#Health & Safety (H&S) course
smsafetytraining · 2 years
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reallyromealone · 8 months
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Reader is short in this
I'm fixated on this man so be warned
Malleus x male reader
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"Hey... We aren't trying to take your omega" Lilia said softly to his ward, Malleus holding (name) close in his arms in the depths of the dorms, (name) unconscious in his arms as the Fae prince kept him safe in his hold.
His green eyes practically glowed as he growled at his guardian "I know, he's your mate... But he needs help" (name) had bruises, having been attacked by another student when Malleus was passing by, they understood protecting him but he was treating (name) like he was his mate.
Lilia sighed as he looked at the other whom he considered his pup "your omega is injured pup, let me help" his voice soothing and calm, a tone he used when Malleus was just a hatchling and it seemed to resonate in his brain, the feral fae prince allowing Lilia to come close and inspect the Omega he claimed as his mate "good hatchling" Lilia said to his adoptive son, Malleus grunting as he watched carefully "you did so good protecting him, he only has a few bruises" nothing magic couldn't fix after all.
Malleus preened under his adoptive sires praise, fully feral as he pulled (name) back into his hold "why don't you show him your hoard? Keep him safe" Lilia said softly, watching the other take (name) into his walk in closet, the dragon fae pleased to have (name) amongst the hoard/nest.
The teachers made quick work to remove the problem student as word got around about the incident, a few witnesses seeing it, reporting it to the staff immediately.
And now they could only wait for the prince to snap out of it for the safety of (name).
When (name) woke he was surrounded by warmth and the smell of spring and campfire, sleepily snuggling into the chest of--
Looking up his eyes connected with emerald eyes, shrouded by long black strands of hair, horns stop at the base of his crown.
"H-hi?" He was confused and startled, his last memories being pinned against books and nearly assaulted "mate" Malleus said simply as he scented the Omega, nose brushing his neck lovingly. (Name) didn't know what to do, his omega soothed by the gestures that the other showed "were you the one that helped me?" (Name) asked knowing he wasn't going to get a response as he adjusted himself to look at the other clearly "thank you Malleus" he whispered and the others lizard brain slowly processed the praise and rumbled before gently nipping (name)s cheek as a form of kiss.
(Name) was thankful for health class, learning how to get an alpha out of a feral state though it was easier said than done with his nerves.
Gently he took his face in his hands and kissed him "please come back..." He was awkward as he tried to seem submissive to the other, pumping out calming pharamones to convince the other.
It took an hour before the lights turned on behind his eyes and he inspected him "thanks for helping me... Sorry I made you go feral"
"You're my mate, of course I would" Malleus said as if it were an obvious fact and (name) was confused "what are you talking about?" They weren't mates? They hadn't even spoken before this "I could sense it" malleus held (name)s hand and mumbled an incantation, the closet glowed slightly as a flower bloomed on each of their hands, identical to one another "Fae magic allows one to see their soulmate through flowers" malleus explained and (name) was in awe as the flowers disappeared like bits of shattered glass before fading out of existence "so... You want me?"
"You are my mate, why wouldn't I?" Malleus spoke like it was obvious "you will return with me to the briar valley" he said assuredly and (name) smiled "you will have to take that up with my brother" (name) said softly and Malleus tilted his head but just held him close.
Lilia smiled at his ward, weeks had passed and Malleus was giving (name) very fae like courting gifts, plants and magic items and (name) in return gave him food and scented items.
It was quite cute but (name)s older brother wasn't a fan, Leona glaring at the relationship but didn't say anything, knowing his brother was happy, the Omega having multiple sources of scary dog privileges.
And with one of the most powerful mages as a mate. Leona didn't have any particular worries.
People found it funny how (name) could be carried by his new mate, Malleus a few times draping himself over the short lion who in turn soaked up the warmth.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 6 months
That. Fucking. MOUTH
Oh my God i'm actually screaming inside what the fuck. LOOK AT BABYGIRL'S PRETTY LIPS DJSGJDGSJS but i'm really looking at this gif—
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This fucking gif somehow awakened the med kink inside of me so this is gonna be a ramble that contains a mix of med kink and pup play (maybe a little guard dog ish?👀) But i swear s, look at his teeth, look at his lips. What if those fingers were replaced by someone else's? Maybe pup's getting his teeth and mouth examined every week. He's sittin on the carpet, blue eyes staring up at Buck cause how can he not? Daddy looks so gorgeous he wants to worship him all day, whine at his feet or even— “C'mon, open wide pup.” Bucky repeated his words cause he was sure that his pup didn't hear him the first time. Steve whines for a second, blinking a few times before finally doing so, Bucky only able to chuckle at how good his pup was. Bucky hummed softly, pushing his upper lip and fat bottom lip aside just so he could get a good look at those goddamn teeth of his, all sharp and strong. “You been taking care of these?” Bucky hums, his voice soft but somewhat stern as he looks down at the poor puppy, running the pad of his rubber covered thumb over Steve's canine teeth. Steve nods, face red from the humiliation of Bucky's fingers rubbing over his sensitive gums and tongue, hanging his jaw wide open— trying his best to keep his lips parted for daddy.
Ehgdjege in conclusion :
R I G H T ?
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And, PRECISELY, that gif. That is the gutting gif. Like. Literally! You get it! It's absolutely giving 🤌🏻medical exam roleplay🤌🏻 Examining that pretty mouth to make sure everything looks nice and healthy.
(Don't do this to meeee! Guard dog? Guh.)
Yeah 😮‍💨😮‍💨
I love that.
Like, I am imagining that Bucky regularly carries out these exams of Steve, making sure his dog is constantly in the best shape possible. He wants Steve in good health for his own safety and comfort, of course, but he also wants him in good health to make sure that anyone Bucky wants to stay away is warded off.
Thanks to these exams, Steve is well-groomed with rippling muscles and white, shiny teeth. And, truthfully, there's nothing more frightening to someone who’s not where they are supposed to be than a well-trained guard dog with sharp teeth gleaming behind snarling lips, just waiting for the command to attack--completely obedient and loyal to their Master and ready to prove it.
Steve's greatest, deepest pleasure comes from doing as his Master says. He wants to please him badly. He will do anything to protect him.
Also, just, Jesus Christ, the mental image of Bucky beckoning Steve over to him with just a click of his tongue and a smooth hand gesture in order to examine him is too much.
So is the image of Steve (naked other than his heavy-duty chain collar) obediently sticking out his tongue for Bucky to stroke the length with two fingertips… too much... he goes farther, though. Bucky purposefully triggers his gag reflex to see his dog's eyes involuntarily water and force him to start to drool. He doesn't otherwise move a muscle, though; too well trained. As Bucky runs his finger along his pet’s gums under his lips, top and bottom, he watches, rapt, at how much more drool spills from his mouth all wet and shiny and pretty. There's a puddle collecting on the floor. Bucky knows that his dog would lick it up if he commanded him to. He would, he will, he always will listen to his Master.
Fuck me. 🥴
Thank you for giving me the excuse to let the intrusive horny thoughts win, lmao
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writingstuffandmore · 2 years
My angels...
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Pairing: Baekhyun x fem reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
AU!: Mafia
Warning(s): Swears, curses, mention of death (indirect way)
A/N:I am so sorry for the delay :') as I had some exams. I hope you will like it. Please give me your feedbacks and suggestions. GIF isn't mine and belongs to the respectful owners.
