#Hazbin Angel Dust x Reader
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venomhoundfanworks · 4 months ago
Hazbin Hotel - Signs they Got a Crush
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Dumb headcanons about ways you can tell Alastor, Charlie, Angel Dust, and Lucifer have a crush. Why this super specific lineup? Because my goat brain said so.
Contents/WARNINGS: Gender neutral reader; Valentino mention; nothing else just tons of fluff Actual diabetes brainrot below the cut ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈
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Alastor ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
NOTE: Gonna out myself here. I was the anon who put >>this ask<< into @/6esiree's inbox. So if you notice my wording in here sounds familiar, thats why. Both idea were wrought from the same horrid brain
I know I've said it before, but this man is an enigma. Its very hard to distinguish if he 'just friend' likes you or if he 'like likes' you. From your perspective (and most people's perspective to be honest), you'll probably think he simply views you as a close friend.
The biggest cue that Alastor's feelings towards you have changed are his eyes. His eyes don't soften or anything like that, oh no. He just starts staring at you. All the time. You could literally be standing across the room and his eyes will still be glued to you.
Alastor starts studying you. Noticing all your tics, quirks, and body movements. Its actually quite uncanny how well he is able to track you with his gaze. You sometimes feel as if the man is hunting you.
Unfortunately, other then the whole 'staring at you like Mr. Darcy thing', Alastor has no 'big' tells. They are much more subtle.
Alastor's humor around you takes a weird shift. Not one your likely to notice, but its a shift nonetheless. Alastor's jokes/quips are normally fired out like shotgun blasts, hitting everyone and anyone. No one is safe from his sardonic humor.
But once he starts taking a liking to you, you strangely become exempt from his more piercing jokes. Don't get me wrong, he still jokes around you, its just more playful in tone rather then cutting.
Alastor will also start targeting specific people you dislike, or he will start using brand of humor that gets you to laugh. People will probably brush this behavior off as simply Alastor being an asshole. But its really because he is trying to get a reaction out of you. Alastor loves your laugh and feels a weird sense of pride when he gets you giggling.
Another subtle shift that happens is Alastor gets more... musical? I'm not sure how to put it exactly. Alastor is already fond of song and dance as it is. But when he has the love bug, Alastor starts humming to himself, he has music playing all the time, and he bursts into dance more frequently. His overall energy is just up.
What throws people off with this, is that Alastor's musical energy doesn't appear to be directed at anyone is particular. So true, he may be dancing more, but the guy will dance with whoever is available for him to swing around at the time. Its not a 'will only dance with you and when your around' thing.
If Alastor's feelings for you get too strong, and/or he has been repressing them for a long time, its going to start coming out in a new... strange way. His shadows will start behaving differently.
Alastor's shadows will start acting more independent of their master and being... gentle with you. Kind. They'll smile and wave to you behind his back, help you find things if you've lost something, or even leave you weird gifts.
There was even an incident where you were half sleeping on one of the couches in the hotel parlor. You vaguely registered Alastor walk by, before you felt the cold hands of one of his shadows pull a nearby blanket over you and tuck you in.
Alastor wont even be aware of this when it starts happening. And god forbid he finds out...
SUMMERY: 🦌 Will not. Stop. Staring at you. 🦌 His humor around you changes. Becomes more playful and interested in making you laugh 🦌 His love for music presents itself more; always ends up humming, singing, or dancing 🦌 If things go on too long, his shadows will start giving away his true feelings
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Charlie ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
Charlie is a complete mess when she starts crushing on someone. Its not subtle, and its not pretty. You can blame her inability to handle her own emotions on her parents and their broken marriage to be honest. As a double whammy; Charlie absolutely takes after Lucifer in the Disaster Bisexual™ department. So she is already starting on the wrong foot here (buh dum tsh).
The ""Princess"" of Hell loses any sense of grace, balance, or concept of gravity. Charlie constantly has to have her eyes on you, which results in her not paying attention to where the fuck her limbs are at any given moment.
So she knocks things over while making big gestures, knocks things out of her own hands, walks into the doorframe, trips over herself, trips over nothing... you get the idea. Clutz meter is dialed up to 1000%. Please don't put her near anything fragile because it will be broken.
As is normal with crushes, you want to get to know about them, right? Well, Charlie knows, theoretically, that in order to get to know her crush and actually have a chance of something happening between them, she has to talk to them. However. Charlie is so nervous that she ends up talking their ear off instead.
Its strangely adorable. Charlie will go and seek her crush out, then just start rambling. The funniest part, is she always realizes when she does it too. Charlie will get super embarrassed and start apologizing profusely after realizing she went on the most random tangent about frogs for 5 solid minutes and didn't even let you get a word in
Silence is absolutely deafening to her. Charlie is incredibly anxious and tries so hard not to think about things too much because she will overthink it and start freaking out. So she just immediately fills any gaps in conversation with her own voice.
Also (much like Alastor), Charlie's energy goes way up when she gets a crush. She hums to herself, prances around, and sings even more then usual. The girl literally stops walking like a normal person, now opting to skip around and do little twirls.
If Charlie isnt dancing around and singing like a Disney princess, then she is drawing something. She always has a pencil in her hand (which is a WEAPON considering how much she falls over). Charlie will scribble down the most random ideas she has and illustrate them. All so she can talk to you about them in detail later.
Going back to taking after her dad; Charlie will pamper the heck out of you in the pre-dating stage. Although, inadvertently. She really wants to impress you, so she ends up going overboard instead.
You say that your hungry; Charlie grabs you by the arm and is dragging you to a 5 star restaurant. Your phone breaks; Charlie buys you a brand new one, and it already has her number in it. Heck, you could just ask her for a glass of water and Charlie would give you a entire goblet of fancy lemon water.
Charlie excuses all this under a thin veil of 'need'. Oh, you need to eat. You need a new phone to to be able to contact people. You need to drink. That's the weird logic she uses in her head of why she is getting you all this stuff. She is helping someone in need.
Of course, this neglects the full picture. You could have just eaten some chips, you didn't need steak at Hell's fanciest restaurant.
SUMMERY: 🌈 Gets two left feet. Trips and falls over herself constantly 🌈 Talks talks talks talks talkstalkstalks 🌈 Creative energy goes through the roof; sings, dances, and draws for you 🌈 Anything you need, Charlie will get you. Only its the 100x luxury version of what you needed
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Angel Dust ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
Hot take, but Angel Dust is just as much of an enigma as Alastor is. Unlike Alastor, however, Angel actually does something about his feelings. He just... is super confusing about it.
You know how Angel flirts with everyone? Yeah, everyone except you. For once, Angel isnt interested in sex for sex sake. No, he wants more then that. The only way he knows to try and communicate that is to... not... flirt with you.
Since flirt mode is Angel's default mode, and he rarely turns it off, he gets stiff and awkward when interacting with you. His overall tone shifts to weirdly formal. Instead of using one of his trademark nicknames or a petname, Angel just straight up uses your actual name.
Its especially jarring when there are people like Charlie or Lucifer in the room. You know, royalty. People with actual status. Angel will throw a 'heya toots' at Charlie and a 'short king' at Lucifer, then he turns to you and uses your full name. Gives everyone in the room whiplash.
Your guaranteed to feel singled out if not insulted at first. But I promise, its the spider's attempt at showing he respects you and that your different to him by going a little too overboard with it.
Angel also starts wanting to show you everything the nightlife Pentagram City has to offer. The good and bad. Angel knows all the clubs and bars like the back of his hand, so he knows exactly where to take you.
Every single night, Angel Dust makes plans for you two or just spontaneously drags you out with him. He invites you to come bar hopping with him and Cherri, he takes you out dancing to one of his favorite nightclubs, Angel even lets you know what sex clubs are good and which ones to steer the hell clear from.
Angel is very careful to keep you as far away from Valentino as he can though. Not only for your protection, but the whole situation with his work and boss is a can of worms that he would rather you not get involved in. At all.
Angel might come across as a bit neurotic because of this whole Valentino wild card thrown into the mix of things. Angel will be taking you to a club, get word that Val is there, then start speeding you to a different one across town. Or you two will have plans, then Angel will just completely drop or change them so you don't end up running into the moth.
Since Angel is taking you everywhere and lowkey showing you off to everyone, he also starts getting super invested in your appearance. Especially if your insecure or haven't really dipped your toes in the nightlife before.
Angel offers to do your makeup before you two go out and gets incredibly giddy if you accept. Angel will then doll you up, making your makeup match his, and play it off as twining.
This doesn't stay to just makeup either. Angel loves to take you out shopping and will get you both matching or themed outfits. He absolutely LOVES it, and several people have assumed you two were already dating because of how well your outfits were coordinated.
SUMMERY: 🕸️ Counterintuitively gets less flirty and stiff; awkwardly uses your actual name and not a nickname 🕸️ Takes you out on the town; just wants to go out and have fun with you 🕸️ Becomes protective of you against Valentino. Purposely makes sure your not in locations he is and just stay the hell away from him 🕸️ Coordinates/matches his outfits and makeup to yours
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Lucifer ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
Not subtle. At all. His crush is just a flashing neon light to everyone that even remotely knows him. However, because the subject of his affections presumably doesn't know him that well (if at all), Lucifer easily can come across as just being a goddamn weirdo. That is, if he doesn't end up making the person think he straight up dislikes them instead.
Lucifer gets so caught up in his own head that he cant actually interact with you to save his life. He is stuttering, weird noises are coming out of his mouth, some words are being hissed rather then spoken, and his brain to mouth filter is fucking busted.
So yeah. Even if you take out the fact that his mouth isnt working right; every other word in his sentences is actually wrong and he is just saying dumb shit. Complete disaster.
This results in Lucifer avoiding interacting with you. At least directly. He knows he is going to mess it up super bad so he tries to keep it to group settings so he can still be around you, but not look like a total idiot. Lucifer also does that thing where he will actually be talking to you, but doing it through a third party so he doesn't completely freak out and mess up his words.
On the off chance you two do interact alone, it always ends up with Lucifer apologizing. You will accidentally turn a corner, bump into him, and Lucifer is the one apologizing somehow. You could probably drop a cinderblock on the guy's foot and Lucifer would still be like 'I'm sorry my foot was in your way'.
Just because Lucifer cant... talk to you like a normal person doesn't mean he doesn't want your attention. Oh no. He wants all your attention.
This is where the 'Sin of Pride' really shows. If Lucifer even gets an inkling that you like something or it impresses you? He is all in on it to an absurd degree.
Oh, you said his wings were cool? Lucifer suddenly has them out all the time and keeps fluttering or stretching them to show off for you. You like men who can sing? Now Lucifer is gonna find any excuse to do a musical number in your presence. You start laughing at one of his jokes? Whelp. Clown man is now gonna turn into an entire clown show. You think he tells good stories? Get ready for Lucifer to start blabbing about his entire life story.
Unfortunately this happens with anything negative you might say as well. Lucifer takes it way too hard and either tries to prove you wrong, or takes whatever it is you said you don't like and throws it out a window.
You said bowties were silly? Lucifer suddenly shows up wearing an ascot. You made a comment that his cane is just a glorified apple on a stick? Whelp, its in a trashcan now and Lucifer is designing a much fancier one. You don't think Lucifer can hold his liquor? Now he is challenging Alastor to a drinking contest and getting absolutely trashed.
Look. This guy just really wants you to like him okay? Please love him. He is a disaster, but he can be your disaster.
SUMMERY: 🐤 Forgets how to form words or how human language even works 🐤 Can't handle interacting with you directly; so he uses a third party or group events 🐤 Apologizes. Alot. 🐤 CONSTANTLY trying to impress you, or at least, get your eyes on him. Embodiment of peacocking 🐤 Takes any negative comments to heart and goes out of his way to show how wrong they are
My Masterlist for my Other Work: >>HERE<<
Signs They Got a Crush - Vees DLC: >>HERE<<
AO3 Archive Link: >>HERE<<
If you want a super cute fic about Lucifer courting the reader with his wings, check out >>this post<< by @/nicoliine
If you want to see a really good post on what attracts Alastor and Lucifer to someone, check out >>this post<< by @/liliannadelaphinehartifelt
Then lastly, one of my favorite fics actually, check out the Unknown to Me and You series by @/beejunos for an amazing take on Alastor's feelings coming out through his shadows. First part is >>here<< and second part is >>here<<
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Can you please write about Angel Dust, Alastor (separately) who are hiding from extermination along with their s/o :))
{I’m gonna assume this is before the hotel cuz if not, then the answer would be kinda obvious.} 
Angel Dust 
Usually, Angel hides with Val, but now that you’re involved, he avoids that man like the plague whenever he can outside of work. He doesn’t want Val anywhere near you. 
His alternative is to bunker down with Cherri which is cool cuz she is more than happy to have you two over. Bitch stocks up on snacks and drinks like it’s a teen sleepover. 
Angel is nervous and jittery the whole time, honestly. Cherri assures you that she has enough bombs to protect you all though I'm not sure that’s as reassuring as she thinks it is. 
The  night is pretty full of anxiety induced snuggles that Angel covers with humor. Also whatever shitty show Cherri puts on to distract you guys. 
This man is scarily chill. If you just went off his attitude alone, you wouldn’t even know the extermination was happening. Though if anyone does try to disturb you two, even out of desperation, he will straight up murder them. 
He reassures you that you're perfectly safe with him in any way he can. He’ll give you a distraction, make you food, or just generally make you comfortable in any way he can. 
I can see Nifty being there as well, flitting around the house and making herself busy and is more than happy to help make you comfy or cuddle. She will be excited as hell if you suggest making a pillow nest or fort. 
Alastor is a bit standoffish but will buckle and join you in the cuddle pile with Nifty if you ask a few times though he does prefer to keep close to the door or window both to watch the carnage and be close to intercept in case some dumbass tries to break in. If he does cuddle, he does intentionally keep himself between you and the closest entrance. 
