#Heir of Drăculești
Year 1365. Tuesday 🍼
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The Drăculești family welcomed a new member, Haegar Drăculești. He became the new heir of the kingdom
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coffeewithcutcaffeine · 9 months
Any headcanons about Vlad and Dimitrie (Rise of Empires: Ottoman) like maybe how they met or how their bond was forged?
Oooh, thank you so much for this wonderful ask, dearest! Thankfully, I have recently rewatched RoE again, so it feels great to have the opportunity to expand on their bond a little! Prepare yourself for a very extensive headcanon sksksk. 🥰️❤️️
Brotherly Bonds (Vlad & Dimitrie; Rise of Empires: Ottoman)
Amidst the ongoing war of succession between the sons of Mircea cel Bătrân, and the gradual decay of the once-thriving land, many boyars have decided to leave their voivode, Alexandru Aldea, and go into voluntary exile in Transylvania. Their plan has been simple — to go to the Saxon city of Sighișoara, search for the pretender to the throne, Vlad Dracul, and join forces with him to help him capture what rightfully belongs to him. Among those boyars is Dimitrie's father, one of the closest men of Vlad Dracul who subsequently form the circle of his most cherished dregătorii.
The world continues to move forward, even for those who have been exiled from their homes. Vlad Dracul's second son, Vlad, is born in the harsh winter of 1431. Dimitrie is born a few months later in the spring of 1432, his arrival welcoming the first green leaves on the trees. With Vlad Dracul's desire to keep his sons rooted to their land, to the sounds of their mother tongue and to the people that belong to their beloved Wallachia, he ensures that his boys remain within a tight circle of the noble children. And so Vlad and Dimitrie become friends during horse-riding lessons and childish plays.
After the Dragon claims the throne in 1436, the Wallachians are at last restored to their rightful place. The life of the royal family undergoes an immediate whirlwind of change. The most profound transformation is experienced by eight-year-old Mircea, who now dedicates the majority of his days to his father, preparing himself for the future role destined for him as the voivode. No longer able to accompany his older brother as frequently as he desires, Vlad feels the sudden absence of his beloved sibling like a wide hole in his heart. In this void, Dimitrie emerges as an even more indispensable companion, and the two young boys forge an unbreakable bond.
Unbreakable... Until a bitter gust of wind, born from the south, abruptly tears away Dimitrie's cherished companion, its sharpness and cruelty etching a permanent mark upon the young prince's soul. The two friends remain separated for six long years, their spirits moulded and fortified amidst the unforgiving trials of the harshness of life. While Vlad endures unspeakable cruelty at the Ottoman Porte, protecting his younger brother Radu, Dimitrie finds solace in the inner circle of Vlad's older brother Mircea. With Mircea now an associate ruler, Dimitrie experiences his first taste of power, though it holds no significance for him. Mircea and Dimitrie's bond strengthens through one crucial task — saving the two sons of the Dragon from the clutches of the Ottomans and seeking vengeance for the tragedy inflicted upon the Drăculești.
These plans are halted by the abrupt assassination of Vlad Dracul and the torture inflicted upon Mircea. The young associate ruler's eyes are gouged out with hot iron, and he is buried alive by the greedy boyars who have turned their backs on the Drăculești. These ambitions are abruptly crushed by the unexpected assassination of Vlad Dracul and the cruel torment inflicted upon Mircea. The youthful associate ruler's eyes are savagely gouged out with burning iron, and he is buried alive by the greedy boyars who have forsaken the Drăculești. Dimitrie's soul mourns for the fate of the valiant men, yet as the boyars align with the Danești faction and yearn to kill all who have shown allegiance to the Dragon and his heirs, the young man must patiently await his moment and retreat into the shadows. The hour of his retribution shall arrive in due time.
The world spins on its axis once more, and Vlad Drăculea storms into Wallachia leading the Ottoman army, driven by a fervour to claim what rightfully belongs to him. Their paths intertwine anew after six long years, yet their reunion is devoid of the love and warmth Dimitrie remembers. The passage of time has wrought changes, moulding them both in its relentless grip. Nonetheless, their friendship is rekindled within the month Vlad spends on the throne — no longer tethered to the frivolities of youth but forged with a resolute purpose. The very essence of their bond remains unyielding, fortified by shifting foundations, standing steadfast against the trials of life.
