#He died in a car park with only strangers around
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hii, I‘ve already made two requests and you‘ve written them so so beautifully <33 Your work is really amazing and I think I would consider you one of my favorite blogs💞💞 I do have one more idea :)
Reader and Jason are in a relationship, yet they don’t know about his vigilante identity. Reader works the night shift as a barista.
One night, the café gets robbed during reader’s shift, but Jason isn’t there to take care of the robber since he went on patrol only later, meaning the GCPD is the first on the scene.
When Red Hood passes the café and see’s all the police lights, his heart drops. He comes to check up on reader, but they’re so shaken up that jason scares them.
It’s all fluffy in the end, and perhaps Red Hood reveals his identity 😚
Hi, nonnie! Thank you! ~1.8k words
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There was a gun to your face about ten minutes ago. Well, it might have been ten minutes ago, you're not exactly sure how long it was now. The idea of time seemed to phase out when two masked robbers stormed into the little Café you worked at.
Who even robs a coffee shop? You had maybe thirty dollars in the till, everyone uses cards or just taps their phones anyway. That point didn't seem to get across to the men as they waved their pistols in your face and shot off rounds into the air.
You showed them the safe, and a few hundred dollars seemed to calm them down. They took the money, took your wallet and phone. But none of that stopped them from shoving you to the ground as they ran off. You just sat there– dazed, scared, and overwhelmed– until a patrol car from the GCPD and an ambulance rushed to park outside.
No one was hurt, maybe some bruises from being pushed around, but you and the two unfortunate people who wanted coffee half past midnight were more than a little shaken up.
You stumble through the questions the cops ask you and let the paramedics guide you to sit on the back of the ambulance. They drape a shock blanket over your shoulders as you murmur about needing to call your boyfriend.
Someone presses a hot drink into your hands, and you barely register the quiet conversations over this being the fourth small business to get robbed this week. Your eyes only leave the spot in the distance you're fixated on when gasps resonate throughout the air. Your gaze shifts up, and your breath leaves your lungs. Red Hood. Red Hood is stalking towards you like lives depend on it, avoiding the medics and cops that try to talk to him, to get his attention.
You're proud of the fact that you don't flinch when his gloved hand meets your face, carefully tilting your chin up to observe your face. His body is rigid, you can tell something's wrong even through the muddled, shocked state of your mind.
He's crowding over you, a barrier between you and the rest of Gotham. You know he's a vigilante, you know that he helps. But the moment frays the last of your nerves and tears fill your eyes.
You just want to go home. You just want to feel safe. You want your phone back and you want to call your boyfriend and have him make everything okay again.
Red Hod freezes and you can audibly hear his breath hitching. His fingers twitch against your skin before dropping, but he doesn't step away, "Sorry. I'm sorry– Did I– are you hurt?"
That only makes you want to cry harder. He's apologizing to you. This stranger hasn't done anything, but check if you're okay, and you're crying all because he looks big and a little scary. You shake your head, trying to find the words to apologize back, that you don't know why you're crying.
You shift back, even if there's no room to go anywhere. Your heart is pounding and you're scared even if you shouldn't be because there was a gun to your face and you could have died and the man that smells like gunpowder and leather can't fix that.
His head doesn't move, you know his eyes haven't left your face. You don't know why. He doesn't gain anything from lifting his hand to catch the tear that spills down your face. "You're okay. You're safe," he murmurs, steady and full of promise, "tell me what you need. Let me make it better." He says your name, says it softly and gently and damn near yearning.
"I need– I want my phone. I want to call you boyfriend," You answer shakily, blinking back the rest of your tears and trying to figure out why a vigilante knows your name.
His head turns, presumably looking for your phone, "Is it still inside the Café?"
You shake your head, voice heavy with emotion, "It– they stole it."
"They?" He questions, mask tilting back towards you.
"The robbers?" You answer weakly, Isn't that why he's here? To get information? To catch them?
His hand finally leaves your face, and you exhale softly in relief, "I'll take care of it."
He wavers in front of you. Another thing that doesn't make sense. You don't get another word out before he's disappeared into the shadows.
Your shoulders slump. You're so tired and so, so drained, and not even the hot drink in your hands is making you feel more in your body.
Someone calls your name. Jason. You stand up on shaky legs, nearly spilling the cup in an attempt to put it down quickly. Jason's here. You don't care why or how, but he's here. He has you wrapped up against his chest and face buried in your hair before the cops can even try to stop him.
He says your name over and over into your hair, and you try to ignore the way your tears stain his shirt. "I've got you, you're okay. You're okay, baby. Promise. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you," he murmurs, arms tightening around you.
He feels safe. He smells like– he smells like leather and gunpowder. He's big and warm and a barrier between you and the rest of the world. And it all clicks.
"Let's get you home," he says softly, gently, so careful with a voice full of yearning and love. You recognize it. And you know.
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Jason knows your shift ends in forty-seven minutes. But patrol has been slow tonight, and he's going to walk you home even if it wasn't. So why not show up a little early and keep you company? Spoiler seemed eager enough to cover his territory for a few hours, anyway.
He'll go back out after he sees you home safe and watches you fall asleep. Jason's idly trying to decide if you're going to be too tired to shower with him, when the flashing lights outside the Café catch his attention.
He thinks his heart might have stopped. He doesn't even think to call Oracle or text you, he just knows his feet hit the pavement and he's running.
There's only one ambulance, only one cop car. His eyes dart. Where are you. Where are you?
He's barreling towards you as soon as he finds you. He doesn't have a plan. Doesn't need one until he knows you're safe. "Move," he snaps at the medic that tries to stop him, never stopping his path towards you.
His hand is tilting your head up before he even considers the possibility that it's a bad idea, that he's just a stranger in a mask armed to the teeth with knives and guns.
He can't help himself. He needs to touch you, needs to ground himself and make sure you're not hurt. He doesn't manage to get his words out before you're tearing up.
Jason's heart breaks at the sight, bile rising in his throat. He removes his hand, even if every instinct he has goes against it. He thinks he chokes out an apology, but he's too busy looking at every inch of you for injuries.
You shake your head and a piece of his soul shatters. He reaches up to wipe your tears, as if he could do anything else, "You're okay. You're safe," he murmurs, and wills it to be true, "tell me what you need. Let me make it better." He wants it to be better. He wants your tears to stop and the tension to leave your body and the anxiety to disappear from your eyes.
"I need– I want my phone. I want to call you boyfriend," You answer, and he wants to drop to his knees when your voice shakes.
Your phone. He can do that. His eyes dart from you, looking for the familiar phone case, "Is it still inside the Café?"
"It– they stole it," You answer and his focus snaps back to you.
"They?" He questions, doing his best to keep the anger from dripping into his voice, to bite back the threats on his tongue for whoever scared you.
"The robbers?" You answer weakly. Robbers. Robbers. Robbers did this. He files that away for once you're home, once he knows you feel safe.
He pulls his hand from your face reluctantly, "I'll take care of it." Jason doesn't want to step away from you. All he really wants is to wrap you up against him and promise everything will be better. But you don't need Red Hood. You need Jason Todd.
He forces himself away from you, moves faster than he should, struggling to shed his armor and mask. He drops his guns to the roof, anything recognizable left in a pile for someone else to deal with.
He's back on the ground and rushing back to you. He says your name. You look up at him and he sees the relief flood your face.
Jason catches you when you step towards him, arms wrapping around you to keep you close.
He whispers promises against your skin, tightening his grip on you. He can feel you crying. It makes concern and anger and the overwhelming desire to protect you twists in his stomach, "Let's get you home."
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Jason– Red Hood– talks to the police for you. Insists that there's no more questions for you to answer as he hooks his arm firmly around your waist. He guides you home. You barely process a word he says.
All you can really focus on, as you watch him unlock the apartment door, is that he's Red Hood. How did you miss it? Why didn't you know?
You feel disoriented. But Jason's perfect, exactly what you need in the moment. He doesn't ask you questions, doesn't press or make you move too fast as he helps you change. He nods and gets you water when you say you don't want to shower, that you're not hungry.
He lets you curl against his chest and he kisses the crown of your head when you finally crawl into bed, "I was scared," You admit quietly into his skin.
"They'll never scare you again," he promises. Your stomach swoops. It's the truth. You know it's fact. They'll never scare you again. They'll never scare anyone again. He'll make sure of it.
You fall asleep to his comforting whispers and vows, the feel of his fingers tracing your skin. When you wake up, he's still next to you, still holding you flush against him. Your wallet and phone sit on the nightstand next to your bed. Neither of you mention it as the sun begins to shine on the familiar leather jacket folded over your chair. Neither of you mention it, later, when the news reports that two bodies were found in Gotham Harbor.
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ricolaviecher · 2 months
Who's the dad
This is a Evan Buckley (9-1-1) fanfiction I have finally decided to post. It is the first or second fanfiction I have written in my whole life so this is probably bad. English is not my first language so there could be a few mistakes.
I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it. If anyone has feedback, I am open for it.<3
Summary: A few months after a one-night stand leaves (Y/N) pregnant, she unexpectedly meets the baby's father at a BBQ at her dad's fire station.
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The blonde guy was hot, (Y/N) had to admit. His baby blue shirt lets his eyes glow in the most perfect way.
“So why are you here today?”, (Y/N) asked. They both had a silent deal: no name’s, no prying for information.
“Hard day at work”, the man answered. “You?”
“Hard week.” (Y/N) knew she was already drunk, but she ordered another tequila. In the afternoon, she brought her kids to their grandparents, Bobby and Athena. The reason she told them: I need the evening for drinking until I don’t even know my name anymore.
She knew drinking wasn’t going to solve her problem, but it would numb her for at least one night. It would make her forget the pain.
The man nodded, but she didn’t even know what she had said before.
They drank a few drinks together until both of them saw black spots dancing in front of their eyes.
(Y/N) knew it was wrong what she wanted to do know. She wanted to kiss this man. She wanted to forget why she was here tonight. She knew exactly how wrong it would be. How disappointed everyone would look at her. But screw it. She wanted him and she wanted him now.
She leant forward and pressed a kiss on his lips. It felt so right, but so wrong. It didn’t matter. The blonde deepened the kiss. The next thing (Y/N) knew was that they were in the man’s apartment. In his bed.
(Y/N) did her best to hide the baby bump – but it didn’t help much. Maybe she could tell everyone she has just eaten too much when they were in Europe. She hasn’t seen anyone of her family in the last 5 months. They didn’t know she was pregnant and they are not supposed to. Half a year ago she packed her stuff and drove away with the kids.
After her husband died and she slept with this stranger, she had to leave. She wasn’t able to stay anymore. She was ashamed of herself. How was she able to sleep with someone just some hours after Henry died? They weren’t always happy but she loved him. He had been her world. Until he was gone.
“Mommy? How much longer we have to drive?” James asked from the back of the car. He was the most impatient of her kids.
“Only around half an hour then you can finally see grandpa and grandma again.”
(Y/N) heard a sigh from her son and chuckled.
“Is there going to be cake? Is grandpa going to make pasta for us?” Cameron. She and James are twins and couldn’t be more similar. Both impatient and always hungry until they ate two bites and complain about being too full to eat any more.
“I don’t know. I have never been to a party at the station.” Nobody knew they were going to come. It was going to be a surprise.
Suddenly, Emily began to cry in her seat. The two-year old always slept in the car, but when she woke up, she always had a shock and started to cry when she noticed they were driving.
“Liv, can you please give Emily her pacifier?” The 14-year-old didn’t seem to hear her mom, as she had her headphones in her ears and scrolled through TikTok’s.
“Liv! Give your sister her damn pacifier!” Finally.
After two weeks in Europe, (Y/N) was already super annoyed. She tried to keep it cool, but it wasn’t easy to be with four kids and pregnant when she didn’t have her husband around.
Just a few minutes later, (Y/N) parked in front of the firehouse. She had been here before. Not inside it but she had dropped off her father a few times when his car was at the car repair.
“Ok! We are here! All out of the car!” (Y/N) picked up her youngest and followed the rest of the kids inside the firehouse.
She didn’t see many people downstairs, but around 50 people were upstairs.
“(Y/N)? Hey! You’re back! Where were you in the last few months? We tried to call you but you didn’t answer. We were so worried!” Bobby literally ran to her and hugged her as tightly as possible with Emily between them. “She grew up so much”, he said, reaching out to stroke Emily’s back.
“Yes. She absolutely did.” (Y/N) could see the worried and exhausted expression on her father’s face and immediately felt sorry for not even writing him and Athena a message that she and the kids were ok.
“May I introduce you to the team?”, Bobby asked after hugging the twins and Liv, who finally put away her headphones.
The 118’s Captain led his family to a bunch of people in uniforms.
“These guys are Eddie, Chimney, Hen and Buck.” (Y/N)’s breath caught in her throat. Fuck. The super-hot guy stood in front of her. With his uniform he looked even better that in his baby blue shirt he wore the last time. Why the fuck did she still remember what this guy had worn when they met in the bar?!
“Meet (Y/N), Liv, James, Cameron and Emily.”
“Hey! Nice to meet y’all”, (Y/N) said overly friendly, trying to hide the surprise, as well as Buck did.
“Grandpa? You have cake?”, Cameron asked Bobby.
“Of course. A party without cake isn’t a party. Come on, I’ll show you all.” Bobby led the kids away from (Y/N) and the team, over to the kitchen island on which many plates of cake were standing.
“’So… you are Cap’s daughter?”, a brown-haired man asked, who (Y/N) remembered as Eddie.
“Yepp, that’s me.” (Y/N) looked at Buck who looked just as surprised, as she felt.
“So, you are Buck?”, she asked him just as a try to build a conversation. She tugged gently on her shirt, as she didn’t want Buck to notice her baby bump.
“Uhm… yes. I am. Evan Buckley. So… these are your kids? You look quite young”, Buck asked and (Y/N) furrowed her brow until she realized, they haven’t talked about ages when they spent the night together. She was quite young for already having 4 kids. She had Liv when she was 16, but she barely told people, as she always got these judging looks.
“Yes, they are.” (Y/N) stared at the ground, unable to hold eye contact with the man she had a breathtaking night.
“Father’s not in the picture?”, Eddie asked and (Y/N) could see that Buck was relieved, that his friend asked the question, so he didn’t seem too suspicious.
“Um, no. He died 5 months ago. Car accident.” Instead of staring at the ground, (Y/N) now looked at the ceiling, trying to stop the tears, which always threatened to flow freely, whenever she talked about her late husband.
When she finally managed to make eye contact with Evan, she could see pain written over his face. Her husband died 5 months ago, around the same time, she slept with him. Had he been some kind of replacement? He knew they agreed to one night – no personal information, but it still hurt to know she didn’t actually feel the tiniest bit. She only had tried to compensate everything.
Around 3 hours later, in which the 118 got a small call once but came back after only one and a half hour, they all sat at the big table, because it was dinner time. Most of the time, (Y/N) stood on the sidelines, as she didn’t really feel comfortable around all these people she barely knew, and Buck. Nobody seemed to have noticed the baby bump which was covered under her shirt.
And now, (Y/N) even felt nauseous and had cramps in her lower belly. Her other pregnancies had gone quite well, except the last few months with the twins, but this pregnancy was terrible. She already had to go to hospital 4 times in the last 5 months, as she couldn’t keep anything down and had been severely dehydrated.
After only 2 bites, (Y/N) had to lay down the fork because she felt like she would throw up right away if she ate only one more bite. She had already thrown up breakfast and everything she drank today. She was lucky no one noticed she hasn’t eaten a piece of cake before.  
“Are you ok?”, the brown-haired man from before asked. Eddie? (Y/N) has always been terrible with names and couldn’t remember any. It took her 2 weeks to even remember Henry’s name after she met him, something he also made fun of, even years later.
“Uh yes. Just not feeling too great today”, she answered, trying to suppress the feeling to be sick. Her throat felt tight and her stomach felt like it was twisting and turning. The cramps were still present. She knew she wasn’t having a miscarriage as she once had one, and it felt different. The symptoms were pretty much the same, but she had another feeling. She had felt like something was missing, but this here wasn’t any better.
“You sure? You don’t look too good and you haven’t eaten much. Don’t you like the food?”, her father intervened now.
“The food’s great. Really. I haven’t been feeling my best today, that’s it.”
“Do you want one of the medics to take a look at you?” Bobby really seemed worried, but his daughter waved him off.
“Dad. Don’t make more out of it than it is.” Her dad made an acknowledging sound and (Y/N) thanked him silently with a small nod.
(Y/N) fidgeted with her hands, a nervous habit, she always did when she felt uncomfortable. Today, this many people were too much. She has never liked being around many people for a long time. She felt like everyone was staring at her and making fun off her or thinking of her as a disappointment when she did something wrong. Her kids were different, except of Liv. Liv came after her mom in these things, while the others luckily came after their dad and were the most social persons in this world.
Everyone looked at (Y/N), as she suddenly stood up, because a wave of nausea waved over her. As fast as possible she went to the restrooms, but only made it to the sink, where she threw up the bit of water she had managed to drink before. She rinsed her mouth and looked in the mirror. She looked like shit. Her skin was pale and her lips dry.
The door opened, and a woman stepped inside. She was around as tall as (Y/N) was and wore a wine-red shirt, that showed she worked at the 911 dispatch center. Had she been at the dinner table before? Or has (Y/N) just not seen her?
“Oh hey. Sorry. Just needed a break from out there. Who are you? I have never seen you here before. I am Maddie by the way. Chimney’s fiancé, Buck’s sister.”
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. Buck’s sister?
“(Y/N). Bobby’s daughter. Nice to meet you.”
“Are you okay? You don’t look too well.” Again, this question. No, she wasn’t ok. But she didn’t say anything, so everyone should stop asking her. If she wanted someone to know she wasn’t well, she would tell.
“It’s okay. Just not feeling my best today.” Maddie nodded.
“Ok.” She didn’t pry further to get information, what (Y/N) was very thankful for.
“Soo. You are Bobby’s daughter? Athena has never mentioned, that Bobby has a daughter. She usually talks about everything.” Maddie furrowed her brow.
(Y/N) shrugged her shoulders.
“He doesn’t like talking about his private life too much.”
(Y/N) went back to the table, after she was sure she wouldn’t have to throw up again. But when she arrived at the dinner table again, she felt she was dizzy. Congratulations. First, she was sick and now she was dizzy because she didn’t drink or eat enough today.
She caught Bobby’s concerned gaze as he was looking at her, before everything went black.
“Heyyy! Here we go. You with us again?” She felt something painful on her chest and after a few moments she realized it was someone performing sternal rub to bring her back around. (Y/N) grumbled something.
When she tried to sit up again, there was a firm hand on her shoulder that kept her laid down.
“Damn, let me sit up if I want to. I am fine.” But (Y/N) noticed on her own how hoarse she sounded from being sick.
The hand suddenly disappeared from her shoulder, but when (Y/N) sat up, the hand was back at her back to steady her and kept her from falling over. Finally, she managed to open her eyes and caught look on the brown-haired man – Eddie. Evan sat directly next to her.
“We are just going to check a few things, ok?” All (Y/N) did, was giving an acknowledging sound from her.
The next thing she felt was a pulse-oximeter being slipped on her index finger and a blood pressure cuff on the other arm. She winced when Eddie inflated it and it squeezed tightly around her arm, which made her eyes well up with tears.
She had never liked the BP reading. When she was a kid, she cried freely as it made her arm feel like needles were jabbing it.
“Sorry.” Eddie was quick to deflate the cuff again after noticing the tears in (Y/N)’s eyes but she just shook her head to show everything’s ok. “BP’s 108/70. We are going to give you something to raise it again.”
“No! Wait!” (Y/N) frantically said. “I… I…” She made a sign for Eddie to come near to her so she could whisper into his ear without anyone hearing it. “I am pregnant but no one can know yet. I didn’t tell anyone.”
“Okayyy… I think we should go somewhere more private.” (Y/N) nodded agreeing.
Despite the other’s confused looks, they made their way to the locker room. Once they were there, Eddie began talking again.
“Has this happened before?”
“Yes, I already was in hospital because of it but it is just this morning sickness. I can’t keep anything down and it makes me dehydrated.” When (Y/N) looked to her right, she could see Buck looking at them but he couldn’t hear anything, right? He wasn’t as near and it was quite loud upstairs.
“Mhm. I want to hook you up on an IV if that’s ok with you? I don’t want you to be as dehydrated as you are now and I figure you don’t want a trip to the ER?”
“Yes, if that is possible, please.”
Only a few seconds later, (Y/N) could see her dad storming into the locker room.
“Sweetheart, what happened?” He looked kind of mad but also worried.
“Ehm… It is complica…”
“She is dehydrated because she didn’t drink or eat enough. She just wants to be alone for a moment and I can give her an IV,” Eddie intervened. (Y/N) shot him a thankful gaze and a tiny smile. She liked Eddie. He was really kind. She couldn’t think of any of her friends, who would do that for her.
“Mhm. Ok. I am going to call Athena. She said she would be here earlier. I’ll come back later.”
Bobby disappeared as fast as he came into the room.
“Thanks. For not telling him.” Eddie smiled at her.
“It’s not on me. And I think there are going to be better circumstances for that talk. How far are you?”