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freakyfrye · 8 months ago
ᝰ. 𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔡𝔤𝔢𝔰
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requested ( @cartoonykat ) : alastor, angel dust, husk, lucifer, charlie & vaggie, vox, adam, sir pentious x gn! reader (separately), they’re having a moment (or romantic date) but it’s interrupted/ruined by someone or something
type: scenarios
content: domestic, fluff, slight crack, bunch of smitten sinners, swears, angle dust bad ass reader s/o, val mentioned thrice cause he’s annoying ash (but he will be added to the blog soon), vox’s kind of a whiny baby but it’s hot (?¿), brief luci vs alastor bit
note: this took a while. ngl because, honestly, alastor and luci had me stumped — also some may be longer than others, what can I say? give inspiration where it’s due
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꒰ა❤︎໒꒱ 𝕬𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯
It's rare to see Al anywhere but the heir Morningstar Hotel, whispering over her shoulder like the villain you know him to be. Yet, even he needs a break from the chaos. Strangely enough, for someone who loathes any form of physical touch, he always shows up on your doorstep like clockwork by the end of the week.
Your mornings are routinely filled with melodic tones that stir you awake. The air is thick with the scent of powdered sugar beignets, which only he can make, and the aroma of the finest coffee beans you worked hard to procure because you knew how much he enjoyed them.
He's busy working on something when you creep up behind him, hearing him hum along to his favorite jazz song. Always the jolly fellow with the wickedest mind, he seems at peace for once, even when you audaciously wrap your arms around his waist from behind.
In the past, he would have tensed up and demanded an explanation through clenched teeth. Instead, he now leans into your touch as you lay your head on his back. “Mornin’ Al.” you’d greet muffled, breathing in his scent.
He hums softly, wiping his hands on a cloth before turning towards you, his grin devilishly relaxed. "Well, well, good morning, mon cher. Hope I didn't stir you with all my shufflin'."
You open your mouth to assure him that wasn't the case when, within the next second, there's a loud boom from your far wall and debris flying around your kitchen. When the dust clears, you both stare blankly at a large hole in your wall. You're lost to what's happening when a figure steps through, glaring at Alastor with intense hatred.
"What—Who?" you ask, looking from him to Al, whose smile is tense. "Is this one of your enemies?" you deduce, realizing he must be, since he wasn't here for you.
Alastor blinks before turning towards you, smiling proudly. "Who could tell?,” he jokes, “It's a difficult task to keep track when you're the most hated demon in hell."
“You gonna handle that?” you ask, staring up at him, a frown on your face.
You didn't have to ask twice; he was already pulling away from you, though he didn't appear as cheerful as one might expect when heading off to handle his business.
“And fix my wall when you’re done, Alastor.”
꒰ა❤︎໒꒱ 𝕬𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔩 𝕯𝔲𝔰𝔱
It was clear that Angel hadn’t been himself lately. Whether it was the strain from Valentino’s demands or dealing with Charlie and her redemption shenanigans, the reasons were irrelevant. It did bother you and concerned you that he wasn’t confiding in you about whatever was troubling him, though.
But you weren’t going to press him, adding to his burdens. Instead, you decided to show your support: tidying up your place, setting the table, adjusting the lighting, and spending the entire day preparing his favorite Italian dishes. They weren't quite as perfect as his mama's, but you knew no one could match her cooking.
As evening arrived, you finally invited him over, knowing he wouldn’t be free until this hour, dealing with Val’s big head. Greeting him at the door with a kiss, you noticed his tired gaze soften as he returned the gesture. Leading him inside, he gradually perked up, taking in the atmosphere you had carefully set.
By the time he sits at the table, he's lively, smiling like a kid in a candy store as he pours both of you a glass of Roscato wine. “Wow, baby, all this for me?” he asks with a bashful charm, his eyes slightly hooded as he swirls the wine in his glass, chin resting on the back of his hand.
“No,” you begin joking, “this is for the guy after you—don’t eat it all, alright? Leave some for him.”
Angel chuckles, setting down his glass to pick up his fork. He scoops up some fettuccine, then leans forward and offers it towards your mouth. "I think ya runnin’ that pretty mouth a lil too much, sweet cheeks. We both know there ain’t no competition."
Before you can bite back something naughty, his hellphone chimes repeatedly in his pocket. A weighty silence falls over both of you as he reluctantly sets down his fork and retrieves it, his brow furrowing deeply at the messages displayed on his screen. He looks to you from his phone before sighing and rising from his seat.
You raise your hand, stopping him in his tracks. "Wait. Hold on! Where do you think you're off to?" you demand, scrutinizing him suspiciously.
He sighs, his shoulders slumping as he gestures with his hands while explaining, "I'm sorry, sugar. It's Val. He needs me. I gotta go—"
"Sit your ass down," you bark, your mood souring. Angel does a double-take, and you continue, "I planned this day perfectly—slaved away to cook these loving dishes for you—and that man-child was not part of the picture. If he wants my man, he better come and pry me away from you."
Angel quickly considers his options. Ignoring Val usually ends in trouble, but ignoring you feels worse than anything Val could inflict—especially since you're somehow scarier and hotter than him. Plus, he knows you can handle yourself, a skill you demonstrated long before you two got together. He makes his choice and sits back down. To hell with Val; dealing with him can wait.
꒰ა❤︎໒꒱ 𝕳𝔲𝔰𝔨
By the end of the day, exhausted from working tirelessly, all you wanted was to faceplant into your bed. But Husk was coaxing you to spend the night with him, mentioning relaxation and the allure of Hennessy. Honestly, if he had just said he wanted to see you, you’d be right over. No coaxing needed, but who’s gonna tell him?
As you stand outside his room door, it dawns on you that Husk may not even know what it means to relax. Sure, he's somewhat chill after a few drinks, but you've never seen him truly unwind since you've known him. You wonder what you’re in for when you knock on his door, waiting for him to answer.
A gravelly voice answers through the door, "Come in," then falls silent. You purse your lips in confusion and twist open the door, cautiously stepping inside. The room is dimly lit by candles, making it a bit challenging to see at first, but as your eyes adjust, you find him seated on a loveseat, staring at you intently.
"Yeah, not creepy at all," you mumble halfheartedly, dropping your bag on his bed before walking over to him. Your comment earns a tsk from him and a grumble under his breath, but nothing more. Yeah, this was definitely weird. “Who are you and what did you do with gumpelherekitty kitty?”
"Shut the hell up and come here before there's no liquor left," he bites, taking the bait with a small smile on his face as he watches you flop down beside him. An array of pillows behind you looks like clouds waiting to be drooled on, but instead of relaxing just yet, you lean in for a kiss.
A glass of Hennessy is placed in your hands as you pull away, the dark liquid resembling brown sugar but far from sweet. You judge the small amount and down it in one gulp, tilting your head back and letting out a hiss at the burn. It was well worth it, though.
Husk must have agreed because he took the glass from your hand to pour another. "Rough day, huh?" Instead of passing it back to you, he drinks it himself and then gently guides you back onto the pillows, placing your legs across his lap.
You groan, "You have no idea!" before pausing, recalling his own stressful situation. You send him a sympathetic smile, "Then again, you might." You watch as he shrugs, carefully removing your shoes one by one and placing them aside.
"Tell me about it," he says, grabbing one of your feet and starting to massage it, aiming to ease the soreness. "Your day, I mean. Or not." Despite his half-hearted objection, he looks at you expectantly, knowing you'll likely indulge him anyway. And you do—you recount how everything that could go wrong today did, venting about nasty customers and expressing relief to end the day with him.
That confession didn’t escape him; instead, he purrs softly at your words, his eyes grows hooded as his hand moves from your feet to your calf, rubbing gently. He starts to reply when his door bursts open, capturing both of your attention.
He stands up, your legs sliding off his lap as he reaches for his cards, but pauses at the sound of Nifty's sinister giggling and the frantic scraping on the floor. You both watch as she chases a large roach in circles for a few seconds too long before finally following it out the door.
"You people are strange," you comment after a long pause.
Husk sighs heavily through his nose, flopping back into his earlier spot and pouring himself and you a drink. "Tell me something I don't know, sweetheart.”
꒰ა❤︎໒꒱ 𝕷𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔣𝔢𝔯
You've been in the hotel long before he showed up. You were already making progress on your redemption arc to heaven. That was always the goal, but you never anticipated to fall for him. This complicated your plans, and he knew it. You wonder if that’s where his doting and overbearing behavior stems from; abandonment and guilt—the risk of both losing you and stopping you from enlightenment.
He often sweeps you off your feet and plans spontaneous outings, desperate to keep you close for as long as possible. It was romantic and considerate of him, just so him, but he didn't have anything to worry about. You wish you could tell him, when you realized it, that even in heaven, you'd fall just to be with him. But the relationship was still fresh so you opt in matching his energy.
The dopey smile he gave you after you guided him to the candlelit table adorned with handmade meals was worth it. You could visibly see his shoulders relax, as if a weight had been lifted. Ever the gentleman, he helps you sit before himself. The evening is filled with sweet nothings, laughter, and smitten glances.
Lucifer reaches across the table, taking your hand and bringing it to his lips, planting a loving kiss on your knuckles. "Thank you," he expresses his gratitude as dinner comes to an end. But you had more planned for this night.
"I should be the one thanking you," you confess, causing him to raise a curious brow. You playfully reach over and nudge it back into place, eliciting a pout but no protest. Instead he chooses to lean more into your touch. "I haven't had this much fun since arriving in hell in years."
His devilish grin returns, his posture straightening as he half-heartedly feigns humility, failing halfway because how could he not when you're hyping him up? "Well, y’know, I try. How about we take a trip to Lulu world tomorrow? It's a blast—fully comp, of course, you’re dating the boss," he winks mischievously.
“Don’t you mean “loo loo land”?”
Lucifer shakes his head, waving his hands dismissively. "No—no no no, heavens no. That dreadful place shouldn’t exist in any of the 7 rings,” he sneers with disdain.
You nod, though not fully understanding, and rise from your seat. Lucifer, following your lead like a lost puppy, closes the distance between you. With a smile, you guide him by the sleeve to the center of the ballroom, wrapping your arms around his neck. "The night's far from over. Care to dance with me?" On cue, soft music gently fills the background.
He certainly does. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close, swaying gently. His expression softens to one of peace. You playfully plant a kiss on his nose before resting your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes in contentment. They open not even a minute later when the music abruptly stops, gaining both your attention.
You know where the music box is, assuming it malfunctioned but you're surprised to see Alastor standing there, observing you both. Once your attentions on him, he casually addresses everyone in the room, "Oh, my sincerest apologies. Am I interrupting something?" his smile widens at the growl that rumbles from Lucifer chest.
"You’re still here?" Lucifer grumbles, holding you closer, clearly annoyed by the interruption, especially because of who it was.
This earns a deep chuckle from Alastor, “Well, of course. Charlie’s had her fill of parental figures abandoning her, wouldn’t you say, sir?”
“What did he say?!” Lucifer turns towards you for confirmation.
"Anywho, I came to inform you both that a hotel meeting has been called. You know where," Alastor adds, then starts up the music again before disappearing into the shadows.
꒰ა❤︎໒꒱ 𝖁𝔞𝔤𝔤𝔦𝔢 & 𝕮𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔢
Redemption this, redemption that. That's all Charlie ever talks about, with Vaggie always backing her up. Sure, you support her too, but it gets annoying when it consumes all their time, leaving very little for the three of you to nurture your relationship. It was seriously irritating the heck out of you. Having two girlfriends but neither showing you affection like the good old days.
They probably caught on to the problem after enduring your snappy, sarcastic comments and watching you bail on redemption exercises for the nth time this week. With enough silent glances exchanged between them, they realized they had to do something. The following week, they lead you to a romantic picnic in the hotel's garden. You didn't even know the garden existed.
It was surprisingly sweet, especially for a setting in Hell—maybe even slightly cheesy. A white lace blanket was spread across the ground, with a silver tray of desserts of all kinds adorned with rainbow flag toothpicks. Beside it was a black heart-shaped picnic basket and a bouquet of flowers.
There was champagne with smiley faces on the bottle and plates with quirky little sandwiches that you were sure Charlie had tried to make. A gothic black umbrella stuck out from the ground, purpose of shielding you all from the hot sun.
Before you could say anything—not that there was much to say, as you were frankly speechless—Charlie and Vaggie pulled you to sit with them. Vaggie wore a soft smile, while Charlie beamed with eagerness.
"We’ve noticed you’ve been a little snippy lately,” Charlie starts, her expression shifting to one of guilt and sympathy. She tightens her hold on you, pulling you closer to her side. “I’m so, so sorry, sweetie. I’ve been so focused on the guest that I’ve neglected both you and Vaggie.”
“I carry some of the blame too,” Vaggie chimes in. “I was so caught up in making sure the hotel ran smoothly and keeping everyone safe that I forgot about the people who matter most to me.”
Charlie’s hands travel down your arms to hold yours in hers. “Can you forgive us? We really didn’t mean it.”
“Of course we didn’t,” Vaggie adds, placing her hands on top of Charlie’s. “We love you so much.”
You bite your lip, glancing between their faces as guilt starts to eat at you because of their words and romantic gestures. “Fuck…” you groan, pouting and closing your eyes. “I’m such an asshole.”
Charlie shakes her head. “No, you’re sweet for wanting time with us,” she says, batting her lashes. “We want time with you too.” She leans in, placing a soft kiss on your lips. Vaggie leans in for a kiss, but just then, someone stumbles into the garden, interrupting the moment.
“Charlie!” Lucifer exclaims, zeroing in on her before finally noticing the surroundings, including Vaggie and you. “Oh—uh, haha,” he chuckles nervously, “I’m interrupting something, aren’t I?” He slowly starts to back away. “I’ll just find you later, sweetie! Enjoy your date.”
Just as quickly as he stumbled in, he’s gone. Charlie gives you both an apologetic smile before you all resume your date.
꒰ა❤︎໒꒱ 𝖁𝔬𝔵
Opportunity didn’t always come knocking, but you must have one hell of a lucky streak to go from being Vox’s assistant by day to his lover by night. As his assistant, you saw how swimmingly put together Vox always was—after all, the cameras were always rolling if you were one of the Vees.
There was never a moment he wasn’t on top of things, keeping everything in check and everyone in line. Of course, the best times were when Alastor wasn’t involved. But now Alastor is back, and he’s even more of a pain in his side than Vox remembered. Just when Vox was on top of the world, now he’s glitching out at the very thought of that vermin.
Surprisingly, he kept it together in front of almost everyone. But when the clock strikes midnight, he clocks out and heads to his fancy penthouse where you're currently curled up on the couch, waiting for him. His expression instantly shifts to a tired smile as he walks over to you, and you open your arms for him.
