#He has many “grunts” who work for him and his underground operation.
softscummymammon · 3 years
Bruce Wayne x Mafia Boss!Male Reader
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//Self Indulgent//
Bruce Wayne was a man of many talents. He's trained almost his entire childhood to become what he has desired. Through all his hard work, and by working in Gotham, he expected to have seen everything. But no matter the title given to him by Gotham's people, "The Greatest Detective", he felt like no such thing at this very moment.
He was stumped, admittedly, which was not often. He stared at the face and name of the screen of the Batcomputer like staring at it would make it change in fear of his glare. But it never did, and it wouldn't in the near or far future.
Bruce had been looking into one of the most prominent, yet well hidden, cartels selling drugs and other opioids underground and on the black market. It took him an astonishing two months to even track down one of their runners. It was so hidden in plain sight it was practically invisible. Once he'd gotten intel from one of the runners using his intimidation tactics, he was able to get a spy inside the ranks. They fed him information that got more incriminating the longer he was inside the operation.
But suspiciously, they recently went quiet. The last message he was able to receive from his informat, was that he was going to meet the boss soon, and he'd be able to tell Batman more about him after. Bruce never believed in coincidences. So, he went digging further and found many incidents including rival drug cartels. What he found, set a pit in his stomach.
The name and face printed on the file before him, held an uncanny resemblance to his one and only friend before his parent's murder, and that was, " _____ _____". The name was like lead on his tongue. You were his one true regret when he left for Batman. He disappeared, but you soon followed right after. Bruce had thought you were dead with how your name suddenly dropped off radar.
But now he knew. You're parents had also been killed when one of them failed to persuade a drug dealer to put his gun when they wouldn't buy from him. It was like deja vu all over again. His parents lying dead on the concrete, his mother's pearls drenched him blood. But what he read on the autopsy report, was none similar. Your parents died a slow death of suffocation, chocking on the blood filling their lungs while video cameras recorded you sobbing for them and trying to stop the bleeding.
Now, Bruce realizes just what he's dealing with. That name and face on the file, was none other than you, who took a job in a rival cartel against the killer of your parents and slowly climbed the ranks. You killed every man in your way to kill the bastard that killed your parents. But he couldn't stomach it, the fact the killer still had kids at home and a wife, set him the wrong way. You were only creating the scenario of what happened to you on those kids. What would stop them from killing you in the future?
He needed to stop this, and that's exactly what he set off to do. Dawning the suit and the cowl, he speed out of the cave in the Batmobile to one of the biggest known base of operation. It was a club called Apollo's Sun Strip and Bar in the East end. No matter how much he didn't want to admit, he couldn't deny that the east end was far worse in petty crime that central Gotham. He stopped two attempted assaults, three attempted robberies, and one cat in a tree.
Getting to the club wasn't hard, and Batman would have done more research on studying and watching their moves, but he was on a tight schedule. Using the shadows to his advantage, he crept in through the back of the club and made it to the rosters. Watching from above, he saw many of the dancers on the stage and the patrons sitting in their booths watching or at the bar. He's surprised to see how well managed the place was.
Slipping to the back of the place, it was completely dark, save for a corner of the room being lit up by one over hanging light. Stalking forward, he was surprised to find the lit up corner morph into one of a lounge. It wasn't empty.
Getting into a fighting position, Batman took out a batarang and held it up. A deep, sultry chuckle followed his movements, and the sound of a crystal glass getting set down on wood came right after. A figure sat in a cushioned chair, leaned back just far enough into the shadows to cover his face. They were dressed in a three piece tux. Black trousers and jacket with a red jeweled waist coat, and a deep maroon button up shirt.
He deep, yet smooth voice came from the shadow covered face, " Bruce, it's been a long time. Would you care for a drink perhaps, one with an old friend? " It was said so deceivingly, Batman almost missed the name attached to the sentence. He froze, and watched as the figure laughed in dark joy and slowly rises from the chair. Bruce gulped and wondered how his friend got so,...big.
You walked around one of the chairs and finally stepped into the light. Bruce took in your features, how they've sharpened, and how your eyes had grown darker. You titled your head and chuckled again, " Don't worry about the name, Bruce, your secret is safe with me. But, was isn't safe, " He walked up to Bruce and grabbed him lightly on the chin, "are those lips of yours. "
Bruce only had a second to think about your words before you attacked his lips with your own. He let out a surprised groan that was easily swallowed by you. His hand went slack and the sound of his weapon hitting the ground rung through the entire room as he got over his stupor.
Gasping for air when you pulled back, you lick your lips at the disheveled face he was sporting, or at least, what you could make of it. You chuckled, but kept your grip on his chin, "I always wondered how big bad Batsy has grown. And I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised. "
Bruce huffed and panted for air like a dog, and you chuckled again. Dipping in, you peck his lips one more time before letting him go. Grabbing your glass that was on the table, you drink the rest of it and shoved it into Bruce's chest. He grunted and held onto it, looking up at you in confusion.
You chuckle and saunter away, an extra away in your hips and you comb your fingers through your hair, " For the identity, Darling. I'm giving you a little leeway. Now, I won't make this little game easy, Bruce. But I know, you never like anything easy. " At the end of your little speel, the lights flickered and you were gone. The only sound Bruce heard the the thump of the bass, and the murmurs of the people talking in the main room.
Looking down, Bruce found a single thumb print on the class. He smirked and looked back up to where you were last, " Sneaky bastard. "
//Hope you enjoyed it! //
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Chapter One. 
The leading lady will be introduced eventually but I feel like with the way this is written I need to focus on Adonis and Erik first. 
Warnings: AU!Erik, AU!Adonis, smut, bisexual, mentions of blood, threesome.
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The 2019 Comic Con at the Los Angeles Convention Center was populous to say the least. Adonis Johnson felt like he was elbow-to-elbow with the animated and roused crowd of event goers. Everyone is grouped like teenagers in those cheesy high school flicks. You have your Nerds—never worried about being challenged to prove their knowledge about the gaming character or superhero on the shirt they're wearing, yelling out quotes in a spirit of shared fandom. Then, you have your cos players—rehearsed smiles on their faces whenever they are stopped to have their picture taken, sort of deteriorating and looking less magnificent as the day goes on due to wig issues, broken weapons, or itchy and hot costumes. Then, there are those individuals like Adonis who endure the hectic universe. 
Adonis is wearing a faded orange muscle tee with a mixture of his favorite anime characters such as Saitama, Goku, Sasuke, L, Yusuke Urameshi, and Spike Spiegel. He styled the tee with a pair of Nike Dri-FIT Basketball shorts in black, black Jordan socks, and a pair of orange and black Air Jordan 1’s on his feet. He couldn’t forget his layered silver chains and finger rings to make it more stylish, or his charcoal black Coach backpack to carry his essentials like the sun screen he needed and some water from standing in that long ass line in the blazing afternoon sun. The cast of Zombieland: Double Tap will be there, and over 800 exhibitors. Adonis didn’t even know where to start or end and at first he figured the map in his hand that he grabbed at the entrance was a great idea but he tossed it in the closest receptacle. 
Adonis scratched at the steri-strip on the corner of his pouty bottom lip since the regular stitches were removed by his doctor almost 48 hours ago. Adonis earned that busted lip from a fight he triumphed in. He didn’t get that wound from the type of fights you see on paper view—he’s an Underground Boxer who participates in Street fighting. Yes, Adonis fights in ‘unlicensed’ matches. This means it operates outside the governing bodies of the sport and is susceptible to rules being broken and fights being fixed. It is illegal in many countries because it is dangerous and disruptive to daily life—running the possibility of being charged with several crimes especially. It’s Adonis’ personal fight club, a badge of honor for him. 
Adonis was introduced to the idea of a fight club by a childhood buddy of his that died five years ago. His name was Clark Wilson. Adonis and Clark used to be in Juvie together—two angry kids who used their fists because of the violence and hatred surrounding them. When Adonis’ father, famous Boxer named Apollo Creed’s wife Mary Anne came looking for Adonis while he was in Juvie, she took him in as her own son and started him out in therapy and anger management groups. For the most part, Adonis felt as if his anger was suppressed but he missed the way fighting made him feel——alive. First, Adonis had to understand the reasoning of a Fight Club. Fight Club is about releasing his anger and stress; about fighting his problems; about going against normalcy and the safe little bubble he has become accustomed to living in. 
Rules were put in place and Adonis found a private property hidden from the public eye so that the authorities can’t interfere. Adonis uses a basement of a record shop for his Fight Club location. If someone would die in Fight Club, there isn’t anything anyone could do. There has only been one case where someone died in Adonis’ Fight Club and he swore to make sure it didn’t become deadly. Brutal, yes, but no murder. Pinching the steri-strip on his lip to keep it in place, Adonis visits an exhibitor—Comic Madness. Pulling out his iPhone so he could use his Apple Pay, Adonis sifts through the comic books to find the ones he wanted. The price tag on them was a bit much but this was a once a year weekend event so he could break the bank. 
Entrepreneur of a fitness company called Elite Body Edge, Erik Stevens strolls through Comic Con after checking out the Hellboy cast members doing a Q&A. Stylish per usual, dangling gold cross earring in his right ear, yellow and black camouflage cargos on, all-white creaseless Nike Air Force 1s, and a lax graphic tee with The Lost Boys on it, Erik pans his Canon PowerShot G7X Mark lll Camera around him, Vlogging his Comic Con experience for his YouTuber’s. When he’s not recording fitness and nutrition videos, Erik is vlogging about his daily life or giving advice to the anonymous subscribers who send him emails. He wanted to edit the video to look like a VHS video for a different aesthetic. Erik strolls past a group of cos players dressed as The Avengers and stops to record them, smiling at the enthusiasm and flashing his gold canines. 
Erik sips from his souvenir cup, the straw making an annoying suctioning noise since it was nearly empty. Shaking the cup, ice chips clanking around, Erik stops to get some more footage. Just when he was about to end his vlogging, there was a rather sexy, good-looking dude with chestnut eyes, amber skin so smooth and velvety looking. The muscle tee he was sporting didn’t leave anything to the imagination. Clearly, he’s lean, and chiseled. Erik haltingly lowers his camera, his inky black eyes trailing over this mystery guys frame with enthrallment. Just when Erik thought he would be coming to Comic Con for some fanboy fun, he spotted a distraction with a nice ass. Erik is a bi-sexual man. Friends jokingly called Erik a hoe that got off on pussy or dick—a reckless hoe that played with fire. Married couples, closet homosexuals, threesomes with women, anything that caused mayhem and wreckage with relationships. Anything to get his thick dick wet. 
Erik’s Adam’s Apple bobbed in his neck and his lips parted. When the mystery guy turned around Erik grunted deeply. Lips so thick and plump. Oooh. His breath became ragged and he felt himself swelling. Why did this have to happen to him right now? Donnie must have felt Erik’s hard eyes burning into the back of his skull because he looked back over his shoulder at him with a raised brow and obvious annoyance. The corners of Adonis’ eyes crinkled with suspicion. Erik found it comical, giving Adonis a sly half smirk when their eyes connected. Adonis shook out his shoulders, focusing back on the stacks of comic books in front of him. Why is his heart skipping a beat and his stomach in knots? The back of his neck prickled and he glanced over at Erik again before he cocked his head to the side. The devilish smirk on Erik’s face sparked Adonis’ short temper. 
Thinking back to his anger management tips, Adonis tried to take a timeout by using “I” statements—to stay in control. Think before you speak, don’t make assumptions, calm yourself. As much as he wanted those methods to work, Erik’s smiling, smug face bothered Adonis. Who is this random ass nigga and why the fuck is he smiling like there’s a joke? Adonis started to feel more and more uneasy about Erik staring at him. Does he know about the Fight Club? That seemed to invigorate Adonis’ irritation because he began charging through a group of cos players and walked right up to Erik with his pectoral muscles puffed out and his hands in fists so tight he could feel the aftershocks from his fight almost two days ago. Erik stood his ground with a single brow raised, waiting for Adonis to cause a scene. As soon as Adonis crowded his personal space that was already so little with how many people surrounded them, Erik made it his business to allow his inky black eyes to drop to Adonis’ crotch and back up swiftly. 
“The fuck is your problem staring at me, nigga?” Adonis spoke with a harsh whisper that caused his jaw muscles to clench, “You know me or something?” Adonis paused before he nodded his head slowly, “Let me guess...you wanna fight me?”
“Fight you?” Erik’s eyes become slits, “Why would I want to fight somebody I don’t even know?”
“Well, then you must have heard about me…” Adonis says with a questioning tone. Erik licks his lips and with no regard allows his piercing eyes to memorize the shape of Adonis’ mouth. Adonis couldn’t fight the urge to do the same. He’s turned on. Just as the tension between the two of them reaches a fever pitch, Adonis steps away before he could even realize what he was doing. Adonis didn’t even know he had been holding his breath until he drew in a shaky tone. He’s noticeably quieter now, his aggression tampered. He knew his bewilderment was written across his face. Adonis squared his shoulders and shook out his limbs as if Erik had a bind on him. 
“You good, fighter?” Erik asks sarcastically, “You’re a boxer? I can tell by your reflexes. For a second I thought you were gonna try and knock me out,” Erik smiled. Adonis swallows a hefty amount of spit to calm the tingling sensation in his abdomen. 
“Yeah...I box...underground,” Adonis clarified, “Been doing it for seven years now.”
“Ahh, dirty boxing, I see,” Erik strokes his goatee, “how does one get into that shit anyway? I’m interested.” 
“You don’t choose it like you choose your next meal..you gotta be initiated in...they like to weed out the weak ones…” 
“That hardcore?” Erik took a few steps towards Adonis.
“Hell yeah,” Adonis stares at Erik’s feet as if he were overstepping, “I can tell you more about it if you’re serious.” 
“As long as it’s from the pro himself I’m all ears.” 
This foreign feeling that washed over Adonis’ body was something he felt before when he questioned whether or not he wanted a man to suck his dick. He looks back at Erik just as he smiles and Adonis rolled his eyes away slightly. What the fuck is happening right now? 
“I don’t even know your name, bro,” Adonis held out his hand to give Erik dabs, “I’m Adonis.”
“Erik,” He raised his hand to shake Adonis’. He didn’t want to linger too long but the feeling of his calloused palm teased his hand and it made him want to stroke it. When Erik let go, he allowed his fingertips to brush across the center of Adonis’ palm and that little touch caused Adonis’ biceps to flex. Good to see him react. 
“you gotta be serious...this shit is...it’s rough,” Adonis cleared his throat, “Ain’t the place to really discuss this—“
“Nah, I’m cool,” Erik says with a chuckle—a teasing grin on his face and his eyes now following the definition of Adonis’ arms. Adonis didn’t like Erik staring at him so openly. Maybe Erik got the wrong vibe from Adonis—believing him to be a possible fuck he could conquer after this crowded event, “I’ll stick to boxing in my gym. This underground shit sounds like some kind of deadly contract.” 
“It’s not for everybody,” Adonis says with a smirk, “But if you change your mind, how do I reach you? I usually don’t recruit fighters out in the open like this.”
“Here you go,” Erik pulls out his black leather wallet, retrieving a business card before handing it over to Adonis. It’s a black business card with a gold metallic painted edge for his fitness club Elite Body Edge. The business card is twice as thick as standard cards, since they are printed on 32 pt. uncoated cardstock, offering a superb heft and feel everyone will notice. Erik’s contact information is at the bottom of the card. 
“I’ve heard of this fitness club, all good things too, I’ll keep in touch if you’re ever interested.”
“I’d like to come and watch the fights at least...is that cool?” 
Adonis ponders for a bit, “We have people come and watch but it’s mainly members…”
Erik notices Adonis’ hesitation, backing away a little, “Listen, you hardly know me, I don’t want to intrude on your little secret society. However, you have my card, you can stop by the gym anytime. We have boxing equipment that you can use too.”
“Aight...cool...I’ll come and check it out,” Adonis pockets the card, “Nice to meet you, Erik, sorry for the way I came off at you earlier, my anger can be a bit out of control,” Adonis lets out a nervous chuckle. 
“A bit? I get this vibe that it’s more than just a bit,” Erik turns to leave, “Don’t hesitate to stop by and get a good work out in! Enjoy the rest of your time here at Comic Con.”
“Will do,” Adonis salutes Erik before turning away and disappearing into the sea of people.
Elite Body Edge is designed with the purpose of building strong foundations by balancing flexibility, mobility, strength, conditioning and nutrition as well as giving you the perfect sculpt to turn heads; because a strong and sculpted foundation makes a power house. With an arsenal of knowledge, from competition preparation to rehabilitation to strength and conditioning, Elite Body Edge can design a program for any body habitus to achieve any fitness goal. They offer one-on-one training, group sessions and accountability programs to best fit your needs. Why train with Elite Body Edge? No contracts with affordable month-to-month membership, a safe environment to learn proper technique from experienced trainers, a flexible schedule with a variety of group classes to fit your schedule, and an encouraging atmosphere to make working out fun.
Elite Body Edge is a high-end gym experience. Some of the club amenities include, locker rooms complete with sauna and massage chairs, rooftop deck, group fitness classes, premium strength and cardio equipment including LifeFitness, HammerStrength, Precor, and Star Trac, and an amazing aquatic area for swim-fitness. Some of the classes include Restorative Yoga, H.E.A.T Camp, TRX, Feel Fit Naked, Boxing, Self defense, Spin, H.I.I.T, Yogalates, Circuit Burn, and many more. It’s located at 8053 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA. It’s striking architecture was designed by National Design Award winner Ian Jackson of Studio Sofield. It’s 30-foot video wall for virtual-reality cycle classes is exceedingly popular, and it’s soaring 25-foot ceilings supported by illuminated linear columns and over 40,000 square feet of state-of-the-art equipment, Elite Body Edge is a modern-day escape straight out of a sci-fi film. 
Erik is no stranger to the gym. Over the years he has received multiple certifications in performance enhancement, TRX Suspension and is a EliteFirst Certified Level 1 trainer, which he has employed as a strength and conditioning coach for the nationally recognized Fremont High School Basketball Team which has produced multiple athletes in the NBA. He supports the youth and employs them to stay active and live a healthy lifestyle. The fitness mogul himself was wrapping up a TRX tactical training course. Most of the occupants are military trained or athletes and with Erik’s skills it can keep them performing at the highest level. Sweaty, heart rate spiked, muscles fueled, and a round of applause, Erik puts up one hand with a black training glove to settle the cheers from his hard working pupils. 
“Nah, y’all should be clapping for yourselves,” Erik wipes sweat from the tip of his nose, “You guys did an amazing job today. The shit is tough but I see improvement and progress. We’ll meet at the same time next Wednesday. Remember, get some rest, stay hydrated, and eat a well balanced diet.”
Everyone gathered their things and exited the class. Erik grabs some cleaning solution and a few disposable cloths to wipe down the equipment. Gym playlist on, you wouldn’t be able to keep Erik’s energy down for one second. He’s so amped up that he could go for another training session; work on his hamstrings and calves some more. Satisfied with his cleaning, Erik exits the classroom, the double glass doors closing behind him. The energetic, hip-hop music pumped up his clients to finish their workout sessions. The air circulating the gym masked the usual odor that comes with sweating and his gym staff are very vigilant on keeping the place tidy. His staff wears black workout gear from head to toe with the gym logo on the front. 
As Erik walks through his gym, checking things out, a familiar face catches his eye. Training on an Everlast Powercore Dual bag with a speed bag attachment is the eye-candy from Comic Con just a week prior. He’s shirtless with a blue Adidas face mask on and fingerless black MMA gloves. His gym shorts hung low on his hips and his feet danced back and forth in his Speed-Flex boxing shoes in time with his fierce punches. Erik wondered when he became a member. He didn’t expect for Adonis to even take up the offer on joining the gym. Smirking, Erik strolls over towards Adonis at the same time as one of Erik’s pilates trainers, Andrea does. Andrea is wearing a black sports bra with the gym logo and black biker shorts. Her sleek platinum blonde pixie cut made her glistening peanut skin pop. Her dark brown eyes held recognition as well as lust. 
“Donnie?” Andrea says with a sultry voice, “I knew that was you,” Andrea popped her hip out, staring Adonis up and down with a big white smile, “How are you?”
Adonis takes off his face mask, those thick lips extra moist from the perspiration on his skin, “Andrea, w’sup? I’m doing good…” Adonis seemed to be thrown off by her presence. From the way he looked at her with his chocolate eyes, they must have had an interesting relationship. Erik took note of the way Adonis sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and Andrea licked her lips and touched his arm with her fingertips. 
“Why don’t you come and see me anymore? We used to have a good ass time...what happened with that? Got tired of me?” Andrea says with a single brow raised.
“I’ve been busy,” Adonis looked away awkwardly, the fresh scar above his right brow catching Andrea’s attention. 
“Busy getting into a brawl? What’s that scar about?” 
“You know me…” Adonis turned away, “Can’t pass up a good fight.”
Andrea didn’t hide her sexual appetite for Adonis from the way her eyes swept over his body, silently telling him how his ripped physique turned her on. Just when she allowed her eyes to drop to Adonis’ crotch, Erik was there next to her, the form-fitting Under Armor short sleeve grey top he wore drenched and molding with his well-built curves straining against the fabric. Two sexy men with twin facial features that made her drool like a love-sick dog. 
“Didn’t think you would show up,” Erik held his hand out to shake Adonis’ hand, “How are you liking it so far?”
“It’s dope, I love the set up, I especially enjoy this boxing section...I mean, you have everything I need to help me train.” 
“Where were you training before?” Erik asked.
“Delphi Boxing Academy, but I need more free roam, too many new people to train.” Adonis replies. 
“...so, you know Andrea?” Erik looks over at her, her peanut colored skin immediately turning red and the top row of her teeth chewing on her pouty, pink bottom lip nervously. 
“Yeah, we got history,” Adonis cracks a smile, “Maybe I should catch one of your Pilates classes...watch you do that seated toe touch.” 
Erik arched a single thick brow at Adonis’ words. It wasn’t directed towards him but the seductive way he said that had a pool of desire filling the pit of his stomach. Erik knows exactly how that seated toe touch looked. Seated on the floor, knees drawn towards your chest, feet in the air and toes pointed to the sky, a complete view of a woman’s phat pussy or a man’s hefty bulge straining against the fabric of their stretchy leggings or shorts. Erik enjoys fucking a woman with a malleable body just as much as Adonis does it seems. He wouldn’t mind seeing how malleable Adonis can be.
“Let’s see if you can keep up,” Andrea gives Adonis one final look up and down before walking away, “my number is still the same.” 
Adonis watches Andrea walk away, “you got a good selection on your staff, bruh.”
“Yup,” Erik agrees, head tilted to the side, dreads shifting across his forehead before he grins, baring his teeth, “gotta have options, a pretty face brings guests, it’s all business.” 
“Well, I admire your business. The dedication and strive to pull something like this together is inspirational. I put my membership in a day ago and was trying to meet with you for a personal tour but your front desk staff said you were out for the day.” Adonis says. 
“Yeah, I’m also a Biological Science Lab Tech two days a week pulling twelve hour shifts.”
“Damn, how the hell do you function?” Adonis says with a shocked voice. 
“You gotta love what you do. You should know, with your own fight club and all, living a double life...working a regular 9-5 during the day I’m guessing?”  Erik says with curious eyes. 
“I’m a Senior Trading Analyst for Smith Boardley Financial Group so, yeah, it’s like living a double life. They don’t ask questions though, which is good.” Adonis’ face shows annoyance as if he didn’t want to talk about his job. Erik senses that maybe Adonis isn’t satisfied with his daytime life, that he feels more free at night and in the ring. He hardly even knew this guy and yet he wanted to know every little detail; ask him questions. He has so many layers to fold back, and besides his reasons behind fighting, Erik hopes to make Adonis admit to his attraction to him. Only thing is, Adonis has to believe it. He’s still uncertain and confused. 
“Why do you fight?”
Silence settles between them for a short while before Adonis finally speaks. 
“Freedom mainly. I want to stop controlling everything and just let go,” Adonis closes his eyes briefly, “if it’s not working out for me...I need to find something that doesn’t...something that doesn’t define me as this perfect dude with a perfect job, and all this fucking money. The things you own end up owning you. The people around you can drag you down. When I fight, I lose control. I’ve been taught at a very young age to bottle up my aggression but all I wanna do is use my hands and to experience some feeling in this numb world...this ‘cocooned society’.” 
“So it’s not about the violence for you? I can understand that. I guess working out is a release for me...that’s an interesting method that I support,” Erik’s eyes scan Adonis’ body, taking a step back so he can blatantly check him out, “I wanna know how this fight club operates...you think I can come watch?” 
Adonis lets go of a laugh, his dimples flashing, “Yeah, man, you can come watch. I’m gonna warn you now though, it can get pretty graphic.”
“Blood? Broken teeth? Nasty scars? That shit don’t phase me,” Erik smiles, allowing his eyes to drop over Adonis’ body. Adonis leans down to grab his water bottle, taking a sip of it and completely avoiding Erik’s unwavering eyes. Why were those eyes making Adonis’ nerves spike up with excitement. It disgruntled him and had Adonis frowning from the feeling. 
“Listen, just don’t be late,” Adonis spoke with finality, placing his face mask back on, “Can’t have people wandering in at the last minute. Come by tomorrow night around 10.” 
Adonis’ change in demeanor has Erik chuckling. He has a habit of wearing his emotions on his face. 
“Will do, bro. Catch you tomorrow...champ,” Erik jeers before leaving Adonis to his training. 
Going Underground Records was Erik’s destination for the late evening. Founded in 2001, Bakersfield's Going Underground Records is Central California's largest and longest running vinyl record store and has recently expanded with a new brick-and-mortar location in Los Angeles. They buy, sell, and trade LPs, 45s, stereo equipment, local concert promotional items (posters, flyers, one-off recordings, etc.) and more. They purchase collections of all sizes, so whether you have a handful, or thousands of records to sell, call or stop by any day of the week. They buy daily and travel to you for large collections. It seems completely deserted from the front but Erik’s instructions from Adonis’ text was to go around back through a basement door. Parking his red Audi R8 across the street, Erik puts out his weed, leaving it in his car. Opening the door, Erik’s left foot hits the wet street. 
Fully out of his car, Erik closes the door, turning to walk across the street towards the record shop. Erik is wearing a camouflage pullover hoodie with black sweats and white Jordan 1’s with a low cut style. Bringing his hood up to cover his freshly twisted locs, Erik saunters down a narrow alleyway before making a left turn ending directly behind the record shop. As soon as he approached the red stainless steel cellar doors, Erik knocks twice, stepping away just in time as a tall, carob-skinned man with a bald head and a single gold hoop earring dressed in a black bomber jacket with a dark purple T-shirt and dark blue denim jeans opens the cellar doors. He looked at Erik in an angry or threatening way, his bug-eyes practically sizing Erik up like he wasn’t welcome. Erik was expressionless, no signs of fear towards this shaq looking man whatsoever, instead, Erik pockets his hands and clears his throat to speak. 
“I’m here for rebellion.” Erik says. He was told to say this at the door from Adonis’ text after the gym yesterday. Erik stopped him before Adonis took off in his matte black Chevy corvette. They exchanged numbers so that Adonis could text him the address and password for entry into the fight club. 
“Why do you seek rebellion?” The man spoke with a voice as hard as the blade of a shovel. 
“Because of this effeminized society that forces me to live a dull and meaningless life,” Erik says with an even tone. 
“Come in, quick,” The man says, “I’m Damion, the owner of this record shop.”
“Erik,” He shook hands with the man before entering the basement of the record shop through the cellar doors. There are metal shelves filled with boxes and janitorial items. Following Damion, Erik could hear hoots and hollers growing louder and louder within the basement. A black drape ahead separated Erik and Damion from the fight club. When the drape was pulled back, the badly lit room with a boxing ring and a crowd of at least thirty people awaited Erik. The shouts and roars are angry and free in Erik’s ears. It smelled like sweat, liquor, weed, and Vaseline mixed with coagulate. 
There, in the middle of the ring with his fists tightly clenched, black boxer shorts hanging low on his hips, and left nose bleeding is Adonis himself. What would be his excuse this time when he went to work the next day? Maybe that he tripped and fell face first, bloodying up his nose. He bares his teeth that are just as bloody as his nose, punching his opponent so hard that they fall to the floor of the ring, his head pinched between the floor of the ring and Adonis’ left knee. Adonis kept slamming his fist into the bridge of his opponents nose——a beefy looking white man with ginger hair and a large leprechaun tattoo on his broad back. He did it again and again in flat hard packing sounds you could hear over all the yelling until the ginger-haired man caught enough breath and sprayed blood to say, stop. Just as those words fell from his lips with difficulty, Adonis stands to his full height, fisting the air with triumph. 
“WHO WANTS NEXT? The night is just getting started!!” Adonis yells, voice like a rising storm, “THE RING IS FREE!”
“I’ll take him on!” A random black guy wearing a FedEx uniform says, pointing to a tall blonde-haired alternative-looking white guy with arm tattoos and nails painted black, “He’s been giving me a dirty look all night, let’s see what your hands are like. I had a long fucking day too,” The FedEx worker removed his hat revealing a clean faded haircut with waves, “Lets go!!! Don’t act scared now!!”
The ginger-haired white man was pulled from the ring, a bloody trail from his face following him. Adonis slid between the ropes and hopped out of the ring, walking through the crowded room until he reached a table with a series of water bottles and towels. Adonis grabs a bottle of water to drink, his grip crushing the plastic bottle before he tosses it away. Erik’s attention was brought back to the ring when the black guy kicked the air out of the alternative white guy then landed on him pounding him limp. The white guy clawed his neck for him to stop and that’s when he backed off with a viscous laugh. The blonde took this opportunity to give him a taste of his medicine. His left fist connected with the black guy's face, spit flying from between his full lips. 
Yeah! Yeah! Kick his ass! 
It was like a raging storm in that room. Erik walks further into the room, bumping shoulders accidentally with a wild amped up Al Pacino look alike with slicked back hair and what looked to be a waiter’s uniform on. These men came all the way here from their boring jobs to relieve some tension. Erik took his spot in a corner, his commanding yet piercing eyes scanning the room. He sought out Adonis again, finding him shouting into the ring. Erik was standing under one of only several lights in the after-midnight blackness of a basement full of men. In the ring two new guys are fighting. One of the men has his opponent's arms behind his head in a full nelson and rammed his face into the ring floor until his teeth bit down on the inside of his cheek. He kept going, even when the guy yelled stop. Adonis jumped into the ring, yanking the guy away and earning a right hook to his face. Erik hisses before grabbing his own jaw as if he could feel it. 
“WHAT ARE THE FUCKING RULES, HUH?!” Adonis head butts him, knocking the guy to the floor before looking down on him with vengeful eyes, “WHEN THEY YELL STOP! YOU FUCKING STOP! Get up,” Adonis throws up his fists, “I said get the fuck up!”
Yeah Adonis! Teach him a lesson!
Body glistening from sweat and muscles perfectly sculpted as if they were carved out of limestone, Adonis beats this man down with just his fists, no special combo move like he’s some wrestler. The guy had enough, throwing his hands up in surrender. Adonis smiles with his blood stained teeth. There’s grunting and noise at fight club like at the gym, but fight club isn’t about looking good. There’s hysterical shouting in tongues like at church, except this isn’t a holy sanctuary like your grandmother would drag you to every Sunday morning to praise and worship. Erik briefly wondered who is responsible for mopping up the blood and sweat from the ring floor after all of this is over. Just standing there watching has his adrenaline spiked. Adonis raises his head towards the ceiling before opening his eyes, the low light making the blood on his face glisten. 
His chocolate eyes scanned the room and when they landed on Erik he seemed to freeze with shock but then a knowing smile appeared on his face. Erik returned the same smile bobbing his head in greeting. Adonis left the ring and squeezed through the small crowd of men before finally coming face to face with Erik. Erik’s eyes sparked as they quickly swept Adonis’ drenched body. He had to suck in a quick breath to calm the pulse coming from his dick. All this charged up, aggressive energy is what Erik craves every time he fucks a man. That fighting back before surrendering to him when all his fat dick enters them. Adonis looked like the type to fight back, Erik really wanted to see that for himself. He hoped it would be sooner rather than later. 
“Looks like underground street fights are a new favorite of mines,” Erik chuckled. 
The corners of Adonis’ eyes crinkled as he smiled, “Didn’t think you would really show up.”
“I’m not all bark and no bite, bruh. When I say I’m gonna be somewhere, I make it happen. Anyway, I ain’t never seen shit like this so I wasn’t about to pass that up,” Erik’s lashes fluttered and his tongue glided across his bottom lip, his gold slugs twinkling in the low light like diamonds. Adonis’ brows knitted and his eyes fell to Erik’s lips. He caught himself staring and backed away, scratching the tip of his nose and taking a deep breath, his pectorals dancing one at a time. Erik’s eyes flickered with mischief and he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“I broke the code inviting you here, you know that?” Adonis looks around, “I’m surprised nobody called you out to fight them. When that happens, you have to fight. That’s the rules.” 
“I don’t abide by rules easily,” Erik’s eyes are ablaze but his voice is like melted honey, “And clearly neither do you. I do my own thing. Is there some contract you have to sign to be involved in this shit?”
“First thirty names on the list get in, if you get in, you set up your fight right away, if you want to fight. If not, there are guys that do so maybe you should stay home.” Adonis points to his left brow, “A couple of stitches fixed this, some of these guys leave here with injuries so bad they need a bed in the hospital...It ain’t for everybody.” 
“But yet here they are getting their asses handed to em’,” Erik shakes his head, “Looks like you need a drink.” 
“I do, I was actually headed to the bar around the corner after this,” Adonis lifted a single brow as his eyes peered into Erik’s, “You’re welcome to join me if you want...I can tell you more about the fight club...looks like you’re interested in joining.” 
“Maybe,” Erik surveyed Adonis’ face, “We could get to know each other a little? You know, I feel like you’re a cool dude, wouldn’t mind kickin’ it over drinks.” 
“I don’t see why not,” Adonis gives Erik a quizzical look before backing away, “Meet me at The Spare Room around the corner from here.” 
Erik chuckles as he watches Adonis back away, stroking the length of his beard while he takes in the vibe of Adonis’ body language, “Aight, I’ll be waiting for you at the bar.” 
“I ordered for you if that’s cool? Whiskey.” 
Adonis is sporting a black and grey Nike zip-up hoodie with matching track pants and black AirMax on his feet. He settles next to Erik at the bar before drumming his fingers nervously on the polished wood of the bar countertop. The bartender serves them two glass tumblers filled with whiskey and a black cocktail straw. Erik removes his straw and drinks straight from the rim of his glass. Adonis stirs the ice in his glass around before taking a hefty sip over the rim as well. 
