#Helen roper
tuttle-did-it · 9 days
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theoldsoulsclub · 7 months
Random thought:
Helen Roper would find this “Stanley” attractive
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mythirdparent · 11 months
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thesiouxzy · 11 months
I posted a photo of my Mrs. Roper Halloween costume in several 80s/Gen X/Three’s Company groups a few days ago & my notifications have been blowing up with literally thousands of nice comments ever since! 😮 I did not expect it to be so well received but I greatly appreciate how kind & complimentary everyone has been! Wow! This must be what it’s like when a celebrity posts something 😄 (Tho I’m sure their notifications are turned off) If only there was a $500 costume contest like they have in fictional tv shows/movies. Sounds like I’d have it in the bag! 😉
Anyway, thank you everyone! It was another fun Halloween 🎃 Only 363 more days until we do it again 👻 If you happened to miss my costume, here it is:
Mrs. Roper is ready! 🎃 I stopped in the kids apartment to take a quick selfie. Now I’m on my way to The Regal Beagle for one, then on to the party 🍸
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eddysocs · 1 year
Loose Lips Sink Ships - Part Two (Helen Roper x OC)
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Summary: Michelle and Helen return from the cruise and they both know things have to return to normal, only Michelle isn’t sure what normal is for her anymore and she sure as hell doesn’t want to talk about it.
Word Count: 1,046
Warnings: More angst, mentions of infidelity
Part 1
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When the ship pulled to shore, Michelle could feel her heart lurch in her chest. Was this really it? How could two days fly by so quickly? Luggage in tow, Michelle followed Helen off the ship. The car ride back was silent, the most uncomfortable she’d ever felt in Helen's presence, yet she didn’t dare break it and force a conversation that she knew they couldn’t have.
They unloaded their bags from the trunk when they made it back to their building, nothing passing between them besides idle chitchat. It felt stiff, wrong somehow, but neither knew how to fix it. Michelle and Helen both wanted to fix it, but the words to do so weren’t available to either of them. So, Helen did the only thing she could think of. She took her free hand and laced it together with Michelle's and they walked like that all the way up to Helen's door.
The two women paused there at the door, eyes locked on one another, but still no words came, for what could be said here in the situation they found themselves in? What was right? Saying anything felt wrong, saying nothing felt worse. Either way, the choice was taken from them when the door swung open. "There you are. I was wondering when you were ever going to get back from that cruise."
Helen swiftly dropped Michelle's hand before Stanley had gotten a word out, and that action alone spoke volumes. No amount of words could rival what that one action meant. It’s over. The spell is broken and they should try and get back to normal. Michelle forced a smile. "Thanks for bringing me along, Mrs. Roper. I really enjoyed the trip." While there was no lie to her words, that didn’t stop the sting of them when they passed her lips. And then it was well and truly done. Helen went inside, the door closed and Michelle was left standing there, frozen, and holding back a sob.
When her body finally allowed her to pull her gaze away from the Ropers' door and move in the direction of her own apartment, she still lingered outside for several minutes, hand on the doorknob, bracing herself to put on a happy face again until she could brush the whole trip under the rug and move on. She couldn’t wait outside forever. There'd be even more questions from her roommates if one of them opened the door and found her hand attached to it.
Despite her inner turmoil, she must admit it felt good to be home, surrounded by only familiar things. Everything was just as it should be in the apartment, and if nothing else, she was thankful for that much.
"There’s our girl," Jack greeted cheerily. "How was the cruise," he inquired with a hint of accusation in his otherwise pleasant tone.
"Fine. Good. Great. Okay," Michelle replied, not quite able to settle on the right neutral sounding response. She tried to sound casual, but she had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t coming off as nice and breezy as she wanted it to. Nor was she able to meet Jack's eyes when she answered. He’d see right through her.
"Well, which was it," Chrissy asked, unaware of the implications of the conversation between her and Jack.
Ignoring Chrissy, Jack's eyes narrowed in Michelle's direction. "Michelle, you didn’t, did you?" The pleasantry was gone now, and all that was left was the cold, doubtful tone of accusation, now with a fresh and growing air of disappointment in her.
"It was fine, Jack. A normal trip with a friend. Can we please just drop it?" Michelle felt the tears begin to prick at the back of her eyes again, and she took off for her bedroom before they could start to fall.
