#He sees Vaggie spare a demon child
breakandbuildfiction · 5 months
Danny Just Wanted A Sword
Danny just wanted a Holy Sword, or maybe Spear, really any DnD weapon type thing. He didn’t need one, and he didn’t plan to actually use it, he just thought it would be really cool to have. So when he found himself in the middle of a bloodbath he would later learn was called ‘Extermination Day’ his first thought, after a few variants of ‘Oh Shit’ that is, was that he probably should have been more specific when he asked the Infi-Map to bring him somewhere where he could get himself a Holy Weapon.
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theamberfist · 4 months
Like Father, Like Child | Part 2 | Alastor + Exorcist! Reader
Familial! Alastor + Exorcist! Adopted Child! Reader
Description: The battle between heaven's exorcists and the Hazbin Hotel rages on, but when Adam catches wind of your secret past, a difficult choice is forced upon you.
(Notes: CW Alastor, mentions of murder, fallen angels) (gender neutral reader) (reader is Alastor's adopted child from when they were alive) (Part 2/4 of Like Father, Like Child)
Read Part 1 here
Words: 3,351
"Jez!" A voice called from behind you and you immediately turned around, seeing one of your fellow exorcists about to fall at the hands of more cannibalistic demons. Snapping out of the trance you'd been placed in upon seeing your father again, you immediately rushed over to assist her. Luckily, it seemed Alastor really did have no interest in attacking his own child, allowing you to focus on helping your ally.
You had always been one of Adam's best exorcists. After Vaggie had left, it paved the way for you to rise in their ranks and prove yourself. Aside from Lute, there were few other angels that had killed as many sinners as you; for better or worse.
So of course, you had no trouble freeing your sister-in-arms from her predicament and then rushing into the ever-raging crowd of cannibals; thinning them out.
As you fought, though, you kept feeling as if there were eyes on you; like you were being watched. It was a bit unsettling, especially because you knew exactly whom it was that kept looking your way despite being faced with Adam himself.
'Mind your own business, dad...' You thought to yourself as you stabbed your spear through the body of yet another angel. Though, you'd been having to hold your own self back from glancing up at him this whole time, too. After all, this was the first time you two had reunited in many, many years. Could one have blamed you for being curious about what had become of the man that once raised you, even after all the horrible things he'd done?
Finally, you allowed yourself to spare a look at the roof nearby, where Adam and Alastor were engaged in a fight. For the first little while, you actually couldn't tell which of them would win between Adam's heavenly power and your dad's shadowy magic.
But as the fighting continued, the outcome started to get more apparent. Adam was strong, and unlike your dad, he wielded angelic weapons.
Several times during their fight, you also found yourself in slightly stickier situations due to being so distracted, only for an odd black tentacle-like thing to shoot up from the ground and block whatever attack a sinner might be preparing towards you. It was disorienting, as you were fairly certain those same tentacle-things had just been fighting on the side of those sinners just moments earlier.
Eventually, there was a huge blast of angelic power from the roof of the building and the once radio-static voice of your father now sounded completely normal as he cursed at Adam. It reminded you of the way he'd sounded while alive; almost making tears prick in your eyes.
For a split second, it almost felt like you'd been taken back to that time; when things were simpler and it was just you and your dad living happily in New Orleans. But of course, this was a very different situation. You were reminded of that once Adam called out.
"Jez, get the fuck up here!" He shouted from the roof. You gulped, feeling almost like a kid that had been called to the principle's office, but spread your wings and flew up to the top of the building anyway.
On the way, you caught a glimpse of one sinner in particular that looked familiar to you. With an 'X' over her eye and a big red bow in her long hair, she could almost have been the spitting image of Vaggie.
Could this have been where she ended up?
Could this be where you would end up, now that Adam seemed to be aware of who you were?
You pushed the thought out of your mind as you landed on the rooftop now, looking over at your boss and completely ignoring the sight of your dad laying against the nearby wall; as if he'd been slammed into it.
"Yes, sir?" You asked, appearing as calm and unbothered as you could have been when faced with your dad like this. Adam's eyes narrowed but then he put on a fake smile of his own.
"Great, now that everybody's here, Jez, meet the Radio Demon!" He exclaimed, pointing to Alastor, who's eyes were narrowed into a glare despite the supposed grin on his face. "Oh, wait, you've already fucking met!" You tensed when the angel's tone got more angry but kept your composure, nonetheless.
"I don't know what you're talking about, sir." You replied, careful not to even look at Alastor for fear of giving yourself away. Luckily, he said nothing either; likely still shocked from both seeing you after so long and being so injured by the first man.
"Oh, ya don't, do you?" Adam replied as he crossed his arms over his chest and wore an expression of disbelief. You shook your head but that didn't seemed to be enough for the leader of the exorcists. "Well, if you really don't know the asshole, then I'm sure you'll have no problem finishing him off for me." Your breath hitched.
Adam had to already know about your relation to Alastor, but how had he figured it out? You hadn't told anyone during the entire time you'd been dead, and yet the first time you saw him again, you'd been discovered for who you really were?
Then you thought back to when you'd been fighting earlier; how Alastor's powers had seemed to protect you from even the ones that were supposed to be on his own side. It seemed the man still hadn't been able to stop looking out for you; even after both of you had died. And because of that, he'd likely been even more distracted when fighting Adam, which the angel had caught on to.
Sometimes you really forgot the first man had a brain.
"Alright." You whispered finally, unsure of what else to do. You knew what would happen if you defied Adam; it was likely the same thing that had once happened to Vaggie! But as you turned to look at your dad now, still slumped against the wall, you already knew you wouldn't be able to go through with this.
He may have harmed and killed so many, but he was still your father. He'd still raised you; been loving and caring throughout your entire childhood. You couldn't help but view him as your dad, even after everything.
Plus, there was a deeper part of you that knew you two were one in the same. Just because you hadn't acted on your murderous tendencies in life didn't automatically make you better; especially when you'd gone on to kill so many sinners as an angel in death. It didn't matter if that was what heaven had commanded you to do; you were still a murderer in your own right.
So as you went to take a step towards your dad, angelic spear raised and ready, you already knew you wouldn't be able to go through with it. He seemed to realize it too, because as he pushed himself into a sitting position against the partially destroyed wall, there was a hint of pride in his eyes. He knew his own kid; knew that you'd sooner betray heaven than your only family.
"S-sir," you said, turning back to Adam now, "Are you sure you want me to be the one to-"
"Yes." The angel replied before you could even finish, "Now, get on with it! We have more little bitches to slaughter." So much for making up an excuse not to do this, you supposed.
As you turned back to Alastor, you attempted to keep your body from shaking. With fear, regret, or sadness? You weren't sure, but whatever it was, it was enough to stop you once you were within stabbing-distance of the Radio Demon.
"What's wrong?" Adam asked from behind you; his tone telling you he very much enjoyed the entertainment the situation was bringing, "Too scared to kill off your old man?"
So he did know. Your eyes narrowed, still facing away from the angel, but now that that revelation had come to pass, even when you'd suspected it already, you felt a bit of anger boil up inside you. He was doing this purely for entertainment; using you to make the extermination more fun for him. And you decided now that you weren't having it.
So, to everyone's surprise including your own, you turned around and hurled your spear directly at his face. No matter how murderous you'd felt in the past, you couldn't bring yourself to kill your own father, and it pissed you off that he would even try to make it happen.
"Do it yourself!" You shouted. He took a step to the side so the spear missed his head by a long shot but it had been enough to get your point across.
Adam's eyes narrowed and now you knew there was no going back.
Technically, Alastor had never wanted kids to begin with. As entertaining as they were, he found them to be more responsibility than they were ultimately worth.
However, the people around him seemed to consider them a positive thing; almost a necessity, when it came to human life. There was so much emphasis on that picture perfect family everyone seemed to have; a wife, children, a beautiful home.
...To the point where it was considered odd not to have or want those things in some degree.
Alastor had always known his favorite 'pastimes' were considered unacceptable to the rest of society. That was why he'd gotten so good at hiding it; whether through his smile, his charm, or the rest of his meticulously planned out actions. He always took much care in making sure no one suspected him of being different or 'odd.'
Which was why it irked him once people began questioning his wants in life. "When are you going to settle down?" They would ask, "ever thought about having kids of your own?"
"It's odd to be so happy yet so alone at your age. Perhaps meeting a beautiful woman would do you some good."
Every comment increased his anger, having never felt the need for such aspects of life, but he knew it meant people had started to see him as odd; that he stood out from the persona he so desperately tried to make blend in with the rest of society.
He needed a way to reassure them all that he was 'normal' if he wanted to continue keeping the suspicion off of him. And since he could never bring himself to marry or be romantically involved with another, it had seemed he only had one other option.
Which was how he eventually found himself visiting the adoption agency just a few blocks from his home. Keeping up his cheerful and charming act had been more difficult than ever, considering he'd never wanted to be doing this, but it was necessary, and the very next day, he walked out with the first child he'd found there.
He didn't know where you'd come from before he took you in and, frankly, he didn't care. You were just a way for him to keep the suspicion off himself; a means to continue his 'activities' uninterrupted.
And at first, he only did the bare minimum as your parent. You'd been five when he took you in, which he'd deemed was old enough to be left to your own devices most of the time. He provided you with food, water, clothing, and a space to live in, but that was it. For the first year since he took you in, the only 'fatherly affection' you ever received had come while you were out in public and he'd needed to make sure people questioned nothing. Beyond that, he was just a person that lived in your house.
Alastor wasn't sure when that dynamic had changed, nor what had made it do so. One day, he'd felt nothing other than basic responsibility towards you, and then the next, it had seemed your young self had him wrapped around your little finger.
He pulled back at first, not wanting to become attached to the kid he saw as nothing more than a tool to continue his murders, but in time, he came to accept it. Even if he hadn't wanted a child of his own at first, it had seemed that was what he'd gotten when he signed up to take care of you.
Somewhere down the line, you became his, and by then, there was no going back.
"What the fuck did you say, you little bitch?!" Adam demanded as he stood up tall, seeming to grow in size now. He came towards you but you stood your ground between him and your dad despite the fear.
"I said I'm not doing it." You replied firmly. It was a miracle your voice wasn't shaking right now with how much fear you felt. "I'm not going to kill my dad for you."
"So you really are that cunt's kid," Adam hissed, "No wonder you were one of my best exorcists; being the child of a serial killer." Then something in his demeanor shifted. "Why the fuck do all my best people turn out to be traitors?" You knew he was referring to Vaggie, which made your blood boil even more.
"At least I'm not too much of a coward to kill a demon myself." You spat. A second later, there was a stinging on your cheek as Adam slapped you; making you fall to the ground with a cry.
"Don't act like you're any better than me!" Adam cried, clearly upset now, "You've killed just as many of these little vermin as I have."
