#Have a moderate restaurant-level speaking volume
demi-kitty · 2 months
Dear bus riders.
If you want to have a conversation with the bus driver. Please do not. Sit at the back of the bus. And shout as loud as possible to tell a story.
You can't hear the driver responding because you are sitting at the back of the bus. And she is not responding like your story is interesting. Because you are recounting a facebook post to her, and not really explaining the details, just shouting about a hit and run that you have no stake in. You are recounting a mother's story about her child from a single facebook post. At amusement-park-scream-volume. Lower your goddamn voice.
At least move to the front. The engine is loud, you do not need to be doubly loud.
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did those earbud things you were talking about a while back arrive?
YES omg
i’m gonna answer this publicly in case anyone else cares
but so a while back i ordered the Loop Engage earplugs, to try and help w over stimulation issues i get with crowds/parties
and let me tell you they WORK!!!!!
they are not perfect. they are still earplugs, and as such, they have drawbacks - namely that they amplify your own voice and sounds a LOT, so eating with them in is Bad and it’s hard to moderate my own speaking volume when they’re in. and they’re not a magical fix all for overstimulation.
that said - i fucking love them. they’re seriously SO helpful to me. i wear them usually in group settings - family parties, restaurants, etc - when i want to participate but the amount of noise and chatter happening grates on me and makes it difficult for me to both concentrate on any one thing and to maintain my composure when it feels like i’m being inundated with sound.
i got mine right before the winter holidays, so i’ve been able to use them a LOT since. i’ve learned that, for me personally, they don’t entirely /stop/ me from becoming overstimulated or reaching my quota for how much of a party/noisy gathering i can handle, but they DO greatly extend the amount of time i’m able stay at a function before it becomes an issue. i’ve also found that sometimes if i start a function without them, and later find myself getting overstimulated and remember to put them in, i’m able to last at least a couple more hours without full stop hitting my wall.
my family are party people, who love to get together in one house and yell across tables at one another. usually, i’m able to handle this for anywhere from 1-3 hours before it becomes unbearable to me and i need to escape. when i wear my loop engages, i’ve found that time is extended to an average of 2-3 hours longer on either end of the spectrum: i can last for 3-6 hours with them in, which is a huge improvement for me. it’s doesn’t get me through the entire party (my family notoriously spends 8-12 hours doing this stuff 😅) but i can go a LOT longer than i used to without needing to tap out to recharge.
i also order their basic earplugs (the loop quiet) and their concert ones (the loop experience). the quiets are cute but nothing super special - they get the job done, about as well as any other earplugs. i bring them with me around as well and when i need to tap out or take a break from a gathering, usually i’ll switch out my engages for quiets for 10-15 minutes to try and be mainly sound-free and get myself back to more of a level. i’ve only had one opportunity to use the experiences - they worked great in that i wasn’t overstimulated or overwhelmed by the noise of the concert i was at, but i struggled to hear things my companions were saying when i had them in, which could be isolating if you go to concerts as a social experience.
anyways i’m not a brand ambassador for these things but i really do love my loop engages.
i will say that they’re advertised as also helping with noise from kids and personally i’ve found that they’re not super useful in that regard - i tend to have a harder time hearing children and toddlers when i’m wearing them than adults, i think because their voices tend to be softer and higher pitched and maybe they’re on a wavelength that’s being dampened? idk. i don’t wear them at work because i wouldn’t want to miss something one of my kids is saying, and if im talking to baby cousins at a party, i need to pop them out in order to hear them.
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venushasvixens · 3 years
Ch. 9 Home? - Life is but a Dream (Spike Spiegel x Reader)
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[A/N] I promise I’m going to get to requests. Enjoy the chapter!
WARNING: implied child abuse? (Nothing happens but it can still be uncomfy)
The soft creak of the second story window was the only sound in your shared bedroom. Having been sent upstairs and denied a meal for the millionth time this week, you were desperate for anything to eat. It wasn’t like the orphanage was barely surviving, but honestly you think the caretaker had something out for you. Always picking on you, calling you names, and finding any excuse to punish you. All around known as the caretaker’s personal punching bag.
“Now I can see why you were dropped off here.” She would say, before taking the plate of food from in front of you and dumping it into the trash.
With your lips sealed shut, you trudged up the stairs, sad little eyes tearing up. Any back talk would result in something far worse. The wilts on your back still stung days after your punishment, an example and demonstration of the cruelness of life.
Like a rabid animal, you were willing to receive any kind of punishment just to quiet the pain in your stomach. Grateful for the bushes located underneath your second story window, you swung your legs over the ledge, preparing to jump. With a small humph, you landed softly on your feet. Leaves and small branches pricked at your thighs as you wobbled out of the bushes. You gripped the small pouch of coins in your pocket, running your fingers over the opening of the bag.
A childish dream that a few coins were your ticket to everywhere and anywhere. The city you lived in was labeled as UN-1889, which was far into its development to retain its old name. Unofficially called “Yun” by the locals, it also held the record of absolutely nothing exciting or entertaining. Crime was moderate, chain restaurants and shopping centers were the place of excitement and that was it. Vowing to leave and never come back, you made sure to keep that promise by collecting and stashing away any money you could get your hands on. In the end, the most you had in your possession was enough to buy half a ticket, and you were ready to blow it all off in a matter of minutes on something that will only last seconds.
You spotted the bright, blue neon lights of the only local diner in the area. Parents looking to adopt will do nothing but rave about this place. Hearing just how good the food sounded compared to the gruel you were forced to eat every day, it made your mouth water and your stomach do flips. Jogging up to the entrance, you quickly opened the door to the diner. Air condition hit your dirty, sweaty face, cooling you down instantly. Much to your surprise, there was not one patron in the diner. Leaning against the counter was a middle aged woman with her hair pulled back tightly in a bun. She stared at the TV in the corner, sighing deeply. As the door closed, your presence was made known.
One look was all it took for her to know everything about you.
“Oh great, another one.” She mumbled from where she stood. “What do you want?”
“Food. I’m hungry.” You replied annoyingly.
“Have any money?” She asked, standing up straight.
You dug into your pocket, grabbed the bag of coins and held it out to the waitress. Snatching it out of your hand, she emptied the contents onto the counter. Shifting through the coins lazily, she huffed.
“Kid, this isn’t even enough for a plate.” She poured the coins back into the bag, tossing it back at you. “Door’s over there.”
Too tired and weak to fight, you slumped your way out, disappointed and embarrassed.
“Hey wait!” You heard someone shouting. You turned around, seeing another woman popping out from the kitchen. Her soft, platinum blond curls bounced as she walked out to stop you from leaving. Ringlets of silver hung from her ears and wrists, clanking softly as she motioned you to come closer. “Are you from the orphanage down the street?”
You nodded vigorously.
“I know how she treats those babies over there. You come on over and get yourself something to eat.” She said, tapping on the counter.
“I don’t have enough for-“ you started. She waved her hand, her signal for no ands, if, or buts. As you pranced over, you heard the waitress groan.
“Lou, you can’t be serious.” She muttered.
Lou held her hand up. “I don’t like seeing children go hungry. It’s not right.”
“Pick whatever you like.” She smiled, handing over a menu to you. Everything looked so delicious and tempting. You only see people like this on TV. It seems so fake, portraying kindness in a sickening, sweet way. It was enough to hurt your teeth.
You watched in adoration as Lou passed you a basket of warm rolls, butter shimmering off the golden buns. Forget manners. You gobbled down the bread in minutes, hiccuping softly. You weren’t focused on trying to quiet your hiccups down, just to fill your empty stomach.
“My goodness, slow down.” Lou chuckled, placing a cup of water next to you. “What’s your name, baby?”
“It’s (Y/N).” You replied, mouth still full of bread.
“(Y/N). Now is that your actual name or was it given to you by that devil woman?”
“It’s my actual name. They tried to change it, but decided to keep it.” You said, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
Lou handed you a few napkins. “I swear that lady does not like anything or anyone. An all around horrible person.”
You nodded sadly, trying to dissipate the knowledge that you were probably going to receive the harshest punishment you have ever had in your short life when you came back “home”. As your stomach was dropping at the thought of your imminent demise, Lou slid your plate of food in front of you. Eating a basket of rolls wasn’t enough at all. This food looked better than anything you consumed at the orphanage.
While Lou and the waitress babbled and bickered, the static and switch of the TV in the corner was the only noise in the room. Eventually the waitress decided to settle on the local news. Expansion of some parts of the city, a deadly crash near the asteroid belt, and so on and so on. Suddenly, the screen flashed with the words BREAKING NEWS splayed on the screen.
The news reporter quickly tapped through her data pad, smiled and addressed the viewers.
“Good evening, we bring to you some breaking news. The criminal Kedo, who was wanted on both planets Earth and Ganymede for the murders of multiple people, has been caught right here in UN-1889.”
The reporter then drone on about his crimes, and how he left his trail. You chewed slowly, hanging onto every word. Crime was at a middle to low level, but you have never seen something as large as this.
“It has been reported by BIG SHOT, a new TV program broadcasted specially for bounty hunters in the solar system, that Kedo’s bounty had jumped from 500,000 woolong to over a million woolong.” Your eyes widened. To a small child, one million woolong was a whole lot more than what it actually was. You were probably never going to see that sort of money in your lifetime. All the possibilities of having that much money ran through your head. The first was getting the hell out of this city.
“We are informed that the courageous bounty hunter, or huntress, known as Lady Jo, caught Kedo red-handed in hiding right here in UN-1889.” The reporter stated.
The screen switched to live coverage at the police station, cameras flashing and reporters clamoring to get a closer look at the infamous criminal who was now being led into the building in handcuffs. His hair disheveled, eyes scanning his surroundings like crazy, fitting a perfect description of a crazed murderer. The cameras shifted their attention to Jo, standing proudly with her hand resting on her holster.
Intrigue and fascination filled you. You couldn’t help but watch in awe of her. Her auburn hair was curly and volumized, laying softly on her shoulders, eyes a striking green that shone like emeralds in the harsh lights of the TV crews. The waitress scoffed at her outfit, which consisted of a revealing button up white shirt, tucked into black leather pants, with a matching jacket. She was truly a sight to see.
“Can you believe that? She’s not a cowgirl, she’s a goddamn model.” She said.
