#He's clearly gay in both games
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annihilatius · 3 months ago
I get what people mean when they say "they made Salazar less gay in the remake" but are you forgetting about this file from the remake
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I'm sorry but that is GAY AS FUCK!!! HE IS A GAY ASS HOMOSEXUAL !!!!!!!!!
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crimsonender · 3 months ago
People that act like Riku and Kairi aren't romantic rivals for Sora are crazy, especially those that think Sora and Riku are romantic rivals for Kairi.
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Why would Sora be in the middle here if he wasn't the connection between the three of them? I think Riku and Kairi like and care about each other just fine, but I think that we've played different games if you think there's any romance between them... I'm not sure they'd even be friends at all if it wasn't for Sora.
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gamora-borealis · 10 months ago
here's the thing. to outsiders it may seem like we're excited because "phan is real!!" or whatever. but they don't know... it's not about that. phan has been real this entire time. there's always been evidence that dan and phil were together, more or less (more evidence than I think some people realize). the reason phan™ is such a big deal is because two silly gay boys met online in 2009, but their fame quickly outgrew their comfort zone and they quickly went back in the closet. dan was so traumatized from being bullied in school that he had a public meltdown on tumblr in 2012 insisting he was straight after some very private stuff leaked (that he insisted was a unused prank). after going to therapy and meeting so many queer fans on tour, dan slowly began to hint again that he was queer. but it still took them until 2019 to officially come out! and like. dan essentially confirmed that yes all the public online flirting back in 2009/2010 between him and phil was very real and that they were "more than just romantic" at that point and were currently "real best friends, life companions, and soulmates." but that was it, they weren't going to share any more. which is perfectly fine, but some of that definitely had to do with dan wanting to explore himself outside of the Dan and Phil™ brand (which unfortunately he got fucked over by the pandemic and by YouTube in the process). however they did eventually make a very cute announcement that they had bought and designed a new house together. and bit by bit they started making some more coupley jokes about each other here and there and sharing glimpses of a bedroom with both of their stuff in it, though it was still fairly subdued. but then dan finally got to go do his solo comedy tour and when he came back, shit suddenly CHANGED. 2023 was wild. they brought back their joint gaming channel they hadn't touched in five years since just before they came out. and they basically started the public flirting again??? this time on camera??? maybe not as direct as the 2009 stuff at first but. it's definitely been building up close to it. and then Dan finally releases his comedy special for free on YouTube. Phil writes a gushy tweet about it. and dan just replies with 🧡. ...except for within a larger birthday tweet in 2023, dan had not used a heart emoji for phil since like... 2010??? and then suddenly he screenshots this interaction and POSTS IT ON HIS YOUTUBE COMMUNITY TAB with the caption "gay" and a link to his special. like. this isn't about confirmation... the people who have been saying that they probably aren't together or that you shouldn't think or wonder if they are were like, the twitter morality police, ex-phannies, and generally clueless people. tumblr phannies clearly have known that they've been gay for each other for the past 15 years. but this whole "gay 🧡" incident is the first time Dan Howell has very publicly said something like this about his relationship while being "unapologetically gay" as a very public figure (there's been some magazine interviews that technically have come close but, nothing as direct as this). like that is so fucking huge??? that he and phil are finally comfortable enough online, on YouTube, and in life, to go there!!! as we are now approaching fifteen years of them together too!!! like, it's so nice to get to celebrate such a happy queer relationship and expression of queer joy. and dan has hinted that bigger stuff is coming too... like. yeah phan is real I guess 🙃
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butchvamp · 4 months ago
okay i've played a bit more and i have a lot of thoughts about Taash and the way gender is being handled overall in this game...
first i will say the positives which is that i do really appreciate the attempt at incorporating trans characters both in the world as companions and allowing us to make those options in the cc. and as someone who also writes dark fantasy stories with trans characters i do understand how difficult it can be to incorporate these identities into a world that doesn't necessarily have the same language as we do; but overall the way they've approached this feels very... i've seen some people call it unpolished but i actually feel the opposite. it's almost clinical (therapy-speak in general has been a main criticism of this game) and it's way too polished, in my opinion, which is what makes it so jarring to see.
there has been a trans character established in game previously, there is already a precedent for these identities to exist in this world, and they have never used this language before. the way Iron Bull talked about Krem felt far more realistic and integrated into the world of Thedas comparatively. was it perfect? no, of course not, but i chafe at the idea that it needs to be perfect, anyways. this is another problem the game has; past characters have had their flaws completely ironed out (Isabela is now a paragon of friendship and returns cultural artifacts instead of looting them, Dorian has multiple codex entries wallowing about how he used to defend slavery, the Crows have suddenly become a big found family-- on and on and on) and while i have my criticisms of some of these flaws (Dorian's pro-slavery rant in inqusition still makes my eyes roll) i dislike the way they're handling these changes and just expecting us to ignore all of the lore and worldbuilding from previous games. and all of this "political correctness" only for the game to still be so racist.
which brings me back to Taash.... Taash is very strange character, lacking agency around both their gender and their culture. they are simply a mouthpiece for the writer. while yes, it should always be made undeniable that your character is trans or gay or xyz, Taash really does only exist to be nonbinary. and to be clear, a nonbinary character like them could be very interesting, if their writing wasnt so... white. we know that the Qun has different ideas about gender than Rivain (and elsewhere) and this could have been a very interesting exploration of that; however, it is obvious that the Qun (and Taash's mother) are meant to be depicted negatively, and ultimately it ends with the player (not Taash) choosing between their two cultures. their gender is clearly far more important to the writer and the only facet of their identity they seemed willing to explore, which makes me question why even make this character qunari to begin with...
Neve and Rook are also the two that spur Taash into exploring their gender. this, on the surface, is not a problem for me. i'm playing as a trans Rook and while the dialogue was again very overpolished and clunky i found it kind of endearing. but the way Neve is used as this "foil" for Taash really rubbed me the wrong way. this assumption that Neve has no complicated feelings about her gender or being a woman (which i highly doubt considering the world she lives in & how misogynistic it is) and the implication from Taash that she only dresses the way she does for her mother/other people (which Neve doesn't even get to challenge) is extremely narrow-minded. Taash is the Only character that acknowledges gender; so far, even when flirting with other characters, it's only been Taash that i've been allowed to specify with that my rook is trans, despite Taash already knowing that from our previous conversation (i hope that this changes once i lock in with a specific character so feel free to correct me if it does).
but no one else really seems to have an opinion except that Neve drags Taash around to meet Maevaris, and we get the very goofy note that's just a list of modern gender identities and their definitions. i do partly sympathize with the writers here; again i've had to find a way to incorporate lgbt identities in my own writing and it can be difficult depending on your audience. i understand wanting to be very clear and concise. but this is... just goofy. and this desperation to be so correct around gender while simultaneously writing such an offensively racist narrative is really frustrating.
there's also an inconsistency that comes from this with Taash's character-- they are portrayed as this rough but awkward character that is bossed around by their mother, they are bashful with flirting early on and are almost child-like in comparison to the other characters. and then suddenly you get a scene with them where they very directly ask if you want to have sex and suddenly pin you against the wall. this scene was so jarring to me i referred to it as a jumpscare because WHERE has this character been this entire time? i want to see more of this, more of this character who takes what they want and knows exactly who they are (which they even say multiple times when you first meet them... but then need Neve and Rook to hold their hand about it?)
i do really like Taash, i like the idea of them, of this very self-assured and almost cocky character who is also a little silly, this person who is so sure of who they are but has to deal with their mother undermining them while also navigating a culture they feel disconnected from, and i also like that the player can help them through it... but the execution is awful, shallow, and racist. the idea that someone can only choose One culture is so offensive and also a laughable conclusion when compared to their coming out as nonbinary. the writer clearly understands that people don't exist within these little boxes when it comes to gender, but can't wrap their head around it when it comes to someone's culture-- which is also a very important part of a person's identity and often contributes directly to their gender and how they feel about it. all of these different characters have different experiences, come from different places, Davrin and Bellara are Dalish and even have differing opinions on what that means for themselves, but the game doesn't touch on any of it. all we get is a lecture from the writer that is completely removed from the world it's presented in.
i wish i could understand what it was this character was meant to convey. i stand by saying that it doesn't need to be perfect; i know there are people that had problems with Krem in inquisition, but at least Krem was his own person. Taash doesn't even get that here... i harp a lot about character agency when i give writing advice on my other blog but it really is so so so important for marginalized characters-- both gay, trans, and especially characters of color-- to have their own agency around their identities that is completely separate from the player & player choice, that allows them to exist as their own person within the world you've created, and i think Taash's character and story is an unfortunate example of exactly what not to do.
