#He doesn't need to fight to show he's a worthy companion or go off on some crazy adventure on his own
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Ravenous about the fact that Super Paper Mario actually ties off the loose ends of Mario and Luigi's character dynamic in Paper Mario 64. Mario goes from leaving his brother behind out of worry to leaving his brother behind... reluctant every step of the way... because he trusts him and cares enough about Luigi to show that he trusts him. It's like poetry, it rhymes, listen-
#Super Paper Mario#Paper Mario#Paper Luigi#Dimentio#Pape Mario 64#and then RIGHT AFTERWARD Luigi gets transformed into a world-ending monstrosity#and after he's returned to normal he is absent for the next few games before coming back waaay more chill about helping his bro.#But I don't think it was that horrific experience itself that made him lose his over-the-top determination to prove himself#... I think it was this conversation#The ''Super Dimentio'' trauma led him to be willingly absent from the next few adventures#but this moment of understanding between him and Mario is why Luigi's so happy and casual after he emerges from the gloom#He doesn't need to fight to show he's a worthy companion or go off on some crazy adventure on his own#he doesn't need to prove himself anymore#he knows now that his brother trusts him. He knows his brother sees him as capable#and that's all he's ever wanted really
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Does this orc romance journey mean we might get orc 141 and reader thoughts???
See now I think the way the 141 lures in a nice human woman to fuck would be that not all of them are orcs.
Ghost and Soap are and they are mean looking fuckers. Ghost is covered in battle scars and is just unimaginably huge, Soap is so clearly a warrior with how his hair is shaved at the side with the top braided in a fighter's style.
But Price is a rough yet regal looking human man, the kind that is contracted to act as a guard for nice, noble women. Elven Gaz had thought it would be how they'd find a woman for all of them, that one of these nobles would take Price's eye and they could steal her away. After all he may enjoy how rough his three companions are, but part of him still misses a gentler touch, a more feminine energy to balance it all out.
It is not a noble woman in the end. There is one Price thinks to test, to introduce to his orcs. He doesn't love her, but she certainly is pretty to look at and perhaps the haughty arrogance might please his elf (it would not, Gaz is not much like his kin in taste).
Imagine Soap's surprise when he goes to grab this woman as Price is making a show of fighting off Ghost to see her reaction and he ends up with a knitting needle jammed into his side by her quiet mouse of a ladies maid. He is in love just from that, even as Ghost drags him away so Price can look the conquering hero he is twitterpated entirely, holding the bleeding wound in his side in a lovers caress.
Price pays attention to this maid afterwards having never truly looked her way before. He finds her clever, witty and scrappy as all hell. She is not the delicate beauty of her mistress but he comes to find his heart starts to race at the sight of her anyway. He discovers she grew up the eldest of 10 children to a poor family and that this position was one she clawed her way up to in order to support them as best she could. She makes such a good ladies maid because she can more or less do everything. It's her resourcefulness he falls for, how any task she is given she will find a way to deliver and not expect praise or adulation.
Gaz can't help but be curious when Price talks about her and decides to verify these claims, visiting the family home to find she was truthful. Her younger siblings are fascinated by his ears while her parents try to do their best to be worthy hosts of a visiting elf. They are crude peasants, their hovel small and messy and the food they serve not fit for even the lowest elf. But somehow he cannot help but feel such a pang of warmth from how they treat him like family even though he is only a stranger who was passing by and asked for shelter. He does not need to meet the girl to fall in love with her, he only needs to hear how her family talks about her.
It drives Ghost into a foul mood as the months go on and all his mates can fucking talk about is some useless human girl. He never wanted a woman with them, was rather hoping they'd get over this notion eventually. He means to ruin her, breaking into her room by cover of night and holding her to the bed while he undoes his trousers. He tries to shove himself down her throat and she damn near bites his prick off. Bloody mouthed and scowling she fights her fear and will not submit as he assumed she would so easily. He barks at her about how he will bloody her cunt with his now bloody cock. He does not in the end, only because he falls for her the moment she barks back that she will bite his bloody cock clean off even while he can scent the flood of arousal between her legs from the idea of him taking her. He decides then that he will have this human woman only when she begs for him and he will do whatever he damn well must to make that happen.
