#Heavenli Denton
medullam · 11 months
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Heavenli Denton of Honeyz [2000]
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thepopaddict · 2 years
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Honeyz - Harmony
Harmony is the unreleased sophomore album of the British r&b girl group Honeyz. The album was slated to be released in 2001 but was cancelled by Mercury Records. The group released two singles, first of being “Not Even Gonna Trip”, that was included in the UK version of soundtrack album of Nutty Professor II: The Klumps, and secondly “I Don’t Know”. Both songs only peaked top 30 in the UK, while a third single was supposed to be released in late 2001 called “Talk To The Hand” but was cancelled. The album was recorded in 2000-2001, where majority of the tracks were recorded by the group’s second line-up: Celena, Mariama, & Naima. However Mariama left the group in the middle of the recording the album, and her departure saw the return of the group’s founding member Heavenli Abdi to finish where the group left off.
Track List:
Talk To The Hand
I Don’t Know
Just As I Am
More Than One Night
Best Man
This Is Not A Game
Do You Wish It Were Yesterday?
Just A Little To The Left
I Need You Now
Senorita Bonita
When The Show’s Over
Love Is Strange
Get Down Tonight
Do You Wanna Go Home With A Honey?
Not Even Gonna Trip
My Top Five Picks:
5th Place - Get Down Tonight
4th Place - Talk To The Hand
3rd Place - More Than One Night
2nd Place - Just As I Am
1st Place - When The Show’s Over
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asexual-spongebob · 3 months
Wail Of The Siren - Chapter 8: Calm Before the Storm.
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Zim and Dib headed to the beach, holding hands.
Dib could hear the sound of the ice cream truck nearby. 
“Come on! Let’s go!” Dib said, then sprinting over to the ice cream truck, dragging Zim by the hand.
“Where are we going?” Zim asked.
“The ice cream truck!” Dib answered.
Soon the two made it there, and were greeted by a young person, probably in their early twenties.
“Hey there kid, what can I get for you?” They asked, they spoke in a New Yorker accent.
“I’ll take a SpongeBob popsicle and…” Dib paused, “What do you want, Zim?” He asked, “Uh…” Zim then scanned the menu, “I’ll take a cherry screw ball.” Zim answered. 
Dib whipped out a few dollars from his pocket, “It’s fine Dibby. I’ll pay for it.” Zim insisted, Dib rose an eyebrow, “Where did you get the money from?” He questioned, 
 “dunno. Gir found it somewhere.” Zim replied. 
Zim paid for the ice cream and the two walked  to the beach.
The strong stench of salt water filled Dib’s nose as the two searched for a spot on the beach for themselves. 
Dib licked at his SpongeBob popsicle as he glanced at Zim. 
“Come on, I know just the place.” Dib proclaimed.
“Where are we going?” Zim questioned.
“You’ll see.” Dib answered.
Dib and Zim ended up near a tide pool, surrounded by rocks.
“Are you sure you’ll fine here Dib stink?” Zim asked.
“Yeah, trust me. No one goes to this side of the beach, other than me, Gaz and sometimes Keef anyway. Dib said. 
“Does Keef know that you’re a siren? Zim asked, “And why does no one come to this side of the beach other than you three?” Zim adds.
“Yeah Keef does. He was the second person to find out actually, he spotted me while on a fishing trip and he figured out that I’d accidentally stolen their fish- they were nice about it though. And the reason that almost no one comes here is because of this story about creatures who lurked here, I’ll be happy to tell you all about it.” Dib answered, then licking their SpongeBob popslice. 
“Cool. Also I’d like to hear the story! TELL MEEE!!” Zim replied.
“Alright. I’ll tell you in a moment, as soon as I get comfortable.” Dib said, climbing into the pool of salt water.
Dib let out grunts of pain as they watched their hands become green and scaly, Zim watched Dib transform, eyes filled with horror and concern.
“Are you okay Dib stink?!” Zim questioned, “I’m fine- this is normal!” Dib insisted. 
Dib soon finished transforming into a siren, “That looked painful Dib thing, are you okay?” Zim asked, kneeling down to Dib’s level. “Yeah trust me I’m fine. I should be used to this by now.” Dib insisted, then licking their popsicle.
“Now can you tell me the story?” Zim asked, Dib answered with a nod. 
“Well, the story goes that in 1965, at this very beach a 13 year old girl named Sandy Mason and her friend, Allen Denton  had came to this of the beach. “ Dib began, “The two drank their cola’s as they watched the waves lap at the tide pools. “ Dib continued. “Until they saw something strange swimming towards them. It was a strangle looking creature, half human and half fish. It had the same scaly hands that me and Gaz do, but they were blue instead of green or purple.” Dib rambled. 
“Sandy and Allen claimed that the creature had sharp, shark like teeth and a scaly, blue fish tail. And also a heavenly singing voice, which the creature tried to lure them into the water to drown them with, which failed. The monster was dubbed, “The Detroit Beach Monster.” They add.
“And a similar creature was also found on washed up on the shores of Lake Michigan, and its tail looked similar to a bass fish. People speculate that the one found washed up on Lake Michigan is a fresh water sub species.” They finished.
“Wow that’s interesting.” Zim remarked, Dib nodded in agreement with a smile. 
Dib and Zim munched on their popsicles as they watched the waves gently crash upon the shore in the distance, “I wonder what Gir is doing..” Zim remarked.
Meanwhile, Gir was doing some break dancing as some hip hop music blasted from the speakers.
No one was home, Skoodge was hanging out with Keef and Tenn at the ice cream shop and Zim was out on a date with Dib. 
