#He tweets like once a week at best and every week I forget I have tweet notifs on for him
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Thoughts on Joongdunk divorce and PR for branded pairs
so I read about the Joongdunk divorce era related ongoing drama and I have to say the thoughts I have are...perhaps very crazy but - sorry I have permanent brain damage from House MD - it fits. So take my opinion with grains of salt or better yet dont take it at all and just enjoy the conspiracy theory of it all. I'm fairly sure Joong is faking it and im pretty sure khaotung is...not faking whatever this 'I am going to fuck first against the nearest surface' vibe he has going on but he's certainly playing it up/into every moment like he's in a olympics style marathon thats just rail and be railed by your best friend.
Out of all the GMM men I follow, I follow Khaotung and Joong the closest and I would also say of the people I follow these two are the most likely to lie through their teeth about every single thing. And we already know that Joong has been helping FK but kind of particularly khaotung get more socmed savvy. So there is definitely some thread here to believe that PR discussions have occurred at least between Joong and FK but more likely between all four.
And the reason why I believe the Joongdunk divorce era is fake? It's becuase the thing between Joong and Est *was* real and Joong handled it completely differently. I had no idea it had happened even though I've been following Joong on IG through that entire time not until I went to twitter. I realized that whole thing was falling apart ONLY because people were talking about it. Joong's own posting was very staunchly business as usual.
And suddenly for his own branded pair right before a critical show who's success doesn't only affect him? What is he doing? Hanging neon signs that he's getting divorced. You're telling me to believe that Joong is middle school shading Dunk where even *I* could notice. Yes, I thought it was mega weird when he promo'd the THK release with pictures of him and FK but not Dunk. By this point, they *must* be aware of how people are talking about the Joongdunk divorce and what does Dunk do? Post a picture with FK but not Joong in the middle of it.

Really? Hours before the premiere?
See, the options here to me are:
1) Joong (and Dunk) has undergone a sudden and TOTAL personality change where he's suddenly inept at doing PR
or the crazier and yet to me the more likely scenario:
2) It's staged
And why would one do that? Why take the risk right before THK? To drum up engagement obviously. See we know that companies only care for numbers, these tweets and IG comments and likes are all going into some graphical format presentation in front of a guy who doesn't know or give two shits about what a divorce era is. So people talking about JD because their hobby is sniffing each other’s crotches or because they can’t stand each other is the exact same thing.
But how does Khaotung and his diabolical mind play into it, why did I bring him up in the beginning? We know that Fadel and Style start out as enemies…so like who's fucking playbook is that? Matching your promo to the dynamic of your characters? Who is the olympics gold winner in cosplaying your characters cosplaying as yourself?
I know people forget things week to week on socmed. But First and Khaotung were barely present during THK filming, soms were more or less only getting FK content from THK official twitter than First or Khaotung.
Khaotung was doing more fanservice with Joong than First at one point and he had a flurry of solo events during which soms were once more fractured between special treatment for Khaotung versus First [FK themselves were honeymooning in Busan and we got nothing other than the most brain damaging story about First scouring Busan for a hat Khaotung wanted and two posts of Khaotung ass up in their room that First must have taken].
Suddenly almost on the dot a month before THK release? They dialed the heat up without a reciprocal heat dialing up of Joongdunk. Summer Night definitely got in the way of that where Joong was giving Dunk a polite wide berth on IG liking and commenting on Summer Night stuff but not doing any CP related things.
So First and Khaotung suddenly act like they can't function without sampling each other's dicks thrice a day while Joong and Dunk stay business as usual. One pair taking the lion's share of THK hype is not a good thing for the other pair and genuinely I was like is JD really okay taking up second fiddle spot to FK for WEEKS. Lo and behold, days before THK all people can talk about is JD.
Anyway the following is an honest to god real photo of me writing this insane post. I just think things are going really well for Joong despite it all and I don't think it's on accident.
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A chance encounter leaves Jack searching for his Cinderella 🪄✨✨✨
18 plus - Adult Themes
Jack saw you from across the New Balance store. He was getting fitted for tour and was busy recording in New York and had an appearance on the Tonight’s Show. He walked in and they rushed everyone to finish their purchase to let the superstar shop. You desperately needed a new pair of shoes with being on your feet all day at work. Since working nights the pain was getting worse. You didn’t take kindly to being asked to clear out and were so annoyed you didn’t even care it was him.
“I’m not leaving because some big shot walked in here.” You said pointing over to him which had Jack looking around slightly embarrassed but quite entertained with a smirk on his face. “That’s so disrespectful to your other customers. My feet are in pain!” You complained loudly and caused a bit of a scene.
“Can I help?” You knew the voice. Everyone knew that smooth Kentucky drawl.
“Not unless you work here.” You shot back rudely. Like how dare he?
“Slow down I didn’t ask for the store to be cleared out. I wouldn’t do that.” He said “hold on let me clear this up. Don’t move.”
You sat down out of sheer exhaustion and agony and waited on him for what reason you didn’t know but were too miserable to care.
“K it’s all good, just shop and take your time. You ight?” He asked with the crease in his brow characteristically showing concern.
“Since you asked I am in fact NOT ok. My feet are fucking killing me working night shift.” You replied honestly.
“For real? What do you do? Oh sorry I know you know and don’t seem to care but I’m Jack by the way nice to meet you…” he said extending his hand
“Zoey.” You said shortly. You knew he was a heartthrob but Jack did nothing for you. Although his height in person was impressive you just weren’t into slick fuck boys and didn’t get all the hype about him. He did look effortlessly good though with a backwards green hat that went well with his eyes, white tank and jeans with the New Balances on that he designed with his best friend Urban. There was a kindness in his crystal blue bedroom eyes and dimpled grin with an almost boyish charm the way he covered his mouth and bowed his head when he chuckled. It was staring to register with you a little bit why girls liked him.
“Nice talking to you Jack I gotta go find something good with amazing arch support” You said sounding every bit the old lady you felt like.
“Um ok no worries I’ll um…leave you alone but you had me shook for a minute I can’t lie. I like your spunk Zoey.” He said almost tentatively but kept an eye on you as you browsed.
“My spunk? Ok Connor, me and “spunk” need some shoes for these tired ass feet.” Your slight grin let Jack know at least you didn’t hate him for potentially ruining your one chance to get comfortable sneakers.
“Forget it bro. She ain’t with it.” Urban nudged Jack and whispered. “Not every chick digs you man just chill.”
“Yeah you right lemme relax. Something about her though” Jack mused as he played with the little tuft of hair under his lip trying to figure out his next move or to actually leave you let you be.
“Yeah like she could give a rats ass who you are and now you’re taking it as a challenge and want to crack her code, we’ve been here before fam. Just drop it we gotta go.” Urban said sensibly. Since he settled down he really wasn’t into Jack hunting down girls around him. He had fucked up once and wasn’t about to do it again.
Later that day Jack Tweeted on X as he now rarely did and sent his fanbase reeling “Hey Zoey I got you. Holler.” while holding his New Balance collab. X was going nuts and soon it spread like wildfire across all platforms and gossip blogs were crashing fielding questions about who this Zoey person was.
A few weeks later you hopped on IG. With night shift, school, and managing your little one you didn’t have time to scroll and had turned off notifications for everything. You hadn’t told anyone about your encounter as you had virtually forgotten about it by now. Nobody alerted you to anything as there was thousands of Zoeys in New York City and you never talked about being remotely interested in Jack Harlow.
As you scrolled finally having the time to get your nails done you dropped your bubble tea. “Mommy are you ok?” Your daughter Aaliyah asked you and picked up your drink with her little chubby hands lovingly handing it to you. You pecked her on the forehead.
“Yes bubs I’m fine.” You lied. Suddenly you felt warm and like you needed to lie down, but why? It was New York and famous men checked you out before but this was no regular feeling. You weren’t following him on IG but a hip hop page had the pic of Jack holding the shoe and said “Who is Zoey a.k.a Cinderella”. You swallowed hard, followed him on X and Tweeted back “I’m a size 7”.
“Jack? You good bro?” Copelan said watching Jack’s face suddenly look like he’d seen a ghost. They were out just chilling grabbing some fast food which Jack didn’t do often but lately he felt off and everyone noticed.
“She…it took weeks for her to…” he said dumbfounded. He hurriedly called his assistant Kat. “Get me on a flight to New York ASAP. Cope pack a bag we’re going to New York” Jack had kept his Twitter notifications on to know the minute you replied and was just about to turn them off again and flag it under just another chance encounter.
The plane couldn’t go fast enough. He had to get back and see if there was a chance of what exactly he wasn’t sure. He didn’t like feeling out of control like this. He called the shots in every situation but you had a way of unnerving him. Most of the girls in his circle didn’t have much to do but hang out and look pretty. Here you were working a night shift. He had to know more. There was a story there with you for sure. He saw pics of your daughter and you on IG but no dad. He was hoping the coast was clear.
His assistant had already found where you work. Mt.Sinai Hospital. Him, Copelan, Kat, and his security hit the room and had a nap because from Kat’s sleuthing she found out your shift at the hospital started at 9PM. Exactly what you did he wasn’t sure but by the looks of you he was crossing his fingers you were a nurse.
“Ok everybody listen up! It’s going to be another crazy night. You know what to do, have each other’s backs and Zoey will be your resident med student tonight so let her know what you need.” The safety huddle was only 5 mins before everyone scattered for a busy night at the hospital. You were loving your new sneakers, got an A on your last assignment, your daughter was safe with your Grandma and you got an extra pep in your step with a hot large coffee.
Tonight was going to be good. You were finally awake and had a 2 week break from school. It wasn’t easy being in med school as a single parent but landing the gig at the hospital was a huge win. Aaliyah was finally able to get the glasses she needed. Poor little thing kept bumping into things before it was realized how bad her eyesight was at 5.
The night was wearing on but that large coffee had worn off. You had to fill in at the front desk for a bit and it actually was a bit slow. To keep from dozing off you put in your earbuds and put on some Jack Harlow. After you met him you started listening to more of his music and liked what you heard. You put your feet up and did nod off for a second. You woke up with a start by a tap on the shoulder.
“Does anybody fucking work around here or what?”
“JACK????!” You screamed “WHAT THE FUCK”
“Hello is more like it young lady.” Jack said cheekily sitting on the front desk counter swinging his legs preparing to be a total nuisance.
“How did you..???” You said bewildered “When did..”
“I have my ways and I got in this afternoon.” He answered loving that he regained control by throwing you off so much. “So can you get off or what? I got your shoes want to take a walk and break them in?” he said producing a box of size 7 New Balances in his floral design.
“I…wow. Thank you so much.” You said blushing opening the box with a smile that showed your dimples.
“That’s what I like to see.” Jack remarked wholeheartedly. To see you smile and be happy rather than annoyed to see him like the first time made the whole trip worth it. “I also brought well…a smaller pair.” He said as Copelan handed him another smaller box for Aaliyah. “I hope they fit her.” He said.
“Jack I can’t.” You refused the pair for your daughter not wanting to send him the wrong message and not trusting him yet.
“Please. It’s just some shoes, we give them away to kids all the time. I insist.” He said convincingly
“So you’ve obviously been on my insta to know where I work and have a daughter.” You said not sure what to make of all this but cautiously accepting the small box.
“I also didn’t see no man on your gram.” Jack said confidently his manly side showing up in a big way.
“Yeah about that…” You said slowly “I’m too busy and Aaliyah’s dad passed away the 1st year she was born so it’s just me and her now.”
“Oh.” Jack said completely changing his posture to a more humble one. “I’m sorry to come all up in your space like this.”
“No don’t be it’s adorable. I just can’t you know…” You said trying to let him down gently. You saw his face drop and decided to make it up to him. “Let me work my magic and I’ll be right back.”
His face lit up and he jumped down from the counter excited. A few minutes later the supervising doctor came out. “So you weren’t lying! It’s Jack Harlow!” She exclaimed. “Nice to meet you” She said nervously shaking Jack’s hand way too hard and for too long. “You know what Zoey? Take tonight off we got it covered here.”
“Imma get you some sneakers too.” Jack said to her gratefully as he walked away with you. Just let Zoey know your size and I got you.”
“Seriously??!! Can you sign them?” Your supervisor said glowing.
“Done.” Jack said “I’ll send them signed.”
“Wow. So how long you been a nurse?” Copelan asked you.
“Um I’m in med school to be a doctor. Cardiac specialist actually.” You said a little tired of people always assuming women were nurses.
“Oops my bad. I didn’t mean..” Cope tried to recover but Jack just gave him a sign to stop.
“Look Jack I need to know where we’re going. I can’t be walking in too late.” You said worried about Aaliyah and knowing your Grandmother would not be having you coming in wee hours of the morning because you had been out with a rapper.
Jack opened the door of the black SUV for you and once nicely inside he sat beside you and took your hand and said “I know you’re a mom and you have a life and responsibilities and I totally respect that. Nothing crazy, let’s go for a bite to eat with the team so you feel safe. There’s no rush. I’m here for a few days because I wasn’t sure how this would go and in case you didn’t like that I surprised you I had time to go back in for more abuse until I had a relative level of success.” He chuckled and it melted your heart. You were starting to relax.
Dinner was fabulous. It was the fanciest restaurant you had ever been in. It made you a little scared because you were working hard and you didn’t want to give Jack the impression you could be bought and no way was he meeting Aaliyah any time soon. You never had guys in and out of her life and you weren’t about to start now. As glasses of wine clinked and the hum of rich conversation was all around you as you sat in your hospital scrubs you knew that without Jack, the way you were dressed, how ordinary you looked, you would never get in a place like this on your own. Your head was spinning. Forever the med school major you were thinking too much. “Why can’t I just enjoy this?” You thought in frustration.
Jack caught a vibe you were uncomfortable. He leaned over to you and whispered “Hey you want to go for a little walk? Get some air?”
“Sure.” You said immediately feeling claustrophobic.
He got up and pulled out your chair for you. As you stepped out of the buzzing Italian restaurant the night air was chilly so he gave you the light jacket he was wearing and rubbed your shoulders to warm you up making you full on laugh.
“That’s what I been wanting to hear. That laugh. That’s the spark in everything.” Jack said wistfully as you strolled together down the street in the city that never sleeps hitched under his arm. For both of you it felt like a dream. You leaned your head on him that sent a tingle through his body. He liked girls before but was this what love felt like? The feeling he said in numerous interviews he had never felt? Maybe it was the champagne but his head felt light and he felt a weight had been lifted off of him having you warm up to him like this. He just wished he could take you home with him. You, Aaliyah, your Grandma and make all your lives so much easier, but he knew that wasn’t possible, at least for now.
“Thank you Jack for all this I…” Jack interrupted what you were saying with a deep kiss. Steam was rising from the street with lights and sounds going fuzzy for that moment like you were in some surreal parallel universe. You didn’t expect his lips to feel so soft and the touch after so many years of not being kissed was almost overwhelming and old instincts kicked in to escape closeness.
“Oh god, Jack that was… oh my, I need to get home to Aaliyah.” You lied checking your watch. Everyone at home was sleeping not even aware you were not at work.
“Zoey please.” Jack pressed into your body gently going in for another kiss.” This time you felt yourself wilt and totally succumb to him. He backed you up against a brick wall as you hadn’t noticed you had turned into an alley that was hard to see what was happening but you felt completely safe with him. Too safe.
“I need you Zoey.” He said breathlessly as his hand drifted lower and lower to your behind. You pushed your tongue into his and felt him rising. Was it going to happen here? In the open like this?
“Jack no this can’t happen here.” You said weakly protesting as he kissed up your neck.
“I wouldn’t expect anything now.” He said “I’m just savouring this moment. Why don’t we head back sweet Zoey, songs are written about girls like you.”
In dropping you off Jack walked you to your door. An old brownstone row house you shared with your Grandmother and daughter. As you were saying goodbyes and you were standing in the doorway Aaliyah snuck right past you. You didn’t even hear her coming. With pyjamas on, a curly mop of hair, rubbing her eyes with a teddy bear she was suddenly looking at Jack bewildered.
“Hi.” She said to him shyly and hugged your legs.
“Aaliyah hunny I’m sorry to wake you up.” You apologized picking her up and hitching her on your hip. This wasn’t supposed to happen! Now she saw Jack and Jack saw her.
Jack was immediately taken by Aaliyah. She was a mini- version of you and he felt like his heart was going to leap out of his chest. It was hard to contain what he was feeling and not be super goofy with her in some way. He hoped to have a few of his own one day.
“Hey Aaliyah right? Pleased to meet you I’m Jack.” He simply said not wanting to overwhelm the tired little girl.
Aaliyah rested her groggy head on your shoulder and stuck her thumb in her mouth. “Well Jack as you can see I have to tuck her back in. Thank you so much and I apologize for how I acted when we met.” You offered.
“It’s all good. You were going through it that day. Bye Aaliyah, have sweet dreams. I got you a gift and your mom is going to give it to you tomorrow ok?” Jack said rubbing her back.
“Ok Mr.Jack.” She said sleepily
“Zoey, can I please see you tomorrow?” Jack asked cautiously hopeful.
“Jack I have to spend time with Aaliyah tomorrow.” You replied.
“Ok I can come with, if it’s ok. Aaliyah can I hang out with you and Mommy tomorrow?” Jack asked her
“What are you doing? Don’t ask her that, she’s not ready for that.” You shot back at him turning away cradling Aaliyah as she drifted off back to sleep.
“She’s not ready? Or you’re not ready.” He countered. He wasn’t going to back down easily.
“Jack…” you started to say
“I’ll pick you up at Noon.” He interrupted. You had successfully curved guys for years but feared you just met your match. “How’s the Zoo sound tomorrow for this little sleepy bubs.” Jack said affectionately.
“I call her bubs.” You said frozen in surprise at him using that word.
“I knew this was on some serendipity vibes meeting you. I hope you’re ready to make some changes in your life Zoey cuz this is happening.” Jack said firmly
Aaliyah waited by the window for the man that gave her the pretty sneakers with flowers. She liked that he was nice to her mommy and made her smile because mommy didn’t smile that much. She saw the Black SUV roll to a stop in front of her house. He started walking up and rang the doorbell. Aaliyah jumped down from the couch “Mommyyyyyy!!!! Mr. Jack is here!”
You were in your room breathing and talking to yourself that everything would be fine. “It’s just the Zoo, it’s just the zoo.” You said calmly while freaking out inside. That kiss lived in your head rent free since it happened and made you nervous to see him again. You jumped when the doorbell rang and Aaliyah called for you. You gave yourself one last look in the mirror scrutinizing every last detail of your outfit. Hoop earrings but not too big, jeans with a rips in the knees, Jordan’s and a Nirvana hoodie, light makeup, and sloppy but controlled bun. This was a day at the Zoo with a pre-schooler not exactly the time for impressing Jack, and in fact you didn’t want to send the message you were too available.
Jack had a personality that was very strong, quiet, light hearted but energetic all at the same time. He was almost as much of a handful as Aaliyah. You were adjusting to who he was feeling awkward and out of practice going on dates. When you made it downstairs Jack, his Security, Copelan, his assistant, and the driver were all in the living room talking to Aaliyah and your Grandmother. They were eating some fresh homemade banana bread and sipping some tea out of the good tea set. Granny only broke that out for damn near royalty.
Aaliyah was enjoying the extra treats she was getting because there was a guest. She sat happily having an extra piece of banana bread which was her favourite and playing with a new Barbies Jack instructed Kat to pick out for her at Wal-Mart early in the morning. He knew the key to your heart was him treating Aaliyah right and he was holding back from spoiling the little girl or you. He had brought you flowers but that’s it. He could tell showering you with gifts would make you run.
As you appeared in the doorway everyone stopped and looked at you. Jack swallowed hard because he thought you looked naturally gorgeous. Copelan nudged him because he had his mouth hanging open and was staring. “Miss Zoey you had this poor man waiting on the stoop I had to entertain and feed him poor thing was hungry.” Your Grandmother said in a chiding tone.
“Thank you Granny for entertaining everyone while I took a whole 5 minutes to come down.” You said sarcastically. “Aaliyah you remember Jack right?”
“Yes and he brought me Barbies!” Aaliyah exclaimed
“I see that. Don’t get spoiled.” You cautioned her sternly. “Shoes and Barbies in less than 24 hours. Wow okay thank you Jack.” You said disapprovingly.
“Zoey! So rude!” Your Grandmother said in shock you would say that to the only date you had in years that happened to be so handsome and charming. “I’m sorry for my Granddaughter’s attitude Mr. Harlow.” She said turning to Jack embarrassed.
You were mortified and turned crying running upstairs and slamming your bedroom door. “What is wrong with me?” You said sobbing uncontrollably.
“It’s ok Mr.Jack Mommy cries a lot.” Aaliyah said while playing with her Barbies.
“I got this. Guys we’ll meet you in the car. Aaliyah I’ll go check on Mommy ok.” Jack said concerned it was so normal for the little girl to see you cry like that. He gently knocked on your door. “Zoey? You ight? Can I come in?”
You were surprised he hadn’t left. You blew your nose, straightened yourself out and opened the door. “Hey” you said humbly knowing you were totally out of pocket a minute ago.
“Hey.” Jack said softly holding out the bouquet he brought you like some sort of peace offering. “May I?” He asked gesturing to wrap his arms around you to which you tearfully nodded. “No matter how hard you try I’m here. Even if this goes nowhere. I know this is a lot for you and I been holding back to not overwhelm you but if I don’t push a little Imma get nowhere.”
Jack continued holding you and tilted your chin up to look him in his blue eyes. “I’m just trying to get to know you. I didn’t fly all the way back here with my team to make you feel bought and paid for. I genuinely think Aaliyah is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen because she’s a mini you and I’m hoping…Zoey I….I’ve fallen for you and dammit Imma fall as hard as I want to. You’re not the only stubborn one up in here.”
Jack disarmed you once again with his caring calm voice and his warm embrace. “I don’t deserve you. I’m a single mom, I’m not anything to date a famous person. I don’t know how to act or what to say.” You said frustrated with yourself.
“Zoey, that’s why I like you. You’re just you. I haven’t seen you try to impress me once since I met you and you don’t know how much that means to me. Barbies? I held back from buying Aaliyah that whole damn toy store. I’m trying to go at your pace but you gotta let me do something to show I care. So can we go to the Zoo? I’d really like to get out of your bedroom because 3 more minutes and we are taking this convo to the mattress. That messy bun is my kryptonite.”
You giggled and gathered yourself to have a great day. “I’m going to the Bronx Zoo with Jack Harlow and it’s perfectly natural right? What in the actual fuck is going on??!!!” You thought as he helped you into the luxury SUV with the most plush seats you ever sat in holding your hand all the way to the Zoo.
“Mommyyyyy!!!! Look!! The giraffes have suuuppper long legs like Mr. Jack.” Aaliyah said delightfully not in any way trying to insult Jack. She was quite taken with him hitching a ride sitting on his shoulders.
Jack thought it was adorable “Can’t beat kids for their brutal honesty” He said with a giggle.
“Wow now I can’t unsee it.” You said with a straight face looking at him and looking at the giraffe. Jack thought he was the only one that could joke sarcastically serious but he was wrong. Most girls would be afraid to come off rude and be putting on a show for him on their best behaviour but not you. He’d already experienced you being down right rude and a crying mess so this was a step up as far as he was concerned.
The day was super fun but on the way home both you and Aaliyah fell asleep on either side of Jack putting your full weight on him. Kat thought it was so cute she took a picture. “Don’t post that it would piss my baby right off.” He whispered in a chuckle feeling like the luckiest man in the world.
“Your baby?” Kat said with a smirk “Careful Jack it sounds like you have feelings after all.”
“I have lots of feelings I just make sure I stuff em down as far as I can cuz when I settle down it’s gotta be forever. I have big shoes to fill with my Grandparents and parents married for so long.” He said so seriously it gave Kat tingles. She was so happy to see this side of her boss. “I can’t fuck up my whole bag on some gold digger. This one right here…might be it” He said pecking you on the forehead waking you up.
“Oh geez I’m so sorry I fell asleep on you!” You said with a start.
“It’s fine. I’m glad y’all enjoyed it.” Jack said
“I never been to the Zoo. My parents died before…and then her dad…I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be a downer. We had a ball Jack.” You said not wanting to ruin the moment. There was plenty of time for sob stories. You happily pecked him on the cheek.
“That’s why you cry a lot.” Jack said looking at you like his whole world.
“How did you know that?” You said incredulously
“A little birdie told me.” He said looking at Aaliyah passed out leaning on his arm.
“Yeah that little birdie sings like a canary sometimes.” You said frowning at your daughter for spilling that tea.