#mhairidrabbles#mhairianswers#I just like the idea of this rejected pack of creatures#like any orc or elf would find them deplorable for touching someone of the other race#and even worse they take orders from a human? it is unthinkable to their kin
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My brain at 3 am:
Alucard's relationships with Seras and Integra in both animated versions of the series tells you a lot about his character and the differences between each version of him.
When you really think about it, Alucard in Hellsing (2001) actually gave Seras a clear choice by telling her what he would do to kill the evil vampire and his offer, waiting for her answer before going through with the gunshot. Throughout the whole fight Seras was firmly within the grasp of the evil vampire so there was little for Alucard to do to save her besides this offer based off the limits to his powers he had in this version of the series. It was most likely a rare sense of compassion that drove Alucard to give this small human a chance to live and be guided by his presence. This is shown throughout the show as he maturely and calmly walks her through the process and looks over her choices on her journey. He silently watches over the choices she makes by drinking blood or not, rejecting his blood, and lets her freely discover/adapt to her new life.

Ultimate however paints a different picture. The Alucard we know in Ultimate is much more selfish, emotionally immature, and heavily basks in his bloodlust and insanity, even moreso than Alucard 2001. Seras was out of the grasp of the evil vampire when Alucard appeared as a distraction in this scene. If he was really concerned with saving her he would have immediately dispatched the evil vampire and let her go on her way. I deduce he already planned, at least subconciously, to have Seras make the impossible choice to die or become a vampire like him. He saw how Seras fought back when faced with the evil vampire's threats to assault and enslave her and decided then she was worthy of being a proper vampire by his side. Like he says, it was a contemplative moment of whimsy and slight compassion, but moreso that selfish side of Ultimate Alucard coming through in wanting a companion of sorts after years of solitude.
This is why unlike 2001, he is a lot more frustrated and exasperated with her choice to not drink blood or free herself of his power over her. He wanted to have someone equal by his side, an equal ally to walk the night with, but ended up with a pseudo daughter-student-servant of sorts who was strangely HAPPY remaining by his side under him. He's frustrated but also fascinated at her stubbornly trying to cling to her humanity despite having the means to become all powerful like him. Unlike 2001, he slowly, gradually becomes the parental support Seras really needed instead of the master to slave relationship they have on paper. He is eventually willing to teach her on her terms while nudging her not to just be powerful for his own desire, but to step up to what she is now that she's no longer human. It is the best path he sees for her growth as a person.
It's why he gives her that endearing head pat after she wipes out the army invading the manor. Despite still not drinking his blood, he sees her at her full potential and contentment with her place under him and is happy for her, fully seeing her as her own person with her own goals in life that differ from his own. Not drinking human blood legitimately hurt her which was unacceptable and unsustainable, while not drinking his blood in particular was ok in the end, something he comes to terms with, because being connected to him is what she wants.
His relationship with Integra in 2001 is very strictly master to servant with Alucard holding a deep sense of undying loyalty and respect for the mostly stoic and pragmatic Integra. Rarely will Integra show affection to Alucard on a human level, at least obviously. She is more cold and decisive, telling Alucard he doesn't make decisions after Alucard tells her he wants Seras to be transferred into their organization. Despite this, Alucard is still devoted and caring towards her, telling Seras how strong Integra is for potentially sacrificing her life to not become a vampire. The bond they have is still powerful and deep, as her meeting with Alucard largely remained the same in both versions. She went from a brave but not completely fearless little girl with the guts to declare herself his master after witnessing his massacre of her uncle's guards, to the fearless and capable leader he now serves happily.
In Ultimate however, their relationship is much warmer as it shows her accommodating him with luxuries like a private jet and his own hotel room, smirking and bantering with him back and forth, and not shutting him down when concerning Seras, instead asking him about his choice. She is much more curious to understand him despite still seeing him as her servant and weapon to her organization. This warmth and compassion is also extended to Seras who she offers her own blood to. Alucard is also completely devoted and loyal to Integra, but the professional line between them is a bit more blurred. He holds a strange desire to see Integra bask in the same bloodlust he feels, to lose herself to the insanity of battle and bloodshed- having the AUDACITY to tell her he got aroused by her orders, then asking her, his master, whether or not she got turned on by his actions at her command. It shows a deeper desire for her that is not clearly defined as romantic, but definitely charged in a way 2001 was not. This Alucard's insanity and lust for battle consumes him much more than 2001 Alucard. He is always trigger happy to the point of making it everyone else's problem. It's his emotional immaturity coming through because- who the fuck asks something like that to anybody??? 2001 Alucard strictly respects Integra on an intellectual level while Ultimate Alucard,,,holds something that goes deeper into his carnal desires. Selfish little asshole that throws a tantrum when his battles don't end the way he likes, accidentally taking out his emotions on his surrogate daughter, feeling regret and remorse 2001 Alucard has not because of his patience and emotional maturity in regards to those important to him.