“What are you going to tell your job tomorrow about that purple bruise under your eye and that bloody nose? You tripped and hit your face against a brick wall?” Erik cracks a smile.
“I’m off tomorrow,” Adonis touches the bruise under his eye, wincing a bit, “That punch was brutal.” 
“I felt that shit myself. Damn, he got your ass good.” 
“And I got his ass right back,” Adonis proclaimed. 
Erik finishes his drink before calling on the bartender for more.
“After a fight I usually get some pussy to calm me down but good pussy is hard to come by these days,” Adonis stretches his back, “I ain’t been in good pussy in a minute…”
Erik’s jaw clenched at the way Adonis said pussy. He glanced over at Adonis, watching him drink from his glass. 
“Shoot Andrea a text, maybe she’ll stop by and give you that pussy you’ve been craving,” Erik motions for 
Adonis to pick up his phone, “The night is still young, ain’t too late to get in that puss...ain’t never too late.”
Adonis arched a single brow at Erik, “...You fuck her?”
“She yours?” Erik twirled his glass while studying his drink.
“Nah, she’s not...but did you hit?”
Erik bites his bottom lip, “Once, around the time I first hired her. She got it.”
“I know, I been it before,” Adonis shakes his head, “You fuck all the women on your staff?” 
“Yeah, if they want this fat dick.” 
Adonis stirred in his seat, “Another round, homie.”
The bartender fills his glass, the liquid sloshing around the only sound between them until the bartender walks away. 
“You mad I dipped into Drea?” Erik asks casually.
“Can’t be mad at that. She’s not mine...remember?” 
“I got this feeling that if she was yours...you would use this bar top to crack my head open,” Erik flashes Adonis a dimpled smile, “That’s if you can though.” 
“You talk like you would want that,” Adonis squinted his eyes. 
“I like aggression,” Erik says with a hushed tone. Adonis looked away, pondering Erik’s words. He couldn’t explain it but the way he said that felt as if he were flirting with him. Adonis pulls his phone out of his pocket at that exact moment to find Andrea’s number. He shoots her a quick you up text before returning to his drink. 
“You from around here,” Adonis asked to clear the growing tension. It only worked a little. 
“South Central. You?” 
“Crenshaw up until the age of twelve, in and out of Juvie until my dad's wife found me…”
“Your mom wasn’t around?” Erik asked.
“She died when I was ten. Never knew my dad until his wife took me in...from there I moved to Tarzana to live in this mansion. My whole life changed. Found out who my pops was too. Apollo Creed.” 
“Shit...you serious?” Erik’s eyebrows disappeared behind his dreads, “Bro...that’s WILD...why didn’t you follow in your father's footsteps?”
“I didn’t want to be known as Apollo Creed’s son and expected to be the next Creed star. I wanted to do my own thing, you know? That pro boxer shit didn’t stroke my curiosity. All the fame, all the attention. Nah, underground street fighting is my thing.”
“I’m sure your old man would be proud either way though, you’re a hot head just like him.” 
Adonis smirks, “That’s what I’ve been told.” 
“I know mine would be proud of me...lost him to the streets back in 92’ when the riots were going on. He was an activist like my momma. He protected me from getting shot on my tricycle. It humbled me...Still got my momma. She moved back to New Orleans two years ago.”
“Those riots were crazy. I’m sorry about your father...shit is tough.” 
Erik sighs, “It is, but it just reminds me of how lucky I am to have him as a father. Made me the man I am today.” 
“Yeah...I got nothing but love for my dad even though I never met him. Took me a while to get here though, it wasn’t a walk in the park. Got siblings I didn’t connect with in the beginning but now we’re tight. Mary Anne...that’s my step-mom’s name, she didn’t have to raise me, could have left me in the system.”
“What was your real mom’s name?”
“Vivica. She was an aspiring model. My dad met her at some Hollywood party. They slept around for a while but then Mary Anne found out so he ended things. My mom got pregnant, kept the pregnancy a secret until she passed from a brain aneurysm. By then my pops was already gone. Mary Anne found out and raised me.”
“Man,” Erik dragged his hand down his face, “This whole conversation turned heavy so quick. Let’s fill up these glasses, we need more liquor.”
“I second that.”
The bartender gladly refilled their glasses. For a little while longer, Erik and Adonis talked, learning more about each other. They argued about their favorite Anime, the best clubs in LA, and other random shit that had them laughing. They had only met about six days ago and they talked like old friends catching up. Adonis asks for a bottle of water since he has to drive. The bartender brings him his bottle at the precise moment that his phone buzzes. Picking up his phone, Adonis unlocks it to find a text with an image attached from Andrea. Opening the text, Adonis’ eyes became stormy with lust and his bottom lip poked out with need. 
“Goddamn,” He muttered. Andrea always knew how to get him worked up. She’s on the floor naked with her legs spread wide in front of her floor mirror, peanut skin glistening from whatever body oil she used and that phat, creamy pussy with all her glistening pink spread open and freshly waxed for him to come play with. He remembers how sweet she tastes. Adonis’ tongue rolled around his teeth before forcing his eyes away, locking the phone and placing it within his pocket. He was about to be all up in that pussy. 
“Andrea?” Erik says with a sly smirk. 
“Yeah...she really miss me,” Adonis retrieves his wallet from his pocket, “I can cover the drinks—“
“It’s already on my tab, bruh. Don’t worry about it. Go ahead and handle your business.” 
“You ain’t have to do that, Erik,” Adonis stands from his stool.”
“Think of it as a victory drink for the champion of underground street fighting,” Erik held up his glass to Adonis before knocking back the rest of the contents. 
“I hope that’s your last drink, your eyes are so fucking low.” 
“It is, I gotta get home, I’m pretty tired,” Erik tells the bartender to close his tab before standing from his seat. He dabs Adonis, bringing him in for a brief bro hug, pulling away so that his cologne wouldn’t have his dick brushing up against his. He didn’t need that to happen so soon. 
“I’ll holla at you, Erik,” Adonis turns to leave the bar. 
Erik watches him exit before short, heated breaths escaped his mouth. Erik signs his receipt before leaving himself. While walking to the car, Erik pulls his phone from his hoodie pocket, scrolling through his messages, and finding the person he was looking for. 
Erik: Still on for tomorrow night with you and hubby?
Jodie: Absolutely💕 we’ll see you tomorrow night! Can’t wait 😘
Andrea has an apartment at the Madison Toluca in North Hollywood, CA. It’s a three bedroom, two bathroom apartment with a black, red, and white color scheme. Adonis arrived shortly after 12:30 AM and knocked on her door. Her All black Yorkipoo—-a mixed breed of a Yorkshire terrier and a poodle, named Cookie was barking at the door when he knocked. Andrea could be heard yelling at Cookie before opening her door. Andrea beamed at Adonis with her big round eyes bewitching and her smile wide and pretty. She was wearing a teal blue Nike sports bra with a pair of black high crotch panties and bare feet. Her platinum blonde pixie cut is wet and slicked back from her shower and her peanut skin still glowed from the oil on her body. 
“I didn’t get a response from you so I didn’t think you would show up,” Andrea stepped to the side to allow Adonis entry, “What made you text me tonight to see if I was up?”
“You know how I get after a fight.”
 Adonis closed the space between them and grabbed the back of Andrea’s neck, tilting her head back enough to have her back bending before his thick tongue slithered up her neck and to her lips for a kiss. Adonis always itched for sex after a fight. His dick on swole and his hands unexcused Adonis cuffed Andrea’s ass, damn near pulling her from the ground. They continued to kiss, suck, and lick all over each other’s mouth to savor the taste. 
“Damn, got my dick heavy right now, girl,” Adonis squeezes Andrea’s ass, “come on, I want that pretty pussy.” 
“Donnie,” Andrea moaned, voice as pure and sweet as if from heaven, “I miss the way you used to fuck me.” 
“Uh-huh?” Adonis lifts Andrea off her feet, wrapping her legs around him, “How I used to fuck you?” 
“So good baby,” Andrea thumbed Adonis’ pouty bottom lip before peppering light kisses along them, “I miss your lips on my pussy too.” 
“I can’t wait to taste it again, is she still nice and creamy?”
“Always, daddy,” Andrea’s body shook with anticipation in his arms, “Damn...I’m shaking.” 
“It’s because you need this just as much as I do.” 
“I miss your big dick stuffing me,” Andrea dragged her kisses down Adonis’ neck. 
“You miss the way daddy used to give it to you?”
“Ooh, yes—“ 
“I’ma tear you up, Drea.” 
Adonis brought Andrea to her bedroom, flopping down with her straddling his lap. Andrea giggles like she always does while Adonis kisses along her neck and tongues her cleavage. Andrea’s breath is coming out shallow and fast. Adonis grabbed her face, making her look at him. 
“Breathe,” Adonis pecked her nose, “This dick ain’t going nowhere,” Adonis smirked, “It’s all for you, girl.”
“This my dick?” Andrea leans back so that she could grab for Adonis’ crotch, “It’s so goddamn thick goddamn baby.”
“I’m tryna make you cream all over it.”
Adonis was in an intense tongue-lock with Andrea while she stroked him through his track pants. She broke the kiss with a trail of spit before lifting from Adonis’ lap and dropping to her knees. A constant hiss escaped her mouth as she fumbled with his track pants. Discovering his waistband, Andrea pulls his pants and briefs down and around his ankles. That fat, long, swinging dick almost hit her in the face. Andrea grabs it before putting it right in her mouth where it belongs. While Andrea Gluck-Glucked Adonis removed his hoodie and the black T-shirt beneath it. 
“I just wanna fuck your face and eat your pussy until you can’t take it anymore,” Adonis tilted his head back, “Drea, fuck.” 
Adonis curses under his breath when Andrea gave his heavy balls some attention before bringing her lips back to that fat tip. Adonis dragged his fingers through her wet, short platinum blonde strands before palming the back of her neck and forcing more dick into her mouth. The loud slurping was something Adonis missed heavily. His hips were practically off of the bed now, lip between his teeth and eyebrows knitted together. 
“I miss this fucking mouth,” Adonis fucked Andrea’s mouth, “Shit, Drea, you still got it girl, this mouth is still a beast.” 
Andrea smirked before stroking his spit covered dick while sucking the tip. She really missed his dick from the way she was eating it up. Adonis wasn’t about to stop her, he simply widened his legs and laid back on his elbows. 
“You finna have a nigga bust,” Adonis’ abdomen flexed, “I needed this so fucking bad, make me bust, girl.” 
The eye contact she was giving him had Adonis balls so full with his tasty cum. 
“Just loving on me,” He says before chewing on his bottom lip, “Mmhmmm,” his eyes closed and his brows pressed together tightly. 
Andrea planted her hands on the bed and started bobbing her head up and down his dick while moving her head in a circular motion. 
“Slow down...yes, yes, like that,” Adonis’ lips parted. 
He could literally feel the corners of the inside of Andrea’s mouth and her tight pouty lips nice and steady on his dick. She manipulated that muscular organ in her mouth to flick back and forth on the base of his dick and his balls each time she went down. 
“Love on my dick, babygirl, Drea I’m about to bust, you ready?” Adonis’ eyes squeezed shut and he completely fell back against the bed, “good girl slurp all that shit up oh my fucking God,” Adonis exploded in Andrea’s mouth damn near making her choke. 
“Get up here,” He says, picking Andrea up and bringing her on the bed. Andrea was on her knees, shaking her slim thick booty in his face, her pussy wide with anticipation. Her cream made a mess of her pussy and it was begging to be licked up. Adonis smacks each ass cheek before giving both of them a nice, appreciative kiss. His lips tickled and they felt so moist against Andrea’s skin. She widened her thighs and arched her back more, practically pushing her pussy into Adonis’ face for him. 
“You shoving this beautiful pussy in my face?”
Andrea nods her head with a bite of her lip. Adonis turns around, laying his head between Andrea’s thighs before wrapping one arm around her waist with the other hand occupied with jerking his fat pole. Andrea sat on his face fully before grinding Adonis’ lips. He leans forward to place his lips on her pussy, serving her tongue with long trails of spit. The wiggle of his wet tongue had her lifting up on her hands, thighs shaking. Adonis takes both of his thumbs, peeling her open.
His damn tongue.
“Ooh, yes, Donnie.” 
Her entire body shivered.
Adonis’ tongue was dripping with spit and warm against her inner folds. He was in the middle of spelling out his name with the tip of his tongue all up and down her slit. With the D Andrea’s body shivered. With the O she started shuddering in breaths of gasping completion. With the two N’s Andrea clawed the bed. The letter I made a shape over her clit at the right angle. After the E He sucked her pussy into his mouth. 
“When you lick me you never miss a spot,” She said with a voice like the harmony of angles. Adonis lapped at her pussy some more in response to her words, “Donnie, please don’t stop, baby...I’m gonna cum, Donnie keep doing that to me.” 
Adonis gave her sloppy suction kisses down to her entrance and back up to her clit, keeping her lips apart so he could really get inside. He repeated and repeated, slurping and sucking and licking and kissing. He went faster and faster and she bucked her hips into his mouth, cries getting louder and louder.
“Mmmm, yes, do it like that,” Andrea said with a sensual voice. 
“How bad do you want to cum?” Adonis said before he slurped on her clit and her labia at the same time, moaning himself feeling his precum wet his fingers.
 “Really bad daddy...I wanna cum so fucking bad from your dirty mouth...make me scream.”
“Fuck. You may be a sweetheart but you a freak for sure.” 
Adonis concentrates on tonguing and sucking all the spots that have Andrea’s hips bucking and her pussy smothering him. 
“Daddy...guess what?” Andrea’s eyes watered and heat crept up her body. 
“Uh-huh, I got that pussy cumming?” Adonis’ words are muffled with the way his lips trailed all over Andrea’s pussy. 
With that Andrea’s body froze as her orgasm washed over her. Remembering how good Adonis ate her pussy wasn’t enough for her. Now she was experiencing it again while sitting on his face. He was going for round two from what it felt like. He kept saying over and over how much he needed her beautiful phat pussy and how he was going to dick her down just like that with her back arched. Andrea was ready to crawl off of him when her second orgasm hit her. She squealed so loud her throat went raw. Satisfied, Adonis resurfaced, his lips and freshly shaved chin glistening from her juicy folds. 
“Come taste how sweet you are.” 
Andrea turns, wrapping her arms around Adonis’ shoulders before licking his lips. She hummed with satisfaction while pulling him down on top of her body. 
“Pussy is gushy baby,” Adonis held all his body weight up on one hand while the other played with Andrea’s folds, “That pussy just needs me in it...I could tell from how your eyes lit up when you saw me… miss the way I bust this tight kitty open...I wanna stick my dick so deep in it.”
Adonis leans down on his elbow to kiss Andrea again while he rubbed her clit. His dick is like a swinging pendulum between his legs right now, desperate and hard for Andrea’s pussy. Adonis has enough of teasing Andrea with how fast his heart beats and how painfully hard he is. Grabbing his dick, mixing the wetness on his fingers from her pussy on his pre-cum laden dick, Adonis lined up with Andrea’s pussy before thrusting in slowly, widening her thighs at the same time. Adonis groaned when he was fully inside, making sure to watch her face so that he could see all of her expressions. 
“Ahhh, yes, that’s it.” 
Adonis’ muscular body was mesmerizing from that angle. He began to roll his hips, working all that girth and length in and out of Andrea. Adonis felt Andrea’s pussy squeeze his dick and it only made him go harder. Adonis pulls Andrea’s sports bra off, her perky breasts with dark brown nipples reminding him of Hershey kisses blessing his eyes. Adonis sucked on each titty while he strokes her pussy. The double sensation has Andrea creamy and the macaroni and cheese sound of her pussy grew louder and louder between them. 
“You taking this dick just like you used to,” Adonis pushes her thighs back, “Fuck all that moaning call me daddy while I’m in it.” 
“Daddy,” Andrea whispered. 
“Look at it Drea,” Adonis whispered back. 
Andrea’s eyes traveled down the length of Adonis’ magnificent body to his long, thick dick spreading her open. She couldn’t put into words how full she felt. 
“Pretty, ain’t it?” Adonis whispered, “This how Erik fucked this pussy?”
Andrea’s eyes flicked up to Adonis’ face quickly. She went red with embarrassment, ragged gasps leaving her mouth. 
“What? Answer the question,” Adonis pushed his dick all the way in. Andrea could feel it tickle her navel. 
“Yessssssss,” Andrea answered with an uneven breath. 
“He fuck this pussy in your bed, Drea?” Adonis’ hips were smacking into the back of her thighs, “What he do, girl?”
“He-he fu-fucked me in my b-bed,” Andrea stuttered. Adonis heard himself grunt at her response. Had he ever gotten off on another man fucking the same chick as him? No. Probably wouldn’t have cared in the past but for some reason, knowing that Erik hit Drea too has him harder than he was seconds ago.
“You call him daddy?” 
“Yes!!! Donnie, baby, it’s so much dick,” Andrea’s face frowned with ecstasy.
“And this pussy is good so you’re getting all this dick, baby,” Adonis reaches up to grab onto Andrea’s headboard and she knows what that means. Andrea held onto his waist with a death grip to prepare herself. Adonis started descending his dick all at once in Andrea’s pussy. No pause, no warning, just nothing but a fat dick with all its length sinking into her drenched pussy fluently. It felt like she wasn’t in control of her body anymore. 
“Donnie, please please please,” Her mouth opened, no words escaping. 
“Did he call you his nasty little girl?” Adonis says with a voice so gruff and guttural. He looked down at his dick working the hell out of Andrea’s pussy. The muscles in his back and arms burned in a good way. He was tearing Andrea up from this angle, “Got me going crazy in this pussy...I needed this pussy.” 
“Daddy, daddy I’m gonna squirt,” Andrea’s toes curled. Her body didn’t feel like it belonged to her anymore with the way Adonis was taking her pussy. Andrea trembled while her pussy leaked it’s sweet juices all over his dick. 
“Got that pussy cumming?!! You ain’t answer my question...he calls you his nasty little girl?” 
“No,” she spoke faintly, “He called me his nasty little bitch.” 
Adonis bit down on his lip hard. He pumped her fast a few more times before withdrawing from her tightness, flipping her over and arching her back deep. 
“Nasty little bitch? Huh? You like that name?” Adonis sounded harsh, “Keep that ass up Drea, come on baby...I got something for you.” 
“DADDY!!” Andrea wasn’t prepared for that big surprise just now. Adonis has both of his large hands on her waist while he plowed her. She never had this rough amount of treatment from him. 
“Daddy, shit,” her shoulders fell forward against the bed. High-pitched moans filled the room and her cheeks smacking and ricocheting off of Adonis’ rock hard hips was stinging her flesh. He was hostile and she loved the change. Sure, Adonis’ much gentle side was always just as good but to see him use her body the way he was it had her squirting and she never experienced squirting while having sex with him. She needed more of this. 
“Throw it back, Drea, keep going, baby,” Adonis watched her struggle. It didn’t matter to him, his big dick was nice and wet. 
“Nasty little girl, huh?” 
“Yes,” Her breath was rattled. 
“Come on and make this dick cum.” Adonis grabbed her hips, forcing her back to take all his length. Andrea screamed.
“That’s how you do it, so do it, girl, I’m not showing you again,” Adonis watched her do it right this time with a smirk, “That’s my nasty little girl… take this dick...keep taking this dick.”
“Why is this lil’ pussy so fat? Damn,” Adonis felt his nut sack jump, “Look at this beautiful, fat pussy, go ahead and cum Drea, go ahead baby.” 
“Yes, daddy, Unh!!!!!” 
Andrea slows down, Adonis taking over again, giving it to her and moaning the closer he got to cumming. 
“That pretty pussy, fuck, take this nut girl,” Adonis’ words were stuck in his throat the second he let off in her pussy with his thick cum. Thank God she was taking contraceptives because she would be pregnant with all his damn babies with how thick and heavy his load is. Adonis retracted his hips, dick sliding out and his cum dripping from Andrea’s gaping entrance. His dick left a serious imprint with how much wider her slick hole is. 
“Damn,” Andrea’s body turned over, “That was some kind of fucking,” she giggles, wiping sweat from her face, “What’s gotten into you, Donnie? baby, you were wild in this pussy tonight.” 
“Lack of pussy does that to you,” Adonis stood from the bed, stretching out his back muscles. Andrea tilted her head while staring at his dick. 
“Round two?” Andrea begged. 
Adonis sighed, “I need some water first.” 
“How do you know Erik anyway?” 
Adonis shrugged, “Comic Con. It was a random situation. He gave me his business card and that’s how I ended up at his gym.” 
Andrea gave Adonis a playful smile, “Are you mad that I fucked him? It was only once, Adonis.” 
“Nah, I’m not mad,” Adonis gave Andrea a once-over with his chocolate eyes, “But you liked that I brought it up...that pussy was choking my dick.” 
“I did. Maybe we should have a threesome. I would love it if you both fucked me.” 
Adonis felt his chest grow tight from her words. His face twisted up with confusion at the feeling. Was that...anticipation? Nervous excitement? 
“Maybe, you should get on all fours again so I can come back and get some more of that pussy,” Adonis responded before leaving her room to grab them both some water. 
Parked on a hill on Valley Ridge Ave. in View Park, CA,
Erik pulled out his phone to remind himself of the address. 4515. DVSN- Still Pray for You stopped playing when Erik turned his car off. Air Jordan 3 Retro’s, Khaki cargo pants, white T-shirt, a denim jacket, and layered gold chains was Erik’s outfit for the evening. His dreads are side swept, a few of them falling in his eyes. He slouched slightly in his gait, oozing confidence. The home is an iconic 1930 Spanish Revival with stunning city views, exceptional vintage details, custom modern updates, a large beautiful private yard with a tiered flat grassy area, patio, and an herb garden. Jogging up the steps, Erik knocked on the green door, stepping back before swatting away a moth that lingered near the porch light. 
The door unlocked, Jodie standing before Erik with a glass of red wine in her hand and a long charcoal grey T-shirt dress with a high slit, coffee brown eyes fringed with false lashes and copper skin looking soft and silky. Her lush lips are glossy and her blue-black hair is in a sleek low bun. Erik’s eyes traveled from her toes that are painted a fuchsia pink up her shapely legs, over her poked out hip and up to her heart-shaped face. Sweet notes of apple and apricot wafted from her skin the closer Erik got to her. He leaned down to kiss her glossy lips delicately, his tongue tasting the gloss. Jodie’s oval-shaped pink ombré nail skimmed Erik’s jawline with fascination. 
“Hi,” Jodie said with a pleasant voice. 
“Hey,” Erik whispered back, the suave way he said it causing Jodie to nibble on her lip. 
“Do you want some wine?” Jodie offered. 
“I’ll take some wine,” Erik closes Jodie’s front door, “Where is the party?”
“For now, in the living room.” 
Jodie pointed towards the area in question before walking away with a sway of her extremely thick hips towards the kitchen. Erik found the living room, Jodie’s husband, Vance, seated on the couch, smoking some weed, denim cut-off shorts on, an olive green linen short sleeve button-down shirt with a bandanna print open and revealing his athletic body. The deep brown complexion of his skin looked satiny beneath the living room lights. His chiseled face with sharp cheekbones made him look like a male model and Erik especially loved the nose ring on his broad nose. His full lips smirked at him before taking yet another puff of weed. That fresh fade with glossy waves and perfectly groomed beard has Erik lusting even more. 
Vance spoke with a husky voice, “Erik...glad you came.” 
“Me too...let me hit that.”
Vance shared his weed with Erik. 
“Training TRX on Wednesday next week?” Vance asked. 
“I am. I’m not here to talk about my gym though, you know that,” Erik said, savoring the weed, “I ain’t know you went both ways, Vance.” 
Vance cracked a smile, “Yeah, I’m bisexual. Me and Jodie. We’ve been trying to hook up a threesome with a man for a while and then Jodie said she saw you out a few weeks ago at the Avalon with some dude tonguing him down.”
“A date I met on Tinder, fucked him good that night too,” Erik’s head relaxed against the couch, licking his lips to the memory. 
“I bet you did,” Vance passed the weed, “He takes it well too?”
“He needed to be trained, but I’m good at that..have them coming back for more in no time.” 
“Mm,” Vance’s eyes glossed down to Erik’s crotch where his dick print was visible on his left thigh. Vance shook his head as his breath rushed out. Erik was a big boy. 
“You looking for something?” Erik spoke softly, the sensation of the weed sweeping deeper, “it’s right here,” Erik squeezed his dick, the cargo pants molding around the shape of it, “You want this dick?” Erik’s eyes looked at Vance’s big lips and he just knew those juicy lips would feel fucking fantastic sucking on him. 
“I do, I want that dick.” 
“Put that weed out and come get it, that’s why I’m here right? Get the fuck over here,” Erik takes off his denim jacket, widening his thighs, “That pretty ass mouth you got...I need my dick sucked now…do it slow too.” 
Vance’s hand gripped Erik’s dick through his pants. Erik made it jump against his hand. Vance let out a groan. 
“Come on, boy, my shit is thick right now.” 
Vance went to work on Erik’s pants, pulling them down and around his ankles. He couldn’t wait to satisfy the beautiful massive dick in front of his eyes. Slide that big dick in his hungry mouth and drain his balls. Speaking of balls...they are heavy and soft to the touch. Erik slouched, pulling his T-shirt up to reveal his taut abdomen, defined pectorals, and bulging biceps. His dick was standing up and the veins looked like a work of art on his chocolate pole. 
“From the way you’re looking at it I can tell you’ve been wondering just how big this dick is...right, nigga?”
“Yeah...it’s here for you and your wife...where is wifey at anyway? Jodie!” Erik called for her.
“I’m here—Ooh,” Jodie sauntered over and placed Erik’s wine on the coffee table. She’s in her purple lace bra and panties set. Jodie dropped to her knees next to Vance. She stared at Erik’s dick in a trance. 
“Let me feel those soft ass lips, Vance,” Erik slapped Vance on the cheek, startling him, “Yeah, you taking too long, baby boy, all this fat dick in front of you. Show your wife how you suck some nut out of the dick.”
“Damn, Erik,” Jodie’s eyes are love-struck. 
Vance gripped Erik’s dick and pumped him nice and steady, making sure to squeeze a little just beneath the tip of his dick so he could watch his pre-cum spill from his slit. Spreading the pre-cum along the sides of Erik’s dick, Vance’s big lips engulfed half of Erik’s dick, bobbing his head while reaching down to gently squeeze his balls. Erik kept his gaze pointed downward, looking from his dick being sucked by Vance and Jodie watching with envious eyes. Jodie has to grab hold of something so she placed her hand over Vance’s erection, his visible erection pressed hard against his denim cut-offs. 
“Two big dicks just for me,” Jodie spoke with excitement. 
“Don’t worry, ma, you’ll have some of this dick in your mouth too, Fuckkkk...yeah, suck that shit...suck that fat dick...oooh, you really wanted this shit, hungry ass nigga...don’t get too greedy your wife need some of that too.”
“Yes I do,” Jodie has Vance’s jeans and briefs down with his dark chocolate dick in her hand, nice and warm. It’s more so long than girthy. She jerked him while watching Vance slurp up Erik. 
“Vance...baby...get that dick,” She whimpered. 
Erik will never get over how good Vance’s lips feel. He thrust his hips, forcing more girth and length into Vance’s greedy mouth. Damn, he can deep throat too. 
“Look at you deep throating this wood, boy. You miss big black dick in your mouth, yeah? Miss a nice pair of heavy balls too? I got a load waiting just for you...all you gotta do is be a good boy…”
Erik’s eyes went so low that his long lashes made them seem like they are closed. Jodie’s hand twisted Vance’s erection and each time Erik’s dick hit the back of Vance’s throat, his dick would jump in Jodie’s hand. She arched her back and brought her lips to Vance’s dick. Jodie wasted no time slurping along Vance’s dick. One look at Jodie’s ass in the air has Erik reaching down, his thick fingers clawing her lace panties and yanking them from her ass in pieces. That action made her lips tighten around Vance’s dick and Vance moaned. 
“How that dick taste Jodie?” Erik asked. 
“Delicious,” She said before slurping Vance up some more. 
“Got that phat ass in the air...I already know that pussy phat with the way it sits in your leggings at the gym…”
“Mmm,” Vance cast his eyes upwards watching as Erik’s toned abdomen is exposed, reaching up to run his hand along the deep ridges of the cut muscle, slurping along his dick. He worked more of Erik into his mouth until his nose touched his trimmed hairs, feeling his length curve down his throat as he took him all the way. 
Jodie was in the middle of gagging on Vance’s dick, her spit staining the carpet the more she tried to swallow him. She reached beneath her, hand finding her creamy pussy before spreading her folds to rub her clit in circles. Erik could hear Jodie’s pussy from his seat on the couch. He groans deep, mouth hanging open from the way Vance was sucking him. He tilts his head to watch Jodie while holding the back of Vance’s head to fuck his throat. 
“FUCK!” Erik let out the curse before gripping Vance’s throat, hips jerking from how purposefully tight Vance’s lips are as his mouth slipped off, “Let Jodie have some.” 
Jodie’s lips popped off of Vance’s dick. Erik gazed at Vance’s dark brown dick. All that dark chocolate. He’s long as fuck too. Ain’t nothing Erik can’t handle down his throat. Too bad tonight was his night to get all the work. Jodie moaned before gripping Erik’s spit covered dick. Her tongue flicked Erik’s dick before she locked eyes with him, batting her false lashes like she’s innocent with all that fat dick in her mouth. 
“Damn, girl, crazy with it,” Erik leaned forward to slap both of Jodie’s cheeks hard, “Got all this hard dick down your pretty little throat...got your Hubby taking off his clothes...you see your wife sucking my dick, Vance? She a dick hungry bitch.” 
Vance is completely naked now. He pumped his long dick while leaning over Erik’s lap to hope for Jodie’s lips to slip off so he could take over again. Jodie lets her throat get fucked, gagging only slightly before fighting it back down, eyes turned up to watch the pleasure on Erik’s face as she feels Erik’s dick stretching out her esophagus. Jodie moans around his length, reveling in the taste of Erik on her tongue.
“Jodie,” Vance calls to her while gently squeezing Erik’s balls, “put his dick in my mouth.”
“You want some more of his hard, thick dick? Here,” Jodie feeds Vance Erik’s dick, “Suck it baby…”
“Husband and wife working together...Jodie...let me see that pussy,” Erik showed her how wide his tongue is. 
Jodie climbed onto the couch, turning with her ass facing Erik before bending over on her knees. Her pussy lips are pushed between her thick thighs. Two slippery lips that he wanted to kiss. 
“Spread your cheeks so I can see all that pink pussy...mmmmm,” Erik hisses, “Pussy creamy as fuck,” Erik licks his fingers before resting them on Jodie’s protruding clit and labia. He loved how smooth and soft she is. It looked like chocolate and from the way she tasted on his fingers it was just as sweet too. 
“Come here,” Erik spoke firmly, slapping Jodie’s ass, “lay on your back and spread your thighs so I can finger fuck you.”
“I wanna feel how tight this little pussy is.” 
Vance jerks Erik’s dick before slobbering on the tip of his dick, “It’s tight...she’ll grip you.” 
“That’s what I want, right Miss Jodie?” 
“Yes, daddy,” Jodie says with a lick of her lips. 
“There you go, baby boy, suck that fucking dick up, suck daddy’s dick up,” Erik demanded. He could feel his balls grow tight and he knew what that meant. He didn’t want to cum yet, not until he had his dick in Vance’s ass and Jodie’s pussy. 
“Erik,” Jodie called to him with a melodic voice. 
Erik watched her bring her knees to her chest, that pussy wide open and her slippery hole winking at him. Erik couldn’t hold back from rubbing Jodie’s clit back and forth before slapping it, causing her to whimper. Erik smoothed his fingers down her pussy before pushing two fingers inside, biting his lip at the way Jodie gasped. 
“Tight fucking puss,” Erik strokes with a curl of his fingers, “I’m digging baby?”
“Yess,” She cries.
“I hear that pussy,” Vance says with spit hanging from his mouth. 
“Come suck her clit,” Erik commanded. Vance and Erik got down on the floor between Jodie’s thighs. Vance spreads her pussy lips so wide that her labia stretched. Erik was astounded when he saw how much cream spilled from Jodie’s pussy. Vance’s tongue curved at the tip while he teased her big clit. 
“Clit big as fuck, Vance stop playing, suck that shit up. Clit nice and phat like that you better suck it.” 
When Vance’s lips wrapped around Jodie’s clit she moaned to the ceiling. Vance reached up to pull the cups of her bra down, her big, round breasts spilling over, creating a mouthful. Erik damn near drooled. He sucked one of her nipples into his mouth while his fingers played all in Jodie’s pussy. Vance was slurping loudly on her pussy and it had Erik slapping Vance’s firm ass. 
“Yeah, nigga,” Erik says, “Got the whole puss in your mouth, make this bitch cum...say, I’ma make this pretty pussy cum.” 
“I’ma make this pretty pussy cum,” Vance says before French kissing Jodie’s clit. 
“I’ma make it squirt,” Erik flicked his tongue on Jodie’s nipple before showing some attention to the other. Jodie gripped his dreads when he went back and forth with sucking her nipples. He had her thrusting her chest into his mouth. 
“Grip me like that again, go ahead, ima put my face in your pussy next,” Erik spoke roughly. 
“Eat my pussy up,” Jodie widened her legs, “There’s plenty...slurp me up daddy.” 
“Nasty bitch, I like you,” Erik was face to face with Vance, “Let me see how that clit fit in my mouth.” 
Vance chuckles before giving Erik some room to eat on Jodie. He helped him by keeping her pussy lips open. Erik was still working his fingers, practically stirring all in Jodie’s creamy cavern. Erik kisses Jodie’s clit, the pecks slowly turning into full blown French kisses that has him opening his mouth wide to wrap his lips around her. 
“Mhm,” Erik’s eyes rolled shut.
“Taste good, yeah?” Vance said while extending his neck to kiss Jodie’s lips, “That’s your pussy on my tongue.”
“Mmm, I taste lovely.” 
Erik spits on Jodie’s clit before working his tongue with so much gusto that Jodie and Vance watched with awe. 
“Ooooh, He’s stroking my pussy with those thick fingers...oooh, I’ma squirt…Vance, baby, he’s gonna make me squirt, baby,” Jodie grabbed for the back of the couch. She became spasmodic and Vance had to hold her down and kiss her lips to distract her so Erik can keep going. That bitch was leaking all in Erik’s mouth. He sucked her up again before tasting his fingers. Vance leaned over Jodie’s lap, getting some of Jodie’s pussy too. 
“Pussy is so goddamn good,” Erik gripped Jodie’s jaw, pressing his lips into hers, “I can’t wait to bust your shit wide open, let’s take this shit to the bed.”