When he dropped you off it was turning into evening. Granny was cooking up a storm disappointed Jack couldn’t stay for dinner. Jack had Aaliyah on his shoulder and carried her upstairs. You tucked her in and met him in the hallway. He pulled you in for a long kiss his hand grazing your breast but he pulled it back. “One day soon Jack, I promise.” You said breathlessly. “It’s not like I don’t want to I just…”
“You don’t have to explain but if I don’t hit the road we gone make a movie in your childhood bedroom and Granny tryna feed me.” He said completely serious but you snorted a laugh.
“Mmmmm I hope we make a movie and a sequel.” You said caressing his built chest through his TShirt.
“Zoey please I’m getting a hard on stop it.” Jack said in mock protest. “Im tryna turn over a new leaf here and behave myself.”
“You’re right. Aaliyah is all I can handle.” You replied rolling your eyes at her bedroom door. “Unless….”
“Unless what?” Jack said sexily leaning back against the wall while you put your hand on his generous bulge through his trackpants
“Zoey…..” he moaned
“Come to my room.” You said daringly pulling him in and locking the door.
Granny heard a thud from upstairs as you both flopped on the bed and just shook her head giggling to herself as she finished the macaroni and cheese she was making to go with the pot roast. “I guess he’s staying for dinner.” She said
@itsyagirljaz @okaaay-mice @ride4harlow
#jack harlow#fanfic#jackman thomas harlow#romance#jack harlow fanfic#dramatic#jack harlow smut#jack harlow concepts#jack harlow x y/n#jack harlow x reader
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On here I don't have post notifs for anyone. On Twitter I have tweet notifs on for Tetsuya Iwanaga and no one else
#original#He tweets like once a week at best and every week I forget I have tweet notifs on for him#And I get jumpscared by 岩永徹也/檀黎斗 on my lockscreen
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the great adventures of y/n tommy jack and tubbo
requested: yes/no
an: part 4 of the great adventures series
pairing: platonic y/n/tommy/jack/tubbo
warning: cursing
It was the afternoon before your new adventure with your friends. you had no idea what to expect, however everyone else knew even ranboo, and he wasn’t even joining you all. you would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous, especially after hearing some of tommys plans for future uploads. tubbo had been trying to drop hints about what was going to happen. You honestly couldn’t tell if he was excited or nervous, either way you could tell it was going to be a once in a lifetime opportunity and boy were you excited. the sound of knocking pulled you from your thoughts.
“hi y/n! sorry for the unexpected visit, i tried to call you but it wouldn’t go through.”
“oh god sorry, tubbo, my phones on charge upstairs, ive just finished babysitting my friends twitch chat.”
“that’s okay, tommy wanted me to see if you want to stay the night as i can take you with me now. he said something about it saving time tomorrow as jack won’t have to go as far and we can get there earlier, i honestly just think he’s slightly nervous and wants to spend time with someone.”
“i’ve not prepared a bag or anything as i was just planning on grabbing everything i needed in the morning, but i’m down to go with you. i’ll pack a bag real quick, make yourself feel at home. you can stay down here or come upstairs with me.”
tubbo followed you upstairs, and helped you pick which outfits would be the best to wear for the trip. around 10 minutes later you finished packing your bag and turned around to see a very pale tubbo, dropping your bag to the floor you pulled a chair up to your bed sitting opposite him.
“you feeling okay tubs?”
“just nerves, I'll be alright, are you ready to go?”
“ready if you are!”
the journey to tommys was relatively quick, you spent it talking about group plans for when ranboo comes to the uk.
tubbo: almost here!
tommy: yes! want to stream for a bit later, just something small could do laugh and the stream ends. i’ll go talk to my mum now!
tubbo: please open the door
tommy: on it
the pair of you stood at the door waiting for tommy to unlock it
not too long later, you and tubbo had put everything away and sat with tommy planning out a small stream.
“so i was talking with my parents and we can do an outside stream, and set fire to marshmallows!”
“as much as i love fire tommy i don’t think your parents will appreciate arson in the garden.”
“it’ll be fine now grab a jacket, we need to go walk to the shop.”
the three of you set off determined to get to the shop and back before it got dark, tommy and tubbo walked on either side of you as they want you to feel safe. thankfully the shop was only around the corner so you were all only out for about 20 minutes maximum, you probably could have made it back earlier but you stopped every time you saw a pretty rock.
“y/n come on we still need to stream!”
“did you tweet that you were streaming?”
“no he didn’t.”
“then come and look at this pretty rock!”
tommy and tubbo couldn’t help but laugh at how many rocks you managed to pick up.
“guys i think i’d rather just spend time with you all rather than stream.”
“that’s fine, tommy!!”
the three of you sat around the fire updating one another about plans and opportunitie, coming. the conversation swiftly came to an end when tommy had set fire to a stick claiming it was to make the fire grow. you laughed as you heard his mum yelling at him to stop trying to set you and tubbo on fire.
“sorry about that everyone, but look the fire is big again.”
it got colder as the sun went down, so the three of you sat with a blanket draped over you all. his mum offered to take photos for you and you happily accepted, the pictures looked amazing and you posted it to instagram with the caption ‘i am cold and no one is telling me what’s happening tomorrow.’
it was around 11pm when the three of you agreed it was time to go back inside and sleep.
you and tubbo stayed downstairs and tommy stayed in his room. the sound of tubbos alarm woke the pair of you up.
“turn that fucking thing off!”
“this is the fourth time it’s gone off and you’re still not up?”
“that’s because i’m tired.”
“please get ready jack will be here soon enough.”
realisation finally hit today was the day you were finally about to find out what this once in a lifetime opportunity was. tubbo advised you to wear sensible clothing and not wear the zodiac necklace you always wore, so you decided to wear the hoodie ranboo sent you a week ago and leggings.
“y/n you might wanna tie your hair up.”
“tubbo are you sure you’re feeling okay? you genuinely look ill."
“i’m fine.”
jack: right i’m outside so whenever you’re ready
lani: we’re making our own way later on as the hotel we stayed at is closer
y/n: will someone tell me what we’re doing
ranboo: no
y/n: you’re not even joining us how did you get in the gc
ranboo: magic
y/n: fuck off give me a clue
ranboo: i’ve said it since you dyed your hair neon f/c you’d be able to see from way up in the sky
y/n: what the actual hell is that supposed to mean
soon enough you met up with everyone else and lani started recording.
“we’re skydiving, you ready tubbo?”
you honestly couldn’t wait to do this. it was something you had wanted to do for a while, tubbo on the other hand clearly didn’t agree, which was evident through his whining.
you stood with tommy laughing as tubbo sat alone questioning why he agreed to this.
“look at him.”
“he’s is not happy.”
you sat next to jack and tubbo watching the video demonstrating what you will all be doing soon. you let out a nervous laugh, as although you were excited, you couldn’t help but be a bit nervous.
“you could fall into the engine and get chopped up.”
“tommy stop scaring tubbo!”
“what if the parachute doesn’t work?”
“free fall to your death.”
“y/n you’re not helping!”
you stood recording tubbo laying on the floor once again whining.
“tubbo there are so many people behind you!”
“i’m sure the parachute won’t fail tubbo, but if it does it was lovely knowing you!”
“i fully agree bo.”
soon enough you tommy and jack joined tubbo on the floor.
“look at the clouds.”
“we’re going to be in them soon.”
“hell yeah!”
you tried not to laugh trying to calm tubbo down a bit before you all jumped out a plane, which worked until you left him alone with tommy whilst you spoke to jack for a while.
“to be fair that looks quite fun.”
“and dangerous!”
“well sounds like tubbos thrilled to be here.”
the four of you sat on a bench talking about what’s going to happen, and laughing at tubbos nerves trying to make light of the situation.
“look it’ll be fun, tubbo, provided we don’t die there’s a chance we’ll be in more vlogs.. okay so ignore the black cloud of smoke!”
“that’s not a good omen.��
“shut up!”
you wrapped an arm around tubbo trying to make him feel comfortable and reassure him it’ll be fine, only to be interrupted by jack and tommy bickering about eating before jumping from the plane.
the four of you went to the briefing, at this point you were struggling to contain your excitement, and couldn’t help but laugh out of pure joy.
“no, they are listening, they're just excited.”
after doing training for the jump, you stood with tommy whilst someone questioned him about how he got 9 million subs.
“I just went around being incredibly cool.. doing minecraft.”
you and jack burst out laughing whilst tommy went on to make jokes about how much money he was earning.
it was now almost time to jump out a plane. it was around now nerves were kicking in, so you all went around messing about till you were told it’s time to make your way to get ready.
“let’s go gamers!”
“are you a skydiver enjoyer?”
“i am.”
“well that’s always good... please, don’t let me die!”
“y/n are you scared?”
“no, my ranboo merch will protect me, but if i die can we blame tommy for coming up with this?”
“ranboos not going to believe that you’re wearing the jumper he sent you to jump out a plane.”
a few minutes later you over heard a worker say they’re nervous causing you to tilt your head and blink again, trying to process what was said.
it was now time for the four of you to put the equipment on, so you were ready to jump. jack started talking a lot more than usual at a quicker pace due to the fact he was getting nervous. tommy pointed it out and jack trying to argue he wasn’t made you laugh.
“y/n keeps making a lot of jokes about my parachute being shit.”
“sorry manifold should be fine...more than likely...hopefully. only time will tell really.”
“how you doing buddy?”
“i’m feeling okay. i feel my insides doing inside bits.”
you were now all waiting to go as a worker jokes about forgetting something.
“y/n you’re going with him!”
“okay, but why?”
“well you said your ranboo merch will protect you..”
someone went by going rather fast causing you to stare in awe.
“we don’t go that fast, do we?”
“no not unless something goes terribly wrong.”
you all stood there laughing.
“y/n, i’m now thinking you should go with them instead!”
“are you trying to kill me off jack?”
you all set off towards the plane, a mixture of excitement and nerves began kicking in.
“tubbos on a lead.”
“oh i’m really nervous jack.”
“look at y/n!”
lani began to record you, who was now way ahead of the others, so you stopped and waved at lani.
the others caught up and everyone had their equipment checked again.
“oh dear.. should be fine.”
“i’m alright, don’t worry my ranboo merch will protect us!” you got on first and that when you realised they set you up, so you jumped last as you were more confident and tubbo was jumping first so he could get it out the way.
you all sat on the plane and waved at the camera.
“hi there!”
“please don’t let us die!”
“we’re really jumping out a plane with a dream stan.”
“this is the highest we’ve ever been.”
“gamers in a plane whatever will they do...hopefully not die!”
“sorry tubbo!”
you were currently at 2,000 feet and sat looking out the window waiting to reach 14,000 feet. jack turned to you and tommy, “i can’t believe you’re jumping out the plane in philza merch and y/ns jumping out in ranboo merch.”
“if i die at least ill look great doing it.”
12,000 feet later it was now tubbos turn to jump, he looked back at you all.
you watched as tubbo went.
you laughed as tommy went.
“see you later jack!”
you gave jack a high-five and watched as he went.
“holy shit they actually did it!”
“are you ready, y/n?”
“hell yeah, let’s do this!”
you laughed as you jumped, you couldn’t believe you actually got to jump out of a plane, you waved at camera.
lani met the others as they landed and began telling them about it.
“wait where’s y/n?”
“there they are!”
the others ran up to you as you landed.
“i’m glad you didn’t die!”
“thanks jack!”
“would you all do it again?”
“maybe, i’m not sure.”
“i reckon so.”
not too long later, you were all given certificates to celebrate the fact you had jumped out a plane.
“yay it made nearly dying worth it!”
“you’re so dramatic!”
you thought the day was over and that you were going home, little did you know that wasn’t the case.
“were not done for the day.”
“you’re tilting your head again.”
“i know it’s because i’m confused!”
“anyway, what do you mean we’re not done?”
“you know george, he’s arrived!”
“can i have a nap in the car please? i’m so exhausted."
#mcyt x reader#mcyt fanfiction#mcyt writing#mcyt imagines#mcyt imagine#tommyinnit x you#tommyinnit x y/n#tommyinnit fluff#tommyinnit imagine#tommyinnit x reader#tubbo x you#tubbo x y/n#tubbo fluff#tubbo imagine#tubbo x reader#jack manifold x you#jack manifold x y/n#jack manifold fluff#jack manifold imagine
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Hii i have this request in mind like Chris Evans x Actress! Singer! Reader like the reader and chris dated for 3y idk but they broke up but the reader always visit chris’ family bc she treated them like family aswell specialy when the reader’s parents died so she spend Christmas there or any occasions bc chris’ family invite her and when chris got a new gf the reader is kinda hurt bc she still love chris but she try to look like she doesn’t care but then she released her new song its called deja vu (by olivia rodrigo) and she release it to her bday so when the song is released the fans knew its abt chris bc of the new gf (chris’ fam doesn’t like the new gf and the fans kinda didn’t support them bc of the girl’s attitude) and chris’ family invites her over bc they want to show the reader something and when the reader got there they surprise her for her bday and congratulate her and turns out chris is there too with his new gf🤨and the reader knew chris’ new gf hated her bc of her look and scott called you all to the living room and watch the mv of the reader’s new song and when the mv ends scott and the fam congratuleted the reader and chris’ gf is giving the reader looks again and chris is noticing it and when the reader is in the kitchen alone getting something chris talk to her and congratulate her and chris’ new gf wrapped her arms around chris and chris tried to stop her to make a scene but she started a scene and scream at the reader but the reader cut her off and embarrassing her and the reader prove the new gf shes first not her (idk if that make sense lol) and the new gf leave(idk you can make her a random name so its not only “new gf”) and the reader and chris talk and they got back together, you can do wha you want at the end this is just so random bc i was listening to deja vu and advance thank you if you do my request! Stay safe! ❤️ and im so sorry if this is so long
Deja Vu
pairing: Chris Evans x singer!reader
warnings: parents death, major angst, fluff.
a/n: thank you for the request! Hope you enjoy!
You had known Chris since college, when you had met him in your communications class. You two had grown close quickly, and became best friends.
He brought you home every Christmas Eve, before you would go home to your parents house on Christmas Day. You had always felt like a part of the family, so when your parents passed a way, you turned to him.
You and your parents were driving home from a Christmas Day church service, when you were hit by a semi truck. It had completely totalled the car, and your parents had died on impact. You had been sitting in the back, and only had a broken leg from where your moms seat had been pushed back into it roughly.
You had been pulled from the car and sat in a second ambulance, while your parents were transported in another. You knew you'd never forget watching that ambulance door close and drive away, knowing that was the last time you'd ever see them.
When the police officers asked if there was anyone you could call, you didn't know what to do. Your parents were both only children, so you had no aunts, uncles or cousins. You were an only child too, so you had no siblings, and your grandparents had passed when you were little, your other ones passing before you were born.
So when the officer asked you, you told him the Evans’ phone number. Lisa picked up on the second ring, and you tearfully explained what had happened as the shock wore off. She immediately said she’d meet you at the hospital, and not to worry, that she and Bob would take care of you.
You were taken to the hospital and treated for your broken leg. Less than an hour after you arrived, Lisa arrived at the hospital with Chris in tow. They comforted you, and took you home with them. You stayed in Chris’s room for the first few days, and when you were given your own room, you still had a hard time sleeping alone, so Chris ended up in your bed with you most nights, not that he minded.
You never went back to college, and instead turned to singing as a release from all the pain you were feeling. You started out posting covers on YouTube, and gradually progressed to getting a record deal with Interscope Records, which didn't surprise anyone who knew you. You had immense talent, and your parents used to tell you that they were counting down the days before you were a celebrity.
When Chris graduated college and told you he was moving to Los Angeles, he convinced you to come with him. Prices were high in LA, and he didn't want to be separated from you for too long, so you joined him. He got to be an actor, and you got to be a singer, which is what you both had wanted since you were younger.
You went to every one of Chris’s movie premieres, and he attended as many of your live shows as he could. You supported him through all his relationships and his breakups, and played the middle man whenever he and Jenny would fight, up until the very end. You told yourself you did that because you just wanted what's best for him, but you both kind of knew that wasn't the reason at all.
Throughout your time living together, you friendship grew, as did your feelings for each other. You'd be lying if you didn't have a small crush on him in college, and those feelings only grew as time went on, especially since the two of you decided to only get a one bedroom apartment. Mainly because it was cheap, but also because Chris made a decision a week after your parents death to never allow you to sleep alone because of the nightmares that would occur if he wasn't there.
So, when you won your first award for your first album, named ‘hand in hand’, he kissed you the second you came off the stage with your award in hand. It blew your mind that he felt the same, but you were happy nonetheless. You two began dating that night, and everything was perfect.
Until, you were invited by 5 Seconds of Summer to be their opening act on their newest tour. You had agreed, and Chris let you go. You two had been dating for over 3 years, and you thought your relationship would be fine.
You quickly realized however that that wasn't the case, when the two of you started fighting less than two weeks into the tour. The fights weren't anything major, more petty things like ‘did you change the Netflix password’ or ‘why did you take this piece of clothing, that was mine and it was my favourite.’ All around stupid fights.
You had turned to Calum, who you were closest with, and he consoled you as much as you could. You realized however, that you couldn't be with Chris anymore when he drunk called you in the middle of the night while you were in the UK and got angry with you when you answered and told him to call you back in the morning when he was sober, to which he proceeded to brag that he slept with his co star at the time, Jessica Alba, you freaked out and ended things.
You got a message from Jessica on instagram the next day letting you know that they did not sleep together, and that she was sorry he even said it. You assured her it was fine, and felt relief.
Relief because you got to the bottom of the situation, but also relief from your relationship. You didn't know what happened in those few weeks, but you knew the relationship was turning toxic, and you wanted to stop it before that happened. Neither you or Chris needed that. You told him you’d find a new place to live, and by the time tour ended, you bought yourself a house in Beverly Hills, and moved out of the apartment.
Chris moved out not long after, and bought his own house. He had tried to stay friends with you, but you didn't want that at that point in time. You were still hurting, and needed time to heal.
Once you felt ready to date again, you were asked to be Calum’s date to the Peoples Choice Awards, you accepted. You knew Chris would be there, and you were hoping to talk to him, and maybe work it out. He had told you during the break up that he would always wait for you to come back, and that he still loved you, and always would.
But you knew that wasn't the case when he showed up on the red carpet, with a new actress named Myra Woodfield. You had smiled at him, while trying not to break down inside, but he gave you a dirty look and rolled his eyes at you when Calum wrapped his arm around your waist for a picture. You furrowed your eye brows and took a good look at Myra.
She looked almost exactly like you. Same build, same hair colour, same eye colour. The only difference is that she was slightly taller than you. You didn't know why he was replacing you, but it hurt. You pushed it out of your head however, and enjoyed the night with your best friend.
It was a few months later when you were awoken by the constant dinging of your phone. You unlocked it, and saw you had a lot of unread messages from Luke, Ashton, Michael, Calum, and your other best friend Ashe about Chris’s new movie trailer, you sighed.
You watched the trailer, and sighed when it looked like a recreation of a bunch of moments in your relationship with him, only Myra was in your place.
Your fans and some of Chris’s had commented on it, and Myra immediately became aggressive with them, and insulted them. She told them that you were a nobody who could make Chris happy, which she was glad about because she made him happy how.
Within minutes of this happening the hashtag #cancelmyrawoodfield was trending on twitter. You shamelessly went through the tweets and like and retweeted a couple. Then an idea popped in your head.
With a quick google search, you had a plan.
You had written a new song called Deja Vu after the peoples choice awards, and it was had been recorded a few weeks ago, and you just had to decide on a date to release it, and make a decision on the music video. Her birthday was in about 3 months, which gave you enough time to get everything in place to drop on her birthday.
Was it evil? Yes. Did you care? Not really. Besides, you inherited your pettiness from your mother and you knew she’d be proud of you. You called your manager and label, and got it planned out.
When the new music video had been announced, Lisa called you and invited you home to watch it premiere with the family. You accepted, knowing Chris and Myra would be there, and that her birthday would get overshadowed by the release of your music video.
So, three weeks later, you were sitting with Lisa, Bob, Carly, Shanna, Scott, Chris and Myra in Lisa’s living room, waiting for the video to premiere.
Scott had picked you up at the airport earlier in the morning along with Carly and Shanna, and the four of you had a laugh about the face that no one acknowledged Myra’s birthday, not even Chris. It was mean, but no one liked her.
Lisa absolutely hated her, but didn't want to upset Chris, so you got a call shortly after the PCA’s from her and the two of you ranted about her for a good two hours.
You watched as the timer counted down from 10, and then the screen turned black. You took a deep breath and watched Chris out of the corner of your eye.
You had searched for a while for a guy who looked similar to Chris, and you stumbled on Andrew Siwicki. He didn't look exactly like Chris, but it was close enough that everyone would know who the song was about if they didn't already. Andrew was a fan of Chris and hated Myra too, so he was more than glad to help you out.
The music began to play, and you watched as the black screen faded in on two people walking along the beach, holding hands.
“Car rides to Malibu Strawberry ice cream One spoon for two And trading jackets Laughing 'bout how small it looks on you,”
The next scene was a recreation of yours and Chris’s first date where you two had a picnic on the beach, and ended up splashing each other with the ocean water. Towards the end, everyone watched as Andrew picked you up and threw you into the water the same way Chris always did.
You glanced at him, and could have burst into laughter at how uncomfortable Chris looked, but more importantly how angry Myra looked.
“Watching reruns of Glee Being annoying Singing in harmony I bet she's bragging To all her friends, saying you're so unique, hmm,”
The next scene was you and Andrew (who was dressed as Ransom) on what appeared to be a recreation of the Knives Out set, running around with a dog that looked like Dodger chasing after you, the two of you laughing. The next shot was the two of you kissing behind a trailer, seemingly hiding from production.
“So when you gonna tell her That we did that too? She thinks it's special But it's all reused That was our place, I found it first I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you,”
The next scene was the two of you driving through Southern California, in a car that was almost identical to Chris’s. You two were laughing and singing along to the song, your hair whipping around you.
You took a deep breath, knowing this next scene would piss him right off.
“Do you get déjà vu when she's with you? Do you get déjà vu? (Ah), hmm Do you get déjà vu, huh?”
This scene was you, along with the rest of Chris’s family sitting around a living room that looked like the one you were in now, a Christmas tree full of presents in the corner. The camera panned across everyone as everyone was talking and settled on you and Andrew and the two of you recreated the scene where Chris whispered in your ear how much he loved you, and couldn't wait to start a family with you.
“Do you call her Almost say my name? 'Cause let's be honest We kinda do sound the same,”
The screen showed you and Andrew saying goodbye at the airport, with 5 Seconds of Summer standing behind you. They weren't actually there when you left for tour, but Luke suggested it to piss Chris off, and you had agreed.
Then there was a small montage of clips from tour, including a shot of Michael elbow dropping Ashton into a pool, which made everyone laugh, except Chris and Myra. The montage was followed up by you sitting on the floor of a dressing room and crying as you sent a text that said “I’m done.”
“Another actress I hate to think that I was just your type,”
Now you were on the red carpet, with Calum right beside you. You both were wearing the same clothes you wore on that night, you hair and makeup recreated perfectly. The camera unfocused on you as you turned and looked at Andrew and an actress named Alexa Morrison, who looked a lot like Myra, and they were recreating Chris and Myra’s actions perfectly. The camera swivelled around and came to rest pointing towards your face, as you looked in shock, and a single tear fell down your face.
“I'll bet that she knows Billy Joel 'Cause you played her Uptown Girl You're singing it together,”
You were shown watching a movie trailer with Ashe sitting next to you, while you sobbed at what Alexa and Andrew were doing. You looked at the camera and began singing the song, while Ashe and everything else around you was frozen.
“Now I bet you even tell her How you love her In between the chorus and the verse (ooh) (I love you),”
You were sat on the bed in Chris’s red flannel that you had stolen before leaving for tour, and you were writing in the notebook aggressively with tears rolling down your face and singing.
“So when you gonna tell her That we did that too? She thinks it's special But it's all reused That was the show we talked about Played you the song she's singing now when she's with you,”
You were now being shown sitting on the couch, and watching Andrew run across the TV screen dressed as Captain America, an ice cream tub in your hand. You were wearing sweats and a t shirt, your hair in a messy bun.
“Do you get déjà vu when she's with you? Do you get déjà vu? Oh Do you get déjà vu?”
The camera circled around you before transitioning to the next scene.
“Strawberry ice cream in Malibu Don't act like we didn't do that shit too You're trading jackets like we used to do (Yeah, everything is all reused),”
You were shown laying down in bed, and your eyes closing before an image of you and Andrew danced, dressed as Steve and Peggy in endgame, a scene Chris always told you the two of you would recreate one day. You had called Hayley and asked if it was okay, and she immediately said yes, and even came and watched you do the scene.
“Play her piano, but she doesn't know (oh, oh) That I was the one who taught you Billy Joel (oh) A different girl now, but there's nothing new (I know you get déjà vu),”
When your eyes opened, you were sitting at your piano, and playing while singing along.