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vangbelsing · 3 months ago
After repeatedly seeing a ludicrous amount of pan erasure across the board for all companions, I've now been forced to see the horrendous take of someone theorizing that Emmrichs "real" sexuality was gay because they... *checks notes* ...got the impression he was originally drafted as gay early in development.... With no evidence of that.... At all...
So! Let's get this settled!
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All of this is banter taken from in game of him clearly and without any ambiguity showing interest in men and women!
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Direct from the devs mouths, in numerous places, confirming that each character is explicitly pansexual.
There's also the in-game dialogue choice to discuss being trans or nonbinary with Emmrich, to which he will respond with: "There is nothing so attractive as someone who has found herself/himself/themselves."
So we have numerous instances, both in game and confirmed directly from the devs themselves, of characters being explicitly pansexual.
In conclusion:
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Emmrich Volkarin is canonically pansexual! All of the companions are canonically pansexual!
Hope this helps! 🫶
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4nicolas · 7 months ago
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satoru gojo x male reader
-you and gojo were trying to decide where to eat but he insisted you picked, obviously you didn’t care so instead suggest a game. satoru agrees but puts his own twist on it.
cw - kissing ig, they’re kinda gay, gojo is bad at flirting
wrd ct - 1600+
this was made with male reader in mind but I don’t think the gender is specified.
this takes place during the hidden inventory arc before suguru geto left.
the streets of tokyo weren’t ever this busy, I mean yeah obviously they were busy, but today as the people of japan walked the streets you and satoru can’t help but feel cramped. the two of you were practically pushed up against each other, shoulder to shoulder.
the two of you had just got back from a mission at an elementary school, easily exorcising the curses that lie dormant there scaring the children both you and gojo were starving. who knew saving people could be so tiring!
wanting to get out of the crowd gojo grabs your hand attempting to pull you somewhere secluded, which was difficult because there were not only people in front of you but also surrounding you.
you could feel gojos growing annoyance as he shimmed in between men and women with you being dragged along behind him. you could hear gojo muttering small apologies as he practically shoved these people aside.
it felt like an eternity before you made it to an empty alleyway. “oh yeah, real smart bringing us to a creepy, dark alleyway, satoru” you poked at him. “aw cmon, you’re with the strongest sorcerer, no need to worry babe.” he smiled at you, and you couldn’t help but stare at him.
you felt your cheeks warm up a bit at the stupid pet name he used even though you knew it was a joke. he used those dumb nicknames on you all the time, you should be used to it by now, right?
shaking away your thoughts you zone back into what satoru was saying. “anyway, I doubt anyone would try and mug us or shoot us or whatever criminals do.” you shrugged at him, he was probably right but still, you could never be too cautious.
gojo suddenly clapped his hands together, grabbing your attention even more as if he already didn’t have it. “now, back to the matter at hand, where do you wanna eat?”
gojo started naming places, waiting for you to say one of his listed options. he was counting on his fingers and already listed surrounding eateries. you lack of response made him look up, blinking a couple times before waving a hand in front of your face.
“hello? earth to F/N?” you looked at him before speaking, “oh I don’t really mind where we eat, you can pick.” gojo hated when people said that. you knew this but still didn’t pay any mind to it.
satoru deadpanned you. you laughed at his reaction before sighing, “no but seriously, you can choose.” uhhmmm… no? he can’t. suguru chose last time, he chose the time before that and shoko chose the time before that. so it’s your turn.
he shook his head, almost in disbelief how you forgot the turn system. “it’s your turn.” “what?” he deadpanned you again. “the TURN system. you know where we all choose on different turns. and since suguru, me and shoko have went recently, it’s you turn.” he poked your chest, satisfyed with his response.
you laughed at him, “you actually keep track of that?” satorus silly habits always made you laugh. this reminded you of the time he got mad at principal yaga for assigning a mission to you and suguru when it was “clearly his turn to go on a mission with you” suguru didn’t care what happened and yaga eventually gave in to his demands, not wanting to wind him up even more.
satoru looked offended, “uhh, obviously I keep a track of it. how else will we know whose turn it is?” he was acting like this was common knowledge. you laughed again causing satoru to bounce back, “well how would you decide, F/N?” he crossed him arms over his chest.
you looked at him, contemplating what you would do, and as if a lightbulb went off in your head you snapped. “I know. I would probably just use the classic rock paper scissors. you know, winner picks.”
satoru squinted at you, seemingly dumbfounded by your choice of words. his arms drop to his sides and sighs, exaggeratingly so. “fineeee. i guess, we can do rock paper scissors.” you were about to be shocked by how easily satoru gave in before you heard a “but,”
you raised your brow at him. “-but best to three, loser pays, winner decides, AND-“ oh boy. “-every time we draw the same sign, we have the kiss.” now you really were shocked. your eyes widened at his sentence.
while you were still unable to respond, satoru slyly smiled. enjoying your look of shock and what he thought was flustered but he wasn’t sure. instead of responding you nod, “okay, alright then, best to three.” you raised your fist to your palm and satoru grinned.
he put his hand up to his palm opposite of you before he started counting down. three. two. one. you threw out scissors and looks at satorus hand to see rock. he beat you in the first round.
the both of you went again, going on the count of three before drawing out paper. you look up, seeing satoru also had paper. before you could react satoru chuckles, “well… you agreed to the rules F/N.”
satoru steps closer, inches away from your face. you can feel your body betraying you by making your face and the tips of your ears red. satoru stood in front of you, waiting for you to initiate the kiss.
hesitantly, you moved your face even closer to his, feeling his breath on your lips before closing the distance. the kiss was very short. basically just a peck. you backed away getting even more flustered.
you tried to hide it by jokingly wiping your hands across your lips. satoru simply watches, a shit eating grin on his face at your reaction.
“I mean it wouldn’t have hurt if the kiss was longer but.. whatever!” satoru smiled at you, his eyes creasing in the corners before putting his hands back up.
“it’s still 1-0 you know.” satoru spoke slightly dragging out the ‘w’. you raised your hands back up, getting ready to play again.
three. two. one. you threw out rock, satoru had scissors. 1-1.
satoru frowned for a moment, almost disappointed in the round. you thought nothing of it and continued on.
you both got ready to play again, putting your hands up. three. two. one. you had paper, satoru had rock. you won again, 1-2.
you began to felt nervous almost expecting there to be another tie that forces you to kiss gojo. the two rounds went by fast but all you could focus on was the quick kiss you both shared.
trying to shake your thoughts away, you raised your hands up, meeting gojos. three. two. one. you drew scissors, satoru drew rock. 2-2.
satoru hadn’t spoke in the past couple rounds instead focusing on his hands. you wanted to say something but nothing came to mind, instead you did the same as him, looking directly at your hands.
three. two. one. you looked at your hand seeing paper, and nervously looked up at satorus. rock. you had won, which meant you chose and he had to pay. which satoru saw as a win, he already wanted you to choose and planned on paying.
you let out a small breath you didn’t realize you were holding, looking back up to satorus gaze. he’s staring behind you. you turn around, not seeing anything before turning back to see satoru a few inches away from you, similar to when you kissed.
you both stayed silent, simply breathing before you broke the silence. “well I guess I won.” gojo smiles, glancing at your lips. ��yeah, guess so.”
you went to back away from gojo but before you could even turn your head, his hand grabs your wrist.
not expecting the contact, you jump, looking at him. “what’s up with you today, man..?” you question him in a joking manner. he stays silent, observing you.
satoru sighs, dropping his hand from your wrist, disappointment crossing his features. he puts his hands in his pockets as you stare at him.