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softersinned-arc · 2 years
@balldwin said: sender kisses receiver to say hello.
There are certain tasks left to her, sometimes for her skill set, more often than either of them will confess for her patience where her husband has none. It's why she's been in Venice these last two weeks, the honored guest of Domenico Michele along with her stepson. Baldwin hadn't liked it, considering the circumstances, but he's always been protective, and she's always enjoyed it. This was no different.
"I'll be fine," she'd assured him before they parted ways, her hands settled gently against his chest, the smile on her face strained. She doesn't like this. She doesn't want to do this. All those centuries she took for granted that, in most circumstances, she would be able to remain with him, but now it's them making these decisions. And if he is back, if he can't die—
—awful, isn't it? Now the prudent thing to do, not for themselves but the family as a whole, is a brief separation, to gather allies as quickly as possible. "Nico will look after me if I need the help," she'd continued, not wanting to say it, knowing it needed to be said. "And Domenico knows better than to let anything happen to me. I'll be fine, and I'll be back soon." (Who was she trying to convince?)
She extracted the same promise from Baldwin and she kissed him goodbye, with a real fear that it might be the last time she did. Perhaps she worries too much, but if anything warrants that kind of fear, it's him coming back. Niccolò had squeezed her shoulder as if to comfort her as they watched him leave, ever respectful of his father's wishes, ever dedicated to his family.
(And because they need to consider it, now, she thinks that her stepson, who hovers near her as they approach Domenico's door, is as good an heir as they could ever hope to find.)
The planned three days turns into a week. The week turns into two. She and Baldwin speak whenever they can, and she does what she came here to do. She is a skillful negotiator, a diplomat in her own right, and Domenico knew her when she was a girl, clinging to her grandmother's skirts and listening in when she wasn't invited. It means that he has a soft spot for her, sometimes, in a way he does not with the rest of the de Clermonts: she never rejected his overtures of friendship. She never denied him. It means, too, that he forgets sometimes that she is as deadly as she is, that she and her husband are well matched.
She leaves Venice with an agreement between them, the promise that when the time comes next their families will be bonded. No doubt Serafine will be eager to see her mate turned, and sooner than later, and Constanta is clearly no longer an option. More than that, she leaves Venice with information: the Drăculești will rise, there is no doubt of that, but they will not do so unobserved.
Niccolò drives, knowing that if he allows Astoria to take the wheel, they may not make it to Sept-Tours in one piece. Baldwin arrived the day before, let them all know he was safe, told Astoria to hurry back to him, and she's been eager to follow his instructions; her stepson watches her with some amusement, but doesn't date tease out loud.
She knows that Baldwin hears the rumbling of the engine, the crunch of gravel beneath the tires, the moment they're on de Clermont grounds. (She imagines Baldwin inside, standing abruptly, ignoring Matthew as he speaks. She imagines Matthew's irritated aside, and Baldwin's simple response: I haven't seen my wife in two weeks.)
Centuries, they've had together, but even centuries don't soothe her unease when they're apart, or calm the hollow ache in her chest to be away from him. Nor do centuries dull the impatience to set eyes on him again, or the eager joy when she recognizes his shape so far in the distance, the set of his shoulders. She grips the seat of her car tightly enough that her fingers pierce through the leather, prompting a snort of amusement from Niccolò.
"Drive faster," she demands hoarsely, and he laughs out loud at that, but he complies.
Astoria sees the moment that Baldwin gives up on patience; it is, remarkably, the same moment she does, as well. She's opened the car door before it's come to a complete stop as he walks closer to where he knows they'll park. One moment, they're apart, and the next, they've crashed into each other, Astoria swept into his arms and Baldwin's hands under her thighs to hold her in place as she wraps her legs around his waist.
