#Heading Home
maureen2musings · 3 months
And away they go!
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ltwilliammowett · 10 months
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Untitled, by Marek Ruzyk (1965-)
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flying-bi-son · 6 days
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balgishisyam · 8 days
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zoeflake · 1 year
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Headlights; fading light
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crochetclaire · 4 months
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Lake District camp for my 30th 🏕️
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aud-chron-images · 20 days
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noxs-mun · 4 months
Am gonna be catching a flight back home in a few hours. I've had an absolutely wonderful time here with my boyfriend @flareflarerp and am gonna miss being with him in person.
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cgclarkphoto · 7 months
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Sunset walk to the barn -  cg photography
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
I’m traveling back home, and came across a book store. I was going through some books and read a few excerpts. Then it hit me.
I forgot how much a few sentences can elicit so many emotions. I actually started tearing up or chuckling after reading a few paragraphs. I really want my writing to have that kind of impact one day.
I was also playing Tears of the Kingdom and read a few entries that inspired me to write some of the new requests I’ve gotten for Trigun and the Daycare Series (I’ll be posting the chapter once my laptop is fixed 🥲). Also thank you to those who have been sending me requests! I’m excited to release a few this week and next week! ☺️
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curvymommy70 · 2 years
Christmas says hi from Amsterdam Airport.
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atths--twice · 2 years
Chapter Thirty
Why Would They Ever Say That About You?
Heading home after the case. Some memories may be coming back to Mulder...
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Mulder snagged a table from an older couple as they rose and headed to their gate. He laid his coat on his chair and Scully’s on the chair opposite. It was not exactly clean, despite the time spent at the dry cleaners.
“Some kind of mud we just can’t get out, Ma’am,” the attendant had said as he handed it to her. “I’m so sorry. We’ll only charge half price.”
“No, that’s okay,” Scully had said with a sigh, paying the full price and even tipping him five dollars. “I appreciate the effort. Thank you.”
“You could borrow my sweatshirt again,” Mulder had suggested once they were in the car. She had shaken her head as she looked at the spots still covering her coat.
“It’s not perfect, but it’s good enough to get me home.”
“Well, if you change your mind… just let me know.”
“I will. Thank you.”
She had worn the coat, taking it off and leaving it with him when they reached the sandwich shop near their gate, telling him to get a table while she got them something to eat.
“Ugh,” a woman said in annoyance, sitting down two tables in front of him, with a tray of food. “It’s so crowded here today. That line was so long. What’s going on?”
“It’s Halloween,” her companion said. “People are traveling.”
“That’s not a thing, Jim,” she said with a laugh. “Halloween is not a holiday that people fly long distances to celebrate. Thanksgiving and Christmas, sure, but not Halloween. Weirdo.” She laughed again and Mulder smiled as he glanced over at Scully, who was next in line, the amount of people behind her longer than it was just a few minutes ago.
“Maybe they’re traveling to Halloween related places, Nancy. Transylvania, Area 51…”
“Looking for vampires and aliens?”
“What better time than on the most haunted night of the year?” Jim said and Mulder nodded as he smiled again.
“Jim… be serious. That’s absolutely ridiculous. You can’t tell me you actually believe in those things.”
“Hmm,” Mulder hummed under his breath and looked up to see Jim staring at the woman with a smile pulling at his lips. She was looking down at her food and did not see the expression on his face.
“Nancy, are you telling me that you don’t believe in monsters?”
“Mythical ones? No, I do not,” she said, raising her head to look at him.
“What other kinds are there?”
“People. People are the worst monsters.”
“Nope, we aren’t doing this again,” Jim said and Mulder had to rest his mouth against his folded hands to keep from laughing out loud, their conversation sounding very familiar.
“You asked and I answered.”
“You did indeed. I should have known better than to engage you in a conversation such as this,” he said with a smile.
“Live and learn, I suppose,” she said with a shrug and Jim laughed.
“God, that line was taking forever,” Scully said, setting a red tray onto the table, forcing Mulder out of the conversation of strangers and to pull his hands out of the way. “There was a guy ahead of me who waited until he was at the register to decide to look at the menu, asking… so many questions. It’s a sandwich shop. They have sandwiches. People are the worst sometimes.”
