#He was soooo gleeful about it
baalzebufo · 1 month
good ol fashioned razzmatazz
SO I wrote more... :) ive wanted to do a series of scenes from Gideon's life for a while now- moments in time we didn't see in the show. mostly past, maybe some present or future, depending. wanted to explore his life a little more, and the headcanons ive got surrounding it. drabbles is the best way to solve this because i cant write one long cohesive plot very well haha
ive got a handful of ideas in mind but this is the first one that i finished to any degree. just a little scene from his childhood. gideon makes his first sale, and learns something about himself.
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‘What are you up to, sweetie?’
‘Shh- it’s a secret.’
Gideon hushed his mother as he ran over to the back door and shoved his face up against it, peering out through the frosted glass window into the car lot. His mother, Florence, turned her attention away from the oven for a moment to squint at him. He was wearing his favorite dress shirt, the dark blue one covered in golden stars- shorts and sandals for the weather, and his long hair was pulled back into a white braid. The sun caught on his hair through the window, and she could have sworn she saw it sparkle. What a strange little boy they had, she thought.
She remembers how tiny he was when she first held him, and how odd his shock of white hair had been. Odder still when she first saw the icy blue eyes he had- not like hers or Bud’s, not at all. Neither of them had even heard of what the doctors diagnosed him with before then. Some sort of ‘congenital condition’, for whatever that meant. All that fancy medical talk was a bit out of her area of expertise. All that mattered to her was that their little boy was alive- and now, at least on his way to better health.
Their little Gideon had been much more adventurous these days. Ever since the doctors had given him the OK during his last hospital visit, he’d seemingly been itching to get outside. He hummed loudly, like he was deep in thought.
Florence smiled. She reached over to the fridge.
‘Well, if you aren’t too busy with your secrets, could you do me a favor?’
‘Hm?’ He whipped his head over to look at his mother, who was holding a little tupperware container.
‘How about you go across the lot and take this to your dad for me?’
The wheels turned for a moment, and Gideon perked up instantly.
‘Y’mean it? On my own?’
‘Of course, hon. As long as you’re careful-’
He nodded, a smile creasing his face. Oh- she couldn’t help it, every time he smiled, she smiled too. Surely every mother thinks their child is the cutest kid on the planet, but well… she KNEW hers was. And she knew that they’d been very protective of him these past few months, what with the hospital scare and all. As much as she fretted about his health- she made a mental note to deep clean his room again this weekend- she couldn’t squash that spirit behind his eyes. It couldn’t hurt to let him out on his own for a little bit.
He took the container from her hands and tucked it under one of his arms, nodding solemnly.
‘Ah’ll handle it, ma’am!’ He stood up straight and gave a little salute, his face faux-stern, and she couldn’t help but laugh. He’d been watching too much TV lately, bless him.
She waved him off as he skittered out of the door, turning her attention back to the oven.
Gideon shielded his eyes from the afternoon sun. The worst of his sensitivity to it may have gone away with the treatments, but it still got awful bright out in summer. But he’d power through it. After all, he had a mission.
He took off at a run down the winding garden path, rushing through the gate onto the concrete car lot. The weather was hot, but there was that fresh summer breeze blowing in his face that made him glad to be out of his room. He liked it in there plenty- he had books and instruments and more toys than he knew what to do with- but being cooped up in bed for so long had him yearning for the outdoors. He squinted, spying the towering figure of his father through the light glinting off the windows of his work building.
Giggling, he sprinted across the lot as fast as his legs could carry him into the shop.
‘Dad!’ He burst through the door, startling his father. Bud Gleeful whipped around from where he was sat across a little plastic table with a skinny spectacled gentleman, poring over a contract. He wore a battered looking old suit but held himself with an oddly aristocratic air. He seemed out of place on a used car lot.
‘Woah there, sunshine-’ Bud started, his sentence cut off with an oof- as Gideon jumped onto his lap. ‘Heavens, boy! What’s gotten into you?’
Gideon looked up at him- and then across the table to his latest customer. He had put the contract down and was looking down at the two of them, a smile creasing his cheeks. Bud raised a hand, a little embarrassed. ‘Oh my, I’m mighty sorry for the interruption, sir-’
‘Oh, no. It’s quite alright.’ He laughed- he had that fancy city-folk accent, Gideon noticed. He tilted his head to the side to get a better look at him. ‘Now who is this fine little fellow?’
‘Oh, well this is-’
‘Gideon!’ He piped up, folding his hands across his lap with a smile. ‘Gideon Charles Gleeful!’
‘Haha- yep. That’s my lil’ Gideon.’ Bud finished for him, resting one big hand on his son's shoulder. ‘This is my son. Little fella ain’t been too well recently, but he’s lookin’ fit as a fiddle now. Acting it, too! Well now, why’d you rush over here in such a hurry, boy? Does your mother know you’re-’
‘Oh, yeah! I brought ya’ this from mom.’ He held out the container to Bud, who picked it up- turned it over, then hummed in understanding.
‘Hah, oh yeah. I s’pose I did almost forget about lunch, all caught up in negotiatin’.’ He mused. ‘Thank you kindly, sweetheart.’ He leant down to kiss his forehead, which Gideon responded to by playfully swatting him away.
The moment was interrupted then by the man across the table clearing his throat. Gideon and Bud both turned their attention back to him.
‘Mr. Gleeful, I have to be honest- I wasn’t sure if this was the right car for me, a few minutes ago. Forgive me for my bluntness, but I was worried this place might not be… on the up-and-up, if you catch my drift.’ Gideon felt his fathers hand slip off his shoulder, a subtle change in his demeanor.
‘But… well, seeing you here- you seem like a real family man, Mr. Gleeful. Trustworthy. I’m sorry for doubting you.’ He chuckled. ‘I suppose I thought this contract might be too good to be true for a moment there.’
‘Nah, dad’s the best at this stuff!’ Gideon piped up- he felt Bud tense up for a second, about to hush him, but he carried on. ‘I’m gonna learn to sell cars just as good as his, someday! So you can tell yer kids to come buy from me!’
Bud held his breath a moment, but then the customer burst out laughing.
‘Oh- goodness, how sweet. You know what, Gideon? I’ll have to remember that.’
‘That’ll be Mr. Gleeful to you!’
Bud picked him up then, lifting himself out of his chair and carrying his son high up to perch on his shoulder. ‘Okay, that’s enough teasing, boy-’
‘Haha! No, no, he’s got it right.’ The skinny man stood too, pushing his glasses up his nose. ‘You know what? You’ve got yourself a sale, Mr. Gleeful.’
He held his hand out- up, above Bud’s, to Gideon. He grasped it firmly, grinning ear to ear and shook his hand. The gentleman nodded his head, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a crisp 20 dollar bill.
‘Forgive me for being forward- but may I give the young man a commission?’
Bud startled, glancing at it- then back to Gideon- then back to the money. ‘Oh, my- that’s awful kind of you sir, it certainly is! Of course you can.’
Gideon’s eyes lit up. He eagerly took the twenty, held it up to the light- then slipped it into his pocket. He squirmed- a sign for Bud to pick him up and let him down on the floor again- and stood up straight with his arms folded.
‘Thanks, sir!’ He chirped, and Bud leant down to pat the top of his head.
‘Now Gideon, do you think you could let the grown-ups handle the borin’ part of all this paperwork?’ He crouched to smile at his son.
‘Sure thing.’
‘Alright, sweetpea. Don’t spend your money all in one place, y’hear?’
‘Okay, dad!’
His mission complete, Gideon padded over to the door- leant over his shoulder to wave at the man his father was now pushing a pen into the hand of- and left the room.
Stopping on the sun-soaked car lot, he reached into his pocket and felt the dollar again. Thought about the look on that man's face when he gave him the money, for nothing but a few words and a smile. His dad had a pretty easy job, he figured. But he didn’t really understand the whole sales thing- not yet, at least.
Gideon would spend the rest of the day playing in the garden- until he got too hot and tired, and retreated back to his shaded room for a nap. He wouldn’t think too much about what happened that day.
But that night, his father would take them out to the diner and boast loudly about how his son- barely in his fifth year!- had made his first ever sale. He’d let him order dessert- seconds, too. And he’d ask Gideon to stop by the lot more often, especially if he wants to learn to be a salesman someday. He was one talented boy, his parents told him. Showered him with that notion, really. He was destined to be a big shot one day with a personality as glowing as his.
'You have a face folks would never say no to!' His father told him. He didn't mean much when he said it- more of a joke than anything. But something about it settled with Gideon, still learning about the world. Nobody would say no to him, huh...?
He figured that sounded pretty nice.