The car comes to a stop behind them, the passenger side door left open. Neither of them notice. The moment she's in his grasp she's taken his face in her hands, relieved beyond words to have him whole and before her, and Baldwin closes what little distance is left between them to kiss her.
Centuries, they've had together, and only two weeks apart, but their reunion is as sweet now as it's ever been. One kiss becomes a second and a third, neither one of them willing to be parted, and only the familiar sound of Serafine, standing in a doorway with Diana as she greets her stepbrother, clearing her throat can make them tear themselves away from each other.
It feels like an open wound is healing. Astoria lets out a quiet laugh, and Baldwin tucks his face against her neck for a moment, breathes her in. "He's been insufferable since he got here," Serafine reports cheerfully, and beside her, Niccolò rolls his eyes and laughs.
"One day with just him. Try two weeks with just her."
"Beasts," Astoria informs them, "both of you," and her daughter only grins wider. It's a rare moment of familiarity, of peace, amidst the chaos. Miyako is due tomorrow, with Lydia. Fernando and Sarah will follow shortly after, as will Freyja and Marcus and Phoebe. Gallowglass and Stasia, she thinks, are already here. It's been some time since the whole of the family was together. She's almost glad for it, though now, she doesn't care for anything except the lingering touch of Baldwin's lips against her throat.
"Should I get the others?" Matthew asks. "Should we start discussing our next moves?" But even before he's finished the question Baldwin has lifted his head and begun to walk, Astoria still held firmly in his grasp, Astoria's arms and legs secure around him. When he makes no move to stop in the doorway, Matthew lets out a noise of some disapproval. "Well?"
"Do what you want," Baldwin says, a bit impatiently. He still doesn't stop. "It's been two weeks since I last saw my wife. If you need to speak to me now you can do so while I greet her properly. I don't think she minds an audience."
"You might learn something," she calls over his shoulder, and Matthew simply shakes his head and turns towards his nephew.
It's certainly for the better, she thinks, once Baldwin's teeth are fixed in her throat and her blood is spilling over his tongue. Two weeks without him (only two, she knows, two weeks out of thousands) and she can't bear the thought of sharing him with anyone else.
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heliotrope-journey · 3 years
Warmth in a Cold Heart
Good evening, vampire hunters.
The fourth and final prototype episode, The Heir of Drăculești, is now available for download on itch.io for Windows users. Professor Onionhead has enlisted Treyton and co. to accompany her on a crucial trip to a region in present-day New England that had been struck by an eternal winter. She uncovered much from her research on the origins of Vlad the Impaler’s illustrious power, including the possibility that an ancient khopesh containing magic not dissimilar to the Dark Lord is being kept inside a citadel located at her destination. Regrettably, the Veiled Nocturne’s interim leader is also interested in claiming this weapon and offer it to his father on the off chance he is brought back from the dead. What’s more; if he manages to capture Treyton, he’ll kill two birds in one stone. There is no time for the boy to waste for he will need all the strength and support he can get if he hopes to survive long enough to wield the khopesh. Or just maybe listen as his friends discover the truth concerning his ailment. This installment will not be for the pusillanimous so if you can stomach reading about how Treyton and his brother ended up where they are now, this is the storyline you won’t want to miss. (As usual, viewer discretion is advised.)
