transclownhehe · 1 month
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transclownhehe · 1 month
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i am tweakig :<
My ghost and pals headcanons (hell yeah insert explosion and fireworks in the background as you can hear a tiger roar)
(ps: none of these are canon to Ghost and Pals lore, these are just made from my itty bitty brain cuz I wanna write fanfics) (WARNING: This is mostly Communications and The Distortionist headcanons sue me)
-Christopher and Frances have known each other since childhood. This headcanon was inspired by the canon lore, where Frances was from a very wealthy family, and you can assume Christopher was too since he has a whole mansion. I like headcanoning them as neighbours that couldn't STAND each other. I can imagine Christopher going like "Ewww she has cooties" and Frances pulling on his hair when they were kids
-Continuing that headcanon, I believe Christopher also inspired Frances to be a rebellious teenager, but unlike Frances, Christopher silently rebelled against his family in very subtle ways. (Like for example swearing and the saying "pardon me"), Meanwhile, Frances rebelled with a lot of confidence and pride.
-The Elsners and Pierres were family friends and because of that Frances was supposed to see Christopher a lot.
-Lilia was one of Frances' pals when they were very young, and thus they met Christopher. IK IT DOESN'T MAKE MUCH SENSE, BUT HEAR ME OUT ON THE NEXT HEADCANON.
-Lilia is an AFAB nonbinary lesbian (when they reincarnated). However, back when they were alive they were still in the closet (cuz y'know homophobic society), and since back in the day it was seen as scandalous to have male friends as a female, they hung around Frances a lot and one day Frances teased Lilia for some very dumb reason. Christopher was like "Hey, leave them alone!", not because he wanted to protect Lilia necessarily, but because he wanted to make Frances mad.
-And Lilia befriended Christopher but kept their friendship a secret (because society would go wild, SOCIETYYYY)
-Christopher is Aroace (because I am too), and Frances is bisexual aromantic because I said so
-later in life, Christopher was betrothed with some random girl (who soon became ASLTW from The Distortionist canon lore) because his family wanted to marry him off.
-Let's call the girl Marigold (because I like that name). Marigold liked Christopher A LOT and trusted him, thinking he's like a prince charming due to his "gentle tone of voice" and acting like a gentleman in general (When in fact, Christopher was just pretending to be a gentleman, since he was used to always pretending)
-but Christopher realized something because of her "goo-goo eyes" whenever she interacted with him. He realized he could easily manipulate her.
-And so Christopher started manipulating everyone around him. His siren-like voice worked on many, except for Frances cuz she was smart enough to realize that he was manipulative, and since she didn't like him in the first place, she began ghosting him, leaving Lilia all alone with him.
-Christopher immediately started realizing how bad it'd be for him to be left all alone, and since Frances was the first to leave, he decided to make a suicide pact with Lilia and Marigold, right after he managed to poison everyone in the Pierre mansion as Christopher was scared of his plan failing.
-After they gone oof-ed (literally), Lilia was the only one to survive. Due to how traumatic that event would be, they moved to another state and most likely changed their name. What they didn't know was that they'd return back after they reincarnated.
-Ok enough with Christopher, now let's move on to Frances. Frances never knew what happened to Christopher as she immediately left her family home after becoming an adult, became a party animal, had fun, then nine months later Henry was born.
I might make a part 2 soon so watch out for that hehehhe
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transclownhehe · 1 month
Heres a redesign sketch of my old Distortionist oc, Dexter:
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He’s sorta a oc x canon oc but its lovers to enemies, heres a snippet of his lore involving Christopher:
Christopher and Dexter used to secretly date back when Christopher was still alive, mostly because Christopher was experimenting with his sexuality and liked the benefits he got from being in a romantic relationship and got away with things he usually wouldn’t because Dexter always defended him. Christopher eventually broke up with Dexter after he lost romantic feelings for him and realized he didn’t really feel any romantic attraction at all, and mostly manipulated Dexter to think that he genuinely loved him so he wouldn’t get any repercussions for the things he’s done.
Dexter was enraged at realizing how his feelings were played with and was vengeful, wanting to cause Christopher’s downfall. Eventually he found out about Christopher’s death with the suicide pact, and decided to take his own life so he can torment Christopher for eternity, which is another reason why Christopher constantly changes the rooms in the mansion.
Though Dexter wants revenge, deep down he still loves Christopher and his heartbreak lead him down a path of violence. Deep down he regrets what his and Christopher’s relationship has become, but he decides to make the most of what they have left in the after life together in the mansion, which usually leads to Dexter getting tricked by Christopher numerous times and feeding into his own delusions that they’re still together, and Christopher gaslighting Dexter into thinking he was the reason why their relationship is so unstable and why they broke up, yet both of them equally had flaws in their relationship to begin with.