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
one of the funniest aro traits i have is that i NEVER notice people i know being romantically into each other. they can be the most obviously pining couple in the world flirting ridiculously hard right in front of me and ill just be like wow, look at us three besties all just hanging out :) and then they'll be like btw we're dating now! and ill go WHAT???? oh that was romance??? WHOA. like yay happy for you!!! i just didn't clock it at all whatsoever!!!! (part of this is that im just an affectionate person with my friends and ill happily flirt with my besties and physically lay all over them with absolutely no romantic intent. so i forget that sometimes people are flirty or always concerned with each other for romantic reasons. like. EVERY time it's just oh YEAH... i forgor again...)
anyways, i like to hand this to bart allen, aroace extraordinaire. guy who just straight up forgets romance is real and not something they made up for video games with romanceable companions. he's happy for his friends when they say they're dating someone, bc they're happy so yay! but until they come out and say it he will NOT clock any sort of romance going on.
now i also like to imagine that when the gang are all like in their late teens to early 20s, there's some RIDICULOUS lesbian drama going on. cassie and cissie have been kinda sorta dancing around each order for ages, but then after kon's death and resurrection cassie got distant and cissie and anita started spending more and more time together, and cassie isn't proud to admit it but she maaaay have gotten jealous and fucked rose about it, and now cissie is giving her the cold shoulder. and rose keeps flirting with cissie even though she and cassie keep having unplanned hookups, and anita just asked cassie to be her plus one to a wedding and cassie is shocked she didn't ask cissie and what's going on?! is anita hitting on her??? omg??? wait but what's going on with cissie?? and....
anyway, all of this to say cassie is going the fuck Through it and it's a mess that she keeps bemoaning to kon while languishing on his couch and eating all his ice cream (kon is listening wide-eyed like "wow. if i ever need romantic advice, i'll ask you and then do the exact opposite of whatever you say.") this whole ridiculous affair is going on for months.
until one day there's a core four sleepover and kon is like soooo is it the time of night where we start unpacking the latest developments in cassie's love life? and cassie goes AUURGHGHRHH!!!! yes but oh my god shut up don't say it like that auugghhhh
and bart just looks at her and tilts his head like a puppy dog and asks "wait. you have a love life?? since when???"
cassie gawks. kon looks positively gleeful.
and then tim starts laughing so hard he doubles over and accidentally slams his head into the corner of the coffee table hard enough to get a mild concussion. bart's aro swag claims yet another victim
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mysouleaten · 6 months
goodie love
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kisaki x fem!reader
summary ... kisaki's great a delivering goodies to his girlfriend but... kisaki is awkward at cuddling..
warnings ... fluff, talking of period, period cramps, kisaki is trying his best, awkward boyfriend kisaki lol, lots and lots of fluff
an ... i knowww @amidalaspo you wanted me to try to lengthen up the one-shots a bit soo I tried, but I don't think I succeeded.. 😭 and I always wanted to write about this trope but never had the motivation lol
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kisaki was coming back to his girlfriend's house bags filled with very unhealthy snacks that you have been craving..
it's day two of your menstrual cycle, the worst and best part in his opinion
the worst part was you being in lots of pain because of the cramps and having sometimes a loss of appetite.. but thankfully taking pills for the cramps brings your appetite back up--that's why he was buying you filling snacks--
and the best part of day two of your period week was that you always had your attention on him asking him dumb little questions and practically lazying around him
in general, you just wanted him to be by you for the ..first three-four days of your period
which he didn't mind he was always happy to be the center of your attention
pulling out the spare key to your house--your mother gave it to him and he would always be so smug about it..--
he stepped into the warm atmosphere of the house.. he will always admire you and your mother's taste in furniture and lighting
he always feels comfortable and inviting when he steps into your home[he'll make sure you'll be the one to decorate yours and his house when the two of you get married...]
he crouches to pet your dog who is also lazying by the front door before closing it and making sure it's locked and then turning around to walk in the direction where he hears a muffled sound of a movie being played behind his girlfriend's door
kisaki opens the door to see you huddling in your warm blankets and hallway asleep watching 'turning red' one of your favorite new disney movie
you turn your head to see kisaki standing by your open door with bags filled with the goodies you had asked him to get you
and from that sight alone you instantly woke up
"snacks! yay!" you give a gleeful smile
kisaki huffs "huh, no.. 'hello tetta' 'thank you tetta for being SUCH a good boyfriend' ? you're just going straight for the snacks?"
you roll your eyes playfully and sit up with a small wince--which kisaki frowns at--
"thank you soooo much tetta! for being such a good boyfriend and helping your girlfriend in need! your the best"
amused with your talk, he walks over to your best and sits don't next to you but places the bag between the two of you
"got you most of want you wanted, I couldn't find any dorayaki though.. someone had.. sold them all out.. for some odd reason.." kiaski mumbles
you pout at not having any dorayaki but then you smile and poke kisakis cheek "you're acting like you haven't done something like that before"
his face heats up at the gesture and moves his head away "it'll be the last time..too"
"ahh..tettaaa no! im sorry! here I'll even share some of my snacks with you" giving him a kissy face as you move over to lay your head against his shoulder and bring up a bag of gummies in front of his face and shake it gently
"hah? your snacks?" he turns his head back and recoils a bit from the closeness of your face to his--even dating for two years he's still nervous--
getting this silly love-struck smile on your face, leaning in closer to kisaki you kiss his warm cheek and lean back
"cmon I wanna keep watching my movie with you.. ill probably have to restart it now..."
kisaki was just staring off into space and then morphing his shocked expression into one of hopeless love
he then lays down next to you under the fluff blankets that smell like your perfumes and he peacefully lays there with you
his body stiffens at the impact of your head lying on his chest and he hears a faint giggling coming from you
he lets out a breath and puts a hand on your upper back and gently rubs back and forth
"you're going to kill me one day women.."
"then ill get to have aaall your money" you lightly laugh
kisaki's softly smiles and hesitantly leans his head forward and kisses the back of your head and he hears your breath hitch
"you can have all the money in the world.."
"im cramping again..."
"you..want me to move from my comfortable position to get you pills?"
"what am i going to do with you?"
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not proof read and i think I somehow strayed away from the topic of period comfort?? :(( I tried my best..
this fic was also inspired by Period Comfort by @kazutora-kurokawa !
I have like four other one-shots in wip [spoilers it's about baji, kazutora, nahoya and souya!!]
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Kinda just imagining bullying levi casually (like how friends do and it seems viscous to bystanders but its still friendly within the circle?) and just picking at how theres no way such a skinny meek 'kid' could ever run any militia in any substantial way 😌 game strats r one thing but surely he cant strategize in a celestial level war, hed totally choke. And then que Levi snap 🫰 full on proving he's actually capable.
Either nsfw/sfw, either way xD
This could be fun sooo many different ways oml-
Like if you’re in public and ‘bullying’ Levi he’s gonna choke up, probably stammering out that you’re right, there’s no way and he really is pathetic- that just leads to a whole self degrading rant from him…
If you do it around the other brothers they’d join in and Levi would end up red in the fact, going on about the different ways he could kill off everyone of them with a fair amount of details too it’s a little scary-
And lastly if you tease him; when it’s just the two of you in his room. You’re teasing him while playing games and he messes up something fairly simple and you win! Add that to your teasing, “Well look at that! I must be even better then I thought to beat the big bad demon admiral! Oh wait, were you actually an admiral? I never remember if that’s a joke or not.” he knows you’re just teasing. He knows you’d have done the same even if he won…..but the little gleeful smile on your face and the challenging spark in your eyes it’s…..so annoying!!! He’s a demon and you’re a human and you’re always teasing him-
He’s on top of you in the blink of an eye, pushing your body down deeper into the beanbag chair, grinning when you gasp and try to wiggle away. “If you’re really soooo much better then me….why do you look so surprised, human?” his voice is low and it sends a shiver running down your spine.
When you don’t answer or tease back right away Levi laughs, “What? Did you really think I’d let you question my rank and get away with it? Wow and you call me pathetic…..you’re actually enjoying this aren’t you?”
now the thing is he might talk and act big and bad for a few minutes- but on the inside Levi’s freaking out, he’s got you pinned underneath him??? He could do anything but he can’t until you make it clear he has permission….
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serve-cunt · 22 days
hello, please kindly share with us, your adoring public, any thoughts you have on Oscar and Lando playing doubles together in the future. FOR EXAMPLE, every time they win a point rather than the standard hand slap or fist bump do they have a little kissy?
we await your thoughts with gleeful anticipation, your adoring public xx
sooo sorry it takes me ten million years to respond to my adoring public apparently !! please know that I was so charmed by "adoring public" i had to just sit on the ask for a while & wallow.
also, this was a hard question LOL musings below the cut!!
my one thing is (sorry to take your lighthearted question and make it weird & heavy) I don't think lando and oscar would make good doubles players !! (with each other, or at all!!) Lando would certainly be a ball hog, and Oscar would be as well I suspect?? he wouldn't have the REPUTATION as a ball hog but he would be lol
(before you go thinking I'd call ALL the f1 drivers ball hogs, here are the drivers I think would make EXcellent doubles players: daniel, obviously; kmag, lol; checo; charles; george; alex; valtteri)
I think lando and oscar WOULD attempt it, maybe like.. the same year Lando wins a grand slam, and I think it would go super badly, they'd lose SO bad in the first round, and they'd be soooo snippy about it for like, weeks. they wouldn't talk about it for YEARS after lmaooooooo
okay bUT imagine them long in the future... they've dropped a bit in the rankings, they're both thinking about retirement .. they're out, they're rich, they're tired but they're sooo happy ... (omg sSORRY making myself emotional..) and one day lando rolls over and says, Hey, wanna try doubles?
