#Heat Treated Glass Market Analysis
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The Art and Science of Heat Treated Glass: Aesthetic Trends in the Market
Glass is a hard, brittle, non-crystalline, amorphous solid that is transparent and has wide applications in construction, automotive, electronics, solar and others. Heat treated glass are processed at higher temperatures to enhance the physical properties and change the microstructure of glass without altering its optical properties. They exhibit properties like low-emissivity, high-impact resistance and offer self-cleaning benefits. Heat treated glasses have higher mechanical strength and scratch resistance. The global Heat Treated Glass Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 474.5 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 3.2% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market key trends: The increasing application of heat treated glass in construction industry is the major trend that is accelerating the market growth. These glasses are extensively used in architectural applications to provide energy efficiency and safety in buildings. They deliver high-performance characteristics that suits varied architectural designs and help reduce energy consumption by decreasing heat transfer through windows and other facade openings. Low-emissivity coatings on heat treated glasses offer superior insulation against heat/cold transfer through infrared radiation, thus enabling significant savings on electricity bills from heating/cooling systems. This rising use of specialized heat treated glass in green buildings will continue to drive the market exponentially over the forecast period.
Segment Analysis The global heat treated glass market is dominated by tempered glass segment accounting for over 50% of the market share. Tempered glass is one of the strongest forms of glass and is thermo strengthened by controlled surface compression. It is safer and up to four times stronger than standard annealed glass. This property makes it widely used in automotive and construction applications where safety and durability are of prime importance. Key Takeaways The global heat treated glass market is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period of 2023 to 2030.
Regional analysis shows Asia Pacific as the fastest growing region owing to increasing automotive production and construction activities in major countries like China, India and Southeast Asia.
Key players operating in the heat treated glass market are Cincinnati Gasket & Industrial Glass Products and Solutions, Asahi Glass Co.,Ltd., Corning Incorporated, SCHOTT North America, Inc., SCHOTT AG, CoorsTek, Inc., Vesuvius PLC, Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd., CeramTec.
#Heat Treated Glass Market Share#Heat Treated Glass Market Growth#Heat Treated Glass Market Demand#Heat Treated Glass Market Trend#Heat Treated Glass Market Analysis
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"Tempered Glass Market Analysis: Key Drivers and Opportunities 2024-2033"
Tempered glass is revolutionizing industries with its superior strength and safety features, making it the material of choice for everything from smartphones to skyscrapers. This heat-treated glass is up to four times stronger than regular glass and, when broken, shatters into small, blunt pieces, reducing the risk of injury. Whether used in sleek smartphone screens, durable car windows, or modern architectural designs, tempered glass combines durability with aesthetic appeal, setting new standards in both safety and style across multiple sectors.
#TemperedGlass #SafetyGlass #SmartphoneScreens #ArchitecturalDesign #DurableMaterials #Shatterproof #HeatTreatedGlass #BuildingInnovation #ModernArchitecture #AutomotiveGlass #StrongAndSafe #DesignInnovation #TechMaterials #ConstructionMaterials #SafetyFirst
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Key Players and Competitive Strategies in the Heat Treated Glass Market
Glass is a hard, brittle, non-crystalline, amorphous solid that is transparent and has wide applications in construction, automotive, electronics, solar and others. Heat treated glass are processed at higher temperatures to enhance the physical properties and change the microstructure of glass without altering its optical properties. They exhibit properties like low-emissivity, high-impact resistance and offer self-cleaning benefits. Heat treated glasses have higher mechanical strength and scratch resistance. The global Heat Treated Glass Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 474.5 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 3.2% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market key trends: The increasing application of heat treated glass in construction industry is the major trend that is accelerating the market growth. These glasses are extensively used in architectural applications to provide energy efficiency and safety in buildings. They deliver high-performance characteristics that suits varied architectural designs and help reduce energy consumption by decreasing heat transfer through windows and other facade openings. Low-emissivity coatings on heat treated glasses offer superior insulation against heat/cold transfer through infrared radiation, thus enabling significant savings on electricity bills from heating/cooling systems. This rising use of specialized heat treated glass in green buildings will continue to drive the market exponentially over the forecast period.
Segment Analysis
The global heat treated glass market is dominated by tempered glass segment accounting for over 50% of the market share. Tempered glass is one of the strongest forms of glass and is thermo strengthened by controlled surface compression. It is safer and up to four times stronger than standard annealed glass. This property makes it widely used in automotive and construction applications where safety and durability are of prime importance. Key Takeaways The global heat treated glass market is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period of 2023 to 2030.
Regional analysis shows Asia Pacific as the fastest growing region owing to increasing automotive production and construction activities in major countries like China, India and Southeast Asia.
Key players operating in the heat treated glass market are Cincinnati Gasket & Industrial Glass Products and Solutions, Asahi Glass Co.,Ltd., Corning Incorporated, SCHOTT North America, Inc., SCHOTT AG, CoorsTek, Inc., Vesuvius PLC, Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd., CeramTec.
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Heat Treated Glass Market Unveiled Nurturing a Greener Economy
Heat treated glass is used as an architectural product and has wide-ranging applications in commercial and residential constructions. It is commonly used as spandrel glass panels, in insulated glazing units, and as tempered glass for safety and security purposes in residential and commercial buildings. The global heat treated glass market offers a variety of products such as tempered glass, heat strengthened glass, and insulated glass units. Tempered glass is widely used in facades and partition walls owing to its high strength and safety properties. Heat strengthened glass has good thermal and sound insulation capabilities and finds usage in curtain wall facades. The global heat treated glass Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 474.5 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 3.2% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.
Market Dynamics: One of the key drivers for the growth of the heat treated glass market is the rising demand from the construction industry. According to the United States Census Bureau, construction spending in the US increased by 1.3% in January 2023 from December 2022. Furthermore, the Chinese government has outlined plans to invest over $1.4 trillion in infrastructure projects over the next 5 years. Such initiatives to boost infrastructure development are expected to drive the demand for heat treated glass products for architectural applications such as doors, windows, facades, and interior design. Insulated glass units which promise thermal insulation and soundproofing are increasingly being adopted in commercial buildings to gain LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification points. Moreover, tempered glass is finding widespread usage in residential constructions owing to its enhanced safety and security properties. The market is witnessing steady growth due to increasing adoption of heat treated glass variants in modern architectural designs and green building projects globally. SWOT Analysis
Strength: The heat treated glass market offers a variety of advantages over general glass such as high strength, durability and scratch resistance. This makes it suitable for applications requiring high performance glass. It is also lightweight and easy to fabricate which reduces costs. Extensive R&D has led to development of advanced heat treated glass varieties with improved properties.
Weakness: Heat treatment of glass is a complex manufacturing process requiring specialized equipment and skilled labor. This raises production costs making heat treated glass more expensive than regular glass. The energy intensive heating cycles also contribute to higher carbon footprint. Dependence on raw material price volatility is also a weakness.
Opportunity: Growing infrastructure development and construction spending in emerging economies raises demand for stronger, safer glass in buildings. Rise of electric vehicles and solar industry widens scope for heat treated glass use in automotive and renewable energy applications. Innovation in production technologies may help lower costs and widen the addressable market size.
Threats: Stiff competition from other high performance glass and alternative materials poses threat. Economic downturns and uncertainty impacts downstream construction and automotive sectors negatively affecting demand. Stringent environmental regulations regarding emissions can constrain production. Key Takeaways The global heat treated glass market is expected to witness high growth.
Regional analysis indicates Asia Pacific dominates with over 40% share currently owing to large construction sector and presence of major players. China leads consumption followed by India where growth remains fastest as urbanization proceeds apace.
