#He just thinks she's a forest spirit with no relation to the freeze
witch-sweets · 7 months
"They say that children who enter the forest are whisked away not by the Soul Snatcher but by a spirit with a mask who only comes out when the moon is full! All the masked children are her friends and she will do anything to gather new members join her little forest masquerade"
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Here's Ivy!!! I wanted to add some whimsy when it came to her story and so rather than just a normal Dweller she's a fey spirit and she's the one who watches over the Dwellers (at least more than Snatcher does) she lives and the deep woods and has a habit of spiriting away young children who wear masks to join her forever (Hat Kid is in danger once again due to having a Dweller mask)
She's basically your traditional forest fey but with the spooky twist of also being a ghost
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theanoninyourinbox · 8 months
New Longstar AU - A Journey and A New Land
Between Books
Brambleclaw asks for his suffix, claiming it as his way to claim power over his dishonorable Sire.  That night, he wakes in a familiar place – the clearing where Tiger”star” was killed, and Bloodclan run off.  Brambleclaw bows as his father, belly leaking red and black and thorny vines, approaches.  Tigerstar’s grin is all teeth and menace, and he congratulates his kit for keeping the Clan’s trust in him…but this is only the start of their plans.
In Riverclan, Feathertail and Stormfur make their way.  The siblings notice that the former loners Hawkpaw and Mothpaw bear a small resemblance to Tiger”star”, but agree that even IF they were somehow his kits, that the blood of their sire makes no difference on who they will be. 
In Shadowclan, Tawnypelt feels the weight of her sire’s sins around her neck.  With the help of Runningnose and Rowanclaw, she begins to heal.
In Windclan, Hopfoot announces his retirement, and Mudclaw is promoted to Deputy.  Hopfoot’s adopted son Crowpaw and niece Nightcloud prepare a nest especially for him.
In the Hope’s Rest Clowder, Darkstripe and Sasha have been noticing more signs of Twolegs around their Camp, and begin making plans to move the Clowder entirely.  A few cats express wishing to live in a forest.
In another place, an elderly cat named Skywatcher gathers Kittypets and Loners under his wings, hoping that others will come to take his burden and delight of a Clowder, and make them a Clan, before he passes away.
The Quest
In Thunderclan, the three kits of Longstar and Flamewish are being apprenticed.  Tactician Graystripe has deduced that Swiftpaw’s anxiety would lead to her being a terrible Hunter or Brawler, and suggests Nursery Guard, which she happily accepts, apprenticing to Goldenflower and Brackenfur.  Foxpaw wants to be a Warrior, and apprentices under Brightheart as her lead Mentor, with other cats there to help her learn other skills. Darkpaw asks to be mentored in the art of Healing, and apprentices under Fireheart and Cinderpelt.
Foxpaw is annoyed that Brambleclaw keeps interrupting her training sessions to give advice and tells him so to his face.  He sputters, and gives a non-apology, but does back off.  Brightheart thinks that he must be trying to be a better cat than his father, but Snowthorn just thinks he’s trying too hard.  Shrewpaw makes funny faces behind Brambleclaw’s back during the non-apology and makes Foxpaw laugh.
Swiftpaw and Foxpaw tell their parents that they can sometimes talk to each other in their minds, and Historian Mousefur assures the worried parents that twin births sometimes Do That – it might be a Star Blessing, but that’s not always the case.
Darkpaw beings trying to figure out how to heal minds, as his father sometimes freezes up around the smell or sounds of dogs, and some cats are terrified of thunderstorms and even a hint of smoke on the wind.  Fireheart asks Starclan for guidance on how to best help his nephew, and the Spirit of Goosefeather begins showing up with Yellowfang to build this new kind of healing.
Foxpaw begins having dreams about distant salty waters and a badger with starry eyes, with the sun drowning, and talks to Fireheart about it. He suggests it may be related to the sightings of Twolegs around the forest, and takes Foxpaw and Longstar to the Moonstone.  They have a collective vision of the Clan lands being torn up by yellow Monsters, and of the Hope’s Rest Clowder being chased out of their camp by Twolegs with long silver looped sticks, and Longstar immediately starts making plans.
He sends a warning with Graystripe to the Hope Clowder, and warnings to the other Clans.  Riverclan denies that anything like that could happen, Windclan starts making preparations, and Shadowclan admits that Twolegs have been marking some of their trees with orange markings.  Hope Clowder is already mid move to a new Twoleg Den, one with more Twoleg decorations on it, but agree to be prepared to evacuate if Twolegs are sighted.
After some time has passed, Yellowfang appears to the whole LongFlame family one night, and says that Foxpaw needs to go on a Quest for a new home, as the Twolegs are planning to turn their territories into more Twoleg Dens.  Flamewish makes Yellowfang promise to keep an eye on Foxpaw, and Yellowfang says that there are other cats from the Clans coming too.  Foxpaw says goodbye to her family, her mentors, and Shrewpaw, before leaving.  She meets Tawnypelt, Crowpaw, and Feathertail and Stormfur at the border, but is bothered greatly when Brambleclaw shows up, saying he’ll keep her safe.
The Questers make their way through the Twoleg Territory, skirting past Hope Colony’s old home, and eventually meet an old tom named Purdy. He guides them the rest of the way, becoming the Quester’s Grandpa, and they are sad to see him go.  Crowpaw, Foxpaw, and Feathertail become close friends, with Tawnypelt and Brambleclaw bonding a little.  Tawnypelt notes that her brother is a little distant, but chalks it up to their separation. Stormfur thinks Foxpaw is cute, but she’s also not an adult so he shakes it off.  Crowpaw talks about how his parents found him – on the edge of the territory, sopping wet and terrified of unclear water.  Ashfoot spoke of seeing a ghostly cat running from him, and assumed that was his sire or queen.
(They will never know it was a cat named Pine, who once walked the world in Thunderclan.  He refused the gifts of Starclan for ages, and once he saved the innocent kit, he finally entered the fields he had abstained from.  For once, he did the right thing for a kit of his bloodline.)
They meet with the starry-eyed badger Midnight, who confirms that their home is to be destroyed, so they must Journey past the great mountain to find their new home.  As they leave, Midnight catches Brambleclaw by himself, and warns him that the path he walks leads only to a sudden sharp end.  He shakes her off and continues on his way.
The group goes up the great mountain, and are stopped by a patrol of cats wearing mud and berry paint in swirling patterns. They are escorted to the Coldstone Clowder camp inside of a cave, with a great waterfall, a wide floor, and great stone teeth hanging from the ceiling.  Feathertail shivers as she looks up, noting that they look so fragile.  One of the cats that escorted them in, Brook, states that they are the teeth of the Sky Cat, which protect them from evil.  The Questers meet with Stoneteller, both Leader and Seer, who advises them that he has Foreseen a silver cat stopping their Punishment - a Sharp Clawed Spirit that has tormented them for ages.  When Stormfur asks what their Clowder was being punished for, Stoneteller sighs, and tells them that the Clowder has forgotten their crimes, though they must have been great.  Foxpaw disagrees, this Spirit sounds like a Geist, and decides they must free the Clowder from their torments.
A plan is set – some freshkill is used to lure the massive Geist into part of the cavern, and then the Hunters, Stormfur, Brambleclaw, and Tawnypelt will leap on it and batter it.  Crowpaw, Foxpaw, and Feathertail will distract it, along with some of the faster Hunters and Scouts.  The plan starts perfectly – the great Geist comes into the cavern, its birch-bark pelt curling and jagged, its eyes dripping river weeds and mud.  Foxpaw streaks over its paws, dodging slime and tree sap, and the attackers jump on its back, peeling the bark back farther to release murky water.  This is what sends the plan reeling – Crowpaw sees the water and freezes.  The hunters are battered, and Brambleclaw curses Crowpaw for cowardice.  Feathertail sees a starry cat with silver fur, and sees what she has to do.
She runs for a craggy path, up to the stone teeth, and
                               Taking the largest stone tooth with her
It CRACKS into the Geist’s back, pinning it to the cave floor, sending sap and water and mud out in a wild wave, soaking Crowpaw and Foxpaw, who had leapt to Crowpaw’s defense.    The Geist scrabbles at the ground, and slowly whisps away like fog in a beam of sunlight, leaving only the clawmarks and the stone tooth, embedded in the floor as if it had grown there.  And atop it, Feathertail, silent and still.
Stormfur wails, rushing to the limp body of his sister, as Stoneteller and the other Coldstone Clowder cats gather incredulously.  Crowpaw leaps up to his friend, and screams. SHE’S STILL ALIVE!!!!!
Stormfur and Stoneteller carefully leverage the fallen cat to the softest nest the Clowder has, and Crowpaw lays at her head, apologizing over and over.  Stoneteller shoos him, and Crowpaw weeps against Foxpaw, who assures him that it wasn’t his fault, that any one of them could have freaked out.  Stoneteller declares that Feathertail will live, but he is unsure of what the damage to her back will do.  Brook comforts Stormfur, and Foxpaw makes Crowpaw laugh a little by joking about Brook making moves on Stormfur.
After a day, Feathertail wakes, but she can’t feel her hindquarters at all.  She stops Crowpaw from apologizing, and assures her friends that she will do her best to heal, but they have a job to do.  Stoneteller promises to take care of Feathertail like one of his own Clowder, and Brook swears to personally keep Feathertail cared for.  After a tearful goodbye, the five remaining Questers head down the mountain.  They break through a fog bank, and behold the vista below them.
A grand lake, surrounded by woodland and marshland and moorland and a winding river.  Birds fly past the group unafraid, and Crowpaw spies deer feeding in the distance.  A small Twoleg Den sits on one side, with a Barn and strange creatures dotting the Twoleg Territory there.  Near where the river meets the lake, another Twoleg Den sits, with a structure jutting out into the lake.  It gleams with the rising sun, and it’s as close to perfect as the Questers will ever find.
The group heads back to the Coldstone Clowder, and after transporting Feathertail to see the view, the five Clan cats head back the way they came.  Foxpaw tries to send Swiftpaw good vibes, but gets a strange feeling – like anxiety creeping up her tail and rooting in her spine.  Something is terribly wrong. And as they come into view of the Clan territories, and see the devastation that the Twolegs have wrought, and understand.
The Time Between
While the Quest was going on, the Twolegs had begun their attack on the territories.  All the Clans were under threat of starvation.  Windclan found themselves poisoned by prey.  Shrewpaw was nearly killed by a Monster – only saved by a shining Swiftspirit pulling him out of the way.  His leg was still broken, but he would live.  And worst of all, the Twolegs had set traps!  The Clans would have lost so many, save that Sandstorm led a rescue mission – at the cost of the Monster holding the prisoners stealing the brave molly away.
The Hope Clowder had better luck at least – their new home was safe, as their old camp had been destroyed by Monsters as well, but at least they had a place to stay! 
Preparations were made to move.  Seers chipped pieces of the Moonstone away, to bring with them to their new home.  Herbalists gathered their plants into carriable containers.  Queens and Kings worked with Crafters to make kit-carriers.  Hunters and Trackers took down every prey they found, and butchered the meat into transportable parcels.
And then the Questers returned.
The Journey
Foxpaw fell into her family’s embrace, crying with joy.  Goldenflower held Brambleclaw, who reassured her he was FINE MA.  Stormfur informed Leopardstar of Feathertail’s injury, and was welcomed back by Hawkfrost and Mothwing.  Tawnypelt rushed into Rowanclaw, holding him like he was a treasure.  Crowpaw ran into camp calling for his parents, and was swept up in their embrace, Nightcloud and her mate Gorseflicker dancing around them as Tallstar watched.  Foxpaw was named Foxflight for her swift return, and she congratulated Swiftpool on her calm name.  And Crowpaw requested he be named for the bravest cat he knew, and became Crowfeather.
Within three days, the dens were dismantled, the histories gathered, and every cat accounted for. But some of the Elders were too tired and weak, and Mudfur is recovering from an illness.  As the Clans walked through the Twoleg Territory, a group of Hope Clowder cats stopped them – their leaders wanted to talk to the Leaders of the Clans before they left. 
The Leaders, and the Elders so they could rest, were led to Darkstripe and Sasha, and Longstar asked what they wanted.  Sasha explains that some of their more spiritually sided cats have had visions of a distant Clan of cats that need help – do they know anything about this?  As she speaks, stars fall through a crack in the wall, and Willowpelt emerges.  She greets the tearful Darkstripe, and confirms that the records are missing something – there once were five Clans. 
The fifth, Skyclan were banished after the Leaders decided the fifth Tree at what became Fourtrees meant that Skyclan needed to leave.  They were forced to split, some joining the Coldstone Clowder, others became Kittypets or Loners, and some joined the remaining Clans. The Leaders then forbid the Historians from ever speaking of Skyclan, leading to everyone forgetting them  This was terribly wrong of the past Leaders, and now some of their descendants needed aid.  Mudfur raises his head – I can do this.  Frostfur agrees, followed by Loudbelly, and a Windclan Elder named Hollowback, then a Shadowclan Elder named Yewtail.  Their Leaders confer, and agree as well, so long as the Hope Colony cats going along understand they’ll have to care for these treasured Elders.  The Colony cats are brought in, and fervently agree, one tom named Macguyver vows to see them to Skyclan if it’s the last thing he does.  The Elders say goodbye to the Clans, and the mass of cats departs.
As the Clan cats go up the mountain, an apprentice named Smokepaw almost falls off of a cliff, but is saved by Russetfur.  This sets off a chain reaction that leads the Clans to become closer.  Queens and Kings huddle together, their kits becoming friends.  Apprentices chatter with each other, sharing tongues and stories. Historians compare notes, and Crafters compare techniques.  Hunters and Trackers share notes and bring down prey together.  Swiftpool finds herself becoming enamored with Crowfeather, and Crowfeather begins getting a crush on Swiftpool.  Foxflight is not blind and needles them cheerfully, with the help of Shrewleg.  Notably, Onewhisker keeps close to a slowly wilting Tallstar, and seems to be brown-nosing, at least according to Nightcloud.  He only leaves the elderly Leader’s side to talk with Brambleclaw.
When the Clans reach the Coldstone Clowder, they shelter for a night in the cavern, Graystripe being reunited with Feathertail.  She gets teary at Crowfeather’s name, and she and Stormfur decide to stay behind in the Coldstone Clowder, feeling more at home there.
The Clans marvel at the sight of the New Territory, but some cats wonder if Starclan came with them.  These doubts are erased when every Senior Seer AND Healer get similar visions of past Seers or Healers, assuring them Starclan reaches as far as Silverpelt.  As the cats bed down for the night, Barkface summons the Leaders to meet with Tallstar.  When they enter the bush where Tallstar lies, it becomes very apparent what is happening. 
Tallstar is dying, for the last time.
Mudclaw and Onewhisker stay at the entrance, Onewhisker shooting glares at the Deputy.  Tallstar weakly asks Leopardstar, Longstar, and Blackstar to help his chosen Deputy guide his clan, and as he passes, names…Mudclaw.  Onewhisker storms off, and Mudclaw lowers his head, mourning.
As this is happening, Hawkfrost and Mothwing meet with Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt, having deduced that the four share the same sire.  As they’re talking, Foxflight and Crowfeather trot over to say hello.
And the Riverclan siblings freeze.
Foxflight asks if they sat on slugs, and Mothwing shakily says that she’s seeing a Spirit, Hawkfrost’s wavering voice rising.  It’s our brother.  Tadpole.  We lost him when he…drowned… Crowfeather tilts his head.  I’m not named Tadpole, but…you look familiar…and tells his story.  Mothwing tears up – it’s you – oh Tadpole you’re ALIVE!!!  Hawkfrost is blubbering, beaming hopefully. Crowfeather, shaking a little, smiles weakly – I think I remember you, oh Moth, oh Hawk!  The three tumble into a teary embrace, with Foxflight and Tawnypelt cheering.  Brambleclaw looks…angry, that the attention is off of him, but hides it quickly. Of COURSE he would be excited about another sibling, he’s just shocked!
The next morning, as Windclan mourns Tallstar, many wonder how Mudclaw will gain his nine lives, with no Moonstone.  Darkpaw wonders as well, but is distracted by a tortie molly with a starry pelt.  He grabs Sorreltail, and they follow the cat until she leads them to a pool of clear, shining water.  With familiar shining stones at the bottom.  Darkpaw and Sorreltail race back to the group excitedly, and when the Healers come to the pool, they collectively agree that this will be their new Moonstone.  The Moonpool.  Darkpaw is given his Healer’s name on the spot by Cinderpelt – Darkmoon.
Settling In and Blood Spilt
The Clans settle into their new camps, and it’s busy for quite a while.  Camp Guards working with Crafters to weave new Dens, Herbalists and Healers planting their medicines and locating more, and Trackers and Hunters finding and tracking the lives of the new prey groups.  Foxflight finds herself bothered by Brambleclaw, finding solace in her pseudo-uncle Ashfur and his mate Flyshadow, and her best friend Shrewleg.  Eventually, they are forced to work together to drive off some Rogues that were harassing the border patrols of Thunderclan and Shadowclan.  Blackstar is furious that Longstar stepped in, but comically backtracks when Flamewish steps up. She had recently helped dive out a badger, and is Not Amused by Blackstar’s nonsense. We help each other, Moronstar!
Unfortunately, Onewhisker leads a revolt against Mudstar, claiming that Tallstar named HIM Deputy on his deathbed, and that Mudstar is a False Star.  This accusation brings Shadowclan supporters, and a fight breaks out, with Riverclan and Thunderclan supporting Mudstar.  As Onewhisker yowls angrily against Mudstar, a tree falls upon him, and he is crushed.  His body is retrieved, and the tree becomes the bridge to the new Gathering Place.  (Brambleclaw seethes, as his ally falls.  But he still has the Foxflight plan)
After some time, a Barn Cat named Daisy meets a patrol exploring the edge of the Twoleg Den.  She asks if they protect kits, which Cloudtail affirms.  She brings her three kits, Berrykit, Hazelkit, and Mousekit, to Thunderclan, saying that the Twolegs took her last litter, and she refuses to lose another to them.  Longstar welcomes her, and asks if she wishes to have a Clan name.  She passes, stating that she was named to honor her mother, and joins Thunderclan.  Cloudtail is attentive to her, which bothers Brightheart.  Thankfully, she communicates with her mate, and the three cats come to a romantic agreement.  The kits are delighted to have three parents!
Swiftpool and Crowfeather begin having a secret relationship, though not quite as secret as they think.  Hopfoot and Ashfoot exchange glances when their son looks so cheery, and Snowthorn pawspeaks jokes to Darkmoon about Swiftpool being obvious as a snowfall in Greenleaf.  Eventually, they decide to run away together, thinking that their Clans would never let them be together.  But that night they are stopped by Midnight, who tells them that her kin are attacking Thunderclan Camp.  The pair split up, Crowfeather running to Windclan for backup, and Swiftpool rushing for home.
She enters camp to pandemonium.  There are at least a half-dozen badgers, and she leaps at the one atop of Sootfur, saving his life.  As she helps drive them off, she hears Darkmoon scream in anguish, then sees him pin a badger with a bloody face.  Behind him, in front of the Healer’s Den, is a downed Cinderpelt.  Suddenly, a Windclan Battle Patrol bursts into camp, finishing off the badgers.  Swiftpool mourns the Healer alongside Darkmoon, Fireheart, and Flamewish, as Longstar confers with Mudstar.  Eventually, she and Crowfeather are called to meet with their leaders, and they confess their affair, waiting for their punishments.
But instead, Flamewish whoops delightedly, Mudstar sighs and mutters about idiots not talking to their Leaders, and Longstar pats them gently, you are not subtle kits.  Right there, Windclan and Thunderclan create a cross-clan relationship rule – so long as the Clans are at peace with each other, cats may be in relationships.  The moon remains bright and clear, and Swiftpool and Crowfeather have official permission to date.  The rule is added to the code at large, though Leopardstar seems somewhat iffy about it.  But if the Stars approve, then who is she to deny them?
After some time, Brambleclaw keeps trying to flirt with Foxflight, even though she’s mates with Shrewleg.  Eventually Fireheart steps in, and gives Brambleclaw a talk about consent, and taking NO for an answer. This is interrupted by Cloudtail rushing into camp with an injured Berrykit, who snuck out and got his tail stuck in a Twoleg snare.  He loses the tail, but lives, and is scolded for leaving camp by himself.  Brambleclaw gets an idea.
He meets every so often with Hawkfrost on the border, the pair complaining and training together.  Hawkfrost admits to once having a dream of Tiger”star” calling him, but denied it after seeing a moth float by. It reminded him of the one time that he tried to fake a sign to make Mothpaw a Healer, but there was already a moth’s wing at the Healer’s Den.  The pair both wish to be Deputies, and plan to become Leaders together.
On the evening of their last meeting, Hawkfrost feels a sense of unease.  As he approaches the meeting place, he hears a commotion, and finds Longstar trapped by a Twoleg snare on his neck, Brambleclaw standing over him.  Hawkfrost is horrified as Brambleclaw speaks, help me kill him, and Whitestorm when he makes me Deputy, and I’ll help you kill your opposition.  We will rule TOGETHER!
And Hawkfrost?
Says NO!
The pair clash, with Hakfrost getting knocked around by the Miretrees-trained Brambleclaw, eventually being thrown next to Longstar.  He sees the snare-thorn, and as Brambleclaw leaps at him, grabs the snare-thorn in his mouth
Brambleclaw falls on Hawkfrost, and the Riverclan tom shoves his half-brother off, the snare-thorn lodged deeply in the Traitor’s throat.  He frees Longstar, who coughs weakly, and thanks Hawkfrost for helping him.  Blood spills into the lake. Hawkfrost vows to never become Leader – he will support his clan, but the shine of Leadership has been forever tainted by hot blood and shocked amber eyes.
(Brambleclaw wakes, coughing up blood and black ooze.  His father sneers, what a failure…but we will try again)
And Swiftpool realizes she’s pregnant.