And they DO, and this time it's CHILL, they're just there to have FUN, they make it farther in the doubles draw than either of them do in the singles draw (it's at RG) ... they're slapping hands after every point and then lando starts blowing kisses and then after their second round match they kiss because WHYYY NOTTTT and it's their first public kiss and it's a big deal and then. they lose in the next round LOL
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As much as I resent the smallest man who ever lived, I do think people often ignore that part of the ending was because of the behavior of the fans/the world. I truly don’t think it was him up and deciding he didn’t actually love her- in fact, I think that’s what ANGERED and hurt her more, that he did but based on that decided what was best for both of them without her input. “I’ll build you a fort on some planet where they can all understand it/how dare you think it’s romantic/leaving me safe and stranded” “left all these broken parts/told me im better off/but I’m not” literally all of albatross, esp bridge and “you were sleeping soundly when they dragged you from your bed/and I tried to warn you about them” etc. It’s not to say he didn’t act cowardly or that Taylor wasn’t crushed!!! Or “defend” him per se. Just as a forever fan of taylor and someone who used to be into the 1975 back in the OG tumblr days, I had never seen ANYTHING like the backlash to their relationship, or just him in general? And I can’t imagine what it was like for both of them to attempt a relationship under those circumstances bc we’ll never really understand what it’s like to be in that position. TTPD ofc makes me mad for her, but also incredibly sad about the whole thing on just a human level ig, even with all the messiness and valid criticisms. Idk if this makes sense lol!!
BLOOOOOOOF. This does make sense anon, but treading carefully here as I have so many conflicting feels on this!
Also as a forever fan I so agree with you on never having seen or witnessed backlash of that kind (never before and never since you might say) w/r/t a Taylor relationship. To me it feels v symptomatic of the sensitivity and gleeful-to-cancel culture that has developed over the years. So I hear you on this point and it's also v v v true that a lot of fans do feel v uncomfortable acknowledging parts of TTPD and their complicit roles in the events she captures there (except for some of us who have always supported women's wrongs - just saying).
THAT SAID. I get very squirmy going "easy" on him and giving fan response as a possible "out" for why he gave up. While I definitely think it was hard and absolutely put a strain on things, it feels too "nice" to let that be a motivating reason. Esp because if it really was that then I don't think Taylor would have felt as confused and heartbroken and wrecked and not understanding what the fuck just happened to her ("Was any of it true?"). Because you don't say those things and commit those things if you don't really mean them and weren't also willing to go down with the ship for it (also why I think it absolutely blows her third eye right open that someone else came along who made it look ... effortless). And also esp because we have seen that film before of "maybe right guy, definitely wrong time" and fan backlash ("Slut!") and Taylor was able to make that distinction for herself. But also also those are diff relationships and diff times etc.
I also think that a lot of those lyrics/songs are about more than just one thing / person (obvi - that's the entire thesis of the album).
And also also also ALSO this is why I love TTPD so much. Because it's SOOOO messy. And complicated. Thank you SO MUCH for bringing up this nuanced point.
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jessaerys · 1 year
something about the way house harasses thirteen about being bisexual is soooo. someone doesn't know how transparently fascinated/delighted he is by this discovery (not that house didn't know what bisexuality is, i think, but rather it is the sudden tangibleness of thirteen that takes it from an abstract concept somewhere in the volumes of knowledge in his mind to, like, hey, it's a thing) in the gleeful childlike way in which he is fascinated by things and people he loves and finds interesting, so he has to smugly poke and prod and mock and draw attention to it because that's the only way he knows how to express that he thinks it's neat. and he interprets this in himself as a cartoonish version of sleazy heterosexuality, it's like the evil counterpart to overly invested ally. i mean it is first and foremost because he's a misogynistic asshole but i like my version where he's a clueless unselfaware blundering bisexual asshole better
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spaciebabie · 11 months
alr well im gonna talk abt a lot of things under the cut :> (extra precaution for people who havent seen it!) im gonna be talking abt some major spoilers so like if you dont wanna know what happens dont look!!!!!!!!
the thing that stood out ta me the most abt this movie is the cinematography i mean- some of those shots were really well fucking done. and the tension at certain parts??? i mean!!! i wasnt really scared during the movie but there were some parts where the build up ta the scare made me feel a lil somethin somethin yk. a little tingle in my booty.
also. the springlocks. we finally got like some explanation asta how they would work and honestly i really really like how they function. like it makes sense!! the metal ribcage??? fuck thats so peak i might hafta add that ta my springer design i love it
speaking of springtrap. hello hi i love. william afton. i have always been a springtrap lover and a william afton enjoyer but this movie man. mathew lillard is hot as hell and he did an awesome job in this role. i mean hes everything i would want william afton ta be. silly, dangerous, unhinged, sure of himself, ive already made a post talking abt how much i liked the springlock failure scene (well more like screaming abt it) but like. hes. hes not scared of dying hes not scared of death (at least he doesnt show it) b/c he knows hes gonna be reborn and- fuck its just so good. i love everything abt the final scenes. GOSH AND HIS VOICE!!!!!!!! THE DISTORTION ON HIS VOICE DID YOU HEAR HOW GLEEFUL AND CHEERY HE WAS??? HOW DRAMATIC HIS STUPID ASS WAS??? SHITTTTTTT
im also really glad vanessa had some development here! and i wasnt expecting her ta be william aftons daughter??!?!?!?! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLYAY MOLAY ACTUAL PLOT TWIST I DIDNT SEE COMING. ive already mentioned this 2 people on discord but like. i hope we see more development of her and her fathers relationship before what we see in fnaf 1. i NEED 2 know what she saw i NEED 2 know why she is so haunted. what happened ta her family???? and like!! what the hell is happening 2 her as shes in that hospital brah i bet you she's having terrible nightmares and i needta see ALL OF THEM-
FACE SHREDDER SO YOU CANT IDENTIFY THE BODY???? HELLO???? anyways seeing the animatronics go crazy and kill people was very cool. i loved the animatronics soooo much they were so silly and LIVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO FULL OF LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GODDD I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEMMM I LOVE THAT THEY PUT IN THE EFFORT TA ACTUALLY MAKE THE ANIMATRONICS IT MADE IT SO MUCH BETTER
rambling over. i needta go study skfskjfksjdf
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dadmareau · 1 year
Fuuuuuuuck that chapter was so good the emotions and just the hints of dad/older brother and bby Dream honey learning the villagers really aren't nice and he really does love his brother so much I'm gonna go reread it like six times
(gleeful frolicking)
I’m glad you liked it!!!!! While I was writing it, I was like wow there are so many feelings in this LOL I’m soooo hyped about their character arcs and how they start to adjust to one another. Thanks so much for the ask :D
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g3tj1nxed · 3 months
🧡 continued from here | @umbane
Jinx swivels in the captain’s chair as the holoscreen comes to life, doing nothing to hide the grin that spreads across her lips the second she hears Kayn’s voice. Hook, line, and sinker; she really should have done this earlier if it got this quick of a response. She’ll pat herself on the back later though, there’s a dreamboat on the line and she’s trying to milk her stunt to the last drop. She spreads her arms wide with a quick ‘Ta-dah!’ before leaning her head on one arm, crinkling her nose as he begins to chastise her.
“I’m not makin’ a fool outta anyone!” comes her gleeful retort, the cat-like smile barely faltering even as Kayn hurls the threat at her. Jinx isn’t known for her self-preservation, doesn’t have an ounce of that in her body because, really, where’s the fun in that? This is no different, and it’s evident with how she talks back to the literal Emperor of the Universe. 
“Maaaaybe someone should lock up their toys a little better, ya ever think about that?” She emphasizes her point by looking thoughtful, chin resting between her thumb and forefinger. All before she throws herself back against the chair with a giggle fit. She gestures with her hand, waving her wrist dramatically. “I’ll say it was pretty easy sneakin’ off with this, but I’m gonna just think they let me take it cause I’m just soooo cute.” Punctuates her statement with a wink, her tongue peeking past her lips playfully.
And while she wasn’t entirely fibbing, the alarm she caused in the docking bay was quite the show. And she’s known for her theatrics, something her own captain tends to turn his nose up at on occasion for just how… perfectly destructive they can be. But again, sneaking around and hot wiring a cruiser was light work, no pizzazz or nothin’! So she strutted in like she owned the place and caused a ruckus but that wasn’t something a few plasma blasts couldn’t fix before she took off with the damn thing. She blows a bit of her hair out of her face then, idly swinging the chair side to side with one leg on the tiled floor beneath it.
“You really know how to get a gal goin’, at least buy me dinner first before we get to threatening me with a good time,” she rolls her eyes, but is back to eyeing him smugly on the comms. “Anyways, let’s make this a game like ya said. What do you wanna do? Play tag? Hide and go seek? C’mon I know you got some good ideas in that head of yours.”
