#He looks evil af
king-of-moths-shoes · 3 months
I present y’all Zane Julien! My favourite Lego ninja
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Forgive me for I have no energy to clean him up and add anymore details
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glowinggreeneyes-e · 7 months
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Extra Havers Content Peter Sandys-Clarke in Masters of the Air
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mayraluna95 · 1 month
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Drawing every Youjo Senki characters until season 2 release!
Week 12 : Wilibald Koenig
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
me literally every time Ki Cheol and Jun Mo are less than three feet away from each other/interact in any way shape or form:
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Part of this AU.
Just to be clear: this CoolUncle!VladAU that I'm exploring may read as wholesome now, but imagine the angst instead:
Vlad and Danny are fundamentally different characters with fundamentally different values.
Vlad is ruthless in the persuit of what he wants. He doesn't have very strong or solid morals stopping him from doing what he wants.
Danny, on the other hand, is still very idealistic and has a very strong sense of responsability and morality.
In this AU, Vlad got close to the Fentons because he wanted revenge on Maddie and Jack through Jazz and Danny. It just so happens that he grew to love the kids in the process (he also realized that Maddie and Jack didn't care all that much about their kids, so getting back at them through Jazz and Danny was kind of a bust).
As Danny grows into his powers and takes on the responsibility to protect the town from the ghosts his parents (and he) unleashed, Vlad and him will begin to clash more and more.
Vlad wants Danny to stop. Vlad wants Danny safe. Vlad also doesn't believe in altruism or in 'being a hero.' Vlad would be very happy securing a deal with other ghosts for Danny and him and screw the rest.
Danny isn't and can't be that callous. He wants to protect his friends, Jazz and his parents (even if they hunt him down and would hurt him) because he doesn't believe in punishing a lot of people for the mistakes of a few.
I imagine that at some point they could clash enough to go their separate ways, maybe enough to become the archnemesis they are in canon.
For Danny, feeling betrayed by his uncle, not wanting to hurt him but having to fight against him so that hundreds of innocents don't get hurt.
For Vlad, feeling abandoned all over again and after he tried so hard to help Danny, after everything he did for him and after all their history together.
Both having to act amiably every time they meet as humans because no one knows about their rift. Both having fond, nostalgic memories of the other, and missing each other, but unable to reconcile their differences.
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velmashaircut · 9 months
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Bofoi leg crumbs
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thevilqueen · 1 year
tell me what would happen if you sat vil and mikey for breakfast and then left.
Vil would leave as soon as he sees Mikey. He wouldn’t be caught dead with someone that sloppy looking.
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phantasia-system · 1 year
Erm. We formed someone new. -Destructo/Des
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He drew himself. Walks into the ocean.
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
So funny to me when people describe their fave fictional male character as "feral" and he's just some guy who grimaces or smirks a lot. My wife, who eats her steak rare with her bare hands, is more feral than him
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mushroom-for-art · 2 years
Concept for the horrors child, not particularly ground breaking really simple design lmao, he actually looked kind of pathetic and sad and I felt bad for him before the side eye lines were added now he angy, @oogaboogaspookyman
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@mcltiples sent: 👀 { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick // ofc he wants the dirty fantasy 🤭} send 👀 for a dirty GRUESOME thought and/or fantasy my muse has had about yours || no longer accepting
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It's one of the rare nights when Rick isn't tucked away in his lab, working on this or that project. However, despite how much he relishes in the cold quietness of the room that has become his domain, he can't forget that he isn't on his own anymore. He has a owner now, a partner, and he deserves his attention and presence more than any of his experiments.
Usually his alternate can entertain himself, even when he spends his evening in their bunker. And, if he decides that he doesn't want to, he comes to fetch him and do with him as he pleases.
That's another difference between their routine and today. His partner hasn't come looking for his company. Rick has decided to offer it of his own free will. It's not the first time, but it's definitely not a common occurrence either.
Without a word, Rick carries two glasses over the couch, filled with a generous amount of the ale they have stolen during their last interdimensional trip. The liquor is stronger than any variety that can be find on Earth and its flavour is a well-balanced combination of sweet and sour. It also leaves on the tongue a light, sizzling metallic after taste, which is perhaps the part he likes best.
Taking a seat, he presses one of the glasses in his alternate's hand, before downing half of his own in one go. Gray blue eyes slide close for an instant, to allow him to savour that final sting, and then they open again, locking on his partner's face.
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"R-Rick," he starts, shifting closer until he can comfortably press his chest against the other's side. "There's something I want to share with you."