(Crowfeather denies that he fainted, it was a Manly Swoon. Foxflight disagrees heartily)
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hafanforever · 3 years
Analyze These
In honor of the second anniversary of Frozen II, I decided to celebrate by writing an analysis, but one unlike any I have ever done before: an analysis that discusses the meanings of the pun titles for those I wrote about the movie (some of which also discuss the original Frozen)! Now how is THAT for an idea?!?! 😁😄
While I have almost sixty essays for Frozen II, only half of them actually have titles. Many of them are puns of movie, book, and song titles, and even terms, phrases, and idioms/expressions, which includes words that rhyme with or are spelled similar to words from the original sources that inspired the titles. The titles are also puns in at least one other way, as they are the key to and underscore what I discuss in the body of the text. And before any of you ask, yes, this analysis ALSO has a pun title, which is a reference to the film Analyze This! Since I’m analyzing the titles of my past essays, I can’t think of a better title to emphasize this concept! 😆
So here are the names and definitions of all my titled essays about Frozen II, and if you want to read them for yourself, I included their links for easy access as well. Enjoy! 😁
“The Color Purple”
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The title is an obvious allusion to the famous novel and film of the same name.
The words refer to the symbolic meanings of this color and how they relate to Elsa in connection to the few purple clothes she wears.
“Identity Unknown”
The title is a reference to a film of the same name.
The words refer to the then-unknown identities of the Arendellian boy and Northuldra girl (later revealed to be Agnarr and Iduna, respectively, as children) who were prominently shown in the second trailer of Frozen II.
“Two Songs, One Woman”
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The title is a reference to the phrase “two halves, one whole”.
The words further connect to this phrase because the two main songs sung by Elsa, the one woman, act as the two halves that complete a whole circle about her accepting herself and her magic.
“Let Down Your Hair”
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The title is a clear nod to the famous line spoken to the titular character in the fairy tale Rapunzel.
The words stress that, from the first movie to the second movie, Elsa transitions from wearing her hair up in a tight bun to letting it down and flowing loose.
“Frozen in Time”
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The title is a reference to a nonfiction book of the same name.
The title also refers to an idiom of the same name.
The words emphasize that Elsa freezes while in the bottom cavern of Ahtohallan, after seeing a memory of the time her grandfather killed the Northuldra leader before starting the war in the Enchanted Forest.
Just as she finds out what really happened in the past, Elsa dies and literally becomes “frozen in time”.
“King Runeard, the Lying Hater”
The title is a reference to the nickname given to King Richard, which is “the Lionheart”.
The words between these two titles further connect because they are spelled and sound extremely similar in phonetics, and share the same places. “Richard” and “Runeard” each have seven letters and differ only by three, “lion” sounds like “lying”, and “heart” and “hater” are anagrams of each other.
The words stress how such an informal title fits this tyrant due to the fact that he was a liar with a deep fear and hatred of magic since he believed it was a threat to his kingship.
“The Last Word”
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The title is a reference to the idiom of the same name.
The words underscore the meanings of Elsa saying “Anna!” as her last word just seconds before she freezes in Ahtohallan.
“Free Spirit”
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The title is a clear nod to the term of the same name.
The words refer to Elsa’s journey of becoming free and fully accepting herself, including her magic, which she finally does once she discovers that she is the fifth spirit.
Elsa becomes a literal “free spirit”, though she has always been one in personality, after she learns everything she had always wanted to know about herself.
“Born (to Be) Free”
The title is a pun of the nonfiction book and movie title Born Free.
There is a second reference to this movie because that ALSO features a character named Elsa...Elsa the lioness! 😮😵😆
The title is also a pun of the song “Born to Be Wild”.
The words reference that Elsa was the fifth spirit from the moment she was born. She was always meant to be this, and therefore free.
“Mum of All Tears”
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The title is a pun of the movie title Sum of All Fears.
The words stress that Elsa sheds tears upon seeing her mother (for which “mum” is a nickname) during the sequence in “Show Yourself”.
“Mother” is also defined as the greatest or most significant of something. In this case, Elsa cries the mother of all tears when she sees Iduna again.
“The Truth Shall Set You Free”
The title is an allusion to the almost-verbatim statement in the bible.
The words refer to the brief moment in Ahtohallan, where Elsa sees a memory depicting Iduna wanting to tell Agnarr the truth about her being Northuldra. After doing so, she finally felt free (relieved) after having kept this secret for so many years.
“Girls in the Mist”
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The title is a pun of the book and movie title Gorillas in the Mist.
“Girls” is spelled similar to and almost sounds like “gorillas”, making the title another pun of the aforementioned book/film.
The words underscore that both Elsa and Anna (the titular girls) were needed to lift the mist and free the Enchanted Forest.
“Keep Your Hands to Yourself”
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The title is a reference to the expression of the same name.
The words refer to Elsa’s habit of placing her hands on her elbows, as a way to avoid releasing magic through them. In assuming this posture, she keeps her hands facing inward and to herself.
“Pride and Prejudice”
The title is an obvious reference to the famous novel of the same name.
The words emphasize that Runeard clearly displays pride and prejudice in the scene where he reveals his true nature and voices his hatred, distrust, and bigotry towards magic and the Northuldra.
“A Royal Title”
The title is an allusion to the term of the same name in reference to monarchy.
The words underscore how the title of Frozen II is written as if it is a title for a person of royalty due to the use of the Roman numeral for 2 rather than the Arabic numeral, similar to a regnal number for a monarch.
“Kindred Spirits”
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The title is a reference to the expression of the same name.
The words refer to Elsa discovering that she is a kindred with the elemental spirits of the Enchanted Forest, as the fifth spirit.
Elsa’s role makes her a literal “kindred spirit” amongst the other four elementals.
“Striking Resemblances”
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The title is a nod to the term of the same name.
The words emphasize how the two separate scenes of Anna and Elsa freezing in both films are so striking in their resemblances, especially since they both feature the main villain about to strike down someone with a sword. 😉
“Going off the Deep End”
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The title is a reference to the idiom of the same name, which means to make an irrational or irresponsible move.
The words refer to Elsa’s decision of going as deep as she can into Ahtohallan to find the truth about the past, even if it means reaching the end (dying) to do so.
When she makes such a big, risky choice, one that some might call irrational, Elsa literally “goes off” a cliff and into “the deep end”.
“Distant Relative”
The title is a reference to the term of the same name.
The words emphasize that, while Runeard was Agnarr's relative as his father, he was a very distant (aloof, neglectful) parent, only treating Agnarr as an official rather than as a son or person.
Because Runeard was not personally involved in raising Agnarr, he acted more like a literal “distant relative” than a true father.
“Family Ties”
The title is a reference to the TV series of the same name.
The words reference the kind of ties between the royal family of Arendelle, mainly because Elsa and Anna have mixed roots of Arendellian through Agnarr and Northuldra through Iduna.
“Split Decision”
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The title is a reference to a term of the same name.
The words refer to Elsa’s decision that she and Anna must split up now, and she has go to Ahtohallan alone since crossing the Dark Sea would be too dangerous for them to do together.
“Raise Your Voice”
The title is a reference to a movie of the same name (which co-stars Jason Ritter, the voice of Ryder in Frozen II 😮😵😆).
The title is also a reference to the idiom of the same name.
The words refer to the possible reasons why the voice calls to Elsa for the first time in this movie, and that it occasionally raises (gets louder) in volume and becomes more frequent in trying to get Elsa to respond.
“Names of the North”
The title is a reference to the documentary film Nanook of the North.
“Names” starts with the same couple of letters as “nanook”, making it another pun of the aforementioned.
The words reference the meanings of “Northuldra” and “Ahtohallan”, two names of things that are found far north of Arendelle.
“Panic Attack”
The title is a reference to the term of the same name.
The words refer to Runeard going into a panic once the Northuldra leader realizes the truth about the dam, so he decides to attack and kill him just to keep him from telling everyone else the sinister truth.
When he realizes his lie about the dam is about to be exposed, Runeard literally has a “panic attack”, then another after carrying out his murderous deed.
“Go with the Wind”
The title is a clear pun of the famous novel and film title Gone with the Wind.
The words refer to the role that Gale, the Wind Spirit, plays during the movie.
“Bridge of Spirit”
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The title is a pun of the film Bridge of Spies.
“Spirit” is spelled almost like “spies”, making it another reference to said film.
The words reference how Anna and Elsa together are the fifth spirit, the bridge that links the Arendellians and the Northuldra.
“Three of a Kind”
The title is an allusion to the poker hand of the same name.
The words refer to Elsa's three main, unique kinds of dresses and what their appearances symbolize in connection to her personality.
“The Men with Two Faces”
The title is a pun of the film The Man with Two Faces.
The words reference how Hans and Runeard, the main antagonists of the films, are two-faced men, meaning they deceive others into thinking they are good people when they are actually bad.
“Princess Protection Program”
The title is a nod to a TV film of the same name.
The title is also an allusion to the popular program known as the Witness Protection Program.
The words reference how the two princesses have different ways (or unofficial “programs”) of protecting one another, and other people.
“Let It Show”
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The title is a combination of words from the titles of Elsa's two main songs, “Let It Go” and “Show Yourself”.
The title is also a pun of the song “Let It Snow”.
The words emphasize how Elsa gradually then completely accepts herself and her magic, and in doing so, she finally “lets it show”. 😉
The title is a pun of "merry-go-round", which is another name for a carousel.
The words underscore that Anna goes around with two different love interests who ask them to marry her, with each one having a different motive for doing so.
By going from one love interest to another, Anna goes on a figurative “marry-go-round”. 😆
“Safety Worst”
The title is a pun of the common phrase “safety first”.
The words underscore how Anna twice fights back against Elsa forcing her away to safety, making the situations worse for herself.
“Family Matters”
The title is a nod to the TV series of the same name.
The words reference vital matters (which, as a noun, also means “affairs” or “topics”) about the royal family of Arendelle.
The words also stress the fact that family mattered (which, as a verb, means “to be important”) to Agnarr more than anything, while Runeard prioritized his power over everything else, even his family.
“Canon Fodder” (a collab with my good friend @greatqueenanna )
The title is a pun of the term “cannon fodder”.
The words emphasize my and @greatqueenanna’s discussion of Frozen fodder (which is another term for “material”) that is canon and not canon to the franchise.
“Reflections of a Mad Man”
The title is a pun of a book titled Reflections of a Man.
The words refer to Runeard being a man who is mad with power and how this and other traits make him a dark reflection to his descendants (and even a darker reflection of Hans).
“Hello, Goodbye Dolly”
The title is a pun of the play Hello, Dolly!
The title is also an allusion to the song “Hello, Goodbye”.
The words underscore the temporary goodbye to Agnarr’s childhood toy, Sir JorgenBjorgen (the titular “dolly”, which is what young children sometimes call dolls), when he is hidden away, then the hello in reference to when he is unearthed years later.
“Middle Link”
The title is a pun of the movie title Missing Link.
The words emphasize that Olaf acts as the middle of the bridge, of which Elsa and Anna each act as one half, that links the Northuldra and the Arendellians.
“There Goes the Bride”
The title is a pun of the popular wedding march theme that is colloquially known as “Here Comes the Bride”.
The words reference that Rita, the bride, ran away from Runeard, the groom, after years of an unhappy marriage. Her actions of going away are a reverse of the aforementioned song, since “here” and “there” are opposite locations.
“Sinister of Magic”
The title is a pun of the Harry Potter occupation “minister of magic”.
The words refer to Runeard’s xenophobia of magic and that he had sinister intentions to destroy the Northuldra just because they followed magic.
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fortisfiliae · 4 years
Promised Part 11 - Tom Riddle x reader
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Masterpost | Masterlist
Summary: In this story, Tom didn’t grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader’s sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return.
Disclaimer: Please be aware that I don’t condone any of this in real life. (GIF is not mine)
Warnings: Arranged marriage, an unholy amount of fluff
Word count: 2.5k
A/n: This chapter is written partially from Tom’s POV and the reader will be addressed in third person. The POV shift starts in the second half, after the divider, just so you know :)
Part 11 - The Earth’s Centre
Starting to brew the antidote for Mors Grano happened to be easier than you had anticipated. The potion’s base was quite similar to any other healing draught, and so was its production. You had decided to begin the laborious process, even though the Banshee tears were missing. According to the recipe, they were the last ingredient to be added, so you still had a lot of time to find them, even if you still didn’t quite know how.
For the first few weeks, there was nothing more to do than letting the Moondew cook and stir it frequently. The cauldron stood in Tom’s room, its content simmering steadily, ready to be examined at any given moment by one of you. 
Professor Beery had denied you the bonus points for the N.E.W.T.s after you had told him that the Moly had unfortunately died. Those points were the least of your problems, however.
The plant had, in fact, bloomed beautifully, ready to be added to the potion.
And that was when the difficulties began. As soon as you let the blossoms fall into the cauldron, the potion started to smell. Very strongly. The mixture reacted in a way that wasn’t described in the book and started to produce yellow steam, as well as a sour, headache-inducing scent, which reached beyond the walls of Tom’s room. The fume filled up every last inch of his dorm and even seemed to creep out into the Slytherin common room. Other students had started mentioning the weird smell and even Dippet, who had paid Tom a number of unfortunate surprise visits, started to get suspicious.
You had sent your parents an owl to inform them that you wouldn’t come home during your semester break. They weren’t exactly happy about it; you had never stayed at Hogwarts during the holidays after all. But you had insisted, telling them there was so much studying to do until they finally let go. That wasn’t even a lie. There was a bunch of work to do. Granted, not all of it was related to school, but you still had a lot on your plate. 
Tom stayed in Hogwarts for the week as well. You weren’t sure but highly doubted that he had notified his own family about it. And to be fair, they wouldn’t really care about that, would they?
Even though the school was practically empty and only a mere fraction of students stayed along with you, those who did stay complained about the biting smell in all of Slytherin’s dormitories. On Sunday evening you heard that the housekeeper had been sent to seek out the source and Tom was informed that Mr Carpe would start his search the next morning.
So there you were, worrying about what to do, stirring the cauldron for the twentieth time within the last minutes, hoping it would steam less, the more you whisked through it. No matter how hard you concentrated, how many options you took into account, there was nowhere you could possibly drag the cauldron to, where its scent would go unnoticed. 
The Potions classroom was off-limits, even though it was much better equipped for the fumes. Slughorn would spend a lot of his time there, to prepare tasks for the upcoming semester. You had even considered taking it home and telling your parents about it. But using the Floo-Network with an item this heavy wasn’t possible, and taking the train with a simmering cauldron seemed ridiculous. Besides that, the antidote still took months to finish, so you would have to take it back to Hogwarts a week later anyway.
Hell, you had even thought about taking that damned kettle out onto the Quidditch pitch or into the forest, so no one would smell it anymore. But you couldn’t leave it out in the open, of course.
The moment you had given up all hope and realised that you couldn’t go on brewing the potion in Tom’s room, or anywhere else, he had told you about another possibility. There was this room on the seventh floor he had discovered in fifth grade. He called it the Come and Go Room and he was positive that no one besides him, not even the teachers, knew of its existence. The room must have been enchanted, according to Tom, and only appeared when you were in dire need.
So the two of you went there the same night, in a cloak and dagger operation, levitating the cauldron behind you. You had covered it with a white sheet so that if someone saw you, they at least wouldn’t know initially what you were doing. The disguise was weak and you knew if Dippet or any other teacher would spot you, you would be screwed.
Luckily none of them was there when you rushed through the halls, aside from Warren O’Connor, a Ravenclaw fifth year, who patrolled on a corridor next to their tower. He was too far away to detect the poorly hidden cauldron and didn’t even seem to look at you after he had recognised Tom. 
When you had finally arrived, chest heaving, thoughts rushing from relief and tension, Tom instructed you how to summon the Come and Go Room. You walked past the stone wall three times and imagined, very carefully, what you needed. An airtight room that allowed you to keep on brewing your potion in peace, that no one would be able to find unless you wanted them to. Suddenly, a door appeared. You looked at Tom and he nodded before you took the handle and opened it.
The small room behind the door was, simply put, perfect. Your very own Potions laboratory. Dark and nifty, it offered enough little cabinets to store all the ingredients for the antidote, as well as a worktop to put the cauldron on. Everything looked as if it had been custom made, just for this purpose. Which it was, you had just created it all yourself. 
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Now that the cauldron was in a safe place Tom felt more at ease and actually thought that the semester break could turn out to be enjoyable. Why did that relax him, though? A question he had asked himself more than once. He didn’t have to care, nor did he have to help his fiancée to save her sister. Then why had he done it? 
He didn’t have a logical answer to that question, even though the illogical one seemed to wave at him from the back of his head. He shrugged it off. But there were so many questions of the same kind running through his mind. Why did he care? He had never cared before. For anyone. That girl wouldn’t bring him where he wanted to be just by marrying him. Sure, her family was respected. Of course, they were purebloods, which was why his Grandfather had taken notice of them. But it had never been Tom’s wish to marry her. So why didn’t he mind the thought anymore? The idea of seeing her walking down the aisle had repelled him immensely when he had found out what Marvolo’s plan had been. And now it didn’t. He had gotten used to the idea. It even bugged him to think about the fact that the marriage wouldn’t happen by chance if the antidote was finished soon enough. Then why did he help her?
There was something inside of him, something that he couldn’t just pinpoint yet. Something that made him do the things he had done, even when it had gone against his own benefit. Something that made him care less and less about himself. It must have turned all of his morals upside down, because somehow, and he couldn’t explain why, the most important thing was seeing her happy. He didn’t even know when his priorities had changed. When he had stopped putting himself first. But it had happened. And that irritated him beyond belief.
She had been so easy to dislike. Back then, when they were sitting in her dining room alone. When she had stared at him, eagerly waiting for him to feel sorry for her. So conceited. Desperate for his attention. But then again, she had been so easy to like. When had he started giving in? At first, he had been nothing more than disgusted. Appalled of the uproar that had gone on inside his head. That nasty feeling in his chest and his weak knees. But once he had surrendered, it had begun to feel good.
All he wanted - no - all he needed now, was to make sure she was safe. Protect her. Help her. That wasn’t just an act of kindness though. He had figured out that apparently, he mirrored her emotions. When she was pleased, he was too. When she was angry, he couldn’t help but feel furious as well. When she was sad, his chest stung with her. It felt like a purpose. Like she was the earth’s centre and everyone else, even himself, merely spun around her. She had his full attention now and he didn’t plan on taking it from her anytime soon. 
If someone were to ask him why, he wouldn’t even know where to begin. How does one describe the meaning of everything? He could start with her glow. That devotion she seemed to radiate anywhere she was. Her relentless spirit and how ready she was to combat anyone with it. How tender she was with people that deserved it. And how ruthless she could be with the ones who didn’t. The way she moved in her sleep, slowly and gently, turning over and unknowingly stealing his blanket at least twice a night. The way her chest moved up and down when she lay next to him. How her eyes seemed to light up when she awoke and looked at him. The hours he had watched her. Held her. Felt her skin brushing against his own, just like in this moment. How could anyone experience that and not have the urge to keep it? To freeze those moments in time and lock them up, safely, for nobody to see. 
Tom wasn’t sure if she was aware of how nervous she made him. He knew how to hide it, but was ever so annoyed at how much he depended on being close to her. And he usually wasn’t the one to become jittery. That was the response he normally got. Freda Morris, for example, couldn’t seem to think straight when he had taken her out once, during their sixth year. Merlin’s beard, that lass was nerve wrenching. 
Quite contrary to her. No one had ever done that to him. She had crawled under his skin and into his head, drugging his mind until almost every single thought he produced revolved around her. But he knew his place. She hadn’t befuddled him just to make him her pawn. He knew because that was what his family had done ever since he could remember. She had never done him wrong. Maybe that was why he had helped her. And why he was willing to do anything for her, even if it meant for him to suffer. He was the antagonist in their story. And if he was poison, she was the remedy. If he was the villain, she was the treasure worth saving. 
Tom’s pitiful monologue was interrupted when she woke up, opened her eyes and looked at him.
“Morning,” she said quietly and smiled.
He looked at her for a moment. If only she knew. 
“Morning,” he replied.
She stretched her arms in the air and yawned, then turned towards him and ran her fingers along his jawline. Bliss.
“How long have you been awake?” she asked, staring at the stubble on his chin that her thumb had just touched.
“Not long,” he lied. “Just a few minutes.”
She grinned and placed a kiss onto the left end of his lips. “I have to get up and stir the potion. Care to join me?”
“Sure,” he nodded.
“Good. Oh, and I think I’m going to go to Diagon Alley in the afternoon. To buy the Foxgloves. I have to add them next week.”
“I’ll come.”
She exhaled and pulled him in, nuzzling into his neck. 
“Do you think we should go to Knockturn Alley as well?” she asked, her voice muffled. “While we’re there. I want to see if any store offers Banshee tears.”
“I don’t think they do,” Tom said and she lifted her head to look at him.
“But where else then?”
“I think I know where we could get some.”
She nodded, urging him to tell her.
“Well, I’m sure Morfin owns a flask. He had to get it if he wanted to brew the antidote, didn’t he?”
“But if they never planned on curing Elsie entirely, I don’t think he would have gotten them.”
“Marvolo never planned on curing her,” Tom said. “Morfin did. He’s a Potions master. One that doesn’t care about legality. He knows every last person that deals with ingredients like that. Even if he never intended to free her, I’m sure he got them just in case he ever needed them for himself.”
Her eyes roamed his face while she thought about it. “So what can we do now? Go to your house, search his chamber and steal the flask?”
Tom shook his head. “That won’t be as easy. They’re always home, Marvolo has his eyes everywhere. Even the house-elves would alarm him.”
She frowned, brows furrowed while she lightly tugged on his hair.
“They’ll be gone,” Tom went on. “In late March. The Order of Merlin gets honoured and they are both invited. We could go then and try to find it.”