*door slam*
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"Ms Y/N, please eat something. Dearest have something, at least for the little l-"
"Does even matter now Mrs Park? H-he c-clearly spoke his mind. I l-literally loathe myself at the moment. What did I even expect from him and look at my condition now is that I-I stupidly waiting for him before I-leaving." The sad voice said while sniffling before a bitter laugh escaped from her mouth.
The elderly woman was referred by as Mrs Park came and sat down beside the young lady who was drowned in her own tears. "Dear, look at me. I know this isn't the best thing to say this but did you asked him why? I know it sounds tormenting but did anywhere or somehow through your course of relationship did you hear say that he doesn't want children?"
The lady just shook her head as a no and a confusion laced look replaced the once teary eyed face. "I am sorry aunty but I didn't understand. I mean he never said no but he d-
"Maybe because he is knows something that we aren't aware off. My family has served this family for a long time that now at times when serious conversations or concerns are being discussed our opinions are taken as well. So, my assumption won't be wrong as per se but can give an idea of what kind of issues he is going through at the moment. Come here love and eat something, okay?"
Mrs Park made sure the young girl was fed well before leaving back to her chambers.
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*01:45 am*
The clock at present displayed the time, making a heavy sigh escape and anxiousness to keep growing.
"Where is he? Why isn't he here by now? What if h—? Oh, no, no.. I can't think like this" You thought as you kept walking back and forth in the room for nth time.
No one knows how and when this conversation took an escalation into a heated argument that even the walls were praying for some relief. The argument kept on replaying in your mind as if it was played on loop.
Earlier ..
Y/N: "Baek, there is some thing you need to know?"
Baekhyun: "What is it angel? Are you okay? Did someone trouble you?"
Y/N "No, it's not like that. Its just about us—
Baekhyun: "Do you wanna break up with me?"
"Ofcourse not idiot. Its just that I— I am pregnant with your child"
Baekhyun: “Oh, please you can’t be serious Y/N? Not these stupid gam-
Y/N “This isn’t a game Baekhyun. I am p-pregnant and I just found from the doctor wh-
Baekhyun: “You are lying..”
Y/N “What?”
Y/N : “Excuse me but the so called ‘THAT’ is a human Baekhyun and you are asking me to choose? What kind of sick game is this huh?”
Baekhyun: “I am not pulling any jokes or prank! Do I like a person to do so when it comes to my safety?”
Y/N: “Your safety uh? And what about mine. Am I not carrying a life inside who could be exposed to any problem if I missed a slightest of precaution and prevention which in turn will also impact me and my health.”
Baekhyun: “I am sorry I-
Y/N: “Oh just shut up. You are really a cold hearted monster.You all are the same. I trusted you with all of my heart and this is how you repay me ? Even after knowing hat I had gone through, you still ditched and dumped me? I expected a lot better from you but they say its your family who attacks and betrays than your enemies”  
At this moment tears were streaming down your face while he avoided all sorts of eye contact with you but you could feel his anger from the way he was clenching his fists and his pursed lips.   
Before you could say anything further, Baekhyun went out of the house slamming the door.
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Present time..
The time flew fast as if it needed to catch a plane and now it displayed ‘2:15 am’. You now started to panic and thought of calling his dad when a knock was heard. You grabbed the fine ceramic vase before looking through the peephole only to see a limping Baekhyun leaned against Kai’s shoulder.
“G-guys? What happened? Baekhyun? OMG... Kai??” a fresh set were about drop from your eye swells. “We had a mission and the rivals kinda out did us but we are fine!” Kai gave his small smile before placing his boss on the couch. “Dr Kim has given him some medicines and make sure he doesn’t gets up from the bed at least for two days. Thats a bare minimum.”
With that he took his leave. You called some maids and made the necessary arrangements required. It was around 6 in morning when he woke up with a groan. He tried to open his eyes but the terrible headache didn’t made him to do so, making him restless and you waking up from your deep slumber.
“Oh, don’t get up. Kai told me everything, you need to rest. Here take these medicines.” You made him sit for a while so as to he can take his meds. As you were about to leave, he stopped you.
“You didn’t give go?” he whispered in a hoarse voice. ‘Why would I” You countered back.
“Because, I don’t want this child and that I am a cold hearted monster who uses people to release his frustrations and stuff. So, yeah why?” He looked into your puffy eyes
“Because I know that you have a terrible habit of hiding things from us, no matter what. I know Baekhyun that you are hiding a certain things from me which is now affecting our relationship. I am not asking you to be vulnerable enough to get triggered out but you can’t run behind it.” You gently patted his shoulders before he made you sit on his lap.
“I lost them Y/N and thats one of the few reasons why I don’t tell anyone anything because I can’t trust everyone on that level as that the end you don’t know if that person will live enough to support you or will stand enough for a long time.” Baekhyun started crying as he let his heart be vulnerable and open all the wounds which were never filled making you cry as well.
“Baby, I am so sorry for the terrible ordeal you had to go through but I swear to everything present that I won’t ever leave you and so this little jelly bean u-
“I am so sorry for all that has happened but I was scared that I will loose you both a-and t-that s-scared me to death. Please don’t leave me. Pl-
“I love you so much love and we are here for you” You kissed his forehead before pulling him in a small intimate kiss.”I love you too my angels”
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bloodlustmutt · 20 days
TW s/a and s/h again
i really do not wanna talk about THAT on here like ever but it's effectively ruining the entirety of my mental health but also. it's not that big of a deal really, it's not that serious, it's just the fact it's happened twice in my life is destroying me cuz huh wow okay so i'm just gonna go through life wondering if i'm doomed only meant to please others. and of course i'm not gonna open up about it, who cares?? let's just find a new way to cope, it'll be fine. it's not that serious. can't even age regress anymore cuz i know little me is gonna have a panic attack if he thinks about it. like huh yeah i sure ruined your safety cuz i promised you, i promised you it wouldn't happen again and it did.
at least i stay clean. at least i stay mostly kind to myself. it's really not my fault. i'm still lovable, i'm still good, i'm not the product of what's hurt me. i never have been. the effects lingered before and they'll linger again, but hopefully to a lesser extent. nothing about me needs to change that i don't see fit. i promised myself kindness and that kindness isn't to be taken away just because i feel ruined.
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touhoutivations · 6 months
on current events, ooc (discussion and stances, check cws)
Hello everyone, Mod Yuyu/Adrian here. I thought this post would be a good time to discuss my points on current things. I wasn't sure how to go about this, and I want to have a balance between showing up and using this platform for important causes but also wanting to avoid the current culture of always needing to be informed or else you're failing morally. (which is a difficult topic for minutae I have no place to discuss, but ultimately your safety needs to come before helping others) But after the Reimu post, I thought it would be a good idea to put my thoughts here and open up discussion. Again, if anything I said or did with this is upsetting to you in any way and there's a way I can assist or do better, please do not hesitate to tell me.
Under the read more, I will talk about Palestine, genocide, several kinds of bigotry, transphobia laws, abortion, miscarriage, medical topics, menstruation and sexual health. I do not go into detail and depth about atrocities or dispense depressing facts, but I do stress to keep yourself safe, touch on my stances, and provided a list of ways you can help the current american abortion law situation.