Lou snorted. “You know, I used to have an outfit just like that.”
You smiled back, finishing your plate. Not wanting to take your eyes off the TV, the silverware clattered loudly onto the plate.
“I’ll tell you what, there is absolutely no honor in being a bounty hunter. They’re rude, selfish, and I hate every last one of them. Especially Lady what’s-her-name right here.” The waitress nagged, taking your empty plate.
“They can do a way better job than actual law enforcement.” Lou retorted.
You didn’t pay attention to their conversation. If there wasn’t any honor I’m your choice, so be it. Your new bottom line was set into place. One million woolong was going to be a possibility for you, one way or another.
Jet sat at the navigation console on the bridge, pressing buttons at a lightning fast speed. On his right side was the computer TV, playing some late night television as background noise. Faye stood near the windows, smoking a cigarette and looking out into the nighttime sky. There was something that must have been discussed.
As she opened her mouth to speak, Jet sighed and got up. “I went ahead and placed our coordinates for our next bounty back on Mars. Should only be a week.”
“Dinner was a little off, don’t you think?” Faye said, ignoring Jet.
Jet’s eyes narrowed. “Are you saying something about my cooking?”
“What? No. I meant with-“
“With Spike and (Y/N)? Then yes, there is something off with them. I’ve noticed it since we got back home the other day.” Jet said.
“So much more talkative, that’s for damn sure. Couldn’t keep up with it.” Faye replied as she descended the steps to the navigation console.
“The big baby wasn’t all too happy about her staying with us. So I wonder why he’s acting all buddy buddy with her.”
Faye chuckled, a sly upturn of the mouth growing on her face. “Hmm, sounds like someone is jealous.”
Looking up from the console, Jet scoffed. “I’m more than happy that I’m not playing therapist anymore. Everyday it was, “did you see the way she did this” or “did you see the way how she did that”. At that point, I should’ve started charging Spike.”
Faye had given some deep thought since dinner. The outline was in plain sight. A touch on the back. A squeeze on the shoulder. A tap on the thigh. It thrilled Faye to be the only one to know of the growing tension between Spike and (Y/N), to be the one to hold a secret without being told of it. But in the midst of the excitement, there was another feeling circling, weaving it way into her head. Jealousy.
It hurts to see couples walking by, hand in hand, romantically flaunting each other openly. Bothering Faye for a second, she knew she didn’t have to go home with them. But now that it was only a few feet from her, it was going to be a problem.
If the game doesn’t go as planned, someone has to interfere to ensure a win. And Faye did not like losing.
The computer TV turned to static as Jet flipped through the channels, trying to find the right program to end the night on. Settling on tonight’s showing of Big Shot, he leaned against the console, pondering about dinner. A conversation consisting of 100 words and more between Spike and (Y/N) was non-existent for the time that she had been staying on the Bebop. One afternoon alone, and suddenly they’re two peas in a pod.
We’ll just see how it goes, Jet thought.
A big red WARNING sign displayed on the screen, waking Jet and Faye right up.
“Folks, it seems we have an important message to relay to all bounty hunters in the solar system from the ISSP.”Punch said, his playful, exaggerated facade never faltering.
“Go ahead, we are all dying to know!” Judy replied, apparently cheerful about a serious topic at hand.
“Bounty hunters, look out! A mysterious criminal is on the loose, and his target is not the innocent civilians of the solar systems, but our esteemed, hard working hunters.”
“What makes him so bad, anyway?” Judy questioned.
“I’m glad you asked! Some of our amigos already know what we are talking about. There have been multiple reported incidents of hunting vessels being set ablaze with the intent of murder all across the system. The ISSP believes that this individual is ONLY targeting bounty hunters, and no one else.”
“Mysterious you say? Well goodness, looks like there’s no bounty for them yet!”
“Right you are. Until we get a face and a name, no dinero can be placed for the bounty. So be aware, and be safe out there, buckeroos!” Punch finished, smiling alongside Judy. Knowing they were playing a character, it was off putting by the serious news given.
Jet and Faye looked at each other in silence, eyes wide and full of questions.
Happy hunting, amigos.
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charger-batteries · 4 years
Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 vs. Sony WH-1000XM4: Which Pair Is Better?
There was a time when Bose alone ruled the active noise cancellation (ANC) landscape, and all other headphones claiming to tamp down ambient noise weren't nearly as effective or were even more expensive. But things are changing, and while the Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 offer some the best ANC we've tested, other models are catching up. Of the top contenders, Sony's WH-1000XM4 noise-cancelling headphones clearly stand out, with excellent ANC and an arguably better audio experience. But which pair is right for you? Let's break it down category by category to help you figure it out.
Which Headphones Have Better Noise Cancellation?
Let's start with hiss. In a quiet room, turning the noise cancellation on each should tell us if either model is adding high-frequency hiss to the equation—a common trait in ANC headphones, especially lower-tier models that use the hiss to mask frequencies they have trouble cancelling out.
In high-performance pairs like these, we expect to hear little or no hiss. This is the case with the Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700—in a quiet room, turning the ANC on to maximum level actually manages to make the room even quieter. The Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones produce some audible hiss, but just barely, and certainly not enough to make or break your decision.
Of course, the hiss test says nothing of what the headphones do to cancel out actual noise, from the whir of an AC unit to the rumble of an airplane. We started by comparing the headphones against the same deep low frequencies played at high volume over near-field monitors to give us an idea of how the ANC circuitry handles deep rumble like you hear on a plane or train.
With the ANC at maximum level (10) on the Bose model, the low-frequency audio cancellation is impressive. You still hear the rumble, but much of the low-frequency intensity is diminished. The Sony model actually seems to dial back some of the deepest low frequencies even more, while both let through some of the higher frequencies associated with the rumble. So while the Sony model does produce some hiss, it's slightly more effective against loud low-frequency rumble.
Tested against the same recording of a loud restaurant, the Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 do a solid job of dialing back the overall volume, as do the Sony WH-1000XM4. It's close, but we give the edge here to the Sony model, which seem to lower the overall volume level just a bit more.
With loud rock music playing through nearby speakers, the Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 and the Sony WH-1000XM4 both offer dramatic reductions in volume. The Bose headphones seem to let fewer of the highest frequencies through, but are slightly less effective with the mids and lows. The Sony headphones cut out a larger swath of low and mid-range frequencies, but leave more of the highs to be heard, creating an odd filtered effect. This, in particular, is quite a stress test—that either pair effectively reduces such a loud signal with both booming lows and bright highs is impressive. It seems unlikely that you'll ever be using ANC headphones in a real-world scenario like this, but it gives us an idea of what the circuitry for each model can do when pushed to the limit.
When we lower the music to a level you might experience in a restaurant or bar, and combine it with the crowd chatter, we have a more useful test. In this scenario, both headphones perform quite well, and it becomes a bit like splitting hairs. Generally speaking, we'd say that high-mid and high-frequency content seems to slip past the Sony WH-1000XM4's circuitry just a bit more than with the Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700, while both do a laudable job of eliminating the lows and low-mids.
So the Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 produce little or no hiss and are generally excellent for noisy environments, while the Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones are slightly more effective at tamping down deep low-frequency rumble, but also produce a bit of audible hiss. It's easy to give the edge to Bose here if you approach this category with purity in mind—the lack of hiss is impressive. But if you're trying to tamp down sounds like airplane and train rumble, you might actually prefer the Sony model.
Which Pair Sounds Better?
Bose is notoriously secretive about publishing specs, while Sony is relatively transparent. Thus, we can tell you that the WH-1000XM4 headphones employ 40mm drivers that deliver a frequency range of 4Hz to 40kHz, although that seems to refer to when the headphones are used in wired mode (and regardless, 4Hz and 40kHz are optimistic values for any frequency range). Both the Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 and the WH-1000XM4 are compatible with Bluetooth 5.0 and support AAC and SBC codecs, but not AptX.
The Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700's sound signature is a little brighter and more exaggerated in the lows than the Sony model. It's balanced, but perhaps overly bass-heavy and bright for audiophiles. And with no EQ to tweak the audio experience, what you hear is what you get.
The Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones deliver a bass-forward sound signature, with plenty of sculpting in the highs and high-mids. It's a balanced sound despite all of the sculpting—expect more kick drum thump in the lows and more crisp treble edge lending itself to vocals and higher-register instruments. And you can tweak the balance in the app's EQ.
When it comes to microphone performance, Bose's four-mic array offers slightly more clarity, for a cleaner sound overall, while the Sony mic picks up a little more low-end, so things sound less thin. Callers should be able to understand you easily through both models, provided you have a reliable cell signal.
Beyond Basics: Accessories, Apps, and Battery Life
Both models come with nicely designed, flat zip-up carrying cases with built-in loops for hanging. Both also ship with an audio cable for passive listening, and the Sony model includes an airline jack adapter.
The Bose app (for Android and iOS) offers excellent granular control of the ANC/Ambient modes, but lacks much beyond this. The app allows you to set up either Alexa or Google Assistant as your voice assistant, which you can access via a dedicated button on the headphones (Siri is also always accessible on iOS devices). Other than this, there are some minor tweaks you can make in the settings menu, but there is no changing the EQ for a different sound signature.
The Sony Headphones Connect app (for Android and iOS) includes audio extras like 360 Sound, an immersive audio effect that we find underwhelming. There's also an Adaptive Sound Control feature that tailors the audio performance based on your environment—basically, the overall sound signature and volume will adjust slightly based on the ambient volume levels around you. Purists will want to leave this and 360 Sound off, but they're harmless inclusions. The included five-band EQ is far more useful, and represents an area where Sony gives you a lot more control over the audio than Bose does. The app has a slider to blend ambient and ANC modes, but you can also turn both off, unlike with the Bose app. Beyond this, there are basic changes you can make to the headphone settings, including assigning various functions to the Custom button on the left earcup.
Sony estimates battery life to be roughly 30 hours (or 22 hours when using the headphones with ANC on in cabled mode), while Bose estimates battery life to be up to 20 hours. Ultimately, your results will vary drastically based on your volume levels and your use of ANC and other extra features.
The Absolute Best Noise-Cancelling Headphones (Spoiler: It's a Tie!)
The Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 retail for $379, but can often be found for closer to $300. The Sony WH-1000XM4 noise-cancelling headphones go for $349, but look to be on sale at most retailers for $278 as of this writing. Keep in mind prices fluctuate, especially during the holidays, so we'll put it this way: As long as you're willing to do some moderate hunting online, price shouldn't really be the determining factor when choosing between these two pairs.
Ultimately, the Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 eke out a victory in the noise cancellation department thanks to a lack of added hiss. As for audio performance, Sony's WH-1000XM4 headphones provide a better balance of lows, mids, and highs, and they also offer EQ. At the end of the day, both pairs earn the same rating from us because it comes down to whether you prefer slightly better noise cancellation or slightly better sound quality. The good news is that both are nearly as good as you can get in either category, so you're not making a major sacrifice by selecting one over the other.
If you're still undecided, or both of these pairs are out of your budget, check out our stories on the best noise-cancelling headphones and the best noise-cancelling true wireless earbuds for more top picks in a wide range of prices and designs.
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johnboothus · 5 years
Why Pinot Noir Fans Should Consider Valpolicellas Crushable Classicos
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Reaching into the cooler at my local wine shop on a hot summer day, the last thing I expected to pull out was a Valpolicella. Intrigued, I bought the bottle. Surprise: It was light and low alcohol, a refreshing revelation. But where were all the other Valpolicellas in my life?
It turns out there are plenty out there, but the lithe wines — which are also a great value, often selling for $15 or less — seem to be getting pushed aside by the burlier-styled Valpolicella Ripasso. This made me wonder whether the future of the region’s reds is on an unstoppable march toward the heavier Valpolicellas dubbed “Baby Amarone.”
The numbers, provided by the Consorzio per la Tutela dei Vini Valpolicella, aren’t glowing for the lighter styles I loved, labelled as “Valpolicella Classico” or simply “Valpolicella.” The volume of these wines bottled in 2019 is 19 percent lower than a decade ago. (Valpolicella Superiore, which has a higher potential alcohol and requires longer aging, is part of this category.) Ripasso, on the other hand, has grown 55 percent in bottle volume over a decade, comparing numbers from 2019 versus 2009.
But who can be mad at Ripasso’s success? As Jennifer Simonetti-Bryan MW says, it’s much easier to sell a “Baby Amarone,” which is a “nice sound bite and talking point.” This phrase “implies that it has more power than Valpolicella, which it does, and is less expensive than Amarone, which it is,” she says.
Simonetti-Bryan’s logic is echoed by Meg Posey Scott, manager and wine director at the Seattle restaurant How to Cook a Wolf, who asked her team about Ripasso. “They observe that people seem to gravitate to the Ripassos as they are the ‘just right’ option in a Goldilocks lineup between a young, inexpensive Valpolicella and an expensive and intense Amarone. At the $60 to $80 dollar restaurant price point, and easy to pronounce, it’s a sweet spot. Zenato did a great job on this front, essentially trademarking the name ‘Ripassa,’ i.e., ‘I’ll have the Ripassa.’ Done.”
Armando Castagnedi, co-owner and co-founder of Tenuta Sant’Antonio, has seen this phenomenon firsthand. “When people think about Valpolicella, they tend to think of a richer-style wine,” he says. If that sounds a bit reserved, Castagnedi continues, “The power of the word Ripasso may be stronger than Valpolicella.”
But fear not, fans of lighter-style Valpolicella. While Tenuta Sant’Antonio makes a “Baby Amarone,” the winery also produces Nanfrè. This Valpolicella sees no oak and is under 13 percent alcohol. “This lighter style is the traditional way that Valpolicella was made at the beginning,” Castagnedi says. “Over a period of 20 to 30 years producers gradually made the wine richer because the market demanded it.”
While production trends are not encouraging for “regular” Valpolicella, there is a heartening global kinship with the wines. “We have a new generation that has learned to drink lighter wines like Pinot Noir and Beaujolais,” Castagnedi says.
Interestingly, Rebecca Travaglini, a representative for Azienda Agricola Graziano Prà, mentioned Pinot Noir as well when discussing the perception of Valpolicella. “Because it’s grown at 500 meters in altitude, our Valpolicella often reminds people of Pinot Noir in blind tastings,” Travaglini says.
Secondo Marco owner and winemaker Marco Speri, a producer of a wide range of Valpolicellas, also has a soft spot for the lighter expressions. He is optimistic in the face of Ripasso’s reign for a broader future across the Valpolicella spectrum. “The trend will move toward the search for lightness and finesse, not volume,” he says. But Speri doesn’t see these wines as one-dimensional refreshers, noting that moderate bottle aging benefits these humble wines.
Education is a big part of turning this sentiment into reality. Dustin Chaubert, a sommelier at Chicago’s Spiaggia, steers fans of “super-rich Napa Valley reds” toward Amarone. Conversely, he’ll suggest customers looking for something Pinot Noir-esque branch out to a Valpolicella Superiore. “Oftentimes, people have this ‘a-ha’ moment when being introduced to some of the lighter styles of Valpolicella where they start to understand that there’s more out there than big, beefy Amarone,” he says.
Another facet that makes Valpolicella intriguing is the wine offers unexpected food pairings. While you can’t go wrong pairing it with pizza, Valpolicella is a wine with rule-breaking qualities. Seafood is a consensus must-try: Simonetti-Bryan likes it with prosciutto-wrapped scallops; Travaglini suggests a spicy fish stew; fritti misti is among Spiri’s recommendations. And, most surprising of all, Castagnedi recalls one sommelier’s bold choice: raw oysters.
Of course, one of the chief pleasures of Valpolicella is that it’s a no-food-required kind of red. Set aside the stemware, pour a generous splash into a short tumbler, and stick that open bottle back in the fridge, or put it on ice for a bit. While there’s always a time and a place for more brooding levels of Valpolicella, discovering a daily red that’s been hidden in plain sight is something worth celebrating — often and with gusto.
5 Valpolicellas to Try
Masi Bonacosta Valpolicella Classico A bottling from an iconic Veneto producer, the Bonacosta is a blend of Corvina, Rondinella, and Molinara and is Simonetti-Bryan’s pick. Musing on Valpolicella in general, she says, “I think it is underrated and gets overlooked because basic Chianti is a bigger ‘brand’ for Italian wine here and less intimidating to say than Valpolicella.” Average price: $15
Tenuta Sant’Antonio Nanfrè Valpolicella This 70 percent Corvina, 30 percent Rondinella is stainless-steel-fermented and aged. “We always speak about Nanfrè as a Pinot Noir style because of the lighter style, the color, and the spicy notes,” says Castagnedi. “It puts this wine in context.” Average price: $14
Secondo Marco Valpolicella Classico Corvina (70 percent), Corvinone (15 percent), and Rondinella (10 percent), plus a small amount of native grapes, are blended to create the Secondo Marco Valpolicella Classico. Aged six months in concrete, six in barrel, it’s a richer, yet still fresh, Valpolicella. Speri’s comments about short-term aging make it tempting to stash some bottles away. Average price: $21
Prà Morandina Valpolicella Start exploring Valpolicella’s lighter side with Prà’s Morandina. I was surprised to discover the grapes for this wine (organically grown Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella, and Oseleta) are lightly dried before pressing. But make no mistake: This translucent wine is a chillable delight. Average price: $25
Speri Valpolicella Classico Travaglini mentioned Speri as a producer to know. A seventh-generation family winery whose vineyards were certified organic in 2015, Speri’s Valpolicella is a blend of 60 percent Corvina, 30 percent Rondinella, and 10 percent Molinara. Marco Speri worked at his family’s winery for 25 years before starting Secondo Marco. Average price: $13
The article Why Pinot Noir Fans Should Consider Valpolicella’s Crushable Classicos appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/pinot-noir-fans-valpolicella-crushable-classico/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/why-pinot-noir-fans-should-consider-valpolicellas-crushable-classicos
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wineanddinosaur · 5 years
Why Pinot Noir Fans Should Consider Valpolicella’s Crushable Classicos
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Reaching into the cooler at my local wine shop on a hot summer day, the last thing I expected to pull out was a Valpolicella. Intrigued, I bought the bottle. Surprise: It was light and low alcohol, a refreshing revelation. But where were all the other Valpolicellas in my life?
It turns out there are plenty out there, but the lithe wines — which are also a great value, often selling for $15 or less — seem to be getting pushed aside by the burlier-styled Valpolicella Ripasso. This made me wonder whether the future of the region’s reds is on an unstoppable march toward the heavier Valpolicellas dubbed “Baby Amarone.”
The numbers, provided by the Consorzio per la Tutela dei Vini Valpolicella, aren’t glowing for the lighter styles I loved, labelled as “Valpolicella Classico” or simply “Valpolicella.” The volume of these wines bottled in 2019 is 19 percent lower than a decade ago. (Valpolicella Superiore, which has a higher potential alcohol and requires longer aging, is part of this category.) Ripasso, on the other hand, has grown 55 percent in bottle volume over a decade, comparing numbers from 2019 versus 2009.
But who can be mad at Ripasso’s success? As Jennifer Simonetti-Bryan MW says, it’s much easier to sell a “Baby Amarone,” which is a “nice sound bite and talking point.” This phrase “implies that it has more power than Valpolicella, which it does, and is less expensive than Amarone, which it is,” she says.
Simonetti-Bryan’s logic is echoed by Meg Posey Scott, manager and wine director at the Seattle restaurant How to Cook a Wolf, who asked her team about Ripasso. “They observe that people seem to gravitate to the Ripassos as they are the ‘just right’ option in a Goldilocks lineup between a young, inexpensive Valpolicella and an expensive and intense Amarone. At the $60 to $80 dollar restaurant price point, and easy to pronounce, it’s a sweet spot. Zenato did a great job on this front, essentially trademarking the name ‘Ripassa,’ i.e., ‘I’ll have the Ripassa.’ Done.”
Armando Castagnedi, co-owner and co-founder of Tenuta Sant’Antonio, has seen this phenomenon firsthand. “When people think about Valpolicella, they tend to think of a richer-style wine,” he says. If that sounds a bit reserved, Castagnedi continues, “The power of the word Ripasso may be stronger than Valpolicella.”