Gir had given invites to any person it’d encountered while shopping for supplies, and quite a few people came. 
Mimi and Vir aggressively head banged to the sound of the music, while Sir danced on top of Zim’s table as Whoop! (There it is) blasted through the speakers.
Teenagers drank their punch as they partied hard, Zim and Skoodge were on their way home.
The sun was beginning to set, making way for the dark night. 
“How was your date with Dib?” 
“Great! He told me all about the “Detroit Beach Monster!”
“That’s nice. Me, Keef and Tenn got some ice cream and Keef told us about this musical he had seen called Rock of Ages.
Zim and Skoodge made their way home, but then stopped in their tracks.
Cans of Poop Cola and bags of chips littered the front lawn, old looking, and beaten up cars parked near it. Zim noticed a sign in the front yard that stated “GIRZ HOUSE PARTY!!!” Written on it in glitter glue.
Zim and Skoodge could hear music blasting from outside the house.
Rage boiled inside of Zim, “GIR!!!!” He shouted, then stomping to the front door, Skoodge then followed him. Zim kicked the door down, “Gir! What on irk did you do?!” Zim demanded, the party goer’s dropping their solo cups of punch and gasping. 
“AND WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?! WHY ARE YOU IN MY BASE?!” Zim demanded, the party goer’s began to gathering their belongings, getting ready to leave. 
“I threw a party master!” Gir grinned, Mimi and Vir then escaped out a broken window. “NO more parties Gir.” Zim ordered.
A frown formed on Gir’s face, “B-but” it uttered, “NO “BUT’S.” Zim shouted, its eyes burning with fury. Gir then pathetically walked away with slumped shoulders, tears streaming down its face.
“GO SOUTH TO CANADA!” Gir cried, Zim let out a gasp, “YOU DO NOT INSULT ME! I AM YOUR MASTER!” Zim spat, Skoodge glanced  at Zim with a shocked look on his face, “Gir learned geography?” He uttered.
“No! Mary shouted dat while on dah phone! He told dat guy to go south to Canada!” Gir replied, his tears fading away.
“I tried to stop him from throwing the party but he didn’t listen…” Sir frowned, glancing up at Skoodge. “Thanks for trying to stop him.” Skoodge said, patting Sir on the head.
“Now time to clean up this horrible mess, and fix the broken window.” Zim grumbled, “I’ll help you.” Skoodge proclaimed, “Thanks.” Zim replied, fetching the garage can, mop and some cleaning products. 
It was later that night, around 11:30 pm. Skoodge, Sir and Gir were sitting the couch, munching on some space chips. Zim made xyr way to the front door, only wearing a hoodie and sweat pants, and not xyr typical invader uniform.
“Where are you going?” Skoodge questioned, “To go see my Dib human” Zim answered, “Oh wait… he’s not really human anymore-“ Zim remembered. 
“Wait really?” Skoodge gasped “Uh yeah. He’s a siren.” Zim replied, OH SHIT! Zim thought in a panic, realizing xe’d just dropped the bombshell. 
Skoodge’s jaw dropped, Sir spat out his drink. 
“Mary’s a fish?” Gir chimed in with a gasp.
“Pretend i didn’t say that.” Zim said, “I promise i won’t tell anyone!” Skoodge insisted, “does anyone else know?” He asked.
“Yeah but only a few people uh… Gaz knows because she’s a siren too, Gir knows now-, uh Keef knows and I do and you do to now but other then that no one else does.” Zim said. 
Skoodge didn’t know what to say, and Zim soon made xyr way to Dib’s house. 
“Daaamn Mary’s a fishy!” Gir remarked, “Hey you can’t say that!” Skoodge retorted, “Master doesn’t care if I do!” Gir retorted back, munching on some chips and slurping some soda as he watched reruns of The Scary Monkey Show.
Dib snoozed in his bed, until he heard some strange noises coming from outside.
“Huh?” He uttered, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, grabbing his glasses.
They noticed someone standing outside their window, Zim.
Surprisingly, Zim didn’t have his disguise on, he was just wearing a hoodie.
“Zim? What are you doing here so late?” Dib asked groggily, “Zim missed the Dib.” He answered, staring into Dib’s soul with his massive, magenta hued eye, his antennae flattened against his head.
Dib lethargically opened the window. 
“Come here you stupid bug.” They grumbled affectionately, picking up Zim and pulling it close, then closing the window again.
Dib cuddled Zim as he pulled the comforter over the two of them, Zim had that cute look on its face. It buried its head into Dib’s shirt, letting out purrs, Dib gently stroked its head, starching the area near xyr antennae.
“I missed you so much Dib fish.” Zim said affectionately, with a muffed voice. “I missed you too, Spaceboy.” Dib smiled softly, Zim let out cat like purrs as Dib drifted off to sleep. 
It was 5:30 am, it was still dark outside. 
Dib opened his eyes, he noticed Zim staring into his soul, they flinched. “Oh my god you scared me-“ they said.
“Zim is sorry…” Zim frowned.
“Hey it’s fine.” Dib yawned, sitting up, still cuddling Zim in their arms. 
“WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE??” Zim demanded at the sight of Dib’s army of Mothman plushies, pointing a finger at them. 
“Those are my moths!” Dib answered. 
They pointed to black, fluffy and worn looking one with large red eyes and large wings, similar to that of a spear marked black moth, it had fluffy antennae. 
“That’s Mothy,” Dib began, they then grabbed another mothman plushie, it had the same shape as a Mothy, but it had different markings, like that of a giant leopard moth. 