By the end of Ultimate, Alucard the selfish, emotionally immature, crazy man child that he is, displays his firm possessiveness over both Seras and Integra to Walter to taunt, belittle, and degrade him for the hell of it. To feel petty superiority.
-then I wake up and think about all of this all over again 🥴🥴🥴
#seriously its a PROBLEM i listen to the OP on repeat everyday 🥴✋️✋️✋️#im also listening to the songs from the damn abridged series 24/7 😭😭😭#ready to die and party party party#hellsing#alucard#integra fairbrook wingates hellsing#seras victoria#sidrabbles
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I have lots of complex thoughts after rewatching Citizen Fang. This is going to cover Dean, Sam, Benny, Dean and Benny, Sam and Amelia.
Sam is being meddling and intrusive about Benny and I know if Dean were doing this to him, Sam would chafe about it. And claim Dean was being oppressive. Both of them can get on each other’s nerves in that way so this is in no way me throwing Sam into the fire. I love Sam and feel for his pov but that doesn't mean Sam is some perfect soul who is never controlling, pushy, or a pain in the butt little brother.
Dean refusing to condemn Benny on circumstantial evidence. “I got history with the guy, okay? I’m not signing up for a witch hunt.” Dean has faith in his friends <3 Oh my heart. I liked Dean and Benny so much.
Sam at least eases up and is less racing to make the kill than Martin Creaser, who seems somewhat unhinged. He has his own problems. Sam at least tries to give Dean time to prove Benny’s innocence. He sees Dean cares about Benny and he does respect that Dean wouldn't do that for no reason.
I honestly feel sad for Sam and Amelia. After so much loss, Sam found someone he connected with and someone he wanted to spend time with long term. They enjoyed just being, together. Sam was running from himself and his old life and his trauma and his grief but that doesn't mean his feelings were real. Amelia likewise was grieving and brittle and clearly had trouble trusting people, and she softened for Sam, Sam got through her walls. Sam and Amelia did need each other at the time they found each other. There's no intent there to say the relationship wasn't real, it's more about the circumstances and their reasons for getting into that relationship--running away isn't sustainable
“Benny has never let me down” Dean isn’t under any supernatural influence when he says it this time. Sam's insecurities about having let Dean down are eating Sam alive and I get why Sam is defensive and knee jerking about the Dean and Benny friendship--that doesn't make it right how pushy Sam gets about interfering. Insecure little brother unable to process that his big brother has other companions. Sam is hitching a lot of his self worth to Dean. It’s not just Dean who does that with “watch after Sam.” Sam’s drive to prove himself, to prove he's just as good as Dean, and worthy of Dean's love and respect sends Sam spinning off in the wrong direction more than once over the course of the series and it drives him farther away from Dean instead of closer.
My criticism of bro bond dynamics in general aren't because I dislike the bro bond. On the contrary, I love their sibling bond, and therefore, the things they do that sow conflict between them, the ways they hurt each other, bothers me and I root for them to communicate better, to grow and change together, to be there for each other not tear each other apart <333 That would entail growth. That would require them not to merely love each other but have self-awareness. Siblings are going to siblings. Siblings fight. I'm not expecting it to be perfect all the time, either. But SPN shows over and over again the consequences of their actions with each other and how love itself is not enough.
“A brother chooses a vampire over a brother? I know how I’d feel”—Wow Martin's really stirring the pot and it's baiting Sam even more deeply into his spiral. Martin's not exactly playing with a full deck and is eager to prove himself so he's racing for the kill, and I think he is observant enough to be deliberately playing Sam for his own purposes. Martin desperately wants to kill a vampire and that's all that matters to him. He's not a reliable narrator.