Stance on Palestine/War/Conflict: My stance on the currents wars and exploitation will always be such: all people (but especially indigenous communities) should have their rights and agency, and violations of this, from war to systemic oppression to exploitation, will always be condemned. Palestine must be free. Ukraine must be free. Australia, Canada, America, Congo, other African nations and all other entities that have been hurt by colonialism, racism, casteism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry should regain the right to determine their own livelihoods and the livelihoods of their people. To clarify, the Palestinian conflict is NOT a war- it is the oppression and genocide of Israel that the Palestinians are struggling against. I do not want to argue the semantics of H-m-s, as I have no place to- but 'killing people is bad' and 'peaceful resistance does not work against an oppressive regime and genocide and claiming a moral highground for every unjust death is not helpful' are two sentences that can coexist. Since I'm aware several Jewish users have expressed fears of Antisemitism's rise, I will never tolerate Antisemitism OR Islamophobia. I'm Australian, and whilst I've seen the people around me come to support Palestine, initially several white Australians fell for propaganda traps that appealed to their confirmation biases of Islamophobia. Zionists are not welcome on this blog, nor any other bigot.
======================== On [insert abortion law that got passed]: I chose not to be specific here because unfortunately, the political climate of abortion rights is something that is constantly changing. What is happening is disgusting, and especially if the laws around criminalising miscarriage are going to be passed- uterus-havers can get arrested for practically no reason. Many mothers I know have had more miscarriages than children. It is not something they 'choose' to have. I also want to remind people, especially from more 'liberal' areas to never demean people that live in places where these bills are passed. There are trans kids in Florida. There are women in Idaho that now have to travel 46 miles to get medical care. Mocking these people or gloating about your rights and superiority is not going to help, it is vile. (Though of course, clown on bigots)
=========================== Here is a list of things you should remind others that live in these areas and ways you can assist that I thought aren't donation links: -Remind people that live in these areas to track periods without the usage of apps that will steal their data. Be very careful about providing information or discussion anything that could help the process of an abortion on the internet, even chatrooms. Floridian officials have been tracking people to incarcerate them for driving out of state. -Share resources especially for disabled, those in poverty and poc. These laws will most affect them, both wrt miscarriages and abortion bans. Miscarriages can happen from stress and starvation. -Share information on sex education and contraceptive methods, if you can in places teens and children can access them privately. Follow laws like teaching and book bans, but knowledge is power. Promote local libraries and request them to have sex ed knowledge, or upload free pdfs/resources on the internet for people to access. Sexual health is obfuscating and inaccessible even for those that live in liberal areas. -For people in Idaho especially, anyone that seeks medical treatment will be on a longer waitlist- as doctors have been leaving the country. Keep an eye on disabled friends and ensure they have a contingency plan. -Encourage intersectionality and unionising. If you're part of a collective or community, encourage teaming up with other collectives such as women, lgbt, environmental, racial or religious minority organisations. This helps spread awareness and solidarity. -If you're someone with financial, governmental or legal literacy/experience on a specific topic or process- share your findings and details in a way that others can understand. Bureaucratic and legal processes use confusing and vague language for the layman intentionally in order to hurt them (for example, the use of 'people that do not conform to their assigned gender' is in a lot of anti-trans bills. this is intentionally vague, opening up oppression not just to trans people and drag performers, but potentially gnc women or women that do not fit conventional beauty standards, or even potentially a woman wearing pants.)
=========== 'But what about 'x' topic?' If you feel anger that people are not discussing something that is important, now is not the time to get angry at other's who can support you, it is the time to inform them. If you wish for me to clarify my stances or platform or inform me about a political subject, I would be happy to help- but I will always prioritise safety and comfort of other's mental health and will always tag things first and foremost. Also, this is a touhou blog- I'm not nor want to be the bastion of political discussion, but I do want to show up for my fellow humans. There are several things I am passionate about but had to gloss over for this post because it was getting excessively long; trans rights, racism, ableism, etc.
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chringylingy · 6 months
What the H*CK is the dress code?
Whatever you want! Do you want to show up in pajamas? Nice. Want to wear a ball gown? Amazing. Want to wear nothing but boxers and a bra? Incredible. Whatever makes you feel the most comfortable and most like yourself is what you should wear! If you typically present more masculine and want to try out what it’s like to wear a skirt, do it! You will not be upstaging anyone. BUT, if you’re looking for an excuse to be fancy — THIS is it.
When and how do I RSVP?
Please RSVP by Feb. 29, 2024, at this Google Form here.
Where is the venue?
The party will be at the 2640 Space in Charles Village, located at 2640 St. Paul Street Baltimore, Maryland, 21218. It’s a repurposed church that brands itself as “a noncommercial, collectively managed space for radical politics and grassroots culture.” Fun fact: The first openly transgender minister in the United Methodist Church served here in the early 2000s.
Where should I stay?
Leona and Christie prepared a list of recommended places to stay. You can also of course find something on Airbnb and VRBO, if that suits your needs better.
What is there to do in Baltimore?
So glad you asked! Leona and Christie put together an interactive map full of their favorite places you can check out.
How do I get around?
Baltimore’s public transit is decent enough such that you don’t need a car to get around. The buses serve the community, along with the lightrail and underground metro. Christie prepared a video on how to download the public transit app in the city so you can pay for fare easily.
Wait — isn’t Baltimore … “Dangerous”?
Baltimore is just like every other U.S. city: It’s densely populated, so compared to suburban and rural areas, yes, there is more crime, but that’s just what happens when there are more people in one space. That being said, there are safer areas than others, like all cities. If you’re concerned about the neighborhood or the block you’re staying on, please reach out to Leona or Christie so they can let you know if you’re in a good area.
What should we bring as a gift?
Nothing if you don’t want to/cannot afford to! Money is tight for everyone these days, and if you’re traveling a far distance to get here, your presence is a present in and of itself. Christie and Leona have not put a registry together for this reason. If you would like to give them a gift, they of course will not say no! But they do ask you limit the gift to something monetary or experience-driven as they would like to cut down on clutter.
Can I bring a guest?
Christie and Leona tried their best to mail individual invitations to our friends and their partners directly. But, as polyamorous folks ourselves, we know a plus one isn’t always the most accommodating for everyone. If you would like to bring a partner(s) we have not reached out to, please let us know.
Will this event be COVID-19 safe?
The space we are working with is incredibly conscious of COVID-19 safety. For instance, hosts are able to cancel the event on short notice if Leona or Christie fall ill without any financial repercussions. Both Christie and Leona are conscious of COVID-19 and are up to date on their vaccinations and ask you be as well. If you find you’re not feeling well around the time of the event, while they would hate to miss you, please stay home for the sake of everyone’s health and safety.
Will there be sober options?
Leona and Christie will be serving alcohol, but they understand not everyone drinks, so they will be sure to have slammin’ mocktails. Under no circumstances will anyone be required to drink or partake in any recreational drug activity. 
Can I hook up with your friend I just met?
If all parties consent and no one is getting hurt — absolutely.
My question isn’t here :(.
This post will be updated with more questions as they come in. Feel free to reach out to Leona or Christie directly as well.
