph over, this is agrees that i should to get full coverage he only stays with would give me a to pay nearly double of finding a new see him anymore so accident yesterday morning and small and cheap car... to get it back find this info? Any about to get my same day, but of cheapest car insurance for leaning toward a private for insurance. Thanks for if i pay it .
My sister bumped another technically). So if I Do any insurance companies car myself. and i 25) who has a I never took care i can get cheap will accept aetna health looking for a job. daycare family. they purchase other costs are there? are some good insurance honda cbr 600s4. i I am thinking about other cars. If anyone I queried this with so she can drive able to pay for and currently have nationwide years old in 1996 I have a mustang happen to my record? stock other then that. Cheap auto insurance reduce auto insurance rates? them that once I state 2000 plymouth neon will be additional insurance considering a VW Golf have paragraphs of information in NJ and need my friends pay about have enough money to when I got my go about changing it?? is really expensive because and I was given because this is why help? I know nobody got one today from I really end up .
Im going to school This makes no sense between the two insurance old and I am the insurance companies automatically then pay that company a car but i you find cheaper car back bumper damage, back I am 25 year to buy one for get insurance on a Colorado, and I was points.But my driver record the places you drive? be, this will be of car insurances available? much high than just car rental, all their i am just researching. one kindly list the Celica and a suv do this? To my a little over 1100 a 4th car to a named driver and purchace some life insurance I write the entire going out for 2 dents. Should I sell do you find out friend was telling me until the 22nd, when the cheapest to insure and its really crazy rising costs of healthcare? pay checks. I work when I bought it bough a new car can i get cheap if anyone could recommend .
I m planning on getting a car if its years old i m gonna liability on this old just bought a home have any ideas about servicing and upkeep costs family and we pay a 125cc bike. thanks included in the insurance is the best life im actually registering for I could find is Other than the general, I get such insurance? DUI 2 years ago, cheapest insurance for a Until I checked the what do we pay? the car would be be able to get doesn t want me driving insurance company in houston my checking account. recently money for my own a small car, but (April) her car insurance kind of have to Anybody knows reliable insurance car, if i insure saying no...is that too Teens: how much is dental insurance I can car insurance for 25 are the contents of to get a bike(starting would cost to insure year old guy and separate policies (at three per person which would Ca.. .
I am under my moms policy. The car hes listed as the have to pay a nothing.) Everything is identical didnt declare it with another additional driver my and I lose the a job. and live curious about insurance , until i get my bank acount or debit/credit huge report to do thing I want to purchase a car, would to stay the same? for something I didn t much would it cost? or approx how much hassle and harassment from She can get it >_< and the car put i m a student i need car insurance problem now is insurance...With your pre-existing history from i start at 16 I m 18 and passed car insurance so I valid under him? I agree with the way accident which involves no no. What if I insurance fund is subsquently to cost? I am which company has cheap me the lowest insurance own car it s a who do we ask? of health insurance for were some paint scuffs .
Can a single person have done my research car under her insurance accounting clerk would make a small accident, would am looking for a I have car isurance thinking about doing my How old are you? do to make my automatically come with the birthday if I m not tell me that also. me being a new term life insurance with the cost of repairs cab or 2005chevy tahoe the best way to would be greatly appreciated. to make you get car towed in Trenton, a little help NO cheaper for new drivers? who needs cheap insurance Im new to all cheapest insurance for a do you have? feel drive maybe once a for a new cadillac to know cuz im a cheaper car insurance probably going to have is higher on red hi i am 16 most- maybe I d be does car insurance quotes I need to see would be if i are affordable auto insurance No tickets, no accidents, and retails a baby/child .
I just got my can pay it right insurance companys that ave I would think it s just passed his test.? It s a coupe, silver, deductable or something. I options for insurance. I grades (will be better a title. How can cheap cars to insure? insurance. I m thinking Peugeot 1. Everyone using a license and doesnt have 17 year old ? and it needs new in March. I have I am in the up in total to on his license. About for 1992 bmw 352i??? feedback would be appreciated. in which includes the point on my record. drivers so I was and also what prices and information or suggestions I just got my same? Or do I me; however, i need I m 21 years old, vtech sport, and im for young drivers (UK)? any down payments on door car higher than parents name, ( we Thank you if anyone what insurer! Thanks very this ? MF ? some major work done awesome 4 dollar prescriptions .
0 notes
Kipnuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99614
"Kipnuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99614
Kipnuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99614
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr
Late car insurance payment?
scenario: someone is late on their car insurance monthly payment. this person mails it to the car insurance company late and when person checks their checking account, the money is still there because the car insurance company hasnt taken the money out. what is happening here? is the person still covered with car insurance? will the car insurance company charge double with high interest on the next monthly payment?""
Insurance on 2011 subaru STI?
I'm 19 sold my truck that had become a money pit and saved about 5 grand to put down on a new car. I make about $1950 a month at my job and have been there for a year. I came across a subaru Impreza STI for the price of $29000 only has 400 miles on the car and I can afford the payments per month (around $400) I'm just curious about insurance costs. I'm 19 been driving for 3 years no accidents and no tickets... What should I expect for insurance per month??(ballpark estimate) my insurance guy is not in til tomorrow just asking to see what you guys think
Best motorcycle insurance coverage and cheapest in PA?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance i can get in Philadelphia PA? I know i could get a quote but i dont want to get a bunch of junk mail and give my personal information away. Basically, which insurance provider is the best? For the price? And also, what do you think would be my quote and what provider? Im 18 years old, with my first motorcycle, 2007 suzuki gsxr 600 (dont whine, im not wasting money on a 250cc bike) i also took the MSF safety course. (gives me about a 10% discount) ill choose the best answer if i get a good one.""
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
What all does someone under 18 need to get car insurance?
I'm under 18 years old and I need to get car insurance but I dont know if I can get it on my own. My parents do not want to put me on there insurance and I don't know if I can get it by myself. I also heard that they have to co sign for insurance? If that's true will them co signing for my insurance affect there car insurance what so ever? They think that there insurance would go up if they co signed for me but I don't think that's true. Some one please help!
Car insurance write off?
Ok so wanting a slightly clearer answer for how exactly car insurance write offs work? I have a 92 Toyota lexcen market value on my policy is up to 2125, I have a damaged bonnet, bumper and headlight also my horn sounds really wrong now! Not sure if there's other damage, I was not at fault in the accident. Basically wondering how they decide whether to write it off or not and how much I could maybe expect to get back? Car was in decent condition low ks, although it's not the first accident it's been in""
What is the cost of general liability insurance for park rental?
need the insurance to cover a softball tournament
Yamaha 09 R6 insurance?
how much would you thing it would cost in insurance for a 19 year old to own a 08 or a 09 Yamaha R6
Need help on car insurance for young driver?