(well, Christopher having most of them)
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transclownhehe · 1 month
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Some christopher art and a voice headcanon i made for him
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transclownhehe · 2 months
no was i also got glados, holy T^T
pick one. this is your blind date
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
(assume that whoever you get is single)
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transclownhehe · 2 months
helloo first of all i just wanna say ur art is rly cool !! anyways could you maybe say some stuff you know abt kennith since its pretty hard to find accurate information?
Holy fuck I really appreciate that dude. Thank you a lot 🙏🙏🙏
And also I'm not too good with non specific stuff, so I'm just gonna spit out everything I can think of about Kennith
His birthday is October 12th 1968
He is 5'4
Kennith would drink the fuck out of kool-aid
Kennith cannot cook, he would probably burn the house down and he wouldn't care if he burned down with it
He gives himself burns on purpose anyway
Kennith likes rats and cats
He also really likes cats who look like they've gone through shit, like him
He and Stephanie shared makeup
Kennith pissed on a church's bush one time and declared it as his sinful territory
(A lot more under the cut)
Kennith just, breaks into Stephanie's house sometimes through her window. Sometimes to steal milk, borrow shit, or do what ever
Stephanie is fine with that
Kennith is homosexual and aromantic
Kennith and Stephanie got bullied for being friends with each other
He lives in Calumet, Michigan
When drunk Kennith gets extra gay and laughs at everything. Eventually getting really sleepy and incoherent
Kennith is that guy who would wear shorts all year, even in the winter
Kennith normally just throws on tanktops and shorts, switching to pull overs and jeans in the winter. Anything comfy really. Sometimes he dresses really good though, like 20% of the time
80% of the time it's gym shorts, tank tops, and t-shirts
Kennith can swim
Kennith sometimes just breaks into a country accent sometimes
Kennith likes candy
His favorite tastes are smoke, blood, rootbeer, alcohol of any kind, sour candies, and dick I MEAN WHO SAID THAT? WHO SAID THAT??
Kennith doesn't like being touched, unless it's in bed
How ever if he was hugging with genuine love and care he would get really emotional or all flustered have to go be alone for a while and be emotional later
Kennith paints his nails
If kennith were to go to a school dance (he didn't he spend them in his basement with Stephanie)
He would just kinda stand by the punch bowl with his little cup drink it, fill it, drink it, fill it, drink it, fill it, drink it, fill it, drink it again, and fill it
Kennith likes 60s garage rock and psychedelic rock
Kennith has BPD and depression
He steals a lot
He's also really sexual, he into bdsm and guro. Ghost has called him a kinky little shit
He thinks he'd trip in a ball gown
He doesn't have a schedule, he just does shit when he feels like
He'd get annoyed with clueless people and like if he has to repeat himself it pisses him off. He also doesn't like explaining when you're not on the same page as him immediately, he's tolerant with Stephanie doing that though
His favorite color is coral
He has a super unstable sleep schedule
Stephanie apprently carried around Kennith sometimes
He would have a gore and an nsfw blog on tumblr if he were alive now
If being gender-fluid was more known in the 80s he would have been gender-fluid. If he were alive now he would be gender-fluid. Cuz it's the 80s though, he just assumes he's a dude who feels more feminine sometimes
Kennith would refuse therapy because he "doesn't need that shit like that"
Kennith would like beanie babies if he were alive now
He twirls his hair
Sometimes when he didn't wanna be bothered about it, he'd cover up his sh with foundation to make it less noticeable. Most of the time he was too lazy
Kennith has abandonment issues
Kennith shaves
He LOVES milk
He would wear thigh highs
He doesn't know what job he'd have, he'd probably continue with repairing electronics though
Kennith drinks and smokes weed
Kennith's favorite alcoholic thing is champagne
Kennith would have a pet rat
Kennith can scream really loud
He makes self deprecating jokes quite a bit
Kennith would wear a skirt if he wouldn't have gotten the living shit bullied out of him. They would also be flashy and revealing
For Halloween Kennith would dress in all white and say he's sperm
He swears excessively
Kennith is that guy with the magnifying glass and burns ants to death
He's the type to draw dicks on the school white boards/chalk boards
Kennith would like throwing knives
Kennith likes to mess with people for fun (in a silly way)
He also likes joking around with and pranking his friends
Kennith would have loved being a model
Kennith is around 100lbs
His voice claim is YoppyVU, any statement about it not, is a lie. Ghost does that a lot, did you know that?