"I have," you agreed, staring him down despite still laying on the ground, "But not anymore." You reached down into your right boot now, pulling out an angelic dagger you always had stashed on your person and launching it at your boss.
This time, it hit, landing in Adam's leg as he cried out in pain; golden blood dripping down his clothes. "You bitch." He spat before taking out his own weapon and slashing at your left eye with it. You screamed in pain, feeling your own blood run down your face. Had this happen to Vaggie too, when she'd fallen?
Wait, were you falling? Was that what this was?
In both your pain and confusion, you didn't notice the familiar black tentacles that rose from the ground now and started attacking Adam, despite Alastor's weakened state. The angel grunted in annoyance more than anything as he slashed through them with his angelic weapon before finally turning back to you.
Off to the side, Alastor seemed both more furious and more exhausted from the brief exchange.
"Someone like you doesn't belong in heaven." Adam spat as he stood over you now. You tried to get out of his way but between your pain and bleeding, it was no use. "You wanna be with your old man so bad? Fine, then enjoy hell, bitch!" And with that, he reached down, grabbing your wings between his hands and pulling so hard that you felt them rip right off your back.
The pain was immeasurable and you screamed in agony; blood now shooting out from the two holes in your back. You'd never thought you would be falling from heaven like this, but now that you were, it was as if everything you once had was being ripped from your hands.
You felt Adam preparing to stab you again and immediately rolled out of the way, crying out when the ground made contact with your now-exposed wounds. Behind you, Alastor was seething and your angel boss only seemed to revel in it more.
"I should have done away with all of you sinners a long time ago," he said finally as he grabbed you by the collar and lifted you from the ground, "starting with you, Jez. Then I'll kill your old man and every other demon here!"
"That's not my name!" You managed to shout, sounding strangled due to Adam's harsh grip on the collar of your clothes. It was something you'd been keeping in for a long time now, and since it seemed like you were about to fall from heaven, now felt like a good time to let it out.
Adam's eyes narrowed at that and then he tossed you to the side, causing you to collide with the very same wall your dad was currently leaning against. Luckily, you didn't hit Alastor but the impact of the wall against your head was enough to finally knock you out. You really weren't used to actually being injured as an exorcist and before today, hadn't even been aware demons could hurt angels at all.
Despite his own injuries, Alastor managed to stand and take a few steps over so that he was now between you and Adam, who scoffed.
"Really, you're gonna protect them now, old man?" He asked with a condescending tone, "Didn't I tell you radio's fucking dead?!" He slashed at Alastor, who managed to block the attack with a small shield that then immediately dispersed.
"Radio's not dead," Alastor replied as he let his shadow grow behind him, panting heavily, "but it is ending this broadcast!" And with that, both you and him melted away into the shadows where Adam couldn't reach.
The Angel in question let out a grunt of frustration before turning to join the rest of the battle. He'd have the chance to deal with you later, he decided. For now, you and your pathetic father had already taken too much of his time.
Both you and Alastor reappeared inside his radio tower, which was in rough shape but otherwise unaffected by the battle outside. You were still unconscious and his shadow gently laid you on whatever soft things it could find; consisting of a small pile of pillows and fluff.
Your face and back were completely covered in your golden angelic blood but otherwise, you seemed relatively alright, which Alastor was thankful for.
Rage enveloped him once again as he thought back to how he'd not only lost the fight against Adam but also been forced to watch his own child be harmed by the first man after not seeing you for so many years. The fact that Adam had even laid a hand on his kid made his blood boil and he swore that if Charlie and the others didn't take care of Adam, he would.
Your dad's shadow provided some basic first aid to you as you slept, though it turned out to be rather fortunate that you weren't awake to witness the Radio Demon's temporary slip of composure. He resolved to have revenge on heaven for what had happened today, as soon as his own deal was broken, that was.
Finally, Alastor sunk into a seat near the radio tower's control panel before glancing back at you. He didn't even need to verbally ask his shadow what it was thinking; instead it seemed to just know as it gently plucked you from the ground and brought your now-bandaged body to him.
Feeling some of his anger melt away at the sight of you, he reached out and pulled you away from the shadow and into his arms, hugging you the way he had many times in life. 
The shadow melted away again as Alastor seemed to relax slightly. "There, there..." He whispered to you, who was still asleep, "It's going to be alright, darling. Nothing else will hurt you." And he meant that.
Alastor may not have been able to protect you from Adam before, but he would not fail again. He would do everything in his power to ensure this incident never repeated; especially now that you were here with him in hell, where he actually could protect you. 
He looked out the window to see the rest of the angels now flying off back to heaven since the battle seemed to have ended. They were leaving you behind as if it was nothing, but that wouldn't matter anymore. They weren't your family; they never had been. He was always your family, and he would never let harm come to you again.
No matter what.
Part 3
Part 4
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chaggie4ever · 2 months
Unpopular opinion: Vaggie never directly lied to Charlie - she lied by omission and Charlie never asked.
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Now I LOVE Chaggie but some of their critique is legitimate. This actually makes me love them MORE because they are so fucking real. But it is well known that Charlie is a rambler and was basically alone before she met Vaggie. Lilith left four years before this and Lucifer fell out of her life when they divorced, likely before this (after which he called her out of obligation every six months). Charlie was incredibly lonely and her optimism does not seem well received in Hell, compounding this abandonment.
Meanwhile Vaggie is totally a fan of NOT talking about her past to the literal princess of hell. She’s super shocked she’s not murdered on site immediately. She changes the pronunciation of her name and lets Charlie guess the rest. Charlie likely assumes that she was a winged (moth?) demon sinner. Vaggie clearly cleaned the gold blood (not that anyone would know what that was anyway) and discarded her uniform and body parts before anyone could connect the dots. She is canonically NOT a good lier (*ep6 trying to get out of heaven so her traumatic past is not broadcasted and fails miserably*). And just doesn’t correct Charlie. Yes, this is still kinda lying but in my head it’s not as bad XD
Meanwhile Charlie finally has a sounding board for her redemption ideas and Vaggie is disillusioned and cast out for sparing a child, so she’s game. Additionally she has mega guilt for killing THOUSANDS now that she is realizing heaven is flawed, and this is her own chance for redemption. Sadly if they had talked about this it would have actually STRENGTHENED the resolve around the hotel that an actual angel turned on heaven to help out of guilt (rather than a sinner basically also selfishly trying to ascend)
That Charlie didn’t ask Vaggie more about her past in the past three years can mean two things: Charlie is so self absorbed that she doesn’t think about it OR Charlie can see it makes Vaggie uncomfortable and avoids the topic. Both are problematic for different reasons but this will remain my headcanon until proven otherwise. I don’t blame Vaggie for not volunteering that information unprompted given her traumas, but THREE YEARS is a bit much XD then again, my other headcanon is they didn’t actually say “I love you” until More than Anything Reprise, so this is actually par for the course. Thoughts?
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st-dorothy-minority · 15 days
"Hurt" - an emotional, angst-filled Radioapple fic
I greatly hesitate to post this. It is very, very special to me and feels more vulnerable than anything I've written. (And honestly, I may delete it at any point 😩)
I would love it if you could spare a comment if you read this and share your thoughts.
I wasn't going to finish this, but I've been seriously struggling this month myself, and it's one small thing I can contribute for Suic*de Awareness & Prevention month.
Based on the song "Hurt" by Christina Aguilera (please check that out before reading to get the full impact. Imagine the song sung by Charlie https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/christinaaguilera/hurt.html)
Dedicated to @persephoneblck - thank you for your love and support through my struggles ❤️
“Charlie, I-”
“Just don't! I can't do this anymore! For once, I wish you'd show up when others need you, when I need you!”
“But Charlie-”
“Mom was right. You don't know how to be a husband. You don't know how to be a leader. And you sure as hell don't know how to be a dad! I won't ever ask for anything from you ever again. I don't want you in my life anymore!”
As she turned her back on her father and returned to what remained of the hotel with the other residents, Lucifer felt himself quickly losing composure. Still, he made one last attempt to talk to her by calling out, “I’m proud of you, Charlie!” When she didn’t turn around, he lowered his gaze to the ground and added sorrowfully, “More than you could ever know.”
It was a couple hours before Alastor was able to check on his emotionally wrecked lover.
It was no surprise he found Lucifer still in the throes of depressive anguish.
Taking a seat on the floor where Lucifer sat next to the bed, Alastor placed a consoling hand on his back and rubbed it affectionately.
“We both know she didn’t mean what she said,” Alastor assured.
A few tears splashed onto the glass of the picture frame Lucifer held in his hands, which housed a photo of himself and Charlie that Vaggie had taken not long ago.
“She gets into fits of passion, like you, and ends up saying things that aren’t true,” Alastor continued when it was clear Lucifer wasn’t going to respond.
After a minute passed with more silence, Alastor gently pulled the picture away, set it aside, and took Lucifer’s now restless fingers in his hands to hold.
“Luci….No one is perfect. Mistakes happen. Hurt feelings happen. It’s a consequence of the human heart that seems to remain in us demons, including Charlie. She’s still a child with much to learn. You are doing a much better job than you give yourself credit for. Give yourselves some time to be apart for a bit. There is nothing wrong with maintaining some distance for a little while as she cools her head.”
Lucifer sniffled, wiped his eyes, and uttered pitifully, “But she’s right. All of it. I was never there when she needed me. I fucked up with Lilith….I’m a shitty, fucking failure, Alastor.”
“Now I absolutely have to disagree with you about all of that. You are trying. You are learning. You won’t get it right all the time. Let the past be the past with its wrongdoings. She’ll have to learn to do the same.”
Heaving a heavy sigh, Lucifer nodded. “Yeah….I guess you’re right….Thank you.”
“Of course.” He brought Lucifer closer, placed a soft kiss against his temple, and asked, “Care to lie down? You should rest.”
“Not yet. Think I might go take a bath and try to relax.”
“Want me to join you?”
“No, I, um....I think I want to be alone tonight.”
“Are you sure?” “Yeah. Plus, you should go back to check on everyone and help with whatever they need….since she doesn’t want my help….”
“Alright then. I’ll report back tomorrow with how things are and to check on you.”
Placing a finger under Lucifer’s chin, he tilted the devil’s head up to kiss him tenderly. When they pulled away, he was content to see Lucifer smiling.
“I missed that smile,” Alastor purred, causing Lucifer to giggle.
“Funny that you never give me the chance to miss yours.”
“If it’s any consolation, you certainly bear witness to my genuine ones more than any other demon in this Hell.”
“I’ll take that,” Lucifer conceded happily.
Doting one last kiss onto Lucifer’s hand, Alastor took his leave.