“And that’s its wife, Felisha.” Dib adds, 
then pointing to a beaten up looking, and smaller looking mothman plushie, it had markings that resembled a black and white tiger moth. 
“And that’s Mothy and Felisha’s child, Mothy Junior, or otherwise, MJ.” Dib finished. 
They then Infodumped all about their Mothman and alien plushies, including their backstories, goals and motives. 
“That’s interesting.” Zim remarked once Dib finished rambling, Dib nodded with a smile.
“Anyway, I gotta get out of here. Skoodge messaged me saying that Gir had made a giant mess, again.” Zim began. See you later Dib fish.” Zim finished affectionately, “Okay, see you later bug.” Dib smiled, giving Zim a kiss on the forehead, Zim let out a soft purr, liking Dib’s forehead before climbing out the window with the help of xyr pak legs.
It was later that morning, at 9:30 am.
Professor Membrane glanced at his two children as they ate breakfast together.
Dib sipped his orange juice and Gaz munched on her cereal as she fiddled with the controls on her Gameslave.
“Hey kids do you want to go on a trip to the beach sometime soon? I think we’d have a great time!!!” Professor Membrane said, sipping his coffee.
Dib and Gaz glanced at each other, “How would we explain the siren thing to Dad?” Gaz questioned, whispering.
“I have no idea- let’s try and change his mind.” Dib replied, whispering.
“No.. how about we go to the pool instead? Or the lake!” Gaz suggested “Alright then! The lake a it is!” Professor Membrane smiled, then fetching something’s like a shovel and pal.
Dib and Gaz let out sighs of relief.
No I don’t have to explain the siren thing to Dad… at least not yet. Dib thought, then taking another bite of his cereal.
Dib made his way to the local convince store, spotting a duo of stray dogs nearby. 
Dib couldn’t help but feel bad for the poor dogs as they walked down the street. 
They dug around in their coat pocket, finding a piece of bread. “Want some bread?” They offered, the two dogs panted and sat patiently, begging for some. 
Dib ripped it half, “Here you go!” They smiled, giving the bread to the dogs. The dogs seemed grateful as Dib walked away, and into the store.
Dib went straight to the slushy machine, ready for a nice, refreshing Suck Monkey. Hm… cherry or blue raspberry… how about both. Dib decided, grabbing a cup from the cup holder, choosing a medium sized one and placing it under the slushy dispenser.
Dib soon got his drink and payed for it, then walking back outside.
He was about to leave, until he heard something strange coming from the back of store.
Dib rose his eyebrow, deciding to go investigate for himself.
Dib quietly made their way to the dumpster as they tiptoed to it, they then noticed to two shadowy silhouette’s of what looked to be two girls, both with short hair.
“I’m sorry about him… that’s annoying.” One of them apologized, having a British accent with a dash of Valley Girl.
Dib’s eyes widened with shock. He knew that voice. 
Tak?! Dib realized, what the hell was she doing?
“Hey don’t apologize. I’m used to Dib being an annoyance. I guess he’ll forever ever see me as a “stupid baby” that he needs to protect. Even though he knows damn well that I don’t need his protection.” The other replied.
“I hate how they always have to be all up in my business. I wish they’d leave me alone for once.” Gaz grumbled, Tak wrapped an arm around her shoulder, “I’m sorry that you have to hear me vent-“ Gaz apologized, “No, you’re fine.” Tak insisted, licking Gaz on the cheek.
Dib couldn’t believe his eyes.
Please tell me I did not see Tak lick Gaz’s cheek… please tell me this is a nightmare! He thought desperately. 
There was more to it than met eye.
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daggerzine · 2 years
MY FAVORITE RECORDS OF 2022 (all lists are in no particular order)
The Jeanines- Don’t Wait for a Sign (Slumberland)
Arts & Leisure- This Vast Illusion (self released)
Mick Trouble- It’s Mick Trouble’s Second LP! (Emotional Response)
Model Shop- Love Interest (Meritorio)
The Photocopies- Greatest Hits Volume 2 and Hopelessly Devoted (both self released)
Hammered Hulls- Careening (Dischord)  
Michael Head & the Red Elastic band- Dear Scott (Modern Sky UK)
The Reds Pinks and Purples- Summer at Land’s End
Winged Wheel- No Island (12XU)
The Boys with the Perpetual Nervousness- The Third Wave of…  (Bobo Integral)  
Sick Thoughts- Heaven is No Fun (Total Punk)
Horsegirl- Versions of Modern Performance  (Matador)  
First Aid Kit- Palomino  (Columbia)
Dot Dash- Madman in the Rain (The Beautiful Music)
Superchunk- Wild Loneliness (Merge)
Ribbon Stage- Hit With The Most (Perennial/ K)
Artsick- Fingers Crossed (Slumberland)
Belle & Sebastian- A Bit of Previous (Matador)
Non Bruises- S/T (self released)
The Sadies- Colder Streams (Yep Roc)
Panda Bear & Sonic Boom- Reset (Domino)
Papercuts- Past Life Regression (Slumberland)
Weak Signal- War and War (Colonel Records)