“5 months.”
“Ah. May I ask…”, he hesitated for a moment. “Is it your late husband’s baby?”
“No.” You didn’t know for sure why you told him, but he kind of let you feel calm and safe. “We didn’t… you know… the time before he died. We argued a lot. Had a one-night stand just a few hours after he died.”
“You know the father? Were you able to call and tell him?” Eddie looked honestly interested while he put an IV bag out of the medkit.
(Y/N) shook her head before nodding.
“I haven’t seen him… until today.” Eddie looked shocked and raised his eyebrows.
“Today? Is he here? At the station?”
(Y/N) nodded guiltily and looked at the ground when she heard Eddie chuckle.
“Damn, tell me more. Who is it?”
“Buck?” The firefighter looked even more shocked than before and you nodded again.
“I didn’t know his name we agreed to ‘no personal information’. Why would I know he worked at my dad’s workplace? God… when he will find out he is going to be so pissed.” Eddie shook his head.
“Nah, I don’t think so. He will understand. And hey. You don’t have to defend yourself.” She smiled at his kindness.
She watched as Eddie swabbed the alcohol pad over the back of her hand.
“I would recommend to close your eyes if you are not good with needles”, he suggested. But (Y/N) couldn’t. She needed to see what Eddie was doing, even though she wasn’t good with needles. When the firefighter pushed the needle in the back of her hand, she let out a small squeal.
“Told you to keep your eyes closed but you refused to listen.” She heard Eddie chuckle. “Do you have any other symptoms I should be worried about?”
“I have cramps”, she admitted.
“Lower belly?” (Y/N) nodded. Why couldn’t she just have been home. She would lie on the couch and relax, but instead she was here, being poked and prodded by a firefighter.
“Can I take a look?” She nodded again. Eddie pulled her shirt over her abdomen and pressed his palm on different spots. (Y/N) looked upstairs, and froze. Fuck. She forgot that Evan was still standing upstairs, looking at the locker room. Looking at her.
Her eyes widened. Why had she agreed to this? Why didn’t she insist on being ok and went home? Why was she so stupid? She wanted to slap herself for not thinking.
Eddie seemed to notice her sudden panic, the pulse-oximeter, which was still clipped to her finger, chirped in high pitched noises.
“Hey, hey. Look at me. Deep breaths. What’s up?”
“B… Buck.” The firefighter looked where she was pointing at and sucked in a deep breath.
“Ok. That’s ok. We’ll fix that, after we are finished here, ok? It’ll be ok. Don’t worry. Try to breathe with me, the baby won’t like you breathing like that.” Demonstrative, Eddie took some deep breaths. “Do you know the gender yet?”
(Y/N) could tell that Eddie was only trying to distract her but she played along.
“A… girl. It’s a girl. Again.” She laughed. Her breathing became slower, steadier.
“That’s great. You already told your kids?”
“How did they react? Are they happy?” Eddie grinned at her.
“Y… yes. They are. James was a bit d- disappointed at first. H- he hoped he would finally get a brother t- to play soccer with.” (Y/N) smiled. “But the g- girls were all over t-the moon.”
The brown-haired man, put an oxygen mask over her face, which she tried to pull off, but his hand was immediately back, to hold the mask in place.
“Let it on, please”, he said with a look at the pulse-oximeter which was still chirping. “It’ll make it easier to breathe for you.
(Y/N) nodded, even though she hated the feeling of the mask, which made her feel the opposite of ‘easier to breathe’.
“Can I have a listen to the baby’s heartbeat?” After he had seen (Y/N) nodded again, he took the stethoscope and pressed the diaphragm to her belly.
“Looks good so far. The heartbeat is a bit fast for my liking but it’s nothing too concerning, just take some deep breaths, ok?”
“Copy, Firefighter Diaz.” (Y/N) took some deep breaths.
Just a few seconds later, someone stormed into the locker room. Buck.
“You… you are pregnant?” Buck hoped that (Y/N) would tell him it wasn’t his. That it was her husband’s.
“Yes.” She was surprised that her voice didn’t sound as high and panicking as she thought it would. She was scared. Scared of Buck’s reaction, which became even more clear, as the pulse-oximeter started to chirp frantically again.
Eddie took a look and was surprised how high the shown numbers were.
“Deep breaths”, he commanded her. But she couldn’t.
“Who’s the dad? Is it mine? Or is there a tiny chance, that it is your husband’s?” Even though (Y/N) thought something like that would come out of Buck’s mouth, she felt disappointment deep in her. She hoped he would not sound as panicked as he was now.
“Your’s.” (Y/N) fell silent, holding her breath in anticipation of what Evan would say now.
“Oh… wow. I have to admit that is a shock. Why… why didn’t you tell me? I could have been there with you.”
“I didn’t have your number, your address, your workplace. Not even your name! I didn’t even know if you lived in LA or somewhere else! What should I have done?”
Eddie put the oxygen mask over her mouth and nose, that she just put off again, but she immediately put it back to the floor. She didn’t want to breathe in the oxygen. It made her feel lightheaded and nauseous and gave her a headache.
“(Y/N)! Damn, breathe properly now the baby’s not comfortable anymore. Buck, I think you should go now and let her breathe a bit without the stress, this conversation puts on her.”
“No, he won’t go now! Not until this conversation is finished!” (Y/N) glared at Eddie. She wasn’t sure if that were the pregnancy hormones speaking out of her which have made her a bit temperamental these last few months.
“What do you want to do now? Buck? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you want to be a part in the baby’s life? Do you want to be part in MY life? I need to know it.” She could feel tears welling up in her eyes. Definitely the hormones which made her act strange at the moment.
“I don’t know exactly what I want to do now. But I don’t have a girlfriend. And I want to be part of the baby’s life. I want to be their father…”
“Her. It’s a girlie. Again.” (Y/N) could see Evan smiling a bit.
“Ok. I want to be HER father and spend time with her. And I think I would like to try to go on a date… with you. If you think you are ready. I liked you the last time we met, even though that could be because I had been really drunk that night.” Buck laughed and blushed a bit.
“I think… I think we can give it a try. I don’t know if I am ready for everything. But I do know I am ready for something. And maybe that could be with you.”
“Ok… uhm… great. And now you should really try to breathe properly with that mask. I know it’s not great, but even I can recognize how high your vitals are.”
She did as she was told. (Y/N) knew she liked Buck. He was cute. She wouldn’t have imagined to see a man like him blushing when talking about a baby and dating.
“I’m nauseous.” Eddie and Buck both looked a bit worried.
“Deep breaths. I think it’s just the IV and oxygen. I put some meds in the IV that should help with the belly cramps, that could make you feel nauseous.”
(Y/N) only nodded. She suddenly felt exhausted. The adrenaline of the day started to wear of.
“I think I’m gonna drive the kids home and we are going to relax a bit while watching some tv. Thank you for everything.”
“Wait. Stop. I won’t let you drive home alone. You don’t feel good and I wouldn’t like to know you don’t have anyone with you except you kids.” She nodded again. Evan was right. It would be stupid to not have anyone around her.
“I can come with you. Just if that’s ok with you.”
“Yes. That would be great. Thanks.”
“No problem. Shall we take your car?”
“Mhm.” She was thankful. She could really imagine Buck as a boyfriend. He is great.
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Evan laughed. He, (Y/N) and Liv were sat on the couch, watching a firefighter show, (Y/N) and Liv had been addicted to in the last few weeks.
“It doesn’t matter! This show is great!” Liv and Evan discussed about the mistakes in the show since around 10 minutes and it made (Y/N) smile. It was like a real family. Even though it hurt her a bit that it wasn’t Henry, sitting here. But let’s be honest: Henry would have never watched a show like that.
“That doesn’t change the fact, that you don’t use the saw like that. It’s just not safe!”
“Then just do not pay attention to the details.” Now, it was Liv laughing. (Y/N) hasn’t seen her daughter that happy in the last few months. She tried to cover up her emotions but it didn’t work completely. Her eyes started to burn and she felt a pressure building up. No, she wasn’t going to cry. Not in front of Evan. Her daughter. No.
“I’ll go to toilet for a moment.” She hoped nobody would notice she was about to cry, but her voice gave it away. She sounded hoarse and her voice broke at some point.
She locked the bathroom door and sank down to the cold floor, where she curled up, leaning her back on the even colder wall. Her hand was rubbing circles over her swollen belly. Damn it.
(Y/N) knew she missed Henry. She knew her kids have missed him every second since his death. But she was scared. Scared that moving on with Evan would make her forget her late husband. She heard a gentle knock on the wooden bathroom door.
“May I come in?” Buck.
“Ok.” Her voice sounded hoarse. She attempted to brush the tears away but it really didn’t work. Her eyes were still read, as well as her cheeks.
She got up to unlock the door, for Buck to come in. After he stepped inside the room, he closed the door again. He sat down next to her, and (Y/N) leaned her head on his shoulder.
“What’s up?”, he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Nothing.” Evan shot her a look, that said more than a thousand words.
“This honestly doesn’t look like nothing.”
“I don’t want to forget Henry. And I am scared. I have never had a relationship before him. And I still have cramps. And I still don’t feel too good in general. And I am scared of giving birth alone. And I am scared of everything else in my life.” Buck looked at her with a concerned expression and immediately pulled her into a hug as (Y/N) began to cry again.
“Ok. So, we first go to hospital, because these cramps make me worried, and then we can figure everything else out, ok?” He pressed a sloppy kiss on (Y/N)’s forehead, and she nodded.
“Mhm. But you need to help me get up, the baby is in the way.”
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illicit affairs
Summary: Stranded in an airport hotel because of hurricane warning, you snatch the last hotel room for the following two nights, not knowing that these two nights would change your life forever. You meet Joel and spend every moment you can with him until he leaves you in the middle of the night the day you both had to go back home. Months later, heartbroken and pregnant from a man you hadn’t even exchanged last names with, you go back to your hometown to meet your mother’s new boyfriend, not knowing it’s Joel.
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem. reader // Joel Miller x fem. readers mother
Wordcount: 6.7k
Rating: E
Warnings: no outbreak AU, meet cute, age gap (around twenty years, but it’s not specified) flirting, kissing, smut (oral f receiving, protected sex, unprotected sex, so much sex) accidental pregnancy, angst, vomiting, fluff, heartbreak
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this fic that turned into a little beast
illicit affairs master list // Pedro Masterlist
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
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You weren’t particularly looking forward to the next three days. 
Not that you didn’t love your mother. You were happy for her. After your father died almost eight years ago she deserved to be happy again. To be loved by someone. 
You just had a weird feeling about this trip, and you couldn’t say exactly why.
You had moved back to Austin for a couple of months after your father died. You had been between jobs and while you did not particularly enjoy the summer heat of Texas, or living in your childhood room, you were glad you had been there for your mother. 
You only took the job that had been offered you in Seattle because she told you that it was time. That she was okay. That it was time to live your life. You only left because you knew your brother Sean was moving back to Austin to start his new job in the weeks after you left. 
„Have you met her new man yet?“ You asked Sean as you sat in the passenger seat of his car. 
Thankfully he had offered his guest bedroom for your three day stay. Not that you wouldn’t like staying with your mom, but you were pretty sure you could not hide the fact that you had gotten pregnant from a stranger four months ago from her, when you would be staying with her 24/7. 
Your brother was a bit more… oblivious. 
You weren’t showing yet, and even though you knew you had to tell your family at some point, you weren’t ready to do it right now. 
You wondered when you were ready to tell them, but that was a problem for next week you, who could lock herself into her apartment back home in Seattle. 
Of course you knew this wouldn’t just go away, but additionally to the fact that you had gotten pregnant, you had no way of contacting the father, leaving you as a single mom. 
You only knew his first name. You didn’t get a chance to learn more about him. 
You closed your eyes, letting your head fall against the window of Sean’s car. 
„I haven’t met him. I only know he has a Construction company with his brother. That’s how mom and him met,“ he said. You nodded. 
„She seems happy. I hope he’s nice,“ you sighed.
„What about you? Someone in your life I need to have a big brother talk with?“ He asked and you scoffed. 
„I found out that all men are assholes,“ you rolled your eyes and Sean laughed. 
„Could have told you that before,“ he grinned and you punched his arm and he winced with a dramatic ouch. 
„Anyway. No men. Might get a cat,“ and a baby you added in your head. 
„I’m allergic to cats,“ he reminded you. 
„Remind me how that is my problem?“
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It was a nice neighbourhood Sean drove his car through, looking for the address your mother gave you. It was a typical suburban neighbourhood. 
Kids playing on the front lawn. 
A men washing his car. 
Women who took care of the little garden that wasn’t burnt by the sun yet. 
Fuck, you forgot how hot Texas was during the summer. 
„Here we are,“ Sean hummed and you followed his gaze as he parked the car in the driveway of a two story home behind a black pick up truck. Your mothers Honda was standing parked next to it. 
You gave yourself a moment to gather your thoughts while you looked at the house. 
It was a nice house. You could see that someone was keeping it maintained and loved. There was a big tree with a swing outside and you wondered if the man had kids too. Before you could look closer at the house the front door opened and your mother stepped out, a big smile on her face. 
„Here goes nothing,“ Sean said and you shook your head with a small smile before you opened the door. 
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Arms were wrapped around you almost the moment you stepped out of the car, your mother pulling you in a tight hug. 
„My baby,“ she whispered against your ear and you smiled, wrapping your arms around her.
„Hi mom,“ you said, suddenly overwhelmed by your emotions as you fought down the tears. She kissed your cheek before she looked at you with a warm smile. 
„I missed you,“ she said.
„Missed you too,“ you mumbled and she squeezed you softly.
„What about me?“ Sean interrupted and you rolled your eyes. 
„What about you?“ Your mother asked with a grin. 
„Didn’t you miss your son?“ He poured and you shook your head with a laugh.
„I saw you yesterday. I brought you and John leftover lasagna,“ your mother reminded him and he shrugged before he hugged her too. 
You took a moment to look around the neighbourhood when you heard the door behind you open again. 
„Come on. Joel has been grilling steaks in the backyard. They’re to die for,“ your mother said and you allowed yourself a moment to close your eyes as you heard the name. 
The last time you heard it, it was you who said it, moaned it. He had you pressed against the mattress, thrusting deeply into you, whispering filth into your ear…
You shook your head. Not the time. 
„Kids, I want you to meet Joel Miller,“ your mother took your hand and you turned around with a welcoming smile that froze as your eyes landed on the man in front of you. Dark familiar brown eyes finding yours. His eyes widened for a second before he looked away from you, holding his hand out for your brother to shake. 
You blinked your eyes a couple times, trying to make him disappear. It couldn’t be him. There was no way that this was….
Your mothers arm sneaked around his waist, his arm around her shoulders. You saw him take a deep breath before he turned his body towards you, holding his hand out for you to shake. 
„And this is my daughter,“ your mother introduced you with your name and you were hoping that whatever you were feeling right now was not showing on your face. 
As if on autopilot you pulled your hand up to meet his, your whole body reacting to his touch as his hand squeezed yours, fighting down the thoughts of how this hand touched you the last time you were close to each other. 
„Nice to meet you,“ he said and you gulped, meeting his eyes. 
„Nice to meet you too, Joel.“
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Five-ish months earlier
It was pure luck that you got a hotel room for the night. Your flight back home to Seattle had been canceled due to a hurricane warning and you had rushed to the first airport hotel in Phoenix, the airport you had been stranded on on your way back from New York. 
Of course you had no idea some kind of construction job fair networking event thing was held at exactly this hotel for the whole weekend. Though it did explain the price of the room.
You ignored the absurd price tag to the last room you were able to get, making your way with the keycard in hand towards the elevator that would bring you to the 11th floor where you room was. 
Waiting in front of the elevator you let your eyes wander through the impressive foyer before the doors of the elevator in front of you opened. You gripped your suitcase before you looked up again, meeting the eyes of the man who was stepping out of the elevator. 
He gave you a small smile, holding the elevator for you, as he stepped out. 
You swallowed slowly, giving him a thankful smile, walking past him into the elevator. Your eyes slipped close as you smelled his aftershave, your back turned towards him before you turned around, facing him. He was still standing in front of you. He was taller than you, dressed completely in black, dark jeans with a black dress shirt tucked into his pants. The first buttons of his shirt were opened, the sleeves rolled back over his tanned muscular forearms, the ends of a black tattoo just so visible on his arm, making you wonder what exactly it was. 
He was by all means one of the most attractive men you had ever seen in your life.
And at least twenty years older than you. 
There was an amused smile on his lips as as your eyes finally landed on his, having of course noticed you checking him out. 
You felt your cheeks warming as his dark eyes looked at you. 
„Thank you,“ you blurted out and he raised his eyebrows. 
„For holding the elevator,“ you clarified, feeling stupid. So fucking stupid. 
You took a deep breath, which was a dumb idea because he and his aftershave had been in this elevator before and it was mouthwatering. Raising your hand you pushed the button for the eleventh floor. 
„You’re welcome,“ he said and fuck, even his voice was sexy. 
He was about to say more when someone clapped on his shoulder. 
"Come on Joel. Let’s get some drinks,“ a man said to, dressed similar. 
The last thing you saw from the man you know knew was named Joel were his eyes on you, winking, as the elevator closed. 
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While your initial plain consisted of ordering room service and watching the Bachelor until you fell asleep, one phone call with your best friend after making it to the hotel room left you getting your little black dress out (well not so little, but it was one of the nicer dresses you owned) and putting some light make up on. 
You couldn’t exactly explain what it was that you were doing, but deep down you knew you would regret not going down to the bar and maybe finding that man, Joel, again. Even if you would only look at him from afar like a creepy stalker. 
You never made the first step and your best friend made the very logical point that if you embarrassed yourself for some reason, you would never see the man again. 
Nervously talking a last look into the mirror you walked out of the bathroom, switching the lights off. 
Sitting down on your bed you took a deep breath. 
What were you doing?
You did not know this man. You haven’t even really talked to him. He was older than you. And probably married. Or a serial killer. Not that you had a chance with someone who looked like that. You would probably humiliate yourself, chasing after some guy who was just trying to be nice to a stranger. 
„Why am I like this?“ You whined, letting yourself fall back against the bed. 
Closing your eyes you tried to relax.
You could do this. You never went for what you wanted. And you wanted him. 
„One drink,“ you said to yourself before you got up from the bed, got your heels on and walked out of your room. 
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You had just gotten your first drink when you felt someone sit down next to you. A shy smile sneaked onto your face, because before you had even looked at the man sitting next to you, you had smelled his aftershave. 
He was already looking at you when you finally turned towards him. 
„Mind if I sit here?“ He asked and your smile widened. 
„Not at all,“ you said.
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„Joel,“ you gasped, your head falling back against the door of your room he had pressed you against. 
Not even in your wildest dreams did you imagine this outcome when you decided to get down to the bar. You didn’t even think he was really interested. But the more you talked, the closer you got. His warmth against your side as your feet ran up his thigh when he told you about his work. About his life. 
About how he hasn’t stopped thinking about what you might look like when you came. 
„So fucking pretty,“ he hummed before his lips crashed down on yours. One of his hands pinning your arms over your head against the door while his other hand pushed your skirt slowly up, his fingers running up your thigh. 
„Fuck,“ you moaned, your legs already shaking and he hadn’t even touched you really yet. 
His lips wandered down your throat and you could feel him smile against your skin, his teeth carefully nibbling at your skin as his hand slipped between your legs, finding your drenched. 
„You gonna let me eat this pussy?“ He hummed and you groaned. 
„Please,“ you gasped. He chuckled, his finger slowly pushing your panties aside. 
„Bet you taste delicious,“ he grinned before his head dipped between your breasts. He kissed the top of them, inhaling deeply. 
„Smell so fucking good,“ he hummed. He let go of his grip around your wrist but you kept them up. 
„Good girl,“ he hummed and kissed you. 
„Want you to get naked for me and lay down on your bed, can you do that for me?“ he asked. You licked your lips, nodding your head. 
You hooked your fingers into the straps of your dress, slowly pushing them down your shoulder, Joel’s dark eyes following your every move. His finger still slowly swiping through your pussy. 
Reaching around you unhooked your bra, your eyes on him, slipping it down your arms, letting it fall to the ground. 
His jaw tensed, his eyes taking you in. 
He took a step back from you, his touch leaving you and you slipped your dress down your body, your panties too. 
Stepping out of them you walked slowly towards the bed, getting out of your heels but he stopped you. 
„Keep them on,“ he grunted and you nodded with a small grin. 
Walking past him towards your bed your sat down, slipping back until you were sitting in the middle of the bed, completely naked, safe for your heels. 
„So fucking pretty,“ Joel said, shaking his head as if he couldn’t believe he was here right now. You let your eyes wander down his broad body, your mouth salivating when you noticed the prominent outline of his cock through his dark jeans. 
„Spread those legs for me,“ he said and you tilted your head up to look into his eyes. 
The way he looked at you made you feel incredibly sexy, confident, powerful. 
Slowly you angled your legs, letting them fall open for him. 
He sucked his bottom lip in, just look at your pussy that was so wet you were sure you were dripping onto the sheets beneath you. 