----Five Years Later----
Clutching her phone tightly in her grasp, Charlie blinked through the tears to find the most precious contact in her list. From the moment she saw the adorable duckie profile pic and the name, the relatively quiet crying became uncontrollable sobbing.
It was approaching mid-evening, and it was tradition to conclude the horribly painful day with a call to the person she missed more than anything. The person she longed to hug again. The person she yearned to see his smiling face again.
The person she owed everything to, the one she wished to apologize over and over again to.
The one who had taken his life because of her.
It was rare that a day passed when Charlie didn’t replay the last exchange she’d had with her father and felt her stomach twist into knots and the guilt consume her from realizing how cruel and heartless her final words to him had been. To have not even acknowledged his final words to her of how proud he was of her.
Attempting to take several deep breaths, she at last touched the screen to call her dad.
She knew he would never answer, yet his voicemail (and the messages he’d left on her phone that she hadn’t deleted) was the only way to hear his voice, even if it was brief and impersonal.
Hello fellow citizen of Hell! You’ve reached the head honcho himself, Lucifer Morningstar. If you aren’t in my contacts, how the fuck did you get my number? If you are, I’ll call you back at some point. If this is Charlie, I’ll get right back to you, sweetie! If this is an emergency, well, I don’t know what to tell you other than you’re probably S.O.L. Still wanna leave a message? Be my guest!
“….Hi dad,” Charlie began in a tiny, constricted voice. She paused briefly due to the uneven breaths attacking her, closed her eyes, inhaled deeply as best she could, and tried again. “I um….I miss you….so much. I’m so sorry for what I said and blaming you. I didn’t mean it….I was wrong….so, so wrong…..I wish you were here….I still have so many questions and….I need you….I need you, dad….I was mad, I didn’t mean it….I love you and I just want you back. I want to understand. I love you….”
She was able to end the call before the phone slipped from her hand and she hugged herself as the crushing grief overtook her.
I wish you were here….I need a hug….I’m so sorry….
She felt the presence of her new company before he even sat next to her. On the balcony of the hotel overlooking her inherited kingdom, Alastor joined her on the bench without a word. This had also become their tradition – to share the remainder of the evening together in silence with the only other person who understood more than anyone else how suffocating the loss felt. They each had very different relationships with Lucifer, but the fact remained they each loved him beyond measure.
While Charlie’s regret plagued her in the form of her last words to Lucifer, Alastor’s was rooted in having left him alone that night. If only he’d insisted on staying, denied Lucifer’s request, and remained at his side. The memory of finding the king of Hell submerged in golden-tainted water in the bathtub, his wrists and neck sliced open to the bone by the only weapon in the realm that could mortally wound him, haunted Alastor just as vividly all these years later. He could still recall Charlie’s screams of denial and sorrow when he told her what had happened, remembered how she grabbed onto him as her knees gave out and they held each other for nearly an hour, drowning out everything and everyone around them.
Once Charlie regained her composure for the most part, Alastor eased his arm across her shoulders and drew her closer to rest against him in a loving embrace. His other hand took hers and held it, and they stayed this way for hours.
Eventually, Vaggie came to help Alastor escort Charlie to bed, which Alastor appreciated because he knew Charlie would continue to be cared for during the hardest night of the year.
As for him, it was the one night he returned to Lucifer’s home and laid in the bed he’d shared with the fallen angel. He fetched Lucifer’s favorite over-sized duckie plushie to cuddle with – the one he’d always teased his lover about whenever Lucifer chose to hug it at bedtime – and breathed in deeply. The scent was fading, but it was enough to revitalize the memory.
Letting the tears fall at last, Alastor whispered, “I’m sorry I left you when you needed me most. I love you.”
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salllzy · 4 months
Sal's ramblings #7 part 2
But at the same time, Lucifer knew that it wasn't going to be easy, Alastor had walls around himself and for the most part, he didn't let anyone in. Rosie and Niffty were the very clear exceptions.
But Lucifer was fine with that, he was the first rebel after all, and getting through Alastor's walls would be easy enough for him to do. He had almost caught Alastor the last time he had seen the deer demon. Alastor slowing down meant that he was getting farther along in the pregnancy and while Lucifer was shocked that Alastor had chosen to keep the baby, he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Not when it provided him with a way in. But while he was chasing Alastor all over the Pride Ring he was learning about Alastor and the way that he worked, Alastor never targeted those that he deemed of fairer means. What that meant Lucifer didn't know, only Alastor knew that.
But it was a question that he did want to ask, why did Alastor target those that he did. Lucifer had seen him spare sheep demons and even a chimaera demon. Yet not even an hour before, he had tortured a raven demon into insanity before broadcasting their screams for all of Hell to hear. Alastor was a contradiction and one that he wanted to pull apart. Lilith may have sent Alastor to them but Lucifer doubted that even she would know the full extent of what she had done. A month later the news of their divorce broke, Lucifer watched with glee as Lilith was stripped of everything, her status, power, wealth and everything that he had ever given her was taken away. Then Alastor went to ground and not even Rosie heard anything from him, but he had one advantage that no one else did. Alastor was carrying his child and that meant, that no matter where Alastor went, Lucifer would always be able to find him. So that was what he did. He followed the tether, he found Alastor in an abandoned apartment complex in the middle of giving birth, Alastor was in the middle of cursing everyone. Lilith for chaining him, Lucifer was having sex with him and Alastor, himself for keeping the child. Lucifer was grateful that Alastor had decided to keep the baby. Lucifer helped Alastor through the delivery and he ignored the pain that Alastor had caused him by breaking both of his hands and punching him so hard that his cheekbone shattered upon impact. Lucifer would admit that Alastor had a solid punch and he would rather not be on the end of it any time soon. Both Lucifer and Alastor got the shock of their lives when instead of one baby, there was a set of bloody, tiny screaming twins. When Alastor passed out Lucifer wasted no time in portaling them to the hotel, Charlie was ecstatic to see them, she was shocked to find out that she had two new siblings. Vaggie and Charlie then proceeded to rush around and set up two cribs in Alastor's room that they had preserved on the off chance that Alastor ever came back. Charlie out of them all had been the most hopeful, that Lucifer would find Alastor and bring him back. With Alastor safely back at the hotel, it allowed Lucifer a moment to breath and it gave him time to begin plotting for the future. Lilith's rule in Hell was over and it was time for a new era to begin.
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uniquecellest · 8 months
I've seen clips of Hazbin Hotel floating around and I have some thoughts:
I think Vaggie might die. BUT I do not think she will be permanently dead. I think Adam and/or Lute will knock her out but she will appear dead and instead will take her back to heaven and will wipe her memories from the moment she let the child go free up to when the Hotel is attacked and she is knocked out. Obviously Adam or Lute will then fill her head with lies and will turn Vaggie against Charlie specifically.
I think with the dead executioner, I don't think it was anyone in Hell. I think it was Adam or Lute so they can go to back to Hell to kill more of the souls down there.
With Lilith's disappearance it could be to protect Charlie and/or Lucifer or it could be that she's a big boss in what is coming. OR Adam/Lute/Sera or Eve (if we ever meet her) kidnapped Lilith and plan to use her as a weakness against her husband and daughter.
Angel Dust visiting Heaven with Charlie and seeing his sister and she doesn't remember him.
Angel and Vaggie getting kidnapped in Heaven along with Lilith and the three don't remember their friends or family down in Hell (cue Angel's brother coming in and knocking his ass back down PLEASE)
Sera isn't a bad or good. She has nuance to things but she does have a heavy burden to bare.
Emily will start to question but Emily won't be the one to fall it will be Sera or Sera loses her wings trying to protect Emily
Lucifer meeting his siblings again and Charlie meeting her aunts/uncles
Despite Angel meeting the requirements to enter heaven, it's not about what a person does if they reform it's about whether the person themselves actually wants to be/feels like they deserve to be in Heaven. For instance, Angel still has his contract with Valentino something that even Sera probably can't get him out of, and in the moments we see Angel improving he probably thinks/feels that he still does not deserve Heaven.
Alastor isn't real and is possibly someone created by Lilith's own musical voice/magic.
Alastor is Lilith in disguise
Alastor may say that he views Charlie as a "daughter" to get under Lucifer's skin, but he actually does and has trouble expressing his emotions about it without pissing off Lucifer
I need Jeremy Shada in this
Specifically I need Jeremy Shada's character and Jeremy Jordan to duet together in this show
Seviathan did something to Helsa or Charlie and framed the other for.
Upon that discovery, Helsa and Charlie - still rivals - grow a respect for each other and will help each other on occasion
Lilith has met Angel Dust before and views him like a son (get squashed Valentino)
Valentino will do something to tear Angel away from all of his friends. In particularly Charlie, Husk, and Cherri Bomb are the ones hurt the most and the ones Angel tries to make everything up to
We get to Angel's demon form in the finale
Charlie tries to talk to Vaggie but Vaggie just shuts herself out and leaves the hotel.
Lucifer tries to reassure his daughter that there is the possibility Vaggie was going to tell Charlie but she wasn't ready and Adam exposing her before she was ready has shaken up her foundation
The kid that Vaggie spared comes to help her
Vaggie is actually friends and keeps updates on the kid she spared
Lucifer hears how Adam pronounces Vaggie and punches (like the fight with the hyena's in Lion King and Rafiki hits one with the back of his hand without even looking; that's Lucifer with Adam)
Adam actually had it planned that everyone in heaven worried about a Hell uprising that he has been preparing his executioners to actually stage coup against Sera so Heaven can be what he wants
Adam was actually the first human in Hell and is the one that caused Lucifer's fall
Lilith, Lucifer, Charlie get offered the opportunity to being angels
Someone is pitting Adam against Heaven and Hell and in turn Adam pits Heaven against
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hisui555 · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel Thoughts : Foils 6
Masterpost here
On that one, I've been honored to receive a request. Which, despite my best attempts at playing it off with coolness and apathy, brightened up my day like nobody's business. Even my cynism shut up. Well played, @phoenixlionme, well-played. I see your dastardly plan is working.
So as per said request, we'll be perusing Vaggie VS Lute as foils, with maybe a sidedash of Charlie VS Vaggie as well, and sprinkled over with the teams Charlie & Vaggie VS Lute & Adam.
Starting with the beginning, both Vaggie and Lute are angels, both were in the Exorcist ranks, with quite the similar haircut and haircolor - white, short-cut in a straight bob, and both were under Adam's command, and noticed by him : Lute is clearly Adam's bestie of sorts (given the lot of fistbumps, also they're always seen together, and while she calls him "Sir", that little smile he has to her at the end implies the friendship is genuine) at the very least - while Vaggie was noted by Adam to be "one of my top girls", and so skilled at skewering people apparently that he named her "after the best thing ever". Sadly, it wasn't "lasagna".