In her bedroom, the one she shared with Chrissy, she finally let the tears out, muffling them into her pillow. She couldn’t lock herself away all night, but if she could just get away with it long enough to get this —get Helen— out of her system, maybe she could play the part of dutiful roommate again without any of Jack's suspicions or Chrissy's many questions.
It was just after sunset when Michelle came out of the bedroom. Chrissy had gone out and Jack had been working on some dish for his cooking class. She could smell it before she even came out into the living room. She made a dash for the shower before Jack could be alerted to her presence, and washed away what remained of the salty air on her skin. A layer of skin flaked off from the mild sunburn she’d gotten on her shoulders. Funny how she hadn’t felt it’s sting until now.
Fresh from the shower and redressed, Michelle came back out and found Jack bringing in food. "Hungry," he asked. She hadn’t been thinking about it, but now that she was, her stomach gave a little growl in response.
"I could eat," she responded.
Michelle sat down to the pasta dish in front of her. It smelled heavenly, and she dug right in, not even realizing how hungry she was until just a few minutes later her plate was half empty. "That good, huh," Jack asked, choking back a laugh at her enthusiasm for the dish.
"Sorry," she replied, covering her mouth, which was still partially full of pasta. She finished the bite and wiped her mouth with the napkin to her right. "It is delicious, Jack. I missed your cooking."
"So how was the cruise, really," he asked next. Michelle paused with the fork in midair, once again headed for her mouth. She hadn’t been prepared for him to ask again.
"It was…" she began, swirling around her fork while searching for a vague yet apt description of the trip. "Fun," she settled on halfheartedly.
Jack raised an eyebrow. "Sounds scintillating," he teased.
"No, I mean it. It was. I just wish things were different, you know? Two days on vacation with a friend shouldn’t be so—" Michelle took another bite of pasta as an excuse for not knowing how to finish her sentence again. "Conflicting, I guess, is the word." Jack nodded and let Michelle finish her pasta without mentioning it again.
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @chickensarentcheap, @endless-oc-creations, @unheolycs-ocs, @fawera, @themaradaniels, @that-demigirl, @iloveocs, @bossyladies
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littletroubledgrrrl · 2 years
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marimoes · 10 months
There's a new documentary Croíthe Radacacha (Radical Hearts) set to air on TG4 on December 6th about the many lesbian couples who were involved in the 1916 Rising and The Irish War of Independence. I'm so excited because this is such a neglected part of Irish history and something like this has been my dream!
It's to include Eva Gore Booth & Esther Roper; Elizabeth O' Farrell & Julia Grenan; Helena Molony & Evelyn O’Brien; Margaret Skinnider & Nora O’Keeffe; Kathleen O’Brennan & Marie Equi; Kathleen Lynn & Madeline Ffrench-Mullen and Louie Bennet & Helen Chenevix.
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haggishlyhagging · 8 months
It was clear to "everyone" during the witchcraze that the witchburners were doing god's will by slaughtering women. Even the title of the "authoritative" work of demonology, the Malleus Maleficarum (The Hammer of Witches) worked as a self-fulfilling prophecy, for of course "maleficarum" is the feminine form of the word for evil-doer/witch. Since this was published in 1486, in the early period of the witchcraze, it contributed mightily to the overwhelming focus on women during the following centuries. In order to grasp how thoroughly males justified their massacre it is necessary only to look through the Malleus Maleficarum. For example, in the ninth question of Part One, the priestly authors gravely pose the pregnant question: "Whether Witches may work some Prestidigitatory Illusion so that the Male Organ appears to be entirely removed and separate from the Body?" The learned response is that they can: "But when it is performed by witches it is only a matter of glamour; although it is no illusion in the opinion of the sufferer." The term glamour, of course, means "a magic spell."
Kramer and Sprenger gave abundant reasons to justify the gynocidal maniacs who controlled society and culture. They explained that witches turn men into beasts, copulate with devils, raise and stir up hailstorms and tempests. The witch/ woman-killers appeared "perfectly" justified, since the priest professionals had posed the question: "Why is it that Women are chiefly addicted to Evil Superstitions?" The question itself set the framework for the answer. The reader was informed that women are more credulous, that they are naturally more impressionable, have slippery tongues, are feebler both in mind and body, are more carnal than men (!) to the extent of having insatiable lust, have weak memories, are liars by nature. Then—without missing a beat, after hammering home their view that women are feeble in every sense—these Sado-Sages add that "nearly all the kingdoms of the world have been overthrown by women."