Pulling his lips away, Vance stands with Erik, both of them picking Jodie up. She had her legs wrapped around Erik while Vance stood behind her cupping her titties. Erik bounced Jodie on him like he was fucking her standing. Vance kissed and sucked on her neck at the same time. All three of them took their fun to the bedroom. Jodie grabs some condoms from her dresser, begging to watch Erik fuck Vance first while she rode his face. Vance went to lay on the bed, his knees drawn to his chest. Erik was blessed with the sight of Vance’s tight asshole and heavy balls with his dick resting against his toned abdomen. Jodie climbed on top of Vance’s mouth, turning to give Erik the condom and lube. 
Erik spits on Vance’s asshole before sticking his finger inside. With his free hand, Erik jerks Vance’s long dick 
To keep him solid so he could have something beautiful and chocolate to look at while he banged his ass. Jodie was currently popping her pussy on Vance’s tongue, legs in a squat so her pussy could be nice and spread for him to suck up. It was a beautiful sight. Erik almost wanted to bust from that alone. Staring at Vance’s body now made him think about Adonis. He tilted his head back and stared at the ceiling. Adonis. Nice big lips, sexy rock-hard body, aggressive and competitive, sexy smile, chocolate eyes all intense at one minute then gentle the next, the way he fights…
“Erik I love the way your finger feels in my ass.” 
Vance’s words broke him out of his trance.
“Yeah? Ain’t shit compared to this dick, boy,” Erik removes his finger, grabbing up the magnum to place on his dick. Rolling it over his glans all the way down to the root, Erik applies a little bit of lube for some extra slip. Bending his knees, Erik forced Vance’s thighs back before slapping the weight of his dick against his ass, sinking inside of his warm, tight ass. 
“Damn boy...damn...ass tight as fuck,” Erik started grinding his hips, “Feel all that thick dick pumping?” 
Jodie looked over her sweaty shoulder and saw Erik’s fat condom covered dick thrusting in and out of Vance’s ass. She felt chills all over her flesh and the sexy moans against her pussy and groans from Erik made her cream even more. Jodie can see Erik and Vance’s muscles ripple and flex with their movement. Jodie turned around so that she could 69 with Vance, grabbing his long dick up and going straight at it with a bob of her head. Vance clapped her cheeks before eating both of her holes. 
“Fuck, that’s what I’m talking about Jodie, eat that dick up,” Erik pushes her head down further, “There you go, deep throat that shit.”
Vance was working his hips to take all of Erik’s dick, Erik caught that, rolling his hips to meet Vance half-way so that his dick could be all up in his ass. 
“Got this nigga working his hips to get all this wood,” Erik bites his lip, “ass is creaming already too.” 
“Mmm, I wanna see,” Jodie jerks Vance’s dick while admiring her husband's creamy asshole grip Erik’s dick, “Vance...baby...he got you creamy, mmmm, Vance.
Vance moaned into Jodie’s pussy with each suck. 
“That’s it baby, make this pussy cum...oooh I feel you tugging on that clit, make me nut baby,” Jodie’s eyes almost crossed, Oh God...Oh God...fuuuuuuckkkkkkk babyyyyyyyyyyy—“
“Face hella sexy when you bust, girl,” Erik wrapped his arms around Vance’s thighs and started ramming his dick deep, big balls slapping against his ass. Vance’s core tightened and it seemed to shoot straight to his dick because now he’s cumming in Jodie’s hand. Jodie licked as much away as she could but he kept on erupting. It was Erik’s pounding deep in that ass that had him making a big mess. 
“Oh shit, Erik, fuck,” Vance stared between Jodie’s thighs at Erik, “Dick is all up my ass——“
“I’m taking this ass?” 
“Yes, daddy.”
Jodie could not stop looking at Erik’s hard dick fucking Vance so good. Erik leaned over Vance, his naked chest and those gold chains hanging over Vance’s body. His dreads hung low and he bit down on his lip, working his hips fast and skillful. Jodie needed that dick in her pussy. 
“Ima nut again,” Vance’s handsome face crumbled, “Fuck, Erik, ima bust—-“
“Yeah, nigga, I’ma make that dick cum while I beat this ass up good.” 
Jodie cupped her pussy and rubbed it up and down to the sight of Vance shooting out yet another thick load. Erik pulled out and rocked back on his heels, watching the way Vance’s ass quivered. There is a creamy puddle beneath his ass. Erik removes the condom, walking to Jodie’s dresser to grab another. Rolling it over his still hard erection, Erik walks up to Jodie picking her up and wrapping her legs around him. Erik sits back on the bed, Jodie over him with his hands cradling her ass.
“It’s time to get in you now...nothing but dick deep in your guts…”
Vance stood up from the bed and jerked his dick watching Jodie grab Erik’s dick herself, squatting over his dick before lowering her hips, that thick dick nothing but a flesh covered pole for her to fuck. Jodie was up on her feet, upper body bending over so she could bounce her hips. Her ass cheeks clapped with each bounce while she fed her pussy some dick. Vance went to lay next to Erik so that he could have a better look at his wife handling Erik’s dick. 
“You see that sexy little pussy taking all this dick?” Erik says to Vance before his eyes zeroed in on Vance’s erection, “Dick long as fuck...tear some ass up with this.” 
Erik started Jerking Vance’s dick.
“Get that dick, ma, nasty ass bitch...got my dick all in that pussy...I bet that ass looks real juicy bouncing…”
“This big ass dick.”
Jodie’s cream coated the condom.
“Good dick…” She moaned, “mmmmm, some good fucking dick...so thick...Unh, so good.”
“She’s loving that,” Vance says before grunting from Erik’s thumb stroking his tip, “I love that fat dick too.”
“I know you do, baby boy,” Erik gives Vance a sexy smirk. 
Erik liked the feel of Vance’s dick in his hand but he couldn’t stop wondering how Adonis’ would feel against his palm. Is it thick with a little bit of curve? Does it have length to it for Erik to deep throat? Is it soft to the touch yet textured from his thick veins? He couldn’t shake it. He let go of Vance’s dick and grabbed Jodie’s ankles, picking his hips off the bed and serving her more dick. He didn’t let up on his strokes, knocking the wind out of her chest and making her shout. Vance took over with jerking his dick while his eyes focused on Erik’s powerful hips. 
“Make her cum, Erik...Make that pussy cum,” Vance said.
“Ahhhhhhhhh,” Erik gritted his teeth, “cum on this dick, bitch...get you some of this dick...she about her business look at her,” Erik and Vance watched Jodie work her hips on his dick, “bounce that shit.”
“Hell yeah, I love watching that big dick pound her pussy,” Vance leans over to tongue Erik’s neck. Erik gripped his chin and flicked tongues with Vance. He broke away from him to moan out. His balls contracted rhythmically with his dick and that was a sign that he was ready to pump his fat load all over their faces. 
“Get down on your knees, both of y’all, hurry up, fuck, I gotta bust!”
Vance and Jodie are on their knees and Erik stands before them, snatching his condom off before fisting his dick. All of that cum squeezed out from his heavy sack all over Vance and Jodie’s face, mouth, and wiggling tongue. 
“Clean this dick up,” Erik spoke with a gruff tone. Both of their tongues battled for a taste. The feeling of two sets of lips on his dick made more cum dribble. Vance took over and sucked him, Erik pulling his dick from his mouth to give Jodie some. He allowed his dick to swing back and forth for them to catch and suck. 
“Y’all gon’ have me fucking again,” Erik shook his head, “Damn...y’all love this dick.”
Watching them attack his dick had Erik satisfied but there was still part of him that needed more. 
Adonis was going to be trouble...if only he would accept his attraction for Erik so he could really show him how badly he needs him. Erik wasn’t going to wait too long either. 
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351 notes · View notes
whirlybirbs · 4 years
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✶  —  las rosas están cayendo   ;   j.m. 
summary: you're a figurehead in a far-reaching criminal underground operation that's offered jesse mccree haven and work in the last few years. your relationship with the cyberized cowboy is complicated but oh-so lovestruck.
pairing: jesse mccree / reader, est. relationship
tags: fluff, angst, good guy falls for the bad guy who’s not so bad
a/n: i’m simping, it’s fine
                               (    read on archive of our own !   )
Jesse McCree likes the Silkroad's End. Always has.
The place's very namesake pays homage to some dark web marketplace that operated back in the 10s; it's fitting, Jesse thinks, since the entity itself certainly fits what he'd imagine the personification of that very digital market to be. Dark, a bit shady, and always crawling with folks who aren't really who they say they are.
Staff changes every three weeks. Location, too. Lucky for him, the only thing that stays the same is the barkeep. Everything else is rotating, always moving, always changing. It's best that way.
Truth be told nothing in the States offers true anonymity, anymore. All that's long since past. Every damn street corner has a camera watchin'. But, the Silkroad's End is good — and discretion is their business. They offer what people like Jesse McCree need:
Trustworthy resources.
Even still, knowing about the Silkroad's End is one thing.
Getting in is another entirely.
Jesse's learned not to be startled when a stranger ambles up and slips something in his palm — might get 'im killed someday, but for now, he offers a gentle tip of the hat to whatever camera is eyein' his current move in whatever city he's in.
The chips — obsidian colored and round — are few and far between. There's a chain-code implanted in the micro-computer inside that registers a location on his personal data-device; but without that chip, he ain't gettin' inside. It's one use, one time only.
This time, the den is a quiet little place on a side street in New Orleans.
This chip was delivered to Jesse in a seedy bar bathroom — and as he shoved it into his pocket and muscled up his tawny-colored jeans, he was left grimacing. Bastard that gave it to him didn't even wash his hands. Just pissed and dropped it on top of the urinal.
The den is downstairs, and Jesse turns in his chip after finding the little location to a towering omnic who reminds his a little bit too much of a certain butler he once knew.
"Might wanna wash that."
Spurs tinker on the wooden steps, and when the door's eye slot slams open, Jesse is met with the gaze of a human this time — an unknown staff member with a tattoo that crawls up the side of his head. There's a tense silence. Then, the slot slams shut.
With a quick yank of the three-inch durasteel door, Jesse finally steps foot into the Silkroad's End.  
And, with an elated sort of smirk, he swaggers right in your direction.  
Jesse reckons it's been four months since he's seen you — the ever-present barkeep and present owner of the Silkroad's End  — last ;  could be that you're one of many owners and operators, as he suspects but... Well, Jesse never had enough to go on that hunch.
There he was, as always, distracted.
You know the sound of his spurs from a million others. In an instant, your lashes are flicking up from the bar and through the crowded back room. Tonight is busy — seems a good few members decided tonight would be the night they cash in their chips. You shouldn't be surprised to see Jesse McCree, but...
He's always had a way of knocking you off your game.
"Have I ever told you," comes the low croon as a set of cyberized knuckles rap on the mahogany bar, "that you make the best drinks around?"
Your smirk settles into your words. You move slowly, reaching for that top-shelf whiskey he likes so much.
"Is that why you keep coming back, then?"
Jesse smirks. His trademark hat finds a spot beside him at the bar, and he leans back to run a hand through his dark, wild hair. "One of a handful of reasons I could list, sure."
The drink that lands in front of him is coupled with your full attention.
Jesse feels awfully big in it.
His fingertip tinker against the glass. The sound is pleasing.
Your elbows meet the bartop. You lean. Your eyes drift across his face, and for a moment you find a rush of relief bloom at the realization that there are no new scars. He looks tired, but well.
A lot for a man with a bounty of sixty million on his head.
You work hard to keep that very bounty out of the Silkroad's End 's docket. That ledger of his, deep and relentless, has become harder to ignore in recent months. With word that Overwatch was recalled... Jesse's name had been floating around more than you liked recently.
It made you worry.
Your voice is soft. So is your smile.
Jesse, the sap he is, is glad he's sitting down for the sight of it.
"You look good, Jesse."
He scoffs into the whiskey. His eyes, a dark brown and warm like the run, roll at the remark. You grin.
"M' gettin' old," he rumbles, "And things are changing' faster than I can keep up with."
You don't pry. A habit. A good one, mostly. Jesse has a habit of being an open book. Given the chance, you'll pry later. For now, you opt to air on the side of wistful interest. Fleeting and light.
Your chin finds your palm.
Long ago, you wouldn't have dared to let a soul see you so engaged with a member like this, but... This operation ran on trust. Discretion was a part of the bigger equation and the people in this room?  You've known most of them for years now.
Bounty hunters, arms dealers, drug peddlers.
They know better than to bite the hand that feeds.
"You been busy, then?" you ask, watching the way his eyes stick to you, even when he reaches to dig out a cigar from a pocket beneath his serape. In a flash, he's procured a gilded lighter and flicked it open. The flame dances between you both, and you watch as he puffs the cigar. The embers burn red.
He exhales and smoke swirls around his head like horns — Jesse's lips slip into a lopsided sort of look; more playful than anything.
"That lead you gave me," he drawls, "It worked out. Paid good, too."
Your smile is slow.
This song and dance is always fun.
"Been savin' a few for you," you say, "You're one of the few I can trust to actually bring people in alive."  
"I haven't even been here fer more than a minute an' you're already talkin' business, pumpkin," Jesse grins, all toothy and scruffy, and takes another puff of his cigar, "That all you ever do?"
"You know me, Jesse," you slide your fingers across the underside of the bar, sending the partition up and allowing you to step around. You shrug your shoulders and hang your hands. The way his eyes flick across your figure isn't lost on you.
You cock your head towards the back office as you speak. "Always scheming."
If that ain't the god damn truth.
You're a smart little thing. All devilish wit and pulled strings. You have enough dirt in your back pocket to bring a few governments down, Jesse supposes. Nothing to bat an eyelash at.
He follows with ease; hat tucked upon his head once more, cigar and whiskey held in his hands. He follows you, looming over your shoulder, as the sea of patrons part with sidewards glances and half-aware nods. Everyone has their own business to attend to. You're simply attending to yours.
The back office isn't really much of an office — if anything, it's a refitted storage room. There's a desk, a handful of monitors, and enough security barring entrance to the windowless room that Jesse's roughed up every time.
The omnic patting him down isn't gentle. He tugs the peacekeeper from his hip holster and grunts. Jesse scowls.
That ain't never been a problem before, though.
You, all poised with your arms crossed, wave it off. The gun is shoved roughly back into Jesse's holster. If both hands weren't preoccupied, maybe the bouncer would get more than the nasty snarl Jesse manages as he's waved through. Maybe.
As the door slips shut behind him, the sound of your heels is all he hears.
"Beefed up security, huh?"
Your sigh is tight. He can see the tension along your shoulders when you round the sleek desk in the middle of the room and unlock a drawer. If you'd thought he'd move past your silence, you're wrong.
Jesse isn't like you.
He has a bad habit of asking plenty of follow up questions.
"What happened, pumpkin?"
That damn nickname is enough to spur you to straighten yourself, to set the datapad down gently on the desk in front of you, and to frown.
"There was an incident."
His worry is palpable.
"Nothing dramatic," you wave it off, shooing him slightly when he nears the desk. You walk around it and lean, settling on the edge, "But it was enough to spook a few staff members into being more mindful of who carries in the establishment. Especially behind closed doors."
You've had enough guns pulled on you in your life to know that one could have been the last — but it wasn't. It was fine. Might have earned you a few restless nights and a few connections to clean up, but the disgruntled member was dealt with. That was a month and a half ago now. Distant.
Jesse frowns. He sets his whiskey down on your desk, then leans and smothers the cigar in a fizzle of ash and smoke in the ashtray there.
His voice goes low, gruff, and serious.
"Pumpkin, I ain't a good man," he breathes, eyes low beneath the brim of his hat, "You're better off not trustin' men like me."
He does this every time.
A glimmer of self-consciousness towards his own character.
You know him better than to believe that shit.
"Jesse, if anyone was to put a bullet between my eyes," you mutter, unlocking the datapad with a flick of your finger, "I'd be honored if you were the one to do it."
That earns you a low grumble.
His weight moves to shift beside you. His hip bumps yours. His shoulder saddles right up against your own. You can smell the cigar on him, the burn of the whiskey on his tongue. Jesse is warm. He laces his own fingers together. You can feel his eyes on you as you sift through the files of bounties — and you try not to seem startled when he says your name soft enough it could pass for a lullaby.
"... You alright?"
It's not often you're asked this question.
You were right before — you were always talking business. Personal matters were kept far from any business dealings you did on a daily basis. It was pertinent. Kept the machine well-oiled.
Things with Jesse, though... They'd been different for a long time.
Things changed when the two of you had forgone professionalism once a handful of years ago now. It wasn't long after the first time you'd met him the cowboy had stolen himself into your well-guarded feelings. You blamed the charm. He believed it was luck. Despite knowing nearly nothing about you, he'd become enamored, and — when you'd initially thought the sex was something to sweeten the deal, Jesse quickly made it plenty clear he intended on keeping the sex and the business separate.
The feelings grew between those two things.
Now, in the center of his attention... Well, you feel small.
You let out a slow exhale.
"I missed you, y'know," you say slowly, eyes still trained on the names staring back at you on the datapad.
"Yeah," he breathes, "I missed you, too. Ain't fun bein' gone so long."
"As if either of us has a choice?"
Another hum. This one a bit sadder. Jesse supposes you're right, that it isn't exactly ideal  — and it's not as if he's allowed himself to be vulnerable to anyone else these last few years. Not when he's a wanted man. Not when gettin' someone tangled up in the danger is the last thing he wants.
It was different with you. You knew the danger. You...
Christ alive, he wishes now things were different.
Back then, it was easy.
Coming to terms, now, with the numbing loneliness that hangs itself over the both of you hurts a bit worse. Time is ticking by. He'll be older than he is younger soon.
"You ever wish you could leave it all behind?"
His question is met with a tired scoff. Your cheek finds his shoulder. Your hair falls along his arm.
"And become the world's most wanted woman?"
"What you've got is an empire," Jesse drawls, a hand slowly reaching for your own, "M' sure someone would wanna call it theirs ."
"And then what happens to the tired, old queen? The queen who knows what makes that empire strong?"
Your quirk your brows. Jesse sighs.
"... Point taken."
"I made my bed," you say with a measured sense of finality, "And I've gotta lay in it, Jesse."
His eyes dance alight when something then that's tempered with fire; he blinks down at you through thick lashes as he speaks.
"Wouldn't mind layin' with you..."
It's husky. Drawn out. Nearly a sigh, especially when his fingers slip along the curve of your wrist and draw up to your cheek.
"I'm starting to think you come here," you mumble with an edge of sarcasm as his nose brushes yours, "For more than just business ."
"Oh, sweetpea," Jesse grins as he whispers, "It's been that way for a long time now."
The kiss is bruising — the sort you missed horribly in those months apart. It's lip and teeth and scruff; the brush of his beard is enough to make you smile, enough to make you abandon the datapad on your desk.
Enough to keep you distracted enough that you don't notice Jesse McCree tapping an encrypted data transfer skimmer over your datapad.
You'll notice in the morning.
And by then, he'll be long gone.
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
I did a spin on the randomiser thingy and got "hypothermia" and "car trunk". I think you know who I'm gonna ask for ^^; :blue_heart: Big thanks in advanced!! :blue_heart::blue_heart:
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I think I stretched the concept of ‘trunk’ but I hope you like it anyway :D
Many thanks to @scribbles97 for the Scott character check and readthrough :D
Spin and send me a character and prompt :D
“Why don’t you ever listen to me?!”
He’d done it and he’d done it proper.
“I told you it wasn’t safe. I told you not to go in. But no, you know better.”
Oh, yes, he had done it proper. He hadn’t heard Virgil go off the deep end like this since high school and the time Gordon had decided to not be where he was supposed to be at school pick up and the three hours of terror that followed.
Admittedly, Scott had been just as angry at the time. It was a whole new perspective to be on the receiving end.
“No, Scott. I’ve had it. You obviously don’t trust my judgment. You think you know better. Well, newsflash, hot shot, you don’t!”
Oh, yes, this was going to go on for some time.
So, he kept his mouth shut. It would be worse if Virgil realised that not only had his jet pack run out of fuel, but it had dropped him from quite a height. Without warning...he must speak to Brains about that. Fortunately, he had rolled down a slope and into an underground lake.
Unfortunately, the slope had been jagged and torn up his uniform somewhat.  There was likely some bruising.
And the lake had been damned cold.
Virgil had been livid by the time he had arrived in Two. Yes, he had told Scott not to go in. Yes, it had been a gamble. But if it had worked, Scott would have been able to locate the cavers much faster than Gordon who was still looking with a second pod while Virgil hunted down their wayward commander.
Of course, Virgil had found him as fast as possible, but the engineer had had the remainder of Two’s flight time and the pod hike down into the massive cave network to stew on the stupidity of his brother.
Scott was forced to agree that he might have a point. But he was not going to apologise. Command decisions were command decisions whether they succeeded or failed. He owed no-one an explanation.
Regardless, he was sat in the back of the pod so far, he may as well be sentenced to the trunk, while Virgil blew steam.
On any other occasion he would have given as good as he got, but to be honest, he wasn’t feeling so great.
The pod itself was clambering up an almost vertical cliff - proof that flying in was far more practical than climbing - and Virgil’s concentration between expletives needed to be focussed. Scott would mention it on the next flat bit.
But then they would be getting out of here soon anyway. Might as well wait until they reached the surface.
He let his head drop back against the seat.
“Scott?” The pod was dangling from an overhang and had stopped moving. Its spots lit up rock inhabited by dangling…things.
He blinked as something flew through the beams.
“Scott? You with me?”
There was silence a moment, Virgil’s head attempting to turn around and look at him, but failing with an exasperated grunt. “Scott, speak to me.”
“Wh’t do you want me to say?”
His brother grunted and the pod began moving again. This time though, it changed direction and shook harder as if his brother was in a hurry to get somewhere.
Next thing he knew the pod had stopped, the hatch was open, a yellow light was flickering everywhere and a pair of worried brown eyes were glaring at him.
The light vanished, leaving his brother’s helmet lamps to pale him to a ghost creature dressed in deep blue.
“You said you were okay.” It was soft and hurting. The ghost hovering over him just looked sad.
“’M okay.”
“You’re bleeding and suffering from hypothermia. How can you possibly be okay?” It was said quietly, but it cut through him like a knife because with it came disappointment. Virgil turned away and reached for the storage locker below his seat. “I guess I should know better.”
“Virg…” But his brother refused to look at him, even when he folded up the front seat and climbed back in to hunt down exactly where Scott was leaking blood from. Turned out he had cut the back of his leg. Not badly, but bad enough.
The water in his boot was so cold, he hadn’t felt it.
Sure and caring hands removed Scott’s footwear, his helmet, and his baldric was unfastened and tugged off. Virgil, it was Virgil, ever dependable Virgil, was unzipping his uniform, gently pulling him forward and peeling his under shirt off his skin.
He should be helping, but he couldn’t quite pull the energy together.
An emergency blanket appeared and Scott found himself quickly swaddled. A hiss and he was suddenly smelling something warm and chocolatey.
He discovered his eyes were closed and he forced them open. Virgil was crouched in front of him, holding up a plastic cup of something emanating warmth. He had no hands to take it, but his brother offered it up to him like a baby.
Somewhere in the back of his mind the big brother part of him was outraged and horrified, but he was too busy sipping warmth to care.
A cap was gently tugged onto his head, completely messing up his hair.
Warm fingers brushed the strands out of his eyes.
Virgil was staring at him, so much emotion in that one expression. Exasperation, frustration and worry, but most of all love.
Something inside Scott just melted.
“I’m sorry.” It came out in a rush through a throat that had suddenly grown tight.
Those brown eyes widened and Virgil leant back just a little. His lips parted, but he didn’t say anything. He just stared for a moment before lowering the safety harness over Scott’s shoulders.
“I need to get you back to Two as fast as possible. Gordon has located the two cavers and is making his way to the main cavern. They report no injuries and once orientated will be climbing out themselves.” His brother unfolded his seat and clicked into position before jumping into it. “You’re the only injury.” The canopy hissed shut and the pod started up, its claws immediately grabbing at rock.
Scott swallowed.
He lost some time after that. The next thing he knew he was in daylight and the pod was stomping over level ground only to be engulfed by the green shadow of Two.
The pod came to a halt and the canopy was thrown open. “Hey, Bro, how you feeling?”
He found enough energy to frown. “I’m fine, Gordon.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that too often if I were you.” He lowered his voice and leant in as if conspiring. “Virgil is pissed.”
“Move, Fish.” Gordon disappeared to be replaced by Virgil. His lips were tight as his eyes examined Scott. “You’re going to ride back in the infirmary and you are not going to complain. After that, you have two days off rescues and if you say anything in protest, I’m reinforcing that medical order via Grandma and her latest interest in exotic soup. You will do what you are told and after a health review we will have a discussion regarding operative safety.”
“Virgil, I’m sorry.”
His brother froze.
“I mean it. You were right and I screwed up.”
Another moment of staring. “I need to get you to the infirmary.”
Scott untangled himself from the blanket and grabbed his brother’s arm. “Virgil, I mean it.”
The engineer looked down at Scott’s bare arm and the hair suddenly standing on end the length of it. A gentle hand reached up and moved his arm back under the blanket. “We’ll get you well, first, then we will discuss this.” His brother’s gazed dipped and for a split second a deep sorrow flickered across his expression.
But only briefly. A blink and Virgil was reaching into the pod and lifting the restraints. “C’mon, let’s warm you up and fix the holes you’ve got in you.”
Scott pushed himself to his feet somewhat wobbly. “Holes? I thought I only had the one injury?”
Clambering over the side of the pod, Virgil caught him and eased him to the ground. “That would be too easy. You, my dear brother, are hard work.” He pulled a hoverstretcher close. “Now make it a touch easier by lying down without arguing.”
“I’m fine, I can walk.”
The growl that echoed off the module bulkheads was positively savage.
Okay, perhaps he should let Virgil have this one. He backed up and sat down on the stretcher.
He was forcibly nudged to lie down and his feet lifted up onto the cushioned surface by a smirking Gordon.
As the stretcher was pulled into motion, his medic brother muttered under his breath.
“So much damned hard work.”
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Trophy Chapter Six
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The story begins to unfold and you find yourself makeing a deal with the devil.
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five
Warnings: Adult Situations +18, Smut, Oral (f), Noncon, Possesive/Obsessive Behavior, Coercive Behavior, Daddy Kink, Dark Fic, Swearing.
A/n: I am so sorry this has taken so long I got writers block, real life fucked me over and then got side tracked and have kept coming back to it I was unsure how to start the ball rolling but I hope this was worth the wait enjoy XXX
Taglist: @havenoffandoms​ @aphrodites-punch​ @charlieferret​ @thatgirly81​ @two-unbeatable-beaters​
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Stephan growled walking into work slamming the door behind him he was fuming.
"FLETCHER! WHERE ARE YOU?!" He shouted walking past one the one of the others who was doing their shift ignoring the confused look she cast him, he didn't have time to explain going into the kitchen out back that had a set of stairs leading up into the small chic apartment Fletcher used for entertaining his 'lady friends'. Stomping up the stairs before banging on the door he knew that his 'boss' was here, he had already checked his other home. Finally a weary Fletcher opened the door.
"What? Oh Stephan its you what is it?" He grunted rubbing his eyes only to widen them as he was pushed back into the hall by the 'dane'.
"She isn't in the UK is she?" He growled holding the man by the collar of his shirt
"Wh-what? Who are you-"
"Y/n! I saw her earlier today!, she was being carried out of the police department barefoot by that friend of yours! Cavill? Or something ,She was crying her heart out, shaking she was fucking terrified! He put her in a four by four and left! What the fuck have you done?! I know your behind it! Where is she?" Stephan shook  in anger the Fletcher quivered he stuttering for an answer.
"Nothing ! I haven't done nothing! She told me she was leaving, had been offered her dream job in the UK then left I swear I don't know! She gave me the flight number and everything! Please I swear. I'll give it to you got the text still check yourself!" Stephan pushed his way into the apartment Fletcher followed quickly getting his phone showing the messages to the irate man.
"See she left, the woman who was taking the job got ill she was second pick that's why it was last minute,the flight numbers there" he said pointing out the long code of letters and numbers he took a step back releasing him. Taking out his phone snapping a shot of the screen nodding he would check, in some ways he regrets taking this job ,agent of the CIA posing as a fucking danish immigrant cafe worker, but Cavill was a big fish who had moved to a small pond and they wanted to know why, what could possibly make the king of the underground and black market suddenly up sticks an move?. Fletcher was the easy way to stay in the loop as Cavill’s men floated about this side of town more then anywhere else, a lot of people owed him in these parts it seemed. Observe and collect evidence. Those were his orders, they'd never managed to pin anything on the bastard he was already far to established, had his fingers in to many pies by the time they caught on. A slippery son of a bitch smart and cold a man of many faces could back you into a corner within a few sentences you'd be none the wiser until it was to late, but as they say never say never. Falling for you wasn't supposed to happen it just did, you was sweet caring and there was something about you that he couldn't put his finger on, your down side was how naive you could be. His chest clenched painfully you stood no chance against someone like Cavill. He shook his head, he had to focus on the task at hand, It was an undercover job, the in tell said that he had dominated the town using sordid secrets, blackmail and violence. A true dictator, just like before and just like before there was a sore in violent crime and substance abuse. Stephan shook as he felt waves of anger, it was lucky he didn't have his gun on him he'd fucking shoot this little prick right between his beady little eyes. He had already guessed what had happened. Cavill had taken you, for what he didn't know but considering you was retrieved by him personally he had assumed you wasn't put into the prostitution circuit. Thank god. His stomach churned at the thought ,he would check the flight records and cctv to be certain, but he new what he saw and come hell of high water he was going to get you out, some way he would free you. He couldn't just yet it was important that they bring him down, he can't risk the lives of hundreds of trafficked prostitutes and drug mules over one woman, no matter how he feels personally, he can't throw away year long operation, he'd be sacked or worse. Sighing he turned
You shivered as you came to melting into the mattress below you something was lightly tracing over your back random patterns back and forth. You hummed lightly and snuggled into the pillow more hearing a chuckle.
"Oh and Stephan don't bother coming back here your fucking fired!" he swore as Fletcher spoke. Shit. He growled punching the wall once he left the cafe heading back to his accommodation, no doubt Fletcher was contacting Henry this very second he'd have to disappear and fast. he could look through flight records and cctv when he gets settled again but right now he had to act as tho he was being targeted, because as of right now he probably was and he'd be damned if he was going to be another K.I.A statistic. He hoped he was wrong, that you had indeed boarded the plane and was half way across the world but he doubted it.
Henry stayed holding you long after the sheets had been changed, for the first time in months maybe years there was a calm quiet in his head, no schemes, no threats or work just a calm quiet enjoying your compliant company. He stroked your hair running his splayed fingers across your scalp. He felt a little guilty for what he put you through...It wasn't supposed to be like this, the kicking and screaming...but he couldn't help it! he didn't have the time anymore. He loved you but you'd forced him to take you. It was your fault he reasoned as he shifted you tucking you into his chest more you murmured in your sleep but relaxed slowly into him. Yes you forced his hand, you were the one who sought out that- that boy when he was busy working getting everything ready to seduce you slowly. It wasn't ideal but whats done is done, Fletcher fucked up and you had to pay for that. He sighed leaning further back into the chair he rested in. He could remember the first time he saw you, standing behind the counter you'd looked up surprised that someone was in so early you beamed him a smile that stopped him in his tracks, you hadn't known who he was he knew because you didn't freeze or cower, instead asked how you could help when he had asked for your boss, you pursed your lips wrinkling your nose a little telling him he wasn't here, but you offered him a coffee while he waited. He'd nodded saying make whatever expecting some shit low brand coffee either way, he stood watching as you disappeared behind the huge machine pouring you both a latte peeping over it making small talk. Watching eagle eyed as you danced around the kitchen beyond the cafe singing quietly mixing together some chocolate treat. Something had just clicked in him, he couldn't help it there was an aura about you as you pottered about the small space. He took slow sips you were beautiful and cheerful enjoying your life to the fullest. He had wanted you then and there you had somehow captured his whole attention, his mind wasn't wandering through dark vicious thoughts, hell he had forgotten the threats he had lined up for your boss who was fucking you over without even knowing. That was when he knew he had to bring you home you was sweet and vulnerable you needed to be protected and loved and he had the means to do that. He had got your name from your boss that day using it the make a file on you, within two days he new everything about you, address ,date of birth, medical history, schools, family history hell he even knew what your shoe size was 2.5 (us 4.5) you hated it finding it impossible to find heels. Then he remembered that night, walking into his own fucking restaurant halting seeing you giggling happily in a small booth near the window, his heart came to a painful screeching halt when he saw you kiss the other man-boy much younger then him, it was as if his whole world had come rushing back in one massive wave of anger and betrayal. He got a small taste of what was in store for him if he didn't have you, he now new what it was he had been missing. He shook the thoughts form his head, you were here with him and that was that finally getting up placing you carefully in the bed tucking you in before shedding his clothes and sliding in beside you ruffling your hair lightly then drifted off into sleep.
"Oh you like that? I will have to remember to save this as a reward" you flinched hearing him so close moving slightly you get ready to roll away from him only to be stopped by his hands pressing down lightly."No, stay there good girl" you frowned as his words were accompanied by a small squeeze to your tender bottom making you hiss and whine a little throwing your hand back to his trying to pry them off.
"Oh yes you are still sore aren't you? A very hot bottom. Good maybe this will help you behave for a while" you winced a little at him not wanting to be reminded of yesterdays events he moved closer to you kissing the back of your neck leaving it tender with a harsh bite."So today is a new start especially now that you've got that little escape attempt out of your system, things will be much easier now wont they?" you grit your teeth not knowing what would come out of your mouth if you tried replying. He moved rolling to his side you felt his eyes on you
"Look at me pet" you did without a thought he smiled almost sweetly at you leaning in placing a kiss on your cheek moving to cup your face slowly running a thumb across the apple of your cheek his lips parted eyes twinkling in the morning sun, you held your breath, he was magnificent yet terrifying you knew that he could easily make you fall for him.