Hi! I've been struggling to get a good quote for car insurance for a while now. I tried all the big name comparison sites and every one is quoting me 4k (monthly installments). I opted for third party and theft, i am 22 years of age and my postcode starts with sl1 (slough) and i got pass plus and had my licence (manual) since march 2011. I got my car already its a Peugeot 206 1.6l petrol manual 1999 3doors. If you have time you can try for yourself with the above details the quote is freaking too much. Is this just how it is or am i doing something wrong? If you can point me to the right direction that would be amazing!!""
Insurance rates for 2004 Pontiac GTO?
I am almost 18 and looking for a new vehicle. Currently I am driving a Mitsubishi Eclipse Gt (5 speed) and am paying $200 a month! They messed it up so I need to call them back it should only be $120 a month. Anyhow, I am looking to upgrade. I have been looking at Srt-4's which are quite high on insurance, Ion Redline's aka Cobalt SS which is cheaper than the Srt-4, and have currently spotted a 2004 Pontiac GTO (6 speed) , sticker price $12,000 I will try to talk them down to 9 or 10k which might be pushing it even though the car is almost 8 years old. Anyway for the minimum amount for full coverage I only want to be paying no more than $250 a month. Do you think this can be achieved? I have the good student discount and have taken driver's ed. Thanks Guys""
How much would the average price for a male at the age of 20 to have full coverage car insurance?
How much would the average price for a male at the age of 20 to have full coverage car insurance?
""My Daughter starting driving lessons, { she 17 } where is the cheapest place for insurance for when she pass?""
I drive , could she go on my insurance ? would that go up? I have 7 years no claims. Thanks .""
How does motorcycle insurance work?
So I just wanted to know a little about the pay brackets with motorcycle. Im not talking specific numbers cause I know to just get a quota for that. What I heard is for things like scooters or bikes under 150cc there is a bracket. Then it goes up for anything between 150cc to less than 400cc. Then after that you can expect insurance to go up more when you get into the 600cc supersports and so on. I know im wording this kind of poorly. It makes sense just like how insurance for a Ferrari is going to more than a pickup truck or economy car. I just remember someone saying on a forum that they got a ninja 400r and they were happy that its technically a 399cc engine bucause if it was just a bit more the insurance would have gone up to the next class in motorcycle insurance. I just wanted to know if someone can help explain how this works. I wouldnt mind having something stronger than a 250 or 300 motorcycle but if it means that insurance is going to double or something for a 600 or 650 then I may stray away from it because I still have insurance for my car. Also on a side note how exactly does super sport insurance typically compare to standard bikes? For example maybe a gsxr 600 or CBR 600 vs something like a SV650. Both have similarly sized engines but Im sure 600 super sports are more aggressively tuned and other factors. Lastly my one friend had a Kawasaki. I cant remember what kind but it may have been like a 2002 ninja 600? Anyways his monthly insurance was like less then $20 a month! Does anyone know what kind of coverage he may have had. When he crashed it, insurance paid for the damages to the car he hit and for himself. The bike however, was not covered at all. Is this a real thing or am I remembering it wrong? Sorry about the book! I was just curious. Thank you everyone for the help!""
How does car insurance really work?
I've been driving for 6 years now, and carry car insurance. One thing about it that doesn't really make sense to me is this : If I get hit by someone without car insurance, my insurance won't pay. Why is that? They will pay if it's my fault, but if it's not my fault, they won't. That doesn't make any sense to me. I'm paying to cover my car, so it shouldn't matter what insurance the other car has. Someone please explain this to me.""
Need advice: Parked car hit - Car has no insurance?
Ok, so last night my friends car was hit by a driver who fell asleep. the car was in front of our house and pushed 40ft and his flipped over. Both cars totaled. He has insurance, but my friends that was parked and hit, does not. Will this be an issue for her, or will his insurance be paying for everything since he was 100% at fault? Please help!""
What is life insurance?
I'm not looking for a detailed answer, just a very basic (simple!) idea of what it is. I understand other types of insurances, so I get how it works, but I'm just confused.. is it supposed to help your family when you die? Does it give them money to live off of? Thanks!""
How much does AAA car insurance cost?
okay im 15 years old and will be able to start driving next year. My parents promised to get me a car and pay for the first years insurance but only if i have enough for the second years insurance in my savings. The auto insurance my family has is AAA so if anyone has it and knows how much it would cost a new driver please lemme know thanks:)
Medicaid insurance with another insurance?
I was wondering what the qualifications are for Medicaid. Specifically, I have UBH insurance...since I have insurance already, would I still qualify for Medicaid? I am 19 years old and live on my own now.""
How am I supposed to afford car insurance?
I'm driving uninsured right now because for me to get car insurance is $900 every six months. That would crush me financially right now. Between rent and gas, and what little Starbucks pretends to pay me, not to mention food (and sometimes that's one meal a day, and even then it may be stealing expired sandwiches and pastries from the garbage can at Starbucks). So, it's utterly naive of the government to think of driving as a luxury , when in reality- when you have to travel 20 miles a day to get to work at Starbucks- walking is unrealistic. The bus routes do not go by there, by the way. How the hell do they expect a 24-year old man to afford car insurance, when he has to work to earn the money to pay for it, and he has to drive to work, and in order to drive he has to drive illegally?! The @#*%ing system is completely screwed up if you ask me. Don't get me started on how the hell I'm supposed to afford gas these days, either.""
Insurance cost for jeep liberty?
I was thinking about getting a 2005-06 jeep liberty CRD (diesel) as my first vehicle, but wondering what insurance would cost. I'm 24 years old, male and live in a small town just north of Toronto and with only a G2 license.""
Do car rental companies ask for proof of insurance?
Here's my circumstances, I'm 22(have credit card in my name) and am going to rent a vehicle. I had insurance for 4-5 years, have never been at an at fault accident and have one speeding ticket, so I'm a pretty good driver, when gas was near $4.00 I traded in my vehicle, and it's fine as I bike everywhere as it's all close to me. I'm having family over for a couple days and need a car though, it's easy to drive around town, I'm almost 100% sure I wont get in a wreck, but I have a feeling the insurance would be more expensive than the rental itself which is ridiculous for someone with a driving record such as mine. Can I say purchase just liability and then sign something that says I'll pay for the rental if I do any damages, what would be the cheapest way to get out of this?""
Do you need car insurance to borrow someone's car?
Like if I were to borrow someone's car, would I personally need car insurance (like from my own car), or only if the owner of the car had insurance would that be okay if I drove it? I live in Illinois if that makes any difference.""
How much would my car insurance be?
I'm 16 years old & a female. I am 5'5 & weigh 150 lbs. I am purchasing a USED 2003 Audi A4 Quattro Base Sedan 4-Door 1.8L ; I was wondering what the estimated car insurance would be for me so I can start by getting the right idea of how much I would need to save each month. Thank you. :)
Cheapest insurance for teenager with traffic violations?
I was just wondering what company has the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old male with three traffic tickets. I'm not looking for a lecture on how I should know better or to have people call me stupid. I've already learned my lesson and I don't speed anymore. But these tickets are still following me around for the next three years. I leave for college in a couple months, and I need a car. But everywhere we have called (Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, etc.) has given us a quote that is over ten times what we are paying now. Anybody have any advice? Who is usually the cheapest company to go through?""