But fear not, fans of lighter-style Valpolicella. While Tenuta Sant’Antonio makes a “Baby Amarone,” the winery also produces Nanfrè. This Valpolicella sees no oak and is under 13 percent alcohol. “This lighter style is the traditional way that Valpolicella was made at the beginning,” Castagnedi says. “Over a period of 20 to 30 years producers gradually made the wine richer because the market demanded it.”
While production trends are not encouraging for “regular” Valpolicella, there is a heartening global kinship with the wines. “We have a new generation that has learned to drink lighter wines like Pinot Noir and Beaujolais,” Castagnedi says.
Interestingly, Rebecca Travaglini, a representative for Azienda Agricola Graziano Prà, mentioned Pinot Noir as well when discussing the perception of Valpolicella. “Because it’s grown at 500 meters in altitude, our Valpolicella often reminds people of Pinot Noir in blind tastings,” Travaglini says.
Secondo Marco owner and winemaker Marco Speri, a producer of a wide range of Valpolicellas, also has a soft spot for the lighter expressions. He is optimistic in the face of Ripasso’s reign for a broader future across the Valpolicella spectrum. “The trend will move toward the search for lightness and finesse, not volume,” he says. But Speri doesn’t see these wines as one-dimensional refreshers, noting that moderate bottle aging benefits these humble wines.
Education is a big part of turning this sentiment into reality. Dustin Chaubert, a sommelier at Chicago’s Spiaggia, steers fans of “super-rich Napa Valley reds” toward Amarone. Conversely, he’ll suggest customers looking for something Pinot Noir-esque branch out to a Valpolicella Superiore. “Oftentimes, people have this ‘a-ha’ moment when being introduced to some of the lighter styles of Valpolicella where they start to understand that there’s more out there than big, beefy Amarone,” he says.
Another facet that makes Valpolicella intriguing is the wine offers unexpected food pairings. While you can’t go wrong pairing it with pizza, Valpolicella is a wine with rule-breaking qualities. Seafood is a consensus must-try: Simonetti-Bryan likes it with prosciutto-wrapped scallops; Travaglini suggests a spicy fish stew; fritti misti is among Spiri’s recommendations. And, most surprising of all, Castagnedi recalls one sommelier’s bold choice: raw oysters.
Of course, one of the chief pleasures of Valpolicella is that it’s a no-food-required kind of red. Set aside the stemware, pour a generous splash into a short tumbler, and stick that open bottle back in the fridge, or put it on ice for a bit. While there’s always a time and a place for more brooding levels of Valpolicella, discovering a daily red that’s been hidden in plain sight is something worth celebrating — often and with gusto.
5 Valpolicellas to Try
Masi Bonacosta Valpolicella Classico A bottling from an iconic Veneto producer, the Bonacosta is a blend of Corvina, Rondinella, and Molinara and is Simonetti-Bryan’s pick. Musing on Valpolicella in general, she says, “I think it is underrated and gets overlooked because basic Chianti is a bigger ‘brand’ for Italian wine here and less intimidating to say than Valpolicella.” Average price: $15
Tenuta Sant’Antonio Nanfrè Valpolicella This 70 percent Corvina, 30 percent Rondinella is stainless-steel-fermented and aged. “We always speak about Nanfrè as a Pinot Noir style because of the lighter style, the color, and the spicy notes,” says Castagnedi. “It puts this wine in context.” Average price: $14
Secondo Marco Valpolicella Classico Corvina (70 percent), Corvinone (15 percent), and Rondinella (10 percent), plus a small amount of native grapes, are blended to create the Secondo Marco Valpolicella Classico. Aged six months in concrete, six in barrel, it’s a richer, yet still fresh, Valpolicella. Speri’s comments about short-term aging make it tempting to stash some bottles away. Average price: $21
Prà Morandina Valpolicella Start exploring Valpolicella’s lighter side with Prà’s Morandina. I was surprised to discover the grapes for this wine (organically grown Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella, and Oseleta) are lightly dried before pressing. But make no mistake: This translucent wine is a chillable delight. Average price: $25
Speri Valpolicella Classico Travaglini mentioned Speri as a producer to know. A seventh-generation family winery whose vineyards were certified organic in 2015, Speri’s Valpolicella is a blend of 60 percent Corvina, 30 percent Rondinella, and 10 percent Molinara. Marco Speri worked at his family’s winery for 25 years before starting Secondo Marco. Average price: $13
The article Why Pinot Noir Fans Should Consider Valpolicella’s Crushable Classicos appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/pinot-noir-fans-valpolicella-crushable-classico/
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isaiahrippinus · 5 years
Why Pinot Noir Fans Should Consider Valpolicella’s Crushable Classicos
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Reaching into the cooler at my local wine shop on a hot summer day, the last thing I expected to pull out was a Valpolicella. Intrigued, I bought the bottle. Surprise: It was light and low alcohol, a refreshing revelation. But where were all the other Valpolicellas in my life?
It turns out there are plenty out there, but the lithe wines — which are also a great value, often selling for $15 or less — seem to be getting pushed aside by the burlier-styled Valpolicella Ripasso. This made me wonder whether the future of the region’s reds is on an unstoppable march toward the heavier Valpolicellas dubbed “Baby Amarone.”
The numbers, provided by the Consorzio per la Tutela dei Vini Valpolicella, aren’t glowing for the lighter styles I loved, labelled as “Valpolicella Classico” or simply “Valpolicella.” The volume of these wines bottled in 2019 is 19 percent lower than a decade ago. (Valpolicella Superiore, which has a higher potential alcohol and requires longer aging, is part of this category.) Ripasso, on the other hand, has grown 55 percent in bottle volume over a decade, comparing numbers from 2019 versus 2009.
But who can be mad at Ripasso’s success? As Jennifer Simonetti-Bryan MW says, it’s much easier to sell a “Baby Amarone,” which is a “nice sound bite and talking point.” This phrase “implies that it has more power than Valpolicella, which it does, and is less expensive than Amarone, which it is,” she says.
Simonetti-Bryan’s logic is echoed by Meg Posey Scott, manager and wine director at the Seattle restaurant How to Cook a Wolf, who asked her team about Ripasso. “They observe that people seem to gravitate to the Ripassos as they are the ‘just right’ option in a Goldilocks lineup between a young, inexpensive Valpolicella and an expensive and intense Amarone. At the $60 to $80 dollar restaurant price point, and easy to pronounce, it’s a sweet spot. Zenato did a great job on this front, essentially trademarking the name ‘Ripassa,’ i.e., ‘I’ll have the Ripassa.’ Done.”
Armando Castagnedi, co-owner and co-founder of Tenuta Sant’Antonio, has seen this phenomenon firsthand. “When people think about Valpolicella, they tend to think of a richer-style wine,” he says. If that sounds a bit reserved, Castagnedi continues, “The power of the word Ripasso may be stronger than Valpolicella.”
But fear not, fans of lighter-style Valpolicella. While Tenuta Sant’Antonio makes a “Baby Amarone,” the winery also produces Nanfrè. This Valpolicella sees no oak and is under 13 percent alcohol. “This lighter style is the traditional way that Valpolicella was made at the beginning,” Castagnedi says. “Over a period of 20 to 30 years producers gradually made the wine richer because the market demanded it.”
While production trends are not encouraging for “regular” Valpolicella, there is a heartening global kinship with the wines. “We have a new generation that has learned to drink lighter wines like Pinot Noir and Beaujolais,” Castagnedi says.
Interestingly, Rebecca Travaglini, a representative for Azienda Agricola Graziano Prà, mentioned Pinot Noir as well when discussing the perception of Valpolicella. “Because it’s grown at 500 meters in altitude, our Valpolicella often reminds people of Pinot Noir in blind tastings,” Travaglini says.
Secondo Marco owner and winemaker Marco Speri, a producer of a wide range of Valpolicellas, also has a soft spot for the lighter expressions. He is optimistic in the face of Ripasso’s reign for a broader future across the Valpolicella spectrum. “The trend will move toward the search for lightness and finesse, not volume,” he says. But Speri doesn’t see these wines as one-dimensional refreshers, noting that moderate bottle aging benefits these humble wines.
Education is a big part of turning this sentiment into reality. Dustin Chaubert, a sommelier at Chicago’s Spiaggia, steers fans of “super-rich Napa Valley reds” toward Amarone. Conversely, he’ll suggest customers looking for something Pinot Noir-esque branch out to a Valpolicella Superiore. “Oftentimes, people have this ‘a-ha’ moment when being introduced to some of the lighter styles of Valpolicella where they start to understand that there’s more out there than big, beefy Amarone,” he says.
Another facet that makes Valpolicella intriguing is the wine offers unexpected food pairings. While you can’t go wrong pairing it with pizza, Valpolicella is a wine with rule-breaking qualities. Seafood is a consensus must-try: Simonetti-Bryan likes it with prosciutto-wrapped scallops; Travaglini suggests a spicy fish stew; fritti misti is among Spiri’s recommendations. And, most surprising of all, Castagnedi recalls one sommelier’s bold choice: raw oysters.
Of course, one of the chief pleasures of Valpolicella is that it’s a no-food-required kind of red. Set aside the stemware, pour a generous splash into a short tumbler, and stick that open bottle back in the fridge, or put it on ice for a bit. While there’s always a time and a place for more brooding levels of Valpolicella, discovering a daily red that’s been hidden in plain sight is something worth celebrating — often and with gusto.