"Soo good such a precious thing love, so beautiful and pure.....I expect you to be a good girl for daddy now you hear me? no more tantrums or pouting I don't want to have to punish you again ,rest assured that yesterday was just the tip of the iceberg I can come up with things much worse for you if you try to push me again. Please don't" You reluctantly closed your eyes before pulling away from his hand looking down to the sheets his words breaking the spell that had caught you ,you nodded he gave you a lopsided smile. He leaned in kissing your hair softly tilting your head and began sucking your bottom lip into his mouth running his teeth across the delicate inside biting it a little his hand dragged through your hair pulling you closer he slid beneath you on to his back tugging you across his chest still holding your head you gasped as a hand rested on your back drawing your nighty up you whined trying to tug it down but he had fisted the hand holding it refusing the let it go once you gave up fighting him he slowly began tracing light patterns as he went pulling the fabric over your hip,s you shiver relaxing as his fingers dragged lazily over your skin, he bit again on your lip harder when you wouldn't open your mouth to his probing tongue in a tiny protest the force of his bite make you gasp in pain using this to his advantage he opened his mouth wider kissing deeper, dipping his tongue into your mouth licking at yours trying to get you to respond. Closing your eyes you moaned softly unable to help your self as his tongue twisted and lapped inside your mouth you squeezed your thighs together as you felt yourself getting hotter, despite being scared of him you couldn't help your bodies reaction to him he was attractive, you was only human you reasoned with yourself before any shame could settling in your gut you melted into him, he was a god of a man you would say he had work done if you hadn't known him, strong defined and unreasonably perfect on the outside, had you been a religious women you'd say he was the devil himself beautiful and dangerous, temptation and sin personified and you was a mere mortal women falling into his claws, everything was about him physically seemed to have been created to draw you in even his scent was attractive engulfing you a combination of the lightly spiced aftershave he wore and something you couldn't name other then to say it was him the scent he left on his clothes and sheets. He deepened the kiss the hand on your back creeping down to your rump quickly pulling you up and over his strong thigh landing you to lie between his legs pressing his crotch to the seam of your thighs using the hand on your bruised ass to grind you slowly, grunting as he moved you up and down. You squeaked feeling a wet spot dragging across his weeping head coating the inside of his boxers seeping through wetting your thighs. He pulled his mouth from yours closing his eyes resting his forehead against yours panting harsh breaths across your skin.
"FUCK! your soo perfect and mine all mine shit that's good baby girl" you whined as your rocking made your heart race blood rushing south to your clit as he grunted groaning pulling you tighter to his pelvis he picked up the pace then stopped growling flipping you over to your back shuffling his boxers off kicking them off of the bed, you gulped as you saw his erection think veins wound around him like vines bulging and pulsing as he twitched. It was an intimidating sight to behold angry and swollen, proud jutting out pointing straight up to his stomach it'd take both hands to try and cover it even then your not sure your palms would even touch the purple head of it let alone cover it. he smirked as you looked at him, there was fear and lust in your eyes, he knew you wanted him deep down, but you was still fighting yourself over it, he fisted himself pumping his cock slowly watching you watch him squirming on the bed, oh yes you wanted him but not enough yet, he made a point to go slow thrusting into his tight fist letting you get an eyeful of his stomach muscles contracting grunting with each movement. You blushed wanting to look away yet unable to it was like watching a crash, you wanted to turn away knowing what was coming but still stared. He stopped releasing himself dragging you up the bed a little before lowering his weight on one hand by your head you panicked thinking that he was going to force himself on you and tried to pushed yourself up the bed away from him pleading.
"No no please! I don't want to! don't force me please please don't!" he stopped hushing you looking you in the eye, you cringed as he brought his wet hand to your face brushing his knuckles against your cheek.
"shh shh calm down little one its okay everything is going to be okay.... daddy wont force you I promise .....no i wont hurt you like that..... besides iv already told you, you wont get my cock until you come crawling on hands and knees begging for it. But there are many other ways I can get my fill until you do come to me gagging for it" he said placing his knees outside of your legs he smirked at your doe like expression confused  by what he meant until he laid over you lowering his hips against yours feeding his cock into the small v where your thighs met pressing the top of hit hot length slipping between your pussy lips rubbing your engorged clit, you gasped arching then placed your hands on him, one flat on his chest the other on the bicep by your face shaking as he began moving thrusting his hips forward and back dragging your clit with it
"OOOOHHHH FUCK YES!that it baby fuck so good such a good princess you are for daddy MMMM FUCK!" he panted in your ear using his legs to press your tighs tighter together trapping his cock, making you massage him, you cried out as his veins felt like ridges as he pumped himself against you smearing your arousal across him making it easier for him to move.
"OH BAby yes! your enjoying this aren't you? I can feel your cum soaking me love" you flushed unable to stop trembling as he caught the underside of your clit bumping it his the ridge of his head your moans grew more breathy as he tilted a little to keep hitting it brushing his cock against your opening with every pass , he was long enough that his head was sliding down  spreading your sore cheeks apart slightly making your pucker twitch with each downward thrust, he continued his pace trying to draw this out as long as possible, his drawn out moans and praises where breathed straight into your ear as he curled over you the lewd sounds making you clench. You dug your nails into his arm as your belly twisted breath coming out in heavy pants as your pussy tried to capture him at every thrust clenching desperately trying to direct him into your awaiting heat unsatisfied being left empty he laughed biting your ear lobe between his sharp fang like teeth releasing it with a pop.
"You know I can feel that!, feel your little cunt trying catch me, it-hahshit!-its quite cute really OH FUCK! yes!. You want me. Want me to feed you my aching cock and sooth your insides with my cum. To paint your insides again and again until you cant bear the thought of not having apart of me filling you on way or another. Don’t worry babe I wont let got go empty ever again!! All you have to do is BEG!! SHIT SHIT YES THAT'S IT STAY their-AH right there little one ahhh!" you whined as he spoke growling out the words as he rocked into you faster lewd wet slaps as his thick thighs rubbed and slapping into yours you moaned throwing your head back trying to fight the sensations he was forcing onto you.
"YES yesyesugh I know, oh pet I know but I'm not going toOH!, not until you admit to yourself. Not until you admit the truth. You want me. You LOVE me! UGH shit fuck fuck I'm cumming! I'm cumming! good girl shit Daddy's gonna cum right in your little pussylips fuck!" you shook below him as he fucked into your thighs feeling him stutter his hips releasing down into the crack of your ass coating the sheets beneath you. he laughed sweaty holding himself up on shaking arms then ran his cock across you smearing his cum between your lips making sure to leave you messy as he pulled back coating your clit
"OH sweety thank you were such a good girl for daddy" he rolled to the side of you running a finger spreading your lips as he pushed a pad to your cum soaked clit rubbing making you jerk up violently as he rolled the throbbing flesh side to side.
"oh you haven't cum have you? poor baby, well maybe if you'd tried to join in more you would have.... oh well to late now maybe next time hey little one?" he said making you groan as he kissed your lips licking the seem of them them he pulled back licking your lips. You cringed a little wiping away his spit from you he laughed resting on one elbow his other hand ruffled your hair.
"Oh sweetheart you don't like it when I lick you? Oh I bet you would if my head was here" you froze as his wandering fingers probed your core and tried tilting up to him wanting him to carry on, to do... something? anything? tears sprung to your eyes when he pulled back gathering your mixed arousal as he went before sucking them clean groaning as he did.
"sooo good , you taste so good baby I could eat you for hours
""Pl-please daddy" he grinned you was so aroused that you couldn’t deny that you craved him, wanted him to touch you ignoring the little voice that said it was wrong, Henry noticed your little battle continued with a low growl that you felt more then heard, trying to sway you.
"But another time perhaps, tell me would you like that? Would you enjoy your self while daddy feasts on your perfect pink pussy for hours on end? forcing you to cum over and over? I could you know I would be a very happy to oblige" His words were taunting you. You nodded then shook your head confused not sure what you wanted. He smiled before getting off the bed
"But you had your chance today, I cant spoil you now can I? not when I'm supposed to be teaching you your place" he seemed to like having you on edge like this, he plucked his boxers from the floor using them to quickly wipe you down dragging it quickly across you avoiding where you needed him most removing the worst of the sticky cum then through it across the room to the basket. He made his way to the chest of drawers pulling out a black round neck cotton dress decorated with small flowers.
"Come here lets get you dressed" you tilted your head at him as he said that pointing to the floor in front of him. Slowly you moved towards him curling your toes into the hard wood floor fidgeting. He motioned for you to hole
"Wh-what? why? I can dress myself" he sighed exasperated
"I told you that your training starts today little one, you are going to rely on daddy for everything now do as your told pet" his voice was stern again you sighed nodding again.
"Good girl, who knew all you needed was a firm hand? Im confident that we can work this out.... it is a shame tho, if you'd just behaved then I wouldn't have to give you these new rules." You cringed trying not to look at his wet cock swaying with his movements.
"Now arms up" you followed his instructions letting him replace your nighty with the short dress that just skimmed your knees. He watched you for a moment then moved dressing himself in a formfitting top and tight trousers using your nighty to quickly wipe his cock clean, something about the gesture made you feel dirty. Ushering you to the door with a light tug on your wrist you struggled.
"Wait what about? No stop a minute" he ignored continued to the hall
"If you want my attention then address me properly pet." You flushed panicking as he lead you to the door you held on to the frame jerking him to a halt
"Daddy please stop" he faced you still holding your wrist as you held on to the wooden frame.
"What is it princess?" You flushed moving from one foot to the other.
"You haven't given me any .....you know I'm still wet and.......its err I'm naked under this" you said trying to tug the skirt of the dress down completely out of your depth here. He smiled
"Of course you are, what you think I forgot to give you panties? No baby girl that is a new rule, from now on your in skirts and no panties aloud so its easier for me to get at that naughtly little bottom when I need to and easier for daddy to check if his little girl is lying about feeling all tingly , now come on daddy doesn't have all day we have a few visitors today and you best behave or you'll be right over my knee now come on"
"but I’m going to leave wet spots!!"you admonished he laughed
"Yes I suppose you will wont you? If your a good girl daddy will give you a treat later but for now we haven't got the time!" .
"But what if someone see's them?! or-or they see up my skirt?!"he shook his head at your high pitch then tugged making you slip from the door you yelped nervously scanning for the others in the house all the way to the kitchen. One hand holding the skirt tight to your bottom trying to keep it covered wincing as you felt a small trickle of your arousal smear against your upper thighs he scoffed sitting down at the table dragging you onto his lap back against his chest placing your legs either side of his knees spreading you a little, you shivered as the cool air met your wet heat making is impossible to forget the state he had left you in also making sure you felt yourself weeping onto his trousers you moaned in humiliation trying to close your legs but found it hopeless his thighs to strong his bulge was right under your ass and already twitching again.
"Well baby girl, if you act like the little lady I know you are no one will see up your skirt." He said motioning for a plate to be brought over stacked with four slices of toast. You whined trying to wriggle your legs free to close them he held you still groaning in your ear
"No baby stop, fuck daddy just told you we haven't got time for that now!" you pouted at him whining only to get a slap on your thigh you yelped clenching your bottom in response making him dig his fingers in your thigh.
"Enough! not at the table now sit still" he said picking up a small piece of toast holding it to your lips and began feeding you by hand. You flushed feeling exposed as mid way during breakfast the guard from yesterday came in, you knew he couldn't see beneath the table but you couldn't help feeling embarrassed.
"Boss we got a big problem" you watched from the corner eye finishing the mouthful Henry had fed you as you swirled your coffee in your mug then taking a sip trying to focus on anything but the position he held you in you felt Henry sigh exasperated.
"What is it? the Vonnie boys failed a delivery again?" He asked pulling you back to rest on his chest plucking the mug from you placing it on the table then casually lowered his hand to cup your center covering you should the other man peak beneath it, he wouldn't honestly let you be seen by anyone other than himself, the man shook his head.
"No haven't heard from them yet their not due in till this afternoon flight gets in at two its well" he hesitated a moment making Henry growl his hand tightened on your pussy making you mewl trying to push back against him.
"Ive got to many things to do today Luke, spit it out!" His stern voice made you jump tensing as it reverberated through your body, he hushed you kissing your neck.
"Well its to do with the girl, you should see this" he placed a tablet on the table sliding it across Henry huffed and let got of you pulling you to straddle one thigh you moaned quietly as your clit was pushed forward the fabric of his trousers providing friction to the tight bud then began to grind lightly onto it one hand on his knee the other holding the edge of the table, no control of yourself it was far to good to resist Henry quickly put a stop to it striking your sore ass cheek making you yelp holding your hand to it pouting as he held on arm around your waist holding you still, you clenched tight and relaxed then again
"Baby? just carry on and see what happens I said not at the table and I meant it young lady" you blushed looking down knowing that the guard Luke now knew what you was doing you huffed slumping back against him taking that as your little defeat he peered forward over the tablet it. It was an email a short one line it read
Stephan knows he saw you leave the police station
Henry tensed glaring at the note it was from Fletcher you jumped as he slapped the tablet down with the force you was surprised he didn't break it.
"When did you get this?”
"Last night boss"
"LAST NIGHT! and you didn't think to tell me then? the fuck is wrong with you?!”
"We didn't want to interrupt you sir"
"Well What have you done about it?"
"We wasn't sure what your plans were for him wanted to wait until you saw it" Henry slumped in his chair you whimpered as he got angrier
"NOT SUR- I DON’T FUCKING BELIEVE THIS-" he took a breath calming himself, he felt you trembling sighing he rubbed your side a little the action calm the both of you, he continued in a low dangerous voice."isn't it fucking obvious what to do?. Find him .Kill him and keep it clean and quiet like I fucking pay you to do" he growled you gasped at the order then twisted round before he could stop you, kill who? You blood ran cold when you got a glimpse of the name on the screen.
"That's the thing boss its a false identity, he didn't exist until a year ago, already checked his accommodation he is gone. No trail nothing" Henry release a breath through his nose then snarled before standing up abruptly you yelped as he took you with him skirt bunched up over your ass as he did you was quick to pull it down at the sides and front as Henry had you pressed to the front of his hips feet dangling just off the floor, you tried not to swoon at just how easily he hoisted you off the ground with on hand. Now was defiantly not the time.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HES FUCKING GONE?! GONE WHERE? YOU JOB IS TO MAKE SURE THIS SHIT DOESN'T HAPPEN! I MEAN WHAT THE FUCK HOW DID YOU DROP THE BALL THIS FUCKING MUCH?" You shook in his grasp whimpering covering your ears as he screamed at Luke. He stopped regarding you then took a deep breath pointing a shaky finger at Luke.
"Find him, pull in everything trace all cctv in the city if you have to but you find him and get Fletcher here, throw him in the trunk for all I care but bring him here today, and you better hope this kid isn't what I think he is or I will be needing a new head of security!" you shivered there was a crazed tone to his threat growl, the seemed to be all the dismissal Luke needed as he quickly scuttled out of the kitchen. Once you were alone Henry placed you on the seat making his way to the island slamming his hands down on it in temper the loud thump echoing in the room, you watched still quivering terrified of what was going to happen, he cast you a glance sighing making his way towards you watching as you flinched away from him.
"Baby doll? Its okay honey I'm sorry for scaring you.....daddy loves you, you know that right? and daddy isn't angry at you no no not at you my beautiful baby girl shh its okay" You nodded completely freaked out by his sudden switch he crouched down in front of you tucking the hair behind your ears wiping the few stray tears that had escaped gulping.
"A-are you really gonna kill him? Please don't do that please, its my fault I don't want to be the reason please" you cried fearing for Stephan hands clutching the chair seat trying to swallow down the sobs that tried to escape into sniffles, he sighed looking away then fixed you with a sympathetic gaze patting your knees smoothing them with his hands that could probably swallow them both in a single palm.
"Oh baby don't-don't cry on his account, I know you-you liked him but its for the best pet, we can't let him go, he knows where you are and there are some very bad people who would take you away from me if he tells them. Cant you see I'm doing this for you, for us so we can be together, I love you and I cant allow anyone to take you away ,no one not one single person will ever tear us apart. Because we belong together don't we? we love each other and nothing can put a stop to that" He explained you sobbed into your hands feeling sick as he continued to believe his own twisted fantasy of you being a true loving,consenting couple. Stephan would die because of you, Because this dangerous unstable man had an obsession with you. You moved on hand to his cheek shaking your head.
"N-no please I'll do anything please please don't...f-for my sake please, I-I will tell them that I chose to come here! Chose you over him Th-that we're together and he was just jealous of my decision or something but please please please don't do this I couldn’t live with myself" you pleaded to him running your thumb across his cheek before continuing
"I don't think I could ever fall in love with you if you do this" he froze at that if he done this? IF? so there was a chance? you held some feelings for him, you thought that you could love him. Perfect. He pushed his face into your hand slowly kissing your palm, it was the first time you'd touched him without fear, the first time you'd initiated an almost loving gesture, he grasped your hand placing your knuckles to his mouth again. Letting a small smile creep across his face watching you cry, on hand tugging at his shirt begging him so sweetly between small hiccups. His voice dropped lower then you'd ever heard it before
"You would do that baby? You'd tell everyone were together? Stop fighting me? Try to love me and forget about him to save him?" You nodded grabbing blindly at him still whimpering.
"Okay I tell you what pet, you stay with me here, love me and only me and never leave then I will promise you I won't kill him, but if you ever try to run from me his death will last days, I will kill him slowly and painfully you hear me love, you have to swear to me that you will stay think of this as a contract" It wasn’t a question, or request it was an ultimatum, and probably the only offer he would make. You gasped not really expecting him to reason with you, would you sacrifice the rest of your life to save the man you think you could have loved? He held your gaze firm, the blue in his eyes clear and steady it was unnerving as he watched you waiting for your answer. A no would mean a death sentence for Stephan and the truth of what has really happened dying with him. A yes would save his life but trap you under his thumb spending the rest of your days with this beautiful monster, either way you know your never escaping Henry, never. Yesterday was proof enough. So you may as well save someones life along the way right? You took a deep breath finally nodded.
"Yes. If you promise not to kill him" Henry smiled nodding
"You have my word little one, I will not kill this boy so long as you stay with me" he sealed the deal with a slow tender kiss to your knuckles then scooping you up spinning, cradling you to his chest, he was elated, ecstatic this day couldn't turn out better placing you to sit on the table.
"I’m so proud of you baby girl, your soo gooood, that why I love you, I love you so much your everything I'm not. You truly are my better half" You cried into him silent tears streaming down.
"Oh sweet heart don't be sad, no no this is good....Hush now you'll be fine I know this is a big commitment but deep down you love me just as much, your just afraid of admitting it. That’s okay I can wait, we have our whole lives together....Your a good girl you've made daddy so happy baby girl." his words did nothing to stop the tears the finality of them was frightening. Your whole lives the rest of your days being his doll, a toy. the thought made your stomach clench he pulled you down to stand before him wiping at the tears
"Hey now there's no need for tears, its daunting but exciting......I know how about you let daddy give you that treat he promised huh? make my little baby girl feel better hmm? its only fair you've been so good" You shook your head whimpering at him wanting to
"N-no I don't want to now" he tutted at you spinning placing you on the counter stepping between your legs.  His hands cupped your cheeks softly.
"Nonsense come on love just a quick little reward and then we can go get you some books and you can spend the rest of the day in the office with daddy" you whined squirming
"no no no please" he sighed at you as he called out over his shoulder making another male enter the kitchen you flushed trying to move your skirt over your thighs not getting far as he was pressing tight against your center
"Tell Luke I've changed my mind, find Stephan but don't kill him just keep tabs on him....still get Fletcher here tho, he may help find him" the man nodded leaving you alone once again"There does that help? he wont be hurt, I just want to know where he is.....better?" you nodded a little you did feel a slightly better until he pulled you closer to the edge of the counter parting your thighs wider quickly  you squeaked then he pushed you back flat with one strong hand on your ribs pinning you down. you mewled embarrassed as he flipped your skirt up holding it under the palm pinning you down flat the marble was cold making you shiver as he placed an open mouthed kiss on your lower tummy trailing his tongue down to your mound leaving a wet line in your skin that cooled instantly as the air hit it not stopping you bent your knees feet firmly on the counter gasping as he moved down not wasting any time one latching onto your clit sucking it into his mouth flicking the tip of his tongue across it igniting your pussy anew you pushed on your feet trying to fight his hold on you as his shoulders pressed on your tense thighs you panted shaking your head it was incredible as his teeth pinched the flesh rolling it side to side then pulled back taking the small nub with him then moved forward pressing the flat of his tongue sticking it out rubbing up and down angling the tip to the sensitive skin just behind your clit. you moaned throwing your head back throwing your arms around your right hand found purchase on the edge of the marble counter top your left grabbing his wrist at your ribs.
"OH FUCK! AHH!" you cried out as he sped his tongue then moved lower attaching his mouth over your opening sucking obscenely darting his tongue inside of you making you jolt using your feet to grind down on him as his torturous mouth feasted on you with out pulling back he grabbed your left foot throwing it over his shoulder to hand loosely down his strong back and smacked your left calf from below prompting you to throw it over his left shoulder. you squealed trapping his head between your thighs as he continued to eat you out  he pulled back a little  you panted breathlessly looking down at him, his face was wet from your arousal he wiped his face with the back of his hand before licking it clean you moaned as the display.
"Fuck you taste fantastic, I could fucking live off this alone!" he said before diving back down tugging you to hang off of the counter pressing your thighs back with his shoulders stretching your pussy taught as he went back to work, the new position pulling your lips back revealing more of your clit to his wandering tongue, you cried out a gruntal moan as he suckled on it flicking his tongue on the underneath slowly the circling its base quickly
"Fuck fuck shit please I-PLEASE I’m gonna cum I cant-" suddenly he thrusted two thick fingers inside you pressing them around feeling his way along your muscles making him self at home inside of you scissoring and circling pressing on your contracting walls whilst sucking on you. You moaned and keened unable to contain yourself digging your heels in his back feeling the strength in his back as he arched over you moaning into you making you jump at the vibrations. you clenched around his fingers yelping as he brushed something deep
"AH! oh god wha? UGH!" you moaned loud spasming around his fingers as they found what he was looking for and rubbed furiously following your hips as you tried to escape screaming as you tense curling your upper body rocking into his hand and mouth desperate to finish as he gave one final painful suck on your clit then bit down hard sending you to your peak. He smiled as you came over his fingers slowing them but not stopping letting you ride him through your orgasm. You saw stars as you climaxed the pleasure making your whole body shiver and jerk every muscle seemed to come alive at once, your nerves on fire before you came down as he pulled his hand and mouth away from you. panting and trembling you looked down at him dazed, eyes glazed over from your after glow completely exhausted you felt alive and drained all at once he winked up at you smirking licking his lips then pulled back standing at full height catching your legs and they slipped from his shoulders before they could hit the counter painfully as dead weight, slowly lowering them to rest over the edge then lifted his drenched fingers to his mouth sucking them clean eagerly. You groaned still trying to control your ragged breaths, that was ridiculous you summarized moving your hands to your hair grimacing when you felt how sweaty your forehead was.
"You have a very unique taste baby doll, i love it  so much i might have to have it for breakfast each day what do you think?" you groaned barely able to move
"I think it'd kill me" you panted out he laughed loud running his hands across your thighs then pulled your skirt back down
"well that is what orgasm means, little death" you grunted as he pulled you towards him sliding you to your feet supporting your whole weight as you slumped on him a little still feeling like jelly, then the door opened again Luke walking through.
"Sir Fletcher’s on his way and I don't think he knows where to find the other one your looking for, he sacked them for confronting him" Henry sighed looking up closing his eyes, you shivered waiting for the blow up but it never came he just nodded then picked you up
"Fucking idiot! fine I'll deal with him how long?" he said walking from the kitchen making them follow after him you leaned on his chest.
"Said he'd be twenty minutes or so, he's shitting bricks tried to wiggle out of it but told him we'd hand him over if he didn't that got him complying real quick" Henry nodded
"Go meet him half way I don't trust that little weasel not to make a run for it" you looked over Henry's shoulder as Luke took a left to the main doors.
"Is Fletcher in trouble?" he gave you a look making you shrink
"Don't you worry about him, you just keep your nose clean, you don't need to know now lets go get some books for you to read today" you sighed nodding a little as he continued down the hall.
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WIP Wednesday: Ophelia and the King’s Madness
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expected to be about 100k+ words total, 50% complete
Hi and welcome to another WIP Wednesday!! Today I’m sharing Ophelia and the King’s Madness, which is a spin off from my Hardenshipping Dead Sea Trilogy that focuses on Colress, the novelty third wheel, and his time in Team Plasma.
Ghetsis hires Colress to look after his daughters who, despite being adults, live completely isolated from the outside world.  But Anthea and Concordia find themselves smitten with the man who brings so many strange and wonderful things to them.  But as their relationship develops, Concordia slowly discovers the truth of who he and her father really are, and must face the choice to leave everything in her world behind.
Hit me during quarantine while I was...... stuck inside all day and couldn’t leave my house........ funny how life does that to you.
There will be mild - but not explicit - sexual themes.  But today is just a preview!  Colress and Ghetsis dunking on one another.
I ripped this straight off my google doc so enjoy all my typos and funny musings ✨
Link on AO3
Ko-Fi Tip Jar
(Full text below the cut)
 Chapter 0.5??? (AT RISE?  CURTAIN???)
 Colress Achroma had seen every sight there was to see in Castelia City.  There was nothing new about the subway station, the cars, the lights, the people, the noise, and even his own apartment.   Nothing fulfilling about the bars, the clubs, the drinks, the parties.[---maybe mention something about the people who lurk in the subway station/swers and how weird they are--]
 And while it was objectively true that there were perhaps hundreds--if not, thousands--of new things to do--drink, fuck--every day, for Castelia City had no shortage of people like him--nothing      felt    particularly new.  Not since he had moved back from the Hoenn region, where he had completed his PhD, which had grown especially underwhelming in its own regard.  While he had certainly missed the sheer expanse of the city in that time--ever since getting his PhD--which had turned out to be nothing but dull barrier after dull barrier--he felt incredibly,      painfully     understimulated.  And so, he sat in the [bleak] alleyway in the dark, grimy underbelly of his hometown, spinning the petals of a white rose in his hand, waiting for something new.
 No, he wasn’t there for a hookup.  He knew better places than here for that.  He knew this underground tunnel system perhaps even better than the subways themselves, even as it ran adjacent to them.   Admittedly, the cryptlike sewer system had become something of a second home to him, ever since he was a kid.  Here in his favorite corner, for instance, there were still even smears of ash from when he had started a fire when he was 14 and narrowly escaped the police.  That, particularly, was the first of what was soon going to become many narrow run-ins with the law.  No, he wasn’t here to sell or solicit, even though he was told someone would meet him here.
 Okay so when put like that, it might as well have been a hookup.
 But as he sat perched up on a ledge, scanning shadows in the dim, yellowy light on the wall--down past the shadows that scooted across the filthy waterways--he saw a long, black shadow emerge from the darkness.  [add in the flower ‘he loves me, he loves me not’ thing?].   Although, it was more as if the cloak had pulled off and carried teh darkness with him.  The man was large; and wore a long, black cloak; his footsteps, which would have otherwise been almost soundless and serpentine, were interjected with a      thud     from his cane--forcing him to walk in an uneven, cacophonic rhythm.  He leaned into his left, and leaned into it hard.  In fact, with the hsape of the cloak, and the way he walked, even from here, it would appear almost as if the man entirely lacked a right hand.      
 Colress dropped another white petal down from the ledge.  “He loves me,” he said, then glanced up at the man and smiled.  He slid down off the ledge and stared up at the large man, the grossish yellowish light grossly illuminating his face.  “You came.”
 “I was told I could find someone here.”
 “Well, you found correctly,” Colress said, waving the flower around.  “Now, what exactly is it you want?  I’m not accepting clients, if that’s what you’re after.  But, there are plenty of girls down here who, if you pay them right--”
 “Enough,” the man said, spitting on the ground at Colress’ feet.  His voice boomed, nearly echoed down the chamber.  “I’m not here for a prostitute.”
 “The polite term is ‘sex worker,’ actually, but--”
 “I’m looking for a scientist, not a whore.”
 “Lucky for you, I’m both,” Colress said, smiling.  The man stops and stares at him, incredulously, like he doesn’t think he could be serious.  Colress flashes some sort of badge at him.  “How can I help you?”
 “You can’t be serious.”
 “Oh I am,”  Colress said.  They stare off again at one another, Ghetsis is like “Nevermind this has to be a mistake” and starts tot turn to go.
 “I thought you might be a little apprehensive, given our location, but I promise, only the best of the best gather in the nighttime here in Castelia City,” Colress said, reaching into his bag.   “After all, how would you have gotten your contacts to get ahold of me? I prepared for you my entire CV--” he extended the document to him [basically traps him from leaving].  The man raised his eyebrows, but tentatively accepted it.  “Although, you should know this is quite the unusual place for a job interview.”  [Colress gives him a devious grin.]  “I dig it.”
 “Jesus Christ,” the man muttered, scanning over the document.
 “What?  Overwhelmed and amazed at my outstanding credentials?”
 “No,” the large man said.  “I had heard the rumors.  I just didn’t believe they were      fucking true    .”
 “Ah, so I have a reputation I see!  That’s good news,” Colress said.  “You should have a clue as to who I am, then.  However, unfortunately I’m still not sure with whom I have the pleasure of--” Colress paused, now seeing the profile of the man in the low light.   “Wait a moment,” he said, beginning to recognize the face.  “I’ve see you before.  You’re…” [the memory comes to him] “You’re Ghetsis Harmonia,” he said.  “The leader of Team Plasma.  All those ones going around talking about all that ‘Pokemon’s Rights’ bullshit--”
 “Pokemon liberation.”
 “Oh and the      airship!      Quite a mechanical wonder, I have to admit.  I’ve always sort of wanted to get up close and personal with that antigravity machine,” he said.  He leaned in to Ghetsis with a sing-song tone.  “Are you here to give me a ride~!”
 “Only if you’re useful.”
 “Useful?” Colress asked.  “In what way?”
 [is he like a court jester to a king????]
 “I’ve already told you I’m not accepting clients.  That’s never been my game anyway.  Useful?  To Lord Ghetsis Harmonia… isn’t that what they call you?  My lordship?  My king?  Leader of a selfless, benevolent organization devoted to the freedom of Pokemon.  It’s quite ambitious, I have to say.  I’ve never really seen anything quite like it.”
 Ghetsis was silent.
 “But what could a proud, noble, and upstanding lord want with a--ah, what was it you called me?”
 “‘A sewer rat’ like me…?”
 “Research,” Ghetsis said, shortly.
 “Oh?” Colress asked.  “Of what kind?  Surely we didn’t have to meet in such a remote location to go over my CV.  We could have gotten lunch.  Oh, or      brunch--!    ”
 “Enough,” Ghetsis said, more sternly.  “I won’t tolerate this level of [silliness? Pfffft No better word].”
 “Then what do you need of me, my lord?”  
 “I need you for research.  A very particular kind of research my own scientists believe you to be capable of.”
 “Oh, scientists from down here?” Colress said.  “Word certainly does get around.  But what makes you think so?”
  [Ghetsis hands him some kind of flyer from a battle or tournament or something]
 “How’d you do it?” he asked.
 Colress raised his eyebrows.  “What do you mean?”
 “Your thesis was about DNA and Mega-Evolution,” Ghetsis said.   “And this,” Ghetsis pointed again to the page.  “You enhanced its power for competition.”
 “I didn’t enhance anything,” Colress said, flatly.  The flatness in his voice, however, spelled sarcasm.  “The ‘power of friendship’ did that.  If I had enhanced anything, that would be cheating, wouldn’t it?”  Colress paused.  Examines Ghetsis.  “Of course, the ‘power of friendship’ in this scenario might involve a few extra nuts and bolts.   Nothing more.”
 [  Ghetsis like grunts or makes one of his Ghetsis noises.  Colress kind of turns and looks at him.  Ghetsis maybe says something like [We could pay you well to do it again] or something etc.]
 “But what would a noble Lord want with a researcher like me?   What would an upstanding and noble, pacifist organization like Team Plasma possibly want to do with Pokemon battling power?  And, with you coming to me in such circumstances, I’m beginning to think that you’re either horny, or Team Plasma isn’t exactly what it says it is.”
 “We have certain aspects that we keep only to the initiated.”
 “Well, it’s a cult, isn’t it?” Colress said.  “I mean, Team Plasma is a cult.  You all walk around in hats and robes, handing out pamphlets and preaching about love and destiny and higher wisdom.  And you at the very helm.”
 “Well, if this is a personal invitation to join your freaky little cult, I’m afraid to tell you I’m not really religious, and I don’t really plan on ‘being saved’ any time soon--”
 “I heard you weren’t satisfied with your day job.”
 “Day job?  What day job?” Colress laughed.  “I don’t need to work for a living.”
 Long pause.
 “I do what I want.  I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity to come around.”
 “And what exactly is that opportunity, Colress?”
 [Long pause. Colress decides it’s time to spill.  Something pulls him to know to understand what Ghetsis is there for, air of malice.]
 “Have you heard of an organization called Cipher?”
 “They were a criminal organization responsible for the ‘Shadow Pokemon’ incident that happened about a decade ago in the Orre region.”
 Ghetsis raised his eyebrows, interested.
 “They operated in secret laboratories in abandoned warehouses scattered throughout the region.  Their laboratory director, Ein, was behind the conception of the project,” Colress said.  “In his profile, he is described as someone ‘long on ambition and short on emotion,’ something to which I think we both can relate.”
 “Mhm,” Ghetsis siad.
 “Ein was the pioneer behind the creation of these creatures--Shadow Pokemon.  Pokemon capable of entering this hyper-empowered state.”
 [Maybe more nods.]
 “I always sort of wished I could talk to Ein.  But, unfortunately like any other criminal organization, they were eventually found out, and their records destroyed.”
 “So what was the point in you telling me all that?”
 “Please let me monologue.” [Say something about how like if he’s going to join an evil organization he’s only going to get a chance in this once in his life--also maybe it’s like he’s given ghim a sales pitch??]
 They stare at each other.
 “What they were doing was highly illegal, of course.  Though, I couldn’t stop myself from wondering, if, given the opportunity, I could do better.”
 [They have a moment where they’re on the same page.]
 “Cipher’s mistake was that the Pokemon were strong, but ultimately uncontrollable,” Colress said.  “Their approach, ironically enough, was too emotional.  This flimsy control maxed out Pokemon’s power, but brought them into a manic state that made them lash out uncontrollably.  This lack of control also made it an easy effect for anyone to reverse.  A handful of people were known for doing so.  They called it Purification.  ‘Opening the door to a Pokemon’s heart,’ that’s what they called it.  In fact, that’s even how Ein himself chose to define it,” Colress said.
 [Colress turns and then laughs].  “That’s what he called it.   Can you believe?  ‘Opening and closing the doors to the heart…” what the fuck does that even mean?  Some bullshit phrasing they made up to describe the process of divorcing a creature from its emotional integrity.  ‘Hearts’ and ‘doors’ aren’t measurable data.  It was a chemical they were using.  A wave.  Cipher’s true methods, as I’ve said, were unfortunately lost to time.  But, we do have the work of Professor Krane, who developed a more regimented procedure for purifying these Pokemon,” Colress said, smiling.  “It’s a wave.  They used EM waves.”