„God fucking damn,“ he groaned and slowly began to unbutton his shirt. 
Your greedy eyes took in every inch of skin he revealed to your eyes, dying to run your hands and tongue over his broad chest. He carefully slipped his shirt from his upper body, taking great care to hang it over the back of a chair. 
When he turned back towards you, seeing your amused expression he shrugged. 
„Need to wear that again tomorrow. Can’t have your pussy all over it,“ he explained nonchalantly.  
„On my face on the other hand….“ he winked before he slowly joined you on the bed, laying down on his chest right between your legs. 
His lips kissed up your inner thigh, his beard deliciously scratching over your skin the closer he got to where you were dripping for him. 
Your eyes followed his every move, his dark eyes fixed on you as you saw his lip part, leaning in. You felt his tongue dip into your slit, licking up, teasing your clit all while he moaned as if he just tasted heaven. 
„Fucking knew it,“ he groaned. His arms slipped around your upper thighs, pulling you against his mouth, before dove in. Driving you positively insane with his wicked tongue as he slowly but surely brought you to what you would later would find out, first orgasm of the night. 
Your fingers were wrapped around the soft strands of his hair as he held you down, licking into you until you came undone, crying out in pleasure as your orgasm left you gasping for air. 
He cleaned you with his tongue, carefully, as you tried to normalise your breathing and heart rate. When he was finished he just looked up at you, his cheek resting on your thigh, his chin glistening with you.
„Better than I imagined,“ he whispered, kissing your thigh.
„Huh?“ You asked confused. 
He grinned. 
„Your face when you cum,“ he winked and you flushed, warmth spreading over your whole body. 
Sitting yourself up you reached for him, pulling him up until he was laying on top of you, your hands in his hair as you pulled him towards you, kissing him deeply. You wrapped your legs around his back, wanting him closer. 
He moaned against your lips, his tongue dipping into your mouth. 
„I want you to fuck me,“ you whispered against his lips. 
„I intend to. As often as you let me,“ he hummed back, kissing you again. 
He grabbed a pillow when he parted from you, pushing it under your hips before he got up from the bed, getting out of his jeans and boxers. You couldn’t help but bite your lip when you saw his cock for the first time. 
Dying to have him inside of you but….
„Joel,“ you said softly and he looked at you. 
„It’s been some time…. Years and I…“ you suddenly felt shy, not knowing how to carry on. 
He grabbed something before he slowly sat down on the bed. He came to rest on his side, right next to you. 
„We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,“ he promised, his hand on your cheek. You turned to your side, looking at him.
„I want to. I just want you to know that it’s been a while and well… you’re fucking huge,“ you shrugged with a awkward laugh. He chuckled, his fingers on your chin tilting it up, so you had to look at him. 
„You may be surprised, but I don’t do this often either,“ he said and while your first reaction was to scoff and not believe him, his expression remained honest and open and you believed him. 
Slowly your brought one of your hands up to rest on his warm chest, right against his heart feeling it beat. 
„Okay,“ you whispered and leaned in to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you against him as he kissed you. One of his legs came between yours, his thigh meeting your pussy, making you gasp. 
You just kissed for a while, touching, getting familiar with each other before he slowly turned you so you were back to laying on your back, him hovering over you. 
He parted form your lips, reaching for a condom and you realised that this must have been what he grabbed earlier. He gave you a sheepish smile as he ripped the package open, sitting himself up so he could slip the condom on. 
„Thought you might get lucky huh?“ You teased and he grinned. 
„Hoped,“ he clarified, lining himself up the tip of his cock slipping into you without any resistance. 
„For the record, I have an IUD,“ you said and his eyes darkened but he shrugged his shoulders. 
„Better safe than sorry,“ he winked before he slowly sank into you. 
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Sex with Joel was not like anything you ever experienced before. 
He watched your face for any expression, slowing down when he noticed discomfort. He took his time learning what you liked, his sole goal for when he was in your room being your pleasure. 
He told you that he was here for this construction congress thing, but whenever he did not have to work or shake hands he was with you. 
You didn’t talk about what you were doing. You were living in the moment, not thinking of what would happen once Monday came and you both had to leave this hotel and get back into your life’s.
He only had made one rule. 
Not to catch any feelings. 
Which you thought you could do.
But he was just so… fucking perfect. At least the version of him you got to spend time with.
It was not even the sex, which was positively mind-blowing, mind you. It was the moments after when he held you and told you about his hobbies. About his company. About his life. Always keeping it vague, never saying anything about where he was from. 
Much like you. 
On Saturday morning before he had to go to get to a meeting he had you in the shower, your body pressed against the shower wall as he fucked into your from behind, hard, leaving you to moan so loudly when you came that you were sure you would get a noise complaint. 
It was the only time he fucked you without a condom and came inside of you.
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You never had this much sex and it had never ever been this good before. 
Maybe it was because he was older, maybe it was because there was something more….
You hadn’t talked about an after. 
After the sex.
After falling asleep in each others arms. 
After the conference. 
You didn’t have a chance to talk about a potential after when you woke up Monday morning at 3:22 am, finding the bed next to you cold. 
At first you thought he was in the bathroom but after a couple of minutes and no sound coming from the room, you sat yourself up, turning the lamp on the bedside table on. 
You could still feel his cum that had dried on your stomach hours before, when you found a note from him on the bedside table that said
Thank you
Two months later you found out you were pregnant.
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He has been ignoring you. 
Which was making you even angrier, because you did nothing wrong. 
You were sitting with your mother on the backyard patio enjoying some iced tea, watching your brother and Joel at the grill. 
You had learned all the important stuff about Joel from your mother in the last ten minutes.
He was forty five, six years younger than your mom, but still much older than you. He had a daughter whose name was Sarah. She was twenty seven, living in Dallas and working as a doctor, about to be married next spring. 
You were just nodding along, frankly overwhelmed with the situation. 
You had sex with your mothers boyfriend. 
Yes, you didn’t know it back then, and you had verified with your mother when they met each other, they only started dating after that weekend you had spend with him. 
But you had slept with him. 
You were pregnant from him. 
You were pregnant with your mothers boyfriends child. 
„Are you okay?“ You mother asked. You almost jumped, your ice tea spilling a little.
„Sorry. A little tired. Work is busy,“ you lied. 
„I’m so proud of you baby. My little girl is going places,“ she smiled and you smiled back. Thankfully your brother sat down next to her, involving her in a conversation. It gave you the chance to sneak away into the house to find the bathroom. 
You walked by a wall of pictures. Joel was in many of them and the man you had seen back in Phoenix was there too. 
You smiled when you saw a younger version of Joel next to a girl that looked so much like him. You saw her grow up through the pictures on the wall. You could see that Joel was a proud dad. Always next to her at the milestones of her life. 
For some reason it made you tear up, your hand coming to rest over your stomach, the bump barely there. 
Your child would never have this. 
They would never have a loving father who was there every single day, for every milestone in their life. 
You couldn’t do that to your mother. She was clearly in love with him. 
But maybe you were in love with him too. 
No man had made you feel like Joel did before. Yes you had some relationships, even one where you could see yourself getting married before it ended. 
But Joel….
The things he made you feel in that hotel room were like nothing you had ever felt before. And not just sexually. You felt safe with him. You felt comfortable with him, even when you were both quiet and just enjoying the moment. 
You thought it was just a stupid crush at first. Because of the way you met and how it ended. 
You couldn’t fall in love with someone you had only known for three days, right?
But against all odds you did, and you had made your peace with it. 
You could even understand him leaving you in the middle of the night. 
He had told you that he was single and not married. And you believed him. You were much younger than him, which would make this… thing between the two of you most likely not have a future anyway. And long distance was not something that was easy. 
You made every excuse in the books for him. 
But standing here in his house, looking at his life, all you felt was sadness. 
Sadness over what you wouldn’t have. 
Why did it have to be him?
„Your mother and your brother left to get ice cream for dessert,“ Joel’s voice made you jump. You hadn’t even heard him come in. Nodding you walked away from this wall of memories, to search for the bathroom your mother had shown your earlier. 
You felt sick. 
Joel called your name from behind but you shook your head, almost running, but not getting far when you felt his hand wrap around your wrist, making you stop. 
„Joel, please…“ you whispered, your eyes closed, taking deep breaths. 
„We have to talk. I…“
But you didn’t hear what he said next because the next hing you knew was you vomiting all over his shoes. 
And then… nothing.
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Your head was pounding when you came back to. You could hear voices as if they talked through cotton. 
Groaning you brought your hand up, rubbing it over your temple. 
You vomited all over Joel and then you….
You passed out?
One hand came to rest over your stomach, your eyes blinking open in panic. 
Were you okay? Was your baby okay? What the fuck happened?
„Hey honey. Slow down. Joel said you passed out?“ You felt your mother take your hand. You were laying on the couch, wondering how you got there. 
A million thoughts went through your head, but on the forefront was your worry about your baby. The baby no one knew about.
You were close to hyperventilating when you felt a hand on your back, soothingly rubbing up and down your spine, guiding you to take deep breaths, his voice soothing you almost instantly. 
Your mother was still holding your hand, looking worriedly at you when you turned your head to look at Joel. He was so close you could smell him.
Tears sprang into your eyes as you looked away from him to your mom. 
„I need to see a doctor,“ you whispered and your mother softly squeezed your hand, Joel’s hand on your back stopping. 
„Are you in pain?“ She asked alarmed. You shook your head. 
„No. But…“ you gulped, looking quickly to Joel before you looked back at your mother. 
„I need to check if the baby is okay,“ you began to cry, your eyes closing, missing the reaction of the people kneeling next to you. 
„Baby?“ Your mother asked. You sucked your bottom lip in, nodding slowly before your eyes opened. 
You saw the tears in your mothers eyes, surprise clearly in her face before she leaned in and hugged you softly, kissing your cheek, your eyes meeting Joel’s whose eyes were fixed on you, his jaw clenched, his eyes narrowed as if he was trying to figure something out. 
He wasn’t stupid. 
You told him that first night that it had been years since you had been with someone before him. You had no reason to lie to him, not that he knew that. 
His eyes widened when you kept looking at him, clearly having made the math. 
Your mother looked at you with a warm smile. 
„You have to tell me everything. But lets get you to see a doctor first.“
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Faith really must have a field day today with you. 
Joel drove you and your mother to the next hospital, your brother having to leave to pick up his boyfriend from work. He made you promise to call once you knew everything was okay. He would be waiting for you at his place. 
And now you were in the maternity wing, waiting for the doctor to come and make an ultrasound to check if everything was okay. 
With Joel waiting with you in the room, as far away from you as he could be without leaving. 
Your mother was trying to get in touch with your doctor back in Seattle, leaving Joel with you to wait. 
Joel hadn’t said a single word to you since you left his house. You felt his eyes on you but you were stubbornly looking everywhere but at him. 
This was not how you planned this. 
Then again, you had never planned this situation, had you?
You thought you would never see Joel again. You were starting to make your peace with that fact. Not only having gotten pregnant by a man whose last name you didn’t even know, no but falling in love with the same man. 
How could you have predicted that you would meet him again like that?
If you allowed yourself to dream about running into him again, it was definitely not while meeting him as your moms new boyfriend. 
The door opened and you looked up, your eyes meeting Joels for a second before you saw an older woman walk in, a warm smile on her face. 
„I read that you passed out today?“ She asked after she introduced herself. 
„Yeah,“ you nodded. 
She sat down on the chair next to the table you were laying on, looking through the file your mother had filled out for your while you had waited. 
„Anything in particular happened before you passed out?“ She asked and your eyes briefly met Joels before you looked at her. 
„Might be a combination of stress and the weather? I am not used to the heat anymore,“ you have her a shy smile. 
She nodded at you, setting the file down. 
„I can see that your blood pressure is a little high, but that’s not too bad yet. Let’s check on the baby, shall we?“ She asked and you nodded. 
Your pulled your shirt up and she warned you softly that this would be a little cold as she put the gel onto your stomach. You winced a little and she winked at you before she reached for the wand. 
„Is this dad?“ She asked you before she looked at Joel. 
You looked at him for the first time then. Really looked at him. His whole body was tensed, his arms crossed in front of his chest, his gaze on you, but it felt like he was looking through you. 
Though his eyes did find yours when he heard the question, probably wondering what you would say. 
And even if you would want to tell the truth, you had to talk to him first. 
So you shook your head before you looked at the doctor again. 
„Just a friend of my mom. She should be here any minute,“ you said and the doctor nodded. 
It took a little while before the heartbeat of your child filled the room. You looked at the monitor, smiling relieved as you saw the little blob, your baby, on the screen. 
„It looks like everything is just fine,“ the Doctor said and you shakily breathed out. She smiled softly at you, clicking some buttons on the machine and you just kept looking at your baby, oblivious to Joel having made his way over to you to take a closer look. 
„You’re at 17 weeks and the little bean looks as healthy as it can be. I want you to take it a little easier. Make sure to take some breaks and if you’re not used to the heat, maybe stay indoors. Where is home?“ She asked
„Seattle,“ you said and she sighed. 
„Too much rain for me. But I can understand why this all was a little much for you here. To be on the safe side, see your Doctor once you get back for a check up,“ she said. You nodded. Her head tilted up and you followed her gaze, surprised to find Joel standing next to you, his eyes fixed on the screen with an unreadable expression. 
„Do you want me to print out a copy for your mom?“ The doctor asked. You nodded, your eyes still fixed on Joel. 
„Can I get three copies maybe? My mom, me and…“ you gulped, „for the father?“ You looked away from Joel as his head turned to look at you. 
The doctor smiled at you. 
„Of course.“
And while she worked, the heartbeat of your baby still filling the empty room you allowed yourself to look at Joel who had tears in his eyes as he looked at you.
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Your mother hadn’t stopped asking questions on the whole way back from the hospital. 
„Why didn’t you tell me?“
„I would have eventually.“
„Do you have a boyfriend?“
„Who is the father?“
„He’s not in the picture.“
You could feel Joel’s eyes on you the whole way back to your brother, your head stubbornly turned towards the window, watching the Austin Landscape fly by. 
„Are you happy?“ Your mother asked as the truck parked in front of your brothers house. 
It was a good question. Were you happy?
The situation was a mess. It was… straight out of a soap opera but much more complicated. 
But apart from that? You becoming a mom?
„Yeah. I am happy,“ you answered. 
„Then I am happy for you. Gosh, I’m gonna be a Grandma!“ She smiled and you chuckled. 
„Yeah. You are.“
„Are you gonna move back here?“ She asked. You shook your head. 
„I don’t think so. I like Seattle. I have all my friends there and my job,“ you looked at her. She had turned in her seat so she could look at you. 
„I understand. And I don’t want to talk you into something, I know you have a great support system in Seattle. But… you have one here too. Sean would never say it, but he misses you deeply. And you know I would love to see you more,“ she reached over to squeeze your arms softly. 
„Mom…“ you sighed.
„I know. I just wanted to say it,“ you looked away from her, looking at Joel for a moment who hadn’t said anything since leaving the hospital. 
„I’ll get out of your hair. Sorry for all this mess today,“ you said.
„It’s perfectly fine. I’ll walk you to the door,“ your mother said, already getting out of the car, throwing the door closed behind her. You took a deep breath, still looking at Joel as you reached for the third copy of the sonogram, having written your phone number on the back of it. 
Without saying a word, you put it face down on the armrest at the front seat before you got out of the car and walked to your brothers house. 
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You did not really expect Joel to call you, but you were still left disappointed. 
Not that you could not understand him. 
He was probably as overwhelmed with the whole situation as you were. But you wanted to talk to him. You had to talk to him. You had a long talk with your brother when you got to his place. You had told him about meeting this man while you were stranded at the airport and how you spend three days with him in your bed. You told him that the rule was to just live in the moment and enjoy the time you had together, but that it left you heartbroken when he just disappeared in the middle of the night, nowhere to be found. 
You also told him that somehow even though you had an IUD and he used condoms every single time but that one time in the shower, that the man had still managed to get you pregnant. 
Sean held you while you talked. His boyfriend John sitting across from you. 
„Sounds to me like you fell for him,“ John said and you groaned. 
„I know. So fucking stupid. How can you fall in love with a man you know nothing about?“ You whined.
„Well you may not know much about him. But you clearly clicked on some way. If he had been looking for a quick fuck, he would have left after the first time you had sex. But he came back to you. Probably until he had to leave himself. And you said he was older. Maybe he didn’t see a future,“ John said. 
„Or maybe he was married,“ your brother grunted and you punched him lightly in the stomach.
„What? You don’t know for certain if he was,“ he argued.
You sat there in silence for a couple of minutes. 
„You have no way of contacting the guy?“ Sean asked softly. 
You could lie. But you wanted to tell someone, and you knew your brother would keep your secret if you asked him. 
So you told him. 
„I do now,“ you whispered.
„What do you mean?“ He asked. 
„You gonna hate me,“ you closed your eyes, hiding against his chest. 
„I can’t hate you. You’re my favourite little sister,“ he teased and you laughed quietly. 
„I am your only sister,“ you reminded him and he shrugged. 
You sucked your bottom lip in, nibbling on it. 
„It was Joel,“ you whispered, feeling your brother tense next to you. 
„I met him almost five months ago in Phoenix. It was before he even met mom,“ you sobbed quietly. His arms tightened around you and you felt him release a long breath. 
„Well fuck. That’s….“ He began.
„A fucking mess?“ you helped.
„You could say that.“
A moment of quiet passed before John said. 
„Did he say anything?“ John asked and you turned your head, resting your cheek on your brothers chest as you opened your eyes to look at his boyfriend.
„Didn’t really get the chance to talk. First I vomited all over him and then mom was always there. I…. Did sneak him my number. So… I hope he calls,“ you said.
„I can talk to him,“ your brother offered but you shook your head. 
„If he doesn’t contact me, his message will be clear. And I have to move on somehow…“
„Do you think you can? Even if you stay in Seattle. Imagine him and mom stay together or get married. He’ll be around all the time. You would see him every time you come and visit.“
„I don’t know,“ you whispered. 
Sean sighed. 
„We gonna figure this out. But not today. It’s been a long day for you. Let’s get you to bed.“
Your mother came over for breakfast the next day, insisting to spend more time with you before you would leave. 
She made excuses for Joel who had to go to work on a construction site. You didn’t really care. 
You hadn’t slept the whole night, you just wanted to go home. 
To erase the last twenty four hours and live in blissful denial. 
It was afternoon when she left, promising to come and see you the next morning before your brother dropped you off at the airport. 
And she did. With a gift basket for mothers to be, bringing tears to your eyes. 
She made you promise to call more, hugging you goodbye when Sean said it was time to get you to the airport. 
You left Austin on a 11am flight. 
And Joel did not call.
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skylersprompts · 1 year
DC x DP Prompt *7*
Robin was staring at the screen of the Bat-Computer, while his mind was trapped in the past.
Damian could still clearly remember growing up in the League. And he remembers that he never questioned Grandfather or Mother, except once.
He had been seven, almost eight, when he was training his stealth. And what would be better practice then to follow his mother around till she spots him.
But this day his mother seemed distracted, something that never happened. He followed her to Grandfathers study and listened.
"The boy is nothing but a hindrance to Damian. He fails to kill and has sympathy that's unbecoming for an al Ghul. If Danyal won't complete his next mission, you will dispose of him", Grandfather sounded annoyed, as if he didn't just spoke about killing his twin, about how their mother would have to kill her own flesh and blood.
He didn't wait for his mothers response, knowing that she wouldn't oppose the demon head. As fast as he could he searched for his other half, they needed an plan.
On their next mission Danyal died. It was tragic, but he had sacrificed himself to save the heir of the al Ghuls. At least that is what Damian reported to the League.
Danyal was on the run and for the next 19 month he was forbidden to leave any clues about his whereabouts for Damian.
At some point he would be able to find him again.
He had searched for Danyal, ever since he stared to life with father. But the little voice in the back of his head kept whispering about how Danyal probably died because of his injuries years ago and that father would see it as his fault that he lost another son.
But know he found one of his clues. An online post from someone with the username 'ghostboi', about a constellation and the story that he himself spun around it. A story only the two of them knew. Well... and a few hundred strangers now, but he would have to talk later with Danyal about that.
Now it was time to tell father about yet another son that mother kept secret from him, oh joy.
The talk had been going as good as anyone could expect, which meant that he and father now sat in a private jet, only two hours after they found out about Danyals whereabouts and three hours since Bruce Wayne knows about his second blood son.
They where going as Civilians, since it would probably go smoother. And because the Brucie Wayne persona seemed to gift his father the ability to talk a little bit easier about emotions. Except for right now, because he was angry at Damian for keeping his twin a secret. Still, Damian couldn't see how he could have handled this better and also stayed silent.
Quietly he goes over the things he found out about his brother.
He now goes by the name Daniel James Fenton
He lives in Amity Park, Illinois
He was adopted at the age of nine by the Fentons
He goes to the local high school
He has an older sister, Jasmine Fenton, who is in college for psychology
His parents are ecto-scientist
He has two friend with the names of Tucker Foley and Samantha Manson
It wasn't a lot, but he didn't have much time and also not the patience to wait any longer. It had been almost nine years since he last seen his other half and even if he was nervous, he just couldn't bear to wait any longer.