He flops all his weight onto you, burying his face in your chest with a low groan. You purse your lips, wrapping your arms around his upper back and kissing his head. Cooing, almost babying him, you ask, “Had a rough day, sugar?” You wouldn’t know since your shift ended hours before his. He grumbles inaudible into your chest.
Tsking, you shake your head. “I can’t understand you when you do that.”
After a moment, he reluctantly pulls away just enough to glance up at you. “That smiling freak… fuuuck…” he mutters before snuggling back into your chest.
There was only one freak who smiled like he had carved it into his cheeks. Why are you not surprised? Sighing, you ask the million-dollar question, “What did he do now?”forcing him to look up at you fully. Perhaps the better question is what doesn’t he do? He can so much as breathe in Vox’s direction and it pisses him off.
“That shitty fuck is tanking my ratings,” Vox begins ranting. “Yesterday, they were down 2 percent. Today, they’re down 7 percent. 7 PERCENT!”
Tilting your head, you frown. “How do you know it’s him? Alastor doesn’t like electronics.”
Vox narrows his eyes down at you as he rises from on top of you, sparks flying from his hands. “Are you seriously defending that asshole right now?!” he asks, his voice strained with disbelief.
“Of course not! What the hell, Vox? I was just stating the obvious.” Here he was, getting insecure again. Seriously, why even mention Alastor around him?
"Fuck your obvi-" Vox is cut off by the ringing of his phone. Velvet's name and photo pop up on his screen. Blinking, you wait to see if he's going to answer, but he declines the call. "—ous bullshit. You’re riding his dick more than mine."
Hunky hunky hunky.
She calls again, and this time Vox answers, zapping the call to the main screen in the living room. “What is it, Velvette? I’m in the middle of—” his screen glitches, his voice turning to static, “—something.”
"What the fuck do you think? He’s at it again, throwing a fucking tantrum over that spider whore," Velvette barks through the screen, her accent heavy with annoyance. "Handle it. I’m busy," she adds, then hangs up.
After the call, silence fills the room before he turns to you, his charming grin returning. “This conversation isn’t over,” he says, his words carrying a double meaning. Still, he leans over to give you a kiss on the lips before he leaves.
꒰ა❤︎໒꒱ 𝕬𝔡𝔞𝔪
Lately, he's been acting strange. You weren’t sure what it was, but each time he comes down to visit you from heaven, he becomes more and more affectionate. At first, you thought he was teasing you, giving you just enough to keep you yearning and then pull back; let you sweat in want—but that never happened. It didn't click in your head until today, after he grudgingly confessed because—
“What the fuck??” you blink owlishly at your bathroom door. But the door isn’t the issue; it’s the noise coming from outside it. Lowering your thriller book, you place it on the toilet seat before rising from the bathtub, wrapping a towel around yourself, and exiting the bathroom.
You're glad to know you weren’t losing your mind, and were in fact hearing correctly. There was indeed a noise, more defined now—an instrumental tune growing louder towards your bedroom. Except, it wasn’t coming from inside your bedroom come to find out but outside your window.
Opening it, you peek over the sill, and your mouth drops. Standing there, looking up at you with an acoustic guitar in his hand, is Adam, with a bouquet of red roses lying at his feet.
“Adam…?” you stutter out, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What the hell are you doing?”
His fingers pause on the guitar strings, and he grins. "Fucking finally, babe, I've been standing out here for 10 minutes," he says as he slides the guitar onto his back. He then bends down to pick up the roses and waves them at you. "I brought you flowers."
"…for what?" you bluntly ask, narrowing your eyes in suspicion. Adam doesn’t do kind gestures—none that you know of—and he certainly doesn’t play acoustic guitars. He claims they're for pussy-whipped douchebags.
He scoffs, lowering it to his side with a shrug, “There has to be a reason?”
You chuckle, raising a brow. "That's how it works, dummy… why did you stay out there for 10 minutes? Just use the front door." Shaking your head, you duck back inside the window to close it and start getting dressed. You're halfway through putting on your pants when Adam barges into your room, tossing the guitar onto the bed.
He walks over to you, checking you out with a sultry smirk. "Are you struggling to fit into your pants?" he asks, before shaking his head as if to focus, adding and shoving the flowers at you, "I heard mortal bitches love this shit."
You finish buttoning your pants while juggling the roses, then sigh loudly and close the distance, pecking him on the lips. "What? Flowers being shoved at them and terrible music. Stick to electric guitars, Adam. It’ll get you laid more." you say sarcastically, pulling away and chuckling. “Acoustics are for pussy-whipped douchebags, remember?”
“Well, yeah, obviously!” Adam follows after you, scratching his head. “I’m talking about me serenading you and giving you flowers… It’s a romantic gesture or whatever… right?” He sounds unsure himself.
You whirl around to face him, pursing your lips as you try to figure out how to word what you’re going to say next without sounding too harsh. "Okay… what the actual fuck is going on with you? You haven’t been yourself the last few weeks, and this is starting to really weird me out."
Adam draws back, his lips forming a tight line before he utters, "Uhhh…" and averts his eyes. "I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about." Then, within seconds, he's back to his upbeat self, pulling you towards him by your hips. "You’re fucking hot. Who wouldn’t wanna get in your pants?"
You shake your head, removing his hands and crossing your arms as you stare pointedly at him. It's a silent staring contest for three minutes before he caves in with an annoyed groan. His shoulders tense up as he grumbles, "Fine, fuck. You can be so annoying when you want to be…"
When he doesn't get a reaction from you, he spills the beans, pacing around the room. "Some losers up in Heaven said I wasn't romantic. Me. I'm like, No fucking way, I'm the first dick. Nobody knows how to make bitches fall harder on it!" He scoffs, slouching in place. "Those little fuckers laughed in my face."
You sigh, walking over to him and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. "So you came here to prove a point?" He nods, and you continue, "For the first man, you can be pretty stupid. I’m in Hell, who’s going to know? And secondly, I don’t need all this—it’s cute, but you can be sweet in your own Adam way, not this poser crap."
"Well, shit, fuck. Wish I knew that before wasting my break on this instead of fucking the breath outta you," he grins, wrapping his arms around your waist. "I guess I'll just have to make up for it next time."
“Well you better hurry up. The faster you finish your work, the sooner you come back to me.”
꒰ა❤︎໒꒱ 𝕾𝔦𝔯 𝕻𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰
When you were alive, your dating life was less than healthy and filled with constant disappointment. Your friends called it toxic, but you’d always reply that you only live once. So what if your typical lover was the stereotypical bad boy? Red flags never looked better on anyone. Besides, red was your favorite color.
Ending up in Hell with the life you led was no surprise. You thought you’d keep up the same lifestyle—getting plastered and starting fights with assholes—but somehow you wound up in a crappy hotel after the princess of Hell saw "potential" in you. But what left you even more baffled than potentially spending the rest of your stay in hell there was falling for a simp of a man.
A true gentleman from a different era than yours has you questioning where someone like him was hiding out in your past life. And if you had come across someone like him back then, would you have even given him the time of day if you weren’t being cooped up in a raggedy hotel? Highly unlikely but you’re glad you found him now, while on the road of redemption together.
You may have become sappy enough to tell him that whenever you both had alone time to breathe each other in, much like now. Watching as a heavy blush dusts across his face, his eyes glossing over with devotion, his tail swishing behind him, and his hands fidgeting. Man, he gets more adorable day by day.
“I—” he pauses to gather himself before continuing, “Well, I feel the sssame way, dear!" Sir Pentious always exclaims, suddenly grabbing your hands in his and adding, "In fact, I have sssomething for you. To sshow how much I value our time together…" His voice trails off bashfully.
Biting your lip with a grin, you coo at him, “You made something for me, baby? What is it?” You start making guesses, “Is it a little gadget that protects me? That’s sweet, but I don’t need that. I’m plenty strong on my own.”
“Oh, I know what you’re capable of, my beloved!” he bellows proudly. “Thisss is different. SSsomthing personal, for me and for you… I hope you’ll like it.” He turns away, digging into a bag you only just noticed. When he turns back around, in his hand is something you didn’t expect but also makes sense: an egg.
You eye it curiously, “Pen. Are you gifting me an egg?”
“Yesss... but not just any egg. Our egg,” he says, his hood flattening and eyes growing doe-eyed.
“Wait, what?” you tilt your head, now confused. Last time you checked, you didn't go egg hunting with him and—your eyes bulge out when realization sets in. “Heavens sake, Pen, did you-did you lay an egg?” You thought sinners couldn’t have children…
He shakes his head erratically. “Sssatan’s no. I created this one for us to—" He pauses to take a deep breath, closing his eyes. “To raise together,” he finishes, opening his eyes enough to peek at your reaction. He opens them fully after seeing you smiling.
“That’s the sweetest fucking gift anyone has ever gave me.” you open your arms for him, “Come here, baby.”
Delighted at your reaction, and never one to turn down physical invitations from you, he slithers over towards you. But in the moment of excitement, as he opens his arms to reciprocate, the egg slips through his hands and splats to the floor.
“Oh my God, Pen!” you shout horrified as he drops to the floor, mouth open in utter disbelief.
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sciencebecameouraddiction · 11 months ago
Hi! I was wondering if i could request some angst for hazbin, I was thinking like alastor, angel, husk, etc yelled at you, but as soon as they realized they did it they became all lovey dovey? I hope you can understand that.😭 Also take your time if you do it, thank u!!
I love angst. i don't love reading it, but i love writing it. so i can definitely do this! thank you so so much for your request too.
"you can't do that alastor." you say, following his walking by running after him.
"i can do anything i want to do." he replied back easily, walking to his radio room.
"no, alastor, you can't. not while you're here." you tell him and as he stops, you catch your breath and say something you knew would get him to stop. "you know what the details of your contract are."
time stops as the very air around you seems prickly and the static that was normally comforting grows to be suffocating.
"what did you say?" alastor says quietly, not looking at you.
"you know what i said, and you know i'm right." you say, standing your ground. he turns to you, his demonic form becoming more prominent. you look at him and watch him apprehensively.
"how dare you?" he yells, the ground shaking. "i should send you where the rest of the disrespectful, distasteful wretches who have questioned me before are." you close your eyes, trying to stop the shaking in your hands, anxiety and fear coursing through your body as your mind screamed at you to run. you knew that if he did this though, he would be done for.
you reach up to him, your hand caressing his cheek as he snarled at you. "i know you don't like being reminded. i'm sorry. but you weren't listening. you know what you're about to do ends with you not being with me, it ends with you dead." he snarls again and you watch as his form returns to normal. you close your eyes in relief, they shoot open though when you feel his hand grasp yours.
"i know that you are right. i just-" alastor stops, not able to continue or voice what he was feeling.
"i know. i know. you don't have to say anything." you say walking closer and wrapping your arm around his waist. knowing that he was feeling trapped and weak. he didn't have to say anything for you to know that. he sighed and opened the door to his room instead of the radio room.
"shall we retire tonight my darling?" he asks. you nod with a smile as you enter the room and he shuts the door.
walking into the hotel, you knew it had been a tough day for angel. the way his shoulders sat, the way even his hair fell, they were all indicators that angel was not doing good. he walked past you, not acknowledging your presence and started to make his way up to his room. you looked at his back as he ascended the stairs shocked. normally he would say hello, or at least wave.
now, you were concerned. you set the blanket covering you aside as you got up and followed the same path angel took. leading to his room you listened closely to see if you could hear anything, like crying, before getting to his room. hoping that something would help you understand why your friend was acting the way he was.
the silence in the hall was truly deafening as you knocked on his door. silence continued and you knocked again. then suddenly, the door flung open and there stood a distraught angel. his form much taller, as you could actually see all of his eyes, that seemingly glowed in the dim light of his room.
"what?" he growled at you.
"i just wanted to check on you." your voice quiet, in hopes to calm him down.
"well, ya checked. good fer ya." he says, trying to shut his door, when you put your foot between the doorway and the door itself, stopping it.
"what's goin' on angel?" you ask.
"let me shut my own fuckin' door bitch!" he yells, his eyes narrowing at you.
"not until you calm down and talk to me angel." you reply as he goes and tries to shut the door harder, your foot taking the brunt of the assault on the door. you wince as he does it three more times, screaming and leaving the door. you walk in, thankful you had some sort of regenerative properties as your foot started to heal as you walked in his room. you sat on his bed and waited in silence. knowing that patience was the best thing for angel when this happened. you weren't sure how much time passed when you felt his arms wrap around your waist and his head buried into your side. you quickly placed your hand in his hair, gently brushing it back.
"there was just some shit val said, that hit a little too close to home." angel murmured, tightening his grip on you as if remembering the words from the overlord.
"do you want to talk about it?" you ask, still brushing angel's hair back. you feel him shake his head against you. "okay, you don't have to. can you tell me what you need right now?" you ask.
"just... can you hold me?" his voice small.
"of course i can sweetie." you say, laying yourself down and angel curling into you. "you know today, charlie made husk participate in the trust falls again. you know what homeboy confessed as his truth? that he secretly watches my little pony." you smile and wait, feeling angel starting to laugh as he gently shook you. his laughs grow and you start laughing along with him.
"holy shit, did he really?" angel asks, tears in his eyes from how much he was laughing.
"no, but i knew that would getcha." you smiled and rubbed his back. he sighed and laid back down, a smile on his face.
everyone could tell that husk was in a horrible mood. he was literally grumbling under his breath, growling at requests made and even insulting the drinks that were asked to be made. you watched off to the side, still not asking for a refill on your drink because you weren't sure you were ready to deal with the husk you were faced with currently.
angel seemed to be either oblivious or just ready to rile him up even more as he sauntered up to the bar and asked for a double shot vodka twist with lemon and lime topped with a cherry and to only use decaf vodka. you looked at angel incredulously and saw a shit-eating grin on his face as husk looked stunned at the bullshit order he just had heard.
"you want what?" husk asked, almost like giving angel a second chance to correct himself.
"i want a double shot vodka twist with lemon and lime topped with a cherry and i'd like for you to only use decaf vodka... husky." angel said, his voice dropping as he said husk's name. husk growled, quickly made something and slammed it on the bar.
"there's your fuckin' drink, you prick. take it and you'll like it. don't fuckin' come over here askin' for stupid shit like that again either. idiot." husk said turning around. everyone's eyebrows shot up and angel smiled even wider.
"this is my regular though. i wanted a-" angel started.
