#He really is the zak bagans from their world
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verysaint-tropez ¡ 1 year ago
My name is Trevor 'The Tramp' Herbert and this is Vampire Killers
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violetfairydust ¡ 3 months ago
WIP Whenever
Thank you to the lovely @endwersed for tagging me! I'm really excited about ghost whispering Stiles, so here's a conversation between him and Laura.
The darkness swallowed the world leaving the only sight in front of Stiles the chill of his breath. He swung the bat back and forth while he waited for hopefully nothing. The preserve was asleep. He stood with the soles of his shoes glued to the ground. He shouldn’t have been left alone. He may have been in the safest corner of the woods, but if it was just him and his bat he couldn’t protect himself from the coven. Being stationed at one of the higher points made him the watchtower.
“Useless, isn’t it?” Laura said.
“Having me here?”
“Vampires are just as fast as werewolves, if not faster. You won’t be able to see them move. And that bat won’t stop one.”
“And why are you here? To keep me company?”
“I have a... special type of sight, too, you know. It’s lighter on this side. It may be two in the morning for you, but for me, it’s dusk.”
He scoffed. “You’re here to protect me?”
“I can see things you can’t.”
“That’s pretty laughable when you’re saying that to the ghost whisperer.”
She leaned against the trunk behind Stiles. He only turned when a branch snapped under her boot.
“I wanted to ask you some questions.” Her eyes followed the trail to the right, checking for unwanted guests. “I’ve never met anyone who can actually see us. The number of people who call themselves ghost hunters who come traipsing into our house with their recorders and cameras can’t.”
“You don’t show yourselves to Zak Bagans?”
She cracked a smile. “Sometimes I knock things over, blow cold air, but you’ll never catch me on camera. That’s Aurora. And I thought I was asking you questions? How did you get it? There are only rumors of people like you.”
“It’s genetic. We call it the Sight. My mom’s mom had it and her grandmother and her grandfather.” He shrugged. “It just happened.”
“Does your dad know?”
Stiles scoffed again. “Yeah, no. There’s no fucking way he’d believe it. He’d have me committed. I’ve never had a reason to tell him, and it doesn’t affect him, so it doesn’t matter. I don’t really want him to know. I don’t want him to look at me differently.”
Laura nodded. Relief prickled in his chest she wasn’t going to press it.
“How many of us do you see in a day?”
“At school? Dozens. Just around town? Hundreds.” Stiles shrugged. “I’ve gotten used to it.”
“Do we look different?”
“There’s a... a kind of... faintness about you. It’s like you’re muted. I can’t see through you, but you’re not in full color, either. It’s like a faded picture or something.”
The questions stopped. Too many sprouted in his mind to pick one to ask. What was the other side like? Was there even one? Did she see a white light when she died? Was her family there to greet her? How did she see him? How could she tell he had the Sight?
Her breath came out fast. Her eyes were locked on something in the distance. The lines in her forehead deepened. When Stiles looked in that direction, he couldn’t see anything but darkness. It was darker than it should have been, darker than the rest of the woods.
“Stiles,” she breathed tightly, “hide.”
I'm not sure who has and hasn't been tagged, but I tag you if you want to have a go!
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daddy-issues-99 ¡ 1 year ago
Zak Bagans with a ghost s/o
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• When you died you didn't expect to be stuck as a ghost, you found it even weirder that your newest companion would be alive.
• You first met Zak when he was investigating your old house, abandoned and rotting but it's not like you had anywhere else to go.
• After that encounter you soon became quite happily attached to the investigator.
• You never really understood his line of work. Ghost hunting, as he called it, granted it wasn't really hunting but you played along thinking it was a neat hobby. He wouldn't have met you if he hadn't been doing so you couldn't complain that much.
• As you and Zak spent more time together you'd gained quite the friendship and over the next few months of being attached to him, the relationship developed.
• At first the crew found it odd and were somewhat unnerved. They thought you were malicious and were trying to hurt Zak by attaching to him but over time they realized you had no bad intentions. They even started to become fond of you.
• Sure they found it a bit comical at first; a ghost and a ghost-hunter. Oh do opposites attract.
• You followed him to different investigations and helped him out and made the investigationa and lockdowns a lot easier. They didn't need half the equipment with you being able to translate for the other spirits.
• You very much enjoyed following Zak around. After years being bound to the place you died, it was nice to get out.
• Zak was nice enough to update you on the events you were missing out on in the world and showed you all the new inventions that were made from after you died.
• He thought it was cute that you never left his side, sure you could but why would you? The world is already a scary place let alone being dead in it.
• You'd always hover over him and around him, asking him questions and pestering him about random things. Sure some might fis it annoying but he found it entertaining.
• Whenever the crew would get new equipment Zak would always test it out on you to see if it works before they did a lockdown. He took extra time explaining it to you and showing how the equipment actually worked when you came into contact with in.
• One of your personal favorites was the devices where you could type things out. You didn't want to admit it but during investigations you'd type random stuff into the devices to see them go wild when they thought they'd caught something.
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neruomancer ¡ 6 months ago
Average Members of Groups of Interest: Where are they now? Part 2
*Either some MI5 desk monkey or an especially good tarot reader that was "conscripted". They are the new blood after the office went through some "fumigations". They don't have a bug problem anymore. That's right, no brain bugs, completely clean you don't have to worry about it anymore. They are all gone
*Shan infested Agent, all the old timers and loyal azathoth worshippers got wiped during the "bug hunts". Now it is just the atheistic/secular earth borns who have only known the pleasures of human misery. They may have had a hand in culling the azathoth worshippers and the geezers from the cowboys so they could live it up driving around their meat suits.
Army of the Third Eye
*After the Embassy Row massacre A-Cell decided they needed some local heavy hitters. They turned some young former IRA hard boys over to the Army to train them in sabotage and to give them a little catharsis against the Brits. They don't really know about the bugs and they don't really care. Or they are environmentalists really mad about Welsh lake being drained and have become violent anprims.
*Department for the Veterans of Psychic Wars. When most left the Army or got busted you stayed behind because you had nowhere else to go. They were inside your head, you remember the scratching feeling against the back of your skull. You can hear the whistling of the Court, the nuclear chaos of it all. Those whistles wax and wan but you hear it in your loneliness and alienation. Your apartment is freezing and you swear you can simply walk in the court of the Outer Gods.
*You fought against the cultists of Shub, you hunted down Nazis wizards, traveled to Leng and back. All to get blown away by some NAFO dip shit memer piloting a drone with a grenade tapped to it. The video of your death will be put into a tiktok nsfl compilation and children will do the floss to it.
*The Broken Vanguard. You were there, the past haunts you. Your country was stolen and sold off from you. You live in the decaying ruins of what was to be the future of the workers state.
The Skoptsi
*After much of the cult was either blown away or got pitched you went to jail for mundane crimes. Life max. The cult is no more but you have started a gang culture devoted to the black goat, our lady of new birth. Forgive us for our sins and born us new into the world. Sheds the only flesh for the new flesh. You awaken in the shared prison shower covered in blood and hungry. This is not a prison, it is a feeding farm for you.
*You were a good Orthodox boy who grew up in the church. You read your Bible, you went to service, etc. You are an adult now and you hear the flies. The Flys of the Black Goat. You see some people are covered in flies, at work or at the bus stop or in the store. No one else sees them. But you do. Make the buzzing stop. They smell like rotten flesh. There is only one thing you can do. Buy a toolbox, maybe even a gun? Squash the flies.
Outlook Group
*See Majestic
*Zak Bagans but somehow worse. "We are here at this Asylum today". Maybe they believe? Maybe they don't? Is just here until they get a TV show deal with Discovery or The Travel Channel. Does very little work besides just showing up to the filming. They have the same disease as Alex Jones where he needs to buy a new watch every three months just to feel something again.
*Genuine believer but very little to absolutely no camera presence. Has been made into a lolcow by the Phenomen-X social media group because of how awkward and gawky they are.
Tiger Transit
*Since the organization has gone "legit" you were the first of the round of new hires to make the crime organization look as illegal as any other financial firm. You are probably an accountant or a HR person for one of the many shell companies. At the recent company retreat there was a banquet. The main course? The long pork. It wasn't as bad as you thought it would be? Most corpos are flesh eaters so it's fine.
*Since Tiger Transit was a airline used by the CIA to traffic heroin, naturally the next step is become a anti communist advocacy think tank. You are a fresh face social media influencer who cries on podcasts about how communism took away your grandpas opium plantation.
*Dr. Jensen Wu has to be 88 now right? He probably has an intern? Where is he? He got lost in the storage halls of the museum. Sometimes you see him wandering. Bright smile, wrinkles and all.
*If the program didn't assign a "budget" archeologist to the stacks then the outlaws tried to transfer everything of note to a green box somewhere. God I hope not.
Keepers of the Faith
*One of the dwindling numbers of loyal yog worshippers who slip in and out of the train tunnels of New York. Sometimes people in suits come by and give you snacks from the morgues office for information about the glowing spheres. A peaceful and quiet existence sleeping in the cold and tight seams of the city. The time will come.
*The impatient young blood. Has forbid the teachings of yog for the careless gospel of hip new gods. Doesn't know what the fuck a crawl chaos is but human flesh sure does sound good about now. Got sick and tired of the old dry dead the keepers kept pointing to feed on.
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astramachina ¡ 8 months ago
Cast Intro - Part 1
On the topic of The Unbinding, here's an obligatory cast intro post. Let's kick it off with the Mile High Paranormal team and their totally ethical, authentic and not at all predatory ghost hunting methods. (And a secret fifth member under the cut.)
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NicolĂĄs "Nick" Miller - creator and producer; our arguable protagonist, staunch skeptic
Kimberly "Kim" Miller - current ghost host; Nick's sister, skeptic who really wants to believe
Jonah Robinson - cameraman and tech guy; avid believer
Jess Davis - second ghost host and researcher; avid believer
↓ continue reading my post boy (gn) ↓ (it gets LONG)
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Shannon - former ghost host; deceased
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The MHP began as a podcast where Nick and Jonah talked about their favorite spooky stories during the tail end of their college careers. After a period of fierce debate (and friendly blackmail), Nick and his friends decided to take a more visual approach. After all everyone's doing YouTube nowadays, so why shouldn't they?
Nick - Take at least five different complexes, throw 'em in a jar, shake them around, and then let them sit until pickled. Do Not Open under any circumstances. Oh, the jar fell off the shelf and shattered into a million pieces? Boom, those rank insides mixed with glass shards are Nick Miller in a nutshell. He's a control freak. He's terrified of an uncertain future. It's him and his sister against the world but Kim is engaged to a very nice man with a solid head on his shoulders and Nick is terrified that the only family he has left will abandon him forever. His friends are outgrowing the YouTube thing, and he has no other marketable skills. I wouldn't call him an unlikeable protagonist, but for someone in his late 20s he really has some serious growing up to do. For being someone hyperaware of choices and consequences, he does play it real fast and loose with the lives of his teammates (and his own), even after facing life-threatening repercussions. He also seems to think that getting himself killed will solve everyone's problems. Because he's an idiot. Also because he thought with his nonexistent dick a little too hard. He sees one attractive dead guy executed 130 years ago for utterly heinous crimes and he goes utterly gaga. | Theme song? You betcha.
Kim - If "eldest sister syndrome" had a face, it'd be hers. Externally, she looks and dresses like one of those high school goths that wrote poetry about wanting to be a vampire during lunch period. (Think if Zak Bagans were a girl.) Internally, YouTube was fun, but she would like to put her degree to use and earn a stable income without having to put herself (and her friends) in grave danger. She also doesn't want to keep stressing the fuck out of her boyfriend. Nick is unstable, neurotic, and has a vicious inferiority complex, but enough is enough and she is ready to stop playing the role of mom. Kim's ability to switch masks is the core of her extroverted nature. One moment, she's a goth diva with an attitude problem (her favorite host persona), and the next she's helping little old ladies who look at her weird cross the street. She is the solid foundation the team is built on, despite what Nick likes to think, and removing herself from the equation means the inevitable crumbling of their internet empire. | Her theme song. She's vers when it comes to genre.