However, their paths diverge completely the moment then-Exorcist Vaggie spares a demon child (a kid from Cannibal Town) and the two find out : Lute is even the one to personally mutilate Vaggie, ripping out one eye and her wings (by hand for the last one instead of with angel steel) while Adam takes her halo, making her a Fallen angel by definition. Even as an angel, Vaggie showed compassion, despite an apparently very high kill-score, while Lute is a complete zealot fanatic hellbent (...hah) on killing every demon she can - she has sheer, pure hatred for them, and is very bigoted towards them : her comment on Charlie and Vaggie's love being "vile and blasphemous" ? While it does echo homophobia, it's also, from Lute's POV, an angel in love with a demon. Miss Monochromatic over there is discriminating in either case, be it on gender or species, if not both. And a hypocrite to boot : angels don't make mistakes and shouldn't be killed by demons ? They literally left Vaggie to die in Hell, either by her injuries or getting offed by a demon at her weakest state.
Also, how in the hell didn't they manage to clock in that their own weapons can harm themselves at that moment ? Lute literally slashed and tore Vaggie's eye out with her goddamn angel steeled SWORD, and it didn't grew back. Boy when smarts rained upon the world these guys were the only ones with an umbrella.
But Vaggie ? From the get-go, she's more open-minded, and while her flinching at Charlie's glowing red eyes in the shadow - which all but spells "demon" - was out of fear and having just been hurt, yet immediately accepted her compassion and kindness (and even more, given their body languages at that moment. Awww). Her having been an Exorcist might have been more out of a sense of duty and thinking protecting Heavenbound souls against Hell was her job, instead of Lute who does it out of absolute zealotry and Adam doing that for shit and giggles. It's possible that (warning, speculating here) Lute might have been the very first Exorcist, or at least in the first wave of them, given her golden eyes - like Adam, who's the first human soul in Heaven but has been confirmed human, I mean, duh - while Vaggie might have been a more recent arrival and given her supposed backstory, might also have been an ascended human : she is Hispanic (supposedly Salvadoran) and speaks Spanish both in the pilot and in Ep 5 when the Loan Sharks attack the Hotel, also hinted by the afterlife-grey skin she and another Hispanic character, Carmilla, sport. Which would mean that as a human, she had more sympathy for others than a possibly-born angel, Lute.
Vaggie meets Charlie, and from then on, is heavily implied to be the sole person in Hell at that moment that actually took Charlie's ideas about redemption seriously. She just has been disgraced, Fallen (a common point with Lucifer), but seeing the Princess of Hell having plans and devotion to save her own people, the ones Vaggie used to participate in killing every year ? While there might be guilt and a will to pay back the favor attached to this, she genuinely believed in and supported Charlie's project, even playing bodyguard, advisor, and manager, as well as being her partner and girlfriend. She's Charlie's steady support at her side, just like Lute is Adam's : both teams genuinely care about each other, but unlike Lute who lets Adam be his fratbro cretin self, Charlie and Vaggie both communicate, exchange (well, on almost everything), on equal grounds. Which is why Vaggie not telling Charlie her secret deeply hurt the latter, and to boot, given that absolutely NO ONE gave Vaggie any shit for having been an angel or an Exorcist as demonstrated in Ep 7 (the worst they do is mocking her chest-size), Charlie's feelings are quite founded : Miss Understanding and all that. Not to invalidate Vaggie's either, she must not have been proud of what she did, and needed time.
But funnily enough, they both act as the hype-woman to someone with proefficiency in singing : Charlie is known to randomly burst into song and literally uses that to pitch her Hotel (also per lore her mother's singing empowers demonkind), Adam is a flat-out rocker that mentions also playing in a band. However Lute acts like a stern, stone-faced groupie enabling Adam's worst traits and relishing in living them too, while Vaggie is more of a safety net for Charlie and will tell her what she thinks is doing wrong ("Life isn't a musical hon." Jokes on you sweetheart, the show you live in pretty much is.), and actually be there as an equal and partner, a crutch, a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear when Charlie needs it (Ep 5 when she calls Lucifer for help), which Charlie is more than happy to reciprocate (Ep 3 when Vaggie feels bad about her trust exercise failing). Their reprise of "More Than Anything" pretty much spells it out.
Lute and Vaggie also play the sterner, more down to earth one to their respective partner's sillier personality. An interesting thing is that Vaggie also knows how to accept mercy, and kindness, having picked herself up with Charlie's help three years ago, and steadfastly been on her side ever since. Lute however reacts to mercy with total disgust, and her answer is to literally tell her assailant to finish her off, or ripping her arm out in an attempt to fight back. Adam when shown mercy has a full blown tantrum about how better he is than anyone. I mean, true, Lucifer and Vaggie both spared them to 1 : hammer the nail down (Lucifer : "How does mercy taste you little bitch ?" Vaggie : "Live and remember it's only because I've let you.") and 2 : because someone else intervened in Lucifer's case (Charlie : "Wow, dad. He's had enough.") but fact is, it's two people - funnily enough fallen angels - on the supposedly wrong side of the cosmic existential afterlife elevator doing it to actual angels. I repeat, ANGELS. From Heaven. Seriously these guys couldn't pour water out of a boot even with the instructions glued to the heel.
Lute shows what Vaggie could have been if she had let the murderous tendencies get to her - both are surprisingly quick to resort to violence, but Vaggie does it out of wariness and annoyance, and a will to protect her loved ones. Lute is flat-out self-righteous and bloodthirsty. Lute could've been Vaggie in a less toxic and holier-than-thou environment. Vaggie has always been humble from the start, seemingly taking no pleasure in the annual killings, and saw it as a duty in a different way than Lute : possibly without hatred, and without all-consuming rage and want for violence. They're both utterly loyal to their loved ones, but Lute is the darker side of that loyalty - letting it happen, enjoying the carnage. They have lots of qualities and flaws that makes them mirrors to each other.
On Charlie VS Vaggie, it's kinda obvious, but hey, might as well while we're at it : one is the dreamer, the other the down to earth one. Charlie is very energetic, highly dynamic, basically a big friendly dog in the shape of a demonic young woman acting like a Disney princess with the very wrong kind of kingdom, also a literal fire user and affiliated to fire in general. But her usual anger is restrained, colder (especially in Ep 7 at Vaggie), with semi-controlled bursts : she may turn into her demon form, but it takes a LOT to make her pass on the actual offensive - Valentino is lucky Angel was there to deviate it, and even when Pentious got vaporized, Charlie may have entered her demon form, and skewered Adam's shoulder with her pitchfork, but she's still holding back, as seen when she transforms her arm further to protect her dad from Adam's sneak punch. Vaggie on her side is calmer, sterner, pragmatic, more no-nonsense though she does know how to have fun ("this is gonna be your whole day !" [clap]), yet is more hot-blooded and quicker to anger (given the shenanigans around her, I'm not blaming her). It's also amusing to see them in combat (cute as they are) : Vaggie wields the spear, the more powerful Charlie wields the shield - up to when she decides some KFC rejects should get hurt for killing her friends and that's when she pulls out the pitchfork.
Vaggie has also sharper features in her design (the eye, the chin, the nose and facial structure, her hair is mostly sharp angles) while Charlie's are rounder (down to the bubble braid), despite being respectively angel and demon. Lute and Adam in their uniforms look more demonic than both of them, to boot, with their masks on. This also shows how they complete each other very well, underscoring how their personalities are a nice match, but also how much work they both put in their relationship - they are actively seen talking to each other, exchanging ideas, telling what happens (again, mostly) and most of all caring about each other, both in a giving and a taking way, mutually. Is it any wonder they're one of the sweetest and most functional couples in Hell ? (We have Ozzie & Fizz and Millie & Moxxie on the same list, so, yeah).
I hope you enjoyed, especially you @phoenixlionme, hope this filled what you wanted to read. If you have any requests, I'll be happy to see what I can do with them !
Again, Masterpost here.
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wolfoftheblackflames · 6 months
I know I got four days left in the poll, but my mind-vagina decided to birth a fic again. (Heheh, I'm funny, and this one features my Oc Kerryn) (No idea where in Canon this would be, part of me is saying before the big battle with heaven, but I wanted to write this..)
Love and Appreciation:
Hollow and empty was the norm before, this rang true for a certain ex-exorcist who had lived among the winners in heaven. A killing machine was all she was, all the others were. However, that didn't stop Vaggie from being kind.
Before she'd made sure her comrades were alright after an exhausting extermination, but all that ended when she decided to extend kindness to a child sinner. Pain, golden blood scattered, and a bloodthirsty sneer was the reward. A laugh echoed alongside the sound of angelic steel, with the ripping of flesh as the bone was torn away from where it once connected.
“No!” Vaggie shot up from the nightmare. Sweat clung to her small frame like a sticky tar as it felt cold as ice. The angel panted softly with her chest heaving, however her lone eye looked over at the clock. “It's already one am?” She sighed and got up forcing her tired body to move.
The absence of a certain demon princess was both welcomed and a curse. Charlie had gone on a business trip to Gluttony and hadn't come back yet. Vaggie sighed and went for a shower. “I promise I'll be back soon, it's just an errand Dad needs me to run.” The princess had told her before giving her a hug.
It had been two days since then as Vaggie washed the sweat off her body. She sighed realizing how much she missed her best friend. The two had grown closer over time since it had been two months since Vaggie was found. Picking up the apple scented shampoo Vaggie gave a soft look to it. “I hope she's alright..” The angel sighed and used it since it reminded her of the princess.
It felt good to be clean, the showers' warmth seeped into those tired bones. Vaggie sighed letting it wash over her. Once the shower was done she turned off the water and grabbed a towel. “Baap!” A sound was heard outside the door.
“Sounds like Dazzle…” Vaggie blinked peeking out from the door. She noticed the darker red goat dragon demon butler changing the sheets. “Meeh?” He bleeped seeing her.
The kind little butler flew over holding some clothes with a smile. “Gracias.” (Thanks) Vaggie replied, taking the garments from him. “Baaap!” Dazzle flew away and out of the room zipping out to take the old sheets to get washed.
“I'm sorry to leave you alone, but don't worry, I'm leaving Dazzle here to keep you company with Keekee!” Charlie’s voice rang in the angel’s mind as she pictured that warm grin. Vaggie smiled softly, but her hand came over her chest, feeling an ache.
“Oh…” It dawned on Vaggie what it was. “Come on, she's just being kind. There's no way…” Though she thought back to how Charlie acted before.
The innocent stealing of glances, the attentive touches, the small to full blown blushes, Vaggie knew Charlie was one to wear her heart on her sleeve exposing it with ease. “Ah mierda… I think she likes me that way…” It didn't stop the small grin that came to Vaggie's face realizing that the two were on the same page. “And I feel the same..” She muttered with a cute giggle.