"don't finish that sentence, angel." husk warned, the glass he was gripping looking like it was close to cracking.
"angel, stop fucking with husk." you intervened.
"oh, you think i need you to swoop in like some savior huh?" he turned to you, the glass being crushed in his hand as blood quickly started coming from the wound. your eyes widened as you got up, trying to get to husk to help him. "stop." he screams, walking from behind the bar. "i don't need yer fuckin' help. i'm not helpless nor hapless." he yelled, walking up the stairs grumbling under his breath, clutching his hand. you look at angel, who at least had the decency to look apologetic as you took off after husk.
his door was open and you gently opened it and heard the curses from his bathroom, along with the clinks of the glass falling into the sink.
"husk, can i come help?" he turns to you livid. "i'm not saying you're not capable. i care about you, and would like to be there for you. the way that i am showing that is by helping you take glass out of your hand. will you allow me to do that." you say and watch as his shoulders relax. he looks at his hand and then you, sitting on the tub and nodding. you sigh and start taking out the glass, then quickly wrap up his hand. once finished you clean out the sink and then kneel in front of him.
"what caused this?" you ask, he was silent though not saying anything. you sigh. "darling, i'm not a mind reader." a beat of silence followed and then husk grumbled.
"alastor." he said looking off to the side. you sighed and nodded.
"i know he says some horrible shit to you husk, but if it's any consolation, i do think he views you as the closest thing to a peer as he might." you tell him. husk scoffs.
"not a consolation by any means." husk looks at you. "a peer? more like his fuckin' pet."
"he has to say that. can't have you thinking any different, but i know you talked to him about mimzy. and he listened, he got her out. you know that." you say and husk rolls his eyes. "i know, you know, i'm right." you smile.
"you're very smart husk. and very capable. i know it. the whole hotel does. you're not just the bartender." you hold his unhurt hand. he looks at you and smiles.
"thank you."
"any time."
you hadn't seen lucifer in days. you were sometimes a bit dramatic, so sometimes saying days meant hours, but this was literally days. maybe even a week. and you were beginning to get worried. you knew that he had a tendency to shut people out when in his deep depressive episodes. he had never shut you out for that long. he always called you or at least texted. you stood outside his workshop door, the dark and silence feeling more and more opressive as you stood there, but something almost froze you as you stood there.
what if he was hurt, or dead? what were you going to find when you opened the door? you knew it could be bad, but he needed you, at least you thought he did. so you took a deep breath and opened the door. the dim lighting in the room feeling almost blinding as you walked in and saw lucifer working away at his desk. he froze hearing the door open.
"get out." was all that was said, he didn't resume his work.
"luce, i just wanted to check on you." you say slowly, walking closer.
"do not come closer." he says, his voice cold and almost disgusted. something you had never heard from him pointed at you. "i told you to leave, so do so, before i take you out where you stand."
"luce it's me." you say, his reaction making you think he thought someone broke in.
"i know who it is. as i said, leave now." he says and you see the horns of his demonic form growing.
"lucifer, what is going on? i'm not leaving. i want to make sure you're okay." you say, brazenly taking another step toward him. he whips around and you are frozen, seeing his bright red eyes, pouring with tears as he yells at you.
"and i told you to get the fuck out! leave. i don't want to see you!" he screams pointing toward the door.
"fine you asshole!" you yell. "see if next time you don't talk to me for almost a week, i come here to make sure you aren't fucking hurt or worse, dead!" you say, storming off. you run past the kitchen grabbing your bag, but leaving the dinner you had brought for the both of you. you were about to reach the door when a portal opened right as you were about to step through the door, causing you to tumble back into the workshop. you look around and whirl on lucifer, who returned back to his normal form.
"what? you didn't get enough before of yelling at me?" you ask, crossing your arms in front of you.
"i-no. i'm sorry." lucifer says, approaching you.
"you're what?" your voice in disbelief.
"i'm sorry. i shouldn't have taken everything out on you. i just, you were the first person to check on me and i was just really upset. i shouldn't have-i'm sorry. the way i acted was inexcusable. if you would like to leave i understand." lucifer said and the door to his workshop opened for you with a gesture of his hand. you look at him and roll your eyes, walking up to him and drawing him into a hug.
"i don't want to leave. i didn't want to leave before either." you say as he wraps his arms around you, his figure relaxing against you.
"i'm so sorry." he whispers again.
"no need to apologize. it's okay. just, talk to me, okay?" you say, drawing his face to look at you. "i brought dinner. lets go eat and you can tell me what's been going on. then you get a bath." you say, smiling slightly and wiping a tear escaping from his eye. he nods as you both walk out, his arm not letting go of you as you walk to the kitchen to eat dinner.
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razzle-n-dazzle · 1 year ago
Yandere headcanons for any character of your choosing? I loved the Adam ones !
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ᯓ★ General YANDERE! Headcanons (triple threat!) Angel Dust / Reader, Mammon / Reader, Vox / Reader TW! If you don't like this type of content please scroll away: Dark romance, Romanizes Yandere(s), stalking, drugs, alcohol, mention of (sexual) abuse, toxic relationship at the start (Mammon), gaslighting, murder, weird ex behavior (Vox), accusations of incest (didn't happen, Vox), manipulation (Vox), kidnapping, forced love/relationship, emotional manipulation.
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ᯓ It was the moment that you started treating Angel Dust as Anthony, not just a play-thing or a fuck buddy or a guy to do crack or get wasted with, just plain, pure Anthony, that anything really stirred in him.
ᯓ He had seen you around the street a few times, never really talked to you yet just always managed to point you out from the crowd. He never knew why, nor did he understand why you, another Sinner just trying to live your own life in this hell-pit, always stuck out to him like a sore thumb anytime he was near your vicinity. It wasn't until he actually spoke to your first in the hotel that he realized why; You weren't a bitch, you didn't act like everyone else in hell and it was odd.
ᯓ It was like you were a toned down version of Charlie, still bubbly like her and very much being able to keep up if need be, yet you were quiet and kept to yourself; Speaking only when spoken to, or when need be, and even then your voice carried this honey sweetness Angel only expected in the voice of, well, angels. "Oh, hello, Angel!" Was your first words to him. And they strangely held no malice, irreverence, or flirtatious tone, not even undertone; They were just plan and simply, and slightly sweet, and was just a greeting. He wouldn't realize how you friend spoke to him would stick into his head later that night, nor that starting that conversation with you would change his life so much. After all, with a new resident at the hotel, who happened to be at bar at the same time as Angel, was nothing to be note worthy or right home about. There was only one bar at the hotel, and it was kind of used as the main common room even if there were couches.
ᯓ Yet you made it rememberable. And you always made your interactions with Anthony after that rememberable.
ᯓ Yandere! Angel is more Anthony than Angel speaking, thinking, feeling, at least most of the time; Because it was Anthony you had made an impression on that night, not Angel. It was Anthony you had captured the heart of truly and wholly, leaving no room for competition by completely devouring his attention and infecting his mind with your sunny smile and sweetened voice. His mind, from that day on, was captured by you and your everything. Even when trying to be Angel, trying to be that perfect Porn Star everyone knows him to be, as soon as you capture his attention it's like he can't think. All he can see is you, all he can smell is you, all his thoughts are consumed and eaten by your presence. By your soft touches and your words and just by you. In his eyes, you're perfect.
ᯓ He wants to be both be you and be with you at once.
ᯓ He wanted your sweet nature, which still left room to let you stand up for yourself. He craved to have your gentle touch, not soiled by his line of infiltrating, disgusting, consuming work. He yearned for your body, to both be plush and flushed against his hands and yet also for your body to be his. He wanted you. He wanted your being, your soul, your everything. He wanted your trust and your kindness, even if he felt he didn't deserve it. He wanted to keep you to himself and shield away from what he was, who he was, and who he worked for.
ᯓ He wanted to love you and for you to love him.
ᯓ During your first few months of being friends, and maybe even after, Anthony made it a point to try and talk to you whenever he could. He also made it a point to scroll endlessly through your Instagram, Twitter, and any other form of social media in Hell that you had and he could get his hands on. He slowly began to learn who you were friends with, where your favorite food joints where, where you liked to hang out, your style of clothes, and if you had family down in Hell. Anthony get's so absorbed in having you in his life that something in the back of brain slowly began to justify his stalkerish actions, even encouraged it when he felt disgusted doing so before. 'They're posting this for all of Hell to see', 'You're just trying to learn more about them to be better friends', 'Other people would do this too, you're not doing anything wrong', 'They might like it'.
ᯓ Though he wouldn't let you know he does this. He wouldn't want to creep or freak you out, that would just drive you away, and he couldn't bare not having a day where he got to see your face or hear your voice. And he also wouldn't be able to handle it if you began to look at him with shame and fear. Oh, he would never want to hurt you like that.
ᯓ He would never want to hurt you, ever; Nor would he want, or let, anyone else hurt you.
ᯓ He needed to keep you away from Valentino and Angel Dust. Anthony knew you loved him, at least to some sort of extent, yet he didn't know if you would love Angel Dust; A porn star who's had his private parts flashed all over hell and has done every kinky shit that could be thought up of. And oh, Valentino, if he ever caught wind that Anthony Angel Dust was dating some sinner, he would be pissed. Either going out for you directly or going after Angel himself, and while he could take the abuse, especially if it meant saving you the pain, he would not put you through that shit.
ᯓ He would keep you close, made sure you felt protected and safe and loved, yet far enough to never entangle you in his fucked up work world.
ᯓ Yandere! Anthony, who adores any sort of non-sexual physical contact between the two of you, even if it takes him a moment to get comfortable with. Forgiving and forgetting old, and active, habits were hard, and yet you waited for him, you held patience and understanding for his background. It just made him fall even more madly in love with you.
ᯓ Yandere! Anthony, who may or may not have killed a few sinners for even daring to try and touch you (thinking you were a porn star just like Angel) just because you associated with him.
ᯓ Anthony, who will receive a phone call from you while doing a shoot for Val and try his best to answer right away, even if it meant facing repercussions. He just couldn't bare thinking about the possibility that you could be in trouble and missing that call, just to find out you were ordering coffee and forgot his order; But if it had been the latter, he would never forgive himself. Plus, while being plowed into by a few dozen guys, he always craves to hear your voice. It's like a breath of fresh air he needs to keep going.
ᯓ Anthony, who's able to put up with Val's requests and wants because he knows he gets to return to the hotel to see you, and your smiling face and feel you pepper sweet kisses into his cheeks if he wanted. Maybe even cuddle up against you, listening to your rhythmed breathing as you took care of his aches and pains. As you gave him the after care he didn't know he so desperately needed until know.
ᯓ Anthony, who didn't know how jealous he could get until he noticed you started hanging around a certain person a lot more; Or maybe that person wanted to start hanging around you a lot more. Either way, even if he had worked that tag, he constantly asked to tag along. And when you weren't looking, he would shoot glares and threats at the sinner who dared try and steal his lover; He would keep this up for as long as it took for the sinner to get the message and leave you along. And when you started to realize that friend was distancing themselves from you, he would swoop in and call him an asshole and that you deserved better friends. All the while he cupped your cheeks, squishing your face together, and peppered a kiss in between your eyebrows to quell the pain you felt.
ᯓ Anthony who is nothing short but a soft Yandere, who simply just wants you all for himself. You were too good to be faced out there with all the creeps and the weirdos of the world; And while he might not fully deserve you, you seemed to have picked him and he'll make sure your after life if the best experience of your life.
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ᯓ "You cannot be in love with- with that two-timing, bitch ass face, Mammon! Don't you see what he's doing to you?!" Where some of the last words you ever heard from your long time friend before effectively cutting them off; Because it's what you thought best at the time. It's what Mammon told you was best at the time, claiming they were simply jealous and wanted to end your perfect relationship with him. It would be the last words from any sort of 'reason' you would ever heard, words trying to help but you knew they didn't understand. And that wasn't from Mammon's reasoning, nor his infection in your brain, nor his overpowering stance that easily made you tremble and obey.
ᯓ It was by your own thoughts, your own judgement that you had passed from dating Mammon ever since the day he killed your lover; Hanging them up on stage for everyone to see, a wide, psychopathic grin on his face before he turned to you, asking for your hand in marriage.
ᯓ And you had been afraid of him, afraid of death, when you had agreed all those years ago. He was a Sin, a Prince of Hell, and that made his power greatly out way yours. You had been afraid of the reproductions of you had said no, even if you truly had held no love or even care for Mammon at that time; The fear of his power pushed you to agree.
ᯓ Mammon, who had been spying on you since they day you came into his Ring of Greed, without your knowledge. Had always held a fascination about you, and the way you consumed and toyed with his mind, making him feel like you were worth than any amount of money or gold in the world. Which was ridiculous, as he knew for a fact you wouldn't be worth much, even if he did make you a marketable sex toy. Fizz? He was worth money, he was worth time, he was worth so much more than you and yet... when Mammon looked at you, heard your laughter, saw your smile and the way you just lived your life, you were suddenly worth more than anything he could get his grimy, greedy hands on.
ᯓ You became all he wanted to get his greedy hands on; And when Mammon wants something, he will get it, even if it meant he had to use force. So killing a Lover, that was something he was willing to do if it meant you would love him. Surely you could look past that and love him all the same!
ᯓ At first, you were like Mammon's little play thing. Sure, he loved you deep to his core, so much so it terrified you cold, but he could tell you didn't love him back. Not yet. So he showed you all the reasons you should love him over your past Lover, even if he knew they couldn't play this fun little game right back: He would take you out on the town, made sure you were dressed in the most expensive and flashing and tight fitting clothes in all of the nine rings! He took you to expensive restaurants, on fancy excursions, and basically became like a sugar daddy just to prove himself. All the while also acting like a body guard, stabbing anyone with one of his many spider-like legs if they dared get to close to either of you. He would buy you fancy gifts, he would show you luxurious nights in bed, he would even introduce you to the other Sins as his lover to solidify your place.
ᯓ All he needed was your love! And you should have just gave it to him from the start!... but, playing this little game is fun too. Even though he was making sure it would be temporary.
ᯓ To say you were too scared to leave Mammon at first was would be an understatement; You were blood-cold terrified.
ᯓ Yet, little did you know that the influence you had in Mammon's brain was greater than you or him had ever thought. Now, Mammon knew will you were constantly on his brain, that he was constantly seeking for you in every room, that he was drunk off your presence along and that he never wanted you to leave his side! Hell, he would have killed you if you ever tried!... at first.