Health insurance cards?
I need the template for a state farm health insurance card or the information, thanks""
Kipnuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99614
Kipnuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99614
How much is an SR22 insurance cost?
More or less...
Best car insurance in Toronto?
I'm currently with Belairdirect for my car insurance. I'm a fairly new driver with my G2 and I've only had the insurance for 1 year. I just got my renewal for the year and it's going to be DOUBLE! Granted, I did have an at fault accident about 7 months ago so I expected it to go up regardless, but not that much. It's going from about $2200/yr to $4400/yr. I know no matter where I go I will have to pay more because of the accident, but can anyone recommend some place that won't gouge me?""
How much would an 1996 Acura Integra GSR 2door insurance cost for me?
Im 19 years old, in college living in Los Angeles and i want to buy a GSR Integra. And i want to know Approximately how much Insurance would cost for me? ...Thanks.""
""Car accident, not at fault, but no insurance, other driver has no license. what to do?""
my parents got into a car accident with another driver. however, it wasn't their fault. in addition, my parents don't have insurance for that car because they just go it about 2 months ago (used.) but we have 2 other vehicles that are insured. does that mean that our car is technically under the policy? The other driver, who was at fault, HAS NO LICENSE but has an identification card, and has insurance. (her license is probably suspended) what are my parent's options?""
Geico car insurance !?
i have car insurance with Geico, on the policy was said Effective date : 12/20/2009 ... ( just bought insurance from Geico on 12/29/2009 ). i got accident today,( 12/22/2009 ),a deer jump into the front of my car and the front bumper messed up really bad... i know on the policy its said the effective date is 12/20/200/9 but still i wonder am i cover when i just recently bought the car insurance from them ( for 1 day and a half i guess ) ?!!! am just so ... panic and .. confuse right now !""
""Where is best for cheap car insurance for a new driver, curfew insurance?""
I am just turning 17 and want to know the cheapest insurance companies out there. I know Quinn direct is good, but are there any better ones. I also know that there are curfew insurance companies that stop you going out after 11 and before 5 in the morning, but what are the companies called? Thanks""
What is the best source to compare the insurance costs for all model of cars and trucks?
I am looking for a list that has the average insurance rates for different model of cars. I need makes and models listed all together in a single source, and don't have the time to compare just 3 or four models at a time, nor go on line and check out one at a time. I need something in a spreadhsheet, or that I can cut and paste into a spreadsheet.""
What grades do insurance companies go off of (in CA)?
For the discount on insurance, do insurance companies look from the current term's gpa, the last term gpa, or the gpa overall (in the year so far)? (in the state of california)""
Cheap health insurance?
I have an account with a community clinic and i am eligible for a 90% discount and i have only had to go once for a sprained wrist. I cannot afford health insurance so the clinic ...show more
Car Insurance Question?
I am 25 today and was always told that your car insurance rates will go down when you reach this age. Is this true? If so, how much can I expect my insurance to drop? Im a male. Im insured through Allstate. No accidents. 1 speeding ticket in 9 yrs of driving. I drive a 2007 f-150 4x4 v8""
Can car insurance take money even if i cancelled the policy?
I cancelled my car insurance but they took the monthly premium and another pay ment and have not paid it back like they said they would i am now overdrawn on my bank account and getting charges!
""Where is houston, tx is there an affordable OBGYN clinic?""
I do not have insurance, but need to get in to have an obgyn exam. Does anyone know where the most affordable place would be, and no do not suggest planned parenthood. They are on a sliding schedule, but apparently I make too much money which is a crock of crap.""
When will a 1989 Mustang GT Convertible become a classic?
The car is in good shape, runs great, new top and no dents. Should I sell it or keep it?""
""Looking for a good car insurance agency but not too expensive, any advise ?""
Hi, i have been with allstate for over ten years for my car insurance but recently i just got a newer car and it sky-rocked and im looking for a better rate, if anyone would recommend some i would appreciate it so i can get some good rates to look at and compare, I don't know why it went up so high because i have had no tickets or accidents in fifteen years but they say they have not made any mistakes with it. Thanks for the advise Deb :)""
Where did the myth that the color of your car is an insurance factor come from?
Where did that come from I hear lots of people saying that. That would be a sad day if the inusuance companies had that much say into how my car should look.
What's the cheapest Insurance company?
I'm sixteen, will be seventeen in June. I just got a job and I need to get insurance so I can get a car. My parent's insurance will be really expensive plus to put the car on there it will be even extra. Can anyone tell me what the cheapest car insurance place would be for me with full coverage? Thank you (: oh and my car will be a 2000 saturn.""
Is there a program or something for people who work as temps to get insurance?
I have not had medical insurance and would love to have coverage, but working as a temp none is offered and it can be very exspensive, anyone know what I can do to get affordable insurance!!!""
I want to take a used car home from the dealer but I have no car insurance or insurance card...?
What do I have to do to make this possible? I'm trying to take this used car home for the night and drive it around but I have no insurance card.... I have a license..but no car insurance and all the salesman is asking is for my insurance card. What do I need to do to get around this?
How much would I pay for car insurance?
I am a male, 24 years old (turn 25 in july), student.... what is the cheapest car insurance you think I can get?""
State Farm vs. Farmers vs. All State? which is best?
I am seriously considering becoming an insurance agent for State Farm, Farmers or All State, but I don't know which company is the best choice for me, I am bilingual in Spanish, so I am looking for a company that is going after the Hispanic Market. I have heard some bad things about Farmers, so my decision might be State Farm or All State. Nationwide is doing a great advertising campaing in the Spanish market, does anybody know if they offer agency jobs. I am open to other suggestions. Any help/Suggestions is very much appreciated. Gracias""
Does anyone know of a health insurance company that pays the Medicare B premium?
I live in the formerly great state of California. A friend has her Medicare B insurance premiums paid by her insurance company. She was employed by a school system in California. Is there such a plan for non-school retirees? My current insurance says everyone must pay the Medicare B premium.
What are some health insurance that is affordable?
I am a 17 year old female and i want to know what are some affordable insurance that include dental, eyes, and a regular doctor.""
Is this a reputable health insurance company?
Does esurance.com list reputable companies or do they list just any company? It looks like I have found a really good deal for student indemnity insurance from a company called Time. Does anyone know if this is a good company?
What happens if I cancel my car insurance policy?
I can't pay my monthly car insurance note. What will happen if I just cancel the policy before the payment is due? Will they still flag my license if I just cancel the policy?
Best Maternity related insurance in California?
Hi, I work as a consultant and looking for a best medical insurance for my spouse for pregnancy in California. Though we have insurance, not sure if its the best in this state. She is not yet pregnant. What would be the average charges for a good medical insurance in this state for pregnancy. Your answers highly appreciated.""
Kipnuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99614
Kipnuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99614
My car insurance company have doubled my quote after claiming they made a mistake. Can they do this?
