#He's just chilling at the bottom of the sea now
dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 4 months
Hot Eöl Take
I'm going to preface this by saying you're probably a grown adult, so don't be rude just because I have a different opinion.
Eöl and Areðel's wedding was consensual. He thought she was beautiful and smart, even if she was a Noldo. She though he was handsome and clever. He didn't purposely get her lost in Nan Elmoth - Melian's residual magic does that to those who aren't used to it. They did truly love each other.
Areðel gave birth to Lómion. Eöl didn't understand the big deal about names (the Avari tribe where he grew up, far in the east, parents called their children Minyien (first son), Tatyien (second son), Minyida (first daughter), etc. until they were inspired to give them a name. Twelve years? Eöl was Nelyien for a thousand of these newfangled Sun years. But Areðel kept pestering him about it, so he spent a week figuring something out for his Minyien's begetting day.
(That was a strange thing as well, the concept of a begetting day. It was difficult to track such a thing before the Sun and without the Trees, so the "dark Elves" just didn't.)
Eöl taught Maeglin smithing, but he saw his son's heart was more in the mining, and frequently took the family to Nogrod. Areðel got along famously with the Khazad; she quite liked their fuzzy beards. For a long while, they were happy.
But as time passed on, Eöl grew paranoid. He refused to let his family leave Nan Elmoth without him, and eventually refused to leave at all. He tossed Maeglin into trees to learn to climb.
(He thought of Maeglin torn apart by yrch, begging for his mother, his father, anyone, all because of his fear of heights. Eöl needed to teach his son to get over it, or he would die.)
He grew possessive and distrustful, and Areðel couldn't take it anymore. She and Maeglin fled. Eöl, with a sear coated in spider venom, followed.
Remember, the writer of The Silmarillion was a Gondolindrim Noldo who would've had a bias against him.
(I have the word for "son" and "daughter" in Eöl's language as "ien" and "ida", respectively.
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0xeyedaisy · 7 months
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Some unfortunate fellas
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starsofang · 21 days
pirate poly!141 x reader tw: NSFW, MDNI, brief mentions of death/blood, gaz being a little shit, foreshadowing idk but we gettin into it masterlist
When a group of unhinged pirates invade your small village, you're whisked away from your peaceful home and thrown on to a voyage out at sea. Forced to obtain a new role as their medic, you have no choice but to accept your fate as you join their forces and aid them in their treacherous travels.
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“You need new clothes.”
You glanced down at the loose fabrics swallowing your body.
You’d grown a routine of wearing various pieces of the men’s clothing apart from Ghost, given that your own clothes weren’t much to wear at all. They were old and dirtied, practically useless against the changing seasons of the chill that began to shift in the wind.
“We’ve got to stop on the Mainland, gather a few things for travels,” Gaz continued, eyeing the lousy clothes. “Would you like to shop for somethin’ new?”
“Really?” you asked bashfully.
It would be nice to have something of your own, something that was yours. While you weren’t doused in riches and gold back in your village, you had clothing that was to your own comfort and liking.
Men’s clothing was itchier than you liked, even with finer cotton.
“‘Course,” he assured with a warm smile. “Not that it’s not a bit humorous seein’ you wear our clothes for the time bein’, but I’m gettin’ sick of washin’ double the clothes.”
You smiled back at him, feeling a comforting warm burn through you. Gaz may have had his reservations in the beginning, but he was certainly becoming the most welcoming.
At the start, you thought he was cold, just as the rest of them. He was crude with the way he spoke, voice full of venom whenever he’d spoken to you, which was rare. Now, there was an underlying comfort, as if he felt the need to watch over you.
It wasn’t unwelcome, and was rather preferred. If you were going to be willed into this life of deadly chaos by no choice but Price’s own, then having somebody watching your back was certainly something you wouldn’t refuse.
“Clothes would be nice,” you sighed. “Thank you, Gaz.”
“No need,” he dismissed with a hand. “Consider it a loan. I get you new clothes, you owe me next time.”
“Next time?” You deflated, shoulders dropping. “I have no money to return to you, Gaz. Nor anything of consistency.”
Gaz laughed lightly, a hearty laugh that you always found contagious. It was full of life, lovely even.
The brief memory of him mentioning being a prince in his previous years always seemed to make its way back into your mind when you heard it. It wasn’t loud or boisterous like Soap’s, nor quiet and gruff like Price’s. There was a something more proper, more articulated when he laughed.
“You expect clothes for free, dove?” he teased. “I may be a gentleman in practice, but I’m still a pirate. Perhaps we can come up with a negotiation.”
“I have never been good with those,” you confessed with a heavy sigh.
“Mm. Let me think, then.” Gaz’s finger tapped mindlessly at his bottom lip, eyes narrowed in false concentration. As if a light bulb popped in his head, he snapped his fingers, pointing at you. “I will gift you coins for clothes as well as a few for our agreement. Once we’re on the Mainland, you go off and find me somethin’ I’ll like. If I don’t like it, then you must owe me for the clothes.”
You gawked at him, eyebrows furrowing. Gaz only smiled at you cheekily, a glint of playfulness in his eyes.
“That sounds less like a negotiation and more of a game that I am bound to lose,” you said flatly. He snickered.
“C’mon, birdie. Don’t you like games? Everyone does.” He leaned in close as if to mock you, hunching down to your level. You could feel his warm breath fan over your nose and cheeks.
The sudden proximity made you tighten up at the abruptness, taking a step back. His eyes flickered to your feet before back up at you. Something mischievous oozed from him, and it felt like Soap was the one teasing you rather than Gaz.
Why were you so flustered? Was it due to the absence of light-hearted mockery that you’ve now forgotten what it felt like?
“Okay, okay. I will find you the most brilliant gift on the Mainland,” you bragged, attempting to come off aloof.
Gaz’s smile grew, though he didn’t step away from you. “Excellent.”
You watched as he finally moved, straightening up. He radiated a boyishness, one you didn’t see often, so you allowed him the advantage. The two of you were growing friends, or at least that’s how it felt. You didn’t want to lose that feeling.
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“Don’t let her out of your sight,” Price ordered his men. He said it with such warning, as if you weren’t standing amongst them.
It made sense, though you felt like a child with a leash on. After all, the last time you joined them on the Mainland, you ended up in a heated game of hide and seek with the soldiers you so stupidly entrusted.
Ghost stood silent, eyes peering over the side of the ship and to the faint view of the bustling town sitting several hundred yards away. He seemed on edge, more than he normally was, but you could only tell so much from his stiff body language.
You followed his view, squinting. The Captain decided it was best to dock the ship on a farther pier, away from the crowd. Out of sight, out of mind. Nobody would notice them unless they went searching.
“Aye, Cap,” Soap and Gaz synchronized.
Price glanced at Ghost, who shifted his focus off of the land and to his Captain. He gave him a curt nod, and seeing that Price was satisfied, the five of you began to head off.
Ghost was in charge of you this time, much to your dismay. It was evident Price was still weary of you running off, and it seemed Ghost was his most trusted candidate for the job.
The walk towards the busy town was quiet apart from Soap and Gaz speaking quietly behind you. You tried to listen in, but it seemed Soap had a keen sixth sense because before you knew it, his hands cupped over your ears, shielding you from the chatter.
You could very faintly hear Gaz snickering, so you frowned to yourself, disappointed.
You always wondered what they all spoke about when you weren’t around. It always felt like there was this lingering whisper in the air that spoke a language you didn’t understand.
The maps, the poem, none of it made sense to you and nobody was offering answers. Even when you tried to shush it in your mind as it played on replay, it never quite left. It was always in the corner, waiting to return once things got too quiet.
Glancing at Ghost from beside you, he gave no indication of… anything, really. Even after all this time, he was still an impossible read. He stood tall as always, walked with an edge to him, and kept his eyes forward.
You’d never met somebody so confusing yet utterly frustrating at the same time. One moment, he gave you hopes of a bright future on the ship—getting along, finding solitude in one another, empathizing understanding.
Yet as quickly as those feelings would come, they’d be squashed with a mere glare. A burning fire. Something reserved.
You didn’t think he understood himself, either.
When you came to the bounds of the town, Price stopped you. He glanced up at the sky, eyes squinting at the brightness on his retinas, before looking back.
The sun blared down on you from directly above.
“Return here when the sun falls to the west. If anythin’ happens, and I mean anythin’,” he paused, meeting your eyes before shifting back to his men, “then you run back to the ship and signal the bell. Am I understood?”
You really hoped Ghost was good with directions, or at least had a compass. You weren’t sure how to read the time through the sun’s positions. It was never a necessity before when you knew that it was nighttime when the moon came out to play.
You looked back at the ship that was now in the distance. It floated mindlessly along the lapping waves, bobbing back and forth as if saying hello.
The men confirmed with Price. Just as you were about to join them as they trudged on forward, Price stopped you with an arm held out, blocking you from walking.
“You aren’t goin’ to run off on me again, are you?” he asked quietly, though there was that familiar touch of authority to his tone. It wasn’t malicious, but you knew the implications—he wanted to trust you.
“No, sir,” you assured with a shake of your head. Out of the corner of your eye, you dared to look at Ghost, who was impatiently waiting if the tapping of his fingers on his crossed arms meant anything. “I won’t do such a thing.”
The Captain kept his arm up for a moment so he could look at you. His eyes searched yours, so much so it made you flustered.
“Good.” He nodded. “Go along, then.”
He dropped his arm, letting it fall to his side. He looked as if he wanted to say something more, but he simply cleared his throat and gave you a farewell with a nod.
You watched him leave, disappearing into the swarm of shopping townsfolk. Curiosity festered you like a tick, itching into your skin, but you knew it was best to leave it be for now.
“You comin’?”
Ghost snapped you out of your spell. You quickly came back to reality, offering a quick nod before jogging to catch up to him, sticking to him like glue as you entered the town.
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It was loud and overwhelming as you followed Ghost around. He made haste with purchases which ranged from stock for food to new knives that glinted tauntingly at you in the light, all of which were shoved into the bag thrown on his shoulders.
You knew people were staring. Even if they were directed towards Ghost and his eccentric appearance, it felt like they were watching you for even being associated with him.
The whispers between women about it being scandalous, the chatter between men who felt imposing threat from Ghost merely standing there.
You didn’t know why, but a part of you felt more defensive than humiliated. Your image was one mocked for the entirety of your lifespan, but Ghost had done nothing to warrant it. Not to them, anyway. To you was a different story.
None of that mattered now, though. You were growing increasingly irritated at being looked upon like a circus act.
“Ignore it,” Ghost muttered. You almost didn’t quite catch it. “I can feel you gettin’ huffy.”
You scowled, crossing your arms and turning your head. Ghost paid you no mind, continuing to browse in the small shop you were in.
“I am not huffy,” you mumbled.
Ghost paused, turning his head towards you. He stared, eyes flickering over your face—first to your furrowed eyebrows, then to your narrowed eyes, then down to your lips tugged into a frown.
He snorted quietly through his nose, returning to his browsing.
The sound made you turn your head. Dare you say it sounded amused, though it could be your ears deceiving you.
You decided to ignore it. The last thing you wanted was to bring it up and have him reserve back to permanently scowling.
Ghost straightened up from the various knives he was looking at, uninterested. He adjusted the bag on his shoulder.
“Need anythin’?” he asked, sniffing.
You perked up, hand coming to rest on the small pouch resting on your hip. It contained the coins Gsz gifted you for clothing, as well as the surprise gift he requested of you.
Nothing came to mind on what to get him. You were clueless, and really didn’t want to owe him.
“Gaz was generous enough to give me coins to buy my own clothes,” you explained, shaking the pouch. Coins within the bag clanked together.
Ghost glanced down at the pouch. “I see,” he hummed, a touch of confusion in his words. Almost as if he was surprised.
He gestured with his head to follow him. The two of you left the quaint shop, stepping back out on to the dusty road. Ghost didn’t move from the entrance, and when you looked up at him, he was already looking at you.
A silent question. He was allowing you to make the choice on where to go.
Looking around, you realized you knew close to nothing about shopping for clothes. Not of these kind, anyway. You were used to the muted, colorless fabrics that never seemed to fit quite right.
You decided on a shop that displayed a variety of different clothes and colors in the windows. Some looked too delectable for your taste, and much too expensive, while some were more simple.
Stepping inside, the sight was positively overwhelming. Colors of all kinds lined the walls. Stuffed mannequins were pinned together with dresses.
Ghost seemed severely uncomfortable. You were elated. A taste of your own self was hidden somewhere within these walls, and you were going to find it.
“Go ahead,” Ghost gruffed from beside you. He shifted on his feet, eyes averting to nowhere. “Not my thing.”
You hummed in response, leaving to browse on your own accord. If Ghost didn’t seem to mind, then you wouldn’t rush yourself.
You took your time. You went through everything you can think of—greens, blues, purples, reds. None seem to fit you. Or more so, you wouldn’t fit with them.
Neutrals were their friends. Browns, grays, anything above the stars. So, naturally, that’s what you went for. Something to fit in and not stand out. You were facing that enough as is.
Once you focused your preference, you found quite a few options and went with what felt best.
Ghost watched you with muted curiosity as you fluttered around the store with a heap of clothes in your arms. He only looked away once he was caught.
As you were about to call your search a success, a glint of gold in the corner of your eye caught your attention. A beautiful miniature telescope sat locked away in a glass case, made from dark wood and detailed with an exquisite gold design.
The sight of it instantly reeled you in.
It was the perfect gift for Gaz. You came to learn that he had a love for the moon and stars, often leaving the room late at night to ponder beneath them. You knew you wouldn’t lose your game if you got it for him.
The only issue was that the price was hefty.
You looked down at your strew of clothes, contemplating. The coins in your pouch would be enough for your clothes, but not for the telescope as well.
The telescope called out to you, like a secret siren’s song pulling you into captivity. It chose you, and you chose it back.
Ultimately, you graciously returned some of the fabrics back to their original areas, leaving them tidy and neat. You approached Ghost with nothing more than a few clothings items, enough to get you by.
You were never materialistic anyway.
Ghost stood, silently observing but feigning disinterest as you made the big purchase for your clothes, then requested the telescope. He made no comment, eyes following your every move as you emptied the contents of your pouch, the coins clanking along the counter.
The merchant was happy to sell it to you, claiming that nobody seemed interested. You were pleased to hear that, and with a quick and easy exchange, the clothes and telescope were yours, placed carefully into Ghost’s bag.
“Is that it, then?” Ghost huffed, shifting the weight of the bag on his shoulder.
You nodded, satisfied with your purchases as you set off along the old roads to return to the rest of the crew.
As you walked, your eyes ventured along the way, taking in the varying crowds. Some mothers, some fathers, some alone on their own journeys. None paid you any mind.
Until one did.
A man. Not as tall as your crew, but certainly as threatening. His entire aura would be misty black if it was visible to the naked eye. His hair was a cropped mess on his head, brown like the dirt beneath your shoes.
His skin was scarred and tainted, dark eyes piercing into you. Even from a distance, you feared you’d combust into a bloodied, explosive mess just from the sheer look he gave you.
The worst was his smile. Cocky. Arrogant. Evil.
If death were a man, this would be its vessel.
His lips were moving, though you couldn’t hear him. He was too far away. It wasn’t until the wind bristled, rising goosebumps along your skin did you hear it. His voice traveled along the breeze until it whisked to your ears, flooding through.
“I’ll be seeing you, dove.”
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orshii · 2 months
Crashing Waves and Second Chances
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☆ Summary: You’re enjoying a well-deserved vacation with your best friend after finishing college in Greece when you run into Wooyoung, your first love from high school. The unexpected encounter stirs up old feelings and unresolved issues from your past. As Wooyoung tries to explain and make sense of what happened between you, you’re faced with a choice: revisit the past and seek closure, or move forward and see if there’s a new possibility for your relationship. Will you let him explain and explore the chance for a fresh start?
☆ Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x female reader ☆ Genre: fluff, angst, idiots in love ☆ Word count: 6,8 k
☆A/N: Waa this is my first Wooyoung ff and I'm crying. Wooyoung recently is so insane like?? I just love him and he reminded me he also exists next to my two biases :'(( But I'm back in my Wooyoung era again, yess!! And as I want to be in Greece I wrote this story, because I'm going feral staying home. And of course, because it's Greece I needed to include some Greek God references too haha. It is worth reading it till the end cause I kinda died. :D Also sorry for the mistakes I am still learning. Soo enjoy this little drabble hihi!! Byee! (divider)
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The slight waves of the turquoise sea crashed along the sandy beach, sparkling from the sun beaming at its highest point. The sound of the waves lured me into a daze as the world's nestled sounds slowly disappeared. The sun burnt my skin like I was in the underworld, the sun being Hades himself, looking at me with hungry, burning eyes. But then a slight chill ran through my body as the summer breeze crawled through my skin, trying to cool down the heat I was feeling. Suddenly I felt like I was in heaven as I walked on the beach, the waves of the cool sea crashing against my foot, the wind blowing through my hair, through my white dress, as the sun slowly went down, creating a breathtakingly beautiful landscape as the sky was full of orange and red colours, the sea copying its beauty, making it look like the sky was never-ending, just as the sea.
Then I heard screaming.
And that was the moment when I opened my eyes quickly as something cold wetted me and I immediately sat up from the sunbed just to realize I was, in fact, next to the sea, but the screaming came from a little kid that just ran next to me and he just needed to get rid of the water dripping from his hair next to me. The next thing I noticed was me being as red as a crab because I fell asleep under the sun. Great, now I'm going to sleep on my back for a weak and look like half-cooked meat. I squinted from the pain as I wanted to stand up to get into the water to cool down at least.
