#Hawley Retainer Online
dentallabdirect · 2 years
All You Need to Know About Hawley Retainer
They are easily removed by gently pulling down (for the upper Hawley retainer) and gently pulling upwards (for the lower Hawley retainer) from the back of the plate or the back of the wires. Visit here to know more: https://dentallab-direct.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-hawley-retainer-cost-cleaning-alternatives
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., who is facing a Justice Department investigation over her campaign's security spending, which includes payments to her husband, has a campaign cash crunch and is trailing her Democrat primary challenger in terms of money on hand.
Bush's campaign has struggled to retain cash with under six months to go until the Aug. 6 Democrat primary. In fact, her committee's most recent filings show that it entered January with just $215,000 at its disposal. Her opponent, Wesley Bell, a progressive prosecuting attorney for St. Louis County who differs from Bush in his Israel stance, is currently better positioned and ended the fourth quarter with $408,000 in the bank.
Bell has also seen a fundraising surge since pivoting from challenging Republican Sen. Josh Hawley to entering the Democrat primary against Bush. From the beginning of October until late December, his campaign raised $492,000 and slightly edged Bush's money haul. He reportedly added another $100,000 in the first few weeks of January, his campaign told the Riverfront Times, which is not included in his most recent filing.
Along the way, Bell has also garnered the support of some deep-pocketed Democrat donors, such as LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, who gave the maximum $6,600 to his campaign for the primary and general elections, his filings show.
A recent poll found that Bush may also be in trouble come August. Bell is currently up by 22 points over the "Squad" member, the New York Post reported.
In addition to her campaign's substandard position, Bush is also staring down a federal investigation into her campaign payments for security, including to her husband, Cortney Merritts, whom she wed in February 2023. At the time of their marriage, Bush's office said they had been together before she entered Congress in 2021.
Merritts began accumulating money for security services starting in January 2022. Bush's committee, however, switched their description to "wage expenses" in April 2023 as they continued to bring scrutiny to the campaign.
Merritts has now collected $120,000 from Bush's campaign coffers. Politicians can pay family members from their committees if they provide "bona fide" services at fair market value. He pocketed the money as Bush's campaign simultaneously spent significantly more on St. Louis-based companies such as PEACE Security for private detail. She's spent over $770,000 on such services.
Merritts' online accounts and posts have indicated he worked at a railway company for years before starting a moving company. He did not have a private security license as of late February 2023, Fox News Digital previously reported. He also did not appear in a Washington, D.C., database of licensed security specialists at the time. 
The ordeal triggered at least two complaints from watchdog groups in the subsequent weeks. The first complaint, filed to the FEC in March 2023 by the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust, is still pending. The ethics committee has since cleared Bush in a second complaint from the Committee to Defeat the President.
"Since before I was sworn into office, I have endured relentless threats to my physical safety and life," Bush previously said in response to the Justice Department investigation. "As a rank-and-file member of Congress, I am not entitled to personal protection by the House, and instead have used campaign funds as permissible to retain security services."
"These frivolous complaints have resulted in a number of investigations, some of which are still ongoing," Bush said. "The Federal Election Commission and the House Committee on Ethics are currently reviewing the matter, as is the Department of Justice. We are fully cooperating in all of these pending investigations."
Bush's and Bell's campaigns did not respond to Fox News Digital's requests for comment.
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registerednursern · 2 years
Clear Aligner Braces Before and After
Clear Aligner Braces Before and After
There are many Invisalign “before and after” photos online, so I thought I’d share my story and pictures of clear aligner braces treatment with the hope of helping others. My Orthodontic History I had the traditional metal braces in high school, so my teeth used to be straight.  However, I didn’t wear my Hawley-style retainer regularly, and eventually, it no longer fit at all. After this, my…
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ihdental · 3 years
Your retainer is not just there to hold your teeth in place. It should also be cleaned regularly to ensure your teeth stay healthy and intact. Here are some tips to clean your Hawley retainer.