“I know you get déjà vu I know you get déjà vu,”
Suddenly, the piano disappeared, and you were left standing in an empty living room as the screen faded to black.
The entire room burst into cheers as the video ended, except for Myra, who looked like she was going to murder you, and Chris who just clapped with a tight lipped smile.
Later that night after all the kids had gone to bed and Lisa was driving Bob home, Scott had pulled you into the kitchen under the pretences of ‘helping him fix a drink’, which ended up just being the two of you gossiping about Chris and Myra, and the music video.
Suddenly, Chris walked in, and nodded for Scott to leave. You cleared your throat and ignored him.
“That was a good song, and an amazing music video.” He said. “I can see you're just getting more and more talented as time-” He began, as you rolled your eyes, and looked at him.
“What do you want?” You asked bluntly.
“I just wanted to congratulate you.” He said, and you were about to open your mouth, when Myra came slinking in the room with an evil look on her face.
“Nice job, Y/N. I’m glad I could inspire your music video.” She said sarcastically, and you could tell Chris was about to defend you, but you opened your mouth first.
“Well, I’m glad I had such a snake like bitch to draw inspiration from,” You said, and heard Scott, his siblings burst into laughter in the living room. Myra’s jaw dropped and she turned to look at him. You looked up at Chris, who was leaning up against the counter, and biting back a smile.
“You’re just going to let her talk to me like that?” She asked, and Chris sighed.
“Myra, don't start. Not now.” He said, she scoffed.
“I knew you still loved her. Only a pathetic loser could love someone as ugly and untalented as her.” She spat, and Chris growled. You felt tears welling up in your eyes, and you ran out of the room, your drink abandoned on the counter.
You ran into your bedroom, where you shut the door, and fell onto the bed in tears.
Back in the kitchen, Chris had gotten in Myra’s face, and was yelling.
“You need to leave. If you don't we’re going to call the cops.” He stated, and Myra rolled her eyes before storming out of the house.
Scott turned back to Chris, and was shocked when he saw him in tears.
“You need to work shit out with Y/N. It’s clear the two of you are still in love, and you need to figure it out as adults,” Scott said, his sisters nodding. Chris took a deep breath, and looked at your closed bedroom door.
Chris walked up to your bedroom door, and took a deep breath before entering the room where he used to sleep in every night.
He opened the door, and saw you curled up in a ball on the bed, your body still shaking. He smiled sadly, and walked into the room, closing the door behind him. He sat on the bed behind you, and rubbed your back gently.
“I’m sorry. Not just for what Myra said, but for everything. For breaking your heart, and for causing you so much pain. I didn't realize how much I was missing you too until we watched that music video and I saw how truly broken you were. I never noticed that before now. And I’m sorry I didn't. If I’d have, I could have fixed this sooner, and we could be together right now.” He said.
You furrowed your brows at his last sentence and sat up.
“W-What?” You asked, and Chris moved closer. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug.
“I still love you. So so much.” He smiled, and a tear rolled down his face. “You're my entire world, and not having you here is slowly breaking me apart. I didn't know just how much until today, but I can't live another day without you.” He said. “I’m so sorry I hurt you baby.” He sobbed, and his head buried itself into your hair. Your body shook with sobs too, and you turned around to face him.
“I love you too.” You sobbed out. “I never should have ended things, but-” You said, but were cut off by Chris’s lips on yours, and you felt yourself melting into it.
He pulled away a few seconds later. “Don't. It was my fault, not yours. I am so sorry, and I am going to spend the rest of my life making up for it, I promise.” He said, as he stood the two of you up and led you out of the room, and to his.
“Where are we going?” You asked, and Chris pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“I have to grab something.” He said. He opened his closet, and grabbed something out of the top corner before turning to you.
“I said I planned on spending the rest of my life making it up to you, and I plan on keeping that promise.” He said, as he got down on one knee. You gasped, as he opened the box and your dream engagement ring was inside. “I want you for the rest of my life, and the next. Will you marry me?” he asked, tears pouring down his face, just like yours.
You nodded enthusiastically, and Chris stood up. He placed the ring on your ring finger and scooped you up. “I love you,” You choked out, and Chris sobbed harder into you.
“I love you too, and I’m never letting you go.”
@nerdypinupcrystal @kpopgirlbtssvt
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#chris evans#chris evans fic#chris evans x you#chris evans actor#chris evans x y/n#chris evans x reader#chris evans smut#Chris Evans x singer!reader#5 seconds of summer#ashe#chris evans x female reader#Chris Evans x fiancee reader
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reminiscing (fans 2)
dreamwastaken x streamer!reader
genre: angst pronouns: they / them word count: 2.1k warning(s): failed relationship, cursing
fans (part 1)
synopsis: after taking 6 months off from social media, you finally explain to your fans why you took so long and why you needed it.

go live. *click*
you watched as your chat strolled in and viewer count go up. your computer screen illuminating your face in the dark room as your webcam caught the nervous look. you were shaking your leg up and down, a habit you caught whenever you tried to calm yourself down.
“hi everyone, it’s been a while since my last stream, huh?” you dryly chuckled. “it’s been about.. 6 months since i last streamed and at this point i think i’ve taken enough time to correctly word how i’m going to tell everyone why i decided to take a break from streaming.” you said looking down at the ground and fiddling with your fingers.
“uh, donation notifications will be off for this stream and chat will be on emotes only because i really just want to focus on getting this out. but if you plan on donating, thank you so much, really, it means the world to me.” you said finally looking at your webcam and smiling a bit. you read a chat and answer, “yes, i’m doing okay. i just have a big announcement i want to say after i tell you guys why i took a break.”
you took a deep breath in and started. “ over a year ago, almost 2, i met this guy through a friend and we started talking. it was very little at the beginning but as little as it was, his texts always made me smile.” you scratched the back of your neck. “and as time went on, we started talking more and more and he just became part of my daily routine. when i woke up i’d see a good morning text from him, we’d spend most of our day being on the phone with each other, i was even on facetime with him most of my streams but i had an airpod under my headset so you couldn’t really see it, i almost always fell asleep on facetime with him. i really fell for this guy.” you fondly smiled, looking at your desk, where your phone used to be propped up and you would see clays face just looking at you.
“then we started streaming together. ‘omg he’s a streamer too’ yeah, and a lot of you probably know who i’m talking about at this point but i still won’t disclose who it is. i uh, got a lot of messages from you guys telling me that i looked super happy that stream and i was. i was always happy when i talked to him. but along with those messages i also got a lot of hate, telling me to stay away from him. it didn’t really bother me because i always get hate when i stream with my guy friends; i was used to it.” you said, taking a sip from your water then wiping the side of your eye as it teared up.
“and today... i’ll be going on the dream smp! with the man himself, dream. dream, say hi now.” you introduced, you waited a few seconds but was only met with silence. you grabbed your phone and sent him a voice message, “clay! you’re on deafen! introduce yourself!” you screamed into your phone. dream then took himself off deafen and said. “hi (y/s/n)’s chat! i’m dream, i’ll be showing (y/n) around the smp today and we’re gonna get started on their house.” you smiled fondly when you heard him speak. “yeah! what dream said!”
so you both logged into the dream smp, said hi to sapnap, and dream gave you a tour. you then started building your house in a forest, quite far from everyone else, “i don’t want anyone bothering you or ruining your house when you’re not on.” he explained. you told dream you wanted to build a cottage so if anyone does end up stumbling upon it, it looks welcoming to them. so dream started building your house for you even though you insisted you do it together. “dream! let me help, this is supposed to be my house.” you dragged. “well we can both decorate inside and make it our house.” you started blushing. “i guess..” you mumbled. you then started adventuring out to look for flowers and some things to decorate the house with.
you started placing flowers down into flower pots when you noticed something. “dream there’s only one bedroom.” you mentioned. he slowly turned around to look at you and quickly turned back and placed two beds next to each other. “this is our room, dumbass.”
later that night you checked your twitter dms and saw many people telling you to stop talking to dream and that you weren’t good enough to even know him. you sighed and powered down your phone.
“i think a few weeks after that he asked me if i could fly out to him and we’d meet in person. i was so excited i immediately started packing and i met him. it was amazing! i got to meet the guy i’ve been in love with for the past few months. i think it may have been a year already. but yeah, i finally got to meet him and being in his arms was the best feeling in the world, i felt so safe being with him.”
“it was the day after that, when he asked me on a date and i, of course, said yes. like who would say no to the person they fell in love with... so we went on a date and at the end of it we were just sitting on top of the hood of the car, eating dinner, watching the sunset and talking about a future we wanted together. and it may seem like we were moving fast but i knew 7 months into talking to him that he felt the same way about me. no matter if either of us disclosed it. i could tell and i knew he knew the same about me. then i went home and everything was perfect, i wasn’t his girlfriend yet though because we wanted to wait a bit.”
“that’s when everything went downhill, i think” you looked up to try to stop the tears from going down your face, but they fell anyways so you just let it be.
“we started streaming more and more and i started getting more hate than i usually got, this time getting death threats, people threatening to leak my address if i didn’t stop being friends with him. it was crazy but i was willing to endure it all for him. who cares what people on the internet are going to say to me? i really didn’t because i was happy enough with him that, that happiness overcame whatever type of hate i was getting.” tears kept falling from your eyes but you didn’t bother to wipe it, knowing it would just keep happening.
“dude you’re so annoying! you definitely cheated!” you screamed as you died. through your headset you could hear clay wheezing. “there was no way i was cheating!” he said through his laughs. “ask my chat, they saw the whole thing.” you breathed out, not wanting to believe him till a dono was sent to you, “yeah, (y/n) you just suck at this game,” you gasped, your jaw hanging then you started pouting. it was clipped and one of your viewers sent it to dream. he suddenly started laughing harder and you asked him why he was laughing, with a pout still on your face. “even your chat knows i didn’t cheat!” you started laughing too, till you read a message in the chat saying, “ew, their laugh is ugly. i don’t know why dream likes them.” you stopped laughing but kept a fake smile on your face.
“then he called me and he told me that he didn’t think we should be dating anymore, or even be friends. and i think it was because he saw the hate i was getting and he didn’t like that. he told me a different reason as to why he didn’t think we should date anymore but i didn’t believe it, but i let him go. because i was not going to force him to be with me if he really did mean it. “ you said, sniffling after so you didn’t sound too congested as you spoke.
after you hung up, you curled into a ball and cried. you cried, and cried, and cried. the feeling in your chest hurting more than you could ever imagine. you just lost the guy you wanted to marry, the guy you had spent over a year going to because of your problems, the guys you saw having kids with, the guy that made everything worth it. he was the only person on your mind as the pain in your chest grew. you tweeted and powered your phone off straight after. you didn’t want anyone messaging you asking what was wrong, knowing your friends they would do that.
“so the reason i took a break from streaming was because of that. because i resented the people that sent me hate so much i couldn’t bring myself to stream. i didn’t resent them because they sent me hate. i resent them because the hate they sent me caused the guy i really wanted to be with to make me believe he didn’t love me like i love him.” now, you were sobbing, letting your cry’s out because you had been holding them in for too long.
it had been a few months and you were on snapchat, seeing that you had a memory a year ago today, you checked it. “i think i literally met my soulmate.” with a picture of you and clay in a discord call. your breath got caught in your throat and your breathing became labored. your eyes started stinging as the tears started falling. it’s happening again, all the pain from the day you stopped talking to him came back and once again, you were crying into your hands and you couldn’t stop.
“i had always known that becoming a streamer i would get hate, but i never thought that i would get enough hate to prevent a relationship i really wanted to work. now all i do is reminisce of a guy i wish could be mine”
“streaming has brought me so many opportunities and i am so grateful for everything you guys have done for me, and for me to be able to do something i love and make money from it is insane to me. you guys have given me everything i ever wanted in life up until that point and i am so grateful and appreciative of that. you guys gave me friendships that i will never lose and never forget. so many of you have told me that i’ve saved you and changed your lives but trust me when i say you guys have saved me and changed my life too. i hope i repaid you back by making you smile, being your comfort streamer, and being a support system for each of you. but i think this is my end of the road. i fucking love streaming, i love you guys. but every time i click that “go live” button or even try to, all i think about is him and that’s too painful for me right now. maybe in the future i’ll find my way back here but i can’t promise that.”
“thank you guys, so, so, so, so, much for every single opportunity given to me, for everything. i love you all. my dms are still open. and this was (y/s/n), signing off for possibly the last time. goodbye everyone.”
end stream. *click*
a tear rolling down his face and falling onto his keyboard as he watched you finally say goodbye to your stream. it all just felt like you were saying your last goodbye to him again.
for the last 6 months all clay could do was think about you and how he wished he just messaged you and told you he was sorry and didn’t mean what he said. that he misses you and he would quit streaming if that meant he could be with you. that all he wanted was to feel you in his arms again and just live out the future you two planned together.
but if you just said goodbye to your chat for your last stream because you couldn’t stand the thought of him whenever you tried to stream. how could you ever forgive him?
the thought of never speaking to you hit him once more and again, he cried, sobbed, screamed, threw things, and even then, he knew.. you would never be coming back to him, with every fiber in his being, wishing you would.
taglist: @loxbbg @bozowrites @noahsfag @sparklykeylime @bi-narystars @axths @cheybaee @letsloveimagines @meatte @julesamen21 @classyunknownlover @bad268 @strawbrinkofdeath
#dream#dreamwastaken#dream x reader#dream x streamer!reader#dream imagine#dreamwastaken imagine#dream angst#dreamwastaken angst#mcyt#mcyt x reader#mcyt x streamer!reader#mcyt imagine#mcyt angst#dream smp#dream smp x reader#dream smp x streamer!reader#dream smp imagine#dream smp angst#reminiscing dreamwastaken#fans dreamwastaken
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part two of @honeyylin ‘s request!!! sorry it took so long honey ㅠㅠ
also check out honey’s acc!!! they’ve recently started writing fic so give em a visit!! <3
today’s photo theme is green green green green green green green green green green
(I didn’t proofread this I will when it’s not 5 am lol)
tw: food, injury

• *insert terrified screaming*
• yikes. this man. this poor fellow.
• he’s so worried about you!!!
• like. you’re fine. it’s not a big deal you just won’t be able to walk without crutches for a while
• but this man PHYSICALLY refuses to go to work
• Jihoon even comes to your apartment to beat Seokmin’s ass gently request he come to work cuz they kind of need him
• but no, because “y/n needs me more!!”
• please you’re fine. you can walk and you work from home already. you’ll live. You’ve been injured before.
• this goes in one ear and out the other!
• he will stay home and baby you and peek in your room every ten minutes like “hey are you ok???? do you need anything???”
• it’s kind of endearing
• the calls you keep getting from Seungcheol and Jihoon are not though because SOMEONE keeps forgetting to “call in sick” to work!!
• it’s just part of the whole shebang. he calms down eventually and gets over the anxiety of you getting even more hurt or struggling and goes back to the others
• but you bet your ass when he comes home at night you’re not going anywhere and he’s gonna baby you until he deems you all better
• also he definitely just likes babying you because he doesn’t declare you better until a week after the doctor does, “just to be safe!!!”
• he loves you very much and if anything we’re to happen to the love of his life he’d like. Evaporate on the spot
• 10/10 man right here

• ok so we know how clumsy this man is
• he technically knows how to take care of injuries
• also the injury was sort of maybe his fault ):
• he tripped over a damn rock and made you stumble too, falling and scraping up your leg
• and this poor man is apologizing faster than he raps
• you’re not badly hurt, and when the pain wears off you’re laughing
• and Mingyu’s all pouty lol
• and though you assure him that you’re ok and everyone trips up sometimes, he just wants to make it up to you
• he is also one of the other mfs who would make soup. him and Josh r gonna open a soup kitchen s2g
• but he’s also super cheesy and you wake up from a nap and see that Mingyu’s gone out and gotten flowers and made some nice food and made a little mini date in ur apartment
• and he just feels so bad !!!! please help this man
• once you joke that maybe you should get injured more often so you guys have more dates like this he finally really calms down
• but like I said, he’d know how to treat any injury
• maybe not well, and I’m sure this man’s instinctive response is “I will put a bandaid on it and move on with my life” but how focused he is when he is just wiping off dirt from your arm or leg or whatever and making you sit still while he gauzes it up is just really sweet he cares so much

• this man does not know anything.
• I mean don’t get me wrong he’s incredibly smart and emotionally intelligent but also. there’s nothing in this man’s brain except for dastardly ideas
• and you nearly breaking your arm is not exactly a dastardly idea
• so he kinda just shuts down
• he wants to help !!! So bad !!!! but he can’t do anything !!!
• like he’s genuinely such a kind dude and always willing to help even if he teases about it and just always there
• and this is the one thing he can’t help with!!!
• so frustrated ):
• so he spends his time with you by lurking with a pout, ready for any request you had
• he definitely looks like a lost puppy ㅠㅠ
• maybe you act a little more helpless than usual so he can feel better about himself. just maybe
• seeing him brighten when you ask him to get the pasta from the top shelf or help with the laundry is completely worth getting hurt for!!
• eventually he cheers up and goes back to his normal and teasing ways
• and once you heal up he’s so glad he can hug you super tight again (:<

• Ah, Seungkwan.
• be prepared for lots of passive-aggressive scolding
• I mean when it first happens you can see the panic in this poor man’s eyes
• ok well technically you texted him about it but his reply was violently misspelled and he showed up at your house within 15 minutes
• tbh you should be scolding him because he definitely was speeding to get home that fast
• but he was scolding you!!!
• like wtf you’re already feeling shitty and then Seungkwan comes over and is acting like your mom
• but this man is emotionally mature!!!
• he notices how frustrated and snippy your replies get and calms down, hugging you tightly where you sit on the bathroom counter as he cleans you up
• complains about getting blood on his shirt tho the bastard
• but he definitely hangs out with you for the rest of the day and you catch up and eat ice cream while you lie around on the floor and it’s just. aju nice. (lol)
• he does his best to keep your mind off of any pain or struggling, and we all know this man is a master of distraction so it goes very well
• he’s a very home-y person and you always feel safe with him (:

• his literal response is “well that’s not good”
• you fuckin call him like “hey sol I’m in urgent care kinda like. broke my arm” and he’s just like “Yeah that’s a problem”
• thank you Hansol “Sherlock” Chwe
• he is just. out of his element please this man will just stare at your cast or whatever with wide eyes like “yo you broke your arm” yes Vernon
• he’s kinda just fascinated ngl
• he lets you tell your story with wide eyes, beaming proudly when you said you didn’t cry
• he’s like “yeah that’s my partner (:< so cool and badass”
• he’s just very silly about it and doesn’t treat you any differently
• which is nice because you kinda hate people bringing attention to it cuz it’s annoying as shit already ):<
• and he’s already so helpful and willing to do chores or whatever so you don’t have to worry about carrying things or washing dishes or whatever cuz Vernon’s got it!!!
• plus it’s adorable how literally every night he’s just like “it’s so cool how you have a cast” like it’s the dumbest thing ever but he finds it so entertaining. like not even the fact you got hurt just like “holy shit like. it’s cement they basically cement your arm in place you have cement on your arm y/n you could knock someone out with that”
• he’s a cutie lol

• ok contrary to popular belief I think he would handle it very well!!
• don’t get me wrong this man is PANICKING under the surface but like. he’s so calm about it on the outside??? hello????
• you call him during practice like “hey so I kinda got hurt I’m ok tho, at the doctor rn” and he’s just like “yes ok are you ok?!”
• little dude lol
• and even though you are, in fact, completely fine, he’s gotta worry smh it’s his job!!
• he comes home and listens to the story as he helps you change the bandages with the most gentle hands ))))):
• and being near you definitely helps calm him down
• he’s back to teasing and being goofy in no time
• this man also definitely knows some medical shit idk what makes me think that but he knows how to like. deal with an injury.
• he definitely is very medically aware idk man I feel like he listens to doctor speak cuz it’s cool and is like “oh yeah go ice that you don’t want it cramping up” whenever one of the other guys complains about something minor lol
• he’s very caring ): I love he sm (:
• he can be a little rat but he knows when to stop and be an ally and what an excellent ally he is!!!!!!!!!
I’m so sorry I’ve never done an after note like this before but seeing all the green and plants makes me think of this damn tweet and I can’t stop laughinh

“he has pollen allergy” I’m sobbing please
#x reader#kpop x reader#svt#svt x reader#seventeen#svt scenarios#svt reactions#dokeyom#Seokmin#mingyu#minghao#the8#seungkwan#Vernon#hansol#Dino#lee Chan
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Turning Out | Jack Hughes
long story short: I made myself extremely emotional with this song, told @nazdaddy about it, and together we made it worse. over two months later, this fic was finally born. title from the AJR song of the same name. (are we really surprised it’s a song fic at this point?)
tagging: @marcoscandellas @stlbluesbrat21 @dembenchboys @poltoncarayko @robthomissed @letmeplaytheblues @troubatrain @ayohockeycheck @blackwidowrising @aria253264 @antoineroussel @starswin @glassdanse @ch-ristiane @majdoline @nazdaddy @hockey-more-like @thebestoffanfiction
length: 3.6k
I thought I'd recognize when love was true But I'm confused
It was summer in Michigan, and you were laying in the hammock in the backyard with Jack. You could feel your nose getting burned, and you were sure his was already on its way to burnt, too. School was out, the summer stretching endlessly before you.
Well. There was the matter of the draft. It was only a couple of weeks away now, and all conversations led back to it.
“I’m proud of you,” you murmured during a lull in conversation. Your head was on Jack’s chest, one arm draped around your shoulders and the other behind his head.
He laughed. “Wait until I actually get drafted by someone first, eh?”
You scoffed and twisted to look up at his face. He was blushing. “Okay, sure, whatever, Mr. Hotshot Top Prospect,” you teased, reaching up to poke Jack right beneath his arm where he was ticklish. He flinched, and the hammock swung wildly.
Jack grabbed onto your hand and wrenched it away from his side, tightening his other arm around your shoulders.
“You’re so mean to me,” he complained, but he was grinning at you. He didn’t let go of your hand.
“I mean it, though,” you said.
“God,” Jack groaned. “Stop it.”
It wasn’t that the draft was a sore subject, exactly, but you knew Jack was getting more than a little tired of hearing about it constantly. You just couldn’t resist teasing him a bit more.
“Are you gonna forget about me once you’re off in some big city, being an NHL star?” you asked.
Jack scoffed a little and wrinkled his nose at you. “I could never forget about you, Bug,” he said softly.
Bug. You called each other that, had for years, but you’d mostly grown out of it. It was nice to hear it again. You poked Jack again, for no real reason, just to get him to squirm, maybe.
“You mean it?” you asked, just as softly. The birds and cicadas were loud around you, but you two were in a little bubble of your own in your hammock.
Jack scoffed again. “You’re my best friend. We’re gonna be together forever,” he said.
Forever was a long time, but Jack sounded so confident, so sure of the future, that you let yourself believe him.
Am I ready for love Or maybe just a best friend
You might’ve cried a little as you watched Jack get called first overall, but you were still in Michigan while they were all off in Vancouver, so there was no one to call you out on it. Jack texted you almost immediately, just a row of exclamation points, which made you laugh. He called you later, too, but you couldn’t hear much over Turcs and Cole yelling.
With the craziness of it all, you ended up having to wait to have a real conversation with Jack until after he was back in Michigan, and he ended up at your front door, looking a little like he hadn’t slept since before the draft.
“Hey, you,” you said, but Jack was already stepping forward and pulling you into a hug, burying his face in your neck, despite the fact that he was definitely taller than you. “Wanna go on a walk?” you asked him.
Jack grinned and nodded eagerly at you, which is how you ended up strolling through the familiar streets of your neighborhood, not really talking, just a comfortable silence between you.
Until you got to the local park and Jack flopped down in the grass with a sigh. You laid down next to him, looking up at the white clouds skidding across the blue late-June sky.
“I thought I’d feel different for some reason, you know?” Jack said finally. “Like being drafted first would change me somehow or something.”
You laughed. “Don’t worry, you’ll always be our Jacky,” you told him, just for the way he rolled his eyes at you. Still the same Jack, same blue eyes and floppy hair, same kid you’d known for years. Jack was still looking at you, serious in a way he never was, and you just wanted him to smile again, because then everything still would be the same. “Jack,” you said, made him look at you.
“You know I love you, right?” Jack blurted, and the words you’d been about to say died on your tongue.
You were going to say that nothing had to change, but maybe you were wrong. You’d fallen in love with your best friend a long time ago, but you’d long since resigned yourself to being nothing more than a best friend. It was easier to keep him in your life that way, rather than risk ruining everything.
“Duh, you’d be lost without me,” you joked instead. It made Jack smile, just for a moment.
Jack sat up then, leaning his weight back on his hands so he could keep looking up at the sky. “I wish you could come with me,” he said quietly.