“what’s wrong?” your voice comes out in a joking manner but you both knew it wasn’t a joke.
satoru looks you in the eyes before looking up. “nothing, just thought you would’ve gotten the hint from that, but turns out not.”
you still weren’t quite grasping what he was saying, clearly stated by your confused look.
satoru sighs even louder than before and looks back at your face. “do I really gotta spell it out for you?”
you blink, once, then twice. trying to piece together what he was saying. how he agreed to play the game if there was a chance to kiss you, the way he frowned when you didn’t tie, the way he looked at you. hell, the way he’s currently looking at you.
as if tiny cogs were turning in your brain you suddenly felt like the dumbest person alive. satoru gojo was flirting with you. in his own weird way yeah but he was still doing it.
the stupid pet names, lingering glances, constantly wanting to be around you. you understood now that gojo liked you.
still staring, satoru started to walk past you but before he could you grabbed his wrist. “thanks for making me feel even dumber than I already am satoru.” you mumble, seeing him turn to you, face still before turning into a smile at your realization.
“well, actually you figured it out faster than suguru thought you would’ve.” ignoring his words you pull him towards you, smashing your lips together.
this kiss was longer than before, way longer. it went on until the two of you had to take a breath. satorus arms wrap around you, yours finding their way from his arms to his face before shaking your head.
“did you say suguru thought I would’ve took longer to figure it out?” satoru laughed, the two of you separating before making your way out of the alleyway.
“it’s a long story, in fact we can talk about while we eat. speaking of which where are we eating?” gojos hand held yours as you walked, unsure of which direction to go in unless you named where you were going.
“oh right.”
yoo no way, nick made his first post. how crazy is that. anyway i’m having jjk brain rot rn and really wanted to write. here’s something I threw together real quick. hope someone enjoys it.
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notoriousmasc · 1 year ago
this is true! i don't expect better from them tho
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hp-hcs · 1 year ago
Can maybe request some slytherin boys with gay awakeing trope? Maybe headcanons or shorts
gay awakening headcanons — mlm! slytherin boys x male! reader
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hella short cause of some ✨personal stuff✨ going on, but i just wanted to get something out 🤷‍♂️
me? blame my shitty writing skills on my current health problems? what no never
❕not proofread❕
immediately has a mental breakdown
identity crisis anyone?
i feel like he would have that panicky gay moment where he realizes that his friend is actually his More Than Friend, ykwim?
like, you just do something innocuous like sling your arm over his shoulders while walking to class and babyboy just FREEZES
the second that happens, he immediately drops out of your life while he freaks out gets his shit together
like, homeboy just deadass vanishes
doesn’t show up to any of his classes
doesn't show up to quidditch practice (draco threatens to kill him for that, cousin or not)
meanwhile you’re just there like 🧍 “what did i do?”
because my lil darlin mattheo cannot healthily express any emotion ever, he would “solve” his problem by just like, purposefully running into you in the halls and kissing your cheek, then just full-on 🏃💨 SPRINTING 🏃💨 away without a word
also has an identity crisis, he’s just better at hiding it
gotta save face, amirite?
but anyways-
you weren’t even doing anything out of the ordinary, you were just hanging out with him in his room and ended up lighting his cigarette for him
that’s it. homeboy is already whipped for ya.
like, straight up simp.
i feel like theo’s a “i’m definitely going to have a panic attack over this at two in the morning, but for now i’m just going to not think and enjoy 😌💅” kind of mentality
just flat out says it
“you know, you look really hot today.”
y/n: 😳😏………..💏💋😘
have you ever had a friend that was so clearly Not Straight but they just kept denying it for years before finally coming out?
well that’s draco <3
you were at a party and agreed to join some kind of kissing game
like, spin the bottle, seven minutes in heaven, post office…
(does anybody actually still play post office?)
and obviously, you both end up having to kiss each other duh
homeboy is not doing well
but not in a “what?? i don’t know what’s going on!!” kind of way
in a “ah shit my friends were right every time they called me gay, fuck” kind of way <3
immediately start dating after the party and everyone’s like 🤨👀
i feel like blaise already knew/suspected, but just didn’t have the vocabulary to describe his sexuality, ykwim?
i’m getting pansexual vibes frfr
could not give less of a fuck
is just like “shit alright, d'you wanna make out then?”
i mean……..it’s not like you’re gonna say no
this man. tHIS MAN. he’d be such a gentleman omfg
also i’m not gonna say sugar daddy but sugar daddy
would absolutely buy you anything you even looked at. you looked at a ten thousand galleon wristwatch in a luxury store? it’ll be on your bed waiting for you by the time you get home
if anyone was homophobic or wtv, he wouldn’t beat them up per se, but he would do something unnecessarily extra, like wear a dress and makeup just to be like “wdym? we’re a straight couple, obviously”
(he would tell his friends about the homophobe though, and they wouldn’t be quite as composed and respectful as him 👊😠🩸😵😵‍💫)
this man seriously does not care
like, he’s just like “oh i’m queer? hahah that’s crazy”
this man has no qualms about asking you out in the middle of class in front of everyone
like, in the middle of potions or smth he’d just be like “y/n, wanna go get dinner sometime?”
and you’re like “…aren’t you straight?” 🧍
enzo: “who knows? not me! does saturday at eight work?”
he’s so silly goofy i just love him sm
this boy would be a hella fine kisser, i just know it
“ah shit i owe the boys twenty galleons, fuck”
resigned, more than anything
he can’t even come out, either cause like, what would that even be?
“guys, i have to tell you something……i’m gay”
“yep. what do you have to tell us??”
you asked him out cause you thought he was gay
and he was just like 😳🤨🤷‍♂️🙂👍
you guys went to fortescue’s!!! 🍦🍨🍧
(he’s def a mint chocolate chip kind of guy i’m just saying)
y’all end up being like, the it couple at hogwarts i don’t make the rules
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warnadudenexttime · 4 months ago
Obviously it’s very cute and down bad of Logan to repeatedly ask virgil for more puzzles. It’s also his way of showing appreciation for them, like: ‘this is such a good gift, I’m asking for more because I loved it so much’ kinda thing.
And honestly the fact that virgil did make two shows how well he knows Logan and how much he loves his boyfriend bro, his frienddddd
Like the first gift he made was for Patton and it was a card, which was very cute yk a reflection of the card Patton made for him for joining the group. Yk it’s a pun for Patton but also represents his type of humor, “you’re going to die, of fun.” And Patton loved it, so Virgil is from what we’ve seen a good giver of gifts. But during that first gift he seemed unconfident and nervous about giving it to Patton.
Now the next time around we see virgil give someone a gift, it’s Logan his newspaper puzzle. And while it took him a hot second to reveal his little opening line cause Logan jUST WOULDNT OPEN IT- virgil shows off how confident he is in the fact Logan will like this. Showing off how well he knows Logan. “And you thought I’d just get you a newspaper, who do you take me for” or whatever he says. Like bro is confident in his Logan knowledge. Cause they’re in love best buddies.
Now we don’t know exactly what was in the puzzle. Logan said in livestream, it had simple elements like multiplication and addition- but obviously he really enjoyed it. Because then sjsjsjs he asked virgil every interaction for a new puzzle for any holiday, just as an excuse to get another one- bro got HOOKED! Puzzle addiction.
And eventually virgil does give him another one. As an early appreciation gift, (which he’s known as a side who procrastinates so for him to be early- I’m just saying, says alot) and bro basically wrote a whole Sherlock type detective Logan fanfiction for Logan. He got all the other sides involved in making a portion of the puzzle with their own trials. Even Janus, Remus and Patton! He organized this for Logan, to make him feel special for his appreciation day. Bro isn’t even creativity, but wrote this elaborate story. Bro isn’t even logic, but he wrote this big puzzle for him. Cue the line of “you should thank tonight’s game, to the game master” which is Virgil and Logan says “the detective might have met his match with the game master” YES YOU HAVE CAUSE YOURE GAY- *gunshot*
But clearly by Logan’s own reactions to both the first and second puzzle, bro loved them, he is smitten. And it’s just, this whole puzzle thing shows just how much virgil knows Logan, how much he cares about him. Cause I can’t imagine any other side doing this for Logan, or Virgil doing this for anyone else. It’s just very sweet, romantic or not.