There it was again. That spark in her eyes. 
“Okay,” she answered. “Let’s do it then. But for now, let’s stay in bed for five more minutes.”
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germanicseidr · 4 years
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It has been more than a year since I published my post on Wodan. Just like with my post on the Batavi, I wanted to rewrite this post as well to include more information about this fascinating God and also add a bit of my own personal experiences with this deity. This group has gained thousands of members since last year so there are also quite a lot who have perhaps missed my previous post on Wodan. I also want to discuss the similarities and differences between Wodan/Odin and the moment when humans started to worship him.
Wodan is the chief God of the Germanic pantheon. He has countless of names in many languages, it would be truly fascinating to try and collect all of his names into one big list. He is the God of wisdom, knowledge, battle, magic, death, primal rage, healing, tricking humans and the runes. Most of our knowledge on Wodan is based on the eddas. Unfortunately the ancient Germanic people did not write anything down about him but we do have archeological evidence for his worship.
His name comes from the proto-Germanic word Wodanaz which means rage. This already provides us with a clue on how the early Germanic people viewed this deity. Interestingly, the Dutch word for rage is woede, derived from the old Dutch name for Wodan, Uuoden>Woen, Weda in old Frisian. The meaning of the word Wodanaz has not changed for the Dutch people in over 2000 years. This God personally holds a very special place in my heart. Through my work with seidr I have come into contact with him several times.
When did the Germanic people start to worship Wodan?
The first written mention of Wodan comes from Tacitus in 98AD. Tacitus describes several Germanic Gods but unfortunately he uses Latin names to describe them. The Romans compared Wodan with their own God Mercury. Why the Romans compared Wodan with Mercury also isn’t fully clear. Both Gods escort the dead and carry a staff but that is where their likeness ends. Curiously, the Romans compared their chief God, Jupiter, with Donar. This is perhaps a clue into the changing roles that Wodan played.
Just because this is the first written mention of him, doesn't mean that the worship of Wodan comes from this time period. The Germanic people didn't write anything down, their religion was passed down to the next generation by telling stories, it's an oral tradition so we still do not know how old Wodan exactly is.
We can look at archeological evidence as well. When do we first see images appearing that look similar to Wodan? I think most of you are familiar with the classic Odin/Wodan images found all over the Germanic world, from Norway to Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands from the Vendel period and early medieval era. But looking at these images provides us with another problem. How can we be absolutely sure that these images represent the same God? Maybe Wodan was portrayed completely different from how we know him now? Maybe a face of Wodan was carved on wood, similar to the wooden statues found in bogs dating back tot he bronze age? Maybe all the early depictions of Wodan have simply been lost in time.
There is however another theory that suggests that Wodan was introduced to the Germanic people by the Saami. One of Wodan's most defining traits is that he is able to wander across all the realms, speak to spirits and gain knowledge this way. Technically this makes Wodan a very experienced shaman. The Saami people were/are practitioners of shamanism. The Goddess Freyja taught Wodan how to practice seidr. Seidr is a mix of shamanism and witchcraft similiar to the shamanic practices of the Saami people.
Another theory suggests that a Saami shaman, called Wotan, simply became deified by the Germanic people. Perhaps he led a tribe to victory after leading them into battle. Another even wilder theory suggests that Wotan was a Celtic druid who was deified by the Germanic people. The only historic truth that can be verified is that the Germanic culture borrowed elements from both the Celtic and Saami people.
Wodan could also have been introduced to the North-western European people during the bronze age by the proto-indo Europeans. The proto-indo European language spread all across Europe and evolved into different languages, perhaps the same happened to their chief God, Dyeus, as well. Almost all Indo-European cultures have a (chief) God who is quite similiar per example, Zeus, Wodan, Perun, Tiwaz, Jupiter, Dagda, Dievas, Papaios, Brahma.
Even if you research all these possible topics deeply, it is still impossible to say when exactly Wodan was a known deity amongst the Germanic people. The Germanic culture developed during the late Bronze age and if you combine all these theories together, his possible origin could lie near the end of the Bronze age and the start of the Iron age. That would mean that the worship of Wodan began around between 1800BC-1300BC in modern day Denmark, northern Germany and North-eastern Netherlands, more than 2000 years before the viking age even began.
However most of the physical and written evidence for the worship of Wodan came from the early medieval ages until the middle medieval ages, the era between 400-1000AD. One example is a fibula found in Heiloo, the Netherlands. This fibula from 7th century Frisia depicts Wodan flanked by two wolves. There are also coins found in Frisia that depict Wodan. More of such fibula, amulets and coins have been found throughout Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, England and Germany.
Written sources outside of the eddas that mention Wodan have also been discovered. This is the nine herbs charm which was written somewhere during the 10th century AD in England. Christianity was the official religion of the English people at that time but it seems that the common people would still fall back on the old Gods in times of need. Here is the charm:
“A snake came crawling, it bit a man. Then Woden took nine glory-twigs, Smote the serpent so that it flew into nine parts. There apple brought this pass against poison, That she nevermore would enter her house.”
There is also an Old English rune poem that basically explains the futhark. This is the stanza for the ansuz rune:
"god is the origin of all language wisdom's foundation and wise man’s comfort and to every hero blessing and hope" The word Ansuz/Os is used for God. Christians did not use this word to speak of their God so this rune is directly related to Wodan.
He is also mentioned in the Old English poem Maxims I:
"Woden worhte weos" Woden made idols.
  The last written record that I want to mention is the German Merseburg charm which I have written about before:
"Phol and Woden travelled to the forest. Then was for Baldur's foal its foot wrenched. Then encharmed it Sindgund (and) Sunna her sister, then encharmed it Frija (and) Volla her sister, then encharmed it Woden, as he the best could,"
 Wodan later became known as Odin in the early medieval Scandinavian world. Wodan and Odin are essentially the same deity but there are some differences between the two. These differences formed over time since Wodan is an older depiction of Odin. Here I tried to list the attributes of both Wodan and Odin in an attempt to show how the early Germanic people viewed Wodan compared to how the vikings viewed him.
Wodan: Skilled sorcerer, God of death, trickster of humans, God of knowledge, bringer of the runes, still has two eyes according to some sources, shaman, primal force of rage, leader of the wild hunt, God of war, God of healing, carries a staff and spear, two ravens, is a deceiver and was a feared God because of his ability to trick humans into death or madness.
Odin: Skilled in battle and magic, God of Knowledge, bringer of the runes, one-eyed, shaman, shapeshifter, dead fighters go to Walhalla to fight for him, God of war, owner of Sleipnir, carries a staff and spear, two ravens and two wolves guide him, more closely related to the Saami culture.
 There are still some traditions left in Europe that are linked to Wodan/Odin. Since I am Dutch, I will explain some Dutch traditions: Sinterklaas, the old wanderer on his white horse who rides in the sky and gives presents to children. Midwinterhoorn blazen, the blowing of the midwinterhorn to announce the arrival of the wild hunt, the traditional start of winter. Hanging the placenta of a horse in an oak tree. Sint Maarten, the old wanderer on a horse who shared a piece of his cloak to a freezing stranger. And lastly possibly the game of paalzitten. If you know about other traditions from other countries that are linked to Wodan/Odin, feel free to share them in the comments.
Here are some of Wodan/Odin’s names in different (Germanic) languges:
Proto-Germanic: Wodanaz Old English: Woden Old Saxon: Wodan Old High German: Wuotan Old Frisian: Weda Old Norse: Óðinn Dutch: Wodan/Woen Old Dutch: Uuoden English: Odin Norwegian: Odin
Feel free to expand on this list in the comments.
 The reason why I decided to rewrite and post this article today is because Sinterklaas has arrived again in the Netherlands. This was traditionally viewed as the start of the wild hunt led by Wodan. He would ride in the cold dark winter nights through the sky, trying to collect as many of the dead as possible. If you were unfortunate enough to see him in the sky, it meant that your life is soon ending and you would join Wodan’s hunt back to the underworld.  In order to please the wild hunt, people left behind small offerings of food near the hearths of their homes. Carrots were left behind to feed Sleipnir. Until this very day, Dutch and Belgian children gift carrots to his horse in the tradition of Sinterklaas.
 At last I want to share one of my own personal experiences with Wodan. As a child and teenager I was always searching for a spiritual home. My mother is a practitioner of witchcraft, a tradition which goes back for many generations in my family. I was raised with this practice of witchcraft but still I felt spiritually lost. That was until one day, on my birthday several years ago, I started to explore the older variant of witchcraft, shamanism.
During that first trance I met Wodan by surprise. His appearance was so unsettling that it caused me to experience a full blown panic attack and I was thrown out of my trance. I felt physically ill for two days until I returned into trance and stumbled upon Wodan once again. I was finally able to communicate with him and it turned out that he caused my panic attack because he likes pulling such tricks on humans, especially when he senses fear. We talked for a few minutes about knowledge until it was time for me to return to the mundane world. Before I left, he gave me a name in Proto-Germanic which I now use as my spiritual name.
Of course I was extremely skeptical about this whole experience afterwards. Was this just something I imagined? I was thinking about this for days at an end while at the same time I had the thought of placing a tattoo on my left arm with the word Wodan spelled out in the elder futhark. Eventually I decided to visit the local tattoo shop to make an appointment for this tattoo. Until my great surprise, the tattoo artist was not only a skilled artist, she is a professionally trained shaman of the native Canadian culture. She knew instantly that I was also dabbling in the art of shamanism and that I was in doubt whether it was actually real.
She then told me everything that Wodan had told me. Wodan , knowing that I am quite a skeptical person by nature, decided to inform another shaman in order to finally convince me that this was after all a real experience. She had to pass this information to me in order for me to finally believe in the old Germanic Gods. It’s interesting that Wodan decided to use a shaman from a completely different culture, showing that the practice of shamanism is at its core exactly the same all over the world. I got the tattoo as well. This first experience with Wodan led me to finally find my spiritual home and it started the quest for knowledge on the ancient Germanic culture. I eventually decided that it would be best to share as much knowledge as possible, the reason why I started this facebook group.
 I am so sorry for this incredibly long post and I congratulate the ones who actually fully read it. In the future I also want to write more about Wodan/Odin’s role in the Germanic mythological lore, his work with the runes and his archetype.
 Here are images of: A depiction of Wodan as a wanderer by Georg von Rosen, 1886, A depiction of Odin by Mary H Foster, 1901, A depiction of Wodan riding Sleipnir from a 18th century manuscript, Frisian Wodan fibula and coins, Sacrifices made to Wodan in the Netherlands around 300AD (human and horse remains, arrow heads and jewelry), The Merseburger charm, Wodan VS Sinterklaas,
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I wish you would write a fic where Aang is just flustered and is amassed at katara while she’s just doing nothing ❤️maybe after the balcony kiss (btw your my favorite fic writer 💕)
*smacks table* *kicks a chair over* *screams into the void*
(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) NO YOU’RE MY FAVORITE, ANON😤❤💕💖
Ngl tho, this prompt and one other have been haunting me for so long oml I just for the longest time drew complete blanks like...just nothing came to me. Nada. I even tried getting a legit 12 straight hours of sleep to turn my brain off and back on again but nOpE. I really wanted to keep it related to after the balcony kiss since I wanted the challenge, but gosh did it fight me. My brain go poof I hope you’re happy for making me question everything, Anon lol
Anywho, I love and cherish you, Anon, you bean, you godsend, you magnificent angel, you🥰~ I hope you enjoy the fic!!!
Words: 1,785
Aang kneaded his right thumb into his left palm. The scars there were small and white and hardly noticeable unless he held his hand right to his face.
It was peculiar, to say the least. Only the hand that received Ozai’s lightning bore a shadow of his opponent’s cold fire. The belly of his palm was a memory of death barely avoided, but he tried (...tried…tried very, very hard...) to imagine the milky pattern on pale skin as looking like a leaf’s veins when held up to the sunlight.
Aang rolled his lip between his teeth. He was going to tear something if he crouched for much longer. The scars burned without burning, and he wasn’t sure which fate was worse. Was it even considered a scar if it was never open? It was just there after the battle like it was a maker’s mark on a finished piece.
Katara would know—there was little that she didn’t know—, but she had been far too exhausted for him to even consider asking—
Aang’s face burned like the fire she lit in his cheeks was eternal.
If he was perfectly honest, he didn’t remember feeling the kiss.
He only remembered how the kiss felt.
Because remembering the moment when Katara redefined what happiness felt like was a moment Aang would never forget.
His shoulders rose to his ears; his face smoldered as giddy magma crawled up his neck. He teetered to one side when thoughts of her shifted gravity. Maybe it was a good thing that he was crouching, after all.
...But then he looked at his estranged left palm and the new maker’s mark that it bore.
...And his heart crisped and flaked into ashes piling in the pit of his chest.
The scarring changed nothing but uprooted everything. It was a cancer, black and numb on his hand, like it was suffering from frostbite and needed to be removed.
The estranged left palm that saved his life was the same hand Katara held—all those months ago—when they kissed that day in the dark, trapped and alone, in an inky-black Earth Kingdom cave.
The kiss was a gentle waltz turning into a speedy tango, but her hand on his was the tug to lift him out of his chair. It was the strike of flint and steel that burned away the cobwebs in his heart and brushed aside all dust to welcome something new.
Sokka had interrupted before Aang could ask her to be his girlfriend. Time was an illusion, but time was precious. Memories framed in moments were the beginnings of beautiful new somethings.
What they were, though...
He really hoped Katara knew better than him. Of course, she would—there was little that she didn’t know.
Did the kiss make it—them—official? They said more in words unspoken than words said aloud ever could, but they hadn’t had a moment of peace since then. Surely, he had to ask her. He really, really wanted to, too. It didn’t feel right to celebrate an anniversary without a proper date—Spirits, he and Katara were gonna have an anniversary, oh Spirits—
Aang’s palm stared back at him. Embarrassment hit him like a skybison at full-speed.
Katara had nearly killed him during the meeting that morning.
Holding his hand—that hand—under the table was toying with whatever gave his heart reason to beat.
Aang had hugged her times a-plenty, but he had never held her hand in that way for that long. It eclipsed their kiss and left him powerless like a suddenly doused fire.
...It had felt like he was poisoning her—like he was touching her with an open wound. 
Aang slumped a little more in the corner of the balcony and stared at his callouses like they could tell him what to do.
The sunset was a smirk mocking his plight, but the moonrise was a gentle grin trying (...trying…trying very, very hard...) to heal his hurts.
Katara hated holding his hand. He felt that she did. She muted the room for him when she touched him; it brought her every reaction into stark relief. He had briefly wondered if that was what Toph felt like when she sensed when someone was lying.
Katara had stiffened. She even shifted like she couldn’t get comfortable. The breath that left her was fast at first like she was just told bad news. Her exhales after that were deep and almost seething.
...The worst part was when she wouldn’t look at him. She only glared about and around them.
Aang slumped from his crouch until his rear hit the ground. His right thumb stayed married to his left palm, and the white lightning stung tender like something freshly burned. He only partially wished that he had the top of his robes on when the thought of her regretting him cut the strings that held him together; he was a puppet collapsing against the balcony wall and sliding down gritty concrete. His scar—another reminder of her—stung him like smacks to the face and melted him into something made of noodles.
The moon was a bit higher, now, but its grin wasn’t any more reassuring than before. The bugs and small critters must have become annoyed with his melting because there was silence like Hei Bai’s forest when Aang made himself smaller than his shadow and dragged his kneading hand even closer to his face.
Their kiss—she had kissed him—barbed him with a sting like thorns on a rose bush except laced with poison and fiberglass. It was decaying from the start of something new into the empty longing for a once in a lifetime occurrence. 
Something shot him in the leg and crippled what made him Aang.
His right thumb kneading his left palm slipped and dug a fingernail into a callous.
He was goo freezing over—a body consumed by jennamite.
Aang breathed out, about to take the inhale to fuel the first hiccup dancing on his shaking lip—
—but then Katara stepped onto the balcony and leaned up against the bars.
Being an airbender had its perks, and his lungs not popping from the force and fullness of his panicked inhale was definitely one of them. He was a statue—a deformed gargoyle that looked more horrific to behold than to cross—, and the glimpse of Katara’s soft grin became a braided noose refusing to let him exhale.
None of the lights were lit.
Spirits, did he love his moonrise and the weakness that she gave him.
Katara was staring into something that didn’t exist on this plane and smiling at something he couldn’t see. She was a stilled lake normally raging and powerful and beautiful to behold. He wouldn’t dare disturb her. She was as calm as a reflection.
Sudden exposure reminded him of stepping into a forbidden part of the Southern Air Temple, and his presence became a violation of something precious. Katara was remembering moments of beautiful new somethings if the way she absentmindedly bent a stream of water about one wrist—her bending her joy unhindered—was anything to go by.
Aang blushed a shade of red that Aunt Wu could have mistaken as the intended location for eruption from the Symbol of Volcanic Doom. He closed his eyes, covered his ears, and dared to shimmy into the shadow of the corner. Katara was a warrior unmatched and without equal. That’s why she was Master Katara. He could no sooner escape her than escape the earthshaking hammer-blows that the hint of her smile drove into his chest. 
He sat on a tightrope whose cables were snapping and unwinding.
It was only when he felt weaker in a way that made him stronger that he peaked an eye open.
Katara was crouched and more concerned than bemused. “Aang?” She touched the knee that had curled to his chest and was threatening to buckle into his sternum. “Are you okay?”
…’Okay’ was a subjective and circumstantial term.
His voice was the sound of rubber sliding water off of wet glass. “M-hm.”
“What are you doing out here alone and...in the corner?”
“Well, I was just...Well, y’know…” His right thumb stuck to his left palm like they were nailed together. He tried (...tried...tried very, very hard...) to hide his wound from her. “Moon ‘s nice ‘n…’n stuff.”
Katara mulled over his words, said and unsaid. Her stare was an examination checking his vitals—his heart, his soul, and his happiness. She hummed a thoughtful sound that bookmarked her place in the pages of him.
It all happened in under the time it took her to breathe. Aang nearly stopped breathing altogether when she tapped her finger on his knee.
“You’re hiding on the balcony because ‘Moon ‘n stuff’?”
She spared his ‘hidden’ fiddling hands a half-lidded glance. “Aang...”
Katara flicked his arrow. Then, she waited.
Aang didn’t crack. He melted. 
“I was just—I thought…” He deflated. “I needed somewhere to think.”
Something about his words or the way that he said them made every bit of her soft. Her concern riddled him with holes, and, when she settled on the ground before him and propped her head on her arms on his knees, there was barely any of him left to keep him together.
“You wanna talk about it? It’s okay if you don’t. I just haven’t seen that look on your face since...Well, I can’t remember since when.”
One part of Aang threatened to grab the other part of him and throw him into a volcano.
He was making her worry. He should never make her worry, especially over something so silly—
He opened his mouth but hesitated. He didn't want to say no.
“Not—Not now.”
His honesty tamed her like she could feel it as easily as a temperature change. “It’s not something hurting you, right?”
Katara frowned with her eyes.
Then, she stood.
(Spirits, Aang loved his moonrise.)
“Take my hand.”
Aang’s heart took a trip to the tiny star just to the right of the moon.
She looked at him, and he felt hot cinders flake from his face and into his twisting belly. It sparked a fire so hot that it turned his sea of chi into an ocean of molten ore.
He was suddenly empty of something and filled to the brim with something else.
Katara’s hand was an invitation without equal, and the instinct to grab hold and never let go was a god’s hand trying to push him forward. 
He almost did.
But then his right thumb paused on his left palm, and white lightning struck him down.
Katara flinched like she felt it.
Aang curled into a knot like he could still hide it. 
Kneeling, Katara unraveled him without touching him. Her eyes found his and held him in place not like in a trap but like in a hug. Too soon his right thumb was hushed away from his left palm and his estranged hand was held close to her face. 
Aang couldn’t remember hearing her words, but he felt what she was saying.
Her sorrow nearly tore him apart.
Luckily, her smile kept his shredded heart together. 
And the kiss to his white lightning and the three points of his hand’s arrow put air back into his lungs. He dove into the cool-blue look she gave him and drowned himself in all that she was. 
He was filled with clouds so puffy that they threatened to let loose their rain, but his eyes became only wet and never misty. He smiled beyond the limits of what anatomy allowed when her face turn as red as his felt.
She said something that put his pieces back together, and she looked at him with something that gave him the strength. Cherry-red metal poured from a kiln and wept up her neck and into her cheeks.
Katara rolled her eyes to something that wasn’t there, disappeared inside, and returned with a mass of blankets.
“What are all the blankets for?”
“Moon ‘n stuff,” Katara said as she finished her nest of comforters and fortified quilt walls. 
Then she offered her hand again—she slipped it loosely into his own and waited for him to hold her first. 
“Sit with me.”
Aang shouldn’t have been as giddy as he was, and Katara pursed her smile like she was struggling not to enjoy his happiness too much when she tugged him up from the ground and laid with him against cushioned concrete. 
Moon ‘n Stuff was laughing and pointing out funny bits in constellations of their own designs. It was gossiping all the good rumors and their hopes about which of them might be true.
Katara crowned him King of their Chateau of Comforters with the softest blanket she had. It was blue and smelled like mornings when he could sleep in and like the small joys of finding warm things in cold places.
Katara accepted his invitation into his Blanket Castle within their Comforter Chateau. The blanket was plenty big for both of them and tied them together in a fuzzy cocoon.
She relaxed against him like she was sinking into warm water. The air that left her was fast at first like she just saw something she dearly missed. Every exhale after that was slow and satisfied—drunk on the indescribable and bewitched by the unimaginable. Aang felt her every movement so clearly that he wasn’t sure whether to give thanks or repent for the precious moment she was creating with him.
But then she shifted like she couldn’t get comfortable enough.
And she dragged an eye open to glare at any critter’s sound breaking their peace.
That was when Aang understood.
That was also when Aang lost it.