ᯓ Though there's a weird thing that happens when you're both deeply in love with someone and around them all the time, not allowing them to venture far from your side. Something that is so extraordinary that it can't be completely summed up or explained in words. It's like, you slowly start realizing how to love. That was the best word to describe it as. It's something that wasn't caught on at first, something that slowly inched it's way in and changed the way you and Mammon functioned together. And it was weird but wonderful all at the same time. Where Mammon only cared about showing and flashing you off, he slowly started to notice what you did and didn't like to eat. At first he brushed it off, but soon found himself ordering your favorite meal from any choice restaurant when you weren't with him, which is a rare occasion, just to taste it. Just to remind him of you. Then it turned into appreciation, small but encroaching. Whether he would notice the small things you do in the background, even if you didn't fully love him, which made his life a whole lot easier; Which made Fizz a whole lot happier, which made him a whole lot more money. How you always knew what he wanted and needed after a long day, how you fetched it for him just because he looked tired. Just because it was nice. And all these slow baby steps, of learning how to love and not yearn for someone, changed you both for the better. More so Mammon than you.
ᯓ Think of your relationship now more like Gomez and Morticia Addams; In a weird, still fucked up way.
ᯓ Mammon didn't exactly worship the ground you walked on, but he did worship you a lot more than before. Always having you in front row seats at his show, or if he was judging sat upon his lap like a Princess. In which would leave him to his own greedy, grimy thoughts and before you knew you, small peppers up your arm turned to kisses on the neck, and then Mammon having you straddle his waist as he took the air from your lungs; Kissing you with all the greed of the world, yet passion as well. He was hungry for you.
ᯓ He was starving.
ᯓ He was both possessive, largely so, and protective of you. You were not let outside the house without Mammon or some sort of guard, not that he trusted them entirely. While he didn't want you to get hurt, or damaged, he also didn't want your body to be on display for other eyes if he wasn't there. Your body was all his, and while people can gawk at it and stare all they want, he will be right there snickering and sneering at them. He will always be there.
ᯓ He is big on PDA, big on showing everyone who you belong do, big on showing you off, big on making sure people knew no one could touch you as long as he was here, big on making everyone know you were kid... but Big on making sure you were happy too. Even if he is an asshole and loved to make sexist jokes or laugh at and with you at the most inappropriate times or say he's going to make a sex doll of you because it would turn in such a profit!- (Which he would never, your body, especially the best fucking part, was only his.) -He still cares enough to care about you and your happiness.
ᯓ He's a douche, but a loveable douche; You just might need to teach him some proper manners, or else all your clothes might as well be covered from the blood of every sinner in Hell.
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ᯓ You actually used to date Vox, used to be seated right next to him in his TV programs, helping run his show behind the scenes, helping him with his frustrations; Basically, being an unpaid worker and doing it all just because you knew it helped Vox. It made his day less stressful, it allowed him to relax. Sure he could have been overbearing at times, a little possessive even around the V's, yet he was generally a good lover and you enjoyed his company.
ᯓ Yet you had to put your foot down and end your relationship with him due to this possessive attitude. You had found it cute at first, though when he went as far as to threaten and stalk one of your siblings, because he thought they were way too close to you, you couldn't handle it. Even more so when he tried to gaslight you, basically shouting out: "No sibling should EVER be that fucking close to each other! He was fucking touching you, and I'm not going to fucking stand for it, you hear me?" And he had never shouted at you before, even while frustrated. So it had taken you aback a little, even more so when you say how his eyes widened, how a twisted grin strung itself on his face. He wasn't Vox; He wasn't your Vox. "So it's either ME or THEM. Pick wisely here." This wasn't the Vox you had fallen in love with. The charming man who was chivalrous, who had an award winning smile, who made you swoon and laugh, who you could talk to for hours even if he ranted about everything that annoyed him during the day. This wasn't him, he wouldn't be grabbing your face as he was now, harsh and indenting, basically breaking skin and causing you to bleed on his hands. Staring at you with a crazed look, making you choose between him and your family, making accusations that your siblings had incestual interested in you! "You're crazy." The words left you winded, like all the air had been knocked out of your lungs in one sad attempt to voice yourself. A sad attempt it was indeed, and you knew that as soon as Vox let out a growl and forcefully shoved your head to the side, effectively knocking you down to the floor. This wasn't him, the thought continued to swirl around your head as your body scrapped across the polished floor. As you shook a hand out, attempting to crawl away from Vox, attempted to escape anything else he might through your way to let him cool down by himself. Yet, a pain yell was the only reward of that fruitless effort of yours from Vox slamming and digging his foot into the middle of your back. Tears prickled in your eyes, a choked out sob, as you could barely make out the glitched words that spewed out of Vox's mouth.
ᯓ "What the FUCK did you just say to me, bitch?!"
ᯓ Safe to say your family and friends had to get involved, had to help you sneak out in the middle of the night and place you under protection. You knew better than to forgive Vox after something like that, his act completely and utterly broke all the trust you had for him; And if he hit you once, he would hit you again. So you stayed far away from The V's corner of the Pride ring, far, far away; And slowly you started the process of healing, of learning how to do life without Vox at your side, of learning how to not be afraid he might turn up, of learning how to live again.
ᯓ You didn't realize how much he had drained you mentally and physically over the course of your relationship, as it was all hidden as acts and gestures of love; Of nights alone, cuddling in the dead of night while no one else knew. Of drinking glasses of wine, watching some late night program or ranting about your shitty lives. Of hanging out with the rest of the V's and of going out with Vox and feeling like you were on top of the world!
ᯓ And slowly you started to feel safe again, after months and months had past with no Vox, you started to go outside with more confidence and by your own; You ventured and you saw and you thought you were safe. Vox couldn't hurt you any longer, Vox had no more control over you, Vox didn't care about you anymore so why should you care about him! He can go suck some power Overlord's cock and get his power through the people he keeps around him. He can go fuck off because you didn't need him anymore.
ᯓ But, oh, Vox needed you.
ᯓ And you didn't know, you couldn't know, that he's been tracking every step you took outside your home; Silently listening to all your conversations, silently always being there, inches away from you, foaming at the mouth with the idea of having you again. Yet waiting. Always waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And now you're alone, and you're unnoticed in a crowd of sinners, and you're in perfect range...
ᯓ And you'll be his soon enough.
ᯓ You don't remember much after heading into that store. You don't even remember leaving it. In fact, you didn't remember much, and any events that happened after you had entered that store kind of blurred together in a hasty mist. All you could remember is that you had gone in, attempting to find a new camera or laptop for your sibling; Who had been just crawling up your ass, bugging you about the latest technology that had came out and how it would do wonders for their career... that and you knew they just wanted a new laptop or camera, even though theirs worked perfectly fine. And yet, you cannot remember if you even managed to get to the camera or laptop section before everything god mudded and hazed.
ᯓ "Well, fuck me in the ass, you're awake!" And then an all too familiar voice rang out in the room, which you hadn't taken to notice you were in. A room, your eyes shot up to take it in, that was unmistakably familiar; A bedroom. His bedroom; Where you were tied in on a plush chair, where he had made his way over to you. Where he now, grabbing the arm rests of the chair, leaned tauntingly over your smalling frame, with that crazed smile. Oh that smile, one that used to live in your dreams, first welcomed and then hauntingly. That smile that made you coward down and away, paired with those crazed, piercing eyes. "No no," Vox would then coo, reaching his clawed hands up to cup your cheeks. His actions were gentle and sweet, like he was holding a glass vase that could be destroyed even with the slightest pressure added down onto it. "Hey, hey, look at me. I'm not going to hurt you... look at me, Darling."
ᯓ And yet you didn't meet Vox's eyes, you couldn't, and instead Vox would helplessly watch as you cowered away from him and flinching at his honeyed touch; As you feared him. Feared.. HIM! The one man who has silently killed everyone who had crossed your path, everyone who had made you uncomfortable, everyone who dared tried to through anything your fucking way he killed them all! For you...
ᯓ "I SAID FUCKING LOOK AT ME!" Snapped Vox as a sudden, sharp, pain stabbed into your cheek, causing you to choke out in pain, as Vox forcefully snapped your neck towards him; Forcing you to look him directly in the eye. You saw the way his left eye was wide open, swirling black lines around his pupil. That crazed look, it painted his face, and yet something inside of you was coaxing you that it was okay. That he was crazy because he cared, because he loved you, because he wanted you to be safe...
ᯓ Because he was sorry.
ᯓ The voice was strong, it pounded against your head even as you knew logically it wasn't that; None of what that invading, creeping, engulfing voice said true! Vox wasn't sorry for his actions, he never would be, he was, and is, boiling and pissed and controlling. He was a man who got what he wanted when he wanted because he forced it that way. And yet, the voice was so coaxing and sweet... And you watched though a fuzzy mind as Vox slowly kneeled down in front of your chair. Where you even tied up anymore? You could barely tell. Gently, his hands slid down your face, the blood cascading down with them, as he felt your figure against his hands once more. And slowly, gently, still staring up at you, he took your hands in his. He played with something cold, solid, against your hand, a wedding ring, silently twirling it around your finger as a honeyed smiled sunk onto his lips, "Honey, sweetie," His voice started, glitching out slightly before leveling back out, "I'm so, so sorry for scaring you. Really, I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just frustrated and upset-" There was a break in his speech, allowing for a chuckle to slip through, "-and we both know I can get unreasonable when I'm upset. I promise, it won't happen again, Darling, so.. come back home, please."
ᯓ Something in the back of your head was trying to shout and claw it's way through, trying to break through the skin and flesh of your brain and bleed out it's words and thoughts. Yet it never came to fruition, as the thought past by like a cloud drifting off in the wind from a flutter in your chest. A grin seeping onto your face, "Vox.." You would mumble, tone sweet and loving and forgiving; forgetting; Forgetting what he had put you through, the pain and the suffering you had to bear alone. Forgetting how he plastered your face on TV screens for weeks on end, bashing you to all of the Pride Ring to hear. Forgetting how he had cracked your spine all those months ago. Forgetting, not forgiving. "...I'm sorry for leaving in the first place."
ᯓ And in that moment, Vox knew something you didn't know: He, had, won. You were his, sure under the power of his little mind control, but you were his again and he was yours. And no one, and nothing, is going to ever take you away from him ever again.
ᯓ He'll make sure of it. You wouldn't miss your family anyways, you wouldn't even remember them!
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ᯓ★ All posts/fanfictions posted under this blog is owned by @razzle-n-dazzle. Please do not steal, copy, or plagiarize the works! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated.
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ambrosiagoldfish · 1 year ago
HI! Can I request Vox, husk or anyone else with a s/o who has an addiction problem?
Yes I know my Grammar and punctuation is out of line 🙏🏽
Hazbin Hotel x Addict!Reader
(Vox, Husk, and Angel Dust)
Viewer Discretion is Advised!
Warning: Drug/Alcohol Abuse, Gn!Reader, Reader being defensive, happy-ish endings.
Request Box: Open
Word count: 1170
A/n: Hi! Thank you for the request! This is my first time writing both Vox and Husk so I had to do some research (and by research, I mean reading 2+ hours of how other write them) to get an idea of their main characterization.
I really enjoyed writing this as I personally have my own experiences with addicts and how it’s affected me as a person. So this was also a little bit of a vent post if anything. I also added Angel cause I think it fits the theme but also he’s one of my comfort characters and writing for him made me happy.
Hope you enjoy <3
Proofread like once so sorry for any mistakes!
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He’s used to being friends/knowing addicts. I mean one of his closest allies (And TOTES not previous hook-up buddy) Valentino, is also an addict who also employs many as well. So he’s not a stranger to it.
So mostly he’s indifferent to it, almsot desensitized to it. He doesn’t really see a danger to it, I mean we’re in hell and you can’t exactly OD and die
But of course, death isn’t the only thing that can happen when you're an addict. The breakdown of you as a person often happens, as well as you being reckless with money. And this is where Vox starts to have a problem.
If you’re in a relationship with Vox, then clearly you mean a lot to him, he may not be the most expressive about it but he does. So to see the partner that he has opened up to and grown attached to deteriorate slowly in front of him is something he refuses to accept.
So one day he cancels a meeting with his staff and calls you to his office so you two will be alone. When you get there he gives you a cup of coffee and you catch up a bit. How was your day? Have you ate yet? Those kinds of things.
Until finally he decides to just break open the floodgates with one simple statement.
“Darling… I think you should get clean”
You were caught off guard at first
“It’s fine, What’s the problem? we’re in hell”
He then comes out with his honest opinion
“*Sigh* I know it’s hell and you can’t die… but surely you can see how it would make me a bit… worried for you.”
He paused
“I mean even last week you spent all the allowance I gave you on it and you would have starved if I didn’t buy you food, surely you can see why it’s a fucking problem!”
Eventually after talking and depending on how it goes you either agree to go clean or it ends with an argument and he’ll just try again later.
If you agree, he’ll make sure he’s with you ever step of your sobriety. Considering he’s one of the top rising Overlords and owns VoxTech he’s got money so He’ll higher the best people to help you go clean(Do therapist exist in hell?)
“Thank you dear, you have no idea how much this means to me”
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Similar to Vox in a lot of ways but also really different. He himself is an addict with alcohol so he clearly understands the struggles of it.
He has lots of walls up but for someone who “lost the ability to love” he sure does care a lot for you. I don’t think he would try a get you to go clean, at least not right away (or even at the beginning of the relationship) simply cause he thinks he doesn’t have a right to judge. So in all honesty he might just let you be.
That is until he realizes that you do it to forget things and ignore your problems/past. He knew first hand that drowning your sorrows away with your choice of addictive vice did nothing but harm you.
Then when you two are alone at his bar he’ll talk to you about it in a similar way he did with Angel. Perhaps a bit more softer than he did with Angel but even then “softer” is a bit of an overstatement.
“Look, I know you got a lot of shit that you don’t want to think about… but doing this *sigh* it’s not going to work, at least not in the long term.”
“That’s rich coming from you.”
He laughs. I mean, you were right. He was single handedly the worst person to be judging you. But surely you can understand his point of view, right?
Either way though, he leaves it alone again. Occasionally bringing it up when you’re both alone. He expresses the same sentiment about it each time hoping that eventually, hopefully…you’ll come to see from his perspective.