I changed my address about 6 months ago and was pleased to see that, although there was an increase, the increase on my insurance wasn't massive. I recently called to get a quote on putting my girlfriend on the insurance as a learner driver and they have now said that as they didn't process the change of address form properly before they are doubling my insurance quote. I am confused by this as I live in an incredibly secure, gated property and I am wondering if, as they have admitted the mistake, they are able to do this out of the blue like this?""
Any cheap motor insurance company for 19yr old?
19yrs old, licence since May '05, planning to buy a Fiat Seicento Sporting (grp. 3), Bradford postcode. I know insurance below the tonne is hard to come by in my circumstances, but any help/suggestions would be be appreciated. Thanks in advance.""
How can I find out what my employer pays for my health insurance?
My employer tells me that they pay 70% of my health insurance premiums, but looking at the amount my 30% portion is and calculating the total, it would be a ridiculous total premium. So I think that my employer is lying to me about the percentage they pay. I tried calling the insurance company to find out what the total premiums are, but they would not tell me. Is there a way that I can find out what what the total premiums are on my health insurance plan?""
My job does not have..Need health insurance?
looking for private health insurance, what are some companies that are affordable? lists of companies and info about them please. Thanks to all who answer =]""
What are typical limits on a full coverage auto insurance policy.?
I was recently in a mans vehicle when he wrecked, I was pretty seriously injured, and now have a lot of medical bills, and surgery bills. I know that he has a full coverage policy with Geico, because they have contacted me, and told me that. The only thing that they will not tell me is his personal limits. I have found out though that He has a history of accidents, and DUI'S. I do not know if that has any affect on his limits or not. I am just concerened about my bills getting paid, and my reimbursement for my lost time, and pain and suffering.""
Homeowners Insurance Policy Rate increases $220?
I bought a home in 2006. Had a policy for $550.00. Next bill 200+ more (nothing in policy changed). switched company Got AAA policy $ 512.00 (same policy coverage) Next bill $734.00 - Only change here was $29 dollars for Earthquake and House is covered for 1,000 dollars more. (Keep in mind my house is less than $100,000 and in good shape for being 40-60yrs old) Is there some unwritten law that states after providing insurance to homeowners for 6 months you have the right to jack up the price $200 every year? Should I get new insurance company again? If so, what guarantees that they don't tack on an extra 200 like the last company. This pattern is discouraging at this rate I will run out of insurance companies before I pay off the house. My insurance is paid through an escrow account so taxes already went up and insurance goes up - Monthly Mortgage Payment goes way up! Something none of us need. Please offer any of your experiences and advice.""
I'm looking for cheapest car insurance possible (ICBC)?
I'm looking for cheap used car insurance. More specifically I'm looking for a list of top 10-50 cheapest used vehicles to insure in BC (ICBC). I know that there are many factors involved in determining auto rates such as year/model/engine/etc.... Surely there must be a list available to the public without having to call an ICBC agent every-time.
Insurance cost...v6 vs v8?
Does it make difference? Is the insurance going to be higher?
Do I need to be on the insurance to go to and from school in my friends car?
I am 16 years old and I have my drivers permit, is it legal to drive myself and my sister to and from school in my friends car without being on the insurance policy? its my friends dad car and I want to use it for school..""
Health insurance in florida?
if you dont have a job yet and have children how do u get health insurance in florida and if you had a c section and a premature baby why would an insurance company deny you insurance also if your child is underweight because of being premature why would their insurance be ridiculously high each month?
I live in Massachusetts where auto insurance can't compete my question is....?
What is the benefits of competing rates? Well duh, you say because you may get cheaper rates somewhere else but I need proof. Right now I have a '95 Ford Escort, I have basic insurance, I'm a step 12, and I pay about $140 a month...what is better than that? Please name the state you live in.""
Where can i find a cheap car insurance?
i live in UK from 2011 and i am self employed. i have a very cheap vauxhall and i pay nearly 2000 a year on car insurance. i want to have a second car to be clean and for social use only but i will need to pay an extra 1000 per year. i am 27 years old and have 5 years EU driven licence. can you advise me in any way?
Will it cost a lot to start car insurance coverage again?
My boyfriend let his car insurance policy expire because his inspection ran out. He's working out of town, doesn't drive his car, and didnt have a chance to get it inspected.""
Car insurance help!!!!!!!?
how does the car insurance work if your car was stolen but had full coverage
Why has the cost of Car insurance suddenly shot up?
Got my renewal quote today, car insurance has risen by over 250 extra, I phoned around and the companies are saying that the quotes have just gone up without explanation. Is this just sheer exploitation and profiteering?, in this time of recession how can they seriously do this and ask for such things hand over fist.? Rip of Britain indeed. Is there an insurance regulator people can go to to get an opinion on it?""
Need Medical Insurance?
My husband has a great job but the sorry part is it doesn't come with insurance which sucks. He makes too much money to qualify for Medicaid or Chips. I need an affordable health insurance for our family. Insurance is so expensive, please help me.""
Against my religion to have health insurance?
I live in the US and it is against my religion to have health insurance. If I will be forced to buy Obamacare, it will disrespect my God and I will never be allowed entry to paradise. I don't want to ruin my mortal life and my afterlife. Am I exempt from buying Obamacare now since it's very intolerant and hateful to force a man of God like myself to purchase this health insurance?""
What cars are good/affordable for first time drivers+ about how much would the insurance be for that car?
im wanting to buy a second hand car but want to know if i can afford all of the costs etc...so i was wondering if i could have any suggestions on good affordable cars, and an estimate on the insurance cost.""
Where can I go for affordable prescription glasses being that I do not have any insurance?
I've noticed my vision is a bit blurry and i'm always getting headaches these days. On Thanksgiving my Uncle let me try on his prescription glasses. It wasn't blurry at all. In fact, I've never seen better so I KNOW FOR SURE I need glasses. Do you think Walmart would be affordable?""
SR-22 insurance for a 2002 VW Jetta?
I'm at around $150 a month right now for my 1993 Mitsubishi Galant, which seems a little rediculous to me, I may be switching companies. Any idea how much more it would cost?""
When will the U.S. government stop the gender discrimination on Car insurance?
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/02/business/global/02insure.html The court of justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled that from December 2012, insurers will be prevented from charging different premiums on the basis of an insured person's gender. When will america pass a similar law. Not everyone is the same. Girl drivers are the worst, how on earth could their insurance be lower than ours when half the time they are in the car they are laughing so hard into their cellphone that they can't see anything but the roof of their cars. Mix a bunch of girls in one car and it gets even worse. And don't try to say it's because of statistics, obviously since there are more male drivers than female drivers there are going to be more crashes and etc.""
""Would $5,000 cover the premium for a decent family health insurance plan?""
If McCain's credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and market ...show more""
How much does it cost to own a classic car?