He doesn't spend a lot of time at home, his parents piss him off. He usually hangs around the gas station Greg works at, Stephanie's house, or the park or something
He'd be the type to die his hair with kool-aid, it would look like shit
Kennith attempted before
Kennith forgets to eat alot. He starves himself but not to a life threatening point, he doesn't focus on it at all. He literally just forgets and doesn't feel like eating
He would have been a theater kid if he didn't think the world hated him
He'd be a bad singer
He's broadcast was in the garage he worked in
Ghost said if you looked up "curly pixie cut" you'd be able to find references for his hair
And also he is cold and reserved to people he is not friends with. He takes a bit to warm up to people
That's not all I know, but I don't wanna write anymore. It's 4 am. I can cite my sources for all of these, btw. And also ignore but don't that jab about Ghost lying a lot
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transclownhehe · 2 months
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tbh if i could choose any weapon id choose a chainsaw (that eats cuz itll get gummed up with the guts and stuff) but i thought that the chainsaw looked too hunky --------- i still dont rlly know anyone well ;w; join if you wannew
make yourself with this picrew, then tag 1 or more of your mutuals/followers! (optional)(if you weren't tagged, you can still join >_<)
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@whyispaflsoaddicting @sorarwi @felignis @i-like-vocaloid-a-normal-amount
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transclownhehe · 2 months
made a collection of links to ghost lore and fun facts I have because nobody in this fandom ever knows what's going on
character ages
noah lore
the noise in broadcast illusion
how kennith and steph met
kennith's plan with the broadcast
simon & crying ask
broadcast location
kennith & singing ask
kennith, steph & eyeliner
communications character's sexualities
communications character's sexualities AGAIN
and a third time
frances height
nancy fun facts
frances fun facts
henry fun facts
kennith & kool aid dye ask
steph, kennith & asl
drunk kennith
henry & toasters
kennith post-broadcast
kennith fun facts
distortionist characters
og honey im home song lore
spider on the wall font
colorbars font stuff
other ghost fonts
I have more stuff in the form of screenshots that I might transcribe eventually. if anyone has any useful links to add lmk
note- I'm only sharing stuff related to character lore. not interested in anything ghost has deleted outside of that. just want to clear up information, they're allowed privacy.
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transclownhehe · 2 months
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this is the closest to how i look (my friend keeps saying i look like jellybean T^T) idk people here ;w;
Consider yourself tagged if you are reading this:
Make this picrew of yourself
Take this uquiz (How Fandom Would See You If You Were A Fictional Character)
Thank you for the tag @machiavellli !
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transclownhehe · 2 months
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fokouna girl!! i lov this stomach book song!! its new :3
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transclownhehe · 2 months
i have friends?? :o Fav color: I rlly like bright-ish blue (typically with reddish hot pink dots they make my brain feel so silly)
Last song: The Glass Cieling Cabaret by Nero's Day at Disneyland
Currently reading: I don't read ;w; Dying Mind Macabre?
Currently watching: Fionna and Cakey still (I watched it like 20 times xoD)
Currently craving: Oreo icecream with a cake cone
Coffee or Tea: idr like either but tea i guess ;w; @ (idk, idrk people here)
get to know me game
rules: answer + tag six people u want to know
thank you for the tag @littlemissmedicalmalpractice
fav color: purple 💜💜
last song: tears for fun - griff
currently reading: toni morrison’s song of solomon and also rereading svsss
currently watching: COBRA KAI S5 💪💪 TOTALLY FUCKING BADASS (my brother and my favorite show atm)
currently craving: mmmango 
coffee or tea: coffee, always
tagging @sequinhaze @rainydayrina @luckymoonly @violetgarlends @sillygoofyqueer @chewiiez and anyone else :D
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transclownhehe · 2 months
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cakey!!! >w<
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transclownhehe · 2 months
Reblog If Your Blog Is Safe For
Transgender people
Homosexual people
Bisexual people
Genderfluid people
Asexual people
Pansexual people
Autosexual people
Demisexual people
Bigender people
Agender people
Polysexual people
Straight people
Cisgender people
Straight allies of the lgbtqpiad community
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transclownhehe · 2 months
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btw you guys can send drawing prompts in asks, i will draw stuff for you guys :3 just as long as it's SFW (im a minor) and if im familiar with it
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transclownhehe · 2 months
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biden dropped out this is our future
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transclownhehe · 2 months
he never not have claustrophobia
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No one loves sad old men more than this guy
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transclownhehe · 2 months
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Christopher Pierre!! Boy why you so silly /p >_<
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