You sat up and mirrored Jack’s pose. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” you tried to joke. It fell flat. You weren’t really sure you knew how to get through life without Jack by your side. Maybe it would be a good thing to get some distance, actually.
Jack was staring at you. You couldn’t read his face. It turned out that you didn’t need to, because the next thing you knew, Jack was leaning forward and pressing his lips to yours. It was a quick kiss, and you’d barely had time to react before Jack was pulling away again.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” he said, but he looked more apologetic than regretful.
“Oh,” was all you could say.
“It’s not fair,” Jack said, and you weren’t sure where this conversation was going anymore. “We’re gonna be so far apart, and you deserve better.”
You were at a point in your life where you were expected to be more grown up, but Jack had never looked younger. You had never felt more lost.
“I just don’t wanna break your heart,” Jack said. It was a little late for that, you thought, but you didn’t say that.
“Yeah,” you murmured finally, which didn’t really make sense, but Jack accepted it.
He laid back down in the grass next to you, and after a minute of watching him yourself, you laid next to him again.
You say I turned out fine I think I'm still turning out
The first time you visited Jack in New Jersey was over Christmas his rookie year. He picked you up at the airport, wrapping you up in a hug like no time had passed at all. He took you back to his apartment, and it was like you were in high school again.
You went to the game the next night, and meeting everyone else was mostly a blur of names and faces. It wasn’t until you were all heading down to the family room after the final buzzer that you realized that you didn’t know who Isabella, who’d been talking to you all night, was dating. You never quite got the chance to ask, either, but it didn’t matter in the end. Jack emerged from the locker room and made a beeline for you and Isabella. He gave you a quick hug before turning to Isabella and giving her a hug and a kiss.
Ah, so that’s how it was. You felt your heart stop in your chest, but you forced on a smile and let Jack wrap an arm around each of your shoulders. You’d been expecting this, you could handle it.
You loved Jack, and he loved you, just not in the same way. He’d fall in love with someone else, and you’d get used to it eventually.
When Jack called you a few months later and told you they’d broken up, you comforted him, tried to pretend that you weren’t a tiny bit happy. You just reminded yourself that there would always be someone else.
I hope you stick around We're gonna figure it out Who can I turn to now?
Your phone was ringing. It was late, and there was only one person your phone rang for after midnight. You fumbled for it in the dark, eyes still heavy with sleep, and answered it without looking at the screen.
“Hi,” you said, or tried to say. Your voice hadn’t quite woken up with the rest of your body yet. You rolled onto your back, blinked up at the dark ceiling.
You heard Jack let out a sigh on the other end of the line. “I woke you up,” he said. He sounded tired.
The Devils were somewhere on the West Coast, and you’d fallen asleep before the game had ended. You probably didn’t want to know.
“I hadn’t been asleep very long,” you lied. Jack made a noise like he definitely didn’t believe you.
It was quiet for a moment. Then, “Did you watch?”
“No,” you admitted.
Jack huffed. It might have been a laugh, except you knew your best friend, and he was fighting to keep his voice from breaking. “Good,” he told you.
“You should stay off Twitter,” you said mildly, and this time Jack did laugh at you, but there wasn’t any humor behind it.
You’d seen the comments, the tweets, the articles. You know Jack saw them, too, stayed up too late reading them, even when you all told him not to. Jack Hughes: first overall draft pick, USNTDP scoring phenom, underdeveloped, too small, and, well, a bust.
“What if they’re right, though?” Jack said quietly. You wondered if he was in his hotel room, curled up against his pillows, trying not to wake his roommate, or if he’d wandered out into the hall, found somewhere to be alone.
“Oh, Bug,” you said. It slipped out really, but you heard Jack’s shaky breath. You didn’t know the last time you’d called him that.
“I miss you,” Jack blurted. You wiped at your eyes. The Devils had hit Detroit just before healing west, and you’d made the trip down to see them. It had only been a few days. But this was more than not seeing each other for a while. It was growing up too fast, the world changing whether or not you were ready for it, not realizing that everything was different until it was too late.
You missed Jack, missed seeing him every day, trying to help each other with homework and then laughing too hard to actually get anything done. You missed hockey games and the certainty that you’d be friends forever. Forever was a long time when you were young and naïve.
You tried not to think too much about forever these days, or how you’d still turn to say something to Jack, even though he hadn’t been by your side in a long time. He didn’t need to know any of that.
“I miss you, too,” is what you said, feeling it aching in your chest. Your eyes burned, and it wasn’t because you were tired.
I'm a little kid, and so are you Don't you go and grow up before I do
He was always the first person you called. When you failed a test, when you were sick, when you got your heart broken.
You hadn’t stopped to think about where Jack might be, and you panicked a little when the phone rang endlessly. You were about to hang up and give up when Jack answered, just before it went to voicemail.
“What’s up?” He sounded like he’d been laughing, and it was loud around him. You were pretty sure you could pick out P.K.’s loud voice.
He was out with his team, having fun, and you were crying alone over a broken heart. You shouldn’t have called.
“Never mind, you’re busy,” you said, already pulling the phone away from your ear to hang up. You didn’t need to bother Jack with this, not now.
“Wait, wait,” Jack stopped you. He paused, and you heard a door close, and then it was quieter. “I always have time to talk to you,” he said, and you cried harder. “Hang on, are you crying? What happened?”
You took a steadying breath. Tried one last time to get the tears under control. “He broke up with me, Jack.”
Jack swore under his breath. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he told you.
It hadn’t been a great relationship to begin with, you’d always known that. There was no real future in it, but it had been fun for a while, something to distract yourself from the fact that the guy you really wanted to be with was on the other side of the country. But it had fallen apart, just like it always did. Somehow it had still blindsided you, in spite of the missed calls and blown off dates, which is how you found yourself shattered on your bedroom floor now.
You weren’t sure how much longer you could rely on Jack to pick up the pieces.
“Talk to me,” Jack said quietly, and you choked back another sob.
“I hate this,” you murmured. Hated being so far away from your best friend, hated crying over a guy you didn’t even love. “I miss you so much,” you added. You felt like you’d been saying that more than anything since Jack had been drafted.
Jack hummed, distracted. You could still hear his teammates yelling somewhere on the other side of the door. “You should come visit,” Jack said after a moment.
You laughed. There was no way you’d be able to drop your life and fly out to New Jersey, no matter how badly you might’ve wanted to. It just didn’t work like that.
“I should let you get back to the guys,” you said instead of answering. Jack made a protesting noise on the other end of the line, but you hung up before he could get a word in.
I'm a little kid with so much doubt Do you wanna be there to see how I turn out?
Your cap and gown hung on the back of your bathroom door. You stared into the mirror for a minute before you reached to tug them on. It felt strange to be graduating college. You still felt out of your depth most days, and now you were being let loose upon the world. Supposedly you were ready for it now. You weren’t sure you’d ever be ready, really.
You searched the crowd for your parents as you made your way to your seat. You had hoped Jack would’ve come, too, but he’d hit you with some excuse about how he’d still be stuck in Jersey. You tried to pretend like it hadn’t hurt.
The graduation itself passed in a blur. You hadn’t tripped over anything when you’d gone to collect your diploma, and honestly that was all that mattered.
You were searching for your family in the madness outside when you heard a voice yell, “Hey! Bug!”
You spun around, clutching your cap to your head so it didn’t fall off. There was only one person who’d ever called you that. Jack was making his way towards you through the crowd, hair windswept and smile bright.
“Jack!” you yelled back, already launching yourself at him. He caught you easily, sweeping you up in a tight hug. You buried your face in his neck, no longer caring if your cap fell off. “I thought you weren’t coming.”
Jack pulled back to give you a look. “You didn’t really think I’d miss your graduation, did you?” You shrugged, and Jack frowned a little at you. He bent over to pick up your fallen cap. “You dropped something,” he said, but when you reached to take it from him, he just grinned and shoved it on his own head. It was crooked, and the tassel was falling in his face. “C’mon, your parents are over here,” he told you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and tugging you along with him.
“I’m proud of you,” Jack said later that night, laying next to you on your bed. The TV was on, but neither of you were really watching it.
“I’m supposed to say that about you,” you said, poking him in the ribs. The Devils had had a good season, led to the first round of the playoffs by Nico and Jack. (They’d gotten their asses kicked, but they’d made it.)
He squirmed away and grabbed your hand, lacing your fingers together and resting them both on his chest. “Whatever,” he scoffed. “You’re all smart and graduated now,” he told you.
It was your turn to scoff. “That doesn’t mean I know what the fuck I’m doing.” Jack turned to look at you, one arm behind his head, and you were suddenly reminded of a moment just like this, so many years before, with the summer and the rest of your lives stretching out before you. “I have no idea what I’m doing,” you admitted. With life, but also right here, lying in bed with your best friend.
Jack turned fully, propping himself up on one elbow to look down at you. His hair flopped in his face, and you reached up absently to push it back.
“You should come to New Jersey,” he said, face dead serious. It was far from the first time he’s said that to you. You’d always laughed or brushed it off, unwilling to admit that, while terrifying, back by Jack’s side was the only place you’d dreamed of being for years.
“I-” you started. You didn’t know what was going to come next. Jack was still staring down at you. You reached up to poke the mole next to his mouth, just to see if you could get him to smile.
He did, but he batted your hand away before you could do it again. “I mean it,” he said. You rolled your eyes.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” you said. You tried to roll away from Jack, away from this conversation, but he grabbed your wrist, settled his weight on your legs so you couldn’t escape.
He was frowning at you. “What’s that supposed to mean? You’re my best friend.”
“Yeah, exactly.” Jack’s frown deepened, and the crease between his eyebrows was frustratingly adorable. “I’m your best friend. And that was enough while I was in school, and you were still trying to figure out the NHL.” Jack did let you roll away from this time, and you curled up against the wall, not meeting his eyes. “But I don’t think I can be in the same city as you, watching as you find some pretty girl to fall in love with until you leave me behind. I don’t think I can watch as you become everything I want for someone else.”
“There isn’t anyone else,” Jack said slowly.
You huffed out a sigh. “Not now, maybe. But there will be.” There always would be, for you and for him.
Jack rolled his eyes at you, and that hurt a little. “There hasn’t been anyone else for me but you, not for a long time, not really,” Jack told you.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to laugh or cry. You were pretty sure he’d had a girlfriend at the beginning of the season this year. It had been years since that day he’d kissed you in the park, long enough that you nearly forgot about it. You didn’t think his feelings had really changed after all these years.
“Don’t give me that look,” Jack said, flicking you on the leg. “I mean it. It just- we were still kids and then I was off in Newark, and one of us always seemed to be dating someone else, and I could never ask you to just fucking move across the country for me-” Jack was rambling, and you cut him off by poking him with your toes. He grabbed onto your foot and looked up at you. “I’m not sure I know how to love anyone else but you,” he admitted.
“You’re a fucking idiot, you know that?” you asked. You reached over to grab a pillow so you could hit Jack with it. He spluttered and looked offended. “I’ve been in love with you since we were kids, Jack.”
Jack’s face softened. “Did you listen to anything I just said? I had reasons!” he tried, but he was grinning at you now.
“Please just come here and kiss me,” you said.
Jack didn’t need any convincing, and then he was leaning forward and tangling a hand in your hair to pull you in for a kiss. He pulled back and rested his forehead against yours to catch his breath; you whacked him with the pillow one more time for good measure.
“Hey! What was that one for?” Jack asked, already trying to wrestle the pillow away from you.
“Got a lot of years to make up for, Jacky,” you said.
Jack gave up on getting the pillow away from you and settled for pinning you to the bed with his hands on your wrists. You kneed him gently in the ribs.
“I hate you,” Jack sighed, but you knew him too well for that. The look on his face was just fond. You’d seen that look a lot over the years, and now you were realizing that there was something else to it. Love.
“Nah, you don’t,” you said.
Jack smiled at you and bent down to kiss you again. “Yeah, you’re right,” he said. “I could never.”
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mutual mummies
a look into the close relationship between the tomlinsons and styles, especially anne and jay
this one is less of solid larry "proof" and just shows the really sweet and lovely relationship between the tomlinson and styles families, especially the close relationship between anne, jay, louis, and harry.
i did get sort of mushy and soft while making this because it's adorable, but it's also saddening because jay passed away in late 2016. regardless, i hope this will make you smile :)
before we begin, what does "mutual mummies" mean? it basically means that anne is harry's mother (obviously) but she is also louis' mother, and vice versa with jay being both harry and louis' mother - mutual mummies, get it?
anne is claiming that louis is like a son to her, like family, and jay is claiming the same thing with harry. it shows just how close anne and jay were with harry and louis. neither anne nor jay have claimed this with the rest of the boys, which means that this “mutual mummies” thing is exclusive to anne, jay, harry, and louis only. again, this doesn't really mean anything, just that anne, jay, harry, and louis got on really well, but i still really love this and i think it’s so sweet.
also - i tried my best to take new, clear screenshots of all the tweets in this post, but some of the tweets have been deleted so i had to use old blurry screenshots, i hope you can still read the tweets :p
onto our first tweet, which is a tweet from jay on december 25th, 2010:
in this tweet, she refers to herself as harry's adoptive mother, which shows how close jay and harry must have been for her to call herself that.
tweets on january 16th, 2011:

these tweets entertain the possibility of harry going to france with jay and the tomlinsons - less than half a year after the band was formed, harry was already close enough to the tomlinsons to go on vacation with them, maybe?
on february 1st, 2011, jay wished harry a happy birthday:
jay says that harry feels like her family - which is obviously really sweet. keep in mind that this happened around five to six months after the band was formed, meaning that harry and louis had only known each other for around half a year, and they've gotten so close that jay feels that harry is part of her family.
and don't forget these adorable pictures of harry and jay:
here's another tweet, this one on february 22nd, 2011:
jay isn't thankful the x factor made her son a star - she's thankful that it helped louis find harry (not meet, but find!!), and she's also thankful that she was able to find anne through the x factor, which, again, is super sweet!
the first use of the #mutualmummy hashtag seemed to be on october 8th, 2011, in an adorable interaction between anne and jay:
this #mutualmummies thing wasn't a one-time thing, though, because a little over a week later they used a variation of the hashtag again (this time #mutualmummyhug) on october 19th, 2011:
and on october 31st, 2011, anne replied to jay's halloween tweet with a picture:
(mummy hugs, get it?)
there was also 2011 christmas:
don't forget that while the boys were on their 2011 christmas break, and louis said he was going to miss not only harry, but also anne as well?
and it was mutual, because harry asked louis to come with him and spend time with "the fam" - not just anne, but the rest of harry's family as well!

which is cute, because it's sort of like a "bringing my boyfriend to meet my whole entire family" sort of thing.
the worst part about all of this was that harry and louis were going to be apart for three days. THREE. DAYS. they literally couldn't be separated for three days.
on february 1st, 2012, jay wished harry a happy birthday again:
she calls harry "poppet" (adorable, of course) but she also refers to herself as "mummy jay", once again backing up the idea that jay is like a second mother to harry.
months after the first use of the #mutualmummies hashtag, anne and jay do it again on march 21st, 2012:
on november 24th, 2012, one month before louis' 21st birthday, jay tweeted:
note that in her reply to a fan, she tagged anne, who hadn't been involved in the exchange previously. this twitter exchange was talking about louis' birthday/age and, officially at least, didn't have anything to do with anne, so why did jay tag her and add the #mummylove hashtag? maybe it's because they are two "mutual mummies" discussing their mutual son's upcoming birthday?
and here's a twitter exchange between jay and harry's stepbrother, mike, on december 22nd, 2012:

mike tweets about not being able to see jay that christmas, meaning that maybe they usually see each other, as if the tomlinson-styles usually get together every regularly.
plus this is an exchange between louis' mother and harry's stepbrother, where they sound like they're very close and friendly with each other. can you think of two people who would have introduced them to each other and caused them to become so close (ahem, LOUISANDHARRY) because of tomlinson-styles family gatherings?
then, on february 18th, 2013, this happens, where anne and jay confirm they are still best friends:

a day later on february 19th, 2013, what seems to be the final use of the #mutualmummies hashtag:
in conclusion:
because of louis and harry, the tomlinson-styles are really close, especially anne and jay, who were best friends. there was also a very close relationship between harry and jay, as well as anne and louis.
there are still other sweet moments between anne, jay, harry, and louis, but i was too lazy to find the other ones lol. hope you guys enjoyed this post! let me know what you think! (also this post has literally been in my drafts since october i have no idea why i didn’t post it earlier)
#god this post is really long isn't it#hope y'all don't mind#mutual mummies#jay tomlinson#johannah deakin#anne twist#anne styles#harry#harry styles#louis#louis tomlinson#larry#louis and harry#larry stylinson#one direction#larry cute#long post
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SFW Alphabet - GoodGuyFitz
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Fitz shows affection in public by small touches, he’s not big on PDA but he does like to give you random forehead kisses throughout the day, sometimes he’ll wrap an arm around you, now if it’s just the two of you...WOO this man is a man baby! He loves being held or holding you. He also loves to post random as photos he has of you even if you get mad at him.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The friendship started when you both were in high school, you and Toby had a class together and when you went to hang out with her at lunch, that’s where you met fitz and that’s when you guys started talking. He is very protective over you, he loves you and often times he’s the shoulder you cry on and honestly he doesn’t mind it, he was never good with anyone when they cried but he tried especially hard to comfort and help you. He also loves to mess with you and occasionally he takes it to far and apologizes but he has a good idea of his boundaries and when and where to push your buttons.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves cuddles! He especially loves when your laying down on your back and his head is on your chest and he’s laying on top of you kind of ? He’s not squishing you completely but he is just on top of you, he also loves when you play with his hair or rub his back/shoulders.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
At first he was iffy on settling down. He’s young and he wants to party and stuff, but when he met you he was okay with settling down, although you guys had a couple more years of partying left in you and so when you were 27-28 that’s when you guys started to settle down. He’s very clean, most of the time you just have to ask him to pick his socks up once or take out the trash and it’s done the second you ask. As for cooking he loves to cook with you! He likes when it’s you two in the kitchen cooking and listeing to music, occasionally dancing to the song that plays throughout the shared apartment.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would really depend. If he were to ever break up with you it would be because you cheated or you guys were getting to that point. He waits a solid week or two before officially breaking up with you just in case things get better and he’ll talk it out with you before breaking up, again unless you cheated, he would do everything in his power to fix the relationship before breaking up with you. As for you it’s the same thing, except you take a little while longer, keeping up with his bs and not really talking about what bugs you until finally you sit him down and ask him if he can be better and when he refuses to be a better boyfriend that’s when you take matters into your own hands.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’s okay with it, he’s a okay with being committed to you and honestly he loves the thought of marriage and seeing you with a ring on your finger and being his wife. It takes him a good two years to officially let his guard down and when you hit that two year mark he gives you a promise ring. Then once you turn 26-28 that’s when he asks you to marry him.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He never wants to hurt you or scare you or anything. He’s like a giant teddy bear, and whenever he accidentally hurts you by either accidentally stepping on your foot or bumping into you he immediately apologizes and makes sure you are okay. Emotionally he understands how sensitive you are and takes that into consideration, in fights he is very silent and thinks before talking.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves hugs! Again he isn’t big in PDA so hugs in public are very rare but around the boys or if it’s just you two he’s constantly wrapping his arms around your waist, carrying you, spinning you. His hugs are very special, often times he’ll wrap his arms around your waist while he’s behind you and place his chin on your head or he’ll wrap his arms around your shoulders and pull you in so your head is on his chest, he smells really good and he’s really warm so you don’t mind one bit.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He said it about seven months into the relationship, he SAID it while you guys were talking on the couch but he knew he loved you long before that. He knew he loved you when you guys were once talking in his car, you told him some pretty personal stuff and when it pained him, like literally pained him to think you went through that he knew he loved you, he was angry at who hurt you and his heart broke a bit when he saw a tear roll down your cheek.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He doesn’t get jealous often, he trust you a lot and the feelings mutual. That is until someone is excessively flirting with you and he feels a bit threatened cause your acting so nonchalant. Whens he’s jealous he’ll walk over and wrap his arm around you and introduce himself as your boyfriend and when the guy or girl is finally gone he will get a bit mad but when you explained you didn’t realize it was flirting he forgives you. You were absolutely clueless when he first tried making a move on you so it’s understandable and he never gets mad at you because he knows you most likey said you had a boyfriend and they just kept going.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
SCRATCHY AND YOU LOVE IT. His beard often tickles you and you always giggle feeling the scruff. His kisses are often quick kisses and most of the time forehead. He loves to kiss you on your forehead, moving your hair kissing your forehead and cupping your face in his hands. He loves when you kiss his shoulder/arm. Since you can’t really reach his cheek you often are leaning on his arm and you kiss his arm or shoulder whenever you can, he loves it because he’ll be holding your hand or your leaning on him and he’ll just feel a soft kiss on his arm and will melt.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He is very good with them! If your little cousin is running around or a baby waves he’ll wave back with a smile or play around with your cousin, putting the child on his shoulders or throwing them in the air and catching them. If it’s a infant then he’ll be so gentle and while you hold the baby and cradle him/her the baby’s hand will be holding onto Cameron’s finger tightly.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Morning with Cam are either super productive or super lazy. Cameron wakes up before you most of the time and will do what he needs to do (cook,clean a bit,maybe read) and then he’ll bug you and make you wake up so you spend the morning with him.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He is pretty big on sleeping early suprisingly. The night routine consist of him and you watching your show or a movie, then going to your room and brushing teeth and talking a bit, then you both read with some tea and go to bed, you usually fall asleep with your book so he’ll put your bookmark for you and then will put his book away, pulling you close to him.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He waits to reveal things about himself, he didn’t really start fully opening up to you about EVERYTHING until about two years into your relationship, though he did reveal some things sometimes during your late night talks.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He doesn’t anger easily. He is very collected and when he’s mad he tells you and will distance himself because the last thing he wants is to make you feel bad or upset. Although he has started to come to you to vent and will happily cuddle against your chest rambling on and on until he falls asleep. You usually stay quiet because you know he doesn’t necessarily want a solution he just wants to talk about it out loud.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers a lot of things you say, your always in his thoughts and he’s constantly seeing things you’ve talked about or things you like that you’ve expressed.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment in your relationship was when you first met his family. He loved how easily everyone loved you and how you fit in perfectly with them. He knew you were the one and everyone told him that if he didn’t marry you it would be his greatest mistake.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Mans is your security guard. Literally like he is so afraid of loosing you or you getting hurt. If your ever out together he’ll make sure not only is he making sure your okay but so are the boys. He isn’t afraid of getting into a fight with someone for you and often times if they touch you they are knocked out in seconds. You hate when he fights and he never does it unless they’ve touched you inappropriately. On the other hand he loves when ever he’s getting hate or is being ‘canceled’ you’ll tweet and defend him telling everyone to calm their asses down.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He loves making you happy and loves making you feel loved and appreciated. He’ll spend days planning things out so you both have a good time and honestly you both prefer homemade cheap stuff then going out to fancy dinners, so he’ll take days planning a baking day with you or a picnic. He always writes you letters for anniversarys. As for everyday tasks if you ask him to do something consider it done, sometimes you don’t even have to ask and he’s already doing it. You both have your chores around the house and you both are on top of that.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He doesn’t talk while you guys are in an argument. Sometimes you really want him to just flat out say what he’s thinking and feeling and he doesn’t and he takes forever to respond, he just doesn’t want to say the wrong thing and you understand that but sometimes you need him to just speak what he feels then and there.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not really concerned, your always telling him how hot he is and that makes him very confident.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
When you first started dating, he would be fine, but now ? After all these years he wouldn’t be able to. He loves you so much that something would be missing for the rest of his life.
X = Random Headcanon
He started doing this thing were he writes letters to his future self. You became something he talks about when he writes to his future self asking if your okay, if you’ve had kids, how everything is going.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
You don’t do this but in general he hates when people are mean for no reason. That’s one of his biggest pet peeves. When someone’s rude or disrespectful for no reason it ticks him off so much.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Something he does without fail every single night is throw his leg over you or his arm. He always has to make sure your there and although it’s cute his leg and his arm is heavy and you can’t move as freely as you’d like.
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Some more self-indulgent writing! Mainly because of a post @zestyzealot reblogged a while back and inspired this piece.
(This is the post I’m referring to!)
P.Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan
Tag: @polyvirnl
Context: There’s no miraculouses. None. Nada. But the Bats still exist. Marinette uses her time to expand her brand MDC
Marinette huffed as she placed the last crystal bead onto the hem of the black skirt in her hands.
Bringing it to eye level, a wide smile graced her lips, a smile breaking as Marinette giggled to herself as she watched her vision become reality.
Finally! After four long and exhausting days, it was done. When she started on Monday night, Marinette wondered if this project would get in the way of her weekly sleepover with Alya. Thank God it didn’t.