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(via cat lovers Mask by mohammed elhachimi)
funny, cute, fear federal feel feeling few field fight figure fill film final finally financial find fine finger finish fire firm first fish five floor fly focus follow food foot for force foreign forget form former forward four free friend from front full fund future, game garden gas general generation get girl give glass go goal good government great green ground group grow growth guess gun guy hair half hand hang happen happy hard have he head health hear heart heat heavy help her here herself high him himself his, a ability able about above accept according account across act action activity actually add address administration admit adult affect after again against age agency agent ago agree agreement ahead air all allow almost alone along already also although, always american among amount analysis and animal another answer any anyone anything appear apply approach area argue arm around arrive art article artist as ask assume at attack attention attorney audience author authority available avoid away baby back, institution interest interesting international interview into investment involve issue it item its itself job join just keep key kid kill kind kitchen know knowledge land language large last late later laugh law lawyer lay lead leader learn least leave, left leg legal less let letter level lie life light like likely line list listen little live local long look lose loss lot love low machine magazine main maintain major majority make man manage management manager many market marriage material matter may, civil claim class clear clearly close coach cold collection college color come commercial common community company compare computer concern condition conference congress consider consumer contain continue control cost could country couple course court, cover create crime cultural culture cup current customer cut dark data daughter day dead deal death debate decade decide decision deep defense degree democrat democratic describe design despite detail determine develop development die difference different, bad ball bank bar base be beat beautiful because become bed before begin behavior behind believe benefit best better between beyond big bill billion bit black blood blue board book born both box boy break bring brother budget build building, business but buy by call camera campaign can cancer candidate capital car care career carry case catch cause cell center central century certain certainly chair challenge chance change character charge check child choice choose church citizen city, myself name nation national natural nature near nearly necessary need network never new news newspaper next nice night no none nor north not note nothing notice now number occur of off offer office officer official often oh oil ok old on once one only, enough enter entire environment environmental especially establish even evening event ever every everybody everyone everything evidence exactly example executive exist expect experience expert explain eye face fact factor fail fall family far fast father, history hit hold home hope hospital hot hotel hour house how however huge human hundred husband i idea identify if image imagine impact important improve in include including increase indeed indicate industry information inside instead, sort sound source south southern space speak special specific speech spend sport spring staff stage stand standard star start state statement station stay step still stock stop store story strategy street strong structure student study stuff style subject, shake share she shoot short shot should shoulder show side sign significant similar simple simply since sing single sister sit site situation six size skill skin small smile so social society soldier some somebody someone something sometimes son song soon, third this those though thought thousand threat three through throughout thus time to today together tonight too top total tough toward town trade traditional training travel treat treatment tree trial trip trouble true truth try turn tv two type, difficult dinner direction director discover discuss discussion disease do doctor dog door down draw dream drive drop drug during each early east easy eat economic economy edge education effect effort eight either election else employee end energy enjoy, onto open operation opportunity option or order organization other others our out outside over own owner page pain painting paper parent part participant particular particularly partner party pass past patient pattern pay peace people per perform, cat, love, success successful such suddenly suffer suggest summer support sure surface system table take talk task tax teach teacher team technology television tell ten tend term test than thank that the their them themselves then theory there these they thing think, animal, tie dye hippie hipster rainbow tumblr cool peace trendy colorful cute shaka trending trippy beach blue pastel hippy dye funny hang loose indie jeep ocean tie aesthetic boho fashion girly good vibes love popular positive surf vibes weed adventure bohemian, dope feminism girl green groovy grunge hand happy hawaii kawaii life loose mandala meme music nice pale peaceful pink purple space summer tiedye trend tye die tye dye vintage 70s 90s artsy be happy black california car colors drugs festival florida food, fun good goth hang hearts hippies instagram la logo lsd marijuana meditate new york peace sign pineapple psychedelic pun quote retro script shoes sign stay woke tie die top selling travel traveling tropical typography vibe water waves white woke yellow zen, 1960 1970 2019 3 420 60s aestethic alex morgan alien aloha anatomy apples atlanta atlantis avocado avocados awesome backgrounds ball basic beautiful bernie birkenstocks black and white bloodshot bob bob weir bones bong brandy melville bright bright side, bro bud buddha buddhas bumper ca cali calligraphy calm cartoon case chaco chacos chakra chakras chance the rapper chic chicago chill chill out city claire andrews claireandrewss classic clout clout goggles college colour colourful country cowabunga dancing, skeleton dark blue dead head death designs disco dolphin donut doodle dorm down drake dude edm elephant elephants emoji eno equal pay eyes fall fat buddha fist floral flower flowers font four stars fries fruit fry funds fye gd50 girl gang girl girl girls
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Heat Treated Glass Market: How much will be the total production?
Report Hive Research adds Heat Treated Glass market report to its research database. This market study featured in this report is equipped with crucial information for guiding through the expansion of the industry. The statistical information provided serves as a backbone while facing business challenges in the highly dynamic market situations, where no one controls the uptrends and downfalls.
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#Heat Treated Glass#Heat Treated Glass CAGR#Heat Treated Glass Industry#Heat Treated Glass Industry 2020#Heat Treated Glass Industry Forecast#Heat Treated Glass Industry Growth#Heat Treated Glass Industry Opportunity#Heat Treated Glass Industry Research#Heat Treated Glass Industry Size#Heat Treated Glass Market#Heat Treated Glass Market 2020#Heat Treated Glass Market Analysis#Heat Treated Glass Market CAGR#Heat Treated Glass Market Demand#Heat Treated Glass Market Forecast#Heat Treated Glass Market Growth#Heat Treated Glass Market key players#Heat Treated Glass Market Latest Reports 2020#Heat Treated Glass Market Manufacturers#Heat Treated Glass Market opportunity#Heat Treated Glass Market Report 2020-2025#Heat Treated Glass Market Revenue#Heat Treated Glass Market Share#Heat Treated Glass Market Size#Heat Treated Glass Market Supply#Heat Treated Glass Market Till forecast 2025#Heat Treated Glass Market Trend#Heat Treated Glass Market Trends#Heat Treated Glass Supply Chain Analysis#latest reports
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Lyric prompt! "With no-one wearing their real face It's a whiteout of emotion And I've only got my brittle bones to break the fall"
Tony Stark was in the nearly-brand-new luxury car that his father Howard was driving. His mother had put in a tape of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker and Tony was nowhere to be found.
They think he died in the woods due to a substantial amount of blood found soaked into snow, and the fact that it was on a twisty road with no help coming until the following day, and the temperature was well and truly freezing.
It was snowing. Snow covered tracks.
They technically never found Tony Stark. He was the cause of multiple conspiracy theories, such as:
1.) He had died earlier and the Starks had been replacing him until it was impossible to. His double’s name was Arno, which was a name that was very unfortunate and also quite ugly.
2.) Tony Stark, unable to deal with the pressures of his life, had run away and was currently running a coffee shop in Portland. This was substantiated with a picture of a barista with remarkable similarities, and the article got substantial clout on the internet until the barista, named Robert, had said “please take this down all I’m doing is loving my wife and making coffee I can’t handle much more than that.”
3.) Tony Stark had run away from his life and the strained relationship with his parents (complete with picture analysis), and wanted to live his life in peace and quiet by himself and maybe have a regular existence while also lying low in the shadows and taking care of corporate criminals.
The last one didn’t gain much traction. But it was the only one that was correct.
(The last theory is credited to WARMACHINEROX, all caps and no spaces.)
Tony Stark became Tony Jarvis, and while people say he looks similar to the late Howard Stark, he laughs it off and says that he was raised in upstate New York with cozy sweaters and a loving aunt and uncle who made the best damn hot chocolate in the state.
People do not question this because outside of New York City, there really is nothing to learn about unless you’re into that sort of thing. And most people who ask are not.
Tony Jarvis owns his own coffee shop that also doubles as a record/bookshop, because he is nothing if not resourceful. He always seems to have just the record you were looking for, or the right book to gift to a friend in times of trouble. (Whether or not you have known about it.)
Kids walk down every Friday to treat themselves to a cookie and a book, sitting quietly and smiling as Tony asks them about class and helps out with math homework. He wears nice cardigans and talks to their parents when they’ve arrived. He likes dogs. And he wears scarves when it gets really cold.
Of course Tony also tracks down corporate criminals and tends to make a right mess of things in a roundabout way, but he will take the occasional Saturday off to go to the farmers’ market and get a fresh bouquet of flowers, fresh-baked bread, and a nice blend of coffees from the shop down the street.
It’s fun, really. Amusing at its most dangerous.
They call him Iron Man. Might be because he’s designed a flying suit that he flies around in and his ability to get through systems is amazing, but more amazing is the fact that no one can get through his.
Well, the only person who could--Colonel Rhodes--says the system is too complicated and it would take years to understand.
Rhodes goes by Rhodey and is a great friend of Tony Jarvis. He reads to the children who want it on Friday and likes coffee. He also likes beating Tony at his game and ruining his strategies online.
But he won’t crack the codes needed, and Tony likes that.
Why did Tony become someone else? The answer is simple: he didn’t trust anyone that was in his life save for Edwin and Ana, and perhaps his mother. (But his mother would never leave someone like Howard. Tony’s not sure she even could.)
There was underground dealings. Hydra agents that were supposed to be dead landing in profitable positions. And the pesky little fact that Tony didn’t like the way that Obadiah Stane handled things and was evasive and weird and he had a strange look about him.
This doesn’t necessarily make him a villain.
At least, until Tony found the files that were ordering an assassination hit on his family.
And then he faked his death. Or his disappearance. Whatever.
Now he’s wanted by the US government and SHIELD, the former of which is not important because they have the skillset of a toddler. SHIELD is much more important as they tend to hire people who are skilled, which is unfortunate for Tony.
They hire people like Natasha Romanov, the Black Widow and the woman who gets front row tickets to see Rihanna. She has that type of energy, which Tony knows and is scared of.
They have Bruce Banner on retainer, the scientist who is so blisteringly smart that Tony thinks if he ever sees him in real life, he’s gonna have to wear sunglasses.
They also have Falcon. Enough said.
Steve Rogers isn’t so much a threat because Tony is pretty sure that he could see “look at that!” and his head would turn in that direction, allowing a clean getaway. But Rogers can have the occasional good strategy. (More than occasional.)
And Winter Soldier. Bucky Barnes. Oh, he’s cute. And dangerous. Mostly cute though.
“He’s gonna kill you,” Rhodey reminds Tony, pushing a new shipment of books onto the shelves. “He’s gonna kill you and you’re gonna let him because when you like someone you think everything about them is cute and good.”