After they landed in an airport in the city nearest to Amity Park, the two immediately got into the back of a car and their journey continues.
For a long time it was silent in the car, till Damian couldn't bear his father's brooding anymore.
"I didn't know if he had survived and I deemed it better for everyone involved if I'm the only one with this particular uncertainty and possible grief", even if his own voice was levelled and his father just responded with a grunt, the air in the car seemed now easier to breathe.
Yes, Bruce had been livid and heartbroken when Damian had told him about his youngest, but he could understand to some degree where the boy was coming from. And if the situation wouldn't be so heartbreaking, then he could be able to call it sweet of his son. He just didn't want him to hurt, but even so... now it was to late to think about the what if's, in a few minutes he would have Daniel in his sight.
They stopped in front of a house that was a clear violation of every OSHA law he could think of. But the big "FENTON WORK' sign, told him that they were right.
Bruce put on a light smile, before he knocked on the door, Damian on his left side. From inside he heard a little bit of shuffling and a carbon copy of Damian opened the door. Everything except for the eyes were the same.
But before Bruce could say anything, the twins were already in each other's arms. He could hear quiet sniffling.
"You found me, your safe", the words came like a mantra out of Daniels mouth.
"Ahbak, Danyal", was the whispered answer from Damian.
And Bruce felt like an intruder in this moment. He had never seen his son so openly affectionate and it was like a weight had lifted of Damians shoulders.
It took a few minutes till the two brothers let go of each other. Except for their hands, that stayed clasps with each other.
"Hello Daniel, I'm Bruce Wayne. I'm yours and Damians father", he introduced himself with a smile, even though the boy seemed to shrink a little bit into himself.
"Please call me Danny Mr. Wayne. Just Fruitloops call me Daniel", his son gave him a crooked smile and Bruce nodded.
"Of course, but call me Bruce", he answered easygoing.
"Is there a place where we can talk Danyal?", Damian got the attention of his twin with a little tuck on his hand.
"You can come inside. Mom and Dad are out of town to get a few supplies for a new project", his answer was sheepish, as he lead them inside.
It seemed like he had adjusted well to a civilian life. How he wished he could have seen his growth.
They sit down in the living room and start to talk a bit about Danny's life with the Fentons. It's apparent for both him and Damian, that Danny is hiding something from them, but they don't press. Maybe he'll tells Damian, when they have a moment alone.
"Should I help you to pack your possessions now? I'm sure the Fentons won't need to long to come back, so that you can say goodbye", as Damian was speaking, he stood up and looked at a bewildered Danny. But Bruce wasn't really better. As much as he would love to bring Danny home with them, they couldn't just rip him out of his life. And Danny seems to see it just like him.
"Dami... I'm not leaving. I love my parents and my friends, I can't just go and leave them", Danny also stood up and clasped his hands on Damians shoulders.
"Tt... so you choose them over me?", his voice was barely over a whisper.
"No! I-... it's just... give me time? I'm almost done with high school and I want to go Gotham U, so... just wait a bit? Please?", his tone was pleading, as he searched his brothers eyes, whom just answered with a defeated sight.
"Danny is right Damian. We can't just uproot him like that. As much as I want us all together, we found him now, the rest can wait", Damian deflated a little more at his words. And so Bruce couldn't just let the opportunity pass to comfort his children for once.
He closed the small distance between them and hugged both of the boys lightly to himself.
"You know that I always wanted to raise you myself and now that I see you both like that, I wish for it even more", he sighted with a woeful smile, while Damian grumbled about the proximity. But Danny's little smile shifted to a horrified look.
"Your wish is my command~", the feminine voice came out of thin air, but Bruce had no time to think about it. Because just a second later, there were two little Babies in his arms. Two little, screaming Babies.
Bruce never regretted it so much in his life, that he hadn't brought Alfred along.
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lovelybucky1 · 1 year
Crane Motel
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Kinktober Day 12- Somnophilia
warnings: DARK FIC, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT: AFAB!reader, Psycho AU, non-con, somnophilia, struggle fuck, groping, incel!jonathan, oral sex (f!receiving), vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, 18+ Minors DNI
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kinktober masterlist
The sky is pitch black and the heavy rain makes it difficult to see even ten feet in front of your car. You can't continue driving in these conditions, so you take the nearest exit in hopes of finding a place to spend the night or at least a place to pull over.
You drove about five minutes into the town off the highway until you came across a building. Crane Motel the neon sign read. Vacancies. It doesn’t have to be nice, it just has to be dry.
You pull into the lot, gravel crunching under your tires. It’s hard to see the parking spots, but no one else is here and you doubt they’ll come at this hour. You collect your items and make a dash for the porch of the office, locking your car with the remote once you’re away from the rain.
You open the door to the office and you’re met with the warm light from a lamp and an empty desk.
“Hello?” you say. No answer. “Hello?” Still no answer. You notice a bell on the desk so you try your luck and hit the bell. The metallic ring fills the office and from the closed door behind the desk, you hear a thump.
The door swings open and a young man in a light blue button down shirt that hangs off him and khakis appears.
“Hi,” he smiles. “Welcome to the Crane Motel.”
“Hello,” you smile politely. “I’d like a room please.”
“Of course,” he says, taking out the guest book and opening it to today’s date. As he flips through the pages you take note that most of them are blank, and the ones that are written on only have one or two names. “We don’t get many visitors up here,” he says with a small chuckle.
“Well, I’m only here for the night. The weather’s too bad out there to keep driving.”
The man nods in understanding. “I’m Jonathan, by the way,” he says, extending his hand to you.
You shake his hand. “Nice to meet you, Jonathan.”
“Likewise. I run this motel. My mother owns it, but she’s too sick to take care of things around here so I’m in charge of it.”
You nod along as you sign your name in the guest book. “Is it just the two of you?”
“Has been all my life. My dad died before I was born so it’s just been her and I.”
You find it a bit odd that he’s sharing so much of his life with a stranger, but you figure he doesn’t have anyone to talk to up here.
“I’m sorry,” you say.
“Don’t be. Can’t lose what you’ve never had,” he says with a smile.
Jonathan tilts his head to look down at the guest book and reads off your name. “That’s pretty.”
“Thank you,” you smile.
“How are you gonna be paying?” he asks.
“Cash,” you say, taking out your wallet.
He furrows his brows. “Cash? You’re not on the run, are you?” You look up at him with a confused expression, but when his face splits into a smile you catch on that he’s joking. “I’m kidding. People usually use cash if they’re on the run or having an affair, but you’re here alone, right?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“Alright, no reason to be suspicious of you then. That’ll be $30.”
“Only 30?”
“We’re not in demand enough to charge anymore that,” he chuckles. “Besides, you seem nice and you’re just looking for a place to stay.”
“Well, thank you, Jonathan.”
He takes your cash and counts it out, confirming you gave him the right amount. He then unlocks the cash drawer and puts the bills in their appropriate slots.
“Alright, I’m gonna put you in Cabin 1. It’s closest to the office in case you need anything tonight,” he says as he takes the key labeled 1 off of the hook screwed into the wall.
He hands you the key but before you could turn to leave, he catches your elbow.
“I was making dinner for my mother and I but I accidentally made too much. Would you like to join us?” he offers.
“Oh, thank you for the offer but I’m super exhausted from driving all this way. I’m just going to head to bed,” you say.
“Okay,” he says, letting you go of your arm. “You never said where you’re from.”
“Um, about a two hours south from here.”
Jonathan raises his eyebrows. “What are you doing all the way up here?”
You sigh quietly, growing tired of his questions. “I’m going on a trip with some friends.”
“Sounds fun,” he says.
You nod with a close lipped smile. “Well, have a good night.”
“You too,” he says.
You turn and exit the office, shutting the door behind you. You run to your car and grab your bags as quickly as you can to avoid getting soaked, then take cover again under the roof. You walk across the wooden porch to the door labeled 1 that is connected to the office. You unlock the door and walk into the room, taking in the surroundings.
The room is small but it has a bed and a bathroom, so it will suffice. You drop your bags at the end of the bed and open your suitcase, digging through it for pajamas and toiletries.
You change into your t-shirt and shorts, then disappear into the bathroom to wash up. Unbeknownst to you, the kind man you met at the desk is not what he seems.
He put you in the first cabin not so it would be easier to attend to your needs, but because behind a picture frame in the office is a hole that he can look through to see the bed.
Jonathan was infatuated with you the moment he laid eyes on you. He doesn't interact with many people other than his mother, especially not someone so beautiful and interesting as you. He knew he couldn't let this opportunity slip away. He had to have you before you left in the morning.
He waited for you to return from the bathroom and when he heard a thumb through the thin walls, he peered back through the hole. Seeing you undress was exhilarating. Your body is gorgeous, exactly what he likes. It's almost like the universe sent you to him for a reason.
As kind as you are, Jonathan knows you would never agree to a night with him if he were to ask. That's why he's going to wait until you're asleep to make a move.
Apparently you're less exhausted than you let on, because instead of going right to sleep like you said you would, you stay up for another hour watching TV.
Once you finally turned off the TV and lights, Jonathan waited fifteen minutes for you to fall asleep before sneaking into your room. He unlocks the door quietly and turns the handle before opening it so the knob doesn't click.
He's used to seeing in the dark, so he has no trouble making his way over to the bed. The faint light from the neon sign outside illuminates your face, making you look angelic.
Jonathan gently untucks the covers from your arm and pulls them down, revealing your body. He sighs in delight as he trails his fingertips gently down your arm, relishing in the feeling of your soft skin.
Luckily you're laying on your back so he has easy access to everything he wants to see. He pushes your shirt up over your breasts, revealing even more soft skin and peaked nipples that catch the light from the window. Jonathan brushes the pad of his thumb over them gently, curious as to what they feel like.
Getting braver, he palms your breasts and squeezes them. He's seen plenty of breasts before online, but he's never even been this close to a pair in real life. He is mesmerized by how the flesh jiggles.
He has been hard in his slacks sine you first came to the desk, but now that he is touching you, he is growing increasingly needy. He undoes the fly of his pants and lets his cock hang out from the zipper. Even having it out in your presence made him ache with pleasure.
Jonathan then turned his attention to your bottoms. He slips his fingers under the waist band and gently pushes them down as best he can. They get caught under your as, but he can pull them down enough to get a glimpse of your pussy.
His hands shake as he gently caresses your mound, surprised that you're even softer here. He lets his finger dip between your folds, feeling your wetness. Jonathan then pulls his hand back and holds it up to his face to take a deep breath of your scent. It's delicious, and he can't help but taste it off his finger.
He reaches under your shorts again, exploring your pussy and teasing your entrance while his other hand jerks his cock. He gets a bit too carried away, because his unpracticed hands must have poked you the wrong way and you stir.
Jonathan yanks his hand back and waits to see if you'll wake up. You remain asleep, but you roll onto your side, turning your back to him. He is a bit disappointed at first, but then he gets another idea. He pulls your shorts the rest of the way down and lets them bunch at your knees.
He gently spreads your ass cheeks to look at your holes. He has to stifle a groan when he sees the glistening of your pussy. Jonathan leans down to lick you from behind. At this angle, only the tip of his tongue makes contact with your folds, but it's enough to get a taste right from the source.
He moves his tongue back and forth as much as he can, imagining that he's doing this for your pleasure and not his own perverted desires. Between his legs, his cock his painfully hard and leaking onto the shitty carpet.
Feeling bold since he's done all of this to you and you haven't woken up yet, he decides to go a little further. He eases you onto your stomach and gently lifts your legs so he can slot himself between them. He slowly eases onto the mattress and spreads your folds so he can find your entrance.
He lines his cock up and begins to push in. It's a little difficult when the only experience he's ever had has been with his hand. He manages to get the tip in when he feels your body jolt. You make something of a whine and Jonathan's heart begins racing.
You try to adjust your position, still mostly asleep, but when you find yourself being restrained, you start to thrash. You kick your legs and claw at the sheets, all while yelling out.
"Get the fuck off me!" you cry, shaking your body like you're a mechanical bull trying to throw him off.
Jonathan doesn't want to stop. He's made it this far already. He presses down on your shoulder blades to keep you from squirming and your arms are pinned under your chest so you can't try to hit him.
You're still screaming, but now it's broken up by heavy sobs and pleas. You can scream as loud as you want but the only person around to hear you is the one making you scream.
Jonathan continues to push his cock into you, though he faces more resistance now that you're awake. You're so much tighter when you're scared, he notes.
"Don't hurt me, please. I-I have a family, please stop," you beg.
Jonathan frowns. "I'm not hurting you," he says.
How could he be hurting you? Sex feels good, and women love to have sex. That's what he's seen in all those videos. They love it so much they'll even beg for it.
Jonathan ruts into you and after a while, you lose the will to scream for help. All you can do is lay there and sob while he violates you. Jonathan, however, is enjoying himself very much. The tight, wet heat of your pussy around him is like nothing else he's ever experienced. It's addictive, and though he feels himself getting close, he doesn't want this to end.
Jonathan tries to stave off his orgasm but he's too worked up. He bucks his hips quickly, jackhammering you until he cums. He's fucking you like a fleshlight, using you as a place to stick his dick weather you're willing or not.
He buries himself deep inside you when he cums, emptying his overfilled balls into you. Jonathan is moaning and whimpering above you, completely overwhelmed by pleasure. He lays himself over your back and tucks his chin over your shoulder.
His face is far too close to yours and you scream again, hoping it will make him leave you alone. With a satisfied sigh, he pulls out and tucks himself back into his pants. He bends down to look at his cum leaking out of your pussy, just like he sees in all the videos he watches.
He grabs your covers and pulls them back up over you, tucking you in. You lay facing away from him, body shaking with silent sobs.
"I'll see you in the morning for breakfast," Jonathan says before exiting your room and heading back to the office.
Tonight he'll sleep on the sofa in the parlor in case you need anything. And he'll wake up extra early to watch you get dressed in the morning.
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targaryen-dynasty · 1 year
Part 2 of The Devil You Know
Biker!Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader
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What was supposed to be a quiet start into the day ended with a surprising question... and a lot of surprising feelings.
WORDS: 2.6 K
WARNINGS: just some sexual tension, some teasing, some somewhat cocky Aemond Targaryen
NOTES: I know I've written this, but reader definitely is stronger than me when it comes to Aemond, tbh.💀 Aemond is confident and self-assured, but not in an asshole kind of way. He has different sides to him, but you‘ll get to know some of them throughout this series.
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It was 9:30 am sharp when you pulled into the parking lot in front of the Choppers, your father’s old Jeep Wrangler coming to a stop with a whole lot of difficulties, the squealing brakes announcing your arrival. While you were incredibly grateful for him providing you with the car in the first place, you would've not minded taking out his motorcycle instead–except for the fact that you don’t know how to drive one, and that your father’s motorcycle is far too big and heavy for you. 
Just the thought of feeling a bit more connected to the place, the bar and the people visiting it was what made you want it in the first place, knowing being a biker yourself would secure you a permanent spot with the Savage Dragons. But you and your family struggled to make ends meet, so, getting your own motorcycle, and the license on top, were the last things on your list. 
In front of the bar stood several motorcycles, but the most striking one among them was a sleek black Harley-Davidson Fat Bob 114. You had heard rumors of whom it belonged to, and wondered what had happened the previous night for its owner to leave his bike behind, standing in the open in the midst of busy King’s Landing.
Your keychain fell to the ground as you closed the heavy front door behind you, and the silence of the empty bar was pierced by a tired groan. You picked them up at lightning speed and put the individual keys between your fingers, ready to jab an assailant at any given moment. 
“Who’s there?” you asked, putting on the most threatening tone you could muster while prowling around the empty tables. It was then, as you reached the bar and turned on the lights, that you spotted a flash of silver on one of the corner benches in the back of Choppers. And then you spotted the leather jacket hanging over one of the chairs, a golden, three-headed dragon shimmering on the back of it. There’s no way, you thought to yourself, rubbing your palms to prepare yourself for the inevitable meeting with Dracarys’ ominous and unofficial president, Aemond.
The man grumbled and stretched his ridiculously long legs, protruding far over the edge of the bench. “It’s me.” And with no oldschool rock thrumming in the background, his voice sounded even smoother. 
He looked absolutely whacked, and from the way he rubbed his eyes–yes, eyes, the eyepatch rested on the table next to him–it seemed as if he didn’t have a comfortable night. 
“What are you doing here?” You moved to stand behind the counter, feeling more comfortable with something solid between you to grant you some sense of safety alone with a stranger in an empty bar. 
“Gods,” he groaned, “how late is it?” Aemond pulled out his phone and glanced at the black screen while still lying on his back. It was obvious his phone had died, because he sighed and slammed it on the table before craning his neck to look at the clock hanging at the wall behind you. The bar was naturally dimly lit, and with him being in the far back, you couldn’t see his face properly. “Fuck, it’s way too early.”  
You scoffed, and filled the sink with hot water, cleaning the glasses that had piled up the counter. “Got drunk after I left, and no one to bring you home?” you asked, though there was a certain snappiness to your tone–at least snappier than initially intended. You blamed it on him interrupting the only quiet hours you would get all day with your shift starting in two hours, while deep down your nervousness certainly played into it, too. 
Aemond rose from his spot with a dry chuckle at your attitude. He fixed his disheveled hair, and since your eyes flickered over his frame from his shoes up to his hands, you quickly averted them the moment you spotted the eyepatch dangling loosely between his slender fingers, which meant his supposedly sapphire eye was uncovered. 
Even though someone missing an eye was something completely natural and normal, it still felt eerily intimate to you. Perhaps, he was still half asleep, not fully aware that you haven’t seen his missing eye before, or perhaps he just didn’t care. Something in you tried to resist the urge to look up at him, to gawk at his eye, and it felt as if your whole body was frozen in place with him creeping closer to you. 
Your face was titled down with your eyes fixed on the sink, being extra careful to scrub every glass spotless in order to not meet his eyes, and Aemond seemingly became aware of what you were doing. A deeply buried part of him was grateful, because it meant he got to spend just a few more minutes without being judged for his condition openly, but you didn’t strike him as someone so judging, and he was certain Jace and Luke had told you about the prosthetic. But he also wanted to see how long you could keep it up, especially with him being right in front of you. He smirked to himself, and sat down on one of the bar stools. 
“Some ass cut the fuel line of my motorcycle,” he replied. 
Aemond leaned over the counter, fetching one of the cleaned glasses, and poured himself a tap beer as if he’d done that plenty of times before. The instinct to swat his hands away, just like you had done with Baela’s multiple times in the past, was big, but you withstood it. However, you gauged at his hands, memorizing the veins that ran along their backs, decorated with tattoos, and disappearing under the long sleeves of his black shirt.
You raised your brows, seeming unconvinced. “And Aegon didn’t want you to ride shotgun?”
He took a swig of his beer. “I have to put up with Aegon all day long. It’s kinda nice to have a night all to yourself. Just told Jason to pick me up in the morning.”
“And how would you have gotten out of here today?” 
Aemond slightly tilted his head, one eyebrow cocked in a smug manner. “I know about the spare key taped under the counter right…,” he trailed off and leaned forwards over the counter, coming dangerously close as he reached next to you, nimble fingers curling beneath the countertop to retrieve said spare key, “... here.”
While his movements and proximity choked the air out of your lungs, you felt unable to move and merely processed what he had done when he presented you the key, captured between his index and middle finger. You snatched it from him, ignoring the goosebumps that littered over your skin as you touched him, and put it right back where it came from. 
“And you prefer to sleep in your uncle’s bar, on one of the most uncomfortable corner benches to ever exist, just to have a few hours without your brother?”
“Exactly,” he said, keeping his eyes on you, whereas you hadn’t directly looked at his face once, “it’s nice to spend a night and a morning all alone before a damn long shift at the shop.”
The thoughts of his missing eye were pushed to the back of your mind at his statement, your head tilting up with your eyes narrowed to look at him. Yours slightly traced over his chiseled features, and when you eventually spotted the sapphire blue prosthetic eye, you couldn’t say that you weren’t a bit disappointed. “So, you’re telling me you both work, huh, like, getting your hands dirty and all?” It was more of a teasing question, though a hint of disbelief lingered in your tone.
While his breath caught in his throat when your eyes finally met, clearly anticipating the usual stuttering, the flushed face and neck, the not knowing where to look and, worst of all, even apologizing for looking at him, he was laser-focused to spot any signs of disgust or repulsion on your features. When nothing of the matters above followed, he was pleasantly surprised. But he was able to notice something else flickering in your eyes–something that came close to fascination.
“Getting our hands dirty, and everything that comes with it, sweets,” the nickname slipped past his lips with such ease once the shock of your first eye contact passed. You knew it merely was the payback for your previous teasing, and yet you blushed. It was repulsive when his brother said it, despite Aegon being easy on the eyes and carrying quite the charisma, but it sounded ten times better when it came from Aemond. 
“Just joking,” he was quick to add, obviously not wanting to push the limits. “We work at the Lannister’s shop, mostly fixing the motorcycles, but I could certainly get some cars to drive, too.”