 “The way I see it, Cipher’s approach likely targeted the limbs, so to speak, rather than the creature as a whole.  This left weak points that Krane and other purification scientists were able to exploit.  If they wanted to truly be successful, they would have had to find a way to overrun the entire mind of the creature,” Colress said.
 “So success would mean absolute control?”
 “Yes,” Colress said.  “Precisely.”
 “That I can agree with you on.”
 Another pause.  “Theoretically, one would be able to use the work put forth by Professor Krane to reverse-engineer the way that Cipher created these Pokemon, and then build upon it for their own ends.  To do so would be highly unethical, of course, and cause quite a stir in most procedural review boards,” he said.  “So it remains a fantasy that I’ve considered, but never fully entertained.  The bureaucrats win out again, and for good reason, I suppose.”
 “That’s quite a tale you’ve spun for me.”
 “Isn’t it?” Colress asked.  “I always thought so.  But that’s not what we’re here about, is it?  We’re here for you,” [he turns to him and smiles].  “So, Lord Ghetsis Harmonia… cult-leader, king.  What is it that I can do for you?”
 “By the sound of it…” Ghetsis said, slowly.  “Exactly what you want.”
 Colress [does something], smiling.  “Then, gratefully, my lord, I am ever at your service.”  [Maybe kisses rose and tosses it at his feet?  → this ties him back to Concordia]
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chimswae · 3 years
BTS Caretaker CH41
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4,174
- Author Note: Happy Eid to those who celebrate, and yes this chapter is pure fluff <3 we lovee seulliee and yoongii and bangtannies!
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Chapter 41
“Are you two like together now?” Namjoon eyed the two lovebirds with so much interest followed by whistles in the background by the rest of the members. The tease went on when Seul moved away and hid her pink face in Yoongi’s arm practically clinging onto her dear life.
“Obviously. For some reason, Seul is being extremely clingy around hyung” said Jungkook with his eyes fixed on his phone playing the usual online games.
Offended by the remarks, Seul finally let go Yoongi’s arm and glared at his way “I am not being clingy. The thought of dating Yoongi is too much for me to comprehend” she murmured lowly.
“Wait until you live under the same roof as him then you know, it is not easy to handle Yoongi” Jin stated in the matter of fact tone receiving a dissatisfied look from the pale man.  “Are you done exposing me to my girlfriend?” Yoongi snickered.
“Girlfriend” they responded in unison as though it was not enough to tease the two with mere look and the members were practically ganging up on them. With a proud smile spread across his face, Namjoon nodded in satisfaction “I am glad both of you are together and there is no bad blood between us. Not really all of us but the rest of you whom actually see Seul more than a friend” he stressed that part and glanced at Jungkook and Jin.
Jungkook and Jin exchanged a meaningful look as they heard their leader continued “We have known each other for as long as I can remember, this issue should have not jeopardized our friendship. And, I am proud of everyone for taking this matter maturely. Especially, you Gukk” Seul sent a grateful smile to his way, and he winked in response.
“I.. want what is best for Yoongi hyung, for Bangtan and for Seul-ie. I can handle this” “I am sorry” Seul mumbled before Jungkook could finish off his words.
“I don’t want the guilt consume my heart, but it can’t be helped sometimes. I am sorry, because of me you almost ruin everything that you build together” Jin and Jungkook shook their head, heaving a soft sigh.
Yoongi’s arm was automatically wrapped around her shoulder as a comfort “Baby, you don’t need to be sorry. It is not your fault” he gave the top of her head a soft peck. “We care for you and we love you dearly” Seul blinked his tears, allowing Yoongi to pull her small body into his embrace.
“Seul-ah, your existence in our life is the best gift that we ever had. Thank you for being our friend and to treat us not as a celebrity but just us” Jin professed earnestly. “It is a wonderful feeling, to be able to love you. We will cherish that deep in our heart” Jimin murmured watching the girl turned fifty shades of pink in Yoongi’s arms.
“Me too nuna. You will always be my first love” the maknae muttered shyly as Jimin nudged him with a teasing smile.
“I bet Jungkook has learned a lot from it” Jimin retorted.
Sitting quietly at the corner was Taehyung with a worried frown evident on his forehead “I am sorry for losing my shit that time and hurt your feelings. I can’t forget the foolish mistake that I commit, ugh stupid me” he puckered his lower lips in protest of his own demeanour.
“Taetae, I thought we have settled that stop blaming yourself. I understand why you did that so, let’s forget about those horrible fight okay?” her smile radiates the room.
“So, when can we meet ahjumma? I am dying to meet her!” Hoseok eyes glimmered with hope as others nodded in agreement. It is about time to meet their caretaker ahjumma considering the issues of her contract has been resolved. Therefore, it wouldn’t be a big problem for them to meet Seul’s mother.
She grinned widely “Oh, mother talked to me about that. She wishes to meet all of you soon probably after undergoing her kidney transplant” their face lit up in pure excitement upon hearing the news.
“Mrs Hwang finally get a donor, that’s cool! when is the date of her operation?”  
“Next week and I will be taking few days off from work”
“But..we will be in Osaka next week” pressing his lips together, Yoongi hummed lowly. He really wanted to be by her side when the day come but knowing how it clashed with their Wings Tour in Osaka, Yoongi face harden at the thought.
Realizing his sour face, Seul slipped her arm around his waist admiring her boyfriend’s soft feature “I will be alright, focus on the tour okay?” at this point the rest of the soul inside the room were immune to the couple’s romantic gesture. As though watching them being touchy towards each other wasn’t enough to send chills down their spine.
“Maybe you can take the first flight after the concert end?” Jungkook suggested.
“No way, you guys need rest. Don’t think of flying anywhere after the concert” she frowned deeply despising the idea of leaving Macao without proper rest.
Yoongi seemed to be reconsidering the idea while glancing at the younger man with a grateful smile “That is not our first time. I like that idea Jungkook” Jungkook responded with a small salute.
“Baby you are not flying anywhere after the concert?!” Seul look bewildered as her eyes found its way to Jungkook, throwing daggers at his way.
“Baby~~” the guys chortled in unison once again causing the girl to squirm shyly. The eldest cringed not be able to handle more sweetness from them “As much as I like both of you I am so not used to see Yoongi and Seul together without fighting even for one minute” Yoongi swung his arm around Seul bringing the girl close to his body.
“She is using that mouth of hers for good things from now on” that remark earned a dissatisfied grunt from every member as they totally got what he meant by the good things. Rolling her eyes in annoyance, Seul chose to remain silent not going to get herself involved in the boys’ childish conversation.
 Breaking: Underground rapper Stephanie took down her Instagram post with an open apology to BTS’s Suga and Army.
This week, the industry was shaken by Suga’s dating scandal that involved Stephanie, a Korean-Canadian underground rapper. The Instagram’s post by Stephanie which claimed that she’s one of BTS Suga many girlfriends earlier this week was already taken down by the rapper.
Stephanie then in her recent Instagram’s post posted an open apology acknowledging her mistake for causing the unnecessary misunderstanding and worries. She denied the rumours of knowing BTS Suga personally as they had never met in the past. The scandalous Instagram’s post was said to be directed to someone else which had nothing to do with Suga.
Bighit seemed to be taken the matter pertaining to their artiste seriously as Stephanie’s management is willing to give their full cooperation to solve the issues without problems. Netizens on the other hand are not convinced with the news and demanded an explanation from Suga in the near future. Fans are enraged of the netizens who send malicious comment towards BTS and claim that Suga has nothing to explain as he’s not at fault.
Bighit has finally put BTS’s Suga and Stephanie dating rumours to rest with an official statement by the label today. The label states “ The dating rumours about Suga and Stephanie are not true. They’ve never met each other in the past. None of BTS members own a personal social media account apart from the official one. We are looking into this matter seriously and a legal action will be taken to those who spread false rumour about BTS. Please continue to love and support BTS in the future. Thank you”
 Sprawling on the couch was Yoongi looking solemn and stress though the official statement by his label had cleared his name from the malicious rumours, he was worried of how it would affect the group as whole in the future. Guess, he must see it with his own eyes this Saturday during their concert.
Namjoon took a seat across him noticing Yoongi low energy ever since the article was out to public “Are you okay hyung? I think Bang Pd’s team had outdone themselves this time” he exclaimed softly fixing the glasses at the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t know. I am worried of how it will affect the group. The scandal was dirty and unacceptable Joon. If it only involve a dating scandal then it should be fine however.. this one.. people will be doubting BTS’s integrity and attitude. I am sorry..that it comes to this” he said in his deep voice.
The leader disagreed “You didn’t ask for this. It is never your fault, you are not the cause of this rumour to spread wildly like this. We know everything was a lie and we are in this together. Nothing can change that. There is no just BTS Suga, it is Bangtan Sonyeondan as whole. So, hyung don’t blame yourself for something you didn’t do” Yoongi sat up, rubbing his back head out of anger.
“What if it makes Seul doubt me?” it comes out nowhere, but his insecurity is severe since start, which is complicated for him to handle.
Unamused, Namjoon raised his brows with a perplexed look “Hyung, do you even hear yourself? Seul loves you with all her heart, what makes you think she will question your sincerity?” the latter shook his head in dismay.
“Both of you really need to spend a day together as if like a legit date. Have you even been to one?” the younger man pried answers from the already distressed man. Yoongi shook his head while recollecting the memories of him and Seul “One time, the bungee jumping” with that statement it brought laughter inside the room.
“Ew, who brings a woman to a bungee jumping for a date. Seriously hyung, you could do better. I am not amused” Namjoon retorted sarcastically.
Yoongi rolled his eyes offended by the leader response “It is romantic, and you should really try it out before laugh to my face” regaining his posture was Namjoon as he had a good time making fun of his hyung choice of date.
“Did Seul enjoy the date?”
“Of course!” he answered without any hesitation.
“I doubt that, knowing Seul, I bet you got cussed so hard that day” he chuckled at the thought of Seul’s fierce side.
Grunting lowly, Yoongi shot the fellow rapper a hard look shutting the guy’s mouth completely “Bring her to stargaze. Just both of you, a simple picnic-“ “Who does picnic at night?” suspicious with the ideas, he fired back earning a displease protest from the latter.
“I never heard picnic being associated with any period of time. I think this date fits both of you. You don’t like being in crowded place and prefer a quiet area. Seul doesn’t fancy an extravaganza date, so that will be perfect” he continued to fish Yoongi’s intrest.
“Picnic also means I have to cook something for us to eat” Yoongi expressed his concern.
Namjoon scrunched his nose in disbelief, if that’s what on his mind all this time then this man really need to get a dating class from a professional. “Prepare a simple one like sandwich. I thought we had enough practice from the Run BTS show, can’t you apply one of the recipes that we learned from that show for the sake of your date with Seul” he facepalmed as soon as Yoongi tilted his head in confusion.
“You do realize you can’t bring your proud ramen to a date right? Gosh, go and ask for Jin hyung’s help then” Yoongi loathed the idea of getting a help from Jin.
“He used to like Seul, I don’t trust him. What if he is planning to ruin my date by sabotaging the food?”
Overdramatic Yoongi was difficult to handle indeed. “Ramen is so unromantic hyung. I am against that choice of food. And, no alcohol. Seul doesn’t drink. Get help from Jin hyung to prepare a simple Kimbap at least. Who needs fancy food when all you do is making out?” his sarcasm has soared to a higher level challenging Yoongi’s ego.
“Yah! That is not true. Don’t turn me into a pervert”
“Aren’t you one?” a faint voice interrupted their serious conversation.  Sweaty Jin sank beside the leader with a playful smile “So are you planning to take Seul out for a romantic date?” he inquired the obvious. “I can help you with the food. I know Seul’s favourite food” Yoongi glared in process while his mind insisted on accepting the older guy’s offer, but the jealousy stopped him from doing the right thing.
“Who is dating Seul here? You or Jin Hyung…” he teased the grumpy man.
“Shut it. What can you cook for Seul?” a wide grin spread across Jin’s face upon hearing the request from Yoongi’s mouth.
Jin chuckled “Grocery shopping in an hour” he threw the used towel at Yoongi as he arose from his seat to get changed. Unwilling to spend the day at the grocery some more with Kim Seokjin, Yoongi pushed his body up considering this thing involved Seul like he could bail on Jin.
Third attempt.
Fourth attempt.
Fifth attempt but came to no avail. There was no answer from Seul, now he wondered the girl’s whereabout. To begin with, this was Namjoon’s idea to not notify the busy girl beforehand about this date. He insisted that the surprise should start before the actual date took place.
“Kim Namjoon, I am so done with you” he grunted under his breath. Yoongi took this matter into his hand and decided to pick Seul up by his own. He should have done it sooner instead of listening to Namjoon’s fairy-tale.
The journey to Seul’s neighbourhood took approximately twenty minutes by public transportation. It has been a long time since he last used public transportation to anywhere. Even though he sneaked out once in awhile when he needed a fresh air, he avoided crowded place at all cost. Therefore, public transportation was not an option since he preferred to walk appreciating his surroundings.
He climbed up the stairs praying hard in his head that Seul would be home. On top of that, this would be his first time to meet Seul’s family. The thought of meeting their caretaker lady after years numbed his mind.
“Breath Min Yoongi.. Breath” he smoothed his sweaty palm against his dark wash jeans. Pressing the red button, he could hear heavy footsteps beyond the door hollering “Give me a second” not long after the door was opened wide.
Yoongi was welcomed by Hoon confused face “Yoongi hyung? What are you doing here?” he blinked rapidly making sure he’s seeing the right thing.
Swallowing the heavy lumps in his throat, he emitted a soft cough “Hi, Hoon. Ah, I am looking for Seul, is she home? She didn’t pick up my calls” Hoon shot him an unknowing smile and nodded in response to his early question.
“Nuna is home but she’s sleeping though. Do you want me to wake her up?”
“No, it is okay. Can I wake her up instead? I mean not to sound weird but yeah… I can do it, if you allow me” he mumbled shyly, rubbing the back of his neck in process.
Hoon chuckled lightly watching how a renowned rapper like Min Yoongi turned into an adorable puppy at his doorstep “You are nuna’s boyfriend, why should I mind if you want to wake her up. Come in hyung” he provided a space for Yoongi to walk.
“You know?” he entered the apartment.
“It is obvious. Plus, nuna is a bad liar. How can we not know? I am happy for you and nuna, please love my nuna and don’t hurt her” he closed the door behind him and led Yoongi to Seul’s bedroom.
Yoongi softened as a warm smile found its way on his handsome face “I promise to love her and to cherish her. She is an amazing woman, I won’t hurt her” Hoon opened the door to Seul’s room and signalled him to get inside.
“I trust you hyung. Mom would be happy to meet you, I will go get her. For now, go and wake nuna. She is a light sleeper, but it is hard to get her out from bed, so good luck” chuckling softly, he left Yoongi with one last ‘Hwaiting’.
He scanned the room admiring its ambience, simple and minimalistic just matched his personal preference. Now he had seen another side of Seul, it was another way in deepening their relationship.
Smiling bashfully to himself, he tore his gaze to the sleeping figure on the bed. Seul looked ten times cuter than she already did when she was asleep. His heart melted at the sight. Yoongi sat carefully not to wake her lover up.
You look effortlessly beautiful even in your sleep. He mentally complimented the girl before him. Unconsciously, his hand reached out to stroke the strand of her hair from covering her eyes. She stirred a little in her sleep, squinting her eyes in process as Yoongi returned to admire her sleeping face.
“Mmm..Hoon..What time is it” Seul croaked.
“Time for you to get up baby” he whispered playfully.
“Baby what?” reluctantly, she rubbed her eyes in protest. Even in this state, she never failed to amuse Yoongi with her grumpy side. What a thing to witness. Her eyes rounded in sheer horror realizing Yoongi’s presence in her room. Sitting up almost immediately, her hoarse voice boomed across the cold room “What in the world? Why are you here?!” she hissed.
“To take you out for a date, so get up” he grabbed her hands, pulling the lazy to girl to her feet.
“Yah, Min Suga! Don’t invade my personal space, you are unbelievable. And what date? That is so sudden!” ignoring the words that flew like a freaking bullet, he dragged the girl to the bathroom. “What are you doing get out!!!” she squirmed under his strong grasp.
Yoongi rolled his eyes, collecting her hair and tied it neatly into a bun. Dazed by his weird action, Seul didn’t know what to expect next. She watched him grabbing her purple toothbrush, pressing the toothpaste on it. Giving her no time to digest, he shoved the toothbrush inside her mouth softly.
“Open your mouth, wide” Yoongi motioned the girl to follow his action. She stared at their reflection through the mirror in disbelief. Did Min Yoongi just brush her teeth as if she’s 2 years old girl? Goodness, what the hell was he trying to do?
“Stay still, I am trying to brush your teeth woman!”
“I can do it by my own” Seul slapped his hand softly, allowing her to hold the brush instead. To her distaste, the stubborn man turned her body to face him and swept her up, placing her carefully at the edge of the marble top.
His brow flinched, unamused by Seul’s persistence “I will do it so can you just listen to me?” he swatted her hand, finally in charged of brushing Ji Seul’s teeth again. Unromantic and weird. Tired of fighting, Seul rolled her eyes only to earn a light smack on her forehead.
“Don’t be a brat” he snickered.
She puckered her lips, upset with the childish treatment. Seul shot her boyfriend a ‘I hate you forever’ look. Of course, that didn’t stop Yoongi to pamper her like a little girl. Yoongi stood in between her legs, and leaned forward to take a glass of water for Seul to rinse her mouth.
As much as she hated being treated like an incapable person, she enjoyed this soft moment with Yoongi. Something that never happened to before, so it was rather amusing to experience it with a guy like Yoongi. He dabbed her mouth with clean cloth and hung it loosely around her neck afterwards.
“Go shower and change. I will wait for you outside. Or do you want me to shower you? I am up for that” he smirked playfully.
“Ew, no. Unless you stink”
“I am not!” Seul giggled cutely, throwing her arms around his neck. “You smell just like my Min Yoongi” she nuzzled his face allowing the man to pull her body close.
“Stop seducing me, I don’t have self-control” he whispered against her lips, moving it painfully slow just to tease her patience. Murmuring softly, she softened her lips over his warmth one “Then, get out before I change my mind” he let out a low groan.
“I will make you pay soon” pulling the playful girl into a breathless kiss, he set her down giving her space to breathe. The more he stayed in the same room as hers, the dangerous it would be.
“Heol, nuna you don’t expect to go out for a date in that outfit, right?” his jaw hung low as his eyes scanned her sister from head to toes. Seul cringed in displeased upon hearing Hoon’s remarks “What is wrong with my outfit? It is my favourite hoodie and jeans” she puffed her cheeks.
“You look perfect” Yoongi chuckled softly exchanging look with Mrs Hwang whilst Hoon crossed his arm in disagreement.
“You look ugly” he corrected.
“Yah Ji Hoon! It is just a date with Min Yoongi. It is not a big deal! Mom, please tell me I look good in this?” she shoved her hands inside the pocket and pouted in hope to receive a morale support from her dear mother.
Mrs Hwang chided “ To me your outfit matched Yoongi-ah. So, I think you look pretty. Hoon stop making fun of your sister” she warned. “Next time I will dress you up prettily, now go and enjoy your date” she gave Yoongi’s hand a soft pat.
“Take care of my daughter and don’t forget to be careful. You don’t want to get caught by fans” he pulled his usual gummy smile. “I will make sure to protect Seul, ahjumma. Urm, we’ll get going now then. It is nice meeting you. The rest of the members are excited to see you soon”
“I know. Come and meet me once I get better, I will let you know. Seul, be nice to Yoongi. Do not be a kid” Seul pursed her lips and walked up to her mother for a brief hug. “Yoongi is the kid here anyway. See you later”
The lovebirds exited the house hand in hand finally to their very first date which was not a typical date inside Suga’s Genius Lab. Something new and exciting.
Laying casually on the grass covered by a clean cloth beneath, they enjoyed the cold breeze and the shimmering stars above them. For once Namjoon’s idea worked today and Yoongi couldn’t be happier than this knowing he spend a quality time with the love of his life.
Yoongi had his hand encircled tightly around Seul’s waist, caressing it slowly enjoying the warmth that he gained from this proximity. Scooting closer to Yoongi, she grazed her fingers on his chest while continue stargazing.
“I wish to say like this forever” he broke the silence, followed by a satisfied sigh.
Seul propped her chin on his chest, gazing at Yoongi face lovingly. His lips curled into a charming smile as he pushed her up to match his level “Stop weakening my heart. You are hard to resist even now” his eyes bore into hers.
“I am not used to romantic Suga. Guess, I am going to live with that thought in my mind” she blushed, rubbing their nose together.
“Every moment that we spend together from now on, I will make sure it is something unforgettable. So you will love me even more” his sweet and alluring voice hummed, driving her heart to the edge of the cliff.
She stroked his jaws, trailing a kiss along his nose to the corner of his lips “I think I am falling for you deeper without trying. I am going to miss you, being this close to you” his lips broke into another charming smile.
“When you miss me, just look up. Because the moon is the same wherever you go” Yoongi slid his hand to her neck, caressing it softly. Melted into his deep gaze, she felt his face inched to hers and his breath fanned against her skin.
“I will find my way home because you are my home” nibbling on her lips, he hovered her lips, kissing her sweetly.
You are my home. She repeated in her head multiple time devouring herself into this sweet moment.  Even the short kisses that they shared could render them breathless. Live in the moment and paint it with beautiful memories, because it is worth it.
  This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2021. All Rights Reserved
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indurarinks · 3 years
stygian dagger
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a sneak peek Like clamouring thunder intimidating a planet during a hot summer day, a small group of highly trained Tavali, the renowned pirates and travellers of the Universe, quickly dissolved themselves in the crowd as if each individual had always belonged to the scene. Bursting at the seams, the makeshift arena placated the savage desires of the rowdy public through violent, gruesome fighting. Their bellows demanded blood and guts from the unwilling practitioners of cage fighting, sold to this business for the purpose of serving the sick pleasures of the rich. Filling the pockets of greedy masters with abusive hands. Though illegal, the fights were wildly known throughout the Nine Worlds, beckoning hefty wallets with the promise of a night of indulgence. The three Tavali, fearless and unrelenting and heavily armed, approached the round stage, a fenced cage that had been electrified to discourage any contestant from trying an escape. Ushara, Davel and Trajen slowly descended the rows of stairs with a single purpose in mind. Rescuing Jullien eton Anatole. The bastard of the Ichidian Universe. “How do you want to do this?” Davel, Ushara’s older brother turned to her. Ushara Altaan, Vice Admiral for the Gorturnum nation (one of the four nations of Tavali) and the bastard’s best friend, thirsted for vengeance the moment she learned of Jules captivity. But despite the spiralling emotions, she led the rescue operation with military expertise. The Fyreblood in her was built for war, after all. Her breed of Andarions possessed the talent of pyrokinetics with their fiery breath that put them at great advantage in battle. “We have to find where they’re keeping the fighters. We grab Jules and get the hell out of here before I burn this shithole to the ground and cause Trajen here even more trouble.” The glance she threw at her boss and friend catapulted them both to a few months prior when she flew without proper papers and authorisation into Steradore to rescue her son and executed ruthlessly her son’s kidnappers. That was also when Jules crashed into her life. “Let’s start by looking for cells underground. I bet my money that’s where we will find him.” Trajen added quickly, the air of ancient wisdom surrounding him like royal robes as his eyes held a faraway look. Returning to the task at hand, the group proceeded through the darkened corridors, merging into the shadows like fading mist. Away from the main event and prying eyes, the three of them advanced into the house of horrors’ lowest pits where its security relied mostly on a few guards, now lying unmoving after quickly being neutralised, and the highest technology one could acquire in the black market. The collective tension thickened the atmosphere with Trajen’s warning. “I don’t know how long I can keep the interfering with the system’s security.” Visibly concerned for her boss, Ushara, who marched at front, turned back and gave him a look that silently asked him if he was alright. Though his expression had now been contorted into one of extreme suffering, Trajen nodded with a dismissive shrug. “Let’s keep looking.” Expecting the alarms to go off any second, inevitable frustration was slowly mounting between them as their options to find him grew scarce with the nearing of the end of the row of cells. “Where is he? Titana ræl. He has to be here somewhere.” Trajen’s curse surprised the others. Their Admiral was nothing but an infinite well of wise ponderation and heedful shrewdness. But this restless, almost sloppy version of him gave the others a marginal idea of the potency of the bond he shared with Jules. And where his loyalties lied. His purpose was clear. Despite Trajen’s many efforts to remain isolated from those under his protection, Jullien eton Anatole quickly wormed his way into their secluded leader’s heart with his wits and scars. In him, he found a brother, a kindred spirit. Both, a product of the brutality of their pasts. Drenched in darkness, Ushara refused to let old fears roar back to life as she searched each cell thoroughly. Those demons poked their incessant torment on her mind but she wouldn’t give way. No way in Tophet. “Jules! Jules! Dammit, dark heart. Where are you?” Her desperate bellow echoed through the hall. “Ah, shit.” Followed by a string of mouthful expletives, Davel run both hands through his tousled hair in evident denial. “What have they done to you, drey?” Terrified by her brother’s words alone, Ushara moved slowly toward Davel. Suddenly her legs weighed a ton, and all her instincts screamed at her. She wasn’t ready for what she was about to see. Her gasp of horror came without warning. Lying on the filthy floor of the smallest cubicle of that hellhole, he was in fetal position, back curved and head bowed to make himself smaller. His eyes resolutely shut, Jullien remained eerily motionless. Almost as if… “Jules..?” Low and soothing, her voice wrapped itself around him. “Please.” She begged. No reaction still. Lost to her panic and petrified by the shock of her best friend’s predicament, Ushara’s angry tears fell like an unexpected hurricane. This entire nightmare began when one of her cousins and his crew sold him as punishment for something he played no role at. Hate is an ugly creature whose talons infect the soul upon their impaling. And there is no recognition between right or wrong. There is just the ugly need for vengeance, the hunt for a twisted form of justice that’s justifiable through past suffering and grievances. Davel’s strained grunts catapulted her back into reality. For the time being and Jules’ sake, she vowed to abandon her thirst for retribution against those who sought to harm her best friend. Both her brother and Trajen joined their efforts to break him out. Between mighty brawn and refined brain, the electrified door of his dungeon held no chance against them. At the first opportunity, Ushara crawled toward the entrance on hands and knees. She outstretched her hand toward Jules. “Jules?” She tried once again. Only then did he shift his position, daring a tentative look at her as if afraid she might be only a mirage. “It’s me. Shara.” Her body ached from the awkward angle of it. “Come on, let’s go home.” When a single tear rolled down his face, her entire world shattered along with her heart. The agony and misery reflected upon those beautifully hybrid eyes, a mix of human and Andarion, clutched her insides before twisting them until she felt what she could describe as a poor replica of the same pain. Yet bravely, he offered her his bloodied fingers, silently accepting her strength to escape this house of horrors. As he dragged himself along the ground, Ushara confirmed all her fears. After the years of unthinkable abuse Jullien had fallen victim to, she feared he would resort to shutting everybody out to deal with yet another trial in his lonesome road of redemption, one he endured after she had promised him he was safe with the Tavali. She failed him. And she hated herself for that failure. Stoically, his face an unreadable mask of indifference, he stood awkwardly as Ushara embraced him in relief despite her reservations regarding his mental stability. “We better get going, guys.” Davel interrupted their reencounter with good motive. It wouldn’t be long until the alarms went off. “I sense trouble incoming, too.” Trajen added with a distant look. His impressive powers at work. As if on cue, the blaring sound of sirens threatened to awaken even the dead. “Let’s get out of here!” Ushara’s hand sought Jules’, tugging him behind her as the others hurried before them. Without uttering a word still, he followed after her. They were halfway down the hall when he broke contact with her fingers, turning toward a group of inmates, all female, as his fingers curled ferociously around the metal bars of the cell. His knuckles white, Jules tugged at the bars with a frightening growl. Eyes now full of untamed fury, he kept yanking and yanking. Unable to understand the source of Jullien’s outrage, Ushara spared a glance at her brother and Trajen before joining her best friend. He was clearly set on opening this specific cell. Mildly confused, she helped him by unleashing her fiery breath over the unyielding lock. It took some work as the ancient metal resisted more than first predicted but once it fell apart, he was quick to get pull the door open and venture into the room’s darkness. Tempted to go after him, she bit her lip. She shouldn’t. Right? Jules knew what he was doing. He had to. Right..? Praying for her friend’s mindfulness, she raked her fingers through her white hair while readying herself for the swarm of hostiles. “Shit.” Unholstering both blasters, Ushara aimed them ahead, patiently waiting to feed her need for violence. To sate her hunger to spill enemy blood. Surely enough, the first party showed up next. An eerie smile descended upon her lips. “Come get some, bitches.” She murmured dangerously, mostly to herself. Her blood singing in delirium for a chance of revenge. It was then Jules emerged from the shadows of the dungeon with a female stranger leaning heavily against him. Vulnerability surrounded this woman, obviously injured during her captivity. She was a vision, absolutely breathtaking. And totally human, it seemed. Golden skinned and green eyed, she beckoned every gaze in the room like a siren singing to her sailors. Finally, all hell broke loose. Ushara’s first two shots came as warning. After that, she was all business, no play. She went ahead of Jules and his companion, assuming her offensive stance before engaging in further confrontation. With envying expertise, she blocked every attack while ensuring their inevitable escape from this shithole by counter attacking tirelessly. She was an animal in the game of warfare. When every opponent lied lifelessly on the ground, Ushara released a breath of relief before holstering her blasters again. The barrels still singed her flesh if she were to touch them directly. Her babies were well used today. Collecting their breaths, the five of them exited the house of horrors without so much as a backward glance. Only Jullien hesitated briefly to bend his upper body forward so he could pick the woman up and carry her in his arms, regardless of her protests that claimed she could walk on her own. Once safely inside her ship, Ushara urged Davel to initiate the flight commands to get them all back home and far, far away from there. Trajen, the silent watcher, joined her while the both of them observed from afar the exchange between Jullien and the woman he refused to leave behind. “Is she trustworthy?” She whispered her concerns to her boss, hoping he could give her some sort of endorsement. Instead, he shrugged. “Time will tell.” Helpful. She grumbled quietly on her way to the pair. Despite Jules current inability to interact with the world outside of his well of misery, he still managed to put the human’s needs before his. A feat she probably can’t even begin to appreciate but Ushara’s version of a very malicious green monster was quickly suffocated by her immediate thought to not throw judgements before gathering proper insight. “Hi there. I’m Ushara.” The female warrior extended her hand toward the other female before pointing at Trajen. “That’s Trajen, and the mountain of a man at the front of the helm is my brother, Davel.” She finished with a sincere smile. “I—I’m Bonnie. Bonnie Bennett.” She cleared her throat to mitigate the hoarseness in her voice. “It’s nice to meet you all.” As she took Ushara’s hand in hers, she couldn’t help but noticing Jullien’s retreating form as he sought solitude to quiet his roaring demons.
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bunnis-babes · 4 years
Can you give us karasuno mafia au Hc's pleaaaase
Karasuno as a Mafia
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Okay, this was just kind of sitting here for a while, mainly because I didn’t see it until now? Idk man, but I know I can write this shit and I should’ve had it out like fifty years ago bc I know exactly what this AU is like to me. So I hope its enjoyable!
Brief Karasuno History: Karasuno, once one of the most powerful households in the prefecture, fell after the passing of the then Godfather. Eventually causing strong members to leave and join more… profitable organizations. It went through several different heads, before the position was just dropped on Ittetsu Takeda. It was on the brink of totally collapsing when Sawamura — alongside his close comrades Sugawara and Asahi — joined. He quickly became one of the best men Karasuno had seen in years, and he was determined to make Karasuno the Powerhouse it once was, again. To do that they had to find members, but they couldn’t just ask high ranking men to join, they’d be laughed at or smothered out. So with some sweet convincing from Suga, Takeda okayed taking in scrappy kids off the streets was the best idea - they had nothing to loose, especially not when they were offered a place to stay and food just for some work they’d already been doing. Thus began the rise of the Powerhouse. Karasuno.
Specialties: Karasuno is more of a Jack of all trades, but they do specialize in paid services, such as: Selling/Making of drugs, Buying/Selling of guns, Assassinations, and Bodygaurding.
Takeda: The current Godfather of Karasuno. He has no clue what he’s doing, this whole operation just handed to him out of nowhere because the former leader had given up on this rough group of kids. He was always just a lowly underling who hardly even did any dirty work - and yet this position was placed upon his shoulders, and damnit if he wasn’t gonna do his best. So luck must’ve smiled upon him, when three scrappy boys stumbled into his house holding the same fire and passion to save this place that he did. He even gets one of the former Godfather’s grandson to help him out - as he can’t help these kids in anyway when he hardly knows what’s happening.
Ukai: He didn’t want this. He was trying to avoid this lifestyle, but something about Takeda’s persistence really made him crack. So, this poor man, agrees to join on as Takeda’s right hand - though he winds up doing way more work than him anyway. He has far more experience, coming from a family filled with high ranking members, so he learned from the best. While Takeda handles more of the mild planning and business, he’s hands on with the boys and teaching them everything they know, as well as setting some things up behind the scenes.
Daichi: He’s pretty much the big guy that everyone answers to before going to Ukai or Takeda. Before Karasuno he specialized in the making and selling of drugs alongside Suga, as well as the occasional underground fight for just a bit more money. It was initially to help his family get by, as his mother couldn’t support three children on her own. He came to Karasuno when business was low, and he knew he would need a few extra hands, but had been denied by ever other group. When he joins he become the go to guy to do whatever dirty job he’s needed - and he isn’t afraid to get dirty. Also, he becomes the honorary dad of the house (even in the mafia he is still Dadchi).
Sugawara: He’s more or less of the hitman/nurse of the group. He knows how to make all kinds of medicine - legal and illegal - as well as how to patch up all different kinds of injuries. (He had to with the fights Daichi was going through.) He’s incredibly skilled with a gun, he just hasn’t really used one all that much so he’s sloppy at time. Damn if he isn’t brutal. By far Sugawara is the most brutal killer at Karasuno, especially if his target has wronged him or his house in anyway. He sees everyone at Karasuno as family, and you don’t just mess with Suga’s family and live.
Asahi: He is the muscle. Those fists alone do some serious damage - he does a lot of the disposing and intimidating. He’s an amazing fighter too, knows how to move just right from all those years fighting illegally on the streets just to survive and get by. He fought Daichi a few times when he still participated in underground fight clubs, and kind of became friends with him - as well as Noya who thought so highly of him(we’ll get into that soon). Now if only he didn’t freeze up in super high stakes mission. It still rings true that he’s a gentle giant, and he doesn’t like hurting people unless he absolutely has to, so he gets nervous easily. He earned himself a reputation that’s to be feared, and also to be challenged.