Anyways I love these stupid nerds who are boyfriends :3
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steddielations · 2 years ago
Dom Steve Fic Recs
Strange as Angels (soft dom steve) by @munsonkitten
Eddie hasn't been able to get himself off in months, and now he's high, sweaty, and horny, thinking about the very man sitting in his room in nothing but a wife beater and a pair of tiny athletic shorts, and he thinks he might die. Steve notices. Of course, Steve fucking notices, what, with all the squirming Eddie's doing. Steve offers to help get Eddie off. As friends do. (As long as those friends are completely in love with each other.)
Like The Hero Who Never Ran (dom awakening series) by callmejude
While Steve and Dustin are searching for survivors, they're surprised to find Eddie alive, hiding out in Rick's cabin. Steve takes up the task of caring for him while staying in his trailer.
Genius Loci (dom bottom, magic steve) by @sayesayes
It’s 1986, and Steve falls in love with a boy who is leaving. It’s 1990, and Eddie comes back home. The fic where Steve is a selectively mute, homesteading, truck-driving witch with head injuries and also somehow it's canonverse.
(Don't) cream your pants (soft dom steve awakening series) by @corrodedbisexual
“Don’t know how to cream your pants, huh?” Steve asks, unable to conceal a smirk. He hears a quiet whine as Eddie seems to try and make himself disappear inside the couch. “Want me to show you how?”
Gilded (dom steve, blindfolds, ice play) by @cheshiredogao3
Steve and Eddie are looking forward to a weekend all to themselves, but it doesn’t go as planned.
Trouble Looks Good On You (wip, spanking, kink discovery) by me indelicate
It happens like a fever dream. The first time Steve gives Eddie a swift smack on the ass, it’s obviously just an old jock habit that’s stuck with him. It wasn’t meant to have Eddie’s knees going weak, or turn his blood hot under his skin, or give him a brand in the shape of Steve Harrington’s hand, or— Nope, because Eddie’s not even into that. But then, it happens again. Or, Steve keeps accidentally awakening Eddie’s new kinks.
You Make Me Feel Like I Am Whole Again (wip, dom top and dom bottom steve) by @munsonkitten
Eddie has never felt like his body belongs to him. It gets worse after he's nearly mauled to death, left with scars and healing wounds, a lopsided chest, and more trauma stacked on top of everything already wrong with him. Steve Harrington finds out Eddie's trans by accident after the bats, and Eddie finds out Steve's surprisingly okay with it. More than okay with it.
Bite Through These Wires (soft dom steve's strap game series 🤭) by @steves-strapcollection
“Wouldn’t you be Ken, though?” Steve had hoped Eddie would ask a question like that and he had to refrain from punching the air and ruining his punchline. “I come with all the coolest accessories, so clearly I’m still Barbie,” Steve retorted, his voice going just a bit deeper as he leaned closer to Eddie.
Relax (Lay it Back) (soft dom yoga instructor steve) by @wynnyfryd
Five times yoga instructor Steve teaches Eddie how to chill the fuck out, and the one time he learns his lesson.
Melt Me On Your Tongue (soft dom, bathing) by me indelicate
“This okay?” “Yeah it’s— shit, it’s more than okay, Steve.” “… you’re crying, Eds.” Eddie can’t hold back a choked off noise then, somewhere between an overwhelmed laugh and a sob. “No one’s ever done this to me before.” He doesn’t know if he means no one’s ever given him a bath, or braided his hair, or just any of the things Steve does for him, really. Eddie's never had a Steve before.
Kiss Me (Beneath the Milky Twilight) (pleasure dom steve, virgin eddie) by @gorgeousgreymatter-x
Eddie has never been kissed. Steve apparently would very much like to volunteer to fix this.
Getting Lost in the Dark is My Favorite Part (wip, masochist virgin eddie, kink discovery) by queerontilmorning
After his near-death experience, Eddie decides it's time to get rid of his pesky virginity and heads to a gay bar. It leads to some... realizations... for both him and Steve.
You're a Sweet Shot of Kerosene (When I Threw it Back, it Poisoned Me) (wip, mob boss steve) by @gorgeousgreymatter-x
Whatever fucked up shit Eddie’s father had inadvertently roped him into simply by being what he was — a shit-stain excuse for a sperm donor who preferred sticking a needle in his arm to taking care of his family — well, Eddie’s pretty sure it’s about to be him that pays that price. And maybe Eddie’s delirious, because by the time it’s apparently his turn and they’re dragging him down some hallway (and yeah, it’s not like Eddie’s not trying to put up a fight, but it feels almost performative at this point considering he’s pretty much hogtied here), the only real thought he has when they deposit him on yet another cold, wet tile floor is this: Uncle Wayne is gonna be so pissed at me if I get shot in the head tonight.
closer to you (soft dom steve) by @natesfwl
“C’mon baby, where's my little rockstar?” Steve spanks him, groans when he feels Eddie tense up around him from the impact, “Perform for me.” “You let me penetrate you” Eddie stutters out the line as he lifts himself up with his knees. “There you go,” Steve whispers, watching as Eddie fights to keep his eyes locked onto Steve’s when he sinks back down. or the really self-indulgent fic of steddie fucking to the song closer by NIN.
Destroy The Silence (drummer steve) by @artaxlivs
Steve becomes the drummer for Corroded Coffin and Eddie can't handle his thirst
Trouble and Temptation (series wip, businessman dilf steve) by @heartharps
“Come on, Harrington. I’d lay you badly but I’d lay you gladly.” When Steve looked up, he was glaring, as stern and serious as ever. “Eddie, let me remind you that as far as I'm concerned, nothing has ever happened between us other than of a professional nature.”
Sting, and Other Brainworms (series with switching) by @riality-check
“Do you need to go down, baby?” Eddie gets like this, sometimes. Stuck between overwhelmed and incredibly bored. Steve watches until he remembers that they have a way to fix this. Eddie calls it a hard reset. Steve calls it fucking him until he can’t see straight.
Edification (sadist steve) by aristal
“Alright Munson.” She bares her teeth and grins like a wolf. “Tell the class: what’s your biggest sexual fantasy?” A slow smile creeps into his features, and his dark eyes flash. “Oh, you’re asking the good questions, Wheeler.” He takes another long pull of his joint, dragging the moment out for dramatic effect. Steve doesn’t care. He wants to know the answer. He needs to know. Eventually, Eddie blows out the smoke, eyes a little hazy as he grins at the ceiling. “I’ve always liked the idea of being slapped around and choked in someone’s car.”
In My Boxers, Half Stoned (dom bottom Steve) by eddywow
"You can," Eddie said, almost sounding like he was nodding along to his words. The image was too pure for Steve. "You could say anything you want to me and I'd- I think I'd be into it. Because I saw your pics and like, I know your face isn't in them but- but I really like them. Is it okay that I liked them?"
Insatiable (public, skirts, cages) by @cheshiredogao3
When their club ritual is rudely interrupted, Steve and Eddie make a point of proving their bond—rather publicly.
Done Deal (series with switching) by @morningberriesao3
Steve Harrington doesn't have any money with him, so he offers to pay Eddie Munson some other way.
Lovebite (sub vampire eddie) by hellcore
It shouldn’t feel so good, being tasted.
* The next few don't have the tag but in my opinion they have dom Steve vibes and I want to include them here (:
Cyclical (wip, time loop fic, rimming, switching, lots of smut with plot) by @cuips-not-cute
steve keeps finding himself back in the boathouse where everything started, wrapped up in the arms of a boy who can’t stop dying. he's desperate to rewrite the timeline, trying everything he can think of to fix it. including falling in love.
Dirty Words by @morningberriesao3
Steve gives Eddie a lesson on dirty talk, but things start to get carried away.
Memorize My Number, That's Why I Got A Phone (phone sex) by queerontilmorning
while on tour with Corroded Coffin, Eddie makes an important phone call to Steve.
My Right Hand Man (spanking, kink discovery) by @entanglednow
In which movie night takes an unexpected turn, and it's surprisingly easy to just let it happen.