Jonah - Anxiety 101. He's so very smart and that is a detriment to his very existence. Him and Nick have been BFFs for a hot second, but as of late he's been having second thoughts about their relationship. Sure Nick stands up for him whenever he has an episode or can't properly articulate what he means, but Nick's tendency to put their lives in the line of fire for content is something even Jonah can pick up on. The soft, big and burly type, Jonah is the one to run damage control when things get heated between the members of MHP. He will not hesitate to carry people to wherever they need to be, but he will also not hesitate to throw hands if anyone gets stupid and makes a snide comment about how high Nick's voice is or looks at any of the girls wrong. He's also a hopeless romantic. Guy swears he's sooo straight, but on more than one occasion he's been caught staring at the innkeeper a little too sultrily. | Everyone gets a theme song.
Jess - Three things you will find in her backpack at all times: an old iPod, chapstick, a shock blanket. For being a ghost host, girl will jump ten feet in the air if she so much as hears a wood board creak. Because of this, she's basically the comic relief of the show, but she is also the most earnest when it comes to investigations. That's because she blames herself for Shannon's death. She is so riddled with guilt that she wants to believe that ghosts are real, if only for the chance to reach out to Shannon and apologize for the death she did not deserve. Extremely introverted, she was originally the location scout and researcher, working with Nick behind the camera to bring the show to life. Once they found themselves a host short, Jess was promoted to co-host alongside Kim. This has made her surprisingly popular among viewers, mostly due to ragebait courtesy of Kim's persona being flippantly rude towards Jess during investigations (think Aaron Goodwin if he were a girl). IRL they're super close friends with nothing but utmost respect for each other, but anything for the clicks. | Her anthem basically.
Shannon - She's dead. Hope this helps. How did she die? You'll need to read the book to find out. ;) | I WILL share her theme tho.
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xplrvibes ¡ 1 year ago
Any book series/book recommendations?
I am so bad at reading books these days - read them all when I was a child (pre-internet, books were where I went to escape lol) and so I burned out on the whole reading thing by high school 🤣.
Weirdly enough, now that I think about it - that book burnout coincided with me discovering the internet and fanfic.
Anyway! The last thing paperback I read was the Prince Harry book, which was kind of interesting but also a little too whiny at times for me (and I say this as someone who has nothing against Prince Harry). If you want to read pages upon pages of a man talking about how his dick was frostbitten in the Arctic and he had to go to his brother's wedding all cold dicked, then this is the book for you. 👍
As far as series are concerned - I actually watched the entire HBO Chernobyl series on my flight home from Alaska a few months ago and it was very well done. Scary as shit, kind of (very) alarming ...but well done. Would definitely recommend if you are into realistic depictions of real life events and heavy themes. Would NOT recommend if the thought of disaster makes you nervous.
For fun, lighthearted stuff - pre-Zak Bagans Halloween Wars are pretty fun.
On youtube, I watch a lot of random shit but a few people I regularly go back to are:
1, Dylan is in Trouble: if you like watching a grown man react to Disney Channel movies and really critique them as if they are Oscar contenders, this is the place for you 🤣 He does do way more than Disney Channel movies as well...he also has a series where he watches the first and last episode of a TV show ONLY and then ranks the show based on those two episodes. That's also fun!
2, Yes Theory: the original travel content/tfil type of Channel. I don't think they do too much anymore, bit their old content is good if you like random travel challenges and content.
3, Ok this one is weird, but bear with me: Hollywood Graveyards. The description basically covers what it's about - this guy goes into different graveyards in LA (and sometimes around the world), finds famous peoples' Graves, and then gives a brief background into that person's life. I don't know why I enjoy it, but I do 🤣.
Um, anyway...this was no help at all, I feel...but I hope at least something on here strikes your fancy!!
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gaykarstaagforever ¡ 2 years ago
When Zak Bagans went to Gettysburg:
1) He wears this hat the entire time:
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He's like a 12 year old tourist. But it becomes relevant to the "plot" later when ghosts try to kill him because they think he is actually the guy who started the Civil War or something.
2) There is a part where he and "the crew" LARP being in a skirmish where 5 old fat men run at them from the woods. It goes on for like 4 minutes, and ends with Zak being the hero. Zak claims that, having done this, he now understands the soldiers' experience.
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3) The part where he humped the mannequin of a dead woman and got sexually assaulted by a ghost:
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4) He goes to Gettysburg, one of the most haunted places in the world, talks to Mark Nesbitt AND Rob Conover about it...and doesn't do anything whatsoever with the actual battlefield. Either because it's mostly just boring woods now, or because the Park Service wouldn't let his dumb ass camp out there overnight, tripping over tree roots and cracking his head open on a boulder in Devil's Den. Probably both.
5) I've been going to that park / town my entire life, and this is the first time I ever heard about it having a haunted torture orphanage.
Yes, I knew about the home for war orphans. But I wasn't aware it had dungeons and tour guides, making up stories about how it had dungeons.
6) Someone really should have warned Zak that if you show up at Gettysburg with a camera crew and ask if anyone will let you pay them to tell you about ghosts, many people will accept that offer. But there is no guarantee they have permission to take you anywhere or have any goddamn idea what they're talking about.
7) Zak, there is a part of the battlefield that is notorious for causing electronic malfunctions. You didn't go there. Misinterpreting software quirks is like your ENTIRE THING. And you didn't go to the Triangular Field. That is amazing.
Maybe he goes back later. I haven't checked out all 28 seasons of this show yet.
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ombwarrior47 ¡ 1 year ago
Wolfe Creek Trilogy by Kaylie Newell
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Title: Lone Wolfe, Hunter of Her Heart, & The Moonshadow’s Daughter Author: Kaylie Newell Series: Wolfe Creek Number of Pages: 215, 180, 198 Genre:  Paranormal Werewolf & Shifter Romance Publisher:  Blackstone Publishing Date of Original Publication: June 21, 2022 ASIN: B0B25S68XN, B0B22WHKH3, ‎B0B25V3K71
At the end of September I came down with COVID and couldn’t read. Holding a book and moving my eyes hurt from the fatigue. During this time I downloaded audible and started listening to books. This trilogy was the second thing I found to listen to and I was not disappointed.
Lone Wolfe, book one, is about a human who moves to a town called Wolfe Creek to solve a mystery about her best friend who disappeared at the town a year before. She befriends a sheriff’s deputy who agrees to help her find her missing friend and falls in love with him. Maggie soon learns that the town she moves too has a lot of secrets and yet she’s drawn to the town and uncovering the mysteries that are within it.
Hunter of her Heart, book two, is based off of the first one. The younger brother of the sheriff’s deputy holds one of Wolfe Creek’s secrets within himself. The town starts to see him as the bad guy and his long term girlfriend helps him lighten his shadows and ground him.
The Moonshadow’s Daughter, book three, is based off of the town’s doctor as he seeks answers for the death of his wife a year prior, he discovers the mystery of the missing friend of Maggie from book one. As well as peeling back the layers of Wolfe Creek’s own secrets on his journey.
I really enjoyed listening to this series. It was a light storyline, entertaining and humorous at times. The characters are all likeable and the storyline wraps up nicely. I would definitely recommend if you are interested in some light reading and are into paranormal fantasy.
Up Next:  
-Crave by Tracy Wolff
-Wicked Game by Lisa Jackson
-Dark World by Zak Bagans
Yearly Goal Marker:
Book Goal: 26/75 – 34.7%
Page Goal: 9.6K/10k – 96.4%
Follow me on LibraryThing, Goodreads, and Amazon. Same handle: OMBWarrior47
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ghostadventuresstuff ¡ 4 years ago
Zak Bagans x Reader (Part 2) *SMUT*
Your left hand gripped your hair in frustration. According to your boyfriend, Zak; you and Aaron were flirting, and now we’re having a borderline cage match in the middle of the bus surrounded by the rest of the Ghost Adventures crew.
You and Zak use to fight all the time when you hated one another, it was like World War 3, 4, 5, and 6 started all at once, backs were pressed against walls, insults were shouted, glass was broken, and feelings were hurt. But that all changed after a moment away from the others where you joked about becoming enemies to friends and then to lovers which is exactly what had happened this past year.
'Look I really don’t want to fight right now, Zak.' you sigh, laying your palms out flat in a sign of peace.
'Well then maybe you shouldn’t have been flirting with my best friend,' Zak growls, taking a step towards me.
'I wasn’t flirting with anybody!' you shout, jabbing your finger into his chest. 'if anything you were the one flirting with that blonde at the bar.'
'Don’t try and turn this around on me, y/n.' he warned stepping forwards until we were nose to nose.
You and Zak exchanged insults, each one nastier than the last.
'Oh go fuck yourself, Zak,' you snap, turning away, 'or go have that slut do it for you.'
'If anyone’s a slut it’s you!' Zak yells, backing you against the wall.
Your mouth hangs open, as tears well up in your eyes, that’s when Jay and Billy stepped in pulling us apart slightly.
'We’ll be back in a few hours, get this sorted out,' Billy demanded, walking out of the door with Jay and Aaron in tow, leaving you and Zak in the middle of the room glaring down at each other.
'y/n, look at me.'
You move your gaze anywhere but his eyes only looking into them when he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes.
You shiver as he places his lips on your neck, slowly working his way to your lips, biting it softly. Zak places a hand on your hip, squeezing harshly making you gasp into his mouth, he moved his lips back to your neck, biting and sucking the skin right above the collar bone, his fingers tracing little patterns on your hips.
You knew that you'd have a hell of a time covering up all the hickies he’d left but that thought slipped out of your head as Zak picks you up, roughly throwing you into the back lounge which doubled as a bedroom currently being used by the two of you since you were the only couple on the bus.
your- well Zak's- shirt was practically ripped from your body, buttons flying everywhere, and your trousers and underwear soon followed. You gasp as his hand goes between your legs, softly stroking you, your back arching as a soft moan escapes your lips when Zak's finger slipped inside you.
Zak teases you for a few minutes, each time waiting until you were close before stopping, leaving you a moaning mess underneath him. This whole enemy to lovers situation was hot.
'Fuck. Zak, please,' you moan, your hips bucking, trying to get more friction.
Smirking wickedly Zak slowly takes his clothes off, and climbs on top of you smiling down at you, twisting a strand of your hair around his finger. His hips thrusting against yours allowing him to enter you, your hands curl on his shoulders, nails digging into the skin as moan after moan leaves your lips.
'Shit, y/n' Zak moans, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
His thrusts were fast and powerful, allowing you to feel his anger behind each one, Zak's hand leaves your hair moving it to rest on your hip where he resumed his previous bruising grip.
'I’m. Sorry,' each word was punctuated with a powerful thrust that had your back arching and your body a shaking mess.
You feel the familiar sensation in your lower stomach, as your moans grow louder. you were hanging off of the precipice of ecstasy, only a few thrust away, 'Shit. Zak. Fuck,' you pant, nearly out of breath.
Zak's thrusts started losing their rhythm as you fell off the edge, moans hitting their crescendo, back arching off the mattress as you feel Zak come apart inside me, both of you drifting through our orgasms.
'I love you, y/n,' Zak mumbles, rolling off to lay next to you in the bed, pulling you into his arms, laying your head on his chest, 'you’re not a slut, and I know you wouldn’t flirt with Aaron.'
'then why accuse me of it?' you grumble, tracing patterns on his skin.
'Cause I’m a fucking idiot sometimes y/n,' he replies honestly.
'You’re my idiot Zak', you joke.
'Promise?' Zak whispers into your ear.
'Promise,' you whisper back, snuggling closer to him.
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demonsandmischief ¡ 4 years ago
Insecurities Pt. 1
Ghost Adventures - A Zak Bagans Imagine
Zak Bagans x Female Reader
ANGST ALERT ~ also some cussing
1400 Words
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HELP 😭 I don't know what this is. WHY has this been circling in my head?? I'm not an angsty girl.
In which the relationship shatters.
The four friends came out of Zak Bagan's theater with cheesy grins and small residual chuckles.
Zak was chattering about something. Sometimes he never shut up, but that was your boyfriend and you loved him deeply. Anymore though, it seemed he didn't feel the same.