Inappropriate thoughts clouded your mind. Visions of a sweaty Aemond, grunting and groaning at a particularly hard task, covered with a few streaks of oil and a thin sheen of sweat that not only accentuated his tattoos, but also highlighted his muscles and veins. You had bitten your bottom lip, only pulled out of your thoughts at the dull thud of Aemond putting his almost emptied pint back on the countertop. Your cheeks lit up in embarrassment as you noticed what had happened, trying to get your mind off it by taking care of the glassware. 
Once the glasses were stored in the cabinet, you slightly bowed forwards and gripped the edges of the counter, meeting Aemond’s eyes. Only then you noticed the slight color difference in his healthy eye and the prosthetic. The right one was more of a steel blue, whereas the left one indeed was colored in a sapphire blue. From the way Jace and Luke had told it, you fully expected a real sapphire to be popped into the socket, though the one he now wore definitely had more charm. A very faint scar ran from his cheek up to his forehead, barely noticeable without looking closely. 
You could’ve sworn you’d seen him squirm under your gaze. Just slightly.
 “I’d have to see that myself to believe you and Aegon are actually working for your money,” you noted, an amused tone laced within your voice. 
Aemond chuckled, still somewhat baffled by your bold staring, “feel free to drop by whenever you feel like it. I’ll be at the shop at least until 6pm today… and every other day, too.”
Grabbing a rag, you wetted it and came back from behind the counter to start wiping down the tables. The awkward tension between you two had vanished into thin air rather quickly, and you actually found him to be one of the very few people you could have pleasant conversations with. 
Aemond turned in his seat and watched your every move just like he had done the night before. Instead of the skirt, you wore skinny jeans this time around, and they did nothing to hide your curves. Perhaps he had to put the eyepatch over his healthy eye to stop himself from staring at you like a bitch in heat. 
“I wouldn’t have thought that your brother’s quite a handful,” you stated, not bothering to look at him from over your shoulder. You had a feeling you’d catch him staring if you did, and you weren’t sure if you could handle that without wanting to jump his bones right then and there.  
“Aegon is many things, and when he’s not a handful, he’s a menace.”
“Oh, I’ve heard about that.”
“Sure you did,” came his reply, a strange edge you couldn’t assign to it.
You think nothing of it, mind still lingering on the stupid excuse he had given about sleeping in the bar, and you had to bite the insides of your cheeks to stop your lips from curling into a grin, yet the ‘mhmm’ you made could even be heard by him. 
A few empty glasses Cregan clearly had missed the night before were balanced in your hand as you walked back towards the bar, but instead of walking around it, you approached the vacant space next to Aemond, placing the glasses on the countertop. You felt his eye on you, and in your peripheral vision you saw him watching you. Again, or still. 
You half turned to face him, a tilt of your head exposing your neck while your eyes took him in for a few seconds, examining his chiseled jaw, the way his lips had curled into a confident smile, his nose, and how his eye couldn’t seem to choose between your lips and eyes. “What?” 
“You ever go out with any of your customers?”
Your eyes widened for a moment, but relaxed just as quick. You leaned against the counter, your upper body bowing towards him a bit. 
“I don’t particularly like going out with men that don’t even bother to ask my name,” you quipped. 
You were able to spot the exact moment the sting of reaction settled in, his smile faltering ever so slightly before returning to the way it was before, the hurt apparent. You felt bad that he obviously didn’t get your teasing, and your mind raced with something to lighten the mood again, not wanting to ruin your chances with him. He pressed the tip of his tongue against the inside of his cheek, and dragged his eye from your lips, to your cleavage and eventually up to your eyes. 
“Well, what’s your name?”
You released a puff of air, but still told him your name and brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear as you did so. 
“So, I take this as a yes then?” Aemond asked, the arched eyebrow indicating he was searching for your reassurance. 
Without thinking about it, you brushed your fingertips over his thigh, seemingly contemplating his question. He shifted in his seat, tensing up, which you took as the cue to pull your hand away as fast as it got there. 
You bit your bottom lip. “I’m working tonight. Come by and ask me again.”
It took a moment for the weight of those words to set in, allowing you to take a step back from him to disappear behind the bar again. As he scoffed and pushed his silver hair back, you were near fainting, clutching the edge of the counter for support while you leaned on it. 
In the pregnant pause between you both, you heard the distant honking of a car, indicating that his ride was there. 
“Guess that’s my cue to leave,” he said, bringing the pint up to his lips to drown the rest of it, before he thrummed his fingers on the countertop and rose from his seat. Your face dulled, having enjoyed the easy banter and flirting perhaps a bit too much. 
The cheeky wink he sent you came out of the blue, and was the last blow to catch any words that might have left your lips in your throat. He walked towards the corner bench in the far right and fetched his leather jacket, putting it on. It accentuated the natural broadness of his shoulders, the gold of the three-headed dragon on the back and the greenish-golden flames around it complementing the silver of his hair.  
As much as you enjoyed seeing him leave, you also loathed it. 
With the door handle already in hand, Aemond opened the door but stopped in his tracks right away. “Y/N?” Hearing your name leave his lips was like music to your ears, and you wondered how it would sound spoken in a completely different manner… and an entirely different situation. 
You tilted your head up from your spot behind the sink to meet his eyes, raising your eyebrows.
“See you tonight.” While he left the Choppers to meet his friends outside, you were left with a pounding heart and an aching between your legs, forced to swallow the lump in your throat that formed at the thoughts of your upcoming shift. 
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TDYK Taglist: @heimtathurs @croatianprincess @nina2697 @sirenangelroyal @malfoytargaryen @sophie-looks-at-stuff @thetaygaryen @wintrr13 @winter-soldier-101 @kyuupidwrites @boofy1998 @janejenny666 @thekinslayersswordhand @sagelovesreading @jiminie-08 @doublesparrows @at-a-rax-ia @fan-goddess @recorddust @tsujifreya @rhaenyrarp @melsunshine @docmartinis @drwstarkeyy @kazuyatokue
General Taglist: @watercolorskyy @nothingqueens
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ghostofhyuck · 4 months
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Dark Fantasy Series 4
Dead man! Lee Donghyuck x Tourist! Reader
Summary: On a vacation at the neighbouring town’s lakehouse, you found yourself befriending a local name Haechan, who seems to be clueless about his town’s myth called ‘The Dead Man.’
Word count: 4.7k
TW: Contains violence, death, a bit of gore, and blood. NCT Dream and Aespa members are mean here, but it’s for the plot. Read at your own risk
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Summer has always been a joy for you. No school, great weather, and just spending the time lazing around. 
But your friends have other plans for this summer. It’s understandable that it’s your last summer before you enter senior year in college. So you agreed to join even though you prefer to just stay at home and have your own solo activities. 
That’s how you ended up in the minivan your friend owns, bags and luggages placed on the trunk, while the six of you squeezed inside the minivan. The radio is blasting with music, bass boosted that it can be heard from the outside. 
“Fuck yeah!” Jaemin, the designated driver, shouts. Taking a chug from the can of beer he’s holding at the same time. 
“Are you even sure we’re on the right route?” Karina, who’s in the driver’s seat asked. She’s seated there in case Jaemin fucks up, she can control the steering wheel. 
“Duh, of course! I’ve been here many times.” Jaemin replies. 
“Still weird that you chose this place when there’s a lot of good lake houses around,” Giselle complained, rolling her eyes. 
“Just say you’re afraid,” Renjun teased. “Of the dead man!” tickling Giselle on the process making the girl scream and causing chaos at the backseat.
“Hey hey! You guys are the reason why we’ll get into an accident,” Jaemin shouts. 
“The reason why we’ll get into trouble is you drunk-driving,” Jeno interrupts. 
You only watch your friend’s tease each other, but you couldn’t help but pique curiosity at what Renjun said earlier. 
“What’s the dead man?” you asked, making them fall into silence. 
“Are you serious? You don’t know about it?” Renjun asked with a shocked tone. 
You only shrugged, “why?”
“Hey, don’t blame yn, she’s not a local in the area,” Giselle said. Placing an arm around you. “There’s a myth about here where there’s a man who died but resurrected a week after.” 
“That sounds bullshit.”
“It is said that he only shows up on clueless strangers and they say he murders people so that his lifespan increases.” your friend added. 
You only laughed at her story, “that can’t be true.” 
“It is! The longer story was that there’s a man who’s on his deathbed made a deal with the devil to remain immortal forever. He died eventually but became alive a week after and not only that, he also maintained a youthful look.” Renjun explains. “In exchange, he has to offer the souls and blood of people. The more people he offers, the more he remains immortal.” 
“And that’s just a myth! So there’s nothing to be afraid yn,” Jaemin said, turning around to give you a wink. “I’ve been here since I was a kid and there’s no dead man here. If they did, then the killings should’ve been on the news already.” 
“But there was a mass murder that happened during 1992. A group of friends were found dead at the lake house —” 
“Which is on the other side of the town,” Jaemin added. “Seriously guys, we’re here to have fun, don’t ruin the vibe.” 
The van turned left, towards a more secluded road. The road passed by empty lots and a forest area where wild trees and tall grasses stood firm. It became dim as the trees blocked the sunlight from the road. It was tranquil, you think, eyes staring at the view from the outside. Jaemin’s drive became smooth, it seems like he has already memorized the area. 
He spotted an open steel gate and turned to enter the place. There awaits a small lake house that he has been going to ever since he was a kid. Jaemin parks the car in the parking area, and turns off the engines. 
“We’re here! Let’s go!” Jaemin excitedly said, exiting the car first. One by one, all of you went out of the van. 
You were in awe when you noticed that the place was beautiful indeed. It was quiet, clean, and empty too. It’s just the six of you there. The lake house was huge. There’s a few cabins built that can be rented by families or groups of friends, but in your case, Jaemin rented the whole place so that you guys can have the place on your own. The lake was just near, with a long dock that is perfect for diving and jumping. On the right is a trail path that leads to the deeper side of the woods.
“May I help you?” the six of you turned around and saw a guy who you assumed was the same age as you. He’s wearing a plain black tee shirt and khaki shorts. He’s perfectly tan and with a set of moles on his face. You were a bit intimidated by his blank expression but nonetheless, you found him attractive. 
“Who are you?” Jaemin asked instead. 
“Haechan, I work here,” Haechan introduced. He stretches his hand but your friend only stares at it. 
“I didn’t know Aunt Hyojoo hired people,” Jaemin stated. 
“I just started working here two months ago,” Haechan answered. “Just a small help because it’s not like Aunt Hyojoo’s getting any younger.” 
“Yeah thanks, but I’ve been for so long, I know my way,” Jaemin offered him a smile instead, and started walking away. One by one, your friends followed Jaemin but you didn’t move. 
You saw how Haechan retrieved his hand but out instinct, you grabbed it quickly. You saw how Haechan’s eyes went wide. You were surprised by your action too so you slowly shake it. 
“Sorry…about Jaemin, he’s just like that,” you said. But in a split second, Haechan smiles. 
“He’s kind of an asshole you know?” Haechan pointed out. 
You only laugh. “Yeah, he’s a bit of a jerk, sorry about that.” 
Haechan stares at you for a second. “He’s your boyfriend isn’t he?”
You were surprised by his question, “no! Goodness, he’s just a friend. I’m not his type either.” 
“Why? You’re beautiful, you know that?” 
You felt your heart skip a beat, surprised by the sudden compliment from Haechan. He only gives you a smile and you swore that he has such a pretty face. 
“Yn!” a voice called out, making you remove your hand from Haechan. 
“Sorry, my friend is calling me,” you said, avoiding his gaze. “I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Haechan nods. “See you around yn.”
You only smile as a goodbye before turning your heels around to go after your friends. As soon as you reached your friends, they began asking questions about what was that all about, about you only brushing it off. Convincing him that you’re just being friendly then proceeding to nag Jaemin about his behavior. Jaemin shrugs it off, and tells you that it was nothing. 
After settling down your bags and luggages inside the cabin. The six of you plan the itinerary for the rest of the weekend. The area was huge. You guys have plans on camping overnight tomorrow into the deeper area of the woods, but for now, you guys agreed to stay within the vicinity of the lakehouse. 
You changed into your swim suits, leaving the cabin with laughter and teasing. The sun was at its peak but it wasn’t hot so it wasn’t painful to stay outside. Soon, the boys came running towards the docks. Pushing playfully to the water while the three of you girls remained at the docks. Karina has her phone recording the chaos. 
“We didn’t come here to use your phone!” Jeno shouted, splashing water against the three of you, making you three laugh. 
The three of you followed them immediately. The lake was cool and deep enough for your reach. The six of you enjoy swimming around, and playing water games. It went on until your fingers started to wrinkle. Some of you rinsed while others remained on the water. 
“Jaemin! Stop doing that!” you screamed when you felt someone grabbing your legs. Jaemin ascends from the water with a teasing smile, making you splash water on him as revenge. 
“Sorry! Your expression was priceless!” Jaemin teases back, which makes you splash water on him even more. Soon, you two are there having a war until he wraps his arms around you. You squealed when he suddenly dipped into the water. 
“You asshole!” you shouted, trying to push yourself from Jaemin who’s been laughing nonstop. 
“It’s always fun teasing you yn~” Jaemin coos, pinching your cheeks in the process.
It made you stop, staring at Jaemin who’s only smiling at you. You always have a crush on Jaemin, but you know that it’s unrequited since you’re far from his ideal type. But it’s just a crush, it’s not like you’re dreaming of being his girlfriend. You still consider him as your friend despite the budding feeling. 
“Hey lovebirds!” Renjun shouts, making you two turn around. “The sun’s almost setting, we should settle down for dinner!” 
“We’ll be right there!” Jaemin shouted back.
“You can go first, I wanted to swim for a bit,” you told him. 
“Just make sure you return before the night comes,” he reminded. 
You only gave him a nod, watching him swim away from you. Soon, it’s just you, alone in the lake. You only let out a sigh as you lay down to float against the surface. The sky’s turning golden orange. Pink hues slowly appear as you can feel the cold water against your back. There’s no current in the lake, so you remain where you are floating. It feels so relaxing that you could only close your eyes. 
It wasn’t that quickly that you heard footsteps, making you open your eyes and fix your position. As you looked up to the dock, you noticed that it was Haechan. 
“Hey, it’s you again.” you said, swimming your way back to the dock. 
“Having fun there?” Haechan asked. 
“Yeah, never felt more relaxed than before,” then you reached your arm. “Care for a swim?”
“Maybe next time,” then he stands up. “You should rinse off now, it’s dangerous for you to be alone.” 
His words remind you of something. That’s when you decided that’s enough for you. So you rise off from the dock’s ladder. Ignoring Haechan’s gaze at your body. You passed by him to grab your towel but you turned around to him. 
“Is it because of the dead man?” you asked. 
You saw how his forehead creased, “the dead man?”
“It’s a myth here, my friend said,” you pointed. 
“It’s a hoax, like bigfoot,” Haechan explained, placing his hands on his pants’ pockets. “You still believe in that shit?”
You only shake your head, “not really, it’s my first time hearing about it.” 
Haechan turns to his left then glances at you once again, “have fun here, I should get going now.” 
“Wait —” you watch as he walks back to the lake house, following him you notice that Giselle was standing nearby the dock. She gave Haechan a side eye when the guy passed by him, then she only crossed her arms as she looked at you. 
You shake your head as you walk your way to her. She didn’t say a word, so quietly, you two returned to the cabin. 
Later that evening, the six of you decided to stay at the bonfire area to hang around. Cans of beer were passed around, and as the night became deeper so was the conversation. Senseless conversations were brought up, you guys were talking shit about some of your classmates, and then it shifted into a new topic. 
“Seems like you’re getting cozy with that staff,” Giselle blurted out. 
“Haechan? No, it’s nothing,” you denied. 
“Ohhh, so it's a first name basis now,” Karina teased. 
“Does it matter? Plus, I’m just being kind to him because someone couldn’t be nice enough to strangers,” you explained. 
Jaemin laughed, “wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks that you being kind to him means you like him.” 
“Why would you think of it like that?” you raised an eyebrow. 
“Come on yn, he looks like a town loser who has never touched a girl before,” Jaemin pointed out. 
“I mean, you two can match each other, you've never touched a guy’s dick before haven’t you?” Giselle added. The rest of your friends let out a few “ohhh” and “oh shit.” different reactions but same meaning; they were teasing you again. You’re a virgin but that’s because you never wanted to indulge into sexual activities unlike your friends who revolve their life around it. 
There’s peer pressure, you can feel it. But at the same time, you don’t want to give into peer pressure. You just hated that your friends still keep on teasing you about being a virgin when they know that you are that by choice. 
“Whatever,” you said, standing up. “I’ll just get some water from the cabin.” 
“Hey, what, I was just joking!” Giselle defended. 
“Yeah right yn, you used to laugh it off,” Karina said. 
But you ignored their words. Walking back towards the cabin, you didn’t go inside but instead, you sat at the staircase of the cabin. Letting out a sigh because your mood went sour. This vacation should be nothing but a nice getaway with your friends, that’s why you didn’t like how they went too far with the comment. 
“Didn’t think I’ll see you here, alone,” you looked up and saw Haechan standing in front of you. 
“Why is that, you’re always there when I’m alone,” you joked. 
“I’m just doing my nightly patrol,” Haechan explained. “So, why are you here without your friends?”
You rolled your eyes, “friends, yeah right.” 
“Seems like you’re not in a good mood, maybe I should just leave you alone —” 
“Wait,” you stopped him. “No, I’m not mad at all. It’s just —” you turned around when you heard footsteps approaching.
You glance at Haechan which in a split second understands what you wanted to say. He grabs your hands and quickly, you two run towards the opposite direction of the sound. You don’t know why but you just let your feet take you where Haechan is dragging you. You didn’t notice that you two are off from the vicinity of the lakehouse. He went deep into the woods. 
“Where are we?” you asked as soon as Haechan’s steps became normal. He never let go of your hands, he continued walking around the dimly lit path. It was pitch black and you two have nothing but Haechan’s flashlight. 
“Somewhere away from your friends,” he answered shortly. 
You two have been walking for a few minutes until he steps out of the wood, and as soon as you exit your eyes go wide at the view. 
You found yourself staring at an empty field. There’s nothing but a small hill, the grass swaying lightly against the winds. It was eerily quiet but it was tranquil for you. But what amazed you more is that there’s fireflies around the area. 
“It’s my first time seeing fireflies,” you said, eyes locked at the swarm. You turned around at Haechan who’s only staring at you. 
“Thank you,” you said to him. 
“Do you want to stay here for a while?” he asked. 
And you did. You and Haechan sat on the field while the fireflies lit up the area. You could only stare at them for a few minutes until it sank into you the reason why you’re here. 
You vent to Haechan about your friends. You love them so much, but sometimes they can be too much. You admit that you tend to feel out of place with them. The guys are athletes, while the girls are known to be very pretty and popular. You're plain jane. The goody-two-shoes who would rather stay home reading books rather than to party on a friday night. But nevertheless, your friends treated you genuinely. 
It’s just there are times that they tend to cross the lines that you don’t like. And this is one of the teasings that went too far. You’re fine being teased as a virgin, but you didn’t like that they had to drag Haechan into the teasing. 
“I don’t know why they have to involve you when they don’t even know you,” you explain. “They can’t even be nice to you.” 
“It’s okay, they just think they’re superior when they stoop on other people,” Haechan laughed. 
“I’m really sorry,” you apologized once again. 
“It’s not your fault, there’s no need to apologize,” he said smiling. 
You smiled at him back, and from there, you two gaze at the view in silence. You only let out a sigh as you rest your head on your knees, feeling the cold breeze of summer night.
“It’s so much better here,” you mumbled. “I prefer this kind of stay.” 
“You don’t want to go back?” 
You shake your head, “no. I prefer your company.”
Haechan shyly looks away. Another silence engulfed you too. You couldn’t help but to stare at him. God, even at the dim night, you can still see his beautiful features. Slowly, you reached out your hands to trace the moles on his face. Not even touching him, Haechan flinched. 
“Sorry,” you were about to retrieve your hands but he grabs it, ang gently, he places it on his cheeks. 
It was soft, as he let go slowly of it, your fingers traced his moles. You were locked into it, not even noticing how his eyes are gazing at you. 
You didn’t notice how Haechan slowly approached you, until your eyes went wide at close proximity. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, it made your heart skip a beat. 
You only close your eyes as an answer, and in a few seconds, you can feel his soft lips crashing onto yours. You’re not new to kisses, that’s only how far you can go. That’s why you couldn’t help but to kiss him back, it was sweet, intimate, and something about it felt right. 
Morning came and that’s when you decided to return to the lakehouse along with Haechan, you two were smiling widely as you walked your way back to the lakehouse. 
“So that’s where you’ve been the whole night,” you stopped when you hear Jaemin’s voice. 
“I can’t believe you ditched us just to be with him,” Giselle complained. 
“Hey, let it slide guys, seems like yn had fun,” Jeno pointed out, earning gasps from your friend. 
“No freaking way!? Never thought you’ll go down on him,” Karina teased. 
“What? Guys what the fuck, we just slept, nothing happened,” you defended, but all of them ignored your words. 
“No way, yn you’re kinda a freak you know that? Doing it in the woods,” Renjun teased. 