Dean faking the text from Amelia to get Sam out of the way wasn't a good move. I understand Sam was a danger to Benny and Dean was desperate. But while I think Dean was wrong to do that, the way Sam was behaving is what led Dean to have to resort to that tactic, since Sam wasn't willing to listen. Where Dean did nothing wrong was making a friend and caring about his friend, and Sam is incredibly hard on Dean for it. After Sam didn’t even look for Dean and abandoned him to Purgatory, to boot-- and that’s the real crux of it for Sam. He's putting on a big brave self-righteous pushy front, but deep down it’s about his own feelings of guilt and his heartbreak that he let Dean down. It's all understandable. But he shouldn’t take that out on Dean and his friendships. And Dean shouldn’t be faking text messages to Sam. Good communication? What's that?
Benny saving Dean, then tempted by Dean’s blood, but saving Dean again because Benny's strong enough not to act on it. Dean is safe with Benny. In fact any human is so long as they aren't threatening Benny's only remaining family and setting out to behead Benny just for existing and being a vampire, and he's not feeding on humans.
“Guys like us, we don’t get a home. We don’t get family” oh oh this episode. Dean is relating himself to Benny, feeling empathy with a vampire, and it's a poignant for Dean and Benny, it’s also heartbreakingly about Dean yet again voicing his beliefs on what he can’t have. About Dean’s perception of himself, his lack of hope. Guys like them, they don't get to have things. Interesting that it's Benny who has to point out Dean has Sam. And Dean knows he has Sam, so clearly Dean was thinking of things other than just being able to hunt with his brother, even if he's glad he has Sam.
“Amelia, you saved me” and she did just that. They found each other when they needed each other.
Dean, sure he’s saved his friend, singing along in the car, “I feel all right” MY HEART.
Dean being so gentle with Liz when he finds her shaken up and bloodied on the porch. It's such a little moment but says so much about Dean.
Martin, supposedly one of the good guys, because he's a hunter, was willing to hurt Liz, an innocent, and take her captive to lure and entrap Benny and his intention was to slaughter an innocent, now living as a clean vampire Benny. Martin in recovery from mental health issues and Benny a recovering addict. They have things in common. But Martin only sees his need to kill and can only see Benny as a killer. Benny's actions against Martin to save Liz and his own existence were self defense. The problem is the way Benny's addiction works, once he's had blood directly from a human body again, he may not be able to stop, but he will try. Addicts need support and help. Benny's intentions are very clear, and he's making choices to be a conscientious vampire. It's choices that define you not what you are.
The only outright monstrous figure in this episode was Desmond, a vampire who clearly had absolutely no regrets about being a completely monstrous vampire, and was manipulative trying to coerce Benny into his nest to boot. Desmond carries a big share of culpability.
Don turning out to be a good guy who talks to Sam respectfully, and respects Amelia’s autonomy, and respects that Sam truly cares for Amelia, while Amelia assumes Don would threaten Sam, was another nicely layered note.
Benny’s story is so so sad and I love Benny and his relationship with Dean and I'm so sad now.
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@korla-the-kenku said: I get you don't want to take too long getting to the main story. That said, I love every little thing you give us, so maybe consider doing several companion shorts? (And obviously share anything here that doesn't ultimately get added!)
For the most part, what I'm cutting is stuff that, like, doesn't add to the entertainment value of the story. Like I said in this post—compacting the "plot relevant" things in order to keep in things like "Bill sticks his fork in his eye, more than once."
I think a lot of people assume that directly plot-relevant stuff is the "real story" and that the fun goofy moments are "filler", and so if I say I'm cutting anything, it's going to be the fun "filler" scenes (which would make sense to be saved for companion shorts!). But to me, the "filler" is the stuff that shows characters in their full vibrancy, where their personalities and relationships with each other shine and grow. That's what I want to keep in.
When I'm looking for stuff to cut, my first priority is slimming down the things that are necessary to make the story comprehensible, but tedious to the reader. So—fake example—if I have a scene that says:
He decided to make lunch. He cleared a bunch of bowls off his cluttered stove, turned on the burner, and while it was heating found a pot and filled it with water. Then he took out his spaghetti and searched the pantry for a jar of marinara sauce...
and it goes on like that for six paragraphs, but nothing HAPPENS during lunch that's interesting, BUT you need to know that he ate for some sort of plot-relevant reason, then I can delete that waste of time and be like,
He had lunch.