Placing the skirt on her bed, Marinette smiled as she took a picture of her latest piece for her new collection: 12 o’ clock.
That’s when the hatch on her floor opened up with a creak, Marinette watching as her father poked his head into her room. Why was he here?
“Marinette, there’s someone here looking for you.” He said, giving a side glance down below. “Please tell me he’s just a school friend and not another boy you asked to model for you.”
“Dad, I already told you, Luka is Juleka’s older brother, he- wait, he? It’s not Alya?” Marinette asked, wondering where her best friend was at.
Yes, Alya gave her a heads up that she was running late for their sleepover, but she wasn’t downstairs yet? And her father had said ‘he’ instead of a guy friend’s name, so… who exactly was waiting for her downstairs?
Because despite only saying the name once, her father tended to commit to memory the names of all of her male friends. “What does he look like?”
“Well, he’s a bit on the short side,” Tom started, “has green eyes, tanned, wearing a turtleneck with some of those suit pants-”
“Slacks.” Marinette helped.
“Those,” Tom corrected himself, “and he has a dog with him.” Tom ended, watching as Marinette mumbled to herself.
Marinette didn’t know anyone with a dog, nonetheless with that type of fashion, causing Marinette to start pacing around her room, racking up some idea as to who it was that was in the living room. “He called the dog Titus, if memory serves me correctly. Or if I heard correctly for that matter.”
That caused Mari to stop in her tracks.
A turtleneck with slacks, a Great Dane named Titus, tanned skin...emerald eyes.
“No. Way.” Marinette quickly motioned her father to go down the ladder, quickly following him into the living room, her eyes widening upon seeing her theory be true.
There, standing inside the Dupain-Cheng living room was Damian Wayne with his dog, Titus.
“Took you long enough.” Damian said, adjusting the duffel bag on his shoulder. Titus wagged his tail as he saw his boy open the bag and give him his toy.
Just then, the door swung open, Alya panting as she dropped to the floor as soon as she walked in.
“Girl, you wouldn’t believe who I just saw! There, as soon as I turned the corner of where I lived, I saw the Damian Wayne with his dog, and- why is he in your living room?”
“Seeing as you finally caught up,” Damian said, walking over to Alya, handing her a heavy plastic bag. “Take care of Titus while we’re out.”
“We?” “We?” “We?!” Alya, Tom and Marinette spoke at the same time, although Marinette’s came out as a squeak.
“Did you forget what you told me?” Damian waved his phone that was in his hand. Marinette watched as he showed her a tweet...her tweet in particular, Marinette now going into a state of panic. “You invited me to egg-” Marinette screamed, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment as she lowered his phone and dragged him out the apartment, leaving behind a confused Tom and a giddy Alya.
“You actually read that?” Marinette asked once more, covering her cheeks as they walked towards the park square.
“I did.” Damian hummed as he adjusted the egg cartoons under his arm, a dangerous twinkle in his emerald eyes.
Marinette let out a silent screech, confusing Damian. “Did you think I wouldn’t read it?” When he saw her nod, he sighed. “I read every comment left under any post I write. Sure, I don’t respond to any of them, but your comment… seemed… interesting.”
Marinette wanted to disappear into a black hole. Damian actually read that stupid comment she had left under his post.
It was a post from earlier that week - a picture Damian had uploaded from the recent animal shelter he was volunteering at (as well as funding).
Another post about an animal up for adoption, this time, a hamster named Louis.
Marinette was scrolling through the comments under the post after retweeting it, when a particular one caught her attention.
<3 ACNH is Life <3 @eliza_beth
Replying to @Real_BloodSon I have a pet chicken and just wanted to ask if the candle method is a good method to check for egg development. If so, then are they safe to eat? If not, what’s a better method?
Everyone knew Damian loved to offer help when it came to animals -as it was no secret- but something stupid inside of Marinette thought she should do the only logical thing in her mind.
She commented on it.
Deadlines Are Approaching @a_mari_not_bug
Replying to @eliza_beth and @Real_BloodSon If it turns out that it is a good method, can I have some eggs? I’ve been wanting to egg someone's house as of late. @Real_BloodSon care to join?
Marinette didn’t think he would actually read it, let alone actually come. Wait…
Damian lives in the US, not France, unlike her.
So how did he know where she lived, let alone reside?
“How did you know where I live?” Marinette asked, realizing they were finally at the park, right across from the targeted house, not even realizing that she had brought him over to the house in question.
Damian blinked, setting the cartons down onto the bench.
“Tsurugi told me.”
“You know Tsurugi. As in Kagami Tsurugi?” Marinette asked, wondering where he had met her friend.
Damian nodded.
“We met during the semifinals for the international fencing competition.”
Oh. So that’s how they knew each other.
Damian let a smirk grace his lips. “Obviously, I won.”
Marinette simply looked at him in awe, causing Damian’s ego to soar more. Of course, that didn’t overcome the other feeling he had inside his chest.
After all, there was no way he was going to tell her that he has been following her account for quite a while.
So using the amounts of aesthetic pictures, selfies, bakery promos and mini photo shoots, it didn’t take long for Damian to pinpoint where she lived.
That’s not following Damian. It’s called stalking.
Okay Drake, but in his defense:
1- it was his side account that he uses for his own personal interests.
Damian didn’t exactly like having thousands of people following him because he was a Wayne. He wanted to be followed for being Damian.
2- he had been following her for quite a while.
Two solid years to be exact.
After exchanging social media accounts with Kagami, Marinette was one of the few people Twitter recommended to follow.
Marinette peaked his curiosity when Kagami mentioned Marinette being the person behind her “lucky” fencing bag. (Although, she didn’t want to admit that she used it as a luck charm.) It was an all black duffel bag, enchanting golden embroidery that collected to a single dragon.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Kagami had provided. A girl in her grade from her school in France, who designed the most intricate designs Damian had seen. (Yes, he has seen all of her sketches and final products of the things she had designed…yes it did involve scrolling through her photos and accidentally liking all of them as he went…)
3- it was too late to press that “follow” button when he already kinda didn’t do it as soon as she followed his own account.
When he finally noticed that she did already follow him, he didn’t know what to do. Should he follow her back?
“Not yet.” Dick had told him. But just how long did he have to wait? He was stupid for listening to Dick’s advice and he definitely wasn’t going to follow her back now. Or should he?
“So,” Marinette started again, looking around the area, scanning to see that no one saw them. “Have you ever done this before?”
“As in egging a house?” Damian watched as Marinette nodded, wondering if this was her first time doing this. “No, but it shouldn’t be any different than throwing snowballs.” Damian compared, remembering last year’s winter.
Jon had managed to convince the Wayne’s and the Kent’s to do a snowball fight.
The Wayne’s obviously won.
“Guess you have a point.” Marinette replied, attempting to vision Damian’s analogy. She picked up an egg and looked at it and then at the window of the person who had been causing her turmoil these past few days. “Are you… are you sure you want to go with this?”
“Aren’t you?” Damian asked, awaiting Marinette’s signal. He had perfectly balanced a dozen eggs into the nook of his arm, one being juggled in his other hand.
He was ready and from the twinkle in his eyes, eager to throw.
Marinette found herself smiling, letting out a laugh as she grabbed a few eggs herself and balanced them in her hand.
“Between you and I, I've been dreaming of doing this for the longest.” Marinette said with the biggest grin Damian had seen her with that night. “Ready?”
“Always.” Damian replied, mirroring her grin as the two looked at the target, Marinette throwing the first attack.
Marinette hummed as she doodled in her sketchbook, her mind wandering to last night’s events.
She hadn’t known how much stress she had built up thanks to Lila and her constant need to be the attention of everything.
The messes Marinette had to clean up due to Lila causing disorder during class and after class, all because of Lila and her gazillion and one ‘medical’ problems.
Marinette didn’t realize how emerged she was towards throwing eggs -with great accuracy- towards Lila’s bedroom window until she threw her last egg.
She remembered how satisfying it was to have thrown all of those eggs at the window, that glee when Damian smiled at her.
How happy she was when Damian complimented her for her graceful and precise throws despite the low lightning of the park lights.
Marinette placed her pencil down as she finished adding some last minute touches to the coat she had finished designing when Alya slammed her hands in front of her. Marinette quickly looked up at her friend, tilting her head when she was met with twinkling eyes.
“Did you hear what happened to Lila last night?” Alya whispered, causing Marinette to quickly tense.
“N-no? What happened?” Marinette asked, closing her sketchbook.
“Her house got egged. Well, her bedroom window did.” Alya corrected herself, watching as Marinette let out a gasp.
“No way! Poor Lila.” Marinette looked over to Lila, watching as she was surrounded by their classmates to gather to listen to her woeful story. “Who would ever do such a thing?”
“Beats me.” Alya said, looking at Marinette, a faint smile on her lips. “You and Damian wouldn’t happen to have been involved-”
“Us?” Marinette instigated, causing Alya to lean forward. “You think Damian and I would do something that stupid and not think of the consequences that awaited us? No way.” Marinette denied, causing Alya to sigh.
“Should’ve known you wouldn’t be up to it. Only you would step down after overthinking about the consequences.” Alya said as she patted her head before taking a few steps from Marinette. “Not like anyone would know who it was since the security cameras of the area seemed to have gone off at that time, strangely enough. Maybe if I hear what Lila has to say about the event, I’ll get some hints as to who it was.”
With that, Alya left to go and listen to Lila, leaving Marinette by herself.
Finally alone, Marinette let out a sigh, feeling her back relax. She felt as a smile rose to her face.
Giddily, she took out her phone to send Damian a text when a Twitter notification caught her attention.
She quickly checked it, her smile growing even more. She went back to sending Damian a text.
You bugged the cameras last night?
Damian: A necessary precaution.
Marinette giggled at his response.
Also, I saw you started following me. Now we’re mutuals!
Damian liked your message.
Damian: It was only a matter of time, seeing as we egged your enemy’s home.
More like someone I dislike.
Damian: Same thing.
Damian: Query. Would you like to join Titus and I for a walk at the park?
Sure! Class ends at 3. Meet you then?
Damian: Titus and I would await you then.
Marinette grinned as she placed her phone away as the school bell rang, signaling the beginning of class.
She couldn’t wait to spend time with her newfound friend! Who knows what mischief awaited the two!
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can i request a soft fluffy little drabble of fanboy yoongi and idol reader?
soundcloud rapper meets professional idol- myg
it’s #starrieselcaday !! where everyone posts their selfie in the hopes of their bias replying to them! alternatively, yoongi is a shy fanboy and you’re an idol with an undercover account where you stalk your fans.
min yoongi is not a liar
HOWEVER, if you happen to ask him what kind of music he likes to listen to..... that’s a rare exception.
he’ll probably reply by rattling off some of his favourite hip-hop rappers etc etc (emInEM!!! KANYE!! THE CLASSICS!!!!! beyonce)
which,, is not entirely a lie, okay?? he DOES listen to those artists! but his greatest guilty pleasure is this ... idolgirlgroup UGH he feels lame just thinking about it.
not that it’s a pathetic thing, ya know? it’s just that he’s ~min yoongi~ jin literally told him once that he would be re-born as a rock and he AGREES WITH THAT.
it’s not like he’s ashamed of saying he’s a fan of your group, it’s just that it’s not expected of the stone-cold soundcloud-rapper yoongi.
but secretly, he winds down by watching your fancams, mass streaming your albums, screaming about your debut anniversary, the list goes on... the day in a stans life never ENDS GOD.
he literally screamed at his laptop and bursted into tears for a good 4 hours your last comeback.
he even got jimin and namjoon to end up liking his ult group!!!
seokjin refuses to ‘lower himself’ to their standards but everyone knows he secretly has all of your albums downloaded
the group (lomls) called dreamcloud consists of five members- yoona, jisoo, lia, chae, and y/n. the fandom name is called starrie, even though nobody knows how that came about??
(his favourite single is their newest song called cloud 9)
three guesses to who’s his bias gO!!
if you guessed y/n congrats you’re CORRECT. other stans say that the bias they started with is NEVER the bias they have no but you’ve been yoongle’s ult bias since debut and it’ll forever be that way!!!
he’s been bias wrecked approx. 30 times but we don’t talk about that.
like lia is THIS close to stealing the bias spot but you’ll always have such a special place in his heart :,-)
which is why when he sees the hashtag #starrieselcaday which was trended by you when you tweeted out a selca he POUNCES ON THE CHANCE TO POST A SELCA
on his secret fan account of course.
oh boy he really hopes nobody from uni is going to see this..,,, he’ll deal with it if the time comes.
he definitely spends 30 minutes with jimin trying to figure out where the best lighting in the dorm is and then an additional 30 minutes just taking the damn picture.
he ends up taking the photo in his black bucket hat (the e-boy one) with this slightly awkward half smile plastered on his face.
he kinda hates it but it was also the best shot out of the 2000 he just took so that one it is!! (he’s also pretty tired of jimin telling him to ‘pOSE’)
he just posts it on his twitter with nothing but the #starrieselcaday hashtag. it’s the first time he’s participated in these so he’s kinda ~nervous~ but whaddya know!!
other starries are already hyping him up in his mentions!! [proud tears] gosh he loves this fandom so freaking much. he links jimin’s selca below his, telling his followers to go hype jimin’s picture too.
it’s slightly concerning how big of a following yoongi has on his stan account.
replying to @/ynssuga
you look so cute suga!!!! ur bucket hat omg where did you get it send LINKS!!!
dreamcloud D-14!!! 🍬@/starriejoonn
replying to @/ynssuga
so THIS is what you spent an hour doing with jimin. owo looking good my friend! 😎
jade 💜ot5 @/vitaminchae
replying to @/ynssuga
omg you did #starrieselcaday !!! congrats on 50k by the way!! we’re all anticipating your album review (keysmashes) <3
how cute!
see? best fandom.
honestly he wasn’t even aware that he hit 50 thousand on his stan account what the FRICK that’s insane!!
the only thing he does on this stupid account is give album reviews (which are quite useless at this point it’s always a 10/10) and scream about the comeback stages.
occasionally he’ll go on to remind his fellow starries to drink water and take breaks from streaming- because contrary to popular belief he can be soft.
☁️STREAM #CLOUD9 ☁️@/yoonsoohearteu
replying to @/ynssuga
hOOOOOOOTTTT!! woohoo!! why didn’t you tell us you were attractive irl?? 👀 ru single bby? 👉👈
yoongi snorts reading that comment, replying to tell @/yoonsoohearteu that he’s far from attractive and is unfortunately, single. it’s all y/n’s fault, he jokes in his reply. dreamcloud has raised his standards too much.
y/n ✅@/dreamcloudy/n_official
replying to @/ynssuga
are his eyes deceiving him? WHAT?
yoongi checks again, and sure enough, the little checkmark verifying your OFFICIAL twitter account lays next to your handle,.,, WHICH IS BELOW HIS POST.
he takes a deep breath, trying to recall whatever breathing exercise his therapist taught him just last week.
it doesn’t work.
“y/n!“ yoona calls from the kitchen. in your large XL hoodie, you step in, humming a ‘hmm?’ to your leader. all the other girls are camped out in their rooms, preparing for the comeback coming soon.
yoona’s scrolling on her phone with a confused look on her face.
“why is hashtag starrie-selca-day trending? did you tweet something or was it chae?“ she asks, and you hide a slight smile.
“oh yeah,“ you reply. “i tweeted my selca this morning. you guys can tweet out yours too.“
yoona raises her eyebrow. “okay,” she asks. “just be careful.” you blink.
“be careful... of?“
“make sure the agency doesn’t find out about your secret account you use to stalk the starries.“ you sputter, spitting out a random excuse.
“you’re too obvious these days, y/n,“ yoona says, not unkindly. “i figured that your comment wasn’t intentional... was it on that guy suga’s page? anyways, your official account didn’t reply to any other fan’s selcas, so maybe you should comment on some other fans twitter accounts too.“
what on earth is she talking about- OH NO.
you scramble to take your phone out, immediately clicking into your twitter notifications.
you groan when you see ‘y/nsuga’ is already trending. you should’ve double checked which account you were on before commenting, for god’s sakes!
this is amateur stuff, you scold yourself. how could you forget?
like yoona said, you begin commenting on other selcas, so it doesn’t look like you’re singling just one fan out.
(except you kind of already did that.)
yoona stifles a laugh. “so,” she says. “we’re not going to talk about how you commented three heart emojis on this guy’s selca on your secret account... right?”
your cheeks heat up. “please don’t tell the other girls.” you plead. jisoo unnie would never let you live this down.
it’s not your fault some of your fans are. like, really cute, okay?
this guy- ‘suga’. well, that’s the name you’ve been calling him in your head- since it’s the alias he goes by on twitter.
he was one of the first fan accounts opened on twitter- just when you debuted! he posts these detailed and insightful reviews every time you have new music, and he’s always been such a loyal fan!
(plus, it’s super fun seeing him shut down your haters!! he always comes up with the most awesome comebacks)
((your personal favourite is ‘y/n could single handedly step on you with the heel of her five inch stilettos while she continues to do the choreography perfectly. shut your bitchass mouth up’))
so is it a crime to check up on a devoted fan’s twitter page every once in a while... on your secret twitter account??
he still hasn’t replied to your comment, which you’re slightly down about. he’s just busy, you reason with yourself. it’s not like you can expect his world to revolve around you, you scold.
yoona nonchalantly waves her hand. “i already screenshotted the evidence though, so that’s going in my y/n blackmail folder.”
you let out a multitude of complaints, noises that mostly consist of various versions of ‘fuck you uwu’
at least it was yoona who found out first. she’s the most gentle in the group... even though she has blackmail folders for each of the members.
you reassure yourself by telling yourself that she’d never actually use the folders for real blackmail purposes.... probably.
looking down at your phone, you frown.
cute boy suga still hasn’t replied.
you don’t know it, but the only reason why is because he’s still screaming.
#bts fanfiction#bts suga#min yoongi#min yoongi x reader#yoongi x reader#bts scenario#bts au#idol! reader#idol! au#bts imagine#bts fic recs#bts edits#yoongi smut#yoongi fluff#yoongi crack#yoongi fanfiction#btsgif#yoongi fic
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Repudium || Shouto Todoroki & Katsuki Bakugou
Pro Hero Shouto Todoroki x Fem! Reader x Pro Hero Katuski Bakugou
Repudium means rejection in Latin.
Warnings: angst, cursing, Todoroki is a douchebag once again, mwah katsuki is a king
Word Count: 10,734
Synopsis: Shouto leaves your heart in pieces and expects you to come back to him, but doesn’t realize someone is mending it back together.
Taglist (message to be added): @shoutodoki @shoutosteakettle @miinaashido @saltie @fryingpanitachi @kingtamakimurder @sugacookiies @pixxiesdust @sacro---sainte
➺: Note: This is for @bnhabookclub‘s bingo event! The prompt is Pain Comfort. You asked, so now you shall receive, this is part two of Once More. I suggest you read that first before reading this. Thank you Zeze, Mar, and Gabs for betaing <3
Bingo Masterlist
“I thought you were changing. You don’t care about anyone. You rather see those around you to die than save them. How can you call yourself a hero if you can’t even feel for the public? You are the worst hero ever.”
Those words replayed like a song worth listening, over and over again. Your mouth that could sing dozens of symphonies sang a song that could curse a man for the rest of his life. Words of hatred and malice drowned Shouto to the pits of the earth, each syllable leaving your mouth another pierce to his heart. The twinkle in your eyes that could outshine any of the stars in the night sky were dimmed to the lowest as a waterfall of tears cascaded down your face.
The look on your face could have brought anyone to their knees to beg for forgiveness, stuttering nonsense that was coherent only in their head. He could see it in your expressions. The way your bottom lip quivered as you listened to the poison of his words. Your smaller hands clenched and unclenched by your sides, your body shaking with each blow. Your head shook with nothing but denial as you tried to shrug his words off. You couldn’t.
The grip you held his shirt with was full of pure disappointment, hurt, and dishonesty. He heard nothing in the moment, his cerulean and grey irises staring at the movement of your mouth, watching it open and close with each sentence you spoke. Your lips were curved down as you continued to yell at him. He suddenly felt light in your grasp. You had every right to tell him how you felt. He deserved your words.
He felt even lower than dirt. The steel door blocking him from your life grew thicker and thicker, leaving him vulnerable and isolated. He used to be untouchable. He would stand on his throne, watching as everyone slowly sank lower and lower. A surge of pride and power would fill his body as he watched those struggle to get to his point in life. Until you came, and sent one kick to his throne, making him fall right through as he desperately tried to sit on top once again.
You were a tide that kept washing him away. You caught him by surprise. Your twisted ways made him open up in ways he didn’t realize until it was too late.
The moon illuminated a path of soft light through the curtains in the pitch-black room. The modernized clock resting on Shouto’s bedside table read 5:37 AM. His orbs trained on the time, watching every second change with him. The red digitized numbers are slow to switch.
“Get the fuck away from me.”
His long fingers ran through his hair slowly, lowering his head to look down in his lap as his fingers scratched the back of his head, nails adding a slight sting. A small sigh of distress left him as he stretched his arms above his head, feeling the joints of his elbows crack with the movement.
It’s only been three weeks since his pride took over his brain. Whenever he tried to close his eyes, all he could see was you.
Every day, he would be bombarded with news headlines about how amazing and heroic he was the night before. It was almost as if it was mocking him, reminding him of how much of a horrible person he was. Yet, he couldn’t wipe away that smirk that made its way onto his face when he noticed more people speaking about him.
Big news broadcasting stations constantly asked for him to make an appearance on their shows, to which he happily obliged. Nothing made him more satisfied than being on the big screen for everyone to see. The shining star of the show making an entry. It pleased him.
He mindlessly scrolled through his twitter, noticing some merchandise links and useless tweets from his PR Team. Dozens of notifications flooded his timeline, fans pinging him for meetups, random DMs from his followers or getting nasty tweets—which he didn’t appreciate, but it was the internet, after all.
A red dot caught his attention from his DMs. Curiosity got the best of him as he clicked it, noticing none other than Ground Zero’s profile at the top.
Bakugou: So are we on for that stupid patrol or what? You never responded back asshole.
Oh, that.
Shouto groaned softly, completely forgetting that he had a patrol with Bakugou later today. He clicked the message, fingers immediately typing a response out.
Shouto: Yeah sure. Just meet at my agency at 2 PM.
Bakugou: Don’t tell me what to do bastard.
“Well that settles that,” he muttered, tossing his phone somewhere on his bed, not really caring where it landed. His back collided with the silk sheets, his body relaxing upon contact. His hand reached out to the spot beside him, slowly running his hand up and down on the empty space as if he was looking for something, or maybe someone.
His fingers curled around the material of his sheets, an iron grip at hand. He glanced over, expecting to be met with a pair of eyes or a back turned to him. Instead, he found nothing but the soft light produced by the moon. It peeked through his curtains, a small patch of light resting beside his relaxed body as if it was mocking him for his actions. His eyes gazed on the spot, noticing it was the area where you once laid. He growled quietly, grabbing one of his pillows, chucking it towards the curtains in anger.
Shouto watched the pillow collide and fall on the floor. His lips parted slightly as small puffs of air left his mouth. “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” he muttered, running his hands over his face as he kept repeating the word. His hands hit his thighs with a slap, his nails digging into the skin and leaving crescent shape indents. “What the fuck am I even doing?” he questioned aloud.
“Here I am, in the middle of the night, letting my emotions get the best of me. What kind of crap is that?” He got off his bed, walking over to his dresser. He opened the top two drawers and pulled extra clothes out, deciding that a shower was the best course of action.
When he got in the shower, he closed his eyes as the beads of warm water hit his face and streamed down his body to the drain. His tufts of hair were plastered onto his face like glue. The water jet seemed to be on its best setting for his needs as he stood there, collecting his thoughts.
He placed his hands against the tiled walls of the shower, back muscles flexing as he lowered his head to look downward at the shower drain, watching the water gather around and go down the hole. His long hair at the top covered his eyes, the water trailing down his nose as the droplets hit the bottom of the tub.
“Fuck. What the hell is wrong with me?” he groaned, standing up straight as he slicked his hair back.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You hated it. You hated how weak you became in an instant. In a snap, everything went downhill. You weren’t able to smile as bright as you did before. You hated how he was able to get under your skin and become the only thing you could think about. He was a parasite to you. You despised him, yet he somehow came back to annoy the hell out of you.
“Oh? Is it not? How much longer are you going to deny it? When are you going to learn Y/N? I’m Shouto! One or if not the greatest hero out there! I always get what I want. You were nothing but a stepping stool.”
Your eyes widened as you misplaced your foot, tripping over the ledge of your car. You quickly grabbed a hold of the handle, keeping yourself upright. You felt your cheeks swell in embarrassment as you quickly regained your composure, clearing your throat. Shutting the car door shut, you looked up to the powerful building that was the viewpoint in all of Japan.