My best friend next to me looked at me through her sunglasses a book in her hands and completely under the umbrella's shadow. She smirked at me enjoying my suffering.
"Thank you for waking me up to not burn into ashes," I said to her ironically as I squinted my eyes at her.
"You looked like you had a good dream, I just couldn't wake you up." He said acting innocent.
"Whatever, I'm going to drown in the sea," I said joking to her as she giggled at that.
"Be careful, you might get dragged down by Poseidon himself." My best friend shouted after me as I was walking towards the shore.
"I wish, dude, I wish." I turned back for a quick moment to say it to her with a smirk.
Then as I hit the water, I felt relieved because the cool water chilled my hot body and mind a little. I quickly went deeper into the sea, diving underwater just to open my eyes and look around the crystal-clear water, where I saw a few little fishes swimming around –actually swimming away from me because they were scared little shits—well I would be too if a shark would swim towards me that is no question.
The water was sparkling around me from the sand that flew upwards from the bottom of the sea, and as the sun beamed through the water it sparkled and I just lived for it, because it was so mesmerizing, I honestly could live as a mermaid, I would volunteer—
I swam around a little, cooling down so I could feel like a human again, I turned on my back and just floated on the water like garbage, pretending I was dead. Meanwhile, I thought about how I was waiting for this moment, to get away from the full-year pressure I was under, with my best friend, as we planned to get away from home for a vacation after we just graduated, leaving the stress and the pressure behind trying to figure out what is going to happen next. We just wanted to enjoy our little time together here and close out the responsibilities that came with us being unemployed as we finished college.
We decided we were going to travel to Greece, which was both of our favorite places on earth, because we felt like this place connected us, and a little piece of our hearts just felt like it was made from the soil of this landscape. We just felt a connection towards it, that pulled us towards this place. And let's not talk about the tell stories of the Gods, each of them beaming a uniqueness that didn't exist on this Earth. And when we finally arrived, we couldn't stop smiling, every stress and uneasiness leaving our souls just to feel a little relieved.
As I walked back to our sunbeds, where my best friend, Bora was sitting, still holding a book in front of her, being lost in the imaginary world, I glanced through the beach and my eyes immediately got caught on people surfing on the big waves of the crystal water, the waves making a tunnel where the professional surfers went through. I immediately got excited, wanting to try it, as I arrived at my best friend with an excited smile.
"People are surfing, look!" I pointed towards the shore, where two surfing tutors were standing, helping people out to try this sport. "And those tutors might be our next catch, just saying." I winked at her, to catch his attention, as she looked towards them with now an interested look. Her face looked like she was thinking, calculating if it was a good decision or not.
"Please?" I interlaced my hands and looked at her with puppy eyes. I always wanted to try out surfing, and this was the perfect occasion. And not for the tutors that I wanted to check closer, not at all—
Bora sighed. "Okay, let's go, surfing seems fun. And the two men there look interesting from the back." She smirked at me as I nodded in agreement as we collected our stuff and wore our flowery beach dresses.
We approached the spot, where the surfing boards with different kinds of designs were stuck into the sand and when I spotted a well-defined back with a tattoo on the nape, that was too familiar to me, I immediately regretted my decision of wanting to learn surfing.
But it was too late because before I could signal somehow to my best friend to turn around, the black-haired one with the tattoo, who wore only black swimming shorts, turned around and his eyes immediately landed on me.
And I just wanted to shout for Poseidon to drag me deep into the sea and make me his slave, because that was better than being here standing in front of my first love that broke my heart, and he didn't even know about it.
Well, he was my high school crush and I was head over heels for him, and he gave me signs that were so questionable, he made my little heart believe he wanted something from me as well. But in the end, he got together with a blonde girl with perfect red lips and a perfect body. So, eventually, I needed to let it go and get over him somehow that felt impossible. I managed to forget him with time as I didn't see him for years. But seeing him now still made my heart beat crazy like we were back in high school. And I hated it.
As he saw us approach, he nudged the person next to him, who had black hair with some blonde stripes in it, and he turned as well just to his eyes start to sparkle with excitement his lips in awe, seeing us. His dimples slightly showed from the smile he beamed at us, wearing light blue swimming shorts, his well-defined body on the sight.
They were standing there, waiting for us to approach, looking at us with different expressions. Song Mingi with pure happiness and Jung Wooyoung with wide eyes.
Jung Wooyoung the black haired and Song Mingi with the oreo hair, we were all classmates along with my bestie, Bora. The four of us were kind of inseparable. But when I started to feel more than friends towards Wooyoung, things got complicated and when we finished high school, we never saw each other. That was why some uneasy feelings swam back to me, when Bora hugged Mingi in excitement, their friendship ending just because both their best friends were fools, it wasn't fair, but this was a best friend's job after all, to be there for your best friend.
Then I just put aside all my thoughts about the past and hugged Mingi with a generous smile, I really missed Mingi, because he was like my brother back in high school. We had been friends since the beginning of school and with time Wooyoung and Bora joined us, but before them, it was just me and Mingi, we could speak about everything and anything, making us inseparable. But after what happened between the four of us it suddenly disappeared, the friendship we built through the years lost like it never existed.
When I hugged Wooyoung it wasn't sincere, I still hated him, for treating me like he did in the past, and it made me want to run away as quickly as possible.
"What are you guys doing here?" Bora asked as she hugged Wooyoung as well.
"We got a summer job here," Mingi spoke up as I avoided Wooyoung's gaze on me, focusing on Mingi only. "We are teaching people surfing and we are on a vacation at the same time, isn't it perfect?" Mingi said with excitement, his eyes shining from how sincere he was with his emotions that were always so obvious if you knew him sincerely.
"I didn't know you were into surfing," I said a little frowning, as I looked at Mingi as Wooyoung's presence still annoyed me.
"Well, we tried it out with Wooyoung for fun, and here we are, aren't we Woo?" He nudged Wooyoung with a smile, who was quiet the whole time, which was very unlike him, he just never shut up back then, and it was weird seeing him staying in silence. When Mingi nudged him a little that was when he caught up on himself and smiled back at Mingi.
"It's a vacation and we even get paid, is it heaven?" Wooyoung said as he chuckled, then looking towards us, well at me, with sharp foxlike eyes that I hated at that moment, but loved back then. "And you girls? On vacation?" He asked staring into my soul as I unwantedly looked through his still-handsome features, the unforgettable mole under his left eye, his wet hair a few strings falling into his eyes, making his gaze more intense, his bare torso on the sight, a new tattoo on his ribs that was a writing in another language.
"Yeah, we graduated and we are celebrating," I said shortly, with a fake smile as I averted my gaze from his handsome face. I hated how he made me lose my mind by only looking at him, after years of not seeing him.
"That's so nice, sometimes I regret that we missed out on college, it could have been wild," Mingi said as he chuckled looking at Wooyoung for a slight moment, who chuckled in agreement, then Mingi looked towards us again. "So did you want to learn how to surf or you just wanted to say hello?" Mingi asked curiously.
"Y/N wanted to try it out," Bora said quickly side-glancing at me with a knowing smile. I am going to kill her, so she can stay in Greece for the rest of her 'not' life.
I looked at her, somehow not too obviously telling her with my eyes that—I did not want to anymore.
Mingi clasped his hands together, "Cool, then you found the perfect men to teach you and it's even free for you girls." Mingi winked at us with a proud smile.
I wanted to back up, but I just couldn't be childish like that, to run away because my high school crush was in front of me years after, I wasn't like that…but I sincerely hated him at that moment.
With that Mingi started to explain the tactics of surfing, and firstly they showed us how to stand on the board on the dry so we would have at least a little knowledge of how to do it on water.
Meanwhile, Mingi taught Bora, next to them Wooyoung and I were standing as he explained to me how to hold the paddle, that beginners needed to use at first. I avoided his eyes in every moment I could. It was awkward and I counted the time so we could say goodbye to them and avoid them for the rest of the trip. But the education lasted a while, because we tried it out on the shallow water as well, sitting on the boards at first with the paddle and the first mission was to stand up, which I was struggling with at first but after countless fallings into the water I finally managed to stand up on the board.
Eventually, I had fun, I really did, because I put aside all my concerning thoughts and how I hated the man in front of me, who just sincerely tried to help me and catch me whenever I fell off the board. My emotions were a mixture of letting go of the past to start over and a mixture of not letting myself fall into his trap again.
But when I fell off the board again—because I celebrated my standing successfully on the board too hard—arms circled my waist to pull me up underwater, just to meet with two sharp eyes gazing at me with a smile, I lost against my own rules. It was just impossible not to fall into his trap when his wet hair fell damp on his forehead, his dimples showing from the curve of his lips, his chocolate brown eyes staring down at me, which looked almost orange from the sun shining at us. I just wanted to get away from him, because my heart started to beat fast, and I didn't want these feelings to eat me alive, it destroyed me and I didn't want that again. And as he smiled at me his face close to mine, where waterdrops fell to his chest, the thoughts of his girlfriend came back to me and that made my heart ache as I just felt overwhelmed by the fact, I nearly fell into his trap again.
So, after separating from him, I swam back to the seashore saying 'That was enough for today.' And I knew I seemed weird in their eyes, I knew my best friend also looked at me with questions in her eyes, but I just wanted to get away from there so I could breathe again normally.
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My plan of avoiding them for the rest of the trip, seemed to completely fail because we just bumped into Wooyoung and Mingi every day. And we started to hang out together like in the old times. It was weird at first but after a little, I relaxed a bit and I didn't let my feelings fuck up my well-deserved vacation. So, I started to be there with them, to laugh with them and just enjoy our time together.
One evening, Mingi told us we should celebrate our graduation with some drinks, which seemed the best idea because we hadn't really drunk for our success with Bora, so we agreed immediately.
"So, how's it with Wooyoung?" Bora side-glanced at me while putting lipstick on her thin lips that was a strong red color standing in front of the mirror in our hotel room.
I scoffed at her. "Nothing? You know I sincerely hate him." I started looking at him quite sharply.
She looked at me from the reflection of the mirror as I stood next to my bed, thinking what should I wear. "C'mon, Y/N, it was a long time ago, just enjoy yourself," Bora said, closing the lipstick she used.
"I know, it's just…" I sat down on my bed staring down at my hands. "He still owes me some explanation of what happened in London and with everything, like I'm so confused from day one, Bora, it's insane how I can't forget what happened." I rambled to Bora as she turned around to look at me with concerned eyes.
She came next to me and sat beside me to caress my back. "Yea, it was so fucked-up, that whole trip was a disaster, and you really deserve an explanation of why he did that." She smiled at me genuinely, "And I'm sure Wooyoung wants to talk to you, he wanted to since we met with them, you just avoided him the whole time."
"Yes, because I can't fucking look into his eyes, without my old emotions coming to the surface and I hate it…" I looked into Bora's concerned eyes.
"Well, I think you two should talk, because it looks more complicated than it is." She said as she smiled, her eyes forming crescents.
I scoffed at that. "Just help me pick out an outfit." I leaned down towards my luggage which was a mess just like myself.
"So you could look pretty for Wooyoung?" He nudged me with his elbow, smirking as I hit his upper arm in response.
"I want to look pretty, for myself and not for others."
"Great, you should absolutely wear this," She pulled out a little black dress with a v-line and some ruffles on the end. "It's cute and sexy at the same time." She winked at me.
I rolled my eyes at her and ripped my dress out of her grip annoyed just so I could wear it. When I looked into the mirror as I was wearing the black dress, a confident, cute, and sexy girl stared back at me as Bora said. The dress reached a little above my knees, the v-line leaving my neck empty, so I put on a silver necklace with matching earrings. I left my hair to fall onto my shoulders naturally, the shorter strings of my hair falling into my eyes. As Bora stood next to me to check herself out as well, she looked gorgeous, she was wearing a tight purple dress, highlighting her perfect body line, and her black hair was in a tight bun with some silver earrings and rings. We looked hot and we were ready to gradually celebrate our graduation.
We arrived at the bar next to the pool that was lightened up with a few colorful led, that matched with the lights of the bar that was surrounded with tables and bar stools. It was already close to midnight as we were searching for the boys. Then Bora spotted them and we walked towards them between strange people, who enjoyed the free drinks as well in the perfect night weather.
When I spotted Wooyoung, who was standing next to a table with Mingi, drink already in hand, I just couldn't take my eyes off him, as my heart started to beat fast. He looked so handsome in his black shirt, the last two buttons undone, his sharp collarbones on the sight, paired with black denim shorts, that reached above his knees, his tattoo peaking a little that I just noticed he had, then my eyes landed back to his face, where his hair was wiped back a few strings falling onto his eyes, making his sharp gaze, more intense. His silver earrings hung low from his ears with a few piercings that matched with his silver necklace. He eyed me up and down very obviously with his intense gaze. And I just prayed for Poseidon to kidnap me, because it was hard to keep up, above water.
Mingi was standing next to him, wearing a bright purple shirt with blue denim shorts and a lot of accessories like necklaces, earrings, and a lot of silver rings. And we just needed to laugh because we unintentionally matched with each other, this was our dynamic, and it wasn't the first time.
As we started to drink a few cocktails and some shots the party started, the colorful lights making us disappear into the crowd that surrounded us. I danced with my hands held high jumping to the beat of the music as I felt free after an overwhelming year. The four of us were standing in a circle as we made a few silly dance moves laughing at each other. My eyes met with Wooyoung's a few times, which was a very big mistake because I felt his gaze on me the whole night the tension between us heavier and it made me uncomfortable because all of this was unfair.
So, I decided I needed more drinks and went to the bar counter to ask for a lighter cocktail and sat on the barstool until it got ready, watching the bartender in awe as he made the cocktail with some tricks.
Then suddenly I felt a hand on my waist and a strange black-haired man's face came in front of me. He was wearing a white shirt, unbuttoned his well-defined chest and abs in sight, his shoulders broad and a silver necklace ending with a cross on his popped-up chest, as he was wearing sunglasses, and I frowned.
"Am I blind or the sun is somewhere up above?" I asked the strange man in confusion as the alcohol made me feel woozy as I looked around.
The stranger chuckled at that and lifted the sunglasses to his forehead lifting his hair, making his undercut more visible. His sharp eyes were now on the sight, which reminded me of a cat. "Yes, it's up don't you see it? It's everywhere." He showed around with his hand to the lights that surrounded us and he plopped down to the barstool next to me. He smiled at me as his deep dimples showed and made his face more handsome.
I giggled at his statement and reached for my drink, sipping from it as I looked at the strange man.
"So, what does a pretty girl like you, do here alone drinking?" He leaned closer to my ear so I could understand what he said as the music was too loud.
"I'm with my friends, I just came for a drink." I pointed towards my friends, where my eyes immediately met with Wooyoung's, who was just standing there with folded arms, looking at us with killer eyes. It was my time to shine.
"Are they only your friends?" He asked with a knowing smile.
I just nodded.
The stranger hummed. "I'm Choi San." He leaned closer again and I barely heard what he said. "What's your name, pretty?" He looked deep into my eyes and suddenly I forgot my name.
"It's uh—Park Y/N." Finally, I could somehow stumble my name out as I reached my hand towards his to shake the handsome man's hands. And when he accepted it, he smiled at me and pulled me closer to him so he could whisper into my ear. "Will you dance with me, pretty?"
The alcohol swam around my body making my mind not to think at all, so I accepted his invite and I found myself dancing with a total stranger on my strange vacation where my high school crush shot daggers into the stranger's back.
As we danced along to the music, our bodies flushed together swaying our hips to the rhythm of the music, enjoying ourselves, suddenly we were separated by a hand that belonged to Jung Wooyoung himself, as he glared down at the stranger standing in front of him, they were the same height, but the expression on Wooyoung's face just made the stranger slightly smaller, as Wooyoung mumbled a few words to him that I couldn't expel. I only saw that San lifted his hands in surrender and grabbed Wooyoung's shoulder with one hand mumbling something back that seemed an apology. And with that, the stranger who looked like Ares himself just disappeared. And I looked after him wide-eyed, then at Wooyoung as I scoffed at him and turned around, trying to escape from the torturing crowd.
I felt angry at Wooyoung because what did he even think? Was it normal to send off a stranger that tried to just fucking dance with me? We were back when we were teenagers, back when I didn't understand anything he did, and it made me feel sick of him.
As I got out of the crowd, I just felt Wooyoung was following me with angry steps. And when he reached me, he grabbed my wrist and turned me around to angrily face him.
"Do not fucking run away from me!" He said as he yanked me closer to him, he looked pissed.
"What the hell did you think there?" I said with a sharp expression, trying to free my wrist from his grip, when I succeeded, I folded my arms in front of my chest. "Oh, I'm Jung Wooyoung, I should totally send this dude off, because he is flirting with her, and no one should touch her, only me. Even though I have a girlfriend." I started to ramble my thoughts out, as I gesticulated with my arms stressed.
"What are you talking about? I don't have a girlfriend." His expression changed from angry, to confused.
Words got stuck in my throat for a moment. "What about that blonde girl?" I asked confused.
He sighed, puffing air out of his lungs. "Nothing, she wasn't my girlfriend..."
 "Well…it doesn't matter. Let's just leave it." I said as I wanted to turn around.
"No, Y/N!" He grabbed my wrist again turning me around, not letting me go this time. "Stop this stubborn attitude and let's talk!" His voice raised as his face became a little impatient.
"I don't want to talk Wooyoung! We should have, a long time ago, but it's too late now because I'm so sick of your games, I can't do this Woo." I said as my voice became lower, whispering his nickname that I loved so much.
"What games are you talking about?" His grip on my wrist became a little stronger as he held my other hand in his hands pulling me closer to him. "You confuse me just as much as I do you," He whispered it close to my face.