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simpleharmonicocean · 2 years
this week's andor made me feel sooooo so incredibly . i want to chew glass i'm gonna eat sand the recurring "how many guards" as we watch things get worse and worse and worse and the final snapping moment "never more than 12" when kino goes all in,...,.,,, the desperate "he's only got 40 shifts left" made even WORSE by learning like 5 minutes later that that wasn't even true it was just a fucking LIE,,,, the way the prison doubled their shift counts even knowing it didn't matter because it was just an endless endless cycle recycle cycle recycle.... the genuine enjoyment that dr gorst approaches his job with and the casual even gleeful way he talks about fucking genocide as he uses it to torture a shop owner who MIGHT know something ... vel and mon and the stark reminder that what they're sacrificing is hard and scary and maybe it looks like they can just go back and stop but they CAN'T and yet they are still so privileged, in comparison.... here was so much going on and it was all soo well done and i love this show . soooo much i wish i had more articulate things to say
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Nameless Ghoul tickle headcanons part 2
A/N: Had mild anxiety that's keeping me from getting that final hour of sleep... So I wrote garbage before work. Here we go!
~ ~ ~
-Another tall boy-o. But unlike Mountain, it doesn't take many people to tickle him. Rain could get him by himself, if Rain could hold his own.
-Actually pretty ticklish. It isn't hard to get him to laugh.
-Tickle spots include: Where his tail connects to his back, upper back, ribs, calves, palms and stomach. Stomach and calves are death spot.
-Very squirmy and wiggly. He tries not to flail too much so he doesn't hurt whoever's tickling him.
-His tail goes batshit. If one doesn't keep an eye on it, he'll smack them by accident and then he'll feel bad.
-Snickers and chuckles initially but get the right spot and you'll get belly laughter. He'll yelp and snort too. His laughter pitches up, if one goes for his calves. It's an unmistakably gleeful laugh too.
-Gets shy and embarrassed easily. If he's unmasked while getting tickled, he'll either hide his face behind his hands or grab his mask and try to put it back on.
-Gentle when he seeks revenge.
-Playful when he tickles back.
-He and Dewdrop do a thing where he pretends that the one he's tickling is a guitar.
-His tail gets used to hold arms up, by wrapping around one's wrists.
-Teases but not too much.
-Likes hearing others laughter. Especially with how uptight and serious the clergy is. He views laughter as a nice change.
-Can easily start a tickle fight or end one, if he is pulled in.
-One of the few that can hold his own with Swiss.... And Sunshine.
~ ~ ~
-Very sweet, giggly ghoulette. She definitely gets in on tickle fights and will start them.
-She's also pretty ticklish, so she loses often despite her best efforts.
-Tickle spots include: Ribs, underarms, kneecaps, feet, horns, and thighs. Thighs and ribs are her death spots.
-Giggles. Soooo many giggles, and Swiss teases her about it. Her laugh is distinct and can light up a room.
-Snorts sometimes too!
-Like Sunshine, she sees tickling as a way to loosen up and have fun. That being said, she likes both being the one tickled and tickling others.
-Her favorite targets are Terzo, Rain, Phil, Copia and Swiss.
-Like Aether, she adores hearing others laugh.
-Definite revenge seeker! Got Terzo back immediately after he tickled her the first time.
-Terzo and Rain are among her favorites to tickle, since they're smol.
-Always compliments the target's laugh.
-Likes pretending Terzo's ribs and Copia's, stomach is her keyboard. Both brothers lose their minds with this.
-Likes holding her target against her or in her lap for maximum comfort tickles. Afterward, it quickly becomes a cuddle session.
-Teases her target but all with compliments and praise with how well they're handling it.
-When he's Papa, Copia goes to her for stress relief via tickles.
~ ~ ~
-Not very ticklish but one would still be able to get her to giggle.
-Tickle spots: Sides, stomach, ears, and neck. Her neck is what really gets her going.
-Quiet laugh but still nice to listen to. She usually laughs into her hands, prompting whoever is tickling her to gently pull her hands away so they can hear her better.
-Often just allows others to tickle her, since she isn't that ticklish. If one gets her neck or stomach, however, she starts squirming and trying to block hands and fingers.
-May or may not get involved in tickle fights. Depends on her mood. When she does, she ends them.
-One of the few that can hold her own against Swiss and make him yield.
-Often has to keep others from killing Rain... But can't resist getting in a few pokes herself.
-Thinks Copia's laugh is adorable, so he's often a target of hers.
-Doesn't mind being tickled. It reminds her to try to relax and not take everything so seriously.
-If she gets to uptight during rehearsals, Aether pokes her.
~ ~ ~
-Lord, let me tell ya. This ghoulette, like Swiss, is a mischief maker.
-Absolutely loves to tickle others and be tickled. She sees it as a way to make others smile and laugh, which she loves.
-Another one of the more ticklish ghouls. Tickle spots include: Underarms, ribs, stomach, neck, and back of knees. Underarms and behind the knees are her death spot.
-Loud, bright, laughter, that makes anyone tickling her smile too. She squeals and squeaks quite a bit. Highly contagious laugh.
-Copia likes targeting her for this reason. He enjoys the laughter of all of his ghouls but Sunshine especially makes him smile.
-Her tail wags in a blur when tickling others or getting tickled.
-Starts tickle fights but often loses. Sometimes on purpose.
-Teases? Absolutely and she can be just as flustering as Swiss but doesn't mean to.
-She is so damned chaotic and never stays in one tickle spot for long. It murders Swiss when she rapidly switches spots.
-Also likes to playfully nibble.
-Remember how I said in part one that she and Swiss like to team up? Run. Both of them are chaotic on their own but when they decide to tag team someone? Nobody is safe.
-Like Swiss, she gives embarrassing nicknames and gleefully points out when the target is enjoying themselves and having fun.
-Sneaks up on her target, pounces on them or traps them in a tickle hug.
-Will use cheer up tickles but not if her target doesn't give consent.
-During a rare movie night, she nearly gave Copia a heart attack because she rose up from behind the couch, pounced on him and wrecked his shit.
-Uses her tail to poke and tickle.
-Like Cirrus, she always compliments one on their laugh. She's very affectionate when tickling someone. Lots of head bonks and cuddles.
-Sees it as an accomplishment when she can get someone to snort.
-Her enthusiasm and joy are contagious. If she's having fun, others will too.
-She's who others go to at night, when one can't sleep. She'll give comforting, back tickles.
~ ~ ~
A/N: I was not leaving him out. Phil needs more love!
-Very ticklish. A trait he tries to deny, even when getting tickled.
-Because he's responsible for much of The Clergy's social media work, he keeps late hours. He gets tickles from Terzo, Copia, Sunshine, or Cirrus to remind him to sleep.
-Loud, boisterous laugh. Cackles but one might even call his laugh adorable. Dissolves into these bubbly giggles, if the right spot is tickled.
-Tickle spots include: his horns, neck, stomach, ribs, feet, spine, and scalp. His stomach is his death spot.
-He's not a social ghoul, due to always being on his laptop to make social media posts and promos. Cirrus has to pull him away from his work and wreck his shit to get him to relax.
-Since he's not as outgoing as the others, he rarely gets involved in tickle fights... Until Swiss pulls him in.
-Cirrus and Sunshine like to team up against him. They unmask him so they can see his smile.
-Because he drinks so much caffeine to keep him awake and focused, he sometimes gets a bit energetic. Someone winds up tickling him to get the excess energy out, so he can focus.
-Snorts. He gets flustered and embarrassed when it's pointed out. His tail wags too and he'll grab it to stop it but whoever's tickling him has already seen it, pointed it out, all while going on about how cute he is.
-Swears in a multitude of different languages and loses his mind, when his ribs are scratched.
-Doesn't fight back. Often too tired and enjoys the warmth and closeness too much.
-Doesn't seek revenge often but he finds it enjoyable when he does so.
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alharringtonfan · 9 months
🔞 Brainstormed Cesark AUs/Ideas #3
Pretty long.
An alternate and two humans 
Cesar hates cheaters. He despises whoever would be willing to do such a thing to their loved one. He is 100% committed to his partner and would never do things like that behind Mark's back.
However, Mark is a troubled person. He had a very tough upbringing and Cesar is practically the only person he has in his life. And as he is so, so jealous of the attention Cesar gets from strangers, he is almost certain that the other has a side-chick or something. Mark can't simply comprehend him being monogamous when he's so handsome and stuff. He's so affected by this delusion that he breaks up with him in a fit of mania and then tries everything in his power to ruin Cesar's life. Which unfortunately backfires, and ruins his own instead. Nowadays, Mark is broke, friendless, completely lonely and isolated from the outer world. Cesar cut all contact he had with him as he was a sociopathic freak and kept stalking and sending him hundreds of text messages every single hour.
Desperate for even the tiniest modicum of attention, Mark decides in a moment's notice that he'll kill himself in the midst of a crowded public space just to traumatize the most people possible, to never be forgotten by the world and Cesar alike.
The day before he realizes his disturbing plan, Mark sees the stanley thing popping up on the TV. And, without thinking too much about it, he imagines his ex and wishes he'd be with him right at that moment.