If anything happened during lunch that's interesting and gives you insight into his character (maybe I want you to know that his stove is cluttered! Maybe I want you to know that spaghetti is his go-to lunch!) then I can be like,
He shuffled aside just enough of the clutter built up on his stove to make yet another lunch of spaghetti.
You get the interesting details without a step-by-step plodding description of how spaghetti is made.
So, I probably won't be doing "companion shorts," because if I've got a little moment that's funny/interesting enough to be worthy of showing off all by itself without the rest of the fic, those are the moments I'm fighting the hardest to keep IN the fic. If I have 300 words of "Mabel and Bill get bored while Bill is being taken prisoner and Bill lets Mabel draw a butterfly on his face" and 300 words of "the adults tie up Bill real damn secure to ensure he can't escape" and I want it to be 350 words total, I'm gonna gut the description of which chains and ropes are wrapped around which limbs and what storage room they found the ropes in, so that you can hear more about the marker butterfly.
NOW, AFTER SAYING ALL OF THAT: as I'm finishing overhauling chapters 3 and 4, I think there are a few interesting tidbits that are gonna be cut out—not to "save space," but because i realized they're made redundant by things happening a couple chapters later, and so they would undermine the impact of the later scenes if I left them in. I might post some of those, since they're Good Words—they just don't work with the fic structure!
anyway when I'm gnawing my finger over a 3100-word scene, it's not because I'm worried the scene is TOO long; it's because I'm worried it's UNNECESSARILY long.
This is part of the first few chapters of a much longer fic; it's not, in my head, part of the story itself, it's part of the setup of the story. I'm worried that wasting words on too much setup delays the start of the good stuff.
Like standing in line for a roller coaster; I'm just making the line longer.
So the questions I ask myself are "is making the readers wait this long necessary?" "What can I remove, without ripping out needed depth and substance?" "Will the story be more enjoyable if I compact or remove this part," and, conversely, "would taking out this part deprive the story of something that would have been enjoyable to read?" Should I shorten the line or should I add more fun things to look at while they're in line? (Every fun thing I add makes the line longer.)
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Duke Reviews: Thor
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We Are Continuing Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe....
As We Look At The First Movie With The God Of Thunder, Thor...
This Film Sees Thor (Played By Chris Hemsworth) Being Banished To Earth By His Father Odin After Reigniting A Dormant War, Stripped Of His Powers, Thor Seeks To Return To Asgard When His Brother, Loki (Played Memorably By Tom Hiddleston) Seeks To Take The Throne Of Asgard For Himself, Will Thor Return To Asgard In Time To Stop His Evil Brother?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Thor...
The Movie Starts At Night On The Planet Earth As Jane Foster (Played By Natalie Portman) Erik Selvig (Played By Stellan Skarsgård) And Jane's Assistant, Darcy (Played By Kat Dennings, Who Is Apparently The Jar Jar Binks Of This Film) Who Are There To Monitor Atmospheric Disturbances Which Tie Into Jane's Work...
Eventually Finding Something, They Drive Off To See Whatever It Is But When They Drive Into It They End Up Crashing Into A Guy With Blonde Hair And A Beard, This Leads To An Introduction By Odin (Played By Hannibal Lecter Himself, Sir Anthony Hopkins)
(Start At 3:02)
Showing His Sons, Thor And Loki The Casket Of Endless Winter, Thor Promises His Father That He'll Hunt Them Down And Slay Them All, However Odin Tells Him That A Wise King Does Not Seek War, But He Must Always Be Ready For It....
Years Later, Thor Is Ready To Ascend To The Throne Of Asgard With His Brother Loki And His Friends, The Warriors Three (Hogun (Played By Tadanobu Asano) Fandral (Played By Once Upon A Time's Josh Dallas) And Volstagg (Played By The Punisher)) And Lady Sif (Played By Jaime Alexander) By His Side...
But When 3 Frost Giants Break Into The Weapons Vault At Asgard, Odin Destroys Them With The Prototype Version Of Cyclops So, Him, Thor And Loki Can Come Down To See What Happened...
Seeing This As A Possible Threat To Their Boarders, Thor Suggests Going To Their Homeworld Of Jotunheim To Teach Them A Lesson So They Won't Dare Cross Their Boarders Again, However With Odin Seeing This As Just An Isolated Incident That Will Never Happen Again As The People Behind It Have Paid With Their Lives, Odin Tells Thor No...