When you do finally see that he’s worried for you and understand why, you agree to go clean. Which, for once in a long while, made his supposedly cold dead heart melt.
“Glad you finally came to your senses… Seriously, I’m glad…”
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He is THE addict of the show, so obviously he knows what you are going through and THEN some. Now,. Here’s the thing, how he handles it depends HEAVILY on when exactly you got with him/when you started having you addiction problem.
If you started dating him when you already were an addict he most definitely wouldn’t question anything about it. Hell, chances are you both might have taken part in it together. And it’s only when he starts making progress in the hotel (post EP4) is when he starts realizing how bad of an influence you both were on each other.
If you started sometime AFTER you both started dating then this boy would honestly feel terrible about it, ESPECIALLY after EP4 when he actually started being sober more often. He’d feel like he was a bad influence on you and that it was his fault you turned to your addiction.
Either way though, he will eventually realize that he doesn’t want you to be/continue to be on the same path he was. He’d talk to Charlie about arranging you to stay in the hotel, either in your own room or you guys could share one (he would honestly prefer the latter) and then after the preparations are made he would finally ask you too
Angel wasn’t expecting it to be easy, he gets what it’s like to suddenly be asked to go clean. And he knows how addicts act when they don’t get there vices, how he acts. So he mentally prepared himself for the worst first before asking you to come over and talk.
“Uh… Y/n can I talk to you about somethin’?”
You nod your head
“I’ve been thinking and… I think you should crash here at the hotel with me… and’ go clean.”
You only laugh “Angie I’m glad this hotel thing is workin’ for ya but that’s not really my style. No- I mean, I’m fine!”
Angel knows he put you on the spot, so he lightens off a bit but continues pressing on. He explains how he feels and how he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you, to end up where he is. The poor boy starts crying honestly with how much he’s worried. He rarely opens up to people so this was a big step for him.
Seeing how much he cared and worried about you really put into perspective how important this was to him. So you agreed after some thinking.
“*sniff* thank you Baby, I’ll be there with you every step of the way… I love ya’ you know.”
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radioisntdead · 3 months ago
So…I was rewatching Bones for the 80th time (literally my single most favourite show) and I got to my favourite Hodgins scene where he chokes out Pelant. And the first thing that came to mind made me smile.
If your interested in what I’m referencing, look up on google (since YouTube doesn’t have the clip) “Hodgins chokes Pelant” it’s on the website tjthyne.com.
Anyway, onto my request. Sorry for being so long. I would like to see Angel with his boyfriend who’s mostly all smiles and fairly reserved, suddenly lashing out and choking the overlord out. Threatening to kill him if he laid another finger on Angel before strutting out of the building carrying Angel over his shoulder all grumpy and such.
Or something like that. Again, sooo sorry for taking up your inbox like this. Love your work!!
Good evening my dear! My apologies for taking so long to get to this, I do hope you enjoy!
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Ray of sunshine
Angel dust x m! Reader
Warnings: reader was likely a murderer when alive! Unfortunately not my best work, It's a little messy, Also I imagine the reader wearing a cardigan
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You were probably the healthiest romantic relationship that Angel had ever had, you were like sunshine, like the leak of sunshine through a curtain in the mornings, you were warm and comforting, always there when he woke up.
You were there for him when he needed you, you went on dates with him, and you packed him homemade lunches before he left the hotel for his work.
Unfortunately there were the days where he forgot to take his lunch, and this happened to be one of those days.
You decided to visit him at his workplace, under Valentino because you clearly didn't learn from Charlie's mistake.
Unfortunately the moment you walked into Angel's dressing room you witnessed Valentino's filthy hands around your darling boyfriend, the love of your afterlife, the only spider you weren't afraid of's neck.
The minute Angel dust spotted you from where he was essentially being strangled, his eyes widened with fear, what if Val hurt you? His practically harmless boyfriend? His sunshine in this literal hell?
You were calm at first, tapping the piece of flaming purple shit on the back, Valentino turned around confused, looking down at you, you were shorter than him by a few feet.
"Could you please put him down," you asked far more politely then you wanted as you rolled up the sleeves of your shirt.
"Who the fuck are you?" Valentino asked dropping Angel dust onto the floor, leaving him to gasp for air.
"Who exactly do you think you ar-" you didn't let him finish before moving to Angel, gently helping him up, "Angel darling, can you step outside for a moment?" You asked gently, he started wide-eyed at you for a moment, unable to say anything because he was being strangled just a moment before, you gently guided him out, locking the door behind him.
Valentino opened his mouth to say something but was unable to as you pounced on him, digging your claws into his neck.
You were warm as sunshine, you were polite and kind, but you were also in hell.
The sun was warm, it brings light to people, but it is also a deadly laser that can also burn people and give them skin cancer.
You wrapped your own hands around the moth and squeezed, his arms flailed around him trying to get you off, he failed as you were practically attached to him, wrapping all the limbs you had around him.
Your claws dug into his neck drawing out blood, just barely piercing his neck.
You blankly stared straight into Valentino's eyes, you didn't grin, you just stared at him as you gripped tightly onto his neck.
He stumbled back knocking over a few things before eventually falling to the ground, you never let go of his neck, no matter how much he flailed around trying to get you off, you were smaller than him, faster, stronger.
You heard Angel dust try to get in, jingling and dangling the doorknob trying to get in to no avail.
You kept your hands on Valentino's neck until he eventually stopped moving, you simply climbed off of him, wiped your hands on the bottom of your cardigan and swiftly turned on your heels to open the door to Angel.
You simply smiled at him as he fretted over you, only seeing a glimpse of the corpse of Valentino before you picked him up bridal style and carried him out, asking if he ate and what he wanted for dinner as if nothing had happened, as if you hadn't just killed his boss.
You were a ball of sunshine, a very scary ball of sunshine.
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Good evenin' folks! I do hope you enjoyed, I just listened to the great Gatsby soundtrack, I had a very VERY quick fixation on the great Gatsby back in like January, and I WAS TOLD EVERYONE DIES was thoroughly disappointed when that wasn't the case, anyways Nick is a homosexual, I'm all for platonic feeling with friends but whatever he had with Gatsby was NOT strictly Platonic on his end, anyways hope you enjoyed this! Thank you for tunin' in and goodnight!
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bones4thecats · 7 months ago
What If They Had A Spider-Man! S/O
Characters: Angel Dust and Zestial (separate) Inspired By: These cute fanart pieces!!! (PsychicPains / lilminette / VisionsK. / TheAstawolf) and Chasm Spider-Man A/N: This was so much fun to write! Make sure to catch my Q&A here in a little bit! Btw, when I imagine the Reader drinking tea from a can in Zestial's, I could see them digging their mandibles into the can's side and drinking it like that. I just think I'd be funny. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: SWEARING, mentions of attempted assault, threatening, physical harm, and the Reader being basically insane ⚠️
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╚═════ Angel Dust ═════════════════════════════╝
💊 Angel is a spider demon himself, so when you popped up one day causing trouble for multiple members of Hell, he found a quick connection with you
💊 Of course he started flirting with you when you first spoke, this is Angel Dust we're talking about!
"So, whatcha up to later tonight, Webslinger? How about coming to my room and using them energetic-webs for something a little more fun?~"
💊 But, after many, and I mean many failed attempts at getting into your pants, Angel Dust began to talk to you. He didn't reveal anything to detailed about himself, but you both would just sit down and talk about yourselves and hobbies like normal friends
💊 When you guys actually became a couple, you were fiercely defensive of him. One time, you saw some random loan shark try to touch Angel without his consent -which you knew he hated- and you shot your webs at his arm, pinning it to a nearby wall
"You fucking asshole! What the hell gives?!" The shark-demon yelled, making you tilt your forehead, since you couldn't show your true expressions through your mask.
"That's a mere strike one, loan shark. If I ever, and I mean ever see you try touching Angel again," you said, grabbing the sinner's free arm and twisting it painfully, "I will find you. And believe me, you don't wanna know what happens when I find my prey."
💊 Angel was shocked at how dangerous yet kind you were. A moment before you were twisting a guy's arm and threatening him with a very painful death that only he could imagine, and the next you were asking if the spider sinner wanted to be swung back to his place at the Hazbin Hotel
💊 Like I mentioned earlier, Angel Dust does connect with you well because you both are spider demons. He liked it when you would take off your mask in private and allow him to let his top pair of hands mess with your mandibles while his bottom pair messed around with your hands
💊 You have made him feel more safe than he ever has since he landed in Hell
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╚═════ Zestial ════════════════════════════════╝
🕷️ As a new troublesome Overlord who died back in the early 2000s, you had immediately landed yourself getting into issues around your new area
🕷️ When Zestial first met you, he treated you very chivalrously. He had bowed gently to you an introduced himself before you chuckled and did the same back to him, finding it funny in your own way
🕷️ He liked watching you during meetings. You would sit down beside him in your own web-made hammock and observed the others argue while drinking your own cup of tea (like the tea you would buy in cans)
🕷️ The day Velvette began offending Zestial was the one you merely shot a load of web over her mouth and began to laugh as she struggled to get it off of her face
"What, Velvette? Struggling to run your mouth even more than normal? How sad."
🕷️ Your current fiance smiled and chuckled lightly at how you then webbed the youngest Overlord up and knock her down onto the table, and how you crawled on the ceiling before hanging upside down and kissed Zestial's forehead with your mandibles
"Y/n, doth alloweth velvette's that from which we speak free from the entanglement of thy web." He said, laying his teacup down on the saucer.
🕷️ Sighing over-dramatically, you crawled over to Velvette's chair and tore the webbing off painfully, making her scream in pain and have a slightly noticeable amount of redness from the web
"You goddamn grandfather-fucker! What the hell is wrong with you?!" She yelled bitchily.
"You better shut your mouth or else this webbing may end up somewhere you'll have to soak to get it off without tearing your organs outside." You then shrugged, your face going from a cold and bloodthirsty one to a cheery and happy one. "Okay?"
🕷️ Velvette nodded fearfully as you chuckled and threw the now worn-out webbing into a nearby trash can before swinging back into your hammock and laying your head down while you messed with your phone
"Anon, shalt we continueth this meeting?"
(Y/n, doth alloweth velvette's that from which we speak free from the entanglement of thy web -> Y/N, do let Velvette's mouth free from the entanglement of your web. / Anon, shalt we continueth this meeting -> Now, shall we continue this meeting.)
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griffintail2 · 1 year ago
do u take requests? if so, i ask for angel dust with a teen fem reader who’s in a relatively similar situation as he’s in with valentino, except it’s with mammon, like fizzaroli from hb, plz!
I do take requests! Congrats you're the first on this blog! :D Now I've never watched Helluva, yet. I keep meaning to. So I kept the concept of Mammon and Fizzaroli's relationship that I learned from my friend who HAS watched Helluva and changed Mammon to a sinner I made up on the spot. Same context still! I hope you enjoy!! ♥
Everything to Me
Pairings: Angel Dust x Fem! Teen! Reader
Warnings: Implied Manipulation, Light Angst, Val mentioned, Mentions of Minor Injuries
The teenager had come into the hotel, slightly frazzled to begin with but with time, she was a bright and cheerful sinner.
Angel was the one to bring it out of her, taking the kid under his wing. He…saw signs he knew all too well. It was easy for him to connect with her because of that and when (Y/N) became more comfortable, he was so happy to see the real her. It always brightened his days when he came back to the hotel to see the teen smiling genuinely now.
And for a while, he thought she was fine! It seemed like the kid had been holing herself in the hotel to escape whatever situation she was in. That was the one thing he couldn’t get the kid to talk about. She refused to talk about before the hotel, or even most things she did when out of the hotel.
It made Angel nervous when she didn’t tell him about what she was doing when out, but she always came back bright and cheerful. So, he had hoped she’d gotten herself out of the situation that brought her here in the first place.
Then a Saturday night came around.
Angel, himself, crashed on the couch in the parlor after a long day at the studio. Val had discovered a few new things he had wanted to try today and Angel just needed five minutes. Five minutes to get his head together before he tried to interact with people…
“Angel,” Charlie said above him.
He let out a breath before he opened his eyes, his smile a bit tight as he looked at Charlie, but his brow furrowed seeing Charlie’s nervous look, Vaggie just as worried behind her.
“What’s up toots?”
“We…Well, I went to go get (Y/N) for redemption activities while you were gone and she wasn’t in her room.” He was quick to sit up at that. “And we tried to call and text her to see where she was but she didn’t answer either.”
“So, you don’t know where she is?!”
“No.” Vaggie shook her head.
“Fuck, why didn’t you call me?” Angel took his phone out, dialing (Y/N). She never ignored his calls, but it just rang with no answer. “Shit! I’m going out to find her.”
“Everyone else is already out looking, we were waiting for you and seeing if she came back,” Charlie told him as they rushed to the door.
Angel didn’t know where to start, but he was going to look over the Pride Ring if he had to. Hours and hours passed, and it drove him nuts and exhausted him, but there was no sign of the teen. He had to be dragged back to the hotel when he refused to stop.
As he went back to the hotel, he gripped tightly to his arms. He’d gone everywhere he could think that the kid would go, running for hours between each place and asking around. Hell! He’d ignored calls from Val so he could keep looking. Consequences be damned, he’d find his kid.
Even though he was being dragged back to rest, he was only getting thirty minutes before he rushed back out to find the teen.
With that plan in mind, when he walked into the hotel, his worry and determination blossomed into several other emotions as he saw (Y/N) making her way up the lobby stairs.
(Y/N) stopped hearing the door open, eyes tired as her hands were tucked into her hoodie pocket, letting out one word and nothing more. “Hey.”
The exhausted pornstar could now only feel one emotion.
“Where the fuck have you been?! You weren’t answering your fucking phone! You didn’t tell anyone where you went! We’ve been all over  Hell looking for your ass! And you’re just here!” Angel yelled as he came over to the teen.
“Angel-!” Charlie started.
“I just got back.” She muttered.
“You’ve been gone for a whole ass day! Without a single fucking word! What were you thinking?”
His brain slammed on the brakes when the teen teared up, looking at the ground.
“It’s-I—” She gripped the inside of her pocket. “I…I don’t know…I—”
She was fighting a sob.
Angel sighed deeply as he ran two of his hands through his hair.
“Look. We’re both exhausted.” Angel said. “We’ll talk about it later. Just…go sleep and we’ll talk.”