Alt Cesar is formed. He appears, coming out of a dark corridor and slowly revealing himself to the terrified boy. He’s naked and expressionless, and has a huge shadow on one side of his face, but Mark is in instant love with him either way. Goes running to hug him, and the alternate doesn't try to stop it. Just accepts the hug passively and even pats on his back while they're at it. 
Alt ces is very tall and muscular. Stronger than the real Ces. Very innocuous face and attitude. Seems nice and calm, but doesn't talk. Mark instantly locks him up inside the house to be with him forever. Alt ces loves him too but unbeknownst to Mark he’s a deranged sociopathic murderer who kills behind Mark’s back. 
Surprisingly, he actually takes very good care of Mark, improving his mental state very much. He reminds him to take his meds. To walk outside, have water, exercise. Is a very good bf and Mark is genuinely happy and doesn't feel unstable/ afraid of himself anymore. Feels capable and loved and wants to contribute something to society. Feels jealous of Alt Ces too but he doesn't fight with him about it like former Ces did and instead KILLS the person Mark is jealous of. Mark doesn’t know he does this but feels better since Ces usually ignores the advances and pampers over him so much more. 
Then, just weeks later, the original Ces comes back to try to win him over, since he missed Mark so much and couldn't bear to live without him. He doesn't know about Alt Ces, but is met with him when he knocks on Mark's door. After this encounter, hijinks ensue. Lies, murders, cover ups… and the possibility of a threesome, with the gleeful Mark as the mail goal for both of them.
• Mark is soooo spoiled by Cesar it's crazy. It's a wonder he's still so humble and kind since the alternate babies him around everywhere and gives him whatever he wants at a whim.
• All of their friends tell Mark to stand up for himself and man up for once since he doesn't do anything at all with Cesar by his side but Mark never listens. Is comfy and happy with this predicament. The gang is at the same time envious and worried for Mark because he's essentially fully dependent on Cesar. He gets his money, his house, his food, his safety, his clothes, EVERYTHING from him so it worries them quite a bit that Cesar may have malicious intentions in doing all of this.
• Thankfully, he hasn't. He just loves to spoil him because he's his mate and instinctively he's driven to care for him. Cesar is just an extreme case of this since he's that high up the hierarchy; but basically he has to protect and "fatten up" his mate so they can eventually have tons of happy and healthy babies in the future. Cesar doesn't do it with this intention in mind but since it's an instinctual act he just does it without realizing. Either way it works for them.
Religion stuff
• Mark stays religious throughout all of his life. He, at first, is against dating Cesar even if he does love him because his faith doesn't allow him to even think about those sorts of things. But after having a long back and forth with O'Brien -- whom he trusts very much and knew since he was a child -- about the issue, Mark decides to follow his heart and do what he considers to be the correct thing. Essentially, Mark wants to live life to its fullest and accepts that this is a characteristic intrinsic to his. Decides that, as long as it doesn't interfere with his relationship with the Lord, he's free to love Cesar as much as he wishes. (AND CESAR WAITED SO LONG FOR HIM TO COME TO HIS OWN CONCLUSION BECAUSE HE LOVES HIM VERY MUCH AND EVEN IF GOD DOESN'T EXIST IN-UNIVERSE AND HE KNOWS HE DOESN'T CESAR STILL RESPECTS MARKS FAITH AND HE WANTS HIM TO REALIZE THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH LIVING A HAPPY AND NORMAL LIFE WITH WHO HE LOVES AND HE'S SO PATIENT AND UNDERSTANDING EVEN THO HES EXTREMELY HORNY FOR MARK AND WANTS TO BREED HIM RELENTLESSLY HE STILL CONTAINS HIS URGES just to make the love of his life happy :^) )
• On the back and forth, Mark was always on the opposition. Questioning and retorting to everything O'Brien told him because he didn't want to believe that what he wanted was actually plausible. They spent about three hours doing this and the priest never once relented in his arguments. Maybe he doesn't actually believe in what he was saying. Maybe he too is aware of the fact that God didn't even exist. But even then, Mark is finally convinced, albeit coming out of the church with a massive headache and a heavy weight on his heart. Feels so guilty for believing that same-sex love is possible when in his entire life he was totally against that.
• Prays a lot when getting home. Begs God for answers, for guidance or something, and then goes to sleep. Has the craziest dream ever where for a passing moment he saw the uncorrupted Archangel Gabriel and when he suddenly wakes up in a cold sweat, in the middle of the night, he feels so euphoric and free like he could take over the world. It's the happiest he'd ever been and these emotions are so harsh he starts crying from joy. It disappears quickly but the weight is finally gone. He takes this as a message from God himself.
• FINALLY Mark goes and talks to Cesar about everything he learned on the past few weeks. (Yes. It took so long to convince him being gay is ok.) Confesses he really likes him, and feels so relieved when admitting it. Ces is proud of him as always but lets him continue and get everything out of his chest. Mark says he wants to be Cesar's boyfriend, but that there need to be some clear boundaries before they get into it.
• They can't have sex before marriage. BIGGEST RULE OF ALL. Cannot be broken.
• Cesar has to accept he believes in God and always will. Doesn't care about alternate fuckery. Doesn't give a damn about anything else. Church on Sundays, Bible studies occasionally, BBQ with the neighbors on holidays or GTFO!
• They HAVE to have children at some point. No children? Get the boot immediately. Don't ask how. Alternate stuff. (This is not even bc of Christian rules Mark just reaaaaally wants kids)
• No cheating. No pride stuff. No gay bars. No being overtly sexual. No rainbows or flags in the house. ABSOLUTELY NO orgies. (Mark still has that lil homophobe in him even years after this conversation. Considers himself a 'normal gay'.)
• Sets traditional dynamics between them. You work. Me house and kids. (Neither mind this at all. It's as natural as breathing for them.)
• After this mountain of rules spelt out to him Cesar readily accepts and jumps on him to give Mark a ton of kisses and words of praise. Literally didn't listen at all to Mark saying all that stuff. Zones out whenever he goes on and on about his faith. Only knows Mark is (officially) his wittle teddy bear and that they'll have to destroy all life on Earth before anyone can try to tear him from his arms.
• Final note: They marry two years after they began dating, and four years after the infamous encounter. Beautiful Church setting, with many guests, great classical music and a delicious banquet. Just how little Mark envisioned it'd be in his dreams. Except that the pretty girl he imagined he'd been marrying is actually HIMSELF in the future!! He wears white, has a veil over his face and the one who officializes their wedding is O'Brien. Cue to the perfect honeymoon in South America... (BONUS POINTS IF MARK WEARS A DRESS AND HE'S ALL PRETTY AND STUFF AND VESAR CRIES WHEN SEEING HIM AND THEY KISS AND EVERYONE CHEERS AND CESAR CARRIES HIM BRIDAL STYLE TO THEIR CAR and they have the most brutal, savage, mind blowing sex ever imaginable with mark still wearing the whole outfit together with his gigantic poofy dress (Mark gets pregnant from it 😳))
NSFW headcanons
• Cesar has a huge dick. Alternates don't usually have private parts but their bodies aren't real anyway so he purposefully makes it so he has the biggest peter out of all of the gang
• In turn, Mark has a small one. Not micro by any means, but still a tiny dong. Cesar looooves it. Thinks it's so cute and treats it almost like a person separate from Mark. When they have sex he always makes sure to get a taste out of it.
• Mark hates his own dick. Feels ashamed for having such a small pepe and is very envious of Cesar's one. Ofc he loves getting fucked by it but when they're showering and stuff he avoids even looking at it. Unfortunately Cesar, being an alternate, sometimes misses cleaning some spots in his body as he was ignorant to hygiene and is still learning how to take care of himself, so Mark is forced to clean between his thighs, his back, abdomen, etc. It usually leads to sex since Mark always puts on a stiffy when seeing his muscles glisten with soap. Thankfully, bit by bit he's learning to restrain himself.
• Mark is reaaally tight. On both his mouth and his ass. Has to take small bites of food when eating, so he prefers mostly drinking to satisfy his hunger. He's a coffee addict because of that and puts tons on sugar in his drinks. Sex was a TORTURE at first. The first week of their honeymoon was absolute hell for both of them. Mark never got satisfied and they always stopped mid-way into the act when the brunet couldn't possibly take it anymore. It hurt his whole body and he felt his ass was on fire during and after the deed. Still, insisted on Cesar keeping his same dick size and was the one who convinced him to keep going and keep trying. As time passes his body gets accustomed to his length and now they can have their special time with minimal pain. Loooots of lube, drawn-out preparations, and tons of foreplay are necessary before penetration but it's absolutely worth it.
• Ces hates hurting Mark. Hates sex because it pains him to see him suffer so much. Even years after the event he's still left slightly disturbed by the act. Does it only because Mark loves it, but would prefer not to.
• It'd be funny if they tried to switch roles when they realized Cesar's dingo was too much for Mark. It'd be very awkward and comical, with Cesar's huge body bent down while Mark is just hanging onto his back, trying to make this work. It looked something like this:
• It got worse and worse as time passed, Mark couldn't find his asshole and tried not to vomit when thinking about putting his dingo in there. And Cesar HATED being humiliated like that. Felt disgusting, shameful, but persevered if it would make his partner happy.