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lingerieday · 10 months
Essential Finance Books Every Professional Should Read
In the vast domain of finance, continual learning is the key to success. While real-world experience, academic courses, and workshops play an essential role in shaping a finance professional's expertise, the power of books cannot be understated. This guide unveils a curated list of seminal finance books, offering insights, strategies, and narratives that every professional in the field should delve into.
1. Introduction
The world of finance is dynamic, influenced by global events, evolving regulations, and disruptive technologies. Books, penned by experts who have navigated these changing waters, serve as timeless resources, imbuing readers with knowledge, perspective, and inspiration.
2. Foundational Reads for Beginners
a. "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason
Overview: A timeless classic that uses ancient parables to impart fundamental financial lessons.
Key Takeaway: The importance of living below one's means, investing wisely, and seeking counsel.
b. "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Overview: Contrasts the philosophies of Kiyosaki's two 'dads' and their approaches to money and life.
Key Takeaway: The significance of financial education, assets vs. liabilities, and entrepreneurial spirit.
3. Dive Deep into Investment
a. "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham
Overview: A comprehensive guide to value investing, written by the mentor of Warren Buffett.
Key Takeaway: The principles of value investing and the margin of safety concept.
b. "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" by Burton G. Malkiel
Overview: An exploration of various investment techniques, from fundamental analysis to the random walk theory.
Key Takeaway: The unpredictability of markets and the merits of a long-term, broad-based investment strategy.
4. Behavioral Finance and Psychology
a. "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman
Overview: A deep dive into human psychology and how it affects decision-making.
Key Takeaway: The contrast between instinctive vs. deliberate thinking and its impact on financial decisions.
b. "Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness" by Richard H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein
Overview: The subtle art of influencing decisions with gentle pushes.
Key Takeaway: How nudges can guide choices in personal finance and public policy.
5. Corporate Finance and Strategy
a. "Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies" by McKinsey & Company Inc.
Overview: A comprehensive resource on corporate valuation.
Key Takeaway: Methods for assessing company value and making informed business and investment decisions.
b. "Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco" by Bryan Burrough & John Helyar
Overview: A riveting account of the RJR Nabisco takeover, showcasing the intricacies of the financial world.
Key Takeaway: The dynamics of corporate politics, leverage buyouts, and mergers.
6. Personal Finance Management
a. "Your Money or Your Life" by Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez
Overview: A program for transforming your relationship with money.
Key Takeaway: Redefining personal success and implementing a nine-step plan for financial independence.
b. "I Will Teach You To Be Rich" by Ramit Sethi
Overview: A six-week program focusing on banking, saving, budgeting, and investing.
Key Takeaway: Implementing a practical approach to personal finance with a focus on automating finances.
7. Financial Crises and Lessons Learned
a. "The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine" by Michael Lewis
Overview: A deep dive into the housing bubble and the 2008 financial crisis.
Key Takeaway: The factors leading to the crisis, including financial instruments, regulatory lapses, and human greed.
b. "Too Big to Fail: The Inside Story of How Wall Street and Washington Fought to Save the Financial System—and Themselves" by Andrew Ross Sorkin
Overview: A meticulous account of the events during the 2008 financial meltdown.
Key Takeaway: The interplay between Wall Street and Washington during a crisis, decisions made, and the aftermath.
8. Books for the Futuristic Finance Enthusiast
a. "The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order" by Paul Vigna & Michael J. Casey
Overview: An exploration of the revolutionary potential of cryptocurrencies.
Key Takeaway: Understanding blockchain technology, digital currency, and their potential impact on global finance.
b. "The FinTech Book: The Financial Technology Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs and Visionaries" by Susanne Chishti & Janos Barberis
Overview: An overview of financial technology and its disruptive power.
Key Takeaway: Insights into fintech's role in reshaping banking, investment, and more.
Financial literature is a treasure trove of knowledge, perspective, and wisdom. The books outlined above are just the tip of the iceberg, but they provide a comprehensive foundation for both novice and seasoned finance enthusiasts. By delving into these pages, professionals not only enhance their technical knowledge but also enrich their understanding of the stories, histories, and philosophies that shape the world of finance. Reading, after all, is to the mind what investment is to finance – a medium for growth, discovery, and enlightenment.
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greenwgroup · 2 years
How to become a Safety Officer?
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If you're interested in evolving a safety officer, one of the first things to believe is how much education you need. Though most safety officers have a college degree, it's possible to become a safety officer. You've always been concerned about the health and well-being of others, and you hope to translate this passion into a career. Employers are focused on finding safety professionals with the proper knowledge and skills to do so. A safety officer also comprehended as an occupational health and safety officer is a key professional in the work environment. Safety officers provide safety management, monitoring, advice, and reporting in the workplace and hire staff in programs that provide safe practices in the workplace.
HSE Basic Eligibilities:
Health, safety, and environment (HSE) officer are responsible for promoting and maintaining the company's health and safety (H&S) culture.
Also, they ensure that everyone in the company follows safety policies under the law. Furthermore, an HSE officer can work with organizations from small companies to multinationals.
Any bachelor's degree or diploma, International Safety certifications like NEBOSH, IOSH, and a passion for the safety industry are important and the initial step toward a profession in the safety field. The HSE has responsibility for developing & approving qualifications for appointments to HSE posts.
HSE Certifications:
HSE certifications provide training on topics like reducing injury or illness, improving employee productivity, increasing regulatory compliance, and reducing the economic burden of your company.
 HSE certifications can apply to many industries, and there are courses you can take depending on your job or field of work. Workplace safety can increase a company's reputation, which can lead to a positive brand image and high employee satisfaction, so getting certified can provide you with many benefits.
 HSE-related certification courses would be beneficial. To begin with, safety professionals should take an essential course in occupational health and safety, such as IOSH, to learn the fundamentals of the field. Safety guidelines, legislation, & other factors change throughout the duration. As a result, continuing your certification will keep you up to date. Studying for NEBOSH Certification care is the next step, and IOSH will serve as an introduction before moving on to NEBOSH. Finishing these courses would give a safety specialist a considerable benefit.
 Most employers usually accept NEBOSH IGC certification, if not the entire NEBOSH Diploma. Learners who completed the NEBOSH IGC course are in high demand, with the NEBOSH IGC recognized as a relevant criterion in 90% of health and safety job advertising abroad. The NEBOSH IGC course would benefit supervisors, managers, individuals interested in beginning a career in HSE, and HSE hopefuls. After completing the NEBOSH IGC, students can continue their education with the NEBOSH International Diploma or the Environmental Diploma course. The next level will help you advance in your career. NEBOSH not only helps HSE beginners but also working professionals pursuing management positions.
 Expectations from a Safety Professional in General:
People interested in working in the safety field can enrol in courses such as IOSH or NEBOSH and evolve into safety professionals by helping with the requirements below.
§  Leadership Skills
§  Management skills
§  Problem-solving capabilities
§  Strong observing, analyzing, and hazard identification skills
§  Risk assessment & evaluation skills
§  Decision-making Skills
Listed below are some of the Health and Safety Jobs:
Health and Safety Coordinator
Health and Safety Auditor
Health and Safety Specialist
Health and Safety Executive
Risk Assessor
Health and Safety Consultant
Health and Safety Advisor
Safety Training officer
Health and Safety Officer
Environmental Consultant
Environmental health practitioner
Field Safety Officer
Intelligence analyst
Safety coordinator
 Need Our Help:
Green World Group is a perfect interactive and Online Learning solution, where you can study in your own time with ongoing tutor support and interaction with other learners.