"Hi," you greeted. You were sitting at his kitchen island working on your laptop.
They continued to talk like you weren't there. When this happened at first, it wasn't a big deal, but lately it was like you didn't exist in Zak's world.
Your relationship had been good, really good. You got along great with his friends. You enjoyed his passion for his work. Yet, you were so opposite. You weren't a ghost hunter. You didn't ever travel with them.
You were definitely feeling a bit left out. Even Zak had slowly distanced himself. Was it something you did, or was your relationship simply over? Either way wasn't good.
"Hey, Y/N." Jay finally greeted back, easing some of the awkwardness you felt.
Zak said nothing to you. Actually, he was on his phone.
Billy, Aaron and Jay left, and Zak was still standing there texting.
"Hey, sorry. I actually have to hop on a meeting. It'll probably be a while." He finally looked at you and you shrunk under his gaze. It didn't feel like it normally did.
"What about dinner reservations?" you whispered.
"Raincheck?" he asked. "I'm really sorry, I do have to go."
"I'm starting to get a bit of headache anyway. I'll probably just head home," you said, but the room was empty.
You could feel your heart plummet to your feet as you walked out to your car.
You swiped away the first tear with rapid speed. You wouldn't give in to that, because as far as you know, you hadn't done anything wrong.
"I was supposed to leave, but there's been some kind of emergency meeting," Billy laughed, stepping out of his car. He paused, looking at you. "Are you okay?" He had moved closer, but you were heading towards the comfort of your car.
"I'm good. Just allergies," you faked a smile. "Good luck with that meeting." Finally, you could go home.
Billy frowned as he watched you drive off.
"Are you and y/n okay?" he asked Zak cautiously. He didn't want to be too invasive, but he was concerned.
"I think so. Why?" Zak looked up from his laptop.
"Well, the guys and I thought she did something since you had been ignoring her, but she was crying when she left. I was just concerned, I don't want to pry."
Zak frowned, "She left? And she was crying?" He heard you mentioned a headache, but figured you were just going to lay down.
"You didn't know she was leaving?" Billy asked in a soft voice. You were so polite, it was almost guaranteed you'd never leave without saying anything.
"Fuck," Zak dropped his head. "I wasn't ignoring her. She can be so sensitive."
Billy felt his defense for you, a good friend and a loyal girlfriend to his other good friend, raise, "Zak, you didn't speak one word to her. You wouldn't even look at her. What did she do that was so bad?"
Zak shook his head, "She didn't do anything." He hesitated, but Billy noticed.
"It's me. I've never been in a good, committed relationship. She's so perfect, she doesn't need me. I just needed a way for her to leave me."
"Why the hell are you such an idiot?" Billy opened his laptop. "I'll deal with the meeting. You need to go."
Ten missed calls from Zak, and a dozen or so texts, but you wanted none of it. You silenced your phone and left it in the kitchen as you laid across the couch, watching TV as a distraction.
You hated feeling like a burden. If he was tired of you, he should have been straight about it instead of leading you on.
You swallowed the thickness in your throat, a tell-tale sign you were going to cry. You had been holding it in since you got home.
You brushed away the first tear with the back of your hand, pulling the soft blanket up to your chin as miserable shudders racked your body. It had been a sucky day and you were drained from it.
You must have dozed off because you were jolted awake by a knock on your front door. You knew immediately who it was, but you didn't know why he bothered, unless he was coming to break up with you officially.
You sat up, pushing your hair out of your face. You wished he would spare you of any more heartache and just leave.
You groaned silently to yourself when you heard the sound of keys rattling. It slipped your mind he had keys to your home. He hardly ever had to use them. You were almost always at his place.
Zak spotted you immediately huddled on couch and he felt like the worst piece of shit alive. He had been doing it so you wouldn't hurt, but he hurt you even worse in the process.
"Baby," he called softly, walking closer. He hesitated, not knowing what to say. Sorry just wasn't enough.
"What are you doing here, Zak?" Your voice was rough from crying and he hated it. He didn't know what had gotten into him, why he had pushed you away so hard. Yeah, you deserved better, but he loved and adored you. It was inexcusable.
"I had something to say," he said, moving closer and you finally turned to look at him.
He felt sick to his stomach at the torn apart look you gave him. He had caused that. It was his fault.
"I already know you're breaking up with me. You could've spared the trip."
"I'm not breaking up with you." Zak sat down beside you, and you followed his every move. You wanted him to leave, for the games to be over with.
"Then you're an asshole," you manage to get out.
He was a bit stunned by the sharpness of your voice. He caused you to be jaded.
He sucked in a deep breath, "I was trying to get you to leave me. You deserve so much better than me, and if this isn't proof enough..."
"You don't get to decide that for me. I loved you. I was doing my best, trying to be friends with your friend and accepting when you had to go away," you shook your head, tired of it all.
Loved. As in past tense. Wasn't that what he wanted all along? He swallowed thickly, unsure of what to say.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He knew it wasn't enough, but the sting had numbed his whole body.
You couldn't contain the sob that escaped. It was like a dam had broken.
Zak reached for you, expecting you to push him away, but you allowed him to pull you to his chest.
You could feel his own tears as he bent his head and rested it on your shoulder.
"I'm so sorry," he mumbled. "I should've talked to you when I started getting insecure. I'm such a fuck up."
"I thought I had done something," you said into his chest with a sniffle.
Zak pulled away to gently wipe your tears with his thumb. "No, sweetheart. You did nothing wrong. It was all me. I'll spend the rest of my life making up for it if that's what it takes for you to forgive me."
You weren't sure how to feel. Zak obviously had some issues he needed to resolve, but he did still hold your heart. In almost a year of dating, you had never had any arguments or anything larger than a disagreement. Even though he was headstrong and stubborn, there had never been an issue and now you felt like you were at a crossroad.
"I should go. I know I barged in here, but I needed to talk to you." He wiped his own tears and stood up. He fiddled with his keys for a minute and you realized he was taking the key to your house off. He set it gently on the coffee table. It broke your heart even more. The last thing you wanted was for this to end. But he was already gone.
Here's Part 2
Ahahaha cliffhanger. I'm so happy this is out of my head. I don't really know where this came from but I hope you enjoy. I know it's been a hot minute since I wrote for Zak. Comment for PT. 2 :)
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xtrashmammalstefx ¡ 4 years ago
How To Piss Off An Old-Fashioned Ghost (A Zak Bagans SMUT!)
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WARNINGS: Smut, cussing, all that jazz.
Special Thanks to: @xcazzax​ who never fails to give me ideas and inspire me to write shit like this. 
We were about to investigate the mecca of haunted hotels. The one place you go to and know you made it as a paranormal investigator. The majestic and infamous Stanley Hotel.
To say the guys and I were ecstatic would be an understatement. I swear you would think we were kids at Disneyland we were so excited. So much so we agreed to take a different approach to this one.
You see normally we’d investigate a place for one night, take a quick nap, and then be on our way home or to the next haunt the next day. For this one though we knew we had to do it differently. After all many people purported having things happen to them during the night whilst everyone else was asleep. So we got ourselves the most haunted rooms and were gonna sleep there the whole night with night vision cameras recording us the whole time.
“Ready to get it on with a cowboy?” I asked Aaron as we were being checked in.
“You know he only goes for the ladies right?” he said. “As in he’d probably react more to you than my bearded ass.”
“Yeah but…”
“Uh, Y/N, did you want your own room or..?” Zak asked.
“I told you I’m not chickening out of the plan,” I said.
“Plan?” Aaron questioned.
“Remember when the guide mentioned Mrs. Wilson having shit fits when unmarried couples share the bed in her room?”
“Oh…” Aaron nodded. “Wait...since when are you and Zak a thing?”
“We’re not,” Zak said. “Which will only add fuel to the fire.”
“Exactly,” I smirked.
“This isn’t an excuse for you two to bone is it?” Nick asked.
“What? NO!” I snapped at him.
“Dude! We’re literally gonna be in front of a camera the whole time!” Zak said starting towards the elevator.
“Yeah ‘cause sex tapes aren’t a thing,” Aaron said. I smacked him on the arm as we stepped into the elevator.
“Dude this is strictly work. As in we plan on remaining professional at all times,” Zak explained. “And the same goes for you two, alright? No scratching your nuts or your ass in front of the camera.”
“And for the love of GOD let’s hope none of you wake up with morning wood,” I added. All three men raised an eyebrow at me. “Oh come on last thing anyone wants is for our careers to go down the crapper all because you all woke up and revealed tents in your pants.”
“She does have a point there,” Zak said shrugging.
“Pun intended,” I muttered making them burst out laughing.
Later that night Zak checked in with our guys while I made myself comfortable under the sheets.
“All good here bro,” Aaron said over the walkie.
“Yeah everything’s good to go here Zak,” Nick added.
“Alright see you in the morning,” Zak said putting the walkie down. He got under the sheets beside me and turned off the light. “Ready?”
“Let’s do it,” I whispered. Zak laid down and I draped my body over him. “Night babe.”
“Night, gorgeous,” Zak said leaning down. His lips pecked mine. It sent a jolt through me; as though his lips had finally found the home they always wanted. My heart drummed in my chest as Zak deepened the kiss.
As his lips lingered on mine he wrapped his arms around me and flipped us over so that he was on top. I pulled back and chuckled. “Babe it’s late,” I said as Zak peppered kisses on my neck. I moaned. “We’re gonna get a noise complaint!”
“Only if you’re too loud,” he said bringing his lips to mine. I ran my arms along his bare back pressing my body closer to his. I guess our act worked a little too well, for not even a moment later Zak screamed. “GAH FUCK!”
“What’s wrong?” I asked as he got off of me.
“Something scratched my back,” he said. “Oh fuck!” He was suddenly tumbling over off of the bed, landing on the floor with a thud. I switched the light on and joined him.
“You okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, Mrs. Wilson just nudged me off the bed,” he said.
“Turn around so I can document this,” I said before running to get a camera. Zak turned his back to me the second I got back. “Holy shit.”
“What?” I took out my phone and took a picture of it. I showed it to him and the blood left his face. On his back were three intense scratches. Tiny droplets of blood spurted out of them. “SON OF A BITCH!”
I grabbed my toiletry bag and dug out bandages, a small towel and alcohol. “Bite the blanket,” I said sitting in front of his back.
“I’m gonna clean them up,” I said unscrewing the cap. “Bite something before people call the cops on us for murder.” I poured alcohol onto the towel and ran it down Zak’s back. Thankfully he listened and bit down on the blanket so rather than a scream he let out a muffled groan. I blew on the wounds gently then applied the bandages. “Okay you’re good.” I put my first aid stuff and the camera away and checked the night vision cam. It was still running smoothly and caught every single moment of the attack. Once I was done I put the night vision cam back in place and rejoined Zak.
“I think I’ll just sleep down here the rest of the night,” Zak said.
“Alright, um, night I guess,” I said before pecking him on the cheek. I switched the light off and started standing to get back into bed.
“Y/N?” Zak’s voice made me freeze and turn back.
“I know I shouldn’t but…” he never finished what he was saying. Instead he leaned in and crashed his lips to mine. The same jolt I’d felt before was back, only this time it was stronger. My whole body melted into his and we laid back on the floor.
“Do-Do you think we could…” I said as he sucked on the skin on my neck. “I mean with the camera right there?”
“Camera’s aimed at the bed,” Zak said. “As long as you don’t make too much noise we should be safe.”
I smirked. “No promises, Bagans.”
He kissed me one more time before helping me off with my shirt. We tossed aside along with my shorts, and panties. Zak’s lips pecked at my breasts. His tongue flicked at my nipples causing a moan to escape from my lips.
“Remind me to apologize to Billy later,” I said.
“I think I’m just gonna have to edit this footage myself,” Zak chuckled. Feeling more excited now I reached down and started nudging his pajama bottoms down. Zak got the hint and pulled them off; his length springing out hard and thick, just like the rest of him.
“Mrs. Wilson is gonna kill us,” I laughed.
“You forgot to ask me if I give a fuck,” Zak said lining himself up with my entrance. “Which, by the way, I fucking don’t.” He pushed in.