The urge to laugh was so overwhelming that it didn’t process into the bodily function, instead filling him from toe to brim with small giggles and soft feelings.
Katara didn’t want to share.
Of course, she didn’t.
Their moments were their moments, and he was hers and hers alone.
Master Katara was a being without equal, but Aang knew that which even she didn’t know.
Don’t worry about them. It’s just you and me right now.
Aang’s confidence limped back to him and convinced his estranged left hand to sidle towards hers. He touched the back of it with two fingers—an almost mute invitation, an almost silent knock on the door.
Katara laced her fingers with his like it was the most natural thing in the world. She handled it not like it was something wounded but like it was something precious, and she kissed all of his knuckles before cooling his white lightning with the gentle touches of her snowy-soft palm.
The hands were the most sacred part of a bender. They were the outlets from which their soul leaked. They were the culmination of all of their senses to interact with the world.
Aang’s world shyly smiled and fiddled with her hair. She shifted like she couldn’t decide on which spot against him or which way to hold him would bring them as close as she wanted. 
She wouldn’t even look at him for fear of changing color and state of matter from beautiful young woman to gorgeous little puddle.
She blushed like something beautiful coming into bloom.
Then, she said something.
Her words bypassed all feeling and branded themselves onto his heart
“...want to be my boyfriend? O-Only if you want to...because I want to, so...um...”
She inhaled on the word like she was telling good news and hoping for the universe to talk back to her.
Aang’s current incarnation threatened to be kicked out from under him and reborn into the Water Tribes.
His head nodded like it was trying to make a break for it.
Katara laughed like it was the only language she knew.
They shared each others’ smiles in a shy kiss that felt like a brushing of souls—like the gentle zap of lightning between earth and sky that brought beauty and shook all that they knew but brought with it no scars or destruction.
She squeezed his hand.
He kissed her again just because he could.
White lightning and snowy-soft touches connected what made them each other.
Aang wilted like soggy grass, full of that which gave him life and drunk on all that she gave him.
His hand didn’t hurt anymore. His heart was starting to ache, though. It was going to burst if he looked at her for much longer.
His night got darker when Katara closed her eyes, but he welcomed the weakness his rising full moon gave him.
She fell asleep against his side, and even when Aang no longer felt his arm, he didn’t dare move.
The balcony was empty except for them, and his heart was full of only her.
Katara mumbled once, shifted twice, and adjusted her grip to hug the whole of his arm.
She was hardly doing anything, but her doing nothing did everything to him.
Aang’s courage found him just as Katara found her new favorite spot.
He kissed her cheek, but, if he was being honest, he didn’t remember feeling the kiss.
“...I love you.”
He only remembered how her smile felt.
I hope you enjoyed, Anon! I know this isn’t Katara doing “nothing”, per se, but this is what my mush-brain put down when I sat and wrote😅  (I did, however, tuck that little ”doing nothing” idea away for different ficlet👀)
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wordsablaze · 4 years
12~ i’ll be your lighthouse
tell me your problems (i’ll chase them away) Internal scars can be difficult to deal with but Eskel vows to heal any that Jaskier is weighed down by if it’s the last thing he does…
A/N: i didn’t think i’d finish this in time but i felt like spiting that spoiler so happy valentine’s !!
@random-nerd-3 @betaray-jones @w-s-kibela @in-love-with-writing002 @screaming-flapjacks @havenoffandoms @lasaga666 @mayastormborn
previous chapter
“Ow, Scorpion!” Eskel grumbles as said horse headbutts him. 
It’s the third time she’s done so in the last two minutes and at this point, it’s safe to conclude she’s trying to complain about Jaskier taking too long. Eskel would agree with her but he doesn’t actually know how long it’s supposed to take anyone to purchase several items at a tailor’s so he sticks to waiting. 
And waiting. 
And waiting.
And being headbutted by Scorpion twice more.
And waiting.
He turns his head to see Jaskier beaming at him, a small bag slung over his shoulder. It takes him a moment to realise what’s changed but he feels like a fool when he does for the bard is now wearing an entirely new outfit and it’s such a blatant contrast from his previous faded blue look that he has no idea how he nearly missed it.
“Well, what do you think?” Jaskier asks, his eyes bright. 
Eskel blinks. “It’s very different.” 
And it is. Although his chemise is a dark grey that’s only one shade away from looking like a shadow, both his doublet and his breeches are a deep red, decorated with spiralling silver patterns and black buttons that look far too delicate to function properly. 
Jaskier rolls his eyes. “Thank you, darling, I hadn’t noticed.” 
“And it looks, uh, very striking,” Eskel offers, still internally trying to get over how well the colour somehow makes his eyes seem even brighter. 
Thankfully, Jaskier doesn’t seem too bothered by disjointed feedback, turning his attention to Scorpion when she steps towards him, gently running his fingers down her mane. “Sorry I took so long but not to worry, dear girl, I found you some apples.”
Eskel watches, transfixed, as Jaskier pulls an apple out of his pocket and offers it up to her, this time with no hesitation or guilt whatsoever; it’s oddly relieving to know the two are on such good terms for some reason.
“I really am sorry I took so long, Rafal was just finishing something else up - a spectacular dress I must say - and wouldn’t let me leave until I bought two sets even though I told him several times that someone was waiting for me!”
Chuckling, Eskel shakes his head. “It’s okay, we didn’t mind the wait. Especially not if it means you look so much more, uh…”
Jaskier smiles. “Like myself? Like a bard? Like someone you’d wish to be seen with? Like a true master of the liberal arts?” 
Eskel starts nodding, only to frown. Before he can voice his complaint at Jaskier’s phrasing, Jaskier clears his throat. “So, should we get going? You mentioned travelling north, I believe. Piana would be the obvious next place to stop, though if you intend not to appreciate being able to sleep under a solid roof for as long as possible, then I suppose we could simply follow the river?”
“We can stop at an inn,” Eskel says first, a little confused. 
“Great! I’m almost certain I’ve never ruined any marriages there so it should work out perfectly. Shall we?” Jaskier asks, holding out a hand.
Eskel is too busy wondering how Jaskier breezes through conversation so smoothly to catch up in time and unfortunately, he only figures he’s missed something when the air turns sour around them. 
Cursing internally, he blinks himself back into the present. It’s only a second later that he notices Jaskier pulling his hand back. He reaches out to grab it before Jaskier gets the wrong impression, gently entwining their fingers. “Hey, what happened?”
Jaskier exhales slowly. “I thought for a moment that you might have… changed your mind. About the- this,” he manages, squeezing Eskel’s hand.
“Not for as long as I live, bardling,” Eskel promises; he’s more than proud of the small, honey-scented smile he receives in reply.
Scorpion headbutts him again, at which point he remembers what he was going to ask. “You said you only bought two sets?”
“Yes?” Jaskier frowns. “I did try telling him I only really needed one of each thing but Rafal was so adamant, you should have seen him! A lecture on fashion to rival my own, truly! But I honestly didn’t mean to-”
“No no, Jaskier, wait,” Eskel interrupts, “It’s okay. I’m glad you got more than one, that was the point after all. I just meant to ask if you’d like Scorpion to carry the bag, it doesn’t seem heavy and we’re both walking so it’s no trouble for her.”
Jaskier’s mouth forms almost a perfect circle before his cheeks flush and he nods. “Oh. Well, that would be lovely. You are most certainly the kindest man to grace the continent!”
Eskel can’t help wondering what kind of men Jaskier is used to dealing with if he thinks such simple compassion is so difficult to encounter. There’s one obvious answer but he’s certain Jaskier’s expectations are rooted in far more than just his time with Geralt so he holds off on cursing him this time. 
He also briefly wonders if there’s anything in the bag at all, it’s so light in comparison to when he has to carry his armour anywhere, but Jaskier hadn’t smelt like he was lying so he doesn’t risk worrying him by asking as he attaches it to Scorpion.
“Could I-?” Jaskier cuts himself off, then takes a deep breath and tries again. “Could I have my lute back?”
“You don’t need to ask,” Eskel replies, easily handing it to him. 
Jaskier nods, visibly relieved, and slings the lute over his shoulder where the bag had been. Though it seems as though the bag had been a substitute for the lute case if the way Jaskier’s whole frame seems to relax is anything to go by. It reminds him of how comforting it is to feel his swords at his back and he’s glad that Jaskier had felt confident enough to ask for such comfort. 
With that, they set off, Eskel keeping Scorpion’s reins in one hand and Jaskier’s hand in the other. It’s a little odd to have both his hands occupied but he can’t say he’s complaining. If he’s honest, he’s doing the exact opposite of complaining. 
“Why red?” Eskel asks eventually. 
Jaskier jumps, his grip on Eskel’s hand fleetingly tightening to an almost painful level. He chuckles softly as his pulse slows to its normal speed. “Quite simply, darling, it reminded me of you. I thought it would only be fair for my first new look to reflect the one who prompted its existence.”
Eskel has to close his eyes for a moment in order to process that. He’s not sure what he’d been imagining - something to do with poetic contrasts or rebuilding, perhaps - but such casual sincerity hadn’t even registered as a possibility and he’s pretty certain the newfound warm twisting of his stomach relates to being honoured. 
“Thank you,” he says quietly, “but you really didn’t have to.” 
Jaskier turns to him with an eyebrow raised. “And you didn’t have to delay our travels in the first place but here we are. Now stop rejecting my gratitude or I will force you to listen to it in every single tavern we stop by.”
“Aren’t you already doing that?” Eskel points out.
“That doesn’t count!” Jaskier argues. “That one is beneficial for both of us.”
It probably is, but Eskel has a feeling their reasoning would be rather different. He doesn’t say anything else, though, just gently tugs Jaskier close until their shoulders are brushing and appreciates the way his breath hitches before he relaxes again, smelling sweetly of silk and sunshine. 
He’s never before been in such close contact with someone for so long but it’s a pleasant change. Jaskier starts humming after a while, swinging their hands in tune with whatever he’s singing in his head, and Eskel has to force himself not to distract or interrupt him because good gods the experience is so soothing. 
Predictably, Jaskier freezes once he stops humming, looking for all the world like a kitten caught pushing something off a table. “I’m sorry, I-”
“Don’t need to apologise,” Eskel finishes for him with a smile that he wishes could be as soft as he intends it to be. 
“Right,” Jaskier agrees, then laughs. “You haven’t heard that one before, have you?”
Eskel shakes his head. “Should I recognise it?”
“I would be surprised if you did,” Jaskier says, “for I got it from a crumbling tome written in elder that I stole from an ancient crypt deep within the forests.” 
“You what?” Eskel frowns, not sure whether or not he should be concerned that Jaskier is inadvertently summoning vengeful spirits or the like with whatever it is he’s using to pass the time. 
It takes Jaskier a minute to stop laughing. “Okay, I lied. It wasn’t buried in a crypt and I didn’t steal anything… that time. But it was from an old tome written in elder.” 
Eskel sighs but gives in and laughs when Scorpion nudges him, causing Jaskier to grin happily.  “Clearly one of you thought it was amusing, what brilliant taste she has! Hey, that deserves better than an eye-roll!”
“Perhaps,” Eskel admits, almost guilty about said eye-roll. Almost. 
Jaskier snorts. “We both know you’re secretly amused too. So, do you want to hear it? Do you know elder?”
Eskel shrugs. “A little. Probably not enough to understand your song, though.”
“We’ll see!” 
And so they do. Except Eskel doesn’t see because he understands perhaps a dozen of the couple hundred words Jaskier sings, but it sounds enchanting all the same. It also feels enchanting because Jaskier taps out the rhythm onto the back of Eskel’s hand as he sings and he’d be lying if he said his whole arm doesn’t feel the resulting warmth. 
He’s not sure what to make of the words themselves; Jaskier’s tone is filled with hope and agony and something wistful that sounds as if it’s been plucked from the dreams of fallen angels. His voice never wavers in the slightest and yet there is an unease to his singing, a promise that threatens to be broken, a wish stuck between being fulfilled and being destroyed. It’s beautiful and it’s painful and it’s nothing he’s ever heard before.
Jaskier is breathless when he stops, face flushed and eyes sparkling, and Eskel wishes he knew more of what had been sung so he could adequately express his admiration. “That was magnificent,” he whispers finally.
“It is,” Jaskier agrees after catching his breath, his grin so wide it looks like it’s about to break free of his face altogether. “It was years ago but it feels like just yesterday that I learned it. I don’t even understand every word but it still makes sense together, like a mystery that can only be solved if it’s being sung.”
Eskel has no idea what he means but it sounds poetic and seems to fit him perfectly so he just hums in acknowledgement and lets silence wash over them as they continue. Not that the silence lasts long.
“Why do you wear red then?” Jaskier asks.
Unprepared for such a question, Eskel draws a blank. “It hides the bloodstains?”
Their hands being firmly tied together means he’s forced to stop walking when Jaskier freezes on the spot, his face a comical epitome of shock.
“Gods, Jaskier, I- I was joking. It’s not really- It’s just a nice colour,” Eskel blurts, torn between laughing and cursing at himself for being so thoughtless. 
He swears he can literally see Jaskier’s exhale. It only takes a few moments for him to recover and use his index finger to poke Eskel’s chest. “Don’t ever joke about bloodstains like that. I am well aware that you witchers like to think you can get injured and bleed out and stitch yourselves up as you please but you can’t. You can’t and you shouldn’t and I swear if I was in charge of things, I would have it outlawed to- to not take care of yourselves. You horrible, selfless, insensitive, beautiful beings. No! Ugh, that was meant to be an insult.”
Eskel is still torn between laughing and cursing but now he’s aware of a much more tempting third option, which is to wrap his arms around Jaskier and hold him close for a moment. A long moment. Several long moments, really. 
Jaskier buries his head in Eskel’s neck so Eskel lifts one arm to curl his hand around the back of Jaskier’s head, gently running his hand through his hair. Jaskier shivers at the touch but only holds on tighter so Eskel takes that as a sign to continue, waiting patiently as the wilting flowers in the distance between them fade into calmer waves of ink and rose and sunrise.
“I’m sorry,” Eskel murmurs.
Sighing softly, Jaskier pulls back. “No, I’m sorry. I…”
“You don’t need to explain yourself,” Eskel says, even though he would very much appreciate an explanation for such a fierce response. 
Jaskier shakes his head, brushing non-existent tears from his eyes. “I need you to know it wasn’t your fault… It was the... song. It’s a rather powerful tale and I forgot how hellish it is to convey. There are a lot of emotions involved in storytelling, you know?”
He doesn’t, not really.
And he wants to ask about the song, about whatever it is Jaskier had been singing about. He wants to ask what was being said and what the mystery entailed and why it was hellish to convey but the last thing he wants is for Jaskier to panic and spiral into guilt so he swallows his questions down.
“I can imagine,” he says, offering a smile.
Jaskier grins at that, raising both hands and placing them gently on either side of his face, his thumb stroking careful lines across his cheeks. “You have the sweetest smile, Eskel.”
When Eskel makes to pull back, Jaskier leans forward and draws him close until their noses are pressed together, his hands keeping his head where it is without hurting him even in the slightest. “Don’t run from my words, darling, they’re only the truth and they’ll catch up with you in the end.” 
“Why does that sound like it’s a threat?” Eskel asks, his throat strangely clogged. 
Laughing, Jaskier brushes his thumbs across Eskel’s cheeks again, this time tracing his scars. “It is a threat. I’m very threatening.” 
Eskel laughs. He hears Scorpion huff behind him and that only makes him laugh harder, Jaskier joining in until they’re both forced to let go of each other lest they topple over and hurt themselves. Well, falling over wouldn’t exactly hurt a witcher but Eskel doesn’t want to take any risks on the behalf of bards.
“Shut up, I can be threatening!” Jaskier exclaims, but he’s too busy trying to catch his breath from laughing too hard to sound as if he’s telling the truth. 
“Of course. I feel very threatened,” Eskel teases, but it’s not quite a lie. 
A part of him certainly feels threatened, the part that never before considered his smile sweet or his voice kind or his actions worthy of song. Though perhaps that’s a threat worth embracing, he thinks. Then Jaskier’s hand slips back into his and he decides it’s most definitely a threat worth embracing, with both arms wide open. 
Scorpion must agree with him for she nearly breaks his nose as she moves her head, forcing him to step closer to Jaskier until they’re back to their arms brushing as they walk, falling perfectly into step with one another.
“The murky depths of a hollow love, the lies that you see above… the surface…” 
Eskel groans as Jaskier starts singing again, still not remotely comfortable with hearing about himself so often, but both of them know it’s more of a performatory complaint because being immortalised in song is an honour he won’t refuse. 
He has no idea how Jaskier can walk and sing at the same time and he makes a mental note to pause for a break once the song is complete. The lyrics all but wash over him as they walk because he’s too focused on the way Jaskier keeps swinging their arms or tapping on his skin to keep himself in tune, and this time there's no subtle melancholy to watch out for.
“Be not afraid if danger is near…” 
He does glance sideways at that, though, because he’s pretty sure Jaskier had mentioned a siren as opposed to generic danger before, but Jaskier is grinning and winks at him when their eyes meet.
“For the rose of the wolves will hold your hand.” 
Eskel smiles back at that, tightening his grip on Jaskier’s hand. He doesn’t quite know how to convey that he feels the same way so he just raises an eyebrow. “I could have sworn that rhymed last time.”
Jaskier splutters in offence for a moment before elbowing him. “It’s not as though I’ll be singing that line in taverns, it wouldn’t be right for dozens of strangers to steal your lovely hands away.”
“Not to worry, bardling, It’s not a service I offer to just anyone,” Eskel laughs, frankly not convinced that anyone else would even be interested. 
“Well I intend to take full advantage.” Jaskier winks again. 
His face now all but aching from smiling for much longer than he’s used to, Eskel nods. “The pleasure will be all mine.”
Jaskier beams at him, his face still flushed from having sung for so long, and Eskel is absolutely sure that had their positions been reversed, he’d likely have sung that into a ballad of some sort.
“We should probably take a break,” Eskel says a couple minutes later once they reach a suitable place to stop, a small clearing visible not too far from the road.
As if on cue, Scorpion neighs and stops walking. 
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” Jaskier chuckles. 
And when they settle to eat this time, they’re sat right beside one another, their elbows bumping and their knees knocking together every so often, and Eskel marvels at how something so new and unfamiliar and borderline threatening can also seem so right.
okay, i know it’s not quite valentine’s-worthy romance but there’s only one braincell between them and scorpion has it atm-
thanks for reading! masterlist | witcher sideblog: @itsjaskier | next chapter
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Being Human - Chapter 15
<= Chapter 14
Summary : Snatcher experiences the joys of waking up after a night of crying Also available on AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/24826561/chapters/67470473
Sorry for the late posting ! Thank you for all your support, I'm glad you like the fanfic so far ! (I know I haven't replied to all the comments, but I'll do it soon, life has been quite... Rough for me during the past few days, but it's going to get better. Also I'm playing Starbound way too much dkjhsqkjdfsdf)
Of course, the “Oh The Humanity” AU belongs to @doodledrawsthings​​ !
Happy reading !
Chapter 15 - “Do you have any… Theory, for now?”
The first thing that Snatcher noticed when waking up… Was how much his eyes hurt and how much his throat was dry. Confusion engulfed him as his still half-asleep mind was trying to understand why his eyes stung so much. He tried to open them, only to find that his eyelids seemed stuck together, and he only managed to get his eyes open by rubbing them. Why did it-
Oh. Yeah. He remembered now. He had cried a lot that night.
Snatcher took a deep breath, trying to ignore the flashes of memories invading his mind. No, he did not want to remember that dream, or anything related to that time down there. Or in his life in general, actually. The Prince of Subcon was dead, and he had nothing to do with that moron anymore. Nothing.
Well. Except for a body, now. The former ghost sighed, already exasperated. Oh, what an amazing way to start a wonderful day! He scoffed, though it wasn’t really sincere, and eventually looked around. He was still in the kids’ bedroom, however, he was alone. He had probably overslept, something that seemed hard to believe considering his psychological state, but it apparently happened. Huh, who would have thought? Certainly not him.
With a bit of trouble, Snatcher straightened, feeling his skin itching a bit. Oh, yeah, and he had slept with the same clothes as the day before, having no pyjamas in the bag lent by Cooking Cat. So that explained why it was itching so much, the wool jacket sure was comfortable but not on the long term. With a groan, the man took it off, with some struggle admittedly, but it was mostly due to the fact that he still needed to get used to having a body to control.
Funny how it was so difficult when he had actually possessed people in the past. Yet, he supposed it was due to the fact that he wasn’t controlling their body directly but mostly forced their mind to move said body the way he wanted them to. Magic stuff he didn’t want to think too hard about so early in the morning. Well, not that he could know what time it was, considering there wasn’t any clock in the room. With a sigh, Snatcher climbed down the pillow pool and stretched. Okay, that felt good, he couldn’t deny this fact. It was perhaps one of the pros of having a human body again: humans had bones, ghosts did not. Although, he knew how having his bones broken felt like and it wasn’t-
He shook his head. Here he was, thinking of that time again. Damned brain, always reminding him stuff he didn’t want to remember. Snatcher took another deep breath: it wasn’t the time to think of that, now. Slowly, he rubbed his eyes, feeling a bit better just by the contact. Normally he didn’t like the sensation of touch, but… It felt nice, like he was scrubbing his eyes or something. Weird and gross, but, heh, he might as well get used to it… Seeing as the little girls seemed to think it would take a while for him to go back to being a spirit.
He really hoped it wouldn’t last too long.
He forced his brain to focus on the situation at hand. Right, the kids. With that thought in mind, Snatcher left the room and walked to the hub, wondering where they could be. As soon as he entered the huge room, something caught his attention in the corner of his right eye. A bit surprised, the former shade turned in this direction, wondering what it was, only to find the older kid, hatless. This was truly a weird sight, as he only saw her without it when he had tried to kill her and her friend. Hah. Good times.