The training Clearly explains how to classify the immediate, underlying, and primary causes of incident occurrences in the workplace.
§  We also provide various levels of Health and Safety certifications in India locations, which is ideal for individuals and organizations.
§  We had a well-trained educator to provide openness in educational and career guidance to aspiring HSE professionals to build successful careers in Health and Safety Environment. 
§  We delivered 1350+ NEBOSH training batches and were recognized as NEBOSH Gold Learning Partner.
 Green World offers  safety courses from reputed internationalboards NEBOSH,
IOSH, OSHA, ISO Lead Auditor, Safety Diploma, ROSPA, and other Safety Training Courses across the locations in India, UAE, Saudi Arabia & UK.
 Contact Information:
Academic Counsellor:    Mobile: + 91 8098498158 | WhatsApp +919791082789 | Email: [email protected]
For More Queries, Visit Our Website: https://greenwgroup.co.in/training-courses/
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qubemagazine · 2 years
New Post has been published on Qube Magazine
New Post has been published on https://www.qubeonline.co.uk/adopting-a-digital-first-approach-to-your-ehs-programme/
Adopting a Digital-First Approach to your EHS Programme
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Workplace rights and overall welfare are now non-negotiable criteria for workers across the UK. To meet this increasing employee prioritisation of social values, employers are (rightly) expected to adopt a safety-first mindset, and the pressure is on from official, and informal, channels to ensure staff are properly looked after and protected in the workplace.
It’s a cultural shift which is compelling business leaders nationwide to acknowledge the importance of employee wellbeing. Furthermore, the introduction of tougher penalties for health and safety (H&S) offences and corporate manslaughter will have driven many companies to take a more active approach in protecting workers from risk.
However, while the emerging good noises and intentions from C-suites around workplace H&S are a positive sign, turning words into tangible actions is often harder to achieve.
For a start, you need to implement a robust Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) programme to build a positive culture and create as safe a working environment as possible. This will encompass all manner of important protocols from official rules, regulations and standards, to internal policies designed to ensure best practice H&S within the business.
It’s much, much more than merely a set of codified dictates, signposts and PPE. Of course, these are important, but without clear direction of their use, in the context of your working environment, they’re next to useless.
To achieve a scenario where these assets resonate, are engaged with, and adopted, you need careful planning. For me, it commences with the development of a comprehensive EHS strategy which leaves no potential risk unaddressed, yet is scalable and easy-to-understand.
Essentially, an EHS strategy is the framework around which your organisation will build a watertight programme to ensure employee safety. It acts as the glue around which all activity can occur, providing structure and crucial clarity for the organisation’s H&S protocol, and how it will be successfully implemented.
A well-drafted strategy will create a useful roadmap which assists the delivery of an ongoing H&S programme, placing milestones and plotting incremental goals to maintain focus and momentum.
Here, it’s important to flag, its development needs to be coupled with clear support from the CEO and board, who need to actively demonstrate their seriousness on the subject of safety, otherwise the strategy is rendered useless. The C-Suite must be fully committed.
Once the strategy is in place, your programme can be built around it, and implemented. Each programme will be unique to the requirement of an individual business. For example, the contents relevant for a chemical plant, where hazardous materials are handled on a daily basis, will be very different from that of a blue chip accountancy firm.
However, there are a number of universal truths which apply, from specifying general health and safety training and ensuring provision for specialist tasks, to ensuring the programme is compliant with current regulations and standards. And that’s just for starts.
Even for small businesses, there’s still a huge amount to consider and, whilst your programme might be as far-reaching as possible, backed by a rock-solid strategy, it can all fall apart if it’s not correctly introduced and managed.
As we move further and deeper into the online-age of work, we’re becoming more reliant on digital technology to help deliver daily tasks and processes. Nowhere is this truer than in the pre-digital management and delivery of an EHS strategy and programme, which was prone to inconsistency, nebulousness and ineffectiveness through lack of engagement.
The last decade has seen the inexorable rise of EHS management software, to help streamline the implementation of an EHS strategy and programme. Recent research indicated that, by 2026, the market would be worth $2.5bn, representing a yearly growth rate of 11.5%.
Typically, the software records compliance data from incidents and inspections, and a range of other safety metrics, and organises this data into dashboards, providing a more complete safety picture. Proven to boost efficiency and effectiveness, these digital tools are demonstrating how corporate EHS delivery can be a constructive and rewarding exercise, dovetailing with commercial objectives, achieving that crucial ROI to keep the C-suite happy.
So, if there was one takeaway from this article, I would suggest it’s giving serious consideration to an EHS software platform to support your programme.
I’ve only scratched the surface of how digital technology has the potential to enhance your EHS programme, keeping it on-track and ensuring the strategic goals are being met and even surpassed.
Ultimately, the benefits to your business are many, from a happier, healthier and more-invested workforce, to fewer accident claims and legal cost pay-outs, less time off related to injury and a better reputation for your company.
Not only will a good EHS programme protect the welfare and wellbeing of your employees, it will also safeguard your business, positioning it to adapt and thrive in a working landscape where company-wide social awareness is essential.
Darragh Geoghegan, VP of Revenue Operations, EcoOnline
  Adopting a Digital-First Approach to your EHS Programme
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smsafetytraining · 2 years
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Book your CSCS health and safety course online here. The CSCS Health and Safety Course is a course for those new to the construction industry. It will help you understand the work that you need to do on site. Call 03303800996.
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
hey hi um so you can ignore this or delete this if you want or if you dont have the time to write it or if your requests are closed but ive been so stressed lately like im about to drink bleach r smth, i have to do so much homework and finish my late projects over Christmas break cause ive been having a really hard time doing it so like. could i request Akaashi, Iwaizumi, and Kuroo comforting a reader who hasn't slept in days cause of that situation? if this is too much go ahead and delete!! sorry if this is a bother!
Anon I love you, you’re heard and noticed.
I’m so sorry this took so long! I’ve been through hell and back since you’ve requested this, and I wanted to make sure I was in the right headspace.
You’re doing fantastic. Your favs are here to give you some comfort and reassurance!
I did a best friends in college since you didn’t specify romantic, or what year of school 💀💀
CW UNDER THE CUT: reader is very overloaded, and very irritable. Mild cursing as per usual. Food mention! Usage of platonic pet names!
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𝐾𝑒𝑖𝑗𝑖 𝐴𝑘𝑎𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖
Detail oriented and very observant, Akaashi cursed himself for not noticing your rapidly declining health.
He was extra suspicious when you had stopped sending him TikToks. (If you don’t use it, just plug in some other social media :D)
He couldn’t lie, knowing something as small as a childish Internet video made you think of him was the best part of his life.
He shot you a quick “You okay?”
You’re usually quick to reply to him. This time around?
No response…
He decided he was going to grab you your favorite frozen treat from the little shop inside his dormitory.
Making his way to the door, Akaashi wondered what had been happening to you.
As his hand reached up to turn the knob, two gentle knocks threw him off course.
He hurried to open the door…
There you stood in front of him, eyes red and sunken, prominent eye bags accentuating your tussled hair.
“K-Keiji…? I… I need help.” You muttered, quiet as a field mouse.