I held on to him as he moved inside me. The feeling was something out of this world. I mean sure, I’ve been with other people before (as I’m sure Zak has) but none of those experiences compare to the one I was having with Zak. It was like my body was made for his, and vice versa. I thrill of it only added to it. After all Zak wasn’t exactly the ‘fuck on the job’ kind of guy; on the contrary he was professional at all times. So seeing this change in him now...it felt kind of ballsy...like we were kids again breaking the rules.
Apparently Mrs. Wilson thought the same. “OW FUCK!” I screamed after feeling a sharp pain in my arm. Zak froze.
“What’s wrong?” I pulled my arm back and touched it gently. When I pulled my fingers back they were slightly wet.
“Mrs. Wilson punished me,” I said. I felt him brush his hand on my arm.
“That bitch!” he cursed.
“It’s okay, just-just keep going,” I urged him.
“You sure?” he asked.
“I need to cum real bad so yeah I’m sure.” Zak started thrusting again.
A few minutes later he groaned. “Please tell me that was you,” he said.
“What was me?”
“Fuck!” he groaned. “Mrs. Wilson just scratched my ass.” I fought back a giggle and instead addressed the old bitch.
“Alright if I say I’m going to marry him will you please stop?” I asked Mrs. Wilson.
“Wait what?” Zak looked at me shocked. “You serious right now?”
“Zak, I’ve loved you for so long,” I said. “And, if you’ll let me, I very much want to spend my life with you.”
“I want to spend my life with you too,” he muttered.
“So...does this mean we’re officially engaged?” I asked.
“I-I guess it does,” Zak said.
Very well… I heard someone whisper.
“Did-did she really just give us her fucking approval?” Zak asked laughing.
“I- I think she did,” I chuckled furiously before getting back to the other subject at hand. “Now are you gonna fuck me or do I need to see if Billy is available?”
Zak stopped laughing and growled furiously. “You’d have to be insane if you think I’m gonna let another man fuck you instead of me.” He started thrusting harder, and angrier. He was so wild with rage that his cock hit me right in my sweet spot.
“Huh you like it when I fuck you there?” Zak asked before hitting the same spot again.
“Fuck baby, yes yes yes,” I moaned. “Right there, right there, right there.” Tension started to brew within me. “Fuck I-I think I’m gonna…” My body tensed up and I tightened around his length, damn near screaming his name.
My body trembled as I came down from my high and as I did Zak tensed up and I felt him twitch inside me. He groaned as he emptied himself inside me. Once he was empty he collapsed beside me.
“Who knew pissing off ghosts could be one hell of a turn on,” I said breathless.
“Pretty sure that was the best sex I’ve had in my life,” Zak said equally breathless.
“I know that was the best sex I’ve ever had,” I said.
We passed out soon after. The next morning we met up with Nick and Aaron in the lobby.
“So how’d your plan go?” Aaron asked.
“Amazingly,” I said blushing.
“Really?” he looked at me curiously.
Zak then approached us with Billy in tow. He wrapped his arm around me and pecked me on the forehead.
“See, I told you it was just an excuse for them to bone,” Nick said.
“Dude during an investigation, really?” Aaron judged us hard.
Zak and I just snuggled into each other and flipped him off.
He judged us still a year later as we enjoyed our wedding reception.
“DURING AN INVESTIGATION!” he went on and on.
We ignored him though and just focused on each other, soaking in the love we felt as Mr. And Mrs. Bagans.
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moeyy-writes ¡ 4 years ago
Imagine Zak trying to convince you to go into a location completely alone…
Zak Bagans x Reader (Gender Neutral?)
Warnings: a slight mention of fear, but that’s really it.
GAC Imagines Master List || My Full Master List
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“C’mon, Y/N. We got the best evidence with you in there. We got three solid EVPs during the day! And two of them were from the same voice!” Zak pointed behind you towards the building, a long-abandoned mining hospital in the middle of nowhere. The place gave you the heebie-jeebies from where you were standing, hundreds of feet from the entrance. Being inside was just, well, an entirely different world.
“Zak, I don’t like the feeling I had in there. It was like something was watching me from the moment I walked in. It was so negative and heavy and just�� ugh. I don’t want to go back in there.” You pleaded with your eyes, curling your lips into a frown. But, you knew Zak was relentless. He would never let up until he got what he wanted.
“I know it’s pretty heavy in there, at least heavier than a lot of the placed we’ve visited recently, but we need to see what’s in there. If it’s responding to you then, I’m sorry babe, but you drew the short straw.” Zak did seem to have a sincere look of apology on his face, but you knew he also wanted to see what would happen with you in that building, in that morgue.
“I don’t even remember pulling a straw—”
“Y/N, please?” Zak pleaded, his voice going up half an octave. “You’re the best investigator here, and the toughest by far. You’ve coaxed all sorts of angry spirits to show themselves. You’ve screamed at demons in the face and laughed. What is it about this place?” You shook your head, your stomach sinking. He was right; you were tough. But, you didn’t have to be tough every day.
“I don’t know, Z. It’s just something about that energy—”
“How about this? How about I walk you up there and get you all situated. I’ll be right at nerve center if you need me.” Zak smiled, but there was something behind those gorgeous blues that you just didn’t trust.
“Yeah, but remember a few months ago when you said that, and I got something thrown at me? You left me in there for ten extra minutes! You wanted to ‘manufacture a true fear reaction’. I actually think those were your exact words.” You grinned, folding your arms.
“Well, we did get some good evidence—”
“See! You’re going to do that again!” you whined. “I can’t trust you!” There was no way you were going to let Zak put you in that kind of situation again. Plus, it had been a while since Billy had gone in alone. He seemed to be an evidence magnet too.
Zak laughed. “I promise, if you call for us, we’ll come right away. If not, you have my permission to punch me.” Oh, well in that case…
“Deal,” you snapped, widening your grin. Zak chuckled, then extended his hand. You stared down at it, then took it. Your fingers intertwined as he led you towards the huge, ominous building. You savored your last few moments of safety before Zak abandoned you… again.
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Thanks for reading. Feedback is appreciated! <3
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kaetiesmindpalace ¡ 4 years ago
I’ll Be There -- A Destination Fear One Shot (Tanner Wiseman/Reader)
~CW: mentions of blood~
          The new season of Destination Fear was starting off with a new face amidst the cast. Seeing as this televised experiment revolves around how fear affects the mind, why not see how it affects someone who has not experienced any of this before? It also helped that you had been intrigued by the premise for a while and that you are dating Tanner, one of the cast members.
           The first location? Bobby Mackey’s Music World in Wilder, Kentucky.
           Pulling up to the location with you, Tanner who had an arm around you, and Chelsea in the front of the RV, it all seemed surreal. The stories involving the place including people being physically attacked made you very terrified for everyone’s safety.
           “I have an idea,” Dakota says after all the equipment is set up.
           Everyone by now knows that what follows those words usually is not a good idea. Well, they were good ideas in the sense that most of the time it was to increase the fear being tested, not so much a good idea for everyone’s liking and wanting to do.
           “We should start off with solos. Tanner, you have the honor of writing everyone’s name down to figure out who’s going first,” Dakota proclaims.
           Just as Tanner is about to start writing everyone’s name down, you spoke up with your own idea, “Why don’t I just do it and go first?”
           Everyone just stops and stares at you for your question, confusion and concern on their faces. Can you blame them? No one had offered to go do the crazy thing before.
           “Don’t give me that look. Does it really seem fair to pick names out of a hat when the only one who hasn’t done a solo is myself? I say let’s level the playing field a bit before having to pick names from a hat,” you say with as much confidence as you can muster.
           Dakota, Chelsea, and Alex nod their head a bit, understanding what you were saying. Tanner, on the other hand, still had concern written across his face as he approached you.
           “Are you sure about this?” he asks.
           “As sure as I can be,” you respond while looking at his handsome face, “I’ll have to do a solo eventually anyways so no point in trying to hide from it.”
           He nods a bit, understanding the implications of it all. You two and the rest of the crew were on this trip to explore fear and knew there is no way to protect one another from the scary things that lurk in these places 100% of the time. Sometimes, you must face these things head on. Was Tanner still nervous about you doing the first solo at your first ever location on the trip? Of course, but you made up your mind and are not often easily swayed to change it, and he knew that.
           As you gathered the equipment to head into Bobby Mackey’s alone, Tanner started to ramble, “Be safe out there. Walkie us if you need help,” before giving you a kiss on the cheek.
           “I may come up with some dumb ideas, but I’m not stupid enough to not call for help when I need it,” you say with a little bit of snark to diffuse the tension just a little bit.
           Luckily, the response did just as you hope it would. Everyone chuckled slightly and you started to head towards the entrance of Bobby Mackey’s with your camera in hand.
           “Alright, so my initial thought is to go big and go into the basement. Dumb idea, I know, but fear is what we are searching for, so fear is what I’m trying to get. The basement is where numerous people have gotten scratched, including Zak Bagans of Ghost Adventures fame, whom we all know Dakota has worked with. What’s scarier than the possibility of this happening?” you ramble on camera.
           As you enter the basement, you immediately get an eerie feeling. Something is not right, but you must keep chugging through with this; it’s your job now. Finding a place to sit on the floor, you decide to start the normal investigative procedures.
           “I’m right by the well in the basement and I’m going to do an EVP session with this digital recorder to see if I get any response,” you say as you hit the record button. “What is your name? How did you die? Why do you stay here?” you ask while giving some space in between questions to let the spirits answer.
           You continued to question for about ten minutes before stopping and playing back the recording. It seemed like nothing wanted to interact with you; you weren’t getting responses to your questions. That is, until you listened to your final question of “Is it true that there is something demonic here?”
        A loud, deep growl came through that you did not hear in real time. Your mouth formed an O just hearing it. With whatever in the basement besides yourself hearing this out loud, the growl seemed to shift the energy in the room. While the initial feeling when you entered was eerie, now it feels unsafe and that someone or something is right behind you.
       And maybe something was because suddenly you felt a burning sensation take over your back. You had seen enough paranormal shows in your life and heard many stories involving encounters to know that a burning sensation tends to mean that you got scratched.
       “So, I’m pretty certain that I got scratched across my back. I felt that burning sensation often described when scratches like these occur, but I can’t see my back. I’m going to have to call for some help to see how bad it is. I know I don’t look as scared as I probably should be; I think I am mostly internalizing it to try and process what is happening before I have a huge freak out,” you say into the camera as you take out your walkie.
        “Hey guys,” you say into your walkie.
       Tanner, Chelsea, Dakota, and Alex were all just chatting like normal friends do waiting for you to come back or walkie them. Even with the thought that you could walkie them, you unknowingly walkie scared them causing everyone to jump at the sound of your voice.
       “Guys,” you say as your voice cracks at the end, betraying your true feelings you were trying to internalize into nonexistence.
        Tanner was already up and booking it with his camera towards Bobby Mackey’s before you even explained the entire situation. Chelsea decides to grab the walkie and respond while everyone was grabbing equipment to try and catch up to Tanner.
        “Go from Chelsea” she states in as clear of a tone as one can while trying to respond and grab their camera at the same time.
        “So, I’m certain something scratched my back here in the basement, but I can’t see it for myself. Can someone come and check it for me? I want to know how bad it is” you say trying to reign in your fear.
         “Tanner took off before you said where you were, so he should be there sooner than us if one of the guys decide to yell to him where you are in the building,” Chelsea states just as Dakota yells towards the general direction of the entrance “Go to the basement Tanner!” before they all take off to get to you.
         Tanner was indeed the first of the group to find you, having had the head start, long legs, and hearing the location you were in being screamed to him from far behind. Since you were still sitting on the floor, probably too scared to move from the incident but it had only felt like a second had passed since it happened, he knelt down next to you and put his camera down on the ground. With both hands free, he grabs your face and kisses your forehead before staring deeply into your eyes.
      “Are you alright?” he asks with concern in his voice.
      “I’m a bit shaken up currently. Something scratched my back; it was just this burning sensation all over. Can you check it for me and take a picture of it? I want to see how bad it is,” you mention to him.