• After about 15 minutes of this they finally gave up and watched some TV instead. They never did it again, Mark feels icky whenever he thinks about topping (Mostly because he feels like he would be sinning 10x more if he did this and because he finds assholes gross and thinks they're full of shit (except his ofc)) and Cesar would rather die than let anyone dominate him. Chose Mark as his mate for a reason. (Alternate stuff. Must NOT submit to a human. It's a huge taboo in his culture and his species are genetically built to breed, not to be the one bred. They are like parasites.)
In resume: Mark bottoms forever. I dare you to change my mind about that.
Human Cesar
• Human Cesar is alive! And he's in love with Mark. Alt Cesar feels contempt for him and messes with the human constantly.
• He's very wealthy and as kids he used to brag about it to Mark. The brunet used to be in poverty and that contributed to their relationship failing. But nowadays Mark is swimming in rivers of money thanks to his successful boyfriend. Human Ces is haunted by his past but thankfully Mark has already forgiven him for it.
• He's fat and short. Shorter than Mark even and he hates it. He hates everything frankly. The only thing he doesn't hate is being at peace, and that is very rare for him.
•  Human Cesar has a very short temper and he ABHORS his alternate self. Alt Ces is hot, talented, tall, smart, and has the boy of his dreams with him and so he vows to destroy his alternate self even if it kills him. They both speak Spanish so in most of their arguments Human Ces is just shouting things in the language to alt Ces while the latter simply uses his sarcasm and snarky attitude to drive him up the wall. Mark has no idea what they're talking about and doesn't know of their secret rivalry. Despite everything, Alt Ces actually likes his human self and finds him amusing, but he makes sure that he doesn't approach Mark with second intentions. Passively threatens Ces if he finds the two are too "lovey-dovey" for his taste. (Which means, they can't hug if he's not around. They can't leave for a stroll if he can't accompany them. They can't even hold hands if Alt Ces isn't holding Mark's other. He's very very strict in managing their relationship and this makes Human Ces hate him even more.)
• Human Ces used to treat Mark horribly and his alter self is aware of that. He regretted everything ofc but when going to apologize to Mark he has first to prove himself to the alternate even before he considers if they can or cannot meet up.
• Alt Ces does his best to make Human Ces jealous when they're with Mark. Hickies plainly visible, random make-out sessions in front of the human, bossing Mark around just to show him he's in complete control of the brunet, etc, etc.
• Human Ces HATES that the other stole his name. Never once calls the alternate "Cesar". It's always a variant of "clone", "impostor", "discount me", "pendejo", "cabrón", "demonio", "made in Paraguay", "faker", "monster", "alien", etc.
• Alt Ces doesn't mind it. Calls the other "human me" and that's about it.
• To differentiate between the two, Mark calls them by different names.
When with Alt Cesar/Human Cesar only: Cesar
With both of them: "Ces" (or some pet-name) for the alternate, "Cesar" for the human.
With Alt Ces referring to the Human one: "Torres"
With Human Ces referring to the Alt one: "Ces", "my boyfriend".
• This drives Human Ces insane and he DEMANDS the alternate change his name to something else. He never obliges, and just makes fun of him some more. Human Ces has popped a vein in his eyes more than once from the stress this fucker gives him.
• Years later, Alt Mark appears in his life and they fall in love 💕 But it doesn't really work long-term because of Human Ces' extreme anger issues.
• Alt has that aggression in him deriving from his human self, and although it's quadrupled due to his feral nature, he restrains it pretty well. Unlike Human Cesar, who never is calm and is constantly complaining or raving about something.
• Alt Ces most commonly pisses him off by smoking cigs around him, and being calm and relaxed. He's very calm. Too calm that it makes Human Cesar hungry for his blood due to the sheer calmness of his mortal enemy. And he's so so mad at him that he passed out a number of times when they were arguing, just from the exertion this anger put on his body. Mark has to beg Alt Ces to stop enraging the other so frequently so he doesn't have a heart attack or kills himself from so much hatred accumulated in his body.
Alt Cesar headcanons:
• Loses control of his human form (that he prefers putting on due to Mark) sometimes and he becomes distorted (like broken bones and exposing organs). Can't contain it indefinitely since it's not the real him.
• His fully alternate self is beyond human comprehension, when someone's eyes make contact with his true figure, even if passively, they bleed out to death. In milder cases, the person turns blind.
• For this reason he can only turn 100% alt like once a year. In the meantime he has to endure the pain of staying in a constant form. Never ever ever turns to this form near Mark. Only when he's blindfolded and in another room/house. Can't even begin to comprehend what would happen if he did that with his lover.
• Even while he's feeling pain/starving for most days, Cesar is always smiling and is a generally nice fella. Very charismatic. Has people lusting over him from all over the world but he only has eyes for one person :)
• Transforms into some freaky monsters from time to time just to relieve the aching a little. Like he's doing a stretch. Mark finds it fascinating and is not scared at all. (Even got fucked by some of them.)
• Cesar feeds on human suffering but frequently eats food just for the sake of eating it. Doesn't gain nutrients from it.
• He and other powerful alternates like Preacher and N can explode people's heads with their mind's eye. It's a power given to them by Gabriel but they can only use it sparingly, when either M.A.D hasn't been afflicted upon the victim, or when said person has the grace of the Lord (priests, nuns...) and therefore is immune to mental disturbances and unnafected by thoughts of suicide. They had to take matters into their own hands sometimes, and it always got really bloody.
• Cesar doesn't need to sleep at all. He usually takes walks out at night and helps stop some robberies here and there. The city's alternates do that too so Mandela County is surprisingly safer in the night than it is in the day. When he's not feeling like it he cleans the whole house. Down to the tiny details as grease stains and dust compacted in tiny openings of the furniture. Can transform to his real self but he usually doesn't do it because of Mark and their kids (when they have them in the future :) ). When the brunet wakes up the ENTIRE house is spotless so he doesn't have to do a thing throughout the day. Maybe reheat the food Ces already made and closely look after the children but he's essentially a housewife that doesn't do anything for the house and only cares about the babies. (Well, he at least fixes stuff up when they're broken. Cesar is the breadwinner and housekeeper but Mark is their handyman, writer and mom. Likes to learn about the mechanics of stuff mostly due to boredom and thanks to his father's teachings.)
• Cesar hates Adam with his life. They're mortal enemies and swore to kill each other multiple times. As Adam is partially an alternate he's weaker and Cesar knows this. The only thing that keeps them from not murdering the other is their commitment to keep the world safe from more alternate attacks and their respective friendships with Evelin and Mark
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asterkiss · 1 year
Could you do number 120 from the sarcasm prompts if ur still taking requests? it fits mabel and bill too well!!
(( btw sorry for liking a bunch of ur posts at once, It's easier to save them to read later that way 😭))
Never apologise for binge liking my stuff, seeing it all gives me happy feelings inside! <3
'Gross, gross, get off me!' Mabel yelled, batting the zombie off her as the decomposed corpse tried to grab her head. She saw a flash of teeth as it tried to chomp on her arm like a chew toy before a baseball bat swung down upon its skull.
She winced at the crunching noise, scrambling up to her feet as she regarded her saviour with a smile.
Then she realised who it was.
'Oh, it's you.'
Bill smiled. 'Wow, I save your stupid life and that's what I get? You got a stone cold heart there.'
She frowned with concern. 'I thought Dipper was with you.' The two had been together when she'd left them behing bickering to go ahead. Bill hadn't offed him, had he?
'Eh, he's fine. Last I saw him, he was rolling down some hill screaming like a girl.'
Oh, is that what she heard? She thought that was another woman in trouble.
'So,' Bill began, regarding her as the zombie made guttural noises beneath his foot.
Mabel smile back innocently. 'Soooo... what?
They both stared at one another without flinching.
'Shooting Star.'
His eyes narrowed. 'Y'know, last I checked, there weren't any undead zombies roaming in these woods.'
'Oh, well you see, that's actually a really funny story.'
'Uh huh.'
'See, part of the reason I wanted to check the caves out is because I heard there was this wizard who used to live here and he could answer any five questions you had in exchange for shiny stuff! So, I brought some blank CDs and went to where he was supposed to be but there was nothing there!'
'Well, there was this weird stone that now I'm thinking about, was kinda shaped like a coffin? And it had some weird writing on it that I decided to read and.... well, tah dah?' She offered a sheepish smile, holding out her hands towards the thing beneath his feet. Usually it was Dipper who raised the dead by accident and she scolded him. Urgh, he was gonna have a field day having the shoe on the other foot, wasn't he? Noooooo.
'Please don't tell Dipper,' she said quickly.
Before he could reply, the zombie beneath him groaned again. Bill growled, looking down in annoyance. 'Will you shut up!?'
They both froze.
'Whoah, did you just talk?' Mabel asked, eyes wide.
The zombie continuned to struggle but a clear voice came from beneath Bill's boot. 'Yes.'
'Ah, it worked!' Mabel gave a jump of delight. 'See, he's answering questions!'