“Bet you had fun with her didn’t you?” Jaemin asked, taking a step to approach Haechan. Your friend only smiles at him who only has a blank expression. “Was she good? I mean, she’s a virgin so she’s probably inex—”
You let out a scream when Jaemin fell on the ground, a trail of blood flowing out of his nose. He wasn’t able to fight back when Haechan topped him and continued punching his face. 
“Haechan! Stop that! Stop that!” you said, trying to pull him away but Jeno and Renjun immediately backed-up but they weren’t able to fight back when Haechan landed a punch and kick on both of them, both falling into the ground limping. 
“Haechan stop that! Please!” you begged as you tried to pull him away from Jaemin who’s almost unconscious.
“Stop it or I’m calling the cops!” Karina shouted, you managed to scream once again to call Haechan’s attention and with that, he stopped. 
He stands up and drags you away from the scene. 
“Haechan! Stop it! Haechan you’re hurting me!” you shouted. He stops and turns around, you only clutched at your wrist, feeling the pain of how tight his grip was. 
“What the fuck was your problem!?” you shouted at him. 
“What — have you heard what he just said to you!? And you’re defending him now?” Haechan asked in a disbelief tone. 
“Still, you shouldn’t have done that! You could’ve killed him!” 
“Trust me yn, I can kill him if I want to.” Haechan answered with a bored tone. 
“You’re a monster!” you shouted, pushing him away. “Get away from me!”
He didn’t move when you turned your heels around. Haechan watched as you disappear from his sight. He lets out a sigh, glancing at his bloodied wrist. He only wipes it on his shirt before going back home. 
Instead of going back to your friends, you found yourself at the dock of the lake. You don’t know what happened to your friends, they disappeared when you returned to the lakehouse. You feel guilty because a part of it was your fault. Maybe, if you sucked up all the teasing then this wouldn’t happen. 
You’re worried about Jaemin, his face might’ve been disfigured at that point. All you can remember was blood and all the screaming, it was chaotic. You tried to close your eyes in hopes that it could erase the scene earlier, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t help but feel tears roll down on your eyes. So much for a summer getaway, you think. It’s all ruined because of you, and it becomes worse when you remember the words you said to Haechan. 
Haechan was trying to defend you, he might have used it in the wrong way but he did that because he didn’t like what Jaemin said to you. It was horrible, you couldn’t condone what he did to Jaemin but it was still wrong of you that you said those words to him. 
You know that the only thing that can solve all these problems is to apologize to everyone. It was you who started the fight after all. You pondered about it for a moment before you stood up from the dock and started walking back to the lake house when you felt droplets from the sky. You looked up and slowly, a downpour happened. 
You ran yourself towards the cabin when you noticed that it’s locked, maybe they’ve brought Jaemin to the hospital, that’s why you raced yourself towards the small lodge where the owner is staying. 
Aunt Hyojoo was a kind woman, she let you stay in one of her guest rooms, even offering you spare clothes and snacks. 
“Teenagers, I am used to it, this fight is just small compared to what I witnessed,” she jokes, staring at the window. “Looks like this rain isn’t going to stop at any moment.” 
“Do you think they’ll return here?” you asked, munching on the biscuit. 
“Oh! It’s nothing dear, they’ll be here before sun down,” she said, smiling. 
“By the way, do you happen to know where Haechan’s house is? I want to visit him,” you asked. 
You saw how his forehead creased in confusion. “Haechan? Who is Haechan?”
“He’s your staff? He said he started working here two months ago.”
“Are you sure dear? I don’t hire any staff here.” 
You became quiet. Her confession fell deaf to your ears. You stared at her, who gave you a confused look, that’s when you fake a smile. You stared at the window where the rain continued pouring, wondering when it would stop. 
You stayed at the lodge the whole day. With the rain accompanying you, you only slept for the duration of your stay. The rain became heavier mid-afternoon and it was nearing sun down when it became light drizzle. That’s when you decided to search for Haechan and apologize to him. 
Your white shoes became muddy as you tried to find your way back to the woods — the same place where you left Haechan. Holding an umbrella and a flashlight, you venture out even though you’re not familiar with the route, you trust your instincts and choose the path that looks like a man would walk onto it. 
After a few minutes of finding your way, you’ve escaped the woods but you were frozen to see what’s the end of the woods. 
A cemetery. You couldn’t help but feel goosebumps running on your skin as tons of tombstones welcomed you. Different tombs and mausoleums stood tall at the hectare. Your hands shakingly cover your open mouth. Some are old, covered in ivy and moss, but some are fresh, newly placed. You took a step back, not noticing the wild ivy behind. You screamed as it tangled around your ankle. You kicked it out of your feet and scrambled your way back into the woods. 
You tried to find your way back, but due to your panic, you couldn’t remember your path back. You tried to look everywhere but everything’s pitch black. It wasn’t until you heard a faint scream from a far. Your eyes widened, you knew that scream, so with an agitating body, you tried to follow that scream. 
As you reached the lake house. You were surprised at how eerily silent it was. There were no lights either, and not even Aunt Hyojoo’s lodge. You were about to go straight to your cabin when something catches your attention. You aim your flashlight at it, and you couldn’t help but to scream at your view. 
It was Jaemin’s minivan, crashed into the wall, the front’s completely crushed, and the windows were destroyed. What shocks you the most is your friends are inside, unconscious. 
You were about to step in to rescue them when someone grabbed your hands. 
“What the fuck!? Giselle!?” you were confused to see Giselle, blood trailing on her forehead. She was crying and shaking, and couldn't even mutter a word. 
“What happened!? Tell me!” you screamed, but you were only answered with her cries. 
“He…he did it…” Giselle mumbles. 
And before she could even say another word, Giselle felt a small tug on her back. You watch as her mouth starts to vomit blood. You were shocked at the scene, not even properly processing everything when Giselle dropped onto the ground and fell flat on the ground. You let out a scream when you saw that an axe stabbed her back. 
“Now that’s a bullseye,” you looked up and saw Haechan. Smirking devilishly as he walks his way towards you, you took a step backward but due to shock, you fell on the ground. You watch as Haechan grabs the ax with ease, and if it wasn’t enough, he swings the ax and in a split second, your friend's head rolls onto you. 
You scraped your way away from him not until you felt someone grabbing your ankle. You struggled out of his touch but you were only welcomed with an inflicting slit on your ankle, making you scream in pain. 
“What? You’re going to kill me?” you taunted as Haechan walked his way towards you. He kneels in front of you, chin resting on the end of the ax. That’s when you noticed that he’s all covered in blood. 
“Not really, I mean I got five people already, it’s enough for me to survive,” he gives you a smile, and that’s when you knew. 
“You’re the dead man,” you mumbled. 
“Seriously, people could’ve given me a better name,” he rolled his eyes. “But yeah, I am him.” 
“Now what, you’re going to kill me too?”
“You’re stupid, aren’t you?” Haechan taunts. Grabbing a fistful of your hair to lift you up so he could face you. You only groaned in pain as you can see Haechan’s gaze at you. “I have no intentions of killing you dear, you’re going to be mine.”
“You’re insane.” 
He gives you a smirk, eyes darkening as he only tilts his head at you. “Funny because that's what the devil said to me.” 
You pushed him away, making Haechan fall from the ground. You took the opportunity to stand up but you only let out a painful scream as you felt your left ankle numb. You tried your best to drag your feet away but you failed to do so when Haechan grabbed you, hugging you from behind. 
“You really think you can escape from me?” he asked, voice more threatening than usual. 
“Let go of me! Or better, just kill me!” you screamed as you struggled your way out. 
“Oh no dear, I have no plans of killing you,” Haechan laughed. “If it means dealing with another contract, I’ll make you spend the rest of your life with me.”
And with that, he turns your body around, facing him who only has nothing but desire in his eyes. “You’re going to be mine forever.”
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lululandd · 11 months
colour me grey;
pairing: simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader
word count: 1,719
warnings: soulmates, series maybe?, probably no happy endings later
notes: im a sucker for soulmate shit
summary: soap watched you leave the place before chastising him, “did ye hafta fuckin stare daggers at the poor lass, simon?”
part i. | part ii. |
You were waiting for the rain to calm down under an awning, spice bags open in hand with a cold can of coke sitting on the little table provided behind you. The original plan was to eat it at home with a movie, but that dream died as soon as the rain started. It came down by the bucket, splashing everything at the edges of the shelter you stood under, including the little plastic seat that wanted to sit down on. There was another one that didn’t get wet, but it securely stood behind a big hulk of a man standing next to you.
Halfway through your meal, you were momentarily distracted as your attention was grabbed by a person waving from a nearby parked car.
“Me?” You mouthed, pointing at yourself.
The stranger in the car nodded but also pointed your way, possibly to the large man next to you. He was fully immersed in the book he’s reading when you looked over. You turned your head back at the stranger in the car again and pointed to the man next to you.
Answering you with excited nods and both his thumbs, you turned to the stranger by your side. With a mouthful of chicken and chips, you couldn’t exactly talk to him; so you tapped the back of his hand with your knuckle to get his attention, then pointed at the man sitting in the parked car.
He hesitated for a long while, probably contemplating whether his friend in the car was worth traversing the rain for or not, before fixing his hoodie and jogging towards it without saying a single word to you.
Not even a thankyou. Rude.
The rain let up not long after, so you decided to pack up what’s left of your food and walked home. You noticed a little shimmery speck on the back of your hand as you changed your clothes, so you brushed it off, thinking you’d gotten rid of it.
But you saw it again in the mirror later that night when you’re getting ready for bed. It didn’t go away even after you washed your hand.
Why is this glitter so persistent?
Because it wasn’t glitter. To your delayed shock, you realised it was a soul-mark. Small, iridescent specks around your knuckles, rather opalescent when you move your hand around. You saw the colours on it turn from red, to yellow, to blue, to white, depending on what angle you held your hand at.
Your mind wandered to the spice bag shop. It was the only logical place you would have met someone new.
It was the thankless motherfucker that you waited with under the awning. You didn’t even take in any of his features at all, only that he was tall and rude.
Simon noticed the mark as soon as you touched him. He glanced down and saw the stupid fucking shiny blemish immediately on the back of his hand. Of course his soulmate would be touchy. Of course you would touch him in the place where people could see.
He glanced at your face and it rang clear to him that you were oblivious and wasn’t even paying attention to him. Happily munching on your snack, with your open can of coke sitting next to you, ready for anyone to spike. Shoving the book in his jacket pocket, he trudged into Soap’s car.
The Scot could feel him fuming just from the way he jogged towards the car and decided to call him out on it immediately.
“Tae fuck is with ya, LT? They out ae spice bags?”
“Coulda parked closer, Johnny.” He masked his worry with annoyance, he doesn’t want to tell his best friend just yet, but lashing his confusion and anger out on him doesn’t feel right either.
Soap took one last notice of you as he drove by, “Burd’s a looker.”
He doesn’t know how to respond to that. There’s a weird unease simmering underneath his skin, not knowing why. Chalking it up as confusion over meeting his soulmate, he quickly shakes the feeling aside and opens the warm bag in his hands.
A small, forgotten part of him hoped to see you again someday.
You don’t see him again until months later. Closer to a year, but you’re not counting. Definitely not counting and obsessively looking at people’s hands and surely not silently cursing people wearing gloves. In autumn. Soon it will be winter and everyone will be wearing gloves and you won’t be able to look.
Yet here he is—as if fate themselves cruelly commanded—sitting in a pub, hands free of gloves with his glittering mark out in the open for anyone to see. The desire to come closer is palpable, he’s right there all by himself, the seat next to him empty and inviting. You stared at him long enough to get a good look at the evidence of scarring on his face, his light brown hair, and a little peek of his tattoos under his left sleeve.
You can’t do it. You know it’s him and yet you can’t do it. You walked right out of the building and leaned on the nearest wall. Panic rushes through you in waves. It drowns out the noises around you. Your heart pounds so loudly in your chest you’re afraid it’s going to spontaneously combust and leave you dead on the sidewalk.
What are you even going to say to him? Does he even know it’s you? Does he already know but not want anything to do with you?
Realising too late, you’re breathing hard without actually letting air come into your lungs. You took a step away from the doors, not wanting to cause a scene or deter customers into the pub because some freak is having a panic attack right by the entrance. Taking deep breaths as you close your eyes for a minute or two, you think you can begin to reign your thoughts in.
“Y’allright, dove?” You heard someone speak.
He pretended he didn’t see you when you first walked in. Pretended as if your face hasn't come swimming into his mind as he falls asleep. Has to pretend he never entertained the thoughts of having and living a normal life with you. A little modest house with a little garden, a fancier car for you and a shitty hatchback that's comically too small for him, maybe a cat or one of those big bunnies to keep you company while he’s away. Would you even like bunnies? You seem like a bunny person.
They’re called rabbits, Simon.
His heart burned when you immediately left the premises at the sight of him. It was hard to ignore your stare. Did you see his battle scars where the mask doesn’t cover? Did you see how he tried to burn the soul-mark away? What made you run?
He wasn’t allowed a single reprieve when he saw Soap walk in, with you right next to him. It didn’t escape his attention how you looked deathly pale and how wide and glassy your eyes were. You grew paler and more panicked as Soap led you closer to him, he saw you try so hard not to look at him when he sat you down, just a seat away from him.
“Water for the poor lass, please, barman!” Soap boomed over the crowd. He took the empty seat next to him. He heard him lower his voice when he talked to you, the practised careful tone he uses around hostages. “Stay a while, dove. Least til that heart rate is below a hummingbird’s, yeah?”
You nodded a little too frantically for Simon’s liking.
“Y’aight?” He doesn’t know if he’s addressing Soap, or you.
Soap answered. “Found lass shakin’ outside tae pub. Thought she needed a breather or sumthin’.” He handed you the water that the barman just put down. “Here.”
“Thanks, just had a little panic attack, that’s all.”
The Scot laughed a little, “Aye? You saw someone? Do a needty fuck a prick?”
You managed a weak, awkward giggle, “No, no. I—uh.. I just have them sometimes.”
“That water making ya feel better?”
You nodded quickly before downing the whole glass and waited for a little bit before saying your thanks to Soap, and a little jittery glance at him before leaving.
Soap watched you leave the place before chastising him, “Did ye hafta fuckin stare daggers at the poor lass, Simon?”
“Wasn’t starin’.” He replied, a little too quickly.
“Course ya didn’t.”
He didn’t like how Soap sounded so cross over nothing. They sat in silence and mulled over their own thoughts before he let out a sigh and blurted out to his friend, “She’s the one that gave me this, Johnny.” he raised his hand.
Soap lowered his drink, “Bullshit.”
He glanced at his friend, “Now why would I lie about something like that?”
The air felt stale and constricting all of a sudden, none of them dared look at each other, until Soap broke the silence, pointing his drink in his general direction. “Is that burn mark pure accidental or didja do it oan purpose?”
“Cannae be both, ya daft cunt. One or the other?” The man scoffed at him.
“Burnt it by accident but I let it set to see if it would stop shinin’. So both.”
Not even two days later he showed up during your weekly grocery run, making his move first over the mound of apples, handing you a perfectly deformed little apple that looks hilariously small for his hand.
It was apparently normal sized as you took it from him.
“Guess you know what we are, then?” You started.
You continued picking apples in silence, with him handing you perfectly good ones from time to time.
“So. What do you wanna do about it, then?” You looked up, folding the bag in your hands as you stared up at him.
He doesn’t seem to know what to do when being stared at, you see his eyes starts darting around the place. “I dunno. But I’m Simon, for starters.” There was a couple seconds delay before he seems to realise he needs to extend a hand, which he did.
You replied in kind, with a hand and a name.
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matthyeu · 11 months
tim hortons ― smt.
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pairing ⇢ seok matthew x gn!reader
genre ⇢ comedy, fluff
warnings ⇢ this was just self-indulgence as you will see </3, mentions of a car crash but nothing happened lol
word count ⇢ 1377
synopsis ⇢ this is how matthew's life would be if he didn't get 3rd place on boy's planet. hey, at least he met you.
notes ⇢ HEYYY GUESS WHOS BACK,,, well not really i’m just like popping back in after the comeback bc like WOWWW but hi i’ve been really stressed back in school doing a lot of exams and applications for nursing school. i just finished my teas and like the semester’s almost over so i’m so STRESSED AAAAAA and this has been in my drafts for so long bc yk i’m just manifesting myself getting into nursing school but i will def try to get more uploaded soon but i’m always tired from work and school eueueu got some drafts tho so i’m hoping to get that done soon. take care!!
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perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to get an early start to studying for your pharmacology exam. not, it definitely wasn’t the best idea. every professor had always told you to review and study more than you thought you needed, so you tried your best to do just that. it was just that one confused topic led to another…and then to another until you realized it was nearing two. 
late nights were no stranger for a nursing student, but they were not recommended if you had plans for the morning after, especially if the morning after was your weekly 12-hour long clinical rotation. 
that was how you ended up with two and a half hours of sleep, a frantically thrown together lunch, missing materials, and a need for caffeine after you overslept your alarm by twenty minutes. you cursed your ability to sleep through alarms but also thanked yourself for setting alarms every five minutes in case this ever happened. 
the facility you were stationed at was a little over an hour from your apartment, so you would barely make it in time. there was realistically no time for you to stop by for coffee. usually, you would just make your own, but your unfortunate luck continued to prosper as you had forgotten to purchase more instant coffee in your last grocery run. however, seeing as how you nearly fell asleep behind the wheel the first ten minutes of your drive, you knew you needed it. if you died in a car crash, there was definitely no chance for you to make it to your clinical on time. 
you pulled into the parking lot at the tim hortons nearest to your apartment, seeing only one other car there who you assumed belonged to whatever employee was on opening duty. it was only 4:43. this location opened at 5. if you waited for it to open, you would definitely be late. even if you had just told yourself it was alright to be late, you were sure your instructor would not be pleased if you were, especially since this was an obstacle you could potentially get over. 
reluctantly, you shuffled your feet to the entrance, not worrying if you would wear the soles of your white shoes quicker than they were supposed to last. you didn’t want to bother the poor worker, but it was your only choice besides sitting in your car waiting for 17 minutes, which was definitely not practical. 
reaching the entrance, you peered in to see a young man diligently preparing for the day. you figured he would be far too busy to notice you (or it was just your excuse to walk back to your car and wait). still, mustered up the courage to wave at him from outside, refraining from knocking on the glass. 
by some dumb luck, he noticed you and came to the door from around the counter. he gave an apologetic smile as he opened the door, popping his head out. “sorry, we aren’t open yet.”
“actually, i was wondering if you could make an exception. i have to be at the hospital in an hour and it’s an hour drive from here,” you explained as you fidgeted with your watch. 
“oh definitely i can do that for you. that hospital must need you as soon as you can get there,” he commented as he opened the door wider for you to come in.
“oh no, they do not need me. yesterday i put on my sterile gloves wrong 4 times because of nervousness. if anything, they hope i’m not there,” you casually blurted out, which caused the employee to give you a concerned look. “i’m a nursing student, not a licensed healthcare provider. everyone always thinks of nurse or doctor when they see someone in scrubs, but i’m just a stressed person in college trying to get through.” 
“ah, makes sense. i thought you looked young to be finished with school already, but i didn’t want to say anything in case it was offensive,” he commented once you both were at the register, “what can i get for you?” 
“just a medium iced latte please,” you ordered as you dug through your wallet for the right card. 
“go ahead and insert your card whenever you’re ready.” 
and you did just that, receiving the receipt from the employee once the transaction was over. “it will be out shortly.” 
there wasn’t much for you to do but stand off to the side as you watched him work. as time went by, there was something familiar about him you couldn’t catch. it was as if you had seen him from somewhere, but the only places you really frequented were the library and hospitals. was it from tv? 
“here you go,” he announced as he slid the cup over the counter. 
as he was about to head back to finishing his preparations, you took a sip of your latte. with the newfound courage taken over you by the caffeine, your thoughts spilled out of your mouth. “do i know you from somewhere?” 
he chucked. “no, i don’t think you have. if so, it was a long time ago since i just got back to canada.”  
“you have a celebrity lookalike or something? i swear i’ve seen your face somewhere before,” you asked. 
“ever heard of boys planet?” 
then it hit you. you looked at his nametag. matthew. of course, he was the canadian from that korean reality show one of your friends had shown you. in fact, she begged for you to help her vote, and she was devastated when her one-pick didn’t make the group. and here he was, standing in front of you at tim hortons. 
“ohhh that makes a lot of sense. my friend had me voting every day for you when the show was airing. interesting seeing you working here. totally thought you’d continue trying to be an idol if you didn’t make the lineup.” 
“i missed home too much, i guess. i had it planned out during the finale too, the part time job i’d get if i didn’t make it. didn’t think i’d actually end up at timmies, but alas, things happen. thanks for your support though.” 
“don’t thank me,” you insisted, “i’m just an unsuspecting victim to desperate fans who wanted the best for their faves.” 
“i think that’s the best feeling though, meeting someone who doesn’t really care about what you’ve done or who you are. you’re the first person who’s actually recognized me, and i’m glad it’s not someone who would leak this information. though, i’m sure it will spread eventually.” 
you finally noticed what he was doing throughout the conversation: packaging a 10-count box of timbits. “here,” he called as he pushed yet another item over the counter, “on the house.” 
shaking your head, you quickly responded, “no i can’t.” 