I looked down at our hands, and I was thinking about the fact, of how much my younger self would have liked this situation. At that, my emotions suddenly hit me and I was just too tired for this conversation.
"I'm talking about London…" My voice was barely a whisper, as I still avoided his staring eyes.
He scoffed at that, letting my hands go as he ran his fingers through his raven-black hair in frustration. "London was messed up, we both made mistakes there."
I scoffed. "Yeah, whatever you say," I said giving up.
"No for fuck's sake, don't fucking do this, Y/N! You have no idea how much I had suffered because of you." He grabbed his hair stressed as he looked at me with an emotional expression.
I was too stunned to speak, my heart pumped blood into my ears as I barely heard what he said.
"If you—If you would have told me to stay…back in London, I would've Y/N! But you said nothing and let me go, it was all on you." He said stepping closer to me, his eyes watering.
I shook my head as I stepped back. "You can't fucking say that! You knew I liked you, Wooyoung, haven't I given you enough signs?" I raised my voice at him, losing my patience.
"No, you haven't! Because you were always with that fucker, Yunho and it seemed he was more important than me the whole trip." He lifted his hands shrugging his shoulders with a disappointed look.
I laughed at that, we both acted so childish and it made me feel sick. "You know what?" I stepped closer to him as I lifted my head his face close to mine. "It was a long time ago, let's just forget it. But one last thing." My eyes stared into his sharp eyes. "You can simply fuck off," I said as he looked stunned, and I turned around walking as fast as I could to disappear from there because I had enough of him.
My life was so easy after we finished high school, it was so easy without Wooyoung…too easy. But four years later he had to come into my life when all I wanted to do was to relax a little, but he had to knock on my door and step into my life again. What was the point of it? We did not belong to each other and I learned that a long time ago.
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 It was 4 a.m. already as I was lying in my bed after I slammed our hotel room's door. My thoughts drowned me as I was just staring up at the white ceiling, Bora nowhere to be seen. I was thinking of the things Wooyoung said and remembered all the things that happened in London.
Well long story short—We travelled to London as a celebration of finishing high school. The things that happened there weren't a big deal thinking about it now, but back then as I was still young, life throwing out into the wild to experience the things that would make me stronger, to experience love and heartbreak at the same time, was unforgettable for a young girl.
It was our second day in London, and we went out to see the nightlife of the city. It was the four of us and a few classmates, who joined us for the night. And yes, Yunho was a good friend of mine and yes, I might happen to be with him a lot. But I was just trying to forget Wooyoung because I knew he did not return my feelings. As we got deeper into the night Wooyoung was by my side all night, holding my hand, and hugging me the whole time, and then the boys made a bet, where Wooyoung needed to kiss me out of the blue. And he did kiss me and he did tell me that he liked me, but I did not know what to do with that information as he was drunk and it might have been part of the bet.
That kiss was the best kiss of my life, it made my feelings grow deeper for him, he made me believe he felt the same, but on that night as we walked back to our hotel I unintentionally eavesdropped and heard that he did not like me it was just a bet. Then the next thing I saw was that he was kissing a girl from our classmates in front of his hotel room. And that broke me into pieces. From then I ignored Wooyoung the whole trip, not wanting to see him. Then thanks to my luck, he needed to go home sooner for some unknown reasons and I did not beg for him to stay, because I simply did not want to see him anymore.
As I was deep in my thoughts I heard the loud ping of my phone, which broke the silent bubble that embraced me. I checked my phone and it was an old group chat that I thought I was never going to see again. It was a group chat that the four of us used back then.
-Mango to 4 makes 1 team- Guys where are u??! We've been searching for u everywhere... Woo-woohoo sent a picture.
As I opened the group chat the picture that Wooyoung sent was of his hands that held a can of beer and the sea, as he was sitting on the beach, I assumed.
Mango Bro, what are you doing? Do you want to die? Woo-woohoo I'm with me, myself and I, we get along a lot. bahahahshbdwef Mango replying to Woo-woohoo Dude are u okay?? Woo-woohoo I wish the water would wash me away to Londonn. Y/n-ooo If you depart now, you might get there by the morning. Borie Guys, are we really stuck in the London situation? Woo-woohoo I don't even know what I did there... Y/n-ooo Breaking my heart? Woo-woohoo ??? Can we talk Y/n? Please... Mango These two should be locked into a dirty cell in the middle of the Pacific Ocean...istg, get your shit together you creatures!!
I sighed as I just realized I couldn't just ignore the things just because he broke my heart years ago, I was too stuck in the past that didn't even make sense.
Then another chat popped up on my screen.
Woonderland sent you a voice message.
"Y/n c'mooon, let's talk, I have no idea what I did in London but I'm sure I can explain…like the night I kissed you was the best kiss of my life and I was so glad the boys made that bet…how could someone so beautiful like you, like me, a boy who was so over himself, I couldn't believe that, I was confused, I was young and I didn't know anything about love…oh my God what am I even saying…I'mma just drown in the sea, see ya, u know like the sea. Hah, that was a nice joke."  His voice stumbled the whole time I assumed he was drunk as a skunk. His words did not make much sense. I needed to find him and clear things up.
Y/nnie Where are you?
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As I was walking on the beach the waves of the turquoise sea crushed against my foot, the water felt warm against my skin as my foot sank into the soft sand leaving footprints behind me, that the water washed away immediately. The wind blew on my white dress that I changed into, the sun was slowly rising from the other side of the sea, still painting it red and orange, creating a breathtaking view of the sea.
Suddenly I felt peace as my dream popped up in my mind, where I was walking on the beach. It was the same feeling, but it wasn't a dream, there weren't any kids that could wake me up screaming next to me. I was heading towards a drunken Wooyoung that I would've never imagined because if somebody had said to me, I am going to meet with my first love who broke my heart, and I was on my way to forgiving him, I would've laughed at their face in a blink of an eye.
Then I spotted Wooyoung, who was sitting on the seashore his legs pulled up to his chest a can of beer in his hands as he was staring into the infinity of the bluish sea in the twinkle of the sunrise.
As I approached him, I sat down on the soft sand next to him folding my legs under me, and stared in front of me, mimicking Wooyoung. We sat in a comfortable silence then he reached the can towards me that I took and gulped from it, the beer left a bitter taste in my mouth that went down to my stomach, leaving an emptiness on the way.
Then I just couldn't hold back anymore and I tilted my head towards him to look at his sharp side profile, he looked like Aphrodite's son, who got banned from Olympus because he was too reckless. His jawline was as sharp as Mount Olympus, his sharp eyes gazing at the sea where Poseidon was waiting for us, the sun slowly getting up as Hades cursed our blooming connection.
"So, what happened in London, from your point of view?" I broke the comfortable silence that embraced us, breaking the peace to make peace again.
He slowly turned towards me, as his eye with the mole under was now visible, which made him look more like a God. Then he broke the eye contact and stared down at his hands, fiddling with them.
"Well, when we kissed, I told you I liked you. But you did not say anything to that. It made me believe you didn't feel the same as me, so I just gave up…I just simply gave up, because I was an asshole." His voice stumbled as he explained the situation.
"I saw you kissing that girl," I said as I averted my gaze from his face towards the sea.
He looked at me wide-eyed, as he face-palmed himself. "Fuck, I was so stupid…I did kiss her, but only because I wanted to make sure it wasn't just a fling, I wanted to know if I only imagined the sparkle with you…" I felt as if he looked at me, trying to find out what I was thinking. "But then, you ignored me the whole time…which I understand now."
I just hummed. "Can we just forget the past and start over? I'm sick of this push-and-pull game we are playing…we were just two idiots…" I looked up at him with sincere emotions as he was closer than before.
"Two idiots in love?" He beamed a sincere smile at me, as his dimples were showing, making his features more handsome. And we were just staring at each other like we saw each other for the first time. We really did start it with a clean slate.
"You are so beautiful." He whispered with so much emotion in his eyes as he leaned closer to my face his breath warming more my already blushed cheeks.
I giggled at his compliment trying to hide behind my hands.
"Hey, hey, don't you dare to hide from me." He caught my wrist taking them away from my face with a smile.
Suddenly I stood up. "No, no. I'mma just go drown in the sea, I might get a lover there." I started to walk towards the sea with a smile. Then as I looked behind my back all I saw was Wooyoung getting up from the ground and running towards me.
"Not without me." He shouted as he tried to catch me. I screamed from excitement as I was running from him, nearly waking up the whole hotel. When Wooyoung caught me, he lifted me and held me on his shoulders as my head swung towards the ground. I screamed as I saw the world upwards and he started to run towards the sea crashing into the chill waves, wetting us immediately, as he finally took me down deep in the water that reached both our chins. Both of us were laughing as I started to splash him with the surprisingly warm water, our clothes long soaked as we did not care about that. The beach was echoing with splashing water and our sincere laughter, the shore was nearly empty because of the early hour as the sun just had risen, with only a few people lurking around to watch the sunrise.
As I got a little away from Wooyoung in the little splashing war we had created, he suddenly started to swim towards me and when he reached me, he caught my waist underwater, his hands encircling me, holding me strong, then he suddenly brought the both of us underwater, as we were sinking down towards the bottom, slowly opening our eyes to look at each other's mesmerizing features, both of us looking like Poseidon's stunning creatures, with our hairs flowing around us like a crown. The water sparkled around us with the sun shining above us. When we ran out of oxygen, we swam above water, just to Wooyoung pull me up close to his wet body, I naturally wrapped my legs around his waist, as his hands travelled under my thighs holding me close to him. My arms did the same as I was staring into his foxlike eyes, the waterdrops on his features perfectly slipping from his face to be one with the water that embraced us. The shirt that was glued to his skin, made his collarbone and chest peak out, where a black necklace was hanging with a moon. As my eyes found their way to his lips, I couldn't avert my gaze from his perfect red lips, salty waterdrops highlighting the mole on the bottom of his lips. My eyes met his, where desire burned with a passion that came from hell, making him look like Hades and Eros the God of carnal love.
And when his lips met mine as he held me close to him in the blue sea where we were floating like two paper-made ships, I felt like I could drown in the sea, because as his lips moved against mine, I felt like all the Gods kissed me at once, it was passionate and full of lust that made us whole again. My fingers crawled into his wet hair while we kissed pulling at it slightly as he moaned into my lips, at that my tongue found its way into his mouth discovering all the hidden places. When he got his senses back a little his tongue tangled with mine, fighting for dominance, as his hands lifted me a little to find their way on my ass as he pulled me impossibly closer to him, the water splashing between us.
When we separated after an eternity our foreheads met and we stared into each other's eyes with joy, the waking sun beaming at us from above, painting us with colors of yellow and orange that made the both of us look like a God and Goddess that could rule the world together rewarding the good and punishing the bad.
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A/N: I might write Bora's and Mingi's stories as well because they aren't just old friends, they also have a complicated story. :PP
(Ateez masterlist)
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vampmallow · 2 months
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Morning Surprise
Leon Kennedy x Afab!Reader
Cw: NSFW, Oral F receiving, Shower Sex.
The alarm clock's persistent beeping was the only sound in the room, piercing the early morning silence like an unwelcome intrusion. The curtains remained drawn, the ever-slowly rising sun's gentle glow hinting at its impending arrival. You stirred, groaning softly as you reached out to silence the annoying device, your hand fumbling through the sea of pillows and empty space beside you. The bed felt cold, starkly contrasting with the warmth that usually lingered in your partner's presence.
As your eyes slowly adjusted to the early morning, you felt a tender kiss on your neck, followed by the brush of a hand across your thigh. You froze, the realization sinking in that Leon had returned from his night shift and had decided on a more intimate way to wake you up. His breath was warm and lingered on your chest before he ducked back down. A low chuckle vibrated against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. You bit your bottom lip, trying to suppress the smile that threatened to give away your pleasure.
With the grace of a predator, Leon slithered further down the bed, his movements deliberate and unhurried. The anticipation was almost unbearable as his hands traced the contours of your body, his fingers dancing over your waist and hips before reaching the apex of your thighs. He pushed the blanket aside, the cool air kissing your skin as it was exposed to the early morning chill. You felt the soft press of his lips against your inner thigh, his unintentionally grown-out stubble a pleasant abrasion that had you gripping the sheets.
The first touch of his tongue was electric, sending a jolt of pleasure through your core. You held your breath, willing yourself not to make a sound. His movements grew more confident, his tongue exploring and teasing with a skill that made it clear he wasn't new to this. He took his time, savoring every inch of you, his teeth grazing your clit just enough to make you squirm. His tongue made quick trips in and out of you, lapping up your liquids every time. The tension grew, tightening like a coil ready to snap.
Leon's hands cupped your ass, holding you in place as he licked and nibbled with increasing fervor. The pressure built, your muscles tensed, and you could feel the heat pooling between your legs. The room was silent except for the sound of your quiet gasps and the wetness of his mouth against your skin. The world outside had ceased to exist, replaced by the sensation of his tongue flicking against your clit, the steady rhythm of his fingers now sliding in and out of you, and the warmth of his breath as he murmured sweet nothings that only served to fan the flames of your desire.
You were so close, the edge of orgasm just within reach, when Leon abruptly stopped. He chuckled again, low and deep, as he pulled away, leaving you trembling and gasping for air. "Good morning," he whispered, his voice a dark rumble that sent shivers down your spine. "Time to wake up properly." He kissed you softly on the cheek before getting out of bed, leaving you to watch the play of muscles across his back as he stretched and moved towards the bathroom. The smell of his cologne lingered in the air, a potent reminder of his presence as you lay there, utterly spent and desperate for more.
The sound of the shower starting was your cue. You pushed the blankets aside and followed him, the cool floorboards a shock to your bare feet. The bathroom was filled with steam, the mirrors fogging up from the hot water. Leon was already under the spray, the water sluicing over his body, turning his skin a rosy pink. He turned to face you, a knowing smile playing on his lips as he held out a hand. "Care to join me?"
Without a word, you stepped into the shower, the warm water cascading over you, mingling with the chill from the room. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you close, and he kissed you deeply, his tongue mimicking the motions from moments before. You could taste yourself on his lips, a heady mix of desire and need that only made you want him more. His hands roamed over your body, soaping up your skin, his calloused palms leaving a trail of heat in their wake.
As the water rained down on you both, Leon turned you around, pressing you against the tiles. He bent you over slightly, the heat of his body enveloping you from behind. His hands slid down your body to grip your hips, his breath hot against your ear. "Ready for round two?" he murmured, his voice thick with lust. You nodded, unable to form words as he positioned himself, the tip of his cock nudging at your entrance.
He pushed in slowly, filling you completely, the sensation making you gasp. He didn't stop there, moving in a steady rhythm that had you panting and begging for more. The water pounded against your skin as he claimed you, the steam wrapping around you like a cocoon of passion. Each thrust was punctuated by the slap of skin on skin, the sound echoing in the small space. Your hands grasped at the tiles, your nails digging in as you tried to hold on, your body moving in sync with his.
The water grew warmer as the minutes ticked by, the steam thickening until it was hard to breathe. But you didn't care. All that mattered was the feeling of Leon inside you, the way he made your body come alive with every stroke. The tension grew again, coiling tighter and tighter until you couldn't hold back any longer. You screamed out his name as you came, your body shaking with the force of your orgasm. He followed shortly after, his grip on your hips tightening as he found his own release.
When it was over, you leaned against him, your chests heaving with exertion. The water continued to cascade over you, washing away the sweat and the evidence of your passion. Leon kissed the back of your neck, his breathing ragged. "Best way to start the day," he murmured. And as you looked into the mirror, flushed and satisfied, you couldn't help but agree. The sun was rising outside, and you had a feeling that today would be anything but ordinary.
Authors note- Hiii!!! This is my first post on here, so I hope you enjoyed it!! If this gets decent attraction, or people reach out to me, I’ll post a master list and open requests! Aside from that, I have some pretty cool stuff I’ve written for some other fandoms I’d like to share too, some cool series and stuff! Anyways, hope you have a great day and if you’re reading to the end love you MWAH 💋
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sky-high-standards · 5 months
Yandere!!Fairytale characters Dark reverse Harem x reader Part 2
Ik I've been neglecting a part to for so long but here it is.
part one here
You fell into the ocean and all you could hear was a voice it was so beautiful and so sweet and..obsessive?
you woke up on a very familiar shore and sat up only to be tackled down by a big gray sheep dog who seemed very happy to see you and due to almost drowning you were extra confused.
???: Maxine? where are you girl
Then a man with dark hair and Caribbean blue eyes spotted you and the dog. Maxine? why does that sound so familiar?
??: Oh sry about Maine ma'-Y/n?
You had no idea how this man knew you but then you remembered.
Y/n: Eric?
He then beamed and hugged you it was eric another one of your childhood friends you two always played by the beach with Maxine and Eric would always say how when he became king you had to be his queen.
A much younger eric and you playing by the shore making sand castles while Maxine lied in the sun.
Eric: Y/n, Y/n look at my sandcastle!!
Y/n: Oh its so cool.
Eric: cool? It doesn't look cold y/n.
You shook your head.
Y/n: nevermind
Eric then smiled at you and laughed
Eric: Y/n you're very strange y/n when I'm big I'm going to be a king and you're gonna be my queen okay.
Y/n: No I wanna be in charge and you're the strange one.
You huffed and eric then pouted.
Eric: No Y/n you have to be my queen if you're my queen I'll tell the servants to make the moats full of chocolate.
he smirked when he saw your eyes light up.
Y/n: Oh okay I'll be your queen!
Eric: pinky swear?
he said sticking out his pinky finger.