Having A Major Temper Tantrum In The Dining Hall Because Daddy Won't Let Me Have My Way...
Loki Goes To Talk With Thor To Say That Despite What Odin Thinks He Thinks He's Right, Saying That If The Frost Giants Broke In Once, They'll Do It Again...
Which Sounds Right...
Thor Is Right, The Frost Giants Broke The Truce And They Should Be Going To War But Odin Is Like "These Things Do Happen" Bull! Something Needs To Be Done And Just Simply Raising Security Is Not Enough...
Deciding To Go To Jotunheim With Loki, Sif And The Warriors Three, They Race To The Bifrost Where They Try To Convince Heimdall (Played By Idris Elba) To Help Them, Which He Only Does Because He's Pissed Off A Frost Giant Got Passed His Watch And He Wants To Know Why...
Once On Jotunheim, They Meet The Ruler Of This Frosty Realm...
(Start At 0:17, End At 1:46)
No, No, Not Him!
This Guy, Laufey, Who Tells Thor That The House Of Odin Is Full Of Traitors, He Doesn't Know What His Actions Will Unleash And That He Should Leave Now While He Still Allows It, Which They Start To But One Lousy Frost Giant Couldn't Shut His Mouth
(Start At 2:07, End At 4:28)
Being Chased By Frost Monsters, Odin Eventually Appears To Try To Barter Peace With Laufey, But It Is Too Late And Laufey Declares War On Asgard...
Taking Them All Back To Asgard, Odin Argues With Thor About What He Has Done And For His Actions, Odin Takes Away Mijonir From Thor And Banishes Him To Earth And Sends Us Back To Where The Film Began With Jane And Her Team Finding Thor...
Believing Him To Be On Drugs Or Something, Darcy Tazers Him And They Take Him To The Hospital Only For Thor To Attack The Doctors And Nurses When He Comes To...
Meanwhile On The Other Side Of New Mexico, A Driver Comes Across A Big Crater Where Mijonir Landed And Tries To Pull It Out Only To Be Unsuccessful...
Back At Their Lab, Jane And Her Team Go Over The Data Of What Happened Last Night And Discover That Whatever It Was Had The Characteristics Of An Einstien-Rosen Bridge Otherwise Known As A Wormhole...
Coming Across A Picture Of What Looks Like A Man Inside Of The Wormhole, Jane Races To The Hospital To Get Thor...
Strapped Down After Trying To Escape By Beating The Living Hell Out Of Doctors And Nurses, Thor Somehow Manages To Break Free Before Jane And Her Team Get There...
However, When They Go To Leave, They End Up Running Thor Over Again...
Do You Just Run People Over On A Regular Basis, Jane?
Meanwhile At The Crater With Mijonir, Millions Of People Are Around The Area Trying To Get It Out Like It's The Sword In The Stone...
Hell, Even Stan Is Getting Involved...
Stan Lee Cameo!
But While Everyone Tries To Get It Out, A Car Arrives On A Hilltop, With The Driver Getting Out Of The Car, We See That It's Phil Coulson (Played By Clark Gregg) Who's There To Redo The End Credit Scene From Iron Man 2 For The People Who Didn't See The Film Which Is Most Likely The People Who Live Under A Rock Or Martin Scorsese...
Jane Gets Thor Some Clothes Along With An Easter Egg To Dr. Donald Blake, While On Asgard, The Warriors Three And Sif Are Missing Thor. However, They Soon Wonder How The Guards Found Out, This Leads Loki To Admit That He Told Them, However He Had No Idea That Odin Would Banish Thor For What He Did...
Sif Asks Loki To Convince Odin To Change His Mind But Despite Loving Thor More Than Any Of Them, Loki Knows How Arrogant, Reckless And Dangerous Thor Is And He Believes That That Is Not What Asgard Needs Right Now...
As Loki Walks Away, Hogun Remembers What Laufey Said About The House Of Odin Being Full Of Traitors, Stating That A Master Of Magic Could Bring 3 Frost Giants Into Asgard, But Sif, Fandral And Volstagg Just Dismiss The Idea...
Meanwhile In The Weapons Room In Asgard, Loki Grabs The Casket Of Endless Winter Only To Be Confronted By Odin Who Discovers That Touching It Has Briefly Transformed Loki Into A Frost Giant...