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The development of this installment has been a wild ride because much of my time late last year and this year was dedicated to self-care and will continue to be while I focus on alternative modes for the previous episodes and building the engine for the upcoming Heliotrope Chronicles. From the bottom of my heart, I deeply appreciate everyone on the team who pitched in to help in any way they can and bore with me on days where I was too drained to make any progress, including Cronix (who I found great comfort in confiding about our personal lives and letting me compensate him for his time when I couldn’t immediately afford it.), KawaiiPixelArts (who I found common ground with when our relatives passed away and provided emotional support when she needed it.), Chubbo (who was often more than ready to dive right in to the drawing board when I needed an asset finished at short notice and his commissions are offered at cheap prices.), The.Pixel.Junky (who shared a laugh with me over an error I made on PayPal before we turned it into an opportunity to design his take on Krasue. 😂), Sidiyq Qadim (who I check on every morning, is a soothing shoulder to cry on, and never lets me down when there’s work to be done.), Siegfried Croes (who took the time to design his take on Mihnea cel Rau before his plate piled up.), and more importantly, Jay, whose not necessarily part of the team, but I am eternally grateful for how he ran out every inner demon Allgloss has plagued me with from my psyche (He’s not called a scary boy for nothing. ;) ). The Heliotrope Journey team has become a tight-knit group over the course of the pandemic and our respective troubles brought us closer together. The development and storyline behind the fourth prototype is, in a way, a reflection of the way I see the world in its current state. Reality is inescapable for me, but my passion for video games and my desire to tell stories coupled with creating fantasy worlds gives me reason to make the best of it. Even if you haven’t contributed to the project, reading just one blog post, viewing just one video on my channel, or downloading just one stock photo from my UnSplash portfolio, is enough to get me through every day. Thank you for doing just that and pretty soon, I’ll return the favor. ^_^
With health and happiness,
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daeva-agas · 2 years
Ya, so yesterday I was wondering if Ikevamp Vlad was the Dracula or not, and I started reading what le comte said about him.
Cybird name-dropped the Drăculești family, and then said they were the origins of vampires, and also “Vlad” is being treated like Jesus Christ Himself, because the clan has always had trouble producing heirs so he’s this “miracle child” that the family has always wanted.
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If this is all fantasy why do you gotta name the Drăculești specifically? This... is... so... strange? It’s like Ikesen, where they can’t seem to decide if they want to just go WHEEE or if they want to adhere to history. It just feels so mixed up.
With the season 1 people, they have always been “they are who they are in history”, even the purebloods like Leo. But now the lore expanded, there’s all this vampire stuff “behind the scenes”, and I have no idea anymore. 
Also, this Jesus Christ treatment is not telling me much about whether Vlad is meant to be a historical personage or not. 
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darrowsrising · 7 years
Darrow and Vlad: #astrearants #maybeboring #youhavebeenwarned #historyandshite
By unpopular demand (and because @sevroaubarca ’s probably a fan of Vlad the ultimate muderous babe) I am writing a post about Darrow, the Reaper of Mars from Red Rising, and Vlad, the Impaler of Wallachia, historical person. I am not an expert. I will say only what I have learned at school and from extensive reading (I am a history nerd and Ion Bulai and Neagu Djuvara are awesome to say the least). Also, as Djuvara says in almost all his book, history is subjective so there is no way historians can be objective 100%. The are a lot of suppositions and hypothesis etc.
To me and romanians, Vlad was a ruthless, but fair monarch who protected his people and his throne by any means necessary, to Ottomans, he was a cold blooded monster, to the rest of the world, he is a serial killer, a cruel ruler etc. You get the idea.
Fitchner au Barca states in Red Riding that students at the Institute can be as ruthless as Vlad Dracul as long as they don’t lose like he did.
And I was like, dude, Vlad lost because people betrayed him. His plans weren’t that bad for a feudal monarch surrounded at all corners by mighty states. Here’s a brief history lesson:
He was first born to his father Vlad II Dracul and supposedly the daughter of the then Moldavian Prince.
His father won the throne with Ottoman support, but many boyars (romanian nobility) always conspired against him and the Drăculești dynasty.
Don’t get it wrong. Vlad Dracul won his throne, but he wasn’t an usurper. It was believed his dynasty had Mircea the Old as ancestor. It’s the ‘law’ of the royal bone. If you were related to someone who had the throne then you had the right to demand the throne.
The rulers of the romanian countries (Transylvania is debatable, because it was under other countries’s control over the centuries with little to no autonomy) are called Princes in english. But the actual term is 'great voivode and domn’. The first term means total military power. The second comes from “dominus”. Leader, master, ruler etc.
Vlad Dracul made a pact with The Order of the Dragon to ensure that the Ottomans won’t sack and conquer Wallachia. He wasn’t a great leader and his impossibility to deal with the Sultan cost him the respect of his people and his heir.