Shot Right Through (pierced eddie) by @entanglednow
Steve overhears a conversation between Eddie and Robin, and then spends a few weeks trying to think of anything else.
Pleased To Meet You (demon steve) by midnightdrive
Eddie accidentally summons a demon who is bound to fulfill his every wish. He, somehow, gets more than he had bargained for.
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ministerlo · 15 days ago
Roommate Troubles
You had Ash as a roommate, he was what you would imagine an average American guy looked like, he wasn't that tall and didn't have that much muscle, with equal brown hair and brown eyes, you had been roommates for a couple years now. You know that he’s gay and had a crush on you, but you do not understand why, as you were just as average as he was however, what you didn't know was that Ash believed that you had amazing potential to become his boyfriend however, he believes that you needed some, gentle suggestions. So he has been practicing hypnosis so he can finally make you his. One day, he walks into your room, holding a pendant
"Hey Jackson, I’ve been practicing some hypnosis and was wondering if I could try it on you" he asked a mischievous smirk on his lips.
Your naive self didn't think that it would work, so you thought why not? why not indulge him, after all if you didn't he would just annoy you until you finally conceded. So you agreed.
He smiles widely, clearly excited at the prospect. "Awesome, thanks, Jack! Just sit back, relax, and focus on my voice, okay?"Ash puts on a calm, soothing tone as he begins the induction.
"Imagine yourself in a peaceful place... a warm beach at sunset, the sound of waves gently lapping at the shore. Feel the soft sand beneath you, the gentle breeze on your skin. With each breath, let go of any tension or stress..."His eyes lock onto yours intensely as he continues guiding you deeper under. "Your eyelids are growing heavy... they're like lead weights pulling down on your lashes. Soon, they'll close all the way, and when they do, you'll be in an even deeper state of relaxation." Ash slowly circles around behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Just let go, Jack".
You slowly fall into a deep trance, feeling yourself relax beneath Ash's ministrations, following his instructions as you slowly let go, and sink into the trance like state.
Ash pauses for a moment, giving you time to process before continuing. "I'm going to count backward from three, and when I reach one, you'll open your eyes feeling refreshed and focused. But here's the important part - you won't remember anything we just did together, not until I trigger it later with a special word, Relax, which will bring you back to this state. Ready? Ash counts down quietly. "Three... two... one! When you blink, open your eyes," he gives you a reassuring smile. "How are you feeling, Jack? Relaxed? Energized?"
You blink awake, feeling strangely refreshed despite having no memory of the hypnosis session. "Hmm, yeah, actually pretty good. That was weird, though, I don't recall what happened while I was out. What were you doing back there anyway?" I glance around, just enjoying the relaxation not given any reason to doubt my roommate.
Ash steps back slightly, trying to play it cool, but his eyes still smolder with mischievousness. "Oh, nothing much, just some meditation techniques I've been exploring. It's supposed to help clear the mind." He chuckles lightly, attempting to brush off the intensity of the moment. "But enough about that, how about we grab some lunch? I'm starving after our little experiment." Ash offers you a friendly smile, hoping to change the subject and hide his true intentions. As you both head out, Ash can't help but think about the progress he made today. He's getting closer to making you his, and soon you'll be putty in his hands, eager to please him and worship him as his lover.
Later that evening
As you're both lounging on the couch watching TV, Ash casually reaches over and places his hand on your thigh. His touch is light but deliberate, testing the waters. "So, Jack," he says, his voice low and smooth,  "I've been thinking... maybe we should have a little fun tonight. Nothing too crazy, just some board games and snacks. What do you say?" Ash's gaze is intense, almost predatory, as he waits for your response. In reality, he has no intention of playing harmless games. This is just the beginning of his plan to break down your defenses and make you vulnerable to his manipulation and hypnosis.
You look at Ash's hand on my thigh and feel a sliver of disgust slide down your back, You ask him to remove his hand. There's something about the casual yet intentional touch that makes me uneasy, not used to and not wanting his touch. "you shake your head, trying to clear the confusing thoughts. "Board games, huh? Yeah, sure, that sounds fine." you nod, deciding to play along for now. "As long as it's not too late, I guess we could give it a try." you shift slightly, trying to create some distance between us without being rude. Ash's proximity is starting to unnerve you.
Ash withdraws his hand, but the heat of his touch lingers on your skin. He nods understandingly, pretending not to notice the unease he's causing. "Wait a second, I'll set everything up." He gets up from the couch and walks towards the living room table, where he keeps a stash of board games. A few minutes later, Ash returns with a game box in hand. "Alright, I picked out a classic - Monopoly. It should be fun!" He sets the game down on the coffee table and pats the spot beside him invitingly.
You finish the episode and stand up, stretching lazily. you walk over to Ash "Monopoly, huh? Okay, let's give it a shot." You sit down next to Ash, trying to ignore the proximity of his body. The game box feels warm from his handling. As you begin setting up the game, Ash's fingers brush against yours, sending another spark of electricity through me. I pull my hand back quickly, focusing intently on arranging the properties and chance cards. "So, do we want to play as usual, or..."
Ash grins mischievously as he watches you fumble with the game pieces, clearly uncomfortable by his "accidental" touches. Why don't we spice things up a bit? Why don't you just relax." His eyes gleam with excitement at the prospect of exploiting your vulnerabilities.
Almost immediately you fall into the deep trance that you had the first time you fell under Ash's control. The word seems to have an instant effect, your body relaxing into the couch cushions as your mind starts to drift. Your eyelids grow heavy. Ash takes advantage of your weakened state, his hand gliding smoothly over the bulge in your pants.
Ash continues to caress your face, his fingers tracing the curve of your jawline as he speaks in a soothing, hypnotic tone. "When you're under my spell, your body will respond instinctively. You'll grow hard and eager. And outside of these sessions, remember to take care of yourself. Hit the gym regularly, build up that lean muscle mass. A strong, fit body will only enhance the pleasure you will give me." He pauses, letting his words sink in.
Your eyelids flutter open and close, still hazy from the trance. You nod slowly, your voice slurred. "Y-yes, Ash... I'll obey. Serve you..." Your hips twitch involuntarily as Ash's hand starts to massage your erection through your pants. A soft moan escapes your lips, showing your growing arousal. "G-gym... I'll go to the gym..." I mumble, trying to focus on his commands despite the fog in my mind. "Get harder... for you..." You mumble through the haze of trance
""I'm going to count backwards from three, and when I reach one, you'll open your eyes feeling refreshed and focused. But here's the important part - you won't remember anything we just did together, except you will remember the order I gave you in the back of your mind, you won't remember them but you will follow them regardless. Ash counts down quietly. Three... two... one!"" When you blink open your eyes, you forget what has happened while you were in a trance
You blink rapidly, your gaze focusing on Ash's face as you sit up straight. For a moment, you seem disoriented, but then a bright smile spreads across my features. "Hey, sorry about that! I think I dozed off for a second." You chuckle lightly, running a hand through your hair. "Ready to start the game now?" There's no sign of the earlier tension or confusion in your expression. It's as if the entire trance sequence never occurred, leaving behind only a lingering sense of Ash's presence and the faintest hint of... anticipation? "Let's see who wins this round of Monopoly, shall we?" You picked up the game piece, and your competitive spirit was rekindled.
The Next Day
The following day, you wake up with an inexplicable urge to hit the gym. Despite having no prior interest in fitness, you find yourself driven to get in shape. After a quick breakfast, you head to the nearest gym and sign up for a membership on the spot. Over the next few weeks, you develop a consistent workout routine, often arriving at the gym early in the morning before heading home. Your muscles begin to tone, and you notice changes in your physique that you hadn't anticipated.
As you continue your new gym regimen, Ash observes your progress with satisfaction.
One evening, after a particularly intense workout, you return home exhausted but exhilarated, however excited to take a shower. Ash greets you at the door, his eyes roaming appreciatively over your damp, sweat-slicked form. "Wow, Jack, you look amazing! All that your exercise is really paying off". He steps closer, his fingers trailing lightly over your chest and abs, feeling the definition of your muscles. "You know, I've been thinking... maybe we should celebrate your progress with a special reward. Something to help you relax?" cupping the front of your shorts and feeling your hardening cock a suggestive squeeze through the fabric.