(Start At 0:50, End At 2:22)
With Loki Mad At His Father For This, Odin Soon Faints And Falls Into What He Calls The Odinsleep...
Taking Thor For Food, Him Along With Jane And Her Team Hear About A Crater Where A Satellite Crashed In The Desert, But When They Say That No One Could Lift It, Thor Knows That It's His Hammer And Asks The Gentlemen Where It Is And They Tell Thor Where It Is Only To Warn Him That Feds Showed Up...
Walking In The Middle Of The Road With Jane And Her Team Following, Thor Tells Jane That If She Helps Him Reclaim Mijonir, He'll Tell Her Everything She Needs To Know. But Selvig Tells Jane Not To Go Because He Believes Thor To Be A Delusional Nut So Jane Doesn't Go With Him And They Just Walk Off Only To Get Screwed By Coulson And S.H.I.E.L.D. Who Take Everything From Them...
And I Do Mean Everything, Their Data, Their Facts Their Scientific Equipment...Everything Without Even Saying Please...
With Their Research Gone, Erik Lays Down A Reference To Bruce Banner Before We Go Back To Asgard To See That With Thor Gone And The Allfather Deep In The Odinsleep, Loki Has Been Placed In Charge Of Asgard...
(Start At 0:40, End At 1:49)
Jane Decides To Help Thor By Driving Him To The Crater Site Which Has Been Taken Over By Coulson And S.H.I.E.L.D. Sneaking Under The Gate, Thor Fights Dozens Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Soldiers While Coulson Gets Clint Barton (Played By Jeremy Renner) To Try To Take Thor Down From Above, But Eventually Reaching Mijonir Thor Tries To Grab It Only To Discover That He Cannot Lift It As He Is Not Worthy...
Arrested By S.H.I.E.L.D. Guards, Coulson Interrogates Thor Only To Get Nothing Out Of Him. Once Coulson Leaves, Loki Appears To Thor...
(Start At 1:10, End At 3:09)
Getting Selvig To Help Her After A Talk About How Magic Is Just Science That They Don't Understand, Selvig Goes Down To The S.H.I.E.L.D. Site To Free Thor, By Stating That He Was Upset That They Took Their Research And The Reason He Was Able To Take Down Their Soliders Is Because He's A Health Nut On Steroids...
Buying Selvig's Story, Coulson Lets Thor Go, But Before He Leaves, Thor Manages To Get Ahold Of A Book That Belongs To Jane...
Taking Thor To A Bar To Talk, They Get A Few Drinks Which Ends In Selvig Getting Drunk To The Point That Thor Has To Carry Him Back To Jane's Trailer...
Meanwhile On Jotunheim, Laufey Has A Visitor In The Form Of Loki, Who Tells Him That He Was The One Who Let The Frost Giants Into Asgard Mainly Because He Wanted To Ruin Thor's Big Day. Offering To Conceal Laufey And A Few Of His Soldiers In Asgard So He Can Kill Odin And Take Back The Casket Of Endless Winter, Laufey Accepts...
Travelling Back To Asgard, Heimdall Tells Loki That He Couldn't See Him On Jotunheim Which Has Him Suspecting That Loki Was The One Who Brought The Frost Giants Into Asgard...
But Telling Heimdall To Never Question Him As He Is King And To Not Open The Bifrost To Anyone Until He Has Repaired The "Damage" That Thor Has Caused, Loki Exits...
Talking Outside With Thor, He Gives Jane Her Book Before Telling Her Everything She Wants To Know And Where He Comes From...
Back On Asgard, Fandral And Volstagg Are At The Point Of Fighting Before Sif And Hogun Unite Them When They Realize What They Must Do And That's Go To Earth To Get Thor Back. Going To Heimdall At The Rainbow Bridge After Hearing Them With His Powers, He Somewhat Helps Them...
And Somewhat Helps Them, I Mean He Walks Out, Leaves His Sword That Opens The Bifrost And Lets The Warriors Three And Lady Sif Use It To Go To Earth..
Seeing The Bifrost Being Opened, Loki Sends The Destroyer To Detroy Thor And His Companions...
Arriving On Earth, The Warriors Three And Sif Go Into Town To Try To Find Thor Only To Be Spotted By S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents On The Rooftops...
No, No, No, You Twit! This Is Robin Hood..

He Was Prince Charming...