“trust me, you’re going to need the boost of energy from the sugar for your shift. just take it, or else you’ll be late.” 
“oh shit,” you cursed, realizing you had spent too much time in the shop already, “fine, but i’ll be back and next time, i’m going to buy something for you to enjoy.” 
“mhm good luck!” 
you ran back to your car, relieved you decided to come in when you did when you saw a plethora of cars pulling in with two minutes until opening. the coffee was placed into the cupholder and the box onto your passenger seat. 
before beginning your long drive to your impending doom, you decided to have one of the timbits matthew had given you. that was when you noticed the small message written on the top of the box. 
good luck! you’re doing great things for the world :) come back anytime! i always open on fridays and will take you after 4:30. 
you smiled at the little note, popping one of the pieces into your mouth. it tasted way better than timbit you had ever had. you weren’t sure if that was just because they were fresh in the morning or the care you knew was packed into them. needless to say, you would wake up a little earlier on your fridays to go back to this location to see matthew. 
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berenwrites · 2 months
Time and Again - Stranger Things - PG13
A/N:  Sliding in at the last moment, hope I am in time for this month. Don’t forget to check out all the other great fics at @steddiemicrofic too💖. Not beta'd, sorry, didn't have time.
Written for prompt: ONE | wc: 1111 | Rating PG13 | cw: temporary character death
Time and Again
One year they had been trying to finish this fight.
They were losing.
As Robin’s skull smacked against stone, backhanded by a Demogorgon, part of Steve split open. Robin’s dead eyes stared blankly, but her presence burst into his mind.
They’d joked about melding together, but he never could have guessed what it would make.
Russian drugs, the Upside Down, Vecna, whatever had caused it, they stepped forward together, a gestalt.
Screaming defiance, they joined El in her desperate fight. Bonds broken; energy joined with energy.
Everything exploded.
Steve blinked back to reality, shocked to be suddenly alone in his own head. Cheers rose around him as he looked over, meeting Robin’s gaze as she stood in her band uniform after Lucas scored the championship winning shot. He stood, frozen in a sea of celebrating people, staring at his best friend.
“Did we?” Robin mouthed at him.
All he could do was nod.
As everyone moved towards the court, Steve moved towards Robin.
“Do over?” she asked, grabbing onto him.
“Has to be,” he replied.
“We could…” she began to say.
“You are not dying again,” he told her pointedly. “You get Lucas, Nancy, Fred, and Chrissy, I’ll get Dustin, Mike, Erica, and Eddie. We’ll meet in the parking lot. We can figure out how to get Patrick away from Jason once we have the others safe.”
In the face of his certainty, she nodded.
It took no time to make it to the drama room, where he found Hellfire packing up.
“Code red,” he said, looking directly at Dustin.
“Holy shit,” Dustin replied, as Mike and Erica reacted in a similar manner.
“Harrington?” Eddie asked, all but glaring at him.
His stomach twisted hearing the anger in Eddie’s voice. He’d come to a few conclusions about himself since Eddie died, mostly because of the man himself and everything he’d come to learn from those who had known Eddie well. Wayne had been a crucial part of their team as they had tried to save what was left of Hawkins. He’d promised himself that if he survived he would never let another opportunity like Eddie pass him by.
“Bring him,” was all Steve said.
“A gate?” Dustin asked.
“If we don’t stop it there will be,” he replied, “and so much worse.”
“Did El call?” Mike asked.
“No,” he said, “it’s more complicated than that. I’ll explain, but we need to get to Max first. She’s in trouble. We’re meeting the others outside.”
He didn’t wait for them to agree before turning on his heel.
“Wait,” he said, stopping himself. “Do any of you have Walkmans? We need four.”
“I have one at home,” Erica said.
“Holly has one,” Mike revealed.
“Then we just need one more, since Max has her own,” he concluded. “Let’s go, time is of the essence.”
“What the hell?” Eddie demanded as Dustin grabbed his arm. “Henderson have you gone insane?”
“You know all the weird shit that happens in this town,” Dustin responded before Steve could, “that’s code red. If Steve says to bring you, we’re bringing you.”
Steve left Dustin to deal with it, heading out with Erica at his heels.
“What’s going on?” Nancy demanded the moment he made it to his car where Robin was standing with the others.
“Just a minute,” he said as Dustin and Mike dragged Eddie across the parking lot towards their group.
“This better be good,” Eddie all but snarled, and Chrissy and Fred didn’t look too sure either.
“Time travel,” Robin said.
“Is this a joke?” Fred asked.
“If only,” Steve said. “Robin and I are from one year from now and the shit starts hitting the fan tonight. All the crap that has happened has been caused by someone like El, you christened him Vecna,” he looked at Dustin, “his real name is Henry Creel or One. El sent him to the Upside Down when he killed all the others like her. She didn’t remember doing it. He’s trying to open rifts to the Upside Down and he’s going to use Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, and Max to do it.”
“This is crazy,” Eddie muttered.
“Yeah, well you had to be all heroic and died, and I’d really like that to not happen again because your Uncle Wayne does not deserve that, so go with the crazy, okay?” he said, a little more loudly than he intended.
Robin reached out and touched his arm. He took a deep breath. His feelings for Eddie would have to wait, there were more important things to think about.
“Did you say this Vecna uses me?” Chrissy asked.
“Your headaches,” Robin said, “not headaches, Henry getting into your head. Those waking dreams you’ve been having, all him. He’s going to sacrifice you to open a gate.”
“We need to get a copy of your favourite song and you need to listen to it on loop,” Steve said before Chrissy could panic. “Same with Fred. Music blocks his influence. We … we …”
The world around him went dim. His instinct was to fight, but he recognised the touch. He had felt it only for the tiniest amount of time, but it was unmistakably El. Fighting his natural urges, he surrendered.
“Steve,” El’s voice filled his head, “we are coming.”
“You came back too,” he replied.
“Yes,” she told him. “We will stop Henry. Doctor Owens is going to Russia to get Hopper.”
“I understand,” he replied, “we are waiting for you.”
As quickly as it has started, the contact was gone.
“Steve,” Robin was all but holding him up.
“It was El,” he said as the real world slammed back in, “she came back too. She’s on her way here.”
“Oh, thank fuck,” Robin said, which rather summed up his feelings as well.
“El just spoke to you?” Mike asked.
Steve nodded, trying to restore his equilibrium.
“Why you three?” Dustin asked.
“Russian truth serum probably,” Robin replied, “but there was no time to figure it out. This wasn’t exactly a choice.”
“Look,” Steve took charge, “we can figure out all the details later. First we need to make sure Max, Chrissy, Fred, and Patrick are safe, and Jason can’t start blaming Eddie for any weird shit that starts going down. Got it?”
“El will probably know more anyway,” Robin agreed. “Let’s move people. We need music and a safe place.”
“My house is empty,” he offered.
Even their friends were looking at them as if they were on the insane side but as soon as Nancy nodded, Steve knew everyone else would fall in line. They had work to do. Henry would not get the upper hand this time.
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writers-requiem · 2 months
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Lonely Woes & Fatherly Love
Pairing: Hank McCoy x teen!Reader
Genere: Angst, Depression Comfort
Warnings: mentions of past trauma, suicide attempts, abandonment, drug use, violence and abuse
A/N: Hank isn't actually the reader's dad, just a fatherly figure
Your life was a shit show. There was no getting around it.
One disaster after another with almost no room for a reprieve from it all. Constant feelings of anxiety and depression from failed relationships with family and 'friends'. It was a nightmare without an end. Your parents were part of a drug cartel that you wanted no relation with, your first love had a marijuana addiction and died a year later, all your friends were reckless jerks since primary, and your recent ex made your life even more miserable by constantly comparing you to other people and saying they would be better partners but that he had to be stuck with you.
But that wasn't the worst of it, because not once, not twice, but on five different occasions, you were a ransom hostage and were starved, beaten, and harassed in more ways than you cared to count. Eventually it all culminated with you attempting suicide multiple times but each time being saved by a hero or a some stranger. Making matters worse is that you were only between the ages of 4 and 13 during all that time. And now you're 16
Which leads us to today. You sat alone on a park bench, down on your luck. No food, no house or apartment, not even a penny to get those, and the only solace you have is that you had a jacket to keep yourself away from the cold rain which was pouring buckets.
"Just like every other day..." You said in a solemn, bitter tone.
Your stomach rumbled incessantly, desperate for food and water to sate your hunger and thirst. But all you could get were scraps, and not even that could sate you.
"You seem hungry" a kind male voice said, "I know a dry spot to eat at. Follow me."
The man, dressed in a trench coat and fedora, gently helped you to your feet and gently guided you to the place he spoke of.
Once you had arrived at the location, he took off his fedora revealing his blue furry face. You recognized him as Dr. Hank McCoy or Beast. He had saved you a couple of times before. Once from a hostage situation, and the second from one of your suicide attempts.
"Why did you bring me here?" you asked, your voice tired and strained from days without rest or nourishment.
"Well, I've been keeping an eye on you for a little while now and saw what's been happening with you" he stated in a matter of fact tone accented with worry, "And it seems that fate hasn't been kind to you."
"Never has been..." you said, voice clearly fading from exhaustion and dehydration.
Hank gently wrapped an arm around you and helped you to sit down in the car which you only now noticed since he had opened the door and got you settled in.
Once in the car, he fastened your seatbelt and took his position on the driver's seat and drove off. To where, you couldn't tell since you fell asleep, finally succumbing to the pull of rest.
When you woke up, you found yourself in a comfy bed in an ornate but not too fancy looking room. You also saw that you were covered in bandages and had a cast and sling for your arm. You also weren't wearing your old rags of clothes and were in a white T-shirt and black shorts. Then the door to the room opened, and there walked in a familiar face.
"Oh thank heaven above, you're awake" Hank said with a relieved smile on his face.
"Where am I?" you asked, understandably confused.
"Welcome to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters" he said, "A place that many like you or I would describe as a new home."
This made your ears perk up. "Home?" you asked with a glimmer of hope and longing in your eyes.
"Yes" he said. He then placed the tray of food to the side and gently held your hand and looked at you like a father would with his son after a traumatic event, "And it's your new home too."
He then picked up the spoon and grabbed some soup with it. It was clear what he was trying to do, so you let him slowly spoon-feed you since your free arm was numb and limp. Strangely, it felt like you were with someone you just wanted to call, 'dad'.
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eomayas · 1 year
handsome stranger • kjm
pairing: non-idol!junmyeon x f reader
genre: fluff (meet cute)
synopsis: your car battery dies and a handsome stranger helps your jump it. he’s so hot and you can’t mess up this opportunity so you shoot your shot
warnings: flufffff
groaning, you slap your hands against the steering wheel and look around your car helplessly. every light flashes for a few seconds before turning off and signifying that your car is dead. you blow out a breath and open your glove compartment to find AAA information.
you dial the number once you find the slip that’s been in your car for the last four years. “all of our lines are currently busy. please stay on the line until our next available associate can help you,” you roll your eyes at the robotic message and put the phone on speaker as you’re put on hold.
you wait about five minutes before getting frustrated and googling how to fix a dead car battery. none of the articles make sense, talking about cables and the hood of your car. you know nothing about cars, having always called your father whenever you had issues with your vehicle. but now that you’ve moved away from home, you can’t just dial him up anymore.
sighing, you pop the hood of your car and get out. you lift it up and look down at the inside, not able to put a finger on any single entity. you look around the parking lot, hoping to find help. all of the cars are parked and empty in the lot, or just drive past you and give you pitying looks.
you place a hand on your forehead, your phone still on hold. you don’t know how long it’ll take for AAA to get here, and you’re ready to lock yourself in your dead car and just die.
that is, until, a car pulls into the empty spot in front of you and you make eye contact with the driver. he gets out of his car, and you let out a breath. this may or may not be the finest man you’ve ever seen, and whether he offers you help isn’t even on your mind anymore.
“hey!” you say, leaning against the side of your car, hoping to appear casual and sexy. you definitely dont appear casual to the handsome stranger, but sexy? spot on.
he shuts his car door and looks around before replying, “hi?” like he’s not sure you’re talking to him. “car troubles?” he asks, stepping in front of his car.
“dead battery,” you say. he raises his eyebrows and nods, coming over to look into the hood of your car. he glances at you and offers you a kind smile, which your return. butterflies erupt in your stomach at his shining smile, and you remind yourself to keep it together.
“i can jump it, if you want,” he says. he’s a bit shy and awkward, but polite nonetheless. it’s endearing, and you find it hard to keep your smirk to yourself.
“sure,” you say, brushing hair behind your ear.
“do you have cables?”
“cables?” you question, looking at him quizzically. his cheeks flush as he lets out a small chuckle.
“cables… to, you know, jump your car?” he offers. you only shrug and he runs a hand through his hair. “i should have some, it’s no big deal.” he says and goes around his car to the trunk. he comes back moments later with two wires that have large clamps at either end.
“cables!” you say. he chuckles again and hooks them up to his car. you watch him work quickly on his side, before coming over to your car. he catches your eye and his cheeks blush red again, and he awkwardly clears his throat.
the man attaches the cables to your engine and straightens up. “okay, try starting your car,” he instructs. you nod and quickly hop in, turning the key in the ignition. the engine sputters, but nothing comes to life.
you see him put his hand on his chin before looking into your car again and adjusting the cables. “try again,” he mouths through the glass of the windshield and you do, the engine sputtering once more before roaring to life.
he stands back, a satisfied smile on his and you hop out of the car. “oh my god, thank you!” you say.
“no problem,” he says, unhooking the cords from your car. your smile falters as you realize that this is your one and only chance to make your move. “i’m y/n,” you blurt, following up your awkwardness with a cute smile. the handsome man returns it and bows his head slightly, like he’s shy.
“junmyeon,” he says, extending his hand. you shake it. his hands are rough yet soft, and much larger than your own.
“well, thank you junmyeon. i don’t know what wi would have done without you—i literally had to google how to fix a car battery,” you admit and he chuckles, and you find your smile getting wider at the sound.
“you know, you should really carry cables. just in case,” he says, and you wrinkle your nose at his practicality.
“why would i do that, when i could just call you?” you ask smoothly. junmyeons cheeks tinge pink at your words, caught off guard with your forwardness and flirting.
“or you could just call me,” he repeats, cheeks turning redder as he takes your phone from you and plugs in his number, texting himself so he can save your contact as well.
“that solves a lot of my future problems,” you say. if you have to kill your car battery everyday in order to see him again, you just might. you really might.
“you know, you could call me for other things too,” junmyeon says. you raise your eyebrows, fighting a smile.
“yeah? like what?” you ask, biting your bottom lip. he looks at you bashfully before averting his gaze elsewhere.
“i dont know—i’ve been told i’m a good cook. decent bowler,” he offers, a grin on his face. you can’t help but smile, wanting to giggle like a schoolgirl.
“just decent?”
“if you call me tonight, i can prove it,” you’re full on smiling brighter than the sun, showing every tooth in your mouth. your cheeks are going to start hurting any second if you don’t get control over your facial muscles.
your heart leaps in your chest, and instead of having a flirty remark, all you can say is “okay,” slightly breathless. junmyeon just smiles back at you and nods, walking backwards to his car.
he holds his hand up and waves as he gets back to his car door. “it was nice meeting you. i’ll be waiting for that call, by the way,” he says and you just keep on grinning. you thank him again and hop back into your car.
who knew a dead car battery would lead you to a date?
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slytherinqueenrose · 1 year
The British pub |Tom Felton|
wc: 2.2k
Summary: While visiting your friends, they take you to the pub to celebrate Halloween. Nobody knew that a wonderful, famous person will appear among their family, friends and neighbours.
Warnings: drinking alcohol, foreign reader, mentions of touching body parts, grammar, possible language mistakes.
A/N This story is partly inspired by my trip to England in 2018. Sadly, I hadn’t met Tom. Or maybe? I didn’t know him back then 😅.
Also, I want to dedicate this imagine to my dearest friend @nobodybutapathetic 🩷🌿
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„But I really want a juice. I don't drink alcohol" you said to your friend, sitting in the front seat of his car. Dave looked at you, stopping at the pedestrian crossing, but didn't say a word. Sarah - his sister, and your aunt Darcie, sitting behind you, chuckled quietly. You had arrived in England the previous day. It was your first time in the country, which made you feel incredibly excited. Dave was the fiancé of your friend Megan, who had died in a car accident about two years earlier. Megan had talked a lot to him about your British dream, so he wanted to show you his surroundings, take you to the most interesting places, and do everything Megan would have wanted for you. Since her death, you had felt an incredible emptiness and had slowly given up on the trip, knowing that without her, it wouldn't be the same. Darcie, her mother and your "aunt," convinced you to go on the trip, mentioning how many things Megan wanted to show you. She wanted to fulfill her dream, and you couldn't refuse. You were afraid that Dave and Sara would feel uncomfortable with somebody who was so close with one of the dearest people in their lives, but the British temperament wouldn't allow it. The very next day after your arrival, they proposed a trip to a pub in their hometown for a Halloween party. It wasn't going to be anything big. This certain pub was a meeting place for family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. They often brought their own friends, which usually turned a group of 50 people into a crowd.
Dave parked in a small parking lot surrounded by a few small clothing shops. You got out of the car, adjusting your costumes. A moment later, his parents parked next to you. English people are very family-oriented people. They spend almost every free moment together.
The six of you were dressed like Hogwarts students. One could say you came for classes rather than a party. It was getting dark. Outside, only one lamppost illuminated the parking lot. Lily, the mother of your new friends, along with their father Steve, headed towards the grand doors. At the entrance, the woman scanned a code on her phone, and the doors opened. The venue seemed quite old and nothing like the clubs in central London. You went up the stairs, bypassing strangers. On the left were the restrooms, on the right were game machines, and opposite was the entrance to the main hall. It looked more like a school common room than a club. Inside, there were many tables, comfortably seating up to 10 people each. Dave greeted some friends near the glass entrance doors, then looked around and pointed you to an available table.
“Don't complain, it's really not strong" Sarah said, taking a sip of her drink. She looked around, checking out other people's costumes. It was definitely not boring. Everyone looked exceptional. At a table in the distance, there were also young men dressed in Harry Potter robes. The brunette was in Gryffindor colors with round glasses, next to him was Ravenclaw, and the blond-haired guy in Slytherin robes just like yours, was sat with his back to you. The whole room looked beautiful. Decorated in such a way that it resembled the interior of a dark castle. You took a small sip of your drink, preparing your face for a grimace caused by the strength of the alcohol, but nothing like that happened. The liquid was not strong at all. You even had the impression that they gave you a non-alcoholic drink, for which you would be very grateful. You started long conversations with your friends. The atmosphere was great, especially considering the fact that someone was constantly approaching you, wanting to get to know you. It even turned out that the woman working as a cleaner at your hotel was a close friend of your friends. It's funny how such a big city can be so small. Maybe an hour had passed. People were slowly feeling the effects, including Dave, who definitely overdid it with alcohol. He reached out his hand, wanting to pull you onto the dance floor. You felt great, despite having a few drinks. But when you stood up, you realized that they weren't non-alcoholic at all. Your legs almost immediately refused to obey you, and you plopped back onto the chair, causing laughter from the others sitting at your table.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Lily asked, grabbing your hand.
"Yes. The drinks just attacked my legs" you replied, and everyone laughed.
"Well then, I suggest you make a second attempt to get up from the chair" Dave said with a laugh. He intertwined your fingers, and this time you managed to get up without any complications. You went out to the dance floor with the guy and grabbed his arms. He placed his hands on your hips, and you danced slowly to the rhythm of the song. You could feel the gaze of the people around you, especially one person in particular. The blond, dressed exactly like you. You didn't have the courage to look at him. You were already quite embarrassed by Dave's hands roaming your body. The guy rested his forehead against yours. Then he brushed your Y/H/C hair behind your ear and started planting kisses on your neck. You opened your eyes wide in surprise and slightly pushed him away.
"No, Dave" you hissed. The guy nodded and ran his hands down to your buttocks, lifting your rather short gray skirt slightly. Then he returned to your neck and gave you a few more kisses. "Okay, this is really uncomfortable, Dave" you said and moved away from him, freeing yourself from his embrace. "I like you, but this is going too far" you added.
"Sorry, it's the alcohol" he replied, scratching his head.
"I need some fresh air" you muttered before stepping outside. You sat on a ledge with your phone in hand, trying to stop thinking about the situation that just happened. Dave was attractive, that couldn't be denied. But he was also the fiance of your best friend. You wouldn't feel right being involved with someone who had been so close to Megan. And besides, you had the feeling that the guy wanted you precisely because you were close to Megan's heart.
A moment later, a lot of people appeared outside, most of them with a cigarette in hand, including Darcie, of course. She immediately approached you, seeking help with translating a few things. She didn't know a word in English. Really. One time when she wanted to buy a fizzy water, she said “water pssst, please”. Hilarious tho.
Standing next to her was a man dressed as the Joker, who had been sitting with you at the table for the whole evening. He started talking about what he wanted, and you immediately laughed and turned to the woman.