Yn: Pinky swear.
and the moment you interlocked pinkies a promise that eric would never forget was made.
As Eric helped you up he brought you back to the palace but you couldn't help but wonder who saved you but little did you know you're savior carefully watched the two of you from under the water
Under the sea
???: Floundra she came back...she finally came back.
A voice excitedly said.
???: I knew she'd come back to me she must love me why else would she fall into the ocean she was practically telling me to save her an act of love!! that's so cute of her.
the voice said in a lovesick and happy way his sea blue eyes practically had hearts in them just thinking of you with a blush as red as his hair dusting his cheeks. but he then snarled.
???: But that repulsive man just had to come too trying to steal her from me I cant have that now.
Floundra his best friend looked at him concerned and worried not just for him but for you too ever since he was a sea wee he'd watch you and Eric play together longing to be a part of your world but this longing soon became a lovesick obsession she'd seen the way he'd look at you blinded by love and delusion she knew he'd go through any length to be with you but after you suddenly disappeared he was devastated and the obsession died down which Floundra was relieved about because she knew if you stayed there longer he would've done something horrendous to have you.
But the moment he saw you again helpless and almost drowning he was euphoric he'd never been so close to you, you finally came back to him he wanted to drag you down to the bottom of the ocean and keep you but unfortunately human lungs aren't for the water so he pulled you to the shore and saved you while happily singing to you and caressing your body the sunset made your skin glow and his emerald green tail shimmer in the light he wanted to stay there forever but he had to come and that mangey mut too so he went back into the ocean and watched from afar with jealous eyes watching Eric help you up.
Floundra: Arien are you okay
He just stayed silent watching Eric take you away the look on his face was blank which was strange for someone as go lucky and puppylike as Arien but it was the kind of cold stare that would run a chill down your spine.
Arien: If I don't act soon she'll be gone forever. I need to get rid of that human Floundra.
In the palace
You got washed up and brought into the old room you used to stay in pacing around wondering how to pass this story and just on time a purple light flashed and your fairy godmother came.
Godmother: I'm glad you made it my dear.
You sighed a sigh of relief happy to see her.
Y/n: Whats my task for this story Godmother?
Godmother: Well my dear you have to keep Eric alive.
At that your heart drops.
Y/n: w-whats going to kill him.
Godmother: That can't be revealed yet my dear...
She smiles gently then continues
Godmother: Keep him away from the sea at all times my dear.
And in a poof of purple light she was gone you groaned the fell onto the bed pondering what danger awaits Eric and when you'd be sent to the next story.
Eric's pov
She came back Maxine she finally came back I knew she'd never break her promise he said looking at his pinky dreamily and she came just in time for me to be crowned king I always knew she was destined to be my queen
He said as Maxine sat Infront of him wagging her tail.
Under the sea
Floundra: Eric don't do this this is a bad idea.
She desperately said swimming by Arien who then gave her a cold and furious look.
Arien: Quiet Floundra
He then swam to the entrance of the sea warlocks cave Ursule Arien swam in determined and motivated and then he saw Ursule sitting there staring right at him with his signature persuasive yet sinister smirk.
Ursule: I year you've been having trouble with you're love life my dear.
Arien: I want you to turn me into a human.
Ursule: oh~ that eager are we?
Ursule laughed and made his way to his spells before he turned to Arien and smirked.
Ursule: you do know you have to pay a price for my help.
Arien: I'll do anything to have her.
He said in a determent voice to which ursule looked intrigued by and checked his spells where your face appeared looking into the ocean.
Ursule: Oh she is quite a catch very beautiful you have a taste for gorgeous things I see.
Arien glared at his comment.
Arien: what price do I have to pay.
Ursule: Well Angelfish you will need a human heart if you want to win hers I'll make you human for Three days but by the third sunset you'll need a human heart and her love.
Arien: She already loves me.
Ursule: Sure she does Angelfish~Ooh and one more little thing, I need your voice.
Arien looked at him irritated and furious.
Arien: How will I tell her I love her without my voice.
Ursule: If she loves you as you say it'll be child's play to show her your love so sign the contract my boy.
A magic contract appeared in front of Arien with a pen to which Arien eagerly signed then suddenly he was human and Floundra quickly helped him to the surface.
Back in your room
You sat on the bed looking out the window staring at the ocean when a figure in an old ships sail stumbled across the beach.
You were intrigued and climbed through your balcony to see who it was as you drew closer you were seen and the figure attempted to run towards you only to fall as if unable to use his legs.
You quickly went to help him.
Y/n: I'm sir ate you alright.
The strange man suddenly leaped onto you nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck as you pushed his face away you got a better look at him he had the most beautiful sea green eyes and soft looking scarlett red hair he was undoubtedly handsome even dressed in an old sail.
As you pushed the clingy man off Eric came along with Maxine
Eric: Y/n!! Y/n where have you gone...oh there you ar-
Eric stopped mid sentence when he saw the man on top of you glaring at him to which Eric immediately tried to separate you two while Maxine growled at the man.
Eric: What do you think you're doing with her?
Eric coldly spat out and the man who was visibly irritated opened his mouth to speak but the closed it scoffing.
Y/n: Eric it's okay he didn't do anything wrong.
You say then turn to the strange man.
Y/n: what's you're name?
You said it do sweetly hid heart melted you were finally here looking at him with those beautiful e/c eyes that were only supposed to look at him.
He opened his mouth to speak but the clutched his thought gesturing that he couldn't speak.
Y/n: oh you can't speak you poor thing Eric we have to help him.
Eric was visibly against this but wouldn't dare upset you so he simply nodded grumbling under his breath and he could've sworn he saw the man smirk.
You three then go to the palace with new company and he soon got dressed cleaned and was seated at dinner.
Y/n: Sir did you have an accident? Is that why you can't speak?
He slowly nodded.
Y/n: Are you okay with me calling you Red until we find your name?
He eagerly nodded and stared into your eyes giving you the most adorable smile but you could sense something was wrong about it...
Okay I accidentally posted this y'all tell me what your suggestions are and tell me if I should continue love you my lovely single pringles.
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queenofallimagines · 8 months
Black!Witch!Mc getting chosen for the exchange program
I was writing about another request but then I specifically thought about how they would try to teach magic to MC but she was doing hoodoo so here we are✨
Student Council:
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- First off IMAGINE the audacity of getting kidnapped w no warning and now demons saying you gotta stay here for a full 365 days??
- Unserious
- I’m immediately putting a ‘no demon allowed’ sigils on the inside of my door so they wouldn’t be busting in 24/7 without knocking🙄
- Meeting belphie and telling he’s full of shit
- “I really am a human-“
- “Bullshit, I can feel your bitter ass spirit a mile away”
- Mammon knows what’s good so he’s already with the program
- “I had this bottle of Florida water just laying around. Not like I got it for you or anything but like here I’m throwing it out anyway”
- “I don’t know if human spirits would like this whiskey but like we had it lying around in the kitchen so just take it no one drinks it.”
- Baby I still see the price tag on it,,,,,
- Leaves fancy cigars in your room and when you mention them bc you KNOW they wasn’t there before he’s like “idk maybe you’re imagining things”
- “Satan has been doing research or whatever on human magic so maybe he left there here for ya to find.”
- He WILL gaslight you into thinking he isn’t like being helpful but like he’s not good at it
- Depending on where your from and if you work with more water and Sea based stuff Levi will be drawn to you like a moth to flame
- You smell like sea water and he peeps that
- When your around it feels peaceful like watching waves reaching the shore
- Asks you if you’re secretly like a mermaid
- “Maybe”
- He can not tell if you’re joking with that smirk Mc!!
- He sees you wearing pearls and starts just like giving you more of them
- “I got these from the bottom of that marinara trench or whatever and I thought you’d like them!”
- “You mean the MARINA TRENCH Levi???”
- He probably knows how to make jewelry out of them so he def does
- Gives you earrings and bracelets and says it’s for a cosplay
- “Yeah, the main character is like this really cool pirate queen who’s like secretly a siren.”
- “Oh damn That’s sounds cool what’s the name of it?”
- “…..I forgot but like trust me it’s REALLY good.”
- He is making up FAKE anime to get you to wear his gifts I am so sorry bestie
- Gifts you with seashells
- “I mean like humans pick these up all the time right?”
- “Is there a creature still living in there?”
- “You don’t want a little friend????”
- Please go put that back where you found it😭
- You like to chill in his room the most bc I mean look at it, it’s a big as fuck aquarium and it just feels like a vibe
- Was thinking about getting you this rly elaborate bathtub to keep in his room for you
- Like a blow up mattress💀 but it’s a Victorian claw foot tub
- But then you say that you can just sleep in his with him and he’s struggling to breathe
- “Y-you sure? I mean like I can sleep on the floor-“
- “It’s your room I’m not gunna make you move and besides there’s definitely enough space in there for both of us.”
- Gets all the softest blankets and pillows from all over the house like he’s snatching peoples shit up😭
- Stiff as a board when you first get in but then when he wraps his arms around you he feels at ease like he’s relaxing on the beach at night and knocks out
- Sweats he sleeps the best when you’re with him
- Satan is immediately fascinated
- Trying to see if he can pinpoint the meaning of the jewelry and clothes your wearing just from looking at you
- Noticed you always smell like incense
- Like he knew you were in the house bc he can smell sandal wood and lotus when he walks by
- “You’re not a regular human are you?”
- “You’re not really a regular demon are you?”
- Probably gets into it w you be you’re not taking any of his shit and you’re quick to clap back
- Traps him in a corner with salt
- “Time out. Sit your ass down”
- Stops getting mad somewhere along the line and starts getting turnend on by it
- Like may just set up scenarios behind the scenes that cause you to absolutely loose it
- An euphoric feeling washes over him when he sees you pissed off
- 🙄😒 he setting up scenarios for you to beef w Radom people
- Like it’s enough
- Likes to see you mad at him but he knows he has a limited amount of times he can do that in one sitting as not to damage your relationship
- Finds the way you do magic fascinating
- Throws him off a little bit
- How you just find shit and make it work??
- “Okay so for this spell it says we need like finely aged Demonus, frankincense resin, and blood.”
- “Okay well I got pine needles, old grape juice, and apple cider vinegar.”
- ????
- And he’s literally flabbergasted when IT WORKS PERFECTLY
- “That’s not the rules???”
- “Ion need those that’s optional.”
- “Hello?????”
- Scratching his head in frustration bc like?? YOURE NOT FOLLOWING THE BOOKS AND YET THINGS WORK??
- “Listen, when you don’t have things on hand you gotta substitute. It’s like the same thing kinda if you think about it.”
- “No it’s not!! You can’t substitute mullein for graveyard dirt!”
- “Says who🤨”
- Watches you like a child the way he hovers over you analyzing what you’re doing
- He was waiting on shit to backfire but he sees you doing things with ease and his curiosity is eating away at him
- “How long have you been doing this?? For you to just be quick on your feet like that?”
- “I don’t know? My whole life? It’s just like something you do everyday without thinking.”
- His nosey ass is always in your business
- Asmo is entranced by your appearance
- He can feel the energy coming off the jewelry you wear in an instant
- “Oooo where did you get those?”
- “It’s been passed down to me”
- “What’s the name of your grandparents? I might know who it originally belonged to👀”
- Clown ass will find out he ran through some of your family
- “I remember hearing about this one great great great great cousin that cheated on his soon to be wife and disappeared forever after they got married.”
- “Wait hold on I remember that name! That might have been be lol. I seduced him and then broke up the marriage and made a deal with the wife to make him disappear. Good times”
- “HELLO???”
- Like any generational curse he’s def behind it
- “My aunt cursed the family to never find love” ass shit and he’s like daaaam that’s was me my bad let me left that lol
- Clown
- Has you charm his jewelry
- Even tho he can do it himself he wants to watch you do it
- Beel
- What a sweetheart
- Likes when it’s your turn to cook
- Giving him snacks or cooking food that eases his hunger pains
- He’s holding you like a teddy bear
- Walks into your room like 🥺”snack pwease?”
- Your ancestors love him
- “Go give beel this”
- “….i bought that for YOU”
- “Okay?? Go feed my baby!”
- Like absolutely crazy
- Satan is their fav white boy
- In an “lmao this funky little white bot got some spice in em”
- Like he does In canon like Afro beats so IMAGINE they hear him singing like Marvin Gaye and they’re like “yeah this the one”💀
- The most annoying mf EVER
- He walks into your room and is like “oh I ain’t here for you”
- ????
- “Ayo don’t just roll up in here KNOCK first??”
- “Oh Mc I didn’t come here for you- good afternoon grandma McRae, I wanted to show you I aced my finals😌”
- Mammon is that cousin that you know always in some shit but he’s the one who do the most to help out
- Leaves Grimm on your altar
- You’re surprised he didn’t just snatch it but when you catch him bc it’s been accumulating and you know YOU ain’t put that much there
- “What you mean?? For good luck I ain’t miss yet at the casino”
- Imagine how tired we are
- Will hide Goldie there and they will NOT let Lucifer find it💀
- “Don’t worry baby I got this you run along now” INSANE
- Very “go make sure he ate breakfast this morning” energy
- See now belphie is so annoying
- Hoping and PRAYING that they don’t know about lesson 16 bc it’s like on sight
- Lilith is chilling on that mf altar and she will bring the WHOLE FAMILY to beat his ass
- So imagine they’re not beating his ass 24/7 and this is after the party when you guys made a pact
- He comes into your room while you’re busy to sleep in your bed because why would he sleep in his own if he wants to bother you??🙄
- “Hey Mc I’m gunna sleep in here they’re being too loud.”
- “…..hello and good afternoon to you too, I’m doing great how was your day😐” like he don’t ever be saying hello
- He feels this weird ass vibe in the room and he looks over at your desk
- “You a spell or something? What’s up with all that stuff?”
- “Hm? Oh no it’s just an altar for my ancestors I made one shortly after I got here.”
- Hums before wrapping himself in your blankets
- They all in his dreams whew
- He’s seeing people he’s NEVER seen before glaring at him and being like “you done lost your mind”
- Assumes he’s entered one of your dreams until Lilith is like
- “Why did you do that?”
- He was surprised to see you were related to her the first time
- IMAGINE they show him a flashback of what happens but he gets to see what we saw and Lilith last words to us
- And then he’s surrounded by people being like 😒😒😒
- He’s on his knees crying fr
- Want Lilith to beat up her brothers like “don’t mess w my baby👿” because we’re like her niece or whatever minus a few eons like her direct descendant
- She do not play about you at ALL
- She’s putting the fear of god in him before she’s like “I know you’re sorry and you’re my brother and I love you but don’t do that shit again”
- Only reason he ain’t get it worse is bc you love him💀
- They still baby him to an extent bc he is the baby of the family and since he can talk to them directly he will be asked to deliver messages for them
- but he woke up struggling to breathe
- And you’re like ?????
- Worst nightmare he’s ever had
- Getting all the other babies out the way they like Solomon but in a sneaky way
- “There he go again up to something “
- “I would never🥺” and he’s literally plotting
- They talk to like the most I think because he’s like idk how that works but they seem happy when I leave treats up there
- He runs to them when yall pick on him
- “Leave that baby alone!!”
- Simeon is the golden child obviously
- Picture perfect and so respectful
- Will leave a feather from his wings there just bc
- Everyday it’s “tell Simeon I said hi!”
- Like okay :// enough he can probably go see yall face to face
- Saving the very best for last Lucifer
- Comedy relief
- They be messing w him heavy
- Moving things around so he can’t find it
- His favorite pen runs out of ink and when he gets a a new one it starts working perfectly fine
- Missing matching socks
- Like just bc it’s funny
- They do however see he’s shouldering all this stuff that he really don’t need to and that he’s head over heels
- Suddenly his lunch feels more filling and comforting
- His paperwork seems less like an endless mountain
- When you’re not there he will go to the alter and leave little things
- Also asking them for advice on how to purpose
- All of a sudden you’re getting signs for a wedding
- “Are there even this many doves in the devildom????”
- “A wedding or union is in the future”
- “?? What do you mean by that auntie?”
- “😊”
- Jokingly mess w him bc COME ON it’s Lucifer!
- Stressing him out is like prime entertainment
- Honorary members of the anti-Lucifer league
- Satan leaves a little pin in there that says that LMAO
- Lucifer internally sighing bc wow his family got even bigger (he is not complaining, glad to see more of Lilith kin and how she had such a long strong lineage)
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sailor-aviator · 9 months
Meet Me at the Sea: Chapter Eleven
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Meet Me at the Sea: Chapter Eleven
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Your best friend, Bob Floyd, had insisted you join him for the summer at his family's home along the Carolina coasts. You had been hesitant at first, but ultimately agreed to his request. Now, here you were in a new town with strange locals who spoke in hushed whispers and cryptic retellings about glistening scales, glowing eyes, and haunting songs that echoed from the sea. You didn't believe them at first, but when you wake up on the beach one morning after having fallen overboard the night before, you can't help but think that maybe you hadn't imagine the strong arms and deep, green eyes of the man that had saved you.
Trigger Warnings: Reader expresses doubt, Reflection on relationships, Flirting, Mildly suggestive conversations but not really, Chaste kissing, Jake being handsy, The boys being idiots, Magic, Siren songs/mind control, Reader is lured, Identities revealed. I think that's it, but please let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 3.2k
Series Masterlist || Moodboards || Playlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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Trust was a funny thing, when you really sat down to think about it. You could believe someone with every fiber of your being, but there will always be a single shred of doubt, no matter how small. That’s where trust comes in.
Trust isn’t belief. Trust is the bridge between belief and fear. Trust is what you grip on to when everything else tells you to give up hope. Trust is the thing that prevails when all else seems lost, that morphs itself into hope. It’s the thing that will always keep you going.