“If he finds me,” Tony sniffs. “Of all the bookshops in New York, you think he’s gonna walk into this one?”
As a matter of fact, yes he is. Bucky Barnes is not really the type of guy to have his life together. He knows how to fix a sink and make the pipes work better, and so he gets a discount on his apartment’s rent.
But he thinks that he’s all-together while conveniently forgetting that he was trained for combat and not to be a human being and it’s not all that smooth, going from being a machine to being human.
He forgets he has to buy coffee.
This culminates in him realizing he has no hobbies outside SHIELD and Steve recommends finding a bookshop.
So he does.
The man who is running it is nice. He has glasses, a kind smile, and jams his hands into his cardigan.
(His brain whispers that he’s doing it to not give himself away.
Bucky ignores this because regular humans do a lot of things that aren’t like his targets.
He should not have ignored this. Or maybe he still should. Either way.)
Tony Jarvis is Tony Jarvis. No one else knows that up until about eight years ago, Tony Jarvis did not exist.
And he’s looking at Bucky Barnes, who has quite the record for successful targets and also has a nice smile, apparently.
(He’s wondering when the dental work was done. Honestly, he is.)
“I’m...new to the area,” Bucky says. “And my friend suggested that I find a bookshop and sit down to read. Any recommendations?”
“What’s your favorite genre?” Tony asks, as if he doesn’t know that it’s science-fiction and also mysteries. (Peggy liked to talk.)
“I like mysteries. And science-fiction,” Bucky says.
“Well then, I have some recs for you,” Tony answers, turning. “Let me get them to you. Also, do you like chocolate chip or oatmeal for cookies? They’re complementary for first visits.”
“You can tell when someone first visits?” Bucky asks.
“I have a good memory, and I would’ve remembered someone like you,” Tony says.
(he’s so glad he’s faced away. his face is firetruck red and it’s not because he’s been blasting the heat ever since the temperatures dropped)
The shop itself is cozy. Bucky gets sucked into a book about a space criminal. He’s never read anything like it, and he loves the way it’s written.
He buys it and tucks it under his arm as he hears a soft chime from his phone.
Meeting about the problem. be there asap
Bucky sighs, chewing the oatmeal cookie that he was given.
He nearly drops it from his mouth.
“Where do you get these?” he asks Tony. “These are the best things I’ve ever tasted, and oatmeal is my favorite!”
“I, um, I made them?” Tony says. “I can forward you the recipe next time you stop by, if you’d like.”
“Nah, that’s okay,” Bucky says. “They’re always better when someone else makes them, in my opinion. If that’s okay.”
“Makes sense,” Tony says. “Have a good day!”
Bucky smiles to himself. (Tony Jarvis has a rather nice smile. It’s kind.)
Meanwhile, Tony is sagged up against the wall. Bucky Barnes is now close. He will come back because Tony cannot make himself be mean to someone like him.
But he can’t be caught. Not yet.
Not when he’s planning on a total take-down.
#lovelyirony writes#bucky barnes#tony stark#winteriron#i actually really love this#inspired by the writing styles of terry pratchett and neil gaiman honestly#listen: tony just wants 2 help people and hold babies#bucky just wants to live his life
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Project 4: Research
We all delegated jobs for everyone to look into some research on fashion so that we could have some foundation information and statistics to work off of.
Waste Statistics on Fashion Consumption - Claudia
- Second to oil, the clothing and textile industry is the largest polluter in the world. - The fashion industry contributes 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions due to its long supply chains and energy intensive production. - Nearly 20% of global waste water is produced by the fashion industry - 15.1 million tons of textile waste was generated in 2013, of which 12.8 million tons were discarded. - A few communities have textile recycling programs, about 85% of this waste goes to landfills where it occupies about 5% of landfill space and the amount is growing. - Up to 95% of the textiles that are land filled each year could be recycled. - Using recycled cotton saves 20,000 liters of water per kilogram of cotton, a water-intensive crop. - Only about 0.1% of recycled fiber collected by charities and take-back programs is recycled into new textile fibers - Consumers are regarded as the main culprit for throwing away their used clothing, as only 15 percent of consumer-used clothing is recycled, whereas more than 75 percent of pre-use clothing is recycled by the manufacturers. - The average person buys 60 percent more items of clothing every year and keeps them for about half as long as 15 years ago, generating a huge amount of waste.The average lifetime of a piece of clothing is approximately 3 years.
Fast Fashion - Huy
Negative - Cheap, trendy clothing - One of the most polluting industries - Creates a huge climate change footprint through its unsustainable practices - Popular brands include ASOS, Boohoo, H&M, Zara, Missguided, Shein - Average person discards about 80 pounds (36kgs) of textiles each year, being almost double of what was discarded 20 years ago - Cheap labor, harsh working conditions - H&M produces so much surplus inventory, they began burning the clothing for fuel
Positive - Better to prioritise quality > quantity of clothing - “Slow fashion” promotes conscious consumption and supports companies that protect the environment and respects their workers. - rent /sell clothing, there is a growing market for second-hand clothes - Many aren’t actually aware of the damage because information on the impacts of our clothes are not readily available to us, so once they are educated, their behaviour is likely to change - Good to inform people in a way that is easily digestible and visually appealing
Fabric/Material Analysis - Oliver
Common clothing fabric
1. Cotton cloth
Cotton cloth is a general term for all kinds of cotton textiles. Most of them are used for making casual wear, underwear, shirts, etc. The advantages are good warmth, softness, moisture absorption and good breathability. The disadvantage is that it is easy to shrink and wrinkle.
2. Burlap
Burlap is a kind of cloth made of linen, jute, sisal, and hemp. Generally used to make casual wear, work wear, summer wear, the advantages are extremely high strength, moisture absorption, heat conduction, and good ventilation. The disadvantage is that it is uncomfortable to wear, rough and blunt.
3. Silk
Silk is a general term for various silk fabrics made from silk. It is used to make a variety of clothing, especially suitable for making women's clothing, such as some scarves and dresses. The advantages are light, fit, soft, smooth, breathable, multi-colored, shiny and comfortable to wear. The disadvantage is that it is prone to wrinkles, easy to stick, not strong, and easy to fade.
4. Wool
Wool is a general term for fabrics of various types of wool and cashmere. Usually used to make dresses, suits, coats, and other high-end clothing. The utility model has the advantages of anti-wrinkle and abrasion resistance, soft hand feeling, elasticity, strong heat retention and secondary use. The disadvantage is that the washing is difficult, and the material is heavy.
5. Leather
Leather is an animal fur fabric that has been tanning. Divided into two categories, one is leather, depilated leather. The other is suede, a treated leather with skin and hair that has the advantage of being light and warm. The disadvantages are that they are expensive, storage, and care.
6. Chemical fiber
Chemical fiber is a kind of fiber textile made from high molecular compound, which is usually divided into artificial fiber and synthetic fiber. Their common advantages are bright colors, soft texture and comfort. The disadvantages are wearing resistance, heat resistance, moisture absorption, poor gas permeability, preheating and deformation, and easy generation of static electricity. Can make all kinds of clothes, but most of them are not comfortable.
7. Blended
Blended, it is a fabric made of natural fiber and chemical fiber mixed in a certain proportion, which can be used to make all kinds of clothing. The advantages are that there are advantages of cotton, hemp, silk, woolen cloth and chemical fiber, and they avoid their respective shortcomings, and the value is relatively low and relatively popular.
Fiber classification: natural fabrics and non-natural fabrics
A. Plant fiber: cotton, hemp, fruit fiber
B. Animal fiber: wool, rabbit hair, silk
C. Mineral fiber: asbestos
D. Recycled fiber: viscose, acetate, modal, bamboo fiber
E. Synthetic fiber: synthetic cotton, polyester, acrylic, spandex... (Synthetic fiber: Polyester fiber: Polyester, melting point 255~260°C, bonding starts at 205°C, safe ironing temperature is 135°C.
Polyamide: Nylon, melting point 230~270 °C, available on the Internet.)
F. Inorganic fiber: glass fiber, metal fiber.
Old clothes collection process:
1. Clothing eligible for donation - disinfection - donation, charity;
2. white cotton fabric - fiber treatment - cotton yarn;
3. colored fines - fiber treatment - non-woven fabrics;
4. polyester fabric - chemical treatment decomposition - polyester raw materials;
How Clothing Recycling Works (https://www.thebalancesmb.com/textile-recycling-facts-and-figures-2878122)
Clothing recycling is part of textile recycling. It involves recovering old clothing and shoes for sorting and processing. End products include clothing suitable for reuse, cloth scraps or rags as well as fibrous material. Interest in garment recycling is rapidly on the rise due to environmental awareness and landfill pressure. For entrepreneurs, it provides a business opportunity. In addition, various charities also generate revenue through their collection programs for old clothing.
Garment recycling involve a series of sequential activities as outlined below:
Creating Awareness of Clothing Recycling
Website information. A basic step for garment recyclers is to raise public awareness with information about the importance and benefits of donating used items like clothing and shoes. As such, recycling companies often provide educational materials at their websites regarding garment recycling and its importance. They may also explain what items they accept for recycling.