She was sitting in the pillows in front of the television, eating something colourful in a bowl -cereals perhaps?- still in her pyjamas. The brat glanced at him, her eyes widening as soon as she saw his face.
-“Woah,” she said, raising her brows: “Have you seen your reflection? Because you look like you’ve been hit by a train.”
Oh, joy, a remark about the consequences of his sobs. Great, fantastic. Snatcher rolled his eyes with a groan:
-“Good morning to you too,” he replied, though it was much more hostile than what he had first intended. Well, after such a greeting from her, he wasn’t in the mood to be nice. She winced a bit, and glanced away for a second, a brief flash of guilt visible on her face. When she looked back, her expression softened:
-“Sorry,” she murmured, before asking, putting her bowl on the ground as she stared at him: “Are you okay?”
The question took Snatcher aback, making him freeze. ‘Was he okay’? What kind of question was that? Of course he wasn’t! The former ghost scoffed, ready to make fun of the kid for how stupid she was to even ask something so obvious. However… The way she was so seriously looking at him made him close his lips before he even got the chance to mock her. He didn’t know why he was careful with someone else’s feelings all of a sudden, and yet, here he was. Snatcher stared into space, conflicted, before letting out a tired and frustrated sigh.
Whatever. At this point, his pride was already more than shattered; it wasn’t like something more would make such a big difference. And so, Snatcher sat next to her, on pillows that had been pushed on the side the day before. He brought his knees to his chest as kept his eyes on the floor. Eventually, after what felt like centuries to him, he managed to talk again:
-“No,” he muttered, his tone low: “No, I’m not.”
The kid stared at him for a few moments, as if the gears in her mind were turning in the background. After a while, her eyes widened a bit as a look of realization crossed her features.
-“Rough night?” she wondered with a compassionate voice.
Snatcher couldn’t help but scoff bitterly again. ‘Rough night’ would be an understatement compared to the hellish dream, or rather flashback, that he had. Soon, the sour smile on his lips died down and he shut his eyes, feeling his dream, no, his memories coming back to him. Why wasn’t he able to forget those after hundreds of years? Why couldn’t he move on and forget about the cruel woman that could freeze his entire forest the moment he turns his back- oh wait, that was why.
-“Yeah,” he finally replied with an exhausted sigh.
Silence fell in the room for a few, long seconds, until the hatless brat spoke again:
-“Wanna talk about it?” she offered and, for a moment, he was surprised at how nice and patient she was being. After all this time passed pushing him around, trying to make him do things… Now she was trying to be kind and calm? What was happening here?
-“Who are you and what did you do with the brat?” Snatcher retorted with a half sincere snort.
He had expected her to be mad at his question, but all she did was giggle at his joke. Apparently, someone clearly had a good night’s sleep, much more than him. At least, she wasn’t yelling or anything of the sort.
-“No, but for real,” she replied, her face becoming serious again after a few seconds: “I mean it, you know? Bow and I will always be there if you need something.”
Snatcher took a deep breath. Yeah, he did know that, but the former ghost wasn’t one to talk about his past or, worse, his “feelings”. What was there even to say about them? “Yeah, I dreamt about my ex killing me, it wasn’t very nice, I am weirdly upset by this”? Of course not. He knew the kids were aware of some parts of his past, not everything, but still. No one needed to be a genius to deduct what had happened after a visit in the Queen’s manor, and Moonjumper’s existence was only a proof of what was left of him.
Quite literally, in fact.
He sighed. He didn’t want to talk about any of that. Being forced to be alive again was already a lot to take in already.
-“Speaking about the other brat, where is she?”
The hatless little girl seemed a bit disappointed by the fact that he was still not opening up, but didn’t insist, to his great relief. This really was not a topic he wanted to be forced to talk about. At his question, the kid pointed to the engine room:
-“She’s taking a shower.”
-“Oh, so it’s morning then?” asked the former ghost, really lost with the sense of time on this spaceship. After all, it was hard to tell what time it was without any sun in the sky to give you any indication. But, here again, the child pointed somewhere else, this time on the huge safe behind them. Oh yeah, there was a clock on it. Snatcher wanted to slap himself for his own stupidity, but heh, at this point… In any case, the clock indicated that it was almost nine in the morning, and he couldn’t help but be surprised. He had imagined the kids would be the type to get up really late, but apparently he had been the one to take that role today. Well, not like it helped him to get a good night’s sleep anyway.
-“Oh. Right,” he muttered, more to himself.
Silence fell for a little while, until the hatless child started to eat her cereals again. Suddenly, the sight of the food, despite how disgusted he was of it in any kind, brought back that awful feeling in his stomach. Gods, it was like someone was having fun twisting his guts… Okay, it was fun when you were the one doing it on someone else, but feeling it was not enjoyable. It is at that moment that a loud gurgling sound echoed in the room, making Snatcher clench at his stomach, both ashamed and still a bit confused. The feeling of being hungry was not one he liked, definitely not. And his mouth was dry too, just like-
No. No, he wasn’t going to think of that again.
The brat -thankfully- interrupted his train of thoughts as she asked him something else:
-“So uh,” she paused, glancing at his face then to his stomach repeatedly before finishing her sentence: “Wanna eat something?”
Snatcher couldn’t help but groan, already knowing he wouldn’t have any choice in the matter anyway. He had learnt pretty well that fighting against his body and its urges wasn’t really a good idea, no matter how much he wanted to. So, with great reluctance, he opened his mouth again:
-“Unfortunately, yes,” he answered, visibly frustrated to no end. His reply seemed to amuse the little girl for a few moments but she quickly did her best to hide her expression behind a straight face. Yeah, good choice, given Snatcher’s sour mood. He didn’t mention it, but he was a bit relieved not to be mocked or looked at for how difficult daily human tasks were for him, even the most basic ones, ones that were oh so important to survive.
And so, they both stood up, the former ghost now more stable on his two legs. Yes, he was getting used to those things! Climbing the ladder was a bit harder though, but he eventually managed to get on top of the mezzanine. Just as they were about to enter the kitchen, the door from the engine room opened. Snatcher and the hatless brat looked over the guardrail, seeing the younger kid, all dressed up. She was wearing a yellow tunic with cat paws pattern on it, with dark, plain leggings. Her hair were styled just like usually, and she was wearing a variation of her usual blue bow, this time red. Snatcher couldn’t help but wonder how many of them she had.
-“Hey again!” greeted the hatless brat from above, catching the attention of the other child, making her jump a bit from the surprise. The latter raised her head and her eyes meet theirs. Instantly, a smile made its way on her lips as she saw both of them.
Ugh. Too many smiles for today already, and the day had already barely started.
-“Hey, Hat!” she greeted the older one back, before waving to Snatcher: “Hello! Did you-”
However, as soon as her eyes fell on him long enough to inspect his face, apparently more than indicative about his lack of sleep, she closed her mouth, keeping it shut before asking any stupid question. Although, the worry in her eyes made Snatcher more irritated than he already was. He was already past his comfort zone, so might as well continue, heh.
-“No, I did not sleep well,” he answered as he rubbed his face, feeling how tired he was just by the feeling of his skin, of how cold his hands were because of the lack of sleep, how he could feel some sort of bags under his eyes… Oh, yes, the day was already starting so well!!
Ha. What a joke.
Snatcher half sighed, half yawned in his hands and stared back at the kid down in the hub:
-“And no, I don’t want to talk about it,” he added, just to make sure, in case it wasn’t clear enough from his expression. The worry in the other’s eyes didn’t disappear, but at least she tried to hide it behind a smile, and she nodded.
-“That’s fine,” she simply said, before a short silence fell into the room, as if no one knew what to say anymore. It was only thanks to the hatless kid that the tension was reduced a bit.
-“So uh, now that you’re done showering…” she started, nodding to the man as she kept talking: “You okay helping him to find something to eat? I’d like to shower too, now.”
Snatcher didn’t like to be mentioned as if he weren’t in the same room, but he was too exhausted to care enough. All he wanted was to be done with eating and drinking as soon as possible, hoping he’d be able to rest later.
Not to sleep, however. Oh, no, not after a dream like that. But he was tired and he could feel his eyelids being heavier than normal, or whatever was supposed to be normal. He only had been in this body for two days, it wasn’t like he was the most experienced one to deem what was normal or now.
The bow-wearing girl nodded with much motivation, seemingly very determined to help:
-“Oh, yeah, sure!” She then walked to the ladder and climbed, joining the duo. When she was close enough of her older friends, the two of them high fived and giggled soon after. Somehow, Snatcher couldn’t help but think of them as two fighters relieving one another from their duties. He felt insulted for a moment, but then again, he was too tired to care and just rolled his eyes at the gesture. The hatless brat went down in the hub, walking to her bedroom, probably to get some clothes to the bathroom with her.
The former shade was brought back to reality as he heard the kitchen door opening. When he glanced back at the bow-wearing kid, she was holding the door for him, waiting for him to come in. Without waiting much longer, the man complied, thanking her with a quiet nod. Saying “thank yous” and “you’re welcomes” weren’t something he was used to, after all this time snatching souls and killing people, but he was not a complete jerk. Or, well, he was, but.
Then again.
Snatcher didn’t care and just wanted things to be over with so he could rest his eyes.
-“So, what do you want to eat?” asked the little girl, as she rummaged in the cupoards, “We have cereals, waffles, pancakes, cookies-”
An instant feeling of dread and nausea settled over Snatcher, who couldn’t help but gag at the simple mention of those damned biscuits. No, never, ever, nope, jamais. His reaction caught the kid’s attention, who turned in his direction, while he was covering his mouth, eyes shut and heart beating faster in his chest. Gods, how could he feel so ill just by hearing the names of those things? Well, that wasn’t really hard to know, considering how traumatized this all made him. Of course, cooki-, no, those things were just a part of this trauma, a single drop of water among an entire ocean of terrible experiences. Now, being hungry just made it worse, as saliva pilled up in his mouth, more and more and more-
-“The sink, the sink!” exclaimed the little girl, suddenly pushing him over the counter so he could bend over said sink. As soon as he was in front of it, his body collapse over it, his mouth opening as he felt his stomach contracting, trying to push whatever was inside out of him. Which, quite frankly, was practically nothing, as he didn’t eat much the day before. All that came out of his mouth was a dark-green-to-yellowish-brown fluid, leaving an awful acidic taste on his tongue. He didn’t have more time to think about it as a fit of coughing interrupted him, preventing him from breathing. No matter how much he was trying, another cough stopped him right before he inhaled anything. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t-!
He then felt a hand patting his back, rubbing it too in a reassuring way:
-“It’s okay, Snatcher, it’s okay,” said a soft voice behind him, forcing his mind to focus on something else: “Calm down, it’s going to be fine, breathe”, it added, repeating all those words over and over again with that same soft and gentle tone. The rubs were still continuing and, for once, Snatcher was glad his senses were still easily overwhelmed. Soon, the panic died down and he managed to stop his coughing, taking a deep, deep breath. Gods, he had needed that.
It took him a while to finally recover, his breath still heavy for a while. Gods, this felt terrible. The man then eventually noticed that he was handed a napkin to wipe the bile off his face. Silently, he took it with a shaking hand, doing his best to clean himself.
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-“You okay now?” questioned the little girl, her intonation full of concern. Well, in that case, he couldn’t really blame her. He was pretty concerned himself.
-“Y-yeah,” he breathed out as he nodded, his eyes still fixed in the sink, sweat forming on his forehead: “… Thanks,” he then muttered, though it was loud enough for the kid to hear him. A little smile formed on her lips as she realized that he had voiced his gratitude, and she rubbed his back more.
-“You’re welcome,” she replied warmly. She then bent over the sink and opened the tap, keeping her eyes fixed on anything else as she did so. Once done, another silence settled in the room, making Snatcher a bit more uncomfortable than he already was. Fortunately, the bow-wearing child started to talk again:
-“Do you… Still want something to eat?” she asked with clear hesitation in her voice. The question made the former spirit think. He didn’t want to, but… At the same time, he knew that he would feel worse and worse if he kept refusing food to his body. Even if it wasn’t much, he could eat a small part of something, just to give his body enough fuel to survive the day.
-“I’ll…” he paused as he tried to stand straight again, still keeping his hands over the counter just in case: “I’ll try the cereals,” he replied, before adding, his voice hoarse: “With a glass of water, please.”
Gods, he really was polite, today.
The kid quickly agreed and started to pour him a bowl, being careful not to give him too much. She then gave him a glass of fresh water, which he immediately drank. Surprisingly, he didn’t choke himself with it. Perhaps he was getting better at this swalling thing. Then again, swallowing liquids was much easier than doing so with solid food.
The duo soon left the kitchen, Snatcher with food in his hands, as they walked to the TV, sitting there once more.
-“You’re not eating?” he asked the little girl as they settled down.
-“I already did,” she said, approaching the television to… Change the channel. Gods, technology was so confusing. He had heard a bit about what a TV was from some of his previous contractor, but being in front of the real thing was much more unsettling than he had first thought. Now, the screen was showing what seemed to be a movie, one featuring birds. A lot of them. Owls, more precisely, in what seemed to be some kind of desert.
What the heck.
After some time eyeing the cereals in the bowl, he finally found the courage to take a first bite and… It was okay. Sure, the texture felt weird, but they were small enough to be chewed easily, and the taste wasn’t too strong like the sandwiches had been the day before. Saying that Snatcher was surprised would be an understatement, but hey, at least he had found something he could eat without too much trouble!
-“Is it good?” wondered the bow-wearing child, interrupting his train of thoughts again.
-“Yeah, it’s… It’s fine,” he replied, doing his best to focus on chewing and swallowing. One second of inattention would surely make him cough again, with food going down the wrong way. This was not something he wanted to experience.
In any case, eating wasn’t “nice” per se, but for now, it was doable. Some part of him couldn’t help but think it was mostly a problem linked to a lack of habit. Perhaps it would improve with time. At least, this time, he had known what to expect, so he now he wasn’t too unnerved at the feeling of something inside his mouth. No need to say that this was some kind of progress, and he felt relieved at the thought. Sure, he didn’t want to stay a human too long, but if he managed to grasp how to operate his weird body, then it wouldn’t be as unbearable as it was when he turned. Just really unsettling, for very obvious reasons.
And that thought brought him to another question, which he couldn’t help but voice to the other:
-“So… You’re both going to try to find a solution again, today, right?” He really hoped they did. The faster he could become a ghost again, the better.
The little girl nodded, a more serious look now on her face:
-“Yeah, we will,” she answered, but then added with cautious intonation: “But we’re still at the very beginning of our research. It’s going to take us a few days to understand how to reverse the process, and more days to figure out how to make it work.”
Snatcher hummed at her reply: yeah, that’s what he had understood from their conversation the day before. He wasn’t particularly surprised hearing that again. Yet, he couldn’t get rid of the fear of having Vanessa freezing the entire forest and all of its undead inhabitants once more… He really hoped she wouldn’t notice anything before a while.
He had to protect his kingdom. His home.
-“Do you have any… Theory, for now?” he still asked, wanting to know more about the little girls’ plans and hypothesises. At her question, the bow-wearing child winced, but still answered as much as she could, explaining what they had found so far:
-“We don’t know much… Yet. We do have a theory or, well, a possible way of reversing the process,” she developed, her eyes glancing at him as she kept going: “See, the Time Pieces work thanks to the sand inside of them. On their own, they’re just basic receptacles, you know? That’s why we were inspecting the sand, yesterday, so we could know if it was possible to, like… Reverse the effect.”
-“What do you mean, ‘reverse the effect’?” he interrupted her, confused. This was much too abstract for him, yet he was doing his best to understand.
-“Hum, well… Look, when you break a Time Piece, it goes back in time, right?” she asked him, waiting for him to nod before continuing: “But actually, there are two options, not just one. It doesn’t just ‘go back in time’. It either does it randomly, going back a few seconds to a few years earlier -in your case, centuries-, either it follows what the person wishes the most while breaking the Time Piece.”
The man’s eyes widened at her words. Oh, so that explained quite well why a war broke out on the children’s planet. In any case, this was a lot to take in, though he remained silent to allow the other to continue her explanations:
-“So, what we’re trying to do is to determine how the sand works. Once we do… We’ll be able to change its properties, thanks to all the stuff we have in the machine room. Of course, this is only a very, very short summary of our theory, because there are a lot more factors playing a part in it. But,” she paused, raising a finger: “But, if we do manage to do that… We might be able to turn you back to your ghost self, thus, ‘reversing the effect’. You’ll have to wish to go back to who you were when breaking the Time Piece, and it should work.”
The former ghost hummed, though it was still a bit hard for him to understand. He did catch the basic information though, and well, at least the girls had a lead. He really hoped this would work… And wouldn’t take too long to execute. They did have a time limit, after all…
Just as he was about to ask for more details, a loud ringing sound echoed in the spaceship, all the lights turning red all of a sudden. The man’s heart jumped in his chest as a startled scream left his lips from the surprise. What was that?! It sounded like an alarm, blasting over and over and over again in the ship. The former ghost turned to the bow-wearing kid, but instead of seeing fear or confusion on her face, all he could see was some annoyance.
-“Gosh, I should really turn that off for good,” she groaned as she stood up. Somehow, the fact that she didn’t seem worried at all reassured Snatcher quite a bit. It sounded like it was a repetitive occurrence, from her expression. Still, the ringing hurt Snatcher’s ears much more than what he’d like, and, fortunately, it stopped after a few more moments. Soon, the ship was filled with silence again, to Snatcher’s great relief. Good. He wasn’t sure he could have handled more of that awful and loud sound.
-“What was that?” he wondered, his voice faltering from the shock. Gods, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest.
-“The intruder alarm,” she simply answered, matter-of-factly: “It means someone came onto the ship.”
At those words, the man felt a twist in his guts. Someone? Who…? In the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but fear for a particular person, though his rational side was trying its best to reassure him. It wasn’t Her, it couldn’t be Her!
He needed to stop having those irrational fears. There were many things more urgent he could be scared about. But not something this stupid or just impossible. How would She even come here? Sure she had magic, but not teleportation spells or anything. Besides, he was pretty sure that She couldn’t even see the spaceship from the mansion. After all, the whole domain was almost completely hidden by a large ice dome…
Gods, why did he need reassurance so much?
The kid seemed to notice his panic and started to rub his back again, the feeling of touch being strangely comforting for some reason:
-“Don’t worry, it’s going to be okay,” she told him with a calming and soothing voice. Although it only made Snatcher feel more and more miserable. He wasn’t some child in need of comfor- oh. He was shaking again.
This body was like an open book, and Snatcher hated that.
-“I’m… I’m fine,” he muttered, gritting his teeth: “So, where is the intru-” However, the former-ghost was cut short as the door from the bedroom opened swiftly, revealing a very familiar face.
So, here was another chapter... And another cliffhanger :)c I had to, hehehe In any case, I hope you're still interested in this fanfiction, and I hope you'll like the next chapters too !
See you in the next chapters !
=> Chapter 16
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livehorses · 4 years
Frozen 2 bizarre theory: Elsa’s the Fifth Spirit’s chosen daughter and not the Fifth Spirit itself.
I know, I know, it’s not the most original theme to take when everybody is still making conjectures and theories about it, but, even if this doesn’t sounds credible and you don’t give me the reason, still let me at least having fun raving nonsense.
First of all, as many had pointed out, ice is nothing more than a physical state of the element of Water, not exactly what we could call the Fifth Element. But what could we say is the Fifth Element? Well, many has said is Light. Here in this video of the ROTBTFD fandom for example, the editor chose Elsa as Light for her Element, while Jack was water, Hiccup fire, Merida wind and Anna earth (nature).
And now, here is what my conclution, strange relations and bizarre theories started. The Fifth Spirit, Light, use to manifestate itself in the form of Northern Lights, from which the other elements are born.
You don’t believe me? Let’s take a look into the Frozen world and Disney’s. Also, I’m going into a more fantastical explanation than a scientific one.
First exposition:
So, when the Frozen movie stars, it’s a night full of Northern Lights. The castle can be seen under this sky.
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That was the same day King Agnarr told his daughters the story of the enchanted forest. Now, in the Frozen 2 trailer, there was a scene obviously done just for the trailers or maybe for an alternate scene that didn’t make it into the movie, in which Iduna was shown looking at this Northern Lights with concern, like if she knew that was a foreshadowing of future events, and Elsa looks like she knew something was up.
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Second exposition: 
Disney and LEGO released a short movie where Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Sven and Olaf travel to see the Northern Lights. In this adventure the Northern Lights start to dissappear, and at a time Elsa’s powers start to fail.
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When they go with the trolls to get an idea of what’s happening, they find three crystals. At the end of the story they come across Grand Pabbie on their road. He explains that he has to make a trip every 500 years to the place where Earth meets the Sky to put those crystals in position so the Northern Lights can appear. The crystals, according to him, reflect each light from each corner of Arendelle. When the Northern Lights appear, Elsa’s powers come back to normal.
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Now, this maybe sounds like it doesn’t have nothing to do, but the fact that Elsa’s powers in some point are attached to the Northern Lights makes me wonder a lot. Also, you know where we can see four simillar crystals of simillar colors?
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Also, when Elsa arrives to Ahtohallan, the mysthical voice appears in the form of a light of multiple colors, like Northern Lights.
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It guides her across Ahtohallan and at some point it stops. Elsa proceeds to turn it into crystals, the crystals elements, like she did on “Into The Unknown.” 
In my opinion, each color of light that represents one corner of Arendelle represents one Elemental Spirit. Red maybe is fire, blue water, green earth and yellow air. 
Third exposition.
Getting out from Frozen, there’s another movie in which Northern Lights has the same importance. Maybe I’m not good on Northern indian culture, but I’m getting that in the movie “Brother Bear” at least the Northern Lights are the spirits adored by Kenai’s people.
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They are spirits related with nature, with the ability to turn a man into a bear. Moving on, we must remember Northern Ligths are made when the Sun rays come across the magnetic force of the Earth and get separated like the light across a prysm, in many colors. And Yelana clearly said: “We are the Children of the Sun.”