Which is why you were sitting on the edge of Nat’s bed, thinking back on your conversation with Jake just a few days before.
“You’re being awfully quiet,” she commented, eyeing you carefully as she strolled back into the room with her makeup bag in hand. “Have been for the past couple of days, actually.”
You sighed, offering her a smile that felt half-assed even to you. Grimacing, you shifted on the bed, running your hands over your thighs as you watched her set up her vanity with everything she would need.
“What are you going to do when I’m not around anymore for you to treat like a living doll?” You joked. Her eyes met yours in the mirror, and she raised an eyebrow at you. You squirmed under her gaze, letting out a sigh as you grimaced. “It’s nothing, really.”
“It’s not nothing if you’re worrying about it so much,” she countered, sitting down in the chair across from you, her brow pulled together in concern. “You know you can tell me anything.”
“It’s just,” you paused, chewing on your bottom lip, “I found out about what the mating bite entails.”
Her head jerked back in surprise, her eyes growing wide as she absorbed what you just told her.
“I was talking with Cole when I went to pick up the masks the other day,” you murmured, eyeing the masks in question as they sat on the vanity. “He told me more about the mating bite and the legends surrounding it, and truth be told, it’s all I’ve been able to think about since.”
“Have you talked to Jake about it?” She frowned.
“Yeah,” you nodded, your cheeks heating up at the thought of the other night. “I’ve talked to him. He told me that it was all true, but that he’d never hurt me.”
“And?” She pressed. You glanced up at her, confusion plain on your face.
“And what?”
“Do you believe him?” She clarified, crossing her arms and leaning back. “Do you believe that he’ll never hurt you?”
You didn’t say anything for a moment. Jake had never given you a reason to believe that he would hurt you in any way. Still, even the slimmest possibility that you might not resurface from the depths of the water when Jake pulled you down under had the familiar sinking sensation of anxiety fill your belly, a chill running down your spine at the thought.
But then again, there was no doubt in your mind that you would let him pull you under in the first place. It wasn’t a question of “if,” but “when.” Jake was many things, but someone who intentionally hurt others was not on that list.
“I trust him,” you settled on finally. “I trust him with my life.”
“I know it’s scary,” she murmured, eyes searching yours for any sign that you might be having doubts. “After all, the claiming ritual is what the old myths and legends of mermaids and sirens are based on, you know?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “I guess you’re right.”
“But those stories are wrong, Skipper,” she said, leaning forward to take your hand in hers, squeezing it gently. “Those stories are born out of fear of what people don’t understand, of what they want to believe. The monsters in the stories aren’t the people we know and love.”
“What are you trying to say, Nat?”
“I’m saying,” she paused, sucking a breath before letting it out slowly. “I’m saying that you can hear as many things as you want to hear. Whether it’s good or bad or somewhere in between. It’s okay to be scared of what you don’t know, but don’t let it keep you from the things that you do know. Don’t let fear keep you away from a lifetime of happiness.”
You stared at her for a moment. Of course you knew everything she was saying was true. You knew that Jake, Bradley, Javy, and Reuben weren’t the monsters in the stories you’ve heard. They were your friends.
Reuben was smart and funny when he wanted to be, having taken time to show you how to sail when the gang would take the boats out on the sunny, summer days. He made sure you stayed hydrated when Jake wasn’t around to do it instead, who acted so much like an older brother towards you.
Javy was another brother you never realized you wanted. Teasing you and making sure you got home safe when the others were busy or when he picked you and Nat up to take you home. Even when it was just the three of you, he always made sure you felt included and never like the third wheel you knew you were being.
Bradley rounded out the trio of your new older siblings. Always making sure you were safe and out of harm’s way. Sweet Bradley who coped with the loss of his security at such a young age with an easy smile and flirtatious nature. The man who never once made you feel like an outsider in the longstanding group of friends.
Then there was Jake. A man who was perfect by no means, but was clear about his intentions with you from the first moment you met. Who would rather suffer the wrath of others than lie to you even for a second. Who made you feel safe and wanted even when you thought your own mind was playing tricks on you. He was everything you wanted.
“I won’t, Nat,” you smiled, squeezing her hand back. The brunette let out a relieved sigh, smiling softly back at you before standing from the chair and dragging you towards the vanity.
“Alright, we’ve got a lot of work to do before the festival starts, so let’s get to it.”
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The sun was slowly nearing the horizon when you set foot on the boardwalk, a sizeable crowd already gathered on the boardwalk. Several booths and stalls were set up along the sides, the local vendors doing their best to advertise items from their shops to the tourists that stopped to look.
Everyone was dressed like they were going to a party. The women who walked down the streets were dressed in a rainbow of different outfits - mainly dresses. The men were dressed more casually, but some still wore suits as they escorted their dates up and down the festival walkways.
“I’m definitely getting some stir fry for dinner,” Nat beamed as she looked over at Javy. He chuckled, resting a hand on the small of her back as the three of you waited by the entrance for the rest of your friends.
“We said 6:30, right?” You murmured, glancing down at your phone before back up at the crowd that parted to pass your tiny group.
“Don’t you worry, Skipper,” Javy smirked, waggling his eyebrows at you. “I’m sure those nerds will be here any second. They probably wanted to make sure they look nice and pretty for all the girls tonight.”
“Aren’t they wearing masks?” Nat asked, arching a brow up at her boyfriend. He shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets as he turned his attention to the crowd in search of the others.
“Yeah, probably.”
“You’re so helpful.”
“I know,” he grinned, raising a hand to wave to someone in the crowd. You followed his line of sight, sucking in a breath when your eyes met green ones. A smile found its way to your lips as Jake picked up his pace, nearly running to stand next to you. His strong arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you gently to him as you rested a hand on his chest to steady yourself.
“Hey,” you breathed, practically in a whisper as you gazed up at him through your mask. His lips pulled into a smirk as his grip tightened on your waist, your cheeks heating up at the gesture.
“Hey,” he murmured, leaning down so that his lips hovered over yours. “Missed you.”
“Missed me?” You giggled. “How could you have missed me? You saw me just this morning.”
“Always miss you,” he hummed, letting his lips rest against yours. It wasn’t a kiss, not really, but your heart fluttered in your chest nonetheless. His face was half covered by a white mask with golden accents, the offending object bumping against your own, causing another chorus of giggles to slip past your lips as he smiled. You heard a gag from beside you, and you glanced over to see Bradley gagging as the others watched you.
“You two are gross,” he asserted, wrinkling his nose. “Get a room.”
You rolled your eyes, squeaking when Jake chuckled and pulled you impossibly closer.
“If you insist,” he grinned, moving to pull you back towards town and away from the boardwalk. You stumbled after him, lurching when a hand grabbed your upper arm, pulling you back and away from Jake.
“Oh, no you don’t,” Nat snapped, shooting a glare at the blonde. “I worked too damn long and too damn hard for you to steal her away this early. She deserved to be showed off.”
Jake pouted at her, but considered her words for a moment. The smile once again finding a home on his face, he offered you his arm, which you took gratefully.
“Well, what are we waiting for then?” He taunted, already pulling you towards the festival. “Let’s get a move on. I have a lady that needs showing off.”
The others followed the two of you with rolls of their eyes, and you looked back grin at Nat excitedly.
“So, what’s first?”
“Well, I’m starving,” she declared, rushing past you with Javy in tow. “I say we get something to eat first and foremost.”
“What are you thinking?” Bob asked, his eyes darting down to look at where Nat and Javy’s hands sat intertwined. His eyebrow arched slightly, blue eyes meeting yours for a brief second behind his silver mask. You shook your head slightly, and his face told you that the two of you would most definitely be talking about the development later.
“Stir fry,” Nat grinned, wagging her eyebrows at him. Bradley scoffed, earning a glare from the brunette.
“We’re not getting stir fry,” he said, an edge of disgust in his tone as he crossed his arms over his chest. “We are treated to delicious fried food but once a year, and you want to waste this opportunity getting stir fry?”
“The stir fry is the best damn thing here, Bradshaw, and you know it,” she fired back, letting go of Javy’s hand to cross her own arms as she glared the man down.
“Why don’t we just get our own things?” Reuben suggest, coming up to stand next to the two, placing gentle hands on both of their shoulders.
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Mickey chirped, rubbing his hands together as he scanned over the different booths, shooting a dazzling smile to a group of girls huddled by one of the jewelry stalls. The girls giggled, whispering amongst themselves as they eyed your group in appraisal. Reuben let out a low whistle as he followed Mickey’s line of sight.
“Damn,” he murmured, a charming grin sliding onto his face.
“We’ll, uh, catch you later,” Mickey threw over his shoulder, making a beeline for the other group with Reuben hot on his tail. Bob rolled his eyes, already moving to follow them.
“I’ll go make sure they stay out of trouble,” he muttered. Bradley gave him a broad grin, letting out a loud cry of encouragement that set the bespectacled man’s cheeks ablaze.
“Yeah!” Bradley called, clapping his hand and earning a few looks from the passersby. “Go get’em tiger!”
If looks could kill, you surmised he’d be dead ten times over with the glare Bob shot back at him.
“Can we go now?” Nat groaned, looking around at the rest of you. “I’m starving here!”
“Yeah, but we’re not getting stir fry,” Bradley asserted once more. Nat bristled, and you watched as the two went in for round two of their argument. Jake leaned down so that his lips brushed against the shell of your ear, sending a tingle up your spine that nearly took your breath away.
“They could be at this a while,” he whispered, his breath fanning over your cheek as his arm came to wrap around your waist. “Let’s get out of here and go find our own thing to do.”
You nodded, allowing him to lead you discreetly away from your friends and towards the booths. The two of you walked in silence for a moment before he turned to look down at you.
“Are you even hungry?” He asked, stopping as you looked at the jewelry at one of the booths.
“Not really,” you murmured, eyeing a set of the handmade earrings on display. “Are you?”
“Nah,” he replied, wrinkling his nose. “We can just walk around for a little bit, if you want?”
“That sounds just fine to me,” you smiled, meeting his gaze and stopping. For a moment, it was like everything else faded away and it was just the two of you, standing and staring at one another. Jake’s eyes began to glow an iridescent green the longer he stared at you, his breaths coming out a little more ragged. You could get lost in those eyes, you were sure of it.
“Can I help you find anything?”
You jumped, turning to the woman behind the table as she smiled at you.
“What?” You asked, breathless as your mind scrambled to catch up. “Oh, no! I’m just looking right now, but thank you!”
The woman nodded before turning her attention to another customer. You looked back at Jake who looked like he wanted to say something. Before he could, a chime sounded, and he dug in his pocket for his phone. He pulled it out, scanning the message before casting an apologetic look towards you.
“It’s my mom,” he explained, gesturing at the phone. “She wants to talk to me. Do you mind if I…?”
“Not at all,” you smiled, waving him off. “You go ahead, just text me when you’re finished and we can meet up again, yeah?”
He gave you a small smile, leaning in to brush his lips against yours in a gentle kiss before turning and walking away.
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You perused several different booths before the pangs of hunger made themselves known. You decided to get yourself a bag of popcorn to tide you over while waiting for Jake to text you that he was done, bouncing excitedly at the thought of the buttery treat. You scrolled on your phone while you waited in line, skimming different articles as the line inched forward slowly.
You glanced up, expecting to see one of your friends, frowning when you didn’t. You could have sworn you heard your name, and an uneasy feeling made its way across your skin, clutching at the pit in your stomach. A low hum could be heard on the breeze, and you noticed a few of the vendors glance around uneasily.
Skipper, come find me.
You looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. Several other people looked around with frowns on their faces, but you paid them no mind as you scanned the crowd frantically.
Come find me, and everything will be fine. Don’t you want to find me?
“Yes,” you whispered, stepping out of the line, eyes still searching for the source of the honeyed voice. “Yes, I want to find you. Where are you?”
Follow my voice, Skipper.
Your head felt light, your body like it was floating as you took another step into the dense crowd. Your eyes still scanned the crowd, stopping as they made contact with glowing green. They stared at you intently from behind a solid black mask, the top half of the man’s face covered entirely. His lips twitched up into a knowing smirk as he watched you, slowly raising his hand in offering to you.
There’s a good girl. Do as you're told, and everything will be just fine.
The fact that his lips weren’t moving should have concerned you, but you were so focused on getting to him that you didn’t even notice. You took a few steps towards him, only stopping when the mark on your neck pulsed.
Come on, Skipper. You’re almost there. Just a few more steps and then we can live happily ever after. Don’t you want that?
You hesitated. Did you want that? You were sure you did, but somehow this felt wrong. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.
The mark on your neck pulsed again, almost as if it were pleading with you not to go. You frowned, reaching up a heavy hand to run your fingers over it.
Ignore it, Skipper. Listen to me. You want to come with me, don’t you? I would never hurt you. I can give you everything. Trust me.
Yes, that was what you wanted. You wanted to go with this man. How could you have thought otherwise? This man looked at you so intensely, almost like he was driven mad with need as he called for you.
Just a little more, sweetheart. Then we’ll have nothing to worry about ever again.
You were only about a yard away now, so close and still so far. You wanted to please him, make him proud. All you had to do was take a few more steps, and-
You let out a grunt as someone bumped into you, nearly sending you to the ground with the force of it. It was like everything came rushing back to you all at once. The floating feeling stopped, and suddenly you were aware of your surroundings once again. You looked around at the surrounding crowd, noticing how a few of the local vendors stared at you with unease, their eyes flickering away to focus on something else. No, not something. Someone.
Your head whipped up, locking onto the figure who stood before you. Your eyes widened in terror at the way he looked at you, his eyes shining with a mix of anger and despair as you fought for coherency once more. You knew those eyes.
Someone bumped into the man, startling him, and you watched as he let out a strangled cry filled with frustration and anguish. The passerby stopped, raising his hands to put some distance between the two of them.
“Woah, man,” the stranger said, eyes widening as the man tore his mask away in anger, glowing eyes seething as he bared his teeth. “I’m sorry, okay? It was an accident.”
Your breath caught in your throat as you continued to stare, your mind trying desperately to reconcile what you knew with what you were seeing.
The man looked back at you, tears now in his eyes as he let out another anguished cry, turning on his feet and racing through the crowd.
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A/N: Welp...here's the reveal, at long last. What do you guys think? Was it worth the wait? What's going to happen next?? Only two chapters left! As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy my work, consider leaving me a tip! You can also find my works on AO3 under the username sailor-aviator!
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Tag List: @goldenseresinretriever @fanficfandomlove @bobgasm @stoptaking-the-good-names @dempy @sky2nd @hookslove1592 @bellaireland1981 @justherebecausesafarisucks @jupitercomet @atarmychick007 @katfanfic @devil-angel-winchester @mamachasesmayhem @sorchathered @blue-aconite @topnerd03 @smileybouquet @roger-that-cap @crybaby-21 @nouis-bum @aworldwideapart @aviatorobsessed @eloquentdreamer @els-marvelvsp @seresinsbrat @maximus890 @na-ta-sh-aa @rosedurin @rhettsluvr @djs8891 @jakeseresinlover @roosteraloha @fudge13 @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog @avengersgirllorianna @senawashere @uniquedreamlandcheesecake @tgmavericklover @zousa123 @cmroczkab @yuckosworld @pinkdaisies1106 @the-philthepill13 @boiolay @kmc1989 @toomanytocountsposts @eloquentdreamer @fudge13 @perfectprettypisces @veyzus @maydayfigment @uniqueobjectcollective @dreamlandcreations @emily1773 @lilylilyyyyyy @acarboni21
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star-girl69 · 2 years
i live reader’s relationship with the children 😭 i can see her being hogged by her kids all day, surrounded and the kids hiss and claw at their parents when they come too close like ?! ya got your time with our mama now its mama and kids bonding time
My Heart Never Knows
y/n getting hogged by all of her babies
a/n: i love mama y/n and her babies 😭
it’s so funny because jake genuinely gets so offended
“that is literally my mate can you MOVE boy”
*meanwhile lo’ak is just actually passed out on top of you*
jake will totally get annoyed and push him off while you’re screaming
jake lying on top of you instead
lo’ak being in absolute shock
“baby he’s like 8 feet tall what do you want me to do”
tuk coming over and literally kicking jake bc she wants you
lo’ak cheering her on
jake eventually getting off of you when neytiri walks in and kicks his head HARD
“do you seriously want to murder our mate?”
jake is so done tbh
neteyam isn’t as clingy but he would probably love talking to you
just being silently so annoyed when jake or neytiri interrupts the two of you
you being like “can i please have a singular conversation with my baby”
neteyam wanted to say something but he would never disrespect his parents like that
since you were born metkayina you can stay underwater for a lot longer than the rest of the family
and because kiri is kiri and “pandora jesus” she can also stay underwater for a long time
so like imagine this the two of you just chilling at the bottom of the sea floor collecting some shells or some plants to eat
and also this is like a little family beach outing
jake being like “WHERE DID THEY GO”
neytiri being like “oh they’re fine, they’re just at the bottom-”
*jake diving in before she can even say one word*
neytiri is also just so done
jake being like “what are you guys doing…”
the two of you finally surfacing and jake is just
“you guys are so interesting”
kiri being appalled “did you just insult my mama???”
cue everyone piling on top of jake until he apologizes
neytiri is having the time of her life laughing her ass off with you
basically jake just wants to spend some time with his mate and quickly realizes that will never happen again
neytiri accepted it long ago (date nights are weekly and mandatory so she doesn’t go insane without you)
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
The Endless family are nothing, if not the most horrible of people. They don't care who/what they hurt to lord it over people.