       He grabs his flashlight and phone as you start to push up the back of your shirt for him to look at the damage done. Once the flashlight is on, he helps lift the back of your shirt more to get a better look.
      “Oh babe,” he says while taking a picture, “this definitely isn’t good.”
       He hands his phone over to you to see the picture of your back. What you saw were three large scratches marring your back that at some points were bleeding just a bit. You gasp at the sight, having not had thought it would be this bad. You had seen the Ghost Adventures episode where Zak got scratched, but his weren’t bleeding. Why were yours?
       At that precise moment was when the rest of the crew arrived. With one quick glance at your back, they knew they were in for a tough night. Luckily, someone had packed a small first aid kit in the backpack, so your scratches were cleaned up with antibiotic ointment and some bandages were put on the areas that were bleeding. With you now standing with everyone, Dakota nixes the idea of more solos and the group continues to investigate the rest of Bobby Mackey’s.
      After a few more EVPs, some words on the Ovilus, and Alex seeing a shadow figure, it was time to figure out sleeping arrangements. Tanner took the lead of writing out the locations on a slip of paper, but you noticed something odd.
      “Shouldn’t there be 5 slips of paper with different sleeping arrangements instead of 4?” you ask.
      Tanner looks up from writing to say, “After what happened to you alone in the basement, just for this night, I’m not letting you be by yourself again. So, I’m making the decision that you’ll stay with me for the night. I know, it’s such a burden that you’re stuck with me,” adding a dramatic flair to the last sentence before continuing to write.  
      You chuckled at his dramatics. It was something you loved that he did seeing as you pull the same antics at times. You couldn’t really complain; you understand where he was coming from and you also did not want to be alone again in this location. Dakota didn’t try to argue the reasoning either.
      The four locations were the well, the room of faces, the attic, and the men’s restroom. Chelsea picked first and ironically got the men’s restroom. Following Chelsea was Dakota; he ended up getting the well which was where you had gotten scratched earlier in the night and he was not happy about it. At least you didn’t have to go back to that area again, but there was still one location in the basement left. Tanner went next and he picked the attic for the two of you. You gave a huge sigh of relief at this since you didn’t have to return to the basement at all now. This left the room of faces to Alex, who also was not looking forward to being in the basement.
      Setting everything up for sleeping arrangements from equipment to where the crew would actually sleep seemed to breeze by. Instead of cots, the two of you had sleeping bags which so happened to fully unzip to create a pad for the two of you to sleep on and for the other to act like a blanket. Knowing that Tanner was right by your side ready to comfort you really helped with still being at this location. As you laid together, he slipped his arms around you and pulled you into him.
      “I’m so proud of you for sticking through this. You’re so strong. Had this happened to me on my first investigation, I would have skedaddled out of here,” he whispers in your ear before kissing your cheek.
      “Well, I knew I had amazing back up ready to help whenever I needed it,” you whisper back while having the biggest smile on your face.
      “And I’ll be there whenever and wherever you need help,” he states so sincerely.
      No matter the situation, Tanner could find a way to make you smile. It may take longer than he would like, but he was always able to do it, and that was one of the many reasons why you loved him.
      The two of you managed to get some sleep, whether it was due to no activity, the comfort of being with one another, or both. Dakota, Chelsea, and Alex all came up to wake you guys up once 6 am hit and soon enough everyone was packing up equipment to put back into the RV. Once the investigative equipment was all put away, all 5 of you split up to give your final thoughts on the location.
      Finding a nice place near a tree, you sat down and started recording your piece.
      “What a crazy first investigation. I don’t think anyone expected the extent of what happened to occur, never mind to the person just entering the crew. Am I still a bit shaken up? Of course, but I’m not letting this stop me. I can only grow stronger and persevere through this. I want to prove that I can handle it. And now, off to another crazy location,” you say, growing more determined with each word.
      Once you finished recording, you stood up and returned to the RV. After a couple of minutes, everyone was back. With Tanner next to you with his arm around your shoulder, Dakota and Chelsea across from you, and Alex on the couch across the walkway from the table the four of you sat at, the RV took off to the next location.
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bunnylouisegrimes ¡ 4 years ago
Unusual Thanksgiving (NOS4A2 Longish-Drabble Fic)
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(A/N: As of writing this, it’s the weekend. I’ve noticed at least every weekend for a few weeks now I post some short little Drabble to help let out my emotions. Here’s another one that’s a little bit longer. With Thanksgiving coming up and my ass having little time to think of something and cook it up (pun intended), I thought I’d take the approach of having whatever come to my mind and writing it out. It’s a unique one, as you don’t usually associate horror and angst alongside the family fluffiness of Thanksgiving, but... here we are! I remember a while back I wrote how Rose’s parents would react to her having a relationship with Charlie, and that was one of my inspirations, alongside how rough things are this year. I’d like to wish you all Happy Thanksgiving ahead of time. Stay safe and enjoy a good ass feast. It’s been tough, and it’s had some highlights, but now’s the time we can all put aside our differences and whatever else bullshit and be thankful about what we do have this year; whether it be supplies or each other, we’ll get through this. 🧡🍂🍁🦃)
(Apologize for no Read More, posting this from mobile, and I found the image randomly, so if you want credit, let me know).
November is a beautiful and calming time of the year, but under certain circumstances, it can be oddly scary. This is most likely due to how dead the world is. There’s usually no snow, and what leaves remain are brown, have decayed from the trees, and collapsed to the ground to crumble and rot. I noticed this when I was younger, and part of me thought November was spookier than Halloween in some cases.
Of course, to me, any time of the year could be scary. Horror doesn’t stop and end at one point; it is an infinite occurrence that follows humanity wherever we go.
From the time I was a little kid, I would find horror in the most obscure of places. Scary movies never bothered me, and in fact, I was always excited when I watched them. What should’ve terrified me brought me nothing but adrenaline and fascination. Instead, odd things scared me, things most people would poke fun at if they saw my reaction to them, things most would shrug off. Call me Freudian, but perhaps my fears, just as yours are, are based in our differing subconscious minds, so there is no true definition of “stupid” horror.
The one thing that I know for certain that’s frightened me since I was younger are bees, wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets. Why these little yellow and black bugs terrify me, I will never truly know the answer as to why. Is it because they’re so small, yet they can hurt you so badly? Is it because of their appearance? I don’t want bees to die out, as I know of their importance, and bumbles don’t bother me because they usually leave you alone (and they’re oddly cute), but any other bee or wasp can stay away from me. I’ve never even been stung by one, yet one buzz or sight of one near me makes my body react instantaneously. I get away as much as I can and even scream sometimes. Not wise to scream or move a lot when you’re in their presence, I know. But when your body reacts the way it does, what are you to do?
When I was a little bit older, I would say roughly 8 or 9 years old, a new type of fear spawned its way into my mind: the fear of shadow people.
I don’t know what it is about those things either that scare me so much. When I first discovered I had this fear, I believe I was watching an episode of Ghost Adventures, and I saw them capture a really clear shadow figure on camera. It chilled me to the bone, and from then on, just the thought of one creeped me out. One particular episode where the crew went to an old, abandoned and haunted Tuberculosis sanitarium got to me because shadow figures were prominent there, and they actually captured two on camera going down a long hallway.
Shadow people, from what I’ve seen online, are very mysterious. They could come from another dimension, they could be demonic; some are harmless, others are harmful, and it’s all dependent on what experience you have with them. Zak Bagans and his crew have come across quite a few demonic ones, and their guests have usually described them as tall, thin, 6-7 foot tall entities that are dark both in physicality and energy. They look like an individual spray painted with pitch black aerosol, and darker than a room if it were void of all light. Sometimes they have red or white eyes, and sometimes they can have differing appearances that are just as terrifying as the blank appearances they often have. They can stand there and look over you while you’re sleeping at night, they can stand in a corner and stare at you, maybe rocking a bit, they could dart down a hallway, hiding from you, they can crawl on the floor, they can crawl on the ceiling... whatever it is they do, it’s all bone chilling to me, and I hate it all with a burning passion. I don’t care even if they were harmless: If I were to ever see one in real life, I would have a heart attack.
That is why I am thankful I’ve only seen them either when I’m paranoid for whatever reason before I go to sleep (but they’re not really there, my mind’s just playing tricks on me), or if I have a nightmare and they’re present. This story will focus on the latter.
Halloween, Charlie’s birthday on November 1st, the Election... it all came and left sooner than expected, and we needed to plan what we were doing about Thanksgiving. I know, a vampire who’s all about Christmas celebrating other holidays. It seems unreal, but I assure you, he has respect for other holidays as well. Christmas just happens to be his favorite and one that brings him and the kids lots of comfort and joy. They say Christmas is a state of mind and is never truly over, so... I suppose Charlie is just a living embodiment of that saying.
With COVID still in full swing, and cases breaking records everyday, people were stocking up on supplies yet again alongside their Turkey Day feasts. We knew we had to hurry up and order stuff the week before Thanksgiving at most.
Living in Gunbarrel, Colorado, away from everyone except for each other and the kids when we spent quite a few days in Christmasland each week, it was relieving to know we weren’t around tons of people. The virus wouldn’t affect Charlie or the kids, but me being the only human, and one with asthma, it would, so it was calming to not have to worry as much as many other folks about exposure. Not to mention, the town was small, and everybody knew everybody. Whenever we did enter town, which took 10 minutes to get to, we would see everyone keeping their distance and respecting each other. It was nice to see our small and (just about) off-the-grid community helping each other during these times.
The only two local stores were an Acme that everyone went to, and the Gunbarrel General Store, owned by a kindly old man who looked like Santa Clause named Sam. Before everyone rushed to Acme, we decided on doing a curbside pickup order, and picking up anything else that was not available at Sam’s, as he was sure to provide lots of Thanksgiving food.
It was going to certainly be an interesting Thanksgiving without my usual family, and not being back home, but I was going to call them on that fateful Thursday and talk to them for a few hours. Charlie and I would have a small dinner together, and we would spend most of the day in Christmasland with our children, dining on delicious food and laughing together. The thought warmed my heart and made me feel better about this Thanksgiving. We would be okay, and everything would be fine, despite my horrible dreams...
For whatever reason, over these past few weeks, my dreams were plagued with shadow people haunting me. No explanation was given, and no explanation would need to be given for it to still occur and damn near break me. Maybe it was some sort of unresolved issue going through the back of my mind, maybe it was fueled by my stresses of being busy lately, but regardless of whatever the issue was, I was haunted by them. The day after Charlie’s birthday, we watched the original Nosferatu together, and I fell asleep near the end, experiencing the first of these dreams.
I was walking down a dark and cold hallway. I was 8 years old again. I don’t know how I knew this, but it was one of those instances where you know a random piece of information in a dream. I was holding two small plastic My Little Pony figurines I got from Happy Meals at that time, a small Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. I hadn’t seen those toys in years, yet there they were in my hands. When I looked up, a shadow person was standing near the end of the pathway. It stood tall and authoritative, looming over me as if it wanted to grab me and drag me down the corridor straight into Hell, or wherever it came from.
I took off running, and it crawled on all fours after me. I screamed and kept running until I came across a goofy, tall, and lanky figure: Count Orlock, or the actual Nosferatu himself, was standing there. I hid behind him and begged him to protect me. He smiled his stupid smile and looked down at the shadowy behemoth. It seemed to back down a bit once he snarled at it. It backed up behind a corner, peaking at us once before vanishing.
My relief was short lived for only a few moments because Orlock wandered off into the darkness.
“Where are you going? Come back here!” I tried to call after him, but I was cut off by the shadow figure crawling on the ceiling and grabbing me. I gave a scream and found myself awake on the couch, springing to life and hearing the opening music to Downton Abbey greeting me. Charlie had tuned in after the movie. He looked at me with a confused and concerned look. I explained everything to him and he comforted me, laughing at the thought of the original Nosferatu visiting me.
The dreams afterward were more terrifying than the first. One dream featured a shadow person staring over me as I slept, another featured one standing in the corner of the room twisting and contorting its head violently. The third had a shadow figure hunched over near a window within an abandoned building. I was walking through the woods in another nightmare when a whole group of them were peaking at me through the trees. I ran down another hallway and one was behind me. I was in an unknown house and down the hall near the steps, one was charging towards me. Each time, I would wake up and feel unsettled. Charlie would comfort me, but it was always hard to fall back asleep, for I feared I’d be terrorized by the evil onyx creatures wanting nothing more than to consume me in their shadowy force and make my soul rot.