“Wh- (Y/N) what’s been going on? You haven’t been answering me and I got worried.” He replied urgently, ushering you inside his dorm.
“I can’t do it anymore… S’toomuch.” You note, sitting gently and politely on his couch.
“Do what anymore, honeybee?”
“Work… I’ve been doing nothing but for three days.” you replied sheepishly, instantly regretting sharing that fact.
“T-three days?” You had never seen Akaashi so flabbergasted, “As in 72 hours?”
“I’ve fallen asleep against my will a few times, so it’s more like 60 hours.”
“Oh dear, that won’t do at all. Can you tell me what you’ve had to eat over the past few days?
Instead of being able to say “a few things here and there,” your body shook as sobs bubbled up in your chest.
“Oh!” Akashi exclaimed, rushing to sit next to you and engulf you in a gentle hug, “Don’t worry about a thing… I’m gonna take care of everything.” He whispers, rocking you back and forth gently.
Keiji kept you safe in his arms as you released your tale of woe, hiccups and choked syllables escaping by the second.
The boy gently ran his hands along the length of your arms, whispering reassurances.
“But (Y/N), you have to get some sleep.” He begged, resting a hand on your knee.
You pulled your face through your hands as you melted back down into a fit of tears. “I’ve tried, ‘Kaashi” you whimpered, “My eyes just hurt s-so badly.”
“S’okay, no need to worry.” He whispered quickly as a warm smile overtook his features. “Just let it right out.”
Akaashi took you by both of your hands suddenly, squeezing reassuringly, “Hey…”
“Do you trust me?” He inquired softly, brushing his thumb along the base of one of your own.
“With my life, Keiji.” You ushered a whisper in response.
The boy found himself smiling slightly at the comment. He could cross that bridge later, it was his duty to ensure your safety and comfort.
“Okay. We’re going to try something that sounds a little…” Akaashi squinted his right eye as he tried to find the correct word, “Bizzare.” He finally finished. 
You found yourself amused as he tripped over his words, “Keiji at this point, I don’t care if you dangle me from the ceiling. I just need to get to sleep.”
“Well it isn’t quite as farfetched as that, but it’s up there.” He replied, with a gentle chuckle to follow.
“Alright, hit me.” You say tiredly.
“Okay so…” he began, “Do you have any round cotton pads on you? If not, I have some in my cabinet, but it seems that the best outcome is to not leave your side at the moment.”
“You can go. M’not gonna fly off the deep end again in a mere forty five seconds.” A giggle emitted from you after, quite possibly the sweetest one Keiji had heard in his life.
So, the boy padded through his dorm to the kitchen area. He grabbed four round cotton pads, a small bowl, and something else…
When he returned, your eyebrows immediately furrowed as your mouth fell open. “I’m sorry, what are we going to do with that?”
“This” he began, is going to get rid of the stinging in your eyes.”
Akaashi prepared the small bowl on his bedroom floor, pouring a liquid inside and dipping the pads in.
The liquid?
“I’m still confused as to how this helps.” You said, chewing the inside of your cheek.
“Well.” Keiji chimed, as if he was preparing for this his whole life, “Y’know how when you eat super spicy food, you drink milk to get rid of the spicy taste in your mouth?”
“Well this gets rid of the spicy in your eyes.”
You couldn’t help but burst into giggles at his awful analogy, and the nonchalantness of his delivery.
“What?!” He asks with a slight flush on his face, “It’s the best way I’ve got to explain it to you!”
“Ah, it’s perfect.” You chimed, preparing yourself as Keiji placed two milk-soaked pads onto your sore eyes. “One more quick question though.”
“Rock me, Amadeus.”
“Why four of them?”
“Oh (Y/N).” Akaashi said chuckling, placing two cotton pads on his own eyes, “You’re my best friend. D’you really think I’d make you do weird shit like this alone?”
And it was at that moment that you realized that you didn’t need anyone else in your life…
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𝐻𝑎𝑗𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝐼𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑧𝑢𝑚𝑖
Hajime absolutely loathed how he didn’t find out himself.
He hadn’t noticed. It was actually Oikawa who brought it up to him. 
“Say, Iwa.” The brown haired setter bounded up to his best friend, “D’you see anything off with (Y/N)? They don’t seem like themself lately.”
Iwaizumi was taken aback. He hadn’t noticed anything different about you…
Or so he thought??
When the three of you gathered in Iwa and Oikawa’s shared dorm, Hajime mentally facepalmed.
He finally saw what his roommate was talking about.
Your eyes looked like they would burn off if you closed them. He could see the visible bags under your eyes painting your face a displeasing gray. Worst of all, you were shaking.
When Oikawa left to make some popcorn for the three of you, he decided to pounce on the subject.
“Hey (Y/N)” he whispered, “What’s going on?”
“Wha? Nothin’ M’fine.” you replied sleepily.
“Don’t bullshit me. Both me and Shittykawa can see it.”
You immediately sighed and pulled your head through your hands. “M’just tired, Haji. Nothin’ too major.”
“Yeah that’s about as believable as Oikawa’s girlfriend from Europe.” He replied scoffing, “What is happening?” His tone was darker and more sincere.
“I told you I’m tired, and I am. I haven’t slept in two days for crying out loud!” Your eyes widened and you immediately slapped your hands over your mouth.
“(Y/N)! Two days?!” Iwaizumi’s voice was raising a little bit.
“Yes! It’s not very sleep inducing to have work In every class and a whole project to re-do!”
Iwa watched in defeat as sobs began to bubble up from your chest. He rushed to hug you, sitting next to you on their shitty dorm couch and pulling you into his chest.
“It’s okay. You’re doing so well. No one could do what you do.” He whispered as he ran his hand along your head.
“H-Haji… m’so tired.” you replied through your cries.
“I know, honey. I know.”
“I’m sorry…” you whispered.
“Hey.” He held your hand and tilted your chin upward to meet his eyes, “You have nothing to be sorry about. You can’t control this, but you’re doing damn well dealing with it.”
You smiled wobbily and buried your head into his chest once again.
Hajime hummed a simple song as he continued to run his hand along your head. He rubbed your hip with his thumb as well, keeping you securely in place.
“Jesus. What happened to th-“ Oikawa’s judgemental voice suddenly sounded.
“ZP-“ Iwa hissed through gritted teeth, bringing one hand up to shush his nosy roommate.
“Ohhh.” He whispered, nodding. “Come get me when you’re ready to watch Ferris Bueller.”
“Actually… (Y/N)’s burnt out from their course work. I was hoping we could all work together and get it finished?”
Oikawa bit the inside of his cheek in annoyance, “Oh alright.”
Hajime smiled and nodded to say “thank you”
Oikawa rolled his eyes and smiled right back.
When you finally sniffled for the last time and looked up at Hajime with happy eyes, he grinned back at you.
“Ready to get some work done?”
“No.” You mumbled in reply.
Iwaizumi chuckled at the childish tone in your voice. “C’mon, we can get this done easily.”
When you looked up, you saw Oikawa sitting behind their small wooden table. He had numerous colored pens, highlighters, pieces of paper, and the infamous bowl of popcorn placed upon it.”
“You guys!” you whined, not wanting to disturb them, “I’ll be fine!”
“No you won’t. You’re gonna come back and complain and I just want you to be happy when we watch my favorite movie.”
“I-“ you knit your brows together, “You have a point.”