She got dressed in the white nightgown Dazzle had given her and went to the closet. “She won't mind right..?” Vaggie blushed golden as she draped that familiar red suit jacket over her shoulders. It was from a spare suit but it felt cozy as Vaggie wandered over to the window.
Her gaze looked up at the glowing orb in the sky that used to be her home. However, exhaustion and sleep started to claim her once more.
It was an hour later as the door opened. Charlie walked in carrying a gift. She had gotten back late and blinked seeing Vaggie curled up on the couch with the jacket. “I'm sorry I was away for so long..” Her eyes soften placing the gift down on the nightstand. However this made the angel sleepily lift her head at the sound.
“Oh sorry, did I wake you?” Charlie blinked going over.
“Mmm…” Vaggie grumbled, sitting up. She looked so cute and sleepy.
Charlie had to stop herself from letting out a happy squee since this was rare for Vaggie, a woman who usually is ready to go the moment she wakes up. “Why are you on the couch silly? C’mere.” She gently scooped up the grey skinned maiden. “Let's get you back to bed.”
However, the moment Vaggie was scooped up, the latter wrapped her sleepy arms around Charlie and nuzzled deep into the demoness’s beautiful white neck. Heat surged up from Charlie, who blushed like mad. “Don't leave me alone again…” She heard the angel mumble.
Trying to control her bi panic, Charlie sat down on the bed with Vaggie cradled in her arms. “I won't I promise, okay?” She smiled softly, lightly petting that beautiful silvery hair.
“Mmm… nightmare… Cuddles please…” The angel grumbled sleepily asking for affection.
Charlie looked at her, with her ruby eyes growing saddened. She knew about the nightmares since the angel did go through something traumatic. “Well I have something for you..”
Vaggie grumbled feeling Charlie move. She sleepily looked at what the demoness was doing and blinked slowly to focus her tired gaze. “I asked Bee, and she gave me this. It's to help with the nightmares.”
Charlie pulled out a small jar of Beelzebub's Magic Honey with a picture of the queen bee herself with a thumbs up. “Oh..?” Vaggie blinked slightly more awake.
Charlie grinned a bit. “Want to try it?” She asked as the angel shrugged. “Couldn't hurt, so why not..”
Once they spoonful graced her mouth, Vaggie blinked and hummed with delight. It was sweet but not too overpowering. It felt like she just had a good dose of warm chill vibes. “Fuck, that actually feels pretty good..”
Charlie grinned and capped the jar again, placing it safely inside the nightstand. “Ready to sleep?” She asked but yelped as Vaggie just tackled her and snuggled into the princess. “Ack Vaggie! I have to change my clothes!”
“No… Comfy..” The angel muttered, easily drifting back to sleep since she had the best pillow right now. Charlie couldn't fight it as it was just too cute. The princess sighed and decided to not disturb Vaggie who finally for once got a peaceful sleep, however the warmth the two shared eventually lulled the suit-wearing princess to sleep too.
Three years later, with that lovable caring demoness as her girlfriend now Vaggie sighed smiling fondly at the memory. She was sitting on the couch reading when she heard the word honey, which triggered the memory. “What's this about honey?”
“Well I bought some for baking.” Charlie grinned holding up a regular jar of hell honey. “But I might've forgotten some ingredients.” The demoness sheepishly smiled rubbing the back of her head.
“I can run out to grab some, what do you need babe?” Vaggie closed her book, placing it back on the shelf in their room since that's where the two were.
Charlie rubbed her chin, and started writing down a list. “Well some of these ingredients we have but we're running low on, and some we don't have.” She explained as Vaggie blinked while taking the paper. “You sure you can't just make this appear? I mean your dad easily can..”
“I know but I don't want to bother him for something simple.” Charlie replied, moving around. She smiled and handed Vaggie her cute red leather wallet. “Please sweetie can you go grab them for me?” Those puppy dog eyes came out.
Unable to resist those eyes, Vaggie shook her head with a smile. “Alright princesa. Just let me get ready okay?” (princess)
“Thank you thank you thank you!” Charlie squeed hopping around like a happy little goat.
Once dressed in her usual attire of a red blouse and black skirt with thigh high boots Vaggie sighed pulling on the fingerless gloves. “I'll be back in a bit.” She smiled at Charlie who fixed up Vaggie's bow. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” Charlie kissed her cheek and smiled, walking her girlfriend out.
Once Vaggie was out of earshot, Charlie grinned, looking at her friends. “Alright guys, it's go time, also yes you will be paid if you help me out.” She stated before wandering over to someone sitting on the couch. “Kerryn can you go help Vaggie carry back the stuff, I feel bad lying, but I really wanna do this right!”
“On it, just remember to follow the instructions I left you.” The giant dragon-like sinner stood and left to catch up with Vaggie.
Meanwhile, with the angel, Vaggie sighed a bit casually, draping her spear over her shoulder. She didn't mind running errands, but something about this one felt off. “Hello.” She blinked hearing a voice.
“Hmm?” She looked over seeing Kerryn walking over. “Did Charlie send you out to help me?”
“Yeah, she felt bad making you carry all of it alone.” Kerryn rubbed her brown furry neck.
Vaggie shrugged and let the giant follow her. “Hey bitch tits!” An imp sneered but yelped and ran when Kerryn growled at him.
“Handy..” She blinked since usually she'd have to deal with some annoying asshole for Charlie. “How the fuck did you get him to run like that?”
She got her answer when some random sinner tried to jump them only for Kerryn to explode the asshole right then and there. “Whoa.” She slowly started to smirk.
Technically it wasn't killing the idiots but it made the morons scared shitless. “Can't seem to go a day without some asshole trying to pick a fight with me…” Kerryn looked annoyed with a sigh.
Elsewhere Charlie was able to get the preparations ready within the hour, and decided to sit down with some TV. That's when the residents of the hotel saw it. “Breaking news. It seems we got some fucking badass bitches tearing up the local supermarket!” Katie Killjoy stated on the news channel.
“Yeah a little shortie and her giant dick.” Tom commented making a lewd motion only to get his head cleaved in by Katie.
“Nobody cares, Tom. But seriously who let the princess's bodyguard bitch hang out with the fucking giant?!” Katie commented as she showed footage of both Kerryn and Vaggie kicking some ass. “What a scoop! I guess our little goody two shoes princess isn't very good at keeping her bitch in line.”
The TV was shut off as Angel was laughing. “Damn, since when did Vagina go and cause mayhem?!”
Charlie was growling but the sound of laughing made her demonic eyes shoot over to the door. “Never mind that, places people!” She yelled as the lobby became dark.
“Seriously the way you punched that guy was awesome Vaggie!” Kerryn grinned, opening the door for a smug looking Vaggie to walk in.
Both looked messy with some blood on their clothes and their hair/fur a mess but blinked as the lights came on. Vaggie stared as everyone popped party crackers. “What is all this…?”
“A thank you for all you've done for the hotel party!” Charlie grinned but her eyes stared at the mess that was her girlfriend. “Though I've got to ask what in hell happened to you two?!”
“That's seriously what I wanna know too!” Angel piped up already snacking on some cookies. He had a shit eating grin as the spider casually laid back on the couch.
Kerryn was squeeing like a fan girl. “There were these assholes who decided to start shit in the market, I tried to step in and break it up but it only escalated into a full on brawl…” She laughed nervously. “There was this ugly ass tall and bald moth man too, I got to punch him in the face and then he started shooting bullets everywhere…”
“You punched Val?!” Angel stared. “You crazy motherfucker!”
“Best part was how Vaggie ended the brawl once the moth dude ran out of bullets. It was like watching her skate on ice!” Kerryn wagged her feathered tail. “She literally knocked out each one without them noticing because they were looking over at me!”
Vaggie was slightly blushing a bit. “What? It was the only way to stop that kind of thing..” She rubbed her neck.
Charlie was just baffled. “At least you didn't kill anyone right..?”
“Don't worry hon, none of those idiots met my spear… As much as I wanted to stab them..” Vaggie even showed the spear which was clean. “And no, neither of us got hurt. Surprisingly, this one can handle herself in a fight pretty damn well.”
“All I did was make an asshole explode and maybe ripped out a spine?” Kerryn blushed a bit glowing orange while showing the spine trophy that made Charlie wince.
“Please get rid of that…” The princess replied shaking her head.
“Gimme gimme!” Niffty made grabby hands at the spine.
Husk rolled his eyes at the mayhem before his bar, as he soon drank from his bottle again.
“Oh I also got a golden tooth!” Kerryn showed it to Angel, who turned white as a sheet. “What?”
“That's Valentino's…” He was stunned but soon had the biggest grin on his face. “You're seriously insane Fluffy!”
“What a spectacular performance I must say.” Alastor chimed in with an amused look.
“A barbaric dissplay I musst sssay.” Sir Pentious sighed but seemed to enjoy the part where Kerryn mentioned the explosions.
What was supposed to be a simple thank you party turned into a retelling of how the supermarket brawl went down with the other hazbins surprised at the chaos.
Kerryn was scolded by Charlie. “I asked you to keep her busy so I can get prep done for the party!” She crossed her arms while tapping her foot.
“Sorry, b-but I did keep her safe like I promised…” The dragon-like demon twiddle her thumbs.
“Just how did you two end up in that brawl?” Charlie asked curious since Vaggie wouldn't say.
“It started with Vaggie innocently asking if aluminum foil and tin foil are the same thing, and then some asshole decided to call her a dumbass…”
Charlie slowly blinked at that. “I thought they were…” She admitted “Ain't tinfoil slang for aluminum foil?”
“It was just a small case of the dumb. And I nearly burst out laughing…” Kerryn replied since it had been very cute.
“How… I don't even… Ugh you can go now.” Charlie shook her head confused as Kerryn laughed a bit.
The giant left walking past Vaggie who blinked seeing Charlie look super confused. “Uh sweetie, are you okay?”
“Be honest babe, did you really think tin foil and aluminum foil were different things..?” The princess asked, trying not to laugh.
“Yes..?” Vaggie turned golden hearing Charlie laugh. “What, I never fucking used it so I didn't know babe!”
“I-I know pffffft! Still can't believe you asked that!” Charlie snorted and couldn't get over how cute it was. “To be fair, I didn't know pickles were just fermented cucumbers..” She added, trying to make Vaggie laugh which worked. “Also love, my dad didn't even know raisins were dried up grapes. So you're already a Morningstar.”
Vaggie chuckled but blinked, realizing what she just said as she looked up at Charlie with a stunned look. “Did you just…”
“And if I did..?” Charlie replied sheepishly rubbed her neck.
Vaggie couldn't get another word out as she blinked seeing Charlie kneel in the hallway. “Would you like to be my wife?” She blushed, showing a golden ring inside a red velvet case.
“Do you even need to ask? Yes Charlie I will..” Vaggie giggled covering her mouth as she extended her right hand out.