Shouto’s Agency.
Just the mere thought of seeing him made you grit your teeth in anger. Your blood boiled at the fact that you had to step a single foot into that forsaken place, and even had to share the same air as him.
The soles of your shoes hit against the cement as you walked around your car, opening the other side to stare at the brown box full of objects that had no use to you. This box was filled with Shouto’s things that he left at your place and the daycare. You didn’t feel like burning them, so giving them back would suffice. Holding the object in your arms weighed more than it had to.
You bumped your hip against the door to shut it, and felt no use in locking it. A small sigh left your lips as you walked to the entryway. Each step felt heavy, like the earth could swallow you whole. Your pulse was beating like crazy, at any moment you wouldn’t be surprised if your heart jumped out from your mouth.
You stopped your movements in front of the doors, watching them slide open before continuing inside. Upon entering, you were hit with the smell of new furniture—which was just the recently cleaned objects and cold air from the ceiling fans. The room was dimly lit, relying on the light from the outside. The main foyer had couches and small tables laid out, covering the area. Men and women filled the furniture, reading a book, or talking amongst themselves.
You noticed that some of the workers were actually some of Shouto’s sidekicks or new interns he once told you about. Even just looking at them made you sick to your stomach.
Clearing your throat, you walked over to the main desk and dropped the box on the counter, watching the employee jump in surprise.
“Uh- Hi yeah, I’m here to drop off some things for Todoroki.”
“For Shouto?” the lady asked and looked up at you. “Hey aren’t you that girl he-”
“Yeah that’s me,” you interrupted her. “I just wanted to give his things back.”
She fixed her glasses and nodded, chewing on her gum as she typed something on her computer. “Alright, I’ll let Todoroki know.”
“Let me know what?”
You froze at the voice, your body stiffening up. Your blood ran cold as you heard footsteps get closer to you from behind until the presence of a body was close. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up as a deep laugh filled your eyes.
“I didn’t expect to see you so soon. Miss me already?”
You growled quietly as you took a step to the side, refusing to face him. Don’t give him the pleasure of seeing you. He doesn’t deserve another glance. He doesn’t deserve anything from you.
“I know you can hear me sweetheart. Come on, let’s talk.” His voice sent chills through your body. His hand rested on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
You swiveled around, raising your hand as your palm collided with his cheek. Your vision was blurry as you let out a choked sob, your hand still raised in the air. Your heart was beating out of your chest. The sound caught everyone's attention as they all stared at the commotion. Shouto moved his jaw slightly and rubbed his cheek, wincing slightly. There was now a red imprint on the swollen skin. “Damn, you really know how to slap someone huh?”
“I thought I made my point clear,” you sneered, lowering your hand to rest by your side. “I said I never wanted to talk to you again. I don’t want to see your face again.”
“Well, you came by didn’t you? Must have needed something from me if you decided to show up.”
“I came,” you started, ignoring the lingering stares from the bystanders, “To drop off your things. I could have burned them, but instead I decided to bring them back to you. Trash belongs with other types of trash, doesn’t it?”
The man in front of you laughed softly, shaking his head. Why was he laughing in a moment like this?
“Feisty, huh? Guess that was one of the things I love about you.”
Shouto had the audacity to say that he loved you? Even after all the shit he pulled?
“Oh no you don’t. Don’t you dare fucking say that word.” You wiped your nose with the sleeve of your jacket. “You don’t fucking love anything. No one but yourself. You’re a selfish bastard, how many times do I have to tell you? You are the worst in all of Japan.”
Even hearing those words for the second time in his life, he couldn’t shake the feeling off. Was he hurting? Was he turning upset?
Deciding enough was enough, you nodded in self-reassurance and turned around, only to collide face-first into a muscular chest. “Hey!”
“Hey? That’s what you say when you bump into someone? Some manners you got.”
You automatically recognized the voice and pulled away as if he had the plague.
Standing in the flesh, Ground Zero stared down at you with his intense vermillion eyes, his arms crossed over his torso, wearing that famous scowl of his.
“Some manners I got?” you growled and looked up at him. “Why do I have to move for you? You saw me here, didn’t you? Oh just because you’re in the top five, that gives you authority to act like that?”
His eyes widened slightly in shock. “Hey that’s not-”
“You know what? If all heroes are like him,” you yelled, pointing a finger at the bi-colored male behind you. “Then you guys need to stop being heroes! There’s no point in being out there if you don’t care for those in need! What kind of fakes are you guys?!”
Not giving him a chance to respond, you brushed past him, purposely bumping his shoulder with yours. He stumbled slightly, placing his hand on the counter to regain his balance. “What the fuck was that?” he whispered, watching you exit the main foyer.
Shouto sighed dramatically and shook his head, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “She’s always been like that.”
“Who the fuck is that?”
Shouto quirked an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his torso. “Why do you ask, Ground Zero?”
“I asked because she’s hot. I asked because I’m fucking curious, you bastard!”
The bi-colored male tilted his head slightly in confusion before shrugging, running his fingers through his hair. “That’s Y/L/N Y/N. She works at the local daycare about 20 minutes from here.”
“And how do you know her? What the hell was this shit show that just happened.”
“Oh, that? Don’t worry about it too much. She’ll come back soon.”
A laugh rumbled in the depths of Shouto’s throat as his finger traced the sensitive skin of his cheek. Bakugou stared at him, unamused.
“She rocked your shit and you’re saying don’t worry about it? What kind of bullshit answer is that?”
“Sounds to me like someone is scared to be seen with the number one pro hero, but that would be silly huh?” Shouto asked, completely dodging Bakugou’s questions as he checked his hand, front and back.
“Hah?! What did you say?! I’m not afraid of anything! Especially you!! Now quit talking and start fucking moving!” Bakugou shoved a gloved finger in Shouto’s direction before swiveling around. The ash-blond’s footsteps boomed with each step he took. He clenched and unclenched his fingers, his gauntlet hitting his hips as he walked.
“What kind of bullshit answer is that?” he grumbled, tapping his foot against the cement sidewalk as he waited for the number one hero to come outside. For someone who wanted to patrol, he was sure taking his sweet time.
“Shall we?” Shouto called from behind, walking past him. His chest was puffed out, his chin raised proudly in the air. A sly smirk was displayed on his face as he glanced at Bakugou from the corner of his eye. “Better get a move on. I would hate for you to fall behind.”
Bakugou gritted his teeth as he followed Shouto from behind. Many people on the streets gasped in astonishment at two of the top five heroes walking together. Children pointed at them from across the street, a toothy grin and shining sparkling eyes trained on them.
“Look, papa! It’s Ground Zero and Shouto! I want their autograph!”
Shouto’s head perked up at the sound of his name and looked over to the small boy, who was bouncing up and down. Amused by his antics, Shouto walked over to the boy and crouched down to his height.
A small smile was plastered onto his features as he patted him gently on top of the little boy’s head. “You wanted an autograph?”
The boy’s eyes widened as he nodded furiously, clenching his fists in front of his body. “Y-Yeah! Can you sign my backpack?!”
“Turn around, bud.”
He did as told, almost too fast as he stumbled over his own two feet. The pro hero took the sharpie from his smaller hands. Taking the cap off with his teeth, he kept it enclosed between the pearly whites as he quickly signed the backpack.
“There. Now it looks even more amazing.”
“T-Thank you, Shouto! G-Ground Zero, can you sign mine?!” he gasped and approached rather quickly, holding the sharpie in his head.
Bakugou wasn’t one for signings out of the blue, but this was an exception.
The blonde nodded and took the marker away from him, turning the boy around as he signed near Shouto’s signature, making it a tad bit bigger on purpose.
“Thank you!” he exclaimed and ran back to his dad, who wasn’t that far away. Both heroes could hear the excitement in his tone as he shoved the backpack into his father’s arms.
“I thought you never do signings like this. Has the Ground Zero gotten soft?”
Bakugou clicked his tongue in annoyance, refusing to be part of Shouto’s games. “Whatever, idiot. Just keep on walking.”
“Oh, is someone upset?”
“Shut up and stop talking!!”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The patrol was nothing out of the ordinary. The two heroes made their roundabouts, no trouble seemed to bother them. The only thing that annoyed Bakugou more than anything was the fact that Shouto couldn’t keep his mouth shut. And paperwork was the worst of all. Shouto kept asking small insignificant questions that drove Katsuki up the wall.
Finally getting away from the devil himself, Katuski found himself standing in front of his car, his eyes hard and intense as he had his toned arms crossed over his torso. His eyes trained over a building, taking in the colorful delicate patterns of butterflies and kids smiling on the walls. The paint wasn’t chipping off. Instead it looked like it was fresh, maybe too fresh. The newly trimmed hedges that outline the building bloomed with budding roses. The flowers in the white pots loomed over the ground, each dancing tauntingly with the wind that sent small shivers through his hoodie and caused his hair to sway with each breeze.
Katuski analyzed the area once more before placing his hands behind him on the hood of the car and pushed off, walking towards the door.
Unlike Shouto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou arrived with a calm and open mind. Upon reaching the door, he noticed a hanging pot filled with yellow carnations. The bright color of the petals fluttered as if they were welcoming him. He stared, mesmerized by the color before shaking his head quickly, bringing his hand up to the door. His knuckles met with the door once, twice, and finally a third time before lowering it again.
Shuffling could be heard from the other side of the door as the knob turned, the wooden surface opening up.
Katsuki took sight of you, eyeing you up and down before meeting your eyes.
“G-Ground Zero?! W-What are you doing here?! This is so unexpected wow! I’m such a mess, god I’m so sorry! If only I knew you would come I would have at least cleaned myself up!”
“Can you stop rambling and actually let me talk?”
You stopped mid-sentence and shut your mouth, before opening it again. “Yeah uh… why are you here?”
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“T-To me?” You looked over your shoulder to make sure no one was behind you. No one was; you just couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Well yeah, who else am I gonna be talking to?”
“I- just you know after I went off on you there… I just didn’t expect you to ya know, come visit. Just caught me by surprise.”
“That’s actually what I wanted to talk about.”
“Oh. Well, we can talk then.”
“Out here? Please,” he scoffed and made his way inside, causing you to press up against the door as he walked past you. In those three seconds, you could smell his natural scent of ash and caramel with a hint of smoky wood. It pleased you.
You automatically shut the door and followed him. He was sitting down on the couch with his hands behind his head, but with his legs bent, no manspreading. His attitude was drastically different from Shouto’s.
“Well,” you started, sitting across from him as you rubbed your sweaty palms on your thighs. “What did you want to talk about?”
“What happened between you guys.”
“Between who?”
“You and Icy-Hot. I saw you hit him and tried prying answers out of him. Better to get it from the other side than from someone whose head is up their fucking ass.”
“Oh,” you whispered and sunk your teeth on your lower lip, looking away. “That’s personal. Whatever happened between me and him, will stay between me and him. Besides, it wasn’t a big deal anyway.”
“Big deal?! You smack his face and say it’s not a big deal? Damn, what kind of shit answers are those?”
“Realistic answers!” you choked out, feeling your voice crack mid speaking. “They are realistic answers.”
“Real huh?” he whispered before leaning forward, clasping his hands in his lap. “Fine. Let’s be real, okay? You guys slept together huh? And he decided he didn’t want you anymore. Is that what happened? That’s the type of guy he is after all.”
Hearing his words made you realize how shitty you’ve been feeling. He was only in your presence for five minutes or less and he already cracked your mid-life crisis. The quiver in your lip was his answer.
“So that’s what happened then,” he whispered.
“And what if it did?! It doesn’t matter, like I said! I was his stepping stool! He didn’t care! I was his doormat and I let him walk over me because I was too gullible to notice before! He’s a fucking heartless asshole!” you cried out, hiccuping as you covered your face from him, shielding the somewhat dignity you had left. Your nose was getting stuffed up by the second as you sniffled, letting out another pained sob, the first of many that day. Each day would end like this, you going into a state of confusion and would cry yourself to sleep. It was a continuous cycle of pain that you wanted to end.
“Everyone thinks of him as this high and mighty person that cares for others, but he doesn’t!” You looked into the hero’s eyes, your own filled with nothing but defeat and pain, the whites of your eyes now turning red from the onslaught of crying. “I hate him! I fucking hate him!” each word had a powerful meaning behind it. “He ruined me! He had me wrapped around his finger and played me like a fiddle!”
Bakugou felt bad for you. You went from someone who told him off hours earlier, to sobbing up a storm and ranting about your feelings. He felt awkward sitting there as you poured out to your heart’s content. His body was tense as he fiddled with the pocket of his black hoodie. Seeing you there hopeless made his heart sting with pain, and he felt like he had to save you, even though he didn’t know you.
To be your hero. The hero you deserve, not Shouto Todoroki.
He contemplated something before standing up and walked over to you. The couch creaked at the new addition of weight that was put on top. “Look,” he started as his mind went blank. What was he going to say? Hey, it's okay, forget him. He's legit shit anyway. How do you comfort someone when their relationship was a total lie?
Your sobs filled his ears as he sighed softly, rubbing his temple in growing annoyance. “First of all stop crying already!”
The sudden change of tone surprised you as you stared at him with innocent wide eyes. “W-What?”
“I said stop fucking crying. It doesn’t look good on you.”
You let out a hiccup as you wiped your eyes with the pad of your fingers. For some reason, Katsuki thought you looked like the most beautiful person on the planet. Here you were, in raw emotion for some idiot who wasn’t worth your time, yet at the same time you decided to show Katsuki and no one else. It filled him with a sense of peace that you trusted him enough, despite barely knowing him.
The ceiling fan shined artificial light upon you, somehow making you look ethereal as your tears glistened. Your lips formed in a pout as your bottom lip kept quivering, no matter how many times you tried to control it. The tips of your ears were red, your cheeks joining in on the rosy color. Your makeup was nowhere perfect anymore. Mascara dribbled down your face as it mixed with your tears, black staining your cheeks.
“Are you done crying yet?”
There was a moment of silence before another whimper left your throat as you shook your head. “N-No!”
Yet again another round of painful sobs wracked through your body. Your head was starting to hurt at the attack to your body. Bakugou inhaled deeply as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer to his chest. He could feel your shaking form as you threw your arms around him, burying your head into the crook of his neck.
“Shut up,” he grumbled, his voice rough around the edges, but wasn’t his normal tone. His calloused hand pressed against your back, his fingers slowly running up and down as his thumbs rubbed small circles to calm you down. “He’s a shit person. I get it. But you aren’t going to sit here and cry about him forever, are you?”
The silence was a sign to continue on.
“He played you. He’s an asshole, but I didn’t know he was this big of a dick. Everyone plays him as Mr. Nice Guy or Mr. Hero. I didn’t know he was this bad,” he muttered, bringing a hand to cradle the back of your head, stroking the skin behind your neck in a soothing manner. “Honestly, fuck him. He doesn’t deserve your time and certainly doesn’t deserve your stupid fucking tears. He still thinks you’re going to go back to him. Why don’t you show him who the bigger person is, hah?”
“He thinks I’m going back to him?” you whispered, your words coming out muffled due to hiding your head from him.
“Yeah. He does. His head is so clouded with stupidity that he thinks he’ll always get what he wants.”
“...he is pretty stupid.”
The rumbling in his chest indicated he found it funny, but true. He pushed you away from his chest, placed his hands on your shoulders, and stared into your tear-filled eyes. “So. What are you going to then, Princess?”
You licked your lips and looked down at your lap, staring at the palms of your hands. “I’m going to... Stop crying over him, m-move on and be the bigger person?”
“Are you asking me? Or are you telling me?”
“I-I’m telling you!”
His lips curved upward slightly as he wrapped his arm around you, bringing you to his chest once more. “Guys like him expect everyone to spoon feed him because of his reputation. And everyone says I’m the worst out of the top five,” he grumbled to himself, running his hand up and down your back. “I’ll take care of you. I promise you that.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
A man of his word, Bakugou did as he promised. Since that day he visited you the first time, you stayed in contact. You were wary of course, looking for any red flags that history could possibly repeat itself.
Unlike Shouto, Katsuki couldn’t come around as much. As he told you before, his hero work was the most important since where his agency was stationed, there was a lot of crime. You respected that, of course. It made you feel happy when he would talk to you on the phone about the amount of citizens he saved and how many villains he took down by himself. The kids, they went wild.
When one of the girls took notice of a gauntlet laying around the room, she screamed in happiness saying that Ground Zero was here, or that you bought a knock-off from online. Of course from the screaming, the pro hero ran inside at top speed, looking for any sign of danger.
“Where is it?!”
“It’s Ground Zero!!”
A flock of children surrounded him as they screamed incoherent words of happiness, jumping up and down as if he was their idol; which he was.
“How hot can your explosions get?!”
“Do you burn yourself?!”
“Can you fly?!”
“Do you sneeze and they go off?!”
“Hah?!” he yelled and crossed his arms over his torso, looking away. “What kind of fucking questions are those?!”
“Bakugou!” you snapped, walking into view with a bag of something inside. “We talked about using that language in here!”
“What does ‘fucking’ mean?” a little girl asked, tugging on the material of his pants, looking up at him with child innocent eyes.
His mouth parted but no answer came out. His cream-colored cheeks soon became a soft rosy red as he looked away quickly. “I-”
“I bought mochi!” you said quickly, lifting the bag up and shaking it slightly to grab their attention. At the mention of treats, they all scrambled away from him and stood in front of you with happy grins and eyes.
“Get in a line. Bakugou, come help me please.”
The ash-blond groaned but walked to you anyway, taking the small bowl from you that held the dough filled with sweet ice cream. He eyes them warily before crouching down to their level and stuck the bowl out for their awaiting grabbing hands.
“Only one,” he said to a little boy who laughed joyously and placed it back before running to his friend, comparing the flavors they had.
“And one for me,” you teased, taking one from him. Bakugou clicked his tongue in annoyance and placed the bowl back on the small table. “I don’t know how you can eat those. They seem too sweet. Spicy is where it’s at.”
“Well I’m not going to burn a bunch of six-year-olds’ tongues either, Bakugou!” you huffed and took a bite out of the dough, the taste of the sweet ice cream filled your tastebuds. “Come on try some!” you lifted the sweet to his mouth, urging him to bite it.
“Hah?! That’s bad for you!”
“Come on, Katsuki. Are you afraid of a little sweet? Never took you for the scared type.” You grinned. His heart fluttered at the sound of his name leaving your lips. He growled and snatched the green treat from you.
“‘M’not scared!” he yelled and eyed the delicious treat before taking a bite out of it. His eyes widened slightly from their original state and chewed slowly. He looked away from you and swallowed. “Not bad, still tastes like shit.”
A happy smile graced your features at his change of heart over something as small as this. “So will you eat the rest of it with me?”
“I guess. Only if you wipe that stupid dopey smile off your face.”
A cry of pain distracted you from your reverie as you turned quickly to find the source of pain.
A group of kids was surrounding one young girl who had a hand covering her eye.
“Himarie, sweetie what happened?” You asked the small girl, kneeling beside her as your hand hesitantly reached for hers that shielded her eye.
“Fire? Honey let me see.”
“I’ll hurt you!”
“No you won’t. Come on, let me see.” you encouraged her softly, wrapping your hand around her smaller wrist and lowered it slowly.
Fire shot out from her eye as soon as her hand was lowered. She cried in pain and covered it again, whimpering softly.
The rug caught on fire as you shrieked, moving the kids out of the way. “K-Katsuki!”
“Got it,” the male voiced out, immediately putting out the fire with the fire extinguisher, his tongue peeking out in concentration. He let out a huff and lowered the hose. “Looks like someone got their quirk. That’s a nice one if I do say so myself.” He put the red canister down and walked over to where you and Himarie stood.
“Is she going to be okay Miss Y/N?!”
“Yes, she’s going to be okay. She’s a strong girl, aren’t you honey?” you whispered softly and stroked her brown hair.
“Let me see,” Bakugou whispered, nudging you away from her gently. “Look at me.”
She shook her head, afraid of hurting him as well. “I’ll burn you!”
“I burn myself on a daily basis, Himarie. I’m used to it. Now let me see.”
The brunette shakily lowered her head, her bottom lip quivering in fear.
Bakugou analyzed her before bringing a hand to her face, rubbing her cheek softly with his thumb. “You’re scared huh? I remember when I first got my quirk. I was scared. I thought I would blow myself up at one point. But there’s nothing to be afraid of. You’ll learn how to control it soon,” he said to her, his voice soft yet rough at the same time. Each word seemed to roll off his tongue with ease, as if he was made for moments like this. His larger hand patted her head gently.
Himarie continued to stare at him with uncertainty before launching herself onto him, her small arms encircling his neck. “T-Thank you Ground Zero!”
He tensed up before hesitantly wrapping an arm around her, patting her back with a gentle touch. “Of course. That’s what we’re here for anyway, to make sure kids like you are out of harm’s way. Just don’t do anything stupid with that, got it?”
You watched a few steps away, your heart softening at the moment in front of you. In all of his fame, his unruly behavior was something that everyone saw. This moment was intoxicating to you. You wanted to see more of him like this. If only the public knew this was how Bakugou Katsuki was, everyone would be throwing themselves at him. The only difference between him and Shouto, was that Bakugou cares. He did it to save those in need, to be a protector, not for the fame and the money.
His vermillion orbs met yours as the corner of his lips curled into a smirk, sending a small wink your way. A wave of heat flooded your cheeks as you gave him a small wave in return. The light’s reflection illuminated his eyes, the different colors of his irises shining. It was amazing to see him here. You only wished for one thing: that he was here before Shouto Todoroki.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
As time went by, the hot atmosphere turned chilly, and the trees turned to orange and red. Fall approached faster than anything. Months upon months passed by without a second thought.
The cold air of the autumn wind descends upon you, each needle of the breeze poking through any open outlet through your clothes. You buried your nose in your burgundy scarf, begging for any type of warmth to relieve your shaking body. The vibrant assortments of oranges and red were pleasing to the eye, but getting harder to appreciate as each second passed by.
Your hands were stuffed in the pocket of your jackets as you kept your head down to shield your eyes from any upcoming harsh wind. The annual fall festival arrived and that was something you wanted to see, with a special someone of course.
“Are you that fucking cold?”
You peered up through your lashes, glancing at the blond who walked beside you with ease. He seemed to be content with just his jacket and scarf. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, his fingers curling and uncurling from the inside.
“Y-y-yes I’m cold!” you spoke through your chattering teeth, bringing your hands up and placing them underneath your armpits, relishing in the warmth from your jacket. Your eyes trained over the different stands full of crafts, food, and beverages.
“That’s too bad.” you could hear the smugness in his tone as you continued to walk the brick pathway through the festival. “Your teeth look like they could fall out any minute now due to your stupid chattering.”
“Well not everyone is a walking heater, Katsuki,” you chirped, your voice muffled by the fabric of your scarf warming your neck. “If I was, I’d be looking like you.”
“Like me?! What’s that supposed to mean, hah?!”
“Meaning I could wear a jacket and a skirt and not worry about the cold! I said what I said!”
Bakugou growled and tugged you closer by your elbow, no ill intent in his hold. His hand reached under your elbow, his fingers digging into your skin. It was a simple yet meaningful gesture.
A small smile graces your features as your eyes watch the leaves fall from their respected trees, trails of orange and red filling your vision. The sky was a pink layout with splotches of blue and orange that complimented each other. The clouds floating through the sky effortlessly, the sun saying its slow goodbye before sleeping for the night until the next morning.
“I wish they had more festivals like this.”
“Well if they did, stupid villains would be surrounding this shit place anyway.”
You rolled your eyes in annoyance, leaning your head on his bicep as your fingers curled around his arm. “Uh-huh, sure. Way to be optimistic about it.”
“Just being realistic. Something you should be.”
“Hey!” you pouted, feigning hurt. “I can be realistic!”
Bakugou gave you a side glance before shaking his head. “Don’t fool both of us dumbass.”
You whined and stood on your tiptoes, placing a quick kiss to his cold cheek. “The only one I can fool is you after all.”
A pleased hum left his throat as he laced your fingers together, the warmth radiating from his palm automatically making you fuzzy inside.
Ever since Shouto left, you felt confused, lost and most importantly, empty. The void in your heart felt that it would never be filled again. Shouto left and took your happiness with him, deciding to leave you a wreck for this own personal pleasure. He was everywhere you looked, paper news, broadcasting, twitter. It was like you couldn’t escape him. Each time you saw a photo of him, he always had the same expression. A smug smirk would grace his features, it was taunting you and you knew it.
When Bakugou entered your life, it made you realize that you didn’t have to worry about someone like Shouto ruining you again. Bakugou slowly filled the void in your heart, and you were beyond thankful. At first, you didn’t trust him at all. He was in fact in the top five heroes, and was known as the mean one in the public eye. You couldn’t tell if his actions were genuine or just for show to lure you in like a predator.
