annieloves · 5 months
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Source:manster.maker on Instagram 💜
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endjfcar · 1 year
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Hellena the black panther
She's a wingman of Chopper
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cam0rey · 1 year
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uh im like completely obsessed with the manga style now whoopsies
the people on the bottom are my silly ocs tony, vincent, and hellena
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fairydust-stuff · 2 years
The Le domas Ladies
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mythicaltoad · 1 year
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Pretty Lady
Nothing more, nothing less
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reezyfoodie · 2 years
Hellena Oranżada Czerwona
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jitteryjive · 4 months
i can’t stop thinking about a comment i saw on a video once where someone said the only reason they gave helly the dance party was to get pictures of her happy. head in my hands
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ruerock · 11 months
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intorducing Hellena - a student at Frightfield University! she's my OC for a college set in a monster high universe! frightfield university belongs to @cherryfull
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sevenofreds · 2 years
In light of Hellena Taylor's announcements about why she isn't voicing Bayonetta in the third game, I'd like to urge everyone who has pre-ordered the game to cancel it, and for everyone else to simply not purchase it.
Companies as big as Nintendo and Platinum Games have more than enough money to pay their voice actors and actresses a reasonable wage for their work, and the fact that they not only made such a low offer, but then lied to the world about it to save face whipe hiding behind a non-disclosure agreement is absolutely appalling.
Bayonetta is possibly my favorite game series, starring my favorite character of all time, and the fact that the developers and even the creator would treat Hellena like this is beyond reproach. You can find Hellena's full announcement on her twitter page.
TL;DR: boycott Bayonetta 3, tell Nintendo and Platinum Games to go fuck themselves.
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endjfcar · 1 year
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Hellena working out
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sigmatiqvevo · 2 years
The entire Bayonetta charade is fucking hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time, speaking as someone who never played the games and is looking at this thru the lense of "i worked in the gaming industry".
Here's a recap:
OG VA Helena Taylor posted on TWT that she was offered 4k for her to reprise her role as Bayonetta in B3. x
Taylor asked for us to boycott the game (first link) and send money we would've otherwise spent on B3 to charities instead. x
Support from the VA community and scrutiny both ensued
Local xenophobe and deplorable but yet ingenious and beloved Hideki Kamiya posts for the first time (in a long time) in English to call Taylor out for lying. x
His blocking tendencies and general cryptic messaging + the fact he isn't really viewed as the most friendly person on TWT have people siding with Taylor more than before. x/x/x
Hideki's account is suspended/gone from TWT for some time. x/x/x
Taylor is outed as a Blue Lives Matter supporter and TERF x/x
Replacement VA Jennifer Hale makes a statement regarding the situation but it is brief due to NDA x
Suspicions grow due to both Hale and Taylor being union VAs, and the game being union; something doesn't add up
Days after the videos and ridicule Bloomberg releases an article adding more details to the controversy
"Platinum Games sought to hire Taylor for at least five sessions, each paying $3,000 to $4,000 for four hours" contradicts Taylors own telling of voicing the entire of Bayonetta 3 for 4K.
Jennifer Hale is seen liking and retweeting some of the posts regarding the Bloomberg article
Jennifer Hale was allegedly outed as ableist and antivaxx via 5 years old tweets. x
Note about the last one; some people are claiming her apologies are enough, some are saying she's never directly apologized and only claimed she was misunderstood. Come to your own conclusion.
Will be updated when more stuff is known.
Updates 24Oct:
Platinum Games Official Statement.
H Taylor makes an announcement Twitter thread admitting that her initial offer was not 4k but instead 10k, mentioning it was then bumped to 15k.
In the announcement she also mentions that after declining and waiting 11 months in silence, they offered "a flat fee to voice some lines for 4,000 dollars."
"There were not “extensive negotiations.”" is in direct contradiction with P.Games's statement.
People keep asking where she's pulling the 450mil figure regarding the Bayonetta games. x/x/x
Personal Note, take with a grain of Basalt:
She claims "Any other lies, such as 4,000 for 5 sessions are total fabrications."; The 4k for 5 sessions, P.Games claims, was for her initial offer she refused. Seemingly, Taylor conflates and confused details from her own side.
Update 28thOct: It got worse.
Jessrine pointed out a very important note regarding the payment discourse/Bloomberg Article
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The Bloomberg article stating "Taylor asked for a six-figure sum as well as residuals on the game" while she specified she never asked for $250.000.
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New Twitt Thread from H Taylor claiming her post "hit a nerve with a lot of people." x
Down in the thread she lists charities to which you can donate
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These tweets sum up the majority public reaction pretty damn well. x/x/x
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Note: It's really funny how a UK Based VA is attempting to call to arm for donations to an anti-abortion/pro-life "Charity" across the pond all the way in the US of A. Because BB4Life is Kentucky Based.
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fairydust-stuff · 2 years
Can I just take a moment to enjoy how Ready or Not gave us a cast of very interesting women all with their own layers and motives? Every one of these ladies had their own unspoken story. 
It was Graces story but all the Le domas women felt like they could of had their own side stories within this universe and I love it! 
I also enjoy how all of them had  their own personal motives for hunting Grace. 
Aunt Helene wanted tradion up held and I suspect it was out a twisted jealousy if I cann’t be happy no one else in this family can. (she loved Charles and his murder broke her) 
Emilie wanted to prove she wasn’t  just a coke snorting screw up and to protect her children. (I actually want to know more about her and Finch, I think their might be love there or at least fondness) 
Charity had a horrible background and was deturmined to hold onto the Le domas wealthy life style. Its interesting how the other Le Domas speak of dying their kids dying but she talks about losing everything. 
This suggests Charity never believed in Le bail and was more afraid of authorities if Grace exscaped which suits her practical personality. 
 Baily was thinking beyond the hunt and wanted Alex back into the fold to head the family and was working the situation to her advantage. To Baily it was never about that night she was focused on the future the big picture. She was just using Graces hunt as she would of used Graces marriage to get Alex back into the fold. 
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vonxodd · 10 months
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HELLENA MALDITTA // 'glitter glam' runway ❥ drag race brasil 01X09
꒰ requested by anon
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reezyfoodie · 2 years
Hellena Oranżada Żółta
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t4yce · 1 year
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HELLENA MALDITTA  • drag race brasil 1.06 filhas de carmen runway
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skylie-spiderlillis · 5 months
Just ignore my silly batfam texting headcanon(s).
Damian Jason the literature nerd and Barbara all have perfect grammar and a high vocabulary in texting and the rest of the batkids is like wtf. Weirdos. In group chats.
Though Damian probably uses emojis a lot. Probably a lot of angry emojis.
And also Jason is very brief and stiff in his messages.
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