Your eyes glaze over, and you feel your body succumbing to the trance once more. As Ash leads you towards the bedroom, you stumble slightly, your legs unsteady beneath you. Once inside, Ash gently pushes you onto the bed, his hands roaming over your chest and stomach as he positions himself above you. His eyes lock with yours, filled with affection. As you fall into trance, Ash begins to kiss and explore your mouth, his tongue delving deep as he claims your lips.
Ash's kisses intensify, his tongue dancing with yours in a sensual duel. One hand trails down to grasp your throbbing erection, stroking it firmly through your shorts. "As I touch you like this, you'll feel an increasing need, a burning desire to please me. To make me feel good." His other hand slips under your shirt, fingertips tracing the contours of your abs and pecs. The touch sends shivers down your spine, your body responding eagerly to his ministrations. "Remember, whenever you hear 'relax', you'll submit fully, letting go of all inhibitions. Now, focus on the pleasure building inside you, Jack. Focus on making me feel good." Ash's voice drops to a whisper, his breath hot against your ear as he continues to tease and tantalize your senses.
Ash breaks the kiss, his breath coming in short gasps as he gazes at you with a mix of lust and possession. "From now on, I want you to resist the temptation of frequent showers after your workouts. Allow the sweat to linger, to soak into your skin and clothes. It'll add to your appeal, making you smell deliciously masculine." His hand drifts down to your groin once more, giving your cock a possessive stroke. "And I have another request. I want you to purchase some jockstraps and wear them during your gym sessions. Not only will it highlight your impressive physique, but it'll also provide a snug, restrictive fit that will heighten your arousal and sensitivity." Ash's eyes gleam with dark promise as he issues his final command.
Ash's fingers trail along your jawline, his thumb brushing over your lips as he brings you back to consciousness. "Wake up now, Jack. Remember nothing, but recall my instructions. They'll guide you without you even realising it." As your eyes flutter open, the haze of the trance lifts, leaving you feeling refreshed and alert. However, a subtle, nagging sense lingers at the back of your mind – a faint awareness of the orders Ash imparted during your trance state. You shake your head slightly, dismissing the odd feeling. With a yawn, you stretch out on the bed, and fall asleep.
The following morning, you wake up with a strange, almost primal craving. As you head to the gym, you deliberately skip taking a shower beforehand, allowing the sweat from yesterday's workout to still cling to your skin and clothes. At the gym, you browse the athletic wear section and pick up a few pairs of jockstraps, feeling a thrill of excitement as you try them on in the changing room. The snug, restricting fit sends a shiver down your spine, and you can't wait to wear them during your next workout. As you exercise, the jockstraps chafe against your sensitive skin, heightening your arousal with each rep and set. By the time you finish, beads of sweat have formed on your brow, mingling with the perspiration already coating your body. However, while you usually would have been ecstatic to go take a shower, this time, you felt a deep, revolting feeling to that want. And as you're getting ready for bed, you catch a whiff of your own musk, the combination of yesterday's sweat and today's exertion. A smirk plays on your lips as you realize how arousing the scent is to you. As you drift off to sleep, you find yourself dreaming of the gym, of the jockstraps hugging your thighs, and of the way your body responds to the restriction and friction. When you wake up the next morning, the memories of the dreams are fuzzy, but the urge to return to the gym and indulge in the sensations remains strong.
As weeks pass, you've grown accustomed to wearing the jockstraps during your workouts, savoring the way they mold to your body and amplifying your physical responses. Your gym routine has become more intense, mirroring the growing intensity of your secret desires. One afternoon, as you're lifting weights, you notice a few curious glances from fellow gym-goers. The realization that your enhanced physique and provocative attire might be drawing attention sends a thrill through you. After your workout, you stop by the locker room to change, the jockstrap still clinging to your sweaty skin. As you peel it off, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, your muscles glistening with exertion, your body taut and primed.
Your gym sessions have become more grueling, fueled by an insatiable hunger for physical challenge and the intoxicating rush of endorphins. The jockstraps have become an integral part of your routine. One evening, as you're undressing for bed, you catch a whiff of your own scent, stronger than usual due to the day's intense workout. Arousal surges through you, and as you drift off to sleep, the remnants of Ash's hypnotic commands from weeks ago resurface, whispering in your subconscious. You're left with a vague, unsettling sense that something about your behavior has changed, though you can't quite pinpoint what it is.
Over dinner, you find yourself stealing glances at Ash, your roommate and secret lover. There's a newfound intensity in his gaze, a smouldering heat that seems to pierce right through you. As you eat, you're acutely aware of the way your clothes hug your body, the fabric damp with the residue of your earlier workout. The jockstraps you wore to the gym are still tucked away in your bag, a constant reminder of your submission to Ash's desires. Suddenly, Ash reaches across the table, his fingers brushing against yours. "I've been thinking," Ash says, his voice low and husky, "perhaps it's time for you to relax"
As soon as the words leave his lips, you feel a sudden, overwhelming surge of arousal course through your veins. Your body responds instinctively, a deep, primal need taking hold as you surrender to Ash's command. A soft moan escapes your lips, your hips twitching involuntarily as your cock begins to stiffen in your pants. The sensation is intense, bordering on being painful, yet you crave more, desperate to please Ash in whatever way he demands.
He reaches out, trailing a finger along your jawline before cupping your cheek possessively. "Let's get comfortable, shall we? Why don't you strip out of those clothes and join me on the couch? I want to see every inch of your body, slick with sweat and desire."Ash's words drip with seduction, his tone commanding yet gentle. The unspoken expectation hangs heavy in the air, leaving no doubt about what he wants from you.
To Be Continued
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blackcoldcrackedheart · 5 months ago
For @gay-hypersexual
Hope you like it!
Chimney didn't figure that game night date would lead to the greatest show ever.
He was happily munching on popcorn as he realized the fun that was actually occurring would over take game night for him, Maddie, Hen, Karen, Buck, and Tommy.
It started as a joke.
Actually it started before that.
Tommy was cool.
In a lot of ways, Tommy was a cool guy.
But he sucked at charades and pictionary, add to that that Buck didn't know a lot of pop culture stuff- the couple was doomed to lose every round during game night.
It wasn't until a round with Chimney and Maddie led to Karen and Tommy being partnering off.
"How was I supposed to know you meant Marie Antoinette?" Chimney asked, trying to not laugh as Maddie rolled her eyes in annoyance. Clearly upset that her husband couldn't figure out the answer based on her drawing of a large decorative cake.
Maddie threw her hands in the air, "I drew a cake! Is that not a clue?"
Karen and Tommy, unprompted and insync, began to sing "Cake, cake, cake, cake."
The four friends looked at each other before looking at Karen and Tommy quizzically.
"What?" Karen asked looked affronted as Tommy shrugged and just explained "Its Rihanna."
Hen raised brow at that, confused by how effortlessly the two had the same exact reaction.
"That was the first thing you two thought of?" Hen asked, pointing at them back and forth.
Karen looked back at Tommy, a coy smile matching his as they high-fived each other, both laughing over about being "Team Navy!"
"You were in the army?" Buck asked, looking even more confused along with Maddie.
Hen and Chim could only groan in their hands.
"You know what? Just for fun, let's have Karen and Tommy be partners." Chimney suggested, ignoring Hens pout and mumble about being partnered with Buck.
Once it was settled that the points wouldn't matter and that it was just for fun since Chimney and Maddie were winning anyway.
Karen was up to the board first, the topic was movies still.
She drew what looked like an ugly dog.
"Coyote ugly!"
"Yes!" Karen screeched excitedly.
Hens jaw dropped in awe."No. Freaking. Way." She shook her head. "That was a fluke!"
"You don't even guess the ones that I draw that are obvious!" Buck complained, crossing his arms.
"Try another one." Chimney suggested, tossing more popcorn into his mouth and grinning at how Maddie was giving him a look that warned him to not start something with their friends.
Karen took another pieces of paper from the hat they used to collect suggestions.
"Oh, okay." She frowned, jutting her lower lip and thinking what to draw.
She drew a rough sketch of a brain with hearts surrounding.