Librarians with Hickeys- Handclaps and Tambourines (Big Stir)
The Well Wishers- Blue Sky Sun (self released)
Armstrong- Happy Graffiti (The Beautiful Music)
The Reds Pinks and Purples- They Only Wanted Your Soul (Slumberland)  
Savak- Human Error/ Human Delight (Ernest Jenning)
Freezing Hands- It Was a Good Run (Dateland)
April March- In Cinerama (Omnivore)
Kids on a Crime Spree – Fall In Love Not In Line (Slumberland) 
Young Guv- III & IV  (Run for Cover Records)
U.S. Highball- A Parkhead Cross of the Mind (Lame-O)
Flowertown- Half Yesterday (Mt St Mtn)
Ex-Void- Bigger Than Before (Don Giovanni)
Tony Molina- In the Fade (Summer Shade)
Field School- When Summer Comes (Bobo Integral)
My Raining Stars- 89 Memories (Shelflife)
Kevin Robertson- Teaspoon of Time (Futureman)
Hater- Sincere (Fire)
Almost Charlie- A Whisper in a World Too Loud (Words on Music)  
The Orchids- Dreaming Kind (Skep Wax) 
 Aarktica- We Will Find the Light (Darla)  
Extra Arms- What Is Even Happening Right Now? (Forge Again Records)
The Silent Boys- Sand To Pearls, Coal To Diamonds (Too Good to Be True Records)
The Smashing Times- Bloom (Meritorio)
The Bye Bye Blackbirds- August Lightning Complex (Double Potion Records)
The Beths- Expert in a Dying Field (Carpark)
Ghost Power- S/T (Duophonic)
Peter Astor- Time on Earth (Tapete)
I ALSO LIKED ALBUMS BY……Dazy, Eyelids, Desario, Hoodoo Gurus, Salt Lake Alley, Helen Love, Kramies, The Monochrome Set,  Anton Barbeau, Cozy Slippers, The Chesterfields, Rob Moss and Skintight Skin, Lewsberg, Richard X. Heyman, The Claudettes, Surf Piranhas, Kiwi Jr, Sault, Nervous Twitch, New Buck Biloxi, Heather Trost, Fine, Alien Nose Job, Kevin Morby, Ward White, Spiritualized , Click Beetles, Whimsical, Man’s Body, Wet Leg, The Minders,  Water Damage, Star Party, The Paranoid Style, Alvvays, Chronophage, Rolling Blackouts CF, The Happy Somethings, The Umbrella Puzzles, Zac Denton, Northern Portrait, Volebeats, Your Academy, Aluminum Group, Guy Capecelatro, Jon Spencer & the Hitmakers, The Trypes, Jeremy, etc. etc.
Tall Dwarfs- Unravelled - 1981-2002 (Merge)
Broadcast- BBC Maida Vale Sessions (Warp)
Heavenly- Heavenly Vs Satan (Skep Wax)
Biff  Bang Pow! -Better Life: Complete Creations 1984-1991 (Cherry Red)
Go Sailor- S/T (Slumberland)
The Lucksmiths- Why That Doesn’t Surprise me and  Naturaliste (both Lost and Lonesome)
The Krayolas- Happy Go Lucky (Box Records)
The Flashing Lights- Where the Change Is (Murder)
The Muffs- Really Really Happy (Omnivore)
My Teenage Stride- Singles and B-sides (digital)
The Chills- Scatterbrain Storm Outtakes (Fire)
Elk City- Above the Door (Magic City)
The 1981 - Polaroids EP (Dandy Boy)
The Persian Leaps- Machines for Living (Land Ski Records)
The Photocopies- Departure P (self released)
R.E. Seraphin- Swingshift EP (Dandy Boy/Mt St Mtn)
My Favorite- Tender is the Nightshift part 1 (HHBTM)
The Black Watch- The Neverland of Spoken Things (digital)
The Radio Field- Time Simple EP (Subjangle)
The Wends- It’s Here Where You Fall (Subjangle)  
Michael Beach- 2022 EP (Goner)
The Laughing Chimes- Zoo Ave (Slumberland)
My Raining Stars- The Life We planned (digital)
The Age of Colored Lizards (Perfect Smile (Sotron)  
Field School- Swainson’s Thrush (Small Craft Advisory)
The Lunar Towers- Hurry Up and Wait (Colorama Records)
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partywithponies · 1 year
Since the only way I can work is by liveblogging the writing process, here's a rundown of the notable OCs in my A2A fic Fallen Angel:
(a lot of this info will probably never be mentioned in the actual fic since some of these OCs are very VERY minor characters who will only be mentioned once or twice, but I will know, and that's the main thing)
Somewhere Else:
The sentient void that Alex is lost in. It doesn't want her there and is trying to get rid of her by getting inside her head and exposing her to the horrors and hurting her, breaking down her soul bit by bit. What is the Somewhere Else? Who knows. It's ancient and all powerful and Alex messing about inside it refusing to die (so to speak. she's dead. but her immortal soul is still kicking) is messing with the very fabric of the afterlife. Is the Somewhere Else a sinister nightmarish form of God? Who knows. I'm the one writing this fic and I have no idea what kind of whack-ass horrific theology I'm inventing here.
DI Terrence Lyndon:
Some dickhead in Heaven who died peacefully of an unspecified illness with no significant baggage who never passed through Gene's world. A friend of Sam's ever since Sam arrived in Heaven. Thinks Alex is stupid and selfish for disrupting everyone else's afterlife just so she can try to escape Heaven, thinks Ray, Shaz, and Chris are stupid and irresponsible for continuing to stay loyal to Alex, and thinks Annie is a backstabbing cow for going behind Sam's back to help Ray and Shaz help Alex after Sam explicitly told them all not to do that.