Morpheus tries to have as little to do with his adoptive family (he along with a number of his other siblings were foundlings) as possible, but the family still own his apartment building and probably have found a sneaky underhanded way to have a stake in his fledgling art career. This is part of the reason he appeared when summoned to the most recent family dinner/shitty people party.
For some yet undisclosed reason, Morpheus parents were particularly smug about whatever was going to happen at the party - he just hopes it's not overt and open criming, he doesn't really want to be pressed into hiding bodies and depending on how long it takes to get to whatever their "surprise" is, Morpheus will have to stay at the party for longer than he would ever want.
The surprise is wheeled out, in a giant tank -- a captured male merperson. To Morpheus's eyes, he was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen - long brown hair flowing in the water, strong chest and arms flowing seamlessly down to a golden tail, shot through with warm browns, yellows and greens. Just the colors alone spoke to Morpheus's artist soul. He knew he could happily spend the rest of his life doing nothing but attempting to recreate this beauty.
And then he locked eyes with the angry brown eyes of what was obviously the rest of his existence,,,,,,,and Morpheus's soul mark burned.
Ahhhh this is so chilling!! I like the idea of Hob being beautiful but terrifying.
Of course Dream has to do something. So he asks to stay the night at his "parents" awful mansion. After midnight he sneaks down the damp basement where the huge tank has been stored. The merman is skulking around the bottom of the tank, and those brown-gold eyes glare out through the darkness. Dream can't stop himself from stepping forward and pressing the palm of his hand against the glass.
"Well." The merman says, sending bubbles shooting out to the surface of the tank. "How are you going to get me out of here?"
It turns into a proper mini heist. Dream recruits a team to get his soulmate out: his estranged adoptive brother Ollie, his youngest sister (who still lives at home, and can let them all into the mansion), a few sketchy friends he made at university (Matthew and Cori) and, bizarrely, the director of the gallery that shows his art. Gilbert may be older in years, but he is very good with a weapon.
They take an old bathtub that Matthew dug out of a skip to the mansion in Cori's truck. And then they lug the damn thing down to the basement. Hob looks distinctly unimpressed. But when Dream begs him to get in the bath, his fierce attitude softens. Muttering about dumb humans, he flops out from the top of the tank, into the bath - bringing plenty of water along with him.
Then they have to get him back up the stairs. Dream is not super helpful tbh, he's too fixated on Hob’s beautiful tail. And his eyes. And just everything, really. Thank goodness Ollie hits the gym regularly - they make it out of the mansion before dawn. Delirium gives Hob a big kiss on the cheek, and he gets all soft and mushy, giving her a soggy hug in return before they wave goodbye and get the hell out of there. They head for Gilbert's gallery (since its on the ground floor), where Hob's eyes get all big and shiny as he looks at Dream’s art.
What the hell do they do now? No doubt Dream’s parents will notice the missing merman. And Hob can't live in a bathtub forever. Maybe it's time for Dream to get the nice cottage by the sea that he's always fancied. The question is - will Hob want to hang around, when he's free to swim away?
The answer is a grumpy "yes". As long as Dream agrees to paint him. Which obviously isn't going to be an issue at all 😄
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yulin-pop · 1 year
⤷ ✧ Trust me?
Gender neutral
- order 75 | headcanons | Octavinelle
Note: I can’t swim and have drowned before (my older brother saved me)
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Floyd Leech
Being in the water is pretty much what he’s always known. When he has to step out of the water and be a human for school, it was hard but he got use to it quickly even before Jade and Azul.
He kinda thought it would be the same for walking to swimming. But, you can’t swim? It was priceless. He knew you hated going into water and didn’t ever step close to the pool in Night Raven.
At some point he was getting bored and he reached for your ankle and pull you in but you straight up kicked him.
“Eh? Why did you kick me…” You couldn’t tell if he was pissed off or just asking a question but you just ran away.
After that he was curious. He just genuinely didn’t know why you didn’t like water and freaked out when he tried to pull you in that one time. Instead of asking directly like a normal person, he picked you up and threatened to throw you into the pool if you didn’t tell him why you don’t like water.
“Shrimpy, how come you don’t wanna swim with me?”
“Because I can’t swim and I can drown!! Please put me down now!”
And after that he would constantly ask you to join him in the water. He promises to not waterboard you on accident!!
If you end up trusting him, he just puts you on his shoulders so you still get air. But he finds it funny how you’re holding onto him for dear life while your whole body is shaking because you’re kinda putting your life in the hands of Floyd Leech.
He’s determined to show you that the water really isn’t scary, even with the possibility of drowning. Then again, what would he know about drowning?
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Jade Leech
Also has the same thought process as Floyd but he figures out that some humans can’t swim after seeing a few kids sitting out for swimming class because they don’t know how.
He picks up on you staying far away from the pool even if your friends are inviting you in. In fact you try to skip swimming class almost everyday.
When you’re alone with him he starts to ask questions. Why can’t you swim? Why don’t you try to learn? What would happen if he just threw you in the pool without warning?
You’re scared for valid reasons and he’s just curious. He says that he could teach you how to swim if you really want to learn.
If you agree, he probably won’t teach you really because teaching a human how to swim as an eel won’t work.
He holds you in the water and might accidentally pull you under the water.
“Are you scared?”
“No not at all.”
“Oh, they perhaps you could be in your own for a bit.”
“No, please don’t let go!!”
You’re clinging onto him or otherwise you’d sink to the bottom.
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Azul Ashengrotto
It makes sense but he just never thought about it. He had a hard time learning how to walk on land and he wasn’t the fastest swimmer either.
He’s not good with physical activity so he sits with you at the side of the pool unless he had to get in the water. It’s his natural habitat to be in water but it’s embarrassing to be in his octopus form and he’s not as fast as everyone else.
When he realized why you didn’t swim. He sorta felt bad since in chapter three he made you go under the sea even though you’re afraid of being under water.
If you go swimming with Azul, it’s probably safer than either of the twins.
If you were to join him; you wouldn’t have to worry about drowning since he just wouldn’t do that. He makes jokes though! Unlike with the twins, it’s just you two chilling.
He’s a bit slippery since he’s an octopus but he has a lot of tentacles to grab onto or to grab you with.
“I thought I almost lost you there…”
“Ow… You’re kinda squeezing me with your tentacles.”
He’s probably really squishy, I would just fall asleep hugging him.
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miirohs · 11 months
your shadow [p.j.s]
pairing: Vampire!Park Jay x Human!Reader wc: 1.0k cw: n/a an: what if im just delusional.... also enha outros on top !
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The smell of roses was so strong.
For a moment, you wondered if you were dreaming, but no figment of your imagination could've- no, would've been able to conjure this up.
The figures around you danced, others laughing among their partners as they waltzed around you.
It felt like a fever dream.
You were sure the toxic mold you had been warned about was definitely getting to you now, and you were imaging things.
As you stood there squeezing your eyes shut, you hoped that a couple seconds would be enough to snap you out.
Yet, shoulders bumped into you and you were pushed back again into the sea of bodies. It was so cold.
If it weren't for the stares you were getting, you might have just not been there at all.
"Oh... this is real," you muttered nervously, "this is very real."
You let the air run through your teeth, looking around for an exit. As you stood there, the feeling of eyes watching your back seem to slowly trickle down your back, spooking you even further as a chill passed down your arm in the form of goosebumps.
The grand doors were right across the hall from you, almost teasing you as your vision swam in the dim lighting.
Holding your breath once more, you walked through the crowd, the smell of roses turning sickly at once.
You couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.
The figures around you continued their elegant waltz, their laughter now echoing eerily in your ears.
You lifted your head, daring to make eye contact with the group closest to you. Shock flooded your system as they looked at you with a hunger in their eyes that sent shivers down your spine. These weren't ordinary people; something was very wrong.
Panicking, you quickened your pace, your heart pounding in your chest. You could hear soft whispers as they got closer to you, predatory in their movements.
Just as you reached the middle of the ballroom, a hand reached out, grabbing the edge of your gown. You felt the cold, clammy touch that sent a jolt of fear through you.
"Are you lost sweetheart?"
The mans teeth glinted in the light, face far to pale and gaunt for a normal human. You resisted the urge to scream, simply throwing his hand off yours and running through the parted crowd.
Pausing in the middle of the ballroom, you had once again lost sight off the door, whirling around furiously.
As your eyes landed on the mezzanine, the room seemed to have tuned out, everything blurring as you watched them appear out of the shadows in slow motion.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away, watching as some strutted down the stairs and others watched from above. Something told you that they weren’t to be messed with and yet you still stared.
The black haired one let out a loud laugh, shoving the other with pink hair. His face seemed dangerous, sharp and defined with more than just his shiny jewelry.
He reminded you of a crow, and you almost couldn’t look away as he hopped around, teasing smile on his face.
Suddenly, he locked eyes with you and a strange sense Deja vu ran through your veins, nerves far too He flashed you a smirk, eyes glowing an eerie blood red.
As you traced his face, your eyes instantly landed on his lips, something poking the bottom.
He grinned, and the suddenly realization hit you like a ton of bricks, forcing you out of your spot.
Your senses finally seemed to have stopped working, lost to mayhem as you ran towards the door and threw it open, the darkness slowly ebbed at the corner of your eyes.
It wasn’t long until you came back, facing the blurry confines of your bed curtains.
It all felt like a nightmare, you were ready to go to sleep and not wake up for a while now.
As you tried to pull your arms from their uncomfortable position over your head, something shifted over you, an uncomfortable weight on your chest.
The smell of roses slowly invaded your nose, yet you had no idea where it was coming from. No matter what you did, it felt like you were trapped underneath a heavy weight.
“Nuh uh, none of that,” someone whispered , and you froze up.
The stranger moved away from your ear, yet his cold hands still held your hands together, too strong to be human.
“W-who even-“ You whimpered, writhing in his grasp.
He rose, face glinting slightly in the light of your open window with streaks of red running down the corner of his mouth.
Your blood ran cold as you saw his face, immediately recognizing it from what you thought was your lucid dream.
“Miss me?” You couldn’t even speak, vocal cords almost glued together as you watched him move closer. “C’mon speak to me. Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?”
He tsked, a frown forming on his face as he moved one of his hands from your wrists, using it to move your face around.
“Who are you? What do you want from me?” You finally choked out, watching as he dipped closer.
“Me? You can call me Jay. Lets just say I have some unfinished business with you.”
”I didn’t-“
“You didn’t do anything,” he said, exasperated , “I’m just here to collect what’s mine.”
“And what would that be?” You dared to question, voice trembling slightly in fear of the answer he could give.
You stared at him, horror finally caving in as you realized what he meant.
“What even are you?”
He grinned.
“I think you’ve figured that out. After all, you’re plenty smart for a human, sneaking your way into places you shouldn’t be, sweetheart.”
“What does that even mean?” You begged, head turning as you realized what he was.
“Consider me your shadow. You’re mine now, whether you like it or not, that’s the only way to protect you baby.”
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hd-junglebook · 5 months
Can I Help You
Part 2 / Word Count 3509
Summary: after days of avoiding Luke, y/n has to man up and see Luke in person after she ran away. But of course, things won't go as smoothly when her ex-boyfriend shows up.
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The music pulsed through the night air, the heavy bass reverberating in their chests as y/n and Clarke approached the big white house. Clusters of partygoers sprawled across the front lawn and spilled over onto the stairway, their laughter and chatter mixing with the thumping soundtrack blaring from inside.
The chill in the air nipped at exposed skin, but the revelers seemed impervious, warmed by the electric thrill of the night and perhaps a few red solo cups.
y/n's heels clicked rhythmically against the sidewalk, a sharp staccato cutting through the dull roar of the party. She tugged at the hem of her dress, suddenly feeling self-conscious amidst the sea of scantily clad sorority girls. Clarke, sensing her friend's hesitation, looped her arm through y/n's and gave a reassuring squeeze.
"You've got this, babe. He's going to eat his heart out when he sees you," Clarke declared, her voice raised to carry over the din.
y/n exhaled shakily, her breath misting in the cool air. She wanted to believe her friend, wanted to trust in the liquid courage buzzing through her veins, but the butterflies in her stomach refused to settle.
They climbed the steps to the front door, dodging red cups and overly enthusiastic dancers, y/n scanned the crowd for a glimpse of him. Her heart stuttered in her chest when she finally spotted him across the room, his tall frame unmistakable even in the dim party lighting.
He looked up then, his eyes locking with hers, and the rest of the room fell away. In that suspended moment, she forgot all about her nerves, forgot why she had run away before. All that mattered was the way he was looking at her now, his gaze smoldering with intensity and unspoken promises.
Clarke's elbow jabbed sharply into her ribs, startling her back to reality. "Go get him, tiger," she urged with a knowing grin, giving y/n a gentle shove in his direction.
As Luke's gaze continued to bore into her, y/n felt a sudden surge of panic. She grabbed Clarke's hand and deftly maneuvered them through the throng of partygoers, weaving between the gyrating bodies until they reached a more crowded corner of the house.
The music was even louder here, the bass thumping in their chests, but at least they were out of Luke's line of sight.
 Clarke turned to face y/n, her long wavy blonde hair blanketing her face. Her leather skirt hugged her curves as she planted her hands on her hips, fixing y/n with an incredulous stare. "You mean to tell me the boy you think is hot says he wants you and your first instinct is to run away?" Clarke asked, her voice laced with disbelief.
y/n fidgeted with the hem of her black dress, the fabric clinging to her like a second skin. The bow in her hair bobbed as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, looking unsure of her answer. After a moment, she reluctantly nodded her head.
Clarke's eyes widened, her perfectly arched brows nearly reaching her hairline. "Girl, what are you thinking? Luke is practically begging to get with you, and you're over here playing hide-and-seek!"
y/n sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I know, I know. It's just..." She trailed off, trying to find the right words. "What if he ends up just like Mark? Even worse, what if Mark finds out?"
Clarke softened, reaching out to squeeze y/n's hand. "Oh, honey. Have you seen the way that boy looks at you? Don't let your fears hold you back from something that could be amazing."
y/n chewed on her bottom lip, considering Clarke's words. She knew her friend was right. Now that he had finally made a move, she was running scared.
Straightening her shoulders, y/n took a deep breath. The bow in her hair quivered with her newfound resolve. "You're right. I won’t let my insecurities ruin this. I'm going to go talk to him. And we’re gonna drink and I won’t run away!"
Clarke grinned, her red lips curving into a proud smile. "That's my girl! Go get your man!" She gave y/n a playful swat on the rear as she turned to head back into the fray. y/n took one last steadying breath before squaring her shoulders and marching towards Luke.
As y/n approached Luke from behind, she couldn't help but admire the way his curls shone under the bright kitchen lights. They looked so soft, and she had to resist the urge to reach out and run her fingers through them.
She was close enough now to catch a whiff of his cologne, a heady scent that made her pulse quicken. She breathed in deeply, letting the aroma wash over her, a potent mixture of spice and musk that was uniquely Luke.
Lost in the moment, y/n didn't realize just how close she had gotten until Luke suddenly turned around, his eyes locking with hers. For a heartbeat, the world seemed to stand still. The chatter and laughter of the partygoers faded into the background, and all y/n could focus on was the intensity of Luke's gaze.
His eyes seemed to pierce right through her, sending a shiver down her spine. There was a hint of surprise in his expression, perhaps at her sudden appearance, but it quickly gave way to something else entirely. Something heated and hungry that made y/n's breath catch in her throat.
"Hey," Luke said, his voice low and husky. "I was wondering where you disappeared to."
y/n swallowed hard, trying to find her voice. "I just needed a minute," she replied, hoping he couldn't hear the tremor in her words.
Luke's lips quirked up in a half-smile, and he took a step closer. "Well, I'm glad you're back. I was starting to think you were avoiding me."
y/n's heart hammered in her chest as she shook her head. "No, not avoiding. Just..." She trailed off, unsure of how to explain the riot of emotions swirling inside her.
Luke's smile softened, and he reached out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. His fingers brushed against her skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. "Just what, y/n?" he asked gently.
y/n drew in a shaky breath, steeling herself. It was now or never. "Just trying to work up the courage to do this."
And with that, she closed the remaining distance between them, rising up on her toes to press her lips against his. For a moment, Luke went still, and y/n feared she had made a terrible mistake. But then his arms came around her, pulling her flush against his body as he deepened the kiss.
The rest of the world fell away as y/n lost herself in the sensation of Luke's lips moving against hers, his hands roaming over her back, her sides, her hips. She tangled her fingers in his curls, reveling in their softness, just as she had imagined.
When they finally broke apart, both of them breathless and flushed, Luke rested his forehead against hers. "Wow," he murmured, his eyes shining with wonder.
y/n couldn't help but giggle, a giddy sort of joy bubbling up inside her. "Wow indeed," she agreed, before pulling him down for another kiss. As y/n melted into Luke's embrace, savoring the taste of his lips and the warmth of his body pressed against hers, she caught a flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye. Her heart stuttered in her chest as she recognized the familiar figure striding through the doorway.
y/n froze, her body going rigid in Luke's arms. He pulled back, his brow furrowed in concern as he noticed the sudden change in her demeanor. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.
But y/n couldn't respond, her eyes locked on Mark as he made a beeline for Clarke. She watched, her stomach twisting in knots, as he leaned in close to her friend, his expression serious as he questioned her about something y/n couldn't hear over the pounding music.
"I... I need a second," y/n stammered, tearing her gaze away from Mark and Clarke. She stepped out of Luke's embrace, her skin feeling suddenly cold without his touch.
Luke's face fell, a mixture of confusion and hurt flickering across his handsome features. "What? Why? Did I do something wrong?"
y/n shook her head, already backing away. "No, it's not you. I just... I have to go."