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ihomedental-blog · 4 years
Maintain Your Smile Hawley Retainer|iHome Dental
 Do you want to get perfect teeth alignment? If yes, then reach to iHome Dental. We provide a hawley retainer online for you that not only retains the teeth in their current position but also lasts up to five years. The Hawley Retainer only needs to be worn 1 hour per day to prevent any permanent teeth movement. Just visit our site for more details. https://ihomedental.com/product/hawley-retainer/
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iinvisiblebrace · 4 years
Retain Your Beautiful Smile with Custom Teeth Retainers Online
People think that when their dental braces came off that their teeth would stay that straight forever. However, in the last twenty years or so, research has shown that there isn’t one right position to move teeth that will guarantee a permanent result. Typically as people get older, their teeth shift no matter what, whether they have had orthodontic treatment or not.
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When your orthodontic treatment ends, your teeth will have a natural tendency to move back to their original positions before you started treatment. This tendency lessens over time, but it can be an issue for up to 18 months post-treatment.
There is also another type of movement that is a much slower, longer lasting change that occurs over time. This is more than likely due to the gradual “uprighting” movement of the front teeth on the lower jaw. This occurs naturally with age, but this can cause teeth to crowd as they move closer to the tongue.
Undergoing orthodontic treatment will fix crooked teeth, but it won’t prevent these changes from occurring. The only guaranteed way to keep your teeth from shifting is by using an Invisible Teeth Retainer to keep them in the right position. A retainer is simply a plastic or metal appliance that keeps teeth aligned after a patient has completed orthodontic treatment with braces or Invisalign.
You can order your customized Invisible Retainers Online at a fraction of the cost of going to the dentist. By using custom teeth retainers, the teeth are literally being “retained” in their new position. You should not wear your teeth retainer when you are eating because it will cause the plastic to crack. Take it out if you are going to drink hot coffee or tea. To insert or remove your custom invisible retainer, use both hands and push on or pull off evenly with your thumb and index finger. It may take several days for your tongue to get used to your teeth retainer and then your speech will return to normal.
Invisible Teeth Braces are made using top quality material. Order your custom teeth device online and take your teeth impression at home to get your customized invisible retainers straight at your doorstep.
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onlinedental1 · 3 years
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Retain your teeth shape to normal with certified Hawley Retainers. Buy FDA approved Hawley Retainers online in the USA from Discount Online Dental. Discount Online Dental is one of the top most online stores of custom teeth devices that has been offering customised, certified Hawley Retainers and other teeth devices at half of the dental office price. Visit the online store today and order your Hawley Retainers at 50% off. Order online and get your teeth devices delivered to your home.
For more information please visit: https://discountonlinedental.com/product/hawley-retainer
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hdental · 3 years
In this blog, we have explained the importance and why wearing a hawley retainers are beneficial for your oral health. Click here to know more or you can contact us today for ordering flipper teeth.    
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canchewread · 4 years
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Editor’s note: this article is part of the Amerikan Musik: Fascism Ascendant in the USA collection on ninaillingworth.com. For further analysis of the chud rush insurrection attempt in Washington D.C. on January 6th, 2021, join my co-host Nick and I for the No Fugazi Podcast episode “In Between Days: Politics, Violence & Fascist F*ckery.”
Counting Coup
I must confess that I’ve never been particularly good at the “I told you so” essay; which is probably why I failed to capitalize on my work about Russiagate, despite being literally the only person I’m aware of who ultimately got the answer one hundred percent right. Furthermore, after roughly five years of writing about the rise of Americanized fascism through the lens of the objectively fascist Trump administration, I am at this point completely Trumped the f*ck out. I would very much like to pivot to critiquing the incoming neoliberal authoritarian Biden regime and their loyal muppets in the media; but neither the news cycle, nor contrarian faux-left analysts with equivocating hot takes will let me. 