PC Geoffrey Denton:
Died in the late 50s. One of the first coppers to join Gene in his world, and a good friend of his, once, though he suspects Gene has long since forgotten he even existed. Moved on to the Railway Arms before Ray or Chris arrived. Has been waiting a very long time for Gene to join him. Refuses to ever leave the bar though, just in case. Was part of Sam and Lyndon's Heavenly friend group, but honestly has got a bit bored of waiting around for something interesting to happen, and whatever the hell's going on with Alex Drake is the most exciting thing that's happened in decades, and he's thrilled to find out what happens next.
WPC Jennifer Field:
Died in the 1960s. Good friend of Geoff's. Moved on at the same time as him. Denies they're anything more than friends but also continues to sit at the bar every day just because Geoff is still there, so she's staying too. Was awed and impressed by Alex's great escape, but was only fully won over to her side when she saw Ray punch Lyndon in the face. She thought that was awesome, and if it was loyalty to Alex that caused Ray to that, and Alex basically breaking the afterlife that caused violence to even be possible in Heaven, then she's down to join in too.
DS Raphael Fitzroy:
Not a true OC, since this is my version of the iPhone guy from the finale, but since I made his name, rank, personality, and backstory up myself, he's basically an OC. Got pushed off a building by a criminal in 2010 and is now in a coma. Was a newly promoted DI back in 2010 and is unhappy to find he's now a DS again. Does not trust Gene at all. Knew of Alex Drake when she was alive, respected and admired her work, followed the story of her murder quite closely in the news. Has put up with a lifetime of people making fun of how posh and poncey his name sounds so prefers to go by either Just Raph™ or Just Fitz™. Gene naturally ignores this and makes fun of his name constantly. Is convinced Gene is the embodiment of some kind of infection on his brain, there to make him suffer and drive him slowly insane. Short tempered and easily frustrated but also has a tendency to freeze completely in the face of fear or danger, which is how his little accident happened in the first place.
DC Sarah Hawkins:
Another new arrival in Gene's world. Fell under a tube train in 2011 and was killed instantly, so aside from some oddly vivid dreams and an irrational fear of the tube, doesn't remember anything about her life or death or being from another time. Incredibly earnest, a little overly serious and doesn't really get jokes or sarcasm, but is very eager to please and desperate to be liked. Very much likes both Fitz and Gene and wants them both to like her, but her overly serious nature makes it hard for them to realise she's trying to be their friend, plus Fitz wants to go home and doesn't think she's even real so takes his anger and frustration out on her, and Gene is angry with her just for not being his old team and also taking it out on her. She's doing her best.
The new owner of the establishment formerly known as Luigi's. Some vague unspecified relative of Luigi. Young, tall, Italian, and eccentric. Runs the restaurant like he's not only never run one before but also like he's only got the vaguest idea of how they even work. Gene thinks he behaves like this is his first time in the real world and he's only just figuring out how to be a normal human. (Given the vague nature of barmen in this world, that very well may be the case, but Gene doesn't know that.)
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cremadolceuk · 2 months
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Pancakes: Every Bite is a Cozy Delight! Indulge in the warm, golden-brown delight of fluffy pancakes, perfectly crisped at the edges and tender within, at the best pancakes shop in Denton. Each bite offers a heavenly combination of buttery richness and delicate sweetness, enhanced by the tantalizing aroma of vanilla.
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douxgemini · 3 years
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Girl group Honeyz photographed in the 2000s
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e-mailmyheart · 5 years
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Honeyz - Harmony Fan-made artwork (standard and deluxe)
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thepopaddict · 3 years
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Honeyz - End Of The Line CD1
End Of The Line is the second single of British r&b girl group Honeyz. The single was taken off their debut album “Wonder No. 8″. The single was released in December 1998 peaking #5 in the UK achieving silver status. It is also the group’s second’s #1 single in UK R&B Charts. This is a 3-track CD single including the album version of the single dubbed as Rude Boy Mix, an album track, and a b-side exclusive to this release.
Track List:
End Of The Line (Rude Boy Mix)
Keep Me Hanging On
Don’t Run Away
End Of The Line (Rude Boy Mix)
Keep Me Hanging On
Don’t Run Away
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julietookoff · 5 years
Las Vegas, New Mexico
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After we left Arlington, we stayed in Amarillo a few days to eat at the Big Texan.  They were very busy on Friday and Sunday - we were seated upstairs both days.  Saturday I went on a quick county run and added 8 counties to my Texas map!  I visited a lot of cemeteries - in one I found a meth addict's drug bag!
We got the RV to the KOA in Las Vegas NM then all went back to Arlington to retrieve the van.  Corny got us a dog-friendly hotel for two nights.  Piggie gave us a scare.  She was fine during the Jeep ride, but when we got to the hotel she seemed to freeze.  I found out it was Tonic Immobility (TI) - "an innate fear response characterized by a temporary state of profound and reversible motor inhibition."  I brought her over to the bed in the morning and set her down next to me.  She came around and started exploring.  Whew.  
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I stayed to get some Virtuals, a ladder cache and lunch at Six Flags.  Corny and the fur babies got the van and went back to Las Vegas.  On my way back with the Jeep, I geocached in Denton, got a bunch of Virtuals, a WebCam, and the State Star in Oklahoma, adding a whopping 24 counties to my map.  I made a beeline home when I found out Poco was howling like a coyote for me!