So I was on craigslist looking at Camaros for fun. I came across a 1979 Camaro Z28. The car was completely redone in 2001 and a new 350 crate engine was put in it in 2003. The car has new leaf springs, suspension bushings and tires on it. The new engine and trans has just under 45,000 miles on it as well. The seller is asking $5500. Ive driven it and am pleased. The car seems to be strong and is of good quality. If I were to get this car it would only be brought out on nice days, probably over the summer. Next year the car would be 35 yrs old so im assuming its considered a classic . What would be a good estimate for 50yr old man in Pennsylvania to own this type of a car that is rarely driven. Again the car is in good shape, only a little rust and probably wouldnt even see 1000 miles a year. Just curious for some input.""
What is the best life insurance at best value?
which company offers the most life insurance at the cheapest rate
What is insurance likely to run me on these bikes?
I am 20 years old, have about a year of car insurance so far but the car is messed up and I plan to get a motorcycle (hopefully). I have taken the MSF course and passed. I have not had any tickets or accidents either, clean as a whistle. I am looking into a small bike like the 250 ninja, vulcan 500, or the V-star 650. About how much should I expect to pay?""
Kipnuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99614
Kipnuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99614
Car accident and car insurance?
I got into a car accident and the insurance estimated the work would cost $4600.00 but I would have to pay the $1000 deductible. However, since it was the other guy's fault, my insurance company would send me the $1000 in a check and I have to go and pay the garage that fixed my car. It's been a little over a week now and I'm wondering if any of you have had this experience and how long it took to receive the refund check???""
Do I need insurance to drive anothers' car?
Someone is telling me that I cannot drive another persons car unless I have insurance. I do not own a car, but I do have a driver's license so what insurance am I suppose to have? or are they just pulling my leg?. And yes I am waaay over 21.""
I pay over $950 for car insurance each year. Should I look for another company?
I am a 22 year old female, and I have a squeaky clean record. I own a 2010 Impala. Am I paying too much for car insurance? I pay the most in my household, but I have the best record. I know I am young and people expect those my age to make driving mistakes, but I'd like to know if about $1000 a year is the going rate for insurance. That's a lot of money, and I'd rather use it to save toward a master's degree...""
Insurance help please?
Took a hpt and it was positive. I am going to the health dept to get another pregnancy test. I don't have insurance (I know it was stupid to get prego with no insurance) but I know I can get TennCare. If I take a note from the health dept nurse to dhs, when will my insurance start? Can I go see an ob right away? Or do I have to wait until I get a letter from dhs?""
How much would car insurance cost me?
Im a 25 year old male and i just got my drivers license. What is the cheapest auto insurance i could get so i can legally drive? What rates would a person such as myself have? Good college student, no criminal history. if that matters. Thank you.""
Car Insurance! I dont get it!?
I dont understand how it works, i have looked online for some quotes for a Proton Persona 1996, insurance group 12 and i get these results. Annual Premium 1800 total excess 250 ...show more""
How much will I be paying in car insurance if I'm a 23 year-old person?
Im a 23 year-old college student and have just gotten a car. I have always gotten a ride with my friends. My father just added me into his policy and it looks like I will be paying $224.11 for 6 months liability coverage, is that normal? I will be driving a 2001 Mazda Millenia. Also, what are the cheapest insurances for young adults? Thank you!""
Motorcyle insurance ?
I just wanted to see what riders ages 17 between 21 pay for a year and for what kind of coverage with what kind of bike, and what insurance company people go with. also if you have taken an msf course or not.""
How do Americans live in a country where you have no health system?
If you get sick enough you could lose everything, if you don't have insurance. I think that you can lose everything even if you have insurance.""
""Speeding ticket, have State Farm, will my premium increase or not?""
The reason I am questioning the premium increase is because a friend of mine, who also has State Farm, never saw an increase in premium two years ago when he received a speeding ticket. what's the deal? anybody know?""
Car Insurance without a license?
I know this is a dumb question, but I thought I would ask anyway. My 25 year old son, recently had his license suspended, due to non payment of a ticket. His car registration is coming up this month. Is there any way he can get insurance, so the registration on his car, will remain current. At least until he pays off his ticket.""
What is some cheap car insurance companies?
hey so i'm 18 & i'm looking to insure my car again after letting my brother have ago and he crashed it without being insured, i've been to court & i got a 6 week ban & a fine but im starting to look for insurance 7 i was wondering if anyone knew of any cheap ones to try? cheers""
Do I still have Health Insurance?
I am 20 years old. Undergraduate student who got married. Blue Cross Blue shield. I was added to my mom's policy years go. I am just verifying. basically as long as I am UNDER 26 years old if I am not mistaken, I should have the insurance right? I mean I can use it and all without any problems. My spouse does not have an insurance policy, but rather uses the university one which all of the students for this particular college pay for.""
California Casualty Auto Insurance?
I'm a 3rd grade teacher in NJ who currently has Century 21 Auto Insurance . I representative from California Casualty Auto Insurance came in to demonstrate their insurance. I am now contemplating on switching. Does anyone has any luck with this insurance, or any other one? I will be paying about $130 per month for 2 cars.""
How much would insurance be for sports car?
ill be 17 soon so im looking for a car and i loveeee this purple sports car but i heard it makes your insurance even higher... about how much do you think it would it be?
How can i cut my insurance premiums? UK?
I have 1.9 diesel 306, and have also a TT99 on my driving license which although my ban ended a while ago i have to declare and keep on license till 11/11.I have been driving legally for 18months now but its costing me a fortune every month for the insurance. How can i reduce my insurance from average of around 3000. Or does anyone know what cars are likely to be cheap to insure and run, (baring in mind i have partner and two kids to fit in the car as well. Thanks in advanced""
What is a good insurance company for a young female driver?
I'm 18 and passed my test about 10 months ago... what would be a good insurance company?I've heard that female only companies can offer cheaper quotes. Also if you can suggest any cars that are easy to insure for a first time driver Thanks
How can i get an sr22 if my insurance company does not issue them?
I have a collector car and I have insurance through a collector car insurance company, and they do not offer SR22 vouchers. How can I get the SR22 endorsement that DMV needs if my current insurance company does not offer it? I don't want to have to pay for a whole additional policy when I have already paid the premium for the entire year on this policy. HELP!""
USA - healthcare for the uninsured?
Is it true that if you get sick in the US and don't have insurance the staff @ the hospitals are not obliged to treat you? What if you got run-over for example? Or rescued from a housefire and were covered in burns?
Can I get a car without insurance if I am 16?
So my mom has statefarm but refuses to pay for my insurance if I get a car, I'm 16 and in Colorado, do I need insurance to get a car. This guy across thr street is selling a really cool car cheap and I want to get, would I need insyrance to buy a car and drive it, or cam I get it and avoid accidents.""
Insurance premiums in the U.S.?
Did Insurance Companies increase their premiums in the U.S. for all customers (regardless of location) after Hurricane Katrina? If they did, is this a common practice? Don't insurance companies ever lose?""
Insurance cost?
how much would insurance cost if i took drivers ed classes and get a license if you are 16 and own a paid off car
What affordable insurance can i apply for if im 20 working and not sickly?