Unable to help himself, he started laughing and she looked at him like he was crazy. Shaking his head, not wanting to explain the nearly identical conversation with strangers at another table, he waved his hand and took the food off the tray and set it on the table as she sat down.
“Oh, I forgot napkins.”
She started to get up and he stopped her.
“I’ll get them, you stay.”
A man stood near the counter, taking up the space as he spoke loudly on his cell phone, causing Mulder to roll his eyes as he reached for some napkins, but the man stepped in front of them and blocked him.
“That’s absolute bullshit,” the man said, raising his arm in the air. “Who said that? Why would they ever say that about you? You don’t need to be giving them any more of your time. Do you hear me? Drop them and forget what they said. Okay? I’ll be home soon and we can talk more. I love you.”
He hung up and heaved a big sigh as he shook his head.
“Uh, excuse me,” Mulder said. “I need to grab some napkins.”
“Oh, shit. Sorry man, I was just… My wife is having some trouble with these women at work, making her feel really bad about herself and she was so upset. She’s so beautiful and they…”
But Mulder did not hear anything else the man had to say as he stood frozen in place.
The stale scent of coffee. Pressure on his head.
You’re so beautiful.
What was that? Had it happened or was it something he had dreamed?
“Mulder, were you going to get those napkins today, or do we need to delay our flight?” Scully teased as she reached behind him and pulled napkins from the holder. “Come on, or we’ll run out of time.”
He followed her back to the table, shaking his head with a frown as he tried to remember more, but it was not coming to him.
They sat down and he watched her, not talking much as they ate, until she sighed and wiped her mouth on a napkin.
“Do you really believe that Sarah could have been the one to paint that picture?”
He chewed his food and swallowed it, wiping his hands on his napkin.
“Did I really step into her past?” he asked. “Did we really enter some odd… realm in the middle of the forest? Did you really speak to me through a lit candle? Did that happen?”
She looked at him, then around at the people walking through the airport, before looking at him again.
You’re so beautiful.
Did that happen, Scully? Did I say that to you? he thought, looking into her eyes, but he did not say it out loud, worrying what she would say if he was mistaken.
“But how? The cemetery was where she lived, or where her spirit resided, right?”
“Both, actually, I’d say,” he said with a smile.
“So, if that was the case,” she said, taking a sip of her water. “How would she come to Fauna’s shop? Are spirits not tied to specific places? Is that not the rule for every haunted home? The spirits who are there, are there? They don’t jump from place to place.”
So goddamn beautiful, he thought as he grinned.
“Maybe since they had an encounter when Sarah comforted Fauna, or maybe through Fauna’s walks in the woods and then the uh… coven-”
“Which I am finding more and more intriguing, by the way,” she said, nodding with her eyebrows raised. “The sense of being naked under the moon-”
She laughed as he shook his head and took a drink of his water.
“Anyway,” he said, putting the lid back on his bottle and setting it to the side. “Maybe all the time Fauna spent in that area created a bond, allowing Sarah the ability to travel further than the cemetery and the forest.”
“Maybe,” she said, crossing her arms on the table and looking around again as she let out a deep breath. “It was a beautiful painting, however it came to be.”
“Yeah,” he said, staring at her profile, admiring the shape of her neck, the prominence of her cheekbones, and the beauty mark above her lip that she always kept covered. “Beautiful.”
He continued staring at her until she caught his gaze and he smiled, suggesting they clean up and head to the gate.
Twenty minutes into their flight, she yawned for the tenth time. Checking her seatbelt, she closed the window shade and shifted, laying her head on his shoulder, yawning again.
“I’m gonna rest my eyes for a few minutes,” she said, her words already sounding tired and slurred.
He smiled as he nodded against her head and closed his eyes.
“Me too,” he whispered and she hummed, both of them asleep in minutes.
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spookysalem13 · 1 year
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Very long day, winding down with music 🎶 , I have so much packing to do in the next couple of days. It's almost time to head home. I miss home 💕 it's been five months, looking forward to being back in my little town 🥰 I hope I didn't miss my cherry blossoms 🌸
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the-smallest-star · 2 years
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daddysmusicblog · 1 day
Getting on a plane for Los Angeles in an a couple hours and I can already smell the In-N-Out. OMG I've dreamed about this for one year and seven months today exactly.
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nouverx · 8 months
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You gotta excuse his 1920's ass, he's still learning slangs
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