My theory is that the Sun is the source of the other elements. From the Sun it comes to us the light, the four elements born from it, come into Earth, get separated in form of Northern Ligths and then take a more sustantial form when they arrive. They return to the sky when Grand Pabbie makes that peculiar ceremony. 
Elsa was born with these habilities to manipulate the other elements, turning water into ice and snow, making snow storms on the air, freezing the earth and taming fire. She can order over them, convine them and separate them as their source, Light, can do.  
She was chosen by the spirits to personify the Fifth Spirit, but she’s not the Fifth Spirit herself, she’s more like a chosen daughter of the Sun, as half of northuldra that she is, to become the bridge between humanity and nature. 
And yeah yeah, we can argue the Sun, that is the source of light in our Solar System, is a ball of fire, one of the four Elements, and fire generates light for itself so, what would we say is the Fifth Element? But we can’t deny the importance that the Northern Lights have in Elsa’s life. I think all this time I’ve been just like:
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Anyway I’m rambling more than ever and I’m getting a bit confused so, if you could correct me in something I got wrong or help me to make richer this theory, I would be very thankful.
Thank you for reading this nonsense.
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wisteriabookss · 4 years
Nessian Folkmore
I’m going to start this series called “Nessian Folkmore,” where I compare songs from the albums Folklore and Evermore by Taylor Swift to the Nessian relationship!
Todays song: Ivy, from Evermore
[Verse 1] How's one to know? I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones In a faith-forgotten land
Though Nesta and Cassian didn’t first meet in Illyria, I think this can be seen as their “first” meeting, in which they first start to see each other as evolving and changed people, in Illyria. I also think “where the spirit meets the bones,” is a pretty poetic way of describing Illyria. It just fits. 
Or, this could also be applied to ACOWAR where Nesta was being more obvious of her feelings toward Cassian. A lot of people say that when Nesta screamed Cassians name during the battle, the mating bond snapped into place, so this whole verse could be describing that moment. I could definitely describe a battlefield as “a faith-forgotten land” and “where the spirit meets the bones.”
In from the snow Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow Tarnished but so grand
This lyric transports me to Illyria, obviously because of the snow. “Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow / Tarnished but so grand,” the tarnished part makes me think of how rough Cassian’s hands are always described to be, but also of the emotional damage that has been done to the both of them, so even though they both feel beaten down, their touch will bring each other warmth and comfort (eventually, anyways). 
[Pre-Chorus] And the old widow goes to the stone every day But I don't, I just sit here and wait Grieving for the living
“Grieving for the living” is such a powerful line for me, but in relation to Nessian, I think we can apply it to Cassian grieving for the state Nesta is currently in. He see’s how bad of a place she’s gotten herself into, and he obviously doesn’t like it.
[Chorus] Oh, goddamn My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand Taking mine, but it's been promised to another
“My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand” I mean could we get any more Nessian? Nesta’s pain getting perfectly healed in the palm of Cassians freezing hand? And Cassians pain also being perfectly healed in the palm of Nesta’s freezing hands It’s too perfect. (also the “freezing hand” part works well too cause they’re in the mountains)
“Taking mine, but it’s promised to another” ya’ll will see how this song is about a woman finding love outside of her marriage, so I will obviously skip these parts lmao. 
Oh, I can't Stop you putting roots in my dreamland My house of stone, your ivy grows And now I'm covered in you
“Oh, I can’t / Stop you putting roots in my dreamland” could be talking about how Nesta may want to fight it, but she can’t stop Cassian from weaving his way though her heart, her mind, and her spirit. “My house of stone, your ivy grows, and now I’m covered in you” perfectly explains how each of these guys have hard exteriors, but will be covered in each others goodness and love. 
[Verse 2] I wish to know The fatal flaw that makes you long to be Magnificently cursed
Nesta and Cassian wanting to know what makes the other one who they are, as in, what trials and tribulations did each get through in order to get to where they are now. 
He's in the room Your opal eyes are all I wish to see He wants what's only yours
What if someone has a crush on Nesta when she gets to Illyria? I doubt it, but that would be fun lol.
[Chorus] Oh, goddamn My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand Taking mine, but it's been promised to another Oh, I can't Stop you putting roots in my dreamland My house of stone, your ivy grows And now I'm covered
[Verse 3] Clover blooms in the fields Spring breaks loose, the time is near What would he do if he found us out?
Maybe what would Devlon and the other Illyrian’s do if they found out that Cassian and Nesta are together? We already know they don’t like her because they think she’s a witch and “other,” and we know they don’t like Cassian.
Crescent moon, coast is clear Spring breaks loose, but so does fear He's gonna burn this house to the ground
Fear breaks loose because of what Nesta might do with her extreme powers once they’re revealed. 
How's one to know? I'd live and die for moments that we stole On begged and borrowed time
Cassian grunted in pain, but lifted his bloodied hands—to cup her face. “I have no regrets in my life, but this.” His voice shook with every word. “That we did not have time. That I did not have time with you, Nesta.”
So tell me to run Or dare to sit and watch what we'll become And drink my husband's wine
“Go,” Cassian groaned. Her power had stopped hurling the king across the forest. He now stalked toward them, brushing off splinters and leaves from his jacket—taking his time. Knowing she would not leave. Savoring the awaiting slaughter. Nesta gritted her teeth, trying to haul Cassian up once more. A broken sound of pain ripped from him. “Go! ” he barked at her.
[Bridge] So yeah, it's a fire It's a goddamn blaze in the dark And you started it You started it
A Court of Silver Flames. Feyre painted fire on Nesta’s drawer. And there’s enough fire references to their relationship that I think it’s obvious.
So yeah, it's a war It's the goddamn fight of my life And you started it You started it
I’m pretty sure this next book will represent the fight of Nesta’s life, because there’s a lot she needs to accept and work through. It’s make it or break it time. Cassian would obviously be one of those catalysts, cause he’s obviously the one going with her.
I really hope you enjoyed this! Please feel free to add your own theories or comparisons, this is all for fun!
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ancientskullkid · 4 years
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Zelda theory time! We know the Kokiri became the Koroks between OoT & TWW. Obviously NOT a slow genetic biological evolution from fauna to flora, but instead a magical transformation. Also, not all Kokiri changed! Fado the Wind Sage remained a Kokiri when the Kokiri changed into Koroks. So this is my theory. The Kikwi followed Oolo up to Skyloft after the events of SS. The Kikwi became the Picori. The prologue of TMC says the Picori “appeared from the sky” This means the Minish World/Realm is so named because it is where the Minish went to after the events of the Hero Of Men, rather than being the place where the Minish came from (because they actually came from the sky first). So the Kikwi move to the Sky, become Picori, then move back down to the surface. The Picori in the forest become Kokiri between the events of TMC & OoT. However, how does this happen? Do they all change at once? Do they have individual choice whether to change? Farore, the Oracle of Secrets, is found in Castle Town in TMC. I believe her to be Kokiri, perhaps the first Picori to change into Kokiri. Timeline split. Adult timeline. of course TWW, Kokiri into Koroks. I’m not sure we see this race in ST. I suppose it’s possible that they became the Lokomo, but I personally believe the Lokomo to be Sheikah (magic technology like SS & BotW). I think the Koroks are still helping the Deku Tree(s) raise Old Hyrule and/or drain the Great Sea, which is obviously South of New Hyrule. Child timeline. TP. we saw Farore in Castle Town in TMC. we see Agitha in Castle Town in TP. both part of a trio. Farore is Kokiri. Din is Gerudo. Nayru plays the Harp of Ages, which is the same color as Timeshift stone & indeed its main function is time travel. The Sheikah symbol is on Timeshift stone in SS. Sheikah Tech in BotW is Timeshift stone color, & the Stasis rune freezes something in time. I believe Nayru the Oracle of Ages to be Sheikah. Agitha, Telma, & Fanadi. Fanadi is obviously Sheikah. Telma is Gerudo, she even has a Gerudo symbol on her apron/dress. Agitha is Kokiri. Child in appearance with strange adult maturity. Forest theme in her “castle” with living flora all over. These 3 each have 3 dots around their eyes. Red for Gerudo. Blue/Purple for Sheikah. Green for Kokiri. So Agitha is Kokiri in TP. But where are the rest? There’s a theory about the monkeys, but it’s far more likely that they are related to the Terminian monkeys in MM (same timeline split). The Picori came from the sky. The forest Minish have a feather. Are they wearing the feather or are they growing the feather? Fado & Makar are Wind Sages. Vaati is a wind mage. Saria was going to be Wind Sage before they changed her to Forest Sage. Strong connection between Forest & Wind elements. I think the Kokiri returned to the sky between OoT & TP. As the Oocca. so... here’s the thing... the Loftwings also lived in the sky... there’s a chance that the Kikwi & Loftwings were magically joined into 1 Picori race... which would strengthen the Forest/Wind interchangeability & the feathers of the Picori & the Oocca. But there’s an equal (if not greater) chance that the Loftwings are not connected... and I kinda prefer the idea that the Helmaroc King in TWW & 4SA is related to the Loftwings. but anyway, digress and all that. 4SA. Vaati was Picori. the only other characters I can think of that have any chance of being this race are the Maidens. Perhaps the Green Maiden, but I have another theory about her being Hylian & descended from (or just related to) Auru from TP and/or Rauru from OoT. I believe White to be the 4SA generation of Impa/Impaz, Yellow to be descended from/related to Fanadi from TP, Blue to be descended from/related to Renado & Luda from TP, Red to be descended from/related to Telma from TP, & Purple to be descended from/related to Ashei from TP. there’s also the Zuna, but there has been pretty much no desert connection with any of the other races in this theory. & I have a theory about the Zuna being descendants of some Twili that moved from the Twilight Realm to live in Hyrule’s desert. Downfall timeline! ALttP. There’s the Lumberjacks: A. Bumpkin, B. Bumpkin, & Q. Bumpkin. They are dressed like Kokiri, however they are cutting down trees... which seems like not a Kokiri thing to do. There’s also the dwarven swordsmiths. Dwarven as in short, like the Kikwi, Minish, Kokiri, Koroks, & Oocca. Swordsmiths as in the Kikwi forged the Slingshot, the Picori forged the Picori Blade, the Kokiri forged the Kokiri Sword, the Oocca forged the Dominion Rod, & the Koroks forged the Forest Dweller’s Sword in BotW. They also remarkably resemble the Mountain Minish. also, the 1 found in the Dark World is found in a frog-like form... frogs being consistently connected to the Wind element (Zephos, Cyclos, Cylos)... and the Kokiri & Korok Sages being Wind Sages. Of course... if Farore can be a Kokiri while there are Picori Minish... and if Fado can be a Kokiri while there are Koroks... and if Agitha can be Kokiri while there are Oocca... then it is possible that both the Lumberjacks & the Dwarven Swordsmiths are Kokiri. but it’s also possible that neither of them are Kokiri. Farore is in the Oracle games. I think it’s very possible this race in any form are the elves of Hyrule, as in ageless & immortal (but not invincible or unkillable!)... so I think it is possible (even probable) that Farore the Oracle of Secrets is the same in TMC as she is in the Oracle games, as opposed to an ancestor/descendant situation. She lives in the Maku Trees, which talk like Deku Trees. Seems pretty Kokiri. In the Oracle games, we come across the talking birds in a house known as the Know-It-All birds... just like the Kokiri Brothers in OoT... & the birds do not appear to have an owner... could be this race in an Oocca-like form in the Oracle games. Under Holodrum live the Subrosians in Subrosia. and here we get to another thing... in SS, Guld the Mogma also lived in the sky at the end... & we never see the Mogma again. Perhaps the Kikwi joined Oolo and the Mogma joined Guld. There is a chance the Mogma & Kikwi magically merged into one Picori race. the Picori themselves have very similar body types to the Mogma. Mole-like snout-ish face, 4 mole-ish fingers. Mountain Minish live underground on a volcanic mountain. if the Kikwi, Mogma, & Loftwings all merged into 1 Picori race... then when they return to the surface... the Picori more like their Mogma ancestors could have felt drawn to the mountain... the Picori more like their Kikwi ancestors could have felt drawn to the forest... & the Picori more like their Loftwing ancestors could have felt drawn to the Hylians in Castle Town. Perhaps after TMC... the Town Minish return to the sky as Oocca that show up in TP & as the Know-It-All birds in the Oracle games... the Forest Minish turn into Kokiri... & the Mountain Minish move to Subrosia & become the Subrosians. ALBW. just a few options. I believe Agitha to be Kokiri in TP. the bee guy is similarly obsessed with bees as Agitha is with bugs. so he could be Kokiri. and in Hyrule there is 1 Dwarven Swordsmith instead of 2, but for all the same reasons as the 2 in ALttP, he could be Kokiri. there is also a dwarven swordsmith in Lorule... but if Lorule is Termina, then the Lorule Dwarven Swordsmith is more likely related to Zubora (who I believe to be Sheikah). the 1st Zelda game has no characters & is in desperate need of a remake that really fleshes it out. TAoL. in the Great Palace are bird-like “enemies” that are only “enemies” because they protect the Triforce of Courage because they serve the King of Hyrule. could be this game’s version of Rito. could be this game’s version of Oocca. the Fokka have arms & they wield swords & shields. the Fokkeru are more bird-ish than humanoid. perhaps the Fokka are Rito. perhaps the Fokkeru are Oocca. last but not least BotW. Koroks, obviously. however... I believe adult Hylians become Stalfos when they get lost in the Lost Woods... child Hylians become Stalchildren when they get lost in the Lost Woods... & Kokiri become Skull Kids when they get lost in the Lost Woods without their Fairy partner... keeping their soul & personhood (unlike the Stals) when the Forest Curse turns them undead, because when they were not undead they were immortal. So what happens when a Korok gets lost? Blupees. Picori Minish supposedly made and/or hid rupees in the grass. they become Kokiri. they become Koroks. they get lost & become Blupees, which make rupees when shot with an arrow. also, the Blupees gather around Satori, the Lord of the Mountain, who very much resembles Ordona from TP, Light Spirit of a forest province very close to where the Kokiri & Deku Tree lived in OoT. Blupees gather around Satori very similarly to how Kokiri/Koroks gather around Deku Trees. I’ve got this big theory that the whole Zeldaverse is much MUCH smaller than most fans think it is. and this idea that the Kikwi, Picori, Kokiri, Koroks, & Oocca are all 1 race in 5 forms instead of 5 separate races is just a small piece of that mega-theory. but it is just that... a theory...
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A Complicated Profession - 4
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day!! I hope you enjoy the final chapter of this mini-series, Baby Yoda has entered the chat! I will be making a sequel to this fic once the second season premieres in the fall. Thank you so much for reading this little series!
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Takodana was the most beautiful planet you had ever seen, and that was including Naboo. You were right over Din's shoulder, taking in the lush, green landscape as he landed the ship. You had noticed he no longer seemed to mind you being physically close to him, to be honest, you didn't mind it either, "You sure it's safe here?" You asked.
"You see that castle over there?" He pointed to a large, stone building peaking over a sea of trees, "That belongs to Maz Kanata. I've never met her, but from what I've heard, she's good to know if you're looking to stay under the radar."
You scoffed, "Well, I wish I would have known about her earlier, would have saved me a real headache."
"Yeah, me too."
You glared at him. He threw his hands up with a laugh, "Kidding." He assured you.
The two of you exited the ship and made your way to the castle. You didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't what appeared before your eyes as the doors to the building slid open. You thought the word cantina was a better fit for this place rather than a castle. It was teaming with life of every kind and spirited music. Drinks were flowing from the bar, and laughter could be heard in every corner.
That all came to a halt when they caught the sight on Din in the doorway. By his stature, he seemed used to this sort of response. You recalled the night he finally captured you. When he entered the cantina, you could hear a pin drop. Mandalorians were rarely seen these days; it made everyone stop turn their heads.
"Well, well, look what we have here," A booming, cheerful voice broke the silence. A small woman with orange skin and large goggles over her eyes came walking up to the two of you, "It's been a long time since I've seen a Mandalorian."
No longer interested, the castle returned to its splendor, "We need your help, she needs your help." Din nodded his head in your direction.
The woman, you assumed to be Maz, looked you up and down, "Follow me."
Without hesitation, you follow her to a table near the back, Din right behind you. She called over to the bar to bring you food and drinks. A few moments later, a platter of fresh fruit and vegetables arrived along with a glass of rum. You took a long drink of the rum first.
"You may not know who I am," Maz spoke, still looking you over carefully, "But I know who you are."
Your eyes widened as you slowly placed your glass back down on the table.
"You received the transmission from the Republic?" Din asked.
Maz turned towards him, "I received it," She looked back to you, "But even before that, I knew who you were. A rebel spy who successfully infiltrated a Star Destroyer. Very impressive, but it appears who never handed all the information over to the Republic."
You said nothing in response but didn't break your eye contact. It was as though Maz could see everything she needed to know through your eyes, "People come here to avoid galactic politics, is that why you are here?"
You leaned forward, resting your arms on the table, "Yes, I'm just looking to lay low, settle down somewhere quiet."
"Well, we'll see how true that is," She nodded her head towards Din, "Especially with this one around."
"I won't be staying," Din spoke up.
You looked at him, surprised. You knew he wouldn't stick around once you found a place to stay, but it bewildered how much it cut you to hear him say it. You and Din started at each other as Maz looked back and forth between you.
"Do you have any useful skill sets that aren't spy-related?" Maz asked, trying to break the tension.
You took a moment to collect your thoughts, tucking your hair behind your ear, "Yeah, um, I had a small farm before."
"Luck is one your side," Maz smiled, "Close to the river, west of here, is a tiny farm that has been abandoned for many years. The farmer before left to join the rebels but never returned home. It's not much and needs fixing up but, if you can handle it, it's yours."
You nearly flung yourself out of your seat from excitement, "You don't know how much this means to me, truly. I owe you so much."
Maz placed her hands over yours, "Just be sure to keep your head low. I can show you the way there."
You jumped to your feet to follow Maz out of the castle, Din still right behind you. You looked back at him to see him turning his head side to side, looking for any possible trouble. It felt nice to have someone looking over you. Safety was a rare feeling for you. He caught you looking at him, so you gave him a small smile before turning back.
The farm was in a clearing only a couple miles away from the castle but felt perfectly secluded. It was tiny but big enough to harvest a couple different types of crops. The hut needed the most work. The roof needed to be fixed, and there was nothing inside of it besides a broken bed and a small kitchen. Luckily all the appliances still seemed to be in good, working order.
"I'll bring you the materials you need to fix everything up," Maz said before making her way back through the forest.
Din looked at you, "Will you be happy here?"
"I think so," You exhaled. You didn't think you would actually ever get a second shot at this, "Will you help me with that?" Nodding towards the hut.
He laughed and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, "I'll collect my tools from the ship." You stood there in shock for a few moments after that.
The next week was just the two of you, fixing up the farm with Maz occasionally checking in. When you weren't patching up the roof and fixing up furniture, you spent the warm days by the nearby river or napping underneath a tree. You had visited the local market on the other side of the castle, loading up on fresh ingredients, and made meals for you and Din every day. It had been so long since you've eaten that well.
You had grown comfortable in his companionship, and even though you are happy to finally have a working farm, it broke you that he was about to leave. It broke you so much that you were forced to admit to yourself how you truly felt about him. The feelings that had been forming since you bandaged him up after he saved your life. You deeply cared for him, the man who was hired to collect the bounty on your head, and what was crazier, you had the strong feeling that he felt the same way about you.
You were cleaning up from dinner when Din entered the hut. You knew what he was going to say before he said it, "Do you really have to leave?" You asked.
"I don't want to." His voice was strained like you had never heard before. It was all the admission you needed to hear.
You walked up to him and grabbed his hand, "Then don't go." You couldn't see his eyes, but you made sure he could see all the emotions in yours.
He pulled away for a moment to grab something from the table, "Do you trust me?" He asked, turning around with a dark cloth in his hands.
You stared at the cloth for a moment before letting your eyes drift to him, "Yes." You replied softly. He walked behind you and brought the fabric over your eyes, tying to the back.
"Can you see anything, be honest."
It pained you to say that all you could see was darkness. You wanted nothing more than to see his face, but you could feel your heartbeat pulse through your body at the sound of his helmet hitting the table. You could hear him slowly walking back towards you, the looming presence hovering over you. He took your face softly into his hands, bring a smile to your face. As he brought his lips to meet yours, you were overwhelmed by their warmth and let your whole being melt into him.
He kept one hand on your cheek and brought the other to the back of your head to guide your forehead to his. You worked up the courage to bring your fingers to his face, feeling everything from the roughness of his stubbles to the softness of his lips. You could feel his smile as he gave the back of your hand, a light kiss, "Hi."
The sound of his actual voice made you freeze. It was tender and grounded, and everything you had pictured in your head to be. Your smile widened, "Hi." you said back.
Your lips met once more, this time more urgent and needy. You didn't want him to pull away, you knew what came next when he did, "Please don't go. Leave your helmet off, stay with me." You breathlessly pleaded with him.
The warmth of his body was abruptly gone, and your heart sank as he untied the cloth around your eyes, revealing the helmet back on his head. Tears had formed in the corner of your eyes. Looking sheepishly to your feet, he lifted your chin to bring your eyes up to him, "I can't at least not now."
You knew that would be his answer, but it didn't make it hurt any less, "Will you ever come back here?" You asked, trying to hold on to something.
You didn't know how true his words would be, even though you knew he meant them honestly. He lived a complicated life with a complicated profession. You gave him a small smile before pressing your forehead to the cold metal, one more time.
— — —
Several months had passed since Din left. You had gotten into your regular routine of harvesting in the early morning, visiting the market in the afternoon, then dinner, and washing your clothes in the river around sunset. When you needed social companionship, you visited Maz and a few other new friends at her castle for a drink. Other than that, you enjoyed the peace and solitude of your new life. You had no fear of Imperial or Republic entanglements out here. No unnecessary adventures, it was just you and the farm.