All of which is to say that I find this ritual somewhat embarrassing, and this might come off as a little perfunctory. 
On June 6th, 2016, I published an essay formally stating that I thought Trump was himself, a fascist; although I’d certainly already implied as much in previous articles and on social media. At that point I was very concerned that Trump would win the upcoming election, but I wasn’t sure how much fascist crap he’d actually be able to do under the American system of government.  
By March 1st, 2017, I’d seen enough of Trump’s act to say his administration was enacting a fascist agenda and that it was time to ostracize and oppose those who supported that fascist agenda.
By August 30th, 2017, and in the wake of the deadly nazi riot in Charlottesville, I wrote that Trump was building an alliance of violent reactionary thugs, law enforcement officials and an objectively fascist Republican party to intimidate political opposition. I also warned that Trump and his Department of Justice would try to declare their protesting political opposition terrorists and use that threat to subvert civil liberties, erode democracy and install fascism.
I don’t want to simply list every article I wrote about Trump’s fascist presidency here, but along the way I wrote about liberals using fascism to punch left, corporate media complacency in the face of a fascist threat, the Trump DoJ’s objectively fascist attempts to criminalize J20 inauguration protesters as terrorists, the need to present a united front on the American left to oppose fascism, the GOP’s fascist attempts to rig the next presidential election, and literal f*cking concentration camps. If you’re up for a long, emotional and highly personal read, you can follow my entire saga of trying to warn people about the fascist nature of both Trump and the society he was presiding over, in this August 2020 essay on ninaillingworth.com.
In 2020, and after a rough patch in my personal life that happened to coincide with Trump going full-on Mussolini against Black Lives Matter activists protesting the police murder of George Floyd, and then “antifa terrorists,” I came back to write an essay definitively presenting the core evidence (up to that point) that Donald Trump was a fascist. Furthermore, in the same lengthy essay I mentioned above, I correctly analyzed how Trump would attempt to rig the election, correctly laid out the basic foundations of the right’s “legal” attempts to overturn the election in the wake of a Trump loss, and accurately predicted that if all that failed, he would summon the chuds and try to retain power by force. Crucially, I also pointed out that this strategy probably wouldn’t work, but couldn’t be ignored because of widespread right wing institutional support and the fact that even a crappy coup, is a very bad thing for a liberal democracy.
That fall, I wrote about Trump’s revenge killing, political assassination of an anti-fascist activist merely accused of a crime, about how corporate media had primed America for the fascist moment, and additionally worked on a five part No Fugazi Podcast series detailing every aspect of America’s long flirtation with fascism; during this podcast series, my co-host Nick and I also (repeatedly) predicted Trump would try to steal the election in the courts and then attempt to launch a doomed chud uprising when that inevitably failed.
Finally over that same time period and running into the post-election stages of the Swine Emperor’s presidency, I wrote a number of rebuttals and explainers; including pieces explaining what fascism is, why rich people are helping to install it now, why even stupid coups have consequences and have to be stopped before they erupt in chud violence, why it doesn’t matter that Trump isn’t exactly like Hitler, why it’s a serious problem that about a third of the country is done with democracy and now refuses to accept elections they don’t win, why fascist billionaires don’t need Trump specifically anymore, why fascism will survive the eventual fall of the Klepto Kaiser, and finally why the crypto-libertarian, contrarian “left” can sincerely blow their equivocating sympathizer nonsense out their collective butthole.   
Please also note that the vast majority of the essays above themselves contain literally hundreds of evidentiary citation links, and this was further supplemented by dozens and dozens of Twitter threads that have unfortunately been lost to history in the wake of my recent (permanent) Twitter suspension. 
In light of the fact that Trump is in fact a fascist, did in fact try to declare his political enemies terrorists, did in fact try to turn the army, Homeland Security, and chud vigilantes on those who opposed him, did in fact attempt to rig and then invalidate an election, and ultimately did inspire a chud insurrection designed (poorly) to overturn the results of that election, please allow me to declare complete and total victory while metaphorically asking my twitchy critics how my butt tastes. I could go on, but when you’ve left your opponents crying on Twitter about how the Apple Store de-platforming Parler is the real fascism, it’s best to just take the win gracefully and walk away from that wreckage.