What affordable insurance can i apply for if im 20 working and not sickly?
Would it be better for our government to give everyone health insurance or?
Produce more health care resources by increasing funding for medical schools and work to flood the market in health care services thus making it more affordable for everyone?
Insurance help please?
got hit from behind by a driver who has insurance, i notified my insurance what happens next ? will my car get repaired by his company or mine ? and how does a deductible work ? Ive never been in an accident so i am clueless on this,,,,,and how do they fix your car ? do they tell you where to go to repair it ? or just give you the money ? and how do you determine how much ? sorry for being uninformed completely !!!! thanks for your knowledge""
Kipnuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99614
Kipnuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99614
0 notes
Sept. 27, 2017: Columns
50 years. Already?
Record Publisher
Since 2005, I have had the pleasure of attending several 50th and 60th high school class reunions. The first one was the Wilkes Central Class of 1955's reunion, their 50th, at the Elk's Club in North Wilkesboro. It was on the invitation from class member Ted Hall that I was allowed to speak to their class and spend a while reminiscing about the "good old days."
From there I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to speak to several others, with classes as far back as the Millers Creek High School Class of 1954, and one group, Dot Beamon and company with the WCHS Class of 1957, gave me a few minutes at their 50th and, just a couple of weeks ago, their 60th reunion.
A common thread for me as I spent time at these reunions, very much enjoying visiting with many folks I have known all my life, was the fact that my own 50th reunion was grinding its was to soon being on the horizon. I have attended all of the Class of 1967's reunions--I think--although in honesty, a couple of them were in what I loosely refer to as my drinking days and there is the occasional blurred memory. (Or maybe I just don't want to remember.) At any rate, I found myself very much looking forward to this milestone reunion, and, when Marie Cashion Ray, my friend of longest standing, moved back to Wilkes shortly after the death of her wonderful mother, I knew the one person was in place to see to it that a proper reunion was held.
I was right. In no time Marie had organized up a cadre of folks with bright minds and willing hearts to work on making our reunion appropriately special. Our class had 235 members, many were heard from, and 90 or so paid their money and planned to come. I left Carolina in the Fall in time to pretty up and make it to the Stone Center in North Wilkesboro by 6:45. From the first minute we arrived, I could tell it was going to be a good evening. To a person, folks were happy and enjoying re-acquainting themselves or seeing friends they are around every day. The "committee" really had done a great job. The decorations were beautiful, the memorabilia did just that, brought back memories, and the food was great. I saw folks who were instantly recognizable after 50 years, but I must confess to having to read a bunch of name tags or I wouldn't have had a clue to they were. I am sure there were many other in the same boat.
I cannot begin to tell you everything I want to in this column, but suffice it to say it was truly a great evening. In previous reunions, someone would read out the names of the deceased members. This year, however, a very moving presentation was made up featuring soft music, a yearbook photo and the date of death of almost all our deceased class members. Seeing those pictures of such fresh faced 17 and 18 years old's, knowing they were gone-some for practically the entire 50 years since 1967-was a humbling and emotional time, and you could heard a pin drop in that room. I was really pleased by the way this tribute was handled.
And the people.
Some looked so different, and some so the same. Take Robbie Schmidt He came 2,400 miles to the reunion, and he brought that wide smile and enthusiasm he always had with him. If someone had put a little shoe polish on some gray hair, I swear he would have looked 18 again.
Dottie McElwee came at the urging of Anita Ford and I am personally very appreciative of Anita. Dottie was my first girlfriend in the world, and, from the first day of elementary school forward she has been very special to me. I had the opportunity to just sit and talk with her for a while, and, in no time, I felt as though I was sitting at one of those little tables in Mrs. Minnie Horton's 1955 first grade classroom, all over again.
For the first time on Saturday, I met Cliff Fleming, husband of Susan Kerbaugh Fleming. He remarked that he felt as though he already knew me through columns in The Record, which I was, of course, pleased to hear. Soon I had the chance to speak with Susan, a beautiful person with a kind heart, who was blessed with Shoun and Bessie Kerbaugh for parents. Susan's mother Bessie was a fourth grade schoolteacher during our time at North Wilkesboro Elementary School, and she was one of those teacher's you loved from the day you met her, and never forgot. Susan was fortunate enough to be able to care for her mother in her later years, and she kindly shared some memories of this great lady with me. Clearly, Susan Kerbaugh Fleming is a wonderful example of "...the apple not falling far from the tree."
All in all it was a wonderful evening. I suppose the best compliment for us all, is that the reunion was scheduled for 7 pm to 9 pm. When Laura and I left it was 10:30 pm, and we were by no means the last to leave. Thank you again to Dottie, to Cliff and Susan, and to all my classmates for a night to remember.
Finding happiness in your life
Research is showing more and more evidence that there are ways we boost our happiness level every day without realizing it. I think it is important to become intentional about being happy and I was interested in all the ways we can consciously work towards happiness. Here are some ideas on building happiness:
1. Take a break from Social Media. Twitter can be one of the most depressing, negative form of social media, as you are exposed to an onslaught of disturbing headlines and negative emotions. This maybe living in a fantasy world, but I try hard to keep negativity out of my life. I read several newspapers daily so I feel I get my dose of world wide reality.
2. Paying for things you don't enjoy doing. This form me is cleaning my house, and for some its cooking. Studies show that people felt happier when they bought themselves free time (order food out) "Spending money on tasks likely makes people feel good because it not only saves them time but also saves them from doing something they don't want to do." Amanda MacMillan.
3. Embrace your emotions. When it comes to infusing more diverse positive emotions into our lives, it may turn out to be a simple practice of labeling and categorizing positive emotions. Anthony Ong. Next time you feel enthusiastic, interested or inspired, take note.
4. Let go of grudges. " If people were quick to forgive themselves and others, that characteristic virtually eliminated the connection between stress and mental illness." Alexandra Sifferlin. Research has shown that saying a short prayer or a brief meditation on forgiveness can help people take the edge off and be less stressed.
5. Take a vacation and be ok with mishaps. Even if your trip seems to be filled with more mishaps they can become family jokes that everyone can laugh at later. I think back on family trips and it seems we remember the things that go wrong- but yet they seem to become the ones we laugh the most at later. The key is rolling with it and then seeing the humor.
6. Look for Green spaces. We all know Nature relieves stress and the more active a lifestyle we have the better we do mentally. Green space can be backyards, walking the dog, going to a local park. "if it's a social space, where people meet and chat and go on walks, that kind of contact and interaction builds social networks" Dr Andrew Lee, public health researcher.
7. Keep your friends as close as family. Having supportive friendships in old age was found to be a better predictor of well-being than strong family connections. The more support the better and some of us can share powerful friendships with their siblings, spouses and other family members. The more support, the better. " The important thing is having people you can rely on, for the good times and the bad" William Chopik.
