#He's the one person in the friendgroup who just falls in love with assholes and keeps forgiving them
Do I want Cherik to be real and be gay on screen? Yes!
But do I also want to slap Charles across the face and scream "Don't do it again, he's bad for you! Learn from your mistakes!" Absolutly!
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luckiest-dice · 1 year
honestly i dont know if ill ever make friends again. im trying to reconnect with a past friend, now that time has passed and the issue is no longer talked about. even if they said theyre okay w the friendship, its like they dont want me in their life at all, and even more when i know that they are able to open up to other people emotionally but decided that if they did that with me it would become an issue.
why does my whole old friendgroup not talk to me anymore. what i did was obviously a bit stupid, and to that one person, my close best friend, it was rude, but i cant believe they excuse what they all do but when i do it its wrong.
i worked at a nighclub and drank alcohol at work? suddenly i was the horrendous one, when they willingly go out and get drunk so often. i had never even gone to a club before i started working there.
my current boyfriend used to be a grade a asshole, and i defended him and still tried to make things work, and i was apparently an awful friend for doing that, instead of listening to my bestfriend. i know it was a bit risky and maybe dumb, but it worked out for the best and i was right he is a lovely person, and also people do dumb shit for people they like all the time, including not listening to advice, its not uncommon, i dont know why its so morally fucked up when i do it so much that they have to cut me off and when they speak to me again im not even allowed their emotional closeness.
and the whole coke thing is just insane. getting mad at me for being addicted and not stopping when they told me to. i know it must be painful but the fact that the entire group acted as if i was some evil toxic person who purposefully did cocaine to piss off my friends is just stupid.
i was so obviously doing very badly and obviously incapable of listening to advice because i was doing so bad all i could do is fall into a spiral of drugs, stupid behavior and su1c1de attempts. and i get its got to be painful if someone close to you is going through stuff like this, but if you really love them, wouldnt you stick it out??
i get leaving when its too much but it honestly had not been that much and that long for them to leave me. its like it was almost an excuse. but whatever.
i really appreciate how ryan worried and never left, hes always supported me and cared about what went on with my life and never seemed to have a need to distance himself. and whenever we were distanced he made sure to reach out and speak to me again. hes a real g.
whatever i dont need friends ive got myself.
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microcosmtoxin · 3 years
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PAUSE i just remembered that c3 is happening and will happen and characters are being thought of and backstories are being built and we'll get to fall in love with a new group of crazy assholes all over again and get to watch them grow and stumble and adventure and love and ohhhhh mmmyy god duuudeu
302 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 15:18:06 GMT
"I could fix him" "I could make him worse" well I could tell him copius amounts of information about dnd campaigns I watch online
360 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 03:17:35 GMT
i lie awake at night wondering who was the first person to think about the Hot Drow and go. ear cuff. so much so that even though he's never mentioned to wear jewelry it's in what little official art there is of him. who did that. where can I personally thank them.
416 notes • Posted 2021-12-07 03:05:28 GMT
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1483 notes • Posted 2021-08-13 05:08:55 GMT
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for the first time in 140 days, it's Thursday.
3670 notes • Posted 2021-10-21 10:12:08 GMT
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fictionerd · 6 years
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Good to see you, friends!
Yeah still passing on the synopsis. This has just become vent posting for me. Namely because I don’t know which state of this show pisses me off more. The state where I didn’t care about it, or the state that I didn’t. I’m going to try and lay my thoughts on the series in general out here. I’ll put a read-more in just in case it gets long.
Okay, this series started off strong in its first season. The premise was a bit quirky, but I was interested. I felt like seeing Tsutsui (a.k.a. Blue Idiot) grow as a person and put together an actual friendgroup. The characters were all pretty good in my opinion, and it looked like I was going to enjoy the show despite romance not necessarily being my thing.
Then it started dragging its feet. Through the middle of both seasons of the show I felt like things were getting bogged down and Murphy’s law was being invoked for no good reason. I get that writing a story, especially a story like this, is all about manipulating the audience’s emotions. There is a difference, though, between manipulating emotions and grabbing us by the cheeks and screaming “FEEEEEEL THIIIIIIIIINGS!”
I’ve touched on this a number of time, but the story’s habit of using the supporting cast as little more than set dressing really bothered me. Granted this season gave me a little more to care about, but I’m STILL pissed about the fact that we never saw Takanashi (a.k.a. THIS ASSHOLE) make an effort to make amends to his sister. The whole “Big Brother who’s the man in the house cause the father is out of the picture” characterization falls flat as a result of this. In case I haven’t harped on it enough. HE USED HIS SISTER AS A PAWN TO FRAME BLUE IDIOT AS A PEDOPHILE! We’re just supposed to forget that and accept that he’s actually super over-protective of her? NO! Absolutely not! 
Not to mention the fucking kerfuffle this season with Blue Idiot’s parents where we’re led on by the nose to think his dad (Whom we’d never met before now) had an affair with a coworker. When in actuality it turns out he just had dinner with her, and just felt that he’d betrayed his wife so deeply by doing so that he let things escalate to the threat of divorce and splitting up his family. Worse off there’s implication that Momma Idiot KNEW it had just been a dinner at some point. That WHOLE series of events was purely put in place to be a threat to the Idiot Couple’s Relationship. There was literally no other reason for it. It was bullshit theatrics for the sake of it. I know. I know. Filthy rich coming from me, but It just grated after how Ayado got treated toward the end of season one.
Speaking of Ayado let’s talk about the positives. When this series pulled its head out of the Idiot Couple’s assholes and actually started sharing the spotlight it got a thousand times better. Hell the whole “Ayado in love with Tsutsui” progressing through the camping trip and into the beginning of this season with her eventually falling for Ito all the while he had his mad crush on her could have worked a lot better if they hadn’t Murphied the Idiot Couple’s relationship so hard in the beginning of the show. Taken all together the arc makes sense and I care a lot more about Ayado and Ito at that time than I did Blue and Pink Idiot.
I think what frustrates me the most about this show is that it JUST barely managed to hold my engagement. I’m mad because I WANT to like the show. I WANT to like the characters, but in every case there’s at least one problem that makes me throw up my hands and scream.
At the end of the day though: Do I think 3D Kanojo is a bad story?
No, actually I don’t. I don’t think 3DK is just a bad story. I think it’s a good story handled poorly. I’ll admit to not having done any research into the actual writer behind the show’s origin Manga. I don’t know what was dropped in the adaptation. Maybe one day I’ll go give the manga a shot. Maybe it will be better. I don’t honestly know. What I do know is how frustrating this has been to watch for me.Too much contrived misery. Too much dragging characters through the mud just for the hell of it. Not enough utilization of the supporting cast as more than just window dressing. All in all this could just be chalked up to a taste problem. This show didn’t suit my tastes. If you want to use that argument that’s fine. I like to think I’m pretty easygoing. Hell I watched all of Handshakers (Speaking of which I hear it DID get a sequel this season that stealthed RIGHT under my radar). 
I guess at the end of the day what I’m trying to express is that this anime was a juggler who dropped a few too many balls for me to say they were truly great, but hey they WERE trying to pull off some complex maneuvers during the routine and that in itself is worth noting.
Until next post keep talking fiction, friends! I’ll see you soon.
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