A Jute Glute Riot
Given that I’m writing this on the morning of January 12th, literally thousands of articles about the Capitol Hill riot itself have already been written, and I just spent eighty minutes breaking down Trump’s desperate chud rush insurrection on the last episode of No Fugazi, I’m not going to waste time on blow by blow coverage of the pathetic uprising on January 6th, in Washington, D.C.
Readers who are looking for what I felt was a good, in-the-moment examination of the actual riot are encouraged to check out this January 6th article from The Daily Poster:
The Insurrection Was Predictable by David Sirota
While I think Sirota’s piece does a very good job of hinting at the larger coordination involved in this event, I also feel it’s important to note here that counterfactual arguments designed to minimize this event are sheer and utter bunk. This was a planned insurrection, attended by (ex) members of the military and American law enforcement, aided by Capitol Hill Police and the Department of Defense, funded by rich fascists, inspired by right wing media, as well as an openly fascist Republican Party and the goddamn president of the United States; this wasn’t harmless, people literally died and members of Trump’s fascist mob clearly had designs on committing politicized acts of violence against their perceived enemies.
Look, does it burn my backside that sh*t-tier neoliberal ghouls who enabled Trump’s fascist agenda at every turn, are now publicly patting themselves on the back for recognizing Trump’s fascist intentions all along? You betcha, Sparky. But my feelings don’t stop reality from being real; this was a doomed, stupid coup attempt, but even stupid coup attempts have consequences. 
I couldn’t spare a single tear for a billionaire fascist who lost his Twitter account, or neo-nazi chuds getting chased off social media, but the crypto-libertarian apologists among us are correct when they say the incoming neoliberal authoritarian regime will weaponize the Jan 6th, 2021 chud rush riot to attack left wing dissent. In fact, I predicted that part too; it just has no bearing on the reality that Trump is a fascist, Trumpism is fascism and what we just saw was a failed coup attempt; reality doesn’t really care how any of that makes you feel, folks.
There are dark days ahead for all of us at this point, and while the events of last week are almost certainly the end of the line for the Klepto Kaiser himself, American fascism isn’t going anywhere and the sh*tlibs are about to bring the hammer down on their real enemies - the burgeoning Pig Empire left.
The sooner we can collectively look in the mirror, accept the reality of what just happened and stop fighting over objective facts, the sooner we can get focused on winning “the war between us” against the incoming Biden Regime. Or, folks on the contrarian faux-left could keep carrying water for Josh f*cking Hawley instead, I guess. 
Game, blouses; now tell Mike Tracey to get back in his f*cking hole.
- nina illingworth
Independent writer, critic and analyst with a left focus. Please help me fight corporate censorship by sharing my articles with your friends online!
You can find my work at ninaillingworth.com, Can’t You Read, Media Madness and my Patreon Blog
Updates available on Instagram, Mastodon and Facebook. Podcast at “No Fugazi” on Soundcloud.
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“It’s ok Willie; swing heil, swing heil…”
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ml-pnp · 5 years
Under the Hawley bill, appointed commissioners could determine which service providers should retain immunity from civil liability. Their decisions would be made solely on the basis on the commissioners’ assessment of “bias” in the content of political messages posted online.
America does not need government officials authorized to shut down speech on the internet. Such a position flies in the face of the First Amendment and a society free from unwarranted government censorship.
Rather than address our critique of Hawley’s legislation, both Carlson and Cleland accuse Heritage of defending technology companies. That’s simply false. In fact, we’ve repeatedly criticized these companies on a range of issues — from working with communist China to blocking our own content.