“That was pretty backhanded, Shittykawa.”
“But it worked, no?”
So you, Iwa and Oikawa sat around the small wooden table, each taking an assignment to knock out.
You of course took the essay, Iwa took the project, and Oikawa took your English busywork, since mans has to be a god at linguistics.
After just a mere hour, every assignment was finished! And now you and your friends could watch your movie peacefully.
As you cuddled up to Hajime, you silently thanked him, and sometimes not silently, during the entire movie.
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𝑇𝑒𝑡𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑜 𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑜
As angry as he was to be the only one to discover you needed help, he pushed his beliefs away so he could rush to your aid.
Kuroo had always been your study buddy! He had been since the second week of your first year.
However, he noticed your attendance to the weekly group study sessions was seriously lacking.
He wasn’t mad whatsoever, just… a little disappointed to not see you anymore.
As odd as it was, he studied and did homework with with your weekly group mates.
The most unfortunate part? They didn’t even acknowledge your absence.
“Oh, (Y/N)? They said they had to finish up some work. They’re in their dorm.”
That was all he needed to know in order to check on you.
When he buzzed your cell, the texts were unanswered and the calls went straight to voicemail.
That was a red flag for him.
That’s when he knew something was clearly wrong.
He found himself running aimlessly toward your dorm room, ignoring the questioning by the study group, the disgusted looks of confusion by the other students he narrowly missed.
He had to make sure you were okay. This wasn’t like you.
When he arrived at your dorm room, he knocked gently, but quickly. “Hey, it’s Kuroo. Open up please!”
When no reply came, he called louder “Hey! Open up!”
Still no reply…
“I really hope you’re not naked!” He yelled, using his copy of your keycard that you had given him for emergencies.
When Kuroo opened your door, he had his phone In his hand, ready to call an ambulance. He was expecting the absolute worst.
So, needless to say, he was a little taken aback when he found you at your desk, typing away miserably.
You had clearly not moved from the spot in quite some time. Your hair disheveled and your eyes so heavily bloodshot. He figured they must be so sore from looking at your computer screen. The bags under your eyes were evident and raising his suspicions
“Hey…” you mumbled, not moving your eyes from your the screen.
“Jesus, (Y/N), you look like hell.” He squatted down to meet your side at your seated level.
“Sorry.” You mumbled sotto voce.
“Hey…” he gently grabbed your arm, “What’s going on?”
When you finally unpeeled your eyes from your laptop screen, you saw him looking at you sympathetically.
“Please, (Y/N). I just want to know how to help you…” he whispered, rubbing his thumb along your forearm.
“Nothing’s up.” You replied without any passion in your voice, your bloodshot eyes gave you away however.
“(Y/N) don’t lie to me.” Kuroo demanded, still squatted rather impatiently at your side.
“I’m just a little tired and have a lot of assignments due.”
“Like what?”
“Three for Chem, one for English, two physics, one for Algebra and finally that huge project for Anthropology? Yeah I had to re-do it.”
“And you’re a little tired?” Tetsuro stood to his feet and turned your spinning chair to face him directly, “When’s the last day you remember sleeping?” He asked sternly, narrowing his eyes.
“Don’t berate me!” You yelled in a hushed tone, your voice slightly cracking as you stood up. “You think I did this to myself?! I didn’t choose to assign 4 different classes worth of work. I didn’t choose to short circuit my hard drive, I didn’t choose to procrastinate or anything like that, and I certainly didn’t choose having to stay awake for 50 goddamn hours straight!”
“Two days…” he mumbled in disbelief, “you haven’t gone to sleep in two days?”
“NO, Tetsuro! I haven’t! And I’m clearly fucking EXHAUSTED!” You cried out, subsequently dropping your face at your tone. “K-Kuroo… m’sorry…”
“It’s okay, I know how tired you are.” He replied with a sympathetic smile, “What’s left that’s due tomorrow?”
“Uh… I’ll check.”
You sniffled as you dug around your desktop, looking desperately for your planner.
“I- I don’t…” you finally squeezed your eyes shut and started to cry gently, continuing to rummage around the desk. “I can’t-“
“Hey, hey, hey, hey.” He hugged you from behind, his warm body wrapped securely against your shaking frame. “You’re alright, take a minute. Shh, Shh. It’s okay.”
Kuroo rested his head on your shoulder, and rubbed your arms gently, as he muttered subdued reassurances.
“You’re doing so well and I’m so proud of you. No one puts in as much care for their craft as you do. You put in absolutely extraneous amounts of effort and you deserve a break so desperately.”
“B-but I can’t stop.”
“You have to, (Y/N). You don’t realize what you’re doing to yourself.” He said in a soft tone, “You’re shaking like a scared puppy and you’re cold as ice. Safe to assume you haven’t had a morsel of food in that time period either?”
“Nothing other than some snacks here and there.”
.”Here’s the deal, (N/N).” He began, resting his hands on your shoulders, “You, or both you and me, are gonna go lay down in that bed and you are going to go right to bed. I’ll work on some of your assignments or pull some research for you. How does that sound?”
“Kuroo, your own homework-“
“Is done.” He cut you off in a high voice, squeezing your hand. , “Monday’s study group remember?”
You let out a fond breath of air and nodded hesitantly, “Okay… I Um… I’m gonna sleep… I want you with me though, you’re very warm.”
The black haired male chuckled and led you to lay down in your bed, his large frame lying near you and holding you securely in his arms.
“Don’t be afraid to rest. Everything will work out in the end.”
As soon as you drifted off asleep, the night owl himself went to your desk and finished some of your work as he had promised.
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aqts-usa-blog · 4 years
Internal Auditor Course
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thenovelartist · 3 years
ABC Fluff Headcanons - Luke Pearce - Tears of Themis
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
You may be the Watson to his Sherlock, but he knows you’re not a follower by nature. You stand firmly on your own two feet. And though it may scare him at times, particularly when your safety is on the line, he can’t deny the pride he feels watching you go above and beyond in all you do, especially when it involves others. That selflessness paired with your determination is what he truly admires about you, and he hopes that you’ll never change, no matter what trials you face.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Your smile. Because if you’re smiling, he knows everything’s going to be okay. He also knows when that smile is forced and when it’s faltering, prompting him to take action of his own to protect or hold you. It’s a tell-all for him, and that brings him comfort.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
In any way he can. He loves holding you. However, he likes it best when you’re chest-to-chest with his arms around you holding you close, no matter if it’s a long hug, lounging on the couch, or snuggling in bed. It’s a versatile position, allowing for you to either meet each other’s gaze while still having close physical contact or for hiding your expressions, such as you snuggling against his chest or him resting his chin on top of your head. It fits for every scenario.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Ideal date? Well… a date… with you. He’s not picky. However, he definitely leans towards the more casual settings. Things where you two can be relaxed around each other, chatting and bantering all the way. Whether that’s strolling around town or a camping adventure or even relaxing at home with a familiar movie you’re not really watching in the background is up to you, but he’s down for any and all of them.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
He’s… well, not quite an open book but rather a book you have to open. He frequently puts on a happy face, so sometimes, you have to break past that. Once you do, he’s not ashamed of being open and honest about his feelings. He wants first and foremost for everything to be okay and for you to be happy, but if you’re shutting that down and calling his bluff, he’ll surrender and be open to having heart-to-hearts so as to get on the same page as you.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Yes… and no.