“Jason would like to take you for a walk and show you around.” You explained, and a look of surprise appeared on the brunette's face.
“Where am I supposed to walk with him? Did he suddenly feel like having a romance?” She asked.
“We can go. I'd gladly take a walk myself.” You replied and nodded to Jason. “Unless you don't want my company?” You asked the man, but he didn't even want to hear that you wouldn't go with them. After all, how could they communicate with each other without a translator? “Just wait a moment, I'll tell Sarah that we're leaving for a few minutes.” You smiled at them, then walked over to Sarah, standing by the door.
“Sarah, we-“
“Miss Malfoy?”You heard. You turned your head towards the dark-haired man with round glasses, leaving the pub.
“Mr. Potter?” You laughed, trying to say it with the best British accent possible.
“Mr. Mike Potter.” He replied and held out a pack of cigarettes towards you.
“Miss Y/N. Nice to meet you. And thanks, but I don't smoke.” You said with a smile.
“A Slytherin who doesn't smoke? Such a well-behaved little girl you are.” He chuckled.
“Indeed.” You replied, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“I know someone who would like your costume. I mean, the colors of your costume.” He added, smiling. At that moment, a blond man came out of the pub. You recognized him immediately. Tom Felton, the movie Draco Malfoy.
“Greetings, everyone.” He laughed, then looked at you.
“It's Y/N. Mrs. Malfoy.” Mike laughed. “And she obviously likes you, because she stutters.”
“I like that.” Tom replied, winking at you. You smiled slightly, blushing like never before.
“Y/N, are you coming?” Darcie called out.
“Oh God, I almost forgot about her. We're going for a walk, Sarah. Darcie has an admirer.” You laughed to the girl. She later passed the message to her brother as he left the pub, and you ran to catch up with the waiting pair.
“Who's that girl?” Tom asked, giving Dave a light.
“She's the friend of my brother’s fiancé.” Sarah replied, extinguishing her cigarette and Dave nodded. “Single.” She added, entering the building. Tom bit his lower lip, fighting back a smile.
“Did you hear that? Go for her. It's about time.” Mike laughed.
“I know, I know.”The blond replied.
The walk passed in a pleasant atmosphere. There was a lot of laughter, especially when Darcie tried to pretend she understood everything and then nudged you, begging for a translation. It took about an hour of walking around the area. You passed many children collecting candies, and some even asked you for a photo. The atmosphere was so welcoming that even you got a small, pumpkin-like box and started collecting treats yourself, engaging people with lines from books. Upon returning to the pub, the first thing you did was taking off your cloak . You were left in a white shirt, a greenish tie, a gray skirt, and high-heeled shoes. On the table, new drinks were already waiting for you and Darcie. This time they were supposed to be really strong. Your friends immediately started devouring the sweets you had gathered.
“Dave! Can’t believe you actually… Ughh...” You protested at the sight of the drinks.
“This is just the beginning. It's 9 PM, the whole night is ahead of us.” The guy laughed, taking a big sip.
“I'll twist your head off, I promise.”
“I don’t want to hear any complaining. One for each of us.” He ordered the bartender, who brought you each a shot.
“Dave...” You hissed, and he winked at you.
“To Y/N's strength.” He laughed. You took the glasses in your hands and emptied them to the bottom. You closed your eyes tightly, feeling the burning in your mouth. It was strong.
“Out of curiosity, how many drinks are you planning to serve us?” You asked, looking from one person to another.
“You'll have two more and then you'll stop counting.” Steve replied.
“That's comforting.” You said with a slight smile. You stood up and went to the restroom. You stood in front of the mirror to fix your hair and makeup. Then you turned around to wash your hands and stood there, stunned for a moment, looking at two different taps. Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't be surprised that older buildings in the UK have separate taps for hot and cold water, but after drinking alcohol, such information reached you a bit slower. Betty, Dave's dog sitter, entered the restroom. Seeing your expression, she started laughing hysterically almost immediately.
“Too bad I don't have a camera in my hand. Your face is the funniest thing I've seen today.” She laughed, holding her stomach. You felt a bit silly, but you laughed along. The woman washed her hands and then looked at you again, bursting into another fit of laughter as she left the restroom. Blushing, you followed her.
Opposite you, by the stairs, stood Mike and Tom. Hearing Betty's laughter, they started laughing themselves.
Vicious circle, laughter can sometimes be funnier than the whole situation.
"If only you saw what I did" she said to them, and you opened your eyes wide. Oh, wonderful. Must feel amazing to look like a fool in the eyes of your idol. She laughed, trying to imitate you. But she did it much better. The boys burst out laughing, and you almost sank into the ground.
"Poor thing" Tom said, then pulled you towards him, hugging you tightly. You rested your chin on his shoulder, and he intertwined his fingers in your hair.
"It's because of the alcohol" you said.
"That's just the first round" Mike laughed. "That's what Sarah said"
"Hopefully the last" you replied.
"It won't be that bad" the blond consoled you and kissed your temple.
"You wanna switch places, Felton?" you asked, leaning back slightly from the boy.
"For you tonight, I am Malfoy. Draco Malfoy" he said with a smug smile.
"Fine. Just don't be as much of a pansy as Draco" you laughed.
"I'll try" he replied, and after a moment, he pulled you onto the dance floor. You wanted to go to your table but the boy grabbed your hips and started swaying with you to the rhythm of the music. You placed your hands on his shoulders, trying to avoid eye contact. You already had intense blushes.
"You won't refuse me if I buy you a drink, will you?" he laughed and lifted your head slightly.
"Should I kill you now or wait?" you replied, rolling your eyes. "No, no drinks. I might end up showing you my old fanfics" you said. Soon after, you bit your tongue, realizing what you had just blurted out.
"Bartender!" he shouted, amused.
"Nooo!" you hissed, covering his mouth with your hand. "I won't show you anything. Absolutely nothing."
"You're disappointing me, Y/N" he replied.
"I'm sorry" you whispered, giving him a kiss on the nose.
"Then let me kiss you" he murmured with an unprecedented confidence, raising his eyebrows, and you couldn't believe what you heard.
"O-okay..." you mumbled. Without hesitation, the boy kissed you in the most passionate and tender way you could have dreamed of. You felt like you had landed in paradise. Tom perfection Felton was kissing you amidst a crowd of people at a party in your beloved country. You kissed him back almost immediately. You felt the boy smiling.
"What's that blush for?" he asked with a smile, caressing your cheek.
"You're imagining things" you shyly replied. The blond hugged you tightly and in that way, embracing each other, you finished the dance. He didn't take his eyes off you and gave kisses on your forehead every now and then.
"I heard you're here on vacation. How long do you think it will take to take care of the formalities and settle permanently on the islands?" he asked, running his hands up and down your waist. "Because, you know, I don't want just a holiday fling."
"And you determine that after a few minutes of conversation?" You laughed, pulling the blond towards your table.
"We'll spend a few days together, get to know each other, and then I'll repeat my words, I promise. And now, a drink, please. Waiter! This little one needs to show me her fanfics but she won’t do it without alcohol!” He said, sitting you on top of his lap.
And you showed him. What a damn annoying blondie.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
The Stranger
For @palomahasenteredthechat's Joseph Quinn Story Spookathon 2023
Warnings: paranormal activity, disfigurement, fire/being burned, car accident, drunk driving
WC: 1.1k
Anyone who entered Hawkins, Indiana–even if just passing through–knew that there was something very, very wrong. There was a constant heaviness in the air, an invisible weight that pressed onto lungs, misery wrapping itself around their organs like a constrictor.
Most people who had the misfortune of living in Hawkins, Indiana could tell you a ghost story or two of their own, usually involving angry souls who’d lived and died in the lab and refused to fully commit to the afterlife.
Eddie Munson was one of the few people who hadn’t ever had a paranormal encounter. He could easily attribute any bump in the night to the stray animals roaming around Forest Hills Trailer Park; any cold draft could be the trailer’s poor insulation. 
That’s why he didn’t think anything of it as he shrugged on his jacket and stepped outside for a cigarette, letting the door slam shut behind him. The chill bit at his skin, far too cold for October, so he silently promised to only smoke one. Maybe half, he thought grimly, a gust of wind cutting through the denim and piercing flesh.
It takes several flicks of his lighter for it to finally spark a flame, illuminating a few feet in front of him. What he saw had him dropping the Bic, barely hearing it clatter against the concrete.
A woman stood at his van, peering inside as though searching for something. Who the hell is stealing from me? What is she gonna find–a couple of worn cassettes and a couple of pennies? Still, he couldn’t just let her take from him right in front of his eyes.
“Hey!” he yelled, clenching his fists. The woman didn’t turn around, seemingly unfazed by the man shouting in her direction. “Get out of here! Get away from my shit!”
The strange woman, utterly unbothered, continued her quest.
“Can you hear me? I said go!”
“Jesus,” Eddie swore under his breath, raising his voice to address her again. “There’s nothing in there! And that piece-of-shit van was my piece-of-shit dad’s, so it’s so old it’s not worth a goddamn dime.”
This drew the woman’s attention; she abruptly swiveled around and locked her gaze onto Eddie. And, yet, it felt as though she was looking straight through him. Choppy hair framed her face awkwardly, curls ending where they should have just begun. There was a slight tremor in her body, and as Eddie took in the sight of her, he realized she wasn’t standing. She was floating.
“Who are you?” The words, like his body, were shaking. “What the fuck do you want?”
She crooked her forefinger, beckoning him over. With trepidation and heavy feet, he walked towards her.
His stomach soured as he approached the woman. He could see the mangled skin that accompanies burns; it curled over where a mouth and ears would be, up and down the parts of her arms and torso exposed by a tattered shirt. Her hair, he realized, wasn’t choppy; it was singed.
She said nothing, just pointed to the driver’s seat, then at Eddie. When he remained still, she repeated the action.
Eddie’s eyes widened. “You want me to drive?” A single nod. “Where?” 
Of course, she didn’t answer, but Eddie climbed into the van and started the ignition anyway. The van roared to life, and the woman simply walked through the door and planted herself into the passenger seat.
When he got to the trailer park entrance, the woman pointed to the right. That was how she offered directions; a point left, right, or straight at each intersection. Eddie followed dutifully, terrified and enraptured by her aura.
After ten minutes of driving, she held out a full hand. Stop. Eddie slammed on the brakes, flying forward against the wheel.
“We’re in the middle of the fucking road!” He buried his head in his hand, throwing the van into ‘park.’ “Just…get out. I took you where you wanted to go.”
The woman didn’t move, only stared out the front window as though latching onto a memory.
Eddie watched as a van, nearly identical to his own except slightly less dented, zigs and zags across the dirt road, barreling towards them. “Holy shit, holy shit! He’s gonna hit us!” He reached for the gearshift, but a cool breeze tickled his fingers. 
Another smaller vehicle drove along the same road, blissfully unaware of the danger that lay ahead. “Watch out!” Eddie called, simultaneously screaming and cranking down the window. The woman next to him shook her head, keeping her eyes trained on the disaster about to unfold.
The out-of-control van veered onto the wrong side of the street, instantly colliding with the sedan. Eddie winced, anticipating the sounds of glass breaking and metal crunching, squeezing his eyes shut until it all stopped. When there was nothing, he opened them, heart sinking as  smoke began to billow from the sedan’s engine.
“Oh my God, oh my fucking God!” He jumped out of his seat and raced towards the car just as the front of it exploded into a ball of fire. Eddie braced himself for flying debris and a surge of heat, but he felt nothing. As though it wasn’t even there.
A man stumbles out of the van, nearly falling over as his feet make contact with the ground. In a delayed reaction, his jaw dropped when he saw the damage he’d caused. 
Eddie feels his dinner creep back up his throat. He knew that staggering gait, those stubble-covered cheeks, those eyes constantly glazed over with drunkenness.
“Dad?” His voice was small, almost inaudible. From his peripheral, he saw a crooked finger point in the direction of the burning car.
The passenger was frozen in fear, fingers clenched around the wheel like a lifeline. Flames licked at her permed hair, already spreading towards her blouse. 
The same blouse that the stranger next to him was wearing, sans soot and tears. 
“No, I…” he struggled to find the words. “My…my dad did this. My dad killed you. I…I didn’t know. I never would’ve driven his van if I knew…” All he had been told was that his dad had been busted for driving while intoxicated, but his uncle had apparently sheltered him from the full story. “I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry he did this.” He cried so hard that he can barely breathe; mucus ran from his nostrils and trailed down his face.
The woman mustered up every ounce of energy she could, taking from Eddie and leaving him suddenly exhausted. Harsh, gravelly words left her mouth.
“You need…to know…the truth.”
Then she was gone.
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sweetdreamsjeff · 4 months
Northern Light
Thirty-six hours before Jeff Buckley died, I saw him standing on a quiet Memphis street corner. A sheriff's car had pulled over, and the beige-suited federale stood towering above him. Jeff was my neighbor and friend, so I turned my car around to see if I could extract him from his tangle.
The incident had ended by the time I got there. It began raining. I pulled up next to Jeff. He didn't like strangers stopping him, and he kept his face forward as I drove beside him. He didn't look up until I spoke, then he stormed into the car, furious that the deputy had stopped to ask who he was; Jeff thought the lawman recognized him from his videos. I tried telling him their paths happened to cross at a corner that was known for drug activity, but he wouldn't hear it.
At the corner, instead of turning toward our street to go home--he lived a few doors from us in a rental house--I turned away. An anger I didn't know flared up. He demanded to be let out and opened the door while we were moving. The rain was hard and heavy, a dark rain. He did not want to know that I was only going one block out of the way. To calm him I told him I would take him home directly. F---it, if he wanted to act like a rock star, I'd indulge his fame, don my chauffeur's hat, take his assholiness home, and then do my errand.
If he'd not died, the incident would have meant nothing.
I see my happening onto him right after the cop as proof--if he was seeking proof--that he could not take a walk and be alone. He had owned Manhattan and walked away for a place he could be alone.
He leapt out of my car and was immediatelly soaked. "I'll walk," he said. "It's nice out." It was not nice out. Is that what he had to say to be alone?
Jeff rang our doorbell at six sharp. "Look at this," he told my wife, leading Mr. Clean into the kitchen. He wore a frilly green three-piece thrift-store suit, two-tone black and white shoes, and a wide-brimmed hat tilted forward over his face. I assumed a matching green Cadillac with a fake fur steering wheel was parked out front. He said, "I like to dress for dinner."
He and I drank red wine outside in the pre-summer heat. My four-month-old daughter cooed at him, he cooed back, and they laughed. After dinner he wanted to retrieve a notebook he'd left at the downtown club where he had a weekly gig. "Sure they're open," he said, "live bands seven nights a week." We walked to his house, where he got the keys to his rental car. Before leaving the house, he put on a Dead Kennedys CD and left it at top volume. One the street I could hear every thudding syllable. An Avon lady lived next door to him. I didn't ask questions.
He drove like his verbal riffs: all over the place. The club was, of course, closed. But his outfit was glowing, we were half-lit, and we hit a Beale Street beer hall that had a pool table. He put down two quarters in line for a game and steadily pumped the jukebox.
In Memphis Jeff could play at anonymity: a dangerous, green-suited pool hustler running Beale. The bartender found his Grifters selection too noisy and pulled the plug. Jeff leapt onto the pool table and demanded not only that the machine be turned back on, but that he be given his money back so he could play the song again. A pretty girl recognized him and between pool shots she handed him a menu and asked him for an autograph. He was polite; I think the occasional recognition was enough to sate his ego, but not so much that it interfered with his daily affairs.
My wife and I fed him a couple of times, hung out a bit. Usually his blinds were drawn, and we mostly left him to his work. One evening I stopped by on my way to the neighborhood bar. He talked about his dad that night, also a singer with a clarion voice. Tim Buckley was twenty-eight when he found a packet of powder and, mistaking the heroine for cocaine, laid out a fat line, inhaled, and died. Jeff was eight at the time. He lived with his mother, her husband, and his half brothers, and back then his name was Scott J. Moorhead. Then he'd entered his old man's business, and though he didn't know him (he'd only spent a week with his dad), he was feeling the weight of his father's shadow. Dead at such an early age, Tim Buckley would be forever young. "The only way I can rebel against him," Jeff told me, "is to live."
You don't go swimming in your boots without some kind of intent somewhere. Jeff was thirty when he drowned in the Mississippi River. I don't imagine that his father's specter ever left him, but I do believe life must have refracted through the ghost differently during Jeff's last couple of years. My wife's father died accidentally when she was a child, and she speaks of the mixed feelings she had when she passed her father's age. Survivors' guilt tinged with survivors' triumph: "It didn't happen to me" becomes "it couldn't."
People like me who write about musicians have a relationship with celebrity that is either symbiotic or parasitic, depending on the perspective. Jeff and I had met accidentally, laughed a lot at that first meeting but were never introduced, and I left thinking he was just some new guy in town. It took an effort by me to supress the opportunism presented by his fame and maintain that purity in our friendship. We never discussed doing an interview, though I took notes for one. He had recorded an Alex Chilton song on his first EP; Chilton plays a significant role in my first book, It Came From Memphis, but we never discussed that either. He'd never played his fame card before, and offering to drive him a mile home that day it rained, when I was a block from doing that anyway, made me painfully aware of the shared natures of fan and servant.
Fame is a buoy that raises you up and a weight that brings you down. Jeff Buckley was beautiful to behold, a blast to be around, a singular talent. He seemed strong enough for fame. His core bubbled with energy, an excitement that sometimes overpowered him. Talking about his dad in the bar, he bent to his drink and gnawed on the glass with his teeth. Though he could wrangle his power, like when he made music, he seemed most at ease letting it pour fourth: A rush of comic routines. Impulsive actions. His wardrobe. Swimming in the river.
The day after the rain, I saw a furniture rental truck unloading beds at his house; Jeff's band was arriving. When a British magazine editor called the next morning asking me to confirm that Jeff had died of a drug overdose, I reamed the guy. "Let him work!" I said. "He wants to be alone." The editor assured me that this news was based in fact, that someone from Microsoft News had--but I cut him off and told him to leave the guy alone. Ten minutes later a friend at Jeff's label called to say that reports were that Jeff had drowned, and what did I know about it? Geez, I thought, can't anyone let this guy work?
My wife said if I'd been called about another of my neighbors having an accident, I'd have run to their door and knocked, made sure everything was okay. I did walk down to Jeff's house and stood in front of it dumbly--his house looked like his house--but I wasn't about to disturb him with rumors of himself. An hour later, back home, I glanced out front and an image of his bandmates--their stooped backs, the shade of the magnolia tree, red Converse high-tops on asphalt--seared into my brain. Death. I'd never seen them before, but their dyed hair and disheveled look announced them as Jeff's guests, and their dazed walk and stupefied manner instantly confirmed the worst. It rained for four days after that.
The first daylight hours passed as we waited for the phone to ring--for Jeff to tell us that the current had swept him away and deposited him, tired and delirious, in a foresaken corner of a cotton field, and he walked for hours between rows to dirt paths to gravel and was finally calling from a gas station near a stupid Tunica casino, could someone please come pick him up right away and bring dry clothes, he was miserable. But that call didn't come. His mother came, his girlfriend, an aunt, a lawyer, and some record company people.
When Jeff Buckley immersed himself in that inlet of the the Mississippi River, he swam out on his back, looking at the stars, singing a Led Zeppelin song. A tugboat passed and left a wake. He swallowed water. The shadow was heavy. The refraction was blinding. His boots were full.
It's said about the blues singer Robert Johnson that he lived a compartmentalized life. That to some he was Robert Dusty, to others Robert Spencer, and that his personae were as varied and as independent as the people to whom each was known. Jeff had a life in New York I knew little about, and his family was in California. But his absence broke down those partitions, and we survivors clung to each other in his house, surrounded by his belongings, waiting for him.
The undercurrents in Memphis swelled in Jeff's absence. This city reveres obscurity, is hostile toward success. Beneath the reverence for the celebrated--here or anywhere--is a mean-spirited envy, a rooting for the lions over the gladiator. The tide of gossip rose: He staged his death for publicity. Or for solitude. He was on drugs. Suicide. Black magic.
On the fourth day, before his body floated up, his mother called his friends to his house for a wake. His beautiful photograph was propped on the table, along with a candle and maybe a flower. She wanted to celebrate her son's life and she made a toast, reminding me how little we can each know of even the ones we call friends. She raised her glass, and we raised ours. Her words startled me: "To Scotty."
His singing was magisterial, like a pipe organ, natural like the northern lights. Jeff's voice made me want to build shrines--though now I see Jeff Buckley was the shrine to his voice. His sudden end has seeped into my memories of his passion and vitality, and I can't seperate the purity of his tone from the tragedy of his fate.
My child is drifting off to sleep in my arms. She has learned to crawl, is beginning to understand spacial relations. The puzzle that is everything she sees is beginning to have pieces, and the pieces are beginning to fit. Her dreams have become more lifelike, and as she is momentarily disturbed into consciousness, her eyes open. She can't tell the worlds apart, and since the dream feels so much nicer than the coldness of reality, she doesn't fight the return. She drifts off.
Source: Robert Gordon
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