“Huh?” You shook your head, kicking you out of your daze as you looked up at the male.
“Why do you look like that?” he asked, but more in a demanding tone.
“This is my face?”
“No, you idiot. You look lost. What’s wrong?”
“Just thinking about before is all, ya know, Shouto,” you muttered the last part, your head lowering in shame.
“Well stop thinking of that icy-hot bastard. I hate the way you get over some stupid guy like him,” he growled, his finger curling under your chin to make you look up at him. “Cause Princess, he’s an idiot for letting someone as beautiful as you go.”
He leaned closer, pressing his lips against yours tenderly. Your hand reached up and cradled his cheek, rubbing the swell with your thumb gently. His arm wrapped around your waist tightens, bringing you closer to his chest. In your moment of love, unbeknownst to you, the sound of a camera went off.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His grey and cerulean orbs filled with anger, staring down at the photo that was displayed on his phone, a new headline for the news.
Ground Zero getting comfy at the Autumn Festival!
Shouto’s fingers curled around his phone, his hand unintentionally getting colder by the minute. He was seething in anger. His shoulders moved with his erratic breathing as he threw his phone across his desk, ignoring the noise of his device hitting the ground.
A small flame emitted from his hand. He abruptly stood up, gripping the edge of his desk with a vice-like grip, his fingers slowly turning white from the pressure. His fingernails dug into the hardwood, ignoring the pain shooting through his arms. He sunk his teeth into his lower lip as his hands let go of the edges before reaching under and threw his arms up, flipping the wooden desk over in anger.
The furniture broke on impact as he groaned out in annoyance. Not only were things not going his way, but he also needed to buy a new desk.
“Just who in the hell does he think he is?” he whispered angrily, running his hand through his hair as he paced back and forth in his office, his footsteps hard against the rug. “Just walking in her life and thinking he can do that? He’s far from right.”
Shouto was no idiot. He was intelligent and knew what happened on the sidelines. Bakugou stayed with you to help out with the daycare. He did the same exact thing as Shouto did, and oh did it piss him off more than anything. In Shouto’s eyes, you were going to come back to him. You might just be acting up, but you’ll return to him.
He quickly glanced at the clock on the wall. It read 4:46 PM. From what he remembered, the daycare should be closing at 5 PM. If he left now, he could probably stop you before you headed home.
The chiming of his phone knocked him from his cloud of thoughts as he walked over to the shattered screen, the light illuminating on his face.
“Fuck,” he groaned and reached above his head, his joints cracking with the movement. His finger tapped the green circle as he brought his phone to his ear, sighing softly. “Hello?”
“Hi Todoroki! I just wanted to make sure you knew about tomorrow still!”
“...what’s tomorrow?”
“You forgot already? Figures if you’re so busy! It’s the meet and greet we have with Kacchan tomorrow!”
He choked on his spit as he coughed into his hand in shock. “T-that’s tomorrow?!”
“Yeah! Your PR team didn’t tell you?”
“Uh...” he trailed off, glancing at the mess of his room. Pens and papers were scattered all over the place. “I’m sure they did. Whatever, what time was it at?”
“11 AM!”
“Do I have to go?”
“Of course you have to Todoroki-kun! You’re number one! And number one has to be there, remember?!”
Number one.
Hearing those words made butterflies flutter in his stomach as his head filled with conceited thoughts. He smirked faintly as he hung his head back, staring at the ceiling. “Yeah. You’re right. I am number one, and I always get what I want.”
“What was that? You cut out at the end.”
“Huh? Nothing, don’t worry about it. I’ll see you in the morning with...him.”
“Oh speaking about Kacchan, did you see the photos? Turns out he was with that girl you were seeing before you broke up!”
He growled into the microphone, his noise being caught by Midoriya’s ears. “I saw. They look terrible together.”
“You think so? I think they look cute together! I’m glad he found someone.”
“Yeah well I’m not,” he snapped and began to pace around the room. “I know she’s playing hard to get. She came to visit me again even after saying to fuck off. That obviously means something. I mean, why wouldn’t she want me? I’m rich, successful and the highest out of everyone. Why would she settle for him?” he spat, his voice dripping with malice and hatred for the blond.
“Uh, Todoroki? Do you hear how you’re sounding right now?”
“Course I do.”
“Then don’t you think you’re being a bit too...over the top?”
“I’m not. I sound perfectly fine. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have business to take care of.”
“Ahh okay! See you tomorrow Todoroki-kun!”
Without saying goodbye, Shouto hit the red circle and turned his phone off, shoving it into his front pocket. “I guess some things I have to keep working for,” he whispered and walked past the mess he made prior to the phone call, to the door. His hand wrapped around the knob and twisted it, pulling it to open the door.
“I’m Shouto. I’ll win her back. She’ll realize I’m the one for her, and he’s complete utter shit. I’ll get her back. I’m the best after all.”
An amusing chuckled rumbled through his chest as he made his way down the corridor, on his way to take back what was his first.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Shouto Todoroki would have never thought about this situation in a million years. Yet again, here he was. Arriving at the daycare with a frown upon his face, he exited the vehicle with a gentle push of the driver’s door, the car not moving from the gentle force. He took one glance at the daycare and sighed softly. “It’ll be easy,” he whispered to himself, letting one foot lead in front of the other. As he walked to the entrance, he took notice of the new and improved details. The once peeling paint was newly refurbished, each drawing looking amazing as ever. The hedges surrounded the center like a barrier, protecting them from him. The flowers he ordered were no longer there, which he assumed they died over time or you tossed them out, Instead, they were replaced with lilies and roses, each color displaying just for him. The color orange only reminded him of Katsuki Bakugou, a newfound hatred for him. Each flower moved with the wind as they greeted him.
He walked to the front door with his hands shoved deep into his pockets. Upon reaching it, he slowly lifted a hand that seemed to weigh more than anything in the world. He let out a shaky sigh and let his knuckles hit the door twice. Shouto brought his hand to his mouth and wiped it, his lips dry from nervousness.
He felt as if years passed by as he stood there, waiting for you or someone to answer. He hoped it was only you, but by the looks of it, another car was parked beside yours, and it definitely wasn’t one of the employees.
The sweet melody of laughter filled his ears as he stared at the knob moving to open the door. The hinges squeaked and it was pulled open, Shouto keeping his eyes trained forward.
You opened the door with a laugh, Bakugou bringing up an old memory from his high school years.
Your smile faltered as it was automatically wiped with your face, a scowl replacing it instead. “What do you want?”
“I want to talk to you.”
“I don’t,” you snapped and went to close the door in his face but he stuck his foot out last second, the only thing keeping you from shutting him out forever.
“Please. I just want to talk.”
You said nothing in return, slowly opening the door again. You stood in front of the frame, your arms crossed over your torso. “Outside.”
“Princess? Who is at the door?”
Shouto’s ears perked at the sound of Bakugou’s voice as he tried looking over your shoulder before you moved in front of his line of sight. “No one Katsuki! Give me five!” you yelled back, pressing a hand against Shouto’s chest and you pushed him slightly, shutting the door behind you.
“Princess? He’s here too? So you’re fucking him now?”
“And what if I am? What’s it matter to you, Todoroki? Why do you care now? We aren’t together. You made that quite clear a year ago.”
“I know but, him? Out of all people you went for him?”
“Yeah, I did. Is that a problem for you? Oh wait, I guess it is if we are even having this conversation. Plus I thought you wanted to talk. Not pick on the things you think are wrong with my life.”
Shouto’s hands twitched by his side, itching to feel your body against his once more. “I-“
“Or is the problem is that you can’t even hold a real conversation without making it about you, huh?”
“That’s not true.”
“Oh, it’s not?” You tilted your head to the side. “Prove it then, right now. What the hell is so important that you have to bug me?” you demanded. You hated how he could just waltz up in here and act like nothing happened. One of the many things you hated about him.
“I’m sorry.”
You choked on air as you stared at him, shocked. “You— you’re what?”
“I said I’m sorry.”
“Y-You’re sorry?”
He nodded quietly, a look of sadness in his eyes. You didn’t believe him one bit. You couldn’t. If he was actually sorry, why did he wait so long? Did he expect you to make the first move?
“If you are, why did you wait so long?” you whispered softly, the ground becoming your main interest as you kicked at it gently with the tip of your shoe. “Why a year? Why not when I saw you again?”
“...I don’t know. I thought you would have come back to me after what I said. I didn’t think it would get this out of hand. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything I said back then.”
“I don’t believe you Shouto. I’m sorry but I can’t. You caused me so much fucking pain that I—“ you cut yourself off, letting out a shaky breath. “— I couldn’t even trust him. It took me so long to finally trust Katsuki because of you. You ripped my heart and took it with you until you didn’t need me anymore for your selfish desires. You don’t care for me Shouto, you never have.”
“Y/N,” he whispered and took a step forward, halting when he saw you take a step away from him. “Please. I still love you.”
“No you don’t!” you yelled suddenly, clenching your fists as you looked into his eyes. Your vision became glossy with tears, the glistening substance trailing down your face. “You don’t! Stop lying to me! When will you stop lying to people Shouto?! Don’t you see?! We have feelings! We get hurt!” you cried out, pointing a finger in his way. “We aren’t for your personal pleasures!! You used me! You threw me out! And now that I’m finally happy, you want me back?!”
Your bottom lip quivered in pain as you let out a choked sob, bringing a hand to shield it from him. “You aren’t the only human on this planet! Stop pretending that you are! You can’t even see the real message in front of you, can you?!”
Shouto stood there in shock. His mind was moving a thousand miles per hour but nothing left his lips. His body refused to move any closer to your, afraid of a future he didn’t want. He loves you. After all this time, he’s in love with you. He misses your small kisses, your beautiful laugh, your smile that was only for him. He misses seeing you beside him in the awakening morning, your messy hair or tired displays of love. Yet in his own foolishness, he lost you.
“I always thought I might be bad, now I’m sure that it’s true,” he started off with a whisper, letting his body move on its own. “Cause I think you’re so good, and I’m nothing like you, Y/N.”
“Stop coming towards me.”
He didn’t listen, only advancing forward to you. You sunk your teeth into your lower lip as you placed a hand behind you, feeling the door that was behind you. He bent one leg slightly, looming over you. You lifted a hand up, bringing it down to slap him but he caught it last second, holding both of your wrists in his hand.
“Look at you go, I just adore you,” he whispered softly, his voice sending chills through your body. His own orbs glossed with tears, sniffling as he rested his forehead against yours. His eyes squeezed shut as his tears cascaded down his face, the substance hitting against your hands.
“I wish that I knew what makes you think I’m so special,” you whispered meekly, your voice cracking with each word that left your mouth. The wavering in your vocal cords made you upset with yourself. His fingers tighten around your smaller hands, bringing them to his chest. You could feel the steady beat of his heart.
“I learned how to love like you… and in my own stupidity, I ruined it. Please, all I ask is for one more chance. I’m better than him, ” he opened his eyes, his heterochromia ones staring into your own. His tears flowed effortlessly.
Here was the man that once said he didn’t need anyone at the top. That he was the one looking over everyone with no one by his side, that no one was worthy of him. The one who couldn’t believe in trust. The one who was the best at everything. The one who got what he always wanted. Here was the man that you fell head over heels for, but got your heart crushed in the process. Leaving you for the dust, you were left. Until someone else came in, slowly picking up the pieces of your broken heart and piecing them back together until you were ready to hand your heart off to him.
You squirmed in Shouto’s grip until your hands broke free from his grip. “Get off!!” you yelled, pushing him off of you with full force, watching him stumble back and fall on his ass, landing on the soft grass.
“What part don’t you get anymore?! I said I never wanted to see you again and you want to talk and pull that crap?!”
“That’s not—“
“That’s not what?!” you yelled, your tears of sadness turning into fresh hot tears of anger. “You think you can come walking in here and say ‘Hey I’m super sorry I didn’t mean it! Can we get back together again?!’ Did you honestly think that would work, Shouto?! I don’t love you anymore!! I don’t want you anymore!!”
“Hey, what’s going on?!”
You swiveled around quickly, a sense of relief filing your body at the entrance of an ash blond. Bakugou walked up to you and noticed Shouto on the floor, his fingers digging into the earth. “What the hell is happening?”
“Katsuki,” you whispered and threw yourself at him, burying your head into his chest as your arms encircled his torso. His arms immediately wrapped around your body, bringing you closer into his protection.
“Why are you here, Icy-Hot?!”
Shouto got up quickly, wiping the dirt from his backside. “I came to talk to Y/N.”
“I don’t want to talk to you anymore!” you yelled, turning around slightly to face him. Your fingers dug into Bakugou’s side, not hard enough to cause any pain. “I want you gone!!”
“I’m not done talking with you yet!”
“She said she doesn’t want you here. Now leave!! I know you’re a fucking asshole but I didn’t know you can’t listen!!” Bakugou yelled, his face slowly turning into a rosy red as his anger levels rose. His grip on your body tightens, his knuckles turning white.
You cracked Bakugou’s jaw in your face, forcing him to look down at you. Yet, he couldn’t look at you, keeping his eyes trained on the hero in front of him. “Katsuki,” you whispered, gently patting his cheek. “Please look at me.”
The ash-blond reluctantly looked down at you, his nostrils flaring in anger. “I love you,” you said softly, your hand reaching up and brushing some hair out of his face.
His face softens at your words, feeling his anger slowly fade away. “I love you too.”
You nodded and pulled away from him, inhaling deeply as you walked up to Shouto, your head held high. He stared down at you with nothing but eyes full of defeat and sorrow. A small smile of sadness curved at your lips as you cupped his cheek. He closed his eyes as he leaned into your touch, begging for more of it.
“Shouto,” you whispered softly, keeping the gap between both of you evident for Katsuki’s observing eyes. “I don’t want to be with you anymore. I’m happy. Can’t you see?” you asked, pulling away from him. “I love Katsuki with all my heart. I want to be with him. What you and I had, that’s long gone. You decided that you didn’t need that, you didn’t bother to care for someone other than yourself. You chose this route, I didn’t. I loved and cared for you. I truly did.”
You took a step back and looked into his awaiting eyes, his heart waiting for the words he longed for, but knew he wasn’t getting them anytime soon. “You chose fame and money over me, I can’t get upset by your decision. All I ask, is that you leave the both of us alone. Please.”
“Y/N, please. I’m sorry for what I did. Please just-”
You shook your head and lifted your hand in the air, cutting him off. “I’m tired of hearing you now. Please, leave already. You’re making it worse by being here. So do us a favor before he comes in and does something he won’t forget.”
Shouto’s heart of stone fell to the base of his body, cracking upon contact and shattering into millions of pieces. This time it was unfixable. The last time he felt this hurt was when he was a mere child, seeing the abuse his mother was put through by his father. He felt lost and alone like no one was by his side. Here was the woman he loved. He thought he had a future with you. But let’s be realistic, after the show he put on a year ago, that dream was long gone. He chose this path, with many regrets. What was he even thinking? He let his pride win over his own humanity. And now he has to pay the price for it.
Without another word to you or Bakugou, he swiveled on his heel and rushed to his car, his hand fishing in his pocket for his keys. He opened the door as quick as he could and got inside, jabbing the keys to start it up. It wasn’t worth it if he couldn’t get back with you.
You stood under the tree, the sun making its way to take its rest for the day. The gentle rays of orange seep through the leaves, hitting your supple skin that gave you a glow. A small smile of satisfaction graced your features as you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to bathe in the tranquility of this moment.
You wrapped your arms around your body as you hummed softly, your eyes stinging and tired from your previous crying.
Arms from behind wrapped around you, bringing you to rest against his chest. Bakugou leaned over slightly, burying his head in the crook of your neck. “What are you thinking about, pretty girl?”
“Mmm, you as always.”
“That’s funny,” he mumbled, nipping the tender skin of your neck before placing a kiss in its place. “What were you really thinking about?”
“You!” You laughed softly, resting your head on top of his. “Am I not allowed to think about my amazing boyfriend?”
A pinch to your side made you squeak in surprise as you tried pulling away from him, but his strong arms kept you in place. “I didn’t say that dumbass,” his gruff voice whispered in your ear as he suddenly lifted you up, holding you in a bridal style carry. Your arms immediately wrapped around his neck.
“What’s with the over the top affection now?” you teased, kissing his cheek gently, lingering your lips on the warm skin.
“Damn you always have to question everything I do, don’t you?” he huffed in annoyance as he walked back inside, kicking the door of the daycare center shut. “Can’t just take my answer as it is.”
“Oh but you know I love messing with you, Suki!”
He grumbled at the pet name you’ve given him over the course of your relationship. No matter how many times he said he hated it, deep down he loved hearing it come from you and only you. If anyone found out about it, he wouldn’t be afraid to blast them to hell.
“What do you think about that whole ordeal?”
“Well it was fucking stupid,” he started off, placing you down on the couch beside him as he threw an arm around your shoulder, bringing you to rest your head on his shoulder. “He had no business coming back again, even after you told him you wanted nothing to do with him. He should have known better than to mess with you. Fucking bastard doesn’t know when to stop,” he growled, his hand rubbing up and down your arm.
“Well I don’t think he’ll be bothering me anytime soon,” you looked up at him, smiling. “Especially now. After all, I got a little guard dog.”
“Guard dog?! Is that what you think of me as?!”
“Maybe,” you trailed the last syllable out, grinning before going serious. “But overall… I’m glad I met you. As you know, I was in a dark place before we started dating and, I just want to truly thank you for coming into my life, Katsuki.”
His vermillion eyes trained on your expressions before kissing your forehead. “Dumbass, you don’t have to thank me. After all, that idiot needs a good punch to the face. And I might be the one to do it.”
You rolled your eyes and nestled your head into his chest, breathing in his caramel scent. Before meeting Bakugou Katsuki, you thought you could never trust or find someone that truly loved you and was not using you for their personal gain. You were a broken piece of art and he was the sculptor. Over time he mended the pieces of your shattered heart and formed it into something better than before. Bakugou Katsuki was not only your lover, he was your best friend, your shoulder to cry on.
But most importantly, he was your hero.
#bnhabookclub#shouto todoroki#shouto todoroki x reader#katsuki bakugou#katsuki bakugou x reader#bakugou x reader#todoroki x reader#mha x reader#bnha x reader#x reader#fic#my fic#bingo event
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again, the tweet gremlin asked so kindly for more, so i had to fill that request lol
here is a continuation of colby's tweets from 2017.
i don’t have proof that these are his tweets, but believe me, they are his.
if it’s bold and italicized, it’s someone's tweet to him (or... tweets for context to what he was responding to).
if it’s in (), that’s just me commenting lol
April 3 - My mind is so foggy today
Everyone needs time at least once a week to relieve stress and figure out their lives.
April 4 - TIP OF LIFE: if you find yourself overthinking while you're alone, put away ALL electronics and just breathe. Slowly. Focus on that only.
Why must I need to be so paranoid sometimes
April 6 - The amount of drama that happens because of social media .. it's crazy. Hahahah
Doing things for me and the ones I care about.
April 8 - DRAMA RIDES ON MY BACK wherever I go
April 9 - Don't hurt the ones who care about you most
Yo my friends are so weird I LOVE IT
April 11 - @/BrennenTaylor how many RTs for you to go to prom with me ?
April 13 - You guys make my life feel like a dream ... Thank you for that
April 14 - One of my biggest pet peeves is when people steal my ideas. It's the worst
April 16 - Seeing you always makes my day just a little brighter
April 17 - So many embarrassing videos of me on the internet it's not even funny. I still laugh though
April 19 - Crazy adventure tonight. gunna try to talk to a troubled spirit. Here we go
April 21 - @/katstuartmusic : I'm so sick
@/samgolbach : Now I think I'm sick too :/
You guys must have been holding hands too much gross
April 22 - The trick to succeeding in life is not caring about what others think and doing what you love
April 25 - After all this time, and you're still on my mind
I see eltons ghost when I close my eyes at night
April 28 - How sick would it be if you could fly ..
I'm going to makeshift wings out of geese feathers and super glue. Watch me
May 1 - Got up early this morning .. but moved 5 feet to my couch and fell back asleep
May 6 - You ever feel like you're slowly driving yourself crazy..?
May 7 - It's crazy how people can change completely with time.
Someone you know now can be a different person in just a couple years.. WEIRD
Been a while since I've gotten to leave LA .. feels so nice
May 8 - Get to see my dogs and family tomorrow
May 10 - Let's just forget
May 11 - Always happier with my puggle by my side
May 13 - I think one of the most important things I've learned in life is that you should ALWAYS be yourself. Dress, talk, act, like YOU
You don't have to listen to anyone who doesn't agree or has a negative opinion of your life choices, just do what makes you happy:)
Confidence is key. If we were all meant to act "cool" our entire lives then there wouldn't be that many unique personalities out there
May 14 - Proud to see my brother graduate college with a bachelors degree in journalism! What an accomplishment
Glad I have the best mom in the entire world. Really the only person I can always connect with emotionally, someone who's always there
May 15 - Sorry Ed Sheeran fans. But if I hear shape of you play one more time on the radio I might have to hurl myself in front of a cargo train.
(that's.... a very specific thing to throw yourself in front of lol)
May 17 - Funny how every time I go back to Kansas and see all my old friends, I'm reminded of how much I've really changed since high school
May 18 - My room looks like a rainbow and it makes my soul really happy
Back in Kansas, exploring abandoned places and breaking into petting zoos was just a normal night for the crew, Sam and I before social media
I'm excited to say that when we went back to Kansas, a lot of the old stuff we used to do off camera was filmed this time ...
Gotta start wearing more colors
You can find me at target buying a new male romper
May 19 - Headed to a fair tonight, look at me being all social wow
May 20 - Can't trust anyone with ideas in social media. Everyone will take your stuff if they see success in it
(someone was really trying to copy him in 2017... strange.)
May 22 - I want this summer to be the best one of my life:) screw being sad about anything, I'm just livin lifeee
May 24 - If you're not happy, it's not worth it
May 29 - Where do people find the motivation and energy to wake up in the morning ? That's what I struggle with most
Just trying to be the happiest person I can be!
June 3 - Are there ever places that pop up in your mind where you have NO CLUE what they could possibly even look like?
If you're loyal, God bless your little heart
June 8 - Make time for the things in your life that are important to you
I wanna be able to enjoy the simpler things in life, instead of worrying about everything else
My mind is constantly in different places, but still I have nothing to say
June 10 - Crazy how you can go from talking to someone everyday of your life for so long, to not speaking at all. Feels like something's missing.
Just because things changed, didn't mean I wanted them to
"I wish I was like you.... easily amused"
June 16 - If you judge someone based on appearance/popularity on social media, what are you thinking? There's so much more that the eye can't see
As soon as someone appears on camera, people forget reality. Forget that everyone is the same as everyone else
June 18 - The amount of "Happy Father's Day" I've gotten is absolutely ridiculous
June 22 - You'll always be my favorite memory .
A fan comes up to me and says "wow! You look so much skinnier in person!" Uhhhhm EXCUSE ME !?
June 25 - For a minute there, I lost myself. Glad to be back to my roots
@/Aaron_Doh I'm surprised you're up Aaron. I can't sleep. I love you.
(aww this is really sweet lol)
June 30 - Rather waste some time with you
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hi! can you give me your hottest, dirtiest, filthiest bottom harry fics?
Hiya!! Yes I can! ^-^
Now there are 41 different fics under this list, so it’s quite long! Obviously what people find dirty/filthy can be a large range, so if you ever want to narrow it down just send another message like ‘no plot’ for example :) and then I can make it more suited to your taste if this one isn’t! I hope you enjoy this though love ❤
In case no one gets to the bottom of the page I’ll say it again here too! Please make sure to stay safe and read the tags!! ❤ ❤
you're my favorite ride by louislovesharry
no summary
At Least As Deep As the Pacific Ocean (I wanna be yours) by babylouis
Louis can’t help but stop and watch him for a moment, how beautiful he looks, sprawled out on the bed, his cock red and hard against his tummy, collar snug against his neck and the bow still placed neatly in his curls to keep them back from Harry’s face.
His boy may be the most beautiful creature on the planet.
Especially tied up like this, body begging to be fucked. Begging to be destoryed.
Louis likes to push boundaries, and Harry takes what he gets. Lots of subspace Harry and fonding Louis ensues.
redder than the devil by mercutionotromeo
It's half past 9, and all Harry wants is for Louis to touch him. Preferably after a good spanking.
If you combine a lazy Saturday afternoon with a distracting, pouty Harry, you'll end up with Louis spanking his baby over his knee in the middle of a paused FIFA match.
Pretty please, take care of me ? by kurtcobain
Louis is stressed. Harry wants to help.
Step into the Light by Smolbeanandhisqween
Harry is on the set of his new music video "Lights Up". His husband, Louis, is watching him film the video. He gets jealous of all of the people touching Harry and teaches him a lesson.