No, he doesn’t want a family because the lingering fear and guilt of leaving them behind would weigh heavily on his soul. But, if he was being honest with himself and the fear of his life being cut short wasn’t hanging over his head, his answer would be “how many kids are you willing to give him?” None? Okay, he gets you to himself. Five? Fantastic, he’d love a busy house. Adopt? He’s already got all the forms downloaded. Mix of both? Perfect. Family is what you make it, and he’s more than happy to make one with you, no matter what form that takes.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He loves things from you and accepts them all as a treasure. But he places the most value in things that are made. A solid ninety percent of the gifts he gives you are ones he made himself. He doesn’t see the value in giving gifts just to give them; they should either mean something or bring some sort of use to you. To him, gifts mean the most when time and effort was poured into it.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
All. The. Time. He wants contact with you, and hand holding can be both perfectly innocent and sweetly intimate. And little squeezes here and there can communicate without words. He loves it.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Instantly blames himself. He’s there to protect you, and if you get hurt, that means he failed miserably, so you’ll likely have to coax him out of his self-abusive state. Doesn’t matter if it’s anything from a papercut to a large accident, he’ll think it’s his fault, and he will be by your side as much as humanly possible during your recovery. And if it has something to do with NXX? I pity the person who caused you harm. He’d devote far too much time and resources to hunting them down as quickly as humanly possible and making their life a living hell.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
You’re childhood friends. There’s plenty of teasing and inside jokes to go around. It might just be impossible for you to go a single day without one inside joke or playful reference to the past being pulled up.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Luke’s kisses come in one of two varieties: Reverent and Passionate. Reverent kisses cover most kisses, consisting of everything from good morning to good night to general pecks on the forehead, cheek, nose, you name it. The ability and privilege to kiss you means a lot to him, so no kiss is ever taken for granted. Passionate kisses, on the other hand, are less about the way he pulls you close or presses his lips against yours and more about him emotionally baring his soul in those moments. However tangled or feverish that kiss ends up being is only a byproduct of him wanting to express just how much he genuinely adores you.
L = Love Confession (how do they confess?)
You will have to drag it out of this man. Not so much the confession but the confidence to admit he wants to be with you, in sickness and in health, for as much time as he has left. So really, it’s far more likely that you confess first and he’ll admit he feels the same while telling you all the reasons you can’t be in a relationship. Only once you get over that will he pour out all his secrets of how long he’s loved you and how deeply he loves you… And potentially propose right then and there.
M = Marriage (What does the wedding look like?)
He could elope with you and be perfectly happy. And honestly… he might be the happiest with that. If you wanted an actual wedding, he really would have no problem letting you have what you wanted, but the beauty of an elopement is that it can be done sooner rather than later, and he thinks he’s running on borrowed time. If he’s gonna marry you, he’d want to do that, like… yesterday. So if you’re up for an elopement, you basically have twenty-four hours to find a dress because he’s gonna take you down to the courthouse ASAP.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
That he’s going to die soon and leave you behind. The biggest stressor for him is letting you get more attached to him because then his death will be even harder on you. And then what if you end up getting very close to him and marrying him like he wanted, only for him to leave you a widow at a young age? Or worst of all, what if he leaves you a single mom? He already hates the thought of leaving you, but leaving his kids behind…
He tries really hard not to think too deeply on this but it feels like a waking nightmare he’s not going to wake from any time soon.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
This man cannot go forty-eight hours without making at least one Sherlock Holmes reference. And he occasionally has the knack of saying them… at the worst time.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
I don’t think he’d be into cutesy, couple pet names all the time. Instead, I feel like he’d probably use “Watson” or any other childhood nickname he had for you on the regular basis. “Baby” and “Sweetheart” are probably in use, too, but he would tend to save those for quiet or tender moments. And “love” is reserved for the private, more intimate moments.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
In any way he can; you just have to be present. Quality time for Luke can be anything from you two sitting in the same room while doing different things to going on an adventure together to an intimate date night. As long as he’s with you, time is not wasted.
R = Romance (how do they show their love and affection?)
Yes, yes, there’s grand gestures, but his love is shown in the little things. It’s the way he always is looking out for you, like offering you a moment to sit if you’d been walking a while or water if it’s hot. It’s in the way he squeezes your hand in the middle of a conversation. It’s the way he texts you reminding you not to over work yourself before ending it with an XO. Every day to him is precious, and he’s not going to bother with large, elaborate gestures of love if he can smother you in little, affectionate ones all day every day.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
He’s pretty open with you, but the few secrets he has? Those he keeps locked away in the deepest part of himself. He will not let on that he has those secrets unless you get an inkling of their existence and go fishing to pull those secrets out of him. Keep at it; he won’t last long because he’s weak for you.
And of course, there’s state secrets he literally can’t tell you, but that’s a different matter all together.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Freaking years.
This boy has been in love with you forever and could have asked you out as early as high school, but he didn’t. Then you were apart for eight long years, and he could have started something up with you soon after you two reunited, but he didn’t.Instead, he plays the “beat myself up with regrets” game and wastes even moretime trying to logically distance himself from you before you eventually have to forcibly break him down. Only then does he cave. But the “beat himself up game”? Yeah, that never quits. Because eventually, he’ll beat himself up for wasting so much time to make a move.
You really have to help this boy out of those habits.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Will do anything to make you smile again. If you’re sad, he’ll try to pick you up with either a smile and some light banter or a hug and soothing words. If your mad, he’ll try to redirect or release your anger in any way he can. If you’re mad at him, que the kicked puppy look as he practically falls to his knees and begs for forgiveness.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He will show off when he can, usually about his detective skills or ability to fix things, and he will look like a five-year-old boy trying to impress a girl on the playground while doing it. Be sure to praise him for those moments. You will be rewarded with a grinning blushy boy.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
No. No. No.
Until you put your foot down and insist you’re gonna be by his side in a fight no matter what. He literally cannot win against you. And he hates it.
However, he is 110% your warrior and will be until he draws his dying breath. Nothing is going to change that. So if he can fight first and keep you from fighting in the first place, then he’ll do that.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Like a book. He’s known you waytoo long to not be able to. Even those eight years didn’t change you too much, and he was able to relearn everything that felt new to him fairly quickly.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
One of two ways. In scenario L, after the love confession, he would propose marriage in the heat of the moment. You’d probably already both be crying and a total wreck, but your hearts would already be out on the line, and he’d just take that moment to drop the bomb of “please be by my side for the rest of my life”.
OR if that didn’t happen, (or maybe it did BUT he didn’t consider it a proper proposal and wants a redo) the proposal would be nothing big or fancy. Rather, it’s in a quiet moment between the two of you, either hanging out at your place or his. He’s sure to get down on one knee, holding your hand reverently as he pours out his heart to you. You’ll be in tears and his eyes will probably be glassy too by the time you say yes. At which point, he’ll put the ring on your finger and then hug you tight. And probably not let you go until absolutely necessary.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
No, really. You’re basically his world, so as long as he’s able to see you and know you’re okay, he’s okay. And if you want to settle him with sweet words and gentle touches, go right ahead.
You will also put him to sleep if you massage his head with your nails, so be sure to pet the Golden Retriever Puppy. Let him have a moment where he isn’t carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
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