Eventually Finding Thor, He Tells Them What Loki Told Him Only For Sif To Tell Thor That Odin's Alive And He's Been Lied To...
Confronting Heimdall Who Knows The Truth Now, He Fights Loki After Loki Dismisses Him From His Job Of Gatekeeper Only For Loki To Freeze Him With The Casket Of Endless Winter
Arriving At The Site Where The Warriors Three And Sif Landed, Coulson And His Agents Watch As The Destroyer Arrives On Earth...
(Start At 0:38)
Talking With The Destroyer, Knowing That Loki Is Watching, Thor Tells His Brother That Whatever He Has Done To Lead Him To This, He Truly Is Sorry But Taking Their Lives Will Not Gain Him Anything So Instead He Offers Up His, And The Destroyer Kills Him Only For Thor To Be Brought Back To Life By Mijonir As He's Proven Himself Worthy Enough To Regain His Powers To Destroy The Destroyer...
Confronted By Coulson Who Says It's Obvious That He Hasn't Been Telling Him The Truth. Thor Tells Coulson That They Fight For The Same Cause And To Consider Him An Ally If They Return The Items They Stole From Jane, Which Coulson Promises To Return...
Taking Jane, To The Bifrost Site With The Warriors Three And Sif Going There In Selvig's Car, Heimdall Breaks Free Of Loki's Ice Prison And Opens The Bifrost To Bring Thor And The Others Home....
But Before He Leaves, Thor Promises To Return For Jane Which Ends Up With Them Kissing...
But While Thor And The Others Were On Their Way To The Bifrost And Heimdall Was Still Frozen, Loki Brought Laufey And His Frost Giants Into Asgard To Kill Odin But When Laufey Goes To Kill Odin, Loki Double Crosses Him And Kills Him Instead...
Making The Attack Look As If It Was Orchestrated By The Frost Giants, Thor Arrives To Reveal All Of Loki's Lies...
Blasting Thor Out Of Odin's Room, Thor Flies To The Bifrost As Loki Heads There To Release The Full Power Of The Bifrost On Jotunheim To Destroy The Entire Planet...
(Start At 0:28)
Realizing That He Can't Stop This, Thor Decides Instead To Destroy The Bifrost With Mijonir, Knowing That He Will Never See Jane Again..
But When The Bifrost Is Destroyed Loki And Thor Are About To Go Over The Edge But Luckily, Odin Wakes From His Odinsleep To Save His 2 Sons, However After Telling His Father That He Did This For Him, Loki Lets Go Of His Staff Only To Supposedly Fall To His Death...
Holding A Celebration/Funeral Over The Return Of Thor And The Loss Of Loki, Thor Talks With His Father, He Tells Thor That He Will Be A Wise King But Thor Admits That He Has A Lot To Learn And Says That Someday He Will Make His Father Proud, However Odin Says That He Is Already Proud Of Him Before He Walks Away...
Headed To The Rainbow Bridge (Can't Really Say The Bifrost As The Bifrost Is Gone) Thor Talks With Heimdall Asking If He Can See Jane, Saying That He Can He Tells Thor That She Is Searching For Him...
After The Credits Roll, We Get The End Credits Scene Of The Film Which Shows Selvig Meeting With Nick Fury (Played Again By Samuel L. Jackson) Who Is Impressed By His Work With Jane Foster And Shows Him The Tesseract In Which He Needs His Help Adapting It In Someway...
Looking In A Mirror, We See That Loki Is Alive As He Puts Words In Selvig's Mouth...
This Film Is...Pretty Good...
Alot Of People Complain That This Is Just A Fish Out Of Water Story With Only Best Scenes Being In Asgard But Me, I Just Like This Movie, The Stuff With Thor And Loki And Thor And Jane Is Interesting And I Love The Fight Scenes, I Love The Warriors Three And Sif As Well As The Stuff With Darcy (I Know I'm Going To Get Alot Of Hate For This But I'm Sorry I Like The Character, I Thought Anthony Hopkins Was Good, I Thought Asgard Was Amazing As Well As The New Mexico Setting, It Was Just A Good Film And I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
#Thor#chris hemsworth#tom hiddelson#anthony hopkins#Rene Russo#natalie portman#stellan skarsgard#kat dennings#josh dallas#ray stevenson#marvel#marvel cinematic universe#MCU#Loki
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