Informative bins and truck signage. Other approaches to raising awareness truck and bin markings. Colorful bins help describe what articles of clothing are accepted and what charity benefits from the contribution. Truck signage can be useful in raising awareness, for example, of home pickup programs for old clothing.
Clothing recyclers use a variety of strategies for picking up clothing. Post-consumer clothing is picked up generally from bins placed in public places, as well as from clothing drives and door-to-door collection. Bins are typically placed strategically in public places like parking lots in business centers and shopping malls. Colorful bins are positioned in high traffic, high visibility locations to help maximize donations.
One recent development has been the partnering of leading retailers with garment recycling companies such as I:Co. In collaboration with its partners, I:CO collected around 17,000 tons of clothing and shoes in 2015 (or 37 million pounds) while recycling 40 percent of the clothing or almost 15 million pounds.
Clothing sorting
Once collected, clothing is classified into three groups: reuse, rags, and fiber. Typically this is a manual sorting process that requires expertise in identifying various types of material. The process can be aided by such mechanical systems as conveyor belts and bins to segregate various grades of material. There is, however, at least one initiative to automate the sorting process, known as Textiles4Textiles.
Recyclers report that about one-half of donated garments can be reused. Some recyclers bale this clothing for export to developing countries, while some garments are used domestically for sale in thrift shops. Industrial cloth rags and wipes are another important residuals of the recycling process. Additionally, clothing may be reduced to fibrous material.
Textile fabric and clothing commonly consist of composites of synthetic plastics and cotton (biodegradable material). The composition will influence its method of recycling and durability.
Collected clothing is sorted and graded by highly experienced and skilled workers. These sorted items are sent to different destinations as outlined.
For natural textiles, incoming items are sorted in terms of color and material. By segregating colors, the need for re-dying can be eliminated, reducing the need for pollutants and energy. Then the clothing is torn into sloppy fibers and combined with other chosen fibers, conditional on the planned end use of the recycled fiber. Once cleaned and spun, fibers can be compressed for use in mattress production. Textiles which are sent to the flocking industry are used to produce filling material for furniture padding, panel linings, loudspeaker cones, and car insulation.
The recycling process works somewhat differently for polyester-based materials. In this case, the first thing is to remove zippers and buttons and then to cut the clothing into smaller pieces. Those shredded small fabrics are then granulated and shaped into pellets.
As the textile industry continues to grow, it will be challenged to devise ways to boost recycling rates as well as to develop technologies that will help maximize the value of recovered material.
Conversation with Galleries - Mac
Guidance for appropriate places to display our creative creator as an interactive installation. - Asking what they are looking for and requirements to get published/displayed. - What is required to get it displayed on a national level. Contacted the acting director at Auckland city art gallery Toi o Tamaki about what it would take to have an installation at that level. The results being that they only publish widely known artists as installations. They gave recommendations for local community hubs and suggested starting at that level.
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Vatican Miracle Examiner sidestory - The Wonderful Boss’s Celebration (parts 11 and 12 - END)
In the final instalments of this sidestory, we go out with a bang, in classic VME style. This made me yelp “what the FUCK” out loud in a library, and I mean that in the best way possible.
NOTE: This sidestory will be included in the next VME book, a short story collection that will be published on 22nd November, titled The Intersection of Angels and Fallen Angels. It’ll contain stories featuring Hiraga, Roberto, and Dr. Singh, in addition to this one. The publisher’s summary is: “A cursed gemstone is said to be the personal property of the tragic young girl Beatrice Cenci. Can Hiraga and Roberto unravel that curse?! What is the secret of the banquet that Julia holds for his boss?!”
So. Time to find out the secret!
[Parts 1 and 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, parts 7 and 8, part 9, part 10]
“Oh, this one’s simple, isn’t it? You can tell just from looking. They’re fritters of edible frog. Is there some special reason for choosing frog for the poisson, instead of fish?”
Ruggieri dipped the fritter - sculpted in the shape of a tulip - in the sauce, and conveyed it to his mouth.
“Hmm. A light, juicy meat, and I can taste an intense savour in its depths. There’s no odour at all, and the deboning is well-done too. I don’t know much about frogs, but they’re a French specialty, aren’t they? The sauce is extremely rich; along with the flavour of parsley and arugula, there’s a potent salty accent that shines through. This is… Is there salt-cured pig fatback in this?”
“Yes. It’s just as you said - frogs, which are undoubtedly amphibians, are classified as seafood in French cuisine. Among these, the variety regarded as being the most delicious is the fresh grenouille which can be caught in the Dombes wetlands of the Bourgogne region. Right now, they are exactly in season. You’re also correct that salt-cured fatback was used in the sauce,” Julia replied blandly, and took a drink of his wine.
“Which is to say I win this match? After that palate-cleanser, is it time for the main meat course at last? It was fun doing this quiz with you, but honestly, I’ve gotten tired of waiting,” Ruggieri said, cracking his knuckles.
In the small palate-cleanser dish was a granité, made of crystallised Taste of Diamonds.
Next, the main dish and salad were swiftly brought before them.
An abundance of black truffles, exuding a powerful aroma, was perched atop a magnificently browned steak. The accompanying sides were truffle-scented gnocchi and Cèpe mushrooms, potato galettes, and quiche with sausage filling.
First, Ruggieri carefully inspected the surface of the steak, and filled his lungs with a deep inhale of its scent.
He slowly cut into the meat with a finely-honed knife; its juices seeped out from within, and a cross-section of the beautiful red meat was exposed. Ruggieri took a large slice of meat, and let its sensual flavour spread fully through his mouth.
Silently, looking as though he was possessed, he worked his knife, and ate a second mouthful.
Watching this, Julia quietly opened his mouth.
“Long ago, the French royalty and aristocracy would first go hunting, then cook their spoils and host parties. Lifting the ban on hunting, and enjoying wild game in autumn and winter - isn’t this the zenith of French cuisine?”
“Ahh… I see, so that’s why you chose this scenario? You hunted wild animals that only live in this national park. Indeed, this meat has a flavour I’ve never tasted before. American bison? Those young ones, right?”
“No, no, Ruggieri. This place was chosen in order to stage a production. This meat is not something that can be classified as game. But the techniques of cooking game are applied to preparing the meat and the sauce. This rich sauce is a specially produced salmi sauce; it was made by adding cognac and red wine to coarsely chopped bones and sauteed potherbs, boiling them with fond de veau and spices, straining this, and mixing it with sauteed innards. After further heating, butter, salt and pepper, and fresh cream were added to enhance the flavour.”
Julia’s words were like a riddle; Ruggieri cocked his head, puzzled.
He had another bite of the meat. The dense flavour flooded his mouth; it was like paradise.
“The meat is tender, and the ratio of fat to lean meat is just right. The delicate flesh and the state of the fibres are like wagyu beef. The sweetness is pronounced, but there’s a variety of flavours apart from that. There’s no unpleasant off-taste… But the meat has a certain odour… Hrrmm…”
Ruggieri muttered to himself briefly, then set down his knife and fork, and looked squarely at Julia.
“It looks like I have to admit defeat. Julia, tell me. Just what is this delicious meat? I definitely want to add it to my list of favourite dishes from now on.”
“Yes, I will explain. But before that, Ruggieri - please be sure to try the accompanying galette and quiche, as well as the salad.”
Ruggieri bit into the galette, like Julia said.
“This is rich! The filling is roe, right? It’s a full-bodied, concentrated umami.”
“Yes. That contains innards and brain tissue.”
“Hmm, I see. It’s dense.”
Then he took a bite of the quiche.
“The scent of fresh blood is wafting through my nose… There’s a crunchy texture to the inside.”
“Indeed. That sausage was prepared this very morning.”
“Blood sausage, huh? Well, next was the salad. Is the dressing a sort of gelatin?”
Ruggieri ate a mouthful of salad.
“This scent and flavour… it’s jellied consommé. Oh, there’s something slippery and gelatinous inside. This texture… could it be an eyeball? It really goes down smoothly.”
“Yes, you’re spot-on. I’m glad you seem to like it. Now then, here is a question for you. Have you ever eaten artificial meat? Beyond Meat - said to be the most advanced artificial meat - is produced through MRI analysis of the protein and fat structure of real meat patties, and then recreating the same structure using plant-derived components. It sizzles on the grill like real meat; it captures the moisture of meat, the way it burns, and its texture in the mouth. It even gives off the aroma of meat.”
At this, Ruggieri stared suspiciously at Julia.
“Artificial meat? You mean what I ate was artificial meat?”
“Of course not. Do you think that I would prepare such a crude imitation for you?”
Ruggieri sank back against his chair, looking slightly relieved at Julia’s words.
“Then just what meat is it? Hurry up and tell me.”
“Yes. What we were just eating is human flesh,” Julia whispered softly into Ruggieri’s ear.
Ruggieri’s eyebrows twitched. He looked sharply at Julia.
“What the…”
“Please relax. We did not prepare and serve some unknown human. This is the true identity of the meat you ate.”