She nodded before rushing upstairs. Angel took a deep breath as Charlie put a hand on one of his arms.
“At least she’s here.” Charlie tried to look on the bright side.
“Yeah...” Angel mumbled. “I’m going to get some sleep.”
As exhausted as the spider sinner was, he lay in bed, eyes open as he stared at the ceiling. He couldn’t get the look of pain on (Y/N)’s face out of his mind. The more he thought about his regret for shouting, he realized how devasted the kid looked before he started yelling. Groaning into his hands, he got up and went to her room.
When he got to the door, his chest was tight when he heard sobbing inside. Taking a breath, he knocked as he opened the door slowly.
“Hey, kid.”
(Y/N) let out a shaky gasp she looked up at him as he came in, Angel freezing in the door seeing her with her hoodie off and able to fully see the bruises and scars and fresh injuries on her arms. He stepped in completely, closing the door, keeping his anger in check for whoever did this.
“Who did this?” Angel asked carefully.
“I um—I—” (Y/N) pulled her knees close to her chest, tears falling faster before she let out a shaky breath knowing there was no use lying. “T-The gang on the E-East end.”
“Why the fuck did they attack you?” Angel bristled, struggling to keep his anger in.
“…….Because I attacked them first.” She muttered.
Angel faltered at that, trying to make sense of why the honestly sweet teen attacked a gang.
“Why? What?” He looked at her confused as he went over to the bed.
She looked away, gripping onto the fabric of her pants, silent tears falling.
“Kid.” Angel sat next to her, gently putting a hand on her arm. “You can talk to me. I have no room to judge anyone.” He joked lightly, making the teen glance over at him. “I’m here for you. Just tell me what’s going on toots.”
She watched him before looking at the wall across the room. “I um…I-I was nobody in life…No one looked at me. No one saw me…Then I died and…it was happening all over again! There was no one…”
He gently rubbed her arm in comfort, frowning slightly when the teen gave a tiny, strained smile.
“Then Felix saw me. He saw me when I used my powers.”
Angel knew vaguely of (Y/N)’s powers. She was able to manipulate the ground, and even pull up part of it to use as weapons. It was pretty good shit when she was focused.
“He has such big plans! And he asked me to join him. Me. He wants to become an Overlord. And with my help, he can. He promises, he promises. When he does, I’ll be at his side and everyone will see me. I won’t be a nobody. I’ll be somebody.”
Her smile disappeared as she stared down at the bed with furrowed brows.
“We um…weget put in a lot of fights for the plans. He needs the territory to take over…This last one…I fucked up. I lost the fight and…He’s not happy with me right now and I…” She let out a quiet sob. “He got so angry with me and then you were angry and I—God I’m such a fuck up!”
She was startled as Angel took her shoulders with one set of arms and her hands with the other. Looking up at Angel, she could see a small fire in his eyes, anger that Angel knew was for this Felix brat. But, the rest of the look was calm and gentle for the teen he’d taken under his wing.
“Kid. I need you to listen to me carefully, alright?” Angel told her and she nodded slowly as Angel’s two other arms appeared, wiping away her tears. “You’re NOT a nobody. You’re somebody. You’re somebody to me, to Charlie, to Husk, to everyone in this hotel. And if anyone else thinks different, they don’t fucking matter. They ain’t worth your time. And this Felix cat, he’s the nobody. If he can’t make it without you, that should tell you how amazing you are and how shit he is. You understand me?”
Fresh tears rolled down (Y/N)’s cheeks, and Angel wiped them away immediately.
“B-But, what—”
“No what’s. Do you get me, kid?”
It took a moment but (Y/N) nodded before moving out of Angel’s hold to hug him instead. Angel held onto her tightly, sighing softly as he rubbed her back.
“You’re everything to me, kid. Don’t ever forget that.”
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norel-ravenclaw · 5 months ago
Dark Magik & Angel Dust
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Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Featured characters: Angel Dust x gn reader (89% platonic vibes)
Genre: Angst & comfort (sfw)
Word count: 1375
Description: A ritual spell goes wrong, leaving you stranded in hell and face to face with a spider.
WARNINGS: | gender neutral reader | mild ritualistic blood stuff | cursing | depression | brief mayhem and murder | angst and clumsy comfort |
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How long has it been? Since you discovered a spell book in the back of the cupboard? Since you cast your first spell and realised that magic really does exist?
The new book you found had all sorts of spells you’d never imagined, including one for a ritual that you couldn’t resist trying. Knowledge of the secrets of the universe? Why not? This could change everything. …Fix everything.
You brush off the dust from your hands and look over the spell circle you’ve painstakingly laid out on the forest floor. Bowls of ingredients are laid out at each pentagram point, branches of the right wood channel the energy lines between them.
Taking the ritual obsidian knife, you prick each fingertip and leave a drop in each bowl. Then you flick open your lighter and set each of them ablaze. A pleasant warmth surrounds you as you begin chanting the spell.
Wind blows around you, picking up intensity until you have to shield your eyes from it. Suddenly it makes you lose your footing, and you stumble backwards.
“-oh! Hey!” A distorted voice shouts beside you.
Your eyes fly open as the vortex of energy dissipates, ears ringing. Right in front of you is the spell circle, seared into… concrete? But more importantly, the serene quiet of the forest is gone, replaced with gunfire and shouting.
As your vision clears, a tall figure looms ahead of you, a gun in their hands.
You scramble back, eyes widening as a spider-like demon glares down at you. “What the…?!”
“Hey! What the hell are you doing here?” they demand.
Heart racing, you rake a hand through your hair. “Is this some kind of vision?” But a searing streak of pain across your arm answers that question for you.
Not wanting to wait to find out the intentions of this demon, you rush to get back on your feet, running for your life.
The demon is faster, and soon you’re cornered in a filthy alleyway. “Wait! Please, this is… wrong, something went wrong!”
The demon steps into the flickering beam of a broken streetlight, white fur matted with blood. “Damn, I wasn’t expecting a sinner to manifest in the middle of that fight. You okay?”
“…Sinner? I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I have to get out of here.” You shove over a trash can, buying you just a second to race back to your spell circle.
Frantically, you crouch down and start chanting the spell again.
“Hey! Get back here!”
You try scraping your pricked fingers over the lines to try to activate it again, but you look down in surprise at the sight of your hand. …It does’t quite look human.
The demon grabs your arm and starts dragging you away. “You crazy or something?! Get out of here!”
“No! I have to get back! What happened?!”
“I don’t know, but you’re dead now. You’re stuck in hell and you’re going to die twice if you don’t get a grip!”
You stare up at the back of the demon’s head in horror. “Dead?!”
He shoves you into a partially collapsed abandoned building, slamming the door behind you. “Yeah. What did you think happened?” You finally get a good look at his face, oddly coloured eyes narrowed in curiosity, pity. Not menace.
“I was casting a spell, a-a ritual. It should have worked! Why would it send me to hell-“ Finally you understand. Learning that hell exists is a cosmic secret, sure…. But you never would have guessed the means of discovering that secret would be so drastic. That the writer of the new spell book you found in a shop would be… evil.
Fists in your hair, you scream in rage and despair. “NO!!” You lean forward on your knees, usually hot tears stream down your face. When the demon moves closer, you don’t even try to move away.
“I don’t really know what you’re talking about, but… I’m sorry, kid.”
You gasp in surprise as he pulls you into his arms in a hug. “No… What do I do?”
He leans back and sighs. “I found this new place last week, total joke. But it’s clean. Mostly. And safer than anywhere else in this shithole. They’ll take you if you pretend to behave sometimes.”
Shaking and staring at your hands, he pulls you to your feet. You start marching behind him across town, dodging between fights and canibalistic picnics until you reach the top of a hill and he pushes open the gate.
The next few minutes is a surreal blur of frenzied introductions and monstrous faces, and then you’re back down to earth sitting on a bed.
The demon sits next to you, sighing and putting one of his many hands on your shoulder. “Listen, I’m sorry about all this. It sucks. But uh, maybe things won’t be so terrible? At least I’ll take care of ya.”
You meet his eye at last. “Why?”
He shrugs. “Kinda pointless to just let ya die for nothing, right? Besides.” He falls back on the bed, crossing his arms behind his head. “I’m bored.”
“Oh.” You lay back next to him and stare up at the ceiling. Momentarily your attention is stolen by the… faded painting of a bear in a clown suit riding a unicycle on a tightrope. “What…?”
The demon laughs. “The fuck? Right??”
His genuinely happy laugh grounds you a little more and you look over at him. “Sorry, what was your name again?”
“Angel Dust.” He rolls to face you and walks his fingers up your arm. “Let me know if ya ever wanna fuck~”
“…I beg your pardon?!”
Angel just smirks, amused. “What? It’s kinda my thing. So, witchcraft is your thing, huh?”
“I don’t even know where to start with how wrong that is, and I don’t have the energy to explain it to you.”
He laughs again. “So I should call you bitch rather than witch?”
You grab a pillow and swing it down at him, and he catches it against his chest, laughing his ass off. “Get out of here, will you?!”
“Hahaha! No.” His shit eating grin has a tinge of melancholy that you can’t ignore. “You’re stuck with me now.”
You both fall quiet, and he looks like he’s mentally cursing himself for letting you notice. As his eyes slip away from yours, he asks, “You’re not hurt, are ya?”
“No. …Thanks to you.”
“Don’t mention it. But you’re gonna have to learn self defence if you want to survive more than a week. Maybe your… magic shit will work here?”
“…Yeah, maybe.”
He smiles wryly at you, then reaches out, somewhat slowly and pulls you closer to him. The pillow he’s been holding is now in the perfect place for you to rest your head on. “Chill for a bit, kay? We’re gonna take care of you.”
Holding you gently, the two of you just lay there, letting your heart rate slow. He tentatively runs a hand over your back, then your arm. But suddenly he recoils.
“I thought you said you weren’t hurt. You’re bleeding.”
You look down and remember that a bullet grazed you. “Oh… It’s not bad.”
“Yeah, but it could get messy if you don’t take care of it. Trust me.” Angel gets up and pulls a first aid kid out of the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.
You sit up and roll up your sleeve, hissing as he rubs ointment on it.
“Shut up, I thought it wasn’t bad?” he teases. Seeing your blush, he grins. “Shy, are ya?” He leans in close just to mess with you, and you push a hand against his face. “Hahaha! Fine. Let me clean you up.”
He wraps a bandage around the cut with care and skill, making a show of embarrassing you with a kiss to it when he’s done.
“Done yet?”
“Yeah. Now where’s my thank you kiss?”
You roll your eyes and curl back up on the bed, listening to his footsteps as he returns the kit and comes back to you. He climbs up and hugs you from behind big spoon style.
Exhausted, you start to fall asleep, all problems gone from your mind in the demon’s warm, safe embrace.
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@gabryviolin10 so sorry for the wait, love! I was so excited for your request, and now I finally had time to do it! Hope you like it!
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genderlessdude92 · 1 year ago
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this is probably what Vox would do if shining a bright flash of light at Val doesn’t work 💀
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venomhoundfanworks · 24 days ago
Hazbin Hotel - Morning or Night Sex
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Dumbass post. I was brainrotting about if the Hazbin characters would prefer morning or night sex and why. So here we got a lineup of Angel Dust, Lucifer, Vox, Husk, and Adam and what their preferences are.
Contents/WARNINGS: Gender neutral reader; no use of y/n; Adam's section is lowkey a shitpost; also I got rambley in Husk's section sorry about that (18+), MDNI, NSFW below the cut ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈
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Angel Dust - Morning Sex ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡
Might be surprising at first, but it makes sense the more you think about it. Sex between Angel and his partner doesn't happen too terribly often, in fact, its more of a blue moon thing.
I mean, Angel's job is nothing but sex. So the last thing he wants to do is come home to more of it. Its like asking a professional chef to also cook all your family's meals. Its not that he doesn't like it, its just... alot.
Angel loves you because you see him as more then a sex object. You saw past his lewd jokes and constant flirting. When you two spend time together, despite what others may assume you two are doing, its just that, time together. Watching movies, doing eachother's nails, doomscrolling... Your Angel's safe person.
Yeah you two are very touchy feely with eachother normally but it never escalates too far. Angel Dust likes to just run up to you, pull you in his arms and just smooch you. You two will also often get into little playfights (especially ticklefights) which Angel always wins because he has extra arms the cheater.
So on the rare occasion things actually do get steamy between you two, it always happens in the gentle light of the morning. You always wake up, protectively encircled in Angel's arms. And it always happens with laughter.
The two of you making jokes at your sleep disheveled appearance, kissing smeared makeup that you forgot to cleanup the night before. Your legs wrapping tighter around eachother and your words turning teasing as you feel the effect the close proximity is having on the other.
You'll gently hold Angel's face while he nuzzle's into yours. Your hips grinding together lethargically, but with purpose. Your both already messy from sleep, so what's a little more added to it?
Not only is it easier to clean, which is always a plus in Angel's book, but Angel seems much more... calm. Serene, even. He is much calmer and happier throughout the day, less likely to jump at people or make rash decisions. Guess gentle sex is just the perfect way to wake up.
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Lucifer - Night Sex ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡
Not even a hard choice for him. I imagine Lucifer kind of being old timey in this regard. He thinks of the mornings less as 'sexy time' and more as 'bonding time'. Its a time dedicated specifically for you two to kiss, cuddle, and most importantly, snuggle. Believe me, short king wants all the snuggles.
Lucifer doesn't really start getting horny until at least after breakfast; usually not even until noon-ish. Then he turns into a sex gremlin. Breakfast especially is kind of like a weirdly sacred, saccharine time between you two.
One of Lucifer's many love languages is cooking, so he takes a special pride in making you a wonderful breakfast. He will sit right next to you at the table, his legs flush against yours, and ask you all about your plans for the day. No; it doesn't matter to him that your mouth is full. He wants to hear all about it!
Once you two part from breakfast, its like a switch gets flipped. Lucifer suddenly changes from the wholesome; "Your so beautiful, Duckie! *kisses and nuzzles you*" to the much more dangerous, "Your so beautiful, Duckie~ *goes down on his knees in between your legs*"
Its like the miniscule amount of time he has spent apart from you has left him absolutely starved of your touch and taste. You've only been apart for an hour or two... Yet Lucifer is acting like a man who just came back from war; like he has been deprived of your touch for an ungodly amount of time and now he has to make up for it.