Those who acted as henchmen in hunting out, torturing, and killing women as witches could argue correctly that they were serving the Higher Order of patriarchy and were acting "under orders." The papal Bull of Innocent VIII, Summis desiderantes affectibus (1484), was a document of the highest authority, giving the support of Rome to "Our dear sons," the dominican Inquisitors, Kramer and Sprenger, who were encountering opposition to the witch persecutions. This papal document had been purposefully solicited by the two dominicans to legitimate their attempt to launch the witchcraze in the Rhineland. As Trevor-Roper points out:
Having obtained it, they printed it in their book, as if the book had been written in response to the bull. The book thus advertised to all Europe both the new epidemic of witchcraft and the authority which had been given them to suppress it.
Here we see very conscious manipulation of legitimation from on high by the Inquisitors. Given the "go ahead" from Innocent, they had perfect justification for carrying out orders. More than that: Innocent had made it clear that "Our venerable Brother, the Bishop of Strasburg . . . shall threaten all who endeavor to hinder or harass the Inquisitors, all who oppose them . . . [with] terrible penalties." Thus ecclesiastical power was used to erase responsibility for opposing the witch persecutions, even for speaking against them. Although Innocent's Bull itself refers to "many persons of both sexes" as having "abandoned themselves to devils, incubi and succubi," the authors of the Malleus Maleficarum manage to totally erase this idea, while at the same time retaining the full support of "Innocent" in their war against women. Thus the "dear Sons"—the real leaders of the witch-hunting brotherhood—were the power behind the throne of the Holy Father.
In the witchcraze, then, we can see the truth of Helen Diner's insight that "in Christianity the tree becomes the torture cross of the world." Under the Sign of the Cross good and wise women were tortured and burned to death. Trees were killed and their wood used to make the fires that would devour these women. Under the reign of the Torture Cross Society, the Tree of Life—the divine Self-centering life of independent women—was cut down and consumed. The citizens of the city of god created, staged, and acted out the christian hell on earth. Their theology expressd itself as demonology; their reigning philosophy became an ontology of the damned. No one was responsible for this evil except the victims, who were perceived not as victims of their murderers, but of the devil. Innocent and his "dear Sons" were servants of god, burning with innocence.
-Mary Daly, Gyn/Ecology
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rey-jake-therapist · 9 months
One thing that baffles me with this fandom (well, Tumblr) is the number of people who interpret the joke "No, I helped him put up some shelves" in TEH as Sherlock telling Molly, "years ago I had sex with the guy who sells chips and now I always get extra portions of chips."
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For those who don't know, "put up some shelves" is a British euphemism for "have sex". I think it comes from a show involving a straight man pretending to be gay for some reason, where it became a joke (the put up some shelves thing) but I'd need a British person to confirm that.
Like, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. First it would be completely OOC of Sherlock to say out of the blue that
he had sex
he had sex FOR CHIPS. I mean, hello, that's BBC Sherlock Holmes. This man didn't have sex with Janine to secure his access to Magnussen, but he would sleep with someone for chips? He's not even poor! And he probably never was, his family's rich...
he had casual sex, in a so casual way as if it was the most normal thing for him to admit. I can see Elementary Sherlock do and say that, tbh, but BBC Sherlock? Uh, nope.
Also, it's supposed to have happened years ago so wow, the sex must have been really good! Did you notice that Molly doesn't look remotely shocked, and is even amused? She's still in love with the guy, shouldn't she look jealous or something...
But just for the fun of it, let me analyze the sentence: he didn't say, "I put up some shelves with him", which would indeed translate as "I slept with him". No, he said, "I HELPED him put up some shelves".
I had fun looking at the original dialogue from where the joke seems to originate from. It's from a movie called "There's a company". An older man, who believes the protagonist's gay because that's what he said to justify that he lives with two women, complains about his demanding wife, and cites an example that she always wants him to, "put up some shelves ".