Charlie stared as her eyes became misty, she grinned and slipped the ring on Vaggie's finger before scooping up her beautiful angel. “I fucking called it!” Angel called as he smugly looked at Husk who grumbled handing him some cash.
“Congrats you two!” Kerryn squeed as the girls blinked.
“Maybe the hallway wasn't the best spot to do this..” Charlie chuckled seeing that she had a small gathering.
“You got your show, now shoo or do you want my spear up your ass!” Vaggie grumbled as the group dispersed going their separate ways now.
Once back in the safety of their room, Charlie gave her fiancé a kiss on the lips. “How about you go clean up baby, as much as you look like a badass right now, you are kinda starting to get a little stinky.”
“Only if you'd join me.” Vaggie smirked, being cheeky. Which worked as the demoness popped out red horns and a tail. Vaggie laughed going into the bathroom and once she was undressed, she stuck a hand out and beckoned her princess inside to which Charlie grinned following the call with a cheeky smirk.
Thus the day came to an end, however for some it was just the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.
(Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!)
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babydetectivekoala · 5 months
Wings and hoofs
Chapter 1/2
Tw:Past child abuse, reference/implied child abuse and Homophobia
Vaggie was in her and Charlie's room, preening her wings.
She's never preen her wings before since they have special workers in Heaven for that.
She knows that she needs oil to clean her wings but she doesn't have any and she doesn't know how demon wing cleaning oil will affect her angel wings.
Just then, the door opened and revealed Charlie who was holding two bags.
"What's that you got there Hun?" Vaggie asked her girlfriend.
"These are for you!" Charlie told her.
"For me?" Vaggie said with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah, I got you your favorite chocolate cake that you like and oil for fallen angels" Charlie explained.
"There's oil for fallen angels?" Vaggie asked.
"Yeah, there's oil for every different type of wings" Charlie replied.
"Cool, but why exactly? Why did you buy them?" Vaggie asked.
"Well, since you got your wings back, I wanted to buy this for you since we don't have any supplies to preen your wings" Charlie explained.
"That's very thoughtful of you babe" Vaggie replied.
"Can I help? I've help preen dad's wings before" Charlie asked her.
"Sure, I don't really know how to preen them" Vaggie revealed sheepishly.
"Didn't they teach you in Heaven?" Charlie asked confused.
"We had workers for that, plus it was seen as a bonding activity and since we were exorcists, we were taught that it's a sign of weakness.
"Oh...." Charlie said, not knowing how to react.
"Do you want to eat the cake now?" Charlie asked.
"Yes, please" Vaggie replied.
Charlie gave her the cake and got out the materials and began preening.
"Hey, sorry if this is sensitive but how did you fall?" Charlie asked, hesitantly.
Vaggie flinched at that.
"Sorry" Charlie apologized.
"It's okay, I can tell you" Vaggie reassured.
"Are you sure?" Charlie said.
"Yes" Vaggie replied back.
"Okay...." Charlie replied.
"So, before the whole exorcist thing, I had died in 2014. My human family weren't... The best" Vaggie started.
"How so?" Charlie was a little confused.
"The only good people in my family was my dad and siblings" Vaggie told her.
"How about the others?" Charlie raised her eyebrow.
"My mother was an alcoholic, homophobic and transphobic" Vaggie revealed.
"My mother was very abusive before I came out to her and after I came out she became more aggressive" Vaggie told her and Charlie gasped.
"My father protected us but he couldn't do much, I was the oldest among my siblings,so I had to protect them" Vaggie finished.
"How about in Heaven?" Charlie asked.
"My mother thought I was going to Hell for liking girls but she thought wrong, exorcists angels are chosen by Adam in my time as an exorcist I thought demons were bad, but now I'm on their side, some of them are just misunderstood" Vaggie continued.
"Three years ago before you found me I cornered a demon child, he was only a child so I showed mercy and let him go" Vaggie revealed.
"But isn't that one of the major points you do to get in Heaven when you die? Dad told me" Charlie asked.
"Yes, it is... Lute saw me spare him and was behind me. She cut out my eye and ripped my wings out then handed my halo to Adam" Vaggie explained further.
Vaggie felt Charlie stop preening her wings and then a dangerous aura.
"Char?" Vaggie said and looked back to see Charlie's eyes red and her horns and tail out.
"Babe calm down" Vaggie said.
"No, Heaven didn't do that to my dad! Why was it different with you?" Charlie said in a demonic tone.
"Probably because it was Lute and Adam who did it and not the elders" Vaggie explained.
"The next time I see that bitch, she won't know what hit her!" Charlie said in anger.
Charlie felt a hand touch her cheek and her eyes softened saw Vaggie.
"Hun, this isn't you because I know that you will feel guilty" Vaggie said softly.
Charlie calmed down and reverted back to normal.
"There we go, there's the adorable princesa I love" Vaggie complimented and it made Charlie blush.
Vaggie smiled.
"I'm sorry" Charlie apologized.
"You have nothing to be sorry for" Vaggie reassured.
"Let's continue with the preening" Charlie told her and they did.
End of chapter.
A/n:I've gotta stop making promises that I can't keep.
Comment down what you guys want to happen in the second part with Charlie.
Also I headcanon Charlie has wings and Vaggie doesn't know but when she found out about Vaggie's wings she feels like a hypocrite because she's hiding a huge secret like Vaggie.
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the hazbin hotel timeline makes no sense. like plot A is fine; Charlie tries to redeem sinners, but heaven says "no thank you." plot B (vaggie being an angel) though... 😬
i have some things i wanna talk about with Vaggie being an angel
why would Vaggie try to help Charlie redeem sinners if she KNOWS that heaven would NOT let that happen? like, come on, she got rewarded for murdering thousands of demons, yet got punished for sparing one single child??
why would Lute let Vaggie keep her angelic weapon if she, like, hates Vaggie for sparing a damn child????? like she should have taken Vaggie's angelic weapon?? she literally ripped out Vaggie's eye and her wings yet let her keep her angelic weapon??
how did Lute know that she would be able to attack Vaggie with an angelic weapon? hasn't it been proven that angels fought without fear and stuff because they thought that they couldn't be attacked at all???? even with an angelic weapon???? and yet Lute just somehow knew that she would be able to rip out Vaggie's eye and wings?????????
secondly, there are too many plots. plot A and plot B are two plots that i've already talked about. and 2 plots are fine. IF done correctly, but I've already talked about how plot B makes no sense. there's also plot C, with Angel and Valentino. which makes Angel Dust an interesting character, and i like his relationship with Husk. and then plot D, with Carmilla Carmine being the first (I think the first) to kill an angel. and then there's plot E, with Vox and Alastor?? that's FOUR SIDE PLOTS. *FOUR.* THATS TOO MANY.
thirdly, the war with heaven happened too early. why would that happen in season 1? AND in the first EIGHT episodes?????? it would have been better if that was plot B, like if the show was Charlie trying to redeem sinners AND have them prepare for the war with heaven (sure, you could argue that it might be a little weird if Charlie still tried to redeem sinners if she knew that heaven didn't want them to do that so badly that they would rather start a war and risk killing multiple exterminators, but you could also say that about the actual show). that would be very cool to see imo.
lastly, why would Adam only move up the next extermination by 6 months? does he want them to prepare? if so, that's oddly kind of him, but i doubt that's what vivzie meant (if it is, lmk). if he doesn't want to give them time to prepare, why not just attack them that day?? if he wants her to stop trying to redeem sinners, then just attack right after the meeting.
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Candyman AU
This is a favor for someone who’s planning on writing this fic in September and I’m just helping develop hype for it by writing out the plot.
Charlie Magne is a graduate student in journalism who is constantly belittled, taken advantage of, and pushed around by a number of people in her life including her mentor Professor Pentious, her boss Katie a reporter who is the definition of yellow journalism and her perverted camera man Tom, even her fiance Seviathan Von Eldritch who's also a professor. Only her friend Vaggie treats her with any kind of respect or decency.
One day Charlie learns of several murders in downtown New Orleans and decides to do a report on them with Vaggie. They question some of the residents but the only one who seems to know anything is Anthony "Angel Dust" a private drug dealer who reveals to the ladies (In exchange for a little money of course) that the one responsible for the killings was "The Deer Demon" a blood thirsty apparition that can only be summoned by saying his name five times while playing his favorite song Come Sweet Death on the radio and once he arrives he kills those who have summoned him. Though both doubt him, Vaggie is frightened by this while Charlie is strangely intrigued. Angel then tells them to talk to local tendent Rosie Crawford because she was a neighbor to one of the victims.
They interview Rosie who's the single mother of a baby son and she tells them that she only heard the murder, that she didn't see anything. However she warns them both not to meddle in things they don't understand which makes Charlie suspect that Rosie knows more than she's letting on.
 After this Vaggie suggests that they find a different topic but Charlie remains determined and decides to try to summon the Deer Demon to prove to her scared friend and Angel that he's not real. She plays Come Sweet Death on her radio and calls out Deer Demon five times. Nothing happens thus convincing Vaggie and Angel he's not real.
But the next day when Charlie is on her way to meet Professor Pentious the Deer Demon appears, he tells her how angry and upset he is with her for trying to disprove his existence. Charlie is afraid but at the same time entranced and for some reason tearful at the sight of him. For some reason though he chooses not to kill her like he normally does with those who call his name but instead makes her faint and kills Pentious. When he confronts her again he reveals to her that her punishment will not be death but guilt as he intends to kill people in her life, telling her that they would be alive if only she had not trifled with him. At that moment Vaggie arrives to check on Charlie and the Deer Demon prepares to make her his next victim.
Charlie pleads with him to spare her and promises to do anything to make up for what she's done. He then strikes a deal with her, he tells her the reason he does not want his legend destroyed is because it's the only thing keeping him from moving on to the afterlife and he refuses to cross over until he reclaims what was stolen from him in life. So the deal is if Charlie can figure out what was stolen from him and bring it back to him then he'll ceases his blood shedding ways. But until then he will continue killing and if she fails then he will save Vaggie for last.
So Charlie starts to dig into the Deer Demon’s past to find out what he lost as one by one he murders the people she knows which is pretty much everyone who's mistreated her so far. Upon doing her research she learns of his tragic backstory.
 In life the Deer Demon a.k.a  Alastor Le Rouge was the son of a white man and a slave woman. He had an interesting talent as a hunter, this lead to him being a Taxidermist to make trophies for the highest bidder. One day he was commissioned by a very wealthy landowner to make a trophy out of a prize lion he killed in Africa, but the wealthy landowner wasn’t alone. He had a daughter the most beautiful young woman in all of New Orleans. Of course, they fell deeply in love and she became pregnant. The father executed a terrible revenge on the taxidermist, he paid a bunch of drunken hooligans to do the job. They chased him just outside of New Orleans where they pinned him down, cut off his right hand with a rusty blade, and replaced it with a deer antler. But his torment wasn’t over yet, a pack of hungry wolves came to him and tore the flesh from his bones with their sharp teeth as he bled in agony. No one came to his aid except for the young woman he loved who screamed and cried for him slowly dying while looking at her eyes. He died for love.