The sunset was stunning as you finished running your clothes through the warm water of the river. You stood there for a few extra minutes, soaking it all in. As the sun began to dim, your hurried back to your hut to hang your clothes before all the light was gone.
You heard a rumble above you, and the wind fiercely blew in the direction of your home, like a ship was about to land. You ran, following the wind, what was in front of your hut made your drop your basket without thought. It was a ship, a ship you had grown to know well, whose pilot often occupied your mind. You ran to the other side as the ramp began to lower, electricity in your bones. Your smile grew as Din walked down to meet you, "Hi."
You couldn't see his face, but you could sense he shared your grin. Your delight slightly faltered when you saw what was standing on top of the ramp. It was not more than a few feet tall, green skin with long ears and big black eyes. You tilted your head in confusion before turning to Din with a smirk, "What have you gotten yourself into?"
"I need your help."
Who were you kidding, you were always ready for another adventure.
Tag List: @marvelous-capsicle @amberthefiredemon​ @sargesbestgirl  @zoogrl05​  @poisonivy123​  @maryan028​  @thefandomzoneisdangerous​  @loveharrington​ @reblogin-manic @llama259 @700teacups @jinthusiastsss @yelenas-lova @imspillingcoffee​ @songofcosplay @bella-0104-123 @astrospian @freudlovescocaine @jupiterbarnes @hobiiwan @bandofmarvels​ @midnightwritingrussiancoffee @chaotic-taetae @ceattlu @skyguy-peach
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Random Frozen 2 AU Thought
Yes, I’m going to put spoilers under the cut for Frozen 2.  These are just my musings.
What if King Agnarr and Queen Iduna had been rescued on their journey to Ahtohallan by the Nokk?  Iduna obviously had an affinity with the Spirits, if not powers, and they would certainly recognize them.  The Spirits even allowed the both of them to escape the barrier.  Furthermore, it’s implied that the Spirits bestowed Elsa her powers as an acknowledgment of their not participating in the slaughter that Runeard instigated.
So, what if the Nokk had deposited Agnarr and Iduna in Northuldra, hoping that these two would bring about an end to the fighting?  Mind you, the Spirits created the barrier and a Spirit can decide who can go in or out.
It probably wouldn’t have worked as well as hoped.  The moment that the Northuldran tribe realizes that one of their own married the enemy, their king, even, relations might grow frosty.  And of course, the moment that Mathias and the remaining troops realized the opposite--well, they’re soldiers.  They have their duty to their king, even if they don’t like it.
So, at best, Agnarr and Iduna negotiate a cease-fire, a detente.  The tensions are still simmering, just waiting for the slightest jolt to get things boiling.  Peace has not been achieved.  On quieter nights, though, when all seems calm, Agnarr and Iduna look up and swear that the barrier lifts just enough so that they see a star or two.  But the moment doesn’t last.  It never does.  As long as the underlying truth hasn’t been revealed, true healing can't happen.
Six years later, Our Intrepid Crew crosses into the forest and introduce themselves.  Mathias realizes who they are and they are reunited with Agnarr and Iduna.
It would have been a wonderfully cathartic moment.  There would have been yelling and tears and so many hugs.
The journey continues.  Elsa freezes trying to find the truth.  She sends her final message to Anna.
Mathias is resistant to letting the dam be destroyed.  It was Runeard’s last legacy--and, unknown to him, a symbol of the hatred.
Agnarr:  (sternly)  “Mathias.  Please.  It makes so much sense now.” Mathias:  (looks between them and bows):  “My king.  My princess.  By your command.  Let us handle this.”
The dam is destroyed.  Elsa saves Arendelle.  Peace has been restored.
Agnarr and Iduna formally abdicate as King and Queen, deferring to Elsa--who then abdicates in favor of Anna.  A humbled and chastened Agnarr is then given the role of Prime Minister.  He runs interference when Anna needs the time away.
Friday nights are family nights, no matter what.  Agnarr and Anna relate the week’s bureaucratic horror stories.  Iduna fusses over her daughters, worrying whether or not Elsa is keeping healthy, etc.  We find out that Elsa gets her awkwardness at charades from her father, while Iduna is quite good at expressing herself.
And they lived happily ever after--especially when the next generation makes its appearance.
What do you think?
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synechd0che · 5 years
Aim Your Arrow at the Sky (I’m so Tired Now)
For the 2019 Tolkien Secret Santa Exchange run by @officialtolkiensecretsanta
Recipient: @stand-up-and-fight-daleks
World: Silmarillion (First Age Middle Earth)
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairings: none (general audiences)
Characters: Celegorm, Oromë, Curufin
The bees in the west field hum as Nerdanel works, star-wife, clay-shaper, the bright babe of scarlet mother hears the wind-whisper of little things.
Author’s note:
Title from Florence and the Machine’s “Sky Full of Song.”
I didn't tag this as Graphic Violence because it's not super detailed, but there is a passage towards the end that has some gore.  If you want a synopsis of the passage so that you can skip reading it, please message me and I'm happy to do so.
I will post this on AO3 very very soon, at which point I will attach a link on this post.  Otherwise, I’m Barefoot_Dancer on AO3 and the pseud I use for Tolkien related works is Lorinand_Lost.
Aim Your Arrow at the Sky (I’m so Tired Now):
The little one is in the vegetable garden, cloth-swaddled, brilliant-haired. He inches beneath the fruit vines, out under the humid canopy of gourd leaves. A mole he catches; it wiggles the moist star on its nose, sable fur dappled in tree-light. Dirt-digger, brother-mine.
And the little one whispers, root-feeder, brother-mine, and he turns him loose to burrow.
The leaves part and his mother’s face appears. As mothers do, she wipes berry juice from his cheeks, gives a scolding for his clever escape. Back into her shawl he is wrapped.
The bees in the west field hum as Nerdanel works, star-wife, clay-shaper, the bright babe of scarlet mother hears the wind-whisper of little things.
The old forest is ancient-dark, loam-rich, and the air is full of the creakings of the mossy, the time-bent. The little one is now a childling, taller than the sword ferns and shorter than the elderberry.
Little-water-swimmer, the brook gurgles. The childling drinks, and the water is clear and sweet.
With a leap he's an arrow, a ray of light, and he's reached the lowest branch of the spruce. A third of the way up, he finds a nest, four pale blue eggs, and the disgruntled parents, fretful and feathered.
Egg-eater, whistle the wood thrush in their woven home, Bird-catcher.
He climbs to where the branches are whip-willow thin and the sun lances through the needles, to where the wind whispers.
Deep in the wood, there is shadow, under beech and oak of interminable age. Everywhere is covered in their leaves, and everywhere not covered by leaves, in a deep moss. The childling is now a youth, tall and lean, his gold hair braided back. He carries his spear, ash-haft, heart-finder. The youth kneels, feeling the moss. The hare has come this way, light-footed, liquid-eyed.
And there it is in the underbrush, and there the youth lunges in pursuit. Then everything blurs in a dizzying, frenetic sprint, and he is a boy, and he is the hare, and then he has it by it's haunches. It goes still, looking at him with one golden eye, sides heaving. Fleet-foot, danger-tooth, and as a plea, brother-mine. The youth feels another set of eyes on him, and looks up slowly.
In the clearing, in the heart of the forest, there is a stag standing in a shaft of light. There is ivy in his antlers, and then he is a man. In a breath, the shade of a deer, gleaming bone and wet sinew. And then a man again, with the stag's head. He moves between these aspects as he says in a voice as old as time, boy-prince, swift-runner, come you now a-hunting?
The youth lowers his spear. Forest-lord, monsters-bane, Oromë.
Gather for me the waltalís nectar from their cliff-face hives, and you may join my wild-hunt.
Around in a circle are the other Huntsmen. They bear torches, stamp to the beat of a hide drum, sing in a tongue that sounds like the running hare, the charging boar, a diving hawk. Oromë stands at their head, motionless; he has taken the form of a man, dark skinned, braids capped with bone beads.
There is a wind in the cliffs, and the old harvesting ropes groan. Overhead, the bees whir and circle lazily. In one hand, the youth holds the harvesting basket, in the other, a long wood shaft tipped with a blade. He seeks purchase on the ropes with his knees, his bare feet, toes white-knuckled to the jute. He begins to climb.
Inching his way to the top is slow, and grueling. The youth is cold from the sweat-damp tunic that clings to his chest, and the ground is dizzying down below. The bees grow louder. Flightless-brother, knife-bearer. They spiral down from their nests, humming around him, alighting on his clothing and on his bare skin. The youth can feel their little feet as they bump their way over his breast bone and into his tunic, their gossamer wings across the eyelids that he screws closed.
When he can hear the hive above him, he raises the long blade to cut. The bee-music swells. elixir-thief. And they bite him, quick flashes of pain that bloom and burn. They bite at his exposed feet, the youth cries out, tethering himself into the ropes tighter. Now they crawl across his lips, and he locks them shut; they carry with them their sticky and bewildering nectar, made from the cliff flowers that give visions and heat and euphoria.
But they do not stop biting him, and in anguish he cries Shining-wings, sister-mine, Queen, I beseech thee! The nectar is in his mouth now, and there is a fire behind his eyelids and in the sky as the sun sets. It is bitter, it is sweet, and he burns. And the queen says, Take with care and temperance our madding-sweet, thee who speaks with little things. The biting ceases, and the youth fills his basket. Thanks-be, golden-daughter.
With his descent can hear a wild music, and the air moves in strange forms with languid intent. Below, he can see Oromë, and his head seems to shift between aspects - deer, decay, man - antlers grasping at the sky and weaving like vines.
When his feet hit the ground, the youth crumples. Oromë looms over him, washed in torchlight. Turkafinwë you are, father-named for strength and pride.
It is dark here, except for the fires burning on the northern horizon. The youth is of majority now, forest-hardened, valinor-soft. Below him in the valley, the goblin army, tortured-legion, unfortunate-brother. Under him shifts his horse, a dappled grey mare. She snorts, unsettled by the smell on the wind, puissance and suffering. Gentle-girl, Turkafinwë murmurs, Peace-be, safe I keep you. She nickers, settling.
When the ground-crawlers and night-wrigglers bring word that the orcs are in the Vale, Turkafinwë lights his torch. In a wave behind him, his men light theirs. There is the rolling sound of ringing steel being drawn, and then it is a hot-rush mad-scramble down the hillside. There is a shout in the air, and a wave of lights charge down into the orcs, who are night-blind with the sudden fire.
Down past Eithel Sirion and into the Fens they are driven, hunted and harried by Turkafinwë and his men, splashing and stumbling into the salty water, muddied and bloodied by the horses' hooves.
Their screaming sounds elvish. And their blood looks elvish as it streaks his blade and soaks into his hair. Some cry for mercy, some cry curses, some fall silently and their bodies relax into a peace cheated from them in life. Turkafinwë surges forward; for mercy, for vengeance, none will be spared here.
Silence falls, except for the groans of the wounded. Overhead, the carrion birds wheel. Brother-hunter, fearsome-fighter, blood-glutted you are, and now we fall to feast. The spirit of Alqualondë is in the air, or maybe it is just the sea air. In the water, elvish hair and orcish hair appear identical.
Tyelkormo he is by mothers-wisdom, the hasty-riser, hot-blooded.
Snake's-brother, Orodreth names him, lie-smith, brutish-betrayer. Turned out from Nargothrond in the dead of night. He mourns Huan, and his brother mourns his son; both are living dead, and neither will see their loved one again on this side of the sea. They are shades in the forest. They hide in the day, and travel at night as traitors under a sliver of moon. They seek their brothers' company.
The birds gossip about him, the beasts ignore him. He hunts for food, and his prey fall with baleful glares and die inelegantly, and he can hear them cursing him.
He is not Turkafinwë, he is not Tyelkormo, he is Celegorm in this new language that he speaks poorly and of which understands little, and silence is now his friend.
In that blood-haze, in those dark caves lit with glittering lamps, he can feel that familiar oath-madness creeping at the tips of his bones.
Behind him, there is a cry, and he turns to see Caranthir with an arrow sprouting from his jugular. On the causeway above him is Nimloth holding a great yew bow. Celegorm screams like it's his throat in which the arrow is buried, like a panicked horse, like a she-wolf protecting her pups. From his belt, he frees his last dagger. Willing it to fly like a bird, that Oromë and his teachings haven't quite abandoned him, he looses it. His aim is true, and the Queen of Doriath falls.
A scream rings in answer to Celegorm, ripping from the throat of Nimloth's human husband. King Dior charges him, broadsword raised. When their swords meet, all else falls away. Celegorm is dimly aware of the tears on Dior's cheeks, and that he is crying as well. He thinks he can kill this man, who is only human, but when Caranthir, falls with a groan, Celegorm's world freezes. He is too late to block Dior's blade, which slides through his breast plate like cold fire. He coughs blood, grabbing onto Dior's pauldrons to support himself. But in Dior's hasty fury, Celegorm's sword has also found its mark. The light leaves the man's eyes, and he and Celegorm fall as one.
The cold seems to spread from the wound, racing across his body and relieving Celegorm of oath-madness. He cannot push the blade free, but he does have the strength to pull Caranthir toward him, to roll Curufin into his lap. Celegorm listens as their breathing slows, as they go limp in his arms. Now, with bloody faces and sightless eyes, they look younger than they have since departing Valinor.
At last, he too can rest. Cold darkness comes to claim him, rolling over him like a wave.
When Celegorm awakes, there is fog, and out of the fog come gleaming eyes. A pack of wolves ring him, and they speak with Namo's voice. Welcome-be, kinslayer, oath-keeper.
Well-met, doomsman, spirit-master, Celegorm whispers.
The wolves close in on him, and he draws in on himself. When they savage his body, he thrashes out, and then realizes that the wounds close almost instantly. This must be his punishment, he realizes: eternal torment, unbroken by death or the oblivion of the void to which he had promised his soul, but from which he had apparently been saved to experience this fresh hell.
The wolves speak with Namo's voice, naming him Prideful-child, headstrong-hunter and they tear at his arms.
The wolves speak with his little brothers' voices, naming him Failed-caretaker, and in his father's, oath-breaker, and they rip at his legs.
The wolves speak with the young voices of Elured and Elurin, naming him Butcher-brethren, child-murderer, and they rend at the soft meat of his belly.
The wolves speak with Finrod's voice, melodious and terrible, naming him Cousin-killer, home-defiler, and their teeth sink home in his throat.
One wolf nuzzles close to his throat, and says Hound’s-friend, brother-mine, and Celegorm begins to cry because that is Huan’s voice inside that wolf.
And then the wolves speak in a new voice, and they name him: Hunter who is now prey, Turkafinwë; wrathful Tyelkormo; wretched Celegorm.
And Celegorm gasps, This is my voice, Namo, you torture me with my own voice.
And they say, his blood dripping from their teeth, Of course we do, for we are you. So tell us, how do you name yourself?
As Celegorm struggles between the heaving bodies and snapping jaws, he cries I am a kinslayer and an oathmaker, I am a monster and a butcher! His head disappears beneath the sea of fur. But I am also a third-brother and my people's defender, friend to little things and silent-hunter! He surges upward, grasping the largest wolf around the neck. Above all else, I am tired, and heart-sick, and I desire only restful darkness.
The wolf laughs. You will have no rest, not here, not until the remaking of the world. And everything goes dark.
When Turkafinwë awakes, for the second time since his death and after an interminable age, there is sunlight.
Turkafinwë sits up with a start. "I must be dreaming!" He shouts horsely, "You mock me, Mandos!"
"Can't stand the idea that you're one of the last of us to be released?" Curufin rises lazily from his seat under a tree.
"Brother?" And then quietly, “how long have I been gone?”
"Mother says it's been about four thousand years."
“You said one of the last…” Celegorm says slowly. “Who else is left?”
“Maedhros, for starters,” says Curufin. “If I know our oldest brother at all, it’s more due to his prodigious capacity for self-recrimination and less to Mandos’ judiciary streak.”
“And father?” Celegorm asks, pretty sure he already knows the answer.
“Well, look at it this way. When I was in the halls, I only ever saw visions of Celebrimor’s torment; how do you think it feels to have failed not one but seven sons?”
Celegorm sighs. “What are we doing here, brother? Surely the council would rather condemn our souls to the void.”
Curufin laughs. “I think Manwe is something of an optimist. And I do remember one last thing from the halls - the shade of my son that I had conjured as my punishment told me before I was released that I would have no rest until the world is remade.”
Celegorm starts.
“We May have forgiven ourselves in the halls,” continues Curufin, “but out here, we must fight for the forgiveness of others. One individual seems like he wishes to be first in line.”
The bushes behind him rustle, and out steps Huan. Turkafinwë, brother-mine And he knocks headlong into Celegorm, who falls flat with a laughing face full of dog fur.
There are bees - which he can hear, but cannot see, because he is on his back looking up at the bluest sky imaginable. And the bees say Welcome-be to land-everlasting, son of Fëanor, he who hears the wind-whisper of little things.
Author’s Note:
Waltalís - derived from walta (excite, rouse, wild) and lís (honey) in quenya.
Inspired by something I read once about traditional honey gatherers who climb up the side of a cliff to collect the honey made from a particular psychedelic flower.
Concerning the battle at the fens of serech,I headcanon that since the orcs began as elves that Sauron tortured and experimented upon, the first few generations are startlingly elf-like in appearance.
I like the idea of Mandos being the rehab of Valinor. They both serve time as penitence and learn to forgive themselves.  So Namo’s brilliant idea is to have people overcome their self-hatred by handling their own punishment.  Celegorm feels guilt over Finrod and his younger brothers, so he punishes himself with wolves until he’s all worn out and willing to forgive himself.
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that-shamrock-vibe · 5 years
Movie Review: Frozen II (Spoilers)
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Spoiler Warning: I am posting this review a couple of days after it first airs in the U.K, so if you haven’t yet seen the movie, and I strongly recommend you do, then don’t read on until you have.
LGBT Representation:
Alright so I’ll get into character analyses shortly but first of all I just want to talk about the LGBT representation in this movie, because my takeaway from it in this movie is completely different to what seems to be everyone else’s takeaway from it. LGBT representation is very important to me particularly in an all-age property so I wanted to spotlight it.
Now the main issue I see is that people are still insisting that the LGBT representation is that of Elsa being a member of the LGBT community. This is something that emerged after the first movie with Elsa being one of few “Disney Princesses” (despite the fact she is a Queen and neither she nor Anna are official members of said brand) not to have a love interest in the first movie or even this movie, outwardly.
Yes, while no one is openly depicted as an LGBT character in this movie, good old Disney, Elsa is still being shown in that LGBT light to some fans because of two or three character traits.
Firstly there’s the theory that her not feeling like she belongs in Arendelle is because she is, sorry for this, the only gay in the village and not knowing how to handle it. Secondly there’s her new outfit which she acquires at the start of the third act in the movie which is white with rainbow accents...fans believe this is a clear nod to the rainbow flag but to be fair it could just simply be to represent the Aurora Borealis aka the Northern Lights.
Thirdly, despite the first teaser trailer giving fans the completely wrong idea about Elsa’s potential love interest in this movie, who turned about to be a young version of her mother, Elsa does get close with new very minor girl Honeymaren. There is no evidence that either Honeymaren is an LGBT character but people have suggested that their cosy chats border on the flirtatious.
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However, I personally do not think the LGBT representation is on Elsa or Honeymaren. I think the LGBT representation in this movie is in fact Honeymaren’s brother Ryder voiced by Jason Ritter. I swear he flirts with Kristoff at least three times in this movie for the brief time he is in it.
Of course all of this is just speculation, but the theory of Elsa, Honeymaren and/or Ryder being potential members of the LGBT community is a major plus both for Disney and for this movie.
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It can’t be not true that Elsa is the best character not only in this movie but also this franchise as a whole. Not only is she the first real instance of the combination between Disney Princess and Superhero, but also there is no denying the journey and the transformation Elsa goes on from care free child to fearful teenager to in-control young woman.
This character development alone is not only relatable and representative for many if not all young girls coming of age, but also she is both stylish, humble and flawed in a realistic sense...as realistic as someone with ice powers can be I mean.
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Now by flaws, I am mainly referring to her inept ability at ruling Arendelle, three times now she has effectively abdicated her throne either for her own reasoning or to actually protect the kingdom, I am more annoyed with Anna for these decisions which I’ll get into when talking about her, but it was quite clear from the first movie alone that Elsa never wanted to be queen. She runs away when her powers are discovered by the people, she then goes off to find out the mystery of her past, she finally abdicates completely and makes Anna queen so she can go off and live in the Enchanted Forest amongst the Northuldra people while not exactly joining them.
Having said that, she absolutely does the right thing by her because, not only is it important to both understand and be completely comfortable with yourself, but also this was where she was always meant to be.
Elsa’s fashion in this movie steps up from the first movie not only in colour but also in style. Gone are those heavy, coverall gowns and now we have light, bright and flowing gowns. Also leggings, Elsa is really only the second “Disney Princess” to wear leggings after Jasmine and it is really good to see someone in that “Disney Princess” role be versatile in fashion.
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My favourite three outfits of Elsa’s are her vivid pink nightgown, her travelling outfit and her last outfit when she embraces her role as the fifth spirit. Something about Elsa with her hair down and flowing that really added another layer of power to that transformation “Show Yourself” scene.
Her powers are also plused here, the lady gets a freekin’ water horse which she could freeze to ride on water! Seeing Elsa riding her new steed across the water to stop the tidal wave from flooding Arendelle is the most fiercely stunning sequence I have seen in any movie animated or live-action.
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Also her crystal manifestation, which emulated the elemental runes, bursting out from her like an outcry after she sings about wanting to know what it all means and then having them all fall to the ground effectively like hail. I thought her creating the ice palace in the first movie couldn’t be topped but her powers are kicked up here.