Despite all of my terror and the tiredness that accompanied my days, the focus for today would have to be Thanksgiving dinner.
“My mom mailed me the recipe to her sweet potatoes last week, and let me tell you, they are actually sweet and delicious,” I told Charlie. “So you can put down all the ingredients for that. We already got turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes written down... Oh! Green bean casserole, put that down... and we need apple and pumpkin pie. We already have whip cream and gravy in the fridge, and cider is in the cabinet. I think that’s everything.”
Charlie nodded and wrote these things down. Once he was done, he looked over the list and showed me.
“Yup, that’s everything! Alright, let’s look up to see what Acme has.”
As I pulled up the site on my phone, he spoke up.
“Rosie, are you bothered by not seeing your family? If so, we can visit them on Thanksgiving Day or I could go the extra mile and bring them here if you’d like.”
I sighed and rubbed my temple. “I’m alright, baby. I know they’ll be alright too. Things seem to be... okay between us, even if we did get into arguments since last we spoke in person.”
He looked down and felt guilty.
“Hey, don’t you feel guilty,” I reassured him. “It’s their fault, not yours. They see you in whatever light they want to, but I know who you really are, and I love you. I don’t care what they say or think about you, hence why I’m sticking by you and left with you to come here.”
He nodded and pulled me close to him, resting his chin on my head. “I admit, my darling, I am constantly bothered by this thought that I have destroyed the relationship you have with your family.”
“Like I said, they’re the ones that can’t accept that you and I truly love each other. I’ve been patient and offered them every chance to accept you. I’ve explained and talked to them, but they don’t want to listen to my reasoning. I don’t know what else to do.”
He kissed me on the cheek and said, “I’m glad that you at least still talk to each other.”
“Me too. At least we have that... but let’s not worry about that. We got food to focus on.”
We ordered everything that we could (the only things not available until the week of Thanksgiving were the two pies, but we knew Sam would have them). When the time came, we loaded into the Wraith and the trunk was packed with our dinner. We stopped by the General Store and Sam happily gave “Father Christmas” (as Charlie was known as) the pies. Since it was still light out, we decided to go for a drive to enjoy the autumn weather. As I mentioned before, November is usually dead and brown, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t peaceful and calm. We observed the soothing and cold weather as Fleetwood Mac and The Doors sang along on the old radio.
While gazing at the brown leaves and bare trees rocking their branches above us, I drifted off to sleep without even thinking about it. Stevie Nicks and Jim Morrison’s voices melted into oblivion as I found myself walking through a tranquil forest of dead trees. Cold, I wrapped my arms around myself until I felt a bit warmer, and I saw a grove of orange trees. It was as if I teleported back in time to October, and the trees were still alive with vibrant color.
I ran over to them, taken aback by their beauty. The leaves that were on the ground were still orange, and I tossed them up into the air with childish carelessness. At last! For once, I was having a good dream!
However, that enjoyment would be cut short when I looked into the distance in between the trees. The world and my joy winded down like a dying record player.
From somewhere beyond the misty horizon, a pair of white eyes were watching me.
Dread hit me and I ran away. The trees began to rot again, and the orange faded into brown. The sunlight morphed into fog, and the warmth dissipated from my body. I fell to the ground, tripping over my own clumsy feet.
Now I was somewhere entirely different. I was in a dark, unfamiliar bedroom. I couldn’t move except for my eyes, like I was suffering from sleep paralysis. I looked up to see the shadow figure that was hiding behind the trees. Its white eyes were dimmer than before, and its solid black body cast lighter shadows behind it. I tried to scream, but I could only choke out vocalizations as it covered my mouth.
It lifted its ice cold hand from my mouth and pointed to the left. My eyes glanced in that direction and a scream broke from my throat.
A pointy eared demon with beady eyes, a close together face, and a sickening smile was on top of my chest. Its body was too dark to make out any notable features, but it was lighter than the shadow next to me. The pressure on top of me crushed the life from my lungs. It continued to smile, as if nothing in the world bothered it at all.
Before my scream ran out of air, it wrapped its cold hands around my neck and tightened to the point it was strangling me. The rest of my scream died out, my eye sight was fading until it was only a pinhole...
Air rushed into my lungs as I jolted into a conscience state once again. My eyes darted rapidly and my body clung to the leather seat of the Wraith. We were no longer driving, and instead parked in the garage. A wave of nausea flooded my head and stomach, and I pressed my hand to my eyes. My mind finally registered Charlie’s soft voice.
“Rose! My sweet Rose! Whatever is the matter?”
“I... Jesus Christ... I... had another nightmare... this was... Good God, how else could I describe it?!”
While we gathered the groceries into the house, I detailed my horrifying dream to him. He was immensely disturbed and decided enough was enough.
“I know you believe in ghosts and demons and the sort,” said he, “and I know such things exist, since I’ve seen spirits and souls before. Because of this, you and I can pray before you go to sleep tonight. Unlike other vampires, holy things do not bother me, unless I were to drink or touch holy salt or holy water, in which case I would feel some discomfort thanks to the darker side of my being. I have an old angel doll that my daughters used to play with and hold whenever they felt uncomfortable or scared. That could help you too. I will hypnotize you and make you have sweet dreams. If any dark entity is going to mess with you, I will protect you. I don’t think you have an attachment, but these dreams are certainly unusual.”
I agreed to all of this. That night, we said a prayer together, I snuggled with the angel doll, and he hypnotized me to sleep. I had a dream I couldn’t remember, but it was certainly the most peaceful I had in a while, and it was even better then the beginning of that nightmare I had that evening.
A sense of purity filled my heart, and I knew nothing dark would ever hurt me or anyone I loved, as whatever God that may be out there as my witness.
Thanksgiving arrived at an unbelievably fast rate. No other bad dreams tormented me, and I couldn’t have felt more happy. Charlie and I worked together to prep dinner. When I finished making sure the turkey was good and putting it in the oven, Charlie presented me with a package.
“It’s from your home,” he observed.
I opened it up at the dining room table and I couldn’t believe my eyes.
It was the Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash figurines from my childhood. Underneath them, was a heartfelt letter from my family, detailing how they had recently found these toys and thought of me. They missed me, and they even apologized for all of their harsh words against me and Charlie. They gave it some thought, and they came to the conclusion that as long as I was happy and in love, and as long as Charlie truly loved me and treated me well, then all was perfectly fine. They wished us a very happy Thanksgiving from 2 hours ahead and many miles away.
Tears fell from my cheeks. I was crying of joy for more than the obvious reason being that my family and I were rekindling together.
I realized now why I had such horrible dreams. It was either my worries and fears of my family not being together haunting me, or maybe even some dark force, but Twily and Dashie here weren’t random parts of that first dream at all; they served as symbolism. They represented hope and familial innocence long lost, now brought back to light. Maybe they sent a message out in the universe to my family that Charlie was a good man. That could also be why Orlock was protecting me in that same dream, but him leaving symbolized my family keeping Charlie away from me, therefore causing bad things to happen to me. And perhaps when Charlie helped me and cleansed all darkness (regardless of it being real or not), those ponies knew ahead of time he was going to do that, and reassured my family he was always going to protect me. It sounded bizarre, but it was the best reasoning I could come up with to explain these odd coincidences.
I immediately called my family afterwards and told them everything. They were chilled themselves because my mother had a dream the night before about Charlie bringing forth bouts of light to protect me from a wave of darkness, and she thought it was her brain processing her acceptance of him, but now that my story was told, it made things even clearer.
We concluded talking by coming up with a date to have dinner together and to see each other again back home. We exchanged I love yous and Happy Thanksgivings, and I hung up feeling thankful. As Charlie and I ate a bit of dinner, as we went to Christmasland, and as we ate lots of food with our children, warmth and light abundant, I was grateful that I had the family I did, the boyfriend and children that I did, and the light that still shined in the universe, even on the most darkest of days. This year has been hard, but gratitude for all the good, hope, and love, even when we’re distant figuratively, literally, or both, makes this holiday season a brighter one.
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theparanormalperiodical ¡ 5 years ago
The 13 Scariest Paranormal Investigation TV Show Episodes You Need To Watch - And The Links To Watch Them For Free!
As a paranormal blogger, I’m used to fangirling with other occult-obsessives about anything that’s spooky. 
It could be a scary movie. It could be a ghost they’ve seen first hand. It could even be an urban legend that frightened them to their very core! Either way, they always have a turning point in their life that pushed them towards the paranormal. 
My epiphany was different.
Sure, I’ve always had this constant connection with otherworldly spirits - but it was developed by one thing: paranormal documentary TV shows.
Most Haunted, Ghost Adventures, Celebrity Ghost Stories…
Each and every one made me want to be there with them!
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I wanted to wander ‘round castles for a living. I wanted to read ghost stories everyday and explore the history behind them. I wanted to connect the dots and explore a new, hidden world.
It’s for that reason that I’ve decided to share my love for these shows with you, dear reader.
I’ve brought together the best episodes from Most Haunted, Ghost Adventures, Paranormal Lockdown, Celebrity Ghost Stories, Ghost Hunters and Paranormal Witness, explained the ghost stories that are the centre of the episodes, and have even provided links (and the terrifying timestamps) to the episodes. 
All you’ve got to do is press play!
Oh, and leave a comment on which one traumatised you the most…
Now, let’s get spooky.
#1 - The Dorothy Puente Murder House - Ghost Adventures (S12, E3)
Ghosts give me the heebeejeebies. Demons make me want to hide under my quilt and cry to a Sigrid song. But it’s stories of entrapment that really fuck me up. 
This is one of those stories.
Dorothy Puente was a landlady who ran a boarding house in California for elderly and mentally disabled residents. Don’t be fooled by her charitable exterior, though - what was happening inside the boarding house was a very different story. 
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Puente was a serial killer who committed 9 murders - a number which is still disputed to this day - throughout the 1980s, and then cashed their social security checks. 
Whilst there are a number of details to this case, I thought I’d leave that to be discovered during the episode. 
Nevertheless, I thought I’d wet your appetite with some seriously traumatising tales:
In 1985, she hired someone to do wood panelling in her apartment. Not only did she give him an old pickup truck that I assume contained traces of evidence of her crimes, she asked him to build a 6-by-3-by-2 foot box. In non-maths terms, that’s the dimensions of a coffin. 
Claiming it was full of books and other small items for disposal, she journeyed with him to a local dump to dispose of these, uh, books, and stopped him before they reached the local area to dump the waste.
She directed him to instead drop it into a river cause that’s not suspicious at all.
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But suspicions were roused when she began repeatedly hiring a local homeless man to do certain tasks like digging the basement and removing soil from it, or putting concrete in the garage. It was when he disappeared that the pieces began to connect together. 
Given the dark details behind the case, when Zak Bagans and his squad rocked up, they were on the receiving end some of the most striking paranormal activity they had ever witnessed:
Featuring EVPs crammed full of aggressive growls and demands for them to “Get out!”, or Ovilus Voices spewing words eerily similar to the murders and how the bodies were disposed of, this investigation stays true to what happened there.
But outside of the equipment used, the physical effects on the investigators was incredible!
One medium felt a choking sensation believed to channel the feelings of victims being force fed sleeping pills and then left to die in the Death Room. And the other? She drew a picture uncomfortably similar to a spirit seen by a tenant of the house - the spirit of Dorothy Puente. 
The other physical contact experienced includes pain felt in Zak’s lower back, as well as Zak entering this trance like state from which he fell off the bed!  
Here’s the episode:
Want to seem some spooks, like, right now? 
09.10 - an EVP with Peggy, the resident who sees Puente’s spirit frequently.
13.10 - a medium begins to sense spirits and experiences some shocking effects.
17.30 - a medium produces pictures of the spirit she senses.
25.20 - EVPs in the backyard - where the bodies were buried - answer some of the questions that still go unanswered. 