Mr. Roper: You know, you're lucky Jack. You can be pals with a woman, you don't have the same problem that a regular man has. Jack: Like what? Mr. Roper: Like you'll never have a wife nagging you. Not that I have anything against marriage. But, wives can be very demanding. They're always asking you to, er, to, to…to DO things. Jack: What kinda things? Mr. Roper: You know! Things! Things! Jack: Like? Mr. Roper: Like, er… Jack: Like putting up shelves? Mr. Roper: That's it! Like putting up shelves. That's it. And they're never satisfied. I mean, it's not like I never put up a shelf... maybe, I may not put up as many shelves as, er, some husbands, but… [nods, ‘macho-ingly’] I put up shelves. Jack: I'm sure you do. Mr. Roper: If Helen had her way… I'd--I'd be putting up a shelf every night. Jack: That's a lot of shelves! Mr. Roper: See, women don't understand …
I only read once an interpretation of that scene that I found satisfying and in character, saying that it rather should be understood as, "I helped him to get laid" aka he probably gave him some insight about a certain person to help him seduce this person. I doubt that he gave him dating advices, that would be the blind leading the blind.
Honestly I think this interpretation makes much more sense than the idea that Sherlock had sex with a rando to get extra portions of chips for the rest of his life. It explains more who why he smirks like he does (no I didn't get him out of jail but thanks to me he got laid), and why Molly giggles.
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70s80sandbeyond · 1 year
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Audra Lindley as Helen Roper on Three's Company
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loversplayground · 1 month
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🎶 Come & knock on our door, we've been waiting for you. 🎶 The 1st Annual Roper Romp is happening next month in Dekalb, IL! The romp is a costumed bar and shopping crawl based on Mrs. Helen Roper, a character on the 1970s TV show, “Three’s Company".  The50 First Helen's at The Egyptian Theatre will get a Dekalb Event Helen Roper Tote and trophies 🏆 for BEST dressed will be awarded.
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theoldsoulsclub · 6 months
English teacher: “ What’s a euphemism?”
My Brain: “ ‘Putting up a shelf’ “
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poshyali · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mrs. Roper's Dream Collection.
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thesiouxzy · 11 months
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Mrs. Roper is ready for tonight! 🎃 I’m heading to The Regal Beagle for one then on to the show 🍸
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eddysocs · 2 years
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Introducing: Michelle Richards
Fandom: Three's Company
Face Claim: Erin Gray
Full Name: Michelle Nancy Richards
Nickname/Alias/Pet Names: Mick, Mickey
Age: 26
Myers Briggs Type: ENFJ
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Love Interest: Helen Roper
Occupation: Bartender
Collections: Shot Glasses
Style/Clothing: Bell bottom jeans and button downs make up Michelle's general look. And even though she’s fairly tall, she does still like to wear heels pretty often.
Signature Quote: "Any man who neglects his wife ought to lose her to someone better."
Plot Summary: When Janet finds a nice guy and moves out, Jack and Chrissy need a new roommate. Jack, being the flirt that he is, finds Michelle in the Regal Beagle and immediately offers their spare bed to her. Michelle, oblivious that he’s flirting, accepts and moves in, making fast friends with both of them helping to keep up their ruse, but things get crazy when she develops feelings for Mrs. Roper.
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @borg-queer, @foxesandmagic, @connietheecunning, @chickensarentcheap
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📺Three's Company | Jack Tripper's Best Moments Continued | John Ritter ...
Three's Company is a sitcom television series that aired for eight seasons on ABC from March 15, 1977, to September 18, 1984. It is based on the British sitcom Man About the House. This video focuses on Jack Tripper, specifically some of his best moments. The shiw revolves around three single roommates: Janet Wood (Joyce DeWitt), Chrissy Snow (Suzanne Somers) and Jack Tripper (John Ritter), who all platonically live together in a Santa Monica, California, apartment complex owned by Stanley Roper (Norman Fell) and Helen Roper (Audra Lindley). After Fell and Lindley left the series in 1979 for their own sitcom, The Ropers, Don Knotts joined the cast as the roommates' new building manager, Ralph Furley. Following Somers's departure in late 1980, Jenilee Harrison joined the cast as Chrissy's first cousin Cindy Snow, who was soon replaced by Priscilla Barnes as Terri Alden.  This is a compilation of some of Jack's funniest moments. Never Miss An Upload, Join the channel: cutt.ly/MrPsClassicTV
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