Next to Julia’s own plate stood a tray covered with a silver lid. He slid this in front of Ruggieri.
Then he silently removed the silver lid.
In the middle of the tray was a crystal glass filled with clear liquid. Within this floated a single emerald green eyeball, bobbing gently.
“Th-this is…!”
Ruggieri drew in a sharp breath at that familiar eye colour.
“Heh. That’s right. This is a duplicate of my eye. All the meat you have eaten tonight was my flesh. It was cultivated using cells taken from various parts of my body.”
Ruggieri stared at Julia, unable to conceal his astonishment.
“In other words, I’ve been eating you…?”
“Did this not suit your tastes? In ancient China, there was a custom of exchanging and eating their children, as a mark of affection. It is said that, on occasions of the finest hospitality, one would treat the guests to a dish of one’s own children. In the Bible too, Abraham was commanded by God to sacrifice his only son. God appreciated that deed, and named him God’s faithful servant. I decided that I would emulate them, but I think that, rather than children, offering myself to be eaten better demonstrates my loyalty to you.”
Hearing this, Ruggieri pounded heavily on the table, and burst into hearty laughter.
“Ahahahaha, is that it?! I’m very, very pleased with this. To think I’ve been eating you! This was truly fine entertainment!”
“Thank you very much.”
Julia bowed deeply.
Now in a thoroughly good humour, Ruggieri rose from his seat and, taking Julia’s hand, drew him to his feet.
“My wonderful cousin. You must let me have this dance.”
“Yes, gladly.”
The two of them began waltzing in time to the orchestral music.
“Anyway, I’m surprised. So Galdoune’s technology has progressed this far,” Ruggieri said excitedly.
“It was a great struggle. I shall simply say that every technique was employed - I could not have you eat unappetising meat. Cells were harvested from every body tissue and cultured through various methods, and the flavour was carefully evaluated. Looking at the separate parts, it was found that the area around the human eye seemed to be the most delicious. The optic nerve was especially delectable. The crunchy texture of the blood sausage is because it contains optic nerves.
“Organs like the liver, stomach, and brain were also found to have rich flavour and little odour. The elastic stomach flesh was served in the style of abalone, and fig extract was added to the culture fluid of the liver cells - precisely like the preparation of foie gras. The bones also yielded a stock full of flavour and nutrients.
“The so-called lean meat is muscle tissue modelled after the biceps and shoulder. Regular electrical stimulation was applied to simulate the flesh undergoing moderate exercise. If there was too little fat, it could not be chewed, and if there was too much, the smell would be cloying; it required difficult fine-tuning. By the way, all of the blood used in the meat and sausage was drawn from me.”
Ruggieri listened to Julia’s matter-of-fact explanation with an air of delight.
“Well, this is really fascinating. Anyway, just how did you come up with an idea like this?”
“Synthetic meat is interesting. The global market of meat foodstuffs is about 90 billion dollars, and currently, the top seven major food companies account for 80 percent of it. This could be a weapon to break through that. In fact, an artificial meat called ‘Quorn’ has been sold in Europe for around 30 years, but this is made from fermented mushroom protein, and cannot be considered delicious. Recently, artificial meat seems to be becoming a popular trend in America too - but from your sense of the situation, Ruggieri, do you think it will establish itself?”
“Hmm… Following on from Europe, vegetarianism and veganism are steadily growing in America as well. The propaganda we’ve circulated - that eating animal meat is against the spirit of animal welfare - seems to have had quite some success. Moreover, there are estimates that about 18 percent of greenhouse gases are produced by rearing livestock for food. This means that, on the environmental front, the potential demand for clean meat - ‘meat that doesn’t kill livestock’ - shows no signs of declining either. Confidence in the major food companies - which, until now, have been growing crops using large amounts of agrochemicals, and producing meat in their factory farms - is at an all-time low. Diets are shifting towards organic vegetables and artificial meat, and there’s a rapidly growing number of people who consider this a hallmark of the new age - especially among young people. To say nothing of the developing countries dealing with population explosions - for them, a supply of cheap protein is absolutely necessary. In 2050, the entire human population will require double its current protein supply; it’s said that it’s practically impossible for all of that to be covered by animal protein.
“On top of that… humans who don’t consume animal protein grow weaker in rebelliousness, fighting spirit, and psychological resistance. They become submissive and easier to control, don’t they? That’s also ideal from the perspective of ruling the masses; it’s truly a very interesting technology.
“Even so, at this point, the state of infiltration still falls short. There are many passionate vegetarians and vegans among America’s middle class and wealthy upper classes, but they’re no more than 5 percent of the population. In short, artificial meat is too expensive for the remaining commoners and poor people. Artificial meat made from plant-based materials - like Beyond Meat, which Bill Gates also invested in - costs about six dollars for two hamburger patties; a hamburger’s price is currently 19 dollars. Compared to that, mass-produced real meat hamburgers are one or two dollars. As long as real meat can be bought so cheaply, people won’t go out of their way to try artificial meat.
“Well, even if it’s only targeting the rich, it’s a solid investment. But to popularise it on the level of the common people, a system for low-cost mass production is necessary, isn’t it?”
“Yes, that’s right. But, Ruggieri, I thought this through while preparing for this entertainment. If explosive population growth occurs in the near future, that will cause worldwide protein shortage, severe environmental impact, and animal welfare issues. Don’t you think these problems would be solved by cultivating one’s own flesh and eating it? That would be the ultimate ecological movement. The experiment this time established the know-how for cultivating human flesh; I think it could be put on the commercial track before long.”
“Hmm… But will people be receptive? America is surprisingly conservative. And doesn’t almost every country in the world have a taboo against eating human flesh?”
Ruggieri frowned slightly.
“No, no - wasn’t it you who said that the values of things change with the times, Ruggieri? Whether or not a boom happens depends on whether we instigate it, doesn’t it?”
Julia gazed intently at Ruggieri, his eyes clear and unclouded.
“Got it. I’ll give it some thought.”
“I’m grateful. By the way, how about having some dessert after the meal?”
Ruggieri shook his head at Julia’s question.
“No, this is plenty already. It was a really stimulating full-course meal. I bow to your production.”
“Is that so? I’m relieved to hear that. In that case, what are your plans for tonight?”
“Of course I’ll stay over - I’m feeling great. Julia, I want to hunt tomorrow. Is that possible?”
“Yes. If you’d like to do that, the arrangements have been made.”
“Then send the women back, and let’s go hunting together tomorrow morning. Now, how about I get a massage too?”
“Please make yourself comfortable.”
Ruggieri left the ger with a spring in his step, beaming broadly.
He left the doors standing open; through them, the silently falling snow was visible in the darkness. It reflected the room’s lighting, and glittered in dazzling flashes of silver.
With a small smile, Julia returned to his seat to resume the interrupted meal.
Maxim promptly brought cheese and wine to the table.
“Master Julia. Was Master Ruggieri pleased by tonight’s entertainment?”
“Yes, he enjoyed himself like a child.”
“That is most important.”
“As I expected, he wants to go hunting tomorrow.”
“As you wish. I will finish the arrangements with the hunters.”
“Anyway, it’s foolish, isn’t it. Being so satisfied by my flesh. Even though the truly delicious part of humans isn’t the physical body… Ruggieri cannot become a genuine gourmet. Isn’t that right, Maxim?”
Maxim bowed his head deeply.
“Yes. It is as you say. In the world, there are no gourmets on par with you, Master Julia.”
At Maxim’s reply, a fiendish smile drifted across Julia’s face. Draining his red wine, he once again drew out the small rouge-coloured vial, and gazed into its dark depths.
“Now then… What sort of experiment shall I do next?”
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Alumina Trihydrate Market Size, Share, Demand & Growth by 2031
APEJ and North America are leading the alumina trihydrate markets. Collectively, they are anticipated to account for nearly half of the revenue share in the global market by 2031 end.
Alumina trihydrate (ATH) is used in manufacture of glass, ceramics, paints & coatings, etc. It finds major application as a flame retardant and smoke suppressant in materials due to its ability to release water of crystallisation as water vapour when heated above 220°C.
Alumina trihydrate is commercially available in the market for a number of applications such as waterproofing, furniture and tapestry production. Alumina trihydrate is available in multiple grades—coarse, precipitated, chemically treated and superfine. Depending on the application and customised demand from end-user industries, these grades and particle sizes can be modified.
Alumina trihydrate also finds major application in polyester and polymer resins as low-smoke, non-toxic replacement for latex, rubber, wires & cables and floorings. Major end-use industries that use alumina trihydrate are plastics, paper, paints & coatings, adhesives, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.
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Factors Driving the Alumina Trihydrate Market
Key driving factors identified in the global alumina trihydrate market include increasing growth of flame retardant plastics in industrial sectors such as automotive and construction in emerging markets and increasing use of alumina trihydrate in chemical applications.
Increasing use of alumina trihydrate as flame retardant as well as a filler in adhesives and paints & coatings industry is expected to drive growth of the alumina trihydrate market over the forecast period. Increasing use of alumina trihydrate (alum) in water treatment are expected to fuel growth of the overall global alumina trihydrate market during the forecast period.