Nishinoya & Tanaka: These two little shits are a tag team that grew up side by side. Both their families were poor so they lived in the slums, and the two boys grew up around violence and had to learn to fight from a young age to stay alive. While Tanaka only learned to fight solely to survive, Noya learned not just to survive but because his father was part of a rather large house and valued having his son know how to fight. They trained themselves to fight side by side, and became a scary double threat. Noya and him fought in the same ring Daichi and Asahi did, and Noya made rather good friends with Asahi, even learning some moves from just watching him - he was pissed when he left the fight club. Thats how Daichi knew about the two, and he approached them - of course they joined and became a kind of wild card in house - a rather dangerous tag team that can pretty easily get out of any situation they’re stuck in. Plus, Tanaka is really fucking good at intimidation.
Tsukkishima: He’s a jack of all trades who was raised by a small gang with Yamaguchi. He left the gang when he found himself bored with it, Yamaguchi following him with his tail between his legs. Joined Karasuno on a whim after witnessing one of their fights and deciding ‘why the hell not?’ He is, like previously stated, a Jake of all trades. He’s smart, fast, strong, and sneaky. His performance, however depends on how many shits he’s giving that day… Which is typically zero. Not to say when he doesn’t care he’s bad, he just doesn’t do his best because he doesn’t see the point in trying all that hard. Also, he despises Kageyama and Hinata - not only are they annoying, but they’re stupidly talented on accident (well in one case) and that pisses him off.
Yamaguchi: This poor boy is so nervous like all the time. He follows Tsukkishima around like a kicked puppy because he’s the only person this poor boy can truly trust. (Some really bad shit went down in his life, he needs a hug). Yam’s, though nervous, has pretty amazing aim with a gun he’s just so shaky that he can be off. He would be a fantastic sniper for the group, and Ukai pushes his training hard because he knows he can do it, he just has to be a little bit more confident. That’s easier said than done with Yamaguchi.
Kageyama: He used to work under the Seijoh house, but was cast out for being too difficult to work with (plus the new leader hated him *cough*Oikawa*cough*). He wasn’t exactly too keen on working with any other houses, but he ran into Daichi who made Karasuno seem so enticing that couldn’t resist it. Only when he got there, he found one of the kids he fought and beat while working under Seijoh was there. The little squirt whom he hated so much after he dared to challenge him with a face beaten to a bloody bruised mess. He was supposed to work alongside this guy. Bullshit. Once they get over their initial dumbassery and fighting, they’re probably the scariest tag team in Karasuno. Fast and unpredictable, building off each others intense energy to beat the ever living fuck out of whoever they’re against. Kageyama alone is scary too, he’s calculating and strong and fast - he knows his enemy better than they do sometimes. He’s also scarily calm even after he’s killed an army of grunts.
Hinata: He’s new to the whole thing, well kind of. He grew up watching all this go down from outside his window, trying his best to keep his mom and sister safe from all this horrifying carnage as best her can with his small untrained body. His first real experience with the whole mafia world was when he and a few of his friends were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had a run in with Seijoh. He and his friends were nearly beaten to death, but were kindly spared as a warning. Still he found the strength to stand and promise to their leader that he would beat his ass right back when he finally faced off with him again. So imagine his surprise when at his first official house, he realized he would have to work with the guy who he both challenged and was nearly killed by. He’s a rookie for sure, everything he does is clumsy and sloppy and needs work, but he’s fast. He works on instinct that gets him in and out of trouble. He’s a real risk factor, but he’s also one of their strongest contenders.
Kiyoko & Yachi: They were both children of businessmen who tended to deal with less than favorable people. Kiyoko joined first after gaining permission to do so from her parents, and became the first person to work for intel at Karasuno. Yachi joined shortly after Hinata and Kageyama, only doing so after Kiyoko expressed her affections for the household and how she could really use the extra help. Their job is purely to gather information on other houses, clients, and potential job opportunities. They help everything flow smoothly between the heads of the house and the boys who do all the work.
A/N: This is less of a head cannon thing and more of my messy ramblings on something that I got too passionate about. I really hope that this was like… okay? It’s really really messy, but this is kinda what I imagined this would be like. I hope that like… you liked this, and that all their things made sense. Idk man I’m tired. (Also, hope you don’t mind I excluded the other boys ;-; I was getting sleepy)
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writingdispenser · 4 years
New Chapter Excerpt While It’s Still Cooking
The new chapter is still in the works, and I am in fact gunning to have it finished by today! But while I’m still working on it, I know y’all have been waiting for a while now, so here’s a small excerpt from the beginning to tide you over.
For context, here’s where I’m at in the word document right now:
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Sorry for the delay! Hope you enjoy it when it’s finally out.
It was an unspeakable hour of the morning, yet the BLU base was buzzing with more life than usual as everyone clattered around before the long drive. Heavy was helping Demo move the last of their bags down for the bus, as Scout raced from room to room anxiously, seeming to be looking for something lost. Engineer groggily drank a mug of coffee in the kitchen meanwhile, doing his best to politely ignore the loud food shoveling coming from Soldier next to him. He gave Spy a silently relieved nod as he entered the room, glad to have someone finally he could actually converse with.
“Mornin,” he greeted as Spy returned the nod back, already making a beeline straight for the coffee pot.
“Good to see you too,” Spy replied, checking the pot’s contents. “Surprised to see you here, actually. You didn’t have to wake up with us too, you know.”
Engineer shrugged as he took another sip, before Scout’s head poked through the kitchen door for what must have been the third time so far today.
“Yo, are you sure you haven’t seen my –”
“No, I still haven’t seen your lucky baseball card in the plastic sleeve ‘round here, and yes, I did look,” Engineer answered like clockwork amiably. “You seen it anywhere, Spy?”
Spy shrugged with a sigh, before downing a swig of coffee from his freshly poured mug.
“You always keep it in your pocket, yes? Have you checked the laundry room?”
“Wha – of course I checked the laundry room, I looked through ALL the stupid laundry, do I look like a dummy?!”
“…And you remembered, I assume, that we place items found in the pockets in the basket on the second shelf to the right then, yes?”
Scout gave a short pause at that.
“Uh…yeah! Totally! Totally checked those places I’ll – I’ll be right back –”
Scout ran just as quickly out of the room as he had entered it, Engineer giving a low chuckle as he watched him dash.
“Not the brightest crayon in the box, is he?”
“I’ve worked with worse,” Spy shrugged, before blinking as he finally noticed the stack of pancakes on the countertop. “Hm…was that you?”
“Nah, Demo got here first and made uh…a lot.” Engineer moved his chair a little bit to the side at that, as Soldier enthusiastically squeezed maple syrup out of the bottle a little too hard next to him.
Syrup gushed across on the table, but Soldier didn’t seem to mind or care as long as at least some of it landed on his horrifically wrecked plate of pancakes. Engineer scooted his chair even further as Soldier dove back into it, cleanly managing to avoid most of his coworker’s mess.
“Ha…he probably made too many on purpose,” Spy laughed lightly, already walking towards their table with a neatly stacked plate of his own in hand. “He likes to be helpful, but never wants to look like he’s trying to be helpful. If that makes any sense.”
Engineer made some room for him on the least sticky stretch of table as Spy pulled out a chair, sitting down.
“Well, you’ve known him longer than me,” Engineer shrugged now. “Only reason I’m up right now is I was plannin’ on driving to my other work arrangements early…what with all the fuss going on lately and all.”
He wasn’t lying there either; he really did want to get to work early today, although for reasons other than his own personal healthy work ethic. He took another sip of coffee with a quirked smile as Spy gave a snort in response.
The sooner he had time to make use of the teleporter he had hidden in the RED’s base the better…and who knows, maybe there would be something there that would help him slip into the old fighting grounds. Two birds with one stone, if he was lucky. Hell, he knew about the underground tunnels BLU used to operate, thanks to research he did back when he knew he’d be stationed here – who knows what the REDs had going on that’d be similar?
Just then, Medic suddenly burst into the room behind them. The doctor barely acknowledged his teammates as he darted past them with a grunt, grabbing three pancakes from the countertop stack and shoveling them haphazardly into his face. He just as quickly grabbed the entire pot of coffee off the machine before dashing back out of the room, leaving the door swinging, as he left nothing but muffled curses from his still stuffed mouth behind.
“…What’s got his goat?” Engineer asked curiously.
“He had some experiments this whole…excursion of ours is interrupting,” Spy replied calmly. “I wouldn’t worry about it. Honestly, he’s always like this.”
“He could have at least poured his own coffee instead of stealing the entire pot…”
“Soldier, no –”
It was too late to protest however; Soldier shot up from his seat proudly, still covered in sticky syrupy mess as he made his way towards the coffee machine.
“Hold on just a second, Soldier!” Spy quickly got up after him, stopping the man in his tracks with a hand to his shoulder.
He winced quietly as he tried to ignore the brown sludge now sticking to his unfortunate gloves, Soldier curiously turning around towards him, grin still plastered across his face.
“What’s the problem, private?” Soldier asked, clearly itching to unwittingly spread his mess further.
“You know, we’re going to be leaving in about a half hour,” Spy replied, keeping his voice smooth as best he could. “There will be…higher ranking officials seeing us off. And our ah…previous engineer besides. You do wish to look your best, don’t you?”
Soldier paused, before looking down at himself, then back up at Spy. Clarity regarding his situation finally seemed to sink into him.
Soldier made a race for the door now, running straight into Sniper who stumbled in surprise as he was pushed aside. Sniper looked down mournfully at his newly ruined clothes, as the hurried stomping of Soldier’s boots faded down the halls.
“Well,” he sighed quietly. “Off to a great start.”
“You and the rest of us,” Spy replied, shaking his head in sympathy.
Spy tossed his own sticky ruined glove in the sink, before replacing it with a fresh one from his jacket pocket. As he pulled out an unused coffee pot from one of the cupboards, Sniper finally made his way inside with a shrug.
Spy passed Sniper a roll of paper towels in the meanwhile as the man muttered his thanks, pausing to wipe himself off as best he could.
“Surprised to see you here this early Truckie,” Sniper murmured, tossing the now sticky towels away into the garbage.
“Yeah, I’ve been getting that a lot today so far,” Engineer chuckled as he went back to his coffee. “Well, except from Soldier. I think the man actually expects me to keep this early morning schedule as a regular thing…”
“Christ,” Sniper muttered now, as he stopped fishing around for a clean plate long enough to fully take in the absolute state of the kitchen table left behind. “Don’t tell me this was all his work?”
“Just got him to go to the showers,” Spy snorted, already placing the newly filled coffee pot into its machine to heat up. “I might have used Everett’s name, of course.”
Sniper gave a low laugh at that, as Engineer looked between them curiously.
“Everett…?” He asked, voice trailing off in question.
Sniper and Spy exchanged glances at Engineer’s question, causing his back to stiffen up at that. Things had been going so well, he had almost forgotten…in many ways to his own team he was still practically speaking, an outsider. It’s not as if he knew it couldn’t be helped; most teams he joined already had a much longer shared history going, before he was ever added into the mix.
“Ah, apologies – that was the name of our previous Engineer,” Spy finally replied, shrugging as he now returned back to his seat, coffee duties finished. “I just thought it was alright to use his actual name, given he’s technically retired…”
 “Soldier used to follow him like a puppy,” Sniper added in bluntly.
He took a seat at the same table now himself with his newly procured plate of pancakes. Spy sighed, shaking his head towards him at that. Sniper didn’t seem to notice though, or at least pointedly ignored Spy’s reaction. He reached for the syrup then before hesitating, pulling his hand back. It appeared as if Soldier’s misuse of the stuff had put Sniper off for now.
 “…That’s certainly one way of characterizing it,” Spy replied slowly, choosing his words carefully. “He harbors admiration, I think. Everett served in the previous World War, keep in mind – officially I mean. And you know how Soldier – hm. Soldiers in the badlands in general. How they tend to be.”
“Ah,” Engineer replied slowly as well, swilling his mug. “I was too young to get drafted for most of that business myself…although if I’m being honest, it was a pretty close shave. I turned 18 in September of ’45.”
Sniper gave a low whistle at that.
“That’s more than a close shave mate; you must have the luck of a saint.”
Engineer snorted, before downing the last of his coffee.
“Boy, I wish…if I did, maybe Miss Pauling wouldn’t have chewed us out as long as she did after yesterday’s dance with the GRNs.”
At that Sniper gave a raspy laugh of his own, Spy’s eyes crinkling in amusement himself.
“It’s a miracle we got off as scott free as we did,” Sniper finally managed to add, a lighter smile now on his face. “Outside of the talkin’ to, I mean…”
“It’s ‘cause all them pencil pushers in admin know y’all are gonna be out of their hair soon anyway,” Engineer chuckled. “A few respawns on the GRN’s don’t cost ‘em as much as the usual bail money with these sorts of situations anyway. And I’m pretty sure those fellas had to have gotten a chewing out too.”
Engineer grinned at the thought of that…he sure hoped they did.
“Speaking of Pauling,” Spy mused. “I heard she’ll be arriving in the bus we’ll be leaving in today…although I highly doubt she’ll be driving back with us. I assume a different member of administration will be assigned to keep tabs on our lot while we’re away.”
“Probably Miss Howard then,” Sniper shot in over another bite. “She’s the one we see most often ‘round this area anyway.”
“Can’t say I’ve met that member of admin yet…”
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jacensolodjo · 3 years
Warning for gore, torture.
Shane had gotten so busy again when it came to the war, that her personal vendetta against a single Cerberus operative had fallen to the wayside. She was sure that many people close to her would be happy to hear she hadn’t had a one track mind about Banes. Some things had to go before her need for revenge. Last time she had let everything else stay on the back burner to go after a single person, a scientist that had almost met his end at the hands of Toombs and decided that because he was ‘free’ that meant he was free from her own revenge, too many people had suffered. She had almost been too late to save Grunt, in fact. 
So, when she got a message from Miranda letting her know of a possible lead to Banes’ location, Shane had nearly found herself on the receiving end of a Phantom blade. With a reinvigorated shout, she used her omni-tool to form a blade that sliced clean through the Phantom’s throat. As the Phantom collapsed, bleeding out of the carotid and jugular, Shane pulled up the message. Knowing it was dangerous enough for Miranda to be doing the chasing of leads, Shane read through the message quickly before shooting off a brief ‘thanks for risking your life for this’. 
She was sending a quick message to Jack with the information when a Nemesis bolt slammed into her shield, staggering her slightly. She rolled her eyes at herself before training her Mattock on the sniper and taking it out in two perfect shots to the head-- one to bring down its shield and one to fling through its skull and out the other end. 
Message finally sent, Shane set off to finish the rest of her mission. Waiting for Jack to answer didn’t mean she couldn’t kill some Cerberus fucks on her own. 
The Commander was on her way back to the Normandy when she got the message from Jack that simply read “Fuck yes”. 
It took a few hours for Shane to get back to the Normandy, and then another couple hours after that for the Normandy to dock on the Citadel. It was there Jack lived with her students (not sharing a place though, instead Jack used the apartment Anderson had "living willed" to Shane, after a bit of convincing from Shane that they should "live together" if Jack wasn't willing to stay on the Normandy).
Shane found Jack at the Armax Arena with her students gathered. They had just finished a training session and Jack appeared to be informing them she would be gone.
"Until I get back, and who fu--reaking knows when that will be, Rodriguez and Prangley are in charge. Prangley, stop smirking. You're just the most experienced next to Rodriguez," Jack was explaining.
"Commander on deck!" Rodriguez called out, half joking. The rest of the kids went along with the joke, straightening to attention. Jack rolled her eyes before turning to look at Shane.
"You're a great distraction, good thing we were done," Jack said, obviously joking as well.
"I do what I can. You ready?" Shane replied, smirking slightly.
"Hell yeah. Let's get to it!" Jack said with a nod.
Shane looked at the students gathered, all of them wearing duplicates of the dark red hoodie Shane sometimes wore in place of her N7 one. These red hoodies proclaimed the wearer to be part of the Grissom Academy Psychotic Biotic Training on the Move “program” on the front, and a plea to "if found return to Jack" on the back of the hoodies. Jack's of course read "I'm Jack" on the back, instead.
The vanguard was struck for a moment by how young these kids actually were. They were barely into puberty, most of them. But Shane also realized that both she and Jack had been even younger than them when their biotics had been coaxed to the surface with violence and pain. A ghost of a pained, guilty look crossed Shane’s face, fast enough that even Jack doubted she had actually seen it. A moment later Shane was smiling in that wolfish way she always got when the hunt was on.
“Let’s get to it,” she agreed. She looked at the kids again before turning and striding off, Jack following barely half a step behind. 
One thing that often happened when Shane went on missions with just Jack was that she forwent the fully customized N7 armor that she had slowly cobbled together after leaving Earth. Instead, Shane was barely in more than fatigues, with only strategic placement of armor plating for various weak points such as the torso. She felt it complemented the fact that Jack went into battle in barely more clothes than she was in when they first met, back when Shane was reluctantly flying Cerberus colors. 
They used to bicker about how Jack really should wear armor, any armor. But eventually Shane had realized she wasn’t going to convince Jack to wear armor, so if you can’t beat them join them. And anyways, Shane’s biotics were more than enough protection as it was and she was better able to use them outside of armor. Especially when she needed to use her Vanguard class abilities. 
Like a pair of alpha wolves, the biotic duo disembarked from the shuttle onto the planet that looked like it hadn’t seen any living creatures in centuries. Both biotics had a kind of bloodthirsty gleam in their eyes as they followed the coordinates on Shane’s omni-tool. The Normandy was on the edge of the system, so as not to alert anyone who might be nearby to protect Banes. Next to that, Shane had been the one to pilot the shuttle, unable to bring herself to have Steve do it. He deserved some time off and besides he didn’t need to get involved in her personal vendetta. 
It took little time for them to find the compound, a building made of steel with no windows to speak of. It had at least two floors above ground, and who knew how many underground.
As they entered the compound they were both hit with the same thought: “This entire place reeks of Cerberus.” At least they knew they were definitely on the right track. Together they wandered through the eerily empty hallways, similar to the compound where Jack had been forced to become Subject Zero. 
Deeper and deeper they went, and Shane was quite sure they were actually underground now. 
“Look who has decided to willingly enter my lair. Commander Shepard and her pet biotic, Subject Zero,” a voice suddenly spoke from all around them. They both knew it came from multiple speakers placed throughout the hallway but it still made them freeze in place. 
Shane’s biotics flared to life instantly, blue whisking around her limbs and her teeth grinding together in anger. The true surprise was having Jack instantly at her side, placing a hand surprisingly gentle on Shane’s cheek. 
“Hey. Not now. Don’t let him win before things even start,” Jack said, looking Shane directly in the eye. It was rare for Jack to be the voice of reason and because of that alone it caused Shane to release the activation of her biotic amp, letting them disappear with a crackle. She let out a sigh. 
“Right, we don’t even know if he’s here,” Shane admitted. She was still angry but she had learned as a child to tuck it away for later. So she did. 
“You’re so close to your prize, right? Come on down, Commander. I’ll put the kettle on,” Banes said, laughter burbling up seconds later. Shane growled low but did her best to let his taunts roll off her like rain off a duck’s back. 
“Don’t you fucking worry, we’ll be there soon enough, fucker!” Jack spat before continuing to walk down the hallway. Shane followed suit, struggling to keep a handle on her anger and thus her biotics. 
“I have to admit, I thought I’d see you here much sooner. I guess something has changed since that fun adventure with Kahoku’s men,” Banes continued, and it was unclear if he could actually hear the two biotics speaking or not. 
Shane clenched her jaw again but kept her focus on the next few steps, and the steps after that, then around a corner. Deeper and deeper, further and further. He would get his soon. 
The Commander checked her omni-tool and noted that it estimated they were about half a mile underground by that point. Shaking her head, Shane turned another corner to be faced with a closed door that was also clearly locked and encrypted. The biotic pair stopped short, glaring at their newest impediment. 
“Whaddya think, can we rip it off its hinges, so to speak?” Shane asked, glancing at her lover. 
“Maybe if we work together. But he might just be expecting that,” Jack said, shrugging.
“Oh so you have been learning to anticipate,” Shane said teasingly. Jack lightly punched the other woman’s shoulder with a muttered “shut up”. 
After a few moments of just staring at the door, Shane walked closer and activated her omni-tool. Jack stood where she had stopped, keeping an eye on the way they had come just in case it was an ambush. 
“Kasumi sent me a cracker a while back, never really had to use it, though. Give me a sec, gotta remember how to actually use it,” Shane said, chuckling internally. 
“Yeah, yeah. Just hurry it up, will ya?” Jack said with a scoff and an eye roll. 
Shane typed through the commands that Kasumi had taught her but frowned halfway through as the door gave her a giant red X after submitting the command to decrypt so she could then get to the unlock part.
“The fuck?” she muttered under her breath, trying the keystrokes again. She received another giant red X for her trouble and then a very loud klaxon began. It was enough to make her clap her hands over her ears (which had already been sensitive before Project Lazarus and had only become even more so after). 
“Ohh, I’m afraid you didn’t pass the test, Commander,” Banes’ voice came through, able to be heard even over top the klaxon. 
“Shane--” Jack’s voice managed to pierce through the klaxon as well, but sounded oddly distorted. 
Shane spun around and her eyes widened as she saw Jack suspended in mid air as if she was floating from her biotics. But she knew it was actually a force field holding Jack in place.
“Let her go!” Shane snarled, biotics roaring to life. 
“Subject Zero was never meant to be released to begin with. I’m just fixing the fuckup of my colleagues,” Banes said. The klaxon died away. 
“In case you fucking forgot, I’m here to get your head on a pike. All you’re doing is making sure I don’t make it happen too fast,” Shane said, voice suddenly turning deadly calm. She looked around the hallway before catching sight of the twin apparatuses in the upper corners, clearly creating the field keeping Jack suspended. Smiling inwardly, Shane aimed her biotics at both at the same time. The metal crumpled easily under pressure from her biotics. The field flickered then disappeared and Jack landed far more gracefully than Shane would have. 
“What? No! That wasn’t supposed to happen!” Banes shouted in outrage.
“Ohh, sorry, Banes, we’re not playing by your rule book. Now open the fucking door!” Shane said, sneering at what had to be a camera angled above the door. 
“I am not that easy to catch, Commander. You want in, you figure it out,” Banes said. 
Shane quietly aimed her pistol at the camera and fired twice. The shattered remains clattered to the floor like rain. 
“What was that about anticipating?” Jack asked, unable to not get the dig in.
“Oh, shush,” Shane said, shaking her head. “You’re fine, aren’t you?” 
“Let’s just figure out how to get in there, alright? This place is making my skin crawl enough as it is,” Jack said insistently. Shane had to admit she too did not feel at all comfortable in the compound, and not just because it was shockingly empty. 
Deciding that she wasn’t going to be able to get anywhere using more delicate, scalpel means, it simply meant she’d have to go ripping through things like a chainsaw. Or a tornado. Or simply a very pissed off biotic. 
“Well, let’s go with our first option, then. Rip the damn thing off,” Shane said. Her anger had been stoking the fires of her biotic control for some time. Though she would always admit Jack was the strongest human biotic, Shane was no slouch in that department either. Together, with the way their biotics interacted, they had found precious little could stand up to their might. 
And so, their biotics flickered to life. As they directed the independent tendrils towards the door, the usual sight of the slightly differently colored biotics twining ‘together’ and becoming brighter appeared. Despite how long biotics had been in the human population, nobody could say why exactly the biotics had different colors. The usual question of whether it denoted strength or gender had been dismissed. But it didn’t matter, so long as they worked as intended. 
With a resounding thump, the stream of biotics crashed into the door. With a simple thought, the stream flattened into a square shape and seeped into the little cracks of the rim of the door. Sufficiently covered in the biotic energy, both women yanked their hands back in unison. The door dimpled but did not get completely wrenched out of the jambs like expected.
Glaring at the door, they scarcely turned their heads to look at one another, instinctively knowing exactly how to proceed from here. 
As one, like two outraged Amazons, Shane and Jack screamed as they put all of their power into their goal of removing the door from its hinges. In seconds, spiderwebs of cracks sprawled across the door. A loud shrieking sound of twisting, ripping metal joined their chorus of screams and the pulse of the activated biotics. With a roar of triumph, they again moved as one to yank their biotic streams backward and thus ripped the door finally out of its place. They directed the door to fly over their heads and land behind them with a heavy screeching thud, then-- still almost eerily coordinated-- stalked forward. Both were breathing heavily from the strain but neither was willing to stop for even a moment to get their wind back. And if they had bothered to fully get a look at the removed door, or even felt it safe to look at the gap in the wall for more than a second to be sure of no trip wires, they would have noticed it was as thick as the two of them put together. The galaxy would have been hard pressed to find a singular biotic user who could do what they had done. And that was because they were so much stronger together than doing things separately or even delayed by more than a couple seconds. 
“You! Ruined! Everything!’ Banes screamed, eyes wild as he watched the biotic women stomping towards him. He held a pistol in one hand and his omni-tool was activated in the other. It was enough to make Shane stop for a moment before quickly returning to being directly at Jack’s side. 
“You and your entire organization are the ones to blame for this. If you hadn’t done what you did to either of us, well... we would be in very different places wouldn’t we?” Shane said. A growl rumbled in her throat as she saw him raise his gun. In the time it took to blink, her body had gone blue and she closed the distance shockingly fast. When he finally realized what had happened, one of her hands was clutching his wrist of the hand holding the gun while her other hand was wrapped around his throat. He gagged but could do nothing except twitch like a dying cockroach as she lifted him up solely by his neck and pure muscle strength. There was no need to use biotics to lift a man of his size. He was barely bulkier than Cortez or Joker. Certainly he was worth only half of Vega. 
“Yeah, yeah! You have-- guh-- us to thank for all of this!” Banes choked out, punching the hand holding him up over and over but it was all in vain. She couldn’t feel any of the blows in the midst of her biotic and rage fueled act of revenge. 
Jack stood nearby, upper lip curled in her trademark sneer. She knew Shane needed to do this part alone. Just like Jack had needed to hit the trigger on the bomb alone. It wasn’t a lack of wanting the help, merely that some things must be done alone.
“Yes, where the fuck are my manners? Thank you. Thank you for releasing the rest of my biotic potential. Thank you for siccing Thresher Maws on me not once but twice. For no good fucking reason! Thank you for helping the legend of Commander Shepard become that much more grand. Thank you for not leaving well enough alone and bringing me back to fucking life. And thank you, for being epic fucking morons about this entire Reaper invasion. The only true way to save humanity is destroying the Reapers, not trying to be buddies with them. But you... you aren’t going to live to see me do the job I was brought back to really do,” Shane said, voice growing louder then softer then louder again as she spoke. 
Biotics flickered around her then enveloped Banes as well. With a deep snarl, she flung him at a nearby wall. He collided with it with a resounding crack and crumpled. But he rolled over almost instantly and clambered back to his feet. When he did, there she was in half a blink of an eye and biotics whipping around her form as evidence of how she got there. This time she grabbed him by the front of his overly expensive shirt and stormed forward until she was pinning him up against a wall. He yelled out in pain, feeling his shoulders creaking as they were pressed into the solid metal and her fingers digging into him hard enough he could feel his skin break apart. 
“You and Leng and the Illusive Man... all of you pretend to be far more noble and powerful than you really are. But you’re nothing but little frightened pussies! I met the Reapers head on while you all stood back and decided control was the way to go. Well, look how fucking well things turned on when you tried to control me, to control Jack. Yes, Jack. Her name. The thing you tried so hard to erase by calling her Subject Zero. By calling her essentially nothing despite your goals.”
“I had nothing to do with the project on Teltin! Cerberus had nothing to do with it!”
“You lying fucker! Don’t pretend Cerberus didn’t bankroll that whole fucking thing!” Jack suddenly blurted, rage coloring every syllable. She speed walked forward but stopped short when Shane turned her head to lock eyes with the younger biotic. Shane’s own eyes were close to purple from the mix of cybernetic red and biotic blue. And the glow was bright. The look on her face was one that demanded Jack stay out of things. Jack had only seen that look before, when Shane had declined having Jack go with her when she went to track down the scientist who had nearly been murdered by Toombs.
Blood was starting to appear on the man’s shirt from where Shane’s biotically strengthened fingers had pulverized the skin. But she didn’t care. She was nowhere close to done. She released her hold on his front only so she could rip the shirt off of him. Casting a quick glance around she noted a solid metal desk nearby. A fancy one, holding a nice terminal and everything. With a sweep of her hand, a biotic field flung everything off of the desk. Then, with a grunt she flung the man up and onto the desk, face up. He yelled in pain again. The marks on his chest continued to bleed for a few moments but then clotted. 
After another quick glance, she used her biotics to yank a couple of lamps nearby. With further help from her biotics, she twisted the metal rods until she had him ‘tied’ to the table. One half loop kept his legs locked together and held firm against the desk. The other half loop took care of his arms. 
“Jack... I need you to sweep the compound,” Shane said, voice taking on an odd quality Jack had never heard before. 
“...What? Shane, you know this place is empty!” Jack said, a tinge of confusion in her voice. 
“Just do it! ...Please,” Shane’s voice again changed to one of soft pleading. 
“Nothing you do to that guy will make me think differently of you, Shane,” Jack said, finally realizing what the older biotic was trying to do. 
“Heh, what’s the matter? Afraid to show you’re just a wild animal?” Banes laughed. He was rewarded with a swift punch to the temple, knocking him senseless but not unconscious. 
“I’ve killed a lot of people in my time. You know that, Shane.” 
“I know. But you shouldn’t be forced to see what I’m gonna do to ‘im. For everything.”
“I’m not being forced. I knew what you were likely to do when we caught him. Just... don’t drag it out too much. We got better shit to do than rip this guy to shreds in pieces parts.” 
Perhaps luckily for both of them, Shane had no interest in prolonging the torture. Nor did he need to suffer as much as the ones personally involved in Akuze had needed to suffer. Regardless...
Shane activated her omni-tool and used it to toggle music that came on loud and heavy. She then removed the real metal K-Bar knife she kept in a sheath on her thigh. Sure, she could’ve used an omni-blade but Traynor was right about needing to have the tactile sensation of a physical item in your grasp. 
“Do you know... what it’s like to be burned by thresher maw acid?” Shane asked, tracing the tip of the knife from the man’s jawline down his throat and along his sternum. He shuddered but not violently enough to make any difference. 
During Project Lazarus, the burn marks from the Kahoku mission had been ‘fixed’ by Miranda. But that didn’t mean the scar from the memory was no longer in Shane’s mind. She still had one of the burn marks from the Akuze incident, though. When Shane asked her question, Jack’s eyes had immediately gone to the part of Shane’s back where the acid had landed when the Alliance Marine had been running for her life back to the transport. Jack had first noticed it when they had had sex the first time. She hadn’t had the nerve to ask about it, if only because talking about her scars with people wasn’t her favorite thing to do so she figured the same was true of Shane. It had only been later, when Shane had woken up from a nightmare, that Jack had gotten the story of the burn scars. Shane had another one on the back of her dominant hand, part of it healed from Project Lazarus.
Biotics rippled down Shane’s arm and enveloped the knife. Using a technique she had been working on for a decade, the blade of the knife began to glow red hot. 
“Y-you can’t do this! It’s against everyth--” Banes began saying, eyes widening. He stopped speaking to instead scream, a high pitched squeal really, as Shane pressed the flat of the blade against the man’s collar bone. The smell of burning flesh flooded the immediate area. Neither Shane nor Jack reacted to scent or scream. With a twitch, Shane flipped the blade to instead press the point into the flesh and stagger around the man’s chest. Angry red streaks appeared and the man kept screaming. 
“You see... it burns.. and it keeps on burning... nothing puts the burn out. It’s like the strength of a thousand ghost peppers but on your skin. Not even the burn creams we got out there helps,” Shane explained, raising her voice to be heard over his shrieks. 
Any other person on the Normandy would be horrified. Shane was breaking so many Alliance regulations it was dizzying. It was not the first ‘mission’ that would never even be written down by Shane. The only witness would be Jack, and Jack would never say a word. Not when it came to Cerberus assholes getting theirs. 
“I... got burned and kept burning for days. And that is nothing to what I did to your colleague. The man responsible for Akuze, remember him? Remember how I actually kept him from being murdered by the only other survivor? He would’ve stayed alive if he hadn’t tried to flee. He was safer in an Alliance prison!” Shane snarled, pressing the knife in deep against the man’s hand in a mimic of the partially gone burn scar on her own hand. His scream coincided with a giant crash of sound that faded as the man began to sob. 
The rock music changed to a song full of deep, long thrums. Which then turned into short ones. Before eventually a giant splash of sound then a crescendo. As the music changed, so did Shane’s position. She moved around until she was situated next to the man’s hip. 
“We weren’t responsible--” Banes tried to say again. Shane snarled wide, showing teeth that for a moment looked far too sharp. And made it clear exactly why she had morphed into the Wolf of the Alliance rather than the junkyard ganger dog of Earth. Then, she slammed the knife all the way into the hilt into the man’s thigh. Another echo of one of Shane’s injuries at the ‘hands’ of thresher maws. The only difference being Cerberus had actually not been involved in that one. The only one dealing with thresher maws that had not been related to Cerberus (curing the Genophage on Tuchanka notwithstanding). 
The music softened, almost dissonantly so. Banes was panting and sobbing, and it was clear he was not the badass he thought himself to be. He was even starting to have snot dribbling from his nose. Blood dripped to the floor, forming multiple puddles. 
“You know, if you had used the pronoun ‘I’ instead, I might have been inclined to believe it. You weren’t responsible for Akuze but... You were responsible for Kahoku’s men. Your colleagues were damn sure responsible for Akuze. You see, for a scientist you Cerberus lot are really fucking stupid! Your colleague, knowing I was there to take his fucking ass out of the gene pool, was still backing shit up on his own personal omni-tool. I know you know that I essentially stopped his heart with a shock baton which also fried his omni-tool. But he didn’t delete everything on the terminals. He had proof. Proof he kept for years! And probably opened the files every once in a while to gloat about how before Commander Shepard became the Commander Shepard ohhh he proved she can bleed like all the rest.”
Shane glanced over at Jack, who was watching in silence. It felt completely opposite to Jack’s usual demeanor. She was almost starting to regret bringing the younger biotic. She didn’t need to see this. 
Taking in a breath, Shane looked back at her prey. She then removed the knife only to shift her point of entry to the side of his leg. With a little biotic help, she jammed it into his leg just below his knee. Even Jack heard the crack as the bone shattered. This seemed to be too much for Banes to handle and he passed out cold. Shane growled low to herself, shaking her head. She wasn’t done just yet. Not yet. 