She turned to leave, but Luke's hand shot out, grabbing her arm. His grip was gentle but firm, his fingers pressing into her skin. "Wait, y/n. Please. Don't run away again."
y/n's heart clenched at the desperation in his voice, but she couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze. "Luke, I'm sorry. I can't do this right now."
"Can't do what?" Luke demanded, his tone sharpening with frustration. "Can't talk to me? Can't be honest with me? You keep sending me all these mixed signals, y/n. One minute you're kissing me like your life depends on it, the next you're running away like I've got the plague."
y/n flinched at the accusation in his words, but she couldn't deny the truth of them. She had been running hot and cold with Luke for weeks now, ever since they'd started skating together. Ever since she'd begun tutoring him in math, staying up late to help him grasp concepts that seemed to slip through his fingers like water.
She'd thought she could keep him at arm's length, that she could ignore the way her heart raced every time he looked at her with those piercing honey eyes. But then he'd kissed her tonight, and everything had changed.
"I'm sorry," she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just... I have to leave."
She tried to pull away, but Luke's grip on her arm tightened. His jaw clenched, a muscle ticking beneath the stubble that shadowed his angular cheekbones. "So that's it? You're just going to run away again? Leave me hanging like you always do?"
The bitterness in his tone made y/n's chest ache, but she forced herself to meet his gaze. "Luke, please. Don't make this harder than it has to be."
"Harder than it has to be?" Luke scoffed, his eyes flashing with hurt and anger. "You're the one making it hard, y/n. You're the one who keeps pushing me away, even though I know you feel something for me. I can see it in the way you look at me, the way you melt into me when we kiss."
He took a step closer, his free hand coming up to cup her cheek. His touch was feather-light, but it burned like a brand against her skin. "Why won't you let me in, y/n? Why won't you give us a chance?"
y/n swallowed hard, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. She wanted to tell him everything, to confess all the secrets she'd been keeping locked away in her heart. But the words stuck in her throat, choking her.
"I'm sorry," she said again, her voice cracking. "I have to go."
And with that, she wrenched her arm free of Luke's grasp and fled, pushing through the crowd of partygoers as the tears began to fall. She could feel Luke's eyes boring into her back as she ran, but she didn't dare look back.
She couldn't bear to see the heartbreak on his face, knowing that she was the one who had put it there. She approached Clarke and Mark, their voices grew louder, cutting through the pulsing music and chatter of the party. She could see the tension in Mark's shoulders, the way his hands clenched into fists at his sides as he loomed over Clarke.
"Who is that guy, Clarke? I know you're lying to me. Tell me who he is!" Mark's voice was sharp, his words clipped with barely contained rage.
Clarke, to her credit, looked utterly unfazed. She stood her ground, her arms crossed over her chest as she stared up at Mark with a look of disdain. "When is the right time to leave your ex-girlfriend alone? She doesn't want you, you're crazy."
Mark's face reddened, his nostrils flaring. "I'm not crazy! I just want to know who that guy is. y/n is mine, and I'm not going to let some random dude swoop in and steal her away from me."
y/n's stomach churned at the possessiveness in Mark's voice. She'd broken up with him months ago, but he still seemed to think he had some kind of claim on her. It was one of the reasons she'd been so hesitant to let herself get close to Luke, even though her heart yearned for him.
She stepped forward, putting herself between Mark and Clarke. "Mark, stop. Please. You're making a scene."
Mark's gaze snapped to her, his eyes wild. "y/n! There you are. I've been looking all over for you."
He reached for her, but y/n stepped back, shaking her head. "Mark, we've been over this. We're not together anymore. You need to leave me alone."
Mark's face twisted, a mixture of hurt and anger flickering across his features. "Is this because of him? That guy you were with earlier?"
y/n's heart stuttered in her chest. "Luke has nothing to do with this. We broke up because you were possessive and controlling, and I couldn't take it anymore."
Mark scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Oh, please. You loved it when I took charge. When I made all the decisions for us. You needed me to take care of you."
y/n's hands clenched into fists, her nails digging into her palms. "I didn't need you to do anything for me, Mark. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."
Mark's eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a sneer. "Really? Is that why you're running around with some new guy, letting him put his hands all over you? You're just a slut who can't be alone." The words hit y/n like a slap, and she recoiled as if she'd been struck. Beside her, Clarke let out a gasp of outrage.
"How dare you talk to her like that! You're a pathetic excuse for a man, Mark. No wonder she dumped your sorry ass."
Mark's face reddened even further, and for a moment, y/n thought he might actually strike Clarke. But then he seemed to deflate, his shoulders slumping as he took a step back.
"Fine. Whatever. You two deserve each other." He spat the words like venom, his eyes darting between y/n and Clarke. With that, he turned on his heel and stalked away, shoving through the crowd of partygoers. y/n watched him go, her heart racing in her chest.
She felt like she couldn't breathe, like the walls of the room were closing in on her. "y/n? Are you okay?" Clarke's voice was gentle, her hand coming to rest on y/n's shoulder.
Luke stood there for a moment, stunned and heartbroken. He couldn't understand why she kept running away from him, why she wouldn't let him in. He thought they had something special, but now he was starting to doubt everything.
As he turned to leave, his shoulders slumped in defeat, he found himself face to face with a tall, broad-shouldered guy he didn't recognize. The guy had a scowl on his face and a glint of something dangerous in his eyes.
"Hey, you," the guy said, his voice low and menacing. "You're the one who was with y/n earlier, right?"
Luke bristled at the accusation in the guy's tone. "Yeah, what's it to you?"
The guy stepped closer, invading Luke's personal space. "I'm Mark, y/n's boyfriend. And I want to know what the hell you think you're doing with my girl."
Luke's eyes widened in surprise, his heart clenching painfully in his chest. y/n had a boyfriend? Why hadn't she told him? Had everything between them been a lie?
Anger set in, hot and fierce. How dare this guy claim y/n as his own, like she was some kind of possession? And how dare y/n lead him on, make him think they had something real, when she was just using him to get back at her boyfriend?
Luke's jaw clenched, his hands curling into fists at his sides. He wanted to punch Mark in his smug face, to make him feel even a fraction of the pain that was tearing through his own heart. But instead, he forced himself to take a step back, to put some distance between them. "No, that's not my girl," he said, his voice cold and flat. "I don't know her."
The words tasted like ash in his mouth, but he forced them out anyway. He wouldn't let Mark see how much this was killing him, wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing he'd gotten under his skin.
Mark's eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a sneer. "Good. Because if I ever catch you sniffing around her again, I'll make you regret it."
Luke just shook his head, a humorless laugh escaping his lips. "Trust me, you don't have to worry about that. I'm done with her."
y/n hadn't gone far when she heard the confrontation between Mark and Luke. She'd been hiding in a quiet corner of the house, trying to gather her thoughts and calm her racing heart, when their voices had carried over the din of the party.
At first, she couldn't make out what they were saying. But then she heard Luke's voice, cold and harsh, saying "No, that's not my girl. I don't know her."
The words hit her like a physical blow, stealing the breath from her lungs. She felt like she'd been punched in the gut, like the ground had opened up beneath her feet and swallowed her whole.
How could Luke say that, after everything they'd been through? After the way he'd kissed her, held her, looked at her like she was the only thing in the world that mattered?
Anger surged through her, hot and fierce. She pushed herself off the wall and stormed towards the two men, her vision tunneling until all she could see was Mark's smug face.
Without a second thought, she hurled herself at him, swinging her fists with wild abandon. She wasn't thinking, wasn't planning, just acting on pure instinct and rage.
Mark stumbled back, his eyes widening in surprise as y/n's blows rained down on him. He tried to fend her off, but she was relentless, her anger giving her a strength she didn't know she possessed.
Luke jumped back in shock, his mouth falling open as he watched y/n attack Mark. For a moment, he was frozen, unsure of what to do.
But then Clarke appeared out of nowhere, pushing herself between y/n and Mark. "Stop it, both of you!" she yelled, her hands held out in front of her like a shield. Mark snarled, shoving Clarke aside with a rough push. She stumbled, nearly falling, but managed to catch herself at the last moment.
That was all it took for Luke to snap out of his daze. He lunged forward, grabbing y/n around the waist and hauling her away from Mark. She struggled against him, still swinging her fists, but he held her tight, his arms like steel bands around her.
"Let me go!" she screamed, her voice raw and ragged. "I'm going to kill him!"
But Luke just held her tighter, his breath hot against her ear as he spoke. "y/n, stop. He's not worth it."
y/n sagged against him, all the fight draining out of her in a rush. She felt like a puppet whose strings had been cut, like she might collapse if Luke wasn't holding her up.
"Why did you say that?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why did you tell him you didn't know me?"
Luke was silent for a long moment, and y/n felt her heart sink. But then he spoke, his voice soft and sad. "Because I thought you had a boyfriend. I thought you were just using me to get back at him."
y/n's eyes widened, and she twisted in Luke's arms to look up at him. "What? No! Mark's not my boyfriend. We broke up months ago."
Luke's brow furrowed in confusion. "But he said-"
"He's lying," y/n interrupted, her voice fierce. "He's a manipulative, controlling asshole who can't stand the thought of me moving on."
She reached up, cupping Luke's face in her hands. "Luke, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I was just... scared. Scared of getting hurt again, scared of letting someone in."
Luke's eyes softened, and he leaned into her touch. "I know. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have assumed the worst."
y/n shook her head, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "No, you shouldn't have. But I shouldn't have run away, either.” Luke smiled back, his eyes crinkling at the corners before y/n continued. "Maybe we can start over? Try this whole communication thing again?"
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aishangotome · 3 months
Elbert Greetia: Chapter 20
Chapter 19 Premium Story
--I found myself standing in the shallows.
The sun was sinking into the distant horizon, and my body was rapidly growing cold.
Kate: Lord Elbert...
Elbert: Kate...
I turned to see her smiling, and we embraced each other without a word.
The moment I felt her warmth, an indescribable happiness filled my chest.
But then...
Kate: Ah... Lord Elbert, the waves...
Elbert: ...!
A large wave crashed nearby, spraying us with water and chilling our bodies that had just been warmed.
The waves that had been playing around our ankles had risen up to our chests before we knew it.
(We need to get back to the shore, quickly.)
I tried to move my legs while holding her, but they wouldn't budge.
I looked down and saw a needle stuck in my foot.
A familiar needle... the one I used to pin butterflies to their backs when making specimens.
Kate: Lord Elbert...
Kate's terribly sad eyes pierced my heart like a needle.
(--You have to go back to the shore.)
(--I won't let go of your hand.)
I tried to say it, but the words caught in my throat.
Elbert: --...
The water had already risen to her throat... but she clung to my chest, refusing to let go.
Before I knew it, the water was far above my head.
It's hard to breathe. I can't even breathe.
And yet-
-My arms are still holding her tight...
I can't seem to let go.
Kate: Lord Elbert...!
Elbert: Ha... ha... ...?
Elbert finally woke up, breathing heavily in bed, and looked at me in his arms with a confused expression.
Elbert: ... I was... asleep...?
Kate: Yes. You were having a terrible nightmare...
We had made love as if melting into each other, and before we knew it, we had fallen into a happy slumber - I had just woken up in Elbert's arms, hearing his pained voice.
Kate: Are you alright?
Elbert: ...
Elbert remained silent, tightening his arms around me.
(I wonder if he had a scary dream...)
I put my arms around his back and gently stroked it to calm him down.
Elbert's breathing gradually became calmer.
Elbert: You...
Elbert: I had a dream that I was dragging you down to the bottom of the sea.
Kate: ...The bottom of the sea?
Elbert's shoulders were trembling as if he were enduring the cold.
Elbert: ...I was crucified at the bottom of the sea, unable to move.
Elbert: I knew you would drown if I held you... but I couldn't let go.
Elbert: You...wouldn't let go of me either.
Elbert: ...It was very scary.
The arms holding me tighten, almost painfully so.
Kate: ...Lord Elbert...
For Elbert, "himself" was someone who brought sadness and death to those he cared about simply by existing, and "happy days" were fragile and fleeting things that could be broken by the slightest trigger.
(That's why... he has nightmares about happiness being destroyed...)
I tighten my arms around his back, wanting to heal the wounds that the dream has opened up, even if just a little.
Elbert: ...I feel like I'm taking everything away from you.
Elbert: The warm happiness, the untroubled future... everything you were supposed to have.
Elbert: The thought of hurting you again... and making you sad... makes me feel like I'm going crazy, but...
Elbert: I...
Elbert: I would rather drown with you than let you go back to the shore.
Kate: ...!
Elbert: I was happy that you wouldn't leave me and would sink to the bottom of the sea with me.
Elbert: I was so scared of myself for thinking that.
(...Oh, what should I do?)
(Elbert is suffering so much.)
I'm tormented by guilt and fear, but the fact that Elbert wants me so much...
(...It makes me so happy.)
Kate: There may be sadness and hurt in the future...
Kate: But even so, I... I want to be with you, Lord Elbert.
Kate: Besides... if we're together...
Kate: I feel like we'll encounter more happiness than sadness.
Elbert: ...Is that so?
Kate: Yes, it is. Because even now...
Kate: I'm so happy and glad that you're holding me so tightly that it hurts.
Elbert: ...
Elbert: ...Me too.
Elbert: I want to be... strong like you.
Elbert: So I can make you happy. ...So you won't go anywhere.
His whispers were like prayers, and my chest overflowed with love.
(Guilt will surely follow us forever.)
(Just like my heart still aches when I think of Daisy...)
(But still, what can I do to keep Elbert from being swallowed by nightmares?)
Just then, Elbert's stomach growled cutely.
Elbert and Kate: ...Are you hungry? / ...Are you hungry?
Kate: ...That was you, Lord Elbert, right?
Elbert: ...Me?
Elbert blinked his long, bisque doll-like eyelashes and looked down at his stomach in wonder.
Elbert: ...I, see.
Elbert: ...I'm sorry... It's been so long since I've felt it, I didn't recognize it.
Elbert shyly averted his gaze.
(H-How cute...)
His rare gesture made me feel a childish innocence, and a sweet ache in the depths of my chest.
(But, it's been a while since he's felt hungry...)
I felt a pang of sadness, sensing the weight of the suffering he had endured until now, but more than that, I was happy about the change in Elbert.
Kate: I'll get you something to eat.
Elbert: ... I'll go.
Kate: No, patients need to stay in bed. Is there anything you'd like to eat?
Elbert: ... An apple.
Kate: Hehe... Okay.
Kate: Oh, but... I'll check with Roger first to make sure it's okay for you to eat it.
Elbert: Roger...?
Kate: Your mouth and throat might be injured... He might need to grate it or do something else to it.
Elbert: ..............
(Roger was supposed to be taking a nap on the first floor...)
As I got out of bed and got dressed, I suddenly realized something.
(Come to think of it, I think Roger said his ability was that he had really good hearing...)
(Just now, my voice...)
As I tied the ribbon behind my neck, I recalled the memories of when we were making love.
We were so desperate for each other that we couldn't think of anything else.
(I don't know what kind of face to make when I talk to him...)
As I fastened the belt of my skirt, I thought about it over and over again.
Kate: Ah...!
An arm wrapped around my stomach from behind and pulled me into bed.
Kate: L-Lord Elbert...?
I stumbled and sat down on the edge of the bed, between Elbert's long, slender legs.
Elbert: ...I don't need to eat anything after all.
Kate: Huh? But you're hungry...
Elbert: I don't want you to leave.
Kate: ...What!?
Elbert: Stay here.
(...Could it be?)
(Is he jealous of Roger...?)
Elbert: ...No?
He buried his face in the nape of my neck, and my skin flushed hot.
Kate: No... It's not a no. But... Why?
Elbert: Because you're... so beautiful right now.
Elbert: I don't want to show you to anyone.
Elbert: If they see you, they'll want you.
Elbert: ...Like I do now.
His voice, tinged with a hint of sweetness, tickled my earlobe.
(Until now... even when Elbert told me he wanted me, I couldn't accept it honestly.)
(Because I couldn't respond to a hand extended to atone for a sin.)
(But from now on... when Elbert wants me,)
(It's all... for me and him to be happy.)
My chest felt hot, and I felt like I was losing the strength to resist his arms.
But I somehow managed to gather my wits and gently pushed his arm away from my waist.
Kate: I'm happy, Lord Elbert.
Kate: But... you still need to eat properly.
Elbert: .............
His eyes, like jewels that held the sea within them, stared at me intently, and my resolve wavered.
Kate: Lord Elbert... Please.
Elbert: ... No.
Kate: Ah...
Elbert brought his lips to the nape of my neck and sucked hard on my skin.
Kate: Mm...
A sweet pain shot through me, and a whimper escaped my lips.
Kate: L-Lord EElbert...
Elbert: ... What?
Kate: What.....Ah....
I felt a wet sensation, as if lips that had touched the nape of my neck again.
Hard teeth sweetly bit my skin, and the tip of his tongue caressed over it as a slight pain ran through me.
(On such a place, if you put so much on it...)
Kate: Ah, nnn... Lord Elbert, no...
Elbert: Nn...,...
Restraining my trembling body with both arms, Lord Elbert sucked my skin even harder.
--The sweet torture was stopped by a sudden knock.
Without hesitation, the door to the room opened.
Alfons: Excuse me, was I interrupting a moment of love?
Alfons: Just kidding, I knew you were in here.
Elbert: Al...?
Kate: Alfons...!
Alfons: It seems you've cheated death, El. That's great.
Kate: Where have you been?
I asked without thinking, forgetting the current situation.