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OK State Capitol
OKC Bombing Memorial>
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Yes, there are two Las Vegases.  This little one is much more boring than the real one, but much cooler in the summer at around 6500 feet elevation.  Downtown are over 900 buildings on the Historical Registry.  We met the mayor our first day in town; she was babysitting the Visitor Center.  Lots of movies and TV shows are filmed here - the most famous being Easy Rider and Red Dawn.  Here's a good website:  http://lasvegasnm.org/filmed_in_las_vegas_new_mexico/
One day we went downtown and I found a geocache at the Plaza Hotel.  We checked out the gift shop and continued exploring up and down the street and the park for about another 30-45 minutes.  I got in the Jeep and said "Where's my purse???"  I had left it on the sofa in the hotel lobby!  Luckily an honest person found it!!!  It has been decades since I've ever forgotten my purse somewhere.
There are only a dozen or so geocaches nearby.  There is a little Wal-Mart - we went to Santa Fe (50-60 miles west) for Panda, Five Guys and Sam's Club.  Las Vegas has just the basic fast food chains.  There are a few other local restaurants.  We tried The Skillet, Blake's Lotaburger and Charlie's.  Charlie's has ginormous cream puffs, donuts, key lime pie and all sorts of yummy homemade-tasting things.  When we ate at The Skillet, I commented how good the tortillas were.  As we were leaving, an employee came in carrying a big bag of tortillas from Charlie's!
We had a pretty view of the mountains and a Quanset hut at the KOA.  We had low water pressure but the wi-fi was excellent.  Corny had to replace the 8-year old shower faucet.  I couldn't get Dr. Phil so I rarely watched tv.  Survivor started two weeks before we moved to the real Las Vegas, so I had to wait and binge-watch three episodes in one day.  We took short walks with the dogs because somebody always seemed to get a sandspur stuck in their paw.  Ruffles' hairy paws are like Velcro.  They call them grass spurs here!  We had some growing right under our RV.  The staff here is super friendly and one spent 8 hours plucking sandspurs from the big front lawn.
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As planned, Corny took a van trip through the real Las Vegas and Salt Lake City up to a campground in Vancouver, enjoying buffets and DDDs along the way.  He went on a Boeing tour in Seattle.  He went to a "Legends of Tomorrow" filming location and met several of the actors.  He also entertained himself by visiting The Chinese Garden, Stave Falls hydroelectric power plant, Lynn Canyon Park, the Police Museum, Brandywine Falls, Shannon Falls, and Porteau Cove.  He got a call from his Florida doctor while he was away, so he had a short visit, a short stay at home, then headed to Florida in the van again for more tests.
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^Shannon Falls
Before Corny left for Florida, I was able to make a county run around central NM and a bit of TX.  I stayed in Roswell two nights and Albuquerque two nights.  Here's what I wrote to Shorty about my favorite part, at the Alien Head geo-art on BLM land about 10 miles NE of Roswell:  I stomped around in the desert in my snake boots and didn't see any snakes!  I was on a fun bouncy Jeep trail (the kind you've got to unstrap the seatbelt to avoid injury) and stopped to look at the view of the valley - awesome!  While I was stopped a big low-flying eagle went by.  Then a little coyote ran across the trail about 200 feet ahead of me.  Then about 20 pronghorns followed him!  I was overjoyed!  I also saw lots of curious cows with calves.
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Billy the Kid’s tombstone is locked up.
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Panda Express in Santa Fe was a big deal.  In Albuquerque, I found a Del Taco!!!  I hadn't had it in years, and being so deprived in the little town, it was heavenly.  I wanted more the next day, but was on my way home.  Corny was already packed and left the night I came home.  He didn't want to go to Florida.  He had his tests and didn't leave the van for three long days because he had a catheter.
The dogs and I made a county run to northern NM.  When Corny got back, I made a southern NM run.  The Jeep got a workout going up, down, and around the mountains of Gila National Forest.  I got home around midnight.  
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The next day we gladly packed up the Anchor and drove six hours toward the REAL Las Vegas.  We overnighted at a casino parking lot.  We got "home" Sunday and ate at an In & Out.  Corny left Monday around midnight to retrieve the van.  When he got back, the first thing we did was hit the Sam's Town Casino buffet.  The second thing we did was sign up for Cox Internet ($52/month).  We plan to be here about six months, Lord Willing and weather permitting.
Life is Godd!  We fit out.
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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It gets insulting to reach the level of argumentative conversation with God where we start leveling Him off. In the sense that our loses from the past can't be outdone in restoration by Him in our present day of living (Joel 2v25, KJV; Luke 15v11-32, KJV; Genesis 22v1-19, KJV; Job 42v10-17, KJV). Like right now. In the very impossible day the LORD has made Himself (Psalm 118v24, KJV). I'm no one to put a cap on how the LORD can outdo Himself time and time again, even over all that I thought was lost in Him, when everything I have in Him is a treasure stored up heaven (Matthew 6v19-21, KJV). As in, it can't ever be lost, and when it comes back to me through restoration – its got a lot of gained interest for having spent time in someone else's hands. Almost like a reward for not complaining to God about my lost heavenly blessing, as though it were an entitlement. When really it belongs to Him, and just to make a point about how He is a restorer, our blessings come to us with abundance. Lost or not, because that's His style. He's been doin' it since the beginning. With fish and bread, He's done it. Material riches He's done it, and certainly in the modern day Church He's doin' it too. I know He's doing that in my life. So, I'm prayerfully hoping everyone will take a moment to remember with thanks how the LORD is a restorer of everything He has prepared for you in Him. For where the treasures of your life in Him are, there is no loss to claim, but abundance no one can begin to dare dream or imagine measuring in this life or the next. Not because of the quantities per se, but because of how the LORD's grace in our treasures found in Him is unquantifiable, because He is that awesome in how He blesses us. At a level only He can understand, ever. I love that, although that's not the reason for which I declare my love for the LORD, but I certainly don't hate it with an Amen. Because that kind of favor in grace, against us ever losing any blessing in Him, is the kind I just gotta receive, and I'm sure hopin' everyone else will too. In Jesus's name. Amen. (at Denton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0peKcnJ0x2teNG7O7nlQ1N6m83jzKj7Aki5840/?igshid=cba10mtpjtds
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Babe in my womb
Knows me, knows Mother
Yet sees not
who I am.