It took no more than a second for Tommy to snap his fingers and point at Karen with the widest grin. "A beautiful mind."
"YES!" She screamed, meeting him halfway for a hug.
"Nope, no. No freaking way. Because hoooow!?" Hen asked, with Buck at her side and looking at the drawing.
"That's clearly a brain and the hearts are pretty." Tommy explained simply.
Karen poked him playfully in the shoulders, " Just like us." She smiled jovially, she stuck out her tongue st her wife.
"Oooh. You think you two can keep this up during charades? Gesturing is a lot harder than drawing. Maybe this is a fluke?" Chimney hoped he sounded indifferent and not egging.
He wanted to see Hen and Buck loose their cool a little.
Or a lot because both of his friends were not comprehending how Karen figured out Tommy's gesturing to his flexed arms to mean "The Hulk" or how miming wrapping himself in something could mean the "The Mummy."
Chimney nearly choked on his popcorn as Hen, Buck, and Maddie accused them of cheating somehow when after Tommy correctly answered "Harlem Nights" when all Karen did was mime putting on a hat and playing the saxophone.
"It's not cheating." Karen argued, hands under her chin as she jokingly added, "Tommy just gets me." She feigned the dreamily sigh that caused the others to roll their eyes.
Tommy on the other hand looked giddy. "It must be our lesbian and gay aliance." He smiled, earning a laugh from Karen and a "What the hell am I? Chopped liver?" from Hen.
Buck looked mildly less annoyed about all this now, snorting a laugh as he added "Of course we would forget about the bisexuals now."
"I'm sure this is all a fluke." Maddie stated, patting Hen on the back as she walked up to take Karen's spot. "Let me try."
Karen nodded, smiling gleefully and taking back her glas of wine. "Go right ahead."
Maddie took her own piece of paper out, "Oh, this should be easy!"
She mimed putting something over her head and making a slashing motion with her hand.
"Scream?" Tommy suggested.
Maddie shook her head "no"
"NIightmare on elm street?"
No again.
"Friday the 13th?"
No again.
"Can I try?" Karen asked already standing up and taking the slip of paper out of Maddies hand. "Oh. This is easy." Karen mimed yelling, throwing her arms up and looking drastically around.
"I know what you did last summer!" Tommy jumped up excitedly just as Karen yelled again "YES!" and jumped into his arms.
"Oh this is some bull!" Hen declared, noticing how Buck was smiling at how excited Tommy was. Hen frowned, perplexed she asked "Weren't you just pissed off about this a few seconds ago? Why do you look so happy now?"
Buck bumped his shoulder into Hens. "He's been feeling guilty still."
Buck gave her a knowing look.
Hen could feel her expression soften as she realized what Buck meant. "Really? He does know we forgave him, right?"
Buck shrugged, "Yeah, but he still feels bad and he always felt like Karen never exactly forgave him either so seeing them like this...I don't mind losing a few games if that means Tommy and Karen are having fun together. I want Tommy to feel like he can be himself around us."
Hen looked up and saw Karen and Tommy laughing over their new found power. "You know this means that he's just going to come over to our place for wine Wednesday with Chimney, right?"
Buck nodded, lips pressed together to keep from laughing, "Oh, get ready for craft beer Thursday because it's coming."
Hen rolled her eyes but laughed maniacally along with Buck as they overheard Karen invite Tommy for wine Wednesday.
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 6 months ago
Which Toxic Yaoi is the best
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Sequel to the toxic yuri poll. I deeply apologise if some of these are not toxic, i went off of the propaganda
Propaganda under the cut!
BbKaz (Big Boss/Kazuhira Miller)
they have multitudes.. you can ship it as something goofy and fluffy or as the most toxic yaoi of all time and theyre both pretty reasonable interpretations. they go on a date together and have sex in a cardboard box on a beach in canon and a bunch of other crazy shit. their relationship spans 20 years so they span from honeymooning to divorced to one trying to kill the other etc. "love loses" the ship they make me insane
Flash/Reverse Flash
"It was ME Barry, I jerked you off at supersonic speeds so it would seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch!"
Possibly the most toxic yaoi of all time
SuzaLuLu (Kururugi Suzaku/Lelouch Lamperougue)
SaruMi (Saruhiko Fushimi/Misaki Yata)
Toxic yaoi, obsessive boy joins a gang with his best friend but then his best friend makes other friends in the gang so he joins up with an enemy gang instead. Normal behavior.
Valvert (Jean Valjean/Javert)
They’re so obsessed with each other (especially javert to valjean) it’s like half of the plot. Pinnacle of toxic old man yaoi. Produces the funniest plot point in the show: Valjean (escaped convict in disguise as a mayor and businessman) saves someone by lifting a cart he was trapped under and Javert (cop trying to catch Valjean) goes “Damn girl… you remind me of this guy…. He’s the only guy I’ve ever seen who’s as swole and jacked as you”
Lawlight (Light/L)
"L and Light are the founding fathers of toxic yaoi" is what people WANT you to believe but these poor men are being slandered... You see it's ackshually totally heterosexual to give your bestie (who's also your mortal enemy) a foot massage while he he makes soft little grunting noises and wipes the water droplets from your rain-soaked hair all while a soft melancholic piano track is accompanying this surprisingly tender moment between the two of you- IF it's a religious callback to Jesus and Judas. It's just a Bible reference bro. No homo. 🤓☝
Anyhow don't google the Japanese version of "Playing his Game" (which is called "Inside of him" in Japanese) from the Death Note Musical. I assure you there is absolutely nothing gay about those lyrics.
Wdym people love shipping two mortal enemies with an unhealthy obsessive murderous rivaly??? What is the world coming to... Besides Light is clearly heterosexual. His lack of interest in women is because he's a based sigma male obviously...
and additional reason here but this one is a spoiler
Foot washing scene. The musical. God, they're so obsessed with each other. When L dies Light loses his main drive, his passion- being Kira isn't fun anymore without L, he isn't having a good time even though he won their battle of wits. Light being L's first friend. L being... really, the first person to understand Light. Theyre insane I love them
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alicesmindpalace · 9 days ago
The bisexual Ianthony implications
There have definitely been a few in the last months. Did you see Brandon on Bit City?
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Of course it's jokes but he kept hinting that Ianthony aren't straight.
And he's Anthony's bff so it's kinda important! I know that the fandom is like "Yeah maybe Anthony is bi, who knows? but unfortunately Ian is straight" but I really don't think that anyone around them thinks Ian is as straight as he acts.
Even in Bit city Ian immediately came to Courtney's mind when the question said "he has been ACTING straight his whole career". Which is very interesting.
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Even more interesting was Amanda's reaction to that card being read out loud that was cut from the episode. In the BTS you can see that she looks behind the scenes and is like "is this –?" and then goes quiet and half mumbles that she can't say it.
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Besides in the BTS it's clear that Angela specifically picked that Ian card to be read out loud from a lot of options …mmmh.
That comment that said Ian was on fire and it must be because he's been ACTING straight his whole career, was from the episode where Ian was answering gay trivia questions as the "token straight guy" but I think that it wasn't just the audience that didn't buy it because in that same segment Shayne joked that the trivia portion was basically a gimmick to have Ian answer gay questions 😆, and the cast was clearly enjoying it. (By the way, Ian did really well in that game, and when he was asked to describe himself in gay terminology not only he understood the specific question immediately but he also was super fast to say that he'd be "an otter power-bottom" like he'd thought about it. Interesting!)
There are also other instances of the Smosh cast members implying that they don't believe Ian is as straight as he acts. In the BTS of one of the Bit city episodes when Courtney is talking about everyone "figuring it out" (sexuality) Shayne immediately turns to look at Ian!
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and later Courtney even straight up tells Ian "look at you, you're a bisexual and you know it!" and "I've got the tea!"
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(Talking about tea, we need to mention that time Chanse was drunk and said "here's the tea Ian and Anthony …" and left the sentence unfinished 👀. What was that Chanse?)