5 Valpolicellas to Try
Masi Bonacosta Valpolicella Classico A bottling from an iconic Veneto producer, the Bonacosta is a blend of Corvina, Rondinella, and Molinara and is Simonetti-Bryan’s pick. Musing on Valpolicella in general, she says, “I think it is underrated and gets overlooked because basic Chianti is a bigger ‘brand’ for Italian wine here and less intimidating to say than Valpolicella.” Average price: $15
Tenuta Sant’Antonio Nanfrè Valpolicella This 70 percent Corvina, 30 percent Rondinella is stainless-steel-fermented and aged. “We always speak about Nanfrè as a Pinot Noir style because of the lighter style, the color, and the spicy notes,” says Castagnedi. “It puts this wine in context.” Average price: $14
Secondo Marco Valpolicella Classico Corvina (70 percent), Corvinone (15 percent), and Rondinella (10 percent), plus a small amount of native grapes, are blended to create the Secondo Marco Valpolicella Classico. Aged six months in concrete, six in barrel, it’s a richer, yet still fresh, Valpolicella. Speri’s comments about short-term aging make it tempting to stash some bottles away. Average price: $21
Prà Morandina Valpolicella Start exploring Valpolicella’s lighter side with Prà’s Morandina. I was surprised to discover the grapes for this wine (organically grown Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella, and Oseleta) are lightly dried before pressing. But make no mistake: This translucent wine is a chillable delight. Average price: $25
Speri Valpolicella Classico Travaglini mentioned Speri as a producer to know. A seventh-generation family winery whose vineyards were certified organic in 2015, Speri’s Valpolicella is a blend of 60 percent Corvina, 30 percent Rondinella, and 10 percent Molinara. Marco Speri worked at his family’s winery for 25 years before starting Secondo Marco. Average price: $13
The article Why Pinot Noir Fans Should Consider Valpolicella’s Crushable Classicos appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/pinot-noir-fans-valpolicella-crushable-classico/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/611683070594138112
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New Post has been published on Jeremiah Andrews Photography
New Post has been published on http://jap.goodgallery.com/blog/china-travels-march-2017-part-i-shanghai/
China Travels March 2017 (Part I - Shanghai)
China: March 2017 (Part I – Shanghai)
Many English signs and product descriptions are misspelled in China; a fun game if you pay attention
I went into the first leg of this journey having a few preconceived notions about China.  Here’s what I expected:
every place to be sardine-can crowded,
most foods to be completely obscure and (possibly) distasteful to my pallet,
people to show little-to-no emotion, and
horrendous air pollution.
I was only marginally accurate in my expectations … but, there is so much more to China than I ever considered!
Native speaking travel friends is a huge bonus when traveling in China
I have to begin by saying that our journey through the Middle Kingdom was made exponentially easier by traveling with good friends fluent in Mandarin. Yes, some businesses and taxi drivers do speak limited English, but it is very, very limited. Jeremiah prepared for the trip for about eight months working part-way through Rosetta Stone’s Mandarin program. He also created and printed a list of common phrases, pictures of important things (e.g. noodles, train, toilet, beer) in simplified Chinese characters, and pictures of hotel and train station addresses along our route … I, conversely, flew completely blind and culturally unprepared.
Shanghai is vivid, busy, and full of things to look at everywhere
Here is what I learned, in a nut-shell: Chinese are a lovely, proud people. Proud of their culture, skylines, cutting edge technological advancements, photographs, and language. The more I witness and learn, I think they have every right to be proud! There are things in China that make my brain spin (mostly in awe rather than disbelief).
One of at least a dozen nuclear power plants I saw from the train line to Xi’an
Don’t get me wrong … I am painfully aware of the obvious ecological issues plaguing this vast nation. One day in Shanghai (and worse yet, Xi’an) and my throat and eyes were begging for mercy from the chokingly polluted air. Similarly, my heart sank as we flew over heavily traveled sea cargo lanes, drove through land masses formed from compacted trash, and discarded dizzying volumes of plastic packaging during our stay. This nation is far from perfect, but their accomplishments are wondrous. I believe that more of the world’s future is influenced by China than we may want to admit (for better and worse).
Jeremiah does a marvelous job planning our flights and transportation for all of
Ctrip is a Chinese website offering great deals on airfare
our trips. Through trial, error, and word-of-mouth, he has gleaned a handful of little-known travel planning websites that are huge assets if you like to travel and save money. Preparing for this trip he used an online Chinese travel website called C-Trip to book really great deals on airfare.
Agoda is a great online discount lodging tool for international travelers
His favorite go-to lodging website is, hands-down, Agoda. Travelers of all budget ranges (hippy backpackers to high-rollers) can find deep travel discounts to fit their style on both sites. We save hundreds of dollars each year just by using these two websites!
Our Hainan Airlines direct flight from Seattle, Washington to Shainghai, China was comfortable and spacious
From the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport we enjoyed a sparsely populated direct flight on Hainan Airlines to Shanghai’s Pudong International Airport. I wish all international flights were this enjoyable (and roomy)! We arrived mid-afternoon on a breezy Tuesday feeling moderately well-rested. Greeted by friends at the airport, we were promptly whisked to the taxi queue and began the 50-60 minute journey into the heart of Shanghai.
Looking down from the 78th floor is mesmerizing and dizzying
As Jeremiah is a huge fan of exceptional views, we allowed ourselves to splurged on a room at the Grand Hyatt Shanghai for this first stop. The hotel itself is gorgeous; rich woods, countless mirrored surfaces, intriguing traditional Chinese design influences, and Hyatt’s impeccable presentation.  Our room was located on the 78th floor of this staggeringly tall building.
Even though these buildings vary greatly in height, they all tower above the city streets below
One entire window wall of our hotel room faced the Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai World Financial Center (affectionately nicknamed the ‘Bottle Opener’ by locals), and Shanghai Tower with the Huangpu River winding just beyond. I could have never left that room and still felt as if I had experienced something amazing in Shanghai … but we were just getting started!
This adventurous couple shares a kiss under the captivating Shanghai skyline they love.
Our travel companions have both called Shanghai home at different times in their lives, so they were excited to introduce us to their local friends and enjoy the city’s glamorous nightlife. There was no time for jet lag today!  Quickly, we settled into our room and freshened up. Within two hours of our arrival we were, again, out the door.
Hakkasan Shanghai is a beautiful stop for dinner or a quick drink before a night on the town.
We met up with an intimate group of vibrant, well-educated friends for dinner and drinks at Hakkasan. I highly recommend at least stopping here for one of master-bartender, Alan’s, scrumptious libations! I fell in love with a rosemary-infused gift to my taste buds called “Jade”.  The restaurant is comfortable yet elegant.  The dining room offers intimate seating areas decorated in rich jewel tones, supple fabrics and skirted by a stunning view of the Shanghai skyline.
Club Myst in Shanghai really knows how to rock a Tuesday night
Moving on from the restaurant, our growing group cozied up in a couple of taxis in search of someplace to get our boogie on; we found it at Myst. From the street we could barely hear the faint rhythm pulsing from inside.  We climbed the wide, black staircase to the club’s entrance. Almost as if my hesitation was expected, the neon red-lettered sign on the wall of the upper floor’s landing teased, “ARE YOU READY?” I’ll admit it now … my jet-lagged brain was NOT ready for the sensory overload that followed.
Colored lights, confetti and music on an unassuming Tuesday evening at Myst in Shanghai
The doors swung open into a gymnasium-sized room literally vibrating from the music inside. Blue and white lights pulsed over the teeming mass of dancing bodies on each of the club’s three levels. The entire wall behind the DJ booth was a digital kaleidoscope of light and color, ever changing with the beat of the music. What a party!
As if to punctuate the festivities, confetti rained down on us at regular intervals. We took turns throwing handfuls into the air and dancing it into paste underfoot.
We finally slunk back to our hotel around 6:00am as the sun began to rise over the waking city.
Morning or night, chongqing noodles are an exciting treat in China
We awoke only a few hours later to the call for a brunch of spicy Chongqing noodles we were told would “change our lives”. These noodles originate from the Chongqing area in southwest China and are called ‘xiao mian’ in Chinese.  Xiao mian refers to a group of plain noodles seasoned with vinegar, sugar, red oil, ginger and scallion. Sometimes the noodles and broth may be topped with meat.  Noodles in northen China emphasize the soup base and the quality of noodles, while Chongqing noodles are focused on seasonings.
We taxied under the Huangpu River to West Nanjing Road much the same as we had the evening before. As we drove through this sprawling city I couldn’t help but think that all of the storefronts seemed identical. Perhaps not identical … but a succession of the same stores repeated in random order. At one such row of non-descript storefronts we exited the cab, entered an unlabeled, white facade building, and ordered several bowls of spicy beef noodles with peanuts and greens.
After this meal of spicy Chongqing noodles our group left full and happy
Upon arrival, there was nothing noteworthy about the appearance of this restaurant.  Workers sat at tables in the back corner mashing peanuts and preparing other foods; customers sat cafeteria-style at long wooden tables and hard, wooden benches; a handful of faded, framed pictures of various soup dishes lined the walls at eye-level, and we even brought our own tissues/napkins and drinks (purchased from the convenience store across the alley). The noodles, however, did make the world right again!
Chongqing noodles have a wonderful flavor and zesty broth
Our oversized bowls were served brimming with crushed peanuts, chopped greens, strips of beef, broth, and noodles hiding below the surface. The slightly oily broth was fiery red throughout, dotted with orange and red chili flecks. We anxiously cooled our dishes and then happily wept as the spice filled our senses (and sinuses). I am so glad I packed extra tissue packets! Even though we were achingly full at the end, friends still eagerly picked over the empty bowls for any morsels left behind.
Late morning gloom turned into rainy afternoon skies and chilling wind. We gathered with friends again as dusk fell and headed out to glimpse the lights of the city. We started the evening with a sunset view from the second highest observatory in the world, the 119th floor of the Shanghai Tower.
Standing on the street below these enormous Shanghai skyscrapers gives a small idea of their enormity
Fun Fact: the Shanghai Tower stands, currently, mostly empty. Yes, this 137 floor behemoth of a skyscraper (5 basement levels, 127 floors above ground and 5 podium floors) uses electricity (daily) on every floor, and only operates businesses on a few of the basement levels. Weird, right?!
The architecture of the Shanghai Tower is beautiful and intricate (even down to the details at the basement escalator)
Anyhow, we wound our way from the entry ticket counter (the price for taking the elevator to the sightseeing deck is CNY 160 per adult, CNY 90 for children between 3.3 and 4.6 feet, and this service is available from 9:00am to 9:00pm) down several levels of spacious escalators to the stark white, and very dotted escalator queue.
Friends having fun in front of the amazing view from the observatory floor of the Shanghai Tower
Entering the elevator meant passing (for an ever-so-short moment) over a howling gap filled with biting air. The ride was lightning-fast (55 seconds to travel up 119 floors) and so smooth. As we reached our stop, the car swayed and stalled in its tracks and sent all our stomachs to our feet. Jeremiah glanced down the chasm while exiting and stopped in his tracks. He held onto the door, swayed, and giggled nervously. I hate heights, so I nudged him impatiently forward without looking into the abyss between.