One of his arms slides over the edge of the couch, elbow bending so that his fingers can reach those blue locks, studiously playing with them. The hand that is holding his glass casually rests on his alternate's thighs, slowly rubbing one through the thick fabric of the other's trousers.
His expression is mostly blank as per usual, but there's a dark hint in his eyes. Cold and cutting, but also relentless and avid, almost ravenous. Like the gravity of a black hole.
"I-I was thinking about you, earlier." His voice is just slightly louder than a whisper, but it's enough for his words to be perfectly audible as they are evenly breathed in his partner's ear. "S-Strapped on one of mine operating tables, naked, in place of the being I was vivisecting."
His tone grows darker at that matching the eerie look in his eyes.
"I-I'd use this little serum I've been developing...i-it should slow down your regeneration enough to let me take my time with you."
One of his personal side projects, the ones he doesn't tell his alternate about unless he has a good reason to.
"I-I'd start with a classic, a Y incision on your torso. Detach your skin and pectoral to expose your ribs. Open up your abdomen like a box full of presents."
He can see it so, so vividly. The blood spilling over from the cuts, bright red over paling skin. The way the muscles would contract, the pulsing of the intestines, the lungs expanding and emptying with every breath.
His lips brush the shell of his partner's ear. He tilts his head just a little, enough to graze the lobe with his teeth.
"I'd dig my hands in your guts, wrap your small intestine around my wrist. L-Like a shackle, keeping me where I belong. Deep inside you, deeper than anyone else will ever go. An-And I'get as many tastes as I want."
The smell of blood filling the air like incense. Its slickness warm and tick on his tongue as he would bend to lap it off his partner's ribs. The throbbing of the organs under his fingertips.
"M-Maybe I'll take a few minutes to play with you, touch all your sensitive spots from the inside. See if you like is as much."
It wouldn't be sexual for him, just curiosity. He's always eager to study his alternate, body and mind. See how he works, what makes him tick, psychically and emotionally.
"T-Then I'd move back up, cut your sternum in half, pull your ribs open. Take away your last line of defense, and then you'd be completely open to me. At my mercy, vulnerable."
That's something his partner never is. With his genius, his regenerative abilities and his technology, he is untouchable. As only true gods can be. And yet he has chosen to allow him, his property, his willing possession, to see and taste and touch and smell and hear him in such an exposed state.
The fingers he's been using to toy with the other's hair moves lower, nails pushing in the flesh, hard enough to leave red marks in their passing. What he is being offered is a gift, a unique one, and he means to treasure it by showing all his dark devotion.
"I-I'll worship you, down to your bones. As every godly being should be. I'll touch everything my hands can reach, cut through what stands in my way to reach what they can't. I'll tear into your lungs, breath the air that fills them. I'll rip your aorta open, let your blood soak my face."
By now his mouth his fully pressed against his alternat's ear, hot breath caressing the skin, sliding down towards the neck.
"I'll keep your heart for last. I want your mind, Rick, you know that." The fingers that had been digging into that neck are suddenly wrapped around the throat, squeezing hard enough to make breathing a bit harder. "B-But I'll take what I'm given, while I wait for it. I'll hold it in my hand, to feel it pulsing, tightening my grip to feel it struggling."
The his grasp moves, from his partner's neck to his jaw, forcing him to turn his head so their eyes can meet.
"An-And then I'll push my face inside your chest, let you swallow all my sense and I'll sink my teeth right into it. Make your feel that you'll be mine just as much as I'm yours."
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
Is it opposite day? Why is this guy the one being respectful…? Shouldn’t he be laughing maniacally and tying Killua up and torturing him…?
That hero jerk is the biggest villain of all. Meanwhile, an actual bad guy is the one who…
W-why is it that the bad guy is nice…?
The villain saves him from the hero…?
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kittykatinabag · 2 years
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This post I saw on reddit is peak "How to tell that you don't watch Holostars or even consume anything about them" energy.
Also while I don't really closely watch the girls all that much, I'm pretty sure a lot of them are incorrectly placed too.
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theinfinitedivides · 11 months
having enough awareness even with multiple holes in you to know that 1. someone obviously has it f*cking out for you and 2. the detective that just came into your house to arrest you for murder has no idea what your ex sugar baby just set him up with. i could never
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foamimi · 2 years
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lettherebemonsters · 1 year
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Kenneth without his makeup scares me more than if he had his makeup on. XD
Plus look at those razor-sharp talons of his. I bet Freddy's jealous of Kenneth's manicure.
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