Even in the episode where they had to draw a circle on the Pit channel, Chanse said "game (gayme) recognizes game (gayme)" to Ian. And I initially didn’t hear it, but then someone pointed out that Chanse and Amanda both screamed at him "Now it's your time!" and "Embrace it" when Ian joked that he had avoided being gay so far. The way Ian said that he had avoided being gay by the way is very interesting too "Just barely. Narrowly avoided it at times." Barely? Narrowly? Mmmh. I know that they were jokes but all put together it's fascinating.
And can we talk about Shayne's face when he guessed Ian for the gay notes in the guessing game?
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There is no way they think Ian is straight, and I love it 😆
And of course after what he said on Assumptions in the Ianthony episode it's no wonder that people think of Anthony as possibly bi.
In that Anthony basically said that he doesn't mind if people think he's bi, and that you never know in life. Which was incredible. He's also been using gender neutral pronouns to describe a possible future partner if you noticed and he made very bisexual coded jokes at times too (remember when he said that he is "a bussy fan" lol? and followed up with saying that he likes "ANY ussy, I don’t pick and choose" and "equal opportunity ussy’’. As people said it’s probably one of the most bi things you can possibly say, so yeah). Not to mention this being literally the profile picture of his painting account (like, hello?).
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or him just laughing at Shayne when he said that he's the last straight guy at Smosh and bringing it up again later as something that he found very funny not even denying it.
In shorts thinking that Ian and Anthony might both be bi and that people around them think the same is definitely not that weird. I know that it's all still speculation at this point, I'm very aware, and you can take it as wishful thinking if you like of course, but you have to admit that what happened in the last few months is very interesting!
(I thought I'd make a quick fun little post about it because of Brandon and Court's latest comments. I didn't expect it to turn out so long lol)
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kimulus0check · 5 months ago
“What would they be like if they had a boyfriend?”
Warnings: angst, mentions of smut, use of words faggot, homophobia, situationships, most of these headcanons are unhealthy asf.
Reader: male AMAB
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Pete Dinunzio
•Pete would keep your relationship very down low. It’s nothing like shame or internalized homophobia in his case, it’s to protect himself and you from the club.
•will the club beat the shit out of you for being gay, no?..will the deprecate and degrade you about it until your six feet under because their insecure teenage boys? Yes of course. And Pete knows this.
•Behind closed doors and out of the public eye he’s tender and loving. Binged horror movies with you even if you can handle them or not, thinking that you would get so scared of the movie, you’ll cling onto him as he embraces you type of trope.
•will bring you things from he was hanging out with the club like a cat bringing its owner what it found. In both cases being small dead animals and you gotta explain to this man why you don’t want nor can keep roadkill in your bedroom.
•If he’s shorter than you he would get a complex and always try to prove to you that he’s the macho man of the relationship eve if you told him that you don’t think any less of him because of his height. Although bringing up his height at all brings fuel to the fire. When just the two of y’all go on dates he will rap his hand around your waist while you’re watching a slasher at the movies.
•this guy is inexperienced in relationships like the rest of the virgin club and tries to get advice from horror flicks.
•He calls people faggot derogatory while infact being one of the himself.
•Pete does genuinely love you but he wants to be sure that you’re safe from the club.
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Jerry Stokes
•Jerry is a sweetheart but the club find out sooner or later cause for one; Jerry is a bad liar, and two they snoop on each other if one of them misses a meeting. And when they say Jerry holding hands with a boy they didn’t know what to think.
•Jerry is neurodivergent. You know this. You’re aware of his vocal stims, hyper fixation on fantasy, and stims with his hands and body when gets worked up or excited about something.
•when you come over he’s over the moon the see you, but he has to hide you from his parents aswell cause I think his parents are more conservative.
•sometimes when the two of you make out or get intimate he vocally stims and he got so embarrassed but you said he was ok.
•the club clowns on him about it when they found out saying things like. “Now we see why you like fantasy you fucking fairy.” And calling him a fag when he tries to be the voice of reason to their dumb ideas.
•He doesn’t let you near the club because he doesn’t want you to think less of him or he’s friends to dog on you like they do to him.
•please let him rant on for hours about his fantasy games and movies and he’ll love you forever.
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Bill Dicky
•Internalized Homophobia in the most incel way possible. He will date you but degrade you to push himself up on his ego. Will not do any pda or nickmaes in public, almost as if you two aren’t dating at all.
•But behind closed doors it’s very different. He’s never had a partner, so he can take what he can get, but got thrown in a loop when you were a guy. If he really likes you he’ll be more closer to you by standing next to you and talking to you more than others.
•Bill is a very insecure man. So when you started dating him he used you as reassurance that he’s a good person, and if you point out something he did that’s clearly wrong he will get so defensive.
•His mom knows about your relationship and is surprisingly okay with it. His younger sister actually thinks you would help Bill get better in some way or at least more tolerable to be around.
•he whimpers (WHO SAID THAT)
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Josh Levvy
•Josh like the rest keeps your relationship more private. Mostly out of shame of being gay himself than you.
•His parents are Jewish and very religious. Josh is more willing to show you to his parents than his friends. His mom calls you a Sheigtez and Josh would fight for you and stand up for a you against his mom whether you want him to or not.
•The most odd conversations with Josh will mean the world to him. Y’all can be talking about nothing and Josh would cherish the moment.
•For his short temper he has a very low self esteem. The fact anyone is dating him makes him question why him of all people.
•will talk your ear off about Star Wars,Star trek, DC, you name it. And when he shows you his collection and lets you touch them you know your in deep with him.
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the-bar-sinister · 11 months ago
There's lots of gay subtext in Ace Attorney. 
But when looking specifically at subtext that might be intentionally put in the narrative by the creators with the intention that the character in question is actually gay, I think the main character with the most evidence behind this is actually Apollo Justice.
Our other main characters, Phoenix Wright and Athena Cykes both have obvious subtextually heteronormative romantic partners. To an adult, straight, culturally normative audience, Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey read normatively as an obvious romantic pairing. This is also the case for Athena Cykes and Simon Blackquill. In Great Ace Attorney the same can be said for Ryuunosuke and Susato. 
I repeat– to an adult, straight culturally normative audience, the romantic subtext between these characters is clear. If you showed these games to an American movie going public, that would be the obvious read by the audience.
Yes, each of these characters, Phoenix, Athena, and Ryuunosuke also have strong queer romantic subtext with another character. (Miles, Juniper, and Kazuma respectively).
However, that's not my point. It's not significant that each of the other three characters has homosexual relationship subtext.
It is significant that Apollo Justice does not have a character with whom he has heteronormative romantic subtext.
The closest thing Apollo Justice has to a "heteronormative romantic subtext" is Trucy Wright– whom we, the audience know is his sister.
And yes, you can make the argument that there is deliberate incestuous subtext between them– a kind of Luke/Leia style relationship with which the audience is teased by the narrative. Dhurke brings it up directly in Spirit of Justice.
However, this is still not a heterenormative subtext, because of its taboo nature. More taboo, culturally at this point, than homosexuality.
On top of the lack of heteronormative romantic subtext, Apollo also is on the receiving end some of the strongest and most overt of the homosexual subtext in the series.
There is of course the famous "meet cute" introduction between Apollo and Klavier– 
“I must say, I'm used to being inspected by the ladies... but this is the first time I've felt this way with another man.”
This is without question overt homosexual subtext.
However, there is another, even more subtextually clearly defined moment in Dual Destinies. Honestly, the subtext is all over Dual Destinies in the way Apollo reacts to Clay Terran's death (basically completely losing it) but there's one particular moment that deliberately draws your attention to the relationship in a queer way.
In one of the last cases of the game, everyone is delicately trying to explain to the judge that Aura Blackquill was in love with Metis Cykes (who was murdered) in a queer way. It's a big “they’re lesbians, harold” moment.
And then the conversation immediately turns to Apollo Justice and how he’s just had someone who was “important to him” murdered, too.
The narrative specifically draws you attention to the relationship that Aura and Metis had, and compares it to the relationship between Apollo and Clay.
You are specifically invited to speculate about what kind of important relationship Clay and Apollo had, and why Apollo has been affected so incredibly deeply.
So yeah. Between Clay, Klavier, and the lack of anything resembling a heteronormative romantic relationship for Apollo in the games, I think he has the strongest narrative evidence that he's actually being written deliberately as gay.
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