West-facing dusk view from the Shanghai Tower of the bustling city below
The mouth of the elevator emptied into a beautiful yet simple doughnut-shaped space ringing together an observatory deck, gift shop, gut-clenching simulated shattering glass floor (complete with sound), seated cafe area, and local-area history placards. On the north side, the evening’s storm whipped rain against the glass and only offered limited visibility. The southeast lit up bright along the winding industrial riverside. Finally, the sun went down in the west beyond the Bund area in a haze of smog and rain. Every visitor walked laps around the observatory taking in the enormity of the structure as an accomplishment … and the view didn’t hurt!
Shanghai Financial Building and River view from the observatory deck of the Shanghai Tower
I imagine that vantage probably allowed you to see for 50 miles on a high-visibility day. The Shanghai World Financial Center appeared dwarfed by the new Shanghai Tower and I couldn’t help but be amazed at how quickly the Chinese culture strives for the next great thing, even to the end of one-upping itself. I heard there is another tower being built in China now which will be taller than the Shanghai Tower … wow!
Admittedly, the sunset in Shanghai wasn’t nearly as beautiful as the colored lights that began to dazzle us from the land below.
Playful couples in spectacular cities make taking amazing photos fun!
The landscape of Shanghai at night is stunning. Bright, dazzling lights adorning buildings, new and old, in a wash of vivid color. What an amazing time to take lifestyle photographs of some great people! On the city streets of Shanghai, at the feet of these glass and steel sentinels we were (moments before) standing atop, the love for Shanghai our friends share came alive in electric images.
Young vibrant, couple under Shanghai neon night sky
We played with depth and perspective to capture the scale of the surroundings and had a blast creating a long exposure image of the couple hugging amidst the busyness of Nanjing Road (know as one of the most traveled shopping streets in the world). Across the Huangpu River on the Bund, Jeremiah was able to capture the couple’s favorite view, the whole Shanghai skyline, with them front and center.
Location photography sessions in an area of significance to a couple are always special! The subjects’ familiarity and pride in their surroundings comes across in the images we create … the results are magical.
Late night bites at a no-name shop don’t get much better than this … frog, fish, and spicy green beans, oh my!
We rounded out the evening with a late-night supper of grilled frog, pickled and spiced green beans, and a whole baked fish at an unassuming roadside cafe and liquor mart.  I had never tried frog before and was pleasantly surprised.  The mild white-meat flavor of frog is worthwhile, but I did find that the little bones throughout proved difficult when trying to negotiate with chopsticks … I managed fine once I got the hang of things, though.
As the city slowly grew quiet and the glistening lights of storefronts fell dark in the late night hours, we walked contentedly back to our hotel for much needed rest.  Tomorrow we would board a fast train for Xi’an and the ancient Terracotta Warrior Army excavation and exhibit site.  Although exhausted, we each buzzed with excitement for the adventure to come.
Until next time … Safe travels,
Shaunna & Jeremiah
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weekorchid21-blog · 4 years
This 10 Best Low-Carb Greens to Eat on the Keto Diet
Few diets have got gained as much level of popularity within recent years as the ketogenic diet. The famous eating tactic, nicknamed the keto eating habits, involves considerably reducing your carbohydrate absorption to put you to a state of ketosis, or the point where your human body alterations from using carbohydrates to unwanted fat as a good primary fuel resource. This kind of shift can happen soon after just a few nights of eating dieting honestly, that is very low in carb supply (think: between 20 plus 50 grams of carbohydrates every day, depending on the particular individual), according to an evaluation published in February 2014 in the International Newspaper connected with Environmental Research in addition to Public Wellness. That’s mainly because your nervous system relies generally on sugar, which is definitely derived from carbs, to work, and it must get an varied vitality origin ASAP. Although in advance of a person try the keto diet program, you should know what you’re signing up regarding: “[Keto is] a very high-fat eating habits, which contains moderate protein, and very, very minor sugars, ” says Georgie Dread, RD, author regarding Good Habits for Long term Fat reduction who also is centered in Alberta, Canada. To be able to reach ketosis, you need to limit your daily carb take in to 20 to 50 grams (g) per day, which is a lot lower than the recent recommended everyday allowance, or RDA, involving 130 gary of cabohydrate supply per working day to meet the average lowest amount of sugar employed by the brain, per typically the State Academies of Savoir, Anatomist, and Medicine. And even regrettably, this low-carb allotment can make it tricky to find enough veggies in your own personal diet, as some veggies brag a high carb count. It’s no amazement that as a effect, individuals on keto seem to absorb less fiber as compared to usual, that can exacerbate signs or symptoms such as constipation the fact that take place as part of the apparent keto influenza. This period usually continues about two weeks, nevertheless belly trouble can remain a problem long after that in the event your soluble fiber intake remains low. Boosting your intake associated with that gut-friendly benefit is definitely just one of typically the reasons it’s thus critical to prioritize incorporating build to your plate when you are performing keto. Furthermore, specific veggies will provide the nutritional vitamins and minerals your entire body must survive — with no trashing you out regarding ketosis. RELATED: What Can be the Best and Worst case scenario Fats to Eat in the Ketogenic Diet? Speaking of following a nutritious diet, you’ll want in order to seek advice from a new registered dietitian plus your healthcare team prior to travelling on a limited diet like keto. A single of the reasons keto is attractive is the prospective for quick, temporary weight loss, says Leah Kaufman, CDE, RD, manager regarding Leah Kaufman Healthy eating plan inside New York Area. You will find no shortage of anecdotal proof by way regarding before-and-after photographs online, nevertheless it’s correct there can be some early analysis to be able to support the idea that will keto may help you whittle your waist. For example , a new meta-analysis published throughout January 2015 in the diary Morbid obesity Reviews suggested a person simple reason the keto diet plan leads to weight reduction is the fact that ketosis may suppress desire for food, even when prepared restricting energy. Yet more research is wanted to affirm those findings, the particular freelance writers noted. Still, Kaufman warns, “I would be careful when trying to use the particular keto diet as a good environmentally friendly approach. ” Many documented dietitians (RDs) will definitely say keto is a new three-month diet regime max, nonetheless the aforementioned March 2014 review suggested those that have being overweight may be capable to check out keto carefully for 1 calendar year, so long while they’re under the supervision of some sort of physician. Just simply manage The skinny on the keto craze: Does the keto diet do the job and it is it healthy? . With its restrictive macronutrient requirements, it is very certainly not an easy prepare to follow. “If you eat out often, journey, as well as mingle with your buddies at restaurants upon a regular foundation, the idea can be borderline-impossible to help stay in the keto diet, ” Concern says. Soon after all, it’s easy for you to go over the normal carbohydrate amount permitted with the keto diet — despite being high at potassium, a large clown can pack a good monstrous 30 g of entire carbs, notes the Circumstance. S. Department of Agronomie (USDA). (Total carbs are different from net carbs; roughly talking in, net carbs are the particular volume of carbs left over when you take away often the amount of fiber plus sugar alcohols in the provided food, per Atkins diet. com. Continuing popularity of keto diet regime energy sources product development rely these carbs. ) ASSOCIATED: A Detailed Guide to the Potential Health Benefits and Risks in the Keto Diet In supplement, amongst other groups, like pregnant or nursing females, the particular keto diet usually isnt recommended for persons with kidney or perhaps failing liver problems, type 1 diabetes, heart disease, gout, anyone whose gallbladder has recently been removed, or individuals together with a family historical past associated with cancer, Fear tells. Base line: If you’re believing about using the keto eating habits, consult your own personal healthcare crew first. “ Just what Foods Can You Try to eat on the Keto Diet? Often the List with Instance two of Us’ Podcast May well Surprise You have to go through a medical assessment to make confident that they are a candidate for something like [keto], and then this should be medically administered, ” Kaufman says.
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westsidevoice-blog · 6 years
Maintaining Vocal Sanity During the Holidays
Well, it’s that time of year… holiday party time!  December offers, arguably, the greatest social opportunities of the year: office parties, gatherings with friends, family obligations – the list goes on and on. During this time, we are more susceptible to simply overdoing it when it comes to our physical and mental state. Our sleeping patterns are skewed, we eat all the wrong things, and we talk louder and for a longer period of time compared to the rest of the year.
How does this affect our voices?  Well, first off, let’s consider the math.  An increase in social engagements leads to an increase in talking which leads to an increase in overall vocal fold vibrations on those days.  So… your little thumb nail sized muscles are working overtime. On top of the overtime, when you have to speak loudly (because of loud background chatter or music), they have to work extra hard when they come together.  On top of all this, our brain gets involved too.  See, when you are in a noisy environment, your brain picks up on the volume of sound around you.  When you open your mouth to speak, your involuntarily produce a volume of speech that is loud enough to be heard.  This is called the Lombard effect and it’s caused by reflexive auditory feedback. In other words, you aren’t loud because you’re trying to be obnoxious; you’re loud because your brain is telling you to be!  
In this blog, I’d like to observe five holiday voice challenges as well as offer solutions to them so that you can be the vocally healthiest and happiest you.
 Holiday Voice Challenges:
1.       Talking over loud music or loud people
As discussed, we can blame our brains for the reflexive vocal loudness we use in social settings.  To combat this, go directly to the intended listener, place your hands around your mouth to funnel the sound and speak directly into the listener’s ear. This way you can speak at a normal sound level.  Additionally, if you are at a noisy restaurant, sit next to the person you expect to chat with the most.  This prevents you from yelling across the table.  You can also use hand gestures and facial expressions to communicate.  This spares your voice completely!
2.       Drinking too much eggnog (or your alcoholic beverage of choice)
               We all know that alcohol isn’t good for us.  It causes dehydration and can trigger acid reflux, among many other things.  When the vocal folds are dehydrated, they encounter friction.  It’s sort of like diving down a slip-n-slide without water.  Ouch!  In this state, they are very susceptible to injury. So, if you add lots of talking on top of vocal fold friction, it’s not a good situation.  Acid reflux has been discussed in a previous post, but just in case you missed it… Reflux is caused by weak esophageal sphincters. Essentially, acid leaks back up through the esophagus and can even creep into the laryngeal cavity (where your vocal folds are located).  If acid gets to your vocal folds, you may sound hoarse and you might encounter heartburn as well.  So, moderate the drinking and try to pair each alcoholic drink with a glass of water.    