Destroy Me, King by stylinsexualxo
After SNL, jealous Louis has a little surprise for Harry when he arrives home.
Can We Pretend (honestly reality bores me) by SadaVeniren
He felt Louis chuckle. “Dreaming of being my supportive, no-name boyfriend again?”
“Always,” Harry whispered. It was true. After all this time together there was no point in hiding any of his fantasies from Louis, no matter how innocent they were. So Louis was well aware of Harry’s desire to be anonymous sometimes - the “no-name” as Louis called him - loyal, a constant presence at Louis’ side.
aka Harry comes and supports Louis at his Scala concert
Let Me Be Good For You by onlyhuman for haroldtbh
His distress over the bun is nothing compared to the thrill Louis feels shoot up his spine at the outfit Harry’s donned. He’s changed into leather jeans that cling to his legs, hugging his thighs snugly. On top of it, a floaty, black sheer shirt is contouring his frame, doing absolutely nothing to hide his puffy nipples or the endless array of tattoos scattered across his torso. It’s Louis’ favourite outfit in the entire world.
Or, Niall's only birthday wish is to go clubbing with his boys in Vegas. Harry ruins it all by wearing that god forsaken black sheer shirt.
You Like Playing Games by orphan_account
Louis knows Harry likes to flirt and tease. Louis knows that he doesn’t particularly like when Harry flirts and teases. Louis knows that Harry knows that Louis doesn’t particularly like it.
But what Louis doesn’t quite know is why, despite that, Harry’s decided to grind against 5 Seconds of Summer’s Luke Hemmings during “Teenage Dirtbag” in the last show in Melbourne.
Basically pure smut.
Do Not Disturb (kiss me beneath the milky twilight) by SadaVeniren
“I was talking with Nick a couple months back and he was saying how our sex life seemed boring and we’d need to keep doing new and interesting things to keep it exciting or else we’d become boring and heterosexual and I defended us of course but then work picked up and we started living off of studio handjobs and missionary position sex in the dark and so I panicked. I googled BDSM and after looking into it I really want to try some of it because I think we’d enjoy it but we just don’t have the time.”
aka Harry doesn't want to become a boring old married couple a year into their relationship and tries to spice up their sex life.
Forgetting Frisco by iwillpaintasongforlou
Harry probably knew when he decided to wear that goddamn sheer shirt onstage in Toronto that it was going to drive Louis absolutely insane with want. He probably didn't know that Louis was going to proceed to fuck him so good he had flashbacks for years to come just like Frisco, but then again, you won't hear him complaining.
(Basically 6k of Louis worshipping Harry's body and doing it all in front of a mirror so Harry can worship, too.)
Mon Petit by coffinofachimera
Harry wears the 'Mon Petit' sweater while Louis records them on their private
falling for you, i can't keep away by hegotthedagger plane
Harry wants Louis really bad and Louis might want him just as much.
Always In My Heart by sweaterpawstyles
The tweet itself was not startling at all. Harry saw people retweet it nearly every day for years now. It always made him smile to see how many people had retweeting Louis showing his love for Harry on that day.
What was startling was underneath where the fan had retweeted it, Harry saw the small number 1M written on it.
Harry froze, completely unable to move anything in his body. He knew Louis had the second most retweeted tweet of all time, but it reached a million retweets. One million people believed in Louis' love for Harry. Or AIMH hits 1 million & facetime sex ensues
You and Me by louisgrindsonharry
Harry and Louis have dabbled in the idea of BDSM but Harry finally wants to take it farther and Louis has to figure out how to take care of his boy.
they shake, you conquer (and I'm left to their devices) by butidontreallycare
smut. a little love for Harry's thighs, but mostly just smut. I am not ashamed
Daddy Came Home by RuinedBy5Guys
“You got yourself off.” He says quietly, his eyes locked on Harry’s. Harry’s face flushes and he tries to cover it, shoving himself towards Louis. He drops to his knees, leaning close between his husbands spread thighs. He puts his hands on his dress pants, carefully feeling the material at his knees.
“How did you know?” He asks quietly. Louis drops his face, grabbing over Harry’s hands with his own. Harry lowers his gaze, staring at the carpet underneath him.
“You were asleep. You always get tired after an orgasm. Not to mention how flushed you are.” He says quietly, raking his eyes over Harry’s body. Harry glances up at him, his actions becoming more clear to him now that Louis was home.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers, dropping his eyes again.
“What was that?” Louis snaps, reaching to bring Harry’s face up again. Harry gulps, shuffling closer on his knees, the joints aching already.
“I’m sorry, Daddy.” Harry says, his green eyes locked on Louis’ blue ones. Louis smiles slightly, stroking his fingers over his husbands cheeks softly.
“Just gonna have to spank you now, aren’t I?”
OR... Harry teases and Daddy punishes him in the best ways possible
take me into your loving arms by blankiehxrry
twas the night of the brit awards
I Wanna Do What Bunnies Do With You by MoreThanTonight
“Lou.. Not here?” Harry pulled off with a gasp. “There are people in the next room. What if they hear us?“
“Then I guess you’ll just have to be quiet, won’t you, love?” Louis winked.
It's Harry's birthday and Louis wants to make it a birthday he won't forget. Louis is an art student, Harry is his boyfriend and muse.
if they find out, will it all go wrong? by blankiehxrry
madison square garden shenanigans
Happy Birthday by sleepingalone
“You wanna use that right now?” he asked incredulously, wondering how horny Louis must be. They had just fucked a few hours ago, before falling asleep. Surely he didn’t want to use it already.
“You said we had to wait till my birthday, and it’s my birthday,” Louis said cheekily, throwing Harry a small grin. Harry groaned into the pillow, burying his head in it.
“But I’m tired, Lou. I need my beauty rest.”
“I already undid the packaging,” Louis whined. “Please, can we just do it real quick? It would really make my day. My birthday,” he added. “You can go to sleep afterwards, Sleeping Beauty.”
Louis just really wants to use his new vibrating butt plug on Harry and turn him into a broken mess.
I Knew Right From the Beginning That You Would End Up Winning by aalexandravictoriaa
"I remember the first day I met you," Louis says, using his thumbs to make Harry open up to him even more. "I remember wanting to take you right there on the fucking street. I wanted to bend you over and bury myself in you over and over again. I couldn't then, but I'm going to now, baby. First with my tongue, then with my cock."
Harry is Louis' favorite camboy and Louis becomes his Daddy.
In Motion by FictitiousFanatisch (orphan_account)
They'd only talked about it once a few weeks ago. Harry always liked it when Louis was in control and he said there was something about being denied constantly that made him even more turned on.
It's a lazy day and Harry wants Louis to edge him. (That's literally it.)
I'm Gonna Love You (Until You Hate me) by sweaterpawstyles
As if reading his mind, Louis glanced over his glasses at Harry, presumably because Harry didn't reply to his statement earlier.
"I decided to get my glasses out again," he chuckled, winking at Harry. "Do you like them?"
Harry felt his face heat up. No, he didn't just like them. He fucking loved them and wanted to ride Louis and call him daddy while he wore them. But he didn't want to just tell Louis this.
Louis wears glasses and Harry doesn't like to be teased
I have often prayed for an angel by orphan_account
“Daddy,” he whines, voice already growing high in pitch. “Can I? Please?” “Of course angel,” Louis whispers fondly, hand tangling in Harry’s hair as he brushes it back. He loves Harry’s long strands, maybe even more than Harry does himself. “You look so beautiful on your knees like that, so eager to suck my cock.” “Mhm,” Harry hums, already licking at Louis’ slit. He begins to suckle softly at the head, peering up at Louis with wide eyes. The angel wings stretch on either side of him, and it’s so obscene, how filthy the act they’re doing is in contrast to the white feathers adorning Harry’s back. “Love your cock Daddy.” Or, the one in which Louis fucks Harry in the VS wings after he wears them onstage.
down and dirty, you're loving me so loud by orphan_account
Harry's finally twenty and there's a few things he wants.
feels so good getting what i want. by stylescantstop
Harry is a slutty yoga teacher with his sights set on Louis and Louis wants to pull that long hair of his while he fucks him really hard from behind.
Empyrean, You Fool by becauseitrhymes
Louis only realized it was actually happening once the reality of getting to carry boxes to his new flat settled in. He’d moved out of his parent’s just two days prior, with a stomach full of butterflies and no knowledge of how to do anything remotely adult, like, at all.
He’s only twenty-three years old, too, and he thinks he’s done pretty well for such a young age, considering he’s bought a flat with his money and had driven his car to get there and hadn’t cried (much) when leaving his parents. All in all, Louis thinks it’s pretty cool.
And then he’s sitting on his couch watching football in his lounge in his flat and hell yeah, it’s pretty cool.
AU where Louis moves next door to Harry, Louis falls in love with Harry, sex ensues.
Love Me Like You Do by sweaterpawstyles
Of all of the things Louis had imagined, never did he expect to become a chief editor for a magazine and to date the world-famous model Harry Styles. But he certainly never imagined one day that he would be anxiously awaiting a phone call from the top floor of an office building to tell the Harry Styles to get himself dolled up and ready to wait for his Daddy to come home before he got fucked into the mattress.
Harry is a famous model and Louis is a quiet writer who may or may not be his Dom
A Hard Day's Work by louisruinedlife (orphan_account)
A bad day at work for Harry usually means turning in early. A bad day at work for Louis leads to something else entirely.
*Can be read as a stand alone.
the big idea by orphan_account
University students Harry and Zayn are filming a prank for YouTube that requires Harry to walk around campus asking random men if he could suck their dick. One of the guys, Louis, who agrees to such offer is too attractive for Harry to pass down.
He doesn't think its much of a prank anymore after that.
throw me in the deep end, watch me drown by orphan_account
“That's why you were late, eh?” he teases as Harry frantically tries to hide the dildos and the collar in the drawer. “Having too much fun to think about good ole Louis?”
“You were having fun too,” Harry replies weakly. Louis honestly has never seen a person be in such a shade of red.
“Yeah, but my fun didn't involve colourful dildos and nipple clamps.”
or the one where louis really needs to pass his a-levels and harry is his tutor who doesn’t really own a dog.
Give It To Me (I'm Worth It) by sweaterpawstyles
"Who the hell puts lube packets in their sock?"
"A boy who wanted to get fucked in the locker room by his daddy," Harry said innocently. "I have my good intentions, Lou."
Louis can't resist Harry in the red shorts that he wore during the James Corden skit. Featuring locker room sex.
don't let nobody touch it (unless that somebody's me) by stylescantstop
written for this prompt:
"louis knows Harry gets handsy when he's drunk, but that doesn't stop him from showing harry who he belongs to."
or the one where harry dances with other men and a jealous louis reminds him he's the only one who can make him come completely apart.
causing trouble up in hotel rooms (baby, I'm perfect) by felixandtae
A fan threw a Green Bay Packers crop top on stage and Harry kept it. We all know what happened after that.
sweet like cinnamon by brainwaves for SuburbanWarrior
It all started with bumping into Louis at Gemma’s mate’s wedding. Well, maybe it really started with Harry making heart eyes at the boy in jersey number 17 all those years ago. Now all he can think about is getting into Louis’ pants and maybe staying there for a really, really long time.
Or the one where Harry calls Louis daddy and it all spirals out of control from there.
Fulfilling Your Needs by unmeshed
“You want to be messy, baby? Filled with Daddy’s come? So much that you can barely hold it all in?"
Harry nods softly and Louis leans in to kiss him on the lips with a smile. “Want Daddy to plug you up after? Keep it inside of you all day?"
“Lou,” Harry whines, softly rubbing himself against his boyfriend, biting down on Louis’ bottom lip before he deepens the kiss, sneaking his tongue inside.
Louis’ll be damned if he can’t make Harry’s dreams come true.
Louis buys Harry an ejaculating dildo because Harry wants to feel full.
Like a Kitten by peaceloveandlarry
"Erm, I, uh, well, I think... I think you're really pretty, and I, um, I want to fuck you- I mean! Oh god. I- I want to go out? Yea! I want to go out."
Or Harry likes to wear kitten ears, and Louis happens to think Harry looks nice with them.
into another serotonin overflow by mercutionotromeo
Harry's the yearbook photographer who's been assigned to take pictures of Louis, the new captain of the football team. Harry's got a massive, obvious crush on Louis and somehow, Louis feels the same way.
Sweet first time sex wherein Harry's adorably awkward, Louis is achingly cool, and Harry rides Louis wearing his jersey.
need a little sweetness in my life by mercutionotromeo
Harry's always liked feeling desperate and small when Louis touches him, but when he sucks Harry off...it’s fucking otherworldly. Desperate’s not really the word at that point - it’s helpless. Like… like the fucking world could stop spinning and Harry wouldn’t be able to do anything about it until Louis finished him off with his lips and his tongue.
Or, Harry and Louis go to university together. Harry really likes it when Louis sucks him off, and Louis really likes it when Harry calls him Daddy.
(Sequel to "into another serotonin overflow")
Cheeky Princess by Noelle1224
Harry and panties. What more is there to explain?
I'm Tired Of Using Technology, I Need You Right In Front Of Me by Phillipa19
Louis goes away on yet another business trip, but when he stops calling Harry to check in, Harry decides to take matters into his own hands.
OR- Louis is Harry's sugardaddy who has gone away on business and Harry feels neglected. Louis is possessive and gets a camera installed in their bedroom so he can check up on Harry, so Harry decides to use the camera to his advantage.
Got A Lot You Wanna Show Off Baby by Phillipa19
Louis had been in meetings all day, he should have known that Harry wouldn't be ignored for much longer.
Louis is Harry's sugardaddy and his younger boyfriend is definitely not happy being ignored whilst Louis holds meetings in his home office. There may also be Harry in lacy knickers involved.
As always please make sure to stay safe and read the tags!! ❤ ❤
#Larry Stylinson#fic rec#fanfiction#fanfic#larry fanfiction#larry stylinson fanfiction#larry fic#larry fic rec#larry fanfic rec#larry stylinson fic rec#bottom harry#top louis#sub harry#dom louis#smut#I'm probably going to hell for some of these#ask lots#Lottie fic rec
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"why don't we be friends (why don't we make out)" - (1/1)
words: 2,373
read on ao3
There are very few people that Nico forgets about. At least, as far as the people that have stuck around with him for most of his life.
He’s known Percy and Annabeth since they were young, remembering watching the two of them chase each other around the schoolyard and purposefully try and get desks right next to each other before they were inevitably separated by alphabetical last name seating. He remembers trying to convince Piper to do his french project and Jason sitting in the halls with him outside of the music room when they wouldn’t want to go outside for recess in middle school. He can still hear the alarm when Leo accidentally knocked over a bunsen burner in their sophomore year chemistry class, and the feeling of paint on his skin when Hazel tripped and sent half of her palette onto him in their art class.
Nico can even recall moments with the people he was never particularly close to, like when Rachel told him she loved him backstage of their winter concert after only having known him for five minutes (in a very lesbian/gay solidarity way, of course), or when Grover spent an entire hour hiding out in their school library to get away from their math sub.
It’s strange now, looking across such a large circle of people piled into Jason and Thalia’s house. They’re all people from his grade (or class , he supposes, now that they’re officially graduated), Each one of them, Nico can remember at least one conversation he’s had with them, one story he’s passed into his closer friend group that is laughed over and then inevitably moved on from.
It was supposed to be a big party celebrating all their friendships throughout the years.
Ironically, so many people that had such little impact on him, in retrospect.
Which is why it comes as a surprise to him when he sees a flash of blonde curls and freckled skin among the sea of people. He’s hit with what feels like a wall of memories of the two of them, laying in the same bed trading quiet secrets, and walks to the store to get an inhumane amount of candy that they can go share at the pier. Images of blue eyes, warm hands in his, and the sound of stifled laughter at midnight feel all too familiar. Nico is stuck on them.
He hasn’t seen Will in years.
It wasn’t exactly his choice. It wasn’t either of theirs, really. They had gone to middle school together, and from the ages of 10 to 14, Will knew the most about him.
And then their middle school graduation came and went, and Will left for a boarding school. Nico remembers, vaguely, Will asking him to come with them.
“They offer more classes, and there are more opportunities for help,” they had said, or something along the lines of it. “And we could be roommates.”
Part of him wanted to. All of him almost went. But it was the same year he lost his sister, and while moving to another state for school sounded like a fantastic way to avoid all his trauma, he had to stay with his family. Not that his father would have stopped him, but Nico knew he couldn’t go. Not yet.
So he stayed, and Will left, and it all worked out fine. They texted every other day, facetimed once or twice a month when their schedules lined up. Will came home for Christmas that year, telling stories about the other kids on their floor and their girlfriend. Then, when he came home for that summer, about their boyfriend.
Nico would listen, then catch Will up about what was going on at his public school. He had gone out on a date with one boy which was nice but didn’t turn into anything, and Will told him he would find someone eventually. They took trips to the mall together instead of the pier, mostly just to get milkshakes and have a place to walk around.
One morning, Will convinced him to bike to the beach in the morning to see the sunrise. The sky ended up being too cloudy, but they still sat together on the empty lifeguard chair, swapped sweatshirts and bagels with cream cheese, and talking about summer jobs and college.
Then Will left for their sophomore year, and school caught up to both of them and whatever kept them going was lost. The most Nico talked to them was through the occasional Snapchat sent to each other or on a group facetime
The last time Nico had called Will alone, it was in a panic to ask advice on how to break up with the boy he was dating at the time because he realized that relationships weren’t really his thing, at least not yet. Will had sat quietly, giving him occasional advice, and mostly just comforted him.
And that was it.
Nico had gotten a new phone later that year, and all their call logs and long text threads were lost into the depths of his phone memory.
It was bittersweet, in all honesty, and pretty painless for the most part. Maybe it’s because Nico never really forgot about Will. There was never any clear ending; no hard feelings between the two of them. He still sees their posts on social media, sees their mom in the store on occasion. He remembers passing Will at their local fair when they came home again for the summer of their junior year with their boyfriend that they were still dating, and then later again the next when he noticed that all posts had been removed from their Instagram including the ones with said boyfriend and nothing but will - they/them in their bio.
He wondered, briefly, where Will had gone when he didn’t even see him in passing over the following summer. Was he still going to the boarding school? Had his family moved out of the state entirely?
It never felt like a friendship breakup. It was clear now, though.
Nico wonders at which point it became one. He didn’t mean to stare at Will as long as he did. Everything had just come washing over him at once, and he was frozen in place staring at the person Nico had once called his best friend.
He doesn’t even realize he was staring until Will looks back. Their blue eyes meet his brown ones, and reality sets back in. The loud music he had drowned out in his daydream came filtering back through his ears, and he stumbles as people shove past him towards the kitchen. Still, his gaze locks on Will.
Neither of them makes a move towards each other at first.
Then, a moment later, Will is right next to him.
“Hey,” they say it slowly, almost like they were testing the waters, like they knew how long it had been since they had spoken.
Nico doesn’t know what to say. His first instinct was to hug them.
He withstands it, though, instead grabbing onto their wrist and pulling them past the crowd of people and into one of the rooms off of the main hall, which was miraculously empty. He can still hear the pounding music, but it was a little bit quieter with the door closed. Quiet enough that he can think again.
“Uh, hi,” Will tries again, and god, their smile never changed.
“Sorry,” Nico says once he realized he had just seemingly dragged them into a secondary location with no explanation. “It was just… loud. Out there.”
“I get it,” Will says, sitting down on the couch pushed onto the far wall and looking back up at Nico. They were wearing a pinkish-orange button-up Hawaiian shirt that looked straight out of their dad’s closet (Nico would know, he’s seen it before) that was half-tucked into mid-rise light wash jeans that were cuffed just enough that you could see a glimpse of where their socks met their Converse. Yellow, possibly the same pair they had bought at the mall two years prior when Nico was there.
They got taller, he thinks vaguely. Nico had too, but Will still has at least half a foot on him.
“So, what’s up?”
“Not much, I guess,” he shrugs, twisting his ring. “I mean, I graduated. I assume you did too.”
Will nods. “I did. Lou Ellen invited me as her plus one. You know her, right? Friends with Rachel.”
Nico nods. Shoulder length, cloud-like hair that was a different color every other week. Wore lots of random thrifted t-shirts over big pants. Loud personality, even louder voice. Band kid. Friends with Cecil; her good grades probably being the only reason he hasn’t been kicked out of the school yet. Once debated the legitimacy of gender binaries with him in an English class.
“Sorry for, like, staring at you before,” he says. “It’s been a while.”
They nod again. “All good. I was staring at you before anyway.”
“You were?”
“Yeah,” Will shrugs. “You’re easy to look at.”
Then, a moment later, “It has been a while, hasn’t it?”
“Yeah. You’ve changed a bit.”
“Have I?” They ask. “I think just my look, maybe. I’m still just as obnoxious.”
Nico snorts. It’s comforting to know they could just slip back into it like this. Like no time had ever passed, and Nico is back in their bedroom creating each other in The Sims.
“Are you still dating Connor?” Nico asks, vaguely remembering the last conversation they had.
“Nah, we broke up last winter.”
“Any reason?”
Will squints a bit like they’re curious why Nico’s asking. It makes Nico blush, immediately regretting saying anything.
“Dunno. We just grew apart,” they say. Then, “Sounds kinda familiar, doesn’t it?” followed by a laugh.
“I didn’t mean to stop talking to you,” Nico says quickly because he didn’t. There are days where he sees Will’s Instagram story or a tweet and knows that even though he could still comment, it wouldn’t quite be the same.
“Life got busy,” Will says. “It happens”
“I didn’t want it to. Not to us.”
“So let's restart.”
Nico blinks. “Just… start over our entire friendship?”
“No, just pick up where we left off.”
“Just like nothing happened?” he asks, sitting down on the couch next to them.
“Just like nothing happened,” Will affirms.
They’re both quiet for a moment, then—
“Do you remember what you told me when you first came out as bisexual to me?”
It was in the basement of Will’s house. Nico had come out as gay a few weeks prior, and when he was talking about the boy he liked, they just casually mentioned it. Being with Will like this again reminded him of something they had said, and something he later found out.
“I think I just, like… told you, right?” Will smiles. “And I said you were a big part of helping me figure out.”
“Yeah. I always thought you meant because I had already come out,” Nico said. “It wasn’t until, like, last year that Piper mentioned you meant that because you liked me.”
Will laughed again. “I figured you didn’t. You were always talking about what bad of a couple we would make.”
“Yeah,” Nico said, and his heart picked up pace as his knee knocked against Will’s by accident. Neither of them moved. “I actually had a massive crush on you for a while. I think I just said that because I wanted to try and get over it, so I wanted you to indirectly reject me.”
“Did you ever get over it?”
Nico laughs. “Not really. But I moved on.”
He notices Will shift closer, notices how their hands are now on top of each other and their legs are fully pressed together.
“Same,” Will says, moving their head closer to Nico’s until their foreheads are pressed together and their breaths mingle. They look at him for any sign to stop, and Nico doesn’t move.
“Good thing we’re starting over then, right?” they continue, practically a breath of a whisper before their lips connect, and god Nico did not think this was where his night was going but no way in hell was he about to stop it. (He’s not sober enough to care, anyway, and seemingly neither is Will judging by the strong scent smell of weed coming off of his shirt.)
Their hands laced together, subconsciously, almost like muscle memory from all the days walking hand in hand down the dock. (Nico wonders if his younger self was ever trying to tell his mind something.) Nico’s other hand comes up to rest on warm skin, brushing Will’s cheek with his thumb like he’s trying to wipe the freckles off.
Will wraps one arm around Nico’s waist, pulling him closer until he eventually just shifts so he’s in their lap. Will certainly doesn’t complain, only tilting their head to deepen the kiss and breaking apart their hands so they can run one hand through Nico’s hair.
They have to break apart after a moment, and Nico can help it when he laughs.
“Guess we were a little dumb when we were younger, huh?”
Will’s breathing heavy, but Nico doesn’t miss the familiar playful glint in their eye. “I don’t know what you mean. You’re still an idiot,” they say, pressing a kiss to the underside of Nico’s jaw, and another one right next to his ear.
He wonders if Will has thought about doing this the same way Nico has.
“Says you,” Nico says. “You were far more oblivious than I was.”
“I’m not the one who said we would make a bad couple,” they remind Will.
“Yeah?” he says, then leans back in to kiss Will again. Their mouths slot together, and god, they’re an even better kisser than Nico ever thought they could be. Something in his mind tells him maybe it’s not relationships he didn’t like, maybe he just knew it wasn’t the right person.
Perhaps Will’s that person he was always looking for.
Nico leans back, just barely so he can mumble “Lucky for you, I’m willing to test that theory,” against Will’s lips just before they pull him in once more.
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#solangelo#will solace#nico di angelo#pjo#heros of olympus#my writing#liz writes.com#i like this update for the automatic italicies but holy shit just let me type my tags tumblr dear god
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