Shane locked eyes with Jack, who stayed quiet. The Commander then found a medkit nearby hanging on the wall. The box itself was rusted slightly but everything inside was fine. She hadn’t bothered bringing her own medigel with her, knowing these facilities had plenty of it. Even if it was abandoned or supposedly abandoned. 
The music changed once more, this time with a soaring crescendo that gave way to a drumbeat. Shane applied the medigel, only enough to bring him back around to consciousness. He yelled in pain as soon as his brain defogged. 
What Shane had brought with her had been a vial of acid. It wasn’t thresher acid, but it was just as good. She had found it among Mordin’s effects he had left behind in the med bay and Chakwas had nearly had a heart attack seeing Shane messing with it. 
Smiling, Shane wagged the vial a little in front of the man’s nose. He seemed to recognize it and his eyes widened. 
“You won’t get away with this, Shepard! Wait until the galaxy knows what the Hero of the Citadel does--”
Shane punched his throat, making him gag and cough unable to keep talking.
“Your colleague said the same shit, you know? What, you two brothers or something? It doesn’t matter. It does not matter. Because, see, I was part of the Reds back on Earth. Yeah, big surprise to you, right? I took care of that part of my history too, back on the Citadel when I was making waves after Eden Prime. I took care of your colleague. I’m taking care of you. Leng will get his, and so will the Illusive Man. And not a single fucking person will care when all is said and done because they know exactly what Cerberus has been doing. And ironically, what I’m doing to you is not at all close to what you fucks have been doing to fellow humans. What I’m doing is not close to what you Cerberus assholes have done to me, or Jack, or anyone.”
“Shane--” Jack said, stepping forward. 
“What?” Shane snapped then took in a breath. “What, Jack?” 
The music was barely audible now, a soft whispering thing. 
“The asshole here sent out a distress signal. Don’t know when exactly. But Joker says EDI picked up a few ships coming into the system, bearing Cerberus markings. We don’t have a lot of time if we want to get out of here without a fight.”
“What, you don’t want a fight today?” Shane asked, raising a brow. 
“You fucking know I always want one, but...” Jack said, before reaching out and grabbing Shane by the wrist. Shane looked at Banes for a moment before letting Jack lead her over to a corner nearby. 
“Listen, I’m not that Chambers bitch or anything but I don’t think you’re in the right frame of mind to fight a battle. We can fight some more Cerberus assholes any other day. But you need to finish with this fucker and then we need to leave,” Jack said, in a rough whisper. 
Ironically, Shane knew shit was serious when Jack was being the voice of reason... for the second time that day. The music changed to an almost triumphant score, a symphonic metal tune. 
“Yeah, alright. I’m almost done anyways,” Shane said, sighing. She kissed Jack’s forehead gently and lightly brushed her thumb across a cheekbone made to look sharper than it was through Jack’s usual use of makeup (in direct contrast to Shane’s general idea of going without as much as possible). Jack nodded then turned her attention back to her omni-tool where a map of the system displayed the Normandy along with the Cerberus ships making their way to the planet.
Shane walked back over to Banes, who had turned even paler than he’d been when they first arrived. Smirking, Shane engaged her omni-tool just as the music began to swell again. The omni-blade composed itself from spare bits then she used it to slice open part of the man’s shirt. She ripped the rest of it open all the way after accounting for the ‘restraints’.
“C-commander, surely we can come t-to some agreement?” Banes stammered, wheezing softly through what had to be a broken nose and a swollen throat. Shane had to admire his refusal to admit that he was dead meat on a slab. 
“The only agreement available is that you shut the fuck up and let me finish the damn job,” Shane snarled. 
“Please, please-- that isn’t necessary! It isn’t--” Banes stopped talking to instead give an inhuman and unholy screech of pain as Shane tipped the vial over and allowed some of the acid to splatter on the man’s chest. Some of it landed on the restraint. It ate through both skin and metal at an almost alarming pace. And Banes just... kept... screaming. Even when the acid ate through the layer of fat and muscle to go after the bones. When it did, Shane noticed the beginnings of Reaper tech. Her eyes narrowed. She dumped the rest of the acid into the already rather large hole in the man’s torso. Only when the acid met internal organs did the screaming stop. And coincidentally, the song ended on a single cymbal crash after a steady rhythm of drums. 
Shane took one of the grenades off her hip. She activated it with a simple squeeze then dropped it right into the hole the acid had made. She looked at Jack and nodded when Jack looked back. The pair exited the office, clearing the doorway as the grenade went off and made sure the body had been turned into mince meat and nigh unrecognizable save for a biological scan. 
As they turned a corner, Shane activated her omni-tool. The music turned off. Shane looked at Jack and laughed softly. 
“Let’s head back and prep for the next Cerberus hunt,” she said.
Jack chuckled despite herself then nodded. 
“Sounds good to me, Hero of the Citadel,” she remarked teasingly. Shane sighed and rolled her eyes. 
“I hate it when people call me that,” she muttered. Her words only caused Jack to laugh, which echoed throughout the corridors and followed them out of the compound.
“You know, I am glad for Cerberus doing one thing,” Jack said, quietly, when they finally returned to the Captain’s Cabin on the Normandy.
“What’s that?” Shane asked, puzzled. 
“Bringing you back to life. Having us meet. I know we don’t really talk about it much. But... with all the shit happening you deserve to know.”
Shane was quiet a while before smiling. She tugged Jack into her arms and kissed her, deeply yet with a gentleness that was rare. She held the smaller woman close when the kiss broke.
“Yeah... you’re right. That is one thing I am grateful for. Meeting you. Being with you through it all. I know you hate it when things get mushy but, I’m not sure where I’d be without you,” Shane said, lightly resting her forehead on Jack’s. 
Jack chuckled, in that way that almost sounded like purring. 
“Who knew Commander Shepard had a soft and gooey side?” she teased. 
“Oh shut up, asshole.”
Shane snorted before kissing the woman again and dragging her over to the bed. It was time to celebrate a job well done.
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
To Challenge The Flow Of Fate PT. 6
An Adrian Tepes (Alucard) x Reader Story
Warnings: Explicit Language Author’s Note: I’m 2/3 done with this story and I can’t believe I’ve hit a 16K word count. I also can’t believe I’ve planned exactly how many chapters this is gonna have. Enjoy! -Thorne
Another quake reverberated through the Hold, sending debris to the floor. (Y/N) scanned the ceiling, straining to hear, but with too much echoing, she couldn’t make out how many were up above them. She turned, looking at the trio. “We need to get that magic mirror working, and we need to get it working now.” Trevor glanced at her, the not Sypha.
           “Can we even get it working?” The Speaker looked up from the book she was holding and nodded.
           “I think so.” She stood, shaking her head. “But I can’t do two things at once here.” Adrian placed the mirror down against the bookshelf, glancing back at them.
           “I know some Chaldaic and I know how to operate a distance mirror. Which shall I do?” The two turned to Trevor who sputtered,
           “Mmm…uh…I can’t do either of those things.” Adrian scoffed, getting nose to nose with her brother.
           “Come on Belmont! Time to choose! You’re either the last son of a warrior dynasty or a lucky drunk!” The vampire’s eyes narrowed into a glare and he challenged, “Which is it?” A shudder shook the foundation and (Y/N) looked to Trevor.
           “We don’t have time for this Trevor.” She stepped forward, pushing Adrian aside. “I wasn’t strong enough to be the type of Belmont our family needed or wanted. I try to save creatures Trevor…I couldn’t be what Mother and Father wanted. But you?” (Y/N) placed her hands on his shoulders and declared, “Trevor there’s no one more capable of being the last hunting Belmont than you. You are the Belmont’s living legacy.” Her brother’s eyes widened at her words, and for a moment, the two stared at one another, then he clenched his jaw and nodded.
           “Okay.” (Y/N) dropped her hands and he turned to Adrian. “Get the mirror working, Alucard. Give me force numbers, species, and weapons count. Sypha stays on her job for now. I’ll fortify the point of entry.” She grinned as she watched her brother turn, and she readjusted her grip on her sword. (Y/N) shifted, helping hold the mirror steady with her other hand as Adrian scratched at it. Another shock blasted the Hold, and he looked up.
           “I think we’re going to see the size and disposition of the attacking force fairly quickly with our own eyes, Belmont.” Trevor slid the sword into its scabbard and nodded.
           “I’m forced to agree. Do you have a further suggestion?” Adrian went quiet for a moment then looked into the mirror.
           “Are you asking my advice?” Her brother turned to him.
           “We’re working together, Alucard.” He walked over the them. “You’re still a bastard, but you’re the bastard I chose to fight alongside back in Gresit. Do you have a problem with any of that?” For the first time since they’d met, Adrian’s face showed a clear sign of trust and he replied,
           “None at all.” Trevor nodded.
           “So what do you suggest?” The vampire looked down, then to the mirror.
           “Using this to find Dracula’s castle. Now.” (Y/N)’s eyes went wide, and she questioned,
           “Wait, you want to bring the castle here? Are you insane?” Adrian looked at her, his usually serious expression returned.
           “We’re trapped in a box down here. We will be eventually overwhelmed unless we change the nature of the battle.” (Y/N) rubbed her face with her hand and nodded, watching Trevor grip the Morningstar whip at his side.
           “Agreed.” He spun around and shouted, “Sypha!” She looked up from her book.
           “I’m close to getting it! I just need a little more time!” Her brother nodded, heading to the stairs.
           “I’ll protect you both for as long as I can.” (Y/N) turned, starting to follow when Trevor turned to face her and shook his head. “No. You stay here.” (Y/N)’s body seeped with shock and disbelief colored her tone as she asked,
           “What? Why?” He pointed to Adrian and Sypha.
           “Because if any of those bastards get past me, I need you here to cover Alucard and Sypha. They’ll be vulnerable while they’re working.” She opened her mouth to argue, but he raised his palm.
           “(Y/N). Stop.” She frowned, then stepped forward, and took his hand in her opposite one; he clenched her hand tightly and she commanded,
           “You be careful. I swear to god if you get hurt, I’ll kick your ass myself.” Trevor grinned and squeezed her hand once more before letting go and running up the staircases. She watched, worry filling her heart when a hand rested on her shoulder. She glanced over, seeing Adrian staring down at her with firm look.
           “Focus on the task at hand (Y/N). He’ll be okay.” She took a deep breath and nodded.
           “You’re right.” Adrian moved away from her, scratching at the mirror once more. “Is there anything I can do to help besides looking pretty?” He chuckled, eying her as he shifted his hands along the frame.
           “Do you have any words of encouragement?” (Y/N) thought for a moment then offered,
           “Fix the mirror or we all die in horrible agony?” Adrian huffed a laugh and shook his head.
           “Yes, you are definitely Belmont’s sister.” A grin worked onto her lips, but it quickly dropped as the largest of the quakes shook the foundation. She gazed up and muttered,
           “I think they’re inside now.” (Y/N) squinted, listening carefully, then she yelled, “Trevor! There’s at least six up there!” His voice sounded from above and she turned to Adrian, gasping at the mirror. The vampire raised a hand and growled,
           “There you are.” She moved closer until she was right next to him.
           “Oh my god…it’s actually working.” A moment later, the castle shimmered, then disappeared in a pillar of blue lightning, and the two gasped. “It…it’s gone! Where-” Adrian gripped the sides again.
           “He’s jumped it.” He focused again, and the castle came back into view, landing in the center of a city. (Y/N) leaned under his arm, inspecting the view.
           “That city…he’s in Braila. Why?” She moved out of his way again, seeing Sypha come from around the corner. The Speaker moved quickly, peering under Adrian’s arm.
           “Do you see that castle?” He raised his other hand, pointing towards it.
           “Take a look.” Sypha nodded and walked to the index, placing the book on the table.
           “Good. Keep focused on it. I have to be able to se it to put my intent on it.” (Y/N) handed Adrian back his glove, watching as he pulled it back on and questioned,
           “Your intent?” The Speaker nodded.
           “That’s all magic is, Alucard. Changing things in accordance with my intent. And my intent is to drag that grotesque thing here.” (Y/N) frowned as Sypha walked up to it and muttered,
           “How dare you call that castle grotesque. That is a prime example of gothic architecture. That’s a beautiful castle.” The two turned to her with dubious expressions and she raised an eyebrow. “What? It might be owned by a madman but it’s still a work of art. Sheesh, take your artistic appreciations where you can, you hardasses.” The two rolled their eyes then Sypha raised her clenched hand, releasing her fist. The paper in her palm burned to a blue flame, and the two moved out of her way as she raised her arms, blue tendrils of lightening shooting from her fingers into the mirror. She pulled hard, and a rotating geometric orb appeared. Sypha closed her hands around it, grunting as it tugged her side to side. “Sypha, now is not the time to try dancing.” The Speaker grunted again.
           “It’s fighting me! It’s like I’m pulling against an anchor and a water wheel all at once!” Adrian stepped forward and clarified,
           “He moves the castle using an engine. That’s what’s acting against you.” The sound of breaking railings echoed above them and the two looked up, seeing one of the night creatures hurdling towards them. Their eyes widened as it got closer, and Adrian reached for his sword when (Y/N) stepped in front of him, her fist raised towards it. His jaw went slack as the air crackled and snapped around the two of them, the static running along their bodies. A white light wrapped around her wrist and hand and she twisted her body, putting all the force into her arm and ordered,
           “Fulgur tempestas.” She uncurled her fist and he watched as bright lighting shot out of her palm in an unholy fury. The spell hit the beast and within seconds incinerated to ash. Trevor peered over the railing with a look of triumph.
           “Yes! I love that spell! That, and your fire storm one!” (Y/N) grinned and spun around, winking at Adrian who wore a look of amazement. She directed her gaze to Sypha who slammed her hands closed. The Speaker’s face pinched in annoyance and she commanded,
           “Do as you’re told!” She slammed her hands closed again, and (Y/N) stared at the mirror as the castle jumped and appeared again, then jumped across the city multiple times before finally disappearing completely. Seconds later, the ground shook under their feet, and Sypha pulled away as Adrian steadied the mirror. “Ha! I did it!” The vampire turned to her, a worried expression on his face as he inquired,
           “Where did you land the castle, Sypha?” The Speaker clapped her hands and grinned,
           “Right on top of us!” (Y/N) felt her eye twitch as she leaned over, hissing,
           “Sypha Belnades, please tell me you see the giant fucking problem with that exclamation?” Sypha’s eyes widened and she murmured,
           “Oh…sorry…I see the problem…I landed it on the surface right above this underground space that’s probably only help up by wood and dirt.” She glanced at them, offering a sheepish smile. “Let’s go!” (Y/N) started after her but stopped when she didn’t hear Adrian behind her. She spun around, seeing him staring at the mirror, and she stomped back over, grabbing his jacket, and pulled him with her.
           “Run now, have regret and worries later! I am too young to die in a goddamn basement because SOMEONE DECIDED TO LAND A GODDAMN CASTLE ON TOP OF IT!”
           “I said I was sorry!”
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thinkingagain · 4 years
Unseen and unheard, a lone figure in black commando gear appeared on the Demesne. He had seen the portal coordinate trick before, several times, in non-animal situations. He scoffed at the inexperienced commando team taken in by it.
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Sir Sleepy of the Bunny Nest (A Novel of the Revolution) Book Three: The Be Attitudes Chapter 21
Lucky Blue took off his headphones and looked at Jack. “It worked. Easily and effectively.” Beside him, the Demesne underground technology was humming along.
“And maybe not for the last time,” Jack rubbed one of his long legs in the dust to clean it. “Movie sets have lots of uses. Abandoned ones too.”
“I see how they come in handy,” Lucky said. “Just a quick intercept and alteration of portal coordinates removes a whole assault force with no effort at all.”
“The likeness is pretty exact,” Jack said. “Green Bear spared no expense on the recreation. Not that the land and landscaping cost more than a tiny bit of the resources he has.”
“I’d like to go up there some time,” Lucky said. “Walk around, really check it out.”
“You could hike up in about two days. It’s a pleasant walk.”
“Maybe I will,” Lucky said. “I haven’t taken any long walks in a while.”
Jack nodded. “It’s a nice night here, isn’t it?” He sighed. “Seems so anyway. I’m off to sleep in a moment.” His rabbit limbs drew themselves up more anxiously. “Think the Sir is going to be okay?”
Lucky shook his head. “I don’t know. Nobody does.”
Sir Sleepy of the Bunny Nest lay, asleep, on the grounds of the Demesne that he loved so well. His breathing came harshly at moments, in strained gasps, then would calm. He was obviously in pain. As far as anyone around him could tell though, he didn’t seem to be dying. It was good that he was able to sleep.
After having done his best to help him survive, Love Frog had gone off for his own long sleep in one of his favorite nearby muddy ponds, throwing mud over himself like a healing ointment. Madam, with Busterella beside her and Sir Henry patrolling nearby, had insisted on being first to watch the Sir. She had stayed by his side for a few hours until she got too tired. Now Matilda was sitting there, providing her power, serenity, and healing nature. Young Mountain Goat, necessary for quickness in case of attack, was sleeping close by. Macalister and Smoochie, both obviously used to night frog duty, had taken over guarding the nearby terrain.
The Sir breathed on, unevenly, oblivious to all who cared for him.
Unseen and unheard, a lone figure in black commando gear appeared on the Demesne. He had seen the portal coordinate trick before, several times, in non-animal situations. He scoffed at the inexperienced commando team taken in by it. He could work better without them. Those who had been decoyed would be his decoys. He headed where he had to go, avoiding straight lines that would make him easier to follow. No one had ever followed him successfully. Finding him accidentally had several times been deadly to others.
Ling Ling, Leo, and Maximillian were talking quietly on a patch of ground behind some stones. ‘I can’t read him right now at all.” Ling Ling shook her head sadly. “His mind is far away.”
“Perhaps it has to be.” Leo stretched his legs along the ground. “The animal mind often seeks a larger vista when removed from immediate practical concerns. Or when it is struggling to recover or seeking a reason to live.”
“The news has gotten out fast.” Maximillian was standing at rest the way penguins do. “Good wishes for the Sir are pouring in from many points of contact.”
“Good animal wishes always help.” Ling Ling nodded cautiously. “The air is full with them. But do they help enough?”
“We’ll find out,” Leo said.
“You’re really able to remain philosophical about it.” Ling Ling said, no sassiness in her voice. “I don’t know whether to be impressed or annoyed.”
“Thinking can’t be all that important if you can’t use it during a bad time,” Leo said. “It should never come without feeling, of course. I’m worried too.”
Maximillian shook tension from his flippers. “All these animals we know, all over the world, and sometimes not one of us can do anything. I guess there are limits even to our magic powers.”
“More of them than we realize,” Leo said.
There was much consternation in the technology control room at Animal Unlimited. “Nothing?” the Nephew was saying to the other Beasts in the room huddled tightly by their monitors. “Abandoned? How can that be?” He looked around the room, waiting. No answers came. “And what about…?” He stopped, but the others seemed to know what he was referring to.
In the air vents, three cats were listening. They heard the hanging question and waited for some Beast in the control room to answer it. No answer came.
With the Sir gravely hurt, there was no one to watch the Demesne Beast except Muffin.
The Beast’s behavior had been notable since shortly after the wounded Sir had been brought back to the Demesne. Muttering to itself, occasionally sighing then emitting long groans: that was hardly exceptional. Still its quivering and discomfort seemed different. It kept looking around as if asking if it could be of help. Muffin tried to calm it, patting its back, scratching its head, rapping it on the nose if it seemed tempted to howl. Even late into the night the Beast still rolled on the ground, agitated in its sleep.
“Is it possible,” Muffin said to it softly, “that you are concerned about the Sir?”
In its sleep the Beast rolled over and mumbled, “Nobody loves me.”
“Lampy can’t sleep,” Koala Lampur said to Little Sy. “Looks like you can’t either.” Nearby, the shadow of a few high rocks was slightly darker than the night sky.
“I dropped off for a few hours.” Sy’s expression was bleary. “So much to organize tomorrow. But it’s not that. I just feel uneasy.”
“I understand.” Koala Lampur gave Sy a soothing scratch. “I don’t know if our hoping helps him. But it may help us, and not hoping can’t help anyone.”
“But ma, there’s something else.” Little Lampur spoke up adamantly. “I saw it. Or no, I didn’t see it. Felt it.”
Koala Lampur went taut with alertness. “You did?” She looked at Sy. “Lampy’s very sensitive. He saved us on our travels more than once.”
Sy considered Little Lampur’s adamant stance. “What do you feel now?”
“Nothing,” Little Lampur said. “But I did.”
He had managed to achieve a kind of anti-fame that had helped him become indispensable in many conflicts either with animals or with others of his kind. Almost no one knew of him. Some knew of his efforts without knowing who had performed them. Some attributed his actions to various sources, some to one unknown source. The few who knew of him knew no name for him. They invented names for him, but none of their names were his. No one knew his history.
He could hear animals at least as well as they could hear him as long as the range wasn’t too great. And he had much more experience than many of them. He listened to the sounds of those who were guarding nearby in the night. Whenever they came near to sensing him, he slipped away.
Madam startled awake. She was holding Busterella tightly. That brave koala had helped her go to sleep and was sleeping soundly herself but woke the instant after Madam did. Sir Henry the Valiant, standing in his sleep nearby, rustled also. “Something is terrible,” Madam said, then she was fully awake, remembering. “Can we go sit with him again?” she asked her two friends.
“You understand,” Leo said to Ling Ling and Maximillian, “that it’s not the quality of leadership that can never be replaced. It’s the unique individual animal, the whole bundle of traits by which each of us is marked as like no other before us and none after.
“It is, I think, proof of the magic of the universe. Qualities may be interchangeable, but the combination of them is, for each, unique over the whole vastness of space and time. None of us, as wise as we might think ourselves, could have imagined the Sir. He can only imagine himself. And much of who he is, like all of us, lies beyond even his own imagination.”
“They’ve all returned and reported,” a Beast in the technology control room said to the Nephew, who had just walked in. “Except the one.”
“And what have you heard from him?”
“Still nothing.”
“We’ll hear from him,” the Nephew said, “if he succeeds and wants to be paid. And if he doesn’t succeed, who cares whether we hear from him?”
The three cats in the air vents looked at each other. Clearly at least one Beast was still operating in the field. One of the cats rushed off towards the outside, hoping to reach a spot where Ling Ling could be contacted.
Madam, with Busterella and Henry beside her, walked up to the Sir. She scratched Matilda’s back and said, “I’d like to watch some more.” Matilda grunted sympathetically and walked over to where Young Mountain Goat was sleeping and lay down next to him. Madam waved at Macalister and Smoochie. They waved back. Smoochie came up and gave her a quick frog kiss. She found a soft spot in the grass and sat there, her totem friends beside her, watching the Sir breathe.
Through the woods, he came to the final set of trees that opened onto the field where his target lay under blankets, asleep and struggling to breathe. Next to his target sat an actual human woman; he startled, only for a moment. His heat-seeking goggles showed her outline clearly. He sensed the frogs on lookout, noting their alertness, and felt their senses kick in. He moved just beyond their range, preparing to come in at another angle.
Macalister saw Smoochie snap alert before he himself noticed anything. He felt the other vibration a moment later. Was a Beast lurking somewhere? An instant short of certainty, the impression vanished. If it was a Beast, it had made the smallest impression of itself that Macalister had ever encountered. Still, a small impression was not no impression. Macalister signaled that he would investigate and that Smoochie should stay by the Sir and alert those nearby.
They knew he might be there on the Demesne, he could tell. They didn’t know for sure. They certainly didn’t know where exactly on the grounds he was. His rifle, which he had assembled soon after arriving on the Demesne grounds, was ready. He knew what spot he had to reach in order to make his final preparations.
Jack and Lucky walked out of the Magic Animal Underground Bunker. Jack’s long jackrabbit ears jumped out fully and his nose went alert. “Know what I’m thinking?”
Lucky, whose physical senses had been dulled by his work and had never been as acute as other rabbits, saw Jack’s alertness. “Maybe.”
“We got rid of them too easily.”
“Yes,” Lucky said, instantly sure.
“And also,” Jack said, “there ought to be at least something lumbering around out here. It’s too quiet.”
He put himself in the spot he needed. He set his balance, both with his body and with the rifle. He could be in this spot for maybe, at most, two minutes, before one of the animals would sense him. When he moved again, to the shooting spot, they would know; there was no way to do that unnoticed. There would be only the few seconds between when he arrived at the shooting spot and when they did. That was more than he needed.
Young Mountain Goat heard the rustling and knew instantly, even from sleep, what kind of creature it was. Then he was fully awake and on his feet.
Busterella, whose only concern had been the Madam, saw her goat friend and followed him.
Searching a bit farther out in the woods, Macalister and Smoochie heard the others get in motion and turned in the direction their friends were running. At that instant, they both noted the presence of the Beast they had thought might be there.
Farther away, Jack, with Lucky Blue beside him, sensed sudden animal desperation from many spots. “We’re already too late. Hurry.”
“Wait,” Ling Ling said to Leo. “Message coming through.” Leo paused, questioning. Ling Ling listened inside herself, then she looked outward. “News from the cats at Animal Love Unlimited. There may be a Beast here.”
“And none of us has noticed?”
“I guess not yet. Let me check.”
Animals were charging him from multiple directions, only instants away.
The green point of light moved for a moment over the blanket, then settled directly onto the target’s forehead. The mechanism locked in.
His finger found the trigger at the same moment that he felt right next to him, without hearing it, a tiny animal. He hadn’t detected it under the comparative roar of the others. The same small animal thudded lightly against the side of the barrel just as his finger touched the trigger. It was impossible to know which happened first. He saw the shot tear through the blanket inches beside the target.
He rolled all the way over, once, setting up for another clear shot. A somewhat bigger animal, hardly large, kicked the barrel a few inches to the right.
He let go of the rifle and got to his feet just as other animals, a half dozen or more, surrounded his spot in the leaves.
“Lampy!” Koala Lampur shouted, the discarded rifle at her feet. “Where are you?”
“Right here, Ma. I told you, didn’t I? I stopped the shot, didn’t I? I’m sorry I didn’t let you know before I ran. I hoped you’d realize. I hoped you’d follow me. There was no extra time at all.”
“I didn’t know, not for sure. But I followed you.”
“Was it you who kicked the gun away? I got covered in leaves.”
“It was,” she said.
Young Mountain Goat slammed his head into the Beast’s shoulder, knocking it to the ground. It was already rolling before the hit happened. It spun quickly to its feet and darted behind a tree.
Busterella spun around behind the tree, punching furiously. Only one punch landed as the Beast darted away.
Smoochie jumped in behind the Beast’s knees. Macalister pushed it backwards. Just before the Beast started to fall, it managed an awkward backflip and landed on its feet. There was a pistol in its hand. It raised the pistol. Covering the last yards in nearly no time, Jack took a long jump into the air and kicked the pistol from the Beast’s hand. Jack landed, turned, steadied himself for another jump, this one to go for the jugular.
The Beast dived behind a tree, rolled, jumped up, disappeared behind several trees.
All the animals converged on the spot, nearly at once.
The Beast was gone.
The animals saw several sets of Beast boot prints. The prints showed no clear direction for the Beast’s escape.
Through the commotion, the Sir slept on, his breathing coming more easily for longer stretches of time, and the gasping ending more quickly.
Within minutes, all the animals had gathered to talk about what had happened.
“I never saw a Beast move like that,” Jack said. “As quick as any of us.”
“Not quite quick enough to outsmart Little Lampy,” Koala Lampur said.
The other animals heartily agreed. Little Lampur’s sensitivity and response time had saved the Sir.
“Still,” Sy held out a paw of thanks to Little Lampur, who grasped it happily, “a Beast quick enough to elude us all? Not a good development.”
“Our own magic has gotten stronger,” Leo said cryptically.
“Meaning?” Sy asked.
“Meaning,” Leo said, “that it’s inevitable that some of the counter-magic will get stronger too. We don’t know, right now, where this Beast, with its clear sensory-superiority to other Beasts, has come from. But we haven’t seen it for the last time. And others like it may be coming.”
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Fifty: An Emergency ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina, blood ] [ Verse: Oil and Blood ] [ AO3 Link ]
Insomnia is a beast she just can’t tame.
Lying awake, an arm slung over her brow, Hinata stares up at her apartment ceiling. A small strip of light cuts across it from the gap between her curtains that she can never cover no matter how much she finagles with them. The neon city just outside her window doesn’t help her inability to sleep when she should. Part of her thinks to move to a quieter street, but...this one’s so close to her job, and actually has decent rent despite its great location.
...but one of these days, her sleepless nights are going to catch up with her. She’s already starting to make minor mistakes at work, and her supervisor is going to notice sooner or later.
Sighing, she lowers her forearm over her eyes. Maybe she should just...get up and go for a walk. This city quite literally never sleeps, so the action might be enough to wear her out enough to catch a few hours of rest before having to make her way to the office tomorrow.
Such a joy working in the claims department of the largest medical bionics insurance company in their city. There’s always something going wrong with someone’s biocomponents. A locked-up limb, a joint that squeaks, an eye that shorts out. As amazing as she finds the unity of biology and technology...it sure makes for a plethora of headaches.
But then again...it’s those flaws and claims that pay her salary, so...maybe she can’t complain. It’d just be nice to have a quiet day in the office. But so long as someone’s tech is on the fritz, she’ll be there to walk them through the claims process.
Not exactly how she pictured spending her early adult life, but...well, sometimes you have to compromise a dream to pay the bills.
Making up her mind, she swings her legs over the side of her bed, feet planted on the cool floor as she stands and grabs some basic clothes. Tank, sweats, sweatshirt, shoes. Just something to decently dress herself while she tries to run her brain and body a little closer to empty.
Tying up her hair in a makeshift bun, she heads out, a swipe of the chip in her palm locking the door behind her as she heads down a few flights of stairs to the ground floor.
Some things, at least, she likes to do the old fashioned way.
As soon as she steps out onto the sidewalk, it’s an assault on all her senses. Bright lights, flashing and dancing, announce the ever-present night life of a city with little need to sleep. There are just as many businesses - if not more - open for customers at night as there are during the daylight hours. Hinata’s only ventured into the city nightlife a time or two - mostly because of work and needing to be up early - but also the lingering view that only vagrants and the lifeless waste their nights being awake and active after midnight.
She herself doesn’t necessarily believe it - the streets are mostly just as safe at night as they are during the day. While the introduction of the human-machine hybrid has resulted in a slow, steady climb in crime, she lives in one of the more decent parts of the city. There’s rarely any incidents, and most revolve around the tech itself. And beyond her palm inplant for accessing her valuables and her private cellular implant for hands-free communication, Hinata’s refrained from any major modifications. Her lackluster appearances helps her blend in with those deemed less profitable in the grand scheme of things. Her mods are the most basic of the basic, and hardly worth the time.
So, hands in her pockets, she just...picks a direction and starts walking.
In a way, she really does find the nightlife and its lights pretty. The sound is a little obnoxious, but her building is new enough it’s equipped with the best sound muffling tech there is. She barely hears any of it. And she’s grown used to the scents of the city. It’s not as pleasant as a flower-filled field, but...well, the smog’s been fairly managed since new laws were passed a few years back. Otherwise, she has little to complain about on the sensory front.
As she meanders, she peers into shop windows, watching displays shift and change. Rail-thin girls model clothes next to ab-clenching guys, all with some kind of mod visible. New tech shines and glows. She’s not really interested in any of it, has no intention to buy. But it gives her something to look at and think about as she goes. If she wants to tucker out her brain, overstimulating it is probably her best bet.
Passing a small gap between buildings (a rarity these days with the demand for space), something...makes her pause. A kind of inexplicable feeling that something is wrong.
The space - a few feet wide - is nearly pitch black despite the neon lights just beyond. Refuse is piled near the mouth. Overall, it’s a typical alley beyond its narrow size. And yet…
Brow furrowing, Hinata glances back over her shoulder before looking back to the alley. This feels all sorts of stupid, but...her gut is telling her she needs to investigate. So, she carefully steps over the boxes and bags, thankful to feel concrete under her feet. Lifting her access palm, a light shines out from the tiny lens.
For several feet, there’s nothing. Just more cardboard and plastic. But as she lets the light go further...she sees feet.
...ohhh crap.
Gut tightening, Hinata weighs her options. If this is a body...she needs to report it. But if they’re alive...they probably need help. This isn’t exactly a place for someone to just...be. This is where someone ends up.
Hopping over more trash, she comes up closer. Legs bent at the knees and slumped forward with his back against the alleyway wall...is a man. Dark hair is a mess, and once she gets close enough...she realizes his left arm is missing.
It’s not as much of a shock as it might’ve been a few decades ago. Limbs are replaced all the time. Carefully crouching, she shines her light at the stump and finds a socket for a mod. As she suspected. Seems he’s one of the unlucky ones beaten and stripped for parts. But to be this close to a major city street...it’s a bit unnerving.
“...sir?” she murmurs, not daring yet to touch him. “Are...are you all right…?”
For a moment...nothing happens, and she fears he really is dead. But then his remaining hand twitches, and she hears a small groan.
He’s not doing well.
“Sir, um...do you -? Do you need some help? Should I take you to a medical facility?”
With great effort, he manages to loll his head back, and Hinata can’t help a gasp. His left eye socket is empty, clearly missing a mod as well. And given the damage...it’s obvious it was stolen in the same beat down. A bit of blood leaks from a corner of his mouth, staining his shirt.
So engrossed in the sight is she...she almost misses the tattoo just below his collarbone, the collar of his shirt ripped apart, likely from a grip along his shirtfront. A trio of tomoe stand out darkly in black ink against his pale skin...and it all sinks in.
This wasn’t just a robbery...this was yakuza activity. He’s an Uchiha…!
This...complicates things. She can’t bring him to a typical hospital. He’ll be arrested on the spot!
Nibbling her lip, Hinata glances behind her. No one else has found them...yet. In truth...she does know somewhere she can take him to get looked over and avoid the police. It’s just not...wholly legal. A partially underground operation she only found out by accident while working on a claim years back. She’s used it a few times since for her most desperate cases.
“...come on,” she murmurs, buttoning his shirt to hide the ink. “I know somewhere you’ll be safe. Just...just come with me, okay?”
Breaths short and curt, he watches as she stands, offering her hands. Grunting in pain, he manages to grip them with his remaining limb, letting her pull him up only to nearly collapse.
...this isn’t going to be easy.
Maneuvering him against a side and looping his arm over her shoulders, Hinata avoids the main street and instead follows the alley further down. Thankfully it’s only a few blocks to the little medical clinic. One versed in both the biological and technological sides to human health. Hopefully the woman who runs it is awake...or won’t mind being so in a few minutes. Hinata’s already called in quite a few favors, but...none like this one.