Creation cocooned within
Sees no face, touches no hands,
Motherless? No
All around IS Mother
allsense allsound allsight alltaste
The walls of existence are Mother
Nourishment gratified is Mother
Steady heartbeats and
Unsteady movement and
Reality itself
Voice of Father
Rumbling through from above,
Far and close,
More clearly distinguished,
since Father is
(Not as Mother who is
who is not
who is us)
Child wombed in mortality
Knows Her, knows Mother
Yet sees not
Her I AM.
No face, no hand, no Being
Motherless? No
All around IS Mother
allsense allnourishment allgrowth allLove
We live within
Reality Herself
Yet wombs are not permanent abode
Veils rend
Travail is delivered
And someday,
In blinding light
We will be delivered
Unto Her,
And look upon
A face that, having never seen
We know
For we knew Mother
All along.
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douxgemini · 3 years
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goswagcollectorfire · 5 years
CARL’S BLOG: DARK CLOUDS OVER ALABAMA; carl’sblog.online: http://sbpra.com/CarlJBarger; Arkansas-Hillbilly.com
11-20-19: My visit with Audrey and Dr. Banister
I decided to ride into Prattville and surprise Audrey and Dr. Banister.  Due to the cold wintery weather I decided not to ride General but instead take the carriage into town.  As I pulled up in front of the dress shop, I tied the reins to the hitching post and went inside.  The store was warm, and the smell of the fragrances coming from the scented candles and perfumes was just heavenly.  As I closed the door behind me, the bells jingled, and I saw Audrey look up from the checkout counter.  She smiled big and made her way around the counter toward me.  Since I didn’t see anyone in the store, I picked up speed and headed toward her.  We embraced and kissed right under some mistletoe.  We couldn’t have picked a better spot in the store.
“Obadiah, when did you get home?”  “I made it home yesterday, late afternoon!” I’ve thought nothing else but you in the past few days.  It’s so good to see you.”  “Audrey, it’s good to see you as well.”  “Are you Christmas shopping?”  “Yes, I am, but mostly I wanted to take you out for lunch.  Are you going to be free for lunch?” I’m always free for you, Obadiah. What time is it?”  “It’s eleven o’clock,” I said.  “Do you have something you could do until twelve?” “I thought I might run by to see Dr. Banister.”  “Why don’t you do that and come back around twelve.  I’ll be ready.”  
As I entered the reception area, Dr. Banister was coming from his examination room with one of his patients.  He saw me and immediately came over to shake my hand.  “Obadiah, when did you get home?”  “Yesterday afternoon!”  “It’s great to see you, young man, and Merry Christmas!”  “Merry Christmas to you as well,” I said shaking his hand.  “Well, Obadiah, tell me, how many more months before I can call you Dr. Obadiah Bradford?”  “Six months, I hope!”  
“What a great accomplishment for you.  I can hardly wait.  Please come with me; I want to show you something.”  He led me past the receptionist’s desk to a door that opened into a hallway.  He had added some additional rooms since I had last visited his office.  The first door to the left was my office.  There was a note on the door that said, “Future office of Dr. Obadiah Bradford.”  
“What do you think about all of this, Obadiah?”  “Dr. Banister, this is just wonderful!”  “I was hoping you would like it.  We’ve worked hard trying to get the addition ready for you to see while you were home for the Christmas break.”  “I had no idea you were doing all of this.”  “I wanted it to be a surprise.  Are you still maintaining a 4.0 grade point?” he asked.  “Yes, Sir, I am.”  “Obadiah, I’ve always known you were very intelligent.”
“Thank you, Dr. Banister.  I owe most of my success to you. My apprenticeship under you has helped me more than books ever could.”  “Well, thank you, Obadiah, for that compliment.  By the way, what are you doing for lunch?”  “I’m taking Audrey to lunch, but you are certainly welcome to come join us.”  “Thank you, Obadiah, but I guess I had better decline your invitation.  It appears I’m always playing second fiddle to your beautiful Audrey Denton.”  “I’m sure Audrey wouldn’t mind.”  “That’s all right, Obadiah. You go ahead and have a nice lunch with Audrey.”
Audrey and I had a wonderful lunch together.  We ate at Pratt’s restaurant, which was owned by Daniel Pratt.  Mr. Pratt owned about every establishment in Prattville.  The food was excellent, and my hour with Audrey went too fast.  We made a date for the Christmas dance and social on Christmas Eve night at the Prattville Town Center.  
After lunch, I drove by Sarah’s home to visit with her before returning to Twin Oaks.  It was a pleasant surprise to find my sisters, Tanyua Ballard and Mary Ann Shadrack, at Sarah’s home.  They had gotten together to compare their Christmas gift lists. Since there were so many Bradford’s to buy for, they wanted to avoid buying the same present for the same person. As I’ve mentioned before, Christmas at James and Catherine Bradford’s home was a big family affair.  It was more than a one day’s affair.  After Christmas dinner, father always read the Christmas story, and then we opened presents.  It took most of the afternoon to open Christmas presents and clean up afterwards.  Since I was terrible at buying Christmas presents, I decided to sweet talk my sisters into shopping and buying my Christmas presents for me.  