This causes Charlie’s fear of Alastor to slowly vanish and in it’s place feel a deep compassion for him. This allows Alastor to seduce Charlie as she finds herself becoming more and more drawn to him for reasons she cannot understand. This desire only grows as Seviathan continues to belittle her and suddenly neglects her. Leaving the Deer Demon to ensnare her insecure and under appreciated heart with sweet words of admiring her beauty and cherishing her goodness forever.
Later she learns from Angel that Rosie's son is missing and she is quick to figure out that it was Alastor who took him. She asks him about stealing the baby but he replies that he is only reclaiming what should have been his. When she questions what he means by that, he merely chuckles that she'll figure it out soon enough. She goes back to Rosie's apartment to tell her what happened and to her surprise not only does Rosie believe her but she reveals to Charlie that Alastor Le Rouge was in fact her great, great, great, great, great, great, grandfather. She shows her some old pictures of him from when he was alive along with her other ancestors and Charlie notices that the young woman he was involved with bears a striking resemblance to her.
Charlie goes to confront Alastor in his makeshift lair where she finds more pictures of the landowner’s daughter underneath a carved phrase "It was always you Charlie." She then realizes that she's the reincarnation of Alastor's lover and he appears to tell her that when she died her soul did not meet him in the afterlife so he had to sustain himself on earth until she came back to him. He tells Charlie that he cannot move on until he has the wife and child that was stolen from him in life. That he wants Charlie and his infant descendant to join him in death as a family. He tells her that he loves her, urges her to accept that she loves him, and to come with him. Charlie is horrified but can no longer deny the truth so she confesses that she loves him even after all he's done. That she loves him now as much as she did in her past life. But she refuses to die with him because she feels that she can't leave this life and that she also loves Seviathan. Alastor angrily tells her she is not happy with this life, that she's been living in denial of her misery, and that Seviathan could never truly love her. She is not convinced and pleads with him to give back Rosie's child. But he just silently vanishes.
Confused and not sure what she wants, she goes to visit Seviathan only to find him having an affair with one of his students. Charlie finally let's loose the inner rage that has been built up by the years of being pushed around and starts to wreck his apartment. He calls the police and has her committed to a psychiatric hospital. When the doctors prepare to use shock therapy on her she calls for Alastor who appears to kill the doctors and cut her restraints. She flees from the hospital with the police following her and manages to evade them by going downtown.
She hears crying coming from a junk pile and discovers that's where Alastor has hidden Rosie's son. She goes inside to retrieve him but the residents assume that she's the Deer Demon so they set fire to the junk pile. Angel, Vaggie, and Rosie realize that Charlie is in there and try desperately to stop the bonfire but no one can hear them over the cheering. With Rosie's son safe in her arms, Charlie attempts to crawl out of the burning pile but suffers many burns and can barely move. Alastor appears one last time to push Charlie out of the flames while apologizing for hurting her for all he ever wanted was to be with her again and promises to cease to exist after this. Charlie manages to reach her arms out of the pile and hand the child to Rosie but then chooses to die in the fire with her love. Vaggie and Angel frantically try to pull her back out but by the time they reach her she has already died from her severe burns.
Seviathan gets a call confirming Charlie’s death, becoming grief-stricken and guilt-ridden he listens to Charlie's favorite song on the radio and says her name five times. Charlie and Alastor's vengeful spirits both appear for one last "hunt" and kill Seviathan, leaving his body to be found by his student lover.
Afterward, Angel, Vaggie, Rosie, and the remorseful residents all pay their respects at her funeral and gratitude for riding them of the Deer Demon by helping Alastor find peace at last. When the funeral was over everybody leaves except for Vaggie who stays behind a little bit longer to say her final goodbye to her dear best friend by calling her name five times as well. Charlie’s spirit appears to her but only to say goodbye as she has now been reunited with the spirit of her long suffering lover and daughter. Vaggie then tearfully watches the family ascend into heaven together and is left with comfort.
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lady-oceana9518 · 5 years
Let’s Misbehave! (A Charlastor Holiday Fic)
A/N: This fic was inspired by one of my current favorite songs, “Let’s Misbehave” (the Swing Republic version)! I’ll admit that this is a little self-indulgent; Charlie’s outfit is inspired by a dress that I actually just bought myself (I’ll put a link in a separate post of anyone wants a visual of it), and I just started teaching myself how to dance, 1920s style! :)
It was a warm afternoon in mid-December (because when wasn’t it warm in Hell?) and the staff of the Hazbin Hotel were preparing for their first annual holiday gala! Being the theatrical folks that they were, the event was, of course, Charlie and Alastor’s idea originally. The hotel staff had spent the better part of the day cleaning and decorating the as-of-yet underused ballroom with gorgeous crystal chandeliers, garlands of fairy lights in a variety of colors, and wreaths and swags made of fresh-cut pine branches that would have been common decor on Earth around this time of year. Charlie had even found several decorations that consisted of strings of lights shaped into various animals that she insisted on purchasing for the event. Alastor wasn’t strong enough to refuse his mate’s puppy-dog eyes, which is how they ended up buying a few lighted swans, a unicorn, a shark (whose permanent toothy grin reminded her of a certain Radio Demon she loved), and (of course) a reindeer. The latter amused Charlie to no end.
Now that cleaning and decorating were out of the way, the hotel staff and tenants were busy getting dressed and ready for the event. Charlie wanted to surprise Alastor with her outfit, which is why she was currently all but skipping down the hall to Vaggie’s room with a dazzling flapper-style dress in hand.
“Vags, I found the most perfect dress for tonight!!” Charlie sang, sweeping dramatically into her best friend’s room and presenting said dress with a flourish as soon as she closed the door behind her. “Do you think Al will like it?” she asked with a giggle as she imagined her mate’s reaction.
Vaggie smiled fondly at her friend, stepping over to place her hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “I’m sure he’d be happy with whatever you decided to wear. But yes, he’s going to love it. No question!” Charlie grinned in response to Vaggie’s encouragement. “Now, come on; we’d better get ready before the gala starts!”
With that said, both women donned their dresses, chatting about the night to come as they worked on their hair and makeup. Vaggie had braided her hair earlier that morning so when she loosened it, it cascaded in waves down her back. Charlie on the other hand, wanting to commit to the flapper look that she was excited to surprise Alastor with, used her magic to curl and shorten her flowing blond hair to shoulder length. The style was reminiscent of the first dance she and her Radio Demon shared when he originally came to the hotel. After securing the final touch to her outfit in the form of a shimmering black lace headband adorned with a large red feather, she decided she was ready. Arm-in-arm, the two best friends headed downstairs, where the other attendees began to gather.
Meanwhile, the party had begun in earnest down in the ballroom. Alastor and his shadow minions provided the music which some of the guests had already begun to dance to, while others chatted, mingled with one another, munched on appetizers that the staff had prepared together, and enjoyed the festive atmosphere.
The Radio Demon busied himself while he waited for Charlie by talking with Husk and nursing a glass of red wine. He was beginning to grow impatient, as he usually did when they were apart for too long, especially because she refused to tell him anything about the outfit she’d planned. All she told him was to make sure he dressed in red and black which, he thought to himself with a chuckle, was what the majority of his wardrobe consisted of. He had decided to wear a formal black suit with a red tie, wanting to change things up and reverse his usual color scheme for the evening.
He was laughing heartily at some comment that Husk made when the feline demon suddenly glanced at a point behind Alastor. He raised his eyebrows and nudged Alastor’s arm with his own to get the Radio Demon’s attention.
“Hey man, you might want to turn around...looks like a certain someone is here to see you,” Husk chuckled with a knowing smirk on his face.
No sooner had Husk spoken than Alastor turned to face the most breathtaking sight he’d seen in the entirety of his life and afterlife. There, at the entrance of the ballroom stood Charlie. His Charlie. She was dressed like so many of the gals he remembered seeing on Earth during the 1920s, but none of them held a candle to the way his beloved mate looked tonight. Her flapper dress, which was adorned with intricate red beadwork and hemmed with asymmetrical black fringes, flattered her long and lean body. She wore a black and red feathered headband to match, and her hair was short and curled, just the way he styled it with his own magic on the day they met.
He felt his normally calm, collected and confident composure slip when the two of them locked eyes from across the ballroom and Charlie offered him a wave and a shy smile. His crimson eyes widened and the glass of wine he was holding nearly slipped from his claws. Not trusting the steadiness of his hands, he hastily handed the half-full glass to Husk.
“Husk, be a dear and take this for me, won’t you? Thank you ever so much!” Without sparing a second glance toward the feline demon, Alastor strode briskly across the ballroom toward his charming demon belle. She had the same idea and met him halfway, a darker blush than usual painting her cheeks as she gazed at him.
“Al, you look so handsome! And look, you finally tied your hair back! I love it!!” Charlie fawned over him, raising her hand to touch the short ponytail he’d fastened his hair into. She couldn’t resist brushing one of his ears with her finger, giggling at the way it twitched automatically beneath her touch. Alastor growled and grabbed her hand before she could lower it.
“Careful, dear...” he warned, trying and failing to be intimidating. He gently nipped at the inside of her wrist with his razor-sharp teeth, at which she snorted and rolled her eyes before fixing him with an affectionate look.
Alastor couldn’t help but return her fond gaze, and kissed the palm of her hand that was still within his grasp. He began to feel uncharacteristically self-conscious, as he wanted to express just how beautiful he thought she looked. He had improved at expressing his emotions since he met Charlie, but was still a bit out of practice. He decided to give it his best shot anyway. “Charlie, I...you...you look incredible, my dear. Truly, the most stunning woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”
Charlie was taken aback by his admission and could only stare at him, wide-eyed and blushing, for several moments. Finally, she grinned and wrapped one of her arms around his waist, nestling herself close to him. “Aw Al, you charmer!” she giggled, gazing up at him from beneath her long, dark lashes. “Come on, let’s go dance!”
“Sweetheart, I thought you’d never ask!” Alastor replied with his usual grin in place as he wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders and led her toward the dance floor.
They arrived just in time for a couple of slow songs, which the pair used as an excuse to stay as close to one another as they could as they swayed rhythmically back and forth. Several minutes later, Alastor decided that it was time to pick up the pace a bit. With a snap of his fingers, the jazzy notes of a trumpet began to play one of his favorite songs, and he couldn’t help but sing along as he led Charlie through the steps of the Charleston. They were in perfect sync, one stepping forward while the other stepped back, both of them nimble on their feet as they seemed to fly across the hardwood floor. At one point Charlie broke away from him for a few moments, pivoting on one foot and shaking her hips in a way that set the tassels on her dress to flying. Alastor was entranced by the movement and reclaimed her hand moments later with a grin.