“Hold on...it’s n-not too far. I know a place that works...u-under the table.”
The Uchiha gives her a weary glance, clearly at a loss as to why she’s helping him in the first place...let alone going to such extremes. But...well, this is a bit of an emergency.
They’ll figure out the details later.
     Cyberpunk AU! Something I've actually wanted to do for a while, but I'm shy over the genre cuz I've written VERY little of it, and not with either of these characters lol      Poor Hinata...she goes out for a simple walk, ends up getting tangled up with a gangster xD I kinda wanna do more of this...we'll see if any other prompts fit down the road!      But for now, that's all I got. Tomorrow's gonna be VERY busy, so I better go sleep! Thanks for reading~
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overwatchworks · 5 years
Unwelcome Meetings:
The gunslinger’s eyes locked on an old picture, worn at the edges, tape barely holding it to the wall. 
Winston’s agent completion ceremony with the old gang. Him, Genji, Reinhardt and Ana on one side. Angela, Lena, Torbjörn, and Jack on the other. Gabe facing away from the camera in the far corner. So much had changed.
There was a haze in the air, silence so quiet it was loud. Too loud. Jesse didn’t like it. He glanced at Genji, eyes partially hidden by his hat. The ninja’s lights were dimmed slightly by the dust around them, green casting a visible line through the air. Even through the mask, Jesse felt Genji’s gaze meet his own. 
It was all too familiar, this sense of unease, foreboding. Waiting in the shadows. 
Overwatch had sent Genji and Jesse to investigate an old Blackwatch hideout. The reasoning was obvious; they were the only two operatives that had specific knowledge on the place, Jesse especially. He had been there many times, the little building tucked into an unassuming corner of California, just inside Death Valley. Was one of the few Reyes trusted enough to take with him to check on things. 
Lots of dirty secrets were hidden in files there underground, stored in places Jesse had snuck in to back when he snooped around just a little to much. A file concerning the events in Rialto was what they were after. Sure, Overwatch had a copy, but they didn’t have the Blackwatch commander’s version of it. 
The one with the full truth. The version Jesse had heard only once from the commander himself, and never repeated to anyone. He wasn’t sure if he ever would.
“Come on, it’s this way.” Jesse murmured, tugging on the brim of his hat and continuing forward. Genji followed without a word. 
The ninja had been quieter than usual, contemplative. Jesse could say the same about himself. Blackwatch was a touchy subject for everyone. This mission they had been sent on rubbed Jesse the wrong way. Everything felt out of place. 
After a few more minutes of pensive silence, the two paused, sliding down to the lowest dip of a large dune. It went further into a canyon, evening sunlight filtering through the holes above them.
“You search left, I will go right.” Genji offered, cybernetic hands sliding over the sandstone carefully as he moved. The cowboy nodded, following the rock wall and stepping lightly. 
A flicker of light caught Jesse’s eye. Something had moved further in the canyon. Jesse set his hand on Peacekeeper in her holster, thumb circling the textured grip.
Genji made a soft grunt as he twisted something on the ground, a handle popping up. He pulled on it, revealing a staircase that lit up as soon as he stepped down on it carefully.
“Welcome back, Agent Shimada.” A gentle voice greeted, Jesse joining Genji after sweeping the area once more.
“It can still read my biosignature...?” Genji murmured almost to himself, the gunslinger patting his shoulder as he passed and began walking down the staircase.
“Darlin’, our biosignature is in their databases forever. They ain’t forgetting who belongs to them.”
“Agent McCree, welcome.”
“Good to hear from you again, Eris.”
“Likewise.” The voice hummed. It was an AI model made before Athena, but it had almost the same capabilities. Programmed for Blackwatch instead of Overwatch. 
Holoscreens lit up the room the staircase led down to once Jesse stepped into it, head tilting at all the displays.
“Not much has changed.”
“I have kept everything in perfect condition as per request of Commander Reyes since the last transmission I received seven and a half years ago.” Eris informed them, Jesse’s jaw tightening.
“Is there anything I can help you find?” Eris continued when the cowboy said nothing else, Genji moving closer behind him.
“We need a physical file. Could you unlock the access panel to the vault for us?” Genji asked. Jesse went to a desk in the corner, sliding a hand through the dust.
“Of course. Give me just a moment.”
“Thank you, Eris.”
The gunslinger’s eyes locked on an old picture, worn at the edges, tape barely holding it to the wall. 
Winston’s agent completion ceremony with the old gang. Him, Genji, Reinhardt and Ana on one side. Angela, Lena, Torbjörn, and Jack on the other. Gabe facing away from the camera in the far corner. So much had changed.
Genji set his hands on the desk, leaning his weight into them.
“That was a good day. One of the fonder memories I have of that time.” Genji murmured, Jesse sighing.
“Yeah. It was nice.”
“I know. It’s just hard to look at it without thinkin’ of all the people we lost. And the ones we got back...They ain’t quite the same. Hell, we aren’t even the same.”
“Perhaps that is a good thing. Perhaps we needed a change.”
“Maybe.” Jesse shrugged noncommittally. Genji set his hand on the gunslinger’s shoulder, squeezing it lightly.
“I have unlocked the vault.” Eris called. 
Jesse shook himself out of memories, focusing on the task at hand. He and Genji went to the far side of the room, a door opening for them. File cabinets lined the newly revealed area, smelling somewhat musty.
“Do you know where it could be?” Genji asked, clearly disgruntled at the many lines of cabinets.
“I know they’re sorted by dates, so...Guess we just start checkin’?”
“Ugh...I hate old school files...”
“Some of this stuff can’t be trusted on anythin’ but paper, yanno? It’s the only thing that can’t be hacked.”
“I know, but it makes our lives in this specific scenario we happen to be in a whole lot more difficult.”
“Where’s all that patience you learned up in Nepal?” Jesse teased with a laugh, Genji pulling open a drawer and sifting through it.
“I have plenty, when the work is not boring.” The ninja muttered, Jesse smiling and shaking his head. 
His fingers slid over manila tabs with scratchy writing of dates and names, none of which he needed. Another drawer was opened, another set of files giving him nothing. Genji sighed after about ten minutes, the sound of paper shifting accompanying it.
“These are mostly agent files and insignificant mission reports.”
“Then move on to the next ones.”
“I’m trying to find ours!” Genji huffed, tossing the files on top of the cabinet and bending at the waist to scan more.
“There ain’t nothin’ on those we don’t already know about each other.”
“I want to see my unedited medical reports.”
Jesse raised a brow, turning to Genji as the ninja tapped a drawer closed and opened another.
“You’ve never seen those?”
“Have you?”
“Well, no. There’s lots of black lines on all the medical reports, no matter what.”
“On Ziegler’s, yes. She is bound by Overwatch protocol, and I am not about to break into one of their vaults. I want to see if O’Deorain made any files.”
“O’Deorain ain’t one I’d trust.” Jesse grumbled, wrinkling his nose a bit. He’d always thought hiring her was a mistake.
“Maybe not, but I do not doubt her intellect. And, this is the only vault I’ll be seeing for a long time. Who knows what I could find.” Genji shrugged, flipping through some papers. Jesse pressed his lips into a line, going to a new cabinet.
“It’d be nice if we could actually find what we’re here for. All these damn files are startin’ to blend together on me.”
A hum from Genji was the only answer he got, the gunslinger blinking hard to keep his eyes from tiring too much. These jobs weren’t quite his specialty. Jesse scrunched up his lips, teeth absently gritting against one another instead of the cigar he usually had to chew on. 
His metal hand brushed over some labels, nearly missing one that was filed incorrectly, hidden by the one in front of it. The cowboy pulled it up, brows furrowing. It didn’t have a date, only a label.
Venice Incident.
Jesse opened the folder, eyes scanning over the documents. Media coverage, pictures, mission reports, the recorded interrogation of Reyes afterwards. A hand-written report was on the back of that one.
Log report 707,
Venice was a failure. Antonio eliminated. 
I should have thought through things first, but he was right. There was no point in taking him in, I knew that from the beginning. Killing Antonio was the only way to unequivocally remove him from the equation. I know Overwatch is only going to hear what it wants to, so I let them do just that. Didn’t bother defending myself, it wouldn’t have mattered. Things will inevitably get fixed, covered up, go back to normal. 
But what happens when they can’t do that anymore? What will they do then? Another massive cover up? Another ploy to lead things back to normal, to lull the world back into a false sense of peace? Jack can’t answer those questions yet, but I can. 
It’s going to have to end soon. We’re only making it worse by trying to clean up the world. It doesn’t need us anymore. The Omnic Crisis is over. But Talon will eventually rise, I can see it happening already. 
I have my doubts about the way things are going, the things I’m having to do for Blackwatch now. But what more can we do? What more can I do? The world is changing, and it’s going to leave Overwatch and the people involved in it behind. I only hope they can see it too, before it’s too late.
Jesse swallowed thickly, the paper shaking slightly in his hands. Reyes’ voice in his head, a distant memory; when he sat Jesse down in his office, telling him these same things, to leave while he could, before the whole thing fell apart. 
Echoes of the past.
“Genji, I found it.” Jesse managed to say, the ninja looking up sharply.
“You did?”
The gunslinger held up the folder, Genji setting his own aside and walking over.
“This is his account of the—”
“Agents, I am detecting a disturbance in the stairwell.” Eris suddenly interrupted. Jesse immediately drew his gun, Genji sinking into a lower stance.
“We were followed?! How?” The ninja hissed, hand on his wakazashi. 
Jesse cursed under his breath, taking whatever papers he could from the folder and tucking them into a spare ammunition pack on his belt.
“I had a feelin’ we weren’t alone...Just figured no one would know what the hell we were doin’. Hardly anyone knew about this place.” He muttered darkly, thumbing back the hammer of his revolver as he walked forward cautiously. 
Genji followed close behind him, silent save for the sleek sound of metal sliding into his fingers as his shruiken slipped into place. Something clattered in the main room, Jesse’s finger tightening minutely on the trigger.
“We know you’re there. Just come quietly, and we won’t shoot on sight.” He called.
“Agent McCree, I am not quite detecting any signs of life.” Eris alerted him, voice quieter, almost unsure.
“What do you mean, ‘not quite’?”
“It is...Not a biosignature I have been programmed to recognize. It is not even a true biosignature.”
“So what is it?” Genji growled, Jesse’s blood chilling at the twisted laugh that echoed around the room. 
A shadow-like fog drifted through the doorway, swirling behind Jesse and Genji both before solidifying into a shape. A mask. Bone-white and carved like a barn owl. The thing was draped in black, clawed hands forming and gripping two massive shotguns.
“I’ve been asking that same question for a long time.”
It had a scratchy, echoing voice, deeper and more guttural than any Jesse had heard before. He held Peacekeeper up, arm unwavering, eyes narrowing. He knew this creature.
“So, this is the Reaper.”
“Always so blunt, aren’t you, McCree.” It rumbled, Jesse’s lip curling.
“How do you know my name?”
“I know a whole lot more than you think. Now, I need a certain little file hidden in here, so get out, or I’ll kill you both.”
“We are not going anywhere! You are the one trespassing.” Genji snapped, wakizashi catching the light as he unsheathed it slightly.
“I said, leave.” Reaper repeated, shotguns raising to point right at their heads.
“We ain’t movin’. These files can’t get into Talon’s hands.”
There was a deep sigh like a rumbling growl, before the ear-shattering blast of the shotguns went off. Jesse dove to the side as Genji deflected, already moving around Reaper. The gunslinger went opposite of Genji, Reaper turning to follow his movements. 
Jesse reached for a flashbang, but the shotgun went off again, blowing it from his metal hand. It exploded, the flash making Jesse stumble, blinking rapidly as his ears rang. He vaguely heard another three shots go off, then a shout of pain. The cowboy shook his head as his vision came back, the outline of everything still just a little too bright. 
He raised his gun, then froze as he saw where Genji was. Hands gripping Reaper’s wrist, those claws tightening around his neck, holding him off the ground. Reaper’s free hand was holding a shotgun towards Jesse.
“Let him go!” Jesse seethed, that laugh echoing softer, more sinister.
“You have the same tricks you always had, Shimada. Too predictable. You both are.” Reaper murmured, grip tightening on Genji. It forced a choked sound from him, fingers scrabbling at Reaper’s arm.
“Let him go, or I swear to god I’ll put a bullet through that fucking mask.”
“Oh? And risk me shooting him?” Reaper cackled, turning the shotgun to press against Genji’s stomach. Jesse lowered his arm slightly.
“Jesse, just—Go!” Genji grit out, the gunslinger’s glare never leaving Reaper’s mask.
“I ain’t leavin’ you, ever. What do you want, Reaper? I’ll let you have it if you let him go.”
“I just needed access to this vault, it doesn’t work for me anymore. Funnily enough, I also heard about two special ex-Blackwatch operatives that had been sent to do just that.” Reaper sneered. Jesse’s eyes flicked to Genji, his struggles weakening.
“‘Anymore’? The hell are you talkin’ about?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I thought I taught you better than this, ingrate.”
Jesse’s brow slackened, cotton filling his ears as laughter filled the room, his arm falling back to his side. It should have been obvious. The mannerisms, the fighting style, the way of speech. Jesse knew them all too well, just didn’t want to believe it.
“Gabe...?” He whispered, eyes wide, feeling vulnerable in a way he hadn’t since he was seventeen, tied up by Blackwatch in Deadlock Gorge.
“Not anymore.” Reaper growled, finger tightening on his shotgun. The blast was louder than all the others to Jesse’s ears, a spray of red mixed with black splattering on the ground, Genji joining it as he was dropped. 
The gunslinger could only watch, time not moving the way it was supposed to. Reaper walked towards him, Jesse unable to see anything but how he had the same stride as Gabe. How he held his shotgun the same as it leveled with the cowboy’s face again.
“Last chance. Take Shimada and leave. Don’t try anything sneaky, or he’ll bleed out before you can get him back to your base in time.”
Jesse stared up at him, the blank mask, the barrel of the shotgun. He nodded numbly. Following orders, just like he used to. Body moving on autopilot while his mind was still stuck in the past. 
Jesse went to Genji, picking him up with an arm around his waist, the other keeping Genji’s arm over his shoulder. He could hear the ninja’s voice, but the words escaped him. Only the slightly robotic hum as he left the bunker.
“We need evac, now.”
His own voice this time, calm and quiet. Jesse didn’t recognize it.
“Copy that, drop ship is inbound. ETA five minutes.”
He blinked slowly, staring straight ahead as he trudged up the sand dune.
“Jesse, wait.”
So much like Deadlock Gorge. 
Jesse stopped, breathing unevenly. Genji placed a hand on his chest, visor tilted up at him.
“Are you okay...?” The ninja asked softly. Far to concerned about him considering his own state. 
Jesse’s eyes dropped to the sand at his feet, the way the grains shifted over his boots with the faint breeze. His vision swam.
“I...Don’t know.”
Just a graze. That’s what Dr. Ziegler had said, just a graze. The healing should have gone faster, but the wounds lingered. No one knew why. Genji was confined to bed, though, he was able to at least stay in his own. Jesse hardly left his side. 
Neither spoke of what had happened at the end of their meeting with Reaper, not yet. Jesse wasn’t ready, and Genji stayed quiet for his sake. It had been two days. Jesse had closed himself off, keeping his thoughts and feelings hidden, clutched to his chest. Fragile. 
The ninja was laying in bed, a bored look on his face as he stared at the ceiling. All his armour was off, just the smooth synth skin and bits of metal that couldn’t be removed left. Jesse’s fingers traced over the scars on his right arm absently, eyes not really focused on anything in particular.
“Jesse, we should talk about this.” Genji suddenly spoke up. His voice was gentle, but firm at the same time. Jesse knew the tone, the one that meant he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He sighed quietly.
“I know...”
“You’ve hardly said a word to me since we got back.”
“I know.”
“So talk to me. It doesn���t have to be everything, but you need to let those thoughts out. I want to help.”
“I know!” Jesse snapped, closing his eyes and taking a little breath before softening.
“I-I know, darlin’.”
Genji sat up with a slight wince, turning to face Jesse, legs crossing. He took the cowboy’s hands in his own, thumbs rubbing little circles over the backs of them.
“You are not alone anymore, Jesse. I am here for you.”
That simple promise cracked the foundations of the wall Jesse had put up, making it all too easy to topple. Tears slid down his cheeks, unbidden, his hands shaking in Genji’s grasp. It took him a moment to gather his thoughts, his sharp inhale too loud in the otherwise silent room.
“Gen...It was him. I-It was Gabe. He’s alive, he’s still out there—!” Jesse’s voice cut off with a choked sound, Genji squeezing his hands. Waiting patiently. Jesse was thankful for it.
“I thought...We all thought he’d died. They—We lost so many...But him, of all people. Reaper. He’s Reaper. Has been this whole time, Gen, he’s with fucking Talon! I never thought—He would never. Gabe was...”
“He was the best man I ever knew, why has he turned into this...Wraith? A murderer. A traitor, of all things! I don’t understand what happened to him! There’s so much I regret not doing for him, and now, seeing that he’s alive, that he’s workin’ against us...” Jesse trailed off, wiping his eyes quickly. 
The swirl of emotion inside him was too thick to make much sense of. He truly didn’t know how to feel. Sorrow, maybe? Betrayal, yes, there was some of that. Hurt. An odd sense of relief. Fear, even.
“I was not as close to him as you were, but I know that is not the man we knew. Whatever happened to him, it changed him. He is Reaper now, and we must treat him like that. An enemy. He wants to kill us.”
“He didn’t, though. He had us both in point blank range, but he didn’t shoot.”
“I’m pretty sure he shot me, Jess.” Genji frowned, gesturing to his stomach, still wrapped in bandages.
“No, I mean, he didn’t shoot to kill. If he wanted us dead, we would have been dead. He took us both out like that,” Jesse snapped his fingers to illustrate, brows furrowing.
“But he didn’t kill us.”
“It’s not him, Jesse.”
“He let us go! He recognized us—”
Genji’s hands went to Jesse’s shoulders, dark eyes steeped in gold boring into his own.
“That is not Reyes. Reyes died in that explosion, and Reaper is what crawled from the remains.”
Jesse looked away, lips pressing together tightly. He knew Genji was right, but there was a part of him that wanted to believe Reyes was still there. A part of him that still dared to hope. 
Genji’s brows furrowed, reading the gunslinger’s eyes.
“Not believing it will only hurt you more in the end. And I am tired of seeing you hurting. You deserve to heal, to be content.” Genji told him, pressing a kiss to Jesse’s fingers, stubble scratching them lightly. 
The cowboy cupped Genji’s cheek, leaning in to press their foreheads together.
“I just wish things had been different...”
“As do I. But lamenting about the past will not help the future.”
“Yeah...Where’d you get all this wisdom?”
Genji smiled softly, humming.
“Mm, Zenyatta truly works wonders.”
Jesse chuckled quietly, pressing a kiss to Genji’s lips. The cowboy then let his head sink to Genji’s shoulder, resting in the crook of his neck. Genji toyed with his hair with one hand, the other still holding Jesse’s in his lap, fingers laced.
It was quiet for a few minutes, Jesse’s thoughts not a complete jumble for the first time since Reaper revealed himself. There was still a pressing matter, though.
“We need to tell the team.” He mumbled, Genji’s hand halting its movement.
“Yes, we do. But I want you to just rest tonight, Jesse. We can figure that out tomorrow.”
Jesse nodded. Genji leaned back, taking them both down to the mattress, Jesse careful of his wounds. He was tired, and the next day was sure to be another difficult one. 
But for tonight, Jesse felt he could rest a little easier.
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kee-writestrashh · 7 years
Guns for Hire
Ramsay Bolton x Reader fic
ao3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12036195/chapters/27410529
Chapter 8: Christmas Blues
A ray of sunlight across your face woke you up. You peeked your eye open, Ramsay still passed out beside you, his arm wrapped around you. His busted watch on the bedside table said it was 10:30.
Slowly you eased his arm off you and slid out of bed. He shifted and you froze, watching him. You weren’t sure why but being awake before him made you feel apprehensive. He didn’t like it. Said it made him worry. You weren’t sure what he meant by that.
You crossed the room and quietly opened your bag, rummaging around for clothes. You closed the bathroom door as silently as you could.
The hot water pouring over you seemed to ease your aching body and relax you.
You were sitting on the bathroom counter halfway through your make up when Ramsay walked in. You glanced at him through the mirror. He looked awful, one eye tired and the other swollen halfway shut, and bloody where it should of been white.
He ran his tongue over his bottom lip but said nothing as he turned on the shower. He rested his chin on your back, wrapping his uninjured arm around your middle as he waited on the water to warm up.
“How do you feel?” You asked timidly, after you finished running the blush over your cheeks.
He gave a small grunt and pulled away from you, stepping into the shower.
You met a plump and kindly looking woman in the kitchen. This was your new mother in law. Walda. ‘Fat Walda’ Ramsay said mockingly when he had told you. She was considerably younger than Roose. She couldn’t be more than 9 or 10 years older than you, you’d put her at a solid 35, while Roose was in his mid 50s. Buy hey, more power to her. Had a sugar daddy. Good for her. She seemed kind and always wore a genuine smile in the pictures you saw on Facebook and Instagram.
“Breakfast, dear?” She asked you. You gave a nod. She knew who you were and you her, so there was really no need for a formal introduction.
“Whatever you want, I’ll have the cook prepare. You can wait in the dining room if you’d like. No need for you to be cooking. I’m sure you’re exhausted. Roose said you came in around three this morning.”
Again you nodded. “Thank you. Just some eggs and toast will do.” You smiled, leaving the kitchen to the dining room.
There sat Roose and Ramsay. You’d never know they were father and son. They weren’t similar in anything, except a few habits; constantly checking the time and that same calculating look. They were deep in conversation and you frowned taking your seat beside Ramsay, who had already started drinking.
“(Y/n).” Roose said, inclining his head slightly as a way of greeting.
“Good morning.” You smiled kindly, as Ramsay snorted into his glass.
You glared at him. “A bit early for drinking, don’t you think?”
Ramsay sat the glass down and returned your icy glare. “It’s five o'clock somewhere.”
You pursed your lips and pulled your phone from your pocket. Time to catch up on drama and rumors from the night before. Nothing overly interesting, but many shares from the “wild west style shoot out” that was being linked to gang violence and rivalry were plastered and shared all over your feed.
Walda took her seat beside her husband and Ramsay caught your eye giving an evil smirk. You rolled your eyes, setting your phone down on the table and clearing your throat.
“So, um, Rams and I have some exciting news. Come summer we will be a family of three.”
Walda gave an excited gasp, bringing her hand up to her mouth and smiling. “How wonderful!”
Roose ran his pale eyes over you and his son, giving a small nod. “Congratulations.”
Ramsay raised his glass in toast to himself before downing the contents.
You gave a smile despite yourself. Every time you thought about it more excitement built inside if you. It was like your heart could sing.
“How long are you staying?” Walda asked.
“Until Christmas dinner is over.” Ramsay said.
Roose nodded, resting his fingers together. “Speaking of, we are having dinner tonight. Your men need to be here.”
Ramsay gave a small nod, shifting in his seat to pull out his cigarettes and lighter. You glanced him over. It was strange to see him so casual. Jeans and a simple shirt. He was usually semi-formal, but it was nice to be reminded he was a regular guy from time to time.
“You should let Doctor Walkin see to your cuts, son.” Roose said, running his eyes over Ramsay’s face slowly.
“Eh, maybe later. But I think my shoulder is fucked. No air bags is not recommended. Might as well been on my bike.” Ramsay mumbled through his cigarette as he lit it.
“And we are sure it was the Lions?” Roose asked, frowning in distaste at his son.
Ramsay nodded, “at least the little bitch boy’s men. Fucking cunt. What is he now, like twenty one?”
“As if you have room to talk.” Roose said coldly.
Ramsay gave a shrug, “someone has to keep things wild.”
Roose scowled, “And now we have whatever this is going on. We were a clean, underground operation Ramsay.”
“And now look, at least five times as much money comes in.”
A plate of breakfast foods was set in front of you and you gave a small sigh. You were starving.
“But you’re letting things get out if hand. Control yourself and your men or I will put an end to it. You’ve really made a mess of the last forty eight hours.” Roose said, picking up his knife and fork.
Ramsay leaned back in his chair, puffing up. You cringed slightly, waiting on him to explode, but it didn’t come.
“Just give me the time to put an end to that little bitch and I’ll back off.”
You gave your husband a side long look, unsure what to think. But you were willing to bet he was lying.
The rest of breakfast passed in silence. Ramsay had hardly touched his food. You frowned when he rose from his chair to leave.
He said nothing to you as he left the room. It stung. He never ignored you or missed an opportunity to play up the perfect gentleman.
You excused yourself and hurried off after your husband.
“Baby?” You asked quietly, pushing the bedroom door open.
Ramsay lay face down on the bed, breathing deeply.
“Everything okay?”
You placed your hand gingerly on his shoulder and he recoiled away from you with a hiss.
He gave a nod, “find me some tabs or something.” His words were muffled in the pillow.
You nodded to yourself and left the room, wandering until you found a maid.
“Can I help you miss?” She asked kindly.
“Yeah, Ramsay needs, uhm, extensive pain management.” You said rather awkwardly.
“Right away miss. It will be brought to him.” She hurried away.
You wandered the house for awhile more before entering a room full of boxes.
You peered into the closest box. It was full of Christmas decorations. You smiled to yourself, shifting the decorations around.
You pulled your phone out and opened a Christmas playlist, determined to decorate the bleak place.
Slowly, you drug everything to the large living room and began pulling things out and humming along to the songs as you hung tinsel and stockings along the mantle.
Walda walked in and scared you on accident.
“What are you doing?” She asked in a quiet voice, almost afraid.
You gave her a long look and then smiled, “we are going to have Christmas. Whether the men like it or not. Fuck them and their shitty holiday spirits. We need a tree. Largest one you can get.”
Walda gave a dazed nod and left.
Two hours later three men brought in a large spruce and set it in the corner you had designated for the Christmas tree.
“Thank you, gentlemen.” You said cheerily pulling a tangle of lights from a box.
You were standing on tiptoe hanging ornaments when Ramsay’s voice sounded behind you.
“What are you doing?” He asked, glancing around.
You squeaked and turned around. You gave him a strange look. Did people not understand what decorating meant? You gestured to the tree as you took him in. His eyes we glassy, arm in a sling, looking disheveled and yet like he didn’t care about anything at this particular moment.
Ramsay gave you an uncharacteristically soft look and walked over to you, taking the ornament from your hand and hanging it in the place you were trying to reach.
You gave a warm smile, picking up a box of more ornaments.
You did more watching than decorating as Ramsay hung the ornaments on the tree and belted out the songs. You smiled to yourself, situating the skirt around the bottom of the tree. When you stood up again, Ramsay was holding out the angel tree topper.
You took it, glancing up at the tree. He keeled down.
“Up ya get.” He said.
You slung your leg around his neck as he gripped your thighs with his good hand. You shifted your weight off his shoulder as he stood up. With a bit of difficulty you managed to get the topper on the tree.
You slid carefully from his shoulders and took a step back, examining the tree. Ramsay looped his arm around you shoulders, placing a cigarette between his lips.
“Father will be pissed. I love it.” He chuckled as the household butler came in.
You both turned to look at the man.
“Master Ramsay, Damon is here to see you.” The man said, bowing in Damon and his new wife.
'Trash.’ you thought to yourself taking the woman in. She looked like a back alley crank whore. She might have been very pretty if she didn’t engage in drug use. At least Damon had dressed her nice for the dinner.
Ramsay left your side and gripped Damon’s hand. Both men looked a real mess, but Ramsay had clearly gotten the worst of the impact.
“(Y/n), this is Charlotte.” Damon said, giving you a nod.
You hitched a smile, “pleasure.” You shook the woman’s hand politely, your skin crawling.
“Nice to finally meet you.” She said with a stupid smile. She and Damon had had a private ceremony in Sin City, where he had met her just a few hours before. Ramsay had laughed himself silly when he found out about it.
“So, uh, the babe here needs a little pick me up.” Damon said to Ramsay, who gave a nod.
“How much?” Your husband asked, taking your hand and leading you to the couch.
“Two should be good for a few days.” Damon said, sitting on the seat opposite.
Ramsay nodded and left you alone in the room with the guests.
You stared at your lap, picking at your nails, feeling the gaze of the whore on you.
“Congratulations, by the way. Ramsay told us Friday night after all that shit at the bar.” Damon spoke up, shrugging out of his jacket.
You looked up at him and smiled, “Thank you. We’re pretty excited.”
“I can tell.” Damon chuckled, as Ramsay reentered the room with a plastic baggie and a tray.
He exchanged both for a wad of cash.
You watched Damon situate the tray, preparing a line of the fine white powder. Ramsay sat beside you, lacing his fingers in yours after pocketing the cash.
“So what are we going to do about the bar? I mean that’s a big blow to our profit.” Damon asked, sliding the tray into the woman’s lap and stuffing the bag in his pocket.
Ramsay glanced at you, waiting on your answer. But you were too busy watching the woman snort the powder, licking the tray clean after she had inhaled most of the substance. Ramsay nudged you and gave you a look.
“Well” you said slowly, slightly taken aback that your opinion on the subject mattered, “Oly and I want to rebuild. Something big. With all it was insured for we have the money to build the biggest bar in the city. Maybe run girls and drugs out of it.”
“There you have it then. Rebuilding. Alcohol, drugs, bitches, and money. Doesn’t get much better than a one stop shop.” Ramsay said, lighting another cigarette And taking a long drag, “Where are the rest of the boys?”
“Dunno. But, it’s only five. They’ll be here.” Damon said, wrapping his arm around Charlotte.
“They better be. I don’t condone tardiness. How are the two kids?”
“Paid them nicely and set em up with plenty to keep them sedated until they aren’t sore anymore.”
You rose from the chair and walked across the room. A newspaper clipping had caught your eye, pinned to a board. You felt Ramsay’s gaze on you as you unpinned the article.
Mafia Related Assassination the headline read, with a picture of Ramsay’s brother’s old house surrounded by caution tape and a group of cops.
'Domeric Bolton, heir to Bolton Ammunitions & Fire Arms, and his wife were found dead execution style in their home late Saturday….’
You pulled the picture closer to your face and squinted at one cop. You knew that face. Realization hit you and you gasped. You hurried back over to Ramsay and thrust the paper in his face.
“What about it?” He asked, shoving your hand away.
“This cop. Look at him. It’s the Greyjoy!” You practically shouted, unfolding the rest of the article and glossing over the words until you saw his name. “Listen. Officer Theon Greyjoy was first on the scene and gave our journalist’s information that the assault on the family was a merciless inside job.”
Ramsay ripped the article from your hands, his eyes narrowing at the article.
“Mother fucker.” He muttered, rising from his chair. He gave you an excited look, his eyes glittering in a psychotic way. “But, go get ready for dinner. I’m sure Fat Walda can find you a dress.”
“Baby doll, I need help.” Ramsay said from the room.
You stepped out of the bathroom to find Ramsay struggling to fix his tie. You suppressed a grin as you walked over to him to straighten his tie and smooth out his dinner jacket.
“That sling really clashes with the tie.” You said, with a laugh.
Ramsay scowled, but gave a small shrug.
“Well, now I need your help.” You added, turning your back to Ramsay. He slowly zipped the back of your dress. You waited for a sexual touch or even remark, but nothing came as you sat on the edge of the bed to pull on a pair of heels.
Dinner was a very crowded affair. Many men and their wives, lovers, and/or whores filled the large dining room.
Some men old, some younger. All at different levels and statuses within the hierarchy, but all as equally involved.
You sat between Ramsay and Damon, much to your displeasure. You preoccupied yourself with toying with Ramsay’s hand, bored with the men’s arguing and tuning them out.
Ramsay danced his fingers under your dress and you felt yourself longing for him. You shifted in your seat, giving your husband a dirty look. He didn’t look back at you, but pretended to be interested in the conversation he was engaged in with his father and a man you only knew by Karstark.
Ramsay moved his hand further up your leg, his fingers inching ever closer to your entrance. He gave you a frown when he reached the thin fabric of your underwear before turning his attention back to his father.
You picked up your glass to get a drink, inhaling a loud gasp, choking on your drink as you felt Ramsay roughly shove his first two fingers inside you.
You were suddenly aware of every eye on you. An egg could have probably been fried on your face by how hot you suddenly became in embarrassment.
“Something you’d like to say dear?” Karstark asked, eyeing you resentfully.
You set your glass down and rolled your shoulders forward, “No sir. I apologize. I have a sore throat. Just a bit scratchy.” You lied, your face burning hotter.
You saw Ramsay chew his lip, suppressing a smirk, his eyes glittering, relishing in your embarrassment. God, how you could kill the fucker. He made a deep movement inside of you. You shifted, taking a deep breath, and another sip of your water.
“A sore throat, huh?” Ramsay panted, pushing you into the wall and kissing along the curve of your neck. “I’ll give you a sore throat.”
You clutched at his back, pulling him closer to you, “you are an evil man. Why would you…” but your words were lost as your husband took your bottom lip between his teeth.
You let out a small moan in his mouth as Roose cleared his throat. Ramsay pulled away from you and turned to his father.
“You wanted to speak with me, son?” Roose said, glancing at his watch.
“Yeah, I had an interesting conversation at the police station yesterday.” Ramsay said, grabbing your hand and leading you to the living room.
There sat Ben and Damon with their women. Roose made a noise in the back of his throat when he glanced around the festive room, but said nothing as he took his seat by the fire. He propped his elbows up on the arms of the high backed chair and waited while Ramsay poured himself a glass of whiskey and took a seat beside you.
“I was basically offered amnesty by Stark.” Your husband said, setting his glass down on the coffee table.
Roose leaned forward slightly, “meaning?”
“He came in and spoke to me before letting me go. Said his officers are being targeted and we could possibly work together. Said he could bring me Dom’s killer.” Ramsay went on.
“What are you proposing, son?”
You watched Ramsay from the corner of your eye.
“Give me free rein, father. Let me do it my way. Double cross the cops. Let me mirk the Lannister’s and I can bring you the man who killed my brother.” Ramsay said, pulling the newspaper article from his breast pocket and slamming it down on the table.
Roose pierced Ramsay with the same calculating look you often got from your husband.
“How can I know you wouldn’t send us all to our graves?” Roose asked, rising from his chair.
Ramsay clenched his jaw, and gave a bitter laugh. “Trust me.”
“I did once, Ramsay. It resulted in two separate six foot holes in the ground.” Roose said striding past you, snatching up the article.
Ramsay stood abruptly. You felt the anger pouring from him.
“That wasn’t me!” He shouted, kicking over the coffee table, glass shattering and whiskey seeping into the white carpet.
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