30.20 - Zak Bagans begins to exhibit extremely peculiar behaviour.
#2 - Idaho State Tuberculosis Hospital - Ghost Adventures (S18, E10)
Whispers, children and angry old men.
No, it’s not the title of Fall Out Boy’s latest album - it’s just a few of the current inhabitants of The Gooding Inn.
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Once a TB hospital that was shut down in 1976, this building has witnessed its patients literally choke and drown in their own blood as their lungs fill up. 
But what’s seriously scary about this episode is the effects on the most recent residents of the inn:
Not only was the housekeeper clearly upset about her encounter with an angry male ghost, she clearly feels the negative energy such spirits embody.
But it's when the current resident is interviewed that the reality of this location is realised. Two of her children had died whilst living in the former hospital, forging a strange link that is explored in the episode.
Yet before I spoil the whole show, here’s a taste of what’s to come:
A playful child spirit and a woman with a child make their own appearances, as well as the strange tale - and even stranger spirit - of Anton Beaver.
Ready to watch?
Here’s the episode:
Looking for a quick fear fix?
These are the timestamps of note:
05.25 - Zak Bagans starts the show with the housekeeper’s own tale of the hauntings she’s witnessed.
10.00 - One woman recounts the potential impact of the hauntings on her family.
12.15 - a paranormal investigator brings his own footage and experience of activity in a passage from which gurneys and wheelchairs would bring in the patients
16.00 - Zak Bagans researches those who died there - and creates a sudden shockwave of paranormal activity across the building.
21.50 - a weird non-human noise is heard when a dark shadow appears.
32.00 - pranks set by a spirit of a former child patient begin to haunt the team.
#3 - 30 East Drive - Most Haunted (S18, E1 Halloween Special)
Take a look around my blog - no, seriously, look at what I write about: old manors, haunted abbeys, demonic forests… They all seem to stand out. And I think that’s what makes this tale - and this episode - quite so scary.
Welcome to 30 East Drive, a council house nestled in Yorkshire, England.
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It started in 1966. The Prichtard family had just moved into a new home when they started to notice rather peculiar occurrences:
A fine layer of dust fell on everything in the house, puddles would appear from nowhere, even if one was cleaned up, the tea dispenser would go off randomly, and items would levitate!
Given the evident paranormal resident, clergymen were called to exorcise the house. 
They were not successful. Holy water would leak out of the walls, ghostly hands would appear and ‘conduct’ the hymns being said to remove him, faces were slapped and people were pushed. Despite the rather playful poltergeist at first, this spirit slowly became more aggressive:
The daughter, Diane, began to find scrapes and bruises appear on her body, and was even dragged up the stairs by her hair! It was eventually deduced that this could be the spirit of a Monk whose body was discarded down the well that the house now sits on. Why was he thrown down a well?
Because he - or perhaps his twin brother - raped and murdered a young girl.
And as he is often seen wearing black robes, the house was given labelled the Black Monk House. Fancy a watch? You’ll be spoiled for choice then - Paranormal Lockdown also had a stay in the house.
Here’s the Most Haunted Episode:
“But, spookyllama, where are the timestamps?”
I couldn’t find any timestamps of note because the activity in this episode is constant!
Within the first 1 and a half minutes, a marble is thrown, echoing one of the most common hauntings in this house. Knives were also found sticking out of sofas, as was a crucifix jumping off the bed. 
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#4 - The Wentworth Woodhouse - Most Haunted (S17, E6)
Our next episode also features a ghostly monk, but this time we see activity beyond marbles being chucked at cameramen. Indeed, this episode is just as iconic as the former - this is due to the controversy surrounding the evidence captured in this video.
One of the most famous hauntings of the Wentworth Woodhouse is the first earl of the house walking down the main stairs of the house. Only he’s headless. And they claimed to capture this footage:
This footage only taps into one component of the paranormal activity seen in this house, however.
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This house has seen centuries worth of aristocratic family feuds, deaths and drama which still roam its halls. Whether its footsteps, ghostly laughter or opera singing, it seems all past residents never actually left. 
Yet aside from the earl taking a nightly stroll, the scariest spirit has to be a ghost that stands still during his hauntings, leading many people to think he’s a statue. 
Specifically, the most haunted locations - aside from the library - are the George VI quarters. With shadows tracing the walls and dark figures standing in the doorways, the Most Haunted team were certainly not alone.
You can see the episode here:
Want a speedy scare?
28.00 - a door rattles and sounds as if its being opened, only its not - it’s locked and there’s no handle.
30.00 - The team hears a whistle, so they whistle back. What happens next is mind-blowing…
50.00 - The crew hears a couple of footsteps follow them around a part of the house.
#5 - The Washoe Club - Ghost Adventures (S16, E7)
The Ghost Adventures team might have investigated this wild-west location 3 times, but it gets no less spooky as time goes on. The oldest saloon there, The Millionaires’ Club, is the centre of the activity as a former exclusive saloon for rich businessmen.
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Upon Zak Bagans and his team’s final return, they are reduced to tears by the activity witnessed.
This activity includes the spirit of a prostitute who committed suicide in room 77, a full-bodied apparition in the ballroom, a brick thrown in the basement and a women, Lena, haunting the staircase.
The episodes in particular have also captured EVPs saying their names: “Zak, look out”, and "Nick, Zak, coming..., they're scaring me".
Ready for a trip to the Wild West?
#6 - Hinsdale House - Paranormal Lockdown (S1, E5)
If you thought these buildings were scary, wait ‘til you hear about the Hinsdale House. Question is, what separates it from the other contenders? 
This is a demonic haunting.
Considered this generation’s Amityville, the whole property exhibits signs of activity an exorcism couldn't rid it of: mysterious phone calls, chanting from nearby woods, animal hybrids and full bodied apparitions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this house.
Lucky for us, the Paranormal Lockdown team spent 72 hours here, investigating the hauntings both during the day and night.
Within the first 7 minutes of filming, an abundance of flies fills the house, not unlike horror films that trace the stories behind houses just like this. The following emotional impact on Nick further forges a link to the supernatural. 
Featuring choking, consistent EVP’s saying Nick’s name and even Lorraine Warren on the blower telling them to get out of the house, negative energy is an understatement for this house.
You can watch it here:
Head to 25.00 if you want to see their investigation of the forest - including the Gregorian chanting that is claimed to still echo on this former Native American burial ground.
28.00 - when Katrina asks spirits to go to Nick and show their presence when he’s in a different room, the spirits follow orders.
Unfortunately, the spooks don’t end when the credits roll:
Nick claims spirits from this house followed him home and told him to go to a little house tucked away in England.
And that house was 30 East Drive.
#7 - 30 East Drive - Paranormal Lockdown (S2, Halloween Special)
So, we know Most Haunted’s verdict of the Black Monk House - what about Nick and Katrina’s?
Having spent 100 hours there - one of the longest amounts of time they’ve been in lockdown for - they witness apparitions, marbles flying across the house, a scar appears on Katrina’s stomach, and even a murder attempt by the spirit.
That’s right - a Grandfather clock is pushed over, nearly killing Nick! 
You can watch that happen here:
#8 - The St. Augustine Lighthouse - Ghost Adventures (S2, E19)
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Haunted locations aren’t just famed for paranormal fanatics like me rocking up.
It’s the history which matters. 
And this haunted lighthouse is celebrated for its history with its own museum denoting the things it was witnessed as a part of America’s Oldest Port. And with multiple people living and dying on the property, the subsequent variety of activity is what sets this lighthouse apart from, well, non-haunted lighthouses!
But it's that history repeating itself that makes this one of the scariest episodes included on this list: a woman in white roams both the nearby forest and the top levels of the lighthouse, a man walking in uniform wanders round the basement, and spirits make use of the famous staircase that fills this building.
Have I piqued your interest? You can satisfy your supernatural needs here:
Check out the walk through of the lighthouse and description of the main activity at 05.30.
19.45 - you can hear the chattering of multiple spirits on the staircase - and you might even see someone - or something - walking down it, too.
24.00 - this is the most incredible evidence they’ve ever captured - trust me.
#9 - The Stanley Hotel - Ghost Hunters (S2, E22)
Famous for inspiring the Stephen King classic, The Shining, this hotel is infamous for its real life haunted history. First opened in 1909, the 420 rooms - including an underground cave system - hold many ghosts who still make regular appearances.
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Room 217 for example, once belonged to a housekeeper. Often visitors to this room notice their luggage is unpacked, items moving, or the lights flickering. Oh, and she’s not a fan of couples sleeping together in the same room, either!
After that, why not visit the Concert Hall? Haunted by a spirit who was once believed to be an usher, you may hear a voice telling you to leave, a nudge, or even see flashes of light of his torch.
You might even hear the giggle of a child echoing down from the attic, a former nursery.
Question is, why is it quite so haunted? There’s 2 claims behind this: the crystals in the cave system below the hotel channel the energy, and the staircase is a vortex for ghosts, allowing them to come and go as they please.
Ready to see what happened?
#10 - The Rain Man - Paranormal Witness (S1, E6)
Ghosts and spirits, demons and death; all the episodes mentioned in this post stick to relatively confined notions of the spiritualistic and pagan religions. However, this episode takes us further than I ever expected.
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Paranormal Witness is a show - a bit like Celebrity Ghost Stories - where paranormal stories get retold and acted out.
And this episode follows a young man, Don, who becomes possessed by his abusive grandfather. Having displayed the typical signs of possession, he then began to have strange encounters with water. 
Water began to seep from the walls, and then from the ceiling. But this wasn’t water - when someone touched it, it felt sticky.
It was only when Don was stuck in a trance, that water began to go upwards, towards the ceiling, and pots and pan began to rattle.
When religious rituals were used to cleanse Don, the water was directed towards the bible and person performing the cleansing.
This was only the start of Don’s new powers. And they were to intensify during his final stint in prison.
Hungry for more? Check out the full episode here:
#11 - The Haunted Highway - Paranormal Witness (S1, E2)
Like I said: Paranormal Witness doesn’t stick to the typical hauntings we see. And this episode involves a UFO.
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This story - without spoiling the episode - revolves around a mother and son who go missing in the desert. With a relative’s strange dreams pointing her to where they might be and a medical mystery twisting the tale, all that is left is one question:
What really happened in the desert?
You can watch this episode on Amazon for ÂŁ1.89.
#12 - Celebrity Ghost Stories (S1, E9)
This episode featuring Morgan Fairchild, Lili Taylor, John Salley and Vincent Curatol is considered one of the scariest episodes of this popular episodes from which paranormal experience are acted out.
Here’s the synopsis to tickle your tastebuds of terror:
“A young Morgan Fairchild is abused by a spirit when she moves into her new husband's family home; an unidentifiable stranger comes to John Salley's aid during a nightclub shooting; Lili Taylor hears unexplained noises when she goes on retreat.”
You can watch this episode on Amazon for ÂŁ1.89.
#13 - Pendle Hill - Most Haunted (S6, Halloween Special)
Pendle Hill might feature as a hiking opportunity in the Pennines, but it actually has a history - and a haunting - to boot. 
Back in the early 17th century, a family of peasants were believed to possess a variety of paranormal powers. And the effigies they made of human hair and teeth didn’t make them appear any less suspicious, either!
The Pendle Witches, as they were known, were arrested, tried and then hung on Pendle Hill.
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The witches never left the hill, however. 
Not only did the neighbours of the Pendle Witches experience and die from mysterious illnesses, to this day supernatural activity has stuck close to this location.
Teeth have dropped onto tables during seances, and unnaturally frequent rainfall on the hill is a common occurrence. 
So, what did the Most Haunted team see when they visited the site?
Acorah was apparently possessed by a witch, and a table and a glass smashed during the seance. Oh, and the whole cast and crew felt as if they were being strangled at certain points during filming.
Were they experiencing the final moments of the Pendle Witches as they were executed for their crimes?
You can check that episode out here:
Or, you can have a speedy spook, instead!
30.00 - the equipment batteries drain, a classic indicator of paranormal presences.
32.00 - Acorah begins his readings of the area, and clearly becomes quite emotional and intense when describing the spirits he sees and hears.