 3.       Eating fatty foods that increase the risk for acid reflux
             Eating fatty, greasy, acidic foods might stimulate acid reflux. Try to cut down on these foods (as tempting as they are) and stop eating at least a couple of hours before going to bed to allow for proper digestion.
 4.       Not getting enough sleep
            When we sleep, it’s the body’s chance to heal.  That’s why people say, “Get some rest and you’ll feel better in the morning.”  If we don’t receive an adequate amount of rest (7-8 hours a night), our bodies will not be able to mend whatever damage was done during the day.  Now, we don’t think of our vocal folds as being “damaged” at the end of the day, but they may get a little swollen with excessive talking and do indeed need that sleep time to recover.  Keep in mind, you won’t be able to feel if your vocal folds are swollen, but you may notice a slight change in your voice.  If they don’t fully recover due to lack of sleep, you’re starting the next day with swollen vocal folds and will be at increased risk for injury.
5.       Stress (gift buying, finances, family, etc.)
            Stress affects people in many ways.  Some people get stomachaches, some lose sleep, some people carry stress in their shoulders, etc.  Whenever we endure excess tension in our bodies, it affects the way the rest of our muscles function.  The vocal mechanism is riddled with many muscles that are susceptible to tension. If your tongue is tense, it could affect your voice.  If your shoulders are tense, it could affect your voice.  If your back is tense or in pain, this could affect your voice.   Stress levels are typically elevated during the holidays, so if you need to engage in yoga, deep breathing, quiet time, stretching, or massage therapy to relieve that tension, do it.  You deserve it!
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Austin Water Damage Service
Including theListed below are helpful situations describing actual life scenarios and everything can be
de-humidifiers may perhaps well not be more effective as a result of arrangement and level of space. This is determined by a case by case foundation and would rely on whether unique structure processes like enclosed wall assemblies or exceptionally porous stuff are found.
Additional ingress of plain water is averted or distracted by obstructing or ditching techniques, or teams must await the waters to float independently.
With This Much to Learn about the process of plain water mitigation, for example flood
Water Damage Restoration Is Best left to Specialists
Each of workers and managers Have to Be Alert to the applicable OHSA principles and
An assessment is constructed of potential hazards before entering the crawl space. These include electrical and airborne dangers along with arranging for proper access and work lighting.
The professionals in Aer Sectors also understand the Drinking Water damage recovery
Drinking Water Damage Restoration Situations
Each Of standing water has been eliminated, along with almost any high quality substances , which trap drinking water.
And Regardless of the damage severity. They comprise the steps to be taken
Air movers have been brought in to commence drying surgeries. For a 1,000-square-foot store, two Soleaire horsepower models like the Max Storm wouldbe needed to surface dry the area fast.
Quickly multiplying. All these Drinking Water damage recovery measures were followed:
Ruptured and can be discharging potable fresh water. The tank has been put in a
Actions, and also proper products is necessary to take on these projects.
This is actually a classification 3, Class 4 position. Heavy rains have caused a nearby
Porous-floored building.
Of water into your warehouse. To compound things, the earth beyond the
This Class 1, 1 Class Inch situation is now a regular event in Ageing complexes which
Facility, opens at the afternoon to find their 40-gallon warm water tank gets
Situation One: Burst Hot-water Tank at a Light Business Complex
The little volume of area to be dried would take a little capacity de-humidifier to aid with the drying approach since it's imperative that the restaurant becomes straight back to business as rapidly as feasible. The ideal selection to get a remediation contractor, in this case, would be a BlueDri B D 76-P which 's effective at eliminating a hundred and fifty pints of moisture each day.
Equipment? One of our knowledgeable sales reps would be more than happy to
Workers should enroll in an IICRC WRT class and IICRC ASD class, and also be recognizable
The building will be more significantly ventilated by opening all passageways.
Authorities. Before beginning a flood or sewer harm restoration Undertaking, all
Drain system includes percolated back indoors, blending fecal matter in with the
Bio hazard containers. Normally, whole biohazard suits are worn, such as an
And sewage injury restoration, it's always suggested that h2o damage
Precautions to be taken.
The drinking water shutoff is located and the flow will be slowly eliminated. An attorney along with also the landlord will be contacted to remove and replace the tank.
Vulnerable to hazardous materials.
Cross venting begins with at least two portable air movers, such as the BlueDri One-29. Most standing water has been expunged before beginning the dehumidifying process.
Involved in the water damage recovery procedure, based upon the type
Take a look at our extensive inventory now! Want help choosing the right
Instruction regarding their activities and also the potential ecological threats,
Processes of treatment, removal, packaging or pruning of toxic substances,
Fitting and wearing of respirators along with the correct usage of eye protection. First, they
Cleaning and repair be left to trained experts.
Appropriate Instruction in the use of PPE Also Needs to Be completed, including the
Expert restoration companies and builders have the coaching and
Business. We are the Major supplier of industrial air movers, dehumidifiers,
River to float, thus obstructing the sewage outfall pipe in the industrial
These really are the curative Ways:
Typical PPE such as coveralls, waterproof boots and rubber gloves should be worn
When the moisture is controlled, a non-toxic, antifungal agent will be placed on the membranes.
Warehouse at a metropolitan area. The Flood Waters surpassed the banks also delivered a foot
This would be described as considered a classification 2, Class 2 position. Many Industrial restaurants
After the majority of standing water has been eliminated, warmth will be used as required. This might possibly stem from the construction 's active HVAC process or may be furnished via commercial, mobile replacements.
floor water has been eliminated by mopping or sponging.
And all workers must become mindful of what incidental substances on your job site
Training and Education at The Drinking Water Damage Restoration Approach
Class 3 water damage and mold situations have to be taken seriously. The presence of
With their industry's expectations of care and basic security.
Air-assisted venting apparatus.
Equipped with electrical sump pumps situated in catch wells and have float-
Class 2 cases pose moderate danger in the clear presence of grey H20.
Position water can be eliminated by pumping, mopping or alternative means.
Been removed by a ground drain, but around 1/3 has jumped out into the shop's
And bottled water . This could extend the risk if you can find poisonous
Effects may be immediate (severe ) or longterm (serious ). Category 3 cleanups
And the equipment to become selected and implemented, and the safety
And the private Protective Equipment (PPE) for use by personnel who may be
Inches deep, covering a place https://catstrongconstruction.com of 300 sq feet, and also the current mould was
Ventilation is included by opening windows or doors.
and air scrubbers.
Alerted by the musty smell originating from underneath. The standing water measured
Heating is guaranteed by launching exterior passageways.
All these water damage recovery measures were followed:
Additional growth of this water leak will be obstructed. The drain is inspected to make sure it is not blocked.
Polices, in addition to health and safety orders from state and local
All employees involved with all the recovery of water damage require instruction and
Should also be attentive to the office hazardous substances, together with the
Especially where flooding harm remediation or sewage cleanup is required.
All of security hazards have been assessed, including electric cords or devices that might be position in water. Power supplies these will be cut off.
Food monies and natural and natural waste have been disposed of in the center 's drainage strategy
Due to the danger presented by way of a mild mould presence, personnel dons full boots, gloves, coveralls, eye safety and would breathe through a hepa-filtered, face-fitted respirator.
Capacities to be able to securely, effectively, and efficiently tackle
About 200 gallons of drinking water have flowed onto a floor. Many water has
Sawdust-covered flooring.
When standing water has been eliminated, longterm drying of isolated spaces, including in wall cracks and also beneath shelving components, commences.
Improved venting has been now started. Because of the huge region, a number of large-capacity air movers just such as the Soleaire Super Monsoon would be needed.
Have below-floor drainage situated in crawlspaces and basements. Many are
Require full-body protection and also for polluted substances to be put in
Adjusted accordingly.
Will present a safety and health risk. With this particular information, PPE Needs to Be
Broadly Speaking, Class 1 water damage presents little or no hazard from the blank
Within This Circumstance, the pump neglected to work for All weeks ahead of the manager has been
Circumstance Two: Sump Pump Struggling in a Actual Cafe Facility
Toxic, non-organic compounds within the 5,000-square-foot, steel-framed and
A plumber or other expert is contracted to either repair the existent pump, either change it install a temporary pump to extract the position water.
Each of outside hazards have been removed and identified, such as for example structural and electrical instability due to water damage and mold.
Assist you.
A swimmer would substantially help in the recovery time frame. As that can be a reasonably moist area today, only a small dehumidifier with a 14-pint-per-day potential wouldbe necessary. The BlueDri BD-76P, say, needs to be enough to deal with the work.
Restricted PPE are demanded, besides rubber boots and gloves.
Situation Three: Sewage Flood at Industrial Warehouse
All resources of further water are appraised and halted
Are minimally maintained by the landlord. The company, a small woodworking.
Determined on the total amount of mould and odor, an air scrubber could possibly be critical.
A preliminary assessment is made from potential hazards ahead of coming into the crawl space. Included in these are airborne and electrical dangers along with arranging for suitable entry and operate lighting.
Mechanical space constructed with metal studs and gypsum wall board and also
Activated switches. Typically, the restaurant features a fatty environment in which
And are pumped outside into the municipal sanitary sewer program.
Warehouse is greatly contaminated in the several many decades of petroleum spills and the sewer
Each of wet materials are taken and removed everywhere to dry or be disposed of.
Advice on pertinent Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
Sewage and sterile contaminants might be highly dangerous to personnel. All these
Substances in which water is available from contact, including vulnerable electrical wiring or
Water damage restoration. Both Suitable instruction in Guidelines and security
Company working in a steel-frame and also low-porosity concrete slab flooring
the clear presence of high-risk pathogens from the oils and sewage will induce the workers to use complete own security, including respirators. All contaminated material will be taken out in approved containers and discarded in an authorized site.
0 notes
seouljourning · 6 years
Host Country Report: South Korea
My country of choice is the Republic of South Korea (ROK), better known simply as South Korea. It is located in East Asia, with Japan to the east, China to the west, and North Korea as its only border country. Seoul, located in northwestern SK, is the capital and the largest city. Busan, on the southeastern edge, is the country's second largest city and has the largest port. Incheon is the third largest city and has the second largest port. It’s located in the northwest near Seoul and has one of the busiest international airports in the world. Lastly, Daegu, the fourth largest city, is in the southeast and is home to 3 American military bases.