As the two of them neared the bar set up in one corner of the ballroom, Charlie cocked an eyebrow questioningly. “Al, where are you taking me?” she inquired with a breathless giggle. In response, Alastor’s grin widened as he stepped daintily onto a barstool and then leaped onto the top of the bar itself, pulling Charlie along with him.
“The fuck...? What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Husk yelled, to no avail, as he gathered a couple of liquor bottles into his arms to prevent them from being kicked over by the over-zealous deer demon.
Alastor and Charlie laughed at their own ridiculousness as they danced across the bar. Many of the other guests stopped their own dancing and mingling, amazed to see the infamous Radio Demon letting loose and having fun. Neither Alastor nor Charlie had done such a thing before but when the two theatrical souls were together and in their element, there was no telling what would happen.
As the song reached its conclusion, Alastor wrapped his arms around Charlie’s waist, dipping her while simultaneously pulling her into a searing kiss. Charlie gasped, pleasantly surprised, before cupping his face between her hands and returning the kiss in earnest.
“There’s something wild about you child
That’s so contagious
Let’s be outrageous
Let’s misbehave!
They say that spring means just one thing
To little lovebirds
We’re not above birds
Let’s misbehave!!”
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chelseacatgirl · 4 years
Tumblr media
This is my first Hazbin Hotel OC, and her name is Karma. - Name: Karma
Nicknames: Psycho *By most demons, especially Sir Pentious* Cutie Patootie *By Beetrix* Rikki-Tikki-Tavi of I.M.P. *By Blitzo* Booty Girl *By Beetrix and Angel Dust* Fluffy little cunt *By most demons, especially Husk* Sweetums Sweetie Little Bitch *By Katie Killjoy, and Helsa*
Date of death: 2016
Cause of death: Shot to death by policemen
Likes: Beetrix *Her girlfriend* Pranks Adventures Messing with Sir Pentious Messing with others Video Games Anything with competition Soda Energy drinks Anime Candy *Especially if it's anything sour* Plushies I.M.P. Skinny dipping Animals Anything cute Anything exciting
Dislikes: Being called a psycho Being betrayed Alchohol Homophobes Being nagged at Being insulted Losing anyone she cares about The policemen that killed her Exterminators Illbert *Her ex-boyfriend* Anyone that threatens her friends or has misinformation about them
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human *Formerly* Mongoose Demon
Age: 18+
Abilities: Fast runner Acrobatic skills Hunting skills Digging Sharp claws and fangs Can carry stuff with her tail
Occupation: Patient at the Hazbin Hotel Honorable member of I.M.P *By Blitzo, although unofficially* - Relationships:
Family: Unnamed parents *Deceased* Jolene *Long lost older cousin*
Friends: Beetrix *Girlfriend* Charlie *Sister-figure* Vaggie *Sister-figure or mother-figure* Alastor Angel Dust Husk Niffty Cherry Bomb Fat Nuggets *Angel Dust's pet pig* Blitzo *Father-figure* Moxxie *Uncle-figure* Millie *Aunt-figure* Loona *Best friend and sister-figure* Octavia Crymini Frillzer
Enemies: Sir Pentious Katie Killjoy *Assumes her to be a homophobe* Helsa Henroin *Because he hates Angel Dust* Valentino *Best she keeps a safe distance from him*
Others: Stolas Travis Arackniss
Voice Actress: Debi Derryberry *Like Bridget Fitzsimmons from F is for Family* https://youtu.be/JuPtYtQRJxU https://mobile.twitter.com/loppybun/status/1263506084091834373 https://mobile.twitter.com/underplanet49/status/1263509129718640641
Personality: Karma is a pretty aggressive foul mouthed mongoose demon that curses a lot and that of a complete psychopath, and likes to mess with everything, particularly Sir Pentious. She tends to get bored and wants excitment in life, even if she joins in with either Angel Dust and Cherry Bomb on their shenanigans, and/or joining with Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona for obvious reasons. However, deep down she has a soft spot and will do anything to make everyone proud, yet she could be very protective of anyone she cares about. She could get emotional at times too.
History: Karma was once a living girl who lived happily with her parents and does everything she can to make them proud of her. Karma was also an expert at running at a marathon in elementary school, however, at age 8, after winning first place at a marathon at school, she was informed by the police that her parents died in a car crash while on their way to see her compete on a field day. The loss of her mother and father is what turned her into a delinquent while she then lived in the orphanage, and later in a dorm in high school while she continued being a delinquent.
Late in her teens, Karma was shoplifting at the convenient store, and was then cornered by the police, when she tried to get away, she was shot to death by them, ending her life.
When Karma died, she ended up in Hell where she's now a Mongoose Demon, and decided this will be her life from now on as she continued being a delinquent, even self training herself to survive, where she was able to avoid getting killed by the Exterminators on the yearly cleanse. She even lived underground where the abandoned building is.
One time she met a Badger Demon named Illbert, which she found hot, and dated him ever since, until a year later where the yearly extermination happened where he ditched her all because he's a complete jerk where Karma was almost killed by ge Exterminators where she got stabbed on her tail, she managed to evade her own death despite her injuries where she was really upset. One week later, she met a Bee Demon named Beetrix at a diner, where she felt bad for Karma, and the two became friends and eventually her girlfriend, as the two constantly make out.
At some point Karma once heard of he Immediate Murder Professionals or I.M.P. for short as she once hired them to assassinate the police officers that killed her, after the assassination, she started to admire them.
Later on in life, after surviving yet Yearly Extermination with Beetrix, Karma knew she couldn't escape from the Exterminators forever, but then she learned of the "Happy Hotel" which rehabilitates sinners in hopes they will check out into heaven, they thought it was ridiculous at first, but decided they should give it a try, where they became patients at Hazbin Hotel. Later, she however was later used by Blitzo to deal with Sir Pentious because he, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona found out mongeese are predators to snakes, yet Vaggie tells her I.M.P. are a bad influence to her, Karma would also tag along with Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb against Pentious and would bring Beetrix with her too, yet Karma is determined to make sure Hazbin Hotel is in business and also try her best to get redeemed.
Karma has a soft spot for children, and would not act inappropriate around them like Angel Dust, but unlike him however, does not swear around them, she even spares children.
Karma doesn't wear underwear as she goes commando, she just feels comfortable without them, which also hel po s with her acrobatic skills, she also tends to sleep in the nude, and she likes going skinny dipping.
Despite her scar on her tail, Karma doesn't hide it and still uses it to pick things up and stuff. It was also a sign that she will never forget that very day one of the Exterminators once try to kill her.
She is an expert in video gaming.
She has a tendency to playfully flirt with anyone, or in that case, playfully ship them.
Karma is about the same height as Niffty.
Karma kept the small scarf her late mother knitted for her when she was a child, even after death she kept it
Karma has a tendency to call Vaggie "Mom" when she gets nagged by her for certain situations that related to sin. It may also be a sign that Karma misses her mother and technically what their relationship is like if she never died alongside her dad, and Vaggie is the example.
Drawn on Comic Workshop 2.
Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss (c) Vivienne "Vivziepop" Medrano
Karma (c) Me
Comic Workshop 2 (c) Collavier
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hazbinextgeneration · 6 years
Kitten Snuggles
The day had gone by pretty well to say the least. But he has been getting a few weird looks from the people at the bar. Maybe because of the little attatchment to his chest. "Hey, Bartender! Where the h*ll is my drink?!" The cat demon only grunted before grabbing another bottle and shot glass off the shelf. A sudden orange paw reached for it, but he easily held it away from it. Chuckling, he looked down to the little kitten strapped to his chest and smiled. "No. This bottle isn't for you." She responded by making some gurgle noises and looking up at him. Making him smile wider. "Hello! My drink!" He shot the guy a look but huffed, poured the guy his drink, and slide the shot over to shut him up. It had been a pretty long day for Charlie, so he had offered to watch their child while Mimzy and Vaggie took over her hotel duties. He didn't mind though. It's like a lightswitch had been flipped in him and surprisingly it was easy for him to take care of his child. Maybe it was because they were the same species?....Though he had gotten some curious looks about it. "DA!" He smiled down at the squealing, cooing baby. "What's up? You hungry?" She gurgled making him giggle. "I thought so. Explains why you've been tryin' to grab every bottle you see. Now.....Where's that spare bottle?" Charlie had left him a few things for Brinda he stored under the bar. Those being some changing utinsils and a spare bottle or two if she got hungry. Eventually, he found the bottle and gave it to the squirming baby who stuck it in her mouth eagerly. "Hey! Another drink!" He groaned and looked at the guy behind him. "Can't ya wait a sec?" The scruffy looking demon scoffed. "I came here to drink, and I wanna drink." This time Husk grabbed a whole bottle and firmly placed it in front of him. "Here. Serve yourself." The demon grumbled and grabbed the bottle. The next few minutes were filled with thankful silence other than Brinda's baby babbling and the demon's rude slurping from the bottle. But that was all shattered within a moment- "....That brat looks familiar." Husk bristled at that, but didn't look at him. "Oh, yeah? I get that a lot." A pause. ".....That's the princess's brat, ain't it?" He still ignored the demon, but his ears went back and his scowl increased. If he didn't mind his own- An ear splitting scream rang through the air suddenly. Filling his poor sensitive ears, causing him to flatten them against his head and drop the shot glass he was holding in his stunned stupor. It shattered . It only took him a moment to realize the screeching was actually Brinda. The little kitten was wailing her head off and flailing her limbs around like crazy. "What the h*ll-?!" His paws went up to lightly bounce his daughter and (with some soothing words) went from waling to hiccups and whines. He stared down at her with a confused look to as why she would scream like that....Now call him crazy, but something nagged at him to turn around. When he did, he froze and might have dropped Brinda if she wasn't strapped to his chest. The demon was still sitting there, but he was holding something red. The thing looked like a feather  from his wing, but he would've felt it. A few drops of red liquid dripped from the end and dropped onto the bar counter. He looked from the demon, to Brinda....then back to the demon. "...….*growl*" A demonic screech was all the demon got as a warning before red wings flared and Husk launched at him in a flurry of feathers and fangs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The soft fur of her father had helped to calm her down after the whole ordeal, and her father smiled at her sleeping small form. "You do realize you nearly killed someone in the middle of our lobby?!" He merely gave her a lazy look like he didn't just literally maul a guy to near death. ".....Stick those eyes somewhere useful." 
Request for my friend @palettepainter Brinda is hers. Husk and Vaggie belongs to Vivziepop
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