45.00 - Acorah exhibits strange behaviour, and is on the receiving end of harmful spirits.
59.40 - Acorah sees a spirit - or perhaps an otherworldly being.
01.48.00 - the team perform the seance.
Now it’s time to hear what you think.
Which episode are you watching tonight?
And did I miss any seriously-spooktastic episodes out?
415 notes ¡ View notes
ghstandpucks ¡ 5 years ago
Misguided Ghost Ch.4
A.N: So my story just went to #9 on the Zak Bagans tag on Wattpad! I’m so excited I had to share! Also.. if anyone knows how to like the chapters onto a story without putting the whole url, I would be appreciative of the help! I hope you all are staying safe and healthy! Enjoy!
Ch.3: https://ghstadventuresgrl.tumblr.com/post/622599346097160192/misguided-ghost-ch3
           I walked into the office Friday morning feeling more comfortable than I had the day before. Sure it was only my second day on the job, but Zak seemed a little more accepting of me toward the end of the day so I figured I was off to a good start. Aaron’s office was still empty, but Nick had his door open. “Good morning Nick,” I smiled as I walked past his office.  
           “Morning Y/N. Hey, come here a second.” I walked into his office tentatively. Nick looked away from his computer screen and smiled gently up at me. “Zak showed me the research you did yesterday. I have to say, I was impressed at what you found for those places and how much you got through.” I smiled and looked down, a bit embarrassed by the praise.
           “Thanks. I’m glad that it was what you guys wanted,” I responded. Nick chuckled.
           “That and more.” He went back to his computer screen and I took that as my que to leave his office. I walked back to where mine and Zak’s offices were. His door was shut and I frowned slightly. Why was I disappointed to not see him?
I opened my door and started setting up. I had grabbed some of my mythology books that I had from school and put them on my bookshelf. I had also ordered a white board and cork board that should be at the office later today so I could hang some things up and write down info about upcoming lock downs. In other words, I had to be organized or I would lose my shit. I had also brought in a few picture frames to set on my desk. I had one of my family at Disneyland, one of my two best friends and I at our undergraduate graduation with our cap and gowns, and another of the three of us that showed us all laughing standing on top of a couch in some random San Diego club when we all turned 21. I had handed my phone off to some random person that had gotten us into the VIP section and free drinks. Girls just want to have fun right? I was standing with my back to the door reminiscing about how fun that evening was when there was a knock on my door. I jumped slightly and turned around, smiling when I saw it was Zak and Aaron. “Didn’t mean to scare you,” Aaron chuckled as he walked into my office.
           “It’s fine. I was in my own little world for a second,” I explained. Zak walked in behind Aaron and handed me a Starbucks cup. It was my passion tango tea and read ‘lil sis’ on the side. I gave Zak a quizzical look.
           “Aaron ordered” he said softly, knowing what I was questioning. I looked at Aaron and he showed me his coffee cup, which said ‘big bro’ on the side. I laughed.
           “Thank you for this, big bro,” I winked as the guys laughed and looked around. Zak eyed my books and walked over to them as Aaron started to look at my pictures. He picked up the San Diego one.
           “Wow, you actually have red and black in your closet?” He asked, acting astonished. I laughed and looked down at my green knee length dress. In the picture I was wearing a red lace crop top and a short black skater skirt with black heals. Zak looked over quickly to see what Aaron was talking about, and I watched his eyes look me up and down. Blushing, I took the picture back and started to explain the events of that evening.
           “Didn’t think you were a party girl,” Zak mumbled after I was done explaining, finally looking away from the picture, even though I had set it back down.
           “I’m not really. But don’t judge a book by its cover. You hardly even know me,” I shot back. What was with him judging my appearance? Zak and I stared at each other for a second, I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Probably that he was about to fire me. Aaron broke the silence.
           “Are you still friends with them?” I looked at Aaron and nodded my head.
           “Ya, still best friends. We met freshman year Fall quarter and have stuck together ever sense. They’re the best,” I smiled. “Also, I hope its ok that I have a white board and cork board being delivered today?” I looked back over at Zak.
           “That’s fine. Make the space your own,” he said and walked into his own office. I made a face and looked at Aaron who was looking back and forth between Zak and I. “What?”
           “I can’t tell if you two are going to be like the best of friends, rip each other’s throats out, or be that annoyingly cute opposites attract couple,” he said in a low voice. I gawked at him.
           “More than likely one of the first two. I highly doubt the last one,” I whispered, making sure Zak couldn’t hear us.
           “I don’t know, he likes to talk about you. Wouldn’t shut up about how great your research was when we went to get the coffee this morning.” I blushed at that and turned away from Aaron. “Oh, so there is a feeling there!”
           “I didn’t say that. Beside I just met you guys and I work for him now so it will be strictly professional.” I muttered, sitting down and opening my laptop to start my work for the day.
           “You aren’t denying it though. And technically you work for Travel Channel so it wouldn’t be like you slept with your boss to get a raise or anything,” Aaron winked as I shooed him out of my office, not even wanting to respond to that comment. I looked across at Zak and he had his head down in his own work. I prayed he didn’t just hear all that.
~ ~ ~      
           After my boards were delivered and I acquired the help of Aaron to put them up, I found myself walking down the hall to make a copy of a paper of a place I was researching. The paper had a few numbers and extra sources for articles on the place, so I wanted to keep a copy for myself before handing my research over to Zak. As I walked back to my office to grab all the papers and my notes of the 3 places I was able to get through today, I noticed all the guys were in Zak’s office. I kept to myself and started gathering my research when Zak called me over. I walked in with the papers and smiled at the guys. “Are those for me?” Zak asked motioning to the papers.
           “Yup. There was a lot of information on that one ghost town, so I only was able to look at 3 places today. But everything should be in there,” I explained as I handed him the heavy stack of papers. At least it was heavy in my opinion, Zak’s large frame took them easily from me.
           “Are you doing anything tonight Y/N?” Aaron asked. I looked at him and shook my head.
           “Not really. I was probably just going to cook dinner and watch tv,” I shrugged. I had really just planned on finishing unpacking this weekend. The exciting life of Y/N Y/LN.
           “Well we’re all going out tonight to get a drink and dinner. Would you like to come?” Aaron smiled at me. I wasn’t sure what to say.
           “Um… you know I don’t want to impose…”
           “You wouldn’t be. You can meet my wife. Plus, Billy is coming so you can meet him too,” Nick interrupted my poorly planned excuse. I really didn’t want to intrude on a night out for them since they hardly knew me. As if he knew what I was thinking, Nick spoke up again. “And it would be nice to get to know you and you us since we’ll all be going on a lockdown next week.”
           “Oh, I’m going on that?” I questioned.
“You’re our historian. We kind of need you there,” Zak answered with a nod. They all looked at me expectantly.
           “Ok. And that sounds fun tonight, if it’s alright with everyone?” I glanced at Zak specifically. He smiled softly and nodded.
           “Awesome! I’ll text you the address of the place. It’s kind of like a dive bar off the strip, so it’s never too busy, especially on Friday nights,” Aaron explained. I smiled and nodded, saying good bye to everyone and leaving the office for the day.
           Once I got home, I showered and did my hair. I curled it in a beachy wave, then did my make-up. I stood in front of my closet, trying to decide what to wear. It was dinner, but still a bar. I wanted to look nice, and a bit more grown up. Being 5’2 and a petite 112 pounds, people often did not believe I was old enough to drink, let alone be out of high school. I’m sure that’s how the guys saw me, and for some reason I specifically wanted to show Zak that I wasn’t some little girl who always wore dresses. I tended to have a closet that reminded people of Jessica Day on New Girl. The fact that I was a substitute teacher for a few years while I worked on my master’s and after didn’t help that goody two shoes image I had made for myself either. Not that I minded it, I just kind of wanted Zak to notice me. What Aaron had been saying kept replaying in my head. Zak was the first one to say they should hire me; he likes to talk about me and my research. Was he not as intimidating and judging as he’s appeared to me over the past week?
           I shook my head to try to get those thoughts out. I was just going out with the people I work with, and that was that. I ended up picking out my ripped skinny jeans and a black chiffon top that showed a strip of my stomach. I put on my black healed ankle boots and grabbed my leather jacket. Aaron said they would be there around 7:30, and it was 7 now. I looked up the place and saw it was about 15 minutes from me. I made sure my hair and make were in place, then called an uber. I am a bit of a light weight. Even though I was just planning on having a single beer, I don’t really trust myself to drive after. Better safe than sorry. My uber came and dropped me off at exactly 7:30. I was really hoping someone was already there so I didn’t have to wait by myself. I walked in and looked around. The place had a fun vibe, with a dance floor off to the side. There were tables and booths that took up most of the place, then a bar next to the dance floor. The music was turned up, but still at a volume that you didn’t need to yell over. I imagined that it got louder as the night went on and the dance floor got crowded.
           I looked to my left and saw Aaron and Nick waving me down. I smiled and walked over to them. “Hi guys,” I said as I slid in next to Aaron.
           “You made it! Y/N, this is my wife Veronique,” Nick introduced us.
           “Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” I smiled at her. She returned it and shook my hand.
           “You too! I’ve been hearing about all your research. You have these guys all impressed,” Veronique stated. I laughed and thanked her.
           “If you want something to drink, you have to go to the bar,” Aaron informed me. I saw that they already had their drinks and got up, excusing myself. I walked up to the bar and leaned against it, waiting to get the attention of the bartender. I was never very good at inserting myself at bars. He came over after a minute or two, and I ordered an Anchor Steam beer. A rum and coke sounded good, but I didn’t want to get too giggly with everyone just yet. As the beer was pushed toward me and I was about to hand over my card, an arm reached over me.
           “I’ll pay for hers, and an O’douls,” a deep voice said. I turned and saw Zak, who was smiling down at me. “I have to say Mia, I almost didn’t recognize you in jeans. You look good,” he said as the bartender handed him back his card and his drink. I stood there, not knowing what to say for a second.
           “I could have paid for my drink.” I blurted out. Zak chuckled and leaned against the bar next to me.
           “I know, but I got it. Think of it as an olive branch,” he stated. I quirked my eyebrow.
           “An olive branch?”
           “Ya. I know I keep making remarks that bother you and I honestly don’t mean to. You really do just seem like this bubbly person so I guess it was just my way of trying to get used to you. Aaron told me I was coming off a bit rude and I just want you to know that it wasn’t personal,” he tried to explain himself.
           “Well if it was about the way I look and dress then it was personal. But ok,” I looked down at my beer. Zak huffed.
           “What I mean is that we’ve all gone through some pretty serious shit together, and you just seemed like this ray of sunshine bouncing in…in a good way. I wanted you to know that I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. And if I have then I apologize for that. I think you are doing a great job,”
           “Aaron told me you were the first one to say you guys should hire me. If that’s true, then why the attitude the past two days?” I questioned him. I was curious. He smiled at me and looked back toward the table. I followed his gaze and saw the guys pretending to seem like they weren’t watching us. I blushed slightly, hoping the dim lighting would hide it.
           “You’re smart Y/N. I saw that in the way that you presented yourself. You’re also very passionate about history, and it was intriguing. Plus, you didn’t come to the interview asking about being on tv and our lockdowns, or asking for an autograph after,” he answered me. I tilted my head to the side a bit.
           “People really asked for an autograph after their interview?” he nodded. I laughed slightly. “And I don’t really care if I’m on the lockdown.”
           “I know. You were refreshing to talk with. And after the past two days you seem to be exactly what we needed. So, what do you say we start over and I try not to be such an ass with my remarks? Truce?” He smiled at me, but I didn’t miss the way his eyes looked me over. Maybe this was the right outfit choice after all. I bumped my drink into his.
           “Truce,” I responded, smiling at him. I turned to then walk back to the booth with Zak following closely behind me. Aaron scooted over in the booth as I slid in next to him, and Zak by me. Once we had sat down I was introduced to Billy Tolley, the audio-visual tech who showed up while Zak and I were talking at the bar. We all ordered our food and enjoyed the evening. I was laughing with everyone and feeling more comfortable then I had since I moved in last week. Zak stole a French fry off my plate and I bumped him with my elbow. Life might turn out to be good here.  
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