To give a brief history of South Korea is to give most of it; the country is only about 70 years old. Japan had control of the peninsula prior to its division, but that control ended after WWII. After that, communist powers took control of what was above the 38th Parallel, and democratic powers took control south of that. The Korean War, which happened during the Cold War, was a result of the South becoming the Republic of South Korea and declaring independence in 1950. The North became the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Since South Korea's creation, it's had 12 presidents. The eleventh was the first female president, but she was impeached last year because of a scandal.
Korean is the official language of SK. There is standard Korean (called Gyeonggi), which is spoken in and around Seoul and used in media, and 5 major dialects, called satoori. Those dialects are spoken in cities like Busan, Jeju, and Jeolla. English is taught in elementary through high school but because the education doesn't focus on verbal communication, it’s typically not spoken. In big cities where tourists frequent, Koreans are more likely to speak English. Politically, South Korea is a presidential republic. About 57% of the country has no religion, and the rest are Buddhist or Christian. However, many practice Confucianism, regardless of their religion or whether they even have one. KRW (Korean Won) (₩) is the country's currency, established in 1962. 1 KRW is well under 1 USD; to put it into perspective, 100 KRW is equivalent to about 1 USD. The most recent series is 2006-2017.
Social class is determined by wealth, education level, and career. Roles like child care, housework, politics, and career positions are open to both genders. Men take care of the children as well as women, and women can hold leadership positions. However, pay is not equal and there is still some discrimination against women in the workforce.
The dominant newspapers are "Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo, and Jung-Ang Ilbo which have conservative ideals. Hankook Ilbo is moderate, and Kyunghyang Shinmun and The Hankyoreh have liberal ideals. In South Korea, conservative newspapers are more widely read. Maeil Business Newspaper and Korea Economic Daily are major business newspapers." Dominant TV stations are KBS, SBS, MBC, and EBS. The same four also run radio stations that are dominant.
Korea has a successful film industry, and some of their movies (The Host, Train to Busan, Old Boy) even became popular internationally. According to the Korean Film Council, whose box office data dates back to 2004, 8 of the 10 highest grossing movies were released in the last 5 years. A few of those are: Ode to My Father, Miracle in Cell No. 7, Roaring Currents, and Assassination.
Between the convenience and reliability of subways, buses, and taxes in Korea, you don’t have to worry about getting around. If you stay within Seoul or other tourist spots in the country, most transportation will have English along with Korean station names and instructions. Many citizens don’t even have cars because it’s so easy to get around.
Korean cuisine includes a lot of meats, veggies, and rice. Spicy, fermented, or pickled foods are also synonymous with the country’s cuisine.
·         Meats: Pork belly, called samgyeopsal, is a popular meat in SK found at ever-popular K-BBQ places along with bulgogi (beef), galbi (beef ribs), and dak galbi (chicken).
·         Rice is a staple part of all meals. Kimbap, seaweed wrapped rice rolls with meat and vegetables, are a very common food you can find in convenience stores and at street food venders. A popular rice dish, called bibimbap, literally means "mixed rice." The dish consists of a bowl of rice with (usually) meat, vegetables, and a spicy chili paste on top. It is intended for you to mix it all together before you eat it, hence the name.
·         Noodles: Another staple. Examples for noodles are ramyun (instant ramen), jjajangmyeon (noodles with black bean souce), japchae (glass noodles), and naengmyeon (cold buckwheat noodles).
·         Soup/stews: Yet another very common part of Korean cuisine. Examples include tteokguk (rice cake soup), kimchi-jjigae (kimchi stew), budae-jjigae (army stew), and miyeokguk (seaweed soup that is often eaten on birthdays).
·         Koreans are known to like spicy foods. They are well known for kimchi, cabbage (or other vegetables) that have been fermented with spices. You will find kimchi with almost every Korean meal. Kimchi is a common part of banchan, side dishes that are served with many meals. There are many types of banchan, but common ones include seasoned bean sprouts, pickled radish, radish kimchi, and lotus roots.
Meal times are not very different from here in America, and it is common to eat in restaurants or at street stalls. It's not hard to get a decent meal for a low price ($10-$20). You often see people eating together in pairs or groups but eating alone is becoming a popular practice. In families and social groups, sharing food is a normal. At family meals, especially ones that include elders, it is customary to make sure the elders eat first and even for younger family members to prepare and insist to feed them the first bite.
When greeting strangers or others for the first time, it is customary to slightly bow; if the person is older or of higher status, the bow should be a bit deeper. In addition to bowing, hand shaking is common. Different from handshakes here in America that are firm, Koreans lightly grasp and shake hands. Women will often use both hands to clasp the other's. Verbally, you generally say "annyeonghaseyo," the most standard "hello" in Korean. You can greet friends with a wave, and if they are an older friend like an upperclassman, you lightly bow or nod your head. You can say "annyeong" to them, which is a more casual "hi."
Intercultural Communication
South Korea is a high context culture, like most Asian cultures. Non-verbal communication and reading between the lines is important, since indirect cues are the norm. Because of the shared and similar cultural and life experiences of Koreans, much is implied and relies on that in order to fill in any suggestions or implications in communication. Compared to the US, which is very time and schedule oriented, South Korea is both punctual and a bit time relaxed. Basically, always be on time but don’t expect things to always end on time; one Korean student said, “We have a starting point, but we don’t have a finishing time.”
Nonverbal Communication
Knowing what attire is appropriate is important. It is best to dress fairly conservatively in this country. Definitely no cleavage, shoulders, or really short skirts. Showing too much skin is inappropriate.
Eye contact: With friends, it is okay to maintain eye contact during conversations and discussions. With superiors and elders, it is rude and seen as a challenge to hold eye contact, so avoid it with them.
Volume: As in most places in the world, don't be loud and obnoxious; you will get stares.
Personal space: Touching between unfamiliar people is a no-no, except for unintentional contact on busy streets and always crowded transportation. Shoving and bumping is so common in those situations that it's not even impolite to skip an apology. It is appropriate to keep your limbs close to you (cross your legs, don't spread your arms) to avoid getting into someone's space. But between friends, hugging and linked arms is normal.
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kristybwm163-blog · 7 years
The Advertising and marketing Institute.
As small business proprietors, our company fret about speaking to individuals a lot of - however no one tells our company the amount of is actually way too much! Dan Forootan is actually Head of state from EZ Publishing, which delivers custom internet apps as well as permission-based e-mail advertising and marketing through StreamSend, a leading supplier of easy, reputable as well as inexpensive e-mail advertising software program for producing, delivering as well as tracking email bulletin campaigns. If this even have a good go at the business, an advertising and marketing provider needs to be incredibly careful regarding which to toss to and also has to look at. That's that, today you understand the best ways to do it. Allot a long time to create your advertising plan. Jakob Jalmerot is handling marketing for small businesses in Sweden and also UK. Jakob is working for S.E.O Professional, a London-based Search Engine Optimisation business. Marketing experts are actually right now able to make use of devices including social media as well as email advertising to target prospective customers. Some individuals could have a misconception that the target market for sports advertising and marketing is actually usually men. Second, participants in this particular concept have an interest in the different manner ins which advertising information can be analyzed and also interacted. For reliable advertising, you must understand the basic marketing techniques and also methods entailed for the web. Today, bistros are substantially benefiting from the use of e-mail advertising and marketing campaigns. Some small company owners are actually skeptical to embark on a collaboration marketing method however; there are a handful of points to bear in mind that will definitely create this valuable for all celebrations entailed. In this segment, you will certainly appear especially into the media planning process and exactly how it associates with the total marketing method of the provider. On the Bachelor's Degree in Control Studies (Advertising and marketing), at the very least 4 from those six choice components have to be actually chosen from the ones significant (M). The 97% failure number of Network Marketing connects with the 80% breakdown figure in the 'brick and mortar' realm. Products for the purpose from advertising were actually originally planned to become utilized by small companies as well as entrepreneurs; however, as resistance fighter marketing developed in popularity, satisfying the method this inevitably illustrates, it has actually come to be made use of through organisations of all sizes. Marketing as well as artistic staffs aiming to address inadequacies in their operations commonly take into consideration or actually possess other technology functions in place. Marketing research is a necessary device for any type of firm that no firm ought to afford to get eliminate the opportunity to do a marketing research as well as collect the information to use this to earn an advertising and marketing strategy that is actually functioning. Individuals that are interested in food items storage space and unexpected emergency preparedness or even who desire to locate an online service could consider this brand-new undertaking in internet marketing The principle from client partnership administration has become a substantial business in the marketing world. Our company provide every little thing coming from nationwide TV ads to guide fundraising campaigns and also possess such a breadth from abilities internal (data, knowledge, stations expertise) that there is actually regularly a collection from marketing problems to get penetrated. 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Participants of the Advertising Division are actually presently associated with over TWENTY PhD ventures on a wide range of subject matters. Like all service start ups, online or physical stores, certainly not all who start will definitely prosper as well as exactly what are going to figure out if they perform is their marketing plan. That is actually an inbound advertising engine that displays email marketing, social networking sites marketing, search engine optimization, reporting, analytics, and even more. It allows you to incorporate your research studies from monitoring with an expert focus on advertising management. After researching buyer practices, marketing data analysis, advertising, competitors, and also communications and also media, combine all of it in useful projects. If you prefer some excellent ideas to obtain your multi-level advertising project started correctly, read this article right now. Advertising methods act as the basic foundation of advertising programs designed to pack market needs as well as reach advertising and marketing purposes. These 7 functionalities of the e-Marketing stay at the base from any type of e-Marketing technique and they possess a moderating character, unlike the traditional Marketing mix that makes up situational functions merely. This can be displayed along with what is probably the absolute most prominent type of electronic advertising and marketing: social networking sites, as this is undoubtedly among the absolute most economical marketing resources readily available to any kind of organisation. Our deep understanding of online marketing has encouraged and benefitted our customers by supplying the very best conversion rate as our company manage each Internet search engine Advertising campaign at one of the most thorough degree, piercing to keyword degree efficiency and also optimization. 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