Demand for ultra-fine alumina trihydrate as flame retardant is a major underlying factor anticipated to fuel growth of the global alumina trihydrate market between 2016 and 2026. This, in turn, is forecast to create significant market opportunities for alumina trihydrate manufacturers, distributors and product assemblers in the coming years. Demand for alumina trihydrate is especially high in emerging market such as India, China, and Brazil.
Alumina Trihydrate Market Segmentation
Key market participants covered in the report include Alfa Aesar, Sumitomo Co. Ltd., Albemarle Corporation, Nabaltec AG, Huber Engineered Materials, Showa Denko K.K., NALCO, MAL Zrt, Alcoa Inc. and Aluminum Corp. of China Ltd.
The global alumina trihydrate market is segmented on the basis of end-use industry and region. The end-use industry segment is further segmented into plastics, paper, paints & coatings, adhesives, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and others.
Key Segment
By End-use
Paints and Coatings
Pharmaceuticals Industry
Table of Content
1. Executive Summary
1.1. Global Market Outlook
1.2. Demand Side Trends
1.3. Supply Side Trends
1.4. Technology Roadmap
1.5. Analysis and Recommendations
2. Market Introduction
2.1. Market Taxonomy
2.2. Market Definition
3. Global Alumina Trihydrate Market Demand Analysis 2014-2018 and Forecast, 2019-2029
3.1. Global Alumina Trihydrate Market Analysis and Forecast Value (US$ MN)
3.2. Pricing Analysis
3.3. Historical Market Volume (Kilo Tons) Analysis, 2014-2018
3.4. Current and Future Market Volume (Kilo Tons) Projections, 2019-2029
3.5. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis
4. Market Viewpoint
4.1. Macro-Economic Factors
4.1.1. Global GDP Growth Outlook
4.1.2. Global Per Capita Income Outlook
4.1.3. Global Paints & coatings Market Overview
4.1.4. Global Decorative Paints Market Overview
4.1.5. Industry Value Added Outlook
4.1.6. Global Chemical Sales
4.1.7. Global Chemicals Industry Overview
4.1.8. Global Market: Value Chain
4.2. Forecast Factors - Relevance & Impact
5. Market Dynamics
5.1. Drivers
5.2. Restraints
5.3. Opportunity
5.4. Trends
6. Global Market Analysis 2014-2018 and Forecast 2019-2029, by End-use
To be continued…!
About FMI
Future Market Insights (ESOMAR certified market research organization and a member of Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) provides in-depth insights into governing factors elevating the demand in the market. It discloses opportunities that will favor the market growth in various segments on the basis of Source, Application, Sales Channel and End Use over the next 10-years.
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Exploring Niche Applications: Heat Treated Glass Market Beyond Conventional Uses
Market Overview:
Heat treated glass undergoes thermal or chemical treatments to introduce controlled and permanent changes in its mechanical and optical properties. It is used in various commercial glazing, facade applications, and for automotive and transport industry where strength and safety properties are important.
Market Dynamics:
The heat treated glass market is expected to grow at a significant rate owing to increasing demand from the construction industry, mainly for facade applications where aesthetics and safety from breakage is essential. The growth of the construction industry, especially in developing regions of Asia Pacific and Latin America is driving the facade segment. Additionally, growing automotive industry globally is also contributing to the growth of heat treated glass market as automotive manufacturers use heat strengthened and tempered glass for window, sunroof, and backlights applications where resistance to breakage is required to ensure safety. The end-use segments are expected to propel the heat treated glass market growth over the forecast period.
Major Driver 1: Increasing Demand from the Construction Industry
The construction industry is one of the major end-users of heat treated glass. Heat treated glass such as tempered glass and heat strengthened glass are widely used in construction of buildings for windows, curtain walls, doors, skylights, pedestrian barriers etc. due to their high strength and safety properties. The global construction industry has been growing steadily over the past few years and this growth is expected to continue in the coming years as well driven by increasing investments in infrastructure development, residential & commercial construction projects in developing countries. The rising construction activities will directly boost the demand for heat treated glass from this industry.
Major Driver 2: Growing Automotive Industry
The automotive industry is another key consumer of heat treated glass, especially for side windows, rear windows, sunroof panels etc. The global automotive industry has witnessed steady growth in recent times and vehicle production has increased substantially. Increasing consumer spending on vehicles, ease of auto financing, growing middle-class population are some of the factors spurring automotive sales. As the automotive sector expands, the need for heat treated glass from this industry will also rise proportionately. The trend towards larger window panels and advanced features like panoramic sunroofs in vehicles will further augment the market for heat treated glass in the foreseeable future.
Major Restrain: Volatility in Raw Material Prices
Glass production requires various raw materials like sand, soda ash, limestone, dolomite etc. The prices of these raw materials fluctuate frequently due to factors like shortage in supply, higher demand, geopolitical issues etc. Since glass manufacturing is a raw material intensive industry, volatility in raw material costs directly impacts the production cost and profit margins of glass producers. Unexpected price fluctuations force companies to increase the price of finished glass products as well. This volatility in raw material prices can negatively impact the overall demand and growth of the heat treated glass market.
Major Opportunity: Growing Solar Energy Sector
The increasing focus on renewable energy sources across the world presents promising prospects for the heat treated glass market. Heat treated glass finds extensive usage in the production of photovoltaic solar panels. Solar glass or photovoltaic glass used in solar panels needs to withstand high temperatures and other installation stresses. Here heat strengthened glass or tempered glass provides the ideal solution. With solar power expected to account for a significant share of global power generation in the coming decades, tremendous opportunities will arise for heat treated glass manufacturers in the solar photovoltaics value chain. The rapid expansion of the solar energy industry can drive new revenue streams for heat treated glass producers.
Major Trend: Rising demand for Specialty Glasses
Earlier heat treated glass was mainly used for standard automotive and construction applications. However, over the past few years specialty glasses customized for niche industrial sectors have gained momentum. Some examples include low-emissivity (Low-E) coated glass for energy efficient buildings, anti-reflective coated glass for electronics, reinforced and toughened glass for infrastructure projects, bulletproof and security glass etc. The unique performance characteristics of these specialty glasses have found widespread acceptance. Additionally, demand for advanced optics and specialtycover glasses from sectors like aviation & defense is surging. Going forward specialty and customized heat treated glasses are expected to open up new growth verticals in the overall market.
#Heat Treated Glass Market Share#Heat Treated Glass Market Growth#Heat Treated Glass Market Demand#Heat Treated Glass Market Trend#Heat Treated Glass Market Analysis
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Global Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) Market Size , Industry Growth, Demand, Sales Revenue, Opportunity and Application Report
Global polyvinyl butyral (PVB) Market was valued at US$ 2.81 Bn in 2020, estimated to reach US$ 4.50 Bn in 2027 with a CAGR of 6.06% from 2021-2027.
Polyvinyl butyral (PVB) is defined as a glass interlayer utilized in various end-use industries owing to its different chemical properties. These films and sheets offer special characteristics including impact resistance, transparency, elasticity, and high tensile strength. These properties make the sheets & films suitable for producing safety glass.
Get Sample Copy of this Report @ https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Polyvinyl-Butyral-PVB-Market/request-sample
Market Drivers: Rising application of PVB in the laminated glass market will boost the market growth
PVB has found its application for its short-term growth in the laminated glass market. PVB is used in a form of resin for applications that require binding, optical clarity, adhesion to glass surfaces, toughness and flexibility. The major application of Polyvinyl butyral is as the interlayer in laminated safety glass for architectural purposes & automotive windscreens. PVB laminated glass is manufactured by combining two or more annealed or heat-treated glass sheets bonded with one or more of PVB interlayers and subjected to heat and pressure, in order to ensure perfect adhesion between the constituent elements.
Recently, the demand for usage of PVB as an interlayer in the sandwich laminated glass has been significantly growing, owing to its usage for safety and security purposes in automobile windshields. PVB avoids the shattering of glass, during an accident, thus preventing personal injury by sharp glass fragments. PVB laminated glass also offers good impact resistance, acoustic insulation, and UV resistance. Furthermore, the UV protection feature of PVB laminated glass prevents interiors from fading up.
Market Challenges: High production cost might limit the growth of the market
PVB when compared to its substitute products such as Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA), has high manufacturing and processing costs. The PVB material inception is been for many years the reference material for laminating glass in the building and transport industries but EVA has been gaining ground in recent years due to its properties which in some cases are better than PVB. Processing for PVB film requires a special temperature-controlled chamber and the glass must then be processed in an autoclave, which in turn requires an expensive and large machine suitable for companies with large volumes. On the other hand, EVA laminated glass can be produced in convection or infrared lamination furnaces, these furnaces are small and accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises. Also, the current COVID-19 pandemic has been proving a hindrance to the growth of the market owing to the major application areas of PVB such as construction and automotive industries are at halt.