'Yeah, and now you have three left.'
'I- huh?' She paused, thinking over the last few lines of dialogue before she frowned. 'Oh, urgh. Gotta make this one count then.'
'Why did you need a dead wizard to answer your questions? Maths too hard?'
'Yes,' the zombie groaned. Mabel kicked the wizard in the gut before giving Bill a glare.
'You're wasting my questions! And besides, I wouldn't disrespect him like that!' A pause. 'I was gonna ask him if there were any boys who liked me...' The ones in her school so far were being very wary, and she'd been shot down three times already. If she knew where to start with a positive frame to work with, it might be better.
'I can tell ya now there is.'
She blinked, tilting her head. 'Really?'
'Yeah, Gideon Gleeful. Go get him, tiger.'
'Bleh.' She made a face to his amusement.
'Anyway, I'm betting you cast some form of Speak to the Dead spell,' Bill drawled. 'We ask him two more questions, and he'll go back to being dead.'
'Is it really that easy?' Mabel realised her error a second too late as the zombie released a hissed "yes". She groaned in agrravation. Okay, one more question. Gotta make it count!
But before she could ask question both of the duo caught sight of flashing blue lights in the distnace through the treeline. Mabel froze. Cops? Had someone heard their screaming?
'Oooh, that's bad.'
'Oi, grab his legs. Now.'
Mabel took hold of the wizard by his lower half, grimacing when she felt some bare decomposed skin under her fingertips. The guy looked very much like a wizard with a long beard and robes adorning his corpse which has mostly decayed by this point. Gross.
Bill grabbed under his arms, and the two of them began shuffling away from the police lights. Talk about your Monday night.
The demon grinned. 'This is fun.'
'Seriously? We're trying to hide a body!'
'Hey, it's not like we killed him. Heck, you un-killed him technically. Ain't no laws against that. Well, not human ones anyway.'
The sound of movement in the bushes made them both freeze, heads snapping around as the leaves began to move. Mabel felt her heart leap into her throat as a figure stepped out from the overgrowth to reveal-
'Oh, it's just Dipper,' she said, sighing in relief as her body relaxed.
'Sup, Pine Tree.'
'Hnnnghghh,' the zombie groaned.
Dipper stared at them all with wide eyes, gaze dropping down to the zombie in their arms.
'What the hell are you doing?'
But before either of them could respond, a raspy voice cut them to the chase:-
Three pairs of heads snapped down to watch as the zombie made a peace sign with its fingers and dropped dead for good. Mabel and Bill both exchanged quick glances before grimacing and hastily dropping the wizard on the floor in favour of stepping away from one another.
Dipper continuned to stare on. 'Seriously, what the hell is going on here?
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Hunt You Down
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Tw: Implied Murder/Death, Violence, Blood, Gore-ish? Swearing, Harassment & kinda implied Sexism(?) from rude customer, not from Max dw.
Soooo I took… Overly long writing this,,, um, I don’t know why but I just couldn’t get this one out lol. Still, this might be the first depiction of one of my OCs actually killing someone? Wild.
You might want to read this for extra context
Also, thanks to T33th for inspiring me with this song!
Summary: Focuses on Mark Fisher’s death at the hands of Max.
Dividers by firefly-graphics
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The rock n’ roll thump of Elvis’ ‘Hound Dog’ blared out of the jukebox in Kenny’s as Max shook his leg to the rhythm. It was a retro style diner, even had black and white chequered floor tiles and blue faux leather booths and everything. Colourful neon lights bathed the diner in a gentle glow, bright enough to illuminate but still dim enough not to blind. The place was especially known for its milkshakes, beloved as a special treat by the children of the town. Kenneth, the owner, was real obsessed with old 50s Americana style decor, even going as far as to buy a real authentic jukebox for the place. For a small town like Downings, it was quite the novelty. There’d even be people stopping by on road trips to try out the place, recommending it on blogs and leaving very favourable reviews.
Today was a quiet Sunday afternoon, though. Max was preoccupied with his writing; he’d tapped away at his laptop for about an hour now. For a moment he stopped to take a breather, his bright blue eyes scanning over every paragraph with keen concentration. He bit his nails, scrolling up and down the doc (He had cut them last night, as he did triweekly; but they were already starting to grow back into long, sharp claws). It still didn’t seem quite right, even as he checked for and corrected little mistakes and fixed repeats in words and phrases. While he wasn’t the strictest of perfectionists, he did still hold himself to a certain standard at this point in his writing career.
Max leaned back with a lazy stretch and took a sip of his coffee, sweetened with cream and sugar. The cup was now empty, he realised. He pouted, looking down at the bare bottom of the mug. He’d have to ask for a refill… Max distantly heard the jingle of a bell as the door opened, and grimaced as the strong smell of sweat reached his sensitive nose. He looked over from where he was sitting in one of the booths to see a plaid-shirt wearing man stomp heavily into the diner, almost hard enough Max feared he’d break the shiny tiles.
His friend and waitress Deborah Burns thankfully appeared just in time for him to ignore this stench and Max’s face lit up with a gleeful smile as he saw her come closer with her coffee pitcher. She grinned back, but she turned first to dutifully address the newcomer. He’d sat himself on one of the stools by the front, both of his rough knuckles rapping on the table incessantly.
“Hi there! Can I get you anything?” Debbie chirped happily, her Saturn earrings dangling as she tilted her blonde head around.
The rock n’ roll thump of Elvis’ ‘Hound Dog’ blared out of the jukebox in Kenny’s as Max shook his leg to the rhythm. It was a retro style diner, even had black and white chequered floor tiles and blue faux leather booths and everything. Colourful neon lights bathed the diner in a gentle glow, bright enough to illuminate but still dim enough not to blind. The place was especially known for its milkshakes, beloved as a special treat by the children of the town. Kenneth, the owner, was real obsessed with old 50s Americana style decor, even going as far as to buy a real authentic jukebox for the place. For a small town like Downings, it was quite the novelty. There’d even be people stopping by on road trips to try out the place, recommending it on blogs and leaving very favourable reviews.
Today was a quiet Sunday afternoon, though. Max was preoccupied with his writing; he’d tapped away at his laptop for about an hour now. For a moment he stopped to take a breather, his bright blue eyes scanning over every paragraph with keen concentration. He bit his nails, scrolling up and down the doc (He had cut them last night, as he did triweekly; but they were already starting to grow back into long, sharp claws). It still didn’t seem quite right, even as he checked for and corrected little mistakes and fixed repeats in words and phrases. While he wasn’t the strictest of perfectionists, he did still hold himself to a certain standard at this point in his writing career.
Max leaned back with a lazy stretch and took a sip of his coffee, sweetened with cream and sugar. The cup was now empty, he realised. He pouted, looking down at the bare bottom of the mug. He’d have to ask for a refill… Max distantly heard the jingle of a bell as the door opened, and grimaced as the strong smell of sweat reached his sensitive nose. He looked over from where he was sitting in one of the booths to see a plaid-shirt wearing man stomp heavily into the diner, almost hard enough Max feared he’d break the shiny tiles.
His friend and waitress Deborah Burns thankfully appeared just in time for him to ignore this stench and Max’s face lit up with a gleeful smile as he saw her come closer with her coffee pitcher. She grinned back, but she turned first to dutifully address the newcomer. He’d sat himself on one of the stools by the front, both of his rough knuckles rapping on the table incessantly.
“Hi there! Can I get you anything?” Debbie chirped happily, her Saturn earrings dangling as she tilted her blonde head around.
“Yeah, sweet cheeks, just a beer.” He said gruffly, cheeks flushed with a sweaty redness.
“Oh, unfortunately we don’t sell any alcohol here, sir.” She offered him an apologetic grimace. “But if you wanna go over to-“
“Jesus, really?” He interrupted, far louder than necessary. Debbie’s face cracked, and Max felt a nasty twist in his stomach. He tensed up, sensing another rude customer who’d
“I thought it was your job, looking pretty and serving me drinks.” He slurred out.
“Hey!” Max bellowed, clapping his laptop shut. “Don’t you get all short with her, you heard what she said.”
The man whirled around in his chair and it became quite obvious to Max that he had probably had enough to drink already.
“Who’s askin’ you, buddy?” He yelled. Debbie winced in response, growing increasingly uncomfortable.
“I- Sir, please-“ She tried to intervene, but the man turned back to scream at her.
“Shut it, woman! If I want your opinion I’ll-“
The stool clattered to the floor as an enraged Max shot up from the booth and grabbed him roughly by the scruff. The man’s eyes shot open, bulging like a squeezed frog’s. It seemed that now he realised that Max was far stronger than him, and taller.
“Get the fuck out of here.” He practically snarled in his face, unable to hide his growl. “And don’t come back.”
He shoved him back so hard he almost fell and broke his soft brainless head on the tiles. For a moment Max thought the man would try to start a fight, but instead he tottered on his heels and huffed, throwing up his hands defensively as he stomped out of the diner. Max snorted in disdain. He supposed he was the kind of asshole who only liked bullying those who wouldn’t stand up to him.