The less time you spend with him throughout the day, the more wild he gets at night. Lucifer misses you so bad. It often ends up culminating in you two having a sex marathon to "make up" for lost time together.
On the flip side, if you two spend the entire day together, Lucifer is a complete sweetheart instead of a horndog when night comes. Instead of pulling you to the bed with wanton moans, frantic kisses, and wandering hands; Lucifer brings you in with adoring eyes, a teasing grin, and cheerful giggles. He has had such a wonderful day with you and is ready to top it all off with the perfect snuggle session.
Look. Lucifer just... really doesn't like being alone okay? He doesn't want to spend a single moment away from you. Every second away from you is a second wasted to him.
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Vox - Morning Sex ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡
If he had to choose, Vox would pick morning sex. Its the time he feels he gets to actually enjoy you. He isnt exhausted (yet) and he isnt all stressed out from... everything at work. So its inherently so much better.
True, sex in the evenings is also great when it happens. But Vox always feels guilty about it in the pit of his stomach. He is so much rougher and more aggressive in the evenings because of how frustrated his work makes him.
Its not inaccurate to say that in the mornings, Vox makes love; while at night, he fucks. The mornings let him admire you and become so much more then just sex. But as the hours wear on him, sex changes to an outlet, a needed release.
Of course, as the hard switch he is, this is assuming Vox is even in the mood for a good fuck. Sometimes when he comes home, all he wants is to lay back and let someone else do the work for once. Especially after a long day of putting out fires from incompetent employees or cleaning up messes left by the other two Vees.
In the mornings, none of this is an issue. There is no playing roulette with Vox's mood. There is no underlying frustration or stress to it. Its just... nice. Something Vox isnt used to. Something he doesn't get much of in his life. Normally things always come with a caveat or strings attached.
You both wake up in eachother's arms and greet the other with kisses. Kisses that either grow deep and needy; or teasing and playful. Sometimes you both claw at one another in a desperate bid to get as close as two bodies physically can. Other times you both laugh and look into eachother's eyes lovingly as your hips gently move in sync.
Its never one of you over the other or one of you having to take charge. You both move together. Both of you wanting, needing this as much as the other.
Vox never thought he would get to experience euphoria like this. To love someone who loves him back like this. But he wouldn't trade it for anything now that he has it. He would rather burn the world down then let you go.
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Husk - Night Sex ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡
Hate to say it, but sex only really happens later on because of how hungover Husk is in the mornings. He always feels super sick right after he wakes up. Both from the hangover and the alcohol withdrawals soooo... yeah. Morning sex isnt happening.
Husk hates mornings in general anyways. Anything louder then a pindrop is deafening, everyone (Charlie and Niffty) wont stop running around, and Husk really just needs to get some booze in his system before he actually dies a second time. Its best not to engage with him until later on.
Even disregarding the whole hangover aspect; Husk tends to get more... handsy as the day wears on. As more alcohol accumulates in his system. It is an inhibition suppressant after all.
God help you if your blushy or easily flustered. Because Husk has a playful side and is one hell of a tease.
If your observant, you'll start noticing this coming out in the late afternoon. Husk now seems to lean in slightly when your telling him a story; his hands gently graze yours when he hands you a drink; and his voice seems to drop an octave. Especially when he laughs.
It gets so much worse in the evenings. The leaning in is much more obvious; Husk even rests his elbows on the counter like you have the most interesting thing to say. Husk also now touches you at every opportunity he gets, purposely tracing a claw over your shoulder or rubbing his body against you as he slides past.
Husk won't push it too far or be too obvious in front of people. But he always has a knowing smile on his face when you blush. His tail playfully flicks back and forth when you give a particularly adorable reaction.
Unfortunately, Husk is just that; a goddamn tease. He might whisper something nasty into your ear if he is drunk enough and the mood is right. But he isnt going to actually initiate anything. Husk wants to make sure your 100% into it, so its up to you to break that threshold.
When you do, he is all green flags. You two might have to sneak away from his post thanks to Alastor's watchful eye or straight up fuck behind the counter while no one is looking; but the old cat is absolutely going to enjoy every second he can steal away with you.
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Adam - Yes ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡
Honestly couldn't give less of a fuck. Literally the first man, he was MADE to fuck. Do you really think he cares? Cause he don't.
Adam is down to fuck all day, every day, 24/7, 365 days a year. It doesn't matter time or place. His baby needs to be dicked down?That takes priority over everything; nothing else matters at that moment. He will find a place to dick you down. No shame.
One strangely good thing about Adam is that he is actually aware his libido is superhuman and not normal. He may use bad pickup lines, make dirty jokes, or straight up ask 'hey, wanna fuck?' But once you say no, he leaves you alone. He will never actually push it.
So yeah, Adam, the first man, oddly respects consent?? The guy has more respect for people then Valentino.
On that note; since Adam is highkey always horny, he has a weird thing where he can't... comprehend people who don't keep it in their pants. Because to Adam; he is always suppressing urges. Always keeping his lust in check.
So when he finds out someone couldn't, or didn't, do that? He is just pissed. (One of the many big reasons he despises Lucifer) Adam's mindset is literally 'just use your hand if its that bad'. Like I said; oddly respectful.
ANYWAY. Like I said, Adam won't ever push it. However, he does make sure that you know his dick is hard and ready whenever you want it. Adam is at your disposal. If you indicate to him in anyway that you are horny, he is ready to go.
Wake up in the middle of the night from a dream? Wake him up too so he can fuck the memory out of you. Adam might be annoyed at first, but as soon as he realizes what's going on, he is so into it.
Are you a female and on your period? He doesn't mind! Adam knows from experience how horny some women get during that time of the month; as well as how a good fuck can relieve cramps.
Out of everyone on this list, Adam is the one you want to pick if you just want a horny motherfucker. Yes, he beats out a pornstar and the literal devil in how much he likes to fuck.
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Check out this SPICY post by @silasours on what some of the Hazbin men's favorite sex positions are with short fics included >>HERE<<
For something on the fluffy and angsty side, there is a wonderful post by @wysteria-bloom on the Hazbin guys comforting you when they see you crying at a party >>HERE<<
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nifftyisgonnakillu · 9 months ago
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voxsremotec0ck · 1 year ago
𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞.ᐟ
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⋆。゚You, new to Hell and clueless about everything, pass them on the street and give them a polite smile and wave ゚。⋆
— Lucifer, Alastor, Vox, Angel Dust
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Lucifer watches as you shine your sharp teeth at him in a genuine smile with furrowed eyebrows. When he noticed you waving, he awkwardly waves back with his cane and watches you walk away. After his years of isolation, his name has definitely lost a lot of weight, but still sinners don’t just casually wave and smile at him. How odd.
Alastor meets your smile with his own, although it’s his default expression, it does grow at the sight of you. What was someone so cheery and naive doing in Hell? And smiling at him of all Demons, like he was just any other sinner? Oh you might just be a perfect asset for Charlie’s hotel.
Vox flashes you his signature showmanship smile, but pauses when you just walk past him. Normally when someone smiles and waves at him, they want something. Either information about VoxTec or the Vee’s plans, he was always selling something. Yet you waved and kept walking, like you didn’t even know who he was. It was interesting to say the least.
Angel Dust is used to attention, wanted or otherwise, so random Demons waving and smiling at him were normal. What wasn’t normal was the lack of malice behind your smile, and the fact that you kept walking instead of trying to buy him for the night. He watched you continue down the street and wondered just how soon Charlie would snatch you up.
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First time writing for these characters so I hope it’s okay
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voxslays · 3 months ago
Featuring >>> Adam, Alastor, Angel Dust (Anthony), Lucifer, Husk, Vox, & Valentino x Reader (Separately) as fathers.
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(not proofread if that wasn’t obvious lol)
Total boy dad. I can see him with a little girl, (let’s be honest, his daughter would 100% become an exorcist and take over after he retires as commander (if he ever retires lol)), but he would turn his son into the the next exorcist commander.
Adam is definitely a bit misogynistic…and no matter what you do, atleast a little bit of that would be passed down to your child. If Adam had a son (not him already having two other sons…), he would start training him at a very young age. (Kinda like the career tributes from the hunger games if yk what I mean. (Oh, you don’t? I don’t blame you lol. Idk what I even meant by this tbh. Don’t worry about it-))
With a girl, I can 100% see him being overly protective TO THE EXTREME. He’s the type to scare off teenage boys lol.
Is probably the best dad on this list (except for Luci ofc.) Is super protective of his family. Would not let your baby out of his sight for the first few weeks. Would offer to help you with the baby when it wakes up crying late at night.
Is totally a girl dad. He would willingly play dress up and have tea parties with her in her room…but it will not be mentioned outside of there. When going out for an outing, he would dress her up to match his colors—red & black—and give you a few extra minutes to get ready.
The two of you want some alone time? He’ll ask Rosie. If she’s busy he is forcing either Husk or Niffty to watch the child. Alastor also most definitely keeps your young, innocent child away from Angel Dust for ‘reasons’ he doesn’t want to elaborate on. Your child will inherit his powers and will be almost as strong as him one day!
Okay…so first of all, the elephant in the room. His alcoholism. I don’t think Husk would completely stop drinking, but would tone it down for the sake of you and your child. When he’s drinking/drunk, he would make sure he wasn’t around your child, not wanting that kid to see the ‘real’ him.
He would totally be a girl dad. He would completely deny it but we all know it’s true. Like Alastor, if your daughter wanted him to dress up, have a tea party with him, etc. I think it would take a little more convincing than Alastor but in the end he would do it.
Would be overly protective. ESPECIALLY AROUND ALASTOR. Husk would make sure that your child was atleast six feet away from the deer demon at all times. Husk obviously has lots of experience with Alastor as a person, so he of all people knows that Alastor could (and maybe would???) manipulate his spawn into a deal.
Angel Dust:
Angel is extremely excited…but…He is nervous. VERY anxious.
Angel would be a good dad, but he is worried about his deal with Val. Who knows what Val would do if he found out he was in another relationship…let alone with a child! When the child in question is born, he does everything in his power to hide them from Val.
If Val found out, he would be pissed. After calming down (barely), he would try to get your child under contract to punish Angel. Therefore, Angel is obviously very protective. Angel would teach your child how to be street-smart and survive on the streets of hell. Your child would learn from Angel’s mistakes.
WHAT? HES GONNA BE A DAD (again)!? He is so stoked. Before the baby is even born they have everything they could ever want. Anything for his little duckling.
Your child would be homeschooled, but not by you. By the most well-known and well-educated members of Hell’s society. Your child is truly getting a million dollar education. Oh! And if your child decides to get a higher education after high school? It’s already taken care of. Lucifer makes sure that there are schools ready to take your child to college before your baby even turns two!
For some characters, I feel like they would either be girl dads or boy dads, but Lucifer could truly be either. With a little girl, I could totally see him playing dress up or Barbies with her, no problem! With a boy, same thing.
Your child hit the jackpot. I mean…who wouldn’t want the richest overlord in all of pride to be their father? I just pray the kid doesn’t come out looking like a leapfrog or iPad…
Your child would be an iPad kid (vPad?) They would have all the newest technology and toys, they wouldn’t even know what to do with it all! Seriously though, this kid 100% has a playroom just filled with all the toys Vox either made or bought for them. He definitely spoils them (and you).
Your kid is a nepo baby. As they get into their teenage years, Vox would make sure they started to gain fame. Whether it’s by singing or acting (or both), or becoming a powerful overlord like himself, Vox would help them reach that.
Both you and Vox would make sure that your baby is supervised around Val and Velvette, if Vox even lets the kid around Valentino. He does NOT want Valentino trying to swindle them into a deal.
Bestie...What were you thinking? Let’s be honest. Valentino would not be the greatest dad. Definitely not the worst, but not great.
He would 100% leave your kid unsupervised. You’d better always be watching because he definitely isn’t. Speaking of supervision, Val would just randomly bring your child into his studio…When the two of you are spending ‘time’ together, he would either get Vel or Vox to watch the baby, or one of the souls he has under contract. Is surprisingly overprotective.
Val would teach make sure your child knows Spanish, threatening to ‘disown the brat’ if they refused. Luckily, you are there to stop Valentino from going off on your baby. Your child definitely learns a few Spanish swears from him.
TYSM FOR 1K NOTES GUYS! I really appreciate the support. As of now, this is my most liked post ever. I’m glad you guys enjoyed it so much! Thank you! <3
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razzle-n-dazzle · 1 year ago
ᯓ★ MASTERLIST home to all of razzle-n-dazzle's work
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ᯓ Lucifer | king of hell, the devi
! Dating Headcanons | "They see right through me" ! Oneshot [TW: depression] | "Give Your Corpse Some Smile Lines." ! Oneshot [Adam's ex] | . . . Fell Into My Heart
ᯓ Adam | the first man, the original dick
! Dating Headcanons | "Alright, Sugartits." ! Yandere Headcanons | "Cus, You're Mine, All Mine" ! Drabble | "You Promised!" ! Drabble | "Adam, Love, SHUT THE F-" ! Drabble - Oneshot | "Lets Give This Another Shot"
ᯓ Alastor | the radio demon
! none
ᯓ Vox | flat-faced prince
! Dating Headcanons | "OH FUCK" (t.b.p. - at some point) ! Yandere Headcanons | triple threat
ᯓ Angel Dust | anthony, porn star
! Yandere Headcanons | triple threat
ᯓ Husk | bartender of the hazbin hotel
! none
ᯓ Asmodeus | embodiment of lust
! Yandere Fizzmodeus Oneshot | Murder is Okay, Shutting Us Out Isn't
ᯓ Fizzarolli | entertainer at ozzie's, fizz
! Yandere Fizzmodeus Oneshot | Murder is Okay, Shutting Us Out Isn't
ᯓ Blitzo | founder of i.m.p
! Drabble | "Lust, not Love . . . Love, not Lust"
ᯓ Stolas | prince of ars geotia, dark lord
! none
ᯓ Mammon | sin of greed, sad sack of shit
! Yandere Headcanons | triple threat ! Yandere Oneshot | "I LOVE you like an ALCOHOLIC"
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[ if you don't see a person listed on here, that doesn't mean I don't write for them, it just means I might not be planning to write for them right now, or haven't been requested them! Feel free to request a character, even if they're not on here, as they'll be added! ]
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