Market Opportunities: Growing demand in photovoltaic industry will act as a growth prospect for the market
PVB is gaining momentum in the manufacturing of thin film solar PV modules. The PV circuit is formed on a glass sheet using thin film deposition and patterning techniques. Two layers, which are a PVB layer and a second layer of glass (called back glass) are then placed directly on the circuit. This lamination encapsulates the circuit and protects it from the environmental conditions. PVB back sheet provides a range of properties as it has good impact properties and is considered a cheaper alternative to tedlar based back sheets. Moreover, the optical properties of PVB are better than that of EVA, also the adhesion of PVB to photovoltaic cell is better than EVA. Photovoltaic industry is attracting market investment in order to cater to the increasing demand of clean and sustainable energy, the rise in the market of photovoltaic industry is anticipated to be a promising growth prospect for PVB market during the analysis period.
PVB Market, By Type
Based on type the market is divided into adhesives, paints & coatings, films & sheets and others. Films & sheets market is expected to lead the type segment owing to its application in the laminated glass market which are predominantly used in construction industry.
PVB Market, By End User Type
Based on end user the market is bifurcated into construction, automotive, power generation and others. Construction and automotive segment are expected to dominate the market globally, owing to the rising construction activities in the developing and developed economies and growth in the production of electrical automotive vehicles.
PVB Market, By Region
The geographic segments in this report include North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America. Asia-Pacific region is expected to account for the largest share of the market in 2020. Asia-Pacific is expected to dominate the global market owing to the increasing construction activities in China, and Japan combined with the continuous investments done in the region to advance solar energy production activities.
Competitive Landscape:
The global Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) market is consolidated due to the presence of large number of international players across the globe. Due to the partial consolidated nature of the market, the competition among the global players is high.
Market players are embracing various strategies, including product development, strategic collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions among others. The figure Competition Landscape Analysis shows competition scenario in the market.
The global Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) market is analyzed based on parameters such as: Mergers and Acquisition, New Product Launch, Collaboration, Product Approval, New Facility Development, Project Completion, Research & Development.
Key players:
Some key operating players are discussed in this report such as DuPont, Chang Chun Group, DuLite PVB FILM, Eastman Chemical Company, EVERLAM NV, Genau Manufacturing Company LLP (GMC LLP), Huakai Plastic (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., KB PVB, KURARAY CO., LTD., SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD, etc.
Recent Developments:
In March 2021: Eastman Chemical Company announced that it is making an investment to upgrade and expand its extrusion capabilities for production of interlayer’s product lines at its Springfield, Massachusetts, manufacturing facility. The investment will strengthen Eastman’s supply capability to respond to regional and global demand for Saflex® polyvinyl butyral (PVB) products in the automotive and architectural markets and enhance facility capabilities to enable production of specialty architecture and automotive PVB products, including thicker gauges and advanced tri-layers formulations such as Saflex® acoustic interlayer products. The project is expected to be complete in the fourth quarter of 2021.
In August 2020: DuPont announced the launch of its new product for reduced Global Warming Potential (GWP) solution for Styrofoam™ Brand XPS Boardstock in order to fully comply with the Canadian Environmental Protection Act as new federal and provincial regulations come into effect on January 1, 2021. Beginning in the 4th quarter of 2020, with a complete Canadian conversion ready by January 1, 2021, DuPont will transition its heritage Blue Styrofoam™ Brand XPS Boardstock family of products to a new Grey, reduced GWP product line.
Market Taxonomy
By Type
Paints & Coatings
Films & Shits
By End Use Type
Power Generation
By Region
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
Browse Full Research Report @ https://qualiketresearch.com/reports-details/Polyvinyl-Butyral-PVB-Market
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QualiKet Research is a leading Market Research and Competitive Intelligence partner helping leaders across the world to develop robust strategy and stay ahead for evolution by providing actionable insights about ever changing market scenario, competition and customers. QualiKet Research is dedicated to enhancing the ability of faster decision making by providing timely and scalable intelligence. We use different intelligence tools to come up with evidence that showcases the threats and opportunities which helps our clients outperform their competition.
#Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) Market size#Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) Market Share#Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) Market Trend#Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) Market Growth#Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) Market Application
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(via cat lovers Pet Bandana by mohammed elhachimi)
funny, cute, fear federal feel feeling few field fight figure fill film final finally financial find fine finger finish fire firm first fish five floor fly focus follow food foot for force foreign forget form former forward four free friend from front full fund future, game garden gas general generation get girl give glass go goal good government great green ground group grow growth guess gun guy hair half hand hang happen happy hard have he head health hear heart heat heavy help her here herself high him himself his, a ability able about above accept according account across act action activity actually add address administration admit adult affect after again against age agency agent ago agree agreement ahead air all allow almost alone along already also although, always american among amount analysis and animal another answer any anyone anything appear apply approach area argue arm around arrive art article artist as ask assume at attack attention attorney audience author authority available avoid away baby back, institution interest interesting international interview into investment involve issue it item its itself job join just keep key kid kill kind kitchen know knowledge land language large last late later laugh law lawyer lay lead leader learn least leave, left leg legal less let letter level lie life light like likely line list listen little live local long look lose loss lot love low machine magazine main maintain major majority make man manage management manager many market marriage material matter may, civil claim class clear clearly close coach cold collection college color come commercial common community company compare computer concern condition conference congress consider consumer contain continue control cost could country couple course court, cover create crime cultural culture cup current customer cut dark data daughter day dead deal death debate decade decide decision deep defense degree democrat democratic describe design despite detail determine develop development die difference different, bad ball bank bar base be beat beautiful because become bed before begin behavior behind believe benefit best better between beyond big bill billion bit black blood blue board book born both box boy break bring brother budget build building, business but buy by call camera campaign can cancer candidate capital car care career carry case catch cause cell center central century certain certainly chair challenge chance change character charge check child choice choose church citizen city, myself name nation national natural nature near nearly necessary need network never new news newspaper next nice night no none nor north not note nothing notice now number occur of off offer office officer official often oh oil ok old on once one only, enough enter entire environment environmental especially establish even evening event ever every everybody everyone everything evidence exactly example executive exist expect experience expert explain eye face fact factor fail fall family far fast father, history hit hold home hope hospital hot hotel hour house how however huge human hundred husband i idea identify if image imagine impact important improve in include including increase indeed indicate industry information inside instead, sort sound source south southern space speak special specific speech spend sport spring staff stage stand standard star start state statement station stay step still stock stop store story strategy street strong structure student study stuff style subject, shake share she shoot short shot should shoulder show side sign significant similar simple simply since sing single sister sit site situation six size skill skin small smile so social society soldier some somebody someone something sometimes son song soon, third this those though thought thousand threat three through throughout thus time to today together tonight too top total tough toward town trade traditional training travel treat treatment tree trial trip trouble true truth try turn tv two type, difficult dinner direction director discover discuss discussion disease do doctor dog door down draw dream drive drop drug during each early east easy eat economic economy edge education effect effort eight either election else employee end energy enjoy, onto open operation opportunity option or order organization other others our out outside over own owner page pain painting paper parent part participant particular particularly partner party pass past patient pattern pay peace people per perform, cat, love, success successful such suddenly suffer suggest summer support sure surface system table take talk task tax teach teacher team technology television tell ten tend term test than thank that the their them themselves then theory there these they thing think, animal, tie dye hippie hipster rainbow tumblr cool peace trendy colorful cute shaka trending trippy beach blue pastel hippy dye funny hang loose indie jeep ocean tie aesthetic boho fashion girly good vibes love popular positive surf vibes weed adventure bohemian, dope feminism girl green groovy grunge hand happy hawaii kawaii life loose mandala meme music nice pale peaceful pink purple space summer tiedye trend tye die tye dye vintage 70s 90s artsy be happy black california car colors drugs festival florida food, fun good goth hang hearts hippies instagram la logo lsd marijuana meditate new york peace sign pineapple psychedelic pun quote retro script shoes sign stay woke tie die top selling travel traveling tropical typography vibe water waves white woke yellow zen, 1960 1970 2019 3 420 60s aestethic alex morgan alien aloha anatomy apples atlanta atlantis avocado avocados awesome backgrounds ball basic beautiful bernie birkenstocks black and white bloodshot bob bob weir bones bong brandy melville bright bright side, bro bud buddha buddhas bumper ca cali calligraphy calm cartoon case chaco chacos chakra chakras chance the rapper chic chicago chill chill out city claire andrews claireandrewss classic clout clout goggles college colour colourful country cowabunga dancing, skeleton dark blue dead head death designs disco dolphin donut doodle dorm down drake dude edm elephant elephants emoji eno equal pay eyes fall fat buddha fist floral flower flowers font four stars fries fruit fry funds fye gd50 girl gang girl girl girls
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Saturday, July 24, 2021
Virus’s impact (AP) The eruption of COVID-19 last year caused the proportion of people working from home in the U.S. to nearly double. The share of employed people working from home shot up from just 22% in 2019 to 42% in 2020, the Labor Department said Thursday. That was among the striking findings of an annual government survey that documents the far-reaching impact the viral pandemic has had on Americans’ everyday lives since it struck in March of last year. Because of the pandemic and the widespread social distancing it required, people on average spent more time last year sleeping, watching TV, playing games, using a computer and relaxing and thinking—and less time socializing and communicating in person—than in 2019. Adults also spent more hours, on average, caring for children in their household. The survey also lends support to concerns that the pandemic worsened isolation for millions of Americans. With people working from home or attending school online, the time they spent alone increased. Among Americans ages 15 and over, time spent alone each day increased by an average of an hour. For those ages 15 to 19, it rose 1.7 hours per day.