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clearalignonline · 3 years
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Straighten your teeth and get a beautiful, healthy smile with FDA approved Teeth Retainers. Clear Align Online is one of the leading online stores of dental devices in the USA has been offering FDA approved Teeth Retainer and other dental devices at 50% off. Visit the online store today and get your Teeth Retainer delivered at your home.
For more information please visit: https://www.clearalignonline.com/product/hawley-retainer
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dentallabdirect · 2 years
All You Need To Know About Hawley Retainer
The most common concern nowadays is regarding buying Hawley retainers online. You don’t need to go anywhere or get tested with harmful equipment and chemicals. Buying a Hawley retainer online will be a safe, cost-effective option and you will get durable appliances. Visit here to know more: https://dentallab-direct.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-hawley-retainer-cost-cleaning-alternatives
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customteethdevices · 4 years
Hawley (Wire) Retainers Buy Online | No Shipping Charges
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ihomedental-blog · 4 years
Get  Hawley Retainer Online At iHomeDental
The Hawley Retainer is the most popular retainer that orthodontists use when they remove a patient’s braces. It is made of hard acrylic that fits the palate and a wire that fits across the front of your teeth that will keep your teeth from moving. The Hawley Retainer only needs to be worn 1 hour per day to prevent any permanent teeth movement. So buy Hawley retainer  online at iHomeDental. For further details just reach our site hassle free. http://ihomedental.com/product/hawley-retainer/
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iinvisiblebrace · 3 years
What You Need to Know About Invisible Teeth Braces
If your teeth are not in a straight line, don't despair in view of the fact that a lot of other kids' teeth aren't in a straight line either. If you take a look at your classmates, you will discover that most do not have the just right teeth. So if your teeth are not appropriately aligned, you are just like one and all else.
Teeth conditions vary from individual to individual. For a few, it may be teeth that are not in a straight line, for others it may have to carry out with the dimension of the jaws. Only a few are blessed with flawlessly straight teeth or reasonable jaw sizes. At what time an individual's upper jaw is larger than his lower jaw, at that moment he has an overbite. But if the lower jaw is larger, at that moment it is called an under bite.
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If you have misaligned teeth, your family dentist may not have noticed it all through your normal visits. For issues concerning teeth arrangement, it is finest that you spot an orthodontist. An orthodontist is a dentist who specializes in making teeth in a straight line all the way through the use of things like Invisible Teeth Braces. This person is the one who can tell you whether or not you necessitate to order invisible braces online.
Quite a lot of decades ago, those who had braces were branded "metal mouth" in view of the fact that braces in the earlier period incorporated metal rings or bands placed just about the teeth. If your parents wore braces at some stage in their teens, you may have photographs of them wearing these unattractive metal devices.
On the other hand, recent advancements in dental technology have led to the utilization of clear or invisible teeth braces that are less conspicuous. Even though, there are few individuals these days who still like better to use the traditional metal braces. But those who decide on metal braces nowadays can choose to Order Invisible Braces online that are of the matching color at the same time as their teeth.
In contrast to the wires that were utilized for braces in the past, the ones that are utilized at the present time are much smaller. They are also made of materials that helps make straight teeth faster, and in a more handy way. Braces unbend teeth by gradually putting pressure on top of them, with the intention that they move to a diverse position later than a certain period of time. The wires and rubber bands work jointly for correcting the arrangement of the Teeth Aligners Online. The wires move the teeth, at the same time as the rubber bands brings the teeth en route for appropriate alignment.
For acute cases, the utilization of a head or neck gear is essential. Wearing a head or neck gear can make an individual look really ridiculous. But if you have to wear one next to with your braces, do not be bothered as orthodontists by and large advise their patients to wear them only at nighttime.
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onlinedental1 · 4 years
Discount Online Dental is one of the leading online dental devices stores has been offering FDA approved, quality Hawley Retainer and other teeth devices at half of the dental office price. Visit the online store today and order your Hawley Retainer at 50% off. Get it delivered at your home.
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