Vlad and his little brother Radu were given to the Ottoman Empire. It was a safety enssurence, but Vlad was trained to become a eniccesery in the Ottoman army. It was a normal practise then. The Romanian Countries paid tribute in gold and children so the 'merciful’ Sultan won’t conquer and sack their lands. The enemies of the Empire risked to face their own brothers, sons, nephews etc.
Vlad and Radu were kids then. But Vlad was the one who opposed the most. He was mercilessly tortured into obedience. Here it is were he learned how the Ottoman Army works and the most gruesome torture practises.
Radu The Handsome will become, as rumors has it, Mehmed II’s lover.(the old sleeping with the enemy thrope.). Hence 'the handsome’ (gay).
Vlad will go back to his beloved Wallachia. He will rule it on and off for short periods of time. He will quickly become feared through out the region.
His best tactics were made to compensate for the lack of men he had compared to the Ottomans. The Ottoman Empire was a huge empire. Wallachia was a small country. Almost a quarter of Romania’s actual size (almost, search Wallachia map for more info). A small kid against a huge giant. But this isn’t David and Goliath. Vlad managed to hold the empire in check. He killed emmisaries and diplomatic convoys from the Ottoman Empire so their corpses will decorate the gates of the keeps. (It was easier to instill fear than reinforcing the keeps). He personally arraged the head of the Pasha and his sons on the iron spikes of the gates to reinforce fear and the myth of the bloodthirsty monster from Wallachia.
He got rid of ploys to dethrone him by inviting the conspirators at dinner then locking them in and setting the place on fire.
He ordered hangings, stakings and decapitatations of rapists, desertors, spies etc.
When the Ottoman Empire responded with armies and conquering, he ordered the salting of the earth, the poisoning of wells. It was a well known practise (nothing new, but very effective). The sad part was that many people thought the same with their boys: better dead than in the hands of the Ottomans. And even sadder it is that the Romanian Countries weren’t the only ones living under the shadow of the Empire. The Balkan countries were in the same position and worse, they were considered parts of the Empire.
In June 1462, Mehmed II himself went into a expedition to dethrone Vlad. Vlad set on fire half his army in a savage night attack with his army dressed in Ottoman clothes.
He had to retreat in the mountains and wait for help from Matthias Corvin, half romanian - half hungarian voivode of Transylvania. Matthias betrayed him, but instead of giving him to the Ottomans (Iancu of Hunedoara, Matthias’s father was the one who supported Vlad’s ruling fron the start of it), he arrested him and held him at Buda for 14 years.
The thing which also held back Matthias was, in my opinion, the fact that Vlad was married to Ilona Szilágyi. A noble hungarian woman, Matthias’s cousin and the Queen mother’s granddaughter - Elizabeth Szilágyi.
When Vlad tried again to gain back his throne, not only Mehmed II jumped out of his arse, but the boyars started to militate for Radu as the rightful ruler. There were many fights for the throne, but with Mehmed as his supporter and some noble families backing him up, Radu won, but only because traitors eventually stabbed Vlad in the back.
Btw, Radu (who is Vlad’s little half-brother and who converted to Islam while in the Sultan’s care) didn’t have a great rule either, he battled for the throne with a no-one-cares-about and he was killed by Mihnea the Bad, Vlad’s only surviving heir. (Proud papa is smirking fron hell).
Darrow uses the Reaper myth to instill fear, to freeze his enemies, to make them play after his rules.
He was trained and taught by the Society he was trying to break (and eventually did break).
People he considered brothers turned against him (Cassius and Roque, although in Vlad’s case we can only talk about Radu and someone from his enturage whom he trusted, but we can’t compare them to Cassius and/or Roque).
There were many situations when Darrow had less people in his army than his enemies, but he always found a solutions around that.
Radu The Handsome was indeed handsome. Vlad on the other hand had a savage appearence: wild, wavy, soulder lenght, black hair, crooked, acviline nose nose from fights, black moustache, high cheekbones, black, deep set eyes. Darrow is described as being handsome in a savage way. Cassius and Roque have classic beauty, which is inviting, trust worthy, maybe intimidating a bit. But Darrow’s beauty is wild. He is has this aura of restlessness, anger. He is not only intimidating, he is scary; there are even rumours that he eats glass.