Medical debt (NYT) A new study put the amount of unpaid medical bills held by collection agencies at $140 billion last year, up from $81 billion according to a similar analysis carried out in 2016. The analysis looked at 10 percent of all TransUnion credit reports and found that about 18 percent of Americans have medical debt that has been sent to collections. Over the period from 2009 to 2020, the largest source of debt owed to collection agencies became medical debt. The $140 billion, to be clear, is not an estimate of medical debt; that figure is far higher, as the $140 billion is merely the debt that has been passed along to the vultures.
Crews make progress on huge Oregon blaze (AP) The nation’s largest wildfire raged through southern Oregon on Friday but crews were scaling back some night operations as hard work and weaker winds helped reduce the spread of flames even as wildfires continued to threaten homes in neighboring California. The Bootleg Fire, which has destroyed an area half the size of Rhode Island, was 40% surrounded after burning some 70 homes, mainly cabins, fire officials said. The fire, which was sparked by lightning, had been expanding by up to 4 miles (6 kilometers) a day, pushed by strong winds and critically dry weather.
Thousands of bullets have been fired in this D.C. neighborhood (Washington Post) Markeith Muskelly, a barber who has spent half his 52 years cutting hair in Southeast Washington, has seen people get shot on the street outside the shop where he works. Last fall, he saw a man die there. The shop is tucked into a corner of the Benco Shopping Center, a mainstay in the Marshall Heights neighborhood for six decades. Its plate-glass window has long offered a view of one of the most dangerous streets in the District. In the neighborhood where Muskelly works, gun violence has affected generations, bringing a sad realization that, for some, that the danger may never end. A Washington Post analysis shows that in a recent period of a little more than three years, crime scene technicians found 2,759 bullet casings—byproducts of shootings involving rifles, pistols and shotguns—in about a one-square-mile area that includes Benning Road in Marshall Heights, with Benco between them. Bullets have struck people, pockmarked parked cars, embedded in walls of homes and shattered windows of businesses filled with patrons. Patrol officers carry “quick clot gauze” used by troops in war.
Volunteers hunting for Mexico’s ‘disappeared’ become targets (AP) The mainly female volunteers who fan out across Mexico to hunt for the bodies of murdered relatives are themselves increasingly being killed, putting to the test the government’s promise to help them in their quest for a final shred of justice: a chance to mourn. Those who carry on the effort tell tales of long getting threats and being watched—presumably by the same people who murdered their sons, brothers and husbands. But now threats have given way to bullets in the heads of searchers who have proved far better than the authorities at ferreting out the clandestine burial and burning pits that number in the thousands. Two searchers have been slain the past two months. Fear has always accompanied the searchers. They go to wild, remote, abandoned places where terrible crimes have been committed. But up to now, they mostly shrugged it off.
Cuba’s communist authorities have long feared change. Street protests show the risk of resisting it. (Washington Post) On a farm not far from the town where Cuba’s protests first erupted this month, police investigators last summer carried out a major sting operation. Their target was not a dissident activist, but a dairyman nicknamed El Rey del Queso: The King of Cheese. His offense? Operating a clandestine factory that produced tire-sized hunks of cheese for private sale in Havana. Authorities arrested the King, confiscated hundreds of pounds of yellow queso and produced a news report about the bust on Cuban state television depicting him as a villain. Cuba’s communist authorities have for decades treated private entrepreneurs as a threat to be contained, not encouraged. Long after China and Vietnam embraced market reforms, using material prosperity to buttress authoritarian rule, Cuba has clung to an economic model based on centralized planning and state control. The July 11 protests that shook Cuba’s rulers showed that model might be their biggest vulnerability, as its weak foundation is further eroded by the decades-long U.S. embargo, additional Trump-era sanctions and now the coronavirus pandemic. The country’s economy contracted 11 percent last year, according to government data. Cubans are spending hours in lines to buy basic goods they can barely afford. Hospitals have been overwhelmed by covid patients, and medicine is scarce. Power outages are turning stifling summer heat into an explosive fuse. “Unless the government makes profound changes, I think people will take to the streets again,” said Camilo Condis, a Cuban entrepreneur and business advocate.
Haiti leader’s slaying exposes role of ex-Colombian soldiers (AP) As the coronavirus pandemic squeezed Colombia, the Romero family was in need of money to pay the mortgage. Mauricio Romero Medina’s $790 a month pension as a retired soldier wasn’t going far. Then came a call offering a solution. When Romero answered the phone on June 2, another veteran, Duberney Capador, offered what he said was a legal, long-term job requiring only a passport. But Romero had to make a decision fast. “Talk about it with your family and if you are interested, see you tomorrow in Bogota, because the flight is the day after tomorrow,” Romero’s wife, Giovanna, told The Associated Press, recalling the conversation. A month later, Romero and Capador were dead and 18 Colombians were reportedly in custody, accused of taking part in the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse. It’s a case that dramatizes Colombia’s role as a recruiting ground for the global security industry—and its murkier, mercenary corners. Colombia’s Defense Ministry says about 10,600 soldiers retire each year, many highly trained warriors forged in a decades-long battle against leftist rebels and drug trafficking cartels. Many—including a number of those involved in Haiti—have been trained by the U.S. military. Those soldiers make up a pool of recruits for companies seeking a wide range of services—as consultants or bodyguards, in teams guarding Middle Eastern oil pipelines or as part of military-like private security in places like the United Arab Emirates and Afghanistan. The UAE paid Colombian veterans to join in the battle against Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.
Italy makes health pass mandatory for many leisure activities, in bid to pressure the unvaccinated (Washington Post) Italy on Thursday significantly ramped up pressure on its unvaccinated population, announcing that a digital or printed health pass would be necessary for accessing a range of everyday leisure activities, from theaters to indoor dining. The decision puts Italy in a rare category along with France among Western nations that have been willing to leverage certain freedoms and equalities now that vaccines have become widely available. Italy is essentially betting that it can revive its slowing vaccination campaign—and avoid future, onerous restrictions—by creating heavy incentives for inoculation, in the kind of step that would be politically unthinkable in the United States. Italy is looking for ways to avoid a new round of closures and curfews. For now, every Italian region is “white”—meaning that life proceeds almost as normal, and people can stay out as late as they want. That has made for a joyful Italian summer.
‘Messy’ fight (Washington Post) KUNDUZ, Afghanistan—Around 3 a.m., a small team of elite special forces were halfway through an operation to retake a sliver of territory along the city’s northern edge when a police unit assisting them refused to advance. Hours later, the police fled, ceding the territory back to the Taliban. For weeks, the Afghan military has struggled to hold provincial capitals such as Kunduz after a surge of Taliban attacks that came as U.S. forces withdrew and U.S. air support dropped. Afghan ground forces are increasingly used to fill the void. Their capabilities are uneven, however, resulting in government advances that often rapidly evaporate. Experienced and motivated elite units are leading the battle to retake territory. But the troops called up to secure those gains—army, police and irregular fighters—often have little training and are less inclined to fight. First Lt. Abdullah Ansari, 30, led the elite unit retaking territory house by house in Kunduz earlier this month. He said the debacle on Kunduz’s northern edge made him miss working with U.S. troops. “Now everything is just messy,” he said.
Death rates soar in Southeast Asia as virus wave spreads (AP) Indonesia has converted nearly its entire oxygen production to medical use just to meet the demand from COVID-19 patients struggling to breathe. Overflowing hospitals in Malaysia had to resort to treating patients on the floor. And in Myanmar’s largest city, graveyard workers have been laboring day and night to keep up with the grim demand for new cremations and burials. Images of bodies burning in open-air pyres during the peak of the pandemic in India horrified the world in May, but in the last two weeks the three Southeast Asian nations have now all surpassed India’s peak per capita death rate as a new coronavirus wave, fueled by the virulent delta variant, tightens its grip on the region. The deaths have followed record numbers of new cases being reported in countries across the region which have left health care systems struggling to cope and governments scrambling to implement new restrictions to try to slow the spread.
Typhoon to bring heavy rains to Taiwan, China over weekend (AP) A typhoon is forecast to bring heavy rains to Taiwan and coastal China over the weekend, days after the worst flooding on record in a central Chinese province caused at least 51 deaths. Forecasters say Typhoon In-fa is moving toward China and expected to make landfall in Zhejiang province either Sunday afternoon or early Monday morning. Zhejiang’s bureau of emergency management said on its microblog Friday that it is raising its risk warning to the second-highest level and calling on all localities to take preventative measures. Those usually include recalling fishing boats to port and relocating people living in vulnerable coastal communities. Fujian province to the south has issued similar orders. On its current track, the eye of the typhoon is expected to pass north of Taiwan while still bringing considerable rain to the island.
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