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She even has a sort of attack move with her powers as she was shown to briefly create an ice snowflake to combat the water spirit who later becomes her steed. 
When she finally finds Ahtohallan and discovers she is the fifth element and starts seeing all those memories of her past and singing “Show Yourself” with her mother, just watching her literally walk through memory lane with all those frozen versions of her memories and reacting different to different ones, like with the Duke of Wesselton where she laughed and Hans who she instantly crumbled and even her singing “Let It Go” which she reacted awkwardly to, all of this was just splender and made me particularly well up.
Then you have her discovering the truth of the past where her grandfather was revealed to have villainous tendencies, I’m not going to say he’s an outright villain but he did kill the Northundra leader and start the war which hid the Enchanted Forest from the world, the fact she literally went to far down and froze to death just like the opening song foreshadowed was also very emotional.
But on that note of finding out there is that darkness in her family, it did remind me a lot of the Once Upon a Time Frozen arc when they introduced the Snow Queen Ingrid as Elsa and Anna’s aunt who had the same powers as Elsa and who was villainous for being misunderstood. They could have copped out and done a similar story but the fact it was routed into Elsa and Anna’s own history in terms of their family was a nice touch.
However, it did give me possibly my favourite line of the movie which is “Fear is the true enemy” in retaliation to hearing her grandfather say that magic is evil. This line can be true of any type of prejudice, I’m thinking of Homophobia but it can also be racism and even sexism, that for an animated Disney movie rated U to accomplish this level of thought is outstanding.
Idina Menzel may not be the most emotive actress but I love her, and what she may lack in her speech she more than makes up for in her singing. Also the fact that Elsa has such emotive facial expressions and the animation and character designs here are so fluid, that it makes Elsa almost seem like a real person.
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Josh Gad as Olaf was definitely something I’ve been looking forward to revisiting especially after Olaf’s Frozen Adventure received a very icy reception. I didn’t really care for it, much like any of the Frozen shorts that have come but I’m really happy with him here.
I really liked the idea of exploring Olaf being a child because, I think with this movie taking place a couple years after the first one, Olaf is really only a toddler, so he acts like a toddler.
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The fact Olaf sees the world in such innocence and beauty really resonates with little kids watching this movie and hopefully allows them to get out of it what Olaf gets out of it which is not understanding the world as a child but having to grow up and face reality.
I wasn’t crazy about his song, again like the first movie I feel it wasn’t as grand as the rest of the songs but I did like the message behind it of things not making sense to Olaf now but will make sense when he grows up.
By far the funniest moments of this movie are when Olaf reenacts the events of the first movie for the people trapped in the Enchanted Forest and also at the very end after the credits when he reenacts the events of this movie for Marshmallow and the Snowgies. I just loved again that child-like interpretation and bluntness of events. “Anna and Elsa separated but it’s okay because at least they still have their parents! Their parents are dead!” My screening could not stop laughing at that point.
Speaking of death, there is death in this movie, both what you see and what is open to interpretation. Elsa effectively dies as she is frozen solid much like how Anna is in the first movie, but Olaf’s death came as a consequence of Elsa’s death due to him being enchanted by Elsa. Possibly because this whole thing takes place after the “Show Yourself” scene and Elsa finally being true to who she is and of course because Olaf is the innocent dying, it really made me sad.
I was thrilled he came back, of course I knew he was going to come back. However, I did hear that early scripts had him staying dead but I don’t think that would have gone down very well with audiences and particularly merchandising because after Anna and Elsa merch I know Olaf is up there, although I think he may have competition after this movie...we’ll get to Bruni.
Also in keeping with the idea of Olaf being a child, I found it fascinating that he was experiencing new emotions in this movie such as anger, without actually getting angry he just felt it and didn’t know how to handle it. A little bit like with Groot in the MCU, I do hope we maybe see Olaf age or mature and experience the emotions that everyone experiences growing up. I know snow can’t really age in that way but it would be very interesting to see.
Speaking of the properties of snow, I also found the concept of water having memory interesting. It does play into the Disney/Fantastical element of the almost absurd but in a sense you want it to be true, like Aladdin’s flying carpet or even how woodland animals can help clean.
I’m not so certain about the cop-out of no longer giving Olaf his own flurry, yes they explained it as rather than it being a cloud simply being a kind of coat which was beautiful to see lit-up and everything, but it just seemed like the animators not wanting to animate a snow cloud constantly, even using the excuse that it only appears in hot weather was proven false because it was sunny numerous times in this movie and nothing appeared.
Olaf is still one of my favourite characters both in this movie and in Disney in general, I think he’s fun, I love his innocence and a lot of that is down to Josh Gad’s vocal performance. I can no longer think of Josh Gad without thinking of Olaf but in a way that’s not a bad thing.
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There was a massive opportunity missed from this movie which was not spotlighting the fact that Anna almost had PTSD from the events of the first movie. She wanted the status quo to remain how it was in the moment at the start of the movie and was desperate to keep her loved ones safe.
I don’t particularly know what purpose Anna served in this movie outside of living in denial of everything going on. Yes it is a noble deed to want to keep your loved ones safe, however, Anna should have known that not only Elsa discovering her origins but also the two sisters finding out about their mother’s history was not only important but I feel necessary. Finding out what happened to their parents, why they went off, even how they met. 
But instead we have Anna constantly wanting to be the mother of the group and look after everyone, except for Kristoff. I will talk about Kristoff in his section but seriously these two went from being the ideal couple in the first movie to “Why the heck are you to together?” in this movie.
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All of this is why what made her hitting rock bottom after both Elsa and Olaf had “died” so important and her realising that and building herself back up. Again, like Olaf, I didn’t really like her song but I appreciated the meaning behind it.
It was from this point that Anna showed true signs of not only being a leader but also actual competency. I mean once again both Elsa and Anna abandon Arendelle, yes Anna has done it twice in the hopes of saving it which is noble, but she goes from leaving a man she just met and got engaged to in charge without knowing him for more than five minutes, to leaving Rock Trolls in charge. Yes Grand Pabbie is at least responsible for an entire tribe but seriously?
However, after she realises what has to be done to right the wrongs of the past, her selfless decision to destroy the dam and flood Arendelle to free the Enchanted Forest was impressive because obviously the kingdom can be rebuilt and the people were safe in the Rock Troll Valley.
Now of course, everything turned out fine because Anna unknowingly revived Elsa by getting the dam broken down and she stopped the tidal wave from destroying Arendelle, but Anna didn’t know that when she decided to do it and she still chose to it, and made the old Arendelle guard listen to her.
This is how she proved herself as queen, so that when Elsa made her queen so she herself could go and live in the Enchanted Forest, she earned it. She’s queen, she has Kristoff as a fiancé and obviously she and Elsa will keep a strong bond between Arendelle and the Enchanted Forest.
Kristen Bell is Kristen Bell, you know she was born for this type of role and this type of world. Having said that, again she was almost pushed to the background or was making me want to push her to the background because of her constant complaining. But she was still very good and the main core four cast continue to be a big selling point for this franchise.
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I find it ironic that the title of this franchise is Frozen and that he is an ice seller because they effectively fridged Kristoff in this movie.
Kristoff’s role in this movie is pretty much the one-note version of Bernard’s from The Rescuers Down Under, in that his story throughout this movie was trying to propose to Anna and yet constantly failing. Now granted, he goes to greater extravagance to do so than the mouse did but it takes them both the length of their movies to simply learn it’s now how you say it it’s just saying it.
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On that note, I felt no chemistry between Anna and Kristoff in this movie. They both think the other one abandoned them part way through this movie and Anna particularly doesn’t really seem to care.
As I said before, when Kristoff and Ryder had their scenes together, I felt more chemistry between them than I did from Kristoff for Anna. Also Kristoff and Ryder are more suited. They both love reindeer, they both talk for their reindeer, and also I got the sense that maybe Ryder actually liked Kristoff in that way, as he seemed upset that Kristoff didn’t ride off with him.
Kristoff did give me one of the best moments of the movie though which was his song in the form of an 80s/90 pop balled video. It was one of the most bizarre choices this movie could have made, but considering you have Jonathan Groff and didn’t let him do what Jonathan Groff is known for doing in the first movie it more than makes up for that.
Once again I don’t feel like he contributed much to the actual story and genuinely felt like he could have been cut and nothing would change, but it is good having a male presence in this movie who is human so I give him credit for that.
I really enjoyed this tribe, the native-american qualities they had really helped separate them from the citizens of Arendelle. Both Native-American and Australian Aborigines I feel were portrayed rather well in the tribe.
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Yelena, Ryder and Honeymaren were really the only three spotlighted in the tribe and I felt that is all they really needed.
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However, we also know from this movie that Elsa and Anna’s mother, Queen Iduna, was Northundra...which kind of makes sense as a child because she has some colouring, but as an adult she’s Caucasian...and Anna and Elsa are clearly Caucasian.
I mean it’s slightly obvious the Northundra weren’t on the cards in the first movie, however simply having Iduna being of that race would have made more sense.
Speaking of the first movie. The Northundra here have a chant they perform when Elsa and Anna realise they have Northundra heritage, but this sounds like the same chant from the opening of the first movie which leads into “Frozen Heart”. So maybe they were foreshadowed?
Alright so I didn’t know how much there was to talk about the four spirits that seemingly guard the Enchanted Forest and whom Elsa awakened and apparently made angry towards the start of this movie so I thought I would talk about them collectively here in the order they appear in Elsa’s vision during “Into the Unknown”.
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Two things I love about the fire spirit, the first is that it’s fire form is this very vibrant pink colour and I’m always a fan of fire having different colours, I prefer green but pink works well here I guess.
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The second thing I love about it is Bruni, who is the actual fire spirit and I don’t think named ever in this movie by name. However, I have loved Bruni since his one main shot in the trailer, I love how cute he is, I love the fact he’s another reptilian being a salamander, after Pascal from Tangled being a chameleon.
Also, Bruni may have about as much screen time here as Pua the pig from Moana but he is just one of Elsa’s new animal sidekicks and unlike most of the Disney Princesses, this queen has two magical creatures as animal sidekicks. I think the only princess in that category is Mulan with Mushu.
As I mentioned before with Olaf’s merch, I do feel that Bruni is a potential competitor for beating him in merch sales. I think Olaf, Sven and Bruni all have plush toy qualities, but Bruni has that added cuteness and he’s new.
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Elsa’s other magical animal sidekick is the water spirit known as The Nøkk, who is a mythological Scandinavian water spirit in the shape of a horse...with a waterfall mane.
Not only is this a cool pet anyway the fact Elsa can freeze and ride it is just epic. Who wouldn’t want a water spirit horse. 
Alright so I can’t remember when the Earth Giants first appear, whether or not they emerge during the earthquake that took over Arendelle or if they appeared in the Enchanted Forest but I did enjoy them.
I don’t exactly know when Elsa tamed them, it did seem that if anyone did Anna did by getting the dam broken.
I enjoyed Gail, I thought giving what is essentially a tornado that turns into a light breeze a name also gives it character.
But once again, while Elsa broke free of the tornado, Olaf was the one who named it and as such wasn’t he the one to tame it?
I did like how Gail became the messenger for the two kingdoms also.
Alright so like always, I’ll be talking about these songs in order of my favourites.
Into the Unknown:
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While not as groundbreaking as “Let It Go” but it is powerful, moving and delivered beautifully by both Idina Menzel and AURORA who is credited as “The Voice” that do that “Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah” sound that I want as an alarm tone.
I loved how Idina managed to match AURORA and almost harmonise with it, I love the message of being scared of the unknown but pushing yourself into it, the presentation of the performance was beautiful particularly when she went into that black space with the production going on around her.
It’s my favourite song in the movie and everything about it was just brilliant.
I do also enjoy the Panic! At the Disco version that plays over the end credits, it’s definitely a better pop version of a movie song to Demi Lovato’s version and I feel has a better mainstream future than it too.
Show Yourself:
This song made me emotional, and not many songs do that. I feel maybe it was the build-up to Elsa finally discovering who she was meant to be, the duet with her mother, or the fact she had that walk through her history in ice sculptures, but something welled up inside me and I love it.
The song is about realising who you are and being true to who you are. It’s something I feel anyone can relate to and the fact it’s in a duet with her deceased mother is just the icing, pardon the pun.
Also, this is where Elsa gets her new look, starting off with her taking her hair down and then her updated ice-blue dress transforming into her final white dress with rainbow accents.
Idina Menzel once again dominates with her vocals here but also Evan Rachel Wood matches her quite well.
Lost in the Woods:
I loved Jonathan Groff’s singing in Glee, from “Highway to Hell” and “Bohemian Rhapsody” to “Rolling in the Deep” he had such a range vocally that, despite hating the character, I loved him singing.
This is why it was criminal that the only “singing” Kristoff did in the first Frozen was that “Reindeer are better than people” lullaby song which made a comeback here at the start of this song and made me almost give up on Kristoff completely.
However, when you get passed that and Sven actually singing, you have a rather good song in the style of an 80s/90s pop ballad music video. Instantly I thought of “Everything I Do” by Bryan Adams and, despite not liking that particular song, I loved this and the arrangement of the performance.
Having Kristoff lean up against a tree as a wide shot while having his full face fade in to the side of him was so cheesy, so cringy and yet so good. I couldn’t help but enjoy it.
The Next Right Thing:
Now again, I didn’t particularly enjoy this song but I did enjoy and appreciate the message behind it.
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When Anna is at her lowest edge having lost Elsa, Olaf and potentially Kristoff...again she doesn’t really give him a second thought at this point, she remembers advice that both her mother gave her and that Sterling K. Brown’s character enforced and builds up the strength to get herself out of the cave.
It’s a song about reaching rock bottom and figuring out where to go from there, it’s something I can definitely relate to and I am sure others can to, whether or not that’s in school, college/university, work or personal lives.
Kristen Bell is a good singer but for some reason something didn’t click here for me.
When I Am Older:
I love Olaf and thought his song was a very nice and fun sidetrack to the movie, however in terms of it being memorable...”In Summer” was a lot better and had the funny beats of irony to it.
As I said when talking about his character, the song did help define Olaf’s story through the movie of being young and immature.
Also the funny beats to this song of ending it in complete denial of “This is fine” before being crushed by a boulder were great.
Some Things Never Change:
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This was possibly the most cringe-worthy few minutes of the entire movie. This happens right near the start originally between Anna and Olaf before become an ensemble piece.
Again, I understand the message behind the song of how people don’t like change but it just came out of nowhere and had no real tie-in to the rest of the movie other than Anna’s unrealised story arc of wanting things to remain how they are.
All Is Found:
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As a lullaby this was an okay song, however I don’t think it did much to progress the story despite being the start of the movie. “Frozen Heart” had more of a beginning quality to it rather than this.
Overall I rate the movie a 9.5/10, it’s a near perfect movie but there is still room for improvement as always. I loved the characters, the songs, the animation. It all just felt very Disney.
So that’s my review of Frozen II, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Movie Reviews as well as other posts.
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soulwounds · 4 years
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———         「     minka kelly   ,   28   ,   cis female  +  she / her     」            did  you  know    𝘛𝘏𝘌  𝘚𝘕𝘖𝘞  𝘘𝘜𝘌𝘌𝘕'𝘚    real  name  is    𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐀  𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 ?!      around  the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite     elegant    ,  but  also     distant    ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a     ARCHITECT     and  come  from     𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐘'𝐒  𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐙𝐄𝐍    .  you  can  hear    𝙼𝙾𝙾𝙽𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃    by   𝙶𝚁𝙰𝙲𝙴  𝚅𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁𝚆𝙰𝙰𝙻   blasting  from  their  house ,  but  be  careful   !    they  can  be  agitated  as  nightmares  bring  back  memories  of  LIVING  IN  THE  ENCHANTED  FOREST .    even  so ,  it’s  impossible  to  see    𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔  𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒅  𝒊𝒏  𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆  𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒓 ,  𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒕  𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒍𝒚  𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈  𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓  𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔 ,  𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆  𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈  𝒐𝒏  𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒅  𝒔𝒏𝒐𝒘 ,  𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒌  𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒆𝒅  𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓  𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆  𝒊𝒄𝒆   and  not  think  about  them .
full name :     elsa  arendelle  price . alises :   the  ice  queen .  the  snow  queen .   the  fifth  spirit . age :   twenty  eight . gender & pronouns :   cis female ,  she / her . sexual & romantic orientation :    homosexual / homoromantic . species :   human / forest  spirit . identifying  marks :    platinum  blonde ,  nearly  white  hair .
once  a  big  sister  always  a  big  sister .    like  her  true  life ,  elsa  was  more  sociable  when  very  young  but  later  became  extremely  closed  off .   instead  of  this  being  due  to  an  ice  magic  related  incident ,  however ,  it  was  due  to  elsa  being  selected  as  a  “gifted”  child  academically .    the  pressure  to  please   &   be  the  model  student   &   daughter  had  her  strive  to  keep  that  up  to  extreme  amounts .    with  the  added  stress  of  losing  her  father ,  too ,  elsa  only  buried  herself  deeper  in  work  to  distract  herself .   she  lost  contact  with  friends   &   even  became  distant  from  her  younger  sister ,  chloe .     she  hardly  left  the  house .    she  hardly  got  sleep .    she  hardly  socialized .    this  behavior  kept  up  until  late  into  her  college  years .    with  the  help  of  some  very  determined  friends   ( OPEN  CONNECTION ! )   elsa  was  forced  to  face  the  fact  that  she  wasn’t  happy  &   that  she  never  would  be  happy  if  this  was  kept  up .    she  was  slowly  taught  that  people’s  opinions  mattered  little   &   that  she  needed  to  do  things  for  herself .    it  was  then  that  elsa  finally  dropped  the  law  she  was  studying   &  dove  into  things  she  was  passionate  about  such  as  architecture   &   fashion .    she  came  out  as  gay  as  well   &   finally  started  being  herself  in  the  world .    it  was  after  this  that  she  truly  started  gaining  friendships ,  whether  they  be  new  or  very  old  ones  she  rekindled .    she  also  reconnected  with  her  family ,  mainly  her  sister ,   &  has  since  been  working  on  repairing  the  damage  done  by  her  distance .
after  school ,  elsa  began  getting  her  name  out  in  the  architect  business  as  soon  as  she  could .    she  has  quite  a  few  homes   &   buildings  she’s  put  a  hand  in  since  then .    her  favorite  being  lucifer  &  hades  as  she  helped  with  the  design  of  their  expansive  mansion  as  well  as  hades’  funeral  home .    keeping  in  touch  since  then ,  she  also  is  happy  to  supply  them  with  products  of  her  hobby  in  fashion .    the  brothers  have  their  fair  share  of  specially  made  suits  from  her .    she’s  heard  about  some  questionable  rumors  about  them  but  she  does  her  best  to  ignore  them .
outside  of  work  elsa  is  very  happily  dating  ciri  riannon .    ciri’s  rather  adventurous  nature  manages  to  pry  elsa  away  from  her  work  always  when  she  needs  it  which  helps  save  elsa  from  ever  closing  herself  off  again .    she  won’t  tell  many  but  she  has  dreams  of  just  running  off  into  the  woods  with  ciri   &   never  looking  back .     she’s  also  gained  some  friends  such  as  the  young  soft  spoken  boy ,  link ,  that  she’s  very  nearly  taken  under  her  wing .   she’s  quite  used  to  the  quiet  nature  of  the  boy   &   doesn’t  push  but  gives  him  company   &   talks  to  him  as  a  way  to  remind  him  he’s  not  alone .    she’s  aware  of  what  it’s  like  to  shut  yourself  away .    no  one  should  be  alone ,  in  her  opinion .
an  ice  storm  so  thick  that  she  can’t  even  see  around  her .   there’s  just  clouds  blurring  with  snow   &   ice  in  every  direction .   yet  she  feels  none  of  it .    the  chill  runs  off  her  skin  like  silk .    she’s  trying  to  run  but  doesn’t  know  where  she’s  going  just  that  she’s  trying  to  get  away .    she  can’t  get  away .   there’s  no  escape  from  this  storm .    there’s  a  voice   &   when  she  turns  a  man  is  there  to  swing  a  sword  at  her .    at  that  point  she’ll  wake  up  with  a  jolt  in  cold  sweat   &   (  more  strangely )   a  puff  of  frost  on  her  lips .   though  she  hasn’t  been  able  to  realize ,  not  quite  feeling  the  cold  correctly ,  her  room  also  seems  to  somehow  dramatically  drop  in  temperature  when  these  dreams  come .
she’s  been  trying  not  to  think  about  them  but  they  keep  coming  back  no  matter  how  much  she  pushes  them  away .    she’s  afraid  of  them .    something  in  her  mind  is  calling  her  a  monster  &  she  doesn’t  know  why .    she  also  hasn’t  realized  that  any  time  she’s  gotten  ice  cream  or  an  iced  drink ,  it  no  longer  melts  with  her .   not  even  a  little .    her  powers  are  slowly  creeping  back  to  her   &   though  they’re  not  at  her  full  it’s  not  gonna  be  good  soon .
elsa  has  ice  powers   &   if  she  doesn’t  control  them  then  they’ll  control  her .    however ,  fearing   &   herself  only  makes  them  worse .
in frozen  ii  we  learn  that  elsa  is  also  the  fifth  spirit  of  the  enchanted  forest ,  acting  as  one  half  of  the  bridge  betweenn  the  spirit  &  human  world .    her  sister  anna  is  the  other  half .
she  acted  as  queen  of  arendelle  for  several  years  until  discovering  she  was  the  fifth  spirit .   afterwards ,  she  passed  the  reign  to  her  sister  anna ,  opting  to  live  in  the  forest  rather  than  rule .
elsa  is  so  sweet  be  her  friend !
likes  the  house  freezing   &   no  one  else  is  allowed  to  touch  the  thermostat .   die  cold .
while  it  isn’t  her  main  business ,  will  design  you  outfits  if  you  ask !
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