After infiltrating in the Society he eventually comes back to his roots, not longer a child.
Some historians think that Vlad was married to a romanian girl before Ilona. There was speculation that after their children died in either childbirth or because of illnesses, she threw herself down a tower’s spiral stairs. On the other hand, Vlad’s love with Ilona is recognized and it’s supposed to have been happy. Vlad’s cousin, Ștefan the Great, Prince of Moldavia (and in my opinion a tad more badarse than Vlad), had enough daughters if Vlad wished to strenghten his ties with Moldavia. Radu married one of those daughters to assure his throne and allies. Vlad and Ștefan helped each other a lot, but they were also rivals. But instead of forcing bonds, Vlad chose Ilona (he didn’t have an extraordinary relationship with Matthias Corvin and the Hungarian Kingdom either, because the majority of the population in Translyvania was romanian and they were discriminated against). So to say he might have loved her isn’t exactly a stretch.
Darrow’s marriages aren’t totally similar to Vlad’s, but there are some elements here and there which match.
Mihnea is the only child which was recorded from the marriage of Vlad with Ilona. There aren’t notes of bastards (the concept isn’t really that of the western view. Radu has as much right to the throne as Vlad and they were half-brothers. It’s called the 'law’ of the royal bone (os domnesc, the bone of the dominus), not the hereditary law.) Just like Pax is the only child, Mihnea was the only one to carry his father legacy.
The difference is that Darrow learns that people need a reason to follow you. And that using them and using only cruelty and fear will get you stabbed in the gut. Vlad didn’t have Ilona at his side or hidden in the woods to mend his wounds like Mustang did to Darrow. So it was too late for Vlad to fix things.
I admit that by the standards of today, Vlad is a serial killer. But Ștefan, for example, wasn’t too far either: he killed people because they were getting on his nerves, he hated when people were more talentated than him (he killed a teenager for hitting a target with an arrow, a target he couldn’t hit), but he was a good ruler, a strong diplomat, a great strategist. His people prospered for 47 years under his rule and protection. Vlad didn’t really managed to have a constant rule.
Anyway, I wrote this because 🇷🇴 #pride and because there are a lot of instances where Darrow is compared with Achilles, with Mars, with Ares, with Selenius au Lune (indirectly. He is compared to Iron Golds and Selenius was considered an Iron Gold), with Scipio, and a lot of other people of legends and myths and reality. I just wanted to put my favorite character face to face with one of my favorite historical figures.
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coffeewithcutcaffeine · 9 months
5, 10, 17, 31 for both Vlad and Trystan dear Lin! <33
My most beloved Mads! Thank you for sending these my way. It means the absolute world to me! 🥰️❤️️
5. What sort of succession system is it? Agnatic? Primogeniture? Gender-biased?
In Vlad's 15th-century Wallachia, the succession system is not fixed but rather functions as a loosely structured polity. Future voivodes are chosen from any male members of the royal family who are not disfigured or maimed noticeably. This type of succession is defined as os de domn (of voivode marrow), which means that any man from the royal family (brother, nephew, son, etc.), regardless of being born as a legitimate son or not, has the right to become the ruler of the land. At the same time, the voivode does not need to consider the order in which possible successors are born but instead chooses his heir based on skills and capabilities, hence why it is not uncommon for the heir to first become the associate ruler which allows the voivode to prepare his successor and teach him the craft of politics. This type of succession is, to a certain extent, favourable as it eliminates the stigma associated with illegitimate children because, regardless of whether they are born out of wedlock or not, all male members of the family are treated equally and have the same opportunities. However, it also creates an unstable political environment characterised by frequent violent power struggles among family members.