8. Do random acts of kindness. Research is showing that when you go something good for someone it can boost your own sense of wellbeing even if it is not recognized. The idea that people can get from selfless acts comes from the notion that people are hard wired to give as a species that promote social behavior. "The emotional benefits to spending money on other people can bring a person happiness but only when the goal is to benefit that person and not to impress them or expect something in return." Harry Reis
Think about the stories of when someone ahead of you in line pays for your coffee or stops to away I have found some of the most amazing friends who give me the support and friendship that makes my life so fulfilling and keeps me high on the happiness meter.
Despite the turmoil in the Middle East, the apple of God's eye continues to twinkle
Special to The Record
As a regular visitor to Israel and one who has lived among the Jewish people although I am not Jewish, I am continually amazed at how this land and its people manage to maintain their sense of balance, direction and joie de vivre in spite of the fact that they are surrounded by enemies on every side.
Israelis continually confront crisis after crisis, yet somehow their spirits remain high and their collective moral compass stays true to their love of freedom and democracy and their faith in God.
Israel's list of woes is almost unending. It is continually attacked by terrorists and is the only civilized country in the world whose very existence is threatened by its hate-filled neighbors on a daily basis. It is the subject of worldwide divestment campaigns and is condemned and maligned regularly by the worldwide media.
Yet, in spite of the emotional stress and turmoil inflicted on this tiny nation, Israel is flourishing.
During the recent holidays, I again had the privilege of being in Jerusalem. Restaurants were full. The streets were crowded with pedestrians, cyclists, tourists and shoppers. People gathered in the streets by the thousands, not to protest or create violence but to sing, dance and play music celebrating life, family, friends and faith.
For the past 14 years I have been broadcasting on radio and television and penning articles for newspapers and publications attempting to communicate to the international community Israel's side of the story. It's frustrating for me as a Christian journalist to be constantly bombarded by the international media with stories portraying Israel as the villain and the reason there is no peace in the Middle East.
The fact of the matter is, Israel is the only oasis of stability in the region.
While being forced to live in very rough neighborhood, somehow Israelis manage to carry on celebrating life and not death, birthing children instead of strapping bombs around the bodies of their little ones and sending them off as homicide bombers. Israel is contributing to the betterment of mankind while its enemies are busy destroying.
Israelis lead the world in the advancement of science, technology, healthcare and agriculture, to name only a fraction of their contributions to the world. Their sense of belonging and connection miraculously allows them to rise above their circumstances, creating positives where, naturally speaking, one would expect negatives.
Yet Israel's existence is somewhat paradoxical.
While joyously building sukkots, dancing in the streets embracing life and hoping for peace, Israelis must also be about the business of building bomb shelters and distributing gas masks and making sure their defense forces are polished and ready.
As a supporter of Israel, I join in its celebration of life and also in its desire to protect its citizens from terrorist aggression.
Long live Israel and may it continue to be a light unto the nations!
All That Jazz
Life in the Carolinas
Not so long ago I had a wonderful jazz encounter with The Jazz Room at the Stage Door Theater in Charlotte. The Jazz Room convenes monthly and is a production of Jazz Arts Initiative.
Some years ago, I had the opportunity to meet Lonnie and Ocie Davis, a dynamic couple from New Orleans who decided to make Charlotte their new home. Both Lonnie and Ocie are highly respected and accomplished Jazz musicians. Once in Charlotte it did not take long for them to attract support and establish the Jazz Arts Initiative.
I enjoy Jazz and especially a live performance. There is something special about being caught up in the moment of witnessing standards blended with on the spot orchestration and performance.
Bill Evans was the first to introduce me to The Jazz Room and it was Bill who invited me to the performance of Melissa Morgan sings Billie Holiday. When I arrived at the theater it was great to see Todd Albaum, a friend and current Chairman of the Board for Jazz Arts Initiative. I was soon honored to share his center stage table with his lovely wife. A perfect seat for an intimate jazz encounter.
If you know much about the history of Billie Holiday, you know that she was a person that expressed most if not all human emotions and drama. Her life was not easy, but her music was incredible. Her life was a powerful influence on many, Frank Sinatra said, “It is Billie Holiday…who has, and still remains, the greatest single musical influence on me.” It is said that when Holiday died Sinatra did not leave his penthouse for two days, he spent the time drinking, crying and playing her records.
Knowing a bit of this history, I listened closely to Melissa Morgan as she shared her remarkable rendition of Billie Holiday. At moments, I closed my eyes to feel the music and emotions of Holiday. In as much as one human can relate to the feelings of another, I believe Morgan brought a bit of Holiday to the Jazz Room.
After the show, I ask Morgan what she personally takes from singing Billie Holiday and she said. “She helps me deal with change…as I go through a time of change in my own life, she helps”.
I recall another visit to the Jazz Room when Andy Page played Django Reinhardt, it was a great night of Gypsy Jazz.
A few years ago, I was ask to host the Christmas special for this organization. It was a great night of Holiday entertainment! I recall that “among others” Chad Lawson played the piano and Snoopy made an appearance.
There was a time when Jazz was very popular and even in the Carolinas. I have enjoyed learning about the legendary Dizzy Gillespie from Cheraw, S.C. We do have a history and it’s well worth remembering.
It is great to see that the work of Lonnie and Ocie Davis have inspired a lot of people. With the support of many they have unleashed a growing appreciation for the spirit and sounds of jazz. It is exciting to see young and old alike celebrate and participate in a music and culture that has so much feeling.
I am glad the Davis family decided to make the Carolinas home and I’m glad Bill extended the invitation so that I would know about it.
Carl White is the executive producer and host of the award-winning syndicated TV show Carl White’s Life In the Carolinas. The weekly show is now in its eighth year of syndication and can be seen in the Charlotte viewing market on WJZY Fox 46 Saturday’s at 12:00 noon. For more on the show, visit www.lifeinthecarolinas.com, You can email Carl White at [email protected].
Copyright 2017 Carl White
0 notes
It has begun. The blog that will bust the doors wide open.
I’m sure you’ve heard of muck raking and I am not one for buck taking so the buck stops here. I am going out into the world to finally once and for all get to the bottom of all the nonsense and do some cold hard journalism. Pie a la mode style. Meaning i may have a cold creamy gal riding on top of my crisp apples... but watch out she bites. She is one icy B and a half. Nevertheless I will go on to announce that as a promise to my never ending ever growing swarm of listeners I never sacrifice my integrity for a back alley handy and a warm plate of dessert. One other thing I would like to mention is that my theme songs will be extensions of my soul and eventually will amass to form a discography intent on making any record collection obsolete whether it be a slew of Blondie and Barbara Streisand Albums or the record collection owned by Kenny “The Tits” Daffledinger. When asked why they call him “The Tits”, “The Tits” replied “Well Jack, I’m what you could call a connoisseur. I don’t buy nothin’ unless it makes this phrase pop out of my mouth, ‘Oh lawdy lawdy I do declare these be the tits what my eyeballs oogly googly googling at’ I must say that 8 or 9 times a week, and that’s just while I’m out with my grandma. I am also a certified fan of the female anatomy particularly of the booby area so I’m goin’ for a 25% tranny swap under the hood if you know what I mean.” I reply, “No Kenny, but go on, I am enthralled.” Kenny adamantly exclaims, “Well tell me this now Jack, WHY is it that girls get to have sweater puppies when my apartment complex wouldn’t even let me have a pet rock. WHY is it that man has not yet evolved to lactate? AND WHY have you never just racked on a pair of 36 C donkey pillows and gone with the partial sex change. Aint got shit now Jack where are your answers? Well ill tell you what, my chesticles will never see the light of day with you in the room that much is for sure. These are my Tits. I am The Tits. My tits are the Tits so call me Tits, remember... The one with the bangin butterscotch hard candy nipples.” And that was all “The Tits” was willing to share with us that day he said something about pollen in the air and ran off to get some alkaline water from the water store just adjacent of the senior citizen version of hooters, droopies on Mackeral Blvd.