He forced himself to calm down as he turned back to Debbie, who held her body tightly as if to try and stop herself from bursting into tears.
“I’m so sorry Max, I just- I’m just…” She choked out a sob, hiding her ashamed blush behind her hand.
“Hey, it’s okay, Debbie. That guy was being an asshole… Just you go and take care of yourself, alright?” Max said soothingly, feeling his heart pang at the sight of his usually bubbly friend’s distress. She was a sensitive soul. He made no moves to come any closer, knowing that what she needed right now was to actually have her personal space respected.
Debbie sniffled and nodded, quickly rushing to the kitchens. In doing so she nearly stumbled into another of the diner’s waitresses, Karen, who reeled from Debbie’s change in demeanour and looked questioningly over to Max for an explanation.
“Surprised you didn’t hear it. Kar. Fucker back there nearly blew my eardrums out, I swear.” He shook his curly head angrily, puffing out air.
“I’m half deaf, sugar.” She shook her head. Her voice was rough and gravelly, a result of years being a constant smoker.
Karen was at most an observer; she rarely fussed over other people’s drama. Max knew her as something of a ‘dog lady,’ since she had five of them. Like Debbie, she tended to have a brightly coloured coffee pitcher permanently attached to her hand during her work hours.
“Now, do ya’ wanna order?” She continued nonchalantly.
“I, uh… Just remembered I have something else to do first.” Max said quickly. The cogs were already turning in his head. Did he dare act now? It was a hungry impulse, half brought on by rage and half brought on by an inhuman appetite. Normally he wouldn’t go near anyone so vile, but he felt like making an exception this time.
Karen shrugged. “Well, suit yourself. I’ll be here.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be back.” Max reassured her.
“After all…” His keen wolven eye followed the plaid-shirted man outside all the while he spoke. He watched as the man sluggishly mbled over toward his car. Max quickly took note of the colour and number plate, licking his chops in anticipation.
“I’m pretty hungry.”
The moment he stepped out of Kenny’s, Max had his leg thrown over his motorcycle, laptop in his saddlebag and his nose in the air, sniffing for the man’s scent. A lycanthrope was a skilled tracker. Stale sweat and alcohol; It was a strong, acrid scent which couldn’t be masked by exhaust fumes. For Max, it was like following a breadcrumb trail…
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Mark Fisher whistled idly as he stepped through the sunlit Montana woods, crunching leaves underfoot. He’d stopped on his trip to relieve himself; stuffed full of alcohol, but he had to admit there was a sort of pure, untouched beauty about the place that even he could appreciate. He sipped his drink, a little buzzed by now. He was pissed off earlier when he had to make the effort to look for more; beer was like his lifeblood. It was pretty late in the afternoon, more like the evening really, but occasional chirps of birdsong still echoed through the forest trees. He might well end up sleeping drunk in his car tonight, he thought to himself. Maybe take a little gander at the stars while he was out here where light pollution was low.
Mark had parked in the middle of an isolated road; so little travelled there was no point in pulling over. He wasn’t really in any kind of rush to get where he was going, so he ended up wandering astray into the deeper thicket. It got darker as he walked, fast approaching the dusk. Soon the crickets would replace the songbirds in their nightly symphony.
It was then he heard it.
A growl. Unmistakable.
He stopped and sobered up completely. Mark whirled his head around in a slight panic, realising only now how late it had gotten.
A bear?
It was quiet then. Very quiet. A twig snapped underneath him as he backpedalled instinctively. Sweat beaded his brow. He shouldn’t have been out so late alone in the woods; that was not wise, even for a half-intoxicated man. Mark swallowed thickly and, seeing no bear in sight yet, thought it best to turn around and head back while there was still some daylight left. It was so dark now that the trees appeared monstrous, looming over him…
Creeping quietly back, he couldn’t see his car for the great rows of timberland. It shouldn’t have been far though, just a bit of walking an-
Oh Jesus!
Mark yelped out in fright. He didn’t see it until it was too late. Until he was at its mercy.
Before him, half-hidden by a large, thick tree, was something living and breathing, and it glared menacingly down at him with hungry yellow eyes.
Oh god. What is that…?
It looked like- It couldn’t be a wolf. Too big. The creature was bipedal, hunchbacked and malformed. Grey-furred in the dusky twilight, another growl ripped through its throat, and Mark stumbled back, whimpering in fear.
Run, run!
But he couldn’t. Terror gripped him in place. He seemingly ceased to breathe at all. Then, it lunged forward and viciously bit into his leg, He shrieked, feeling razor-sharp teeth capture his calf in a ravenous
“Help! Somebody Help!” Mark wailed. A sickening bone crunch paralysed him as the beast’s jaws clamped down harder on his leg. He screamed in agony. Dark crimson rivulets of blood splashed onto the moss as he struggled in vain to be free, but this only urged the creature to bite down even more ferociously. Tears streamed down Mark’s face as pain exploded in his calf.
“Help me! Somebody help me please!” He begged, desperately clawing at the ground for purchase. His pleas only echoed back against the green as the creature devoured him piece by piece, tearing up into his torso…
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“…Its massive, brutish form is covered head to toe in leathery green skin. It appears to be gnawing on a piece of meat.” Max read out to his players.
“The troll’s back is turned to you, and it doesn’t seem to have noticed you yet…” He peered up to see Jessie in her starry wizard cloak and hat, Joan with her ukulele and minstrel’s band, and Leo with a foam sword and bin-cover shield the twins had thrust upon him; it was for realism, they insisted.
“… What do you do?” Max looked at each of them purposefully.
Joan and Jessie exchanged excited looks as he had said the golden words, clearly having the same mind on the matter.
“Surprise attack!” They chimed in unison.
He smiled. Leo patiently nodded his agreement, although he was not consulted. The twins would likely have had their way no matter what.
“Alright. Roll for initiative!” Max announced, and leaned back in his chair, grinning.
Both girls took their dice in their hands (lended to them by Max, for they had not yet bought their own) and shook vigorously, as if making a milkshake.
Max reminded them that they both had to, in fact, take turns.
Leo chuckled.
“My HP is higher. How about I go first?” He offered.
The two consuls held a small meeting before the two of them allowed it. Leo gathered up his dice (also borrowed from Max) and ended up accidentally rolling them off the games table.
“Uh…” He hesitated for a moment before bending over in his chair to pick them up, but their DM was faster. Max inspected the dice before clicking his tongue and sending the worried looking Leo a cheeky glance:
“Lucky. It looks like you got a Nat 20!”
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(Taglist: @rottent33th, @slaasherslut, @the-pinstriped-hood, @goldrose-star, @soupbabe, @bluecoolr, @flower-crowned-lady, @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better, @solmints-messyocdiary, @myers-meadow, @probably-a-plant-thing)
I added a few more people, but please tell me if you want to be left off the taglist! I’d rather know than not <3
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
This dude is shooting up soooo high on my favorite characters list right now omg.
Literally INSTANT defense of Stiles and his dad let's GO!
"But they do help when you need a favor. Like, how a month ago, Caanan PD helped you get home after blowing a 0.1 on a breathalyzer."
Brunski would you like some ice for that burn? 'Cause D*MN PARRISH!!
To quote Stiles: "You. You, I like you. I'm gonna keep you."
And then OMG everyone's reactions.
Stiles's little "no..." and that little face where he's trying so hard not to laugh.
Brunski's nod and admission as he hands over the keys.
Stiles's gleeful little smile as he grabs the keys.
Parrish's "that right, try me b*tch" expression.
Lydia with the wave and the smirk and the MIDDLE FINGER (don't think I missed that!).
OMG that was just PURE gold.
Which is GREAT, because things are only gonna go downhill from here, because F*CK.
PLEASE tell me that Scott secretly warned Noah and/or Rafael about what he's about to do.
PLEASE tell me he did.
Because making deals with villains NEVER ends well.
And obviously, we're trying to save Liam's life, and I am ALL for that, but if this goes terribly, and something happens to Noah, and Scott didn't try to warn anyone--not even Stiles--that is an instant wedge between Scott and Stiles and NOPE. NOT A FAN!
So PLEASE tell me Scott is smarter than this. PLEASE tell me he has a back-up plan. PLEASE tell me Noah or Rafael knows.
Please please PLEASE don't let this be a disaster.
Anyways love Parrish, love the Stydia and Parrish trio, please give me more in future episodes, because they're amazing.
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Update: F*CK THAT DID GO BADLY BUT NOT IN THE WAY I WAS EXPECTING! CAN'T WE JUST HAVE ONE BAD GUY AT A TIME?! PLEASE?! Scott is literally ALL on his own! And as awesome as he is by himself, a VERY big chunk of his strength comes from his pack (and their other parental resources) and their loyalty to him. But they are NOWHERE near him. Stiles and Lydia (and Parrish) are at Eichen House. Malia and Derek are in a completely different part of the woods. Liam is in a well. And Stilinski and Rafael are down and hurt. And Garrett is DEAD, and I'm guessing Violet isn't much better off (not that they're in his pack, but they're muscle that we now definitely do not have). So THIS IS TERRIFYING. F******CK. SOMEBODY EX MACHINA! PLEASE!
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