He had disappeared somewhere while Elbert was on the brink of death.
Alfons: Does it matter where I was? I didn't want to see Elbert die.
Kate: Why not...?
Alfons: ...Because I might have been glad he died before me, and I didn't want to feel that way.
( ...What does that mean?)
Elbert: ...Welcome back, Al.
Elbert greeted Alfons in his usual manner.
Perhaps they both understood the true intentions hidden deep within each other.
Alfons: Anyway, you seem to be having fun. Let me join in.
Kate: Join in...?
I was momentarily confused by his sudden remark.
Elbert: ...................
Kate: Hmm...?
Elbert sucked on my neck forcefully, as if to show off.
Kate: L-Lord Elbert...!
(In front of Alfons...!)
Elbert: ...You can't, Al.
Alfons: ……Hehe, I won't take it. I've never taken your toy, have I?
Alfons: I said, "Let me join in," not "Lend it to me." I just want to play together sometimes.
Alfons: ……It seems like the only thing that's changed is that you're confining her in your arms instead of that room.
Elbert: ..............
Seeing Alfons shrug with a "Well, well," Elbert reluctantly released his arms from my body.
Elbert: ……Don't hide the marks.
Elbert: Stay at least three steps away from Roger when you talk to him.
Even without looking in the mirror, I know there must be many crimson ownership marks on the nape of my neck.
Elbert stared intently at me.
The depths of my body trembled under his gaze, a thick mixture of anxiety, possessiveness, and lust.
Kate: Yes, I will……
Elbert: ……Hmm.
Alfons opened the door for me, and I slipped past him, leaving the room behind.
(So many kiss marks... and then he tells me to stay three steps away.)
The affection he directs towards me might be... much more intense and heavy than I realize.
(...What should I do?)
(My face is burning... my chest feels tight.)
The intense affection directed at him, who still carries an unhealed heart, feels somewhat precarious, like something I shouldn't simply be happy about.
(I want to be desired by Elbert.)
I wanted to be captured once more by the arms I had just escaped from.
After watching Kate leave.
Elbert: ...Al...
Elbert collapsed onto the bed, muttering softly.
Elbert: Thank you for getting Kate out of that room...
Alfons: ...What are you talking about? It's not unusual for me to take things from that room without permission.
Alfons twisted his lips and shrugged, his eyes following the door Kate had exited.
Alfons: But... what a terrible obsession, wouldn't you say?
Elbert: ...I know....But I can't stop myself.
Elbert: Her voice, her breath, her gaze, everything... I don't want to give any of it to anyone else.
Elbert: I want all of her.
Alfons: If anything happens to Kate because of you, you probably won't survive, you know.
Elbert: ......Yeah.
Elbert: It's okay... I won't let that happen.
Elbert: I'll protect her. So she won't get hurt, so she won't be sad...
Elbert: Always, carefully, carefully...
After waiting for Elbert's condition to recover, we returned to Crown Castle.
Victor: Ah! Welcome back, my beloved cursed ones, and Kate!
Victor: Elbert, I'm so glad you're safe!
Elbert: Ugh...
William: Victor, Elbert's suffocating, let him go.
Victor: Ah, sorry, sorry!
Victor quickly released Elbert from his tight embrace.
Victor wasn't the only one happy about Elbert's safe return.
William: You look good for someone who was poisoned, Elbert.
Elbert: ...I'm sorry about that time. Thank you for coming to help.
William: If you want to thank someone, thank Roger, who treated you.
Roger: Yeah, I've already been thanked, so don't worry about it.
Elbert: ...? Did you give him something?
Roger: Clinical data on the effects of monkshood poison on cursed and normal humans, and the recovery process.
Roger: This will help advance research on the cursed. Thanks for your hard work.
Kate: ...
(Well, that's certainly a doctor-like way of thinking...)
I'm a little taken aback by his overly calm approach.
Alfons: That's just how he is, Kate.
Alfons: The kind of guy who thinks about how many more milliliters of poison it would take to kill someone while his friend is on the verge of death.
Roger: Hey, hey, don't say such dangerous things. It's more like, how many milliliters can he take before he dies.
(Roger is... more of an egoist than I thought...)
Ellis: El, are you in pain anywhere? Do you still feel sick?
Elbert: ...No. Thank you.
Ellis: That's good...
Ellis: ...You look much happier than when you left the castle.
Elbert: ......
Elbert's eyes blink at Ellis' words.
(Other people can see it too.)
(...I'm kind of happy.)
I can't help but smile, and it seems Elbert feels the same way.
Elbert: ...Maybe so.
Ellis: .....
Harrison: ......Huh.
Liam: Aha, El smiled. What's up? Is it the power of Kate's love?
Jude: Tch... How long are ya gonna' keep up this touchin' reunion?
Roger: If you're jealous, you can hug him too.
Jude: I'll beat you up.
Victor: Jude's patience for the buddy-buddy time seems to be running out, so let's get down to business!
Victor's mention of "business" reminds me of Gabriel, who was left behind on the ship.
Kate: By business, you mean... the Bernard Trading Company?
Victor: You guessed it. As for what happened to them...
Gabriel Bernard was condemned by William that night.
Victor continued, saying that they had also succeeded in obtaining information about politicians from various countries who were secretly connected to the Bernard Trading Company, and that they would also be punished accordingly.
William: From now on, we will identify the most malicious individuals from the customer list and punish them ourselves.
Kate: ...I understand. Thank you for telling me.
Victor: Also... it's almost been a month since Kate became a Fairytale Keeper.
Kate: ...!
(That's right... It's already been a month.)
I'm here because of the contract I made to avoid being killed and to return to my normal life.
Victor: So far, you've kept the secret well.
Victor: If you keep this up, I can offer you the option to return to your normal life.
Victor: Tell me what you want to do when the promised day comes.
Kate: ...Yes, I understand.
I accepted, but my mind was already made up.
(I can't go back to who I was when I first made the contract...)
(No matter what sad sights or dangers I face from now on)
(I want to stay by Elbert's side.)
Elbert: ...............
I smile at Elbert to reassure him as I meet his gaze.
--At this time, I didn't know yet.
That my presence by his side would deepen his sins even further--.
Blind Love Chapter 21 | Mad Love Chapter 21
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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leclsrc · 2 years
congrats on 2k!! <3 can i have a [five brushes] with mick in some sort of friends to lovers scenario? tysm :*
hold my hand – ms47
genre: fluff, 2k celebration
auds here... sry this was a 4+1 and not a 5! love u
send for the for the five times our muses almost hold hands and the one time they do. 
Maybe it was the chill of November, or the shots of vodka you’d thrown back to celebrate the start of month. 
It’s vague when you try to pinpoint when all this started, this wholly new light on your best friend of your entire life, Mick. It’s hazy at the edges, like it’s still a dubious thing—is it really him? Mick? The one you’d watched fall into the lake when you were twelve? 
Or maybe it was the popcorn Gina had brought in for the both of you to enjoy as a late Halloween snack. Yes, maybe that. 
“It’s butter,” she says, following the wafty scent of popcorn into the living room. “No salt. Sorry. Mick’s trainer’s been on him about dieting.”
“Mmm, I heard,” you say, stuffing a fistful of the snack into your mouth. “You’d think he’s dancing ballet or something.”
“You two just looove talking about me like I’m not here,” pipes up Mick, clicking his tongue. Gina laughs, apologizes in German, and then makes up some excuse to leave you two alone. 
Freddy Krueger is just about to kill an unsuspecting dreamer when you and Mick seek popcorn at the same time, and your fingers brush against each other in the sea of butter. You jolt immediately, a reaction as instinctive as it is foreign. 
“Thought you were on a diet,” you tease lowly, snatching the bowl away.
So maybe that was it. And that was that. Except it really, really, wasn’t.
“Code red,” pants Mick breathlessly into the phone, “Red. I’m on my way to your hotel room.”
You and Mick share an emergency code system, modeled after any other, and used in cases where one needs the other’s help badly. There’s code blue (no fare for the bus/train, no gas money), code green (need to ditch this date, no ride home), code orange (creep is following me, fan has been stalking me), and code red, which covers about anything urgent.
Granted, you both created the system at thirteen, but is anyone really complaining when it’s being used at 23?
It also means code red is never used by either of you, reserved for dire situations. Like now. Your door is pushed open and Mick emerges, sweaty and fussed. “I need,” he says, breathless, “um, a—” But he whispers the last word quietly.
“Sorry. What?!”
“A, you know—” he does it again, scandalized.
“Mick, what do you need?”
“I can’t find a private enough space for me to buy a pack,” he says conspiratorially, “of condoms.”
Your chest caves in. “Oh. Why?”
“Eva asked me out.”
“Huh. Eva, Eva?” You dig through your bag. “Paddock engineer’s sister Eva?”
“Yes. Cool?”
“Yeah, yeah. Yeah,” you say, tossing him a rubber and walking closer. “But you look a mess, Mick.”
“Right. Fix me up, would you?” He smiles, raising his arms up.. “Code green.”
“You’re using up all your codes,” you mutter, pinching the hem of his tee and tugging at it to fix the wrinkles on the bottom. Then you move upward, to the collar of his polo, smile and tease him a bit to get his wound-up nerves loosened up a little more. “Good luck.” 
You accidentally fiddle with a button the same time he does, and your fingers stick to each other. Your breath catches a little, but it’s nothing, you tell yourself, avoiding the grip. It’s quiet, your eyes both evading the other’s, your hand scratching absently at your jaw. 
“I should—I should go.”
“No, right, yeah.” You clear your throat, nodding and shooing him away. GOOD LUCK VIRGIN BOY you text him when he’s gone, to alleviate the tension.
Went pretty well! :) He texts back two hours later.
“You sure you’re not up for a date?” Eva asks disappointedly across him.
“Sorry. My mind’s elsewhere,” he says. And that’s that. Except it’s really, really, not.
“You two used to dance a lot. Michael and I had a tape of your and Mick’s favorite songs.”
“Gina told me,” you giggle, reviewing a photo album with Corinna. “God, it’s crazy. I can’t even imagine Mick dancing now.”
Of course the declaration leads to Gina finding an old tape player in the stockroom and playing it for everyone to hear, so Mick can put on a show of lanky limbs and awkward dance moves for you, his sister, and his mom. It’s awfully endearing, sickening the way he manages to look cute even while botching the dance.
You and Gina join eventually, to appease Corinna’s pleas. In between one scratchy song and another, you both lose yourself in the music and your fingers almost tangle.
You flex your pinky when it almost locks on his. Sorry, he whispers, low in your ear. Your stomach erupts with thrill and excitement. Your mind’s focused on the rough pad of his finger, the whispered rough apology you haven’t quite accepted.
You hug Gina instead, dancing with her, and that should be that. Except it really, really, isn’t. 
“If you keep moving it’ll look ugly.” You readjust your grip on Mick’s pinky, painting an angry red on the nail there as a totem of good luck for the race weekend. You take the chance to do it when you can, the tradition started in Formula 3—paint the pinky nail red.
“You’re taking forever.”
“Fine, good luck DNF-ing again on Sunday.”
You poke your tongue out in a fit of concentration and finally finish dotting over the tiny mistakes. Your eyes glide up, and then stop where Mick’s already meet yours behind a blond curtain of damp post-shower hair.
What? You ask, mind clouded it feels like your voice is disembodied. His gaze is so intense, all blues and soft edges and a smile that reaches his eyes.
You do know the nail lacquer is just placebo, right? I have another good luck charm, and that one actually works.
No it isn’t, and no you don’t, and whatever the charm is—no, it doesn’t.
Except it really, really, does.
The fine line between friends and whatever lies behind it—when is it crossed? 
How many times will your fingers brush in a chaste dance? Your eyes flit down to lips, chapped or smooth, like it’s water in the desert? How many times will Mick dance, even if he hates to dance, because he likes the nearness of it? He wakes from dreams of you. He wakes waiting to text you. 
It may have been doubtful before, but now it’s anything but: he’s in love with you. And love is dizzying, it’s blurry and miraculous and could cloud even Einstein’s brain, but Mick at least knows the answer to one of his many questions. 
Four. Four brushes of your knuckles.
“Hey. Code red,” he says into the phone, walking to the lobby elevator.
Seriously, again? What is it this time?
“Just open the door when I get there,” he says, smilingly. “You won’t believe what I’m going to tell you.”
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blueparadis · 1 year
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⟣ ──┈ · · · + synopsis ➢ In the search for hauls Kaeya stumbled upon something greater, something divine that could revive him and his Khaenri'ah.
⟣ ──┈ · · · + cw ➣ fem!reader x pirate!kaeya,non - canon divergent lore, hints of supernatural powers, subtle mention of stockholm syndrome, dub-con, ( non-consensual to consensual ) somnophilia. read the part one here ( just the back story. they are not connected but you can consider this as a sequel. both can be enjoyed as a single oneshot. ); 1,2k word count. | blog navigation + koct’23 masterlist. |
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There has been a vague series of events that have been frequenting your mind lately. It starts with a well-built person standing at the entrance of the room, perhaps a man; His face is blurred as he walks into your room, watching you, standing near you, touching you, your face and hair— you could even hear the floorboard creaking, feel the cold of the wind from the sea chilling your skin with goosebumps and the flame in the lamp dying as the man leans towards your face. That is when your slumber disrupts and you sit up but seeing everything around you as it was in your dream does not help.
But seeing Kaeya sitting outside the room with his goblet full of wine soothes your erratic heart rate a bit. Every time you wake up from this particular bad dream, he is some where near you— either outside on the deck or inside the room busy at his study desk. Many a night he has helped you go back to sleep by telling you various stories about his homeland, about the people he knew there.
Does he never sleep? You had thought every time you had found him awake in the dead of night. Kaeya had incorporated another bed in his cabin because the one he used to sleep in is now yours. It has been like that since the day he rescued you. You do not know why he kept you so long and under such protection even though he could have killed you after using you as a tool of pleasure. 
Generally, you would get up from the bed, have a glass of water and walk up to the deck asking him to come inside, to keep you company till you fall asleep again. But tonight it is different. The door is locked and Kaeya is in his bed, at an arm's length from yours, possibly awake. You can only see his long strands of copper-blue hair, his nape, and a part of his shoulder. Everything else is buried under the quilt.
You smile to yourself thinking about the first time you opened your eyes in his cabin, lying in his bed like this and saying “Map maker, I’m a map maker” when he asked about you; that is the only thing you could remember. 
And with a bright and warm smile, he had admitted, “Great. we could use a map maker.” A unified cheer from his crew followed him and you knew from the bottom of your heart that you are safe, you are okay here.
As you get out of bed, you notice a part of your dress as well as the bed wet. It had red stains so you assumed that your month's cycle had commenced. But the next morning you came to the conclusion that it was nothing but red wine, you knew it was a little early for your red cycle. Letting out a laugh you slipped out of your dress thinking how Kaeya can be clumsy sometimes but the thread of suspicion snapped when you noticed some bruises in your inner thigh, and around your taut nipples as your dress dropped on the floor.
Your legs gave up, your body froze and your skin burnt with goosebumps. You crouched down in cold agony. A stifling sob escaped your mouth thinking of who could have done this to you. Thinking who dared to touch you against your will despite sharing rooms with the master of this ship. So that night, you planned to pretend to be asleep, waiting for the person to show up in the cold dark night. 
But fate had other plans, soon the exhaustion and dizziness due to the salty breeze took over your urge to be awake and your eyes lulled to sleep. When you were awake again, you felt something in between your legs, something wet. You felt a sting around your pussy before it was soothed with a sweet lap of the tongue. Irregular breaths and pants hit your clit as you managed to pull up your head to see the face of the culprit. 
A knife in your hand and the clustered bed sheet in the other as you opened your eyes but alas! None of that mattered anymore. His face was not blurred anymore, you could see him as clear as a day. Springing upright on the bed you looked at him with dilated pupils. It was Kaeya.
“tsk, thought you were awake tonight.” Kaeya crawled towards you, his lips and nose stained with your arousal as he stopped inches away from your face. You could smell yourself on him. 
His mouth opens ajar as his lips latch around your clothed pebbled nipples. He suckled on them while his fingers had slowly slid up your thighs. You did not feel the emotions that you thought you would feel — rage, disgust, hatred, dirty and unholy. Rather a sense of relief had washed over you knowing it was none other than Kaeya, your rescuer. 
Under the guidance of his arms, you lay down again. He grazes his nose against the column of your throat inhaling your scent, feeling your light speed heartbeats. It makes him high in adrenaline and hard for some reason. He can not let you spiral now. So, with his honey-dewed voice, he whispered, “Don’t you think you owe it to me? For saving your life? Hmmm?” before diving back in between your legs, 
“Don’t you think you owe it to me, for saving your life? ” It rings in your ear, till now when the sun has come out, and Kaeya stands in his deck busy with his morning chores. Everything else has been sedimented at the back of your mind except that question. You were up earlier than Kaeya for the first ever. The sea is awfully calm tonight while your heart is full of chaos. It took a few raw shots of vodka to gather the courage to do what you are about to do. And that was not even the worst part. 
You liked it, every bit of it, that was the worse part. To think that Kaeya wanted you in more ways than just a map maker illuminated your body with desire and hunger. So, when you are all on your fours on his bed, barely clad, and Kaeya’s quilt is on the floor you do not know if it is the seed of vengeance, gratitude, or desire that sprouted into something else, that made you kneel in front of him.
As you fidget with the strings of his trousers Kaeya wakes up due to the cold and is shocked at first seeing you in front of him like this, desperate and drunk. 
“What are you doing here?” he blurted out.
“Why?” you drawled. “I’m here to return the favor,” you muttered kissing his navel and then looking up to him.
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