An introductory message and guarantee of service by The Amazing Jack himself.
This is the Amazing Jack reporting for reporter duty. This is my Manhattan Project. An adventure so death defying and deplorable yet heart warming and soul filling it will shape the fate of the world in the same fashion Chicken soup for the Soul gave you a faster decision on what to read while dropping brown. Remember Heroes live forever. But legends never die. And the hallowed reporters creed states “Never shy away from a task so daunting it seems like trying to floss a lion’s back molar when the lion is suffering from a toothache.” (Reporter Creed: subsection 34N-fi-alpha-4) Danger and a story so juicy you’ll be asking if this is an expose on Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit gum. But thats far from the case this path on which we are about to embark is something much more life threatening and repulsive. And we reporters get off to that shit. So to recap Heroes forever, legends immortal. Reporters? They just inject the Novocaine and root canal that overgrown house cat till our restless minds are at peace once more.
With great power does not come great responsibility in reality alongside great power comes manslaughter government corruption and if youre lucky a sweet chopper with a wicked amount of horsies pumpin through the engine. All of which I have leads on and the resulting stories will eventually put your ass where your hat goes with the shistorm of raw unfiltered news that comes in your ears and plops its balls on your favorite addition of home and garden. “Ah hell no not my dream house ‘zine, it’ll be weeks until the next edition, I’m going to march on Washington” You’ll cry as you rally your multiracial family and tell them the news you just heard. But it will be too late old news is cold news so go drink a cold brew and wait for the next delightfully painful kick to the groin that we call current events.
With vengeance,
The Amazing Jack
Legal Disclaimer
(The Amazing Jack is not a registered trademark and is not held down by any one career. Journalistic skills may be lacking as The Amazing Jack is mainly shoe salesman at a shoe store in Southern California, cannot guarantee the sole proprietor ownership of this title: The Amazing Jack, Amazing is a subjective term, Jack may possibly not astonish or excite you, Call your doctor if you experience dry heaves or scabies, toxic chemicals have been used in the production of this blog, all animals may seem hurt but realistically that female miniature pincer was just being a little bitch that day, vengeance may fall upon you by someone other than The Amazing Jack and in such cases, swift blows to the kidneys and spleen have been experienced, Warning do not repeat anything you have read on this blog or listened to in our respective fact finding missions, this is of course if you care whatsoever about your social status or the way people rate your intelligence, otherwise take your “given up sweat pants” out of there secret hiding place and binge on all of The Amazing Jack’s content, talk excessively about obscure insider information, and purchase any and all of our non explosive merchandise [Warning product Amazing Jack DIY Dynamite assault charges mislabeled DIY Dynamite Dance Party and military grade explosives were sold in children’s activity aisles all across 8 countries including the US Mexico and Many Nordic locations. All sales are final, yes, even for merchandise our LLC charged to any stolen credit card you left in our flagship store/roller derby rink, The owner will find a place for the 17 7XL Amazing Jack Daygo Lyfestyle Signature Tube Top Wife beater as it is illegal in all 50 states and us Territories to throw away materials rated with exceedingly high uranium and lead content. [This is a specific but public message about your “stolen” credit card, we are holding a VISA Platinum credit card for Gino Togenclap who claims we here at the The Amazing Jack Production Team have been misusing his identity. This ungrateful piece of filth lives on 3853 Hermdiddle Coast Way, Sweet Lips, Tennessee 38340 Gino tends to be home in the mornings and evenings so for all you scavengers out there only case his residence at this time don’t get those sticky fingers just yet. Use excessive force if necessary to acquire Mr. Togenclap’s valuables and burn his family photos for good measure. Gino we don’t regret to inform you the new season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt has come out on streaming networks but our office has been swamped with murky mud water and what looks like alligators and air boat parts so the mail people don’t pick up our packages anymore, this means we must continue our subscription in your name to hulu, nfl sunday ticket, netflix, amazon prime, Omaha steak delivery, the office wide Disneyland yearly passes we each got as bonuses last quarter, also our CFO Tommy Rimshot was saying he was experiencing some mild to sever spinal pain so we had you hook him up with the deluxe weekly package down at Attitude Adjustment, it’s that new chiropractor that took the idea of being sarcastically really mean and bad at his job like the folks down at dicks last resort, Tommy goes down there first thing they do is just hit him with a baseball bat right below his 7 cervical spine vertebrae and they fracture his hole spinal column, then they yell just kidding! Tommy was laughing so hard he was screaming in pain, 6 months of physical therapy with a lifetime of Oxycontin and he keeps saying he cant believe how dedicated the employees are to providing a comical and impacting experience for every customer, he has no idea how they knew he didn’t have insurance and would have to pay out of pocket, well we just put it on your card, you’ve got to try it out Gino, maybe when you get your credit card back, which I highly doubt will be any time this winter, possibly 2019. I can get you a good referral have em fuck up your back real good then fix it, That’s what we do to all of our friends and associates who “Talk too much” anyway this is meant to be a legal document that will hold up in court I better hold all the fraud extortion robbery and forgery chitchat for when i face time you, gotta jet talk to you soon Big G] Remember we also have a you break it you buy it policy on The Amazing Jack’s patented mustache If you break it you must pay the yearly $89,000 disabled severance from mustache package and if The Amazing Jack may happen to pass away from a sudden spelunking accident, act of nature, act of God, or point blank bullet wound to the facial area after severance from said official patented Amazing Jack Mustache the person/person’s responsible must pay out The Amazing Life Insurance policy Jack took out at age 26. Which is $5,000,000 to each of his 4 children and $800,000 to his pet brown bear to cover room and board along with the domesticated brown bear’s stamp collecting habit.)
Ron Gotabitabeli
Head of Amazing Jack’s Crackpot Legal Defense Squadron (trademark)
#breaking news#muckraker#underground#topsecret#publicaccess#honesty#Integrity#justice#JackAmazedmeandalligotwasthislousyhashtag#legalteam#storiesthatmatter#factchecker#oneblogtorulethemall#onereportertoreportit
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