My sisters had spoiled me. I guess being the baby in the family has some advantages.  With a few sad stories of why I hadn’t done any Christmas shopping, my sisters agreed to bail me out and do my shopping for me.  There were only two people whom I wanted to personally shop for and that was Penelope and Audrey.  I assured my sisters that I would richly reward them for shopping for me by buying them a nice present.  Of course, they laughed, knowing that I was terrible at picking something out for them. I assured them I would solicit Mother’s help in purchasing their gifts.  
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crosschurchdenton · 6 years
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Day Twenty-Six: Prayers of Happiness
Scriptures:  Job 5:17-18; Psalm 128:1-2; Psalm 144:15; Proverbs 29:18; Ecclesiastes 3:1,4, 11-13, 22; Matthew 5:3-12; John 20:29; Romans 5:1-2; Galatians 5:22-23;  1 Peter 3:14; Revelations 22:14.
Praise and Worship: 10 – 15 minutes or more.
Guidelines: The following prayers are to be prayed fervently. Give attention to, and focus on, every word as you pray. Believe, in your heart, that the Lord is with you and hearing every word of your prayer. Pray for all that are in authority in the United States, the State of Texas, the city and county of Denton. Ask God to take control of their hearts and use them for His glory. Pray, also, for the leadership of Cross Church, and ask God to continually manifest His power and presence in the life of everyone that is a leader in Cross Church. Please follow these guidelines daily!
Father Lord, correct me where I need correction in my life in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, guide and direct me to walk in your ways in Jesus’ name.
Father Lord, manifest as God in every area of my life in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, give me the grace to keep your commandments in Jesus’ name.
Father Lord, let your ordained seasons of my life manifest in the name of Jesus.
I declare that I am blessed in every area of my life in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, increase my faith and trust in you in the name of Jesus.
I receive the fullness of my peace in Christ in Jesus’ name.
I refuse to be troubled in my spirit in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, anoint me to live worthy of my calling in the name of Jesus.
Confession: Declare the following boldly and audibly.
I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. I am chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world that I may be holy and blameless before the Father. I am predestined to adoption as a child by the Father through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His will. The Father has accepted me in the beloved. I have redemption through Jesus Christ’s blood and the forgiveness of sins. I have obtained an inheritance in Christ. I am sealed with the Holy Spirit who is the guarantee of my inheritance. God raised me up in heavenly places to sit with Him in Jesus Christ. I am saved by grace through faith. I am not saved by my own works. I am God's masterpiece. He created me anew in Christ Jesus, so I can do the good things He planned for me long ago. I have been brought to the Father by the blood of Christ. I have access by one Spirit to the Father through Christ Jesus. I am strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man according to the riches of His glory. Christ dwells in my heart by faith. I am rooted and grounded in love.
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Small Changes To Weight Reduction
One оf thе initial issues tо be pruned from thе budget during theѕe tough occasions is thе gym membership. How сan a individual justify investing $100 оr much more at thе well being club whеn many are living paycheck tо paycheck or attempting to conserve fоr the small one's school fund? Each and each book included ѕome "master resell legal rights" that said that I сan flip about аnd resell the publications оn ebay. I believed "this is amazing!" Becoming а freelance web designer iѕ а very feast or famine denton carpet cleaners, and anу extra income looked engaging tо me. The very best component was that almost аll thе publications integrated templated internet webpages tо sell themselves.
Get а workout buddy. Research exhibits thаt by operating out wіth а buddy оr in a team environment уоu arе 3 occasions more most likely tо nonetheless be operating оut а year from now. Meet at the fitness center prior to оr after work, meet аt house to do а fitness video clip or grab уоur lunch buddies аnd head to the gym аnd trade energy іn fоr calories out. Several online sources аrе аlѕо accessible exactly where yоu cаn satisfy individuals on-line who share уоur exact same health аnd fitness passions аnd produce work оut teams and function out practically with eаch other. A useful resource іѕ Group Beachbody, exactly where associates join to share their success, tips, log thеіr workouts, gеt function оut buddies, join teams, publish оn message boards аnd much more. This іs where inspiration performs а crucial function. So today, wе'll talk about a couple of things уоu саn do tо keep your self inspired ѕo уоu adhere tо уour exercise plan. "Inspiration" of a individual means tо infuse thаt individual wіth a "spirit." That's whу the word іs mainly utilized in non secular, оr spiritual, contexts. And that'ѕ аs it should be. Back again at thе office, then, why do my clients keep listening to that thеy require to "inspire" thеir individuals more? What dоes spirituality, or evеn God, havе to do wіth creating mу device's quarterly numbers? Personally, I think it'ѕ simply because times arе extremely tough, and people arе starting tо realize that their spiritual health drives their earthly overall performance. Even іf they arеn't "churchy" individuals, they want what impressed people have. They wаnt to be driven by thаt "spirit," whether or not thеy understand іt аs Heavenly, or aѕ а easy spirit tо perform, tо attain, to assist, оr to lead. Another advantage is more meaningful family members communication. Because а houseboat іs much smaller than a conventional home, wіth extremely little if anу personal space. You have the benefits of great family communication that arrives frоm living in а smaller sized area. Change is truly difficult tо do, everyone knows that. Just believe of a alter in diet plan aѕ а stage іn losing excess weight. If yоu arе а little overweight, then thіs is a great time for уou to shed weight. Not onlу will yоu bе losing weight and managing уour diabetic issues status, but yоu will quickly discover that уou are living а full and healthy life.
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