In Trystan's 21st-century Drakovia, the succession system is primogeniture, meaning that the firstborn legitimate child inherits the throne. Unlike in the past, this system is no longer biased based on gender, allowing daughters of the kings to also become rulers (this option was implemented through the Drakovian Pragmatic Sanction which allowed Queen Catalina to rule during the last two decades of the 1800s). This type of succession ensures the stability of the country, with the heir being prepared for their future role from childhood. However, it does discriminate against the illegitimate children of the king, which is why Juliana Georgescu eventually proposes the draft of the Drakovian Act for Heir Equity.
10. Is the dynasty old? Or new? How does this affect how they operate?
Vlad belongs to the House of Drăculești, which traces its origins back to Vlad’s father, Vlad II Dracul (Dragon). While the family is part of the House of Basarab, the Basarabs eventually split into two separate lines, with the other line being the House of Dănești. These two lines have been in constant competition for the throne since the late 14th century. The Basarabs are a ruling family of Cuman origin, and they established Wallachia as a state in the early 14th century under the leadership of Basarab I (hence the name of the royal house). At the time of Vlad’s first rule in 1448, the country (and the royal house) is still relatively young, being only 138 years old. The relative youth of the House of Basarab itself does not cause problems in the functioning of the state. However, the split of the royal house into two lines certainly contributes to the instability in the region.
Trystan belongs to the House of Tornović which first began to rule Drakovia in the 18th century. Prior to Drakovia becoming a Socialist republic in the 1940s, the royal family was renowned for being enlightened rulers who promoted education and art. However, due to the volatile and turbulent political landscape of the Balkans, the Tornovićs often had to govern with an iron fist, making them rather authoritarian, almost despotic. After the fall of the Communist regime, the descendants of the House of Tornović return from exile to a country that becomes instantly engulfed in a bloody civil war that ultimately leads to the restoration of the kingdom at a high cost. However, due to the volatile nature of regional politics and the transformation of Drakovian society, the country merely undergoes a different kind of dictatorship under the rule of King Maksim, Trystan’s father.
17. Does your OC dislike living in the public eye? Or do they believe it's part of the job?
Growing up in the family of the Great Pretender and later moving to the Royal Court in Târgovişte, Vlad is accustomed to being in the public eye. He sees it as a small price to pay for being a Drăculea, and it is an aspect of his life that he does not have a personal preference for but rather sees as a constant presence. He can manage it as long as he can find a way to maintain some privacy for his family and for an environment where he can simply be a regular person for a while. However, when he becomes a prisoner at the Hungarian court, he strongly dislikes being constantly observed by the public, primarily due to the constant humiliation that comes with it. He begins to prefer the solace of privacy, being surrounded only by family or using it for quiet contemplation.
Trystan not only enjoys living in the public eye, he thrives in it. Whether he is publicly praised as an enigmatic heir to the throne or closely followed as a scandalous rebel in exile, he relishes the attention at all times. His perspective on public life does not solely derive from being born into the most closely observed family in the kingdom, it also arises from his personality and his somewhat eccentric soul. However, this perspective shifts with age as he develops a greater appreciation for tranquil environments and a desire for privacy.
31. Your OC has been the target of some bad press. What do they do to straighten out the story?
It is a historical fact that Vlad's reputation has been tarnished by a series of pamphlets aimed at ruining his image, so much so that this negative perception of him persists to this day. During his imprisonment by Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus, Vlad had no opportunity to correct the narrative or defend himself against the slanderous accusations and, as a result, his bad reputation has continued to follow him without anyone giving him the chance to make his voice be heard. After his release and his third time becoming the voivode, Vlad is too disillusioned and bitter to even think about actively addressing his tarnished reputation. He only cares about being understood by his family and closest associates.
Trystan firmly believes in the motto that “any press is good press”, so he isn’t easily offended by negative publicity. He is accustomed to appearing on magazine covers due to his supposedly scandalous behaviour and enjoys being seen as a provocative rebel. However, if the bad press includes something too sensitive, he would go to great lengths to restore his reputation. For instance, there is a lingering cloud of suspicion surrounding his involvement in Juliana Georgescu’s death, and the desire to uncover the truth (and potentially clear his name) continues to haunt him for years. Eventually, we know that the Detective helps him uncover what truly happened on that fateful night.
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